Alleluia: ST Edward The Confessor Catholic Church

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St Edward the Confessor Catholic Church



April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday -The Resurrection of the Lord
St Edward the Confessor
Catholic Church
Phone: 496-1307 ~ Fax: 496-1557
8 am - 8 pm
8 am - 5 pm
(949) 496-1307
Sunday 8 am - 5 pm
33926 Calle La Primavera
8:15 am & 5:30 pm (Vigil)
7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 am
Dana Point, California 92629
Mon– Friday
12:30 & 5:30 pm
8:15 am & 5:30 pm
Eve of Holy Day 5:30 pm
Holy Day 8:15 am, 5:30 & 7:30 pm
Wednesday 7:00 – 8:30 pm Sacrament of the Sick
Saturday 4:00 – 5:00 pm In the event of serious illness or medical emergency, Anointing
(and by appointment)
of the Sick and Eucharist may be arranged by contacting the Par-
PASTORAL MINISTERS ish Office. Call (949) 257-8017 for a medical emergency
Rev. Steve Sallot - Pastor after 8 p.m.
Extension 2880
Rev. Chris Heath—Parochial Vicar Sacrament of Baptism
Extension 2109 Parents of infants requesting information about Baptism may
Rev. Loc Tran - Parochial Vicar contact the Office of Religious Education. Infant Baptisms are
Extension 2206 celebrated on the first and third Sunday of each month following
Rev. Mario Juarez – Parochial Vicar catechesis for parents and godparents of candidates.
Extension 2870
Deacon Ron Tiberi Extension 2505 Celebration of Christian Funerals
Business Office—429-2874 At the time of death, a family member should contact the parish
Accounting—429-2873 office, as soon as possible, to arrange the date and time for the
Funeral Liturgy.
Christian Service—496-1572
Mary Baur, Director Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Website—481-4000 Adults requesting information about full initiation and commun-
Laurie Saine, Assistant to the Pastor ion with the Roman Catholic Church (the sacraments of Bap-
Music – 496-1307, extension 2872 tism, Eucharist and Confirmation) may contact the Office of Re-
Rick Dellefield, Director ligious Education.
Parish School – 496-1241 Sacrament of Matrimony
Sharon Rands, Principal
The Sacrament presumes active sacramental participation on the
Preschool – 240-8485 part of one or both persons. Couples must begin preparation
Cheryl Pickrel, Principal
for their Sacrament at least six months prior to their proposed
Faith Formation – 496-6011 wedding date. Please call the Parish Office for more informa-
Office of Religious Education tion.
Donna Couch, Director
Gloria Fetta, Director of Family Ministries Eucharistic Adoration
Neil Sampson, Confirmation Coordinator On the first and third Monday of each month we gather in
Aimee Martinez, Coordinator Sunday
Children’s Ministry prayer and praise before the Blessed Sacrament. The Diocesan
intention is that of an increase of vocations to the priesthood
Youth Ministry – 496-9719
Gary Foote-Coordinator
and religious life.
Parish Ministries — 496-1307
Neil Sampson, Coordinator, Extension 2229
April 24, 2011 † Easter Sunday

