The Holy Bible - New King James Version - NKJV

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Holy Bible

New King James Version


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About the New King James Version

The New King James Version was conceived by Arthur Farstad in an effort to translate into everyday nglish the literal conte!t of the scri"tures# $ust as the King James Version did in the %&th century' For better consistency with the original King James Version# the same manuscri"ts that were used in the King James translation were used# even though most schollars agree that they have since been all but re"laced by the discoveries of several ancient manuscri"ts' This hel"s give the New King James Version the a""eal of the original# while u"dating im"ortant "arts of the scri"tures as well'

Old Testament
(enesis !odus )eviticus Numbers *euteronomy Joshua Judges +uth %st Samuel ,nd Samuel %st Kings ,nd Kings %st -hronicles ,nd -hronicles .ra Nehemiah sther Job /salms /roverbs cclesiastes Song of Solomon 0saiah Jeremiah )amentations .e1iel *aniel 2osea Joel Amos 3badiah Jonah 4icah Nahum 2aba11u1 5e"haniah 2aggai 5echariah 4alachi

New Testament
4atthew 4ar1 )u1e John Acts +omans %st -orinthians ,nd -orinthians (alatians "hesians /hili""ians -olossians %st Thessalonians ,nd Thessalonians %st Timothy ,nd Timothy Titus /hilemon 2ebrews James %st /eter ,nd /eter %st John ,nd John 6rd John Jude +evelation

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Genesis 10n the beginning (od created the

heavens and the earth'
, %%

The earth was without form# and void9 and dar1ness was on the face of the dee"' And the S"irit of (od was hovering over the face of the waters'

Then (od said# :)et the earth bring forth grass# the herb that yields seed# and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its 1ind# whose seed is in itself# on the earth:9 and it was so'

Then (od said# :)et there be light:9 and there was light'

And the earth brought forth grass# the herb that yields seed according to its 1ind# and the tree that yields fruit# whose seed is in itself according to its 1ind' And (od saw that it was good'

And (od saw the light# that it was good9 and (od divided the light from the dar1ness'

So the evening and the morning were the third day'


(od called the light *ay# and the dar1ness 2e called Night' So the evening and the morning were the first day'

Then (od said# :)et there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night9 and let them be for signs and seasons# and for days and years9

Then (od said# :)et there be a firmament in the midst of the waters# and let it divide the waters from the waters':

and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth:9 and it was so'

Thus (od made the firmament# and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament9 and it was so'

Then (od made two great lights7 the greater light to rule the day# and the lesser light to rule the night' 2e made the stars also'

And (od called the firmament 2eaven' So the evening and the morning were the second day'

(od set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth#

Then (od said# :)et the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one "lace# and let the dry land a""ear:9 and it was so'

and to rule over the day and over the night# and to divide the light from the dar1ness' And (od saw that it was good'

So the evening and the morning were the fourth day'


And (od called the dry land arth# and the gathering together of the waters 2e called Seas' And (od saw that it was good'

Then (od said# :)et the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures# and let birds fly above the

earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens':



So (od created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves# with which the waters abounded# according to their 1ind# and every winged bird according to its 1ind' And (od saw that it was good'

And (od said# :See# 0 have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth# and every tree whose fruit yields seed9 to you it shall be for food'

And (od blessed them# saying# :Be fruitful and multi"ly# and fill the waters in the seas# and let birds multi"ly on the earth':

Also# to every beast of the earth# to every bird of the air# and to everything that cree"s on the earth# in which there is life# 0 have given every green herb for food:9 and it was so'

So the evening and the morning were the fifth day'


Then (od saw everything that 2e had made# and indeed it was very good' So the evening and the morning were the si!th day'

Then (od said# :)et the earth bring forth the living creature according to its 1ind7 cattle and cree"ing thing and beast of the earth# each according to its 1ind:9 and it was so'

2Thus the heavens and the earth# and

all the host of them# were finished'

And (od made the beast of the earth according to its 1ind# cattle according to its 1ind# and everything that cree"s on the earth according to its 1ind' And (od saw that it was good'

And on the seventh day (od ended 2is wor1 which 2e had done# and 2e rested on the seventh day from all 2is wor1 which 2e had done'

Then (od said# :)et As ma1e man in 3ur image# according to 3ur li1eness9 let them have dominion over the fish of the sea# over the birds of the air# and over the cattle# over all the earth and over every cree"ing thing that cree"s on the earth':

Then (od blessed the seventh day and sanctified it# because in it 2e rested from all 2is wor1 which (od had created and made'

This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created# in the day that the )3+* (od made the earth and the heavens#

So (od created man in 2is own image9 in the image of (od 2e created him9 male and female 2e created them'

before any "lant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown' For the )3+* (od had not caused it to rain on the earth# and there was no man to till the ground9

Then (od blessed them# and (od said to them# :Be fruitful and multi"ly9 fill the earth and subdue it9 have dominion over the fish of the sea# over the birds of the air# and over every living thing that moves on the earth':

but a mist went u" from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground'

And the )3+* (od formed man of the dust of the ground# and breathed into his

nostrils the breath of life9 and man became a living being'



And the )3+* (od said# :0t is not good that man should be alone9 0 will ma1e him a hel"er com"arable to him':

The )3+* (od "lanted a garden eastward in den# and there 2e "ut the man whom 2e had formed'

And out of the ground the )3+* (od made every tree grow that is "leasant to the sight and good for food' The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden# and the tree of the 1nowledge of good and evil'

3ut of the ground the )3+* (od formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air# and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them' And whatever Adam called each living creature# that was its name'

Now a river went out of den to water the garden# and from there it "arted and became four riverheads'

So Adam gave names to all cattle# to the birds of the air# and to every beast of the field' But for Adam there was not found a hel"er com"arable to him'

The name of the first is /ishon9 it is the one which s1irts the whole land of 2avilah# where there is gold'

And the )3+* (od caused a dee" slee" to fall on Adam# and he sle"t9 and 2e too1 one of his ribs# and closed u" the flesh in its "lace'

And the gold of that land is good' Bdellium and the ony! stone are there'

Then the rib which the )3+* (od had ta1en from man 2e made into a woman# and 2e brought her to the man'

The name of the second river is (ihon9 it is the one which goes around the whole land of -ush'

And Adam said7 :This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh9 She shall be called Boman# Because she was ta1en out of 4an':

The name of the third river is 2idde1el9 it is the one which goes toward the east of Assyria' The fourth river is the u"hrates'

Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be $oined to his wife# and they shall become one flesh'

Then the )3+* (od too1 the man and "ut him in the garden of den to tend and 1ee" it'

And they were both na1ed# the man and his wife# and were not ashamed'

And the )3+* (od commanded the man# saying# :3f every tree of the garden you may freely eat9

3Now the ser"ent was more cunning

than any beast of the field which the )3+* (od had made' And he said to the woman# :2as (od indeed said# :Cou shall not eat of every tree of the gardenDE:

but of the tree of the 1nowledge of good and evil you shall not eat# for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die':

And the woman said to the ser"ent# :Be may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden9


Then the man said# :The woman whom Cou gave to be with me# she gave me of the tree# and 0 ate':

but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden# (od has said# :Cou shall not eat it# nor shall you touch it# lest you die':D

And the )3+* (od said to the woman# :Bhat is this you have doneE: The woman said# :The ser"ent deceived me# and 0 ate':

Then the ser"ent said to the woman# :Cou will not surely die'

For (od 1nows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be o"ened# and you will be li1e (od# 1nowing good and evil':

So the )3+* (od said to the ser"ent7 :Because you have done this# Cou are cursed more than all cattle# And more than every beast of the field9 3n your belly you shall go# And you shall eat dust All the days of your life'

So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food# that it was "leasant to the eyes# and a tree desirable to ma1e one wise# she too1 of its fruit and ate' She also gave to her husband with her# and he ate'

And 0 will "ut enmity Between you and the woman# And between your seed and her Seed9 2e shall bruise your head# And you shall bruise 2is heel':

Then the eyes of both of them were o"ened# and they 1new that they were na1ed9 and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings'

To the woman 2e said7 :0 will greatly multi"ly your sorrow and your conce"tion9 0n "ain you shall bring forth children9 Cour desire shall be for your husband# And he shall rule over you':

And they heard the sound of the )3+* (od wal1ing in the garden in the cool of the day# and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the "resence of the )3+* (od among the trees of the garden'

Then to Adam 2e said# :Because you have heeded the voice of your wife# and have eaten from the tree of which 0 commanded you# saying# :Cou shall not eat of itD7 :-ursed is the ground for your sa1e9 0n toil you shall eat of it All the days of your life'

Then the )3+* (od called to Adam and said to him# :Bhere are youE:

Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you# And you shall eat the herb of the field'

So he said# :0 heard Cour voice in the garden# and 0 was afraid because 0 was na1ed9 and 0 hid myself':

0n the sweat of your face you shall eat bread Till you return to the ground# For out of it you were ta1en9 For dust you are# And to dust you shall return':

And 2e said# :Bho told you that you were na1edE 2ave you eaten from the tree of which 0 commanded you that you should not eatE:

And Adam called his wifeDs name ve# because she was the mother of all living'


Also for Adam and his wife the )3+* (od made tunics of s1in# and clothed them'

0f you do well# will you not be acce"tedE And if you do not do well# sin lies at the door' And its desire is for you# but you should rule over it':

Then the )3+* (od said# :Behold# the man has become li1e one of As# to 1now good and evil' And now# lest he "ut out his hand and ta1e also of the tree of life# and eat# and live forever:FF

Now -ain tal1ed with Abel his brother9 and it came to "ass# when they were in the field# that -ain rose u" against Abel his brother and 1illed him'

therefore the )3+* (od sent him out of the garden of den to till the ground from which he was ta1en'

Then the )3+* said to -ain# :Bhere is Abel your brotherE: 2e said# :0 do not 1now' Am 0 my brotherDs 1ee"erE:

So 2e drove out the man9 and 2e "laced cherubim at the east of the garden of den# and a flaming sword which turned every way# to guard the way to the tree of life'

And 2e said# :Bhat have you doneE The voice of your brotherDs blood cries out to 4e from the ground'

4Now Adam 1new


So now you are cursed from the earth# which has o"ened its mouth to receive your brotherDs blood from your hand'

ve his wife# and she conceived and bore -ain# and said# :0 have acGuired a man from the )3+*': Then she bore again# this time his brother Abel' Now Abel was a 1ee"er of shee"# but -ain was a tiller of the ground'

Bhen you till the ground# it shall no longer yield its strength to you' A fugitive and a vagabond you shall be on the earth':

And -ain said to the )3+*# :4y "unishment is greater than 0 can bearH

And in the "rocess of time it came to "ass that -ain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the )3+*'

Abel also brought of the firstborn of his floc1 and of their fat' And the )3+* res"ected Abel and his offering#

Surely Cou have driven me out this day from the face of the ground9 0 shall be hidden from Cour face9 0 shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth# and it will ha""en that anyone who finds me will 1ill me':

but 2e did not res"ect -ain and his offering' And -ain was very angry# and his countenance fell'

And the )3+* said to him# :Therefore# whoever 1ills -ain# vengeance shall be ta1en on him sevenfold': And the )3+* set a mar1 on -ain# lest anyone finding him should 1ill him'

So the )3+* said to -ain# :Bhy are you angryE And why has your countenance fallenE

Then -ain went out from the "resence of the )3+* and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of den'


And -ain 1new his wife# and she conceived and bore noch' And he built a city# and called the name of the city after the name of his sonFF noch'

5This is the boo1 of the genealogy of

Adam' 0n the day that (od created man# 2e made him in the li1eness of (od'

To noch was born 0rad9 and 0rad begot 4ehu$ael# and 4ehu$ael begot 4ethushael# and 4ethushael begot )amech'

2e created them male and female# and blessed them and called them 4an1ind in the day they were created'

Then )amech too1 for himself two wives7 the name of one was Adah# and the name of the second was 5illah'

And Adam lived one hundred and thirty years# and begot a son in his own li1eness# after his image# and named him Seth'

And Adah bore Jabal' 2e was the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestoc1'

After he begot Seth# the days of Adam were eight hundred years9 and he had sons and daughters'

2is brotherDs name was Jubal' 2e was the father of all those who "lay the har" and flute'

So all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years9 and he died'

And as for 5illah# she also bore TubalF -ain# an instructor of every craftsman in bron.e and iron' And the sister of TubalF -ain was Naamah'

Seth lived one hundred and five years# and begot nosh'

Then )amech said to his wives7 :Adah and 5illah# hear my voice9 Bives of )amech# listen to my s"eechH For 0 have 1illed a man for wounding me# ven a young man for hurting me'

After he begot nosh# Seth lived eight hundred and seven years# and had sons and daughters'

So all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years9 and he died'

0f -ain shall be avenged sevenfold# Then )amech seventyFsevenfold':


nosh lived ninety years# and begot -ainan'


And Adam 1new his wife again# and she bore a son and named him Seth# :For (od has a""ointed another seed for me instead of Abel# whom -ain 1illed':

After he begot -ainan# nosh lived eight hundred and fifteen years# and had sons and daughters'

So all the days of nosh were nine hundred and five years9 and he died'

And as for Seth# to him also a son was born9 and he named him nosh' Then men began to call on the name of the )3+*'

-ainan lived seventy years# and begot 4ahalalel'


After he begot 4ahalalel# -ainan lived eight hundred and forty years# and had sons and daughters'


After he begot )amech# 4ethuselah lived seven hundred and eightyFtwo years# and had sons and daughters'

So all the days of -ainan were nine hundred and ten years9 and he died'

So all the days of 4ethuselah were nine hundred and si!tyFnine years9 and he died'

4ahalalel lived si!tyFfive years# and begot Jared'


)amech lived one hundred and eightyF two years# and had a son'

After he begot Jared# 4ahalalel lived eight hundred and thirty years# and had sons and daughters'

So all the days of 4ahalalel were eight hundred and ninetyFfive years9 and he died'

And he called his name Noah# saying# :This one will comfort us concerning our wor1 and the toil of our hands# because of the ground which the )3+* has cursed':

Jared lived one hundred and si!tyFtwo years# and begot noch'

After he begot Noah# )amech lived five hundred and ninetyFfive years# and had sons and daughters'

After he begot noch# Jared lived eight hundred years# and had sons and daughters'

So all the days of )amech were seven hundred and seventyFseven years9 and he died'

So all the days of Jared were nine hundred and si!tyFtwo years9 and he died'

And Noah was five hundred years old# and Noah begot Shem# 2am# and Ja"heth'

noch lived si!tyFfive years# and begot 4ethuselah'


6Now it came to "ass# when men

began to multi"ly on the face of the earth# and daughters were born to them#

After he begot 4ethuselah# noch wal1ed with (od three hundred years# and had sons and daughters'

So all the days of noch were three hundred and si!tyFfive years'

that the sons of (od saw the daughters of men# that they were beautiful9 and they too1 wives for themselves of all whom they chose'

And noch wal1ed with (od9 and he was not# for (od too1 him'

4ethuselah lived one hundred and eightyFseven years# and begot )amech'

And the )3+* said# :4y S"irit shall not strive with man forever# for he is indeed flesh9 yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years':

There were giants on the earth in those days# and also afterward# when the sons of (od came in to the daughters of men

and they bore children to them' Those were the mighty men who were of old# men of renown'


And this is how you shall ma1e it7 The length of the ar1 shall be three hundred cubits# its width fifty cubits# and its height thirty cubits'

Then the )3+* saw that wic1edness of man was great in earth# and that every intent of thoughts of his heart was only continually'

the the the evil

Cou shall ma1e a window for the ar1# and you shall finish it to a cubit from above9 and set the door of the ar1 in its side' Cou shall ma1e it with lower# second# and third dec1s'

And the )3+* was sorry that 2e had made man on the earth# and 2e was grieved in 2is heart'

So the )3+* said# :0 will destroy man whom 0 have created from the face of the earth# both man and beast# cree"ing thing and birds of the air# for 0 am sorry that 0 have made them':

And behold# 0 4yself am bringing floodwaters on the earth# to destroy from under heaven all flesh in which is the breath of life9 everything that is on the earth shall die'

But Noah found grace in the eyes of the )3+*'


But 0 will establish 4y covenant with you9 and you shall go into the ar1FFyou# your sons# your wife# and your sonsD wives with you'

This is the genealogy of Noah' Noah was a $ust man# "erfect in his generations' Noah wal1ed with (od'

And of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ar1# to 1ee" them alive with you9 they shall be male and female'

And Noah begot three sons7 Shem# 2am# and Ja"heth'


The earth also was corru"t before (od# and the earth was filled with violence'

3f the birds after their 1ind# of animals after their 1ind# and of every cree"ing thing of the earth after its 1ind# two of every 1ind will come to you to 1ee" them alive'

So (od loo1ed u"on the earth# and indeed it was corru"t9 for all flesh had corru"ted their way on the earth'

And you shall ta1e for yourself of all food that is eaten# and you shall gather it to yourself9 and it shall be food for you and for them':

And (od said to Noah# :The end of all flesh has come before 4e# for the earth is filled with violence through them9 and behold# 0 will destroy them with the earth'

Thus Noah did9 according to all that (od commanded him# so he did'

7Then the )3+* said to Noah# :-ome

into the ar1# you and all your household# because 0 have seen that you are righteous before 4e in this generation'

4a1e yourself an ar1 of go"herwood9 ma1e rooms in the ar1# and cover it inside and outside with "itch'

Cou shall ta1e with you seven each of every clean animal# a male and his female9 two each of animals that are unclean# a male and his female9


3n the very same day Noah and NoahDs sons# Shem# 2am# and Ja"heth# and NoahDs wife and the three wives of his sons with them# entered the ar1FF

also seven each of birds of the air# male and female# to 1ee" the s"ecies alive on the face of all the earth'

For after seven more days 0 will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights# and 0 will destroy from the face of the earth all living things that 0 have made':

they and every beast after its 1ind# all cattle after their 1ind# every cree"ing thing that cree"s on the earth after its 1ind# and every bird after its 1ind# every bird of every sort'

And they went into the ar1 to Noah# two by two# of all flesh in which is the breath of life'

And Noah did according to all that the )3+* commanded him'

Noah was si! hundred years old when the floodwaters were on the earth'

So those that entered# male and female of all flesh# went in as (od had commanded him9 and the )3+* shut him in'

So Noah# with his sons# his wife# and his sonsD wives# went into the ar1 because of the waters of the flood'

Now the flood was on the earth forty days' The waters increased and lifted u" the ar1# and it rose high above the earth'

3f clean animals# of animals that are unclean# of birds# and of everything that cree"s on the earth#

The waters "revailed and greatly increased on the earth# and the ar1 moved about on the surface of the waters'

two by two they went into the ar1 to Noah# male and female# as (od had commanded Noah'

And the waters "revailed e!ceedingly on the earth# and all the high hills under the whole heaven were covered'

And it came to "ass after seven days that the waters of the flood were on the earth'

The waters "revailed fifteen cubits u"ward# and the mountains were covered'

0n the si! hundredth year of NoahDs life# in the second month# the seventeenth day of the month# on that day all the fountains of the great dee" were bro1en u"# and the windows of heaven were o"ened'

And all flesh died that moved on the earth7 birds and cattle and beasts and every cree"ing thing that cree"s on the earth# and every man'

And the rain was on the earth forty days and forty nights'

All in whose nostrils was the breath of the s"irit of life# all that was on the dry land# died'


So 2e destroyed all living things which were on the face of the ground7 both man and cattle# cree"ing thing and bird of the air' They were destroyed from the earth' 3nly Noah and those who were with him in the ar1 remained alive'

But the dove found no resting "lace for the sole of her foot# and she returned into the ar1 to him# for the waters were on the face of the whole earth' So he "ut out his hand and too1 her# and drew her into the ar1 to himself'

And the waters "revailed on the earth one hundred and fifty days'

And he waited yet another seven days# and again he sent the dove out from the ar1'

8Then (od remembered Noah# and

every living thing# and all the animals that were with him in the ar1' And (od made a wind to "ass over the earth# and the waters subsided'

Then the dove came to him in the evening# and behold# a freshly "luc1ed olive leaf was in her mouth9 and Noah 1new that the waters had receded from the earth'

The fountains of the dee" and the windows of heaven were also sto""ed# and the rain from heaven was restrained'

So he waited yet another seven days and sent out the dove# which did not return again to him anymore'

And the waters receded continually from the earth' At the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters decreased'

Then the ar1 rested in the seventh month# the seventeenth day of the month# on the mountains of Ararat'

And it came to "ass in the si! hundred and first year# in the first month# the first day of the month# that the waters were dried u" from the earth9 and Noah removed the covering of the ar1 and loo1ed# and indeed the surface of the ground was dry'

And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month' 0n the tenth month# on the first day of the month# the to"s of the mountains were seen'

And in the second month# on the twentyFseventh day of the month# the earth was dried'

Then (od s"o1e to Noah# saying#


So it came to "ass# at the end of forty days# that Noah o"ened the window of the ar1 which he had made'

:(o out of the ar1# you and your wife# and your sons and your sonsD wives with you'

Then he sent out a raven# which 1e"t going to and fro until the waters had dried u" from the earth'

2e also sent out from himself a dove# to see if the waters had receded from the face of the ground'

Bring out with you every living thing of all flesh that is with you7 birds and cattle and every cree"ing thing that cree"s on the earth# so that they may abound on the earth# and be fruitful and multi"ly on the earth':

So Noah went out# and his sons and his wife and his sonsD wives with him'


very animal# every cree"ing thing# every bird# and whatever cree"s on the earth# according to their families# went out of the ar1'


:Bhoever sheds manDs blood# By man his blood shall be shed9 For in the image of (od 2e made man'

Then Noah built an altar to the )3+*# and too1 of every clean animal and of every clean bird# and offered burnt offerings on the altar'

And as for you# be fruitful and multi"ly9 Bring forth abundantly in the earth And multi"ly in it':

Then (od s"o1e to Noah and to his sons with him# saying7

And the )3+* smelled a soothing aroma' Then the )3+* said in 2is heart# :0 will never again curse the ground for manDs sa1e# although the imagination of manDs heart is evil from his youth9 nor will 0 again destroy every living thing as 0 have done'

:And as for 4e# behold# 0 establish 4y covenant with you and with your descendants after you#

:Bhile the earth remains# Seedtime and harvest# -old and heat# Binter and summer# And day and night Shall not cease':

and with every living creature that is with you7 the birds# the cattle# and every beast of the earth with you# of all that go out of the ar1# every beast of the earth'

9So (od blessed Noah and his sons#

and said to them7 :Be fruitful and multi"ly# and fill the earth'

Thus 0 establish 4y covenant with you7 Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood9 never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth':

And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth# on every bird of the air# on all that move on the earth# and on all the fish of the sea' They are given into your hand'

And (od said7 :This is the sign of the covenant which 0 ma1e between 4e and you# and every living creature that is with you# for "er"etual generations7

0 set 4y rainbow in the cloud# and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between 4e and the earth'

very moving thing that lives shall be food for you' 0 have given you all things# even as the green herbs'

0t shall be# when 0 bring a cloud over the earth# that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud9

But you shall not eat flesh with its life# that is# its blood'

Surely for your lifeblood 0 will demand a rec1oning9 from the hand of every beast 0 will reGuire it# and from the hand of man' From the hand of every manDs brother 0 will reGuire the life of man'

and 0 will remember 4y covenant which is between 4e and you and every living creature of all flesh9 the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh'

The rainbow shall be in the cloud# and 0 will loo1 on it to remember the everlasting covenant between (od and

every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth':



4ay (od enlarge Ja"heth# And may he dwell in the tents of Shem9 And may -anaan be his servant':

And (od said to Noah# :This is the sign of the covenant which 0 have established between 4e and all flesh that is on the earth':

And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years'

Now the sons of Noah who went out of the ar1 were Shem# 2am# and Ja"heth' And 2am was the father of -anaan'

So all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years9 and he died'

These three were the sons of Noah# and from these the whole earth was "o"ulated'

10Now this is the genealogy of the

sons of Noah7 Shem# 2am# and Ja"heth' And sons were born to them after the flood'

And Noah began to be a farmer# and he "lanted a vineyard'


Then he dran1 of the wine and was drun1# and became uncovered in his tent'

The sons of Ja"heth were (omer# 4agog# 4adai# Javan# Tubal# 4eshech# and Tiras'

The sons of (omer were Ash1ena.# +i"hath# and Togarmah'


And 2am# the father of -anaan# saw the na1edness of his father# and told his two brothers outside'

The sons of Javan were Tarshish# Kittim# and *odanim'



But Shem and Ja"heth too1 a garment# laid it on both their shoulders# and went bac1ward and covered the na1edness of their father' Their faces were turned away# and they did not see their fatherDs na1edness'

From these the coastland "eo"les of the (entiles were se"arated into their lands# everyone according to his language# according to their families# into their nations'

So Noah awo1e from his wine# and 1new what his younger son had done to him'

The sons of 2am were -ush# 4i.raim# /ut# and -anaan'


Then he said7 :-ursed be -anaan9 A servant of servants 2e shall be to his brethren':


The sons of -ush were Seba# 2avilah# Sabtah# +aamah# and Sabtechah9 and the sons of +aamah were Sheba and *edan'

And he said7 :Blessed be the )3+*# The (od of Shem# And may -anaan be his servant'

-ush begot Nimrod9 he began to be a mighty one on the earth'


2e was a mighty hunter before the )3+*9 therefore it is said# :)i1e Nimrod the mighty hunter before the )3+*':


And the beginning of his 1ingdom was Babel# rech# Accad# and -alneh# in the land of Shinar'


The sons of Aram were A.# 2ul# (ether# and 4ash'


From that land he went to Assyria and built Nineveh# +ehoboth 0r# -alah#

Ar"ha!ad begot Salah# and Salah begot ber'


and +esen between Nineveh and -alah Ithat is the "rinci"al cityJ'

To ber were born two sons7 the name of one was /eleg# for in his days the earth was divided9 and his brotherDs name was Jo1tan'

4i.raim begot )udim# )ehabim# Na"htuhim#


Anamim# Jo1tan begot Almodad# 2a.armaveth# Jerah#



/athrusim# and -asluhim Ifrom whom came the /hilistines and -a"htorimJ'

2adoram# *i1lah# 3bal# Abimael# Sheba#

-anaan begot Sidon his firstborn# and 2eth9




the Jebusite# the Amorite# and the (irgashite9


3"hir# 2avilah# and Jobab' All these were the sons of Jo1tan'

the 2ivite# the Ar1ite# and the Sinite9

And their dwelling "lace was from 4esha as you go toward Se"har# the mountain of the east'


the Arvadite# the 5emarite# and the 2amathite' Afterward the families of the -anaanites were dis"ersed'

And the border of the -anaanites was from Sidon as you go toward (erar# as far as (a.a9 then as you go toward Sodom# (omorrah# Admah# and 5eboiim# as far as )asha'

These were the sons of Shem# according to their families# according to their languages# in their lands# according to their nations'

These were the families of the sons of Noah# according to their generations# in their nations9 and from these the nations were divided on the earth after the flood'

These were the sons of 2am# according to their families# according to their languages# in their lands and in their nations'


the whole earth had one language and one s"eech' And it came to "ass# as they $ourneyed from the east# that they found a "lain in the land of Shinar# and they dwelt there'

And children were born also to Shem# the father of all the children of ber# the brother of Ja"heth the elder'

The sons of Shem were lam# Asshur# Ar"ha!ad# )ud# and Aram'

Then they said to one another# :-ome# let us ma1e bric1s and ba1e them thoroughly': They had bric1 for stone# and they had as"halt for mortar'

And they said# :-ome# let us build ourselves a city# and a tower whose to" is in the heavens9 let us ma1e a name for ourselves# lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth':


Salah lived thirty years# and begot ber'


After he begot ber# Salah lived four hundred and three years# and begot sons and daughters'

But the )3+* came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built'

ber lived thirtyFfour years# and begot /eleg'


And the )3+* said# :0ndeed the "eo"le are one and they all have one language# and this is what they begin to do9 now nothing that they "ro"ose to do will be withheld from them'

After he begot /eleg# ber lived four hundred and thirty years# and begot sons and daughters'

/eleg lived thirty years# and begot +eu'


-ome# let As go down and there confuse their language# that they may not understand one anotherDs s"eech':

After he begot +eu# /eleg lived two hundred and nine years# and begot sons and daughters'

So the )3+* scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth# and they ceased building the city'

+eu lived thirtyFtwo years# and begot Serug'


Therefore its name is called Babel# because there the )3+* confused the language of all the earth9 and from there the )3+* scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth'

After he begot Serug# +eu lived two hundred and seven years# and begot sons and daughters'

Serug lived thirty years# and begot Nahor'


This is the genealogy of Shem7 Shem was one hundred years old# and begot Ar"ha!ad two years after the flood'

After he begot Nahor# Serug lived two hundred years# and begot sons and daughters'

After he begot Ar"ha!ad# Shem lived five hundred years# and begot sons and daughters'

Nahor lived twentyFnine years# and begot Terah'


Ar"ha!ad lived thirtyFfive years# and begot Salah'


After he begot Terah# Nahor lived one hundred and nineteen years# and begot sons and daughters'

After he begot Salah# Ar"ha!ad lived four hundred and three years# and begot sons and daughters'

Now Terah lived seventy years# and begot Abram# Nahor# and 2aran'


This is the genealogy of Terah7 Terah begot Abram# Nahor# and 2aran' 2aran begot )ot'

And Abram was seventyFfive years old when he de"arted from 2aran'

And 2aran died before his father Terah in his native land# in Ar of the -haldeans'

Then Abram and Nahor too1 wives7 the name of AbramDs wife was Sarai# and the name of NahorDs wife# 4ilcah# the daughter of 2aran the father of 4ilcah and the father of 0scah'

Then Abram too1 Sarai his wife and )ot his brotherDs son# and all their "ossessions that they had gathered# and the "eo"le whom they had acGuired in 2aran# and they de"arted to go to the land of -anaan' So they came to the land of -anaan'

But Sarai was barren9 she had no child'


Abram "assed through the land to the "lace of Shechem# as far as the terebinth tree of 4oreh' And the -anaanites were then in the land'

And Terah too1 his son Abram and his grandson )ot# the son of 2aran# and his daughterFinFlaw Sarai# his son AbramDs wife# and they went out with them from Ar of the -haldeans to go to the land of -anaan9 and they came to 2aran and dwelt there'

Then the )3+* a""eared to Abram and said# :To your descendants 0 will give this land': And there he built an altar to the )3+*# who had a""eared to him'

So the days of Terah were two hundred and five years# and Terah died in 2aran'

And he moved from there to the mountain east of Bethel# and he "itched his tent with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east9 there he built an altar to the )3+* and called on the name of the )3+*'


the )3+* had said to Abram7 :(et out of your country# From your family And from your fatherDs house# To a land that 0 will show you' 0 will ma1e you a great nation9 0 will bless you And ma1e your name great9 And you shall be a blessing'

So Abram $ourneyed# going on still toward the South'


Now there was a famine in the land# and Abram went down to gy"t to dwell there# for the famine was severe in the land'

0 will bless those who bless you# And 0 will curse him who curses you9 And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed':

And it came to "ass# when he was close to entering gy"t# that he said to Sarai his wife# :0ndeed 0 1now that you are a woman of beautiful countenance'

So Abram de"arted as the )3+* had s"o1en to him# and )ot went with him'

Therefore it will ha""en# when the gy"tians see you# that they will say# :This is his wifeD9 and they will 1ill me# but they will let you live'


/lease say you are my sister# that it may be well with me for your sa1e# and that 0 may live because of you':

where his tent had been at beginning# between Bethel and Ai#


So it was# when Abram came into gy"t# that the gy"tians saw the woman# that she was very beautiful'

to the "lace of the altar which he had made there at first' And there Abram called on the name of the )3+*'

The "rinces of /haraoh also saw her and commended her to /haraoh' And the woman was ta1en to /haraohDs house'

)ot also# who went with Abram# had floc1s and herds and tents'

2e treated Abram well for her sa1e' 2e had shee"# o!en# male don1eys# male and female servants# female don1eys# and camels'

Now the land was not able to su""ort them# that they might dwell together# for their "ossessions were so great that they could not dwell together'

But the )3+* "lagued /haraoh and his house with great "lagues because of Sarai# AbramDs wife'

And there was strife between the herdsmen of AbramDs livestoc1 and the herdsmen of )otDs livestoc1' The -anaanites and the /eri..ites then dwelt in the land'

And /haraoh called Abram and said# :Bhat is this you have done to meE Bhy did you not tell me that she was your wifeE

So Abram said to )ot# :/lease let there be no strife between you and me# and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen9 for we are brethren'

Bhy did you say# :She is my sisterDE 0 might have ta1en her as my wife' Now therefore# here is your wife9 ta1e her and go your way':

0s not the whole land before youE /lease se"arate from me' 0f you ta1e the left# then 0 will go to the right9 or# if you go to the right# then 0 will go to the left':

So /haraoh commanded his men concerning him9 and they sent him away# with his wife and all that he had'

13Then Abram went u" from


gy"t# he and his wife and all that he had# and )ot with him# to the South' Abram was very rich in livestoc1# in silver# and in gold'

And )ot lifted his eyes and saw all the "lain of Jordan# that it was well watered everywhere Ibefore the )3+* destroyed Sodom and (omorrahJ li1e the garden of the )3+*# li1e the land of gy"t as you go toward 5oar'

Then )ot chose for himself all the "lain of Jordan# and )ot $ourneyed east' And they se"arated from each other'

And he went on his $ourney from the South as far as Bethel# to the "lace

Abram dwelt in the land of -anaan# and )ot dwelt in the cities of the "lain and "itched his tent even as far as Sodom'


But the men of Sodom were e!ceedingly wic1ed and sinful against the )3+*'


And the )3+* said to Abram# after )ot had se"arated from him7 :)ift your eyes now and loo1 from the "lace where you areFFnorthward# southward# eastward# and westward9

0n the fourteenth year -hedorlaomer and the 1ings that were with him came and attac1ed the +e"haim in Ashteroth Karnaim# the in 2am# the mim in Shaveh Kiriathaim#

and the 2orites in their mountain of Seir# as far as l /aran# which is by the wilderness'

for all the land which you see 0 give to you and your descendants forever'

And 0 will ma1e your descendants as the dust of the earth9 so that if a man could number the dust of the earth# then your descendants also could be numbered'

Then they turned bac1 and came to n 4ish"at Ithat is# KadeshJ# and attac1ed all the country of the Amale1ites# and also the Amorites who dwelt in 2a.e.on Tamar'

Arise# wal1 in the land through its length and its width# for 0 give it to you':

And the 1ing of Sodom# the 1ing of (omorrah# the 1ing of Admah# the 1ing of 5eboiim# and the 1ing of Bela Ithat is# 5oarJ went out and $oined together in battle in the Valley of Siddim

Then Abram moved his tent# and went and dwelt by the terebinth trees of 4amre# which are in 2ebron# and built an altar there to the )3+*'

against -hedorlaomer 1ing of lam# Tidal 1ing of nations# Amra"hel 1ing of Shinar# and Arioch 1ing of llasarFFfour 1ings against five'

14And it came to "ass in the days of

Amra"hel 1ing of Shinar# Arioch 1ing of llasar# -hedorlaomer 1ing of lam# and Tidal 1ing of nations#

Now the Valley of Siddim was full of as"halt "its9 and the 1ings of Sodom and (omorrah fled9 some fell there# and the remainder fled to the mountains'

that they made war with Bera 1ing of Sodom# Birsha 1ing of (omorrah# Shinab 1ing of Admah# Shemeber 1ing of 5eboiim# and the 1ing of Bela Ithat is# 5oarJ'

Then they too1 all the goods of Sodom and (omorrah# and all their "rovisions# and went their way'

They also too1 )ot# AbramDs brotherDs son who dwelt in Sodom# and his goods# and de"arted'

All these $oined together in the Valley of Siddim Ithat is# the Salt SeaJ'

Twelve years they served -hedorlaomer# and in the thirteenth year they rebelled'

Then one who had esca"ed came and told Abram the 2ebrew# for he dwelt by the terebinth trees of 4amre the Amorite# brother of shcol and brother of Aner9 and they were allies with Abram'


Now when Abram heard that his brother was ta1en ca"tive# he armed his three hundred and eighteen trained servants who were born in his own house# and went in "ursuit as far as *an'


e!ce"t only what the young men have eaten# and the "ortion of the men who went with me7 Aner# shcol# and 4amre9 let them ta1e their "ortion':

2e divided his forces against them by night# and he and his servants attac1ed them and "ursued them as far as 2obah# which is north of *amascus'

15After these things the word of the

)3+* came to Abram in a vision# saying# :*o not be afraid# Abram' 0 am your shield# your e!ceedingly great reward':

So he brought bac1 all the goods# and also brought bac1 his brother )ot and his goods# as well as the women and the "eo"le'

But Abram said# :)ord (3*# what will Cou give me# seeing 0 go childless# and the heir of my house is of *amascusE:

And the 1ing of Sodom went out to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh Ithat is# the KingDs ValleyJ# after his return from the defeat of -hedorlaomer and the 1ings who were with him'

Then Abram said# :)oo1# Cou have given me no offs"ring9 indeed one born in my house is my heirH:

Then 4elchi.ede1 1ing of Salem brought out bread and wine9 he was the "riest of (od 4ost 2igh'

And behold# the word of the )3+* came to him# saying# :This one shall not be your heir# but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir':

And he blessed him and said7 :Blessed be Abram of (od 4ost 2igh# /ossessor of heaven and earth9

And blessed be (od 4ost 2igh# Bho has delivered your enemies into your hand': And he gave him a tithe of all'

Then 2e brought him outside and said# :)oo1 now toward heaven# and count the stars if you are able to number them': And 2e said to him# :So shall your descendants be':

And he believed in the )3+*# and 2e accounted it to him for righteousness'


Now the 1ing of Sodom said to Abram# :(ive me the "ersons# and ta1e the goods for yourself':

But Abram said to the 1ing of Sodom# :0 have raised my hand to the )3+*# (od 4ost 2igh# the /ossessor of heaven and earth#

Then 2e said to him# :0 am the )3+*# who brought you out of Ar of the -haldeans# to give you this land to inherit it':

And he said# :)ord (3*# how shall 0 1now that 0 will inherit itE:

that 0 will ta1e nothing# from a thread to a sandal stra"# and that 0 will not ta1e anything that is yours# lest you should say# :0 have made Abram richDFF

So 2e said to him# :Bring 4e a threeF yearFold heifer# a threeFyearFold female goat# a threeFyearFold ram# a turtledove# and a young "igeon':


Then he brought all these to 2im and cut them in two# down the middle# and "laced each "iece o""osite the other9 but he did not cut the birds in two'


the Amorites# the -anaanites# the (irgashites# and the Jebusites':

And when the vultures came down on the carcasses# Abram drove them away'


Now when the sun was going down# a dee" slee" fell u"on Abram9 and behold# horror and great dar1ness fell u"on him'

Sarai# AbramDs wife# had borne him no children' And she had an gy"tian maidservant whose name was 2agar' So Sarai said to Abram# :See now# the )3+* has restrained me from bearing children' /lease# go in to my maid9 "erha"s 0 shall obtain children by her': And Abram heeded the voice of Sarai'

Then 2e said to Abram7 :Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs# and will serve them# and they will afflict them four hundred years'

And also the nation whom they serve 0 will $udge9 afterward they shall come out with great "ossessions'

Then Sarai# AbramDs wife# too1 2agar her maid# the gy"tian# and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife# after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of -anaan'

Now as for you# you shall go to your fathers in "eace9 you shall be buried at a good old age'

So he went in to 2agar# and she conceived' And when she saw that she had conceived# her mistress became des"ised in her eyes'

But in the fourth generation they shall return here# for the iniGuity of the Amorites is not yet com"lete':

And it came to "ass# when the sun went down and it was dar1# that behold# there a""eared a smo1ing oven and a burning torch that "assed between those "ieces'

Then Sarai said to Abram# :4y wrong be u"on youH 0 gave my maid into your embrace9 and when she saw that she had conceived# 0 became des"ised in her eyes' The )3+* $udge between you and me':

3n the same day the )3+* made a covenant with Abram# saying7 :To your descendants 0 have given this land# from the river of gy"t to the great river# the +iver u"hratesFF

So Abram said to Sarai# :0ndeed your maid is in your hand9 do to her as you "lease': And when Sarai dealt harshly with her# she fled from her "resence'

Now the Angel of the )3+* found her by a s"ring of water in the wilderness# by the s"ring on the way to Shur'

the Kenites# Kadmonites#





the 2ittites# +e"haim#




And 2e said# :2agar# SaraiDs maid# where have you come from# and where are you goingE: She said# :0 am fleeing from the "resence of my mistress Sarai':

The Angel of the )3+* said to her# :+eturn to your mistress# and submit yourself under her hand':

Then Abram fell on his face# and (od tal1ed with him# saying7

Then the Angel of the )3+* said to her# :0 will multi"ly your descendants e!ceedingly# so that they shall not be counted for multitude':

:As for 4e# behold# 4y covenant is with you# and you shall be a father of many nations'

And the Angel of the )3+* said to her7 :Behold# you are with child# And you shall bear a son' Cou shall call his name 0shmael# Because the )3+* has heard your affliction'

No longer shall your name be called Abram# but your name shall be Abraham9 for 0 have made you a father of many nations'

0 will ma1e you e!ceedingly fruitful9 and 0 will ma1e nations of you# and 1ings shall come from you'

2e shall be a wild man9 2is hand shall be against every man# And every manDs hand against him' And he shall dwell in the "resence of all his brethren':

Then she called the name of the )3+* who s"o1e to her# CouFAreFtheF(odF BhoFSees9 for she said# :2ave 0 also here seen 2im who sees meE:

And 0 will establish 4y covenant between 4e and you and your descendants after you in their generations# for an everlasting covenant# to be (od to you and your descendants after you'

Therefore the well was called Beer )ahai +oi9 observe# it is between Kadesh and Bered'

Also 0 give to you and your descendants after you the land in which you are a stranger# all the land of -anaan# as an everlasting "ossession9 and 0 will be their (od':

So 2agar bore Abram a son9 and Abram named his son# whom 2agar bore# 0shmael'

And (od said to Abraham7 :As for you# you shall 1ee" 4y covenant# you and your descendants after you throughout their generations'

Abram was eightyFsi! years old when 2agar bore 0shmael to Abram'


Abram was ninetyFnine years old# the )3+* a""eared to Abram and said to him# :0 am Almighty (od9 wal1 before 4e and be blameless' And 0 will ma1e 4y covenant between 4e and you# and will multi"ly you e!ceedingly':

This is 4y covenant which you shall 1ee"# between 4e and you and your descendants after you7 very male child among you shall be circumcised9

and you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your fores1ins# and it shall be a sign of the covenant between 4e and you'

2e who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised# every male child in your generations# he who is born in your

house or bought with money from any foreigner who is not your descendant'


But 4y covenant 0 will establish with 0saac# whom Sarah shall bear to you at this set time ne!t year':

2e who is born in your house and he who is bought with your money must be circumcised# and 4y covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant'

Then 2e finished tal1ing with him# and (od went u" from Abraham'

And the uncircumcised male child# who is not circumcised in the flesh of his fores1in# that "erson shall be cut off from his "eo"le9 he has bro1en 4y covenant':

So Abraham too1 0shmael his son# all who were born in his house and all who were bought with his money# every male among the men of AbrahamDs house# and circumcised the flesh of their fores1ins that very same day# as (od had said to him'

Then (od said to Abraham# :As for Sarai your wife# you shall not call her name Sarai# but Sarah shall be her name'

Abraham was ninetyFnine years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his fores1in'

And 0 will bless her and also give you a son by her9 then 0 will bless her# and she shall be a mother of nations9 1ings of "eo"les shall be from her':

And 0shmael his son was thirteen years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his fores1in'

Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed# and said in his heart# :Shall a child be born to a man who is one hundred years oldE And shall Sarah# who is ninety years old# bear a childE:

That very same day Abraham was circumcised# and his son 0shmael9

and all the men of his house# born in the house or bought with money from a foreigner# were circumcised with him'

And Abraham said to (od# :3h# that 0shmael might live before CouH:

18Then the )3+* a""eared to him

by the terebinth trees of 4amre# as he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day'

Then (od said7 :No# Sarah your wife shall bear you a son# and you shall call his name 0saac9 0 will establish 4y covenant with him for an everlasting covenant# and with his descendants after him'

And as for 0shmael# 0 have heard you' Behold# 0 have blessed him# and will ma1e him fruitful# and will multi"ly him e!ceedingly' 2e shall beget twelve "rinces# and 0 will ma1e him a great nation'

So he lifted his eyes and loo1ed# and behold# three men were standing by him9 and when he saw them# he ran from the tent door to meet them# and bowed himself to the ground#

and said# :4y )ord# if 0 have now found favor in Cour sight# do not "ass on by Cour servant'

/lease let a little water be brought# and wash your feet# and rest yourselves under the tree'


0s anything too hard for the )3+*E At the a""ointed time 0 will return to you# according to the time of life# and Sarah shall have a son':

And 0 will bring a morsel of bread# that you may refresh your hearts' After that you may "ass by# inasmuch as you have come to your servant': They said# :*o as you have said':

But Sarah denied it# saying# :0 did not laugh#: for she was afraid' And 2e said# :No# but you did laughH:

So Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah and said# :Kuic1ly# ma1e ready three measures of fine meal9 1nead it and ma1e ca1es':

Then the men rose from there and loo1ed toward Sodom# and Abraham went with them to send them on the way'

And Abraham ran to the herd# too1 a tender and good calf# gave it to a young man# and he hastened to "re"are it'

And the )3+* said# :Shall 0 hide from Abraham what 0 am doing#

So he too1 butter and mil1 and the calf which he had "re"ared# and set it before them9 and he stood by them under the tree as they ate'

since Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation# and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in himE

Then they said to him# :Bhere is Sarah your wifeE: So he said# :2ere# in the tent':

For 0 have 1nown him# in order that he may command his children and his household after him# that they 1ee" the way of the )3+*# to do righteousness and $ustice# that the )3+* may bring to Abraham what 2e has s"o1en to him':

And 2e said# :0 will certainly return to you according to the time of life# and behold# Sarah your wife shall have a son': ISarah was listening in the tent door which was behind him'J

And the )3+* said# :Because the outcry against Sodom and (omorrah is great# and because their sin is very grave#

Now Abraham and Sarah were old# well advanced in age9 and Sarah had "assed the age of childbearing'

0 will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to 4e9 and if not# 0 will 1now':

Therefore Sarah laughed within herself# saying# :After 0 have grown old# shall 0 have "leasure# my lord being old alsoE:

Then the men turned away from there and went toward Sodom# but Abraham still stood before the )3+*'

And the )3+* said to Abraham# :Bhy did Sarah laugh# saying# :Shall 0 surely bear a child# since 0 am oldED

And Abraham came near and said# :Bould Cou also destroy the righteous with the wic1edE


Su""ose there were fifty righteous within the city9 would Cou also destroy the "lace and not s"are it for the fifty righteous that were in itE


So the )3+* went 2is way as soon as 2e had finished s"ea1ing with Abraham9 and Abraham returned to his "lace'

Far be it from Cou to do such a thing as this# to slay the righteous with the wic1ed# so that the righteous should be as the wic1ed9 far be it from CouH Shall not the Judge of all the earth do rightE:


So the )3+* said# :0f 0 find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city# then 0 will s"are all the "lace for their sa1es':

the two angels came to Sodom in the evening# and )ot was sitting in the gate of Sodom' Bhen )ot saw them# he rose to meet them# and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground'

Then Abraham answered and said# :0ndeed now# 0 who am but dust and ashes have ta1en it u"on myself to s"ea1 to the )ord7

And he said# :2ere now# my lords# "lease turn in to your servantDs house and s"end the night# and wash your feet9 then you may rise early and go on your way': And they said# :No# but we will s"end the night in the o"en sGuare':

Su""ose there were five less than the fifty righteous9 would Cou destroy all of the city for lac1 of fiveE: So 2e said# :0f 0 find there fortyFfive# 0 will not destroy it':

But he insisted strongly9 so they turned in to him and entered his house' Then he made them a feast# and ba1ed unleavened bread# and they ate'

And he s"o1e to 2im yet again and said# :Su""ose there should be forty found thereE: So 2e said# :0 will not do it for the sa1e of forty':

Now before they lay down# the men of the city# the men of Sodom# both old and young# all the "eo"le from every Guarter# surrounded the house'

Then he said# :)et not the )ord be angry# and 0 will s"ea17 Su""ose thirty should be found thereE: So 2e said# :0 will not do it if 0 find thirty there':

And they called to )ot and said to him# :Bhere are the men who came to you tonightE Bring them out to us that we may 1now them carnally':

And he said# :0ndeed now# 0 have ta1en it u"on myself to s"ea1 to the )ord7 Su""ose twenty should be found thereE: So 2e said# :0 will not destroy it for the sa1e of twenty':

So )ot went out to them through the doorway# shut the door behind him#

and said# :/lease# my brethren# do not do so wic1edlyH


Then he said# :)et not the )ord be angry# and 0 will s"ea1 but once more7 Su""ose ten should be found thereE: And 2e said# :0 will not destroy it for the sa1e of ten':

See now# 0 have two daughters who have not 1nown a man9 "lease# let me bring them out to you# and you may do to them as you wish9 only do nothing to these men# since this is the reason they have come under the shadow of my roof':

And they said# :Stand bac1H: Then they said# :This one came in to stay here# and he 1ee"s acting as a $udge9 now we will deal worse with you than with them': So they "ressed hard against the man )ot# and came near to brea1 down the door'


So it came to "ass# when they had brought them outside# that he said# : sca"e for your lifeH *o not loo1 behind you nor stay anywhere in the "lain' sca"e to the mountains# lest you be destroyed':

But the men reached out their hands and "ulled )ot into the house with them# and shut the door'

Then )ot said to them# :/lease# no# my lordsH


And they struc1 the men who were at the doorway of the house with blindness# both small and great# so that they became weary trying to find the door'

0ndeed now# your servant has found favor in your sight# and you have increased your mercy which you have shown me by saving my life9 but 0 cannot esca"e to the mountains# lest some evil overta1e me and 0 die'

Then the men said to )ot# :2ave you anyone else hereE SonFinFlaw# your sons# your daughters# and whomever you have in the cityFFta1e them out of this "laceH

See now# this city is near enough to flee to# and it is a little one9 "lease let me esca"e there Iis it not a little oneEJ and my soul shall live':

For we will destroy this "lace# because the outcry against them has grown great before the face of the )3+*# and the )3+* has sent us to destroy it':

And he said to him# :See# 0 have favored you concerning this thing also# in that 0 will not overthrow this city for which you have s"o1en'

So )ot went out and s"o1e to his sonsF inFlaw# who had married his daughters# and said# :(et u"# get out of this "lace9 for the )3+* will destroy this cityH: But to his sonsFinFlaw he seemed to be $o1ing'

2urry# esca"e there' For 0 cannot do anything until you arrive there': Therefore the name of the city was called 5oar'

The sun had risen u"on the earth when )ot entered 5oar'

Bhen the morning dawned# the angels urged )ot to hurry# saying# :Arise# ta1e your wife and your two daughters who are here# lest you be consumed in the "unishment of the city':

Then the )3+* rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and (omorrah# from the )3+* out of the heavens'

And while he lingered# the men too1 hold of his hand# his wifeDs hand# and the hands of his two daughters# the )3+* being merciful to him# and they brought him out and set him outside the city'

So 2e overthrew those cities# all the "lain# all the inhabitants of the cities# and what grew on the ground'

But his wife loo1ed bac1 behind him# and she became a "illar of salt'


And Abraham went early in the morning to the "lace where he had stood before the )3+*'


Thus both the daughters of )ot were with child by their father'

Then he loo1ed toward Sodom and (omorrah# and toward all the land of the "lain9 and he saw# and behold# the smo1e of the land which went u" li1e the smo1e of a furnace'

The firstborn bore a son and called his name 4oab9 he is the father of the 4oabites to this day'

And it came to "ass# when (od destroyed the cities of the "lain# that (od remembered Abraham# and sent )ot out of the midst of the overthrow# when 2e overthrew the cities in which )ot had dwelt'

And the younger# she also bore a son and called his name BenFAmmi9 he is the father of the "eo"le of Ammon to this day'


Abraham $ourneyed from there to the South# and dwelt between Kadesh and Shur# and stayed in (erar' Now Abraham said of Sarah his wife# :She is my sister': And Abimelech 1ing of (erar sent and too1 Sarah'

Then )ot went u" out of 5oar and dwelt in the mountains# and his two daughters were with him9 for he was afraid to dwell in 5oar' And he and his two daughters dwelt in a cave'

Now the firstborn said to the younger# :3ur father is old# and there is no man on the earth to come in to us as is the custom of all the earth'

But (od came to Abimelech in a dream by night# and said to him# :0ndeed you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have ta1en# for she is a manDs wife':

-ome# let us ma1e our father drin1 wine# and we will lie with him# that we may "reserve the lineage of our father':

But Abimelech had not come near her9 and he said# :)ord# will Cou slay a righteous nation alsoE

So they made their father drin1 wine that night' And the firstborn went in and lay with her father# and he did not 1now when she lay down or when she arose'

*id he not say to me# :She is my sisterDE And she# even she herself said# :2e is my brother'D 0n the integrity of my heart and innocence of my hands 0 have done this':

0t ha""ened on the ne!t day that the firstborn said to the younger# :0ndeed 0 lay with my father last night9 let us ma1e him drin1 wine tonight also# and you go in and lie with him# that we may "reserve the lineage of our father':

And (od said to him in a dream# :Ces# 0 1now that you did this in the integrity of your heart' For 0 also withheld you from sinning against 4e9 therefore 0 did not let you touch her'

Then they made their father drin1 wine that night also' And the younger arose and lay with him# and he did not 1now when she lay down or when she arose'

Now therefore# restore the manDs wife9 for he is a "ro"het# and he will "ray for you and you shall live' But if you do not

restore her# 1now that you shall surely die# you and all who are yours':

all who are with you and before everybody': Thus she was rebu1ed'

So Abimelech rose early in the morning# called all his servants# and told all these things in their hearing9 and the men were very much afraid'

So Abraham "rayed to (od9 and (od healed Abimelech# his wife# and his female servants' Then they bore children9

And Abimelech called Abraham and said to him# :Bhat have you done to usE 2ow have 0 offended you# that you have brought on me and on my 1ingdom a great sinE Cou have done deeds to me that ought not to be done':

for the )3+* had closed u" all the wombs of the house of Abimelech because of Sarah# AbrahamDs wife'

21And the )3+* visited Sarah as

2e had said# and the )3+* did for Sarah as 2e had s"o1en'

Then Abimelech said to Abraham# :Bhat did you have in view# that you have done this thingE:

And Abraham said# :Because 0 thought# surely the fear of (od is not in this "lace9 and they will 1ill me on account of my wife'

For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age# at the set time of which (od had s"o1en to him'

But indeed she is truly my sister' She is the daughter of my father# but not the daughter of my mother9 and she became my wife'

And Abraham called the name of his son who was born to himFFwhom Sarah bore to himFF0saac'

Then Abraham circumcised his son 0saac when he was eight days old# as (od had commanded him'

And it came to "ass# when (od caused me to wander from my fatherDs house# that 0 said to her# :This is your 1indness that you should do for me7 in every "lace# wherever we go# say of me# :2e is my brother'::D

Now Abraham was one hundred years old when his son 0saac was born to him'

And Sarah said# :(od has made me laugh# and all who hear will laugh with me':

Then Abimelech too1 shee"# o!en# and male and female servants# and gave them to Abraham9 and he restored Sarah his wife to him'

She also said# :Bho would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse childrenE For 0 have borne him a son in his old age':

And Abimelech said# :See# my land is before you9 dwell where it "leases you':

Then to Sarah he said# :Behold# 0 have given your brother a thousand "ieces of silver9 indeed this vindicates you before

So the child grew and was weaned' And Abraham made a great feast on the same day that 0saac was weaned'

And Sarah saw the son of 2agar the gy"tian# whom she had borne to Abraham# scoffing'


Arise# lift u" the lad and hold him with your hand# for 0 will ma1e him a great nation':

Therefore she said to Abraham# :-ast out this bondwoman and her son9 for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son# namely with 0saac':

Then (od o"ened her eyes# and she saw a well of water' And she went and filled the s1in with water# and gave the lad a drin1'

And the matter was very dis"leasing in AbrahamDs sight because of his son'

So (od was with the lad9 and he grew and dwelt in the wilderness# and became an archer'

But (od said to Abraham# :*o not let it be dis"leasing in your sight because of the lad or because of your bondwoman' Bhatever Sarah has said to you# listen to her voice9 for in 0saac your seed shall be called'

2e dwelt in the Bilderness of /aran9 and his mother too1 a wife for him from the land of gy"t'

Cet 0 will also ma1e a nation of the son of the bondwoman# because he is your seed':

And it came to "ass at that time that Abimelech and /hichol# the commander of his army# s"o1e to Abraham# saying# :(od is with you in all that you do'

So Abraham rose early in the morning# and too1 bread and a s1in of water9 and "utting it on her shoulder# he gave it and the boy to 2agar# and sent her away' Then she de"arted and wandered in the Bilderness of Beersheba'

Now therefore# swear to me by (od that you will not deal falsely with me# with my offs"ring# or with my "osterity9 but that according to the 1indness that 0 have done to you# you will do to me and to the land in which you have dwelt':

And Abraham said# :0 will swear':

And the water in the s1in was used u"# and she "laced the boy under one of the shrubs'


Then Abraham rebu1ed Abimelech because of a well of water which AbimelechDs servants had sei.ed'

Then she went and sat down across from him at a distance of about a bowshot9 for she said to herself# :)et me not see the death of the boy': So she sat o""osite him# and lifted her voice and we"t'

And Abimelech said# :0 do not 1now who has done this thing9 you did not tell me# nor had 0 heard of it until today':

And (od heard the voice of the lad' Then the angel of (od called to 2agar out of heaven# and said to her# :Bhat ails you# 2agarE Fear not# for (od has heard the voice of the lad where he is'

So Abraham too1 shee" and o!en and gave them to Abimelech# and the two of them made a covenant'

And Abraham set seven ewe lambs of the floc1 by themselves'


Then Abimelech as1ed Abraham# :Bhat is the meaning of these seven ewe lambs which you have set by themselvesE:

Then on the third day Abraham lifted his eyes and saw the "lace afar off'

And he said# :Cou will ta1e these seven ewe lambs from my hand# that they may be my witness that 0 have dug this well':

And Abraham said to his young men# :Stay here with the don1ey9 the lad and 0 will go yonder and worshi"# and we will come bac1 to you':

Therefore he called that "lace Beersheba# because the two of them swore an oath there'

So Abraham too1 the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on 0saac his son9 and he too1 the fire in his hand# and a 1nife# and the two of them went together'

Thus they made a covenant at Beersheba' So Abimelech rose with /hichol# the commander of his army# and they returned to the land of the /hilistines'

But 0saac s"o1e to Abraham his father and said# :4y fatherH: And he said# :2ere 0 am# my son': Then he said# :)oo1# the fire and the wood# but where is the lamb for a burnt offeringE:

Then Abraham "lanted a tamaris1 tree in Beersheba# and there called on the name of the )3+*# the verlasting (od'

And Abraham said# :4y son# (od will "rovide for 2imself the lamb for a burnt offering': So the two of them went together'

And Abraham stayed in the land of the /hilistines many days'

22Now it came to "ass after these

things that (od tested Abraham# and said to him# :AbrahamH: And he said# :2ere 0 am':

Then they came to the "lace of which (od had told him' And Abraham built an altar there and "laced the wood in order9 and he bound 0saac his son and laid him on the altar# u"on the wood'

And Abraham stretched out his hand and too1 the 1nife to slay his son'

Then 2e said# :Ta1e now your son# your only son 0saac# whom you love# and go to the land of 4oriah# and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which 0 shall tell you':

But the Angel of the )3+* called to him from heaven and said# :Abraham# AbrahamH: So he said# :2ere 0 am':

So Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his don1ey# and too1 two of his young men with him# and 0saac his son9 and he s"lit the wood for the burnt offering# and arose and went to the "lace of which (od had told him'

And 2e said# :*o not lay your hand on the lad# or do anything to him9 for now 0 1now that you fear (od# since you have not withheld your son# your only son# from 4e':

Then Abraham lifted his eyes and loo1ed# and there behind him was a ram caught in a thic1et by its horns' So Abraham went and too1 the ram# and

offered it u" for a burnt offering instead of his son'



2is concubine# whose name was +eumah# also bore Tebah# (aham# Thahash# and 4aachah'

And Abraham called the name of the "lace# TheF)3+*FBillF/rovide9 as it is said to this day# :0n the 4ount of the )3+* it shall be "rovided':


Then the Angel of the )3+* called to Abraham a second time out of heaven#

lived one hundred and twentyFseven years9 these were the years of the life of Sarah' So Sarah died in Kir$ath Arba Ithat is# 2ebronJ in the land of -anaan# and Abraham came to mourn for Sarah and to wee" for her'

and said7 :By 4yself 0 have sworn# says the )3+*# because you have done this thing# and have not withheld your son# your only sonFF

blessing 0 will bless you# and multi"lying 0 will multi"ly your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore9 and your descendants shall "ossess the gate of their enemies'

Then Abraham stood u" from before his dead# and s"o1e to the sons of 2eth# saying#

:0 am a foreigner and a visitor among you' (ive me "ro"erty for a burial "lace among you# that 0 may bury my dead out of my sight':

0n your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed# because you have obeyed 4y voice':

And the sons of 2eth Abraham# saying to him#



So Abraham returned to his young men# and they rose and went together to Beersheba9 and Abraham dwelt at Beersheba'

:2ear us# my lord7 Cou are a mighty "rince among us9 bury your dead in the choicest of our burial "laces' None of us will withhold from you his burial "lace# that you may bury your dead':

Now it came to "ass after these things that it was told Abraham# saying# :0ndeed 4ilcah also has borne children to your brother Nahor7

Then Abraham stood u" and bowed himself to the "eo"le of the land# the sons of 2eth'

2u. his firstborn# Bu. his brother# Kemuel the father of Aram#

-hesed# 2a.o# /ildash# Jidla"h# and Bethuel':


And he s"o1e with them# saying# :0f it is your wish that 0 bury my dead out of my sight# hear me# and meet with "hron the son of 5ohar for me#

And Bethuel begot +ebe1ah' These eight 4ilcah bore to Nahor# AbrahamDs brother'

that he may give me the cave of 4ach"elah which he has# which is at the end of his field' )et him give it to me at the full "rice# as "ro"erty for a burial "lace among you':


Now "hron dwelt among the sons of 2eth9 and "hron the 2ittite answered Abraham in the "resence of the sons of 2eth# all who entered at the gate of his city# saying#

4ach"elah# before 4amre Ithat is# 2ebronJ in the land of -anaan'


So the field and the cave that is in it were deeded to Abraham by the sons of 2eth as "ro"erty for a burial "lace'

:No# my lord# hear me7 0 give you the field and the cave that is in it9 0 give it to you in the "resence of the sons of my "eo"le' 0 give it to you' Bury your deadH:


Then Abraham bowed himself down before the "eo"le of the land9

Abraham was old# well advanced in age9 and the )3+* had blessed Abraham in all things' So Abraham said to the oldest servant of his house# who ruled over all that he had# :/lease# "ut your hand under my thigh#

and he s"o1e to "hron in the hearing of the "eo"le of the land# saying# :0f you will give it# "lease hear me' 0 will give you money for the field9 ta1e it from me and 0 will bury my dead there':

And "hron saying to him#




and 0 will ma1e you swear by the )3+*# the (od of heaven and the (od of the earth# that you will not ta1e a wife for my son from the daughters of the -anaanites# among whom 0 dwell9

:4y lord# listen to me9 the land is worth four hundred she1els of silver' Bhat is that between you and meE So bury your dead':

but you shall go to my country and to my family# and ta1e a wife for my son 0saac':

And Abraham listened to "hron9 and Abraham weighed out the silver for "hron which he had named in the hearing of the sons of 2eth# four hundred she1els of silver# currency of the merchants'

And the servant said to him# :/erha"s the woman will not be willing to follow me to this land' 4ust 0 ta1e your son bac1 to the land from which you cameE:

But Abraham said to him# :Beware that you do not ta1e my son bac1 there'

So the field of "hron which was in 4ach"elah# which was before 4amre# the field and the cave which was in it# and all the trees that were in the field# which were within all the surrounding borders# were deeded

to Abraham as a "ossession in the "resence of the sons of 2eth# before all who went in at the gate of his city'

The )3+* (od of heaven# who too1 me from my fatherDs house and from the land of my family# and who s"o1e to me and swore to me# saying# :To your descendants 0 give this land#D 2e will send 2is angel before you# and you shall ta1e a wife for my son from there'

And after this# Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field of

And if the woman is not willing to follow you# then you will be released from this oath9 only do not ta1e my son bac1 there':

So the servant "ut his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master# and swore to him concerning this matter'


So she said# :*rin1# my lord': Then she Guic1ly let her "itcher down to her hand# and gave him a drin1'

Then the servant too1 ten of his masterDs camels and de"arted# for all his masterDs goods were in his hand' And he arose and went to 4eso"otamia# to the city of Nahor'

And when she had finished giving him a drin1# she said# :0 will draw water for your camels also# until they have finished drin1ing':

And he made his camels 1neel down outside the city by a well of water at evening time# the time when women go out to draw water'

Then she Guic1ly em"tied her "itcher into the trough# ran bac1 to the well to draw water# and drew for all his camels'

Then he said# :3 )3+* (od of my master Abraham# "lease give me success this day# and show 1indness to my master Abraham'

And the man# wondering at her# remained silent so as to 1now whether the )3+* had made his $ourney "ros"erous or not'

Behold# here 0 stand by the well of water# and the daughters of the men of the city are coming out to draw water'

So it was# when the camels had finished drin1ing# that the man too1 a golden nose ring weighing half a she1el# and two bracelets for her wrists weighing ten she1els of gold#

Now let it be that the young woman to whom 0 say# :/lease let down your "itcher that 0 may drin1#D and she says# :*rin1# and 0 will also give your camels a drin1DFFlet her be the one Cou have a""ointed for Cour servant 0saac' And by this 0 will 1now that Cou have shown 1indness to my master':

and said# :Bhose daughter are youE Tell me# "lease# is there room in your fatherDs house for us to lodgeE:

So she said to him# :0 am the daughter of Bethuel# 4ilcahDs son# whom she bore to Nahor':

And it ha""ened# before he had finished s"ea1ing# that behold# +ebe1ah# who was born to Bethuel# son of 4ilcah# the wife of Nahor# AbrahamDs brother# came out with her "itcher on her shoulder'

4oreover she said to him# :Be have both straw and feed enough# and room to lodge':

Then the man bowed down his head and worshi"ed the )3+*'

Now the young woman was very beautiful to behold# a virgin9 no man had 1nown her' And she went down to the well# filled her "itcher# and came u"'

And the servant ran to meet her and said# :/lease let me drin1 a little water from your "itcher':

And he said# :Blessed be the )3+* (od of my master Abraham# who has not forsa1en 2is mercy and 2is truth toward my master' As for me# being on the way# the )3+* led me to the house of my masterDs brethren':


So the young woman ran and told her motherDs household these things'


but you shall go to my fatherDs house and to my family# and ta1e a wife for my son'D

Now +ebe1ah had a brother whose name was )aban# and )aban ran out to the man by the well'

And 0 said to my master# :/erha"s the woman will not follow me'D

So it came to "ass# when he saw the nose ring# and the bracelets on his sisterDs wrists# and when he heard the words of his sister +ebe1ah# saying# :Thus the man s"o1e to me#: that he went to the man' And there he stood by the camels at the well'

But he said to me# :The )3+*# before whom 0 wal1# will send 2is angel with you and "ros"er your way9 and you shall ta1e a wife for my son from my family and from my fatherDs house'

And he said# :-ome in# 3 blessed of the )3+*H Bhy do you stand outsideE For 0 have "re"ared the house# and a "lace for the camels':

Cou will be clear from this oath when you arrive among my family9 for if they will not give her to you# then you will be released from my oath'D

Then the man came to the house' And he unloaded the camels# and "rovided straw and feed for the camels# and water to wash his feet and the feet of the men who were with him'

:And this day 0 came to the well and said# :3 )3+* (od of my master Abraham# if Cou will now "ros"er the way in which 0 go#

Food was set before him to eat# but he said# :0 will not eat until 0 have told about my errand': And he said# :S"ea1 on':

behold# 0 stand by the well of water9 and it shall come to "ass that when the virgin comes out to draw water# and 0 say to her# :/lease give me a little water from your "itcher to drin1#:

So he said# :0 am AbrahamDs servant'


The )3+* has blessed my master greatly# and he has become great9 and 2e has given him floc1s and herds# silver and gold# male and female servants# and camels and don1eys'

and she says to me# :*rin1# and 0 will draw for your camels also#:FFlet her be the woman whom the )3+* has a""ointed for my masterDs son'D

And Sarah my masterDs wife bore a son to my master when she was old9 and to him he has given all that he has'

:But before 0 had finished s"ea1ing in my heart# there was +ebe1ah# coming out with her "itcher on her shoulder9 and she went down to the well and drew water' And 0 said to her# :/lease let me drin1'D

Now my master made me swear# saying# :Cou shall not ta1e a wife for my son from the daughters of the -anaanites# in whose land 0 dwell9

And she made haste and let her "itcher down from her shoulder# and said# :*rin1# and 0 will give your camels a drin1 also'D So 0 dran1# and she gave the camels a drin1 also'


Then 0 as1ed her# and said# :Bhose daughter are youED And she said# :The daughter of Bethuel# NahorDs son# whom 4ilcah bore to him'D So 0 "ut the nose ring on her nose and the bracelets on her wrists'


And he said to them# :*o not hinder me# since the )3+* has "ros"ered my way9 send me away so that 0 may go to my master':

So they said# :Be will call the young woman and as1 her "ersonally':

And 0 bowed my head and worshi"ed the )3+*# and blessed the )3+* (od of my master Abraham# who had led me in the way of truth to ta1e the daughter of my masterDs brother for his son'

Then they called +ebe1ah and said to her# :Bill you go with this manE: And she said# :0 will go':

Now if you will deal 1indly and truly with my master# tell me' And if not# tell me# that 0 may turn to the right hand or to the left':

So they sent away +ebe1ah their sister and her nurse# and AbrahamDs servant and his men'

Then )aban and Bethuel answered and said# :The thing comes from the )3+*9 we cannot s"ea1 to you either bad or good'

And they blessed +ebe1ah and said to her7 :3ur sister# may you become The mother of thousands of ten thousands9 And may your descendants "ossess The gates of those who hate them':

2ere is +ebe1ah before you9 ta1e her and go# and let her be your masterDs sonDs wife# as the )3+* has s"o1en':

Then +ebe1ah and her maids arose# and they rode on the camels and followed the man' So the servant too1 +ebe1ah and de"arted'

And it came to "ass# when AbrahamDs servant heard their words# that he worshi"ed the )3+*# bowing himself to the earth'

Now 0saac came from the way of Beer )ahai +oi# for he dwelt in the South'

Then the servant brought out $ewelry of silver# $ewelry of gold# and clothing# and gave them to +ebe1ah' 2e also gave "recious things to her brother and to her mother'

And 0saac went out to meditate in the field in the evening9 and he lifted his eyes and loo1ed# and there# the camels were coming'

And he and the men who were with him ate and dran1 and stayed all night' Then they arose in the morning# and he said# :Send me away to my master':

Then +ebe1ah lifted her eyes# and when she saw 0saac she dismounted from her camel9

But her brother and her mother said# :)et the young woman stay with us a few days# at least ten9 after that she may go':

for she had said to the servant# :Bho is this man wal1ing in the field to meet usE: The servant said# :0t is my master': So she too1 a veil and covered herself'

And the servant told 0saac all the things that he had done'


Then 0saac brought her into his mother SarahDs tent9 and he too1 +ebe1ah and she became his wife# and he loved her' So 0saac was comforted after his motherDs death'


And it came to "ass# after the death of Abraham# that (od blessed his son 0saac' And 0saac dwelt at Beer )ahai +oi'

25Abraham again too1 a wife# and

her name was Keturah'

Now this is the genealogy of 0shmael# AbrahamDs son# whom 2agar the gy"tian# SarahDs maidservant# bore to Abraham'

And she bore him 5imran# Jo1shan# 4edan# 4idian# 0shba1# and Shuah'

Jo1shan begot Sheba and *edan' And the sons of *edan were Asshurim# )etushim# and )eummim'

And these were the names of the sons of 0shmael# by their names# according to their generations7 The firstborn of 0shmael# Neba$oth9 then Kedar# Adbeel# 4ibsam#

4ishma# *umah# 4assa#

And the sons of 4idian were "hah# "her# 2anoch# Abidah# and ldaah' All these were the children of Keturah'


2adar# Tema# Jetur# Na"hish# and Kedemah'


And Abraham gave all that he had to 0saac'


But Abraham gave gifts to the sons of the concubines which Abraham had9 and while he was still living he sent them eastward# away from 0saac his son# to the country of the east'

These were the sons of 0shmael and these were their names# by their towns and their settlements# twelve "rinces according to their nations'

These were the years of the life of 0shmael7 one hundred and thirtyFseven years9 and he breathed his last and died# and was gathered to his "eo"le'

This is the sum of the years of AbrahamDs life which he lived7 one hundred and seventyFfive years'

Then Abraham breathed his last and died in a good old age# an old man and full of years# and was gathered to his "eo"le'

IThey dwelt from 2avilah as far as Shur# which is east of gy"t as you go toward Assyria'J 2e died in the "resence of all his brethren'

This is the genealogy of 0saac# AbrahamDs son' Abraham begot 0saac'


And his sons 0saac and 0shmael buried him in the cave of 4ach"elah# which is before 4amre# in the field of "hron the son of 5ohar the 2ittite#

0saac was forty years old when he too1 +ebe1ah as wife# the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of /adan Aram# the sister of )aban the Syrian'

the field which Abraham "urchased from the sons of 2eth' There Abraham was buried# and Sarah his wife'

Now 0saac "leaded with the )3+* for his wife# because she was barren9 and

the )3+* granted his "lea# +ebe1ah his wife conceived'




Then Jacob said# :Swear to me as of this day': So he swore to him# and sold his birthright to Jacob'

But the children struggled together within her9 and she said# :0f all is well# why am 0 li1e thisE

And the )3+* said to her7 :Two nations are in your womb# Two "eo"les shall be se"arated from your body9 3ne "eo"le shall be stronger than the other# And the older shall serve the younger':

And Jacob gave sau bread and stew of lentils9 then he ate and dran1# arose# and went his way' Thus sau des"ised his birthright'

26There was a famine in the land#

besides the first famine that was in the days of Abraham' And 0saac went to Abimelech 1ing of the /hilistines# in (erar'

So when her days were fulfilled for her to give birth# indeed there were twins in her womb'

And the first came out red' 2e was li1e a hairy garment all over9 so they called his name sau'

Then the )3+* a""eared to him and said7 :*o not go down to gy"t9 live in the land of which 0 shall tell you'

Afterward his brother came out# and his hand too1 hold of sauDs heel9 so his name was called Jacob' 0saac was si!ty years old when she bore them'

*well in this land# and 0 will be with you and bless you9 for to you and your descendants 0 give all these lands# and 0 will "erform the oath which 0 swore to Abraham your father'

So the boys grew' And sau was a s1illful hunter# a man of the field9 but Jacob was a mild man# dwelling in tents'

And 0saac loved sau because he ate of his game# but +ebe1ah loved Jacob'

And 0 will ma1e your descendants multi"ly as the stars of heaven9 0 will give to your descendants all these lands9 and in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed9

Now Jacob coo1ed a stew9 and sau came in from the field# and he was weary'

because Abraham obeyed 4y voice and 1e"t 4y charge# 4y commandments# 4y statutes# and 4y laws':

And sau said to Jacob# :/lease feed me with that same red stew# for 0 am weary': Therefore his name was called dom'

So 0saac dwelt in (erar'

But Jacob said# :Sell me your birthright as of this day':


And the men of the "lace as1ed about his wife' And he said# :She is my sister:9 for he was afraid to say# :She is my wife#: because he thought# :lest the men of the "lace 1ill me for +ebe1ah# because she is beautiful to behold':

And sau said# :)oo1# 0 am about to die9 so what is this birthright to meE:


Now it came to "ass# when he had been there a long time# that Abimelech 1ing of the /hilistines loo1ed through a window# and saw# and there was 0saac# showing endearment to +ebe1ah his wife'


And 0saac dug again the wells of water which they had dug in the days of Abraham his father# for the /hilistines had sto""ed them u" after the death of Abraham' 2e called them by the names which his father had called them'

Then Abimelech called 0saac and said# :Kuite obviously she is your wife9 so how could you say# :She is my sisterDE: 0saac said to him# :Because 0 said# :)est 0 die on account of her'D

Also 0saacDs servants dug in the valley# and found a well of running water there'

And Abimelech said# :Bhat is this you have done to usE 3ne of the "eo"le might soon have lain with your wife# and you would have brought guilt on us':

But the herdsmen of (erar Guarreled with 0saacDs herdsmen# saying# :The water is ours': So he called the name of the well se1# because they Guarreled with him'

So Abimelech charged all his "eo"le# saying# :2e who touches this man or his wife shall surely be "ut to death':

Then they dug another well# and they Guarreled over that one also' So he called its name Sitnah'

Then 0saac sowed in that land# and rea"ed in the same year a hundredfold9 and the )3+* blessed him'

And he moved from there and dug another well# and they did not Guarrel over it' So he called its name +ehoboth# because he said# :For now the )3+* has made room for us# and we shall be fruitful in the land':

The man began to "ros"er# and continued "ros"ering until he became very "ros"erous9

Then he went u" from there to Beersheba'


for he had "ossessions of floc1s and "ossessions of herds and a great number of servants' So the /hilistines envied him'

Now the /hilistines had sto""ed u" all the wells which his fatherDs servants had dug in the days of Abraham his father# and they had filled them with earth'

And the )3+* a""eared to him the same night and said# :0 am the (od of your father Abraham9 do not fear# for 0 am with you' 0 will bless you and multi"ly your descendants for 4y servant AbrahamDs sa1e':

And Abimelech said to 0saac# :(o away from us# for you are much mightier than we':

So he built an altar there and called on the name of the )3+*# and he "itched his tent there9 and there 0saacDs servants dug a well'

Then 0saac de"arted from there and "itched his tent in the Valley of (erar# and dwelt there'

Then Abimelech came to him from (erar with Ahu..ath# one of his friends# and /hichol the commander of his army'


And 0saac said to them# :Bhy have you come to me# since you hate me and have sent me away from youE:

Then he said# :Behold now# 0 am old' 0 do not 1now the day of my death'

But they said# :Be have certainly seen that the )3+* is with you' So we said# :)et there now be an oath between us# between you and us9 and let us ma1e a covenant with you#

Now therefore# "lease ta1e your wea"ons# your Guiver and your bow# and go out to the field and hunt game for me'

that you will do us no harm# since we have not touched you# and since we have done nothing to you but good and have sent you away in "eace' Cou are now the blessed of the )3+*':D

And ma1e me savory food# such as 0 love# and bring it to me that 0 may eat# that my soul may bless you before 0 die':

Now +ebe1ah was listening when 0saac s"o1e to sau his son' And sau went to the field to hunt game and to bring it'

So he made them a feast# and they ate and dran1'


So +ebe1ah s"o1e to Jacob her son# saying# :0ndeed 0 heard your father s"ea1 to sau your brother# saying#

Then they arose early in the morning and swore an oath with one another9 and 0saac sent them away# and they de"arted from him in "eace'

:Bring me game and ma1e savory food for me# that 0 may eat it and bless you in the "resence of the )3+* before my death'D

0t came to "ass the same day that 0saacDs servants came and told him about the well which they had dug# and said to him# :Be have found water':

Now therefore# my son# obey my voice according to what 0 command you'


So he called it Shebah' Therefore the name of the city is Beersheba to this day'

(o now to the floc1 and bring me from there two choice 1ids of the goats# and 0 will ma1e savory food from them for your father# such as he loves'

Bhen sau was forty years old# he too1 as wives Judith the daughter of Beeri the 2ittite# and Basemath the daughter of lon the 2ittite'

Then you shall ta1e it to your father# that he may eat it# and that he may bless you before his death':

And they were a grief of mind to 0saac and +ebe1ah'

And Jacob said to +ebe1ah his mother# :)oo1# sau my brother is a hairy man# and 0 am a smoothFs1inned man'

27Now it came to "ass# when 0saac

was old and his eyes were so dim that he could not see# that he called sau his older son and said to him# :4y son': And he answered him# :2ere 0 am':

/erha"s my father will feel me# and 0 shall seem to be a deceiver to him9 and 0 shall bring a curse on myself and not a blessing':


But his mother said to him# :)et your curse be on me# my son9 only obey my voice# and go# get them for me':


And he did not recogni.e him# because his hands were hairy li1e his brother sauDs hands9 so he blessed him'

And he went and got them and brought them to his mother# and his mother made savory food# such as his father loved'

Then he said# :Are you really my son sauE: 2e said# :0 am':


Then +ebe1ah too1 the choice clothes of her elder son sau# which were with her in the house# and "ut them on Jacob her younger son'

2e said# :Bring it near to me# and 0 will eat of my sonDs game# so that my soul may bless you': So he brought it near to him# and he ate9 and he brought him wine# and he dran1'

And she "ut the s1ins of the 1ids of the goats on his hands and on the smooth "art of his nec1'

Then his father 0saac said to him# :-ome near now and 1iss me# my son':

Then she gave the savory food and the bread# which she had "re"ared# into the hand of her son Jacob'

And he came near and 1issed him9 and he smelled the smell of his clothing# and blessed him and said7 :Surely# the smell of my son 0s li1e the smell of a field Bhich the )3+* has blessed'

So he went to his father and said# :4y father': And he said# :2ere 0 am' Bho are you# my sonE:

Therefore may (od give you 3f the dew of heaven# 3f the fatness of the earth# And "lenty of grain and wine'

Jacob said to his father# :0 am sau your firstborn9 0 have done $ust as you told me9 "lease arise# sit and eat of my game# that your soul may bless me':

But 0saac said to his son# :2ow is it that you have found it so Guic1ly# my sonE: And he said# :Because the )3+* your (od brought it to me':

)et "eo"les serve you# And nations bow down to you' Be master over your brethren# And let your motherDs sons bow down to you' -ursed be everyone who curses you# And blessed be those who bless youH:

0saac said to Jacob# :/lease come near# that 0 may feel you# my son# whether you are really my son sau or not':

Now it ha""ened# as soon as 0saac had finished blessing Jacob# and Jacob had scarcely gone out from the "resence of 0saac his father# that sau his brother came in from his hunting'

So Jacob went near to 0saac his father# and he felt him and said# :The voice is JacobDs voice# but the hands are the hands of sau':

2e also had made savory food# and brought it to his father# and said to his father# :)et my father arise and eat of his sonDs game# that your soul may bless me':

And his father 0saac said to him# :Bho are youE: So he said# :0 am your son# your firstborn# sau':


Then 0saac trembled e!ceedingly# and said# :BhoE Bhere is the one who hunted game and brought it to meE 0 ate all of it before you came# and 0 have blessed himFFand indeed he shall be blessed':


So sau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father blessed him# and sau said in his heart# :The days of mourning for my father are at hand9 then 0 will 1ill my brother Jacob':

Bhen sau heard the words of his father# he cried with an e!ceedingly great and bitter cry# and said to his father# :Bless meFFme also# 3 my fatherH:

And the words of sau her older son were told to +ebe1ah' So she sent and called Jacob her younger son# and said to him# :Surely your brother sau comforts himself concerning you by intending to 1ill you'

But he said# :Cour brother came with deceit and has ta1en away your blessing':

Now therefore# my son# obey my voice7 arise# flee to my brother )aban in 2aran'

And sau said# :0s he not rightly named JacobE For he has su""lanted me these two times' 2e too1 away my birthright# and now loo1# he has ta1en away my blessingH: And he said# :2ave you not reserved a blessing for meE:

And stay with him a few days# until your brotherDs fury turns away#

until your brotherDs anger turns away from you# and he forgets what you have done to him9 then 0 will send and bring you from there' Bhy should 0 be bereaved also of you both in one dayE:

Then 0saac answered and said to sau# :0ndeed 0 have made him your master# and all his brethren 0 have given to him as servants9 with grain and wine 0 have sustained him' Bhat shall 0 do now for you# my sonE:

And +ebe1ah said to 0saac# :0 am weary of my life because of the daughters of 2eth9 if Jacob ta1es a wife of the daughters of 2eth# li1e these who are the daughters of the land# what good will my life be to meE:

And sau said to his father# :2ave you only one blessing# my fatherE Bless meFFme also# 3 my fatherH: And sau lifted u" his voice and we"t'


Then 0saac his father answered and said to him7 :Behold# your dwelling shall be of the fatness of the earth# And of the dew of heaven from above'

0saac called Jacob and blessed him# and charged him# and said to him7 :Cou shall not ta1e a wife from the daughters of -anaan' Arise# go to /adan Aram# to the house of Bethuel your motherDs father9 and ta1e yourself a wife from there of the daughters of )aban your motherDs brother'

By your sword you shall live# And you shall serve your brother9 And it shall come to "ass# when you become restless# That you shall brea1 his yo1e from your nec1':

:4ay (od Almighty bless you# And ma1e you fruitful and multi"ly you# That you may be an assembly of "eo"les9

And give you the blessing of Abraham# To you and your descendants with you# That you may inherit the land 0n which you are a stranger# Bhich (od gave to Abraham':


And behold# the )3+* stood above it and said7 :0 am the )3+* (od of Abraham your father and the (od of 0saac9 the land on which you lie 0 will give to you and your descendants'

So 0saac sent Jacob away# and he went to /adan Aram# to )aban the son of Bethuel the Syrian# the brother of +ebe1ah# the mother of Jacob and sau'

Also your descendants shall be as the dust of the earth9 you shall s"read abroad to the west and the east# to the north and the south9 and in you and in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed'

sau saw that 0saac had blessed Jacob and sent him away to /adan Aram to ta1e himself a wife from there# and that as he blessed him he gave him a charge# saying# :Cou shall not ta1e a wife from the daughters of -anaan#:

Behold# 0 am with you and will 1ee" you wherever you go# and will bring you bac1 to this land9 for 0 will not leave you until 0 have done what 0 have s"o1en to you':

and that Jacob had obeyed his father and his mother and had gone to /adan Aram'

Then Jacob awo1e from his slee" and said# :Surely the )3+* is in this "lace# and 0 did not 1now it':

Also sau saw that the daughters of -anaan did not "lease his father 0saac'

So sau went to 0shmael and too1 4ahalath the daughter of 0shmael# AbrahamDs son# the sister of Neba$oth# to be his wife in addition to the wives he had'

And he was afraid and said# :2ow awesome is this "laceH This is none other than the house of (od# and this is the gate of heavenH:

Then Jacob rose early in the morning# and too1 the stone that he had "ut at his head# set it u" as a "illar# and "oured oil on to" of it'

Now Jacob went out from Beersheba and went toward 2aran'

So he came to a certain "lace and stayed there all night# because the sun had set' And he too1 one of the stones of that "lace and "ut it at his head# and he lay down in that "lace to slee"'

And he called the name of that "lace Bethel9 but the name of that city had been )u. "reviously'

Then Jacob made a vow# saying# :0f (od will be with me# and 1ee" me in this way that 0 am going# and give me bread to eat and clothing to "ut on#

Then he dreamed# and behold# a ladder was set u" on the earth# and its to" reached to heaven9 and there the angels of (od were ascending and descending on it'

so that 0 come bac1 to my fatherDs house in "eace# then the )3+* shall be my (od'

And this stone which 0 have set as a "illar shall be (odDs house# and of all

that Cou give me 0 will surely give a tenth to Cou':


29So Jacob went on his $ourney and

came to the land of the "eo"le of the ast'

And it came to "ass# when Jacob saw +achel the daughter of )aban his motherDs brother# and the shee" of )aban his motherDs brother# that Jacob went near and rolled the stone from the wellDs mouth# and watered the floc1 of )aban his motherDs brother'

And he loo1ed# and saw a well in the field9 and behold# there were three floc1s of shee" lying by it9 for out of that well they watered the floc1s' A large stone was on the wellDs mouth'

Then Jacob 1issed +achel# and lifted u" his voice and we"t'

Now all the floc1s would be gathered there9 and they would roll the stone from the wellDs mouth# water the shee"# and "ut the stone bac1 in its "lace on the wellDs mouth'

And Jacob told +achel that he was her fatherDs relative and that he was +ebe1ahDs son' So she ran and told her father'

And Jacob said to them# :4y brethren# where are you fromE: And they said# :Be are from 2aran':

Then it came to "ass# when )aban heard the re"ort about Jacob his sisterDs son# that he ran to meet him# and embraced him and 1issed him# and brought him to his house' So he told )aban all these things'

Then he said to them# :*o you 1now )aban the son of NahorE: And they said# :Be 1now him':

And )aban said to him# :Surely you are my bone and my flesh': And he stayed with him for a month'

So he said to them# :0s he wellE: And they said# :2e is well' And loo1# his daughter +achel is coming with the shee"':

Then )aban said to Jacob# :Because you are my relative# should you therefore serve me for nothingE Tell me# what should your wages beE

Then he said# :)oo1# it is still high day9 it is not time for the cattle to be gathered together' Bater the shee"# and go and feed them':

Now )aban had two daughters7 the name of the elder was )eah# and the name of the younger was +achel'

)eahDs eyes were delicate# but +achel was beautiful of form and a""earance'

But they said# :Be cannot until all the floc1s are gathered together# and they have rolled the stone from the wellDs mouth9 then we water the shee"':

Now Jacob loved +achel9 so he said# :0 will serve you seven years for +achel your younger daughter':

Now while he was still s"ea1ing with them# +achel came with her fatherDs shee"# for she was a she"herdess'

And )aban said# :0t is better that 0 give her to you than that 0 should give her to another man' Stay with me':


So Jacob served seven years for +achel# and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her'


Bhen the )3+* saw that )eah was unloved# 2e o"ened her womb9 but +achel was barren'

Then Jacob said to )aban# :(ive me my wife# for my days are fulfilled# that 0 may go in to her':

So )eah conceived and bore a son# and she called his name +euben9 for she said# :The )3+* has surely loo1ed on my affliction' Now therefore# my husband will love me':

And )aban gathered together all the men of the "lace and made a feast'

Now it came to "ass in the evening# that he too1 )eah his daughter and brought her to Jacob9 and he went in to her'

Then she conceived again and bore a son# and said# :Because the )3+* has heard that 0 am unloved# 2e has therefore given me this son also': And she called his name Simeon'

And )aban gave his maid 5il"ah to his daughter )eah as a maid'

So it came to "ass in the morning# that behold# it was )eah' And he said to )aban# :Bhat is this you have done to meE Bas it not for +achel that 0 served youE Bhy then have you deceived meE:

She conceived again and bore a son# and said# :Now this time my husband will become attached to me# because 0 have borne him three sons': Therefore his name was called )evi'

And she conceived again and bore a son# and said# :Now 0 will "raise the )3+*': Therefore she called his name Judah' Then she sto""ed bearing'

And )aban said# :0t must not be done so in our country# to give the younger before the firstborn'

30Now when +achel saw that she

bore Jacob no children# +achel envied her sister# and said to Jacob# :(ive me children# or else 0 dieH:

Fulfill her wee1# and we will give you this one also for the service which you will serve with me still another seven years':

Then Jacob did so and fulfilled her wee1' So he gave him his daughter +achel as wife also'

And JacobDs anger was aroused against +achel# and he said# :Am 0 in the "lace of (od# who has withheld from you the fruit of the wombE:

And )aban gave his maid Bilhah to his daughter +achel as a maid'

So she said# :2ere is my maid Bilhah9 go in to her# and she will bear a child on my 1nees# that 0 also may have children by her':

Then Jacob also went in to +achel# and he also loved +achel more than )eah' And he served with )aban still another seven years'

Then she gave him Bilhah her maid as wife# and Jacob went in to her'


And Bilhah conceived and bore Jacob a son'



Then +achel said# :(od has $udged my case9 and 2e has also heard my voice and given me a son': Therefore she called his name *an'

Bhen Jacob came out of the field in the evening# )eah went out to meet him and said# :Cou must come in to me# for 0 have surely hired you with my sonDs mandra1es': And he lay with her that night'

And +achelDs maid Bilhah conceived again and bore Jacob a second son'

And (od listened to )eah# and she conceived and bore Jacob a fifth son'

Then +achel said# :Bith great wrestlings 0 have wrestled with my sister# and indeed 0 have "revailed': So she called his name Na"htali'

)eah said# :(od has given me my wages# because 0 have given my maid to my husband': So she called his name 0ssachar'

Bhen )eah saw that she had sto""ed bearing# she too1 5il"ah her maid and gave her to Jacob as wife'

Then )eah conceived again and bore Jacob a si!th son'


And )eahDs maid 5il"ah bore Jacob a son'


And )eah said# :(od has endowed me with a good endowment9 now my husband will dwell with me# because 0 have borne him si! sons': So she called his name 5ebulun'

Then )eah said# :A troo" comesH: So she called his name (ad'

Afterward she bore a daughter# and called her name *inah'


And )eahDs maid 5il"ah bore Jacob a second son'


Then )eah said# :0 am ha""y# for the daughters will call me blessed': So she called his name Asher'

Then (od remembered +achel# and (od listened to her and o"ened her womb'

Now +euben went in the days of wheat harvest and found mandra1es in the field# and brought them to his mother )eah' Then +achel said to )eah# :/lease give me some of your sonDs mandra1es':

And she conceived and bore a son# and said# :(od has ta1en away my re"roach':

So she called his name Jose"h# and said# :The )3+* shall add to me another son':

But she said to her# :0s it a small matter that you have ta1en away my husbandE Bould you ta1e away my sonDs mandra1es alsoE: And +achel said# :Therefore he will lie with you tonight for your sonDs mandra1es':

And it came to "ass# when +achel had borne Jose"h# that Jacob said to )aban# :Send me away# that 0 may go to my own "lace and to my country'

(ive me my wives and my children for whom 0 have served you# and let me go9

for you 1now my service which 0 have done for you':


white in it# and all the brown ones among the lambs# and gave them into the hand of his sons'

And )aban said to him# :/lease stay# if 0 have found favor in your eyes# for 0 have learned by e!"erience that the )3+* has blessed me for your sa1e':

Then he "ut three daysD $ourney between himself and Jacob# and Jacob fed the rest of )abanDs floc1s'

Then he said# :Name me your wages# and 0 will give it':


So Jacob said to him# :Cou 1now how 0 have served you and how your livestoc1 has been with me'

Now Jacob too1 for himself rods of green "o"lar and of the almond and chestnut trees# "eeled white stri"s in them# and e!"osed the white which was in the rods'

For what you had before 0 came was little# and it has increased to a great amount9 the )3+* has blessed you since my coming' And now# when shall 0 also "rovide for my own houseE:

And the rods which he had "eeled# he set before the floc1s in the gutters# in the watering troughs where the floc1s came to drin1# so that they should conceive when they came to drin1'

So he said# :Bhat shall 0 give youE: And Jacob said# :Cou shall not give me anything' 0f you will do this thing for me# 0 will again feed and 1ee" your floc1s7

So the floc1s conceived before the rods# and the floc1s brought forth strea1ed# s"ec1led# and s"otted'

)et me "ass through all your floc1 today# removing from there all the s"ec1led and s"otted shee"# and all the brown ones among the lambs# and the s"otted and s"ec1led among the goats9 and these shall be my wages'

Then Jacob se"arated the lambs# and made the floc1s face toward the strea1ed and all the brown in the floc1 of )aban9 but he "ut his own floc1s by themselves and did not "ut them with )abanDs floc1'

So my righteousness will answer for me in time to come# when the sub$ect of my wages comes before you7 every one that is not s"ec1led and s"otted among the goats# and brown among the lambs# will be considered stolen# if it is with me':

And it came to "ass# whenever the stronger livestoc1 conceived# that Jacob "laced the rods before the eyes of the livestoc1 in the gutters# that they might conceive among the rods'

But when the floc1s were feeble# he did not "ut them in9 so the feebler were )abanDs and the stronger JacobDs'

And )aban said# :3h# that it were according to your wordH:


So he removed that day the male goats that were s"ec1led and s"otted# all the female goats that were s"ec1led and s"otted# every one that had some

Thus the man became e!ceedingly "ros"erous# and had large floc1s# female and male servants# and camels and don1eys'

31Now Jacob heard the words of

)abanDs sons# saying# :Jacob has ta1en away all that was our fatherDs# and from what was our fatherDs he has acGuired all this wealth':


Then the Angel of (od s"o1e to me in a dream# saying# :Jacob'D And 0 said# :2ere 0 am'D

And Jacob saw the countenance of )aban# and indeed it was not favorable toward him as before'

And 2e said# :)ift your eyes now and see# all the rams which lea" on the floc1s are strea1ed# s"ec1led# and grayF s"otted9 for 0 have seen all that )aban is doing to you'

Then the )3+* said to Jacob# :+eturn to the land of your fathers and to your family# and 0 will be with you':

0 am the (od of Bethel# where you anointed the "illar and where you made a vow to 4e' Now arise# get out of this land# and return to the land of your family':D

So Jacob sent and called +achel and )eah to the field# to his floc1#

and said to them# :0 see your fatherDs countenance# that it is not favorable toward me as before9 but the (od of my father has been with me'

Then +achel and )eah answered and said to him# :0s there still any "ortion or inheritance for us in our fatherDs houseE

Are we not considered strangers by himE For he has sold us# and also com"letely consumed our money'

And you 1now that with all my might 0 have served your father'

Cet your father has deceived me and changed my wages ten times# but (od did not allow him to hurt me'

For all these riches which (od has ta1en from our father are really ours and our childrenDs9 now then# whatever (od has said to you# do it':

0f he said thus7 :The s"ec1led shall be your wages#D then all the floc1s bore s"ec1led' And if he said thus7 :The strea1ed shall be your wages#D then all the floc1s bore strea1ed'

Then Jacob rose and set his sons and his wives on camels'

So (od has ta1en away the livestoc1 of your father and given them to me'

And he carried away all his livestoc1 and all his "ossessions which he had gained# his acGuired livestoc1 which he had gained in /adan Aram# to go to his father 0saac in the land of -anaan'

:And it ha""ened# at the time when the floc1s conceived# that 0 lifted my eyes and saw in a dream# and behold# the rams which lea"ed u"on the floc1s were strea1ed# s"ec1led# and grayFs"otted'

Now )aban had gone to shear his shee"# and +achel had stolen the household idols that were her fatherDs'

And Jacob stole away# un1nown to )aban the Syrian# in that he did not tell him that he intended to flee'


So he fled with all that he had' 2e arose and crossed the river# and headed toward the mountains of (ilead'


Then Jacob answered and said to )aban# :Because 0 was afraid# for 0 said# :/erha"s you would ta1e your daughters from me by force'D

And )aban was told on the third day that Jacob had fled'

Then he too1 his brethren with him and "ursued him for seven daysD $ourney# and he overtoo1 him in the mountains of (ilead'

Bith whomever you find your gods# do not let him live' 0n the "resence of our brethren# identify what 0 have of yours and ta1e it with you': For Jacob did not 1now that +achel had stolen them'

But (od had come to )aban the Syrian in a dream by night# and said to him# :Be careful that you s"ea1 to Jacob neither good nor bad':

And )aban went into JacobDs tent# into )eahDs tent# and into the two maidsD tents# but he did not find them' Then he went out of )eahDs tent and entered +achelDs tent'

So )aban overtoo1 Jacob' Now Jacob had "itched his tent in the mountains# and )aban with his brethren "itched in the mountains of (ilead'

Now +achel had ta1en the household idols# "ut them in the camelDs saddle# and sat on them' And )aban searched all about the tent but did not find them'

And )aban said to Jacob7 :Bhat have you done# that you have stolen away un1nown to me# and carried away my daughters li1e ca"tives ta1en with the swordE

And she said to her father# :)et it not dis"lease my lord that 0 cannot rise before you# for the manner of women is with me': And he searched but did not find the household idols'

Bhy did you flee away secretly# and steal away from me# and not tell me9 for 0 might have sent you away with $oy and songs# with timbrel and har"E

Then Jacob was angry and rebu1ed )aban# and Jacob answered and said to )aban7 :Bhat is my tres"assE Bhat is my sin# that you have so hotly "ursued meE

And you did not allow me to 1iss my sons and my daughters' Now you have done foolishly in so doing'

0t is in my "ower to do you harm# but the (od of your father s"o1e to me last night# saying# :Be careful that you s"ea1 to Jacob neither good nor bad'D

Although you have searched all my things# what "art of your household things have you foundE Set it here before my brethren and your brethren# that they may $udge between us bothH

And now you have surely gone because you greatly long for your fatherDs house# but why did you steal my godsE:

These twenty years 0 have been with you9 your ewes and your female goats have not miscarried their young# and 0 have not eaten the rams of your floc1'

That which was torn by beasts 0 did not bring to you9 0 bore the loss of it' Cou

reGuired it from my hand# whether stolen by day or stolen by night'



also 4i."ah# because he said# :4ay the )3+* watch between you and me when we are absent one from another'

There 0 wasH 0n the day the drought consumed me# and the frost by night# and my slee" de"arted from my eyes'

Thus 0 have been in your house twenty years9 0 served you fourteen years for your two daughters# and si! years for your floc1# and you have changed my wages ten times'

0f you afflict my daughters# or if you ta1e other wives besides my daughters# although no man is with usFFsee# (od is witness between you and meH:

Then )aban said to Jacob# :2ere is this hea" and here is this "illar# which 0 have "laced between you and me'

Anless the (od of my father# the (od of Abraham and the Fear of 0saac# had been with me# surely now you would have sent me away em"tyFhanded' (od has seen my affliction and the labor of my hands# and rebu1ed you last night':

This hea" is a witness# and this "illar is a witness# that 0 will not "ass beyond this hea" to you# and you will not "ass beyond this hea" and this "illar to me# for harm'

And )aban answered and said to Jacob# :These daughters are my daughters# and these children are my children# and this floc1 is my floc19 all that you see is mine' But what can 0 do this day to these my daughters or to their children whom they have borneE

The (od of Abraham# the (od of Nahor# and the (od of their father $udge between us': And Jacob swore by the Fear of his father 0saac'

Then Jacob offered a sacrifice on the mountain# and called his brethren to eat bread' And they ate bread and stayed all night on the mountain'

Now therefore# come# let us ma1e a covenant# you and 0# and let it be a witness between you and me':

So Jacob too1 a stone and set it u" as a "illar'


And early in the morning )aban arose# and 1issed his sons and daughters and blessed them' Then )aban de"arted and returned to his "lace'

Then Jacob said to his brethren# :(ather stones': And they too1 stones and made a hea"# and they ate there on the hea"'

32So Jacob went on his way# and

the angels of (od met him'

)aban called it Jegar Sahadutha# but Jacob called it (aleed'


Bhen Jacob saw them# he said# :This is (odDs cam"': And he called the name of that "lace 4ahanaim'

And )aban said# :This hea" is a witness between you and me this day': Therefore its name was called (aleed#

Then Jacob sent messengers before him to sau his brother in the land of Seir# the country of dom'

And he commanded them# saying# :S"ea1 thus to my lord sau# :Thus your servant Jacob says7 :0 have dwelt with )aban and stayed there until now'


So he lodged there that same night# and too1 what came to his hand as a "resent for sau his brother7

0 have o!en# don1eys# floc1s# and male and female servants9 and 0 have sent to tell my lord# that 0 may find favor in your sight'::D

two hundred female goats and twenty male goats# two hundred ewes and twenty rams#

Then the messengers returned to Jacob# saying# :Be came to your brother sau# and he also is coming to meet you# and four hundred men are with him':

thirty mil1 camels with their colts# forty cows and ten bulls# twenty female don1eys and ten foals'

So Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed9 and he divided the "eo"le that were with him# and the floc1s and herds and camels# into two com"anies'

Then he delivered them to the hand of his servants# every drove by itself# and said to his servants# :/ass over before me# and "ut some distance between successive droves':

And he said# :0f sau comes to the one com"any and attac1s it# then the other com"any which is left will esca"e':

And he commanded the first one# saying# :Bhen sau my brother meets you and as1s you# saying# :To whom do you belong# and where are you goingE Bhose are these in front of youED

Then Jacob said# :3 (od of my father Abraham and (od of my father 0saac# the )3+* who said to me# :+eturn to your country and to your family# and 0 will deal well with youD7

then you shall say# :They are your servant JacobDs' 0t is a "resent sent to my lord sau9 and behold# he also is behind us':D

0 am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which Cou have shown Cour servant9 for 0 crossed over this Jordan with my staff# and now 0 have become two com"anies'

So he commanded the second# the third# and all who followed the droves# saying# :0n this manner you shall s"ea1 to sau when you find him9

*eliver me# 0 "ray# from the hand of my brother# from the hand of sau9 for 0 fear him# lest he come and attac1 me and the mother with the children'

and also say# :Behold# your servant Jacob is behind us':D For he said# :0 will a""ease him with the "resent that goes before me# and afterward 0 will see his face9 "erha"s he will acce"t me':

For Cou said# :0 will surely treat you well# and ma1e your descendants as the sand of the sea# which cannot be numbered for multitude':D

So the "resent went on over before him# but he himself lodged that night in the cam"'

And he arose that night and too1 his two wives# his two female servants# and his eleven sons# and crossed over the ford of Jabbo1'


2e too1 them# sent them over the broo1# and sent over what he had'

and with him were four hundred men' So he divided the children among )eah# +achel# and the two maidservants'

Then Jacob was left alone9 and a 4an wrestled with him until the brea1ing of day'

And he "ut the maidservants and their children in front# )eah and her children behind# and +achel and Jose"h last'

Now when 2e saw that 2e did not "revail against him# 2e touched the soc1et of his hi"9 and the soc1et of JacobDs hi" was out of $oint as 2e wrestled with him'

Then he crossed over before them and bowed himself to the ground seven times# until he came near to his brother'

And 2e said# :)et 4e go# for the day brea1s': But he said# :0 will not let Cou go unless Cou bless meH:

But sau ran to meet him# and embraced him# and fell on his nec1 and 1issed him# and they we"t'

So 2e said to him# :Bhat is your nameE: 2e said# :Jacob':


And 2e said# :Cour name shall no longer be called Jacob# but 0srael9 for you have struggled with (od and with men# and have "revailed':

And he lifted his eyes and saw the women and children# and said# :Bho are these with youE: So he said# :The children whom (od has graciously given your servant':

Then the maidservants came near# they and their children# and bowed down'

Then Jacob as1ed# saying# :Tell me Cour name# 0 "ray': And 2e said# :Bhy is it that you as1 about 4y nameE: And 2e blessed him there'

And )eah also came near with her children# and they bowed down' Afterward Jose"h and +achel came near# and they bowed down'

So Jacob called the name of the "lace /eniel7 :For 0 have seen (od face to face# and my life is "reserved':

Then sau said# :Bhat do you mean by all this com"any which 0 metE: And he said# :These are to find favor in the sight of my lord':

Just as he crossed over /enuel the sun rose on him# and he lim"ed on his hi"'

But sau said# :0 have enough# my brother9 1ee" what you have for yourself':

Therefore to this day the children of 0srael do not eat the muscle that shran1# which is on the hi" soc1et# because 2e touched the soc1et of JacobDs hi" in the muscle that shran1'

33Now Jacob lifted his eyes and

loo1ed# and there# sau was coming#

And Jacob said# :No# "lease# if 0 have now found favor in your sight# then receive my "resent from my hand# inasmuch as 0 have seen your face as though 0 had seen the face of (od# and you were "leased with me'


/lease# ta1e my blessing that is brought to you# because (od has dealt graciously with me# and because 0 have enough': So he urged him# and he too1 it'

34Now *inah the daughter of )eah#

whom she had borne to Jacob# went out to see the daughters of the land'

Then sau said# :)et us ta1e our $ourney9 let us go# and 0 will go before you':

And when Shechem the son of 2amor the 2ivite# "rince of the country# saw her# he too1 her and lay with her# and violated her'

But Jacob said to him# :4y lord 1nows that the children are wea1# and the floc1s and herds which are nursing are with me' And if the men should drive them hard one day# all the floc1 will die'

2is soul was strongly attracted to *inah the daughter of Jacob# and he loved the young woman and s"o1e 1indly to the young woman'

/lease let my lord go on ahead before his servant' 0 will lead on slowly at a "ace which the livestoc1 that go before me# and the children# are able to endure# until 0 come to my lord in Seir':

So Shechem s"o1e to his father 2amor# saying# :(et me this young woman as a wife':

And sau said# :Now let me leave with you some of the "eo"le who are with me': But he said# :Bhat need is thereE )et me find favor in the sight of my lord':

And Jacob heard that he had defiled *inah his daughter' Now his sons were with his livestoc1 in the field9 so Jacob held his "eace until they came'

Then 2amor the father of Shechem went out to Jacob to s"ea1 with him'

So sau returned that day on his way to Seir'


And Jacob $ourneyed to Succoth# built himself a house# and made booths for his livestoc1' Therefore the name of the "lace is called Succoth'

And the sons of Jacob came in from the field when they heard it9 and the men were grieved and very angry# because he had done a disgraceful thing in 0srael by lying with JacobDs daughter# a thing which ought not to be done'

Then Jacob came safely to the city of Shechem# which is in the land of -anaan# when he came from /adan Aram9 and he "itched his tent before the city'

But 2amor s"o1e with them# saying# :The soul of my son Shechem longs for your daughter' /lease give her to him as a wife'

And he bought the "arcel of land# where he had "itched his tent# from the children of 2amor# ShechemDs father# for one hundred "ieces of money'

And ma1e marriages with us9 give your daughters to us# and ta1e our daughters to yourselves'

Then he erected an altar there and called it l lohe 0srael'

So you shall dwell with us# and the land shall be before you' *well and trade in it# and acGuire "ossessions for yourselves in it':


Then Shechem said to her father and her brothers# :)et me find favor in your eyes# and whatever you say to me 0 will give'


As1 me ever so much dowry and gift# and 0 will give according to what you say to me9 but give me the young woman as a wife':

:These men are at "eace with us' Therefore let them dwell in the land and trade in it' For indeed the land is large enough for them' )et us ta1e their daughters to us as wives# and let us give them our daughters'

But the sons of Jacob answered Shechem and 2amor his father# and s"o1e deceitfully# because he had defiled *inah their sister'

3nly on this condition will the men consent to dwell with us# to be one "eo"le7 if every male among us is circumcised as they are circumcised'

And they said to them# :Be cannot do this thing# to give our sister to one who is uncircumcised# for that would be a re"roach to us'

Bill not their livestoc1# their "ro"erty# and every animal of theirs be oursE 3nly let us consent to them# and they will dwell with us':

But on this condition we will consent to you7 0f you will become as we are# if every male of you is circumcised#

And all who went out of the gate of his city heeded 2amor and Shechem his son9 every male was circumcised# all who went out of the gate of his city'

then we will give our daughters to you# and we will ta1e your daughters to us9 and we will dwell with you# and we will become one "eo"le'

Now it came to "ass on the third day# when they were in "ain# that two of the sons of Jacob# Simeon and )evi# *inahDs brothers# each too1 his sword and came boldly u"on the city and 1illed all the males'

But if you will not heed us and be circumcised# then we will ta1e our daughter and be gone':

And they 1illed 2amor and Shechem his son with the edge of the sword# and too1 *inah from ShechemDs house# and went out'

And their words "leased 2amor and Shechem# 2amorDs son'


So the young man did not delay to do the thing# because he delighted in JacobDs daughter' 2e was more honorable than all the household of his father'

The sons of Jacob came u"on the slain# and "lundered the city# because their sister had been defiled'

They too1 their shee"# their o!en# and their don1eys# what was in the city and what was in the field#

And 2amor and Shechem his son came to the gate of their city# and s"o1e with the men of their city# saying7

and all their wealth' All their little ones and their wives they too1 ca"tive9 and they "lundered even all that was in the houses'


Then Jacob said to Simeon and )evi# :Cou have troubled me by ma1ing me obno!ious among the inhabitants of the land# among the -anaanites and the /eri..ites9 and since 0 am few in number# they will gather themselves together against me and 1ill me' 0 shall be destroyed# my household and 0':

And he built an altar there and called the "lace l Bethel# because there (od a""eared to him when he fled from the face of his brother'

Now *eborah# +ebe1ahDs nurse# died# and she was buried below Bethel under the terebinth tree' So the name of it was called Allon Bachuth'

But they said# :Should he treat our sister li1e a harlotE:

35Then (od said to Jacob# :Arise#

go u" to Bethel and dwell there9 and ma1e an altar there to (od# who a""eared to you when you fled from the face of sau your brother':

Then (od a""eared to Jacob again# when he came from /adan Aram# and blessed him'

And (od said to him# :Cour name is Jacob9 your name shall not be called Jacob anymore# but 0srael shall be your name': So 2e called his name 0srael'

And Jacob said to his household and to all who were with him# :/ut away the foreign gods that are among you# "urify yourselves# and change your garments'

Also (od said to him7 :0 am (od Almighty' Be fruitful and multi"ly9 a nation and a com"any of nations shall "roceed from you# and 1ings shall come from your body'

Then let us arise and go u" to Bethel9 and 0 will ma1e an altar there to (od# who answered me in the day of my distress and has been with me in the way which 0 have gone':

The land which 0 gave Abraham and 0saac 0 give to you9 and to your descendants after you 0 give this land':

So they gave Jacob all the foreign gods which were in their hands# and the earrings which were in their ears9 and Jacob hid them under the terebinth tree which was by Shechem'

Then (od went u" from him in the "lace where 2e tal1ed with him'

So Jacob set u" a "illar in the "lace where 2e tal1ed with him# a "illar of stone9 and he "oured a drin1 offering on it# and he "oured oil on it'

And they $ourneyed# and the terror of (od was u"on the cities that were all around them# and they did not "ursue the sons of Jacob'

And Jacob called the name of the "lace where (od s"o1e with him# Bethel'

So Jacob came to )u. Ithat is# BethelJ# which is in the land of -anaan# he and all the "eo"le who were with him'

Then they $ourneyed from Bethel' And when there was but a little distance to go to "hrath# +achel labored in childbirth# and she had hard labor'


Now it came to "ass# when she was in hard labor# that the midwife said to her# :*o not fear9 you will have this son also':


So 0saac breathed his last and died# and was gathered to his "eo"le# being old and full of days' And his sons sau and Jacob buried him'

And so it was# as her soul was de"arting Ifor she diedJ# that she called his name BenF3ni9 but his father called him Ben$amin'


this is the genealogy of sau# who is dom'

So +achel died and was buried on the way to "hrath Ithat is# BethlehemJ'

And Jacob set a "illar on her grave# which is the "illar of +achelDs grave to this day'

sau too1 his wives from the daughters of -anaan7 Adah the daughter of lon the 2ittite9 Aholibamah the daughter of Anah# the daughter of 5ibeon the 2ivite9

and Basemath# 0shmaelDs daughter# sister of Neba$oth'


Then 0srael $ourneyed and "itched his tent beyond the tower of der'

Now Adah bore li"ha. to Basemath bore +euel'


sau# and

And it ha""ened# when 0srael dwelt in that land# that +euben went and lay with Bilhah his fatherDs concubine9 and 0srael heard about it' Now the sons of Jacob were twelve7

And Aholibamah bore Jeush# Jaalam# and Korah' These were the sons of sau who were born to him in the land of -anaan'

the sons of )eah were +euben# JacobDs firstborn# and Simeon# )evi# Judah# 0ssachar# and 5ebulun9

the sons of +achel were Jose"h and Ben$amin9


Then sau too1 his wives# his sons# his daughters# and all the "ersons of his household# his cattle and all his animals# and all his goods which he had gained in the land of -anaan# and went to a country away from the "resence of his brother Jacob'

the sons of Bilhah# +achelDs maidservant# were *an and Na"htali9


and the sons of 5il"ah# )eahDs maidservant# were (ad and Asher' These were the sons of Jacob who were born to him in /adan Aram'

For their "ossessions were too great for them to dwell together# and the land where they were strangers could not su""ort them because of their livestoc1'

So sau dwelt in 4ount Seir' dom'

sau is

Then Jacob came to his father 0saac at 4amre# or Kir$ath Arba Ithat is# 2ebronJ# where Abraham and 0saac had dwelt'

And this is the genealogy of sau the father of the domites in 4ount Seir'

Now the days of 0saac were one hundred and eighty years'

These were the names of sauDs sons7 li"ha. the son of Adah the wife of

sau# and +euel the son of Basemath the wife of sau'



These were the sons of Seir the 2orite who inhabited the land7 )otan# Shobal# 5ibeon# Anah#

And the sons of li"ha. were Teman# 3mar# 5e"ho# (atam# and Kena.'

Now Timna was the concubine of li"ha.# sauDs son# and she bore Amale1 to li"ha.' These were the sons of Adah# sauDs wife'

*ishon# .er# and *ishan' These were the chiefs of the 2orites# the sons of Seir# in the land of dom'

And the sons of )otan were 2ori and 2emam' )otanDs sister was Timna'

These were the sons of +euel7 Nahath# 5erah# Shammah# and 4i..ah' These were the sons of Basemath# sauDs wife'

These were the sons of Shobal7 Alvan# 4anahath# bal# She"ho# and 3nam'

These were the sons of Aholibamah# sauDs wife# the daughter of Anah# the daughter of 5ibeon' And she bore to sau7 Jeush# Jaalam# and Korah'

These were the sons of 5ibeon7 both A$ah and Anah' This was the Anah who found the water in the wilderness as he "astured the don1eys of his father 5ibeon'

These were the chiefs of the sons of sau' The sons of li"ha.# the firstborn son of sau# were -hief Teman# -hief 3mar# -hief 5e"ho# -hief Kena.#

These were the children of Anah7 *ishon and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah'

-hief Korah# -hief (atam# and -hief Amale1' These were the chiefs of li"ha. in the land of dom' They were the sons of Adah'

These were the sons of *ishon7 2emdan# shban# 0thran# and -heran'

These were the sons of 5aavan# and A1an'


.er7 Bilhan#

These were the sons of +euel# sauDs son7 -hief Nahath# -hief 5erah# -hief Shammah# and -hief 4i..ah' These were the chiefs of +euel in the land of dom' These were the sons of Basemath# sauDs wife'

These were the sons of *ishan7 A. and Aran'


These were the chiefs of the 2orites7 -hief )otan# -hief Shobal# -hief 5ibeon# -hief Anah#

And these were the sons of Aholibamah# sauDs wife7 -hief Jeush# -hief Jaalam# and -hief Korah' These were the chiefs who descended from Aholibamah# sauDs wife# the daughter of Anah'

-hief *ishon# -hief .er# and -hief *ishan' These were the chiefs of the 2orites# according to their chiefs in the land of Seir'

These were the sons of sau# who is dom# and these were their chiefs'

Now these were the 1ings who reigned in the land of dom before any 1ing reigned over the children of 0srael7


Bela the son of Beor reigned in dom# and the name of his city was *inhabah'


And when Bela died# Jobab the son of 5erah of Bo.rah reigned in his "lace'

-hief 4agdiel# and -hief 0ram' These were the chiefs of dom# according to their dwelling "laces in the land of their "ossession' sau was the father of the domites'

Bhen Jobab died# 2usham of the land of the Temanites reigned in his "lace'


And when 2usham died# 2adad the son of Bedad# who attac1ed 4idian in the field of 4oab# reigned in his "lace' And the name of his city was Avith'

Jacob dwelt in the land where his father was a stranger# in the land of -anaan' This is the history of Jacob' Jose"h# being seventeen years old# was feeding the floc1 with his brothers' And the lad was with the sons of Bilhah and the sons of 5il"ah# his fatherDs wives9 and Jose"h brought a bad re"ort of them to his father'

Bhen 2adad died# Samlah 4asre1ah reigned in his "lace'



And when Samlah died# Saul of +ehobothFbyFtheF+iver reigned in his "lace'


Bhen Saul died# BaalF2anan the son of Achbor reigned in his "lace'

Now 0srael loved Jose"h more than all his children# because he was the son of his old age' Also he made him a tunic of many colors'

And when BaalF2anan the son of Achbor died# 2adar reigned in his "lace9 and the name of his city was /au' 2is wifeDs name was 4ehetabel# the daughter of 4atred# the daughter of 4e.ahab'

But when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers# they hated him and could not s"ea1 "eaceably to him'

And these were the names of the chiefs of sau# according to their families and their "laces# by their names7 -hief Timnah# -hief Alvah# -hief Jetheth#

Now Jose"h had a dream# and he told it to his brothers9 and they hated him even more'

So he said to them# :/lease hear this dream which 0 have dreamed7


-hief Aholibamah# -hief /inon#


lah# -hief

-hief Kena.# -hief Teman# -hief

There we were# binding sheaves in the field' Then behold# my sheaf arose and also stood u"right9 and indeed your sheaves stood all around and bowed down to my sheaf':

And his brothers said to him# :Shall you indeed reign over usE 3r shall you indeed have dominion over usE: So they hated him even more for his dreams and for his words'

Then he dreamed still another dream and told it to his brothers# and said# :)oo1# 0 have dreamed another dream' And this time# the sun# the moon# and the eleven stars bowed down to me':


Then they said to one another# :)oo1# this dreamer is comingH


So he told it to his father and his brothers9 and his father rebu1ed him and said to him# :Bhat is this dream that you have dreamedE Shall your mother and 0 and your brothers indeed come to bow down to the earth before youE:

-ome therefore# let us now 1ill him and cast him into some "it9 and we shall say# :Some wild beast has devoured him'D Be shall see what will become of his dreamsH:

But +euben heard it# and he delivered him out of their hands# and said# :)et us not 1ill him':

And his brothers envied him# but his father 1e"t the matter in mind'

Then his brothers went to feed their fatherDs floc1 in Shechem'


And +euben said to them# :Shed no blood# but cast him into this "it which is in the wilderness# and do not lay a hand on him:FFthat he might deliver him out of their hands# and bring him bac1 to his father'

And 0srael said to Jose"h# :Are not your brothers feeding the floc1 in ShechemE -ome# 0 will send you to them': So he said to him# :2ere 0 am':

So it came to "ass# when Jose"h had come to his brothers# that they stri""ed Jose"h of his tunic# the tunic of many colors that was on him'

Then he said to him# :/lease go and see if it is well with your brothers and well with the floc1s# and bring bac1 word to me': So he sent him out of the Valley of 2ebron# and he went to Shechem'

Then they too1 him and cast him into a "it' And the "it was em"ty9 there was no water in it'

Now a certain man found him# and there he was# wandering in the field' And the man as1ed him# saying# :Bhat are you see1ingE:

And they sat down to eat a meal' Then they lifted their eyes and loo1ed# and there was a com"any of 0shmaelites# coming from (ilead with their camels# bearing s"ices# balm# and myrrh# on their way to carry them down to gy"t'

So he said# :0 am see1ing my brothers' /lease tell me where they are feeding their floc1s':

So Judah said to his brothers# :Bhat "rofit is there if we 1ill our brother and conceal his bloodE

And the man said# :They have de"arted from here# for 0 heard them say# :)et us go to *othan':D So Jose"h went after his brothers and found them in *othan'

-ome and let us sell him to the 0shmaelites# and let not our hand be u"on him# for he is our brother and our flesh': And his brothers listened'

Now when they saw him afar off# even before he came near them# they cons"ired against him to 1ill him'

Then 4idianite traders "assed by9 so the brothers "ulled Jose"h u" and lifted him out of the "it# and sold him to the

0shmaelites for twenty she1els of silver' And they too1 Jose"h to gy"t'

Then +euben returned to the "it# and indeed Jose"h was not in the "it9 and he tore his clothes'

And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain -anaanite whose name was Shua# and he married her and went in to her'

So she conceived and bore a son# and he called his name r'

And he returned to his brothers and said# :The lad is no more9 and 0# where shall 0 goE:

She conceived again and bore a son# and she called his name 3nan'

So they too1 Jose"hDs tunic# 1illed a 1id of the goats# and di""ed the tunic in the blood'

And she conceived yet again and bore a son# and called his name Shelah' 2e was at -he.ib when she bore him'

Then they sent the tunic of many colors# and they brought it to their father and said# :Be have found this' *o you 1now whether it is your sonDs tunic or notE:

Then Judah too1 a wife for r his firstborn# and her name was Tamar'

But r# JudahDs firstborn# was wic1ed in the sight of the )3+*# and the )3+* 1illed him'

And he recogni.ed it and said# :0t is my sonDs tunic' A wild beast has devoured him' Bithout doubt Jose"h is torn to "ieces':

And Judah said to 3nan# :(o in to your brotherDs wife and marry her# and raise u" an heir to your brother':

Then Jacob tore his clothes# "ut sac1cloth on his waist# and mourned for his son many days'

And all his sons and all his daughters arose to comfort him9 but he refused to be comforted# and he said# :For 0 shall go down into the grave to my son in mourning': Thus his father we"t for him'

But 3nan 1new that the heir would not be his9 and it came to "ass# when he went in to his brotherDs wife# that he emitted on the ground# lest he should give an heir to his brother'

And the thing which he did dis"leased the )3+*9 therefore 2e 1illed him also'

Now the 4idianites had sold him in gy"t to /oti"har# an officer of /haraoh and ca"tain of the guard'

380t came to "ass at that time that

Judah de"arted from his brothers# and visited a certain Adullamite whose name was 2irah'

Then Judah said to Tamar his daughterFinFlaw# :+emain a widow in your fatherDs house till my son Shelah is grown': For he said# :)est he also die li1e his brothers': And Tamar went and dwelt in her fatherDs house'

Now in the "rocess of time the daughter of Shua# JudahDs wife# died9 and Judah was comforted# and went u" to his shee"shearers at Timnah# he and his friend 2irah the Adullamite'


And it was told Tamar# saying# :)oo1# your fatherFinFlaw is going u" to Timnah to shear his shee"':

"lace said there was no harlot in this "lace':


So she too1 off her widowDs garments# covered herself with a veil and wra""ed herself# and sat in an o"en "lace which was on the way to Timnah9 for she saw that Shelah was grown# and she was not given to him as a wife'

Then Judah said# :)et her ta1e them for herself# lest we be shamed9 for 0 sent this young goat and you have not found her':

Bhen Judah saw her# he thought she was a harlot# because she had covered her face'

And it came to "ass# about three months after# that Judah was told# saying# :Tamar your daughterFinFlaw has "layed the harlot9 furthermore she is with child by harlotry': So Judah said# :Bring her out and let her be burnedH:

Then he turned to her by the way# and said# :/lease let me come in to you:9 for he did not 1now that she was his daughterFinFlaw' So she said# :Bhat will you give me# that you may come in to meE:

Bhen she was brought out# she sent to her fatherFinFlaw# saying# :By the man to whom these belong# 0 am with child': And she said# :/lease determine whose these areFFthe signet and cord# and staff':

And he said# :0 will send a young goat from the floc1': So she said# :Bill you give me a "ledge till you send itE

Then he said# :Bhat "ledge shall 0 give youE: So she said# :Cour signet and cord# and your staff that is in your hand': Then he gave them to her# and went in to her# and she conceived by him'

So Judah ac1nowledged them and said# :She has been more righteous than 0# because 0 did not give her to Shelah my son': And he never 1new her again'

Now it came to "ass# at the time for giving birth# that behold# twins were in her womb'

So she arose and went away# and laid aside her veil and "ut on the garments of her widowhood'

And Judah sent the young goat by the hand of his friend the Adullamite# to receive his "ledge from the womanDs hand# but he did not find her'

And so it was# when she was giving birth# that the one "ut out his hand9 and the midwife too1 a scarlet thread and bound it on his hand# saying# :This one came out first':

Then he as1ed the men of that "lace# saying# :Bhere is the harlot who was o"enly by the roadsideE: And they said# :There was no harlot in this "lace':

Then it ha""ened# as he drew bac1 his hand# that his brother came out une!"ectedly9 and she said# :2ow did you brea1 throughE This breach be u"on youH: Therefore his name was called /ere.'

