Report On Testing of Biodiesel As An Alternate Fuel: Government of India Ministry of Railways

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(Test Bed Results & limited Field Trial On Jan Shatabdi)

Test Report No. MP-Misc-158 (June -2004)


S.NO 1.0 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 DESCRIPTION Back Ground Information Preliminary Test Bed Evaluation Trial on Shatabdi Express Intensive Performance Evaluation Of Biodiesel Detailed Testing & Evaluation of Biodiesel Engine Confugration Test Procedure Quality Assurance Test Result Analysis Major Engine Performance Parameter Specific Fuel Consumption Exhaust Gas Temperature Emission Results Nox Emissions Hydro Carbon Emission Fuel Injection Pump High Pressure Line Pressure Optimisation of Engine Performance Filter Condition Conclusion Follow up Service Field Trials Technical Tasks Ahead PAGE NO. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9

List of Tables
S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TABLE NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DESCRIPTION Engine Configuration used for testing Laboratory Test Results Of Bodiesel Summary Of Results Specific Fuel Consumption Correlation Of BAP And Exhaust Gas Temp Emission Data NOX Value For Different Notches And Blends Correlation Of Viscosity And HP-Line pressure Test Results Obtained With Engine Optimisation PAGE NO. 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 7 7

List Of Graphs S.No 1 2 3 4 Graph No.

1 2 3 4

SFC Vs. Notches For Various Blends Correlation of BAP and Exh. Gas Temp NOx Vs. Various Notches Hydro Carbon Emission

Page No. 4 4 6 6

List Of Annexures S.No 1 2 3 Annex No. 1 2 3 Description Trial Scheme Summary of engine test bed results Summary of field trial results Page No. 10 13 15


1.0 1.1

BACK GROUND INFORMATION Preliminary Test Bed Evaluation Preliminary testing of bio diesel on 3100 hp diesel engines as an alternate fuel was carried out in RDSO in November 2002. This testing was constrained owing to a limited availability of biodiesel. Bio diesel blends of 5, 10, and 20% were tested. It was observed that the engine was able to maintain full power out put with the bio diesel blends. The specific fuel consumption had deteriorated slightly. Trial On Shatabdi Express On 31st December 2002, a field trial was done on Delhi-Amritsar Shatabdi express using B5 biodiesel blend as fuel. It was noted that no problem was experienced in locomotive haulage, and acceleration while running the train. . The specific fuel consumption was also found comparable to the petro diesel. INTENSIVE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF BIO DIESEL Detailed Testing & Evaluation Of Bio Diesel Detailed testing and evaluation of biodiesel has been conducted during April-May 2004 at RDSO on the 3100hp Diesel Engine Test Bed. Five KL of pure bio diesel (B100) was arranged through Indian Oil Corporation. The objective of the detailed testing was to carry out the performance evaluation as well as some optimization of 10%, 20%, 50% and 100% blends of bio diesel on the 3100 hp engine on test bed. Engine Configuration The engine configuration used for the testing was a 16 cylinder, V type, water cooled, supercharged engine. Some more details of the engine are as follows: 1 2 3 Engine 16 cylinder Alco DLW fuel efficient Rated HP 3100 Engine 400-1050 RPM 4 Manifold Stream lined 3 entry 5 Cam shaft 140 degree valve overlap 6 Fuel 17 mm plunger diameter, 157 degree injection nozzle spray angle having 0.350 mm pump dia. holes. Table 1: The engine configuration used for testing


2.0 2.1



Test Procedure Necessary instrumentation was provided for measuring the exhaust gas temperature, engine oil temperature, fuel consumption and various other engine parameters. The performance of biodiesel was evaluated in terms of fuel consumption, exhaust emissions, and power. Fuel consumption and power was measured for each of the power notches. The engine was run for a sufficiently long duration to ensure thermal