Traces of Grace Rasgos de Gracia

Dear Fellow Parishioners; Queridos Feligreses;
The season of Lent has had me thinking. Something which is En esta temporada de Cuaresma he estado pensando. Algo que no
not all that sacrificial for me is to read more during Lent. It ha sido tanto sacrificio para mí es tener que leer más durante la
means I have to put aside other things to sit down and pon- Cuaresma. Tengo que hacer a un lado otras cosas para sentarme a
der others thoughts about the Lord and about life. meditar sobre el Señor y la vida en general.
One of my readings came from an author, Scott Peck, who is Una de mis lecturas procedía de un autor llamado, Scott Peck,
probably best remembered for his popular book, ‘The Road quien es mejor conocido por su libro, 'El camino menos recorrido'.
Less Traveled’. In a later book, ‘Further Along the Road En un libro posterior llamado, 'Más a lo largo del camino menos
Less Traveled’, Scott ponders the meaning of his life in the recorrido', Scott reflexiona sobre el significado de su vida en el
context of his own death. He quotes Albert Schweitzer, a contexto de su propia muerte. Cita a Albert Schweitzer, teólogo y
theologian and medical missionary; médico misionero;
“We must all become familiar with the thought of "Debemos todos familiarizarnos con el pensamiento de
death if we want to grow into really good people. muerte si queremos crecer y ser personas realmente bue-
We need not think of it every day or every hour. But nas. No necesitamos pensar en eso a cada hora o cada día.
when the path of life leads us to some vantage point Pero cuando el camino de la vida nos lleva a algún lugar
where the scene around us fades away and we con- remoto donde se desvanece la escena que nos rodea pero
template the distant view right to the end, let us not contemplamos con claridad lo que tenemos distante hasta
close our eyes. Let us pause for a moment, look at el final., no cerremos los ojos. Hagamos una pausa por un
the distant view, and then carry on. Thinking about momento, miremos lo que hay a lo distante, y continue-
death in this way produces love for life. When we are mos. Pensando en la muerte de esta manera produce
familiar with death, we accept each week, each day, amor por la vida. Cuando estamos familiarizados con la
as a gift. Only if we are able thus to accept life- bit by muerte, aceptamos cada semana, cada día, como un rega-
bit- does it become precious.” lo. Sólo si somos capaces, por tanto, de aceptar la vida-
As a faith community, we have been pondering these things in poco a poco-así se hace preciosa”
the world around us with budget cuts, earthquakes, and civil Como una comunidad de fe que somos, hemos ido acumulando
unrest in the Middle East. We have carried our own burdens estas cosas en medio de este mundo que nos rodea con recortes
and sadness’s and recognized that we need the saving grace presupuestarios, terremotos y los disturbios civiles en el Medio
of Christ. We have been walking more deeply with the Scrip- Oriente. Hemos cargado con nuestra propia tristeza y problemas
tures as we have travelled along the way of Christ in Lent, reconociendo que necesitamos la fuerza de Cristo. Hemos profun-
coming now to the Easter moment, our vantage point in dizado más en las Escrituras y recorrido el camino de Cristo en
time. Cuaresma, ahora viene el momento de la Semana Santa, nuestro
May Easter for you be more than merely a passing glance at punto a alcanzar en este tiempo.
your life and the world around you. Please know that your Que la Cuaresma sea para ustedes más que un breve pasaje de su
presence in our community is meaningful and no matter vida y del mundo a su alrededor. Sepa usted que su presencia en
whether you are here every week or not to praise God, you nuestra comunidad significa mucho para nosotros y no importa si
are part of us and we hope that we are part of you. usted viene cada semana o no para alabar a Dios, usted es parte
Many thanks to all those who make this community vibrant de nosotros y esperamos que nosotros seamos parte usted.
and full of grace. I am extremely grateful to all those who Muchas gracias a todos aquellos que hacen esta comunidad vibran-
gave of themselves in this Lenten season and Holy Week in te y llena de gracia. Estoy muy agradecido a todos aquellos que
preparation for this Easter moment. dieron un poco de sí mismos en esta temporada de Cuaresma y la
Semana Santa en preparación para este momento de Pascua.
Together in Christ;
Juntos en Cristo;

Fr. Steve Sallot

Pbro. Steve Sallot
Pastor Pastor

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Coming Soon… StedCast ...Live and on-demand Mass for our
sick and homebound parishioners as well as other parish events.
San Felipe de Jesús Chapel
26010 Domingo Ave
Capistrano Beach, Ca 92624
(949) 496-1307 (St. Edward)

Victor Samano, Deacon

(949) 493-8918 (oficina de San Felipe)

