Pediatric OSCE Summary
Pediatric OSCE Summary
Pediatric OSCE Summary
10 min stations:
1-Hx of jaundice + investigations + PE.
2-Hx of red urine + PE (case had increase BP+ LL edema, post strep GN)
3- L.O.C takes Hx, PE (meningitis)
5 min stations:
1-Hx of skin rash.
2-Hx of fever.
1+2: you have to ask about the vaccine & might have allergic reaction from vaccines.
3-Hx of diarrhea.
4-Hx of jaundice.
5-Hx of vomiting+fever.
6-PE for LL edema.
7-developmental Exam.
8-vaccintion hx.
1-General: we look for signs of respiratory distress (nasal flaring, grunting, audible wheezes,
cyanosis and tachypnea).
2-Hand: finger clubbing (CF, bronchiectasis), cyanosis.
-respiratory rate is important.
-temperture.increases in infection.
-tachycardia may present.
-hypotension may indicate sepsis and this may be the only sign of pneumonia in neonates.
4-Growth parameters: FTT (CF, ID).
5-H&N: examine ENT, cervical LN, supraclavicular LN may be palpable (TB).
1-CBC: WBC increase in infection.
2-Chest X-ray.
3-Spirometry: only in old child (5-6 years)
FEV1/FVC, residual volume (asthma).
4-Pulmonary function test (ABG's).
5-Sweat test.
6-Sputum or throat culture: may be helpful in TB but not always in pneumonia.
1-RTI (pneumonia, croup) 2-Foreign body.
1-Asthma. 2-Cyctic fibrosis. 3-bronchiectasis. 4-TB. 5-GER. 6-Post nasal drip.
1-General: cyanotic, underweight, finger clubbing, pale (anemia).
2-ENT: nasal polyp, post nasal drip.
3-Respiratory: wheezes, bilateral coarse crackle, decrease air entry bilateral.
*in cute exacerbation of respiratory infection pt may be: increase fever, sick looking.
4-GIT: abdominal distension (in IO), decrease bowel sound (in IO), rectal prolapse, jaundice.
5-Growth parameter: FTT.
1-CBC: anemia of chronic disease.
2-Sweat test.
3-Fecal elastase: exocrine pancreatic function.
4-DNA analysis for common CF mutation.
1-onset, duration, progression, site (hands, foot only acrocyanosis), relation to crying and
3-general manifestation:
-fever, sweating, fatigue, weight loss, nausea & vomiting.
-decrease feeding, activity, increase sleeping.
2-chest x-ray.
6-skin rash.
8-feeding, sleeping, activity.
9-tears, sunken eyes.
10-vaccines, drug, surgeries, previous hospitalization, daycare attendance, similar sx in
11-if neonate (sepsis): ask about PROM, maternal fever, maternal UTI, birth weight,
1-level of consciousness, pallor, cyanosis, signs of respiratory distress.
3-fontanelles, HC.
4-skin rash.
8-kernig, brudzinski.
9-chest, abdominal, neuro, joint examination according to hx.
1-duration: acute (1 week), chronic (3 weeks).
2-age of onset:
-hepatitis B (incubation period 60 day) so < 8 month it's hepatitis A.
3-urine and stool color.
4-the course: when started and the progression.
5-onset: sudden or gradual.
6-the color of skin, mucus membrane, sclera.
7-breast feeding: duration, frequency.
8-vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, irritable.
9-appetite, weight loss.
10-relation to food (if there is vomiting)
11-feeding: if breast feeding alone and if certain food element was introduce: metabolic
12-abdominal mass, neck swelling, night sweat.
13-symptoms of kernicterus: consciousness, hearing changes, seizure, hypotonia.
14-daycare, family member, water supply, cases of hepatitis A contact.
15-blood transfusion, blood group of mother & baby.
16-history of previous surgeries on biliary tract or spleenectomy.
17-drug hx: sulfa, valprovc acid, isomatic.
18-disease during pregnancy: infection, placenta prevail, PET, diabetic mother.
