Takakura Composting

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Home composting
1. Making a fermenting solution
A. Sugar fermentation solution Mix everything in an airtight container and leave for three to five days for fermentative micro-organisms to grow.
Other fermented food can be used in place of tempe, such as yoghurt, tapai, miso paste or taucheong.


In the Takakura composting method, organic waste is broken down by micro-organisms that are cultivated from local materials. The method involves making a seed compost from fermented solutions and a fermenting bed. Organic waste is mixed with the seed compost and left to degrade in a ventilated container or basket. 2. Making the seed compost
Mix equal amounts of rice bran and rice husk to form a fermenting bed. Stir in sugar and salt fermenting solutions bit by bit, adjusting the moisture level to 40% to 60%. The moisture content is right if the mixture forms a lump without oozing out water when squeezed in the hand.

3litres water 200g jaggery (gula merah) Tempe, one piece, cubed

Sugar fermenting solution

Salt fermenting solution

B. Salt fermentation solution Mix everything in an airtight container and leave for three to five days for fermentative micro-organisms to grow.
The fermenting solutions are ready when a layer of mould forms on top. The mixture should smell sweet-sour and of alcohol. If it smells strange or bad, discard and do again.

3litres water 1 heaped tablespoon salt Mixture of vegetable scraps and fruit peel

Store mixture in a covered carton box for three to five days. The box should feel warm. When the content is covered with white mould, the fermentation is complete. Let mixture dry out. The seed compost is ready for use.

3. Making a compost container

4. Composting
Cut up your kitchen scraps. This will speed up fermentation. Drain excess liquid from chopped waste, then stir into container of seed compost.
Maintain the moisture content of the seed compost at 40%-60%. High moisture content will inhibit fermentation, resulting in offensive odours. If mixture is too wet (this can happen with large amounts of vegetable scraps), add orange, onion or garlic peel or bits of paper.

Cover container with cloth to keep mixture warm and protected from insects. Stir the mixture once a day to intensify fermentation and inhibit the growth of putrefying micro-organisms. The chopped waste should lose their shape in 1-2 days. Repeat the process until the container is full.
If steam rises while the content is being stirred, it indicates that the fermentation is progressing well, with the temperature reaching 40-50C. Fermentation slows down if the temperature is low. To raise the temperature: place the container inside a cardboard box or polystyrene container with holes; or put a plastic bottle of hot water in the container.

A container of 60-litre capacity is suitable. It should have holes at the sides to allow air ventilation. Suitable containers: plastic crates, laundry baskets or storage boxes; or wicker laundry baskets.

Line the inside of the container with thick paper carton or carpet to prevent spillage of compost and insect infestations.

When the container is full, transfer the content into a cardboard box or sack, leaving behind an ample amount as seed compost for your next round of composting. Store the removed compost for two weeks to allow it to mature.
Using semi-mature compost (which has not fully decomposed) can damage plant roots because the fermentative micro-organisms are still active and will emit gas and organic acids.

> Spread the compost on the field, and plough it to a depth of about 20cm. > Spread compost over soil, after planting crops. >Bury compost to a depth of 20cm around a tree.

5. Using compost
Fill the container to 60% capacity with seed compost. Leftover seed compost can be kept for future use. Compost gradually releases nutrients into the soil, thereby improving the soil environment.

Source/reference: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies


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