FRCR 2a March 2010 Papers

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The document discusses various genitourinary and gynecological conditions and their typical imaging findings on modalities like ultrasound, CT, MRI etc.

Some common findings discussed include hydronephrosis, renal calculi, angiomyolipoma, renal cell carcinoma etc.

Conditions discussed include adenomyosis, fibroids, endometriosis etc. Important signs discussed are features of ectopic pregnancy on ultrasound.


 Urethral trauma – blood at meatus – Mx of choice --- RGU

2. Intraperitoneal Bladder Rupture
3. Zonal anatomy of prostate best seen on – T2W MRI
4. Appearance of Ca prostate on MRI
5. Increased PSA with positive DRE what to do next – TRUS guided
biopsy for grading
6. Epidermoid of testis
7. Testicular microlithiasis
8. Testicular torsion
9. Nodal drainage in seminoma – paraaortic nodes
10. Fournier’s gangrene
11. Bladder wall calcification with ureteral calcification with small
bladder – TB/Schistosomiasis
12. Pyeloureteritis cystica
13. Corkscrew ureter – tuberculosis
14. Large staghorn calculus
15. Renal vein thrombosis in renal transplant recipient – Color
Doppler inversion of diastole
16. Myeloma kidney
17. Renal lymphoma – bilateral peripheral low attenuation masses
18. Rim nephrogram – acute renal artery occlusion
19. Absent nephrogram in trauma patient – renal artery avulsion
20. Modality of choice in a patient of renovascular hypertension with
eGFR<20ml --- color Doppler/DSA/CTA/MRI with gad
21. Fibromuscular dysplasia treatment – PTRA
22. All seen in medullary sponge kidney except – nonfunctioning kidney
on IVU
23. Investigation of calculus disease in pregnancy – USG/CT urography/
MRU/ MRI with gad
24. Endometrioma
25. HSG shows widely placed horns with convergence at isthmus –
arcuate / septate / subseptate/ bicornuate unicollis/uterus didelphys
26. Salpingis istmica nodosa
27. Mumps/ torsion testis / gonnorheal orchitis --- very difficult
question can’t remember exactly
28. USG features in malignant ovarian tumours
29. Complex renal cysts
30. Complex adnexal cyst on USG – what to do?
31. 3 cm cystic lesion in ovary – normal follicle
32. Commonest findings in TVS in ectopic pregnancy – combinations of
thickened endometrium / pseudogestational sac / adnexal lesion / free
fluid in pelvis as options
33. Hemorrhagic corpus luteal cysts
34. Adenomyosis
35. Leiomyomata
36. CE MR of endometrial cancer appearances pre and post contrast
37. Surgically resectable stage of Ca cervix – tumour limited to
38. 12 cm large retroperitoneal mass displacing kidney downwards with
calcification – adrenal carcinoma
39. Adrenal adenoma
40. Microaneurysms in renal mass – angiomyolipoma
41. Ruptured angiomyolipoma with perinephric bleeding – Management of
42. Diagnostic sign of RCC – renal vein thrombosis
44. Granulosa cell tumour
45. Vaginal metastatic melanoma
46. Urachal adenocarcinoma
47. Patent urachus
48. Air in urinary bladder with bladder wall thickening posteriorly –
sigmoid diverticulitis with colovesical fistula
49. Post ileal resection for crohn’s disease … renal calculi – oxalate
50. Pyonephrosis treatment – nephrostomy
51. Ca cervix surgery leading to hydronephrosis – ureteral injury
52. Post-transplant collection urinoma/seroma with mild hydronephrosis
.. treatment – percutaneous drainage/nephrostomy
53. VHL
54. CT revals pheochromctoma .. what to do next? – urine
catecholamines & VMA / MIBG scan for extra adrenal tumours
55. Mets in breast reveals adenocarcinoma primary is Ca
lung/ovary/recurrent breast malignancy
56. Commonest site for breast secondaries –thoracic spine
