Q&A on Post-marketing Reports on Adverse Drug Reactions, etc. and Clinical Trial
Reports on Adverse Drug Reactions, etc Conforming to Implementation Guide of E2B (R3)
Table of Contents
[Abbreviations] ...................................................................................................................... 2
1. Adverse Drug Reaction Reports and Infection Reports.................................................... 4
(1) Events to Be Reported ................................................................................................ 4
(2) Reporting Time Frames, etc. ....................................................................................... 7
(3) Predictability ................................................................................................................ 8
(4) Criteria for Severity .....................................................................................................11
(5) Instructions for Description ........................................................................................ 14
(6) J Data Elements ........................................................................................................ 15
(7) ICSR Data Elements ................................................................................................. 17
(8) Receipt of Reports ..................................................................................................... 26
(9) Paper Reports ........................................................................................................... 30
(10) Electronic Reports ................................................................................................... 31
2. Fax, etc. Reports ............................................................................................................ 35
3. Research Reports and Foreign Corrective Action Reports ............................................ 36
(1) Common Notice of Research Reports and Foreign Corrective Action Reports ........ 36
(2) Research Reports ..................................................................................................... 36
(3) Foreign Corrective Action Reports............................................................................. 37
4. Periodic Report on Unknown/Nonserious Adverse Drug Reactions .............................. 39
(1) Reporting Method ...................................................................................................... 39
(2) Initial Date of Reporting Obligation ............................................................................ 41
(3) Adverse Drug Reactions Subject to Reporting .......................................................... 43
5. Handling of cases which are directly reported to the authorities .................................... 46
Act: Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, etc.
(Act No. 145 of 1960)
Enforcement Ordinance: Ministerial Ordinance for Enforcement of Act on Securing Quality,
Efficacy and Safety of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Regenerative and Cellular
Therapy Products, Gene Therapy Products, and Cosmetics (Ordinance of the Ministry
of Health and Welfare No. 1 of 1961)
Secretary-General Notification on Post-marketing: PFSD Notification No. 1002-20 by the
Secretary-General of Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, MHLW, dated October
2, 2014, Reports of Adverse Drug Reactions, etc. of Pharmaceuticals (revised by
PFSD Notification No. 1002-30 dated October 2, 2014)
Secretary-General Notification on Clinical Trial: PFSD Notification No. 0330001 by the
Secretary-General of Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, MHLW, dated March
30, 2004, Clinical Trial Reports of Adverse Drug Reactions, etc. in Clinical Trials to the
PMDA (revised by PFSD Notification No. 1215003 dated December 15, 2005 and
PFSD Notification No. 1002 dated October 2, 2014)
E2B (R3) Two Directors Notification: PFSB/ELD Notification No. 0917-1 and PFSB/SD
Notification No. 0917-2, by the Director of Evaluation and Licensing Division,
Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, and by the Director of Safety Division,
Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, MHLW, dated September 17, 2013, Post-
marketing Reports on Adverse Drug Reactions, etc and Clinical Trial Reports on
Adverse Drug Reactions, etc. Conforming to Implementation Guide of E2B (R3)
(revised by PFSB/ELD Notification No. 0216-1 and PFSB/SD Notification No. 0216-2
dated February 16, 2015)
E2B (R2) Two Directors Notification: PFSB/ELD Notification No. 0331002 and PFSB/SD
Notification No. 0331009 by the Director of Evaluation and Licensing Division,
Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, and by the Director of Safety Division,
Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, MHLW, dated March 31, 2006, Post-
marketing Reports on Adverse Drug Reactions, etc and Clinical Trial Reports on
Adverse Drug Reactions, etc. (This notification was abolished; however, the reports
may be submitted in accordance with this notification until March 31, 2019. PFSB/ELD
Notification No. 0917-1 and PFSB/SD Notification No. 0917-2 dated September 17,
E2B (R3) Three Office Directors Notification: PMDA/ORM Notification No. 0216001,
PMDA/OSI Notification No. 0216001, and PMDA/OSII Notification No. 0216001 by
Director of Office of Review Management, Director of Office of Safety I, and Director of
Office of Safety II, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, dated February 16,
2015, Points to Consider in Post-marketing Reports on Adverse Drug Reactions, etc.
and Clinical Trial Reports on Adverse Drug Reactions, etc.
ICH: International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration
of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
Implementation Guide of E2B (R3): PFSB/ELD Notification No. 0708-5 and PFSB/SD
Notification No. 0708-1, by the Director of Evaluation and Licensing Division,
Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau and by the Director of Safety Division,
Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, MHLW, dated July 8, 2013, Implementation
Guide for Electronic Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs) (revised
by PFSB/ELD Notification No. 0202-1 and PFSB/SD Notification No. 0202-1, dated
February 2, 2015)
E2B (R3) ICH Q&A: Administrative notice by Safety Division and Evaluation and Licensing
Division, Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, MHLW, dated April 2, 2015,
Electronic Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs) Questions &
E2D Guideline: PFSB/SD No. 0328007 by the Director of Safety Division, Pharmaceutical
and Food Safety Bureau, MHLW, dated March 28, 2005, Post-approval Safety Data
Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting
Post-marketing report(s) on adverse drug reactions, etc.: Report(s) on adverse drug
reactions, etc. provided in Article 68-10, Paragraph 1 of the Act
Clinical trial report(s) on adverse drug reactions, etc.: report(s) on adverse drug reactions,
etc. related to clinical trials provided in Article 80-2, Paragraph 6 of the Act
PMDA: Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency
Electronic report(s): Report(s) using electronic data processing system
CD, etc. report(s): Report(s) submitted of CD-R (ROM) or DVD-R (ROM) in which the items
listed in the attached forms of the Secretary-General Notification on Post-marketing or
Secretary-General Notification on Clinical Trial are recorded and of documents in which
the reporters name, address, date of report, and other required items as specified in the
Secretary-General Notification on Post-marketing or Secretary-General Notification on
Clinical Trial
Paper report(s): Report(s) submitted in the form of document reports in which the required
items specified in the attached forms of the Secretary-General Notification on Post-
marketing and Secretary-General Notification on Clinical Trial are described and of CD-
R (ROM) or DVD-R (ROM) in which the items listed in the attachment 1 Data items for
MHLW system management and the attachment 2 Data items for ICSR in the Joint
Notification of 2013 are recorded in XML format, which is supported in the Notification
of Implementation Guide of E2B(R3)
Fax, etc. report(s): Report(s) which falls under the category of Section 2 (1) (ii) of the
attachment of the Secretary-General Notification on Post-marketing
Files of ICSR, etc.: ICSR file and J item file
Former Reporting Standard: Provisions about the reports on adverse drug reactions, etc or
reports on adverse drug reactions, etc in relation to clinical trials on drug substances
provided in Ordinance for Enforcement of Pharmaceutical Affairs Act before revision by
the Ministerial Ordinance to Partially Revise the Ordinance for Enforcement of the
Pharmaceutical Affairs Act (Ordinance of the Ministry of Health and Welfare No.30 of
MHLW: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Q3: [Post-marketing]
Should an adverse drug reaction be considered serious when it requires
hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization for treatment of the adverse drug
reaction, even if the reporters determined it as not serious?
