2011 It Skills and Salary Report: A Comprehensive Survey From Global Knowledge and Techrepublic

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2011 IT Skills and Salary Report

A Comprehensive Survey from Global Knowledge and TechRepublic

2011 IT Skills and Salary Report

While the global economic recession of recent years
has largely been replaced by a lethargic recovery, many
workers continue to be impacted by job loss, reduction in
salary and benefits, or job change. IT professionals have
felt the impact of these economic tremors along with the
rest of their colleagues. Organizations continue to use
computers, networks, and software applications as the
primary tools for doing business – in fact many have in-
creased their reliance on IT systems in the face of stream-
lined staffing – but these organizations are also changing
the ways they do business and looking for efficiencies
wherever they can find them.
Our annual skills and salary survey, the fourth in partner-
ship between Global Knowledge and TechRepublic, sought
to capture the magnitude of these changes. As a result,
new questions have been added to yield deeper insight
into the factors effecting job satisfaction, the importance
of skills development with training delivered across
multiple delivery methods, current and expected business
conditions by industry, and expected areas of concerns in
the year to come.
Over 12,000 IT professionals from around the globe
responded to the survey, which was completed online
between October 11 to November 19, 2010. Respondents
from the United States and Canada accounted for 84
percent of all responses. Complete survey methodology
can be found on page 21.
For the third straight year, the stagnant economic en-
vironment held salaries in check for the IT profession.
The average salary for survey respondents this year
was $79,579, down 3.2 percent from the 2010 survey
($82,115). Although average salaries in the industry gave
up some ground, it’s important to note that they are still
eight percent higher than $73,900 recorded in our 2008
study. This trend is consistent with findings from other IT
industry studies(1). Current trends affecting IT workers
include 1) Changes in the way IT departments are funded

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 2

and staffed, which has resulted in layoffs and salary and Participant Profile
benefits reductions, and 2) Shifting some IT activities to “the 2011 2010 2009
cloud,” managed services, or offshore outsourcing in order to Base Salary $79,579 $82,115 $81,600
drive greater efficiency in IT spending. Received a Raise 54% 43% 70%

Just over half (54 percent) of this year’s respondents reported Raise/Increase Amount 7% 10% 6%
receiving a raise. This is up from 43 percent seen in last year’s Received a Bonus 41% 39% 46%
study, but down significantly from 70 percent in 2009 (See Average Bonus $7,926 $8,654 $8,575
figure 1). Performance in their current position was the pri- Average Age 44 43 42
mary reason for receiving a raise, mentioned by half of those
Years in IT 16 15 15
who received a raise. Four out of ten IT professionals reported
Male vs. Female 3.6:1 3.9:1 3.3:1
their salaries were capped without a raise. The number of re-
College Degree 67.8% 69.7% 67%
spondents reporting a salary cut declined from eleven percent
Figure 1
in 2010 to seven percent in the current study.
On average, those respondents who received a raise saw an
increase in salary of seven percent, with a median increase
of four percent. Bonuses were received by 41 percent of
respondents, up two points over the prior year, but down five
percentage points from 2009 (41 percent vs. 46 percent). The
average bonus was down $728, a decline of eight percent
since last year ($7,926 vs. $8,654).
Demographically, the respondents look very similar to prior
years. Average age was 44, with average career tenure of 16
years. The percentage of male respondents was consistent
with prior years at 79 percent. Two-thirds of respondents have
an undergraduate or graduate degree, which is flat compared
to 2010.

Does Money Bring Job Satisfaction?

Never confuse the size of your paycheck with the
size of your talent.
– Marlon Brando
The 2011 survey, like previous editions, includes several ques-
tions that attempt to understand the relationship among train-
ing, salary and employees sense of job satisfaction. Anecdot-
ally, we know that job satisfaction is more than just a function
of salary and it is typically related to our ability to tap into our
creativity in order to fulfill our potential, and make a differ-
ence in the process. This year’s data confirms that, but with a
few important footnotes.

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 3

Overall, 85 percent of respondents reported being at least Overall Job Satisfaction
moderately satisfied on the job. This is an improvement over 2011 2010
last year’s figure of 73 percent overall. The improvement came Completely Satisfied 5% 8%
primarily from those who experience little or no satisfaction Very Satisfied 38% 32%
with their work. That number was down 12 points year over
Moderately Satisfied 42% 33%
year (14 percent vs. 26 percent in 2010). However, the data
Somewhat Satisfied 10% 17%
suggests room for improvement as 42 percent of IT profes-
sionals report being only ‘moderately’ satisfied with their job, Not Satisfied 4% 9%
Figure 2
up nine points from 2010. Conversely, 43 percent reported
they were either ‘very’ or ‘completely’ satisfied (See figure 2).
Average Salary Based on Overall Job Satisfaction
Still, we also shouldn’t underestimate the value of workers 2011 2010
being paid what they think they’re worth. In general, there is a Completely Satisfied $87,308 $86,445
positive relationship between salary and job satisfaction, with Very Satisfied $82,948 85,602
salary generally increasing with satisfaction. The exception
Moderately Satisfied $78,080 $80,582
this year being those who are least satisfied with their current
Somewhat Satisfied $74,784 $78,439
positions make an average of $497 more per year than those
who are somewhat satisfied. This supports the idea that there Not Satisfied $75,281 $73,247
Figure 3
are some very challenging jobs or difficult companies to work
for, and that in order to compensate for these factors these
Current Job Security
jobs have to pay very well to attract and retain competent
candidates (See figure 3). Insecure
24% Secure
Two new questions were also added to this year’s survey 42%
relating to sense of job security. Given the depth of the recent
economic recession and continued high levels of overall
unemployment, we thought it would be useful to explore
the relationship between perceived job security and one’s
satisfaction with his or her work. Respondents were asked to
assess their current feelings on job security. Four out of ten
(42 percent) reported feeling secure, one-third reported some
trepidation (34 percent), while approximately one out of four
(24 percent) indicated they held no illusions of job security Somewhat
(See figure 4). 34%
Figure 4
Participants were also asked to compare their current sense of
job security with where they were a year ago. The majority (58
percent) reported feeling about the same (neither more nor
less secure) compared to 2010. One in five feels either more or
less secure than the same time last year. Of those, the major-
ity (53 percent) feels less secure than they did last year. Not
surprisingly, this group is most likely to express dissatisfaction
with their current employment and is currently looking for
new opportunities.
Conversely, those participants who report feeling secure about
their current position are three times as likely to indicate being
satisfied on the job (63 percent vs. 19 percent for those feeling

