1-The newborn
Ø Assess every 1 and 5 min >> if HR less than 60 >
give epinephrine > SE of epinephrine:
tachypnea, HTN.
Ø When BABY born, we give > vitamin K,
Prophylaxis erythromycin.
Ø If mother HbsAG positive > start HB vaccine
and give IG immediately.
Ø Less than 37 >> preterm.
Ø From 37-42 term.
Ø IUGR > less than 5-10 percentile for gestational age, or less than 2500 gram.
symmetrical fetal cause, aneuploidy- genetic, infection, tubal defect all in US smaller than expected.
asymmetrical placental cause, TTTs, abruption.> also maternal cause, HTN, small in US head sparing but, abdomen
vessels disease, DM1, alcohol, tobacco smaller.
Ø If diabetic mother > measure baby GLUCOSE it would be low also Mg low > give dextrose infusion but the
SE will be hypo-G so be careful and keep on monitoring, baby will present large in size, plethoric, macrosomia,
• Dextrose given peripherally in D5 and D10 but centrally in D12.5 and D15 and D20.
• We start ttt of neonatal hypoglycemia by inserting 2ml/kg of D10 *peripherally*
Treatment of hypoglycemia >> • If no response, persisted hypoglycemia so consider 12.5D through *central line*
• So initially it is peripheral line, not direct central line
• Frequent blood sampling is indication for central venous line, but in diabetic mother we need a fast
method, so answer is peripheral.
Ø RDS- 24/72 h post-delivery >> RR more than 60 HR more than 160, comes usually with prematurity > Low
surfactant- dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline > low FRC and atelectasis > hypoxemia then hypercapnia
and R acidosis.
o Initial > radio first (ground glass appearance).
o Accurate > L/S ratio.
o To treat first give O > definitive treatment intubation and give surfactant.
o Complication of ventilation > Broncho pulmonary hyperplasia.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Ø Sepsis
§ if less tan 72 h >> GBS, E. coli, listeria.
§ If less than 1 month same but add >> staph, klebsiella.
Ø Do septic workup.
Ø If meningitis suspected > ampicillin and cephalosporin, if not ampicillin and aminoglycoside.
1. toxoplasmosis
2. CMV
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
3. Syphilis:
o Congenital syphilis is acquired through transplacental transmission of spirochetes.
o Women with untreated primary or secondary syphilis are more likely to transmit syphilis to their fetuses than women with latent
• Mc accurate test, treponema in scarping from any lesion, infant + VDRL and clinical sign, Prenatal penicillin.
Give Baby penicillin.
o Treponema pallidumis not transferred in breast milk
§ Hepatomegaly
§ Jaundice
§ Nasal discharge ("snuffles")
§ Rash
§ Generalized lymphadenopathy
§ Skeletal abnormalities, osteochondritis
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
4. Rubella congenital:
• SN hearing loss, cataract, glaucoma, PDA- Pulmonary artery hypoplasia, bone disease, deafness, murmur- Harsh machine like
continues, low PLT, HSM, blueberry muffin spot, microcephaly.
• the mother > spontaneous abortion, fetal demise.
5. HSV:
• Start mild symptoms, first temperature instability, respiratory distress, poor feeding, lethargy, then rapid developed to
hypotension, J, DIC, apnea, and shock.
• Herpetic keratoconjunctivitis, vesicular or ulcerative, coronial disease, microcephaly, deafness, blindness, seizure, death, SMA. .
• Acyclovir
6. Varicella
• treat with VZIG if developed 5 days before or 2 days after.
• limb malformation- hypoplastic limb, scar on skin like Zig zag in a dermatomal distribution, microcephaly, chorioretinitis, cortical
atrophy and seizure, cataract.
7. Hep B:
• If mother HBeAH+ > Transmit vertically to baby, baby should take HBIG after birth, followed by recombinant HBV vaccine, within
12 hrs of birth.
• If mother HbsAG positive > start HB vaccine and give IG immediately.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Umbilical Resolve spontaneously 90% close 5 years of age, surgery if not return in 5 years old or if strangulated.
hernia DON’T PUSH IT.
omphalocele Fail of intestine to return in abdomen. Com, R
Usually they have other anomalies, could be chromosomal related, or large failure,
baby, but it covers with sac. ischemia,
Small: close by itself, medium: close the skin hernia later, large need stage malrotation
For both of them if
reduction, silo. of gut.
large need
Gastroschisis not covered by sac, Edematous herniated bowel. Com, short stabelize (we do
related to RF ex smoking, alcohol use, young age mother, frequency of UTI. gut, stages and mesh
It is more urgent: inflamed bowel, not covered and intestine abnormality. ischemia, repair)
Stage repair with silo. stenosis,
If not large and no ischemia do stage reduction. atresia.
Communicating = connection to peritoneum, increase the size during the day or with Valsalva maneuver,
Non- communicating = no communicating with peritoneum, non-reducible and no change in size, can extend
to abdomen and form= abdominal scrotal hydrocele.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Ø Neonatal tetanus:
Ø Umbilical granuloma:
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Ø Inguinal hernia
• intermittent mass, a mass that is reducible, or incarceration.
• Most children with an inguinal hernia have a history of an intermittent bulge in the groin that may have
been noted at times of increased intraabdominal pressure, such as straining or crying.
• They are usually asymptomatic when this occurs.
*** roll under finger, scrotal mass, groin plug, thick cord, silk sign, > possible sign during examination.
Indirect more, right side more, lateral to hess triangle. If through so called direct.
• congenital disorder defined by a characteristic clinical trial that includes abdominal muscle deficiency,
severe urinary tract abnormalities, and bilateral cryptorchidism in males.
• The term "prune-belly" reflects the characteristic wrinkled appearance of the abdominal wall in the
newborn due to the complete or partially complete absence of abdominal wall muscles
• A recessive X-linked defect is suggested by the predominance of affected males.
• However, this mode of inheritance is precluded by two observations:
§ Although rare, the disorder can occur in females.
§ Affected men suffer from azoospermia.
• The major renal change in PBS is dysplasia that affects a variable portion of renal tissue.
• Ureters are grossly elongated, dilated, and tortuous. Ureteral stenoses may occur due to kinking.
Peristalsis is ineffective or lacking.
• Bladder –enlarged , thickened walls, Prostate – A hallmark of PBS in males is a markedly hypoplastic or
dysplastic prostate, which leads to dilatation of the prostatic urethra, Testicles – Bilateral undescended
testes, Gastrointestinal malformations can occur and include (Malrotation of the midgut and persistence
of the embryonic wide mesentery, resulting in coecum mobile, elongation of the colon, and volvulus)
Hindgut abnormalities, leading to anorectal malformations (eg, persistence of the embryonic cloaca,
agenesis of rectum and anus, and congenital pouch colon), Skeleton — Skeletal, Lung — Lung hypoplasia
leading to respiratory insufficiency is frequently responsible for early mortality among patients with PBS.,
Heart — Rarely, complex cardiac anomalies can occur in association with PBS.
• Striking features on ultrasound may include:
●Bulging abdomen ●Polycystic or dysplastic kidneys
●Lack of abdominal muscle wall ●Oligohydramnios
●Dilatation of urinary bladder and ureters ●Fetal ascites
●Hydronephrosis with or without echo ●Hypoplastic lung
dense renal parenchyma
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
✓ the respiratory system start to developed at 4th week, 28th weeks the alveoli will be formed.
Extra ✓ If baby born and have difficulty breathing almost always think RDS, do X- ray u will be found GG appearance,
atelectasis, air bronchogram. Give O2 then intubation and surfactant.
