Disequilibrium in Balance of Payments
Disequilibrium in Balance of Payments
Disequilibrium in Balance of Payments
BOP Crisis
Balancing Mechanisms
These transactions include payments for the country's exports and imports
of goods, services, and financial capital, as well as financial transfers.
Pre-1820: Mercantilism
Up until the early 19th century, measures to promote a trade surplus such as tariffs
were generally favoured. Power was associated with wealth, and with low levels of
growth, nations were best able to accumulate funds either by running trade
surpluses or by forcefully confiscating the wealth of others. From about the 16th
century, Mercantilism was a prevalent theory influencing European rulers, who
sometimes strove to have their countries out sell competitors and so build up a "war
chest" of gold.
This era saw low levels of economic growth; average global per capita income is
not considered to have significantly risen in the whole 800 years leading up to
1820, and is estimated to have increased on average by less than 0.1% per year
between 1700 – 1820.With very low levels of financial integration between nations
and with international trade generally making up a low proportion of individual
nations GDP, BOP crises were very rare
Gold was the primary reserve asset during the gold standard era.
From the late 18th century, mercantilism was challenged by the ideas of Adam
Smith and other economic thinkers favouring free trade. After victory in the
Napoleonic wars Great Britain began promoting free trade, unilaterally reducing
her trade tariffs. Hoarding of gold was no longer encouraged, and in fact Britain
exported more capital as a percentage of her national income than any other
creditor nation has since. Great Britain's capital exports further helped to correct
global imbalances as they tended to be counter cyclical, rising when Britain's
economy went into recession, thus compensating other states for income lost from
export of goods.
Though Current Account controls were still widely used (in fact all industrial
nations apart from Great Britain and the Netherlands actually increased their tariffs
and quotas in the decades leading up to 1914, though this was motivated more by a
desire to protect "infant industries" than to encourage a trade surplus) , capital
controls were largely absent, and people were generally free to cross international
borders without requiring passports.
1914–1945: Deglobalisation
The favourable economic conditions that had prevailed up until 1914 were
shattered by the First World War, and efforts to re-establish them in the 1920s were
not successful. Several countries rejoined the gold standard around 1925. But
surplus countries didn't "play by the rules" sterilising gold inflows to a much
greater degree than had been the case in the pre-war period. Deficit nations such as
Great Britain found it harder to adjust by deflation as workers were more
enfranchised and unions in particular were able to resist downwards pressure on
wages. During the great depression most countries abandoned the gold standard,
but imbalances remained an issue and international trade declined sharply. There
was a return to mercantilist type "beggar thy neighbour" policies, with countries
competitively devaluing their exchange rates, thus effectively competing to export
unemployment. There were approximately 16 BOP crises and 15 twin crises (and a
comparatively very high level of banking crises.)
1945–1971: Bretton Woods
Following World War II, the Bretton Woods institutions (the International
Monetary Fund and World Bank) were set up to support an international monetary
system designed to encourage free trade while also offer states options to correct
imbalances without having to deflate their economies. Fixed but flexible exchange
rates were established, with the system anchored by the dollar which alone
remained convertible into gold, The Bretton Woods system ushered in a period of
high global growth, known as the Golden Age of Capitalism, however it came
under pressure due to the inability or unwillingness of governments to maintain
effective capital controls and due to instabilities related to the central role of the
Imbalances caused gold to flow out of the US and a loss of confidence in the
United States ability to supply gold for all future claims by dollar holders resulted
in escalating demands to convert dollars, ultimately causing the US to end the
convertibility of the dollar into gold, thus ending the Bretton Woods system. The
1945 - 71 era saw approximately 24 BOP crises and no twin crises for advanced
economies, with emerging economies seeing 16 BOP crises and just one twin
In the immediate aftermath of the Bretton Woods collapse, countries generally tried
to retain some control over their exchange rate by independently managing it, or by
intervening in the Forex as part of a regional bloc, such as the Snake which formed
in 1971. The Snake was a group of European countries who tried to retain stable
rates at least with each other; the group eventually evolved into the ERM by 1979.
From the mid 1970s however, and especially in the 1980s and early 90s, many
other countries followed the US in liberalising controls on both their capital and
current accounts, in adopting a somewhat relaxed attitude to their balance of
payments and in allowing the value of their currency to float relatively freely with
exchange rates determined mostly by the market.
Developing countries that chose to allow the market to determine their exchange
rates would often develop sizeable current account deficits, financed by capital
account inflows such as loans and investments, though this often ended in crises
when investors lost confidence. The frequency of crises was especially high for
developing economies in this era - from 1973–1997 emerging economies suffered
57 BOP crises and 21 twin crises. Typically but not always the panic among
foreign creditors and investors that preceded the crises in this period was usually
triggered by concerns over excess borrowing by the private sector, rather than by a
government deficit. For advanced economies, there were 30 BOP crises and 6
banking crises.
