REVIEW PAPE Bhavdip Raninga

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Title: - Performance Evaluation of CI Engine Fuelled With Ethanol Diesel

Biodiesel Emulsion Using Nanoparticle Additive.

The most attractive heat engines, internal combustion engines are widely applied for various
applications worldwide. These engines convert the chemical energy of the fuel to mechanical
energy by the combustion phenomenon, which causes fuel to burn through fuel-air interaction
and produce exhaust emissions. Spark ignition and compression ignition are two main
categories of these engines differing in combustion mechanism. The conventional fuels of the
noted engines are gasoline and diesel. With the population increase and the industrialization
of societies, the use of internal combustion engines has become dramatically greater, causing
several problems. Air pollution resulting from fuel combustion could be stated as one of the
challenges that leads to the temperature rise of the earth and climate changes. The other
problem is limited fossil fuels consumed by these engines. Additionally, health issues can be
threatened by polluted air. Hence, renewable fuels were introduced as a vital key to overcome
the obstacles. Biogas, liquefied petroleum gas, hydrogen, and alcohol are of well-known eco-
friendly fuels. Among them, alcohol has drawn extensive attention due to its specific physical
and chemical properties. Ethanol as alcohol with a high octane number, oxygen content, and
low carbon to hydrogen ratio is good use for compression ignition engine. Ethanol is one of
the promising alternative fuels that could be used to power diesel engine and Some of the
techniques so far tried are ethanol fumigation, dual injection and blending[1].This study
gives a direction of renewable fuel blends to replace diesel for fueling diesel engine
thereby reducing the dependency of fossil fuels[2].In this research, 5% and 10% by weight
of bioethanol were added to commercial B10 (10% biodiesel and 90% diesel), B20 (20%
biodiesel and 80% diesel) and B100 (100% biodiesel) and experimented on using a 3 L four-
cylinder common rail diesel engine. The experiment was performed under three engine
speeds of 1000 rpm, 1500 rpm, and 2000 rpm with three constant engine torques of 56 Nm,
84 Nm, and 140 Nm[4].The results reported an increase in the density, specific gravity, and
kinematic viscosity while a decrease in the stability with an increase in water and ethanol
percentage in the HEDA(Hydrous Ethanol Diesel aluminium) emulsion, without the
formation of a phase separation layer. The highest watercontaining emulsion category (W20)
was reported to be the least stable on the basis of stability test results, of which W20H20D80
was noticed to be the most unstable, while W5H10D90 was observed to be the most stable
HEDA(Hydrous Ethanol Diesel aluminium) emulsion[6].This review indicates that biofuels
perform best with additives or as an additive when used with traditional petroleum fuels.
Research analysis indicates that biodiesels show significant improvement in ignition delay
due to higher oxygen content compared with traditional petroleum fuels and produce lower
emission of pollutant gas[7].
Diesel engines are preferred for their high thermal efficiency and good drivability and are
widely applied for heavy-duty machinery such as farm tractors, combine harvesters, electric
generators, and light and heavy duty public transport vehicles [1]. The limited availability of
resources of fossil fuels and increased demand in various fields such as power
generation, transport, and agriculture triggered the research in finding out alternate
sources of fuel to replace or reduce the dependency Among the alternate fuels alcohols
and biodiesel from various vegetable oils are the major resources [2].Nonetheless,
currently there are tremendous effort has been given to develop petroleum-based
conventional fuels driven internal combustion engines that produces less emission
without compromising the desired outcome. As such, researches on production of
biodiesel from reusable or waste organic products have been ratcheted up and
biodiesel-biofuel additives based fuels were tested extensively for the past decades. All
these efforts from the researchers around the globe strongly suggest that all sectors
involved in development will be predominantly powered by mostly fossil fuels and
combustion engines, therefore, to achieve sustainability the engines along with fuels
and their blends must be sorted which perform best yet cause least emission [7].In the
current scenario, environmental degradation and diminishment of earthborn fossil fuels are
stimulating the world’s desire to discover novel, effective, and efficient alternate renewable
fuels. Biofuels might be an answer to this quandary, but their commercialization in the
developing and underdeveloped nations is restricted due to their high production cost, low
storage stability, and inadequate feedstock availability. Emulsified fuels seem to be the best
solution for such challenges. The storage stability plays a significant role in the selection of a
suitable alternative fuel. The poor stability of the fuel can corrode the fuel system
components and or impact the function of fuel. A surfactant can improve the stability of an
emulsion by reducing the surface tension between its immiscible layers [6]. Ethanol possesses
high oXygen content and a low cetane number and There is an increase of the ignition delay of
biodiesel-ethanol blended fuel due to the lower cetane number and higher heat of vaporization
of ethanol,The longer premiXed duration and higher oXygen content in the blended fuel
results in a more complete combustion and the start of the combustion process is retarded to
the optimum ignition setup point of the unmodified engine[4]