57. Mammary duct ectasia
58. 1.5 cm painful nodule in male breast – carcinoma/gynaecomastia
59. Fibrocystic breast disease – follow up
1. Neuro
1. Carotid dissection MRI sequence of choice – axial non contrast fat
saturated T1W MRI
2. Carotid dissection – intramural thrombus
3. Cavernous angiomatous malformation of brain
4. Fourth ventricle ependymoma
5. Medulloblastoma
6. After resection of thyroid cancer, MIBI uptake in which of these
organs indicates recurrence – liver/lung/colon
7. Cerebellar metastasis
8. Craniopharyngioma
9. Pituitary adenoma vs Craniopharyngioma vs Rathke’s cleft cyst –
discriminatory feature lobulated margins (probable answer)
10. Meniere’s disease – dilatation of vestibular aqueduct
11. Cholesteatoma
12. Pulsatile tinnitus – dehiscent high riding jugular bulb/ glomus
13. Hypoglossal muscle atrophy – jugular foramen mass
14. T2 shine through effect – acute infarct in MCA and old infarct in
15. Right hemiparesis with old infarct in right frontal lobe on CT.
Diagnosis is – acute left parietal lobe infarct
16. Ameloblastoma
17. PML
18. Intracranial Epidermoid cyst.
19. Sudden vertigo and ataxia CT reveals bilateral cerebellar infarcts
– cause is Basilar occlusion
20. Hemangioblastoma
21. Post thyroidectomy for ca thryroid increase in thyroglobulin – Mx
FDG PET for detecting recurrence
22. Slow growing salivary gland mass – pleomorphic adenoma
23. Warthin’s tumour vs pleomorphic adenoma --- bilateral disease in
24. Fungal abscess
25. Thyroglossal cyst
26. Papillary carcinoma of thyroid
27. Ependymoma of spinal cord
28. Epidural hematoma in spine
29. Spinal meningioma
30. Severe trauma – acute EDH
31. EDH in cranium
32. Bilateral subdural empyema
33. Neurocysticercosis – calcification in frontal lobe
34. Multiple ring enhancing lesions – neurocysticercosis
35. Hemangioma of spine
36. Cauda equine syndrome
37. Paracentral disc at L2-3 causing anesthesia over anterior thigh
38. Tarlow cyst
39. Brown sequard syndrome
40. Arachnoiditis
41. Brainstem infarct
42. Tuberous sclerosis
43. Venous sinus thrombosis – empty delta sign on CECT with
parasagittal infarcts on MRI
44. Suprachiasmatic SAH
45. Late subacute bilateral SDH – hyperintense on T1/T2
46. Benign perimesencephalic hemorrhage
47. SAH in pregnany – modality of choice is MRA/CTA/DSA/MRI
48. Leukodystrophy
49. Nasopharngeal angiofibroma diagnostic point – extension into
pterygopalatine fossa
50. Sinonasal Wegener,s granulomatosis
51. Level II nodes – occult Ca nasopharynx
52. Optic meningioma
53. Mild proptosis with dilate dsuperior ophthalmic vein – cavernous
sinus thrombosis/carotico cavernous fistula
54. Post traumatic carotico cavernous fistula
55. Dandy walker malformation
56. Diffuse axonal injury – deteriorating patient - repeat CT after 1
day – no change
57. Temporal lobe bleed with SAH - cause hypertension/amyloid
angiopathy/ruptured berry aneurysm
58. Mesial temporal sclerosis – hippocampus is shrunken with high
signal on coronal T2W MRI
59. Meningitis diagnosed on CT what to do next? – MRI/CEMRI/Lumbar
60. Thornwaldt cyst
61. Transtentorial herniation
62. ADEM
63. Mass compressing the cavernous ICA and nerves – cavernous
64. CT protocol in suspected cervical spine injury
65. Dysarthria+ LT cerebellar mass – pilocytic astrocytoma/PNET
66. Hypertensive encephalopathy
67. Mass in maxillary antrum and nasal cavity – Antrochoanal polyp
68. Dark globus pallidus - normal aging
69. De Quevain’s thyroiditis
70. Bell’s palsy - level of facial nerve lesion – intratympanic
71. Spinal cor infrction sag T1 and T2 taken what next – I wrote axial
T2 and Sag STIR