Klinefelter XXY Decrease IQ, behavioral and psychiatric problem, long limb, slim, hypogonadism hypo gonadotrophic,
gynecomastia, no body and pubic hair,
Marfan AD, tall with slim limb, arachnodactyly, joint laxity and kyphosis, lens subluxation, vision problem.
Patau tri 13 Single umbilical artery, postaxial polydactyly, scalp defect in partial occipital area, cutis aplasia, cleft lip and
palate, microcephaly, microphthalmia, mental retardation.
Ø Short stature
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Ø New born reflex:
Ø Enuresis:
• Diagnosed after age of 5, could be due to detrusor muscle weakness.
Primary Hyposecretion of ADH or receptor Tx. Chart dryness, reward system, void before
dysfunction. sleep, put alarm, no punishment. If failed give
No period of dryness. DDAVP.
Secondary After more than 6 months dryness. Do UA, treat underlaying cause.
Psychological, UTI, constipation, DM.
If due day Abnormality in urinary tract. US, or flow study.
and night
Ø Encopresis:
• Feces in inappropriate places at age 4.
• Primary or secondary.
• Psychological, developmental delay, hard stool.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Ø Sleep disorder:
✓ If the baby has pain at night while he is sleeping this will indicate >> there is a problem or disease.
✓ If the baby has bad behavior, try to encourage his good acts.
✓ If he doesn’t lessen to the orders you can reward him to motivate him.
✓ If the baby suffers from bed witting, use the alarm bed reinforcement.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
• PCV if age 1-2 years give only 2 doses and 2 months apart, if 2-5 years, only one dose.
Ø Don’t give vaccine if
• baby having fever and he is ill, or there is hypersensitivity reaction.
• Immunodeficiency patients, leukemia, lymphoma, solid tumors.
• HIV, except MMR, and measles for symptomatic and asymptomatic.
• If on immunosuppressive medication. Ex steroid/ chemo.
• More than 14 days steroid, usually we give after discontinuation of steroid with 3 months.
• Within 3 weeks of another live vaccine > should be 4 weeks apart.
• Recent administration of immunoglobulin 3-11 months.
• TB should not receive measles until complete treatment
o If baby less than 2 kg and mother HBsAG negative delay the hepatitis vaccine only, if positive don’t
count birth dose.
o If baby immunodeficiency don’t give live attenuated, only asymptomatic HIV can receive MMR,
BCG, and IPV not oral.
o No OPV during hospitalization.
If splenectomy > pneumococcal, HIB, meningococcal > given 2 weeks before the surgery of splenectomy.
• SCA patients take all vaccination after blood transfusion except MMR no if the transfusion within
the 11 months.
• If any family member immunocompromised don’t give oral polio.
• Anti-toxoid vaccine > DTP.
• Pt in inactive IF gamma can NOT take BCG.
• Small box vaccine is contraindicated in patient with psoriasis and contact dermatitis.
• Rota vaccine is preventable cause of gastroenteritis.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
• Types > psychological, pathological, neglect, bulling, sexual abuse, physical abuse.
• Consequence could happen to the child > FTT, developmental delay, disability.
• When to suspect? If unexplained injury, incompatible hx with the event.
• Physical abuse like (bruises which is the most common, fracture, burn like cigarette, intentional head
trauma, which is the MCC of death usually retinal hemorrhage, intrabdominal injury)
• Sexual abuse (look for gram negative intracellular diplococci- NG)
• MC because father and brother.
8- Respiratory
Ø Croup اﻟﺨﻨﺎق:
• Viral > parainfluenza, sub-glottis, barking harsh seal cough, hoarseness- change in voice, inspiratory
stridor, rhinorrhea, fever, worsen at night, could be complicated to hypoxia.
• Initial= clinically.
• Accurate= PCR.
• steeple sign on X-ray, and sub glottis narrowing.
• Treatment usually supportive, if severe give epi-N nebulizer, can be repeated then steroids-
dexamethasone 1 dose.
Ø Laryngomalacia:
• MCC of stridor, collapse of supraglottic.
• Inspiration stridor, they feel better in prone, acid reflux occurs.
• Clinically, confirmed by laryngoscope.
• Supportive/ observation resolve spontaneously > We can give PPI.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Ø Foreign body:
• Chocking, wheeze asymmetric, decrease breath sound asymmetric.
• If not fully obstruction, start with x-ray to locate the object, definitive bronchoscopy, treat by rigid.
• To be noted it might complicate with infection.
• Infant > larynx, Toddler > R main bronchus.
• CXR reveal air trapping (ball valve mechanism).
Ø Bronchiolitis:
• RSV MC, then parainfluenza, adeno and mycoplasma.
• Usually less than 2 years in infancy like 3-6 months.
• On x-ray air trapping and hyperventilation with patchy atelectasis.
• We also can-do PCR nasopharyngeal swap.
• RF= prematurity, more than 12 weeks, neurological problem, immunodeficient,
• URI- decrease appetite, fever, irritable, paroxysmal wheeze, cough tachycardia, tachypnea, sometimes
they use accessory muscles, prolonged expiratory, crackles, apnea.
• Supportive- hypertonic saline nebulizer/ NO STEROID > ribavirin which is antiviral > use to treat RSV.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Ø Pneumonia:
General information:
• It is LRTI.
• Pneumonia can cause meningitis as secondary infection by pneumococcal infection.
• In infant and newborn, it will be as consolidation in the right upper lobe because they are supine position >
• Radiating to abdomen if it was in the lower lobe. Radiating to neck if it was in the upper lobe.
• SCD they are at highly risk to get pneumonia by pneumococcal infection.
• If not productive > mycoplasm atypical.
• > 48 H after admission.
• Usually by gram negative bacilli, or staph aureus.
• Usually in ICU or in catheter patient.
• In winter they at risk of RSV, PARA, INFLUENZA.
• Gram negative bacilli, S aureus, aspergillus.
• If after transplant > viral > RSV, adeno.
Cystic fibrosis:
• Staph aureus, pseudomonas aeruginosa, H influanza
• Atypical bacteria, M, C > acute chest syndrome
• Other, S pneumoniae, S aureus, HI.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Lobar pneumonia single lobe or segment of a lobe > S. pneumoniae pneumonia. >> MC
Bronchopneumonia airways and surrounding interstitial > Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus
aureus pneumonia.
Necrotizing pneumonia associated with aspiration pneumonia and pneumonia resulting from S. pneumoniae, S.
pyogenes, and S. aureus.
Interstitial and with secondary parenchymal infiltration > severe viral pneumonia is complicated by bacterial
peribronchiolar pneumonia.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Ø Cystic fibrosis:
Autosomal recessive, long Arm Chromosome 7, leads to thick, viscous secretions in the lungs, pancreas,
liver, intestine, and reproductive tract. Unable to secrete CL.
• Failure to clear mucosa secretion, increase salt content, Nasal Polyps, bronchiectasis, malabsorption
(FTT), fertility issues, sinuses congestion always.
• X-ray= hyper filtrate of chest, patchy atelectasis, hailer node, flat diaphragm.
• Clear airways with albuterol/ saline, mucolytic- daily, chest physio postural drainage.
• Acute chest infection > Tobramycin (aminoglycoside)
• To cover pseudomonas = piperacillin plus tobramycin or ceftazidime.
• Replace pancreatic enzymes.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Ø Bacterial Tracheitis
• Toxic appearance
• Staph, HiB
• Similar to croup, but with rapid deterioration and Not responding to croup Tx.
• Require Intubation and IV Abx.
