an act establishing the National Service Training Program for Tertiary Level
students, amending for the purpose Republic Act No. 7077 and Presidential
Decree No. 1706, and for other purposes.
states that “while it is the prime duty of the government to serve and protect
its citizens, in turn, it shall be the duty of all citizens to defend the security
of the state, of in fulfilment thereof, the government may require each citizen
to render personal military or civil service.
The NSTP is a dynamic service that provides capability enhancement for civil
welfare geared towards encouraging youth in improving their skills,
knowledge and attitudes on various endeavors developing their interest in
community service and responsiveness in attaining peace towards nation
In the recognition of the vital role of the youth in nation-building, the state
shall promote civic consciousness among them and shall develop their
physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being. It shall
inculcate the ideal of patriotism, nationalism and advance their involvement
in public and civic affairs
All incoming first year students, male and female, starting School Year (SY)
2002-2003, enrolled in any baccalaureate and in at least two (2) year
technical-vocational or associate courses, are required to complete one (1)
NSTP component of their choice, as a graduation requirement.
All higher and technical-vocational education institutions must offer at least
one (1) of the NSTP components
State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), shall offer the ROTC component and
at least one (1) other NSTP component.
Private higher education institution (HEIs) and technical-vocational
educational institutions with at least 350 students may offer the ROTC
Service Learning
provides the students the opportunity to work with others, gain valuable
insights, and acquire different skills.
They became bona fide members of their assigned communities as they
render service and perform act like the following:
1. Analyze the effect of natural disasters and use a kit to gather important
items during disaster preparation.
2. High School students can closely monitor the effects of poor nutrition and
lack of exercise by organizing health-related activities, conduct nutritious
recipes, and putting up fruit and vegetable stands in the community.
3. To eliminate disturbing aquatic species, biology majors can study the
complexity and diversity of wetlands.
4. University students can help struggling local non-profit organizations cope
with difficult economic conditions.
According to Tariman (2007), its duty to the youth is to make them literate
and functional, so they can make good decisions regarding the problems
affecting their health, families, and duties and responsibilities to the
11. Test out the skills, interest and values require in a potential career path
and learn more about their field of interest.
12. Connect with professionals and community members who will also learn
from the service-learning program
13. Grow a professional network of people, whom they can contact later for
career growth.
1. The students and the faculty members are both responsible for the selection
of the community or institution.
2. The faculty member must submit a letter of intent to the college of dean
through the chairman or the head of the SLP. The letter should come with
the program/activity design indicating the rationale.
3. The faculty member will write a letter of intent and request for permission to
conduct a SLP to the selected community or institution.
4. The faculty member must conduct a classroom briefing about the
program/activity before the implementation of the SLP.
1. The students and the supervising faculty member of the SLP are required to
wear the prescribed school identification card (ID) and college T-shirt and
observe proper decorum while in the community or institution.
2. The students and the faculty member of the SLP shall cover their respective
transportation, communication and meal expenses during the period.
3. The faculty member or assigned group leaders shall take responsibility for
all communications and coordination with the partner community or
institution in relation to the SLP.
4. The college dean or the head of the program will conduct spot monitoring or
follow-up of students involved in the SLP to determine the actual and
current status of the program.
5. In case the faculty member in-charge will be absent, he/she must inform
and ask permission from the college dean to find another faculty member as
substitute to supervise the students.
R.A 8292, also known as the Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997
This law reiterates Section 2(1) of Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution by
declaring that the policy of the state is to establish, maintain, and support a
complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the needs to
the people and the society