Machine Tool Design N Acherkan Gear Cutting Machine
Machine Tool Design N Acherkan Gear Cutting Machine
Machine Tool Design N Acherkan Gear Cutting Machine
g @
Fig. 246. Gear manufacttrrc by thc form-cutting process:
lvith a gear-tooth cutter; (b) with an end-mill type gear milling cutter; (c) r/ith a lorm 10()1
The generating proccss. This method is based upon the meshing of the
cuLter rvith the gear being produced to develop the tooth b)'the relative
rolling motion of the cutter and the work. For this purpcse the cutter is
shaped like a gear, gear rack or \\-orm, i.e., a parl rhich could mesh with
the gear being cut, or the tool is made so that its cutting edges descriLe in
space the surfaces of the tooth profiles of a certain imaginary gear or rack.
knorvn as the generating gear or rack. In this meshing action of the work anci.
tcol, to nhich an additional cutting notion is imparted, the cutting edges
of the tool, gradually removing material lrcn the tocth spaces' shape the
gear teeth to profiles that are the enr-elope of the consecutive positions of thc
cutting edges of the tool (Fig. 248).
Though the generating methcd canrrot compare in output with form cut-
ting, as used in the multiple-tool shaping cutter heads cr in broaching,
it is much more universal. A tool of a certain mcdule, operating by the
generating principle, can cut gears with any numter of teeth of the same
module, including modified gears.
Fig. 250. \,'arious l-orlipieces that can be
vr rp
(o) cu,*irc 3 wor'r ."n*,,=*,,Ili;*i?:i*"j.':d;l;1..l,i.1il'":t'J;:;-
wheer with ransenria, feed
of rhe hob; (c) cutrins a spur sear rvith axiaiieed; iirl;i;i",?; i,iii""^i"g!""
with axiaIfeed
o to the horizontal, equal to the helix angle of the hob (Fig.252c). In the
second case, the hob isiet at an angle ? : 13 -F a, where B is the helix angle
of the helical gear being cut (Fig. 252d). If the hand of the helical gear and
that of the hob are different (one right-hand and the other left-hand), the
plus sign should be used in the above equation; if the hand is the same, the
minus sign should be usecl.
The feed motion s in cutting spur and helical gears is the travel of the hob
along the axis of the gear blanli (Fig. 252)- In cutting helical geals an incre-
rnenl motion is impaited to the table rvith the gear blank, with a! angulqr
velocity that rvouid provide one full_ additional revolution of the blank
durirrg vertical feed of the hob through a distance equal to the lead of the
helical teeth on the gear.
The principal dimensions of a geql hobber are the maximum diameter
and module of guut that can be cut (Table 3B)'
Depending upon the disposition of the blank axis, geat hobbers may be
eithei vertiCal or horizontal models'
Horizontal hobbers are intendedj chiefly for cutting pinion shafts (in
which the gear is integral \\,ith its shaft) and spline shafts.. The hob is set
to the depti of cut andlhe feed in these machines is accomplished by motions
of the cutter head.
Vertical hobbers have either a moving worl< table or a moving hob slide
stanchion. In the moving table models, the hob is set to the depth -of cut
unJ f"a into the blank 6y travel of the table with the gear blank' In the
moving stanchion models, positioning-motions and radial infeed are accon]-
plishei by travel of the stanchion with the hob slide and hob.
or shaft journals, or to the outside surface of the blank (to measure radial
runout), as well as to the locating face of the blank.
Radial runout of the gear blank may be due to a lack of concentricity
hetween the locating and outside surfaces, or misalignment of the axis of
the locating surface and the axis of table rotation. The first of these cases
has no significant effect on the accuracy of the gear being cut since the pitch
circle will be concentric rvith the locating surface.
Radial runout, due to misalignment of the axis of the locating surface
and that of table rotation, should be maintained at a minimum value and
should not exceed the values listed in Table 39'
.): 70 100
0 20 50
7 60 80 130 200
8 50 80 100 150 250
o 4,t0 180 220 300 500
Si{e runout of the gear blank, due to inaccurate setting up on the hobber
table (misalignment of the rvork supports, dents on the locating or seating
surfaces, chips or dirt under the locating surface of the blank' etc-), should
not exceed the follolving permissible values (where f : permissible radial
runout of the outside diameter, microns; Dro: diameter of the circle on
which the side runout is checked, mm; and b : face width of the gear, mm):
Grade of accuracy of
gear being cut accord-
ing to USSR
std GosT 1643-56
The method used to hold the blank depends upon the size, construction
and required accuracy of the gear to be cut. Figure 254 illustrates typical
methods of holding gear blanks in hobbing machines. small gear blanks l'
X,lh hole can be held either seplrately (Fig. 214a)"or in a stack
(Fig. l_tgg.uting
254b) on a rigid arbor, or mandrel, 2, which
-Jy nuu.'a pilot at the,
upper end that is supported in the bushing of the work-support arm. Large
and.medium-siz-e.gears -/ are held on cast-iion supports z inine form of feEt
or rings (Fig. 254c ul+_d).- I{ pinion shafts 1 are iut in the horizontal type
of hobher, one end of blank I il secured in fixture z (Fig. 2b4e) and the ot"hir
is supported in bushing qt the support bracket. tne nta"ti is rotated by
faceplate 4 through the {body of the fixture and detachable driving dog ;"..
