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The Chernobyl Reactor Disaster – 1986

On April 26, 1986, Reactor number 4 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in
Northern Ukraine exploded. This is the worst nuclear accident in history and
released 190 tons of highly radioactive waste material into the atmosphere
exposing the people of Chernobyl to radioactivity 90 times greater than that from
the explosion of the Hiroshima atomic bomb. The Soviet government at the time
released few details of the accident. It was only after a great deal of international
pressure that information about what really happened was released. A large area
around the power plant was very heavily contaminated by the accident and a
large amount of radioactive contamination was carried by winds to parts of
Ukraine, eastern Belarus and Russia.

The wind direction on the day of the explosion caused the majority of the fallout
to be directed towards the Belarusian towns of Gomel and Mogilev. Of the total
radiation from Chernobyl, 60-70% fell on Belarus resulting in 800,000 children
being at high risk of developing serious health problems. It will be another 24,000
years before the land in Belarus is completely clear of the contamination.

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