Power System Stability Vol III Kimbark
Power System Stability Vol III Kimbark
Power System Stability Vol III Kimbark
Volume III
Synchronous ~achines
IEEE Press
445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
Editorial Board
John B. Anderson, Editor in Chief
This is the IEEE reprinting of a book previously published by John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. under the title Power System Stability, Volume III: Synchronous
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form,
nor may it be stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form,
without written permission from the publisher.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
ISBN 0·7803·1135·3
XII Synchronous Machines 1
Reactances, Resistances, and Time Constants 2
Sudden Three-Phase Short Circuit 40
Mathematical Theory 52
Vector Diagrams 69
Applications to Transient Stability Studies 78
Saturation 118
o (6)
Circuit Fluxline
in Fig. 2 flux line 1 links circuit C once, line 2 links it four times, and
line 3 does not link it at all. The flux linkage 1/J of a circuit is defined
as the algebraic sum of the numbers of linkages of all the lines of flux
linking the 'circuit, the positive direction of linkage' being taken ac-
cording to Fig. 3. Thus in Fig. 2, if there were no flux lines linking the
circuit except those shown, and if each line represented one weber of
flux, the flux linkage of the circuit would be -1 + +
4 0 = 3 weber-
turns. In general, the flux should be divided into infinitesimal parts
d(j), each represented by a line or tube linking the circuit n times; the
flux linkage of the circuit is then given by
1/1 f
= n dcP weber-turns [1]
L 11
= -. [lla]
a1/1 1
L 12 = - . [lIb]
L 11 = -.- =
a1/11 r1)
'-F 11nl
henrys [14]
Thus both self- and mutual inductance are directly proportional to the
permeance, or reciprocal of reluctance, of the associated magnetic cir-
cuits and the product of the numbers of turns of the two electric
circuits (or square of the number of turns in case of self-inductance).
The permeance fP and reluctance ffi. of a magnetic circuit depend
upon the permeability and dimensions of the circuit, and are given by
9' = ~A [19]
It is often useful to compare inductances of various circuits by com-
paring the permeabilities, lengths, and cross-sectional areas of the
associated magnetic circuits.
. d,p2 . di 2 di l
V2 = R21,2 + di = R21,2 + L 22 dt + L 12 dt [22b]
Since w, R 2 , £22, and £12 2 are all positive numbers (whether £12 is
positive or negative), the reflected resistance is positive, but the re-
flected reactance is negative. Therefore the presence of a closed sec-
ondary circuit increases the apparent resistance of the primary circuit
and decreases its apparent reactance. The short-circuit reactance of an
iron-core transformer may be as low as 1/500th of its open-circuit
If R 2 2 «oo 2L 222 , then the driving-point impedance becomes
z; ~ R 1 + ( LLI2) . ( L 11 -
2 R 2 + Jw LL12 ) [30]
22 22
The ratio would be
L 12 n2
-=- [35]
L 11 n1
L 12 -- -
.- [37]
The ratio would be
L 22 n2
By elimination of nl/n2 from eqs. 35 and 38, the value of mutual in-
ductance would be
which is the greatest value that £12 could possibly have.
Actually, all the flux will not link all the turns of both coils. With
current in coil 1 only, the linkages of both coils will be less than that
given by eqs. 33 and 34, but, because of leakage flux, the linkage of
coil 2 will be reduced more than that of coil l. Hence
L 12 = k n2 [40]
L 11 nl
where k 1 < 1. Similarly, with current in coil 2 only, the linkage of
L 12 = k2 n1 (41]
£22 17,2
Equivalent T circuits. Equations 22, 23, and 24, which were written
for the inductively coupled circuits of Fig. 5, are equally valid for the
T circuit of Fig. 6. Therefore, the two circuits are equivalent. The
T circuit is not always physically realizable because one of the series
inductances, L 11 - L 12 or L 22 - L 12 , may be negative. Although a
negative self-inductance may be replaced by a capacitance in the
steady state at a single fixed frequency, this substitution is not valid
under transient conditions.
The T circuit of Fig, 7 differs from that of Fig. 6 in that the mutual
inductance or impedance is multiplied by an arbitrary constant a
(usually taken as a positive real number), and the secondary resist-
ance, self-inductance, and impedance are multiplied by a2 • This cir-
cuit gives the same primary current and voltage as Figs. 5 and 6 do,
il L 11 - aL 12
FIG. 7. T circuit that gives the same primary current and voltage as the circuits of
Figs. 5 and 6, but different secondary current and voltage.
(l-k)L n
FIG. 8. The circuit of Fig. 7 with a = VL 11/L22. The inductances of the two
series arms are equal.
For example, if the number of secondary turns were doubled and their
cross-sectional area halved, and if the winding occupied the same space
as before, the mutual inductance and secondary e.m.f. would be
doubled, the secondary resistance and self-inductance quadrupled,
and the secondary current halved. In this case a = 2.
By choice of a in the range
FIG. 9. The circuit of Fig. 7 with a = L 12/ £ 22. The inductance of the secondary
series arm 'is zero.
The theorem of constant flux linkage. 2 ,12 One of the most useful
principles for analyzing transient phenomena in inductive electric cir-
cuits is the theorem of constant flux linkages, which will now be de-
rived. Consider any closed circuit, or mesh, of an electric network,
having finite resistance, flux linkage due to any cause whatever, and
e.m.f.'s not due to change of linkage, but no series capacitance. The
sum of the potential differences around such a path is
Here the letters R, i, 1/1, t, and e have their usual meanings. The sum-
mation sign L: is used because the mesh under consideration may
consist of several branches, each having different resistance, current,
and e.m.f. The flux linkage, on the other hand, is that of the entire
dl/; = 0 [49]
which integrates to
1/1 = constant [50]
The flux linkage of any closed circuit having no resistance or e.m.j. re-
mains constant.
Actually every circuit has some resistance, and therefore the flux
linkage of the circuit changes at a rate ~(e - Ri) (eq. 47). In a
linear network having no e.m.f.'s, the rate of change of flux linkage
may be expressed in terms of the time constants of the network (dis-
cussed in the next section of this chapter).
The theorem of constant flux linkage is most useful in situations
where the self-inductance of a circuit or the mutual inductance be-
tween it and another circuit change because of relative motion of parts
of the circuit, or of two circuits, or of magnetic materials. If these
changes occur in a time which is short compared with the time con-
stant of the circuit, the flux linkages remain substantially constant
during the change, and this fact may be used to calculate the currents
after the change in terms of the currents before the change.
A few examples of applications of the theorem will now be given.
1. Suppose that a copper ring carrying no current is situated at
first so that it surrounds a permanent bar magnet. Suppose further
that the ring is then suddenly removed from the magnet. The current
in the ring immediately after removal will be of such magnitude and
in such direction that the magnetic flux passing through the ring is
equal to its previous value; namely, the flux of the permanent magnet.
This current is therefore equal to the flux of the magnet divided by the
inductance of the ring. Ultimately, of course, the current decays to
R "'-Armature released
FIG. 10. Changes of current in relay coil when armature is suddenly drawn away
from magnet and later is allowed to fall back,
rent slowly decreases to its steady-state value, and the flux also de-
creases. If now the armature is released, allowing it to be drawn
back to the magnet, the current suddenly decreases to a value which
holds the flux at the reduced value in spite of the increased permeance.
Thereafter the current builds up· slowly to its steady-state value and
the flux builds up with it.
3. For the next example, consider a transformer having primary
self-inductance L 11, secondary self-inductance L 22 , and mutual in-
ductance L 12 . Initially the secondary winding is short-circuited, the
primary winding is open, and the currents are zero. Suddenly a di-
rect voltage E is applied to the primary terminals and is maintained
constant. What are the currents if resistance is neglected? The ini-
tial flux linkage of the closed secondary circuit is zero and, in the
absence of resistance, this value is maintained.
This requires a constant ratio of secondary current to primary current:
~2 · =- L 12
L 22
• [52]
1/11 = (L i::)
11 - i1 = L soi 1 [54]
~ ..J!condary
~ coil
curve itself has decreased to 0.368 of its initial value and at the same
time the tangent to the curve at the initial point intersects the hori-
zontal axis. In the interpretation of these statements, any point on
the curve may he taken as the initial point.
1 I'.~
0.368 ;;;-T~'
-, --
-, " "-
"'" --
FIG. 13. Plot of exponential on semilog paper.
R ~" + Ldi
-dt =0 [58]
Ri + L ~~ = e(t) [63]
di e(t) - Ri [e(t)/R] - i
dt - L L/R
di i,(t) - i
= -- [64]
dt - T T
At every instant the rate of change of current is equal to the difference
it between the steady-state current i 8 (t) which would be reached if
the e.m.f. remained at its instantaneous value and the actual current i,
divided by the time constant T.
Wagner'! has given a simple graphical solution of eq. 64, which he
calls the follow-up method: The coordinates of the desired curve are
current i and time t. On the same coordinates a curve of is(t) =
e(t)/R is first plotted against i, which curve, however, is shifted to the
right by a distance T (see Fig. 14). From a point representing the
initial current 1 0 at t = 0, a straight line is drawn to the point on
the curve of e(t)/R representing e(O)/R, which point, as already men-
tioned, is at a distance T to the right of the origin. The slope of this
line is therefore that given by eq. 64 and represents the initial slope
of the desired curve of i against t. The slope of the curve is assumed
to be constant for a short time interval ilt. At the point on the straight
line at t = ilt, a new value of slope is determined by drawing a second
straight line from this point to a point on the curve of is at t= T + ilt.
The new value of slope is assumed to be constant during a second in-
terval ilt, and so on. The process is illustrated in Fig. 14, with a
modification which will now be described.
-R- 3t
5 4t 10
6 7 9t
8 9
5f 6t
To illustrate the accuracy of point-by-point calculations of transient
current, compute the decaying current in a circuit having a resistance of
1 ohm, an inductance of 1 henry, and no e.m.f., if the initial current is
1 ampere.
Exact solution. The time constant is
L/R = 1/1 = 1 sec.
~i i
-=-- (b)
~t 1.1
~i = _ i ~t = _ 0.2 i = i
1.1 1.1 5.5
in = in- 1 + (~i)n (d)
differential equations
Rt'ttl + L 11 din di
di + L 12 dit 2 = 0 [66a]
R2'tt2 + L 22 didit2 + L 12 di
= 0 [66b]
«. + L 11P L 12 P I= 0 [68]
IL 12P R2 + L22P
(R1 + L 11P) (R2 + L 22P) - L 122p 2 = 0 [69]
(L 11L22 - L 12 2 ) p 2 + (R 1L22 + R 2L11 )P + R 1R2 = 0 [70]
The roots are readily found, for given numerical values of R 1, R 2 ,
L l 1 , L 22 , and L 12 , through use of the formula for the roots of a quad-
ratic equation. The coefficients Ila, lib, 12a, and I 2b can be determined
from a knowledge of the initial values of in, i t 2 , and their derivatives,
which can be found as if there were no resistance.
The flux linkages of the two circuits, being linear functions of the
two currents, consist of exponential components having the same
values of p that the currents have. The initial values of the linkages
can often be found from the theorem of constant flux linkage.
The time constants of the transient current components of eqs. 67
1 1
T« = - - and Tb = - - [71]
Pa Pb
These time constants of the coupled circuits can be found in terms of
the time constants of the two separate circuits,
where (J' is the leakage coefficient defined by eqs. 43 and 44. Equa-
What are the time constants of t\VO coupled R-L circuits if the leakage
coefficient is 0.15 and the time constants of the two separate circuits are
5 sec. and 1 sec.?
Solution. Given: T 1 = 5 seo., T 2 = 1 sec., (J = 0.15. Equation 73
T2 - 6T + 0.75 = 0 (a)
By the quadratic formula, the roots are
Ta = 3 + V9 - 0.75 = 5.872 sec. (b)
Tb = 0.75 = 0.128 sec. (c)
3 + V9 - 0.75
By the approximate equations (74), the time constants are
Ta =5+1 = 6 sec. (d)
T b = 0.15 X 5 X 1 = 0.125 sec. (e)
The errors of the approximate formulas are seen to be small if (1 is as small
as 0.15.
tion of any of these, the rotor circuits are closed but not excited, the
rotor is turned forward at synchronous speed, current of the proper
sequence is applied to the armature windings, and the armature termi-
nal voltage of the. same phase sequence as the current is found. The
ratio of the voltage to the current is, of course, the impedance. The
reactance is by far the most important component of every synchro-
nous-machine impedance, and the resistance is negligible for most
Anyone machine has only one zero-sequence reactance and one
negative-sequence reactance, * but it has several different positive-
sequence reactances, depending upon the angular position of the rotor
and upon whether the positive-sequence armature currents are steady
or are suddenly applied.
, I
(b) Xq
I I Field winding
o ~short-circuited
~I-----+---~ -i---_L
(d) Xq '
. ------I
(f) x q"
FIG. 15. Flux paths for various reactances of a salient-pole synchronous machine.
(a) Direct-axis synchronous reactance. (b) Quadrature-axis synchronous reactance .
(c) Direct-axis transient reactance. (d) Quadrature-axis transient reactance .
(e) Direct-axis subtransient reactance. (f) Quadrature-axis subtransient reactance.
(From Ref. 34 by permission.)
difference whether the field winding is open or closed - the field flux
linkage is constant in either case. With respect to the armature, how-
ever, the flux is moving at synchronous speed. Consequently the flux
linkage of each armature phase winding varies sinusoidally with time.
The time variation of flux linkage is in phase with the time variation
of armature current because the space-fundamental flux wave is in
phase with the space-fundamental m.m.f. wave. Therefore the ratio
of flux to current is the same regardless of whether instantaneous,
maximum, or effective values are used. The armature voltage induced
by change of flux linkage is in quadrature with the flux and current.
The ratio of this voltage to the current, under the stipulated condi-
tions, is the direct-axis synchronous reactance Xd.
One method of measuring Xd has already' been suggested: Apply sus-
tained positive-sequence currents to the armature, drive the rotor
forward at synchronous speed, in such position that its direct axis
coincides with the crest of the space-fundamental forward-rotating
m.m.f. wave, and measure the sustained positive-sequence armature
voltage in quadrature with the current.
There is another method of measuring Xd, which is easier to carry
out than the method just described. The rotor is driven at rated
speed with the field winding excited, and the open-circuit armature
voltage is measured. Then a three-phase short circuit is applied to
the armature terminals and the sustained armature current is meas-
ured, the field current being the same as before. The ratio of open-
circuit voltage* to short-circuit current is Xd. This method does not
require a separate source of three-phase power, and the armature
m.m.f. is automatically aligned with the direct axis of the rotor.
That the second method gives the same result as the first in an un-
saturated machine can be shown by the principle of superposition,
which is valid for linear circuits. In Fig. 16a the field winding of the
generator is excited by application of a direct voltage, producing a
positive-sequence alternating voltage E at the open-circuited arma-
ture terminals. If now an external alternating e.m.f. E is applied to
the armature, exactly balancing the open-circuit voltage, no armature
currents flow. This subterfuge is necessary because the principle of
superposition is valid only when the impedances of the circuit are con-
stant: we cannot have an open circuit at one time and a short circuit
at another time. Any current (or voltage) in Fig. 16a, resulting from
the application of field and armature e.m.f.'s together, is equal to the
"If the machine is saturated, the voltage read from the air-gap line should be
used instead of the open-eircuit voltage read from the no-load saturation curve.
The result is then the unsaturated value of Xd.
sum of the currents (or voltages) at the same place resulting from the
application of the field and armature e.m.f.'s separately (Figs. l6b and
l6e). In Fig. l6a the armature currents are zero; therefore the arma-
ture currents in Fig. l6b must be equal and opposite to the correspond-
ing armature currents in Fig. l6e. The armature voltage E in Fig. l6a
is likewise the sum of the armature voltages.in Figs. 16b and c, which
(a) open-
(b) short-
applied to
are zero and E, respectively. The field current If in Fig. 16a is the
sum of the field currents in Figs. 16b and C, which are If and zero,
respectively. Therefore, the reactance Xd determined from the scalar
ratio of the voltage E in Fig. 16a to the current Is in Fig. 16b is the
same as the value of Xd determined from the same voltage E and cur-
rent Is in Fig. l6c, the field currents being equal in Figs. 16a and b.
Figure 16c embodies the conditions used in defining Xd; Figs. 16a and
b portray the alternative method of measuring Xd by means of open-
circuit and short-circuit tests, which is the usual test method.
acting alone and the space fundamental of the flux in the air gap. It
consists of three parts, due to the following fluxes:
1. Slot-leakage flux.
2. End-winding flux.
3. Differential-leakage flux, which comprises space harmonics of
air-gap flux that induce fundamental-frequency armature voltage.
mental m.m.f. wave is in line with the quadrature axis of the rotor
instead of the direct axis.
In a machine having laminated salient poles and no amortisseurs,
the changing flux can pass sideways through the field coils without
linking them and inducing field current. The flux paths (Fig. 15d)
are the same as those for a steady flux (Fig. 15b). This is true also
of a machine with amortisseurs after the current in them has become
negligible. Consequently, for salient-pole machines, x q ' is equal to X q •
Because field current is induced by a changing direct-axis flux, though
not by a changing quadrature-axis flux, Xd' is less than x q ' . Amortis-
seur windings restrict the quadrature-axis flux initially to low-perme-
ance paths, as shown in Fig. 15f, thereby making the quadrature-axis
subtransient reactance xq " much less than the transient reactance
x q ' . However, x q " is usually slightly greater than Xd". In a salient-
pole machine without amortisseur windings, x q " is equal to x q ' , which,
as already stated, is equal to X q .
In a machine with a solid round rotor, the changing reactance due
to quadrature-axis eddy currents can be represented fairly well as the
sum of two exponentials, one of which is rapid, the other slow. The
slower transient, extrapolated back to zero time, gives x q ' ; the initial
total reactance is x q " . In such machines the value of x q ' is between
the values of Xd' and X q , and x q " is slightly smaller than x q ' .
arithmetical mean,
(Adapted from Refs. ] 5, 34, and 41)
Turbo- Vlater-'\Vheel
Synchronous Motors
generators Generators
Condensers (general
(solid rotor) (with dampersj]
Low Avg. High Low AIJg. High Low Avg. High Low Avg. High
Reactances in per unit
Xd 0.95 1.10 1.45 0.60 1.15 1.45 1.50 1.80 2.20 0.80 1.20 1.50
xq 0.92 1.08 1.42 0.40 0.75 1.00 0.95 1.15 1.40 0.60 0.90 1.10
Xd 0.12 0.23. 0.28 0.20 6.37 0.50t 0.30 0.40 0.60 0.25 0.35 0.45
xq 0.12 0.23 0.28 0.40 0.75 1.00 0.95 1.15 1.40 0.60 0.90 1.10
Xd " 0.07 0.12 0.17 0.13 0.24 0.35 0.18 0.25 0.38 0.20 0.30 0.40
x q" 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.23 0.34 0.45 0.23 0.30 0.43 0.30 0.40 0.50
Xp 0.07 0.14 0.21 0.17 0.32 0.40 0.23 0.34 0.45
X2 0.07 0.12 0.17 0.13 0.24 0.35 0.17 0.24 0.37 0.25 0.35 0.45
xo· 0.01 0.10 0.02 0.21 0.03 0.15 0.04 0.27
Resistances in per unit
ra(d-c.) 0015 0.005 0.003 0.020 0.002 0.015
rCa-c.) 0.003 O.OOS 0.003 0.015 0.004 0.010
"2 0.025 0.045 0.012 0.20 0.025 0.07
Time constants in seconds
Tdo I 2.8 5.6 9.2 1.5 5.6 9.5 6.0 9.0 11.5
Td' 0.4 1.1 1.8 0.5 1.8 3.3 1.2 2.0 2.8
Td" = T q" 0.02 0.035 0.05 0.01 0.035 0.05 0.02 0.035 0.05
Ta 0.04 0.16 0.35 0.03 0.15 0.25 0.1 0.17 0.3
*xo varies from about 0.15 to 0.60 of Xd", depending upon winding pitch.
[For water-wheel generators without damper windings,
Xd" = 0.S5xd', Xq" = x q' = X q, X2 = (Xd ' + x q ) / 2,
and Xo is as listed.
tFor curves showing the normal value of Xd' of water-wheel-driven generators
as a function of kilovolt-ampere rating and speed, see Ref. 54.
component I" with a very short time constant T d" . Thus the ampli-
tude of the a-c. component is given as a function of time t by
I ac -- I 8 + I 0 E-t/7'd' + I 0
I II -tITd"
E [79]
The d-c. components of the three armature currents are generally all
of different magnitudes. They all decrease to zero exponentially with
the same time constant T a. The initial values of these components
depend upon the point in the cycle at which the short circuit occurs
and each one is equal and opposite to the initial instantaneous value
of the a-c. component of the same phase, so that there are no discon-
tinuities in the current waves
-Ie at the instant of short circuit.