19-small for gestational age or post maturity.
21-delivery: full term or not, birth weight; instrument uses (vacuum), hematoma, delayed
cord clamping.
22-if he was hypoxic, plethoric face.
23-history of previous neonatal jaundice.
24-family hx of hemolytic disease, hypothyroid, liver disease.
25-socioeconomic status & hygienic condition.
1-hematological profile (met Hb).
2-Hb, HCT, serum bilirubin (total & direct), blood group of mother and baby.
3-coombs test, peripheral smear.
4-red cell enzyme assay.
5-osmotic fragility.
6-TSH, T3.
7-IgM titer (mother < baby) for torch infection.
8-in galactosemia: glctose-1- phosphate assay in serum stool for reducing substance, erythrocytes
glactose-1-posphte uridyl transferase.
9-urine for reducing substance.
10-glucoruonyl transeferase.
11-xray: upper GI.
12-sweat chloride.
13-liver enzymes (AST, ALT).
14-PT, PTT, albumin.
Typed by: yasmeen alomari 9 group B
15-urine cytology for CMV inclusion.
16-heptitis eAg & sAg.
17-HIDA scan or liver biopsy: if biliary atresia suggested.
1-physiologic jaundice.
2-hemolytric anemia (iso-immunization), infection, drugs or congenital erythrocyte defect.
3-polycythemia (DM mother, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, placental insufficiency), Down
5-conjugation defect.
6-metabolic (hypothyroid, galactosemia).
7-gut obstruction (pyloric stenosis, duodenal atresia).
1-Is the pallor acute or chronic? Since when in acute pallor it's short (hours or days).
2-If acute assess the severity: ask about tachypnea, altered level of consciousness, coma and
urine output (oligurea).
Chronic anemia:
-distended abdominal (with jaundice: chronic, without jaundice: leukemia, chronic infection)
-bleeding (hematurea, hematochezia, melena) in leukemia & anaplastic anemia.
-arthritis: leukemia, chronic infection & inflammation.
-skeletal anomalies: microcephally, absent radius or thumb: fanconi.
-skeletal changes: large head, prominent maxilla= chronic anemia.
-growth failure & chronic vomiting: chronic renal failure.
-if just pallor think of Fe deficiency or hypoplastic (pure red cell) anemia.
2- Head:
-frontal bossing, thalassemia major, Fe deficiency.
-microcephally: fanconi.
-microophthalmia: fanconi.
-retinopathy: sickle cell.
-optic atrophy: asteopetrosis.
-Kayser-fleischer ring: Wilson.
-blue sclera: Fe deficiency.
-glossitis: B12 deficiency, Fe deficiency.
-angular stomatitis: Fe deficiency.
-cleft lip: diamond blakfan syndrome.
-pigmentation: peutz jegher syndrome (intestinal blood loss).
-telengiectasia: osler-weber-rendu syndrome.
-leukoplakia: dyskertosis congenital (hyperpigmention + blocked lacrimal gland)
-wide spread nipples: diamond blackfan syndrome.
-murmur: endocarditic, prosthetic value hemolytic
-hepatomegally: hemolytic, tumor.
-spleenomegally: hemolytic, sickle.
-nephromegally or absent kidney: fanconi
-absent thumb: fanconi.
-triphalageal thumb: diamond black fan.
-spoon nails: Fe deficiency.
-dystrophic nails: dyskeratosis congenital.
-hemorrhoids: PHT
-heme +ve stool: intestinal hemorrhage.
1-blood film:
-fragmented distorted RBC.
-reticulocytosis (above 5%) except in plastic crises: reticulocytopenia.
2-CBC & CRP for all cases especially if septicemia suspected.
3-serum vit B12, Fe, ferritin.
4-bone marrow aspiration
2-family Hx (siblings).
3-recurrent travels.
4-contact to animals (social Hx).
5-drug HX.
6-complication during pregnancy & radiation.
7-other causes of fever:
-respiratory symptoms: cough, dyspnea…etc.
