Getting Started With Palm Reading

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Getting Started With Palm Reading

Palm reading is an ancient art that has been practiced all over the world. Several
references exist in various religious books like the Vedas and the Bible. If you go
back in history, you will find even eminent personalities like Julius Caesar,
Aristotle, etc. were connected with palmistry. Kings had palm readers in their
courts and believed in them.

There are several guides, books, and online courses that will help you with the
basics of this ‘art’. These teach you about what intuition is all about and how you
can use it in palm reading. Usually, both hands must be studied during palm
reading. When you learn about palm reading, you will learn about different hand
textures, types of hands, color of palm and how to interpret it and the
characteristics of the lines on the palm. You will also get to know about the
specific hand marks to look for and understand, about the fingers, the thumbs and
the nails. The palm of the hand has various ‘mounts’ that mean different things
about a person and you will learn how to interpret these as well. You will know
what the rings worn by a person can mean and how the signs on a person’s
fingers can even be used in criminology, revealing the person’s individuality.

The Different Facets Of Palmistry

We usually hear of palm reading – but palmistry comprises of chiromancy,
chirognomy and dermatoglyphics. The three are together called chirology.
Chiromancy has to do with palm reading in terms of interpreting what the lines
mean. Chirognomy, which has its origins in France around the 18th century,
classifies hands according to their shape and size. People that had the same
shape/size of hands were found to have similar characteristics. So today, over
time, palm reading does not just mean looking at and understanding the lines on
the palm; it also has to do with length of fingers, nails, texture of skin, flexibility
of fingers and other characteristics.

Dermatoglyphics deals with the lines and pattern of the skin on the hands and
feet in connection to our genetics. In fact, it is believed that skin ridges are useful
in detecting chromosomal abnormalities and genetic diseases like diabetes,
cardiac problems schizophrenia, Down’s syndrome etc.

Why Palm Reading?

Apart from the fun part when you can be the palm reader holding people
spellbound in a party by your intuitiveness, you will find that different people go
to a palm reader for different purposes. It could be that they want to understand
themselves, and know about health problems based on the reading. Since there
are so many aspects of palm reading, there is a pretty good possibility that people
will find what they seek. Through palm reading, you can make an assessment of
a person’s emotional tendencies, attitudes, fears and strengths through the lines
and marks on the hand.

There are palm readers who have converted their hobby into an income-earner.
Professional palm readers can earn anything from 20 to 100 US$ an hour, based
on how well known they are and the number of referrals they get. As they
become more and more popular, and start catering to film stars, politicians and
other famous people, the sky is the limit....

Learning Palm Reading As A Hobby

Our previous article on palm reading gave an introduction to this fascinating
hobby with tips on getting started, different facets to palmistry and how you can
turn it into a lucrative money-earner. This article will go a bit deeper into the
topic of palm reading. To give you a brief overview of what we’ll be covering,
here’s a list:

• Significance of the color shape, texture and flexibility of the hand

• Which hand?
• Length of fingers – how is it interpreted?
• How to take a palm print
• Lines on the palm and their meaning

Palmistry has caught on all over the world. In real-life applications,

criminal investigations use fingerprinting for identifying individuals. By
studying skin patterns medical researchers say that there is a link
between genetic abnormalities and certain marks on the hand. Also
some fingerprint patterns are related to heart disease. So it is not hard
to see why palmistry is a subject worth studying – both for recreation
and for those who are serious about it.

Significance Of The Color, Shape, Texture And

Flexibility Of The Hand
In palm reading, it is not just the lines that are read – due importance is also given
to the color, shape, texture and flexibility of the hand. Let’s take a look at each of
these in turn.

Ever notice how a doctor checks your palms? White hands mean a lack of blood
circulation. Pink hands generally indicate good health. People with red hands
could probably be suffering from high blood pressure. Some people have bluish
hands, which shows inadequate blood circulation. Ideally, the hand must be

How is the shape and formation of the hands? Let’s look at the most common

• A square hand – practical, focused on success

• Tapering hand – artistic, enthusiastic, sensitive
• Spade hand – energetic, positively inclined
• Pointed hand – idealistic, impractical
• Long hand – with knotty joints, thinker, philosopher

We often come across mixed hands, so you’ll be able to see the characteristics of
those features.

How does the hand feel to the touch? Is it hard, rough or soft? Usually,
those with soft hands are said to be sensitive and refined. Rough hands
could mean tough people who enjoy being active with rugged activities.

Flexible hands mean a reasonable nature. Very pliable hands mean
unconventional and broadminded. People with inflexible hands are
usually stubborn. Also look at the thumbs and fingers. Sometimes the
thumb is set low forming a wide angle with the hand – these people tend
to be careless. If the thumb is set high, it means a careful determined

Which Hand?
You have probably wondered about what the difference is between reading the
right hand and the left hand. People who are right handed are more logical and
left-handed people are more creative. Palm readers consider the fact that the left
hand is connected to the right side of the brain and the right hand is connected to
the left side of the brain. The left brain/right hand features logic, attention to
detail, facts and realism. The right brain/left hand person shows intuitiveness and
risk taking ability. Therefore, the palmist looks at both hands since they reveal
two different aspects.

Length Of Fingers – How Is It Interpreted?

For a palm reader, the length of the fingers indicates information about
the individual’s character. Here’s a synopsis:

• Long fingers - analytical, academic, likes attention to detail

• Short fingers - practical, intuitive, and instinctive

• Proportionate hands - balanced personality

Now lets look at each finger of the hand and what it shows:

• Forefinger – ambition, self-confidence, self-esteem

• Middle finger – discipline, balance

• Ring finger - originality, imagination

• Little finger - communication

Let us interpret different situations taking these fingers in relation to

each other.

 Forefinger is in line with the bottom of the middle fingers

nail means a balanced ego.

 Ring finger is in line with the bottom of the middle finger’s nail,
means emotional balance.

 Forefinger is higher than the bottom part of the middle finger’s

nail shows self-assurance. Ring finger above the bottom part of the
middle finger’s nail shows highly emotional and impulsive person.

 Middle finger standing out noticeably from the rest shows a

serious nature. Little finger standing apart from the rest of the
hand, means a bold, outspoken and self-sufficient person.

Apart from the above, in palm reading, the thumb, the nails and the fingerprints
are significant. So you would need to know how to make a palm print.

How To Take A Palm Print

You will need the following:

• Black water-soluble printing ink

• A rubber roller
• Good quality paper
• A tile on which to spread the ink
• A towel

Spread some ink evenly on the tile with the rubber roller. Now, spread the inky
rubber roller on the hand to cover the palm the fingers and part of your wrist.
Place the paper on the towel and gently press our hand down in its most natural
position without shaking. The towel will cushion your hand on the paper. Very
carefully, directly lift your hand off the paper without smudging any line. Your
palm print is ready.

Lines On The Palm And Their Meaning

Interestingly, the number of lines varies from hand to hand. While some people
have lots of lines, some people have just a few. Men have fewer lines than
women. The four prominent lines you will see on a hand are:

• Life line

• Head line

• Heart line

• Fate line

The life line is the line around the thumb and indicates physical health.
A strong line means good health. A faint life line would mean the
opposite. However, just the head line in isolation will not give a true
picture. So please note that each line must be read in conjunction with
the others to make a complete palm reading. The life line also shows
major events in the person’s life. If there is a line branching off from
the top of the life line towards the forefinger, it shows ambition. If
there’s a line branching off from the bottom of the life line towards the
wrist, it indicates travel.