A turning point was the 1997 Asian BOP Crisis, where unsympathetic responses by
western powers caused policy makers in emerging economies to re-assess the
wisdom of relying on the free market; by 1999 the developing world as a whole
stopped running current account deficits while the US current account deficit began
to rise sharply. This new form of imbalance began to develop in part due to the
increasing practice of emerging economies, principally China, in pegging their
currency against the dollar, rather than allowing the value to freely float. The
resulting state of affairs has been referred to as Bretton Woods II. According to
Alaistair Chan, "At the heart of the imbalance is China's desire to keep the value of
the yen stable against the dollar. Usually, a rising trade surplus leads to a rising
value of the currency. A rising currency would make exports more expensive,
imports less so, and push the trade surplus towards balance. China circumvents the
process by intervening in exchange markets and keeping the value of the yuan
depressed." According to economics writer Martin Wolf, in the eight years leading
up to 2007, "three quarters of the foreign currency reserves accumulated since the
beginning of time have been piled up". In contrast to the changed approach within
the emerging economies, US policy makers and economists remained relatively
unconcerned about BOP imbalances. In the early to mid 90s, many free market
economists and policy makers such as US Treasury secretary Paul O'Neill and Fed
Chairman Alan Greenspan went on record suggesting the growing US deficit was
not a major concern. While several emerging economies had intervening to boost
their reserves and assist their exporters from the late 1980s, they only began
running a net current account surplus after 1999. This was mirrored in the faster
growth for the US current account deficit from the same year, with surpluses,
deficits and the associated build up of reserves by the surplus countries reaching
record levels by the early 2000s and growing year by year. Some economists such
as Kenneth Rogoff and Maurice Obstfeld began warning that the record imbalances
would soon need to be addressed from as early as 2001, joined by Nouriel Roubini
in 2004, but it wasn't until about 2007 that their concerns began to be accepted by
the majority of economists.
Speaking after the 2009 G-20 London summit, Gordon Brown announced "the
Washington Consensus is over." There is now broad agreement that large
imbalances between different countries do matter; for example mainstream US
economist C. Fred Bergsten has argued the US deficit and the associated large
inbound capital flows into the US was one of the causes of the financial crisis of
2007–2010 Since the crisis, government intervention in BOP areas such as the
imposition of capital controls or forex intervention has become more common and
in general attracts less disapproval from economists, international institutions like
the IMF and other governments.
In 2007 when the crises began, the global total of yearly BOP imbalances was
$1680bn. On the credit side, the biggest current account surplus was China with
approx. $362Bn, followed by Japan at $213Bn and Germany at £185BN, with oil
producing countries such as Saudi Arabia also having large surpluses. On the debit
side, the US had the biggest current account deficit at over £700Bn, with the UK,
Spain and Australia together accounting for close to a further $300Bn.
While there have been warnings of future cuts in public spending, deficit countries
on the whole did not make these in 2009, in fact the opposite happened with
increased public spending contributing to recovery as part of global efforts to
increase demand . The emphases has instead been on the surplus countries, with the
IMF, EU and nations such as the US, Brazil and Russia asking them to assist with
the adjustments to correct the imbalances.
Economists such as Gregor Irwin and Philip R. Lane have suggested that increased
use of pooled reserves could help emerging economies not to require such large
reserves and thus have less need for current account surpluses. Writing for the FT
in Jan 2009, Gillian Tett says she expects to see policy makers becoming
increasingly concerned about exchange rates over the coming year. In June 2009,
Olivier Blanchard the chief economist of the IMF wrote that rebalancing the world
economy by reducing both sizeable surpluses and deficits will be a requirement for
sustained recovery.
2008 and 2009 did see some reduction in imbalances, but early indications towards
the end of 2009 were that major imbalances such as the US current account deficit
are set to begin increasing again.
Japan had allowed her currency to appreciate through 2009, but has only limited
scope to contribute to the rebalancing efforts thanks in part to her aging population.
The Euro used by Germany is allowed to float fairly freely in value, however
further appreciation would be problematic for other members of the currency union
such as Spain, Greece and Ireland who run large deficits. Therefore Germany has
instead been asked to contribute by further promoting internal demand, but this
hasn't been welcomed by German officials.
China has been requested to allow the Renminbi to appreciate but until 2010 had
refused, the position expressed by her premier Wen Jiabao being that by keeping
the value of the Renmimbi stable against the dollar China has been helping the
global recovery, and that calls to let her currency rise in value have been motivated
by a desire to hold back China's development. After China reported favourable
results for her December 2009 exports however, the Financial Times reported that
analysts are optimistic that China will allow some appreciation of her currency
around mid 2010.
Current account:
It deals with the movements of merchandise (goods) by way of exports and
imports. The merchandise may be private or Governmental. Merchandise
is a major item on the current account. Other items appearing under current
account include, Transportation, insurance, tourism, and foreign remittances
are called as the invisibles because it involves foreign exchange flows but
has no physical movement of goods. The remittances can be in or out of the
country. Other items are non-monetary gold and miscellaneous head for
non-classified current transactions.
Each one of these items has a credit or debit depending on the principles of
double entry book keeping.
In brief Current Account is a record of all payments for trade in goods and services
plus income flow it is divided into 4 parts
Borrowing is unsustainable in the long term and countries will be burdened with
high interest payments. E.g Russia was unable to pay its foreign debt back in 1998.