-urinary symptoms: frequency, urgency….etc
-acute otitis media: earache…etc.
-gastroenteritis: vomiting, diarrhea…etc.
Classically the younger the pt the less likely to find signs (i.e. usually +ve sign in pt> 2 yrs).
Look for:
1-General condition: tachypnea, jaundice and cyanosis.
2-Vital sign & growth parameters.
3-Head & neck: fontanel (bulging or not); baby should be in sitting position and not crying.
4-Classical signs: nuchal rigidity, kernig sign and brudziniske sign (> 2 yrs).
5-In meningococcal there is rash & describe it.
6-Look for meningitis complications:
Typed by: yasmeen alomari 14 group B
-bulging fontanel.
-focal neurological signs (change in behavior, abnormal movement).
7- Other related to DDx: ENT, Chest, and Abdomen.
1-CBC and differential.
2-Lumber puncture (for CSF analysis, G stain & culture).
3-blood culture (50%-90%) +ve.
5-Serum glucose especially if the pt in coma.
6-Electrolytes for SIADH as complication.
7-Serum & urine osmolarities.
8-Bacterial Ag study (urine & serum).
9-PT, PTT.
10-MRI & CT scan if there is Hx of trauma, altered mental status & neurological signs.
11-Others related to DDx: CXR, Urine analysis, Stool analysis.
1-sepsis. 2-UTI. 3-OM. 4-Gastroenteritis. 5- +/- pneumonia.
2-Metabolic causes:
-diabetic ketoacidosis.
-renal failure.
3-Neurological causes:
-intracranial hypertension (hemorrhage, tumor).
-sever pain.
-acute labyrinthine disorder.
4-Pharmacological causes:
1-Vital signs & growth parameters.
2-Any signs of dehydration:
-sunken eyes & cheeks.
-sunken fontanelles.
-few or no tears.
-dry mouth or tongue.
-decreased skin turgor.
-sunken abdomen.
3-examine the abdomen for:
-abdominal mass.
-succession splash (pyloric stenosis).
-tinkling bowel sounds (intestinal obstruction).
4-meningeal signs:
-neck stiffness.
-kernig's sign.
-Brudzinski's sign.
-stool microscopy and culture.
1-CBC with differential.
3-Lumber puncture analysis & culture.
4-Blood culture.
5-Blood glucose (compare to CSF). Others: MRI, CT, Upper endoscope,
6-Serum electrolytes. abdominal x-ray with/without
7-Serum and urine osmolality. barium, 24hrs Ph monitoring, urine
8-Bacterial antigen studies. analysis & culture.
9-PT & PTT (DIC).
10-Skull X-ray (recent head injury).
Typed by: yasmeen alomari 17 group B
Chronic diarrhea
Definition: > 2 weeks, > 10cc/kg/day or >15cc/kg/day with maximum 200g/day.
2-diarrhea: onset (acute, chronic/ recurrent), frequency, diet, appearance (blood, mucous,
sticky, floating), consistency (formed, loose, watery) over flow infant diaper, amount
(large, small), smell (foul), tenesmus (young crying with defection), effect with no
presence of diarrhea.
3-similar attack in the past, previous infection, hx of contact.
4-family history.
5-fever + about differential.
6-nausea, vomiting, appetite, activity, irritability, weight loss.
7-asociated GI sx (abdominal distention, pallor, jaundice, constipation).
8-previou surgeries, bleeding tendency, joint problem, skin lesion/rash.
9-endocrine: tremor, flushing, sweating, neck swelling.
10-day care, travel.
11-respiratory sx (CF).
12-drug history.
13-if suspect hirschsprung ask about meconium.
1-asses dehydration.
2-growth parameter.
3-according to dx:
-skin: rash, petechiae, skin lesions (in celiac, Zn).
-dysmorphic feature.
-pallor, jaundice.
-GI: bowel sound, hepatomegaly, anal tone.
-bone deformities.
-analysis: WBC, RBC, mucous, PH, Cl toxin, cyst.