The Head line begins from a point similar to the lifeline near the thumb, and goes
across the palm. It indicates thought process. Let’s see what different types of
head lines:

• Clear – mental focus, strength

• Straight – logic and pragmatism
• Curved – flexible, balance between creativity and logic
• Steeply curved – high imagination
• Short and stops short of the middle finger - focus, but closed-
• Fork at the end of the headline under the ring finger - flexible
• Fork is under the little finger - aptitude for business or science

The Heart line indicates emotions and relationships, begins from the edge of the
hand under the little finger, and extends toward the top of the palm. If it:

• ·Ends between the forefinger and middle finger - emotion

and passion
• ·Ends under the middle finger - selfish
• ·Goes right across the top of the hand - interest in more of a
mental relationship rather than emotion.
• ·Is short and up to the middle finger –cool, interested in
physical side
• ·Ends in a fork - mentally and physically balanced
The Fate line runs up from the base of the palm and ends usually below the
middle finger. It is also called the Saturn Line, or the Line of Destiny. It can be
fragmented, overlapping, or broken. It shows your direction in life.

Palm readers also look at other lines and marks on the palm like the ring of
Solomon around the forefinger, the girdle of Venus above the heart line, bracelet
lines on the wrist, relationship lines under the little finger the fate line from the
wrist to the middle finger, the sun line from the wrist to the ring finger and so on.
As we said earlier, all the lines are read to produce a complete reading.

In summary…

You can get proficient at palm reading by taking a look at the books,
instructional videos and links at the following website to give you an
even more in-depth and intricate knowledge of the art of palm reading.
The more palms you read, the more experience you get when you
compare and learn. You develop the aptitude to know at a glance, what
is unusual about the hand. Combine a good number of strangers’ hands
to improve your palm reading skills. Palm reading is a captivating hobby
that lets you read the character and destiny by observing the hand. The
palm is practically a blueprint of our life and by knowing how to read it
you can actually influence the destiny of the person whose palm you


Some people study the palm simply by looking at it and tapping inot messages
they receive intuitively. Palmists - such as myself with create a palm bring using
black Speedball water soluble ink placed on piece of paper or file folder. The
lines are carefully outlined and detailed for the person - the final interpretation
lending itself to a combination of rote and psychic messages which I carefully
outline on the palm print.

Everything matters in Palmistry...the size of the hand, it's shape, color,texture,
the nails, depth of lines, even the manner in which you hold your hands when I
read your palm.

The hand you use to write with is your dominant hand. The lines on this hand
change through the years due to the electromagnetic images from your brain
which know your lifepath. Lines can add on. Once added they do not go away.

The other hand is your destiny hand. It generally remains the same throughout
your lifetime. I do not consider it your last lifetime as both hands are generally


Ovals on the heart denote line-divorce, separation. A long heart line: Overly
romantic. A straight heart line: The mind rules the heart. The heat lines ends on
the Jupiter mount: You want to control relationships

Above the heart line: A "V" denotes empathic qualities. A "U" from the Jupiter to
the Apollo finger: Gay person

Horizontal lines under the Mercury finger: Karmic relationships: Long lines that
run across the palm of the hand to the Mount of Venus (past lives) (thumb)
denote marriages or 'living together'. (They are marked the same way).

Vertical lines: Full ones that cross horizontal lines: Your children should you
decided to have any. Short lines: Miscarriages, abortions. (This will come up on
the father's hand as well).

Head Line: Education: College--crosses the entire palm. Masters Program--has

branches from the primary Head Line. Small branches: Other courses of study.

Life Line: Surround Venus Mount (thumb) Starts from above the thumb and goes
to the wrist. If not connected to the Head Line: Caretaker, independent thinker,
will give a lot in this lifetime, usually first or last child in the family-- or the only
child (if the space is really wide). Double line: Depression, needs therapy at some
point. A "V" closer to the wrist: a divorce A split in the line: Moving far,
changing destiny

Lines that follow the Life Line of your Venus Mount (thumb area): Spirit Guides,
Past Lives

Fate / Career / Destiny Line: Runs from the wrist straight up to the Saturn
(middle finger). Career / careers: will often branch in many directions which will
determine changes in career and goals in one's lifetime. Doubled line denotes:
working at 2 careers at the same time.

Travel lines: Run along the outside palm from the heart line to the wrist. This
needs to be viewed with a palm print to see where the person will travel next!
Many lines: Traveling for business as well as pleasure. A few long lines: Major
trips that change your destiny, often seen in the old years.

Money lines: From outside of the Venus Mount to the heart line. Run upward
from the wrist. May have stars, bars or various other markings to indicate money
and how you will get it. A wide "V" in that area: cash settlement. Darker / deeper
lines: Finances increase Scattered lines: Make lost of money but at various times
in your life. Palm prints denote: white space in that area: you will lend money but
never get it back: learning lessons with money. How many lessons depends on
how many white areas are between the life line and the thumb on your palm

Other lines: Pentagrams [goddess energies], Stars, Circles, Triangles, The letter
"M", the letter "V".

All markings depend on the area of the hand where they are found.

Many markings do not mean an old soul. Many men have few lines and are old
souls. Blue collar workers have fewer lines--usually just the basic lines.


Divided into 3 sections each with a different reference on each finger. Length of
each section, and images on your palm print tell much.
Jupiter finger: Leadership, Self Esteem, The Teacher, Organization, Punctuality,
The Limelight. A strong determined person will always have a long Jupiter
finger, as do teachers, and performers.

Saturn Finger: Destiny, The Corporate World, Karma Long finger: Lots of karma
to work out. Section closest to palm: Your family Section in the middle: Business
world Section near the tip of the finger, your spiritual path

Apollo Finger: Creative, Metaphysical, Health If it points to the Saturn finger:

Your have karma in the metaphysical realms.

Mercury Finger: Communications: Writing, Computers, Media Much can be

gleamed in this area with a palm print as so many people are in the
communication fields now. A short finger: does not go up as high as the third
section on your Apollo finger: Not great with writing, but will overcome this by
working with others. It the Mercury finger bends in: You hold back what you
need to say!

Venus finger: How stubborn / or giving you are. It can be straight (stubborn)
---or bent (subtle)--the giver. Please check both hands as they may be different. i
have one of each type!

The lengths of the Jupiter and Apollo fingers must be compared. If the Jupiter
finger is shorter the person is often a late bloomer as he / she will follow the
dictates of others and will not seek their own goals until their thirties.

Spaces between fingers: Wide between Saturn and Jupiter: Will overspend

Holding out the hands: When hands are placed down on the paper for the palm
print: Wide open: Friendly, outgoing. Big space between the Mercury (pinky)
and Apollo (ring) fingers: Will move, needs lots of freedom and space.


The mounts refer to the fleshy lumps that appear on your hand, the high spots or
"mountains" on the plane of the hand. The most prominent ones are roughly at
the base of each finger and thumb. These are named after the finger or other
feature which they are nearest. In general, the larger the mount the stronger the
characteristic in the person. There is a special meaning if the mount is not exactly
under the proper finger, but that's more specific than will be discussed here.
Jupiter (under index finger) - religion, pride, respect
Saturn (under 2nd finger) - morbidness, sadness, interpersonal relationships.
Sun (under ring finger) - artistic talent
Mercury (under pinky finger) - inventiveness
Upper Mars (directly under the Mount of Mercury) - courage
Moon (directly under Upper Mars, large) - imagination
Venus (under thumb, across from Moon) - love
Lower Mars (above Venus, across from Upper Mars) - indifference

The Life Line

The Life Line represents your vitality and the length of your life.
This is the most important line on your hand and will always be
present. The Life Line is the easiest to recognize and helps to
determine where your other lines are. Generally if the line swoops
down to about an inch above the base of the palm, then it shows a
life expectancy of about 70 years for women, and 60-65 for men.

