FRCR 2a March 2010 Papers
FRCR 2a March 2010 Papers
FRCR 2a March 2010 Papers
GIT questions/topics
A longitudinal vaginal septum occurs when the distal ends of the Mullers ducts fail to fuse
properly. A fibrous septum lined with epithelium divides the vagina, and the uterus may be
bicornuate, with one or two cervices. Rarely, each part of the vagina is encircled by a
separate muscular layer and this condition is called a double vagina. This anomaly is usually
found in association with duplication of the vulva, bladder and uterus. Asymptomatic
longitudinal septa do not need to be treated.
Here are some of the questions I could recall from the chest module.
3) On HRCT the difference between NSIP and UIP is made on the basis
a) bronchiectasis b) architectural distortion c) honeycombing....
4) A 25yr old fit male with a CXR (PA) showing a bump in left
hemidiaphragm. On lateral view a soft tissue opacity seen posteriorly
with discrete upper margins:
a) Fat pad b) Morgagni hernia c) Bochdalek d) Bronchopulmonary