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 4

insecure about current position). Those feeling insecure about Job Hunting Driven by Job Satisfaction
their current position are nearly four times more likely to report
a sense of dissatisfaction with their present job (30 percent vs. 17% Satisfied
eight percent for those secure in their current position). 46% Somewhat Satisfied
As expected, satisfaction with the current job directly affects 79% Not Satisfied
their willingness and intensity to search for a new position.
Overall, 38 percent of the IT professionals who responded 38% Overall
to this year’s survey report they are considering making a
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
job change. This increases to 79 percent for those who have Figure 5
little or no satisfaction with their current work environment,
and falls to 17 percent for those who express satisfaction Thoughts on Compensation
(See figure 5). By comparison, a recent survey conducted by Fairly Paid
Looking for Another Job
placement-firm Manpower reported that 84 percent, or five Unfairly Paid

out of six U.S. workers plan to look for new positions in 2011. 25%
(2) Regardless of where the actual percentage lies, the bottom 48%
line is that there are a lot of people looking for new jobs. Not Looking for Another Job
That means technical workers who are seeking new positions 75%
should expect to face a lot of competition in the labor market 52%
and should hone their job seeking skills accordingly (TechRe-
public’s Career Management blog has lots of tips to help). 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Figure 6
In relationship to compensation, those who believe they are
fairly paid for the work they do are significantly less likely to
be planning a job search (25 percent vs. 48 percent for those
who feel they are not fairly compensated) (See figure 6). No
surprise there.
Of the nearly four out of ten IT professionals who are consid-
ering a job change in 2011, almost 60 percent will be engaged
in active job hunting in Q1, and three out of four will be ac-
tively seeking new work by summer. These percentages skew
higher for those who are feeling insecure about their current
positions (82 percent will be looking before summer compared
to 72 percent for those who feel secure). Older respondents
(those over age 45), those who saw a salary decrease in
2010, and those whose companies are facing difficult present
business conditions are more likely to report they are actively
engaged in job hunting.

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 5

Looking Beyond Salary – Job Satisfaction Factor

Other Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction 2011 2010

Competitive salary was the most often selected factor associ- Competitive Salary 1 1

ated with job satisfaction, with 85 percent selecting it from a Respect for the Work You Perform 2 2

multiple response list (down from 88 percent in 2010). How- Ability to Increase Skill Set 3 3
ever, it was not the only factor with relevance. On average, Environment That Supports Work/Life Balance 4 5
respondents selected seven factors from a list of eleven (down Assurance That My Job is Secure 5 6
from eight factors in 2010). Other key factors include:
Comprehensive Benefits 6 4

• Respect for the work performed (80.3%) Opportunity for New Responsibility 7 8
• Ability to increase skill set (78.7%) Communication with Superiors 8 7
• Work/life balance (76.2%) Communication with Peers 9 9
• Assurance that my job is secure (65.8%) Promotional Opportunities 10 10
• Comprehensive benefits (65.8%)
Bonus Opportunities 11 11
• New responsibilities (59.5%) Figure 7
• Communication with superiors (57.5%)
• Communication with peers (54.2%) Promotion’s Importance to Job Satisfaction
• Promotional opportunities (52.4%) Important
Looking for Another Job
• Bonus opportunities (48.1%) Not Important
These numbers were pretty consistent with results from the 38%
2010 survey, especially the top three. Beyond the top three,
Not Looking for Another Job
there were some changes in rank. Environments that foster
work/life balance, assurances around job security, and op-
portunities for new responsibilities moved up in importance 53%
compared to 2010. Concern over benefit packages (down 13 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
percent) was of less importance to respondents in 2011. IT Figure 8

employees appear willing to sacrifice benefits for salary and

job security (See figure 7).
Respondents who are looking for new jobs are driven by
promotional opportunities, as opposed to lateral moves. Over
60 percent of those who reported they were engaging in a
job search selected promotional opportunities as a key driver
to job satisfaction, compared to 47 percent of those who are
not actively looking for a job (See figure 8). The job changer
group also has a higher interest in bonus potential (52 percent
indicated it was important to their job satisfaction, compared
to 46 percent of those who were not looking to change em-
Non-supervisory staff accounted for half of this year’s respon-
dent pool. This group is much more interested on assurances
of job security and the ability to increase skill sets than their
counterparts who have direct reports. Peer level communica-
tion is also more critical.

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 6

Female respondents share most of the same viewpoints as their Promotion’s Importance to Job Satisfaction
male counterparts, but there were several areas of substantive
Under Age 33 64%
difference. Women in the IT profession, relative to their male
colleagues place greater value on the nature of the benefits Age 33-39 59%
package (67 percent vs. 61 percent), environments that foster
work/life balance (82 percent vs. 74 percent), interpersonal Age 40-45 54%
communication with peers (62 percent vs. 51 percent) and Age 46-52 46%
superiors (63 percent vs. 55 percent), and respect for the work
achieved (87 percent vs. 77 percent). There is no difference in Age 53+ 36%
overall work satisfaction between men and women.
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Figure 9
Age is a significant differentiator in the realm of job satisfaction.
Younger IT professionals are more apt to place higher value
on competitive salary and bonus potential whereas their older
counterparts place greater emphasis on the comprehensive
nature of their benefits package and achieving respect for their
work. The ability to build skill sets, acquire new responsibilities
and pursue promotional opportunities is of more importance
to younger workers (See figure 9). The need to maintain a
balance between work and life takes on more significance for
those in their early 30s to mid-40s, a time when family respon-
sibilities begin to grow. Overall satisfaction shows an increasing
trend with age.
It appears that job satisfaction among IT professionals is
rebounding from its low point in early 2010. Data released by
the Corporate Executive Board reported that satisfaction in the
IT ranks reached an all-time low during the period of late 2009
through early 2010.(3) Their measure is the percentage of “high-
ly engaged” employees, those willing to put in extra time and
effort to solve problems, reached a low of four percent (down
from 12 percent in 2007). This correlates with data reported
previously in this study. With our current measure of satisfaction
on the increase let’s see if the trend continues in 2011.