I The maximum possibleinitial
I value of the d-c. component is
I -I a equal to the initial value of
I Real axis the envelope of the a-c. com-
fA ponent. This value can occur
in only one armature phase
at a time. Thus, in Fig. 18,
wave i a is almost completely
offset, while i b is almost sym-
metrical. The initial d-e.
components ofall three phases
FIG. 19. Relation of initial d-e, components can be found by taking the
of short-circuit armature currents (lA, 1B, 10)
to vectors representing initial crest values of projections on the real axis of
the a-c. components (la, Ib, Ie). three vectors 1200 apart and
of length equal to the initial
crest value of the a-c. component (see Fig. 19). The algebraic sum
of the d-e, components is zero, both initially and thereafter, since the
time constant is the same for all. The last two statements assume
that the short circuit is applied simultaneously to all terminals, which
is not always strictly true.
If Xd ' l ~ X q ' l there are also second-harmonic components of armature
current, which are proportional to the d-e, components. The second-
harmonic components do not show in Fig. 18 and are appreciable only
in salient-pole machines without damper windings.
Field current. The field current, like the armature current, consists
of d-e, and a-c. components. The d-c. component may be further sub-
divided into sustained, transient, and subtransient components. The
sustained component, if no voltage regulator is used, is equal to the
field current before occurrence of the short circuit, and is the quotient
the field m.m.f, and tends to reduce the flux linkages of the field and
damper windings, To prevent such changes of linkages, an increase
of field current is induced and damper currents are also induced.
Thus we have the transient and subtransient d-e, components in the
rotor windings and the corresponding; a-c. components in the arma-
ture windings,
The stationary armature poles would produce a fundamental-fre-
quency alternating linkage of the field and damper windings if funda-
mental-frequency currents did not flow in these windings to prevent
it. The alternating current in the field winding creates a pulsating
m.m.f. which is stationary with respect to the field poles. This m.m.f.
may be resolved into two waves of m.m.f., one rotating forward, the
other backward, with respect to the field poles. The backward-rotat-
ing m.m.f, is stationary with respect to the armature and opposes the
m.m.f, of the d-e, components of armature current. The forward-
rotating m.m.f. travels at twice normal speed with respect to the
armature and induces positive-sequence second-harmonic currents in
the armature in order to prevent any change of armature flux linkage.
However, if the machine has damper windings, currents are induced
in them which almost prevent this field m.m.f, from inducing second-
harmonic armature currents.
Field suddenly
(a) excited short-
Field )00---" open-
(b) excited
+ Is +1'
Field suddenly
(c) unexcited applied to
, E
I, + 10 =-,
Hence eq. '79 for the amplitude of the a-c. component of short-circuit
armature current may be written in terms of reactances as
I do -- V2 E cos a E-tfTa
and hence is
= 'v 2 2 v3E
lose + lOde max = --,,- [88]
This value, slightly decreased to allow for decrement in the first half-
cycle, is used in figuring the required short-time momentary ratings
of circuit breakers.
remainder was plotted on semilog paper in Fig. 22. The points lie nearly on
a straight line except during the first few cycles'. This straight line, extended
back to zero time, gives the initial value of the transient component I',
which is 2,190 amp. crest, or 1,550 ~mp. r.m.s, The time constant is found
as twice the time required for I' to drop to i/V~, or 0.606, times its initial
value, or 1,330 amp. crest. This time if' 85.5 cycles, making; the time con-
stant T d' = 171 cycles = 2.85 sec.
Time (seconds)
FIG. 21. D-c., or unsymmetrical, components and amplitude (crest value) of a-c.,
or symmetrical, component of short-circuit armature currents.
The values of I', read from the straight line, are then subtracted from the
ordinates of the curve I' +I" in the first few cycles and are replotted on
semilog paper in Fig. 23. These values lie on a straight line. The initial
value of I" is 1,470 amp. crest, or 1,040 amp. r.m.s, The time constant Td"
is the time taken for I" to decrease to liE or 0.368 of its initial value, or to
537 amp. crest. This time is T d " = 2.4 cycles, or 0.04 sec.
An approximate check on T d ' is obtained by plotting the d-c. component
of field current less the sustained value in Fig. 24. This gives TIi = 160
cycles, or 2.67 sec. This value is believed to be less accurate than that ob-
4,000 r - - - - - . . , . - - - - , - - - - r - . . . . . . . ; - . , . _ _ - - - - , r - - -__
~ 3,000 1----+-----+---.f----f----4--~
~ 2,000
--r- -+--~
foE--~-- 7d'---=---~ i
2,000 ,...----,----.-----,----,------,.
~ 1,000
.2 500
-u} I 0.135
e Td"~
...:se 200
0 2 3 4 5
Time (cycles)
tained from the a-c. armature current, because the zero axis was not recorded
on the original oscillogram but was drawn in later, possibly introducing an
error in the d-e, component. Note that the subtransient component of field
current is opposite in sign from the transient component and is small com-
pared with the sub transient armature current. It must be opposed by a large
sub transient current in the amortisseur windings.
14----+-- :
40 80 120
Time (cycles)
FIG. 24. Semilog plot of excess of d-e. component of field current over sustained
value. The transient component is represented by the straight line, from which
T d' can be determined. The subtransient component is small and of opposite sign
from the transient component.
The d-e. components of the three armature currents and the a-c. component
of field current are plotted logarithmically in Fig. 25. Except for i b, which
is too small to be determined accurately, the plots of these currents are
parallel but not quite straight. The plot of alternating field current if is
the straightest, possibly for reasons stated above, and was therefore used in
the determination of T a • The value of T a so found is 13.6 cycles, or 0.23 sec.
Values found from the plots of i a and i, range from 10 to 15 cycles, depending
upon how the straight line is drawn,
Reactances. The open-circuit voltage used in the test is 4,600/13,800, or
only one-third of normal. At such a low voltage· the machine is unsaturated.
The line-to-neutral value of open-circuit voltage is 4,600/ Va-
= 2,650 volts.
By eq, 80,
E 2,650
Xd =- = - - == 3.32 ohms
1, 800
By eq. 81,
x,/ = E = 2,650 = 1.13 ohms
I, +1 0' 2,350
5,000 ~---~----~'----.-----r----....,
:5 2,000
.e 1,000 1------l------I-~~~e_+--~..,......jI__--____1
k-----_l__ To. --+-----'>-i"..
o 5 10 15 20 25
Time (cycles)
FIG. 25. Semilog plot of d-e, components of armature currents i a , ib, i c and a-c.
component (crest value) of field current if for determination of time constant To..
By eq. 82,
xi' = ~ = 2,650 = 0.783 ohm
+ 10 + 1 0
I. 3,390
To convert the values of reactance into per unit, they must be divided by
the base impedance, which, from the machine rating, is
(13.8 X 10 ) 2 = 3.40 ohms
56 X 106
The per-unit values of reactance and the time constants are summarized in
Table 3. All these values lie within the limits given in Table 2 for water-
wheel generators.
Substitution of these values and of E = 1 into eq. 83 gives, for the a-c.
lac = 1.02 + 2.00E- t / 2•85 + 1.33E- t / O• 04 per unit
6 ~
\,~ \ ~
'-..S >-
2 " '.P.. .c
~' ....
" '---- ......
......... ----- ---- ~ ,J
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 00
Time (cycles)
FIG. 26. R.m.s. values of d-e, and a-c. components and of total short-circuit
armature current, fully offset wave (Example 3).
Equation 84, with E = 1 and cos a = 1, gives the d-e, component of a fully
offset wave as
I de = 6.14E- t / O• 23 per unit
The total current is given by eq. 85. The a-c. and d-e. components and the
total current are plotted in Fig. 26.
In the foregoing part of this chapter physical concepts of synchro-
nous-machine reactances and time constants were set forth and applied
to the determination of the three-phase short-circuit currents. Before
applying these concepts to stability calculations, it is desirable to have
a more comprehensive mathematical theory of synchronous machines
in the transient state than has been given. The following theory is
developed from the fundamental starting point that the machine con-
sists of several inductively coupled circuits, the self- and mutual in-
ductances of which vary periodically with the angular position of the
A three-phase salient-pole machine without amortisseur windings
will be considered. Iron loss and saturation will be neglected. Such
a machine has four windings: the field winding and three armature
phase windings.
• d1/lc
Vc = ri; +-ai [91c]
• d1/l1
VI = Tltl +-
1/Ia = Laaia + Labib + Lacic + Lalil [92a]
1/Ib = Lbaia + Lbbib + Lbcic + Lblij [92b]
1/Ic = Lcaia + Lcbib + Lccic + Lcjil [92c]
1/11 = Ljaia + Ljbib + Ljcic + Ljji j [92d]
In eqs. 91 r represents the resistance of each armature phase and T/
represents the field resistance.
Because many of the inductances vary with time, it is impossible
to solve the differential equations 91 to find the currents for any given
terminal voltages without knowing these inductances as functions of
time. Therefore, they will be expressed in terms of the angular posi-
tion of the rotor fJ, which changes with time, thus:
fJ = wt + fJ o [93]
where w is the angular speed, which for present purposes may be con-
sidered constant, and 80 is the initial value of fJ.
in accordance with Fig. 27. The magnetic axes of the three armature
phases are 120 elec. deg. apart. The direct and quadrature axes of
the field are 90 elec. deg. apart,
phase a with the quadrature axis leading.
The position of the rotor is given
by the angle 8 by which the direct
axis of the field has turned beyond
the axis of armature phase a.
The self-inductance of each ar-
mature' phase is always positive but
varies with the position of the rotor,
being greatest when the direct axis
of the field coincides with the axis
of the armature phase and least
when the quadrature axis coincides
with it. The variation of the self-
FIG. 27. Conventions for positive
angle, currents, and m.m.f.'s. (From inductance between these two posi-
Ref. 34 by permission.) tions can be either calculated from
design data or measured; by both
methods it is found to be practically sinusoidal. See Fig. 28, for
example. The variation of the self-inductance of phase a may be
expressed. by the following equation:
L aa = L + L m cos 28
8 [94]
where L 8 > Lm . It has maximum values at 8 = 0 and 180°, and min-
imum values at 8 = 90° and 270°. For phase b the variation of self-
i' 3.0I--~Pr--+----~----+---+-----+-~o.---I
~ 2.0
Fro. 28. Variation of self-inductance of armature phase a with position of the field.
The test points, taken on a 4-pole 15-kva. 220-volt 1,800-rpm. synchronous motor,
compare favorably with the curve showing the theoretical variation of an ideal
machine: L aa = L, + L m cos 28 = 2.36 + 0.796 cos 28 mho (From Ref. 34 by
FIG. 29. Variation of mutual inductance between armature phases a and b with
position of the field. The test points, taken on the same machine as in Fig. 28,
are close to the curve which shows theoretical variation for an ideal machine:
Lab = -M, + L m cos (28 - 120°) = -1.14 + 0.796 cos (28 - 120°) mho {From
Ref. 34 by permission.)
of one phase and the reversed axis of the other phase. Thus the maxi-
mum absolute value of the mutual inductance between phases a and
b occurs at 8 = - 30° or 150°; between phases a and c, at 8 = -150°
or 30°; and between phases band c, at 8 = 90° or 270°.
It is also found, both by calculation and by test, that the amplitude
of variation of the mutual inductance between two stator phases is
practically the same as the variation of the self-inductance of a stator
phase. For example, see Fig. 29. Consequently, it will be denoted
by the same symbol, L m .
Lab = Lba = -[M s + L m cos 2(8 + 30°)]
-M8 + L cos (28 - 120°)
m [97]
1/Ij = (Mf cos O)ia + [M j cos (8 - 1200 )]i b + [M j cos (8 + 1200 )]i c
+ Lfjif [103d]
Now assume that the voltages impressed on the four windings (three
armature phases and the field) are known as functions of time and
that expressions are wanted for the currents as functions of time.
Four differential equations are needed which have no unknowns
except the four currents and their time derivatives. To obtain such
equations, put () = wt 80 in eqs. 103, and, assuming that w is con-
stant, take the time derivative of these equations and substitute the
result into eqs. 91. The resulting equations are very complicated; for
die di/
+[M.+Lm cos (2wt+20o+1200)] di +[M, cos (wt+8o)] -;Ii [104]
These equations are simpler than eqs. 103 in two ways: first, in that
all the coefficients are constants, independent of the rotor position 8;
second,. in that there is almost a complete separation of variables.
The quantities in parentheses are the ratios of flux linkage to current;
obviously, they are the inductances in the new system of variables.
Furthermore, it may be suspected that they are identical with some
of the synchronous-machine inductances which were previously de-
fined, and this will be proved a little later.
L a+llf,+"iLm =Ld =direct-axis synchronous inductance [113]
La+M 8 -jLm = L q = quadrature-axis synchronous inductance [114]
L 8 - 2M 8 = Lo=zero-sequence inductance [115]
Thus, eqs. 112 may be written
The Park voltages are given by equations similar to eqs, 106 for
currents, to wit:*
Substitute into eqs. 117 the expressions for phase voltages, eqs. 91,
dt cos 8 +dt dtc cos (8 + 120°)]
dtb cos (8 - 120°) + dt
= r1,d. + (d1/!)
-dt d [118]
dt 3 dt dt dt
-wi[,pa sin 8 + 1/Ib sin (8 - 120°) + ,pc sin (8 + 120°)]
Substituting the value of (dl/l/dt)d from eq. 120 into eq. 118, we obtain
· d1J;d
Vd = r1,d + dt - wl/lq [121]
Equation 123 has the usual form, like eq. 89, but eqs. 121 and 122
are unusual because of the extra terms -w1f;q and wVtd, respectively.
The presence of these terms demands a physical interpretation.
di + W(L·d~d + M·I~I )
vq = r~q + L q di [124b]
· o
Vo = r~o + L 0 di
di [124c]
. di, 3 did
vJ = TJ1,J + LJj di + 2M'di [124d]
These equations correspond with those like eq. 104 but are much
simpler than the latter as there are only two, three, or four terms per
equation instead of eight and as the currents and their derivatives
have constant coefficients.
Under these conditions the flux linkage per armature ampere is equal
to the direct-axis synchronous inductance Ld. Consider phase a, the
linkage of which is given by eq. 103a. Substitute the specified condi-
tions (eqs. 125 through 127) into it, obtaining:
t/la= (L 8 + Lmcos 2wt)I cos wt+[ -M8 + L mcos (2wt-1200)]
XI cos (wt-1200)+[ -M8 + L m cos (2wt+1200)]1 cos (wt+1200)
= {La cos wt- M a [cos (wt-1200) + cos (wt+ 120°)]
+Lm [cos 2wtcos wt+ cos (2wt-1200) cos (wt-1200)
+ cos (2wt+1200) cos (wt+1200)]}I [128]
Ld == ~a == La + M a + tLm
which agrees with eq. 113. The same result can be obtained for
phase b or for phase c.
Quadrature-axis synchronous inductance L q • The conditions speci-
fied in the definition of L q are the same as those for La except that
the field is rotated with the quadrature axis in line with the axis of
the armature m.m.f. wave:
() = wt - 90°* [133]
For these conditions, eq. l03a becomes
-Pa = [L,+L mcos 2(wt-900)]I cos wt
+{ -Ma+Lm cos [2(wt-900) -1200]}I cos (wt-1200)
+{-Ma+Lm cos [2(wt-900)+1200]}I cos (wt+1200)
= {La coswt-M8 [cos (wt-1200)+ cos (wt+1200)]
+Lm [cos (2wt-1800) cos wt+ cos (2wt+600) cos (wt-1200)
+ cos (2wt-600) cos (wt+1200)]}I
= (L 8 + M s-!Lm)I cos wt
= (Ls+Ms-!Lm)i a [134]
- VJa
L q- . -
- L a + M '"2
_ SL m [135]
£0 = ~a = £8 - 2M 8 [140]
ia = I cos wt 1 [141a]
ib = I cos (wt - 120°) 1 [141b]
ic =I cos(wt + 120°) 1 [141c]
Condition 2 and the law of constant flux linkage show that initially
and from eq. 116d,
. 3 M J.
tl = - - - ta, [146]
Substitution of the values of the currents (eqs. 146 and 144b and c)
into eqs. 116 yields:
1/Id = (L d - 3 Mj ) •
- - - ~d
2 Lff
1/Iq =0 [l47b]
1/10 = 0 [147c]
Since, according to eqs. 144, i q = io = 0, from eq. 105a we have
i a = id cos 8 [148]
and similarly, since, according to eqs. 147, 1/Iq = 1/10 = 0,
1/Ia = 1/Id c.os 6 [149]
Therefore, upon dividing eq. 149 by eq. 148 and then using eq. 147a,
- = 1/Ia,
- = La - -3 -M f =
La [150]
ia ia, 2 L1 j
Equation 150 should be compared with eq. 31 for the equivalent in-
ductance of a transformer with short-circuited secondary winding.
La, corresponds to the self-inductance of the primary winding,Ljl to
that of the secondary winding, and M I to the mutual inductance
between the two windings. The only difference between the two
equations is the presence of the factor t in eq. 150, which appears in
consequence of the coefficients arbitrarily chosen in Park's trans-
Quadrature-axis transientinductance L q' and subtransient inductances
La') and L q " . It was assumed in the development of the mathemati-
cal theory that the only circuit on the rotor was the field winding in
the direct axis. Under this assumption the direct-axis subtransient
inductance is equal to the direct-axis transient inductance, and the
quadrature-axis transient and subtransient inductances are equal to
the quadrature-axis synchronous inductance. The addition of a
damper winding in the direct axis would make the direct-axis sub-
transient inductance less than the transient inductance. A damper
winding in the quadrature axis would make the quadrature-axis sub-
transient inductance less than the transient and synchronous induct-
ances although the last two would still be equal unless there were a
field winding in the quadrature axis (a very unusual condition) or
some other circuit of similar time constant, for example, the solid
rotor of a turbogenerator.
Negative-sequence inductance £2. The negative-sequence inductance
of a three-phase synchronous machine is the flux linkage of an arma-
ture phase per ampere of armature current under the following con-
1. Steady-state negative-sequence currents applied to the arma-
ture windings:
i a = I cos wt [152a]
i b = I cos (wt + 120°) [152b]
ic =I cos (wt - 120°) [152c]
2. Field circuit closed, not excited:
VI =0 [153]
3. Field rotated at synchronous speed, in any position:
8=wt+a [154]
The Park currents corresponding to eqs. 152 are:
i d = I cos (2wt + a) [155a]
i q = - I sin (2wt + a) [155b]
io = 0 [155c]
Note that i d and i q are of twice the applied frequency. Current ill in-
duces a field current of the same frequency. At this frequency the
resistance of the field circuit is usually negligible compared with its
reactance and may therefore be neglected.
. dt/ll dt/ll
VJ = rJ~J + di ~ di = 0 [156]
'"f = constant
and, in the steady state,
1/11 = 0
Therefore, as shown before (eqs. 145, 146, 147a, and 150),
iJ =- ~ MJ i d [157]
'I'd ~d + M·
= L· J~f = (L d - 3 M-
- -
/2) ·
= La'ia [158]
Also, by eqs. 116b and c,
ljIq = Lqiq [159]
¥to = 0 [160]
The flux linkage of phase a is (compare eq. 1000):
1/Ia =1/Id, cos 8-,yq sin 8+1/10
= Ld,'id, cos 8- Lqiqsin 8
= [Ld,' cos (2wt+a) cos (wt+a)+L q sin (2wt+a) sin (wt+a)]I
= {Li ~Lq [cos (2wt+a) cos (wt+a) + sin (2wt+a) sin (wt+a)]
+ Li;L [cos (2wt+a) cos (wt+a) - sin (2wt+a) sin (wt+a)]} I
La +Lq La' -Lq ]
= [ 2 cos wt+ 2 cos (3wt+2a) I [161]
It may be seen from this result that, although the applied currents
are exclusively of fundamental frequency, .the armature flux linkage,
and consequently also the armature voltage, consists of a fundamental
and a third harmonic. For this reason the instantaneous value of
"'alia is not constant. It would be discreet now to modify the defini-
tion of negative-sequence inductance to: fundamental-frequency arma-
ture flux linkage per fundamental-frequency armature ampere. Then
La = lfa(fundamental) = Li + L q [162]
ia 2
That is, negative-sequence inductance is the arithmetical average of
direct-axis transient inductance and quadrature-axis synchronous in-
ductance. But this result is valid only if there are no rotor circuits
save the field winding.
If there are low-resistance damper windings in both axes, the Park
flux linkages are
1/Ia = La,/Iid, [163]
.11 L
r« = q ~q II· [164]
and the negative-sequence inductance becomes
II + L q II
L 2= [165]
Likewise, the negative-sequence reactance is
II + Xq II
X2 =- [166]
1/10 = 0 [172c]
1/11 = fMfla, + LfJlf [172d]
all of which are constant. The Park voltages (eqs. 121 and 122) are:
tJd = rIa, - w1/lq = rId -_. wLqIq = rId - xql q
= V d = constant [173]
Vq = rl q + wl/ld = rl q + wLd1d + wMjl j
= rlq + Xdld + E = V = constant
q q [174]
is the excitation voltage, the voltage behind synchronous impedance, or
the steady-state internal voltage. I t is directly proportional to the field
current 1/.
