Metallurgy and Heat Treatment

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Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

Explain the internal structures of metals.

Identify and explain the use of heat-treating equipment.

Explain the principles of heat treating.

Explain the heat treatment of metals.

Identify heat-treating problems.

Identify and explain hardness tests.

As a Machinery Repairman, you work with many CHEMICAL METALLURGY deals with the
different types of metals and alloys. The more reduction of metals from their ores and the creation of
knowledge you have of metals and alloys, the better you alloys by changing the chemical structure of the base
will be able to perform your repair and maintenance metals. For example, steel is made from iron, which is
duties. The information you have already learned about produced from iron ore. During this process, coke is
the characteristics of metals and alloys in chapter 3 will used as a fuel, and limestone is used as a fluxing agent.
help you better understand the theory of metallurgy and PHYSICAL METALLURGY deals with the
heat treatment. nature, structure, and physical properties of metals and
There have been many books written on metallurgy alloys. The subject of physical metallurgy includes
and heat treatment. This chapter will only be an metallography (study of metals with a microscope),
overview. For more detailed information of the theory mechanical testing, and heat treatment, which we will
and of metallurgy and heat treatment, consult a discuss later in this chapter.
machinist handbook or any textbook on physical MECHANICAL METALLURGY deals with the
metallurgy. working and shaping of metals through operations such
As with any shop equipment you must observe all as machining, casting, and forging.
posted safety precautions. Review your equipment
operators manual for safety precautions and any
chapters of Navy Occupational Safety and Health
(NAVOSH) Program Manual for Forces Afloat, Throughout your career as a Machinery Repairman,
OPNAV instruction 5100.l9B, which pertain to the you have become familiar with the physical properties,
equipment you will be operating. such as hardness, brittleness, malleability, and ductility,
associated with various metals. These properties of
Metallurgy is the art or science of separating metals
metal are directly related to the internal, or atomic,
from their ores, making and compounding alloys, and
structure of the metals. This section will explain to you
working or heat-treating metals to give them certain
how various arrangements of atoms result in these and
desired shapes or properties. Metallurgy has been
other properties.
broken down into three branches—chemical
metallurgy, physical metallurgy, and mechanical Metals in liquid state have a noncrystalline
metallurgy. structural form. The crystals in solid metal are called

GRAINS (irregularly shaped crystals developed from rate of cooling from a molten state to a solid state. If a
the converging lattices). These irregularly shaped metal cools rapidly, many grains will form, and the size
crystals are formed as the metal cools and changes from of the grain will be smaller. The smaller the grain, the
a liquid state to a solid state. This change of state is shorter the slip planes, and the harder and stronger the
called FREEZING or SOLIDIFICATION. As the metal metal will be. The opposite will occur if the metal is
freezes, its atoms lose the energy of motion they had in cooled slowly. Grain size, therefore, directly affects the
the metal’s liquid state. The slow-moving atoms physical and the mechanical properties of metal and can
become attached to one another, usually in one of four be changed by various heat treatment methods.
predictable patterns, depending on the type and Some grains may be seen with the naked eye. Others
composition of the metal. These patterns are shown in can only be seen under magnification. The study of the
figure 15-1 and will be discussed in greater detail later microscopic structure of metals is called metallography.
in this chapter. Instruments used to magnify grains are called
CRYSTALS AND GRAINS scopes can magnify grains several hundred times their
actual size. Additional magnification can be gained
The first groups of atoms to form a pattern create through the use of an ELECTRON MICROSCOPE,
what arc called UNIT CELLS, or GRAIN NUCLEI. which can magnify up to many thousand times actual
The unit cell is the basic building block of the metal. size.
Many unit cells connect in the same pattern that makes
up the unit cell and forms a CRYSTAL. Crystals then Metallurgical microscopes equipped with devices
connect to form the metal’s CRYSTALLINE STRUC- for photographing the microstructure of metals are
Under ideal conditions, crystals will be perfectly SPACE LATTICES
shaped. Under real world conditions, however, crystal
shapes are usually distorted. These typically distorted The arrangement of atoms (the most basic unit of
crystals, or grains, form what is known as the GRAIN matter) in a crystal can be shown by a graphic
STRUCTURE of the metal. illustration called a SPACE LATTICE. Each of the four
The surface of a metal does not indicate its internal line-dot drawings in figure 15-l is a space lattice. The
grain structure. However, when the metal is fractured, dots represent atoms, while the lines make the shape
structure will show on the fractured surface. The size of easier to visualize.
the grains depends upon a number of factors, including The space lattices of most metals can be identified
the nature of the metal, the temperature to which it is as one of the following four types:
heated, the length of time it is held at a specific
temperature, and the rate at which it is cooled from a 1. Body-centered cubic
liquid to a solid. In general, the quicker a metal 2. Face-centered cubic
solidifies, the smaller the grains will be.
3. Body-centered tetragonal
The line-shaped areas between adjacent grains are
known as GRAIN BOUNDARIES. A high state of 4. Hexagonal close-packed
stress exists at the grain boundaries, due to a mismatch
of each lattice. When a metal is deformed, the atoms in Body-Centered Cubic Lattice
the structure slide over one another along certain planes
called SLIP PLANES. Slip planes are the planes of least The body-centered cubic lattice (fig. 15-1, view A)
resistance to an applied force. Metals with large grains contains nine atoms, one at each corner of the cube and
have long slip planes, allowing deformation to occur one at the center of the cube. In this arrangement, each
easily. On the other hand, metals with small grains have atom is held in position by the force of the remaining
short slip planes, making deformation difficult. The eight atoms.
plane along which a metal separates when subjected to
Metals that have the body-centered cubic arrange-
an applied force is called a CLEAVAGE PLANE.
ment are usually stronger, but harder to work cold,
GRAIN SIZE is determined by the number of grains than metals that have a face-centered cubic arrange-
per square inch in a metal magnified 100 times normal ment (discussed next). Some of the body-centered
size. The number of grains that form depends upon the metals are tungsten, molybdenum (MO), vanadium (V),

Figure 15-1.—Atom arrangement in a space lattice system.

Figure 15-2.—Microscopic structure called austenite magnified Figure 15-3.—Microscopic structure called martensite magnified
500 times. 2,500 times.

wolfran(W), columbium, and ferrite (or alpha iron) Recall that steel heated to its hardening temperature
below its hardening temperature. becomes a face-centered cubic material called austenite.
If austenite is quenched at its hardening temperature and
Face-Centered Cubic Lattice cooled rapidly to a temperature of less than 400°F, it
will change into MARTENSITE (fig. 15-3) in a
The face-centered cubic lattice (fig. 15-1, view B)
body-centered terragonal arrangement. During the
contains 14 atoms, one at each corner of the cube and
one at the center of each face of the cube. In this transformation from austenite to martensite, the steel
arrangement the atoms are more dense (closely packed) becomes supersaturated with carbon. Because of its
than in the body-centered arrangement. Metals that extremely high carbon content and the distortion of its
have a face-centered cubic lattice structure include structure, martensite is the hardest and most brittle form
nickel, aluminum, copper, lead, gold, and silver. of steel.
When steel is heated to the hardening temperature,
Hexagonal Close-Packed Lattice
the space lattice units in the grain structure transform
from the body-centered cubic form to the face-centered
cubic form. In this form it is called austenite or gamma The hexagonal close-packed lattice (fig. 15-1, view
iron (fig. 15-2). At the elevated temperature at which D) contains 17 atoms. This structure does not have the
austenite forms, the carbon in steel decomposes from high degree of symmetry evident in the cubic structure,
its combined state as cementite (iron carbide) to free and as a result this type of structure is very difficult to
carbon. The free carbon then dissolves into the solid hot deform. Metals that have this structure have little
iron to form a solid solution of uniformly dispersed plasticity and are very difficult to work cold. Some
carbon in iron. This form of iron will dissolve up to a examples of this type of metal are cadmium (Cd), cobalt
maximum of 2 percent carbon. In contrast, the (Co), magnesium (Mg), titanium (Ti), zinc (Zn), and
body-centered (alpha) form of iron (ferrite) will beryllium (Be).
dissolve a maximum of about 0.05 percent carbon.
Of the four lattices mentioned, the cubic types are
Body-Centered Tetragonal Lattice the most important. If you understand the role these
structures play in the heat-treating process, you will be
The body-centered tetragonal lattice (fig. 15-1, able to understand better how desired characteristics
view C) contains nine atoms and looks like a are given to various forms of steel. The relation-
body-centered cubic lattice stretched in one dimension. ship between atomic structure, carbon content, and

