5X7 Dot Character VFD Module CU20025SCPB-T20A

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5X7 Dot Character VFD Module CU20025SCPB-T20A

q 2 Lines of 20 Characters 5mm High The module includes the Vacuum Fluorescent Display glass,
q High Speed Parallel/Serial Interface driver and micro-controller ICs with refresh RAM, character
q Operating Temp -10° C to +65° C generator and interface logic. The high speed 8 bit parallel
q Single 5V Supply interface is 5V CMOS compatible suitable for connection to a
q High Brightness Blue Green Display host CPU bus. The asynchronous serial interface accepts baud
q ASCII, Katakana & Extended Character Font rates up to 19,200 with or without parity. Two character font
q 8 User Definable Character RAM tables can be hardware or software selected. User defined
characters and many control commands are available.

PWR (AMP171825-3)
IDC (16 WAY)


36.5 40.0


18.73 78.55 1.75 13.4

116.0 4.0 1.6
124.0 9.5
Dimensions in mm & subject to tolerances
ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION CHARACTER FONTS International Font Additional Katakana Font
Parameter Symbol Value Condition
Power Supply Voltage V CC 5.0VDC +/- 5% GND=0V
Power Supply Current ICC 320mADC typ. Vcc=5V
Logic High Input V IH 2.0VDC min. V CC=5V
Logic Low Input V IL 0.8VDC max. V CC=5V
Logic High Output V OH 2.4VDC min. IOH = -2.0mA
Logic Low Output V OL 0.5VDC max. IOL =2.0mA
The power on rise time should be less than 50ms.The inrush current at power on can be 2 x ICC .


Parameter Value
Character Size/Pitch (XxY mm) 2.55 x 4.65/4.0 x 9.6
Dot Size/Pitch (XxY mm) 0.35 x 0.45/0.55 x 0.7
Luminance 700 cd/m2 (204 fL) Typ.
Colour of Illumination Blue-Green (Filter for colours)
Operating Temperature -10°C to +65°C
Storage Temperature -40°C to +85°C
Operating Humidity (non condensing) 20 to 80% RH @ 25°C
Instruction D0-D7 Instruction D0-D7 Pin Sig Pin Sig Baud J2 J1 J0
Back Space 08H International Font 18H 1 D7 9 WR 19200 O O O
Horizontal Tab 09H Katakana Font 19H 2 D6 10 CS 9600 O O L
Line Feed 0AH Escape 1BH 3 D5 11 SIN/TEST 4800 O L O
Form Feed 0CH ã Send User Font +43H 4 D4 12 BUSY 2400 O L L
Carriage Return 0DH ã Position cursor +48H 5 D3 13 GND (0V) 1200 L O O
Clear Display 0EH ã Software Reset +49H 6 D2 14 GND (0V) Parity J4 J3
Increment Write Mode 11H ã Luminance +4CH 7 D1 15 V CC (5V) EVEN O O
Vertical Scroll Mode 12H ã Flickerless Write +53H 8 D0 16 V CC (5V) ODD O L
Underline Cursor On 14H ã Cursor Blink Speed +54H NONE L L/O
5x7 Block Cursor On 15H Character Data 20H+ 3 PIN POWER CONNECTOR
Cursor Off 16H User Character Data 00H+ Pin Sig Noritake Sales Office Tel Nos
TIMING PARAMETERS (min) 1 V CC (5V) Nagoya Japan: +81 (0 )52-561-9867
2 SIN/TEST Canada: +1-416-291-2946
Data Set Up To Write 100ns Subject to change without notice. Chicago USA: +1-847-439-9020
Write Pulse Width 160ns Detailed specification on request. 3 GND (0V)
Munchen (D): +49 (0 )89-3214-290
Hold After Write 10ns IUK Doc Ref:0831 Iss:5 2OCT00 Mates with AMP171822-3 Itron UK: +44 (0)1493 601144
Rest Europe: +49 (0)61-0520-9220

NORITAKE ITRON VFD MODULES 2x20, 5mm Dot Character

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