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Bausch &lomb Stereo Zoom Microscope
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Bausch & Lomb Stereo Zoom Microscope
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Bausch & Lomb incorporated Rochester 2, N.V., U.S.A.Bausch & Lomb Stereomicroscopes with STEREOZOOM Continuously Variable Magnification Optics in sealed Power Pod Here’s a completely new optical concept to speed and simplify work requiring 3D views. Just turn the magnification knob and watch the crisp stereo image zoom to the exact size you need. Not just a few fixed powers, but any power within the wide stereo ranges (3.5X- 120X). The newest advance in three di sional microscope design . . . exclusive — Bausch & Lomb. ‘The range of magnification attainable is de- termined by choice of: ‘Two Stereozoom continuously variable models are available. 0-7 thru 3x Two xed models ae avaible, 1X 10x Wide Fila Eyepieces 2 Three tagnitcations 15x EXCLUSIVE POWER POD DESIGN CONCEPT 3) Swlamentary Lanes osx ET a a Se Magnitestions ax fren mater om toning ota tat 18 No noseplece! Since TOTAL MAGNIFICATION equals POWER ‘© No objectives to change! Pop times EYEPIECES times SUPPLEMENTARY | No image jump LENS, when used, the extended range of magni- ‘e No image blackout! fication possible is easily determined. The limits are 3.5 thru 120. SSrZonm, Registre, Baan & LombBeginning a New Tradition in Microscope Design The optical design of these new instruments is a complete departure from the conventional methods used to achieve magnified, three- dimensional images. All optical elements are completely enclosed in a unitized Power Pod, aled against dust and all other foreign ma- terial. Images are always erisp, and brilliant. ‘The finest details in the object heing viewed are quickly and easily resolved, assuring con- tinuous, accurate, speedy work flow. Dual mirrors erect and relay the enlarged images formed by dual magnifying lenses, eliminating prisms and the attendant possi- bility of prism shift. These first-surface mir- rors have an enhanced aluminum coating that increases light reflection and maintains its polished brilliance. ‘The enclosure containing the optical ele- ments and heretofore often referred to as a “body” or “Optical Head” is so entirely dif- ferent in concept that these terms no longer apply. Henee, the name “Power Pod” —to sig nify a complete, self-sufficient unit that is, in he microscope. All Power Pods fit stands, and are instantly interchangeable from one type of stand to another, ean be reversed and in some eases rotated. Such complete ver: satility keeps the user constantly prepared to meet all needs quiekly without heavy invest- ment in additional instruments. Optics are completely enclosed within the Power Pod on a smoothly functioning, long- ‘wearing cam arrangement in the StereoZoom continuously variable magnification models — permanently fixed in the constant magnifiea- tion models. There are no objectives to mis- place, seratch or break—no sliding, revolving, or rotating dram nosepieces to get out of order or to cause “image blackout” when changing from one magnification to another. This “phantom” tustraton of the 0.7 x thru 3% continuousiy varabie Power Poa. shows many opteat mechanical components ‘within the sealed body. Wile every pati the syste of ‘ample se to assure tong fe with no maintenance problems. the entre assembiy isa marvel of compactness. Toning the ‘StereaZoom Dia actuates thafte and gears which datrming spacing ‘of lenges to provide continuously variable magnification. Bausch & Lomb StereoZoom Microscopes ‘The Stereazaom Dia on both the 0.7% hu 3X and. 1% uta 2x eontinuosly Variable Power ‘models is graduated in magnification increments.1 Ciear Glace Shik furnished on Fixes Power models and optional extra cost ‘on Variable Power models Flat Fields — No Loss of Depth Because the optical arrangement consists of two complete microscope systems, edge-to-edge flatness of field is assured. There is none of the annoying curvature of field that destroys the 3D effect and results in inaccurate work and costly rejects. True stereopsis is maintained at all magnifications. No refocusing is necessary when changing from one to another. Working distance is a constant 4 inches ex- cept when lens attachments are used. The 2% attachment shortens working distance to TY inches, the 0.5% attachment extends it to 7 inches. Obviously, the 0.5% attachment can be uused only with those models that permit 7 inches of working distance — models in the S, Long Eye Reiet Wide Fei Eyepieces come in 10%, 15x and 20% mogaieaons SK, K, and KT se om Eesan woureg asses, In addition to long working distance and flat fields, these instruments also provide wide fields of view enabling users to. manipulate tools or dissecting instruments with speed and precision, See pages 26 and 27 for a table of magnifications and field sizes. Longer Eye-Relief Eyepieces In keeping with the many other accuraey, time- saving and comfort features of these new instruments, the entirely new, wide-field eye- pieces provide a margin of eye-relief that as- sures comfortable, efficient viewing. They pro- vide wide fields with the sharpest possible focus from center to outside edge, without the “peep- hole gazing” effect of less modern instruments, They can be supplied in 10%, 15X or 20% ‘The 10X eyepieces with exceptionally long eyexrelief are ideal for thos glasses. Simplicity of mecha mits quick who wear eye- eal design per- nsertion of standard, or special‘ometer seales for precise measuring work. To eliminate bothersome stray light, eye- guards are regularly supplied for use with these eyepieces without extra cost. For those who do not wear eyeglasses, these eyeguards serve to quickly position the eyes at the cor reet distance from the eyepi Sharpest Possible Images Whenever the requ ements