stabilization before conducting the specific fuel consumption and the emissions measurements. 2.4 Quality Assurance To test the properties of bio diesel, which was of imported origin; the sample was sent to the IOC-R&D facility in Faridabad. The test results obtained for the various properties by carrying out the testing with the ASTM test method are as follows: S. no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Property ASTM test method D-93 D -2709 D-445 D-874 D-5453 D-130 D-2500 D-613 D-664 D-4530 D-6584 D-6584 D-1160 D-4591 Limits as per ASTM 6751 Min.130 Max. 0.050 1.9 6.0 Max. 0.020 Max. 0.05 Max. 3 Min. 47 Max. 0.80 Max. 0.05 Max.0.020 Max.0.240 Max. 360 Max. 0.001 Test results of Biodiesel 163 Nil 4.05 0.001 0.0014 1 +2 0C Under process 0.1 0.02 Under process Under process 324 Under process

Flash point, 0C Water and sediments, % vol. K. Viscosity at 40 0C Sulphated ash, % wt. Sulphur %mass Copper strip corrosion at 100 3 hrs. Cloud point, 0C Cetane no. TAN, mg KOH/gm Carbon residue, % wt. Free glycerin, % wt. Total glycerin, % wt. Temp. at which 90 % recovery 0C Phosphorus content, % wt.

Table 2: Laboratory test results of Biodiesel 3.0 TEST RESULT ANALYSIS Results obtained in this study with petro diesel, neat biodiesel and different biodiesel blends are deliberated upon with respect to engine performance and emissions. The testing was carried out in the 16-cylinder test bed. A test matrix was designed with petro diesel and biodiesel in various volume proportions. Initially, the base line data was generated by testing with petro diesel and carrying out the measurement of all the requisite parameters. Subsequently, bio diesel blends of B10, B20, B50 and pure biodiesel B100 were used as fuel and the various parameters of the engine performance were noted.


Major Engine Performance Parameters: Regular diesel Bio diesel blends with regular diesel B10 B20 B50 B100 3116 3156 3153 3128 155.37 156.11 162.15 173.6 483 1631 486 1655

Horse power(HP) 3140 SFC,(gms/bhp153.68 hr) Exhaust gas 517 511 0 temp.( C) Firing pressure 1648 1650 1644 (psi) Table 3: A summary of results

As can be seen from the table above, the engine maintained full horse power with all the bio diesel blends including pure bio diesel i.e. B100. The specific fuel consumption of the engine increased from 153.68 g/bhp-hr to 173.6 g/bhp-hr, an increase of 12.5%. The exhaust gas temperature in general showed a down ward trend. The firing pressure did not change significantly. 3.2 Specific Fuel Consumption In general the specific fuel consumption increases with the increase in bio diesel percentage as has been shown in the summary table before. However a more detailed analysis of the data is also recorded and deliberated upon to observe the effect of engine rpm on the specific fuel consumption. The observations of the specific fuel consumption (gms/hphour) for all the power notches and various blends are tabulated below: Power Notch 8th 7th 6th 5th 4th 3rd 2nd 1st Idle Regular Bio diesel blends with regular diesel diesel B10 B20 B50 B100 153.68 155.37 156.11 162.15 174.00 152.43 154.04 155.27 160.94 173.25 156.34 157.62 158.98 165.24 177.71 161.62 163.33 164.79 171.37 185.20 167.86 168.58 170.31 176.93 192.37 173.64 174.71 176.14 181.18 198.76 186.29 186.79 187.60 191.73 213.00 209.89 209.25 208.76 212.88 240.23 233.94 229.08 237.46 232.29 258.54 Table 4: The specific fuel consumption




D100 B10 B20 B50 B100



150 Idle 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th


Graph1 - SFC vs Notches for various blends

It can be seen that in general, SFC increases for higher blends of bio diesel. This is logically explained by the fact that the bio diesel has a lower calorific value when compared to petro diesel. However, at lower notches (Idle, 1st, 2nd), SFC for bio diesel blends is comparable and even better than petro diesel.