Information Seeking -
How Do IT Professionals Stay Up to Date?
Respondents were asked if and how they engaged in a
series of information seeking activities. Over 80 percent of IT
professionals use the Internet to research topics of interest.
Three out of four have downloaded a white paper, with ap-
proximately the same percentage having taken a lunch hour
to view a webinar. As for formal training, 42 percent have
attended an ‘out of office’ training session, with half reporting
they participated in self-paced online training.

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 7

In addition to formal training, informal methods of learning Information Seekers
are quite popular. Over half of the respondents (55 percent) Unaware
reported they engaged in an informal training session while at (0-2 activities) Seekers
Engaged 8%
work. This could be in the form of a ‘lunch and learn’ session, (3-5 activities)
(6 or more activities)
31% 61%
viewing a webinar, following an online community, or down-
loading a mobile instruction application.
Professionals in the technology space employ several learning
methods. Three out of four IT professionals have attended tra-
ditional instructor-led classroom courses. Over two-thirds have
employed printed study materials to prepare for exams and
research solutions to existing problems. Online self-directed
courses and DVDs or e-books are also used. One-on-one men-
toring and study groups are used less often. With the variety
of content delivery options available, traditional classroom Figure 10
training is still viewed as the gold standard.
Overall, IT professionals are voracious information seekers. Information Seeking Activities
They are constantly working to gain new skills, stage new Overall Info Seeker
software and hardware for testing, study for certification and Researching a Topic Online 82.2% 93.2%
specialist exams, or prepare themselves to qualify for new Downloading a Whitepaper 73.7% 87.5%
positions. Six out of ten respondents undertake six or more Viewing an Online Webinar 69.1% 86%
of these types of activities in their efforts to stay current (See Informal Learning Session at Work 55.1% 71.5%
figures 10 and 11). Information seekers are more apt to
Content on Mobile Device 50.9% 65.9%
pursue learning and networking opportunities, both formal
Self-Paced Online Training 49.4% 64.9%
and informal. They are more satisfied on the job; tend to be
involved with project management or business process im- Professional Seminar or Luncheon 49% 66%

provement, while pursuing new career opportunities as well. Joining an Online Community 45.2% 61.9%

Not surprisingly, their efforts pay off with a significant salary Classroom Training 41.6% 53.6%

differential. Information Seekers earn eight percent more than Formal Training Session at Work 36.4% 50%
members of the ‘Engaged’ group ($82,424 vs. $76,025) and 14 Instructor-led Online Training 29.9% 42.2%
percent more than members of the ‘Unaware’ group ($82,424 Using a CD-based Training Tool 27.7% 36.9%
vs. $72,323).
Contributing to a Blog 17.3% 25.2%

Posting or Following on Twitter 14.1% 20.4%

Acquiring New Skills and Polishing Existing Ones Figure 11

Learning is an active process. We learn by doing.

Only knowledge that is used sticks in your mind.
– Dale Carnegie
IT is one of the fastest-changing professions on the planet.
The practical knowledge it takes to do most of the jobs in IT is
swiftly wiped away and replaced at a breath-taking pace. That
puts a lot of pressure on IT workers to keep their knowledge
and skills up-to-date. Many of the opportunities for IT training
are associated with new deployments by the major hardware
and software developers. Over three-fourths of respondents

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 8

took some form of training in the prior year, up from 66 percent Training in the Last 12 Months
in 2010 survey. The majority of those that trained (67 percent) Tenure Did Not Train Trained % Diff
did so to build new skills (See figure 13). Even in the era of 1–5 Years $51,520 $53,812 4%
being relieved just to have a job, one-third of respondents who 6–10 Years $65,053 $69,416 7%
trained did so with the intent of increasing their compensation.
11–15 Years $75,416 $81,366 8%
Does training have an impact on compensation? Almost three- 16–20 Years $84,914 $88,830 5%
fourths of respondents (74 percent) believe that training can 21–25 Years $87,640 $95,761 9%
impact base salary, up from 64 percent in last year’s survey. 26+ Years $94,373 $98,144 4%
The strength of this belief is consistent across gender and age,
Total $77,238 $80,621 4%
but does vary somewhat by job role, size of the IT department, Figure 12
industry and tenure. Programmers and system designers are
less likely than the norm to believe that training has an impact
on salary. Belief in training’s impact upon salary is greatest
with those having up to five years of tenure in the technology
field (83 percent) and declines to 71 percent for those with
more than 25 years of tenure.
Belief in training’s positive impact upon salary is highest in
smaller IT departments and declines when department sizes
exceed 100 staff members. The strength of this belief varies by
industry with respondents from manufacturing sectors gener-
ally holding more strongly to the belief of training impacting
salary than their counterparts in professional services, banking
and transportation.
What does the data say? Do those who believe training has an
impact upon base salary earn more than their counterparts?
Overall the answer is no, which is consistent with last year’s
survey. On average those who believe training impacts base
salary earn less than those who do not ($78,403 vs. $82,953).
Again this was consistent with the 2010 survey. This difference
was most pronounced for those in the middle of their career
(11 – 20 years). It becomes less pronounced for those with
more than 20 years of tenure. One can infer that more expe-
rienced, well-paid IT professionals may view themselves as
already well-compensated with less room for salary growth.
However, receiving training does typically have an impact on
salary, according to the data in this year’s survey. Those that
trained in the prior year earn an average of $3,383 or 4.4 per-
cent more than those who did not train ($80,621 vs. $77,238)
(See figure 12).