call for the very ean provide, Bausch & Lomb optics are specified. And in this new line of StereoZoom Microscopes, these pest rendition of detail in the most complex material. To insure elimination of internal reflections and flare, thus providing more light, better contrast and definition, all optical elements reflection coated with Bausch & Lomb natcore, Inclined Eyepiece Tubes for Comfort and Efficiency All Power Pods are supplied tubes inclined at a convenient angle. The oper- ator works comfortably and efficiently, fatigue- free for long periods of observation. th eye} Synchronized Eye-Spacing Adjustment Eyepiece tubes are easily adjusted to conform to individual eye-spacing from 50mm to 80mm, ‘They are synchronized with a large, smoothly acting linkage completely enclosed within the Power Pod—movement of one moves the other the same degree, maintaining the same hori- zontal axis. Spacing remains as set_until purposely changed. This adjustment will not affect focus nor will it destroy calibration during measuring applications. Bausch & Lomb StereoZoom Microscopes Inclined Evepiaces make for feloxed, mostefieient viewing. Here Shown wth eyequares ‘eouary suppited with al wid field eyepiece at no ears costAcuity Equalizer One eyepiece ean be independently focused to compensate for the difference in visual acuity between the eyes. A fine screw thread permits precise equalization of focus between the left and right eyes. Instantly Reversible Power Pods All Power Pods are quickly reversible in any type stand simply by opening two spring clips, lifting the Pod out, and replacing it, so that the eyepieces are facing in the opposite direc- tion. Optics are mounted to withstand every- day use — and abuse. ‘A rotary arm permitting 360° avail rotation is lable for models in the S, K and KT series and regularly supplied in the SK Fegurements of wore tobe done. Modern Functional Stands The simple, rigidly-strong, and well-balanced stands of these instruments assure vibration- free support for the Power Pods. They can he used on the production line alo ery without resultant image flutter ‘There is an immediate and complete re- sponse without sign of lag or drag when focus: ng BAL StereoZoam Microscopes. The focu ing rack and pinion gears are chrome-plated steel, making them extremely hard and cor- rosion-resistant, thus adding considerably 0 their long-wearing qualities. The rack is extra wide, providing a greater bearing surface and thus assuring more positive focusing. Vibra: tibns ca tl creep or drift out of foc Focusing knobs are also extra large for posi- tive handling, ease of manipul eal focus ide machin: stereomicroscope to | erit . These instruments will alwaysfocus as easily and precisely as the day they passed Bausch & Lomb rigid inspection stand- ards. Tension of the focusing knob ean be quickly adjusted to suit the user. Wide stages accommodate even the larger parts or specimens to provide an extended range of usefulness for these instruments. ‘Models Exactly Fitted to Your Job Choosing a model that is custom tailored to your present application and which can be quickly adapted to future requirements i plicity itself. Six basic stands are avai which will accept any one of the 4 Power Pods, to make up 24 different models. These are divided into 6 series—A, B, K, KT, $ and SK —each series consisting of 4 models made up from a basie stand and one of the 4 Power Pods. Series A For examination of opaque specimens. Stand .s a port at the top of the microscope arm for insertion of the B&L, Nicholas Illuminator. Supplied with newly designed, scratch and re- agent resistant contrast plate — black on one side, white on the other. Series B ‘Same stand as in Series A with the addition of a locked-on, removable base for transmitted light work. Supplied with a clear glass stage plate. Contrast plate can be furnished at slight added cost for optimum efficiency when doing ‘opaque work. In the base is a concave mirror with a diffus- ing reflector on the reverse side, rotatable by either of two dials recessed in the base for best possible reflection of the light source. The mir- Bausch & Lomb StereoZoom Microscopes ‘The Series A. Mere tod wth ‘The Series 8. Showing Flvorecent iluminatc in ‘Trane iuminaton Base The Trans urination ‘ace with Nicholae Mominato.Te Series ror is easily removable for substitution of the BSL Fluorescent Illuminator which clips into the e in automatic centration. Or if pre- ferred, a port at the rear of the base permits insertion of the Nicholas Hluminator for use in conjunction with the mirror, to provide greater intensity of illumination when work- ing with dense material Series K Heavy, recessed cast base, an inclinable joint and two continuously adjustable slides pro: viding extra long working range, make instru. ments in this series particularly well s industrial applications, Series KT A 12” x 16” Composition Baseboard, plus an inclinable joint and the extra vertical travel provided by the additional slide feature on K models. For examination of large, opaque objects. Series For use pplications requiring greater flexi bility of movement during opaque examina- tions than provided by instruments in the A, B, K or KT series. Massive cast base assures rigid stability even with horizontal arm supporting Power Pod, fully extended. Horizontal arm, adjust- is ‘ne series S “The Series KTBausch & Lomb StereoZoom Microscopes “The Series SK has 7 pwating or fotating actions, able up or down on heavy steel shaft, can be turned through a complete cirele. Tilting pivot joint secures the arm to the rack and pinion hhanism to permit conven amination of sloping surfaces. Series SK Providing complete flexibility for examining ‘opaque objects in any plane. 