-culture + sensitivity.
-for malabsorption:
*CHO: PH, cline test.
*Fat: Sudan test, 3 day collection.
*Protein: alpha-1-antitrypsin.
2-blood: CBC, ESR, electrolytes, LFT (PT, bilirubin, albumin), serum lipase, < 3months old pt, HIV Ab/Ig,
3-urine:U/A, culture, specific gravity.
4-SI bx for celiac.
5-ERCP, abdominal US, sweat Cl, vit, Zn….etc.
1-maintains good nutrition, control diet, avoid deprivation of essential nutrient.
2-antibiotic in overgrowth situation.
3-tt according to dx.
1-General: LOC, distress, pallor, cyanosed, jaundice, IV fluid.
-HR: tachycardia, RR: tachypnea in acidosis, T: increase in infection, BP.
3-Growth parameter, FTT.
-pallor, jaundice, buffiness, LAP.
-eye: cataract, keratoconus, fundi, per orbital edema.
-ear: sensor neural deafness.
-nose: infection, epitaxis.
-mouth: pharyngitis, MM bleeding.
1-Urinalysis, microscopy & culture +/- quantitative protinuria.
-CBC (WBC, hb, platelets {SLE, HUS, Bleeding})
-blood film& reticulocytes.
-C3 complement, NA, streptozyme.
-KFT, BUN, Cr, Ca+2.
-PTH, uric acid.
3-Imagining: abdominal US, IVP or nephrogram.
4-Others: stones, crystal, bleeding (PT, PTT, INR, bleeding time), recurrent infection UCUG.
1-glomerular diseases: acute GN, IgA nephropathy, HUS, HSP, SLE, nephritis.
2-stones & hypercalciurea.
5-bleeding tendency.
6-hb pathology: sickle cell anemia, G6PD, PNH.
7-benign= familial, idiopathic, postural & recurrent.
8-congenital malformation, cystic diseases, stenosis
9-contaminated/ trauma.
1-Neonatal UTI symptoms:
Feeding problem, jaundice (direct hyperbilirubinemia), unexplained fever, diarrhea,
convulsions, vomiting, FTT (may be in chronic UTI).
2-Infants 1 month to 2 years:
Unexplained fever, nausea, vomiting, irritability, diarrhea, abdominal colic & FTT.
3-Above 2 years:
Usually they present with the classical UTI symptoms: urgency, frequency, dysuria,
abdominal pain, flank pain, incontinence, enuresis, may present with hematuria, high or low
grade fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and convulsions may present this age
1-Look at the diaper for change in urine color, foul urine or diaper rash.
2-Look for non-specific symptoms like fever, irritability.
3-Look at the back to R/O neurogenic bladder.
-suprapubic: cystitis.
-cost vertebral angle: upper UTI.
5-Look for metal stenosis or metal discharge, vaginal discharge.
In boy: penile circumcised or not.
1-Urine culture: the gold standard for Dx.
-suprapubic sample: >1000 cfu/ml +ve. Or any growth.
-mid stream urine: >100000 cfu/ml +ve.
-catheterization: >10000 cfu/ml +ve.
2-Urine analysis:
-PH alkaline with proteus infection.
-pyuria >10 wbc/mm3
-hematuria, wbc cast for pyelonephritis.
-Gram stain.
3-CBC, KFT, ESR, CRP, bleeding culture.
4-Imaging techniques:
-US, VCUG & ICUG for VUR, DMSA for kidney scaring, DTPA for obstruction.
1-External genitalia inflammation and infection. 2-Pneumonia. 3-Appendicitis. 4-GE.
5-Pin worm infection. 6-Mesentric lymphadenitis.
Typed by: yasmeen alomari 22 group B
Upper GI Bleeding
-Upper GI bleeding occurs at a site proximal to the ligament of treitz.
-Presented as:
Hematemesis (emesis of fresh or old blood).
Hematochezia (passage of fresh or dark blood from the rectum)
Melena (shiny, jet black, tarry stool)
1-onset & duration.