Other developing countries have experience similar repayment problems Brazil,
African c (3rd World debt)
E.g. US ran a Current account deficit for a long time as it borrowed to invest in its
economy. This enabled higher growth and so it was able to pay its debts back and
countries had confidence in lending the US money
Japanese investment has been good for UK economy not only did the economy
benefit from increased investment but the Japanese firms also helped bring new
working practices in which increased labour productivity.
With a floating exchange rate a large current account deficit should cause a
devaluation which will help reduce the level of the deficit
It depend on the size of the budget deficit as a % of GDP, for example the US trade
deficit has nearly reached 5% of GDP (02/03) at this level it is concerning
Factors which cause a current account Deficit in the balance of Payments
Economic Growth
If there is an increase in AD and National Income increases, people will have more
disposable income to consume goods. If domestic producers can not meet the
domestic AD, consumers will have to imports goods from abroad. In the UK we
have a high Marginal propensity to imports mpm because we do not have a
comparative advantage in the production of manufactured goods. Therefore if there
is fast economic growth there tends to be a big increase in imports.
Decline in Competitiveness.
IN the UK there has been a decline in the exporting manufacturing sector, because
it has struggled to compete with developing countries in the Far East. This has led
to a persistent deficit in the balance of trade.
Higher inflation
This makes exports less competitive and imports more competitive. However this
factor may be offset by a decline in the value of sterling.
Borrowing money
If countries are borrowing money to invest e.g third world countries
This means that the value of exports has increased at a slower rate than the value of
imports. Therefore there could have been an increase in the deficit or the surplus
could have changed into a deficit
Capital account:
It deals with capital movements between one country and rest of the world.
Capital movements can be private, governmental or institutional (IMF,
World Bank and others).It can be again classified as short term and long
term capital movements.
The capital account records the net change in ownership of foreign assets. It
includes the reserve account (the international operations of a nation's
central bank), along with loans and investments between the country and the
rest of world (but not the future regular repayments/dividends that the loans
and investments yield; those are earnings and will be recorded in the current
These capital transactions will also have a debit or credit depending on the
directions of flows. Capital account can show a deficit or a surplus
revealing the strength of the economy. The deficits of the current account
will be financed by the capital account. So there is a spill over of deficits of
current acceptant into capital account.
Net financial flows - These are mainly short term monetary flows such as
“hot money flows” to take advantage of exchange rate changes.
Expressed with the standard meaning for the capital account, the BOP identity is:
The balancing item is simply an amount that accounts for any statistical errors and
assures that the current and capital accounts sum to zero. At high level, by the
principles of double entry accounting, an entry in the current account gives rise to
an entry in the capital account, and in aggregate the two accounts should balance. A
balance isn't always reflected in reported figures, which might, for example, report
a surplus for accounts, but when this happens it always means something has been
missed—most commonly, the operations of the country's central bank.
An actual balance sheet will typically have numerous sub headings under the
principal divisions. For example, entries under Current account might include:
In a floating exchange rate the supply of currency will always equal the demand for
currency, and the balance of payments is 0.
Therefore if there is a deficit on the current account there will be a surplus on the
financial account.
If there was an increase in interest rates this would cause hot money flows to enter
into the UK, therefore there would be a surplus on the financial account
The appreciation in the exchange rate would make exports less competitive and
imports more competitive therefore with less X and more M there would be a
deficit on the current account
Balance of payments will have the deficit or surplus, reflecting the overall position
of all the international transactions.
Balance of trade:
Basic balance:
This is the difference between exports + inflow of long term capital AND imports
+ out flow of private capital. It is measure of gross movements in currencies in and
out of the economy.
Liquidity balance:
Further, with no capital flows the payments can not be differed. With this there
will not be any difference between balance of trade and balance of payments.
Hence it was felt that balance of payments shall always balance.
With monetized transactions, barter is ruled out. There are capital movements
which can always upset export-import equality. Moreover, what the classical
economics considered balance of payments was indeed balance of trade.
There is no need for the balance of payments to balance, not even the balance of
trade. There can be deficit or surplus in any of the measures. On the other and
the balance of payments position reveals the strength of the country and
It is desirable to have a surplus in the balance of payments. A deficit in balance
of payments is called disequilibrium. Continuous deficits lead to problems of
mounting external debt burden and unstable currency.
Structural Disequilibrium
It takes place due to structural changes in the economy affecting demand and
supply relations in commodity and factor market. Structural disequilibrium in
balance of payments persists for relatively longer periods; as it is not easy to
remove structural imbalance in the economy.
Some of the important causes of structural disequilibrium are as follows:-
If the foreign demand for a country's products decline due to the discovery of
cheaper substitutes abroad, then the country's export will decline causing a deficit.
If the supply position of a country is affected due factors like crop failure, shortage
of raw-materials, strikes, political instability, etc, then there would be the deficit in
the balance of payments.
A shift in demand due to the changes in tastes, fashions, income, etc, would
increase or decrease the demand for imported goods causing a disequilibrium in the
balance of payments.
