2.0 Review of Related Literature
2.0 Review of Related Literature
2.0 Review of Related Literature
1 Review of Related Concepts With regards to all the problems faced by DOE in handling, tracking and managing all of their documents, the most probable Information System that would best answer their needs would be the Document Management System. According to the tech community TopBits.com, a Document Management System (DMS) is "an integrated network of compatible programs or computer systems that reliably handle information for accurate records and usability". The main focus of the group was to search for information to help create a system that will solve the problem faced by the DOE in handling their documents. In doing research and studies of related concepts, the group aims to gather and gain more understanding of concepts and methods needed to pursue and accomplish the project.
Intranet Portals An intranet is a private network with Internet technology used as the underlying architecture. An intranet is built using the Internet's TCP/IP protocols for communications. TCP/IP protocols can be run on many hardware platforms and cabling schemes. Intranets can co-exist with other local area networking technology. (Intranet, 2011) An intranet portal is the one gateway that unifies access to all enterprise information and applications. Portals can help employees find information more easily and perform their jobs better. Most intranets are not easy to use and often yields fragmented and confusing user-experience. Portals aim to correct this problem by presenting a single gateway to all corporate information and services. By integrating services and presenting personalized snippets on the initial screen, intranet portals also reduce the need for users to browse far and wide to obtain needed information, thus making it easier for them to perform their jobs. (Nielsen, 2 0 1 1 ) The goal of having a web portal is to select, organize, and monitor transmission of information in order to satisfy the needs of its users. Metadata such as keywords, category, author and common descriptors are needed to support the processes within a web portal. Search engines use keywords associated with the content to query databases, the accessibility of the content depends on a specific descriptor which are filled out by the authors that is accomplished upon the insertion of the content in the portal. A user may fail to access the content
using the search engine if the set of keywords assigned to it are inappropriate. It is essential to monitor the quality of the metadata to ensure that the content can easily be accessed by the user throughout the structured environment of the portal. (Domingues & Suares, 2006) eSign eSign is a Web-based management system that can be used to, at the enterprise level, streamline document-based business and personal transactions, and securely maintain e documents in the centralized database. To automate and secure the process of document-based transactions, e.g., filing travel expense reports, the system integrated Digital Signature and PKI technology for digitally signing and managing documents and forms. Compared to other systems, it is open to various types of user authentication mechanisms, it supports the signing and verification of most document formats, and it provides a Web service endpoint for application integration, aggregation, and automation. (Shi & Ouyang, 2005) eSign provides the capability to sign and manage electronic documents including web forms, text, MS Word, MS Excel, and Adobe Acrobat PDF files. It also ensures data integrity, data nonrepudiation and signer identity by using digital signature. It generates digital signature from the document contents by using the Digital Signature standard. This ensures data integrity and data nonrepudiation. It checks signers certificate validity and thus enforces signer identity. (Shi & Ouyang, 2005) The eSign system provides two user interfaces. The first one deals with end users, which has the following functionalities: Login/Logout to the system Download blank documents form from the Web portal Upload, and request the signing of, new documents Upon the users request, the system should generate digital signature with users private key first and
create a unique document identifier based on a message digest value of the document content and timestamp. Query the users documents based upon attributes view, verify or delete the users documents. The second interface is used by administrator and business manager for user management and document management including document signing and verification.It has the following functionalities: User management, e.g., adding/deleting user accounts, profile management, etc. Document downloading/uploading, documents, etc. management: i.e., organizing, maintaining
Validation of signed documents by verifying its signature, timestamp, and document id. the Approval and rejection of signed documents in System. Query of documents based upon attributes.