~ Imaginary or
I quadrature axis The positive-sequence armature
current is (by eqs. 170 and 171):
I = I /13 = I (cos 13 + j sin (3)
= l s + jlq [176]
and, similarly, the positive-se-
quence armature terminal voltage
v = Va, + jVq [177]
and the positive-sequence excita-
tion voltage is:
E =0 + jE q = jwMfl f [178]
-.-.-.1_-1;>- Real or-direct a_xis Substituting eqs. 173 and 174 into
eq. 177,
FIG. 30. Steady-state vector diagram V=E + rI + jXdld - xql q [179]
of salient-pole synchronous motor with
lagging (magnetizing) current. I j,
The voltages, currents, and link-
ages in eqs. 172 to 179 are constants
I d, I q, and fJ are positive. This diagram
agrees with eq. 179. equal to the crest values of the
corresponding positive-sequence
quantities, as indicated in eqs. 169 for current I. However, the corre-
sponding effective values can be used equally well in any except the
equations involving field current If.
The vector diagram corresponding to eq. 179 is shown in Fig. 30. It
is drawn for positive If, la" I q , and {j. These conditions correspond
(b) I q
:FIG. 31. Location of field and armature poles for positive I J and (a) positive
I« only, (b) positive I q only.
shown in Fig. 32. In this diagram the quadrature axis is drawn hori-
zontally, as is customary, and resistance is neglected.
In both vector diagrams the excitation voltage E lies along the
positive quadrature axis. If the vector jxqI - that is, the total arma-
ture current multiplied by the quadrature-axis synchronous reactance
- is added to the terminal-voltage vector V, a vector E qd is obtained
which also lies on the quadrature axis. If the generator is operated
I ",,"
1 /
d ------
with constant field current I I but with slowly changing load or power
factor, then E will be constant; and E qcl, though not constant, will
nevertheless remain in phase with E. The phase of either E· or Eqa
is indicative of the mechanical position of the rotor, more specifically,
the position of the quadrature axis of the rotor. Hence, when a steady-
state stability study is being made on an a-c. calculating board, each
unsaturated salient-pole synchronous machine could be represented
by an adjustable e.m.f. E qcl in series with reactance X q • If this repre-
sentation is used, the value of Eqcl must be adjusted from time to
time to correspond with the desired constant value of E, in accordance
with the following relation:
Because of the pronounced effect of saturation on steady-state sta-
bility, machines are seldom represented in this manner. (See Chap-
ter XV.) A similar representation, suitable for transient stability
studies, is described later in this chapter.
In a round-rotor machine Xcl and X q are very nearly equal and may
be assumed equal without serious error. In this case E qd = E.
122, [189]
124a, Va = ·
-r~a + M1dilL did, -
dt- - a rz:
dt wM g1.·g + wL ·
q q
124b, [191]
. di, did,
124d, VI = rltl + £11-
- !MI-
Then this voltage will likewise remain constant during the change of
armature current. It will be shown that the quadrature-axis terminal
voltage V q differsfrom E q ' by the quadrature-axis transient-impedance
drop. The difference between E q and E q ' is, by use of eqs. 196and 201,
b,q -
E qI = WM/~f• wM
- - Lf 1/11 [202]
Id - _
I,, 1\
t \/
FIG. 33. Vector diagram of synchronous generator in the transient state. Vector
E' remains constant during a rapid change of armature current I, but V and E
x q = xq
, E varies and may depart from the quadrature axis unless
Suppose that components I d and I q of the armature current undergo
changes of III d and IIIq, respectively. The corresponding changes in
other quantities are as follows:
IlVtf = 0 [212]
IlVto = 0 [213]
IlVtd = - Li tJ.ld [214]
IlVtq = - L/ III q 1215]
3 MI La - La'
611 = - - Ma = Ma [216]
2 LII M1
3M L, - L/
st, = 2 L a si, M si, [217)
aa a
f:1E q = (xa - xi) f:1ia [218]
f:1E a = - (xq - x/) f:1i q [219]
f:1Ei = 0 [220]
l:1E/ = 0 [221]
f:1V q = - r f:1I q - xi f:1I d [222]
f:1Va = - r M d + x/ M q [223]
Salient-pole machine. Since a salient-pole machine has no quadra-
ture-axis field circuit, I a = 0 and Ea = 0, and the excitation voltage
E = jE q always lies on the quadrature axis in the transient state as
f--- - - -- - - Eq = E
k-- -- - - - Eqd - - - j - - -- - - , J
E~'= E '
f+---------Eq - - -- - - -
FIG. 35. Vector diagram of synchronous machine with solid, round rotor in the
transient state. Xd = Xq and xi = Xq'. In the steady state, Ed = 0 and E = E q,
but the same is not true in the transient state.
Salient-pole machine:
1. The voltage behind direct-axis transient reactance may be
assumed constant (constant Ei~, Fig. 34); or
2. The flux linkage of the field winding may be assumed constant
(constant E q' , Fig. 34); or
3. Field decrement and voltage-regulator action (if any) maybe
calculated (varying E q ' ) .
These assumptions are listed in their order of increasing accuracy
and decreasing simplicity of calculation. Method 1 was employed in
earlier chapters of this book and is commonly used in practice. Meth-
ods 2 and 3 will be explained, illustrated, and compared with Method 1
in later sections of this chapter.
A machine with a solid cylindrical rotor has rotor circuits on both
direct and quadrature axes concerning which assumptions must be
made. Consequently, the following methods can be used for a
Round-rotor machine:
1. The voltage E l ' (Fig. 33 or 35) behind direct-axis transient
reactance may be assumed constant; or
2. The flux linkages of the rotor circuits on both axes may be
assumed constant (that is, constant Eel and E q' , Fig. 33); or
3. The effect of decrement and voltage-regulator action on the
flux linkage of the direct-axis rotor circuit (that is, on E q ' ) may be
Id =
- VdT (Eq - Vq)x q+ [224]
T + XdXq
_ VIl(- VdT + Eqxq - VqXq) + Vq(EqT - Vqr + VdXd )
r + XdXq
- 2
p =
EqV(r cos 0 + X q sin 0) - V 2r + lV2 ( Xd - xq) sin 2~
+ XdXq
· 1 -r = cos-1 -X q
= tan-1 -r = sln- [234]
Xq z, z,
eq. 231 may be further simplified to
= E q V Z2
Zq •
SIn (0 + l' z2r + V 2 Xd 2z- 2X
) 2 q •
P - V SIn 20 [235]
The internal power, the output from the armature terminals, and the
input to the infinite bus are all equal in the absence of resistance, all
being given by eq. 237. The power-angle curve is plotted in Fig. 36.
It will be observed that the effect of the reluctance power is to steepen
the curve in the stable region near the origin.
Transient. The electric power output of a salient-pole machine
may be expressed in terms of the quadrature-axis voltage E q ' behind
transient reactance, the terminal voltage V, and the angle 0 between
~--- ...---~,-----~----...-o
these two voltages. The expression is similar to eqs. 235 or 237 except
that E q in these equations is replaced by E q ' , and Xd by Xa'. The angle
ois the same in both cases because both E q and E q ' lie on the quadra-
ture axis. Thus eq. 237 becomes
Eq'V. V2 Xq - Xd' •
P = - , - SIll 0 - ,sIn 20 [238]
Xd 2Xcl xq
infinite bus and in which resistance is negligible. This case also con-
stitutes a severe test of the validity of applying the usual round-rotor
analysis to a salient-pole machine because the further the ratio xa.'/x q
departs from unity, the more the power-angle curve of 'a salient-pole
machine departs from that of a round-rotor machine having the same
value of Xd'. The addition of external reactance makes Xd' /xq ap-
proach unity.
Two examples will now be given in which the results of a stability
calculation where saliency is neglected are compared with the corre-
sponding results where saliency is taken into account.
A salient-pole synchronous generator having the following per-unit
Xd = 1.15
reclosed without loss of synchronism 'f Find the answer by plotting the
power-angle curve and using the equal-area criterion. Use each of the
following power-angle curves and compare the results.
1. Power for constant E q ' versus o.
2. Power for constant E/ versus 8i •
Additional data:
H = 2.5 kw-sec. per kva.
f = 60 cycles per second.
Solution. Initial conditions. Refer to the vector diagram, Fig. 34. Take
the terminal voltage V as reference vector. Then
V = 1.00/0 (a)
E qd = V + jxqI
= 1.00/0 + /90.0° X 0.75 X 1.00/-24.5~
= 1.00/0 + 0.75/65.5°
= 1.00 + 0.31 + jO.68
= 1.31 + jO.68 = 1.48/27.5° (d)
00 = 27.5° (e)
I d = I sin (cP + 0)
= 1.00 sin 52.0° = 0.788 (g)
E/ =V + jXd'I
= 1.00 /0 + /90.0° X 0.37 X 1.00 / -24.5°
= 1.00/0 + 0.37 /65.5°
= 1.00 + 0.15 + jO.34
= 1.15 + jO.34 = 1.20 /16.3° (i)
P = E/I cos (cP + a·i ) = 1.20 X 1.00 cos 40.8°
= 0.91 (Check) (m)
ai sin 8i P2
o and 180 0
0 0
150 " 165 0 0.259 0.84
30° "u 1500 0.500 1.62
45 0 1350 0.707 2.29
60 0 120 0 0.866 2.80
75° " 105 0 0.966 3.13
90° 1.000 3.24
16.3° 0.281 0.91
The net area is the area under the sine curve to the right of the critical
angle less the area of the rectangle under the input line. Hence the area
under the curve equals the area of the rectangle, or
180 0 - 150
3.24 sin Oi dO i = 0.91(1800 - 200) (q)
c5 c
=1&oMPa dt == Pat
. ~f
o == 00 +
r Pat M
== 00 + Pat
4 , . . - - - - - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - , - - - -,---- - -.--
~ 2 f - - - -+---/-- Lt-----+---tf
" _"uo + -
Ue - te
P a-
t =
2 X 2.32 X 1O-
(oe- (0) = ~oe - 00 (e)
0.91 1,965
For assumption 1, oe = 116 %
0 = 27.5°, and oe- 00 = 88.5°. The critical
time is
= ~1,965
88.5 = 0.212 sec. (00)
te = - - = 0.211 sec. (bb)
Conclusion. In the present example the critical switching time computed
on the basis of constant flux linkage of the field winding (taking saliency
into account) agrees within the probable error of the graphical method with
the value of critical switching time computed on the basis of constant voltage
behind direct-axis transient reactance (saliency neglected) .
If the salient-pole synchronous generator of the last example is initially
operating as described in that example, to what value could the input power
suddenly be increased without loss of synchronism? Work the problem on
each of the two assumptions made in the last example and compare the
Solution. The power-angle curves are the same as in the last example
(Fig. 38). They are copied in Figs. 39 and 40, and there the equal-area
criterion is applied graphically to find the limiting values of power. The
answer is 2.60 per unit by assumption 1 and 2.61 per unit by assumption 2.
The discrepancy is less than the probable error of the graphical solution.
FIG. 39. Determination of power limit by the equal-area criterion, with saliency
taken into account (Example 5).
Examples 4 and 5 plainly show that practically the same results are
obtained through the use of the usual simple assumption of constant
voltage E/ behind direct-axis transient reactance as through use of
the more rigorous salient-pole theory in which the flux linkage of the
field winding is assumed constant. * It is reasonable to suppose that
·Concordia, in Ref. 59, p. 11, confirms the almost negligible effect of saliency by
giving calculated curves of transient power limit of a 600-mile line with saliency
first taken into account and then neglected.
an equally good agreement would be obtained in systems more com-
plicated than the one considered, for example, in a system having
several salient-pole machines. Therefore, of the two assumptions, it
is natural to prefer the one which is simpler to use, namely, the assump-
tion of constant E/.
4 , - - - - , - -- - - ,--- -- - , - - -- - , -- - -- , - - - - - ,
FIG. 40. Determination of power limit by the equal-area criterion, with saliency
neglected (Example 5). The result agrees closely with that obtained in Fig. 39.
E ex ' = Rf~1
+ at
d1/;1 [240]
exciter voltage E ex ' in the steady state. Substitution of eqs. 242, 243,
and 244 into eq. 241 gives
e; = e, + T do, dE
dJ: q'
That this is consistent with eq. 246 will now be shown. During the
short circuit the terminal voltage of the machine is zero and hence the
short-circuit current is
where E q ' has the same value just after the fault occurs as it had just
before the fault occurred. From the last equation,
E q / -- E q Xd [250]
The only dependent variable in the last equation is E q , and its varia-
tion is controlled by the short-circuit time constant Td'. The field
current If is always proportional to E q , by definition of E q , and, as
long as the short circuit is on, by eq. 249, E q ' and I d are proportional
to E q • Hence E q , E q ' , Is, and If all vary exponentially with time
constant T d'., which was to be shown.
When the armature is open-circuited, eq. 249 does not hold, but,
from eq. 247, since I d = 0, E q = E q ' . Then eq. 246 can be put in
terms of either E q or E q ' instead of both, and the equation shows that
the variation of both E q ' and E q (hence also of 1/) occurs with time
constant T dO'.
Point-by-point calculation. Earlier in this chapter it was stated that
the accuracy of point-by-point calculation of transient 'current in an
R-L circuit is improved if, in calculating the average rate of change of
current during a time interval ilt, half a time interval (ilt/2) is added
to the time constant and if the value of applied voltage at the middle
of the interval is used. Obviously the result of adding ilt/2 to T dO'
in eq. 246 would not be the same as the result of adding t1tj2 to T d'
in eq. 252. The procedure is correct for the latter equation, whose
form is similar to that of eq. 64, the solution of which was previously
considered. What, then, should be the correction to T dO' in order to
produce a similar improvement of accuracy in solving eq. 246? Let
numerator and denominator of the right-hand member of this equa-
tion be multiplied by E q ' /E q • Then
E q' )
e; -
dEq' ( E; Ell
- = [253]
dt (~:) TdO'
For a fixed ratio Eq'jEq, this equation shows that E q ' varies with a
time constant (E q ' /E q ) T dO' . (For the condition of short circuit,
E q' jEq = Xd' /Xd and hence the time constant is T d ' . But on open
circuit Eq'/Eq = 1, and the time constant is T dO' . ) For improved
Here the derivative has been replaced by the average slope. Now,
after numerator and denominator have been divided by E q ' /E q ,
eq. 254 becomes
aE q' Ee:e(t + at/2) - Eq
(E q ) ~t
Eq' "2
which shows that the time constant T dO'· in eq. 246 should be in-
creased by (Eq/Eq') (Ilt/2). Since the correction term is a minor one,
its value need not be changed at every step of a point-by-point cal-
culation even though the ratio Eq/Eq' varies somewhat.
A three-phase short circuit occurs at the terminals of a salient-pole gen-
erator which is initially operating at no load and at rated terminal voltage.
The constants of the generator are:
Xd = 1.05 per unit Xq = Xq' = 0.69 per unit
Xd' = 0.29 per unit T dO' = 5.0 sec.
Calculate and plot excitation voltage E q and quadrature-axis transient
voltage E q' as functions of time for each of the two following conditions:
(a) Constant exciter voltage Ee~.
(b) Linear exciter-voltage build-up of 2.5 units per second.
Solution. Before occurrence of the fault, at no load,
E f/ = E q = V = E6~ = 1.00 unit (a)
v=o (e)
This ratio remains constant while the fault is on. For the point-by-point
calculation, take an interval ~t = 0.2 sec. The equation governing the
change of E q ' is eq. 255:
ss; + ~t/2) - E
E,z(t q E,z(t + dt/2) - E q
t E'
q Id Eq s.; E ez - Eq 6Eq'
(sec.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.)
t E'
q Id Eq s.; s; -Eg 6E q'
(sec.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.)
4 ,/
, /
Eex ."".,.,.-
""".".",. "".",,--
~......-.---._-------- ~---------
11III::::-.::::- -7iJ -CEq'
(a) --- _
Time t (seconds)
FIG. 42. Variation of E q and E q' during three-phase short circuit (a) with constant
exciter voltage, E ez = 1, (b) with linear build-up of exciter voltage, E ez = 1 2.5t +
(Example 6).
0.5 sec. to 77% of its initial value when the exciter voltage is constant and
to 83% when the exciter voltage rises at the assumed rate. It should be
remembered, however, that in stability studies the fault is often assumed to
be one of less severe type than a three-phase fault and at a less severe location
than at the terminals of the generator; furthermore, the fault is not sustained,
but is cleared in a few tenths of a second.
The generator described in the last example undergoes a three-phase short
circuit at its terminals which is cleared 0.2 sec. later. The exciter voltage is
constant. Calculate and plot E q ' as a function of time.
Solution. While the short circuit is on the generator, E q and E q ' vary as
calculated in the last example, part a. At the end of 0.2 see., E'l = 3.26 and
E q' = 0.902. Just after the clearing of the fault, E q = E q ' = 0.902. Since
Eq/Eq' = 1, eq. j of the last example becomes:
dE'l' E ez - E'l' 1 - E q'
at = TdO' + at/2 = 5.0 + 0.1
I1E,/ = 1 - E,/ I1t = (1 _ E,/) 0.2 =1 - E,/ (b)
5.1 5.1 25.5
I. --- E,/
0+ 1.000 -0.098
0.2 0.902 +0.098 +0.004
0.4 0.906 +0.094 +0.004
0.6 0.910 +0.090 +0.004
0.8 0.914 +0.086 +0.003
1.0 0.917 +0.083 +0.003
1.2 0.920 +0.080 +0.003
1.4 0.923 +0.077 +0.003
1.6 0.926 +0.074 +0.003
1.8 0.929 +0.071 +0.003
2.0 0.932
The flux linkage drops to 90% of its initial value while the fault is on;
then, after the fault is cleared, it rises very slowly.
1.0 -----------~-------
~ 0.6
0 1 2 ------....100----
Time i (seconds)
FIG. 43. Variation of E q' during and after three-phase short circuit cleared in
0.2 sec. (Example 7).
If the fault were cleared in 0.1 sec., the flux linkage would decrease only
to about 95% of its initial value.
The salient-pole synchronous generator described in Example 4 is deliver-
ing power to an infinite bus under the initial conditions specified in that
1,964t 2 a
(sec.) (deg.) (deg.)
0 0 0 27.5
0.05 0.0025 4.9 32.4
0.10 0.0100 19.6 47.1
0.15 0.0225 44.1 71.6
0.20 0.0400 78.5 106.0
The swing curve during this period is the same whether or not field decre-
ment is taken into account. The decrement during this period can be com-
puted as a simple exponential,
E q' = Eq'(O)E-t / Tl (b)
The initial value of E q' , from Example 4, is 1.18 per unit. The short-circuit
time constant is
TdI = -Xd' T' 0.37
dO = - X 5.0 = 1.61 sec. (c)
Xd 1.15
Values of E q' while the fault is on are calculated in Table 10. Eq'decreases
about 12% during this period.
t E- t / 1•61 E'q
(sec.) (p.u.)
0 0 1.000 1.18
0.05 0.031 0.969 1.14
0.10 0.062 0.940 1.11
0.15 0.096 0.909 1.07
0.20 0.124 0.883 1.04
After clearing of fault - field flux linkage con8tant. The swing curve will be
computed point by point, using a time interval At = 0.05 sec. The second
difference of angular position ~ is
.!l2a = (.!It) P = (0.05)2 P = lO.8P (e)
M a 2.32 X 10- 4 a a
where Pais the accelerating power in per unit and equals Pi - P u = 0.91 -
P u. The power output P u will be calculated from power-angle equation 0
of Example 4:
P u = 3.18 sin 0 - 0.685 sin 20 (f)
which was plotted in Fig. 38, Curve 1. The point-by-point calculation,
given in Table 11, starts at t = 0.20 sec. with ~ = 106.0° (from the last line
t -0.685 P u Pa A 28 A6 8
sin 8 sin 28 3.18 sin 8
(sec.) sin 28 (p.u.) (p.u.) (deg.) (deg.) (deg.)
0.20- .. .. .. .. 0 +0.91
0.20+ 0.961 -0.530 3.06 +0.36 3.42 -2.51 +34.4
0.20 avg. .. . . .. .. 1.71 -0.80 ~8.6 106.0
0.25 0.746 -0.994 2.37 +0.68 3.05 -2.14 -23.1 131.8
0.30 0.713 -1.000 2.27 +0.68 2.95 -2.04 -22.0 134.5
0.35 0.905 -0.770 2.88 +0.53 3.41 -2.50 -27.0 115.2
0.40 0.933 +0.672 2.96 +0.46 2.50 -1.59 -17.2 68.9
0.45 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.4
t E'
q E q' - coso Id 0.78 I d Eq 1.80 - E q !lEq' 2.70E q ' -0.685 P u Pa ~20 ~o 0
cos 0 sino sin 20 rn
(sec.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.) sin 0 sin 20 (p.u.) (p.u.) (deg.) (deg.) (deg.) ~
-- -- - - -- az
0.20- 1.04 0 +0.91 tI:
0.20+ 1.04 -0.28 1.32 3.57 2.78 3.82 -2.02 0.961 -0.53 2.70 +0.36 3.06 -2.15 34.4 =:c
0.20avg. 1.04 1.53 -0.62 -7.3 106.0 o
-0.02 27.1 o
0.25 1.02 -0.68 1.70 4.60 3.58 4.60 -2.80 0.730 -0.998 2.01 +0.68 2.69 -1.78 -19.2 133.1 ~
-0.03 7.9
0.30 0.99 -0.78 1.77 4.78 3.73 4.72 -2.92 0.629 -0.978 1.68 +0.67 2.35 -1.44 -15.5 141.0 ;>
-0.03 -7.6 o
-2.64 -1.66 -17.9 133.4 ~
0.35 0.96 -0.69 1.65 4.46 3.48 4.44 0.727 -0.998 1.89 +0.68 2.57
-0.03 -25.5 t:tj
0.40 0.93 -0.31 1.24 3.35 2.62 3.55 -1.75 0.951 -0.585 2.39 +0.40 2.79 -1.88 -21.4 107.9
-0.02 -46.9
0.45 0.91 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.875 +0.848 2.15 -0.58 1.57 -0.66 -7.1 61.0
0.50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7.0
Conclusions. The swing curves for the two conditions are plotted in Fig.