While testing the B10 bio diesel, it was seen that SFC at Idle was 229.08 as against 233.94 for regular diesel. Similarly in the1st notch with B10 bio diesel blends SFC obtained is 209.25 % as against 209.89 with regular diesel. 3.3 Exhaust Gas Temperature Exhaust gas temperature in general has shown a downward trend. This has resulted in lowering booster air pressures. The results obtained in the following table: Regular diesel Bio diesel blends with regular diesel B10 B20 B50 B100 32.05 34.62 37.86 35.75 1.82 1.78 1.77 1.76


Ambient temp. (0C) 36.96 BAP (bars) at 8th 1.83 notch 517 511 483 486 Exhaust gas temp.( 0 C) Table 5: The correlation of BAP and exhaust gas temperature
1.84 1.82 1.8 1.78 1.76 1.74 1.72 D100 B10 B20 B50 B100 Bio Diesel Blend BAP EGT 520 510 500 490 480 470 460 Exhaust Gas Temp

The exhaust gas temperature is lower for higher blends of bio diesel because of the improved combustion provided by the bio diesel. This however leads to a lower booster pressure because of the reduced energy content in the exhaust gases.

Graph 2 - Correlation of BAP and Exhaust Gas Temp


The reduction in booster air pressure is not a cause for concern. On the contrary, it signifies that the BAP has moved towards a more ideal value with the improved combustion in the combustion chamber of the engine. 3.4 Emission Results AVL make Digas analyzer model AVL DiGas 4000 was used for measuring emissions such as CO, CO2, Nox, and O2. The emission results obtained during the testing with various blends are tabulated below: Regular Diesel Bio diesel blends with regular diesel B10 B20 B50 B100 1266 1480 1553 1491 12 9 11 6 12.1 0.01 6.0 12.2 0.00 6.1

Nox at 8 th notch in ppm 1422 Hydro carbon (HC Hexane) in 13 ppm Residual oxygen (% vol.) 12.2 12.3 12.2 CO (% vol.) 0.01 0.01 0.01 CO2 (% vol.) 6.2 5.9 5.8 Table 6: The data on emissions 3.4.1

NOx Emissions As can be seen from the table, the NOx values increased in higher blends except for B10 bio diesel in which the NOx percent has decreased. A similar decrease in the NOx level was observed for all the notches while testing the B10 fuel. Bio diesel blends with regular diesel B10 B20 B50 B100 8th 1422 1266 1480 1553 1491 th 7 1511 1337 1590 1658 1647 6th 1669 1522 1769 1826 1804 th 5 1891 1711 1980 2015 1970 4th 2166 1931 2201 2215 2127 rd 3 2133 1900 2148 2173 2043 nd 2 1521 1295 1537 1511 1376 1st 1056 904 1007 1001 870 Idle 789 683 726 791 627 Table 7: Nox values obtained for different notches and blends Notch Regular diesel

2200 2000 1800 1600

1400 1200 1000 800 600 Idle 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

Notch D100 B10 B20 B50 B100

Graph3 - NOx versus Notches

It may be seen that the NOx emissions increased with the increase in notch or speed of the engine. The maximum NOx value was obtained for the 4th notch when the engine RPM was 650. For further increase in the notches upto 8th notch (RPM 1050), the NOx emissions tended to decrease. This may be due to the lower energy content associated with bio diesel fuel, which may result in lower peak temperature than the petro diesel.

Another important observation is the lower Nox values obtained for bio diesel blends at lower notches viz. idle, 1st,2nd and 3rd when compared to petro diesel. Normally an increase in NOx is expected and is mainly attributed to the oxygen content of bio diesel. At elevated temperature this oxygen reacts with Nitrogen and tended to form NOx. However the reduced Nox formation at lower notches is probably due to the reduced temperatures and pressures, which occur due to the improved combustion and which inhibit the combining of nitrogen and oxygen. The effect of advancing and retarding the fuel injection timing on NOx emissions is also proposed to be studied. 3.4.2
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 D100 B10 B20 B50 B100


Hydro Carbon Emissions

The hydrocarbon content in emission has shown an over all down ward trend. For B100, there is reduction of 54% in hydrocarbon emission as compared to petro diesel