San Felipe Chapel Office Hours

Mon., Tues., Thurs.: 5:30—9 p.m.
MISAS EN ESPAÑOL Sunday: 8:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
Sábado 5:30 p.m.
Domingo 10:00 y 11:30 a.m. MASS IN ENGLISH
Día de Obligación 7:30 p.m.
Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Primer Viernes 7:30 p.m.
SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Baile Folklórico Dance Javier Martinez (949) 394-3912
AT ST. EDWARD CHURCH Caballeros de Colon/
Juan Avila (949) 495-1359
Miércoles 7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus
Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
Sábado 4:00 p.m. Capo Community
Saturday 4:00 p.m. Mariachi Program
Rosa Ceja (949) 830-1560
LA ADORACION Cenaculo Misionero Anita Uribe (949) 728-0283
al Santisimo Sacramento ADORATION
Choirs/Coros Vidal Ruelas (949) 606-6240
cada primer viernes del mes, of the Blessed Sacrament
Eucharistic Ministry
8am—7:00pm 1st Friday of every month, (English)
Jeanne Exworthy (949) 496-4115
8am—7:00pm. Ministros Eucarísticos
EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA HORARIO Luis Rodriguez (949) 400-0206
Lunes y Martes 5:30-8:30pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Faith Formation/
Martha Samano (949) 493-8918
(949) 493-8918 Educación Religiosa
Jóvenes Para Cristo Osvaldo Sandoval (949) 297-4302
BAUTISMOS BAPTISMS Lectors (English) Jeanne Exworthy (949) 496-4115
Pláticas: primer martes de cada The 2nd Saturday of each month Lectores (Spanish) Rafael Ocampo (949) 275-6689
mes. Bautismo: segundo sábado at 11 a.m. The class is the 1st Marriage Encounter/
Jose & Raquel Sosa (949) 249-8521
de cada mes Tuesday of the month from Encuentro Matrimonial
6:30—8:30 pm. Mendoza Choir/Coro Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110
Mission Hospital Health
QUINCEAÑERAS EN SN. EDUARDO To arrange baptisms, Ministry
Miguel Martinez (949) 364-7723
Tercer sábado de cada mes marriages and other events Osorio Choir/Coro Teresa Osorio (949) 981-6269
please contact Quinceañera Raquel Mares (949) 456-5988
BODAS San Felipe de Jesús R.C.I.A./R.I.C.A. Martha Rodriguez (949)842-7186
Llamar 6 meses (949) 493-8918 San Felipe Choir/Cora Oralia Benetiz (949)842-9512
con anticipación Registration forms are Ushers/Ujieres Alberto Sierra (949) 388-8650
Maria Dolores Padilla (949) 973-7210
available at the church or online
Vidas en Transformacion Bertha Cardenas (949) 257-9030
EMERGENCIA at Youth Choir/
Rosa Ceja (949) 830-1560
En caso de una enfermedad seria, Coro Juvenil
emergencia médica, un EMERGENCY
fallecimiento o por la necesidad In the event of serious illness or Contribuciones Semanales
de recibir la unción de los enfer- medical emergency, Anointing Meta $ 4,000
mos y la Eucaristía, llame a la of the Sick and Eucharist may be Utimo domingo: 3/10 $ 3,029
oficina de Sn. Eduardo el arranged by contacting the St.
2011 PSA
Confesor al (949) 257-8017 para Edward Parish Office. Call (949) San Felipe de Jesus
una emergencia después de las 257-8017 for a medical emer- PSA Goal $ 18,000
Amount Pledged $ 8,228
8pm. gency after 8:00 p.m. Amount Paid $ 4,323
Pledges 46
April 24, 2011 † Easter Sunday

Meditando la Palabra Meditating on the Word

La noche de Pascua es “una noche de vela en honor al Se- The night of Easter is “a night of vigil in honor of the
ñor” (Ex 12, 42). En esta noche, el Señor “pasó” para salvar y Lord" (Ex 12, 42). On this night, the Lord "passed over" to
liberar a su pueblo oprimido por la esclavitud; en esta noche save and liberate his people oppressed by slavery, on this
Cristo pasó a la vida, venciendo a la gran enemiga del ser night Christ came to life, beating the great enemy of man,
humano, la muerte. Esta noche es celebración y memorial de death. Tonight is a celebration and memorial of our "passage"
nuestro “paso” en Dios y hacia Dios, por medio del Bautismo, in God and to God, through Baptism, Confirmation and
la Confirmación y la Eucaristía. Eucharist.

La liturgia es siempre una re-presentación del acontecimiento The liturgy is always a re-presentation of the fundamental
fundamental de la salvación: la muerte y resurrección de Jesu- event of salvation: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
cristo. Pero esta celebración de hoy tiene una intensidad úni- But this celebration today has a unique intensity. The set of
ca. El conjunto de símbolos de que está entretejida la Vigilia symbols that weaves the Easter Vigil expresses well the
Pascual expresa bien el sentido de la resurrección de Cristo meaning of the resurrection of Christ for human life and the
para la vida del ser humano y del mundo. world.

