The Art and Science of Hand Reading
The Art and Science of Hand Reading
The Art and Science of Hand Reading
It borrows its stones from the ancient civilizations of all lands. Your palm is your personality. Very few people realize that they are carrying around a full-scale map of their character and potentialities. Besides being a fascinating study, palmistry can help in vocational guidance, health and psychological diagnosis, partnership compatibility, etc. The art and science of hand - reading originated in India. The ancient monuments of India take us back to the prehistoric period of the Aryan civilization. Among the Hindu sages who propagated this art include Garga, Gautama, Bharadwaja, Agastya, Bhrigu, Atri and Kashyapa. It is mentioned in the Puranas that the divine sage, Narada, practised this art. Maharshi Valmiki is reported to have written a book entitled The Teachings of Valmiki Maharshi on Male Palmistry, comprising 567 stanzas, about 4,000 to 5,000 years ago. From India, the art of hand reading spread to China, Tibet, Egypt, and Persia and to other countries in Europe. Palmistry came to China about 3,000 years before the birth of Christ. It progressed well in Greece where Anaxagoras practiced it. According to Hindu philosophy, a person takes birth according to his/her past actions (karmas). As Human beings differ in shape, features, constitution, etc., so do the lines on the hands so that the ridges on the thumb and papillary lines on the fingers and the thumb do not agree with those on any other thumb and fingers even from amongst 100 crores of people! At the time of birth rays of different planets fall on our body in different proportionate. Its graph is called chart of horoscope. Likewise its chart appears on the palms of newly born baby that is considered for the purpose of study of palmistry. Various lines and traits, their shapes, development of mounts, shape of palm, flexibility, hardness, colour of palm, shape and size of thumb and various fingers, shape of nails, the colour of nails, position of moons on the nail, visibility of veins on back portion of palm etc.
are taken into account in assessment of quality of person and in prediction. The palm of one person does not resemble with the palm of others. The nature and the almighty god are so powerful who have created mankind in such a way that the face and the palm of one person does not resemble with others even though there are billions and billions rather one persons in the world. This is main cause that the police department and other investigating agencies take palm impression of the criminals and test their finger prints in forensic laboratories to ascertain various aspects of the relevant person. On the basis of the palm past incidents, the nature of person, the hereditary diseases, original nature and change in nature later on, present position and the future and predicted. Everyone in the world is curious to know about his future, his career, ups and down in his life, health condition, prosperity of family, peaceful and charming life, the span of life, sexual field and various many things. These all things are affected with the condition of the planets. The nature of job, the progress of life, the style of thinking, educational field, position of life partner are depending on the power of the planets, which are governing a person. For an example, the position of Jupiter is powerful, the fate line, sun line, moon and mars are supporting to the Jupiter, and the person will earn a name and marvelous fame in the world. In the hands of very prominent persons, politicians, scientists, doctors, poets and very big businessmen position of Jupiter is always found strong and powerful over and above support of sun, fate line, moon, mercury, mars etc. Likewise in the case of artist, poet, writer and others the position of Moon and Venus and their mounts are found prominent along with very good position of Jupiter, fate line, sun line and others. The suppressed moon with bad position of Jupiter, sun, mars and Saturn will put a man in mentally retarded condition, mentally depressed condition or many cause reason of blood pressure with very wide position of moon on the nails. If the heart line is defective, the colour of nails and palm is fully red, the moons are very big and other traits are not favorable, the chances of heart failure can not be ruled-out. In the above condition instead of heart line if the headline is defective, the chances of brain hemorrhage can be apprehended. In a hand if the mars is very prominent and others above planets are helping, the person will earn name and fame in bravery. The generals, chief army officers and adventurous who earned name in the world had prominent effect of mars on their palms.