A3: [Post-marketing]
It should be handled as a serious case.
Q5: [Post-marketing]
Should an adverse drug reaction report be submitted for adverse drug reactions
caused by defective drugs?
A5: [Post-marketing]
The adverse drug reaction report should be submitted even if the adverse drug reaction
is caused by defective drugs.
Q6: [Post-marketing]
State whether or not the following are to be reported: a health hazard which was
caused by something unrelated to the medical treatment, etc. of diseases, such as
suicide, criminal act, or accidental ingestion by babies, infants, etc.
A6: [Post-marketing]
Such cases need not be reported based on the provision of Article 228-20 of the
Enforcement Ordinance.
Q7: [Post-marketing]
The Secretary-General Notification on Post-marketing states that it is mandatory to
report those cases which must be reported urgently to the government of the country
where the cases occurred. What points should be noted specifically?
A7: [Post-marketing]
Note the following: regarding a drug which is marketed in Japan by a Japanese
corporation and in foreign countries by alliance companies, when the alliance
companies report a case urgently to the government of the country where it occurred
and the adverse drug reactions cannot be predicted from the Japanese Precautions,
etc., the Japanese corporation shall also classify it as the unknown/serious case and
report it.
Q8: [Post-marketing]
Explain what drugs are to be reported if they are used in foreign countries and are
known to contain an ingredient that is equivalent to that contained in the drug
concerned (approved in Japan).
A8: [Post-marketing]
(1) If the ingredient of the drug is equivalent, the drug is to be reported even if the
Indications, Dosage and Administration, other active ingredients in the case of
combination product, etc. are different.
(2) When the sender obtains approval for marketing in Japan of more than one drug
product with same ingredients and becomes aware of a case of adverse drug
reactions or infections overseas caused by the active ingredient, the sender shall
submit a report on the drug product which is considered to be the most appropriate
one among those for which approval for marketing in Japan has been granted and
shall not omit reporting, in consideration of reason for use, dosage and
administration, other active ingredients, etc. of the drug in question.
(3) Regardless of whether or not the products are those of alliance companies
overseas, if the ingredient is equivalent and information on adverse drug reactions,
etc. which are serious and cannot be predicted from Precautions is obtained, the
products are to be reported.
Q11: [Post-marketing]
Should infection reports be submitted when physicians report the following cases?
(i) Viral hepatitis caused by blood products
(ii) Sepsis associated with agranulocytosis
(iii) Microbial substitution occurring as a result of the use of antibiotics
(iv) Aseptic meningitis associated with vaccination
(v) Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection during the use of
(vi) Emerging infectious disease during the use of drugs, etc.
A11: [Post-marketing]
(1) Regarding (i) above, an infection report shall be submitted.
(2) Regarding (ii) to (iv) above, reporting these as adverse drug reactions have usually
been required. These cases shall be reported as heretofore.
(3) Regarding (v) above, it is not necessary to submit a case report. However,
consultation is to be arranged with the Office of Safety II, PMDA to ascertain
whether or not information related to the mechanism of resistance, changes in
incidence trends, etc. of the bacteria resistant to antibiotics associated with their use
should be handled in the form of a research report.
(4) Regarding (vi) above, an infection report shall be submitted. Detailed information on
the symptoms, etc. of patients shall be investigated and evidence on which the
diagnosis is based shall be verified, regardless of whether the case occurred in
Japan or foreign countries.
If such a case occurs, consultation shall be sought with the Office of Safety II,
Emerging infectious disease shall include HIV infection, etc.
A12: [Post-marketing]
It shall be the date of the completion of transmitting information performed by companies
or the date of distribution of the Drug Safety Update (DSU) to the medical institutions,
whichever is earlier.
(3) Predictability
Q14: [Post-marketing]
What items of Precautions are used to determine whether or not an adverse drug
reaction is predictable?
A14: [Post-marketing]
The following items, which are listed in Instructions for Package Inserts of Prescription
Drugs (PAB Notification No. 606 dated April 25, 1997) and Instructions for Precautions
of Prescription Drugs (PAB Notification No. 607 dated April 25, 1997), are applicable.
Warnings, Contraindications, Relative contraindications, Precautions related to
indications, Precautions related to dosage and administration, Careful
administration, Important precautions, Drug interactions, Adverse reactions, Use
in the elderly, Use in pregnant, parturient, and nursing women, Use in children, etc.,
Effects on laboratory tests, Overdosage, and Precautions in use.
Q15: [Post-marketing]
Explain how to determine an adverse drug reaction which cannot be predicted from
the descriptions in the Precautions section
A15: [Post-marketing]
It shall be determined based on section 2.4 Unexpected ADR in the E2D guideline, in
consideration of Precautions.