Es una liturgia de luz. El mundo de las tinieblas es atravesado It is a liturgy of light. The world of darkness is pierced by
por la luz, Cristo resucitado, en quien Dios ha realizado de light, the risen Christ, in whom God has made a definitive
forma definitiva su proyecto de salvación. En Él, primogénito plan of his salvation. In him, the firstborn raised from the
de quienes resucitan de entre los muertos, se ilumina el desti- dead, illuminates the fate of human beings, and their identity
no del ser humano, y su identidad de “imagen y semejanza” de as "image and likeness” of God.
In the liturgy of the word we meditate in seven Old Testa-
En la liturgia de la palabra meditamos en siete lecturas del An- ment readings that form a summary of the history of salva-
tiguo Testamento que forman un compendio de la historia de tion. Knowing that the Resurrection of Christ is the fulfill-
salvación. Sabiendo que la Pascua de Cristo es el cumplimiento ment and the recapitulation of all, the Church meditates on
y la recapitulación de todo, la Iglesia medita lo que Dios ha what God has done in history, for that series of events and
realizado en la historia; porque esa serie de acontecimientos y promises are realities that are present in the "today" for the
de promesas son realidades que se hacen presentes en el celebration.
“hoy” de la celebración.
It is also a Baptismal liturgy. The people called by God to
Es también una liturgia bautismal. El pueblo llamado por Dios a freedom have to pass through water that destroys and regen-
la libertad tiene que pasar a través de un agua que destruye y erates. As Israel crossed the Red Sea, so Christ passed
regenera. Como Israel atravesó el Mar Rojo, así también Cris- through the sea of death and came out triumphant. A world
to atravesó el mar de la muerte y salió de él triunfante. En las of sin is destroyed in the waters of Baptism and the new
aguas del bautismo es destruido el mundo del pecado y emer- creation emerges. The water, impregnated by the Holy Spirit,
ge la nueva creación. El agua, fecundada por el Espíritu Santo, creates the people of the sons and daughters of God: a holy
genera al pueblo de los hijos e hijas de Dios: un pueblo de people, a people of prophets, priests and kings.
santos, un pueblo de profetas, sacerdotes y reyes.
Finally, the Eucharistic liturgy is the summit of the entire
Finalmente, la liturgia eucarística es la cumbre de todo el itine- Lenten journey and this celebration. The people regenerated
rario Cuaresmal y de la presente celebración. El pueblo rege- in baptism by the Spirit’s power are admitted to the Passover
nerado en el bautismo por el poder del Espíritu es admitido al meal, which crowns the new era of reconciliation and free-
banquete pascual, que corona la nueva era de reconciliación y dom. Participating in the Body and Blood of Christ, the
libertad. Participando del Cuerpo y la Sangre del Señor, la Igle- Church is offered as a spiritual sacrifice to go deeper and
sia se ofrece como sacrificio espiritual, para adentrarse cada deeper in the Passover of Christ. He remains forever with us,
vez más en la Pascua de Cristo. Él permanece para siempre his family, through the sacrament of his total self-giving, so
con los suyos en el sacramento de su total entrega, para que that we may learn to spend every day from death to life, in
ellos aprendan a pasar cada día de la muerte a la vida, en el love. May this celebration of the Eucharist produce in us all
amor. Que esta celebración de la Eucaristía produzca en noso- the fruits of Christ's saving Passover.
tros todos los frutos de la Pascua salvadora de Jesús.

Pbro. Mario Juárez Fr. Mario Juarez

Parish Ministries
To assist you in discerning a ministry or for more information,
please contact Neil Sampson, Parish Ministry Coordinator at (949) 496-1307, ext 2229
Liturgical Ministries: Outreach & Support Ministries:
Altar Guild Mary Ann Connolly (949) 240-1164 Binky Patrol Mary Howe (949) 249-2066
Altar Server Deana Progar ((949) 525-7092 Blood Drive Greg Montevideo (949) 493-7605
Alter Server (scheduling) Tom Littlejohn (949) 489-5595 Support Group for Margaret Prendiville (949) 496-7312
Art & Environment Deana Progar (949) 525-7092 Chronic Illness (HELP)