A solid solution in a metal is similar to many
solutions you are familiar with. For example: water
dissolves salt. The result is a salty liquid. The taste of
the salt and the wetness of the water have not changed.
As you see, there has been no change of individual
properties. However, you cannot see or distinguish
which is water and which is salt. The loss of individual
identity is apparent. An example of a familiar solid
Figure 15-4.—Space lattices of two forms of solid solution. solution is Monel metal. You know from experience that
A. Atoms of one element replace atoms of another element. Monel is tough, and yet soft and plastic; the toughness
B. Atoms of one element fit between atoms of another
of nickel and the plasticity of copper have been
combined in the form of a metallic solid solution.
The individual elements lose their identity in a solid
solution. A polished cross section of a material that
characteristics of the metal will be discussed later in this consists of only one solid solution shows all grains to
chapter. be of the same nominal composition.
Ferrite and austenite are two solid solutions that are
ALLOTROPY important constituents of steel. FERRITE is the name
given to a solid solution of alpha iron and carbon.
Some metals may exist in more than one lattice AUSTENITE is the term for a solid solution of gamma
form at a particular temperature. When a metal exists in iron and carbon. Carbon is only slightly soluble in alpha
more than one lattice form it is said to be ALLO- iron but is quite soluble in gamma iron. Alpha iron at
TROPIC in nature. A change from one lattice structure room temperature can hold only about 0.007 percent
to another is called an allotropic change. The carbon in solid solution. At a temperature of 2,065°F,
temperature at which allotropic changes take place is gamma iron can hold up to about 2 percent carbon in
called the TRANSFORMATION TEMPERATURE. solid solution.
The changes from one form of iron to another are not As an introduction to compounds, consider
often instantaneous at a specific temperature. Rather, ordinary table salt. The two poisonous elements,
they generally take place within a range of temperatures sodium and chlorine, are combined chemically to create
called the TRANSFORMATION TEMPERATURE a new and different substance, sodium chloride, or table
RANGE. The temperature of the lower end is called the salt. Salt, with its own identity and properties, does not
lower transformation temperature and the temperature resemble either sodium or chlorine.
of the upper end is called the upper transformation Similarly, INTERMETALLIC COMPOUNDS are
temperature. combinations of a metal and some other substance such
as carbon or sulfur. Under certain conditions,
INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF METALS intermetallic compounds form and a new substance
with new properties is created in very much the same
In alloys (substances composed of two or more manner but on a more complicated basis. Perhaps the
metals or of a metal and a nonmetal), the internal struc- most important thing to remember about the
ture may be in the form of crystals of pure metals, a solid intermetallic compounds is the loss of identity and the
solution, intermetallic compounds, mechanical change in properties of the combining elements. The
mixtures, or some combination of these structures. heat treater quite often uses the change in properties
In a solid solution, the elements are completely offered by compound formations in metals to create
dissolved in each other, with the atoms of one element compounds with certain desired properties.
fitting into and forming parts of the space lattice of the One intermetallic compound of great importance in
other element. Figure 15-4 illustrates two ways in which ferrous alloys is known as IRON CARBIDE or
solid solutions may exist. The atoms of one element CEMENTITE. This is an extremely hard and brittle
may fit into the spaces between the atoms of another compound that is formed by the combination of iron (a
element, as indicated in figure 15-4, view B; or the metal) and carbon (a metalloid). The formula for iron
atoms of one element may replace the atoms of another carbide, or cementite, is Fe3C. This formula shows that
element in the space lattice, as indicated in figure 15-4, three atoms of iron combine with one atom of carbon to
view A. produce one molecule of iron carbide, or cementite

Figure 15-5.—Typical structure of low-carbon steel.

The structure of an alloy is described as being a

MECHANICAL MIXTURE when two or more
structural forms are mixed together but are still
separately distinguishable. A mechanical mixture of an
alloy is comparable-though on a smaller scale-to the
mixture of sand and gravel in concrete.
One of the most important mechanical mixtures that
occurs in many steels is known as PEARLITE. Pearlite,
so called because it has a pearly luster when seen under
a microscope, is an intimate mechanical mixture of
Figure 15-6.—Controlled atmosphere electric furnace used for
ferrite and cementite in alternate plates or layers. Ferrite heat-treating.
is a solid solution, and cementite or iron carbide is an
intermetallic compound; in pearlite, the two are closely HEAT-TREATING EQUIPMENT
mixed to form a characteristically layered structure.
When the entire structure of the alloy is in the form of The equipment required for heat-treating consists
pearlite, the composition is referred to as the of furnaces or other heating devices, quenching baths
EUTECTOID COMPOSITION. The pearlitic structure or other cooling devices, temperature controls and
indicators, and other controls and indicators required
is called the EUTECTOID or the EUTECTOID
for the proper operation of the equipment or for the
control of the process. In addition, heat-treating equip-
The internal structure of an alloy may show various
ment includes tongs and other devices for handling and
combinations of pure metals, solid solutions, inter-
holding the work while it is being heated or cooled.
metallic compounds, and mechanical mixtures. Many Because heat-treating equipment varies so widely,
of the combinations that are important in steels and it is not practical to describe or to give operating
other alloys are the result of heating and cooling of the instructions for different types in this course. The
alloy. Figure 15-5 shows, very much enlarged, a typical equipment described here is typical of heat-treating
combination that occurs when plain-carbon steel equipment you may be required to use, but it does not
containing less than 0.83 percent carbon is heated to a include all possible types of equipment. If you are
certain temperature and then cooled slowly. This required to heat-treat metals, find out all you can about
combination consists of the solid solution ferrite and the the equipment that is available before you begin to use
mechanical mixture pearlite, each in crystal form, it. The instructions furnished by the manufacturer are
distributed throughout the alloy. The relative usually your best-and sometimes only-source of
proportions of ferrite and pearlite in this combination authoritative information on a specific item of heat-
depend largely upon the carbon content of the alloy. treating equipment.

Figure 15-7.—Exploded view of electric furnace used for heat-treating.

HEATING EQUIPMENT avoided, however, a neutral atmosphere rather than a

reducing or oxidizing atmosphere is used.
Equipment designed for the heating of metals
A NEUTRAL ATMOSPHERE is neither oxidizing
includes electric furnaces, fuel-fired furnaces, bath
nor reducing because it contains no oxygen (oxidizing
furnaces, and devices for the measurement and control
agent) and no carbon monoxide (reducing agent). In
of temperature. Improvised heating devices may
include oxyacetylene torches, Hauck burners, forges, reality, other factors often tend to produce either
oxidation or decarburization; therefore, an atmosphere
and temporary ovens constructed of firebrick and sheet
that is described as neutral may not always be totally
asbestos. We will discuss electric furnaces since they
are what most Machinery Repairmen will be using.
The furnace atmosphere may be the result of the
The gases that circulate through the furnace heating
deliberate introduction of a gas or a mixture of gases
chamber and surround the metal as it is being heated
into the heating chamber. When gases are deliberately
make up the FURNACE ATMOSPHERE. By con-
introduced into the heating chamber for the purpose of
trolling the composition of the furnace atmosphere, you
controlling the atmosphere, the furnace is said to have
can produce the type of atmosphere best suited for the
heating of a particular type of metal. Furnace
atmospheres are generally classified as being oxidizing,
Electric Furnaces
reducing, or neutral.
An OXIDIZING ATMOSPHERE exists when Electric furnaces with a controlled atmosphere are
excess air is circulated through the furnace. Some frequently used for heat-treating on repair ships and
electric furnaces are designed to operate with an tenders. Quite often two such units are used on the same
oxidizing atmosphere at all times. An oxidizing ship. One is a relatively low-temperature furnace used
atmosphere is indicated by bright, clean walls and a for preheating or tempering, and the other is a higher
clear, transparent atmosphere in the furnace. Metals temperature furnace used for hardening. Both types are
heated in an oxidizing atmosphere occasionally develop equipped with control devices for regulating
films of metal oxides (scale) on their surfaces. In some temperature. The high-temperature furnace may also be
cases, this is undesirable; but in other cases, it is desir- equipped with rheostats used to increase the rate of
able because it tends to prevent further decarburization heating. A typical electric furnace for shipboard use is
of the metal. Decarburization is a term used to describe shown in figure 15-6. An exploded view of a slightly
the loss of carbon from the surface of ferrous metals different type of electric furnace is shown in figure 15-7.
with consequent softening of the material. The outer casing of the furnace is usually made of
A REDUCING ATMOSPHERE tends to remove sheet steel. Just inside the casing is a layer of insulating
oxygen from the surface of the metal. A reducing material, such as mica, spun glass, or asbestos. Inside
atmosphere is often desirable in heat treatment since it this insulating material is a lining of refractory material,
tends to prevent oxide formation and other surface such as firebrick and insulating brick. The refractory
deterioration. If decarburization of steel is to be lining insulates the furnace, helps maintain the required

Figure 15-9.—Thermoelectric pyrometer used in heat-treating
Figure 15-8.—Grid for heat-treating furnace. furnance.

high temperatures, and supports the heating elements well as measuring devices. This type of instrument can
and the hearth plate. be set to develop and maintain any desired temperature
Hearth plates are placed on the bottom of the within the limits of the furnace design.
heating chamber to support the pieces being heated. If you are using improvised heat-treating equip-
Hearth plates must withstand high temperatures without ment, you will probably not have any accurate way of
sagging or scaling. They are often made of a special measuring temperature and will have to improvise
nickel-chromium, heat-resistant alloy. If the furnace is methods for determining temperature.
designed for the heat treatment of high-speed steels, the It is possible to estimate the temperature of ferrous
hearth plate may be made of a carbon and silicon. metals by noting the color changes that occur when the
Grids, usually made of iron-chromium-nickel alloy, material is heated. This method is not practical for
keep heavy or long sections of material off the hearth nonferrous metals since most nonferrous metals melt
plate. The use of grids ensures more uniform heating of before they show a color change. At best, the color
the material and tends to prevent warping. A grid for an method of judging temperatures is guesswork.
electric furnace is shown in figure 15-8. Nonetheless, you should develop some skill in using
A special type of electric furnace known as an
this technique. It may be the only method you have to
estimate temperature when you do not have adequate
for stress-relieving and tempering. Air-circulating
heat-treating equipment.
furnaces are relatively low-temperature units, usually
The best way to learn to judge the temperature of
designed to operate at temperatures ranging from 275°
to 1,250°F. Temperature control is both accurate and ferrous metal by color is by heating small samples of
rapid. The maximum temperature variation is seldom clean, polished steel under controlled conditions. This
more than plus or minus 5°F, and very rapid changes to way you can check the color of the sample against the
a higher or lower temperature are possible. actual temperature. Also, study the color charts that
relate color and temperature. Your perception of the
Temperature Measurement and Control colors will be affected by the color and intensity of the
light in the furnace or in the room where you are
The measurement and control of temperature are
working. Use standard lighting conditions, if possible,
extremely important in all heat-treating processes.
when you must estimate the temperature of a metal by
Modern heat-treating furnaces are equipped with
various devices for indicating (and in some cases observing the color. Charts are available in various
recording) temperatures. Most furnaces are also handbooks and textbooks on metals. Table 15-1 is a
equipped with temperature controllers. rough guide to the color-temperature relationships of
The most commonly used device for measuring the steel.
temperature in a heat-treating furnace is the At temperatures below those given in table 15-l)
THERMOELECTRIC PYROMETER. This instrument another type of color determination can be made. If steel
(fig. 15-9) consists of a thermocouple, an extension is thoroughly cleaned and polished, the surface will
lead, and an indicating unit. The indicating unit is appear to change color as the material is heated. An
calibrated in degrees Fahrenheit or Centigrade. oxide film forms on the polished surface as the steel is
Some pyrometers merely indicate the temperature; heated, and the oxide color corresponds to a certain
others indicate it and record it. Most electric furnaces temperature. Some oxide colors for steel are given in
are equipped with pyrometers that are controllers as table 15-2.