Q16: [Post-marketing]
The Secretary-General Notification on Post-marketing states that Adverse drug
reactions that cannot be predicted from Precautions, etc. means those which are not
described in Warnings, Important Precautions, Drug interactions, Adverse
reactions, etc. of Precautions, etc.; or those whose nature, level of symptoms,
specificity, etc. are not consistent with the descriptions even if they are described in
Precautions, etc. What adverse drug reactions are included in those whose nature,
level of symptoms, specificity, etc. are not consistent with the descriptions even if they
are described in Precautions, etc.?
A16: [Post-marketing]
For example, the following cases are applicable:
(1) In the case of occurrence of an adverse drug reaction which has a name similar to
that found in Precautions but has different severity or mechanism of onset. (for
example, hepatitis vs. fulminant hepatitis [when hepatitis was included in
Precautions but fulminant hepatitis developed]; anemia vs. aplastic anemia;
leukopenia, erythropenia, thrombocytopenia vs. pancytopenia; leukopenia
(granulocytopenia) vs. agranulocytosis; and diarrhea vs. diarrhea associated
with dehydration and electrolyte abnormality)
(2) In the case of occurrence of a (limited) adverse drug reaction which is described
more specifically than that described in Precautions (for example, acute renal
failure vs. interstitial nephritis)
(3) In cases associated with abnormal laboratory data as well as other symptoms
despite the inclusion of descriptions of abnormal laboratory data (for example,
decreased serum potassium vs. decreased serum potassium associated with
weakness and arrhythmia)
Symptoms and signs which are usually associated with the adverse drug reactions
described can be predicted from information contained in Precautions. (For example,
shock vs. decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, decreased urine output
associated with shock; and aplastic anemia vs. pallor and fatigue associated with
aplastic anemia)
Q17: [Post-marketing]
Is it allowed to determine the predictability of adverse drug reactions reported in foreign
countries based on the Precautions in the corresponding Japanese package insert?
A17: [Post-marketing]
Articles 228-20 and 273 of the Enforcement Ordinance ICH
(i) Death Results in Death
Q23: [Post-marketing]
How is death in Article 228-20 of the Enforcement Ordinance to be interpreted?
A23: [Post-marketing]
This refers to deaths that are suspected of being caused by adverse drug reactions.
This falls under Results in death in the ICH provision (See E2D Guideline). For
example, death following an infection caused by granulocytopenia, myelosuppression,
etc., certainly falls into the category of a death for which an adverse drug reaction report
is required. Where the sender determines that a death was caused by an adverse drug
reaction, it shall be handled as a case of death, even if the reporters do not determine
Q24: [Post-marketing]
How is disability in Article 228-20 of the Enforcement Ordinance to be interpreted?
A24: [Post-marketing]
This refers to the onset of dysfunction to an extent which causes problems in daily life,
and which falls into Results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity in the ICH
provision (See E2D Guideline).
Q25: [Post-marketing]
How is the phrase cases that might result in death in Article 228-20 of the Enforcement
Ordinance to be interpreted?
A25: [Post-marketing]
It falls into Is life-threatening in the ICH provision (See E2D Guideline) and refers to
cases where a patient is at risk of death at the time of onset of the event. This does not
refer to cases that might have resulted in death if they were more serious.
Q26: [Post-marketing]
How is the phrase cases that might result in disability in Article 228-20 of the
Enforcement Ordinance to be interpreted?
A26: [Post-marketing]
This refers to cases where a patient was at risk of onset of dysfunction to a degree that
causes problems in daily life when the adverse drug reaction occurred. It falls under Is
a medically important event or reaction in the ICH provision (See E2D Guideline). This
does not mean that the disability might have persisted if it were more serious.
Q27: [Post-marketing]
How is the phrase cases requiring admission to a hospital or clinic or prolongation of
the period of hospitalization for treatment in Article 228-20 of the Enforcement
Ordinance to be interpreted?
A27: [Post-marketing]
It falls under Requires inpatient hospitalisation or results in prolongation of existing
hospitalisation in the ICH provision (See E2D Guideline). This refers to cases where
hospitalization or prolonged hospitalization is required to treat adverse drug reactions,
including the case where a patient is hospitalized to treat adverse drug reactions but
receives no treatment (i.e., resting cure). For example, it includes hospitalization due to
anaphylactic shock or pseudomembranous colitis. The following cases are excluded:
hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization to undergo testing, and hospitalization
for follow-up despite the adverse drug reactions having resolved or are resolving.
Q28: [Post-marketing]
How is the phrase death or serious cases according to the cases listed in (i) to (iii) in
Article 228-20, Paragraph 1, Item 1-(c)-(4) of the Enforcement Ordinance to be
A28: [Post-marketing]
It falls under a medically important event or reaction in the ICH provision (See E2D
Guideline). That is, it refers to critically important medical events that may not be
immediately life-threatening or result in death or hospitalization but may jeopardize the
patient or may require intervention to prevent one of the other outcomes such as results
in death, results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity, life-threatening, and
requires inpatient hospitalization or results in prolongation of existing hospitalization.
Examples of such events are intensive treatment in an emergency room, etc. or at home
for allergic bronchospasm; a case where a blood disorder or convulsions develop
although it does not lead to hospitalization; or drug addiction or drug abuse.
Q29: [Post-marketing]
How should the phrase congenital diseases or anomalies in the next generation in
Article 228-20 of the Enforcement Ordinance be interpreted.
A29: [Post-marketing]
It falls under a congenital anomaly/birth defect in the ICH provision (See E2D
Guideline). It includes the case where it is suspected that anomalies in neonates have
been caused by exposure to the drug before or during pregnancy. Examples of such
events are organ hypoplasia of neonates caused by thalidomide, and vaginal cancer in
female neonates caused by diethylstilbestrol.
