Hollein Architecture Is Everything

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Architecture Culture 1943-1968 ‘A Documentary Anthology Joan Ockman with the collaboration of Edward Eigen Columbia University Graduate Schoo! of Architecture, Planning and Preservation Columbia Books of Architecture / ‘Architecture Cut 1949-1968: Dacunentary Annoy Columba Book of Architecture. Iwas produced st Cau Unversity Graduato ‘School of chet, lansing and Presavaton trough te fice ote Dean Berna Tschum ana he Orector of Pubicaton, Joan Ocker Fret puted nthe Unt Stats of Ameria 189 by Fiza Intgmatonal Pubieaten. Inc 200 Park Avenve Soh, New York, RY 10010, Ccopyignt © 198809 ‘Tha Trucos of Columbia Urveriy inthe City ot New Yo {ad Fez nerrtiora Pudstions ne. Aight esered Noort of is book may be repose in any merce whatsoever wihout ‘ermission ning rom Razz internatenalPublcatens, Tis book was supported bya grat rm be Graham Foundston fo Advanced Sudies he Fine Aas ‘Bock design by denier Teas Printed and bowen Snape brary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ‘Nehiocture Culture 1942-1968, & Documentary Antoloy / eed by Joan (Goiman wth he calaborabon of Ecard Eigen. “Apupleatio of Coumole Universty Graduate Sere Neneecte, Plaring ara Presenaton* Iroiudes biographical releronces arin I36N 0-8476-1511-0(%) ISBN 0-2478-1522-6 (pt) 1. Architecture, Mosem—20hcontuy. 2 Archtecturadotign | Ocha Joan. igen, Edward Il, Columbia Uieriy. Graduse School cl Achtcu, Parning an Preservation aBeo.AS7 1092 72860620 91-30729 cr “or 1968 ‘Aer two years of architecture study nthe United States in 1856-60, Mame otten ened tors home cy of Vion where he began colaberang wih his compatiet wate Pichler. Winn a short ime be two hac emerged as the leasing Howes na group ofradcalarchtacs wrking fra ly. Hon and Peto ity preducod a manfest in 1982 ertited Absolute Artec" in nich hay ectared separate statements hat archtactue wa a ualiic expression of pure, mental wil and subime pupoasesenes, The folowing year a four-day exhiiton of he wor athe Galore Sanit Stepan hada ata llect on he Viennese scene. Holes medals and cravings ceiueng Lup tcneypal monuments, abavact urban complexes, an nasties of unspecified functon and scale gave a potent image oan conociasc and \sionaryarontcture, Go didi surecstc montage o 1964 depicting an acral car beached inthe Austrian wheat fede fret commision in 1965, forthe Rat candle shop, alowed tim to raze coma ot his eas ona sal ‘scale Detaled nan etantyiecteical language the sho exited a facade of syboltesyreties rendered paradoxical by an usin play a mors and metalic eutaces win. ‘Arter colaberaton wn Pichler on sculptural architecture and hen ‘on poeunatcenvicoments—a concept also pursued in th ate 1860s by two younger Viennese groups, Coop Hiratbau sn Hau Rucker Cote path of the two architects cverged. The folowing statement by Holoin appear as an inrodveton oa tety page compendium of mages which he assombledin rmemorabie es of Bau. The poral eeecton ranging fom poaurate and ‘ont srucures by Fel Oto and works by Claes Oldenburg, Cvs, a Joseph Bouye toa portrait of revelutenay hero Cne Guevara—is a va montage ot 19608 acne counerctire Halle’ etaterant eves is catnung expansion ofthe concep of erchtecixe, nt ony to embrace ae mac, but transcend is own prysicaly im a comprenensive and ine lechncal envionment BuckinsterFule's message is exolicthere, asi that of Marsha "MeLunen, Theater ha weiten in Understanaing Maca, 1964), “Dung the ‘mechanical 296s we hed extanded cu bodies space, Today... we have ‘extonded cur canal nervous sysom sf ina global embrace, abotsting bom pace ae timo a ar as ou planets concerned. Reply we approach the al ‘paseo! the enenson of manne technological amustion of consciousness Fram the ouldng tthe book ote medi envtceent wth is roneuncemer ofthe endo he Gutenberg cainy McLuhan gave one more tum ofthe scrown Vitor Hug’s coo vera cola Hollen’ ral fa “cute archietue kes back othe hae via the eehnlogcal balm lhe goal lage. Like Hata eons workin Japan and che eo- avant garde ‘mantestatons eroun he wer in bese years—incucing Archiram n England and Supersudi in italy wth whom thre ware cess coracis—the Viowese ‘movement insedby Holein beengs to @ curen of echologicl ppb recty responcng to he cura cre of postnstil sciety. For ach complain ofthe work he Vienna arentets, neuang pate deine le Freon and Rane Abraham and expermertal groups ike Coop Hiatt, whose interventens a this date ecal Frederik Kieiors mutimodia exleratons andthe nappenings on the Americana sc8re, $68 8 recent book by one of he movement's progenios: Ginter Feverston send Archtokur Wien 1958/7089(1988) ‘As published under tote “Ates ist Achtoku n Bou 1/2 (1968p. 2 Revised in Engi nthe catalogue Hallin (Chicago Picard Fegan Galo, 1969). Courtesy ofthe autor Everything Is Architecture Hans Hollein Limited and traditional definitions of architecture and its means have lost ther validity Today the environment