PME Application Documents

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___________, Metro Manila


I, ___________________, of legal age, Filipino citizen, single/married, and a

resident of ______________________________________ after having sworn to in
accordance to law, depose and say:
1. That I am a Registered Mechanical Engineer with certificate of Registration
No. _______________ issued on ______________;
2. That my Professional license with the Professional Regulation Commission
will expire on _________________;
3. That I have renewed my Privilege Tax Receipt for the year ________at
______________________ with No. ______________;
4. That I propose to submit, subject to the approval of the Board of Mechanical
Engineering, any of the following titles for my engineering report;
5. That I myself will prepare the approved report without the assistance of
anybody except in consultation with a registered Professional Mechanical Engineer;
6. That any of the proposed engineering reports that will be approved for
submission by the Board of Mechanical Engineering will not be copied from any
previously submitted reports, any manual, and/or any book.

WITNESS MY HANDS this _____day of _________________at ____________.


ME Cert No. __________ Dated __________

Validity of Reg. ______________
Res Cert No. ______________
Issued at __________________________
PTR No. _________ Issued at _____________
on _________________.

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ______day of ______________,______

at___________________________, affiant exhibited to be me his Residence Certificate
stated above.

Doc. No. __________
Page No. __________
Book No. __________
Series of __________


______________, Metro Manila


I, ___________________, of legal age, Filipino citizen, married , and a

resident of __________________________________________, and a registered
Professional Mechanical Engineer by profession, after having been sworn to according
to law, depose and state;
1. That I have known personally for five (5) years _________________ who is
applying for the Professional Mechanical Engineer certificate;
2. That, I have observed him in his work and found him competent to practice as
a Professional Mechanical Engineer;
3. That I have knowledge of the industrial firm, mechanical plant or shop, subject
of the engineering report and had reviewed and found the proposed titles of his report
to be pertinent or allied to the experience of the apllicant.
4. Further, affiant sayeth none.

WITNESS MY HANDS this ___ __ day of ______________ , _____ at



ME Cert No. ________ Dated ___________

Validity of Reg. _____________
Res Cert No. _____________
Issued at ____________on ____________
PTR No. _________ Issued at __________
on _____________

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ______day of ____________________

at___________________________, affiant exhibited to be me his Residence Certificate
stated above.

Doc. No. __________
Page No. __________
Book No. __________
Series of __________

1. The following documents/papers must be submitted with the application:

a. Certificate of Competency
b. Affidavit of Applicant
c. Certificate of Experience
d. Detailed Description of Machineries and Equipment Handled
e. List of Designs undertaken with the supervision of a Professional Mechanical
f. Curriculum Vitae
g. At least two (2) titles of proposed reports, each with a short write-up and table
of contents
NOTE: Reports must be pertinent or allied to the experience of the applicant.
h. Original and photocopy of Birth Certificate in NSO Security Paper
i. Original and Photocopy of Transcript of Records
j. NBI Clearance
k. Original M.E. license

2. Applications may be submitted to the Application Division of the Commission at

any working hour on any working day.

3. Approval of the application shall be by at least two (2) members of the Board.

4. Applicant shall be informed of the approval or disapproval of his application

within a reasonable number of days from receipt of application.

5. In the evaluation of the experience of the applicants, the following should be


Design Experience
Maintenance & Operation
Fabrication & Shop Practice

6. Every applicant shall be required to present himself before at least two (2)
members of the Board for two (2) interviews.

The first interview shall be made before the submission of the engineering report
and may deal on any field of practice in mechanical engineering, including the
mechanical engineering law and the Code of Ethics.

The second interview will deal only on the engineering report submitted by the

In both cases, applicant will be sent notices of interview.

Except on meritorious cases, non-appearance shall mean failure on the part of the

7. Release of the results of the examinations may or may not coincide with the
release of the results for Registered Mechanical Engineers and the Certified Plant
Mechanics. Applicants will be individually informed of the results and are
advised not to follow up the results until after the expiration of six (6) months
from the date if submission of the engineering reports.
8. Any applicant who failed to pass may not re-apply until after a lapse of one (1)
year from date of notice of failure.

9. The Engineering Report must contain the following:

a. Letter of Transmittal addressed to the ME Board c/o PRC.

b. Affidavit of Applicant
c. Affidavit of Competency
d. Notice of Interview which will be signed by at least two (2) members of the
Board after each interview.
e. Curriculum Vitae of applicant
f. Certificate of Experience
g. Title Page
h. Table of Contents
i. Chapter I - Introduction
- Brief History of plant, firm, or establishment
- Subject of the Report
- Capitalization
- Ownership
- Organization set-up with Technical Organization
- Location (with maps)

Chapter II - Report Proper

Last Chapter - Observations, comments and recommendations

j. Bibliography

NOTE: “b” to “f” may be placed as the last on the report.

10. Prepare five (5) copies of the engineering report in legal size paper, typed double
space, book bounded with hard cover and color may be blue, maroon, black, green
or red.

Four (4) copies shall be submitted to the Commission and the fifth copy shall be
retained by applicant after having been stamped “RECEIVED”.

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