18V093 3D Model R0
18V093 3D Model R0
18V093 3D Model R0
Rupture Disk
Leyend (0) Steam Duct (1) Main Condenser (2) Condensate pumps (3) Vacuum Unit (4) Level Control valves (5) Gland Steam Condenser (6) Flash Tank and Drain Header (8) Interconnecting Piping
(1) Main Condenser: Axial Steam Entry Divided water boxes, two pass-design, flat water boxes covers at both ends
(3) Vacuum Unit: Steam-jet Ejector type, comprising of 2x100% 2-stages holding eyectors + 1 hogging eyector with silencer + 1 x 100 % inter-after condenser + valves + traps + piping; all arranged in a common base frame
(8) Interconnecting Piping: (4) Level Control Valve: Return condensate Hotwell
(4) Level Control Valve: Overboard (2) Condensate Pumps: 3 x 100% Motor driven mounted in baseframes