This line begins on the edge of the palm, between the index finger and
the thumb. It extends across the middle of the palm and wraps around
the base of the thumb.

• Special markings on this line indicate

specific events which occurred in your
life. The line can be divided into three
parts to help judge when certain events
occurred or might occur: (1) represents
youth, (2) represents adult, (3)
represents old age.
• If the Life Line is long and deep,
then this represents a long life full of
vitality and health. A short line, if
strong and deep, also shows great
vitality in your life and the ability to
overcome health problems.
However, if the line is short and
shallow, then your life may have the
tendency to be controlled by others.

• Extra lines are often noted as vitality

lines. If your Life Line is doubled, or
even tripled, then this shows a great
vitality in your life, and positive forces
around you.

• A swooping semicircular line

around the base of the thumb shows
great strength and enthusiasm, as
well as an improved love life.

• If the line is straight and sticks close to

the side of your palm, then this is a
sign of a limited exploration of love
and a very cautious nature.

• This type of line extends to the

middle of the palm, away from the
thumb towards the base of the hand.
This represents a life that consists of
a lot of travelling.
The Life Line (continued)

• A chained line indicates various health

problems, both physical and emotional.
Many people with allergies have such a
line as well.

• A donut indicates hospitalization as

a result of some sort of accident.

• A break represents a sudden change in

life style, an accident or an illness.

• Lines crossing through the Life

Line indicate either worries or
danger, however a star indicates
some sort of crisis.
• A square on the line indicates
protection at a time it is needed. It may
also mark a turning point in your life.

• Lines extending up and above the

Life Line show the ability to
recover from situations.

• Lines extending below the Life Line

show a habit of wasting energy.

cond most important line, the

osophy, your attitude on and how you approach life. It is
of your mentality and intelligence. Because it is so
must be present on the palm.

begins just above the life line, on the side of the palm
mb and the index finger, and spans horizontally across the
• Special markings on this line indicate
specific events which occurred in your
life. The line can be divided into three
parts to help judge when certain events
occurred or might occur: (1) represents
youth, (2) represents

and Life Line

d at the beginning, this
that your strong sense of
erally rules over your
u also look at childhood
utious and fearful outlook.
d lines show a love for
e and an enthusiasm for

• A deep long line stretching across the

palm indicates a logical and direct way
of thinking. The straighter the line, the
more realistic the thinking, and the
deeper the line, the better the memory.
If the line is short however, it tends to
indicate limited mental aims, and the
shift towards "physical" thinking rather
than reflection.

e is wavy then you tend to

ort attention span, with a
eep thinking, however, this
affect your intellect.

• If the line is short and curved upwards,

then you tend to have a short attention
span, also known as a scatterbrain. A
long line that curves upward represents
more of a retentive memory. However
if the line swoops down towards the
heel, the person tends to be imaginative
and creative.
nes show strong mental

The Head Line (continued)

• A donut or a cross through the Head

Line represents a mental crisis.

• A broken line shows a distinct

change in your way of thinking,
sometimes even characteristic of a
nervous breakdown.

• A star on your line represents a

significant mental achievement.
• Crosses through the line indicate
major decisions in your life.

• The space created between the Life

Line and the Head Line is known as
the Angle of Luck. The greater the
space, the greater your luck. The
smaller the space, the less luck seems
to stand by your side.

The Heart Line

The Heart Line deals with all the emotions and events that are
centered around love, whether it be your ability to love, or be loved. In
general, the stronger and deeper the line, the stronger and warmer your

The Heart Line is the horizontal line above the Head Line. It begins
beneath either the index finger or middle finger and extends across to
the edge of the palm on the side of the little finger.
• Special markings on this line indicate
specific events which occurred in your
life. The line can be divided into three
parts to help judge when certain events
occurred or might occur: (1) represents
youth, (2) represents adult, (3)
represents old age.

• A normal and content love life is

represented by the line that starts
beneath the index finger.

• A selfish and materialistic look at love

is characteristic to those whose Heart
Line start below the middle finger. A
slight disregard to the true meaning of
love and its responsibilities are
indicated by the line that starts between
the middle and index finger. The
person tends to easily give their heart

• If the line extends boldly across the

entire palm, then the person tends to
look for those whose status rises
above their own, and has great
respect for them. If such a line is
very straight and parallel to the
Head Line, then it shows strong
emotional control.

• If the line is long and curved

(especially upwards), then the person
has a pleasant, romantic nature, great
warmth in their actions. They may also
tend to give all of themselves to love,
no matter the costs.
• A short line shows a lack of interest
in the affairs of love and affections.
However if the short line is also
very strong and deep, then the
person's affections tend to be quite

The Heart Line (continued)

• A wavy line, as well as a broken or

chained line, represents many love
interests, but none of them very

• A star on the line represents

happiness in your marriage.

• A donut on the line represents a time of


• Emotional loss may be symbolized

by a broken line, as well as a line
with small lines crossing through it.
Such losses include deaths and the
end of relationships.
• Happiness in love is shown by small
lines that extend upward from the
Heart Line. However, if the lines
extend downward, then it symbolizes a

• Protection from a loved one is

indicated by double lines.
deals with the material well being as much as the
especially so when the Life Line
has very faint fate, fame and success lines, then the
o plays a strong part in the development of material

can be found extending from below the little finger,

e palm, to the base of the thumb. Sometimes it may even
join with the Life Line

• If the line is missing, it indicates no

health problems. Generally however,
the line can be divided into three parts
to help judge when certain health
problems might occur: The top (1)

e is strong and undisturbed,

tend to have a strong
sense as well as the
o work hard to make

• Wavy lines show potential health

problems as a result of anxiety and

line, tends to show that

th will create problems in
ness situations.
The Health Line (continued)

• If the line is crossed, then you tend to

be prone to accidents.

• If there is an extra line that branches

out onto the life line, then there may
be some sort of life-threatening
situation in your old age.

• If a square appears on the line, it is a

sign of protection, whether it be in the
form of good medical treatment, or aid
in solving a business problem.

• A donut on the line indicates a

potential need for hospitalization.
• Because they are closely related, the
triangle formed by the Life, Head and
Health Lines are considered very
important. This is known as The
Lucky Triangle, where the broader the
area of the triangle, the greater your


The Fate Line

The Fate Line, also known as the line of destiny, tells the effect
society and world events have upon your life (things that come to you
from outside). The stronger and deeper the line, the more strongly fate
controls your life. If the line has many breaks or changes of direction, it
means that you are prone to many changes in your life from
circumstances you can't control.

This line begins in the middle of the palm, near the wrist, and runs
towards the base of the middle finger.

• Special markings on this line indicate

specific events which occurred in your
life. The line can be divided into three
parts to help judge when certain events
occurred or might occur: (1) represents
youth, (2) represents adult, (3)
represents old age.

• If the Fate Line starts joined to the

life line, it indicates that you are a
self-made individual. Often you will
know very early in life just what
your life's aspirations are.
• If your Fate Line starts clearly and at
the wrist, but joins the Life Line, this
indicates a point where you have to
surrender your own interests to those of
other people. If the Fate Line separates
again from the Life Line, it indicates
that you are now in control of your life

• If your Fate Line starts on the base

of your thumb, inside your life line's
curve, it indicates a point where
family or close friends are
supportive of you.

• If your Fate Line starts at the base of

your palm, this indicates that your life
will find its way into the public eye.
You may rise from obscurity to be a
politician, or an entertainer.

• If a break occurs in your Fate Line

at the Head Line and goes on, this
indicates that you will successfully
change your job in your middle

The Fate Line

The Fate Line, also known as the line of destiny, tells the effect
society and world events have upon your life (things that come to you
from outside). The stronger and deeper the line, the more strongly fate
controls your life. If the line has many breaks or changes of direction, it
means that you are prone to many changes in your life from
circumstances you can't control.