Enabling a Web service endpoint for application integration, aggregation, and automation. (Shi & Ouyang, 2005)
Content Management System A Content Management System is used to manage the content of any organization. Content can be a broad range of data or information that is valuable to the organization. A CMS usually has to main components to it, the content management application and the content delivery application. CMA allows the user to handle the administrative tasks such as creation, editing, and deletion of content. The CDA is the component which compiles all the information or data there is and prepares it for release. (Svarre, 2006) Library Management System
A library management system, also known as an automated library system is software whose basic purpose is to handle the different housekeeping functions within a library. Library automation is a term used to describe the ICT used by libraries to replace their manual methods of handling. These methods can include the following: acquisition, cataloguing, circulation, serial management, and references. (UNESCO, n.d) Features: Functional Modules: Features like cataloging, OPAC, circulation, acquisition, serial control, and inter library loans Operating System Support: Must be able to function in a particular OS, like Windows or UNIX Database Systems: Major systems usually use DBMS from different vendors Network Architecture: major systems run on the client-server architecture and use TCP-IP to communicate across networks User Interface Library Automation Standards: provisions for library industry standards such as MARC and Z39.50
Records Management System Records Management entails the planning, controlling and directing, organizing, training, and promoting among other activities with respect to records creation, maintenance, use and disposition to be able to achieve the necessary output of the organization. (OMA, 2007) It can be understood therefore that a Records Management System, is a system whose aim is to properly handle all forms of records an organization may keep. This includes the adding, deleting, editing and tracking of all forms of records that may be in possession. Features: Content Analysis: Describes and Categorizes content in the enterprise which can become records that provide sources and can describe how the content will move to the records management application File Plan: Indicates where each record should be retained, the policies which cover them, life span, and how they should be disposed 2-4
Compliance Requirements Document: Defines the rules of the organizations IT system must follow A Method for Collection Records No Longer In Use: Must be applicable in all sources Method for Auditing Records: Where applicable Method for Capturing a Records Metadata Process for Holding Records System for Monitoring and Reporting the Handling of Records: To ensure that all employees are following protocol
Image Management System Image management is the process of handling, storing and retrieving document file images at any given moment. (Schreiber, 1993) The main important feature of any Image Management System is its ability to retain as much of the original document as possible. The overall performance of the system is based on not only its ability to handle document images, but also to give a good rendition of the features of said document in image form. (Dalleyrand, 1989) A good question to ask about Image Management is whether exact of approximate copies should be taken. Exact copies are the ideal since they are the closest match to the original document. This comes at a steep price though as the size requirements in the database for such files are rather large and can eat through much of the space in a short amount of time. (Witten, Moffat, Bell 1999) Another fact to consider in determining the effectiveness of an Image Management System in how well it can make exact images of documents is how it handles distortions. Distortions are everywhere in the process, from acquisition, compression and transmission. To ensure the highest quality of images, the system must be designed in a way that circumvents these. (Wang, Bovik, 2006) There are four main reasons why Image Management Systems differ from the rest and these are: 1. Interchangeable algorithms for critical operations (e.g., compression and decompression, filtration, enhancement, and display)
2. Rapidly changing underlying hardware (e.g., displays, cameras, and storage) 3. Significant hardware and software reuse.
4. Legacy and off-the-shelf software that have not been developed using rigorous software engineering approaches. (Laplante, 2004)
2.2 Review of Methodologies System Development Methodologies provide guidelines that are followed in order to complete every activity in the systems development lifecycle. These can include models, tools and techniques. Methodologies may either be internally developed, made by professionals inside the company, or be developed by external sources who offer their expertise to companies who need it. (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, 2002) Models: Models used in systems development are basically equal and function the same way as any other models do. A model is a representation of some important aspect found in the real world. There are many types of models in use today, from graphical representations of important details, to mathematical notations meant as a framework to be used. Models, no matter what they are all aim to emphasize a different type of information. (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, 2002) Tools: A tool used in the context of systems development is a software that supports or helps create models or other components needed in the project. Tools again can be many things ranging from simple diagram programs meant to create charts or graphs, tools may be database applications that store information about the project, among other things. (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, 2002) An example of a tool is the CASE tool. CASE stands for computer-aided software engineering and their purpose is to help the analyst create important system models, then proceed to check those models for their owncompleteness and compatibility with other designed models. (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, 2002)
Techniques: A Technique in system development is a collection of guidelines that help analysts complete a part of system development, or other tasks. A techniques often includes step-by-step guidelines for creating the model or may have more general advice for gathering information and what can be done with the information. (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, 2002) Extreme Programming (XP): Extreme Programming or XP is a systems development approach recently popularized by Kent Beck. XP adapts its techniques from many previous sources but also adds many new ideas to the mix. Sometimes, it is referred to as the lightweight system development methodology meaning it is kept simple and focused on making the whole development process more efficient for the developers. (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, 2002) XP begins with the developers planning for the system by having the future users describe their User Stories, which are features that the users need for the system to be successful, in other words, the required system functionality. (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, 2002) Developers plan a series of releases for the project. Each release includes a working part of the whole. (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, 