Eucharist Minister Rocco Falabella (949) 240-8037 Christian Service Mary Baur (949) 496-1572
(Food Distribution)
Eucharist Minister to the
LaVerne Klopp (949) 496-1307 x2207
Sick & Homebound Detention Ministry Diane Wetherbee (949) 489-8016
Lector Maureen Walker (949) 374-0506 English & Spanish Lessons Maria Simmons (949) 661-8827
Music Ministry Rick Dellefield (949) 496-1307 Faith in Action Ellen Loretta (949) 290-5441
Usher Rob Wagner (949) 842-2277 Knight of Columbus Paul Sampson (949) 429-6461
John Di Mare (626) 824-6084 Respect Life Don Walz (949) 493-3134
Youth Music/Faith Out Social Justice Jo & Mel Mothershead (949) 487-2020
Tim Horrigan (949) 496-1307 X2501
St. Vincent de Paul Society Maria Simmons (949) 496-1307
Faith Formation:
Tijuana Ministry Suzanne Luke (949) 496-1307
Adult Formation Donna Couch (949) 496-6011
Bible Study Donna Couch (949) 496-6011
Parish Enrichment:
Children’s Sunday Liturgy Bereavement Gerry Holbert (949) 492-5754
Aimee Martinez (949) 496-1307 X2500
of the Word Finance Council Randy Redwitz (949) 753-1514
Confirmation Neil Sampson (949) 496-1307 X2210 Hospitality Esmeralda Troge (949) 362-7495
Elementary Children’s Mary’s Corner Gift Shop Suzanne Luke (949) 496-1307
Gloria Fetta (949) 481-0882
Religious Education
Pastoral Council Fr. Steve Sallot (949) 496-1307 x2880
Infant Baptism Ministry Aimee Martinez (949) 496-1307 X2500
Serra Club of South OC Carol Lavigne (949) 240-7621
Insight (Grade 9-12) Gary Foote (949) 496-9719
Stephen Ministry Catherine Hallett (949) 496-1307 X2503
Outlet (Grade 6-8) Gary Foote (949) 496-9719
Dan Nichols (949) 496-1307 X2503
RCIA Donna Couch (949) 496-6011
Web Ministry Laurie Saine (949) 481-4000
Sunday Sacramental
Aimee Martinez (949) 496-1307 X2500 Welcoming Committee Neil Sampson (949) 496-1307X2229
Family, Faith & Prayer Enrichment: Community & Social
Adoration Society Deana Progar (949) 525-7092 Guess Who’s Coming to Donna Rosen (949) 661-2514
Circle of Praise Pam Conway (949) 661-0158 Dinner
Cursillo Dan Abalos (949) 366-3710 Cub Scouts Mary Litwinski (949) 240-0727
Disciples of Divine Mercy Girl Scouts Kristen Stovesand (949) 249-4968
Deana Progar (949) 525-7092
School and Preschool Ministries:
Families of Nazareth Ann Marie Eckl (949)230-0476
Consultative School Board Jackie Brady (949) 291-6152
Legion of Mary Margaret Maistrou (949) 215-9897
Campus Ministry Gloria Fetta (949) 481-0882
Marriage Enrichment Joe & Rosemary Sinacori (949) 496-3478
Family Photo Fundraiser Nicole Soltis (949)547-0993
Bob & Mary Dausch (949) 481-1102
Natural Family Planning Meredith Thomas (949) 493-5914 Fiesta with Friends Lisa Gipe (949) 248-7383
Golf Tournament Kathy & Robt. Hancock (949) 488-8323
Our Lady's Blue Army Ann Mintie (949) 496-4653
Retrouvaille Open Position Monarch Main Event Sue Buckley (949) 493-8256

Serenity Days Donna Couch (949) 496-6011 Tara Newkirk (949) 690-7136

Spiritual Direction Donna Couch (949) 496-6011 Parent Guild Org. (PGO) Linda Cook (949) 487-1395

St. Anne’s Circle Charis Williams (949) 481-6194 Consultative Preschool Christy Pagel (949) 443-1418
Surf and Scripture Kevin Perkins (949) 370-6924
Tuesday Bible Study Elizabeth Smith (949) 837-2141 School Religion Rikki Daniels (949) 388-9705
Two Hearts Prayer Group Pam Conway (949) 661-0158
School Volunteers Mary Payne (949) 581-7785
Women of Wisdom Shirley Filadelfia (949) 496-1307
Scrip Program Sara Brechbill (949) 498-2044
Young Adult Prayer Group Chris Kampmeier (949) 973-6106

For a list of descriptions, visit and click on Ministries or pick up a Ministry Directory.
April 24, 2011 † Easter Sunday

Parish Events

Ministry Fair
A time to gather as community,
A time to learn about our Parish Ministries,
A time to enjoy the weather & admire the view!

June 5th, 2011

On the Bluff Following the 7:30am,9:00am,11:00am,12:30pm Mass Services
Refreshments will be provided by our Hospitality Committee. Join us!
Managed by the Welcoming Committee. Want to help? Call Neil Sampson @ 949-496-1307X2229

He Is Risen from the Dead!

