SSD0023EHN - R2 - Equipment Noise Limitation
SSD0023EHN - R2 - Equipment Noise Limitation
SSD0023EHN - R2 - Equipment Noise Limitation
DATE : 2013.10.30
Table of Contents
1. Scope -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1. Scope
This specification covers noise level limits, procedures for noise test and submitting
equipment noise data for the equipments.
2.1 Latest version of codes referenced herein shall govern unless exceptions are noted in
this specification.
EEMUA Publication No. 142 : Acoustic Insulation of Pipes Valves and Flanges
(formerly OCMA NWG-5)
Noise limits are expressed as sound pressure levels in octave bands and/or in overall
dB(A) sound levels. Noise limits for each octave band according to overall dB(A) is
shown as below;
Agitators 87 a (1)
Air Cooled Exchangers 85 f
Blowers 85 a & c (3) (1)
Compressors 87 a (1)
Control Valves 85 a (2)
Ejectors 87 a (2)
Exhaust Fans 83 d
Fired Heaters 85 c (1)
Gear Units 85 a (1)
Mixers 85 a
Motors 83 a&b (1)
Pumps 85 a (1)
Relief Valves See Note 3 a (3)
Silencers, Atmospheric
85 e (2) & (3)
Turbine 87 a
Off-Gas Dryer 87 a (1)
Transformer 85 a
(1) Where equipment is supplied as a package such as in the case with agitators, gear
boxes, and driver; pumps and drivers; burners and forced draft fans; compressors,
gear boxes, and drivers; etc., the specified noise limits apply to the complete
equipment package being supplied by Vendor.
(2) Vendor shall assume in his calculations that valves and adjacent piping will not be
acoustically treated.
(3) Vendor shall advise the sound pressure level in the octave bands and in dB(A)
predicted at the specified location during design in discharge conditions.
Location a : One meter from outside of the casing (or acoustical enclosure) of the
noise source, at ear level, for operator standing at grade or on
nearest platform.
Location b : One meter from the outer edge of the fan shroud, at ear level, for an
operator standing on grade or on nearest platform.
Location c : (Includes all the following stations that apply to the particular design)
(1) One meter from burner, at ear level, for operator standing on
grade directly below equipment.
(2) One meter from boiler or furnace walls, at ear level, for an
operator standing on grade or on nearest platform.
(3) One meter from any air intake to a fan, from any fan casing, or
from any fan driver, at ear level, for an operator standing on grade
or on nearest operating platform.
Further restrictions shall apply when the noise of an equipment item contains impulses
and tonal components. The Equipment Noise limit shall be adjusted as indicated in the
following Table.
Characteristics Reduction
Impulsive 5 dB(A)
Equipment vendor shall state noise guarantee for each item of the equipment or each train
of the equipment which he is supplying to the purchaser.
Equipment vendor except control valve vendor shall complete the "EQUIPMENT
NOISE LIMITATION SHEET" attached hereto and submit the sheet at the bid proposal
stage and after placing purchase order.
Unless otherwise specified equipment noise limits shall be met at any position with a
distance of one meter from equipment surface.
Equipment vendor shall state the following on the EQUIPMENT NOISE LIMITATION
4.1.1 Expected sound pressure and sound power levels in octave bands and dB(A)
of stock item (i.e., standard type equipment without silencing).
4.1.2 Expected sound pressure levels in octave bands and dB(A) of the equipment
with silencing measures (e.g., special design or acoustical treatment, or both)
to meet the specified noise limits, if these measures are required.
4.1.3 Additional costs for special design or acoustical treatment, or both, if these
measures are required.
4.1.5 Appropriate information of the equipment, such as tag number, power, rpm,
and duty (e.g., heat release in furnaces)..
4.1.6 Details of proposed noise treating method, including noise attenuation data,
effects on machine performance, etc. if silencing is required to meet the
specified noise limits.
4.1.7 The base from which noise data are obtained. The order of preference for
obtaining the required noise data is as follows:
(1) From test on a comparable piece of equipment in an environment remote from
other noise sources (shop or fields tests), or installed in an operating plant.
(2) From noise test data obtained by tests on similar equipment and corrected for
the actual equipment size and operating conditions.
(3) From calculation by theoretical or empirical techniques.
Vendor shall submit a list of control valves the predicted noise level of which
exceeds 80dB(A).
In case of low-noise valve, vendor shall quote costs and noise levels for both
conventional and low-noise valves.
Within 6 weeks after receipt of the purchase order, vendor shall submit noise
calculation sheet for all operating conditions viz minimum, normal, maximum
throughput of all items.
5.1 Where stock item of equipment cannot comply with equipment noise limits,
"secondary" measures will be necessary in the form of silencer and/or acoustic
In such case the equipment vendor shall prepare silencer/acoustic enclosure data
sheet(s) and submit these with his quotation, together with an outline drawing of the
proposed silencer and/or enclosure, for purchaser's approval.
When silencers or acoustic enclosures are required for noise reduction they shall
conform to EEMUA (The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association)
Publication No.106.
5.2 The vendor shall, in designing noise abatement devices, take the following into
- Proven method
(must have two years of successful operation at a minimum of two location)
- Realistic and easy arrangement at site
- Less prevention for maintenance and operation
- Safety, safe working conditions and emergencies
6.1 Corrective action shall be taken at no cost to the purchaser if the equipment fails to
meet guaranteed noise level. The corrective measures shall have purchaser's
6.2 In above case, the requirements described in paragraph 5.1 and 5.2 will also govern.
6.3 Where requested by the purchaser, a noise guarantee acceptance test shall be
performed by the vendor. In this case, charges for testing, and any increase in the
quoted price because of noise specifications, shall be shown as separate items in the
vendor's quotation.
6.4 The procedure of noise test will comply with EEMUA Publication No.140. No
allowance shall be made for the reproducibility of the test method.
SPECIAL Equipment
Description of silencing.