A. Partea I: CITIT
A. Partea I: CITIT
A. Partea I: CITIT
A. Partea I: CITIT
(Citirea cu atenţie)
Biological Clock
It was long ago observed that different plants open and close at different times of the day. In
fact, in the 19th century they used to make gardens in the shape of a clock face with different times.
It was possible to tell the time just by looking at this ‘flower clock’. No one really understands why
flowers open and close at particular times, but recently some interesting experiments have been
done. In one, flowers were placed in a laboratory in constant darkness. One might predict that
those flowers, not having any information about the day, would not open, as they usually do. But in
fact they continued to open as if they were in a normal garden. This suggests that they have some
mysterious way of keeping the time. They have, in other words, a kind of ‘biological clock’.
7. Which route was Earhart the very first person to fly alone?
a Hawaii to California
b Atlantic to Pacific
c Around the world
d New Guinea to Howland Island
8. What role played Frederick Noonan in the flight around the world?
a F. Noonan was Amelia’s flight instructor.
b He was Amelia’s helper with navigational instruments.
c F. Noonan was the builder of Amelia’s flight plane.
d He was the person who made the flight plan.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt, the thirty-second president of the United States, was from a wealthy,
well-known family. As a child, he attended private school, had private tutors, and traveled with his
parents to Europe. He attended Harvard University and afterwards studied law. At age 39,
Roosevelt suddenly developed polio, a disease that left him without the full use of his legs for the
rest of his life. Even through the worst of his illness, however, he continued his life in politics. In
1924, he appeared at the Democratic National Convention to nominate Al Smith for president, and
eight years after that he himself was nominated for the same office. Roosevelt was elected to the
presidency during the Great Depression of the 1930s, at a time when more than 5,000 banks failed
and thousands of people were out of work.