CI compression ignition
BSFC brake specific fuel consumption
BTE brake thermal efficiency
COME cotton seed oil methyl ester
BD bio diesel
CN cetane number
B90E10 blend with biodiesel 90% and ethanol 10%
B70E30 blend with biodiesel 70% and ethanol 30%
B50E50 blend with biodiesel 50% and ethanol 50%
HLB hydrophilic lipophilic balance
ASTM American society of testing and material
NA naturally aspirated
Experiments In Various CI Engines:

[1] Single Cylinder Water Cooled CI Engine

Diesel fuel and ethanol are prepared and different emulsions are prepared in
three different proportions by varying the amount of ethanol by volume percentage. The
ethanol used for this research work is aqueous ethanol which is having a water content of
3%. Maintain the stability of the diesel ethanol emulsion emulsifying agent having an HLB
(hydrophilic-lipophilic balance) of 9 is prepared by miXing two different emulsifying
agents namely tween80 and span80. Tween80 is an emulsifier having a high HLB value
of 15 and span80 has a low HLB of 4.3 . To prepare an emulsifying solution with the
desired value of HLB between 4.3 and 15 is to miX the two emulsifiers in the correct
proportion. From the competition result, the proportion required in mass percentage is 44%
of Tween80 and 66% of Span80. The miXing of the emulsifier is performed with an
ultrasonicator at room temperature of 30◦C and frequency of 40 kHz by operating the
machine for the duty cycle indicated[1]
FIG (1). Single-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine is used for the test and the
specification of the test engine is given in Table 1. The engine performance testing is
carried out in Addis Ababa science and Technology University (AASTU), Mechanical
Engineering department[1].

Figure 1. Materials used in the laboratory includes, 1 – Control interface, 2 – Loading

unit, 3 – Data acquisition and management computer, 4 – EXhaust gas analyzer, 5 –
Engine with dynamometer, 6 – Smoke meter.

The test is started by operating the engine for about 30 min to reach to its operating
temperature. After the engine is warmed up the performance parameters of diesel fuel is
recorded as a baseline data. Before operating the engine with the other fuel samples the former
fuel in the fuel system is fully drained and the engine is allowed to run for additional 30 min
until the remaining fuel clears out from the fuel liens and the exhaust gas measuring devises
are setup. The same procedure is followed for each fuel sample. The test rig is designed to
measure the performance parameter by varying the engine load so load condition is varied
using the data acquisition and management computer to increase or decrease the load on the
loading unit. Power and torque values are recorded by the data acquisition system with a click
on the desired instant. The test value is recorded by varying the load from 0% to 80% with
10% difference. The test result is registered three times to reduce uncertainty and average
value is used as a final value.

Specification of the test engine[1]

Engine type Single-cylinder, water-cooled, 4-stroke diesel engine

Bore-stroke 77.0 mm × 70.0 mm
Compression ratio 24:1
Displacement 309 cc
Rated power 5.2 kW @ 3000 r/min (rpm)
Bare idle speed 900–1000 rpm
Injecting Timing 270 BTDC
Injection pump Bosch K type mini pump
Injection pressure 140 kgf/cm2

[2] Single Cylinder Air Cooled CI Engine:

The layout of the Engine setup chosen to carry out experimentation is shown in FIG
(2).The engine specification is shown in Table 2. The standard diesel engine is
coupled with a swing field electrical powered eddy current dynamometer to apply
the load. The combustion chamber pressure variation was measured using an
AVL Pressure Transducer GH14D/AH01, which has the Sensitivity of 18.99
pC/bar, Linearity of <±0.3%, Measure range of 250 bar, Temperature range
of 400 °C, and Natural frequency of 115 KHZ, which is mounted on the cylinder
head. The crank angle and the position of top dead center were measured using an
AVL365C ANGLE ENCODER INDI ADVANCED, an accuracy of less than
±0.2% of measured value, which is standard, mounted at the free crankshaft of the
engine. The charge amplifier outputs and the encoder were connected to an AVL
INDIMICRA 602- T10602A, which converts analog input to digital output, and
software version V2.5 for data acquisition system was used to analyze the output
data. The variation of generated pressure crank angle and heat release rate at every
crank angle can analyze and record through a personal computer when the engine
runs.An average value of 100 cycles is measured by recorded parameters at
particular load[2].
1.Test Engine 2. Dynamometer 3. Volt Meter
4.Fuel Burette 5. Fuel Tank 6. Exhaust Gas Temp
7. AVL Gas Analyser 8. Smoke Meter 9. Control Unit

Figure 2 Engine setup block diagram.[2]

Table 2 Engine specification.

Property Description

Name Kirloskar oil engine

Engine type
Four stroke, single cylinder, Vertical, direct injection, Air cooled, Compression ignition Engine
IS rating at 1500 rpm
4.41 kW
87.5 mm
110 mm
Cubic capacity 0.662 l
Nominal compression ratio
Injector type Single, 3-hole jet injector
23 deg
Fuel timing by spill (BTDC)
Nozzle opening pressurepowered EDDY CURRENT Dynamometer
200–205 kg/cm 2 (make – power stars)
kVA-5 PH-1 Hz-50 Volt-240 Amps-21 RPM-1500
5.44 kg/cm2
Governor type
Mechanical centrifugal type

[3] N A Single Cylinder Water Cooled CI Engine:

The experimental investigations were carried out in two phases. In the first phase, the
various physicochemical properties of modified bio diesel were determined and compared
with those of the base fuels. The properties studied were the flash and fire points, cloud
and pour points and viscosity. Standard ASTM test procedures were used in the
experiments. In the second phase, extensive performance tests were conducted on a single
cylinder compression ignition engine using the modified and base fuels, in order to evaluate
the engine performance as well as the emission characteristics using an exhaust gas
emission analyzer. The method of preparation of the fuels with the additive nanoparticles
along with the experimental methods for obtaining the fuel properties and the details of the
performance test facility are all presented below.
Figure 3 Schematic of the experimental set up.

Preparation of Modified Fuels. The fuel used for the current investigation is a bio
diesel product, derived from Jatropha. The viscosity, density, and Calorific value of the
bio diesel were measured using standard equipment and are 52 cSt at 32◦C, 906 kg/m3 and
34.5 MJ/Kg, respectively. The fuel additive used in this investigation is cerium oxide, in
the form of commercially available nanoparticles of size 10 to 20
nanometers and density of 7.13 g/mL. The dosing level of the cerium oxide nanoparticle
samples (by weight) in the base fuel was varied from 20 to 80 ppm. The required quantity
of the nanoparticle sample required for each dosing level was measured using a precision
electronic balance and mixed with the fuel by means of an ultrasonic shaker, applying a
constant agitation time of 30 minutes to produce a uniform suspension. The modified fuel
was utilized immediately after preparation, in order to avoid any settling or for
sedimentation to occur.

TABlE 3: Engine specifications.[3]

Type Naturally aspirated, four stroke, single cylinder, water-cooled compression ignition

Stroke 110 mm

Bore 88 mm

Rated output 5.5 kW

Rated speed 1500 RPM

Loading devise Electrical generator

[4] Four Cylinder CI Engine:

This study was carried out on a commercial 3-L, four-cylinder, diesel engine. The engine’s
specifications are described in Table 4. The injection system of this engine is the common rail
injection system. The injection pressure, injected amount and the timing of the injector
opening, and closing are controlled by engine control unit (ECU) based on the acceleration
pedal position. The maximum output power is 107 kw, produced at 3600 rpm, and maximum
torque of 294 Nm, occurring within the speed range of 1400–3400 rpm. In addition, the engine
is mounted with an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system to reduce
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of a diesel engine combustion and emission
analysis using a water-cooled eddy current dynamometer test

NOX emissions, and turbocharger to enhance the engine power by boosting intake air
pressure. EXcept for the cooling system, the engine systems were not modified for this


Test engine specifications.