So he returned to Judah and said# :0 cannot find her' Also# the men of the

Afterward his brother came out who had the scarlet thread on his hand' And his name was called 5erah'


Jose"h had been ta1en down to gy"t' And /oti"har# an officer of /haraoh# ca"tain of the guard# an gy"tian# bought him from the 0shmaelites who had ta1en him down there'

There is no one greater in this house than 0# nor has he 1e"t bac1 anything from me but you# because you are his wife' 2ow then can 0 do this great wic1edness# and sin against (odE:

The )3+* was with Jose"h# and he was a successful man9 and he was in the house of his master the gy"tian'

So it was# as she s"o1e to Jose"h day by day# that he did not heed her# to lie with her or to be with her'

And his master saw that the )3+* was with him and that the )3+* made all he did to "ros"er in his hand'

But it ha""ened about this time# when Jose"h went into the house to do his wor1# and none of the men of the house was inside#

So Jose"h found favor in his sight# and served him' Then he made him overseer of his house# and all that he had he "ut under his authority'

that she caught him by his garment# saying# :)ie with me': But he left his garment in her hand# and fled and ran outside'

So it was# from the time that he had made him overseer of his house and all that he had# that the )3+* blessed the gy"tianDs house for Jose"hDs sa1e9 and the blessing of the )3+* was on all that he had in the house and in the field'

And so it was# when she saw that he had left his garment in her hand and fled outside#

Thus he left all that he had in Jose"hDs hand# and he did not 1now what he had e!ce"t for the bread which he ate' Now Jose"h was handsome in form and a""earance'

that she called to the men of her house and s"o1e to them# saying# :See# he has brought in to us a 2ebrew to moc1 us' 2e came in to me to lie with me# and 0 cried out with a loud voice'

And it ha""ened# when he heard that 0 lifted my voice and cried out# that he left his garment with me# and fled and went outside':

And it came to "ass after these things that his masterDs wife cast longing eyes on Jose"h# and she said# :)ie with me':

So she 1e"t his garment with her until his master came home'

But he refused and said to his masterDs wife# :)oo1# my master does not 1now what is with me in the house# and he has committed all that he has to my hand'

Then she s"o1e to him with words li1e these# saying# :The 2ebrew servant whom you brought to us came in to me to moc1 me9

so it ha""ened# as 0 lifted my voice and cried out# that he left his garment with me and fled outside':


So it was# when his master heard the words which his wife s"o1e to him# saying# :Cour servant did to me after this manner#: that his anger was aroused'

"rison# had a dream# both of them# each manDs dream in one night and each manDs dream with its own inter"retation'

Then Jose"hDs master too1 him and "ut him into the "rison# a "lace where the 1ingDs "risoners were confined' And he was there in the "rison'

And Jose"h came in to them in the morning and loo1ed at them# and saw that they were sad'

But the )3+* was with Jose"h and showed him mercy# and 2e gave him favor in the sight of the 1ee"er of the "rison'

So he as1ed /haraohDs officers who were with him in the custody of his lordDs house# saying# :Bhy do you loo1 so sad todayE:

And the 1ee"er of the "rison committed to Jose"hDs hand all the "risoners who were in the "rison9 whatever they did there# it was his doing'

And they said to him# :Be each have had a dream# and there is no inter"reter of it': So Jose"h said to them# :*o not inter"retations belong to (odE Tell them to me# "lease':

The 1ee"er of the "rison did not loo1 into anything that was under Jose"hDs authority# because the )3+* was with him9 and whatever he did# the )3+* made it "ros"er'

Then the chief butler told his dream to Jose"h# and said to him# :Behold# in my dream a vine was before me#

and in the vine were three branches9 it was as though it budded# its blossoms shot forth# and its clusters brought forth ri"e gra"es'

400t came to "ass after these things

that the butler and the ba1er of the 1ing of gy"t offended their lord# the 1ing of gy"t'

Then /haraohDs cu" was in my hand9 and 0 too1 the gra"es and "ressed them into /haraohDs cu"# and "laced the cu" in /haraohDs hand':

And /haraoh was angry with his two officers# the chief butler and the chief ba1er'

And Jose"h said to him# :This is the inter"retation of it7 The three branches are three days'

So he "ut them in custody in the house of the ca"tain of the guard# in the "rison# the "lace where Jose"h was confined'

And the ca"tain of the guard charged Jose"h with them# and he served them9 so they were in custody for a while'

Now within three days /haraoh will lift u" your head and restore you to your "lace# and you will "ut /haraohDs cu" in his hand according to the former manner# when you were his butler'

Then the butler and the ba1er of the 1ing of gy"t# who were confined in the

But remember me when it is well with you# and "lease show 1indness to me9 ma1e mention of me to /haraoh# and get me out of this house'


For indeed 0 was stolen away from the land of the 2ebrews9 and also 0 have done nothing here that they should "ut me into the dungeon':

Suddenly there came u" out of the river seven cows# fine loo1ing and fat9 and they fed in the meadow'

Bhen the chief ba1er saw that the inter"retation was good# he said to Jose"h# :0 also was in my dream# and there were three white bas1ets on my head'

Then behold# seven other cows came u" after them out of the river# ugly and gaunt# and stood by the other cows on the ban1 of the river'

0n the u""ermost bas1et were all 1inds of ba1ed goods for /haraoh# and the birds ate them out of the bas1et on my head':

And the ugly and gaunt cows ate u" the seven fine loo1ing and fat cows' So /haraoh awo1e'

2e sle"t and dreamed a second time9 and suddenly seven heads of grain came u" on one stal1# "lum" and good'

So Jose"h answered and said# :This is the inter"retation of it7 The three bas1ets are three days'

Then behold# seven thin heads# blighted by the east wind# s"rang u" after them'

Bithin three days /haraoh will lift off your head from you and hang you on a tree9 and the birds will eat your flesh from you':

And the seven thin heads devoured the seven "lum" and full heads' So /haraoh awo1e# and indeed# it was a dream'

Now it came to "ass on the third day# which was /haraohDs birthday# that he made a feast for all his servants9 and he lifted u" the head of the chief butler and of the chief ba1er among his servants'

Then he restored the chief butler to his butlershi" again# and he "laced the cu" in /haraohDs hand'

Now it came to "ass in the morning that his s"irit was troubled# and he sent and called for all the magicians of gy"t and all its wise men' And /haraoh told them his dreams# but there was no one who could inter"ret them for /haraoh'

Then the chief butler s"o1e to /haraoh# saying7 :0 remember my faults this day'

But he hanged the chief ba1er# as Jose"h had inter"reted to them'


Cet the chief butler did not remember Jose"h# but forgot him'

Bhen /haraoh was angry with his servants# and "ut me in custody in the house of the ca"tain of the guard# both me and the chief ba1er#

41Then it came to "ass# at the end

of two full years# that /haraoh had a dream9 and behold# he stood by the river'

we each had a dream in one night# he and 0' ach of us dreamed according to the inter"retation of his own dream'

Now there was a young 2ebrew man with us there# a servant of the ca"tain of

the guard' And we told him# and he inter"reted our dreams for us9 to each man he inter"reted according to his own dream'


Also 0 saw in my dream# and suddenly seven heads came u" on one stal1# full and good'

And it came to "ass# $ust as he inter"reted for us# so it ha""ened' 2e restored me to my office# and he hanged him':

Then behold# seven heads# withered# thin# and blighted by the east wind# s"rang u" after them'

Then /haraoh sent and called Jose"h# and they brought him Guic1ly out of the dungeon9 and he shaved# changed his clothing# and came to /haraoh'

And the thin heads devoured the seven good heads' So 0 told this to the magicians# but there was no one who could e!"lain it to me':

And /haraoh said to Jose"h# :0 have had a dream# and there is no one who can inter"ret it' But 0 have heard it said of you that you can understand a dream# to inter"ret it':

Then Jose"h said to /haraoh# :The dreams of /haraoh are one9 (od has shown /haraoh what 2e is about to do7

The seven good cows are seven years# and the seven good heads are seven years9 the dreams are one'

So Jose"h answered /haraoh# saying# :0t is not in me9 (od will give /haraoh an answer of "eace':

Then /haraoh said to Jose"h7 :Behold# in my dream 0 stood on the ban1 of the river'

And the seven thin and ugly cows which came u" after them are seven years# and the seven em"ty heads blighted by the east wind are seven years of famine'

Suddenly seven cows came u" out of the river# fine loo1ing and fat9 and they fed in the meadow'

This is the thing which 0 have s"o1en to /haraoh' (od has shown /haraoh what 2e is about to do'

0ndeed seven years of great "lenty will come throughout all the land of gy"t9

Then behold# seven other cows came u" after them# "oor and very ugly and gaunt# such ugliness as 0 have never seen in all the land of gy"t'

but after them seven years of famine will arise# and all the "lenty will be forgotten in the land of gy"t9 and the famine will de"lete the land'

And the gaunt and ugly cows ate u" the first seven# the fat cows'

Bhen they had eaten them u"# no one would have 1nown that they had eaten them# for they were $ust as ugly as at the beginning' So 0 awo1e'

So the "lenty will not be 1nown in the land because of the famine following# for it will be very severe'

And the dream was re"eated to /haraoh twice because the thing is established by (od# and (od will shortly bring it to "ass'


:Now therefore# let /haraoh select a discerning and wise man# and set him over the land of gy"t'


And he had him ride in the second chariot which he had9 and they cried out before him# :Bow the 1neeH: So he set him over all the land of gy"t'

)et /haraoh do this# and let him a""oint officers over the land# to collect oneFfifth of the "roduce of the land of gy"t in the seven "lentiful years'

/haraoh also said to Jose"h# :0 am /haraoh# and without your consent no man may lift his hand or foot in all the land of gy"t':

And let them gather all the food of those good years that are coming# and store u" grain under the authority of /haraoh# and let them 1ee" food in the cities'

And /haraoh called Jose"hDs name 5a"hnathF/aaneah' And he gave him as a wife Asenath# the daughter of /otiF /herah "riest of 3n' So Jose"h went out over all the land of gy"t'

Then that food shall be as a reserve for the land for the seven years of famine which shall be in the land of gy"t# that the land may not "erish during the famine':

Jose"h was thirty years old when he stood before /haraoh 1ing of gy"t' And Jose"h went out from the "resence of /haraoh# and went throughout all the land of gy"t'

So the advice was good in the eyes of /haraoh and in the eyes of all his servants'

Now in the seven "lentiful years the ground brought forth abundantly'

And /haraoh said to his servants# :-an we find such a one as this# a man in whom is the S"irit of (odE:

Then /haraoh said to Jose"h# :0nasmuch as (od has shown you all this# there is no one as discerning and wise as you'

So he gathered u" all the food of the seven years which were in the land of gy"t# and laid u" the food in the cities9 he laid u" in every city the food of the fields which surrounded them'

Jose"h gathered very much grain# as the sand of the sea# until he sto""ed counting# for it was immeasurable'

Cou shall be over my house# and all my "eo"le shall be ruled according to your word9 only in regard to the throne will 0 be greater than you':

And to Jose"h were born two sons before the years of famine came# whom Asenath# the daughter of /otiF/herah "riest of 3n# bore to him'

And /haraoh said to Jose"h# :See# 0 have set you over all the land of gy"t':

Then /haraoh too1 his signet ring off his hand and "ut it on Jose"hDs hand9 and he clothed him in garments of fine linen and "ut a gold chain around his nec1'

Jose"h called the name of the firstborn 4anasseh7 :For (od has made me forget all my toil and all my fatherDs house':

And the name of the second he called "hraim7 :For (od has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction':


Then the seven years of "lenty which were in the land of gy"t ended#

"eo"le of the land' And Jose"hDs brothers came and bowed down before him with their faces to the earth'

and the seven years of famine began to come# as Jose"h had said' The famine was in all lands# but in all the land of gy"t there was bread'

So when all the land of gy"t was famished# the "eo"le cried to /haraoh for bread' Then /haraoh said to all the gy"tians# :(o to Jose"h9 whatever he says to you# do':

Jose"h saw his brothers and recogni.ed them# but he acted as a stranger to them and s"o1e roughly to them' Then he said to them# :Bhere do you come fromE: And they said# :From the land of -anaan to buy food':

So Jose"h recogni.ed his brothers# but they did not recogni.e him'

The famine was over all the face of the earth# and Jose"h o"ened all the storehouses and sold to the gy"tians' And the famine became severe in the land of gy"t'

Then Jose"h remembered the dreams which he had dreamed about them# and said to them# :Cou are s"iesH Cou have come to see the na1edness of the landH:

So all countries came to Jose"h in gy"t to buy grain# because the famine was severe in all lands'

And they said to him# :No# my lord# but your servants have come to buy food'

42Bhen Jacob saw that there was

grain in gy"t# Jacob said to his sons# :Bhy do you loo1 at one anotherE:

Be are all one manDs sons9 we are honest men9 your servants are not s"ies':

But he said to them# :No# but you have come to see the na1edness of the land':

And he said# :0ndeed 0 have heard that there is grain in gy"t9 go down to that "lace and buy for us there# that we may live and not die':

And they said# :Cour servants are twelve brothers# the sons of one man in the land of -anaan9 and in fact# the youngest is with our father today# and one is no more':

So Jose"hDs ten brothers went down to buy grain in gy"t'


But Jose"h said to them# :0t is as 0 s"o1e to you# saying# :Cou are s"iesHD

But Jacob did not send Jose"hDs brother Ben$amin with his brothers# for he said# :)est some calamity befall him':

And the sons of 0srael went to buy grain among those who $ourneyed# for the famine was in the land of -anaan'

0n this manner you shall be tested7 By the life of /haraoh# you shall not leave this "lace unless your youngest brother comes here'

Now Jose"h was governor over the land9 and it was he who sold to all the

Send one of you# and let him bring your brother9 and you shall be 1e"t in "rison# that your words may be tested to see whether there is any truth in you9 or

else# by the life of /haraoh# surely you are s"iesH:



So they loaded their don1eys with the grain and de"arted from there'

So he "ut them all together in "rison three days'


Then Jose"h said to them the third day# :*o this and live# for 0 fear (od7

But as one of them o"ened his sac1 to give his don1ey feed at the encam"ment# he saw his money9 and there it was# in the mouth of his sac1'

0f you are honest men# let one of your brothers be confined to your "rison house9 but you# go and carry grain for the famine of your houses'

So he said to his brothers# :4y money has been restored# and there it is# in my sac1H: Then their hearts failed them and they were afraid# saying to one another# :Bhat is this that (od has done to usE:

And bring your youngest brother to me9 so your words will be verified# and you shall not die': And they did so'

Then they went to Jacob their father in the land of -anaan and told him all that had ha""ened to them# saying7

Then they said to one another# :Be are truly guilty concerning our brother# for we saw the anguish of his soul when he "leaded with us# and we would not hear9 therefore this distress has come u"on us':

:The man who is lord of the land s"o1e roughly to us# and too1 us for s"ies of the country'

But we said to him# :Be are honest men9 we are not s"ies'

And +euben answered them# saying# :*id 0 not s"ea1 to you# saying# :*o not sin against the boyD9 and you would not listenE Therefore behold# his blood is now reGuired of us':

Be are twelve brothers# sons of our father9 one is no more# and the youngest is with our father this day in the land of -anaan'D

But they did not 1now that Jose"h understood them# for he s"o1e to them through an inter"reter'

And he turned himself away from them and we"t' Then he returned to them again# and tal1ed with them' And he too1 Simeon from them and bound him before their eyes'

Then the man# the lord of the country# said to us# :By this 0 will 1now that you are honest men7 )eave one of your brothers here with me# ta1e food for the famine of your households# and be gone'

Then Jose"h gave a command to fill their sac1s with grain# to restore every manDs money to his sac1# and to give them "rovisions for the $ourney' Thus he did for them'

And bring your youngest brother to me9 so 0 shall 1now that you are not s"ies# but that you are honest men' 0 will grant your brother to you# and you may trade in the land':D

Then it ha""ened as they em"tied their sac1s# that sur"risingly each manDs bundle of money was in his sac19 and when they and their father saw the bundles of money# they were afraid'


And Jacob their father said to them# :Cou have bereaved me7 Jose"h is no more# Simeon is no more# and you want to ta1e Ben$amin' All these things are against me':

2ave you another brotherED And we told him according to these words' -ould we "ossibly have 1nown that he would say# :Bring your brother downDE:

Then +euben s"o1e to his father# saying# :Kill my two sons if 0 do not bring him bac1 to you9 "ut him in my hands# and 0 will bring him bac1 to you':

Then Judah said to 0srael his father# :Send the lad with me# and we will arise and go# that we may live and not die# both we and you and also our little ones'

But he said# :4y son shall not go down with you# for his brother is dead# and he is left alone' 0f any calamity should befall him along the way in which you go# then you would bring down my gray hair with sorrow to the grave':

0 myself will be surety for him9 from my hand you shall reGuire him' 0f 0 do not bring him bac1 to you and set him before you# then let me bear the blame forever'

43Now the famine was severe in the


For if we had not lingered# surely by now we would have returned this second time':

And it came to "ass# when they had eaten u" the grain which they had brought from gy"t# that their father said to them# :(o bac1# buy us a little food':

And their father 0srael said to them# :0f it must be so# then do this7 Ta1e some of the best fruits of the land in your vessels and carry down a "resent for the manFFa little balm and a little honey# s"ices and myrrh# "istachio nuts and almonds'

But Judah s"o1e to him# saying# :The man solemnly warned us# saying# :Cou shall not see my face unless your brother is with you'D

Ta1e double money in your hand# and ta1e bac1 in your hand the money that was returned in the mouth of your sac1s9 "erha"s it was an oversight'

0f you send our brother with us# we will go down and buy you food'

Ta1e your brother also# and arise# go bac1 to the man'


But if you will not send him# we will not go down9 for the man said to us# :Cou shall not see my face unless your brother is with you':D

And may (od Almighty give you mercy before the man# that he may release your other brother and Ben$amin' 0f 0 am bereaved# 0 am bereavedH:

And 0srael said# :Bhy did you deal so wrongfully with me as to tell the man whether you had still another brotherE:

But they said# :The man as1ed us "ointedly about ourselves and our family# saying# :0s your father still aliveE

So the men too1 that "resent and Ben$amin# and they too1 double money in their hand# and arose and went down to gy"t9 and they stood before Jose"h'

Bhen Jose"h saw Ben$amin with them# he said to the steward of his

house# :Ta1e these men to my home# and slaughter an animal and ma1e ready9 for these men will dine with me at noon':


Then they made the "resent ready for Jose"hDs coming at noon# for they heard that they would eat bread there'

Then the man did as Jose"h ordered# and the man brought the men into Jose"hDs house'

And when Jose"h came home# they brought him the "resent which was in their hand into the house# and bowed down before him to the earth'

Now the men were afraid because they were brought into Jose"hDs house9 and they said# :0t is because of the money# which was returned in our sac1s the first time# that we are brought in# so that he may ma1e a case against us and sei.e us# to ta1e us as slaves with our don1eys':

Then he as1ed them about their wellF being# and said# :0s your father well# the old man of whom you s"o1eE 0s he still aliveE:

And they answered# :Cour servant our father is in good health9 he is still alive': And they bowed their heads down and "rostrated themselves'

Bhen they drew near to the steward of Jose"hDs house# they tal1ed with him at the door of the house#

and said# :3 sir# we indeed came down the first time to buy food9

Then he lifted his eyes and saw his brother Ben$amin# his motherDs son# and said# :0s this your younger brother of whom you s"o1e to meE: And he said# :(od be gracious to you# my son':

but it ha""ened# when we came to the encam"ment# that we o"ened our sac1s# and there# each manDs money was in the mouth of his sac1# our money in full weight9 so we have brought it bac1 in our hand'

Now his heart yearned for his brother9 so Jose"h made haste and sought somewhere to wee"' And he went into his chamber and we"t there'

And we have brought down other money in our hands to buy food' Be do not 1now who "ut our money in our sac1s':

Then he washed his face and came out9 and he restrained himself# and said# :Serve the bread':

But he said# :/eace be with you# do not be afraid' Cour (od and the (od of your father has given you treasure in your sac1s9 0 had your money': Then he brought Simeon out to them'

So they set him a "lace by himself# and them by themselves# and the gy"tians who ate with him by themselves9 because the gy"tians could not eat food with the 2ebrews# for that is an abomination to the gy"tians'

So the man brought the men into Jose"hDs house and gave them water# and they washed their feet9 and he gave their don1eys feed'

And they sat before him# the firstborn according to his birthright and the youngest according to his youth9 and the men loo1ed in astonishment at one another'


Then he too1 servings to them from before him# but Ben$aminDs serving was five times as much as any of theirs' So they dran1 and were merry with him'

Bith whomever of your servants it is found# let him die# and we also will be my lordDs slaves':

44And he commanded the steward

of his house# saying# :Fill the menDs sac1s with food# as much as they can carry# and "ut each manDs money in the mouth of his sac1'

And he said# :Now also let it be according to your words9 he with whom it is found shall be my slave# and you shall be blameless':

Then each man s"eedily let down his sac1 to the ground# and each o"ened his sac1'

Also "ut my cu"# the silver cu"# in the mouth of the sac1 of the youngest# and his grain money': So he did according to the word that Jose"h had s"o1en'

So he searched' 2e began with the oldest and left off with the youngest9 and the cu" was found in Ben$aminDs sac1'

As soon as the morning dawned# the men were sent away# they and their don1eys'

Then they tore their clothes# and each man loaded his don1ey and returned to the city'

Bhen they had gone out of the city# and were not yet far off# Jose"h said to his steward# :(et u"# follow the men9 and when you overta1e them# say to them# :Bhy have you re"aid evil for goodE

So Judah and his brothers came to Jose"hDs house# and he was still there9 and they fell before him on the ground'

0s not this the one from which my lord drin1s# and with which he indeed "ractices divinationE Cou have done evil in so doing':D

And Jose"h said to them# :Bhat deed is this you have doneE *id you not 1now that such a man as 0 can certainly "ractice divinationE:

So he overtoo1 them# and he s"o1e to them these same words'


And they said to him# :Bhy does my lord say these wordsE Far be it from us that your servants should do such a thing'

Then Judah said# :Bhat shall we say to my lordE Bhat shall we s"ea1E 3r how shall we clear ourselvesE (od has found out the iniGuity of your servants9 here we are# my lordDs slaves# both we and he also with whom the cu" was found':

)oo1# we brought bac1 to you from the land of -anaan the money which we found in the mouth of our sac1s' 2ow then could we steal silver or gold from your lordDs houseE

But he said# :Far be it from me that 0 should do so9 the man in whose hand the cu" was found# he shall be my slave' And as for you# go u" in "eace to your father':

Then Judah came near to him and said7 :3 my lord# "lease let your servant s"ea1 a word in my lordDs hearing# and

do not let your anger burn against your servant9 for you are even li1e /haraoh'

down my gray hair with sorrow to the grave'D


4y lord as1ed his servants# saying# :2ave you a father or a brotherED


And we said to my lord# :Be have a father# an old man# and a child of his old age# who is young9 his brother is dead# and he alone is left of his motherDs children# and his father loves him'D

:Now therefore# when 0 come to your servant my father# and the lad is not with us# since his life is bound u" in the ladDs life#

Then you said to your servants# :Bring him down to me# that 0 may set my eyes on him'D

it will ha""en# when he sees that the lad is not with us# that he will die' So your servants will bring down the gray hair of your servant our father with sorrow to the grave'

And we said to my lord# :The lad cannot leave his father# for if he should leave his father# his father would die'D

For your servant became surety for the lad to my father# saying# :0f 0 do not bring him bac1 to you# then 0 shall bear the blame before my father forever'D

But you said to your servants# :Anless your youngest brother comes down with you# you shall see my face no more'D

Now therefore# "lease let your servant remain instead of the lad as a slave to my lord# and let the lad go u" with his brothers'

:So it was# when we went u" to your servant my father# that we told him the words of my lord'

For how shall 0 go u" to my father if the lad is not with me# lest "erha"s 0 see the evil that would come u"on my fatherE:

And our father said# :(o bac1 and buy us a little food'D

45Then Jose"h could not restrain

himself before all those who stood by him# and he cried out# :4a1e everyone go out from meH: So no one stood with him while Jose"h made himself 1nown to his brothers'

But we said# :Be cannot go down9 if our youngest brother is with us# then we will go down9 for we may not see the manDs face unless our youngest brother is with us'D

Then your servant my father said to us# :Cou 1now that my wife bore me two sons9

And he we"t aloud# and the gy"tians and the house of /haraoh heard it'

and the one went out from me# and 0 said# :Surely he is torn to "ieces:9 and 0 have not seen him since'

Then Jose"h said to his brothers# :0 am Jose"h9 does my father still liveE: But his brothers could not answer him# for they were dismayed in his "resence'

But if you ta1e this one also from me# and calamity befalls him# you shall bring

And Jose"h said to his brothers# :/lease come near to me': So they came near' Then he said7 :0 am Jose"h your brother# whom you sold into gy"t'

seen9 and you shall hurry and bring my father down here':

But now# do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here9 for (od sent me before you to "reserve life'

Then he fell on his brother Ben$aminDs nec1 and we"t# and Ben$amin we"t on his nec1'

4oreover he 1issed all his brothers and we"t over them# and after that his brothers tal1ed with him'

For these two years the famine has been in the land# and there are still five years in which there will be neither "lowing nor harvesting'

Now the re"ort of it was heard in /haraohDs house# saying# :Jose"hDs brothers have come': So it "leased /haraoh and his servants well'

And (od sent me before you to "reserve a "osterity for you in the earth# and to save your lives by a great deliverance'

And /haraoh said to Jose"h# :Say to your brothers# :*o this7 )oad your animals and de"art9 go to the land of -anaan'

So now it was not you who sent me here# but (od9 and 2e has made me a father to /haraoh# and lord of all his house# and a ruler throughout all the land of gy"t'

Bring your father and your households and come to me9 0 will give you the best of the land of gy"t# and you will eat the fat of the land'

:2urry and go u" to my father# and say to him# :Thus says your son Jose"h7 :(od has made me lord of all gy"t9 come down to me# do not tarry'

Now you are commandedFFdo this7 Ta1e carts out of the land of gy"t for your little ones and your wives9 bring your father and come'

Cou shall dwell in the land of (oshen# and you shall be near to me# you and your children# your childrenDs children# your floc1s and your herds# and all that you have'

Also do not be concerned about your goods# for the best of all the land of gy"t is yours':D

There 0 will "rovide for you# lest you and your household# and all that you have# come to "overty9 for there are still five years of famine':D

Then the sons of 0srael did so9 and Jose"h gave them carts# according to the command of /haraoh# and he gave them "rovisions for the $ourney'

:And behold# your eyes and the eyes of my brother Ben$amin see that it is my mouth that s"ea1s to you'

2e gave to all of them# to each man# changes of garments9 but to Ben$amin he gave three hundred "ieces of silver and five changes of garments'

So you shall tell my father of all my glory in gy"t# and of all that you have

And he sent to his father these things7 ten don1eys loaded with the good things

of gy"t# and ten female don1eys loaded with grain# bread# and food for his father for the $ourney'


So he sent his brothers away# and they de"arted9 and he said to them# :See that you do not become troubled along the way':

Then Jacob arose from Beersheba9 and the sons of 0srael carried their father Jacob# their little ones# and their wives# in the carts which /haraoh had sent to carry him'

Then they went u" out of gy"t# and came to the land of -anaan to Jacob their father'

So they too1 their livestoc1 and their goods# which they had acGuired in the land of -anaan# and went to gy"t# Jacob and all his descendants with him'

And they told him# saying# :Jose"h is still alive# and he is governor over all the land of gy"t': And JacobDs heart stood still# because he did not believe them'

2is sons and his sonsD sons# his daughters and his sonsD daughters# and all his descendants he brought with him to gy"t'

But when they told him all the words which Jose"h had said to them# and when he saw the carts which Jose"h had sent to carry him# the s"irit of Jacob their father revived'

Now these were the names of the children of 0srael# Jacob and his sons# who went to gy"t7 +euben was JacobDs firstborn'

The sons of +euben were 2anoch# /allu# 2e.ron# and -armi'


Then 0srael said# :0t is enough' Jose"h my son is still alive' 0 will go and see him before 0 die':

The sons of Simeon were Jemuel# Jamin# 3had# Jachin# 5ohar# and Shaul# the son of a -anaanite woman'

46So 0srael too1 his $ourney with all

that he had# and came to Beersheba# and offered sacrifices to the (od of his father 0saac'

The sons of )evi were (ershon# Kohath# and 4erari'


Then (od s"o1e to 0srael in the visions of the night# and said# :Jacob# JacobH: And he said# :2ere 0 am':

The sons of Judah were r# 3nan# Shelah# /ere.# and 5erah Ibut r and 3nan died in the land of -anaanJ' The sons of /ere. were 2e.ron and 2amul'

The sons of 0ssachar were Tola# /uvah# Job# and Shimron'


So 2e said# :0 am (od# the (od of your father9 do not fear to go down to gy"t# for 0 will ma1e of you a great nation there'

The sons of 5ebulun were Sered# lon# and Jahleel'


0 will go down with you to gy"t# and 0 will also surely bring you u" again9 and Jose"h will "ut his hand on your eyes':

These were the sons of )eah# whom she bore to Jacob in /adan Aram# with his daughter *inah' All the "ersons# his sons and his daughters# were thirtyF three'


The sons of (ad were 5i"hion# 2aggi# Shuni# .bon# ri# Arodi# and Areli'


The sons of Asher were Jimnah# 0shuah# 0sui# Beriah# and Serah# their sister' And the sons of Beriah were 2eber and 4alchiel'

And the sons of Jose"h who were born to him in gy"t were two "ersons' All the "ersons of the house of Jacob who went to gy"t were seventy'

These were the sons of 5il"ah# whom )aban gave to )eah his daughter9 and these she bore to Jacob7 si!teen "ersons'

Then he sent Judah before him to Jose"h# to "oint out before him the way to (oshen' And they came to the land of (oshen'

The sons of +achel# JacobDs wife# were Jose"h and Ben$amin'


So Jose"h made ready his chariot and went u" to (oshen to meet his father 0srael9 and he "resented himself to him# and fell on his nec1 and we"t on his nec1 a good while'

And to Jose"h in the land of gy"t were born 4anasseh and "hraim# whom Asenath# the daughter of /otiF /herah "riest of 3n# bore to him'

And 0srael said to Jose"h# :Now let me die# since 0 have seen your face# because you are still alive':

The sons of Ben$amin were Belah# Becher# Ashbel# (era# Naaman# hi# +osh# 4u""im# 2u""im# and Ard'

These were the sons of +achel# who were born to Jacob7 fourteen "ersons in all'

Then Jose"h said to his brothers and to his fatherDs household# :0 will go u" and tell /haraoh# and say to him# :4y brothers and those of my fatherDs house# who were in the land of -anaan# have come to me'

The son of *an was 2ushim'

And the men are she"herds# for their occu"ation has been to feed livestoc19 and they have brought their floc1s# their herds# and all that they have'D


The sons of Na"htali were Jah.eel# (uni# and Shillem'


So it shall be# when /haraoh calls you and says# :Bhat is your occu"ationED

These were the sons of Bilhah# whom )aban gave to +achel his daughter# and she bore these to Jacob7 seven "ersons in all'

All the "ersons who went with Jacob to gy"t# who came from his body# besides JacobDs sonsD wives# were si!tyFsi! "ersons in all'

that you shall say# :Cour servantsD occu"ation has been with livestoc1 from our youth even till now# both we and also our fathers#D that you may dwell in the land of (oshen9 for every she"herd is an abomination to the gy"tians':


Jose"h went and told /haraoh# and said# :4y father and my brothers# their floc1s and their herds and all that they "ossess# have come from

the land of -anaan9 and indeed they are in the land of (oshen':


So Jacob blessed /haraoh# and went out from before /haraoh'


And he too1 five men from among his brothers and "resented them to /haraoh'

Then /haraoh said to his brothers# :Bhat is your occu"ationE: And they said to /haraoh# :Cour servants are she"herds# both we and also our fathers':

And Jose"h situated his father and his brothers# and gave them a "ossession in the land of gy"t# in the best of the land# in the land of +ameses# as /haraoh had commanded'

Then Jose"h "rovided his father# his brothers# and all his fatherDs household with bread# according to the number in their families'

And they said to /haraoh# :Be have come to dwell in the land# because your servants have no "asture for their floc1s# for the famine is severe in the land of -anaan' Now therefore# "lease let your servants dwell in the land of (oshen':

Now there was no bread in all the land9 for the famine was very severe# so that the land of gy"t and the land of -anaan languished because of the famine'

Then /haraoh s"o1e to Jose"h# saying# :Cour father and your brothers have come to you'

And Jose"h gathered u" all the money that was found in the land of gy"t and in the land of -anaan# for the grain which they bought9 and Jose"h brought the money into /haraohDs house'

The land of gy"t is before you' 2ave your father and brothers dwell in the best of the land9 let them dwell in the land of (oshen' And if you 1now any com"etent men among them# then ma1e them chief herdsmen over my livestoc1':

So when the money failed in the land of gy"t and in the land of -anaan# all the gy"tians came to Jose"h and said# :(ive us bread# for why should we die in your "resenceE For the money has failed':

Then Jose"h brought in his father Jacob and set him before /haraoh9 and Jacob blessed /haraoh'

Then Jose"h said# :(ive your livestoc1# and 0 will give you bread for your livestoc1# if the money is gone':

/haraoh said to Jacob# :2ow old are youE:


And Jacob said to /haraoh# :The days of the years of my "ilgrimage are one hundred and thirty years9 few and evil have been the days of the years of my life# and they have not attained to the days of the years of the life of my fathers in the days of their "ilgrimage':

So they brought their livestoc1 to Jose"h# and Jose"h gave them bread in e!change for the horses# the floc1s# the cattle of the herds# and for the don1eys' Thus he fed them with bread in e!change for all their livestoc1 that year'

Bhen that year had ended# they came to him the ne!t year and said to him# :Be will not hide from my lord that our money is gone9 my lord also has our

herds of livestoc1' There is nothing left in the sight of my lord but our bodies and our lands'


So 0srael dwelt in the land of gy"t# in the country of (oshen9 and they had "ossessions there and grew and multi"lied e!ceedingly'

Bhy should we die before your eyes# both we and our landE Buy us and our land for bread# and we and our land will be servants of /haraoh9 give us seed# that we may live and not die# that the land may not be desolate':

And Jacob lived in the land of gy"t seventeen years' So the length of JacobDs life was one hundred and fortyF seven years'

Then Jose"h bought all the land of gy"t for /haraoh9 for every man of the gy"tians sold his field# because the famine was severe u"on them' So the land became /haraohDs'

Bhen the time drew near that 0srael must die# he called his son Jose"h and said to him# :Now if 0 have found favor in your sight# "lease "ut your hand under my thigh# and deal 1indly and truly with me' /lease do not bury me in gy"t#

And as for the "eo"le# he moved them into the cities# from one end of the borders of gy"t to the other end'

but let me lie with my fathers9 you shall carry me out of gy"t and bury me in their burial "lace': And he said# :0 will do as you have said':

3nly the land of the "riests he did not buy9 for the "riests had rations allotted to them by /haraoh# and they ate their rations which /haraoh gave them9 therefore they did not sell their lands'

Then he said# :Swear to me': And he swore to him' So 0srael bowed himself on the head of the bed'

Then Jose"h said to the "eo"le# :0ndeed 0 have bought you and your land this day for /haraoh' )oo1# here is seed for you# and you shall sow the land'

48Now it came to "ass after these

things that Jose"h was told# :0ndeed your father is sic1:9 and he too1 with him his two sons# 4anasseh and "hraim'

And it shall come to "ass in the harvest that you shall give oneFfifth to /haraoh' FourFfifths shall be your own# as seed for the field and for your food# for those of your households and as food for your little ones':

And Jacob was told# :)oo1# your son Jose"h is coming to you:9 and 0srael strengthened himself and sat u" on the bed'

So they said# :Cou have saved our lives9 let us find favor in the sight of my lord# and we will be /haraohDs servants':

Then Jacob said to Jose"h7 :(od Almighty a""eared to me at )u. in the land of -anaan and blessed me#

And Jose"h made it a law over the land of gy"t to this day# that /haraoh should have oneFfifth# e!ce"t for the land of the "riests only# which did not become /haraohDs'

and said to me# :Behold# 0 will ma1e you fruitful and multi"ly you# and 0 will ma1e of you a multitude of "eo"le# and give this land to your descendants after you as an everlasting "ossession'D


And now your two sons# "hraim and 4anasseh# who were born to you in the land of gy"t before 0 came to you in gy"t# are mine9 as +euben and Simeon# they shall be mine'

4anassehDs head# guiding his hands 1nowingly# for 4anasseh was the firstborn'

Cour offs"ring whom you beget after them shall be yours9 they will be called by the name of their brothers in their inheritance'

And he blessed Jose"h# and said7 :(od# before whom my fathers Abraham and 0saac wal1ed# The (od who has fed me all my life long to this day#

But as for me# when 0 came from /adan# +achel died beside me in the land of -anaan on the way# when there was but a little distance to go to "hrath9 and 0 buried her there on the way to "hrath Ithat is# BethlehemJ':

The Angel who has redeemed me from all evil# Bless the lads9 )et my name be named u"on them# And the name of my fathers Abraham and 0saac9 And let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth':

Then 0srael saw Jose"hDs sons# and said# :Bho are theseE:

Jose"h said to his father# :They are my sons# whom (od has given me in this "lace': And he said# :/lease bring them to me# and 0 will bless them':

Now when Jose"h saw that his father laid his right hand on the head of "hraim# it dis"leased him9 so he too1 hold of his fatherDs hand to remove it from "hraimDs head to 4anassehDs head'

And Jose"h said to his father# :Not so# my father# for this one is the firstborn9 "ut your right hand on his head':

Now the eyes of 0srael were dim with age# so that he could not see' Then Jose"h brought them near him# and he 1issed them and embraced them'

And 0srael said to Jose"h# :0 had not thought to see your face9 but in fact# (od has also shown me your offs"ringH:

But his father refused and said# :0 1now# my son# 0 1now' 2e also shall become a "eo"le# and he also shall be great9 but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he# and his descendants shall become a multitude of nations':

So Jose"h brought them from beside his 1nees# and he bowed down with his face to the earth'

So he blessed them that day# saying# :By you 0srael will bless# saying# :4ay (od ma1e you as "hraim and as 4anassehH:D And thus he set "hraim before 4anasseh'

And Jose"h too1 them both# "hraim with his right hand toward 0sraelDs left hand# and 4anasseh with his left hand toward 0sraelDs right hand# and brought them near him'

Then 0srael said to Jose"h# :Behold# 0 am dying# but (od will be with you and bring you bac1 to the land of your fathers'

Then 0srael stretched out his right hand and laid it on "hraimDs head# who was the younger# and his left hand on

4oreover 0 have given to you one "ortion above your brothers# which 0

too1 from the hand of the Amorite with my sword and my bow':


49And Jacob called his sons and

said# :(ather together# that 0 may tell you what shall befall you in the last days7

The sce"ter shall not de"art from Judah# Nor a lawgiver from between his feet# Antil Shiloh comes9 And to 2im shall be the obedience of the "eo"le'

Binding his don1ey to the vine# And his don1eyDs colt to the choice vine# 2e washed his garments in wine# And his clothes in the blood of gra"es'

:(ather together and hear# you sons of Jacob# And listen to 0srael your father'

2is eyes are dar1er than wine# And his teeth whiter than mil1'

:+euben# you are my firstborn# 4y might and the beginning of my strength# The e!cellency of dignity and the e!cellency of "ower'

:5ebulun shall dwell by the haven of the sea9 2e shall become a haven for shi"s# And his border shall ad$oin Sidon'

Anstable as water# you shall not e!cel# Because you went u" to your fatherDs bed9 Then you defiled itFF 2e went u" to my couch'

:0ssachar is a strong don1ey# )ying down between two burdens9


:Simeon and )evi are brothers9 0nstruments of cruelty are in their dwelling "lace'

2e saw that rest was good# And that the land was "leasant9 2e bowed his shoulder to bear a burden# And became a band of slaves'

)et not my soul enter their council9 )et not my honor be united to their assembly9 For in their anger they slew a man# And in their selfFwill they hamstrung an o!'

:*an shall $udge his "eo"le As one of the tribes of 0srael'


*an shall be a ser"ent by the way# A vi"er by the "ath# That bites the horseDs heels So that its rider shall fall bac1ward'

-ursed be their anger# for it is fierce9 And their wrath# for it is cruelH 0 will divide them in Jacob And scatter them in 0srael'

0 have waited for your salvation# 3 )3+*H


:Judah# you are he whom your brothers shall "raise9 Cour hand shall be on the nec1 of your enemies9 Cour fatherDs children shall bow down before you'

:(ad# a troo" shall tram" u"on him# But he shall trium"h at last'

:Bread from Asher shall be rich# And he shall yield royal dainties'

Judah is a lionDs whel"9 From the "rey# my son# you have gone u"' 2e bows down# he lies down as a lion9 And as a lion# who shall rouse himE

:Na"htali is a deer let loose9 2e uses beautiful words'


:Jose"h is a fruitful bough# A fruitful bough by a well9 2is branches run over the wall'


There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife# there they buried 0saac and +ebe1ah his wife# and there 0 buried )eah'

The archers have bitterly grieved him# Shot at him and hated him'

The field and the cave that is there were "urchased from the sons of 2eth':

But his bow remained in strength# And the arms of his hands were made strong By the hands of the 4ighty (od of Jacob IFrom there is the She"herd# the Stone of 0sraelJ#

And when Jacob had finished commanding his sons# he drew his feet u" into the bed and breathed his last# and was gathered to his "eo"le'

By the (od of your father who will hel" you# And by the Almighty who will bless you Bith blessings of heaven above# Blessings of the dee" that lies beneath# Blessings of the breasts and of the womb'

50Then Jose"h fell on his fatherDs

face and we"t over him# and 1issed him'

The blessings of your father 2ave e!celled the blessings of my ancestors# A" to the utmost bound of the everlasting hills' They shall be on the head of Jose"h# And on the crown of the head of him who was se"arate from his brothers'

And Jose"h commanded his servants the "hysicians to embalm his father' So the "hysicians embalmed 0srael'

Forty days were reGuired for him# for such are the days reGuired for those who are embalmed9 and the gy"tians mourned for him seventy days'

:Ben$amin is a ravenous wolf9 0n the morning he shall devour the "rey# And at night he shall divide the s"oil':

Now when the days of his mourning were "ast# Jose"h s"o1e to the household of /haraoh# saying# :0f now 0 have found favor in your eyes# "lease s"ea1 in the hearing of /haraoh# saying#

All these are the twelve tribes of 0srael# and this is what their father s"o1e to them' And he blessed them9 he blessed each one according to his own blessing'

Then he charged them and said to them7 :0 am to be gathered to my "eo"le9 bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of "hron the 2ittite#

:4y father made me swear# saying# :Behold# 0 am dying9 in my grave which 0 dug for myself in the land of -anaan# there you shall bury me': Now therefore# "lease let me go u" and bury my father# and 0 will come bac1':D

And /haraoh said# :(o u" and bury your father# as he made you swear':

in the cave that is in the field of 4ach"elah# which is before 4amre in the land of -anaan# which Abraham bought with the field of "hron the 2ittite as a "ossession for a burial "lace'

So Jose"h went u" to bury his father9 and with him went u" all the servants of /haraoh# the elders of his house# and all the elders of the land of gy"t#


as well as all the house of Jose"h# his brothers# and his fatherDs house' 3nly their little ones# their floc1s# and their herds they left in the land of (oshen'


And there went u" with him both chariots and horsemen# and it was a very great gathering'

:Thus you shall say to Jose"h7 :0 beg you# "lease forgive the tres"ass of your brothers and their sin9 for they did evil to you':D Now# "lease# forgive the tres"ass of the servants of the (od of your father': And Jose"h we"t when they s"o1e to him'

Then they came to the threshing floor of Atad# which is beyond the Jordan# and they mourned there with a great and very solemn lamentation' 2e observed seven days of mourning for his father'

Then his brothers also went and fell down before his face# and they said# :Behold# we are your servants':

Jose"h said to them# :*o not be afraid# for am 0 in the "lace of (odE

And when the inhabitants of the land# the -anaanites# saw the mourning at the threshing floor of Atad# they said# :This is a dee" mourning of the gy"tians': Therefore its name was called Abel 4i.raim# which is beyond the Jordan'

But as for you# you meant evil against me9 but (od meant it for good# in order to bring it about as it is this day# to save many "eo"le alive'

So his sons did for him $ust as he had commanded them'


Now therefore# do not be afraid9 0 will "rovide for you and your little ones': And he comforted them and s"o1e 1indly to them'

For his sons carried him to the land of -anaan# and buried him in the cave of the field of 4ach"elah# before 4amre# which Abraham bought with the field from "hron the 2ittite as "ro"erty for a burial "lace'

So Jose"h dwelt in gy"t# he and his fatherDs household' And Jose"h lived one hundred and ten years'

Jose"h saw "hraimDs children to the third generation' The children of 4achir# the son of 4anasseh# were also brought u" on Jose"hDs 1nees'

And after he had buried his father# Jose"h returned to gy"t# he and his brothers and all who went u" with him to bury his father'

Bhen Jose"hDs brothers saw that their father was dead# they said# :/erha"s Jose"h will hate us# and may actually re"ay us for all the evil which we did to him':

And Jose"h said to his brethren# :0 am dying9 but (od will surely visit you# and bring you out of this land to the land of which 2e swore to Abraham# to 0saac# and to Jacob':

Then Jose"h too1 an oath from the children of 0srael# saying# :(od will surely visit you# and you shall carry u" my bones from here':

So they sent messengers to Jose"h# saying# :Before your father died he commanded# saying#

So Jose"h died# being one hundred and ten years old9 and they embalmed him# and he was "ut in a coffin in gy"t'

Exodus 1Now these are the names of the

children of 0srael who came to gy"t9 each man and his household came with Jacob7
, %,

But the more they afflicted them# the more they multi"lied and grew' And they were in dread of the children of 0srael'

So the gy"tians made the children of 0srael serve with rigor'


+euben# Simeon# )evi# and Judah9 0ssachar# 5ebulun# and Ben$amin9 *an# Na"htali# (ad# and Asher'

And they made their lives bitter with hard bondageFFin mortar# in bric1# and in all manner of service in the field' All their service in which they made them serve was with rigor'


All those who were descendants of Jacob were seventy "ersons Ifor Jose"h was in gy"t alreadyJ'

And Jose"h died# all his brothers# and all that generation'

Then the 1ing of gy"t s"o1e to the 2ebrew midwives# of whom the name of one was Shi"hrah and the name of the other /uah9

But the children of 0srael were fruitful and increased abundantly# multi"lied and grew e!ceedingly mighty9 and the land was filled with them'

and he said# :Bhen you do the duties of a midwife for the 2ebrew women# and see them on the birthstools# if it is a son# then you shall 1ill him9 but if it is a daughter# then she shall live':

Now there arose a new 1ing over gy"t# who did not 1now Jose"h'

But the midwives feared (od# and did not do as the 1ing of gy"t commanded them# but saved the male children alive'

And he said to his "eo"le# :)oo1# the "eo"le of the children of 0srael are more and mightier than we9

So the 1ing of gy"t called for the midwives and said to them# :Bhy have you done this thing# and saved the male children aliveE:

come# let us deal shrewdly with them# lest they multi"ly# and it ha""en# in the event of war# that they also $oin our enemies and fight against us# and so go u" out of the land':

And the midwives said to /haraoh# :Because the 2ebrew women are not li1e the gy"tian women9 for they are lively and give birth before the midwives come to them':

Therefore they set tas1masters over them to afflict them with their burdens' And they built for /haraoh su""ly cities# /ithom and +aamses'

Therefore (od dealt well with the midwives# and the "eo"le multi"lied and grew very mighty'


And so it was# because the midwives feared (od# that 2e "rovided households for them'

So /haraoh commanded all his "eo"le# saying# : very son who is born you shall cast into the river# and every daughter you shall save alive':

Then /haraohDs daughter said to her# :Ta1e this child away and nurse him for me# and 0 will give you your wages': So the woman too1 the child and nursed him'

2And a man of the house of )evi went

and too1 as wife a daughter of )evi'

And the child grew# and she brought him to /haraohDs daughter# and he became her son' So she called his name 4oses# saying# :Because 0 drew him out of the water':

So the woman conceived and bore a son' And when she saw that he was a beautiful child# she hid him three months'

Now it came to "ass in those days# when 4oses was grown# that he went out to his brethren and loo1ed at their burdens' And he saw an gy"tian beating a 2ebrew# one of his brethren'

But when she could no longer hide him# she too1 an ar1 of bulrushes for him# daubed it with as"halt and "itch# "ut the child in it# and laid it in the reeds by the riverDs ban1'

So he loo1ed this way and that way# and when he saw no one# he 1illed the gy"tian and hid him in the sand'

And his sister stood afar off# to 1now what would be done to him'

And when he went out the second day# behold# two 2ebrew men were fighting# and he said to the one who did the wrong# :Bhy are you stri1ing your com"anionE:

Then the daughter of /haraoh came down to bathe at the river' And her maidens wal1ed along the riverside9 and when she saw the ar1 among the reeds# she sent her maid to get it'

Then he said# :Bho made you a "rince and a $udge over usE *o you intend to 1ill me as you 1illed the gy"tianE: So 4oses feared and said# :Surely this thing is 1nownH:

And when she o"ened it# she saw the child# and behold# the baby we"t' So she had com"assion on him# and said# :This is one of the 2ebrewsD children':

Then his sister said to /haraohDs daughter# :Shall 0 go and call a nurse for you from the 2ebrew women# that she may nurse the child for youE:

Bhen /haraoh heard of this matter# he sought to 1ill 4oses' But 4oses fled from the face of /haraoh and dwelt in the land of 4idian9 and he sat down by a well'

And /haraohDs daughter said to her# :(o': So the maiden went and called the childDs mother'

Now the "riest of 4idian had seven daughters' And they came and drew water# and they filled the troughs to water their fatherDs floc1'

Then the she"herds came and drove them away9 but 4oses stood u" and hel"ed them# and watered their floc1'


Bhen they came to +euel their father# he said# :2ow is it that you have come so soon todayE:

And they said# :An gy"tian delivered us from the hand of the she"herds# and he also drew enough water for us and watered the floc1':

And the Angel of the )3+* a""eared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush' So he loo1ed# and behold# the bush was burning with fire# but the bush was not consumed'

Then 4oses said# :0 will now turn aside and see this great sight# why the bush does not burn':

So he said to his daughters# :And where is heE Bhy is it that you have left the manE -all him# that he may eat bread':

So when the )3+* saw that he turned aside to loo1# (od called to him from the midst of the bush and said# :4oses# 4osesH: And he said# :2ere 0 am':

Then 4oses was content to live with the man# and he gave 5i""orah his daughter to 4oses'

And she bore him a son' 2e called his name (ershom# for he said# :0 have been a stranger in a foreign land':

Then 2e said# :*o not draw near this "lace' Ta1e your sandals off your feet# for the "lace where you stand is holy ground':

Now it ha""ened in the "rocess of time that the 1ing of gy"t died' Then the children of 0srael groaned because of the bondage# and they cried out9 and their cry came u" to (od because of the bondage'

4oreover 2e said# :0 am the (od of your fatherFFthe (od of Abraham# the (od of 0saac# and the (od of Jacob': And 4oses hid his face# for he was afraid to loo1 u"on (od'

So (od heard their groaning# and (od remembered 2is covenant with Abraham# with 0saac# and with Jacob'

And the )3+* said7 :0 have surely seen the o""ression of 4y "eo"le who are in gy"t# and have heard their cry because of their tas1masters# for 0 1now their sorrows'

And (od loo1ed u"on the children of 0srael# and (od ac1nowledged them'

3Now 4oses was tending the floc1 of

Jethro his fatherFinFlaw# the "riest of 4idian' And he led the floc1 to the bac1 of the desert# and came to 2oreb# the mountain of (od'

So 0 have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the gy"tians# and to bring them u" from that land to a good and large land# to a land flowing with mil1 and honey# to the "lace of the -anaanites and the 2ittites and the Amorites and the /eri..ites and the 2ivites and the Jebusites'

Now therefore# behold# the cry of the children of 0srael has come to 4e# and 0 have also seen the o""ression with which the gy"tians o""ress them'

-ome now# therefore# and 0 will send you to /haraoh that you may bring 4y

"eo"le# the children of 0srael# out of gy"t':



But 4oses said to (od# :Bho am 0 that 0 should go to /haraoh# and that 0 should bring the children of 0srael out of gy"tE:

Then they will heed your voice9 and you shall come# you and the elders of 0srael# to the 1ing of gy"t9 and you shall say to him# :The )3+* (od of the 2ebrews has met with us9 and now# "lease# let us go three daysD $ourney into the wilderness# that we may sacrifice to the )3+* our (od'D

So 2e said# :0 will certainly be with you' And this shall be a sign to you that 0 have sent you7 Bhen you have brought the "eo"le out of gy"t# you shall serve (od on this mountain':

But 0 am sure that the 1ing of gy"t will not let you go# no# not even by a mighty hand'

Then 4oses said to (od# :0ndeed# when 0 come to the children of 0srael and say to them# :The (od of your fathers has sent me to you#D and they say to me# :Bhat is 2is nameED what shall 0 say to themE:

So 0 will stretch out 4y hand and stri1e gy"t with all 4y wonders which 0 will do in its midst9 and after that he will let you go'

And (od said to 4oses# :0 A4 B23 0 A4': And 2e said# :Thus you shall say to the children of 0srael# :0 A4 has sent me to you':D

And 0 will give this "eo"le favor in the sight of the gy"tians9 and it shall be# when you go# that you shall not go em"tyFhanded'

4oreover (od said to 4oses# :Thus you shall say to the children of 0srael7 :The )3+* (od of your fathers# the (od of Abraham# the (od of 0saac# and the (od of Jacob# has sent me to you' This is 4y name forever# and this is 4y memorial to all generations'D

But every woman shall as1 of her neighbor# namely# of her who dwells near her house# articles of silver# articles of gold# and clothing9 and you shall "ut them on your sons and on your daughters' So you shall "lunder the gy"tians':

4Then 4oses answered and said# :But

su""ose they will not believe me or listen to my voice9 su""ose they say# :The )3+* has not a""eared to you':D

(o and gather the elders of 0srael together# and say to them# :The )3+* (od of your fathers# the (od of Abraham# of 0saac# and of Jacob# a""eared to me# saying# :0 have surely visited you and seen what is done to you in gy"t9

So the )3+* said to him# :Bhat is that in your handE: 2e said# :A rod':

and 0 have said 0 will bring you u" out of the affliction of gy"t to the land of the -anaanites and the 2ittites and the Amorites and the /eri..ites and the 2ivites and the Jebusites# to a land flowing with mil1 and honey':D

And 2e said# :-ast it on the ground': So he cast it on the ground# and it became a ser"ent9 and 4oses fled from it'

Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :+each out your hand and ta1e it by the tail:

Iand he reached out his hand and caught it# and it became a rod in his handJ#


But he said# :3 my )ord# "lease send by the hand of whomever else Cou may send':

:that they may believe that the )3+* (od of their fathers# the (od of Abraham# the (od of 0saac# and the (od of Jacob# has a""eared to you':

Furthermore the )3+* said to him# :Now "ut your hand in your bosom': And he "ut his hand in his bosom# and when he too1 it out# behold# his hand was le"rous# li1e snow'

So the anger of the )3+* was 1indled against 4oses# and 2e said7 :0s not Aaron the )evite your brotherE 0 1now that he can s"ea1 well' And loo1# he is also coming out to meet you' Bhen he sees you# he will be glad in his heart'

Now you shall s"ea1 to him and "ut the words in his mouth' And 0 will be with your mouth and with his mouth# and 0 will teach you what you shall do'

And 2e said# :/ut your hand in your bosom again': So he "ut his hand in his bosom again# and drew it out of his bosom# and behold# it was restored li1e his other flesh'

So he shall be your s"o1esman to the "eo"le' And he himself shall be as a mouth for you# and you shall be to him as (od'

:Then it will be# if they do not believe you# nor heed the message of the first sign# that they may believe the message of the latter sign'

And you shall ta1e this rod in your hand# with which you shall do the signs':

And it shall be# if they do not believe even these two signs# or listen to your voice# that you shall ta1e water from the river and "our it on the dry land' The water which you ta1e from the river will become blood on the dry land':

So 4oses went and returned to Jethro his fatherFinFlaw# and said to him# :/lease let me go and return to my brethren who are in gy"t# and see whether they are still alive': And Jethro said to 4oses# :(o in "eace':

Then 4oses said to the )3+*# :3 my )ord# 0 am not eloGuent# neither before nor since Cou have s"o1en to Cour servant9 but 0 am slow of s"eech and slow of tongue':

Now the )3+* said to 4oses in 4idian# :(o# return to gy"t9 for all the men who sought your life are dead':

Then 4oses too1 his wife and his sons and set them on a don1ey# and he returned to the land of gy"t' And 4oses too1 the rod of (od in his hand'

So the )3+* said to him# :Bho has made manDs mouthE 3r who ma1es the mute# the deaf# the seeing# or the blindE 2ave not 0# the )3+*E

Now therefore# go# and 0 will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say':

And the )3+* said to 4oses# :Bhen you go bac1 to gy"t# see that you do all those wonders before /haraoh which 0 have "ut in your hand' But 0 will harden his heart# so that he will not let the "eo"le go'


Then you shall say to /haraoh# :Thus says the )3+*7 :0srael is 4y son# 4y firstborn'

5Afterward 4oses and Aaron went in

and told /haraoh# :Thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael7 :)et 4y "eo"le go# that they may hold a feast to 4e in the wilderness':D

So 0 say to you# let 4y son go that he may serve 4e' But if you refuse to let him go# indeed 0 will 1ill your son# your firstborn'::D

And it came to "ass on the way# at the encam"ment# that the )3+* met him and sought to 1ill him'

And /haraoh said# :Bho is the )3+*# that 0 should obey 2is voice to let 0srael goE 0 do not 1now the )3+*# nor will 0 let 0srael go':

Then 5i""orah too1 a shar" stone and cut off the fores1in of her son and cast it at 4osesD feet# and said# :Surely you are a husband of blood to meH:

So they said# :The (od of the 2ebrews has met with us' /lease# let us go three daysD $ourney into the desert and sacrifice to the )3+* our (od# lest 2e fall u"on us with "estilence or with the sword':

So 2e let him go' Then she said# :Cou are a husband of bloodH:FFbecause of the circumcision'

And the )3+* said to Aaron# :(o into the wilderness to meet 4oses': So he went and met him on the mountain of (od# and 1issed him'

Then the 1ing of gy"t said to them# :4oses and Aaron# why do you ta1e the "eo"le from their wor1E (et bac1 to your labor':

And /haraoh said# :)oo1# the "eo"le of the land are many now# and you ma1e them rest from their laborH:

So 4oses told Aaron all the words of the )3+* who had sent him# and all the signs which 2e had commanded him'

So the same day /haraoh commanded the tas1masters of the "eo"le and their officers# saying#

Then 4oses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the children of 0srael'

:Cou shall no longer give the "eo"le straw to ma1e bric1 as before' )et them go and gather straw for themselves'

And Aaron s"o1e all the words which the )3+* had s"o1en to 4oses' Then he did the signs in the sight of the "eo"le'

So the "eo"le believed9 and when they heard that the )3+* had visited the children of 0srael and that 2e had loo1ed on their affliction# then they bowed their heads and worshi"ed'

And you shall lay on them the Guota of bric1s which they made before' Cou shall not reduce it' For they are idle9 therefore they cry out# saying# :)et us go and sacrifice to our (od'D

)et more wor1 be laid on the men# that they may labor in it# and let them not regard false words':


And the tas1masters of the "eo"le and their officers went out and s"o1e to the "eo"le# saying# :Thus says /haraoh7 :0 will not give you straw'


Then# as they came out from /haraoh# they met 4oses and Aaron who stood there to meet them'

(o# get yourselves straw where you can find it9 yet none of your wor1 will be reduced':D

And they said to them# :)et the )3+* loo1 on you and $udge# because you have made us abhorrent in the sight of /haraoh and in the sight of his servants# to "ut a sword in their hand to 1ill us':

So the "eo"le were scattered abroad throughout all the land of gy"t to gather stubble instead of straw'

And the tas1masters forced them to hurry# saying# :Fulfill your wor1# your daily Guota# as when there was straw':

So 4oses returned to the )3+* and said# :)ord# why have Cou brought trouble on this "eo"leE Bhy is it Cou have sent meE

Also the officers of the children of 0srael# whom /haraohDs tas1masters had set over them# were beaten and were as1ed# :Bhy have you not fulfilled your tas1 in ma1ing bric1 both yesterday and today# as beforeE:

For since 0 came to /haraoh to s"ea1 in Cour name# he has done evil to this "eo"le9 neither have Cou delivered Cour "eo"le at all':

6Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :Now

you shall see what 0 will do to /haraoh' For with a strong hand he will let them go# and with a strong hand he will drive them out of his land':

Then the officers of the children of 0srael came and cried out to /haraoh# saying# :Bhy are you dealing thus with your servantsE

There is no straw given to your servants# and they say to us# :4a1e bric1HD And indeed your servants are beaten# but the fault is in your own "eo"le':

And (od s"o1e to 4oses and said to him7 :0 am the )3+*'


0 a""eared to Abraham# to 0saac# and to Jacob# as (od Almighty# but by 4y name )3+* 0 was not 1nown to them'

But he said# :Cou are idleH 0dleH Therefore you say# :)et us go and sacrifice to the )3+*'D

0 have also established 4y covenant with them# to give them the land of -anaan# the land of their "ilgrimage# in which they were strangers'

Therefore go now and wor19 for no straw shall be given you# yet you shall deliver the Guota of bric1s':

And the officers of the children of 0srael saw that they were in trouble after it was said# :Cou shall not reduce any bric1s from your daily Guota':

And 0 have also heard the groaning of the children of 0srael whom the gy"tians 1ee" in bondage# and 0 have remembered 4y covenant'

Therefore say to the children of 0srael7 :0 am the )3+*9 0 will bring you out from under the burdens of the gy"tians# 0

will rescue you from their bondage# and 0 will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great $udgments'


0 will ta1e you as 4y "eo"le# and 0 will be your (od' Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+* your (od who brings you out from under the burdens of the gy"tians'

These are the names of the sons of )evi according to their generations7 (ershon# Kohath# and 4erari' And the years of the life of )evi were one hundred and thirtyFseven'

The sons of (ershon were )ibni and Shimi according to their families'

And 0 will bring you into the land which 0 swore to give to Abraham# 0saac# and Jacob9 and 0 will give it to you as a heritage7 0 am the )3+*':D

And the sons of Kohath were Amram# 0.har# 2ebron# and A..iel' And the years of the life of Kohath were one hundred and thirtyFthree'

So 4oses s"o1e thus to the children of 0srael9 but they did not heed 4oses# because of anguish of s"irit and cruel bondage'

The sons of 4erari were 4ahli and 4ushi' These are the families of )evi according to their generations'

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


Now Amram too1 for himself Jochebed# his fatherDs sister# as wife9 and she bore him Aaron and 4oses' And the years of the life of Amram were one hundred and thirtyFseven'

:(o in# tell /haraoh 1ing of gy"t to let the children of 0srael go out of his land':

The sons of 0.har Ne"heg# and 5ichri'




And 4oses s"o1e before the )3+*# saying# :The children of 0srael have not heeded me' 2ow then shall /haraoh heed me# for 0 am of uncircumcised li"sE:

And the sons of A..iel were 4ishael# l.a"han# and 5ithri'


Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses and Aaron# and gave them a command for the children of 0srael and for /haraoh 1ing of gy"t# to bring the children of 0srael out of the land of gy"t'

Aaron too1 to himself lisheba# daughter of Amminadab# sister of Nahshon# as wife9 and she bore him Nadab# Abihu# and 0thamar'

And the sons of Korah were Assir# l1anah# and Abiasa"h' These are the families of the Korahites'

These are the heads of their fathersD houses7 The sons of +euben# the firstborn of 0srael# were 2anoch# /allu# 2e.ron# and -armi' These are the families of +euben'
%< AaronDs son# too1 for himself one of the daughters of /utiel as wife9 and she bore him /hinehas' These are the heads of the fathersD houses of the )evites according to their families'

And the sons of Simeon were Jemuel# Jamin# 3had# Jachin# 5ohar# and Shaul the son of a -anaanite woman' These are the families of Simeon'

These are the same Aaron and 4oses to whom the )3+* said# :Bring out the

children of 0srael from the land of according to their armies':




Then 4oses and Aaron did so9 $ust as the )3+* commanded them# so they did'

These are the ones who s"o1e to /haraoh 1ing of gy"t# to bring out the children of 0srael from gy"t' These are the same 4oses and Aaron'

And 4oses was eighty years old and Aaron eightyFthree years old when they s"o1e to /haraoh'

And it came to "ass# on the day the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses in the land of gy"t#

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses and Aaron# saying#


that the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying# :0 am the )3+*' S"ea1 to /haraoh 1ing of gy"t all that 0 say to you':

:Bhen /haraoh s"ea1s to you# saying# :Show a miracle for yourselves#D then you shall say to Aaron# :Ta1e your rod and cast it before /haraoh# and let it become a ser"ent':D

But 4oses said before the )3+*# :Behold# 0 am of uncircumcised li"s# and how shall /haraoh heed meE:

7So the )3+* said to 4oses7 :See# 0

have made you as (od to /haraoh# and Aaron your brother shall be your "ro"het'

So 4oses and Aaron went in to /haraoh# and they did so# $ust as the )3+* commanded' And Aaron cast down his rod before /haraoh and before his servants# and it became a ser"ent'

But /haraoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers9 so the magicians of gy"t# they also did in li1e manner with their enchantments'

Cou shall s"ea1 all that 0 command you' And Aaron your brother shall tell /haraoh to send the children of 0srael out of his land'

For every man threw down his rod# and they became ser"ents' But AaronDs rod swallowed u" their rods'

And 0 will harden /haraohDs heart# and multi"ly 4y signs and 4y wonders in the land of gy"t'

And /haraohDs heart grew hard# and he did not heed them# as the )3+* had said'

But /haraoh will not heed you# so that 0 may lay 4y hand on gy"t and bring 4y armies and 4y "eo"le# the children of 0srael# out of the land of gy"t by great $udgments'

So the )3+* said to 4oses7 :/haraohDs heart is hard9 he refuses to let the "eo"le go'

And the gy"tians shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*# when 0 stretch out 4y hand on gy"t and bring out the children of 0srael from among them':

(o to /haraoh in the morning# when he goes out to the water# and you shall stand by the riverDs ban1 to meet him9 and the rod which was turned to a ser"ent you shall ta1e in your hand'


And you shall say to him# :The )3+* (od of the 2ebrews has sent me to you# saying# :)et 4y "eo"le go# that they may serve 4e in the wilderness:9 but indeed# until now you would not hearH


So all the gy"tians dug all around the river for water to drin1# because they could not drin1 the water of the river'

And seven days "assed after the )3+* had struc1 the river'

Thus says the )3+*7 :By this you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*' Behold# 0 will stri1e the waters which are in the river with the rod that is in my hand# and they shall be turned to blood'

8And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# :(o

to /haraoh and say to him# :Thus says the )3+*7 :)et 4y "eo"le go# that they may serve 4e'

And the fish that are in the river shall die# the river shall stin1# and the gy"tians will loathe to drin1 the water of the river'::D

But if you refuse to let them go# behold# 0 will smite all your territory with frogs'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# :Say to Aaron# :Ta1e your rod and stretch out your hand over the waters of gy"t# over their streams# over their rivers# over their "onds# and over all their "ools of water# that they may become blood' And there shall be blood throughout all the land of gy"t# both in buc1ets of wood and "itchers of stone':D

So the river shall bring forth frogs abundantly# which shall go u" and come into your house# into your bedroom# on your bed# into the houses of your servants# on your "eo"le# into your ovens# and into your 1neading bowls'

And the frogs shall come u" on you# on your "eo"le# and on all your servants'::D

And 4oses and Aaron did so# $ust as the )3+* commanded' So he lifted u" the rod and struc1 the waters that were in the river# in the sight of /haraoh and in the sight of his servants' And all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# :Say to Aaron# :Stretch out your hand with your rod over the streams# over the rivers# and over the "onds# and cause frogs to come u" on the land of gy"t':D

The fish that were in the river died# the river stan1# and the gy"tians could not drin1 the water of the river' So there was blood throughout all the land of gy"t'

So Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of gy"t# and the frogs came u" and covered the land of gy"t'

And the magicians did so with their enchantments# and brought u" frogs on the land of gy"t'

Then the magicians of gy"t did so with their enchantments9 and /haraohDs heart grew hard# and he did not heed them# as the )3+* had said'

And /haraoh turned and went into his house' Neither was his heart moved by this'

Then /haraoh called for 4oses and Aaron# and said# : ntreat the )3+* that 2e may ta1e away the frogs from me and from my "eo"le9 and 0 will let the "eo"le go# that they may sacrifice to the )3+*':

And 4oses said to /haraoh# :Acce"t the honor of saying when 0 shall intercede for you# for your servants# and for your "eo"le# to destroy the frogs from you and your houses# that they may remain in the river only':


Now the magicians so wor1ed with their enchantments to bring forth lice# but they could not' So there were lice on man and beast'

So he said# :Tomorrow': And he said# :)et it be according to your word# that you may 1now that there is no one li1e the )3+* our (od'

Then the magicians said to /haraoh# :This is the finger of (od': But /haraohDs heart grew hard# and he did not heed them# $ust as the )3+* had said'

And the frogs shall de"art from you# from your houses# from your servants# and from your "eo"le' They shall remain in the river only':

And the )3+* said to 4oses# :+ise early in the morning and stand before /haraoh as he comes out to the water' Then say to him# :Thus says the )3+*7 :)et 4y "eo"le go# that they may serve 4e'

Then 4oses and Aaron went out from /haraoh' And 4oses cried out to the )3+* concerning the frogs which 2e had brought against /haraoh'

So the )3+* did according to the word of 4oses' And the frogs died out of the houses# out of the courtyards# and out of the fields'

3r else# if you will not let 4y "eo"le go# behold# 0 will send swarms of flies on you and your servants# on your "eo"le and into your houses' The houses of the gy"tians shall be full of swarms of flies# and also the ground on which they stand'

They gathered them together in hea"s# and the land stan1'


But when /haraoh saw that there was relief# he hardened his heart and did not heed them# as the )3+* had said'

And in that day 0 will set a"art the land of (oshen# in which 4y "eo"le dwell# that no swarms of flies shall be there# in order that you may 1now that 0 am the )3+* in the midst of the land'

So the )3+* said to 4oses# :Say to Aaron# :Stretch out your rod# and stri1e the dust of the land# so that it may become lice throughout all the land of gy"t':D

0 will ma1e a difference between 4y "eo"le and your "eo"le' Tomorrow this sign shall be'::D

And they did so' For Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod and struc1 the dust of the earth# and it became lice on man and beast' All the dust of the land became lice throughout all the land of gy"t'

And the )3+* did so' Thic1 swarms of flies came into the house of /haraoh# into his servantsD houses# and into all the land of gy"t' The land was corru"ted because of the swarms of flies'

Then /haraoh called for 4oses and Aaron# and said# :(o# sacrifice to your (od in the land':

And 4oses said# :0t is not right to do so# for we would be sacrificing the

abomination of the gy"tians to the )3+* our (od' 0f we sacrifice the abomination of the gy"tians before their eyes# then will they not stone usE

o!en# and on the shee"FFa very severe "estilence'


Be will go three daysD $ourney into the wilderness and sacrifice to the )3+* our (od as 2e will command us':

And the )3+* will ma1e a difference between the livestoc1 of 0srael and the livestoc1 of gy"t' So nothing shall die of all that belongs to the children of 0srael'::D

So /haraoh said# :0 will let you go# that you may sacrifice to the )3+* your (od in the wilderness9 only you shall not go very far away' 0ntercede for me':

Then the )3+* a""ointed a set time# saying# :Tomorrow the )3+* will do this thing in the land':

Then 4oses said# :0ndeed 0 am going out from you# and 0 will entreat the )3+*# that the swarms of flies may de"art tomorrow from /haraoh# from his servants# and from his "eo"le' But let /haraoh not deal deceitfully anymore in not letting the "eo"le go to sacrifice to the )3+*':

So the )3+* did this thing on the ne!t day# and all the livestoc1 of gy"t died9 but of the livestoc1 of the children of 0srael# not one died'

Then /haraoh sent# and indeed# not even one of the livestoc1 of the 0sraelites was dead' But the heart of /haraoh became hard# and he did not let the "eo"le go'

So 4oses went out from /haraoh and entreated the )3+*'


And the )3+* did according to the word of 4oses9 2e removed the swarms of flies from /haraoh# from his servants# and from his "eo"le' Not one remained'

So the )3+* said to 4oses and Aaron# :Ta1e for yourselves handfuls of ashes from a furnace# and let 4oses scatter it toward the heavens in the sight of /haraoh'

But /haraoh hardened his heart at this time also9 neither would he let the "eo"le go'

And it will become fine dust in all the land of gy"t# and it will cause boils that brea1 out in sores on man and beast throughout all the land of gy"t':

9Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :(o

in to /haraoh and tell him# :Thus says the )3+* (od of the 2ebrews7 :)et 4y "eo"le go# that they may serve 4e'

Then they too1 ashes from the furnace and stood before /haraoh# and 4oses scattered them toward heaven' And they caused boils that brea1 out in sores on man and beast'

For if you refuse to let them go# and still hold them#

behold# the hand of the )3+* will be on your cattle in the field# on the horses# on the don1eys# on the camels# on the

And the magicians could not stand before 4oses because of the boils# for the boils were on the magicians and on all the gy"tians'


But the )3+* hardened the heart of /haraoh9 and he did not heed them# $ust as the )3+* had s"o1en to 4oses'


But he who did not regard the word of the )3+* left his servants and his livestoc1 in the field'

Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :+ise early in the morning and stand before /haraoh# and say to him# :Thus says the )3+* (od of the 2ebrews7 :)et 4y "eo"le go# that they may serve 4e#

Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :Stretch out your hand toward heaven# that there may be hail in all the land of gy"tFFon man# on beast# and on every herb of the field# throughout the land of gy"t':

for at this time 0 will send all 4y "lagues to your very heart# and on your servants and on your "eo"le# that you may 1now that there is none li1e 4e in all the earth'

And 4oses stretched out his rod toward heaven9 and the )3+* sent thunder and hail# and fire darted to the ground' And the )3+* rained hail on the land of gy"t'

Now if 0 had stretched out 4y hand and struc1 you and your "eo"le with "estilence# then you would have been cut off from the earth'

So there was hail# and fire mingled with the hail# so very heavy that there was none li1e it in all the land of gy"t since it became a nation'

But indeed for this "ur"ose 0 have raised you u"# that 0 may show 4y "ower in you# and that 4y name may be declared in all the earth'

As yet you e!alt yourself against 4y "eo"le in that you will not let them go'

And the hail struc1 throughout the whole land of gy"t# all that was in the field# both man and beast9 and the hail struc1 every herb of the field and bro1e every tree of the field'

Behold# tomorrow about this time 0 will cause very heavy hail to rain down# such as has not been in gy"t since its founding until now'

3nly in the land of (oshen# where the children of 0srael were# there was no hail'

Therefore send now and gather your livestoc1 and all that you have in the field# for the hail shall come down on every man and every animal which is found in the field and is not brought home9 and they shall die'::D

And /haraoh sent and called for 4oses and Aaron# and said to them# :0 have sinned this time' The )3+* is righteous# and my "eo"le and 0 are wic1ed'

2e who feared the word of the )3+* among the servants of /haraoh made his servants and his livestoc1 flee to the houses'

ntreat the )3+*# that there may be no more mighty thundering and hail# for it is enough' 0 will let you go# and you shall stay no longer':

So 4oses said to him# :As soon as 0 have gone out of the city# 0 will s"read out my hands to the )3+*9 the thunder will cease# and there will be no more

hail# that you may 1now that the earth is the )3+*Ds'

4eE )et 4y "eo"le go# that they may serve 4e'


But as for you and your servants# 0 1now that you will not yet fear the )3+* (od':

3r else# if you refuse to let 4y "eo"le go# behold# tomorrow 0 will bring locusts into your territory'

Now the fla! and the barley were struc1# for the barley was in the head and the fla! was in bud'

But the wheat and the s"elt were not struc1# for they are late cro"s'

And they shall cover the face of the earth# so that no one will be able to see the earth9 and they shall eat the residue of what is left# which remains to you from the hail# and they shall eat every tree which grows u" for you out of the field'

So 4oses went out of the city from /haraoh and s"read out his hands to the )3+*9 then the thunder and the hail ceased# and the rain was not "oured on the earth'

And when /haraoh saw that the rain# the hail# and the thunder had ceased# he sinned yet more9 and he hardened his heart# he and his servants'

They shall fill your houses# the houses of all your servants# and the houses of all the gy"tiansFFwhich neither your fathers nor your fathersD fathers have seen# since the day that they were on the earth to this day':D And he turned and went out from /haraoh'

So the heart of /haraoh was hard9 neither would he let the children of 0srael go# as the )3+* had s"o1en by 4oses'

Then /haraohDs servants said to him# :2ow long shall this man be a snare to usE )et the men go# that they may serve the )3+* their (od' *o you not yet 1now that gy"t is destroyedE:

10Now the )3+* said to 4oses#

:(o in to /haraoh9 for 0 have hardened his heart and the hearts of his servants# that 0 may show these signs of 4ine before him#

So 4oses and Aaron were brought again to /haraoh# and he said to them# :(o# serve the )3+* your (od' Bho are the ones that are goingE:

and that you may tell in the hearing of your son and your sonDs son the mighty things 0 have done in gy"t# and 4y signs which 0 have done among them# that you may 1now that 0 am the )3+*':

And 4oses said# :Be will go with our young and our old9 with our sons and our daughters# with our floc1s and our herds we will go# for we must hold a feast to the )3+*':

So 4oses and Aaron came in to /haraoh and said to him# :Thus says the )3+* (od of the 2ebrews7 :2ow long will you refuse to humble yourself before

Then he said to them# :The )3+* had better be with you when 0 let you and your little ones goH Beware# for evil is ahead of you'

Not soH (o now# you who are men# and serve the )3+*# for that is what you

desired': And they were driven out from /haraohDs "resence'


remained not one locust in all the territory of gy"t'


Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :Stretch out your hand over the land of gy"t for the locusts# that they may come u"on the land of gy"t# and eat every herb of the landFFall that the hail has left':

But the )3+* hardened /haraohDs heart# and he did not let the children of 0srael go'

So 4oses stretched out his rod over the land of gy"t# and the )3+* brought an east wind on the land all that day and all that night' Bhen it was morning# the east wind brought the locusts'

Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :Stretch out your hand toward heaven# that there may be dar1ness over the land of gy"t# dar1ness which may even be felt':

So 4oses stretched out his hand toward heaven# and there was thic1 dar1ness in all the land of gy"t three days'

And the locusts went u" over all the land of gy"t and rested on all the territory of gy"t' They were very severe9 "reviously there had been no such locusts as they# nor shall there be such after them'

They did not see one another9 nor did anyone rise from his "lace for three days' But all the children of 0srael had light in their dwellings'

For they covered the face of the whole earth# so that the land was dar1ened9 and they ate every herb of the land and all the fruit of the trees which the hail had left' So there remained nothing green on the trees or on the "lants of the field throughout all the land of gy"t'

Then /haraoh called to 4oses and said# :(o# serve the )3+*9 only let your floc1s and your herds be 1e"t bac1' )et your little ones also go with you':

But 4oses said# :Cou must also give us sacrifices and burnt offerings# that we may sacrifice to the )3+* our (od'

Then /haraoh called for 4oses and Aaron in haste# and said# :0 have sinned against the )3+* your (od and against you'

Now therefore# "lease forgive my sin only this once# and entreat the )3+* your (od# that 2e may ta1e away from me this death only':

3ur livestoc1 also shall go with us9 not a hoof shall be left behind' For we must ta1e some of them to serve the )3+* our (od# and even we do not 1now with what we must serve the )3+* until we arrive there':

But the )3+* hardened /haraohDs heart# and he would not let them go'

So he went out from /haraoh and entreated the )3+*'


And the )3+* turned a very strong west wind# which too1 the locusts away and blew them into the +ed Sea' There

Then /haraoh said to him# :(et away from meH Ta1e heed to yourself and see my face no moreH For in the day you see my face you shall dieH:


So 4oses said# :Cou have s"o1en well' 0 will never see your face again':

11And the )3+* said to 4oses# :0

will bring one more "lague on /haraoh and on gy"t' Afterward he will let you go from here' Bhen he lets you go# he will surely drive you out of here altogether'

saying# :(et out# and all the "eo"le who follow youHD After that 0 will go out': Then he went out from /haraoh in great anger'

But the )3+* said to 4oses# :/haraoh will not heed you# so that 4y wonders may be multi"lied in the land of gy"t':

S"ea1 now in the hearing of the "eo"le# and let every man as1 from his neighbor and every woman from her neighbor# articles of silver and articles of gold':

So 4oses and Aaron did all these wonders before /haraoh9 and the )3+* hardened /haraohDs heart# and he did not let the children of 0srael go out of his land'

And the )3+* gave the "eo"le favor in the sight of the gy"tians' 4oreover the man 4oses was very great in the land of gy"t# in the sight of /haraohDs servants and in the sight of the "eo"le'

12Now the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses

and Aaron in the land of gy"t# saying#

:This month shall be your beginning of months9 it shall be the first month of the year to you'

Then 4oses said# :Thus says the )3+*7 :About midnight 0 will go out into the midst of gy"t9

and all the firstborn in the land of gy"t shall die# from the firstborn of /haraoh who sits on his throne# even to the firstborn of the female servant who is behind the handmill# and all the firstborn of the animals'

S"ea1 to all the congregation of 0srael# saying7 :3n the tenth of this month every man shall ta1e for himself a lamb# according to the house of his father# a lamb for a household'

Then there shall be a great cry throughout all the land of gy"t# such as was not li1e it before# nor shall be li1e it again'

And if the household is too small for the lamb# let him and his neighbor ne!t to his house ta1e it according to the number of the "ersons9 according to each manDs need you shall ma1e your count for the lamb'

But against none of the children of 0srael shall a dog move its tongue# against man or beast# that you may 1now that the )3+* does ma1e a difference between the gy"tians and 0srael'D

Cour lamb shall be without blemish# a male of the first year' Cou may ta1e it from the shee" or from the goats'

Now you shall 1ee" it until the fourteenth day of the same month' Then the whole assembly of the congregation of 0srael shall 1ill it at twilight'

And all these your servants shall come down to me and bow down to me#

And they shall ta1e some of the blood and "ut it on the two door"osts and on the lintel of the houses where they eat it'


Then they shall eat the flesh on that night9 roasted in fire# with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs they shall eat it'

Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread' 3n the first day you shall remove leaven from your houses' For whoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day# that "erson shall be cut off from 0srael'

*o not eat it raw# nor boiled at all with water# but roasted in fireFFits head with its legs and its entrails'

3n the first day there shall be a holy convocation# and on the seventh day there shall be a holy convocation for you' No manner of wor1 shall be done on them9 but that which everyone must eatFFthat only may be "re"ared by you'

Cou shall let none of it remain until morning# and what remains of it until morning you shall burn with fire'

And thus you shall eat it7 with a belt on your waist# your sandals on your feet# and your staff in your hand' So you shall eat it in haste' 0t is the )3+*Ds /assover'

So you shall observe the Feast of Anleavened Bread# for on this same day 0 will have brought your armies out of the land of gy"t' Therefore you shall observe this day throughout your generations as an everlasting ordinance'

:For 0 will "ass through the land of gy"t on that night# and will stri1e all the firstborn in the land of gy"t# both man and beast9 and against all the gods of gy"t 0 will e!ecute $udgment7 0 am the )3+*'

0n the first month# on the fourteenth day of the month at evening# you shall eat unleavened bread# until the twentyF first day of the month at evening'

Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are' And when 0 see the blood# 0 will "ass over you9 and the "lague shall not be on you to destroy you when 0 stri1e the land of gy"t'

For seven days no leaven shall be found in your houses# since whoever eats what is leavened# that same "erson shall be cut off from the congregation of 0srael# whether he is a stranger or a native of the land'

Cou shall eat nothing leavened9 in all your dwellings you shall eat unleavened bread':D

:So this day shall be to you a memorial9 and you shall 1ee" it as a feast to the )3+* throughout your generations' Cou shall 1ee" it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance'

Then 4oses called for all the elders of 0srael and said to them# :/ic1 out and ta1e lambs for yourselves according to your families# and 1ill the /assover lamb'

And you shall ta1e a bunch of hysso"# di" it in the blood that is in the basin# and stri1e the lintel and the two door"osts with the blood that is in the

basin' And none of you shall go out of the door of his house until morning'


For the )3+* will "ass through to stri1e the gy"tians9 and when 2e sees the blood on the lintel and on the two door"osts# the )3+* will "ass over the door and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to stri1e you'

Then he called for 4oses and Aaron by night# and said# :+ise# go out from among my "eo"le# both you and the children of 0srael' And go# serve the )3+* as you have said'

Also ta1e your floc1s and your herds# as you have said# and be gone9 and bless me also':

And you shall observe this thing as an ordinance for you and your sons forever'

0t will come to "ass when you come to the land which the )3+* will give you# $ust as 2e "romised# that you shall 1ee" this service'

And the gy"tians urged the "eo"le# that they might send them out of the land in haste' For they said# :Be shall all be dead':

And it shall be# when your children say to you# :Bhat do you mean by this serviceED

So the "eo"le too1 their dough before it was leavened# having their 1neading bowls bound u" in their clothes on their shoulders'

that you shall say# :0t is the /assover sacrifice of the )3+*# who "assed over the houses of the children of 0srael in gy"t when 2e struc1 the gy"tians and delivered our households':D So the "eo"le bowed their heads and worshi"ed'

Now the according they had articles of clothing'


children of 0srael had done to the word of 4oses# and as1ed from the gy"tians silver# articles of gold# and

Then the children of 0srael went away and did so9 $ust as the )3+* had commanded 4oses and Aaron# so they did'

And the )3+* had given the "eo"le favor in the sight of the gy"tians# so that they granted them what they reGuested' Thus they "lundered the gy"tians'

And it came to "ass at midnight that the )3+* struc1 all the firstborn in the land of gy"t# from the firstborn of /haraoh who sat on his throne to the firstborn of the ca"tive who was in the dungeon# and all the firstborn of livestoc1'

Then the children of 0srael $ourneyed from +ameses to Succoth# about si! hundred thousand men on foot# besides children'

A mi!ed multitude went u" with them also# and floc1s and herdsFFa great deal of livestoc1'

So /haraoh rose in the night# he# all his servants# and all the gy"tians9 and there was a great cry in gy"t# for there was not a house where there was not one dead'

And they ba1ed unleavened ca1es of the dough which they had brought out of gy"t9 for it was not leavened# because they were driven out of gy"t and could not wait# nor had they "re"ared "rovisions for themselves'


Now the so$ourn of the children of 0srael who lived in gy"t was four hundred and thirty years'


Thus all the children of 0srael did9 as the )3+* commanded 4oses and Aaron# so they did'

And it came to "ass at the end of the four hundred and thirty yearsFFon that very same dayFFit came to "ass that all the armies of the )3+* went out from the land of gy"t'

And it came to "ass# on that very same day# that the )3+* brought the children of 0srael out of the land of gy"t according to their armies'

0t is a night of solemn observance to the )3+* for bringing them out of the land of gy"t' This is that night of the )3+*# a solemn observance for all the children of 0srael throughout their generations'

13Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


And the )3+* said to 4oses and Aaron# :This is the ordinance of the /assover7 No foreigner shall eat it'

:-onsecrate to 4e all the firstborn# whatever o"ens the womb among the children of 0srael# both of man and beast9 it is 4ine':

But every manDs servant who is bought for money# when you have circumcised him# then he may eat it'

And 4oses said to the "eo"le7 :+emember this day in which you went out of gy"t# out of the house of bondage9 for by strength of hand the )3+* brought you out of this "lace' No leavened bread shall be eaten'

A so$ourner and a hired servant shall not eat it'


3n this day you are going out# in the month Abib'


0n one house it shall be eaten9 you shall not carry any of the flesh outside the house# nor shall you brea1 one of its bones'

All the congregation of 0srael shall 1ee" it'


And it shall be# when the )3+* brings you into the land of the -anaanites and the 2ittites and the Amorites and the 2ivites and the Jebusites# which 2e swore to your fathers to give you# a land flowing with mil1 and honey# that you shall 1ee" this service in this month'

And when a stranger dwells with you and wants to 1ee" the /assover to the )3+*# let all his males be circumcised# and then let him come near and 1ee" it9 and he shall be as a native of the land' For no uncircumcised "erson shall eat it'

Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread# and on the seventh day there shall be a feast to the )3+*'

3ne law shall be for the nativeFborn and for the stranger who dwells among you':

Anleavened bread shall be eaten seven days' And no leavened bread shall be seen among you# nor shall leaven be seen among you in all your Guarters'

And you shall tell your son in that day# saying# :This is done because of what

the )3+* did for me when 0 came u" from gy"t'D



0t shall be as a sign to you on your hand and as a memorial between your eyes# that the )3+*Ds law may be in your mouth9 for with a strong hand the )3+* has brought you out of gy"t'

Then it came to "ass# when /haraoh had let the "eo"le go# that (od did not lead them by way of the land of the /hilistines# although that was near9 for (od said# :)est "erha"s the "eo"le change their minds when they see war# and return to gy"t':

Cou shall therefore 1ee" this ordinance in its season from year to year'

So (od led the "eo"le around by way of the wilderness of the +ed Sea' And the children of 0srael went u" in orderly ran1s out of the land of gy"t'

:And it shall be# when the )3+* brings you into the land of the -anaanites# as 2e swore to you and your fathers# and gives it to you#

that you shall set a"art to the )3+* all that o"en the womb# that is# every firstborn that comes from an animal which you have9 the males shall be the )3+*Ds'

And 4oses too1 the bones of Jose"h with him# for he had "laced the children of 0srael under solemn oath# saying# :(od will surely visit you# and you shall carry u" my bones from here with you':

So they too1 their $ourney from Succoth and cam"ed in tham at the edge of the wilderness'

But every firstborn of a don1ey you shall redeem with a lamb9 and if you will not redeem it# then you shall brea1 its nec1' And all the firstborn of man among your sons you shall redeem'

And the )3+* went before them by day in a "illar of cloud to lead the way# and by night in a "illar of fire to give them light# so as to go by day and night'

So it shall be# when your son as1s you in time to come# saying# :Bhat is thisED that you shall say to him# :By strength of hand the )3+* brought us out of gy"t# out of the house of bondage'

2e did not ta1e away the "illar of cloud by day or the "illar of fire by night from before the "eo"le'

14Now the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


And it came to "ass# when /haraoh was stubborn about letting us go# that the )3+* 1illed all the firstborn in the land of gy"t# both the firstborn of man and the firstborn of beast' Therefore 0 sacrifice to the )3+* all males that o"en the womb# but all the firstborn of my sons 0 redeem'D

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# that they turn and cam" before /i 2ahiroth# between 4igdol and the sea# o""osite Baal 5e"hon9 you shall cam" before it by the sea'

0t shall be as a sign on your hand and as frontlets between your eyes# for by strength of hand the )3+* brought us out of gy"t':

For /haraoh will say of the children of 0srael# :They are bewildered by the land9 the wilderness has closed them in'D

Then 0 will harden /haraohDs heart# so that he will "ursue them9 and 0 will gain honor over /haraoh and over all his army# that the gy"tians may 1now that 0 am the )3+*': And they did so'


0s this not the word that we told you in gy"t# saying# :)et us alone that we may serve the gy"tiansDE For it would have been better for us to serve the gy"tians than that we should die in the wilderness':

Now it was told the 1ing of gy"t that the "eo"le had fled# and the heart of /haraoh and his servants was turned against the "eo"le9 and they said# :Bhy have we done this# that we have let 0srael go from serving usE:

And 4oses said to the "eo"le# :*o not be afraid' Stand still# and see the salvation of the )3+*# which 2e will accom"lish for you today' For the gy"tians whom you see today# you shall see again no more forever'

So he made ready his chariot and too1 his "eo"le with him'

The )3+* will fight for you# and you shall hold your "eace':

Also# he too1 si! hundred choice chariots# and all the chariots of gy"t with ca"tains over every one of them'

And the )3+* said to 4oses# :Bhy do you cry to 4eE Tell the children of 0srael to go forward'

And the )3+* hardened the heart of /haraoh 1ing of gy"t# and he "ursued the children of 0srael9 and the children of 0srael went out with boldness'

But lift u" your rod# and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it' And the children of 0srael shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea'

So the gy"tians "ursued them# all the horses and chariots of /haraoh# his horsemen and his army# and overtoo1 them cam"ing by the sea beside /i 2ahiroth# before Baal 5e"hon'

And 0 indeed will harden the hearts of the gy"tians# and they shall follow them' So 0 will gain honor over /haraoh and over all his army# his chariots# and his horsemen'

And when /haraoh drew near# the children of 0srael lifted their eyes# and behold# the gy"tians marched after them' So they were very afraid# and the children of 0srael cried out to the )3+*'

Then the gy"tians shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*# when 0 have gained honor for 4yself over /haraoh# his chariots# and his horsemen':

Then they said to 4oses# :Because there were no graves in gy"t# have you ta1en us away to die in the wildernessE Bhy have you so dealt with us# to bring us u" out of gy"tE

And the Angel of (od# who went before the cam" of 0srael# moved and went behind them9 and the "illar of cloud went from before them and stood behind them'

So it came between the cam" of the gy"tians and the cam" of 0srael' Thus it was a cloud and dar1ness to the one# and it gave light by night to the other# so

that the one did not come near the other all that night'

after them' Not so much as one of them remained'


Then 4oses stretched out his hand over the sea9 and the )3+* caused the sea to go bac1 by a strong east wind all that night# and made the sea into dry land# and the waters were divided'

But the children of 0srael had wal1ed on dry land in the midst of the sea# and the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on their left'

So the children of 0srael went into the midst of the sea on the dry ground# and the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on their left'

So the )3+* saved 0srael that day out of the hand of the gy"tians# and 0srael saw the gy"tians dead on the seashore'

And the gy"tians "ursued and went after them into the midst of the sea# all /haraohDs horses# his chariots# and his horsemen'

Thus 0srael saw the great wor1 which the )3+* had done in gy"t9 so the "eo"le feared the )3+*# and believed the )3+* and 2is servant 4oses'

Now it came to "ass# in the morning watch# that the )3+* loo1ed down u"on the army of the gy"tians through the "illar of fire and cloud# and 2e troubled the army of the gy"tians'

15Then 4oses and the children of

0srael sang this song to the )3+*# and s"o1e# saying7 :0 will sing to the )3+*# For 2e has trium"hed gloriouslyH The horse and its rider 2e has thrown into the seaH

And 2e too1 off their chariot wheels# so that they drove them with difficulty9 and the gy"tians said# :)et us flee from the face of 0srael# for the )3+* fights for them against the gy"tians':

The )3+* is my strength and song# And 2e has become my salvation9 2e is my (od# and 0 will "raise 2im9 4y fatherDs (od# and 0 will e!alt 2im'

Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :Stretch out your hand over the sea# that the waters may come bac1 u"on the gy"tians# on their chariots# and on their horsemen':

The )3+* is a man of war9 The )3+* is 2is name'


And 4oses stretched out his hand over the sea9 and when the morning a""eared# the sea returned to its full de"th# while the gy"tians were fleeing into it' So the )3+* overthrew the gy"tians in the midst of the sea'

/haraohDs chariots and his army 2e has cast into the sea9 2is chosen ca"tains also are drowned in the +ed Sea'

The de"ths have covered them9 They san1 to the bottom li1e a stone'

Then the waters returned and covered the chariots# the horsemen# and all the army of /haraoh that came into the sea

:Cour right hand# 3 )3+*# has become glorious in "ower9 Cour right hand# 3 )3+*# has dashed the enemy in "ieces'

And in the greatness of Cour e!cellence Cou have overthrown those who rose against Cou9 Cou sent forth Cour wrath9 0t consumed them li1e stubble'


And with the blast of Cour nostrils The waters were gathered together9 The floods stood u"right li1e a hea"9 The de"ths congealed in the heart of the sea'

Cou will bring them in and "lant them 0n the mountain of Cour inheritance# 0n the "lace# 3 )3+*# which Cou have made For Cour own dwelling# The sanctuary# 3 )3+*# which Cour hands have established'

:The )3+* shall reign forever and ever':


The enemy said# :0 will "ursue# 0 will overta1e# 0 will divide the s"oil9 4y desire shall be satisfied on them' 0 will draw my sword# 4y hand shall destroy them'D

For the horses of /haraoh went with his chariots and his horsemen into the sea# and the )3+* brought bac1 the waters of the sea u"on them' But the children of 0srael went on dry land in the midst of the sea'

Cou blew with Cour wind# The sea covered them9 They san1 li1e lead in the mighty waters'

Then 4iriam the "ro"hetess# the sister of Aaron# too1 the timbrel in her hand9 and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances'

:Bho is li1e Cou# 3 )3+*# among the godsE Bho is li1e Cou# glorious in holiness# Fearful in "raises# doing wondersE

And 4iriam answered them7 :Sing to the )3+*# For 2e has trium"hed gloriouslyH The horse and its rider 2e has thrown into the seaH:

Cou stretched out Cour right hand9 The earth swallowed them'

Cou in Cour mercy have led forth The "eo"le whom Cou have redeemed9 Cou have guided them in Cour strength To Cour holy habitation'

So 4oses brought 0srael from the +ed Sea9 then they went out into the Bilderness of Shur' And they went three days in the wilderness and found no water'

:The "eo"le will hear and be afraid9 Sorrow will ta1e hold of the inhabitants of /hilistia'

Now when they came to 4arah# they could not drin1 the waters of 4arah# for they were bitter' Therefore the name of it was called 4arah'

Then the chiefs of dom will be dismayed9 % The mighty men of 4oab# Trembling will ta1e hold of them9 All the inhabitants of -anaan will melt away'

And the "eo"le com"lained against 4oses# saying# :Bhat shall we drin1E:

Fear and dread will fall on them9 By the greatness of Cour arm They will be as still as a stone# Till Cour "eo"le "ass over# 3 )3+*# Till the "eo"le "ass over Bhom Cou have "urchased'

So he cried out to the )3+*# and the )3+* showed him a tree' Bhen he cast it into the waters# the waters were made sweet' There 2e made a statute and an ordinance for them# and there 2e tested them#


and said# :0f you diligently heed the voice of the )3+* your (od and do what is right in 2is sight# give ear to 2is commandments and 1ee" all 2is statutes# 0 will "ut none of the diseases on you which 0 have brought on the gy"tians' For 0 am the )3+* who heals you':

1now that the )3+* has brought you out of the land of gy"t'

And in the morning you shall see the glory of the )3+*9 for 2e hears your com"laints against the )3+*' But what are we# that you com"lain against usE:

Then they came to lim# where there were twelve wells of water and seventy "alm trees9 so they cam"ed there by the waters'


they $ourneyed from lim# and all the congregation of the children of 0srael came to the Bilderness of Sin# which is between lim and Sinai# on the fifteenth day of the second month after they de"arted from the land of gy"t'

Also 4oses said# :This shall be seen when the )3+* gives you meat to eat in the evening# and in the morning bread to the full9 for the )3+* hears your com"laints which you ma1e against 2im' And what are weE Cour com"laints are not against us but against the )3+*':

Then 4oses s"o1e to Aaron# :Say to all the congregation of the children of 0srael# :-ome near before the )3+*# for 2e has heard your com"laints':D

Then the whole congregation of the children of 0srael com"lained against 4oses and Aaron in the wilderness'

And the children of 0srael said to them# :3h# that we had died by the hand of the )3+* in the land of gy"t# when we sat by the "ots of meat and when we ate bread to the fullH For you have brought us out into this wilderness to 1ill this whole assembly with hunger':

Now it came to "ass# as Aaron s"o1e to the whole congregation of the children of 0srael# that they loo1ed toward the wilderness# and behold# the glory of the )3+* a""eared in the cloud'

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :Behold# 0 will rain bread from heaven for you' And the "eo"le shall go out and gather a certain Guota every day# that 0 may test them# whether they will wal1 in 4y law or not'

:0 have heard the com"laints of the children of 0srael' S"ea1 to them# saying# :At twilight you shall eat meat# and in the morning you shall be filled with bread' And you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+* your (od':D

And it shall be on the si!th day that they shall "re"are what they bring in# and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily':

So it was that Guails came u" at evening and covered the cam"# and in the morning the dew lay all around the cam"'

Then 4oses and Aaron said to all the children of 0srael# :At evening you shall

And when the layer of dew lifted# there# on the surface of the wilderness# was a small round substance# as fine as frost on the ground'


So when the children of 0srael saw it# they said to one another# :Bhat is itE: For they did not 1now what it was' And 4oses said to them# :This is the bread which the )3+* has given you to eat'


So they laid it u" till morning# as 4oses commanded9 and it did not stin1# nor were there any worms in it'

This is the thing which the )3+* has commanded7 :)et every man gather it according to each oneDs need# one omer for each "erson# according to the number of "ersons9 let every man ta1e for those who are in his tent':D

Then 4oses said# : at that today# for today is a Sabbath to the )3+*9 today you will not find it in the field'

Si! days you shall gather it# but on the seventh day# the Sabbath# there will be none':

Then the children of 0srael did so and gathered# some more# some less'

Now it ha""ened that some of the "eo"le went out on the seventh day to gather# but they found none'

So when they measured it by omers# he who gathered much had nothing left over# and he who gathered little had no lac1' very man had gathered according to each oneDs need'

And the )3+* said to 4oses# :2ow long do you refuse to 1ee" 4y commandments and 4y lawsE

And 4oses said# :)et no one leave any of it till morning':


SeeH For the )3+* has given you the Sabbath9 therefore 2e gives you on the si!th day bread for two days' )et every man remain in his "lace9 let no man go out of his "lace on the seventh day':

Notwithstanding they did not heed 4oses' But some of them left "art of it until morning# and it bred worms and stan1' And 4oses was angry with them'

So the "eo"le rested on the seventh day'


So they gathered it every morning# every man according to his need' And when the sun became hot# it melted'

And the house of 0srael called its name 4anna' And it was li1e white coriander seed# and the taste of it was li1e wafers made with honey'

And so it was# on the si!th day# that they gathered twice as much bread# two omers for each one' And all the rulers of the congregation came and told 4oses'

Then he said to them# :This is what the )3+* has said7 :Tomorrow is a Sabbath rest# a holy Sabbath to the )3+*' Ba1e what you will ba1e today# and boil what you will boil9 and lay u" for yourselves all that remains# to be 1e"t until morning':D

Then 4oses said# :This is the thing which the )3+* has commanded7 :Fill an omer with it# to be 1e"t for your generations# that they may see the bread with which 0 fed you in the wilderness# when 0 brought you out of the land of gy"t':D

And 4oses said to Aaron# :Ta1e a "ot and "ut an omer of manna in it# and lay it u" before the )3+*# to be 1e"t for your generations':


As the )3+* commanded 4oses# so Aaron laid it u" before the Testimony# to be 1e"t'


And the children of 0srael ate manna forty years# until they came to an inhabited land9 they ate manna until they came to the border of the land of -anaan'

Behold# 0 will stand before you there on the roc1 in 2oreb9 and you shall stri1e the roc1# and water will come out of it# that the "eo"le may drin1': And 4oses did so in the sight of the elders of 0srael'

Now an omer is oneFtenth of an e"hah'

So he called the name of the "lace 4assah and 4eribah# because of the contention of the children of 0srael# and because they tem"ted the )3+*# saying# :0s the )3+* among us or notE:

17Then all the congregation of the

children of 0srael set out on their $ourney from the Bilderness of Sin# according to the commandment of the )3+*# and cam"ed in +e"hidim9 but there was no water for the "eo"le to drin1'

Now Amale1 came and fought with 0srael in +e"hidim'


And 4oses said to Joshua# :-hoose us some men and go out# fight with Amale1' Tomorrow 0 will stand on the to" of the hill with the rod of (od in my hand':

Therefore the "eo"le contended with 4oses# and said# :(ive us water# that we may drin1': So 4oses said to them# :Bhy do you contend with meE Bhy do you tem"t the )3+*E:

So Joshua did as 4oses said to him# and fought with Amale1' And 4oses# Aaron# and 2ur went u" to the to" of the hill'

And the "eo"le thirsted there for water# and the "eo"le com"lained against 4oses# and said# :Bhy is it you have brought us u" out of gy"t# to 1ill us and our children and our livestoc1 with thirstE:

And so it was# when 4oses held u" his hand# that 0srael "revailed9 and when he let down his hand# Amale1 "revailed'

So 4oses cried out to the )3+*# saying# :Bhat shall 0 do with this "eo"leE They are almost ready to stone meH:

But 4osesD hands became heavy9 so they too1 a stone and "ut it under him# and he sat on it' And Aaron and 2ur su""orted his hands# one on one side# and the other on the other side9 and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun'

And the )3+* said to 4oses# :(o on before the "eo"le# and ta1e with you some of the elders of 0srael' Also ta1e in your hand your rod with which you struc1 the river# and go'

So Joshua defeated Amale1 and his "eo"le with the edge of the sword'

Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :Brite this for a memorial in the boo1 and recount it in the hearing of Joshua# that 0 will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amale1 from under heaven':


And 4oses built an altar and called its name# TheF)3+*F0sF4yFBanner9



for he said# :Because the )3+* has sworn7 the )3+* will have war with Amale1 from generation to generation':

And 4oses told his fatherFinFlaw all that the )3+* had done to /haraoh and to the gy"tians for 0sraelDs sa1e# all the hardshi" that had come u"on them on the way# and how the )3+* had delivered them'

18And Jethro# the "riest of 4idian#

4osesD fatherFinFlaw# heard of all that (od had done for 4oses and for 0srael 2is "eo"leFFthat the )3+* had brought 0srael out of gy"t'

Then which whom of the


Jethro re$oiced for all the good the )3+* had done for 0srael# 2e had delivered out of the hand gy"tians'

Then Jethro# 4osesD fatherFinFlaw# too1 5i""orah# 4osesD wife# after he had sent her bac1#

And Jethro said# :Blessed be the )3+*# who has delivered you out of the hand of the gy"tians and out of the hand of /haraoh# and who has delivered the "eo"le from under the hand of the gy"tians'

with her two sons# of whom the name of one was (ershom Ifor he said# :0 have been a stranger in a foreign land:J

and the name of the other was Ifor he said# :The (od of my father was my hel"# and delivered me from the sword of /haraoh:J9

Now 0 1now that the )3+* is greater than all the gods9 for in the very thing in which they behaved "roudly# 2e was above them':

and Jethro# 4osesD fatherFinFlaw# came with his sons and his wife to 4oses in the wilderness# where he was encam"ed at the mountain of (od'

Then Jethro# 4osesD fatherFinFlaw# too1 a burnt offering and other sacrifices to offer to (od' And Aaron came with all the elders of 0srael to eat bread with 4osesD fatherFinFlaw before (od'

Now he had said to 4oses# :0# your fatherFinFlaw Jethro# am coming to you with your wife and her two sons with her':

And so it was# on the ne!t day# that 4oses sat to $udge the "eo"le9 and the "eo"le stood before 4oses from morning until evening'

So 4oses went out to meet his fatherF inFlaw# bowed down# and 1issed him' And they as1ed each other about their wellFbeing# and they went into the tent'

So when 4osesD fatherFinFlaw saw all that he did for the "eo"le# he said# :Bhat is this thing that you are doing for the "eo"leE Bhy do you alone sit# and all the "eo"le stand before you from morning until eveningE:

And 4oses said to his fatherFinFlaw# :Because the "eo"le come to me to inGuire of (od'

Bhen they have a difficulty# they come to me# and 0 $udge between one and

another9 and 0 ma1e 1nown the statutes of (od and 2is laws':


So 4osesD fatherFinFlaw said to him# :The thing that you do is not good'

And 4oses chose able men out of all 0srael# and made them heads over the "eo"le7 rulers of thousands# rulers of hundreds# rulers of fifties# and rulers of tens'

Both you and these "eo"le who are with you will surely wear yourselves out' For this thing is too much for you9 you are not able to "erform it by yourself'

So they $udged the "eo"le at all times9 the hard cases they brought to 4oses# but they $udged every small case themselves'

)isten now to my voice9 0 will give you counsel# and (od will be with you7 Stand before (od for the "eo"le# so that you may bring the difficulties to (od'

Then 4oses let his fatherFinFlaw de"art# and he went his way to his own land'

And you shall teach them the statutes and the laws# and show them the way in which they must wal1 and the wor1 they must do'


the third month after the children of 0srael had gone out of the land of gy"t# on the same day# they came to the Bilderness of Sinai' For they had de"arted from +e"hidim# had come to the Bilderness of Sinai# and cam"ed in the wilderness' So 0srael cam"ed there before the mountain'

4oreover you shall select from all the "eo"le able men# such as fear (od# men of truth# hating covetousness9 and "lace such over them to be rulers of thousands# rulers of hundreds# rulers of fifties# and rulers of tens'

And let them $udge the "eo"le at all times' Then it will be that every great matter they shall bring to you# but every small matter they themselves shall $udge' So it will be easier for you# for they will bear the burden with you'

And 4oses went u" to (od# and the )3+* called to him from the mountain# saying# :Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob# and tell the children of 0srael7

0f you do this thing# and (od so commands you# then you will be able to endure# and all this "eo"le will also go to their "lace in "eace':

:Cou have seen what 0 did to the gy"tians# and how 0 bore you on eaglesD wings and brought you to 4yself'

So 4oses heeded the voice of his fatherFinFlaw and did all that he had said'

Now therefore# if you will indeed obey 4y voice and 1ee" 4y covenant# then you shall be a s"ecial treasure to 4e above all "eo"le9 for all the earth is 4ine'

And you shall be to 4e a 1ingdom of "riests and a holy nation'D These are the words which you shall s"ea1 to the children of 0srael':

So 4oses came and called for the elders of the "eo"le# and laid before them all these words which the )3+* commanded him'


Then all the "eo"le answered together and said# :All that the )3+* has s"o1en we will do': So 4oses brought bac1 the words of the "eo"le to the )3+*'

Then it came to "ass on the third day# in the morning# that there were thunderings and lightnings# and a thic1 cloud on the mountain9 and the sound of the trum"et was very loud# so that all the "eo"le who were in the cam" trembled'

And 4oses brought the "eo"le out of the cam" to meet with (od# and they stood at the foot of the mountain'

And the )3+* said to 4oses# :Behold# 0 come to you in the thic1 cloud# that the "eo"le may hear when 0 s"ea1 with you# and believe you forever': So 4oses told the words of the "eo"le to the )3+*'

Now 4ount Sinai was com"letely in smo1e# because the )3+* descended u"on it in fire' 0ts smo1e ascended li1e the smo1e of a furnace# and the whole mountain Gua1ed greatly'

Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :(o to the "eo"le and consecrate them today and tomorrow# and let them wash their clothes'

And when the blast of the trum"et sounded long and became louder and louder# 4oses s"o1e# and (od answered him by voice'

And let them be ready for the third day' For on the third day the )3+* will come down u"on 4ount Sinai in the sight of all the "eo"le'

Then the )3+* came down u"on 4ount Sinai# on the to" of the mountain' And the )3+* called 4oses to the to" of the mountain# and 4oses went u"'

Cou shall set bounds for the "eo"le all around# saying# :Ta1e heed to yourselves that you do not go u" to the mountain or touch its base' Bhoever touches the mountain shall surely be "ut to death'

And the )3+* said to 4oses# :(o down and warn the "eo"le# lest they brea1 through to ga.e at the )3+*# and many of them "erish'

Not a hand shall touch him# but he shall surely be stoned or shot with an arrow9 whether man or beast# he shall not live'D Bhen the trum"et sounds long# they shall come near the mountain':

Also let the "riests who come near the )3+* consecrate themselves# lest the )3+* brea1 out against them':

So 4oses went down from the mountain to the "eo"le and sanctified the "eo"le# and they washed their clothes'

But 4oses said to the )3+*# :The "eo"le cannot come u" to 4ount Sinai9 for Cou warned us# saying# :Set bounds around the mountain and consecrate it':D

And he said to the "eo"le# :Be ready for the third day9 do not come near your wives':

Then the )3+* said to him# :AwayH (et down and then come u"# you and Aaron with you' But do not let the "riests and the "eo"le brea1 through to come u" to the )3+*# lest 2e brea1 out against them':


So 4oses went down to the "eo"le and s"o1e to them'


20And (od s"o1e all these words#


but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the )3+* your (od' 0n it you shall do no wor17 you# nor your son# nor your daughter# nor your male servant# nor your female servant# nor your cattle# nor your stranger who is within your gates'

:0 am the )3+* your (od# who brought you out of the land of gy"t# out of the house of bondage'

:Cou shall have no other gods before 4e'


For in si! days the )3+* made the heavens and the earth# the sea# and all that is in them# and rested the seventh day' Therefore the )3+* blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it'

:Cou shall not ma1e for yourself a carved imageFFany li1eness of anything that is in heaven above# or that is in the earth beneath# or that is in the water under the earth9

:2onor your father and your mother# that your days may be long u"on the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you'

:Cou shall not murder' :Cou shall not commit adultery' :Cou shall not steal'


you shall not bow down to them nor serve them' For 0# the )3+* your (od# am a $ealous (od# visiting the iniGuity of the fathers u"on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate 4e#



:Cou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor'


but showing mercy to thousands# to those who love 4e and 1ee" 4y commandments'

:Cou shall not ta1e the name of the )3+* your (od in vain# for the )3+* will not hold him guiltless who ta1es 2is name in vain'

:Cou shall not covet your neighborDs house9 you shall not covet your neighborDs wife# nor his male servant# nor his female servant# nor his o!# nor his don1ey# nor anything that is your neighborDs':

:+emember the Sabbath day# to 1ee" it holy'


Now all the "eo"le witnessed the thunderings# the lightning flashes# the sound of the trum"et# and the mountain smo1ing9 and when the "eo"le saw it# they trembled and stood afar off'

Si! days you shall labor and do all your wor1#

Then they said to 4oses# :Cou s"ea1 with us# and we will hear9 but let not (od s"ea1 with us# lest we die':

And 4oses said to the "eo"le# :*o not fear9 for (od has come to test you# and

that 2is fear may be before you# so that you may not sin':

So the "eo"le stood afar off# but 4oses drew near the thic1 dar1ness where (od was'

0f his master has given him a wife# and she has borne him sons or daughters# the wife and her children shall be her masterDs# and he shall go out by himself'

Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :Thus you shall say to the children of 0srael7 :Cou have seen that 0 have tal1ed with you from heaven'

But if the servant "lainly says# :0 love my master# my wife# and my children9 0 will not go out free#D

Cou shall not ma1e anything to be with 4eFFgods of silver or gods of gold you shall not ma1e for yourselves'

then his master shall bring him to the $udges' 2e shall also bring him to the door# or to the door"ost# and his master shall "ierce his ear with an awl9 and he shall serve him forever'

An altar of earth you shall ma1e for 4e# and you shall sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and your "eace offerings# your shee" and your o!en' 0n every "lace where 0 record 4y name 0 will come to you# and 0 will bless you'

:And if a man sells his daughter to be a female slave# she shall not go out as the male slaves do'

And if you ma1e 4e an altar of stone# you shall not build it of hewn stone9 for if you use your tool on it# you have "rofaned it'

0f she does not "lease her master# who has betrothed her to himself# then he shall let her be redeemed' 2e shall have no right to sell her to a foreign "eo"le# since he has dealt deceitfully with her'

And if he has betrothed her to his son# he shall deal with her according to the custom of daughters'

Nor shall you go u" by ste"s to 4y altar# that your na1edness may not be e!"osed on it'D

0f he ta1es another wife# he shall not diminish her food# her clothing# and her marriage rights'


these are the $udgments which you shall set before them7 0f you buy a 2ebrew servant# he shall serve si! years9 and in the seventh he shall go out free and "ay nothing'

And if he does not do these three for her# then she shall go out free# without "aying money'

:2e who stri1es a man so that he dies shall surely be "ut to death'

0f he comes in by himself# he shall go out by himself9 if he comes in married# then his wife shall go out with him'

2owever# if he did not lie in wait# but (od delivered him into his hand# then 0 will a""oint for you a "lace where he may flee'

:But if a man acts with "remeditation against his neighbor# to 1ill him by

treachery# you shall ta1e him from 4y altar# that he may die'


burn for burn# wound for wound# stri"e for stri"e'


:And he who stri1es his father or his mother shall surely be "ut to death'

:0f a man stri1es the eye of his male or female servant# and destroys it# he shall let him go free for the sa1e of his eye'

:2e who 1idna"s a man and sells him# or if he is found in his hand# shall surely be "ut to death'

And if he 1noc1s out the tooth of his male or female servant# he shall let him go free for the sa1e of his tooth'

:And he who curses his father or his mother shall surely be "ut to death'

:0f men contend with each other# and one stri1es the other with a stone or with his fist# and he does not die but is confined to his bed#

:0f an o! gores a man or a woman to death# then the o! shall surely be stoned# and its flesh shall not be eaten9 but the owner of the o! shall be acGuitted'

if he rises again and wal1s about outside with his staff# then he who struc1 him shall be acGuitted' 2e shall only "ay for the loss of his time# and shall "rovide for him to be thoroughly healed'

But if the o! tended to thrust with its horn in times "ast# and it has been made 1nown to his owner# and he has not 1e"t it confined# so that it has 1illed a man or a woman# the o! shall be stoned and its owner also shall be "ut to death'

:And if a man beats his male or female servant with a rod# so that he dies under his hand# he shall surely be "unished'

0f there is im"osed on him a sum of money# then he shall "ay to redeem his life# whatever is im"osed on him'

Notwithstanding# if he remains alive a day or two# he shall not be "unished9 for he is his "ro"erty'

Bhether it has gored a son or gored a daughter# according to this $udgment it shall be done to him'

:0f men fight# and hurt a woman with child# so that she gives birth "rematurely# yet no harm follows# he shall surely be "unished accordingly as the womanDs husband im"oses on him9 and he shall "ay as the $udges determine'

0f the o! gores a male or female servant# he shall give to their master thirty she1els of silver# and the o! shall be stoned'

But if any harm follows# then you shall give life for life#

:And if a man o"ens a "it# or if a man digs a "it and does not cover it# and an o! or a don1ey falls in it#

eye for eye# tooth for tooth# hand for hand# foot for foot#

the owner of the "it shall ma1e it good9 he shall give money to their owner# but the dead animal shall be his'


:0f one manDs o! hurts anotherDs# so that it dies# then they shall sell the live o! and divide the money from it9 and the dead o! they shall also divide'


0f the thief is not found# then the master of the house shall be brought to the $udges to see whether he has "ut his hand into his neighborDs goods'

3r if it was 1nown that the o! tended to thrust in time "ast# and its owner has not 1e"t it confined# he shall surely "ay o! for o!# and the dead animal shall be his own'

22:0f a man steals an o! or a shee"#

and slaughters it or sells it# he shall restore five o!en for an o! and four shee" for a shee"'

:For any 1ind of tres"ass# whether it concerns an o!# a don1ey# a shee"# or clothing# or for any 1ind of lost thing which another claims to be his# the cause of both "arties shall come before the $udges9 and whomever the $udges condemn shall "ay double to his neighbor'

0f the thief is found brea1ing in# and he is struc1 so that he dies# there shall be no guilt for his bloodshed'

0f a man delivers to his neighbor a don1ey# an o!# a shee"# or any animal to 1ee"# and it dies# is hurt# or driven away# no one seeing it#

0f the sun has risen on him# there shall be guilt for his bloodshed' 2e should ma1e full restitution9 if he has nothing# then he shall be sold for his theft'

then an oath of the )3+* shall be between them both# that he has not "ut his hand into his neighborDs goods9 and the owner of it shall acce"t that# and he shall not ma1e it good'

0f the theft is certainly found alive in his hand# whether it is an o! or don1ey or shee"# he shall restore double'

But if# in fact# it is stolen from him# he shall ma1e restitution to the owner of it'

:0f a man causes a field or vineyard to be gra.ed# and lets loose his animal# and it feeds in another manDs field# he shall ma1e restitution from the best of his own field and the best of his own vineyard'

0f it is torn to "ieces by a beast# then he shall bring it as evidence# and he shall not ma1e good what was torn'

:And if a man borrows anything from his neighbor# and it becomes in$ured or dies# the owner of it not being with it# he shall surely ma1e it good'

:0f fire brea1s out and catches in thorns# so that stac1ed grain# standing grain# or the field is consumed# he who 1indled the fire shall surely ma1e restitution'

0f its owner was with it# he shall not ma1e it good9 if it was hired# it came for its hire'

:0f a man delivers to his neighbor money or articles to 1ee"# and it is stolen out of the manDs house# if the thief is found# he shall "ay double'

:0f a man entices a virgin who is not betrothed# and lies with her# he shall surely "ay the brideF"rice for her to be his wife'


0f her father utterly refuses to give her to him# he shall "ay money according to the brideF"rice of virgins'


:Cou shall not delay to offer the first of your ri"e "roduce and your $uices' The firstborn of your sons you shall give to 4e'

:Cou shall not "ermit a sorceress to live'


:Bhoever lies with an animal shall surely be "ut to death'


)i1ewise you shall do with your o!en and your shee"' 0t shall be with its mother seven days9 on the eighth day you shall give it to 4e'

:2e who sacrifices to any god# e!ce"t to the )3+* only# he shall be utterly destroyed'

:And you shall be holy men to 4e7 you shall not eat meat torn by beasts in the field9 you shall throw it to the dogs'

:Cou shall neither mistreat a stranger nor o""ress him# for you were strangers in the land of gy"t'

23:Cou shall not circulate a false

re"ort' *o not "ut your hand with the wic1ed to be an unrighteous witness'

:Cou shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child'


0f you afflict them in any way# and they cry at all to 4e# 0 will surely hear their cry9

Cou shall not follow a crowd to do evil9 nor shall you testify in a dis"ute so as to turn aside after many to "ervert $ustice'

Cou shall not show "artiality to a "oor man in his dis"ute'


and 4y wrath will become hot# and 0 will 1ill you with the sword9 your wives shall be widows# and your children fatherless'

:0f you meet your enemyDs o! or his don1ey going astray# you shall surely bring it bac1 to him again'

:0f you lend money to any of 4y "eo"le who are "oor among you# you shall not be li1e a moneylender to him9 you shall not charge him interest'

0f you see the don1ey of one who hates you lying under its burden# and you would refrain from hel"ing it# you shall surely hel" him with it'

0f you ever ta1e your neighborDs garment as a "ledge# you shall return it to him before the sun goes down'

:Cou shall not "ervert the $udgment of your "oor in his dis"ute'

For that is his only covering# it is his garment for his s1in' Bhat will he slee" inE And it will be that when he cries to 4e# 0 will hear# for 0 am gracious'

Kee" yourself far from a false matter9 do not 1ill the innocent and righteous' For 0 will not $ustify the wic1ed'

:Cou shall not revile (od# nor curse a ruler of your "eo"le'

And you shall ta1e no bribe# for a bribe blinds the discerning and "erverts the words of the righteous'

:Also you shall not o""ress a stranger# for you 1now the heart of a stranger# because you were strangers in the land of gy"t'


:Cou shall not offer the blood of 4y sacrifice with leavened bread9 nor shall the fat of 4y sacrifice remain until morning'

:Si! years you shall sow your land and gather in its "roduce#

but the seventh year you shall let it rest and lie fallow# that the "oor of your "eo"le may eat9 and what they leave# the beasts of the field may eat' 0n li1e manner you shall do with your vineyard and your olive grove'

The first of the firstfruits of your land you shall bring into the house of the )3+* your (od' Cou shall not boil a young goat in its motherDs mil1'

:Behold# 0 send an Angel before you to 1ee" you in the way and to bring you into the "lace which 0 have "re"ared'

Si! days you shall do your wor1# and on the seventh day you shall rest# that your o! and your don1ey may rest# and the son of your female servant and the stranger may be refreshed'

Beware of 2im and obey 2is voice9 do not "rovo1e 2im# for 2e will not "ardon your transgressions9 for 4y name is in 2im'

:And in all that 0 have said to you# be circums"ect and ma1e no mention of the name of other gods# nor let it be heard from your mouth'

But if you indeed obey 2is voice and do all that 0 s"ea1# then 0 will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries'

:Three times you shall 1ee" a feast to 4e in the year7


For 4y Angel will go before you bring you in to the Amorites and 2ittites and the /eri..ites and -anaanites and the 2ivites and Jebusites9 and 0 will cut them off'

and the the the

Cou shall 1ee" the Feast of Anleavened Bread Iyou shall eat unleavened bread seven days# as 0 commanded you# at the time a""ointed in the month of Abib# for in it you came out of gy"t9 none shall a""ear before 4e em"tyJ9

Cou shall not bow down to their gods# nor serve them# nor do according to their wor1s9 but you shall utterly overthrow them and com"letely brea1 down their sacred "illars'

and the Feast of 2arvest# the firstfruits of your labors which you have sown in the field9 and the Feast of 0ngathering at the end of the year# when you have gathered in the fruit of your labors from the field'

:So you shall serve the )3+* your (od# and 2e will bless your bread and your water' And 0 will ta1e sic1ness away from the midst of you'

No one shall suffer miscarriage or be barren in your land9 0 will fulfill the number of your days'

:Three times in the year all your males shall a""ear before the )ord (3*'

:0 will send 4y fear before you# 0 will cause confusion among all the "eo"le to

whom you come# and will ma1e all your enemies turn their bac1s to you'

And 0 will send hornets before you# which shall drive out the 2ivite# the -anaanite# and the 2ittite from before you'

And 4oses wrote all the words of the )3+*' And he rose early in the morning# and built an altar at the foot of the mountain# and twelve "illars according to the twelve tribes of 0srael'

0 will not drive them out from before you in one year# lest the land become desolate and the beasts of the field become too numerous for you'

Then he sent young men of the children of 0srael# who offered burnt offerings and sacrificed "eace offerings of o!en to the )3+*'

)ittle by little 0 will drive them out from before you# until you have increased# and you inherit the land'

And 4oses too1 half the blood and "ut it in basins# and half the blood he s"rin1led on the altar'

And 0 will set your bounds from the +ed Sea to the sea# /hilistia# and from the desert to the +iver' For 0 will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand# and you shall drive them out before you'

Then he too1 the Boo1 of the -ovenant and read in the hearing of the "eo"le' And they said# :All that the )3+* has said we will do# and be obedient':

Cou shall ma1e no covenant with them# nor with their gods'

And 4oses too1 the blood# s"rin1led it on the "eo"le# and said# :This is the blood of the covenant which the )3+* has made with you according to all these words':

They shall not dwell in your land# lest they ma1e you sin against 4e' For if you serve their gods# it will surely be a snare to you':

Then 4oses went u"# also Aaron# Nadab# and Abihu# and seventy of the elders of 0srael#

24Now 2e said to 4oses# :-ome u"

to the )3+*# you and Aaron# Nadab and Abihu# and seventy of the elders of 0srael# and worshi" from afar'

and they saw the (od of 0srael' And there was under 2is feet as it were a "aved wor1 of sa""hire stone# and it was li1e the very heavens in its clarity'

But on the nobles of the children of 0srael 2e did not lay 2is hand' So they saw (od# and they ate and dran1'

And 4oses alone shall come near the )3+*# but they shall not come near9 nor shall the "eo"le go u" with him':

So 4oses came and told the "eo"le all the words of the )3+* and all the $udgments' And all the "eo"le answered with one voice and said# :All the words which the )3+* has said we will do':

Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :-ome u" to 4e on the mountain and be there9 and 0 will give you tablets of stone# and the law and commandments which 0 have written# that you may teach them':

So 4oses arose with his assistant Joshua# and 4oses went u" to the mountain of (od'


And he said to the elders# :Bait here for us until we come bac1 to you' 0ndeed# Aaron and 2ur are with you' 0f any man has a difficulty# let him go to them':

ony! stones# and stones to be set in the e"hod and in the breast"late'

And let them ma1e 4e a sanctuary# that 0 may dwell among them'

Then 4oses went u" into the mountain# and a cloud covered the mountain'

According to all that 0 show you# that is# the "attern of the tabernacle and the "attern of all its furnishings# $ust so you shall ma1e it'

Now the glory of the )3+* rested on 4ount Sinai# and the cloud covered it si! days' And on the seventh day 2e called to 4oses out of the midst of the cloud'

:And they shall ma1e an ar1 of acacia wood9 two and a half cubits shall be its length# a cubit and a half its width# and a cubit and a half its height'

The sight of the glory of the )3+* was li1e a consuming fire on the to" of the mountain in the eyes of the children of 0srael'

And you shall overlay it with "ure gold# inside and out you shall overlay it# and shall ma1e on it a molding of gold all around'

So 4oses went into the midst of the cloud and went u" into the mountain' And 4oses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights'

Cou shall cast four rings of gold for it# and "ut them in its four corners9 two rings shall be on one side# and two rings on the other side'

25Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


And you shall ma1e "oles of acacia wood# and overlay them with gold'

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# that they bring 4e an offering' From everyone who gives it willingly with his heart you shall ta1e 4y offering'

Cou shall "ut the "oles into the rings on the sides of the ar1# that the ar1 may be carried by them'

And this is the offering which you shall ta1e from them7 gold# silver# and bron.e9

The "oles shall be in the rings of the ar19 they shall not be ta1en from it'

blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# fine linen# and goatsD hair9

And you shall "ut into the ar1 the Testimony which 0 will give you'

ram s1ins dyed red# badger s1ins# and acacia wood9


:Cou shall ma1e a mercy seat of "ure gold9 two and a half cubits shall be its length and a cubit and a half its width'

oil for the light# and s"ices for the anointing oil and for the sweet incense9

And you shall ma1e two cherubim of gold9 of hammered wor1 you shall ma1e them at the two ends of the mercy seat'


4a1e one cherub at one end# and the other cherub at the other end9 you shall ma1e the cherubim at the two ends of it of one "iece with the mercy seat'


Cou shall ma1e its dishes# its "ans# its "itchers# and its bowls for "ouring' Cou shall ma1e them of "ure gold'

And the cherubim shall stretch out their wings above# covering the mercy seat with their wings# and they shall face one another9 the faces of the cherubim shall be toward the mercy seat'

And you shall set the showbread on the table before 4e always'

Cou shall "ut the mercy seat on to" of the ar1# and in the ar1 you shall "ut the Testimony that 0 will give you'

:Cou shall also ma1e a lam"stand of "ure gold9 the lam"stand shall be of hammered wor1' 0ts shaft# its branches# its bowls# its ornamental 1nobs# and flowers shall be of one "iece'

And there 0 will meet with you# and 0 will s"ea1 with you from above the mercy seat# from between the two cherubim which are on the ar1 of the Testimony# about everything which 0 will give you in commandment to the children of 0srael'

And si! branches shall come out of its sides7 three branches of the lam"stand out of one side# and three branches of the lam"stand out of the other side'

:Cou shall also ma1e a table of acacia wood9 two cubits shall be its length# a cubit its width# and a cubit and a half its height'

Three bowls shall be made li1e almond blossoms on one branch# with an ornamental 1nob and a flower# and three bowls made li1e almond blossoms on the other branch# with an ornamental 1nob and a flowerFFand so for the si! branches that come out of the lam"stand'

And you shall overlay it with "ure gold# and ma1e a molding of gold all around'

3n the lam"stand itself four bowls shall be made li1e almond blossoms# each with its ornamental 1nob and flower'