GIT questions/topics

1. Esophageal intramural pseudodiverticulosis

2. Achalasia with reflux/scleroderma/Barrets esophagus
3. Esophageal hematoma
4. FDG PET brown fat
5. Local staging of Ca esophagus – endoscopic ultrasound
6. Spontaneous perforation of esophagus after bout of drink
7. Malignant GIST
8. GIST vs Gastric carcinoma – no lymphadenopathy in GIST
9. Nissen’s fundoplication stenosis – balloon dilatation
10. Whipples – table
11. Gastrinomas – deposts in duodenum, pancreas and liver
12. Scleroderma
13. Barium strength for BaMFT
14. Ileal carcinoid
15. Mesenteric panniculitis
16. Desmoid – after abdominal surgery for polyposis
17. Epiploic appendagitis
18. Obturator hernia
19. Ulcerative colitis vs Crohn’s
20. Sigmoid diverticulitis stricture vs Ca colon stricture
21. Commonest finding in ischemic colitis – wall thickening
22. Ischemic colitis / pseudomembranous colitis
23. Resectibilty criteria for ca pancreatic head
24. Mesenteric angina – options portal venous gas, mesenteric vein
gas, wall thickening, pneumatosis
25. Mesenteric tear
26. WBC scan for intraabdominal abscess
27. Lymphangiomata of spleen
28. Calcified small spleen
29. Gaucher’s – splenomegaly
30. GB polyp
31. Calculus cholecystitis
32. Acalculus cholecystitis – management
33. Cholangiocarcinoma of distal CBD
34. Klatskin’s tumour
35. Serous cytstadenoma of pancreas
36. Mucinous cystadenoma of pancreas
37. IPMT
38. Pancreatic necrosis in staging severity of acute pancreatitis
39. FNH – hyperdense scar on delayed phase cect
40. Adenoma vs FNH
41. Subcapsular located lesion – Adenoma
42. Hemangioma
43. Fibrolammelar carcinoma
44. HCC in cirrhosis – treatment – interventional procedures
45. Hepatic lacerations
46. Budd Chiari syndrome
47. Acute hepatic artery thrombosis after hepatic transplantation
48. Amebic liver abscess
49. Mri of hydatid cyst of liver –T2 hypointense rim
50. Hemochromatosis
51. Hemochromatosis vs hemosiderosis – spleen not involved in
52. Hyperdense liver with normal lung – malignant melanoma mets /
amiodarone toxixcity
53. Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction – Secretin MRCP
54. Signs of impending rupture of aortic aneurysm
55. Meckel’s Diverticulum
56. CT angiography for GI blled
57. Lower GI bleed - TC RBC vs catheter angiography
58. Typhilitis in neutropenic patient
59. Blunt abdominal trauma – duodenum
60. Post hemicolectomy duodenal leak sign – free retroperitoneal air
around GEJ / air in subhepatic space
61. Abberant origin of hepatic artery – except arising from renal
62. Contraindications to liver biopsy
63. Sensitivity/specificity/PPV/NPV