Ø Adenoid Hypertrophy
• snoring, mouth breather,
• Adenoid face
• Lead to OM, rhinosinusitis, cough
• Do Adenoidectomy if : Affected sleep, Recurrent infections ( resistant!), suspicious of malignancy
Ø Tracheomalacia
• defect in the cartilaginous portion
• Croup-like cough.
• Improve spontaneously by 6 to 12 months.
Ø Pleural Effusion
• DDx —> congenital obstruction of lymph, CHD, pulmonary malformation, infection
• Do CXR
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Physical findings
• Infraorbital edema and darkening due to subcutaneous vasodilation, findings that are sometimes referred
to as "allergic shiners", Accentuated lines or folds below the lower lids (Dennie-Morgan lines), which
suggests concomitant allergic conjunctivitis, A transverse nasal crease caused by repeated rubbing and
pushing the tip of the nose up with the hand (the "allergic salute"), "Allergic facies," > highly arched
palate, open mouth due to mouth breathing, and dental malocclusion, The nasal mucosa of patients with
active allergic rhinitis frequently has a pale bluish hue or pallor along with turbinate edema, Clear
rhinorrhea, Hyperplastic lymphoid tissue lining the posterior pharynx, (a finding called "cobblestoning"),
Tympanic membranes may retract, or serous fluid may accumulate behind tympanic membranes.
Associated condition:
• Allergic conjunctivitis, Sinusitis, Asthma, Atopic dermatitis (eczema), Oral allergy syndrome
• Other conditions> eustachian tube dysfunction, causing concomitant serous and acute otitis media, Nasal obstruction
due to severe allergic rhinitis can also cause sleep-disordered breathing and anosmia, there may be an increased
prevalence of migraine headache in patients with allergic rhinitis.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Ø Chronic rhino-sinusitis:
• If patient with chronic RS, with nasal polyp, diarrhea, Wight loss > think cystic fibrosis.
Ø Food reaction:
• Elimination, epi/pin.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
• lymphopenia from birth, low to absent T cell, absence to lymphocytes, low to absent IGs, and no AB
after immunization, mitogen stimulation test > absent T-B.
• Treat by transplantation, isolation, no living vaccine, AB prophylaxis, IVIG.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
• Purulent eye drainage and eyelid swelling in the first week of life, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, start 2-5 days, eye
discharge, swelling, chemosis, if not treated lead to corneal ulceration, scaring, blindness. Gold standard:
Thayer Martin agar, 1 dose IM ceftriacsone.
• Chlamydia trachomatis:
• Oral azithromycin once daily, or doxy twice a day.
• 2nd week of life.
• Watery, mild purulent discharge, conjunctivitis.
• Tarsal conjunctivae.
• Bacterial conjunctivitis:
o Hyperemia, edema, mucopurulent exudate, crusting, eye discomfort.
o Uni or bilateral.\S pneumonia, HI nontypable, S aureus, strept.
o Warm compression and AB.
• Viral conjunctivitis:
o Watery discharge, bilateral, usually URI. Think chemical 1st day, NG
o Adeno (keratoconjunctivitis) / entro. first week, C second week
• Keratitis: which is the most
o Corneal involvement, H. simplex. Adeno, S aureus, S pneumonie. common.
• Pain and photophobia = corneal abrasion.
• GBS:
• Intrapartum ampicillin,
• Present as sepsis, pneumonia, 24-48 h.
Orbital/preorbital cellulitis:
Clinical sign. Infection in orbital tissue, No eye movement, Chemosis, In lid and periorbital tissue
Inflammation, Proptosis, Fever. Inflammation with intact eye movement.
Double vision, ophthalmoplegia with diplopia. Normal vision, No proptosis.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Otitis externa/ swimmer’s ear:
• Most common because pseudomonas aeruginosa, S aureus.
• Pain, conductive hearing loss.
• Edema, erythema, thick otorrhea, peracular nodes.
• Topical otic preparation+ ssteroid.
Otitis media:
• Acute supportive OM accompanied with hearing loss.
• bacterial most common S pneumonie- nontypable HI, Moraxella.
• in less than 2 years baby.
• Cough, sneeze, ear pain, fever, irritable.
• otoscopy ( fulness bulging tympanic membrane and effusion and retraction, erythema )
• pneumatic otoscopy > mobility which is the most important factor.
• pain relief and amoxicillin high dose or /azithromycin for 10 days.
• If no improvement amoxicillin clavulanic acid / IM ceftriaxone single dose and can be repeated.
• if no improve do tempanocentesis or myringotomy.
• If OM with effusion: because repeated infection, if more than 3m assess hearing, tympanostomy
tube for bilateral OME and impaired hearing for more than 3 months.
• Complication, acute mastoiditis.
Choanal atresia:
• Uni or bi.
• If uni could be asymptomatic.
• If bi > cyanosis> cannot breathe from nose, become pink.
• Inability to pass a 3-4 cm catheter through nose.
• Do CT, fix by stent.
Foreign body:
• unilateral purulent discharge could be bloody and bad smell.
• Needle forceps.
• Most common area anterior septum.
• Mcc trauma.
• Compress, if not stop local oxymetazoline or phenylephrine.
• If not work anterior nasal packing > cautery
• Most common cause is cystic fibrosis.
• Present with obstruction, mouth breath,
• Give intranasal steroid, systemic steroid, surgically.
• Majority with URI.
• Start as viral then complicated with bacterial.
• Strept pneumonia, non typable HI, M. catarrhalis, staph aureus.
• RF > URI, allergy, CF, immune deficiency, GERD, cleft palate, nose foreign body.
• nose congestion cough fever discharge, bad breath, decrease sense of smell.
• Dx > persistent URI sx without improvement.
• Tx > amoxicillin.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
4- throat.
Acute pharyngitis:
• bacterial > GASHS- less common in less than 2-3 years.
• Strept = rapid, fever, sever sore throat, headache, GI
symptoms, red pharynx, enlargement of tonsils, yellow
exudates, petechiae on palate, in posterior pharynx,
strawberry tongue, red uvula, tender A cervical nodes.
• Scarlet fever= pharyngitis + circumoral pallor, red finely
popular erythematous rssh like sandpaper, pastia’s line.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
13- Cardiology
Endocardial 🔺🔺in heart size>> Precordial bulge and lift. Wide fixed splitting of S2
Cushion Defect CXR >> significant cardiomegaly, ECG > biventricular hypertrophy
AVSD, Cyanotic Spells “Mild”, Early HF, Surgery. Must be done in infancy! Post-surgery
infections. MC in Trisomy21 CHD complications >> heart block, arrhythmias
PDA So if large: Machinery Murmur, CXR >> P congestion/ ECG >> LVH
Blood flow Aorta >> Pulmonary artery. Related to May close spontaneously. Preterm infant >>
maternal Rubella, and premature. Small mostly Indomethacin [ NSAID] >> close it. Surgery if persists
asymptotic, large dose!
✓ If the baby cry and cyanotic, try to calm the baby and give analgesia-morphine (will decrease systemic
Extra > Venus return) and sedation put him in knee chest position, avoid O.
✓ With cyanotic disease give PGE1 keep ductal open.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Post pharyngeal infection with Group A Strept, MC cause of acquired heart disease worldwide
• Carditis >> px as new heart murmur.
• Polyarthritis >> px as swollen painful joints.
• Hx. of throat infection up to 1 month.
• Fever.
Dx. Based on Jones Criteria
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Infective Endocarditis
• Cyanotic heart disease (uncorrected)
• Central venous catheter
• Prosthetic Heart Valve
• Rheumatic heart disease
• Congenital heart disease. (VSD> TOF> AVSD)
• Child with heart disease >> MC is Virdians streptococci
• Child without heart disease >> MC is S. aureus
• Subacute >> prolonged course of low-grade fevers, fatigue, arthralgias, myalgias, weight loss, exercise
intolerance, and diaphoresis.