10. The disease F. D. Roosevelt suffered from did not allow him to …
a hear or see
b walk or stand
c travel abroad
d appear in public
20. You … complete your education! Jobs are almost inexistent here.
a may
b must
c can
d are able to
26. What beautiful views! Let’s … a photo of that old tree!
a shoot
b make
c do
d take
27. Not all of the students feel … about the academic tour.
a interested
b excited
c interesting
d exciting
4 din 6
28. I think I have spent all of my money. Can you …me one dollar?
a borrow
b pay
c lend
d buy
29. John has just phoned. He will be late because he … his plane.
a delayed
b cancelled
c lost
d missed
30. Don’t … a promise if you feel that you cannot keep it.
a make
b do
c say
d tell
31. Professor Harrison trusts his students. Until now, they have never … to him!
a lied
b laid
c disappointed
d misunderstood
35. If anyone suspects you of doing it, you will run into … .
a problem
b mess
c trouble
d nuisance
C. Partea a III-a: SCRIS
5 din 6
37. Choose the most appropriate line to end an informal letter.
a With respect,
b Lots of hugs,
c Yours sincerely,
d With gratitude,
6 din 6
1 c 16 c 31 a
2 a 17 c 32 d
3 c 18 a 33 b
4 d 19 c 34 d
5 b 20 b 35 c
6 d 21 b 36 b
7 a 22 d 37 b
8 b 23 b 38 d
9 c 24 a 39 c
10 b 25 d 40 d
11 b 26 d 41 a
12 c 27 b 42 c
13 c 28 c 43 a
14 c 29 d 44 d
15 d 30 a 45 c
1 din 1
1. Valorile reale ale parametrului m pentru care inecuaţia: (m − 1)x 2 − (m + 1)x + m + 1 > 0 este
satisfăcută pentru ∀x ∈ R , sunt:
⎛ 5 ⎞ ⎛ 5⎞ ⎛5 ⎞
a) m ∈ ⎜ ;∞ ⎟ b) m ∈ ⎜ − ∞ ; ⎟ c) m ∈ (− ∞ ; − 1) U ⎜ ; ∞ ⎟
⎝ 3 ⎠ ⎝ 3⎠ ⎝3 ⎠
⎛ 5⎞
d) m ∈ ⎜ − 1; ⎟ e) m ∈ Φ
⎝ 3⎠
( )
2. Mulţimea valorilor m ∈ R astfel încât ecuaţia: 2 lg 2 x 3 − 3m lg x + 1 = 0 admite soluţii reale, este:
a) − 2 2 ; 2 2 ) ⎛ 2 6 2 6⎞
b) ⎜⎜ −
; ⎟
3 ⎟⎠
( ] [
c) m ∈ − ∞ ; − 2 2 U 2 2 ; ∞ )
⎛ 2 6 ⎞ ⎛ 2 6 ⎞⎟ ⎛2 6 ⎞
d) m ∈ ⎜⎜ − ∞ ; − ⎟U⎜ ;∞⎟ e) m ∈ ⎜⎜ ; ∞ ⎟⎟
⎝ 3 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 3 ⎠ ⎝ 3 ⎠
( ) (
3. Mulţimea soluţiilor reale ale inecuaţiei: lg 2 + lg 4 x −2 + 9 ≤ 1 + lg 2 x −2 + 1 , este: )
a) x ∈ [1; 5] b) x ∈ [2 ; 4] c) x ∈ [2 ; 3] d) x ∈ [4 ; 6] e) x ∈ [4 ; ∞]
5. Se dau numerele pozitive a1, a2, a3, în progresie aritmetică. Dacă a1 + a 2 + a 3 = 21 şi numerele
a1 + 2 , a 2 + 3 , a 3 + 9 sunt în progresie geometrică, atunci suma a 21 + a 22 + a 23 este:
a) 148 b) 159 c) 168 d) 179 e) 169
6. În dezvoltarea (1+ x ) , coeficienţii lui x5 şi x12 sunt egali dacă valoarea lui n este:
a) 15 b) 13 c) 17 d) 12 e) 14
⎧ax + y + z = 0
7. Valorile reale ale parametrului a pentru care sistemul: ⎨x − y + az = 0 admite şi soluţii nebanale
⎪2x + y + 3z = 0
a) a ∈ {− 1; 0} b) a ∈ (− ∞ ; − 1) U (0 ; ∞ ) c) a ∈ (0 ; ∞ )
d) a ∈ (− ∞ ; − 1) e) a ∈ R − {− 1; 0}
⎛a 1 1⎞
⎜ ⎟
8. Matricea ⎜ 1 − 1 a ⎟ este inversabilă. În acest caz, valorile reale ale parametrului a sunt:
⎜2 1 3 ⎟⎠
a) a ∈ R − {− 1; 0} b) a ∈ {− 1; 0} c) a ∈ (− ∞ ; − 1) d) a ∈ (0 ; ∞ ) e) a ∈ (− ∞ ; − 1) U (0 ; ∞ )
x − (n + 1)x n +1 + nx n +2
9. Valoarea limitei, lim este:
x →1 (1 − x )2
n (n − 2 ) n2 + 2 n 2 + 3n + 1 n2 n (n + 1)
a) b) c) d) e)
2 2 2 2 2
1 din 2
10. Valoarea limitei, lim
x → −∞
( 2x 2
− 3x + 5 − 2x 2 + 3x + 7 este: )
3 2 3 2
a) 0 b) ∞ c) − d) e) 3 2
2 2
x +1
⎛ 3x + 2 ⎞
11. Valoarea limitei, lim ⎜ ⎟ este:
x → ∞ 3x + 1
⎝ ⎠
a) 1 b) e 2
c) e d) e3 e) 3
13. Ecuaţia x 4 − 10 x 3 + 36 x 2 + 4mx − 3n = 0 are o rădăcină triplă x1 < 3 . Atunci valorile parametrilor
m şi n sunt:
32 32
a) m = −14 ; n = b) m = 9 ; n = −27 c) m = −14 ; n = −
6 3
d) m = 16 ; n = 12 e) m = −24 ; n = 20
14. Valoarea integralei ∫ (x
+1 )
dx este:
2 − n − (− 2)
2− n 2n + 2− n 2n
a) b) 0 c) d) e)
1− n 1− n n −1 n
15. Aria cuprinsă între graficul funcţiei f : R → R , f (x ) = şi dreptele: y = 0 , x = −1 şi x = 1
1+ x4
π π ln 3
a) 0 b) c) d) ln 2 e)
8 4 ln 2
2 din 2
1 a
2 c
3 b
4 e
5 d
6 c
7 a
8 a
9 e
10 d
11 e
12 b
13 c
14 b
15 d
1 din 1
Notă: Cele 30 de întrebări tip grilă au variante de răspuns multiple. De la unu la toate din
răspunsurile preformulate pot fi corecte.