This line begins in the middle of the palm, near the wrist, and runs
towards the base of the middle finger.

• Special markings on this line indicate

specific events which occurred in your
life. The line can be divided into three
parts to help judge when certain events
occurred or might occur: (1) represents
youth, (2) represents adult, (3)
represents old age.

• If the Fate Line starts joined to the

life line, it indicates that you are a
self-made individual. Often you will
know very early in life just what
your life's aspirations are.

• If your Fate Line starts clearly and at

the wrist, but joins the Life Line, this
indicates a point where you have to
surrender your own interests to those of
other people. If the Fate Line separates
again from the Life Line, it indicates
that you are now in control of your life

• If your Fate Line starts on the base

of your thumb, inside your life line's
curve, it indicates a point where
family or close friends are
supportive of you.
• If your Fate Line starts at the base of
your palm, this indicates that your life
will find its way into the public eye.
You may rise from obscurity to be a
politician, or an entertainer.

• If a break occurs in your Fate Line

at the Head Line and goes on, this
indicates that you will successfully
change your job in your middle

The Fate Line (continued)

• A star at the end of the Fate Line

indicates that destiny has marked you
for success. 1: If the line with a star
ends under the index finger, you will
find fame in non-creative fields. 2: If
the starred line ends under the middle
finger, you will see success after ten
years of hard work. 3: If the line ends
under the ring finger, you will find
success in the creative arts field.

• Islands and breaks in your Fate

Line show periods where your life
will not flow so smoothly. Fate has
some trouble in store for you.
• Lines that cross the Fate Line
foreshadow times where your destiny
is opposed by others.

The Fame Line

The Line of Fame reinforces the Line of Fate. Sometimes this line
may be missing on the palm, in this case one's future fame must be
looked for in other areas of the palm. The Line of Fame influences the
social rewards of success. Those who lack this line may still be successful
but may will do without public acclaim.

This line starts at the base of the hand, and moves its way up to below the
ring finger, running parallel to the Line of Fate.

• Special markings on this line indicate

specific events which occurred in your
life. The line can be divided into three
parts to help judge when certain events
occurred or might occur: (1) represents
youth, (2) represents adult, (3)
represents old age.

• A strong and clear Line of Fame

indicates both distinction and
satisfaction with your life's work.
• If the line appears broken, this is an
indication of the ups and downs of
your social recognition.

• If the line travels to the ring finger,

this indicates fame in the arts.

• Starting at the Head Line running

through the Heart Line, indicates hard
work and success late in life. But a fork
ending the line indicates that the
success may be dubious in value.

• If the line ends beneath the ring

finger in a star or triangle,
spectacular success awaits in the
fine arts field. A square in the same
area indicates you to be a kindly

The Marriage & Children Lines

Marriage is indicated by the little line (or lines) that are located just
below the base of the little finger. Several light lines in this area will
indicate romances. The lines that are strong and clear in this area will
indicate marriage. The closer the lines are to the base of the little finger,
the later in life these marriages will be.
• The presence of more that one line in
this area indicates more than one
1: this will be the first marriage, 2: this
will be the second.

• Lines that meet the Marriage Line,

but don't cross it, indicate children
that will be born into the marriage.

• A line with a fork at the start, toward

the back of the hand, indicates a long

• A fork on the end of the Marriage

Line, toward the palm, indicates
separation (with or without divorce).


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The Marriage & Children Lines (continued)

• A line that cuts off the Marriage Line
at the end indicates the end of the
marriage in death or divorce.

• The overlapping of lines in this

manner indicates an affair, or
affairs, while one is married.

• If the Marriage Line breaks, then

resumes with an overlap, this indicates
a separation, and later, reunion.

The Money Lines

The Money Lines don't indicate material wealth, so much as they
influence, in some hands, skill in acquiring cash and how it can be done.
(note: if you are looking for lines that influence success, material wealth and security,
look at the lines pertaining to fame, health and fate.)
• A line that runs from the base of the
thumb, to below the index finger
ending in a star, indicates a natural
talent for moneymaking.

• A line that travels from the base of

the thumb to the little finger
indicates wealth acquired through
inheritance or family allowances.

• A line running from the base of the

thumb to below the middle finger
indicates money made in business.

• A line from the Head Line that runs

to the ring finger, cutting through
the Fame Line, indicates money
acquired through luck and by

The Travel Lines

The Travel Lines are a major indication of the trips taken throughout
your life that have had a penetrating impact on your life.

The Travel Lines start from the edge of the palm at the heel, opposite the
thumb, and extend horizontally.
• If a travel line intersects with the Life
Line, then a trip will be made under
circumstances of health, or your health
will be affected by a trip.

• Lines that cross the Travel Line

foreshadow danger, or problems
with in travel.

• If a square appears on the lines, it is a

sign of protection in your travels.

• Breaks in the lines indicate a delay

in your travels.

• If a Travel Line intersects the Fate

Line, this is an indication that your
travels will present a life-changing
The Minor Lines
The Minor Lines can be found in most hands. They include the lines
of: Opposition, Intuition, Escape, and Influence.

The Lines of Opposition: These lines can be found on the outside of the palm,
between the Heart and Head Lines. These lines illustrate the opposing forces that we all
must deal with in life.

• The Line of Intuition: This line

appears on the outer palm. It illustrates
strong insight. If you have this line you
are an extremely sensitive, intuitive
person and may have ESP.

• This is a reversed version of the

Line of Intuition. All the same
traits that apply to a normal line of
intuition apply here as well.

• The Line of Escape: This line

illustrates an individual who escapes
the problems of their life by indulging
in their imagination. If the Line of
Escape connects with the Line of
Fame, they retreat into creative arts. If
the line of escape connects with the
Line of Health, they indulge in drugs
& drinking (this connection here can
also foreshadow suicide).

• The Line of Influence: These lines

originate from the base of the
thumb, and radiate out into the palm.
Where they connect with other lines
they illustrate an important event.
The most sought after influence
lines are the ones that show how and
where you will come into money.
Judging by the number of hands painted in prehistoric caves it would
seem that palmistry held a interest for humans since the stone age.
Archaeological discoveries have discovered hands made of stone, wood
and ivory by ancient civilizations. The emperor of china used his
thumbprint when sealing documents in 3000 bc. Information on the laws
and practise of hand reading have been found in vedic scripts, the bible
and early semitic writings. Aristotle (384-322 bc) discovered a treatise
on palmistry on an alter to the god hermes. The greek physicians
Hippocrates and Galen (ad 130-200) were both knowledgeable about the
use of palmistry as a clinical aid. Julius Caesar (102-44bc) judged his
men by palmistry. Notable people such as Paracelsus (1493-1541) and
Fludd (1574-1637) brought respectibility to palmistry through their
writings. Later Dr Carl Carus, physician to the king of saxony in the
19th century matched palms to personality. Advances in genetics,
psychology and forensics have propeled palmistry into the modern age.
In 1901 scotland yard adopted the technique of fingerprinting in
criminal investigation and identification.

Medical researchers studying skin patterns (dermatoglyphics), have

discovered a corrospondence between genetic abnormalities and unusual
markings in the hand. Research has confirmed a link between specific
fingerprint patterns and heart disease. These days palmistry is well
accepted throughout the world. Proffesional palmists can be found
reading palms in every country in the world. Pick up almost any copy of
a womens magazine and there is some information on palmistry. There
are thousands of books written on the subject and there are palmistry
clubs the world across.

Colour of the Skin in Palmistry

The health of a person is often indicated by the colour of their hands.
Dead white hands often indicate a lack of circulation. Pink hands are
usually a sign of good health in palmistry. Red hands may indicate high
blood pressure. Blue-ish hands indicate a sluggish condition of the
circulation of the blood supply. The normal colour of the palm should
be rosy and pinkish.

One of the common questions people ask me about palmistry is what is

the difference between reading the right hand to the left hand. Palmists
will mostly examine your most active had which is usually the one you
write with. Its this hand that shows your current and future trends. The
passive hand in palmistry tends to show your childhood.

Another interesting question i often hear in palmistry is why do some

people have many lines but others only a few. Well, first you will notice
that mostly men will tend to have fewer lines then a woman. The
majority of hands will have the four major lines, the fate, life, heart and
head line. Often young people come to see me seeking answers from
palmistry about the right career choice. It most be noted that if a person
is truely dedicated to succeed in a career choice they will even if their
palms may disagree. Palmistry does not take away free will. It is usually
found that people who like to work outdoors have spatulate fingertips.
People with these spatulate fingertips like to be constantly on the move.
Over the years of studying palmistry I have also come to notice that
these same people often are good inventers as well. It should also be
noted that if they have an earth shaped hand they will like the
countryside and often make good frmers or at least gardeners. These
people like stability and become stressed in times of change. A full set
of square fingertips in palmistry shows us the orderly methodical type of
person. Found often in accountants. Everything must be in its proper
place with the highest degree of accuracy. The fingers tend to sit close
together and the tips are smooth. Do you have a loop of seriousness on
your palm. This loop sits between your ring finger and the middle
finger. On women it usually indicates they are nurses or teachers. On
men it can show business skills and success in life. A long middle finger
will support this further. These people believe in getting ahead and im
often pleased to find this loop on peoples hands in my study of
palmistry. But what about the index finger in palmistry. Well if a person
has a strong index finger that thrusts out on its own it shows a person
who likes to lead and make decisions. These people go well as
managers. They are good at controlling large amounts of staff. But if the
person has a short index finger it will show the palmist that the person
likes to work alone and often become self employed as a writer or an
artist. Palmistry shows us much about the work directions people will
take in life. People with arch fingerprints usually have jobs that re
detailed special skills. But whorl fingerprints show us some artistic
skills in palmistry. Small handed people do things on a big level, people
with big hands do things involving fine detail. But remember it is
relevent to your overall body size. People with air hands are good
communicators, are popular and often work in the area of media.

But in the study of palmistry what happens when we see people with a
missing fate line. These people have a somewhat unique nature about
them. Often they will change jobs several times in their life. Their life is
never settled and they shift around a lot. But how can palmistry help the
employer find the right employee. Well, the simplest way is to look the
the fingers. If they lie close together it shows a hard working stable
employee. But if there are wide gaps between the fingers it may show a
employee that will cause problems.
























































How to make a Palm Print in Palmistry:

First assemble the equipment you need which is black water soluble
printing ink, rubber roller, quality paper, a rubber pad and a marble slab.
On the marble slab put an inch of black ink. Spread the black ink with
the rubber roller in an area enough to cover a hand. First place the hand
on the ink and spread on the palm over as much area as possible to get a
good palmistry print. Use the rubber roller to cover the balance of the
hand. Place piece paper on rubber pad and gently press keeping hand
and fingers perfectly still. Gently press the hand and fingers to paper.
Lift hand carefully off pad. Ease paper off hand. A perfect palmistry

Palmistry Encyclopedia

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For centuries medicine has recognized the link between palmistry and
health. Modern medical researchers have confirmed this link.


Susceptible to bowell or intestine problems.


Nervous tension and lung problems.


Accidents and heart problems


Allergies, nervous system and psychological problems.


Thick, well padded palms denote a robust constitution.


Thin, fragile hands indicate a fragile constitution


Short dashes may indicate stress, while short vertical lines may indicate
hormonal problems.


Pituitary gland

Pineal gland


Blood pressure




ISLANDS ON HEART LINE : beneath saturn may indicate hearing


LADDERED HEART LINE : beneath apollo finger may indicate

calcium imbalance

STAR ON THE LINE : star on heart line may indicate heart problems

KERATOSES : may indicate organ disease

DIAMOND : a diamond attached to life line may indicate

gynaecological problems

TASSELLING : tasselling of head or life line may indicate energy



SPECKLES : imbalance of zinc

VERTICAL RIDGES : intestinal problems


WRAPAROUND : respiratory problems

CONVEX : anamia

FAN SHAPED : need to relax.

Paralumun New Age Village

It can be said the Heart Line is not just a way telling what will happen
but also a way of finding out why things happen. But do not use the
heart line to time certain events as is not reliable.

Imagaine two heart lines extending from the edge of the hand below the
little finger to between the first and second fingers. The first line is a
deep curve while the second heart line is more straight. The curved line
is active in romantic matters while the straight line is passive. The
curved heart line is aggressive in love, the straight is receptive.

The curved heart line is demonstrative while the straight line thinks
about it. Interestingly the curved line is much more common on male
hands while the straight line is more common on female hands.

A heart line that becomes a steep curve below the index and middle
finger indicates someone who has a strong sexual desire. If the heart line
ends up under the index finger it indicates someone who is choosy about
their partner........

In studying the hands of many married people I have found that in cases
where the marraige is a success the partners tend to have similar heart

It is rare for the heart line to end up under the middle finger. People
with this line tend to be dominated by the need for love.

I have often found this line on the hand of call girls.

When the heart line is straight and short I have noticed these people
have no romance only just a crude sex drive. People with a straight heart
line ending on the mount of Jupiter tend to make good welfare workers.
I also find these people tend to drop out of society and go live on a

Start a New Relationship Today!

Two or more branches on the heart line indicate a corresponding

number of different sides to the emotional nature. A heart line that has a
strong branch that reaches down and touches the life line indicates
someone who is easily hurt in love.

Paralumun New Age Village

Although the head line shows how a person thinks it does not show
how intelligent you are. An average head line ends somewhere under
the ring finger.

A short head line indicates a person whose thinking is simple and

straight to the point. A long head line indicates a person who thinks
things through very carefully.

A straight head line indicates clear concentrated thinking. A curved

head line belongs to a person who likes to play with new ideas.

Sloping head lines belong to creative people. Horizontal head lines

belong to people who look at the practicle side of the matter.

Chained head lines belong to highly strung people. A fork in the

headline shows the ability to see more than one point of view.

A floating head line is indicative of someone with a carefree attitude. A

head line that starts under the index finger indicates a brilliant mind.

Paralumun New Age Village

The life line does not indicate how old you will live. What the line
reveals is the quality of your life.

It is an index of how much vitality, strength and energy you have. A life
line running close to the thumb indicates a person of low vitality,
sometimes found in the hands of people who suffer chronic fatigue

A life line that runs a wide curve shows a person with lots of vitality,
get up and go. If the head line is stronger than the life line it shows a
person who is more mentally than physically active.

A chained life line indicates a delicate health. Little lines rising indicate
an active personality.
Outward swinging lines indicate a love of travel. Most of the small lines
on the life line refer to particular events at certain times of your life.

A branch leading to the Jupiter mount is a sign of academic achievment.

A branch that leads to the Saturn mount indicates a successful property

A branch towards the Appollo mount indicates monetary gain. A branch

towards the Mercury mount indicates business success.

Paralumun New Age Village

Strong fate lines belong to people who settle into a pattern of life early.
Weak fate lines tend to belong to people who are unsettled and tend to
change jobs a lot.

Fate lines starting at the very bottom of the palm indicate people who
settle into their life path early. When the fate line ends at the head line it
indicates a person who seems to lose their way somewhere between 30
to 40 years old.