44. The difference between them appears considerable. However, the
difference in the maximum angular displacements is only 4° or 5°.
In Example 4, with the same initial value of power as in the present
example, the critical time during which the generator could be disconnected
from the bus WIl.B found to be 0.212 sec. In t.he present example I\. three-
c: 75
'0 50
time to 0.200 (a decrease of only 6%) was found to make the system stable
with some margin. The error in determining the critical switching time due
to neglecting field decrement in this example is, then, less than 6% - perhaps
4% - in spite of the fact that the flux linkage has decreased about 16% at
the instant of maximum swing.
The last example has shown that the error introduced hy the as-
sumption of constant flux linkage is hardly great enough, in the case
considered, to warrant the additional complication of calculating the
field decrement. But are cases likely to arise in which the error
would be much greater?
A less severe type or location of short circuit would permit either
slower clearing or the transmission of more power without loss of syn-
chronism. If the first alternative is chosen, the increased fault dura-
tion is offset by the decreased m.m.f. of the fault current, and the
decrease of flux linkage during the fault period is changed but little.
If the second alternative is chosen, there is less decrease of flux linkage
during the fault.
An increase in the inertia of the generator would also make possible
either slower clearing or the transmission of more power without loss
of synchronism. The first alternative would give greater reduction of
flux linkage during the fault than that encountered with 0.2-sec. clear-
ing. ,If the inertia were multiplied by four, giving H = 4 X 2.5 =
10 kw-sec, per kva., the critical clearing time for constant flux linkage
would be doubled, making it 2 X 0.21 = 0.42 sec., and the decrease in
flux linkage during the fault would also be very nearly doubled, mak-
ing it 24%. The time to reach maximum angular displacement would
likewise be doubled, and the decrease in flux linkage up to this time
would be nearly doubled, making the decrease about 30%. Without
doubt, the critical clearing time would be decreased by a significant
amount, perhaps by 7 or 8%.
The modern trend, however, is to clear faults as rapidly as possible.
Clearing times greater than 0.2 sec. are seldom used on important
circuits where system stability is a consideration.
Generator voltage regulators, if used, tend to counteract the de-
crease of flux linkage resulting from the fault and from the subsequent
swinging apart of the machines. Regulator and exciter action is
treated in the next chapter. Damping, which has been neglected"
somewhat improves stability.
It may be concluded that the assumption of constant flux linkage
is a reasonably accurate one unless the time of clearing severe faults
is greater than 0.2 sec.
One more example of decrement calculation will be given in order
A hydroelectric station is supplying power over a double-circuit trans-
mission line to a metropolitan receiving system which may be regarded
as an infinite bus. Initially the hydroelectric station has an output of 1.00
per unit and a high-tension bus voltage of 1.05 per unit. The voltage of
0.75 0.30
FIG. 45. The power system of Example 9. (a) One-line diagram, (b) positive-
sequence network with reactances in per unit, and (c) the same after reduction.
EA represents Eqd of the hydroelectric generators; EB' the voltage of the infinite
receiving bus; and Ee, the voltage of the high-tension sending-end bus.
EB = 1.00
ECEB. (a)
P =--sma
Eo - E B 1.05/16.6° - 1.00 /0
I = = --------
jX jO.30
FIG. 47. The sequence networks of the power system of Fig. 45a, interconnected
to represent a two-line-to-ground fault (Example 9).
0.85 0.20
FIG. 49. Reduction of the network of FIG. 50. Reduction of the network of
Fig. 47 - second step. Fig. 47 - third step.
YAB = -._1_ = jO.448
I A = -j1.070E A + jO.448E B (m)
FIG. 51. Reduction of the network of FIG. 52. Reduction of the network of
Fig. 47 - fourth step. Fig. 47 - fifth step.
FIG. 55. Positive-sequence network of the power system of Fig. 45a after the fault
has been cleared.
I q = 0.325, I d = 1.617
E q' = E qd - Xd,')
Id(x q -
E q ' = 1.153/0
EB = 1.00/ -48.4°
Assumption 1: Constant Exciter Voltage
0.05 1.153 1.81 2.40 -0.007 1.636 0.335 0.606 +0.394 +3.5 48.4
0.10 1.146 1.81 2.41 -0.007 1.668 0.361 0.654 +0.346 +3.1 53.8
1.769 0.396 0.733 +0.267
0.000 0.789 0.709 1.029 -0.029 ..
0.15 avg. 1.139 +0.119 +1.1 It
0.20 1.139 1.53 1.88 -0.002 0.975 0.760 1.161 -0.161 -1.4 71.9
0.25 1.137 1.59 2.00 -0.003 1.135 0.787 1.250 -0.250 -2.2 80.1
0.30 1.134 1.64 2.09 -0.004 1.260 0.799 1.310 -0.310 -2.8 86.1
0.35 1.130 1.65 2.12 -0.004 1.296 0.800 1.320 -0.320 -2.9 88.3
0.40 1.126 1.635 2.09 -0.004 1.275 0.799 1.308 -0.308 -2.8 87.6
0.45 1.122 1.60 2.03 -0.003 1.196 0.796 1.273 -0.273 -2.5 84.1
0.50 1.119 1.55 1.94 -0.002 1.176 0.782 1.211 -0.211 -1.9 78.1
0.55 1.117 1.48 1.81 -0.001 0.914 0.753 1.115 -0.115 -1.0 70.2
0.60 1.116 1.41 1.68 0 0.736 0.702 0.990 +0.010 +0.1 61.3
0.65 1.116 52.5
~ I
I rI
\ "",/'
II Direct ',90° //
FIG. 56. Vector diagram of a synchronous machine in the transient state, showing
voltage Eh behind an arbitrary reactance Xh.
The network is now solved for the currents. Since the positions of
the quadrature axes are known, the currents can be resolved into
components I d and I q, which are compared with the assumed values.
If they do not agree, the new values of I d and I q are used to calcu-
late a new value of Ek • The process is continued until agreement is
obtained. Thus the network is solved by a cut-and-try method.
'The power output P 11 of each generator is measured or calculated.
New values of Ed and E q are calculated from
Ed = E kd - (xq - xh,)Iq [267]
Eq = Ek q + (Xd - xh,)Id [268]
Conditions immediately after occurrence of the fault are now known.
3. A time interval ~t is chosen and the changes of E q ' and Ed' of
each machine in this interval are calculated by eqs. 255 and 257,
respectively. New values of Ed' and E q ' are found by adding the
increments ~Ed' and t!,.E q' to the old values.
4. The rotor position of every machine at the end of the first
interval is computed in the usual ,yay from the inertia constant M
and the acceleratng power P a. (The average of fault and prefault
values of Pais used for the first interval.)
5. The values of Ed' and E q ' are now known from step 3, and the
values of 0 are known from step 4. This enables us to solve the
network again by means of the cut-and-try process described in
paragraph 2. Thus new values of I a and I q , E ka and Ehq, and P u
are obtained.
6. Steps 3, 4, 5, and 2 are repeated as many times as necessary,
depending upon how far the swing curves are to be carried out. In
step 3 the same value of E ex is used repeatedly if there is no voltage
regulator; or, if a regulator is assumed to act, values of Ee:r; are read
from the curves of exciter-voltage build-up or build-down.
7. If there is any sudden change in I a and I q , due, for example,
to the clearing of a fault or the reclosing of a breaker, then the net-
work must be solved for both the old and the new conditions, using
in both cases the same values of Ed', E q ' , Ee:r;, and o. The incre-
ments of E q ' and Ed' during the interval after the discontinuity are
calculated by using in eqs. 255 and 257 the values of E q and Ed
after the discontinuity. The increment of 5, however, is calculated
by using the average accelerating power before and after the dis-
Some special cases will now be considered.
Salient-pole machine. Choose Xh = X q; then Eh = Eqd , E hq = Eqd"
and Ehd, = O.
In step 1 of the general procedure, eq. 263 is unnecessary, and 5 is
the angle of Eqa = Eh not only in the steady state but also in the
transient state. Equation 262 becomes
E qa = E q' + (xq - xd')Id [269]
and eq. 261 becomes
In step 2 of the procedure, a new value of Ed' does not need to be
calculated, because Ea' is always zero. Therefore, only Ia need be
assumed, not [q. Equations 266,267, and 268 become:
Eqa = Eqd,/a [271]
s, = 0 [272]
E q = E qa + (Xd, - xq)Ia [273]
Equation 272 holds for both transient and steady states because there
is no quadrature-axis rotor circuit.
In step 3 E a' is still zero.
Round-rotor machine with laminated rotor. The procedure for this
unusual type of machine is the same as that for the salient-pole ma-
chine except that, since Xd = X q = Xh" eq, 268 becomes simply
e, = Eqa, [274]
Round-rotor machine with solid rotor and xa,' ~ xq'. This case is
perfectly general. Nevertheless, the general procedure described above
can be simplified somewhat by choosing Xh, equal either to Xd,' or xq' .
On the assumption of the former alternative, eqs. 260, 261, and 262
Eh = E' - (xa,' - xq')Iq [275]
Eh,d = Ed' - (xa,' - xq')Iq [276]
E hq = E q' [277]
The effects of saliency and of, change of field flux linkage have now
been treated, but so far the effect of saturation of the iron has been
neglected. Saturation will now be considered.
of the positions of the windings. This sum is the exciting m.m.f. The
mutual flux is a nonlinear function of the exciting m.m.f, as found
from an open-circuit test. The leakage fluxes, on the other hand, are
very nearly linear functions of the currents.
Leakage reactances
/ (constant) ~
~I Exciting~
steady state is as shown in Fig. 58. The air-gap flux cPa induces in the
armature winding a positive-sequence e.m.f. Ea , which is proportional
in magnitude to cPa and lags 90 0 behind it. It is assumed that the
generator is delivering a lagging current I, which, flowing through the
armature leakage reactance xi, produces a voltage drop jxzI 900 ahead
of I. The armature terminal voltage is V = E a - jxll. To produce
air-gap flux cPa, an m.m.f, njI T is required, where nj is the number of
turns in the field winding and IT is the current read from the no-load
saturation curve (Fig. 59) corresponding to armature voltage Ea.
Thus saturation is assumed to depend upon Ea. The required m.m.f.
n/IT is the vector sum of two components: field m.m.f, nlll and arma-
ture m.m.f. nal. The latter m.m.f, is also called armature reaction.
Upon dividing by nl, we find that the fictitious field current IT is the
vector sum of the actual field current II and the field equivalent of
armature reaction (na/nl)1 = kl, as shown in Fig. 58. Given the
armature terminal voltage V, armature current I, and terminal power-
factor angle cP, one can find the required field current I I as follows:
Find air-gap voltage E a by vector addition of V + jxlI. From the
no-load saturation curve read IT corresponding to Ea. Then find II
by vector subtraction IT -kI, where IT leads E a by 900 and kI is in
phase with I.
At zero power factor, lagging current, vector triangles V, XlI, E a
and IT, kl, I I collapse to collinearity and the following relations are
true arithmetically:
V = E a - XlI [284]
II = IT + kI [285]
Eo or Ep
FIG. 59. No-load and zero-power-factor rated-current saturation curves and the
Potier triangle.
NP between the curves was due to reactance drop and that the arma-
ture reaction was zero. In the first case Iv is the field current required
to generate terminal voltage V on open circuit, and AlP is the field
current required to overcome armature reaction. The actual field
current required to generate terminal voltage V at rated-current zero-
power-factor load is If, which is the sum of I ; and MP. In the second
v IT
Field current
FIG. 60. No-load and zero-power-factor "saturation curves" of unsaturated
synchronous generator.
~ ------------------
ET - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ep Is u{'1 e
~ I ?>~o~ C I
~ ~ ~~i. I
J! b?'a: I
~o I
::J I
10 I I
< I I
Ip IT If
Field current
FIG. 61. Graphical construction for finding the components of field current and
armature voltage due to saturation corresponding to Potier voltage E p • The com-
ponents are Is and E s, respectively.
and its components in the previous vector diagram (Fig. 58) are con-
verted into corresponding armature voltages by means of the "air-gap
line," which is an extension of the lower, straight portion of the no-load
saturation curve (Fig. 61). The vector current triangle IT, kI, I, in
Fig. 58 is replaced by the corresponding vector voltage triangle E T ,
jxaI, E/. This voltage triangle is then swung clockwise 90° so that
E T lies along Ea. Furthermore, Ea and Xl in Fig. 58 are replaced by
4i:'-----------...------ Ef ------+------~
Except for the addition of the correction for saturation, the point-by-
point calculation of E q ' and the swing curves is carried out as previ-
ously described. During a sudden change of current, E q ' is constant,
but E p and E h change.
Saturation has little effect upon transient stability and it is usually
neglected, especially when E q ' or E/ is assumed constant. Actually
Xd' varies somewhat with saturation.t! though not nearly to the extent
that Xd changes. Any change in Xd' affects the relation between termi-
nal voltage and Ed', but such changes are usually neglected.
In steady-state stability studies (treated in Chapter XV), saturation
is an important factor. It will be discussed further in that chapter.
Xh-Xp Xp
(v (a)
; Xq - Xp Xp ,
1.0 2.0
1.0 '(3~
...... 1 en
-0 1
sl 0.5
0.5 A 1.0 B 1.5 2.0
Field current If
The lower the short-circuit ratio, the lower are the size, weight, and
cost of the machine. Hence, as a result of improvements which have
been made in excitation systems, there has been a trend toward the
use of generators of lower short-circuit ratio and, consequently, of
lower cost.
It is practical to build steam-turbine-driven generators with short-
circuit ratios anywhere in the range from 0.5 to 1.1. Most modern
generators of this type have ratios in the range from 0.8 to 1.0, but
it appears likely that 0.7 will become more generally used. Water-
wheel-driven generators usually have higher short-circuit ratios, up
to 2.0, whereas synchronous condensers may have ratios as low as 0.4.
1. A. POTIER, II Sur la reaction d'induit des alternateurs" (Armature Reaction
of Alternators), L'Ecla1:rage Electrique (Paris), vol. 24, pp. 133-41, 1900.
2. R. E. DOHERTY, Cl A Simplified Method of Analyzing Short Circuit. Problems,"
A.l.E.E. Trans., vol. 42, pp. 841-9, 1923.
3. R. E. DOHERTY and C. A. NICKLE, "Synchronous Machines - I and II,"
A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 45, pp. 912-47, 1926.
4. R. E. DOHERTY and C. A. NICKLE, "Synchronous Machines - III, Torque-
Angle Characteristics Under Transient Conditions," A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 46,
pp. 1-18, 1927.
5. R. W. WIESEMAN, "Graphical Determination of Magnetic Fields, Practical
Applications to Salient-Pole Synchronous Machine Design," A.I.E.E. Trans.,
vol. 46, pp. 141-54, 1927.
6. R. E. DOHERTY and C. A. NICKLE, "Synchronous Machines - IV, Single-
Phase Short Circuits," A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 47, pp. 457-87, April, 1928. Disc.,
7. P. L. ALGER, "The Calculation of the Armature Reactance of Synchronous
Machines," A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 47, pp. 493-512, April, 1928. Disc., pp. 512-3.
8. R. H. PARK and B. L. ROBERTSON, "The Reactances of Synchronous Ma-
chines," A.I.E.E. Troms., vol. 47, pp. 514-35, April, 1928. Disc., pp. 535-6.
9. R. H. PARK, "Definition of an Ideal Synchronous Machine and Formula for
the Armature Flux Linkages," Gen. Elec. Reo., vol. 31, pp. 332-4, June, 1928.
10. R. H. PARK, "Two-Reaction Theory of Synchronous Machines - Part I,
Generalized Method of Analysis," A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 48, pp. 716-30, July, 1929.
11. R. E. DOHERTY and C. A. NICKLE, "Synchronous Machines - V, Three-
Phase Short Circuit," A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 49, pp. 700-14, April, 1930.
12. F. C. LINDVALL, "The Educational Value of the Theorem of Constant
Linkages," Gen. Elec. Rev., vol. 33, pp. 273-8, May, 1930.
13. C. F. WAGNER, "Damper Windings for Water Wheel Generators," A.I.E.E.
Trans., vol. 50, pp. 140-51, March, 1931.
14. L. A. KILGORE, "Calculation of Synchronous Machine Constants - Re-
actances and Time Constants Affecting Transient Characteristics," A.I.E.E.
Trans., vol. 50, pp. 1201-14, December, 1931.
15. S. H. WRIGHT, "Determination of Synchronous Machine Constants by Test
- Reactances, Resistances, and Time Constants," A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 50,
pp. 1331-51, December, 1931.
16. L. P. SHILDNECK, "Synchronous Machine Reactances - A Fundamental
and Physical Viewpoint," Gen. Elec. Rev., vol. 35, pp. 560-5, November, 1932.
17. R. H. PARK, "Two-Reaction Theory of Synchronous Machines - II," A.I.E.E.
Trans., vol. 52, pp. 352-5, June, 1933.
18. S. B. CRARY, L. P. SHILDNECK, and L. A. MARCH, "Equivalent Reactances
of Synchronous Machines," A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 53, pp. 124-32, 1934.
19. L. A. MARCH and S. B. CRARY, "Armature Leakage Reactance of Synchro-
nous Machines," A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 54, pp. 378-81, April, 1935. Disc., pp.
20. CHARLES KINGSLEY, JR., "Saturated Synchronous Reactance," A.I.E.E.
Trans., vol. 54, pp. 300-5, March, 1935. Disc., pp. 1111-3, October, 1935.
21. T. A. ROGERS, "Test Values of Armature Leakage Reactance," Elec. Eng.,
vol. 54, pp. 700-5, July, 1935.
relation that torque is the derivative of energy with respect to angle, plot
the torque of the single-phase generator for which M m/ v' LaLb = 0.8, short-
circuited at the instant when the armature flux linkage is zero.
9. Prove, by the method suggested in the footnote on 1). 0, that mutual
inductance is the sa.me in both directions.
10. A circuit of inductance /.11 is carrying current 11 when suddenly
additional inductance L 2 is switched into the circuit in series with Lt.
What is the current in the circuit right after the switching? Discuss energy
relations in the circuit.
11. A circuit of inductance £1 carrying current 1 1 and another circuit of
inductance L 2 carrying current I 2 are initially so located with respect to
one another that their mutual inductance is zero. How much mechanical
work must be done on the system to move one coil with respect to the
other so that the mutual inductance becomes M, (a) if the motion is very
sudden? (b) if the motion is very gradual and the tV{O currents remain con-
stant at their original values?
12. An e.m.f. e = 1 3t volts is applied at t = 0 to a circuit having
a resistance of 1 ohm and an inductance of 1 henry. The initial current is
1 amp. Find the current in the circuit (a) analytically and (b) by point-
by-point computation from t = 0 to 3 sec.
13. Repeat the last problem with an initial current of 4 amp.
14. What initial current in Probe 12 would lead to a linear increase
of current?
15. Show both analytically and by the graphical "follow-up" method
what wave form of voltage must be applied to an R-L circuit to obtain a
linearly increasing current, which begins at zero at zero time.
16. It is known that the differential equation
dx +~ = 0 (a)
dt T
has the solution
x = Ae- tl T (b)
Show that the corresponding difference equations
X n+l - Xn + Xn = 0 (e)
~t T
Xn+l - Xn Xn - 0 (d)
~t + T + (~t/2) -
have the solutions
respectively. Find T 1 and T 2 as functions of T and dt. Find the percentage
errors in T 1 and T 2 in terms of the number of points per time constant
(T / at).
PROBLEl\lS 135
rated at 10,000 kva., 11.8 kv., three-phase, 60 cycles, 1,800 r.p.m, The.
open-circuit voltage was 5.9 kv. The scale factor of the oscillogram is 1,930
amp. per inch (instantaneous value). Find the direct-axis reactances (in
per unit) and time constants (in seconds).
21. Draw to scale a vector diagram (similar to Fig. 34) of a salient-pole
synchronous generator having the following reactances (in per unit) :
Xd = 1.15 Xd' = 0.37
Xq = 0.75 X q' = 0.75
Neglect resistance. Take the load current as 1.00 per unit at a power factor
of 0.91 lag with respect to the terminal voltage, which is 1.00 per unit.
22. Draw to scale a vector diagram (similar to Fig. 35) for a turbogener-
ator having the following per-unit reactances:
:rd ~ 1.15 x(z' ~ 0.20
;t q =. 1.00
Neglect resistance. The machine is operating in the steady state with load
current and terminal voltage as specified in the preceding problem.
23. Work Example 4 with 50% external reactance between the generator
and the infinite bus. The terminal conditions stated in that example still
apply to the generator terminals, so the voltage of the infinite bus is different.