5. J. P. Guilford a evidenţiat trăsăturile principale ale procesului global al gândirii. Acestea sunt:
a. flexibilitate;
b. expresivitate;
c. fluiditate;
d. originalitate;
e. elaborare.
8. Coloana infinitului şi Masa tăcerii, creaţiile celebre ale lui C. Brâncuşi, ilustrează unul dintre
procedeele combinărilor imaginative:
a. omisiunea;
b. multiplicarea;
c. substituirea;
d. analogia;
e. schematizarea.
1 din 4
9. Brainstorming-ul este o:
a. tehnică de creativitate colectivă;
b. metodă de anihilare a ideilor noi;
c. furtună de idei.
11. Care dintre funcţiile limbajului realizează conducerea conduitei proprii sau a altei persoane?
a. funcţia de comunicare;
b. funcţia de cunoaştere;
c. funcţia afectivă;
d. funcţia ludică;
e. funcţia de reglare.
12. Curiozitatea pentru nou face parte dintre formele de manifestare ale:
a. motivaţiei pozitive;
b. motivaţiei extrinseci;
c. motivaţiei cognitive;
d. motivaţiei afective.
13. Care dintre motivaţii au o intensitate atât de mare încât pot acţiona chiar şi împotriva instinctului
de conservare?
a. aspiraţiile;
b. idealurile;
c. convingerile;
d. interesele.
14. Patriotismul face parte din categoria:
a. emoţiilor;
b. sentimentelor;
c. pasiunilor;
d. afectelor;
e. dispoziţiilor afective.
15. Care sunt rolurile expresiilor emoţionale în comportamentul uman?
a. rol de comunicare;
b. rol de influenţare a conduitei altora;
c. rol de autoreglare;
d. rol de contagiune;
e. rol de accentuare/diminuare a trăirii afective.
16. Capacitatea de efort voluntar este condiţionată de:
a. resursele fizice;
b. resursele psihice;
c. resursele minerale;
d. experienţă.
2 din 4
18. În comunicarea cu sine un rol important îl joacă:
a. atenţia internă;
b. atenţia externă;
c. atenţia involuntară;
d. atenţia distributivă.
23. Care dintre tipurile fundamentale se caracterizează prin: energie, nervozitate, forţă, mobilitate?
a. coleric;
b. sangvinic;
c. melancolic;
d. flegmatic.
3 din 4
27. Abilităţile mintale primare elaborate de Thurnstone sunt:
a. factorul spaţial;
b. factorul fizic;
c. factorul numeric;
d. factorul raţionament;
e. factorul percepţie.
4 din 4
1 c 16 a, b, d
2 a, b, c, d 17 c
3 c 18 a
4 a, b, c 19 d
5 a, c, d, e 20 a, b, c
6 b, c 21 a, b, c
7 a, b, c, d 22 a, b, d
8 b 23 a
9 a, c 24 a, b, c
10 a, b, c 25 c
11 e 26 d
12 c 27 a, c, d, e
13 c 28 a, b, c
14 b 29 c
15 a, b, c, d, e 30 a, b, c, d
1 din 1