some ques from msk module

1. Reiter’s arthritis
2. Tuberculosis
3. Rheumatoid arthritis
4. PVNS/ Synovial sarcoma
5. Hodgkin’s lymphoma in the bone
6. Hemochromatosis
7. Neuropathic joint
8. Mets from lung carcinoma¸cervical carcinoma
9. Nuclear scan in prosthesis
10. Psoriatic arthritis
11. Ankylosing spondylosis
12. DISH
13. Chondroblastoma
14. GCT
15. Arthrography- hip and shoulder
16. Bankart’s lesion
17. Bone infarct
18. Looser’s zone
19. Short 4th and 5th metatarsals
20. Septic arthritis
21. Ewing’s sarcoma
22. Insufficiency #s
23. Achondroplasia
24. Multiple myeloma
25. Plasmacytoma
26. RTA with head injury and Mediastinal widening-which all CTs to do?
27. EDH
28. Bamboo spine #
29. Gaucher’s disease
30. Marfan’s syndrome
31. Osteoporosis
32. Edema of supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles in posterior
dislocation of shoulder jt-cause
33. Segond’s #
34. Lateral patellar dislocation
35. L supraclavicular and axillary nodes
36. Bilateral symmetrical periosteal reaction-LL
37. Tumoral calcinosis
38. Pseudogout
39. Mastocytosis
40. Paget’s disease
41. GCT of tendon sheath
42. Osteochondritis dessicans
43. Osteoid osteoma
44. Baker’s cyst
45. Amyloid
46. Sarcoidosis-MSK manifestation
47. Notochord rests-signal intensity
48. Pelvic hematoma
49. Morton neuroma
50. Salter Harris #
51. Susceptibility artefact on GRE-what to do to improve image?

Paediatrics March 2010(minor modification since last post for those

who could not open attachment)
Question/possible answer
1. 3 year old with inc luceny + raised diaphragm /one option FB
2. Age? when iliac crest ossifies;appears/14yr ;18 yr
3. Anterior oesophageal or was it tracheal indentation+ vascular rings
4. Bilateral large hyperechoic kidneys :ARPKD
5. Bilateral large kidneys/ Nephroblastomatosis
6. Biliary obstruction distortion of porta/? Duct carcinoma;
rhabdomyosarcoma; CTPV, cavernous transformation of the portal vein
7. Bowel involving ovary/? appendicitis
8. Cardiac tumor
9. Change of calibre in bowel/?Hirshsprung
10. Coartation of aorta in 4 yr old:/ reverse 3+rib notching
11. cyanosis +
12. Duo atresia
13. mass exiting thru foramina: / Ependymoma
14. Heart with p plethora
15. Seg 6-7 low echo mass+symptoms/hepatic abscess
16. hepatoblstoma
17. hirschsprung
18. HMD+unilateral resolution/?external surfectant
19. Cyanosis+ large heart/Hypoplastic LHS
20. Intususseption ?cause/: intestinal polyposis ; celiac;
21. Malposition of UVC : tip pointing above heart border/?
22. Malrotation/ sma-smv; corkscrew
23. Management of coin in larynx/Bronchoscopy; balloon
24. Multiple cysts UL +no renal =MCDK
25. New born Meconium not passed ,bubbly appearance of bowel/Meconium
26. Mass involving renal sinus /Mesoblastic Nephroma
27. Mas at FOM?Sub ependymal giant cell astrocytoma
28. Hemato/hydrocolpos/Vag septa kinds: ?mullerian agenesis syndrome There are two kinds of
vaginal septa, transverse and longitudinal. A transverse vaginal septum is one of the most
common congenital anomalies of the female genital tract. It is thought to be the result of
faulty canalization of the embryonic vagina, and may be related to in utero DES exposure.
Transverse septa may be complete, resulting in cryptomenorrhoea and haematocolpometra, or
partial, with pinpoint openings allowing for menstrual flow. They are usually found in the
midvagina, but may occur at any level. When the septum is in the upper vagina it is more
likely to be incomplete. If located in the lower part of the vagina it is more likely to be
complete. Ideally, an asymptomatic complete vaginal septum is incised before menarche, to
allow for discharge of secretions, but not surgically revised until after menarche. At that time
the membrane may be excised, along with the ring of dense subepithelial connective tissue
surrounding the vagina at the level of the partition.

A longitudinal vaginal septum occurs when the distal ends of the Mullers ducts fail to fuse
properly. A fibrous septum lined with epithelium divides the vagina, and the uterus may be
bicornuate, with one or two cervices. Rarely, each part of the vagina is encircled by a
separate muscular layer and this condition is called a double vagina. This anomaly is usually
found in association with duplication of the vulva, bladder and uterus. Asymptomatic
longitudinal septa do not need to be treated.