Changes in the rate of international capital movements may also cause structural
A war also results in structural changes which may affect not only goods but also
factor of production causing disequilibrium in balance of payments.
Cyclical Disequilibrium
Also, the importing countries may face cyclical changes. For instance, there may be
recession in the importing countries, which in turn would reduce demand for
imports. Therefore, the demand for exports will decline and the exporting country
may face a trade deficit, which in turn may affect BOP positions.
Technological Disequilibrium
Disequilibrium caused on a temporary basis for a short period, say one year is
called short run disequilibrium. Such disequilibrium does not pose a serious threat
as it can be overcome within a short run. Such an disequilibrium may be caused due
to international borrowing and lending. When a country goes for borrowing or
lending it leads to short run disequilibrium. Such disequilibrium is justified as they
do not pose a serious threat.
Short run disequilibrium may also be caused when a country's imports exceeds
exports in a particular year. Such disequilibrium is not justified as it has the
potentiality to develop in to a crisis in time. The crisis in India in 1990-91 is
nothing but the development of short run disequilibrium. If the short run
disequilibrium is persistent & occurs repeatedly; it may pave the way for long run
It prevails for a long period of time i.e. when the disequilibrium is persistent & long
run oriented, it is called long run disequilibrium The IMF terms such
disequilibrium as "Fundamental Disequilibrium".
Long-run or fundamental disequilibrium refers to a persistent deficit or a surplus in
the balance of payments of a country. It is also known as secular disequilibrium.
When there is a continuous increase in the stock of gold and foreign exchange
reserves. There is a persistent surplus & vice-versa.
Permanent changes in the conditions of demand and supply of exports and imports
cause fundamental disequilibrium. A permanent deficit or surplus may make a
country debtor or creditor causing a fundamental disequilibrium.
A developing country in its initial stages may import large amount of capital &
hence its imports would exceeds exports. When this becomes chronic, there
emerges a secular deficit in its balance of payments. Deep rooted dynamic changes
like capital formation, innovations. Technological advancements, growth of
population etc. also contribute to fundamental disequilibrium.
When there is a series of short-run disequilibrium in a country's balance of
payments, ultimately it would lead to fundamental disequilibrium.
Monetary Disequilibrium
The methods can be classified into two groups: viz. monetary and non monetary
Monetary methods:
Monetary methods of correction affect the balance payments by changing the value
or flow of currencies; both domestic and foreign. Indirectly, it affects the volume
and value of exports and imports. With flexible exchange rate it is possible to affect
the value and volume of exports and imports.
With a decrease in the value of its currency, the country has to pay more in
exchange to a foreign currency
In case of exports the price shows a decline to the extent of decrease. The exports
become cheaper.
At the same time the imports become expensive because more domestic currency is
This way the balance of payments position improves. The country gets better terms
of trade.
In case of inelastic exports, the decrease in price can not get proportionate increase
in the volume. So, there is a decrease in the revenue due to devaluation
When the exports are elastic. The increase in the volume of exports will be grater
than the decrease in the price. The revenue from trade will increase after
Similar case can be proved with imports where, outgoing are larger with inelastic
The Marshall-Lerner condition stipulates the limitations of applicability of
devaluation. Further, devaluation can also bring in large scale retaliation from
other countries. Which again affect the BOP position the devaluating country.
There are some other methods which are similar to devaluation but the nature is
Depreciation is done by the market; the Government has no control over the
value. Further, the value changes are small and reversible depending on the
demand and supply conditions.
Pegging Operations
Pegging down the value of currency is done by the Government. The
Central bank depending on the need may artificially, increase or decrease
the value of currency, temporarily.
Exchange Controls
Non-monetary methods deal with real sector for correcting BoP disequilibrium. All
the non-monetary methods directly affect exports and imports. Following are the
important non-monetary methods:
Export Promotion: The country with deficits can take up export promotion
measures like providing fiscal incentives, financial aid, Infrastructural
facilities, marketing support and support of imported inputs. The
Government offers a package of tax incentives which will reduce the costs
and make exports competitive in the world market.
Import Licensing: The Government can have stringent controls over the
usage of imports. This can be done by licensing the users based on
centralised imports.
Quota: Import quotas are important non-tariff barriers. They are positive
restrictions on incoming goods.
Balancing Mechanisms:
One of the three fundamental functions of an international monetary system
is to provide mechanisms to correct imbalances.
Broadly speaking, there are three possible methods to correct BOP
imbalances, though in practice a mixture including some degree of at least
the first two methods tends to be used. These methods are adjustments of
exchange rates; adjustment of nation’s internal prices along with its levels
of demand; and rules based adjustment. Improving productivity and hence
competitiveness can also help, as can increasing the desirability of exports
through other means, though it is generally assumed a nation is always
trying to develop and sell its products to the best of its abilities.
