Lamar University - M.Ed. in Educational Technology Leadership Internship Plan: Field-Based Experience Activity (Internship Plan Template)

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Walker Wellborn L20255786

EDLD 5370 Educational Technology Leadership Internship

Appendix E: Internship Plan Template

Lamar University M.Ed. in Educational Technology Leadership Internship Plan: Field-based Experience Activity (Internship Plan Template)
Walker Wellborn
Name of Intern

Cohort 10
Cohort Gro up


The Field-based Experience component of the Internship Plan is a brief, but specific document indicating your overall approach to the Internship program. The Internship is organized around eight ISTE Technology Facilitator Standards, the 33 Performance Indicators and the 78 Performance Tasks. Using this document, you will identify the field-based activities you will approach and indicate which of the eight ISTE Technology Facilitation standards and 33 Performance Indicators were addressed in each activity. You will provide a brief description of each activity, resource person, and a completion date for each activity. This activity should be comple ted with and approved by your site mentor. You are to plan at least one activity in each of the 33 Performance Indicators found in the text. If an activity is applicable to more than one performance indicator it must be identified under all applicable tasks. Use this chart to develop your Internship Plan for Part 1 of your Week 5 EDLD 5306 assignment. When you open this file, immediately save it as yourname_Draft Internship Plan, and work on this saved file as you revise and update your plan.

Brief Activity Summary Assisted teachers how to use Audacity, a free open source professional audio editing and recording program, to record student voiceover narration and reading of stories for multimedia. Assisted students how to illustrate using the Wacom digital pen and tablet with Paint.Net software.

Resource Person

Projected Date of Completion

Standard I. Technology Operations and Concepts


Dana Miller

January 27, 2011

Modeled continual growth in technology knowledge and skills by researching and applying operational techniques and concepts from books, Multimedia: Making It Work and Premiere Pro CS3 for Windows and Macintosh Visual Quickpro Dana Miller April 29, 2011 Guide, in producing and successfully rendering multimedia movies efficiently sized for presentation and sharing on DVD.


Walker Wellborn L20255786

EDLD 5370 Educational Technology Leadership Internship

Appendix E: Internship Plan Template Activity Summary Explored with teachers in collaborative effort how to produce a multimedia technology that exposes the acts of diverse classroom learning such as reading skills, narration of written stories, making music in songs, playing musical instruments, and physical exercise all in a day of a student, or the illustrated pages showing clear steps in how-to stories. Resource Person Projected Date of Completion

Standard II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences


Shirla Mullins

October 21, 2010


Explored how collaboration of students to develop their own message to a multimedia presentation will engage the individual, will provide experiences set up for valuing diversity of talent and skills, and will relate their ideas to meaningful concrete learning activities/experiences found in the daily classroom.

Shirla Mullins

October 13, 2010

Assisted teachers in selecting multimedia technology as the higher order cognitive-learning resource according to Blooms Taxonomy that demonstrates synthesis behavior by Bonham kindergarten, 4th and 5th grade students when they build meaningful digital story presentations from their own writings, voices, personal pictures, illustrations, and actions Collaborated with teachers and model how to work with students on a daily basis using photography, recording, and class assignments that will be digitally transferred into the multimedia presentation


Shirla Mullins

October 14, 2010


Shirla Mullins

April 17, 2010

Coordinated with computer lab aide and teachers to facilitate a schedule and production strategy that manages 21groups composed of both age levels from five 4th grade classes and three 5th grade classes to collaboratively produce script, audio, and illustrations on 16 computer workstations in the Bonham Elementary School Computer Lab.


Dana Miller

January 4, 2010

Walker Wellborn L20255786

EDLD 5370 Educational Technology Leadership Internship

Worked interactively with computer lab aide and teachers to instruct both how to digitally document story content for multimedia text and narration, and digitally draw in a cartooning technique that they keep their line and color in dedicated layers to preserve crisp clear line work and color shapes for illustrating how-to processes.


Dana Miller

January 13, 2010

Appendix E: Internship Plan Template Activity Summary Facilitated technology-enhanced multimedia project that requires research and teacher support for clear writing in how to do certain tasks step-by-step. Spell checking, speaking clearly and audibly when recording, and following a procedural use of a drawing program all demonstrate using good communication skills with technology Modeled learner-centered strategies that address diverse levels of student skills and understanding. Students collaborate with some students drawing, others coloring, while others might name and save the files, or write, and/or narrate from the script. Student abilities to lead or follow also naturally get practiced with group work. Designed multimedia presentation that combines student writing, narration, and images to creatively present what students actually do in day-to-day classroom activities or in step-by-step digital storytelling. Facilitated with computer lab aide to coordinate 21 small groups from three different classes each to collaborate on developing common stories using various computer technologies. Collaboration in groups prepares students for workplace readiness. They learn to share ideas, to see how each other works differently at the same task, to produce a product within lab time against a deadline, and to follow detailed directions how to successfully do only a specific portion of work to a larger overall job. Resource Person Projected Date of Completion


Standard III. Teaching Learning, and the Curriculum

Dana Miller

January 17,2011


Shirla Mullins

May 1, 2010


Dana Miller

May 7, 2010


Dana Miller

January 10, 2011

Walker Wellborn L20255786

EDLD 5370 Educational Technology Leadership Internship

Designed a multimedia presentation activity collaboratively with principal, homeroom teacher, and kindergarten teachers a district goal to demonstrate continuous improvement in academic achievement. This activity communicates daily classroom academic progress to the parents in a real and engaging manner. Whenever a student personally demonstrates what he or she does in class, then attending PTA becomes much more appealing to the parent. The activity also shows parents how their child participates in reading, physical fitness and music activities.

Diane Rose

May 9, 2011

Appendix E: Internship Plan Template Activity Summary Facilitated recording with different microphones and repeated Audacity recording process in order for clear audible voiceover of student reading a story or singing in chorus to be achieved. Teachers were able to review student writings to change and correct for clear and accurate step-by-step explanations. Resource Person Projected Date of Completion



Shirla Mullins

April 28-29, 2011

Standard IV. Assessment and Evaluation

Used multimedia presentation to augment the demonstrated skills of various students in writing, reading, and visual arts.


Shirla Mullins

April 26, 2010


Facilitated the teaching of Paint.Net vector pen and freeform pen drawing techniques using various mark characteristics from pressure, speed and direction in addition to the process of coloring using fill or pen in the same layer versus in the layer below the line work. Demonstrated examples to class with overhead projection to help students understand the results.

Dana Miller

January 25, 2011

Walker Wellborn L20255786

EDLD 5370 Educational Technology Leadership Internship

Appendix E: Internship Plan Template Activity Summary Facilitated collaborative discussion how best to record using Audacity with microphones, photograph using various school and personal cameras, and videotape necessary class activities for content. Collaboration among teachers also set up good time management skills collectively using all students and selectively representing all activities in a kindergarteners day to be captured and readied for multimedia production by deadline. Modeled review and evaluation of multimedia content with preview meetings and opportunities for change that best reflects student learning. Resource Person Projected Date of Completion

Shirla Mullins

April 12, 2010

Standard V. Productivity and Professional Practice



Diane Rose

April 26, 2010

Modeled use of image editing and video editing tools to create, modify, and produce multimedia presentations using assets created by teacher teams using recording, photography and video devices.


April 16, 2011

Dana Miller

Collaborated and shared resources with teachers using school e-mail communications and jump drive storage devices.


April 12, 2011

Dana Miller

Walker Wellborn L20255786

EDLD 5370 Educational Technology Leadership Internship

Walker Wellborn L20255786

EDLD 5370 Educational Technology Leadership Internship

Appendix E: Internship Plan Template Activity Summary Modeled legal and ethical Fair Use and Creative Commons practice in developing, supporting and stewarding legal and ethical use of images and music throughout the planning, design and production of the students multimedia projects. Provided credit to all students, teachers and staff participating in the multimedia project. Modeled tools teachers could use to capture visual arts, reading, acting, narrating, singing, playing musical instruments to enable and empower student learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities. Resource Person Projected Date of Completion

April 16, 2011



Dana Miller

Shirla Mullins

April 5, 2010

Standard VI. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues

Modeled instructional techniques along with computer lab aide that accommodated for learning differences within the many classes in the setting up shortcuts and other clear navigation methods, and using attentive and patient face-to-face explanation how to operate the drawing software.


Dana Miller

December 12, 2010

Requested loading of driver software for the Wacom pen and tablets in computer lab through the proper channels of district protocol for safe and healthy use of technology resources. Discovered process of web design for Bonham Elementary belongs to district technology team for provide consistent design and have oversight for safe procedural use of school sites.


Dana Miller

January 26, 2011


Facilitate equitable access to drawing time in the Paint.Net using the Wacom pen and tablets for all students in each group.

Dana Miller

January 27, 2011

Walker Wellborn L20255786

EDLD 5370 Educational Technology Leadership Internship

Appendix E: Internship Plan Template Activity Summary Standard VII. Procedures, Policies, Planning, and Budgeting for Technology Environments Used the school technology facilities and resources in the computer lab, kindergarten classrooms, and auditorium and stage to achieve student learning. Resource Person Projected Date of Completion


Dana Miller

May 13, 2011


Modeled integration of technology resources purchased, licensed and set up in computer lab

January 6, 2011

Diane Rose


Supported professional development opportunities related to best practices in planning, designing, and production using campus technology resources.

Diane Rose

January 6, 2011

Walker Wellborn L20255786

EDLD 5370 Educational Technology Leadership Internship

Appendix E: Internship Plan Template Activity Summary Modeled application of creative writing and illustration in a project-based learning application using the computers and technology at Bonham Elementary. Resource Person Projected Date of Completion January 13, 2011


Dana Miller

Standard VIII. Leadership and Vision

Model strategies for integrating effective involvement of diverse grade levels, ages, student and teacher group collaboration, and application of new drawing tools for illustrating digital stories in Bonham Elementary. Model effective group process skills in collaborating with Bonham Elementary teachers and computer lab aide in accomplishing school goal implementation.


January 6, 2011

Dana Miller


Diane Rose

October 14, 2010


Participated in the development and evaluation of district technology planning and implementation for Bonham Elementary.

October 14, 2010

Diane Rose


Engaged in Site Mentor-delegated field-based experiences with accomplished computer lab aide technology facilitator and teachers.

Diane Rose

October 14, 2010

Site Mentor: Name: (Please Print) Title:


Date: 9

Walker Wellborn L20255786

EDLD 5370 Educational Technology Leadership Internship


Walker Wellborn L20255786 Internship

EDLD 5370 Educational Technology Leadership


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