In case the head line is terminating in lower portion of the mount of moon in a cross position, the palm is very flexible and long, the palm is psychic, Jupiter is suppressed, position of Saturn is not favorable and the head line starts in a chain system with the help of life line, the person can commit suicide on small things which can not be tolerated by him. The family life of such persons is generally found disturbed and unsatisfactory. In preparation of horoscope time of birth, date of birth and place of birth are essential so that the graph of chart can be prepared to ascertain in what proportionate rays of different planets fell on ones body at the time of birth. In absence of time of birth, date of birth and place of birth as such horoscope cannot be prepared. But, in palmistry these three things are not required because the position and power of planets is reflected on the palm at the time of birth, which remains forever. There are millions and millions of persons they are not aware of their time of birth and date of birth, for them palmistry is only the science which can tell of future. On the basis of palmistry, the correctness of horoscope can also be ascertained as to whether the horoscope is correct or otherwise. Many times when some one is born at the time of change of ascendant, possibility of wrong horoscope can not ruled-out, if there is slightly change in time of birth. Many a times various persons prefer to get checked their horoscope with their palm lines to doubly verify the facts. Palmists have given different versions of the types of hands. Cheiro has mentioned seven types of hands, Madame Saint Germain nine and M.M. Gaffar two. Crude hands: thick, hard and irregular belong to a manual worker. Large hands (with long fingers): This type of such hands is fond of details. He is irritable by temperament. Broad hands (square type): This type of hand shows commonsense, broad-mindedness, activity and a practical and businesslike attitude. Small hands: The possessor of such hands is contented but likes to plan and to manage more than he can execute. Large and narrow hands: The person with such hands is more imaginative and idealist than practical. If hands are long and thin, the person is selfish. Lately, some palmists have classified the hand accordance with four homers. THE MOUNTS
The fleshy pads below the fingers, thumb and at the base of the palm are called mounts. All the planets mentioned in the preceding pages are represented on the hand when a mount is raised and the apex is centrally located, or it has favorable signs on it, it is said to be strong. When flat, it is ordinary, but when depressed or has bad signs on it, it is weak and unfavorable. When a mount is overdeveloped, the qualities of the mount go to the extreme and turn adverse. For example, an underdeveloped Mount of Jupiter will make a person proud, jealous and boastful. THE FINGERS While closing the hand, if the fingers cover the whole palm, they are considered long. Another method is to measure the palm from its bottom to the first crease beneath the second finger, which is measured from its base crease to its top. If the palm is 4 1/2 (four and a half) and this finger is 3 1/4 (three fourth), they are considered normal. If the length of finger is more than the length of the palm, it is long; if less than 3", it is short in relation of the palm. Planets Associated with Fingers: 1. The little finger - Mercury - reveals health and professional ability. 2. The ring finger - Apollo - shows fame and fortune. 3. The middle finger - Saturn - indicates distinction and excellence. 4. The index finger - Jupiter - symbolizes ambition and self-esteem. 5. The thumb shows power and authority. THE NAILS Nails are made of a substance called keratin. It is a tough, dead form of protein or horn like material. Fingernails grow about 50 millimeters in a year. While examining the nails, their colour and texture should not be ignored. The nails show the state of health and disposition of person. In ancient scriptures, it is claimed that planets influence, filter into the blood through the nails and vibrations from the atmosphere are also absorbed through them.
1. Long Nails indicate a weak physique. The person is liable to suffer from chest
and lung troubles. a) Long, thin, brittle - a weak physique. b) Long, thin, curved - a violent disposition in love. c) Long, thin, narrow - timidity and cowardice. d) Long, broad, round - sound judgment.
2. Short Nails - the possessor of short nails is aggressive in approach, impulsive in speech and action. a) Short, flat, shell-shaped - indicates sure signs of paralysis. b) Short, moonless - poor blood circulation. c) Short, hard a quarrelsome disposition. d) Short, with a soft palm an inborn critic.
3. Broad Nails are broader than long and square at the base.
Such nails are found on square, speculate or philosophical hands. They indicate good mentality, practically, frankness, simplicity and self - confidence. The Chinese have recognized the importance of ridges and used fingerprints for hundreds of years in many forms for various purposes. The first man to discover that the ridges on fingers and thumbs can be used for positive identification was Sr. Henry Faulds of England in 1880. In 1892, Sir Francis Galton, who was a famous scientist in England, proved that no two fingerprints are alike. Ridges are counted between the fixed points in the pattern. These are classified as Loop type: Ridges run from one side to the other with an apex in the center. It shows mental and emotional elasticity and versatility. If all the fingers bear this pattern, the person should control his feelings and diversification of interest. Tented Arch: The apex is a perpendicular to the ridges dropping on the sides like the canvas of a tent. Such people are sensitive, susceptible to sound and fond of music. They should live in a peaceful environment. They have a highly strong nervous system. Arched: The apex flows across the finger like the lines of a little hump - backed hill. Such a pattern on fingers shows a dominating tendency and a suspicious, obstinate and hesitant nature. Digestive weakness and faulty blood conditions are also indicated. Whorl type: Its apex is formed by a circular whorl. It shows independence of thought and action. Such persons possess originality of thought but are suspicious. They become conventional to suit their convenience. They have a secretive attitude and do not want to discus their plans with others. They may suffer from nervous digestive functioning or faulty heart action.
