Gec 103 Notes
Gec 103 Notes
Gec 103 Notes
Chapter 3
Review Notes:
1. Technological Advancements:
- In the earlier epoch (late 19th to early 20th centuries), progress was driven by innovations like
the railroad (beginning in the 1830s) and steamship (18th century), while in recent years (late 20th
century onwards), the airplane and the Internet have played central roles.
- The telegraph (19th century) greatly enhanced global communication, while the Internet has
revolutionized communication and connectivity in modern times.
- The historical epoch of globalization between 1896 and 1914 shares striking similarities with
contemporary globalization trends.
- Economic globalization is significant, but acknowledging and addressing cultural and political
dimensions are essential for a holistic understanding of globalization's effects and challenges.
**Key Outcomes:**
3. **Financial Stability:**
- Measures were implemented to promote financial stability globally, including mechanisms for
currency stabilization and exchange rate management.
- The Bretton Woods conference marked a pivotal moment in the post-war economic order, laying
the groundwork for a more open international economy.
- By addressing concerns about trade barriers, financial stability, and economic cooperation, the
conference aimed to prevent a recurrence of the economic crises that had plagued the pre-war era.
- The Bretton Woods system would shape the trajectory of global economic development for
decades to come, setting the stage for increased international trade and financial integration.
**Bretton Woods and the Bretton Woods System:**
- The Depression underscored the need for cooperation among nations, as protectionist practices
and currency devaluation exacerbated economic challenges.
**Overall Impact:**
- Bretton Woods oversaw rapid economic growth and enduring stability, satisfying various nations
and constituencies, including capital and labor.
- It paved the way for unprecedented international economic cooperation and integration, laying
the foundation for post-war prosperity and development.
**General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and its Evolution into the
- GATT focused solely on trade in goods, while the WTO took on additional responsibilities,
including services trade.
- GATT served as a forum for country representatives, while the WTO is an independent
- Initial trade agreements were negotiated by 23 nations in 1947, leading to subsequent rounds of
negotiations under GATT's umbrella.
- Rounds included the Kennedy Round (1967) and the Tokyo Round (1979), culminating in the
Uruguay Round (1986–93), which resulted in the creation of the WTO.
- GATT's transformation into the WTO reflects the evolution of global trade governance, adapting to
new challenges and priorities.
- WTO negotiations continue to shape international trade policies, addressing emerging issues while
balancing interests between developed and developing nations.
- The IMF's role has evolved over time, responding to changing global economic realities and
- While it has played a significant role in stabilizing economies and resolving crises, it continues to
face criticism and challenges related to governance, policy conditionality, and long-term
**World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - IBRD)**
**Expanded Mandate:**
- Addresses issues beyond physical infrastructure, including education, health, environment,
governance, and poverty alleviation.
- Provides loans for governance matters such as public sector management, corruption, and legal
**Key Event:**
- August 15, 1971: President Richard Nixon takes the United States off the gold standard, leading to
the collapse of the Bretton Woods system.
2. **IMF's Evolution**
- IMF's shift towards market supremacy and imposition of neoliberal policies like fiscal austerity
are criticized.
- Stiglitz sees IMF's failures in providing funds for economic stability and promoting sustained
- Structural adjustment programs led by IMF did not bring sustained growth and often stifled
economic growth.
Stiglitz emphasizes the need for reform within the IMF and other global institutions to ensure fairer
practices and a more humane approach to economic development.
Overall, these organizations play crucial roles in shaping global economic policies, facilitating trade,
and addressing various economic challenges and opportunities. Their effectiveness and impacts are
subject to ongoing debates and critiques, reflecting the complexities of global economic
Emerging economies remain significant players in the global economy, despite facing setbacks and
experiencing moderated growth in recent years. While they continue to expand their influence,
challenges persist in gaining greater representation in global economic institutions and trade
Multinational corporations play a pivotal role in the global economy, operating across multiple
countries and exerting significant economic influence. However, challenges persist in managing
their complex networks and navigating tensions with various stakeholders. Differing perspectives
exist regarding the extent of MNC power and the impact of globalization on the role of nation-
**Evaluation of Arguments:**
- **Strengths:** Hirst et al. present solid arguments suggesting that contemporary economic
globalization may not be as new or as extensive as commonly believed.
