Blowdown Economizer Calculation
Blowdown Economizer Calculation
Blowdown Economizer Calculation
Surface boiler blowdown is required to prevent foaming and priming because the blowdown maintains the proper amount of dissolved solids in the boiler. Surface blowdown is necessary but an energy hog. For example: a 10,000 #/Hr steam boiler operating at 125 psig requires a TDS level of 2,500 PPM or less. Since the feedwater TDS level is 250 PPM, the surface blowdown rate needs to be 1,111 #/Hr or just over 2 GPM. Here are the costs associated with the requirement of blowing the boiler down.
steam capacity of boiler (#/Hr) hours of operation / year required TDS in boiler TDS in feedwater cost of water per hour ($/1000#) cost of a BTU ($/MMBTU) $ $ 10,000 8,000 2,500 250 0.93 7.50
blowdown separator
blowdown rate (#/Hr) flash steam lost (#/Hr) energy lost in flash steam (BTU/Hr) liquid blowdown down drain (#/Hr) energy lost in blowdown down drain (BTU/Hr) water used to quench blowdown (#/Hr) water to be made up because of blowdown (#/Hr) cost of flash steam ($/yr) cost of blowdown heat ($/yr) cost of water ($/yr) total cost per year
1,111 167 161,990 944 138,768 906 2,017 9719.4 8326.08 $15,006.48
The cost of making dry steam is expensive but it doesnt need to be. A Pennsylvania Separator blowdown heat recovery system recovers about 95% of the heat lost without their system. On top of that, it eliminates a lot of water and sewer cost. The cost of making dry steam is expensive but it doesnt need to be. A Pennsylvania Separator blowdown heat recovery system recovers about 95% of the heat lost without their system. On top of that, it eliminates a lot of water and sewer cost.
blowdown rate (#/Hr) flash steam recovered (#/Hr) energy recovered in flash steam (BTU/Hr) liquid blowdown down drain (#/Hr) energy recovered in blowdown down drain (BTU/Hr) water used to quench blowdown (#/Hr) water to be made up because of blowdown (#/Hr) savings from flash steam ($/yr) savings from recovering blowdown heat ($/Yr) savings from using less water ($/yr)
blowdown separator
$ 24,219.72