29. Nai+lucency in skull/?leptomeningeal cyst

30. Nai: Triangular Metaphyseal # /type of Salter Harris class
31. NAI: diagnostic #/?distal radius
32. NAI-/Subdural haematoma
33. Pericardial rub-/dermatomyositis
34. Pneumonia cause in newborn/ strepto
35. Post fossa hyperdense tumor/ Medulloblastoma
36. pre sacral tumor/can’t remember options
37. Renal mass
38. Skeletal deformity includes ribbon ribs/NF1
39. Scrotal swelling painless/seminoma; germ cell tumor
40. Screening SCD/usg for spleen
41. Splenic adenoma +renal cyst+facial angioma/TS
42. SpinalUltrasound where it will be normal- /one option subcutaneous
43. Tapered metacarpals+iliac flaring/? hurlers
44. TOF
45. Trilobed lung/apslenia
46. unilateral ground glass CXR in new born
47. Unilateral hydronephrosis incl ureter/renal duplication
48. Upper lobe bronchiactasis /one option cystic fibrosis
49. VHL
50. Widened pterygoid space/juvenile angiofibroma
51. Xanthochromatic kidney diagnostic feature? staghorn calculus;dense

some ideas of Qs of Neuro

 Question Possible answer
1. Haematoma ct & Mri Appearance ct isodense T1/T2 Bright/bright
2. Level II LN Base of tongue
3. Dysarthria+ LT cerebellar mass
4. Extra axial mass cervico thoracic male meningioma
5. Warthin’s tumor T1 Hypo
6. Bright thalami Extra pontine Myleinolysis
7. Hypertensive encephalopathy
8. HIV cm +BG crypto
9. HIV no mass no CE PML
10. Uncus displaced inf & medial Infra tentorial herniation
11. Opaque sinus +calcification fungal
12. Expansile mass +root of teeth Ameloblastoma
13. Mass sinus+nasal+ce Antrochoanal polyp
14. description Juvenile angiofibroma
15. description Venous sinus thrombosis
16. Mexican + Siezures+ X CE lesions+later Ca++ cysticercosis
17. Proptosis +opth vein Caro-Cavern-Fistula
18. Proptosis +6th N
19. Dark globus pallidus Normal aging
20. Painful thyroid nodule
21. X CM lesions s/o DAI Post 12 /24hrs clinically worse ?Unchanged
22. RTA Spinal Images Three views
23. Epidermoid/arachnoid differentiation DWI
24. Disc a/w ant thigh parasthesia Level L3-L4
25. Tinnitus+bluish tympanic dehiscent jugular bulb
26. Bell’s palsy ?level of facial nerve lesion
27. 12 Nerve Blah x2 Involved area Jug Foramen
28. Infra hyoid cyst in adult ?thyroglossal duct
29. Complex cyst lat H&N Infected II branch cyst
30. Best image for Mescial Temp Sclerosis All hyperintense vs
Large/Small &T1/T2
31. Cause of SAH in PKD Berry aneurysm
32. description Agenesis of CC
33. Additional Sequence for spine Something +stir
34. Possible description MS
35. Preceding viral ADEM
36. Hypoechoic mass lobulated at L mandible Intraparotid LN
37. Sclerosis Superior circular cochlea
38. Papillary carcinoma mets Local & Lymh nodes 50-90%
39. Follicular carcinoma mets Vascular invasion & distant
 March2010 module six

Some ideas of Qs I remembered from our last exam module I :