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 9

Reasons For Training Ranking
2011 2010 2011 2010
Build New Skills (Not related to a new software deployment) 66.7% 80.2% 1 1

Prepare for a New Product Deployment or Software Upgrade 46% 41.1% 2 5

Prepare for a Career Certification or Specialist Exam 45.5% 49.5% 3 2

Advance My Career to Qualify for a Different Job 40.8% 46.3% 4 3

Work With Cutting Edge Technology 38.2% 42.4% 5 4

Increase My Compensation 33.6% 34.0% 6 7

Solve a Particular Problem 31.9% 29.9% 7 8

Requirement by Employer 31.5% 26.8% 8 9

Evaluate New Products for Possible Purchase 26.3% 34.9% 9 6

Gain Recognition From Management 24.4% 21.1% 10 11

Prepare for a Career Change 17.2% 22.6% 11 10

It Was Recommended By Colleague 12.3% 10.5% 12 12

Prepare for Channel Specialization or Designation 10.6% 9.4% 13 13

Government Mandates (e.g. 8570 Initiative) 7.0% 7.5% 14 14

Other 1.9% 4.8% 15 15

Figure 13

Why Do We Train?
Training takes time, money and energy to complete. It often
takes IT workers out of the office and off key projects and bill-
able hours. With this in mind, why do IT professionals seek out
training? The number one reason in both the 2011 and 2010
surveys was the intent to build new skills, although it was
down significantly between surveys (See figure 13). Prepa-
ration for a new product deployment or software upgrade
moved up in the rankings from fifth in 2010 to number two
in 2011, which offers evidence that companies are starting to
strategically invest in new IT projects again.
The decision to train is typically not due to a single reason.
Less than ten percent of respondents reported they took train-
ing with a single intention. On average, the decision process
involved an attempt to meet four separate needs through
training. This number varied significantly with ‘Information
seekers’ indicating they used training to solve 4.8 separate
needs compared to 3.3 for the ‘Unaware’ segment. Informa-
tion seekers are more than twice as likely as the ‘Unaware’
to use training to prepare for a channel specialization or
to evaluate new products. They are also more likely to take
advantage of training as a means to work with cutting-edge
technology, gain recognition from management, or because a
course was recommended by a colleague.

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 10

The Role of Human Resources in the Post-Certification Effectiveness - RESPONDENTS

Training Decision Significantly More Effective

Less than 30 percent of respondents reported their training 10%
efforts were coordinated outside their IT group by human 26%
resources or a dedicated training department. The likelihood More Effective
of using a dedicated training department, or an HR resource,
to coordinate training increases with the size of the IT depart-
ment. Company-preferred training vendors were used by 13
percent of respondents. In the majority of cases (over 60 per- Somewhat More Effective
cent) where preferred training vendors were used, the option 39%
for the IT worker to recommend an alternative provider exists. 13%
No Difference in Effectiveness
Certifications – Are They Worth the Effort? 17% 2011
Over half of the respondents (55 percent) who reported they took
9% 2010
training did so to pursue a certification or recertify. This is compa-
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
rable to the 2010 study. Nearly sixty percent of this group believes Figure 14A
their certification pursuits will impact their base salary. Unlike the
previous section regarding training in general, those who train for Post-Certification Effectiveness - MANAGERS
certification purposes do show a higher average salary ($79,352 Significantly More Effective
vs. $75,256), a difference of $4,096 or 5.4 percent. 5%
Does certification impact job effectiveness? There is a general 16%
decline in the perception of certifications on job effective- More Effective
ness. Approximately 45 percent felt they were ‘more effective’ 30%
or ‘significantly more effective’ on the job after completing 55%
their certification training (See figures 14A and 14B). This is
down significantly from 78 percent in 2010. Have the opinions Somewhat More Effective

of managers, who are responsible for overseeing staff certifi- 45%

cation, changed over the year? It would appear there has been 17%
a shift in opinion there as well. The percentage of managers No Difference in Effectiveness
reporting ‘no change’ in effectiveness after certification rose 21% 2011
from 12 percent in 2010 to 21 percent in the current survey. 12% 2010
Conversely the percentage reporting their staff was ‘signifi-
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
cantly more effective’ fell from 16 percent to five percent. This Figure 14B
will be an interesting trend to watch, as IT directors could be
moving toward putting more emphasis on pure training than
training with certification attached. Of course, the exception
will continue to be consultants and integrators who need cer-
tified workers to maintain some partner relationships and who
use certification to demonstrate and market their expertise.
Despite a downward shift in opinions on job effectiveness, re-
spondents still view certifications as a worthwhile investment in
their career. Seventy percent reported they felt efforts to obtain
a certification were worth the additional commitment. This
percent is unchanged compared to last year’s survey. Half report
they perceive their certification efforts to be of value to their

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 11

company. Less than 30 percent believe the value of a certifica- Importance of Certifications in the Hiring Decision
tion has declined or that having a certification is ‘over-rated’. Not Important
Level of Responsibility 21%
IT staff members with no managerial duties accounted for 53
percent of this year’s respondents, up from 48 percent in 2010. Somewhat Important

Less than one-third of respondents hold supervisory responsi- 54%

bilities. Among the managers, nearly 60 percent have budget 31%
responsibility and 53 percent are called upon to make hiring Important
and training decisions. 24%
Over 60 percent of managers anticipate sending their staff 26%
to IT training during 2011, up slightly from 2010. Interest in Very Important
sending staff to project management training is up slightly 8% 2011
over last year at 23 percent and business skills training is off 23% 2010
slightly at 25 percent. Over two-thirds of hiring managers
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
believe that certifications have an impact upon a new hire’s Figure 15
base salary, up slightly from last year. However there has been
a shift in the overall view of certifications in the hiring process
(See figure 15). Less than 10 percent of hiring managers
viewed them as ‘very important’ when making staffing deci-
sions (down from 23 percent in 2010). However, this is not
consistent across all industry sectors. Aerospace, homeland
defense, and systems integrators continue to place more
emphasis on certifications in the hiring process. This could also
be a function of the numerous options available to train staff
once they are onboard.
There appears to be modest growth in training budgets for
2011. The median in 2010 was $2,400 per employee, with the
2011 figure up ten percent to $2,650. Nearly 30 percent of
the companies and organizations represented in the current
survey expect to spend $4,000 or more per employee. These
firms cluster in banking and finance, government (especially
defense and homeland security), aerospace, systems integra-
tors, telecommunications, and utilities.