24. Would it be correct to represent a salient-pole machine on a calculating
board by a source of voltage E q ' in series with an adjustable reactance, rang-
ing .from xa,' to xq? If so, what would be the proper value of reactance as a
function of angle 0 + cP between E q ' and I?
In the last chapter, methods were given for calculating the field
current and field flux linkage of a synchronous machine when the
voltage applied to its field circuit was either constant or varying as a
known function of time. In this chapter, the methods of supplying
field voltage, the methods of making it vary, the methods of calculat-
ing its variation as a function of time, and the effect of such variation
on power-system stability are presented.
.. , I
A-c generator
II II~ 0"irect -acting
I I voltage regulator
II '--+0 I .....
L --1
Pilot exciter
/ I
/ I
I ~ Indirect-acting voltage regulator
L .J
'---fjl t-------'
FIG. 2. Excitation of a-c. generator with main exciter, pilot. exciter, and indirect-
acting rheostatic voltage regulator.
and thus varies the output voltage of the rectifier which is impressed
on the field winding of the main exciter. No field rheostat is used.
This system has been applied principally to synchronous condensers
but also to some generators.
4. Electronic main exciter and electronic regulator. 20 ,24 ,40 ,41 A six-
phase rectifier of larger capacity, using ignitron tubes, supplies .direct
current to the field of the main generator. Again, the regulator con-
trols the firing angle of the rectifier tubes. The anodes of each pair of
tubes are connected to their load through a two-pole circuit breaker.
When this breaker is opened, the load can be carried by the remaining
four tubes. Thus, tubes can be replaced without shutting down the
unit. The power supply for the rectifier is either the main a-c. gen-
erator or an auxiliary polyphase generator, usually direct-driven. If
the supply is from the main a-c. generator, series compensation/" may
FIG. 3. Voltage-current characteristics of elements used in impedance-type
voltage regulator.
voltage is correct, the currents through the two impedances are equal.
When the voltage is high or low, one current or the other predominates
and, after rectification, excites the control-field winding (or windings)
of the rotating amplifier. In some cases, where more power gain is
required, a. magnetic amplifier has heen placed between the voltage
regulator and the rotating amplifier."!
so that the rotating amplifier can be removed from service for main-
tenance without shutting down the generating unit.
One such method is to connect the rotating amplifier in series with
the self-excited shunt field (Fig. 5). 24,51 ,5~ The field rheostat is so
adjusted that when the amplifier voltage is zero the exciter operates
self-excited to supply the proper field current for average loud on the
a-c. generator. The voltage of the amplifier either bucks or boosts
that of the exciter armature, as required for proper control of the
alternating voltage. The amplifier may be disconnected by a transfer
switch, the main exciter then being manually controlled.
Rotating amplifier
Main exciter
, A-c generator
FIG. 6. Excitation of a-c. generator by main exciter with two field windings
one of which is self-excited, the other separately excited by a rotating amplifier.
Another method (Fig. 6) is for the main exciter to have one shunt-
connected field winding with rheostat adjusted to provide excitation
for average conditions and another field winding separately excited
by the rotating amplifier, which either bucks or boosts the self-excita-
tion as required. 31 This method has the advantage of having no
switching in the main field winding of the exciter, but has the disad-
vantage of requiring a special type of exciter.
These schemes using rotating amplifiers have been extensively em-
ployed in recent years.
6. Rotating amplifier as main exciter and static regulator. 32 A two-
stage Rototrol has been used as the main exciter. One advantage of
this scheme is its rapid response because of the use of a series field
winding on the Rototrol. (See the next section of this chapter for
further explanation.)
Mutual inductor, - M
FIG. 7. Excitation of a-c. generator by main exciter with series and separate
Exciter with series winding. 25 ,59 The increase of field current of the
a-c. generator which is induced by an increase of lagging reactive
armature current, due to a short circuit or to swinging of the machine,
can be utilized in a series-field winding on the exciter to raise the
exciter armature e.m.f. This e.m.f. can be raised much more quickly
by means of the series field than it can be by suddenly reducing the
resistance in the shunt or separately excited field winding of the
exciter or even by suddenly raising the voltage applied to such wind-
ing by a rotating amplifier. The increased e.m.f. tends to maintain
the increased field current of the a-c. generator and so diminishes the
rate of decay of this current.
Figure 7 shows an exciter with a series-field winding and a separately
excited field winding. The latter is supplied with current from a pilot
exciter through a rheostat controlled by the voltage regulator. There
appears also in the figure a mutual inductor (transformer) the purpose
of which is as follows. A sudden increase of current in the series-field
winding tends to induce a decrease of current in the separately excited
field circuit, thus decreasing the effectiveness of the series field in
raising the armature flux and e.m.f. To prevent this, the two circuits
are decoupled by the addition of an external mutual inductance equal
and opposite to the mutual inductance between the two field windings
in the exciter itself.
The provision of series excitation on the exciter increases the time
constant of the alternator field circuit by decreasing the equivalent
resistance of that circuit. The RI drop, which is proportional to the
current in that circuit, is compensated, wholly or partly, by a com-
ponent of exciter armature e.m.f. which is also proportional to the
current (saturation being avoided). The increased time constant
means a slower decay of alternator field current and field flux linkage.
Overcompensation can provide an increasing flux linkage.
Series excitation is beneficial both to transient stability and to
steady-etate stability.
On the other hand, the inclusion of the inductance of the series-field
winding of the exciter in the field circuit of the a-c. generator raises
the transient reactance of the generator slightly and thus diminishes
proportionally the increase of field current required to maintain con-
stant flux linkage of the field circuit. There also occurs a redistribu-
tion of this flux linkage, the linkage of the exciter series field being
increased while the linkage of the field winding of the a-c. generator
is correspondingly decreased. These disadvantageous effects are be-
lieved to be small.
Both the Rototrol and the Regulex are single-stage amplifiers with
positive feedback. They have power gains of the order of 25,000 to
The Amplidyne is ad-c. machine of special construction having
two sets of brushes 90 elec. deg. apart, one set of brushes being short-
circuited. The control-field winding or windings are located on what
we may call the direct axis and produce a speed voltage on the quad-
rature axis. The brushes on the quadrature axis are short-circuited;
hence a small m.m.f. in the control-field winding produces a large
current through the short circuit and a large m.m.f. (cross-magnetizing
armature reaction) in the quadrature axis. Rotation of the armature
with respect to the quadrature-axis flux induces a speed voltage be-
tween the direct-axis brushes, which are the output terminals. When
load is connected to these terminals, the armature reaction resulting
from the load current would oppose the m.m.f. of the control-field
winding, thus constituting a negative feedback which would reduce
the gain were not this armature reaction counteracted by a compensat-
ing winding, distributed in slots in the pole faces and carrying the load
current. The Amplidyne is inherently a two-stage amplifier, and gives
a power gain of from 10,000 to 250,000. It has a short time constant,
of the order of 0.05 to 0.25 sec.
A Rototrol having two stages of amplification in one 4-pole machine
has been built. 28 ,29 The armature is lap-wound without equalizers.
Two diametrically opposite poles, which in a conventional machine
would have the same polarity, are magnetized as the north and south
poles of a two-pole machine by the control windings of the 'first stage.
The output of this stage is taken from t\VO diametrically opposite
brushes and is used to energize the control-field winding of the second
stage, wound on all four poles in the normal manner for a four-pole
mac.hine. The output of the second stage is taken from all four brush
arms. Self-excited series or shunt windings, as already described for
the single-stage Rototrol or Regulex, may be connected to this stage.
Additional windings to compensate for armature reaction and to aid
in commutation are connected as described in Ref. 28.
the main a-c. bus, in which case the alternating voltage is subject to
reduction or interruption during system disturbances. In order for
the excitation system to be reliable, it should be able to provide suit-
able ceiling voltage and rate of response when the motor is operated
on sustained low voltage equal to 70% of normal voltage or during
total absence of voltage (due to severe faults) of 12 to 15 cycles' dura-
tion. This may be accomplished by providing the following features:
1. Inertia of the motor-generator set increased by addition of a
flywheel to a value H = 5 (based on exciter .name-plate kilowatt
2. Use of an induction motor having maximum torque of about
five times its full-load torque.
3. An exciter ceiling voltage of at least 120% of its rated voltage
when the driving motor is operating at 70% of its rated voltage.
Hydrogen cooling. 24 ,52 Hydrogen-cooled synchronous condensers
operating at speeds up to 900 r.p.m. have been furnished with direct-
connected main exciters located in a hydrogen-filled compartment
which can be isolated from the main condenser compartment when
maintenance is to be done on the exciter. It has been found that hy-
drogen cooling of the exciter not only reduces the temperature rise of
the exciter but also decreases the wear of the commutator and brushes.
Hydrogen coolinghas been proposed for the exciters of turbogenerators.
A-c generator
D-c magnet
Main contacts
A-c magnet
Exciter-field Differential I
rheostat relay
FIG. 8. Tirrill voltage regulator with d-e. vibrating magnet.
contacts (which can handle more current than the main contacts) and
thereby to insert resistance in the exciter-field circuit. Thereupon the
exciter armature voltage decreases, weakening the d-c. magnet suffi-
ciently to allow the spring to close the main contacts again. Closing
of the main contacts closes the relay contacts, which short-circuit the
exciter-field rheostat and make the exciter voltage build up. The
process is repeated over and over again, with the result that the ex-
citer armature voltage constantly increases and decreases through a
small range, as shown in Fig. 9.
_ _ _ _ _ Regul.tor ,I,
...... Apparatus edern.11o regul.tor - - - - - '
I ReClifier.,.;'
II currentt"nsf~rmer (ifused)
Voll.ge- I
.djusting ,
I -\
' I "
Auxiliary .pparatus furnished as
one sell-contained unit with its
own terminal board
FIG. 10. "Diaetor" direct-acting exciter-rheostatic voltage regulator for a-c. gen-
erator. (By courtesy of General Electric Company.)
I r-------i----:-::-;c-:-:-p r<>;---vNW>JVO
I Polenli.1
I transformer
u =' F
U ~
Silver button"
c resistor
Voltage -adjusting
D-c control bus
magnet Generator
other machines instead of with the reactive current of its own ma-
chine alone.
If there is reactance between regulated generators or stations, not
less than 6% based on the rating of the smaller machine or station,
the regulators can be operated successfully without cross-current
compensation. Because of the prevalent practices of operating gener-
ators as units with their step-up transformers (paralleled on the high-
voltage side) and of using bus-sectionalizing reactors in metropolitan
systems where step-up transformers are not used, the required amount
of reactance is usually present between machines in the same station,
and therefore cross-current compensation is seldom required. How-
ever, compensation is still recommended unless the reactance is some-
what greater than 6%.
""'-",'''''~'''- ±
+ ....----1
Pilot - exciter
Yfield rheostat
Shunt field
(a) (b) (c)
other words, the power limit would depend upon the reactance of the
circuits between machines, instead of upon this (external) reactance
plus the internal (synchronous) reactances. The power limit would
be greatly raised by such ideal voltage regulation, particularly if the
internal reactance were the major part of the total reactance.
Unfortunately, voltage regulators cannot raise the power limit to
anything near the theoretical value just discussed. Even though the
regulator itself acts without delay, the field circuits of the exciter and
of the main generator are sluggish. Consequently, the desired restora-
tion of voltage cannot always be obtained rapidly enough to increase
the electric power in a way to match the mechanical power and thus to
prevent power differentials that pull the machines out of synchronism.
It has been found by tests, however, that the use of quick-response
excitation systems does raise the steady-state stability limit a sub-
stantial amount. The limit is approximately equal to that calculated
on the assumption of constant voltage behind a reactance intermediate
between saturated synchronous reactance and transient reactance.
In other words, quick-response excitation counteracts approximately
half of the armature reaction.
Stable operation with automatic voltage regulators at values of
power beyond the stability limit obtainable with hand control of the
excitation is termed dynamic stability. The excitation system, by
increasing the internal voltage, must increase the synchronizing power
more rapidly than the increase of angle decreases the synchronizing
power. The gain in stability limit obtainable by this means is relatively
great in the case of machines connected without external reactance,
but is relatively small whan the external reactance is large.
Although the use of quick-response excitation and voltage regu-
lators for increasing steady-state stability was proposed as long ago as
1928,8,9,10 they have been little used for this purpose. The reasons
probably are:
1. In most cases the prudent loading of lines is determined by the
transient stability limit, which is lower than the steady-state power
2. The gain in steady-state stability limit ascribable to the exci-
tation system is small if the external impedance is large, as it usually
is where stability is an important factor in limiting the power
3. Operators have been hesitant to depend upon automatic
voltage regulators for stable operation at rated load.
An application of quick-response excitation for increasing the steady-
this area. In symbols,
Ilep = 0 e dt
I Area abc=
I area abde
Slope I,
-oa = nominal response
'0 I
Wo I
J9 I
g Nominal collector-ring voltage
..., a --------~n;------
'~ t
'? ,
~ I
g I
0.5 sec, ~
o Time
72% and 95% of the rated voltage of the exciter (between 90 and 120
volts for a 125-volt exciter, or twice those values for a 250-volt exciter).
As an average value, 80% (100 volts) may be taken.
The ceiling voltage varies considerably, but typical values are from
120% to 135% of rated voltage (1.50 to 165 volts for a 125-volt exciter).
A considerable difference between ceiling voltage and nominal collector-
ring voltage is necessary to obtain rapid build-up of the exciter voltage.
The exciter voltage required to drive enough current in thefield winding
of the a-c. generator to generate rated voltage of thelatter on theair-gap line
is about 37% of the rated voltage of the exciter (45 volts for a 125-volt
exciter). This quantity was used as the unit of exciter voltage in the
preceding chapter.
The standard value of exciter response is about 1.0 unit (100 volts per
second for a 125-volt exciter). More rapid rates up to 2.0 units (200
volts per second) are obtainable at a small additional cost. Still
faster rates up to about 5.0 units (500 volts per second) can be provided.
"Superexcitation," with response as high as 6,000 to 7,000 volts per
second on a 250-volt field (30 to 35 units), has been attained by em-
ploying an exciter rated at 600 volts with a ceiling of about 1,000 volts.
This very high rate of response has been employed on synchronous
higher than normal at a voltage higher than normal, which means that
both electrical output and mechanical input are much higher than
normal. If the exciter is motor-driven, it should be noted that the
motor voltage may be subnormal during the fault, thereby reducing
the pullout torque of the motor. Direct drive of the exciter from the
main prime mover, of course, is very reliable. *
3. If an indirect-acting exciter-rheostatic voltage regulator with
high-speed field-forcing contacts is used, the time lag of the regulator
in the event of a fault on the a-c. system consists of the time required
for the voltage-sensitive element to close its contacts plus the time for
the high-speed relay or contactor to close its contacts.. This lag should
be as small as possible. In present regulators it is about 3 cycles (0.05
sec.). After the regulator has short-circuited the regulating resistance
in the field circuit of the exciter, there is nothing more that the regulator
can do to increase the exciter response.
To insure that the regulator will act correctly for all types of short
circuit, the voltage-sensitive element of the regulator should be con-
trolled by the voltage of all phases of the three-phase circuit. Methods
of accomplishing this have already been described.
If the exciter has a differential-field winding, the regulator should
open it when rapid build-up is required, for otherwise it decreases the
exciter response.
Contacts of regulator
FIG. 19. Circuit diagram of separately excited exciter.
N ~f + Ri = E or e [1]
Contacts of regulator
FIG. 20. Circuit diagram of self-excited exciter.
FIG. 21. Armature or air-gap flux "'a, leakage flux "'I, and field flux "'I = "'a + </>,.
proportional to the field current. These two assumptions would be
equivalent to one another if the armature flux were proportional to
the field current, that is, if there were no saturation. Saturation is
present, however, as shown by the curvature of the magnetization
curve; and the two different assumptions stated above differ as to the
assumed effect of saturation on the leakage flux. The first assumption,
namely, that the leakage flux is proportional to the armature flux,
assumes that the leakage flux is affected by saturation to the same
degree as is the armature flux. This probably overemphasizes the
effect of saturation on the leakage flux. The leakage fluxis less affected
by saturation than is the armature flux because the former passes over
a longer air gap than the latter does and because the highest saturation
is usually found in the teeth. The second assumption, namely, that
the leakage flux is proportional to the field current, assumes that the
leakage flux is not affected by saturation at all. It is equivalent to
assuming a constant leakage inductance. This assumption probably
underestimates the effect of saturation on the leakage flux. No doubt
the truth lies somewhere between the solutions obtained from these
two assumptions. Because both assumptions lead to results which
2. Graphical integration.
3. Point-by-point calculation.
4. Use of differential analyzer or of other numerical computers.
These methods will now be discussed briefly.
A 8olution by formal integration! requires that the variable coefficients
can be expressed in terms of one of the variables and that the resulting
expression can be integrated by formal methods. In the case of exciter
transients, this means that the magnetization curve must be repre-
sented by an empirical equation, such as the Frohlich equation,
e=b+i [11]
have been developed recently, such as the relay and electronic types,
can be used for the same purpose. Obviously the application of the
machine-integration method is limited by the fact that in most cases
no suitable computing machine is available.
Of the four methods listed for solving the differential equations of
the exciter, the most useful and convenient are the solution by graphical
integration and the point-by-point solution. These methods will now
be described in detail, as applied to the solution of eqs. 9 and 10.
qN de R'
k dt
E [13]
qN de = E _ Ri [14]
k dt
taken for the final condition. For this condition the flux linkage is
N cP12 = N (fcPa2 = N k (T [19]
and the Ri drop is Ri 2 = E. The final field flux linkage may be written
also as Li2 , where IJ is the nominal exciter field inductance, equal to
the field flux linkage per unit field current at the final condition. The
time constant then takes the familiar-appearing form
T = Li2 = ~ [2 ]
R~ R 0
fie (eq. 18) may be given the following geometric interpretation (see
Fig. 22a): On the same coordinates with the magnetization curve
e e
draw a straight line through the origin and the final operating point
i 2, e2. The slope of this line is e2/i2 = Re2/E, and for any given
abscissa i the ordinate of the line is
Ae is then the vertical distance from this line up to the horizontal line
drawn through the intersection of this line and the magnetization
curve. Byeq. 16, the rate of change of armature voltage e is propor-
tional to fie.
Solving eq. 16 for t, we obtain
t = T - [22]
el lie
which gives the time required for the voltage to build up from its
initial value el to any value e. The integral may be evaluated graphi-
cally by plotting 1/ jj.e as a function of e and measuring the area between
the curve and the e axis between the lower limit el and a running upper
limit e.
The whole process of graphical solution is illustrated in Fig. 22. In
Fig.. 22a the magnetization curve is drawn, and on the same axes there
is drawn a sloping straight line 02 through the origin and the final
operating point 2 on the magnetization curve, and also a horizontal.
(a) (6) (c)
FIG.23. Build-down of voltage of separately excited exciter, obtained by the
method of graphical integration. Constant coefficient of dispersion is assumed.
slightly different. Equation 10, which holds for this case, may be
written thus:
- -d ( e +-~
N Lzk -) = E - R'~ [23]
k dt N
N !! (e + e') = E - Ri [24]
k dt
, Lzk.
e =-t [25]
T itd (e + e ) = de
t = TIe el
d(e + e')
T = N e2 [29]
~ 200 t - - - - l - - t - - - - - I i - - - - + - - - - - - I
Q) 150 t---t--T--~-+---4---~
~ 100 t - - t - - - - 1 ' 1 - - - - J - - - - J - - - - - 1
50 t - I ' - - - r - t - - - + - - - - I - - - - - - 1
5 10 15 20
i, Field current (amperes)
The following data pertain to an exciter:
Rated voltage 250 volts
Rated output 100 kw.
Rated speed (n) 1,800 r.p.m.
Number of poles (p) a
Type of armature winding simplexlap
Number of armature slots 108
Number of conductors per slot 4
Coefficient of dispersion (0-) 1.15
Shunt wound
Number of field turns per pole 1,500
Number of field circuits 1
Field resistance 14.6 ohms
The magnetization curve is given in Fig. 25.
The exciter is operating without load and is separately excited from a
250-volt source. Initially the field circuit is open. It is then closed through
such resistance as to give an ultimate voltage of 275. Plot armature voltage
and field current as functions of time. Increase the time constant by 5%
to allow for the effect of eddy currents in the yoke.
e2 •
e -:-~ Ae
1,2 Ae
(volts) (volts)
(volts) (kv.- 1)
7 0 275 3.64
50 20 255 3.92
100 38 237 4.22
150 59 216 4.63
200 87 188 5.31
230 119 156 6.41
250 159 116 8.62
260 187 88 11.35
270 240 35 28.6
273 260 15 67
275 275 0 co
Solution. The time constant is given by eq. 17, in which k is given by eq. 3.
Z = total number of conductors on armature = 108 slots X 4 conductors
per slot = 432.
a = number of parallel paths in armature, which for simplex lap winding is
equal to the number of poles. Hence a = 6.
k = Znp = 432 X 1,800 X 6 = 12 960
60a 60X6 '
The time constant, without correction for eddy currents, is (byeq. 17)
T' = qNe2 = 1.15 X (1,500 X 6) X 275 = 0.879 sec.
kE 12,960 X 250
Increase this value by 5% to allow for the effect of eddy currents.