360° rotatable ring for support of the Power Pod. Balanced, horizontal rotatable arm with rack and pinion radial adjustment; fitted with 5 tension and provided with 3 pivoting, 4 rotating and 3 near actions for universal adjustment in plane, Heayy east hase with vertical column adjustable in height by ball-bearing nut mecha- ism actuated by handle und brake. Special Depth-Measuring Model ‘This instrument makes use of the observer's sense of depth perception to make acura measurements of surface details without physi- cally touching the object. Two identical stereo ise image fusion at a definite plane fepth is measured with a dial indi- cator which reads the travel of the focusing mechanism. Dial range is 1” with least reading of 0.001”. Repeatability is to within = .0004”. The Better for You to See With Given the finest microscope in the world, its efficiency is considerably reduced by inade- quate or improper illumination. The quality of images provided by this new line of stereo- ‘oscopes can be fully realized only by using illuminators developed especially for them. There are three of these and they are pictured and described on pages 24-26.THE SERIES STEREOZOOM MICROSCOPE For opaque objects Bausch & Lomb StereoZoom Microscope, Balcoted; sealed Power Pod with inclined eyepieces, reversible, synchro- nized interpupillary distance adjustment, acuity equal- izer; continuous positive focus by extra wide rack and Pinion; constant 4” working distance; 4 locations for in- ‘tegral illumination; large stage with clips and reversible black and white contrast plate; 10% paired wide field eye- pieces with eyeguards; plastic dust cover; reference and maintenance manual; corrugated carton; specific models as listed below: 1X Feed Power Pod—31 2691 2X Fined Power Pod=312692 OPTICAL SPECIFICATIONS Total magnifications es shown can be changed by using other eye- pieces of lens attachments, See pages 26.27. ‘cat No, Model Description (2629-01 | Model AFB | ix Fixed Power Pod otal magnification 10%) '31-2629.02 | Model AFB2 | 2x Fixed Power Pod otal magnification 20%) "3126-29-12 | Model AVB:12 | 1x thru 2x StereoZoom Variable (0.7% tu 3x Steaszoom Power Pod—31-2694 Power Pod (total magnification “Ketnu2x Stareazoom Power Pd=312693 30x tha 20x), '31-26-29-73 | Model AVB-73 | 0.7 thru 3x StereoZoom Variable Power Pod (total magnification 7 thew 30x) 10ILLUMINATORS—Harmonizing Design Cat. No 31.9353 Nicholas with adjustable transformerBausch & Lomb Series B StereoZoom Microscopes | Mode! ara. 2x—31263001 ILLUMINATORS—Harmonizing Design at. No. Description 31-3353 Nicholas with adjustable transformer 31.3356 Nicholas with fixed transformer 31.33.36 Fluorescent 31-33-24-01 Reflector 313483 Vertical ap iwi tor complete \Seseriptone of ilaminators Model BYB-73. 075 thre 3X¢-31-2690:73 Model BVB-12. 1X thru 2x.—31.269012THE SERIES STEREOZOOM MICROSCOPE For opaque objects Bausch & Lomb StereoZoom Microscope, Balcoted: sealed Power Pod with inclined eyepieces, reversible, synchro- nized interpupillary distance adjustment, acuity equal- izer; continuous positive focus by extra wide matched rack ‘and pinion; supplementary rack and pinion focus on con- tinuously adjustable slide, inclinable and rotatable for greater working range; heavy recessed cast base; constant 4” working distance; 4 locations for integral illumination; OPTICAL SPECIFICATIONS ‘Total magnifications as shown can be changed by using other eye: pioces or lens attachments. See pages 26-27. ode! ‘Description 31-26-39-01 | Model KFB.1 | 1x Fixed Power Pod at No '31-26-39.02 | Model KFG.2 | 2x Fixed Power Pod (otal magnification 20x) '31-2639-12 | Model kva.12 | 1x thru 2x StereazZoom Variable Power Pod (total magnification 30x thn 20x) 3126-39-73 | Model KVB-73 | 0.7% thru 3x StereoZoom Variable Power Ped (total magnification 73 thru 30%) ts "312600 Retatable Arm ih place of 31.2689 Stationary Arm vane at acational cost, Hotel imegniticstion 10%) 1K thru 2 Stereozoem Power Pod—31-2653,Bausch & Lomb Series K StereoZoom Microscopes Mode KVB.73. 0.7% tu 3% —31-2638.73 Model KV I2. 1 tu 2531-26302THE SERIES STEREOZOOM MICROSCOPE For examination of opaque objects in any plane Bausch & Lomb StereoZoom Microscope, Balcoted; sealed Power Pod with inclined eyepieces, reversible, synchronized interpupillary distance adjustment, acuity equalizer; cor tinuous positive focus by extra wide matched rack and pin ion; supplementary rack and pinion focus on continuously adjustable slide, inclinable and rotatable for greater work: 1g range; 12” x 16" fibre composition baseboard; constant 4” working distance; 4 locations for integral illumination; 10 paired wide field eyepieces with eyeguards; plastic dust cover; reference and maintenance manual; corrugated carton; specific models as listed below: YB ml ith Gassboard ~ 31.2665 with OPTICAL SPECIFICATIONS ‘Total magnifications as shown can be changed by using other eye pieces or lens attachments, See pages 26.27. Cat. No, Model Description 31.26:37-01 | Model KTFB-1 | 1> Fixed Power Pod (total mag: Pease ee nification 10%) ‘3ctnru 2X sterestoom Power Ped = 31-263, 31.26:37-02 | Model KTFB2 | 2% Fixed Power Pod (total mee: nifieation 20%) 31.263712 | Model kTVB-12 | 1% thru 2x Stereozoom Variable Power Pod. (total magnifieation 10% thru 20x) 31-26:37-73 | Model k1vB-73 | 0.73 thru 3% Stereozoom Varia ble Power Pod (tal magnifica. tion 7 thru 30x) LZR reaitl a nace ot 3.09 16Model KTFB.2. 