2-color (fresh or dark).
3-rate (brisk or gradual).
4-type of bleeding (hematemesis, hematochezia, melena, blood-streaked stool).
5-forceful vomiting.
6-ingestion of drugs (NSAIDs).
7- 24-48 food hx (red fluids or food, spinach).
8-family x of liver disease or PUD.
1-CBC with differential.
2-coagulation studies.
3-to determine the site of bleeding (upper or lower):
-unstable pt: gastric lavage.
-stable pt: upper &lower endoscopies.
4-in case of a worsening pulmonary examination do a CXR to demonstrate if there is pulmonary
hemorrhage or not.
1-onset, duration.
2-color: bright red, dark maroon, tarry black.
3-rate & frequency: on& off, continuous.
4-type: blood streaked, mixed.
5-painful or painless.
6-associated symptoms:
-weight loss, change of appetite.
-diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, abdominal pain.
7-joint pain: HSP, IBD.
8-skin changes: (purpura: HSP, coagulopthy) (erythema nodosum: IBD).
9-eye sx: (episcleritis, uveitis, iritis =IBD).
10-urinary sx: HSP, (nephrolithisis: IBD).
11-mouth ulcer: IBD.
12-dysphagia: esophagitis less common cause of rectal bleeding.
13-infectious contacts.
14-foreign travel.
15-antibiotic or chemotherapeutic use.
17-previous GI surgery.
18-family history of peptic ulcer disease or duodenal ulcer.
19-history of milk colitis:
-sx occur with cow or soy milk.
-sx disappear after withdrawal of the milk.
20- 24-48 hr food history (diet):
-red foods: beets, red jelly, red licorice, fruit bar.
-red drink.
-melena can be caused by (therapeutic iron supplements, blackberries, spinach, compounds
containing bismuth, charcoal)
1-CBC with differentiation.
2-retic count.
3-blood smear.
4-platelet count.
5-coagulation studies.
6-type & cross match (if child ill appearing)
7-if bleeding source is unclear & patient is unstable, the clinician should use gastric lavage to
determine whether bleeding is from upper or lower GI tract. (Unnecessary in children with minor or
nonacute bleeding).
8-to dx specific cause of upper GI bleeding, endoscope should be performed.
9-lower GI bleeding may be evaluated with proctosigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, arteriographhy, or
specific scans.
10-in newborn infants with bright red, bloody emesis or bright red blood passed per rectum, an
appropriate test should be performed to determine whether blood is maternal or fetal.
1-Generalized causes:
1-congestive heart failure: chest pain, palpitation, SOB, easy fatigability, cough, frothy
2-liver failure: UGI / LGI bleeding, vomiting, jaundice, testicles, skin lesion, dilated veins,
abdominal masses, abdominal distention, diarrhea, nails.
3-nephrotic syndrome: frequency, polyuria, urine color, stones, HTN, abdominal pain, edema
in orbits/ hands.
4-malnutrition: feeding & food.
5-renal failure: as above + any growth/ bones problems.
6-fluid overload: any IV fluid given.
7-hypothyroidism: sluggish, decrease appetite, cold intolerance…etc.
2-Localized causes:
2-cellulitis: any skin wound/ infection, redness, shinny, painful, hotness, fever.
4-joint disease: other joints, eye symptoms, lymph nodes, rash, fever, throat infection, can he
move his leg, can he stand, pain.
5-venous disease: pelvic trauma, IVC obstruction, AV fistulas.
6-paralysis (decrease muscle pump): any neuro/muscle disease, polio infection.
7-dependency: obesity, prolonged standing.
8-lymphedema: any lymph nodes, dirty water.
1-CBC & differential.
4-Blood electrolytes, KFT.
5-LFT, clotting (PT, PTT).
6-Tyroid function test.
7-RF, ANA??
9-Limb x-ray. CT scan.
10-abdominal US, CT scan.
11-pelvic US, CT scan.
13-Venography/ arteriography.