• Acute >> high spiking fevers, shock or HF, S. aureus MC in acute IE
Diagnosis >> Duke Criteria
Native valve IE duo to strept:
1. Penicillin or ceftriaxone IV / 4 weeks
2. If beta lactamas allergic >> Vancomycin IV / 4 weeks
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Campylobacter BD
Salmonella BD Egg, milk.
Shigella BD Food
C diff After AB. Colitis.
E. coli BD HUS + UTI.
Noro For adult more.
Rota Watery, high fever, URTI, vomit, abdominal pain.
giardiasis Traveler, steatorrhea, foul smelling.
2- Chronic diarrhea:
Shigella gastroenteritis
• High fever, rapid, abdo pain, watery diarrhea with mucus, + seizure , supportive if immunocomp. Give AB.
• If less than 8 years give amoxicillin.
• More than 8 give deoxy.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
1- Pyloric stenosis:
2- V malrotation:
3- Intussusception:
4- Meckel Diverticulum:
• In less than 2 years
• Intermittent Painless rectal bleed.
• +- obstruction, tenderness near umbilical, diverticulitis
• Role of 2.
• Self-limited > May developed anemia.
• Tc99m > Surgical excision/ laparoscopic.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
5- Hirschsprung Disease:
• BO in neonate.80% rectosigmoid.
• Delay passage meconium >24h, bilious vomiting, early: abdominal distention, vomting.late:
chronic constipation and empty rectum
• They die from enterocolitis.
• Do rectal manometry.
• X-ray dilatated loop in colon.
• Barium retained contrast. Good prior to surgery.
• Rectal suction Biopsy definitive.
• Surgery (colostomy- laparotomy) laparoscopic single stage endorectal pull through.
6- Duodenal Atresia:
• + DOWN SYNDROME, esophageal atresia, imperforated anus, polyhydramnios.
• Distal to ampulla of voter.
• No abdominal distention, polyhydramnios prenatally/ prematurity, +- J.
• X RAY: DB no distal bowel gas. dilatated bowel proximal to obstruction.
• Decompression, AB, Duodenodoudenostomy, duodenojejunostomy> when stable.
• RF= prematurity, early feeding, hypothermia, hypotension, CHD.
• bloody stool, apnea, lethargy, abdominal distention, vomiting, fever.
• Early sign: increase gastric residual with feeding, temp instability, poor feeding, distention, bilious
vomit, mucoid bloody stool, bradycardia, apnea.
• Late = anemia, thrombocytopenia, DIC, azotemia, metabolic acidosis.
• x-ray, air in bowel wall, pneumatosis intestinalis/ air in pretonial cavity.
• Do gut decompression, AB, surgery.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
15- Nephrology
• Boys, MC organism, E. coli, klebsiella, proteus.
• RF: wiping, sex, pregnancy, uncircumcision, VUR, constipation, anatomical abnormality.
• If less than 2 months = admission.
• Neonate= IV ampicillin and gentamycin.
• A positive result on the nitrate test is highly specific for UTI, typically because of urease-splitting organisms, such as Proteus
species and, occasionally, E coli; however, it is very insensitive as a screening tool, as only 25% of patients with UTI have a positive
nitrate test result. Child age of group: empiric oral treatment are a second- or third-generation cephalosporin,
amoxicillin/clavulanate, or sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (SMZ-TMP). >> If with fever - for 7 days >> If without - for 3 days
• If baby hypotension starts with fluids.
• Epispadias, contraindicated in circumcision.
Vesicouretral Reflux:
• Abnormal back-flow of urine from bladder > ureter
• Risk to Recurrent UTI; pyelonephritis > scarring > HTN > ESRD
• Watchful waiting ( must have urine cultures whenever there are symptoms suggestive of UTI or
unexplained fever)
• Prophylaxis single daily dose of Abx therapy ( (TMP-SMZ), TMP alone, or nitrofurantoin)
Surgery :
• Grade 3-4 (if on Abx and still have UTI OR serious Abx side effects)
• Grade 4-5 (if persistent to >2 years of age)
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
No cellular elements " Cellular elements
PE: hypertension, edema, rashes, arthralgia
Lab: UA RBC casts, first AM urine protein/Cr ratio
serum BUN, Cr, lytes, urine Ca/Cr ratio (C3, ANA)
Search for other Search for causes of
causes of red urine hemoglobinuria or
Diagnostic strategy for hematuria. GN, Glomerulonephritis; HIV, human immunodefi-
ciency virus; MPGN, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis; NSAIDS, nonsteroidal b. Extraglomerular hematuria
antiinflammatory drugs; PSGN, poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis; RBC, red blood
cell; SBE, subacute bacterial endocarditis; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.
(1) Rule out infection: Urine culture, gonorrhea, chlamydia
(2) Rule out trauma: History, consider imaging of abdomen/pelvis
(3) Investigate other potential causes: urine Ca/Cr ratio or 24-hour
urine for kidney stone risk analysis, sickle cell screen, kidney/
bladder ultrasound. Consider serum electrolytes with Ca, consider
prothrombin time/partial thromboplastin time (PT/PTT).
D. Management (Fig. 19-3 )
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
• MC vasculitis among Peds, Recent URTI (IgA deposition in small vessels)
• Palpable Purpura (legs and buttocks), Abdominal pain ( bowl angina )—> bloody diarrhea, Renal
Microscopic Hematuria ( nephritis), Arthralgia
• Tx = supportive
• Give steroids only with:
o Intussusception, perforation
o Testicular torsion
o Pancreatitis
o CNS involvements
o Nephritis
• kidney> immunotherapy
Bilateral flank masses > pulmonary hypoplasia, Px > HTN, gross or microscopic hematuria,
Oliguria, HTN. proteinuria, infection of the cyst
Prenatal > US findings like oligohydramnios Dx > + 1st degree relative / + US findings
Supportive> dialysis and transplant ACEI, pain management and treatment of urinary
tract infection
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
** if patient, nephrotic, no need to change the diet. No increase it will worsen the case, if sever proteinuria
Extra give IV albumin to correct the edema, which is resistance to diuretics.
** Treatment:
• Vit D + Ca
• Erythropoietin + iron
• If bleeding > give Desmopressin —> improve PLT function
• Dialysis and transplants
• Control BP/ and CVS ris
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Neurogenic Bladder:
Could be over or under active
• flaccid (hypotonic) > overflow incontinence
• spastic bladder > frequency, nocturia
• Mixed
• Supraspinal cause = stroke, brain tumor, Parkinson disease
• Spinal = spinal trauma, MMC, MS
• Peripheral = DM, Alcoholic, B12 deficiency, Herpes Zoster, herniated pelvic disc, radical pelvic
Work Up:
• UA and C—UTI could be a cause or complication.
• U cytology —R/O bladder Ca.
• BUN/Cr / renal US—assess if kidneys affected / Pyelonephritis/ Anatomical anomaly.
• Voiding diary.
• Voiding studies.
Undescended testes Descended at age of 4th month or Treated bilaterally or Orchiopexy at 9-15
will remain undescended need uni but uni better in months
intervention to descended. fertility. If untreated
Empty scrotum lead to malignancy
(seminoma), hernia…
Testicular torsion Bell shape deformity, Most Transverse lie/ Emergent surgery,
common cause of testicular pain > horizontal, retracted, bilateral scrotal
12, acute pain, swelling, no C reflex. orchiopexy.
tenderness. Doppler color flows US.