23. = 31.2637.02 Bausch & Lomb Series KT StereoZoom Microscopes ILLUMINATORS—Harmonizing Design Cat. No Desc 31-3353 Nicholas with adjustable transformer 3133.56 Nicholas with fixed transformer 31-3336 Fluorescent 31-33-2401 Reflector 3134.83 Vertical {ercrptlone of laminatorBausch & Lomb StereoZoom Microscope, Balcoted; sealed Power Pod with inclined eyepieces, reversible, synchro- nized interpupillary distance adjustment, acuity equal- izer; continuous positive focus by extra wide matched rack and pinion arm insertable in either of two positions on ro- tating horizontal tube with tilting pivot joint; height adjust- ment by safety ring clamp and locking knob on vertical post; heavy cast iron base; constant 4” working distance; 4 locations for integral illumination; 10% paired wide field eyepieces with eyeguards; plastic dust cover; reference and maintenance manual; corrugated carton; specific models as listed below: OPTICAL SPECIFICATIONS Total magnifications as shown can be changed by using other eye- pleees or fens attachments. See pages 26.27. cat. No Model Deseriation 31-26-40-01 | Model SFB-1 | 1x Fixed Power Pod (total magnification 10%) 3126-40-02 | Model SF8-2 | 2x Fixed Power Pod otal magnification 20%) ‘31-26-4012 | Model 8VB-12 | 1% thru 2x StereoZoom Variable Power Pod (total magnification 10 the 20x) '31-26-40.73 | Model 8VB-73 | 0.7x thru 3x StereoZoom Variable Power Pod (total magnification 7x thru 30x) 31-2690 Rotatabe Arm ia place of 31.2659 Stationary Arm 18 2X Fined Power Pod=31-2691 23 Feed Power Pod 31-2692 (02% thea 34 Sterse2o0m Power Pod—31-2694 ‘IX thru 2x tareezoom Powe Pod 312693,Bausch & Lomb Series $ StereoZoom Microscopes Model Fu. 1312640001 Model SFB 2—31-264002 “7 x ILLUMINATORS—Harmonizing Desigr Cat. No Desription 31-3353 Nicholas with adjustable transforme 31.33:56 Nicholas with fixed transformer 31-3336 Fluorescent 31-33-2401 Reflector 313483 Vertical 1 ~» ‘Ses pages 26.26 tor completeTHE SERIES SK STEREOZOOM MICROSCOPE For examination of opaque objects in any plane Bausch & Lomb StereoZoom Microscope, Balcoted; sealed Power Pod rotatable thru 360°, inclined eyepieces, revers- ible, synchronized interpupillary distance adjustment, acuity equalizer; continuous positive focus by extra wide matched rack and pinion on counter-balanced, rotatable horizontal arm with rack and pinion radial adjustment, with five joints permitting three pivoting and four rotating move- ments for universal adjustment in any plane; heavy cast iron base with vertical adjustment by ball bearing nut ‘mechanism actuated by handle and brake; constant 4” working distance; 3 locations for integral illumination; 10x paired wide field eyepieces with eyeguards; plastic dust cover; reference and maintenance manual; corrugated car: ton; specific models as listed below: OPTICAL SPECIFICATIONS ‘Total magnifications as shown can be changed by using other eye: pieces or lens attachments, See pages 26.27. cat. No. Model Description 3 . | Model SKFB-1_ | 1x Fixed Powor Pod (otal magnification 10x) 21:26-41.02 | Mode! SKFB2 | 2x Fixed Power Pod Ci sen akon {total magnification 205) ‘eu 2X swreezoom power oaah-2093 31.26.4112 | Mode! SKvB-12 | 1 thru 2x Stereozoom Variable Power Pod (total magnification 10% th 20%) 3126-41-73 | Model SkVE-73 | 0.7 thru 3 Stereozoom Variable Power Pod (otal magnifiestion Te thea 30%) 20 aeILLUMINATORS—Harmonizing Design Cat. No. Description 31.33.53 Nicholas with adjustable transformerDepth Measuring Stereomicroscope For opaque objects sheeaeon Easier, Speedier Depth Measurements This new Depth Measuring Stereomicroscope provides a fast, accurate method of making depth measurements, with the advantage of re- quiring no actual physical contact with the ma- terial being measured. Making use of the ob- server's sense of depth perception, it provides an answer to many depth-measuring problems that perhaps would be impossible to solve with other measuring instruments. ‘Since this instrument measures without ac- tual physical contact, itis especially useful in depth measuring applications with materials that are too soft or resilient to provide an accu- rate reference point when even the lightest spindle pressure is applied. A repeatability of 0.0004” can be achieved with the B&L Depth Measuring Stereomicroscope. How it Works ‘The instrument is a specially designed Stereo- microscope supplied with a 2X Power Pod, special 10% Wide Field eyepieces with target seales to assure focus at a definite plane in space and a dial micrometer gage. Total mag- nification is 20X. ‘The dial micrometer is mounted on the microscope arm, with the spin- dle bearing on the focusing slide. The dial re- cords minute changes in the slide’s travel over a total range of 1”. Least reading is to .001”. In use, the observer focuses sharply, twice, ‘on the detail being measured for depth — first ‘on one surface, then on the other. The dial r cords the linear travel of the focusing slide ‘going from one focus to the other. The differ- ence between these two readings is your depth measurement. SPECIFICATIONS Bausch & Lomb Depth Measuring Stereomicro- scope, Balcoted, sealed Power Pod with inclined eyepieces; synchronized interpupillary distance adjustment, acuity equalizer; continuous posi- tive focus by extra wide matched rack and pin- ion; constant 4” working distance; 3 locations for integral illumination; large stage with clips and reversible black and white contrast plate; 10X paired wide field eyepieces with dot reti- cles; right eyepiece reticle centering adjustment; depth measuring gage, 1” range with least read ing of 0.001"; engraved alignment slide 1” x 3”; plastic dust cover; reference and maintenance manual; corrugated carton; one, model as fol- lows: MODEL ADM-2 3126-44-02 Depth Measuring Stereomicroscope, 2x Fixed Power Pod, (total magni fication 20x),Bausch & Lomb StereoZoom Microscopes StereoZoom Training Microscope As the name implies, this arrangement, through its ability to provide viewing of a single object by two people, fillsa long felt need for a simple yet efficient means for employee training in the use of the 3D microscope. What is not demon: strated in the name is the feature-fact that the components are regular items in the Bausch & Lomb StereoZoom line. When not being used together for dual viewing they fulfill their pur- Specifications catalog No Description Stereozoom Training Microscope setup for OPAQUE OBJECTS ONLY (Fixed power, 5x), consisting of: 