The document provides nutritional information in grams and calories per 100 grams for various foods available at Pizza Hut in Romania. It includes values for proteins, fats, total carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and sodium content. The foods listed are breads, appetizers, salads, pastas, sauces, and different types of pizzas with varying crusts (pan, classic, thin & crispy).
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The document provides nutritional information in grams and calories per 100 grams for various foods available at Pizza Hut in Romania. It includes values for proteins, fats, total carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and sodium content. The foods listed are breads, appetizers, salads, pastas, sauces, and different types of pizzas with varying crusts (pan, classic, thin & crispy).
The document provides nutritional information in grams and calories per 100 grams for various foods available at Pizza Hut in Romania. It includes values for proteins, fats, total carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and sodium content. The foods listed are breads, appetizers, salads, pastas, sauces, and different types of pizzas with varying crusts (pan, classic, thin & crispy).
Attribution Non-Commercial (BY-NC)
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The document provides nutritional information in grams and calories per 100 grams for various foods available at Pizza Hut in Romania. It includes values for proteins, fats, total carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and sodium content. The foods listed are breads, appetizers, salads, pastas, sauces, and different types of pizzas with varying crusts (pan, classic, thin & crispy).
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Valori nutritionale pe 100 g produs
Gramaj Valoare Proteina Lipide Glucide Fibre Sodiu energetica (g) (g) totale (g) alimentare (mg/100g) (Kcal) (g) Paine cu 100 352,0 9,8 7,8 60,7 5,9 464,0 unt cu aroma de usturoi [ x 1] Paine cu 160 355,0 10,0 15,1 44,9 3,7 409,0 unt cu aroma de usturoi si mozzarella [x1] Inele de 150 253,8 3,6 10,2 36,8 0,0 0,0 ceapa [ x 1 ] Ciuperci la 125 61,0 5,8 2,1 4,8 1,5 83,0 cuptor [ x 1] Cartofi 190 110,0 2,4 4,3 15,6 4,5 307,0 copti in cuptor [ x 1] Cartofi 245 159,0 9,1 7,3 14,4 4,4 295,0 copti in cuptor cu branza mozzarella [x1] Platou 310 84,0 4,0 3,2 10,0 3,4 224,0 combinat [ x1] Bruschette 120 107,0 4,2 2,6 16,8 3,5 362,0 [x1] Crostini 240 251,0 12,9 6,9 34,5 5,8 763,0 [x1] Focaccia 120 445,0 10,6 14,3 54,9 6,6 1.223,0 [x1] Legume 230 102,0 7,7 3,8 9,3 2,0 405,0 gratinate [x1] Frigarui de 290 75,0 4,3 3,4 6,8 1,6 224,0 legume [ x 1] Quesadilla 170 248,0 16,6 11,0 20,7 1,8 432,0 cu sunca si ciuperci [x1] Quesadilla 170 234,0 16,9 9,4 20,5 1,8 432,0 cu ton, ceapa si porumb [ x 1] Dovlecei 290 61,0 5,2 0,4 9,3 1,9 413,0 alla parmigiana [x1] Vinete alla 350 85,0 5,5 2,1 11,0 3,2 456,0 parmigiana [x1] Sos de 50 348,2 1,2 29,0 20,7 0,0 658,0 maioneza cu usturoi [x1] Sos de 50 260,0 2,2 26,9 2,4 0,0 378,3 smantana [ x1] Sos de 50 45,2 0,4 0,1 10,6 0,0 85,2 iaurt [ x 1 ] Ketchup 50 106,2 2,1 0,3 24,3 0,0 146,1 dulce [ x 1] Ketchup 50 81,1 1,9 0,2 18,0 0,0 225,6 iute [ x 1 ]
Valori nutritionale pe 100 g produs
Gramaj Valoare Proteina Lipide Glucide Fibre Sodiu