(a) w*h
" "".o-1;?;
?il;.ll:lTi,flT"lliJ'I^. shaper cutrer
arotary cutter har.e found much wider application because they have.
a higher output (the "biank)
_cutting process is not inteirupted to index the
and can perforrn all the operafions done in hobbers, except for cutting rvorm
wleels..They can additionally cut internal gears b), the ginerating prlnciple.
I'he, output of gear shapers is less than that of hobbers. They are indispen-
sable, holever, for such jobs as cutting internal gears of practically'any
diameter, as rvell as cluster gears in wiirch the diitance beilveen the gear
rims is not suf-frcient for the required overtravel of a hob.
'r\ geal shaper (operating witli the rotary-type cuLter) has the folrorvirrg
.motions (Fig. 256): A. straight-iin;- primary cufling motion r,i
accomplish.4 !v ,travel of the cutter only in on. dit"ciion (cut"ting strokei
and return of the?ii'ttei to the initial position u" (return stro)ie). B]Continl
uous rotation of the_shaper cutter (ulfand of the'gear blank (u2l to obttrin
the circttlar feed (indexing motion). The speeds of Jutter ancl blank rotatiol
are co-ordinated by means of change ge_ars in such a manner that in one
revolution of the cutter the blank makes 19 revolutions, lvhere zc : number
of teeth on the cutter and z : numbbr of teeth on the gear to be cut. c. Feed-
in Ilotion sii (radial or circular infeed) of the cutter"is obtained bv travel
of tlie cutter axis in a direction torvard thg _bl_q4k u*i. lr;itii ,l.ipi"*Ii""
of the cutter and circular feed. \\hen the cutlei't us fe-f in-to the'requirecl
rlepth, i.e., to the rvhole depth of the teeth, the feed-in
maticalll' rvhile the circular feed and the cutting motion -oiioo ceases auto-
continue until
the gear blank makes one full revolution. This crits all ihe teeth and the
machine is automatically stopped. A gear can be cut in one, two or three
passes. D. \\rithdrawal of the iable wilh the blank from the
cutter, or tlie
cutter from the blank takes place during each return stroke. Its purpose
t tn*L)
;Jl ,, l
'rl I'" q"%
\ji Cear biank
I ,d Lta*lo)
Fig.756. Principle of the gear shaper:
l-saddle; p-rail; r-rrbte
is to prevent rubbing.and conseqqelt intensive
from the cu*er during Thu
.ti'"r.r o"il" ;0).
yrear of the cutting
;; ;##;
iii; #ilr,ir"*i'g
p 'fAltLlt 4{}
Scmiautornatic 5M12 200 200 to 700 1.7 1,900 Tablc rvithtlras'al on rc-
shapers turn stroke
Operating rvitlt a mul- 5A{10 t25 5 60 to 120 14 1l,800 All the tcct'h oI tlre gear
tiplc-tool shapi ng 5A120 200 6 1r0 l,o 120 17 13,7(X) arc cut simultancouslY
cuttcr lroad 5A130 320 10 i]2 to 1(X) 20 t 5,700
is imparted to the ram rvith the cutter i' the heavier machines (moclels El40B,
58150fI, etc.).
Gear shapers are available rvith either
The horizontal spindre shapers ur"uiiy operate or horizo'tal spindles.
'erticalr,r,ith trvo rotary shaping
cuLters travelling torvard each c,ther. tn.v .u,i
and inIernaI spur and helical gears,
#;;,;i;.tl l.or e.rternal
gears (rvithoul, a clearance gop-;. ^..unif
,;;;;;";;"1-ii,-,h herrirrgbone
The vertical type of geaishaper is more rvidely used.
machines using a rotary gear- siraping cutter, operating In acldition to the
principle, rnodels a.u urrullubte rvhicfr operate on tno generating
an$,lse a,mu.lriple-rool shaping cutter head (see Lv
tn* f-ormlcutting process
Fic. i4ii"'^
-the.outpur, of this lasr typc of gear-cutti'g maJhine is B_
of^ ordinary gear shapers, un,i rrori" thuo 4-f;ld ir." ,rtp"i 1o l0_folri rhat
machines. The most serious drarvbacri of trroru ;,;.d;;.- of gcar-hobbing
complex cutter head must be avairable for each,iru ot:g"*
is that a special
module and number of teeth). lo be rnacre (each
The kinematic chains of gear shapers is tar<en up in cletail
Vol. 2, Sec. 5-4. in part Three,
,,rh.r sirle surfaces oith" teeth, begins to cuL the gear (Fig' 260' positions 3 I
gcnerat'ed' Upon
,,,,,iij.',it ifrir pltirt, iile lirst to,ith_ has beenrutrcoiipletely
otrl oI rnesh wit'h the gear l
l\Iaximum Powcr of Net
di ameter
| *,'.?:" dri vc weight,
Type of machine Iuodel of blank, 'tl:'oTiJ'
cut, mm
motor, kg
mm kw approx.