Composite type: This is formed by two curves or apexes running in looped formation in inverse directions. This type has a practical and material bent of mind. There is some confusion in the mind due to the slow assimilation of theoretical abstraction this type is medically predisposed to a fatty condition of the body. SOME MORPHOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATIONS It was Aristotle who first made physiognomy a branch of natural history, of medicine and of philosophy. It is good, he said, to have a method in order to group together all that belongs to each type, and he described the particular signs of the individual, of diseases and of humors. Galien first described human types as Sanguin, Bilious, Phlegmatic and Nervous. Most probably he was influenced by the oriental medicine -Arabic or Indian -because we find in our Ayurvedic system of medicine the same classification: Vayu, Pitta, and Kapha. Let us describe the types of Galien in the shortest possible way which will help us to understand better the other types. Sanguin: This type has white skin with colored taint; short stature with a short neck having tendency to plethora, congestions, obesity and all kinds of hemorrhages. The palm of the hand is thick, large, and humid with rosy colour. The thumb is long, thick and strong. The fingers are thin but not lean, short. The lines of the palm are red, deep, and relatively wide. The lifeline and the headline are separated at their root, which indicates an independent mind. The fingers are stiff. The nails are of light rosy colour, with large moons. On the back of the palms, the lowest phalanges of the fingers are covered with hard, vigorous and thick hair having red-brown or dark colour. Bilious: This type has thin and firm hand. The palm is hard and dry, muscular, stuffed, hot, ochre colored. The fingers are not thick; they are strong, long relatively rigid and straight. The thumbs are very long. The lines of the palms are fine and deep, with deep colour. The headline is clear, well drawn, and long, from one end to the other end of the hand. The nails are of medium size with light colour. The Bilious has very brown, swarthy skin. His look is ardent and he has a shadowy character. He suffers from hypochondria and
miserliness. He is nervous, predisposed to convulsions, ecstasies and doubling of personality. Phlegmatic: This type is characterized by blonde hair, fine and pale skin. Nonchalant gait, constant melancholia, predisposition to scrofula and diseases of the lungs. He has a thick, large, soft humid hand. The hand and fingers are short, big and the finger tips are thick. The skin is thick and soft. The nails are large, white, pale with less visible moons. The lines of the palms are very wide with white colour. They are superficial. The lines are very few. The head and lifelines are joined at their roots. The joints of the fingers are more or less lax. Nervous: This type has a mobile physiognomy. He is anxious, having sudden gestures, with fantastic imaginations, predisposed to convulsions, ecstasies and all sorts of lung troubles with doubling of personality. He has a narrow hand, with dry palms, cold and colored. The fingers are thin, long and flexible, although they are bony. The palm is full of exaggerated lines and numerous fine signs, but they are superficial with pale colour. The heart line is long with islands, and chained. The nails are generally almond shaped with a tendency of being long. Doors of Future through Palmistry As eye is the most important organ in the body similarly, jyotisha (astrology) is most important of all the vedangas. Since the time immemorial, palmistry has been practiced in India. India is also the origin place of it. World famous palmist, Keiro has written in his book, The book of an exceptional person, written on the skin, has been found in India. It has also been said in Atharva Veda, palm is the God and your palm is more powerful than God. A lucky person is one who is known through his deeds. Good works by hand makes the fate of a person. The causes of Karma and the impact of it- both are ingrained in the palm. That is why it is said, God helps those who help themselves. The power embedded in palm is in real terms the reflection of mental framework. In the ancient shastras, it has been suggested that just after waking up in the morning one should look at ones palms.