1 No. 31-26:39-02 Model KFB.2 Stereozoom Microscope 1 No. 31-2629.01 Model AFB-1 StereoZoom Microscope 1 No.3126-18 —0.5x Lens Attachment 1 No. 31-3483 Vertical lluminator For both Transparent and Opaque objects substitute Model GFB-1, No. 31-2630-01, for the Model AFE-I ‘ee price list for additional cost Stereozoom Training Microscope setup for OPAQUE OBJECTS ONLY (Variable Power, 10% through 20%), consisting of 1 No.31-2639-12 Model KVB-12 StereoZoom Microscope 1 No.31-2629-12 Model AVB-12 Stereozoom Microscope 1 No.31-2618 —0.5x Lens Attachment 1 No.31-3483 Vertical For both Transparent and Opaque objects substitute Mod! BVB-12, No. 31-26-30 12, or the Model AVE-12, See price lst for additional cost luminator ‘StereoZoom Training Microscope set-up for OPAQUE OBJECTS ONLY (Variable Power, 7% through 30x), ‘consisting of 1 No. 31-26-39:73 Mode! KVB-73 StereaZoom Microscope 1 No. 31-26-29-73 Model AVB-73 StereoZoom Microscope 1 No.313618 —0.5x Lens Attachment 1 No. 31-34-83 Vertical llluminator For both Transparent and Opaque objects substitute Modo! BVB.73, No. 31:26:30-73, for the Model AVB-73, ‘See price list for additional cost. pose for individual use. ‘The long working distance permits the in- structor to point out detail in the object b examined and, if necessary, to m ht magnification is achieved by the use of the Zoom knob and the clear: bright three-dimensional image requires no translation by either viewer. ‘Stereozoom Training Microscope setup with No. 31:26:30-73, ‘Model BVB-79, with Nov 31-26-18 Supplementary Lens ‘Aitachment (ei: No. 31-26 39.73, Medel KVB-73, ith ‘No. 31-34:83 Vers! Muminator (i No. 31.3383 Nicholas Illuminator attached to Model B 2324 Newly Designed Illuminators give just the right amount and type of light for best viewing. Haat 313336 Next to optical quality, the sharpness and elari- ty of an image seen through the microscope depend on the abundance and type of lighting used. And what may be exactly the right light: jor one applic not necessarily be efficient in another. The complexity and partic- ular makeup of the material to be viewed, and the fineness of detail one wishes to observe should be determining factors in selecting a microscope illuminator. For these reasons, BAL offers a complete line of illuminators to meet all demands. The B&L illuminators pictured and de- seribed on these pages were developed espe- cially for use with this newest line of sterco- microscopes. These light sources may be used integrally attached to the microscope or sepa- rately mounted on their own bases. They will insure your getting the right kind of illumina- tion where you need it, so that you can take full advantage of the optical and mechanical pre- cision built into BSL Stereomicroscopes. All four types of Power Pods come equipped with 3 illuminator stations for integral illumi- nation, In addition, models in the A series have {port at the top of the Power Pod support for insertion of the Nicholas Illuminator. Models in the B series have two ports for attachment of the Nicholas Illuminator—one at the top of the Power Pod support and another in the rear of Mluminator— 31332401 the microscope base. The Stationary Arm, Mirator. 31-26-59, optional on Series SK, and standard b pliteninl ‘equipment on Series KT, K, and § also has the 3133.53. 2 Fed nensty port for insertion of the Nicholas. The under- stage mirror of the B series is instantly re- moved and replaced by the Fluorescent Ilumi: nator to provide a built-in light source. ‘modet=31'33.56Nicholas Illuminator Newly designed to provide much cooler opera- tion, this illuminator is recommended for ex- amination of both surface and internal details under all magnifications — low, medium and high. It is indispensable for lighting small or deep apertures such as cracks, crevices, holes, etc., particularly when used in conjunction with the Vertical Iuminator. A highly corrected condenser concentrates brilliant intense light on a small area to assure that no detail will be overlooked no matter how complex the material being examined. ‘Two models of this illuminator can be sup- plied—one having an adjustable transformer hase to give a choice of light intensity, the other with a fixed voltage transformer base for those applications which do not require varied intensities of light. Illuminator and three-link adjustable arm may be quickly removed from the transformer base for attachment directly in the illuminator stations provided in the Power Pod. In addi- tion, the arm is also easily removable when it is desirable to use this illuminator in the port so designed. of ar Fluorescent Iluminator Two 4 watt daylight tubes in this illuminator flood the object or specimen with cool, diffused light, It is suited for observation of surface de- tails at low magnifieation and as a substage illuminator with B series models for trans- mitted light applications at low and high power. In the latter application, it replaces the mirror and automatically locks in a centered position. When attached to any one of the 3 illumina- tor stations found in all Power Pods, it auto- ie ree aaa Tight eoure Bausch & Lomb StereoZoom Microscopes matically provides ideal illumination without adjustment, no matter how thickness varies in the material viewed. A plastic opalescent dif- fusor snaps over the fluorescent tubes to assure greater diffusion and to eliminate bright bars of light. The illuminator is supported by an arm fashioned of three sets of double links with friction-spring pressure control so that it will stay in position despite vibration or jarring. Heavy cast base provides ample support when used as a separate light source. Removal of arm and lamp for attachment to the micro- seope requires only a few seconds—and no tools. Reflector Illuminator Providing a large area of light for the larger fields of view obtained with low and medium power