FulI strokes
per min
Straight bevel gear 5T23B 125 1..5 up to 800 0.6 3,000 Operate with tvo rc-
gencrators 5A25OII 500 8 75 to 472 8,000 ciprocating tools
5282| 800 t6 30 to 307 7.5 12,000
m pcr mln
Spiral bcvel gcar 1 ,600 up to 80 l7 35 ,000 Gcnerates gearn'itlr a
planing generalor single tool. Illarik
inclexes ono tooth il
full stroke of tool
Spiral bevel gear gelr- 5T234 12it 2 1+3to 51t0 0.8 3,000 Opetatc r,ith farle-mill
erltors 5T244 250 0 200 to 500 3.5 5,000 type cttttcrs
5278 500 10 25 to 32;t 4.'-,'t 10,500
52BTI 800 15 21 to 300 10 14 ,000
Fig, 259. Principle of tbe straight bevel gear generator
260. Successive positions ot,n. ," gear blank in generating a straight
uei n,
(o) t0J
!'ig. 262. '\rrangornctrts of tho qcar blanh.arrd the face-rnil.l t)'pe cutter irr rclatiorl to tht'
, rirrllu aris
cradle are rcversed. At thc cld of this reverse rolatiou. the lllauli is indered
io tfr" nert tooth (Fig.260. posilions 5 ancl 6). This procedure is rcpeated
for cac[ toot]r of the gear in tlie same scquerrce. 'I'he brvo tools are not subject-
ed to the same loacl-in opcratiorr since one o[ l,hern cuts into the blank fc'r
each tooth and wears f;i-qter than the other tool. To eliminate the effect
of this nonuniforn wear on the profile accuracy, the tceth arc linish cut
after roughing the tooth spaces' -\Iost of the stocli i-q removerl in the roughinr
i-q done either rvith siuglc incie-ting in rvhich tooth spac-es a_t'e
cut in'sircc-ession, or by corttinuous irrtle\ing to eYery other l,ooth. In tlie
latter case, both l,ools operate urtdcr ideritical conditiorl-q'
Curvecl-tootli bevel genrs of the spiral bevel, zerol and hl,poid types al'e
cut in rtrachines using the face-lnill t,vptl of cubters ancl operatirtg on tlit
[Le guur 6eing cit meshes l'it]r an imaginarl' crow1. or geleratillg' geal'
I of rvf,ich the ictive surfacc of tlie rolating cufter represents one tooth-'Iltt
tooth forrn is olttained as a re'sult of a rclat,ive rollirig motion betrveen tlie
cutter and the blanl<.
I Spiral bevetl gear generators havo the foilorving principal tnoLiotr:
(Fig.261): (a) piimarl' cuttirrg nrotion drreto independenI rotation of cttt-
ier"l (nl iprn); (b) roll motion corrsisting of rotation o1 of cradle 3 rvith tht
imaginarv crown gcar arrcl rotation ro of gear blanl< 2 rvhich is co-ordinateti
t rvitf, crarile roll tlirough change gears (not -qhorvn in the diagram); (c) *'ith-
clrawal of the blank from thc cutter aftcr cuttirrg each tooth; and (d) inderins
L 3-7. G EAT:i.!.INISIII\ \I.A.CH{N I]S D/J
Illolioll $ltich is transrnittcd to the blanh rvhen the cradle returns to its
irriiial position after cutting each tootli.
curverl-Looth bevel gears may be crrt either rvith tlie aid of a crown gear.
irr rvhich case the aris of the cutler is parallel 1o thc craclle aris fs in
I:ig-,262a (rnoticl oT23A), or rvith a ber-el gcnerating gcar
trig. ziizrrl.
In tlre latter ctrse. the blank aud the crrtter ian be siviiettea'tniougtr a'n
arrglc z1.q_in-reference to the plane ol rotation of the craclle (this priiclpie
is applied, for erarnple, in rnoclel ol7]l).
I'he kinematic principles involvecl in cutting bevel gears an{ the gearing
tliagrarn-s of the mac]rines used for tliis purpoie rvill ije consiclereci ln pari
Three, Vol. 2, Sec. 5-6.