Table 15-1.—Relationship Between Color and Temperature of Steel

Color Temperature
Faint red, visible in darkness . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
Faint red, visible in daylight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900
Blood red. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1050
Dark cherry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075
Medium red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1250
Cherry or full red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1375
Bright red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1550
Salmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1650
Grange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1725
Lemon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1825
Light yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1975
White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2200
Dazzling white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2350

Table 15-2.—Oxide Colors for Steel of Various Temperatures

Color Temperature
Pale yellow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
Straw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Golden yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469

Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
Brown dappled with purple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Purple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
Dark blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550

Bright blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567

Pale blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610

Table 15-3.—Average Cooling Rates of Some Liquids and Gases Used for Cooling, as
Compared with Cooling Rate of Water at 65°F

Cooling Rate,
Cooling Medium as Compared to
Water at 65°F
10-percent brine solution at 65°F . . . . . . . . . . . 1.96
10-percent caustic soda solution . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.38
Water at 65°F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00
Prepared oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.44
Fuel oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.36
Cottonseed oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.36
Neatsfoot oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.33
Sperm oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.33
Fish oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.31
Castor oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.29
Machine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.22
Lard oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.19
Circulated oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.032
Still air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.015

Special temperature-indicating crayons or other different temperature unless the piece has been soaking
materials may be available for use in connection with for some time.
heat treatment. These materials give a much more
accurate indication of temperature than can be obtained COOLING EQUIPMENT
by merely observing the color of the metal.
Temperature-indicating crayons are made of materials The rate of cooling is controlled by selecting an
that melt rapidly and clearly at specified temperatures. appropriate cooling medium and cooling procedure.
A series of crayons is supplied to cover a wide range of The equipment required for cooling includes the
temperatures. substances used for cooling, a tank or other container to
The crayons are easy to use. You select the crayon hold the cooling medium, and various kinds of tongs,
that is labeled with the temperature you want. As the baskets, and other devices for handling and holding the
metal is being heated, stroke the work with the crayon. work.
When the metal is below the temperature rating of the The rate at which a metal cools depends upon a
crayon, the crayon will leave a dry or chalky mark on number of factors. The size, shape, temperature, and
the surface. When the proper temperature is reached or composition of the material and the temperature and
exceeded, the crayon will melt quickly, leaving a liquid composition of the cooling medium are the major
smear on the metal. Do not forget that the crayons factors involved. The rate at which a cooling medium
indicate only the skin or surface temperature of the can absorb heat is also greatly influenced by circulation.
metal. The interior of the piece may be at quite a When the cooling medium is agitated, the rate of

tight to prevent mixing of the mediums. Each
compartment is equipped with a drain plug, a screen in
the bottom to catch scale and other foreign matter, and
a mesh basket to hold the parts being quenched. The
mesh basket and the wire screen are suspended in the
tank and held in position by clips that fit over the rim of
the tank A portable electric pump may be attached to
the rim of the tank to circulate the liquid.
Stationary quenching tanks are usually designed to
contain only one liquid. In a stationary quenching tank,
the mesh basket that holds the work is usually raised
and lowered by air pressure and is controlled by a three-
way air valve. The basket can usually be positioned at
any level and can be raised above the level of the liquid
Figure 15-10.—Portable quenching tank for use in heat-treating. so the parts can be drained after they have been cooled.
Stationary quenching tanks usually have built-in
electric pumps to circulate the liquid. WATER is often
cooling is much faster than when the cooling medium used as a quenching medium for plain-carbon steels and
is not in motion. The volume of the cooling medium is for aluminum and other nonferrous metals. The water
also important. As the metal cools, the cooling medium must be kept clean by frequent changing. The
absorbs heat. If the volume is insufficient, the cooling temperature most often used for water quenching is
medium will become too hot to cool the work at the about 65°F. Normally, the volume of water in the tank
required rate. In regular heat-treating shops where the should prevent a temperature rise of more than 20°F.
cooling mediums must be used continuously, When very heavy pieces are being quenched, the
mechanical cooling systems are used to maintain the temperature rise may exceed 20°F, but it should always
cooling medium at the correct temperature. be kept as low as possible.
Liquids, gases, and solids are all used as cooling BRINE is used for many quenching operations. At
mediums for heat-treating operations. Table 15-3 shows any given temperature, brine cannot hold as much
the relative cooling rates of some commonly used dissolved air as fresh water can hold. With brine,
liquids and gases. Solid materials such as lime, sand, therefore, there are fewer air bubbles or gas pockets on
ashes, and cast-iron chips are sometimes used when the the surface of the work Brine wets the surface more
rate of cooling must be slower than that produced by thoroughly and cools the work more rapidly and more
liquids or gases. uniformly than plain water.
Liquid quenching is accomplished either by Brine solutions usually contain from 7 to 10 percent
STILL-BATH QUENCHING or by FLUSH salt by weight or 3/4 of a pound of salt for each gallon
QUENCHING. In still-bath quenching the metal is of water. The correct temperature for a brine quench
cooled in a tank of still liquid. The only movement of ranges from 65° to 100°F. Plain-carbon steels and low-
the liquid is that caused by the movement of the hot alloy steels are often quenched in brine. High-carbon
metal. Flush quenching is used for parts that have steels and all alloy steels that are uneven in cross section
recesses or cavities that would not be properly quenched must be quenched very carefully if brine is the cooling
by the still-bath method. In flush quenching, the liquid medium. Brine cools the material so rapidly that great
is sprayed under pressure onto the surface of the piece internal stresses may develop and crack the work Brine
and into every cavity or recess. This procedure is often is not used as a quenching medium for nonferrous
used to minimize distortion by providing a relatively metals because of its high corrosive effect on these
uniform quench to all parts of the piece. metals.
Portable quenching tanks of the type shown in OIL is used to quench high-speed steels and
figure 15-10 are sometimes used in small shops that do oil-hardened steels. It is also the preferred quenching
not have permanent, built-in equipment. Portable medium for almost all other steels except where the
quenching tanks may have one compartment or several. necessary hardness cannot be obtained by such a
When more than one quenching medium is to be used, relatively slow quench. Although nonferrous metals are
the seal between the compartments must be absolutely not normally quenched in oil, they may be in special

Figure 15-11.—Iron-carbon phase diagram.

cases. A wide variety of quenching oils may be used, AIR is used for cooling some high-alloy steels and
including animal oils, fish oils, vegetable oils, and some nonferrous metals. Both still air and circulating
mineral oils. Oils have a slower cooling rate than brine air are used. For either method the work pieces are
or water but a faster cooling rate than air or solid placed on racks or other suitable containers so all parts
materials. Quenching oils are usually used in the are uniformly exposed. Air is often circulated by
temperature range of 120° to 150°F. electric fans arranged to provide uniform cooling.
The chief danger involved in quenching with oil is Compressed air is sometimes used to concentrate the
that a hot metal piece may raise the temperature of the cooling on particular areas. Compressed air used for this
oil to the flash point and cause it to burst into flames. A purpose must be entirely free of moisture. Any moisture
cover should always be kept near a quenching tank that in the air produces rapid quenching wherever it touches
is used for oil. If the oil flashes into flames, put the cover the metal and may cause cracking or hard spots.
over the tank immediately to smother the fire.
Some water usually collects in the bottom of the oil MOLTEN LEAD at temperatures ranging from
tank. The water does no harm if only a small amount is 650° to 1,100°F is often used as a first-stage quench for
present. If enough water is present that the work extends high-speed steels. A common practice is to quench
into the water, the rapid quenching action of the water high-speed steel in molten lead as soon as the work is
may cause the piece to crack removed from the furnace and to follow this quench by
cooling the part in still air to about 200°F before
CAUSTIC SODA in water is used for some steels tempering. Molten lead is not used as a quenching
that require rapid quenching. A lo-percent caustic soda medium for nonferrous metals.
solution quenches faster than water, but slower than
brine. Nonferrous metals are not quenched in caustic MOLTEN SALT at temperatures ranging from 300°
soda solutions. to 1,000°F is sometimes used as a quenching medium

alloys. However, you should note that an equilibrium
diagram indicates equilibrium conditions-you might
say, ideal conditions of very slow and very uniform
heating and cooling. The rate and uniformity of heating
and cooling affect the internal structure of alloys and
alter the relationship between temperature and internal
structure. Therefore, equilibrium diagrams represent
theoretical rather than actual conditions.