When exchange rates are fixed by a rigid gold standard, or when imbalances
exist between members of a currency union such as the Eurozone, the
standard approach to correct imbalances is by making changes to the
domestic economy. To a large degree, the change is optional for the surplus
country, but compulsory for the deficit country. In the case of a gold
standard, the mechanism is largely automatic. When a country has a
favourable trade balance, as a consequence of selling more than it buys it
will experience a net inflow of gold. The natural effect of this will be to
increase the money supply, which leads to inflation and an increase in
prices, which then tends to make its goods less competitive and so will
decrease its trade surplus. However the nation has the option of taking the
gold out of economy (sterilising the inflationary effect) thus building up a
hoard of gold and retaining its favourable balance of payments. On the other
hand, if a country has an adverse BOP its will experience a net loss of gold,
which will automatically have a deflationary effect, unless it chooses to
leave the gold standard. Prices will be reduced, making its exports more
competitive, and thus correcting the imbalance. While the gold standard is
generally considered to have been successful up until 1914, correction by
deflation to the degree required by the large imbalances that arose after
WWI proved painful, with deflationary policies contributing to prolonged
unemployment but not re-establishing balance. Apart from the US most
former members had left the gold standard by the mid 1930s.
A possible method for surplus countries such as Germany to contribute to
re-balancing efforts when exchange rate adjustment is not suitable is to
increase its level of internal demand (i.e. its spending on goods). While a
current account surplus is commonly understood as the excess of earnings
over spending, an alternative expression is that it is the excess of savings
over investment. That is:
If a nation is earning more than it spends the net effect will be to build up
savings, except to the extent that those savings are being used for
investment. If consumers can be encouraged to spend more instead of
saving; or if the government runs a fiscal deficit to offset private savings; or
if the corporate sector divert more of their profits to investment, then any
current account surplus will tend to be reduced. However in 2009 Germany
amended its constitution to prohibit running a deficit greater than 0.35% of
its GDP and calls to reduce its surplus by increasing demand have not been
welcome by officials, adding to fears that the 2010s will not be an easy
decade for the eurozone. In their April 2010 world economic outlook report,
the IMF presented a study showing how with the right choice of policy
options governments can transition out of a sustained current account
surplus with no negative effect on growth and with a positive impact on
Nations can agree to fix their exchange rates against each other, and then
correct any imbalances that arise by rules based and negotiated exchange
rate changes and other methods. The Bretton Woods system of fixed but
adjustable exchange rates was an example of a rules based system, though it
still relied primarily on the two traditional mechanisms. Keynes, one of the
architects of the Bretton Woods system had wanted additional rules to
encourage surplus countries to share the burden of rebalancing, as he argued
that they were in a stronger position to do so and as he regarded their
surpluses as negative externalities imposed on the global economy.[41]
Keynes suggested that traditional balancing mechanisms should be
supplemented by the threat of confiscation of a portion of excess revenue if
the surplus country did not choose to spend it on additional imports.
However his ideas were not accepted by the Americans at the time. In 2008
and 2009, American economist Paul Davidson had been promoting his
revamped form of Keynes's plan as a possible solution to global imbalances
which in his opinion would expand growth all round with out the downside
risk of other rebalancing methods
IMF definition
The IMF use a particular set of definitions for the BOP, which is also used by the
OECD , and the United Nations' SNA.
The main difference with the IMF definition is that they use the term financial
account to capture transactions that in the standard definition are recorded in the
capital account. The IMF does use the term capital account, to designate a subset
of transactions that according to usage common in the rest of the world form a
small part of the overall capital account.[6] The IMF separates these transactions out
to form an additional top level division of the BOP sheet. Expressed with the IMF
definition, the BOP identity can be written:
The IMF uses the term current account with the same meaning as the standard
definition, although they have their own names for their three leading sub divisions,
which are:
Current Account
Under the exchange control rules, authorized dealers (i.e., banks authorized to deal
in foreign exchange) are required to report details in respect of transactions, other
than exports, when the individual remittances exceed a stipulated amount. For
receipts below this amount, the banks report only aggregate amounts without
indicating the purpose of the incoming remittance. The balance of payments
classification of these receipts is made on the basis of the Survey of Unclassified
Receipts conducted by the RBI. This sample survey is conducted on a biweekly
This category covers all modes of transport and port services; the data are based
mainly on the receipts and payments reported by the banks in respect of
transportation items. In addition to the exchange control records, the survey of
unclassified receipts is also used as a source. These sources are supplemented by
information collected from major airline and shipping companies in respect of
payments from foreign accounts. A benchmark Survey of Freight and Insurance on
Exports is also used to estimate freight receipts on account of exports.
Other services
The insurance category covers all types of insurance (i.e., life, nonlife, and
reinsurance transactions). Thus, the entries include all receipts and payments
reported by the banks in respect of insurance transactions. In addition to
information available from exchange control records, information in the survey of
unclassified receipts is also used. The benchmark survey of freight and insurance is
used to estimate insurance receipts on account of exports. Other services also cover
a variety of service transactions on account of software development, technical
know-how, communication services, management fees, professional services,
royalties, and financial services. Since 1997-98, the value of software exports for
onsite development, expenditure on employees, and office maintenance expenses
has been included in other services. Transactions in other services are captured
through exchange control records and the survey of unclassified receipts,
supplemented by data from other sources. For example, information on issue
expenses in connection with the issue of global depository receipts and foreign
currency convertible bonds abroad is obtained from the details filed by the
concerned companies with the Foreign Exchange Department, RBI.