Torsion of appendix Most common cause of testicular Blue dot, not do scrotal
testes pain 2-11, gradual onset, tender, hyperemic exploration??
inflamed mass on the upper pole
of testes
epididymitis Ascending retrograde urethral Young sexually active AB
infection, acute scrotal pain, and male. N gonorrhea and
swelling chlamydia.
Testicular tumor Palpable, not trans illuminate, Serum AFP, beta HCG Radical
painless orchiectomy
Epididymis orchitis Erythematous bilateral scrotum,
non-tender, not Tran illuminate.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
16- Endocrinology
Diabetes Insipidus
Ambiguous Genitalia
• Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is the MC cause
• Any suspect of CAH —> Check electrolytes every 24 to 48 hours to R/ O imbalance duo to adrenal
Adrenal crisis
• Hypotension or shock, electrolyte abnormalities (🔻Na, 🔺K, metabolic acidosis, and 🔻glucose)
• Treat immediately with IV fluid, and steroids stress dose!
• To prevent it —> stress doses of glucocorticoids when the child is sick or having surgery, or
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Thyroid disorders
Hypothyroidism Acquired:
Px with deceleration of growth, delayed puberty, headache, the rest same as adult
Hypotonia (open mouth), umbilical hernia, large tongue, puffy, wide fontanels, prolonged jaundice
Risk of cretinism and mental retardation if not treated
Screen all newborns >> 🔻T4, 🔺TSH >> Tx sodium thyroxine for life. ** give after lab no need for
further investigation.
Hyperthyroidism Majority Graves!
Peak at teenage
They are Hyperactive, lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly, emotional lability, 🔻school performance,
the rest same as adult
Precocious Puberty
Secondary sexual characters
• Girls < 8 years
• Boys < 9 years
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
** After DKA treatment > be careful from cerebral edema, and potassium disturbance.
** First sign in female in puberty > thelarche (breast)
** Thyroglossal cyst > neck swelling, moving with deglutition located in hyoid area.
** Conns syndrome: Polys, OGTT normal, CI high, Na high, another lab normal
** SIADH: Low Na
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
17- Orthopedic
1- DDH:
o RF= breech, female, fhx, first born, multiple Gestation, oligohydramnios.
§ Most common affected= female.
§ Most common sight left hip.
o Instability, subluxations, dislocation.
o For high risk group > screening at 6 weeks.
o PD= asymmetrical thigh, shortening, reduced abduction.
o Barlow suggestive= subluxable.
o Positive= Barlow positive.
o Ortolani positive= dislocated.
o Barlow- dislocate s dislocatable hip = adduction and depression = of flexed femur.
o Ortolani- reduce a dislocated hip= elevation and abduction= flexed femur.
o Galeazzi Limb length discrepancy= unilateral dislocation of hip= hip flexed knee in the table.
o Treatment: 0-6 months > Pavlik harness. 6-12 months > closed reduction and hip spika. 12-30
>open reduction and pelvic osteotomy. More than 30 moths > open reduction, pelvic osteotomy,
femoral shortening.
o If alpha angel more than 60 > no treatment required.
o If acetabulum dysplasia = static abduction brace.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
2- LCPD:
• Idiopathic avascular necrosis.
• More in male and bilateral.
• Associations with = obesity, skeletal immaturity, and lower socioeconomic status have been
• RF= prematurity, positive family history, second hand smoker, abnormal presentation at
• Avascular necrosis also may occur secondary to an underlying condition (eg, renal failure,
glucocorticoid use, systemic lupus erythematosus, HIV, Gaucher disease).
3- SCFE:
• Obese, male, left hip, bilateral.
• + underlaying endocrine disorder (hypothyroidism, renal osteodystrophy, GH deficiency,
panhypopituitarism) + down syndrome.
• Mild limp and external rotation cannot stand or walk, knee pain, decrease hip rotation,
• Osteonecrosis as complication.
• Percutaneous pin fixation.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
4- Bone tumor:
5- OM and SA:
Organism If healthy > S aureus. Less than 3 months >> S aureus, b strep, -ve bacilli,
with sickle > salmonella, staph aureus. more than 3 months>> staph, A strep.
Infant > GBS.
Lab. ESR to follow up., high WBC. high WBC, ESR, CRP.
Spread hematogenous (metaphysis), fever, irritable, Acute pain, swell, tenderness, limited range of
localized bone inflammation, point tenderness, motion, refuse to bear Wight, high fever.
Initial X-ray X-ray
Accurate MRI US, effusion.
Definitive Bone biopsy Arthrocentesis US guided. More than 50000 WBC
Tx <3m vanco + cephalo/cefotaxime IV-AB, joint drain and detriment.
vanco/clinda + cephalon if at ICU. Vancomycin + Ceftazidime or ceftriaxone.
Ceftriaxone, Ciprofloxacin or spectinomycin.
>3m clinda or vanco, _ nafcillin or oxacillin Alternative gentamycin.
if SCD ** add 3rd cephalo.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
• Active adolescent.
• Swelling, tenderness, increase prominence of tubercle.
• Rest, immobilize. Knee.
7- Transient synovitis:
• After nonspecific URTI.
• Acute mild pain, limping, restrict movement.
• Pain also in groin, thigh, knee.
• Effusion, high ESR, xray normal,
• Bed rest
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
8- Tibia fracture:
If more than that it’s unacceptable angulation and IMN or screws are indicated
Distal radius/ulna
30 for less than 9 years
20 for more than 9 years
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
DDx of arthritis
o vasculitis
o Lyme
o psoriatic Arthritis
o Malignancy refusal to bear weight 🚩
o Septic arthritis/ osteomyelitis - high-grade fever, localized severe pain swelling and redness,
limping, 🔺🔺WBC, 🔺🔺inflammatory markers
o Postinfectious arthritis / reactive arthritis > milder, resolve without aggressive tx, other
infection focus in PE & Hx
o Malaria
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
2- SLE
• Clues = Arthralgia and effusion, Malar/ discoid rash, 🔺BUN/Cr, 90% 🚺, More severe than adult
• Other > oral ulcers, anemia/ thrombocytopenia/ leukopenia (AB against them), photosensitivity
• Labs:
Ø WBC, RBC, PLT —>> might be 🔺🔺 acutely in response to inflammation
Ø 🔻C3, C4 ( in flaring )
Ø ANA —1st screening test
Ø Anti DS-DNA —correlate with Nephritis
Ø Anti-smith AB —100% specific
Ø Anti Ro, Anti La AB —cross placenta and cause neonatal SLE —all sx transient
except Congenital Heart Block permanent —need pacemaker
Ø Ant histone AB —drug induced lupus —tetracycline, penicillin, methyldopa,
• Tx
• Hydroxychloroquine All pt
• NSAID for joints pain
• Steroids severe disease, Renal
• LMWH for thrombosis
3- Kawasaki
• Systemic inflammation (fever + mucocutaneous involvement , bilateral nonexudative
conjunctivitis, erythema of the lips and oral mucosa , 🍓tongue, cracked 👄, rash, and cervical
lymphadenopathy >> These findings are often not present at the same time!
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
4- HSP.
• MC vasculitis among Peds, Recent URTI (IgA deposition in small vessels)
• Palpable Purpura (legs and buttocks), Abdominal pain ( bowl angina )—> bloody diarrhea, Renal
Microscopic Hematuria ( nephritis), Arthralgia
• Tx = supportive
• Give steroids only with:
o Intussusception, perforation
o Testicular torsion
o Pancreatitis
o CNS involvements
o Nephritis
• kidney> immunotherapy
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
1- IDA:
2- Lead poisoning:
• Preschool age, Behavioral changes, hyperactive and aggressive, cognitive developmental
dysfunction, GI = anoxia, pain, constipation, gingival lead line, basophils stippling in microscopic.