magnifications, this illuminator is recom: mended for examination of both surface and internal details. It supplies diffuse light of greater intensity than the Fluorescent [llumina- tor. The Reflector Illuminator has the same sturdy base and three link arm as the Fluores- cent. It is recommended for use with the Vertical Iuminator when examining highly reflective surfaces. Easily removed from its base without tools, it ean be attached to any one of the illuminator stations provided in the microscope. Vertical luminator Used with the Nicholas or Reflector Ilumi- nator, this illuminator is particularly useful for examining interior surfaces of castings or machined parts, eracks, holes, crevices, ete. For the examination of heavy textiles, paper, semi- translucent plastic, ete., adjustment of the mir- erie umintor 91-94-89 With Nicholas Ituminatorror in the base of the Model B series stereo- microscopes, will provide a combination of vertical and transmitted illumination. Where added intensity of transmitted illumination is necessary, the Fluorescent Illuminator may be substituted for the mirror. The Vertical HMuminator Mount threads into the underside of the Power Pod and the 0.5% Supplementary Lens Attachment. The reflector aperture can be turned 360° to permit precise alignment with the light supplied. A locking collar keeps it accurately positioned. Micco-Lite Muminator This low-cost illuminator is suitable for simple routine applications particularly on models in the B series. It is compact and light-weight. Pressure controlled ball and socket joint per- s directing the light in any direction. Light source is a household type 60 watt lamp. Bull’s- eye type condensing lens with one surface ground provides evenly diffused illumination. Blue filter behind the condenser produces light approximating daylight quality. Specifications ILLUMINATORS 31.3353 Nicholas lluminator with 6.5, 275.amp. pre focus lamp, lamp housing, fixed focus condenser im frieton ring clamp on adjustable lnk arm removable from bate by knurled serew adjust able intensity transformer base: for 115., 60 eyele AC. 31.33.56 Nicholas tluminator, same as No. 31:33.53 o€ cept with ied intensity transformer base. 31.32.36 Fivorescnt Illuminator with two 4 watt daylight tubes, opalescent diflusor and switch; adjustable Tink aro detachable from illuminator housing of base by Knurled screws: with base; for 115%, 0 cycle AC. 31.33.2401 Rafectortluminator wits 305, 1204. lamp, 6 fete, and agustabe lik arm detachabe fom base by knurled serew: with base; for 135: 31.3482 Vertical Ihuminator with refactor and locking de ee for orientation; in threaded mount to attach to stereomirascope Power Pod: without light 313301 —MiewALite with 60." 120%. lamp, condenser fd blue fiter ball and socket joint for incling tion agjustment with base; for 154., 60 ele AC. How to Determine the Best Optical Combination for Your Application Your choice of optical combination — Kye- pieces, Power Pod and perhaps Lens Attac ‘ment — will be governed by several factors, i cluding the field size you need, the range of ‘magnification and routine application to w you will apply your stereomicroscope. Field size (the area that you wish to view) is a fune- tion of magnification. The lower the magnifiea- tion, the larger the field size and vice-versa, Choice of magnification depends on the size of the material you will be viewing. In general, you will need higher magnification for very small objects and lower power for larger ob» jects. If you encounter a variety of object sizes in your everyday use, the StereoZoom variable Power Pod, Fixed, and Stereozoom Continuously Variable Magnification, with and without Lens Attachments 1X Fed Magnification “Total Mag, Power Pod. Fela size 2X Fixed Magnification Total Ma. Power Pod. Field Size 07-3 StereoZoom Tots! Mag. Power Pod. Feld Size 12x Stereozoom Total Mag. Power Pod Fld Size Working Dietancapower models will give you the greatest versa- Where your microscope will be routinely used on the same size and type of material, generally at the same magnification, a fixed power model will probably be your choice. If your choice of Stereomicroscope is @ StereoZoom model because you need a variety of powers, selection of the proper magnifica tion is a simple matter. Knowing in which road range of magnification you will work, you need only select a combination of eye. pieces, Power Pod and lens attachment that put you in the desired range. You choose your exact magnification by turning the StereoZoom dial and watehing the image grow or reduce to the size you need. If you prefer a fixed power model, you will want to weigh magnification against field size, as shown in the chart below, and select eyepieces and lens attachments that est meet your requirements. Normally another important consideratio is working distance, the space between the lower lenses of the Power Pod and the material being viewed. However, with these new B&L, Stereomicroscopes, working distance is a con- MAGNIFYING POWERS AND FIELD SIZES WITH 10% WIDE FIELD EvEPIECES WITH 15% WIDE FiELD EYEPIECES Bausch & Lomb StereoZoom Microscopes stant 4 inches at all magnifications when Tens attachments are not used. It is only necessary to remember that the 2X attachment changes tachment increases it to 7 inches. The 0.5% attachment lens, because of the increased work- ing distance, is made for use on models K, KT, S and SK series where this additional vertical height ean he achieved. Of course, your immediate choice of a particular magnification. whether Fixed Power Pod 1X or 2X, or tereoZoom Variable Power Pod 1X thru 2X or 0.7% thru 3X —does not limit your Stereo microscope for some future application where other magnifications may be needed. ‘The ex- clusive self-contained, interchangeable design of the Power Pod always allows you, at some future date, to purchase an additional Pod of different power. You don’t have to buy a com- plete new microscope stand, just a new range ignification. Changing to another power of wide field eyepiece or adding the 0.5% or 2X Jens attachment will still further increase the yy of magnifications you can achieve with your B&L Stereomicroscope. 