Devsub 06.07.11 10am Agenda
Devsub 06.07.11 10am Agenda
Devsub 06.07.11 10am Agenda
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Members must advise Committee Services (extension 4121/4261) by no later than 9.a.m. on the Tuesday preceding the meeting if they wish presentations on any item under the heading of "Other Applications".
Declaration of Interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration at the meeting identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
Other Applications
5 5 Alfred Place (Site At Former) - Provision of a satellite dish and garden shed to each of the 14 dwelling houses (11/00859/FUL) - report by the Head of Planning (circulated)
It is recommended that this application be GRANTED.
10 Atholl Crescent - Demolition of existing outbuilding and construction of extension to rear of existing townhouse (re-submission). (11/01531/FUL) - report by the Head of Planning (circulated)
It is recommended that this application be GRANTED.
7 Dell Road (Colinton Parish Church), 8 Dell Road (Land 16 Metres Northwest Of), 51 Spylaw Street, Spylaw Street (Footpath) and Woodhall Road (Gardens), - Public art project in centre of Colinton including new railings, statue, metal arch and other displays and signs. (11/01018/FUL) - report by the Head of Planning (circulated)
It is recommended that this application be GRANTED.
3 Craigmillar Park - Extension of existing hotel, including car parking and landscaping. (11/00714/FUL) - report by the Head of Planning (circulated)
It is recommended that this application be GRANTED.
23 Craigmount View - Build one-and-one-a-half storey extension to front + single storey extension to rear, convert roof void into accommodation with 2 dormers to front + rear, build wall round rear garden. (11/01416/FUL) - report by the Head of Planning (circulated)
It is recommended that this application be GRANTED.
2,4,20,22 Dumbiedykes Road, 100,102 Holyrood Road, 1,17,23,25,27,31 Viewcraig Street, 34,45 Viewcraig GardensExternal refurbishment scheme to include new tiled roof coverings rainwater services, application of insulated render system, aluminium oversills to windows. (11/01296/FUL) - report by the Head of Planning (circulated)
It is recommended that this application be GRANTED.
39 Old Dalkeith Road (Land 37 Metres Southeast Of) - Form off-street parking area. (11/01474/FUL) - report by the Head of Planning (circulated)
It is recommended that this application be GRANTED.
43 - 45 Salisbury Road - Variation of condition No.8 of planning permission 06/04175/FUL to extend hours of operation of licensed use from 12:00-14:30 hours and 18:00 - 21 :30 hours to 12:00 - 23:00 hours (11/01629/FUL) - report by the Head of Planning (circulated) It is recommended that this application be GRANTED.
1,2,3,4 West Woods (Fettes College) - Erect 2/3 storey boarding house + associated staff accommodation. (11/01036/FUL) - report by the Head of Planning (circulated) It is recommended that this application be GRANTED. Alastair Maclean Head of Legal and Administrative Services
1. All members of the Council have been notified of the publication of this agenda. Any member is invited to attend the meeting if an item raises a local issue affecting their ward. Members must advise Committee Services (extensions 4121/4261) by no later than 9.a.m. on the Tuesday preceding the meeting if they wish to be heard. 2. A summary of the recommendations on each application is shown on the agenda. Please refer to the circulated reports by the Head of Planning for full details. 3. All letters of comments received on the above applications are available to members in Group Rooms and to the public at the Main Reception, Quadrangle, City Chambers, High Street and front counter, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street. 4. Online Services - Planning applications can be viewed online by going to The agenda, minutes and public reports for this meeting and all the main Council committees can be viewed online by going to Elected members and officers of the Council can also view them by going to the Orb and clicking on Council papers online. 5. If you have any questions about the agenda or meeting arrangements, please contact Hannah Scott or Stephen Broughton, Committee Services, City of Edinburgh Council, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1YJ; 0131 529 4121/4261; e-mail or
Councillor Lowrie (Convener) Councillor Blacklock Councillor Burgess Councillor Child Councillor Dundas Councillor Keir Councillor Mclvor Councillor Milligan
Councillor Morris Councillor Mowat Councillor Munn Councillor Paisley Councillor Peacock Councillor Rose Councillor Thomas