1. branches of subclavian artery that supply the thyroid (inferior
2. blood supply of rectus abdomens muscle(inferior epigastric artery).
3. causes of egg shell calcification of the mediastinal lymph nodes.
4. aorto-doudenal fistula as a complication of endovascular repair of
5. Posterior mediastinal lesions.
6. MRI of heart amylodosis . 7. MRI of sarcoidosis of the cardiac muscle.
8. invasive aspergilosis . 9. allergic broncho pulmonary aspergilosis (ABPA).
10. lymphangitis carcinomatosis and sarcoidosis in lung . 11. Alveolar proteniosis.
12. UIPP and NSIP . 13. Mediastinitis and post operative complications.
14. obliterative bronchiolitis.
15. chronic EAA. Radiological findings.
16. atrial mass in atrial fibrillations /thrombus Vs myxoma.
17. plain xray findings in aortic trauma . 18. intra mural heamatoma Vs aortic dissection in acute
19. pleural fibroma.
20. malignant mesothelioma.
21. sickle cell anemia . 22. hamartoma (2 Qs) need no intervention – characteristic appearance
(fat +calcification).
23. Respiratory bronchiolitis associated interstitial lung disease
24. osler weber rendu syndrome.
25. LAM.
27. Prtial anomalies pulmonary venous return (SVC).
28. Diaphragmatic hump.
29. á 1 antitrypsin deficiency (panacinar emphysema).
30. constrictive pericarditis.
31. angioplasty in ttt of FMD.
32. Changes in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy . 33. picture of inflammatory aneurysm . 34. rounded
35. popletial aneurysm (ttt options ).
36. femoral artery pseudo aneurysm (ttt options ).
37. uterine artery embolisation (success technique).
38. melanoma metastases in pericardium . 39. staging of bronchgenic carcinoma (2Qs).
40. brown tumor in FDG PET . 41. Amiodaron toxicity . 42. mosaic appearance in HRCT (causes).
43. painfull forearm bluish lesion (options for ttt).
44. rheumatoid lung (2Qs) zone of predilection and appearance . 45. angiographic approach in case
of bilateral iliac occlusion.
46. nodule 3mm in low risk patient ( no further imaging).
47. fallot tetralogy (right aortic arch +normal size heart+oligemia).
48. Langerhans cell histocytosis.(cysts in upper lobes in smokers).
49. bronchial segments identification in plain film . 50. malignant germ cell tumour (mediastinal
51. DD of multiple variable sized pulmonary nodules (metasteses ).
52. thymic carcinoma . 53. low probability Vs intermediate in PE.
54. Pharmacological stress tests (doubatmaine).
55. enlarged pulmonary truncke with right atrium ?PDA.
56. Cystic adinomatoid Vs pulmonary sequestration . 57. pneumonia (causes and appearance ).
58. radiation pneumonitis Vs community aquired pneumonia..
59. alveolar cell carcinoma (nodule with ground glass appearance +no
FDG ).
60. TTT Options in continuously bleeding post traumatic pelvic
collection (target artery embolisation ).

Here are some of the questions I could recall from the chest module.

1)Egg shell calcification on plain xray, least likely cause is:

a) silicosis b)CWP c) asbestosis d) sarcoidosis.

2) A Carcinoma colon patient with CT chest showing a 1.5mm lung nodule

with irregular margins. After 03mths a repeat test shows its size to
be 2.5mm with irregular margins. Most likely diagnosis is:
a) hamartoma b) Ca lung c) metastasis...

3) On HRCT the difference between NSIP and UIP is made on the basis
a) bronchiectasis b) architectural distortion c) honeycombing....

4) A 25yr old fit male with a CXR (PA) showing a bump in left
hemidiaphragm. On lateral view a soft tissue opacity seen posteriorly
with discrete upper margins:
a) Fat pad b) Morgagni hernia c) Bochdalek d) Bronchopulmonary

4) how to differentiate between a mural thrombus and aortic

a) flap b) lateral displacement of atherosclerotic rim c) compression
of true lumen...

5) A soft tissue opacity in lung diagnosed as hamartoma, definite sign

a) calcification b) fat c) cavitation

6) A question on pleural fibroma

7) Definite sign of malignant pleural mesothelioma on CT:

a) bilateral pleural effusion b) invasion of mediastinal pleura c)
distant metastasis

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