If you allow a molten sample of pure iron to cool

slowly and measure the temperature of the iron at
Figure 15-12.—Idealized cooling curve for pure iron.
regular intervals, an idealized (equilibrium) time-
temperature plot of the data will appear as shown in
figure 15-12. The horizontal d&continuities (temper-
for steels that tend to crack or distort from more sudden ature arrests) in this curve are caused by physical
quenches. The final cooling for the temperature of the
changes in the iron.
molten salt bath is accomplished in still air. All traces
The first arrest at 2,800°F marks the temperature at
of the salt must be washed from the steel to prevent
which the iron freezes. The other arrests (known as
transformation temperatures or critical points) mark
SPECIAL PROTECTIVE ATMOSPHERES are temperatures at which certain internal changes take
used for the first-stage cooling of some steels. The place in the solid iron. Some of these temperatures are
protective atmosphere almost entirely eliminates air very important in the heat treatment of steel.
from around the metal and thus prevents scaling. When As was mentioned before, the atoms in all solid
the steel has cooled enough so there is no further danger metals are arranged in a definite geometric pattern. The
of scaling, the remainder of the cooling is done in still atoms in iron immediately after freezing are arranged
air. in the body-centered cubic structure. In this crystal
structure the unit cell consists of a cube with an iron
atom at each of the eight comers and another in the
center. Each of the many individual grains (crystals) of
which the solid metal is composed is built up of a very
As we have seen, the properties of a metal or an large number of these unit cells, all oriented alike in the
alloy are directly related to the metallurgical structure same grain. This high-temperature iron is known as
of the material. Since we know that the basic purpose delta iron.
of heat treatment is to CHANGE the properties of the At 2,550°F (the A4 point, fig. 15-12), iron under-
materials, let’s see how this is done. The following goes an allotropic transformation; that is, the arrange-
sections deal with basic considerations in heat ment of the atoms in the crystal changes. The new
treat-ment—equilibrium diagrams, transformation crystal structure is face-centered cubic, and the unit cell
temperatures, and the effects of heating, holding at again consists of a cube with an iron atom at each of the
temperature, and cooling. eight corners, but with an iron atom in the center of each
of the six faces instead on one in the center of the cube.
EQUILIBRIUM DIAGRAMS This form is known as gamma iron. At 1,670°F (the A3
point), iron undergoes another allotropic transformation
The relationships among the various metallurgical and reverts to the body-centered cubic system. This
structures that compose alloys and the temperatures at structure, which is basically the same as the structure of
which these structures exist are shown on existing delta iron, is stable at all temperatures below the A3
equilibrium diagrams for all major alloy systems. point and is known as alpha iron. The arrest at 1,420°F
Figure 15-11 shows a simplified equilibrium diagram (the A2 point) is not caused by an allotropic change. It
(also called a phase diagram) for iron-carbon alloys. marks the temperature at which iron becomes
This type of diagram gives a good overall view of the ferromagnetic and is, therefore, termed the magnetic
effects of temperature on the structures of various transition. Above this temperature iron is nonmagnetic.

Figure 15-13.—Phase diagram for carbon steels.

These various temperature arrests on cooling are over a range in temperature instead of at a constant
caused by evolutions of heat. On heating, the arrests temperature as does the pure metal iron. The alloy
occur in reverse order and are caused by absorptions of containing 4.3 percent carbon, called the eutectic alloy
heat. The critical points may be detected also by sudden of iron and cementite, freezes at a constant temperature
changes in other physical properties, for instance, as indicated by point C (fig. 15-11). Eutectic is defined
expansivity or electrical conductivity. as an alloy or solution having its components in such
proportions that the melting point is the lowest possible
IRON-CARBON PHASE DIAGRAM for this combination of components. Not all alloys are
eutectic forming. The formation of a eutectic occurs
The complete iron-carbon phase diagram when a molten alloy or solution of the proper
represents the relationship between temperatures, composition freezes. This temperature (in iron) is
compositions, and structures of all phases that may be 2,065°F, considerably below the freezing point of pure
formed by iron and carbon under an equilibrium iron.
condition (very slow cooling). Figure 15-11 illustrates Carbon has an important effect upon the trans-
a portion of this diagram for alloys ranging up to 6.7 formation temperatures of iron; it raises the A4
percent of carbon. The left-hand boundary of the temperature and lowers the A3 temperature. This effect
diagram represents pure iron (ferrite), and the on the A3 temperature is very important in the heat
right-hand boundary represents the compound iron treatment of carbon and alloy structural steels, while the
carbide, Fe3C, commonly called cementite. effect on the A4 temperature is important in the heat
The beginning of freezing (change in state of metal treatment of certain high-alloy steels, particularly
from liquid to solid) of the various iron-carbon alloys stainless types.
is shown by line ABCD (fig. 15-11), termed the Solid iron can absorb various amounts of carbon,
LIQUIDUS LINE. The ending of freezing is given by depending on the crystal structure of the iron and the
line AHJECF, termed the SOLIDUS LINE. The temperature to which the iron is heated. The
freezing point of iron is lowered by the addition of body-centered iron (alpha or delta) can absorb very little
carbon (up to 4.3 percent) and the resultant alloys freeze carbon, whereas the face-centered (gamma) iron can

Figure 15-14.—Microstructural constituents of slowly cooled carbon steel (all etched with either picral or nital).

absorb a considerable amount as pure austenite, the (ECF in fig. 15-11) will decompose partly or completely
maximum being about 2 percent at 2,065°F (fig. 15-11, into austenite and graphite.
point E). The solid solution of carbon in delta iron is The part of the iron-carbon phase diagram that is
called delta ferrite, and the solid solution of carbon in concerned with the heat treatment of steel is reproduced
alpha iron is called alpha ferrite, or, more simply, ferrite. on an expanded scale in figure 15-13. Regardless of the
The physical process by which iron-carbon alloys, carbon content, steel exists as austenite above line
especially those containing less than about 0.6 percent GOSE. Steel of 0.83 percent carbon is designated as
of carbon, solidify is rather complicated. All you really eutectoid steel, and those with lower or higher carbon
need to know, however, is that all iron-carbon alloys as hypoeutectoid and hypereutectoid, respectively.
containing less than 2 percent of carbon (steel) will, An eutectoid steel, when cooled at very slow rates
immediately or soon after solidification is complete, from temperatures within the austenitic field, undergoes
consist of single-phase austenite. Cast irons containing no change until the temperature reaches 1,330°F (line
greater than 2 percent carbon will consist of two phases PSK) (fig. 15-13). At this temperature (known as the A1
immediately after solidification-austenite and temperature), the austenite transforms completely to a
cementite. Under some conditions this cementite mixture of ferrite and cementite having a typical
formed on cooling through the temperature 2,065°F lamellar structure (fig. 15-14, view E). The mixture is

known as pearlite, and the A1 temperature is, therefore, EFFECTS OF HEATING, HOLDING,
frequently referred to as the pearlite point. Since the A1 AND COOLING
transformation involves the transformation of austenite
to pearlite (which contains cementite—Fe3C), pure iron We have seen what happens to the structure of an
does not possess an A1 transformation (fig. 15-13). iron-carbon alloy containing 0.83 percent carbon when
it is cooled very slowly so all of the transformations
Theoretically, iron must be alloyed with a minimum of
occur at the points indicated on the equilibrium
0.03 percent of carbon before the first minute traces of diagram. In the same manner, we could use the
pearlite can be formed on cooling (fig. 15-13, point P). equilibrium diagram to find the transformation points
If the steel is held at a temperature just below A1 (either or ranges for other iron-carbon alloys containing
during cooling or heating), the carbide in the pearlite different percentages of carbon.
tends to coalesce into globules or spheroids; this If we want to change a metal’s properties, we have
phenomenon, known as SPHEROIDIZATION, will be to create a specific grain structure in the metal. We do
discussed later. this primarily by (1) heating the metal at a certain rate
A hypoeutectoid steel (less than 0.83 percent to a certain temperature, (2) holding or soaking it at that
carbon), cooled slowly from a temperature above the A3 temperature for a specified time, and (3) cooling it at a
temperature, begins to precipitate ferrite when the A3 specified rate. Thus the three major factors involved in
line is reached. This ferrite is often called pro-eutectoid, all heat-treating processes are (1) rate of heating,
since it forms before the eutectoid temperature is (2) holding time (or soaking time) at the specified
reached. As the temperature drops from the A3 to the temperature, and (3) rate of cooling. A fourth factor—
A1, the precipitation of ferrite increases progressively, the chemical composition of the material surrounding
and as the amount of the remaining austenite decreases the alloy during heat treatment—is important in nearly
progressively, its carbon content increases. At the A1 all treating processes.
The rate of heating determines where the changes
temperature the remaining austenite reaches eutectoid
will occur in the material as it is heated. Increasing the
composition (0.83 percent carbon) and, upon further
rate of heating raises the temperatures at which the
cooling, transforms completely into pearlite (fig. 15-14, transformations occur. Within certain limits, the faster
view D). The microstructures of slowly cooled the material is heated, the higher its transformation
hypoeutectoid steels thus consist of mixtures of ferrite temperatures will be. The temperature to which the
and pearlite (fig. 15-14, views B and C). The lower the material is raised and the time it is held at that
carbon content, the higher is the temperature at which temperature affect the size of the grains in the final
ferrite begins to precipitate and the greater is the amount structure. The rate of heating also partially determines
of ferrite in the final structure. whether or not stresses will be set up in the material by
The temperature range between the A1 and A3 the process of heating.
points is called the transformation range. Theoretically, The holding time (or soaking time) at temperature
the critical points in any given steel should occur at is important for a number of reasons. The holding time
about the same temperatures, if the steel is being heated must be sufficient to allow all parts of the piece to come
or cooled very slowly. Practically, however, they do not to a uniform temperature, except in those cases
since the A3 and A1 points, affected slightly by the rate involving localized hardening of certain areas. If the
of heating, are affected tremendously by the rate of rate of heating is very slow, uniformity of temperature
cooling. Rapid rates of heating raise these points only may be reached with a short holding time. But if the rate
slightly, but rapid rates of cooling lower the of heating is rapid, a longer holding time will probably
be required. In any case, holding time must be sufficient
temperatures of transformation considerably. To
to allow the required transformations to take place. As
differentiate between the critical points on heating and we have seen, the transformations do not occur
cooling, the small letters c (for chauffage, meaning instantaneously but require a definite time for
heating) and r (for refroidissement, meaning cooling) completion.
are added. The terminology of the critical points thus The rate of cooling is tremendously important in
becomes Ac3, Ar3, Acl, Arl, and so on. The letter e is most heat-treating processes. Increasing the rate of
used to designate the occurrence of the points under cooling lowers the temperatures at which the
conditions of extremely slow cooling on the assumption transformations occur; and the lower the transformation
that this represents equilibrium conditions (Ae3 and temperature, the stronger and harder the final product
Aec m). will be. Very rapid cooling does not allow time for the