2002) XP, while much like other iterative and incremental approaches to development, also contains more features which is why it is very popular today. It requires continuous testing and integration, with heavy user involvement. All programming must be done by teams, with programmers working as pairs to write and test the code. There is also big emphasis on open communication between team members. (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, 2002) Rational Unified Process (RUP): RUP is an objective oriented system development methodology offered by Rational Software. RUP is their attempt to define a complete methodology that uses UML models for the system models. In RUP, development process is synonymous to development methodology. (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, 2002) RUP defines four life cycle phases, which are: Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition. Inception is where the project is defined with use cases. Elaboration has two main focuses, defining requirements and creating the basic plan for the system architecture. This is done through the use of case diagrams, class diagrams, sequence diagrams and other UML diagrams. The Construction phase is where the software is built using several iterations of the potential system. And in the transition phase, the
system is turned over to its users for training, installation and support. (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, 2002) RUP also has workflows within each phase. These include business modeling, requirements modeling, analysis and design, implementation, testing, deployment, configuration and change management. (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, 2002) Roles within RUP are: designer, use case specifier, systems analyst, implementer, and architect. (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, 2002) Capability Maturity Model (CMM): Developed at the Carnegie Mellon University, the idea behind CMM is that as an organizations information system development process matures, project timelines and cost decrease while productivity and quality increase. CMM was developed so that all organizations could reap these benefits. The CMM framework for systems and software is intended to help organizations improve the maturity of their systems development processes. (Whitten, Bentley, Dittman, 2004) There are FIVE levels all in all: Level 1- Initial: At this level, systems development projects follow no consistent process. Each development team has their own tools and methods for doing their work. The success or failure of the project is based solely on the skills of the development team. This is unpredictable and not repeatable. There is very little documentation also, which creates problems for future maintenance. (Whitten, Bentley, Dittman, 2004) Level 2 Repeatable: At this level project management processes and practices are more established. There is a focus on project management, the system development process is always followed but may vary from project to project. Success or failure is still based on the skill of the team, however there is more effort to repeat past successes. (Whitten, Bentley, Dittman, 2004) Level 3 Defined: This level has a standard system development process either purchased or developed. All projects now use a tailored version of that process to develop and maintain systems and software. Therefore each project now results in high quality and consistent documentation. This process is stable, predictable and repeatable. (Whitten, Bentley, Dittman, 2004) Level 4 Managed: This level has measurable goals for quality and productivity established. Detailed measures of the standard system development process and product quality are routinely collected and stored in a database and there is more effort to improve individual projects based on the information in the database. (Whitten, Bentley, Dittman, 2004) Department of Energy Document Management System 2-8
Level 5 Optimizing: In this level, the standardized system development analysis is continuously monitored and improved based on measures and data from the 4th level. This may include changing technology used, or best practices used to perform specific activities required by the system development process, as well as adjusting the process itself. (Whitten, Bentley, Dittman, 2004) 2.2.1 B-Model The B-model system development was devised by Birrell and Ould. In the B-model life cycle, development is represented as a vertical straight line and leads into a maintenance cycle at the bottom. Each stage of the model is important and no stage is independent of the others. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) The b- model life cycle begins with inception, the identification of the need for a new computer system. This leads to the analysis stage, the objectives of which are to define the problem, to create a detailed specification of what the system has to do, and to agree with the customer the level of service and performance required. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) The next phase is design. The objectives of design are to define the structure and content of the system and specify how the system will be implemented. Within this phase, interfaces, dialogues, inputs and outputs are designed and program or database specifications are produced as deliverables. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) Once the design is complete, the production of the system can begin. During this phase, program code is created and tested. The supporting manuals and documentation are also produced. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) When the development is complete, the system goes live and is used by the client to meet the needs oof the businesses. This phase is called the operation phase. During the operation phase, there will be an evaluation of the system by the users. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004)
2.2.2 WATERFALL MODEL Waterfall model was originally published in the 1970s by Royce. In this development model, system development is broken down into a number of sequential sections or stages represented by boxes, with each stage being completed before work starts on the following one. The outputs from one stage are used as inputs to the next. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004)
Each stage is divided into two parts. The first part covers the actual work being carried out in the stage. The second part covers the verification and validation of work. There is a degree of iteration of work and products within a stage, but very little between stages. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) The waterfall model is generally taken to mean any sequential model divided into consecutive stages and having the attributes of the original model. The identification and naming of the stages are not fixed and can be modified to suit particular project characteristics. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) There are advantages in using the waterfall model. It addresses elements of quality management through verification and validation, and configuration management by baselining products at the end of the stage. It does not have explicit means for exercising management control on a project. Planning, control and risk management are not covered. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) Waterfall models work best when the level of reworking of products is kept to a minimum and the products remain unchanged after completion of their stage. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) 2.2.3 V-Model V-model development is a variation of the waterfall model in which successive stages are shown in a V formation. The important feature of this model is that is shows correspondence between the different stages in the project. The individual programs or moduless are tested against the individual module designs. The integrated set of software is system-tested against the system design and the final system is user acceptance-tested against the requirements specification. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) 2.2.4 SPIRAL Model Spiral model introduces an evolutionary or iterative approach to systems development. The original spiral model was developed by Barry Boehm. The Boehm spiral introduces the important concepts of the objective setting, risk management and planning into the overall cycle. These are all very desirable because they apply explicitly to factors that may affect the timely delivery of the system within its defined constraints. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) The project starts at the center of the spiral and progresses outwards. At the center, the requirements will be poorly understood and they will be successively refined with each rotation around the spiral. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) Analyze requirements is the stage where the analyst considers the current system and investigates any problems associated with it. The users are also Department of Energy Document Management System 2-10
interviewed to obtain their views of the problems and to get their ideas for improvements. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) Specify requirements is the stage where the analyst considers the information that has been accumulated and produces a requirements document. This is likely to be a mix of business requirements, functional and non-functional requirements and an overview of the proposed hardware and software. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) Produce high-level design is the stage where the designer would consider the requirements document and on that basis, produce a high-level design for the system setting out the database design, the input and output specifications, the menu structure and the overall program design and breakdown. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) 2.2.5 Structured Approach Analysis can be considered to be a four staged process. This process begins with the analyst investigating and understanding the current physical system. This will involve fact-finding activities and the recording of information about how the current system operates. The analyst will also be constructing models to show the data and processing within the system, as well as documenting problems and requirements described by users of the system. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) The next stage requires the analyst to move away from the constraints that determine how the current system is physically implemented and to put together a clear picture of the logical functions carried out by the system. This view is described as the current logical system. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) To move to the required logical system, the customers requirements for a new information system must be mapped onto the current logical system. This will state what the system will do. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) The final stage is when the client has given the go-ahead to the system proposal, the required physical system can be developed. This involves specifying in detail exactly how the new system will work, and begins during analysis with the high level design included in the functional specification and continues during the design phase of the project. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) 2.2.6 PARIS Model The PARIS model is divided into 5 stages. The first letters of each step form the five-letter word PARIS, which mnemonic to help you remember the steps. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004)
Planning the approach is the first stage of the model. This is the vital stage in the model. The success of the systems analysis phase of a project will depend on the thoroughness and care with which planning is carried out. During this stage, objectives are set, constraints identified, terms of reference agreed and preparations made for fact finding. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) Asking questions and collecting data is the second stage of the model. This includes all the fact-finding activities carried out as part of the analysis. The key technique in this stage is interviewing. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) Recording the information is the third stage in the model. This stage is all about recording all the needed information. This information must be recorded in a clear and unambiguous way. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) Interpreting the information collected is the fourth stage in the model. Having documented the current physical system, we need to understand the underlying logical system and then consider how the clients requirements can be built in. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) The final stage of the model is Specifying the requirement. This involves that analyst in preparing a number of options based on the models constructed earlier for the development of the new system. These options are discussed with the client, costed, and then presented in a way that emphasizes the benefits they will bring to the clients business. (Yeates, Wakefield, 2004) 2.3 Review of Related Systems 2.3.1 File Hold
File Hold is easy to install, easy to use, feature rich, and affordable for all businesses and can operate with in other environments like Microsoft Office or Sharepoint, should one be setup. Features Document management tagging vocabulary management: This feature allows management of different vocal sounds that maybe used in classifying documents in the archive. Streamlined mass document tagging: Allows for batch tagging of documents. This feature saves considerable amounts of time when classifying or importing documents. Streamlined mass file additions (Importation): Existing files from other types of archives can now be quickly imported into this DMS with little effort. Watched folders importation automation: This feature allows you to monitor different areas of your network for recently created or modified documents and prepare them for importation. Department of Energy Document Management System 2-12
Working document and record support: Automatically handles files set as still in progress differently from those specified as records. Scanning and capture of paper documents: Allows integration with many 3rd party scanning software. Hardcopy document tracking: Allows for tracking of documents in many possible locations.
Designed for a variety of situations and solving many problems, OpenDocMan is an open-source solution for companies looking for a reliable document management system at no cost. Aside from standard features found in most DMS, OpenDocMan features additional functions whose aim is to increase productivity of its users. Key Features
Storing of Company Documents for employees: Allows any employee of the company to access and retrieve information relative to their own position in the company. Store Media Files: Allows not only the storage of documents and images but of videos and voice recordings as well. Print Houses: Allows for easy printing of documents found within the archive for easy disbursement.