Happy Easter-Youth Ministry Team
What glorious words. Jesus Christ has overcome
death, giving us the opportunity to live life eternal with
Him in Heaven! May the joy of our resurrected Lord
fill your heart and your home this Easter season. Alle-
luia! - The Saint Edward/San Felipe de Jesus Youth
Ministry Team
Circle Thursday May 5 on your calendar for an eve-
ning of “Living Catholic Marriage”, a series of topics to
help husbands and wives communicate better and
grow stronger in their faith. Our special guest speaker
is Fr. Chris Heath We will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the
2nd floor Parish Room at St. Edward School. Come
join us! For more information call Bob & Mary Dausch
at 481-1102.
Greeters Needed.
The Welcoming Committee is looking for energetic
and friendly parishioners to greet members and visi-
tors to our Sunday Services.
Call Neil Sampson for information and training at 496-
1307 X 2229. VI
St. Edward The Confessor Catholic Church

Please Pray For...

The Sick In Memoriam
Ezzat Abdelmalek Guillermina Matthews Robert Koche
Tim Conley Kevin Allen Fred Yeager
Stan Okon Gordon Dye Nick Liddi
Lori Stanley Bob Dunbar
April Fisher Rose Mendoza Margaret Rynaski
Dorothy Pittman Ernie Smith
Gary Stuart
Bob White
David Armstrong
Betty Johnson Mass Intentions
Linda Blake Dan Mc Ginn Sunday April 24
Rose Shirey Mary Norman 7:30 a.m. Marilyn Kelly †
Marni Fisher Dr. Michael Shannon 7:30 a.m. KH John Groboske †
Jinny Sullivan George Infante 8:00 a.m. SF Ralph Davis †
Kathleen Rudel June Fossheim Chase Church †
Peggy Miller Monica Malt Jordan Stanton †
Tom Chiarello Elijah Hallett Webb Stewart
Jackie Carroll John Dupuis 9:00 a.m. Harvey Tessier †
9:00 a.m. KH Sam Carone †
Please remember in your prayers… 11:00 a.m. Albert Giordano †
Our armed forces and their families. 11:00 a.m. KH Brian Loughman
12:30 p.m. Christopher Nguyen †
Pray For Peace. 5:30 p.m. No Evening Mass
If you or a family member are ill and would like to Monday April 25
be included in our prayers or are in need of a 8:15 a.m. Robert Flood †
priest, please contact the parish office at 496-1307. 5:30 p.m. Janet Ayers †
Tuesday April 26
8:15 a.m. Mary Binns
Deceased 5:30 p.m. Muriel Drolet †
Wednesday April 27
8:15 a.m. Charles Lee Bense †
Apr. 24: Mary Furst (1994), Anthony Spinogatti (1995), 5:30 p.m. The Ryan Family
Ruben Lopez (2001) Thursday April 28
Apr. 25: James Von Harz (1993), Marc Mele (2002), 8:15 a.m. Gene Oldham †
Frances Ruston (2005), Robert Flood (2010) 5:30 p.m. Jose Suarez †
Apr. 26: Alice McGowan (1980), Lydia Ruth Flahive (1999), Friday April 29
Kimberly Bell (1999), Leonard Van Luven (2001), 8:15 a.m. Carlos Teran †
Mary Jane Morris (2001), Bernice Hill (2006), 5:30 p.m. David Wieczorek †
Joseph Naya (2008), Daniel Berney (2008) Saturday April 30
Apr. 27: Dorothy Farkas (1983), Raquel Garcia (1987), 8:15 a.m. Lucile Beach †
Dan Deichmeister (1996) 5:30 p.m. Robert Eggers †
Apr. 28: Christopher Callahan (1986), Rev. Ervin Bauer (1987), Sunday May 1
Leon E. Patts (1995), Dennis Francis McKenna (1996), 7:30 a.m. Michael Tintle †
Deidre O'Neill (1997), Irma Barry (2006), 8:00 a.m. SF Mary Agnello †
Apr. 30: Charles Fakler (1982), Lucille Reighard (1990), Rita Stewart †
Bernice S. Risvold (1998) Alejandra Aguilar †
Chase Church†
May 1: Delfina Reyes (1973), George Burns (1979),
9:00 a.m. Doreen Haddad †
Alma Merchant (1981), Heidi Schultes (1995),
11:00 a.m. Nora & Pete Mc Aleer †
Michael Denis Tintle (2002), Mary Crowley (2004), 12:30 p.m. Judy Capielo †
Jacqueline Baker (2007), Richard Langelle (2009) 5:30 p.m. Christopher Ponce †
April 24, 2011 † Easter Sunday

