Every student taking AdditionalMathematics requiredto carry our a projectwork while is theyare in Form 5. This year,the Curriculurn Development Division,Ministry of Education has prepared four tasks. Students to choose are and con-rplete ONB taskbasedon their only areaof interest. Upon completion the Additional Mathernatics of ProjectWork, it is hoped thatstudents gainvaluable will experiences ableto: and ' apply and adapta variety of problem-solving strategies solve routineand nonto routineproblerns; experience classroom environments which are challenging, interesting and meaningful henceimprovetheir thinkingskiils. and experience classroomenvironments where knowledgeand skills are applied in rneaningful waysin solvingreal-lifeproblems. experience classroorn environments where expressing ones mathematical thinking, reasoning communication highly encouraged expected. and are and experience classroom environments stimulates that and enhances effectivelearning; acquireeffectivemathennatical cotnmunicationthroughoral and writing, and to use the language mathematics express of to mathernatical ideascorrectlyandprecisely; enhance acquisition mathematical of knowledgeandskills throughproblem-solving in ways that increass interestandconfidence; prepare students' the demands their future undertakings in workplace. for of and realise that mathematics an irnportant and powerful tool in solving real-life is problemsand hence develope positiveattitudetowardsrnathematics. train themselves not only to be independentlearnersbut also to collaborate,to cooperate, to shareknowledgein an engagingand healthyenvironrnent. and usetechnology especially ICT appropriately the andeffectively. train themselves appreciate 'intrinsicvaluesof mathematics to becomemore to the and creati and innovative. ve . rea{ise irnpoftance the anqlthebeautyof mathematics.
A d d i t i o n a l M a t h e m a t i c s r o j e c tW o r l < P
Projectwork canbe donein groupsor individually, eachstudent expected subrnit but is to an individually written reportwhich is rnarkedand gradedby the teachers according the to rubrics supplernented with the task. A high percentage urarks is allocatedto the of application of the mathematicalprocessessuch as reasoning,rnaking .connections, cornrnunicating rnathematically, representation usingtechnology. and Students to realize are that going throughthe mathematical processes while solvingthe task, is as irnportantas finding the correct answrs.Hence it is important that teachers move away from the teaching learningandthey are expected spend traditional and to solnearnount time doing of the following: . organizingand monitoring students,So that everyoneis not only working hard towands cornpleting taskbut working alsotogether the effectively; . . brainstonning ideas solvethe tasks; to answering questions, and offering suggestions guideswhenever necessary not up but to giving theanswers directly. . . accessing evaluating and process progress students' and alongthe way. guiding students effectivelydo their research to includinghow to use the .resources effectively. o . keepingstudents and interested the taskto be solved. focused on rnakingthe students realisethat in solving the giventasks, rnathematical processes ar as rnuchcrucialas finding the correctanswers. . providingenough tirne(3 weeks)for students complete task. to the
are Students expected work and producean individuallywritten reportto the projectwork to within THREB weeksfrom the first day the task is being administereC thern.Failureto to submitthe written reportwill resultin the students receiving not any certificate.
Prepared by: Secondary Mathematics Unit Curriculum Development Division It4inistry Education of Malaysia