Final Word on Training

As businesses and organizations of all sizes continue to rely
more heavily on technology to streamline and automate busi-
ness activities and empower workers, we will continue to see
the need for IT training. Research conducted by IDC in 2008
reported that 61 percent of IT managers believe that the skill
level of their team is the critical driver to success.(4) This com-
bined with the inherent personal need of technology profes-
sionals to continue learning means training remains not only a
benefit, but a necessity for job satisfaction and career growth.

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 12

Salary Range of Respondents

18% 2011
14.3% 14.3%
13.4% 13.1%
14% 12.5%

11% 11%
12% 10.3%
6% 4.7% 4.5%
4% 4%
3.8% 3.5%
4% 2.4%
1% 1.3%

















































Figure 16

Trends in Base Pay, Bonuses and Benefits Participant Profile

Money isn’t the most important thing in life, but it’s 2011 2010 2009
reasonably close to oxygen on the “gotta have it” scale. Base Salary $79,579 $82,115 $81,600

– Zig Ziglar Received a Raise 54% 43% 70%

Raise/Increase Amount 7% 10% 6%

In the 12 months between the 2010 and 2011 surveys, the IT
Received a Bonus 41% 39% 46%
profession continued to reinvent itself along with the compensa-
tion models used to pay employees. The percentage receiving a Average Bonus $7,926 $8,654 $8,575

raise climbed to 54 percent, up from 43 percent in 2010. The av- Average Age 44 43 42

erage raise realized was 7.1 percent or $5,710 (median was 4.2 Years in IT 16 15 15

percent or $3,000). However, the average salary itself showed a Male vs. Female 3.6:1 3.9:1 3.3:1
decline of 3.1 percent to $79,579, compared to $82,115 in the College Degree 67.8% 69.7% 67%
prior year (See figure 17). This was driven by an increase in the Figure 17
percentage of respondents falling in the $40,000 to $79,999
range (See figure 16). This range accounted for 44 percent of
respondents in 2010 but jumped to 49 percent in 2011. Respon-
dents in this range were also less likely to receive a raise.
There are other factors associated with the likelihood of
receiving a raise. The percentage of those receiving raises
skewed higher for three groups: respondents under age 40;
those whose job functions involved data security or business
process improvement; and those in analyst, system architect,
engineering, and quality control job roles. IT department size
is also associated with the likelihood of receiving a salary in-
crease. Raises were more common for respondents in depart-
ments with 100 or more IT staff. Those with over 20 years in

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 13

their career were less likely than early career IT professionals Feelings On Compensation and Salary Change
to receive a raise. This correlates with the decreased likelihood
Fairly Paid Decrease
by senior management to have received a raise. This group 3.1%
was more apt to report no movement in their salaries. No Change Raise
30.5% 66.4%
Gender did not play a role as men and women were equally
likely to see an increase in salary. Neither was supervisory
level a factor. Supervisors were as likely as staff to receive a
raise, according to the survey data.
Feelings on the fairness of compensation are strongly associated
with receiving a salary increase. Two-thirds of those who report
being fairly paid saw a salary increase compared to 45 percent
of those who report feeling unfairly paid (See figure 18).
Those who indicated taking training in the prior year were more
likely to have benefited from a salary increase (57 percent vs. 46 Not Fairly Paid
percent of those who did not train). Respondents who trained Decrease
in ITIL, project management, IT management, and business 9.6% Raise
analysis were more likely than their counterparts in other areas 44.7%
to receive a salary increase. In regard to certification, those who
had earned a certification within the prior five years were more
apt to see a salary increase (57 percent reporting receiving a
raise vs. 51 percent for those who had not certified).
There is a significant relationship between salary increases
and job satisfaction. Respondents who did not receive a raise
are less apt to report being satisfied with their current posi-
tion. As shown previously in Figure 2, less than 42 percent of
those who did not receive an increase reported being satis- No Change
fied, compared to 64 percent of those who received a raise. Figure 18
Not surprisingly, those who did not see an increase are more
apt to be considering a new position. Reasons for Receiving a Raise

Over half of those who received a raise reported it was driven 52.1% Performance on Current Job

by their performance in their current position (See figure 19). 43% Standard Company Increase
Over 40 percent reported their raise was due to a standard
company increase. Respondents who acquired new skills of 26.4% Cost of Living Increase
added value saw larger average raises ($8,103 [10.7 percent]
vs. $5,307 [6.5 percent for those who did not acquire new 19.5% Additional Responsibilities in Current Position

skills]). A similar effect was noted for those who took on new 14.4% Developed New Skills That Were of Added Value
responsibilities in their current position ($7,200 [9.1 percent]
vs. $5,349 [6.6 percent]). Cost of living increases average 4.9 13.2% Promotion Within Company
percent ($3,689) for those who received them.
7.8% New Assignment in Current Company
Job mobility is associated with higher raises. Respondents
who took a lateral position within their company saw a raise 5% Promotion to Another Company
of 10.9 percent ($8,996) compared to 6.8 percent ($5,430) for 3.7% Change at Same Level to Another Company
those who did not. Lateral moves to a new company garnered
10% 19 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 14

an average raise of 14.4 percent ($12,026). Promotions both Benefit Comparison
within the company and with a new company brought about 2011 2010 2009
significantly higher raises. IT professionals who took an inter- Vacation/Personal/Sick Leave 86% 90%
nal promotion saw an average raise of 11.1 percent ($8,576). 401k or Retirement Plan 70% 75%
Those who took a promotion with a new company increased
Dental Insurance 78% 79%
their salary an average of 18.4 percent ($15,617). Is it any
Health Insurance 84% 85%
surprise that ambitious workers in hot IT roles such as software
engineer or business analyst tend to jump from company to Life Insurance 69% 70%

company to maximize their earning potential? Employer Paid Training 47% 46%

Profit-Sharing 16% 20%

Fortunately only seven percent of the survey respondents Figure 20
reported they experienced a decrease in salary. Economic
conditions were largely the cause. Those who took a cut in
pay saw an average decrease of 28 percent ($19,604) with a
median of 12.5 percent ($10,000). These high numbers make
it appear that IT executives with hefty salaries likely bore the
brunt of the decreases.

Bonus Plans
Over 80 percent of the IT professional respondents reported
being part of a bonus program. From this group, half received
a bonus within the last year. The average bonus was approxi-
mately $7,926 (down eight percent over the prior year), but
the median bonus amount was $5,000 (up two percent over
2010). Approximately 70 percent of those who earned a bonus
last year are optimistic they will do so in the coming year.
Overall, 18.5 percent of respondents were not bonus eligible.
For the majority of this group (84 percent) there is little
optimism they will move into bonus eligibility in the coming
year. Similar opinions are held by those who are in a bonus
program, but did not receive a payout in the last year. Seventy
percent expect to receive no bonus in the near term.

Benefit Packages
Relative to the 2009 survey, there are still significant changes
taking place in the benefits packages for IT professionals. On
the plus side, the percentage receiving employer-paid health-
care is up seven points from 77 percent in 2009 to 84 percent
in the current survey. Three out of four have a dental insur-
ance plan and 69 percent have some form of employer-paid
life insurance (both are flat compared to 2009). On the down
side, the percentage having a 401k or other retirement plan is
lower; as is profit sharing and access to employer-paid train-
ing. Vacation or some other form of paid time off (PTO) stands
at 86 percent, down from 89 percent in 2009. Clearly, the
trend of companies curtailing expenses by reducing the cost of
benefit packages continues (See figure 20).

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 15

The Impact of Training and Certification on Salary
One of the things that may get in the way of people
being lifelong learners is that they’re not in touch
with their passion. If you’re passionate about what
it is you do, then you’re going to be looking for
everything you can to get better at it.
– Jack Canfield
Certifications represent a measurable sign of achievement
in the IT profession. They take time, money, and energy to
complete. The reasons why IT workers pursue them vary, but in
the end the majority of professionals believe certifications are
a career investment. In fact, 81 percent of those who earned
a certification in the last five years stated it was a worthwhile
endeavor. In the current survey, 45 percent of the respondents
reported earning a certification within the last five years, up
from 33 percent in the 2010 survey. Approximately half report
they feel their certification has a positive impact on their base
salary, down slightly from 53 percent last year.
Seven out of ten respondents reported training in the prior
twelve months. From this group 51 percent did so to prepare
for a career certification or specialist exam. For these respon-
dents, there was a positive relationship between post-certifi-
cation effectiveness and their certification’s perceived impact
to base salary. In other words, those who felt more effective
on the job after certification also were more apt to say that
certifications positively impacted salary. Overall, professionals
who had earned an IT or project management certification
during the last five years earned an average of $2,720 (3.5
percent) more than their counterparts ($81,079 vs. $78,359).
The type of training taken is associated with differences in sal-
ary. Those that took only IT training averaged approximately
$73,000. Respondents who took IT and some form of project
management or business skills training averaged approxi-
mately $82,000. Those that took no training at all averaged
$78,317 (some of these are likely to be well-trained already).
Respondents whose training was exclusively business-related,
including ITIL®, or project management averaged $87,730.

Certifications and Salary

Nearly half of the respondents (45 percent) reported they
earned an IT, project management or business-related certi-
fication in the prior five years. This group was asked to select
from a broad slate of certifications (270) across 20 categories,

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 16

including business process, imaging and printing, database, Salaries by Popular Certifications
security, virtualization, and wireless, among others (See fig- Certification Salary Base*
ure 21). Seven percent of the respondents (678) hold a Project CCNA - Cisco Certified Network Associate $79,536 709
Management Professional (PMP®) certification. Average salary PMP® - Project Management Professional $103,570 678
for those with this certification is $103,570, placing this group MCSE - MS Certified Systems Engineer $83,234 628
in the top 20 percent of salaries. ITIL® v3 Foundation $93,250 586

Cisco’s CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate), held by CompTIA - Security+ $75,508 459

over 700 respondents, and Microsoft’s MCSE (Microsoft Certi- MCSA - MS Certified System Administrator $75,328 450

fied Systems Engineer) round out the top three. Salaries for IT ITIL v2 Foundation $96,128 306
professionals holding these certifications range from $79,536 Server+ $70,880 296
to $83,234. We round out the top five with ITIL® V3 (average VMware Certified Professional $87,151 259
salary of $93,250) and Security+ (average salary of $75,508). VoIP/Telephony $85,669 252

MCITP - MS Certified IT Professional $77,529 236

Salary by Job Role and Function CISSP - Cert Info Sys Security Professional $100,735 235
This year, primary job functions were separated out from job MCITP - Server Administrator $75,311 184
roles to provide a clearer picture of salary dynamics based on IT CCNP - Cisco Certified Network Professional $97,296 172
responsibilities. Eleven primary functions were identified along MCDST - MS Certified Desktop
$60,360 164
with 15 job roles. Survey respondents were also offered the op- Support Technician

tion to write-in an “other” response (See figure 22 and 23). Project+ $87,057 156

MCTS - Windows Vista, Configure $73,474 148

Managers and those who administer or support IT systems ac-
MCITP - Enterprise Administrator $79,824 147
counted for one-third of responses. IT managers typically have
MCTS - Windows Server 2008 Active
17 years of tenure with an annual salary averaging $89,636. $72,039 144
Directory Configuration
Respondents in the systems administration arena average
CCDA - Cisco Certified Design Associate $97,995 139
13.8 years in the profession with a yearly salary of $65,749. Figure 21 * Number of Survey Respondents

Over half of the respondents were at the staff level, similar to

the 2010. Tenure for this group averages 14.6 years with earn- Click here for a complete list
ings averaging $70,823. Frontline supervisors account for nine of salaries by certification.
percent of respondents. This group averages 15.6 years of ten-
ure and earns approximately 11 percent more per year than Salaries by Primary Job Function
the staff they supervise. Middle management accounted for Job Function Salary Base*