Q30: [Post-marketing]
How are the Criteria of Severity of Adverse Drug Reactions for Drugs, etc. (PAB/SD
Notification No. 80 issued by the Director of Safety Division, Pharmaceutical Affairs
Bureau, Ministry of Health and Welfare, dated June 29, 1992; hereinafter referred to as
Severity Criteria Notification) to be applied when determining severity?
A30: [Post-marketing]
Severity shall be determined according to the definitions of severity for adverse drug
reactions in ICH shown in the table in A22 above. The Severity Criteria Notification is
only a guide for the sender to determine the level of symptoms. The severity shall not
be determined solely based on the criteria used to grade the severity of an adverse
reaction. (For example, a case for which only the laboratory data are classified as grade
3 does not mean that the case will invariably fall under the category of serious.)
Q32: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
Are there any precautions regarding the description of the time zone?
A32: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
See the Appendix II of Implementation Guide of E2B (R3) for how to describe date/time.
When checking the data between items, etc., be careful how these are handled because
Japan Standard Time (+09:00) shall be used if there is no description of the time zone;
if there is a description of the time zone, the time shall be converted into Japan Standard
Example 2: When reporting granulocytopenia, handle agranulocytosis as the
related adverse drug reaction, etc.
(2) Enter the number of the adverse drug reaction reports and infection reports
submitted to PMDA (excluding the number of unknown/minor adverse drug
reactions; and the number of cases of unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions
on and after April 1, 2005) subtracting the number of reports which were withdrawn
later and the number of reports on cases which were excluded from reporting.
(3) Enter the number of cases of death for which a causal relationship with the adverse
drug reactions, etc. reported to PMDA cannot be ruled out in J2.11 Other
References as in the examples shown below.
Example 1: When reporting in each fiscal year
FY 2013, 2 cases
FY 2014, 1 case
FY 2015, 1 case (including this report)
Example 2: When reporting in each calendar year
January to December 2013, 2 cases
January to December 2014, 1 case
January to December 2015, 1 case (including this report)
Q36: [Post-marketing]
Regarding an adverse drug reaction which cannot be predicted from Precautions
based on the E2D Guideline, because no clear statement in the sections such as
Warnings, Important precautions, and Clinically significant adverse reactions that
a fatal outcome may occur due to the adverse drug reaction, should the accumulated
number of reports be submitted including this adverse drug reaction as an unknown
adverse drug reaction?
A36: [Post-marketing]
As in the past, it is acceptable to enter the number of reports on cases of deaths in Japan
for which a causal relationship with the adverse drug reactions etc. cannot be ruled out
for the past 3 years by year.
It is not necessary to provide the accumulated number of reports (in Japan/overseas)
on the adverse drug reactions and related adverse drug reactions that should be
included when reporting the cases in Japan of adverse drug reactions which cannot be
predicted from Precautions or when reporting the cases overseas of adverse drug
reactions caused by new drugs, etc. within 1 year after their launch.
Q37: [Post-marketing]
Regarding drugs for which the early post-marketing phase vigilance is conducted again
due to additional Indications, etc. during the re-examination period of drugs with new
active ingredients, when an adverse drug reaction occurs after completion of the early
post-marketing phase vigilance even when used in accordance with the Indications,
etc. and is subject to early post-marketing phase vigilance, which status type shall be
selected to report J2.4.k Status Type of New Drugs, etc.?
A37: [Post-marketing]
For reporting, within 2 years after approval shall be selected if the case occurred within
2 years after the approval of additional Indications, etc.; or not applicable if the case
occurred more than 2 years after the approval of additional Indications, etc. However,
when the approval of the additional Indication, etc. is obtained after the termination of
the re-examination period, not applicable shall be selected even if it occurred within 2
years after the approval.
date of C.1.2 is the same as that of the previous report, an error will occur. Therefore,
the date shall be entered taking into consideration that the date should be after that of
the previous report.
If ICSR files are submitted using a CD, etc., it is acceptable to set mmss as 0000.
A44: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
It is correct to enter 2 in C.1.3.
Q45: [Post-marketing]
For a report on an own drug obtained from a clinical trial conducted by another
company, is it correct to select 2 = Report from study for C.1.3 Type of Report?
A45: [Post-marketing]
Q47: [Post-marketing]
If a marketing authorization holder partially outsources the post-marketing safety
management services, is it allowable to set the date when the marketing authorization
holder obtains the information from the outsourcee as C.1.4 Date Report Was First
Received from Source?
A47: [Post-marketing]
C.1.4 shall be handled as the date when the marketing authorization holder or the
outsourcee obtains the information, whichever is earlier.
Q49: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
When a same case overseas is submitted as both the post-marketing report on
adverse drug reaction and clinical trial report on adverse drug reaction, which shall
be used, the same or a different number for the company-unique case report number,
etc. (C.1.1 Senders (case) Safety Report Unique Identifier and N.2.r.1 Message
Identifier) when submitting the post-marketing report on adverse drug reaction and
the clinical trial report on adverse drug reaction?
A49: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
In this case, a different value shall be used. However, the same value shall be used for
C.1.8.1 Worldwide Unique Case Identification Number. It is not necessary to enter data
on each other C.1.1 in C.1.9.1.r.2 Case Identifier(s).
rate, decreased urinary output, etc. shall be entered in H.1 Case Narrative Including
Clinical Course, Therapeutic Measures, Outcome and Additional Relevant Information.
to enter.
Q57: [Post-marketing]
If there is more than one adverse drug reaction and infection subject to reporting and
the suspect drug for each case is different, is it allowable to create more than one
report for each suspect drug?
A57: [Post-marketing]
Yes. In that case, the value entered in C.1.1 Senders (case) Safety Report Unique
Identifier of one report shall also be entered in C.1.10.r Identification Number of the
Report Which Is Linked to This Report of the other report, and vice versa. This should
similarly apply to a case where a different adverse drug reaction occurred when more
than one dose was administered.
