Guide To Working Scientifically
Guide To Working Scientifically
Guide To Working Scientifically
The hypothesis, blood is circulated by forces which are physically undetectable, is not
a scientific hypothesis. This is because there is no possible result that could tell
whether it is correct. Statements such as these are speculation and cannot be supported
by science.
The hypothesis, life exists on other planets, can be tested, but is not a scientific
hypothesis. This is because it cannot be proven wrong. Even if endless satellites were
launched to different planets and none of them found any signs of life, this does not
prove that life does not exist on another planet, only that we have found no signs of it.
The hypothesis, increased heart rate will increase blood flow in the aorta, is based on
an understanding of what the heart does and is a scientific hypothesis. It is testable, a
probe can be inserted to measure blood flow in the aorta and the heart rate can be
increased by a variety of stimuli. It is also able to be proven wrong, if blood flow in
the aorta remains constant when heart rate is increased.
You will do a lot of generating hypotheses during this course, and the website by
Stanbrough (2007) should prove to be a valuable resource.
Controls are necessary for scientific experiments, they provide points of reference
against which other results can be compared (Johnson and Besselen 2002). You
should become familiar with at least two types of controls:
Negative control – a value of what happens under normal conditions, without
Positive control – a quantifiable amount of effect from a specific treatment.
Johnson, P. D. and D. G. Besselen (2002). "Practical aspects of experimental design
in animal research." Institute for Laboratory Animal Research Journal 43(4):
Silyn-Roberts, H. (2002). "Section 2: Writing a Report", in, Writing for science : a
practical handbook for science, engineering and technology students, Prentice
Hall, Auckland, N.Z. :, pp 33-68.
Stanbrough, J. L. (2007). "Hypotheses." Retrieved December 5th, 2007, from