T = 1.05 X 0.879 = 0.922 sec.
(volts) fde Lle
7 0 0 0
20 0.05 0.05 0.4
50 0.16 0.15 1.0
80 0.28 0.26 1.5
100 0.36 0.34 1.9
130 0.49 0.45 2.5
150 0.58 0.54 3.0
180 0.73 0.67 3.6
200 0.83 0.77 4.3
220 0.94 0.87 5.2
230 1.00 0.92 5.8
240 1.07 0.99 6.5
250 1.15 1.06 7.7
260 1.24 1.15 9.0
270 1.41 1.30 11.7
273 1.52 1.41 12.5
275 00 00 13.2
81 ~e
200 10
~ e
~ 150 c.
'" .e
100 5
FIG. 27. Build-up of armature volt age and field current of separately excited
exciter (Example 1).
t= T . - [deile
T= uN [35]
ile = e - Ri [36]
- - - - - - l : 1 .J...
(a) (b) (c)
e e
I I 1
I t I
I. I I
1 I
: I i. -.. I
(a) (b) (c)
T dtd (e + e ) I
= ~e [38]
t =T Ie
dee + e')
T=- [40]
~e = e - Ri [41]
The exciter described in Example I is operated at no load with self-excita-
tion. Plot curves showing armature voltage and field current versus time.
The initial and final values are to be the same as in Example 1.
1 small square =10 X 0.005 =0.05
~ 150
QI0 Q14
Values of lie are read from Fig. 25 according to the construction shown in
Fig. 28a and are listed in Table 3. In Fig. 30 1/lie is plotted against e and
the areas are measured by counting squares and are entered in Table 3.
These areas, multiplied by T = 0.840 sec., give the value of t corresponding
to e. Values of i corresponding to e are read from the magnetization curve
(Fig. 25). In Fig. 31 e and i are plotted against t. The values of e and i for
separate excitation are plotted in the same figure for comparison. It is
evident that separate excitation gives much faster build-up of e and i than
self-excitation does, particularly at the low values of e.
e Ri ~e Area t i
(volts) (volts) (volts) (sec. ) (amp.)
7 0 7 0.143 0 0 0
10 2 8 0.125 0.36 0.30
20 9 11 0.091 1.39 1.17 0.4
30 13 17 0.059 2.12 1.78
40 18 22 0.045 2.62 2.20
50 20 30 0.033 3.00 2.52 1.0
70 26 44 0.023 3.56 2.99
100 38 62 0.016 4.12 3.46 1.9
150 59 91 0.011 4.78 4.01 3.0
200 87 113 0.009 5.25 4.40 4.3
230 119 111 0.009 5.52 4.64 5.8
250 159 91 0.011 5.72 4.80 7.7
260 187 73 0.014 5.85 4.91 9.0
270 240 30 0.033 6.05 5.08 11.7
273 260 13 0.077
275 275 0 00 13.2
and as
T = oN. e2 for separate excitation (eq. 17)
k E
The former is fixed by the design of the exciter, whereas the latter
can be controlled by the external circuit. It is possible to raise the
pilot-exciter voltage E without changing the ceiling voltage (which,
for build-up, is e2), provided the field-circuit resistance R is increased
300_--.....---...,..------y----..-------r--, 15
200 10
-g 150
...... E
100 5
2 3 4 5
t (seconds)
FIG. 31. Build-up of armature voltage e. and field current i of'separately and
self-excited exciters (Examples 1 and 2).
however, is not in the factor T, but in de of eq. 42. The latter quantity
is defined as
and as
for self-excitation (eq. 36)
amount Se. The curve of voltage versus time can be plotted from the
increments of voltage and time, starting at zero time with the known
initial value of voltage. The first and last intervals may have different
values of /:ie from the others; there is no necessity for using equal values
The advantage of assuming ile and calculating ill, instead of the
reverse, is that by so doing the average values of e and i for the interval
are easily determined. The use of average values, instead of values
at the beginning of an interval, greatly reduces the cumulative error.
If constant coefficient of dispersion is assumed instead of constant
leakage inductance, eq. 9 yields
~t = _(_(1N~/K--.;.)_~_e
E (ore) - Ri
which is solved in the manner just described except that ili need
not be found.
since ab = 0.5 sec. If the areas under the line and under the curve are
equal, they will still be equal.if the area of the rectangle below nominal
collector-ring voltage is subtracted from each. Let the remaining
area abdea under the curve and above this voltage be denoted by A.
Line ac must be determined so that the area of triangle abc is equal to
A. The area of the triangle is half the product of base and altitude.
A = !(ab) (be) [46]
Since ab = 0.5 sec.,
1 be
A :::II 2(0.5) (be) = --- [47]
be = 4A [48]
When this value of be is substituted into eq. 45, the slope is given in
terms of the area as
m = 8A [49]
It is not necessary actually to draw line ac, because its slope can be
found by measuring area abdea under the exciter build-up curve, and
multiplying it by 8.
Finally, the nominal exciter response is the slope thus found divided
by nominal collector-ring voltage. In Fig. 18,
. 1 · 8 X area abdea in volt-seconds
Nomina exciter response = I
h O· I
a In vo ts
:8 0.95t---t----I---~-t--------1I--~
234 5
Calculated nominal response
FIG. 32. Correction factors for the effect of eddy currents on nominal exciter
response. (W. A. Lewis, Elec. Jour. 13)
Calculate the nominal response of the exciter described as follows:
The following data pertain to external apparatus in the field circuit of the
External resistance (for all paths) 11.6 ohms
Separate excitation
Voltage of pilot exciter 250
Ceiling voltag~ Ie- ~
280 /
1/ Q)
J ::s r - -
t '~
;S I - -
of! I---
~! --
80 Q)
J ~~
/ Ii
oo~ 1 234 5
1# field current per circuit (amperes)
FIG. 33. No-load saturation curve of exciter (Example 3). (Reprinted from
Ref. 13 by permission.)
~:..~~ ~
Calculated ~
response curve:1-- e ~~btained-· ~
by computation ~
columns 12, 13
~V' ~t ; ~
~~ ~~
a b
o0 g
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
t, Time (seconds)
FIG. 34. Computed response curve of exciter (Example 3). (Reprinted [rom
Ref. 13 by permission.)
320 volts) runs from t = 0.488 to 0.666 sec., it is necessary to divide it into
two parts at t = 0.500 sec. From the response curve (Fig. 34), the corre-
sponding value of e is 311 volts. The area is A = 38.3 volt-sec.
The slope of straight line ac (Fig. 34) under which the area is equal to that
under the response curve is, by eq. 49,
m = SA = 8 X 38.3 = 306 volts per second (f)
- = 1.61 units
· (g)
dt + Ri = c +E [ ]
Armature of
of rotating
amplifier + e Field windingof
+ ; a-c generator
r - - -... ------...J
field winding
FIG. 35. Circuit diagram of rotating-amplifier pilot exciter in series with shunt-
field circuit of main exciter.
uN . de = e ~ (Ri - E) [52]
k dt
or, abbreviating as in eq. 33,
T - == Ile [53)
T = uN [54]
as before (eq. 35), but
/le = e - (Ri - E) [55]
which differs from the previous expressions for Se. The graphical
representation of the new Ile is given in Fig. 36a. Here the curve of
e versus i is the magnetization curve of the main exciter, as before.
The curves of Ri - E versus i are straight lines parallel to the field
resistance line Ri but displaced vertically a distance E representing
the e.m.f. of the rotating-amplifier pilot exciter. This displacement
is downward if the pilot exciter is boosting; upward, if bucking.
200 ExcrrATION SY~rr:EIVlS
/ Buck Neutral Boost "
e e e
--- -, -::;-::..---
(b) (c)
FIG. 36. Build-up of voltage of exciter having armature of pilot exciter in series
with the shunt-field circuit of the main exciter (Fig. 35). Method of graphical
integration, with coefficient of dispersion assumed constant.
FIG. 37. Comparison of Lle for build-up caused by insertion of series voltage in
shunt-field circuit of main exciter with Lle for build-up caused by reduction of the
resistance of that circuit.
· N de/>
Ca = Ra~a + a dt [58]
eb = R b~b· + N de/>
b dt [59]
c kef>
:=3 _.-
we obtain:
Field current
Gl G
Field current
FIG. 39. Quantities required for calculating the response of a loaded exciter by
the method of graphical integration.
should be added to the field circuit to give the same field resistance
per series turn, and hence the same total ampere-turns, as before.
4. Increasing both the excitation voltage and theficld resistance in the
same ratio so that the ceiling voltage is unchanged.
5. Providing a new armature winding or a new armature wound for
a higher voltage. This is feasible only if the exciter' has a greater
capacity than required, because a higher voltage armature has a
lower current rating and the collector-ring voltage of the main
generator is not changed.
Methods 3 and 4 are similar in that they decrease the time constant
of the exciter-field circuit without raising the ceiling voltage. The time
constant of the field circuit of a separately excited exciter, as given by
eqs. 17 and 29, is directly proportional to the number of turns Nand
inversely proportional to the excitation voltage E. Method 3 decreases
N, whereas method 4 increases E.
Although the time required for the exciter voltage to build up from
one given value of voltage to another varies inversely as the time
constant, the nominal response of the exciter does not vary in the same
'vVay. If, for example, the time constant is halved, the exciter voltage
,vBI build up in 0.25 sec. to the value which it previously reached in
0.5 sec. During the second quarter-second, however, the voltage is
nearer the ceiling value and rises more slowly than during the first
quarter-second. Therefore, the nominal response, being defined for a
time of 0.5 see., is less than doubled.
In order to increase the nominal response to the desired value it may
be necessary to increase the ceiling voltage. The required ceiling
voltage can be estimated from eq. 65, which is derived from the follow-
ing considerations: The maximum conceivable value of nominal
response for a given ceiling voltage would be attained if the exciter
voltage could rise instantly from the nominal collector-ring voltage to
the ceiling voltage and then remain at the ceiling voltage. If E;
denotes the ceiling voltage and Eo the nominal collector-ring voltage,
the area under the voltage-time curve and above Eo for 0.5 sec. is
A = 0.5(E c - Eo). By eq. 50, the nominal response is
Ae) = SA = 4(Ec - Eo) = 4 (Ec _ 1) [63]
( At nom Eo Eo Eo
In practice, the greatest nominal response that can be attained is from
0.4 to 0.65 of this theoretical value. Use of the higher value gives
e, : : : Eo [1 + 0.38 (t:,.e)
At nom
] [65]
Direct-Acting Generator Voltage Regulator," A.I.E.E. Trons., vol. 59, pp. 149-56,
March, 1940. Disc., pp. 156-7.
17. American Standard Definitions of Electrical Terms, American Institute of
Electrical Engineers, New York, 1942. Definitions 10.95.440, 10.95.450, and
18. C. CONCORDIA, "Steady-State Stability of Synchronous Machines as Affected
by Voltage-Regulator Characteristics," A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 63, pp. 215-20,
May, 1944. Disc., pp. 489-90.
19. E. L. HARDER and C. E. VALENTINE, "Static Voltage Regulator for Rototrol
Exciter," A.I.E.E. Trans. (Elec. Eng.), vol. 64, pp. 601-6, August, 1945.
20. H. A. P. LANGSTAFF, H. R. VAUGHAN, and R. F. LAWRENCE, "Application
and Performance of Electronic Exciters for Large A-C. Generators," A.I.E.E.
Trans. (Elec. Eng.), vol. 65, pp. 246-54, May, 1946. Disc., pp. 515-20.
21. R. B. BODINE, S. B. CRARY, and A. W. RANKIN, "Motor-Driven Exciters for
Turbine Alternators," A.I.E.E. Trans. (Elec. Eng.), vol. 65, pp. 290-7, May, 1946.
Disc., pp. 515-20.
22. J. B. MCCLURE, S. 1. WHITTLESEY, and M. E. HARTMAN, "Modern Exci-
tation Systems for Large Synchronous Machines," A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 65, pp.
939-45, 1946. Disc., pp. 1148-50. Summary of practice.
23. C. CONCORDIA, S. B. CRARY, and F. J. l\1AGINNISS, "Long-Distance Power
Transmission as Influenced by Excitation Systems," A.I.E.E. Trons., vol. 65,
pp. 974-87, 1946. Disc., pp. 1175-7.
24. F. M. PORTER and J. H. I{INGHORN, "The Development of Modern Exci-
tation Systems for Synchronous Condensers and Generators," A.I.E.E. Trans.,
vol. 65, pp. 1020-8, 1946. Disc., pp. 1156-9. Electronic pilot exciter, electronic
main exciter, and Amplidyne pilot exciter.
25. G. DARRIEUS, "Long-Distance Transmission of Energy and the Artificial
Stabilization of Alternating Current Systems," C.l.G.R.E., 1946, Report 110.
26. E. L. HARDER, "Solution of the General Voltage Regulator Problem by
Electrical Analogy," A~I.E.E. Trans., vol. 66, pp. 815-25, 1947. Disc., p. 825.
27. C. L. KILLGORE,. "Excitation Problems in Hydroelectric Generators Supply-
ing Long Transmission Lines," A.l.E.E. Trans., vol. 66, pp. 1277-82, 1947. Disc.,
28. A. W. KIMBALL, "Two-Stage Rototrol for I . ow-Energy Regulating Systems,'
A.l.E.E. Trans., vol. 66, pp. 1507-11, 1947.
29. M. M. LIWSCHITZ, "The Multistage Rototrol," A .I.E.E. Trans., vol. 66,
pp. 564-8, 1947.
30. C. STEWART, "Automatic Voltage Control of Generators," Jour. I.E.E.,
vol. 94, part IIA, pp. 39-48, May, 1947. Disc., pp. 60-5.
31. J. E. BARKLE and C. E. VALENTINE, "Rototrol Excitation Systems," A.I.E.E.
Trans., vol. 67, part I, pp. 529-34, 1948. Disc., p. 534.
32. C. LYNN and C. E. VALENTINE, ((Main Exciter Rototrol Excitation for
Turbine Generators," A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 67, part I, pp. 535-9, 1948. Disc.,
33. C. CONCORDIA, ((Steady-State Stability of Synchronous Machines as Affected
by Angle-Regulator Characteristics," A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 67, part I, pp. 687-
34. G. D. FLOYD and H. R. SILLS, ((Generator Design to Meet Long Distance
Transmission Requirements in Canada," C.I.G.R.E., 1948, Report 13l.
35. H. DAVID and .1. FAVEREAU, "Stability of Alternators with Series Excitation
Connected by a Long Line to a High-Power System,' C.I.G.R.E., 1948, Report 305.
Driven Exciters in Air and Hydrogen," A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 71, part III, pp. 758-
67, October, 1952. Disc., pp. 767-8.
53. W. A. HUNTER and M. TEMOSHOK, "Development of a Modern Amplidyne
Voltage Regulator for Large Turbine Generators," A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 71, part
III, pp. 894-900, October, 1952. Disc., pp. 9OO-I.
54. CH. LAVANCHY, "A New Solution for the Regulation of Counter-Excitation
Synchronous Compensators," C.I.G.R.E., 1952, Report 331.
55. J. E. BARKLE, C. E. VALENTINE, and J. T. CARLETON, H Magamp Regulation
for Synchronous Machines," Westinghouse Engineer, vol. 12, pp. 204-7, November,
56. A. TUSTIN, Direct Current Machines for Control Systel1UJ, The Macmillan
Company, New York, 1952.
57. J. T. CARLETON, P. O. BOBO, and "V. F. HORTON, "A New Regulator and
Excitation System," A..I.E.E. Trans., vol. 72, part III, pp. 175-81, April, 1953.
Disc., pp. 181-3.
58. L. F. LISCHER and R. B. GEAR, "Rotating Regulators Improve Light-Load
Stability," Electric Light and Power. Part I, vol. 31, no. 12, pp. 106-11, October,
1953. Part II, vol. 31, no. 13, pp. 133-7, November, 1953.
59. MILAN VIDMAR, JR., "Comparison of Four Main Types of Rotary Exci-
ters Employed in Modern Practice, with Regard to the Exciting Effectiveness,"
C.I.G.R.E., 1954, Report 138.
60. R. DAVID and L. GATESOUPE, "Results of Recent Tests Regarding Different
Systems of High Speed Excitation and De-excitation of Alternators," C.I.G.R.E.)
1954, Report 147.
The armature reaction at the knee of the no-load saturation curve amounts
to 5% of the field current there, and elsewhere it is proportional to the curva-
ture of the saturation curve. The full-load armature I R drop is 5% of rated
voltage, and the brush drop is 2 volts.
16. In Example 3, what is the value of the constant corresponding to
2.6 in eq. 64?
16. It is proposed to reconnect the field winding of the separately excited
exciter of Example 1 in two parallel circuits. How much permanent external
resistance should be used in order to keep the ceiling voltage at 275 volts?
What would the new value of nominal response be? Compare it with the
original value calculated in Probe 9. Nominal collector-ring voltage is 180.
17. Work Prob. 16 for three parallel circuits.
18. In order to obtain the same improvement in nominal response as in
Probe 16, but without reconnecting the field winding, what excitation voltage
and what external resistance should be used? The ceiling voltage is to
remain at 275 volts.
19. What voltage and current must be supplied by the pilot exciter when
the main exciter is generating its ceiling voltage (a) in Probe 16, (b) in
Probe 18?
20. It is proposed to reconnect the field winding of the separately excited
exciter of Example 1 into two parallel circuits and, at the same time, to
increase the ceiling voltage to 350. How much permanent external resistance
should be used? What would the new value of nominal response be? (Com-
pare it with the values obtained in Probs. 9 and 16.) Nominal collector-ring
voltage is 180.
21. It is proposed to rewind the armature of the separately excited exciter
of Example 1 in duplex wave, The field circuit would not be changed.
What would the new ceiling voltage be? What would the nominal response
be in building up from 180 volts?
22. Explain why a slow-speed exciter has a longer time constant than a
high-speed exciter.
23. The exciter described in Example 1 is to be operated with combined
self- and separate excitation, a rotating amplifier being connected in series
with the shunt-field circuit. The resistance of this circuit is adjusted so that
the no-load exciter armature voltage is 180 when the e.m.f. of the rotating
amplifier is zero. Then the e.m.f, of the amplifier is changed to a value which
will cause the no-load exciter voltage to build up to a ceiling value of 275
volts, this amplifier e.m.f. being held constant. Calculate and plot the curve
of build-up of exciter voltage. Also calculate the nominal exciter response
under these conditions. Compare the maximum power output of the rotating
amplifier with that of the pilot exciter in Example 1.
FIG. 1. Amortisseur windings or damper windings, (a) connected and (b) non-
around the pole core near the outer end. Field collars can be used
together with a single damper winding to give results similar to those
given by a double-deck damper.
Damper windings are not used on turbogenerators, but the solid
steel rotor cores of such machines provide paths for eddy currents and
thus produce the same effects as dampers. Even in machines with
laminated salient poles and no dampers, eddy currents in the pole faces
have a very small damping effect.
l'ABLE 1
(100 kva., 2,300 volts, 25.2 amp.)
The constants are in per unit. They are test results, obtained by applying single-
phase voltage to two armature terminals with the rotor stationary.
The conductivity of Everdur is approximately 6% of that of copper.
(5,000 kva., 4,COO volts, 721 amp.)
r2 X2 = ! (Xd" + x q" )
Test Calculated Test Calculated
No damper 0.0';1:5 0.040 0.75 0.69
Connected copper 0.026 0.029 0.195 0.215
Connected brass 0.045 0.044 0.195 0.215
Connected Everdur 0.12 0.125 0.20 0.215
--------- ---~-.-
(32.5 Mva., 0.8 power factor, 12 kv., three-phase,
60 cycles, too r.p.m., vertical shaft)
Calculated values
(9 Mva., 0.8 power factor, 13.8 kv., 60 cycles, 180 r.p.m.)
Reactances are in per unit, time constants in seconds.
the armature winding is connected. The slip of the rotor with respect
to the negative-sequence field is 2 - s, where e is the positive-sequence
slip. Since 8 is small (except, as already noted, during starting and
out-of-step operation), the negative-sequence slip is very nearly equal
to 2. It never reverses, nor does the resulting torque reverse. The
torque always retards the rotor, and hence may be called a "braking"
torque. Its effect is therefore equivalent to a reduction of mechanical
input torque. In a generator, which tends to speed up during a fault,
the negative-sequence torque decreases the .accelerating torque. On
the other hand, in a motor, which tends to slow down during a fault,
the negative-sequence torque increases the absolute value of accelerat-
ing torque (now a negative, or retarding, torque). It is apparent, then,
that this braking effect is desirable in a generator but undesirable in a
motor, a condenser, or a generator which acts as an equivalent motor.
The braking effect is present only as long as an unsymmetrical fault is
on the system. The greatest braking torque is afforded by high-
resistance dampers, and very little, by low-resistance dampers. Thus
the effect may be limited to generators by using high-resistance dampers
on generators only.
In many respects negative-sequence braking is analogous to resist-
ance grounding, which reduces the accelerating torque of a generator
during ground faults. Both of these means of improving transient
stability are, less important now that high-speed fault clearing is
generally used than they were when slower speeds were common. The
higher the speed of clearing, the less important is the shock caused by
the fault itself in comparison with the shock of opening the faulted line
to clear the fault. This is true even if high-speed reclosing is employed.