Cou shall ma1e for it a frame of a handbreadth all around# and you shall ma1e a gold molding for the frame all around'

And you shall ma1e for it four rings of gold# and "ut the rings on the four corners that are at its four legs'

And there shall be a 1nob under the first two branches of the same# a 1nob under the second two branches of the same# and a 1nob under the third two branches of the same# according to the si! branches that e!tend from the lam"stand'

The rings shall be close to the frame# as holders for the "oles to bear the table'

Their 1nobs and their branches shall be of one "iece9 all of it shall be one hammered "iece of "ure gold'

And you shall ma1e the "oles of acacia wood# and overlay them with gold# that the table may be carried with them'

Cou shall ma1e seven lam"s for it# and they shall arrange its lam"s so that they give light in front of it'


And its wic1Ftrimmers and their trays shall be of "ure gold'



0t shall be made of a talent of "ure gold# with all these utensils'


The length of each curtain shall be thirty cubits# and the width of each curtain four cubits9 and the eleven curtains shall all have the same measurements'

And see to it that you ma1e them according to the "attern which was shown you on the mountain'


And you shall cou"le five curtains by themselves and si! curtains by themselves# and you shall double over the si!th curtain at the forefront of the tent'

you shall ma1e the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine woven linen and blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread9 with artistic designs of cherubim you shall weave them'

Cou shall ma1e fifty loo"s on the edge of the curtain that is outermost in one set# and fifty loo"s on the edge of the curtain of the second set'

The length of each curtain shall be twentyFeight cubits# and the width of each curtain four cubits' And every one of the curtains shall have the same measurements'

And you shall ma1e fifty bron.e clas"s# "ut the clas"s into the loo"s# and cou"le the tent together# that it may be one'

Five curtains shall be cou"led to one another# and the other five curtains shall be cou"led to one another'

The remnant that remains of the curtains of the tent# the half curtain that remains# shall hang over the bac1 of the tabernacle'

And you shall ma1e loo"s of blue yarn on the edge of the curtain on the selvedge of one set# and li1ewise you shall do on the outer edge of the other curtain of the second set'

And a cubit on one side and a cubit on the other side# of what remains of the length of the curtains of the tent# shall hang over the sides of the tabernacle# on this side and on that side# to cover it'

Fifty loo"s you shall ma1e in the one curtain# and fifty loo"s you shall ma1e on the edge of the curtain that is on the end of the second set# that the loo"s may be clas"ed to one another'

:Cou shall also ma1e a covering of ram s1ins dyed red for the tent# and a covering of badger s1ins above that'

:And for the tabernacle you shall ma1e the boards of acacia wood# standing u"right'

And you shall ma1e fifty clas"s of gold# and cou"le the curtains together with the clas"s# so that it may be one tabernacle'

Ten cubits shall be the length of a board# and a cubit and a half shall be the width of each board'

:Cou shall also ma1e curtains of goatsD hair# to be a tent over the tabernacle' Cou shall ma1e eleven curtains'

Two tenons shall be in each board for binding one to another' Thus you shall ma1e for all the boards of the tabernacle'


And you shall ma1e the boards for the tabernacle# twenty boards for the south side'


Cou shall overlay the boards with gold# ma1e their rings of gold as holders for the bars# and overlay the bars with gold'

Cou shall ma1e forty soc1ets of silver under the twenty boards7 two soc1ets under each of the boards for its two tenons'

And you shall raise u" the tabernacle according to its "attern which you were shown on the mountain'

And for the second side of the tabernacle# the north side# there shall be twenty boards

:Cou shall ma1e a veil woven of blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# and fine woven linen' 0t shall be woven with an artistic design of cherubim'

and their forty soc1ets of silver7 two soc1ets under each of the boards'

For the far side of the tabernacle# westward# you shall ma1e si! boards'

Cou shall hang it u"on the four "illars of acacia wood overlaid with gold' Their hoo1s shall be gold# u"on four soc1ets of silver'

And you shall also ma1e two boards for the two bac1 corners of the tabernacle'

They shall be cou"led together at the bottom and they shall be cou"led together at the to" by one ring' Thus it shall be for both of them' They shall be for the two corners'

And you shall hang the veil from the clas"s' Then you shall bring the ar1 of the Testimony in there# behind the veil' The veil shall be a divider for you between the holy "lace and the 4ost 2oly'

Cou shall "ut the mercy seat u"on the ar1 of the Testimony in the 4ost 2oly'

So there shall be eight boards with their soc1ets of silverFFsi!teen soc1etsFF two soc1ets under each of the boards'

Cou shall set the table outside the veil# and the lam"stand across from the table on the side of the tabernacle toward the south9 and you shall "ut the table on the north side'

:And you shall ma1e bars of acacia wood7 five for the boards on one side of the tabernacle#

five bars for the boards on the other side of the tabernacle# and five bars for the boards of the side of the tabernacle# for the far side westward'

:Cou shall ma1e a screen for the door of the tabernacle# woven of blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# and fine woven linen# made by a weaver'

The middle bar shall "ass through the midst of the boards from end to end'

And you shall ma1e for the screen five "illars of acacia wood# and overlay them with gold9 their hoo1s shall be gold# and you shall cast five soc1ets of bron.e for them'

27:Cou shall ma1e an altar of acacia

wood# five cubits long and five cubits wideFFthe altar shall be sGuareFFand its height shall be three cubits'


)i1ewise along the length of the north side there shall be hangings one hundred cubits long# with its twenty "illars and their twenty soc1ets of bron.e# and the hoo1s of the "illars and their bands of silver'

Cou shall ma1e its horns on its four corners9 its horns shall be of one "iece with it' And you shall overlay it with bron.e'

:And along the width of the court on the west side shall be hangings of fifty cubits# with their ten "illars and their ten soc1ets'

Also you shall ma1e its "ans to receive its ashes# and its shovels and its basins and its for1s and its fire"ans9 you shall ma1e all its utensils of bron.e'

The width of the court on the east side shall be fifty cubits'

Cou shall ma1e a grate for it# a networ1 of bron.e9 and on the networ1 you shall ma1e four bron.e rings at its four corners'

The hangings on one side of the gate shall be fifteen cubits# with their three "illars and their three soc1ets'

Cou shall "ut it under the rim of the altar beneath# that the networ1 may be midway u" the altar'

And on the other side shall be hangings of fifteen cubits# with their three "illars and their three soc1ets'

And you shall ma1e "oles for the altar# "oles of acacia wood# and overlay them with bron.e'

:For the gate of the court there shall be a screen twenty cubits long# woven of blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# and fine woven linen# made by a weaver' 0t shall have four "illars and four soc1ets'

The "oles shall be "ut in the rings# and the "oles shall be on the two sides of the altar to bear it'

All the "illars around the court shall have bands of silver9 their hoo1s shall be of silver and their soc1ets of bron.e'

Cou shall ma1e it hollow with boards9 as it was shown you on the mountain# so shall they ma1e it'

:Cou shall also ma1e the court of the tabernacle' For the south side there shall be hangings for the court made of fine woven linen# one hundred cubits long for one side'

The length of the court shall be one hundred cubits# the width fifty throughout# and the height five cubits# made of fine woven linen# and its soc1ets of bron.e'

All the utensils of the tabernacle for all its service# all its "egs# and all the "egs of the court# shall be of bron.e'

And its twenty "illars and their twenty soc1ets shall be bron.e' The hoo1s of the "illars and their bands shall be silver'

:And you shall command the children of 0srael that they bring you "ure oil of "ressed olives for the light# to cause the lam" to burn continually'


0n the tabernacle of meeting# outside the veil which is before the Testimony# Aaron and his sons shall tend it from evening until morning before the )3+*' 0t shall be a statute forever to their generations on behalf of the children of 0srael'

same wor1manshi"# made of gold# blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# and fine woven linen'

:Then you shall ta1e two ony! stones and engrave on them the names of the sons of 0srael7


ta1e Aaron your brother# and his sons with him# from among the children of 0srael# that he may minister to 4e as "riest# Aaron and AaronDs sons7 Nadab# Abihu# and 0thamar'

si! of their names on one stone and si! names on the other stone# in order of their birth'

And you shall ma1e holy garments for Aaron your brother# for glory and for beauty'

Bith the wor1 of an engraver in stone# li1e the engravings of a signet# you shall engrave the two stones with the names of the sons of 0srael' Cou shall set them in settings of gold'

So you shall s"ea1 to all who are gifted artisans# whom 0 have filled with the s"irit of wisdom# that they may ma1e AaronDs garments# to consecrate him# that he may minister to 4e as "riest'

And you shall "ut the two stones on the shoulders of the e"hod as memorial stones for the sons of 0srael' So Aaron shall bear their names before the )3+* on his two shoulders as a memorial'

Cou shall also ma1e settings of gold#

And these are the garments which they shall ma1e7 a breast"late# an e"hod# a robe# a s1illfully woven tunic# a turban# and a sash' So they shall ma1e holy garments for Aaron your brother and his sons# that he may minister to 4e as "riest'


and you shall ma1e two chains of "ure gold li1e braided cords# and fasten the braided chains to the settings'

:They shall ta1e the gold# blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# and the fine linen#

:Cou shall ma1e the breast"late of $udgment' Artistically woven according to the wor1manshi" of the e"hod you shall ma1e it7 of gold# blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# and fine woven linen# you shall ma1e it'

and they shall ma1e the e"hod of gold# blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# and fine woven linen# artistically wor1ed'

0t shall be doubled into a sGuare7 a s"an shall be its length# and a s"an shall be its width'

0t shall have two shoulder stra"s $oined at its two edges# and so it shall be $oined together'

And you shall "ut settings of stones in it# four rows of stones7 The first row shall be a sardius# a to"a.# and an emerald9 this shall be the first row9

And the intricately woven band of the e"hod# which is on it# shall be of the


the second row shall be a turGuoise# a sa""hire# and a diamond9


the third row# a $acinth# an agate# and an amethyst9


e"hod# using a blue cord# so that it is above the intricately woven band of the e"hod# and so that the breast"late does not come loose from the e"hod'

and the fourth row# a beryl# an ony!# and a $as"er' They shall be set in gold settings'

:So Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of 0srael on the breast"late of $udgment over his heart# when he goes into the holy "lace# as a memorial before the )3+* continually'

And the stones shall have the names of the sons of 0srael# twelve according to their names# li1e the engravings of a signet# each one with its own name9 they shall be according to the twelve tribes'

:Cou shall ma1e chains for the breast"late at the end# li1e braided cords of "ure gold'

And you shall "ut in the breast"late of $udgment the Arim and the Thummim# and they shall be over AaronDs heart when he goes in before the )3+*' So Aaron shall bear the $udgment of the children of 0srael over his heart before the )3+* continually'

:Cou shall ma1e the robe of the e"hod all of blue'


And you shall ma1e two rings of gold for the breast"late# and "ut the two rings on the two ends of the breast"late'

Then you shall "ut the two braided chains of gold in the two rings which are on the ends of the breast"late9

There shall be an o"ening for his head in the middle of it9 it shall have a woven binding all around its o"ening# li1e the o"ening in a coat of mail# so that it does not tear'

and the other two ends of the two braided chains you shall fasten to the two settings# and "ut them on the shoulder stra"s of the e"hod in the front'

And u"on its hem you shall ma1e "omegranates of blue# "ur"le# and scarlet# all around its hem# and bells of gold between them all around7

:Cou shall ma1e two rings of gold# and "ut them on the two ends of the breast"late# on the edge of it# which is on the inner side of the e"hod'

a golden bell and a "omegranate# a golden bell and a "omegranate# u"on the hem of the robe all around'

And two other rings of gold you shall ma1e# and "ut them on the two shoulder stra"s# underneath the e"hod toward its front# right at the seam above the intricately woven band of the e"hod'

And it shall be u"on Aaron when he ministers# and its sound will be heard when he goes into the holy "lace before the )3+* and when he comes out# that he may not die'

They shall bind the breast"late by means of its rings to the rings of the

:Cou shall also ma1e a "late of "ure gold and engrave on it# li1e the engraving of a signet7 23)0N SS T3 T2 )3+*'


And you shall "ut it on a blue cord# that it may be on the turban9 it shall be on the front of the turban'

and unleavened bread# unleavened ca1es mi!ed with oil# and unleavened wafers anointed with oil Iyou shall ma1e them of wheat flourJ'

So it shall be on AaronDs forehead# that Aaron may bear the iniGuity of the holy things which the children of 0srael hallow in all their holy gifts9 and it shall always be on his forehead# that they may be acce"ted before the )3+*'

Cou shall "ut them in one bas1et and bring them in the bas1et# with the bull and the two rams'

:Cou shall s1illfully weave the tunic of fine linen thread# you shall ma1e the turban of fine linen# and you shall ma1e the sash of woven wor1'

:And Aaron and his sons you shall bring to the door of the tabernacle of meeting# and you shall wash them with water'

:For AaronDs sons you shall ma1e tunics# and you shall ma1e sashes for them' And you shall ma1e hats for them# for glory and beauty'

Then you shall ta1e the garments# "ut the tunic on Aaron# and the robe of the e"hod# the e"hod# and the breast"late# and gird him with the intricately woven band of the e"hod'

So you shall "ut them on Aaron your brother and on his sons with him' Cou shall anoint them# consecrate them# and sanctify them# that they may minister to 4e as "riests'

Cou shall "ut the turban on his head# and "ut the holy crown on the turban'

And you shall ta1e the anointing oil# "our it on his head# and anoint him'

And you shall ma1e for them linen trousers to cover their na1edness9 they shall reach from the waist to the thighs'

Then you shall bring his sons and "ut tunics on them'

They shall be on Aaron and on his sons when they come into the tabernacle of meeting# or when they come near the altar to minister in the holy "lace# that they do not incur iniGuity and die' 0t shall be a statute forever to him and his descendants after him'

And you shall gird them with sashes# Aaron and his sons# and "ut the hats on them' The "riesthood shall be theirs for a "er"etual statute' So you shall consecrate Aaron and his sons'

29:And this is what you shall do to

them to hallow them for ministering to 4e as "riests7 Ta1e one young bull and two rams without blemish#

:Cou shall also have the bull brought before the tabernacle of meeting# and Aaron and his sons shall "ut their hands on the head of the bull'

Then you shall 1ill the bull before the )3+*# by the door of the tabernacle of meeting'

Cou shall ta1e some of the blood of the bull and "ut it on the horns of the altar

with your finger# and "our all the blood beside the base of the altar'

hallowed# and his sons and his sonsD garments with him'

And you shall ta1e all the fat that covers the entrails# the fatty lobe attached to the liver# and the two 1idneys and the fat that is on them# and burn them on the altar'

:Also you shall ta1e the fat of the ram# the fat tail# the fat that covers the entrails# the fatty lobe attached to the liver# the two 1idneys and the fat on them# the right thigh Ifor it is a ram of consecrationJ#

But the flesh of the bull# with its s1in and its offal# you shall burn with fire outside the cam"' 0t is a sin offering'

:Cou shall also ta1e one ram# and Aaron and his sons shall "ut their hands on the head of the ram9

one loaf of bread# one ca1e made with oil# and one wafer from the bas1et of the unleavened bread that is before the )3+*9

and you shall 1ill the ram# and you shall ta1e its blood and s"rin1le it all around on the altar'

and you shall "ut all these in the hands of Aaron and in the hands of his sons# and you shall wave them as a wave offering before the )3+*'

Then you shall cut the ram in "ieces# wash its entrails and its legs# and "ut them with its "ieces and with its head'

Cou shall receive them bac1 from their hands and burn them on the altar as a burnt offering# as a sweet aroma before the )3+*' 0t is an offering made by fire to the )3+*'

And you shall burn the whole ram on the altar' 0t is a burnt offering to the )3+*9 it is a sweet aroma# an offering made by fire to the )3+*'

:Then you shall ta1e the breast of the ram of AaronDs consecration and wave it as a wave offering before the )3+*9 and it shall be your "ortion'

:Cou shall also ta1e the other ram# and Aaron and his sons shall "ut their hands on the head of the ram'

Then you shall 1ill the ram# and ta1e some of its blood and "ut it on the ti" of the right ear of Aaron and on the ti" of the right ear of his sons# on the thumb of their right hand and on the big toe of their right foot# and s"rin1le the blood all around on the altar'

And from the ram of the consecration you shall consecrate the breast of the wave offering which is waved# and the thigh of the heave offering which is raised# of that which is for Aaron and of that which is for his sons'

And you shall ta1e some of the blood that is on the altar# and some of the anointing oil# and s"rin1le it on Aaron and on his garments# on his sons and on the garments of his sons with him9 and he and his garments shall be

0t shall be from the children of 0srael for Aaron and his sons by a statute forever' For it is a heave offering9 it shall be a heave offering from the children of 0srael from the sacrifices of their "eace offerings# that is# their heave offering to the )3+*'


:And the holy garments of Aaron shall be his sonsD after him# to be anointed in them and to be consecrated in them'


:Now this is what you shall offer on the altar7 two lambs of the first year# day by day continually'

That son who becomes "riest in his "lace shall "ut them on for seven days# when he enters the tabernacle of meeting to minister in the holy "lace'

3ne lamb you shall offer in the morning# and the other lamb you shall offer at twilight'

:And you shall ta1e the ram of the consecration and boil its flesh in the holy "lace'

Bith the one lamb shall be oneFtenth of an e"hah of flour mi!ed with oneF fourth of a hin of "ressed oil# and oneF fourth of a hin of wine as a drin1 offering'

Then Aaron and his sons shall eat the flesh of the ram# and the bread that is in the bas1et# by the door of the tabernacle of meeting'

They shall eat those things with which the atonement was made# to consecrate and to sanctify them9 but an outsider shall not eat them# because they are holy'

And the other lamb you shall offer at twilight9 and you shall offer with it the grain offering and the drin1 offering# as in the morning# for a sweet aroma# an offering made by fire to the )3+*'

And if any of the flesh of the consecration offerings# or of the bread# remains until the morning# then you shall burn the remainder with fire' 0t shall not be eaten# because it is holy'

This shall be a continual burnt offering throughout your generations at the door of the tabernacle of meeting before the )3+*# where 0 will meet you to s"ea1 with you'

And there 0 will meet with the children of 0srael# and the tabernacle shall be sanctified by 4y glory'

:Thus you shall do to Aaron and his sons# according to all that 0 have commanded you' Seven days you shall consecrate them'

So 0 will consecrate the tabernacle of meeting and the altar' 0 will also consecrate both Aaron and his sons to minister to 4e as "riests'

And you shall offer a bull every day as a sin offering for atonement' Cou shall cleanse the altar when you ma1e atonement for it# and you shall anoint it to sanctify it'

0 will dwell among the children of 0srael and will be their (od'

Seven days you shall ma1e atonement for the altar and sanctify it' And the altar shall be most holy' Bhatever touches the altar must be holy'

And they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+* their (od# who brought them u" out of the land of gy"t# that 0 may dwell among them' 0 am the )3+* their (od'

30:Cou shall ma1e an altar to burn

incense on9 you shall ma1e it of acacia wood'

A cubit shall be its length and a cubit its widthFFit shall be sGuareFFand two cubits shall be its height' 0ts horns shall be of one "iece with it'


And you shall overlay its to"# its sides all around# and its horns with "ure gold9 and you shall ma1e for it a molding of gold all around'

:Bhen you ta1e the census of the children of 0srael for their number# then every man shall give a ransom for himself to the )3+*# when you number them# that there may be no "lague among them when you number them'

Two gold rings you shall ma1e for it# under the molding on both its sides' Cou shall "lace them on its two sides# and they will be holders for the "oles with which to bear it'

This is what everyone among those who are numbered shall give7 half a she1el according to the she1el of the sanctuary Ia she1el is twenty gerahsJ' The halfFshe1el shall be an offering to the )3+*'

Cou shall ma1e the "oles of acacia wood# and overlay them with gold'

veryone included among those who are numbered# from twenty years old and above# shall give an offering to the )3+*'

And you shall "ut it before the veil that is before the ar1 of the Testimony# before the mercy seat that is over the Testimony# where 0 will meet with you'

The rich shall not give more and the "oor shall not give less than half a she1el# when you give an offering to the )3+*# to ma1e atonement for yourselves'

:Aaron shall burn on it sweet incense every morning9 when he tends the lam"s# he shall burn incense on it'

And when Aaron lights the lam"s at twilight# he shall burn incense on it# a "er"etual incense before the )3+* throughout your generations'

And you shall ta1e the atonement money of the children of 0srael# and shall a""oint it for the service of the tabernacle of meeting# that it may be a memorial for the children of 0srael before the )3+*# to ma1e atonement for yourselves':

Cou shall not offer strange incense on it# or a burnt offering# or a grain offering9 nor shall you "our a drin1 offering on it'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7


And Aaron shall ma1e atonement u"on its horns once a year with the blood of the sin offering of atonement9 once a year he shall ma1e atonement u"on it throughout your generations' 0t is most holy to the )3+*':

:Cou shall also ma1e a laver of bron.e# with its base also of bron.e# for washing' Cou shall "ut it between the tabernacle of meeting and the altar' And you shall "ut water in it#

for Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and their feet in water from it'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7

Bhen they go into the tabernacle of meeting# or when they come near the altar to minister# to burn an offering

made by fire to the )3+*# they shall wash with water# lest they die'

anointing oil to 4e throughout your generations'


So they shall wash their hands and their feet# lest they die' And it shall be a statute forever to themFFto him and his descendants throughout their generations':

0t shall not be "oured on manDs flesh9 nor shall you ma1e any other li1e it# according to its com"osition' 0t is holy# and it shall be holy to you'

4oreover the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7


Bhoever com"ounds any li1e it# or whoever "uts any of it on an outsider# shall be cut off from his "eo"le':D

:Also ta1e for yourself Guality s"icesFF five hundred she1els of liGuid myrrh# half as much sweetFsmelling cinnamon Itwo hundred and fifty she1elsJ# two hundred and fifty she1els of sweetFsmelling cane#

And the )3+* said to 4oses7 :Ta1e sweet s"ices# stacte and onycha and galbanum# and "ure fran1incense with these sweet s"ices9 there shall be eGual amounts of each'

five hundred she1els of cassia# according to the she1el of the sanctuary# and a hin of olive oil'

Cou shall ma1e of these an incense# a com"ound according to the art of the "erfumer# salted# "ure# and holy'

And you shall ma1e from these a holy anointing oil# an ointment com"ounded according to the art of the "erfumer' 0t shall be a holy anointing oil'

And you shall beat some of it very fine# and "ut some of it before the Testimony in the tabernacle of meeting where 0 will meet with you' 0t shall be most holy to you'

Bith it you shall anoint the tabernacle of meeting and the ar1 of the Testimony9

the table and all its utensils# the lam"stand and its utensils# and the altar of incense9

But as for the incense which you shall ma1e# you shall not ma1e any for yourselves# according to its com"osition' 0t shall be to you holy for the )3+*'

the altar of burnt offering with all its utensils# and the laver and its base'

Bhoever ma1es any li1e it# to smell it# he shall be cut off from his "eo"le':

Cou shall consecrate them# that they may be most holy9 whatever touches them must be holy'

31Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


And you shall anoint Aaron and his sons# and consecrate them# that they may minister to 4e as "riests'

:See# 0 have called by name Be.alel the son of Ari# the son of 2ur# of the tribe of Judah'

:And you shall s"ea1 to the children of 0srael# saying7 :This shall be a holy

And 0 have filled him with the S"irit of (od# in wisdom# in understanding# in 1nowledge# and in all manner of wor1manshi"#

you throughout your generations# that you may 1now that 0 am the )3+* who sanctifies you'

to design artistic wor1s# to wor1 in gold# in silver# in bron.e#


in cutting $ewels for setting# in carving wood# and to wor1 in all manner of wor1manshi"'

Cou shall 1ee" the Sabbath# therefore# for it is holy to you' veryone who "rofanes it shall surely be "ut to death9 for whoever does any wor1 on it# that "erson shall be cut off from among his "eo"le'

:And 0# indeed 0# have a""ointed with him Aholiab the son of Ahisamach# of the tribe of *an9 and 0 have "ut wisdom in the hearts of all the gifted artisans# that they may ma1e all that 0 have commanded you7

Bor1 shall be done for si! days# but the seventh is the Sabbath of rest# holy to the )3+*' Bhoever does any wor1 on the Sabbath day# he shall surely be "ut to death'

the tabernacle of meeting# the ar1 of the Testimony and the mercy seat that is on it# and all the furniture of the tabernacleFF

Therefore the children of 0srael shall 1ee" the Sabbath# to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as a "er"etual covenant'

the table and its utensils# the "ure gold lam"stand with all its utensils# the altar of incense#

0t is a sign between 4e and the children of 0srael forever9 for in si! days the )3+* made the heavens and the earth# and on the seventh day 2e rested and was refreshed':D

the altar of burnt offering with all its utensils# and the laver and its baseFF

the garments of ministry# the holy garments for Aaron the "riest and the garments of his sons# to minister as "riests#

And when 2e had made an end of s"ea1ing with him on 4ount Sinai# 2e gave 4oses two tablets of the Testimony# tablets of stone# written with the finger of (od'

32Now when the "eo"le saw that

4oses delayed coming down from the mountain# the "eo"le gathered together to Aaron# and said to him# :-ome# ma1e us gods that shall go before us9 for as for this 4oses# the man who brought us u" out of the land of gy"t# we do not 1now what has become of him':

and the anointing oil and sweet incense for the holy "lace' According to all that 0 have commanded you they shall do':

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


:S"ea1 also to the children of 0srael# saying7 :Surely 4y Sabbaths you shall 1ee"# for it is a sign between 4e and

And Aaron said to them# :Brea1 off the golden earrings which are in the ears of your wives# your sons# and your daughters# and bring them to me':

So all the "eo"le bro1e off the golden earrings which were in their ears# and brought them to Aaron'


And he received the gold from their hand# and he fashioned it with an engraving tool# and made a molded calf' Then they said# :This is your god# 3 0srael# that brought you out of the land of gy"tH:

Then 4oses "leaded with the )3+* his (od# and said7 :)3+*# why does Cour wrath burn hot against Cour "eo"le whom Cou have brought out of the land of gy"t with great "ower and with a mighty handE

So when Aaron saw it# he built an altar before it' And Aaron made a "roclamation and said# :Tomorrow is a feast to the )3+*':

Bhy should the gy"tians s"ea1# and say# :2e brought them out to harm them# to 1ill them in the mountains# and to consume them from the face of the earthDE Turn from Cour fierce wrath# and relent from this harm to Cour "eo"le'

Then they rose early on the ne!t day# offered burnt offerings# and brought "eace offerings9 and the "eo"le sat down to eat and drin1# and rose u" to "lay'

+emember Abraham# 0saac# and 0srael# Cour servants# to whom Cou swore by Cour own self# and said to them# :0 will multi"ly your descendants as the stars of heaven9 and all this land that 0 have s"o1en of 0 give to your descendants# and they shall inherit it forever':D

And the )3+* said to 4oses# :(o# get downH For your "eo"le whom you brought out of the land of gy"t have corru"ted themselves'

So the )3+* relented from the harm which 2e said 2e would do to 2is "eo"le'

They have turned aside Guic1ly out of the way which 0 commanded them' They have made themselves a molded calf# and worshi"ed it and sacrificed to it# and said# :This is your god# 3 0srael# that brought you out of the land of gy"tH:D

And 4oses turned and went down from the mountain# and the two tablets of the Testimony were in his hand' The tablets were written on both sides9 on the one side and on the other they were written'

And the )3+* said to 4oses# :0 have seen this "eo"le# and indeed it is a stiffF nec1ed "eo"leH

Now the tablets were the wor1 of (od# and the writing was the writing of (od engraved on the tablets'

Now therefore# let 4e alone# that 4y wrath may burn hot against them and 0 may consume them' And 0 will ma1e of you a great nation':

And when Joshua heard the noise of the "eo"le as they shouted# he said to 4oses# :There is a noise of war in the cam"':

But he said7 :0t is not the noise of the shout of victory# Nor the noise of the cry of defeat# But the sound of singing 0 hear':


So it was# as soon as he came near the cam"# that he saw the calf and the dancing' So 4osesD anger became hot# and he cast the tablets out of his hands and bro1e them at the foot of the mountain'

brother# every man his com"anion# and every man his neighbor':D

So the sons of )evi did according to the word of 4oses' And about three thousand men of the "eo"le fell that day'

Then he too1 the calf which they had made# burned it in the fire# and ground it to "owder9 and he scattered it on the water and made the children of 0srael drin1 it'

Then 4oses said# :-onsecrate yourselves today to the )3+*# that 2e may bestow on you a blessing this day# for every man has o""osed his son and his brother':

And 4oses said to Aaron# :Bhat did this "eo"le do to you that you have brought so great a sin u"on themE:

So Aaron said# :*o not let the anger of my lord become hot' Cou 1now the "eo"le# that they are set on evil'

Now it came to "ass on the ne!t day that 4oses said to the "eo"le# :Cou have committed a great sin' So now 0 will go u" to the )3+*9 "erha"s 0 can ma1e atonement for your sin':

For they said to me# :4a1e us gods that shall go before us9 as for this 4oses# the man who brought us out of the land of gy"t# we do not 1now what has become of him'D

Then 4oses returned to the )3+* and said# :3h# these "eo"le have committed a great sin# and have made for themselves a god of goldH

And 0 said to them# :Bhoever has any gold# let them brea1 it off'D So they gave it to me# and 0 cast it into the fire# and this calf came out':

Cet now# if Cou will forgive their sinFF but if not# 0 "ray# blot me out of Cour boo1 which Cou have written':

And the )3+* said to 4oses# :Bhoever has sinned against 4e# 0 will blot him out of 4y boo1'

Now when 4oses saw that the "eo"le were unrestrained Ifor Aaron had not restrained them# to their shame among their enemiesJ#

then 4oses stood in the entrance of the cam"# and said# :Bhoever is on the )3+*Ds sideFFcome to meH: And all the sons of )evi gathered themselves together to him'

Now therefore# go# lead the "eo"le to the "lace of which 0 have s"o1en to you' Behold# 4y Angel shall go before you' Nevertheless# in the day when 0 visit for "unishment# 0 will visit "unishment u"on them for their sin':

So the )3+* "lagued the "eo"le because of what they did with the calf which Aaron made'

And he said to them# :Thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael7 :)et every man "ut his sword on his side# and go in and out from entrance to entrance throughout the cam"# and let every man 1ill his

33Then the )3+* said to 4oses#

:*e"art and go u" from here# you and

the "eo"le whom you have brought out of the land of gy"t# to the land of which 0 swore to Abraham# 0saac# and Jacob# saying# :To your descendants 0 will give it'D

And it came to "ass# when 4oses entered the tabernacle# that the "illar of cloud descended and stood at the door of the tabernacle# and the )3+* tal1ed with 4oses'

And 0 will send 4y Angel before you# and 0 will drive out the -anaanite and the Amorite and the 2ittite and the /eri..ite and the 2ivite and the Jebusite'

All the "eo"le saw the "illar of cloud standing at the tabernacle door# and all the "eo"le rose and worshi"ed# each man in his tent door'

(o u" to a land flowing with mil1 and honey9 for 0 will not go u" in your midst# lest 0 consume you on the way# for you are a stiffFnec1ed "eo"le':

So the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses face to face# as a man s"ea1s to his friend' And he would return to the cam"# but his servant Joshua the son of Nun# a young man# did not de"art from the tabernacle'

And when the "eo"le heard this bad news# they mourned# and no one "ut on his ornaments'

For the )3+* had said to 4oses# :Say to the children of 0srael# :Cou are a stiffF nec1ed "eo"le' 0 could come u" into your midst in one moment and consume you' Now therefore# ta1e off your ornaments# that 0 may 1now what to do to you':D

Then 4oses said to the )3+*# :See# Cou say to me# :Bring u" this "eo"le'D But Cou have not let me 1now whom Cou will send with me' Cet Cou have said# :0 1now you by name# and you have also found grace in 4y sight'D

Now therefore# 0 "ray# if 0 have found grace in Cour sight# show me now Cour way# that 0 may 1now Cou and that 0 may find grace in Cour sight' And consider that this nation is Cour "eo"le':

So the children of 0srael stri""ed themselves of their ornaments by 4ount 2oreb'


And 2e said# :4y /resence will go with you# and 0 will give you rest':

4oses too1 his tent and "itched it outside the cam"# far from the cam"# and called it the tabernacle of meeting' And it came to "ass that everyone who sought the )3+* went out to the tabernacle of meeting which was outside the cam"'

Then he said to 2im# :0f Cour /resence does not go with us# do not bring us u" from here'

So it was# whenever 4oses went out to the tabernacle# that all the "eo"le rose# and each man stood at his tent door and watched 4oses until he had gone into the tabernacle'

For how then will it be 1nown that Cour "eo"le and 0 have found grace in Cour sight# e!ce"t Cou go with usE So we shall be se"arate# Cour "eo"le and 0# from all the "eo"le who are u"on the face of the earth':

So the )3+* said to 4oses# :0 will also do this thing that you have s"o1en9 for you have found grace in 4y sight# and 0 1now you by name':


And he said# :/lease# show me Cour glory':



Now the )3+* descended in the cloud and stood with him there# and "roclaimed the name of the )3+*'

Then 2e said# :0 will ma1e all 4y goodness "ass before you# and 0 will "roclaim the name of the )3+* before you' 0 will be gracious to whom 0 will be gracious# and 0 will have com"assion on whom 0 will have com"assion':

And the )3+* "assed before him and "roclaimed# :The )3+*# the )3+* (od# merciful and gracious# longsuffering# and abounding in goodness and truth#

But 2e said# :Cou cannot see 4y face9 for no man shall see 4e# and live':

And the )3+* said# :2ere is a "lace by 4e# and you shall stand on the roc1'

1ee"ing mercy for thousands# forgiving iniGuity and transgression and sin# by no means clearing the guilty# visiting the iniGuity of the fathers u"on the children and the childrenDs children to the third and the fourth generation':

So it shall be# while 4y glory "asses by# that 0 will "ut you in the cleft of the roc1# and will cover you with 4y hand while 0 "ass by'

So 4oses made haste and bowed his head toward the earth# and worshi"ed'

Then 0 will ta1e away 4y hand# and you shall see 4y bac19 but 4y face shall not be seen':

34And the )3+* said to 4oses#

:-ut two tablets of stone li1e the first ones# and 0 will write on these tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you bro1e'

Then he said# :0f now 0 have found grace in Cour sight# 3 )ord# let my )ord# 0 "ray# go among us# even though we are a stiffFnec1ed "eo"le9 and "ardon our iniGuity and our sin# and ta1e us as Cour inheritance':

So be ready in the morning# and come u" in the morning to 4ount Sinai# and "resent yourself to 4e there on the to" of the mountain'

And 2e said7 :Behold# 0 ma1e a covenant' Before all your "eo"le 0 will do marvels such as have not been done in all the earth# nor in any nation9 and all the "eo"le among whom you are shall see the wor1 of the )3+*' For it is an awesome thing that 0 will do with you'

And no man shall come u" with you# and let no man be seen throughout all the mountain9 let neither floc1s nor herds feed before that mountain':

3bserve what 0 command you this day' Behold# 0 am driving out from before you the Amorite and the -anaanite and the 2ittite and the /eri..ite and the 2ivite and the Jebusite'

So he cut two tablets of stone li1e the first ones' Then 4oses rose early in the morning and went u" 4ount Sinai# as the )3+* had commanded him9 and he too1 in his hand the two tablets of stone'

Ta1e heed to yourself# lest you ma1e a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are going# lest it be a snare in your midst'


But you shall destroy their altars# brea1 their sacred "illars# and cut down their wooden images


:Three times in the year all your men shall a""ear before the )ord# the )3+* (od of 0srael'

Ifor you shall worshi" no other god# for the )3+*# whose name is Jealous# is a $ealous (odJ#

lest you ma1e a covenant with the inhabitants of the land# and they "lay the harlot with their gods and ma1e sacrifice to their gods# and one of them invites you and you eat of his sacrifice#

For 0 will cast out the nations before you and enlarge your borders9 neither will any man covet your land when you go u" to a""ear before the )3+* your (od three times in the year'

:Cou shall not offer the blood of 4y sacrifice with leaven# nor shall the sacrifice of the Feast of the /assover be left until morning'

and you ta1e of his daughters for your sons# and his daughters "lay the harlot with their gods and ma1e your sons "lay the harlot with their gods'

:The first of the firstfruits of your land you shall bring to the house of the )3+* your (od' Cou shall not boil a young goat in its motherDs mil1':

:Cou shall ma1e no molded gods for yourselves'


:The Feast of Anleavened Bread you shall 1ee"' Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread# as 0 commanded you# in the a""ointed time of the month of Abib9 for in the month of Abib you came out from gy"t'

Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :Brite these words# for according to the tenor of these words 0 have made a covenant with you and with 0srael':

:All that o"en the womb are 4ine# and every male firstborn among your livestoc1# whether o! or shee"'

So he was there with the )3+* forty days and forty nights9 he neither ate bread nor dran1 water' And 2e wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant# the Ten -ommandments'

But the firstborn of a don1ey you shall redeem with a lamb' And if you will not redeem him# then you shall brea1 his nec1' All the firstborn of your sons you shall redeem' :And none shall a""ear before 4e em"tyFhanded'

Now it was so# when 4oses came down from 4ount Sinai Iand the two tablets of the Testimony were in 4osesD hand when he came down from the mountainJ# that 4oses did not 1now that the s1in of his face shone while he tal1ed with 2im'

:Si! days you shall wor1# but on the seventh day you shall rest9 in "lowing time and in harvest you shall rest'

So when Aaron and all the children of 0srael saw 4oses# behold# the s1in of his face shone# and they were afraid to come near him'

:And you shall observe the Feast of Bee1s# of the firstfruits of wheat harvest# and the Feast of 0ngathering at the yearDs end'

Then 4oses called to them# and Aaron and all the rulers of the congregation returned to him9 and 4oses tal1ed with them'


Afterward all the children of 0srael came near# and he gave them as commandments all that the )3+* had s"o1en with him on 4ount Sinai'


blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# fine linen# and goatsD hair9

ram s1ins dyed red# badger s1ins# and acacia wood9


And when 4oses had finished s"ea1ing with them# he "ut a veil on his face'

oil for the light# and s"ices for the anointing oil and for the sweet incense9

But whenever 4oses went in before the )3+* to s"ea1 with 2im# he would ta1e the veil off until he came out9 and he would come out and s"ea1 to the children of 0srael whatever he had been commanded'

ony! stones# and stones to be set in the e"hod and in the breast"late'

:All who are gifted artisans among you shall come and ma1e all that the )3+* has commanded7

And whenever the children of 0srael saw the face of 4oses# that the s1in of 4osesD face shone# then 4oses would "ut the veil on his face again# until he went in to s"ea1 with 2im'

the tabernacle# its tent# its covering# its clas"s# its boards# its bars# its "illars# and its soc1ets9


the ar1 and its "oles# with the mercy seat# and the veil of the covering9

4oses gathered all the congregation of the children of 0srael together# and said to them# :These are the words which the )3+* has commanded you to do7

the table and its "oles# all its utensils# and the showbread9

Bor1 shall be done for si! days# but the seventh day shall be a holy day for you# a Sabbath of rest to the )3+*' Bhoever does any wor1 on it shall be "ut to death'

also the lam"stand for the light# its utensils# its lam"s# and the oil for the light9

the incense altar# its "oles# the anointing oil# the sweet incense# and the screen for the door at the entrance of the tabernacle9

Cou shall 1indle no fire throughout your dwellings on the Sabbath day':

And 4oses s"o1e to all the congregation of the children of 0srael# saying# :This is the thing which the )3+* commanded# saying7

the altar of burnt offering with its bron.e grating# its "oles# all its utensils# and the laver and its base9

the hangings of the court# its "illars# their soc1ets# and the screen for the gate of the court9

:Ta1e from among you an offering to the )3+*' Bhoever is of a willing heart# let him bring it as an offering to the )3+*7 gold# silver# and bron.e9

the "egs of the tabernacle# the "egs of the court# and their cords9


the garments of ministry# for ministering in the holy "laceFFthe holy garments for Aaron the "riest and the garments of his sons# to minister as "riests':D


and s"ices and oil for the light# for the anointing oil# and for the sweet incense'

And all the congregation of the children of 0srael de"arted from the "resence of 4oses'

The children of 0srael brought a freewill offering to the )3+*# all the men and women whose hearts were willing to bring material for all 1inds of wor1 which the )3+*# by the hand of 4oses# had commanded to be done'

Then everyone came whose heart was stirred# and everyone whose s"irit was willing# and they brought the )3+*Ds offering for the wor1 of the tabernacle of meeting# for all its service# and for the holy garments'

And 4oses said to the children of 0srael# :See# the )3+* has called by name Be.alel the son of Ari# the son of 2ur# of the tribe of Judah9

They came# both men and women# as many as had a willing heart# and brought earrings and nose rings# rings and nec1laces# all $ewelry of gold# that is# every man who made an offering of gold to the )3+*'

and 2e has filled him with the S"irit of (od# in wisdom and understanding# in 1nowledge and all manner of wor1manshi"#

to design artistic wor1s# to wor1 in gold and silver and bron.e#


And every man# with whom was found blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# fine linen# goatsD hair# red s1ins of rams# and badger s1ins# brought them'

in cutting $ewels for setting# in carving wood# and to wor1 in all manner of artistic wor1manshi"'

veryone who offered an offering of silver or bron.e brought the )3+*Ds offering' And everyone with whom was found acacia wood for any wor1 of the service# brought it'

:And 2e has "ut in his heart the ability to teach# in him and Aholiab the son of Ahisamach# of the tribe of *an'

All the women who were gifted artisans s"un yarn with their hands# and brought what they had s"un# of blue# "ur"le# and scarlet# and fine linen'

2e has filled them with s1ill to do all manner of wor1 of the engraver and the designer and the ta"estry ma1er# in blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# and fine linen# and of the weaverFFthose who do every wor1 and those who design artistic wor1s'

And all the women whose hearts stirred with wisdom s"un yarn of goatsD hair'


The rulers brought ony! stones# and the stones to be set in the e"hod and in the breast"late#

Be.alel and Aholiab# and every gifted artisan in whom the )3+* has "ut wisdom and understanding# to 1now how to do all manner of wor1 for the service of the sanctuary# shall do according to all that the )3+* has commanded':

Then 4oses called Be.alel and Aholiab# and every gifted artisan in whose heart the )3+* had "ut wisdom# everyone whose heart was stirred# to come and do the wor1'


2e made loo"s of blue yarn on the edge of the curtain on the selvedge of one set9 li1ewise he did on the outer edge of the other curtain of the second set'

And they received from 4oses all the offering which the children of 0srael had brought for the wor1 of the service of ma1ing the sanctuary' So they continued bringing to him freewill offerings every morning'

Fifty loo"s he made on one curtain# and fifty loo"s he made on the edge of the curtain on the end of the second set9 the loo"s held one curtain to another'

Then all the craftsmen who were doing all the wor1 of the sanctuary came# each from the wor1 he was doing#

And he made fifty clas"s of gold# and cou"led the curtains to one another with the clas"s# that it might be one tabernacle'

and they s"o1e to 4oses# saying# :The "eo"le bring much more than enough for the service of the wor1 which the )3+* commanded us to do':

2e made curtains of goatsD hair for the tent over the tabernacle9 he made eleven curtains'

So 4oses gave a commandment# and they caused it to be "roclaimed throughout the cam"# saying# :)et neither man nor woman do any more wor1 for the offering of the sanctuary': And the "eo"le were restrained from bringing#

The length of each curtain was thirty cubits# and the width of each curtain four cubits9 the eleven curtains were the same si.e'

2e cou"led five curtains by themselves and si! curtains by themselves'


for the material they had was sufficient for all the wor1 to be doneFFindeed too much'

And he made fifty loo"s on the edge of the curtain that is outermost in one set# and fifty loo"s he made on the edge of the curtain of the second set'

Then all the gifted artisans among them who wor1ed on the tabernacle made ten curtains woven of fine linen# and of blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread9 with artistic designs of cherubim they made them'

2e also made fifty bron.e clas"s to cou"le the tent together# that it might be one'

The length of each curtain was twentyF eight cubits# and the width of each curtain four cubits9 the curtains were all the same si.e'

Then he made a covering for the tent of ram s1ins dyed red# and a covering of badger s1ins above that'

For the tabernacle he made boards of acacia wood# standing u"right'


And he cou"led five curtains to one another# and the other five curtains he cou"led to one another'

The length of each board was ten cubits# and the width of each board a cubit and a half'


ach board had two tenons for binding one to another' Thus he made for all the boards of the tabernacle'


2e overlaid the boards with gold# made their rings of gold to be holders for the bars# and overlaid the bars with gold'

And he made boards for the tabernacle# twenty boards for the south side'

And he made a veil of blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# and fine woven linen9 it was wor1ed with an artistic design of cherubim'

Forty soc1ets of silver he made to go under the twenty boards7 two soc1ets under each of the boards for its two tenons'

2e made for it four "illars of acacia wood# and overlaid them with gold# with their hoo1s of gold9 and he cast four soc1ets of silver for them'

And for the other side of the tabernacle# the north side# he made twenty boards

and their forty soc1ets of silver7 two soc1ets under each of the boards'

2e also made a screen for the tabernacle door# of blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# and fine woven linen# made by a weaver#

For the west side of the tabernacle he made si! boards'


and its five "illars with their hoo1s' And he overlaid their ca"itals and their rings with gold# but their five soc1ets were bron.e'

2e also made two boards for the two bac1 corners of the tabernacle'


And they were cou"led at the bottom and cou"led together at the to" by one ring' Thus he made both of them for the two corners'

Be.alel made the ar1 of acacia wood9 two and a half cubits was its length# a cubit and a half its width# and a cubit and a half its height' 2e overlaid it with "ure gold inside and outside# and made a molding of gold all around it'

So there were eight boards and their soc1etsFFsi!teen soc1ets of silverFFtwo soc1ets under each of the boards'

And he made bars of acacia wood7 five for the boards on one side of the tabernacle#

And he cast for it four rings of gold to be set in its four corners7 two rings on one side# and two rings on the other side of it'

five bars for the boards on the other side of the tabernacle# and five bars for the boards of the tabernacle on the far side westward'

2e made "oles of acacia wood# and overlaid them with gold'


And he "ut the "oles into the rings at the sides of the ar1# to bear the ar1'

And he made the middle bar to "ass through the boards from one end to the other'


2e also made the mercy seat of "ure gold9 two and a half cubits was its length and a cubit and a half its width'


2e made two cherubim of beaten gold9 he made them of one "iece at the two ends of the mercy seat7

2e also made the lam"stand of "ure gold9 of hammered wor1 he made the lam"stand' 0ts shaft# its branches# its bowls# its ornamental 1nobs# and its flowers were of the same "iece'

one cherub at one end on this side# and the other cherub at the other end on that side' 2e made the cherubim at the two ends of one "iece with the mercy seat'

And si! branches came out of its sides7 three branches of the lam"stand out of one side# and three branches of the lam"stand out of the other side'

The cherubim s"read out their wings above# and covered the mercy seat with their wings' They faced one another9 the faces of the cherubim were toward the mercy seat'

There were three bowls made li1e almond blossoms on one branch# with an ornamental 1nob and a flower# and three bowls made li1e almond blossoms on the other branch# with an ornamental 1nob and a flowerFFand so for the si! branches coming out of the lam"stand'

2e made the table of acacia wood9 two cubits was its length# a cubit its width# and a cubit and a half its height'

And on the lam"stand itself were four bowls made li1e almond blossoms# each with its ornamental 1nob and flower'

And he overlaid it with "ure gold# and made a molding of gold all around it'

Also he made a frame of a handbreadth all around it# and made a molding of gold for the frame all around it'

There was a 1nob under the first two branches of the same# a 1nob under the second two branches of the same# and a 1nob under the third two branches of the same# according to the si! branches e!tending from it'

And he cast for it four rings of gold# and "ut the rings on the four corners that were at its four legs'

Their 1nobs and their branches were of one "iece9 all of it was one hammered "iece of "ure gold'

The rings were close to the frame# as holders for the "oles to bear the table'

And he made its seven lam"s# its wic1F trimmers# and its trays of "ure gold'

And he made the "oles of acacia wood to bear the table# and overlaid them with gold'

3f a talent of "ure gold he made it# with all its utensils'


2e made of "ure gold the utensils which were on the table7 its dishes# its cu"s# its bowls# and its "itchers for "ouring'

2e made the incense altar of acacia wood' 0ts length was a cubit and its width a cubitFFit was sGuareFFand two cubits was its height' 0ts horns were of one "iece with it'

And he overlaid it with "ure gold7 its to"# its sides all around# and its horns'

2e also made for it a molding of gold all around it'


of the serving women who assembled at the door of the tabernacle of meeting'

2e made two rings of gold for it under its molding# by its two corners on both sides# as holders for the "oles with which to bear it'

Then he made the court on the south side9 the hangings of the court were of fine woven linen# one hundred cubits long'

And he made the "oles of acacia wood# and overlaid them with gold'

There were twenty "illars for them# with twenty bron.e soc1ets' The hoo1s of the "illars and their bands were silver'

2e also made the holy anointing oil and the "ure incense of sweet s"ices# according to the wor1 of the "erfumer'

382e made the altar of burnt offering

of acacia wood9 five cubits was its length and five cubits its widthFFit was sGuareFF and its height was three cubits'

3n the north side the hangings were one hundred cubits long# with twenty "illars and their twenty bron.e soc1ets' The hoo1s of the "illars and their bands were silver'

2e made its horns on its four corners9 the horns were of one "iece with it' And he overlaid it with bron.e'

And on the west side there were hangings of fifty cubits# with ten "illars and their ten soc1ets' The hoo1s of the "illars and their bands were silver'

For the east side the hangings were fifty cubits'


2e made all the utensils for the altar7 the "ans# the shovels# the basins# the for1s# and the fire"ans9 all its utensils he made of bron.e'

The hangings of one side of the gate were fifteen cubits long# with their three "illars and their three soc1ets#

And he made a grate of bron.e networ1 for the altar# under its rim# midway from the bottom'

and the same for the other side of the court gate9 on this side and that were hangings of fifteen cubits# with their three "illars and their three soc1ets'

2e cast four rings for the four corners of the bron.e grating# as holders for the "oles'

All the hangings of the court all around were of fine woven linen'

And he made the "oles of acacia wood# and overlaid them with bron.e'

Then he "ut the "oles into the rings on the sides of the altar# with which to bear it' 2e made the altar hollow with boards'

The soc1ets for the "illars were bron.e# the hoo1s of the "illars and their bands were silver# and the overlay of their ca"itals was silver9 and all the "illars of the court had bands of silver'

2e made the laver of bron.e and its base of bron.e# from the bron.e mirrors

The screen for the gate of the court was woven of blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# and of fine woven linen' The

length was twenty cubits# and the height along its width was five cubits# corres"onding to the hangings of the court'

above# for si! hundred and three thousand# five hundred and fifty men'

And there were four "illars with their four soc1ets of bron.e9 their hoo1s were silver# and the overlay of their ca"itals and their bands was silver'

And from the hundred talents of silver were cast the soc1ets of the sanctuary and the bases of the veil7 one hundred soc1ets from the hundred talents# one talent for each soc1et'

All the "egs of the tabernacle# and of the court all around# were bron.e'

Then from the one thousand seven hundred and seventyFfive she1els he made hoo1s for the "illars# overlaid their ca"itals# and made bands for them'

This is the inventory of the tabernacle# the tabernacle of the Testimony# which was counted according to the commandment of 4oses# for the service of the )evites# by the hand of 0thamar# son of Aaron the "riest'

The offering of bron.e was seventy talents and two thousand four hundred she1els'

Be.alel the son of Ari# the son of 2ur# of the tribe of Judah# made all that the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

And with it he made the soc1ets for the door of the tabernacle of meeting# the bron.e altar# the bron.e grating for it# and all the utensils for the altar#

And with him was Aholiab the son of Ahisamach# of the tribe of *an# an engraver and designer# a weaver of blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# and of fine linen'

the soc1ets for the court all around# the bases for the court gate# all the "egs for the tabernacle# and all the "egs for the court all around'

All the gold that was used in all the wor1 of the holy "lace# that is# the gold of the offering# was twentyFnine talents and seven hundred and thirty she1els# according to the she1el of the sanctuary'

393f the blue# "ur"le# and scarlet

thread they made garments of ministry# for ministering in the holy "lace# and made the holy garments for Aaron# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

And the silver from those who were numbered of the congregation was one hundred talents and one thousand seven hundred and seventyFfive she1els# according to the she1el of the sanctuary7

2e made the e"hod of gold# blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# and of fine woven linen'

a be1ah for each man Ithat is# half a she1el# according to the she1el of the sanctuaryJ# for everyone included in the numbering from twenty years old and

And they beat the gold into thin sheets and cut it into threads# to wor1 it in with the blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# and the fine linen# into artistic designs'

They made shoulder stra"s for it to cou"le it together9 it was cou"led together at its two edges'


And the intricately woven band of his e"hod that was on it was of the same wor1manshi"# woven of gold# blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# and of fine woven linen# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'


And they made chains for the breast"late at the ends# li1e braided cords of "ure gold'

They also made two settings of gold and two gold rings# and "ut the two rings on the two ends of the breast"late'

And they set ony! stones# enclosed in settings of gold9 they were engraved# as signets are engraved# with the names of the sons of 0srael'

And they "ut the two braided chains of gold in the two rings on the ends of the breast"late'

2e "ut them on the shoulders of the e"hod as memorial stones for the sons of 0srael# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

The two ends of the two braided chains they fastened in the two settings# and "ut them on the shoulder stra"s of the e"hod in the front'

And he made the breast"late# artistically woven li1e the wor1manshi" of the e"hod# of gold# blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# and of fine woven linen'

And they made two rings of gold and "ut them on the two ends of the breast"late# on the edge of it# which was on the inward side of the e"hod'

They made the breast"late sGuare by doubling it9 a s"an was its length and a s"an its width when doubled'

And they set in it four rows of stones7 a row with a sardius# a to"a.# and an emerald was the first row9

They made two other gold rings and "ut them on the two shoulder stra"s# underneath the e"hod toward its front# right at the seam above the intricately woven band of the e"hod'

the second row# a turGuoise# sa""hire# and a diamond9


the third row# a $acinth# an agate# and an amethyst9


And they bound the breast"late by means of its rings to the rings of the e"hod with a blue cord# so that it would be above the intricately woven band of the e"hod# and that the breast"late would not come loose from the e"hod# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

the fourth row# a beryl# an ony!# and a $as"er' They were enclosed in settings of gold in their mountings'

2e made the robe of the e"hod of woven wor1# all of blue'


There were twelve stones according to the names of the sons of 0srael7 according to their names# engraved li1e a signet# each one with its own name according to the twelve tribes'

And there was an o"ening in the middle of the robe# li1e the o"ening in a coat of mail# with a woven binding all around the o"ening# so that it would not tear'

They made on the hem of the robe "omegranates of blue# "ur"le# and scarlet# and of fine woven linen'


And they made bells of "ure gold# and "ut the bells between the "omegranates on the hem of the robe all around between the "omegranates7


the ar1 of the Testimony with its "oles# and the mercy seat9

the table# all its utensils# and the showbread9


a bell and a "omegranate# a bell and a "omegranate# all around the hem of the robe to minister in# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

the "ure gold lam"stand with its lam"s Ithe lam"s set in orderJ# all its utensils# and the oil for light9

They made tunics# artistically woven of fine linen# for Aaron and his sons#

the gold altar# the anointing oil# and the sweet incense9 the screen for the tabernacle door9

a turban of fine linen# e!Guisite hats of fine linen# short trousers of fine woven linen#

the bron.e altar# its grate of bron.e# its "oles# and all its utensils9 the laver with its base9

and a sash of fine woven linen with blue# "ur"le# and scarlet thread# made by a weaver# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

Then they made the "late of the holy crown of "ure gold# and wrote on it an inscri"tion li1e the engraving of a signet7 23)0N SS T3 T2 )3+*'

the hangings of the court# its "illars and its soc1ets# the screen for the court gate# its cords# and its "egs9 all the utensils for the service of the tabernacle# for the tent of meeting9

And they tied to it a blue cord# to fasten it above on the turban# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

and the garments of ministry# to minister in the holy "lace7 the holy garments for Aaron the "riest# and his sonsD garments# to minister as "riests'

Thus all the wor1 of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting was finished' And the children of 0srael did according to all that the )3+* had commanded 4oses9 so they did'

According to all that the )3+* had commanded 4oses# so the children of 0srael did all the wor1'

Then 4oses loo1ed over all the wor1# and indeed they had done it9 as the )3+* had commanded# $ust so they had done it' And 4oses blessed them'

And they brought the tabernacle to 4oses# the tent and all its furnishings7 its clas"s# its boards# its bars# its "illars# and its soc1ets9

40Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


the covering of ram s1ins dyed red# the covering of badger s1ins# and the veil of the covering9

:3n the first day of the first month you shall set u" the tabernacle of the tent of meeting'

Cou shall "ut in it the ar1 of the Testimony# and "artition off the ar1 with the veil'


And you shall bring his sons and clothe them with tunics'

Cou shall bring in the table and arrange the things that are to be set in order on it9 and you shall bring in the lam"stand and light its lam"s'

Cou shall anoint them# as you anointed their father# that they may minister to 4e as "riests9 for their anointing shall surely be an everlasting "riesthood throughout their generations':

Cou shall also set the altar of gold for the incense before the ar1 of the Testimony# and "ut u" the screen for the door of the tabernacle'

Thus 4oses did9 according to all that the )3+* had commanded him# so he did'

Then you shall set the altar of the burnt offering before the door of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting'

And it came to "ass in the first month of the second year# on the first day of the month# that the tabernacle was raised u"'

And you shall set the laver between the tabernacle of meeting and the altar# and "ut water in it'

So 4oses raised u" the tabernacle# fastened its soc1ets# set u" its boards# "ut in its bars# and raised u" its "illars'

Cou shall set u" the court all around# and hang u" the screen at the court gate'

And he s"read out the tent over the tabernacle and "ut the covering of the tent on to" of it# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

:And you shall ta1e the anointing oil# and anoint the tabernacle and all that is in it9 and you shall hallow it and all its utensils# and it shall be holy'

2e too1 the Testimony and "ut it into the ar1# inserted the "oles through the rings of the ar1# and "ut the mercy seat on to" of the ar1'

Cou shall anoint the altar of the burnt offering and all its utensils# and consecrate the altar' The altar shall be most holy'

And you shall anoint the laver and its base# and consecrate it'

And he brought the ar1 into the tabernacle# hung u" the veil of the covering# and "artitioned off the ar1 of the Testimony# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

:Then you shall bring Aaron and his sons to the door of the tabernacle of meeting and wash them with water'

2e "ut the table in the tabernacle of meeting# on the north side of the tabernacle# outside the veil9

Cou shall "ut the holy garments on Aaron# and anoint him and consecrate him# that he may minister to 4e as "riest'

and he set the bread in order u"on it before the )3+*# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'


2e "ut the lam"stand in the tabernacle of meeting# across from the table# on the south side of the tabernacle9


Bhenever they went into the tabernacle of meeting# and when they came near the altar# they washed# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

and he lit the lam"s before the )3+*# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

2e "ut the gold altar in the tabernacle of meeting in front of the veil9

And he raised u" the court all around the tabernacle and the altar# and hung u" the screen of the court gate' So 4oses finished the wor1'

and he burned sweet incense on it# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

Then the cloud covered the tabernacle of meeting# and the glory of the )3+* filled the tabernacle'

2e hung u" the screen at the door of the tabernacle'


And he "ut the altar of burnt offering before the door of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting# and offered u"on it the burnt offering and the grain offering# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

And 4oses was not able to enter the tabernacle of meeting# because the cloud rested above it# and the glory of the )3+* filled the tabernacle'

2e set the laver between the tabernacle of meeting and the altar# and "ut water there for washing9

Bhenever the cloud was ta1en u" from above the tabernacle# the children of 0srael would go onward in all their $ourneys'

and 4oses# Aaron# and his sons would wash their hands and their feet with water from it'

But if the cloud was not ta1en u"# then they did not $ourney till the day that it was ta1en u"'

For the cloud of the )3+* was above the tabernacle by day# and fire was over it by night# in the sight of all the house of 0srael# throughout all their $ourneys'

Leviticus 1Now the )3+* called to 4oses# and

s"o1e to him from the tabernacle of meeting# saying#

offering made by fire# a sweet aroma to the )3+*'


:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# and say to them7 :Bhen any one of you brings an offering to the )3+*# you shall bring your offering of the livestoc1FFof the herd and of the floc1'

:0f his offering is of the floc1sFFof the shee" or of the goatsFFas a burnt sacrifice# he shall bring a male without blemish'

:0f his offering is a burnt sacrifice of the herd# let him offer a male without blemish9 he shall offer it of his own free will at the door of the tabernacle of meeting before the )3+*'

2e shall 1ill it on the north side of the altar before the )3+*9 and the "riests# AaronDs sons# shall s"rin1le its blood all around on the altar'

And he shall cut it into its "ieces# with its head and its fat9 and the "riest shall lay them in order on the wood that is on the fire u"on the altar9

Then he shall "ut his hand on the head of the burnt offering# and it will be acce"ted on his behalf to ma1e atonement for him'

2e shall 1ill the bull before the )3+*9 and the "riests# AaronDs sons# shall bring the blood and s"rin1le the blood all around on the altar that is by the door of the tabernacle of meeting'

but he shall wash the entrails and the legs with water' Then the "riest shall bring it all and burn it on the altar9 it is a burnt sacrifice# an offering made by fire# a sweet aroma to the )3+*'

:And if the burnt sacrifice of his offering to the )3+* is of birds# then he shall bring his offering of turtledoves or young "igeons'

And he shall s1in the burnt offering and cut it into its "ieces'

The sons of Aaron the "riest shall "ut fire on the altar# and lay the wood in order on the fire'

The "riest shall bring it to the altar# wring off its head# and burn it on the altar9 its blood shall be drained out at the side of the altar'

Then the "riests# AaronDs sons# shall lay the "arts# the head# and the fat in order on the wood that is on the fire u"on the altar9

And he shall remove its cro" with its feathers and cast it beside the altar on the east side# into the "lace for ashes'

but he shall wash its entrails and its legs with water' And the "riest shall burn all on the altar as a burnt sacrifice# an

Then he shall s"lit it at its wings# but shall not divide it com"letely9 and the "riest shall burn it on the altar# on the wood that is on the fire' 0t is a burnt sacrifice# an offering made by fire# a sweet aroma to the )3+*'

2:Bhen anyone offers a grain offering

to the )3+*# his offering shall be of fine flour' And he shall "our oil on it# and "ut fran1incense on it'

holy of the offerings to the )3+* made by fire'


2e shall bring it to AaronDs sons# the "riests# one of whom shall ta1e from it his handful of fine flour and oil with all the fran1incense' And the "riest shall burn it as a memorial on the altar# an offering made by fire# a sweet aroma to the )3+*'

:No grain offering which you bring to the )3+* shall be made with leaven# for you shall burn no leaven nor any honey in any offering to the )3+* made by fire'

As for the offering of the firstfruits# you shall offer them to the )3+*# but they shall not be burned on the altar for a sweet aroma'

The rest of the grain offering shall be AaronDs and his sonsD' 0t is most holy of the offerings to the )3+* made by fire'

:And if you bring as an offering a grain offering ba1ed in the oven# it shall be unleavened ca1es of fine flour mi!ed with oil# or unleavened wafers anointed with oil'

And every offering of your grain offering you shall season with salt9 you shall not allow the salt of the covenant of your (od to be lac1ing from your grain offering' Bith all your offerings you shall offer salt'

But if your offering is a grain offering ba1ed in a "an# it shall be of fine flour# unleavened# mi!ed with oil'

:0f you offer a grain offering of your firstfruits to the )3+*# you shall offer for the grain offering of your firstfruits green heads of grain roasted on the fire# grain beaten from full heads'

Cou shall brea1 it in "ieces and "our oil on it9 it is a grain offering'

And you shall "ut oil on it# and lay fran1incense on it' 0t is a grain offering'

:0f your offering is a grain offering ba1ed in a covered "an# it shall be made of fine flour with oil'

Then the "riest shall burn the memorial "ortion7 "art of its beaten grain and "art of its oil# with all the fran1incense# as an offering made by fire to the )3+*'

Cou shall bring the grain offering that is made of these things to the )3+*' And when it is "resented to the "riest# he shall bring it to the altar'

3:Bhen his offering is a sacrifice of a

"eace offering# if he offers it of the herd# whether male or female# he shall offer it without blemish before the )3+*'

Then the "riest shall ta1e from the grain offering a memorial "ortion# and burn it on the altar' 0t is an offering made by fire# a sweet aroma to the )3+*'

And what is left of the grain offering shall be AaronDs and his sonsD' 0t is most

And he shall lay his hand on the head of his offering# and 1ill it at the door of the tabernacle of meeting9 and AaronDs sons# the "riests# shall s"rin1le the blood all around on the altar'

Then he shall offer from the sacrifice of the "eace offering an offering made by fire to the )3+*' The fat that covers the entrails and all the fat that is on the entrails#


:And if his offering is a goat# then he shall offer it before the )3+*'

the two 1idneys and the fat that is on them by the flan1s# and the fatty lobe attached to the liver above the 1idneys# he shall remove9

2e shall lay his hand on its head and 1ill it before the tabernacle of meeting9 and the sons of Aaron shall s"rin1le its blood all around on the altar'

and AaronDs sons shall burn it on the altar u"on the burnt sacrifice# which is on the wood that is on the fire# as an offering made by fire# a sweet aroma to the )3+*'

Then he shall offer from it his offering# as an offering made by fire to the )3+*' The fat that covers the entrails and all the fat that is on the entrails#

the two 1idneys and the fat that is on them by the flan1s# and the fatty lobe attached to the liver above the 1idneys# he shall remove9

:0f his offering as a sacrifice of a "eace offering to the )3+* is of the floc1# whether male or female# he shall offer it without blemish'

and the "riest shall burn them on the altar as food# an offering made by fire for a sweet aroma9 all the fat is the )3+*Ds'

0f he offers a lamb as his offering# then he shall offer it before the )3+*'

And he shall lay his hand on the head of his offering# and 1ill it before the tabernacle of meeting9 and AaronDs sons shall s"rin1le its blood all around on the altar'

:This shall be a "er"etual statute throughout your generations in all your dwellings7 you shall eat neither fat nor blood':D


the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#

:Then he shall offer from the sacrifice of the "eace offering# as an offering made by fire to the )3+*# its fat and the whole fat tail which he shall remove close to the bac1bone' And the fat that covers the entrails and all the fat that is on the entrails#

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# saying7 :0f a "erson sins unintentionally against any of the commandments of the )3+* in anything which ought not to be done# and does any of them#

the two 1idneys and the fat that is on them by the flan1s# and the fatty lobe attached to the liver above the 1idneys# he shall remove9

if the anointed "riest sins# bringing guilt on the "eo"le# then let him offer to the )3+* for his sin which he has sinned a young bull without blemish as a sin offering'

and the "riest shall burn them on the altar as food# an offering made by fire to the )3+*'

2e shall bring the bull to the door of the tabernacle of meeting before the )3+*#

lay his hand on the bullDs head# and 1ill the bull before the )3+*'

Then the anointed "riest shall ta1e some of the bullDs blood and bring it to the tabernacle of meeting'

and they have done something against any of the commandments of the )3+* in anything which should not be done# and are guilty9

The "riest shall di" his finger in the blood and s"rin1le some of the blood seven times before the )3+*# in front of the veil of the sanctuary'

when the sin which they have committed becomes 1nown# then the assembly shall offer a young bull for the sin# and bring it before the tabernacle of meeting'

And the "riest shall "ut some of the blood on the horns of the altar of sweet incense before the )3+*# which is in the tabernacle of meeting9 and he shall "our the remaining blood of the bull at the base of the altar of the burnt offering# which is at the door of the tabernacle of meeting'

And the elders of the congregation shall lay their hands on the head of the bull before the )3+*' Then the bull shall be 1illed before the )3+*'

The anointed "riest shall bring some of the bullDs blood to the tabernacle of meeting'

2e shall ta1e from it all the fat of the bull as the sin offering' The fat that covers the entrails and all the fat which is on the entrails#

Then the "riest shall di" his finger in the blood and s"rin1le it seven times before the )3+*# in front of the veil'

the two 1idneys and the fat that is on them by the flan1s# and the fatty lobe attached to the liver above the 1idneys# he shall remove#

And he shall "ut some of the blood on the horns of the altar which is before the )3+*# which is in the tabernacle of meeting9 and he shall "our the remaining blood at the base of the altar of burnt offering# which is at the door of the tabernacle of meeting'

as it was ta1en from the bull of the sacrifice of the "eace offering9 and the "riest shall burn them on the altar of the burnt offering'

2e shall ta1e all the fat from it and burn it on the altar'

But the bullDs hide and all its flesh# with its head and legs# its entrails and offalFF

the whole bull he shall carry outside the cam" to a clean "lace# where the ashes are "oured out# and burn it on wood with fire9 where the ashes are "oured out it shall be burned'

And he shall do with the bull as he did with the bull as a sin offering9 thus he shall do with it' So the "riest shall ma1e atonement for them# and it shall be forgiven them'

Then he shall carry the bull outside the cam"# and burn it as he burned the first bull' 0t is a sin offering for the assembly'

:Now if the whole congregation of 0srael sins unintentionally# and the thing is hidden from the eyes of the assembly#

:Bhen a ruler has sinned# and done something unintentionally against any of the commandments of the )3+* his

(od in anything which should not be done# and is guilty#



or if his sin which he has committed comes to his 1nowledge# he shall bring as his offering a 1id of the goats# a male without blemish'

2e shall remove all its fat# as fat is removed from the sacrifice of the "eace offering9 and the "riest shall burn it on the altar for a sweet aroma to the )3+*' So the "riest shall ma1e atonement for him# and it shall be forgiven him'

And he shall lay his hand on the head of the goat# and 1ill it at the "lace where they 1ill the burnt offering before the )3+*' 0t is a sin offering'

:0f he brings a lamb as his sin offering# he shall bring a female without blemish'

The "riest shall ta1e some of the blood of the sin offering with his finger# "ut it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering# and "our its blood at the base of the altar of burnt offering'

Then he shall lay his hand on the head of the sin offering# and 1ill it as a sin offering at the "lace where they 1ill the burnt offering'

And he shall burn all its fat on the altar# li1e the fat of the sacrifice of the "eace offering' So the "riest shall ma1e atonement for him concerning his sin# and it shall be forgiven him'

The "riest shall ta1e some of the blood of the sin offering with his finger# "ut it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering# and "our all the remaining blood at the base of the altar'

:0f anyone of the common "eo"le sins unintentionally by doing something against any of the commandments of the )3+* in anything which ought not to be done# and is guilty#

2e shall remove all its fat# as the fat of the lamb is removed from the sacrifice of the "eace offering' Then the "riest shall burn it on the altar# according to the offerings made by fire to the )3+*' So the "riest shall ma1e atonement for his sin that he has committed# and it shall be forgiven him'

or if his sin which he has committed comes to his 1nowledge# then he shall bring as his offering a 1id of the goats# a female without blemish# for his sin which he has committed'


a "erson sins in hearing the utterance of an oath# and is a witness# whether he has seen or 1nown of the matterFFif he does not tell it# he bears guilt'

And he shall lay his hand on the head of the sin offering# and 1ill the sin offering at the "lace of the burnt offering'

Then the "riest shall ta1e some of its blood with his finger# "ut it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering# and "our all the remaining blood at the base of the altar'

:3r if a "erson touches any unclean thing# whether it is the carcass of an unclean beast# or the carcass of unclean livestoc1# or the carcass of unclean cree"ing things# and he is unaware of it# he also shall be unclean and guilty'

3r if he touches human uncleannessFF whatever uncleanness with which a man may be defiled# and he is unaware of itFF

when he it# then he shall be guilty'



:3r if a "erson swears# s"ea1ing thoughtlessly with his li"s to do evil or to do good# whatever it is that a man may "ronounce by an oath# and he is unaware of itFFwhen he it# then he shall be guilty in any of these matters'

:But if he is not able to bring two turtledoves or two young "igeons# then he who sinned shall bring for his offering oneFtenth of an e"hah of fine flour as a sin offering' 2e shall "ut no oil on it# nor shall he "ut fran1incense on it# for it is a sin offering'

:And it shall be# when he is guilty in any of these matters# that he shall confess that he has sinned in that thing9

Then he shall bring it to the "riest# and the "riest shall ta1e his handful of it as a memorial "ortion# and burn it on the altar according to the offerings made by fire to the )3+*' 0t is a sin offering'

and he shall bring his tres"ass offering to the )3+* for his sin which he has committed# a female from the floc1# a lamb or a 1id of the goats as a sin offering' So the "riest shall ma1e atonement for him concerning his sin'

The "riest shall ma1e atonement for him# for his sin that he has committed in any of these matters9 and it shall be forgiven him' The rest shall be the "riestDs as a grain offering':D

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7


:0f he is not able to bring a lamb# then he shall bring to the )3+*# for his tres"ass which he has committed# two turtledoves or two young "igeons7 one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering'

And he shall bring them to the "riest# who shall offer that which is for the sin offering first# and wring off its head from its nec1# but shall not divide it com"letely'

:0f a "erson commits a tres"ass# and sins unintentionally in regard to the holy things of the )3+*# then he shall bring to the )3+* as his tres"ass offering a ram without blemish from the floc1s# with your valuation in she1els of silver according to the she1el of the sanctuary# as a tres"ass offering'

Then he shall s"rin1le some of the blood of the sin offering on the side of the altar# and the rest of the blood shall be drained out at the base of the altar' 0t is a sin offering'

And he shall ma1e restitution for the harm that he has done in regard to the holy thing# and shall add oneFfifth to it and give it to the "riest' So the "riest shall ma1e atonement for him with the ram of the tres"ass offering# and it shall be forgiven him'

And he shall offer the second as a burnt offering according to the "rescribed manner' So the "riest shall ma1e atonement on his behalf for his sin which he has committed# and it shall be forgiven him'

:0f a "erson sins# and commits any of these things which are forbidden to be done by the commandments of the )3+*# though he does not 1now it# yet he is guilty and shall bear his iniGuity'

And he shall bring to the "riest a ram without blemish from the floc1# with your

valuation# as a tres"ass offering' So the "riest shall ma1e atonement for him regarding his ignorance in which he erred and did not 1now it# and it shall be forgiven him'

So the "riest shall ma1e atonement for him before the )3+*# and he shall be forgiven for any one of these things that he may have done in which he tres"asses':

0t is a tres"ass offering9 he has certainly tres"assed against the )3+*':

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#



the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#

:0f a "erson sins and commits a tres"ass against the )3+* by lying to his neighbor about what was delivered to him for safe1ee"ing# or about a "ledge# or about a robbery# or if he has e!torted from his neighbor#

:-ommand Aaron and his sons# saying# :This is the law of the burnt offering7 The burnt offering shall be on the hearth u"on the altar all night until morning# and the fire of the altar shall be 1e"t burning on it'

or if he has found what was lost and lies concerning it# and swears falselyFFin any one of these things that a man may do in which he sins7

And the "riest shall "ut on his linen garment# and his linen trousers he shall "ut on his body# and ta1e u" the ashes of the burnt offering which the fire has consumed on the altar# and he shall "ut them beside the altar'

then it shall be# because he has sinned and is guilty# that he shall restore what he has stolen# or the thing which he has e!torted# or what was delivered to him for safe1ee"ing# or the lost thing which he found#

Then he shall ta1e off his garments# "ut on other garments# and carry the ashes outside the cam" to a clean "lace'

or all that about which he has sworn falsely' 2e shall restore its full value# add oneFfifth more to it# and give it to whomever it belongs# on the day of his tres"ass offering'

And the fire on the altar shall be 1e"t burning on it9 it shall not be "ut out' And the "riest shall burn wood on it every morning# and lay the burnt offering in order on it9 and he shall burn on it the fat of the "eace offerings'

A fire shall always be burning on the altar9 it shall never go out'


And he shall bring his tres"ass offering to the )3+*# a ram without blemish from the floc1# with your valuation# as a tres"ass offering# to the "riest'

:This is the law of the grain offering7 The sons of Aaron shall offer it on the altar before the )3+*'

2e shall ta1e from it his handful of the fine flour of the grain offering# with its oil# and all the fran1incense which is on the grain offering# and shall burn it on the altar for a sweet aroma# as a memorial to the )3+*'


And the remainder of it Aaron and his sons shall eat9 with unleavened bread it shall be eaten in a holy "lace9 in the court of the tabernacle of meeting they shall eat it'


:S"ea1 to Aaron and to his sons# saying# :This is the law of the sin offering7 0n the "lace where the burnt offering is 1illed# the sin offering shall be 1illed before the )3+*' 0t is most holy'

0t shall not be ba1ed with leaven' 0 have given it as their "ortion of 4y offerings made by fire9 it is most holy# li1e the sin offering and the tres"ass offering'

The "riest who offers it for sin shall eat it' 0n a holy "lace it shall be eaten# in the court of the tabernacle of meeting'

All the males among the children of Aaron may eat it' 0t shall be a statute forever in your generations concerning the offerings made by fire to the )3+*' veryone who touches them must be holy':D

veryone who touches its flesh must be holy' And when its blood is s"rin1led on any garment# you shall wash that on which it was s"rin1led# in a holy "lace'

But the earthen vessel in which it is boiled shall be bro1en' And if it is boiled in a bron.e "ot# it shall be both scoured and rinsed in water'

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


All the males among the "riests may eat it' 0t is most holy'

:This is the offering of Aaron and his sons# which they shall offer to the )3+*# beginning on the day when he is anointed7 oneFtenth of an e"hah of fine flour as a daily grain offering# half of it in the morning and half of it at night'

But no sin offering from which any of the blood is brought into the tabernacle of meeting# to ma1e atonement in the holy "lace# shall be eaten' 0t shall be burned in the fire'

0t shall be made in a "an with oil' Bhen it is mi!ed# you shall bring it in' The ba1ed "ieces of the grain offering you shall offer for a sweet aroma to the )3+*'


this is the law of the tres"ass offering Iit is most holyJ7 0n the "lace where they 1ill the burnt offering they shall 1ill the tres"ass offering' And its blood he shall s"rin1le all around on the altar'

The "riest from among his sons# who is anointed in his "lace# shall offer it' 0t is a statute forever to the )3+*' 0t shall be wholly burned'

For every grain offering for the "riest shall be wholly burned' 0t shall not be eaten':

And he shall offer from it all its fat' The fat tail and the fat that covers the entrails#

Also the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#

the two 1idneys and the fat that is on them by the flan1s# and the fatty lobe attached to the liver above the 1idneys# he shall remove9


and the "riest shall burn them on the altar as an offering made by fire to the )3+*' 0t is a tres"ass offering'


very male among the "riests may eat it' 0t shall be eaten in a holy "lace' 0t is most holy'

And from it he shall offer one ca1e from each offering as a heave offering to the )3+*' 0t shall belong to the "riest who s"rin1les the blood of the "eace offering'

The tres"ass offering is li1e the sin offering9 there is one law for them both7 the "riest who ma1es atonement with it shall have it'

:The flesh of the sacrifice of his "eace offering for than1sgiving shall be eaten the same day it is offered' 2e shall not leave any of it until morning'

And the "riest who offers anyoneDs burnt offering# that "riest shall have for himself the s1in of the burnt offering which he has offered'

But if the sacrifice of his offering is a vow or a voluntary offering# it shall be eaten the same day that he offers his sacrifice9 but on the ne!t day the remainder of it also may be eaten9

Also every grain offering that is ba1ed in the oven and all that is "re"ared in the covered "an# or in a "an# shall be the "riestDs who offers it'

the remainder of the flesh of the sacrifice on the third day must be burned with fire'

very grain offering# whether mi!ed with oil or dry# shall belong to all the sons of Aaron# to one as much as the other'

And if any of the flesh of the sacrifice of his "eace offering is eaten at all on the third day# it shall not be acce"ted# nor shall it be im"uted to him9 it shall be an abomination to him who offers it# and the "erson who eats of it shall bear guilt'

:This is the law of the sacrifice of "eace offerings which he shall offer to the )3+*7

:The flesh that touches any unclean thing shall not be eaten' 0t shall be burned with fire' And as for the clean flesh# all who are clean may eat of it'

0f he offers it for a than1sgiving# then he shall offer# with the sacrifice of than1sgiving# unleavened ca1es mi!ed with oil# unleavened wafers anointed with oil# or ca1es of blended flour mi!ed with oil'

But the "erson who eats the flesh of the sacrifice of the "eace offering that belongs to the )3+*# while he is unclean# that "erson shall be cut off from his "eo"le'

Besides the ca1es# as his offering he shall offer leavened bread with the sacrifice of than1sgiving of his "eace offering'

4oreover the "erson who touches any unclean thing# such as human uncleanness# an unclean animal# or any abominable unclean thing# and who eats the flesh of the sacrifice of the "eace offering that belongs to the )3+*# that "erson shall be cut off from his "eo"le':D


And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#



:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# saying7 :Cou shall not eat any fat# of o! or shee" or goat'

2e among the sons of Aaron# who offers the blood of the "eace offering and the fat# shall have the right thigh for his "art'

And the fat of an animal that dies naturally# and the fat of what is torn by wild beasts# may be used in any other way9 but you shall by no means eat it'

For the breast of the wave offering and the thigh of the heave offering 0 have ta1en from the children of 0srael# from the sacrifices of their "eace offerings# and 0 have given them to Aaron the "riest and to his sons from the children of 0srael by a statute forever':D

For whoever eats the fat of the animal of which men offer an offering made by fire to the )3+*# the "erson who eats it shall be cut off from his "eo"le'

4oreover you shall not eat any blood in any of your dwellings# whether of bird or beast'

This is the consecrated "ortion for Aaron and his sons# from the offerings made by fire to the )3+*# on the day when 4oses "resented them to minister to the )3+* as "riests'

Bhoever eats any blood# that "erson shall be cut off from his "eo"le':D

The )3+* commanded this to be given to them by the children of 0srael# on the day that 2e anointed them# by a statute forever throughout their generations'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# saying7 :2e who offers the sacrifice of his "eace offering to the )3+* shall bring his offering to the )3+* from the sacrifice of his "eace offering'

This is the law of the burnt offering# the grain offering# the sin offering# the tres"ass offering# the consecrations# and the sacrifice of the "eace offering#

2is own hands shall bring the offerings made by fire to the )3+*' The fat with the breast he shall bring# that the breast may be waved as a wave offering before the )3+*'

which the )3+* commanded 4oses on 4ount Sinai# on the day when 2e commanded the children of 0srael to offer their offerings to the )3+* in the Bilderness of Sinai'


the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#

And the "riest shall burn the fat on the altar# but the breast shall be AaronDs and his sonsD'

Also the right thigh you shall give to the "riest as a heave offering from the sacrifices of your "eace offerings'

:Ta1e Aaron and his sons with him# and the garments# the anointing oil# a bull as the sin offering# two rams# and a bas1et of unleavened bread9

and gather all the congregation together at the door of the tabernacle of meeting':


Then 4oses brought AaronDs sons and "ut tunics on them# girded them with sashes# and "ut hats on them# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

So 4oses did as the )3+* commanded him' And the congregation was gathered together at the door of the tabernacle of meeting'

And he brought the bull for the sin offering' Then Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the bull for the sin offering#

And 4oses said to the congregation# :This is what the )3+* commanded to be done':

Then 4oses brought Aaron and his sons and washed them with water'

and 4oses 1illed it' Then he too1 the blood# and "ut some on the horns of the altar all around with his finger# and "urified the altar' And he "oured the blood at the base of the altar# and consecrated it# to ma1e atonement for it'

And he "ut the tunic on him# girded him with the sash# clothed him with the robe# and "ut the e"hod on him9 and he girded him with the intricately woven band of the e"hod# and with it tied the e"hod on him'

Then he too1 all the fat that was on the entrails# the fatty lobe attached to the liver# and the two 1idneys with their fat# and 4oses burned them on the altar'

Then he "ut the breast"late on him# and he "ut the Arim and the Thummim in the breast"late'

But the bull# its hide# its flesh# and its offal# he burned with fire outside the cam"# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

And he "ut the turban on his head' Also on the turban# on its front# he "ut the golden "late# the holy crown# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

Then he brought the ram as the burnt offering' And Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the ram#

Also 4oses too1 the anointing oil# and anointed the tabernacle and all that was in it# and consecrated them'

and 4oses 1illed it' Then he s"rin1led the blood all around on the altar'

2e s"rin1led some of it on the altar seven times# anointed the altar and all its utensils# and the laver and its base# to consecrate them'

And he cut the ram into "ieces9 and 4oses burned the head# the "ieces# and the fat'

And he "oured some of the anointing oil on AaronDs head and anointed him# to consecrate him'

Then he washed the entrails and the legs in water' And 4oses burned the whole ram on the altar' 0t was a burnt sacrifice for a sweet aroma# an offering made by fire to the )3+*# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

And he brought the second ram# the ram of consecration' Then Aaron and

his sons laid their hands on the head of the ram#


and 4oses 1illed it' Also he too1 some of its blood and "ut it on the ti" of AaronDs right ear# on the thumb of his right hand# and on the big toe of his right foot'

and on the garments of his sons with him9 and he consecrated Aaron# his garments# his sons# and the garments of his sons with him'

Then he brought AaronDs sons' And 4oses "ut some of the blood on the ti"s of their right ears# on the thumbs of their right hands# and on the big toes of their right feet' And 4oses s"rin1led the blood all around on the altar'

And 4oses said to Aaron and his sons# :Boil the flesh at the door of the tabernacle of meeting# and eat it there with the bread that is in the bas1et of consecration offerings# as 0 commanded# saying# :Aaron and his sons shall eat it'D

Bhat remains of the flesh and of the bread you shall burn with fire'

Then he too1 the fat and the fat tail# all the fat that was on the entrails# the fatty lobe attached to the liver# the two 1idneys and their fat# and the right thigh9

And you shall not go outside the door of the tabernacle of meeting for seven days# until the days of your consecration are ended' For seven days he shall consecrate you'

and from the bas1et of unleavened bread that was before the )3+* he too1 one unleavened ca1e# a ca1e of bread anointed with oil# and one wafer# and "ut them on the fat and on the right thigh9

As he has done this day# so the )3+* has commanded to do# to ma1e atonement for you'

and he "ut all these in AaronDs hands and in his sonsD hands# and waved them as a wave offering before the )3+*'

Therefore you shall stay at the door of the tabernacle of meeting day and night for seven days# and 1ee" the charge of the )3+*# so that you may not die9 for so 0 have been commanded':

Then 4oses too1 them from their hands and burned them on the altar# on the burnt offering' They were consecration offerings for a sweet aroma' That was an offering made by fire to the )3+*'

So Aaron and his sons did all the things that the )3+* had commanded by the hand of 4oses'

And 4oses too1 the breast and waved it as a wave offering before the )3+*' 0t was 4osesD "art of the ram of consecration# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

90t came to "ass on the eighth day

that 4oses called Aaron and his sons and the elders of 0srael'

Then 4oses too1 some of the anointing oil and some of the blood which was on the altar# and s"rin1led it on Aaron# on his garments# on his sons#

And he said to Aaron# :Ta1e for yourself a young bull as a sin offering and a ram as a burnt offering# without blemish# and offer them before the )3+*'

And to the children of 0srael you shall s"ea1# saying# :Ta1e a 1id of the goats as a sin offering# and a calf and a lamb# both of the first year# without blemish# as a burnt offering#


And he 1illed the burnt offering9 and AaronDs sons "resented to him the blood# which he s"rin1led all around on the altar'

also a bull and a ram as "eace offerings# to sacrifice before the )3+*# and a grain offering mi!ed with oil9 for today the )3+* will a""ear to you':D

Then they "resented the burnt offering to him# with its "ieces and head# and he burned them on the altar'

So they brought what 4oses commanded before the tabernacle of meeting' And all the congregation drew near and stood before the )3+*'

And he washed the entrails and the legs# and burned them with the burnt offering on the altar'

Then 4oses said# :This is the thing which the )3+* commanded you to do# and the glory of the )3+* will a""ear to you':

Then he brought the "eo"leDs offering# and too1 the goat# which was the sin offering for the "eo"le# and 1illed it and offered it for sin# li1e the first one'

And he brought the burnt offering and offered it according to the "rescribed manner'

And 4oses said to Aaron# :(o to the altar# offer your sin offering and your burnt offering# and ma1e atonement for yourself and for the "eo"le' 3ffer the offering of the "eo"le# and ma1e atonement for them# as the )3+* commanded':

Then he brought the grain offering# too1 a handful of it# and burned it on the altar# besides the burnt sacrifice of the morning'

Aaron therefore went to the altar and 1illed the calf of the sin offering# which was for himself'

2e also 1illed the bull and the ram as sacrifices of "eace offerings# which were for the "eo"le' And AaronDs sons "resented to him the blood# which he s"rin1led all around on the altar#

Then the sons of Aaron brought the blood to him' And he di""ed his finger in the blood# "ut it on the horns of the altar# and "oured the blood at the base of the altar'

and the fat from the bull and the ramFF the fatty tail# what covers the entrails and the 1idneys# and the fatty lobe attached to the liver9

But the fat# the 1idneys# and the fatty lobe from the liver of the sin offering he burned on the altar# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

and they "ut the fat on the breasts' Then he burned the fat on the altar9

The flesh and the hide he burned with fire outside the cam"'

but the breasts and the right thigh Aaron waved as a wave offering before the )3+*# as 4oses had commanded'

Then Aaron lifted his hand toward the "eo"le# blessed them# and came down

from offering the sin offering# the burnt offering# and "eace offerings'


And 4oses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of meeting# and came out and blessed the "eo"le' Then the glory of the )3+* a""eared to all the "eo"le#

And 4oses said to Aaron# and to and 0thamar# his sons# :*o not uncover your heads nor tear your clothes# lest you die# and wrath come u"on all the "eo"le' But let your brethren# the whole house of 0srael# bewail the burning which the )3+* has 1indled'

and fire came out from before the )3+* and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar' Bhen all the "eo"le saw it# they shouted and fell on their faces'

Cou shall not go out from the door of the tabernacle of meeting# lest you die# for the anointing oil of the )3+* is u"on you': And they did according to the word of 4oses'

10Then Nadab and Abihu# the sons

of Aaron# each too1 his censer and "ut fire in it# "ut incense on it# and offered "rofane fire before the )3+*# which 2e had not commanded them'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to Aaron# saying7


So fire went out from the )3+* and devoured them# and they died before the )3+*'

:*o not drin1 wine or into!icating drin1# you# nor your sons with you# when you go into the tabernacle of meeting# lest you die' 0t shall be a statute forever throughout your generations#

And 4oses said to Aaron# :This is what the )3+* s"o1e# saying7 :By those who come near 4e 0 must be regarded as holy9 And before all the "eo"le 0 must be glorified':D So Aaron held his "eace'

that you may distinguish between holy and unholy# and between unclean and clean#

Then 4oses called 4ishael and l.a"han# the sons of A..iel the uncle of Aaron# and said to them# :-ome near# carry your brethren from before the sanctuary out of the cam"':

and that you may teach the children of 0srael all the statutes which the )3+* has s"o1en to them by the hand of 4oses':

So they went near and carried them by their tunics out of the cam"# as 4oses had said'

And 4oses s"o1e to Aaron# and to and 0thamar# his sons who were left7 :Ta1e the grain offering that remains of the offerings made by fire to the )3+*# and eat it without leaven beside the altar9 for it is most holy'

Cou shall eat it in a holy "lace# because it is your due and your sonsD due# of the sacrifices made by fire to the )3+*9 for so 0 have been commanded'

The breast of the wave offering and the thigh of the heave offering you shall eat in a clean "lace# you# your sons# and

your daughters with you9 for they are your due and your sonsD due# which are given from the sacrifices of "eace offerings of the children of 0srael'

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# saying# :These are the animals which you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth7

The thigh of the heave offering and the breast of the wave offering they shall bring with the offerings of fat made by fire# to offer as a wave offering before the )3+*' And it shall be yours and your sonsD with you# by a statute forever# as the )3+* has commanded':

Among the animals# whatever divides the hoof# having cloven hooves and chewing the cudFFthat you may eat'

Then 4oses made careful inGuiry about the goat of the sin offering# and there it wasFFburned u"' And he was angry with and 0thamar# the sons of Aaron who were left# saying#

Nevertheless these you shall not eat among those that chew the cud or those that have cloven hooves7 the camel# because it chews the cud but does not have cloven hooves# is unclean to you9

the roc1 hyra!# because it chews the cud but does not have cloven hooves# is unclean to you9

:Bhy have you not eaten the sin offering in a holy "lace# since it is most holy# and (od has given it to you to bear the guilt of the congregation# to ma1e atonement for them before the )3+*E

the hare# because it chews the cud but does not have cloven hooves# is unclean to you9

SeeH 0ts blood was not brought inside the holy "lace9 indeed you should have eaten it in a holy "lace# as 0 commanded':

and the swine# though it divides the hoof# having cloven hooves# yet does not chew the cud# is unclean to you'

And Aaron said to 4oses# :)oo1# this day they have offered their sin offering and their burnt offering before the )3+*# and such things have befallen meH 0f 0 had eaten the sin offering today# would it have been acce"ted in the sight of the )3+*E:

Their flesh you shall not eat# and their carcasses you shall not touch' They are unclean to you'

:These you may eat of all that are in the water7 whatever in the water has fins and scales# whether in the seas or in the riversFFthat you may eat'

So when 4oses heard that# he was content'

11Now the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses

and Aaron# saying to them#

But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales# all that move in the water or any living thing which is in the water# they are an abomination to you'

They shall be an abomination to you9 you shall not eat their flesh# but you shall regard their carcasses as an abomination'


Bhatever in the water does not have fins or scalesFFthat shall be an abomination to you'


whoever carries "art of the carcass of any of them shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening7

:And these you shall regard as an abomination among the birds9 they shall not be eaten# they are an abomination7 the eagle# the vulture# the bu..ard#

The carcass of any animal which divides the foot# but is not clovenFhoofed or does not chew the cud# is unclean to you' veryone who touches it shall be unclean'

the 1ite# and the falcon after its 1ind9 every raven after its 1ind# And whatever goes on its "aws# among all 1inds of animals that go on all fours# those are unclean to you' Bhoever touches any such carcass shall be unclean until evening'



the ostrich# the shortFeared owl# the sea gull# and the haw1 after its 1ind9

the little owl# the fisher owl# and the screech owl9

Bhoever carries any such carcass shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening' 0t is unclean to you'

the white owl# the $ac1daw# and the carrion vulture9


the stor1# the heron after its 1ind# the hoo"oe# and the bat'

:These also shall be unclean to you among the cree"ing things that cree" on the earth7 the mole# the mouse# and the large li.ard after its 1ind9

:All flying insects that cree" on all fours shall be an abomination to you'

the gec1o# the monitor li.ard# the sand re"tile# the sand li.ard# and the chameleon'

Cet these you may eat of every flying insect that cree"s on all fours7 those which have $ointed legs above their feet with which to lea" on the earth'

These are unclean to you among all that cree"' Bhoever touches them when they are dead shall be unclean until evening'

These you may eat7 the locust after its 1ind# the destroying locust after its 1ind# the cric1et after its 1ind# and the grassho""er after its 1ind'

But all other flying insects which have four feet shall be an abomination to you'

Anything on which any of them falls# when they are dead shall be unclean# whether it is any item of wood or clothing or s1in or sac1# whatever item it is# in which any wor1 is done# it must be "ut in water' And it shall be unclean until evening9 then it shall be clean'

:By these you shall become unclean9 whoever touches the carcass of any of them shall be unclean until evening9

Any earthen vessel into which any of them falls you shall brea19 and whatever is in it shall be unclean7

in such a vessel# any edible food u"on which water falls becomes unclean# and

any drin1 that may be drun1 from it becomes unclean'



And everything on which a "art of any such carcass falls shall be unclean9 whether it is an oven or coo1ing stove# it shall be bro1en down9 for they are unclean# and shall be unclean to you'

For 0 am the )3+* your (od' Cou shall therefore consecrate yourselves# and you shall be holy9 for 0 am holy' Neither shall you defile yourselves with any cree"ing thing that cree"s on the earth'

Nevertheless a s"ring or a cistern# in which there is "lenty of water# shall be clean# but whatever touches any such carcass becomes unclean'

For 0 am the )3+* who brings you u" out of the land of gy"t# to be your (od' Cou shall therefore be holy# for 0 am holy'

And if a "art of any such carcass falls on any "lanting seed which is to be sown# it remains clean'

:This is the law of the animals and the birds and every living creature that moves in the waters# and of every creature that cree"s on the earth#

But if water is "ut on the seed# and if a "art of any such carcass falls on it# it becomes unclean to you'

to distinguish between the unclean and the clean# and between the animal that may be eaten and the animal that may not be eaten':D

:And if any animal which you may eat dies# he who touches its carcass shall be unclean until evening'

12Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


2e who eats of its carcass shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening' 2e also who carries its carcass shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening'

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# saying7 :0f a woman has conceived# and borne a male child# then she shall be unclean seven days9 as in the days of her customary im"urity she shall be unclean'

:And every cree"ing thing that cree"s on the earth shall be an abomination' 0t shall not be eaten'

And on the eighth day the flesh of his fores1in shall be circumcised'

Bhatever crawls on its belly# whatever goes on all fours# or whatever has many feet among all cree"ing things that cree" on the earthFFthese you shall not eat# for they are an abomination'

She shall then continue in the blood of her "urification thirtyFthree days' She shall not touch any hallowed thing# nor come into the sanctuary until the days of her "urification are fulfilled'

Cou shall not ma1e yourselves abominable with any cree"ing thing that cree"s9 nor shall you ma1e yourselves unclean with them# lest you be defiled by them'

:But if she bears a female child# then she shall be unclean two wee1s# as in her customary im"urity# and she shall continue in the blood of her "urification si!tyFsi! days'


:Bhen the days of her "urification are fulfilled# whether for a son or a daughter# she shall bring to the "riest a lamb of the first year as a burnt offering# and a young "igeon or a turtledove as a sin offering# to the door of the tabernacle of meeting'


And the "riest shall e!amine him on the seventh day9 and indeed if the sore a""ears to be as it was# and the sore has not s"read on the s1in# then the "riest shall isolate him another seven days'

Then he shall offer it before the )3+*# and ma1e atonement for her' And she shall be clean from the flow of her blood' This is the law for her who has borne a male or a female'

Then the "riest shall e!amine him again on the seventh day9 and indeed if the sore has faded# and the sore has not s"read on the s1in# then the "riest shall "ronounce him clean9 it is only a scab# and he shall wash his clothes and be clean'

:And if she is not able to bring a lamb# then she may bring two turtledoves or two young "igeonsFFone as a burnt offering and the other as a sin offering' So the "riest shall ma1e atonement for her# and she will be clean':D

But if the scab should at all s"read over the s1in# after he has been seen by the "riest for his cleansing# he shall be seen by the "riest again'

13And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses

and Aaron# saying7

And if the "riest sees that the scab has indeed s"read on the s1in# then the "riest shall "ronounce him unclean' 0t is le"rosy'

:Bhen a man has on the s1in of his body a swelling# a scab# or a bright s"ot# and it becomes on the s1in of his body li1e a le"rous sore# then he shall be brought to Aaron the "riest or to one of his sons the "riests'

:Bhen the le"rous sore is on a "erson# then he shall be brought to the "riest'

The "riest shall e!amine the sore on the s1in of the body9 and if the hair on the sore has turned white# and the sore a""ears to be dee"er than the s1in of his body# it is a le"rous sore' Then the "riest shall e!amine him# and "ronounce him unclean'

And the "riest shall e!amine him9 and indeed if the swelling on the s1in is white# and it has turned the hair white# and there is a s"ot of raw flesh in the swelling#

it is an old le"rosy on the s1in of his body' The "riest shall "ronounce him unclean# and shall not isolate him# for he is unclean'

But if the bright s"ot is white on the s1in of his body# and does not a""ear to be dee"er than the s1in# and its hair has not turned white# then the "riest shall isolate the one who has the sore seven days'

:And if le"rosy brea1s out all over the s1in# and the le"rosy covers all the s1in of the one who has the sore# from his head to his foot# wherever the "riest loo1s#

then the "riest shall consider9 and indeed if the le"rosy has covered all his body# he shall "ronounce him clean who

has the sore' 0t has all turned white' 2e is clean'



But when raw flesh a""ears on him# he shall be unclean'


:3r if the body receives a burn on its s1in by fire# and the raw flesh of the burn becomes a bright s"ot# reddishF white or white#

And the "riest shall e!amine the raw flesh and "ronounce him to be unclean9 for the raw flesh is unclean' 0t is le"rosy'

3r if the raw flesh changes and turns white again# he shall come to the "riest'

then the "riest shall e!amine it9 and indeed if the hair of the bright s"ot has turned white# and it a""ears dee"er than the s1in# it is le"rosy bro1en out in the burn' Therefore the "riest shall "ronounce him unclean' 0t is a le"rous sore'

And the "riest shall e!amine him9 and indeed if the sore has turned white# then the "riest shall "ronounce him clean who has the sore' 2e is clean'

But if the "riest e!amines it# and indeed there are no white hairs in the bright s"ot# and it is not dee"er than the s1in# but has faded# then the "riest shall isolate him seven days'

:0f the body develo"s a boil in the s1in# and it is healed#


and in the "lace of the boil there comes a white swelling or a bright s"ot# reddishFwhite# then it shall be shown to the "riest9

And the "riest shall e!amine him on the seventh day' 0f it has at all s"read over the s1in# then the "riest shall "ronounce him unclean' 0t is a le"rous sore'

and if# when the "riest sees it# it indeed a""ears dee"er than the s1in# and its hair has turned white# the "riest shall "ronounce him unclean' 0t is a le"rous sore which has bro1en out of the boil'

But if the bright s"ot stays in one "lace# and has not s"read on the s1in# but has faded# it is a swelling from the burn' The "riest shall "ronounce him clean# for it is the scar from the burn'

But if the "riest e!amines it# indeed there are no white hairs in it# it is not dee"er than the s1in# but faded# then the "riest shall isolate seven days9

and and has him

:0f a man or woman has a sore on the head or the beard#


and if it should at all s"read over the s1in# then the "riest shall "ronounce him unclean' 0t is a le"rous sore'

then the "riest shall e!amine the sore9 and indeed if it a""ears dee"er than the s1in# and there is in it thin yellow hair# then the "riest shall "ronounce him unclean' 0t is a scaly le"rosy of the head or beard'

But if the bright s"ot stays in one "lace# and has not s"read# it is the scar of the boil9 and the "riest shall "ronounce him clean'

But if the "riest e!amines the scaly sore# and indeed it does not a""ear dee"er than the s1in# and there is no blac1 hair in it# then the "riest shall isolate the one who has the scale seven days'


And on the seventh day the "riest shall e!amine the sore9 and indeed if the scale has not s"read# and there is no yellow hair in it# and the scale does not a""ear dee"er than the s1in#


2e whose hair has fallen from his forehead# he is bald on the forehead# but he is clean'

he shall shave himself# but the scale he shall not shave' And the "riest shall isolate the one who has the scale another seven days'

And if there is on the bald head or bald forehead a reddishFwhite sore# it is le"rosy brea1ing out on his bald head or his bald forehead'

3n the seventh day the "riest shall e!amine the scale9 and indeed if the scale has not s"read over the s1in# and does not a""ear dee"er than the s1in# then the "riest shall "ronounce him clean' 2e shall wash his clothes and be clean'

Then the "riest shall e!amine it9 and indeed if the swelling of the sore is reddishFwhite on his bald head or on his bald forehead# as the a""earance of le"rosy on the s1in of the body#

he is a le"rous man' 2e is unclean' The "riest shall surely "ronounce him unclean9 his sore is on his head'

But if the scale should at all s"read over the s1in after his cleansing#

then the "riest shall e!amine him9 and indeed if the scale has s"read over the s1in# the "riest need not see1 for yellow hair' 2e is unclean'

:Now the le"er on whom the sore is# his clothes shall be torn and his head bare9 and he shall cover his mustache# and cry# :AncleanH AncleanHD

But if the scale a""ears to be at a standstill# and there is blac1 hair grown u" in it# the scale has healed' 2e is clean# and the "riest shall "ronounce him clean'

2e shall be unclean' All the days he has the sore he shall be unclean' 2e is unclean# and he shall dwell alone9 his dwelling shall be outside the cam"'

:Also# if a garment has a le"rous "lague in it# whether it is a woolen garment or a linen garment#

:0f a man or a woman has bright s"ots on the s1in of the body# s"ecifically white bright s"ots#

whether it is in the war" or woof of linen or wool# whether in leather or in anything made of leather#

then the "riest shall loo19 and indeed if the bright s"ots on the s1in of the body are dull white# it is a white s"ot that grows on the s1in' 2e is clean'

and if the "lague is greenish or reddish in the garment or in the leather# whether in the war" or in the woof# or in anything made of leather# it is a le"rous "lague and shall be shown to the "riest'

:As for the man whose hair has fallen from his head# he is bald# but he is clean'

The "riest shall e!amine the "lague and isolate that which has the "lague seven days'


And he shall e!amine the "lague on the seventh day' 0f the "lague has s"read in the garment# either in the war" or in the woof# in the leather or in anything made of leather# the "lague is an active le"rosy' 0t is unclean'


:This is the law of the le"rous "lague in a garment of wool or linen# either in the war" or woof# or in anything made of leather# to "ronounce it clean or to "ronounce it unclean':

2e shall therefore burn that garment in which is the "lague# whether war" or woof# in wool or in linen# or anything of leather# for it is an active le"rosy9 the garment shall be burned in the fire'

14Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


:But if the "riest e!amines it# and indeed the "lague has not s"read in the garment# either in the war" or in the woof# or in anything made of leather#

:This shall be the law of the le"er for the day of his cleansing7 2e shall be brought to the "riest'

then the "riest shall command that they wash the thing in which is the "lague9 and he shall isolate it another seven days'

And the "riest shall go out of the cam"# and the "riest shall e!amine him9 and indeed# if the le"rosy is healed in the le"er#

Then the "riest shall e!amine the "lague after it has been washed9 and indeed if the "lague has not changed its color# though the "lague has not s"read# it is unclean# and you shall burn it in the fire9 it continues eating away# whether the damage is outside or inside'

then the "riest shall command to ta1e for him who is to be cleansed two living and clean birds# cedar wood# scarlet# and hysso"'

And the "riest shall command that one of the birds be 1illed in an earthen vessel over running water'

0f the "riest e!amines it# and indeed the "lague has faded after washing it# then he shall tear it out of the garment# whether out of the war" or out of the woof# or out of the leather'

As for the living bird# he shall ta1e it# the cedar wood and the scarlet and the hysso"# and di" them and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was 1illed over the running water'

But if it a""ears again in the garment# either in the war" or in the woof# or in anything made of leather# it is a s"reading "lague9 you shall burn with fire that in which is the "lague'

And he shall s"rin1le it seven times on him who is to be cleansed from the le"rosy# and shall "ronounce him clean# and shall let the living bird loose in the o"en field'

And if you wash the garment# either war" or woof# or whatever is made of leather# if the "lague has disa""eared from it# then it shall be washed a second time# and shall be clean'

2e who is to be cleansed shall wash his clothes# shave off all his hair# and wash himself in water# that he may be clean' After that he shall come into the cam"# and shall stay outside his tent seven days'

But on the seventh day he shall shave all the hair off his head and his beard and his eyebrowsFFall his hair he shall shave off' 2e shall wash his clothes and wash his body in water# and he shall be clean'


And of the rest of the oil in his hand# the "riest shall "ut some on the ti" of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed# on the thumb of his right hand# and on the big toe of his right foot# on the blood of the tres"ass offering'

:And on the eighth day he shall ta1e two male lambs without blemish# one ewe lamb of the first year without blemish# threeFtenths of an e"hah of fine flour mi!ed with oil as a grain offering# and one log of oil'

The rest of the oil that is in the "riestDs hand he shall "ut on the head of him who is to be cleansed' So the "riest shall ma1e atonement for him before the )3+*'

Then the "riest who ma1es him clean shall "resent the man who is to be made clean# and those things# before the )3+*# at the door of the tabernacle of meeting'

:Then the "riest shall offer the sin offering# and ma1e atonement for him who is to be cleansed from his uncleanness' Afterward he shall 1ill the burnt offering'

And the "riest shall ta1e one male lamb and offer it as a tres"ass offering# and the log of oil# and wave them as a wave offering before the )3+*'

And the "riest shall offer the burnt offering and the grain offering on the altar' So the "riest shall ma1e atonement for him# and he shall be clean'

Then he shall 1ill the lamb in the "lace where he 1ills the sin offering and the burnt offering# in a holy "lace9 for as the sin offering is the "riestDs# so is the tres"ass offering' 0t is most holy'

:But if he is "oor and cannot afford it# then he shall ta1e one male lamb as a tres"ass offering to be waved# to ma1e atonement for him# oneFtenth of an e"hah of fine flour mi!ed with oil as a grain offering# a log of oil#

The "riest shall ta1e some of the blood of the tres"ass offering# and the "riest shall "ut it on the ti" of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed# on the thumb of his right hand# and on the big toe of his right foot'

and two turtledoves or two young "igeons# such as he is able to afford7 one shall be a sin offering and the other a burnt offering'

And the "riest shall ta1e some of the log of oil# and "our it into the "alm of his own left hand'

2e shall bring them to the "riest on the eighth day for his cleansing# to the door of the tabernacle of meeting# before the )3+*'

Then the "riest shall di" his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand# and shall s"rin1le some of the oil with his finger seven times before the )3+*'

And the "riest shall ta1e the lamb of the tres"ass offering and the log of oil# and the "riest shall wave them as a wave offering before the )3+*'


Then he shall 1ill the lamb of the tres"ass offering# and the "riest shall ta1e some of the blood of the tres"ass offering and "ut it on the ti" of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed# on the thumb of his right hand# and on the big toe of his right foot'


:Bhen you have come into the land of -anaan# which 0 give you as a "ossession# and 0 "ut the le"rous "lague in a house in the land of your "ossession#

And the "riest shall "our some of the oil into the "alm of his own left hand'

and he who owns the house comes and tells the "riest# saying# :0t seems to me that there is some "lague in the house#D

Then the "riest shall s"rin1le with his right finger some of the oil that is in his left hand seven times before the )3+*'

And the "riest shall "ut some of the oil that is in his hand on the ti" of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed# on the thumb of the right hand# and on the big toe of his right foot# on the "lace of the blood of the tres"ass offering'

then the "riest shall command that they em"ty the house# before the "riest goes into it to e!amine the "lague# that all that is in the house may not be made unclean9 and afterward the "riest shall go in to e!amine the house'

The rest of the oil that is in the "riestDs hand he shall "ut on the head of him who is to be cleansed# to ma1e atonement for him before the )3+*'

And he shall e!amine the "lague9 and indeed if the "lague is on the walls of the house with ingrained strea1s# greenish or reddish# which a""ear to be dee" in the wall#

then the "riest shall go out of the house# to the door of the house# and shut u" the house seven days'

And he shall offer one of the turtledoves or young "igeons# such as he can affordFF

such as he is able to afford# the one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering# with the grain offering' So the "riest shall ma1e atonement for him who is to be cleansed before the )3+*'

And the "riest shall come again on the seventh day and loo19 and indeed if the "lague has s"read on the walls of the house#

then the "riest shall command that they ta1e away the stones in which is the "lague# and they shall cast them into an unclean "lace outside the city'

This is the law for one who had a le"rous sore# who cannot afford the usual cleansing':

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses and Aaron# saying7

And he shall cause the house to be scra"ed inside# all around# and the dust that they scra"e off they shall "our out in an unclean "lace outside the city'

Then they shall ta1e other stones and "ut them in the "lace of those stones# and he shall ta1e other mortar and "laster the house'


:Now if the "lague comes bac1 and brea1s out in the house# after he has ta1en away the stones# after he has scra"ed the house# and after it is "lastered#


Then he shall let the living bird loose outside the city in the o"en field# and ma1e atonement for the house# and it shall be clean'

then the "riest shall come and loo19 and indeed if the "lague has s"read in the house# it is an active le"rosy in the house' 0t is unclean'

:This is the law for any le"rous sore and scale#


for the le"rosy of a garment and of a house#


And he shall brea1 down the house# its stones# its timber# and all the "laster of the house# and he shall carry them outside the city to an unclean "lace'

for a swelling and a scab and a bright s"ot#


4oreover he who goes into the house at all while it is shut u" shall be unclean until evening'

to teach when it is unclean and when it is clean' This is the law of le"rosy':

15And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses

and Aaron# saying#

And he who lies down in the house shall wash his clothes# and he who eats in the house shall wash his clothes'

:But if the "riest comes in and e!amines it# and indeed the "lague has not s"read in the house after the house was "lastered# then the "riest shall "ronounce the house clean# because the "lague is healed'

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# and say to them7 :Bhen any man has a discharge from his body# his discharge is unclean'

And he shall ta1e# to cleanse the house# two birds# cedar wood# scarlet# and hysso"'

And this shall be his uncleanness in regard to his dischargeFFwhether his body runs with his discharge# or his body is sto""ed u" by his discharge# it is his uncleanness'

Then he shall 1ill one of the birds in an earthen vessel over running water9

very bed is unclean on which he who has the discharge lies# and everything on which he sits shall be unclean'

and he shall ta1e the cedar wood# the hysso"# the scarlet# and the living bird# and di" them in the blood of the slain bird and in the running water# and s"rin1le the house seven times'

And whoever touches his bed shall wash his clothes and bathe in water# and be unclean until evening'

And he shall cleanse the house with the blood of the bird and the running water and the living bird# with the cedar wood# the hysso"# and the scarlet'

2e who sits on anything on which he who has the discharge sat shall wash his clothes and bathe in water# and be unclean until evening'

And he who touches the body of him who has the discharge shall wash his

clothes and bathe in water# and be unclean until evening'



:0f any man has an emission of semen# then he shall wash all his body in water# and be unclean until evening'

0f he who has the discharge s"its on him who is clean# then he shall wash his clothes and bathe in water# and be unclean until evening'

And any garment and any leather on which there is semen# it shall be washed with water# and be unclean until evening'

Any saddle on which he who has the discharge rides shall be unclean'

Bhoever touches anything that was under him shall be unclean until evening' 2e who carries any of those things shall wash his clothes and bathe in water# and be unclean until evening'

Also# when a woman lies with a man# and there is an emission of semen# they shall bathe in water# and be unclean until evening'

And whomever the one who has the discharge touches# and has not rinsed his hands in water# he shall wash his clothes and bathe in water# and be unclean until evening'

:0f a woman has a discharge# and the discharge from her body is blood# she shall be set a"art seven days9 and whoever touches her shall be unclean until evening'

The vessel of earth that he who has the discharge touches shall be bro1en# and every vessel of wood shall be rinsed in water'

verything that she lies on during her im"urity shall be unclean9 also everything that she sits on shall be unclean'

Bhoever touches her bed shall wash his clothes and bathe in water# and be unclean until evening'

:And when he who has a discharge is cleansed of his discharge# then he shall count for himself seven days for his cleansing# wash his clothes# and bathe his body in running water9 then he shall be clean'

And whoever touches anything that she sat on shall wash his clothes and bathe in water# and be unclean until evening'

3n the eighth day he shall ta1e for himself two turtledoves or two young "igeons# and come before the )3+*# to the door of the tabernacle of meeting# and give them to the "riest'

0f anything is on her bed or on anything on which she sits# when he touches it# he shall be unclean until evening'

Then the "riest shall offer them# the one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering' So the "riest shall ma1e atonement for him before the )3+* because of his discharge'

And if any man lies with her at all# so that her im"urity is on him# he shall be unclean seven days9 and every bed on which he lies shall be unclean'

:0f a woman has a discharge of blood for many days# other than at the time of her customary im"urity# or if it runs beyond her usual time of im"urity# all the days of her unclean discharge shall be

as the days of her customary im"urity' She shall be unclean'


16Now the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses

after the death of the two sons of Aaron# when they offered "rofane fire before the )3+*# and died9

very bed on which she lies all the days of her discharge shall be to her as the bed of her im"urity9 and whatever she sits on shall be unclean# as the uncleanness of her im"urity'

Bhoever touches those things shall be unclean9 he shall wash his clothes and bathe in water# and be unclean until evening'

and the )3+* said to 4oses7 :Tell Aaron your brother not to come at $ust any time into the 2oly /lace inside the veil# before the mercy seat which is on the ar1# lest he die9 for 0 will a""ear in the cloud above the mercy seat'

:But if she is cleansed of her discharge# then she shall count for herself seven days# and after that she shall be clean'

:Thus Aaron shall come into the 2oly /lace7 with the blood of a young bull as a sin offering# and of a ram as a burnt offering'

And on the eighth day she shall ta1e for herself two turtledoves or two young "igeons# and bring them to the "riest# to the door of the tabernacle of meeting'

Then the "riest shall offer the one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering# and the "riest shall ma1e atonement for her before the )3+* for the discharge of her uncleanness'

2e shall "ut the holy linen tunic and the linen trousers on his body9 he shall be girded with a linen sash# and with the linen turban he shall be attired' These are holy garments' Therefore he shall wash his body in water# and "ut them on'

And he shall ta1e from the congregation of the children of 0srael two 1ids of the goats as a sin offering# and one ram as a burnt offering'

:Thus you shall se"arate the children of 0srael from their uncleanness# lest they die in their uncleanness when they defile 4y tabernacle that is among them'

:Aaron shall offer the bull as a sin offering# which is for himself# and ma1e atonement for himself and for his house'

This is the law for one who has a discharge# and for him who emits semen and is unclean thereby#

2e shall ta1e the two goats and "resent them before the )3+* at the door of the tabernacle of meeting'

and for her who is indis"osed because of her customary im"urity# and for one who has a discharge# either man or woman# and for him who lies with her who is unclean':D

Then Aaron shall cast lots for the two goats7 one lot for the )3+* and the other lot for the sca"egoat'

And Aaron shall bring the goat on which the )3+*Ds lot fell# and offer it as a sin offering'


But the goat on which the lot fell to be the sca"egoat shall be "resented alive before the )3+*# to ma1e atonement u"on it# and to let it go as the sca"egoat into the wilderness'

atonement for himself# for his household# and for all the assembly of 0srael'

:And Aaron shall bring the bull of the sin offering# which is for himself# and ma1e atonement for himself and for his house# and shall 1ill the bull as the sin offering which is for himself'

And he shall go out to the altar that is before the )3+*# and ma1e atonement for it# and shall ta1e some of the blood of the bull and some of the blood of the goat# and "ut it on the horns of the altar all around'

Then he shall ta1e a censer full of burning coals of fire from the altar before the )3+*# with his hands full of sweet incense beaten fine# and bring it inside the veil'

Then he shall s"rin1le some of the blood on it with his finger seven times# cleanse it# and consecrate it from the uncleanness of the children of 0srael'

And he shall "ut the incense on the fire before the )3+*# that the cloud of incense may cover the mercy seat that is on the Testimony# lest he die'

:And when he has made an end of atoning for the 2oly /lace# the tabernacle of meeting# and the altar# he shall bring the live goat'

2e shall ta1e some of the blood of the bull and s"rin1le it with his finger on the mercy seat on the east side9 and before the mercy seat he shall s"rin1le some of the blood with his finger seven times'

Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat# confess over it all the iniGuities of the children of 0srael# and all their transgressions# concerning all their sins# "utting them on the head of the goat# and shall send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a suitable man'

:Then he shall 1ill the goat of the sin offering# which is for the "eo"le# bring its blood inside the veil# do with that blood as he did with the blood of the bull# and s"rin1le it on the mercy seat and before the mercy seat'

The goat shall bear on itself all their iniGuities to an uninhabited land9 and he shall release the goat in the wilderness'

So he shall ma1e atonement for the 2oly /lace# because of the uncleanness of the children of 0srael# and because of their transgressions# for all their sins9 and so he shall do for the tabernacle of meeting which remains among them in the midst of their uncleanness'

:Then Aaron shall come into the tabernacle of meeting# shall ta1e off the linen garments which he "ut on when he went into the 2oly /lace# and shall leave them there'

There shall be no man in the tabernacle of meeting when he goes in to ma1e atonement in the 2oly /lace# until he comes out# that he may ma1e

And he shall wash his body with water in a holy "lace# "ut on his garments# come out and offer his burnt offering and the burnt offering of the "eo"le# and ma1e atonement for himself and for the "eo"le'


The fat of the sin offering he shall burn on the altar'



And he who released the goat as the sca"egoat shall wash his clothes and bathe his body in water# and afterward he may come into the cam"'

This shall be an everlasting statute for you# to ma1e atonement for the children of 0srael# for all their sins# once a year': And he did as the )3+* commanded 4oses'

The bull for the sin offering and the goat for the sin offering# whose blood was brought in to ma1e atonement in the 2oly /lace# shall be carried outside the cam"' And they shall burn in the fire their s1ins# their flesh# and their offal'

17And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


:S"ea1 to Aaron# to his sons# and to all the children of 0srael# and say to them# :This is the thing which the )3+* has commanded# saying7

Then he who burns them shall wash his clothes and bathe his body in water# and afterward he may come into the cam"'

:Bhatever man of the house of 0srael who 1ills an o! or lamb or goat in the cam"# or who 1ills it outside the cam"#

:This shall be a statute forever for you7 0n the seventh month# on the tenth day of the month# you shall afflict your souls# and do no wor1 at all# whether a native of your own country or a stranger who dwells among you'

and does not bring it to the door of the tabernacle of meeting to offer an offering to the )3+* before the tabernacle of the )3+*# the guilt of bloodshed shall be im"uted to that man' 2e has shed blood9 and that man shall be cut off from among his "eo"le#

For on that day the "riest shall ma1e atonement for you# to cleanse you# that you may be clean from all your sins before the )3+*'

0t is a sabbath of solemn rest for you# and you shall afflict your souls' 0t is a statute forever'

to the end that the children of 0srael may bring their sacrifices which they offer in the o"en field# that they may bring them to the )3+* at the door of the tabernacle of meeting# to the "riest# and offer them as "eace offerings to the )3+*'

And the "riest# who is anointed and consecrated to minister as "riest in his fatherDs "lace# shall ma1e atonement# and "ut on the linen clothes# the holy garments9

And the "riest shall s"rin1le the blood on the altar of the )3+* at the door of the tabernacle of meeting# and burn the fat for a sweet aroma to the )3+*'

then he shall ma1e atonement for the 2oly Sanctuary# and he shall ma1e atonement for the tabernacle of meeting and for the altar# and he shall ma1e atonement for the "riests and for all the "eo"le of the assembly'

They shall no more offer their sacrifices to demons# after whom they have "layed the harlot' This shall be a statute forever for them throughout their generations':D


:Also you shall say to them7 :Bhatever man of the house of 0srael# or of the strangers who dwell among you# who offers a burnt offering or sacrifice#


and does not bring it to the door of the tabernacle of meeting# to offer it to the )3+*# that man shall be cut off from among his "eo"le'

:And every "erson who eats what died naturally or what was torn by beasts# whether he is a native of your own country or a stranger# he shall both wash his clothes and bathe in water# and be unclean until evening' Then he shall be clean'

But if he does not wash them or bathe his body# then he shall bear his guilt':

:And whatever man of the house of 0srael# or of the strangers who dwell among you# who eats any blood# 0 will set 4y face against that "erson who eats blood# and will cut him off from among his "eo"le'

18Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


For the life of the flesh is in the blood# and 0 have given it to you u"on the altar to ma1e atonement for your souls9 for it is the blood that ma1es atonement for the soul'D

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# and say to them7 :0 am the )3+* your (od'

Therefore 0 said to the children of 0srael# :No one among you shall eat blood# nor shall any stranger who dwells among you eat blood'D

According to the doings of the land of gy"t# where you dwelt# you shall not do9 and according to the doings of the land of -anaan# where 0 am bringing you# you shall not do9 nor shall you wal1 in their ordinances'

:Bhatever man of the children of 0srael# or of the strangers who dwell among you# who hunts and catches any animal or bird that may be eaten# he shall "our out its blood and cover it with dust9

Cou shall observe 4y $udgments and 1ee" 4y ordinances# to wal1 in them7 0 am the )3+* your (od'

Cou shall therefore 1ee" 4y statutes and 4y $udgments# which if a man does# he shall live by them7 0 am the )3+*'

for it is the life of all flesh' 0ts blood sustains its life' Therefore 0 said to the children of 0srael# :Cou shall not eat the blood of any flesh# for the life of all flesh is its blood' Bhoever eats it shall be cut off'D

:None of you shall a""roach anyone who is near of 1in to him# to uncover his na1edness7 0 am the )3+*'

The na1edness of your father or the na1edness of your mother you shall not uncover' She is your mother9 you shall not uncover her na1edness'

The na1edness of your fatherDs wife you shall not uncover9 it is your fatherDs na1edness'

The na1edness of your sister# the daughter of your father# or the daughter of your mother# whether born at home or elsewhere# their na1edness you shall not uncover'


:Also you shall not a""roach a woman to uncover her na1edness as long as she is in her customary im"urity'

The na1edness of your sonDs daughter or your daughterDs daughter# their na1edness you shall not uncover9 for theirs is your own na1edness'

4oreover you shall not lie carnally with your neighborDs wife# to defile yourself with her'

The na1edness of your fatherDs wifeDs daughter# begotten by your fatherFFshe is your sisterFFyou shall not uncover her na1edness'

And you shall not let any of your descendants "ass through the fire to 4olech# nor shall you "rofane the name of your (od7 0 am the )3+*'

Cou shall not lie with a male as with a woman' 0t is an abomination'


Cou shall not uncover the na1edness of your fatherDs sister9 she is near of 1in to your father'

Nor shall you mate with any animal# to defile yourself with it' Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it' 0t is "erversion'

Cou shall not uncover the na1edness of your motherDs sister# for she is near of 1in to your mother'

Cou shall not uncover the na1edness of your fatherDs brother' Cou shall not a""roach his wife9 she is your aunt'

:*o not defile yourselves with any of these things9 for by all these the nations are defiled# which 0 am casting out before you'

Cou shall not uncover the na1edness of your daughterFinFlawFFshe is your sonDs wifeFFyou shall not uncover her na1edness'

For the land is defiled9 therefore 0 visit the "unishment of its iniGuity u"on it# and the land vomits out its inhabitants'

Cou shall not uncover the na1edness of your brotherDs wife9 it is your brotherDs na1edness'

Cou shall therefore 1ee" 4y statutes and 4y $udgments# and shall not commit any of these abominations# either any of your own nation or any stranger who dwells among you

Cou shall not uncover the na1edness of a woman and her daughter# nor shall you ta1e her sonDs daughter or her daughterDs daughter# to uncover her na1edness' They are near of 1in to her' 0t is wic1edness'

Ifor all these abominations the men of the land have done# who were before you# and thus the land is defiledJ#

lest the land vomit you out also when you defile it# as it vomited out the nations that were before you'

Nor shall you ta1e a woman as a rival to her sister# to uncover her na1edness while the other is alive'

For whoever commits any of these abominations# the "ersons who commit

them shall be cut off from among their "eo"le'


:Therefore you shall 1ee" 4y ordinance# so that you do not commit any of these abominable customs which were committed before you# and that you do not defile yourselves by them7 0 am the )3+* your (od':D

:Bhen you rea" the harvest of your land# you shall not wholly rea" the corners of your field# nor shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest'

And you shall not glean your vineyard# nor shall you gather every gra"e of your vineyard9 you shall leave them for the "oor and the stranger7 0 am the )3+* your (od'

19And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


:Cou shall not steal# nor deal falsely# nor lie to one another'

:S"ea1 to all the congregation of the children of 0srael# and say to them7 :Cou shall be holy# for 0 the )3+* your (od am holy'

And you shall not swear by 4y name falsely# nor shall you "rofane the name of your (od7 0 am the )3+*'

: very one of you shall revere his mother and his father# and 1ee" 4y Sabbaths7 0 am the )3+* your (od'

:Cou shall not cheat your neighbor# nor rob him' The wages of him who is hired shall not remain with you all night until morning'

:*o not turn to idols# nor ma1e for yourselves molded gods7 0 am the )3+* your (od'

Cou shall not curse the deaf# nor "ut a stumbling bloc1 before the blind# but shall fear your (od7 0 am the )3+*'

:And if you offer a sacrifice of a "eace offering to the )3+*# you shall offer it of your own free will'

0t shall be eaten the same day you offer it# and on the ne!t day' And if any remains until the third day# it shall be burned in the fire'

:Cou shall do no in$ustice in $udgment' Cou shall not be "artial to the "oor# nor honor the "erson of the mighty' 0n righteousness you shall $udge your neighbor'

And if it is eaten at all on the third day# it is an abomination' 0t shall not be acce"ted'

Cou shall not go about as a talebearer among your "eo"le9 nor shall you ta1e a stand against the life of your neighbor7 0 am the )3+*'

Therefore everyone who eats it shall bear his iniGuity# because he has "rofaned the hallowed offering of the )3+*9 and that "erson shall be cut off from his "eo"le'

:Cou shall not hate your brother in your heart' Cou shall surely rebu1e your neighbor# and not bear sin because of him'

Cou shall not ta1e vengeance# nor bear any grudge against the children of your "eo"le# but you shall love your neighbor as yourself7 0 am the )3+*'


:Cou shall 1ee" 4y statutes' Cou shall not let your livestoc1 breed with another 1ind' Cou shall not sow your field with mi!ed seed' Nor shall a garment of mi!ed linen and wool come u"on you'


Cou shall not ma1e any cuttings in your flesh for the dead# nor tattoo any mar1s on you7 0 am the )3+*'

:Bhoever lies carnally with a woman who is betrothed to a man as a concubine# and who has not at all been redeemed nor given her freedom# for this there shall be scourging9 but they shall not be "ut to death# because she was not free'

:*o not "rostitute your daughter# to cause her to be a harlot# lest the land fall into harlotry# and the land become full of wic1edness'