1n those columes headed “wit one inate mage Lens Attachment" two sots of figure ‘l med, WITH 20% WIDE FIELD EYEPIECES: es ten re en ta winot | winosx | wimax | witot | wemosx | wm2x | weme | wmosx | wmax LonwAtach, | LemAtacn | tanec | LemAtach. | LomAtach, tame tach, | tama naeh, | Lonetach, | Lom hae, ] 10x | sxanaiox | s0xaazox | 15x | 78xenassx | sexarasox | aox | ioxenaaox | 20x naam) Tar 1876" end 707 707 and 99a" | 681" |1'362"4nd.e8" 81" and ger” | a8 —|_900" ana" | 400 and zox | roxanaz0x | zoxanasox | 90x | 1sxanta0x | aoxenaeox | ox | aoxenaaox | sox anteos 500 | 77 ond.390"| 396° ond 197° | anit | eat" and ant” |3at" andar" | ator | 400 ond 240" | 240° an 7x thru 30% | 3.5% wu 30x | 7% ea 60%_ |10.8% tu 48x] 525% tru 45% 108% en 90x | 24% thw OX | 7x ews 6OX [34x Hou 20 124" 262"2 248" 262" 2.124" 481" | 873" 227 |-946° ta 227" | 973" | 606" Wa 60"|1 372 tLe 6" te 8 10x wu 20% | 5x hu 20% | 20% eww 40% | 8% dru 20x | 7.8% tru 30x | 15% ew 6OX | 20x wu 40x | 20% ru 40x | 20% Ei 803 TOP a. 394" 1.574" 394" 787" tu 197” | 60th 361" 81” Wu 471" | 460" a 240"| 960 20" | tee | ’ ree | ee « | re «| wom | oe [ree |e we | | (@) Used on Series KT, Sand SK ModelsAccessories and Interchangeable Parts Interchangeable Power Pods ‘The user of a new BSL Stereomicroscope is prepared to easily satisfy changed require- ments in magnification ranges. He need only purchase the new Power Pod that provides the magnification or magnifications required. All Power Pods can be purchased separately. Long Eye-Relief Wide Field Eyepieces ‘These completely new eyepieces provide a com. bhle eyerelief. The 10%, which have espe- cially long eye-relief, are ideally suited for the ; allowing him to concentrate on his work or examination without the annoy- ance of having his glasses brush against the lens of the eyepieces. They are fully corrected for color and distortion, assure sharpest focus and t, wide usable fields. Anticrefection Baleote increases their light transmission to the highest possible level. B&L Wide Field Eyepieces can he supplied in 10X, 15X, or 20% magnifica- ns. All quickly accept standard or special micrometer dises for precise measuring work. for eyeglass weai Eyeguards Eyeguards are standard equipment on all mod- ls. Their primary function is to prevent strong Opaque Contrast Plate ‘s12687 (tear Glass Stage Plate— 312688 stray light from reflecting on the eyepieces and causing bothersome glare. They also serve to «quickly position the eyes at the eorreet distance from the eyepieces. Eyeguards are not de- signed for use with eyeglasses. Supplementary Lens Attachments It is often convenient to quickly extend the range of magnification for certain applications. This is easily accomplished by the use of a Lens Attachment that simply serews to the bottom of the Power Pod. Two types are available—0.5% which reduces magnification by one-half and changes working distance from 4 inches to 7 ches—and 2X, which doubles magnification 1 changes working distance to 1} ‘The 0.5X Lens Attachment is for use on models in the K, KT, S, and SK series where additional vertical focus is available. It is threaded to take the Vertieal Muminator Gear Glass Shield This provides added insurance against damage to optical elements from flying metal chips, oil ‘or chemical splashes, ete. ‘The shield screws to the bottom of the Power Pod —eannot he used when either of the Lens Attachments is in “Trane:lumination Base (supped with clear pass plate) 3268086place on the mieroseope, but these provide the same protection. Fixed Power Pods are reg- ularly supplied with this shield. Trans-tlumination Base This base is available as an accessory to con- Series A models for transmitted illumina- tion work. It is the same base supplied on the Series B models. It has a concave mirror with a diffusing reflector on the reverse side, and clear glass stage plate. Mirror controls in the sides permit positioning the mirror for opti mum illumination, To provide the advantages of integral illumination, a port at the rear of the hase will accept the BSL Nicholas Ilumi nator. The Fluorescent Mluminator may be inserted in the Trans-Illumination Base by re- moving the mirror. Arms Illustrations below show two Arms inter- changeable on Series K, KT, $ and SK. The 31-26.59 Arm is supplied on Series K, KT, and $ . In this arm the Power Pod can face either to the front or rear. Three stations are provided for attaching illuminators to the Power Pod and it has a port for the Nicholas Hluminator. Stationary Arm with Port 312658 Bausch & StereoZoom Microscopes Standard Arm for the SK series is 31-26-90. With it the Power Pod can be rotated through 360° to allow observations from any position. Hluminators can be attached to any of the three holes in the Power Pod. A nominal extra charge is made when this arm is substituted on K, KT, or S series StereoZoom Microscopes. Stage Plates The heavy Clear Glass Stage Plate is free of bubbles or striations that could interfere with image quality. All Stereomicroseopes in the Series B models are regularly supplied with this plate. ‘The Opaque Contrast Plate provides high contrast for work with opaque materials. It is black on one side, white on the other. Material is a rigid metal that is highly resistant to seratches and chemical stains. Storage and Carrying Case Extremely handsome in appearance, this hori- zontal case is eovered in two-tone gray leather- ette. It has brackets for the stage plate and a pair of eyepieces, and comes equipped with handle, lock and key. For use with Series A and Series B models only. Rotatabie Arm ‘312690 Lomb 79 Clear Glass Shield 312621 as ‘Supplementary Lens Attachments — 0gx—s12618 2ox—a12619 2930 Eyequards poled wth Wide Field Eyepieces 10.31 50.68 15% and 20% 3150.64 regula Specifications INTERCHANGEABLE POWER PODS, WITH INCLINED EYEPIECE HOLDERS 31-26-91 1x Fixed Power Pod. 31-26-92 2X Fixed Power Pod. 31-26-93 1x thru 2x StereoZoom continuous ly vatiable Power Pod, dial graduated in 0.1x divisions. 