Ashley Lynch Lawrenceville Il

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Candyland I & I

October 2008

Lawrenceville high
School held their 6th I
& I ceremony this year
with a candy land
theme. 21 seniors and
18 juniors were initi-
ated into the Illinois
Career Association of
JILG. Guest speaker
this year was Andy
Julian, former JILG
Lawrenceville JILG

instructor and new prin-

cipal at LHS. After-
wards parents, students,
and guests were treated

to cake, cookies, dip, Row 1: Jordan Johnson, Ashley Lynch, Caleb Daugherty, Lance Marley
punch, and of course Row 2: Michael Montgomery, Nikay Jefferson, CJ Mau, Ashley Terry,
CANDY Ethan Cummins
Row 3: Michael Cozart, Maisie Jones, Megon Jones, Hannah Richard-
son, Marky Shephard, Erica Hall
Row 4: Andrea Burton, Samanatha McClure, Joey Thompson, Logan
Waller, Jordon Stephens.

Row 1: Cody Hall, Nick

Potts, Justin Burns, Chey-
enne Hoke, Misty Contois,,
Row 2: Wynter Schultz,
Amber Nichol, Cassondra
Kelly, Amanda Jones,
Aaron Seed, Leo Schick,
Tim Sorrell

Row 3: Isaac Williams,

John Sult, Marc Spore
LHS JILG attends Leadership Development Conference
Early Wednesday, October 1st eral different sized islands, didn’t. The next morning the
the senior JILG officers took off jumped rope, (who knew it could different office groups finished
for parts unknown to us/. In re- be that difficult) and depended their projects and we ended with
ality we were attending the on others as we were ready to a closing program and great
Leadership Development Con- fall, ready to catch. The high- power point presentation. It is
ference at Oil Belt Camp in light of the evening was Ted hard to explain what LDC is or
Flora, IL . Upon arrival we Wiese. He had us in stitches as does for a person. You really
made our bunks, had our picture we worked on various games all have to be there to experience it.
taken, and then the fun began. evening. We still kid Mrs. Scott
Mr. Welch took us through a that Yogi Bear is not a dog. Af-
couple of get to know you exer- ter Ted we dispersed to our re-
cises. After lunch we were off spective offices and were taught
to the ropes courses with our re- the importance of our office and
spective office groups. Through what we could expect for the
teamwork we climbed “the coming year. Sleep came for
wall”, were shipwrecked on sev- some and some it

Those attending were:

Erica Hall—President
Hannah Richardson—Vice Presi-
Nikay Jefferson—Secretary
Ashley Terry—Service Learning
Coordinator Just a wil
d and cra
zy bunch
CJ May—Historian
Michael Montgomery—Reporter


Spooktacular in the Park
Halloween came a little early ful day. It’s funny those that
in Lawrenceville this year. thought they wouldn’t enjoy it
The city held its annual Spook- probably enjoyed it the most.
tacular in the park on October Go figure.
25th. It was a day of games,
costumes, haunted rides, wie-
ner roast, and lots of fun for

The JILG class again did their

best to paint faces and help with
the games that were set up.

At least this year it was a beauti-

Ashley Lynch qualifies for State

I started playing tennis when I was a freshman. I wasn't
even going to play. My sister, coach, and family talked
me into finally. I started out not even knowing what end
of the racquet to use. I was terrible. I worked very hard,
though, so I am improved. I started at number 6 and by
my junior year I was number 1. This year qualified for
the state tournament in Chicago. I placed second in my
sectionals. No one from Lawrenceville tennis has ever
qualified for state. I became the first tennis player to do
that. Also, I have the most wins for any girl’s tennis
player for Lawrenceville. Even though I started out being
terrible, it was worth the practice to get better and become
a very good tennis player.

Congratulations Ashley Lynch

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Linda Spicer
PO Box 45
Lawrenceville High School JILG
503-8th Street
Lawrenceville, IL 62439 Cisne, IL 62823

The skills to Graduate

The confidence to succeed

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