Parameter Value

Model Isuzu 4JJ1 TC

Model year 2005

Engine type Diesel, four stroke

No of cylinder Four

Bore x Stroke (mm) 95.4 × 104.9

Total displacement (cc) 3000

Injection System Common rail

Injection Nozzle Electrical controlled


Maximum power output 107kw@3600 rpm

Maximum torque output 294Nm@1400–3400 rpm

Addition devices EGR, Turbocharger

Result & Discussion:

[1] Single Cylinder Water Cooled CI Engine:

The fuel measurement result revealed that the brake specific fuel consumption pattern
is the same for all the sample fuels from 0% to 80% load with 10% variation. At low load
condition the engine runs at high speed, this makes injection pump governor to set the
control rack to the minimum fuel delivery volume position. The bsfc is small at low load
condition due to the power required is small so the fuel delivery is restricted. Up to 50%
load increment the fuel consumption also increases due to the speed of the engine
decreases, resulting in the fuel pump to increase the fuel pump volume to increase. The
bsfc start to reduce as we raise the engine load from 50% to 80% as indicated. Beyond 80%
load, the engine hesitates to run vibrating harshly and the test is limited to a maximum
loading of 80%. The reduced bsfc at high engine load is due to improved combustion. As
the engine speed decreases, the fuel gates sufficient time to complete the combustion
process resulting in increment the engine combustion temperature and in cylinder pressure.
As shown in Figure(5)[1] in diesel ethanol emulsion the amount of ethanol greatly affected
the bsfc. The cetane number and calorific value which highly influences the combustion
efficiency reduces as ethanol amount increased. The data collected from test showed
27.17,34.39 and 37.87 percent bsfc rises for E5, E10 and E15 fuel samples.


E5 E10
bsfc (kg/kWh)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Load %


Figure5.The effect of ethanol on engine fuel consumption.[1]

[2] Single Cylinder Air Cooled CI Engine

BTEs of the fuel blends are presented in Fig (6). It is observed from the figure that
there is an increase of BTE for all the fuel blends at 50% load compared to diesel and
at full load the blend of 50% ethanol is equivalent to diesel. Also, the increase is
proportional to the increase of ethanol in the blend. This is due to the reduction of
viscosities of the blends with the addition of ethanol to biodiesel. this leads to
better atomization and better fuel-air mixing to increase in bte.the bte of the blend
containing 50% ethanol 50% csome.blends are increasing along with the load.
This is due to the reason of increase of average combustion chamber temperature
at high loads.[2]

BSFC of fuel blends is presented in Fig(7). It is observed that the BSFC of the
blends is higher than diesel at all loads. However, the increases of BSFC of the
blends are lesser at higher loads compared to lower loads. The increase of BSFC is
due to the lower calorific value of the blends compared with diesel with the addition
of ethanol. The reason for the decreasing trend of BSFC for blends at higher loads is
due to the better reactivity of oxygen at higher average temperature of the
combustion chamber leading to more complete combustion. BSFC of the blend
containing 50% ethanol was the least compared with the other blends at higher
Figure 6 Brake thermal efficiency[2] Figure 7 Brake specific fuel consumption[2]

[3] N A Single Cylinder Water Cooled CI Engine

FIG (8) illustrates the results of the performance tests conducted on the diesel engine
with standard bio diesel oil and modified fuel. The results show that the brake thermal
efficiency of the diesel engine is improved by the addition of cerium oxide in the fuel. The
cerium oxide nanoparticles present in the fuel promote longer and more complete
combustion, compared to the base fuel as cerium oxide acts as an oxygen buffer and
thus increases the efficiency. It has also been observed that the improvement in the
efficiency generally increases with the dosing level of nanoparticles. A maximum increase
of 1.5% in the brake thermal efficiency was obtained when the dosing level was varied from
20 to 80 ppm, with a maximum improvement observed at a dosing level of 80 ppm. Cerium
oxide oxidizes the carbon deposits from the engine leading to efficient operation and
reduced fuel consumption. Corresponding to the efficiency characteristics, the specific fuel
consumption decreases with an increase in the dosing level of nanoparticles.[3]

Figure 8: Variation of the brake thermal efficiency with load for bio diesel and modified bio diesel
with different dosing levels of the[3]
[4] Four Cylinder CI Engine