- **Limitations:** While their arguments challenge the novelty and extent of economic
globalization, they do not necessarily negate the existence of globalization altogether. They focus
on regionalization and the dominance of powerful nations in governing the international economy.
- **Perspective on Economic Globalization:** The viewpoint adopted here suggests that while
Hirst et al.'s arguments have merit, the prevailing view is that the economy is indeed globalized,
albeit with nuances and complexities. Economic globalization has likely intensified since the
publication of their argument a decade ago.
The debate over the myth of economic globalization highlights differing perspectives on the extent
and novelty of globalization. While Hirst et al. argue against the notion of unprecedented
globalization, they do not entirely refute the existence of globalization. Rather, they emphasize
regionalization and the continued influence of powerful nations in governing the international
economy. Overall, while their arguments offer valuable insights, the prevailing view suggests that
economic globalization is a significant and ongoing phenomenon, albeit with nuances and
complexities that warrant further examination.
Chapter 4
Review notes
A good place to get a quick snapshot of global trade (Mann and Pluck
2007), as well as of net economic flows in and out of a given nation‐state,
is that nation's trade surpluses and deficits.
- Recent years have witnessed a significant surge in global competition for various
commodities, driven by industrialization and economic growth, particularly in
countries like China and India.
- The demand for commodities extends beyond specific industries, reflecting the
emergence of expansive consumer societies in these countries.
**Examples of Commodities:**
1. **Oil and Natural Gas:**
- Rapid industrialization, especially in China, has fueled demand for energy
resources, making China the world's largest oil importer by 2015.
- China's energy consumption has been largely driven by coal rather than oil, with
China and India accounting for a substantial portion of global coal consumption.
The increasing competition for commodities underscores the transformative impact
of industrialization and economic growth in emerging economies, particularly in Asia.
This trend has far-reaching implications for global markets, resource management,
and economic development strategies.
**Sociopolitical Implications:**
- Oil wealth can influence political dynamics, both domestically and internationally,
with implications for geopolitical stability.
- In countries heavily reliant on oil revenues, economic downturns due to oil price
fluctuations can lead to social unrest and political instability.
**Environmental Concerns:**
- The extraction and consumption of oil contribute significantly to global
environmental issues, including climate change.
- Addressing these environmental challenges is essential and will become increasingly
critical in the future.
The flow of oil has profound economic, social, and environmental implications
globally. While oil has driven economic development and prosperity in some regions,
it has also led to inequalities, political tensions, and environmental degradation.
Managing the impact of oil on economies and societies requires addressing both the
opportunities and challenges associated with its production, distribution, and
The concept of the race to the bottom captures the competitive dynamics among
nations vying for economic success. However, evidence suggests that industrial
upgrading is possible, allowing countries to move away from low-value activities
towards higher-value production. While the race to the bottom may offer short-term
gains, its long-term consequences, including inequality and social hardship,
underscore the need for a nuanced understanding of economic development
Outsourcing is a multifaceted phenomenon occurring across various levels and
sectors, with globalization playing a significant role, particularly in offshore
outsourcing. While it offers benefits like cost savings and job creation, it also poses
challenges such as job displacement and economic disruptions in outsourcing
**Financial Globalization and the Great Recession**
Financial globalization, characterized by interconnected financial markets and
investments, played a significant role in the onset and spread of the Great Recession.
The crisis highlighted the risks associated with deregulation and speculative practices
in the financial industry, leading to widespread economic repercussions globally.
Consumption in a global context is characterized by the spread of Americanized
consumer culture, the localization of consumption practices, and resistance to
globalized consumption sites. Despite this, many individuals and communities remain
excluded from mainstream consumption due to economic and social factors.
