The Future of Virtual Worlds: Dr. Paul D. Tinari PH.D., P.Eng. Director
The Future of Virtual Worlds: Dr. Paul D. Tinari PH.D., P.Eng. Director
The Future of Virtual Worlds: Dr. Paul D. Tinari PH.D., P.Eng. Director
1992 – Book “Snow Crash” published by N. 1997 – Active Worlds, a 3D VW allowing
Stephenson introducing the term users to communicate with each other is
“Metaverse.” released
2005 – Linden Labs launch LindeX, a currency for Disney buys “Club Penguin for $700
SL. EverQuest, the first massively multiplayer million
online role-playing game (MMORPG)
established 2008 – Google launches “Lively.” IBM
works with SL to develop VW
2006 – IBM establishes a corporate property for interoperability and with Linden Labs to
meetings & research and Anshe Chung has a deploy “enterprise ready” VWs.
VW new worth > 1 million.
What is happening at the leading edge now?
By seeing and experiencing the
SL is changing how companies design products
& interact with their customers, professors train consequences of actions and interactions,
medical students, how people explore ideas, perhaps new behaviours and decisions
interact and have fun. can be encouraged as part of wider
training and rehabilitation.
Now VWs will soon allow people to 'see their
future selves', help them to understand the
impact of their actions, personal choices and VWs are serving to improve corporate
behaviours. internal processes. IBM and Diageo are
fundamentally looking at them as an
Example: By watching people burn calories on a extension of the office for collaboration
treadmill, people are encouraged to exercise; by
seeing themselves as elderly encouraged to and new ways of working.
Multiverse Business Model: Anyone can use the What are the problems?
software and build public worlds for free, without
paying so long as the developer lets users into SL is sometimes unstable, difficult to use,
their world for free. and users need to be running powerful PC
with a fast Internet connection.
If the developer charges for access to the world,
Multiverse will take a 10% cut of the revenue.
Many companies, including American
The server available for free to many developers Apparel, Starwood Hotels and Pontiac,
in order to build an ecosystem – to encourage have left the service. United Business
end users to download and install its client -- by Media, shut down its CMP Metaverse
making many worlds available that can be
accessed through the software business.
Military Applications
The Infantry Immersion Trainer (IIT) provides a
vivid and realistic virtual environment to prepare
warfighters for a range of possible scenarios.
IIT focuses on saving the lives of Marines and What is the future of VWs?
warfighters by use of scenarios are repeatable
and scalable allowing participants to develop
and improve necessary skill sets.
It will soon be difficult to distinguish VWs
from RWs. SL already has luxurious
The sights, sounds, and smells of combat are
reproduced in detail, abbreviating the time it hotels on tropical islands…skydiving and
takes to develop proficiency. skateboarding …virtual campus including
teachers and lecture rooms…virtual sex,
Improving mission performance through training escort agencies, red-light districts,
technology is an objective the IIT program. The
software-based systems enable rapid tabledances…purchase and vending of
improvement of training delivery and the land, real estate, cars, furniture, clothes
simulated environment can be tailored to suit …3D-chat…and all the rest of it – and this
mission or individual training needs.
is only the beginning!!!
Artificial Playmates
Children with autism are unable to sustain
play or social interaction with real people.
Burn Patient uses VR program to relieve the pain of
wound care. VR programs are significantly more
effective than video games at distracting patients from
excruciating levels of pain
Research Results:
Scene from the VR program “SnowWorld”,
made especially for burn patients
Patients using traditional pain control
(opioids alone) stated that the pain was
almost twice as severe compared with
when they were actively interacting with a
stimulating VR simulation.
Conclusion Cyberkinetics
VR will help reduce the reliance on drugs FDA approval received for a clinical trial of a
and will permit more aggressive wound brain implant designed to allow paralyzed
care and physical therapy, speeding up patients to interact with a PC
recovery and cutting medical costs
Many types of internalizing technologies such as
cochlear & optic nerve implants are converging
The rapid fall in price of high quality VR into interactive chips that can retrieve detailed
systems means that hospitals will soon be and specific info from the brain so that complex
able to afford this approach to therapy. tasks can be done by thought alone
EEG Readings of
thought patterns EEG readings of thought
guide a miniature patterns act as interface to
robot through a translate a subject’s
model house thoughts into words on
the computer screen
Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
Patient undergoing
brain analysis in a MEG
The individual SQUID readings are
translated by software into a detailed
schematic showing the strength of the
magnetic field at each location in the
Magnetic Brain Stimulation
The therapy can be fine tuned by adjusting
Transcrainal magnetic stimulation (TMS) location, intensity and pulse frequency
uses pulses of magnetic energy to induce
electric currents in pacific brain regions
Typical treatment induces an electric field
A powerful magnet over the frontal regions of 500 V/m in the cortical region near the
of the skull and delivers magnetic pulses instrument
Internet 2
The new all optical Internet will have from The ultimate experience will be a “full
10,000 to 100,000 times the capacity of sensual immersion” so that the user will be
Internet 1. unable to distinguish reality from digital
The result will be hyper-realistic avatars
that will be able to interact with others in
ways that will be indistinguishable from
living beings