Investment income
Current transfers
General government
The data are obtained from the Controller of Aid Accounts and Audit, government
of India, whereas data on PL-480 grants are obtained from the U.S. Embassy in
Other sectors
Transactions relating to workers' remittances are based on the information
furnished by authorized dealers regarding remittances received under this category,
supplemented by the data collected in the survey of unclassified receipts regularly
conducted by the RBI. Redemption, in India, of non-resident dollar account
schemes and withdrawals from non-resident rupee account schemes has been
included as current transfers, other sectors since 1996-97.
Key statistical concept
Financial Account
Direct investment
Basic data are obtained from the exchange control records, but information on
noncash inflows and reinvested earnings is taken from the Survey of Foreign
Liabilities and Assets, supplemented by other information on direct investment
flows. Up to 1999/2000, direct investment in India and direct investment abroad
comprised mainly equity flows. From 2000/2001 onward, the coverage has been
expanded to include, in addition to equity, reinvested earnings, and debt
transactions between related entities. The data on equity capital include equity in
both unincorporated business (mainly branches of foreign banks in India and
branches of Indian banks abroad) and incorporated entities. Because there is a lag
of one year for reinvested earnings, data for the most recent year (2003/2004) are
estimated as the average of the previous two years. Because of this change in
methodology, data for years before 2000/2001 are not comparable with those for
data since then. However, as intercompany debt transactions were previously
measured as part of other investment, the change in methodology does not make
any impact on India's net errors and omissions.
Portfolio investment
Basic data are obtained from the exchange control records. These are supplemented
with information from the Survey of Foreign Liabilities and Assets. In addition, the
details of the issue of global depository receipts and stock market operations by
foreign institutional investors are received from the Foreign Exchange Department,
Other investment
Reserve assets
Transactions under reserve assets are obtained from the records of the RBI. They
comprise changes in its foreign currency assets and gold, net of estimated valuation
changes arising from exchange rate movement and revaluations owing to changes
in international prices of bonds/securities/gold. They also comprise changes in SDR
balances held by the government and a reserve tranche position at the IMF, also net
of revaluations owing to exchange rate movement.
India’s Balance of Payments 2008 – 2009
INDIA’s trade deficit during the first nine months of fiscal 2009-10 on a
balance of payments (BOP) basis was lower at US$ 89.51 bn compared with
US$ 98.44 bn during the same period in fiscal 2008-09. The trade deficit on a
BoP basis in Q3 (US$ 30.72 billion) was, however, less than that in Q3 of 2008-
09 (US$ 34.04 billion). This is revealed in e report (India's Balance of
Payments Developments during the first quarter (October-December) of 2009-
10) of the country’s central banking authority Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
The key features of India’s BOP that emerged in Q3 of fiscal 2009-10 were:(i)
Exports recorded a growth of 13.2 per cent during Q3 of 2009-10 over the
corresponding quarter of the previous year, after consecutive declines in the last
four quarters.(ii) Imports registered a growth of 2.6 per cent in Q3 of 2009-10
after recording consecutive declines in the last three quarters.(iii) Private
transfer receipts remained robust during Q3 of 2009-10.(iv) Despite low trade
deficit, the current account deficit was higher at US$ 12.0 billion during Q3 of
2009-10 mainly due to lower invisibles surplus.(v) The current account deficit
during April-December 2009 was higher at US$ 30.3 billion as compared to
US$ 27.5 billion during April-December 2008.(vi) Surplus in capital account
increased sharply to US$ 43.2 billion during April-December 2009 (US$ 5.8
billion during April-December 2008) mainly on account of large inflows under
FDI, Portfolio investment, NRI deposits and commercial loans.(vii) As the
surplus in capital account exceeded the current account deficit, there was a net
accretion to foreign exchange reserves of US$ 11.3 billion during April-
December 2009 (as against a drawdown of US$ 20.4 billion during April-
December 2008).
Major Items of India's Balance of Payments
(US$ million)
April-December April-December
(2007-08) (PR) (2008-09) (P)
(2008-09) (PR) (2009-10) (P)
Invisible receipts recorded a decline of 7.7 per cent during April-December 2009,
as compared with an increase of 22.2 per cent in the corresponding period of the
previous year, mainly due to the lower receipts under almost all components of
services coupled with lower investment income receipts.
Invisibles Payments
Invisibles Balance
Net invisibles (invisibles receipts minus invisibles payments) stood at US$ 59.2
billion during April-December 2009 as compared with US$ 70.9 billion during
April-December 2008. At this level, the invisibles surplus financed 66.1 per cent
of trade deficit during April-December 2009 as against 72.0 per cent during April-
December 2008.
Net capital flows at US$ 43.2 billion in April-December 2009 was much higher as
compared with US$ 5.8 billion in April-December 2008 mainly due to larger
inflows under FDI, portfolio investments and NRI deposits
Due to lower outward FDI, the net FDI (inward FDI minus outward FDI) was
higher at US$ 16.5 billion in April-December 2009 as compared with US$ 14.3
billion in April-December 2008.