A palmist projects on the basis of the mounts of the palm and positions of fingers and thumb. The switch of entire body lies in the palm. According to acupuncture, treating the palm itself can cure all the diseases of the body. In a palm, the most important organ is the thumb. Till date no person without a thumb has ever become great. The fingers shrink when a person is angry and the powerful thumb becomes straight. A thumb reflects commitment as well as logic. This is the reason the thumb is inside the hand in a newborn baby. A person with long thumb is more intelligent while a person with small thumb is more emotional and sentimental. If the index finger makes obtuse angle with the thumb then that person is likely to have interests in studies, music and art. He will be shy and helpful too. If the index finger forms a rightangle with the thumb than the person is likely to be haughty, hot headed, biased and will prefer independence. If the above two fingers strikes an acute angle then the person will be pessimistic, lazy, spendthrift and imaginary. A small and thick thumb represents the lack of character. A thumb is divided into three parts. From the top part, information on willpower, from the middle- information on logical capacity and from the lower part- emotional status, can be acquired. The lines on palm and symbols constantly throw information on what is occurring inside the mind. If the negative forces are left uncontrolled it will lead to accident. Hand is the meeting point of skin and lines from where the current of life begins. The structure of palm leaves a distinct impact on the character of a person. Normal hands are not so artistic and fingers are very small with long hairs on them. Their target is only to live life with enough food and housing. Some of the palms are like geometric squares. Such persons are very practical, social, rational, selfish and hard working. Palms of philosophers are fluffy and bony. Joints of fingers are obvious and normally palms are narrow. Such people have leadership quality, are ideal and have a desire for knowledge. Artistic hands are soft and beautiful. Fingers are beautiful and thin. If a palm is hard and long, then the person is likely to be practical. Hard working persons palms are ugly and very long. Heads of the fingers are big and expanded. An ideal palm looks very beautiful, pinkish and soft. Such persons are perfectionist. They have good heads but are idle. Mixed hands have a combination of several features. Hence, they have several mixed qualities. Such persons are unstable and pessimistic.
Women with palm resembling fishes are very lucky. Her swastika symbol is Lakshmi. If a mans palm is without lines or has a combination of several small-small lines, then he is poor and deprived. If the middle of the palm were on the higher side then a person would be rich and if the middle is on the lower side of the palm then the person would be poor. The lines also change according to the deeds and fate of a person. Two palms of two people can never be similar. The scars of an injured palm sometimes remain forever. This helps in catching the criminals. The first line of the palm starts from the middle of thumb and index finger and goes towards the wrist. This is semi-circular. The second line starts from the same place and goes towards Moon or Mars mounts. This is known as the headline. A third line starts from down under the little finger and goes towards the other side of the palm. This is known as the heart line. This is also known as punya rekha, aayu rekha and the headline are known as vasnamay rekha. For man, right hand and for woman, left hand should be seen. The lines just below the little finger indicate the number of women in life. On the back of the thumb there are three lines, the first indicates the childhood, the second- adulthood and the third-old age. Fate Line: Right from manibandh (lines near the wrist), a line goes up to the middle and index finger. If this line is not broken in between then the person is very lucky. If this line ends up into the middle finger then he should involve in the business of gold and he will be very lucky. If this line is broken then he will not earn constantly. If a person does not have this line at all then his fate should be read from the sun line, lifeline and the headline. Life Line: It rises from the middle of index finger and thumb and goes towards manibandh (lines at the base of wrist). This line is not similar in all the palms. If this line is clear, raised and full in length, then the person has a long life. If this line is not clear or thin, then that person has a weak life. If this line is broken in between, then an accident might occur. Even if this line is full but cuts across some other lines, then there could be accidents or death. Heart Line: Starting from under the little finger, this line goes towards the mount of Jupiter. The space between the heart line and the headline gives information about the mental capability of a person. Apart from these lines, there are also lines, which appear like web of a spider. Palmistry of India and the West has many things in common but they are different too. Head Line: Originating from the middle of thumb and the index finger, it goes towards the middle of the palm touching the lifeline and finally ends at the Moon or rahu area. In the