as a whole s the goal of our actvites—and all the media ofits determination: TV or artificial climate, transportation or clothing, telecommunicaton oF shelter. ‘The extension of the human sphere and the means of its determination go far beyond a built statement. Today everything becomes architecture, “Architecture” is just one of many means, is just one possibilty ‘Man creates arificial conditions. This i Architecture. Physically and psychically ‘man repeats, transforms, expands his physical and psychical sphere. He determines “environment” in its widest sense. ‘According tohis needs and wishes he uses the means necessary to satis these needs andtofulftese dreams, Heexpandshisbodyandhismnind, Hecommunicates. ‘Architecture is a medium of communication. ‘Man is both—sel-centered individual and part of a community. This determines his behavior. roma primitive being, he has continuously expandedhimself by means, ‘of media which were thus themselves expanded. Man has brain. His senses are the bas's for perception of the surrounding wor, ‘The means forthe definition, for the establishment ofa (stil desired) world are based ‘on the extension ofthese senses, ‘These are the media of architecture—architecture in the broadest sense. ‘Tobe more specific, one could formulate the folowing roles and definitions forthe concept "Architecture" ‘Architecture is cul; iti mark, symbol, sign, expression, Architocture is control of bodily heat—protective shelter. Architecture is determination—establishment—of space, environment, ‘Architecture is conditioning of a psychological sate. Forthousands of years, artificial transformation and determination of man’s word, as well as sheltering from weather and climate, was accomplished by means of building, The building was the essential manifestation and expression of man. Bulding was understood as the creation ofa three-dimensional image of the necessary as ‘spatial definition, protective shell, mechanism and instrument, psychic means and symbol. The developmentof science andtechnology, as wellas changing society and its needs and demands, has confronted us with entirely diférent realities. Other and new media of environmental determination emerge. Beyond technical improvements in the usual principles, and developments in physical “building materials" trough new materials and methods, intangible means for ‘spatial determination will also be developed. Numerous tasks and problems will ‘continue to be solved traditionally, through building, through “architecture.” Yet for ‘many questions is the answer stil “Architecture” as it has been understood, or are better media not availabe to us? ‘Architectshave something olearnin his respect{rom the developmentof military strategy, Had this science been subject tothe same inertness as architecture and its ‘consumers, we would stil be building fortification walls and towers. In contrast, itary planning left behind its connection to building to avail itself of new possibilities for satisfying the demands placed upon it Obviously tno longer occurs to anyone to walkin sewage canals or erect asvonomicalnsruments of stone Jaipur), New communications macakeelephone, rado, TV ete reo far mere impor. Today a museum ora school can be replaced by a TV set Architects must cease fo think only in txms of bulings “hore isa change as othe mportance of ‘mearing” and etect." Architecture affects, The way I tako possession ofan abject how | use t, Becomes imporiant. A ‘ulin can become entielyinformaton—tsmessage mightbe experencedthvough informational media (press, TV, etc) Infactiti of almost no importance wet, or ‘xammple, the Acropolis or the Pyramids exist in physical ealty, as mest people are aware of hgeijvough other mada anyway andnotthough an exporérctther own Indeed, ther importance—ihe roo they play-~s based on tis effect okinformation. “Thus a buicing mht be simuatedony. An eaty example of he exorsion of ulngs through media of cernruication isthe teleghone booth a building of minimal size extended into global tensions Envitonments ofthis kind more decty related to the human body and even more concentrated in form are, for example, the helmets of jet pits who, trough telecomunicaion, expand ther senses and bing vast ares into direct elation with themselves. Toward a synthesis and to an extreme formulation of a contemporary arctitecture leads the development of space capsuies and space suis, Her is a “nouse"—far more perfect than any bulding—with a complete contol of bodily {unctons, rovsionotfoodand disposal of waste, coupled wthamaximumot mobility “Thesetar-developedphysicalpossibitiesleadustothnkaboutpsychicpossbiiies of determinations of environments. ter shedding the need of any necessiy of a physicalsheteatal, now reecomcan be sensed. Manvillnow finally be the conor ote reaton ofan invdval envronmert Tho extension a the media of architecture beyond pure tectonic building and is

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