25 percent of the respondents. The average mid-level manager Business Processes $92,804 576

in IT has been working in their career for 16.5 years and earns Applications/Programming $88,753 1,159

$85,210. Senior managers and executives accounted for 13 Secuirity $87,815 401

percent of the respondent base in the current survey. Average Non-IT Function $85,113 443

tenure ranged between 18 – 20 years with annual base salary Database $83,152 446
ranging from $101,475 to $115,500 (See figure 23). Data Center $82,402 411

Web Development $78,643 245

As one would expect, respondents tasked with supervising the
Communications (inc. Telecom & UC) $77,836 514
work of others have greater average salaries than their non-
supervisory counterparts. Supervisors, at all levels, account Other IT Functions $77,415 2,406

for 32 percent of the industry, down from 36 percent in 2010, Servers & Storage $76,294 1,208

which means companies are likely moving to bigger teams Networking (LAN, WAN, Wireless, etc) $72,355 1,748

and fewer middle managers. The difference in average salaries Operations & Facilities $72,044 509

Total $79,579 10,066

Figure 22 * Number of Survey Respondents

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 17

between supervisors and their staff ranges from $7,714 for Salaries by Job Role
front-line managers, $8,547 for middle management, and Job Role Salary
$10,607 for senior management. Vice President $126,693

Executive-level (President, CXO, SVP, etc) $122,072

Salary by IT Department Size Director $108,132
There are many benefits associated with working for a smaller Systems Architect/Design $98,138
company; however, salary is not one of them, according to Consultant $93,594
the survey. Statistically significant differences in average sal- Project Manager $90,698
ary were found at all levels of staff size. IT departments with
Manager $89,636
fewer than ten team members at their location account for
System Engineering (Implementation) $79,732
over one-third of all survey responses (38 percent). This group
Quality Control, Usability & Testing $79,036
had the lowest average salary at $69,962. Respondents work-
Programmer $78,293
ing in IT departments with 10 – 99 staff members averaged
Analyst $73,578
16 percent more than those in the smallest IT departments
Technical Writer $67,659
($81,357 vs. $69,962). IT professionals working in depart-
ments with 100 or more staff average 31 percent more than Training $67,583

those in the smallest IT departments ($91,236 vs. $69,962). Other Roles $67,237

This differential is consistent with results from 2010. System Administration/Support $65,749

End-User Helpdesk/Support $52,649

Salary by Industry Total $79,579

Figure 23
Across all industries those who manage, implement, and sup-
port IT infrastructure play a critical role in the success of their Salaries by Industry
companies and organizations, but there are definite differenc- Industry Salary
es in earning potential in the various sectors (See figure 24).
Pharmaceutical or Bio-Med Research $96,421
This year we had the largest number of survey respondents
Aerospace/Defense $93,066
from the government sector (including federal, state and local,
Natural Resources – Mining, Oil or Gas $88,835
but excluding defense), followed by healthcare, education, and
IT Consulting $88,007
the financial sector. Salaries by industry sector ranged from
VAR, IS Integration $86,941
$64,698 in educational services to $96,421 in pharmaceutical
and bio-med research. We round out the top five industries, Government –Military and Homeland Security $86,808

in terms of base salary, with aerospace ($93,066), mining, Automotive $84,808

oil and gas ($88,835), IT consulting ($88,077), and systems Insurance, Real Estate, Legal $83,491

integration ($86,941). Banking & Finance $83,281

Utilities $83,049

Geographic Impact on Salary Figure 24

As we have seen throughout this report, salary is a multi-

faceted equation. Skills, industry, education, and tenure all
have an impact. One variable that cannot be dismissed is
geography. Whether there is a scarcity or surplus of workers is
a function of the cost of living, the diversity of the economic
base, and the overall desirability of a region, among other
factors. This economic fact of worker supply-and-demand can
drive salaries up or down across different locations.

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 18

Nationwide Salary Comparison


Pacific Mountain West East New England Region
North Central North Central
Northeast $83.2K
West $84.2K

South $80.2K

Midwest $74.7K

West North Central $72.3K

East South Central $75.7K

New England $80.8K

Middle Atlantic $86.0K

South Atlantic $82.7K

West South Central $78.0K

East North Central $71.4K

Pacific West East South Pacific $85.5K
South Central South Central Atlantic
Mountain $77.5K

Figure 25

The average salary of respondents across the U.S. is $79,579,

down 3.1 percent from 2010. It ranges from $74,749 in the Top 5 States by Salary
Midwest to over $83,278 in the Northeast. Within these broad Washington, DC $97.6K
regions, the Mid-Atlantic region had the highest salary base New Jersey $96.0K
with an average of $86,019, followed closely by the Pacific Maryland $93.7K
region ($85,564) (See figure 25).
Connecticut $91.3K

On a state/district level, Washington, DC had the highest aver- Virginia $91.3K

age salary at $97,612 due in part to its broad base of govern- Figure 26

ment, defense, and consulting employees. Other top paying

states include New Jersey, Maryland, Connecticut, Virginia, Bottom 5 States by Salary
and California. The lowest average IT salaries are found in Idaho $62.2K
the northern plains states of Idaho, South Dakota, and the Maine $60.3K
more rural parts of New England. These states also have lower
South Dakota $59.6K
costs of living and fewer large employers, both contributing to
Vermont $58.3K
lower salaries (See figures 26 and 27).
Nevada $53.9K
Figure 27
Looking Forward
According to Gartner’s annual forecast, global IT spending
is expected to rise 5.1 percent to $3.6 trillion in 2011. To be Click here for a complete list
certain, a portion of that growth will result from the relatively of salaries by state.
weak U.S. dollar, but regardless, spending is still expected
to rise by at least 3.5 percent. Areas with expected growth
above the norm include telecommunications equipment (9.1
percent), computing hardware (7.5 percent), and enterprise
software (7.5 percent).(5)

