Proforma For Evaluators
Proforma For Evaluators
Proforma For Evaluators
4. Contact No. with STD code (R) .................................. (O) ................................... (M) ..................................
Fax ………………………..……….E-mail .......................................................................................................
5. Qualification (Kindly attach the relevant documents)
Subject at P.G. Level ............................................................
Area of Specialisation …....................................................Ph.D. Area ..............................................................
6. Teaching Experience
a. Under Graduate Level
Courses Taught Name of the College / University Years of
Department Experience
8. If you have counselled and evaluated TMAs of IGNOU or other ODL students, please mention the
relevant programme and course(s) and experience (in years) of evaluating it.
S. No. Programme Course No. of Years
9. Language Efficacy for Evaluation (English, Hindi, any other Regional Language(s). You can give as many
number of choices) ..........................................................................................................................................