The fuel consumption was measured by weight scale sensor in gram per second.The
brake power, brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and brake thermal efficiency (BTE)
were calculated from engine speed, torque and fuel consumption.
When concerning engine load and speed, fuel consumption increases as engine load and
speed increases, in order to produce more power output. Because of lower calorific values
of biodiesel and ethanol fuels compared to diesel fuel, increasing the proportion of
biodiesel and ethanol in blended fuels increases fuel consumption . The highest thermal
efficiencies were observed at 1500 rpm engine speed

Fig (9) show brake thremal efficiency of all tested fuels at all tested modes. When the
engine load and speed increased,BTE continued to increase. The rich oXygen content of
ethanol could improve the combustion processes and this contributes to the higher thermal
efficiency of ethanol blended fuel. This meant that if an engine was fueled by ethanol
blended fuels, the friction losses became higher because adding ethanol degrades the fuel
lubricity effect. A wide range of testing parameters was also revealed to be responsible for
the variability of results. However, it can be concluded that using the diesel-biodiesel-
ethanol blended fuels will not impair the diesel engine’s thermal efficiency

Fig 9 break specific fuel consumption[4]

Fig 10 break specific thermal efficiency[4]

The availability of fossil fuel in future is unpredictable so alternative fuel is best option.
Ethanol has great characteristic to replace diesel in compression ignition Engine.The
stability of ethanol diesel emulsion is highly influenced by the amount of ethanol content
which increases with the increase in the amount of ethanol and The amounts of ethanol in
ethanol diesel emulsion fuel greatly in fluencies the fuel consumption of an engine. The test
result showed 27.17, 34.39 and 37.87 % bsfc increment for E5, E10 and E15 fuel samples
respectively[1].Brake Thermal Efficiencies of the blends are higher than those of diesel
and The maximum increase of BTE of 8% is for the blend B50E50 and BSFC of the
blends is higher than diesel only at lower loads[2].when diesel mix with ethanol
thermal efficiency and cetane number are reduce.Ethanol is environment friendly fuel.
Experimental work is underway on the effect of param- eters such as the preparation time and
the nanoparticle size, apart from the dosing level, on the performance of the fuels modified
with cerium oxide nanoparticles. Efforts are also being made to obtain the optimum
combinations of these parameters for the best performance of the fuel. Analysis of the
combustion and flame characteristics of the catalyst enhanced fuel using visualization
techniques is also being undertaken as part of continuing research[3].When ethanol is
added, because of the higher autoignition temperature, lower cetane number and higher
heat of vaporization of ethanol, ethanol-biodiesel-diesel blended fuels need more time for
fuel evaporation and led to longer ignition delay. Therefore, higher maximum pressures and
maximum NHRRs were observed in every engine condition. The cumulative heat release
also increased, and the combustion duration is shorter because there are more oXygen
molecules in ethanol miXed fuel. The calorific values are lower and hence fuel consumption
is higher for ethanol blended fuels. Thermal efficiency was increased by blending ethanol
due to the oXygen content of fuel advanced the combustion processes. Moreover, for emission,
the smoke emission decreased by around 50% compared to fuels without ethanol. Nitrogen
oXides emissions increased for ethanol blended fuels because of higher combustion
temperatures and higher quantity of oXygen molecules[4].

[1] Performance and emission evaluation of CI engine fueled with
ethanoldiesel emulsion using NiZnFe2O4 nanoparticle additive
[2] Experimental investigation of effects of addition of ethanol to bio-diesel on
performance, combustionand emission characteristics in CI engine

[3] Experimental Investigations on the Effects of Cerium OxideNanoparticle Fuel Additives

on Biodiesel

[4] EXperimental investigation of the influence of ethanol and biodiesel on common

rail direct injection diesel Engine’s combustion and emission characteristics
[5] Application of iron oxide nanoparticles in oil recovery – A critical review of the
properties, formulation, recent advances and prospects
[6] Hydrous Ethanol−Diesel−Al2O3 Nanoemulsified Fuel Characterization,
Stability, and Corrosion Effect
[7] A comprehensive review on the application of bioethanol/biodiesel in direct injection
engines and consequential environmental impact

[8] Arumugam S. Ramadhas, Alternative fuel for transportation, ISBN 978-1-4398-1957-9


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