Graph4 - Hydro Carbon emissions in ppm


Fuel Injection Pump High Pressure (HP) Line Pressure It was seen that the fuel injection pump HP line pressure increased significantly and even crossed the permissible limit of 1000 bar during the testing of B100. This is due to the higher viscosity of biodiesel. Hence higher the blending percentage of biodiesel more the rise in the HP line pressure. The viscosities of various blends of bio diesel and the corresponding HP line pressures obtained during testing with those blends are tabulated below: Regular Bio diesel blends with regular diesel diesel B10 B20 B50 B100 K.Viscosity 3.026 3.07 3.25 3.44 4.05 (cSt) HP line 927 936 949 971 1015 pressure Table 8: The correlation of viscosity and HP line pressure Since it is quite clear that the injection pressure in the HP tube are increasing significantly with viscosity, therefore, it is essential that the viscosity limit should be further controlled while producing bio diesel. As per the ASTM limit the kinematic viscosity at 40 C can vary between 1.9 to 6 cst. In this case the viscosity of B-100 is found to be 4.05 cst. It is clear that even this level of viscosity is creating a very high level of pressure in the HP tube. Hence stipulating a more stringent control on viscosity may be essential.


OPTIMIZATION OF THE ENGINE PERFORMANCE: At present with petro diesel fuel injection point is 25.5 degrees before the top dead center (BTDC). As per the literature, advancing the fuel injection timing results in improvement of the specific fuel consumption. However, firing pressure generally tend to increase. On the engine, injection timing was advanced by 2 from 25.5 BTDC to 27.5 BTDC. 10% and 20% blends of bio diesel were subsequently tested with advanced injection timing to ascertain engine performance. The performance parameters of SFC, HP and firing pressure are tabulated below: Regular diesel B20 Bio diesel B10 Bio diesel blends with regular blends with regular diesel diesel Point of injection 25.5 27.5 25.5 27.5 BTDC BTDC BTDC BTDC 3127.8 3110 3137.6 3121.86 156.22 1741.34

Horse 3140 power(HP) SFC,(gms/bhp153.68 155.37 154.16 156.11 hr) Firing pressure 1648 1650.25 1763 1644.34 (psi) Table 9: The results obtained with engine optimization

As can be seen from the table above for B10 blends of bio diesel used with the advanced injection timing, the SFC improved 155.37 to 154.16. As compared to regular diesel, the SFC remains only marginally higher. The firing pressure increased from 1650 psi to 1753 psi as a result of advancing the injection timing. The exhaust gas temperature reduced from 511C to 480C as a result of optimization. This is indicative of more complete combustion in the combustion chamber with minimal afterburning thus resulting in lower exhaust gas temperatures. 5.0 FILTER CONDITION The fuel filters fitted on the engine test bed were instrumented by naustran pressure gauge before and after the filter. The differential pressure developed across the filter were carefully monitored and it was seen that there were no unusual increase in the differential pressure during the test. CONCLUSIONS The performance studies on different blends of bio diesel carried out on the 3100 HP Alco DLW engine reveal the following: 1. There is no change in power for various blends of bio diesel. Even B-100 i.e. pure bio diesel is capable of developing full horsepower on the Alco DLW engine. 2. In general the SFC showed an increased trends with higher blends of bio diesel. However, the combination of B10 with the optimized injection timing was quite comparable to petro diesel. At lower notches (lower engine speeds) the SFC was even better than petro diesel). 3. The NOx emissions in general increase with higher blends of bio diesel. However, at lower notches (1st, 2nd & 3rd), bio diesel blends showed lower NOx readings compared to petro diesel. 4. The hydrocarbon emission also revealed a decreasing trend with high blends of bio diesel with as much as 54% reduction with B-100 as compared to regular diesel. 5. The exhaust gas temperature showed the decreasing trend for increasing blends of bio diesel. This also resulted in lower booster air pressure. The exhaust gas temperature was further reduced on optimizing the injection timing. 6. Based on above results, it is concluded that the bio diesel blends and even neat bio diesel can be used as a fuel on Alco DLW diesel engines. For the present, an optimized blending ratio of bio diesel i.e. B-10 would be ideal. Bio diesel has got tremendous potential as a fuel. It is an indigenously produced and environment friendly source of energy. The testing done so far clearly indicates that there is a considerable scope for further improvement in specific fuel consumption, emissions and other performance parameters. Towards this end sustained optimisation trials and studies on state of the art high horse power test bed facility as available at RDSO is considered vital.



