Cinderella VS Ever After, English 10, Ms. Johnson, Sophmore

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Jesse Lyles

Mrs. Johnson

English 10

20 January 2011

Ever After and Cinderella

The story of Cinderella has been around for centuries. Thus there have been many versions.

Some gruesome and some sweet, but they all share the same basic elements that make the story what it

is. Today when someone hears “Cinderella” they think of the Disney movie or the bed time story where

everything is pretty, perfect and ends “happily ever after.” One the other hand 200 years ago if

“Cinderella” was mentioned everyone would remember the horrible story that the Grimm Brothers

wrote. In their stories everything was unpleasant and nasty; they never ended with “happily ever after”.

These two stories share many of the same characters that is “The Story of Cinderella”. In today’s society

the Grimm’s version of Cinderella would be considered a horror story. It would probably be used by the

government to desensitize children. And Ever After is more a chick flick than a story that you would read

to your child. So three different times, three different stories.

There are many small and insignificant differences between Cinderella and Ever After that don’t

really affect the overall plot of the story; such as talking mice. Many people would agree that one of the

largest differences between the two is that in Ever After there is no magic. In the classic story of

Cinderella magic forms the whole story. Such as the fairy god mother, without her Cinderella would

have never made it to the ball or escaped out of her step mothers lock room. In Ever After they had to

plug in a different character to play the fairy god mother. It also made Ever After a possible reality.

Another major difference is that in Cinderella she lost her glass shoe. This is how the prince

tracked her down because it only fit her. But in Ever After there were no using shoes to find his
mysterious love or even the loosing of shoes. The lost glass shoe became an American icon for

Cinderella and what it stood for.

Also in Ever After Cinderella was sold as a slave in the end after the prince found out that he had

been lied to. Then she had to attack her master to escape his clutches. Soon after this happens the

prince comes to the rescue so he could say that he forgives her and to ask for her hand in marriage.

Once Cinderella is princess she makes her step mom and sister into slaves. These events totally change

the message that is given at the end of the story. They use the annoying cliché “what goes around

comes around”.

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