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 19

Reinforcing that forecast, three out of four survey respondents
indicated they were seeing a rise in IT projects. This is up 15
points from last year’s survey (77 percent vs. 62 percent).
This skews up for several industries: automotive (84 percent),
banking and finance (83 percent), insurance and legal (82
percent), healthcare (84 percent), natural resources (89 per-
cent), retail (83 percent), and system integrators (81 percent).
Several of these industries benefited from federal stimulus
funding, especially healthcare. Two industries continue to face
challenging business conditions and do not expect to see proj-
ects coming online with as much exuberance. These include
construction (64 percent) and aerospace (67 percent).
Respondents were also asked to report on their current and
expected business conditions. Over half (56 percent) indicated
that their businesses were either growing slowly or experienc-
ing a period of solid growth. This is up 14 points from last
year (56 percent vs. 42 percent). There is a significant relation-
ship between projects coming online and perceived business
conditions. For example, respondents from construction and
aerospace are more likely to report they are experiencing
difficult business conditions, and therefore less likely to report
seeing projects being initiated or revived.
The primary critical concerns facing respondents’ organi-
zations are the economy and budget limitations. Current
economic consensus calls for limited growth, which means
companies will not benefit from a significant influx into their
respective markets. Growth will result from a more customer-
centric approach and a rapid response to demands in the
market. IT will be tasked with staying flexible enough to en-
able companies to compete more effectively.(6) The strongly-
held opinion that there are not enough resources to keep the
ship afloat while also sailing in new directions will have to be
overcome by senior IT management.
As for skills to be added, almost one-third indicated virtualiza-
tion was on their radar for 2011. This is up seven points from
2010 (32 percent vs. 25 percent). This is followed closely by
cyber security, network administration and project manage-
ment skills.

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 20

Summary About Global Knowledge
Despite the shadow of slow economic times, there Global Knowledge is the worldwide leader in IT and
remains a sense of optimism among IT and business business training. We deliver via training centers,
professionals. The majority of survey respondents private facilities, and the Internet, enabling our cus-
believe their personal economic conditions and those tomers to choose when, where, and how they want to
facing their companies will improve in 2011.(7) receive training programs and learning services. Our
more than 1,200 courses span foundational and spe-
While the average IT worker salary in this year’s sur-
cialized training and certifications. Founded in 1995,
vey was down 3.1 percent year-over-year, it is still up
Global Knowledge employs more than 1,300 people
eight percent compared to 2008 (the first year of this
worldwide and is headquartered in Cary, NC. The
survey), and IT worker demand in multiple industries
company is owned by New York-based investment
and for multiple skill sets and job functions remains
firm Welsh, Carson, Anderson, and Stowe. For more
strong. The world is more dependent on technol-
information, visit www.globalknowledge.com.
ogy than ever, and IT workers who can continue to
keep the world running and push their organizations
forward with the latest innovations will remain a
About TechRepublic
TechRepublic provides IT leaders and IT workers with
valuable asset.
resources to help meet the day-to-day demands of
Also, our respondents and their managers agree that the IT profession. TechRepublic’s members, represent-
training and certification improve job performance. ing all segments of the IT industry, turn to the site for
This increase in employee effectiveness is critical to information, advice, and tools to help them perform
note as budgets begin to return to previous levels at the highest level. Both an online trade publication
but still remain under scrutiny. The key, then, to job and an online community, TechRepublic provides IT
security and increasing one’s salary, as born out in professionals with the ultimate peer-to-peer experi-
the data, is improving personal job performance. ence for information gathering and problem solv-
Becoming a continually active learner and regularly ing. Now part of CBS Interactive, TechRepublic was
updating IT knowledge and skills play a key role in founded in 1999 in Louisville, Kentucky, where its
job performance, job satisfaction, and compensation. editorial team still has its headquarters today. Visit
www.techrepublic.com for more information.
Survey Methodology
The Global Knowledge/TechRepublic 2011 survey was About the Primary Researcher
conducted online from October 11 to November 19, Greg Timpany is the Senior Market Research Manager
2010. More than one-half million survey invitations at Global Knowledge Training LLC. Greg has over 20
were e-mailed to recipients from the databases of years of experience in the fields of market research,
Global Knowledge, TechRepublic, and other partner competitive intelligence, and database marketing.
companies. Links, including the survey invitation, also He has designed and implemented studies for both
were provided in online newsletters. The 2011 IT Sal- the consumer and business-to-business industry
ary and Skills Survey yielded over 12,000 completes spaces. In addition to conducting research, Greg is a
from around the globe with 84 percent coming from published author and lecturer with a focus on the ef-
the United States and Canada. This online survey was fective use of marketing data. Prior to joining Global
powered by Qualtrix and tabulated using SPSS. Knowledge, he held positions with Guitar Center, Los
Angeles Times, and Wilkin Guge Marketing among
others. Greg holds an MBA in Information Systems
and Marketing from California State University, San

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 21

Endnotes 6. Reshaping IT Management for turbulent times
1. IT salaries flatten with benefits in decline December 2010 McKinsey Quarterly publication -
http://campustechnology.com/articles/2010/01/07/ Roberts, Roger, Hugo Sarrazin, and Johnson Sikes.
report-it-salaries-flatten-benefits-decline.aspx A dual model for managing IT is proposed – one
Janco, in their 2010 IT industry study, pointed to a component that drives efficiency utilizing lean man-
number of causes for the flatting of IT salaries and agement practices (Factory IT) and a second which
decline in benefits since 2007. The last few years have embeds IT teams within business operations that al-
brought cost-cutting mindsets, business closures and lows for enablement (Enabling IT) and faster response
extensive outsourcing. to changing market demands. Predictive analytics,
business intelligence and “app development: are ex-
2. Manpower surveys says 84 percent of US amples of IT-driven processes that help organizations
workers will look for a new position in 2011 better compete in the market.
7. Modest Pay Increases Expected in Year Ahead
job/68580/# http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703
3. IT Job Satisfaction reers_CareerJournal_4
4. IDC Training Impact Survey, 2008
61 percent of managers surveyed reported the ‘skill of
the team’ was the key driver to success in IT depart-
5. Global IT spending expected to rise 5.1 per-
cent to $3.6 trillion according to Gartner

Copyright ©2011 Global Knowledge Training LLC. All rights reserved. 22

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