14-Lymph node biopsy if indicted.
Case: 9 year old male patient presented to you with right knee pain of two days
1-onset, duration & progression of pain.
2-aggravating or relieving factors.
3-is there associated hip pain.
4-associated hotness, swelling, tenderness, decreased mobility, limping.
5-associated fever, fatigue, wt loss, night sweat.
6-associated skin rash.
7-associated GI symptoms (abdominal pain, diarrhea….).
8-associated urinary symptoms (hematuria, dysurea…).
9-associated eye symptoms (pain & redness).
10-previous similar attacks of knee pain or other joint.
11-recent hx of trauma.
Typed by: yasmeen alomari 28 group B
12-recent hx of sore throat.
13-hx of bleeding disorder.
14-family hx of joint disorders.
1-CBC, blood culture.
3-Joint aspiration.
4-Joint x-ray, bone scan.
5-PT, PTT.
6-ASO, throat swab.
7-Brucella titer.
8-Tuberculin test.
1-Trauma (point 11 in hx)
2-Septic arthritis (point 4, 5 in hx).
3-Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (point 6, 9, 14 in hx).
4-Rhaumatic fever (point 12).
5-FMF (point 7 & fever).
6-HSP (point 6, 7, 8)
7-Reiter's syndrome (points 8, 9, remember the triad: arthritis urithritis, conjunctivitis).
8-Toxic synovitis of hip (point 3, 4).
9-Hemophilia (point 13).
10-Sickle cell disease (salmonella osteomyellitis).
11-Tumours (bone tumor, soft tissue tumor, leukemia).
12-Others: TB arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, brucellosis).
2-general for any systemic infectious disease.
3-head circumference.
4-full neurological examination: cranial nerve, gait, tone, power, sensation, reflexes, specific
5-do meningal signs.
6-ENT exam.
LP, CT, MRI, Sinus x-ray, Chest x-ray (mets).
Typed by: yasmeen alomari 30 group B
Skin Rash
1-age, sex.
-distribution (where did the rash begin {sit}? How did it spread {face, palms, soles
involvement, any change in hair, nails or teeth? how long does individual lesion last?)
4-shape & color.
5-discharge, bleeding, itching, pain, blanching.
6-fever, its relation to rash.
7-associated symptoms:
-joint pain, swelling, redness: rheumatic disease.
-abdominal pain, pleuretic chest pain: FMF.
-photosensitivity: SLE.
-red urine, diarrhea, bleeding tendency: HSP.
-abnormal body movement: RF.
-changes in tongue (strawberry): scarlet fever.
-prodrome of cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, koplik spots, generalized LAP: measles.
-slapped cheeks: erythematic infectiosum.
-weight loss, anorexia: malignancies
8-vaccination hx.
9-family hx of skin disease, atopy (asthma, seasonal allergy, drug allergy, atopic dermatitis)
10-hx of contact with ill people.
11-previous hx: prior skin disorder, atopy, asthma, recent URTI, if rash is transient is it
12-drug allergy, ointments or creams applied to skin.
CBC, ESR, CRP, RF, NA, LFT, KFT, PT, PTT, ASO & throat culture, serology (measles IgM,
rubella IgM), PCR, skin biopsy, complements, urine analysis & kidney Bx, echo (Kawasaki).
1-infections: measles, rubella, VZV, scarlet fever, erythematic infectious.
2-drug related: urticaria, serum sickness, antibiotics, and penicillin.
3-rheumtic disease: TR, RF, SLE, dermatomyositis, vsculitis (Kawasaki, HSP).
4-dermatitis (diaper)
5-neuro (NF, tuberous sclerosis)
7-food allergy.
9-insect bites.
1-inspect LN: ssss.
-palpate them.
-compare site, size, consistency, tenderness and fixation.
2-examine other systems: heptosplenomegally, bruising, purpura, petechiae, hematological.
1-LAB: CBC, ESR, LFT, KFT, LDH/ uric acid/ ca+2 (malignancy), PPD (TB), titers (EBV, CMV,
HIV, toxoplasmosis, B.henseleae, LN aspirate.
