Chemical Used in Leather Industry
Chemical Used in Leather Industry
Chemical Used in Leather Industry
According to the leather technologist and chemical suppliers there are almost 50
or more companies in the leather industries selling almost 400 chemicals and
enzymes to almost 200 tanneries in Hajaribagh. There are some big multi-
national companies like BASF, Clariant, Croda, CBS, Stall Chemical, Smith and
Jones, Bayer, Fulcra Chemicals, Buckman, Jax etc. According to them the market
is over crowed with competitors yet crisis of chemicals arises in the pick season
(Eid-Ul-Azha, Eid-Ul-Fitr, Shob e Barat, Shob e Kadar, Shob e Meraj etc.) also they
said there is always a demand for better quality of chemicals offering price below
the market.
Procuring Chemicals
All the chemicals that are used in leather industry are imported from various
countries like China, India, European countries. Recently, a chemical factory in
Ashugonj is supplying Ammonium Sulfate but the quality is not up to the
standard as a result the tanneries are not encouraged to buy from them.
Type of Chemicals
Use of chemicals can be segregated into two major categories. They are
transforming raw hide to preserved leather and transforming preserved leather
to leather goods. Chemicals used in second stage of the process differ due to
buyers’ requirement. For example, chemical used for the leather to make shoes
differs from the chemical used for the leather to make upholstery. But in the first
process there are some common chemicals that must be used to preserve the
leather. List of the chemicals are given below;
• Crome Syntan
• Base Syntan
• Acrylic
• Neutralizing Syntan
• Vegetable Syntan
• Replacement Syntan
• Melamin Syntan
• Synthetic Fat
• Fish Oil
• Raw Oil
• Lesithrin
• Lenolin
In the future, it is expected that the demand of these chemicals will increase as
buyers will be more concern about buying leathers that are less harmful to
environment. Also it is expected that the demand for formaldehyde free Syntan
will also Increase for same reason.
Percentag Per Kg Estimated
e Needed Chemical Market
Name of Chemical demand
per KG of Price demand
Leather 2009 In ton
(Taka) KG
Salt 48% 4-8 29,426,781 29,427
Soaking Agent 0.20% 25 122,612 123
Sodium Carbonate 0.75% 18-20 459,793 460
Liquid Detergent 0.70% 70-80 429,141 429
Sodium Sulphide 4% 40-70 2,452,232 2,452
Calcium Hydro Oxide 4% 9-10 2,452,232 2,452
Liming Auxilary 1% 100-140 613,058 613
Degreasing Agent 0.80% 150-170 490,446 490
Bactericides 0.20% 200-250 122,612 123
Ammonium Sulfate 2.50% 20-30 1,532,645 1,533
Ammonium Chloride 0.50% 18-20 306,529 307
Sodium Meta Sulfate 0.50% 50-60 306,529 307
Batting Agent 0.50% 18-20 306,529 307
Formic Acid 0.50% 100-105 306,529 307
Sulfuric Acid 1.20% 120-140 735,670 736
Hypo 0.30% 30-40 183,917 184
Fungicide 0.15% 850-1200 91,959 92
Wet Blue/Chromium
8.00% 90-115 4,904,463 4,904
Sodium Format 0.50% 65-80 306,529 307
Crome Stable Fat 0.30% 165-220 183,917 184
Magnesium Oxide 0.50% 140-160 306,529 307
Sodium bi-Carbonate 0.30% 25-30 183,917 184
Average Estimated
Per KG Market demand Market Value
Name of Chemical Price 2009 In ton 2009 (Million
Taka Taka)
Salt 6 29,427 177
Soaking Agent 25 123 3
Sodium Carbonate 19 460 9
Liquid Detergent 75 429 32
Sodium Sulphide 55 2,452 135
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