5X7 Dot Character VFD Module CU40025SCPB-W6J
5X7 Dot Character VFD Module CU40025SCPB-W6J
5X7 Dot Character VFD Module CU40025SCPB-W6J
q 2 X 40 Characters 5mm High The module includes the Vacuum Fluorescent Display
q LCD Compatible Design glass, driver and micro-controller ICs with refresh RAM,
q Wide Operating Temp -40° C to +85° C character generator and interface logic.
q Single 5V Supply with Power Save Mode The high speed 8 bit parallel interface is 5V CMOS
q High Brightness Blue Green Display compatible suitable for connection to a host CPU bus
q Selectable 4/8 bit M68/i80 Interface which can be set to M68 or i80 series interface by a solder
q ASCII + Extended Character Font link on the module. Brightness control and power save
q 8 User Definable Character RAM functions are provided. Please call for a full data sheet.
q 4 Level Brightness Control Function
138.8 3.5
175.0 3.5
8.5 max