You will find that most fate lines end at the heart line. However if the
fate line runs all the way almost to the middle finger these people tend
to be active right up into old age.

A fate line that is tied to the heart line indicates a restricted childhood.
Two fate lines are found on people who pursue two careers at the same

The absense of a fate line indicates a person who lacks stability. It is

also found on the hands of alcoholics and drug addicts.

Paralumun New Age Village


The fire hand has a long palm and short fingers. People with this
shaped hand tend to be active, outgoing and often extroverts.

They are excitable and emotional. They like to be in charge and control
other people. There is always a large number of strong lines on the
hands and usually whorl fingerprints. Fire handed people tend to have a
lot of injuries and accidents.


Paralumun New Age Village

People with an earth hand have square palms with short fingers. There
are usually few lines and often arches on the fingertips.
People with this hand dont like change. They tend to be slow in nature
and have a strong affinity to nature and the bush.

They are emotionally stable and make the best workers. Interesting is
the fact that you often find successful artists and photographers with
earth hands.

Most people with trade jobs such as a carpenter have earth hands.
People with an Earth hand usually like outdoor jobs, and prefer job

Paralumun New Age Village

In palmistry The air hand has a square palm with long fingers. The
lines tend to be thin and the prints are usually loops.

They are good at talking and writing. They are cheerfull and happy
people who often end up working in the communication industry. Air
hand people are known to be friendly in the workplace.

They need constant intellectual stimulation and have a low boredom


They often like flying and travel. They may have written a book or often
think about it.

Paralumun New Age Village

Water hand people have a palm that is rectangular with long fingers.
The hand tends to have a large amount of fine lines.

The prints are also usually loops. Many people with this hand make
good poets and musicians. They also go well in the fashion and beauty

They love to go sailing or boating. For people with this hand emotions
are more important than reason.

Paralumun New Age Village

A long index finger shows self confidence and awareness. The owner is
sure of their ability.

People with this finger are keen on advancement. They like to be in

charge and have their own way.

They are capable and do well being in charge of a crisis situation.

For people with a short index finger the reverse holds true. They are
usually shy, afraid they will fail and inclined to have self doubt.

People with a curved index finger are collectors and often have many
Paralumun New Age Village

If the middle finger is long it indicates a person who treats life very
seriously. They believe strongly in getting ahead.

People with short middle fingers are careless and generally prefer not to

Most people tend to have a middle sized middle finger, meaning they
are somewhere in between.


Paralumun New Age Village

If the ring finger is long the person will have a creative nature. They
will go well in the field of art or fashion design.

Sometimes this long ring finger is associated with people who have a
gambling problem.

Short ring fingers are extremly rare.


Paralumun New Age Village

People with long little fingers have a high I.Q. They make good writers
and speakers and have a strong sex drive.

A short little finger reveals emotional immaturity.

If the little finger is low set it indicates the person as a child had a
problem with one of their parents. In some cases it indicates they were a
victim of child abuse.

If the little finger sticks out from the hand it may indicate the person is
involved in a relationship they do not want to be in.

Paralumun New Age Village

The simian line runs across the hand replacing the heart and head line.
It is a sign of inner tension.

It may be destructive or creative or even both. Its interesting to note that

people who tend to be religeous fanatics tend to have a simian line.

Medicine has also found that simian lines may also be associated with
certain types of heart defects. People with a simian line never really find
peace. They spend their entire lives searching for an answer they never
really find.

To the person with the simian line there is only right or wrong and
nothing in between. People with this line work twice as hard, study
twice as hard and fight twice as hard.

Paralumun New Age Village

SQUARE FINGER TIPS : People who have these fingertips tend to be
careful and methodical thinkers. These people take a rational view of
life. However on the down side they tend to lack creativity.

POINTED FINGER TIPS : These people have a sensitive and fragile

personality. These finger tips are associated with artists, writers, poets
and daydreamers.

CONIC FINGERTIPS : These people have a flexible disposition and

make good negotiators. Emotional security is important for peace of

SPATULATE FINGERTIPS : These are action people who tend to be

dynamic thinkers. They are usually inventors, explorers and pioneers in
new industrys.

SQUARE : Easy going nature and an even temperment.

BROAD : A srong character with an explosive temper.

FAN SHAPED : Nails adopt this shape when the person has been
suffering from long term stress.

ALMOND : Gentle, kind people who are often daydreamers.

NARROW : These people are cold and selfish.

VERTICAL RIDGES : May indicate rheumatic problems.

HORIZEN RIDGES : Dietry deficiences.

DISHED : Chemical imbalance.

WRAPAROUND : May indicate respiratory problems.

OVERLARGE MOONS : May indicate an overactive thyroid problem.

RED NAILS : Indicate people who are impatient.

PALE NAILS : May indicate an iron deficiency.

The Apollo line is sometimes known as the line of sun. The line is not
present in every hand but when it is it is a sign of happiness and
The apollo line is also associated with a creative talent. The apollo line
may commence from different points in the palm.

Success tends to come to those whose apollo line starts high in the palm.
If the apollo line is patchy it indicates that success will be patchy.

In hands where there is no apollo line it tends to show that the person
feels that happiness is out of reach. When there is multiple apollo lines
it may indicate a person has many talents but is master of none.

If the apollo line springs from the fate line it shows the point in life that
the persons talents where recognized. Winning a substantial amount of
money is indicated by a star on an apollo line.

An island on the apollo line indicates a period where there is a loss of

self esteem.

There is a pattern often found on the hands of medical people which is
called the medical stigmata. It is a small patch of vertical lines beneath
the little finger.

People with this marking are drawn to medical or social work.

It is very common on the hands of nurses yet less common on the hands
of doctors. This is interesting because it shows that some doctors choose
their carrer path for money and prestige where as it tends to show that
nurses are more emotionally involved in this choose of carrer.

A hand with the medical stigmata and many fine lines will turn towards
social work. People who work in the natural therapies area also have
this mark.

An unusual marking called the St Andrew cross is found on the hands of

people who have saved the life of another

When we look at people hands they can show the experienced palmist a
lot, including problems to do with the heart. Short nails are often found
among people with a history of heart problems.

Arch fingerprints are also assiciated with people who have heart
problems and high blood pressure.

The simian line is also associated with people who may have heart

If the heart line also has pronounced chaining it may indicate heart

A complete breaking up and fragmenting at the end of the heart line

often occurs in people before a heart attack.

When you see people with clubbed fingertips this is another sign.

This little square which sits just under the index finger is a common sign
found among people who work in the teaching proffesion.

It doesnt always mean that the person is a school teacher.

It is in fact found also in people who teach anything, whether it be paid
or voluntary.


If the mercury line begins on the mount of luna or branches from the
life line it is a sign of a good business head.

People with this marking usually have their own business and are

People whose mercury line starts on the venus mount and crosses
through the life line usually work in the caring business.

In the past some people believed having a mercury line indicated poor
health, but this has since proven to be wrong.

It is more an indicator of personal health.

For example tiredness may make the line stronger while relaxation may
make the line disapear altogether.


If the mercury line begins on the mount of luna or branches from the
life line it is a sign of a good business head.

People with this marking usually have their own business and are

People whose mercury line starts on the venus mount and crosses
through the life line usually work in the caring business.

In the past some people believed having a mercury line indicated poor
health, but this has since proven to be wrong.

It is more an indicator of personal health.

For example tiredness may make the line stronger while relaxation may
make the line disapear altogether.



The mars line runs inside the life line.

The mars line indicates extra vitality and a sort of second protection.


The via lascivia is a horizontal line across the mount of luna.