Negative-sequence impedance. As already mentioned, a damper
winding decreases the negative-sequence reactance of the machine on
which it is installed and may either increase or decrease the negative-
sequence resistance. In general, the negative-sequence impedance is
lowered by a damper winding, especially by a low-resistance damper.
Lowering the negative-sequence impedance of any machine on a net-
work lowers the negative-sequence impedance of the network viewed
from the point of fault, and thus also lowers the impedance of the fault
shunt representing any type of short circuit except a three-phase short
circuit. The effect is greater for a line-to-line short circuit than for
any other type, and is greatest for a fault located near the machine
equipped with the dampers. Usually a fault location near the principal
equivalent generators is taken as the most severe one and the one used
as a criterion of system stability. Lowering the impedance of the fault
shunt weakens the tie between machines during the time that the fault
R, x, s, 1-,
Rr rr:
v E
accords with eq. 2 in that the rotor circuit of impedance R r/8 jX, +
is connected across voltage E.
In the normal operation of an induction motor the slip is a small
positive quantity, making resistance Rr/s in the equivalent rotor
circuit much greater than the actual rotor resistance R; The addi-
tional resistance is Rr (1 - 8)/8, shown in Fig. 2 as a separate resistor.
The rotor input, which is received by induction from the stator, is
I r 2R r
- - watts per phase [3]
but the rotor copper loss is only I r 2R; watts per phase. The difference,
T = Ir
2 n.
-._- synchronous watts per phase [8]
o Forward 2 Sync. speed
2 o -1 Slip
and the impedance, R s' + jX B ' . These combine with the rotor im-
pedance, Rr / s + [X», to form a simple series circuit in which the rotor
current I, flows. Accordingly, the scalar value of the rotor current is
given by
2 _ (V')2
t, - (Ra' + Rr / s)2 + (Xa' + X r )2
This value, when substituted in eq. 8, gives the following expression
for torque:
T _ __ (V')2 Rr/s
- (R s ' + R r / S)2 + (Xs ' + X r )2
A curve of T versus slip 8 is shown in Fig. 3. By taking the derivative
of T with respect to Rr/s, we find that maximum torque occurs at
the slip
is negative (that is, it is actually input) and is equal to half the rotor
copper loss, I r 2R r • The other half of the rotor copper loss is supplied
electrically via the stator terminals. Thus there is at the same time
both electric and mechanical power input, all of which goes into losses,
principally copper losses. The mechanical power input is equal to the
electric power input to the rotor (air-gap power) and is a definite
fraction of the input to the stator.
The negative-sequence rotor currents have a frequency (2 - 8 )f, or
very nearly 2f, where f is the stator frequency. In a synchronous
machine such currents flow both in the field winding and in the damper
windings if damper windings are provided, otherwise, in the field wind-
ing and in the field pole faces.
The influence of rotor-circuit (damper) resistance R; on damping
torque can be shown by plotting curves of torque versus slip for various
values of R; It is apparent from eq. 10 that, if R; and 8 are changed
proportionally, the torque is unchanged. Therefore the effect of in-
creasing the rotor resistance is to increase the abscissas of the torque-
slip curve in direct proportion to the rotor resistance. See Fig. 4. The
slip at which maximum torque occurs is directly proportional to rotor
resistance (eq. 11), but the maximum torque itself is independent of
rotor resistance (eq. 12).
In order to give high damping torque at small values of slip, the
dampers should have as Iowa resistance as possible. In order to give
where Pi, is the braking power. The term P u, as before, represents only
the positive-sequence power output.
The reason that negative-sequence electric power does not appear
in eq. 19 will be shown by the following "balance sheet" of power.
The mechanical power input at the shaft is consumed in the follow-
ing ways:
1. Rate of increase of kinetic energy.
2. Positive-sequence power output at terminals.
3. Negative-sequence power output at terminals.
4. Positive-sequence stator copper loss.
5. Negative-sequence stator copper loss.
6. Half of negative-sequence rotor copper loss.
7. Other half of negative-sequence rotor copper loss.
8. Rotational loss.
Item 3 is actually a negative quantity; that is, there is a negative-
sequence input at the armature terminals. This input supplies the
losses of items 5 and 6. Hence, items 3, 5, and 6 add to zero and may
be dropped from the list. Item 1 is P a . Item 2 plus item 4 is P u ,
the power supplied by the machine to the positive-sequence network,
the latter including the armature resistance. Item 7 is Pb, the braking
power. The shaft input less item 8 is Pi. Thus eq. 19 is justified.
Negative-sequence braking can be neglected except in machines
having a high-resistance damper winding. It exists, even in such
machines, only during the existenceof an unbalanced fault.
A hydroelectric station is delivering rated load at unity power factor and.
at normal voltage to a, receiving system which may be considered as an
infinite bus. Between the hydroelectric station and the receiving system is
a double-circuit high-voltage transmission 'line having a positive-sequence
reactance of 0.40 per unit and a zero-sequence reactance of 0.75 per unit on
0.30 0.10 0.40 0.10
~FIG. 5. (a) One-line diagram and (b) sequence networks of the power system
of Example 1.
a base equal to the rating of the station. (See Fig. 5a.) The transformers
at each end of the line have a reactance of 0.10 per unit on the same base.
They are connected in .1 on the low-voltage side and in Y, with solidly
grounded neutral, on the high-voltage side. The generators have the follow-
ing per-unit constants:
Xd' = 0.30 rl = 0.005
Xa = 0.20 H = 3.0
With low-resistance dampers,
T2 = 0.03
Calculate the initial accelerating power of the generators for each type of
damper during a two-line-to-ground fault adjacent to the high-voltage
sending-end bus, and again for a line-to-line fault. at the same place, Neglect
the effect of all resistance except the negative-sequence resistance of the.
Solution. Prefa.ult condition, Assume that the voltage behind Xd' is
constant. The initial value of this voltage is
E' = V + jxI (a)
= 1.00 + jO.9 X 1.00
= 1.35 /42.0°
0.40 0.50
0.40 0.50 4.20
(b) (c)
The initial mechanical input is the same as before the fault, or 1.000 per unit.
The initial accelerating power, with negative-sequence braking neglected, is
therefore (by eq. 18):
P a = Pi- F; = 1.000- 0.215 = 0.785 per unit (c)
The negative-sequence braking torque will now be calculated for each
type of damper. The initial voltage across the fault shunt is almost inde-
pendent of the negative-sequence resistance. Let it be called V.f. Then
application of Kirchhoff's current law to Fig. 6b yields:
1.35/42.0° - VI 1.00/0 - VI VJ
jOAO + jO.50 - jO.0606 = 0 (d)
( 1+
VJ 0.40
0.50 + 0.0606
1) =
oA()- +
bility limits, not much advantage can be taken of the effectiveness of high-
resistance dampers on line-to-line faults. The use of high-speed switching,
moreover, reduces the benefits of dampers in producing negative-sequence
For types of fault other than three-phase and for faults not very
near the armature terminals, ide decays so rapidly that its braking
effect is negligible.
where f is the frequency of the infinite bus in cycles per second and
do/ dt is in electrical degrees per second.
Derivation of equatio·n. The rigorous derivation of eq. 22 is too long
and complicated to be given here, but a derivation based on induction-
machine theory and leading to the same result will be presented. It
must first be assumed that the rotor is symmetrical (that is, alike on
both axes) and that the field windings are closed but not excited. *
. ,
__ I JXd [28]
-- 8 Rrd/ s
taking ~o as the average value for the time intervals immediately preceding
and following the instant for which P D and P a are to be computed.
The swing calculations are carried out in Table 6.
The swing curve is plotted as curve c in Fig. 9. Curves a and b are plotted
from the results of Example 8, Chapter XII, in which damping is neglected.
Comparison of the three curves shows that the beneficial effect of damping
almost compensates for the detrimental effect of field decrement even though
the fault lasts for more than two-thirds of the time required for the machine
to swing to its maximum angular displacement from the bus. Consequently,
the assumptions of constant flux linkage and negligible damping lead to but
little error. If the fault had been cleared sooner, damping probably would
have been more effective in reducing the amplitude of swing.
TABLE 6 t:1
E' 2.70Eq ' -0.685 Pu ~a PD Pa, ~2a ~a a
t q
sin a sin 20 sin 2a (p.u.) (est.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (deg.) (deg.) (deg.) ~
(sec.) (p.u.) sin a ...-c
0.20- 1.04 0 0 0.91 34.4 tj
0.20+ 1.04 0.961 -0.530 2.70 +0.36 3.06 30.8 0.31 -2.46 Z
0.20 avg. 1.04 -0.78 - 8.4 106.0 o00
0.743 -0.994 2.04 +0.68 2.72 15.2 0.15 -1.96 -21.2 132.0
0.25 1.02 Z
4.8 e
0.30 0.99 0.686 -0.998 1.83 +0.68 2.51 - 4.0 -0.04 -1.56 -16.8 136.8 e
-12.0 >-
0.96 0.823 -0.935 2.13 +0.64 2.77 -21.0 -0.21 -1.65 -17.8 124.8 s=
0.35 ~
-29.8 Z
0.40 95.0 o
j 120
~ 110
Time (seconds) afteroccurrence of fault
FIG. 9. Effect of damping upon swing curves (Example 2). (a) Damping and
field decrement neglected (constant flux linkage). (b) Damping neglected, but
decrement taken into account. (c) Damping and decrernent taken into account.
Angle. 6
FIG. 10. Power-angle curve with damping included . (Plotted from data of
Ref. ll. The marked points are for equal intervals of time.)
high centrifugal forces and fail in shear, or the retaining rings may
expand from heat and part contact with the rotor body, thus giving
rise to arcing at the shrink fits between rings and rotor body. Experi-
ence has shown that the machine will not be injured if f 12 2dt does
not exceed 30, 12 being the negative-sequence current in per-unit
and t, the time in seconds.
1. O. G. C. DAHL, Electric Power Circuits: Theory and Applications, Vol. II,
"Power System Stability," McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1938. Chap.
XIX, "Damper Windings and Their Effect."
2. Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book, by Central Station
Engineers of the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., East Pittsburgh,
Pa., 1st edition, 1942, pp. 141-5, 160-3, 200-1.
3. C. F. "TAGNER, "Damper Windings for Water-Wheel Generators," A.I.E.E.
Trtms., vol. 50, pp. 140-51, March, 1931. Disc., pp. 151-2.
4. C. F. \VAGNER, "Unsymmetrical Short Circuits on Water-Wheel Generators
Under Capacitive Loading," Elec. Eng., vol. 56, pp. 1385-95, November, 1937.
5. C. F. WAGNER, "Overvoltages on Water-Wheel Generators," Elec. Jour.,
vol. 35, pp. 321-5 and 351-4, August and September, 1938.
6. EDITH CLARKE, C. N. WEYGANDT, and C. CONCORDIA, "Overvoltages Caused
by Unbalanced Short Circuits - Effect of Amortisseur Windings," A.I.E.E.
Trans., vol. 57, pp. 453-66, August, 1938. Disc., pp. 466-8.
7. R. B. GEORGE and B. B. BESSESEN, "Generator Damper Windings at Wilson
Dam," A.I.E.E. Trons., vol. 58, pp.166-71, April, 1939. Disc., pp. 171-2. Instal-
lation of dampers on generator which had been in service 12 years without dampers
in order to decrease harmonic overvoltages during unsymmetrical short circuits
with capacitive loading.
8. C. A. NICKLE and C. A. PIERCE, u Stability of Synchronous Machines: Effect
of Armature Circuit Resistance," A .1.E.E. Trans., vol. 49, pp. 338-50, January,
1930. Disc., pp. 350-1.
9.. C. F. WAGNER, "Effect of Armature Resistance Upon Hunting of Synchronous
Machines," A .1.E.E. Trans., vol. 49, pp. 1011-24, July, 1930. Disc., pp. 1024-6.
10. R. H. PARK, "Two-Reaction Theory of Synchronous Machines," Part I,
A.I.E.E. Trtms., vol. 48, pp. 716-27, July, 1929. Disc., pp. 727-30. Part II,
A.l.E.E. Trans., vol. 52, pp. 352-4, June, 1933. Disc., pp. 354-5.
11. S. B. CRARY and M. L. 'VARING, "Torque-Angle Characteristics of Synchro-
nous Machines Following System Disturbances," A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 51, pp. 764-
73, September, 1932. Disc., pp. 773-4.
12. F. A. HAMILTON, JR., "Field Tests to Determine the Damping Character-
istics of Synchronous Generators," A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 51, pp. 775-9, September,
13. M. M. LIWSCHITZ, "Positive and Negative Damping in Synchronous Ma-
chines," A.I.E.E. Trans., vol. 60, pp. 210-3, May, 1941.
14. ROGER COE and H. R. STEWART, "Generator Stability Features Fifteen
Mile Falls Development," Elec. Jour., vol. 28, pp. 139-43, March, 1931.
15. C. CONCORDIA and G. K. CARTER, "Negative Damping of Electrical Machin-
ery," A.l.E.E. Trans., vol. 60, pp. 116-9, March, 1941. Disc., p. 752.
and if the field currents are changed after each increment of load so as to
restore the normal operating conditions (usually constant terminal voltages).
This definition suffices for a two-machine system. For a multi-
machine system, additional stipulations are necessary as to how the
power is to be supplied and absorbed. Such stipulations are not
included in any general definition but are decided upon in each individ-
ual stability study in accordance with the contemplated operating
The system is stable at any value of power less than Pm, provided
o < 90°. This may be shown as follows: Suppose that the shaft load
on the motor is increased, thus causing the mechanical output to exceed
the electrical input. There is then a net retarding torque, causing
the motor to slow down and thereby to increase the angle o. As a
E2 = V2 = 1.00
FIG. 2. Vector diagram of two-machine reactance system the steady-state
stability limit of which is found in Example 1.
The power can he computed also from the reference voltage and the in-phase
P = 1.00 X 0.55 = 0.55
The power-angle curve (power versus () is shown as A in Fig. 3. The
maximum power with this value of excitation is 1.27 X 1.00/1.60 = 0.79.
However, as the power is increased the excitation must also be increased.
1.0 f----f-------1--r""'-F-t----'s;.--+~~-_l_---_1
£c 0.5 f-------,IIiHL-#----j----'-----+--~Afl..__\,.__-_1
=- - = 1.10 X 1.00
= 110
. per unl
x; 1.00
This is the crest value of curve E -of Fig. 3. If curve E had been plotted
against 8, the angle between terminal voltages, it would have been sinus-
oidal; but, being plotted against 0, the angle between internal voltages, it
jR distorted.
For values of V 1/V2 differing greatly from 1.00, the locus of con-
stant V l/V2 ,vill not intersect the semicircle. The lack of an inter-
section indicates that no power can be transmitted stably with the
assumed values of terminal voltage.
Solve Example 1 by use of the Clarke diagram.
Solution. As shown in Fig. 6, layoff AB = IXI = 0.60 unit and BF =
IX2 = 1.00 unit. With the midpoint C of line A.F (0.80 unit from each end)
as center, draw a semicircle AOF of radius 0.80 unit. Construct the locus
DGHOK by locating points G, H, K by intersections of arcs having centers
at Band F. For point K, the radii are 1.10 from Band 1.00 from F; for
point H, they are 0.83 and 0.75; for point
A G, 0.55 and 0.50. The intersection of this
locus with the semicircle is point O. Draw
OA,OB, and OF, representing E I , VI, and
V 2 = E 2 , respectively. Measure OF. It
is 0.83 unit of length and represents 1.00
unit of voltage. Therefore, the scale is
1 unit of length = 1.21 units of voltage.
Measure OAt It is 1.38 units of length
and therefore represents a voltage of
1.38 X 1.21 = 1.67 units.
The steady-state stability limit is there-
Pm -_ 1.67 X 1.00 -_ 1•04 UDl'ts
This agrees well with the value (1.03)
found in Example 1.
Xs Xr
E'1 E'
The Clarke diagram therefore can be used as before except that Xl,
X2, E I , and E 2 are replaced by Xl" X2', E I ' , and E 2 ' , respectively
(eqs, 5 through 8), and X e now represents the architrave reactance of
the equivalent 7r circuit of the external network. The actual internal
voltages and currents of the machines can be calculated if desired.
However, they are not needed for calculating the stability limit, for it
can be calculated in terms of the equivalent quantities, thus:
_ E 1'E2 '
Pm [9]
+ X e + X2
- , ,
where E I ' and E 2' at 90° phase difference are determined by means of
the Clarke diagram.
A generator having an internal reactance (equivalent synchronous re-
actance) of 0.60 per unit feeds power to an infinite bus over a transmission
line, the equivalent 1r of which has an architrave impedance of jl.0 and
pillars of -j5.0 each. The terminal voltage of the generator and the
voltage of the infinite bus are both held at 1.0 per unit. Find the steady-
state stability limit.
Solution. The Thevenin reactance of the generator (eq, 5) is
Xl' = 0.60( -5.0) = -3.0 = 0.68
0.60 - 5.00 -4.4
= E1
- 2E1
~ + E (~Y + Ei (~Y
= E 12 (1 - :lY + E 2
V 1
2X 2
= E 12(X - Xl)2 + E22X 12
= E1 2
(Xe + X2)2 + E22X 12 [23]
A similar substitution into eq. 15 gives:
V 2
= E12X22 + E 2 2(X e + Xl)2 [24]
Simultaneous solution of eqs. 23 and 24 yields:
E 2 _ + Xl)2 - V22X12]x2
[V12(X e
1 - (z, + Xl)2(X e + X2)2 - X1 2X22
e + X2)2 - V12X22]X2
E 2 _ [V2
2 - (z, + Xl)2(X e + X2)2 - X1 2X22
V12V22[(Xe + Xl)2(X e + X2)2 + X1 2X22]
- V14X22(Xe + Xl)2 - V24Xl~(Xe + X2)2
(z, + Xl)2(X e + X2)2 - X1 2X2 2
Substitution of eq. 27 into eq. 3 gives:
+ Xl)2(X e + X2)2 + X1 2X22]
x = Xl + X, + X2 = 1.60
x,(x,x + 2XIX2) = 1.00(1.00 X 1.60 + 0) = 1.60
P _ V1.21 X 2.56 - 1.46 X 0 - 1.00 X 0.36
m - 1.60
FIG. 10. Power-angle curves of two machines connected through reactance with
an intermediate shunt resistance load.
maximum sent power occurs at 0 less than 90°, and maximum received
power, at 0 greater than 90°. The power-angle curves for this case are
given in Fig. 10. The power consumed by the load is also shown.
With either series or shunt resistance, the maximum received power
(-P2) is less than the maximum sent, power (PI)'
where ill 1 and M'2 are the inertia constants of the two machines. The
critical angle ac is always between the angles of maximum sent and
received power:
It approaches am2 if M I »M2 , and approaches aml if M I «M2 •
In each of the three cases considered above, all of which are for posi-
tive series resistance, the steady-state stability limit is reached at
o = Om2. However, it appears that 0 can increase beyond Om2 up to a
value ac before synchronism is lost. Thus at maximum received power
there is a margin of stability which depends upon the relative inertias,
being greatest when machine 2 (the motor) is an infinite bus.
The situation is somewhat different if the series resistance is negative.
The power-angle curves are given in Fig. 10. Here the maximum sent
power is reached at a smaller value of 0 than that for maximum received
power (Omi < Om2)' It is therefore necessary to investigate whether the
system is stable at values of 0 between Omi and Om2.
If the motor is an infinite bus, the generator pulls out of step at Om},
before -P2 reaches its maximum value. The stability limit is then
the value of - P2 at 0 = Ont!. If, however, the generator is an infinite
bus, the motor pulls out of step at Om2, where - P 2 is greatest. The
stability limit is greater for the infinite generator than for the infinite
If both machines are finite, the system would appear to be stable
for all values of 0 up to Oc computed from eq. 33 and lying between Oml
and Om2o The stability limit would then be the value of received
power at 0 = oc. The received power would be less than its maximum
value but greater than its value at 0 = Omi'
tinues to lower curve 2' until it no longer intersects curve 1', whereupon
synchronism is lost. With this method of increasing the load, governor
action tends to increase 0 and causes instability.
The conclusion is that with 0 in the range between Omi and Oc the
system may be either stable or unstable under the condition of small
sustained increase of load, taking governor action into consideration,
depending upon how the increase of load is accomplished.
The same kind of reasoning leads to a similar conclusion regarding
the stability of a two-machine system with positive transfer resistance.
In the range of 0 from Om2 to oc, the system may be either stable or
unstable. It is unstable if the shaft load of the motor is increased first,
but is stable if the input of the generator is increased first. As already
noted, however, these facts do not alter the stability limit which occurs
at 0 = Om2.
It has been assumed that the governor of one machine is set for
constant mechanical power and that the governor of the other machine
then maintains frequency. If both governors tend to maintain fre-
quency, the maximum stable angle would appear to depend upon the
relative sensitivity of the two governors.
steady-state stability limit (say at 75% of the latter) to allow for power
variations caused by changes of loads or by remote faults.