Q58: [Post-marketing]
There are some cases where G.k.2.1 Medicinal Product Unique Identifier /
Pharmaceutical Product Unique Identifier or other items cannot be specified because
G.k.4.r Dosage and Relevant Information (repeat as necessary), G.k.7.r Indication
for Use in Case or other items are unknown. If the sender has received approval for
more than one drug product (different brand names), specifications (different contents),
formulations (different formulations; routes of administration are the same), and routes
of administration with the same active ingredient, which of the drugs is to be reported?
A58: [Post-marketing]
Efforts should be made to specify the drug by conducting an investigation. Even if it is
not possible to finally specify the drug, a report should be submitted on the most
probable drug determined from the information obtained. When even the most probable
drug cannot be determined, it is acceptable to submit a report on the most commonly
used drug.
Q59: [Post-marketing]
For a case where the frequency of drug administration is 3 times daily, how should
G.k.4.r.2 Number of Units in the Interval and G.k.4.r.3 Definition of the Time Interval
Unit be entered?
A59: [Post-marketing]
For the case of 3 times daily, 8 shall be entered in G.k.4.r.2 and a UCUM code
indicating hour in G.k.4.r.3. Similarly, for the case of twice daily, 12 and a UCUM
code indicating hour, respectively, shall be entered; for the case of once every two
days, 2 and a UCUM code indicating day, respectively; and for the case of once
weekly, 1 and a UCUM code indicating week, respectively.
Q60: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
Although an adverse drug reaction, etc. occurred during the administration of the
suspect drug, the administration continued and the patient recovered from the
adverse drug reaction, etc. during the administration period. In this case, how should
G.k.9.i.3.2 Time Interval between Last Dose of Drug and Start of Reaction / Event
be entered?
A60: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
G.k.9.i.3.2 shall be left blank and H.1 Case Narrative Including Clinical Course,
Therapeutic Measures, Outcome and Additional Relevant Information shall be entered.
Q61: [Post-marketing]
Data File on Prescription Drug Name (List of Codes) (hereinafter referred to as
Code(s) for Re-examination) is issued based on Codes of Drugs Listed in Drug Tariff
supervised by the Economic Affairs Division, Health Policy Bureau, MHLW. If a report
on adverse drug reactions, etc. is submitted between the approval date for the new
drugs, etc. and the time when it is listed in the drug tariff, how should the Code for Re-
examination be entered?
A61: [Post-marketing]
Before the Codes for Re-examination is issued, the clinical trial drug ingredient code
used in the report on adverse drug reactions, etc. in clinical trials shall be entered. In this
case, the brand name, generic name, and clinical trial drug ingredient code of the drug
shall be registered with the Safety Reports Management Division, Office of Safety I,
Q62: [Post-marketing]
Explain how to enter a new drug which has not yet been listed in the List of Codes of
Over-the-counter Drugs supervised by the Economic Affairs Division, Health Policy
Bureau, MHLW.
A62: [Post-marketing]
The reporting company shall promptly register the Code of Over-the-counter Drug with
the Safety Report Management Division, Office of Safety I, PMDA, after registering it
with the Economic Affairs Division. The products of other companies which are not listed
in the List of Codes may be entered in Japanese.
A63: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
The approval number shall be replaced in accordance with the PFSB/ELD Notification
No. 1027-3 issued by the Director of Evaluation and Licensing Division, Pharmaceutical
and Food Safety Bureau, MHLW, dated October 27, 2014, Handling of Application
using Flexible Disks.
Q65: [Post-marketing]
For overseas cases, which should be entered for the brand name in G.k.2.2
Medicinal Product Name as Reported by the Primary Source, the brand name used in
the country in which an adverse drug reaction occurred or that used in Japan?
A65: [Post-marketing]
Overseas brand name shall be entered using single-byte alphanumeric characters,
except for own suspect drugs.
In the case of own suspect drugs, the sender shall enter the product code of the products
with marketing approval in Japan which he/she considers more appropriate, in
consideration of the reason of use, dosage and administration, other active ingredients,
etc. of the drug in question.
Q67: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
For the overseas cases, when the comments of the overseas company have already
been entered in H.4 Sender's Comments in English, is it allowed to report as written
in English?
A67: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
Yes. If the comments of overseas company are entered in languages other than English
or Japanese, the comments shall be translated into English or Japanese. Apart from the
comments of overseas company, the senders comments shall be entered in Japanese.
Q70: [Post-marketing]
E2B (R3) Three Office Directors Notification states that if a report was submitted using
the tentative code of an own drug, an additional report shall be immediately submitted
when the Code for Re-examination was issued. Is it really necessary to submit an
additional report just because the Code for Re-examination was issued?
A70: [Post-marketing]
The additional report shall be submitted for the reports on adverse drug reactions, etc.
in Japan only in the case where the Code for Re-examination was issued. For reports
on overseas adverse drug reactions, etc., it is sufficient to submit an additional report,
when necessary due to other reasons, using the Code for Re-examination after it was
Q71: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
When a case becomes subject to reporting due to an additional report after a
withdrawal report, what value should be set for C.1.8.1 Worldwide Unique Case
Identification Number? Explain how to express that the report is re-submission after
the withdrawal report.
A71: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
As stated in the Implementation Guide of E2B (R3), when it is required to resubmit a
report nullified in the past, a new C.1.1 Senders (case) Safety Report Unique Identifier
and C.1.8.1 shall be entered, and the reason why the re-submission is required shall
be clearly entered in J2.11 Other References.
The organization name of the sender who submitted the withdrawal report shall be
entered in C.1.9.1.r.1 Source(s) of the Case Identifier, and C.1.1 in C.1.9.1.r.2 Case
A73: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
Company A shall inform Company B of the occurrence of the adverse drug reaction
caused by the comparator, and Company B shall submit the post-marketing report on
adverse drug reactions, etc.
If the clinical trial report on adverse drug reactions, etc. has already submitted before
unblinding, Company A shall submit the withdrawal report stating that the adverse drug
reaction was caused by the comparator.