:Cou shall 1ee" 4y Sabbaths and reverence 4y sanctuary7 0 am the )3+*'


And he shall bring his tres"ass offering to the )3+*# to the door of the tabernacle of meeting# a ram as a tres"ass offering'

:(ive no regard to mediums and familiar s"irits9 do not see1 after them# to be defiled by them7 0 am the )3+* your (od'

The "riest shall ma1e atonement for him with the ram of the tres"ass offering before the )3+* for his sin which he has committed' And the sin which he has committed shall be forgiven him'

:Cou shall rise before the gray headed and honor the "resence of an old man# and fear your (od7 0 am the )3+*'

:And if a stranger dwells with you in your land# you shall not mistreat him'

:Bhen you come into the land# and have "lanted all 1inds of trees for food# then you shall count their fruit as uncircumcised' Three years it shall be as uncircumcised to you' 0t shall not be eaten'

The stranger who dwells among you shall be to you as one born among you# and you shall love him as yourself9 for you were strangers in the land of gy"t7 0 am the )3+* your (od'

But in the fourth year all its fruit shall be holy# a "raise to the )3+*'

:Cou shall do no in$ustice in $udgment# in measurement of length# weight# or volume'


And in the fifth year you may eat its fruit# that it may yield to you its increase7 0 am the )3+* your (od'

:Cou shall not eat anything with the blood# nor shall you "ractice divination or soothsaying'

Cou shall have honest scales# honest weights# an honest e"hah# and an honest hin7 0 am the )3+* your (od# who brought you out of the land of gy"t'

Cou shall not shave around the sides of your head# nor shall you disfigure the edges of your beard'

:Therefore you shall observe all 4y statutes and all 4y $udgments# and "erform them7 0 am the )3+*':D

20Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#



:Again# you shall say to the children of 0srael7 :Bhoever of the children of 0srael# or of the strangers who dwell in 0srael# who gives any of his descendants to 4olech# he shall surely be "ut to death' The "eo"le of the land shall stone him with stones'

:The man who commits adultery with another manDs wife# he who commits adultery with his neighborDs wife# the adulterer and the adulteress# shall surely be "ut to death'

The man who lies with his fatherDs wife has uncovered his fatherDs na1edness9 both of them shall surely be "ut to death' Their blood shall be u"on them'

0 will set 4y face against that man# and will cut him off from his "eo"le# because he has given some of his descendants to 4olech# to defile 4y sanctuary and "rofane 4y holy name'

0f a man lies with his daughterFinFlaw# both of them shall surely be "ut to death' They have committed "erversion' Their blood shall be u"on them'

And if the "eo"le of the land should in any way hide their eyes from the man# when he gives some of his descendants to 4olech# and they do not 1ill him#

0f a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman# both of them have committed an abomination' They shall surely be "ut to death' Their blood shall be u"on them'

then 0 will set 4y face against that man and against his family9 and 0 will cut him off from his "eo"le# and all who "rostitute themselves with him to commit harlotry with 4olech'

0f a man marries a woman and her mother# it is wic1edness' They shall be burned with fire# both he and they# that there may be no wic1edness among you'

:And the "erson who turns to mediums and familiar s"irits# to "rostitute himself with them# 0 will set 4y face against that "erson and cut him off from his "eo"le'

0f a man mates with an animal# he shall surely be "ut to death# and you shall 1ill the animal'

-onsecrate yourselves therefore# and be holy# for 0 am the )3+* your (od'

0f a woman a""roaches any animal and mates with it# you shall 1ill the woman and the animal' They shall surely be "ut to death' Their blood is u"on them'

And you shall 1ee" 4y statutes# and "erform them7 0 am the )3+* who sanctifies you'

:For everyone who curses his father or his mother shall surely be "ut to death' 2e has cursed his father or his mother' 2is blood shall be u"on him'

:0f a man ta1es his sister# his fatherDs daughter or his motherDs daughter# and sees her na1edness and she sees his na1edness# it is a wic1ed thing' And they shall be cut off in the sight of their "eo"le' 2e has uncovered his sisterDs na1edness' 2e shall bear his guilt'

0f a man lies with a woman during her sic1ness and uncovers her na1edness#

he has e!"osed her flow# and she has uncovered the flow of her blood' Both of them shall be cut off from their "eo"le'


And you shall be holy to 4e# for 0 the )3+* am holy# and have se"arated you from the "eo"les# that you should be 4ine'

:Cou shall not uncover the na1edness of your motherDs sister nor of your fatherDs sister# for that would uncover his near of 1in' They shall bear their guilt'

0f a man lies with his uncleDs wife# he has uncovered his uncleDs na1edness' They shall bear their sin9 they shall die childless'

:A man or a woman who is a medium# or who has familiar s"irits# shall surely be "ut to death9 they shall stone them with stones' Their blood shall be u"on them':D

21And the )3+* said to 4oses#

:S"ea1 to the "riests# the sons of Aaron# and say to them7 :None shall defile himself for the dead among his "eo"le#

0f a man ta1es his brotherDs wife# it is an unclean thing' 2e has uncovered his brotherDs na1edness' They shall be childless'

:Cou shall therefore 1ee" all 4y statutes and all 4y $udgments# and "erform them# that the land where 0 am bringing you to dwell may not vomit you out'

e!ce"t for his relatives who are nearest to him7 his mother# his father# his son# his daughter# and his brother9

also his virgin sister who is near to him# who has had no husband# for her he may defile himself'

And you shall not wal1 in the statutes of the nation which 0 am casting out before you9 for they commit all these things# and therefore 0 abhor them'

3therwise he shall not defile himself# being a chief man among his "eo"le# to "rofane himself'

But 0 have said to you# :Cou shall inherit their land# and 0 will give it to you to "ossess# a land flowing with mil1 and honey': 0 am the )3+* your (od# who has se"arated you from the "eo"les'

:They shall not ma1e any bald "lace on their heads# nor shall they shave the edges of their beards nor ma1e any cuttings in their flesh'

Cou shall therefore distinguish between clean animals and unclean# between unclean birds and clean# and you shall not ma1e yourselves abominable by beast or by bird# or by any 1ind of living thing that cree"s on the ground# which 0 have se"arated from you as unclean'

They shall be holy to their (od and not "rofane the name of their (od# for they offer the offerings of the )3+* made by fire# and the bread of their (od9 therefore they shall be holy'

They shall not ta1e a wife who is a harlot or a defiled woman# nor shall they ta1e a woman divorced from her husband9 for the "riest is holy to his (od'


Therefore you shall consecrate him# for he offers the bread of your (od' 2e shall be holy to you# for 0 the )3+*# who sanctify you# am holy'


a man who has a bro1en foot or bro1en hand#


The daughter of any "riest# if she "rofanes herself by "laying the harlot# she "rofanes her father' She shall be burned with fire'

or is a hunchbac1 or a dwarf# or a man who has a defect in his eye# or ec.ema or scab# or is a eunuch'

:2e who is the high "riest among his brethren# on whose head the anointing oil was "oured and who is consecrated to wear the garments# shall not uncover his head nor tear his clothes9

No man of the descendants of Aaron the "riest# who has a defect# shall come near to offer the offerings made by fire to the )3+*' 2e has a defect9 he shall not come near to offer the bread of his (od'

2e may eat the bread of his (od# both the most holy and the holy9

nor shall he go near any dead body# nor defile himself for his father or his mother9

nor shall he go out of the sanctuary# nor "rofane the sanctuary of his (od9 for the consecration of the anointing oil of his (od is u"on him7 0 am the )3+*'

only he shall not go near the veil or a""roach the altar# because he has a defect# lest he "rofane 4y sanctuaries9 for 0 the )3+* sanctify them':D

And 4oses told it to Aaron and his sons# and to all the children of 0srael'

And he shall ta1e a wife in her virginity'


A widow or a divorced woman or a defiled woman or a harlotFFthese he shall not marry9 but he shall ta1e a virgin of his own "eo"le as wife'

22Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


Nor shall he "rofane his "osterity among his "eo"le# for 0 the )3+* sanctify him':D

:S"ea1 to Aaron and his sons# that they se"arate themselves from the holy things of the children of 0srael# and that they do not "rofane 4y holy name by what they dedicate to 4e7 0 am the )3+*'

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


:S"ea1 to Aaron# saying7 :No man of your descendants in succeeding generations# who has any defect# may a""roach to offer the bread of his (od'

Say to them7 :Bhoever of all your descendants throughout your generations# who goes near the holy things which the children of 0srael dedicate to the )3+*# while he has uncleanness u"on him# that "erson shall be cut off from 4y "resence7 0 am the )3+*'

For any man who has a defect shall not a""roach7 a man blind or lame# who has a marred face or any limb too long#

:Bhatever man of the descendants of Aaron# who is a le"er or has a

discharge# shall not eat the holy offerings until he is clean' And whoever touches anything made unclean by a cor"se# or a man who has had an emission of semen#


:And if a man eats the holy offering unintentionally# then he shall restore a holy offering to the "riest# and add oneF fifth to it'

or whoever touches any cree"ing thing by which he would be made unclean# or any "erson by whom he would become unclean# whatever his uncleanness may beFF

They shall not "rofane the holy offerings of the children of 0srael# which they offer to the )3+*#

or allow them to bear the guilt of tres"ass when they eat their holy offerings9 for 0 the )3+* sanctify them':D

the "erson who has touched any such thing shall be unclean until evening# and shall not eat the holy offerings unless he washes his body with water'

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


And when the sun goes down he shall be clean9 and afterward he may eat the holy offerings# because it is his food'

Bhatever dies naturally or is torn by beasts he shall not eat# to defile himself with it7 0 am the )3+*'

:S"ea1 to Aaron and his sons# and to all the children of 0srael# and say to them7 :Bhatever man of the house of 0srael# or of the strangers in 0srael# who offers his sacrifice for any of his vows or for any of his freewill offerings# which they offer to the )3+* as a burnt offeringFF

:They shall therefore 1ee" 4y ordinance# lest they bear sin for it and die thereby# if they "rofane it7 0 the )3+* sanctify them'

you shall offer of your own free will a male without blemish from the cattle# from the shee"# or from the goats'

:No outsider shall eat the holy offering9 one who dwells with the "riest# or a hired servant# shall not eat the holy thing'

Bhatever has a defect# you shall not offer# for it shall not be acce"table on your behalf'

But if the "riest buys a "erson with his money# he may eat it9 and one who is born in his house may eat his food'

And whoever offers a sacrifice of a "eace offering to the )3+*# to fulfill his vow# or a freewill offering from the cattle or the shee"# it must be "erfect to be acce"ted9 there shall be no defect in it'

0f the "riestDs daughter is married to an outsider# she may not eat of the holy offerings'

But if the "riestDs daughter is a widow or divorced# and has no child# and has returned to her fatherDs house as in her youth# she may eat her fatherDs food9 but no outsider shall eat it'

Those that are blind or bro1en or maimed# or have an ulcer or ec.ema or scabs# you shall not offer to the )3+*# nor ma1e an offering by fire of them on the altar to the )3+*'

ither a bull or a lamb that has any limb too long or too short you may offer

as a freewill offering# but for a vow it shall not be acce"ted'


23And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


:Cou shall not offer to the )3+* what is bruised or crushed# or torn or cut9 nor shall you ma1e any offering of them in your land'

Nor from a foreignerDs hand shall you offer any of these as the bread of your (od# because their corru"tion is in them# and defects are in them' They shall not be acce"ted on your behalf':D

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# and say to them7 :The feasts of the )3+*# which you shall "roclaim to be holy convocations# these are 4y feasts'

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7


:Si! days shall wor1 be done# but the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest# a holy convocation' Cou shall do no wor1 on it9 it is the Sabbath of the )3+* in all your dwellings'

:Bhen a bull or a shee" or a goat is born# it shall be seven days with its mother9 and from the eighth day and thereafter it shall be acce"ted as an offering made by fire to the )3+*'

:These are the feasts of the )3+*# holy convocations which you shall "roclaim at their a""ointed times'

3n the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight is the )3+*Ds /assover'

Bhether it is a cow or ewe# do not 1ill both her and her young on the same day'

And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the Feast of Anleavened Bread to the )3+*9 seven days you must eat unleavened bread'

And when you offer a sacrifice of than1sgiving to the )3+*# offer it of your own free will'

3n the first day you shall have a holy convocation9 you shall do no customary wor1 on it'

3n the same day it shall be eaten9 you shall leave none of it until morning7 0 am the )3+*'

:Therefore you shall 1ee" 4y commandments# and "erform them7 0 am the )3+*'

But you shall offer an offering made by fire to the )3+* for seven days' The seventh day shall be a holy convocation9 you shall do no customary wor1 on it':D

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


Cou shall not "rofane 4y holy name# but 0 will be hallowed among the children of 0srael' 0 am the )3+* who sanctifies you#

who brought you out of the land of gy"t# to be your (od7 0 am the )3+*':

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# and say to them7 :Bhen you come into the land which 0 give to you# and rea" its harvest# then you shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the "riest'

2e shall wave the sheaf before the )3+*# to be acce"ted on your behalf9

on the day after the Sabbath the "riest shall wave it'


And you shall offer on that day# when you wave the sheaf# a male lamb of the first year# without blemish# as a burnt offering to the )3+*'

Then you shall sacrifice one 1id of the goats as a sin offering# and two male lambs of the first year as a sacrifice of a "eace offering'

0ts grain offering shall be twoFtenths of an e"hah of fine flour mi!ed with oil# an offering made by fire to the )3+*# for a sweet aroma9 and its drin1 offering shall be of wine# oneFfourth of a hin'

The "riest shall wave them with the bread of the firstfruits as a wave offering before the )3+*# with the two lambs' They shall be holy to the )3+* for the "riest'

Cou shall eat neither bread nor "arched grain nor fresh grain until the same day that you have brought an offering to your (od9 it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings'

And you shall "roclaim on the same day that it is a holy convocation to you' Cou shall do no customary wor1 on it' 0t shall be a statute forever in all your dwellings throughout your generations'

:And you shall count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath# from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering7 seven Sabbaths shall be com"leted'

:Bhen you rea" the harvest of your land# you shall not wholly rea" the corners of your field when you rea"# nor shall you gather any gleaning from your harvest' Cou shall leave them for the "oor and for the stranger7 0 am the )3+* your (od':D

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


-ount fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath9 then you shall offer a new grain offering to the )3+*'

Cou shall bring from your dwellings two wave loaves of twoFtenths of an e"hah' They shall be of fine flour9 they shall be ba1ed with leaven' They are the firstfruits to the )3+*'

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# saying7 :0n the seventh month# on the first day of the month# you shall have a sabbathF rest# a memorial of blowing of trum"ets# a holy convocation'

Cou shall do no customary wor1 on it9 and you shall offer an offering made by fire to the )3+*':D

And you shall offer with the bread seven lambs of the first year# without blemish# one young bull# and two rams' They shall be as a burnt offering to the )3+*# with their grain offering and their drin1 offerings# an offering made by fire for a sweet aroma to the )3+*'

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7


:Also the tenth day of this seventh month shall be the *ay of Atonement' 0t shall be a holy convocation for you9 you shall afflict your souls# and offer an offering made by fire to the )3+*'


And you shall do no wor1 on that same day# for it is the *ay of Atonement# to ma1e atonement for you before the )3+* your (od'


For any "erson who is not afflicted in soul on that same day shall be cut off from his "eo"le'

:These are the feasts of the )3+* which you shall "roclaim to be holy convocations# to offer an offering made by fire to the )3+*# a burnt offering and a grain offering# a sacrifice and drin1 offerings# everything on its dayFF

And any "erson who does any wor1 on that same day# that "erson 0 will destroy from among his "eo"le'

besides the Sabbaths of the )3+*# besides your gifts# besides all your vows# and besides all your freewill offerings which you give to the )3+*'

Cou shall do no manner of wor19 it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings'

0t shall be to you a sabbath of solemn rest# and you shall afflict your souls9 on the ninth day of the month at evening# from evening to evening# you shall celebrate your sabbath':

:Also on the fifteenth day of the seventh month# when you have gathered in the fruit of the land# you shall 1ee" the feast of the )3+* for seven days9 on the first day there shall be a sabbathFrest# and on the eighth day a sabbathFrest'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


And you shall ta1e for yourselves on the first day the fruit of beautiful trees# branches of "alm trees# the boughs of leafy trees# and willows of the broo19 and you shall re$oice before the )3+* your (od for seven days'

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# saying7 :The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days to the )3+*'

3n the first day there shall be a holy convocation' Cou shall do no customary wor1 on it'

Cou shall 1ee" it as a feast to the )3+* for seven days in the year' 0t shall be a statute forever in your generations' Cou shall celebrate it in the seventh month'

For seven days you shall offer an offering made by fire to the )3+*' 3n the eighth day you shall have a holy convocation# and you shall offer an offering made by fire to the )3+*' 0t is a sacred assembly# and you shall do no customary wor1 on it'

Cou shall dwell in booths for seven days' All who are native 0sraelites shall dwell in booths#

that your generations may 1now that 0 made the children of 0srael dwell in booths when 0 brought them out of the land of gy"t7 0 am the )3+* your (od':D

So 4oses declared to the children of 0srael the feasts of the )3+*'

24Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#



:-ommand the children of 0srael that they bring to you "ure oil of "ressed olives for the light# to ma1e the lam"s burn continually'

Now the son of an 0sraelite woman# whose father was an gy"tian# went out among the children of 0srael9 and this 0sraelite womanDs son and a man of 0srael fought each other in the cam"'

3utside the veil of the Testimony# in the tabernacle of meeting# Aaron shall be in charge of it from evening until morning before the )3+* continually9 it shall be a statute forever in your generations'

And the 0sraelite womanDs son blas"hemed the name of the )3+* and cursed9 and so they brought him to 4oses' I2is motherDs name was Shelomith the daughter of *ibri# of the tribe of *an'J

2e shall be in charge of the lam"s on the "ure gold lam"stand before the )3+* continually'

Then they "ut him in custody# that the mind of the )3+* might be shown to them'

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


:And you shall ta1e fine flour and ba1e twelve ca1es with it' TwoFtenths of an e"hah shall be in each ca1e'

Cou shall set them in two rows# si! in a row# on the "ure gold table before the )3+*'

:Ta1e outside the cam" him who has cursed9 then let all who heard him lay their hands on his head# and let all the congregation stone him'

And you shall "ut "ure fran1incense on each row# that it may be on the bread for a memorial# an offering made by fire to the )3+*'

:Then you shall s"ea1 to the children of 0srael# saying7 :Bhoever curses his (od shall bear his sin'

very Sabbath he shall set it in order before the )3+* continually# being ta1en from the children of 0srael by an everlasting covenant'

And whoever blas"hemes the name of the )3+* shall surely be "ut to death' All the congregation shall certainly stone him# the stranger as well as him who is born in the land' Bhen he blas"hemes the name of the )3+*# he shall be "ut to death'

And it shall be for Aaron and his sons# and they shall eat it in a holy "lace9 for it is most holy to him from the offerings of the )3+* made by fire# by a "er"etual statute':

:Bhoever 1ills any man shall surely be "ut to death'


Bhoever 1ills an animal shall ma1e it good# animal for animal'


:0f a man causes disfigurement of his neighbor# as he has done# so shall it be done to himFF


fracture for fracture# eye for eye# tooth for tooth9 as he has caused disfigurement of a man# so shall it be done to him'

for your livestoc1 and the beasts that are in your landFFall its "roduce shall be for food'

And whoever 1ills an animal shall restore it9 but whoever 1ills a man shall be "ut to death'

:And you shall count seven sabbaths of years for yourself# seven times seven years9 and the time of the seven sabbaths of years shall be to you fortyF nine years'

Cou shall have the same law for the stranger and for one from your own country9 for 0 am the )3+* your (od':D

Then 4oses s"o1e to the children of 0srael9 and they too1 outside the cam" him who had cursed# and stoned him with stones' So the children of 0srael did as the )3+* commanded 4oses'

Then you shall cause the trum"et of the Jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month9 on the *ay of Atonement you shall ma1e the trum"et to sound throughout all your land'

25And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses on

4ount Sinai# saying#

And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year# and "roclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants' 0t shall be a Jubilee for you9 and each of you shall return to his "ossession# and each of you shall return to his family'

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# and say to them7 :Bhen you come into the land which 0 give you# then the land shall 1ee" a sabbath to the )3+*'

That fiftieth year shall be a Jubilee to you9 in it you shall neither sow nor rea" what grows of its own accord# nor gather the gra"es of your untended vine'

Si! years you shall sow your field# and si! years you shall "rune your vineyard# and gather its fruit9

For it is the Jubilee9 it shall be holy to you9 you shall eat its "roduce from the field'

but in the seventh year there shall be a sabbath of solemn rest for the land# a sabbath to the )3+*' Cou shall neither sow your field nor "rune your vineyard'

:0n this Cear of Jubilee# each of you shall return to his "ossession'

Bhat grows of its own accord of your harvest you shall not rea"# nor gather the gra"es of your untended vine# for it is a year of rest for the land'

And if you sell anything to your neighbor or buy from your neighborDs hand# you shall not o""ress one another'

And the sabbath "roduce of the land shall be food for you7 for you# your male and female servants# your hired man# and the stranger who dwells with you#

According to the number of years after the Jubilee you shall buy from your neighbor# and according to the number of years of cro"s he shall sell to you'

According to the multitude of years you shall increase its "rice# and according to the fewer number of years you shall

diminish its "rice9 for he sells to you according to the number of the years of the cro"s'


then let him count the years since its sale# and restore the remainder to the man to whom he sold it# that he may return to his "ossession'

Therefore you shall not o""ress one another# but you shall fear your (od9 for 0 am the )3+* your (od'

:So you shall observe 4y statutes and 1ee" 4y $udgments# and "erform them9 and you will dwell in the land in safety'

But if he is not able to have it restored to himself# then what was sold shall remain in the hand of him who bought it until the Cear of Jubilee9 and in the Jubilee it shall be released# and he shall return to his "ossession'

Then the land will yield its fruit# and you will eat your fill# and dwell there in safety'

:0f a man sells a house in a walled city# then he may redeem it within a whole year after it is sold9 within a full year he may redeem it'

:And if you say# :Bhat shall we eat in the seventh year# since we shall not sow nor gather in our "roduceE:

Then 0 will command 4y blessing on you in the si!th year# and it will bring forth "roduce enough for three years'

But if it is not redeemed within the s"ace of a full year# then the house in the walled city shall belong "ermanently to him who bought it# throughout his generations' 0t shall not be released in the Jubilee'

And you shall sow in the eighth year# and eat old "roduce until the ninth year9 until its "roduce comes in# you shall eat of the old harvest'

2owever the houses of villages which have no wall around them shall be counted as the fields of the country' They may be redeemed# and they shall be released in the Jubilee'

:The land shall not be sold "ermanently# for the land is 4ine9 for you are strangers and so$ourners with 4e'

Nevertheless the cities of the )evites# and the houses in the cities of their "ossession# the )evites may redeem at any time'

And in all the land of your "ossession you shall grant redem"tion of the land'

:0f one of your brethren becomes "oor# and has sold some of his "ossession# and if his redeeming relative comes to redeem it# then he may redeem what his brother sold'

And if a man "urchases a house from the )evites# then the house that was sold in the city of his "ossession shall be released in the Jubilee9 for the houses in the cities of the )evites are their "ossession among the children of 0srael'

3r if the man has no one to redeem it# but he himself becomes able to redeem it#

But the field of the commonFland of their cities may not be sold# for it is their "er"etual "ossession'


:0f one of your brethren becomes "oor# and falls into "overty among you# then you shall hel" him# li1e a stranger or a so$ourner# that he may live with you'


Ta1e no usury or interest from him9 but fear your (od# that your brother may live with you'

And you may ta1e them as an inheritance for your children after you# to inherit them as a "ossession9 they shall be your "ermanent slaves' But regarding your brethren# the children of 0srael# you shall not rule over one another with rigor'

Cou shall not lend him your money for usury# nor lend him your food at a "rofit'

0 am the )3+* your (od# who brought you out of the land of gy"t# to give you the land of -anaan and to be your (od'

:Now if a so$ourner or stranger close to you becomes rich# and one of your brethren who dwells by him becomes "oor# and sells himself to the stranger or so$ourner close to you# or to a member of the strangerDs family#

:And if one of your brethren who dwells by you becomes "oor# and sells himself to you# you shall not com"el him to serve as a slave'

after he is sold he may be redeemed again' 3ne of his brothers may redeem him9

As a hired servant and a so$ourner he shall be with you# and shall serve you until the Cear of Jubilee'

or his uncle or his uncleDs son may redeem him9 or anyone who is near of 1in to him in his family may redeem him9 or if he is able he may redeem himself'

And then he shall de"art from youFFhe and his children with himFFand shall return to his own family' 2e shall return to the "ossession of his fathers'

For they are 4y servants# whom 0 brought out of the land of gy"t9 they shall not be sold as slaves'

Thus he shall rec1on with him who bought him7 The "rice of his release shall be according to the number of years# from the year that he was sold to him until the Cear of Jubilee9 it shall be according to the time of a hired servant for him'

Cou shall not rule over him with rigor# but you shall fear your (od'

0f there are still many years remaining# according to them he shall re"ay the "rice of his redem"tion from the money with which he was bought'

And as for your male and female slaves whom you may haveFFfrom the nations that are around you# from them you may buy male and female slaves'

And if there remain but a few years until the Cear of Jubilee# then he shall rec1on with him# and according to his years he shall re"ay him the "rice of his redem"tion'

4oreover you may buy the children of the strangers who dwell among you# and their families who are with you# which they beget in your land9 and they shall become your "ro"erty'

2e shall be with him as a yearly hired servant# and he shall not rule with rigor over him in your sight'


And if he is not redeemed in these years# then he shall be released in the Cear of JubileeFFhe and his children with him'

:For 0 will loo1 on you favorably and ma1e you fruitful# multi"ly you and confirm 4y covenant with you'

For the children of 0srael are servants to 4e9 they are 4y servants whom 0 brought out of the land of gy"t7 0 am the )3+* your (od'

Cou shall eat the old harvest# and clear out the old because of the new'

0 will set 4y tabernacle among you# and 4y soul shall not abhor you'


shall not ma1e idols for yourselves9 neither a carved image nor a sacred "illar shall you rear u" for yourselves9 nor shall you set u" an engraved stone in your land# to bow down to it9 for 0 am the )3+* your (od'

0 will wal1 among you and be your (od# and you shall be 4y "eo"le'

0 am the )3+* your (od# who brought you out of the land of gy"t# that you should not be their slaves9 0 have bro1en the bands of your yo1e and made you wal1 u"right'

Cou shall 1ee" 4y Sabbaths and reverence 4y sanctuary7 0 am the )3+*'


:But if you do not obey 4e# and do not observe all these commandments#

:0f you wal1 in 4y statutes and 1ee" 4y commandments# and "erform them#

then 0 will give you rain in its season# the land shall yield its "roduce# and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit'

and if you des"ise 4y statutes# or if your soul abhors 4y $udgments# so that you do not "erform all 4y commandments# but brea1 4y covenant#

Cour threshing shall last till the time of vintage# and the vintage shall last till the time of sowing9 you shall eat your bread to the full# and dwell in your land safely'

0 also will do this to you7 0 will even a""oint terror over you# wasting disease and fever which shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart' And you shall sow your seed in vain# for your enemies shall eat it'

0 will give "eace in the land# and you shall lie down# and none will ma1e you afraid9 0 will rid the land of evil beasts# and the sword will not go through your land'

0 will set 4y face against you# and you shall be defeated by your enemies' % Those who hate you shall reign over you# and you shall flee when no one "ursues you'

Cou will chase your enemies# and they shall fall by the sword before you'

Five of you shall chase a hundred# and a hundred of you shall "ut ten thousand to flight9 your enemies shall fall by the sword before you'

:And after all this# if you do not obey 4e# then 0 will "unish you seven times more for your sins'


0 will brea1 the "ride of your "ower9 0 will ma1e your heavens li1e iron and your earth li1e bron.e'


Cou shall eat the flesh of your sons# and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters'

And your strength shall be s"ent in vain9 for your land shall not yield its "roduce# nor shall the trees of the land yield their fruit'

0 will destroy your high "laces# cut down your incense altars# and cast your carcasses on the lifeless forms of your idols9 and 4y soul shall abhor you'

:Then# if you wal1 contrary to 4e# and are not willing to obey 4e# 0 will bring on you seven times more "lagues# according to your sins'

0 will lay your cities waste and bring your sanctuaries to desolation# and 0 will not smell the fragrance of your sweet aromas'

0 will also send wild beasts among you# which shall rob you of your children# destroy your livestoc1# and ma1e you few in number9 and your highways shall be desolate'

0 will bring the land to desolation# and your enemies who dwell in it shall be astonished at it'

:And if by these things you are not reformed by 4e# but wal1 contrary to 4e#

0 will scatter you among the nations and draw out a sword after you9 your land shall be desolate and your cities waste'

then 0 also will wal1 contrary to you# and 0 will "unish you yet seven times for your sins'

Then the land shall en$oy its sabbaths as long as it lies desolate and you are in your enemiesD land9 then the land shall rest and en$oy its sabbaths'

And 0 will bring a sword against you that will e!ecute the vengeance of the covenant9 when you are gathered together within your cities 0 will send "estilence among you9 and you shall be delivered into the hand of the enemy'

As long as it lies desolate it shall restFF for the time it did not rest on your sabbaths when you dwelt in it'

Bhen 0 have cut off your su""ly of bread# ten women shall ba1e your bread in one oven# and they shall bring bac1 your bread by weight# and you shall eat and not be satisfied'

:And as for those of you who are left# 0 will send faintness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies9 the sound of a sha1en leaf shall cause them to flee9 they shall flee as though fleeing from a sword# and they shall fall when no one "ursues'

:And after all this# if you do not obey 4e# but wal1 contrary to 4e#

They shall stumble over one another# as it were before a sword# when no one "ursues9 and you shall have no "ower to stand before your enemies'

then 0 also will wal1 contrary to you in fury9 and 0# even 0# will chastise you seven times for your sins'

Cou shall "erish among the nations# and the land of your enemies shall eat you u"'


And those of you who are left shall waste away in their iniGuity in your enemiesD lands9 also in their fathersD iniGuities# which are with them# they shall waste away'

27Now the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


:But if they confess their iniGuity and the iniGuity of their fathers# with their unfaithfulness in which they were unfaithful to 4e# and that they also have wal1ed contrary to 4e#

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# and say to them7 :Bhen a man consecrates by a vow certain "ersons to the )3+*# according to your valuation#

and that 0 also have wal1ed contrary to them and have brought them into the land of their enemies9 if their uncircumcised hearts are humbled# and they acce"t their guiltFF

if your valuation is of a male from twenty years old u" to si!ty years old# then your valuation shall be fifty she1els of silver# according to the she1el of the sanctuary'

0f it is a female# then your valuation shall be thirty she1els9


then 0 will remember 4y covenant with Jacob# and 4y covenant with 0saac and 4y covenant with Abraham 0 will remember9 0 will remember the land'

and if from five years old u" to twenty years old# then your valuation for a male shall be twenty she1els# and for a female ten she1els9

The land also shall be left em"ty by them# and will en$oy its sabbaths while it lies desolate without them9 they will acce"t their guilt# because they des"ised 4y $udgments and because their soul abhorred 4y statutes'

and if from a month old u" to five years old# then your valuation for a male shall be five she1els of silver# and for a female your valuation shall be three she1els of silver9

Cet for all that# when they are in the land of their enemies# 0 will not cast them away# nor shall 0 abhor them# to utterly destroy them and brea1 4y covenant with them9 for 0 am the )3+* their (od'

and if from si!ty years old and above# if it is a male# then your valuation shall be fifteen she1els# and for a female ten she1els'

But for their sa1e 0 will remember the covenant of their ancestors# whom 0 brought out of the land of gy"t in the sight of the nations# that 0 might be their (od7 0 am the )3+*':D

:But if he is too "oor to "ay your valuation# then he shall "resent himself before the "riest# and the "riest shall set a value for him9 according to the ability of him who vowed# the "riest shall value him'

These are the statutes and $udgments and laws which the )3+* made between 2imself and the children of 0srael on 4ount Sinai by the hand of 4oses'

:0f it is an animal that men may bring as an offering to the )3+*# all that anyone gives to the )3+* shall be holy'

2e shall not substitute it or e!change it# good for bad or bad for good9 and if

he at all e!changes animal for animal# then both it and the one e!changed for it shall be holy'


But if he does not want to redeem the field# or if he has sold the field to another man# it shall not be redeemed anymore9

0f it is an unclean animal which they do not offer as a sacrifice to the )3+*# then he shall "resent the animal before the "riest9

but the field# when it is released in the Jubilee# shall be holy to the )3+*# as a devoted field9 it shall be the "ossession of the "riest'

and the "riest shall set a value for it# whether it is good or bad9 as you# the "riest# value it# so it shall be'

:And if a man dedicates to the )3+* a field which he has bought# which is not the field of his "ossession#

But if he wants at all to redeem it# then he must add oneFfifth to your valuation'

:And when a man dedicates his house to be holy to the )3+*# then the "riest shall set a value for it# whether it is good or bad9 as the "riest values it# so it shall stand'

then the "riest shall rec1on to him the worth of your valuation# u" to the Cear of Jubilee# and he shall give your valuation on that day as a holy offering to the )3+*'

0f he who dedicated it wants to redeem his house# then he must add oneFfifth of the money of your valuation to it# and it shall be his'

0n the Cear of Jubilee the field shall return to him from whom it was bought# to the one who owned the land as a "ossession'

:0f a man dedicates to the )3+* "art of a field of his "ossession# then your valuation shall be according to the seed for it' A homer of barley seed shall be valued at fifty she1els of silver'

And all your valuations shall be according to the she1el of the sanctuary7 twenty gerahs to the she1el'

:But the firstborn of the animals# which should be the )3+*Ds firstborn# no man shall dedicate9 whether it is an o! or shee"# it is the )3+*Ds'

0f he dedicates his field from the Cear of Jubilee# according to your valuation it shall stand'

But if he dedicates his field after the Jubilee# then the "riest shall rec1on to him the money due according to the years that remain till the Cear of Jubilee# and it shall be deducted from your valuation'

And if it is an unclean animal# then he shall redeem it according to your valuation# and shall add oneFfifth to it9 or if it is not redeemed# then it shall be sold according to your valuation'

And if he who dedicates the field ever wishes to redeem it# then he must add oneFfifth of the money of your valuation to it# and it shall belong to him'

:Nevertheless no devoted offering that a man may devote to the )3+* of all that he has# both man and beast# or the field of his "ossession# shall be sold or redeemed9 every devoted offering is most holy to the )3+*'


No "erson under the ban# who may become doomed to destruction among men# shall be redeemed# but shall surely be "ut to death'


And concerning the tithe of the herd or the floc1# of whatever "asses under the rod# the tenth one shall be holy to the )3+*'

And all the tithe of the land# whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree# is the )3+*Ds' 0t is holy to the )3+*'

2e shall not inGuire whether it is good or bad# nor shall he e!change it9 and if he e!changes it at all# then both it and the one e!changed for it shall be holy9 it shall not be redeemed':D

0f a man wants at all to redeem any of his tithes# he shall add oneFfifth to it'

These are the commandments which the )3+* commanded 4oses for the children of 0srael on 4ount Sinai'

Numbers 1Now the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses in

the Bilderness of Sinai# in the tabernacle of meeting# on the first day of the second month# in the second year after they had come out of the land of gy"t# saying7
, %%

from Ben$amin# Abidan the son of (ideoni9


from *an# Ammishaddai9





from Asher# /agiel the son of 3cran9 from (ad# liasa"h the son of *euel9 from Na"htali# Ahira the son of nan':

:Ta1e a census of all the congregation of the children of 0srael# by their families# by their fathersD houses# according to the number of names# every male individually#




from twenty years old and aboveFFall who are able to go to war in 0srael' Cou and Aaron shall number them by their armies'

These were chosen from the congregation# leaders of their fathersD tribes# heads of the divisions in 0srael'

Then 4oses and Aaron too1 these men who had been mentioned by name#

And with you there shall be a man from every tribe# each one the head of his fatherDs house'

:These are the names of the men who shall stand with you7 from +euben# li.ur the son of Shedeur9

and they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month9 and they recited their ancestry by families# by their fathersD houses# according to the number of names# from twenty years old and above# each one individually'

from Simeon# Shelumiel the son of 5urishaddai9


from Judah# Nahshon the son of Amminadab9


As the )3+* commanded 4oses# so he numbered them in the Bilderness of Sinai'


from 0ssachar# Nethanel the son of 5uar9


from 5ebulun# liab the son of 2elon9

Now the children of +euben# 0sraelDs oldest son# their genealogies by their families# by their fathersD house# according to the number of names# every male individually# from twenty years old and above# all who were able to go to war7


from the sons of Jose"h7 from "hraim# lishama the son of Ammihud9 from 4anasseh# (amaliel the son of /edah.ur9

those who were numbered of the tribe of +euben were fortyFsi! thousand five hundred'


From the children of Simeon# their genealogies by their families# by their fathersD house# of those who were numbered# according to the number of names# every male individually# from twenty years old and above# all who were able to go to war7


those who were numbered of the tribe of 5ebulun were fiftyFseven thousand four hundred'

those who were numbered of the tribe of Simeon were fiftyFnine thousand three hundred'

From the sons of Jose"h# the children of "hraim# their genealogies by their families# by their fathersD house# according to the number of names# from twenty years old and above# all who were able to go to war7

From the children of (ad# their genealogies by their families# by their fathersD house# according to the number of names# from twenty years old and above# all who were able to go to war7

those who were numbered of the tribe of "hraim were forty thousand five hundred'

those who were numbered of the tribe of (ad were fortyFfive thousand si! hundred and fifty'

From the children of 4anasseh# their genealogies by their families# by their fathersD house# according to the number of names# from twenty years old and above# all who were able to go to war7

From the children of Judah# their genealogies by their families# by their fathersD house# according to the number of names# from twenty years old and above# all who were able to go to war7

those who were numbered of the tribe of 4anasseh were thirtyFtwo thousand two hundred'

those who were numbered of the tribe of Judah were seventyFfour thousand si! hundred'

From the children of Ben$amin# their genealogies by their families# by their fathersD house# according to the number of names# from twenty years old and above# all who were able to go to war7

From the children of 0ssachar# their genealogies by their families# by their fathersD house# according to the number of names# from twenty years old and above# all who were able to go to war7

those who were numbered of the tribe of Ben$amin were thirtyFfive thousand four hundred'

those who were numbered of the tribe of 0ssachar were fiftyFfour thousand four hundred'

From the children of *an# their genealogies by their families# by their fathersD house# according to the number of names# from twenty years old and above# all who were able to go to war7

From the children of 5ebulun# their genealogies by their families# by their fathersD house# according to the number of names# from twenty years old and above# all who were able to go to war7

those who were numbered of the tribe of *an were si!tyFtwo thousand seven hundred'

From the children of Asher# their genealogies by their families# by their fathersD house# according to the number

of names# from twenty years old and above# all who were able to go to war7

tabernacle and all its furnishings9 they shall attend to it and cam" around the tabernacle'

those who were numbered of the tribe of Asher were fortyFone thousand five hundred'

From the children of Na"htali# their genealogies by their families# by their fathersD house# according to the number of names# from twenty years old and above# all who were able to go to war7

And when the tabernacle is to go forward# the )evites shall ta1e it down9 and when the tabernacle is to be set u"# the )evites shall set it u"' The outsider who comes near shall be "ut to death'

those who were numbered of the tribe of Na"htali were fiftyFthree thousand four hundred'

The children of 0srael shall "itch their tents# everyone by his own cam"# everyone by his own standard# according to their armies9

These are the ones who were numbered# whom 4oses and Aaron numbered# with the leaders of 0srael# twelve men# each one re"resenting his fatherDs house'

but the )evites shall cam" around the tabernacle of the Testimony# that there may be no wrath on the congregation of the children of 0srael9 and the )evites shall 1ee" charge of the tabernacle of the Testimony':

So all who were numbered of the children of 0srael# by their fathersD houses# from twenty years old and above# all who were able to go to war in 0sraelFF

Thus the children of 0srael did9 according to all that the )3+* commanded 4oses# so they did'

2And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses and

Aaron# saying7

all who were numbered were si! hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty'

But the )evites were not numbered among them by their fathersD tribe9

: veryone of the children of 0srael shall cam" by his own standard# beside the emblems of his fatherDs house9 they shall cam" some distance from the tabernacle of meeting'

for the )3+* had s"o1en to 4oses# saying7


:3nly the tribe of )evi you shall not number# nor ta1e a census of them among the children of 0srael9

3n the east side# toward the rising of the sun# those of the standard of the forces with Judah shall cam" according to their armies9 and Nahshon the son of Amminadab shall be the leader of the children of Judah':

but you shall a""oint the )evites over the tabernacle of the Testimony# over all its furnishings# and over all things that belong to it9 they shall carry the

And his army was numbered seventyFfour thousand si! hundred'



:Those who cam" ne!t to him shall be the tribe of 0ssachar# and Nethanel the son of 5uar shall be the leader of the children of 0ssachar':

one hundred and fiftyFone thousand four hundred and fiftyFFthey shall be the second to brea1 cam"'

And his army was numbered at fiftyFfour thousand four hundred'


:Then comes the tribe of 5ebulun# and liab the son of 2elon shall be the leader of the children of 5ebulun':

:And the tabernacle of meeting shall move out with the cam" of the )evites in the middle of the cam"s9 as they cam"# so they shall move out# everyone in his "lace# by their standards'

And his army was numbered at fiftyF seven thousand four hundred'

:3n the west side shall be the standard of the forces with "hraim according to their armies# and the leader of the children of "hraim shall be lishama the son of Ammihud':

:All their one four first'


who were numbered according to armies of the forces with Judah# hundred and eightyFsi! thousand hundredFFthese shall brea1 cam"

And his army was numbered at forty thousand five hundred'


:3n the south side shall be the standard of the forces with +euben according to their armies# and the leader of the children of +euben shall be li.ur the son of Shedeur':

:Ne!t to him comes the tribe of 4anasseh# and the leader of the children of 4anasseh shall be (amaliel the son of /edah.ur':

And his army was numbered at thirtyF two thousand two hundred'

And his army was numbered at fortyF si! thousand five hundred'

:Those who cam" ne!t to him shall be the tribe of Simeon# and the leader of the children of Simeon shall be Shelumiel the son of 5urishaddai':

:Then comes the tribe of Ben$amin# and the leader of the children of Ben$amin shall be Abidan the son of (ideoni':

And his army was numbered at thirtyF five thousand four hundred'

And his army was numbered at fiftyF nine thousand three hundred'

:Then comes the tribe of (ad# and the leader of the children of (ad shall be liasa"h the son of +euel':

:All who were numbered according to their armies of the forces with "hraim# one hundred and eight thousand one hundredFFthey shall be the third to brea1 cam"'

And his army was numbered at fortyF five thousand si! hundred and fifty'

:All who were numbered according to their armies of the forces with +euben#

:The standard of the forces with *an shall be on the north side according to their armies# and the leader of the children of *an shall be the son of Ammishaddai':


And his army was numbered at si!tyF two thousand seven hundred'

And these are the names of the sons of Aaron7 Nadab# the firstborn# and Abihu# and 0thamar'

:Those who cam" ne!t to him shall be the tribe of Asher# and the leader of the children of Asher shall be /agiel the son of 3cran':

These are the names of the sons of Aaron# the anointed "riests# whom he consecrated to minister as "riests'

And his army was numbered at fortyF one thousand five hundred'

:Then comes the tribe of Na"htali# and the leader of the children of Na"htali shall be Ahira the son of nan':

Nadab and Abihu had died before the )3+* when they offered "rofane fire before the )3+* in the Bilderness of Sinai9 and they had no children' So and 0thamar ministered as "riests in the "resence of Aaron their father'

And his army was numbered at fiftyF three thousand four hundred'

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7

:All who were numbered of the forces with *an# one hundred and fiftyFseven thousand si! hundredFFthey shall brea1 cam" last# with their standards':


:Bring the tribe of )evi near# and "resent them before Aaron the "riest# that they may serve him'

These are the ones who were numbered of the children of 0srael by their fathersD houses' All who were numbered according to their armies of the forces were si! hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty'

And they shall attend to his needs and the needs of the whole congregation before the tabernacle of meeting# to do the wor1 of the tabernacle'

But the )evites were not numbered among the children of 0srael# $ust as the )3+* commanded 4oses'

Also they shall attend to all the furnishings of the tabernacle of meeting# and to the needs of the children of 0srael# to do the wor1 of the tabernacle'

Thus the children of 0srael did according to all that the )3+* commanded 4oses9 so they cam"ed by their standards and so they bro1e cam"# each one by his family# according to their fathersD houses'

And you shall give the )evites to Aaron and his sons9 they are given entirely to him from among the children of 0srael'

So you shall a""oint Aaron and his sons# and they shall attend to their "riesthood9 but the outsider who comes near shall be "ut to death':

3Now these are the records of Aaron

and 4oses when the )3+* s"o1e with 4oses on 4ount Sinai'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7


:Now behold# 0 4yself have ta1en the )evites from among the children of 0srael instead of every firstborn who

o"ens the womb among the children of 0srael' Therefore the )evites shall be 4ine#

were numbered there thousand five hundred'




because all the firstborn are 4ine' 3n the day that 0 struc1 all the firstborn in the land of gy"t# 0 sanctified to 4yself all the firstborn in 0srael# both man and beast' They shall be 4ine7 0 am the )3+*':

The families of the (ershonites were to cam" behind the tabernacle westward'

And the leader of the fatherDs house of the (ershonites was liasa"h the son of )ael'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses in the Bilderness of Sinai# saying7


:Number the children of )evi by their fathersD houses# by their families9 you shall number every male from a month old and above':

The duties of the children of (ershon in the tabernacle of meeting included the tabernacle# the tent with its covering# the screen for the door of the tabernacle of meeting#

So 4oses numbered them according to the word of the )3+*# as he was commanded'

the screen for the door of the court# the hangings of the court which are around the tabernacle and the altar# and their cords# according to all the wor1 relating to them'

These were the sons of )evi by their names7 (ershon# Kohath# and 4erari'

And these are the names of the sons of (ershon by their families7 )ibni and Shimei'

From Kohath came the family of the Amramites# the family of the 0.harites# the family of the 2ebronites# and the family of the A..ielites9 these were the families of the Kohathites'

And the sons of Kohath by their families7 Amram# 0.ehar# 2ebron# and A..iel'

According to the number of all the males# from a month old and above# there were eight thousand si! hundred 1ee"ing charge of the sanctuary'

And the sons of 4erari by their families7 4ahli and 4ushi' These are the families of the )evites by their fathersD houses'

The families of the children of Kohath were to cam" on the south side of the tabernacle'

From (ershon came the family of the )ibnites and the family of the Shimites9 these were the families of the (ershonites'

And the leader of the fathersD house of the families of the Kohathites was li.a"han the son of A..iel'

Those who were numbered# according to the number of all the males from a month old and aboveFFof those who

Their duty included the ar1# the table# the lam"stand# the altars# the utensils of the sanctuary with which they ministered# the screen# and all the wor1 relating to them'


And the son of Aaron the "riest was to be chief over the leaders of the )evites# with oversight of those who 1e"t charge of the sanctuary'


Then the )3+* said to 4oses7 :Number all the firstborn males of the children of 0srael from a month old and above# and ta1e the number of their names'

From 4erari came the family of the 4ahlites and the family of the 4ushites9 these were the families of 4erari'

And those who were numbered# according to the number of all the males from a month old and above# were si! thousand two hundred'

And you shall ta1e the )evites for 4eFF0 am the )3+*FFinstead of all the firstborn among the children of 0srael# and the livestoc1 of the )evites instead of all the firstborn among the livestoc1 of the children of 0srael':

The leader of the fathersD house of the families of 4erari was 5uriel the son of Abihail' These were to cam" on the north side of the tabernacle'

So 4oses numbered all the firstborn among the children of 0srael# as the )3+* commanded him'

And the a""ointed duty of the children of 4erari included the boards of the tabernacle# its bars# its "illars# its soc1ets# its utensils# all the wor1 relating to them#

And all the firstborn males# according to the number of names from a month old and above# of those who were numbered of them# were twentyFtwo thousand two hundred and seventyF three'

and the "illars of the court all around# with their soc1ets# their "egs# and their cords'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7


4oreover those who were to cam" before the tabernacle on the east# before the tabernacle of meeting# were 4oses# Aaron# and his sons# 1ee"ing charge of the sanctuary# to meet the needs of the children of 0srael9 but the outsider who came near was to be "ut to death'

:Ta1e the )evites instead of all the firstborn among the children of 0srael# and the livestoc1 of the )evites instead of their livestoc1' The )evites shall be 4ine7 0 am the )3+*'

And for the redem"tion of the hundred and seventyFthree of firstborn of the children of 0srael# are more than the number of )evites#

two the who the

All who were numbered of the )evites# whom 4oses and Aaron numbered at the commandment of the )3+*# by their families# all the males from a month old and above# were twentyFtwo thousand'

you shall ta1e five she1els for each one individually9 you shall ta1e them in the currency of the she1el of the sanctuary# the she1el of twenty gerahs'

And you shall give the money# with which the e!cess number of them is redeemed# to Aaron and his sons':


So 4oses too1 the redem"tion money from those who were over and above those who were redeemed by the )evites'

:3n the table of showbread they shall s"read a blue cloth# and "ut on it the dishes# the "ans# the bowls# and the "itchers for "ouring9 and the showbread shall be on it'

From the firstborn of the children of 0srael he too1 the money# one thousand three hundred and si!tyFfive she1els# according to the she1el of the sanctuary'

They shall s"read over them a scarlet cloth# and cover the same with a covering of badger s1ins9 and they shall insert its "oles'

And 4oses gave their redem"tion money to Aaron and his sons# according to the word of the )3+*# as the )3+* commanded 4oses'

4Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses and

Aaron# saying7

And they shall ta1e a blue cloth and cover the lam"stand of the light# with its lam"s# its wic1Ftrimmers# its trays# and all its oil vessels# with which they service it'

:Ta1e a census of the sons of Kohath from among the children of )evi# by their families# by their fathersD house#

Then they shall "ut it with all its utensils in a covering of badger s1ins# and "ut it on a carrying beam'

from thirty years old and above# even to fifty years old# all who enter the service to do the wor1 in the tabernacle of meeting'

:3ver the golden altar they shall s"read a blue cloth# and cover it with a covering of badger s1ins9 and they shall insert its "oles'

:This is the service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of meeting# relating to the most holy things7

Then they shall ta1e all the utensils of service with which they minister in the sanctuary# "ut them in a blue cloth# cover them with a covering of badger s1ins# and "ut them on a carrying beam'

Bhen the cam" "re"ares to $ourney# Aaron and his sons shall come# and they shall ta1e down the covering veil and cover the ar1 of the Testimony with it'

Also they shall ta1e away the ashes from the altar# and s"read a "ur"le cloth over it'

Then they shall "ut on it a covering of badger s1ins# and s"read over that a cloth entirely of blue9 and they shall insert its "oles'

They shall "ut on it all its im"lements with which they minister thereFFthe fire"ans# the for1s# the shovels# the basins# and all the utensils of the altarFF and they shall s"read on it a covering of badger s1ins# and insert its "oles'

And when Aaron and his sons have finished covering the sanctuary and all the furnishings of the sanctuary# when the cam" is set to go# then the sons of Kohath shall come to carry them9 but

they shall not touch any holy thing# lest they die' :These are the things in the tabernacle of meeting which the sons of Kohath are to carry'

meeting with its covering# the covering of badger s1ins that is on it# the screen for the door of the tabernacle of meeting#

:The a""ointed duty of the son of Aaron the "riest is the oil for the light# the sweet incense# the daily grain offering# the anointing oil# the oversight of all the tabernacle# of all that is in it# with the sanctuary and its furnishings':

the screen for the door of the gate of the court# the hangings of the court which are around the tabernacle and altar# and their cords# all the furnishings for their service and all that is made for these things7 so shall they serve'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses and Aaron# saying7


:*o not cut off the tribe of the families of the Kohathites from among the )evites9

:Aaron and his sons shall assign all the service of the sons of the (ershonites# all their tas1s and all their service' And you shall a""oint to them all their tas1s as their duty'

but do this in regard to them# that they may live and not die when they a""roach the most holy things7 Aaron and his sons shall go in and a""oint each of them to his service and his tas1'

This is the service of the families of the sons of (ershon in the tabernacle of meeting' And their duties shall be under the authority of 0thamar the son of Aaron the "riest'

But they shall not go in to watch while the holy things are being covered# lest they die':

:As for the sons of 4erari# you shall number them by their families and by their fathersD house'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7


From thirty years old and above# even to fifty years old# you shall number them# everyone who enters the service to do the wor1 of the tabernacle of meeting'

:Also ta1e a census of the sons of (ershon# by their fathersD house# by their families'

From thirty years old and above# even to fifty years old# you shall number them# all who enter to "erform the service# to do the wor1 in the tabernacle of meeting'

And this is what they must carry as all their service for the tabernacle of meeting7 the boards of the tabernacle# its bars# its "illars# its soc1ets#

This is the service of the families of the (ershonites# in serving and carrying7

and the "illars around the court with their soc1ets# "egs# and cords# with all their furnishings and all their service9 and you shall assign to each man by name the items he must carry'

They shall carry the curtains of the tabernacle and the tabernacle of

This is the service of the families of the sons of 4erari# as all their service for the tabernacle of meeting# under the

authority of 0thamar the son of Aaron the "riest':



And 4oses# Aaron# and the leaders of the congregation numbered the sons of the Kohathites by their families and by their fathersD house#

from thirty years old and above# even to fifty years old# everyone who entered the service for wor1 in the tabernacle of meetingFF

those who were numbered by their families were three thousand two hundred'

from thirty years old and above# even to fifty years old# everyone who entered the service for wor1 in the tabernacle of meeting9

and those who were numbered by their families were two thousand seven hundred and fifty'

These are the ones who were numbered of the families of the sons of 4erari# whom 4oses and Aaron numbered according to the word of the )3+* by the hand of 4oses'

These were the ones who were numbered of the families of the Kohathites# all who might serve in the tabernacle of meeting# whom 4oses and Aaron numbered according to the commandment of the )3+* by the hand of 4oses'

All who were numbered of the )evites# whom 4oses# Aaron# and the leaders of 0srael numbered# by their families and by their fathersD houses#

from thirty years old and above# even to fifty years old# everyone who came to do the wor1 of service and the wor1 of bearing burdens in the tabernacle of meetingFF

And those who were numbered of the sons of (ershon# by their families and by their fathersD house#

those who were numbered were eight thousand five hundred and eighty'

from thirty years old and above# even to fifty years old# everyone who entered the service for wor1 in the tabernacle of meetingFF

those who were numbered by their families# by their fathersD house# were two thousand si! hundred and thirty'

According to the commandment of the )3+* they were numbered by the hand of 4oses# each according to his service and according to his tas19 thus were they numbered by him# as the )3+* commanded 4oses'

These are the ones who were numbered of the families of the sons of (ershon# of all who might serve in the tabernacle of meeting# whom 4oses and Aaron numbered according to the commandment of the )3+*'


the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#

:-ommand the children of 0srael that they "ut out of the cam" every le"er# everyone who has a discharge# and whoever becomes defiled by a cor"se'

Those of the families of the sons of 4erari who were numbered# by their families# by their fathersD house#

Cou shall "ut out both male and female9 you shall "ut them outside the cam"#

that they may not defile their cam"s in the midst of which 0 dwell':

and it is concealed that she has defiled herself# and there was no witness against her# nor was she caughtFF

And the children of 0srael did so# and "ut them outside the cam"9 as the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# so the children of 0srael did'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


if the s"irit of $ealousy comes u"on him and he becomes $ealous of his wife# who has defiled herself9 or if the s"irit of $ealousy comes u"on him and he becomes $ealous of his wife# although she has not defiled herselfFF

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael7 :Bhen a man or woman commits any sin that men commit in unfaithfulness against the )3+*# and that "erson is guilty#

then he shall confess the sin which he has committed' 2e shall ma1e restitution for his tres"ass in full# "lus oneFfifth of it# and give it to the one he has wronged'

then the man shall bring his wife to the "riest' 2e shall bring the offering reGuired for her# oneFtenth of an e"hah of barley meal9 he shall "our no oil on it and "ut no fran1incense on it# because it is a grain offering of $ealousy# an offering for remembering# for bringing iniGuity to remembrance'

:And the "riest shall bring her near# and set her before the )3+*'

But if the man has no relative to whom restitution may be made for the wrong# the restitution for the wrong must go to the )3+* for the "riest# in addition to the ram of the atonement with which atonement is made for him'

The "riest shall ta1e holy water in an earthen vessel# and ta1e some of the dust that is on the floor of the tabernacle and "ut it into the water'

very offering of all the holy things of the children of 0srael# which they bring to the "riest# shall be his'

And every manDs holy things shall be his9 whatever any man gives the "riest shall be his':D

Then the "riest shall stand the woman before the )3+*# uncover the womanDs head# and "ut the offering for remembering in her hands# which is the grain offering of $ealousy' And the "riest shall have in his hand the bitter water that brings a curse'

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# and say to them7 :0f any manDs wife goes astray and behaves unfaithfully toward him#

And the "riest shall "ut her under oath# and say to the woman# :0f no man has lain with you# and if you have not gone astray to uncleanness while under your husbandDs authority# be free from this bitter water that brings a curse'

and a man lies with her carnally# and it is hidden from the eyes of her husband#

But if you have gone astray while under your husbandDs authority# and if you have defiled yourself and some man other than your husband has lain with you:FF


then the "riest shall "ut the woman under the oath of the curse# and he shall say to the womanFF:the )3+* ma1e you a curse and an oath among your "eo"le# when the )3+* ma1es your thigh rot and your belly swell9


:This is the law of $ealousy# when a wife# while under her husbandDs authority# goes astray and defiles herself#

and may this water that causes the curse go into your stomach# and ma1e your belly swell and your thigh rot': :Then the woman shall say# :Amen# so be it':

or when the s"irit of $ealousy comes u"on a man# and he becomes $ealous of his wife9 then he shall stand the woman before the )3+*# and the "riest shall e!ecute all this law u"on her'

:Then the "riest shall write these curses in a boo1# and he shall scra"e them off into the bitter water'

Then the man shall be free from iniGuity# but that woman shall bear her guilt':D

And he shall ma1e the woman drin1 the bitter water that brings a curse# and the water that brings the curse shall enter her to become bitter'

6Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


Then the "riest shall ta1e the grain offering of $ealousy from the womanDs hand# shall wave the offering before the )3+*# and bring it to the altar9

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# and say to them7 :Bhen either a man or woman consecrates an offering to ta1e the vow of a Na.irite# to se"arate himself to the )3+*#

and the "riest shall ta1e a handful of the offering# as its memorial "ortion# burn it on the altar# and afterward ma1e the woman drin1 the water'

he shall se"arate himself from wine and similar drin19 he shall drin1 neither vinegar made from wine nor vinegar made from similar drin19 neither shall he drin1 any gra"e $uice# nor eat fresh gra"es or raisins'

Bhen he has made her drin1 the water# then it shall be# if she has defiled herself and behaved unfaithfully toward her husband# that the water that brings a curse will enter her and become bitter# and her belly will swell# her thigh will rot# and the woman will become a curse among her "eo"le'

All the days of his se"aration he shall eat nothing that is "roduced by the gra"evine# from seed to s1in'

But if the woman has not defiled herself# and is clean# then she shall be free and may conceive children'

:All the days of the vow of his se"aration no ra.or shall come u"on his head9 until the days are fulfilled for which he se"arated himself to the )3+*# he shall be holy' Then he shall let the loc1s of the hair of his head grow'

All the days that he se"arates himself to the )3+* he shall not go near a dead body'

2e shall not ma1e himself unclean even for his father or his mother# for his brother or his sister# when they die# because his se"aration to (od is on his head'


a bas1et of unleavened bread# ca1es of fine flour mi!ed with oil# unleavened wafers anointed with oil# and their grain offering with their drin1 offerings'

All the days of his se"aration he shall be holy to the )3+*'


:Then the "riest shall bring them before the )3+* and offer his sin offering and his burnt offering9

:And if anyone dies very suddenly beside him# and he defiles his consecrated head# then he shall shave his head on the day of his cleansing9 on the seventh day he shall shave it'

and he shall offer the ram as a sacrifice of a "eace offering to the )3+*# with the bas1et of unleavened bread9 the "riest shall also offer its grain offering and its drin1 offering'

Then on the eighth day he shall bring two turtledoves or two young "igeons to the "riest# to the door of the tabernacle of meeting9

and the "riest shall offer one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering# and ma1e atonement for him# because he sinned in regard to the cor"se9 and he shall sanctify his head that same day'

Then the Na.irite shall shave his consecrated head at the door of the tabernacle of meeting# and shall ta1e the hair from his consecrated head and "ut it on the fire which is under the sacrifice of the "eace offering'

2e shall consecrate to the )3+* the days of his se"aration# and bring a male lamb in its first year as a tres"ass offering9 but the former days shall be lost# because his se"aration was defiled'

:And the "riest shall ta1e the boiled shoulder of the ram# one unleavened ca1e from the bas1et# and one unleavened wafer# and "ut them u"on the hands of the Na.irite after he has shaved his consecrated hair#

:Now this is the law of the Na.irite7 Bhen the days of his se"aration are fulfilled# he shall be brought to the door of the tabernacle of meeting'

and the "riest shall wave them as a wave offering before the )3+*9 they are holy for the "riest# together with the breast of the wave offering and the thigh of the heave offering' After that the Na.irite may drin1 wine'D

And he shall "resent his offering to the )3+*7 one male lamb in its first year without blemish as a burnt offering# one ewe lamb in its first year without blemish as a sin offering# one ram without blemish as a "eace offering#

:This is the law of the Na.irite who vows to the )3+* the offering for his se"aration# and besides that# whatever else his hand is able to "rovide9 according to the vow which he ta1es# so he must do according to the law of his se"aration':

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7


:S"ea1 to Aaron and his sons# saying# :This is the way you shall bless the children of 0srael' Say to them7

Two carts and four o!en he gave to the sons of (ershon# according to their service9

:The )3+* bless you and 1ee" you9


The )3+* ma1e 2is face shine u"on you# And be gracious to you9

and four carts and eight o!en he gave to the sons of 4erari# according to their service# under the authority of 0thamar the son of Aaron the "riest'

The )3+* lift u" 2is countenance u"on you# And give you "eace':D

:So they shall "ut 4y name on the children of 0srael# and 0 will bless them':

But to the sons of Kohath he gave none# because theirs was the service of the holy things# which they carried on their shoulders'

7Now it came to "ass# when 4oses

had finished setting u" the tabernacle# that he anointed it and consecrated it and all its furnishings# and the altar and all its utensils9 so he anointed them and consecrated them'

Now the leaders offered the dedication offering for the altar when it was anointed9 so the leaders offered their offering before the altar'

For the )3+* said to 4oses# :They shall offer their offering# one leader each day# for the dedication of the altar':

Then the leaders of 0srael# the heads of their fathersD houses# who were the leaders of the tribes and over those who were numbered# made an offering'

And the one who offered his offering on the first day was Nahshon the son of Amminadab# from the tribe of Judah'

And they brought their offering before the )3+*# si! covered carts and twelve o!en# a cart for every two of the leaders# and for each one an o!9 and they "resented them before the tabernacle'

2is offering was one silver "latter# the weight of which was one hundred and thirty she1els# and one silver bowl of seventy she1els# according to the she1el of the sanctuary# both of them full of fine flour mi!ed with oil as a grain offering9

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


one gold "an of ten she1els# full of incense9


:Acce"t these from them# that they may be used in doing the wor1 of the tabernacle of meeting9 and you shall give them to the )evites# to every man according to his service':

one young bull# one ram# and one male lamb in its first year# as a burnt offering9

one 1id of the goats as a sin offering9


So 4oses too1 the carts and the o!en# and gave them to the )evites'

and for the sacrifice of "eace offerings7 two o!en# five rams# five male goats# and five male lambs in their first year' This was the offering of Nahshon the son of Amminadab'


3n the second day Nethanel the son of 5uar# leader of 0ssachar# "resented an offering'

and five male lambs in their first year' This was the offering of liab the son of 2elon'

For his offering he offered one silver "latter# the weight of which was one hundred and thirty she1els# and one silver bowl of seventy she1els# according to the she1el of the sanctuary# both of them full of fine flour mi!ed with oil as a grain offering9

3n the fourth day li.ur the son of Shedeur# leader of the children of +euben# "resented an offering'

one gold "an of ten she1els# full of incense9


2is offering was one silver "latter# the weight of which was one hundred and thirty she1els# and one silver bowl of seventy she1els# according to the she1el of the sanctuary# both of them full of fine flour mi!ed with oil as a grain offering9

one young bull# one ram# and one male lamb in its first year# as a burnt offering9

one gold "an of ten she1els# full of incense9


one 1id of the goats as a sin offering9

one young bull# one ram# and one male lamb in its first year# as a burnt offering9


and as the sacrifice of "eace offerings7 two o!en# five rams# five male goats# and five male lambs in their first year' This was the offering of Nethanel the son of 5uar'

one 1id of the goats as a sin offering9


3n the third day liab the son of 2elon# leader of the children of 5ebulun# "resented an offering'

and as the sacrifice of "eace offerings7 two o!en# five rams# five male goats# and five male lambs in their first year' This was the offering of li.ur the son of Shedeur'

2is offering was one silver "latter# the weight of which was one hundred and thirty she1els# and one silver bowl of seventy she1els# according to the she1el of the sanctuary# both of them full of fine flour mi!ed with oil as a grain offering9

3n the fifth day Shelumiel the son of 5urishaddai# leader of the children of Simeon# "resented an offering'

one gold "an of ten she1els# full of incense9


2is offering was one silver "latter# the weight of which was one hundred and thirty she1els# and one silver bowl of seventy she1els# according to the she1el of the sanctuary# both of them full of fine flour mi!ed with oil as a grain offering9

one young bull# one ram# and one male lamb in its first year# as a burnt offering9

one gold "an of ten she1els# full of incense9


one 1id of the goats as a sin offering9

one young bull# one ram# and one male lamb in its first year# as a burnt offering9


and for the sacrifice of "eace offerings7 two o!en# five rams# five male goats#

one 1id of the goats as a sin offering9


and as the sacrifice of "eace offerings7 two o!en# five rams# five male goats# and five male lambs in their first year' This was the offering of Shelumiel the son of 5urishaddai'


one 1id of the goats as a sin offering9


3n the si!th day liasa"h the son of *euel# leader of the children of (ad# "resented an offering'

and as the sacrifice of "eace offerings7 two o!en# five rams# five male goats# and five male lambs in their first year' This was the offering of lishama the son of Ammihud'

2is offering was one silver "latter# the weight of which was one hundred and thirty she1els# and one silver bowl of seventy she1els# according to the she1el of the sanctuary# both of them full of fine flour mi!ed with oil as a grain offering9

3n the eighth day (amaliel the son of /edah.ur# leader of the children of 4anasseh# "resented an offering'

one gold "an of ten she1els# full of incense9


2is offering was one silver "latter# the weight of which was one hundred and thirty she1els# and one silver bowl of seventy she1els# according to the she1el of the sanctuary# both of them full of fine flour mi!ed with oil as a grain offering9

one young bull# one ram# and one male lamb in its first year# as a burnt offering9

one gold "an of ten she1els# full of incense9


one 1id of the goats as a sin offering9

one young bull# one ram# and one male lamb in its first year# as a burnt offering9


and as the sacrifice of "eace offerings7 two o!en# five rams# five male goats# and five male lambs in their first year' This was the offering of liasa"h the son of *euel'

one 1id of the goats as a sin offering9


3n the seventh day lishama the son of Ammihud# leader of the children of "hraim# "resented an offering'

and as the sacrifice of "eace offerings7 two o!en# five rams# five male goats# and five male lambs in their first year' This was the offering of (amaliel the son of /edah.ur'

2is offering was one silver "latter# the weight of which was one hundred and thirty she1els# and one silver bowl of seventy she1els# according to the she1el of the sanctuary# both of them full of fine flour mi!ed with oil as a grain offering9

3n the ninth day Abidan the son of (ideoni# leader of the children of Ben$amin# "resented an offering'

one gold "an of ten she1els# full of incense9


2is offering was one silver "latter# the weight of which was one hundred and thirty she1els# and one silver bowl of seventy she1els# according to the she1el of the sanctuary# both of them full of fine flour mi!ed with oil as a grain offering9

one young bull# one ram# and one male lamb in its first year# as a burnt offering9

one gold "an of ten she1els# full of incense9


one young bull# one ram# and one male lamb in its first year# as a burnt offering9


one gold "an of ten she1els# full of incense9


one 1id of the goats as a sin offering9

one young bull# one ram# and one male lamb in its first year# as a burnt offering9


and as the sacrifice of "eace offerings7 two o!en# five rams# five male goats# and five male lambs in their first year' This was the offering of Abidan the son of (ideoni'

one 1id of the goats as a sin offering9


3n the tenth day the son of Ammishaddai# leader of the children of *an# "resented an offering'

and as the sacrifice of "eace offerings7 two o!en# five rams# five male goats# and five male lambs in their first year' This was the offering of /agiel the son of 3cran'

2is offering was one silver "latter# the weight of which was one hundred and thirty she1els# and one silver bowl of seventy she1els# according to the she1el of the sanctuary# both of them full of fine flour mi!ed with oil as a grain offering9

3n the twelfth day Ahira the son of nan# leader of the children of Na"htali# "resented an offering'

one gold "an of ten she1els# full of incense9


2is offering was one silver "latter# the weight of which was one hundred and thirty she1els# and one silver bowl of seventy she1els# according to the she1el of the sanctuary# both of them full of fine flour mi!ed with oil as a grain offering9

one young bull# one ram# and one male lamb in its first year# as a burnt offering9

one gold "an of ten she1els# full of incense9


one 1id of the goats as a sin offering9

one young bull# one ram# and one male lamb in its first year# as a burnt offering9


and as the sacrifice of "eace offerings7 two o!en# five rams# five male goats# and five male lambs in their first year' This was the offering of the son of Ammishaddai'

one 1id of the goats as a sin offering9


3n the eleventh day /agiel the son of 3cran# leader of the children of Asher# "resented an offering'

and as the sacrifice of "eace offerings7 two o!en# five rams# five male goats# and five male lambs in their first year' This was the offering of Ahira the son of nan'

2is offering was one silver "latter# the weight of which was one hundred and thirty she1els# and one silver bowl of seventy she1els# according to the she1el of the sanctuary# both of them full of fine flour mi!ed with oil as a grain offering9

This was the dedication offering for the altar from the leaders of 0srael# when it was anointed7 twelve silver "latters# twelve silver bowls# and twelve gold "ans'

ach silver "latter weighed one hundred and thirty she1els and each

bowl seventy she1els' All the silver of the vessels weighed two thousand four hundred she1els# according to the she1el of the sanctuary'

The twelve gold "ans full of incense weighed ten she1els a"iece# according to the she1el of the sanctuary9 all the gold of the "ans weighed one hundred and twenty she1els'

Now this wor1manshi" of the lam"stand was hammered gold9 from its shaft to its flowers it was hammered wor1' According to the "attern which the )3+* had shown 4oses# so he made the lam"stand'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7


All the o!en for the burnt offering were twelve young bulls# the rams twelve# the male lambs in their first year twelve# with their grain offering# and the 1ids of the goats as a sin offering twelve'

:Ta1e the )evites from among the children of 0srael and cleanse them ceremonially'

And all the o!en for the sacrifice of "eace offerings were twentyFfour bulls# the rams si!ty# the male goats si!ty# and the lambs in their first year si!ty' This was the dedication offering for the altar after it was anointed'

Thus you shall do to them to cleanse them7 S"rin1le water of "urification on them# and let them shave all their body# and let them wash their clothes# and so ma1e themselves clean'

Then let them ta1e a young bull with its grain offering of fine flour mi!ed with oil# and you shall ta1e another young bull as a sin offering'

Now when 4oses went into the tabernacle of meeting to s"ea1 with 2im# he heard the voice of 3ne s"ea1ing to him from above the mercy seat that was on the ar1 of the Testimony# from between the two cherubim9 thus 2e s"o1e to him'

And you shall bring the )evites before the tabernacle of meeting# and you shall gather together the whole congregation of the children of 0srael'


the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#

So you shall bring the )evites before the )3+*# and the children of 0srael shall lay their hands on the )evites9

:S"ea1 to Aaron# and say to him# :Bhen you arrange the lam"s# the seven lam"s shall give light in front of the lam"stand':D

and Aaron shall offer the )evites before the )3+* li1e a wave offering from the children of 0srael# that they may "erform the wor1 of the )3+*'

And Aaron did so9 he arranged the lam"s to face toward the front of the lam"stand# as the )3+* commanded 4oses'

Then the )evites shall lay their hands on the heads of the young bulls# and you shall offer one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering to the )3+*# to ma1e atonement for the )evites'


:And you shall stand the )evites before Aaron and his sons# and then offer them li1e a wave offering to the )3+*'

before the )3+*# and Aaron made atonement for them to cleanse them'

Thus you shall se"arate the )evites from among the children of 0srael# and the )evites shall be 4ine'

After that the )evites went in to do their wor1 in the tabernacle of meeting before Aaron and his sons9 as the )3+* commanded 4oses concerning the )evites# so they did to them'

After that the )evites shall go in to service the tabernacle of meeting' So you shall cleanse them and offer them li1e a wave offering'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


For they are wholly given to 4e from among the children of 0srael9 0 have ta1en them for 4yself instead of all who o"en the womb# the firstborn of all the children of 0srael'

:This is what "ertains to the )evites7 From twentyFfive years old and above one may enter to "erform service in the wor1 of the tabernacle of meeting9

For all the firstborn among the children of 0srael are 4ine# both man and beast9 on the day that 0 struc1 all the firstborn in the land of gy"t 0 sanctified them to 4yself'

and at the age of fifty years they must cease "erforming this wor1# and shall wor1 no more'

0 have ta1en the )evites instead of all the firstborn of the children of 0srael'

They may minister with their brethren in the tabernacle of meeting# to attend to needs# but they themselves shall do no wor1' Thus you shall do to the )evites regarding their duties':

And 0 have given the )evites as a gift to Aaron and his sons from among the children of 0srael# to do the wor1 for the children of 0srael in the tabernacle of meeting# and to ma1e atonement for the children of 0srael# that there be no "lague among the children of 0srael when the children of 0srael come near the sanctuary':

9Now the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses in

the Bilderness of Sinai# in the first month of the second year after they had come out of the land of gy"t# saying7

:)et the children of 0srael 1ee" the /assover at its a""ointed time'

Thus 4oses and Aaron and all the congregation of the children of 0srael did to the )evites9 according to all that the )3+* commanded 4oses concerning the )evites# so the children of 0srael did to them'

3n the fourteenth day of this month# at twilight# you shall 1ee" it at its a""ointed time' According to all its rites and ceremonies you shall 1ee" it':

So 4oses told the children of 0srael that they should 1ee" the /assover'

And the )evites "urified themselves and washed their clothes9 then Aaron "resented them li1e a wave offering

And they 1e"t the /assover on the fourteenth day of the first month# at twilight# in the Bilderness of Sinai9

according to all that the )3+* commanded 4oses# so the children of 0srael did'


Now there were certain men who were defiled by a human cor"se# so that they could not 1ee" the /assover on that day9 and they came before 4oses and Aaron that day'

:And if a stranger dwells among you# and would 1ee" the )3+*Ds /assover# he must do so according to the rite of the /assover and according to its ceremony9 you shall have one ordinance# both for the stranger and the native of the land':D

And those men said to him# :Be became defiled by a human cor"se' Bhy are we 1e"t from "resenting the offering of the )3+* at its a""ointed time among the children of 0sraelE:

Now on the day that the tabernacle was raised u"# the cloud covered the tabernacle# the tent of the Testimony9 from evening until morning it was above the tabernacle li1e the a""earance of fire'

And 4oses said to them# :Stand still# that 0 may hear what the )3+* will command concerning you':

So it was always7 the cloud covered it by day# and the a""earance of fire by night'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# saying7 :0f anyone of you or your "osterity is unclean because of a cor"se# or is far away on a $ourney# he may still 1ee" the )3+*Ds /assover'

Bhenever the cloud was ta1en u" from above the tabernacle# after that the children of 0srael would $ourney9 and in the "lace where the cloud settled# there the children of 0srael would "itch their tents'

3n the fourteenth day of the second month# at twilight# they may 1ee" it' They shall eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs'

At the command of the )3+* the children of 0srael would $ourney# and at the command of the )3+* they would cam"9 as long as the cloud stayed above the tabernacle they remained encam"ed'

They shall leave none of it until morning# nor brea1 one of its bones' According to all the ordinances of the /assover they shall 1ee" it'

ven when the cloud continued long# many days above the tabernacle# the children of 0srael 1e"t the charge of the )3+* and did not $ourney'

But the man who is clean and is not on a $ourney# and ceases to 1ee" the /assover# that same "erson shall be cut off from among his "eo"le# because he did not bring the offering of the )3+* at its a""ointed time9 that man shall bear his sin'

So it was# when the cloud was above the tabernacle a few days7 according to the command of the )3+* they would remain encam"ed# and according to the command of the )3+* they would $ourney'

So it was# when the cloud remained only from evening until morning7 when the cloud was ta1en u" in the morning#

then they would $ourney9 whether by day or by night# whenever the cloud was ta1en u"# they would $ourney'

And when the assembly is to be gathered together# you shall blow# but not sound the advance'

Bhether it was two days# a month# or a year that the cloud remained above the tabernacle# the children of 0srael would remain encam"ed and not $ourney9 but when it was ta1en u"# they would $ourney'

The sons of Aaron# the "riests# shall blow the trum"ets9 and these shall be to you as an ordinance forever throughout your generations'

At the command of the )3+* they remained encam"ed# and at the command of the )3+* they $ourneyed9 they 1e"t the charge of the )3+*# at the command of the )3+* by the hand of 4oses'

:Bhen you go to war in your land against the enemy who o""resses you# then you shall sound an alarm with the trum"ets# and you will be remembered before the )3+* your (od# and you will be saved from your enemies'

10And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


:4a1e two silver trum"ets for yourself9 you shall ma1e them of hammered wor19 you shall use them for calling the congregation and for directing the movement of the cam"s'

Also in the day of your gladness# in your a""ointed feasts# and at the beginning of your months# you shall blow the trum"ets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your "eace offerings9 and they shall be a memorial for you before your (od7 0 am the )3+* your (od':

Bhen they blow both of them# all the congregation shall gather before you at the door of the tabernacle of meeting'

Now it came to "ass on the twentieth day of the second month# in the second year# that the cloud was ta1en u" from above the tabernacle of the Testimony'

But if they blow only one# then the leaders# the heads of the divisions of 0srael# shall gather to you'

And the children of 0srael set out from the Bilderness of Sinai on their $ourneys9 then the cloud settled down in the Bilderness of /aran'

Bhen you sound the advance# the cam"s that lie on the east side shall then begin their $ourney'

So they started out for the first time according to the command of the )3+* by the hand of 4oses'

Bhen you sound the advance the second time# then the cam"s that lie on the south side shall begin their $ourney9 they shall sound the call for them to begin their $ourneys'

The standard of the cam" of the children of Judah set out first according to their armies9 over their army was Nahshon the son of Amminadab'

3ver the army of the tribe of the children of 0ssachar was Nethanel the son of 5uar'


And over the army of the tribe of the children of 5ebulun was liab the son of 2elon'


3ver the army of the tribe of the children of Asher was /agiel the son of 3cran'

Then the tabernacle was ta1en down9 and the sons of (ershon and the sons of 4erari set out# carrying the tabernacle'

And over the army of the tribe of the children of Na"htali was Ahira the son of nan'

And the standard of the cam" of +euben set out according to their armies9 over their army was li.ur the son of Shedeur'

Thus was the order of march of the children of 0srael# according to their armies# when they began their $ourney'

3ver the army of the tribe of the children of Simeon was Shelumiel the son of 5urishaddai'

And over the army of the tribe of the children of (ad was liasa"h the son of *euel'

Now 4oses said to 2obab the son of +euel the 4idianite# 4osesD fatherFinF law# :Be are setting out for the "lace of which the )3+* said# :0 will give it to you'D -ome with us# and we will treat you well9 for the )3+* has "romised good things to 0srael':

Then the Kohathites set out# carrying the holy things' IThe tabernacle would be "re"ared for their arrival'J

And he said to him# :0 will not go# but 0 will de"art to my own land and to my relatives':

And the standard of the cam" of the children of "hraim set out according to their armies9 over their army was lishama the son of Ammihud'

So 4oses said# :/lease do not leave# inasmuch as you 1now how we are to cam" in the wilderness# and you can be our eyes'

3ver the army of the tribe of the children of 4anasseh was (amaliel the son of /edah.ur'

And it shall be# if you go with usFF indeed it shall beFFthat whatever good the )3+* will do to us# the same we will do to you':

And over the army of the tribe of the children of Ben$amin was Abidan the son of (ideoni'

Then the standard of the cam" of the children of *an Ithe rear guard of all the cam"sJ set out according to their armies9 over their army was the son of Ammishaddai'

So they de"arted from the mountain of the )3+* on a $ourney of three days9 and the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* went before them for the three daysD $ourney# to search out a resting "lace for them'

And the cloud of the )3+* was above them by day when they went out from the cam"'

So it was# whenever the ar1 set out# that 4oses said7 :+ise u"# 3 )3+*H )et

Cour enemies be scattered# And let those who hate Cou flee before Cou':

And when the dew fell on the cam" in the night# the manna fell on it'

And when it rested# he said7 :+eturn# 3 )3+*# To the many thousands of 0srael':

11Now when the "eo"le com"lained#

it dis"leased the )3+*9 for the )3+* heard it# and 2is anger was aroused' So the fire of the )3+* burned among them# and consumed some in the outs1irts of the cam"'

Then 4oses heard the "eo"le wee"ing throughout their families# everyone at the door of his tent9 and the anger of the )3+* was greatly aroused9 4oses also was dis"leased'

So 4oses said to the )3+*# :Bhy have Cou afflicted Cour servantE And why have 0 not found favor in Cour sight# that Cou have laid the burden of all these "eo"le on meE

Then the "eo"le cried out to 4oses# and when 4oses "rayed to the )3+*# the fire was Guenched'

So he called the name of the "lace Taberah# because the fire of the )3+* had burned among them'

*id 0 conceive all these "eo"leE *id 0 beget them# that Cou should say to me# :-arry them in your bosom# as a guardian carries a nursing child#D to the land which Cou swore to their fathersE

Now the mi!ed multitude who were among them yielded to intense craving9 so the children of 0srael also we"t again and said7 :Bho will give us meat to eatE

Bhere am 0 to get meat to give to all these "eo"leE For they wee" all over me# saying# :(ive us meat# that we may eat'D

Be remember the fish which we ate freely in gy"t# the cucumbers# the melons# the lee1s# the onions# and the garlic9

0 am not able to bear all these "eo"le alone# because the burden is too heavy for me'

but now our whole being is dried u"9 there is nothing at all e!ce"t this manna before our eyesH:

0f Cou treat me li1e this# "lease 1ill me here and nowFFif 0 have found favor in Cour sightFFand do not let me see my wretchednessH:

Now the manna was li1e coriander seed# and its color li1e the color of bdellium'

So the )3+* said to 4oses7 :(ather to 4e seventy men of the elders of 0srael# whom you 1now to be the elders of the "eo"le and officers over them9 bring them to the tabernacle of meeting# that they may stand there with you'

The "eo"le went about and gathered it# ground it on millstones or beat it in the mortar# coo1ed it in "ans# and made ca1es of it9 and its taste was li1e the taste of "astry "re"ared with oil'

Then 0 will come down and tal1 with you there' 0 will ta1e of the S"irit that is u"on you and will "ut the same u"on them9 and they shall bear the burden of the "eo"le with you# that you may not bear it yourself alone'


Then you shall say to the "eo"le# :-onsecrate yourselves for tomorrow# and you shall eat meat9 for you have we"t in the hearing of the )3+*# saying# :Bho will give us meat to eatE For it was well with us in gy"t': Therefore the )3+* will give you meat# and you shall eat'

ha""ened# when the S"irit rested u"on them# that they "ro"hesied# although they never did so again'

Cou shall eat# not one day# nor two days# nor five days# nor ten days# nor twenty days#

But two men had remained in the cam"7 the name of one was ldad# and the name of the other 4edad' And the S"irit rested u"on them' Now they were among those listed# but who had not gone out to the tabernacle9 yet they "ro"hesied in the cam"'

but for a whole month# until it comes out of your nostrils and becomes loathsome to you# because you have des"ised the )3+* who is among you# and have we"t before 2im# saying# :Bhy did we ever come u" out of gy"tE::D

And a young man ran and told 4oses# and said# : ldad and 4edad are "ro"hesying in the cam"':

So Joshua the son of Nun# 4osesD assistant# one of his choice men# answered and said# :4oses my lord# forbid themH:

And 4oses said# :The "eo"le whom 0 am among are si! hundred thousand men on foot9 yet Cou have said# :0 will give them meat# that they may eat for a whole month'D

Then 4oses said to him# :Are you .ealous for my sa1eE 3h# that all the )3+*Ds "eo"le were "ro"hets and that the )3+* would "ut 2is S"irit u"on themH:

Shall floc1s and herds be slaughtered for them# to "rovide enough for themE 3r shall all the fish of the sea be gathered together for them# to "rovide enough for themE:

And 4oses returned to the cam"# he and the elders of 0srael'


And the )3+* said to 4oses# :2as the )3+*Ds arm been shortenedE Now you shall see whether what 0 say will ha""en to you or not':

Now a wind went out from the )3+*# and it brought Guail from the sea and left them fluttering near the cam"# about a dayDs $ourney on this side and about a dayDs $ourney on the other side# all around the cam"# and about two cubits above the surface of the ground'

So 4oses went out and told the "eo"le the words of the )3+*# and he gathered the seventy men of the elders of the "eo"le and "laced them around the tabernacle'

And the "eo"le stayed u" all that day# all night# and all the ne!t day# and gathered the Guail Ihe who gathered least gathered ten homersJ9 and they s"read them out for themselves all around the cam"'

Then the )3+* came down in the cloud# and s"o1e to him# and too1 of the S"irit that was u"on him# and "laced the same u"on the seventy elders9 and it

But while the meat was still between their teeth# before it was chewed# the wrath of the )3+* was aroused against

the "eo"le# and the )3+* struc1 the "eo"le with a very great "lague'

sees the form of the )3+*' Bhy then were you not afraid To s"ea1 against 4y servant 4osesE:

So he called the name of that "lace Kibroth 2attaavah# because there they buried the "eo"le who had yielded to craving'

So the anger of the )3+* was aroused against them# and 2e de"arted'

From Kibroth 2attaavah the "eo"le moved to 2a.eroth# and cam"ed at 2a.eroth'

And when the cloud de"arted from above the tabernacle# suddenly 4iriam became le"rous# as white as snow' Then Aaron turned toward 4iriam# and there she was# a le"er'


4iriam and Aaron s"o1e against 4oses because of the thio"ian woman whom he had married9 for he had married an thio"ian woman' So they said# :2as the )3+* indeed s"o1en only through 4osesE 2as 2e not s"o1en through us alsoE: And the )3+* heard it'

So Aaron said to 4oses# :3h# my lordH /lease do not lay this sin on us# in which we have done foolishly and in which we have sinned'

/lease do not let her be as one dead# whose flesh is half consumed when he comes out of his motherDs wombH:

INow the man 4oses was very humble# more than all men who were on the face of the earth'J

So 4oses cried out to the )3+*# saying# :/lease heal her# 3 (od# 0 "rayH:

Suddenly the )3+* said to 4oses# Aaron# and 4iriam# :-ome out# you three# to the tabernacle of meetingH: So the three came out'

Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :0f her father had but s"it in her face# would she not be shamed seven daysE )et her be shut out of the cam" seven days# and afterward she may be received again':

Then the )3+* came down in the "illar of cloud and stood in the door of the tabernacle# and called Aaron and 4iriam' And they both went forward'

So 4iriam was shut out of the cam" seven days# and the "eo"le did not $ourney till 4iriam was brought in again'

Then 2e said# 0f there is a "ro"het among you# 0# the )3+*# ma1e 4yself 1nown to him in a vision9 0 s"ea1 to him in a dream'

And afterward the "eo"le moved from 2a.eroth and cam"ed in the Bilderness of /aran'

13And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


Not so with 4y servant 4oses9 2e is faithful in all 4y house'


0 s"ea1 with him face to face# ven "lainly# and not in dar1 sayings9 And he

:Send men to s"y out the land of -anaan# which 0 am giving to the children of 0srael9 from each tribe of their

fathers you shall send a man# every one a leader among them':


So 4oses sent them from the Bilderness of /aran according to the command of the )3+*# all of them men who were heads of the children of 0srael'

These are the names of the men whom 4oses sent to s"y out the land' And 4oses called 2oshea the son of Nun# Joshua'

Now these were their names7 from the tribe of +euben# Shammua the son of 5accur9

Then 4oses sent them to s"y out the land of -anaan# and said to them# :(o u" this way into the South# and go u" to the mountains#

from the tribe of Simeon# Sha"hat the son of 2ori9


and see what the land is li1e7 whether the "eo"le who dwell in it are strong or wea1# few or many9

from the tribe of Judah# -aleb the son of Je"hunneh9


whether the land they dwell in is good or bad9 whether the cities they inhabit are li1e cam"s or strongholds9

from the tribe of 0ssachar# 0gal the son of Jose"h9


from the tribe of son of Nun9


"hraim# 2oshea the

whether the land is rich or "oor9 and whether there are forests there or not' Be of good courage' And bring some of the fruit of the land': Now the time was the season of the first ri"e gra"es'

from the tribe of Ben$amin# /alti the son of +a"hu9


So they went u" and s"ied out the land from the Bilderness of 5in as far as +ehob# near the entrance of 2amath'

from the tribe of 5ebulun# (addiel the son of Sodi9


from the tribe of Jose"h# that is# from the tribe of 4anasseh# (addi the son of Susi9

And they went u" through the South and came to 2ebron9 Ahiman# Sheshai# and Talmai# the descendants of Ana1# were there' INow 2ebron was built seven years before 5oan in gy"t'J

from the tribe of *an# Ammiel the son of (emalli9


from the tribe of Asher# Sethur the son of 4ichael9


Then they came to the Valley of shcol# and there cut down a branch with one cluster of gra"es9 they carried it between two of them on a "ole' They also brought some of the "omegranates and figs'

from the tribe of Na"htali# Nahbi the son of Vo"hsi9


The "lace was called the Valley of shcol# because of the cluster which the men of 0srael cut down there'

from the tribe of (ad# (euel the son of 4achi'

And they returned from s"ying out the land after forty days'


Now they de"arted and came bac1 to 4oses and Aaron and all the congregation of the children of 0srael in the Bilderness of /aran# at Kadesh9 they brought bac1 word to them and to all the congregation# and showed them the fruit of the land'

14So all the congregation lifted u"

their voices and cried# and the "eo"le we"t that night'

Then they told him# and said7 :Be went to the land where you sent us' 0t truly flows with mil1 and honey# and this is its fruit'

And all the children of 0srael com"lained against 4oses and Aaron# and the whole congregation said to them# :0f only we had died in the land of gy"tH 3r if only we had died in this wildernessH

Nevertheless the "eo"le who dwell in the land are strong9 the cities are fortified and very large9 moreover we saw the descendants of Ana1 there'

Bhy has the )3+* brought us to this land to fall by the sword# that our wives and children should become victimsE Bould it not be better for us to return to gy"tE:

The Amale1ites dwell in the land of the South9 the 2ittites# the Jebusites# and the Amorites dwell in the mountains9 and the -anaanites dwell by the sea and along the ban1s of the Jordan':

So they said to one another# :)et us select a leader and return to gy"t':

Then -aleb Guieted the "eo"le before 4oses# and said# :)et us go u" at once and ta1e "ossession# for we are well able to overcome it':

Then 4oses and Aaron fell on their faces before all the assembly of the congregation of the children of 0srael'

But the men who had gone u" with him said# :Be are not able to go u" against the "eo"le# for they are stronger than we':

But Joshua the son of Nun and -aleb the son of Je"hunneh# who were among those who had s"ied out the land# tore their clothes9

And they gave the children of 0srael a bad re"ort of the land which they had s"ied out# saying# :The land through which we have gone as s"ies is a land that devours its inhabitants# and all the "eo"le whom we saw in it are men of great stature'

and they s"o1e to all the congregation of the children of 0srael# saying7 :The land we "assed through to s"y out is an e!ceedingly good land'

0f the )3+* delights in us# then 2e will bring us into this land and give it to us# :a land which flows with mil1 and honey'D

There we saw the giants Ithe descendants of Ana1 came from the giantsJ9 and we were li1e grassho""ers in our own sight# and so we were in their sight':

3nly do not rebel against the )3+*# nor fear the "eo"le of the land# for they are our bread9 their "rotection has de"arted from them# and the )3+* is with us' *o not fear them':

And all the congregation said to stone them with stones' Now the glory of the

)3+* a""eared in the tabernacle of meeting before all the children of 0srael'


Then the )3+* said to 4oses7 :2ow long will these "eo"le re$ect 4eE And how long will they not believe 4e# with all the signs which 0 have "erformed among themE

/ardon the iniGuity of this "eo"le# 0 "ray# according to the greatness of Cour mercy# $ust as Cou have forgiven this "eo"le# from gy"t even until now':

Then the )3+* said7 :0 have "ardoned# according to your word9


0 will stri1e them with the "estilence and disinherit them# and 0 will ma1e of you a nation greater and mightier than they':

but truly# as 0 live# all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the )3+*FF

And 4oses said to the )3+*7 :Then the gy"tians will hear it# for by Cour might Cou brought these "eo"le u" from among them#

because all these men who have seen 4y glory and the signs which 0 did in gy"t and in the wilderness# and have "ut 4e to the test now these ten times# and have not heeded 4y voice#

and they will tell it to the inhabitants of this land' They have heard that Cou# )3+*# are among these "eo"le9 that Cou# )3+*# are seen face to face and Cour cloud stands above them# and Cou go before them in a "illar of cloud by day and in a "illar of fire by night'

they certainly shall not see the land of which 0 swore to their fathers# nor shall any of those who re$ected 4e see it'

But 4y servant -aleb# because he has a different s"irit in him and has followed 4e fully# 0 will bring into the land where he went# and his descendants shall inherit it'

Now if Cou 1ill these "eo"le as one man# then the nations which have heard of Cour fame will s"ea1# saying#

Now the Amale1ites and the -anaanites dwell in the valley9 tomorrow turn and move out into the wilderness by the Bay of the +ed Sea':

:Because the )3+* was not able to bring this "eo"le to the land which 2e swore to give them# therefore 2e 1illed them in the wilderness'D

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses and Aaron# saying#


And now# 0 "ray# let the "ower of my )ord be great# $ust as Cou have s"o1en# saying#

:2ow long shall 0 bear with this evil congregation who com"lain against 4eE 0 have heard the com"laints which the children of 0srael ma1e against 4e'

:The )3+* is longsuffering and abundant in mercy# forgiving iniGuity and transgression9 but 2e by no means clears the guilty# visiting the iniGuity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation'D

Say to them# :As 0 live#D says the )3+*# :$ust as you have s"o1en in 4y hearing# so 0 will do to you7

The carcasses of you who have com"lained against 4e shall fall in this wilderness# all of you who were

numbered# according to your entire number# from twenty years old and above'


Then 4oses told these words to all the children of 0srael# and the "eo"le mourned greatly'

!ce"t for -aleb the son of Je"hunneh and Joshua the son of Nun# you shall by no means enter the land which 0 swore 0 would ma1e you dwell in'

And they rose early in the morning and went u" to the to" of the mountain# saying# :2ere we are# and we will go u" to the "lace which the )3+* has "romised# for we have sinnedH:

But your little ones# whom you said would be victims# 0 will bring in# and they shall 1now the land which you have des"ised'

And 4oses said# :Now why do you transgress the command of the )3+*E For this will not succeed'

But as for you# your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness'


*o not go u"# lest you be defeated by your enemies# for the )3+* is not among you'

And your sons shall be she"herds in the wilderness forty years# and bear the brunt of your infidelity# until your carcasses are consumed in the wilderness'

For the Amale1ites and the -anaanites are there before you# and you shall fall by the sword9 because you have turned away from the )3+*# the )3+* will not be with you':

According to the number of the days in which you s"ied out the land# forty days# for each day you shall bear your guilt one year# namely forty years# and you shall 1now 4y re$ection'

But they "resumed to go u" to the mountainto"' Nevertheless# neither the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* nor 4oses de"arted from the cam"'

0 the )3+* have s"o1en this' 0 will surely do so to all this evil congregation who are gathered together against 4e' 0n this wilderness they shall be consumed# and there they shall die':D

Then the Amale1ites and the -anaanites who dwelt in that mountain came down and attac1ed them# and drove them bac1 as far as 2ormah'

Now the men whom 4oses sent to s"y out the land# who returned and made all the congregation com"lain against him by bringing a bad re"ort of the land#

15And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


those very men who brought the evil re"ort about the land# died by the "lague before the )3+*'

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# and say to them7 :Bhen you have come into the land you are to inhabit# which 0 am giving to you#

But Joshua the son of Nun and -aleb the son of Je"hunneh remained alive# of the men who went to s"y out the land'

and you ma1e an offering by fire to the )3+*# a burnt offering or a sacrifice# to fulfill a vow or as a freewill offering or in your a""ointed feasts# to ma1e a sweet

aroma to the )3+*# from the herd or the floc1#



then he who "resents his offering to the )3+* shall bring a grain offering of oneF tenth of an e"hah of fine flour mi!ed with oneFfourth of a hin of oil9

All who are nativeFborn shall do these things in this manner# in "resenting an offering made by fire# a sweet aroma to the )3+*'

and oneFfourth of a hin of wine as a drin1 offering you shall "re"are with the burnt offering or the sacrifice# for each lamb'

And if a stranger dwells with you# or whoever is among you throughout your generations# and would "resent an offering made by fire# a sweet aroma to the )3+*# $ust as you do# so shall he do'

3r for a ram you shall "re"are as a grain offering twoFtenths of an e"hah of fine flour mi!ed with oneFthird of a hin of oil9

3ne ordinance shall be for you of the assembly and for the stranger who dwells with you# an ordinance forever throughout your generations9 as you are# so shall the stranger be before the )3+*'

and as a drin1 offering you shall offer oneFthird of a hin of wine as a sweet aroma to the )3+*'

3ne law and one custom shall be for you and for the stranger who dwells with you':D

And when you "re"are a young bull as a burnt offering# or as a sacrifice to fulfill a vow# or as a "eace offering to the )3+*#

Again the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


then shall be offered with the young bull a grain offering of threeFtenths of an e"hah of fine flour mi!ed with half a hin of oil9

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# and say to them7 :Bhen you come into the land to which 0 bring you#

and you shall bring as the drin1 offering half a hin of wine as an offering made by fire# a sweet aroma to the )3+*'

then it will be# when you eat of the bread of the land# that you shall offer u" a heave offering to the )3+*'

:Thus it shall be done for each young bull# for each ram# or for each lamb or young goat'

Cou shall offer u" a ca1e of the first of your ground meal as a heave offering9 as a heave offering of the threshing floor# so shall you offer it u"'

According to the number that you "re"are# so you shall do with everyone according to their number'

3f the first of your ground meal you shall give to the )3+* a heave offering throughout your generations'

:0f you sin unintentionally# and do not observe all these commandments which the )3+* has s"o1en to 4osesFF


all that the )3+* has commanded you by the hand of 4oses# from the day the )3+* gave commandment and onward throughout your generationsFF

re"roach on the )3+*# and he shall be cut off from among his "eo"le'

then it will be# if it is unintentionally committed# without the 1nowledge of the congregation# that the whole congregation shall offer one young bull as a burnt offering# as a sweet aroma to the )3+*# with its grain offering and its drin1 offering# according to the ordinance# and one 1id of the goats as a sin offering'

Because he has des"ised the word of the )3+*# and has bro1en 2is commandment# that "erson shall be com"letely cut off9 his guilt shall be u"on him':D

Now while the children of 0srael were in the wilderness# they found a man gathering stic1s on the Sabbath day'

So the "riest shall ma1e atonement for the whole congregation of the children of 0srael# and it shall be forgiven them# for it was unintentional9 they shall bring their offering# an offering made by fire to the )3+*# and their sin offering before the )3+*# for their unintended sin'

And those who found him gathering stic1s brought him to 4oses and Aaron# and to all the congregation'

They "ut him under guard# because it had not been e!"lained what should be done to him'

0t shall be forgiven the whole congregation of the children of 0srael and the stranger who dwells among them# because all the "eo"le did it unintentionally'

Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :The man must surely be "ut to death9 all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the cam"':

:And if a "erson sins unintentionally# then he shall bring a female goat in its first year as a sin offering'

So# as the )3+* commanded 4oses# all the congregation brought him outside the cam" and stoned him with stones# and he died'

So the "riest shall ma1e atonement for the "erson who sins unintentionally# when he sins unintentionally before the )3+*# to ma1e atonement for him9 and it shall be forgiven him'

Again the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


Cou shall have one law for him who sins unintentionally# for him who is nativeFborn among the children of 0srael and for the stranger who dwells among them'

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael7 Tell them to ma1e tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations# and to "ut a blue thread in the tassels of the corners'

:But the "erson who does anything "resum"tuously# whether he is nativeF born or a stranger# that one brings

And you shall have the tassel# that you may loo1 u"on it and remember all the commandments of the )3+* and do them# and that you may not follow the harlotry to which your own heart and your own eyes are inclined#


and that you may remember and do all 4y commandments# and be holy for your (od'

0 am the )3+* your (od# who brought you out of the land of gy"t# to be your (od7 0 am the )3+* your (od':

"ut fire in them and "ut incense in them before the )3+* tomorrow# and it shall be that the man whom the )3+* chooses is the holy one' Cou ta1e too much u"on yourselves# you sons of )eviH:

16Now Korah the son of 0.har# the

son of Kohath# the son of )evi# with *athan and Abiram the sons of liab# and 3n the son of /eleth# sons of +euben# too1 men9

Then 4oses said to Korah# :2ear now# you sons of )evi7


and they rose u" before 4oses some of the children of 0srael# hundred and fifty leaders of congregation# re"resentatives of congregation# men of renown'

with two the the

0s it a small thing to you that the (od of 0srael has se"arated you from the congregation of 0srael# to bring you near to 2imself# to do the wor1 of the tabernacle of the )3+*# and to stand before the congregation to serve them9

and that 2e has brought you near to 2imself# you and all your brethren# the sons of )evi# with youE And are you see1ing the "riesthood alsoE

They gathered together against 4oses and Aaron# and said to them# :Cou ta1e too much u"on yourselves# for all the congregation is holy# every one of them# and the )3+* is among them' Bhy then do you e!alt yourselves above the assembly of the )3+*E:

Therefore you and all your com"any are gathered together against the )3+*' And what is Aaron that you com"lain against himE:

So when 4oses heard it# he fell on his face9


And 4oses sent to call *athan and Abiram the sons of liab# but they said# :Be will not come u"H

and he s"o1e to Korah and all his com"any# saying# :Tomorrow morning the )3+* will show who is 2is and who is holy# and will cause him to come near to 2im' That one whom 2e chooses 2e will cause to come near to 2im'

0s it a small thing that you have brought us u" out of a land flowing with mil1 and honey# to 1ill us in the wilderness# that you should 1ee" acting li1e a "rince over usE

*o this7 Ta1e censers# Korah and all your com"any9

4oreover you have not brought us into a land flowing with mil1 and honey# nor given us inheritance of fields and vineyards' Bill you "ut out the eyes of these menE Be will not come u"H:

Then 4oses was very angry# and said to the )3+*# :*o not res"ect their offering' 0 have not ta1en one don1ey from them# nor have 0 hurt one of them':


And 4oses said to Korah# :Tomorrow# you and all your com"any be "resent before the )3+*FFyou and they# as well as Aaron'


And he s"o1e to the congregation# saying# :*e"art now from the tents of these wic1ed menH Touch nothing of theirs# lest you be consumed in all their sins':

)et each ta1e his censer and "ut incense in it# and each of you bring his censer before the )3+*# two hundred and fifty censers9 both you and Aaron# each with his censer':

So they got away from around the tents of Korah# *athan# and Abiram9 and *athan and Abiram came out and stood at the door of their tents# with their wives# their sons# and their little children'

So every man too1 his censer# "ut fire in it# laid incense on it# and stood at the door of the tabernacle of meeting with 4oses and Aaron'

And 4oses said7 :By this you shall 1now that the )3+* has sent me to do all these wor1s# for 0 have not done them of my own will'

And Korah gathered all the congregation against them at the door of the tabernacle of meeting' Then the glory of the )3+* a""eared to all the congregation'

0f these men die naturally li1e all men# or if they are visited by the common fate of all men# then the )3+* has not sent me'

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses and Aaron# saying#


:Se"arate yourselves from among this congregation# that 0 may consume them in a moment':

But if the )3+* creates a new thing# and the earth o"ens its mouth and swallows them u" with all that belongs to them# and they go down alive into the "it# then you will understand that these men have re$ected the )3+*':

Then they fell on their faces# and said# :3 (od# the (od of the s"irits of all flesh# shall one man sin# and Cou be angry with all the congregationE:

Now it came to "ass# as he finished s"ea1ing all these words# that the ground s"lit a"art under them#

So the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


:S"ea1 to the congregation# saying# :(et away from the tents of Korah# *athan# and Abiram':D

and the earth o"ened its mouth and swallowed them u"# with their households and all the men with Korah# with all their goods'

Then 4oses rose and went to *athan and Abiram# and the elders of 0srael followed him'

So they and all those with them went down alive into the "it9 the earth closed over them# and they "erished from among the assembly'

Then all 0srael who were around them fled at their cry# for they said# :)est the earth swallow us u" alsoH:


And a fire came out from the )3+* and consumed the two hundred and fifty men who were offering incense'


And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7


:(et away from among this congregation# that 0 may consume them in a moment': And they fell on their faces'

:Tell the son of Aaron the "riest# to "ic1 u" the censers out of the bla.e# for they are holy# and scatter the fire some distance away'

The censers of these men who sinned against their own souls# let them be made into hammered "lates as a covering for the altar' Because they "resented them before the )3+*# therefore they are holy9 and they shall be a sign to the children of 0srael':

So 4oses said to Aaron# :Ta1e a censer and "ut fire in it from the altar# "ut incense on it# and ta1e it Guic1ly to the congregation and ma1e atonement for them9 for wrath has gone out from the )3+*' The "lague has begun':

So the "riest too1 the bron.e censers# which those who were burned u" had "resented# and they were hammered out as a covering on the altar#

Then Aaron too1 it as 4oses commanded# and ran into the midst of the assembly9 and already the "lague had begun among the "eo"le' So he "ut in the incense and made atonement for the "eo"le'

And he stood between the dead and the living9 so the "lague was sto""ed'

to be a memorial to the children of 0srael that no outsider# who is not a descendant of Aaron# should come near to offer incense before the )3+*# that he might not become li1e Korah and his com"anions# $ust as the )3+* had said to him through 4oses'

Now those who died in the "lague were fourteen thousand seven hundred# besides those who died in the Korah incident'

So Aaron returned to 4oses at the door of the tabernacle of meeting# for the "lague had sto""ed'

3n the ne!t day all the congregation of the children of 0srael com"lained against 4oses and Aaron# saying# :Cou have 1illed the "eo"le of the )3+*':

17And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


Now it ha""ened# when the congregation had gathered against 4oses and Aaron# that they turned toward the tabernacle of meeting9 and suddenly the cloud covered it# and the glory of the )3+* a""eared'

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# and get from them a rod from each fatherDs house# all their leaders according to their fathersD housesFFtwelve rods' Brite each manDs name on his rod'

Then 4oses and Aaron came before the tabernacle of meeting'

And you shall write AaronDs name on the rod of )evi' For there shall be one rod for the head of each fatherDs house'

Then you shall "lace them in the tabernacle of meeting before the Testimony# where 0 meet with you'

18Then the )3+* said to Aaron7

:Cou and your sons and your fatherDs house with you shall bear the iniGuity related to the sanctuary# and you and your sons with you shall bear the iniGuity associated with your "riesthood'

And it shall be that the rod of the man whom 0 choose will blossom9 thus 0 will rid 4yself of the com"laints of the children of 0srael# which they ma1e against you':

So 4oses s"o1e to the children of 0srael# and each of their leaders gave him a rod a"iece# for each leader according to their fathersD houses# twelve rods9 and the rod of Aaron was among their rods'

Also bring with you your brethren of the tribe of )evi# the tribe of your father# that they may be $oined with you and serve you while you and your sons are with you before the tabernacle of witness'

And 4oses "laced the rods before the )3+* in the tabernacle of witness'

They shall attend to your needs and all the needs of the tabernacle9 but they shall not come near the articles of the sanctuary and the altar# lest they dieFF they and you also'

Now it came to "ass on the ne!t day that 4oses went into the tabernacle of witness# and behold# the rod of Aaron# of the house of )evi# had s"routed and "ut forth buds# had "roduced blossoms and yielded ri"e almonds'

They shall be $oined with you and attend to the needs of the tabernacle of meeting# for all the wor1 of the tabernacle9 but an outsider shall not come near you'

Then 4oses brought out all the rods from before the )3+* to all the children of 0srael9 and they loo1ed# and each man too1 his rod'

And you shall attend to the duties of the sanctuary and the duties of the altar# that there may be no more wrath on the children of 0srael'

And the )3+* said to 4oses# :Bring AaronDs rod bac1 before the Testimony# to be 1e"t as a sign against the rebels# that you may "ut their com"laints away from 4e# lest they die':

Behold# 0 4yself have ta1en your brethren the )evites from among the children of 0srael9 they are a gift to you# given by the )3+*# to do the wor1 of the tabernacle of meeting'

Thus did 4oses9 $ust as the )3+* had commanded him# so he did'

So the children of 0srael s"o1e to 4oses# saying# :Surely we die# we "erish# we all "erishH

Therefore you and your sons with you shall attend to your "riesthood for everything at the altar and behind the veil9 and you shall serve' 0 give your "riesthood to you as a gift for service# but the outsider who comes near shall be "ut to death':

Bhoever even comes near the tabernacle of the )3+* must die' Shall we all utterly dieE:

And the )3+* s"o1e to Aaron7 :2ere# 0 4yself have also given you charge of 4y heave offerings# all the holy gifts of

the children of 0srael9 0 have given them as a "ortion to you and your sons# as an ordinance forever'

for five she1els of silver# according to the she1el of the sanctuary# which is twenty gerahs'

This shall be yours of the most holy things reserved from the fire7 every offering of theirs# every grain offering and every sin offering and every tres"ass offering which they render to 4e# shall be most holy for you and your sons'

But the firstborn of a cow# the firstborn of a shee"# or the firstborn of a goat you shall not redeem9 they are holy' Cou shall s"rin1le their blood on the altar# and burn their fat as an offering made by fire for a sweet aroma to the )3+*'

0n a most holy "lace you shall eat it9 every male shall eat it' 0t shall be holy to you'

And their flesh shall be yours# $ust as the wave breast and the right thigh are yours'

:This also is yours7 the heave offering of their gift# with all the wave offerings of the children of 0srael9 0 have given them to you# and your sons and daughters with you# as an ordinance forever' everyone who is clean in your house may eat it'

:All the heave offerings of the holy things# which the children of 0srael offer to the )3+*# 0 have given to you and your sons and daughters with you as an ordinance forever9 it is a covenant of salt forever before the )3+* with you and your descendants with you':

:All the best of the oil# all the best of the new wine and the grain# their firstfruits which they offer to the )3+*# 0 have given them to you'

Then the )3+* said to Aaron7 :Cou shall have no inheritance in their land# nor shall you have any "ortion among them9 0 am your "ortion and your inheritance among the children of 0srael'

Bhatever first ri"e fruit is in their land# which they bring to the )3+*# shall be yours' veryone who is clean in your house may eat it'

:Behold# 0 have given the children of )evi all the tithes in 0srael as an inheritance in return for the wor1 which they "erform# the wor1 of the tabernacle of meeting'

: very devoted thing in 0srael shall be yours'


: verything that first o"ens the womb of all flesh# which they bring to the )3+*# whether man or beast# shall be yours9 nevertheless the firstborn of man you shall surely redeem# and the firstborn of unclean animals you shall redeem'

2ereafter the children of 0srael shall not come near the tabernacle of meeting# lest they bear sin and die'

But the )evites shall "erform the wor1 of the tabernacle of meeting# and they shall bear their iniGuity9 it shall be a statute forever# throughout your generations# that among the children of 0srael they shall have no inheritance'

And those redeemed of the devoted things you shall redeem when one month old# according to your valuation#

For the tithes of the children of 0srael# which they offer u" as a heave offering

to the )3+*# 0 have given to the )evites as an inheritance9 therefore 0 have said to them# :Among the children of 0srael they shall have no inheritance':D

19Now the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses

and Aaron# saying#

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


:S"ea1 thus to the )evites# and say to them7 :Bhen you ta1e from the children of 0srael the tithes which 0 have given you from them as your inheritance# then you shall offer u" a heave offering of it to the )3+*# a tenth of the tithe'

:This is the ordinance of the law which the )3+* has commanded# saying7 :S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# that they bring you a red heifer without blemish# in which there is no defect and on which a yo1e has never come'

Cou shall give it to the "riest# that he may ta1e it outside the cam"# and it shall be slaughtered before him9

And your heave offering shall be rec1oned to you as though it were the grain of the threshing floor and as the fullness of the wine"ress'

and the "riest shall ta1e some of its blood with his finger# and s"rin1le some of its blood seven times directly in front of the tabernacle of meeting'

Thus you shall also offer a heave offering to the )3+* from all your tithes which you receive from the children of 0srael# and you shall give the )3+*Ds heave offering from it to Aaron the "riest'

Then the heifer shall be burned in his sight7 its hide# its flesh# its blood# and its offal shall be burned'

3f all your gifts you shall offer u" every heave offering due to the )3+*# from all the best of them# the consecrated "art of them'D

And the "riest shall ta1e cedar wood and hysso" and scarlet# and cast them into the midst of the fire burning the heifer'

Therefore you shall say to them7 :Bhen you have lifted u" the best of it# then the rest shall be accounted to the )evites as the "roduce of the threshing floor and as the "roduce of the wine"ress'

Then the "riest shall wash his clothes# he shall bathe in water# and afterward he shall come into the cam"9 the "riest shall be unclean until evening'

And the one who burns it shall wash his clothes in water# bathe in water# and shall be unclean until evening'

Cou may eat it in any "lace# you and your households# for it is your reward for your wor1 in the tabernacle of meeting'

And you shall bear no sin because of it# when you have lifted u" the best of it' But you shall not "rofane the holy gifts of the children of 0srael# lest you die':D

Then a man who is clean shall gather u" the ashes of the heifer# and store them outside the cam" in a clean "lace9 and they shall be 1e"t for the congregation of the children of 0srael for the water of "urification9 it is for "urifying from sin'


And the one who gathers the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes# and be unclean until evening' 0t shall be a statute forever to the children of 0srael and to the stranger who dwells among them'


The clean "erson shall s"rin1le the unclean on the third day and on the seventh day9 and on the seventh day he shall "urify himself# wash his clothes# and bathe in water9 and at evening he shall be clean'

:2e who touches the dead body of anyone shall be unclean seven days'

2e shall "urify himself with the water on the third day and on the seventh day9 then he will be clean' But if he does not "urify himself on the third day and on the seventh day# he will not be clean'

:But the man who is unclean and does not "urify himself# that "erson shall be cut off from among the assembly# because he has defiled the sanctuary of the )3+*' The water of "urification has not been s"rin1led on him9 he is unclean'

Bhoever touches the body of anyone who has died# and does not "urify himself# defiles the tabernacle of the )3+*' That "erson shall be cut off from 0srael' 2e shall be unclean# because the water of "urification was not s"rin1led on him9 his uncleanness is still on him'

0t shall be a "er"etual statute for them' 2e who s"rin1les the water of "urification shall wash his clothes9 and he who touches the water of "urification shall be unclean until evening'

:This is the law when a man dies in a tent7 All who come into the tent and all who are in the tent shall be unclean seven days9

Bhatever the unclean "erson touches shall be unclean9 and the "erson who touches it shall be unclean until evening':D

20Then the children of 0srael# the

whole congregation# came into the Bilderness of 5in in the first month# and the "eo"le stayed in Kadesh9 and 4iriam died there and was buried there'

and every o"en vessel# which has no cover fastened on it# is unclean'

Bhoever in the o"en field touches one who is slain by a sword or who has died# or a bone of a man# or a grave# shall be unclean seven days'

Now there was no water for the congregation9 so they gathered together against 4oses and Aaron'

:And for an unclean "erson they shall ta1e some of the ashes of the heifer burnt for "urification from sin# and running water shall be "ut on them in a vessel'

And the "eo"le contended with 4oses and s"o1e# saying7 :0f only we had died when our brethren died before the )3+*H

A clean "erson shall ta1e hysso" and di" it in the water# s"rin1le it on the tent# on all the vessels# on the "ersons who were there# or on the one who touched a bone# the slain# the dead# or a grave'

Bhy have you brought u" the assembly of the )3+* into this wilderness# that we and our animals should die hereE


And why have you made us come u" out of gy"t# to bring us to this evil "laceE 0t is not a "lace of grain or figs or vines or "omegranates9 nor is there any water to drin1':


Now 4oses sent messengers from Kadesh to the 1ing of dom' :Thus says your brother 0srael7 :Cou 1now all the hardshi" that has befallen us#

So 4oses and Aaron went from the "resence of the assembly to the door of the tabernacle of meeting# and they fell on their faces' And the glory of the )3+* a""eared to them'

how our fathers went down to gy"t# and we dwelt in gy"t a long time# and the gy"tians afflicted us and our fathers'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


Bhen we cried out to the )3+*# 2e heard our voice and sent the Angel and brought us u" out of gy"t9 now here we are in Kadesh# a city on the edge of your border'

:Ta1e the rod9 you and your brother Aaron gather the congregation together' S"ea1 to the roc1 before their eyes# and it will yield its water9 thus you shall bring water for them out of the roc1# and give drin1 to the congregation and their animals':

/lease let us "ass through your country' Be will not "ass through fields or vineyards# nor will we drin1 water from wells9 we will go along the KingDs 2ighway9 we will not turn aside to the right hand or to the left until we have "assed through your territory':D

So 4oses too1 the rod from before the )3+* as 2e commanded him'

And 4oses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the roc19 and he said to them# :2ear now# you rebelsH 4ust we bring water for you out of this roc1E:

Then dom said to him# :Cou shall not "ass through my land# lest 0 come out against you with the sword':

Then 4oses lifted his hand and struc1 the roc1 twice with his rod9 and water came out abundantly# and the congregation and their animals dran1'

So the children of 0srael said to him# :Be will go by the 2ighway# and if 0 or my livestoc1 drin1 any of your water# then 0 will "ay for it9 let me only "ass through on foot# nothing more':

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses and Aaron# :Because you did not believe 4e# to hallow 4e in the eyes of the children of 0srael# therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which 0 have given them':

Then he said# :Cou shall not "ass through': So dom came out against them with many men and with a strong hand'

Thus dom refused to give 0srael "assage through his territory9 so 0srael turned away from him'

This was the water of 4eribah# because the children of 0srael contended with the )3+*# and 2e was hallowed among them'

Now the children of 0srael# the whole congregation# $ourneyed from Kadesh and came to 4ount 2or'


And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses and Aaron in 4ount 2or by the border of the land of dom# saying7

their cities' So the name of that "lace was called 2ormah'


:Aaron shall be gathered to his "eo"le# for he shall not enter the land which 0 have given to the children of 0srael# because you rebelled against 4y word at the water of 4eribah'

Then they $ourneyed from 4ount 2or by the Bay of the +ed Sea# to go around the land of dom9 and the soul of the "eo"le became very discouraged on the way'

Ta1e Aaron and his son# and bring them u" to 4ount 2or9

and stri" Aaron of his garments and "ut them on his son9 for Aaron shall be gathered to his "eo"le and die there':

And the "eo"le s"o1e against (od and against 4oses7 :Bhy have you brought us u" out of gy"t to die in the wildernessE For there is no food and no water# and our soul loathes this worthless bread':

So 4oses did $ust as the )3+* commanded# and they went u" to 4ount 2or in the sight of all the congregation'

So the )3+* sent fiery ser"ents among the "eo"le# and they bit the "eo"le9 and many of the "eo"le of 0srael died'

4oses stri""ed Aaron of his garments and "ut them on his son9 and Aaron died there on the to" of the mountain' Then 4oses and came down from the mountain'

Therefore the "eo"le came to 4oses# and said# :Be have sinned# for we have s"o1en against the )3+* and against you9 "ray to the )3+* that 2e ta1e away the ser"ents from us': So 4oses "rayed for the "eo"le'

Now when all the congregation saw that Aaron was dead# all the house of 0srael mourned for Aaron thirty days'

Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :4a1e a fiery ser"ent# and set it on a "ole9 and it shall be that everyone who is bitten# when he loo1s at it# shall live':

21The 1ing of Arad# the -anaanite#

who dwelt in the South# heard that 0srael was coming on the road to Atharim' Then he fought against 0srael and too1 some of them "risoners'

So 4oses made a bron.e ser"ent# and "ut it on a "ole9 and so it was# if a ser"ent had bitten anyone# when he loo1ed at the bron.e ser"ent# he lived'

So 0srael made a vow to the )3+*# and said# :0f Cou will indeed deliver this "eo"le into my hand# then 0 will utterly destroy their cities':

Now the children of 0srael moved on and cam"ed in 3both'


And the )3+* listened to the voice of 0srael and delivered u" the -anaanites# and they utterly destroyed them and

And they $ourneyed from 3both and cam"ed at 0$e Abarim# in the wilderness which is east of 4oab# toward the sunrise'

From there they moved and cam"ed in the Valley of 5ered'


From there they moved and cam"ed on the other side of the Arnon# which is in the wilderness that e!tends from the border of the Amorites9 for the Arnon is the border of 4oab# between 4oab and the Amorites'


But Sihon would not allow 0srael to "ass through his territory' So Sihon gathered all his "eo"le together and went out against 0srael in the wilderness# and he came to Jaha. and fought against 0srael'

Therefore it is said in the Boo1 of the Bars of the )3+*7 :Baheb in Su"hah# The broo1s of the Arnon#

And the slo"e of the broo1s That reaches to the dwelling of Ar# And lies on the border of 4oab':

Then 0srael defeated him with the edge of the sword# and too1 "ossession of his land from the Arnon to the Jabbo1# as far as the "eo"le of Ammon9 for the border of the "eo"le of Ammon was fortified'

From there they went to Beer# which is the well where the )3+* said to 4oses# :(ather the "eo"le together# and 0 will give them water':

So 0srael too1 all these cities# and 0srael dwelt in all the cities of the Amorites# in 2eshbon and in all its villages'

Then 0srael sang this song7 :S"ring u"# 3 wellH All of you sing to itFF

The well the leaders san1# *ug by the nationDs nobles# By the lawgiver# with their staves': And from the wilderness they went to 4attanah#

For 2eshbon was the city of Sihon 1ing of the Amorites# who had fought against the former 1ing of 4oab# and had ta1en all his land from his hand as far as the Arnon'

Therefore those who s"ea1 in "roverbs say7 :-ome to 2eshbon# let it be built9 )et the city of Sihon be re"aired'

from 4attanah to Nahaliel to Bamoth#




and from Bamoth# in the valley that is in the country of 4oab# to the to" of /isgah which loo1s down on the wasteland'

:For fire went out from 2eshbon# A flame from the city of Sihon9 0t consumed Ar of 4oab# The lords of the heights of the Arnon'

Then 0srael sent messengers to Sihon 1ing of the Amorites# saying#


Boe to you# 4oabH Cou have "erished# 3 "eo"le of -hemoshH 2e has given his sons as fugitives# And his daughters into ca"tivity# To Sihon 1ing of the Amorites'

:)et me "ass through your land' Be will not turn aside into fields or vineyards9 we will not drin1 water from wells' Be will go by the KingDs 2ighway until we have "assed through your territory':

:But we have shot at them9 2eshbon has "erished as far as *ibon' Then we laid waste as far as No"hah# Bhich reaches to 4edeba':

Thus 0srael dwelt in the land of the Amorites'


Then 4oses sent to s"y out Ja.er9 and they too1 its villages and drove out the Amorites who were there'


And they turned and went u" by the way to Bashan' So 3g 1ing of Bashan went out against them# he and all his "eo"le# to battle at drei'

Then he sent messengers to Balaam the son of Beor at /ethor# which is near the +iver in the land of the sons of his "eo"le# to call him# saying7 :)oo1# a "eo"le has come from gy"t' See# they cover the face of the earth# and are settling ne!t to meH

Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :*o not fear him# for 0 have delivered him into your hand# with all his "eo"le and his land9 and you shall do to him as you did to Sihon 1ing of the Amorites# who dwelt at 2eshbon':

Therefore "lease come at once# curse this "eo"le for me# for they are too mighty for me' /erha"s 0 shall be able to defeat them and drive them out of the land# for 0 1now that he whom you bless is blessed# and he whom you curse is cursed':

So they defeated him# his sons# and all his "eo"le# until there was no survivor left him9 and they too1 "ossession of his land'

So the elders of 4oab and the elders of 4idian de"arted with the divinerDs fee in their hand# and they came to Balaam and s"o1e to him the words of Bala1'

22Then the children of 0srael moved#

and cam"ed in the "lains of 4oab on the side of the Jordan across from Jericho'

And he said to them# :)odge here tonight# and 0 will bring bac1 word to you# as the )3+* s"ea1s to me': So the "rinces of 4oab stayed with Balaam'

Now Bala1 the son of 5i""or saw all that 0srael had done to the Amorites'

Then (od came to Balaam and said# :Bho are these men with youE:

And 4oab was e!ceedingly afraid of the "eo"le because they were many# and 4oab was sic1 with dread because of the children of 0srael'

So Balaam said to (od# :Bala1 the son of 5i""or# 1ing of 4oab# has sent to me# saying#

So 4oab said to the elders of 4idian# :Now this com"any will lic1 u" everything around us# as an o! lic1s u" the grass of the field': And Bala1 the son of 5i""or was 1ing of the 4oabites at that time'

:)oo1# a "eo"le has come out of gy"t# and they cover the face of the earth' -ome now# curse them for me9 "erha"s 0 shall be able to over"ower them and drive them out':D

And (od said to Balaam# :Cou shall not go with them9 you shall not curse the "eo"le# for they are blessed':

So Balaam rose in the morning and said to the "rinces of Bala1# :(o bac1 to your land# for the )3+* has refused to give me "ermission to go with you':


And the "rinces of 4oab rose and went to Bala1# and said# :Balaam refuses to come with us':

don1ey turned aside out of the way and went into the field' So Balaam struc1 the don1ey to turn her bac1 onto the road'

Then Bala1 again sent "rinces# more numerous and more honorable than they'

Then the Angel of the )3+* stood in a narrow "ath between the vineyards# with a wall on this side and a wall on that side'

And they came to Balaam and said to him# :Thus says Bala1 the son of 5i""or7 :/lease let nothing hinder you from coming to me9

And when the don1ey saw the Angel of the )3+*# she "ushed herself against the wall and crushed BalaamDs foot against the wall9 so he struc1 her again'

for 0 will certainly honor you greatly# and 0 will do whatever you say to me' Therefore "lease come# curse this "eo"le for me':D

Then the Angel of the )3+* went further# and stood in a narrow "lace where there was no way to turn either to the right hand or to the left'

Then Balaam answered and said to the servants of Bala1# :Though Bala1 were to give me his house full of silver and gold# 0 could not go beyond the word of the )3+* my (od# to do less or more'

And when the don1ey saw the Angel of the )3+*# she lay down under Balaam9 so BalaamDs anger was aroused# and he struc1 the don1ey with his staff'

Now therefore# "lease# you also stay here tonight# that 0 may 1now what more the )3+* will say to me':

Then the )3+* o"ened the mouth of the don1ey# and she said to Balaam# :Bhat have 0 done to you# that you have struc1 me these three timesE:

And (od came to Balaam at night and said to him# :0f the men come to call you# rise and go with them9 but only the word which 0 s"ea1 to youFFthat you shall do':

And Balaam said to the don1ey# :Because you have abused me' 0 wish there were a sword in my hand# for now 0 would 1ill youH:

So Balaam rose in the morning# saddled his don1ey# and went with the "rinces of 4oab'

Then (odDs anger was aroused because he went# and the Angel of the )3+* too1 2is stand in the way as an adversary against him' And he was riding on his don1ey# and his two servants were with him'

So the don1ey said to Balaam# :Am 0 not your don1ey on which you have ridden# ever since 0 became yours# to this dayE Bas 0 ever dis"osed to do this to youE: And he said# :No':

Then the )3+* o"ened BalaamDs eyes# and he saw the Angel of the )3+* standing in the way with 2is drawn sword in 2is hand9 and he bowed his head and fell flat on his face'

Now the don1ey saw the Angel of the )3+* standing in the way with 2is drawn sword in 2is hand# and the

And the Angel of the )3+* said to him# :Bhy have you struc1 your don1ey

these three timesE Behold# 0 have come out to stand against you# because your way is "erverse before 4e'

"laces of Baal# that from there he might observe the e!tent of the "eo"le'

The don1ey saw 4e and turned aside from 4e these three times' 0f she had not turned aside from 4e# surely 0 would also have 1illed you by now# and let her live':

23Then Balaam said to Bala1# :Build

seven altars for me here# and "re"are for me here seven bulls and seven rams':

And Balaam said to the Angel of the )3+*# :0 have sinned# for 0 did not 1now Cou stood in the way against me' Now therefore# if it dis"leases Cou# 0 will turn bac1':