In the past it was thought to represent promiscous behaviour.

These days it is linked to people who have a sensitivity to allergies.


These are horizontal lines that enter the palm from the percussion edge.

They lie across the luna mount and mars negative mount.

The longer and stronger each line the more important the journey.

The rascettes are the rings between the palm and wrist.

A top rascette that is curved and pushed up towards the palm indicates
there may be a weakness in the reproductive area.

Three strong rascettes may indicate a long life.


This rare marking is a semicircular pattern above the heart line that
covers the two middle mounts.

It is often fragmented and shows a person who is highly sensitive.

I often find people with this marking are addicted to headache tablets
and anti depressents.


This is another rare marking.

It is found on the percussion side of the palm starting on the mount of

luna and curves round to beneath the mercury finger.

This who have this line have extraordinary intuition.


This line is a small arc under the middle finger.

It is also another rare line.

People with this line are often reffered to as boring.


The ring od solomon is found on the mount at the base of the jupiter

It is usually found on hands of people who have a good deal of common


Those who posses this mark will make good, polititions, teachers,
lawyers and judges.

Paralumun New Age Village

The thumb will show a persons drive and how they apply that. The more
ordinary the thumb the more ordinary the person.

There are two sections, the top which shows willpower and the bottom
which shows just how much you will push to get what you want. Large
thumbs show a strong personality.

Small thumbs show the person is more gentle. Long, broad thumbs
belong to people who push hard and succeed.

Long, narrow thumbs belong to people who want to succeed but dont
have the driving force. Small, broad thumbs belong to people who lack

Thumbs that have an exceptionaly wide top belong to aggressive people.

If the other applies and the top is very narrow it indicates a sign of
A thick top joint shows a person who is blunt. The tapered tip shows a
subtle way of doing things.

A thumb that holds itself close to the side of the hand shows a stingy
person. A thumb that sticks out indicates a carefree personality


To see if a mount is overlarge, well developed or lean you need to
compare it to the other mounts in the hand.

MOUNT OF JUPITER : Located at the base of the index finger it

represents your self worth. If you are confident the mount will be well
rounded. If it covers a wide area it shows you are generous. If it is high
it suggests bossiness.

MOUNT OF SATURN : Is found under the middle finger. A large

mount indicates a gloomy attitude.

MARS POSITIVE : Is tucked into the crease of the thumb. Well

developed it represents courage and a fighting spirit. If it is flat it
indicates a cruel streak.

MOUNT OF VENUS : Found at the base of the thumb. Heavily

developed it shows a strong sex drive. Underdeveloped shows poor

MOUNT OF NEPTUNE : Sits in the middle at the base of the palm. If it

is well developed it shows a charismatic person.

MOUNT OF APOLLO : Found at the base of the ring finger. A stongly

developed mount indicates an interest in the arts.

MOUNT OF MERCURY : Found at the base of the little finger. Being

well developed indicates a warm, receptive nature. Underdeveloped
shows a loner.

PLAIN OF MARS : Lies in the middle of the nine mounts. When

overdeveloped it shows the person has a temper. Underdeveloped
indicates a shy person.

MARS NEGATIVE : Found on the outside edge between mercury and

luna. If this is well developed it indicates staying power and a good
ability to cope under pressure.

MOUNT OF LUNA : Found in the bottom corner of the hand under the
mars negative. Well developed it indicates psychic ability.

Paralumun New Age Village

LOOP OF HUMOUR : This is found between the apollo and mercury
fingers. Indicates a dry sense of humour.

LOOP OF VOCATION : This is found between the saturn and apollo

fingers. Reveals a stong dedication to work.

RAJAH LOOP : An extremely rare marking found between the saturn

and jupiter fingers. It indicates that there was royal blood in your family

LOOP OF COURAGE : Found in the thumb joint in indicates a person

of great courage.
LOOP OF MUSIC : This loop sweeps in from the thumb edge onto the
mount of venus. People who have this are natural musicians.

LOOP OF INSPIRATION : Rising from the wrist up the centre of the

palm it is often associated with poets.

LOOP OF NATURE : This loop lies across the mount of luna. People
with this loop have a strong connection to animals and nature.

LOOP OF WATER : Flows down towards the luna mount. Indicates a

stronmg affinity to water.

Paralumun New Age Village

The star is the most important indication of luck to be found in your
hands. But only when it is found on the upper mounts of Jupiter,
Mercury or Apollo, at any point along the Apollo line or at the top of
the Fate line.

If a star is found on the Jupiter mount it indicates good fortune, marry

into money and reach a position of importance in life. A star on the
Apollo mount indicates the person has talents which will bring the
owner fame and fortune. It is often found on the hand of successfull

A star attached to the Apollo line indicates a major win of money.

Paralumun New Age Village

The star is the most important indication of luck to be found in your
hands. But only when it is found on the upper mounts of Jupiter,
Mercury or Apollo, at any point along the Apollo line or at the top of
the Fate line.

If a star is found on the Jupiter mount it indicates good fortune, marry

into money and reach a position of importance in life. A star on the
Apollo mount indicates the person has talents which will bring the
owner fame and fortune. It is often found on the hand of successfull

A star attached to the Apollo line indicates a major win of money.

Paralumun New Age Village

People with an earth hand tend to return to the same travel destinations
each time rather then explore new places. People with air hands love
travel and tend to pursue careers in the travel industry.

Fire hand people are adventures and like to explore new places. Water
hand people like to travel to mystical and spiritual places.

Islands or stars on the travel lines which can be found on the edge of the
Luna mount are indications of problems. Islands tend to indicate the
holiday was not as enjoyable as planned.
Stars on the travel line indicate great danger.

Paralumun New Age Village

People with earth hands find retirement very difficult and usually prefer
to work until the end. Air hand people on retirement like to get
themselves involved in activities such as study and groups.

On retirement people with fire hands tend to join clubs and community
projects. People who have a water hand enjoy retirement and are happy
to lay around reading, watching television and other such interests.

The quality of your retirement can be found in the top most sections of
the Fate and Apollo lines and the end of the Life line. About the last two
fifths of the Life line represent the retirement years.

Islands represent ill health while branches suggest new journeys and a
neat, strong ending shows vitality.

On retirement the fate line usually shows a break. Islands warn of

financial problems while branches show new interests.

An Apollo line above the Heart line indicates happiness in old age
especially if it is strong. Three parallel lines indicate financial success.

Paralumun New Age Village

The joints and knuckles on a hand tell a lot about a person. Smooth
knuckles are found on hands of people are very meticulous about their
appearance and there home. People with uneven knuckles tend to have a
more balanced and calm approach to life.

People with smooth fingers are very receptive to information and their
enviroment. Information is processed intuitively.

When just only the bottom joints are pronounced the individual
conducts their life in an orderly way.

People with both top and bottom pronounced joints are referred to as
philosophical thinkers. They tend to analyze information and think
before they act.

Paralumun New Age Village

Personality traits such as strength of character may be found from the
way the fingers are set into the palm.

People with evenly set fingers are rare but when found indicate
confidence. These people always go on to be successful in life.

An uneven setting indicates a person with a lack of self confidence,

especially if the little finger is very low set.
A person with an arched setting will have a well balanced personality.

Paralumun New Age Village

Personality traits such as strength of character may be found from the
way the fingers are set into the palm.

People with evenly set fingers are rare but when found indicate
confidence. These people always go on to be successful in life.

An uneven setting indicates a person with a lack of self confidence,

especially if the little finger is very low set.

A person with an arched setting will have a well balanced personality.

Paralumun New Age Village

The skin texture on the hand shows the persons natural refinements.

If the texture is soft and delicate it will indicate a refined and sensitive

Transperant skin is found on saintly type people.