CXR (TB, lymphoma, mediastinal LN, Gaucher), CT chest & abdomen, US abdomen for follow up.
A-Generalized LAP:
1-infection: non specific, viral (EBV, CMV, HIV), bacteria (brucellosis, TB, syphilis), protozoa
(toxoplasmosis), cat scratch disease (B.henseleae).
2-neoplastic: lymphoma (Hodgkin's, non- Hodgkin's) / mets.
3-rheumatologic: RA, SLE, and sarcoidosis.
4-storage disease: nieman pick & gaucher.
5-drug-induced: phenytoin, allopurinol, INH.
3-kawasaki is an imp. Cause of cervical LAP (5 day fever not responding to ABO).
1-when did it start? & length affected?
2-feeding hx:
-if it is infant: breastfed or bottle fed, type of formula used, how many meals, quantity of
milk, time spent each meal, poor sucking, refusal to eat, how she prepare the formula,
weaning (when, what type of food she introduced?).
-if table food: quantity of food, quality, does the child feed himself, where does he eat (if
while watching TV distraction), anybody observing him during eating, food refusal, drink
(juice, soda, water, milk intake), pica hx.
3-review of systems:
-weight loss (how many kg? and duration).
-dysphasia, vomiting, recurrent diarrhea, pneumonia, otitis media, UTI.
-stool frequency, consistency, color.
-hx of recent travel.
-child activity.
4-preinatal hx:
-maternal infection, alcohol.
-GA, birth wt, any complication (asphyxia), NICU admission.
-developmental hx according to age.
-hx of trauma, hospitalization.
-chronic medical illness (asthma, anemia, congenital heart disease).
6-family hx:
-similar condition in siblings.
-short stature.
-developmental delay.
7-social hx:
-parents (job, married or divorced)
-income, insurance.
2-growth parameters.
3-general appearance, activity, muscle wasting, pallor, cyanosis, dysmorphism, behavior
4-nails, fontanels, frontal bossing.
5-mouth, pharynx, palate deformity (cleft palate), tongue, teeth (dental caries), mucus
membrane hydration.
Typed by: yasmeen alomari 33 group B
6-neck thyroid abnormalities.
7-chest exam (respiratory & cardiac (murmur, cardiomegaly)).
8-abdomen protuberance, organomegally, masses.
9-extremeties (edema, joint).
10-genitalia (normal for age, ambiguous).
11-neurological exam.
12-skin &back.
13-developmental exam.
-CBC, UA, urine culture, ESR, chemistry (electrolytes), KFT, LFT, stool culture & analysis, celiac
screen, thyroid function test.
-cerebral palsy, mental retardation, degenerative disorder, neuromuscular disease.
All these disorder will lead to inability to suck, swallow or masticate.
Etiology of FTT:
1-reduced growth potential:
Chromosomal disorders, skeletal dysplasia, fetal-alcohol syndrome.
2- Metabolic rate:
Thyrotoxicosis, chronic disease (BPD, heart failure), burn.
-CNS abnormality (tumor, infection, ICP), metabolic toxin, inborn error of metabolism,
intestinal obstruction, RTA.
4-regurgitation GERD, hiatal hernia, rumination syndrome.
5-poor nutrition use: inborn error of metabolism, renal failure.
6-inability to suck, swallow or masticate.
Typed by: yasmeen alomari 34 group B
Floppy infant
*History of present illness:
1-age of onset.
2-onset: sudden, gradual, from down- above or after exercise (he wakes normal then he
become like this)
3-duration, progression.
4-weak cry, weak sucking, feeding difficulty ()ال يكمل السضعة.
6-sign of respiratory distress: tachypnic, cyanosis.
1-gray matter:
-hx of seizure (in infant).
-change in cognitive function (orientation), LOC (in infant).
-coma (in infant)
-dementia, amnesia (not in infants)
2-white matter:
-squint (in infant)
-motor dysfunction.