M-Files Professional An application aimed at solving the problems of managing, finding and tracking all the documents and information found in all companies. M-Files makes document managing easy and affordable for all users and does so without trading in important features like searching, security, check in and checkout, and support for scanned documents. Key Features Easy to use interface: Instantly familiar to everyone who has used a Windows based computer before Control and management of documents: Allows for preservation of older documents, includes a change log with usernames and timestamps of the changes Fast Searching: Dynamically view the documents in any hierarchy you choose Security: Hide and protect sensitive documents while maintaining a centralized storage location
Independent of Location: Can be accessed via remote connections Collaboration: Allows for multiple users to use and manage the system at a single time Application Integration: Integrates with all windows applications and supports multiple file formats for maximum compatibility Globodox
Globodox document management software is designed for medium to large businesses. It has an integrated set of tools meant to make management easier and more efficient. It includes tools for scanning, indexing, searching, securing, sharing, auditing and workflow. The software comes in a desktop client as well as a web based browser client. Key Features Searching and Sorting: Includes features like Quick or Advanced searching to ensure you get exactly what you need, and allows sorting of results Collaborating: Email, Import and Export, FAX, burning and printing ensures easy work collaboration Routing: Allows routing of documents to monitor their progress Security: Has many levels of access for users ensuring information will only be seen by those who are meant to see it Adding: Allows adding of many file types as well as folders into the archive. Scanned documents are accepted as well Ease of Use: Interface is easy to understand and get used too 2.2.5 Ademero Content Central Ademero Content Central makes the capture, retrieval and the management of documents easy and simple for its users. Key Features Capture Documents: With this feature, all your document scanning and file capture needs are handled expertly. Manage Documents: Allows the editing, emailing and printing of documents Retrieve Documents: Search and retrieve documents in the archives easily and efficiently.
Comparison of Related System Features: Manage Retrieve Routing Security Search Collaborate Ease of Use Location Independence Integration Vocabulary Tag Mgnt Mass Document Tagging Scan & Capture of Paper Docs Tracking File Hold OpenDocMan M-Files Proffessional
Content Central
Synthesis of Related System The five related systems gathered by the group shows the different features related for the proposed system. Most of the systems share the same core functions: Managing documents, Security, Tracking, Search, and Retrieval, all of these are necessary components of any would be successful DMS. The extra features divert only little from the main components, each software has its own unique features aimed at trying to help increase productivity. While these are good, the ideas themselves borrow concepts heavily from the core components making them more like add-ons than anything else. Refer to Appendix A for the Screen Shots of Related Systems
SOURCE: Yeates, Wakefield, D,T. (2004). Systems analysis and design. England: Pearson Education Limited. Satzinger, John, Jackson, Robert, Burd, Stephen, (2002). Systems Analysis and Design In A Changing World, Second Edition Canada: Course Technology Whitten, Jeffrey, Bentley, Lonnie, Dittman, Kevin, (2004). Systems Analysis and Design Methods. United States: McGraw-Hill Schreiber, W.F (1993). Fundamentals of Electronic Imaging Systems, Some Aspects of Image Processing Third Edition. Germany: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Wang, Zhou, Bovik, Alan (2006). Modern Image Quality Assessment. USA: Morgan & ClaypoolLaplante, Phillip (2004). Software Engineering for Image Processing Systems. USA: CRC Press LLC Witten, Ian, Moffat, Alistair, Bell, Timothy (1999). Managing Gigabytes, Compressing and Indexing Documents and Images Second Edition. USA: Academic Press Dalleyrand, Marc (1989). Image Storage and Retrieval Systems, A New Approach to Records Management. USA: McGraw-Hill P o r t a l 1 0 1 . R e t r i e v e d F e b r u a r y 4 , 2 0 1 1 , f r o m http://www01.ibm.com/software/websphere/portal/portals101/yourworld.html Nielsen Norman Group, Initials. (n.d.). Usability of Intranet Portals. Retrieved February 4, 2011, from http://www.nngroup.com/reports/intranet/portals/summary.html Domingues, M, Suarez, C, & Jorge, A. (2006). A web-based system to monitor the quality of meta-data in web portals. Proceedings of the Web intelligence and intelligent agent technology workshops, 2006. wi-iat 2006 workshops. 2006 ieee/wic/acm international conference on (pp. 188-191). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 10.1109/WIIATW.2006.24 Shi, J, & Ouyang, J. (2005). esign: an enterprise portal for secure document management.Proceedings of the Ieee international conference on web services (icws5) (pp. 481-486). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 10.1109/IRI05.2005.1506520