And Bala1 did $ust as Balaam had s"o1en# and Bala1 and Balaam offered a bull and a ram on each altar'

Then the Angel of the )3+* said to Balaam# :(o with the men# but only the word that 0 s"ea1 to you# that you shall s"ea1': So Balaam went with the "rinces of Bala1'

Then Balaam said to Bala1# :Stand by your burnt offering# and 0 will go9 "erha"s the )3+* will come to meet me# and whatever 2e shows me 0 will tell you': So he went to a desolate height'

Now when Bala1 heard that Balaam was coming# he went out to meet him at the city of 4oab# which is on the border at the Arnon# the boundary of the territory'

And (od met Balaam# and he said to 2im# :0 have "re"ared the seven altars# and 0 have offered on each altar a bull and a ram':

Then Bala1 said to Balaam# :*id 0 not earnestly send to you# calling for youE Bhy did you not come to meE Am 0 not able to honor youE:

Then the )3+* "ut a word in BalaamDs mouth# and said# :+eturn to Bala1# and thus you shall s"ea1':

So he returned to him# and there he was# standing by his burnt offering# he and all the "rinces of 4oab'

And Balaam said to Bala1# :)oo1# 0 have come to youH Now# have 0 any "ower at all to say anythingE The word that (od "uts in my mouth# that 0 must s"ea1':

And he too1 u" his oracle and said7 :Bala1 the 1ing of 4oab has brought me from Aram# From the mountains of the east' :-ome# curse Jacob for me# And come# denounce 0sraelHD

So Balaam went with Bala1# and they came to Kir$ath 2u.oth'


Then Bala1 offered o!en and shee"# and he sent some to Balaam and to the "rinces who were with him'

:2ow shall 0 curse whom (od has not cursedE And how shall 0 denounce whom the )3+* has not denouncedE

So it was# the ne!t day# that Bala1 too1 Balaam and brought him u" to the high

For from the to" of the roc1s 0 see him# And from the hills 0 behold him9 ThereH A "eo"le dwelling alone# Not rec1oning itself among the nations'


:Bho can count the dust of Jacob# 3r number oneFfourth of 0sraelE )et me die the death of the righteous# And let my end be li1e hisH:


Behold# 0 have received a command to bless9 2e has blessed# and 0 cannot reverse it'

Then Bala1 said to Balaam# :Bhat have you done to meE 0 too1 you to curse my enemies# and loo1# you have blessed them bountifullyH:

:2e has not observed iniGuity in Jacob# Nor has 2e seen wic1edness in 0srael' The )3+* his (od is with him# And the shout of a King is among them'

So he answered and said# :4ust 0 not ta1e heed to s"ea1 what the )3+* has "ut in my mouthE:

(od brings them out of strength li1e a wild o!'


gy"t9 2e has

Then Bala1 said to him# :/lease come with me to another "lace from which you may see them9 you shall see only the outer "art of them# and shall not see them all9 curse them for me from there':

:For there is no sorcery against Jacob# Nor any divination against 0srael' 0t now must be said of Jacob And of 0srael# :3h# what (od has doneHD

So he brought him to the field of 5o"him# to the to" of /isgah# and built seven altars# and offered a bull and a ram on each altar'

)oo1# a "eo"le rises li1e a lioness# And lifts itself u" li1e a lion9 0t shall not lie down until it devours the "rey# And drin1s the blood of the slain':

Then Bala1 said to Balaam# :Neither curse them at all# nor bless them at allH:

And he said to Bala1# :Stand here by your burnt offering while 0 meet the )3+* over there':

So Balaam answered and said to Bala1# :*id 0 not tell you# saying# :All that the )3+* s"ea1s# that 0 must doDE:

Then the )3+* met Balaam# and "ut a word in his mouth# and said# :(o bac1 to Bala1# and thus you shall s"ea1':

Then Bala1 said to Balaam# :/lease come# 0 will ta1e you to another "lace9 "erha"s it will "lease (od that you may curse them for me from there':

So he came to him# and there he was# standing by his burnt offering# and the "rinces of 4oab were with him' And Bala1 said to him# :Bhat has the )3+* s"o1enE:

So Bala1 too1 Balaam to the to" of /eor# that overloo1s the wasteland'

Then he too1 u" his oracle and said7 :+ise u"# Bala1# and hearH )isten to me# son of 5i""orH

Then Balaam said to Bala1# :Build for me here seven altars# and "re"are for me here seven bulls and seven rams':

:(od is not a man# that 2e should lie# Nor a son of man# that 2e should re"ent' 2as 2e said# and will 2e not doE 3r has 2e s"o1en# and will 2e not ma1e it goodE

And Bala1 did as Balaam had said# and offered a bull and a ram on every altar'

24Now when


Balaam saw that it "leased the )3+* to bless 0srael# he did not go as at other times# to see1 to use sorcery# but he set his face toward the wilderness'

Then Bala1Ds anger was aroused against Balaam# and he struc1 his hands together9 and Bala1 said to Balaam# :0 called you to curse my enemies# and loo1# you have bountifully blessed them these three timesH

And Balaam raised his eyes# and saw 0srael encam"ed according to their tribes9 and the S"irit of (od came u"on him'

Now therefore# flee to your "lace' 0 said 0 would greatly honor you# but in fact# the )3+* has 1e"t you bac1 from honor':

Then he too1 u" his oracle and said7 :The utterance of Balaam the son of Beor# The utterance of the man whose eyes are o"ened#

So Balaam said to Bala1# :*id 0 not also s"ea1 to your messengers whom you sent to me# saying#

The utterance of him who hears the words of (od# Bho sees the vision of the Almighty# Bho falls down# with eyes wide o"en7

:0f Bala1 were to give me his house full of silver and gold# 0 could not go beyond the word of the )3+*# to do good or bad of my own will' Bhat the )3+* says# that 0 must s"ea1DE

:2ow lovely are your tents# 3 JacobH Cour dwellings# 3 0sraelH


)i1e valleys that stretch out# )i1e gardens by the riverside# )i1e aloes "lanted by the )3+*# )i1e cedars beside the waters'

And now# indeed# 0 am going to my "eo"le' -ome# 0 will advise you what this "eo"le will do to your "eo"le in the latter days':

2e shall "our water from his buc1ets# And his seed shall be in many waters' :2is 1ing shall be higher than Agag# And his 1ingdom shall be e!alted'

So he too1 u" his oracle and said7 :The utterance of Balaam the son of Beor# And the utterance of the man whose eyes are o"ened9

:(od brings him out of gy"t9 2e has strength li1e a wild o!9 2e shall consume the nations# his enemies9 2e shall brea1 their bones And "ierce them with his arrows'

The utterance of him who hears the words of (od# And has the 1nowledge of the 4ost 2igh# Bho sees the vision of the Almighty# Bho falls down# with eyes wide o"en7

:2e bows down# he lies down as a lion9 And as a lion# who shall rouse himED :Blessed is he who blesses you# And cursed is he who curses you':

:0 see 2im# but not now9 0 behold 2im# but not near9 A Star shall come out of Jacob9 A Sce"ter shall rise out of 0srael# And batter the brow of 4oab# And destroy all the sons of tumult'

:And dom shall be a "ossession9 Seir also# his enemies# shall be a "ossession# Bhile 0srael does valiantly'


3ut of Jacob 3ne shall have dominion# And destroy the remains of the city':

Then he loo1ed on Amale1# and he too1 u" his oracle and said7 :Amale1 was first among the nations# But shall be last until he "erishes':

Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :Ta1e all the leaders of the "eo"le and hang the offenders before the )3+*# out in the sun# that the fierce anger of the )3+* may turn away from 0srael':

Then he loo1ed on the Kenites# and he too1 u" his oracle and said7 :Firm is your dwelling "lace# And your nest is set in the roc19

So 4oses said to the $udges of 0srael# : very one of you 1ill his men who were $oined to Baal of /eor':

Nevertheless Kain shall be burned' 2ow long until Asshur carries you away ca"tiveE:

And indeed# one of the children of 0srael came and "resented to his brethren a 4idianite woman in the sight of 4oses and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of 0srael# who were wee"ing at the door of the tabernacle of meeting'

Then he too1 u" his oracle and said7 :AlasH Bho shall live when (od does thisE

But shi"s shall come from the coasts of -y"rus# And they shall afflict Asshur and afflict ber# And so shall Amale1# until he "erishes':

Now when /hinehas the son of the son of Aaron the "riest# saw it# he rose from among the congregation and too1 a $avelin in his hand9

So Balaam rose and de"arted and returned to his "lace9 Bala1 also went his way'

and he went after the man of 0srael into the tent and thrust both of them through# the man of 0srael# and the woman through her body' So the "lague was sto""ed among the children of 0srael'


0srael remained in Acacia (rove# and the "eo"le began to commit harlotry with the women of 4oab' They invited the "eo"le to the sacrifices of their gods# and the "eo"le ate and bowed down to their gods'

And those who died in the "lague were twentyFfour thousand'


Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7


So 0srael was $oined to Baal of /eor# and the anger of the )3+* was aroused against 0srael'

:/hinehas the son of the son of Aaron the "riest# has turned bac1 4y wrath from the children of 0srael# because he was .ealous with 4y .eal among them# so that 0 did not consume the children of 0srael in 4y .eal'

Therefore say# :Behold# 0 give to him 4y covenant of "eace9


and it shall be to him and his descendants after him a covenant of an

everlasting "riesthood# because he was .ealous for his (od# and made atonement for the children of 0srael':D

children of 0srael who came out of the land of gy"t':


Now the name of the 0sraelite who was 1illed# who was 1illed with the 4idianite woman# was 5imri the son of Salu# a leader of a fatherDs house among the Simeonites'

+euben was the firstborn of 0srael' The children of +euben were7 of 2anoch# the family of the 2anochites9 of /allu# the family of the /alluites9

of 2e.ron# the family of the 2e.ronites9 of -armi# the family of the -armites'

And the name of the 4idianite woman who was 1illed was the daughter of 5ur9 he was head of the "eo"le of a fatherDs house in 4idian'

These are the families of the +eubenites7 those who were numbered of them were fortyFthree thousand seven hundred and thirty'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7


And the son of /allu was liab'

:2arass the 4idianites# and attac1 them9


for they harassed you with their schemes by which they seduced you in the matter of /eor and in the matter of the daughter of a leader of 4idian# their sister# who was 1illed in the day of the "lague because of /eor':

The sons of liab were Nemuel# *athan# and Abiram' These are the *athan and Abiram# re"resentatives of the congregation# who contended against 4oses and Aaron in the com"any of Korah# when they contended against the )3+*9

26And it came to "ass# after the

"lague# that the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses and the son of Aaron the "riest# saying7

and the earth o"ened its mouth and swallowed them u" together with Korah when that com"any died# when the fire devoured two hundred and fifty men9 and they became a sign'

Nevertheless the children of Korah did not die'


:Ta1e a census of all the congregation of the children of 0srael from twenty years old and above# by their fathersD houses# all who are able to go to war in 0srael':

The sons of Simeon according to their families were7 of Nemuel# the family of the Nemuelites9 of Jamin# the family of the Jaminites9 of Jachin# the family of the Jachinites9

So 4oses and the "riest s"o1e with them in the "lains of 4oab by the Jordan# across from Jericho# saying7

of 5erah# the family of the 5arhites9 of Shaul# the family of the Shaulites'

:Ta1e a census of the "eo"le from twenty years old and above# $ust as the )3+* commanded 4oses and the

These are the families of the Simeonites7 twentyFtwo thousand two hundred'


The sons of (ad according to their families were7 of 5e"hon# the family of the 5e"honites9 of 2aggi# the family of the 2aggites9 of Shuni# the family of the Shunites9


These are the families of 0ssachar according to those who were numbered of them7 si!tyFfour thousand three hundred'

of the family of the 3.nites9 of ri# the family of the rites9


of Arod# the family of the Arodites9 of Areli# the family of the Arelites'

The sons of 5ebulun according to their families were7 of Sered# the family of the Sardites9 of lon# the family of the lonites9 of Jahleel# the family of the Jahleelites'

These are the families of the sons of (ad according to those who were numbered of them7 forty thousand five hundred'

These are the families of the 5ebulunites according to those who were numbered of them7 si!ty thousand five hundred'

The sons of Judah were r and 3nan9 and r and 3nan died in the land of -anaan'

The sons of Jose"h according to their families# by 4anasseh and "hraim# were7

And the sons of Judah according to their families were7 of Shelah# the family of the Shelanites9 of /ere.# the family of the /ar.ites9 of 5erah# the family of the 5arhites'

The sons of 4anasseh7 of 4achir# the family of the 4achirites9 and 4achir begot (ilead9 of (ilead# the family of the (ileadites'

And the sons of /ere. were7 of 2e.ron# the family of the 2e.ronites9 of 2amul# the family of the 2amulites'

These are the sons of (ilead7 of the family of the Jee.erites9 of 2ele1# the family of the 2ele1ites9

These are the families of Judah according to those who were numbered of them7 seventyFsi! thousand five hundred'

of Asriel# the family of the Asrielites9 of Shechem# the family of the Shechemites9

of Shemida# the family of the Shemidaites9 of 2e"her# the family of the 2e"herites'

The sons of 0ssachar according to their families were7 of Tola# the family of the Tolaites9 of /uah# the family of the /unites9

of Jashub# the family of the Jashubites9 of Shimron# the family of the Shimronites'

Now 5elo"hehad the son of 2e"her had no sons# but daughters9 and the names of the daughters of 5elo"hehad were 4ahlah# Noah# 2oglah# 4ilcah# and Tir.ah'

These are the families of 4anasseh9 and those who were numbered of them were fiftyFtwo thousand seven hundred'


These are the sons of "hraim according to their families7 of Shuthelah# the family of the Shuthalhites9 of Becher# the family of the Bachrites9 of Tahan# the family of the Tahanites'

Jimnites9 of Jesui# the family of the Jesuites9 of Beriah# the family of the Beriites'

And these are the sons of Shuthelah7 of ran# the family of the ranites'

3f the sons of Beriah7 of 2eber# the family of the 2eberites9 of 4alchiel# the family of the 4alchielites'

These are the families of the sons of "hraim according to those who were numbered of them7 thirtyFtwo thousand five hundred' These are the sons of Jose"h according to their families'

And the name of the daughter of Asher was Serah'


These are the families of the sons of Asher according to those who were numbered of them7 fiftyFthree thousand four hundred'

The sons of Ben$amin according to their families were7 of Bela# the family of the Belaites9 of Ashbel# the family of the Ashbelites9 of Ahiram# the family of the Ahiramites9

The sons of Na"htali according to their families were7 of Jah.eel# the family of the Jah.eelites9 of (uni# the family of the (unites9

of Shu"ham# the family of the Shu"hamites9 of 2u"ham# the family of the 2u"hamites'

of the family of the Je.erites9 of Shillem# the family of the Shillemites'

And the sons of Bela were Ard and Naaman7 of Ard# the family of the Ardites9 of Naaman# the family of the Naamites'

These are the families of Na"htali according to their families9 and those who were numbered of them were fortyF five thousand four hundred'

These are the sons of Ben$amin according to their families9 and those who were numbered of them were fortyF five thousand si! hundred'

These are those who were numbered of the children of 0srael7 si! hundred and one thousand seven hundred and thirty'

These are the sons of *an according to their families7 of Shuham# the family of the Shuhamites' These are the families of *an according to their families'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7


:To these the land shall be divided as an inheritance# according to the number of names'

All the families of the Shuhamites# according to those who were numbered of them# were si!tyFfour thousand four hundred'

To a large tribe you shall give a larger inheritance# and to a small tribe you shall give a smaller inheritance' ach shall be given its inheritance according to those who were numbered of them'

The sons of Asher according to their families were7 of Jimna# the family of the


But the land shall be divided by lot9 they shall inherit according to the names of the tribes of their fathers'


According to the lot their inheritance shall be divided between the larger and the smaller':

But among these there was not a man of those who were numbered by 4oses and Aaron the "riest when they numbered the children of 0srael in the Bilderness of Sinai'

And these are those who were numbered of the )evites according to their families7 of (ershon# the family of the (ershonites9 of Kohath# the family of the Kohathites9 of 4erari# the family of the 4erarites'

For the )3+* had said of them# :They shall surely die in the wilderness': So there was not left a man of them# e!ce"t -aleb the son of Je"hunneh and Joshua the son of Nun'


These are the families of the )evites7 the family of the )ibnites# the family of the 2ebronites# the family of the 4ahlites# the family of the 4ushites# and the family of the Korathites' And Kohath begot Amram'

came the daughters of 5elo"hehad the son of 2e"her# the son of (ilead# the son of 4achir# the son of 4anasseh# from the families of 4anasseh the son of Jose"h9 and these were the names of his daughters7 4ahlah# Noah# 2oglah# 4ilcah# and Tir.ah'

The name of AmramDs wife was Jochebed the daughter of )evi# who was born to )evi in gy"t9 and to Amram she bore Aaron and 4oses and their sister 4iriam'

And they stood before 4oses# before the "riest# and before the leaders and all the congregation# by the doorway of the tabernacle of meeting# saying7

To Aaron were born Nadab and Abihu# and 0thamar'


And Nadab and Abihu died when they offered "rofane fire before the )3+*'

:3ur father died in the wilderness9 but he was not in the com"any of those who gathered together against the )3+*# in com"any with Korah# but he died in his own sin9 and he had no sons'

Now those who were numbered of them were twentyFthree thousand# every male from a month old and above9 for they were not numbered among the other children of 0srael# because there was no inheritance given to them among the children of 0srael'

Bhy should the name of our father be removed from among his family because he had no sonE (ive us a "ossession among our fatherDs brothers':

So 4oses brought their case before the )3+*'


These are those who were numbered by 4oses and the "riest# who numbered the children of 0srael in the "lains of 4oab by the Jordan# across from Jericho'

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7

:The daughters of 5elo"hehad s"ea1 what is right9 you shall surely give them

a "ossession of inheritance among their fatherDs brothers# and cause the inheritance of their father to "ass to them'


who may go out before them and go in before them# who may lead them out and bring them in# that the congregation of the )3+* may not be li1e shee" which have no she"herd':

And you shall s"ea1 to the children of 0srael# saying7 :0f a man dies and has no son# then you shall cause his inheritance to "ass to his daughter'

And the )3+* said to 4oses7 :Ta1e Joshua the son of Nun with you# a man in whom is the S"irit# and lay your hand on him9

0f he has no daughter# then you shall give his inheritance to his brothers'

0f he has no brothers# then you shall give his inheritance to his fatherDs brothers'

set him before the "riest and before all the congregation# and inaugurate him in their sight'

And if his father has no brothers# then you shall give his inheritance to the relative closest to him in his family# and he shall "ossess it':D And it shall be to the children of 0srael a statute of $udgment# $ust as the )3+* commanded 4oses'

And you shall give some of your authority to him# that all the congregation of the children of 0srael may be obedient'

Now the )3+* said to 4oses7 :(o u" into this 4ount Abarim# and see the land which 0 have given to the children of 0srael'

2e shall stand before the "riest# who shall inGuire before the )3+* for him by the $udgment of the Arim' At his word they shall go out# and at his word they shall come in# he and all the children of 0srael with himFFall the congregation':

And when you have seen it# you also shall be gathered to your "eo"le# as Aaron your brother was gathered'

So 4oses did as the )3+* commanded him' 2e too1 Joshua and set him before the "riest and before all the congregation'

For in the Bilderness of 5in# during the strife of the congregation# you rebelled against 4y command to hallow 4e at the waters before their eyes': IThese are the waters of 4eribah# at Kadesh in the Bilderness of 5in'J

And he laid his hands on him and inaugurated him# $ust as the )3+* commanded by the hand of 4oses'

28Now the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


Then 4oses s"o1e to the )3+*# saying7


:)et the )3+*# the (od of the s"irits of all flesh# set a man over the congregation#

:-ommand the children of 0srael# and say to them# :4y offering# 4y food for 4y offerings made by fire as a sweet aroma to 4e# you shall be careful to offer to 4e at their a""ointed time'D

:And you shall say to them# :This is the offering made by fire which you shall offer to the )3+*7 two male lambs in their first year without blemish# day by day# as a regular burnt offering'

each bull9 twoFtenths of an e"hah of fine flour as a grain offering# mi!ed with oil# for the one ram9

The one lamb you shall offer in the morning# the other lamb you shall offer in the evening#

and oneFtenth of an e"hah of fine flour# mi!ed with oil# as a grain offering for each lamb# as a burnt offering of sweet aroma# an offering made by fire to the )3+*'

and oneFtenth of an e"hah of fine flour as a grain offering mi!ed with oneFfourth of a hin of "ressed oil'

0t is a regular burnt offering which was ordained at 4ount Sinai for a sweet aroma# an offering made by fire to the )3+*'

Their drin1 offering shall be half a hin of wine for a bull# oneFthird of a hin for a ram# and oneFfourth of a hin for a lamb9 this is the burnt offering for each month throughout the months of the year'

And its drin1 offering shall be oneFfourth of a hin for each lamb9 in a holy "lace you shall "our out the drin1 to the )3+* as an offering'

Also one 1id of the goats as a sin offering to the )3+* shall be offered# besides the regular burnt offering and its drin1 offering'

:3n the fourteenth day of the first month is the /assover of the )3+*'

The other lamb you shall offer in the evening9 as the morning grain offering and its drin1 offering# you shall offer it as an offering made by fire# a sweet aroma to the )3+*'

And on the fifteenth day of this month is the feast9 unleavened bread shall be eaten for seven days'

:And on the Sabbath day two lambs in their first year# without blemish# and twoF tenths of an e"hah of fine flour as a grain offering# mi!ed with oil# with its drin1 offeringFF

3n the first day you shall have a holy convocation' Cou shall do no customary wor1'

this is the burnt offering for every Sabbath# besides the regular burnt offering with its drin1 offering'

And you shall "resent an offering made by fire as a burnt offering to the )3+*7 two young bulls# one ram# and seven lambs in their first year' Be sure they are without blemish'

:At the beginnings of your months you shall "resent a burnt offering to the )3+*7 two young bulls# one ram# and seven lambs in their first year# without blemish9

Their grain offering shall be of fine flour mi!ed with oil7 threeFtenths of an e"hah you shall offer for a bull# and twoFtenths for a ram9

you shall offer oneFtenth of an e"hah for each of the seven lambs9

threeFtenths of an e"hah of fine flour as a grain offering# mi!ed with oil# for


also one goat as a sin offering# to ma1e atonement for you'


holy convocation' Cou shall do no customary wor1' For you it is a day of blowing the trum"ets'

Cou shall offer these besides the burnt offering of the morning# which is for a regular burnt offering'

0n this manner you shall offer the food of the offering made by fire daily for seven days# as a sweet aroma to the )3+*9 it shall be offered besides the regular burnt offering and its drin1 offering'

Cou shall offer a burnt offering as a sweet aroma to the )3+*7 one young bull# one ram# and seven lambs in their first year# without blemish'

Their grain offering shall be fine flour mi!ed with oil7 threeFtenths of an e"hah for the bull# twoFtenths for the ram#

And on the seventh day you shall have a holy convocation' Cou shall do no customary wor1'

and oneFtenth for each of the seven lambs9


also one 1id of the goats as a sin offering# to ma1e atonement for you9

:Also on the day of the firstfruits# when you bring a new grain offering to the )3+* at your Feast of Bee1s# you shall have a holy convocation' Cou shall do no customary wor1'

Cou shall "resent a burnt offering as a sweet aroma to the )3+*7 two young bulls# one ram# and seven lambs in their first year#

besides the burnt offering with its grain offering for the New 4oon# the regular burnt offering with its grain offering# and their drin1 offerings# according to their ordinance# as a sweet aroma# an offering made by fire to the )3+*'

with their grain offering of fine flour mi!ed with oil7 threeFtenths of an e"hah for each bull# twoFtenths for the one ram#

:3n the tenth day of this seventh month you shall have a holy convocation' Cou shall afflict your souls9 you shall not do any wor1'

and oneFtenth for each of the seven lambs9


Cou shall "resent a burnt offering to the )3+* as a sweet aroma7 one young bull# one ram# and seven lambs in their first year' Be sure they are without blemish'

also one 1id of the goats# to ma1e atonement for you'


Be sure they are without blemish' Cou shall "resent them with their drin1 offerings# besides the regular burnt offering with its grain offering'

Their grain offering shall be of fine flour mi!ed with oil7 threeFtenths of an e"hah for the bull# twoFtenths for the one ram#

and oneFtenth for each of the seven lambs9


29:And in the seventh month# on the

first day of the month# you shall have a

also one 1id of the goats as a sin offering# besides the sin offering for atonement# the regular burnt offering

with its grain offering# and their drin1 offerings' L



:3n the fifteenth day of the seventh month you shall have a holy convocation' Cou shall do no customary wor1# and you shall 1ee" a feast to the )3+* seven days'

and their grain offering and their drin1 offerings for the bulls# for the rams# and for the lambs# by their number# according to the ordinance9

also one goat as a sin offering# besides the regular burnt offering# its grain offering# and its drin1 offering'

Cou shall "resent a burnt offering# an offering made by fire as a sweet aroma to the )3+*7 thirteen young bulls# two rams# and fourteen lambs in their first year' They shall be without blemish'

:3n the fourth day "resent ten bulls# two rams# and fourteen lambs in their first year# without blemish#

Their grain offering shall be of fine flour mi!ed with oil7 threeFtenths of an e"hah for each of the thirteen bulls# twoFtenths for each of the two rams#

and their grain offering and their drin1 offerings for the bulls# for the rams# and for the lambs# by their number# according to the ordinance9

and oneFtenth for each of the fourteen lambs9


also one 1id of the goats as a sin offering# besides the regular burnt offering# its grain offering# and its drin1 offering'

also one 1id of the goats as a sin offering# besides the regular burnt offering# its grain offering# and its drin1 offering'

:3n the fifth day "resent nine bulls# two rams# and fourteen lambs in their first year without blemish#

:3n the second day "resent twelve young bulls# two rams# fourteen lambs in their first year without blemish#

and their grain offering and their drin1 offerings for the bulls# for the rams# and for the lambs# by their number# according to the ordinance9

and their grain offering and their drin1 offerings for the bulls# for the rams# and for the lambs# by their number# according to the ordinance9

also one goat as a sin offering# besides the regular burnt offering# its grain offering# and its drin1 offering'

also one 1id of the goats as a sin offering# besides the regular burnt offering with its grain offering# and their drin1 offerings'

:3n the si!th day "resent eight bulls# two rams# and fourteen lambs in their first year without blemish#

:3n the third day "resent eleven bulls# two rams# fourteen lambs in their first year without blemish#

and their grain offering and their drin1 offerings for the bulls# for the rams# and for the lambs# by their number# according to the ordinance9


also one goat as a sin offering# besides the regular burnt offering# its grain offering# and its drin1 offering'

30Then 4oses s"o1e to the heads

of the tribes concerning the children of 0srael# saying# :This is the thing which the )3+* has commanded7

:3n the seventh day "resent seven bulls# two rams# and fourteen lambs in their first year without blemish#

and their grain offering and their drin1 offerings for the bulls# for the rams# and for the lambs# by their number# according to the ordinance9

0f a man ma1es a vow to the )3+*# or swears an oath to bind himself by some agreement# he shall not brea1 his word9 he shall do according to all that "roceeds out of his mouth'

also one goat as a sin offering# besides the regular burnt offering# its grain offering# and its drin1 offering'

:3r if a woman ma1es a vow to the )3+*# and binds herself by some agreement while in her fatherDs house in her youth#

:3n the eighth day you shall have a sacred assembly' Cou shall do no customary wor1'

Cou shall "resent a burnt offering# an offering made by fire as a sweet aroma to the )3+*7 one bull# one ram# seven lambs in their first year without blemish#

and her father hears her vow and the agreement by which she has bound herself# and her father holds his "eace# then all her vows shall stand# and every agreement with which she has bound herself shall stand'

and their grain offering and their drin1 offerings for the bull# for the ram# and for the lambs# by their number# according to the ordinance9

But if her father overrules her on the day that he hears# then none of her vows nor her agreements by which she has bound herself shall stand9 and the )3+* will release her# because her father overruled her'

also one goat as a sin offering# besides the regular burnt offering# its grain offering# and its drin1 offering'

:0f indeed she ta1es a husband# while bound by her vows or by a rash utterance from her li"s by which she bound herself#

:These you shall "resent to the )3+* at your a""ointed feasts Ibesides your vowed offerings and your freewill offeringsJ as your burnt offerings and your grain offerings# as your drin1 offerings and your "eace offerings':D

and her husband hears it# and ma1es no res"onse to her on the day that he hears# then her vows shall stand# and her agreements by which she bound herself shall stand'

So 4oses told the children of 0srael everything# $ust as the )3+* commanded 4oses'

But if her husband overrules her on the day that he hears it# he shall ma1e void her vow which she too1 and what she uttered with her li"s# by which she bound herself# and the )3+* will release her'

:Also any vow of a widow or a divorced woman# by which she has bound herself# shall stand against her'

31And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


:0f she vowed in her husbandDs house# or bound herself by an agreement with an oath#

:Ta1e vengeance on the 4idianites for the children of 0srael' Afterward you shall be gathered to your "eo"le':

and her husband heard it# and made no res"onse to her and did not overrule her# then all her vows shall stand# and every agreement by which she bound herself shall stand'

So 4oses s"o1e to the "eo"le# saying# :Arm some of yourselves for war# and let them go against the 4idianites to ta1e vengeance for the )3+* on 4idian'

But if her husband truly made them void on the day he heard them# then whatever "roceeded from her li"s concerning her vows or concerning the agreement binding her# it shall not stand9 her husband has made them void# and the )3+* will release her'

A thousand from each tribe of all the tribes of 0srael you shall send to the war':

So there were recruited from the divisions of 0srael one thousand from each tribe# twelve thousand armed for war'

very vow and every binding oath to afflict her soul# her husband may confirm it# or her husband may ma1e it void'

Now if her husband ma1es no res"onse whatever to her from day to day# then he confirms all her vows or all the agreements that bind her9 he confirms them# because he made no res"onse to her on the day that he heard them'

Then 4oses sent them to the war# one thousand from each tribe9 he sent them to the war with /hinehas the son of the "riest# with the holy articles and the signal trum"ets in his hand'

And they warred against the 4idianites# $ust as the )3+* commanded 4oses# and they 1illed all the males'

But if he does ma1e them void after he has heard them# then he shall bear her guilt':

They 1illed the 1ings of 4idian with the rest of those who were 1illedFF vi# +e1em# 5ur# 2ur# and +eba# the five 1ings of 4idian' Balaam the son of Beor they also 1illed with the sword'

These are the statutes which the )3+* commanded 4oses# between a man and his wife# and between a father and his daughter in her youth in her fatherDs house'

And the children of 0srael too1 the women of 4idian ca"tive# with their little ones# and too1 as s"oil all their cattle# all their floc1s# and all their goods'

They also burned with fire all the cities where they dwelt# and all their forts'


And they too1 all the s"oil and all the bootyFFof man and beast'


Then they brought the ca"tives# the booty# and the s"oil to 4oses# to the "riest# and to the congregation of the children of 0srael# to the cam" in the "lains of 4oab by the Jordan# across from Jericho'

Then the "riest said to the men of war who had gone to the battle# :This is the ordinance of the law which the )3+* commanded 4oses7

:3nly the gold# the silver# the bron.e# the iron# the tin# and the lead#

And 4oses# the "riest# and all the leaders of the congregation# went to meet them outside the cam"'

everything that can endure fire# you shall "ut through the fire# and it shall be clean9 and it shall be "urified with the water of "urification' But all that cannot endure fire you shall "ut through water'

But 4oses was angry with the officers of the army# with the ca"tains over thousands and ca"tains over hundreds# who had come from the battle'

And you shall wash your clothes on the seventh day and be clean# and afterward you may come into the cam"':

And 4oses said to them7 :2ave you 1e"t all the women aliveE

Now the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying7


)oo1# these women caused the children of 0srael# through the counsel of Balaam# to tres"ass against the )3+* in the incident of /eor# and there was a "lague among the congregation of the )3+*'

:-ount u" the "lunder that was ta1enFF of man and beastFFyou and the "riest and the chief fathers of the congregation9

Now therefore# 1ill every male among the little ones# and 1ill every woman who has 1nown a man intimately'

and divide the "lunder into two "arts# between those who too1 "art in the war# who went out to battle# and all the congregation'

But 1ee" alive for yourselves all the young girls who have not 1nown a man intimately'

And levy a tribute for the )3+* on the men of war who went out to battle7 one of every five hundred of the "ersons# the cattle# the don1eys# and the shee"9

And as for you# remain outside the cam" seven days9 whoever has 1illed any "erson# and whoever has touched any slain# "urify yourselves and your ca"tives on the third day and on the seventh day'

ta1e it from their half# and give it to the "riest as a heave offering to the )3+*'

/urify every garment# everything made of leather# everything woven of goatsD hair# and everything made of wood':

And from the children of 0sraelDs half you shall ta1e one of every fifty# drawn from the "ersons# the cattle# the don1eys# and the shee"# from all the livestoc1# and give them to the )evites who 1ee" charge of the tabernacle of the )3+*':


So 4oses and the "riest did as the )3+* commanded 4oses'

thirtyFseven shee"#




The booty remaining from the "lunder# which the men of war had ta1en# was si! hundred and seventyFfive thousand shee"#

thirtyFsi! thousand cattle# thirty thousand five hundred don1eys# and si!teen thousand "ersonsFF



seventyFtwo thousand cattle#



si!tyFone thousand don1eys#


and thirtyFtwo thousand "ersons in all# of women who had not 1nown a man intimately'

and from the children of 0sraelDs half 4oses too1 one of every fifty# drawn from man and beast# and gave them to the )evites# who 1e"t charge of the tabernacle of the )3+*# as the )3+* commanded 4oses'

And the half# the "ortion for those who had gone out to war# was in number three hundred and thirtyFseven thousand five hundred shee"9

Then the officers who were over thousands of the army# the ca"tains of thousands and ca"tains of hundreds# came near to 4oses9

and the )3+*Ds tribute of the shee" was si! hundred and seventyFfive'

The cattle were thirtyFsi! thousand# of which the )3+*Ds tribute was seventyF two'

and they said to 4oses# :Cour servants have ta1en a count of the men of war who are under our command# and not a man of us is missing'

The don1eys were thirty thousand five hundred# of which the )3+*Ds tribute was si!tyFone'

Therefore we have brought an offering for the )3+*# what every man found of ornaments of gold7 armlets and bracelets and signet rings and earrings and nec1laces# to ma1e atonement for ourselves before the )3+*':

The "ersons were si!teen thousand# of which the )3+*Ds tribute was thirtyFtwo "ersons'

So 4oses and the "riest received the gold from them# all the fashioned ornaments'

So 4oses gave the tribute which was the )3+*Ds heave offering to the "riest# as the )3+* commanded 4oses'

And from the children of 0sraelDs half# which 4oses se"arated from the men who foughtFF

And all the gold of the offering that they offered to the )3+*# from the ca"tains of thousands and ca"tains of hundreds# was si!teen thousand seven hundred and fifty she1els'

IThe men of war had ta1en s"oil# every man for himself'J

now the half belonging to the congregation was three hundred and


And 4oses and the "riest received the gold from the ca"tains of thousands and of hundreds# and brought it into the tabernacle of meeting as a memorial for the children of 0srael before the )3+*'

For when they went u" to the Valley of shcol and saw the land# they discouraged the heart of the children of 0srael# so that they did not go into the land which the )3+* had given them'

32Now the children of +euben and

the children of (ad had a very great multitude of livestoc19 and when they saw the land of and the land of (ilead# that indeed the region was a "lace for livestoc1#

So the )3+*Ds anger was aroused on that day# and 2e swore an oath# saying#

:Surely none of the men who came u" from gy"t# from twenty years old and above# shall see the land of which 0 swore to Abraham# 0saac# and Jacob# because they have not wholly followed 4e#

the children of (ad and the children of +euben came and s"o1e to 4oses# to the "riest# and to the leaders of the congregation# saying#

e!ce"t -aleb the son of Je"hunneh# the Keni..ite# and Joshua the son of Nun# for they have wholly followed the )3+*'D

:Ataroth# 2eshbon# Beon#


*ibon# Nimrah# lealeh# Shebam# Nebo# and

the country which the )3+* defeated before the congregation of 0srael# is a land for livestoc1# and your servants have livestoc1':

So the )3+*Ds anger was aroused against 0srael# and 2e made them wander in the wilderness forty years# until all the generation that had done evil in the sight of the )3+* was gone'

Therefore they said# :0f we have found favor in your sight# let this land be given to your servants as a "ossession' *o not ta1e us over the Jordan':

And loo1H Cou have risen in your fathersD "lace# a brood of sinful men# to increase still more the fierce anger of the )3+* against 0srael'

And 4oses said to the children of (ad and to the children of +euben7 :Shall your brethren go to war while you sit hereE

For if you turn away from following 2im# 2e will once again leave them in the wilderness# and you will destroy all these "eo"le':

Now why will you discourage the heart of the children of 0srael from going over into the land which the )3+* has given themE

Then they came near to him and said7 :Be will build shee"folds here for our livestoc1# and cities for our little ones#

Thus your fathers did when 0 sent them away from Kadesh Barnea to see the land'

but we ourselves will be armed# ready to go before the children of 0srael until we have brought them to their "lace9 and our little ones will dwell in the fortified cities because of the inhabitants of the land'


Be will not return to our homes until every one of the children of 0srael has received his inheritance'


So 4oses gave command concerning them to the "riest# to Joshua the son of Nun# and to the chief fathers of the tribes of the children of 0srael'

For we will not inherit with them on the other side of the Jordan and beyond# because our inheritance has fallen to us on this eastern side of the Jordan':

Then 4oses said to them7 :0f you do this thing# if you arm yourselves before the )3+* for the war#

And 4oses said to them7 :0f the children of (ad and the children of +euben cross over the Jordan with you# every man armed for battle before the )3+*# and the land is subdued before you# then you shall give them the land of (ilead as a "ossession'

and all your armed men cross over the Jordan before the )3+* until 2e has driven out 2is enemies from before 2im#

But if they do not cross over armed with you# they shall have "ossessions among you in the land of -anaan':

and the land is subdued before the )3+*# then afterward you may return and be blameless before the )3+* and before 0srael9 and this land shall be your "ossession before the )3+*'

Then the children of (ad and the children of +euben answered# saying7 :As the )3+* has said to your servants# so we will do'

But if you do not do so# then ta1e note# you have sinned against the )3+*9 and be sure your sin will find you out'

Be will cross over armed before the )3+* into the land of -anaan# but the "ossession of our inheritance shall remain with us on this side of the Jordan':

Build cities for your little ones and folds for your shee"# and do what has "roceeded out of your mouth':

And the children of (ad and the children of +euben s"o1e to 4oses# saying7 :Cour servants will do as my lord commands'

So 4oses gave to the children of (ad# to the children of +euben# and to half the tribe of 4anasseh the son of Jose"h# the 1ingdom of Sihon 1ing of the Amorites and the 1ingdom of 3g 1ing of Bashan# the land with its cities within the borders# the cities of the surrounding country'

3ur little ones# our wives# our floc1s# and all our livestoc1 will be there in the cities of (ilead9

And the children of (ad built *ibon and Ataroth and Aroer#

but your servants will cross over# every man armed for war# before the )3+* to battle# $ust as my lord says':

Atroth and Sho"han and and Jogbehah#


Beth Nimrah and Beth 2aran# fortified cities# and folds for shee"'

And the children of +euben built 2eshbon and lealeh and Kir$athaim#


Nebo and Baal 4eon Itheir names being changedJ and Shibmah9 and they gave other names to the cities which they built'


They de"arted from Succoth and cam"ed at tham# which is on the edge of the wilderness'

And the children of 4achir the son of 4anasseh went to (ilead and too1 it# and dis"ossessed the Amorites who were in it'

They moved from tham and turned bac1 to /i 2ahiroth# which is east of Baal 5e"hon9 and they cam"ed near 4igdol'

So 4oses gave (ilead to 4achir the son of 4anasseh# and he dwelt in it'

Also Jair the son of 4anasseh went and too1 its small towns# and called them 2avoth Jair'

They de"arted from before 2ahiroth and "assed through the midst of the sea into the wilderness# went three daysD $ourney in the Bilderness of tham# and cam"ed at 4arah'

Then Nobah went and too1 Kenath and its villages# and he called it Nobah# after his own name'

They moved from 4arah and came to lim' At lim were twelve s"rings of water and seventy "alm trees9 so they cam"ed there'


They moved from lim and cam"ed by the +ed Sea'


are the $ourneys of the children of 0srael# who went out of the land of gy"t by their armies under the hand of 4oses and Aaron' Now 4oses wrote down the starting "oints of their $ourneys at the command of the )3+*' And these are their $ourneys according to their starting "oints7

They moved from the +ed Sea and cam"ed in the Bilderness of Sin'

They $ourneyed from the Bilderness of Sin and cam"ed at *o"h1ah'


They de"arted from *o"h1ah and cam"ed at Alush'


They de"arted from +ameses in first month# on the fifteenth day of first month9 on the day after /assover the children of 0srael went with boldness in the sight of all gy"tians'

the the the out the

They moved from Alush and cam"ed at +e"hidim# where there was no water for the "eo"le to drin1'

They de"arted from +e"hidim and cam"ed in the Bilderness of Sinai'


For the gy"tians were burying all their firstborn# whom the )3+* had 1illed among them' Also on their gods the )3+* had e!ecuted $udgments'

They moved from the Bilderness of Sinai and cam"ed at Kibroth 2attaavah'

They de"arted from Kibroth 2attaavah and cam"ed at 2a.eroth'


Then the children of 0srael moved from +ameses and cam"ed at Succoth'

They de"arted from 2a.eroth and cam"ed at +ithmah'


They de"arted from +ithmah and cam"ed at +immon /ere.'



They moved from cam"ed at Abronah'




They de"arted from +immon /ere. and cam"ed at )ibnah'


They de"arted from Abronah and cam"ed at .ion (eber'


They moved from )ibnah and cam"ed at +issah'


They moved from .ion (eber and cam"ed in the Bilderness of 5in# which is Kadesh'

They $ourneyed from cam"ed at Kehelathah'



and They moved from Kadesh and cam"ed at 4ount 2or# on the boundary of the land of dom'

They went from Kehelathah cam"ed at 4ount She"her'



They moved from 4ount She"her and cam"ed at 2aradah'


They moved from cam"ed at 4a1heloth'




Then Aaron the "riest went u" to 4ount 2or at the command of the )3+*# and died there in the fortieth year after the children of 0srael had come out of the land of gy"t# on the first day of the fifth month'

They moved from 4a1heloth and cam"ed at Tahath'


Aaron was one hundred and twentyF three years old when he died on 4ount 2or'

They de"arted cam"ed at Terah'





They moved from Terah and cam"ed at 4ith1ah'


Now the 1ing of Arad# the -anaanite# who dwelt in the South in the land of -anaan# heard of the coming of the children of 0srael'

They went from 4ith1ah and cam"ed at 2ashmonah'


So they de"arted from 4ount 2or and cam"ed at 5almonah'


They de"arted from 2ashmonah and cam"ed at 4oseroth'


They de"arted from 5almonah and cam"ed at /unon'


They de"arted from 4oseroth and cam"ed at Bene Jaa1an'


They de"arted cam"ed at 3both'





They moved from Bene Jaa1an and cam"ed at 2or 2agidgad'


They de"arted from 3both and cam"ed at 0$e Abarim# at the border of 4oab'

They went from 2or 2agidgad and cam"ed at Jotbathah'

They de"arted from 0$im and cam"ed at *ibon (ad'


They moved from *ibon (ad and cam"ed at Almon *iblathaim'


thorns in your sides# and they shall harass you in the land where you dwell'

They moved from Almon *iblathaim and cam"ed in the mountains of Abarim# before Nebo'

4oreover it shall be that 0 will do to you as 0 thought to do to them':D

They de"arted from the mountains of Abarim and cam"ed in the "lains of 4oab by the Jordan# across from Jericho'

34Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses#


They cam"ed by the Jordan# from Beth Jesimoth as far as the Abel Acacia (rove in the "lains of 4oab'

:-ommand the children of 0srael# and say to them7 :Bhen you come into the land of -anaan# this is the land that shall fall to you as an inheritanceFFthe land of -anaan to its boundaries'

Now the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses in the "lains of 4oab by the Jordan# across from Jericho# saying#

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# and say to them7 :Bhen you have crossed the Jordan into the land of -anaan#

Cour southern border shall be from the Bilderness of 5in along the border of dom9 then your southern border shall e!tend eastward to the end of the Salt Sea9

then you shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you# destroy all their engraved stones# destroy all their molded images# and demolish all their high "laces9

your border shall turn from the southern side of the Ascent of A1rabbim# continue to 5in# and be on the south of Kadesh Barnea9 then it shall go on to Addar# and continue to A.mon9

you shall dis"ossess the inhabitants of the land and dwell in it# for 0 have given you the land to "ossess'

the border shall turn from A.mon to the Broo1 of gy"t# and it shall end at the Sea'

And you shall divide the land by lot as an inheritance among your families9 to the larger you shall give a larger inheritance# and to the smaller you shall give a smaller inheritance9 there everyoneDs inheritance shall be whatever falls to him by lot' Cou shall inherit according to the tribes of your fathers'

:As for the western border# you shall have the (reat Sea for a border9 this shall be your western border'

:And this shall be your northern border7 From the (reat Sea you shall mar1 out your border line to 4ount 2or9

But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you# then it shall be that those whom you let remain shall be irritants in your eyes and

from 4ount 2or you shall mar1 out your border to the entrance of 2amath9 then the direction of the border shall be toward 5edad9

the border shall "roceed to 5i"hron# and it shall end at nan' This shall be your northern border'


These are the names of the men7 from the tribe of Judah# -aleb the son of Je"hunneh9

:Cou shall mar1 out your eastern border from nan to She"ham9

from the tribe of the children of Simeon# Shemuel the son of Ammihud9

the border shall go down from She"ham to +iblah on the east side of Ain9 the border shall go down and reach to the eastern side of the Sea of -hinnereth9

from the tribe of Ben$amin# son of -hislon9


lidad the

a leader from the tribe of the children of *an# Bu11i the son of Jogli9

the border shall go down along the Jordan# and it shall end at the Salt Sea' This shall be your land with its surrounding boundaries':D

from the sons of Jose"h7 a leader from the tribe of the children of 4anasseh# 2anniel the son of "hod#

Then 4oses commanded the children of 0srael# saying7 :This is the land which you shall inherit by lot# which the )3+* has commanded to give to the nine tribes and to the halfFtribe'

and a leader from the tribe of the children of "hraim# Kemuel the son of Shi"htan9

For the tribe of the children of +euben according to the house of their fathers# and the tribe of the children of (ad according to the house of their fathers# have received their inheritance9 and the halfFtribe of 4anasseh has received its inheritance'

a leader from the tribe of the children of 5ebulun# li.a"han the son of /arnach9

a leader from the tribe of the children of 0ssachar# /altiel the son of A..an9

a leader from the tribe of the children of Asher# Ahihud the son of Shelomi9

The two tribes and the halfFtribe have received their inheritance on this side of the Jordan# across from Jericho eastward# toward the sunrise':

and a leader from the tribe of the children of Na"htali# /edahel the son of Ammihud':

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


These are the ones the )3+* commanded to divide the inheritance among the children of 0srael in the land of -anaan'

:These are the names of the men who shall divide the land among you as an inheritance7 the "riest and Joshua the son of Nun'

35And the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses in

the "lains of 4oab by the Jordan across from Jericho# saying7

And you shall ta1e one leader of every tribe to divide the land for the inheritance'

:-ommand the children of 0srael that they give the )evites cities to dwell in

from the inheritance of their "ossession# and you shall also give the )evites commonFland around the cities'


then you shall a""oint cities to be cities of refuge for you# that the manslayer who 1ills any "erson accidentally may flee there'

They shall have the cities to dwell in9 and their commonFland shall be for their cattle# for their herds# and for all their animals'

They shall be cities of refuge for you from the avenger# that the manslayer may not die until he stands before the congregation in $udgment'

The commonFland of the cities which you will give the )evites shall e!tend from the wall of the city outward a thousand cubits all around'

And of the cities which you give# you shall have si! cities of refuge'

And you shall measure outside the city on the east side two thousand cubits# on the south side two thousand cubits# on the west side two thousand cubits# and on the north side two thousand cubits' The city shall be in the middle' This shall belong to them as commonFland for the cities'

Cou shall a""oint three cities on this side of the Jordan# and three cities you shall a""oint in the land of -anaan# which will be cities of refuge'

These si! cities shall be for refuge for the children of 0srael# for the stranger# and for the so$ourner among them# that anyone who 1ills a "erson accidentally may flee there'

:Now among the cities which you will give to the )evites you shall a""oint si! cities of refuge# to which a manslayer may flee' And to these you shall add fortyFtwo cities'

:But if he stri1es him with an iron im"lement# so that he dies# he is a murderer9 the murderer shall surely be "ut to death'

So all the cities you will give to the )evites shall be fortyFeight9 these you shall give with their commonFland'

And if he stri1es him with a stone in the hand# by which one could die# and he does die# he is a murderer9 the murderer shall surely be "ut to death'

And the cities which you will give shall be from the "ossession of the children of 0srael9 from the larger tribe you shall give many# from the smaller you shall give few' ach shall give some of its cities to the )evites# in "ro"ortion to the inheritance that each receives':

3r if he stri1es him with a wooden hand wea"on# by which one could die# and he does die# he is a murderer9 the murderer shall surely be "ut to death'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses# saying#


The avenger of blood himself shall "ut the murderer to death9 when he meets him# he shall "ut him to death'

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# and say to them7 :Bhen you cross the Jordan into the land of -anaan#

0f he "ushes him out of hatred or# while lying in wait# hurls something at him so that he dies#


or in enmity he stri1es him with his hand so that he dies# the one who struc1 him shall surely be "ut to death' 2e is a murderer' The avenger of blood shall "ut the murderer to death when he meets him'


Bhoever 1ills a "erson# the murderer shall be "ut to death on the testimony of witnesses9 but one witness is not sufficient testimony against a "erson for the death "enalty'

:2owever# if he "ushes him suddenly without enmity# or throws anything at him without lying in wait#

4oreover you shall ta1e no ransom for the life of a murderer who is guilty of death# but he shall surely be "ut to death'

or uses a stone# by which a man could die# throwing it at him without seeing him# so that he dies# while he was not his enemy or see1ing his harm#

And you shall ta1e no ransom for him who has fled to his city of refuge# that he may return to dwell in the land before the death of the "riest'

then the congregation shall $udge between the manslayer and the avenger of blood according to these $udgments'

So the congregation shall deliver the manslayer from the hand of the avenger of blood# and the congregation shall return him to the city of refuge where he had fled# and he shall remain there until the death of the high "riest who was anointed with the holy oil'

So you shall not "ollute the land where you are9 for blood defiles the land# and no atonement can be made for the land# for the blood that is shed on it# e!ce"t by the blood of him who shed it'

Therefore do not defile the land which you inhabit# in the midst of which 0 dwell9 for 0 the )3+* dwell among the children of 0srael':D

But if the manslayer at any time goes outside the limits of the city of refuge where he fled#


and the avenger of blood finds him outside the limits of his city of refuge# and the avenger of blood 1ills the manslayer# he shall not be guilty of blood#

the chief fathers of the families of the children of (ilead the son of 4achir# the son of 4anasseh# of the families of the sons of Jose"h# came near and s"o1e before 4oses and before the leaders# the chief fathers of the children of 0srael'

because he should have remained in his city of refuge until the death of the high "riest' But after the death of the high "riest the manslayer may return to the land of his "ossession'

And they said7 :The )3+* commanded my lord 4oses to give the land as an inheritance by lot to the children of 0srael# and my lord was commanded by the )3+* to give the inheritance of our brother 5elo"hehad to his daughters'

:And these things shall be a statute of $udgment to you throughout your generations in all your dwellings'

Now if they are married to any of the sons of the other tribes of the children of 0srael# then their inheritance will be ta1en from the inheritance of our fathers# and it will be added to the

inheritance of the tribe into which they marry9 so it will be ta1en from the lot of our inheritance'


And when the Jubilee of the children of 0srael comes# then their inheritance will be added to the inheritance of the tribe into which they marry9 so their inheritance will be ta1en away from the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers':

And every daughter who "ossesses an inheritance in any tribe of the children of 0srael shall be the wife of one of the family of her fatherDs tribe# so that the children of 0srael each may "ossess the inheritance of his fathers'

Thus no inheritance shall change hands from one tribe to another# but every tribe of the children of 0srael shall 1ee" its own inheritance':

Then 4oses commanded the children of 0srael according to the word of the )3+*# saying7 :Bhat the tribe of the sons of Jose"h s"ea1s is right'

Just as the )3+* commanded 4oses# so did the daughters of 5elo"hehad9


This is what the )3+* commands concerning the daughters of 5elo"hehad# saying# :)et them marry whom they thin1 best# but they may marry only within the family of their fatherDs tribe'D

for 4ahlah# Tir.ah# 2oglah# 4ilcah# and Noah# the daughters of 5elo"hehad# were married to the sons of their fatherDs brothers'

So the inheritance of the children of 0srael shall not change hands from tribe to tribe# for every one of the children of 0srael shall 1ee" the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers'

They were married into the families of the children of 4anasseh the son of Jose"h# and their inheritance remained in the tribe of their fatherDs family'

These are the commandments and the $udgments which the )3+* commanded the children of 0srael by the hand of 4oses in the "lains of 4oab by the Jordan# across from Jericho'

Deuteronomy 1These are the words which 4oses

s"o1e to all 0srael on this side of the Jordan in the wilderness# in the "lain o""osite Su"h# between /aran# To"hel# )aban# 2a.eroth# and *i.ahab'
, ?

:And 0 s"o1e to you at that time# saying7 :0 alone am not able to bear you'

The )3+* your (od has multi"lied you# and here you are today# as the stars of heaven in multitude'

0t is eleven daysD $ourney from 2oreb by way of 4ount Seir to Kadesh Barnea'

Now it came to "ass in the fortieth year# in the eleventh month# on the first day of the month# that 4oses s"o1e to the children of 0srael according to all that the )3+* had given him as commandments to them#

4ay the )3+* (od of your fathers ma1e you a thousand times more numerous than you are# and bless you as 2e has "romised youH

2ow can 0 alone bear your "roblems and your burdens and your com"laintsE

after he had 1illed Sihon 1ing of the Amorites# who dwelt in 2eshbon# and 3g 1ing of Bashan# who dwelt at Ashtaroth in drei'

-hoose wise# understanding# and 1nowledgeable men from among your tribes# and 0 will ma1e them heads over you'D

3n this side of the Jordan in the land of 4oab# 4oses began to e!"lain this law# saying#

And you answered me and said# :The thing which you have told us to do is good'D

:The )3+* our (od s"o1e to us in 2oreb# saying7 :Cou have dwelt long enough at this mountain'

So 0 too1 the heads of your tribes# wise and 1nowledgeable men# and made them heads over you# leaders of thousands# leaders of hundreds# leaders of fifties# leaders of tens# and officers for your tribes'

Turn and ta1e your $ourney# and go to the mountains of the Amorites# to all the neighboring "laces in the "lain# in the mountains and in the lowland# in the South and on the seacoast# to the land of the -anaanites and to )ebanon# as far as the great river# the +iver u"hrates'

:Then 0 commanded your $udges at that time# saying# :2ear the cases between your brethren# and $udge righteously between a man and his brother or the stranger who is with him'

See# 0 have set the land before you9 go in and "ossess the land which the )3+* swore to your fathersFFto Abraham# 0saac# and JacobFFto give to them and their descendants after them'D

Cou shall not show "artiality in $udgment9 you shall hear the small as well as the great9 you shall not be afraid in any manDs "resence# for the $udgment is (odDs' The case that is too hard for you# bring to me# and 0 will hear it'D


And 0 commanded you at that time all the things which you should do'

to deliver us into the hand of the Amorites# to destroy us'


:So we de"arted from 2oreb# and went through all that great and terrible wilderness which you saw on the way to the mountains of the Amorites# as the )3+* our (od had commanded us' Then we came to Kadesh Barnea'

Bhere can we go u"E 3ur brethren have discouraged our hearts# saying# :The "eo"le are greater and taller than we9 the cities are great and fortified u" to heaven9 moreover we have seen the sons of the Ana1im there':D

And 0 said to you# :Cou have come to the mountains of the Amorites# which the )3+* our (od is giving us'

:Then 0 said to you# :*o not be terrified# or afraid of them'


)oo1# the )3+* your (od has set the land before you9 go u" and "ossess it# as the )3+* (od of your fathers has s"o1en to you9 do not fear or be discouraged'D

The )3+* your (od# who goes before you# 2e will fight for you# according to all 2e did for you in gy"t before your eyes#

:And every one of you came near to me and said# :)et us send men before us# and let them search out the land for us# and bring bac1 word to us of the way by which we should go u"# and of the cities into which we shall come'D

and in the wilderness where you saw how the )3+* your (od carried you# as a man carries his son# in all the way that you went until you came to this "lace'D

Cet# for all that# you did not believe the )3+* your (od#

:The "lan "leased me well9 so 0 too1 twelve of your men# one man from each tribe'

who went in the way before you to search out a "lace for you to "itch your tents# to show you the way you should go# in the fire by night and in the cloud by day'

And they de"arted and went u" into the mountains# and came to the Valley of shcol# and s"ied it out'

:And the )3+* heard the sound of your words# and was angry# and too1 an oath# saying#

They also too1 some of the fruit of the land in their hands and brought it down to us9 and they brought bac1 word to us# saying# :0t is a good land which the )3+* our (od is giving us'D

:Surely not one of these men of this evil generation shall see that good land of which 0 swore to give to your fathers#

:Nevertheless you would not go u"# but rebelled against the command of the )3+* your (od9

e!ce"t -aleb the son of Je"hunneh9 he shall see it# and to him and his children 0 am giving the land on which he wal1ed# because he wholly followed the )3+*'D

and you com"lained in your tents# and said# :Because the )3+* hates us# 2e has brought us out of the land of gy"t


The )3+* was also angry with me for your sa1es# saying# : ven you shall not go in there'


:So you remained in Kadesh many days# according to the days that you s"ent there'

Joshua the son of Nun# who stands before you# he shall go in there' ncourage him# for he shall cause 0srael to inherit it'

2:Then we turned and $ourneyed into

the wilderness of the Bay of the +ed Sea# as the )3+* s"o1e to me# and we s1irted 4ount Seir for many days'

:4oreover your little ones and your children# who you say will be victims# who today have no 1nowledge of good and evil# they shall go in there9 to them 0 will give it# and they shall "ossess it'

:And the )3+* s"o1e to me# saying7

:Cou have s1irted this mountain long enough9 turn northward'


But as for you# turn and ta1e your $ourney into the wilderness by the Bay of the +ed Sea'D

:Then you answered and said to me# :Be have sinned against the )3+*9 we will go u" and fight# $ust as the )3+* our (od commanded us'D And when everyone of you had girded on his wea"ons of war# you were ready to go u" into the mountain'

And command the "eo"le# saying# :Cou are about to "ass through the territory of your brethren# the descendants of sau# who live in Seir9 and they will be afraid of you' Therefore watch yourselves carefully'

:And the )3+* said to me# :Tell them# :*o not go u" nor fight# for 0 am not among you9 lest you be defeated before your enemies':D

*o not meddle with them# for 0 will not give you any of their land# no# not so much as one footste"# because 0 have given 4ount Seir to sau as a "ossession'

So 0 s"o1e to you9 yet you would not listen# but rebelled against the command of the )3+*# and "resum"tuously went u" into the mountain'

Cou shall buy food from them with money# that you may eat9 and you shall also buy water from them with money# that you may drin1'

And the Amorites who dwelt in that mountain came out against you and chased you as bees do# and drove you bac1 from Seir to 2ormah'

:For the )3+* your (od has blessed you in all the wor1 of your hand' 2e 1nows your trudging through this great wilderness' These forty years the )3+* your (od has been with you9 you have lac1ed nothing':D

Then you returned and we"t before the )3+*# but the )3+* would not listen to your voice nor give ear to you'

:And when we "assed beyond our brethren# the descendants of sau who dwell in Seir# away from the road of the "lain# away from lath and .ion (eber# we turned and "assed by way of the Bilderness of 4oab'

Then the )3+* said to me# :*o not harass 4oab# nor contend with them in battle# for 0 will not give you any of their land as a "ossession# because 0 have given Ar to the descendants of )ot as a "ossession':D


And when you come near the "eo"le of Ammon# do not harass them or meddle with them# for 0 will not give you any of the land of the "eo"le of Ammon as a "ossession# because 0 have given it to the descendants of )ot as a "ossession':D

IThe mim had dwelt there in times "ast# a "eo"le as great and numerous and tall as the Ana1im'

IThat was also regarded as a land of giants9 giants formerly dwelt there' But the Ammonites call them 5am.ummim#

They were also regarded as giants# li1e the Ana1im# but the 4oabites call them mim'

The 2orites formerly dwelt in Seir# but the descendants of sau dis"ossessed them and destroyed them from before them# and dwelt in their "lace# $ust as 0srael did to the land of their "ossession which the )3+* gave them'J

a "eo"le as great and numerous and tall as the Ana1im' But the )3+* destroyed them before them# and they dis"ossessed them and dwelt in their "lace#

::Now rise and cross over the Valley of the 5ered'D So we crossed over the Valley of the 5ered'

$ust as 2e had done for the descendants of sau# who dwelt in Seir# when 2e destroyed the 2orites from before them' They dis"ossessed them and dwelt in their "lace# even to this day'

And the time we too1 to come from Kadesh Barnea until we crossed over the Valley of the 5ered was thirtyFeight years# until all the generation of the men of war was consumed from the midst of the cam"# $ust as the )3+* had sworn to them'

And the Avim# who dwelt in villages as far as (a.aFFthe -a"htorim# who came from -a"htor# destroyed them and dwelt in their "lace'J

For indeed the hand of the )3+* was against them# to destroy them from the midst of the cam" until they were consumed'

::+ise# ta1e your $ourney# and cross over the +iver Arnon' )oo1# 0 have given into your hand Sihon the Amorite# 1ing of 2eshbon# and his land' Begin to "ossess it# and engage him in battle'

:So it was# when all the men of war had finally "erished from among the "eo"le#

This day 0 will begin to "ut the dread and fear of you u"on the nations under the whole heaven# who shall hear the re"ort of you# and shall tremble and be in anguish because of you'D

that the )3+* s"o1e to me# saying7


:This day you are to cross over at Ar# the boundary of 4oab'

:And 0 sent messengers from the Bilderness of Kedemoth to Sihon 1ing of 2eshbon# with words of "eace# saying#


:)et me "ass through your land9 0 will 1ee" strictly to the road# and 0 will turn neither to the right nor to the left'


Cou shall sell me food for money# that 0 may eat# and give me water for money# that 0 may drin19 only let me "ass through on foot#

3nly you did not go near the land of the "eo"le of AmmonFFanywhere along the +iver Jabbo1# or to the cities of the mountains# or wherever the )3+* our (od had forbidden us'

3:Then we turned and went u" the

road to Bashan9 and 3g 1ing of Bashan came out against us# he and all his "eo"le# to battle at drei'

$ust as the descendants of sau who dwell in Seir and the 4oabites who dwell in Ar did for me# until 0 cross the Jordan to the land which the )3+* our (od is giving us'D

:But Sihon 1ing of 2eshbon would not let us "ass through# for the )3+* your (od hardened his s"irit and made his heart obstinate# that 2e might deliver him into your hand# as it is this day'

And the )3+* said to me# :*o not fear him# for 0 have delivered him and all his "eo"le and his land into your hand9 you shall do to him as you did to Sihon 1ing of the Amorites# who dwelt at 2eshbon'D

:And the )3+* said to me# :See# 0 have begun to give Sihon and his land over to you' Begin to "ossess it# that you may inherit his land'D

:So the )3+* our (od also delivered into our hands 3g 1ing of Bashan# with all his "eo"le# and we attac1ed him until he had no survivors remaining'

Then Sihon and all his "eo"le came out against us to fight at Jaha.'

And we too1 all his cities at that time9 there was not a city which we did not ta1e from them7 si!ty cities# all the region of Argob# the 1ingdom of 3g in Bashan'

And the )3+* our (od delivered him over to us9 so we defeated him# his sons# and all his "eo"le'

All these cities were fortified with high walls# gates# and bars# besides a great many rural towns'

Be too1 all his cities at that time# and we utterly destroyed the men# women# and little ones of every city9 we left none remaining'

And we utterly destroyed them# as we did to Sihon 1ing of 2eshbon# utterly destroying the men# women# and children of every city'

Be too1 only the livestoc1 as "lunder for ourselves# with the s"oil of the cities which we too1'

But all the livestoc1 and the s"oil of the cities we too1 as booty for ourselves'

From Aroer# which is on the ban1 of the +iver Arnon# and from the city that is in the ravine# as far as (ilead# there was not one city too strong for us9 the )3+* our (od delivered all to us'

:And at that time we too1 the land from the hand of the two 1ings of the Amorites who were on this side of the Jordan# from the +iver Arnon to 4ount 2ermon

Ithe Sidonians call 2ermon Sirion# and the Amorites call it SenirJ#

you this land to "ossess' All you men of valor shall cross over armed before your brethren# the children of 0srael'

all the cities of the "lain# all (ilead# and all Bashan# as far as Salcah and drei# cities of the 1ingdom of 3g in Bashan'

:For only 3g 1ing of Bashan remained of the remnant of the giants' 0ndeed his bedstead was an iron bedstead' I0s it not in +abbah of the "eo"le of AmmonEJ Nine cubits is its length and four cubits its width# according to the standard cubit'

But your wives# your little ones# and your livestoc1 I0 1now that you have much livestoc1J shall stay in your cities which 0 have given you#

until the )3+* has given rest to your brethren as to you# and they also "ossess the land which the )3+* your (od is giving them beyond the Jordan' Then each of you may return to his "ossession which 0 have given you'D

:And this land# which we "ossessed at that time# from Aroer# which is by the +iver Arnon# and half the mountains of (ilead and its cities# 0 gave to the +eubenites and the (adites'

The rest of (ilead# and all Bashan# the 1ingdom of 3g# 0 gave to half the tribe of 4anasseh' IAll the region of Argob# with all Bashan# was called the land of the giants'

:And 0 commanded Joshua at that time# saying# :Cour eyes have seen all that the )3+* your (od has done to these two 1ings9 so will the )3+* do to all the 1ingdoms through which you "ass'

Cou must not fear them# for the )3+* your (od 2imself fights for you'D

Jair the son of 4anasseh too1 all the region of Argob# as far as the border of the (eshurites and the 4aachathites# and called Bashan after his own name# 2avoth Jair# to this day'J

:Then 0 "leaded with the )3+* at that time# saying7


:Also 0 gave (ilead to 4achir'

:3 )ord (3*# Cou have begun to show Cour servant Cour greatness and Cour mighty hand# for what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do anything li1e Cour wor1s and Cour mighty deedsE


And to the +eubenites and the (adites 0 gave from (ilead as far as the +iver Arnon# the middle of the river as the border# as far as the +iver Jabbo1# the border of the "eo"le of Ammon9

0 "ray# let me cross over and see the good land beyond the Jordan# those "leasant mountains# and )ebanon'D

the "lain also# with the Jordan as the border# from -hinnereth as far as the east side of the Sea of the Arabah Ithe Salt SeaJ# below the slo"es of /isgah'

:But the )3+* was angry with me on your account# and would not listen to me' So the )3+* said to me7 : nough of thatH S"ea1 no more to 4e of this matter'

:Then 0 commanded you at that time# saying7 :The )3+* your (od has given

(o u" to the to" of /isgah# and lift your eyes toward the west# the north# the

south# and the east9 behold it with your eyes# for you shall not cross over this Jordan'

:For what great nation is there that has (od so near to it# as the )3+* our (od is to us# for whatever reason we may call u"on 2imE

But command Joshua# and encourage him and strengthen him9 for he shall go over before this "eo"le# and he shall cause them to inherit the land which you will see'D

And what great nation is there that has such statutes and righteous $udgments as are in all this law which 0 set before you this dayE

:So we stayed in the valley o""osite Beth /eor'

4:Now# 3 0srael# listen to the statutes

and the $udgments which 0 teach you to observe# that you may live# and go in and "ossess the land which the )3+* (od of your fathers is giving you'

3nly ta1e heed to yourself# and diligently 1ee" yourself# lest you forget the things your eyes have seen# and lest they de"art from your heart all the days of your life' And teach them to your children and your grandchildren#

Cou shall not add to the word which 0 command you# nor ta1e from it# that you may 1ee" the commandments of the )3+* your (od which 0 command you'

es"ecially concerning the day you stood before the )3+* your (od in 2oreb# when the )3+* said to me# :(ather the "eo"le to 4e# and 0 will let them hear 4y words# that they may learn to fear 4e all the days they live on the earth# and that they may teach their children'D

Cour eyes have seen what the )3+* did at Baal /eor9 for the )3+* your (od has destroyed from among you all the men who followed Baal of /eor'

But you who held fast to the )3+* your (od are alive today# every one of you'

:Then you came near and stood at the foot of the mountain# and the mountain burned with fire to the midst of heaven# with dar1ness# cloud# and thic1 dar1ness'

:Surely 0 have taught you statutes and $udgments# $ust as the )3+* my (od commanded me# that you should act according to them in the land which you go to "ossess'

And the )3+* s"o1e to you out of the midst of the fire' Cou heard the sound of the words# but saw no form9 you only heard a voice'

Therefore be careful to observe them9 for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the "eo"les who will hear all these statutes# and say# :Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding "eo"le'D

So 2e declared to you 2is covenant which 2e commanded you to "erform# the Ten -ommandments9 and 2e wrote them on two tablets of stone'

And the )3+* commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and $udgments# that you might observe them in the land which you cross over to "ossess'


:Ta1e careful heed to yourselves# for you saw no form when the )3+* s"o1e to you at 2oreb out of the midst of the fire#


For the )3+* your (od consuming fire# a $ealous (od'



lest you act corru"tly and ma1e for yourselves a carved image in the form of any figure7 the li1eness of male or female#

:Bhen you beget children and grandchildren and have grown old in the land# and act corru"tly and ma1e a carved image in the form of anything# and do evil in the sight of the )3+* your (od to "rovo1e 2im to anger#

the li1eness of any animal that is on the earth or the li1eness of any winged bird that flies in the air#

the li1eness of anything that cree"s on the ground or the li1eness of any fish that is in the water beneath the earth'

0 call heaven and earth to witness against you this day# that you will soon utterly "erish from the land which you cross over the Jordan to "ossess9 you will not "rolong your days in it# but will be utterly destroyed'

And ta1e heed# lest you lift your eyes to heaven# and when you see the sun# the moon# and the stars# all the host of heaven# you feel driven to worshi" them and serve them# which the )3+* your (od has given to all the "eo"les under the whole heaven as a heritage'

And the )3+* will scatter you among the "eo"les# and you will be left few in number among the nations where the )3+* will drive you'

And there you will serve gods# the wor1 of menDs hands# wood and stone# which neither see nor hear nor eat nor smell'

But the )3+* has ta1en you and brought you out of the iron furnace# out of gy"t# to be 2is "eo"le# an inheritance# as you are this day'

But from there you will see1 the )3+* your (od# and you will find 2im if you see1 2im with all your heart and with all your soul'

Furthermore the )3+* was angry with me for your sa1es# and swore that 0 would not cross over the Jordan# and that 0 would not enter the good land which the )3+* your (od is giving you as an inheritance'

Bhen you are in distress# and all these things come u"on you in the latter days# when you turn to the )3+* your (od and obey 2is voice

But 0 must die in this land# 0 must not cross over the Jordan9 but you shall cross over and "ossess that good land'

Ifor the )3+* your (od is a merciful (odJ# 2e will not forsa1e you nor destroy you# nor forget the covenant of your fathers which 2e swore to them'

Ta1e heed to yourselves# lest you forget the covenant of the )3+* your (od which 2e made with you# and ma1e for yourselves a carved image in the form of anything which the )3+* your (od has forbidden you'

:For as1 now concerning the days that are "ast# which were before you# since the day that (od created man on the earth# and as1 from one end of heaven to the other# whether any great thing li1e

this has ha""ened# or anything li1e it has been heard'


days in the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you for all time':

*id any "eo"le ever hear the voice of (od s"ea1ing out of the midst of the fire# as you have heard# and liveE

Then 4oses set a"art three cities on this side of the Jordan# toward the rising of the sun#

3r did (od ever try to go and ta1e for 2imself a nation from the midst of another nation# by trials# by signs# by wonders# by war# by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm# and by great terrors# according to all that the )3+* your (od did for you in gy"t before your eyesE

that the manslayer might flee there# who 1ills his neighbor unintentionally# without having hated him in time "ast# and that by fleeing to one of these cities he might live7

To you it was shown# that you might 1now that the )3+* 2imself is (od9 there is none other besides 2im'
6& in the wilderness on the "lateau for the +eubenites# +amoth in (ilead for the (adites# and (olan in Bashan for the 4anassites'

Now this is the law which 4oses set before the children of 0srael'

3ut of heaven 2e let you hear 2is voice# that 2e might instruct you9 on earth 2e showed you 2is great fire# and you heard 2is words out of the midst of the fire'

These are the testimonies# the statutes# and the $udgments which 4oses s"o1e to the children of 0srael after they came out of gy"t#

And because 2e loved your fathers# therefore 2e chose their descendants after them9 and 2e brought you out of gy"t with 2is /resence# with 2is mighty "ower#

on this side of the Jordan# in the valley o""osite Beth /eor# in the land of Sihon 1ing of the Amorites# who dwelt at 2eshbon# whom 4oses and the children of 0srael defeated after they came out of gy"t'

driving out from before you nations greater and mightier than you# to bring you in# to give you their land as an inheritance# as it is this day'

Therefore 1now this day# and consider it in your heart# that the )3+* 2imself is (od in heaven above and on the earth beneath9 there is no other'

And they too1 "ossession of his land and the land of 3g 1ing of Bashan# two 1ings of the Amorites# who were on this side of the Jordan# toward the rising of the sun#

from Aroer# which is on the ban1 of the +iver Arnon# even to 4ount Sion Ithat is# 2ermonJ#

Cou shall therefore 1ee" 2is statutes and 2is commandments which 0 command you today# that it may go well with you and with your children after you# and that you may "rolong your

and all the "lain on the east side of the Jordan as far as the Sea of the Arabah# below the slo"es of /isgah'

5And 4oses called all 0srael# and said

to them7 :2ear# 3 0srael# the statutes and $udgments which 0 s"ea1 in your hearing today# that you may learn them and be careful to observe them'


:Cou shall not ta1e the name of the )3+* your (od in vain# for the )3+* will not hold him guiltless who ta1es 2is name in vain'

The )3+* our (od made a covenant with us in 2oreb'


:3bserve the Sabbath day# to 1ee" it holy# as the )3+* your (od commanded you'

The )3+* did not ma1e this covenant with our fathers# but with us# those who are here today# all of us who are alive'

Si! days you shall labor and do all your wor1#


The )3+* tal1ed with you face to face on the mountain from the midst of the fire'

0 stood between the )3+* and you at that time# to declare to you the word of the )3+*9 for you were afraid because of the fire# and you did not go u" the mountain' 2e said7

but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the )3+* your (od' 0n it you shall do no wor17 you# nor your son# nor your daughter# nor your male servant# nor your female servant# nor your o!# nor your don1ey# nor any of your cattle# nor your stranger who is within your gates# that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you'

:0 am the )3+* your (od who brought you out of the land of gy"t# out of the house of bondage'

:Cou shall have no other gods before 4e'


And remember that you were a slave in the land of gy"t# and the )3+* your (od brought you out from there by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm9 therefore the )3+* your (od commanded you to 1ee" the Sabbath day'

:Cou shall not ma1e for yourself a carved imageFFany li1eness of anything that is in heaven above# or that is in the earth beneath# or that is in the water under the earth9

:2onor your father and your mother# as the )3+* your (od has commanded you# that your days may be long# and that it may be well with you in the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you'

:Cou shall not murder' :Cou shall not commit adultery' :Cou shall not steal'

you shall not bow down to them nor serve them' For 0# the )3+* your (od# am a $ealous (od# visiting the iniGuity of the fathers u"on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate 4e#




:Cou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor'


but showing mercy to thousands# to those who love 4e and 1ee" 4y commandments'

:Cou shall not covet your neighborDs wife9 and you shall not desire your

neighborDs house# his field# his male servant# his female servant# his o!# his don1ey# or anything that is your neighborDs'D


3h# that they had such a heart in them that they would fear 4e and always 1ee" all 4y commandments# that it might be well with them and with their children foreverH

:These words the )3+* s"o1e to all your assembly# in the mountain from the midst of the fire# the cloud# and the thic1 dar1ness# with a loud voice9 and 2e added no more' And 2e wrote them on two tablets of stone and gave them to me'

(o and say to them# :+eturn to your tents':


:So it was# when you heard the voice from the midst of the dar1ness# while the mountain was burning with fire# that you came near to me# all the heads of your tribes and your elders'

But as for you# stand here by 4e# and 0 will s"ea1 to you all the commandments# the statutes# and the $udgments which you shall teach them# that they may observe them in the land which 0 am giving them to "ossess'D

And you said7 :Surely the )3+* our (od has shown us 2is glory and 2is greatness# and we have heard 2is voice from the midst of the fire' Be have seen this day that (od s"ea1s with man9 yet he still lives'

:Therefore you shall be careful to do as the )3+* your (od has commanded you9 you shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left'

Now therefore# why should we dieE For this great fire will consume us9 if we hear the voice of the )3+* our (od anymore# then we shall die'

Cou shall wal1 in all the ways which the )3+* your (od has commanded you# that you may live and that it may be well with you# and that you may "rolong your days in the land which you shall "ossess'

6:Now this is the commandment# and

these are the statutes and $udgments which the )3+* your (od has commanded to teach you# that you may observe them in the land which you are crossing over to "ossess#

For who is there of all flesh who has heard the voice of the living (od s"ea1ing from the midst of the fire# as we have# and livedE

Cou go near and hear all that the )3+* our (od may say# and tell us all that the )3+* our (od says to you# and we will hear and do it'D

:Then the )3+* heard the voice of your words when you s"o1e to me# and the )3+* said to me7 :0 have heard the voice of the words of this "eo"le which they have s"o1en to you' They are right in all that they have s"o1en'

that you may fear the )3+* your (od# to 1ee" all 2is statutes and 2is commandments which 0 command you# you and your son and your grandson# all the days of your life# and that your days may be "rolonged'

Therefore hear# 3 0srael# and be careful to observe it# that it may be well with you# and that you may multi"ly greatly as the )3+* (od of your fathers has

"romised youFF:a land flowing with mil1 and honey'D



Cou shall not go after other gods# the gods of the "eo"les who are all around you

:2ear# 3 0srael7 The )3+* our (od# the )3+* is oneH


Cou shall love the )3+* your (od with all your heart# with all your soul# and with all your strength'

Ifor the )3+* your (od is a $ealous (od among youJ# lest the anger of the )3+* your (od be aroused against you and destroy you from the face of the earth'

:And these words which 0 command you today shall be in your heart'

:Cou shall not tem"t the )3+* your (od as you tem"ted 2im in 4assah'

Cou shall teach them diligently to your children# and shall tal1 of them when you sit in your house# when you wal1 by the way# when you lie down# and when you rise u"'

Cou shall diligently 1ee" the commandments of the )3+* your (od# 2is testimonies# and 2is statutes which 2e has commanded you'

Cou shall bind them as a sign on your hand# and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes'

And you shall do what is right and good in the sight of the )3+*# that it may be well with you# and that you may go in and "ossess the good land of which the )3+* swore to your fathers#

Cou shall write them on the door"osts of your house and on your gates'

to cast out all your enemies from before you# as the )3+* has s"o1en'

:So it shall be# when the )3+* your (od brings you into the land of which 2e swore to your fathers# to Abraham# 0saac# and Jacob# to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not build#

:Bhen your son as1s you in time to come# saying# :Bhat is the meaning of the testimonies# the statutes# and the $udgments which the )3+* our (od has commanded youED

houses full of all good things# which you did not fill# hewnFout wells which you did not dig# vineyards and olive trees which you did not "lantFFwhen you have eaten and are fullFF

then you shall say to your son7 :Be were slaves of /haraoh in gy"t# and the )3+* brought us out of gy"t with a mighty hand9

then beware# lest you forget the )3+* who brought you out of the land of gy"t# from the house of bondage'

and the )3+* showed signs and wonders before our eyes# great and severe# against gy"t# /haraoh# and all his household'

Cou shall fear the )3+* your (od and serve 2im# and shall ta1e oaths in 2is name'

Then 2e brought us out from there# that 2e might bring us in# to give us the land of which 2e swore to our fathers'


And the )3+* commanded us to observe all these statutes# to fear the )3+* our (od# for our good always# that 2e might "reserve us alive# as it is this day'

The )3+* did not set 2is love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any other "eo"le# for you were the least of all "eo"les9

Then it will be righteousness for us# if we are careful to observe all these commandments before the )3+* our (od# as 2e has commanded us'D

7:Bhen the )3+* your (od brings

you into the land which you go to "ossess# and has cast out many nations before you# the 2ittites and the (irgashites and the Amorites and the -anaanites and the /eri..ites and the 2ivites and the Jebusites# seven nations greater and mightier than you#

but because the )3+* loves you# and because 2e would 1ee" the oath which 2e swore to your fathers# the )3+* has brought you out with a mighty hand# and redeemed you from the house of bondage# from the hand of /haraoh 1ing of gy"t'

:Therefore 1now that the )3+* your (od# 2e is (od# the faithful (od who 1ee"s covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love 2im and 1ee" 2is commandments9

and when the )3+* your (od delivers them over to you# you shall conGuer them and utterly destroy them' Cou shall ma1e no covenant with them nor show mercy to them'

and 2e re"ays those who hate 2im to their face# to destroy them' 2e will not be slac1 with him who hates 2im9 2e will re"ay him to his face'

Nor shall you ma1e marriages with them' Cou shall not give your daughter to their son# nor ta1e their daughter for your son'

Therefore you shall 1ee" the commandment# the statutes# and the $udgments which 0 command you today# to observe them'

For they will turn your sons away from following 4e# to serve other gods9 so the anger of the )3+* will be aroused against you and destroy you suddenly'

:Then it shall come to "ass# because you listen to these $udgments# and 1ee" and do them# that the )3+* your (od will 1ee" with you the covenant and the mercy which 2e swore to your fathers'

But thus you shall deal with them7 you shall destroy their altars# and brea1 down their sacred "illars# and cut down their wooden images# and burn their carved images with fire'

And 2e will love you and bless you and multi"ly you9 2e will also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land# your grain and your new wine and your oil# the increase of your cattle and the offs"ring of your floc1# in the land of which 2e swore to your fathers to give you'

:For you are a holy "eo"le to the )3+* your (od9 the )3+* your (od has chosen you to be a "eo"le for 2imself# a s"ecial treasure above all the "eo"les on the face of the earth'

Cou shall be blessed above all "eo"les9 there shall not be a male or female barren among you or among your livestoc1'


And the )3+* will ta1e away from you all sic1ness# and will afflict you with none of the terrible diseases of gy"t which you have 1nown# but will lay them on all those who hate you'


And 2e will deliver their 1ings into your hand# and you will destroy their name from under heaven9 no one shall be able to stand against you until you have destroyed them'

Also you shall destroy all the "eo"les whom the )3+* your (od delivers over to you9 your eye shall have no "ity on them9 nor shall you serve their gods# for that will be a snare to you'

Cou shall burn the carved images of their gods with fire9 you shall not covet the silver or gold that is on them# nor ta1e it for yourselves# lest you be snared by it9 for it is an abomination to the )3+* your (od'

:0f you should say in your heart# :These nations are greater than 09 how can 0 dis"ossess themEDFF

you shall not be afraid of them# but you shall remember well what the )3+* your (od did to /haraoh and to all gy"t7

Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house# lest you be doomed to destruction li1e it' Cou shall utterly detest it and utterly abhor it# for it is an accursed thing'

the great trials which your eyes saw# the signs and the wonders# the mighty hand and the outstretched arm# by which the )3+* your (od brought you out' So shall the )3+* your (od do to all the "eo"les of whom you are afraid'

8: very

commandment which 0 command you today you must be careful to observe# that you may live and multi"ly# and go in and "ossess the land of which the )3+* swore to your fathers'

4oreover the )3+* your (od will send the hornet among them until those who are left# who hide themselves from you# are destroyed'

And you shall remember that the )3+* your (od led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness# to humble you and test you# to 1now what was in your heart# whether you would 1ee" 2is commandments or not'

Cou shall not be terrified of them9 for the )3+* your (od# the great and awesome (od# is among you'

And the )3+* your (od will drive out those nations before you little by little9 you will be unable to destroy them at once# lest the beasts of the field become too numerous for you'

So 2e humbled you# allowed you to hunger# and fed you with manna which you did not 1now nor did your fathers 1now# that 2e might ma1e you 1now that man shall not live by bread alone9 but man lives by every word that "roceeds from the mouth of the )3+*'

But the )3+* your (od will deliver them over to you# and will inflict defeat u"on them until they are destroyed'

Cour garments did not wear out on you# nor did your foot swell these forty years'

Cou should 1now in your heart that as a man chastens his son# so the )3+* your (od chastens you'


:Therefore you shall 1ee" the commandments of the )3+* your (od# to wal1 in 2is ways and to fear 2im'


For the )3+* your (od is bringing you into a good land# a land of broo1s of water# of fountains and s"rings# that flow out of valleys and hills9

who fed you in the wilderness with manna# which your fathers did not 1now# that 2e might humble you and that 2e might test you# to do you good in the endFF

then you say in your heart# :4y "ower and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth'D

a land of wheat and barley# of vines and fig trees and "omegranates# a land of olive oil and honey9

a land in which you will eat bread without scarcity# in which you will lac1 nothing9 a land whose stones are iron and out of whose hills you can dig co""er'

:And you shall remember the )3+* your (od# for it is 2e who gives you "ower to get wealth# that 2e may establish 2is covenant which 2e swore to your fathers# as it is this day'

Bhen you have eaten and are full# then you shall bless the )3+* your (od for the good land which 2e has given you'

Then it shall be# if you by any means forget the )3+* your (od# and follow other gods# and serve them and worshi" them# 0 testify against you this day that you shall surely "erish'

:Beware that you do not forget the )3+* your (od by not 1ee"ing 2is commandments# 2is $udgments# and 2is statutes which 0 command you today#

As the nations which the )3+* destroys before you# so you shall "erish# because you would not be obedient to the voice of the )3+* your (od'

lestFFwhen you have eaten and are full# and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them9

9:2ear# 3 0srael7 Cou are to cross over

the Jordan today# and go in to dis"ossess nations greater and mightier than yourself# cities great and fortified u" to heaven#

and when your herds and your floc1s multi"ly# and your silver and your gold are multi"lied# and all that you have is multi"lied9

when your heart is lifted u"# and you forget the )3+* your (od who brought you out of the land of gy"t# from the house of bondage9

a "eo"le great and tall# the descendants of the Ana1im# whom you 1now# and of whom you heard it said# :Bho can stand before the descendants of Ana1ED

who led you through that great and terrible wilderness# in which were fiery ser"ents and scor"ions and thirsty land where there was no water9 who brought water for you out of the flinty roc19

Therefore understand today that the )3+* your (od is 2e who goes over before you as a consuming fire' 2e will destroy them and bring them down before you9 so you shall drive them out and destroy them Guic1ly# as the )3+* has said to you'

:*o not thin1 in your heart# after the )3+* your (od has cast them out before you# saying# :Because of my righteousness the )3+* has brought me in to "ossess this landD9 but it is because of the wic1edness of these nations that the )3+* is driving them out from before you'


And it came to "ass# at the end of forty days and forty nights# that the )3+* gave me the two tablets of stone# the tablets of the covenant'

0t is not because of your righteousness or the u"rightness of your heart that you go in to "ossess their land# but because of the wic1edness of these nations that the )3+* your (od drives them out from before you# and that 2e may fulfill the word which the )3+* swore to your fathers# to Abraham# 0saac# and Jacob'

:Then the )3+* said to me# :Arise# go down Guic1ly from here# for your "eo"le whom you brought out of gy"t have acted corru"tly9 they have Guic1ly turned aside from the way which 0 commanded them9 they have made themselves a molded image'D

:Furthermore the )3+* s"o1e to me# saying# :0 have seen this "eo"le# and indeed they are a stiffFnec1ed "eo"le'

Therefore understand that the )3+* your (od is not giving you this good land to "ossess because of your righteousness# for you are a stiffFnec1ed "eo"le'

)et 4e alone# that 0 may destroy them and blot out their name from under heaven9 and 0 will ma1e of you a nation mightier and greater than they'D

:+ememberH *o not forget how you "rovo1ed the )3+* your (od to wrath in the wilderness' From the day that you de"arted from the land of gy"t until you came to this "lace# you have been rebellious against the )3+*'

:So 0 turned and came down from the mountain# and the mountain burned with fire9 and the two tablets of the covenant were in my two hands'

Also in 2oreb you "rovo1ed the )3+* to wrath# so that the )3+* was angry enough with you to have destroyed you'

And 0 loo1ed# and behold# you had sinned against the )3+* your (odFFhad made for yourselves a molded calfH Cou had turned aside Guic1ly from the way which the )3+* had commanded you'

Bhen 0 went u" into the mountain to receive the tablets of stone# the tablets of the covenant which the )3+* made with you# then 0 stayed on the mountain forty days and forty nights' 0 neither ate bread nor dran1 water'

Then 0 too1 the two tablets and threw them out of my two hands and bro1e them before your eyes'

Then the )3+* delivered to me two tablets of stone written with the finger of (od# and on them were all the words which the )3+* had s"o1en to you on the mountain from the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly'

And 0 fell down before the )3+*# as at the first# forty days and forty nights9 0 neither ate bread nor dran1 water# because of all your sin which you committed in doing wic1edly in the sight of the )3+*# to "rovo1e 2im to anger'

For 0 was afraid of the anger and hot dis"leasure with which the )3+* was angry with you# to destroy you' But the )3+* listened to me at that time also'


And the )3+* was very angry with Aaron and would have destroyed him9 so 0 "rayed for Aaron also at the same time'

hated them# 2e has brought them out to 1ill them in the wilderness':

Then 0 too1 your sin# the calf which you had made# and burned it with fire and crushed it and ground it very small# until it was as fine as dust9 and 0 threw its dust into the broo1 that descended from the mountain'

Cet they are Cour "eo"le and Cour inheritance# whom Cou brought out by Cour mighty "ower and by Cour outstretched arm'D

10:At that time the )3+* said to me#

:2ew for yourself two tablets of stone li1e the first# and come u" to 4e on the mountain and ma1e yourself an ar1 of wood'

:Also at Taberah and 4assah and Kibroth 2attaavah you "rovo1ed the )3+* to wrath'

)i1ewise# when the )3+* sent you from Kadesh Barnea# saying# :(o u" and "ossess the land which 0 have given you#D then you rebelled against the commandment of the )3+* your (od# and you did not believe 2im nor obey 2is voice'

And 0 will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets# which you bro1e9 and you shall "ut them in the ar1'D

:So 0 made an ar1 of acacia wood# hewed two tablets of stone li1e the first# and went u" the mountain# having the two tablets in my hand'

Cou have been rebellious against the )3+* from the day that 0 1new you'

:Thus 0 "rostrated myself before the )3+*9 forty days and forty nights 0 1e"t "rostrating myself# because the )3+* had said 2e would destroy you'

And 2e wrote on the tablets according to the first writing# the Ten -ommandments# which the )3+* had s"o1en to you in the mountain from the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly9 and the )3+* gave them to me'

Therefore 0 "rayed to the )3+*# and said7 :3 )ord (3*# do not destroy Cour "eo"le and Cour inheritance whom Cou have redeemed through Cour greatness# whom Cou have brought out of gy"t with a mighty hand'

Then 0 turned and came down from the mountain# and "ut the tablets in the ar1 which 0 had made9 and there they are# $ust as the )3+* commanded me':

+emember Cour servants# Abraham# 0saac# and Jacob9 do not loo1 on the stubbornness of this "eo"le# or on their wic1edness or their sin#

INow the children of 0srael $ourneyed from the wells of Bene Jaa1an to 4oserah# where Aaron died# and where he was buried9 and his son ministered as "riest in his stead'

lest the land from which Cou brought us should say# :Because the )3+* was not able to bring them to the land which 2e "romised them# and because 2e

From there they $ourneyed to (udgodah# and from (udgodah to Jotbathah# a land of rivers of water'


At that time the )3+* se"arated the tribe of )evi to bear the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+*# to stand before the )3+* to minister to 2im and to bless in 2is name# to this day'

and awesome# who shows no "artiality nor ta1es a bribe'


2e administers $ustice for the fatherless and the widow# and loves the stranger# giving him food and clothing'

Therefore )evi has no "ortion nor inheritance with his brethren9 the )3+* is his inheritance# $ust as the )3+* your (od "romised him'J

Therefore love the stranger# for you were strangers in the land of gy"t'

:As at the first time# 0 stayed in the mountain forty days and forty nights9 the )3+* also heard me at that time# and the )3+* chose not to destroy you'

Cou shall fear the )3+* your (od9 you shall serve 2im# and to 2im you shall hold fast# and ta1e oaths in 2is name'

Then the )3+* said to me# :Arise# begin your $ourney before the "eo"le# that they may go in and "ossess the land which 0 swore to their fathers to give them'D

2e is your "raise# and 2e is your (od# who has done for you these great and awesome things which your eyes have seen'

:And now# 0srael# what does the )3+* your (od reGuire of you# but to fear the )3+* your (od# to wal1 in all 2is ways and to love 2im# to serve the )3+* your (od with all your heart and with all your soul#

Cour fathers went down to gy"t with seventy "ersons# and now the )3+* your (od has made you as the stars of heaven in multitude'


and to 1ee" the commandments of the )3+* and 2is statutes which 0 command you today for your goodE

you shall love the )3+* your (od# and 1ee" 2is charge# 2is statutes# 2is $udgments# and 2is commandments always' Know today that 0 do not s"ea1 with your children# who have not 1nown and who have not seen the chastening of the )3+* your (od# 2is greatness and 2is mighty hand and 2is outstretched armFF

0ndeed heaven and the highest heavens belong to the )3+* your (od# also the earth with all that is in it'

The )3+* delighted only in your fathers# to love them9 and 2e chose their descendants after them# you above all "eo"les# as it is this day'

2is signs and 2is acts which 2e did in the midst of gy"t# to /haraoh 1ing of gy"t# and to all his land9

Therefore circumcise the fores1in of your heart# and be stiffFnec1ed no longer'


For the )3+* your (od is (od of gods and )ord of lords# the great (od# mighty

what 2e did to the army of gy"t# to their horses and their chariots7 how 2e made the waters of the +ed Sea overflow them as they "ursued you# and how the )3+* has destroyed them to this day9


what 2e did for you in the wilderness until you came to this "lace9


and what 2e did to *athan and Abiram the sons of liab# the son of +euben7 how the earth o"ened its mouth and swallowed them u"# their households# their tents# and all the substance that was in their "ossession# in the midst of all 0sraelFF

then 0 will give you the rain for your land in its season# the early rain and the latter rain# that you may gather in your grain# your new wine# and your oil'

And 0 will send grass in your fields for your livestoc1# that you may eat and be filled'D

but your eyes have seen every great act of the )3+* which 2e did'

Ta1e heed to yourselves# lest your heart be deceived# and you turn aside and serve other gods and worshi" them#

:Therefore you shall 1ee" every commandment which 0 command you today# that you may be strong# and go in and "ossess the land which you cross over to "ossess#

lest the )3+*Ds anger be aroused against you# and 2e shut u" the heavens so that there be no rain# and the land yield no "roduce# and you "erish Guic1ly from the good land which the )3+* is giving you'

and that you may "rolong your days in the land which the )3+* swore to give your fathers# to them and their descendants# :a land flowing with mil1 and honey'D

:Therefore you shall lay u" these words of mine in your heart and in your soul# and bind them as a sign on your hand# and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes'

For the land which you go to "ossess is not li1e the land of gy"t from which you have come# where you sowed your seed and watered it by foot# as a vegetable garden9

Cou shall teach them to your children# s"ea1ing of them when you sit in your house# when you wal1 by the way# when you lie down# and when you rise u"'

but the land which you cross over to "ossess is a land of hills and valleys# which drin1s water from the rain of heaven#

And you shall write them on the door"osts of your house and on your gates#

a land for which the )3+* your (od cares9 the eyes of the )3+* your (od are always on it# from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year'

that your days and the days of your children may be multi"lied in the land of which the )3+* swore to your fathers to give them# li1e the days of the heavens above the earth'

:And it shall be that if you earnestly obey 4y commandments which 0 command you today# to love the )3+* your (od and serve 2im with all your heart and with all your soul#

:For if you carefully 1ee" all these commandments which 0 command you to doFFto love the )3+* your (od# to wal1 in all 2is ways# and to hold fast to 2imFF


then the )3+* will drive out all these nations from before you# and you will dis"ossess greater and mightier nations than yourselves'


And you shall be careful to observe all the statutes and $udgments which 0 set before you today'

very "lace on which the sole of your foot treads shall be yours7 from the wilderness and )ebanon# from the river# the +iver u"hrates# even to the Bestern Sea# shall be your territory'


No man shall be able to stand against you9 the )3+* your (od will "ut the dread of you and the fear of you u"on all the land where you tread# $ust as 2e has said to you'

are the statutes and $udgments which you shall be careful to observe in the land which the )3+* (od of your fathers is giving you to "ossess# all the days that you live on the earth'

:Behold# 0 set before you today a blessing and a curse7


Cou shall utterly destroy all the "laces where the nations which you shall dis"ossess served their gods# on the high mountains and on the hills and under every green tree'

the blessing# if you obey the commandments of the )3+* your (od which 0 command you today9

And you shall destroy their altars# brea1 their sacred "illars# and burn their wooden images with fire9 you shall cut down the carved images of their gods and destroy their names from that "lace'

and the curse# if you do not obey the commandments of the )3+* your (od# but turn aside from the way which 0 command you today# to go after other gods which you have not 1nown'

Cou shall not worshi" the )3+* your (od with such things'

Now it shall be# when the )3+* your (od has brought you into the land which you go to "ossess# that you shall "ut the blessing on 4ount ( and the curse on 4ount bal'

:But you shall see1 the "lace where the )3+* your (od chooses# out of all your tribes# to "ut 2is name for 2is dwelling "lace9 and there you shall go'

Are they not on the other side of Jordan# toward the setting sun# in land of the -anaanites who dwell in "lain o""osite (ilgal# beside terebinth trees of 4orehE

the the the the

There you shall ta1e your burnt offerings# your sacrifices# your tithes# the heave offerings of your hand# your vowed offerings# your freewill offerings# and the firstborn of your herds and floc1s'

For you will cross over the Jordan and go in to "ossess the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you# and you will "ossess it and dwell in it'

And there you shall eat before the )3+* your (od# and you shall re$oice in all to which you have "ut your hand# you and your households# in which the )3+* your (od has blessed you'


:Cou shall not at all do as we are doing here todayFFevery man doing whatever is right in his own eyesFF


3nly you shall not eat the blood9 you shall "our it on the earth li1e water'

for as yet you have not come to the rest and the inheritance which the )3+* your (od is giving you'

But when you cross over the Jordan and dwell in the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you to inherit# and 2e gives you rest from all your enemies round about# so that you dwell in safety#

Cou may not eat within your gates the tithe of your grain or your new wine or your oil# of the firstborn of your herd or your floc1# of any of your offerings which you vow# of your freewill offerings# or of the heave offering of your hand'

then there will be the "lace where the )3+* your (od chooses to ma1e 2is name abide' There you shall bring all that 0 command you7 your burnt offerings# your sacrifices# your tithes# the heave offerings of your hand# and all your choice offerings which you vow to the )3+*'

But you must eat them before the )3+* your (od in the "lace which the )3+* your (od chooses# you and your son and your daughter# your male servant and your female servant# and the )evite who is within your gates9 and you shall re$oice before the )3+* your (od in all to which you "ut your hands'

Ta1e heed to yourself that you do not forsa1e the )evite as long as you live in your land'

And you shall re$oice before the )3+* your (od# you and your sons and your daughters# your male and female servants# and the )evite who is within your gates# since he has no "ortion nor inheritance with you'

:Bhen the )3+* your (od enlarges your border as 2e has "romised you# and you say# :)et me eat meat#D because you long to eat meat# you may eat as much meat as your heart desires'

Ta1e heed to yourself that you do not offer your burnt offerings in every "lace that you see9

but in the "lace which the )3+* chooses# in one of your tribes# there you shall offer your burnt offerings# and there you shall do all that 0 command you'

0f the "lace where the )3+* your (od chooses to "ut 2is name is too far from you# then you may slaughter from your herd and from your floc1 which the )3+* has given you# $ust as 0 have commanded you# and you may eat within your gates as much as your heart desires'

:2owever# you may slaughter and eat meat within all your gates# whatever your heart desires# according to the blessing of the )3+* your (od which 2e has given you9 the unclean and the clean may eat of it# of the ga.elle and the deer ali1e'

Just as the ga.elle and the deer are eaten# so you may eat them9 the unclean and the clean ali1e may eat them'

3nly be sure that you do not eat the blood# for the blood is the life9 you may not eat the life with the meat'


Cou shall not eat it9 you shall "our it on the earth li1e water'


Cou shall not eat it# that it may go well with you and your children after you# when you do what is right in the sight of the )3+*'

there arises among you a "ro"het or a dreamer of dreams# and he gives you a sign or a wonder# and the sign or the wonder comes to "ass# of which he s"o1e to you# saying# :)et us go after other godsDFFwhich you have not 1nownFF:and let us serve them#D

3nly the holy things which you have# and your vowed offerings# you shall ta1e and go to the "lace which the )3+* chooses'

And you shall offer your burnt offerings# the meat and the blood# on the altar of the )3+* your (od9 and the blood of your sacrifices shall be "oured out on the altar of the )3+* your (od# and you shall eat the meat'

you shall not listen to the words of that "ro"het or that dreamer of dreams# for the )3+* your (od is testing you to 1now whether you love the )3+* your (od with all your heart and with all your soul'

3bserve and obey all these words which 0 command you# that it may go well with you and your children after you forever# when you do what is good and right in the sight of the )3+* your (od'

Cou shall wal1 (od and fear commandments you shall serve 2im'

after the )3+* your 2im# and 1ee" 2is and obey 2is voice9 2im and hold fast to

:Bhen the )3+* your (od cuts off from before you the nations which you go to dis"ossess# and you dis"lace them and dwell in their land#

ta1e heed to yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them# after they are destroyed from before you# and that you do not inGuire after their gods# saying# :2ow did these nations serve their godsE 0 also will do li1ewise'D

But that "ro"het or that dreamer of dreams shall be "ut to death# because he has s"o1en in order to turn you away from the )3+* your (od# who brought you out of the land of gy"t and redeemed you from the house of bondage# to entice you from the way in which the )3+* your (od commanded you to wal1' So you shall "ut away the evil from your midst'

Cou shall not worshi" the )3+* your (od in that way9 for every abomination to the )3+* which 2e hates they have done to their gods9 for they burn even their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods'

:0f your brother# the son of your mother# your son or your daughter# the wife of your bosom# or your friend who is as your own soul# secretly entices you# saying# :)et us go and serve other gods#D which you have not 1nown# neither you nor your fathers#

:Bhatever 0 command you# be careful to observe it9 you shall not add to it nor ta1e away from it'

of the gods of the "eo"le which are all around you# near to you or far off from you# from one end of the earth to the other end of the earth#


you shall not consent to him or listen to him# nor shall your eye "ity him# nor shall you s"are him or conceal him9

and show you mercy# have com"assion on you and multi"ly you# $ust as 2e swore to your fathers#

but you shall surely 1ill him9 your hand shall be first against him to "ut him to death# and afterward the hand of all the "eo"le'

because you have listened to the voice of the )3+* your (od# to 1ee" all 2is commandments which 0 command you today# to do what is right in the eyes of the )3+* your (od'

And you shall stone him with stones until he dies# because he sought to entice you away from the )3+* your (od# who brought you out of the land of gy"t# from the house of bondage'

14:Cou are the children of the )3+*

your (od9 you shall not cut yourselves nor shave the front of your head for the dead'

So all 0srael shall hear and fear# and not again do such wic1edness as this among you'

:0f you hear someone in one of your cities# which the )3+* your (od gives you to dwell in# saying#

For you are a holy "eo"le to the )3+* your (od# and the )3+* has chosen you to be a "eo"le for 2imself# a s"ecial treasure above all the "eo"les who are on the face of the earth'

:-orru"t men have gone out from among you and enticed the inhabitants of their city# saying# :)et us go and serve other gods:DFFwhich you have not 1nownFF

:Cou shall not eat any detestable thing'

These are the animals which you may eat7 the o!# the shee"# the goat#

then you shall inGuire# search out# and as1 diligently' And if it is indeed true and certain that such an abomination was committed among you#

the deer# the ga.elle# the roe deer# the wild goat# the mountain goat# the antelo"e# and the mountain shee"'

you shall surely stri1e the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword# utterly destroying it# all that is in it and its livestoc1FFwith the edge of the sword'

And you may eat every animal with cloven hooves# having the hoof s"lit into two "arts# and that chews the cud# among the animals'

And you shall gather all its "lunder into the middle of the street# and com"letely burn with fire the city and all its "lunder# for the )3+* your (od' 0t shall be a hea" forever9 it shall not be built again'

Nevertheless# of those that chew the cud or have cloven hooves# you shall not eat# such as these7 the camel# the hare# and the roc1 hyra!9 for they chew the cud but do not have cloven hooves9 they are unclean for you'

So none of the accursed things shall remain in your hand# that the )3+* may turn from the fierceness of 2is anger

Also the swine is unclean for you# because it has cloven hooves# yet does not chew the cud9 you shall not eat their flesh or touch their dead carcasses'

:These you may eat of all that are in the waters7 you may eat all that have fins and scales'


And whatever does not have fins and scales you shall not eat9 it is unclean for you'

And you shall eat before the )3+* your (od# in the "lace where 2e chooses to ma1e 2is name abide# the tithe of your grain and your new wine and your oil# of the firstborn of your herds and your floc1s# that you may learn to fear the )3+* your (od always'

:All clean birds you may eat'


But these you shall not eat7 the eagle# the vulture# the bu..ard#

the red 1ite# the falcon# and the 1ite after their 1inds9

But if the $ourney is too long for you# so that you are not able to carry the tithe# or if the "lace where the )3+* your (od chooses to "ut 2is name is too far from you# when the )3+* your (od has blessed you#

every raven after its 1ind9


the ostrich# the shortFeared owl# the sea gull# and the haw1 after their 1inds9

then you shall e!change it for money# ta1e the money in your hand# and go to the "lace which the )3+* your (od chooses'

the little owl# the screech owl# the white owl#


the $ac1daw# the carrion vulture# the fisher owl#


And you shall s"end that money for whatever your heart desires7 for o!en or shee"# for wine or similar drin1# for whatever your heart desires9 you shall eat there before the )3+* your (od# and you shall re$oice# you and your household'

the stor1# the heron after its 1ind# and the hoo"oe and the bat'

:Also every cree"ing thing that flies is unclean for you9 they shall not be eaten'

Cou shall not forsa1e the )evite who is within your gates# for he has no "art nor inheritance with you'

:Cou may eat all clean birds'


:Cou shall not eat anything that dies of itself9 you may give it to the alien who is within your gates# that he may eat it# or you may sell it to a foreigner9 for you are a holy "eo"le to the )3+* your (od' :Cou shall not boil a young goat in its motherDs mil1'

:At the end of every third year you shall bring out the tithe of your "roduce of that year and store it u" within your gates'

:Cou shall truly tithe all the increase of your grain that the field "roduces year by year'

And the )evite# because he has no "ortion nor inheritance with you# and the stranger and the fatherless and the widow who are within your gates# may come and eat and be satisfied# that the )3+* your (od may bless you in all the wor1 of your hand which you do'

15:At the end of every seven years

you shall grant a release of debts'

and you give him nothing# and he cry out to the )3+* against you# and it become sin among you'

And this is the form of the release7 very creditor who has lent anything to his neighbor shall release it9 he shall not reGuire it of his neighbor or his brother# because it is called the )3+*Ds release'

Cou shall surely give to him# and your heart should not be grieved when you give to him# because for this thing the )3+* your (od will bless you in all your wor1s and in all to which you "ut your hand'

3f a foreigner you may reGuire it9 but you shall give u" your claim to what is owed by your brother#

e!ce"t when there may be no "oor among you9 for the )3+* will greatly bless you in the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you to "ossess as an inheritanceFF

For the "oor will never cease from the land9 therefore 0 command you# saying# :Cou shall o"en your hand wide to your brother# to your "oor and your needy# in your land'D

only if you carefully obey the voice of the )3+* your (od# to observe with care all these commandments which 0 command you today'

:0f your brother# 2ebrew woman# serves you si! seventh year you from you'

a 2ebrew man# or a is sold to you and years# then in the shall let him go free

For the )3+* your (od will bless you $ust as 2e "romised you9 you shall lend to many nations# but you shall not borrow9 you shall reign over many nations# but they shall not reign over you'

And when you send him away free from you# you shall not let him go away em"tyFhanded9

you shall su""ly him liberally from your floc1# from your threshing floor# and from your wine"ress' From what the )3+* has blessed you with# you shall give to him'

:0f there is among you a "oor man of your brethren# within any of the gates in your land which the )3+* your (od is giving you# you shall not harden your heart nor shut your hand from your "oor brother#

Cou shall remember that you were a slave in the land of gy"t# and the )3+* your (od redeemed you9 therefore 0 command you this thing today'

but you shall o"en your hand wide to him and willingly lend him sufficient for his need# whatever he needs'

And if it ha""ens that he says to you# :0 will not go away from you#D because he loves you and your house# since he "ros"ers with you#

Beware lest there be a wic1ed thought in your heart# saying# :The seventh year# the year of release# is at hand#D and your eye be evil against your "oor brother

then you shall ta1e an awl and thrust it through his ear to the door# and he shall be your servant forever' Also to your female servant you shall do li1ewise'


0t shall not seem hard to you when you send him away free from you9 for he has been worth a double hired servant in serving you si! years' Then the )3+* your (od will bless you in all that you do'

gy"t in hasteJ# that you may remember the day in which you came out of the land of gy"t all the days of your life'

:All the firstborn males that come from your herd and your floc1 you shall sanctify to the )3+* your (od9 you shall do no wor1 with the firstborn of your herd# nor shear the firstborn of your floc1'

And no leaven shall be seen among you in all your territory for seven days# nor shall any of the meat which you sacrifice the first day at twilight remain overnight until morning'

:Cou may not sacrifice the /assover within any of your gates which the )3+* your (od gives you9

Cou and your household shall eat it before the )3+* your (od year by year in the "lace which the )3+* chooses'

But if there is a defect in it# if it is lame or blind or has any serious defect# you shall not sacrifice it to the )3+* your (od'

but at the "lace where the )3+* your (od chooses to ma1e 2is name abide# there you shall sacrifice the /assover at twilight# at the going down of the sun# at the time you came out of gy"t'

Cou may eat it within your gates9 the unclean and the clean "erson ali1e may eat it# as if it were a ga.elle or a deer'

And you shall roast and eat it in the "lace which the )3+* your (od chooses# and in the morning you shall turn and go to your tents'

3nly you shall not eat its blood9 you shall "our it on the ground li1e water'

Si! days you shall eat unleavened bread# and on the seventh day there shall be a sacred assembly to the )3+* your (od' Cou shall do no wor1 on it'

16:3bserve the month of Abib# and

1ee" the /assover to the )3+* your (od# for in the month of Abib the )3+* your (od brought you out of gy"t by night'

:Cou shall count seven wee1s for yourself9 begin to count the seven wee1s from the time you begin to "ut the sic1le to the grain'

Therefore you shall sacrifice the /assover to the )3+* your (od# from the floc1 and the herd# in the "lace where the )3+* chooses to "ut 2is name'

Then you shall 1ee" the Feast of Bee1s to the )3+* your (od with the tribute of a freewill offering from your hand# which you shall give as the )3+* your (od blesses you'

Cou shall eat no leavened bread with it9 seven days you shall eat unleavened bread with it# that is# the bread of affliction Ifor you came out of the land of

Cou shall re$oice before the )3+* your (od# you and your son and your daughter# your male servant and your female servant# the )evite who is within your gates# the stranger and the fatherless and the widow who are among you# at the "lace where the

)3+* your (od chooses to ma1e 2is name abide'



Cou shall follow what is altogether $ust# that you may live and inherit the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you'

And you shall remember that you were a slave in gy"t# and you shall be careful to observe these statutes'

:Cou shall observe the Feast of Tabernacles seven days# when you have gathered from your threshing floor and from your wine"ress'

:Cou shall not "lant for yourself any tree# as a wooden image# near the altar which you build for yourself to the )3+* your (od'

Cou shall not set u" a sacred "illar# which the )3+* your (od hates'

And you shall re$oice in your feast# you and your son and your daughter# your male servant and your female servant and the )evite# the stranger and the fatherless and the widow# who are within your gates'


shall not sacrifice to the )3+* your (od a bull or shee" which has any blemish or defect# for that is an abomination to the )3+* your (od' :0f there is found among you# within any of your gates which the )3+* your (od gives you# a man or a woman who has been wic1ed in the sight of the )3+* your (od# in transgressing 2is covenant#

Seven days you shall 1ee" a sacred feast to the )3+* your (od in the "lace which the )3+* chooses# because the )3+* your (od will bless you in all your "roduce and in all the wor1 of your hands# so that you surely re$oice'

:Three times a year all your males shall a""ear before the )3+* your (od in the "lace which 2e chooses7 at the Feast of Anleavened Bread# at the Feast of Bee1s# and at the Feast of Tabernacles9 and they shall not a""ear before the )3+* em"tyFhanded'

who has gone and served other gods and worshi"ed them# either the sun or moon or any of the host of heaven# which 0 have not commanded#

very man shall give as he is able# according to the blessing of the )3+* your (od which 2e has given you'

and it is told you# and you hear of it# then you shall inGuire diligently' And if it is indeed true and certain that such an abomination has been committed in 0srael#

:Cou shall a""oint $udges and officers in all your gates# which the )3+* your (od gives you# according to your tribes# and they shall $udge the "eo"le with $ust $udgment'

then you shall bring out to your gates that man or woman who has committed that wic1ed thing# and shall stone to death that man or woman with stones'

Cou shall not "ervert $ustice9 you shall not show "artiality# nor ta1e a bribe# for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous'

Bhoever is deserving of death shall be "ut to death on the testimony of two or three witnesses9 he shall not be "ut to death on the testimony of one witness'

The hands of the witnesses shall be the first against him to "ut him to death# and afterward the hands of all the "eo"le' So you shall "ut away the evil from among you'


:Bhen you come to the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you# and "ossess it and dwell in it# and say# :0 will set a 1ing over me li1e all the nations that are around me#D

:0f a matter arises which is too hard for you to $udge# between degrees of guilt for bloodshed# between one $udgment or another# or between one "unishment or another# matters of controversy within your gates# then you shall arise and go u" to the "lace which the )3+* your (od chooses'

you shall surely set a 1ing over you whom the )3+* your (od chooses9 one from among your brethren you shall set as 1ing over you9 you may not set a foreigner over you# who is not your brother'

And you shall come to the "riests# the )evites# and to the $udge there in those days# and inGuire of them9 they shall "ronounce u"on you the sentence of $udgment'

But he shall not multi"ly horses for himself# nor cause the "eo"le to return to gy"t to multi"ly horses# for the )3+* has said to you# :Cou shall not return that way again'D

Cou shall do according to the sentence which they "ronounce u"on you in that "lace which the )3+* chooses' And you shall be careful to do according to all that they order you'

Neither shall he multi"ly wives for himself# lest his heart turn away9 nor shall he greatly multi"ly silver and gold for himself'

According to the sentence of the law in which they instruct you# according to the $udgment which they tell you# you shall do9 you shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left from the sentence which they "ronounce u"on you'

:Also it shall be# when he sits on the throne of his 1ingdom# that he shall write for himself a co"y of this law in a boo1# from the one before the "riests# the )evites'

Now the man who acts "resum"tuously and will not heed the "riest who stands to minister there before the )3+* your (od# or the $udge# that man shall die' So you shall "ut away the evil from 0srael'

And it shall be with him# and he shall read it all the days of his life# that he may learn to fear the )3+* his (od and be careful to observe all the words of this law and these statutes#

And all the "eo"le shall hear and fear# and no longer act "resum"tuously'

that his heart may not be lifted above his brethren# that he may not turn aside from the commandment to the right hand or to the left# and that he may "rolong his days in his 1ingdom# he and his children in the midst of 0srael'

18:The "riests# the )evitesFFall the

tribe of )eviFFshall have no "art nor inheritance with 0srael9 they shall eat the

offerings of the )3+* made by fire# and 2is "ortion'


soothsayer# or one omens# or a sorcerer#




Therefore they shall have no inheritance among their brethren9 the )3+* is their inheritance# as 2e said to them'

or one who con$ures s"ells# or a medium# or a s"iritist# or one who calls u" the dead'

:And this shall be the "riestDs due from the "eo"le# from those who offer a sacrifice# whether it is bull or shee"7 they shall give to the "riest the shoulder# the chee1s# and the stomach'

For all who do these things are an abomination to the )3+*# and because of these abominations the )3+* your (od drives them out from before you'

Cou shall be blameless before the )3+* your (od'


The firstfruits of your grain and your new wine and your oil# and the first of the fleece of your shee"# you shall give him'

For these nations which you will dis"ossess listened to soothsayers and diviners9 but as for you# the )3+* your (od has not a""ointed such for you'

For the )3+* your (od has chosen him out of all your tribes to stand to minister in the name of the )3+*# him and his sons forever'

:The )3+* your (od will raise u" for you a /ro"het li1e me from your midst# from your brethren' 2im you shall hear#

:So if a )evite comes from any of your gates# from where he dwells among all 0srael# and comes with all the desire of his mind to the "lace which the )3+* chooses#

according to all you desired of the )3+* your (od in 2oreb in the day of the assembly# saying# :)et me not hear again the voice of the )3+* my (od# nor let me see this great fire anymore# lest 0 die'D

then he may serve in the name of the )3+* his (od as all his brethren the )evites do# who stand there before the )3+*'

:And the )3+* said to me7 :Bhat they have s"o1en is good'

They shall have eGual "ortions to eat# besides what comes from the sale of his inheritance'

0 will raise u" for them a /ro"het li1e you from among their brethren# and will "ut 4y words in 2is mouth# and 2e shall s"ea1 to them all that 0 command 2im'

:Bhen you come into the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you# you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations'

And it shall be that whoever will not hear 4y words# which 2e s"ea1s in 4y name# 0 will reGuire it of him'

There shall not be found among you anyone who ma1es his son or his daughter "ass through the fire# or one who "ractices witchcraft# or a

But the "ro"het who "resumes to s"ea1 a word in 4y name# which 0 have not commanded him to s"ea1# or who

s"ea1s in the name of other gods# that "ro"het shall die'D



And if you say in your heart# :2ow shall we 1now the word which the )3+* has not s"o1enEDFF

lest the avenger of blood# while his anger is hot# "ursue the manslayer and overta1e him# because the way is long# and 1ill him# though he was not deserving of death# since he had not hated the victim in time "ast'

when a "ro"het s"ea1s in the name of the )3+*# if the thing does not ha""en or come to "ass# that is the thing which the )3+* has not s"o1en9 the "ro"het has s"o1en it "resum"tuously9 you shall not be afraid of him'

Therefore 0 command you# saying# :Cou shall se"arate three cities for yourself'D

:Now if the )3+* your (od enlarges your territory# as 2e swore to your fathers# and gives you the land which 2e "romised to give to your fathers#

19:Bhen the )3+* your (od has

cut off the nations whose land the )3+* your (od is giving you# and you dis"ossess them and dwell in their cities and in their houses#

and if you 1ee" all these commandments and do them# which 0 command you today# to love the )3+* your (od and to wal1 always in 2is ways# then you shall add three more cities for yourself besides these three#

you shall se"arate three cities for yourself in the midst of your land which the )3+* your (od is giving you to "ossess'

lest innocent blood be shed in the midst of your land which the )3+* your (od is giving you as an inheritance# and thus guilt of bloodshed be u"on you'

Cou shall "re"are roads for yourself# and divide into three "arts the territory of your land which the )3+* your (od is giving you to inherit# that any manslayer may flee there'

:But if anyone hates his neighbor# lies in wait for him# rises against him and stri1es him mortally# so that he dies# and he flees to one of these cities#

:And this is the case of the manslayer who flees there# that he may live7 Bhoever 1ills his neighbor unintentionally# not having hated him in time "astFF

then the elders of his city shall send and bring him from there# and deliver him over to the hand of the avenger of blood# that he may die'

as when a man goes to the woods with his neighbor to cut timber# and his hand swings a stro1e with the a! to cut down the tree# and the head sli"s from the handle and stri1es his neighbor so that he diesFFhe shall flee to one of these cities and live9

Cour eye shall not "ity him# but you shall "ut away the guilt of innocent blood from 0srael# that it may go well with you'

:Cou shall not remove your neighborDs landmar1# which the men of old have set# in your inheritance which you will inherit in the land that the )3+* your (od is giving you to "ossess'


:3ne witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniGuity or any sin that he commits9 by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established'

heart faint# do not be afraid# and do not tremble or be terrified because of them9

for the )3+* your (od is 2e who goes with you# to fight for you against your enemies# to save you'D

0f a false witness rises against any man to testify against him of wrongdoing#

then both men in the controversy shall stand before the )3+*# before the "riests and the $udges who serve in those days'

:Then the officers shall s"ea1 to the "eo"le# saying7 :Bhat man is there who has built a new house and has not dedicated itE )et him go and return to his house# lest he die in the battle and another man dedicate it'

And the $udges shall ma1e careful inGuiry# and indeed# if the witness is a false witness# who has testified falsely against his brother#

Also what man is there who has "lanted a vineyard and has not eaten of itE )et him go and return to his house# lest he die in the battle and another man eat of it'

then you shall do to him as he thought to have done to his brother9 so you shall "ut away the evil from among you'

And those who remain shall hear and fear# and hereafter they shall not again commit such evil among you'

And what man is there who is betrothed to a woman and has not married herE )et him go and return to his house# lest he die in the battle and another man marry her'D

Cour eye shall not "ity7 life shall be for life# eye for eye# tooth for tooth# hand for hand# foot for foot'

:The officers shall s"ea1 further to the "eo"le# and say# :Bhat man is there who is fearful and faintheartedE )et him go and return to his house# lest the heart of his brethren faint li1e his heart'D

20:Bhen you go out to battle against

your enemies# and see horses and chariots and "eo"le more numerous than you# do not be afraid of them9 for the )3+* your (od is with you# who brought you u" from the land of gy"t'

And so it shall be# when the officers have finished s"ea1ing to the "eo"le# that they shall ma1e ca"tains of the armies to lead the "eo"le'

:Bhen you go near a city to fight against it# then "roclaim an offer of "eace to it'

So it shall be# when you are on the verge of battle# that the "riest shall a""roach and s"ea1 to the "eo"le'

And he shall say to them# :2ear# 3 0srael7 Today you are on the verge of battle with your enemies' *o not let your

And it shall be that if they acce"t your offer of "eace# and o"en to you# then all the "eo"le who are found in it shall be "laced under tribute to you# and serve you'


Now if the city will not ma1e "eace with you# but war against you# then you shall besiege it'

21:0f anyone is found slain# lying in

the field in the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you to "ossess# and it is not 1nown who 1illed him#

And when the )3+* your (od delivers it into your hands# you shall stri1e every male in it with the edge of the sword'

But the women# the little ones# the livestoc1# and all that is in the city# all its s"oil# you shall "lunder for yourself9 and you shall eat the enemiesD "lunder which the )3+* your (od gives you'

then your elders and your $udges shall go out and measure the distance from the slain man to the surrounding cities'

Thus you shall do to all the cities which are very far from you# which are not of the cities of these nations'

And it shall be that the elders of the city nearest to the slain man will ta1e a heifer which has not been wor1ed and which has not "ulled with a yo1e'

:But of the cities of these "eo"les which the )3+* your (od gives you as an inheritance# you shall let nothing that breathes remain alive#

The elders of that city shall bring the heifer down to a valley with flowing water# which is neither "lowed nor sown# and they shall brea1 the heiferDs nec1 there in the valley'

but you shall utterly destroy them7 the 2ittite and the Amorite and the -anaanite and the /eri..ite and the 2ivite and the Jebusite# $ust as the )3+* your (od has commanded you#

Then the "riests# the sons of )evi# shall come near# for the )3+* your (od has chosen them to minister to 2im and to bless in the name of the )3+*9 by their word every controversy and every assault shall be settled'

lest they teach you to do according to all their abominations which they have done for their gods# and you sin against the )3+* your (od'

And all the elders of that city nearest to the slain man shall wash their hands over the heifer whose nec1 was bro1en in the valley'

:Bhen you besiege a city for a long time# while ma1ing war against it to ta1e it# you shall not destroy its trees by wielding an a! against them9 if you can eat of them# do not cut them down to use in the siege# for the tree of the field is manDs food'

Then they shall answer and say# :3ur hands have not shed this blood# nor have our eyes seen it'

3nly the trees which you 1now are not trees for food you may destroy and cut down# to build siegewor1s against the city that ma1es war with you# until it is subdued'

/rovide atonement# 3 )3+*# for Cour "eo"le 0srael# whom Cou have redeemed# and do not lay innocent blood to the charge of Cour "eo"le 0srael'D And atonement shall be "rovided on their behalf for the blood'

So you shall "ut away the guilt of innocent blood from among you when

you do what is right in the sight of the )3+*'



:Bhen you go out to war against your enemies# and the )3+* your (od delivers them into your hand# and you ta1e them ca"tive#

:0f a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother# and who# when they have chastened him# will not heed them#

and you see among the ca"tives a beautiful woman# and desire her and would ta1e her for your wife#

then his father and his mother shall ta1e hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city# to the gate of his city'

then you shall bring her home to your house# and she shall shave her head and trim her nails'

And they shall say to the elders of his city# :This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious9 he will not obey our voice9 he is a glutton and a drun1ard'D

She shall "ut off the clothes of her ca"tivity# remain in your house# and mourn her father and her mother a full month9 after that you may go in to her and be her husband# and she shall be your wife'

Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death with stones9 so you shall "ut away the evil from among you# and all 0srael shall hear and fear'

:0f a man has committed a sin deserving of death# and he is "ut to death# and you hang him on a tree#

And it shall be# if you have no delight in her# then you shall set her free# but you certainly shall not sell her for money9 you shall not treat her brutally# because you have humbled her'

:0f a man has two wives# one loved and the other unloved# and they have borne him children# both the loved and the unloved# and if the firstborn son is of her who is unloved#

his body shall not remain overnight on the tree# but you shall surely bury him that day# so that you do not defile the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you as an inheritance9 for he who is hanged is accursed of (od'

22:Cou shall not see your brotherDs

o! or his shee" going astray# and hide yourself from them9 you shall certainly bring them bac1 to your brother'

then it shall be# on the day he beGueaths his "ossessions to his sons# that he must not bestow firstborn status on the son of the loved wife in "reference to the son of the unloved# the true firstborn'

But he shall ac1nowledge the son of the unloved wife as the firstborn by giving him a double "ortion of all that he has# for he is the beginning of his strength9 the right of the firstborn is his'

And if your brother is not near you# or if you do not 1now him# then you shall bring it to your own house# and it shall remain with you until your brother see1s it9 then you shall restore it to him'

Cou shall do the same with his don1ey# and so shall you do with his garment9 with any lost thing of your brotherDs# which he has lost and you have found#

you shall do li1ewise9 you must not hide yourself'



:0f any man ta1es a wife# and goes in to her# and detests her#

:Cou shall not see your brotherDs don1ey or his o! fall down along the road# and hide yourself from them9 you shall surely hel" him lift them u" again'

and charges her with shameful conduct# and brings a bad name on her# and says# :0 too1 this woman# and when 0 came to her 0 found she was not a virgin#D

:A woman shall not wear anything that "ertains to a man# nor shall a man "ut on a womanDs garment# for all who do so are an abomination to the )3+* your (od'

then the father and mother of the young woman shall ta1e and bring out the evidence of the young womanDs virginity to the elders of the city at the gate'

:0f a birdDs nest ha""ens to be before you along the way# in any tree or on the ground# with young ones or eggs# with the mother sitting on the young or on the eggs# you shall not ta1e the mother with the young9

And the young womanDs father shall say to the elders# :0 gave my daughter to this man as wife# and he detests her'

you shall surely let the mother go# and ta1e the young for yourself# that it may be well with you and that you may "rolong your days'

Now he has charged her with shameful conduct# saying# :0 found your daughter was not a virgin#: and yet these are the evidences of my daughterDs virginity'D And they shall s"read the cloth before the elders of the city'

:Bhen you build a new house# then you shall ma1e a "ara"et for your roof# that you may not bring guilt of bloodshed on your household if anyone falls from it'

Then the elders of that city shall ta1e that man and "unish him9

:Cou shall not sow your vineyard with different 1inds of seed# lest the yield of the seed which you have sown and the fruit of your vineyard be defiled'

and they shall fine him one hundred she1els of silver and give them to the father of the young woman# because he has brought a bad name on a virgin of 0srael' And she shall be his wife9 he cannot divorce her all his days'

:Cou shall not "low with an o! and a don1ey together'


:But if the thing is true# and evidences of virginity are not found for the young woman#

:Cou shall not wear a garment of different sorts# such as wool and linen mi!ed together'