Portfolio investment witnessed large net inflows of US$ 23.6 billion during April-
December 2009 as against a net outflow of US$ 11.3 billion in April-December
2008 due to large net FII inflows of US$ 20.5 billion.
Net external commercial borrowings (ECBs) inflow slowed down to US$ 2.3
billion in April-December 2009 (US$ 6.9 billion in April-December 2008) mainly
due to increased repayments.
The increase in foreign exchange reserves on BoP basis (i.e., excluding valuation)
was US$ 11.3 billion in April-December 2009 (as against a sharp decline in
reserves of US$ 20.4 billion in April-December 2008). [A Press Release on the
Sources of Variation in Foreign Exchange Reserves is separately issued].
The gross disbursements of short-term trade credit was US$ 10.1 billion during
Q1 of 2009-10 almost same in Q1 of 2008-09. The repayments of short-term trade
credits, however, were very high at US$ 13.2 billion in Q1 of 2009-10 (US$ 7.8
billion in Q1 of 2008-09). As a result, there were net outflows of US$ 3.1 billion
under short-term trade credit during Q1 of 2009-10 (inflows of US$ 2.4 billion in
Q1 of 2008-09)
On a BOP basis, India’s merchandise exports posted a decline of 17.3 per cent
in April-December 2009 (as against a high growth of 27.5 per cent in the
corresponding period of the previous year).
INDIA's cumulative value of exports for the first 11 months of fiscal 2009-10 (April-
2009 to February-2010) stood at US $ 152983 million (Rs 727345 crore) as against
US $ 172379 million (Rs. 774585 crore) registering a negative growth of 11.3 per
cent in Dollar terms and 6.1 per cent in Rupee terms over the same period last year.
Country's cumulative value of imports for the period April, 2009- February, 2010 was
US $ 248401 million (Rs. 1180124 crore) as against US $ 287099 million (Rs.
1289412 crore) registering a negative growth of 13.5 per cent in Dollar terms and 8.5
per cent in Rupee terms over the same period last year.
Oil imports during this 11-month period were valued at US$ 73230 million which was
18.2 per cent lower than the oil imports of US $ 89492 million in the corresponding
period last year. Non-oil imports during April, 2009- February, 2010 were valued at
US$ 175171 million which was 11.4 per cent lower than the level of such imports
valued at US$ 197607 million in April 2008- February, 2009.
In $ Million In Rs Crore
Growth 2009-10/2008-2009
-11.3 -6.1
Growth 2009-10/2008-2009
-13.5 -8.5
Trade Balance
Figures for 2008-09 are the latest revised whereas figures for 2009-10 are provisional
The trade deficit for April 2009- February, 2010 was estimated at US $ 95418 million which was lower than the
deficit of US $ 114721 million during April 2008 -February, 2009.
Import payments, on a BoP basis, also remained lower recording a decline of 14.0
per cent during April-December 2009 as compared with a high growth of 35.6 per
cent in the corresponding period of the previous year.
According to the DGCI&S data, exports declined by 17.3 per cent, and imports
growth was negative at 22.0 per cent led by the decline in both oil imports (a
decline of 29.7 per cent) and non-oil imports (a decline of 18.4 per cent) during
April-December 2009.
On a BOP basis, the merchandise trade deficit decreased to US$ 89.5 billion
during April-December 2009 from US$ 98.4 billion in April-December 2008
mainly on account of both lower oil and non-oil import payments
Variation in Reserves
Merchandize Trade
Trade Balance ($ billion) -91.6 -119.4 -31.4
Net Invisibles ($ Billion) 74.6 89.6 22.4
Current Account
Current Receipts ($ Billion) 314.8 337.7 88.1
Current Payments ($ Billion) 331.8 367.6 97.1
Current Account Balance ($ Billion) -17.0 -29.8 -9.0
Capital Account
Gross Capital Inflows ($ Billion) 433.0 302.5 90.9
Gross Capital Outflows ($ Billion) 325.0 293.3 79.7
Net Capital Flows ($ Billion) 108.0 9.1 11.1
Net FDI/Net Capital Flows (Percent) 14.3 191.3 80.5
Net ECBs/Net capital Flows (Percent) 21.0 89.2 13.2
Import Cover of Reserves (In months) 14.4 10.3 13.3
2008-09 (April-
March) - 5.4 - 14.3
Gross Capital Inflows and Outflows (In $ Million)
2008- 2008-
2008- 09 2008- 09 2009-10
2009-10 (Q1) (P)
09 P (Q1) 09 P (Q1) (Q1) (P)
(PR) (PR)
External Commercial
15,382 2760 2092 7,224 1293 2448
SOURCE: Reserve Bank of India report India's Balance of Payments Developments during the First Quarter (April-
June 2009) of 2009-10
Business Services (In $ Million)
Receipts Payments
Item April-March April-March
2008- 2007- 2008- 2007-
2006-07 R 2006-07 R
09 P 08 PR 09 P 08 PR
Business &
Management 4,847 4433 4476 3,512 3653 3484
Engineering & 1,759 3144 3457 3,106 3173 3025
other Technical
Maintenance of
2,980 2861 2638 3,283 3,496 4,032
16,25 15,26
TOTAL 16771 14544 16715 15866
1 9
R: Revised; P:
Preliminary; PR:
Partially Revised
On a (BOP) basis, exports recorded a growth of 39.8 per cent while imports
registered a growth of 24.9 per cent, year-on-year, during Q3 of 2010-11.