ancient times it was known as wealth line or line of eminence. This line provides information on knowledge and intelligence. If this head line cuts across the lifeline then that person is jealous, stupid and petulant. If this line touches the lifeline and goes ahead, then that person is intelligent, opportunist and meticulous. Sun Line: Rising from manibandh, Moon and rahu, heart line or head line, this line goes towards the sun area below the ring finger. Not every person has a sun line. Persons who have this line are rich and famous. They are very lucky too. This line is also called the line of eminence. If this line originates from the life line and goes towards the sun area then the person gets wide recognition in the society and is very artistic. If this starts from the mars area and goes towards the sun then the person is likely to be rebel, hard working, brave, confident and successful in life. It is possible that the sun line emerges later in life. This means that sun line is the indicator of deeds of a person. Health Line: This line may originate from the middle of the palm, life line, moon area or any other area and goes towards the lower area below the little finger. The raised tissues in the palms are known as mounts. If the mounts are developed they are muscular, raised and pinkish. The planets of mounts which are most developed in a palm indicate the influence of that planet on the life of a person. Mounts are at the base of all the fingers; below the thumb is the Venus mount, below the index finger- Jupiter mount, below the middle finger- Saturn mount, below the ring fingersun mount and below the little finger-mercury mount. There are two places for the mars mounts. First is below the mercury mount. This is the upper mars mount and in between the sun and Venus is the lower mars mount. Below the upper mars mount is the place for Moon mount. The middle of the palm is the area of mars. Jupiter Mount: At the base of the index finger is the space for Jupiter mount. Absence of this reflects the low human tendencies. If this is normal, then the person is honest, ambitious and seeks recognition in life. If this is very developed then the person would be arrogant, sycophant and self-praising. If this is inclined towards the Saturn then some of the features also evolve here. Saturn Mount: This is indicative of disappointment, aloofness and intelligence. If a person is very disappointed then he can commit suicide too. If this is inclined towards the heart line, then concerns towards the loved ones become very high. If there is an upright line on this
then the old age becomes comfortable. If there is a cross near the lifeline, then there is a possibility of an accident. Sun Mount: This is at the base of the third finger also known as the ring finger. Such people take interests in social works and gets recognition. If there is a symbol of sun, then he is crowned with further success. An upright line above this is very positive. If there is a web on the other hand, then that person is impatient. Mercury Mount: This is the conveyor of Gods messages. If this mount is high and the finger is not straight then that person indulges in menial activities. He can be a cheater. A line on Mercury provides wealth. If the Mercury mount is normal, that person is interested in earning money. His income always increases. Mount of Mars: This is found at three places. This includes aggression, struggle as well as security and defense. The right use of intelligence and the feeling of retaliation are found here. We always pray for mangal, i.e., good wishes. There is positive mercury but against this there is also negative mercury. Below the Jupiter mount there is lower mount of mars and below the mercury is the upper mount of mars. Mars is in the middle of Venus and Jupiter. The status of wealth, vehicle, house etc is found here. Like a staircase, mars have upper as well as lower sides. Mars is a triangle, which is formed by the combination of headline, lifeline and health line. The fate line starting from the mars has been considered by Keiro as comfort after sorrow. After a hard work and meditation the person will be successful. Moon Mount: There are three parts of moon mount. Poetry, imagination, writing skill, travel etc are determined at this part. The persons lacking it are found to be insensitive. Many of the lines here cause worry. Mount of Venus: The base part of the thumb is known for love, affection, nationalism, commitment, reform, passion, music and so on. The health of a person is also denoted here. The mount of Venus increased the decoration of the palm. It is more passionate in the square palms. If there is web here then the person will face psychological disorders. If this is inclined towards the wrist then the person will have interests in art as well as entertainment. Venus is the passion-which can be good as well as bad. The place of ketu is in the middle of Venus, moon and manibandh line. The period from 6 to 11 years is determined here. If the ketu is suppressed then there can be some stomach disease. If the fate line is developed here, then the father makes progress. If the fate line rises from the lifeline, then troubles can be overcome. If the fate line does not pass through this
but goes towards the moon, then the men progresses after marriage. The left hand side denotes the conscious side of the mind while the right hand side represents the unconscious side of the mind. The latter gives inspiration to the person. According to Freud, unconscious part is much more active. The structure of the palm, finger, thumb and lines throw information about the criminal tendencies of a person. The skin of the palm, finger and the print of the finger can help identify a criminal. If the Saturn and Mercury mount is raised then a person would definitely be a criminal. The person with raised Mercury mount commits crime for money while the person with raised Saturn mount commits crime for psychological reasons. They have the streaks of cruelty. They have small and thick fingers. They have small nails and the thumb is also thick. Astrology is a science like homeopathy. As there are different medicines in homeopathy for various diseases, similarly, different mounts represent several tendencies of a human being. A triangle at one place can provide you the kingship while a triangle at other place can dethrone you from the kingship. But the incomplete knowledge of astrology can lead to misleading predictions. Therefore, novice should not involve in astrology because it can hamper the action of a person.