Dannell Maguire
Dannell Maguire
Dannell Maguire
Tiger Asset Management, New York, NY 2007 -Present Privately owned advisory firm established to assist the founders family members with life choices related to their financial assets and the impact on long-term goals, such as intergenerational issues and legacy desires. MANAGING DIRECTOR Play key role in management of firms equity investments, while supporting operations of biopharmaceutical company, as well as projects focused on renewable and sustainable energy. Deliver expertise to guide and drive success of biotech enterprise, as well as conduct daily equity/options trading at a proprietary New York City broker-dealer (T3). Selected Highlights Uncovered new investment opportunity in Neogenix Oncology, a clinical stage biotechnology company focused on developing therapeutic and diagnostic products for the early detection and treatment of cancer without impact to healthy cells. Developed and refined grey box trading operations utilized by active trading portion of the portfolio. Amalgamated Housing, Bronx, New York 2006-2007 Limited equity housing cooperative providing affordable housing to 1.5K moderate-income families. GENERAL MANAGER Spearheaded daily operations of 17-building complex, leading 100+-member staff, as well as a security team and 65 maintenance personnel. Directed finance and office management, as well as apartment allocations, oversaw engineering and maintenance functions, and provided training to optimize employee success. Ensured adherence to all state and federal regulations by driving comprehensive effort to review and update compliance procedures. Selected Highlights Reduced fuel costs $220K through introduction of an innovative approach to fuel purchasing practices. Avoided potentially damaging tenant/shareholder lawsuits, as well as entanglements with legal and regulatory bodies, by leading project to modernize 32 elevators. Boosted capabilities and performance of service and office staff through introduction of first formal training program. Additionally, improved technical operations by implementing more effective IT procedures. Process Corporation, New York, New York 1984-2006 Consulting firm providing guidance on improving all aspects of operations for clients, primarily in real estate, financial services, manufacturing and professional services. FOUNDER & PRESIDENT Piloted projects for a range of companies delivered guidance to optimize financial controls and staffing levels, while improving technical operations by leading enterprise software development, documentation, and technology integration/training efforts. Contributed to planning efforts for facilities and construction projects. Continued
Dannell T. Maguire, MBA Page 2 maguire@nyc.rr.com
Process Corporation, continued Selected Highlights Hercules Coin-O-Matic Corporation: Raised plant quality and customer service levels, while reducing costs, through targeted evaluation and identification of areas ripe for improvement. Developed a detailed implementation plan and gained owner buy-in to ensure long-term success and sustainment. Citibank: Advanced a multi-year, $1B+ eCiti project to put banks commercial sector online selectively recruited and managed team of subcontractors. Chase/Chemical Bank: Contributed to success of major bank merger by developing curriculum and directing training on new Windows platform that covered Sales, Training, and Securities. Oxigene: Drove initial operations and provided fiscal leadership in lead roles as COO and CFO partnered with lawyers and accountants to clean up corporate records and develop presentations in preparation for an IPO in 1993; developed all financial models and projections. Teamed with Cato Research, a leading Clinical Research Organization, on Investigative New Drug Application (IND) for the FDA. Systron: Re-energized company by partnering with investment banking and law firms to support re-positioning and recapitalization. Meanwhile, slashed inventory levels by 50% to control costs, and pinpointed and corrected serious deficiencies in A/R financing activities. Delivered results for additional clients including Bankers Trust; Bloomingdale's; Chase Bank; Marathon Oil; Morgan Stanley; Pfizer; Akin Gump; Debevoise & Plimpton; Freed Frank; Millbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy; and Sullivan & Cromwell. CAREER NOTE: Previous positions as Vice President Merchant Banking Group for Banque Indosuez and Vice President Government Bond Sales for Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrett. Served as a Sergeant in the United States Army during the Vietnam War.
American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) Project Management Institute (PMI)