Chapter 5
Review notes
Political processes are deeply intertwined with various global flows and challenges,
posing threats to existing political structures and requiring political responses and
solutions at local, national, and international levels.
Globalization challenges the traditional notions of the nation-state, leading to
increased porosity, the rise of universal human rights, and the emergence of liquid
sovereignty. State authority is no longer confined within traditional borders but
fluctuates according to global flows and unique contexts.
Contrary to claims of the nation-state's decline, arguments exist for its continued
relevance and adaptability in the face of globalization. States navigate global
challenges by leveraging threats, utilizing globalization for domestic reforms, and
maintaining control over their territories.
While the political importance of the nation-state may be declining in the era of
globalization, the concept of the imagined community remains potent, shaping
individuals' sense of identity, belonging, and collective action.
The global political landscape is evolving with the rise of new geopolitical actors like
the EU and China. Brexit and China's ascendency pose significant challenges and
opportunities for global politics, reshaping the dynamics of nation-state relations.
1. **Overview:**
- Premier global organization in politics.
- Established on October 24, 1945, with 193 member states in 2018.
- State-centric organization opposing arguments on the demise of the nation-state
due to globalization.
- Main organs include the Security Council, General Assembly, and the Secretariat.
2. **Areas of Concern:**
- Military: Initially marginalized during the Cold War but gained importance post-
1991 (Iraq-Kuwait conflict).
- Economic: Focus on reducing global inequality.
- Environmental: Addressing issues like climate change and hazardous wastes.
- Human Protection: Protecting human rights globally.
3. **US Influence:**
- The US played a significant role in the establishment and operation of the UN.
- Largest contributor financially, but the UN's budget is relatively small compared to
the US government's.
- US sometimes bypasses UN decisions if it disagrees significantly (e.g., unilateral
military action).
- Established in 1946 with a focus on education, natural and social sciences, and
- Hindered by Cold War politics and neoliberalism.
- Seeks free movement of knowledge and information, facing budget declines due to
neoliberal policies.
**Global Governance**
**Civil Society:**
- **Historical Roots:** Civil society has ancient roots but gained prominence in the
West around 1500. Hegel redefined it as the realm between family and state, where
individuals participate directly in social institutions.
- **Post-WWII Era:** Modern civil society grew after WWII, with peace societies and
workers' movements emerging.
- **1970s-1980s:** Latin America and Eastern Europe saw civil society opposition to
military dictatorship.
- **Interplay with the Market:** Civil society and the market are intertwined; civil
society norms influence market behavior, and vice versa.
- **Impact of Market Forces:** Market forces are crucial for global civil society's
functioning, but they can also disrupt it through social inequality and domination
over non-profit institutions.
- **Role in Global Policy:** INGOs play a significant role in shaping global policy
issues and have been instrumental in achievements like the International Campaign
to Ban Landmines treaty.
- **Relationship with IGOs:** INGOs often collaborate with IGOs, gaining legitimacy
and funding but risking co-option and loss of autonomy.
These notes provide a comprehensive overview of civil society, global civil society,
and the role of INGOs, highlighting their significance, challenges, and interrelations.
Chapter 6
Review notes
- "Mass media" includes traditional forms like newspapers, radio, television, and film,
as well as newer social media.
- These media forms facilitate compression of time-space and distanciation.
- The printing revolution in early modern Europe allowed for the dissemination of
knowledge across vast distances.
- Radio further compressed time-space through instantaneous communication on
radio waves.
- Television and film stimulated co-presence between performers and absent
audiences, removing physical barriers to social interaction.
- Mass media messages resemble liquids and gases, flowing seamlessly around the
**Media Imperialism:**
- Western (especially US) media and technologies have historically been viewed as
dominant and imperialistic.
- However, alternative global media giants have emerged, challenging Western
dominance (e.g., Al Jazeera, Bollywood, Nollywood).
- Local and regional media have become increasingly important, as has the internet
as a source of diverse media.
- Media products are interpreted differently by different audiences globally,
undermining the notion of media imperialism.