:Cou shall ma1e tassels on the four corners of the clothing with which you cover yourself'

then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her fatherDs house# and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones# because she has done a disgraceful thing in 0srael# to "lay the harlot in her fatherDs house' So you shall "ut away the evil from among you'


:0f a man is found lying with a woman married to a husband# then both of them shall dieFFthe man that lay with the woman# and the woman9 so you shall "ut away the evil from 0srael'


who is emasculated by crushing or mutilation shall not enter the assembly of the )3+*' :3ne of illegitimate birth shall not enter the assembly of the )3+*9 even to the tenth generation none of his descendants shall enter the assembly of the )3+*'

:0f a young woman who is a virgin is betrothed to a husband# and a man finds her in the city and lies with her#

then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city# and you shall stone them to death with stones# the young woman because she did not cry out in the city# and the man because he humbled his neighborDs wife9 so you shall "ut away the evil from among you'

:An Ammonite or 4oabite shall not enter the assembly of the )3+*9 even to the tenth generation none of his descendants shall enter the assembly of the )3+* forever#

:But if a man finds a betrothed young woman in the countryside# and the man forces her and lies with her# then only the man who lay with her shall die'

But you shall do nothing to the young woman9 there is in the young woman no sin deserving of death# for $ust as when a man rises against his neighbor and 1ills him# even so is this matter'

because they did not meet you with bread and water on the road when you came out of gy"t# and because they hired against you Balaam the son of Beor from /ethor of 4eso"otamia# to curse you'

For he found her in the countryside# and the betrothed young woman cried out# but there was no one to save her'

Nevertheless the )3+* your (od would not listen to Balaam# but the )3+* your (od turned the curse into a blessing for you# because the )3+* your (od loves you'

Cou shall not see1 their "eace nor their "ros"erity all your days forever'

:0f a man finds a young woman who is a virgin# who is not betrothed# and he her and lies with her# and they are found out#

:Cou shall not abhor an domite# for he is your brother' Cou shall not abhor an gy"tian# because you were an alien in his land'

then the man who lay with her shall give to the young womanDs father fifty she1els of silver# and she shall be his wife because he has humbled her9 he shall not be "ermitted to divorce her all his days'

The children of the third generation born to them may enter the assembly of the )3+*'

:A man shall not ta1e his fatherDs wife# nor uncover his fatherDs bed'

:Bhen the army goes out against your enemies# then 1ee" yourself from every wic1ed thing'


0f there is any man among you who becomes unclean by some occurrence in the night# then he shall go outside the cam"9 he shall not come inside the cam"'


To a foreigner you may charge interest# but to your brother you shall not charge interest# that the )3+* your (od may bless you in all to which you set your hand in the land which you are entering to "ossess'

But it shall be# when evening comes# that he shall wash with water9 and when the sun sets# he may come into the cam"'

:Also you shall have a "lace outside the cam"# where you may go out9

:Bhen you ma1e a vow to the )3+* your (od# you shall not delay to "ay it9 for the )3+* your (od will surely reGuire it of you# and it would be sin to you'

and you shall have an im"lement among your eGui"ment# and when you sit down outside# you shall dig with it and turn and cover your refuse'

But if you abstain from vowing# it shall not be sin to you'


For the )3+* your (od wal1s in the midst of your cam"# to deliver you and give your enemies over to you9 therefore your cam" shall be holy# that 2e may see no unclean thing among you# and turn away from you'

That which has gone from your li"s you shall 1ee" and "erform# for you voluntarily vowed to the )3+* your (od what you have "romised with your mouth'

:Bhen you come into your neighborDs vineyard# you may eat your fill of gra"es at your "leasure# but you shall not "ut any in your container'

:Cou shall not give bac1 to his master the slave who has esca"ed from his master to you'

2e may dwell with you in your midst# in the "lace which he chooses within one of your gates# where it seems best to him9 you shall not o""ress him'

Bhen you come into your neighborDs standing grain# you may "luc1 the heads with your hand# but you shall not use a sic1le on your neighborDs standing grain'

24:Bhen a man ta1es a wife and

marries her# and it ha""ens that she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some uncleanness in her# and he writes her a certificate of divorce# "uts it in her hand# and sends her out of his house#

:There shall be no ritual harlot of the daughters of 0srael# or a "erverted one of the sons of 0srael'

Cou shall not bring the wages of a harlot or the "rice of a dog to the house of the )3+* your (od for any vowed offering# for both of these are an abomination to the )3+* your (od'

when she has de"arted from his house# and goes and becomes another manDs wife#

:Cou shall not charge interest to your brotherFFinterest on money or food or anything that is lent out at interest'

if the latter husband detests her and writes her a certificate of divorce# "uts it

in her hand# and sends her out of his house# or if the latter husband dies who too1 her as his wife#


And if the man is "oor# you shall not 1ee" his "ledge overnight'

then her former husband who divorced her must not ta1e her bac1 to be his wife after she has been defiled9 for that is an abomination before the )3+*# and you shall not bring sin on the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you as an inheritance'

Cou shall in any case return the "ledge to him again when the sun goes down# that he may slee" in his own garment and bless you9 and it shall be righteousness to you before the )3+* your (od'

:Bhen a man has ta1en a new wife# he shall not go out to war or be charged with any business9 he shall be free at home one year# and bring ha""iness to his wife whom he has ta1en'

:Cou shall not o""ress a hired servant who is "oor and needy# whether one of your brethren or one of the aliens who is in your land within your gates'

:No man shall ta1e the lower or the u""er millstone in "ledge# for he ta1es oneDs living in "ledge'

ach day you shall give him his wages# and not let the sun go down on it# for he is "oor and has set his heart on it9 lest he cry out against you to the )3+*# and it be sin to you'

:0f a man is found 1idna""ing any of his brethren of the children of 0srael# and mistreats him or sells him# then that 1idna""er shall die9 and you shall "ut away the evil from among you'

:Fathers shall not be "ut to death for their children# nor shall children be "ut to death for their fathers9 a "erson shall be "ut to death for his own sin'

:Ta1e heed in an outbrea1 of le"rosy# that you carefully observe and do according to all that the "riests# the )evites# shall teach you9 $ust as 0 commanded them# so you shall be careful to do'

:Cou shall not "ervert $ustice due the stranger or the fatherless# nor ta1e a widowDs garment as a "ledge'

But you shall remember that you were a slave in gy"t# and the )3+* your (od redeemed you from there9 therefore 0 command you to do this thing'

+emember what the )3+* your (od did to 4iriam on the way when you came out of gy"tH

:Bhen you lend your brother anything# you shall not go into his house to get his "ledge'

:Bhen you rea" your harvest in your field# and forget a sheaf in the field# you shall not go bac1 to get it9 it shall be for the stranger# the fatherless# and the widow# that the )3+* your (od may bless you in all the wor1 of your hands'

Cou shall stand outside# and the man to whom you lend shall bring the "ledge out to you'

Bhen you beat your olive trees# you shall not go over the boughs again9 it shall be for the stranger# the fatherless# and the widow'


Bhen you gather the gra"es of your vineyard# you shall not glean it afterward9 it shall be for the stranger# the fatherless# and the widow'

u" a name to his brother in 0srael9 he will not "erform the duty of my husbandDs brother'D

And you shall remember that you were a slave in the land of gy"t9 therefore 0 command you to do this thing'

Then the elders of his city shall call him and s"ea1 to him' But if he stands firm and says# :0 do not want to ta1e her#D


there is a dis"ute between men# and they come to court# that the $udges may $udge them# and they $ustify the righteous and condemn the wic1ed# then it shall be# if the wic1ed man deserves to be beaten# that the $udge will cause him to lie down and be beaten in his "resence# according to his guilt# with a certain number of blows'

then his brotherDs wife shall come to him in the "resence of the elders# remove his sandal from his foot# s"it in his face# and answer and say# :So shall it be done to the man who will not build u" his brotherDs house'D

And his name shall be called in 0srael# :The house of him who had his sandal removed'D

Forty blows he may give him and no more# lest he should e!ceed this and beat him with many blows above these# and your brother be humiliated in your sight'

:0f two men fight together# and the wife of one draws near to rescue her husband from the hand of the one attac1ing him# and "uts out her hand and him by the genitals#

then you shall cut off her hand9 your eye shall not "ity her'

:Cou shall not mu..le an o! while it treads out the grain'


:Cou shall not have in your bag differing weights# a heavy and a light'

:0f brothers dwell together# and one of them dies and has no son# the widow of the dead man shall not be married to a stranger outside the family9 her husbandDs brother shall go in to her# ta1e her as his wife# and "erform the duty of a husbandDs brother to her'

Cou shall not have in your house differing measures# a large and a small'

And it shall be that the firstborn son which she bears will succeed to the name of his dead brother# that his name may not be blotted out of 0srael'

Cou shall have a "erfect and $ust weight# a "erfect and $ust measure# that your days may be lengthened in the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you'

For all who do such things# all who behave unrighteously# are an abomination to the )3+* your (od'

But if the man does not want to ta1e his brotherDs wife# then let his brotherDs wife go u" to the gate to the elders# and say# :4y husbandDs brother refuses to raise

:+emember what Amale1 did to you on the way as you were coming out of gy"t#


how he attac1ed stragglers tired and (od'


met you on the way and your rear ran1s# all the at your rear# when you were weary9 and he did not fear


But the gy"tians mistreated us# afflicted us# and laid hard bondage on us'

Therefore it shall be# when the )3+* your (od has given you rest from your enemies all around# in the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you to "ossess as an inheritance# that you will blot out the remembrance of Amale1 from under heaven' Cou shall not forget'

Then we cried out to the )3+* (od of our fathers# and the )3+* heard our voice and loo1ed on our affliction and our labor and our o""ression'

So the )3+* brought us out of gy"t with a mighty hand and with an outstretched arm# with great terror and with signs and wonders'

26:And it shall be# when you come

into the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you as an inheritance# and you "ossess it and dwell in it#

2e has brought us to this "lace and has given us this land# :a land flowing with mil1 and honey:9

that you shall ta1e some of the first of all the "roduce of the ground# which you shall bring from your land that the )3+* your (od is giving you# and "ut it in a bas1et and go to the "lace where the )3+* your (od chooses to ma1e 2is name abide'

and now# behold# 0 have brought the firstfruits of the land which you# 3 )3+*# have given me'D :Then you shall set it before the )3+* your (od# and worshi" before the )3+* your (od'

And you shall go to the one who is "riest in those days# and say to him# :0 declare today to the )3+* your (od that 0 have come to the country which the )3+* swore to our fathers to give us'D

So you shall re$oice in every good thing which the )3+* your (od has given to you and your house# you and the )evite and the stranger who is among you'

:Then the "riest shall ta1e the bas1et out of your hand and set it down before the altar of the )3+* your (od'

:Bhen you have finished laying aside all the tithe of your increase in the third yearFFthe year of tithingFFand have given it to the )evite# the stranger# the fatherless# and the widow# so that they may eat within your gates and be filled#

And you shall answer and say before the )3+* your (od7 :4y father was a Syrian# about to "erish# and he went down to gy"t and dwelt there# few in number9 and there he became a nation# great# mighty# and "o"ulous'

then you shall say before the )3+* your (od7 :0 have removed the holy tithe from my house# and also have given them to the )evite# the stranger# the fatherless# and the widow# according to all Cour commandments which Cou have commanded me9 0 have not transgressed Cour commandments# nor have 0 forgotten them'


0 have not eaten any of it when in mourning# nor have 0 removed any of it for an unclean use# nor given any of it for the dead' 0 have obeyed the voice of the )3+* my (od# and have done according to all that Cou have commanded me'

And it shall be# on the day when you cross over the Jordan to the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you# that you shall set u" for yourselves large stones# and whitewash them with lime'

)oo1 down from Cour holy habitation# from heaven# and bless Cour "eo"le 0srael and the land which Cou have given us# $ust as Cou swore to our fathers# :a land flowing with mil1 and honey':D

Cou shall write on them all the words of this law# when you have crossed over# that you may enter the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you# :a land flowing with mil1 and honey#D $ust as the )3+* (od of your fathers "romised you'

:This day the )3+* your (od commands you to observe these statutes and $udgments9 therefore you shall be careful to observe them with all your heart and with all your soul'

Therefore it shall be# when you have crossed over the Jordan# that on 4ount bal you shall set u" these stones# which 0 command you today# and you shall whitewash them with lime'

Today you have "roclaimed the )3+* to be your (od# and that you will wal1 in 2is ways and 1ee" 2is statutes# 2is commandments# and 2is $udgments# and that you will obey 2is voice'

And there you shall build an altar to the )3+* your (od# an altar of stones9 you shall not use an iron tool on them'

Also today the )3+* has "roclaimed you to be 2is s"ecial "eo"le# $ust as 2e "romised you# that you should 1ee" all 2is commandments#

Cou shall build with whole stones the altar of the )3+* your (od# and offer burnt offerings on it to the )3+* your (od'

Cou shall offer "eace offerings# and shall eat there# and re$oice before the )3+* your (od'

and that 2e will set you high above all nations which 2e has made# in "raise# in name# and in honor# and that you may be a holy "eo"le to the )3+* your (od# $ust as 2e has s"o1en':

And you shall write very "lainly on the stones all the words of this law':

27Now 4oses# with the elders of

0srael# commanded the "eo"le# saying7 :Kee" all the commandments which 0 command you today'

Then 4oses and the "riests# the )evites# s"o1e to all 0srael# saying# :Ta1e heed and listen# 3 0srael7 This day you have become the "eo"le of the )3+* your (od'

Therefore you shall obey the voice of the )3+* your (od# and observe 2is commandments and 2is statutes which 0 command you today':


And 4oses commanded the "eo"le on the same day# saying#



:-ursed is the one who lies with any 1ind of animal'D :And all the "eo"le shall say# :AmenHD

:These shall stand on 4ount ( to bless the "eo"le# when you have crossed over the Jordan7 Simeon# )evi# Judah# 0ssachar# Jose"h# and Ben$amin9

:-ursed is the one who lies with his sister# the daughter of his father or the daughter of his mother'D :And all the "eo"le shall say# :AmenHD

and these shall stand on 4ount bal to curse7 +euben# (ad# Asher# 5ebulun# *an# and Na"htali'

:-ursed is the one who lies with his motherFinFlaw'D :And all the "eo"le shall say# :AmenHD

:And the )evites shall s"ea1 with a loud voice and say to all the men of 0srael7

:-ursed is the one who attac1s his neighbor secretly'D :And all the "eo"le shall say# :AmenHD

:-ursed is the one who ma1es a carved or molded image# an abomination to the )3+*# the wor1 of the hands of the craftsman# and sets it u" in secret'D :And all the "eo"le shall answer and say# :AmenHD

:-ursed is the one who ta1es a bribe to slay an innocent "erson'D :And all the "eo"le shall say# :AmenHD

:-ursed is the one who treats his father or his mother with contem"t'D :And all the "eo"le shall say# :AmenHD

:-ursed is the one who does not confirm all the words of this law'D :And all the "eo"le shall say# :AmenH:D

:-ursed is the one who moves his neighborDs landmar1'D :And all the "eo"le shall say# :AmenHD

28:Now it shall come to "ass# if you

diligently obey the voice of the )3+* your (od# to observe carefully all 2is commandments which 0 command you today# that the )3+* your (od will set you high above all nations of the earth'

:-ursed is the one who ma1es the blind to wander off the road'D :And all the "eo"le shall say# :AmenHD

:-ursed is the one who "erverts the $ustice due the stranger# the fatherless# and widow'D :And all the "eo"le shall say# :AmenHD

And all these blessings shall come u"on you and overta1e you# because you obey the voice of the )3+* your (od7

:-ursed is the one who lies with his fatherDs wife# because he has uncovered his fatherDs bed'D :And all the "eo"le shall say# :AmenHD

:Blessed shall you be in the city# and blessed shall you be in the country'

:Blessed shall be the fruit of your body# the "roduce of your ground and the increase of your herds# the increase of your cattle and the offs"ring of your floc1s'


:Blessed shall be your bas1et and your 1neading bowl'



:Blessed shall you be when you come in# and blessed shall you be when you go out'

So you shall not turn aside from any of the words which 0 command you this day# to the right or the left# to go after other gods to serve them'

:The )3+* will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face9 they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways'

:But it shall come to "ass# if you do not obey the voice of the )3+* your (od# to observe carefully all 2is commandments and 2is statutes which 0 command you today# that all these curses will come u"on you and overta1e you7

:The )3+* will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand# and 2e will bless you in the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you'

:-ursed shall you be in the city# and cursed shall you be in the country'

:-ursed shall be your bas1et and your 1neading bowl'


:The )3+* will establish you as a holy "eo"le to 2imself# $ust as 2e has sworn to you# if you 1ee" the commandments of the )3+* your (od and wal1 in 2is ways'

:-ursed shall be the fruit of your body and the "roduce of your land# the increase of your cattle and the offs"ring of your floc1s'

Then all "eo"les of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the )3+*# and they shall be afraid of you'

:-ursed shall you be when you come in# and cursed shall you be when you go out'

And the )3+* will grant you "lenty of goods# in the fruit of your body# in the increase of your livestoc1# and in the "roduce of your ground# in the land of which the )3+* swore to your fathers to give you'

:The )3+* will send on you cursing# confusion# and rebu1e in all that you set your hand to do# until you are destroyed and until you "erish Guic1ly# because of the wic1edness of your doings in which you have forsa1en 4e'

The )3+* will o"en to you 2is good treasure# the heavens# to give the rain to your land in its season# and to bless all the wor1 of your hand' Cou shall lend to many nations# but you shall not borrow'

The )3+* will ma1e the "lague cling to you until 2e has consumed you from the land which you are going to "ossess'

And the )3+* will ma1e you the head and not the tail9 you shall be above only# and not be beneath# if you heed the commandments of the )3+* your (od# which 0 command you today# and are careful to observe them'

The )3+* will stri1e you with consum"tion# with fever# with inflammation# with severe burning fever# with the sword# with scorching# and with mildew9 they shall "ursue you until you "erish'


And your heavens which are over your head shall be bron.e# and the earth which is under you shall be iron'


The )3+* will change the rain of your land to "owder and dust9 from the heaven it shall come down on you until you are destroyed'

Cour o! shall be slaughtered before your eyes# but you shall not eat of it9 your don1ey shall be violently ta1en away from before you# and shall not be restored to you9 your shee" shall be given to your enemies# and you shall have no one to rescue them'

:The )3+* will cause you to be defeated before your enemies9 you shall go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them9 and you shall become troublesome to all the 1ingdoms of the earth'

Cour sons and your daughters shall be given to another "eo"le# and your eyes shall loo1 and fail with longing for them all day long9 and there shall be no strength in your hand'

Cour carcasses shall be food for all the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth# and no one shall frighten them away'

A nation whom you have not 1nown shall eat the fruit of your land and the "roduce of your labor# and you shall be only o""ressed and crushed continually'

So you shall be driven mad because of the sight which your eyes see'

The )3+* will stri1e you with the boils of gy"t# with tumors# with the scab# and with the itch# from which you cannot be healed'

The )3+* will stri1e you in the 1nees and on the legs with severe boils which cannot be healed# and from the sole of your foot to the to" of your head'

The )3+* will stri1e you with madness and blindness and confusion of heart'

And you shall gro"e at noonday# as a blind man gro"es in dar1ness9 you shall not "ros"er in your ways9 you shall be only o""ressed and "lundered continually# and no one shall save you'

:The )3+* will bring you and the 1ing whom you set over you to a nation which neither you nor your fathers have 1nown# and there you shall serve other godsFFwood and stone'

:Cou shall betroth a wife# but another man shall lie with her9 you shall build a house# but you shall not dwell in it9 you shall "lant a vineyard# but shall not gather its gra"es'

And you shall become an astonishment# a "roverb# and a byword among all nations where the )3+* will drive you'

:Cou shall carry much seed out to the field but gather little in# for the locust shall consume it'

Cou shall "lant vineyards and tend them# but you shall neither drin1 of the wine nor gather the gra"es9 for the worms shall eat them'


Cou shall have olive trees throughout all your territory# but you shall not anoint yourself with the oil9 for your olives shall dro" off'


a nation of fierce countenance# which does not res"ect the elderly nor show favor to the young'

Cou shall beget sons and daughters# but they shall not be yours9 for they shall go into ca"tivity'

)ocusts shall consume all your trees and the "roduce of your land'

And they shall eat the increase of your livestoc1 and the "roduce of your land# until you are destroyed9 they shall not leave you grain or new wine or oil# or the increase of your cattle or the offs"ring of your floc1s# until they have destroyed you'

:The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you# and you shall come down lower and lower'

2e shall lend to you# but you shall not lend to him9 he shall be the head# and you shall be the tail'

:They shall besiege you at all your gates until your high and fortified walls# in which you trust# come down throughout all your land9 and they shall besiege you at all your gates throughout all your land which the )3+* your (od has given you'

:4oreover all these curses shall come u"on you and "ursue and overta1e you# until you are destroyed# because you did not obey the voice of the )3+* your (od# to 1ee" 2is commandments and 2is statutes which 2e commanded you'

Cou shall eat the fruit of your own body# the flesh of your sons and your daughters whom the )3+* your (od has given you# in the siege and des"erate straits in which your enemy shall distress you'

And they shall be u"on you for a sign and a wonder# and on your descendants forever'

:Because you did not serve the )3+* your (od with $oy and gladness of heart# for the abundance of everything#

The sensitive and very refined man among you will be hostile toward his brother# toward the wife of his bosom# and toward the rest of his children whom he leaves behind#

therefore you shall serve your enemies# whom the )3+* will send against you# in hunger# in thirst# in na1edness# and in need of everything9 and 2e will "ut a yo1e of iron on your nec1 until 2e has destroyed you'

so that he will not give any of them the flesh of his children whom he will eat# because he has nothing left in the siege and des"erate straits in which your enemy shall distress you at all your gates'

The )3+* will bring a nation against you from afar# from the end of the earth# as swift as the eagle flies# a nation whose language you will not understand#

The tender and delicate woman among you# who would not venture to set the sole of her foot on the ground because of her delicateness and sensitivity# will refuse to the husband of her bosom# and to her son and her daughter#


her "lacenta which comes out from between her feet and her children whom she bears9 for she will eat them secretly for lac1 of everything in the siege and des"erate straits in which your enemy shall distress you at all your gates'


And among those nations you shall find no rest# nor shall the sole of your foot have a resting "lace9 but there the )3+* will give you a trembling heart# failing eyes# and anguish of soul'

:0f you do not carefully observe all the words of this law that are written in this boo1# that you may fear this glorious and awesome name# T2 )3+* C3A+ (3*#

Cour life shall hang in doubt before you9 you shall fear day and night# and have no assurance of life'

then the )3+* will bring u"on you and your descendants e!traordinary "laguesFFgreat and "rolonged "laguesFF and serious and "rolonged sic1nesses'

0n the morning you shall say# :3h# that it were eveningHD And at evening you shall say# :3h# that it were morningHD because of the fear which terrifies your heart# and because of the sight which your eyes see'

4oreover 2e will bring bac1 on you all the diseases of gy"t# of which you were afraid# and they shall cling to you'

Also every sic1ness and every "lague# which is not written in this Boo1 of the )aw# will the )3+* bring u"on you until you are destroyed'

:And the )3+* will ta1e you bac1 to gy"t in shi"s# by the way of which 0 said to you# :Cou shall never see it again'D And there you shall be offered for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves# but no one will buy you':


Cou shall be left few in number# whereas you were as the stars of heaven in multitude# because you would not obey the voice of the )3+* your (od'

are the words of the covenant which the )3+* commanded 4oses to ma1e with the children of 0srael in the land of 4oab# besides the covenant which 2e made with them in 2oreb'

And it shall be# that $ust as the )3+* re$oiced over you to do you good and multi"ly you# so the )3+* will re$oice over you to destroy you and bring you to nothing9 and you shall be "luc1ed from off the land which you go to "ossess'

Now 4oses called all 0srael and said to them7 :Cou have seen all that the )3+* did before your eyes in the land of gy"t# to /haraoh and to all his servants and to all his landFF

:Then the )3+* will scatter you among all "eo"les# from one end of the earth to the other# and there you shall serve other gods# which neither you nor your fathers have 1nownFFwood and stone'

the great trials which your eyes have seen# the signs# and those great wonders'

Cet the )3+* has not given you a heart to "erceive and eyes to see and ears to hear# to this very day'


And 0 have led you forty years in the wilderness' Cour clothes have not worn out on you# and your sandals have not worn out on your feet'


but with him who stands here with us today before the )3+* our (od# as well as with him who is not here with us today

Cou have not eaten bread# nor have you drun1 wine or similar drin1# that you may 1now that 0 am the )3+* your (od'

Ifor you 1now that we dwelt in the land of gy"t and that we came through the nations which you "assed by#

And when you came to this "lace# Sihon 1ing of 2eshbon and 3g 1ing of Bashan came out against us to battle# and we conGuered them'

and you saw their abominations and their idols which were among themFF wood and stone and silver and goldJ9

Be too1 their land and gave it as an inheritance to the +eubenites# to the (adites# and to half the tribe of 4anasseh'

so that there may not be among you man or woman or family or tribe# whose heart turns away today from the )3+* our (od# to go and serve the gods of these nations# and that there may not be among you a root bearing bitterness or wormwood9

Therefore 1ee" the words of this covenant# and do them# that you may "ros"er in all that you do'

:All of you stand today before the )3+* your (od7 your leaders and your tribes and your elders and your officers# all the men of 0srael#

and so it may not ha""en# when he hears the words of this curse# that he blesses himself in his heart# saying# :0 shall have "eace# even though 0 follow the dictates of my heartDFFas though the drun1ard could be included with the sober'

your little ones and your wivesFFalso the stranger who is in your cam"# from the one who cuts your wood to the one who draws your waterFF

that you may enter into covenant with the )3+* your (od# and into 2is oath# which the )3+* your (od ma1es with you today#

:The )3+* would not s"are him9 for then the anger of the )3+* and 2is $ealousy would burn against that man# and every curse that is written in this boo1 would settle on him# and the )3+* would blot out his name from under heaven'

that 2e may establish you today as a "eo"le for 2imself# and that 2e may be (od to you# $ust as 2e has s"o1en to you# and $ust as 2e has sworn to your fathers# to Abraham# 0saac# and Jacob'

And the )3+* would se"arate him from all the tribes of 0srael for adversity# according to all the curses of the covenant that are written in this Boo1 of the )aw#

:0 ma1e this covenant and this oath# not with you alone#

so that the coming generation of your children who rise u" after you# and the foreigner who comes from a far land# would say# when they see the "lagues

of that land and the sic1nesses which the )3+* has laid on it7

:The whole land is brimstone# salt# and burning9 it is not sown# nor does it bear# nor does any grass grow there# li1e the overthrow of Sodom and (omorrah# Admah# and 5eboiim# which the )3+* overthrew in 2is anger and 2is wrath'D

and you return to the )3+* your (od and obey 2is voice# according to all that 0 command you today# you and your children# with all your heart and with all your soul#

All nations would say# :Bhy has the )3+* done so to this landE Bhat does the heat of this great anger meanED

that the )3+* your (od will bring you bac1 from ca"tivity# and have com"assion on you# and gather you again from all the nations where the )3+* your (od has scattered you'

Then "eo"le would say7 :Because they have forsa1en the covenant of the )3+* (od of their fathers# which 2e made with them when 2e brought them out of the land of gy"t9

0f any of you are driven out to the farthest "arts under heaven# from there the )3+* your (od will gather you# and from there 2e will bring you'

for they went and served other gods and worshi"ed them# gods that they did not 1now and that 2e had not given to them'

Then the )3+* your (od will bring you to the land which your fathers "ossessed# and you shall "ossess it' 2e will "ros"er you and multi"ly you more than your fathers'

Then the anger of the )3+* was aroused against this land# to bring on it every curse that is written in this boo1'

And the )3+* your (od will circumcise your heart and the heart of your descendants# to love the )3+* your (od with all your heart and with all your soul# that you may live'

And the )3+* u"rooted them from their land in anger# in wrath# and in great indignation# and cast them into another land# as it is this day'D

:Also the )3+* your (od will "ut all these curses on your enemies and on those who hate you# who "ersecuted you'

:The secret things belong to the )3+* our (od# but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever# that we may do all the words of this law'

And you will again obey the voice of the )3+* and do all 2is commandments which 0 command you today'

30:Now it shall come to "ass# when

all these things come u"on you# the blessing and the curse which 0 have set before you# and you call them to mind among all the nations where the )3+* your (od drives you#

The )3+* your (od will ma1e you abound in all the wor1 of your hand# in the fruit of your body# in the increase of your livestoc1# and in the "roduce of your land for good' For the )3+* will again re$oice over you for good as 2e re$oiced over your fathers#

if you obey the voice of the )3+* your (od# to 1ee" 2is commandments and

2is statutes which are written in this Boo1 of the )aw# and if you turn to the )3+* your (od with all your heart and with all your soul'


:For this commandment which 0 command you today is not too mysterious for you# nor is it far off'

that you may love the )3+* your (od# that you may obey 2is voice# and that you may cling to 2im# for 2e is your life and the length of your days9 and that you may dwell in the land which the )3+* swore to your fathers# to Abraham# 0saac# and Jacob# to give them':

0t is not in heaven# that you should say# :Bho will ascend into heaven for us and bring it to us# that we may hear it and do itED


4oses went and s"o1e these words to all 0srael' And he said to them7 :0 am one hundred and twenty years old today' 0 can no longer go out and come in' Also the )3+* has said to me# :Cou shall not cross over this Jordan'D

Nor is it beyond the sea# that you should say# :Bho will go over the sea for us and bring it to us# that we may hear it and do itED

But the word is very near you# in your mouth and in your heart# that you may do it'

:See# 0 have set before you today life and good# death and evil#

The )3+* your (od 2imself crosses over before you9 2e will destroy these nations from before you# and you shall dis"ossess them' Joshua himself crosses over before you# $ust as the )3+* has said'

in that 0 command you today to love the )3+* your (od# to wal1 in 2is ways# and to 1ee" 2is commandments# 2is statutes# and 2is $udgments# that you may live and multi"ly9 and the )3+* your (od will bless you in the land which you go to "ossess'

And the )3+* will do to them as 2e did to Sihon and 3g# the 1ings of the Amorites and their land# when 2e destroyed them'

But if your heart turns away so that you do not hear# and are drawn away# and worshi" other gods and serve them#

The )3+* will give them over to you# that you may do to them according to every commandment which 0 have commanded you'

0 announce to you today that you shall surely "erish9 you shall not "rolong your days in the land which you cross over the Jordan to go in and "ossess'

Be strong and of good courage# do not fear nor be afraid of them9 for the )3+* your (od# 2e is the 3ne who goes with you' 2e will not leave you nor forsa1e you':

0 call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you# that 0 have set before you life and death# blessing and cursing9 therefore choose life# that both you and your descendants may live9

Then 4oses called Joshua and said to him in the sight of all 0srael# :Be strong and of good courage# for you must go with this "eo"le to the land which the )3+* has sworn to their fathers to give

them# and you shall cause them to inherit it'



And the )3+*# 2e is the 3ne who goes before you' 2e will be with you# 2e will not leave you nor forsa1e you9 do not fear nor be dismayed':

And the )3+* said to 4oses7 :Behold# you will rest with your fathers9 and this "eo"le will rise and "lay the harlot with the gods of the foreigners of the land# where they go to be among them# and they will forsa1e 4e and brea1 4y covenant which 0 have made with them'

So 4oses wrote this law and delivered it to the "riests# the sons of )evi# who bore the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+*# and to all the elders of 0srael'

And 4oses commanded them# saying7 :At the end of every seven years# at the a""ointed time in the year of release# at the Feast of Tabernacles#

Then 4y anger shall be aroused against them in that day# and 0 will forsa1e them# and 0 will hide 4y face from them# and they shall be devoured' And many evils and troubles shall befall them# so that they will say in that day# :2ave not these evils come u"on us because our (od is not among usED

when all 0srael comes to a""ear before the )3+* your (od in the "lace which 2e chooses# you shall read this law before all 0srael in their hearing'

And 0 will surely hide 4y face in that day because of all the evil which they have done# in that they have turned to other gods'

(ather the "eo"le together# men and women and little ones# and the stranger who is within your gates# that they may hear and that they may learn to fear the )3+* your (od and carefully observe all the words of this law#

:Now therefore# write down this song for yourselves# and teach it to the children of 0srael9 "ut it in their mouths# that this song may be a witness for 4e against the children of 0srael'

and that their children# who have not 1nown it# may hear and learn to fear the )3+* your (od as long as you live in the land which you cross the Jordan to "ossess':

Bhen 0 have brought them to the land flowing with mil1 and honey# of which 0 swore to their fathers# and they have eaten and filled themselves and grown fat# then they will turn to other gods and serve them9 and they will "rovo1e 4e and brea1 4y covenant'

Then the )3+* said to 4oses# :Behold# the days a""roach when you must die9 call Joshua# and "resent yourselves in the tabernacle of meeting# that 0 may inaugurate him': So 4oses and Joshua went and "resented themselves in the tabernacle of meeting'

Then it shall be# when many evils and troubles have come u"on them# that this song will testify against them as a witness9 for it will not be forgotten in the mouths of their descendants# for 0 1now the inclination of their behavior today# even before 0 have brought them to the land of which 0 swore to give them':

Now the )3+* a""eared at the tabernacle in a "illar of cloud# and the "illar of cloud stood above the door of the tabernacle'

Therefore 4oses wrote this song the same day# and taught it to the children of 0srael'


Then 2e inaugurated Joshua the son of Nun# and said# :Be strong and of good courage9 for you shall bring the children of 0srael into the land of which 0 swore to them# and 0 will be with you':

)et my teaching dro" as the rain# 4y s"eech distill as the dew# As raindro"s on the tender herb# And as showers on the grass'

So it was# when 4oses had com"leted writing the words of this law in a boo1# when they were finished#

For 0 "roclaim the name of the )3+*7 Ascribe greatness to our (od'

that 4oses commanded the )evites# who bore the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+*# saying7

2e is the +oc1# 2is wor1 is "erfect9 For all 2is ways are $ustice# A (od of truth and without in$ustice9 +ighteous and u"right is 2e'

:Ta1e this Boo1 of the )aw# and "ut it beside the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* your (od# that it may be there as a witness against you9

:They have corru"ted themselves9 They are not 2is children# Because of their blemish7 A "erverse and croo1ed generation'

for 0 1now your rebellion and your stiff nec1' 0f today# while 0 am yet alive with you# you have been rebellious against the )3+*# then how much more after my deathE

*o you thus deal with the )3+*# 3 foolish and unwise "eo"leE 0s 2e not your Father# who bought youE 2as 2e not made you and established youE

(ather to me all the elders of your tribes# and your officers# that 0 may s"ea1 these words in their hearing and call heaven and earth to witness against them'

:+emember the days of old# -onsider the years of many generations' As1 your father# and he will show you9 Cour elders# and they will tell you7

For 0 1now that after my death you will become utterly corru"t# and turn aside from the way which 0 have commanded you' And evil will befall you in the latter days# because you will do evil in the sight of the )3+*# to "rovo1e 2im to anger through the wor1 of your hands':

Bhen the 4ost 2igh divided their inheritance to the nations# Bhen 2e se"arated the sons of Adam# 2e set the boundaries of the "eo"les According to the number of the children of 0srael'

For the )3+*Ds "ortion is 2is "eo"le9 Jacob is the "lace of 2is inheritance'

Then 4oses s"o1e in the hearing of all the assembly of 0srael the words of this song until they were ended7

:2e found him in a desert land And in the wasteland# a howling wilderness9 2e encircled him# 2e instructed him# 2e 1e"t him as the a""le of 2is eye'

32:(ive ear# 3 heavens# and 0 will

s"ea19 And hear# 3 earth# the words of my mouth'

As an eagle stirs u" its nest# 2overs over its young# S"reading out its wings# ta1ing them u"# -arrying them on its wings#


So the )3+* alone led him# And there was no foreign god with him'

are not a nation9 0 will move them to anger by a foolish nation'


:2e made him ride in the heights of the earth# That he might eat the "roduce of the fields9 2e made him draw honey from the roc1# And oil from the flinty roc19

For a fire is 1indled in 4y anger# And shall burn to the lowest hell9 0t shall consume the earth with her increase# And set on fire the foundations of the mountains'

-urds from the cattle# and mil1 of the floc1# Bith fat of lambs9 And rams of the breed of Bashan# and goats# Bith the choicest wheat9 And you dran1 wine# the blood of the gra"es'

:0 will hea" disasters on them9 0 will s"end 4y arrows on them'


:But Jeshurun grew fat and 1ic1ed9 Cou grew fat# you grew thic1# Cou are obeseH Then he forsoo1 (od who made him# And scornfully esteemed the +oc1 of his salvation'

They shall be wasted with hunger# *evoured by "estilence and bitter destruction9 0 will also send against them the teeth of beasts# Bith the "oison of ser"ents of the dust'

They "rovo1ed 2im to $ealousy with foreign gods9 Bith abominations they "rovo1ed 2im to anger'

The sword shall destroy outside9 There shall be terror within For the young man and virgin# The nursing child with the man of gray hairs'

They sacrificed to demons# not to (od# To gods they did not 1now# To new gods# new arrivals That your fathers did not fear'

0 would have said# :0 will dash them in "ieces# 0 will ma1e the memory of them to cease from among men#:

3f the +oc1 who begot you# you are unmindful# And have forgotten the (od who fathered you'

2ad 0 not feared the wrath of the enemy# )est their adversaries should misunderstand# )est they should say# :3ur hand is high9 And it is not the )3+* who has done all this':D

:And when the )3+* saw it# 2e s"urned them# Because of the "rovocation of 2is sons and 2is daughters'

:For they are a nation void of counsel# Nor is there any understanding in them'

3h# that they were wise# that they understood this# That they would consider their latter endH

And 2e said7 :0 will hide 4y face from them# 0 will see what their end will be# For they are a "erverse generation# -hildren in whom is no faith'

2ow could one chase a thousand# And two "ut ten thousand to flight# Anless their +oc1 had sold them# And the )3+* had surrendered themE

They have "rovo1ed 4e to $ealousy by what is not (od9 They have moved 4e to anger by their foolish idols' But 0 will "rovo1e them to $ealousy by those who


For their roc1 is not li1e our +oc1# ven our enemies themselves being $udges'


For their vine is of the vine of Sodom And of the fields of (omorrah9 Their gra"es are gra"es of gall# Their clusters are bitter'

0 will ma1e 4y arrows drun1 with blood# And 4y sword shall devour flesh# Bith the blood of the slain and the ca"tives# From the heads of the leaders of the enemy':D

Their wine is the "oison of ser"ents# And the cruel venom of cobras'

:+e$oice# 3 (entiles# with 2is "eo"le9 For 2e will avenge the blood of 2is servants# And render vengeance to 2is adversaries9 2e will "rovide atonement for 2is land and 2is "eo"le':

:0s this not laid u" in store with 4e# Sealed u" among 4y treasuresE

So 4oses came with Joshua the son of Nun and s"o1e all the words of this song in the hearing of the "eo"le'

Vengeance is 4ine# and recom"ense9 Their foot shall sli" in due time9 For the day of their calamity is at hand# And the things to come hasten u"on them'D

4oses finished s"ea1ing all these words to all 0srael#


:For the )3+* will $udge 2is "eo"le And have com"assion on 2is servants# Bhen 2e sees that their "ower is gone# And there is no one remaining# bond or free'

and he said to them7 :Set your hearts on all the words which 0 testify among you today# which you shall command your children to be careful to observeFF all the words of this law'

2e will say7 :Bhere are their gods# The roc1 in which they sought refugeE

Bho ate the fat of their sacrifices# And dran1 the wine of their drin1 offeringE )et them rise and hel" you# And be your refuge'

For it is not a futile thing for you# because it is your life# and by this word you shall "rolong your days in the land which you cross over the Jordan to "ossess':

Then the )3+* s"o1e to 4oses that very same day# saying7

:Now see that 0# even 0# am 2e# And there is no (od besides 4e9 0 1ill and 0 ma1e alive9 0 wound and 0 heal9 Nor is there any who can deliver from 4y hand'

:(o u" this mountain of the Abarim# 4ount Nebo# which is in the land of 4oab# across from Jericho9 view the land of -anaan# which 0 give to the children of 0srael as a "ossession9

For 0 raise 4y hand to heaven# And say# :As 0 live forever#


0f 0 whet 4y glittering sword# And 4y hand ta1es hold on $udgment# 0 will render vengeance to 4y enemies# And re"ay those who hate 4e'

and die on the mountain which you ascend# and be gathered to your "eo"le# $ust as Aaron your brother died on 4ount 2or and was gathered to his "eo"le9

because you tres"assed against 4e among the children of 0srael at the

waters of 4eribah Kadesh# in the Bilderness of 5in# because you did not hallow 4e in the midst of the children of 0srael'

Bho says of his father and mother# :0 have not seen themD9 Nor did he ac1nowledge his brothers# 3r 1now his own children9 For they have observed Cour word And 1e"t Cour covenant'

Cet you shall see the land before you# though you shall not go there# into the land which 0 am giving to the children of 0srael':

They shall teach Jacob Cour $udgments# And 0srael Cour law' They shall "ut incense before Cou# And a whole burnt sacrifice on Cour altar'


this is the blessing with which 4oses the man of (od blessed the children of 0srael before his death' And he said7 :The )3+* came from Sinai# And dawned on them from Seir9 2e shone forth from 4ount /aran# And 2e came with ten thousands of saints9 From 2is right hand -ame a fiery law for them'

Bless his substance# )3+*# And acce"t the wor1 of his hands9 Stri1e the loins of those who rise against him# And of those who hate him# that they rise not again':

3f Ben$amin he said7 :The beloved of the )3+* shall dwell in safety by 2im# Bho shelters him all the day long9 And he shall dwell between 2is shoulders':

Ces# 2e loves the "eo"le9 All 2is saints are in Cour hand9 They sit down at Cour feet9 everyone receives Cour words'

And of Jose"h he said7 :Blessed of the )3+* is his land# Bith the "recious things of heaven# with the dew# And the dee" lying beneath#

4oses commanded a law for us# A heritage of the congregation of Jacob'


And 2e was King in Jeshurun# Bhen the leaders of the "eo"le were gathered# All the tribes of 0srael together'

Bith the "recious fruits of the sun# Bith the "recious "roduce of the months#

:)et +euben live# and not die# Nor let his men be few':

Bith the best things of the ancient mountains# Bith the "recious things of the everlasting hills#

And this he said of Judah7 :2ear# )3+*# the voice of Judah# And bring him to his "eo"le9 )et his hands be sufficient for him# And may Cou be a hel" against his enemies':

Bith the "recious things of the earth and its fullness# And the favor of 2im who dwelt in the bush' )et the blessing come :on the head of Jose"h# And on the crown of the head of him who was se"arate from his brothers'D

And of )evi he said7 :)et Cour Thummim and Cour Arim be with Cour holy one# Bhom Cou tested at 4assah# And with whom Cou contended at the waters of 4eribah#

2is glory is li1e a firstborn bull# And his horns li1e the horns of the wild o!9 Together with them 2e shall "ush the "eo"les To the ends of the earth9 They are the ten thousands of "hraim# And they are the thousands of 4anasseh':


And of 5ebulun he said7 :+e$oice# 5ebulun# in your going out# And 0ssachar in your tentsH


Then 0srael shall dwell in safety# The fountain of Jacob alone# 0n a land of grain and new wine9 2is heavens shall also dro" dew'

They shall call the "eo"les to the mountain9 There they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness9 For they shall "arta1e of the abundance of the seas And of treasures hidden in the sand':

2a""y are you# 3 0sraelH Bho is li1e you# a "eo"le saved by the )3+*# The shield of your hel" And the sword of your ma$estyH Cour enemies shall submit to you# And you shall tread down their high "laces':

And of (ad he said7 :Blessed is he who enlarges (ad9 2e dwells as a lion# And tears the arm and the crown of his head'

34Then 4oses went u" from the

"lains of 4oab to 4ount Nebo# to the to" of /isgah# which is across from Jericho' And the )3+* showed him all the land of (ilead as far as *an#

2e "rovided the first "art for himself# Because a lawgiverDs "ortion was reserved there' 2e came with the heads of the "eo"le9 2e administered the $ustice of the )3+*# And 2is $udgments with 0srael':

all Na"htali and the land of "hraim and 4anasseh# all the land of Judah as far as the Bestern Sea#

And of *an he said7 :*an is a lionDs whel"9 2e shall lea" from Bashan':

And of Na"htali he said7 :3 Na"htali# satisfied with favor# And full of the blessing of the )3+*# /ossess the west and the south':

the South# and the "lain of the Valley of Jericho# the city of "alm trees# as far as 5oar'

And of Asher he said7 :Asher is most blessed of sons9 )et him be favored by his brothers# And let him di" his foot in oil'

Then the )3+* said to him# :This is the land of which 0 swore to give Abraham# 0saac# and Jacob# saying# :0 will give it to your descendants'D 0 have caused you to see it with your eyes# but you shall not cross over there':

Cour sandals shall be iron and bron.e9 As your days# so shall your strength be'

So 4oses the servant of the )3+* died there in the land of 4oab# according to the word of the )3+*'

:There is no one li1e the (od of Jeshurun# Bho rides the heavens to hel" you# And in 2is e!cellency on the clouds'

And 2e buried him in a valley in the land of 4oab# o""osite Beth /eor9 but no one 1nows his grave to this day'

The eternal (od is your refuge# And underneath are the everlasting arms9 2e will thrust out the enemy from before you# And will say# :*estroyHD

4oses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died' 2is eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished'


And the children of 0srael we"t for 4oses in the "lains of 4oab thirty days' So the days of wee"ing and mourning for 4oses ended'


But since then there has not arisen in 0srael a "ro"het li1e 4oses# whom the )3+* 1new face to face#

Now Joshua the son of Nun was full of the s"irit of wisdom# for 4oses had laid his hands on him9 so the children of 0srael heeded him# and did as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

in all the signs and wonders which the )3+* sent him to do in the land of gy"t# before /haraoh# before all his servants# and in all his land#

and by all that mighty "ower and all the great terror which 4oses "erformed in the sight of all 0srael'

Joshua 1After the death of 4oses the servant

of the )3+*# it came to "ass that the )3+* s"o1e to Joshua the son of Nun# 4osesD assistant# saying7

"ros"erous# and then you will have good success'


:4oses 4y servant is dead' Now therefore# arise# go over this Jordan# you and all this "eo"le# to the land which 0 am giving to themFFthe children of 0srael'

2ave 0 not commanded youE Be strong and of good courage9 do not be afraid# nor be dismayed# for the )3+* your (od is with you wherever you go':

Then Joshua commanded the officers of the "eo"le# saying#


very "lace that the sole of your foot will tread u"on 0 have given you# as 0 said to 4oses'

From the wilderness and this )ebanon as far as the great river# the +iver u"hrates# all the land of the 2ittites# and to the (reat Sea toward the going down of the sun# shall be your territory'

:/ass through the cam" and command the "eo"le# saying# :/re"are "rovisions for yourselves# for within three days you will cross over this Jordan# to go in to "ossess the land which the )3+* your (od is giving you to "ossess':D

And to the +eubenites# the (adites# and half the tribe of 4anasseh Joshua s"o1e# saying#

No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life9 as 0 was with 4oses# so 0 will be with you' 0 will not leave you nor forsa1e you'

:+emember the word which 4oses the servant of the )3+* commanded you# saying# :The )3+* your (od is giving you rest and is giving you this land'D

Be strong and of good courage# for to this "eo"le you shall divide as an inheritance the land which 0 swore to their fathers to give them'

3nly be strong and very courageous# that you may observe to do according to all the law which 4oses 4y servant commanded you9 do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left# that you may "ros"er wherever you go'

Cour wives# your little ones# and your livestoc1 shall remain in the land which 4oses gave you on this side of the Jordan' But you shall "ass before your brethren armed# all your mighty men of valor# and hel" them#

This Boo1 of the )aw shall not de"art from your mouth# but you shall meditate in it day and night# that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it' For then you will ma1e your way

until the )3+* has given your brethren rest# as 2e gave you# and they also have ta1en "ossession of the land which the )3+* your (od is giving them' Then you shall return to the land of your "ossession and en$oy it# which 4oses the )3+*Ds servant gave you on this side of the Jordan toward the sunrise':


So they answered Joshua# saying# :All that you command us we will do# and wherever you send us we will go'


IBut she had brought them u" to the roof and hidden them with the stal1s of fla!# which she had laid in order on the roof'J

Just as we heeded 4oses in all things# so we will heed you' 3nly the )3+* your (od be with you# as 2e was with 4oses'

Then the men "ursued them by the road to the Jordan# to the fords' And as soon as those who "ursued them had gone out# they shut the gate'

Bhoever rebels against your command and does not heed your words# in all that you command him# shall be "ut to death' 3nly be strong and of good courage':

Now before they lay down# she came u" to them on the roof#

2Now Joshua the son of Nun sent out

two men from Acacia (rove to s"y secretly# saying# :(o# view the land# es"ecially Jericho': So they went# and came to the house of a harlot named +ahab# and lodged there'

and said to the men7 :0 1now that the )3+* has given you the land# that the terror of you has fallen on us# and that all the inhabitants of the land are fainthearted because of you'

And it was told the 1ing of Jericho# saying# :Behold# men have come here tonight from the children of 0srael to search out the country':

For we have heard how the )3+* dried u" the water of the +ed Sea for you when you came out of gy"t# and what you did to the two 1ings of the Amorites who were on the other side of the Jordan# Sihon and 3g# whom you utterly destroyed'

So the 1ing of Jericho sent to +ahab# saying# :Bring out the men who have come to you# who have entered your house# for they have come to search out all the country':

And as soon as we heard these things# our hearts melted9 neither did there remain any more courage in anyone because of you# for the )3+* your (od# 2e is (od in heaven above and on earth beneath'

Then the woman too1 the two men and hid them' So she said# :Ces# the men came to me# but 0 did not 1now where they were from'

Now therefore# 0 beg you# swear to me by the )3+*# since 0 have shown you 1indness# that you also will show 1indness to my fatherDs house# and give me a true to1en#

And it ha""ened as the gate was being shut# when it was dar1# that the men went out' Bhere the men went 0 do not 1now9 "ursue them Guic1ly# for you may overta1e them':

and s"are my father# my mother# my brothers# my sisters# and all that they have# and deliver our lives from death':

So the men answered her# :3ur lives for yours# if none of you tell this business of ours' And it shall be# when

the )3+* has given us the land# that we will deal 1indly and truly with you':


Then she let them down by a ro"e through the window# for her house was on the city wall9 she dwelt on the wall'

So the two men returned# descended from the mountain# and crossed over9 and they came to Joshua the son of Nun# and told him all that had befallen them'

And she said to them# :(et to the mountain# lest the "ursuers meet you' 2ide there three days# until the "ursuers have returned' Afterward you may go your way':

And they said to Joshua# :Truly the )3+* has delivered all the land into our hands# for indeed all the inhabitants of the country are fainthearted because of us':

So the men said to her7 :Be will be blameless of this oath of yours which you have made us swear#


unless# when we come into the land# you bind this line of scarlet cord in the window through which you let us down# and unless you bring your father# your mother# your brothers# and all your fatherDs household to your own home'

Joshua rose early in the morning9 and they set out from Acacia (rove and came to the Jordan# he and all the children of 0srael# and lodged there before they crossed over'

So it was# after three days# that the officers went through the cam"9

So it shall be that whoever goes outside the doors of your house into the street# his blood shall be on his own head# and we will be guiltless' And whoever is with you in the house# his blood shall be on our head if a hand is laid on him'

and they commanded the "eo"le# saying# :Bhen you see the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* your (od# and the "riests# the )evites# bearing it# then you shall set out from your "lace and go after it'

And if you tell this business of ours# then we will be free from your oath which you made us swear':

Cet there shall be a s"ace between you and it# about two thousand cubits by measure' *o not come near it# that you may 1now the way by which you must go# for you have not "assed this way before':

Then she said# :According to your words# so be it': And she sent them away# and they de"arted' And she bound the scarlet cord in the window'

And Joshua said to the "eo"le# :Sanctify yourselves# for tomorrow the )3+* will do wonders among you':

They de"arted and went to the mountain# and stayed there three days until the "ursuers returned' The "ursuers sought them all along the way# but did not find them'

Then Joshua s"o1e to the "riests# saying# :Ta1e u" the ar1 of the covenant and cross over before the "eo"le': So they too1 u" the ar1 of the covenant and went before the "eo"le'

And the )3+* said to Joshua# :This day 0 will begin to e!alt you in the sight of all 0srael# that they may 1now that# as 0 was with 4oses# so 0 will be with you'

the water Ifor the Jordan overflows all its ban1s during the whole time of harvestJ#

Cou shall command the "riests who bear the ar1 of the covenant# saying# :Bhen you have come to the edge of the water of the Jordan# you shall stand in the Jordan':D

that the waters which came down from u"stream stood still# and rose in a hea" very far away at Adam# the city that is beside 5aretan' So the waters that went down into the Sea of the Arabah# the Salt Sea# failed# and were cut off9 and the "eo"le crossed over o""osite Jericho'

So Joshua said to the children of 0srael# :-ome here# and hear the words of the )3+* your (od':

And Joshua said# :By this you shall 1now that the living (od is among you# and that 2e will without fail drive out from before you the -anaanites and the 2ittites and the 2ivites and the /eri..ites and the (irgashites and the Amorites and the Jebusites7

Then the "riests who bore the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* stood firm on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan9 and all 0srael crossed over on dry ground# until all the "eo"le had crossed com"letely over the Jordan'

4And it came to "ass# when all the

"eo"le had com"letely crossed over the Jordan# that the )3+* s"o1e to Joshua# saying7

Behold# the ar1 of the covenant of the )ord of all the earth is crossing over before you into the Jordan'

Now therefore# ta1e for yourselves twelve men from the tribes of 0srael# one man from every tribe'

:Ta1e for yourselves twelve men from the "eo"le# one man from every tribe#

And it shall come to "ass# as soon as the soles of the feet of the "riests who bear the ar1 of the )3+*# the )ord of all the earth# shall rest in the waters of the Jordan# that the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off# the waters that come down from u"stream# and they shall stand as a hea"':

and command them# saying# :Ta1e for yourselves twelve stones from here# out of the midst of the Jordan# from the "lace where the "riestsD feet stood firm' Cou shall carry them over with you and leave them in the lodging "lace where you lodge tonight':D

So it was# when the "eo"le set out from their cam" to cross over the Jordan# with the "riests bearing the ar1 of the covenant before the "eo"le#

Then Joshua called the twelve men whom he had a""ointed from the children of 0srael# one man from every tribe9

and as those who bore the ar1 came to the Jordan# and the feet of the "riests who bore the ar1 di""ed in the edge of

and Joshua said to them7 :-ross over before the ar1 of the )3+* your (od into the midst of the Jordan# and each one of you ta1e u" a stone on his shoulder# according to the number of the tribes of the children of 0srael#


that this may be a sign among you when your children as1 in time to come# saying# :Bhat do these stones mean to youED


About forty thousand "re"ared for war crossed over before the )3+* for battle# to the "lains of Jericho'

Then you shall answer them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+*9 when it crossed over the Jordan# the waters of the Jordan were cut off' And these stones shall be for a memorial to the children of 0srael forever':

3n that day the )3+* e!alted Joshua in the sight of all 0srael9 and they feared him# as they had feared 4oses# all the days of his life'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to Joshua# saying#


And the children of 0srael did so# $ust as Joshua commanded# and too1 u" twelve stones from the midst of the Jordan# as the )3+* had s"o1en to Joshua# according to the number of the tribes of the children of 0srael# and carried them over with them to the "lace where they lodged# and laid them down there'

:-ommand the "riests who bear the ar1 of the Testimony to come u" from the Jordan':

Joshua therefore commanded the "riests# saying# :-ome u" from the Jordan':

Then Joshua set u" twelve stones in the midst of the Jordan# in the "lace where the feet of the "riests who bore the ar1 of the covenant stood9 and they are there to this day'

And it came to "ass# when the "riests who bore the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* had come from the midst of the Jordan# and the soles of the "riestsD feet touched the dry land# that the waters of the Jordan returned to their "lace and overflowed all its ban1s as before'

So the "riests who bore the ar1 stood in the midst of the Jordan until everything was finished that the )3+* had commanded Joshua to s"ea1 to the "eo"le# according to all that 4oses had commanded Joshua9 and the "eo"le hurried and crossed over'

Now the "eo"le came u" from the Jordan on the tenth day of the first month# and they cam"ed in (ilgal on the east border of Jericho'

Then it came to "ass# when all the "eo"le had com"letely crossed over# that the ar1 of the )3+* and the "riests crossed over in the "resence of the "eo"le'

And those twelve stones which they too1 out of the Jordan# Joshua set u" in (ilgal'

Then he s"o1e to the children of 0srael# saying7 :Bhen your children as1 their fathers in time to come# saying# :Bhat are these stonesED

And the men of +euben# the men of (ad# and half the tribe of 4anasseh crossed over armed before the children of 0srael# as 4oses had s"o1en to them'

then you shall let your children 1now# saying# :0srael crossed over this Jordan on dry landD9


for the )3+* your (od dried u" the waters of the Jordan before you until you had crossed over# as the )3+* your (od did to the +ed Sea# which 2e dried u" before us until we had crossed over#

that all the "eo"les of the earth may 1now the hand of the )3+*# that it is mighty# that you may fear the )3+* your (od forever':

who were men of war# who came out of gy"t# were consumed# because they did not obey the voice of the )3+*FFto whom the )3+* swore that 2e would not show them the land which the )3+* had sworn to their fathers that 2e would give us# :a land flowing with mil1 and honey':

5So it was# when all the 1ings of the

Amorites who were on the west side of the Jordan# and all the 1ings of the -anaanites who were by the sea# heard that the )3+* had dried u" the waters of the Jordan from before the children of 0srael until we had crossed over# that their heart melted9 and there was no s"irit in them any longer because of the children of 0srael'

Then Joshua circumcised their sons whom 2e raised u" in their "lace9 for they were uncircumcised# because they had not been circumcised on the way'

So it was# when they had finished circumcising all the "eo"le# that they stayed in their "laces in the cam" till they were healed'

Then the )3+* said to Joshua# :This day 0 have rolled away the re"roach of gy"t from you': Therefore the name of the "lace is called (ilgal to this day'

At that time the )3+* said to Joshua# :4a1e flint 1nives for yourself# and circumcise the sons of 0srael again the second time':

Now the children of 0srael cam"ed in (ilgal# and 1e"t the /assover on the fourteenth day of the month at twilight on the "lains of Jericho'

So Joshua made flint 1nives for himself# and circumcised the sons of 0srael at the hill of the fores1ins'

And they ate of the "roduce of the land on the day after the /assover# unleavened bread and "arched grain# on the very same day'

And this is the reason why Joshua circumcised them7 All the "eo"le who came out of gy"t who were males# all the men of war# had died in the wilderness on the way# after they had come out of gy"t'

Then the manna ceased on the day after they had eaten the "roduce of the land9 and the children of 0srael no longer had manna# but they ate the food of the land of -anaan that year'

For all the "eo"le who came out had been circumcised# but all the "eo"le born in the wilderness# on the way as they came out of gy"t# had not been circumcised'

For the children of 0srael wal1ed forty years in the wilderness# till all the "eo"le

And it came to "ass# when Joshua was by Jericho# that he lifted his eyes and loo1ed# and behold# a 4an stood o""osite him with 2is sword drawn in 2is hand' And Joshua went to 2im and said to 2im# :Are Cou for us or for our adversariesE:


So 2e said# :No# but as -ommander of the army of the )3+* 0 have now come': And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshi"ed# and said to 2im# :Bhat does my )ord say to 2is servantE:

And he said to the "eo"le# :/roceed# and march around the city# and let him who is armed advance before the ar1 of the )3+*':

Then the -ommander of the )3+*Ds army said to Joshua# :Ta1e your sandal off your foot# for the "lace where you stand is holy': And Joshua did so'

So it was# when Joshua had s"o1en to the "eo"le# that the seven "riests bearing the seven trum"ets of ramsD horns before the )3+* advanced and blew the trum"ets# and the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* followed them'

6Now Jericho was securely shut u"

because of the children of 0srael9 none went out# and none came in'

The armed men went before the "riests who blew the trum"ets# and the rear guard came after the ar1# while the "riests continued blowing the trum"ets'

And the )3+* said to Joshua7 :SeeH 0 have given Jericho into your hand# its 1ing# and the mighty men of valor'

Cou shall march around the city# all you men of war9 you shall go all around the city once' This you shall do si! days'

Now Joshua had commanded the "eo"le# saying# :Cou shall not shout or ma1e any noise with your voice# nor shall a word "roceed out of your mouth# until the day 0 say to you# :ShoutHD Then you shall shout':

And seven "riests shall bear seven trum"ets of ramsD horns before the ar1' But the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times# and the "riests shall blow the trum"ets'

So he had the ar1 of the )3+* circle the city# going around it once' Then they came into the cam" and lodged in the cam"'

0t shall come to "ass# when they ma1e a long blast with the ramDs horn# and when you hear the sound of the trum"et# that all the "eo"le shall shout with a great shout9 then the wall of the city will fall down flat' And the "eo"le shall go u" every man straight before him':

And Joshua rose early in the morning# and the "riests too1 u" the ar1 of the )3+*'

Then Joshua the son of Nun called the "riests and said to them# :Ta1e u" the ar1 of the covenant# and let seven "riests bear seven trum"ets of ramsD horns before the ar1 of the )3+*':

Then seven "riests bearing seven trum"ets of ramsD horns before the ar1 of the )3+* went on continually and blew with the trum"ets' And the armed men went before them' But the rear guard came after the ar1 of the )3+*# while the "riests continued blowing the trum"ets'

And the second day they marched around the city once and returned to the cam"' So they did si! days'

But it came to "ass on the seventh day that they rose early# about the dawning

of the day# and marched around the city seven times in the same manner' 3n that day only they marched around the city seven times'


And the seventh time it ha""ened# when the "riests blew the trum"ets# that Joshua said to the "eo"le7 :Shout# for the )3+* has given you the cityH

And the young men who had been s"ies went in and brought out +ahab# her father# her mother# her brothers# and all that she had' So they brought out all her relatives and left them outside the cam" of 0srael'

Now the city shall be doomed by the )3+* to destruction# it and all who are in it' 3nly +ahab the harlot shall live# she and all who are with her in the house# because she hid the messengers that we sent'

But they burned the city and all that was in it with fire' 3nly the silver and gold# and the vessels of bron.e and iron# they "ut into the treasury of the house of the )3+*'

And you# by all means abstain from the accursed things# lest you become accursed when you ta1e of the accursed things# and ma1e the cam" of 0srael a curse# and trouble it'

And Joshua s"ared +ahab the harlot# her fatherDs household# and all that she had' So she dwells in 0srael to this day# because she hid the messengers whom Joshua sent to s"y out Jericho'

But all the silver and gold# and vessels of bron.e and iron# are consecrated to the )3+*9 they shall come into the treasury of the )3+*':

Then Joshua charged them at that time# saying# :-ursed be the man before the )3+* who rises u" and builds this city Jericho9 he shall lay its foundation with his firstborn# and with his youngest he shall set u" its gates':

So the )3+* was with Joshua# and his fame s"read throughout all the country'

So the "eo"le shouted when the "riests blew the trum"ets' And it ha""ened when the "eo"le heard the sound of the trum"et# and the "eo"le shouted with a great shout# that the wall fell down flat' Then the "eo"le went u" into the city# every man straight before him# and they too1 the city'

7But the children of 0srael committed a

tres"ass regarding the accursed things# for Achan the son of -armi# the son of 5abdi# the son of 5erah# of the tribe of Judah# too1 of the accursed things9 so the anger of the )3+* burned against the children of 0srael'

And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city# both man and woman# young and old# o! and shee" and don1ey# with the edge of the sword'

But Joshua had said to the two men who had s"ied out the country# :(o into the harlotDs house# and from there bring out the woman and all that she has# as you swore to her':

Now Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai# which is beside Beth Aven# on the east side of Bethel# and s"o1e to them# saying# :(o u" and s"y out the country': So the men went u" and s"ied out Ai'

And they returned to Joshua and said to him# :*o not let all the "eo"le go u"# but let about two or three thousand men go u" and attac1 Ai' *o not weary all the

"eo"le there# for the "eo"le of Ai are few':


So about three thousand men went u" there from the "eo"le# but they fled before the men of Ai'

turned their bac1s before their enemies# because they have become doomed to destruction' Neither will 0 be with you anymore# unless you destroy the accursed from among you'

And the men of Ai struc1 down about thirtyFsi! men# for they chased them from before the gate as far as Shebarim# and struc1 them down on the descent9 therefore the hearts of the "eo"le melted and became li1e water'

(et u"# sanctify the "eo"le# and say# :Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow# because thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael7 :There is an accursed thing in your midst# 3 0srael9 you cannot stand before your enemies until you ta1e away the accursed thing from among you':

Then Joshua tore his clothes# and fell to the earth on his face before the ar1 of the )3+* until evening# he and the elders of 0srael9 and they "ut dust on their heads'

And Joshua said# :Alas# )ord (3*# why have Cou brought this "eo"le over the Jordan at allFFto deliver us into the hand of the Amorites# to destroy usE 3h# that we had been content# and dwelt on the other side of the JordanH

0n the morning therefore you shall be brought according to your tribes' And it shall be that the tribe which the )3+* ta1es shall come according to families9 and the family which the )3+* ta1es shall come by households9 and the household which the )3+* ta1es shall come man by man'

3 )ord# what shall 0 say when 0srael turns its bac1 before its enemiesE

Then it shall be that he who is ta1en with the accursed thing shall be burned with fire# he and all that he has# because he has transgressed the covenant of the )3+*# and because he has done a disgraceful thing in 0srael':D

For the -anaanites and all the inhabitants of the land will hear it# and surround us# and cut off our name from the earth' Then what will Cou do for Cour great nameE:

So Joshua rose early in the morning and brought 0srael by their tribes# and the tribe of Judah was ta1en'

So the )3+* said to Joshua7 :(et u"H Bhy do you lie thus on your faceE

2e brought the clan of Judah# and he too1 the family of the 5arhites9 and he brought the family of the 5arhites man by man# and 5abdi was ta1en'

0srael has sinned# and they have also transgressed 4y covenant which 0 commanded them' For they have even ta1en some of the accursed things# and have both stolen and deceived9 and they have also "ut it among their own stuff'

Then he brought his household man by man# and Achan the son of -armi# the son of 5abdi# the son of 5erah# of the tribe of Judah# was ta1en'

Therefore the children of 0srael could not stand before their enemies# but

Now Joshua said to Achan# :4y son# 0 beg you# give glory to the )3+* (od of 0srael# and ma1e confession to 2im# and

tell me now what you have done9 do not hide it from me':

8Now the )3+* said to Joshua7 :*o

not be afraid# nor be dismayed9 ta1e all the "eo"le of war with you# and arise# go u" to Ai' See# 0 have given into your hand the 1ing of Ai# his "eo"le# his city# and his land'

And Achan answered Joshua and said# :0ndeed 0 have sinned against the )3+* (od of 0srael# and this is what 0 have done7

Bhen 0 saw among the s"oils a beautiful Babylonian garment# two hundred she1els of silver# and a wedge of gold weighing fifty she1els# 0 coveted them and too1 them' And there they are# hidden in the earth in the midst of my tent# with the silver under it':

And you shall do to Ai and its 1ing as you did to Jericho and its 1ing' 3nly its s"oil and its cattle you shall ta1e as booty for yourselves' )ay an ambush for the city behind it':

So Joshua sent messengers# and they ran to the tent9 and there it was# hidden in his tent# with the silver under it'

So Joshua arose# and all the "eo"le of war# to go u" against Ai9 and Joshua chose thirty thousand mighty men of valor and sent them away by night'

And they too1 them from the midst of the tent# brought them to Joshua and to all the children of 0srael# and laid them out before the )3+*'

And he commanded them# saying7 :Behold# you shall lie in ambush against the city# behind the city' *o not go very far from the city# but all of you be ready'

Then Joshua# and all 0srael with him# too1 Achan the son of 5erah# the silver# the garment# the wedge of gold# his sons# his daughters# his o!en# his don1eys# his shee"# his tent# and all that he had# and they brought them to the Valley of Achor'

Then 0 and all the "eo"le who are with me will a""roach the city9 and it will come about# when they come out against us as at the first# that we shall flee before them'

And Joshua said# :Bhy have you troubled usE The )3+* will trouble you this day': So all 0srael stoned him with stones9 and they burned them with fire after they had stoned them with stones'

For they will come out after us till we have drawn them from the city# for they will say# :They are fleeing before us as at the first'D Therefore we will flee before them'

Then they raised over him a great hea" of stones# still there to this day' So the )3+* turned from the fierceness of 2is anger' Therefore the name of that "lace has been called the Valley of Achor to this day'

Then you shall rise from the ambush and sei.e the city# for the )3+* your (od will deliver it into your hand'

And it will be# when you have ta1en the city# that you shall set the city on fire' According to the commandment of the )3+* you shall do' See# 0 have commanded you':

Joshua therefore sent them out9 and they went to lie in ambush# and stayed between Bethel and Ai# on the west side of Ai9 but Joshua lodged that night among the "eo"le'


Then the )3+* said to Joshua# :Stretch out the s"ear that is in your hand toward Ai# for 0 will give it into your hand': And Joshua stretched out the s"ear that was in his hand toward the city'

Then Joshua rose u" early in the morning and mustered the "eo"le# and went u"# he and the elders of 0srael# before the "eo"le to Ai'

And all the "eo"le of war who were with him went u" and drew near9 and they came before the city and cam"ed on the north side of Ai' Now a valley lay between them and Ai'

So those in ambush arose Guic1ly out of their "lace9 they ran as soon as he had stretched out his hand# and they entered the city and too1 it# and hurried to set the city on fire'

So he too1 about five thousand men and set them in ambush between Bethel and Ai# on the west side of the city'

And when the men of Ai loo1ed behind them# they saw# and behold# the smo1e of the city ascended to heaven' So they had no "ower to flee this way or that way# and the "eo"le who had fled to the wilderness turned bac1 on the "ursuers'

And when they had set the "eo"le# all the army that was on the north of the city# and its rear guard on the west of the city# Joshua went that night into the midst of the valley'

Now when Joshua and all 0srael saw that the ambush had ta1en the city and that the smo1e of the city ascended# they turned bac1 and struc1 down the men of Ai'

Now it ha""ened# when the 1ing of Ai saw it# that the men of the city hurried and rose early and went out against 0srael to battle# he and all his "eo"le# at an a""ointed "lace before the "lain' But he did not 1now that there was an ambush against him behind the city'

Then the others came out of the city against them9 so they were caught in the midst of 0srael# some on this side and some on that side' And they struc1 them down# so that they let none of them remain or esca"e'

But the 1ing of Ai they too1 alive# and brought him to Joshua'

And Joshua and all 0srael made as if they were beaten before them# and fled by the way of the wilderness'

So all the "eo"le who were in Ai were called together to "ursue them' And they "ursued Joshua and were drawn away from the city'

And it came to "ass when 0srael had made an end of slaying all the inhabitants of Ai in the field# in the wilderness where they "ursued them# and when they all had fallen by the edge of the sword until they were consumed# that all the 0sraelites returned to Ai and struc1 it with the edge of the sword'

There was not a man left in Ai or Bethel who did not go out after 0srael' So they left the city o"en and "ursued 0srael'

So it was that all who fell that day# both men and women# were twelve thousandFFall the "eo"le of Ai'


For Joshua did not draw bac1 his hand# with which he stretched out the s"ear# until he had utterly destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai'


3nly the livestoc1 and the s"oil of that city 0srael too1 as booty for themselves# according to the word of the )3+* which 2e had commanded Joshua'

So Joshua burned Ai and made it a hea" forever# a desolation to this day'


Then all 0srael# with their elders and officers and $udges# stood on either side of the ar1 before the "riests# the )evites# who bore the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+*# the stranger as well as he who was born among them' 2alf of them were in front of 4ount ( and half of them in front of 4ount bal# as 4oses the servant of the )3+* had commanded before# that they should bless the "eo"le of 0srael'

And the 1ing of Ai he hanged on a tree until evening' And as soon as the sun was down# Joshua commanded that they should ta1e his cor"se down from the tree# cast it at the entrance of the gate of the city# and raise over it a great hea" of stones that remains to this day'

And afterward he read all the words of the law# the blessings and the cursings# according to all that is written in the Boo1 of the )aw'

Now Joshua built an altar to the )3+* (od of 0srael in 4ount bal#

There was not a word of all that 4oses had commanded which Joshua did not read before all the assembly of 0srael# with the women# the little ones# and the strangers who were living among them'

as 4oses the servant of the )3+* had commanded the children of 0srael# as it is written in the Boo1 of the )aw of 4oses7 :an altar of whole stones over which no man has wielded an iron tool': And they offered on it burnt offerings to the )3+*# and sacrificed "eace offerings'

9And it came to "ass when all the

1ings who were on this side of the Jordan# in the hills and in the lowland and in all the coasts of the (reat Sea toward )ebanonFFthe 2ittite# the Amorite# the -anaanite# the /eri..ite# the 2ivite# and the JebusiteFFheard about it#

And there# in the "resence of the children of 0srael# he wrote on the stones a co"y of the law of 4oses# which he had written'

that they gathered together to fight with Joshua and 0srael with one accord'

But when the inhabitants of (ibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and Ai#

they wor1ed craftily# and went and "retended to be ambassadors' And they too1 old sac1s on their don1eys# old wines1ins torn and mended#

old and "atched sandals on their feet# and old garments on themselves9 and all

the bread of their "rovision was dry and moldy'



Then the men of 0srael too1 some of their "rovisions9 but they did not as1 counsel of the )3+*'

And they went to Joshua# to the cam" at (ilgal# and said to him and to the men of 0srael# :Be have come from a far country9 now therefore# ma1e a covenant with us':

So Joshua made "eace with them# and made a covenant with them to let them live9 and the rulers of the congregation swore to them'

Then the men of 0srael said to the 2ivites# :/erha"s you dwell among us9 so how can we ma1e a covenant with youE:

And it ha""ened at the end of three days# after they had made a covenant with them# that they heard that they were their neighbors who dwelt near them'

But they said to Joshua# :Be are your servants': And Joshua said to them# :Bho are you# and where do you come fromE:

Then the children of 0srael $ourneyed and came to their cities on the third day' Now their cities were (ibeon# -he"hirah# Beeroth# and Kir$ath Jearim'

So they said to him7 :From a very far country your servants have come# because of the name of the )3+* your (od9 for we have heard of 2is fame# and all that 2e did in gy"t#

and all that 2e did to the two 1ings of the Amorites who were beyond the JordanFFto Sihon 1ing of 2eshbon# and 3g 1ing of Bashan# who was at Ashtaroth'

But the children of 0srael did not attac1 them# because the rulers of the congregation had sworn to them by the )3+* (od of 0srael' And all the congregation com"lained against the rulers'

Then all the rulers said to all the congregation# :Be have sworn to them by the )3+* (od of 0srael9 now therefore# we may not touch them'

Therefore our elders and all the inhabitants of our country s"o1e to us# saying# :Ta1e "rovisions with you for the $ourney# and go to meet them# and say to them# :Be are your servants9 now therefore# ma1e a covenant with us':D

This we will do to them7 Be will let them live# lest wrath be u"on us because of the oath which we swore to them':

This bread of ours we too1 hot for our "rovision from our houses on the day we de"arted to come to you' But now loo1# it is dry and moldy'

And the rulers said to them# :)et them live# but let them be woodcutters and water carriers for all the congregation# as the rulers had "romised them':

And these wines1ins which we filled were new# and see# they are torn9 and these our garments and our sandals have become old because of the very long $ourney':

Then Joshua called for them# and he s"o1e to them# saying# :Bhy have you deceived us# saying# :Be are very far from you#D when you dwell near usE


Now therefore# you are cursed# and none of you shall be freed from being slavesFFwoodcutters and water carriers for the house of my (od':

Therefore AdoniF5ede1 1ing of Jerusalem sent to 2oham 1ing of 2ebron# /iram 1ing of Jarmuth# Ja"hia 1ing of )achish# and *ebir 1ing of glon# saying#

So they answered Joshua and said# :Because your servants were clearly told that the )3+* your (od commanded 2is servant 4oses to give you all the land# and to destroy all the inhabitants of the land from before you9 therefore we were very much afraid for our lives because of you# and have done this thing'

:-ome u" to me and hel" me# that we may attac1 (ibeon# for it has made "eace with Joshua and with the children of 0srael':

And now# here we are# in your hands9 do with us as it seems good and right to do to us':

Therefore the five 1ings of the Amorites# the 1ing of Jerusalem# the 1ing of 2ebron# the 1ing of Jarmuth# the 1ing of )achish# and the 1ing of glon# gathered together and went u"# they and all their armies# and cam"ed before (ibeon and made war against it'

So he did to them# and delivered them out of the hand of the children of 0srael# so that they did not 1ill them'

And that day Joshua made them woodcutters and water carriers for the congregation and for the altar of the )3+*# in the "lace which 2e would choose# even to this day'

And the men of (ibeon sent to Joshua at the cam" at (ilgal# saying# :*o not forsa1e your servants9 come u" to us Guic1ly# save us and hel" us# for all the 1ings of the Amorites who dwell in the mountains have gathered together against us':

10Now it came to "ass when AdoniF

5ede1 1ing of Jerusalem heard how Joshua had ta1en Ai and had utterly destroyed itFFas he had done to Jericho and its 1ing# so he had done to Ai and its 1ingFFand how the inhabitants of (ibeon had made "eace with 0srael and were among them#

So Joshua ascended from (ilgal# he and all the "eo"le of war with him# and all the mighty men of valor'

And the )3+* said to Joshua# :*o not fear them# for 0 have delivered them into your hand9 not a man of them shall stand before you':

Joshua therefore came u"on them suddenly# having marched all night from (ilgal'

that they feared greatly# because (ibeon was a great city# li1e one of the royal cities# and because it was greater than Ai# and all its men were mighty'

So the )3+* routed them before 0srael# 1illed them with a great slaughter at (ibeon# chased them along the road that goes to Beth 2oron# and struc1 them down as far as A.e1ah and 4a11edah'


And it ha""ened# as they fled before 0srael and were on the descent of Beth 2oron# that the )3+* cast down large hailstones from heaven on them as far as A.e1ah# and they died' There were more who died from the hailstones than the children of 0srael 1illed with the sword'


And do not stay there yourselves# but "ursue your enemies# and attac1 their rear guard' *o not allow them to enter their cities# for the )3+* your (od has delivered them into your hand':

Then Joshua s"o1e to the )3+* in the day when the )3+* delivered u" the Amorites before the children of 0srael# and he said in the sight of 0srael7 :Sun# stand still over (ibeon9 And 4oon# in the Valley of Ai$alon':

Then it ha""ened# while Joshua and the children of 0srael made an end of slaying them with a very great slaughter# till they had finished# that those who esca"ed entered fortified cities'

And all the "eo"le returned to the cam"# to Joshua at 4a11edah# in "eace' No one moved his tongue against any of the children of 0srael'

So the sun stood still# And the moon sto""ed# Till the "eo"le had revenge A"on their enemies' 0s this not written in the Boo1 of JasherE So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven# and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day'

Then Joshua said# :3"en the mouth of the cave# and bring out those five 1ings to me from the cave':

And there has been no day li1e that# before it or after it# that the )3+* heeded the voice of a man9 for the )3+* fought for 0srael'

And they did so# and brought out those five 1ings to him from the cave7 the 1ing of Jerusalem# the 1ing of 2ebron# the 1ing of Jarmuth# the 1ing of )achish# and the 1ing of glon'

Then Joshua returned# and all 0srael with him# to the cam" at (ilgal'

But these five 1ings had fled and hidden themselves in a cave at 4a11edah'

So it was# when they brought out those 1ings to Joshua# that Joshua called for all the men of 0srael# and said to the ca"tains of the men of war who went with him# :-ome near# "ut your feet on the nec1s of these 1ings': And they drew near and "ut their feet on their nec1s'

And it was told Joshua# saying# :The five 1ings have been found hidden in the cave at 4a11edah':

So Joshua said# :+oll large stones against the mouth of the cave# and set men by it to guard them'

Then Joshua said to them# :*o not be afraid# nor be dismayed9 be strong and of good courage# for thus the )3+* will do to all your enemies against whom you fight':

And afterward Joshua struc1 them and 1illed them# and hanged them on five trees9 and they were hanging on the trees until evening'


So it was at the time of the going down of the sun that Joshua commanded# and they too1 them down from the trees# cast them into the cave where they had been hidden# and laid large stones against the caveDs mouth# which remain until this very day'


They too1 it on that day and struc1 it with the edge of the sword9 all the "eo"le who were in it he utterly destroyed that day# according to all that he had done to )achish'

3n that day Joshua too1 4a11edah# and struc1 it and its 1ing with the edge of the sword' 2e utterly destroyed them FFall the "eo"le who were in it' 2e let none remain' 2e also did to the 1ing of 4a11edah as he had done to the 1ing of Jericho'

So Joshua went u" from glon# and all 0srael with him# to 2ebron9 and they fought against it'

And they too1 it and struc1 it with the edge of the swordFFits 1ing# all its cities# and all the "eo"le who were in it9 he left none remaining# according to all that he had done to glon# but utterly destroyed it and all the "eo"le who were in it'

Then Joshua "assed from 4a11edah# and all 0srael with him# to )ibnah9 and they fought against )ibnah'

Then Joshua returned# and all 0srael with him# to *ebir9 and they fought against it'

And the )3+* also delivered it and its 1ing into the hand of 0srael9 he struc1 it and all the "eo"le who were in it with the edge of the sword' 2e let none remain in it# but did to its 1ing as he had done to the 1ing of Jericho'

Then Joshua "assed from )ibnah# and all 0srael with him# to )achish9 and they encam"ed against it and fought against it'

And he too1 it and its 1ing and all its cities9 they struc1 them with the edge of the sword and utterly destroyed all the "eo"le who were in it' 2e left none remaining9 as he had done to 2ebron# so he did to *ebir and its 1ing# as he had done also to )ibnah and its 1ing'

And the )3+* delivered )achish into the hand of 0srael# who too1 it on the second day# and struc1 it and all the "eo"le who were in it with the edge of the sword# according to all that he had done to )ibnah'

So Joshua conGuered all the land7 the mountain country and the South and the lowland and the wilderness slo"es# and all their 1ings9 he left none remaining# but utterly destroyed all that breathed# as the )3+* (od of 0srael had commanded'

Then 2oram 1ing of ( came u" to hel" )achish9 and Joshua struc1 him and his "eo"le# until he left him none remaining'

And Joshua conGuered them from Kadesh Barnea as far as (a.a# and all the country of (oshen# even as far as (ibeon'

From )achish Joshua "assed to glon# and all 0srael with him9 and they encam"ed against it and fought against it'

All these 1ings and their land Joshua too1 at one time# because the )3+* (od of 0srael fought for 0srael'

Then Joshua returned# and all 0srael with him# to the cam" at (ilgal'

11And it came to "ass# when Jabin

1ing of 2a.or heard these things# that he sent to Jobab 1ing of 4adon# to the 1ing of Shimron# to the 1ing of Achsha"h#

So Joshua did to them as the )3+* had told him7 he hamstrung their horses and burned their chariots with fire'

and to the 1ings who were from the north# in the mountains# in the "lain south of -hinneroth# in the lowland# and in the heights of *or on the west#

Joshua turned bac1 at that time and too1 2a.or# and struc1 its 1ing with the sword9 for 2a.or was formerly the head of all those 1ingdoms'

to the -anaanites in the east and in the west# the Amorite# the 2ittite# the /eri..ite# the Jebusite in the mountains# and the 2ivite below 2ermon in the land of 4i."ah'

And they struc1 all the "eo"le who were in it with the edge of the sword# utterly destroying them' There was none left breathing' Then he burned 2a.or with fire'

So they went out# they and all their armies with them# as many "eo"le as the sand that is on the seashore in multitude# with very many horses and chariots'

So all the cities of those 1ings# and all their 1ings# Joshua too1 and struc1 with the edge of the sword' 2e utterly destroyed them# as 4oses the servant of the )3+* had commanded'

And when all these 1ings had met together# they came and cam"ed together at the waters of 4erom to fight against 0srael'

But as for the cities that stood on their mounds# 0srael burned none of them# e!ce"t 2a.or only# which Joshua burned'

But the )3+* said to Joshua# :*o not be afraid because of them# for tomorrow about this time 0 will deliver all of them slain before 0srael' Cou shall hamstring their horses and burn their chariots with fire':

And all the s"oil of these cities and the livestoc1# the children of 0srael too1 as booty for themselves9 but they struc1 every man with the edge of the sword until they had destroyed them# and they left none breathing'

So Joshua and all the "eo"le of war with him came against them suddenly by the waters of 4erom# and they attac1ed them'

As the )3+* had commanded 4oses his servant# so 4oses commanded Joshua# and so Joshua did' 2e left nothing undone of all that the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

And the )3+* delivered them into the hand of 0srael# who defeated them and chased them to (reater Sidon# to the Broo1 4isre"hoth# and to the Valley of 4i."ah eastward9 they attac1ed them until they left none of them remaining'

Thus Joshua too1 all this land7 the mountain country# all the South# all the land of (oshen# the lowland# and the Jordan "lain FFthe mountains of 0srael and its lowlands#

from 4ount 2ala1 and the ascent to Seir# even as far as Baal (ad in the Valley of )ebanon below 4ount

2ermon' 2e ca"tured all their 1ings# and struc1 them down and 1illed them'

Joshua made war a long time with all those 1ings'


There was not a city that made "eace with the children of 0srael# e!ce"t the 2ivites# the inhabitants of (ibeon' All the others they too1 in battle'

3ne 1ing was Sihon 1ing of the Amorites# who dwelt in 2eshbon and ruled half of (ilead# from Aroer# which is on the ban1 of the +iver Arnon# from the middle of that river# even as far as the +iver Jabbo1# which is the border of the Ammonites#

For it was of the )3+* to harden their hearts# that they should come against 0srael in battle# that 2e might utterly destroy them# and that they might receive no mercy# but that 2e might destroy them# as the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

and the eastern Jordan "lain from the Sea of -hinneroth as far as the Sea of the Arabah Ithe Salt SeaJ# the road to Beth Jeshimoth# and southward below the slo"es of /isgah'

The other 1ing was 3g 1ing of Bashan and his territory# who was of the remnant of the giants# who dwelt at Ashtaroth and at drei#

And at that time Joshua came and cut off the Ana1im from the mountains7 from 2ebron# from *ebir# from Anab# from all the mountains of Judah# and from all the mountains of 0srael9 Joshua utterly destroyed them with their cities'

and reigned over 4ount 2ermon# over Salcah# over all Bashan# as far as the border of the (eshurites and the 4aachathites# and over half of (ilead to the border of Sihon 1ing of 2eshbon'

None of the Ana1im were left in the land of the children of 0srael9 they remained only in (a.a# in (ath# and in Ashdod'

These 4oses the servant of the )3+* and the children of 0srael had conGuered9 and 4oses the servant of the )3+* had given it as a "ossession to the +eubenites# the (adites# and half the tribe of 4anasseh'

So Joshua too1 the whole land# according to all that the )3+* had said to 4oses9 and Joshua gave it as an inheritance to 0srael according to their divisions by their tribes' Then the land rested from war'

12These are the 1ings of the land

whom the children of 0srael defeated# and whose land they "ossessed on the other side of the Jordan toward the rising of the sun# from the +iver Arnon to 4ount 2ermon# and all the eastern Jordan "lain7

And these are the 1ings of the country which Joshua and the children of 0srael conGuered on this side of the Jordan# on the west# from Baal (ad in the Valley of )ebanon as far as 4ount 2ala1 and the ascent to Seir# which Joshua gave to the tribes of 0srael as a "ossession according to their divisions#

in the mountain country# in the lowlands# in the Jordan "lain# in the slo"es# in the wilderness# and in the SouthFFthe 2ittites# the Amorites# the -anaanites# the /eri..ites# the 2ivites# and the Jebusites7

the 1ing of Jericho# one9 the 1ing of Ai# which is beside Bethel# one9


the 1ing of Tir.ah# oneFFall the 1ings# thirtyFone'

the 1ing of Jerusalem# one9 the 1ing of 2ebron# one9


13Now Joshua was old# advanced in

years' And the )3+* said to him7 :Cou are old# advanced in years# and there remains very much land yet to be "ossessed'

the 1ing of Jarmuth# one9 the 1ing of )achish# one9


the 1ing of ( one9


glon# one9 the 1ing of This is the land that yet remains7 all the territory of the /hilistines and all that of the (eshurites#

the 1ing of *ebir# one9 the 1ing of (eder# one9


the 1ing of 2ormah# one9 the 1ing of Arad# one9


the 1ing of )ibnah# one9 the 1ing of Adullam# one9


from Sihor# which is east of gy"t# as far as the border of 1ron northward Iwhich is counted as -anaaniteJ9 the five lords of the /hilistinesFFthe (a.ites# the Ashdodites# the Ash1elonites# the (ittites# and the 1ronites9 also the Avites9

the 1ing of 4a11edah# one9 the 1ing of Bethel# one9


the 1ing of Ta""uah# one9 the 1ing of 2e"her# one9


from the south# all the land of the -anaanites# and 4earah that belongs to the Sidonians as far as A"he1# to the border of the Amorites9

the 1ing of A"he1# one9 the 1ing of )asharon# one9


the 1ing of 4adon# one9 the 1ing of 2a.or# one9


the land of the (ebalites# and all )ebanon# toward the sunrise# from Baal (ad below 4ount 2ermon as far as the entrance to 2amath9

the 1ing of Shimron 4eron# one9 the 1ing of Achsha"h# one9


the 1ing of Taanach# one9 the 1ing of 4egiddo# one9


all the inhabitants of the mountains from )ebanon as far as the Broo1 4isre"hoth# and all the SidoniansFFthem 0 will drive out from before the children of 0srael9 only divide it by lot to 0srael as an inheritance# as 0 have commanded you'

the 1ing of Kedesh# one9 the 1ing of Jo1neam in -armel# one9


Now therefore# divide this land as an inheritance to the nine tribes and half the tribe of 4anasseh':

the 1ing of *or in the heights of *or# one9 the 1ing of the "eo"le of (ilgal# one9

Bith the other halfFtribe the +eubenites and the (adites received their inheritance# which 4oses had given

them# beyond the Jordan eastward# as 4oses the servant of the )3+* had given them7


Jaha.a# Kedemoth# 4e"haath#


Kir$athaim# Sibmah# 5ereth Shahar on the mountain of the valley#


from Aroer which is on the ban1 of the +iver Arnon# and the town that is in the midst of the ravine# and all the "lain of 4edeba as far as *ibon9

Beth /eor# the slo"es of /isgah# and Beth JeshimothFF


all the cities of Sihon 1ing of the Amorites# who reigned in 2eshbon# as far as the border of the children of Ammon9

(ilead# and the border of the (eshurites and 4aachathites# all 4ount 2ermon# and all Bashan as far as Salcah9

all the cities of the "lain and all the 1ingdom of Sihon 1ing of the Amorites# who reigned in 2eshbon# whom 4oses had struc1 with the "rinces of 4idian7 vi# +e1em# 5ur# 2ur# and +eba# who were "rinces of Sihon dwelling in the country'

all the 1ingdom of 3g in Bashan# who reigned in Ashtaroth and drei# who remained of the remnant of the giants9 for 4oses had defeated and cast out these'

The children of 0srael also 1illed with the sword Balaam the son of Beor# the soothsayer# among those who were 1illed by them'

Nevertheless the children of 0srael did not drive out the (eshurites or the 4aachathites# but the (eshurites and the 4aachathites dwell among the 0sraelites until this day'

And the border of the children of +euben was the ban1 of the Jordan' This was the inheritance of the children of +euben according to their families# the cities and their villages'

4oses also had given an inheritance to the tribe of (ad# to the children of (ad according to their families'

3nly to the tribe of )evi he had given no inheritance9 the sacrifices of the )3+* (od of 0srael made by fire are their inheritance# as 2e said to them'

Their territory was and all the cities of (ilead# and half the land of the Ammonites as far as Aroer# which is before +abbah#

And 4oses had given to the tribe of the children of +euben an inheritance according to their families'

and from 2eshbon to +amath 4i."ah and Betonim# and from 4ahanaim to the border of *ebir#

Their territory was from Aroer# which is on the ban1 of the +iver Arnon# and the city that is in the midst of the ravine# and all the "lain by 4edeba9

2eshbon and all its cities that are in the "lain7 *ibon# Bamoth Baal# Beth Baal 4eon#

and in the valley Beth 2aram# Beth Nimrah# Succoth# and 5a"hon# the rest of the 1ingdom of Sihon 1ing of 2eshbon# with the Jordan as its border# as far as the edge of the Sea of -hinnereth# on the other side of the Jordan eastward'


This is the inheritance of the children of (ad according to their families# the cities and their villages'

other side of the Jordan9 but to the )evites he had given no inheritance among them'

4oses also had given an inheritance to half the tribe of 4anasseh9 it was for half the tribe of the children of 4anasseh according to their families7

Their territory was from 4ahanaim# all Bashan# all the 1ingdom of 3g 1ing of Bashan# and all the towns of Jair which are in Bashan# si!ty cities9

For the children of Jose"h were two tribes7 4anasseh and "hraim' And they gave no "art to the )evites in the land# e!ce"t cities to dwell in# with their commonFlands for their livestoc1 and their "ro"erty'

As the )3+* had commanded 4oses# so the children of 0srael did9 and they divided the land'

half of (ilead# and Ashtaroth and drei# cities of the 1ingdom of 3g in Bashan# were for the children of 4achir the son of 4anasseh# for half of the children of 4achir according to their families'

These are the areas which 4oses had distributed as an inheritance in the "lains of 4oab on the other side of the Jordan# by Jericho eastward'

Then the children of Judah came to Joshua in (ilgal' And -aleb the son of Je"hunneh the Keni..ite said to him7 :Cou 1now the word which the )3+* said to 4oses the man of (od concerning you and me in Kadesh Barnea'

But to the tribe of )evi 4oses had given no inheritance9 the )3+* (od of 0srael was their inheritance# as 2e had said to them'

0 was forty years old when 4oses the servant of the )3+* sent me from Kadesh Barnea to s"y out the land# and 0 brought bac1 word to him as it was in my heart'

14These are the areas which the

children of 0srael inherited in the land of -anaan# which the "riest# Joshua the son of Nun# and the heads of the fathers of the tribes of the children of 0srael distributed as an inheritance to them'

Nevertheless my brethren who went u" with me made the heart of the "eo"le melt# but 0 wholly followed the )3+* my (od'

So 4oses swore on that day# saying# :Surely the land where your foot has trodden shall be your inheritance and your childrenDs forever# because you have wholly followed the )3+* my (od'D

Their inheritance was by lot# as the )3+* had commanded by the hand of 4oses# for the nine tribes and the halfF tribe'

For 4oses had given the inheritance of the two tribes and the halfFtribe on the

And now# behold# the )3+* has 1e"t me alive# as 2e said# these fortyFfive years# ever since the )3+* s"o1e this word to 4oses while 0srael wandered in the wilderness9 and now# here 0 am this day# eightyFfive years old'


As yet 0 am as strong this day as on the day that 4oses sent me9 $ust as my strength was then# so now is my strength for war# both for going out and for coming in'

From there it "assed toward A.mon and went out to the Broo1 of gy"t9 and the border ended at the sea' This shall be your southern border'

Now therefore# give me this mountain of which the )3+* s"o1e in that day9 for you heard in that day how the Ana1im were there# and that the cities were great and fortified' 0t may be that the )3+* will be with me# and 0 shall be able to drive them out as the )3+* said':

The east border was the Salt Sea as far as the mouth of the Jordan' And the border on the northern Guarter began at the bay of the sea at the mouth of the Jordan'

The border went u" to Beth 2oglah and "assed north of Beth Arabah9 and the border went u" to the stone of Bohan the son of +euben'

And Joshua blessed him# and gave 2ebron to -aleb the son of Je"hunneh as an inheritance'

2ebron therefore became the inheritance of -aleb the son of Je"hunneh the Keni..ite to this day# because he wholly followed the )3+* (od of 0srael'

Then the border went u" toward *ebir from the Valley of Achor# and it turned northward toward (ilgal# which is before the Ascent of Adummim# which is on the south side of the valley' The border continued toward the waters of n Shemesh and ended at n +ogel'

And the name of 2ebron formerly was Kir$ath Arba IArba was the greatest man among the Ana1imJ' Then the land had rest from war'

15So this was the lot of the tribe of

the children of Judah according to their families7 The border of dom at the Bilderness of 5in southward was the e!treme southern boundary'

And the border went u" by the Valley of the Son of 2innom to the southern slo"e of the Jebusite city Iwhich is JerusalemJ' The border went u" to the to" of the mountain that lies before the Valley of 2innom westward# which is at the end of the Valley of +e"haim northward'

And their southern border began at the shore of the Salt Sea# from the bay that faces southward'

Then the border went around from the to" of the hill to the fountain of the water of Ne"htoah# and e!tended to the cities of 4ount "hron' And the border went around to Baalah Iwhich is Kir$ath JearimJ'

Then it went out to the southern side of the Ascent of A1rabbim# "assed along to 5in# ascended on the south side of Kadesh Barnea# "assed along to 2e.ron# went u" to Adar# and went around to Kar1aa'

Then the border turned westward from Baalah to 4ount Seir# "assed along to the side of 4ount Jearim on the north Iwhich is -hesalonJ# went down to Beth Shemesh# and "assed on to Timnah'

And the border went out to the side of 1ron northward' Then the border went around to Shicron# "assed along to

4ount Baalah# and e!tended to Jabneel9 and the border ended at the sea'


The west border was the coastline of the (reat Sea' This is the boundary of the children of Judah all around according to their families'

The cities at the limits of the tribe of the children of Judah# toward the border of dom in the South# were Kab.eel# der# Jagur#

Kinah# *imonah# Adadah# Kedesh# 2a.or# 0thnan# 5i"h# Telem# Bealoth# Kerioth# 2e.ron


Now to -aleb the son of Je"hunneh he gave a share among the children of Judah# according to the commandment of the )3+* to Joshua# namely# Kir$ath Arba# which is 2ebron IArba was the father of Ana1J'



2a.or# 2adattah# Iwhich is 2a.orJ#


-aleb drove out the three sons of Ana1 from there7 Sheshai# Ahiman# and Talmai# the children of Ana1'

Amam# Shema# 4oladah# (addah# 2eshmon# Beth /elet# Shual# Beersheba# Bi.$oth$ah# Baalah# 0$im# .em# ltolad# -hesil# 2ormah# 5i1lag# 4admannah# Sansannah#


Then he went u" from there to the inhabitants of *ebir Iformerly the name of *ebir was Kir$ath Se"herJ'



And -aleb said# :2e who attac1s Kir$ath Se"her and ta1es it# to him 0 will give Achsah my daughter as wife':



So 3thniel the son of Kena.# the brother of -aleb# too1 it9 and he gave him Achsah his daughter as wife'


)ebaoth# Shilhim# Ain# and +immon7 all the cities are twentyFnine# with their villages'

Now it was so# when she came to him# that she "ersuaded him to as1 her father for a field' So she dismounted from her don1ey# and -aleb said to her# :Bhat do you wishE:

0n the Ashnah#




5anoah# n (annim# Ta""uah# nam# Jarmuth# Adullam# Socoh# A.e1ah#


She answered# :(ive me a blessing9 since you have given me land in the South# give me also s"rings of water': So he gave her the u""er s"rings and the lower s"rings'


Sharaim# Adithaim# (ederah# and (ederothaim7 fourteen cities with their villages9

This was the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Judah according to their families7

5enan# 2adashah# 4igdal (ad# *ilean# 4i."ah# Jo1theel# )achish# Bo.1ath# glon#




-abbon# )ahmas# Kithlish#


Kain# (ibeah# and Timnah7 ten cities with their villages9



(ederoth# Beth *agon# Naamah# and 4a11edah7 si!teen cities with their villages9

2alhul# Beth 5ur# (edor# lte1on7 si!


)ibnah# ther# Ashan# Ji"htah# Ashnah# Ne.ib#

4aarath# Beth Anoth# and cities with their villages9




Keilah# Ach.ib# and 4areshah7 nine cities with their villages9


Kir$ath Baal Iwhich is Kir$ath JearimJ and +abbah7 two cities with their villages'

1ron# with its towns and villages9

0n the wilderness7 4iddin# Secacah#





from 1ron to the sea# all that lay near Ashdod# with their villages9

Nibshan# the -ity of Salt# and n (edi7 si! cities with their villages'

Ashdod with its towns and villages# (a.a with its towns and villagesFFas far as the Broo1 of gy"t and the (reat Sea with its coastline'

As for the Jebusites# the inhabitants of Jerusalem# the children of Judah could not drive them out9 but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Judah at Jerusalem to this day'

And in the mountain country7 Shamir# Jattir# Sochoh#



*annah# Kir$ath Sannah Iwhich is *ebirJ#


Anab# shtemoh# Anim#

lot fell to the children of Jose"h from the Jordan# by Jericho# to the waters of Jericho on the east# to the wilderness that goes u" from Jericho through the mountains to Bethel#


(oshen# 2olon# and (iloh7 eleven cities with their villages9


then went out from Bethel to )u.# "assed along to the border of the Archites at Ataroth#

Arab# *umah# shean# Janum# Beth Ta""uah# A"he1ah#



2umtah# Kir$ath Arba Iwhich is 2ebronJ# and 5ior7 nine cities with their villages9

and went down westward to the boundary of the Ja"hletites# as far as the boundary of )ower Beth 2oron to (e.er9 and it ended at the sea'

So the children of Jose"h# 4anasseh and "hraim# too1 their inheritance'


4aon# -armel# 5i"h# Juttah# Je.reel# Jo1deam# 5anoah#


The border of the children of "hraim# according to their families# was thus7 The border of their inheritance on the

east side was Ataroth Addar as far as A""er Beth 2oron'


And the border went out toward the sea on the north side of 4ichmethath9 then the border went around eastward to Taanath Shiloh# and "assed by it on the east of Janohah'

But 5elo"hehad the son of 2e"her# the son of (ilead# the son of 4achir# the son of 4anasseh# had no sons# but only daughters' And these are the names of his daughters7 4ahlah# Noah# 2oglah# 4ilcah# and Tir.ah'

Then it went down from Janohah to Ataroth and Naarah# reached to Jericho# and came out at the Jordan'

The border went out from Ta""uah westward to the Broo1 Kanah# and it ended at the sea' This was the inheritance of the tribe of the children of "hraim according to their families'

And they came near before the "riest# before Joshua the son of Nun# and before the rulers# saying# :The )3+* commanded 4oses to give us an inheritance among our brothers': Therefore# according to the commandment of the )3+*# he gave them an inheritance among their fatherDs brothers'

The se"arate cities for the children of "hraim were among the inheritance of the children of 4anasseh# all the cities with their villages'

Ten shares fell to 4anasseh# besides the land of (ilead and Bashan# which were on the other side of the Jordan#

And they did not drive out the -anaanites who dwelt in (e.er9 but the -anaanites dwell among the "hraimites to this day and have become forced laborers'

because the daughters of 4anasseh received an inheritance among his sons9 and the rest of 4anassehDs sons had the land of (ilead'

And the territory of 4anasseh was from Asher to 4ichmethath# that lies east of Shechem9 and the border went along south to the inhabitants of n Ta""uah'

17There was also a lot for the tribe

of 4anasseh# for he was the firstborn of Jose"h7 namely for 4achir the firstborn of 4anasseh# the father of (ilead# because he was a man of war9 therefore he was given (ilead and Bashan'

4anasseh had the land of Ta""uah# but Ta""uah on the border of 4anasseh belonged to the children of "hraim'

And there was a lot for the rest of the children of 4anasseh according to their families7 for the children of the children of 2ele1# the children of Asriel# the children of Shechem# the children of 2e"her# and the children of Shemida9 these were the male children of 4anasseh the son of Jose"h according to their families'

And the border descended to the Broo1 Kanah# southward to the broo1' These cities of "hraim are among the cities of 4anasseh' The border of 4anasseh was on the north side of the broo19 and it ended at the sea'

Southward it was "hraimDs# northward it was 4anassehDs# and the sea was its border' 4anassehDs territory was ad$oining Asher on the north and 0ssachar on the east'


And in 0ssachar and in Asher# 4anasseh had Beth Shean and its towns# 0bleam and its towns# the inhabitants of *or and its towns# the inhabitants of n *or and its towns# the inhabitants of Taanach and its towns# and the inhabitants of 4egiddo and its townsFFthree hilly regions'

cut it down# and its farthest e!tent shall be yours9 for you shall drive out the -anaanites# though they have iron chariots and are strong':

18Now the whole congregation of

the children of 0srael assembled together at Shiloh# and set u" the tabernacle of meeting there' And the land was subdued before them'

Cet the children of 4anasseh could not drive out the inhabitants of those cities# but the -anaanites were determined to dwell in that land'

And it ha""ened# when the children of 0srael grew strong# that they "ut the -anaanites to forced labor# but did not utterly drive them out'

But there remained among the children of 0srael seven tribes which had not yet received their inheritance'

Then the children of Jose"h s"o1e to Joshua# saying# :Bhy have you given us only one lot and one share to inherit# since we are a great "eo"le# inasmuch as the )3+* has blessed us until nowE:

Then Joshua said to the children of 0srael7 :2ow long will you neglect to go and "ossess the land which the )3+* (od of your fathers has given youE

So Joshua answered them# :0f you are a great "eo"le# then go u" to the forest country and clear a "lace for yourself there in the land of the /eri..ites and the giants# since the mountains of "hraim are too confined for you':

/ic1 out from among you three men for each tribe# and 0 will send them9 they shall rise and go through the land# survey it according to their inheritance# and come bac1 to me'

And they shall divide it into seven "arts' Judah shall remain in their territory on the south# and the house of Jose"h shall remain in their territory on the north'

But the children of Jose"h said# :The mountain country is not enough for us9 and all the -anaanites who dwell in the land of the valley have chariots of iron# both those who are of Beth Shean and its towns and those who are of the Valley of Je.reel':

Cou shall therefore survey the land in seven "arts and bring the survey here to me# that 0 may cast lots for you here before the )3+* our (od'

And Joshua s"o1e to the house of Jose"hFFto "hraim and 4anassehFF saying# :Cou are a great "eo"le and have great "ower9 you shall not have only one lot#

But the )evites have no "art among you# for the "riesthood of the )3+* is their inheritance' And (ad# +euben# and half the tribe of 4anasseh have received their inheritance beyond the Jordan on the east# which 4oses the servant of the )3+* gave them':

but the mountain country shall be yours' Although it is wooded# you shall

Then the men arose to go away9 and Joshua charged those who went to

survey the land# saying# :(o# wal1 through the land# survey it# and come bac1 to me# that 0 may cast lots for you here before the )3+* in Shiloh':


So the men went# "assed through the land# and wrote the survey in a boo1 in seven "arts by cities9 and they came to Joshua at the cam" in Shiloh'

Then the border came down to the end of the mountain that lies before the Valley of the Son of 2innom# which is in the Valley of the +e"haim on the north# descended to the Valley of 2innom# to the side of the Jebusite city on the south# and descended to n +ogel'

Then Joshua cast lots for them in Shiloh before the )3+*# and there Joshua divided the land to the children of 0srael according to their divisions'

And it went around from the north# went out to n Shemesh# and e!tended toward (eliloth# which is before the Ascent of Adummim# and descended to the stone of Bohan the son of +euben'

Now the lot of the tribe of the children of Ben$amin came u" according to their families# and the territory of their lot came out between the children of Judah and the children of Jose"h'

Then it "assed along toward the north side of Arabah# and went down to Arabah'

Their border on the north side began at the Jordan# and the border went u" to the side of Jericho on the north# and went u" through the mountains westward9 it ended at the Bilderness of Beth Aven'

And the border "assed along to the north side of Beth 2oglah9 then the border ended at the north bay at the Salt Sea# at the south end of the Jordan' This was the southern boundary'

The border went over from there toward )u.# to the side of )u. Iwhich is BethelJ southward9 and the border descended to Ataroth Addar# near the hill that lies on the south side of )ower Beth 2oron'

The Jordan was its border on the east side' This was the inheritance of the children of Ben$amin# according to its boundaries all around# according to their families'

Now the cities of the tribe of the children of Ben$amin# according to their families# were Jericho# Beth 2oglah# me1 Ke.i.#

Then the border e!tended around the west side to the south# from the hill that lies before Beth 2oron southward9 and it ended at Kir$ath Baal Iwhich is Kir$ath JearimJ# a city of the children of Judah' This was the west side'

Beth Arabah# 5emaraim# Bethel# Avim# /arah# 3"hrah#



-he"har 2aammoni# 3"hni# and (aba7 twelve cities with their villages9

The south side began at the end of Kir$ath Jearim# and the border e!tended on the west and went out to the s"ring of the waters of Ne"htoah'

(ibeon# +amah# Beeroth# 4i."ah# -he"hirah# 4o.ah# +e1em# 0r"eel# Taralah#




5elah# le"h# Jebus Iwhich is JerusalemJ# (ibeath# and Kir$ath7 fourteen cities with their villages' This was the inheritance of the children of Ben$amin according to their families'


Their border went toward the west and to 4aralah# went to *abbasheth# and e!tended along the broo1 that is east of Jo1neam'


second lot came out for Simeon# for the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families' And their inheritance was within the inheritance of the children of Judah'

Then from Sarid it went eastward toward the sunrise along the border of -hisloth Tabor# and went out toward *aberath# by"assing Ja"hia'

They had in their inheritance Beersheba IShebaJ# 4oladah#


And from there it "assed along on the east of (ath 2e"her# toward th and e!tended to +immon# which borders on Neah'
%; Shual# Balah# .em# ltolad# Bethul# 2ormah# 5i1lag# Beth 4arcaboth# Susah#

Then the border went around it on the north side of 2annathon# and it ended in the Valley of Ji"hthah l'


0ncluded were Kattath# Nahallal# Shimron# 0dalah# and Bethlehem7 twelve cities with their villages'


Beth )ebaoth# and Sharuhen7 thirteen cities and their villages9


Ain# +immon# ther# and Ashan7 four cities and their villages9

This was the inheritance of the children of 5ebulun according to their families# these cities with their villages'

and all the villages that were all around these cities as far as Baalath Beer# +amah of the South' This was the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families'

The fourth lot came out to 0ssachar# for the children of 0ssachar according to their families'

And their territory went to Je.reel# and included -hesulloth# Shunem#


The inheritance of the children of Simeon was included in the share of the children of Judah# for the share of the children of Judah was too much for them' Therefore the children of Simeon had their inheritance within the inheritance of that "eo"le'

2a"hraim# Shion# Anaharath# +abbith# Kishion# Abe.# n 2addah# and



+emeth# n (annim# Beth /a..e.'


The third lot came out for the children of 5ebulun according to their families# and the border of their inheritance was as far as Sarid'

And the border reached to Tabor# Shaha.imah# and Beth Shemesh9 their border ended at the Jordan7 si!teen cities with their villages'


This was the inheritance of the tribe of the children of 0ssachar according to their families# the cities and their villages'


The fifth lot came out for the tribe of the children of Asher according to their families'

From 2ele"h the border e!tended westward to A.noth Tabor# and went out from there toward 2u11o19 it ad$oined 5ebulun on the south side and Asher on the west side# and ended at Judah by the Jordan toward the sunrise'

And the fortified cities are 5iddim# 5er# 2ammath# +a11ath# -hinnereth#

And their territory included 2el1ath# 2ali# Beten# Achsha"h#


Adamah# +amah# 2a.or# Kedesh# drei# n 2a.or#

Alammelech# Amad# and 4ishal9 it reached to 4ount -armel westward# along the Broo1 Shihor )ibnath'



0t turned toward the sunrise to Beth *agon9 and it reached to 5ebulun and to the Valley of Ji"hthah l# then northward beyond Beth me1 and Neiel# by"assing -abul which was on the left#

0ron# 4igdal l# 2orem# Beth Anath# and Beth Shemesh7 nineteen cities with their villages'

This was the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Na"htali according to their families# the cities and their villages'

including bron# +ehob# 2ammon# and Kanah# as far as (reater Sidon'


And the border turned to +amah and to the fortified city of Tyre9 then the border turned to 2osah# and ended at the sea by the region of Ach.ib'

The seventh lot came out for the tribe of the children of *an according to their families'

And the territory of their inheritance was 5orah# shtaol# 0r Shemesh#


Also Ammah# A"he1# and +ehob were included7 twentyFtwo cities with their villages'

Shaalabbin# Ai$alon# Jethlah# lon# Timnah# 1ron# lte1eh# (ibbethon# Baalath# Jehud# Bene Bera1# (ath +immon#


This was the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Asher according to their families# these cities with their villages'



The si!th lot came out to the children of Na"htali# for the children of Na"htali according to their families'


4e Jar1on# and +a11on# with the region near Jo""a'


And their border began at 2ele"h# enclosing the territory from the terebinth tree in 5aanannim# Adami Ne1eb# and Jabneel# as far as )a11um9 it ended at the Jordan'

And the border of the children of *an went beyond these# because the children of *an went u" to fight against )eshem and too1 it9 and they struc1 it with the edge of the sword# too1 "ossession of it# and dwelt in it' They

called )eshem# *an# after the name of *an their father'


of them# and give him a "lace# that he may dwell among them'

This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of *an according to their families# these cities with their villages'

Bhen they had made an end of dividing the land as an inheritance according to their borders# the children of 0srael gave an inheritance among them to Joshua the son of Nun'

Then if the avenger of blood "ursues him# they shall not deliver the slayer into his hand# because he struc1 his neighbor unintentionally# but did not hate him beforehand'

According to the word of the )3+* they gave him the city which he as1ed for# Timnath Serah in the mountains of "hraim9 and he built the city and dwelt in it'

And he shall dwell in that city until he stands before the congregation for $udgment# and until the death of the one who is high "riest in those days' Then the slayer may return and come to his own city and his own house# to the city from which he fled':D

These were the inheritances which the "riest# Joshua the son of Nun# and the heads of the fathers of the tribes of the children of 0srael divided as an inheritance by lot in Shiloh before the )3+*# at the door of the tabernacle of meeting' So they made an end of dividing the country'

So they a""ointed Kedesh in (alilee# in the mountains of Na"htali# Shechem in the mountains of "hraim# and Kir$ath Arba Iwhich is 2ebronJ in the mountains of Judah'

20The )3+* also s"o1e to Joshua#


And on the other side of the Jordan# by Jericho eastward# they assigned in the wilderness on the "lain# from the tribe of +euben# +amoth in (ilead# from the tribe of (ad# and (olan in Bashan# from the tribe of 4anasseh'

:S"ea1 to the children of 0srael# saying7 :A""oint for yourselves cities of refuge# of which 0 s"o1e to you through 4oses#

that the slayer who 1ills a "erson accidentally or unintentionally may flee there9 and they shall be your refuge from the avenger of blood'

These were the cities a""ointed for all the children of 0srael and for the stranger who dwelt among them# that whoever 1illed a "erson accidentally might flee there# and not die by the hand of the avenger of blood until he stood before the congregation'

21Then the heads of the fathersD

houses of the )evites came near to the "riest# to Joshua the son of Nun# and to the heads of the fathersD houses of the tribes of the children of 0srael'

And when he flees to one of those cities# and stands at the entrance of the gate of the city# and declares his case in the hearing of the elders of that city# they shall ta1e him into the city as one

And they s"o1e to them at Shiloh in the land of -anaan# saying# :The )3+*

commanded through 4oses to give us cities to dwell in# with their commonF lands for our livestoc1':


And they gave them Kir$ath Arba IArba was the father of Ana1J# which is 2ebron# in the mountains of Judah# with the commonFland surrounding it'

So the children of 0srael gave to the )evites from their inheritance# at the commandment of the )3+*# these cities and their commonFlands7

But the fields of the city and its villages they gave to -aleb the son of Je"hunneh as his "ossession'

Now the lot came out for the families of the Kohathites' And the children of Aaron the "riest# who were of the )evites# had thirteen cities by lot from the tribe of Judah# from the tribe of Simeon# and from the tribe of Ben$amin'

Thus to the children of Aaron the "riest they gave 2ebron with its commonFland Ia city of refuge for the slayerJ# )ibnah with its commonFland#

Jattir with its commonFland# with its commonFland#



The rest of the children of Kohath had ten cities by lot from the families of the tribe of "hraim# from the tribe of *an# and from the halfFtribe of 4anasseh'

2olon with its commonFland# *ebir with its commonFland#


And the children of (ershon had thirteen cities by lot from the families of the tribe of 0ssachar# from the tribe of Asher# from the tribe of Na"htali# and from the halfFtribe of 4anasseh in Bashan'

Ain with its commonFland# Juttah with its commonFland# and Beth Shemesh with its commonFland7 nine cities from those two tribes9

The children of 4erari according to their families had twelve cities from the tribe of +euben# from the tribe of (ad# and from the tribe of 5ebulun'

and from the tribe of Ben$amin# (ibeon with its commonFland# (eba with its commonFland#

Anathoth with its commonFland# and Almon with its commonFland7 four cities'

And the children of 0srael gave these cities with their commonFlands by lot to the )evites# as the )3+* had commanded by the hand of 4oses'

All the cities of the children of Aaron# the "riests# were thirteen cities with their commonFlands'

So they gave from the tribe of the children of Judah and from the tribe of the children of Simeon these cities which are designated by name#

And the families of the children of Kohath# the )evites# the rest of the children of Kohath# even they had the cities of their lot from the tribe of "hraim'

which were for the children of Aaron# one of the families of the Kohathites# who were of the children of )evi9 for the lot was theirs first'

For they gave them Shechem with its commonFland in the mountains of "hraim Ia city of refuge for the slayerJ# ( with its commonFland#


Kib.aim with its commonFland# and Beth 2oron with its commonFland7 four cities9


and from the tribe of *an# lte1eh with its commonFland# (ibbethon with its commonFland#

and from the tribe of Na"htali# Kedesh in (alilee with its commonFland Ia city of refuge for the slayerJ# 2ammoth *or with its commonFland# and Kartan with its commonFland7 three cities'

Ai$alon with its commonFland# and (ath +immon with its commonFland7 four cities9

All the cities of the (ershonites according to their families were thirteen cities with their commonFlands'

and from the halfFtribe of 4anasseh# Tanach with its commonFland and (ath +immon with its commonFland7 two cities'

And to the families of the children of 4erari# the rest of the )evites# from the tribe of 5ebulun# Jo1neam with its commonFland# Kartah with its commonF land#

All the ten cities with their commonF lands were for the rest of the families of the children of Kohath'

*imnah with its commonFland# and Nahalal with its commonFland7 four cities9

Also to the children of (ershon# of the families of the )evites# from the other halfFtribe of 4anasseh# they gave (olan in Bashan with its commonFland Ia city of refuge for the slayerJ# and Be shterah with its commonFland7 two cities9

and from the tribe of +euben# with its commonFland# Jaha. with its commonFland#

Kedemoth with its commonFland# and 4e"haath with its commonFland7 four cities9

and from the tribe of 0ssachar# Kishion with its commonFland# *aberath with its commonFland#

and from the tribe of (ad# +amoth in (ilead with its commonFland Ia city of refuge for the slayerJ# 4ahanaim with its commonFland#

Jarmuth with its commonFland# and n (annim with its commonFland7 four cities9

2eshbon with its commonFland# and with its commonFland7 four cities in all'

and from the tribe of Asher# 4ishal with its commonFland# Abdon with its commonFland#

So all the cities for the children of 4erari according to their families# the rest of the families of the )evites# were by their lot twelve cities'

2el1ath with its commonFland# and +ehob with its commonFland7 four cities9

All the cities of the )evites within the "ossession of the children of 0srael were fortyFeight cities with their commonF lands'


very one of these cities had its commonFland surrounding it9 thus were all these cities'

(od# to wal1 in all 2is ways# to 1ee" 2is commandments# to hold fast to 2im# and to serve 2im with all your heart and with all your soul':

So the )3+* gave to 0srael all the land of which 2e had sworn to give to their fathers# and they too1 "ossession of it and dwelt in it'

So Joshua blessed them and sent them away# and they went to their tents'

The )3+* gave them rest all around# according to all that 2e had sworn to their fathers' And not a man of all their enemies stood against them9 the )3+* delivered all their enemies into their hand'

Now to half the tribe of 4anasseh 4oses had given a "ossession in Bashan# but to the other half of it Joshua gave a "ossession among their brethren on this side of the Jordan# westward' And indeed# when Joshua sent them away to their tents# he blessed them#

Not a word failed of any good thing which the )3+* had s"o1en to the house of 0srael' All came to "ass'


Joshua called the +eubenites# the (adites# and half the tribe of 4anasseh# and said to them7 :Cou have 1e"t all that 4oses the servant of the )3+* commanded you# and have obeyed my voice in all that 0 commanded you'

and s"o1e to them# saying# :+eturn with much riches to your tents# with very much livestoc1# with silver# with gold# with bron.e# with iron# and with very much clothing' *ivide the s"oil of your enemies with your brethren':

Cou have not left your brethren these many days# u" to this day# but have 1e"t the charge of the commandment of the )3+* your (od'

So the children of +euben# the children of (ad# and half the tribe of 4anasseh returned# and de"arted from the children of 0srael at Shiloh# which is in the land of -anaan# to go to the country of (ilead# to the land of their "ossession# which they had obtained according to the word of the )3+* by the hand of 4oses'

And now the )3+* your (od has given rest to your brethren# as 2e "romised them9 now therefore# return and go to your tents and to the land of your "ossession# which 4oses the servant of the )3+* gave you on the other side of the Jordan'

And when they came to the region of the Jordan which is in the land of -anaan# the children of +euben# the children of (ad# and half the tribe of 4anasseh built an altar there by the JordanFFa great# im"ressive altar'

But ta1e careful heed to do the commandment and the law which 4oses the servant of the )3+* commanded you# to love the )3+* your

Now the children of 0srael heard someone say# :Behold# the children of +euben# the children of (ad# and half the tribe of 4anasseh have built an altar on the frontier of the land of -anaan# in the region of the JordanFFon the children of 0sraelDs side':


And when the children of 0srael heard of it# the whole congregation of the children of 0srael gathered together at Shiloh to go to war against them'

rebel against us# by building yourselves an altar besides the altar of the )3+* our (od'

Then the children of 0srael sent /hinehas the son of the "riest to the children of +euben# to the children of (ad# and to half the tribe of 4anasseh# into the land of (ilead#

*id not Achan the son of 5erah commit a tres"ass in the accursed thing# and wrath fell on all the congregation of 0sraelE And that man did not "erish alone in his iniGuity':D

and with him ten rulers# one ruler each from the chief house of every tribe of 0srael9 and each one was the head of the house of his father among the divisions of 0srael'

Then the children of +euben# the children of (ad# and half the tribe of 4anasseh answered and said to the heads of the divisions of 0srael7

Then they came to the children of +euben# to the children of (ad# and to half the tribe of 4anasseh# to the land of (ilead# and they s"o1e with them# saying#

:The )3+* (od of gods# the )3+* (od of gods# 2e 1nows# and let 0srael itself 1nowFFif it is in rebellion# or if in treachery against the )3+*# do not save us this day'

:Thus says the whole congregation of the )3+*7 :Bhat treachery is this that you have committed against the (od of 0srael# to turn away this day from following the )3+*# in that you have built for yourselves an altar# that you might rebel this day against the )3+*E

0f we have built ourselves an altar to turn from following the )3+*# or if to offer on it burnt offerings or grain offerings# or if to offer "eace offerings on it# let the )3+* 2imself reGuire an account'

0s the iniGuity of /eor not enough for us# from which we are not cleansed till this day# although there was a "lague in the congregation of the )3+*#

But in fact we have done it for fear# for a reason# saying# :0n time to come your descendants may s"ea1 to our descendants# saying# :Bhat have you to do with the )3+* (od of 0sraelE

but that you must turn away this day from following the )3+*E And it shall be# if you rebel today against the )3+*# that tomorrow 2e will be angry with the whole congregation of 0srael'

For the )3+* has made the Jordan a border between you and us# you children of +euben and children of (ad' Cou have no "art in the )3+*': So your descendants would ma1e our descendants cease fearing the )3+*'D

Nevertheless# if the land of your "ossession is unclean# then cross over to the land of the "ossession of the )3+*# where the )3+*Ds tabernacle stands# and ta1e "ossession among us9 but do not rebel against the )3+*# nor

Therefore we said# :)et us now "re"are to build ourselves an altar# not for burnt offering nor for sacrifice#

but that it may be a witness between you and us and our generations after us# that we may "erform the service of the

)3+* before 2im with our burnt offerings# with our sacrifices# and with our "eace offerings9 that your descendants may not say to our descendants in time to come# :Cou have no "art in the )3+*':D


So the thing "leased the children of 0srael# and the children of 0srael blessed (od9 they s"o1e no more of going against them in battle# to destroy the land where the children of +euben and (ad dwelt'

Therefore we said that it will be# when they say this to us or to our generations in time to come# that we may say# :2ere is the re"lica of the altar of the )3+* which our fathers made# though not for burnt offerings nor for sacrifices9 but it is a witness between you and us'D

The children of +euben and the children of (ad called the altar# Bitness# :For it is a witness between us that the )3+* is (od':

23Now it came to "ass# a long time

after the )3+* had given rest to 0srael from all their enemies round about# that Joshua was old# advanced in age'

Far be it from us that we should rebel against the )3+*# and turn from following the )3+* this day# to build an altar for burnt offerings# for grain offerings# or for sacrifices# besides the altar of the )3+* our (od which is before 2is tabernacle':

And Joshua called for all 0srael# for their elders# for their heads# for their $udges# and for their officers# and said to them7 :0 am old# advanced in age'

Now when /hinehas the "riest and the rulers of the congregation# the heads of the divisions of 0srael who were with him# heard the words that the children of +euben# the children of (ad# and the children of 4anasseh s"o1e# it "leased them'

Cou have seen all that the )3+* your (od has done to all these nations because of you# for the )3+* your (od is 2e who has fought for you'

Then /hinehas the son of the "riest said to the children of +euben# the children of (ad# and the children of 4anasseh# :This day we "erceive that the )3+* is among us# because you have not committed this treachery against the )3+*' Now you have delivered the children of 0srael out of the hand of the )3+*':

See# 0 have divided to you by lot these nations that remain# to be an inheritance for your tribes# from the Jordan# with all the nations that 0 have cut off# as far as the (reat Sea westward'

And the )3+* your (od will e!"el them from before you and drive them out of your sight' So you shall "ossess their land# as the )3+* your (od "romised you'

And /hinehas the son of the "riest# and the rulers# returned from the children of +euben and the children of (ad# from the land of (ilead to the land of -anaan# to the children of 0srael# and brought bac1 word to them'

Therefore be very courageous to 1ee" and to do all that is written in the Boo1 of the )aw of 4oses# lest you turn aside from it to the right hand or to the left#

and lest you go among these nations# these who remain among you' Cou shall

not ma1e mention of the name of their gods# nor cause anyone to swear by them9 you shall not serve them nor bow down to them#

harmful things# until 2e has destroyed you from this good land which the )3+* your (od has given you'

but you shall hold fast to the )3+* your (od# as you have done to this day'

For the )3+* has driven out from before you great and strong nations9 but as for you# no one has been able to stand against you to this day'

Bhen you have transgressed the covenant of the )3+* your (od# which 2e commanded you# and have gone and served other gods# and bowed down to them# then the anger of the )3+* will burn against you# and you shall "erish Guic1ly from the good land which 2e has given you':

3ne man of you shall chase a thousand# for the )3+* your (od is 2e who fights for you# as 2e "romised you'


Therefore ta1e careful heed to yourselves# that you love the )3+* your (od'

Joshua gathered all the tribes of 0srael to Shechem and called for the elders of 0srael# for their heads# for their $udges# and for their officers9 and they "resented themselves before (od'

3r else# if indeed you do go bac1# and cling to the remnant of these nationsFF these that remain among youFFand ma1e marriages with them# and go in to them and they to you#

And Joshua said to all the "eo"le# :Thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael7 :Cour fathers# including Terah# the father of Abraham and the father of Nahor# dwelt on the other side of the +iver in old times9 and they served other gods'

1now for certain that the )3+* your (od will no longer drive out these nations from before you' But they shall be snares and tra"s to you# and scourges on your sides and thorns in your eyes# until you "erish from this good land which the )3+* your (od has given you'

Then 0 too1 your father Abraham from the other side of the +iver# led him throughout all the land of -anaan# and multi"lied his descendants and gave him 0saac'

:Behold# this day 0 am going the way of all the earth' And you 1now in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one thing has failed of all the good things which the )3+* your (od s"o1e concerning you' All have come to "ass for you9 not one word of them has failed'

To 0saac 0 gave Jacob and sau' To sau 0 gave the mountains of Seir to "ossess# but Jacob and his children went down to gy"t'

Also 0 sent 4oses and Aaron# and 0 "lagued gy"t# according to what 0 did among them' Afterward 0 brought you out'

Therefore it shall come to "ass# that as all the good things have come u"on you which the )3+* your (od "romised you# so the )3+* will bring u"on you all

:Then 0 brought your fathers out of gy"t# and you came to the sea9 and the gy"tians "ursued your fathers with chariots and horsemen to the +ed Sea'

So they cried out to the )3+*9 and 2e "ut dar1ness between you and the gy"tians# brought the sea u"on them# and covered them' And your eyes saw what 0 did in gy"t' Then you dwelt in the wilderness a long time'


And 0 brought you into the land of the Amorites# who dwelt on the other side of the Jordan# and they fought with you' But 0 gave them into your hand# that you might "ossess their land# and 0 destroyed them from before you'

And if it seems evil to you to serve the )3+*# choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve# whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the +iver# or the gods of the Amorites# in whose land you dwell' But as for me and my house# we will serve the )3+*':

So the "eo"le answered and said7 :Far be it from us that we should forsa1e the )3+* to serve other gods9

Then Bala1 the son of 5i""or# 1ing of 4oab# arose to ma1e war against 0srael# and sent and called Balaam the son of Beor to curse you'

But 0 would not listen to Balaam9 therefore he continued to bless you' So 0 delivered you out of his hand'

for the )3+* our (od is 2e who brought us and our fathers u" out of the land of gy"t# from the house of bondage# who did those great signs in our sight# and "reserved us in all the way that we went and among all the "eo"le through whom we "assed'

Then you went over the Jordan and came to Jericho' And the men of Jericho fought against youFFalso the Amorites# the /eri..ites# the -anaanites# the 2ittites# the (irgashites# the 2ivites# and the Jebusites' But 0 delivered them into your hand'

And the )3+* drove out from before us all the "eo"le# including the Amorites who dwelt in the land' Be also will serve the )3+*# for 2e is our (od':

But Joshua said to the "eo"le# :Cou cannot serve the )3+*# for 2e is a holy (od' 2e is a $ealous (od9 2e will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins'

0 sent the hornet before you which drove them out from before you# also the two 1ings of the Amorites# but not with your sword or with your bow'

0f you forsa1e the )3+* and serve foreign gods# then 2e will turn and do you harm and consume you# after 2e has done you good':

0 have given you a land for which you did not labor# and cities which you did not build# and you dwell in them9 you eat of the vineyards and olive groves which you did not "lant'D

And the "eo"le said to Joshua# :No# but we will serve the )3+*H:

:Now therefore# fear the )3+*# serve 2im in sincerity and in truth# and "ut away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the +iver and in gy"t' Serve the )3+*H

So Joshua said to the "eo"le# :Cou are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen the )3+* for yourselves# to serve 2im': And they said# :Be are witnessesH:

:Now therefore#: he said# :"ut away the foreign gods which are among you# and

incline your heart to the )3+* (od of 0srael':



And the "eo"le said to Joshua# :The )3+* our (od we will serve# and 2is voice we will obeyH:

Now it came to "ass after these things that Joshua the son of Nun# the servant of the )3+*# died# being one hundred and ten years old'

So Joshua made a covenant with the "eo"le that day# and made for them a statute and an ordinance in Shechem'

And they buried him within the border of his inheritance at Timnath Serah# which is in the mountains of "hraim# on the north side of 4ount (aash'

Then Joshua wrote these words in the Boo1 of the )aw of (od' And he too1 a large stone# and set it u" there under the oa1 that was by the sanctuary of the )3+*'

0srael served the )3+* all the days of Joshua# and all the days of the elders who outlived Joshua# who had 1nown all the wor1s of the )3+* which 2e had done for 0srael'

And Joshua said to all the "eo"le# :Behold# this stone shall be a witness to us# for it has heard all the words of the )3+* which 2e s"o1e to us' 0t shall therefore be a witness to you# lest you deny your (od':

The bones of Jose"h# which the children of 0srael had brought u" out of gy"t# they buried at Shechem# in the "lot of ground which Jacob had bought from the sons of 2amor the father of Shechem for one hundred "ieces of silver# and which had become an inheritance of the children of Jose"h'

So Joshua let the "eo"le de"art# each to his own inheritance'

And the son of Aaron died' They buried him in a hill belonging to /hinehas his son# which was given to him in the mountains of "hraim'

Judges 1Now after the death of Joshua it

came to "ass that the children of 0srael as1ed the )3+*# saying# :Bho shall be first to go u" for us against the -anaanites to fight against themE:
, ?