FOLLOW-UP SERVICE FIELD TRIAL After the lab testing, it was decided to carry out service trials with B10 biodiesel blends. The trials were carried out on a locomotive hauling Jan-Shatabdi Express between Lucknow and Allahabad. In all 3 round trips were done using B10 blend of biodiesel as a fuel. It was seen that there was no problem experienced during these runs. The locomotive did not lose any time and maintained full horsepower during the run. These trial runs were a significant step forward compared to the singe trial run done on the Delhi-Amritsar Shatabdi in December, 2002 with a 5% blend of biodiesel. Despite the successful trial runs, it would be necessary to carry out an extended trial on 5 locomotives for a period of 6 months. This will enable us to analyze the long term effect of the fuel on various engine components and the lubricating oil. Using 10% blend of biodiesel will serve to substitute 144 Kl of petrodiesel. TECHNICAL TASKS AHEAD The observations made after detailed testing indicate a very encouraging potential for possible usage of high blends of bio diesel in the range of B20 to B50 depending on indigenous availability of bio diesel. This would however have to be ratified through extended field runs for a reasonable period. The tests have also shown the potential for use of B100, which of course will require detailed study, optimization and certain design and logistic modifications. In this regard; the following course of action of further technical studies is proposed: During the testing considerable data was collected of the emissions at various notches (engine power and speeds) and for various blends. However a more detailed study is required which includes sensitivity analysis. For instance, it was seen that the Nox emissions varied with respect to the ambient temperature. The ambient temperature essentially governs the temperature of the inlet air to the turbo super charger. Variations in temperature of the inlet air effects the turbo charger performance and consequently plays a role in determining the extent of Nox emissions. A more elaborate study is required to determine the exact influence of ambient temperature using the inlet air temperature as a control parameter. The Nox emissions generally tend to increase with the use of bio diesel because the Nitrogen present in the inlet air combines with the inherent Oxygen in the bio diesel. Bio diesel contains nearly 10% Oxygen in its molecular composition and this Oxygen while combining with the Nitrogen in the inlet air results in higher Nox emissions. To optimize the combustion process and minimize the Nox emissions it is considered appropriate to develop the technique by which the oxygen present in biodiesel can be inhibited from combining with Nitrogen and instead be made to react with the fuel hydrocarbons for superior combustion. Since the exhaust gas temperature reduces with the use of biodiesel, there is a scope available to reduce the SFC by reducing the throat area of the nozzle ring of the turbocharger. Optimization of the nozzle ring throat area is to be undertaken.






Trial Scheme
LAB TESTING In order to establish the parameters of bio diesel that has been received from M/s Pure Energy Corporation/USA, two litres each of B100 would be provided to the R&D Labs of IOC, BP as well as M&C Lab in RDSO to carry out the testing as per ASTM 6751. The testing would be done as per the prescribed tests specified in the standard and the critical properties of the fuel would be assessed against the specified limits. 2.0 TEST BED TESTING SCHEME FOR BIODIESEL 2.1 Objective Performance evaluation of 10%, 20%, 50%, 100% blends of bio diesel in HSD oil on the 3100 hp engine test bed. 2.2 Parameters to be measured i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Specific fuel consumption g/BHP-hr. Horse power. Exhaust gas temperature at cylinder heads and turbine inlet. Firing pressures. P- curve plotting Exhaust emission (NOx, CO, HC, PM)

2.3 Engine configuration The engine configuration that shall be used during the testing is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Engine Turbo Pistons Ring pack Manifold After cooler Camshaft Fuel injection pump Lube oil cooler 16 cylinder DLW fuel efficient ABB VTC-(3100 hp) M/s Mahle Germany (11.75 CR) M/s Kaydons F.E. ring pack Stream line 3 entry Large After cooler 140o valve overlap 17 mm plunger diameter, 157o nozzle spray angle having 0.350 mm dia holes Flemrings 3100 HP

