Cat Abolition

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Depl-d Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines

Tanggapan ng Kalihim Office of the Secretary

Direct Line: 633-7208 E-Mail: depe91£i!

W cbs ite: h.t.\p:! Jill

DepEdORDER " No. 3 5 s. 20Q3


IlAY 1 32003

TO: Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries Bureau Directors Regional Directors

School Division/City Superintendents

Heads, Public and Private Secondary Schools

1. In accordance with the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of the National SeNice Program issued by the Department of National Defense, this Department shall implement starting SY 2003-2004 the Citizenship Advancement Training (CAT), a restructuring of the Citizens Army Training at Secondary level.

2. To provide guidance and direction in the implementation of the Program, the

following are enclosed:

Endosure 1- Implementing Guidelines of the Citizenship Advancement Training (CAT)

Endosure 2- Roles of the 8arangay Chairman, Prindpal and TeacherFacilitators

Endosure 3- Program of Instruction

3. Immediate dissemination of this Order is desired.



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Ends.: As stated Reference: Non e Allotment: 1- -(0.0.50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:



(Inclosure 1 to OepEd Order No. ~,s.2003)


Citizenship Advancement Training (CAT) IS a restructuring of the Citizens Army Training, and is a component of MAPEH in the Fourth Year. It aims to enhance the students' social responsibility and commitment to the development of their communities; and develop their ability to uphold law and order as they assume active participation in commun ity activities, and their readiness in assisting the members of the community specially in times of emergency.

There are two components of CAT: Military Orientation and Community Service.

Military Orientation deals with the introduction and exposure of the learner to the basic knowledge, unfamiliar situations and experiences as well as activities related to military and citizenship training

Community Service refers to any activity that helps achieve the general welfare and the betterment of life of the members of the community, or enhancement of its facilities especially those devoted to improving health, education, safety, recreation and morale of the citizenry.

The Program is a requirement for graduation for all fourth year high school students in both public and private secondary schools.

Time Allotment

1. The program shall be offered once a week for 60 minutes.

Medium of Instruction

English shall be the medium of instruction in CAT.

Coordinatorship and Function

1. The Regional Supervisors of MAPEH shall serve as the regional coordinators for CAT. They shall monitor the activities of CAT at the regional level.

2. The Division Supervisors of MAPEH shall be designated as the division coordinator. They shall monitor the implementation of CAT at the division level. They shall submit periodic reports to the Regional Coordinator.

3. The MAPEH Head Teacher shall be designated as the school coordinator (in case there is no Head Teacher position, the principal takes the responsibility). He/she shall supervise the teacher-facilitators in the implementation of CAT and shall submit period ic reports to the division supervisor on the activities conducted.

Grading System

The grading system for MAPEH in the fourth year is as follows:

Music Arts

Physical Education Health



20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 100%

Rating for CAT shall be computed and weighted as follows:

Periodical Test 15%

Quizzes/Unit Test 10%

Class Participation 15%

Projects (classroom and

community projects) 25%

Performance (ability to achieve Goals, manifest

Cooperation, etc. 35%

TOTAL 100%


No special uniform shall be prescribed.

Teaching Load

The teaching load of teachers in the CAT program shall follow the provisions in item #7 of OepEd Order No. 43, s. 2002, entitled "The 2002 Basic Education Curriculum" dated August 29, 2002. One class hour is equivalent to one teaching load.

(Inclosure 2 to OepEd Order No. __2_2__,s.2003)

Role of the Barangay Chairman

1. Facilitate the conduct of community service activities of the students at the barangay level

1.1 Designate Purok Leaders who will coordinate the activities in their respective areas and will ensure students' safety and security

1.2 Facilitate the provision of medical assistance through the barangay health center in case of emergency

2. Plan with the teacher-facilitators and Principal the quarterly activities to be undertaken by the students in the community, the time frame required, the arrangements to be made and the people in the

community who will be involved '

3. Assist in monitoring the implementation of the program at the barangay level and provide feedback to the Principal and teacher-facilitators

Role of the Principal

1. Designate CAT/teacher-facilitators

2. Assist the teacher-facilitators in the implementation of the Citizenship Advancement Training (CAT)

3. Coordinate with the barangay chairman the community activities of the students

4. Plan with the teacher-facilitators and the barangay chairman the quarterly activities to be undertaken by the students in the community, the time frame required, the arrangements to be made and the people in the community who may be involved in the said program

5. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the program

Role of Teacher-Facilitators

1. Implement the program in coordination with the Principal and in collaboration with the Barangay Chairman

2. Supervise the community service activities in coordination with the Barangay Chairman and the purok leader

3. Plan the quarterly activities to be undertaken by the students in consultation with other CAT teachers of the school and present this to the Principal and Barangay Chairman

4. Implement the quarterly teaching-learning activities

(Inclosure 3 to DepEd Order No. _22_,s.2003)


I. Orientation to Citizenship Advancement

A. Civic Duties

1. Course Introduction 1 .1 Legal basis

1.2Conceptual framework of the National Service Program 1 .3 Objectives of the Program

2. Philippine Constitution and Government

2.1 The structure of government and its service agencies 2.2 The Bill of Rights

2.3 Good Governance

3. Good Citizenship

B. Military Orientation

1. Basic Concepts 1.1. Military history

1.2 Courtesy and discipline 1.3 Military equipage

1.4 Elementary map read ing

1.5 Drills/ceremonies (classroom discussion)

II. Community Service

A. Knowing the Community

1. Physical environment

2. History

3. Demography

4. Community organization

5. Problems and concerns

6. Development plans

7. Current programs and projects

8. Students' role

8.1 Initiating changes in the community 8.2 Conceptualizing community projects

B. Serving the Community

1. Addressing environmental concerns 1.1 Health and sanitation

1.2 Beautification

1.3 Waste management 1.4 Others

2. Participation in Social and Civic Concerns 2.1 Drug education

2.2 Assistance to victims of child abuse 2.3 Campaign against pornography

2.4 Safeguarding the electoral and political processes 2.5 Others

C. Law Enforcement

1.Communityordinances 2.Crime Prevention

2.1 Campaign against crime

D. Disaster Assistance 1 . Disaster relief

2.Review and application of first aid

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