Good Stewards All Daily Schedule

7:30 a.m.— Monday-Saturday Rosary, Morning Prayer
(Liturgy of the Hours)
In the month of March 2011 8:15 a.m.—Mass—Monday through Saturday
5:15 p.m.—Evening Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours, except
St. Edward and San Felipe de Jesus Sat.)
5:30 p.m.—Mass (Saturday is Sunday’s Liturgy)
ministries provided: We invite you to celebrate daily Mass with us!
Baptisms: 12 Individuals
Weddings :
3 Couples
0 Young Women Scripture Readings
Bereavement: 6 Funerals Monday: Acts of the Apostles 2:14, 22-33;
Matthew 28:8-15
Christian Service ... Tuesday: Acts of the Apostles 2:36-41;
Food Distribution *: 121 Families John 20:11-18
(194 adults, 148 children) Wednesday Acts of the Apostles 3:1-10;
Services provided: 66 Luke 24:13-35
Referrals provided: 32 Thursday: Acts of the Apostles 3:11-26;
Luke 24:35-48
* Food Distribution is sponsored by Friday: Acts of the Apostles 4:1-12;
St. Vincent de Paul and administered by John 21:1-14
St. Edward’s Christian Service Ministry. Saturday: Acts of the Apostles 4:13-21;
Mark 16:9-15
Sunday: Acts of the Apostles 2:42-47;
1Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31

Your Contributions … Weekly Calendar

Last week/ month
Week of 4/10/11 ………………. $ 19,555
Monday April 25
Week of 4/17/11 to be reported next week
8:45 a.m. Cursillo, Cry Room
Parish Pay (monthly)—March..…... $ 75,330 Tuesday April 26
Last year—same week/month 6:00 p.m. Blue Army, Church
Same week 2010. ………………….. $ 18,840 Wednesday April 27
Last Year’s Parish Pay —March...…. $ 66,883 8:45 a.m. Circle of Praise, Church Cry Rm.
Thank you for your generosity! 1:00 p.m. Families of Nazareth, Cry Room
6:00 p.m. Cursillo, Copy Room
Thursday April 28
2011 Annual PSA 6:30 p.m. Legion of Mary, Church Meeting Rm.

St. Edward the Confessor and

San Felipe de Jesus
Combined PSA Goal $211,000
Wedding Banns
Raymundo Santamaria & Jaquelin Lopez, May 7, 2011
Pledges: 397 Ted Rogers & Meighan Hickey, May 14, 2011
Amount pledged: $ 154,019
Amount paid: $ 104,999
St. Edward The Confessor Catholic Church

Faith Formation
From the Office for Parish …

Sunday April 24th –Easter Sunday WORD SERENITY DAY
9:00am - NO Children’s Religious Education INVITATION
Everyone is invited to the last
Monday April 25th
Serenity Day of the year on Tuesday, May
4:30pm - Children’s Religious Education
3rd, beginning with Mass at 8:15. For reser-
Tuesday April 26th vations and more information please call
4:30pm - Children’s Religious Education Elizabeth Smith at 949-837-2141, or check
7:15pm - 1st Communion Rehearsal the Church web-site or display case for more
in the Church information.
7:30pm - RCIA in Knight Hall.
Wednesday April 27th We thank God for our 172 parish children
7:00pm - Insight in Knight Hall. about to receive their First Holy Communion!
Please remember to keep them and their
Thursday April 28th families in your prayers as they begin their
7:30pm - Baptism Class in the Church special, life-long faith journey with Christ in
Friday April 29th
7:15pm - 1st Communion Rehearsal First Holy Communion will be celebrated at the
in the Church following masses. Please make a note of it!
May 1st 9:00am Mass
Confirmation Reminder: 12:30 pm Mass
Final Confirmation classes are: May 7th 10:00pm Mass
5:30 pm Mass
Confirmation I: 5/1
May 8th 9:00am Mass
Confirmation II: 5/22 12:30 pm Mass

Our community's congratulations and blessings to the following individuals

who complete the sacraments of initiation at the Great Easter Vigil
on Saturday, April 23rd :