Thin skin is found on the hands of overly sensitive people.

Often those with thick skin are stubborn and insensitive.

Course skin is found on the hands of earthy people.

People with a satin, smooth type skin are very artistic and often have a
love of nature.

Paralumun New Age Village

The degree of flexibility in your hand indicates your emotional and
mental health.

In short, a flexible hand, a flexible mind, a stiff hand, a stiff mind.

Emotionally, those people with limber hands adjust well to their


Stiff hands indicate those who have a rigid outlook on life.

A flexible hand that can bend backwards in a gracefull arch indicates a

mind that can respond quickly.

These people can act, think and feel all at once.

A moderate flexible hand is the most common.

People with this type of hand tend to be balanced and in control of

An extremely flexible hand indicates a person who is easily led by

A firm type of hand indicates a strong type of person.

These people are conservative with their money and feelings.

Paralumun New Age Village

The size of the hand can be important in in helping to judge the
character and personality.

People with small hands have a strong desire to achieve.

They usually set long range goals in their life.

They sometimes have a big ego and have trouble relaxing.

People with medium hands are well balanced and have good judgement.

They have common sense and are practical.

People with large hands have many capability`s.

They can have many goals, all at the same time.

They are friendly and very sociable.

The size of the hand can be important in in helping to judge the
character and personality.

People with small hands have a strong desire to achieve.

They usually set long range goals in their life.

They sometimes have a big ego and have trouble relaxing.

People with medium hands are well balanced and have good judgement.

They have common sense and are practical.

People with large hands have many capability`s.

They can have many goals, all at the same time.

They are friendly and very sociable.


A star on the Mount of Mercury indicates a successful proffesional

A cross under the Mount will protect your job or business against any
bad luck.

A cross on the mount indicates diplomacy.

A square on the Mount of Mercury indicates someone who would be a

good teacher.

A triangles shows someone who gets on well with other people.

A grill is not a good sign and indicates nervous problems.

A cross on the Mount of Venus indicates the person will find true love
in their life.

A triangle on the Mount of Venus shows a person who will marry for

A star at the base of the Mount of Venus indicates trouble in finding

true love in life.

A grill on the Mount of Venus is a sign of sensuality.

A island on the Mount of Venus indicates a loss of opportunities.

Small circles on the Mount will indicate adultry.

A square will act as protection in love.


A cross on the upper Mount of Mars shows a person who will never
forgive an injustice.

It also indicates a person who tends to argue a lot.

A star on the upper Mount indicates this person may have a violent

A triangle shows a person with a high level of courage.

These people also tend to do well in a military career.

A square on the upper Mount of Mars is a good sign of protection.

However a grill is a bad sign that may indicate a violent death.


Many fine lines on the Plain of Mars shows a person with a sudden

A double trident indicates a person gifted in the arts.

A cross shows a person who tends to argue a lot.


A cross on the Lower Mount of Mars protects against a risk of sudden

A grille indicates someone with a argumentive nature.

A triangle will indicate fame will come from a brave deed.

A star shows someone who will achieve their goals through their own
hard work.
A star on the Mount of the Moon shows someone who has a very vivid

A circle on the Mount indicates a warning against travel on water.

A cross indicates someone who tends to have exaggerated views in life.

A square will give you protection against danger in travel.

A grille is a bad sign and may indicate illness.


A triangle on the mount of Pluto adds to your powers in the occult.

A grille indicates strong psychic powers.

A line of intuition indicates a true psychic.


A circle, star, or triangle on the Mount of Neptune indicates great
artistic and musical talent.

However, a cross or grille is not a good sign.

It indicates someone who may have problems with drugs or alcohol.

The Uneven Line is a defective line that can be seen on any line.

The Uneven Line can be deep, then become thin and continue that way
the length of the line.

The broad and shallow line indicates a person that is uncertain with very
poor self control.

The Capillary Lines are finely traced lines that run together eventually
uniting into one line.

When a Mount has a capillary line it will mean the power of the mount
is lessened.

Wavy lines indicate a person who lacks decision making ability. These
people are followers, not leaders.

The Tassle is a group of lines extending from the end of a line.

The Tassle is always a defect and will mark the end of the usefullness of
a line.

Broken Lines are seen often and are indicative of a defective condition.

The kind of break indicates the outcome of the defect.

The Chained Line is always a very serious defect and hard to repair.

When a clear psychic cross in the Quadrangle is not touching any line
this person will be a very gifted psychic.

If there are criss cross lines or other defective signs this will cause
restlessness in the person.

A Star in the Quadrangle is a good sign and indicates outstanding



A Cross in the Triangle indicates a argumentive person.

A Star indicates great success.

A Grille in the triangle indicates hidden enemies.

A Circle in the Triangle indicates problems with the opposite sex.


When there is a Ring of Saturn and the Fate Line has a dot, cross or star
it indicates this persons career may be ruined through lack of

If a person has a Ring of Saturn with a head line that slopes low on the
Mount of Moon which is large and grilled it will show this person will
have a great imagination.

If the Ring of Staurn is composed of two lines that form a cross on the
Mount of Saturn it is not a good sign as it may indicate this person has a
suicidal tendency


An island in the Line of Intuition will bring poor success.

An island at the beginning of the Line of Intuition may show someone

who sleepwalks.

If the Line of Intuition ends in a star this person will have great success
in life.

If the Line of Intuition merges into the Fate Line this person will have
career success.


A Cross Mystique that lies in the centre of the Quadrangle between
Head and Heart lines indicates strong psychic sense.

The Crescent of Intuition is found on those with good E.S.P.

A large amount of crosses on the hand indicates good psychic ability.

A Triangle on the Mount of Saturn shows psychic ability.

The psychic hand often has a palm with many fine spidery lines.

The Mount of the Moon that is strongly developed toward the wrist is a
sign of good psychic ability
An island on the Worry Line shows a tragic love affair that ends in

A fork at the end of the Worry Line and crosses the Heart Line indicates
a marriage breakdown.

A Worry Line from a star on a mount of venus shows quarrels with



A Star at the end of the Line of Influence shows the end of that

If the Line of Influence crosses the Life or Head line and a red dot is
formed a major illness or accident is formed.

A Worry Line that starts from a Star on the end of a Line of Influence
and cuts past the Life Line indicates a death of a relative at that time in
the Life Line.


If the Mars Line cuts across the Line of Success which has a dot or cross
at the end of the line, the repution of this person will be destroyed.

If the Line of Mars ends on the Mount of the Moon with a cross, dot, or
star this person may die of alcohol or drug abuse.

If the Line of Mars ends on the Mount of the Moon with a star, dot or
cross, and the Head Line ends in a star, this person will have a mental
breakdown at the time the star appears on the Head Line.


A star in the middle of the top Bracelet will forecast a legacy.

A cross in the same position indicates problems early on in adult life.

A Bracelet line that is chained indicates a life of struggle.

A Bracelet line with lots of islands shows a person who worries about

A black Dot on the Marriage Line shows widowhood.

A break in the Marriage Line may indicate the sudden death of a


When the marriage line ends with a Star on the Mount of Mercury it
shows death of partner.

When a Marriage line is cut at its termination by another line it shows

the death of a partner


An island on the Marriage Line will show an unhappy marriage.

When the Marriage Line ends in a Star it indicates the marriage will end
in an explosive situation.

If there are branches on the underside of the Marriage Line it shows a

marriage of heartbreak.

If there are branches that uplift from the Marriage Line it will show a
very happy marriage.


Islands on the Line of Success indicate serious problems such as a major
loss of money.

Dots on the Line of Success indicate loss of name.

Cutting bars on the Line of Success cause setbacks in your career.

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