transformations to be completed in the normal manner,
resulting in quite different structures than those
obtained by very slow cooling of the same material.
Remember this fact about cooling-if you do not cool
a metal properly, you will not get the desired results, no
matter how carefully you heat and soak the metal. In
addition, very rapid cooling can cause internal stresses
in your material, which may lead to cracking.
In plain-carbon steel, the properties of the material
are largely determined by the form and distribution of
the ferrite and the cementite. Most heat treatment of
plain-carbon steels consists of heating the material
slightly above its transformation temperature, holding
it at this temperature until it is completely austenitic,
and then cooling it at the rate required to produce a
particular kind of structure. Thus austenite, a solid
solution of carbon and gamma iron, might be
considered the basis from which all plain-carbon steel
structures are derived. Figure 15-15.—Isothermal transformation diagram (S-curve)
As noted before, the very slow cooling of austenite for eutectoid carbon steel.
to room temperature produces structures that are
combinations of ferrite and cementite. The particular salts. Occasionally, solid materials are used as
combination depends upon the percentage of carbon in quenching mediums. In each instance, the quenching
the ahoy. With less than about 0.83 percent carbon, the medium and the quenching procedure must be selected
structure is a combination of ferrite and pearlite. With on the basis of the nature of the material being treated,
just about 0.83 percent carbon, the structure is entirely the size and design of the piece, and the properties that
pearlitic. With more than 0.83 percent carbon, the are required in the final product.
structure is a combination of pearlite surrounded by
cementite at the grain boundaries as shown in figure Isothermal Transformation
15-14, view F. The course of transformation of austenite when the
If the steel is cooled rapidly, a different structure steel is quenched to and held at various constant
will result. The austenite will be retained until the elevated temperature levels (isothermal transformation)
material reaches a temperature of about 430°F. At this is shown by a diagram known as the isothermal
point the transformation from austenite to a structure transformation diagram (I-T diagram). This diagram is
called MARTENSITE begins. Martensite is a very hard also called the Bain S-curve or the TTT diagram, for
and highly stressed structure. It is formed at the moment time, temperature, and transformation. Such a diagram
gamma iron changes to alpha iron. Since gamma iron for eutectoid carbon steel is shown in figure 15-15. The
can hold a great deal more carbon in solid solution than I-T diagram of a steel is a map that charts the trans-
alpha iron can, the change from gamma iron to alpha formation of austenite as a function of temperature and
iron causes a sudden dispersion of carbon. Because the
time and shows approximately how a particular steel
transformation from austenite is so rapid, carbon is
will respond to any rate of slow or rapid cooling from
trapped throughout the structure in this solid solution.
the austenite state. The products of this transformation
The rate of cooling is controlled by selecting an
will be discussed below.
appropriate quenching medium and cooling procedure.
Fresh water, brine, oil, and caustic soda in water are PEARLITE: Austenite containing 0.83 percent of
commonly used for rapid quenching. Slower cooling is carbon, cooled quickly to and held at 1,300°F, does not
obtained by air cooling, by packing, and by furnace begin to decompose (transform) until after about 15
cooling. Packing consists of burying the heated metal minutes and does not completely decompose until after
in sand, ashes, or some other substance that is a poor about 2 hours (fig. 15-15). Thus, at temperatures just
conductor of heat. Furnace cooling consists of shutting below the critical temperature (Ac1), austenite is stable
off the heat and leaving the piece in the furnace so the for a considerable length of time. The product of the
metal and the furnace cool together. Ferrous metals are decomposition of austenite at this temperature is coarse
sometimes cooled in baths of molten lead or molten pearlite of relatively low hardness. If the austenite is

quickly cooled to and held at a somewhat lower transforms into pearlite at the high temperature and the
temperature, say 1,200°F, decomposition begins in remainder transforms into martensite at the low
about 3 seconds and is completed after about 30 temperature (Ms-Mf temperature range). The resulting
seconds, the resultant pearlite being finer and harder material will then transform to a nonuniform structure
than that formed at 1,300°F. At a temperature of about that is usually not desirable.
1,050°F, the austenite decomposes extremely rapidly,
Continuous Cooling
with less than 1 second elapsing before the trans-
formation starts and 5 seconds before it is completed. Figure 15-16 represents a theoretical S-curve on
The resultant pearlite is extremely fine and its hardness which are superimposed five theoretical cooling curves.
is relatively high. This region of the S-curve where Curves A to E represent successively slower rates of
decomposition of austenite to fine pearlite proceeds so cooling that would be obtained, for instance, by cooling
rapidly is called the “nose” of the curve. in (A) iced brine, (B) water, (C) oil, (D) air, and(E) the
BAINITE: If the austenite is cooled unchanged to
Steel cooled according to curve E begins to trans-
temperatures below the nose of the S-curve (1,050°F),
form at temperature t1 and completes transformation at
the time required for its decomposition begins to t2; the final product is coarse pearlite with relatively low
increase. The final product of decomposition now is not hardness. When the steel is cooled according to
pearlite, but a new structure called bainite, possessing
curve D, transformation begins at t3 and is complete at
unusual toughness with hardness even greater than that
t4; the final product is fine pearlite and its hardness is
of very fine pearlite. Depending on the temperature, a
greater than that of the steel cooled according to curve
certain interval of time is necessary before austenite
E. When the steel is cooled according to curve C,
starts to transform into either pearlite or bainite. transformation begins at t5 and is only partially
Additional time is necessary before the transformations complete when temperature t6 is reached. The product
arc completed. of this partial transformation is very fine pearlite. The
MARTENSITE: If the austenite is cooled remainder of the austenite does not decompose until the
unchanged to relatively low temperatures (below about Ms temperature is reached. Then it begins to transform
430°F for the eutectoid carbon steel), partial to martensite, and completes this transformation at the
transformation takes place instantaneously; the product Mf temperature. The final structure is then a mixture of
of transformation is martensite. Austenite transforms fine perlite and martensite (typical of an improperly
into martensite over a temperature range with the quenched steel) with a higher hardness than was
amount that transforms being a function of the obtained with the steel cooled according to curve D.
temperature. Only minute amounts will transform at The rate of cooling represented by curve B is just
about 430°F; practically all of the austenite will be sufficient to intersect the nose of the S-curve. Con-
transformed at about 175°F. The beginning of this sequently, only a minute amount of austenite
transformation range is termed the M, (martensite start) decomposes into fine pearlite at temperature t7; the
temperature and the end of the range is termed the Mf remainder of the austenite is unchanged until the
(martensite finish) temperature, as shown in figure martensite transformation range is reached. If the steel
15-15. As long as the temperature is held constant is cooled at a slightly faster rate, so no transformation
within the MS - Mf range, the portion of the austenite that takes place at the nose of the S-curve, the steel is
does not transform instantaneously to martensite completely hardened. This particular rate is termed the
remains untransformed for a considerable length of critical cooling rate and is defined as the slowest rate at
time, eventually transforming to bainite. which the steel can be cooled and yet be completely
In ordinary heat treatment of the plain-carbon hardened. Since this rate cannot be directly determined,
steels, austenite does not transform into bainite. the rate indicated by curve B, producing only a trace of
Transformation of the austenite takes place either above fine pearlite, is frequently used as the critical cooling
or at the nose of the S-curve, forming pearlite, or in rate. The hardness of the resultant martensite is
passing through the Ms - Mf range, forming martensite or equivalent to the maximum that can be obtained.
both. For austenite to be transformed entirely into Samples cooled at a faster rate, such as that indicated
martensite, it must be cooled rapidly enough so the by curve A, are also completely martensitic but arc no
temperature of the center of the steel, which cools more harder than the sample cooled according to the critical
slowly, is lowered past the nose of the S-curve in less cooling rate.
time than is necessary for transformation to start at this The rate at which a steel cools through the
temperature. If this is not done, part of the steel temperature in the vicinity of the nose of the S-curve is

Figure 15-17.—Influence of carbon on the start of martensite
(Ms ) transformation of high-purity, iron-carbon alloys.

of critical importance. Somewhat slower rates of

cooling above and below this temperature range can be
tolerated and a completely hardened steel (one that is
completely martensite) can be obtained if the cooling
through the temperature interval at the nose of the
S-curve is sufficiently fast. In practice, however, steels
are usually cooled rapidly from the quenching
temperature to relatively low temperatures (20° to
250°F) and then tempered immediately to prevent
Although the discussions of the decomposition of
austenite have been limited to a steel of eutectoid
composition, other steels behave in a similar manner, at
different temperatures and times of reaction. In
hypoeutectoid steels, free ferrite plus pearlite are
formed if transformation begins above the temperature
range at the nose of the S-curve. The amount of fre-
ferrite decreases as the temperature of transformating
approaches the nose of the curve. In hypereutec,
steels, free ferrite plus pearlite are formed if
transformation occurs above the nose. ‘The time for the
start of the transformation at the nose increases as the
carbon increases up to the eutectoid composition, and
then decreases with further increase in carbon. That is,
the nose is shifted to the right on the time axis (fig.
15-15) as the carbon is increased to 0.8 percent and back
to the left with further increases in carbon content.
The temperature of formation of bainite is not
appreciably affected by carbon content, but the time for
Figure 15-16.—Schematic diagram illustrating the relation its formation increases with the carbon.
between the S-curve, continuous cooling curves, and Both the Ms and the Mf temperatures are lowered
resulting microstructures of eutectoid carbon steels. significantly by increasing carbon content, as shown for
M, in figure 15-17. The Mf temperatures of the plain-
carbon steels have not been adequately determined.

Figure 15-18.—Heat treatment temperature ranges.