Q75: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
Explain what to do when new information is obtained after submission of the completion
A75: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
If it was judged as a change/addition that affects the evaluation, a completion report shall
be newly submitted.
Q76: [Post-marketing]
Regarding the reports on adverse drug reactions, etc. for which the registration
number or identification number had already been given on or before October 26,
2003 (i.e., on or before the date when electronic reporting became available), explain
how to enter the registration number or identification number when a completion report
or additional report is submitted on or after October 27, 2003.
A76: [Post-marketing]
When the first report is submitted on or after October 27, 2003, the case shall be handled
as a new case and J2.1b Identification Number (number) shall be left blank. The
identification number and registration number given on or before October 26, 2003 shall
be entered in C.1.9.1.r.2 Case Identifier(s) and J2.11 Other References, respectively.
When the identification number is entered in C.1.9.1.r.2, true shall be entered in
C.1.9.1 Other Case Identifiers in Previous Transmissions and MHLW in C.1.9.1.r.1
Source(s) of the Case Identifier.
Q79: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
Is it allowed to submit a report additional to the report which was previously submitted
according to E2B (R3) Two Directors Notification, according to E2B (R2) Two
Directors Notification?
A79: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
Submitting an additional report according to E2B (R2) Two Directors Notification is not
acceptable for a report which was received previously by PMDA according to E2B (R3)
Two Directors Notification. However, this does not apply to the case where a report was
submitted according to E2B (R3) Two Directors Notification but was not accepted.
In submitting reports not subject to reporting, C.1.11.1 and C.1.11.2 shall not be
entered but J2.8.1 Flag Meaning Not Requiring Reports and J2.8.2 Reasons for Not
Requiring Reports shall be entered.
version is required. For paper reports, where should this be entered in the attached
form of the Secretary-General Notification on Post-marketing or the Secretary-
General Notification on Clinical Trial?
A85: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
It should be entered in the Comments column of attached form 1.
Q90: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
Explain what to do in the following case: Unable to submit reports electronically due
to suspension of the senders management system for information on adverse drug
reactions. The date on which the system is not available is the end of reporting time
frame. Even a paper report cannot be submitted within the time frame because the
reporting company is located too far away to submit the report.
A90: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
Call the Safety Report Management Division, Office of Safety I, PMDA to find out what
to do.
A93: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
The file names should be changed for each transmission (or for each submission).
If PMDA gives instructions, their instructions have priority.
The files shall be transmitted after confirmation of receipt of ACK for the first transmitted
marketing or clinical trials, or on PMDAs website. Explain what to do if companies are
also unable to access the Internet and cannot confirm the situation.
A98: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
Call the Safety Report Management Division, Office of Safety I, PMDA to find out what
the situation is.
2. Fax, etc. Reports
Q102: [Post-marketing]
If a death suspected of being caused by an adverse drug reaction is revealed through
an additional information after submitting an incompletion report on an adverse drug
reaction which cannot be predicted from Precautions, should fax, etc. reports be
submitted at the time?
A102: [Post-marketing]
A fax, etc. report shall be immediately submitted. When the fax, etc. report is submitted,
the report provided in Article 228-20, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Enforcement Ordinance
shall be separately submitted.
Q103: [Post-marketing]
If after submitting the fax, etc. report by facsimile, any causal relationship with the
suspect drug is ruled out or the fact that the drug was not administered is revealed
before submitting the report provided in Article 228-20, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the
Enforcement Ordinance, how should the case be handled?
A103: [Post-marketing]
The Office of Safety II, PMDA should be informed of the situation by facsimile.
Q104: [Post-marketing]
The Secretary-General Notification on Post-marketing states that cases of death in
Japan which are suspected of being caused by an unknown adverse drug reaction
shall be immediately reported as the first report by facsimile, etc. On the other hand,
the E2D Guideline states that An adverse drug reaction associated with a fatal
outcome should be classified as an unpredictable adverse drug reaction unless the
risk of fatal outcome is clearly described. Explain when it is necessary to submit a fax,
etc. report.
A104: [Post-marketing]
As in the past, a fax, etc. report is required only for a death suspected of being caused
by an adverse drug reaction the occurrence of which is unknown. It is not necessary to
submit fax reports, etc. on a death suspected of being caused by an adverse drug
reaction which is handled as unknown based on the E2D Guideline because there is
no clear description of the potential for a fatal outcome due to the adverse drug reaction
in such items as Important precautions and Clinically significant adverse reactions,
even if it is described in items such as Clinically significant adverse reactions.
As in the past, the fax, etc. reports shall be submitted for cases of infections, regardless
of whether they are unknown/known.
3. Research Reports and Foreign Corrective Action Reports
(1) Common Notice of Research Reports and Foreign Corrective Action Reports
Q105: [Post-marketing]
In submitting a research report and foreign corrective action report, when there is more
than one product concerned and the report is submitted as a single report, is it
acceptable to describe all products concerned using repetition of G.k Drug(s)
Information (repeat as necessary)?
A105: [Post-marketing]
A108: [Post-marketing] [Clinical trial]
Research report on adverse drug reactions shall be submitted.
Q115: [Post-marketing]
Regarding a product with more than one approval date, etc. because of additional
indications, different content, etc., is it allowed to submit a single, summarized
periodic report on unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions?
A115: [Post-marketing]
Yes. In that case, the initial date of reporting obligation for reporting shall be the approval
date among those for products with different indications or contents which leads to the
earliest date of submission on and after April 1, 2005.
Q116: [Post-marketing]
Regarding over-the-counter drugs containing the same ingredients but in different
amounts, is it allowed to submit a single, summarized periodic report on
unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions?