Renee Breneman Jennifer Davenport Linda Reid

Ellen Brideweser Keith Davenport Warren Sowers
Nicole Duenas Nicollette Davenport Amber Steadman
Matthew Floyd Deirdre Dean Alexis Calderon
Chip Gilmore Anthony Griffin Cristal Calderon
Shannon Hancock Justin McAndrew Camrin Dressel
Diana Okamura Laura McAndrew Bobbi Murillo
Dany Peavey Michelle McAndrew Isabela Jelic
Steen Sellers Nicole Neff Ivan Jelic
Robert Szutz Rick Parillo

April 24, 2011 † Easter Sunday

Respect Life
  The late Msgr. John O'Grady, a significant leader of
PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS Catholic Charities in the United States,
"Human rights must exist apart from governments. credits the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Governments cannot create or destroy human rights, with being a prime originator and sustaining
but should protect human rights. If a government fails force in developing among Catholics a con-
sciousness of national socio-religious prob-
to protect rights, this doesn't preclude the existence of
lems and the need for a national response. The Society
rights. It only means that the government has ignored is continuing this commitment to social justice through
or even scorned its duty". Keith Mason, Personhood its national committee "Voice of the Poor." Vincentians
USA became, in fact, the backbone of the National Confer-
—————–——————— ence of Catholic Charities when it first established in
.Stephen’s Ministry 1910. The two organizations have maintained strong
“Christ Caring for People ties throughout their separate but closely associated
through People.” histories.
Missing the Joy of Easter? HELP US HELP OTHERS
For those who have suffered a loss or ————–———————
who are going through the difficult
time, Easter can be a time of loneli- Knights of Columbus
ness. If you are hurting and the joy of Easter seems far Charity, Unity, Fraternity, Patriotism
away, help is available. Our Stephen Ministers are ready
to provide Christian care. They will listen, care, encour-
age, and pray with and for you. If you or someone you
Golf Tournament
know is hurting, find out more about the Stephen Min- Aliso Viejo C.C. 8/29/11
istry by our Stephen Leaders at 949-496-1307 x2503 or To Play, Contact Jim Shipe at 413-7672
emailing Sponsor Opportunities
—————–——————— Contact Mike Chapman 547-0767
(HELP, EMPATHY, LOVE, & PRAYER) Join a Cause Bigger than Yourself
SUPPORT GROUP FOR THOSE WITH ANY (1.8 million brothers have)
CHRONIC ILLNESS AND/OR CAREGIVERS Catholic gentlemen from 18 & up
Please join us May 2nd from 4 p.m. to 5:30 can help our community.
p.m. in the church meeting room to pray Please contact Tim Kosor, Membership Director
together and discuss practical treatment and 949-378-1599 ·
issues such as nutrition, exercise, rest, and stress relief. Visit our website at
If you need information regarding referrals or home or ————–———————
hospital visits, please call Maggie Prendiville, RN, MS
at 496--7312.
Serra Club of S. Orange County
Fostering Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life

One Good Priest

can Make a Difference..
“We do not have to choose between the works of Promote Vocations!
charity and the tasks of justice, since we are called to Serrans meet the 3rd Monday of
do both. We can provide blankets AND raise our each month
voices against unjust structures. We can, to echo the after the 5:30pm Mass with dinner, guest speaker
words of Archbishop Dom Camera, feed the hungry and prayer at St. Edward School in Dana Point.
AND confront systems that create hunger and pov- If you care to promote Vocations within our
erty.” - Fr. John Heagle, Justice Rising p.144 community, join us.
Say ‘”YES’ to the Lord. He maybe calling you.
Help us bring justice to those with no voice! For More Information: Contact Carol LaVigne
(949) 240-7621
Join our Catholic Social Justice Ministry: 5/9/11, WWW.SERRA.ORG
6:45 p.m., Church Meeting Room.
St. Edward The Confessor Catholic Church

Save the date!

Fiesta is coming
May 20-22,
Fun for the entire family!
Rides, Games, Prizes, Food
Refreshments, Entertainment
Opportunity Drawing, Country store!
Advertise your business!
More information
Mary Slagle
Fiesta Chairperson

experiencing and exploring the world around them, chil-
dren discover the joy of learning.

*Emphasis on Catholic traditions,

practices & values

*Hands on learning experiences

*Development of the whole

Child-emotional, intellectual, physical,
social & spiritual
Registration 2011-2012 School Year
Now accepting preschool registrations for
the 2011-2012 school year. Visit our
website to apply online.

Interested in our Summer Programs?

Registration for 2011 Summer Programs
will be in the preschool office April 14 at
8:00 am.

For more information, visit our website: or call 240-8485.


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