Ryan Kelly's Rubric

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Video Biography Rubric


Content Approval (Due: mm/dd) IU no

submission of Assignment in Viewable Form (Due: mm/dd) pa
/Shetorical Cqd194i
10---€r----------8---------_7__________€__________5___ _____4_q_).________3_____ _-____2___-______1
Story fulfills partially fulfills prompt \---./ Does not fulfill prompt
Accurate and believable portrayal Moderale[ belil:vable portrayal Not believable
Complete and satisfactory to audience partially
Video is unsatisfactory
Purpose is clear to audience purposl "itisfi"s
is hazy Unclear purpose

Stylistic Choices
10____-______e__________8___________7 _________$ G __*_____4_______-___3-___ __-____2-_________1
lmages are stylistically appropriate Some are stli*&tty appropriate Not stylistically appropriate
(color, lighting, and focus)
Audio choices enrich video Audio does not effect video Audio detracts from video

Text Use
10-----------e----------€ --------_7 _________€______ls_l_ _______4___________3_____ __-___2________-1
Enhances viewer comprehension Does not relawppropriately to story Dominates the video
Demonstrates careful proofreading some grammarlsf;ttlng enors Neglects grammar/spelling
Or-video is complete Wo the use of text

i Transition and Flovir-.

_________4__ 6J -_____-_2________-1
9tow i" confusing \--lStory is incomprehensible
Story is
Transitions in logical progression Transitions raiseiuestions Transitions aie confusing
Viewer feels a sense of closure Viewer feels some sense of closure Viewer is left with questionJ
(Story does not end abrupfly.)

10-----------e-----------8----------7 _________-_6_________5_ __________4_________i_s_]_ _______2__________1
clean, clear edits some edits are rough/disjointed \-di edits are rough/disjointed
Scenes flow smoothly Choppy scene changes Abrupt scene changes

Citations /^\
10-----------e-----------8-----------7 __________$ _ _____&J________4__________3_____ ______2___-______1
All borrowed material is cited appropriately some material ii not cited Material is not cited
Or-all original material used

/ -----
.*Relationsh ip With Audience')
10-:-::----$:-:---- ---6 :----1------7__________€___________5___ ________4________._3_r__ ______2_________1
Story engages
ltory is adequat"
V Story is uninteresting
Story is entertaining and Entertaining Lut lacks originality Not entertaining or origina"l

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