Available information indicates that the Mf of twist drills, and other tools must be hardened so they
high-carbon steels is actually below room temperature. can retain their cutting edges. surfaces of roller
Slight amounts of austenite are frequently retained in bearings, parallel blocks, and armor plate must be
quenched steels, especially in the higher carbon grades, hardened to prevent wear and penetration. Hardening is
even when they are cooled to room temperature. used to increase tensile strength as well as to increase
hardness. Since hardening increases the brittleness of
the material, most alloys are tempered after being
The heat-treating processes most commonly used Steels are hardened by being heated to a
for ferrous metals are hardening, tempering, annealing, temperature just above the upper transformation
normalizing, spheroidizing, and case hardening. temperature, soaked long enough to ensure a
Annealing is the only one of these processes that is also completely austenitic structure, and then cooled
used for nonferrous metals. Some nonferrous metals rapidly. This result is either fine-grained pearlite,
(including some aluminum alloys and some magnesium bainite, or martensite. If maximum hardness is to be
alloys) can be hardened by a process generally referred developed, the austenite must be transformed to
to as precipitation heat treatment. Precipitation
martensite. Martensite is extremely hard and strong,
hardening is discussed in the section of this chapter on
has great resistance, and has practically no machin-
nonferrous metals. Figure 15-18 shows the heat
treatment temperature ranges. You should refer to this
figure as you study the following information on Carbon steels are usually quenched in brine or water
hardening, normalizing, and spheroidizing temper- to ensure rapid cooling. The production of martensite
atures. throughout a plain-carbon steel is extremely difficult,
requiring that the steel be cooled to below 1,000°F in
HARDENING less than 1 second and that the remainder of the cooling
be quite rapid. If more than 1 second is taken for the first
Many tools and pieces of equipment must be part of the cooling (to below 1,000°F), some of the
hardened before they are used. Cutting tools, chisels, austenite will transform into fine pearlite. Pearlite varies

in hardness, but it is much softer than martensite. If the always follows, rather than precedes, the hardening
purpose of the hardening is to develop something less process. Tempering is occasionally done after materials
than maximum hardness, the first part of the cooling (to have been normalized, but its major use is after
below 1,000°F) must still be accomplished within 1 hardening.
second; then the remainder of the cooling must be done
In some alloy steels tempering may increase
at a somewhat slower rate.
hardness when tempered to certain temperature
The rate of quenching alloy steels depends upon the ranges. In most other materials, however, tempering
composition of the material In general, a slower quench causes an unavoidable loss of some hardness. The
is used for hardening alloy steels than is used for amount of hardness removed by tempering depends
hardening plain-carbon steels. upon the tempering temperature; the higher the
Various quenching mediums are used to produce temperature, the softer the material will be.
the desired end results. The more common quenching Tempering is always done at temperatures below
mediums are oil, water, and brine. When water or brine the lower transformation point. In this respect,
is used, the temperature of the bath must not rise above tempering differs from hardening, annealing, and
80°F. Generally, 70°F is the best temperature for these normalizing, which all involve heating the material to
quenching mediums. Above 80°F, water loses thermal temperatures above the upper transformation point.
The temperatures used for tempering are selected
The plain-carbon steels are generally quenched in on the basis of the properties required in the final
water or brine; brine is preferred because it has less product. For example, permanent magnets are tempered
tendency to cause steam pockets to form. Steam pockets at 121°F because they must retain considerable strength
may cause soft spots or uneven stresses. These steels and hardness. Case-hardened objects are also tempered
require a very active agitation or shaking action when
at relatively low temperatures (212° to 400°F) because
quenched. The agitation removes the steam bubbles
the surface of such objects must remain hard. Many
from the surface of the metal. When the quenched
material reaches about 200° to 250°F, or a temperature cutting tools are tempered at 430°F or below so they
low enough to dry the material thoroughly without too will retain hardness. Battering tools must have great
much sizzle, it can be removed from the water and impact resistance and must be able to cut or penetrate
tempered immediately. metal; therefore, battering tools are tempered
between 450° and 600°F even though the higher
The alloy steels, with the exception of the temperatures mean some sacrifice of hardness to
high-alloy, air-hardening steels, are generally oil produce impact resistance. Springs are tempered
quenched. The oil bath should be maintained at a between 600° and 900°F because the property of
temperature of 120° to 150°F. (This is just below the M f elasticity is more important in a spring than the
line of most low-alloy steels.) At this temperature the property of hardness. Tools made of high-speed steels
heat-treating oils have a lower viscosity, and therefore, are tempered at 1,050° to 1,100°F. Note, however,
a better and more uniform cooling effect. The warm oil that with high-speed tools the high tempering
also results in a more moderate cooing rate, which temperature increases, rather than decreases,
lessens the chance of residual stresses and cracking.
hardness. This increase in hardness occurs because
Although steels must be heated and soaked so the high-speed steels retain austenite during quenching;
structure becomes completely austenitic, you should when the hardened steel is tempered, the austenite
take care to see that they are not overheated and that changes to martensite.
they are not held too long at temperature. Using too high
a temperature or too long a soaking period allows a Since tempering uses temperatures below the
coarse grain structure to develop. lower transformation point, the rate of cooling
generally has no effect upon the structure of the
material. However, some nickel-chromium steels and
a few other special steels become brittle if they are
TEMPERING heated to the tempering temperature and then allowed
to cool slowly. These steels, which are often called
After hardening, most alloys are tempered to reduce temper brittle or blue brittle steels, must be quenched
brittleness and to relieve some of the high internal rapidly from the tempering temperature to prevent
stresses developed during hardening. Tempering brittleness. In general, however, steels are cooled

slowly from the tempering temperature by cooling in
still air.
Tempering is usually done before the material has
completely cooled from the hardening process. The
holding time at temperature varies according to the
thicknessof the material, but the minimum time is about
1 hour. If the part is more than an inch thick, the holding
time should be increased by about 1 hour for each
additional inch of thickness.


ANNEALING is a term used to describe any heat- Figure 15-19.—Microscopic structure called spherodite magnified
1,000 times.
treatment process that is used for the primary purpose
of softening the metal. Two types of annealing
processes are commonly used. FULL ANNEALING is
done to soften the metal and make it more ductile, and In normalizing, the steel is heated to a temperature
to relieve internal stresses caused by previous treatment above the upper transformation point and is cooled in
such as casting, cold working, or hot working. The still air.
operation known as PROCESS ANNEALING or
metal somewhat, although not as much as by full
annealing, and to relieve internal stresses. SPHEROIDIZING is a term used to describe any
In general, full annealing requires higher heating and cooling process that produces a rounded or
temperatures, longer soaking time, and slower cooling globular form of iron carbide in the steel. This globular
than process annealing. In the full annealing of steels, or spheroidal form of iron carbide is developed when
the steel is heated to a temperature that is 25° to 50°F fine pearlite is heated to a temperature just below the
above the upper transformation point. In the process lower transformation point of the steel, held at this
annealing of steels, lower temperatures are generally temperature for a long time, and then cooled very
used. The rate of cooling used for annealing varies slowly. Temperatures, holding time, cooling rates, and
greatly, depending upon the metal being annealed and other details of the process vary, depending upon the
the degree of softening required. carbon content of the steel and the extent of
spheroidizing that is required. In general, the object of
spheroidizing is to improve machinability.
Spheroidizing is sometimes regarded as being a special
annealing process. The typical globular form of
spheroidized steel is illustrated in cross section in figure
T h e f o r m o f heat treatment known as 15-19.
NORMALIZING is used only for ferrous metals.
Normalizing is sometimes used as a preliminary step AUSTEMPERING
before full annealing. The chief purposes of
normalizing are (1) to relieve internal stresses caused
AUSTEMPERING is a hardening treatment of
by forging, bending, machining, or other working, or by
metals that involves quenching the metal in a bath of
uneven cooling; and (2) to give a uniform predictable
molten salt maintained above the start of the martensite
grain structure. Steel that has been normalized is soft
temperature and holding it until transformation is
and ductile enough for many purposes, but it is harder
complete. The product formed is called bainite; a tough,
than steel that has been fully annealed. Normalizing is
hard structure.
sometimes followed by tempering, particularly in the
case of certain steels that tend to become brittle when There are two distinct advantages of aus-
normalized. tempering—(1) the high degree of freedom it provides

from distortion and quenching cracks, and (2) normal Other methods of carburizing use gases or liquids
tempering is not required after the process. that have a high carbon content. Although these
methods also use the principle of increasing the carbon
content to harden the outer shell or case of the steel, they
MARTEMPERING use different equipment and different procedures.
CYANIDING can be used to obtain a hard
MARTEMPERING is the quenching from the superficial case on low-carbon steels. The process
normal austenitizing temperature in a molten salt bath involves the introduction of both carbon and nitrogen
maintained at approximately the start of the martensite into the surface layers of the steel. Steels to be cyanided
temperature. The part is held at this temperature long normally are heated in a molten bath of cyanide-
enough to allow equalization of temperature throughout carbonate-chloride salts and then quenched in brine,
the piece, but not long enough to allow any
water, or mineral oil. The temperature of operation is
transformation to take place. The material being
generally within the range of 1,550° to 1,600°F. The
heat-treated is then removed from the hot bath and
allowed to air cool through the martensite temperature depth of the case is a function of time, temperature,
range, followed by tempering to obtain the desired and composition of the cyanide bath. The time of
mechanical properties. This two-step cooling process immersion is quite short as compared with
has the same advantage as austempering—freedom carburizing, usually varying from 15 minutes to 2
from distortion and quenching cracks. hours. The maximum case depth is rarely more than
about 0.020 inch and the average depth is
considerably less.
CASE HARDENING NITRIDING is still another method by which a case
or skin of hardened steel can be produced. The piece to
CASE HARDENING is a process by which a steel be case hardened is put into a furnace and heated to
can be given a hard, wear-resistant surface while between 950° and 1,200°F and, at the same time, is
retaining a softer but tougher interior than would be exposed to ammonia gas. The heat of the furnace causes
possible if the whole piece were hardened. Steels may the ammonia to break down into nitrogen and hydrogen.
be case hardened by carburizing, cyaniding, nitriding, Some of the nitrogen combines with the elements in the
and various other processes. steel to form chemical compounds called nitrides in the
CARBURIZING is a term applied to several case- outer layer of the steel. These nitrides give the surface
hardening processes in which carbon is introduced into its hard, wear-resistant qualities.
the surface layer of the steel. The steel is heated in
contact with a substance that has a high carbon content;
it is held at a temperature above the upper CARBON TOOL STEELS
transformation temperature for a suitable length of time
and is then quenched rapidly to produce a hardened The carbon content of plain-carbon steels ranges
outer layer or “case” over a softer, tougher core. As a from about 0.20 to 1.13 percent. To heat-treat these
rough indication, a carburized depth of about 0.030 to steels, heat them uniformly to 1,450° to 1,550°F, using
0.050 inch can be obtained in about 4 hours at 1,700°F, the lower end of the temperature range for the higher
depending upon the type of carburizing agent, which carbon content. Use brine or water as the quenching
may be a solid, liquid, or gas. medium, and agitate the part vigorously to prevent the
Sometimes the steel to be carburized is packed in a accumulation of bubbles on the surface of the metal. Do
substance such as charcoal and is then heated in a not remove these steels from the quench until they have
furnace. The length of time the piece is left in the reached a temperature of less than 200° to 250°F. To
furnace determines the depth to which the carbon will prevent cracking, do not allow the steel to cool below
be absorbed. For many pieces the procedure is to 125°F and follow the cooling immediately with
carburize the material, allow it to cool slowly, reheat it, tempering. Tools made from these steels do not have to
and then harden it by quenching. Small pieces are withstand severe usage or high cutting speeds. Some
sometimes dumped into the quenching medium as soon examples are wrenches, hammers, pliers, knives, simple
as they are removed from the carburizing furnace. dies, and low-speed cutting tools.