• Screen by 12-24 lead testing.
• Confirmatory by venues sample.
• X-ray of long bone, dense lead line, radiopaque in intestinal tract.
• Micro/hypo.
• Give chelation.
Blackfan- diamond
• Short program cell death, present at 2-6 months.
• Short stature, craniofacial deformity, triphalangeal thumb.
• macrocytosis, high HbF, high RBC, high ADA, high I, low R.
• cortico, transfusion and deferoxamine, splenectomy, transplant.
4- congenital pancytopenia:
Franconia anemia
• hyperpigmentation, cafe late spot, short, organ defect, absent / hypoplastic thumb, short
• WBC= N, RBC= L, PLT= L , HG= L, bone marrow hypoplasia, H= HbFautosomal recessive.
• >> neurofibromatosis.
• Hemolytic anemia, Normochrmoic/ normochromic.
• Increase risk of AML.
• Give steroid and androgen, BM transplant.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
5- AOCD:
• Normocytic and chromic.
• Could be micro, R low, low erythropoietin, low hg, iron low, F slight increase.
• Control underplaying problem.
6- Megaloblastic anemia:
Folate deficiency:
• Macrocyclic, poor diet intake, or hemolysis.
• In vegetables, fruits, animal.
B12 deficiency:
• only animal source.
• Lack intrinsic factor > pernicious anemia, - gastric surgery- impairs absorption, terminal
ilium removers.
• weakness, fatigue, FTT, irritability, pallor, glossitis, diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice,
neurological symptoms.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
9- G6PD:
• Hines body/ bit cell.
• XLR > boys.
• Symptoms appear after 24-48 hours.
• Measure after 1-2 months, after acute episodes.
o Rapid drop of Hg, high J, LDH, B, R.
o Low hepatoglubinuria.
o -ve coomb.
10- SCA:
• Glutamic acid to valine, at beta gene.
• Presented at 2-4 months of age.
• By age of 5 all of them they have asplenia.
• First presentation > HF syndrome > dactylitis.
o High= R, mild to moderate anemia, normal=MCV.
o Target cell, Howell jolly bodies.
• BM hyperplastic.
Acute painful crises In extremities then abdomen, back, head, chest. They are more prone to
Participated by stress, fever, low O2, acidosis. encapsulated vaccine
Vaso-occlusive crisis. It is ischemic damage, retina, skin, hip, shoulder. (pneumococcal).
Acute splenic Confirmatory by Hb electrophoresis.
sequestration. On penicillin prophylaxis for 2
Aplastic crisis With paro. months tell age 5 years.
Acute chest syndrome The cause of mortality, along with sepsis. Give folate.
Stroke At 6-9 year. Transcranial doppler.
kidney First sign proteinuria, UTI, papillary necrosis. Hydroxyurea.
cholithiasis Symptomatic gallstone.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
11- Thalassemia:
Alpha thalassemia:
◦ 3 genes > micro/hypo, target cell, mild ~SM, J, Chloethiasis. > not required transfusion or
◦ MCV low
◦ 4 genes BART, high gamma tetramers >> lead to death >> immediate transfusion, > the only
cure > BM transplant, abnormal 4 alpha normal 4 beta.
◦ Excessive alpha globin chain, no problem with gamma chain production, Homozygous beta.
◦ Absent beta globulin/ mutation in both genes, High A2 and F, present in 2nd month of life.
◦ severe anemia hg <4, HSM- hypersplenism, cardiac problem > expand medullary space/ hair on
end, extramedullary hematopoiesis.
◦ Low R, high B, high RBC nucleated > iron accumulation >BM hyperplasia.
◦ Transfusion dependent, Chelation therapy improves survival. / deferoxamine, BMT,
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
14- Vit K defi: Prolonged PT time, PTT time, normal PLT and increase BT.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
1- ALL:
• MC leukemia in children, because of bone pain
they might limb and refuse to walk, pallor,
bruising, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, fever,
epistaxis, purpura, mucus membrane bleeding,
LAP, HSM, joint swelling.
• BM failure > low PLT, anemia, atypical
lymphocytes, neutropenia, pancytopenia, blast
cell, > decrease Ca, K.
• Aspiration > lymphoblast.
o 1- remission induction > combination drugs.
o 2-CNS treatment, intrathecal.
o 3-maintenance.
Complication > relapse, pneumocystis pneumonia,
TLS (hyperuricemia, hyperkalemia,
hypophosphatemia, hypocalcemia) treat this with
hydration and alkalization, MDL, sideroblastic.
2- Hodgkin lymphoma: painless/ non tender.
• MCC of cancer in late adolescent.
• Prolonged fever and LAP, especially if supraclavicular, Present first with B symptoms, and painless
LAP, large supraventricular node/ cervical> if cervical it is usually to infectious process, > mediastinal
mass, B symptoms.
3- Non-HL:
• EBV, Burkitt lymphoma, URTI, non-productive cough, usually no LAP.
• If HIV pt found to have abdominal mass >> this is NHL.
Infratentorial MC, low grade fever, rarely invasive. MC, juvenile pilocystic astrocytoma
In cerebellum. Do resection, surgery, radiation, chemo.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
5- Wilms tumor/ nephroblastoma > Not crossing the midline/ non tender/
• Second MC malignancy/ but first in renal, More in male 2-5 years > high HTN
• uni more than bi > asymptomatic abdominal mass/ pain, high BP, gross hematuria, vomiting,
associated with WAGR
• Initial: US/ Confirmatory: CT. Low calcification in imaging.
• treatment surgery. chemo, radio.
7-Aplastic anemia:
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
1- NTD:
Spina bifida occulta. No protrusion, MC asymptomatic, hair- dermal sinus.
Meningocele. Covered with skin, need to determine the extent by MRI, CT for head to check hydrocephalus,
Myelomeningocele. Bowel and bladder incontinence, or perineal anesthesia without motor impairment.
Sac-like cystic, covered by thin, partially epithelized tissue.
Hydrocephalus. Increase head circumstances, bulging
Impaired circulation and absorption of CSF. anterior fontanel, distend scalp vein,
broad forehead, setting sun sign,
increase DTR, spasticity, clonus,
irritable, lethargy, poor appetite,
vomiting, headache, papilledema, six
nerve palsy.
Do shunting.
2- Seizures.
Neonates seizures DDx.
• Due to immaturity of CNS, thy have subtle seizure.
• MC cause, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy/ CNS infection / CNS hemorrhage (intra
asphyxia ventricular)/ withdrawal/ inborn error of metabolism.
• Do full septic work up.
• Give lorazepam/ phenobarbital.
Partial seizures
Simple. no loss of con, no post ictal period on, < 2 min- 10-20 seconds. Phenytoin
ECG: spike, sharp multifocal.
Complex. mainly temporal lobe abnormality, loss of awareness, lip smacking, carbamazepine
hallucination, increase salivation, chewing. (Tegretol)
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Infantile Spasms:
Status epilepticus :
Ø 40 min, tonic clonic, > ABC > Lorazepam rectal or IM > 0.5 dextrose> repeat 3 doses
total> phyntoine bolus 20/kg over 20-25 min> phenobarbital> intubation.
3- Neurofibromatosis
1-MC AD, Complication: hamartoma, optic glioma, malignant neoplasm, ischemic attack, hemorrhage, hemiparesis, seizure,
cognitive defect, attention defect…
2 bilateral acoustic neuromas, hearing loss, facial weakness, headache, unsteady gait, skin findings, CNS tumors
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
4- Cerebral Palsy:
• Diagnosed at 18 m of life, Most common idiopathic.