2.4 Methodology Stage 1: A base line test data would be generated with regular petro diesel.

Stage 2: A 10% blend of biodiesel with petro diesel would be used on the engine and data as per the above mentioned parameters would be generated. Stage 3: A 20% blend of biodiesel with petro diesel would be used on the engine and data as per the above mentioned parameters would be generated. Stage 4: A 50% blend of biodiesel with petro diesel would be used on the engine and data as per the above mentioned parameters would be generated. Stage 5: 100% Biodiesel would be used on the engine and data as per the above mentioned parameters would be generated. Stage 6: Optimisation studies by advancing the injection timing 1 degree at a time to ascertain impact on firing pressures and SFC. Stage 7:The base line test would be repeated with regular petro diesel 2.5 Duration of testing Each blend shall be tested for a duration of 5 hours. The readings shall be taken at each notch once the control parameters viz. rpm and load have stabilized. The whole cycle normally takes approx. 4 5 hours. The measurable parameters viz. sfc, hp etc as mentioned in 2.2 shall be measured at the following speed (rpm) and loads:
NOTCH 8th. 7th. 6th. 5th. 4th. 3rd. 2nd. 1st IDLE RPM 1050 3 950 3 850 3 750 3 650 3 550 3 450 3 350 3 350 3 Control Parameters LOAD (N) 21600 50 19082 50 16018 50 13826 50 10616 50 8138 50 5471 50 2984 50 2131 50

2.6 Quantity of fuel required

TEST Blends QUANTITES REQUIRED (Litre) (5 hrs. Run) HSD OIL (Plain) BIO DIESEL Base Line 1700 Test 1 (2 days) 10 % 1530 x 2 170 x 2 Test 2 (2 days) 20% 1360 x 2 340x 2 Test 3 (2 day) 50% 850 x 2 850 x 2 Test 4 (1day) 100% 1700 Optimisation test 20% 660 x 2 190 x 2 (1 day 2 times) Base Line 1700 Additional bio diesel for contingency 200 Total Bio diesel requirement 5000 TOTAL 1700 3400 3400 3400 1700 1700 1700

Note: the optimization study shall only be done on the 8th notch by advancing the injection timing to 26.5 degree and 27.5 degrees before TDC respectively.


Optimisation studies During the initial testing in RDSO, it was seen that the firing pressures with a 20% blend of bio diesel reduced by as much as 100 psi. This was coupled with an increase in Specific Fuel Consumption of 1 to 1.5%. Hence engine thermodynamics dictates that for optimising the performance, the timing should be advanced. At present the timing for fuel injection is 25.5 degree before TDC. Now the timing would be advanced 1 degree at a time to 26.5 and 27.5 degrees before TDC. 2.7 Blending Procedure The blending of bio diesel shall be done in the overhead tanks of engine development directorate. For this purpose 2 tanks of 5 Kl have already been cleaned and kept in readiness. These shall first be filled with petro diesel. Then the required amount of bio diesel shall be pumped into the tanks to create the blend. e.g. for creating a blend of 5% bio diesel, initially 2850 litres of petro diesel shall be pumped into the tank. Subsequently the 150 litres of bio diesel shall be pumped into the tank. This procedure is as per the norms and will make a homogenous blend of 5 % bio diesel in petro diesel.



A Summary of EngineTest Bed Results

(as reported by ED Directorate, RDSO) Notch % Blend
0 10 20 50 100 100* 0* 50* 10** 20** 10*** 10**** 10***** 0 10 20 50 100 10***** 0 10 20 50 100 10***** 0 10 20 50 100 10***** 0 10 20 50 100 10***** 0 10 20 50 100 10*****

Corrected Ambient HP/RPM Temp

36.96 32.05 34.62 37.86 35.75 29.88 29.46 32.74 30.2 33.2 36.42 38.5 32.89 -------------------------------

Corrected BSFC (gm/bhphr)