At values of ~ smaller than both ~ml and ~m2, the curve of PI versus
o has positive slope, while that of P2 has negative slope. Since
~ = ~l - ~2 by definition, the operation is stable if hoth
- >0 and
- >0 [36]
aO I a~2
/ b
..... xw::-O""'O';'-+---_-f'>o~iiIIl' IXe
! \
Locus of \
specified \
l't /V2 \ ,e
\ I
\ ~ I
" I
" I
<, ~6' I
<, I ~ I
----e 1"\
By use of the Clarke diagram, find the steady-state stability limit of a
system like that described in Example 1 except that the external circuit
has a resistance of 0.3 unit.
F_18 I
, /
FIG. 14. Clarke diagram for solution of Example 5.
By trial, P111 = 0.49 at 0 =:: 650 • Round-rotor theory gives 0.42. The
error is -14%.
Fig. 15, which is much like that of Fig. 62 of Chapter XII. The
following notation is used:
I = armature current
Vt = armature terminal voltage
r a = armature resistance
X p = Potier reactance
Er =sEp
FIG. 15. Vector diagram of cylindrical-rotor synchronous machine with saturation.
It is clear from the vector diagram that the terminal conditions would
be the same if the saturated machine were replaced by an equivalent
unsaturated machine having an e.m.f.
E = Ef [39]
and a synchronous reactance
Xs = xp +-sm =
xp + Xd -
r, = external resistance
r a = armature resistance
r = r, +
r a = total series resistance
x, = external reactance
XI' = Potier reactance of armature
Xd = unsaturated synchronous reactance
{ ~
Air-gapline J ~
Open-circuit -
I /
1.0 2.0
8. 0.8 1/ V 1.6~
......., J ~-Phase --
i 0.6
/ short-circuit
characteristic - 1.2 1:
Q. ~
:i 0.4 0.8 =§
/ V e
VV 0.4~
o If/ 0
o 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4
Excitation (per unit)
FIG. 16. Open-circuit and short-circuit characteristics of a cylindrical-rotor
synchronous machine (Example 7). (From Ref. 12, with permission.)
Xm = Xd
- x p = reactance equivalent to armature reaction when there is
no saturation
x, = xp xml8 = saturated synchronous reactance
x = x, x, = total series reactance, saturated value
Z = Z /90 0 - a = r + i» = (r e ra) + j(X, x,) + +
Zc = Zc/90° - a c = (r, + ra) + j(X e + Xp )
a = tan- 1 (rlx)
a c = tan- 1 [(r, + fa)/(X, + Xp ) ]
6 = angle by which E leads V
For the case considered in this example, the following circuit parameters
(all expressed in per unit) are given:
V = 1.00 fa = 0.022 r, = 0.092
E1 = 1.61 xp = 0.105 x, = 0.436
and several other quantities, which are independent of saturation, are
readily calculated.
From the curves of Fig. 16 at an excitation of 1.2 per unit, the open-circuit
voltage on the air-gap line is 1.2 per unit and the short-circuit current is
1.24 per unit. Hence
Xd = -1.20 = 0 .970
Xm = Xd - xp = 0.970 - 0.105 = 0.865
r = r, + fa = 0.092 + 0.022 = 0.114
Xe + Xl' = 0.436 + 0.105 = 0.541
Zc = V (r e + r a )2 + (x. +X p )2 = V (0.114)2 + (0.541)2 = 0.553
r, + fa 1 0.114
= tan- 1 - - - = tan- - - = 11.9
ae = tan- 0.210 0
z; + Xl' 0.541
In terms of the notation given above, the power-angle equations 31 and
32 for the case of series impedance may be rewritten as follows:
EV . E'lr
Pa = Z SIn (0 - a) + Z2 (a)
Ph = -
EV .
sm (0 + a) - V 2r
In eqs, c and d, sZ, a, and Z2 are variables dependent upon saturation, which
varies with 0 even though E J and V are constant. Hence, to determine the
values of these quantities to be used in eqs, c and d, it is necessary to express
the Potier voltage E p (which determines the saturation) as a function of o.
This may be done as follows:
From Fig. 15,
Ep = V + ZcI (e)
!=-- (J)
Ep = V + Zc E - V = ZeE + (Z - Zc)V (g)
E = E, (h)
Z - Zc = jXm (i)
sZE p = ZcEJ + jXmV
= ZcEJ /0 + 90° - a c + XmV /90° (k)
The right-hand side of eq. k is the sum of two vectors differing in phase by
an angle (0 - ac). Hence, by the law of cosines, the magnitude of the vector
sum is given by
(SZE p)2 = (ZcE,)2 + (x mV)2 + 2Z cx mEJV cos (0 - a c) (l)
which, for the case under consideration, becomes:
(SZE p )2 = (0.553 X 1.61)2 + (0.865 X 1.00)2
+ 2 X 0.553 X 0.865 X 1.61 X 1.00 cos (0 - 11.9°)
= 1.54 +
1.54 cos (0 - 11.9°) (m)
8 = 1.19 == 1.19
X8 + X-sm = 0.105 +--
= xp
= 0.105 + 0.726 = 0.831
Z2 = 1.61
sZ = 1.19 X 1.27 = 1.51
(SZE p )2 = (1.51 X 1.00)2 = 2.28
ct = tan- 1 (rlx) ;= tan- 1 (0.114/1.27) = tan- 1 0.090 = 5.1°
By carrying through similar calculations for several other assumed values
of E p , points can be calculated for plotting the auxiliary curves of Fig. 17.
By use of the auxiliary curves, points on the power-angle curves can be
calculated. The following calculations for one assumed value of 0 illustrate
the method:
Let 0 = 60°. From eq. m,
(SZE p )2 = 1.54 + 1.54 cos (60.0° - 11.9°)
= 1.54 + 1.54 cos 48.1° = 2.57
2.0 Z2
........... <,
-, / ~
\ ./
~" '\
~ ~~ ~
"- -, Q!-
--- ~
......---~ K
Z2 -,
1.0 3
o 2 345
(sZEp )2 (per unit)
FIG. 17. Auxiliary curves for Example 7. (From Ref. 12, with permission.)
From the curves of Fig. 17 at abscissa 2.57, the following quantities are read:
sZ = 1.54, Q! = 5.2°, Z2 = 1.55
Substitution of these values and of 0 = 60° into eqs. c and d gives:
P = 1.61 X 1.00 sin (600 _ 5.20) + (1.61)2 X 0.114 = 0.980
a 1.54 (1.54)2
Ph = 1.61 X 1.00 sin (600 + 5.20) _ (1.00)2 X 0.114 = 0.876
1.54 1.55
The complete power-angle curves are plotted in Fig. 18. This figure also
shows test results. The agreement is good, the calculated values of power
being, at the worst, about 0.02 per unit below the test results.
The maxima of the curves are:
Pa(max) = 1.24 per unit
Pb(max) = 1.02 per unit
These maxima can be found, if desired, without plotting the complete
P~ "".- ---..
1.0 Y Pb
t ~
V" <,
d ~1'
0.2 V
o 20 40 60 80 100
Power angle 0 (elec. deg.)
FIG. 18. Power-angle curves for Example 7 by calculation and by test. Test
points are shown by small circles. (From Ref. 12, with permission.)
derivative dV/dI (or its reciprocal) should be the same for both
For present purposes consider the point behind Potier reactance as
the terminal. Then the external network (including Potier reactance)
is not affected by saturation. The relation between voltage and current
of the saturated machine is
E = EJ _ jXm I [41]
p 8 s
Ep /
Air-gap line, // /
slope 1 V =/
/ //~/
A .PL~C ~
/;1' No-load
Tangent, -' / saturation
dE~ "
slope d(sE
~ ". // curve
)p,,- /
"./ /
/ /
/",," / 'Secant,
/ Ep = J.
slope sE
/ p S
o s~
FIG. 19. The slopes of the tangent and the secant through the operating point of
the no-load saturation curve are the minimum and maximum values, respectively,
of the magnitude of the derivative dEp/d(sEp) which appears in eq. 46 for equivalent
synchronous reactance.
I ~(sEp)
I ~(8Ep)
E p2 ~slEpl SEplr-'1sE p2
~Ep I~E I
Epl Epl Ep2
~p dE p AE p 1
A(sE p ) == d(sE p ) A(sE p ) =~
FIG. 20. Showing the effect of phase on the derivative dEp/d(sEp).
Xeq(avg) ~ Xp +(
Xd - Xp )
S'BC [51]
where Xp = Potier reactance.
Xd = unsaturated direct-axis synchronous reactance.
Stan = slope
of tangent to no-load saturation curve at point
whose ordinate is Ep •
S,ec = slope of secant through the same point and the origin.
Sag = slope of air-gap line.
Determine the correct value of equivalent synchronous reactance of the
generator of Example 7 when it is operating at its power limit under the
This value agrees with the value read from the curve and used in the fore-
going calculations.
Determination oj equivalent reactance. At the point of pullout, dPa/d8 = O.
The equivalent reactance is the constant value of reactance which, backed
by the constant voltage Eeq, will give dPa/d8eq = 0 (where 8eq is the angle
by which E eqleads V) with the condi-
H tions deduced above. This reactance
may be found graphically by means
of a Clarke diagram, constructed
somewhat differently from the way de-
scribed before, because the power at
pullout is now known and the react-
ance is sought, whereas previously
the reverse was true. Another differ-
B ence to be taken into account is that
in the present example the condition
considered is that of maximum power
at the sending end of the circuit in-
~-==t=::+:=~~:.1!:""'_---:b I stead of at the receiving end. The
angular separation for this condition
is Oeq = 180 0 - 8 12 •
The construction of the Clarke dia-
gram is shown in Fig. 22. From point
o as origin, the following vectors are
drawn to scale:
FIG. 22.Determination of equivalent v = 1.000 +jO
reactance from Clarke diagram, E p
and the power limit being known E p = 0.575 + jO.660
(Example 8). I = 1.01 + jl.OO
From point F, the tip of vector E p , a line FH is drawn perpendicular to I.
Line AB, the perpendicular bisector of V, is then drawn, intersecting line
FH at point C. With C as center and radius CO, a circular arc is drawn
intersecting FH at point D. Length FD, which represents I(x eq - xJJ) , is
measured and is found to be 1.00 unit of voltage. Hence
I (x eq - x p)
X eq - Xp = = -1.00 = 0.705 per unit
I 1.42
x eq = 0.705 + xp = 0.705 + 0.105 = 0.810 per unit
/vI inimum. maximum, and ave1'age values of equivalent reactance. In
Fig. 16 at E p = 0.874, the slope of the tangent to the open-circuit charac-
teristic is
s= 1.30 - 0.27 = 1.03 = 0.62
tan 1.67 - 0 1.67
X eq = S.C1.R. = -0.96
0 ·
0.8 per unit
Pand Q Pand Q
100 100 \ \ \ 100
~ 90 ty·"
, Q ,
\ 90~
I (lead) I P Q\ P
.5 .5 .5
11f 1 1f 21 (lag),
~ 80 ~ 80 80~
70 70 I I 70
(a) Incandescent lamps (b) Synchronousmotors (c) Induction motors
Pand Q Pand Q
100 ,
\ O-c power
/ \
\ 100
\ \
0,tl P g
~ 90 ,\~
" , >.
\ 90~ \ 90~
1,0 Q\ Q\
\"0 1/ ~
.5 .5
\ \
,~.... ~
~ 80 I'~ .r,
,, ,
\ I
'Ql~ i/ u \ I
I irJ: ctj Q
70 I 70 .
(d) Synchronousconverter (e) Rectifier supplying (f) Typical composite load
aluminum cells
FIG. 23. Active power P and reactive power Q as functions of voltage V for
different kinds of load.
and composite loads, taking into account the slopes of the load char-
acteristics (see Ref. 9 or Chapter 4 of Ref, 20).
On a calculating board the impedance of loads may be adjusted
manually as the voltage varies in order to give the proper variation
of P and Q.
Graphical methods are also available for taking into account load
characteristics as well as saturation of synchronous machines. Some
of these methods are described in the next section.
values of voltage, active power, and reactive power which satisfy both
parts of the system can be found by superposing the graphs for one
part upon the graphs of the same type for the other part. Thus, if
the first type of plot listed above (reactive power versus active power)
FIG. 24. Loci of constant voltage V in the complex power plane, P + jQ, for a
circuit consisting of constant e.m.f, E == 1 in series with constant impedance
Z = 1/75°.
is used, the intersection of the curve for the sending system for 100%
voltage and the curve for the receiving system for the same value of
voltage is one point which satisfies both parts. Another such point is
the intersection of the two curves for 90% voltage, and so on for other
values of voltage. See Fig. 27. A curve drawn through these points
(a curve of reactive power versus active power) is a characteristic of
the sending and receiving systems combined. Each point on the curve
is associated with a definite value of voltage. Hence the information
- - 2.0
~O .r.
::::::::'0 z O.r.
I ... & ~ ~ :::::--::: 0 .0
v .......
z ....... ~ ~
~ .........- ./
~~ ~V/
/' ./ I ......- 10-
/)V//V/V ,
---- V ......
~1I // -~
V ...
~~ ~
( V
...........:::: ,...
I p~ ~
\, "-
V ~
\ p~y.
- V~
-,~ o
~9 1
1.0 2.0
FIG. 25. Voltage Vasa function of reactive power Qfor constant active power P.
These curves are drawn for the same circuit as the curves of Fig. 24.
onto that plane. The common characteristic of the two halves of the
system is the three-dimensional curve resulting from the intersection
of the two surfaces. This curve can be projected onto anyone of the
three coordinate planes as a two-dimensional curve.
Of the three two-dimensional curves which satisfy both halves of the
system, those of voltage against active power (Fig. 28) and of reactive
power against active power (Fig. 27) are most useful. From either of
these curves the value of maximum power of either sign can be read. *
This is the power limit at the point of observation for constant field
currents in the synchronous machi-nes and for the assumed division of
power between machines of each group. This power limit mayor may
not be a stability limit. Suppose, for illustration, that the point
of observation lies between a synchronous generator and a static-
impedance load. In this case there will be a maximum power but no
*In practice only part of the curve need be constructed, depending upon the
assumed direction of power flow.
Z=1.0~ Z=O.8m
<t.\ I
1\1 I
>1\ /
FIG. 27. Curve of reactive power Q versus active power P that satisfies the parts
of the circuit on both sides of the point of observation. Points on this curve are
obtained from the intersections of the loci of Fig. 24 for the left part of the circuit
with similar loci for the right part of the circuit and equal voltage.
~ ~
-/ ~
I( "\
, }
~ J
-1.0 o +1.0
FIG. 28. Curve of voltage V versus active power P that satisfies the parts of the
circuit on both sides of the point of observation.
a curve (such as that of Fig. 28) of active power against voltage at the
terminals of the machine (with constant field currents) and noting
whether at the initial operating condition the voltage is higher or lower
than it is at maximum power. A curve of active power versus reactive
power can be used in similar fashion if values of voltage are marked
on it (Fig. 27).
Synchronous condensers are checked for stability in the same manner
as synchronous motors.
Induction machines. The stability of an induction machine may be
checked by the same procedure as for synchronous machines. In case
of the induction machine there is no question regarding loss of synchro-
nism. Nevertheless, if an induction motor cannot develop as much
torque as required by its shaft load, it will "break down" and come to
rest. This condition is called instability. It may occur because of
low voltage. In checking for stability the assumption is made that
the induction motor operates stably at any slip less than the slip asso-
ciated with maximum power. Actually the motor may operate stably
at greater slips provided the slope of the curve of motor torque (or
power) against slip is greater than the slope of the curve of load torque
against slip. Hence the use of the same criterion for induction machines
as for synchronous machines is conservative.
If all machines of a system are stable, the system is stable.
Stability limit. In order to find the steady-state stability limit
graphically, the load carried by a particular machine or line is in-
creased, the values of bus voltage and the division of power among
machines being adjusted in accordance with established or proposed
operating procedure. Then, keeping the field currents constant, the
stability of 'each machine is checked as described above. These steps
are repeated as many times as necessary. The stability limit is reached
when, in the check for stability, maximum po\ver of any machine occurs
at the initial voltage (or reactive power).
til: 120%
o ___9_0%;,,;;;;,.D~-';;::-"':~~~~~-----PS
FIG. 29. Evans and Sels sending chart for constant sending voltage.
~ __-_-_;;:_..._0lIIIIII:~~---------&
FIG. 30. Evans and Sels sending chart for constant receiving voltage.
values of VB, in which case they are concentric (Fig. 31), or they may
be drawn for the same value of V B and different values of V R, in which
case they are eccentric (Fig. 32).
FIG. 31. Evans and Sels receiving chart for constant receiving voltage.
Here 5 is the angle by which VB leads VR. For constant V R and V sand
varying 0, this equation represents a circle in the PR-QR plane. The
position of the center is given by the first term and the moving radius
by the second term. This is but one circle of the family of circles on
the receiving chart, others being obtained by giving new values to
either VR or Vs- In the latter case, the position of the center is un-
changed; in the former case, the centers lie on the same straight line at
various distances from the origin.
FIG. 32. Evans and Sels receiving chart for constant sending voltage.
- D 1 ~
Ps+iQs=VsIs=-V s 2 --VRVs -6 [58]
This equation represents a circle in the P s-Qs plane. Again the
position of the center is given by the first term. It is on the opposite
side of the origin from the center of the receiving-chart circle. The
second term represents the moving radius. As 0 increases, this sending
where E 1 and E 2 are the excitation voltages of the two machines, 0is the
angle between these voltages, and Xl and X2 are the equivalent synchro-
nous reactances of the machines. As is well known, maximum power
occurs, for constant excitation, at 0 = 90°. If we take Xl = X2 = 1
and make the excitation voltages E 1 = E 2 = V2, so as to give rated
One machine, line, and infinite bus. Let the machine reactance = 1,
line reactance = 1, and voltage of infinite bus = 1. For the case
without regulation, let the excitation voltage E 1 be such as to produce
FIG. 36. Voltage vector diagram of two equal finite machines with V t maintained
constant at 8 > 90°.
P = 2
1. .
SIn 0 = 0.866 SIn 0 [65]
"unregulated" curve of Fig. 39. For the case with regulation, let the
terminal voltage be kept at 1.
P = -I -XS1I n
a =
BID a [66]
FIG. 37. Power-angle curves of finite machine and infinite bus.
where a is the angle between the two fixed voltages V t and E 2 • Now
the power has the maximum value 1 at a = 90°. The corresponding
value of 0, found from the vector diagram of Fig. 40, is 116.6°. The
"regulated" curve of Fig. 39 shows this power as a function of o.
with the type of power system, being infinite for two of the three cases
considered but only 15% for the third case.
The power systems which show more increase in steady-state power
limit due to an ideal excitation system also show more increase due to
an actual excitation system, although, of course, the increase is less
with an actual than with an ideal excitation system.
IXl =-/2
29. Cu. LAVANCHY, "A New Solution for the Regulation of Counter-Excitation
Synchronous Compensators," O.I.G.R.E., 1952, Report 331.
30. J. M. DYER, "Shunt Inductors Solve Problems of Unstable Operation,"
Elec. Light and Power, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 92-4, February, 1953.
31. W. G. HEFFRON, JR., U A Simplified Approach to Steady-State Stability
Limits," A.I.E.E. Trtms., vol. 73, part III, pp. 39-44, February, 1954.
32. F. S. ROTHE, "The Effect of Generator Voltage Regulators on Stability and
Line Charging Capacity," O.I.G.R.E., 1954, Report 321.
1. It has been proposed to raise the steady-state stability limit of a two-
machine power system by interposing between the machines a bank of
quadrature-boost transformers which would introduce a phase shift of the
proper sign to decrease the net angular displacement between the two
machines for a given value of transmitted power. Analyze the feasibility
of this proposal.
2. Find the steady-state power limit of two synchronous machines con-
nected through external series reactance of 1.0 unit. The internal reactance
of the generator is 0.6 unit and that of the motor, 0.7 unit. The terminal
voltages are held at 1.1 and 1.0 units, respectively. Plot curves of power
versus 0, the angle between internal voltages, (a) with constant field currents
that give the specified terminal voltages at particular values of power and
(b) with the terminal voltages held at the specified values.
3. Find the equation of curve E of Fig. 3, Example 1.
4. Solve Probe 2 by constructing Clarke diagrams.
6. Find the transfer reactance between E l and E2 in the circuit of Fig. 7
and show that the maximum power of that circuit is the same as the maxi-
mum power of the circuit of Fig. 8 with equivalent e.m.f.'s and reactances
as defined by eqs. 5 to 8.
6. Discuss the effect of parallel resonance between Xl and x, or between
x 2 and Xr in the circuits of Figs. 7 and 8.
7. Draw power-angle curves and discuss the stability of two machines
connected through resistance and enough series capacitive reactance to
neutralize the inductive reactances of the machines themselves.
8. Draw the power-angle curve of a salient-pole synchronous condenser
operating with reversed excitation.
9. Find the steady-state stability limit of two identical salient-pole syn-
chronous machines, one operating as a generator, the other as a motor.
Each machine has direct-axis synchronous reactance of 1.0 per unit and
quadrature-axis synchronous reactance of 0.5 per unit. The machines
are connected through an external reactance of 1.0 per unit. The field
currents are adjusted to maintain terminal voltages of 1.0 per unit at each
machine. Neglect resistance and saturation. What would be the error
due to neglecting saliency?