-gait & posture abnormality.
-Polio vaccine ()إذا هو أخره أو احد من البيت.
-Pertusis vaccine (one of its side effect)
-feeding difficulties, cocking, cyanosis.
-sucking power.
-if he is a child can he chew.
Typed by: yasmeen alomari 35 group B
*family hx of same condition, early death, MG (especially of mother), neurological disease,
congenital hypothyroid, chromosomal abnormalities (trisomy)
-MG: there is an entity called transient neonatal myasthenia of infant born to mysthenic
*drug hx.
*social hx.
1-generl: patient lies in his bed, not distressed, not irritable.
-Conscious, alert: rule out central cause.
-signs of respiratory distress, on ventilator: respiratory difficulty.
-with NG tube inserted: feeding difficulty.
-he lies frog like posture (abducted with slight flexion).
-not moving (voluntary movement).
-no abnormal movement (chorea)
-he is calm (they don't produce sound, week cry).
-yes/no dysmorphic features (say some of what you know, no micro or macrocephaly.
-yes/no m.fasiculation, m.wasting.
-early sign of spasticity seizure /fisting of hand.
-he is not obese.
-hair look normal.
2-Hc: macro/microcephaly, Wt: obese, malnourished
-ant & post fontanel.
-Fixating or not, squint, eye movement, ptosis.
-cataract, fundoscopy: DM retinopathy.
Cardiomyopathy: cardiomegally, cyanosis, USU there is no murmur.
-protroted abdomen (m.wasting), hernia (there is incidence of hernia), hepatomegaly, PR
(tone of sphincter).
-eye movement.
-tone at each joint& if there is contracture.
Typed by: yasmeen alomari 36 group B
-reflexes: hyper (central), hypo (peripheral), babenisky (2years), clonus (3-6 m)
-look for primitive reflexes (monro, grasping)
-head lag.
-C shape on ventral suspension (ventral).
-try to hold him, he will lip between your hands (horizontal).
-head CT: brain atrophy, anomaly, degenerative.
-chromosomal kyrotyping (chromosomal disease).
-serum cupper & ceraloplamine.
-nerve conduction velocity.
-muscle biopsy.
-DNA analysis.
3-secondary causes:
-TFT: hypothyroid.
-Ca+2, vit D, Po4, ALP: rickets.
-Cu+2 (cupper) + ceralloplasmine.
-check for DM and adrenal insufficiency.
1-Atonic cerebral palsy:
-primitive neonatal reflex.
-pseudo bulbor palsy.
2-chromosomal disease:
-Several trisomy & deletion syndrome
-Look for abnormal feature (face, hand, foot)
-Low birth weight.
-Lowe syndrome: hypotonia, cataract, rickets.
-bradder willi: hypotonia, obesity, DM.
-leukocytrophies: kinky hair disease, neonatal adreno leuko dystrophy.
*kinky hair: hypotonia, myoclonic seizure, kinky colorless friable hair, low serum Cu+2 &
Typed by: yasmeen alomari 37 group B
4-congenital anomaly of cerebellum: sever hypotonia in infancy.
1-werding-hoffmon disease (most common cause)
-floppy with absent tendon reflex.
-bulbor palsy.
-tongue fasciculation.
-normal mentally
-normal eye movement.
-late respiratory paralysis.
(EMG + muscle biopsy)
2-congenital muscular dystrophy: thin muscle of the limb & trunk, joint contraction &
(Muscle biopsy + CPK moderately increase).
3-congenital myopathies:
-floppy with absent reflexes.
-thin muscle bulk of limb & trunk.
-mild joint contracture.
-ocular, fascial, respiratory weakness.
(Muscle biopsy + CPK + EMG + nerve conduction velocity)
5-congenetal MG:
-weak sucking.
-shallow breathing.
-ptosis + opthalmoplagia.
-transient neonatal myasthenia.
THE end
Sorry for any mistake
Good luck in OSCE.
Yasmeen alomari
Special thanx to m7amd rjoob