153.68 155.37 156.11 162.15 174.00 172.95 153.02 161.77 154.16 156.22 157.24 155.42 153.65 152.43 154.04 155.27 160.94 173.25 152.16 156.34 157.62 158.98 165.24 177.71 155.37 161.62 163.33 164.79 171.37 185.20 161.75 167.86 168.58 170.31 176.93 192.37 168.91 173.64 174.71 176.14 181.18 198.75 177.47

Fuel Line Pressure (bar)

927.12 936.80 948.72 971.05 1015.43 1025.85 953.93 970.61 955.42 964.79 1113.26 948.7 898.6 725.35 722.44 736.97 767.20 812.61 693.0 638.84 637.53 649.56 640.33 710.46 624.0 585.97 580.02 548.89 627.97 635.26 549.3 482.93 500.80 509.28 477.42 492.01 450.5 439.15 438.11 426.34 460.74 503.77 424.8

Firing NOx Exh.gas Pressure TempC (psi)

1648.31 1650.25 1644.34 1631.47 1652.20 1690.25 1685.50 1681.40 1762.90 1741.34 1637.59 1712.96 1810.4 ----------------------------1422 1266 1480 1553 1491 1496 1276 -----1389 1511 1367 1590 1658 1647 1490 1669 1537 1769 1826 1804 1622 1891 1760 1980 2015 1970 1853 2166 2004 2201 2215 2127 2075 2113 1919 2148 2173 2043 1990 516.9 510.7 -483 486.6 483.27 492.09 494.95 480 493.18 526.7 509.5 489.13 -----------------------------















% Blend
0 10 20 50 100 10***** 0 10 20 50 100 10***** 0 10 20 50 100 10*****

Corrected Ambient HP/RPM Temp



Corrected BSFC (gm/bhphr)

186.29 186.79 187.60 191.73 213 192.14 209.89 209.25 208.76 212.88 240.22 218.27 233.94 229.08 237.46 232.29 258.54 240.90

Fuel Line Pressure (bar)

383.46 365.44 358.74 388.07 364.24 351 353.82 350.99 331.92 354.42 366.85 331.5 283.39 272.07 290.83 292.62 315.85 272.1

(Contd) Firing NOx Exh.gas Pressure TempC (psi)

1521 1304 1537 1511 1376 1295 1056 902 1007 1001 870 923 789 664 726 791 627 732






* - with 2retarded injection timing ** - with 2advanced injection timing *** - with 0.32 mm nozzle **** -with 0.34 mm nozzle ***** -with 139 mm nozzle ring of turbo

As can be seen from the table above, the engine maintained full horse power with all the bio diesel blends including pure bio diesel i.e. B100. The specific fuel consumption of the engine increased from 153.68 g/bhp-hr to 174 g/bhp-hr, an increase of 13.2%. The exhaust gas temperature in general showed a down ward trend. The firing pressure did not change significantly.




13.05.04 13.05.04 14.05.04 14.05.04 15.05.04 15.05.04

2054- LKO-ALD, 2053-ALD-LKO Jan Shatabdi Express 18647 / WDM2/AMV Diesel Shed / N.Rly.
Train No.
2054 2053 2054 2053 2054 2053 2054

LKO-6.00 ALD-15.20 LKO-6.00 ALD-15.20 LKO-6.00 ALD-15.20 LKO-6.00

ALD-10.20 LKO-19.30 ALD-10.20 LKO-19.30 ALD-10.20 LKO-19.30 ALD-10.20

Type of fuel
Normal HSD Normal HSD 10% BIO 10% BIO 10% BIO 10% BIO 10% BIO

HSD consumption in litre

550 600 750 770 700 700 700

17.05.04 21.05.04 21.05.04 22.05.04 22.05.04

2053 2054 2053 2054 2053

ALD-15.20 LKO-6.00 ALD-15.20 LKO-6.00 ALD-15.20

LKO-19.30 ALD-10.20 LKO-19.30 ALD-10.20 LKO-19.30

10% BIO Normal HSD Normal HSD Normal HSD Normal HSD

700 550 600 600 700

Total route is 202 KM from Lucknow to Allahabad. GTKM per trip is 110550. Nothing unusual was noticed during the above trial trips on the engine or locomotive. No external leakage of fuel oil was observed from the engine during above trial trips.


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