A116: [Post-marketing]
A single, summarized report may be submitted for the products containing the same
Q117: [Post-marketing]
Regarding over-the-counter drugs including cold medicines, antipyretic analgesic,
etc. containing a slightly different ingredient among the active ingredients, is it allowed
to submit a single, summarized periodic report on unknown/nonserious adverse drug
A117: [Post-marketing]
When the product is a drug, etc. such as a cold medicine, antipyretic analgesic, etc. for
which approval standards for manufacturing (import) have been established, contains
the same type, etc. of major active ingredients, and it is judged by the company to be
appropriate to take safety measures such as revision of Precautions at the same time,
it is allowed to submit a single, summarized report.
In this case, the reason why the single, summarized report was submitted shall be
provided in the Comments column of Part 7 of the attached form of the Secretary-
General Notification on Post-marketing.
Q118: [Post-marketing]
When a single, summarized report of drugs with different strength or formulation, etc.
is submitted, is it allowed to enter the names of drugs which do not cause
unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions in the column of brand name, etc.?
A118: [Post-marketing]
The names of drugs which do not cause unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions
shall not be entered. Only the name of the drugs which caused unknown/nonserious
adverse drug reactions shall be entered.
Q119: [Post-marketing]
For jointly developed products, is it allowed to jointly prepare and submit the periodic
report on unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions even after the end of re-
examination period?
A119: [Post-marketing]
This is permitted.
Q120: [Post-marketing]
When an adverse drug reaction caused by a drug with unknown specification is
collected, for the brand name column of Part 7 of the attached form, should it be left
blank or described as an unknown specification?
A120: [Post-marketing]
All suspect brand names shall be entered in Part 7 of the attached form. Unknown
brand name shall be entered in the comments column for the case in the list.
(2) Initial Date off Reporting Obligation
Q121: [Post-marketing]
After submitting the periodic safety report for a drug subject to periodic safety
reporting, is it allowed to change the initial date of reporting obligation to the
international birthdate or approval date of the drug, etc.?
A121: [Post-marketing]
Such changes are acceptable. However, the reporting interval of the first report after the
change shall not exceed 1 year.
For example, when the initial date is changed from June 30 to September 30, the first
report shall be submitted within the reporting interval of June 30 to September 29; the
subsequent reports shall use the initial date of September 30 for reporting.
When there was no information on adverse drug reactions to be reported during the first
reporting period after the change and the periodic report on unknown/nonserious
adverse drug reactions was not submitted, the fact that there was no information on
adverse drug reactions to be reported during the previous reporting interval shall be
entered in the comments column of the next report.
Q122: [Post-marketing]
Regarding a product which has the same active ingredient as the specified drug subject
to periodic safety reporting and for which it is appropriate to take safety measures at
the same time, is it allowed to make the initial date of reporting obligation for the periodic
report on unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions of the product the same date as
the drug subject to periodic safety reporting?
A122: [Post-marketing]
It is acceptable. However, the reporting interval shall not exceed 6 months if the initial
date of reporting obligation is within 2 years after approval. It shall not exceed 1 year if
the initial date of reporting obligation is more than 2 years after the approval.
Q123: [Post-marketing]
When the reporting interval of the periodic safety report is shortened according to Part
5 (4) of PFSB Notification No. 0517-2 issued by the Secretary-General of the
Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, MHLW, dated May 17, 2013, Enforcement
of the Ministerial Ordinance to Partially Revise the Ordinance for Enforcement of the
Pharmaceutical Affairs Act and Periodic Safety Report System on New Prescription
Drugs, is it allowed to set the reporting interval of the periodic report on
unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions so that it coincides with that of the periodic
safety report?
A123: [Post-marketing]
It is acceptable.
Q124: [Post-marketing]
Regarding Other drugs that are not subject to periodic safety reporting, what does
international birthdate or approval date of the drug, etc., which may be the initial date
of reporting obligation, specifically indicate?
A124: [Post-marketing]
It indicates:
International birthdate
Approval date
Initial date of reporting obligation of the periodic safety report (available even after
the end of re-examination period)
Date designated by the marketing authorization holder for submitting CD reports,
Q125: [Post-marketing]
Regarding Other drugs that are not subject to periodic safety reporting, the initial date
of reporting obligation shall be the international birthdate or approval date of the drug,
etc. Is it possible to change the initial date of reporting obligation in the case where this
is deemed necessary from the viewpoint of safety measures?
A125: [Post-marketing]
Such cases need to be individually determined in consultation with Office of Safety II,
Q126: [Post-marketing]
A report was submitted for a drug included in Other drugs not subject to periodic safety
reporting using the approval date of the drug as the initial date of reporting obligation;
however, a new initial date of reporting obligation of the periodic safety report will be
required because of the additional Indications, etc. Explain how to deal with this
A126: [Post-marketing]
The initial date of reporting obligation shall be changed to the date designated by the
Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, associated with the periodic safety report. In this
case, the reporting interval of the first report after the change shall not exceed 1 year.
For example, when the initial date is changed from June 30 to September 30, the first
report shall be submitted within the reporting interval of June 30 to September 29; the
subsequent reports shall use the initial date of September 30 for reporting.
When there was no information on adverse drug reactions to be reported during the first
reporting period after the change and the periodic report on unknown/nonserious
adverse drug reactions was not submitted, the fact that there was no information on
adverse drug reactions to be reported during the previous reporting interval shall be
entered in the comments column of the next report.
Q127: [Post-marketing]
A new approval date and approval number are given when the application for approval
of a new substitute is filed as a measure to prevent medical accidents, etc. In this case,
on what date should reporting commence?
A127: [Post-marketing]
When the approval date is set as the initial date of reporting obligation, either the former
or new approval date may be the initial date.
When a report is submitted using the former approval date as the initial date, the
following shall be entered in the comments column: new approval date and approval
number, and the fact that a new substitute was approved during the reporting interval.