The trade deficit in absolute terms amounted to US$ 31.6 billion, broadly
the same as in the corresponding quarter of last year.
Net services recorded a growth of 49.3 per cent (as against a decline of 46.0
per cent a year ago) mainly due to strong growth in receipts led by travel,
transportation, software, business and financial services.
Private transfer receipts remained buoyant at US$ 14.1 billion during the
The current account deficit (CAD) moderated to US$ 9.7 billion compared
to the corresponding quarter of last year mainly due to recovery in the
invisibles surplus.
With capital account surplus being higher than the current account deficit,
there was a net accretion to foreign exchange reserves of US$ 4.0 billion
during the quarter.
The major items of the BOP for the third quarter (Q3) of 2010-11 are set out below
in Table 1.
On a BOP basis, the trade deficits widened to US$ 102.1 billion during April-
December 2010 (US$ 86.8 billion during April-December 2009) mainly due to
higher absolute increase in imports relative to exports on the back of robust
domestic economic performance
Net invisibles surplus increased to US$ 63.2 billion during April-December 2010
(US$ 61.2 billion last year) mainly due to higher increase in invisibles receipts
relative to payments in absolute terms. The increase in invisibles receipts was
mainly driven by services exports, which recorded a growth of 41.2 per cent during
April-December 2010 (as against a decline of 16.0 per cent a year ago).
Invisibles payments increased by 39.5 per cent during April-December 2010
mainly reflecting higher services payments, which recorded a growth of 51.7 per
cent (as against a moderate increase of 4.3 per cent a year ago).
(US $ billion)
April-March April-December
2009-10 2009-10
Item 2008-09 (R) (PR) (PR) 2010-11 (P)
1 2 3 4 5
1. Exports 189.0 182.2 129.7 173.0
2. Imports 308.5 300.6 216.5 275.1
3. Trade Balance (1-2) -119.5 -118.4 -86.8 -102.1
4. Invisibles, net 91.6 80.0 61.2 63.2
5. Current Account Balance (3+4) -27.9 -38.4 -25.5 -38.9
6. Capital Account Balance* 7.8 51.8 36.8 50.0
7. Change in Reserves#
(-Indicates increase;+ indicates
decrease) 20.1 -13.4 -11.3 -11.0
7.5 7.5
5.0 5.0
2.5 2.5
0.0 0.0
-2.5 -2.5
-5.0 -5.0
-7.5 -7.5
-10.0 -10.0
-12.5 -12.5
98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
-2 -2
-4 -4
-25 -25
-30 -30
-35 -35
USD (billions)
-40 -40
-45 -45
-50 -50
-55 -55
-60 -60
-65 -65
-70 -70
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Annual growth of real GDP Trade balance in goods and services $bn
Source: Reuters EcoWin
Note the steep fall in the trade deficit as the economy hit recession.
Expenditure Switching
• Expenditure switching:
– Change in relative prices of X and M
– Changes incentives for consumers
– Changes profitability of exporting
– Can be caused by
• Movement in the exchange rate
• Introduction of import tariffs and other forms of protectionism
• Period of high or low relative inflation
– Key point is whether trade volumes respond to changing prices
I.e. price elasticity of demand for X and M
Does a depreciation cut the trade defecit
110 110
105 105
100 100
95 95
-25 -25
-30 -30
-35 -35
USD (billions)
-40 -40
-45 -45
-50 -50
-55 -55
-60 -60
-65 -65
-70 -70
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
100 100
95 95
Sterling index
90 90
85 85
80 80
75 75
70 70
Quarterly balance £ (billions)
0.0 0.0
-2.5 -2.5
-5.0 -5.0
-7.5 -7.5
-10.0 -10.0
-12.5 -12.5
-15.0 -15.0
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Expenditure Reduction
• Expenditure reduction
– Cutting aggregate demand
– Direct effect on consumption and therefore demand for imports:
– Possible routes:
• Higher direct taxes – lower disposable income
• Low taxes on saving
• Increased interest rates – to dampen consumption
• Cut in government spending
– Focus here is on income elasticity of demand for imports
Supply – side Policies
130 France
1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006
Source: ONS
The Investment gap
Business investment
Comparison, 1992-2007
Per cent of GDP in current prices
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Source: OECD
The Research gap
Source: OECD
400 400
350 350
GBP (billions)
300 300
250 Exports 250
200 200
150 150
100 100
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
• Some trade deficits are partially self correcting
• But recession and a depreciation are not enough if the root causes lie on the supply-
side of the economy
• Ultimately BOP adjustment requires:
– Period of below trend growth
– Improvement in investment in traded goods industries
– Control of price and cost inflation relative to that of our competitors
– Open trade to drive better export performance
Protectionism is not the answer