Table 15-4.—Heat-Treating Temperatures and Quenching Medium for Standard SAE Steels


1020 1650-1700 1600-1650 water 200
1030 1650-1700 1600-1650 water 200
1040 1600-1650 1500-1550 water 200
1050 1600-1650 1500-1550 water 200*
1060 1550-1600 1450-1550 water or oil 200*#
1070 1550-1600 1450-1550 water or oil 200*#
1080 1550-1600 1450-1500 water or oil 200*#
1090 1550-1600 1450-1500 water or oil 200*#
1345 1600-1700 1450-1500 oil 200*
2345 1600-1700 1450-1500 oil 2008
3140 1600-1650 1455-1550 oil 200”
4130 1600-1650 1550-1600 water 200*
4140 1600-1650 1525-1575 oil 200*
4340 1600-1650 1475-1525 oil 200*
4060 1550-1600 1500-1550 oil 200*
5140 1600-1650 1500-1550 oil 200*
5210 1550-1600 1425-1475 water 200*
6150 1600-1650 1550-1600 oil 200*
8630 1600-1650 1550-1600 water 200*
8640 1600-1650 1525-1575 oil 200*
*Temper immediately after quenching. Lower temperatures will result in a harder final product.
#Use water for maximum hardness. Use oil for toughness and for intricate shapes.
Note: Temperature of water quench is 70°F.
Temperature of oil quench is 120-150°F.

Table 15-4 will assist you in choosing the proper all-around tool steel for this purpose is type 01. This
quenching medium and temperatures for the standard steel is listed under QQT-570 and is available in the
SAE steels. standard stock system in various shapes and sizes. Type
01 is suitable for all applications except where a
ALLOY TOOL STEELS high-speed steel is required. It heat treats well and is
readily machinable in the spheroidized condition. Type
The number of alloy tool steels is too great to 01 stock replaces the 46S40 class C-5.
include them all in this text, so we will deal with the
type most important to you. You, as a Machinery Type 01 should be preheated slowly to 1,200°F,
Repairman, are concerned primarily with the manu- then transferred to an oven at l,450°F and soaked at heat
facture of taps, dies, reamers, hobs, and form tools. An for about 20 minutes per inch of cross section, and then

quenched in warm oil (120° to 140°F). Do not remove room temperature are given the precipitation treatment
the material from the oil bath until you can hold the called artificial aging. Precipitation from aging or
work comfortably in your hand. This procedure should artificial aging usually causes an increase in hardness
result in a minimum hardness of 65 Rc. Temper to the strength and a decrease in ductility.
desired hardness. The following definitions will aid you in under-
standing some of the terminology used in heat-treating
nonferrous alloys:
METALS Homogenizing—a mill process that uses high
temperature for prolonged periods to eliminate or
The information in this section deals primarily with decrease segregation in castings that are to be hot- or
the heat-treating of nonferrous alloys. For specific cold-worked. This process is usually used for copper
information on a particular composition, consult the alloys.
Metals Handbook, published by the American Society
for Metals, or any handbook that deals with Stress equalizing—a low temperature heat treat-
heat-treating nonferrous metals. ment used to balance stress in cold-worked material
with decreasing mechanical strength properties induced
You can anneal most nonferrous metals by heating by the cold-working. Nickel and nickel alloys may be
them uniformly within a certain temperature range, subjected to this heat treatment, depending on their
soaking them within this temperature range, and then chemical composition, the fabrication requirements,
cooling them back to room temperature. In most cases, and the intended usage of the parts made from the
the annealing temperature for most nonferrous metals metals.
is the temperature at which recrystallization takes place.
For example, aluminum recrystallizes at a temperature
of 300°F and copper recrystallizes at 390°F. HEAT-TREATING PROBLEMS
The rate at which the metal may be cooled from the No matter how carefully you follow instructions for
annealing temperature depends upon the type of metal. heat-treating, you may occasionally find yourself with
If the metal is pure, or nearly so, or if it remains a solid a job that just will not turn out right. To some extent you
solution without precipitation when cooled, any method can avoid this problem by knowing in advance
of cooling is usually satisfactory. If, on the other hand, something about the many problems encountered in
the constituents precipitate during or after cooling, heat-treating metals and alloys. The most common
furnace cooling may be necessary for complete heat-treating problems include (1) design problems,
annealing to occur. (2) cracking, (3) warping, (4) soft spots, (5) size
changes, and (6) spalling, and (7) blistering.
There are two types of heat treatment of nonferrous
alloys—the solution treatment and the precipitation
treatment. Some alloys require both treatments. Others
require only the solution treatment.
Although you are not usually in a position to do
The solution treatment consists of heating the alloy much, if anything, about the design of a piece to be heat
to the temperature at which the principal constituents treated, you should have some knowledge of the effects
go into solid solution, soaking the ahoy at this temper- of design upon heat treatment. Unsatisfactory perform-
ature to produce a uniform structure, then cooling it at ance of tools and structural parts is often the result of
a rate fast enough to retain the solid solution at room poor design rather than poor materials, poor fabrication,
temperature. You should remain aware that different or incorrect heat treatment. Errors in design cannot be
alloys have different solution temperatures. corrected by heat treatment, but you can minimize the
After a nonferrous ahoy has been solution treated, problems of heat-treating a poorly designed piece if you
it is in a form of supersaturated solid solution. For the know how to compensate for design errors when
alloy to attain maximum hardness and strength, excess heat-treating the piece.
hardening constituents that are soluble at room When a piece of metal is removed from the heat-
temperature must precipitate from the solid solution. treating furnace, its temperature is uniform throughout.
After the precipitation is complete and the alloy has Whether or not this piece will cool uniformly depends
reached its full hardness and strength, it is said to be largely upon the design. Uniform cooling is, of course,
AGE HARDENED. Alloys that do not precipitate at a slightly inaccurate term; no piece of metal can cool

Figure 15-20.—Design of a cam. A. Unequal masses not
satisfactory for heat treatment. B. Equalized masses
satisfactory for heat treatment.
Figure 15-22.—Two designs for undercutting a form tool.
A. Poor design. B. Correct design.

in view B of figure 15-21. Although the piece must

necessarily have unbalanced masses, the use of a fillet
(indicated by an arrow in figure 15-21, view B) at each
junction of the smaller and the larger masses would tend
Figure 15-21.—A. Part with unequal masses and sharp corners. to reduce the danger of the piece cracking from heat
B. Use of fillet design to reduce danger of cracking during treatment.
heat treatment.
Figure 15-22 shows two designs for undercutting
form tools. The design shown in view A does not lend
with perfect uniformity, since some parts of it must itself to heat treatment because of the combination of
always cool before others. In a well-designed piece, heavy and light sections and because of the sharp
however, the cooling is as uniform as possible for a corners. The design shown in view B corrects both of
piece of that particular composition and size. these errors. The corners have been rounded where
For example, consider the cooling of a cube of steel. possible, and holes have been drilled through the two
The surfaces of the cube will cool evenly except at the heaviest sections to make the masses more nearly
edges and at the corners. At each edge there are two balanced.
surfaces that dissipate heat at the same time, and at each In general, parts that are designed with sharp
corner there are three surfaces. Consequently, the corners or unequal masses are extremely difficult to
corners cool more rapidly than the edges, and the edges heat-treat. When the design cannot be improved, you
cool more rapidly than the surface areas that are not at will have to determine the best way to heat-treat the put
the edges or corners. If the rate of cooling is extremely
to reduce the chances of cracking or distortion.
rapid, the difference in cooling rate between corners,
edges, and other surface areas could be sufficient to Even with a poorly designed part, there are two
cause cracking. ways in which you can usually reduce the problems of
Unequal masses in a single piece are likely to cause heat-treating. First, you can select the method of cooling
trouble when the piece is heat-treated. View A of figure that will be safest while still producing the required
15-20 shows a cam that might very well become properties in the metal. For example, flush quenching
distorted or cracked during heat treatment because the of some areas might help to solve the problem. And
mass of area X is smaller than the mass of area Y. View second, you can shield the danger spots by packing them
B of figure 15-20 shows how the masses of the two areas with fire-resistant cloth and sheet steel or other
may be equalized, while still keeping the required shape materials to reduce the rate of heating and the rate of
of the cam. The design shown in view B would not be cooling in the areas that would otherwise tend to distort
as likely to distort or crack during heat treatment. or crack. Shielding materials for steel are usually
The piece shown in view A of figure 15-21 has two fastened in place with soft iron wire; the wire must have
design features that would make heat treatment a very low carbon content so it will not become hard
difficult. First, it has unequal masses; and second, it has and brittle and fall off during the heat treatment. Holes
sharp junctions where the smaller mass joins the larger near an outside edge or between an edge and an interior
end portions. A better design for heat treatment is shown opening are usually packed with asbestos rope.