• Head and trunk hypotonia, limb hypertonia increase Reflex.
• (rigidity and spasticity) + seizure, abnormal speech, vision and intellect.
• Prematurity (78%) Low birth weight <1 kg —> most important RF
• Intrapartum Asphyxia only 10% > intraventricular hemorrhage and periventricular leukomalacia.
• MC px. is spasticity and rigidity
• MRI, >> For spasticity= dantrolene, baclofen, botulism.
5- Wilson disease:
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
6- Myasthenia Gravis
• Neonate born to mother with MG, may have generalized hypotonia, weakness, feeding difficulty, respiratory
insufficiency >> Decrease acetyl choline receptors.
• Ptosis/ EOM weakness —> earliest sign, Feeding difficulty/ poor head control, limb gridle weakness and in
distal m of hand, also rapid muscle fatigue, Weakness peak at the end of the day.
• About 10 to 15 percent of those with myasthenia gravis have an underlying thymoma
There are two clinical forms of myasthenia gravis: ocular and generalized.
• In ocular myasthenia, the weakness is limited to the eyelids and extraocular muscles.
• In generalized disease, the weakness may also commonly affect ocular muscles, but it also involves a
variable combination of bulbar, limb, and respiratory muscles.
• EMG diagnostic
• Initial symptomatic therapy acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, Oral pyridostigmine is the most widely used
choice, SE: abdominal cramping and diarrhea. Muscarinic side effects can be controlled in many patients
with the use of anticholinergic drugs that have little or no effect at the nicotinic receptors, such
as glycopyrrolate.
• most patients with generalized MG require Glucocorticoids and/or other immunosuppressive therapies are
indicated for patients who remain significantly symptomatic on pyridostigmine.
• thymectomy has a therapeutic role in patients with thymoma.
• Therapeutic plasma exchange (plasmapheresis) and IVIG work quickly but have a short duration of action. In
addition to treatment of myasthenic crisis, these rapid therapies are useful in presurgical treatment of
moderate to severe MG. They are also used as a "bridge" when initiating slower-acting immunotherapies,
and as periodic adjuvants to other immunotherapeutic medications in refractory MG.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
11- Headache
Abdominal migraine
• mainly in children, ages five to nine years old, but can occur in adults as well.
• Abdominal migraine consists primarily of abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.
• It is recognized as an episodic syndrome that may be associated with migraine, as links have been
made to other family members having migraines and children who have this disorder often grow into
adults with migraine.
• Most children who experience abdominal migraine grow out of it by their teens and eventually
develop migraine headaches.
• The pain associated with abdominal migraine is generally located in the middle of the abdomen
around the belly button. It is often described as dull or “just sore” and may be moderate to severe.
• In addition to the pain, there can be loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and pallor. The attacks last
between 2-72 hours and in between attacks there should be complete symptom freedom.
• hydration therapy (particularly if there has been significant vomiting), NSAIDs, anti nausea
medication and the triptans.
• The choice of medications is somewhat affected by the age of the patient. When abdominal
migraines are frequent, preventive therapies used for other forms of migraines can be explored.
These include pizotifen, flunarazine, propranolol, cyproheptadine and topiramate.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
12- Ataxia
• Acute DDx. —> Acute cerebellar ataxia, GBS, anticonvulsant toxicity, brain tumor, trauma, neuroblastoma,
acute abyrinthintitis
13- Hypotonia
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
22-Infectious disease
• < 2 months, ((G-B-sterept, listeria, E.coli))
• 2 months / 12-year, S pneumonia, NM.
• Peds: Bulging fontanel in exam.
• No IP if (increase ICP- seizure/ focal/
confusion, sever cardio problem, skin inflicted
at the site)
• Rash, need high dose IV penicillin.
• If patient close contact to NM give rifampin as prophylaxis.
• If rapid progress > DIC, septic shock, septic shock, adrenal hemorrhage, renal and hear failure.
• In infant > look for Waterhouse-friderichsen syndrome > adrenal hemorrhage > sudden vasomotor
collapse, skin rash large in flanks > sudden hypotension > 100% mortality.
Viral meningitis.
• Self-limited, majority ((enterovirus)), such as group B coxsackievirus,
• Best diagnosis: PCR of CSF.
• Viral Culture.
• If HSV: give acyclovir, other supportive.
**** TB meningitis have severely low glucose.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
• pertussis gram negative cocci bacilli > (droplet) > highly contagious.
• Prevention > immunization.
• Usually affected > age more than 8 years.
• paroxysmal cough, inspiratory whooping cough.
• Phases:
3- TB:
• M tuberculin, first/acute affect lung with hailer adenopathy, then latent (+ test) but no clinical
• Best to do > sputum culture (3 samples in morning).
• initial PPD and x-ray > apical posterior segment.
• add streptomycin in drug
resistance TB.
• If extra pulmonary > add 6
• If cavity > add 3 months RI.
• If HIV> 24 months. Till -ve.
• If millary > repeat 12 months
and steroid.
Prenatal TB:
• If mother PPD + do chest x-ray if - and stable INH 9 months, if she delivered and we suspect TB don’t
give her baby tell x ray done, if the mother have disease give the baby INH 9 months, and give him to
his mother again, and the mother treat as TB tell culture negative.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
5- candida:
• white plaque if removed bleeding.
• C albicans. Diagnosis punctuate bleeding with abscess.
Measles. Rubeola- Ill, Coryza, cough, conjunctivitis, fever, Maculo-papular rash cx.OM
Airborne (buccal/ Köp. like spot)-blenching. dx. clinically, tx. Vit-A, supportive.
from head/ hair line to down- Spare palms and soles. Go to school after 5-7 days.
Rubella Low GF, pint point rash, rose spot in soft palate, Congenital rubella syndrome.
Rubivirus, German retroarticular/P/ occipital LAP, forscheimer spot, Clinically, supportive.
measles. Droplet polyarthritis hand. Contagious 2 day before 5 day after.
Rosella- HHV6 High fever 40, URI, blenching maculo-papular rash rose color. Febrile seizure, aseptic
Start at neck and trunk then spread face and extremity, erythematous meningitis, low PLT, clinically,
papules in soft palate and uvula. Xanthema subitum Supportive.
Mumps Face swelling, fever, tender, bilateral, headache, Meningeoencephalomylitis/ meningitis.
Paramyxovirus malaise, salivary G swell, sub-mandible also clinically. Supportive.
parotid. ﺗﺮﺗﻔﻊ اﻻذنstart uni then bilaterally.
Varicella/ chicken In S ganglia, reactive if low immunity. Scaring, Cerebellum ataxia or
box Herbs zoster > shingle. Airborne also direct contact. Macula > pneumonia, GAS, clinically, if low
papule > pruritic vesicles > open/ pustular > crusty. pruritic rash immunity acyclovir rest supportive.
purple from trunk to face to ex, fever, URT sym. fever and Self-limited.
SHINGLE Cause by deactivation of VZV. Typical dermatome, Compress with normal saline, analgesia and vir.
Hutchinson sign Give gabapentin for post neuralgia.
Fifth disease. URI, Read checks/ slap face, lacy rash/ reticular Aplastic crisis, clinically, supportive.
erythema rash on ex and trunk.
infectiosum. no palm and sole last 40 days,
Parvovirus B19 erythematous maculopapular rash, arthritis.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
mouth or throat pain or refusal to eat, fever generally is low grade . The oral lesions, which may
occur in isolation, usually occur on the tongue and buccal mucosa. They begin as macules and
progress to vesicles, which rupture to form superficial ulcers. Oral lesions are painful and may
interfere with oral intake. The skin lesions, which may occur in isolation, are nonpruritic and
nontender. They may be macular, maculopapular, or vesicular and typically involve the hands,
feet, buttocks (particularly in infants and young children), and extremities.
