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Subject: Neurosurgery
Title of the thesis :Predictors of sepsis in severe head injury A prospective study
1.1 INTRODUCTION Head injuries are leading cause of death in young .Of the patients who succumb, 50% of patient with severe head injury die immediately 1,30% with in the first few days2 and 20% much later,mainly as a result of sepsis.While prognostication of acute severe head injury can be done using the Glasgow coma score3, there are hardly any studies that predict the development of sepsis in head injury.This pilot aims to identi fy factors that cause sepsis in a head injured patient. . 1.2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Sepsis leading to multi organ dysfunction is the major cause of death in survivors following severe traumatic brain injury 4. Non neurological organ dysfuction independent of severity of neurological injury was reported by Zygun et al and he concluded that these are are independently assiociated with poor outcome5.In astudy by E G Mckeating et al 6 ,they found that there are increased levels of pre inflammatory substances in blood with in the first 48 hours following trauma.They also found that prolonged elevation of these pro inflammatory agents (especially IL-6) increased the risk of systemic inflammatory response syndrome(SIRS) and adult respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS).Development of multi organ dysfunction was found in the absence of usual etiologic agent like infection or systemic injury in the setting of traumatic brain injury as reported by David Zygun5. Apart from this various other factors also contribute to development of sepsis multi organ dysfunction following traumatic brain injury.Significantly modifiable factors that were studied are hypoxia,hypercapnia,hypotension hypovolumia and coagulopathy 7,8,9,10.Though hypoxia,hyprcapnia,hypotension and hypovolaemia can all be caused by sepsis, sepsis perse has not been studied in patient with severe head injury.
y To study the out come of patients severe head injury with sepsis.
y Hospital admitted patients above 18 yrs diagnosed with severe head injury on the basis of GCS(<8) 3. y Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response to a bacterial infection and is common complication during the course of treatment of patients with multiple trauma and major surgery.in severe sepsis, the inflammatory response leads to multiple organ failure that can result in death. Multiple organ dysfunction in sepsis is now considered the most common cause of death in non-coronary critical care units. In fact, sepsis is one of the top 10 or 12 causes of death in the general population 4 y Sepsis is a significant complication in any patient and is a particular problem in the ICU due to the illness of the patient population and the invasive nature of many treatments and monitoring devices. In a study by j piek et al11,elimination of sepsis would shift an estimated 1.5% of all patients from an unfavorable to a favorable outcome category. Due to its multifactorial nature and many venues of origin, sepsis is particularly difficult to prevent 12. y Fundamental techniques for prevention include screening studies such as surveillance pulmonary' cultures, careful attention to invasive monitors and vascular access lines for early evidence of local infection, and possibly, systemic nutritional support in order to increase the patient's immunological competency. y When prevention is unsuccessful, management of sepsis requires rapid diagnosis and treatment. It is important to keep m mind that some of the more occult sources for bacteremia, such as sinusitis, can easily be overlooked in the head-injured patient13. Early diagnosis may be particularly difficult in the patient treated with high-dose barbiturates
for intracranial hypertension.The mild hypothermia and systemic anergy often seen in these patients makes it more critical to recognize the secondary indicators of sepsis, such as progressive thrombocytopenia, hyperglycemia, and unexplained cardiovascular hyperdynamism with low sequential vascular response and a falling arteriovenous oxygen content difference14. Unfortunately, the first recognized sign of sepsis in such patients is often septic shock. This adds the morbidity of hypotension to the patient's complication profile, further increasing the detrimental effects of sepsis.
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We performed a prospective cohort study at Apollo healthy city centre, the tertiary care trauma center servicing south India. All patients above 18 years of age and older with severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI) and intensive care unit length of stay > 48 hours between Feb 1, 2009 and April 31, 2016 were included. Non-neurologic organ dysfunction was measured by the SOFA and APACHEII scoring systems. This study demonstrates that the prevention or effective early treatment of sepsis would have a salutary role in improving the outco me from head injury. This area of study represents fertile ground for innovative strategies to improve the overalloutcome of severe head injury.
1.All patients above 18 years of age with severe head injury are included in the study
1.Patients below 18 years of age and above 80 years of age. 2.patients with quadriplegia due to spinal cord injury after trauma.
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1) Dr. SantoshRamakrishnan,
3) Dr.Obul Reddy
5) Dr. Swarnalatha, MD
HOD of Histopathology.
6) Dr. Suhasini, MD
HOD of Biochemistry.
Dr. Santosh Ramakrishnan, MD, DM. Consultant Endocrinologist. Chairman of Thesis Committee.
Dr Kishorkumar
: Dr. AlokRanjan Sr.Consultant and HOD Department of Neurosurgery. Apollo Health City, Hyderabad.
: Dr. T. Srinivas Reddy, Director of Medical Education, Apollo Health City, Hyderabad.
Name: Tel: Age: Sex: Address: Occuption:
Date of addmission: Ip no. Date of dicharge:
GCS at presentation: MAP at presentation : Spo2 at presentation : CT SCAN FINDINGS: HTN/DM/CAD/Immunisuppresent: SURGERY- Yes/No. APACHEII at 24 hrs Maximum: SOFA Score: OTHER INJURIES: Procalcitonin Maximum: Sepsis/Septis shock/Sepsis with MODS; Which organs are effected: Vasopressors: Dialysis: Max creatinine: