Professional Interview Scoring Rubric

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Professional Interview Scoring Rubric Name: Excellent (4pts.

) Listening
Did the student answer the question that was presented?
Answer reflected an explicit understanding of the question;

Proficient (3 pts.)
Answer reflected a general understanding of the question; May have missed a detail; Spoke articulately most of the time; Used general words at times instead of details; Integrated a good amount of professional language throughout response; Some "ums, uh's, er's; Integrated knowledge, content or experiences in a generally organized and accurate manner; Invited response from the listener; Did not recognize that opinions might be at odds with listeners; Identified that response was own opinion; Expressed opinions in a generally tactful manner; Body language conveyed interest in responding; Sat in an upright manner; Seemed fairly natural most of the time;

Devel. Prof. (2 pts.)

Answer reflected a partial understanding of the question;

Unacceptable (1 pt.)
Answer did not reflect an understanding of the question or answered an unasked question; Nervous; Incomplete thoughts, Not articulate; No use of professional language; Response riddled with "ums, uh's, er's, etc.";

Did the student speak in an articulate manner and integrate professional language?

Spoke clearly and articulately; Was confident in knowledge; Integrated professional language throughout the response; No "ums, uh's, er's etc." Fully integrated knowledge, content and experiences in an organized, accurate and detailed manner; Engaged listener with unique answers; Recognized that opinions might be at odds with listeners; Identified that it was own opinion; Expressed opinions in a highly tactful and mature manner; Body language conveyed eagerness to respond; Sat in upright and alert manner; Seemed natural and at ease;

Spoke in a somewhat nervous manner; Lacked confidence in knowledge; Sketchy use of professional language; Many "ums, uh's, er's, etc."; Integrated some knowledge, content or experiences; Response was somewhat rambling or missing details; Listener needed to clarify responses; Did not recognize that opinions might be at odds with listeners; Did not identify that response was own opinion; Expressed opinions in an open, but unprofessional manner; Body language was difficulty to interpret (Too nervous and/or too casual); Sat upright at times, but slouched at others; Extraneous movements detracted from response; Gestures were somewhat limited, unnatural and/or stiff; Hand and/or facial movements were timed inappropriately or were distracting; Intermittent or inconsistent eye contact; Conveyed non-interest in the topic and/or listener; Did not seem confident of interactions with the listener; Dressed in a casual, but not necessarily professional manner (Revealing blouse, open collar/no tie); Fairly neat;

Did the student integrate knowledge, content and experiences?

Failed to integrate knowledge, content or experiences; Inaccurate and/or incomplete responses; Listener was confused; Did not recognize that opinions might be at odds with listeners; Did not identify that response was own opinion; Expressed opinions in a biased, or inappropriate manner; Body language conveyed disinterest and/or extreme nervousness; Slouched or moved nervously throughout the interview;

Did the student express opinions in a tactful and mature manner?

Body Language
Did the students body language convey interest and facilitate the responses?

Did the students gestures seem natural and facilitate the responses?

Gestures fully facilitated and enhanced the responses; Hand and facial movements were natural, timed effectively and emphasized key points; Sustained, appropriate and natural eye contact; Conveyed interest in the topic and the listener; Showed confidence in interacting with the listener; Dressed in a highly professional manner (suit, sport coat, tie, dress); Neat and wellgroomed;

Eye Contact
Did the students eye contact seem natural and facilitate the responses?

Professional Dress
Did the student dress in a professional manner?
Total: ________

Gestures were appropriate and added to effectiveness of the response; Hand and facial movements were generally natural and timed to emphasize key points; Appropriate, fairly consistent and natural eye contact; Generally conveyed interest in the topic and listener; Showed generally good levels of confidence in interacting with listener; Dressed in a professional manner (skirt/blouse, dress pants/blouse, shirt and tie); Generally neat and well-groomed;

Gestures were not evident or were exceptionally distracting to the listener;

Limited or no eye contact; Seemed disengaged with topic and/or listener;

Dress was inappropriate and/or unkempt;

Revised 10/9/07

Excellent (28-32 pts.) Proficient (21-27 pts.)

White = Students Copy

Developing Proficiency (15-20 pts.)

Unacceptable (0-14 pts.)

Yellow = Education Departments copy

Pink = Certification File Copy

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