HFM Coxsackie virus, group Vesicle and papule in erythematous Dehydration, supportive. > MC virus
disease. A base, vesicles in posterior oral cavity, responsible for pericarditis and
HFM, buttock. myocarditis. Also cause herpangina
NO Chorea.
HSV. 1-2. Vesicles/ papule in erythematous base, Supportive may add topical antiviral.
dTitle=1~150 also in the anterior cavity,
multinucleated giant cell.
EBV. Adolescent age, Fever, fatigue, sore throat/ pharyngitis, Splenic hemorrhage or rupture, treat
infectious monoclonus, Generalized adenopathy A and P symptoms, steroid. Dx, atypical
associated with cervical, HSM, maybe exudate, rash if lymphocytes, heteropholAB- by
malignancy Burkett’s treated with penicillin or amoxicillin mono-spot.
Scarlet GAS. Fever, Sore throat/tonsillitis, exudative Acute rheumatic fever, GN,
fever. pharyngitis, strawberry tongue tongue, penicillin/Amoxe/erythro.
maculopapular rash like Sand paper,
pastie line. More in folds skin
Influenza H1N1 Fever, headache, sore throat, unable to eat, myalgia, OM, Supportive.
virus. conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, dry cough, Malaise.
Adenovirus. Fever, pharyngitis, conjunctivitis, Supportive.
diarrhea, pharyngoconjunctival fever,
myocarditis, intussusception, no rash.
Polio. GIT Can cause URT sym, asymmetrical
flaccid paralysis
7- helminthic disease:
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
8- gangue fever:
9- malaria:
• Ill patient, travel hx, thick and thin blood sever.
• Cyclic fever,
• PF= most common, high spike fever, flue like sym, abdo pain, diharhhea, myalgia, headache, cough,
HSM, low PLT, no leukocytosis. Comp cerebral malaria
11- Leishmania??
12- HIV:
• Non specific symptoms, fever night sweet, wight loss,
• Hairy leukoplakia in tounge, kaposi sarcoma, G LAP, bacillary angiomatosis.
• CD4 lymph count.
• Treatment see reem file
• Chronic D, LAP, failure to thrive, sever infection, with opportunistic organism.
• Confirmed by PCR.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
13- cellulitis:
• +abcess or both.
• Skin barries disruption, edema, Venus insuffency, low immunity,
• Beta hymolitic strept, Mc G-A. Also staph but less common,
• MC organism cause abcess, staph.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
15- impetigo:
• Complication, PSGN.
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
• More CNS involvement > ttp.
• FAT > fever, altered mental status, renal, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia
• Plasmapharesis.
• High (BT) N (PT,PTT) low (PLT, RBC).
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
What form of iron was ingested?
Latent (6 to 24 hours): Improvement in gastrointestinal symptoms; may have poor perfusion, tachypnea, tachycardia.
Shock and metabolic acidosis (6 to 72 hours): Hypovolemic, distributive, or cardiogenic shock with profound metabolic acidosis,
coagulopathy, renal insufficiency/failure, pulmonary dysfunction/failure, central nervous system dysfunction.
Bowel obstruction (2 to 8 weeks): Vomiting, dehydration, abdominal pain, usually gastric outlet obstruction.
Diagnostic evaluation: For all patients with systemic symptoms, those who have ingested >40 mg/kg of
elemental iron, and those for whom the amount of elemental iron ingested is unknown
Serum iron concentration: Measure peak serum iron concentration (4 to 6 hours after ingestion of regular iron preparations; 8
hours after ingestion of extended release iron preparations)
Other initial labs: Electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, glucose, liver enzyme tests, total bilirubin, prothrombin and partial thromboplastin
time, CBC with differential, type, and screen*
Secure airway and breathing.
Whole bowel irrigation: For all patients with a significant number of pills in stomach and small intestine on radiograph.
Orogastric lavage with a large-bore tube: Reserved for intentional overdoses with large numbers of visible gastric pills on abdominal
Deferoxamine: Continuous IV infusion (can cause hypotension). Begin at 15 mg/kg per hour. May increase to 35/mg/kg per hour
during first 24 hours for severe ingestions. A toxicologist and/or regional poison control center should be consulted to determine the
optimum dose of deferoxamine and duration of therapy. Treat in the following circumstances:
Severe symptoms: Altered mental status, hemodynamic instability, persistent vomiting, diarrhea
BUN: blood urea nitrogen; CBC: complete blood count; IV: intravenous.
* Asymptomatic toddlers who have ingested a small but unknown dose of iron (<40 mg/kg of elemental iron) may be managed without
undergoing these studies.…&search=iron%20overdose&source=outline_link&selectedTitle=1~53 Page 1 of 2
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Atopic dermatitis:
• onset before 5 years + asthma, allergic rhinitis, food allergies.
• 0-2 > Dry, vesicle, crusting, erythema, scaly lesion, in check, scalp, and extensor surface, spare diaper
• 2-16 > lichenified plaques in flexor area, antecubital and popliteal fossa, volar aspect of wrists, ankle,
neck (atopic dirty neck), scaling.
• Adult: may involve face, neck, more in hands and feet.
• Treatment: skin care and lubricants with low water products.> antihistamine> topical steroid> topical
calcineurin inhibitors (tacrolimus ointment, pimecrolimus)
Chapter 8 Dermatology 181
Yes Psoriasis
rubra pilaris
Flexures? Atopic dermatitis
Seborrheic areas? Keratosis follicularis
Sun-exposed areas? Photodermatitis
Papulosquamous disorders algorithm. (Modified from Cohen BA. Atlas of Pediatric Der-
matology. 3rd ed. St Louis: Mosby, 2005:97.)
Pediatric- Ghazal’s and Mona’s notes.
Condyloma acuminatum
appear as flesh-colored, pink, or brown soft moist papules that are a few millimeters in diameter. Over the course of weeks to
months, the papules may coalesce into larger plaques that often demonstrate a "cauliflower appearance" . In boys,
condylomata acuminata are most commonly detected in the perianal area and are less frequently found on the penile shaft.
Girls may present with lesions on the perianal area, vulva, hymen, vaginal vestibule, and/or periurethral areas. Anogenital warts
may also occur on the internal mucosal surfaces of vagina or rectum.
Although occasional lesions are pruritic or painful, condyloma acuminatum is usually asymptomatic. Rarely, bleeding occurs.
The possibility of sexual abuse should be considered in all children who present with condyloma acuminatum. Children over the
age of four years are more likely to have a history of sexual abuse than younger children. The evaluation for sexual abuse
typically begins with interviews with the caregivers and child, a complete physical examination, and screening for other sexually
transmitted diseases
Since most condylomata acuminata in children resolve within a few years, treatment is not required for most children with
asymptomatic lesions. For children with symptomatic lesions, lesions that fail to spontaneously resolve, immunosuppression, or
lesions that lead to emotional distress or social problems, we suggest treatment with imiquimod 5% or 3.75% cream or
podophyllotoxin 0.5% gel or solution. Children with lesions recalcitrant to topical therapy may benefit from laser therapy or
surgical procedure
-Important notes:
• Children no aspirin, reye syndrome, acute liver failure and encephalitis.
• Vercilla vaccine can cause rash and its contagious due to replication of the virus.
• Cat scratch > cause : -ve rod bartonella henslae >> fever, regional LAP, headache,
• Entamoeba histolytica, cause bloody diarrhea, metro