Ffa Program Inside

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our generous friends

our models
Adel Kamal, Alex Goodwin, Anabella Sherman, Anna
Witenberg, Arielle Winfield, Ashley Volpert, Austin
Sherman, Beau McGinley, Casey Jarvis, Drew Tuttle,
Emma Sczudlo, Emma Williams, Francis Hyde, Gil
Young, Grace Gerber, Jacob Byrnes, Jono Klein, Marka
Maberry-Gaulke, Roy Murdock, Sarah Seo, Sophia
Penske, Tatiana Ettensberger, Tess Hatch

about LAYN...
Los Angeles Youth Network’s mission is to empower
abused, neglected and homeless adolescents to become
self-sufficient. LAYN does so by providing street
outreach, food, emergency living shelter, transitional
living apartments and educational enrichment
programs in a safe and nurturing environment.

we couldn’t Did you know that on any given night, 7,998 youth
have done it are sleeping in the streets of Los Angeles?

without you! Visit layn.org for more information on youth homelessness.

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