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A study on consumer awareness of ayurvedic treatments in avp-


Consumer awareness is making the consumer aware of His/Her rights.

Consumer awareness it a marketing term. It means that consumers note
or are aware of
products or services, its characteristics and the other marketing P's (place
to buy, price,
and promotion).

Usually commercials and ads increase consumer awareness, as well as

"word of mouth"
(a comment from someone you know about a product or service)

 This study helps to make a key role in customer decision making. By increasing a
potential or current customer's knowledge about the ayurvedic product, service or
business, a healthy economic environment is established in which customers are informed
and protected and businesses are accountable.

 According to research at Eastern Michigan University's Consumer Education Center,
consumer education is an ongoing process that considers a variety of factors, including
price, reputation, personal knowledge, history, social issues and other factors.

 The study at Eastern Michigan University found several significant benefits to consumer
awareness for both individuals and society as a whole.

The benefits of consumer awareness for individuals include enhanced critical thinking,
improved life skills and increased self-confidence.

Consumer awareness benefits society by promoting customer satisfaction, increasing

economic stability and creating realistic customer expectations.
Read more: Importance of Consumer Awareness |
✔ To study the consumer attitude towards Kanwal spices.
✔ To know influencing factor to buy Kanwal spices.
✔ To know the satisfaction level of consumers.
✔ To know the customer opinion about Kanwal spices.

To study the consumer awareness about avp treatments and bring out
the drawbacks or positive points, if any

To Study the perception of patients in the treatment

To study the efficiency of ayurvedic treatment

To study the awareness among the people about ayurvedic treatment

and its implications
It is concluded that brand equity might be influenced by attribute knowledge more than
consumer preference. This may be due to consumer biasness and prejudice, Consumers’ product
evaluations are influenced by memory. The biasness can be reduced by having current
information, experience and knowledge. Therefore, it’s not surprising that brands that consumers
believe offer superior value are most preferred brands chosen often. Brands with higher equity
resulted in greater preferences and high market shares.
Price is one of the attribute used by consumers to evaluate a product. Price can sometimes be an
indicator of quality; with a higher price indicating higher quality. Consumers perceive that a
higher price can be attributed to the higher cost of quality control. Some consumers are highly
price sensitive; where by a high prices may shift consumers to Competitive brands. Therefore
price can have a positive or negative influence on customers

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