CRACKING Soft spots will result when plain water is used as a
quenching medium, if the vapor stage of the quench is
Cracking during heat treatment may be caused by not broken up. In this stage, air bubbles or air pockets
heating the material unevenly, by heating it to too high form on the surface of the metal and retard the cooling
a temperature, by soaking it for too long a time, or by rate wherever they touch the metal.
quenching it so it cools unevenly. Some steels are given
extra preheats to minimize the danger of cracking from SIZE CHANGES
uneven heating. Steel that has been overheated or
soaked should be allowed to cool in air to room Some permanent change in dimensions may occur
temperature, and then it should be heated to the correct
during heat treatment. In some cases this change of size
temperature. However, metals and alloys that have been
is unavoidable. In others it is merely the result of
severely overheated cannot be salvaged; they are
incorrect heat treatment.
actually burned, and no amount of subsequent heat
treatment can restore them to their original condition. Oil-hardened and air-hardened steels tend to shrink
during hardening. This size change is normal and
Uneven cooling is a major cause of cracking,
cannot be prevented. However, it must be allowed for
particularly in some steels. Factors that contribute to in the design of any part that must be precisely
uneven cooling are poor design, the presence of scale
dimensioned. These steels tend to shrink excessively,
or other material on the surface of the metal, and the
more than the normal amount, if they are not heated
presence of gas pockets in various recesses of the part.
sufficiently for hardening. They tend to increase in size
Scale should usually be removed before the material is
if they are overheated. Very close control of
quenched. Gas pockets in recesses of the part can be
temperature is necessary for successful heat treatment
avoided by circulation or agitation of the quenching
of these steels.
When metal scales, some of the surface metal is
Tool steels that have been deformed or worked
lost. Thus, scaling causes a decrease in size. Scaling can
while cold tend to crack during hardening unless they
usually be prevented by controlling the furnace
are fully annealed before the hardening treatment is
atmosphere. If furnaces with controlled atmospheres
started. These steels must also be tempered immediately
are not available, a fuels source such as a small block
after they are hardened.
of wood or a small amount of charcoal can be placed in
the furnace chamber. This will reduce the oxygen in an
WARPING electric furnace to about 3%.
Any change of shape in the form of a twist or a bend Nitrided steels increase in dimension during the
is known as warping. Poor design, uneven heating nitriding process. This increase in size cannot be
through the lower temperature range, and uneven prevented, but parts to be nitrited should be machined
cooling are common causes of warping. Preheating slightly undersized to allow for the increase.
tends to minimize the danger of warping from uneven Steel that has been cold-drawn may undergo a
heating. Annealing parts before hardening them will permanent increase in size when it is heated, because
sometimes prevent warping. This is particularly true of cold-drawing leaves the metal highly stressed. The size
parts that are rough machined on one side and smooth increase in cold-drawn steel can be avoided by
ground on the other. Air-hardening steels tends to warp annealing the steel before machining the part to size.
them if they are not protected from drafts while being
cooled. Excessive shrinkage occurs whenever there is a
great difference in the cooling rates of the outer and the
SOFT SPOTS inner portions of the metal being heat-treated. The flush
quenching method should be used to prevent shrinkage
Soft spots in a hardened piece can usually be traced of the metal being heat-treated.
to the use of the wrong quenching medium, the use of
incorrect quenching procedures, the presence of scale SPALLING
on some parts of the surface, or the use of the wrong
kind of tongs for handling the material. Soft spots in Spalling is the surface cracking or flaking of steel.
case-hardened steels are usually caused by packing the The cracks are usually very shallow, but in severe cases
pieces so they touch each other. fairly large sections of the surface may peel away.

In carburized steel, spalling is caused by an
undesired carbide network which formes of grain
boundaries. To prevent in carburized steel, quench the
parts immediately upon removing them from the
carburized medium if the grains have not increased in
size. If there has been an increase in grain size, reheat
the metal to its critical temperature of the core and the
case. Improper use of grinding wheels and insufficient
use of coolant to keep the surface of the metal cool at
all times will also cause spalling.


Special care must be taken in heat-treating wrought

aluminum alloy to prevent blistering. Blistering is
caused by overheating and, in some cases, oversoaking.
Overheated hardenable aluminum alloys are rendered
useless because the eutectic constituent has melted.

Figure 15-23.—Standard Rockwell hardness testing machine.
A number of tests are used to measure the physical
properties of metals and to determine whether a metal
meets specification requirements. Some of the more
common tests are hardness tests, tensile strength tests,
shear strength tests, bend tests, fatigue tests, and com- Of all the hardness tests, the Rockwell is the one
pression tests. Of primary importance to a Machinery most frequently used. The basic principle of the
Repairman after heat-treating metal is the hardness test. Rockwell test (like that of the Brinell, Vickers,
Most metals possess some degree of hardness—that Eberbach, Tukron, and Monotron tests) is that a hard
is, the ability to resist penetration by another material. material will penetrate a softer one. This test operates
on the principle of measuring the indentation, in a test
Many tests for hardness are used; the simplest is the file
piece of metal, made by a ball or cone of a specified size
hardness test, which will be discussed later in this
that is being forced against the test piece of metal with
chapter. While fair estimates of hardness can be made
specified pressure. In the Rockwell tester, shown in
by an experienced worker, more consistent quantitative figure 15-23, the hardness number is obtained by
measurements are obtained with standard hardness measuring the depression made by a hardened steel ball
testing equipment. (indenter) or a spheroconical diamond penetrator of a
Hardness may be measured by many types of given size under a given pressure.
instruments. The most common are the Rockwell and With the normal Rockwell tester shown, the 120°
Brinell hardness testers. Other hardness tests include the spheroconical penetrator is used in conjunction with a
Vickers, Eberbach, Monotron, Tukon, and Scleroscope. 150-kilogram (kg) weight to make impressions in hard
Since there are many tests and the hardness numbers metals. The hardness number obtained is designated
derived are not equivalent, the hardness numbers must Rockwell C (Rc). For softer metals, the penetrator is a
be designated according to the test and the scale used in 1/16-inch steel ball used in conjunction with a 100-kg
the test. Comparison charts for the various hardness weight. A hardness number obtained under these
numbers can be found in the current edition of the conditions is designated Rockwell B (Rb).
Machinery’s Handbook. Since you are more likely to Figure 15-24 illustrates the principle of indenter
have access to a Rockwell tester than any other, we will hardness tests. Although the conical penetrator is
discuss this method. shown, the principle is the same for a ball penetrator.

Figure 15-24.—Principle of the Rockwell hardness test.

(The geometry of the indentations will, of course, differ The Rockwell superficial tester differs from the
slightly.) normal Rockwell tester in the amount of load applied to
perform the test and in the kind of scale used to interpret
With the Rockwell tester, a deadweight, acting
the results. While the major loads on the normal tester
through a series of levers, is used to press the ball or are 100 and 150 kg, the major loads on the superficial
cone into the surface of the metal to be tested. Then, the tester are 15, 30, and 45 kg. One division on the dial
depth of penetration is measured. The softer the metal gauge of the normal tester represents a vertical
being tested, the deeper the penetration will be under a displacement of the indenter of 0.002 millimeter (mm).
given load. The average depth of penetration on samples One division of the dial gauge of the superficial tester
of very soft steel is only about 0.008 inch. The hardness represents a vertical displacement of the indenter of
is indicated on a dial, calibrated in the Rockwell B and 0.001 mm. Hardness scales for the Rockwell superficial
the Rockwell C hardness scales. The harder the metal, tester are the N and T scales. The N scale is used for
the higher the Rockwell number will be. Ferrous metals materials that, if they were thicker, would usually be
are usually tested with the spheroconical penetrator, tested with the normal tester using the C scale. The T
with hardness numbers being read from the Rockwell scale is comparable to the B scale used with the normal
C scale. The steel ball is used for nonferrous metals, and tester. In other respects, the normal and superficial
Rockwell testers are much alike.
the results are read on the B scale.
With most indenter-type hardness tests, the metal Once you have prepared your sample for testing,
refer to your testers operator manual for step-by-step
being tested must be sufficiently thick to avoid bulging operating instructions.
or marking the opposite side. The specimen thickness
should be at least 10 times the depth of penetration. It FILE HARDNESS TEST
is also essential that the surface of the specimen be flat
and clean. When hardness tests are necessary on thin The simplest method of testing a material’s
material, a superficial Rockwell tester should be used. hardness is the file hardness test. This test cannot be

used to make positive identification of metals, but it can the cutting action of the file and tends to clog the file
be used to get a general idea of the type of metal being teeth, it is SOFT. If the material offers considerable
tested and to compare the hardness of various metals on resistance to the file but can be filed by repeated effort,
hand. Thus, when identification of metals by other it is HARD and may or may not have been treated. If
means is not possible, you can use a file to determine the material can be removed only by extreme effort and
the relative hardness of various metals. The results of in small quantities by the file teeth, it is VERY HARD
such a test may enable you to select a metal suitable for and has probably been heat treated. If the file slides over
the job being performed. the material and the file teeth are dulled, the material is
EXTREMELY HARD and has been heat-treated.
The file hardness test is simple to perform. You may
hold the metal being tested in your hand and rested on The file test is not a scientific method. It should not
be used when positive identification of metal is
a bench or put it in a vise. Grasp the file with your index
necessary or when an accurate measurement of
finger extended along the file and apply the file slowly
hardness is required. Tests already described should be
but firmly to the surface being tested.
used for positive identification of metals. Special
If the material is cut by the file with extreme ease machines, such as the Rockwell and Brinell testers,
and tends to clog the spaces between the file teeth, it is should be used when it is necessary to determine
VERY SOFT. If the material offers some resistance to accurately the hardness of the material.


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