31-26-94 0.7 thru 3x StereoZoom continu: ously variable Power Pod, dial grad uated in 0.1% divisions. LONG EVE-RELIEF EYEPIECES, PAIRED, BALCOTED 31-05-61-02 10x, 0.870" (2.1mm) eye-elief, with eyeguards. 31-05-6202 15x, 0.440” (1.2mm) eyerelief, with eyeguards. 31-05-6302 20x, 0.401” (10.2mm) eye-relie, with eyeguards. EYEGUARDS, PAIRED 31-50-68 For 10x Wide Field Eyepieces 31-50-64 For 15x and 20x Wide Field Eye pieces ‘SUPPLEMENTARY LENS ATTACHMENTS 31-2618 0.5X, for Series K, KT, S, and SK (changes Work. Dist. from 4” to 7”). 31-2619 2x, for all series (changes working distance from 4” to 114”), 31-26-21 Clear Glass Shield, Standard on fixed Power Pods. Protects lower lenses of Power Pod against corrosive and wet materials or flying particles. TRANS-ILLUMINATION BASE 31-26-84-86 Attachable Base for transmitted illu mination of transparent or translu cent objects on Series A; (standard on Series 8) with illuminator port, concave mirror, flat diffusing reflec tor, mirror controls, optional clear lass plate, All ‘ide Field Eyepioces— ‘STANDS 31-26-88 Stand, with arm, as supplied on Se- ries A’and B. 31-26-95 Stand only, without arm, as supplied fon Series K. 31-26-96 Stand, with collar clamp, without arm, as supplied on Series S, 31-26-97 Stand, without arm, as supplied on Series SK. 31-26-65 Stand, without arm, with lower rack and pinion, with fibre composition baseboard, 12” x 16”, for Series KT. INTERCHANGEABLE ARMS 31-26-90 Rotatable Arm, for continuous 360° rotation of Power Pod. Standard on SK series, and interchangeable with stationary arm on K, KT, and § series. Stationary Arm, for 180° reversal of Power Pod, upper rack and pinion and swivel’ joint; port for Nicholas _ Illuminator. Standard on Series XT, K, and S, interchangeable on Serie Sk. 31-26-59 ‘STAGE PLATES 31-26-86 Clear Glass Stage Plate, for use on Series A and B models. ‘Opaque Contrast. Plate, black on one side, white on reverse, for Series Aand 6. 31-26-87 STORAGE AND CARRYING CASE 31-40-11 Horizontal storage and carrying case, two tone gray leatherette, with brack els for stage plate and pair of eye pieces; with handle, lock and key for Series & models. 3140-11-12 Storage Case, same as 31-40-11 above, except for Series A models,Linear Measuring with the StereoZoom Microscope MEASURE — Length, Diameters, Angles CHECK — — Contours, Parallelism USE As an efficient “Go—No-Go" Gag There is a special B&L. Depth Measurement Stereomicroscope for depth measurements but any BEL Stereomicroscope ean be used for ac- curate linear measurements with B&I. Microm- eter Dises (scales or patterns). These are sim- ply inserted in one of the Wide Field Eyepieces and appear superimposed on the object or part. ‘The most common micrometer eyepiece dises or scales for measurement are listed on this page. For others, write for Catalog D-184 which illustrates and deseribes the complete line of standard discs. Special micrometer dises (seales or pat- terns) can be supplied for those applications not covered by one of the standard dises. Sim- ply submit a print or sketch giving exaet meas- urements, with tolerances, of the object or specimen seen in the field of view. Also indi- ‘eate the desired magnification, if known. Our engineers will design a dise (scale or pattern) that will make your operation more efficient. Now Precolibrated Eyepiece Discs ‘Three new eyepiece discs were designed espe- cially for use with this new line of BSL Stereo- microscopes. The 31-16-08 Dise is precali- brated to provide 0.001” values for each least interval on the scale at 3X Power Pod magni- fication; the 31-16-04 Dise measures 0.002" values at 2X Power Pod magnification; the 31-16-07 measures 0.005” values at LX Power Pod magnification. To measure 0.001” com- fortably, a total magnification of 30X-40X is recommended. For routine measuring, it is not necessary to calibrate these dises with a stage micrometer. Where extreme accuracy is required, it is recommended that the dises be precisely eali- Bausch & Lomb — 31-1690 stage Micrometer for 22tong ruled to 0.1mm with Micrometer aise being ‘2mm ruled to 01mm Used to measure extent of ‘racture in metal specimen hese ae jt 2 spin ofesies we hove ‘mace rte brated with one of the 3 stage micrometers listed below. After the dise is inserted in the eyepiece it must be calibrated (except as noted in the para- graph under “New Precalibrated Eyepiece Discs”) with Stage Micrometer 31-16-87, 31-1689, or 31-16-90 to determine the exact value of its scale. Calibration instruetions are given in the Reference Manual supplied with ‘each Stereomicroscope. If desired, calibration can be done at the factory at slight extra cost. Specifications Eyepiece Discs, Stage micrometers 31-16-08 Disc, each least division value of 0.001” at 3X Power Pod magnification. Disc, each least division value of 0.002” at 2X Power Pod magnification. Disc, each least division value of 0.005” at 1 Power Pod magnification. 31-16-02 Disc, 10mm, ruled to 0.1mm, 31-16-05 Disc, 5mm, ruled to 0.1mm. 31-16-30 Gross Line Disc, 21mm dia, 31-16-87 Glass Stage Micrometer, ruled to 0,005” divisions. 31-16-89 Glass Stage Micrometer, ruled to 0.01” and 0.001” divisions. 31-16-90 Glass Stage Micrometer, ruled to 0.1mm and 0.0mm. 31-16-04 31.16.07 Drcise cllration of eyepiece dees, StereoZoom Microscopes Watt anZAUSCH 2 LOMS po tnclacfo¥Aafatan Microscopes YE Peter eet ineern nec) Ure cue te Ree ot
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