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D05TE5 EXTC Emicrop

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~ (3 Hours) [ Total Marks: 100

N.S. :- (1) Question NO.1 is Compulsory.

(2) Solve any four out of remaining six questions.
'" (3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Design an 8086 based microcomputer system with the fOllowingspecifications. 20
(a) 8086 CPU working at 4.77 MHz
I' (b) 8087 Co-Processor for numeric comRutation.
(c) 32 KB of SRAM using 8 KB devices.
(d) 64 KB of EPROM using 16 KB devices.
2. (a) Explain the bus architecture block diagram of 8086 family microprocessors. 10
(b) Explain 8086 maximum mode of operation in detail.
3. (a) Explain different operating modes of 8255. Give locus on strobbed input-output mode. 10
(b) Write a subroutine for 8085 to generate a delay of 10 ms.
4. (a) Explain the interrupt structure of 8085 microprocessor. 10
,(b) Draw and explain timing diagram for MVIA, 32H (8085 microprocessor) 10
5. Write short note on :- 20
, '(i) JCWs and OCWs of PIC 8259.
(ii) Co-Processor 8087.
6. (a) Write an assembly language program to add ten, 8 bit numbers stored from the memory 10
locations F 000 H. The result of the addition is 16 bit and it is to be stored in register pair
DE. Draw the flowchart for above program.
(b) Explain different operating modes of 8086. 10
7. (a) Explain following 8086 instructiqns. 10
(i) A'AA (ii) SHL (iii) JCXZ (iv) CLC (v) MOVS.
(b) Write a program which will jnsert data segment stored in string 1 in ascending order in 10
string 2. Also update the length of string 2. Use 8086 instructions.

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