Furthermore, when a report is submitted using the new approval date as the initial date
of reporting obligation, a report based on the former approval shall be submitted no later
than the day prior to the approval date for the new substitute, and the fact that the report
is submitted within a period of less than 1 year due to the application for the new
substitute shall be entered in the comments column. The following reports shall be
submitted using the new approval date as the initial date. If there was no information on
adverse drug reactions to be reported during the first reporting period after the initial date
was changed and a periodic report of unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions was
not submitted, the fact that there was no information on adverse drug reactions to be
reported during the previous reporting interval shall be entered in the next report. If
information on adverse drug reactions caused by the products with the former approval
is obtained on and after the date of new approval, the report shall be submitted regarding
it as information on the new approval.
Q128: [Post-marketing]
The periodic report on unknown/serious adverse drug reactions for drugs subject to
periodic safety reporting shall be submitted within 70 days after the termination date of
the investigation period. What day should the termination date of the investigation
period be?
A128: [Post-marketing]
The reporting time frame shall be set using the termination date of the investigation
period (the end day of investigation period) as Day 0.
If the end date of the reporting time frame does not fall on a PMDA business day, the
date shall be the following business day.
(1) in the case where an adverse drug reaction that was submitted in the individual
case safety report becomes subject to periodic reporting on unknown/nonserious
adverse drug reactions because of additional information.
(2) in the case where an adverse drug reaction that was subject to periodic reporting
on unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions becomes excluded from those
subject to the report because of additional information.
(3) in the case where an adverse drug reaction that was subject to periodic reporting
on unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions becomes subject to individual
case safety reporting because of additional information.
(4) in the case where an adverse drug reaction that was submitted in the periodic
report on unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions becomes excluded from
those subject to reporting because of additional information.
(5) in the case where an adverse drug reaction that was submitted in the periodic
report on unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions becomes subject to
individual case safety reporting because of additional information.
A129: [Post-marketing]
(1) It shall be submitted as the periodic report on unknown/nonserious adverse drug
The individual case safety report shall be submitted not as the withdrawal report but
as a report not subject to reporting based on the reporting criteria. See Attachment
2 of E2B (R3) Three Office Directors Notification for specific descriptions.
(2) It is acceptable not to submit the periodic report on unknown/nonserious adverse
drug reactions.
(3) The individual case safety report shall be submitted within the reporting time frame
using the date when information by which the case can be determined to be subject
to individual case safety reporting was obtained as the initial date. In this case, the
history shall be clearly described in J2.2.2 Comments on Initial Date for Reporting.
(4) It is not necessary to submit the withdrawal or replacement report of the periodic
report on unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions.
(5) The individual case safety report shall be submitted within the reporting time frame
using the date when information by which the case can be determined to be subject
to individual case safety reporting was obtained as the initial date. In this case, the
history shall be clearly described in J2.2.2 Comments on Initial Date for Reporting.
Q130: [Post-marketing]
Explain how to handle in the following cases:
(1) A case was submitted in the periodic report on unknown/nonserious adverse
drug reactions during the reporting interval; however, any relationship was ruled
out during the next reporting interval. In this case, is it necessary to describe this
in the next report?
(2) A case was submitted in the periodic report on unknown/nonserious adverse
drug reactions during the reporting interval and remained unknown/nonserious
in the next reporting interval. When additional information is obtained during the
next reporting interval, should a periodic report again be submitted on
unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions?
(3) Regarding a case submitted in the periodic report on unknown/nonserious
adverse drug reactions during the reporting interval, additional information
revealed the occurrence of a new unknown/nonserious adverse drug reaction.
In this case, should the periodic report be submitted on unknown/nonserious
adverse drug reactions?
A130: [Post-marketing]
The cases above shall be handled as follows:
(1) It is not necessary to describe this.
(2) It does not need to be reported unless there is a change in the seriousness
(3) The new, unknown/nonserious adverse drug reaction is to be reported.
Q131: [Post-marketing]
Unknown/serious and unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions occurred and the
individual case safety report on an unknown/serious adverse drug reaction was
submitted including the name of unknown/nonserious adverse drug reaction. In this
case, is it necessary to submit the periodic report on unknown/nonserious adverse
drug reactions separately?
A131: [Post-marketing]
It is necessary.
Q132: [Post-marketing]
Explain how to handle in the following cases:
(1) the case where the nonproprietary name was identified but the brand name was
not identified;
(2) the case where the marketing authorization holder and the brand name of the
product was identified but the route of administration was not identified.
A132: [Post-marketing]
The report shall be submitted for the cases as follows:
(1) The case shall be handled as an own product and a periodic report on
unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions shall be submitted.
(2) The report shall be submitted on the product with the most probable route of
Q133: [Post-marketing]
Regarding a slight adverse drug reaction that cannot be predicted from Precautions,
which is not subject to reporting based on the reporting criteria in the Former Reporting
Standard, additional information was obtained on and after April, 1, 2005, but there was
no special change in the assessment. In this case, is it necessary to submit a periodic
report on unknown/nonserious adverse drug reactions of the drug concerned?
A133: [Post-marketing]
Reporting is not necessary.
Q135: [Post-marketing]
A case for which a detailed investigation was conducted by PMDA may be used when
taking safety measures. Explain what to do when it is desirable to release such a case
as the evidential case in notification of the revised package insert.
A135: [Post-marketing]
Contact the Safety Report Management Division, Office of Safety I, PMDA in advance
to release the case.
Q136: [Post-marketing]
Regarding case information obtained from adverse drug reaction reports from patients
and which has been released by PMDA, is it necessary for the marketing authorization
holders to submit a new report on adverse drug reactions, etc. to PMDA?
A136: [Post-marketing]
The marketing authorization holders shall, regardless of whether PMDA releases such
information or not, submit a report on adverse drug reactions, etc. when information
(regardless of its volume) on the same case is obtained from medical institutions,
literature, etc. other than the report on adverse drug reactions from patients released by
PMDA for the cases listed in the provision of Article 228-20 of the Enforcement
If the information gathered by the marketing authorization holders includes no further
information than already released information, it is not necessary to submit a new report
on adverse drug reactions, etc.