And afterward the children of Judah went down to fight against the -anaanites who dwelt in the mountains# in the South# and in the lowland'

And the )3+* said# :Judah shall go u"' 0ndeed 0 have delivered the land into his hand':

Then Judah went against the -anaanites who dwelt in 2ebron' INow the name of 2ebron was formerly Kir$ath Arba'J And they 1illed Sheshai# Ahiman# and Talmai'

So Judah said to Simeon his brother# :-ome u" with me to my allotted territory# that we may fight against the -anaanites9 and 0 will li1ewise go with you to your allotted territory': And Simeon went with him'

From there they went against the inhabitants of *ebir' IThe name of *ebir was formerly Kir$ath Se"her'J

Then -aleb said# :Bhoever attac1s Kir$ath Se"her and ta1es it# to him 0 will give my daughter Achsah as wife':

Then Judah went u"# and the )3+* delivered the -anaanites and the /eri..ites into their hand9 and they 1illed ten thousand men at Be.e1'

And 3thniel the son of Kena.# -alebDs younger brother# too1 it9 so he gave him his daughter Achsah as wife'

And they found AdoniFBe.e1 in Be.e1# and fought against him9 and they defeated the -anaanites and the /eri..ites'

Now it ha""ened# when she came to him# that she urged him to as1 her father for a field' And she dismounted from her don1ey# and -aleb said to her# :Bhat do you wishE:

Then AdoniFBe.e1 fled# and they "ursued him and caught him and cut off his thumbs and big toes'

And AdoniFBe.e1 said# :Seventy 1ings with their thumbs and big toes cut off used to gather scra"s under my table9 as 0 have done# so (od has re"aid me': Then they brought him to Jerusalem# and there he died'

So she said to him# :(ive me a blessing9 since you have given me land in the South# give me also s"rings of water': And -aleb gave her the u""er s"rings and the lower s"rings'

Now the children of Judah fought against Jerusalem and too1 it9 they struc1 it with the edge of the sword and set the city on fire'

Now the children of the Kenite# 4osesD fatherFinFlaw# went u" from the -ity of /alms with the children of Judah into the Bilderness of Judah# which lies in the South near Arad9 and they went and dwelt among the "eo"le'

And Judah went with his brother Simeon# and they attac1ed the

-anaanites who inhabited 5e"hath# and utterly destroyed it' So the name of the city was called 2ormah'


Also Judah too1 (a.a with its territory# Ash1elon with its territory# and 1ron with its territory'

2owever# 4anasseh did not drive out the inhabitants of Beth Shean and its villages# or Taanach and its villages# or the inhabitants of *or and its villages# or the inhabitants of 0bleam and its villages# or the inhabitants of 4egiddo and its villages9 for the -anaanites were determined to dwell in that land'

So the )3+* was with Judah' And they drove out the mountaineers# but they could not drive out the inhabitants of the lowland# because they had chariots of iron'

And it came to "ass# when 0srael was strong# that they "ut the -anaanites under tribute# but did not com"letely drive them out'

And they gave 2ebron to -aleb# as 4oses had said' Then he e!"elled from there the three sons of Ana1'

Nor did "hraim drive out the -anaanites who dwelt in (e.er9 so the -anaanites dwelt in ( among them'

But the children of Ben$amin did not drive out the Jebusites who inhabited Jerusalem9 so the Jebusites dwell with the children of Ben$amin in Jerusalem to this day'

Nor did 5ebulun drive out the inhabitants of Kitron or the inhabitants of Nahalol9 so the -anaanites dwelt among them# and were "ut under tribute'

And the house of Jose"h also went u" against Bethel# and the )3+* was with them'

Nor did Asher drive out the inhabitants of Acco or the inhabitants of Sidon# or of Ahlab# Ach.ib# 2elbah# A"hi1# or +ehob'

So the house of Jose"h sent men to s"y out Bethel' IThe name of the city was formerly )u.'J

So the Asherites dwelt among the -anaanites# the inhabitants of the land9 for they did not drive them out'

And when the s"ies saw a man coming out of the city# they said to him# :/lease show us the entrance to the city# and we will show you mercy':

So he showed them the entrance to the city# and they struc1 the city with the edge of the sword9 but they let the man and all his family go'

Nor did Na"htali drive out the inhabitants of Beth Shemesh or the inhabitants of Beth Anath9 but they dwelt among the -anaanites# the inhabitants of the land' Nevertheless the inhabitants of Beth Shemesh and Beth Anath were "ut under tribute to them'

And the man went to the land of the 2ittites# built a city# and called its name )u.# which is its name to this day'

And the Amorites forced the children of *an into the mountains# for they would not allow them to come down to the valley9

and the Amorites were determined to dwell in 4ount 2eres# in Ai$alon# and in Shaalbim9 yet when the strength of the

house of Jose"h became greater# they were "ut under tribute'



Now Joshua the son of Nun# the servant of the )3+*# died when he was one hundred and ten years old'

Now the boundary of the Amorites was from the Ascent of A1rabbim# from Sela# and u"ward'

2Then the Angel of the )3+* came

u" from (ilgal to Bochim# and said7 :0 led you u" from gy"t and brought you to the land of which 0 swore to your fathers9 and 0 said# :0 will never brea1 4y covenant with you'

And they buried him within the border of his inheritance at Timnath 2eres# in the mountains of "hraim# on the north side of 4ount (aash'

Bhen all that generation had been gathered to their fathers# another generation arose after them who did not 1now the )3+* nor the wor1 which 2e had done for 0srael'

And you shall ma1e no covenant with the inhabitants of this land9 you shall tear down their altars'D But you have not obeyed 4y voice' Bhy have you done thisE

Then the children of 0srael did evil in the sight of the )3+*# and served the Baals9

Therefore 0 also said# :0 will not drive them out before you9 but they shall be thorns in your side# and their gods shall be a snare to you':D

and they forsoo1 the )3+* (od of their fathers# who had brought them out of the land of gy"t9 and they followed other gods from among the gods of the "eo"le who were all around them# and they bowed down to them9 and they "rovo1ed the )3+* to anger'

So it was# when the Angel of the )3+* s"o1e these words to all the children of 0srael# that the "eo"le lifted u" their voices and we"t'

They forsoo1 the )3+* and served Baal and the Ashtoreths'

Then they called the name of that "lace Bochim9 and they sacrificed there to the )3+*'

And when Joshua had dismissed the "eo"le# the children of 0srael went each to his own inheritance to "ossess the land'

And the anger of the )3+* was hot against 0srael' So 2e delivered them into the hands of "lunderers who des"oiled them9 and 2e sold them into the hands of their enemies all around# so that they could no longer stand before their enemies'

So the "eo"le served the )3+* all the days of Joshua# and all the days of the elders who outlived Joshua# who had seen all the great wor1s of the )3+* which 2e had done for 0srael'

Bherever they went out# the hand of the )3+* was against them for calamity# as the )3+* had said# and as the )3+* had sworn to them' And they were greatly distressed'

Nevertheless# the )3+* raised u" $udges who delivered them out of the hand of those who "lundered them'


Cet they would not listen to their $udges# but they "layed the harlot with other gods# and bowed down to them' They turned Guic1ly from the way in which their fathers wal1ed# in obeying the commandments of the )3+*9 they did not do so'

3Now these are the nations which the

)3+* left# that 2e might test 0srael by them# that is# all who had not 1nown any of the wars in -anaan

And when the )3+* raised u" $udges for them# the )3+* was with the $udge and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the $udge9 for the )3+* was moved to "ity by their groaning because of those who o""ressed them and harassed them'

Ithis was only so that the generations of the children of 0srael might be taught to 1now war# at least those who had not formerly 1nown itJ#

And it came to "ass# when the $udge was dead# that they reverted and behaved more corru"tly than their fathers# by following other gods# to serve them and bow down to them' They did not cease from their own doings nor from their stubborn way'

namely# five lords of the /hilistines# all the -anaanites# the Sidonians# and the 2ivites who dwelt in 4ount )ebanon# from 4ount Baal 2ermon to the entrance of 2amath'

And they were left# that 2e might test 0srael by them# to 1now whether they would obey the commandments of the )3+*# which 2e had commanded their fathers by the hand of 4oses'

Then the anger of the )3+* was hot against 0srael9 and 2e said# :Because this nation has transgressed 4y covenant which 0 commanded their fathers# and has not heeded 4y voice#

Thus the children of 0srael dwelt among the -anaanites# the 2ittites# the Amorites# the /eri..ites# the 2ivites# and the Jebusites'

0 also will no longer drive out before them any of the nations which Joshua left when he died#

And they too1 their daughters to be their wives# and gave their daughters to their sons9 and they served their gods'

so that through them 0 may test 0srael# whether they will 1ee" the ways of the )3+*# to wal1 in them as their fathers 1e"t them# or not':

So the children of 0srael did evil in the sight of the )3+*' They forgot the )3+* their (od# and served the Baals and Asherahs'

Therefore the )3+* left those nations# without driving them out immediately9 nor did 2e deliver them into the hand of Joshua'

Therefore the anger of the )3+* was hot against 0srael# and 2e sold them into the hand of -ushanF+ishathaim 1ing of 4eso"otamia9 and the children of 0srael served -ushanF+ishathaim eight years'

Bhen the children of 0srael cried out to the )3+*# the )3+* raised u" a deliverer for the children of 0srael# who

delivered them7 3thniel the son of Kena.# -alebDs younger brother'



The S"irit of the )3+* came u"on him# and he $udged 0srael' 2e went out to war# and the )3+* delivered -ushanF+ishathaim 1ing of 4eso"otamia into his hand9 and his hand "revailed over -ushanF +ishathaim'

But he himself turned bac1 from the stone images that were at (ilgal# and said# :0 have a secret message for you# 3 1ing': 2e said# :Kee" silenceH: And all who attended him went out from him'

So hud came to him Inow sitting u"stairs in his cool chamberJ' Then hud said# :0 message from (od for you': arose from his seat'

he was "rivate have a So he

So the land had rest for forty years' Then 3thniel the son of Kena. died'

And the children of 0srael again did evil in the sight of the )3+*' So the )3+* strengthened glon 1ing of 4oab against 0srael# because they had done evil in the sight of the )3+*'

Then hud reached with his left hand# too1 the dagger from his right thigh# and thrust it into his belly'

ven the hilt went in after the blade# and the fat closed over the blade# for he did not draw the dagger out of his belly9 and his entrails came out'

Then he gathered to himself the "eo"le of Ammon and Amale1# went and defeated 0srael# and too1 "ossession of the -ity of /alms'

Then hud went out through the "orch and shut the doors of the u""er room behind him and loc1ed them'

So the children of 0srael served 1ing of 4oab eighteen years'



But when the children of 0srael cried out to the )3+*# the )3+* raised u" a deliverer for them7 hud the son of (era# the Ben$amite# a leftFhanded man' By him the children of 0srael sent tribute to glon 1ing of 4oab'

Bhen he had gone out# glonDs servants came to loo1# and to their sur"rise# the doors of the u""er room were loc1ed' So they said# :2e is "robably attending to his needs in the cool chamber':

Now hud made himself a dagger Iit was doubleFedged and a cubit in lengthJ and fastened it under his clothes on his right thigh'

So they waited till they were embarrassed# and still he had not o"ened the doors of the u""er room' Therefore they too1 the 1ey and o"ened them' And there was their master# fallen dead on the floor'

So he brought the tribute to glon 1ing of 4oab' INow glon was a very fat man'J

But hud had esca"ed while they delayed# and "assed beyond the stone images and esca"ed to Seirah'

And when he had finished "resenting the tribute# he sent away the "eo"le who had carried the tribute'

And it ha""ened# when he arrived# that he blew the trum"et in the mountains of "hraim# and the children of 0srael went down with him from the mountains9 and he led them'


Then he said to them# :Follow me# for the )3+* has delivered your enemies the 4oabites into your hand': So they went down after him# sei.ed the fords of the Jordan leading to 4oab# and did not allow anyone to cross over'


Then she sent and called for Bara1 the son of Abinoam from Kedesh in Na"htali# and said to him# :2as not the )3+* (od of 0srael commanded# :(o and de"loy troo"s at 4ount Tabor9 ta1e with you ten thousand men of the sons of Na"htali and of the sons of 5ebulun9

And at that time they 1illed about ten thousand men of 4oab# all stout men of valor9 not a man esca"ed'

So 4oab was subdued that day under the hand of 0srael' And the land had rest for eighty years'

and against you 0 will de"loy Sisera# the commander of JabinDs army# with his chariots and his multitude at the +iver Kishon9 and 0 will deliver him into your handDE:

After him was Shamgar the son of Anath# who 1illed si! hundred men of the /hilistines with an o! goad9 and he also delivered 0srael'

And Bara1 said to her# :0f you will go with me# then 0 will go9 but if you will not go with me# 0 will not goH:


hud was dead# the children of 0srael again did evil in the sight of the )3+*' So the )3+* sold them into the hand of Jabin 1ing of -anaan# who reigned in 2a.or' The commander of his army was Sisera# who dwelt in 2arosheth 2agoyim'

So she said# :0 will surely go with you9 nevertheless there will be no glory for you in the $ourney you are ta1ing# for the )3+* will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman': Then *eborah arose and went with Bara1 to Kedesh'

And Bara1 called 5ebulun and Na"htali to Kedesh9 he went u" with ten thousand men under his command# and *eborah went u" with him'

And the children of 0srael cried out to the )3+*9 for Jabin had nine hundred chariots of iron# and for twenty years he had harshly o""ressed the children of 0srael'

Now 2eber the Kenite# of the children of 2obab the fatherFinFlaw of 4oses# had se"arated himself from the Kenites and "itched his tent near the terebinth tree at 5aanaim# which is beside Kedesh'

Now *eborah# a "ro"hetess# the wife of )a"idoth# was $udging 0srael at that time'

And they re"orted to Sisera that Bara1 the son of Abinoam had gone u" to 4ount Tabor'

And she would sit under the "alm tree of *eborah between +amah and Bethel in the mountains of "hraim' And the children of 0srael came u" to her for $udgment'

So Sisera gathered together all his chariots# nine hundred chariots of iron# and all the "eo"le who were with him# from 2arosheth 2agoyim to the +iver Kishon'


Then *eborah said to Bara1# :A"H For this is the day in which the )3+* has delivered Sisera into your hand' 2as not the )3+* gone out before youE: So Bara1 went down from 4ount Tabor with ten thousand men following him'


And then# as Bara1 "ursued Sisera# Jael came out to meet him# and said to him# :-ome# 0 will show you the man whom you see1': And when he went into her tent# there lay Sisera# dead with the "eg in his tem"le'

And the )3+* routed Sisera and all his chariots and all his army with the edge of the sword before Bara19 and Sisera alighted from his chariot and fled away on foot'

So on that day (od subdued Jabin 1ing of -anaan in the "resence of the children of 0srael'

But Bara1 "ursued the chariots and the army as far as 2arosheth 2agoyim# and all the army of Sisera fell by the edge of the sword9 not a man was left'

And the hand of the children of 0srael grew stronger and stronger against Jabin 1ing of -anaan# until they had destroyed Jabin 1ing of -anaan'

2owever# Sisera had fled away on foot to the tent of Jael# the wife of 2eber the Kenite9 for there was "eace between Jabin 1ing of 2a.or and the house of 2eber the Kenite'

5Then *eborah and Bara1 the son of

Abinoam sang on that day# saying7

:Bhen leaders lead in 0srael# Bhen the "eo"le willingly offer themselves# Bless the )3+*H

And Jael went out to meet Sisera# and said to him# :Turn aside# my lord# turn aside to me9 do not fear': And when he had turned aside with her into the tent# she covered him with a blan1et'

:2ear# 3 1ingsH (ive ear# 3 "rincesH 0# even 0# will sing to the )3+*9 0 will sing "raise to the )3+* (od of 0srael'

Then he said to her# :/lease give me a little water to drin1# for 0 am thirsty': So she o"ened a $ug of mil1# gave him a drin1# and covered him'

:)3+*# when Cou went out from Seir# Bhen Cou marched from the field of dom# The earth trembled and the heavens "oured# The clouds also "oured water9

And he said to her# :Stand at the door of the tent# and if any man comes and inGuires of you# and says# :0s there any man hereED you shall say# :No':D

The mountains gushed before the )3+*# This Sinai# before the )3+* (od of 0srael'

Then Jael# 2eberDs wife# too1 a tent "eg and too1 a hammer in her hand# and went softly to him and drove the "eg into his tem"le# and it went down into the ground9 for he was fast aslee" and weary' So he died'

:0n the days of Shamgar# son of Anath# 0n the days of Jael# The highways were deserted# And the travelers wal1ed along the byways'

Village life ceased# it ceased in 0srael# Antil 0# *eborah# arose# Arose a mother in 0srael'


They chose new gods9 Then there was war in the gates9 Not a shield or s"ear was seen among forty thousand in 0srael'

continued at the seashore# And stayed by his inlets'


4y heart is with the rulers of 0srael Bho offered themselves willingly with the "eo"le' Bless the )3+*H

5ebulun is a "eo"le who $eo"ardi.ed their lives to the "oint of death# Na"htali also# on the heights of the battlefield'

:S"ea1# you who ride on white don1eys# Bho sit in $udgesD attire# And who wal1 along the road'

:The 1ings came and fought# Then the 1ings of -anaan fought 0n Taanach# by the waters of 4egiddo9 They too1 no s"oils of silver'

Far from the noise of the archers# among the watering "laces# There they shall recount the righteous acts of the )3+*# The righteous acts for 2is villagers in 0srael9 Then the "eo"le of the )3+* shall go down to the gates'

They fought from the heavens9 The stars from their courses fought against Sisera'

The torrent of Kishon swe"t them away# That ancient torrent# the torrent of Kishon' 3 my soul# march on in strengthH

:Awa1e# awa1e# *eborahH Awa1e# awa1e# sing a songH Arise# Bara1# and lead your ca"tives away# 3 son of AbinoamH

Then the horsesD hooves "ounded# The gallo"ing# gallo"ing of his steeds'

:Then the survivors came down# the "eo"le against the nobles9 The )3+* came down for me against the mighty'

:-urse 4ero.#D said the angel of the )3+*# :-urse its inhabitants bitterly# Because they did not come to the hel" of the )3+*# To the hel" of the )3+* against the mighty'D

From "hraim were those whose roots were in Amale1' After you# Ben$amin# with your "eo"les# From 4achir rulers came down# And from 5ebulun those who bear the recruiterDs staff'

:4ost blessed among women is Jael# The wife of 2eber the Kenite9 Blessed is she among women in tents'

And the "rinces of 0ssachar were with *eborah9 As 0ssachar# so was Bara1 Sent into the valley under his command9 Among the divisions of +euben There were great resolves of heart'

2e as1ed for water# she gave mil19 She brought out cream in a lordly bowl'

Bhy did you sit among the shee"folds# To hear the "i"ings for the floc1sE The divisions of +euben have great searchings of heart'

She stretched her hand to the tent "eg# 2er right hand to the wor1menDs hammer9 She "ounded Sisera# she "ierced his head# She s"lit and struc1 through his tem"le'

(ilead stayed beyond the Jordan# And why did *an remain on shi"sE Asher

At her feet he san1# he fell# he lay still9 At her feet he san1# he fell9 Bhere he san1# there he fell dead'


:The mother of Sisera loo1ed through the window# And cried out through the lattice# :Bhy is his chariot so long in comingE Bhy tarries the clatter of his chariotsED


For they would come u" with their livestoc1 and their tents# coming in as numerous as locusts9 both they and their camels were without number9 and they would enter the land to destroy it'

2er wisest ladies answered her# Ces# she answered herself#


So 0srael was greatly im"overished because of the 4idianites# and the children of 0srael cried out to the )3+*'

:Are they not finding and dividing the s"oil7 To every man a girl or two9 For Sisera# "lunder of dyed garments# /lunder of garments embroidered and dyed# Two "ieces of dyed embroidery for the nec1 of the looterED

And it came to "ass# when the children of 0srael cried out to the )3+* because of the 4idianites#

:Thus let all Cour enemies "erish# 3 )3+*H But let those who love 2im be li1e the sun Bhen it comes out in full strength': So the land had rest for forty years'

that the )3+* sent a "ro"het to the children of 0srael# who said to them# :Thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael7 :0 brought you u" from gy"t and brought you out of the house of bondage9

6Then the children of 0srael did evil in

the sight of the )3+*' So the )3+* delivered them into the hand of 4idian for seven years#

and 0 delivered you out of the hand of the gy"tians and out of the hand of all who o""ressed you# and drove them out before you and gave you their land'

and the hand of 4idian "revailed against 0srael' Because of the 4idianites# the children of 0srael made for themselves the dens# the caves# and the strongholds which are in the mountains'

Also 0 said to you# :0 am the )3+* your (od9 do not fear the gods of the Amorites# in whose land you dwell': But you have not obeyed 4y voice':D

So it was# whenever 0srael had sown# 4idianites would come u"9 also Amale1ites and the "eo"le of the ast would come u" against them'

Now the Angel of the )3+* came and sat under the terebinth tree which was in 3"hrah# which belonged to Joash the Abie.rite# while his son (ideon threshed wheat in the wine"ress# in order to hide it from the 4idianites'

And the Angel of the )3+* a""eared to him# and said to him# :The )3+* is with you# you mighty man of valorH:

Then they would encam" against them and destroy the "roduce of the earth as far as (a.a# and leave no sustenance for 0srael# neither shee" nor o! nor don1ey'

(ideon said to 2im# :3 my lord# if the )3+* is with us# why then has all this ha""ened to usE And where are all 2is miracles which our fathers told us about# saying# :*id not the )3+* bring us u" from gy"tED But now the )3+* has

forsa1en us and delivered us into the hands of the 4idianites':


:Alas# 3 )ord (3*H For 0 have seen the Angel of the )3+* face to face':

Then the )3+* turned to him and said# :(o in this might of yours# and you shall save 0srael from the hand of the 4idianites' 2ave 0 not sent youE:

Then the )3+* said to him# :/eace be with you9 do not fear# you shall not die':

So he said to 2im# :3 my )ord# how can 0 save 0sraelE 0ndeed my clan is the wea1est in 4anasseh# and 0 am the least in my fatherDs house':

So (ideon built an altar there to the )3+*# and called it TheF)3+*F0sF /eace' To this day it is still in 3"hrah of the Abie.rites'

And the )3+* said to him# :Surely 0 will be with you# and you shall defeat the 4idianites as one man':

Then he said to 2im# :0f now 0 have found favor in Cour sight# then show me a sign that it is Cou who tal1 with me'

Now it came to "ass the same night that the )3+* said to him# :Ta1e your fatherDs young bull# the second bull of seven years old# and tear down the altar of Baal that your father has# and cut down the wooden image that is beside it9

*o not de"art from here# 0 "ray# until 0 come to Cou and bring out my offering and set it before Cou': And 2e said# :0 will wait until you come bac1':

and build an altar to the )3+* your (od on to" of this roc1 in the "ro"er arrangement# and ta1e the second bull and offer a burnt sacrifice with the wood of the image which you shall cut down':

So (ideon went in and "re"ared a young goat# and unleavened bread from an e"hah of flour' The meat he "ut in a bas1et# and he "ut the broth in a "ot9 and he brought them out to 2im under the terebinth tree and "resented them'

So (ideon too1 ten men from among his servants and did as the )3+* had said to him' But because he feared his fatherDs household and the men of the city too much to do it by day# he did it by night'

The Angel of (od said to him# :Ta1e the meat and the unleavened bread and lay them on this roc1# and "our out the broth': And he did so'

And when the men of the city arose early in the morning# there was the altar of Baal# torn down9 and the wooden image that was beside it was cut down# and the second bull was being offered on the altar which had been built'

Then the Angel of the )3+* "ut out the end of the staff that was in 2is hand# and touched the meat and the unleavened bread9 and fire rose out of the roc1 and consumed the meat and the unleavened bread' And the Angel of the )3+* de"arted out of his sight'

So they said to one another# :Bho has done this thingE: And when they had inGuired and as1ed# they said# :(ideon the son of Joash has done this thing':

Now (ideon "erceived that 2e was the Angel of the )3+*' So (ideon said#

Then the men of the city said to Joash# :Bring out your son# that he may die# because he has torn down the altar of

Baal# and because he has cut down the wooden image that was beside it':


But Joash said to all who stood against him# :Bould you "lead for BaalE Bould you save himE )et the one who would "lead for him be "ut to death by morningH 0f he is a god# let him "lead for himself# because his altar has been torn downH:

Then (ideon said to (od# :*o not be angry with me# but let me s"ea1 $ust once more7 )et me test# 0 "ray# $ust once more with the fleece9 let it now be dry only on the fleece# but on all the ground let there be dew':

And (od did so that night' 0t was dry on the fleece only# but there was dew on all the ground'

Therefore on that day he called him Jerubbaal# saying# :)et Baal "lead against him# because he has torn down his altar':

7Then Jerubbaal Ithat is# (ideonJ and

all the "eo"le who were with him rose early and encam"ed beside the well of 2arod# so that the cam" of the 4idianites was on the north side of them by the hill of 4oreh in the valley'

Then all the 4idianites and Amale1ites# the "eo"le of the ast# gathered together9 and they crossed over and encam"ed in the Valley of Je.reel'

But the S"irit of the )3+* came u"on (ideon9 then he blew the trum"et# and the Abie.rites gathered behind him'

And the )3+* said to (ideon# :The "eo"le who are with you are too many for 4e to give the 4idianites into their hands# lest 0srael claim glory for itself against 4e# saying# :4y own hand has saved me'D

And he sent messengers throughout all 4anasseh# who also gathered behind him' 2e also sent messengers to Asher# 5ebulun# and Na"htali9 and they came u" to meet them'

Now therefore# "roclaim in the hearing of the "eo"le# saying# :Bhoever is fearful and afraid# let him turn and de"art at once from 4ount (ilead':D And twentyFtwo thousand of the "eo"le returned# and ten thousand remained'

So (ideon said to (od# :0f Cou will save 0srael by my hand as Cou have saidFF

loo1# 0 shall "ut a fleece of wool on the threshing floor9 if there is dew on the fleece only# and it is dry on all the ground# then 0 shall 1now that Cou will save 0srael by my hand# as Cou have said':

But the )3+* said to (ideon# :The "eo"le are still too many9 bring them down to the water# and 0 will test them for you there' Then it will be# that of whom 0 say to you# :This one shall go with you#D the same shall go with you9 and of whomever 0 say to you# :This one shall not go with you#D the same shall not go':

And it was so' Bhen he rose early the ne!t morning and sGuee.ed the fleece together# he wrung the dew out of the fleece# a bowlful of water'

So he brought the "eo"le down to the water' And the )3+* said to (ideon# : veryone who la"s from the water with his tongue# as a dog la"s# you shall set

a"art by himself9 li1ewise everyone who gets down on his 1nees to drin1':

And the number of those who la""ed# "utting their hand to their mouth# was three hundred men9 but all the rest of the "eo"le got down on their 1nees to drin1 water'

bread tumbled into the cam" of 4idian9 it came to a tent and struc1 it so that it fell and overturned# and the tent colla"sed':

Then the )3+* said to (ideon# :By the three hundred men who la""ed 0 will save you# and deliver the 4idianites into your hand' )et all the other "eo"le go# every man to his "lace':

Then his com"anion answered and said# :This is nothing else but the sword of (ideon the son of Joash# a man of 0sraelH 0nto his hand (od has delivered 4idian and the whole cam"':

So the "eo"le too1 "rovisions and their trum"ets in their hands' And he sent away all the rest of 0srael# every man to his tent# and retained those three hundred men' Now the cam" of 4idian was below him in the valley'

And so it was# when (ideon heard the telling of the dream and its inter"retation# that he worshi"ed' 2e returned to the cam" of 0srael# and said# :Arise# for the )3+* has delivered the cam" of 4idian into your hand':

0t ha""ened on the same night that the )3+* said to him# :Arise# go down against the cam"# for 0 have delivered it into your hand'

Then he divided the three hundred men into three com"anies# and he "ut a trum"et into every manDs hand# with em"ty "itchers# and torches inside the "itchers'

But if you are afraid to go down# go down to the cam" with /urah your servant#

And he said to them# :)oo1 at me and do li1ewise9 watch# and when 0 come to the edge of the cam" you shall do as 0 do7

and you shall hear what they say9 and afterward your hands shall be strengthened to go down against the cam"': Then he went down with /urah his servant to the out"ost of the armed men who were in the cam"'

Bhen 0 blow the trum"et# 0 and all who are with me# then you also blow the trum"ets on every side of the whole cam"# and say# :The sword of the )3+* and of (ideonH:D

Now the 4idianites and Amale1ites# all the "eo"le of the ast# were lying in the valley as numerous as locusts9 and their camels were without number# as the sand by the seashore in multitude'

So (ideon and the hundred men who were with him came to the out"ost of the cam" at the beginning of the middle watch# $ust as they had "osted the watch9 and they blew the trum"ets and bro1e the "itchers that were in their hands'

And when (ideon had come# there was a man telling a dream to his com"anion' 2e said# :0 have had a dream7 To my sur"rise# a loaf of barley

Then the three com"anies blew the trum"ets and bro1e the "itchersFFthey held the torches in their left hands and the trum"ets in their right hands for

blowingFFand they cried# :The sword of the )3+* and of (ideonH:


And every man stood in his "lace all around the cam"9 and the whole army ran and cried out and fled'

(od has delivered into your hands the "rinces of 4idian# 3reb and 5eeb' And what was 0 able to do in com"arison with youE: Then their anger toward him subsided when he said that'

Bhen the three hundred blew the trum"ets# the )3+* set every manDs sword against his com"anion throughout the whole cam"9 and the army fled to Beth Acacia# toward 5ererah# as far as the border of Abel 4eholah# by Tabbath'

Bhen (ideon came to the Jordan# he and the three hundred men who were with him crossed over# e!hausted but still in "ursuit'

And the men of 0srael gathered together from Na"htali# Asher# and all 4anasseh# and "ursued the 4idianites'

Then he said to the men of Succoth# :/lease give loaves of bread to the "eo"le who follow me# for they are e!hausted# and 0 am "ursuing 5ebah and 5almunna# 1ings of 4idian':

Then (ideon sent messengers throughout all the mountains of "hraim# saying# :-ome down against the 4idianites# and sei.e from them the watering "laces as far as Beth Barah and the Jordan': Then all the men of "hraim gathered together and sei.ed the watering "laces as far as Beth Barah and the Jordan'

And the leaders of Succoth said# :Are the hands of 5ebah and 5almunna now in your hand# that we should give bread to your armyE:

So (ideon said# :For this cause# when the )3+* has delivered 5ebah and 5almunna into my hand# then 0 will tear your flesh with the thorns of the wilderness and with briersH:

And they ca"tured two "rinces of the 4idianites# 3reb and 5eeb' They 1illed 3reb at the roc1 of 3reb# and 5eeb they 1illed at the wine"ress of 5eeb' They "ursued 4idian and brought the heads of 3reb and 5eeb to (ideon on the other side of the Jordan'

Then he went u" from there to /enuel and s"o1e to them in the same way' And the men of /enuel answered him as the men of Succoth had answered'

So he also s"o1e to the men of /enuel# saying# :Bhen 0 come bac1 in "eace# 0 will tear down this towerH:

8Now the men of

"hraim said to him# :Bhy have you done this to us by not calling us when you went to fight with the 4idianitesE: And they re"rimanded him shar"ly'

Now 5ebah and 5almunna were at Kar1or# and their armies with them# about fifteen thousand# all who were left of all the army of the "eo"le of the ast9 for one hundred and twenty thousand men who drew the sword had fallen'

So he said to them# :Bhat have 0 done now in com"arison with youE 0s not the gleaning of the gra"es of "hraim better than the vintage of Abie.erE

Then (ideon went u" by the road of those who dwell in tents on the east of Nobah and Jogbehah9 and he attac1ed the army while the cam" felt secure'


Bhen 5ebah and 5almunna fled# he "ursued them9 and he too1 the two 1ings of 4idian# 5ebah and 5almunna# and routed the whole army'

is his strength': So (ideon arose and 1illed 5ebah and 5almunna# and too1 the crescent ornaments that were on their camelsD nec1s'

Then (ideon the son of Joash returned from battle# from the Ascent of 2eres'

Then the men of 0srael said to (ideon# :+ule over us# both you and your son# and your grandson also9 for you have delivered us from the hand of 4idian':

And he caught a young man of the men of Succoth and interrogated him9 and he wrote down for him the leaders of Succoth and its elders# seventyFseven men'

But (ideon said to them# :0 will not rule over you# nor shall my son rule over you9 the )3+* shall rule over you':

Then he came to the men of Succoth and said# :2ere are 5ebah and 5almunna# about whom you ridiculed me# saying# :Are the hands of 5ebah and 5almunna now in your hand# that we should give bread to your weary menE:D

Then (ideon said to them# :0 would li1e to ma1e a reGuest of you# that each of you would give me the earrings from his "lunder': For they had golden earrings# because they were 0shmaelites'

And he too1 the elders of the city# and thorns of the wilderness and briers# and with them he taught the men of Succoth'

So they answered# :Be will gladly give them': And they s"read out a garment# and each man threw into it the earrings from his "lunder'

Then he tore down the tower of /enuel and 1illed the men of the city'

And he said to 5ebah and 5almunna# :Bhat 1ind of men were they whom you 1illed at TaborE: So they answered# :As you are# so were they9 each one resembled the son of a 1ing':

Now the weight of the gold earrings that he reGuested was one thousand seven hundred she1els of gold# besides the crescent ornaments# "endants# and "ur"le robes which were on the 1ings of 4idian# and besides the chains that were around their camelsD nec1s'

Then he said# :They were my brothers# the sons of my mother' As the )3+* lives# if you had let them live# 0 would not 1ill you':

Then (ideon made it into an e"hod and set it u" in his city# 3"hrah' And all 0srael "layed the harlot with it there' 0t became a snare to (ideon and to his house'

And he said to Jether his firstborn# :+ise# 1ill themH: But the youth would not draw his sword9 for he was afraid# because he was still a youth'

Thus 4idian was subdued before the children of 0srael# so that they lifted their heads no more' And the country was Guiet for forty years in the days of (ideon'

So 5ebah and 5almunna said# :+ise yourself# and 1ill us9 for as a man is# so

Then Jerubbaal the son of Joash went and dwelt in his own house'


(ideon had seventy sons who were his own offs"ring# for he had many wives'

And his concubine who was in Shechem also bore him a son# whose name he called Abimelech'

And his motherDs brothers s"o1e all these words concerning him in the hearing of all the men of Shechem9 and their heart was inclined to follow Abimelech# for they said# :2e is our brother':

Now (ideon the son of Joash died at a good old age# and was buried in the tomb of Joash his father# in 3"hrah of the Abie.rites'

So they gave him seventy she1els of silver from the tem"le of BaalFBerith# with which Abimelech hired worthless and rec1less men9 and they followed him'

So it was# as soon as (ideon was dead# that the children of 0srael again "layed the harlot with the Baals# and made BaalFBerith their god'

Thus the children of 0srael did not remember the )3+* their (od# who had delivered them from the hands of all their enemies on every side9

Then he went to his fatherDs house at 3"hrah and 1illed his brothers# the seventy sons of Jerubbaal# on one stone' But Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal was left# because he hid himself'

nor did they show 1indness to the house of Jerubbaal I(ideonJ in accordance with the good he had done for 0srael'

And all the men of Shechem gathered together# all of Beth 4illo# and they went and made Abimelech 1ing beside the terebinth tree at the "illar that was in Shechem'

9Then Abimelech the son of Jerubbaal

went to Shechem# to his motherDs brothers# and s"o1e with them and with all the family of the house of his motherDs father# saying#

Now when they told Jotham# he went and stood on to" of 4ount ( and lifted his voice and cried out' And he said to them7 :)isten to me# you men of Shechem# That (od may listen to youH

:The trees once went forth to anoint a 1ing over them' And they said to the olive tree# :+eign over usHD

:/lease s"ea1 in the hearing of all the men of Shechem7 :Bhich is better for you# that all seventy of the sons of Jerubbaal reign over you# or that one reign over youED +emember that 0 am your own flesh and bone':

But the olive tree said to them# :Should 0 cease giving my oil# Bith which they honor (od and men# And go to sway over treesED

:Then the trees said to the fig tree# :Cou come and reign over usHD

But the fig tree said to them# :Should 0 cease my sweetness and my good fruit# And go to sway over treesED


:Then the trees said to the vine# :Cou come and reign over usHD


And Jotham ran away and fled9 and he went to Beer and dwelt there# for fear of Abimelech his brother'

But the vine said to them# :Should 0 cease my new wine# Bhich cheers both (od and men# And go to sway over treesED

After Abimelech had reigned over 0srael three years#


:Then all the trees said to the bramble# :Cou come and reign over usHD

(od sent a s"irit of ill will between Abimelech and the men of Shechem9 and the men of Shechem dealt treacherously with Abimelech#

And the bramble said to the trees# :0f in truth you anoint me as 1ing over you# Then come and ta1e shelter in my shade9 But if not# let fire come out of the bramble And devour the cedars of )ebanonHD

that the crime done to the seventy sons of Jerubbaal might be settled and their blood be laid on Abimelech their brother# who 1illed them# and on the men of Shechem# who aided him in the 1illing of his brothers'

:Now therefore# if you have acted in truth and sincerity in ma1ing Abimelech 1ing# and if you have dealt well with Jerubbaal and his house# and have done to him as he deservesFF

And the men of Shechem set men in ambush against him on the to"s of the mountains# and they robbed all who "assed by them along that way9 and it was told Abimelech'

for my father fought for you# ris1ed his life# and delivered you out of the hand of 4idian9

but you have risen u" against my fatherDs house this day# and 1illed his seventy sons on one stone# and made Abimelech# the son of his female servant# 1ing over the men of Shechem# because he is your brotherFF

Now (aal the son of bed came with his brothers and went over to Shechem9 and the men of Shechem "ut their confidence in him'

if then you have acted in truth and sincerity with Jerubbaal and with his house this day# then re$oice in Abimelech# and let him also re$oice in you'

So they went out into the fields# and gathered gra"es from their vineyards and trod them# and made merry' And they went into the house of their god# and ate and dran1# and cursed Abimelech'

But if not# let fire come from Abimelech and devour the men of Shechem and Beth 4illo9 and let fire come from the men of Shechem and from Beth 4illo and devour AbimelechH:

Then (aal the son of bed said# :Bho is Abimelech# and who is Shechem# that we should serve himE 0s he not the son of Jerubbaal# and is not 5ebul his officerE Serve the men of 2amor the father of Shechem9 but why should we serve himE

0f only this "eo"le were under my authorityH Then 0 would remove

Abimelech': So he said to Abimelech# :0ncrease your army and come outH:



Bhen 5ebul# the ruler of the city# heard the words of (aal the son of bed# his anger was aroused'

Then 5ebul said to him# :Bhere indeed is your mouth now# with which you said# :Bho is Abimelech# that we should serve himED Are not these the "eo"le whom you des"isedE (o out# if you will# and fight with them now':

And he sent messengers to Abimelech secretly# saying# :Ta1e noteH (aal the son of bed and his brothers have come to Shechem9 and here they are# fortifying the city against you'

So (aal went out# leading the men of Shechem# and fought with Abimelech'

And Abimelech chased him# and he fled from him9 and many fell wounded# to the very entrance of the gate'

Now therefore# get u" by night# you and the "eo"le who are with you# and lie in wait in the field'

And it shall be# as soon as the sun is u" in the morning# that you shall rise early and rush u"on the city9 and when he and the "eo"le who are with him come out against you# you may then do to them as you find o""ortunity':

Then Abimelech dwelt at Arumah# and 5ebul drove out (aal and his brothers# so that they would not dwell in Shechem'

And it came about on the ne!t day that the "eo"le went out into the field# and they told Abimelech'

So Abimelech and all the "eo"le who were with him rose by night# and lay in wait against Shechem in four com"anies'

So he too1 his "eo"le# divided them into three com"anies# and lay in wait in the field' And he loo1ed# and there were the "eo"le# coming out of the city9 and he rose against them and attac1ed them'

Bhen (aal the son of bed went out and stood in the entrance to the city gate# Abimelech and the "eo"le who were with him rose from lying in wait'

And when (aal saw the "eo"le# he said to 5ebul# :)oo1# "eo"le are coming down from the to"s of the mountainsH: But 5ebul said to him# :Cou see the shadows of the mountains as if they were men':

Then Abimelech and the com"any that was with him rushed forward and stood at the entrance of the gate of the city9 and the other two com"anies rushed u"on all who were in the fields and 1illed them'

So (aal s"o1e again and said# :See# "eo"le are coming down from the center of the land# and another com"any is coming from the *ivinersD Terebinth Tree':

So Abimelech fought against the city all that day9 he too1 the city and 1illed the "eo"le who were in it9 and he demolished the city and sowed it with salt'

Now when all the men of the tower of Shechem had heard that# they entered the stronghold of the tem"le of the god Berith'


And it was told Abimelech that all the men of the tower of Shechem were gathered together'


And when the men of 0srael saw that Abimelech was dead# they de"arted# every man to his "lace'

Then Abimelech went u" to 4ount 5almon# he and all the "eo"le who were with him' And Abimelech too1 an a! in his hand and cut down a bough from the trees# and too1 it and laid it on his shoulder9 then he said to the "eo"le who were with him# :Bhat you have seen me do# ma1e haste and do as 0 have done':

Thus (od re"aid the wic1edness of Abimelech# which he had done to his father by 1illing his seventy brothers'

And all the evil of the men of Shechem (od returned on their own heads# and on them came the curse of Jotham the son of Jerubbaal'

So each of the "eo"le li1ewise cut down his own bough and followed Abimelech# "ut them against the stronghold# and set the stronghold on fire above them# so that all the "eo"le of the tower of Shechem died# about a thousand men and women'


Abimelech there arose to save 0srael Tola the son of /uah# the son of *odo# a man of 0ssachar9 and he dwelt in Shamir in the mountains of "hraim'

Then Abimelech went to Thebe.# and he encam"ed against Thebe. and too1 it'

2e $udged 0srael twentyFthree years9 and he died and was buried in Shamir'

After him arose Jair# a (ileadite9 and he $udged 0srael twentyFtwo years'

But there was a strong tower in the city# and all the men and womenFFall the "eo"le of the cityFFfled there and shut themselves in9 then they went u" to the to" of the tower'

Now he had thirty sons who rode on thirty don1eys9 they also had thirty towns# which are called :2avoth Jair: to this day# which are in the land of (ilead'

So Abimelech came as far as the tower and fought against it9 and he drew near the door of the tower to burn it with fire'

And Jair died and was buried in -amon'


But a certain woman dro""ed an u""er millstone on AbimelechDs head and crushed his s1ull'

Then he called Guic1ly to the young man# his armorbearer# and said to him# :*raw your sword and 1ill me# lest men say of me# :A woman 1illed him':D So his young man thrust him through# and he died'

Then the children of 0srael again did evil in the sight of the )3+*# and served the Baals and the Ashtoreths# the gods of Syria# the gods of Sidon# the gods of 4oab# the gods of the "eo"le of Ammon# and the gods of the /hilistines9 and they forsoo1 the )3+* and did not serve 2im'

So the anger of the )3+* was hot against 0srael9 and 2e sold them into the hands of the /hilistines and into the hands of the "eo"le of Ammon'


From that year they harassed and o""ressed the children of 0srael for eighteen yearsFFall the children of 0srael who were on the other side of the Jordan in the land of the Amorites# in (ilead'


Then the "eo"le of Ammon gathered together and encam"ed in (ilead' And the children of 0srael assembled together and encam"ed in 4i."ah'

4oreover the "eo"le of Ammon crossed over the Jordan to fight against Judah also# against Ben$amin# and against the house of "hraim# so that 0srael was severely distressed'

And the "eo"le# the leaders of (ilead# said to one another# :Bho is the man who will begin the fight against the "eo"le of AmmonE 2e shall be head over all the inhabitants of (ilead':

And the children of 0srael cried out to the )3+*# saying# :Be have sinned against Cou# because we have both forsa1en our (od and served the BaalsH:

11Now Je"hthah the (ileadite was a

mighty man of valor# but he was the son of a harlot9 and (ilead begot Je"hthah'

So the )3+* said to the children of 0srael# :*id 0 not deliver you from the gy"tians and from the Amorites and from the "eo"le of Ammon and from the /hilistinesE

(ileadDs wife bore sons9 and when his wifeDs sons grew u"# they drove Je"hthah out# and said to him# :Cou shall have no inheritance in our fatherDs house# for you are the son of another woman':

Also the Sidonians and Amale1ites and 4aonites o""ressed you9 and you cried out to 4e# and 0 delivered you from their hand'

Then Je"hthah fled from his brothers and dwelt in the land of Tob9 and worthless men banded together with Je"hthah and went out raiding with him'

Cet you have forsa1en 4e and served other gods' Therefore 0 will deliver you no more'

0t came to "ass after a time that the "eo"le of Ammon made war against 0srael'

(o and cry out to the gods which you have chosen9 let them deliver you in your time of distress':

And so it was# when the "eo"le of Ammon made war against 0srael# that the elders of (ilead went to get Je"hthah from the land of Tob'

And the children of 0srael said to the )3+*# :Be have sinnedH *o to us whatever seems best to Cou9 only deliver us this day# we "ray':

Then they said to Je"hthah# :-ome and be our commander# that we may fight against the "eo"le of Ammon':

So they "ut away the foreign gods from among them and served the )3+*' And 2is soul could no longer endure the misery of 0srael'

So Je"hthah said to the elders of (ilead# :*id you not hate me# and e!"el me from my fatherDs houseE Bhy have you come to me now when you are in distressE:


And the elders of (ilead said to Je"hthah# :That is why we have turned again to you now# that you may go with us and fight against the "eo"le of Ammon# and be our head over all the inhabitants of (ilead':

far as the +ed Sea and came to Kadesh'


So Je"hthah said to the elders of (ilead# :0f you ta1e me bac1 home to fight against the "eo"le of Ammon# and the )3+* delivers them to me# shall 0 be your headE:

Then 0srael sent messengers to the 1ing of dom# saying# :/lease let me "ass through your land': But the 1ing of dom would not heed' And in li1e manner they sent to the 1ing of 4oab# but he would not consent' So 0srael remained in Kadesh'

And the elders of (ilead said to Je"hthah# :The )3+* will be a witness between us# if we do not do according to your words':

Then Je"hthah went with the elders of (ilead# and the "eo"le made him head and commander over them9 and Je"hthah s"o1e all his words before the )3+* in 4i."ah'

And they went along through the wilderness and by"assed the land of dom and the land of 4oab# came to the east side of the land of 4oab# and encam"ed on the other side of the Arnon' But they did not enter the border of 4oab# for the Arnon was the border of 4oab'

Then 0srael sent messengers to Sihon 1ing of the Amorites# 1ing of 2eshbon9 and 0srael said to him# :/lease let us "ass through your land into our "lace':

Now Je"hthah sent messengers to the 1ing of the "eo"le of Ammon# saying# :Bhat do you have against me# that you have come to fight against me in my landE:

But Sihon did not trust 0srael to "ass through his territory' So Sihon gathered all his "eo"le together# encam"ed in Jaha.# and fought against 0srael'

And the 1ing of the "eo"le of Ammon answered the messengers of Je"hthah# :Because 0srael too1 away my land when they came u" out of gy"t# from the Arnon as far as the Jabbo1# and to the Jordan' Now therefore# restore those lands "eaceably':

And the )3+* (od of 0srael delivered Sihon and all his "eo"le into the hand of 0srael# and they defeated them' Thus 0srael gained "ossession of all the land of the Amorites# who inhabited that country'

So Je"hthah again sent messengers to the 1ing of the "eo"le of Ammon#


They too1 "ossession of all the territory of the Amorites# from the Arnon to the Jabbo1 and from the wilderness to the Jordan'

and said to him# :Thus says Je"hthah7 :0srael did not ta1e away the land of 4oab# nor the land of the "eo"le of Ammon9

:And now the )3+* (od of 0srael has dis"ossessed the Amorites from before 2is "eo"le 0srael9 should you then "ossess itE

for when 0srael came u" from gy"t# they wal1ed through the wilderness as


Bill you not "ossess whatever -hemosh your god gives you to "ossessE So whatever the )3+* our (od ta1es "ossession of before us# we will "ossess'

and the )3+* delivered them into his hands'


And now# are you any better than Bala1 the son of 5i""or# 1ing of 4oabE *id he ever strive against 0sraelE *id he ever fight against themE

And he defeated them from Aroer as far as 4innithFFtwenty citiesFFand to Abel Keramim# with a very great slaughter' Thus the "eo"le of Ammon were subdued before the children of 0srael'

Bhile 0srael dwelt in 2eshbon and its villages# in Aroer and its villages# and in all the cities along the ban1s of the Arnon# for three hundred years# why did you not recover them within that timeE

Bhen Je"hthah came to his house at 4i."ah# there was his daughter# coming out to meet him with timbrels and dancing9 and she was his only child' Besides her he had neither son nor daughter'

Therefore 0 have not sinned against you# but you wronged me by fighting against me' 4ay the )3+*# the Judge# render $udgment this day between the children of 0srael and the "eo"le of Ammon':D

And it came to "ass# when he saw her# that he tore his clothes# and said# :Alas# my daughterH Cou have brought me very lowH Cou are among those who trouble meH For 0 have given my word to the )3+*# and 0 cannot go bac1 on it':

2owever# the 1ing of the "eo"le of Ammon did not heed the words which Je"hthah sent him'

Then the S"irit of the )3+* came u"on Je"hthah# and he "assed through (ilead and 4anasseh# and "assed through 4i."ah of (ilead9 and from 4i."ah of (ilead he advanced toward the "eo"le of Ammon'

So she said to him# :4y father# if you have given your word to the )3+*# do to me according to what has gone out of your mouth# because the )3+* has avenged you of your enemies# the "eo"le of Ammon':

Then she said to her father# :)et this thing be done for me7 let me alone for two months# that 0 may go and wander on the mountains and bewail my virginity# my friends and 0':

And Je"hthah made a vow to the )3+*# and said# :0f Cou will indeed deliver the "eo"le of Ammon into my hands#

So he said# :(o': And he sent her away for two months9 and she went with her friends# and bewailed her virginity on the mountains'

then it will be that whatever comes out of the doors of my house to meet me# when 0 return in "eace from the "eo"le of Ammon# shall surely be the )3+*Ds# and 0 will offer it u" as a burnt offering':

And it was so at the end of two months that she returned to her father# and he carried out his vow with her which he had vowed' She 1new no man' And it became a custom in 0srael

So Je"hthah advanced toward the "eo"le of Ammon to fight against them#


that the daughters of 0srael went four days each year to lament the daughter of Je"hthah the (ileadite'

And Je"hthah $udged 0srael si! years' Then Je"hthah the (ileadite died and was buried among the cities of (ilead'


the men of "hraim gathered together# crossed over toward 5a"hon# and said to Je"hthah# :Bhy did you cross over to fight against the "eo"le of Ammon# and did not call us to go with youE Be will burn your house down on you with fireH:

After him# of Bethlehem $udged 0srael'


2e had thirty sons' And he gave away thirty daughters in marriage# and brought in thirty daughters from elsewhere for his sons' 2e $udged 0srael seven years'

And Je"hthah said to them# :4y "eo"le and 0 were in a great struggle with the "eo"le of Ammon9 and when 0 called you# you did not deliver me out of their hands'

Then died and was buried at Bethlehem'


After him# lon the 5ebulunite $udged 0srael' 2e $udged 0srael ten years'

So when 0 saw that you would not deliver me# 0 too1 my life in my hands and crossed over against the "eo"le of Ammon9 and the )3+* delivered them into my hand' Bhy then have you come u" to me this day to fight against meE:

And lon the 5ebulunite died and was buried at Ai$alon in the country of 5ebulun'

After him# Abdon the son of 2illel the /irathonite $udged 0srael'

Now Je"hthah gathered together all the men of (ilead and fought against "hraim' And the men of (ilead defeated "hraim# because they said# :Cou (ileadites are fugitives of "hraim among the "hraimites and among the 4anassites':

2e had forty sons and thirty grandsons# who rode on seventy young don1eys' 2e $udged 0srael eight years'

The (ileadites sei.ed the fords of the Jordan before the "hraimites arrived' And when any "hraimite who esca"ed said# :)et me cross over#: the men of (ilead would say to him# :Are you an "hraimiteE: 0f he said# :No#:

Then Abdon the son of 2illel the /irathonite died and was buried in /irathon in the land of "hraim# in the mountains of the Amale1ites'

13Again the children of 0srael did evil

in the sight of the )3+*# and the )3+* delivered them into the hand of the /hilistines for forty years'

then they would say to him# :Then say# :ShibbolethDH: And he would say# :Sibboleth#: for he could not "ronounce it right' Then they would ta1e him and 1ill him at the fords of the Jordan' There fell at that time fortyFtwo thousand "hraimites'

Now there was a certain man from 5orah# of the family of the *anites# whose name was 4anoah9 and his wife was barren and had no children'

And the Angel of the )3+* a""eared to the woman and said to her# :0ndeed now# you are barren and have borne no children# but you shall conceive and bear a son'


So 4anoah arose and followed his wife' Bhen he came to the 4an# he said to 2im# :Are Cou the 4an who s"o1e to this womanE: And 2e said# :0 am':

Now therefore# "lease be careful not to drin1 wine or similar drin1# and not to eat anything unclean'

4anoah said# :Now let Cour words come to "assH Bhat will be the boyDs rule of life# and his wor1E:

For behold# you shall conceive and bear a son' And no ra.or shall come u"on his head# for the child shall be a Na.irite to (od from the womb9 and he shall begin to deliver 0srael out of the hand of the /hilistines':

So the Angel of the )3+* said to 4anoah# :3f all that 0 said to the woman let her be careful'

So the woman came and told her husband# saying# :A 4an of (od came to me# and 2is countenance was li1e the countenance of the Angel of (od# very awesome9 but 0 did not as1 2im where 2e was from# and 2e did not tell me 2is name'

She may not eat anything that comes from the vine# nor may she drin1 wine or similar drin1# nor eat anything unclean' All that 0 commanded her let her observe':

Then 4anoah said to the Angel of the )3+*# :/lease let us detain Cou# and we will "re"are a young goat for Cou':

And 2e said to me# :Behold# you shall conceive and bear a son' Now drin1 no wine or similar drin1# nor eat anything unclean# for the child shall be a Na.irite to (od from the womb to the day of his death':D

And the Angel of the )3+* said to 4anoah# :Though you detain 4e# 0 will not eat your food' But if you offer a burnt offering# you must offer it to the )3+*': IFor 4anoah did not 1now 2e was the Angel of the )3+*'J

Then 4anoah "rayed to the )3+*# and said# :3 my )ord# "lease let the 4an of (od whom Cou sent come to us again and teach us what we shall do for the child who will be born':

Then 4anoah said to the Angel of the )3+*# :Bhat is Cour name# that when Cour words come to "ass we may honor CouE:

And (od listened to the voice of 4anoah# and the Angel of (od came to the woman again as she was sitting in the field9 but 4anoah her husband was not with her'

And the Angel of the )3+* said to him# :Bhy do you as1 4y name# seeing it is wonderfulE:

Then the woman ran in haste and told her husband# and said to him# :)oo1# the 4an who came to me the other day has $ust now a""eared to meH:

So 4anoah too1 the young goat with the grain offering# and offered it u"on the roc1 to the )3+*' And 2e did a wondrous thing while 4anoah and his wife loo1ed onFF

it ha""ened as the flame went u" toward heaven from the altarFFthe Angel of the )3+* ascended in the flame of

the altarH Bhen 4anoah and his wife saw this# they fell on their faces to the ground'

Bhen the Angel of the )3+* a""eared no more to 4anoah and his wife# then 4anoah 1new that 2e was the Angel of the )3+*'

But his father and mother did not 1now that it was of the )3+*FFthat 2e was see1ing an occasion to move against the /hilistines' For at that time the /hilistines had dominion over 0srael'

And 4anoah said to his wife# :Be shall surely die# because we have seen (odH:

So Samson went down to Timnah with his father and mother# and came to the vineyards of Timnah' Now to his sur"rise# a young lion came roaring against him'

But his wife said to him# :0f the )3+* had desired to 1ill us# 2e would not have acce"ted a burnt offering and a grain offering from our hands# nor would 2e have shown us all these things# nor would 2e have told us such things as these at this time':

And the S"irit of the )3+* came mightily u"on him# and he tore the lion a"art as one would have torn a"art a young goat# though he had nothing in his hand' But he did not tell his father or his mother what he had done'

So the woman bore a son and called his name Samson9 and the child grew# and the )3+* blessed him'

Then he went down and tal1ed with the woman9 and she "leased Samson well'

And the S"irit of the )3+* began to move u"on him at 4ahaneh *an between 5orah and shtaol'

After some time# when he returned to get her# he turned aside to see the carcass of the lion' And behold# a swarm of bees and honey were in the carcass of the lion'


Samson went down to Timnah# and saw a woman in Timnah of the daughters of the /hilistines' So he went u" and told his father and mother# saying# :0 have seen a woman in Timnah of the daughters of the /hilistines9 now therefore# get her for me as a wife':

2e too1 some of it in his hands and went along# eating' Bhen he came to his father and mother# he gave some to them# and they also ate' But he did not tell them that he had ta1en the honey out of the carcass of the lion'

So his father went down to the woman' And Samson gave a feast there# for young men used to do so'

Then his father and mother said to him# :0s there no woman among the daughters of your brethren# or among all my "eo"le# that you must go and get a wife from the uncircumcised /hilistinesE: And Samson said to his father# :(et her for me# for she "leases me well':

And it ha""ened# when they saw him# that they brought thirty com"anions to be with him'

Then Samson said to them# :)et me "ose a riddle to you' 0f you can correctly solve and e!"lain it to me within the seven days of the feast# then 0 will give

you thirty linen garments and thirty changes of clothing'



But if you cannot e!"lain it to me# then you shall give me thirty linen garments and thirty changes of clothing': And they said to him# :/ose your riddle# that we may hear it':

Then the S"irit of the )3+* came u"on him mightily# and he went down to Ash1elon and 1illed thirty of their men# too1 their a""arel# and gave the changes of clothing to those who had e!"lained the riddle' So his anger was aroused# and he went bac1 u" to his fatherDs house'

So he said to them7 :3ut of the eater came something to eat# And out of the strong came something sweet': Now for three days they could not e!"lain the riddle'

And SamsonDs wife was given to his com"anion# who had been his best man'

15After a while# in the time of wheat

harvest# it ha""ened that Samson visited his wife with a young goat' And he said# :)et me go in to my wife# into her room': But her father would not "ermit him to go in'

But it came to "ass on the seventh day that they said to SamsonDs wife# : ntice your husband# that he may e!"lain the riddle to us# or else we will burn you and your fatherDs house with fire' 2ave you invited us in order to ta1e what is oursE 0s that not soE:

Then SamsonDs wife we"t on him# and said# :Cou only hate meH Cou do not love meH Cou have "osed a riddle to the sons of my "eo"le# but you have not e!"lained it to me': And he said to her# :)oo1# 0 have not e!"lained it to my father or my mother9 so should 0 e!"lain it to youE:

2er father said# :0 really thought that you thoroughly hated her9 therefore 0 gave her to your com"anion' 0s not her younger sister better than sheE /lease# ta1e her instead':

And Samson said to them# :This time 0 shall be blameless regarding the /hilistines if 0 harm themH:

Now she had we"t on him the seven days while their feast lasted' And it ha""ened on the seventh day that he told her# because she "ressed him so much' Then she e!"lained the riddle to the sons of her "eo"le'

Then Samson went and caught three hundred fo!es9 and he too1 torches# turned the fo!es tail to tail# and "ut a torch between each "air of tails'

So the men of the city said to him on the seventh day before the sun went down7 :Bhat is sweeter than honeyE And what is stronger than a lionE: And he said to them7 :0f you had not "lowed with my heifer# Cou would not have solved my riddleH:

Bhen he had set the torches on fire# he let the fo!es go into the standing grain of the /hilistines# and burned u" both the shoc1s and the standing grain# as well as the vineyards and olive groves'

Then the /hilistines said# :Bho has done thisE: And they answered# :Samson# the sonFinFlaw of the Timnite# because he has ta1en his wife and given her to his com"anion': So the /hilistines came u" and burned her and her father with fire'

Samson said to them# :Since you would do a thing li1e this# 0 will surely ta1e revenge on you# and after that 0 will cease':


2e found a fresh $awbone of a don1ey# reached out his hand and too1 it# and 1illed a thousand men with it'

So he attac1ed them hi" and thigh with a great slaughter9 then he went down and dwelt in the cleft of the roc1 of tam'

Then Samson said7 :Bith the $awbone of a don1ey# 2ea"s u"on hea"s# Bith the $awbone of a don1ey 0 have slain a thousand menH:

Now the /hilistines went u"# encam"ed in Judah# and de"loyed themselves against )ehi'

And so it was# when he had finished s"ea1ing# that he threw the $awbone from his hand# and called that "lace +amath )ehi'

And the men of Judah said# :Bhy have you come u" against usE: So they answered# :Be have come u" to arrest Samson# to do to him as he has done to us':

Then he became very thirsty9 so he cried out to the )3+* and said# :Cou have given this great deliverance by the hand of Cour servant9 and now shall 0 die of thirst and fall into the hand of the uncircumcisedE:

Then three thousand men of Judah went down to the cleft of the roc1 of tam# and said to Samson# :*o you not 1now that the /hilistines rule over usE Bhat is this you have done to usE: And he said to them# :As they did to me# so 0 have done to them':

So (od s"lit the hollow "lace that is in )ehi# and water came out# and he dran19 and his s"irit returned# and he revived' Therefore he called its name n 2a11ore# which is in )ehi to this day'

But they said to him# :Be have come down to arrest you# that we may deliver you into the hand of the /hilistines': Then Samson said to them# :Swear to me that you will not 1ill me yourselves':

And he $udged 0srael twenty years in the days of the /hilistines'

16Now Samson went to (a.a and

saw a harlot there# and went in to her'

So they s"o1e to him# saying# :No# but we will tie you securely and deliver you into their hand9 but we will surely not 1ill you': And they bound him with two new ro"es and brought him u" from the roc1'

Bhen he came to )ehi# the /hilistines came shouting against him' Then the S"irit of the )3+* came mightily u"on him9 and the ro"es that were on his arms became li1e fla! that is burned with fire# and his bonds bro1e loose from his hands'

Bhen the (a.ites were told# :Samson has come hereH: they surrounded the "lace and lay in wait for him all night at the gate of the city' They were Guiet all night# saying# :0n the morning# when it is daylight# we will 1ill him':

And Samson lay low till midnight9 then he arose at midnight# too1 hold of the doors of the gate of the city and the two gate"osts# "ulled them u"# bar and all# "ut them on his shoulders# and carried

them to the to" of the hill that faces 2ebron'



Afterward it ha""ened that he loved a woman in the Valley of Sore1# whose name was *elilah'

Therefore *elilah too1 new ro"es and bound him with them# and said to him# :The /hilistines are u"on you# SamsonH: And men were lying in wait# staying in the room' But he bro1e them off his arms li1e a thread'

And the lords of the /hilistines came u" to her and said to her# : ntice him# and find out where his great strength lies# and by what means we may over"ower him# that we may bind him to afflict him9 and every one of us will give you eleven hundred "ieces of silver':

*elilah said to Samson# :Antil now you have moc1ed me and told me lies' Tell me what you may be bound with': And he said to her# :0f you weave the seven loc1s of my head into the web of the loom:FF

So *elilah said to Samson# :/lease tell me where your great strength lies# and with what you may be bound to afflict you':

So she wove it tightly with the batten of the loom# and said to him# :The /hilistines are u"on you# SamsonH: But he awo1e from his slee"# and "ulled out the batten and the web from the loom'

And Samson said to her# :0f they bind me with seven fresh bowstrings# not yet dried# then 0 shall become wea1# and be li1e any other man':

Then she said to him# :2ow can you say# :0 love you#D when your heart is not with meE Cou have moc1ed me these three times# and have not told me where your great strength lies':

So the lords of the /hilistines brought u" to her seven fresh bowstrings# not yet dried# and she bound him with them'

Now men were lying in wait# staying with her in the room' And she said to him# :The /hilistines are u"on you# SamsonH: But he bro1e the bowstrings as a strand of yarn brea1s when it touches fire' So the secret of his strength was not 1nown'

And it came to "ass# when she "estered him daily with her words and "ressed him# so that his soul was ve!ed to death#

Then *elilah said to Samson# :)oo1# you have moc1ed me and told me lies' Now# "lease tell me what you may be bound with':

that he told her all his heart# and said to her# :No ra.or has ever come u"on my head# for 0 have been a Na.irite to (od from my motherDs womb' 0f 0 am shaven# then my strength will leave me# and 0 shall become wea1# and be li1e any other man':

So he said to her# :0f they bind me securely with new ro"es that have never been used# then 0 shall become wea1# and be li1e any other man':

Bhen *elilah saw that he had told her all his heart# she sent and called for the lords of the /hilistines# saying# :-ome u" once more# for he has told me all his heart': So the lords of the /hilistines came u" to her and brought the money in their hand'


Then she lulled him to slee" on her 1nees# and called for a man and had him shave off the seven loc1s of his head' Then she began to torment him# and his strength left him'


Now the tem"le was full of men and women' All the lords of the /hilistines were thereFFabout three thousand men and women on the roof watching while Samson "erformed'

And she said# :The /hilistines are u"on you# SamsonH: So he awo1e from his slee"# and said# :0 will go out as before# at other times# and sha1e myself freeH: But he did not 1now that the )3+* had de"arted from him'

Then Samson called to the )3+*# saying# :3 )ord (3*# remember me# 0 "rayH Strengthen me# 0 "ray# $ust this once# 3 (od# that 0 may with one blow ta1e vengeance on the /hilistines for my two eyesH:

Then the /hilistines too1 him and "ut out his eyes# and brought him down to (a.a' They bound him with bron.e fetters# and he became a grinder in the "rison'

And Samson too1 hold of the two middle "illars which su""orted the tem"le# and he braced himself against them# one on his right and the other on his left'

2owever# the hair of his head began to grow again after it had been shaven'

Now the lords of the /hilistines gathered together to offer a great sacrifice to *agon their god# and to re$oice' And they said7 :3ur god has delivered into our hands Samson our enemyH:

Then Samson said# :)et me die with the /hilistinesH: And he "ushed with all his might# and the tem"le fell on the lords and all the "eo"le who were in it' So the dead that he 1illed at his death were more than he had 1illed in his life'

Bhen the "eo"le saw him# they "raised their god9 for they said7 :3ur god has delivered into our hands our enemy# The destroyer of our land# And the one who multi"lied our dead':

And his brothers and all his fatherDs household came down and too1 him# and brought him u" and buried him between 5orah and shtaol in the tomb of his father 4anoah' 2e had $udged 0srael twenty years'

So it ha""ened# when their hearts were merry# that they said# :-all for Samson# that he may "erform for us': So they called for Samson from the "rison# and he "erformed for them' And they stationed him between the "illars'

17Now there was a man from the

mountains of was 4icah'

"hraim# whose name

Then Samson said to the lad who held him by the hand# :)et me feel the "illars which su""ort the tem"le# so that 0 can lean on them':

And he said to his mother# :The eleven hundred she1els of silver that were ta1en from you# and on which you "ut a curse# even saying it in my earsFFhere is the silver with me9 0 too1 it': And his mother said# :4ay you be blessed by the )3+*# my sonH:

So when he had returned the eleven hundred she1els of silver to his mother#

his mother said# :0 had wholly dedicated the silver from my hand to the )3+* for my son# to ma1e a carved image and a molded image9 now therefore# 0 will return it to you':


So 4icah consecrated the )evite# and the young man became his "riest# and lived in the house of 4icah'

Thus he returned the silver to his mother' Then his mother too1 two hundred she1els of silver and gave them to the silversmith# and he made it into a carved image and a molded image9 and they were in the house of 4icah'

Then 4icah said# :Now 0 1now that the )3+* will be good to me# since 0 have a )evite as "riestH:

180n those days there was no 1ing in

0srael' And in those days the tribe of the *anites was see1ing an inheritance for itself to dwell in9 for until that day their inheritance among the tribes of 0srael had not fallen to them'

The man 4icah had a shrine# and made an e"hod and household idols9 and he consecrated one of his sons# who became his "riest'

0n those days there was no 1ing in 0srael9 everyone did what was right in his own eyes'

Now there was a young man from Bethlehem in Judah# of the family of Judah9 he was a )evite# and was staying there'

So the children of *an sent five men of their family from their territory# men of valor from 5orah and shtaol# to s"y out the land and search it' They said to them# :(o# search the land': So they went to the mountains of "hraim# to the house of 4icah# and lodged there'

The man de"arted from the city of Bethlehem in Judah to stay wherever he could find a "lace' Then he came to the mountains of "hraim# to the house of 4icah# as he $ourneyed'

Bhile they were at the house of 4icah# they recogni.ed the voice of the young )evite' They turned aside and said to him# :Bho brought you hereE Bhat are you doing in this "laceE Bhat do you have hereE:

And 4icah said to him# :Bhere do you come fromE: So he said to him# :0 am a )evite from Bethlehem in Judah# and 0 am on my way to find a "lace to stay':

2e said to them# :Thus and so 4icah did for me' 2e has hired me# and 0 have become his "riest':

4icah said to him# :*well with me# and be a father and a "riest to me# and 0 will give you ten she1els of silver "er year# a suit of clothes# and your sustenance': So the )evite went in'

So they said to him# :/lease inGuire of (od# that we may 1now whether the $ourney on which we go will be "ros"erous':

And the "riest said to them# :(o in "eace' The "resence of the )3+* be with you on your way':

Then the )evite was content to dwell with the man9 and the young man became li1e one of his sons to him'

So the five men de"arted and went to )aish' They saw the "eo"le who were there# how they dwelt safely# in the

manner of the Sidonians# Guiet and secure' There were no rulers in the land who might "ut them to shame for anything' They were far from the Sidonians# and they had no ties with anyone'


So they turned aside there# and came to the house of the young )evite manFFto the house of 4icahFFand greeted him'

Then the s"ies came bac1 to their brethren at 5orah and shtaol# and their brethren said to them# :Bhat is your re"ortE:

The si! hundred men armed with their wea"ons of war# who were of the children of *an# stood by the entrance of the gate'

So they said# :Arise# let us go u" against them' For we have seen the land# and indeed it is very good' Bould you do nothingE *o not hesitate to go# and enter to "ossess the land'

Then the five men who had gone to s"y out the land went u"' ntering there# they too1 the carved image# the e"hod# the household idols# and the molded image' The "riest stood at the entrance of the gate with the si! hundred men who were armed with wea"ons of war'

Bhen you go# you will come to a secure "eo"le and a large land' For (od has given it into your hands# a "lace where there is no lac1 of anything that is on the earth':

Bhen these went into 4icahDs house and too1 the carved image# the e"hod# the household idols# and the molded image# the "riest said to them# :Bhat are you doingE:

And si! hundred men of the family of the *anites went from there# from 5orah and shtaol# armed with wea"ons of war'

And they said to him# :Be Guiet# "ut your hand over your mouth# and come with us9 be a father and a "riest to us' 0s it better for you to be a "riest to the household of one man# or that you be a "riest to a tribe and a family in 0sraelE:

Then they went u" and encam"ed in Kir$ath Jearim in Judah' ITherefore they call that "lace 4ahaneh *an to this day' There it is# west of Kir$ath Jearim'J

So the "riestDs heart was glad9 and he too1 the e"hod# the household idols# and the carved image# and too1 his "lace among the "eo"le'

And they "assed from there to the mountains of "hraim# and came to the house of 4icah'

Then they turned and de"arted# and "ut the little ones# the livestoc1# and the goods in front of them'

Then the five men who had gone to s"y out the country of )aish answered and said to their brethren# :*o you 1now that there are in these houses an e"hod# household idols# a carved image# and a molded imageE Now therefore# consider what you should do':

Bhen they were a good way from the house of 4icah# the men who were in the houses near 4icahDs house gathered together and overtoo1 the children of *an'

And they called out to the children of *an' So they turned around and said to

4icah# :Bhat ails you# that you have gathered such a com"anyE:


So he said# :Cou have ta1en away my gods which 0 made# and the "riest# and you have gone away' Now what more do 0 haveE 2ow can you say to me# :Bhat ails youE:D

So they set u" for themselves 4icahDs carved image which he made# all the time that the house of (od was in Shiloh'

19And it came to "ass in those days#

when there was no 1ing in 0srael# that there was a certain )evite staying in the remote mountains of "hraim' 2e too1 for himself a concubine from Bethlehem in Judah'

And the children of *an said to him# :*o not let your voice be heard among us# lest angry men fall u"on you# and you lose your life# with the lives of your householdH:

Then the children of *an went their way' And when 4icah saw that they were too strong for him# he turned and went bac1 to his house'

But his concubine "layed the harlot against him# and went away from him to her fatherDs house at Bethlehem in Judah# and was there four whole months'

So they too1 the things 4icah had made# and the "riest who had belonged to him# and went to )aish# to a "eo"le Guiet and secure9 and they struc1 them with the edge of the sword and burned the city with fire'

Then her husband arose and went after her# to s"ea1 1indly to her and bring her bac1# having his servant and a cou"le of don1eys with him' So she brought him into her fatherDs house9 and when the father of the young woman saw him# he was glad to meet him'

There was no deliverer# because it was far from Sidon# and they had no ties with anyone' 0t was in the valley that belongs to Beth +ehob' So they rebuilt the city and dwelt there'

Now his fatherFinFlaw# the young womanDs father# detained him9 and he stayed with him three days' So they ate and dran1 and lodged there'

And they called the name of the city *an# after the name of *an their father# who was born to 0srael' 2owever# the name of the city formerly was )aish'

Then it came to "ass on the fourth day that they arose early in the morning# and he stood to de"art9 but the young womanDs father said to his sonFinFlaw# :+efresh your heart with a morsel of bread# and afterward go your way':

Then the children of *an set u" for themselves the carved image9 and Jonathan the son of (ershom# the son of 4anasseh# and his sons were "riests to the tribe of *an until the day of the ca"tivity of the land'

So they sat down# and the two of them ate and dran1 together' Then the young womanDs father said to the man# :/lease be content to stay all night# and let your heart be merry':

And when the man stood to de"art# his fatherFinFlaw urged him9 so he lodged there again'


Then he arose early in the morning on the fifth day to de"art# but the young womanDs father said# :/lease refresh your heart': So they delayed until afternoon9 and both of them ate'


They turned aside there to go in to lodge in (ibeah' And when he went in# he sat down in the o"en sGuare of the city# for no one would ta1e them into his house to s"end the night'

And when the man stood to de"artFFhe and his concubine and his servantFFhis fatherFinFlaw# the young womanDs father# said to him# :)oo1# the day is now drawing toward evening9 "lease s"end the night' See# the day is coming to an end9 lodge here# that your heart may be merry' Tomorrow go your way early# so that you may get home':

Just then an old man came in from his wor1 in the field at evening# who also was from the mountains of "hraim9 he was staying in (ibeah# whereas the men of the "lace were Ben$amites'

2owever# the man was not willing to s"end that night9 so he rose and de"arted# and came o""osite Jebus Ithat is# JerusalemJ' Bith him were the two saddled don1eys9 his concubine was also with him'

And when he raised his eyes# he saw the traveler in the o"en sGuare of the city9 and the old man said# :Bhere are you going# and where do you come fromE:

They were near Jebus# and the day was far s"ent9 and the servant said to his master# :-ome# "lease# and let us turn aside into this city of the Jebusites and lodge in it':

So he said to him# :Be are "assing from Bethlehem in Judah toward the remote mountains of "hraim9 0 am from there' 0 went to Bethlehem in Judah9 now 0 am going to the house of the )3+*' But there is no one who will ta1e me into his house#

But his master said to him# :Be will not turn aside here into a city of foreigners# who are not of the children of 0srael9 we will go on to (ibeah':

although we have both straw and fodder for our don1eys# and bread and wine for myself# for your female servant# and for the young man who is with your servant9 there is no lac1 of anything':

So he said to his servant# :-ome# let us draw near to one of these "laces# and s"end the night in (ibeah or in +amah':

And the old man said# :/eace be with youH 2owever# let all your needs be my res"onsibility9 only do not s"end the night in the o"en sGuare':

And they "assed by and went their way9 and the sun went down on them near (ibeah# which belongs to Ben$amin'

So he brought him into his house# and gave fodder to the don1eys' And they washed their feet# and ate and dran1'

As they were en$oying themselves# suddenly certain men of the city# "erverted men# surrounded the house and beat on the door' They s"o1e to the master of the house# the old man# saying# :Bring out the man who came to

your house# that we may 1now him carnallyH:


came u" from the land of gy"t until this day' -onsider it# confer# and s"ea1 u"H:

But the man# the master of the house# went out to them and said to them# :No# my brethrenH 0 beg you# do not act so wic1edlyH Seeing this man has come into my house# do not commit this outrage'

20So all the children of 0srael came

out# from *an to Beersheba# as well as from the land of (ilead# and the congregation gathered together as one man before the )3+* at 4i."ah'

)oo1# here is my virgin daughter and the manDs concubine9 let me bring them out now' 2umble them# and do with them as you "lease9 but to this man do not do such a vile thingH:

And the leaders of all the "eo"le# all the tribes of 0srael# "resented themselves in the assembly of the "eo"le of (od# four hundred thousand foot soldiers who drew the sword'

But the men would not heed him' So the man too1 his concubine and brought her out to them' And they 1new her and abused her all night until morning9 and when the day began to brea1# they let her go'

INow the children of Ben$amin heard that the children of 0srael had gone u" to 4i."ah'J Then the children of 0srael said# :Tell us# how did this wic1ed deed ha""enE:

Then the woman came as the day was dawning# and fell down at the door of the manDs house where her master was# till it was light'

So the )evite# the husband of the woman who was murdered# answered and said# :4y concubine and 0 went into (ibeah# which belongs to Ben$amin# to s"end the night'

Bhen her master arose in the morning# and o"ened the doors of the house and went out to go his way# there was his concubine# fallen at the door of the house with her hands on the threshold'

And the men of (ibeah rose against me# and surrounded the house at night because of me' They intended to 1ill me# but instead they ravished my concubine so that she died'

And he said to her# :(et u" and let us be going': But there was no answer' So the man lifted her onto the don1ey9 and the man got u" and went to his "lace'

Bhen he entered his house he too1 a 1nife# laid hold of his concubine# and divided her into twelve "ieces# limb by limb# and sent her throughout all the territory of 0srael'

So 0 too1 hold of my concubine# cut her in "ieces# and sent her throughout all the territory of the inheritance of 0srael# because they committed lewdness and outrage in 0srael'

)oo1H All of you are children of 0srael9 give your advice and counsel here and nowH:

And so it was that all who saw it said# :No such deed has been done or seen from the day that the children of 0srael

So all the "eo"le arose as one man# saying# :None of us will go to his tent# nor will any turn bac1 to his house9

but now this is the thing which we will do to (ibeah7 Be will go u" against it by lot'


Now besides Ben$amin# the men of 0srael numbered four hundred thousand men who drew the sword9 all of these were men of war'

Be will ta1e ten men out of every hundred throughout all the tribes of 0srael# a hundred out of every thousand# and a thousand out of every ten thousand# to ma1e "rovisions for the "eo"le# that when they come to (ibeah in Ben$amin# they may re"ay all the vileness that they have done in 0srael':

Then the children of 0srael arose and went u" to the house of (od to inGuire of (od' They said# :Bhich of us shall go u" first to battle against the children of Ben$aminE: The )3+* said# :Judah firstH:

So all the men of 0srael were gathered against the city# united together as one man'

So the children of 0srael rose in the morning and encam"ed against (ibeah'

Then the tribes of 0srael sent men through all the tribe of Ben$amin# saying# :Bhat is this wic1edness that has occurred among youE

And the men of 0srael went out to battle against Ben$amin# and the men of 0srael "ut themselves in battle array to fight against them at (ibeah'

Now therefore# deliver u" the men# the "erverted men who are in (ibeah# that we may "ut them to death and remove the evil from 0sraelH: But the children of Ben$amin would not listen to the voice of their brethren# the children of 0srael'

Then the children of Ben$amin came out of (ibeah# and on that day cut down to the ground twentyFtwo thousand men of the 0sraelites'

0nstead# the children of Ben$amin gathered together from their cities to (ibeah# to go to battle against the children of 0srael'

And the "eo"le# that is# the men of 0srael# encouraged themselves and again formed the battle line at the "lace where they had "ut themselves in array on the first day'

And from their cities at that time the children of Ben$amin numbered twentyF si! thousand men who drew the sword# besides the inhabitants of (ibeah# who numbered seven hundred select men'

Then the children of 0srael went u" and we"t before the )3+* until evening# and as1ed counsel of the )3+*# saying# :Shall 0 again draw near for battle against the children of my brother Ben$aminE: And the )3+* said# :(o u" against him':

Among all this "eo"le were seven hundred select men who were leftF handed9 every one could sling a stone at a hairDs breadth and not miss'

So the children of 0srael a""roached the children of Ben$amin on the second day'

And Ben$amin went out against them from (ibeah on the second day# and cut down to the ground eighteen thousand more of the children of 0srael9 all these drew the sword'


Then all the children of 0srael# that is# all the "eo"le# went u" and came to the house of (od and we"t' They sat there before the )3+* and fasted that day until evening9 and they offered burnt offerings and "eace offerings before the )3+*'


So all the men of 0srael rose from their "lace and "ut themselves in battle array at Baal Tamar' Then 0sraelDs men in ambush burst forth from their "osition in the "lain of (eba'

So the children of 0srael inGuired of the )3+* Ithe ar1 of the covenant of (od was there in those days#

And ten thousand select men from all 0srael came against (ibeah# and the battle was fierce' But the Ben$amites did not 1now that disaster was u"on them'

and /hinehas the son of the son of Aaron# stood before it in those daysJ# saying# :Shall 0 yet again go out to battle against the children of my brother Ben$amin# or shall 0 ceaseE: And the )3+* said# :(o u"# for tomorrow 0 will deliver them into your hand':

The )3+* defeated Ben$amin before 0srael' And the children of 0srael destroyed that day twentyFfive thousand one hundred Ben$amites9 all these drew the sword'

Then 0srael set men in ambush all around (ibeah'


So the children of Ben$amin saw that they were defeated' The men of 0srael had given ground to the Ben$amites# because they relied on the men in ambush whom they had set against (ibeah'

And the children of 0srael went u" against the children of Ben$amin on the third day# and "ut themselves in battle array against (ibeah as at the other times'

And the men in ambush Guic1ly rushed u"on (ibeah9 the men in ambush s"read out and struc1 the whole city with the edge of the sword'

So the children of Ben$amin went out against the "eo"le# and were drawn away from the city' They began to stri1e down and 1ill some of the "eo"le# as at the other times# in the highways Ione of which goes u" to Bethel and the other to (ibeahJ and in the field# about thirty men of 0srael'

Now the a""ointed signal between the men of 0srael and the men in ambush was that they would ma1e a great cloud of smo1e rise u" from the city#

And the children of Ben$amin said# :They are defeated before us# as at first': But the children of 0srael said# :)et us flee and draw them away from the city to the highways':

whereu"on the men of 0srael would turn in battle' Now Ben$amin had begun to stri1e and 1ill about thirty of the men of 0srael' For they said# :Surely they are defeated before us# as in the first battle':

But when the cloud began to rise from the city in a column of smo1e# the Ben$amites loo1ed behind them# and there was the whole city going u" in smo1e to heaven'

And when the men of 0srael turned bac1# the men of Ben$amin "anic1ed# for

they saw that disaster had come u"on them'


Therefore they turned their bac1s before the men of 0srael in the direction of the wilderness9 but the battle overtoo1 them# and whoever came out of the cities they destroyed in their midst'

Then the "eo"le came to the house of (od# and remained there before (od till evening' They lifted u" their voices and we"t bitterly#

and said# :3 )3+* (od of 0srael# why has this come to "ass in 0srael# that today there should be one tribe missing in 0sraelE:

They surrounded the Ben$amites# chased them# and easily tram"led them down as far as the front of (ibeah toward the east'

So it was# on the ne!t morning# that the "eo"le rose early and built an altar there# and offered burnt offerings and "eace offerings'

And eighteen thousand men of Ben$amin fell9 all these were men of valor'

Then they turned and fled toward the wilderness to the roc1 of +immon9 and they cut down five thousand of them on the highways' Then they "ursued them relentlessly u" to (idom# and 1illed two thousand of them'

The children of 0srael said# :Bho is there among all the tribes of 0srael who did not come u" with the assembly to the )3+*E: For they had made a great oath concerning anyone who had not come u" to the )3+* at 4i."ah# saying# :2e shall surely be "ut to death':

So all who fell of Ben$amin that day were twentyFfive thousand men who drew the sword9 all these were men of valor'

And the children of 0srael grieved for Ben$amin their brother# and said# :3ne tribe is cut off from 0srael today'

But si! hundred men turned and fled toward the wilderness to the roc1 of +immon# and they stayed at the roc1 of +immon for four months'

Bhat shall we do for wives for those who remain# seeing we have sworn by the )3+* that we will not give them our daughters as wivesE:

And the men of 0srael turned bac1 against the children of Ben$amin# and struc1 them down with the edge of the swordFFfrom every city# men and beasts# all who were found' They also set fire to all the cities they came to'

And they said# :Bhat one is there from the tribes of 0srael who did not come u" to 4i."ah to the )3+*E: And# in fact# no one had come to the cam" from Jabesh (ilead to the assembly'

For when the "eo"le were counted# indeed# not one of the inhabitants of Jabesh (ilead was there'

21Now the men of 0srael had sworn

an oath at 4i."ah# saying# :None of us shall give his daughter to Ben$amin as a wife':

So the congregation sent out there twelve thousand of their most valiant men# and commanded them# saying# :(o and stri1e the inhabitants of Jabesh (ilead with the edge of the sword# including the women and children'


And this is the thing that you shall do7 Cou shall utterly destroy every male# and every woman who has 1nown a man intimately':


Then they said# :0n fact# there is a yearly feast of the )3+* in Shiloh# which is north of Bethel# on the east side of the highway that goes u" from Bethel to Shechem# and south of )ebonah':

So they found among the inhabitants of Jabesh (ilead four hundred young virgins who had not 1nown a man intimately9 and they brought them to the cam" at Shiloh# which is in the land of -anaan'

Therefore they instructed the children of Ben$amin# saying# :(o# lie in wait in the vineyards#

Then the whole congregation sent word to the children of Ben$amin who were at the roc1 of +immon# and announced "eace to them'

and watch9 and $ust when the daughters of Shiloh come out to "erform their dances# then come out from the vineyards# and every man catch a wife for himself from the daughters of Shiloh9 then go to the land of Ben$amin'

So Ben$amin came bac1 at that time# and they gave them the women whom they had saved alive of the women of Jabesh (ilead9 and yet they had not found enough for them'

And the "eo"le grieved for Ben$amin# because the )3+* had made a void in the tribes of 0srael'

Then it shall be# when their fathers or their brothers come to us to com"lain# that we will say to them# :Be 1ind to them for our sa1es# because we did not ta1e a wife for any of them in the war9 for it is not as though you have given the women to them at this time# ma1ing yourselves guilty of your oath':D

Then the elders of the congregation said# :Bhat shall we do for wives for those who remain# since the women of Ben$amin have been destroyedE:

And the children of Ben$amin did so9 they too1 enough wives for their number from those who danced# whom they caught' Then they went and returned to their inheritance# and they rebuilt the cities and dwelt in them'

And they said# :There must be an inheritance for the survivors of Ben$amin# that a tribe may not be destroyed from 0srael'

So the children of 0srael de"arted from there at that time# every man to his tribe and family9 they went out from there# every man to his inheritance'

2owever# we cannot give them wives from our daughters# for the children of 0srael have sworn an oath# saying# :-ursed be the one who gives a wife to Ben$amin':D

0n those days there was no 1ing in 0srael9 everyone did what was right in his own eyes'

uth 1Now it came to "ass# in the days

when the $udges ruled# that there was a famine in the land' And a certain man of Bethlehem# Judah# went to dwell in the country of 4oab# he and his wife and his two sons'
, ?

The )3+* grant that you may find rest# each in the house of her husband': So she 1issed them# and they lifted u" their voices and we"t'

And they said to her# :Surely we will return with you to your "eo"le':

The name of the man was limelech# the name of his wife was Naomi# and the names of his two sons were 4ahlon and -hilionFF "hrathites of Bethlehem# Judah' And they went to the country of 4oab and remained there'

But Naomi said# :Turn bac1# my daughters9 why will you go with meE Are there still sons in my womb# that they may be your husbandsE

Then limelech# NaomiDs husband# died9 and she was left# and her two sons'

Turn bac1# my daughters# goFFfor 0 am too old to have a husband' 0f 0 should say 0 have ho"e# if 0 should have a husband tonight and should also bear sons#

Now they too1 wives of the women of 4oab7 the name of the one was 3r"ah# and the name of the other +uth' And they dwelt there about ten years'

Then both 4ahlon and -hilion also died9 so the woman survived her two sons and her husband'

would you wait for them till they were grownE Bould you restrain yourselves from having husbandsE No# my daughters9 for it grieves me very much for your sa1es that the hand of the )3+* has gone out against meH:

Then she arose with her daughtersFinF law that she might return from the country of 4oab# for she had heard in the country of 4oab that the )3+* had visited 2is "eo"le by giving them bread'

Then they lifted u" their voices and we"t again9 and 3r"ah 1issed her motherFinFlaw# but +uth clung to her'

And she said# :)oo1# your sisterFinFlaw has gone bac1 to her "eo"le and to her gods9 return after your sisterFinFlaw':

Therefore she went out from the "lace where she was# and her two daughtersF inFlaw with her9 and they went on the way to return to the land of Judah'

And Naomi said to her two daughtersF inFlaw# :(o# return each to her motherDs house' The )3+* deal 1indly with you# as you have dealt with the dead and with me'

But +uth said7 : ntreat me not to leave you# 3r to turn bac1 from following after you9 For wherever you go# 0 will go9 And wherever you lodge# 0 will lodge9 Cour "eo"le shall be my "eo"le# And your (od# my (od'

Bhere you die# 0 will die# And there will 0 be buried' The )3+* do so to me# and

more also# 0f anything but death "arts you and me':


Bhen she saw that she was determined to go with her# she sto""ed s"ea1ing to her'

Now behold# Boa. came from Bethlehem# and said to the rea"ers# :The )3+* be with youH: And they answered him# :The )3+* bless youH:

Now the two of them went until they came to Bethlehem' And it ha""ened# when they had come to Bethlehem# that all the city was e!cited because of them9 and the women said# :0s this NaomiE:

Then Boa. said to his servant who was in charge of the rea"ers# :Bhose young woman is thisE:

So the servant who was in charge of the rea"ers answered and said# :0t is the young 4oabite woman who came bac1 with Naomi from the country of 4oab'

But she said to them# :*o not call me Naomi9 call me 4ara# for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me'

0 went out full# and the )3+* has brought me home again em"ty' Bhy do you call me Naomi# since the )3+* has testified against me# and the Almighty has afflicted meE:

And she said# :/lease let me glean and gather after the rea"ers among the sheaves'D So she came and has continued from morning until now# though she rested a little in the house':

So Naomi returned# and +uth the 4oabitess her daughterFinFlaw with her# who returned from the country of 4oab' Now they came to Bethlehem at the beginning of barley harvest'

Then Boa. said to +uth# :Cou will listen# my daughter# will you notE *o not go to glean in another field# nor go from here# but stay close by my young women'


was a relative of NaomiDs husband# a man of great wealth# of the family of limelech' 2is name was Boa.' So +uth the 4oabitess said to Naomi# :/lease let me go to the field# and glean heads of grain after him in whose sight 0 may find favor': And she said to her# :(o# my daughter':

)et your eyes be on the field which they rea"# and go after them' 2ave 0 not commanded the young men not to touch youE And when you are thirsty# go to the vessels and drin1 from what the young men have drawn':

So she fell on her face# bowed down to the ground# and said to him# :Bhy have 0 found favor in your eyes# that you should ta1e notice of me# since 0 am a foreignerE:

Then she left# and went and gleaned in the field after the rea"ers' And she ha""ened to come to the "art of the field belonging to Boa.# who was of the family of limelech'

And Boa. answered and said to her# :0t has been fully re"orted to me# all that you have done for your motherFinFlaw since the death of your husband# and how you have left your father and your mother and the land of your birth# and have come to a "eo"le whom you did not 1now before'


The )3+* re"ay your wor1# and a full reward be given you by the )3+* (od of 0srael# under whose wings you have come for refuge':


Then she said# :)et me find favor in your sight# my lord9 for you have comforted me# and have s"o1en 1indly to your maidservant# though 0 am not li1e one of your maidservants':

Then Naomi said to her daughterFinF law# :Blessed be he of the )3+*# who has not forsa1en 2is 1indness to the living and the deadH: And Naomi said to her# :This man is a relation of ours# one of our close relatives':

+uth the 4oabitess said# :2e also said to me# :Cou shall stay close by my young men until they have finished all my harvest':D

Now Boa. said to her at mealtime# :-ome here# and eat of the bread# and di" your "iece of bread in the vinegar': So she sat beside the rea"ers# and he "assed "arched grain to her9 and she ate and was satisfied# and 1e"t some bac1'

And Naomi said to +uth her daughterF inFlaw# :0t is good# my daughter# that you go out with his young women# and that "eo"le do not meet you in any other field':

And when she rose u" to glean# Boa. commanded his young men# saying# :)et her glean even among the sheaves# and do not re"roach her'

So she stayed close by the young women of Boa.# to glean until the end of barley harvest and wheat harvest9 and she dwelt with her motherFinFlaw'

Also let grain from the bundles fall "ur"osely for her9 leave it that she may glean# and do not rebu1e her':

3Then Naomi her motherFinFlaw said

to her# :4y daughter# shall 0 not see1 security for you# that it may be well with youE

So she gleaned in the field until evening# and beat out what she had gleaned# and it was about an e"hah of barley'

Then she too1 it u" and went into the city# and her motherFinFlaw saw what she had gleaned' So she brought out and gave to her what she had 1e"t bac1 after she had been satisfied'

Now Boa.# whose young women you were with# is he not our relativeE 0n fact# he is winnowing barley tonight at the threshing floor'

And her motherFinFlaw said to her# :Bhere have you gleaned todayE And where did you wor1E Blessed be the one who too1 notice of you': So she told her motherFinFlaw with whom she had wor1ed# and said# :The manDs name with whom 0 wor1ed today is Boa.':

Therefore wash yourself and anoint yourself# "ut on your best garment and go down to the threshing floor9 but do not ma1e yourself 1nown to the man until he has finished eating and drin1ing'

Then it shall be# when he lies down# that you shall notice the "lace where he lies9 and you shall go in# uncover his feet# and lie down9 and he will tell you what you should do':


And she said to her# :All that you say to me 0 will do':

recogni.e another' Then he said# :*o not let it be 1nown that the woman came to the threshing floor':

So she went down to the threshing floor and did according to all that her motherF inFlaw instructed her'

And after Boa. had eaten and drun1# and his heart was cheerful# he went to lie down at the end of the hea" of grain9 and she came softly# uncovered his feet# and lay down'

Also he said# :Bring the shawl that is on you and hold it': And when she held it# he measured si! e"hahs of barley# and laid it on her' Then she went into the city'

Now it ha""ened at midnight that the man was startled# and turned himself9 and there# a woman was lying at his feet'

Bhen she came to her motherFinFlaw# she said# :0s that you# my daughterE: Then she told her all that the man had done for her'

And he said# :Bho are youE: So she answered# :0 am +uth# your maidservant' Ta1e your maidservant under your wing# for you are a close relative':

And she said# :These si! e"hahs of barley he gave me9 for he said to me# :*o not go em"tyFhanded to your motherFinFlaw':D

Then she said# :Sit still# my daughter# until you 1now how the matter will turn out9 for the man will not rest until he has concluded the matter this day':

Then he said# :Blessed are you of the )3+*# my daughterH For you have shown more 1indness at the end than at the beginning# in that you did not go after young men# whether "oor or rich'

4Now Boa. went u" to the gate and

sat down there9 and behold# the close relative of whom Boa. had s"o1en came by' So Boa. said# :-ome aside# friend# sit down here': So he came aside and sat down'

And now# my daughter# do not fear' 0 will do for you all that you reGuest# for all the "eo"le of my town 1now that you are a virtuous woman'

Now it is true that 0 am a close relative9 however# there is a relative closer than 0'

And he too1 ten men of the elders of the city# and said# :Sit down here': So they sat down'

Stay this night# and in the morning it shall be that if he will "erform the duty of a close relative for youFFgood9 let him do it' But if he does not want to "erform the duty for you# then 0 will "erform the duty for you# as the )3+* livesH )ie down until morning':

Then he said to the close relative# :Naomi# who has come bac1 from the country of 4oab# sold the "iece of land which belonged to our brother limelech'

So she lay at his feet until morning# and she arose before one could

And 0 thought to inform you# saying# :Buy it bac1 in the "resence of the inhabitants and the elders of my "eo"le' 0f you will redeem it# redeem it9 but if you

will not redeem it# then tell me# that 0 may 1now9 for there is no one but you to redeem it# and 0 am ne!t after you':D And he said# :0 will redeem it':

0srael9 and may you "ros"er in "hrathah and be famous in Bethlehem'


Then Boa. said# :3n the day you buy the field from the hand of Naomi# you must also buy it from +uth the 4oabitess# the wife of the dead# to "er"etuate the name of the dead through his inheritance':

4ay your house be li1e the house of /ere.# whom Tamar bore to Judah# because of the offs"ring which the )3+* will give you from this young woman':

And the close relative said# :0 cannot redeem it for myself# lest 0 ruin my own inheritance' Cou redeem my right of redem"tion for yourself# for 0 cannot redeem it':

So Boa. too1 +uth and she became his wife9 and when he went in to her# the )3+* gave her conce"tion# and she bore a son'

Then the women said to Naomi# :Blessed be the )3+*# who has not left you this day without a close relative9 and may his name be famous in 0sraelH

Now this was the custom in former times in 0srael concerning redeeming and e!changing# to confirm anything7 one man too1 off his sandal and gave it to the other# and this was a confirmation in 0srael'

And may he be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age9 for your daughterFinFlaw# who loves you# who is better to you than seven sons# has borne him':

Therefore the close relative said to Boa.# :Buy it for yourself': So he too1 off his sandal'

Then Naomi too1 the child and laid him on her bosom# and became a nurse to him'

And Boa. said to the elders and all the "eo"le# :Cou are witnesses this day that 0 have bought all that was limelechDs# and all that was -hilionDs and 4ahlonDs# from the hand of Naomi'

Also the neighbor women gave him a name# saying# :There is a son born to Naomi': And they called his name 3bed' 2e is the father of Jesse# the father of *avid'

4oreover# +uth the 4oabitess# the widow of 4ahlon# 0 have acGuired as my wife# to "er"etuate the name of the dead through his inheritance# that the name of the dead may not be cut off from among his brethren and from his "osition at the gate' Cou are witnesses this day':

Now this is the genealogy of /ere.7 /ere. begot 2e.ron9


2e.ron begot +am# and +am begot Amminadab9


And all the "eo"le who were at the gate# and the elders# said# :Be are witnesses' The )3+* ma1e the woman who is coming to your house li1e +achel and )eah# the two who built the house of

Amminadab begot Nahshon# Nahshon begot Salmon9



Salmon begot Boa.# and Boa. begot 3bed9


3bed begot Jesse# and Jesse begot *avid'

!st "amuel 1Now there was a certain man of

+amathaim 5o"him# of the mountains of "hraim# and his name was l1anah the son of Jeroham# the son of lihu# the son of Tohu# the son of 5u"h# an "hraimite'
, ?

So 2annah arose after they had finished eating and drin1ing in Shiloh' Now li the "riest was sitting on the seat by the door"ost of the tabernacle of the )3+*'

And he had two wives7 the name of one was 2annah# and the name of the other /eninnah' /eninnah had children# but 2annah had no children'

And she was in bitterness of soul# and "rayed to the )3+* and we"t in anguish'

This man went u" from his city yearly to worshi" and sacrifice to the )3+* of hosts in Shiloh' Also the two sons of li# 2o"hni and /hinehas# the "riests of the )3+*# were there'

Then she made a vow and said# :3 )3+* of hosts# if Cou will indeed loo1 on the affliction of Cour maidservant and remember me# and not forget Cour maidservant# but will give Cour maidservant a male child# then 0 will give him to the )3+* all the days of his life# and no ra.or shall come u"on his head':

And whenever the time came for l1anah to ma1e an offering# he would give "ortions to /eninnah his wife and to all her sons and daughters'

And it ha""ened# as she continued "raying before the )3+*# that li watched her mouth'

But to 2annah he would give a double "ortion# for he loved 2annah# although the )3+* had closed her womb'

Now 2annah s"o1e in her heart9 only her li"s moved# but her voice was not heard' Therefore li thought she was drun1'

And her rival also "rovo1ed her severely# to ma1e her miserable# because the )3+* had closed her womb'

So li said to her# :2ow long will you be drun1E /ut your wine away from youH:

So it was# year by year# when she went u" to the house of the )3+*# that she "rovo1ed her9 therefore she we"t and did not eat'

But 2annah answered and said# :No# my lord# 0 am a woman of sorrowful s"irit' 0 have drun1 neither wine nor into!icating drin1# but have "oured out my soul before the )3+*'

Then l1anah her husband said to her# :2annah# why do you wee"E Bhy do you not eatE And why is your heart grievedE Am 0 not better to you than ten sonsE:

*o not consider your maidservant a wic1ed woman# for out of the abundance of my com"laint and grief 0 have s"o1en until now':


Then li answered and said# :(o in "eace# and the (od of 0srael grant your "etition which you have as1ed of 2im':


And she said# :3 my lordH As your soul lives# my lord# 0 am the woman who stood by you here# "raying to the )3+*'

And she said# :)et your maidservant find favor in your sight': So the woman went her way and ate# and her face was no longer sad'

For this child 0 "rayed# and the )3+* has granted me my "etition which 0 as1ed of 2im'

Then they rose early in the morning and worshi"ed before the )3+*# and returned and came to their house at +amah' And l1anah 1new 2annah his wife# and the )3+* remembered her'

Therefore 0 also have lent him to the )3+*9 as long as he lives he shall be lent to the )3+*': So they worshi"ed the )3+* there'

So it came to "ass in the "rocess of time that 2annah conceived and bore a son# and called his name Samuel# saying# :Because 0 have as1ed for him from the )3+*':

2And 2annah "rayed and said7 :4y

heart re$oices in the )3+*9 4y horn is e!alted in the )3+*' 0 smile at my enemies# Because 0 re$oice in Cour salvation'

Now the man l1anah and all his house went u" to offer to the )3+* the yearly sacrifice and his vow'

:No one is holy li1e the )3+*# For there is none besides Cou# Nor is there any roc1 li1e our (od'

But 2annah did not go u"# for she said to her husband# :Not until the child is weaned9 then 0 will ta1e him# that he may a""ear before the )3+* and remain there forever':

:Tal1 no more so very "roudly9 )et no arrogance come from your mouth# For the )3+* is the (od of 1nowledge9 And by 2im actions are weighed'

So l1anah her husband said to her# :*o what seems best to you9 wait until you have weaned him' 3nly let the )3+* establish 2is word': Then the woman stayed and nursed her son until she had weaned him'

:The bows of the mighty men are bro1en# And those who stumbled are girded with strength'

Now when she had weaned him# she too1 him u" with her# with three bulls# one e"hah of flour# and a s1in of wine# and brought him to the house of the )3+* in Shiloh' And the child was young'

Those who were full have hired themselves out for bread# And the hungry have ceased to hunger' ven the barren has borne seven# And she who has many children has become feeble'

:The )3+* 1ills and ma1es alive9 2e brings down to the grave and brings u"'

Then they slaughtered a bull# and brought the child to li'

The )3+* ma1es "oor and ma1es rich9 2e brings low and lifts u"'


2e raises the "oor from the dust And lifts the beggar from the ash hea"# To set them among "rinces And ma1e them inherit the throne of glory' :For the "illars of the earth are the )3+*Ds# And 2e has set the world u"on them'

:No# but you must give it now9 and if not# 0 will ta1e it by force':

Therefore the sin of the young men was very great before the )3+*# for men abhorred the offering of the )3+*'

2e will guard the feet of 2is saints# But the wic1ed shall be silent in dar1ness' :For by strength no man shall "revail'

But Samuel ministered before the )3+*# even as a child# wearing a linen e"hod'

The adversaries of the )3+* shall be bro1en in "ieces9 From heaven 2e will thunder against them' The )3+* will $udge the ends of the earth' :2e will give strength to 2is 1ing# And e!alt the horn of 2is anointed':

4oreover his mother used to ma1e him a little robe# and bring it to him year by year when she came u" with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice'

Then l1anah went to his house at +amah' But the child ministered to the )3+* before li the "riest'

And li would bless l1anah and his wife# and say# :The )3+* give you descendants from this woman for the loan that was given to the )3+*': Then they would go to their own home'

Now the sons of li were corru"t9 they did not 1now the )3+*'

And the "riestsD custom with the "eo"le was that when any man offered a sacrifice# the "riestDs servant would come with a threeF"ronged fleshhoo1 in his hand while the meat was boiling'

And the )3+* visited 2annah# so that she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters' 4eanwhile the child Samuel grew before the )3+*'

Then he would thrust it into the "an# or 1ettle# or caldron# or "ot9 and the "riest would ta1e for himself all that the fleshhoo1 brought u"' So they did in Shiloh to all the 0sraelites who came there'

Now li was very old9 and he heard everything his sons did to all 0srael# and how they lay with the women who assembled at the door of the tabernacle of meeting'

So he said to them# :Bhy do you do such thingsE For 0 hear of your evil dealings from all the "eo"le'

Also# before they burned the fat# the "riestDs servant would come and say to the man who sacrificed# :(ive meat for roasting to the "riest# for he will not ta1e boiled meat from you# but raw':

No# my sonsH For it is not a good re"ort that 0 hear' Cou ma1e the )3+*Ds "eo"le transgress'

And if the man said to him# :They should really burn the fat first9 then you may ta1e as much as your heart desires#: he would then answer him#

0f one man sins against another# (od will $udge him' But if a man sins against the )3+*# who will intercede for himE: Nevertheless they did not heed the voice of their father# because the )3+* desired to 1ill them'


And the child Samuel grew in stature# and in favor both with the )3+* and men'


Then a man of (od came to li and said to him# :Thus says the )3+*7 :*id 0 not clearly reveal 4yself to the house of your father when they were in gy"t in /haraohDs houseE

But any of your men whom 0 do not cut off from 4y altar shall consume your eyes and grieve your heart' And all the descendants of your house shall die in the flower of their age'

Now this shall be a sign to you that will come u"on your two sons# on 2o"hni and /hinehas7 in one day they shall die# both of them'

*id 0 not choose him out of all the tribes of 0srael to be 4y "riest# to offer u"on 4y altar# to burn incense# and to wear an e"hod before 4eE And did 0 not give to the house of your father all the offerings of the children of 0srael made by fireE

Then 0 will raise u" for 4yself a faithful "riest who shall do according to what is in 4y heart and in 4y mind' 0 will build him a sure house# and he shall wal1 before 4y anointed forever'

Bhy do you 1ic1 at 4y sacrifice and 4y offering which 0 have commanded in 4y dwelling "lace# and honor your sons more than 4e# to ma1e yourselves fat with the best of all the offerings of 0srael 4y "eo"leED

And it shall come to "ass that everyone who is left in your house will come and bow down to him for a "iece of silver and a morsel of bread# and say# :/lease# "ut me in one of the "riestly "ositions# that 0 may eat a "iece of bread'::D

Therefore the )3+* (od of 0srael says7 :0 said indeed that your house and the house of your father would wal1 before 4e forever'D But now the )3+* says7 :Far be it from 4e9 for those who honor 4e 0 will honor# and those who des"ise 4e shall be lightly esteemed'

3Now the boy Samuel ministered to

the )3+* before li' And the word of the )3+* was rare in those days9 there was no wides"read revelation'

Behold# the days are coming that 0 will cut off your arm and the arm of your fatherDs house# so that there will not be an old man in your house'

And it came to "ass at that time# while li was lying down in his "lace# and when his eyes had begun to grow so dim that he could not see#

And you will see an enemy in 4y dwelling "lace# des"ite all the good which (od does for 0srael' And there shall not be an old man in your house forever'

and before the lam" of (od went out in the tabernacle of the )3+* where the ar1 of (od was# and while Samuel was lying down#

that the )3+* called Samuel' And he answered# :2ere 0 amH:


So he ran to li and said# :2ere 0 am# for you called me': And he said# :0 did

not call9 lie down again': And he went and lay down'


Then the )3+* called yet again# :SamuelH: So Samuel arose and went to li# and said# :2ere 0 am# for you called me': 2e answered# :0 did not call# my son9 lie down again':

And therefore 0 have sworn to the house of li that the iniGuity of liDs house shall not be atoned for by sacrifice or offering forever':

So Samuel lay down until morning# and o"ened the doors of the house of the )3+*' And Samuel was afraid to tell li the vision'

INow Samuel did not yet 1now the )3+*# nor was the word of the )3+* yet revealed to him'J

Then li called Samuel and said# :Samuel# my sonH: 2e answered# :2ere 0 am':

And the )3+* called Samuel again the third time' So he arose and went to li# and said# :2ere 0 am# for you did call me': Then li "erceived that the )3+* had called the boy'

And he said# :Bhat is the word that the )3+* s"o1e to youE /lease do not hide it from me' (od do so to you# and more also# if you hide anything from me of all the things that 2e said to you':

Therefore li said to Samuel# :(o# lie down9 and it shall be# if 2e calls you# that you must say# :S"ea1# )3+*# for Cour servant hears':D So Samuel went and lay down in his "lace'

Then Samuel told him everything# and hid nothing from him' And he said# :0t is the )3+*' )et 2im do what seems good to 2im':

Now the )3+* came and stood and called as at other times# :SamuelH SamuelH: And Samuel answered# :S"ea1# for Cour servant hears':

So Samuel grew# and the )3+* was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground'

Then the )3+* said to Samuel7 :Behold# 0 will do something in 0srael at which both ears of everyone who hears it will tingle'

And all 0srael from *an to Beersheba 1new that Samuel had been established as a "ro"het of the )3+*'

0n that day 0 will "erform against li all that 0 have s"o1en concerning his house# from beginning to end'

Then the )3+* a""eared again in Shiloh' For the )3+* revealed 2imself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the )3+*'

For 0 have told him that 0 will $udge his house forever for the iniGuity which he 1nows# because his sons made themselves vile# and he did not restrain them'

4And the word of Samuel came to all

0srael' Now 0srael went out to battle against the /hilistines# and encam"ed beside bene.er9 and the /hilistines encam"ed in A"he1'

Then the /hilistines "ut themselves in battle array against 0srael' And when

they $oined battle# 0srael was defeated by the /hilistines# who 1illed about four thousand men of the army in the field'


And when the "eo"le had come into the cam"# the elders of 0srael said# :Bhy has the )3+* defeated us today before the /hilistinesE )et us bring the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* from Shiloh to us# that when it comes among us it may save us from the hand of our enemies':

So the /hilistines fought# and 0srael was defeated# and every man fled to his tent' There was a very great slaughter# and there fell of 0srael thirty thousand foot soldiers'

Also the ar1 of (od was ca"tured9 and the two sons of li# 2o"hni and /hinehas# died'

So the "eo"le sent to Shiloh# that they might bring from there the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* of hosts# who dwells between the cherubim' And the two sons of li# 2o"hni and /hinehas# were there with the ar1 of the covenant of (od'

Then a man of Ben$amin ran from the battle line the same day# and came to Shiloh with his clothes torn and dirt on his head'

Now when he came# there was li# sitting on a seat by the wayside watching# for his heart trembled for the ar1 of (od' And when the man came into the city and told it# all the city cried out'

And when the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* came into the cam"# all 0srael shouted so loudly that the earth shoo1'

Now when the /hilistines heard the noise of the shout# they said# :Bhat does the sound of this great shout in the cam" of the 2ebrews meanE: Then they understood that the ar1 of the )3+* had come into the cam"'

Bhen li heard the noise of the outcry# he said# :Bhat does the sound of this tumult meanE: And the man came Guic1ly and told li'

li was ninetyFeight years old# and his eyes were so dim that he could not see'

So the /hilistines were afraid# for they said# :(od has come into the cam"H: And they said# :Boe to usH For such a thing has never ha""ened before'

Then the man said to li# :0 am he who came from the battle' And 0 fled today from the battle line': And he said# :Bhat ha""ened# my sonE:

Boe to usH Bho will deliver us from the hand of these mighty godsE These are the gods who struc1 the gy"tians with all the "lagues in the wilderness'

So the messenger answered and said# :0srael has fled before the /hilistines# and there has been a great slaughter among the "eo"le' Also your two sons# 2o"hni and /hinehas# are dead9 and the ar1 of (od has been ca"tured':

Be strong and conduct yourselves li1e men# you /hilistines# that you do not become servants of the 2ebrews# as they have been to you' -onduct yourselves li1e men# and fightH:

Then it ha""ened# when he made mention of the ar1 of (od# that li fell off the seat bac1ward by the side of the gate9 and his nec1 was bro1en and he died# for the man was old and heavy' And he had $udged 0srael forty years'


Now his daughterFinFlaw# /hinehasD wife# was with child# due to be delivered9 and when she heard the news that the ar1 of (od was ca"tured# and that her fatherFinFlaw and her husband were dead# she bowed herself and gave birth# for her labor "ains came u"on her'


Therefore neither the "riests of *agon nor any who come into *agonDs house tread on the threshold of *agon in Ashdod to this day'

And about the time of her death the women who stood by her said to her# :*o not fear# for you have borne a son': But she did not answer# nor did she regard it'

But the hand of the )3+* was heavy on the "eo"le of Ashdod# and 2e ravaged them and struc1 them with tumors# both Ashdod and its territory'

Then she named the child 0chabod# saying# :The glory has de"arted from 0sraelH: because the ar1 of (od had been ca"tured and because of her fatherFinFlaw and her husband'

And when the men of Ashdod saw how it was# they said# :The ar1 of the (od of 0srael must not remain with us# for 2is hand is harsh toward us and *agon our god':

And she said# :The glory has de"arted from 0srael# for the ar1 of (od has been ca"tured':

Therefore they sent and gathered to themselves all the lords of the /hilistines# and said# :Bhat shall we do with the ar1 of the (od of 0sraelE: And they answered# :)et the ar1 of the (od of 0srael be carried away to (ath': So they carried the ar1 of the (od of 0srael away'

5Then the /hilistines too1 the ar1 of

(od and brought it from Ashdod'
, to

Bhen the /hilistines too1 the ar1 of (od# they brought it into the house of *agon and set it by *agon'

So it was# after they had carried it away# that the hand of the )3+* was against the city with a very great destruction9 and 2e struc1 the men of the city# both small and great# and tumors bro1e out on them'

And when the "eo"le of Ashdod arose early in the morning# there was *agon# fallen on its face to the earth before the ar1 of the )3+*' So they too1 *agon and set it in its "lace again'

Therefore they sent the ar1 of (od to 1ron' So it was# as the ar1 of (od came to 1ron# that the 1ronites cried out# saying# :They have brought the ar1 of the (od of 0srael to us# to 1ill us and our "eo"leH:

And when they arose early the ne!t morning# there was *agon# fallen on its face to the ground before the ar1 of the )3+*' The head of *agon and both the "alms of its hands were bro1en off on the threshold9 only *agonDs torso was left of it'

So they sent and gathered together all the lords of the /hilistines# and said# :Send away the ar1 of the (od of 0srael# and let it go bac1 to its own "lace# so that it does not 1ill us and our "eo"le': For there was a deadly destruction throughout all the city9 the hand of (od was very heavy there'


And the men who did not die were stric1en with the tumors# and the cry of the city went u" to heaven'


6Now the ar1 of the )3+* was in the

country of the /hilistines seven months'

Then ta1e the ar1 of the )3+* and set it on the cart9 and "ut the articles of gold which you are returning to 2im as a tres"ass offering in a chest by its side' Then send it away# and let it go'

And the /hilistines called for the "riests and the diviners# saying# :Bhat shall we do with the ar1 of the )3+*E Tell us how we should send it to its "lace':

And watch7 if it goes u" the road to its own territory# to Beth Shemesh# then 2e has done us this great evil' But if not# then we shall 1now that it is not 2is hand that struc1 usFFit ha""ened to us by chance':

So they said# :0f you send away the ar1 of the (od of 0srael# do not send it em"ty9 but by all means return it to 2im with a tres"ass offering' Then you will be healed# and it will be 1nown to you why 2is hand is not removed from you':

Then the men did so9 they too1 two mil1 cows and hitched them to the cart# and shut u" their calves at home'

And they set the ar1 of the )3+* on the cart# and the chest with the gold rats and the images of their tumors'

Then they said# :Bhat is the tres"ass offering which we shall return to 2imE: They answered# :Five golden tumors and five golden rats# according to the number of the lords of the /hilistines' For the same "lague was on all of you and on your lords'

Then the cows headed straight for the road to Beth Shemesh# and went along the highway# lowing as they went# and did not turn aside to the right hand or the left' And the lords of the /hilistines went after them to the border of Beth Shemesh'

Therefore you shall ma1e images of your tumors and images of your rats that ravage the land# and you shall give glory to the (od of 0srael9 "erha"s 2e will lighten 2is hand from you# from your gods# and from your land'

Now the "eo"le of Beth Shemesh were rea"ing their wheat harvest in the valley9 and they lifted their eyes and saw the ar1# and re$oiced to see it'

Bhy then do you harden your hearts as the gy"tians and /haraoh hardened their heartsE Bhen 2e did mighty things among them# did they not let the "eo"le go# that they might de"artE

Then the cart came into the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh# and stood there9 a large stone was there' So they s"lit the wood of the cart and offered the cows as a burnt offering to the )3+*'

Now therefore# ma1e a new cart# ta1e two mil1 cows which have never been yo1ed# and hitch the cows to the cart9 and ta1e their calves home# away from them'

The )evites too1 down the ar1 of the )3+* and the chest that was with it# in which were the articles of gold# and "ut them on the large stone' Then the men of Beth Shemesh offered burnt offerings and made sacrifices the same day to the )3+*'


So when the five lords of the /hilistines had seen it# they returned to 1ron the same day'

So it was that the ar1 remained in Kir$ath Jearim a long time9 it was there twenty years' And all the house of 0srael lamented after the )3+*'

These are the golden tumors which the /hilistines returned as a tres"ass offering to the )3+*7 one for Ashdod# one for (a.a# one for Ash1elon# one for (ath# one for 1ron9

and the golden rats# according to the number of all the cities of the /hilistines belonging to the five lords# both fortified cities and country villages# even as far as the large stone of Abel on which they set the ar1 of the )3+*# which stone remains to this day in the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh'

Then Samuel s"o1e to all the house of 0srael# saying# :0f you return to the )3+* with all your hearts# then "ut away the foreign gods and the Ashtoreths from among you# and "re"are your hearts for the )3+*# and serve 2im only9 and 2e will deliver you from the hand of the /hilistines':

So the children of 0srael "ut away the Baals and the Ashtoreths# and served the )3+* only'

Then 2e struc1 the men of Beth Shemesh# because they had loo1ed into the ar1 of the )3+*' 2e struc1 fifty thousand and seventy men of the "eo"le# and the "eo"le lamented because the )3+* had struc1 the "eo"le with a great slaughter'

And Samuel said# :(ather all 0srael to 4i."ah# and 0 will "ray to the )3+* for you':

And the men of Beth Shemesh said# :Bho is able to stand before this holy )3+* (odE And to whom shall it go u" from usE:

So they gathered together at 4i."ah# drew water# and "oured it out before the )3+*' And they fasted that day# and said there# :Be have sinned against the )3+*': And Samuel $udged the children of 0srael at 4i."ah'

So they sent messengers to the inhabitants of Kir$ath Jearim# saying# :The /hilistines have brought bac1 the ar1 of the )3+*9 come down and ta1e it u" with you':

Now when the /hilistines heard that the children of 0srael had gathered together at 4i."ah# the lords of the /hilistines went u" against 0srael' And when the children of 0srael heard of it# they were afraid of the /hilistines'

7Then the men of Kir$ath Jearim came

and too1 the ar1 of the )3+*# and brought it into the house of Abinadab on the hill# and consecrated his son to 1ee" the ar1 of the )3+*'

So the children of 0srael said to Samuel# :*o not cease to cry out to the )3+* our (od for us# that 2e may save us from the hand of the /hilistines':

And Samuel too1 a suc1ling lamb and offered it as a whole burnt offering to the )3+*' Then Samuel cried out to the )3+* for 0srael# and the )3+* answered him'


Now as Samuel was offering u" the burnt offering# the /hilistines drew near to battle against 0srael' But the )3+* thundered with a loud thunder u"on the /hilistines that day# and so confused them that they were overcome before 0srael'

The name of his firstborn was Joel# and the name of his second# Abi$ah9 they were $udges in Beersheba'

But his sons did not wal1 in his ways9 they turned aside after dishonest gain# too1 bribes# and "erverted $ustice'

And the men of 0srael went out of 4i."ah and "ursued the /hilistines# and drove them bac1 as far as below Beth -ar'

Then all the elders of 0srael gathered together and came to Samuel at +amah#

Then Samuel too1 a stone and set it u" between 4i."ah and Shen# and called its name saying# :Thus far the )3+* has hel"ed us':

and said to him# :)oo1# you are old# and your sons do not wal1 in your ways' Now ma1e us a 1ing to $udge us li1e all the nations':

So the /hilistines were subdued# and they did not come anymore into the territory of 0srael' And the hand of the )3+* was against the /hilistines all the days of Samuel'

But the thing dis"leased Samuel when they said# :(ive us a 1ing to $udge us': So Samuel "rayed to the )3+*'

Then the cities which the /hilistines had ta1en from 0srael were restored to 0srael# from 1ron to (ath9 and 0srael recovered its territory from the hands of the /hilistines' Also there was "eace between 0srael and the Amorites'

And the )3+* said to Samuel# :2eed the voice of the "eo"le in all that they say to you9 for they have not re$ected you# but they have re$ected 4e# that 0 should not reign over them'

And Samuel $udged 0srael all the days of his life'


According to all the wor1s which they have done since the day that 0 brought them u" out of gy"t# even to this dayFF with which they have forsa1en 4e and served other godsFFso they are doing to you also'

2e went from year to year on a circuit to Bethel# (ilgal# and 4i."ah# and $udged 0srael in all those "laces'

Now therefore# heed their voice' 2owever# you shall solemnly forewarn them# and show them the behavior of the 1ing who will reign over them':

But he always returned to +amah# for his home was there' There he $udged 0srael# and there he built an altar to the )3+*'

So Samuel told all the words of the )3+* to the "eo"le who as1ed him for a 1ing'

8Now it came to "ass when Samuel

was old that he made his sons $udges over 0srael'

And he said# :This will be the behavior of the 1ing who will reign over you7 2e will ta1e your sons and a""oint them for his own chariots and to be his

horsemen# and some will run before his chariots'



2e will a""oint ca"tains over his thousands and ca"tains over his fifties# will set some to "low his ground and rea" his harvest# and some to ma1e his wea"ons of war and eGui"ment for his chariots'

So the )3+* said to Samuel# :2eed their voice# and ma1e them a 1ing': And Samuel said to the men of 0srael# : very man go to his city':

9There was a man of Ben$amin whose

name was Kish the son of Abiel# the son of 5eror# the son of Bechorath# the son of A"hiah# a Ben$amite# a mighty man of "ower'

2e will ta1e your daughters to be "erfumers# coo1s# and ba1ers'


And he will ta1e the best of your fields# your vineyards# and your olive groves# and give them to his servants'

2e will ta1e a tenth of your grain and your vintage# and give it to his officers and servants'

And he had a choice and handsome son whose name was Saul' There was not a more handsome "erson than he among the children of 0srael' From his shoulders u"ward he was taller than any of the "eo"le'

And he will ta1e your male servants# your female servants# your finest young men# and your don1eys# and "ut them to his wor1'

Now the don1eys of Kish# SaulDs father# were lost' And Kish said to his son Saul# :/lease ta1e one of the servants with you# and arise# go and loo1 for the don1eys':

2e will ta1e a tenth of your shee"' And you will be his servants'

And you will cry out in that day because of your 1ing whom you have chosen for yourselves# and the )3+* will not hear you in that day':

So he "assed through the mountains of "hraim and through the land of Shalisha# but they did not find them' Then they "assed through the land of Shaalim# and they were not there' Then he "assed through the land of the Ben$amites# but they did not find them'

Nevertheless the "eo"le refused to obey the voice of Samuel9 and they said# :No# but we will have a 1ing over us#

Bhen they had come to the land of 5u"h# Saul said to his servant who was with him# :-ome# let us return# lest my father cease caring about the don1eys and become worried about us':

that we also may be li1e all the nations# and that our 1ing may $udge us and go out before us and fight our battles':

And Samuel heard all the words of the "eo"le# and he re"eated them in the hearing of the )3+*'

And he said to him# :)oo1 now# there is in this city a man of (od# and he is an honorable man9 all that he says surely comes to "ass' So let us go there9 "erha"s he can show us the way that we should go':

Then Saul said to his servant# :But loo1# if we go# what shall we bring the

manE For the bread in our vessels is all gone# and there is no "resent to bring to the man of (od' Bhat do we haveE:


And the servant answered Saul again and said# :)oo1# 0 have here at hand oneFfourth of a she1el of silver' 0 will give that to the man of (od# to tell us our way':

:Tomorrow about this time 0 will send you a man from the land of Ben$amin# and you shall anoint him commander over 4y "eo"le 0srael# that he may save 4y "eo"le from the hand of the /hilistines9 for 0 have loo1ed u"on 4y "eo"le# because their cry has come to 4e':

IFormerly in 0srael# when a man went to inGuire of (od# he s"o1e thus7 :-ome# let us go to the seer:9 for he who is now called a "ro"het was formerly called a seer'J

So when Samuel saw Saul# the )3+* said to him# :There he is# the man of whom 0 s"o1e to you' This one shall reign over 4y "eo"le':

Then Saul said to his servant# :Bell said9 come# let us go': So they went to the city where the man of (od was'

Then Saul drew near to Samuel in the gate# and said# :/lease tell me# where is the seerDs houseE:

As they went u" the hill to the city# they met some young women going out to draw water# and said to them# :0s the seer hereE:

Samuel answered Saul and said# :0 am the seer' (o u" before me to the high "lace# for you shall eat with me today9 and tomorrow 0 will let you go and will tell you all that is in your heart'

And they answered them and said# :Ces# there he is# $ust ahead of you' 2urry now9 for today he came to this city# because there is a sacrifice of the "eo"le today on the high "lace'

But as for your don1eys that were lost three days ago# do not be an!ious about them# for they have been found' And on whom is all the desire of 0sraelE 0s it not on you and on all your fatherDs houseE:

As soon as you come into the city# you will surely find him before he goes u" to the high "lace to eat' For the "eo"le will not eat until he comes# because he must bless the sacrifice9 afterward those who are invited will eat' Now therefore# go u"# for about this time you will find him':

And Saul answered and said# :Am 0 not a Ben$amite# of the smallest of the tribes of 0srael# and my family the least of all the families of the tribe of Ben$aminE Bhy then do you s"ea1 li1e this to meE:

So they went u" to the city' As they were coming into the city# there was Samuel# coming out toward them on his way u" to the high "lace'

Now Samuel too1 Saul and his servant and brought them into the hall# and had them sit in the "lace of honor among those who were invited9 there were about thirty "ersons'

Now the )3+* had told Samuel in his ear the day before Saul came# saying#

And Samuel said to the coo1# :Bring the "ortion which 0 gave you# of which 0 said to you# :Set it a"art':D


So the coo1 too1 u" the thigh with its u""er "art and set it before Saul' And Samuel said# :2ere it is# what was 1e"t bac1' 0t was set a"art for you' at9 for until this time it has been 1e"t for you# since 0 said 0 invited the "eo"le': So Saul ate with Samuel that day'

three loaves of bread# and another carrying a s1in of wine'


And they will greet you and give you two loaves of bread# which you shall receive from their hands'

Bhen they had come down from the high "lace into the city# Samuel s"o1e with Saul on the to" of the house'

They arose early9 and it was about the dawning of the day that Samuel called to Saul on the to" of the house# saying# :(et u"# that 0 may send you on your way': And Saul arose# and both of them went outside# he and Samuel'

After that you shall come to the hill of (od where the /hilistine garrison is' And it will ha""en# when you have come there to the city# that you will meet a grou" of "ro"hets coming down from the high "lace with a stringed instrument# a tambourine# a flute# and a har" before them9 and they will be "ro"hesying'

Then the S"irit of the )3+* will come u"on you# and you will "ro"hesy with them and be turned into another man'

As they were going down to the outs1irts of the city# Samuel said to Saul# :Tell the servant to go on ahead of us': And he went on' :But you stand here awhile# that 0 may announce to you the word of (od':

And let it be# when these signs come to you# that you do as the occasion demands9 for (od is with you'

10Then Samuel too1 a flas1 of oil

and "oured it on his head# and 1issed him and said7 :0s it not because the )3+* has anointed you commander over 2is inheritanceE

Cou shall go down before me to (ilgal9 and surely 0 will come down to you to offer burnt offerings and ma1e sacrifices of "eace offerings' Seven days you shall wait# till 0 come to you and show you what you should do':

Bhen you have de"arted from me today# you will find two men by +achelDs tomb in the territory of Ben$amin at 5el.ah9 and they will say to you# :The don1eys which you went to loo1 for have been found' And now your father has ceased caring about the don1eys and is worrying about you# saying# :Bhat shall 0 do about my sonE:D

So it was# when he had turned his bac1 to go from Samuel# that (od gave him another heart9 and all those signs came to "ass that day'

Bhen they came there to the hill# there was a grou" of "ro"hets to meet him9 then the S"irit of (od came u"on him# and he "ro"hesied among them'

Then you shall go on forward from there and come to the terebinth tree of Tabor' There three men going u" to (od at Bethel will meet you# one carrying three young goats# another carrying

And it ha""ened# when all who 1new him formerly saw that he indeed "ro"hesied among the "ro"hets# that the "eo"le said to one another# :Bhat is this that has come u"on the son of KishE 0s Saul also among the "ro"hetsE:


Then a man from there answered and said# :But who is their fatherE: Therefore it became a "roverb7 :0s Saul also among the "ro"hetsE:

Saul the son of Kish was chosen' But when they sought him# he could not be found'

And when he had finished "ro"hesying# he went to the high "lace'


Therefore they inGuired of the )3+* further# :2as the man come here yetE: And the )3+* answered# :There he is# hidden among the eGui"ment':

Then SaulDs uncle said to him and his servant# :Bhere did you goE: So he said# :To loo1 for the don1eys' Bhen we saw that they were nowhere to be found# we went to Samuel':

So they ran and brought him from there9 and when he stood among the "eo"le# he was taller than any of the "eo"le from his shoulders u"ward'

And SaulDs uncle said# :Tell me# "lease# what Samuel said to you':

So Saul said to his uncle# :2e told us "lainly that the don1eys had been found': But about the matter of the 1ingdom# he did not tell him what Samuel had said'

And Samuel said to all the "eo"le# :*o you see him whom the )3+* has chosen# that there is no one li1e him among all the "eo"leE: So all the "eo"le shouted and said# :)ong live the 1ingH:

Then Samuel called the "eo"le together to the )3+* at 4i."ah#


Then Samuel e!"lained to the "eo"le the behavior of royalty# and wrote it in a boo1 and laid it u" before the )3+*' And Samuel sent all the "eo"le away# every man to his house'

and said to the children of 0srael# :Thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael7 :0 brought u" 0srael out of gy"t# and delivered you from the hand of the gy"tians and from the hand of all 1ingdoms and from those who o""ressed you'D

And Saul also went home to (ibeah9 and valiant men went with him# whose hearts (od had touched'

But you have today re$ected your (od# who 2imself saved you from all your adversities and your tribulations9 and you have said to 2im# :No# set a 1ing over usHD Now therefore# "resent yourselves before the )3+* by your tribes and by your clans':

But some rebels said# :2ow can this man save usE: So they des"ised him# and brought him no "resents' But he held his "eace'

11Then Nahash the Ammonite came

u" and encam"ed against Jabesh (ilead9 and all the men of Jabesh said to Nahash# :4a1e a covenant with us# and we will serve you':

And when Samuel had caused all the tribes of 0srael to come near# the tribe of Ben$amin was chosen'

Bhen he had caused the tribe of Ben$amin to come near by their families# the family of 4atri was chosen' And

And Nahash the Ammonite answered them# :3n this condition 0 will ma1e a covenant with you# that 0 may "ut out all your right eyes# and bring re"roach on all 0srael':

Then the elders of Jabesh said to him# :2old off for seven days# that we may send messengers to all the territory of 0srael' And then# if there is no one to save us# we will come out to you':


So the messengers came to (ibeah of Saul and told the news in the hearing of the "eo"le' And all the "eo"le lifted u" their voices and we"t'

So it was# on the ne!t day# that Saul "ut the "eo"le in three com"anies9 and they came into the midst of the cam" in the morning watch# and 1illed Ammonites until the heat of the day' And it ha""ened that those who survived were scattered# so that no two of them were left together'

Now there was Saul# coming behind the herd from the field9 and Saul said# :Bhat troubles the "eo"le# that they wee"E: And they told him the words of the men of Jabesh'

Then the "eo"le said to Samuel# :Bho is he who said# :Shall Saul reign over usED Bring the men# that we may "ut them to death':

But Saul said# :Not a man shall be "ut to death this day# for today the )3+* has accom"lished salvation in 0srael':

Then the S"irit of (od came u"on Saul when he heard this news# and his anger was greatly aroused'

Then Samuel said to the "eo"le# :-ome# let us go to (ilgal and renew the 1ingdom there':

So he too1 a yo1e of o!en and cut them in "ieces# and sent them throughout all the territory of 0srael by the hands of messengers# saying# :Bhoever does not go out with Saul and Samuel to battle# so it shall be done to his o!en': And the fear of the )3+* fell on the "eo"le# and they came out with one consent'

So all the "eo"le went to (ilgal# and there they made Saul 1ing before the )3+* in (ilgal' There they made sacrifices of "eace offerings before the )3+*# and there Saul and all the men of 0srael re$oiced greatly'

Bhen he numbered them in Be.e1# the children of 0srael were three hundred thousand# and the men of Judah thirty thousand'

12Now Samuel said to all 0srael7

:0ndeed 0 have heeded your voice in all that you said to me# and have made a 1ing over you'

And they said to the messengers who came# :Thus you shall say to the men of Jabesh (ilead7 :Tomorrow# by the time the sun is hot# you shall have hel"':D Then the messengers came and re"orted it to the men of Jabesh# and they were glad'

And now here is the 1ing# wal1ing before you9 and 0 am old and grayheaded# and loo1# my sons are with you' 0 have wal1ed before you from my childhood to this day'

Therefore the men of Jabesh said# :Tomorrow we will come out to you# and you may do with us whatever seems good to you':

2ere 0 am' Bitness against me before the )3+* and before 2is anointed7 Bhose o! have 0 ta1en# or whose don1ey have 0 ta1en# or whom have 0 cheatedE Bhom have 0 o""ressed# or from whose hand have 0 received any

bribe with which to blind my eyesE 0 will restore it to you':



And they said# :Cou have not cheated us or o""ressed us# nor have you ta1en anything from any manDs hand':

And when you saw that Nahash 1ing of the Ammonites came against you# you said to me# :No# but a 1ing shall reign over us#D when the )3+* your (od was your 1ing'

Then he said to them# :The )3+* is witness against you# and 2is anointed is witness this day# that you have not found anything in my hand': And they answered# :2e is witness':

:Now therefore# here is the 1ing whom you have chosen and whom you have desired' And ta1e note# the )3+* has set a 1ing over you'

Then Samuel said to the "eo"le# :0t is the )3+* who raised u" 4oses and Aaron# and who brought your fathers u" from the land of gy"t'

0f you fear the )3+* and serve 2im and obey 2is voice# and do not rebel against the commandment of the )3+*# then both you and the 1ing who reigns over you will continue following the )3+* your (od'

Now therefore# stand still# that 0 may reason with you before the )3+* concerning all the righteous acts of the )3+* which 2e did to you and your fathers7

2owever# if you do not obey the voice of the )3+*# but rebel against the commandment of the )3+*# then the hand of the )3+* will be against you# as it was against your fathers'

Bhen Jacob had gone into gy"t# and your fathers cried out to the )3+*# then the )3+* sent 4oses and Aaron# who brought your fathers out of gy"t and made them dwell in this "lace'

:Now therefore# stand and see this great thing which the )3+* will do before your eyes7

And when they forgot the )3+* their (od# 2e sold them into the hand of Sisera# commander of the army of 2a.or# into the hand of the /hilistines# and into the hand of the 1ing of 4oab9 and they fought against them'

0s today not the wheat harvestE 0 will call to the )3+*# and 2e will send thunder and rain# that you may "erceive and see that your wic1edness is great# which you have done in the sight of the )3+*# in as1ing a 1ing for yourselves':

Then they cried out to the )3+*# and said# :Be have sinned# because we have forsa1en the )3+* and served the Baals and Ashtoreths9 but now deliver us from the hand of our enemies# and we will serve Cou'D

So Samuel called to the )3+*# and the )3+* sent thunder and rain that day9 and all the "eo"le greatly feared the )3+* and Samuel'

And the )3+* sent Jerubbaal# Bedan# Je"hthah# and Samuel# and delivered you out of the hand of your enemies on every side9 and you dwelt in safety'

And all the "eo"le said to Samuel# :/ray for your servants to the )3+* your (od# that we may not die9 for we have added to all our sins the evil of as1ing a 1ing for ourselves':

Then Samuel said to the "eo"le# :*o not fear' Cou have done all this

wic1edness9 yet do not turn aside from following the )3+*# but serve the )3+* with all your heart'

become an abomination to the /hilistines' And the "eo"le were called together to Saul at (ilgal'

And do not turn aside9 for then you would go after em"ty things which cannot "rofit or deliver# for they are nothing'

For the )3+* will not forsa1e 2is "eo"le# for 2is great nameDs sa1e# because it has "leased the )3+* to ma1e you 2is "eo"le'

Then the /hilistines gathered together to fight with 0srael# thirty thousand chariots and si! thousand horsemen# and "eo"le as the sand which is on the seashore in multitude' And they came u" and encam"ed in 4ichmash# to the east of Beth Aven'

4oreover# as for me# far be it from me that 0 should sin against the )3+* in ceasing to "ray for you9 but 0 will teach you the good and the right way'

Bhen the men of 0srael saw that they were in danger Ifor the "eo"le were distressedJ# then the "eo"le hid in caves# in thic1ets# in roc1s# in holes# and in "its'

3nly fear the )3+*# and serve 2im in truth with all your heart9 for consider what great things 2e has done for you'

And some of the 2ebrews crossed over the Jordan to the land of (ad and (ilead' As for Saul# he was still in (ilgal# and all the "eo"le followed him trembling'

But if you still do wic1edly# you shall be swe"t away# both you and your 1ing':

13Saul reigned one year9 and when

he had reigned two years over 0srael#

Then he waited seven days# according to the time set by Samuel' But Samuel did not come to (ilgal9 and the "eo"le were scattered from him'

Saul chose for himself three thousand men of 0srael' Two thousand were with Saul in 4ichmash and in the mountains of Bethel# and a thousand were with Jonathan in (ibeah of Ben$amin' The rest of the "eo"le he sent away# every man to his tent'

So Saul said# :Bring a burnt offering and "eace offerings here to me': And he offered the burnt offering'

Now it ha""ened# as soon as he had finished "resenting the burnt offering# that Samuel came9 and Saul went out to meet him# that he might greet him'

And Jonathan attac1ed the garrison of the /hilistines that was in (eba# and the /hilistines heard of it' Then Saul blew the trum"et throughout all the land# saying# :)et the 2ebrews hearH:

And Samuel said# :Bhat have you doneE: Saul said# :Bhen 0 saw that the "eo"le were scattered from me# and that you did not come within the days a""ointed# and that the /hilistines gathered together at 4ichmash#

Now all 0srael heard it said that Saul had attac1ed a garrison of the /hilistines# and that 0srael had also

then 0 said# :The /hilistines will now come down on me at (ilgal# and 0 have not made su""lication to the )3+*'D

Therefore 0 felt com"elled# and offered a burnt offering':



And Samuel said to Saul# :Cou have done foolishly' Cou have not 1e"t the commandment of the )3+* your (od# which 2e commanded you' For now the )3+* would have established your 1ingdom over 0srael forever'

and the charge for a shar"ening was a "im for the "lowshares# the mattoc1s# the for1s# and the a!es# and to set the "oints of the goads'

But now your 1ingdom shall not continue' The )3+* has sought for 2imself a man after 2is own heart# and the )3+* has commanded him to be commander over 2is "eo"le# because you have not 1e"t what the )3+* commanded you':

So it came about# on the day of battle# that there was neither sword nor s"ear found in the hand of any of the "eo"le who were with Saul and Jonathan' But they were found with Saul and Jonathan his son'

And the garrison of the /hilistines went out to the "ass of 4ichmash'

14Now it ha""ened one day that

Jonathan the son of Saul said to the young man who bore his armor# :-ome# let us go over to the /hilistinesD garrison that is on the other side': But he did not tell his father'

Then Samuel arose and went u" from (ilgal to (ibeah of Ben$amin' And Saul numbered the "eo"le "resent with him# about si! hundred men'

Saul# Jonathan his son# and the "eo"le "resent with them remained in (ibeah of Ben$amin' But the /hilistines encam"ed in 4ichmash'

And Saul was sitting in the outs1irts of (ibeah under a "omegranate tree which is in 4igron' The "eo"le who were with him were about si! hundred men'

Then raiders came out of the cam" of the /hilistines in three com"anies' 3ne com"any turned onto the road to 3"hrah# to the land of Shual#

another com"any turned to the road to Beth 2oron# and another com"any turned to the road of the border that overloo1s the Valley of 5eboim toward the wilderness'

Ahi$ah the son of Ahitub# 0chabodDs brother# the son of /hinehas# the son of li# the )3+*Ds "riest in Shiloh# was wearing an e"hod' But the "eo"le did not 1now that Jonathan had gone'

Now there was no blac1smith to be found throughout all the land of 0srael# for the /hilistines said# :)est the 2ebrews ma1e swords or s"ears':

Between the "asses# by which Jonathan sought to go over to the /hilistinesD garrison# there was a shar" roc1 on one side and a shar" roc1 on the other side' And the name of one was Bo.e.# and the name of the other Seneh'

But all the 0sraelites would go down to the /hilistines to shar"en each manDs "lowshare# his mattoc1# his a!# and his sic1le9

The front of one faced northward o""osite 4ichmash# and the other southward o""osite (ibeah'


Then Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor# :-ome# let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised9 it may be that the )3+* will wor1 for us' For nothing restrains the )3+* from saving by many or by few':


And there was trembling in the cam"# in the field# and among all the "eo"le' The garrison and the raiders also trembled9 and the earth Gua1ed# so that it was a very great trembling'

So his armorbearer said to him# :*o all that is in your heart' (o then9 here 0 am with you# according to your heart':

Now the watchmen of Saul in (ibeah of Ben$amin loo1ed# and there was the multitude# melting away9 and they went here and there'

Then Jonathan said# :Very well# let us cross over to these men# and we will show ourselves to them'

0f they say thus to us# :Bait until we come to you#D then we will stand still in our "lace and not go u" to them'

Then Saul said to the "eo"le who were with him# :Now call the roll and see who has gone from us': And when they had called the roll# sur"risingly# Jonathan and his armorbearer were not there'

But if they say thus# :-ome u" to us#D then we will go u"' For the )3+* has delivered them into our hand# and this will be a sign to us':

And Saul said to Ahi$ah# :Bring the ar1 of (od here: Ifor at that time the ar1 of (od was with the children of 0sraelJ'

So both of them showed themselves to the garrison of the /hilistines' And the /hilistines said# :)oo1# the 2ebrews are coming out of the holes where they have hidden':

Now it ha""ened# while Saul tal1ed to the "riest# that the noise which was in the cam" of the /hilistines continued to increase9 so Saul said to the "riest# :Bithdraw your hand':

Then the men of the garrison called to Jonathan and his armorbearer# and said# :-ome u" to us# and we will show you something': Jonathan said to his armorbearer# :-ome u" after me# for the )3+* has delivered them into the hand of 0srael':

Then Saul and all the "eo"le who were with him assembled# and they went to the battle9 and indeed every manDs sword was against his neighbor# and there was very great confusion'

And Jonathan climbed u" on his hands and 1nees with his armorbearer after him9 and they fell before Jonathan' And as he came after him# his armorbearer 1illed them'

4oreover the 2ebrews who were with the /hilistines before that time# who went u" with them into the cam" from the surrounding country# they also $oined the 0sraelites who were with Saul and Jonathan'

That first slaughter which Jonathan and his armorbearer made was about twenty men within about half an acre of land'

)i1ewise all the men of 0srael who had hidden in the mountains of "hraim# when they heard that the /hilistines fled# they also followed hard after them in the battle'

So the )3+* saved 0srael that day# and the battle shifted to Beth Aven'


And the men of 0srael were distressed that day# for Saul had "laced the "eo"le under oath# saying# :-ursed is the man who eats any food until evening# before 0 have ta1en vengeance on my enemies': So none of the "eo"le tasted food'


And the "eo"le rushed on the s"oil# and too1 shee"# o!en# and calves# and slaughtered them on the ground9 and the "eo"le ate them with the blood'

Now all the "eo"le of the land came to a forest9 and there was honey on the ground'

Then they told Saul# saying# :)oo1# the "eo"le are sinning against the )3+* by eating with the bloodH: So he said# :Cou have dealt treacherously9 roll a large stone to me this day':

And when the "eo"le had come into the woods# there was the honey# dri""ing9 but no one "ut his hand to his mouth# for the "eo"le feared the oath'

But Jonathan had not heard his father charge the "eo"le with the oath9 therefore he stretched out the end of the rod that was in his hand and di""ed it in a honeycomb# and "ut his hand to his mouth9 and his countenance brightened'

Then Saul said# :*is"erse yourselves among the "eo"le# and say to them# :Bring me here every manDs o! and every manDs shee"# slaughter them here# and eat9 and do not sin against the )3+* by eating with the blood':D So every one of the "eo"le brought his o! with him that night# and slaughtered it there'

Then one of the "eo"le said# :Cour father strictly charged the "eo"le with an oath# saying# :-ursed is the man who eats food this day':D And the "eo"le were faint'

Then Saul built an altar to the )3+*' This was the first altar that he built to the )3+*'

But Jonathan said# :4y father has troubled the land' )oo1 now# how my countenance has brightened because 0 tasted a little of this honey'

Now Saul said# :)et us go down after the /hilistines by night# and "lunder them until the morning light9 and let us not leave a man of them': And they said# :*o whatever seems good to you': Then the "riest said# :)et us draw near to (od here':

2ow much better if the "eo"le had eaten freely today of the s"oil of their enemies which they foundH For now would there not have been a much greater slaughter among the /hilistinesE:

So Saul as1ed counsel of (od# :Shall 0 go down after the /hilistinesE Bill Cou deliver them into the hand of 0sraelE: But 2e did not answer him that day'

And Saul said# :-ome over here# all you chiefs of the "eo"le# and 1now and see what this sin was today'

Now they had driven bac1 the /hilistines that day from 4ichmash to Ai$alon' So the "eo"le were very faint'

For as the )3+* lives# who saves 0srael# though it be in Jonathan my son# he shall surely die': But not a man among all the "eo"le answered him'


Then he said to all 0srael# :Cou be on one side# and my son Jonathan and 0 will be on the other side': And the "eo"le said to Saul# :*o what seems good to you':


And he gathered an army and attac1ed the Amale1ites# and delivered 0srael from the hands of those who "lundered them'

Therefore Saul said to the )3+* (od of 0srael# :(ive a "erfect lot': So Saul and Jonathan were ta1en# but the "eo"le esca"ed'

The sons of Saul were Jonathan# Jishui# and 4alchishua' And the names of his two daughters were these7 the name of the firstborn 4erab# and the name of the younger 4ichal'

And Saul said# :-ast lots between my son Jonathan and me': So Jonathan was ta1en'

The name of SaulDs wife was Ahinoam the daughter of Ahimaa.' And the name of the commander of his army was Abner the son of Ner# SaulDs uncle'

Then Saul said to Jonathan# :Tell me what you have done': And Jonathan told him# and said# :0 only tasted a little honey with the end of the rod that was in my hand' So now 0 must dieH:

Kish was the father of Saul# and Ner the father of Abner was the son of Abiel'

Saul answered# :(od do so and more also9 for you shall surely die# Jonathan':

Now there was fierce war with the /hilistines all the days of Saul' And when Saul saw any strong man or any valiant man# he too1 him for himself'

But the "eo"le said to Saul# :Shall Jonathan die# who has accom"lished this great deliverance in 0sraelE -ertainly notH As the )3+* lives# not one hair of his head shall fall to the ground# for he has wor1ed with (od this day': So the "eo"le rescued Jonathan# and he did not die'

15Samuel also said to Saul# :The

)3+* sent me to anoint you 1ing over 2is "eo"le# over 0srael' Now therefore# heed the voice of the words of the )3+*'

Then Saul returned from "ursuing the /hilistines# and the /hilistines went to their own "lace'

Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :0 will "unish Amale1 for what he did to 0srael# how he ambushed him on the way when he came u" from gy"t'

So Saul established his sovereignty over 0srael# and fought against all his enemies on every side# against 4oab# against the "eo"le of Ammon# against dom# against the 1ings of 5obah# and against the /hilistines' Bherever he turned# he harassed them'

Now go and attac1 Amale1# and utterly destroy all that they have# and do not s"are them' But 1ill both man and woman# infant and nursing child# o! and shee"# camel and don1ey':D

So Saul gathered the "eo"le together and numbered them in Telaim# two hundred thousand foot soldiers and ten thousand men of Judah'


And Saul came to a city of Amale1# and lay in wait in the valley'


Then Saul said to the Kenites# :(o# de"art# get down from among the Amale1ites# lest 0 destroy you with them' For you showed 1indness to all the children of 0srael when they came u" out of gy"t': So the Kenites de"arted from among the Amale1ites'

Then Samuel went to Saul# and Saul said to him# :Blessed are you of the )3+*H 0 have "erformed the commandment of the )3+*':

But Samuel said# :Bhat then is this bleating of the shee" in my ears# and the lowing of the o!en which 0 hearE:

And Saul attac1ed the Amale1ites# from 2avilah all the way to Shur# which is east of gy"t'

And Saul said# :They have brought them from the Amale1ites9 for the "eo"le s"ared the best of the shee" and the o!en# to sacrifice to the )3+* your (od9 and the rest we have utterly destroyed':

2e also too1 Agag 1ing of the Amale1ites alive# and utterly destroyed all the "eo"le with the edge of the sword'

Then Samuel said to Saul# :Be GuietH And 0 will tell you what the )3+* said to me last night': And he said to him# :S"ea1 on':

But Saul and the "eo"le s"ared Agag and the best of the shee"# the o!en# the fatlings# the lambs# and all that was good# and were unwilling to utterly destroy them' But everything des"ised and worthless# that they utterly destroyed'

So Samuel said# :Bhen you were little in your own eyes# were you not head of the tribes of 0sraelE And did not the )3+* anoint you 1ing over 0sraelE

Now the word of the )3+* came to Samuel# saying#


Now the )3+* sent you on a mission# and said# :(o# and utterly destroy the sinners# the Amale1ites# and fight against them until they are consumed'D

:0 greatly regret that 0 have set u" Saul as 1ing# for he has turned bac1 from following 4e# and has not "erformed 4y commandments': And it grieved Samuel# and he cried out to the )3+* all night'

Bhy then did you not obey the voice of the )3+*E Bhy did you swoo" down on the s"oil# and do evil in the sight of the )3+*E:

So when Samuel rose early in the morning to meet Saul# it was told Samuel# saying# :Saul went to -armel# and indeed# he set u" a monument for himself9 and he has gone on around# "assed by# and gone down to (ilgal':

And Saul said to Samuel# :But 0 have obeyed the voice of the )3+*# and gone on the mission on which the )3+* sent me# and brought bac1 Agag 1ing of Amale19 0 have utterly destroyed the Amale1ites'

But the "eo"le too1 of the "lunder# shee" and o!en# the best of the things which should have been utterly destroyed# to sacrifice to the )3+* your (od in (ilgal':


So Samuel said7 :2as the )3+* as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices# As in obeying the voice of the )3+*E Behold# to obey is better than sacrifice# And to heed than the fat of rams'


So Samuel turned bac1 after Saul# and Saul worshi"ed the )3+*'

Then Samuel said# :Bring Agag 1ing of the Amale1ites here to me': So Agag came to him cautiously' And Agag said# :Surely the bitterness of death is "ast':

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft# And stubbornness is as iniGuity and idolatry' Because you have re$ected the word of the )3+*# 2e also has re$ected you from being 1ing':

But Samuel said# :As your sword has made women childless# so shall your mother be childless among women': And Samuel hac1ed Agag in "ieces before the )3+* in (ilgal'

Then Saul said to Samuel# :0 have sinned# for 0 have transgressed the commandment of the )3+* and your words# because 0 feared the "eo"le and obeyed their voice'

Then Samuel went to +amah# and Saul went u" to his house at (ibeah of Saul'

Now therefore# "lease "ardon my sin# and return with me# that 0 may worshi" the )3+*':

And Samuel went no more to see Saul until the day of his death' Nevertheless Samuel mourned for Saul# and the )3+* regretted that 2e had made Saul 1ing over 0srael'

But Samuel said to Saul# :0 will not return with you# for you have re$ected the word of the )3+*# and the )3+* has re$ected you from being 1ing over 0srael':

16Now the )3+* said to Samuel#

:2ow long will you mourn for Saul# seeing 0 have re$ected him from reigning over 0sraelE Fill your horn with oil# and go9 0 am sending you to Jesse the Bethlehemite' For 0 have "rovided 4yself a 1ing among his sons':

And as Samuel turned around to go away# Saul sei.ed the edge of his robe# and it tore'

So Samuel said to him# :The )3+* has torn the 1ingdom of 0srael from you today# and has given it to a neighbor of yours# who is better than you'

And also the Strength of 0srael will not lie nor relent' For 2e is not a man# that 2e should relent':

And Samuel said# :2ow can 0 goE 0f Saul hears it# he will 1ill me': But the )3+* said# :Ta1e a heifer with you# and say# :0 have come to sacrifice to the )3+*'D

Then he said# :0 have sinned9 yet honor me now# "lease# before the elders of my "eo"le and before 0srael# and return with me# that 0 may worshi" the )3+* your (od':

Then invite Jesse to the sacrifice# and 0 will show you what you shall do9 you shall anoint for 4e the one 0 name to you':

So Samuel did what the )3+* said# and went to Bethlehem' And the elders

of the town trembled at his coming# and said# :*o you come "eaceablyE:


And he said# :/eaceably9 0 have come to sacrifice to the )3+*' Sanctify yourselves# and come with me to the sacrifice': Then he consecrated Jesse and his sons# and invited them to the sacrifice'

Then Samuel too1 the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers9 and the S"irit of the )3+* came u"on *avid from that day forward' So Samuel arose and went to +amah'

But the S"irit of the )3+* de"arted from Saul# and a distressing s"irit from the )3+* troubled him'

So it was# when they came# that he loo1ed at liab and said# :Surely the )3+*Ds anointed is before 2imH:

And SaulDs servants said to him# :Surely# a distressing s"irit from (od is troubling you'

But the )3+* said to Samuel# :*o not loo1 at his a""earance or at his "hysical stature# because 0 have refused him' For the )3+* does not see as man sees9 for man loo1s at the outward a""earance# but the )3+* loo1s at the heart':

)et our master now command your servants# who are before you# to see1 out a man who is a s1illful "layer on the har"' And it shall be that he will "lay it with his hand when the distressing s"irit from (od is u"on you# and you shall be well':

So Jesse called Abinadab# and made him "ass before Samuel' And he said# :Neither has the )3+* chosen this one':

So Saul said to his servants# :/rovide me now a man who can "lay well# and bring him to me':

Then Jesse made Shammah "ass by' And he said# :Neither has the )3+* chosen this one':

Thus Jesse made seven of his sons "ass before Samuel' And Samuel said to Jesse# :The )3+* has not chosen these':

Then one of the servants answered and said# :)oo1# 0 have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite# who is s1illful in "laying# a mighty man of valor# a man of war# "rudent in s"eech# and a handsome "erson9 and the )3+* is with him':

And Samuel said to Jesse# :Are all the young men hereE: Then he said# :There remains yet the youngest# and there he is# 1ee"ing the shee"': And Samuel said to Jesse# :Send and bring him' For we will not sit down till he comes here':

Therefore Saul sent messengers to Jesse# and said# :Send me your son *avid# who is with the shee"':

And Jesse too1 a don1ey loaded with bread# a s1in of wine# and a young goat# and sent them by his son *avid to Saul'

So he sent and brought him in' Now he was ruddy# with bright eyes# and goodF loo1ing' And the )3+* said# :Arise# anoint him9 for this is the oneH:

So *avid came to Saul and stood before him' And he loved him greatly# and he became his armorbearer'


Then Saul sent to Jesse# saying# :/lease let *avid stand before me# for he has found favor in my sight':


And so it was# whenever the s"irit from (od was u"on Saul# that *avid would ta1e a har" and "lay it with his hand' Then Saul would become refreshed and well# and the distressing s"irit would de"art from him'

Then he stood and cried out to the armies of 0srael# and said to them# :Bhy have you come out to line u" for battleE Am 0 not a /hilistine# and you the servants of SaulE -hoose a man for yourselves# and let him come down to me'

17Now the /hilistines gathered their

armies together to battle# and were gathered at Sochoh# which belongs to Judah9 they encam"ed between Sochoh and A.e1ah# in "hes *ammim'

0f he is able to fight with me and 1ill me# then we will be your servants' But if 0 "revail against him and 1ill him# then you shall be our servants and serve us':

And the /hilistine said# :0 defy the armies of 0srael this day9 give me a man# that we may fight together':

And Saul and the men of 0srael were gathered together# and they encam"ed in the Valley of lah# and drew u" in battle array against the /hilistines'

Bhen Saul and all 0srael heard these words of the /hilistine# they were dismayed and greatly afraid'

The /hilistines stood on a mountain on one side# and 0srael stood on a mountain on the other side# with a valley between them'

Now *avid was the son of that "hrathite of Bethlehem Judah# whose name was Jesse# and who had eight sons' And the man was old# advanced in years# in the days of Saul'

And a cham"ion went out from the cam" of the /hilistines# named (oliath# from (ath# whose height was si! cubits and a s"an'

The three oldest sons of Jesse had gone to follow Saul to the battle' The names of his three sons who went to the battle were liab the firstborn# ne!t to him Abinadab# and the third Shammah'

2e had a bron.e helmet on his head# and he was armed with a coat of mail# and the weight of the coat was five thousand she1els of bron.e'

*avid was the youngest' And the three oldest followed Saul'

And he had bron.e armor on his legs and a bron.e $avelin between his shoulders'

But *avid occasionally went and returned from Saul to feed his fatherDs shee" at Bethlehem'

Now the staff of his s"ear was li1e a weaverDs beam# and his iron s"earhead weighed si! hundred she1els9 and a shieldFbearer went before him'

And the /hilistine drew near and "resented himself forty days# morning and evening'

Then Jesse said to his son *avid# :Ta1e now for your brothers an e"hah of this dried grain and these ten loaves# and run to your brothers at the cam"'


And carry these ten cheeses to the ca"tain of their thousand# and see how your brothers fare# and bring bac1 news of them':

0sraelE For who is this uncircumcised /hilistine# that he should defy the armies of the living (odE:

Now Saul and they and all the men of 0srael were in the Valley of lah# fighting with the /hilistines'

And the "eo"le answered him in this manner# saying# :So shall it be done for the man who 1ills him':

So *avid rose early in the morning# left the shee" with a 1ee"er# and too1 the things and went as Jesse had commanded him' And he came to the cam" as the army was going out to the fight and shouting for the battle'

Now liab his oldest brother heard when he s"o1e to the men9 and liabDs anger was aroused against *avid# and he said# :Bhy did you come down hereE And with whom have you left those few shee" in the wildernessE 0 1now your "ride and the insolence of your heart# for you have come down to see the battle':

For 0srael and the /hilistines had drawn u" in battle array# army against army'

And *avid said# :Bhat have 0 done nowE 0s there not a causeE:

And *avid left his su""lies in the hand of the su""ly 1ee"er# ran to the army# and came and greeted his brothers'

Then he turned from him toward another and said the same thing9 and these "eo"le answered him as the first ones did'

Then as he tal1ed with them# there was the cham"ion# the /hilistine of (ath# (oliath by name# coming u" from the armies of the /hilistines9 and he s"o1e according to the same words' So *avid heard them'

Now when the words which *avid s"o1e were heard# they re"orted them to Saul9 and he sent for him'

And all the men of 0srael# when they saw the man# fled from him and were dreadfully afraid'

Then *avid said to Saul# :)et no manDs heart fail because of him9 your servant will go and fight with this /hilistine':

So the men of 0srael said# :2ave you seen this man who has come u"E Surely he has come u" to defy 0srael9 and it shall be that the man who 1ills him the 1ing will enrich with great riches# will give him his daughter# and give his fatherDs house e!em"tion from ta!es in 0srael':

And Saul said to *avid# :Cou are not able to go against this /hilistine to fight with him9 for you are a youth# and he a man of war from his youth':

But *avid said to Saul# :Cour servant used to 1ee" his fatherDs shee"# and when a lion or a bear came and too1 a lamb out of the floc1#

Then *avid s"o1e to the men who stood by him# saying# :Bhat shall be done for the man who 1ills this /hilistine and ta1es away the re"roach from

0 went out after it and struc1 it# and delivered the lamb from its mouth9 and when it arose against me# 0 caught it by its beard# and struc1 and 1illed it'


Cour servant has 1illed both lion and bear9 and this uncircumcised /hilistine will be li1e one of them# seeing he has defied the armies of the living (od':


4oreover *avid said# :The )3+*# who delivered me from the "aw of the lion and from the "aw of the bear# 2e will deliver me from the hand of this /hilistine': And Saul said to *avid# :(o# and the )3+* be with youH:

Then *avid said to the /hilistine# :Cou come to me with a sword# with a s"ear# and with a $avelin' But 0 come to you in the name of the )3+* of hosts# the (od of the armies of 0srael# whom you have defied'

So Saul clothed *avid with his armor# and he "ut a bron.e helmet on his head9 he also clothed him with a coat of mail'

This day the )3+* will deliver you into my hand# and 0 will stri1e you and ta1e your head from you' And this day 0 will give the carcasses of the cam" of the /hilistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth# that all the earth may 1now that there is a (od in 0srael'

*avid fastened his sword to his armor and tried to wal1# for he had not tested them' And *avid said to Saul# :0 cannot wal1 with these# for 0 have not tested them': So *avid too1 them off'

Then all this assembly shall 1now that the )3+* does not save with sword and s"ear9 for the battle is the )3+*Ds# and 2e will give you into our hands':

Then he too1 his staff in his hand9 and he chose for himself five smooth stones from the broo1# and "ut them in a she"herdDs bag# in a "ouch which he had# and his sling was in his hand' And he drew near to the /hilistine'

So it was# when the /hilistine arose and came and drew near to meet *avid# that *avid hurried and ran toward the army to meet the /hilistine'

So the /hilistine came# and began drawing near to *avid# and the man who bore the shield went before him'

Then *avid "ut his hand in his bag and too1 out a stone9 and he slung it and struc1 the /hilistine in his forehead# so that the stone san1 into his forehead# and he fell on his face to the earth'

And when the /hilistine loo1ed about and saw *avid# he disdained him9 for he was only a youth# ruddy and goodF loo1ing'

So *avid "revailed over the /hilistine with a sling and a stone# and struc1 the /hilistine and 1illed him' But there was no sword in the hand of *avid'

So the /hilistine said to *avid# :Am 0 a dog# that you come to me with stic1sE: And the /hilistine cursed *avid by his gods'

Therefore *avid ran and stood over the /hilistine# too1 his sword and drew it out of its sheath and 1illed him# and cut off his head with it' And when the /hilistines saw that their cham"ion was dead# they fled'

And the /hilistine said to *avid# :-ome to me# and 0 will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the fieldH:

Now the men of 0srael and Judah arose and shouted# and "ursued the /hilistines as far as the entrance of the valley and to the gates of 1ron' And

the wounded of the /hilistines fell along the road to Shaaraim# even as far as (ath and 1ron'

And Jonathan too1 off the robe that was on him and gave it to *avid# with his armor# even to his sword and his bow and his belt'

Then the children of 0srael returned from chasing the /hilistines# and they "lundered their tents'

And *avid too1 the head of the /hilistine and brought it to Jerusalem# but he "ut his armor in his tent'

So *avid went out wherever Saul sent him# and behaved wisely' And Saul set him over the men of war# and he was acce"ted in the sight of all the "eo"le and also in the sight of SaulDs servants'

Bhen Saul saw *avid going out against the /hilistine# he said to Abner# the commander of the army# :Abner# whose son is this youthE: And Abner said# :As your soul lives# 3 1ing# 0 do not 1now':

Now it had ha""ened as they were coming home# when *avid was returning from the slaughter of the /hilistine# that the women had come out of all the cities of 0srael# singing and dancing# to meet King Saul# with tambourines# with $oy# and with musical instruments'

So the 1ing said# :0nGuire whose son this young man is':

Then# as *avid returned from the slaughter of the /hilistine# Abner too1 him and brought him before Saul with the head of the /hilistine in his hand'

So the women sang as they danced# and said7 :Saul has slain his thousands# And *avid his ten thousands':

And Saul said to him# :Bhose son are you# young manE: So *avid answered# :0 am the son of your servant Jesse the Bethlehemite':

Then Saul was very angry# and the saying dis"leased him9 and he said# :They have ascribed to *avid ten thousands# and to me they have ascribed only thousands' Now what more can he have but the 1ingdomE:


So Saul eyed *avid from that day forward'


when he had finished s"ea1ing to Saul# the soul of Jonathan was 1nit to the soul of *avid# and Jonathan loved him as his own soul' Saul too1 him that day# and would not let him go home to his fatherDs house anymore'

And it ha""ened on the ne!t day that the distressing s"irit from (od came u"on Saul# and he "ro"hesied inside the house' So *avid "layed music with his hand# as at other times9 but there was a s"ear in SaulDs hand'

Then Jonathan and *avid made a covenant# because he loved him as his own soul'

And Saul cast the s"ear# for he said# :0 will "in *avid to the wallH: But *avid esca"ed his "resence twice'

Now Saul was afraid of *avid# because the )3+* was with him# but had de"arted from Saul'


Therefore Saul removed him from his "resence# and made him his ca"tain over a thousand9 and he went out and came in before the "eo"le'

and all his servants love you' Now therefore# become the 1ingDs sonFinF law':D

And *avid behaved wisely in all his ways# and the )3+* was with him'

Therefore# when Saul saw that he behaved very wisely# he was afraid of him'

So SaulDs servants s"o1e those words in the hearing of *avid' And *avid said# :*oes it seem to you a light thing to be a 1ingDs sonFinFlaw# seeing 0 am a "oor and lightly esteemed manE:

And the servants of Saul told him# saying# :0n this manner *avid s"o1e':

But all 0srael and Judah loved *avid# because he went out and came in before them'

Then Saul said to *avid# :2ere is my older daughter 4erab9 0 will give her to you as a wife' 3nly be valiant for me# and fight the )3+*Ds battles': For Saul thought# :)et my hand not be against him# but let the hand of the /hilistines be against him':

Then Saul said# :Thus you shall say to *avid7 :The 1ing does not desire any dowry but one hundred fores1ins of the /hilistines# to ta1e vengeance on the 1ingDs enemies':D But Saul thought to ma1e *avid fall by the hand of the /hilistines'

So *avid said to Saul# :Bho am 0# and what is my life or my fatherDs family in 0srael# that 0 should be sonFinFlaw to the 1ingE:

So when his servants told *avid these words# it "leased *avid well to become the 1ingDs sonFinFlaw' Now the days had not e!"ired9

But it ha""ened at the time when 4erab# SaulDs daughter# should have been given to *avid# that she was given to Adriel the 4eholathite as a wife'

therefore *avid arose and went# he and his men# and 1illed two hundred men of the /hilistines' And *avid brought their fores1ins# and they gave them in full count to the 1ing# that he might become the 1ingDs sonFinFlaw' Then Saul gave him 4ichal his daughter as a wife'

Now 4ichal# SaulDs daughter# loved *avid' And they told Saul# and the thing "leased him'

Thus Saul saw and 1new that the )3+* was with *avid# and that 4ichal# SaulDs daughter# loved him9

So Saul said# :0 will give her to him# that she may be a snare to him# and that the hand of the /hilistines may be against him': Therefore Saul said to *avid a second time# :Cou shall be my sonFinFlaw today':

and Saul was still more afraid of *avid' So Saul became *avidDs enemy continually'

And Saul commanded his servants# :-ommunicate with *avid secretly# and say# :)oo1# the 1ing has delight in you#

Then the "rinces of the /hilistines went out to war' And so it was# whenever they went out# that *avid behaved more wisely than all the

servants of Saul# so that his name became highly esteemed'

19Now Saul s"o1e to Jonathan his

son and to all his servants# that they should 1ill *avid9 but Jonathan# SaulDs son# delighted greatly in *avid'

Now the distressing s"irit from the )3+* came u"on Saul as he sat in his house with his s"ear in his hand' And *avid was "laying music with his hand'

So Jonathan told *avid# saying# :4y father Saul see1s to 1ill you' Therefore "lease be on your guard until morning# and stay in a secret "lace and hide'

Then Saul sought to "in *avid to the wall with the s"ear# but he sli""ed away from SaulDs "resence9 and he drove the s"ear into the wall' So *avid fled and esca"ed that night'

And 0 will go out and stand beside my father in the field where you are# and 0 will s"ea1 with my father about you' Then what 0 observe# 0 will tell you':

Saul also sent messengers to *avidDs house to watch him and to 1ill him in the morning' And 4ichal# *avidDs wife# told him# saying# :0f you do not save your life tonight# tomorrow you will be 1illed':

Thus Jonathan s"o1e well of *avid to Saul his father# and said to him# :)et not the 1ing sin against his servant# against *avid# because he has not sinned against you# and because his wor1s have been very good toward you'

So 4ichal let *avid down through a window' And he went and fled and esca"ed'

And 4ichal too1 an image and laid it in the bed# "ut a cover of goatsD hair for his head# and covered it with clothes'

For he too1 his life in his hands and 1illed the /hilistine# and the )3+* brought about a great deliverance for all 0srael' Cou saw it and re$oiced' Bhy then will you sin against innocent blood# to 1ill *avid without a causeE:

So when Saul sent messengers to ta1e *avid# she said# :2e is sic1':

Then Saul sent the messengers bac1 to see *avid# saying# :Bring him u" to me in the bed# that 0 may 1ill him':

So Saul heeded the voice of Jonathan# and Saul swore# :As the )3+* lives# he shall not be 1illed':

And when the messengers had come in# there was the image in the bed# with a cover of goatsD hair for his head'

Then Jonathan called *avid# and Jonathan told him all these things' So Jonathan brought *avid to Saul# and he was in his "resence as in times "ast'

Then Saul said to 4ichal# :Bhy have you deceived me li1e this# and sent my enemy away# so that he has esca"edE: And 4ichal answered Saul# :2e said to me# :)et me goH Bhy should 0 1ill youE:D

And there was war again9 and *avid went out and fought with the /hilistines# and struc1 them with a mighty blow# and they fled from him'

So *avid fled and esca"ed# and went to Samuel at +amah# and told him all that Saul had done to him' And he and Samuel went and stayed in Naioth'


Now it was told Saul# saying# :Ta1e note# *avid is at Naioth in +amahH:

Then Saul sent messengers to ta1e *avid' And when they saw the grou" of "ro"hets "ro"hesying# and Samuel standing as leader over them# the S"irit of (od came u"on the messengers of Saul# and they also "ro"hesied'

Then *avid too1 an oath again# and said# :Cour father certainly 1nows that 0 have found favor in your eyes# and he has said# :*o not let Jonathan 1now this# lest he be grieved'D But truly# as the )3+* lives and as your soul lives# there is but a ste" between me and death':

So Jonathan said to *avid# :Bhatever you yourself desire# 0 will do it for you':

And when Saul was told# he sent other messengers# and they "ro"hesied li1ewise' Then Saul sent messengers again the third time# and they "ro"hesied also'

And *avid said to Jonathan# :0ndeed tomorrow is the New 4oon# and 0 should not fail to sit with the 1ing to eat' But let me go# that 0 may hide in the field until the third day at evening'

Then he also went to +amah# and came to the great well that is at Sechu' So he as1ed# and said# :Bhere are Samuel and *avidE: And someone said# :0ndeed they are at Naioth in +amah':

0f your father misses me at all# then say# :*avid earnestly as1ed "ermission of me that he might run over to Bethlehem# his city# for there is a yearly sacrifice there for all the family'D

So he went there to Naioth in +amah' Then the S"irit of (od was u"on him also# and he went on and "ro"hesied until he came to Naioth in +amah'

0f he says thus7 :0t is well#D your servant will be safe' But if he is very angry# be sure that evil is determined by him'

And he also stri""ed off his clothes and "ro"hesied before Samuel in li1e manner# and lay down na1ed all that day and all that night' Therefore they say# :0s Saul also among the "ro"hetsE:

Therefore you shall deal 1indly with your servant# for you have brought your servant into a covenant of the )3+* with you' Nevertheless# if there is iniGuity in me# 1ill me yourself# for why should you bring me to your fatherE:

20Then *avid fled from Naioth in

+amah# and went and said to Jonathan# :Bhat have 0 doneE Bhat is my iniGuity# and what is my sin before your father# that he see1s my lifeE:

But Jonathan said# :Far be it from youH For if 0 1new certainly that evil was determined by my father to come u"on you# then would 0 not tell youE:

So Jonathan said to him# :By no meansH Cou shall not dieH 0ndeed# my father will do nothing either great or small without first telling me' And why should my father hide this thing from meE 0t is not soH:

Then *avid said to Jonathan# :Bho will tell me# or what if your father answers you roughlyE:

And Jonathan said to *avid# :-ome# let us go out into the field': So both of them went out into the field'


Then Jonathan said to *avid7 :The )3+* (od of 0srael is witnessH Bhen 0 have sounded out my father sometime tomorrow# or the third day# and indeed there is good toward *avid# and 0 do not send to you and tell you#

lad# :)oo1# the arrows are on this side of you9 get them and comeDFFthen# as the )3+* lives# there is safety for you and no harm'

may the )3+* do so and much more to Jonathan' But if it "leases my father to do you evil# then 0 will re"ort it to you and send you away# that you may go in safety' And the )3+* be with you as 2e has been with my father'

But if 0 say thus to the young man# :)oo1# the arrows are beyond youDFFgo your way# for the )3+* has sent you away'

And as for the matter which you and 0 have s"o1en of# indeed the )3+* be between you and me forever':

And you shall not only show me the 1indness of the )3+* while 0 still live# that 0 may not die9

Then *avid hid in the field' And when the New 4oon had come# the 1ing sat down to eat the feast'

but you shall not cut off your 1indness from my house forever# no# not when the )3+* has cut off every one of the enemies of *avid from the face of the earth':

Now the 1ing sat on his seat# as at other times# on a seat by the wall' And Jonathan arose# and Abner sat by SaulDs side# but *avidDs "lace was em"ty'

So Jonathan made a covenant with the house of *avid# saying# :)et the )3+* reGuire it at the hand of *avidDs enemies':

Nevertheless Saul did not say anything that day# for he thought# :Something has ha""ened to him9 he is unclean# surely he is unclean':

Now Jonathan again caused *avid to vow# because he loved him9 for he loved him as he loved his own soul'

Then Jonathan said to *avid# :Tomorrow is the New 4oon9 and you will be missed# because your seat will be em"ty'

And it ha""ened the ne!t day# the second day of the month# that *avidDs "lace was em"ty' And Saul said to Jonathan his son# :Bhy has the son of Jesse not come to eat# either yesterday or todayE:

So Jonathan answered Saul# :*avid earnestly as1ed "ermission of me to go to Bethlehem'


And when you have stayed three days# go down Guic1ly and come to the "lace where you hid on the day of the deed9 and remain by the stone .el'

Then 0 will shoot three arrows to the side# as though 0 shot at a target9

And he said# :/lease let me go# for our family has a sacrifice in the city# and my brother has commanded me to be there' And now# if 0 have found favor in your eyes# "lease let me get away and see my brothers'D Therefore he has not come to the 1ingDs table':

and there 0 will send a lad# saying# :(o# find the arrows'D 0f 0 e!"ressly say to the


Then SaulDs anger was aroused against Jonathan# and he said to him# :Cou son of a "erverse# rebellious womanH *o 0 not 1now that you have chosen the son of Jesse to your own shame and to the shame of your motherDs na1ednessE


But the lad did not 1now anything' 3nly Jonathan and *avid 1new of the matter'

Then Jonathan gave his wea"ons to his lad# and said to him# :(o# carry them to the city':

For as long as the son of Jesse lives on the earth# you shall not be established# nor your 1ingdom' Now therefore# send and bring him to me# for he shall surely die':

As soon as the lad had gone# *avid arose from a "lace toward the south# fell on his face to the ground# and bowed down three times' And they 1issed one another9 and they we"t together# but *avid more so'

And Jonathan answered Saul his father# and said to him# :Bhy should he be 1illedE Bhat has he doneE:

Then Saul cast a s"ear at him to 1ill him# by which Jonathan 1new that it was determined by his father to 1ill *avid'

Then Jonathan said to *avid# :(o in "eace# since we have both sworn in the name of the )3+*# saying# :4ay the )3+* be between you and me# and between your descendants and my descendants# forever':D So he arose and de"arted# and Jonathan went into the city'

So Jonathan arose from the table in fierce anger# and ate no food the second day of the month# for he was grieved for *avid# because his father had treated him shamefully'


And so it was# in the morning# that Jonathan went out into the field at the time a""ointed with *avid# and a little lad was with him'

*avid came to Nob# to Ahimelech the "riest' And Ahimelech was afraid when he met *avid# and said to him# :Bhy are you alone# and no one is with youE:

Then he said to his lad# :Now run# find the arrows which 0 shoot': As the lad ran# he shot an arrow beyond him'

Bhen the lad had come to the "lace where the arrow was which Jonathan had shot# Jonathan cried out after the lad and said# :0s not the arrow beyond youE:

So *avid said to Ahimelech the "riest# :The 1ing has ordered me on some business# and said to me# :*o not let anyone 1now anything about the business on which 0 send you# or what 0 have commanded you'D And 0 have directed my young men to such and such a "lace'

Now therefore# what have you on handE (ive me five loaves of bread in my hand# or whatever can be found':

And Jonathan cried out after the lad# :4a1e haste# hurry# do not delayH: So JonathanDs lad gathered u" the arrows and came bac1 to his master'

And the "riest answered *avid and said# :There is no common bread on hand9 but there is holy bread# if the young men have at least 1e"t themselves from women':


Then *avid answered the "riest# and said to him# :Truly# women have been 1e"t from us about three days since 0 came out' And the vessels of the young men are holy# and the bread is in effect common# even though it was consecrated in the vessel this day':


Now *avid too1 these words to heart# and was very much afraid of Achish the 1ing of (ath'

So the "riest gave him holy bread9 for there was no bread there but the showbread which had been ta1en from before the )3+*# in order to "ut hot bread in its "lace on the day when it was ta1en away'

So he changed his behavior before them# "retended madness in their hands# scratched on the doors of the gate# and let his saliva fall down on his beard'

Then Achish said to his servants# :)oo1# you see the man is insane' Bhy have you brought him to meE

Now a certain man of the servants of Saul was there that day# detained before the )3+*' And his name was *oeg# an domite# the chief of the herdsmen who belonged to Saul'

2ave 0 need of madmen# that you have brought this fellow to "lay the madman in my "resenceE Shall this fellow come into my houseE:

And *avid said to Ahimelech# :0s there not here on hand a s"ear or a swordE For 0 have brought neither my sword nor my wea"ons with me# because the 1ingDs business reGuired haste':


therefore de"arted from there and esca"ed to the cave of Adullam' So when his brothers and all his fatherDs house heard it# they went down there to him'

So the "riest said# :The sword of (oliath the /hilistine# whom you 1illed in the Valley of lah# there it is# wra""ed in a cloth behind the e"hod' 0f you will ta1e that# ta1e it' For there is no other e!ce"t that one here': And *avid said# :There is none li1e it9 give it to me':

And everyone who was in distress# everyone who was in debt# and everyone who was discontented gathered to him' So he became ca"tain over them' And there were about four hundred men with him'

Then *avid arose and fled that day from before Saul# and went to Achish the 1ing of (ath'

Then *avid went from there to 4i."ah of 4oab9 and he said to the 1ing of 4oab# :/lease let my father and mother come here with you# till 0 1now what (od will do for me':

And the servants of Achish said to him# :0s this not *avid the 1ing of the landE *id they not sing of him to one another in dances# saying7 :Saul has slain his thousands# And *avid his ten thousandsDE:

So he brought them before the 1ing of 4oab# and they dwelt with him all the time that *avid was in the stronghold'

Now the "ro"het (ad said to *avid# :*o not stay in the stronghold9 de"art# and go to the land of Judah': So *avid

de"arted and went into the forest of 2ereth'


(od for him# that he should rise against me# to lie in wait# as it is this dayE:

Bhen Saul heard that *avid and the men who were with him had been discoveredFFnow Saul was staying in (ibeah under a tamaris1 tree in +amah# with his s"ear in his hand# and all his servants standing about himFF

So Ahimelech answered the 1ing and said# :And who among all your servants is as faithful as *avid# who is the 1ingDs sonFinFlaw# who goes at your bidding# and is honorable in your houseE

then Saul said to his servants who stood about him# :2ear now# you Ben$amitesH Bill the son of Jesse give every one of you fields and vineyards# and ma1e you all ca"tains of thousands and ca"tains of hundredsE

*id 0 then begin to inGuire of (od for himE Far be it from meH )et not the 1ing im"ute anything to his servant# or to any in the house of my father' For your servant 1new nothing of all this# little or much':

All of you have cons"ired against me# and there is no one who reveals to me that my son has made a covenant with the son of Jesse9 and there is not one of you who is sorry for me or reveals to me that my son has stirred u" my servant against me# to lie in wait# as it is this day':

And the 1ing said# :Cou shall surely die# Ahimelech# you and all your fatherDs houseH:

Then answered *oeg the domite# who was set over the servants of Saul# and said# :0 saw the son of Jesse going to Nob# to Ahimelech the son of Ahitub'

Then the 1ing said to the guards who stood about him# :Turn and 1ill the "riests of the )3+*# because their hand also is with *avid# and because they 1new when he fled and did not tell it to me': But the servants of the 1ing would not lift their hands to stri1e the "riests of the )3+*'

And he inGuired of the )3+* for him# gave him "rovisions# and gave him the sword of (oliath the /hilistine':

And the 1ing said to *oeg# :Cou turn and 1ill the "riestsH: So *oeg the domite turned and struc1 the "riests# and 1illed on that day eightyFfive men who wore a linen e"hod'

So the 1ing sent to call Ahimelech the "riest# the son of Ahitub# and all his fatherDs house# the "riests who were in Nob' And they all came to the 1ing'

Also Nob# the city of the "riests# he struc1 with the edge of the sword# both men and women# children and nursing infants# o!en and don1eys and shee"FF with the edge of the sword'

And Saul said# :2ear now# son of AhitubH: 2e answered# :2ere 0 am# my lord':

Now one of the sons of Ahimelech the son of Ahitub# named Abiathar# esca"ed and fled after *avid'

Then Saul said to him# :Bhy have you cons"ired against me# you and the son of Jesse# in that you have given him bread and a sword# and have inGuired of

And Abiathar told *avid that Saul had 1illed the )3+*Ds "riests'


So *avid said to Abiathar# :0 1new that day# when *oeg the domite was there# that he would surely tell Saul' 0 have caused the death of all the "ersons of your fatherDs house'

And Saul was told that *avid had gone to Keilah' So Saul said# :(od has delivered him into my hand# for he has shut himself in by entering a town that has gates and bars':

Stay with me9 do not fear' For he who see1s my life see1s your life# but with me you shall be safe':

Then Saul called all the "eo"le together for war# to go down to Keilah to besiege *avid and his men'


they told *avid# saying# :)oo1# the /hilistines are fighting against Keilah# and they are robbing the threshing floors': Therefore *avid inGuired of the )3+*# saying# :Shall 0 go and attac1 these /hilistinesE: And the )3+* said to *avid# :(o and attac1 the /hilistines# and save Keilah':

Bhen *avid 1new that Saul "lotted evil against him# he said to Abiathar the "riest# :Bring the e"hod here':

Then *avid said# :3 )3+* (od of 0srael# Cour servant has certainly heard that Saul see1s to come to Keilah to destroy the city for my sa1e'

But *avidDs men said to him# :)oo1# we are afraid here in Judah' 2ow much more then if we go to Keilah against the armies of the /hilistinesE:

Bill the men of Keilah deliver me into his handE Bill Saul come down# as Cour servant has heardE 3 )3+* (od of 0srael# 0 "ray# tell Cour servant': And the )3+* said# :2e will come down':

Then *avid inGuired of the )3+* once again' And the )3+* answered him and said# :Arise# go down to Keilah' For 0 will deliver the /hilistines into your hand':

Then *avid said# :Bill the men of Keilah deliver me and my men into the hand of SaulE: And the )3+* said# :They will deliver you':

And *avid and his men went to Keilah and fought with the /hilistines# struc1 them with a mighty blow# and too1 away their livestoc1' So *avid saved the inhabitants of Keilah'

So *avid and his men# about si! hundred# arose and de"arted from Keilah and went wherever they could go' Then it was told Saul that *avid had esca"ed from Keilah9 so he halted the e!"edition'

Now it ha""ened# when Abiathar the son of Ahimelech fled to *avid at Keilah# that he went down with an e"hod in his hand'

And *avid stayed in strongholds in the wilderness# and remained in the mountains in the Bilderness of 5i"h' Saul sought him every day# but (od did not deliver him into his hand'

So *avid saw that Saul had come out to see1 his life' And *avid was in the Bilderness of 5i"h in a forest'


Then Jonathan# SaulDs son# arose and went to *avid in the woods and strengthened his hand in (od'

down to the roc1# and stayed in the Bilderness of 4aon' And when Saul heard that# he "ursued *avid in the Bilderness of 4aon'

And he said to him# :*o not fear# for the hand of Saul my father shall not find you' Cou shall be 1ing over 0srael# and 0 shall be ne!t to you' ven my father Saul 1nows that':

So the two of them made a covenant before the )3+*' And *avid stayed in the woods# and Jonathan went to his own house'

Then Saul went on one side of the mountain# and *avid and his men on the other side of the mountain' So *avid made haste to get away from Saul# for Saul and his men were encircling *avid and his men to ta1e them'

But a messenger came to Saul# saying# :2urry and come# for the /hilistines have invaded the landH:

Then the 5i"hites came u" to Saul at (ibeah# saying# :0s *avid not hiding with us in strongholds in the woods# in the hill of 2achilah# which is on the south of JeshimonE

Therefore Saul returned from "ursuing *avid# and went against the /hilistines9 so they called that "lace the +oc1 of sca"e'

Now therefore# 3 1ing# come down according to all the desire of your soul to come down9 and our "art shall be to deliver him into the 1ingDs hand':

Then *avid went u" from there and dwelt in strongholds at n (edi'

And Saul said# :Blessed are you of the )3+*# for you have com"assion on me'

24Now it ha""ened# when Saul had

returned from following the /hilistines# that it was told him# saying# :Ta1e noteH *avid is in the Bilderness of n (edi':

/lease go and find out for sure# and see the "lace where his hideout is# and who has seen him there' For 0 am told he is very crafty'

See therefore# and ta1e 1nowledge of all the lur1ing "laces where he hides9 and come bac1 to me with certainty# and 0 will go with you' And it shall be# if he is in the land# that 0 will search for him throughout all the clans of Judah':

Then Saul too1 three thousand chosen men from all 0srael# and went to see1 *avid and his men on the +oc1s of the Bild (oats'

So he came to the shee"folds by the road# where there was a cave9 and Saul went in to attend to his needs' I*avid and his men were staying in the recesses of the cave'J

So they arose and went to 5i"h before Saul' But *avid and his men were in the Bilderness of 4aon# in the "lain on the south of Jeshimon'

Bhen Saul and his men went to see1 him# they told *avid' Therefore he went

Then the men of *avid said to him# :This is the day of which the )3+* said to you# :Behold# 0 will deliver your enemy into your hand# that you may do to him as it seems good to you':D And *avid

arose and secretly cut off a corner of SaulDs robe'



As the "roverb of the ancients says# :Bic1edness "roceeds from the wic1ed'D But my hand shall not be against you'

Now it ha""ened afterward that *avidDs heart troubled him because he had cut SaulDs robe'

After whom has the 1ing of 0srael come outE Bhom do you "ursueE A dead dogE A fleaE

And he said to his men# :The )3+* forbid that 0 should do this thing to my master# the )3+*Ds anointed# to stretch out my hand against him# seeing he is the anointed of the )3+*':

Therefore let the )3+* be $udge# and $udge between you and me# and see and "lead my case# and deliver me out of your hand':

So *avid restrained his servants with these words# and did not allow them to rise against Saul' And Saul got u" from the cave and went on his way'

So it was# when *avid had finished s"ea1ing these words to Saul# that Saul said# :0s this your voice# my son *avidE: And Saul lifted u" his voice and we"t'

*avid also arose afterward# went out of the cave# and called out to Saul# saying# :4y lord the 1ingH: And when Saul loo1ed behind him# *avid stoo"ed with his face to the earth# and bowed down'

Then he said to *avid7 :Cou are more righteous than 09 for you have rewarded me with good# whereas 0 have rewarded you with evil'

And *avid said to Saul7 :Bhy do you listen to the words of men who say# :0ndeed *avid see1s your harmDE

And you have shown this day how you have dealt well with me9 for when the )3+* delivered me into your hand# you did not 1ill me'

)oo1# this day your eyes have seen that the )3+* delivered you today into my hand in the cave# and someone urged me to 1ill you' But my eye s"ared you# and 0 said# :0 will not stretch out my hand against my lord# for he is the )3+*Ds anointed'D

For if a man finds his enemy# will he let him get away safelyE Therefore may the )3+* reward you with good for what you have done to me this day'

And now 0 1now indeed that you shall surely be 1ing# and that the 1ingdom of 0srael shall be established in your hand'

4oreover# my father# seeH Ces# see the corner of your robe in my handH For in that 0 cut off the corner of your robe# and did not 1ill you# 1now and see that there is neither evil nor rebellion in my hand# and 0 have not sinned against you' Cet you hunt my life to ta1e it'

Therefore swear now to me )3+* that you will not cut descendants after me# and that not destroy my name from my house':

by the off my you will fatherDs

)et the )3+* $udge between you and me# and let the )3+* avenge me on you' But my hand shall not be against you'

So *avid swore to Saul' And Saul went home# but *avid and his men went u" to the stronghold'


Samuel died9 and the 0sraelites gathered together and lamented for him# and buried him at his home in +amah' And *avid arose and went down to the Bilderness of /aran'

So when *avidDs young men came# they s"o1e to Nabal according to all these words in the name of *avid# and waited'

Now there was a man in 4aon whose business was in -armel# and the man was very rich' 2e had three thousand shee" and a thousand goats' And he was shearing his shee" in -armel'

Then Nabal answered *avidDs servants# and said# :Bho is *avid# and who is the son of JesseE There are many servants nowadays who brea1 away each one from his master'

The name of the man was Nabal# and the name of his wife Abigail' And she was a woman of good understanding and beautiful a""earance9 but the man was harsh and evil in his doings' 2e was of the house of -aleb'

Shall 0 then ta1e my bread and my water and my meat that 0 have 1illed for my shearers# and give it to men when 0 do not 1now where they are fromE:

So *avidDs young men turned on their heels and went bac19 and they came and told him all these words'

Bhen *avid heard in the wilderness that Nabal was shearing his shee"#

*avid sent ten young men9 and *avid said to the young men# :(o u" to -armel# go to Nabal# and greet him in my name'

Then *avid said to his men# : very man gird on his sword': So every man girded on his sword# and *avid also girded on his sword' And about four hundred men went with *avid# and two hundred stayed with the su""lies'

And thus you shall say to him who lives in "ros"erity7 :/eace be to you# "eace to your house# and "eace to all that you haveH

Now one of the young men told Abigail# NabalDs wife# saying# :)oo1# *avid sent messengers from the wilderness to greet our master9 and he reviled them'

Now 0 have heard that you have shearers' Cour she"herds were with us# and we did not hurt them# nor was there anything missing from them all the while they were in -armel'

But the men were very good to us# and we were not hurt# nor did we miss anything as long as we accom"anied them# when we were in the fields'

As1 your young men# and they will tell you' Therefore let my young men find favor in your eyes# for we come on a feast day' /lease give whatever comes to your hand to your servants and to your son *avid':D

They were a wall to us both by night and day# all the time we were with them 1ee"ing the shee"'

Now therefore# 1now and consider what you will do# for harm is determined against our master and against all his household' For he is such a scoundrel that one cannot s"ea1 to him':


Then Abigail made haste and too1 two hundred loaves of bread# two s1ins of wine# five shee" already dressed# five seahs of roasted grain# one hundred clusters of raisins# and two hundred ca1es of figs# and loaded them on don1eys'

)3+* has held you bac1 from coming to bloodshed and from avenging yourself with your own hand# now then# let your enemies and those who see1 harm for my lord be as Nabal'

And she said to her servants# :(o on before me9 see# 0 am coming after you': But she did not tell her husband Nabal'

And now this "resent which your maidservant has brought to my lord# let it be given to the young men who follow my lord'

So it was# as she rode on the don1ey# that she went down under cover of the hill9 and there were *avid and his men# coming down toward her# and she met them'

/lease forgive the tres"ass of your maidservant' For the )3+* will certainly ma1e for my lord an enduring house# because my lord fights the battles of the )3+*# and evil is not found in you throughout your days'

Now *avid had said# :Surely in vain 0 have "rotected all that this fellow has in the wilderness# so that nothing was missed of all that belongs to him' And he has re"aid me evil for good'

Cet a man has risen to "ursue you and see1 your life# but the life of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of the living with the )3+* your (od9 and the lives of your enemies 2e shall sling out# as from the "oc1et of a sling'

4ay (od do so# and more also# to the enemies of *avid# if 0 leave one male of all who belong to him by morning light':

Now when Abigail saw *avid# she dismounted Guic1ly from the don1ey# fell on her face before *avid# and bowed down to the ground'

And it shall come to "ass# when the )3+* has done for my lord according to all the good that 2e has s"o1en concerning you# and has a""ointed you ruler over 0srael#

So she fell at his feet and said7 :3n me# my lord# on me let this iniGuity beH And "lease let your maidservant s"ea1 in your ears# and hear the words of your maidservant'

that this will be no grief to you# nor offense of heart to my lord# either that you have shed blood without cause# or that my lord has avenged himself' But when the )3+* has dealt well with my lord# then remember your maidservant':

/lease# let not my lord regard this scoundrel Nabal' For as his name is# so is he7 Nabal is his name# and folly is with himH But 0# your maidservant# did not see the young men of my lord whom you sent'

Then *avid said to Abigail7 :Blessed is the )3+* (od of 0srael# who sent you this day to meet meH

Now therefore# my lord# as the )3+* lives and as your soul lives# since the

And blessed is your advice and blessed are you# because you have 1e"t me this day from coming to bloodshed and from avenging myself with my own hand'


For indeed# as the )3+* (od of 0srael lives# who has 1e"t me bac1 from hurting you# unless you had hurried and come to meet me# surely by morning light no males would have been left to NabalH:


Then she arose# bowed her face to the earth# and said# :2ere is your maidservant# a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord':

So *avid received from her hand what she had brought him# and said to her# :(o u" in "eace to your house' See# 0 have heeded your voice and res"ected your "erson':

So Abigail rose in haste and rode on a don1ey# attended by five of her maidens9 and she followed the messengers of *avid# and became his wife'

*avid also too1 Ahinoam of Je.reel# and so both of them were his wives'

Now Abigail went to Nabal# and there he was# holding a feast in his house# li1e the feast of a 1ing' And NabalDs heart was merry within him# for he was very drun19 therefore she told him nothing# little or much# until morning light'

But Saul had given 4ichal his daughter# *avidDs wife# to /alti the son of )aish# who was from (allim'

So it was# in the morning# when the wine had gone from Nabal# and his wife had told him these things# that his heart died within him# and he became li1e a stone'

26Now the 5i"hites came to Saul at

(ibeah# saying# :0s *avid not hiding in the hill of 2achilah# o""osite JeshimonE:

Then it ha""ened# after about ten days# that the )3+* struc1 Nabal# and he died'

Then Saul arose and went down to the Bilderness of 5i"h# having three thousand chosen men of 0srael with him# to see1 *avid in the Bilderness of 5i"h'

So when *avid heard that Nabal was dead# he said# :Blessed be the )3+*# who has "leaded the cause of my re"roach from the hand of Nabal# and has 1e"t 2is servant from evilH For the )3+* has returned the wic1edness of Nabal on his own head': And *avid sent and "ro"osed to Abigail# to ta1e her as his wife'

And Saul encam"ed in the hill of 2achilah# which is o""osite Jeshimon# by the road' But *avid stayed in the wilderness# and he saw that Saul came after him into the wilderness'

*avid therefore sent out s"ies# and understood that Saul had indeed come'

Bhen the servants of *avid had come to Abigail at -armel# they s"o1e to her saying# :*avid sent us to you# to as1 you to become his wife':

So *avid arose and came to the "lace where Saul had encam"ed' And *avid saw the "lace where Saul lay# and Abner the son of Ner# the commander of his army' Now Saul lay within the cam"# with the "eo"le encam"ed all around him'

Then *avid answered# and said to Ahimelech the 2ittite and to Abishai the

son of 5eruiah# brother of Joab# saying# :Bho will go down with me to Saul in the cam"E: And Abishai said# :0 will go down with you':

answered and said# :Bho are you# calling out to the 1ingE:

So *avid and Abishai came to the "eo"le by night9 and there Saul lay slee"ing within the cam"# with his s"ear stuc1 in the ground by his head' And Abner and the "eo"le lay all around him'

So *avid said to Abner# :Are you not a manE And who is li1e you in 0sraelE Bhy then have you not guarded your lord the 1ingE For one of the "eo"le came in to destroy your lord the 1ing'

Then Abishai said to *avid# :(od has delivered your enemy into your hand this day' Now therefore# "lease# let me stri1e him at once with the s"ear# right to the earth9 and 0 will not have to stri1e him a second timeH:

This thing that you have done is not good' As the )3+* lives# you deserve to die# because you have not guarded your master# the )3+*Ds anointed' And now see where the 1ingDs s"ear is# and the $ug of water that was by his head':

But *avid said to Abishai# :*o not destroy him9 for who can stretch out his hand against the )3+*Ds anointed# and be guiltlessE:

Then Saul 1new *avidDs voice# and said# :0s that your voice# my son *avidE: *avid said# :0t is my voice# my lord# 3 1ing':

*avid said furthermore# :As the )3+* lives# the )3+* shall stri1e him# or his day shall come to die# or he shall go out to battle and "erish'

And he said# :Bhy does my lord thus "ursue his servantE For what have 0 done# or what evil is in my handE

The )3+* forbid that 0 should stretch out my hand against the )3+*Ds anointed' But "lease# ta1e now the s"ear and the $ug of water that are by his head# and let us go':

Now therefore# "lease# let my lord the 1ing hear the words of his servant7 0f the )3+* has stirred you u" against me# let 2im acce"t an offering' But if it is the children of men# may they be cursed before the )3+*# for they have driven me out this day from sharing in the inheritance of the )3+*# saying# :(o# serve other gods'D

So *avid too1 the s"ear and the $ug of water by SaulDs head# and they got away9 and no man saw or 1new it or awo1e' For they were all aslee"# because a dee" slee" from the )3+* had fallen on them'

So now# do not let my blood fall to the earth before the face of the )3+*' For the 1ing of 0srael has come out to see1 a flea# as when one hunts a "artridge in the mountains':

Now *avid went over to the other side# and stood on the to" of a hill afar off# a great distance being between them'

And *avid called out to the "eo"le and to Abner the son of Ner# saying# :*o you not answer# AbnerE: Then Abner

Then Saul said# :0 have sinned' +eturn# my son *avid' For 0 will harm you no more# because my life was "recious in your eyes this day' 0ndeed 0 have "layed the fool and erred e!ceedingly':


And *avid answered and said# :2ere is the 1ingDs s"ear' )et one of the young men come over and get it'


4ay the )3+* re"ay every man for his righteousness and his faithfulness9 for the )3+* delivered you into my hand today# but 0 would not stretch out my hand against the )3+*Ds anointed'

Then *avid said to Achish# :0f 0 have now found favor in your eyes# let them give me a "lace in some town in the country# that 0 may dwell there' For why should your servant dwell in the royal city with youE:

So Achish gave him 5i1lag that day' Therefore 5i1lag has belonged to the 1ings of Judah to this day'

And indeed# as your life was valued much this day in my eyes# so let my life be valued much in the eyes of the )3+*# and let 2im deliver me out of all tribulation':

Now the time that *avid dwelt in the country of the /hilistines was one full year and four months'

Then Saul said to *avid# :4ay you be blessed# my son *avidH Cou shall both do great things and also still "revail': So *avid went on his way# and Saul returned to his "lace'

And *avid and his men went u" and raided the (eshurites# the (ir.ites# and the Amale1ites' For those nations were the inhabitants of the land from of old# as you go to Shur# even as far as the land of gy"t'

27And *avid said in his heart# :Now

0 shall "erish someday by the hand of Saul' There is nothing better for me than that 0 should s"eedily esca"e to the land of the /hilistines9 and Saul will des"air of me# to see1 me anymore in any "art of 0srael' So 0 shall esca"e out of his hand':

Bhenever *avid attac1ed the land# he left neither man nor woman alive# but too1 away the shee"# the o!en# the don1eys# the camels# and the a""arel# and returned and came to Achish'

Then *avid arose and went over with the si! hundred men who were with him to Achish the son of 4aoch# 1ing of (ath'

Then Achish would say# :Bhere have you made a raid todayE: And *avid would say# :Against the southern area of Judah# or against the southern area of the Jerahmeelites# or against the southern area of the Kenites':

So *avid dwelt with Achish at (ath# he and his men# each man with his household# and *avid with his two wives# Ahinoam the Je.reelitess# and Abigail the -armelitess# NabalDs widow'

*avid would save neither man nor woman alive# to bring news to (ath# saying# :)est they should inform on us# saying# :Thus *avid did':D And thus was his behavior all the time he dwelt in the country of the /hilistines'

And it was told Saul that *avid had fled to (ath9 so he sought him no more'

So Achish believed *avid# saying# :2e has made his "eo"le 0srael utterly abhor him9 therefore he will be my servant forever':

28Now it ha""ened in those days

that the /hilistines gathered their armies together for war# to fight with 0srael' And Achish said to *avid# :Cou assuredly 1now that you will go out with me to battle# you and your men':

Then the woman said to him# :)oo1# you 1now what Saul has done# how he has cut off the mediums and the s"iritists from the land' Bhy then do you lay a snare for my life# to cause me to dieE:

So *avid said to Achish# :Surely you 1now what your servant can do': And Achish said to *avid# :Therefore 0 will ma1e you one of my chief guardians forever':

And Saul swore to her by the )3+*# saying# :As the )3+* lives# no "unishment shall come u"on you for this thing':

Now Samuel had died# and all 0srael had lamented for him and buried him in +amah# in his own city' And Saul had "ut the mediums and the s"iritists out of the land'

Then the woman said# :Bhom shall 0 bring u" for youE: And he said# :Bring u" Samuel for me':

Then the /hilistines gathered together# and came and encam"ed at Shunem' So Saul gathered all 0srael together# and they encam"ed at (ilboa'

Bhen the woman saw Samuel# she cried out with a loud voice' And the woman s"o1e to Saul# saying# :Bhy have you deceived meE For you are SaulH:

Bhen Saul saw the army of the /hilistines# he was afraid# and his heart trembled greatly'

And the 1ing said to her# :*o not be afraid' Bhat did you seeE: And the woman said to Saul# :0 saw a s"irit ascending out of the earth':

And when Saul inGuired of the )3+*# the )3+* did not answer him# either by dreams or by Arim or by the "ro"hets'

So he said to her# :Bhat is his formE: And she said# :An old man is coming u"# and he is covered with a mantle': And Saul "erceived that it was Samuel# and he stoo"ed with his face to the ground and bowed down'

Then Saul said to his servants# :Find me a woman who is a medium# that 0 may go to her and inGuire of her': And his servants said to him# :0n fact# there is a woman who is a medium at n *or':

So Saul disguised himself and "ut on other clothes# and he went# and two men with him9 and they came to the woman by night' And he said# :/lease conduct a sMeaance for me# and bring u" for me the one 0 shall name to you':

Now Samuel said to Saul# :Bhy have you disturbed me by bringing me u"E: And Saul answered# :0 am dee"ly distressed9 for the /hilistines ma1e war against me# and (od has de"arted from me and does not answer me anymore# neither by "ro"hets nor by dreams' Therefore 0 have called you# that you may reveal to me what 0 should do':

Then Samuel said7 :So why do you as1 me# seeing the )3+* has de"arted from you and has become your enemyE


And the )3+* has done for 2imself as 2e s"o1e by me' For the )3+* has torn the 1ingdom out of your hand and given it to your neighbor# *avid'


So she brought it before Saul and his servants# and they ate' Then they rose and went away that night'

Because you did not obey the voice of the )3+* nor e!ecute 2is fierce wrath u"on Amale1# therefore the )3+* has done this thing to you this day'


the /hilistines gathered together all their armies at A"he1# and the 0sraelites encam"ed by a fountain which is in Je.reel' And the lords of the /hilistines "assed in review by hundreds and by thousands# but *avid and his men "assed in review at the rear with Achish'

4oreover the )3+* will also deliver 0srael with you into the hand of the /hilistines' And tomorrow you and your sons will be with me' The )3+* will also deliver the army of 0srael into the hand of the /hilistines':

0mmediately Saul fell full length on the ground# and was dreadfully afraid because of the words of Samuel' And there was no strength in him# for he had eaten no food all day or all night'

And the woman came to Saul and saw that he was severely troubled# and said to him# :)oo1# your maidservant has obeyed your voice# and 0 have "ut my life in my hands and heeded the words which you s"o1e to me'

Then the "rinces of the /hilistines said# :Bhat are these 2ebrews doing hereE: And Achish said to the "rinces of the /hilistines# :0s this not *avid# the servant of Saul 1ing of 0srael# who has been with me these days# or these yearsE And to this day 0 have found no fault in him since he defected to me':

Now therefore# "lease# heed also the voice of your maidservant# and let me set a "iece of bread before you9 and eat# that you may have strength when you go on your way':

But the "rinces of the /hilistines were angry with him9 so the "rinces of the /hilistines said to him# :4a1e this fellow return# that he may go bac1 to the "lace which you have a""ointed for him# and do not let him go down with us to battle# lest in the battle he become our adversary' For with what could he reconcile himself to his master# if not with the heads of these menE

But he refused and said# :0 will not eat': So his servants# together with the woman# urged him9 and he heeded their voice' Then he arose from the ground and sat on the bed'

0s this not *avid# of whom they sang to one another in dances# saying7 :Saul has slain his thousands# And *avid his ten thousandsDE:

Now the woman had a fatted calf in the house# and she hastened to 1ill it' And she too1 flour and 1neaded it# and ba1ed unleavened bread from it'

Then Achish called *avid and said to him# :Surely# as the )3+* lives# you have been u"right# and your going out and your coming in with me in the army is good in my sight' For to this day 0 have not found evil in you since the day of your coming to me' Nevertheless the lords do not favor you'

Therefore return now# and go in "eace# that you may not dis"lease the lords of the /hilistines':

Then *avid and the "eo"le who were with him lifted u" their voices and we"t# until they had no more "ower to wee"'

So *avid said to Achish# :But what have 0 doneE And to this day what have you found in your servant as long as 0 have been with you# that 0 may not go and fight against the enemies of my lord the 1ingE:

And *avidDs two wives# Ahinoam the Je.reelitess# and Abigail the widow of Nabal the -armelite# had been ta1en ca"tive'

Then Achish answered and said to *avid# :0 1now that you are as good in my sight as an angel of (od9 nevertheless the "rinces of the /hilistines have said# :2e shall not go u" with us to the battle'D

Now *avid was greatly distressed# for the "eo"le s"o1e of stoning him# because the soul of all the "eo"le was grieved# every man for his sons and his daughters' But *avid strengthened himself in the )3+* his (od'

Now therefore# rise early in the morning with your masterDs servants who have come with you' And as soon as you are u" early in the morning and have light# de"art':

Then *avid said to Abiathar the "riest# AhimelechDs son# :/lease bring the e"hod here to me': And Abiathar brought the e"hod to *avid'

So *avid and his men rose early to de"art in the morning# to return to the land of the /hilistines' And the /hilistines went u" to Je.reel'

So *avid inGuired of the )3+*# saying# :Shall 0 "ursue this troo"E Shall 0 overta1e themE: And 2e answered him# :/ursue# for you shall surely overta1e them and without fail recover all':

30Now it ha""ened# when *avid and

his men came to 5i1lag# on the third day# that the Amale1ites had invaded the South and 5i1lag# attac1ed 5i1lag and burned it with fire#

So *avid went# he and the si! hundred men who were with him# and came to the Broo1 Besor# where those stayed who were left behind'

But *avid "ursued# he and four hundred men9 for two hundred stayed behind# who were so weary that they could not cross the Broo1 Besor'

and had ta1en ca"tive the women and those who were there# from small to great9 they did not 1ill anyone# but carried them away and went their way'

Then they found an gy"tian in the field# and brought him to *avid9 and they gave him bread and he ate# and they let him drin1 water'

So *avid and his men came to the city# and there it was# burned with fire9 and their wives# their sons# and their daughters had been ta1en ca"tive'

And they gave him a "iece of a ca1e of figs and two clusters of raisins' So when he had eaten# his strength came bac1 to him9 for he had eaten no bread nor drun1 water for three days and three nights'


Then *avid said to him# :To whom do you belong# and where are you fromE: And he said# :0 am a young man from gy"t# servant of an Amale1ite9 and my master left me behind# because three days ago 0 fell sic1'


Be made an invasion of the southern area of the -herethites# in the territory which belongs to Judah# and of the southern area of -aleb9 and we burned 5i1lag with fire':

Now *avid came to the two hundred men who had been so weary that they could not follow *avid# whom they also had made to stay at the Broo1 Besor' So they went out to meet *avid and to meet the "eo"le who were with him' And when *avid came near the "eo"le# he greeted them'

And *avid said to him# :-an you ta1e me down to this troo"E: So he said# :Swear to me by (od that you will neither 1ill me nor deliver me into the hands of my master# and 0 will ta1e you down to this troo"':

Then all the wic1ed and worthless men of those who went with *avid answered and said# :Because they did not go with us# we will not give them any of the s"oil that we have recovered# e!ce"t for every manDs wife and children# that they may lead them away and de"art':

And when he had brought him down# there they were# s"read out over all the land# eating and drin1ing and dancing# because of all the great s"oil which they had ta1en from the land of the /hilistines and from the land of Judah'

But *avid said# :4y brethren# you shall not do so with what the )3+* has given us# who has "reserved us and delivered into our hand the troo" that came against us'

For who will heed you in this matterE But as his "art is who goes down to the battle# so shall his "art be who stays by the su""lies9 they shall share ali1e':

Then *avid attac1ed them from twilight until the evening of the ne!t day' Not a man of them esca"ed# e!ce"t four hundred young men who rode on camels and fled'

So it was# from that day forward9 he made it a statute and an ordinance for 0srael to this day'

So *avid recovered all that the Amale1ites had carried away# and *avid rescued his two wives'

Now when *avid came to 5i1lag# he sent some of the s"oil to the elders of Judah# to his friends# saying# :2ere is a "resent for you from the s"oil of the enemies of the )3+*:FF

And nothing of theirs was lac1ing# either small or great# sons or daughters# s"oil or anything which they had ta1en from them9 *avid recovered all'

to those who were in Bethel# those who were in +amoth of the South# those who were in Jattir#

Then *avid too1 all the floc1s and herds they had driven before those other livestoc1# and said# :This is *avidDs s"oil':

those who were in Aroer# those who were in Si"hmoth# those who were in shtemoa#

those who were in +achal# those who were in the cities of the Jerahmeelites#

those who were in the cities of the Kenites#



So Saul# his three sons# his armorbearer# and all his men died together that same day'

those who were in 2ormah# those who were in -horashan# those who were in Athach#

those who were in 2ebron# and to all the "laces where *avid himself and his men were accustomed to rove'

31Now the /hilistines fought against

0srael9 and the men of 0srael fled from before the /hilistines# and fell slain on 4ount (ilboa'

And when the men of 0srael who were on the other side of the valley# and those who were on the other side of the Jordan# saw that the men of 0srael had fled and that Saul and his sons were dead# they forsoo1 the cities and fled9 and the /hilistines came and dwelt in them'

So it ha""ened the ne!t day# when the /hilistines came to stri" the slain# that they found Saul and his three sons fallen on 4ount (ilboa'

Then the /hilistines followed hard after Saul and his sons' And the /hilistines 1illed Jonathan# Abinadab# and 4alchishua# SaulDs sons'

The battle became fierce against Saul' The archers hit him# and he was severely wounded by the archers'

And they cut off his head and stri""ed off his armor# and sent word throughout the land of the /hilistines# to "roclaim it in the tem"le of their idols and among the "eo"le'

Then Saul said to his armorbearer# :*raw your sword# and thrust me through with it# lest these uncircumcised men come and thrust me through and abuse me': But his armorbearer would not# for he was greatly afraid' Therefore Saul too1 a sword and fell on it'

Then they "ut his armor in the tem"le of the Ashtoreths# and they fastened his body to the wall of Beth Shan'

Now when the inhabitants of Jabesh (ilead heard what the /hilistines had done to Saul#

And when his armorbearer saw that Saul was dead# he also fell on his sword# and died with him'

all the valiant men arose and traveled all night# and too1 the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth Shan9 and they came to Jabesh and burned them there'

Then they too1 their bones and buried them under the tamaris1 tree at Jabesh# and fasted seven days'

#nd "amuel 1Now it came to "ass after the death

of Saul# when *avid had returned from the slaughter of the Amale1ites# and *avid had stayed two days in 5i1lag#

come u"on me# but my life still remains in me'D


on the third day# behold# it ha""ened that a man came from SaulDs cam" with his clothes torn and dust on his head' So it was# when he came to *avid# that he fell to the ground and "rostrated himself'

So 0 stood over him and 1illed him# because 0 was sure that he could not live after he had fallen' And 0 too1 the crown that was on his head and the bracelet that was on his arm# and have brought them here to my lord':

Therefore *avid too1 hold of his own clothes and tore them# and so did all the men who were with him'

And *avid said to him# :Bhere have you come fromE: So he said to him# :0 have esca"ed from the cam" of 0srael':

Then *avid said to him# :2ow did the matter goE /lease tell me': And he answered# :The "eo"le have fled from the battle# many of the "eo"le are fallen and dead# and Saul and Jonathan his son are dead also':

And they mourned and we"t and fasted until evening for Saul and for Jonathan his son# for the "eo"le of the )3+* and for the house of 0srael# because they had fallen by the sword'

Then *avid said to the young man who told him# :Bhere are you fromE: And he answered# :0 am the son of an alien# an Amale1ite':

So *avid said to the young man who told him# :2ow do you 1now that Saul and Jonathan his son are deadE:

So *avid said to him# :2ow was it you were not afraid to "ut forth your hand to destroy the )3+*Ds anointedE:

Then the young man who told him said# :As 0 ha""ened by chance to be on 4ount (ilboa# there was Saul# leaning on his s"ear9 and indeed the chariots and horsemen followed hard after him'

Then *avid called one of the young men and said# :(o near# and e!ecute himH: And he struc1 him so that he died'

Now when he loo1ed behind him# he saw me and called to me' And 0 answered# :2ere 0 am'D

So *avid said to him# :Cour blood is on your own head# for your own mouth has testified against you# saying# :0 have 1illed the )3+*Ds anointed':D

And he said to me# :Bho are youED So 0 answered him# :0 am an Amale1ite'D


Then *avid lamented with this lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son#

2e said to me again# :/lease stand over me and 1ill me# for anguish has


and he told them to teach the children of Judah the Song of the Bow9 indeed it is written in the Boo1 of Jasher7


:The beauty of 0srael is slain on your high "lacesH 2ow the mighty have fallenH

ha""ened after this that *avid inGuired of the )3+*# saying# :Shall 0 go u" to any of the cities of JudahE: And the )3+* said to him# :(o u"': *avid said# :Bhere shall 0 go u"E: And 2e said# :To 2ebron':

Tell it not in (ath# /roclaim it not in the streets of Ash1elonFF )est the daughters of the /hilistines re$oice# )est the daughters of the uncircumcised trium"h'

So *avid went u" there# and his two wives also# Ahinoam the Je.reelitess# and Abigail the widow of Nabal the -armelite'

:3 mountains of (ilboa# )et there be no dew nor rain u"on you# Nor fields of offerings' For the shield of the mighty is cast away thereH The shield of Saul# not anointed with oil'

And *avid brought u" the men who were with him# every man with his household' So they dwelt in the cities of 2ebron'

From the blood of the slain# From the fat of the mighty# The bow of Jonathan did not turn bac1# And the sword of Saul did not return em"ty'

Then the men of Judah came# and there they anointed *avid 1ing over the house of Judah' And they told *avid# saying# :The men of Jabesh (ilead were the ones who buried Saul':

:Saul and Jonathan were beloved and "leasant in their lives# And in their death they were not divided9 They were swifter than eagles# They were stronger than lions'

So *avid sent messengers to the men of Jabesh (ilead# and said to them# :Cou are blessed of the )3+*# for you have shown this 1indness to your lord# to Saul# and have buried him'

:3 daughters of 0srael# wee" over Saul# Bho clothed you in scarlet# with lu!ury9 Bho "ut ornaments of gold on your a""arel'

And now may the )3+* show 1indness and truth to you' 0 also will re"ay you this 1indness# because you have done this thing'

:2ow the mighty have fallen in the midst of the battleH Jonathan was slain in your high "laces'

0 am distressed for you# my brother Jonathan9 Cou have been very "leasant to me9 Cour love to me was wonderful# Sur"assing the love of women'

Now therefore# let your hands be strengthened# and be valiant9 for your master Saul is dead# and also the house of Judah has anointed me 1ing over them':

:2ow the mighty have fallen# And the wea"ons of war "erishedH:

But Abner the son of Ner# commander of SaulDs army# too1 0shbosheth the son of Saul and brought him over to 4ahanaim9

and he made him 1ing over (ilead# over the Ashurites# over Je.reel# over "hraim# over Ben$amin# and over all 0srael'

And Asahel was as fleet of foot as a wild ga.elle'


0shbosheth# SaulDs son# was forty years old when he began to reign over 0srael# and he reigned two years' 3nly the house of Judah followed *avid'

So Asahel "ursued Abner# and in going he did not turn to the right hand or to the left from following Abner'

Then Abner loo1ed behind him and said# :Are you AsahelE: 2e answered# :0 am':

And the time that *avid was 1ing in 2ebron over the house of Judah was seven years and si! months'

Now Abner the son of Ner# and the servants of 0shbosheth the son of Saul# went out from 4ahanaim to (ibeon'

And Abner said to him# :Turn aside to your right hand or to your left# and lay hold on one of the young men and ta1e his armor for yourself': But Asahel would not turn aside from following him'

And Joab the son of 5eruiah# and the servants of *avid# went out and met them by the "ool of (ibeon' So they sat down# one on one side of the "ool and the other on the other side of the "ool'

So Abner said again to Asahel# :Turn aside from following me' Bhy should 0 stri1e you to the groundE 2ow then could 0 face your brother JoabE:

Then Abner said to Joab# :)et the young men now arise and com"ete before us': And Joab said# :)et them arise':

So they arose and went over by number# twelve from Ben$amin# followers of 0shbosheth the son of Saul# and twelve from the servants of *avid'

2owever# he refused to turn aside' Therefore Abner struc1 him in the stomach with the blunt end of the s"ear# so that the s"ear came out of his bac19 and he fell down there and died on the s"ot' So it was that as many as came to the "lace where Asahel fell down and died# stood still'

And each one gras"ed his o""onent by the head and thrust his sword in his o""onentDs side9 so they fell down together' Therefore that "lace was called the Field of Shar" Swords# which is in (ibeon'

Joab and Abishai also "ursued Abner' And the sun was going down when they came to the hill of Ammah# which is before (iah by the road to the Bilderness of (ibeon'

Now the children of Ben$amin gathered together behind Abner and became a unit# and too1 their stand on to" of a hill'

So there was a very fierce battle that day# and Abner and the men of 0srael were beaten before the servants of *avid'

Now the three sons of 5eruiah were there7 Joab and Abishai and Asahel'

Then Abner called to Joab and said# :Shall the sword devour foreverE *o you not 1now that it will be bitter in the latter endE 2ow long will it be then until you tell the "eo"le to return from "ursuing their brethrenE:


And Joab said# :As (od lives# unless you had s"o1en# surely then by morning all the "eo"le would have given u" "ursuing their brethren':

the fourth# Adoni$ah the son of 2aggith9 the fifth# She"hatiah the son of Abital9

So Joab blew a trum"et9 and all the "eo"le stood still and did not "ursue 0srael anymore# nor did they fight anymore'

and the si!th# 0thream# by *avidDs wife glah' These were born to *avid in 2ebron'

Then Abner and his men went on all that night through the "lain# crossed over the Jordan# and went through all Bithron9 and they came to 4ahanaim'

Now it was so# while there was war between the house of Saul and the house of *avid# that Abner was strengthening his hold on the house of Saul'

So Joab returned from "ursuing Abner' And when he had gathered all the "eo"le together# there were missing of *avidDs servants nineteen men and Asahel'

And Saul had a concubine# whose name was +i."ah# the daughter of Aiah' So 0shbosheth said to Abner# :Bhy have you gone in to my fatherDs concubineE:

But the servants of *avid had struc1 down# of Ben$amin and AbnerDs men# three hundred and si!ty men who died'

Then they too1 u" Asahel and buried him in his fatherDs tomb# which was in Bethlehem' And Joab and his men went all night# and they came to 2ebron at daybrea1'

Then Abner became very angry at the words of 0shbosheth# and said# :Am 0 a dogDs head that belongs to JudahE Today 0 show loyalty to the house of Saul your father# to his brothers# and to his friends# and have not delivered you into the hand of *avid9 and you charge me today with a fault concerning this womanE

4ay (od do so to Abner# and more also# if 0 do not do for *avid as the )3+* has sworn to himFF

3Now there was a long war between

the house of Saul and the house of *avid' But *avid grew stronger and stronger# and the house of Saul grew wea1er and wea1er'

to transfer the 1ingdom from the house of Saul# and set u" the throne of *avid over 0srael and over Judah# from *an to Beersheba':

Sons were born to *avid in 2ebron7 2is firstborn was Amnon by Ahinoam the Je.reelitess9

And he could not answer Abner another word# because he feared him'

his second# -hileab# by Abigail the widow of Nabal the -armelite9 the third# Absalom the son of 4aacah# the daughter of Talmai# 1ing of (eshur9

Then Abner sent messengers on his behalf to *avid# saying# :Bhose is the landE: saying also# :4a1e your covenant with me# and indeed my hand shall be with you to bring all 0srael to you':

And *avid said# :(ood# 0 will ma1e a covenant with you' But one thing 0

reGuire of you7 you shall not see my face unless you first bring 4ichal# SaulDs daughter# when you come to see my face':


So *avid sent messengers to 0shbosheth# SaulDs son# saying# :(ive me my wife 4ichal# whom 0 betrothed to myself for a hundred fores1ins of the /hilistines':

At that moment the servants of *avid and Joab came from a raid and brought much s"oil with them' But Abner was not with *avid in 2ebron# for he had sent him away# and he had gone in "eace'

And 0shbosheth sent and too1 her from her husband# from /altiel the son of )aish'

Bhen Joab and all the troo"s that were with him had come# they told Joab# saying# :Abner the son of Ner came to the 1ing# and he sent him away# and he has gone in "eace':

Then her husband went along with her to Bahurim# wee"ing behind her' So Abner said to him# :(o# returnH: And he returned'

Then Joab came to the 1ing and said# :Bhat have you doneE )oo1# Abner came to you9 why is it that you sent him away# and he has already goneE

Now Abner had communicated with the elders of 0srael# saying# :0n time "ast you were see1ing for *avid to be 1ing over you'

Surely you reali.e that Abner the son of Ner came to deceive you# to 1now your going out and your coming in# and to 1now all that you are doing':

Now then# do itH For the )3+* has s"o1en of *avid# saying# :By the hand of 4y servant *avid# 0 will save 4y "eo"le 0srael from the hand of the /hilistines and the hand of all their enemies':D

And when Joab had gone from *avidDs "resence# he sent messengers after Abner# who brought him bac1 from the well of Sirah' But *avid did not 1now it'

And Abner also s"o1e in the hearing of Ben$amin' Then Abner also went to s"ea1 in the hearing of *avid in 2ebron all that seemed good to 0srael and the whole house of Ben$amin'

Now when Abner had returned to 2ebron# Joab too1 him aside in the gate to s"ea1 with him "rivately# and there stabbed him in the stomach# so that he died for the blood of Asahel his brother'

So Abner and twenty men with him came to *avid at 2ebron' And *avid made a feast for Abner and the men who were with him'

Afterward# when *avid heard it# he said# :4y 1ingdom and 0 are guiltless before the )3+* forever of the blood of Abner the son of Ner'

Then Abner said to *avid# :0 will arise and go# and gather all 0srael to my lord the 1ing# that they may ma1e a covenant with you# and that you may reign over all that your heart desires': So *avid sent Abner away# and he went in "eace'

)et it rest on the head of Joab and on all his fatherDs house9 and let there never fail to be in the house of Joab one who has a discharge or is a le"er# who leans on a staff or falls by the sword# or who lac1s bread':


So Joab and Abishai his brother 1illed Abner# because he had 1illed their brother Asahel at (ibeon in the battle'


Then *avid said to Joab and to all the "eo"le who were with him# :Tear your clothes# gird yourselves with sac1cloth# and mourn for Abner': And King *avid followed the coffin'

And 0 am wea1 today# though anointed 1ing9 and these men# the sons of 5eruiah# are too harsh for me' The )3+* shall re"ay the evildoer according to his wic1edness':

4Bhen SaulDs son heard that Abner

had died in 2ebron# he lost heart# and all 0srael was troubled'

So they buried Abner in 2ebron9 and the 1ing lifted u" his voice and we"t at the grave of Abner# and all the "eo"le we"t'

And the 1ing sang a lament over Abner and said7 :Should Abner die as a fool diesE

Now SaulDs son had two men who were ca"tains of troo"s' The name of one was Baanah and the name of the other +echab# the sons of +immon the Beerothite# of the children of Ben$amin' IFor Beeroth also was "art of Ben$amin#

Cour hands were not bound Nor your feet "ut into fetters9 As a man falls before wic1ed men# so you fell': Then all the "eo"le we"t over him again'

because the Beerothites fled to (ittaim and have been so$ourners there until this day'J

And when all the "eo"le came to "ersuade *avid to eat food while it was still day# *avid too1 an oath# saying# :(od do so to me# and more also# if 0 taste bread or anything else till the sun goes downH:

Jonathan# SaulDs son# had a son who was lame in his feet' 2e was five years old when the news about Saul and Jonathan came from Je.reel9 and his nurse too1 him u" and fled' And it ha""ened# as she made haste to flee# that he fell and became lame' 2is name was 4e"hibosheth'

Now all the "eo"le too1 note of it# and it "leased them# since whatever the 1ing did "leased all the "eo"le'

For all the "eo"le and all 0srael understood that day that it had not been the 1ingDs intent to 1ill Abner the son of Ner'

Then the sons of +immon the Beerothite# +echab and Baanah# set out and came at about the heat of the day to the house of 0shbosheth# who was lying on his bed at noon'

Then the 1ing said to his servants# :*o you not 1now that a "rince and a great man has fallen this day in 0sraelE

And they came there# all the way into the house# as though to get wheat# and they stabbed him in the stomach' Then +echab and Baanah his brother esca"ed'

For when was lying then they beheaded

they came into the house# he on his bed in his bedroom9 struc1 him and 1illed him# him and too1 his head# and

were all night esca"ing through the "lain'


And they brought the head of 0shbosheth to *avid at 2ebron# and said to the 1ing# :2ere is the head of 0shbosheth# the son of Saul your enemy# who sought your life9 and the )3+* has avenged my lord the 1ing this day of Saul and his descendants':

Therefore all the elders of 0srael came to the 1ing at 2ebron# and King *avid made a covenant with them at 2ebron before the )3+*' And they anointed *avid 1ing over 0srael'

*avid was thirty years old when he began to reign# and he reigned forty years'

But *avid answered +echab and Baanah his brother# the sons of +immon the Beerothite# and said to them# :As the )3+* lives# who has redeemed my life from all adversity#

0n 2ebron he reigned over Judah seven years and si! months# and in Jerusalem he reigned thirtyFthree years over all 0srael and Judah'

when someone told me# saying# :)oo1# Saul is dead#D thin1ing to have brought good news# 0 arrested him and had him e!ecuted in 5i1lagFFthe one who thought 0 would give him a reward for his news'

And the 1ing and his men went to Jerusalem against the Jebusites# the inhabitants of the land# who s"o1e to *avid# saying# :Cou shall not come in here9 but the blind and the lame will re"el you#: thin1ing# :*avid cannot come in here':

2ow much more# when wic1ed men have 1illed a righteous "erson in his own house on his bedE Therefore# shall 0 not now reGuire his blood at your hand and remove you from the earthE:

Nevertheless *avid too1 the stronghold of 5ion Ithat is# the -ity of *avidJ'

So *avid commanded his young men# and they e!ecuted them# cut off their hands and feet# and hanged them by the "ool in 2ebron' But they too1 the head of 0shbosheth and buried it in the tomb of Abner in 2ebron'

Now *avid said on that day# :Bhoever climbs u" by way of the water shaft and defeats the Jebusites Ithe lame and the blind# who are hated by *avidDs soulJ# he shall be chief and ca"tain': Therefore they say# :The blind and the lame shall not come into the house':

5Then all the tribes of 0srael came to

*avid at 2ebron and s"o1e# saying# :0ndeed we are your bone and your flesh'

Then *avid dwelt in the stronghold# and called it the -ity of *avid' And *avid built all around from the 4illo and inward'

So *avid went on and became great# and the )3+* (od of hosts was with him'

Also# in time "ast# when Saul was 1ing over us# you were the one who led 0srael out and brought them in9 and the )3+* said to you# :Cou shall she"herd 4y "eo"le 0srael# and be ruler over 0srael':D

Then 2iram 1ing of Tyre sent messengers to *avid# and cedar trees# and car"enters and masons' And they built *avid a house'


So *avid 1new that the )3+* had established him as 1ing over 0srael# and that 2e had e!alted 2is 1ingdom for the sa1e of 2is "eo"le 0srael'


Therefore *avid inGuired of the )3+*# and 2e said# :Cou shall not go u"9 circle around behind them# and come u"on them in front of the mulberry trees'

And *avid too1 more concubines and wives from Jerusalem# after he had come from 2ebron' Also more sons and daughters were born to *avid'

Now these are the names of those who were born to him in Jerusalem7 Shammua# Shobab# Nathan# Solomon#

And it shall be# when you hear the sound of marching in the to"s of the mulberry trees# then you shall advance Guic1ly' For then the )3+* will go out before you to stri1e the cam" of the /hilistines':

0bhar# lishua# Ne"heg# Ja"hia# lishama# liada# and li"helet'

And *avid did so# as the )3+* commanded him9 and he drove bac1 the /hilistines from (eba as far as ('


6Again *avid gathered all the choice

men of 0srael# thirty thousand'


Now when the /hilistines heard that they had anointed *avid 1ing over 0srael# all the /hilistines went u" to search for *avid' And *avid heard of it and went down to the stronghold'

The /hilistines also went and de"loyed themselves in the Valley of +e"haim'

And *avid arose and went with all the "eo"le who were with him from Baale Judah to bring u" from there the ar1 of (od# whose name is called by the Name# the )3+* of 2osts# who dwells between the cherubim'

So *avid inGuired of the )3+*# saying# :Shall 0 go u" against the /hilistinesE Bill Cou deliver them into my handE: And the )3+* said to *avid# :(o u"# for 0 will doubtless deliver the /hilistines into your hand':

So they set the ar1 of (od on a new cart# and brought it out of the house of Abinadab# which was on the hill9 and A..ah and Ahio# the sons of Abinadab# drove the new cart'

So *avid went to Baal / and *avid defeated them there9 and he said# :The )3+* has bro1en through my enemies before me# li1e a brea1through of water': Therefore he called the name of that "lace Baal /'

And they brought it out of the house of Abinadab# which was on the hill# accom"anying the ar1 of (od9 and Ahio went before the ar1'

And they left their images there# and *avid and his men carried them away'

Then *avid and all the house of 0srael "layed music before the )3+* on all 1inds of instruments of fir wood# on har"s# on stringed instruments# on tambourines# on sistrums# and on cymbals'

Then the /hilistines went u" once again and de"loyed themselves in the Valley of +e"haim'

And when they came to NachonDs threshing floor# A..ah "ut out his hand

to the ar1 of (od and too1 hold of it# for the o!en stumbled'


Then the anger of the )3+* was aroused against A..ah# and (od struc1 him there for his error9 and he died there by the ar1 of (od'

Now as the ar1 of the )3+* came into the -ity of *avid# 4ichal# SaulDs daughter# loo1ed through a window and saw King *avid lea"ing and whirling before the )3+*9 and she des"ised him in her heart'

And *avid became angry because of the )3+*Ds outbrea1 against A..ah9 and he called the name of the "lace /ere. A..ah to this day'

So they brought the ar1 of the )3+*# and set it in its "lace in the midst of the tabernacle that *avid had erected for it' Then *avid offered burnt offerings and "eace offerings before the )3+*'

*avid was afraid of the )3+* that day9 and he said# :2ow can the ar1 of the )3+* come to meE:

And when *avid had finished offering burnt offerings and "eace offerings# he blessed the "eo"le in the name of the )3+* of hosts'

So *avid would not move the ar1 of the )3+* with him into the -ity of *avid9 but *avid too1 it aside into the house of 3bedF dom the (ittite'

The ar1 of the )3+* remained in the house of 3bedF dom the (ittite three months' And the )3+* blessed 3bedF dom and all his household'

Then he distributed among all the "eo"le# among the whole multitude of 0srael# both the women and the men# to everyone a loaf of bread# a "iece of meat# and a ca1e of raisins' So all the "eo"le de"arted# everyone to his house'

Now it was told King *avid# saying# :The )3+* has blessed the house of 3bedF dom and all that belongs to him# because of the ar1 of (od': So *avid went and brought u" the ar1 of (od from the house of 3bedF dom to the -ity of *avid with gladness'

Then *avid returned to bless his household' And 4ichal the daughter of Saul came out to meet *avid# and said# :2ow glorious was the 1ing of 0srael today# uncovering himself today in the eyes of the maids of his servants# as one of the base fellows shamelessly uncovers himselfH:

And so it was# when those bearing the ar1 of the )3+* had gone si! "aces# that he sacrificed o!en and fatted shee"'

So *avid said to 4ichal# :0t was before the )3+*# who chose me instead of your father and all his house# to a""oint me ruler over the "eo"le of the )3+*# over 0srael' Therefore 0 will "lay music before the )3+*'

Then *avid danced before the )3+* with all his might9 and *avid was wearing a linen e"hod'

So *avid and all the house of 0srael brought u" the ar1 of the )3+* with shouting and with the sound of the trum"et'

And 0 will be even more undignified than this# and will be humble in my own sight' But as for the maidservants of whom you have s"o1en# by them 0 will be held in honor':


Therefore 4ichal the daughter of Saul had no children to the day of her death'

enemies from before you# and have made you a great name# li1e the name of the great men who are on the earth'

7Now it came to "ass when the 1ing

was dwelling in his house# and the )3+* had given him rest from all his enemies all around#

that the 1ing said to Nathan the "ro"het# :See now# 0 dwell in a house of cedar# but the ar1 of (od dwells inside tent curtains':

4oreover 0 will a""oint a "lace for 4y "eo"le 0srael# and will "lant them# that they may dwell in a "lace of their own and move no more9 nor shall the sons of wic1edness o""ress them anymore# as "reviously#

Then Nathan said to the 1ing# :(o# do all that is in your heart# for the )3+* is with you':

since the time that 0 commanded $udges to be over 4y "eo"le 0srael# and have caused you to rest from all your enemies' Also the )3+* tells you that 2e will ma1e you a house'

But it ha""ened that night that the word of the )3+* came to Nathan# saying#

:Bhen your days are fulfilled and you rest with your fathers# 0 will set u" your seed after you# who will come from your body# and 0 will establish his 1ingdom'

:(o and tell 4y servant *avid# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Bould you build a house for 4e to dwell inE

2e shall build a house for 4y name# and 0 will establish the throne of his 1ingdom forever'

For 0 have not dwelt in a house since the time that 0 brought the children of 0srael u" from gy"t# even to this day# but have moved about in a tent and in a tabernacle'

0 will be his Father# and he shall be 4y son' 0f he commits iniGuity# 0 will chasten him with the rod of men and with the blows of the sons of men'

Bherever 0 have moved about with all the children of 0srael# have 0 ever s"o1en a word to anyone from the tribes of 0srael# whom 0 commanded to she"herd 4y "eo"le 0srael# saying# :Bhy have you not built 4e a house of cedarE::

But 4y mercy shall not de"art from him# as 0 too1 it from Saul# whom 0 removed from before you'

And your house and your 1ingdom shall be established forever before you' Cour throne shall be established forever'::D

Now therefore# thus shall you say to 4y servant *avid# :Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :0 too1 you from the shee"fold# from following the shee"# to be ruler over 4y "eo"le# over 0srael'

According to all these words and according to all this vision# so Nathan s"o1e to *avid'

And 0 have been with you wherever you have gone# and have cut off all your

Then King *avid went in and sat before the )3+*9 and he said7 :Bho am 0# 3 )ord (3*E And what is my house# that Cou have brought me this farE


And yet this was a small thing in Cour sight# 3 )ord (3*9 and Cou have also s"o1en of Cour servantDs house for a great while to come' 0s this the manner of man# 3 )ord (3*E

house'D Therefore Cour servant has found it in his heart to "ray this "rayer to Cou'

Now what more can *avid say to CouE For Cou# )ord (3*# 1now Cour servant'

:And now# 3 )ord (3*# Cou are (od# and Cour words are true# and Cou have "romised this goodness to Cour servant'

For Cour wordDs sa1e# and according to Cour own heart# Cou have done all these great things# to ma1e Cour servant 1now them'

Now therefore# let it "lease Cou to bless the house of Cour servant# that it may continue before Cou forever9 for Cou# 3 )ord (3*# have s"o1en it# and with Cour blessing let the house of Cour servant be blessed forever':

Therefore Cou are great# 3 )ord (3*' For there is none li1e Cou# nor is there any (od besides Cou# according to all that we have heard with our ears'

8After this it came to "ass that *avid

attac1ed the /hilistines and subdued them' And *avid too1 4etheg Ammah from the hand of the /hilistines'

And who is li1e Cour "eo"le# li1e 0srael# the one nation on the earth whom (od went to redeem for 2imself as a "eo"le# to ma1e for 2imself a nameFF and to do for Courself great and awesome deeds for Cour landFFbefore Cour "eo"le whom Cou redeemed for Courself from gy"t# the nations# and their godsE

Then he defeated 4oab' Forcing them down to the ground# he measured them off with a line' Bith two lines he measured off those to be "ut to death# and with one full line those to be 1e"t alive' So the 4oabites became *avidDs servants# and brought tribute'

For Cou have made Cour "eo"le 0srael Cour very own "eo"le forever9 and Cou# )3+*# have become their (od'

:Now# 3 )3+* (od# the word which Cou have s"o1en concerning Cour servant and concerning his house# establish it forever and do as Cou have said'

*avid also defeated the son of +ehob# 1ing of 5obah# as he went to recover his territory at the +iver u"hrates'

So let Cour name be magnified forever# saying# :The )3+* of hosts is the (od over 0srael'D And let the house of Cour servant *avid be established before Cou'

*avid too1 from him one thousand chariots# seven hundred horsemen# and twenty thousand foot soldiers' Also *avid hamstrung all the chariot horses# e!ce"t that he s"ared enough of them for one hundred chariots'

For Cou# 3 )3+* of hosts# (od of 0srael# have revealed this to Cour servant# saying# :0 will build you a

Bhen the Syrians of *amascus came to hel" 1ing of 5obah# *avid 1illed twentyFtwo thousand of the Syrians'


Then *avid "ut garrisons in Syria of *amascus9 and the Syrians became *avidDs servants# and brought tribute' So the )3+* "reserved *avid wherever he went'


So *avid reigned over all 0srael9 and *avid administered $udgment and $ustice to all his "eo"le'

And *avid too1 the shields of gold that had belonged to the servants of and brought them to Jerusalem'

Joab the son of 5eruiah was over the army9 Jehosha"hat the son of Ahilud was recorder9

5ado1 the son of Ahitub and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar were the "riests9 Seraiah was the scribe9

Also from Betah and from Berothai# cities of King *avid too1 a large amount of bron.e'

Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over both the -herethites and the /elethites9 and *avidDs sons were chief ministers'

Bhen Toi 1ing of 2amath heard that *avid had defeated all the army of

9Now *avid said# :0s there still anyone

who is left of the house of Saul# that 0 may show him 1indness for JonathanDs sa1eE:

then Toi sent Joram his son to King *avid# to greet him and bless him# because he had fought against and defeated him Ifor had been at war with ToiJ9 and Joram brought with him articles of silver# articles of gold# and articles of bron.e'

And there was a servant of the house of Saul whose name was 5iba' So when they had called him to *avid# the 1ing said to him# :Are you 5ibaE: 2e said# :At your serviceH:

King *avid also dedicated these to the )3+*# along with the silver and gold that he had dedicated from all the nations which he had subduedFF

from Syria# from 4oab# from the "eo"le of Ammon# from the /hilistines# from Amale1# and from the s"oil of the son of +ehob# 1ing of 5obah'

Then the 1ing said# :0s there not still someone of the house of Saul# to whom 0 may show the 1indness of (odE: And 5iba said to the 1ing# :There is still a son of Jonathan who is lame in his feet':

So the 1ing said to him# :Bhere is heE: And 5iba said to the 1ing# :0ndeed he is in the house of 4achir the son of Ammiel# in )o *ebar':

And *avid made himself a name when he returned from 1illing eighteen thousand Syrians in the Valley of Salt'

Then King *avid sent and brought him out of the house of 4achir the son of Ammiel# from )o *ebar'

2e also "ut garrisons in dom9 throughout all dom he "ut garrisons# and all the domites became *avidDs servants' And the )3+* "reserved *avid wherever he went'

Now when 4e"hibosheth the son of Jonathan# the son of Saul# had come to *avid# he fell on his face and "rostrated himself' Then *avid said#

:4e"hiboshethE: And he answered# :2ere is your servantH:


100t ha""ened after this that the 1ing

of the "eo"le of Ammon died# and 2anun his son reigned in his "lace'

So *avid said to him# :*o not fear# for 0 will surely show you 1indness for Jonathan your fatherDs sa1e# and will restore to you all the land of Saul your grandfather9 and you shall eat bread at my table continually':

Then he bowed himself# and said# :Bhat is your servant# that you should loo1 u"on such a dead dog as 0E:

Then *avid said# :0 will show 1indness to 2anun the son of Nahash# as his father showed 1indness to me': So *avid sent by the hand of his servants to comfort him concerning his father' And *avidDs servants came into the land of the "eo"le of Ammon'

And the 1ing called to 5iba# SaulDs servant# and said to him# :0 have given to your masterDs son all that belonged to Saul and to all his house'

Cou therefore# and your sons and your servants# shall wor1 the land for him# and you shall bring in the harvest# that your masterDs son may have food to eat' But 4e"hibosheth your masterDs son shall eat bread at my table always': Now 5iba had fifteen sons and twenty servants'

And the "rinces of the "eo"le of Ammon said to 2anun their lord# :*o you thin1 that *avid really honors your father because he has sent comforters to youE 2as *avid not rather sent his servants to you to search the city# to s"y it out# and to overthrow itE:

Therefore 2anun too1 *avidDs servants# shaved off half of their beards# cut off their garments in the middle# at their buttoc1s# and sent them away'

Then 5iba said to the 1ing# :According to all that my lord the 1ing has commanded his servant# so will your servant do': :As for 4e"hibosheth#: said the 1ing# :he shall eat at my table li1e one of the 1ingDs sons':

Bhen they told *avid# he sent to meet them# because the men were greatly ashamed' And the 1ing said# :Bait at Jericho until your beards have grown# and then return':

4e"hibosheth had a young son whose name was 4icha' And all who dwelt in the house of 5iba were servants of 4e"hibosheth'

Bhen the "eo"le of Ammon saw that they had made themselves re"ulsive to *avid# the "eo"le of Ammon sent and hired the Syrians of Beth +ehob and the Syrians of 5oba# twenty thousand foot soldiers9 and from the 1ing of 4aacah one thousand men# and from 0shFTob twelve thousand men'

So 4e"hibosheth dwelt in Jerusalem# for he ate continually at the 1ingDs table' And he was lame in both his feet'

Now when *avid heard of it# he sent Joab and all the army of the mighty men'

Then the "eo"le of Ammon came out and "ut themselves in battle array at the entrance of the gate' And the Syrians of

5oba# Beth +ehob# 0shFTob# and 4aacah were by themselves in the field'

themselves in battle array against *avid and fought with him'


Bhen Joab saw that the battle line was against him before and behind# he chose some of 0sraelDs best and "ut them in battle array against the Syrians'

And the rest of the "eo"le he "ut under the command of Abishai his brother# that he might set them in battle array against the "eo"le of Ammon'

Then the Syrians fled before 0srael9 and *avid 1illed seven hundred charioteers and forty thousand horsemen of the Syrians# and struc1 Shobach the commander of their army# who died there'

Then he said# :0f the Syrians are too strong for me# then you shall hel" me9 but if the "eo"le of Ammon are too strong for you# then 0 will come and hel" you'

And when all the 1ings who were servants to saw that they were defeated by 0srael# they made "eace with 0srael and served them' So the Syrians were afraid to hel" the "eo"le of Ammon anymore'

Be of good courage# and let us be strong for our "eo"le and for the cities of our (od' And may the )3+* do what is good in 2is sight':

110t ha""ened in the s"ring of the

year# at the time when 1ings go out to battle# that *avid sent Joab and his servants with him# and all 0srael9 and they destroyed the "eo"le of Ammon and besieged +abbah' But *avid remained at Jerusalem'

So Joab and the "eo"le who were with him drew near for the battle against the Syrians# and they fled before him'

Bhen the "eo"le of Ammon saw that the Syrians were fleeing# they also fled before Abishai# and entered the city' So Joab returned from the "eo"le of Ammon and went to Jerusalem'

Then it ha""ened one evening that *avid arose from his bed and wal1ed on the roof of the 1ingDs house' And from the roof he saw a woman bathing# and the woman was very beautiful to behold'

Bhen the Syrians saw that they had been defeated by 0srael# they gathered together'

So *avid sent and inGuired about the woman' And someone said# :0s this not Bathsheba# the daughter of liam# the wife of Ariah the 2ittiteE:

Then sent and brought out the Syrians who were beyond the +iver# and they came to 2elam' And Shobach the commander of 2adade.erDs army went before them'

Then *avid sent messengers# and too1 her9 and she came to him# and he lay with her# for she was cleansed from her im"urity9 and she returned to her house'

Bhen it was told *avid# he gathered all 0srael# crossed over the Jordan# and came to 2elam' And the Syrians set

And the woman conceived9 so she sent and told *avid# and said# :0 am with child':


Then *avid sent to Joab# saying# :Send me Ariah the 2ittite': And Joab sent Ariah to *avid'


And he wrote in the letter# saying# :Set Ariah in the forefront of the hottest battle# and retreat from him# that he may be struc1 down and die':

Bhen Ariah had come to him# *avid as1ed how Joab was doing# and how the "eo"le were doing# and how the war "ros"ered'

So it was# while Joab besieged the city# that he assigned Ariah to a "lace where he 1new there were valiant men'

And *avid said to Ariah# :(o down to your house and wash your feet': So Ariah de"arted from the 1ingDs house# and a gift of food from the 1ing followed him'

Then the men of the city came out and fought with Joab' And some of the "eo"le of the servants of *avid fell9 and Ariah the 2ittite died also'

But Ariah sle"t at the door of the 1ingDs house with all the servants of his lord# and did not go down to his house'

Then Joab sent and told *avid all the things concerning the war#

So when they told *avid# saying# :Ariah did not go down to his house#: *avid said to Ariah# :*id you not come from a $ourneyE Bhy did you not go down to your houseE:

and charged the messenger# saying# :Bhen you have finished telling the matters of the war to the 1ing#

And Ariah said to *avid# :The ar1 and 0srael and Judah are dwelling in tents# and my lord Joab and the servants of my lord are encam"ed in the o"en fields' Shall 0 then go to my house to eat and drin1# and to lie with my wifeE As you live# and as your soul lives# 0 will not do this thing':

if it ha""ens that the 1ingDs wrath rises# and he says to you7 :Bhy did you a""roach so near to the city when you foughtE *id you not 1now that they would shoot from the wallE

Bho struc1 Abimelech the son of JerubbeshethE Bas it not a woman who cast a "iece of a millstone on him from the wall# so that he died in Thebe.E Bhy did you go near the wallEDFFthen you shall say# :Cour servant Ariah the 2ittite is dead also':D

Then *avid said to Ariah# :Bait here today also# and tomorrow 0 will let you de"art': So Ariah remained in Jerusalem that day and the ne!t'

So the messenger went# and came and told *avid all that Joab had sent by him'

Now when *avid called him# he ate and dran1 before him9 and he made him drun1' And at evening he went out to lie on his bed with the servants of his lord# but he did not go down to his house'

And the messenger said to *avid# :Surely the men "revailed against us and came out to us in the field9 then we drove them bac1 as far as the entrance of the gate'

0n the morning it ha""ened that *avid wrote a letter to Joab and sent it by the hand of Ariah'

The archers shot from the wall at your servants9 and some of the 1ingDs

servants are dead# and your servant Ariah the 2ittite is dead also':


Then *avid said to the messenger# :Thus you shall say to Joab7 :*o not let this thing dis"lease you# for the sword devours one as well as another' Strengthen your attac1 against the city# and overthrow it'D So encourage him':

So *avidDs anger was greatly aroused against the man# and he said to Nathan# :As the )3+* lives# the man who has done this shall surely dieH

And he shall restore fourfold for the lamb# because he did this thing and because he had no "ity':

Bhen the wife of Ariah heard that Ariah her husband was dead# she mourned for her husband'

Then Nathan said to *avid# :Cou are the manH Thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael7 :0 anointed you 1ing over 0srael# and 0 delivered you from the hand of Saul'

And when her mourning was over# *avid sent and brought her to his house# and she became his wife and bore him a son' But the thing that *avid had done dis"leased the )3+*'

0 gave you your masterDs house and your masterDs wives into your 1ee"ing# and gave you the house of 0srael and Judah' And if that had been too little# 0 also would have given you much moreH

12Then the )3+* sent Nathan to

*avid' And he came to him# and said to him7 :There were two men in one city# one rich and the other "oor'

The rich man had e!ceedingly many floc1s and herds'


Bhy have you des"ised the commandment of the )3+*# to do evil in 2is sightE Cou have 1illed Ariah the 2ittite with the sword9 you have ta1en his wife to be your wife# and have 1illed him with the sword of the "eo"le of Ammon'

But the "oor man had nothing# e!ce"t one little ewe lamb which he had bought and nourished9 and it grew u" together with him and with his children' 0t ate of his own food and dran1 from his own cu" and lay in his bosom9 and it was li1e a daughter to him'

Now therefore# the sword shall never de"art from your house# because you have des"ised 4e# and have ta1en the wife of Ariah the 2ittite to be your wife'D

And a traveler came to the rich man# who refused to ta1e from his own floc1 and from his own herd to "re"are one for the wayfaring man who had come to him9 but he too1 the "oor manDs lamb and "re"ared it for the man who had come to him':

Thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 will raise u" adversity against you from your own house9 and 0 will ta1e your wives before your eyes and give them to your neighbor# and he shall lie with your wives in the sight of this sun'

For you did it secretly# but 0 will do this thing before all 0srael# before the sun':D

So *avid said to Nathan# :0 have sinned against the )3+*': And Nathan said to *avid# :The )3+* also has "ut away your sin9 you shall not die'


2owever# because by this deed you have given great occasion to the enemies of the )3+* to blas"heme# the child also who is born to you shall surely die':


And he said# :Bhile the child was alive# 0 fasted and we"t9 for 0 said# :Bho can tell whether the )3+* will be gracious to me# that the child may liveED

Then Nathan de"arted to his house' And the )3+* struc1 the child that AriahDs wife bore to *avid# and it became ill'

But now he is dead9 why should 0 fastE -an 0 bring him bac1 againE 0 shall go to him# but he shall not return to me':

*avid therefore "leaded with (od for the child# and *avid fasted and went in and lay all night on the ground'

Then *avid comforted Bathsheba his wife# and went in to her and lay with her' So she bore a son# and he called his name Solomon' Now the )3+* loved him#

So the elders of his house arose and went to him# to raise him u" from the ground' But he would not# nor did he eat food with them'

and 2e sent word by the hand of Nathan the "ro"het7 So he called his name Jedidiah# because of the )3+*'

Then on the seventh day it came to "ass that the child died' And the servants of *avid were afraid to tell him that the child was dead' For they said# :0ndeed# while the child was alive# we s"o1e to him# and he would not heed our voice' 2ow can we tell him that the child is deadE 2e may do some harmH:

Now Joab fought against +abbah of the "eo"le of Ammon# and too1 the royal city'

And Joab sent messengers to *avid# and said# :0 have fought against +abbah# and 0 have ta1en the cityDs water su""ly'

Bhen *avid saw that his servants were whis"ering# *avid "erceived that the child was dead' Therefore *avid said to his servants# :0s the child deadE: And they said# :2e is dead':

Now therefore# gather the rest of the "eo"le together and encam" against the city and ta1e it# lest 0 ta1e the city and it be called after my name':

So *avid arose from the ground# washed and anointed himself# and changed his clothes9 and he went into the house of the )3+* and worshi"ed' Then he went to his own house9 and when he reGuested# they set food before him# and he ate'

So *avid gathered all the "eo"le together and went to +abbah# fought against it# and too1 it'

Then he too1 their 1ingDs crown from his head' 0ts weight was a talent of gold# with "recious stones' And it was set on *avidDs head' Also he brought out the s"oil of the city in great abundance'

Then his servants said to him# :Bhat is this that you have doneE Cou fasted and we"t for the child while he was alive# but when the child died# you arose and ate food':

And he brought out the "eo"le who were in it# and "ut them to wor1 with saws and iron "ic1s and iron a!es# and made them cross over to the bric1 wor1s' So he did to all the cities of the

"eo"le of Ammon' Then *avid and all the "eo"le returned to Jerusalem'



So Tamar went to her brother AmnonDs house9 and he was lying down' Then she too1 flour and 1neaded it# made ca1es in his sight# and ba1ed the ca1es'

this Absalom the son of *avid had a lovely sister# whose name was Tamar9 and Amnon the son of *avid loved her' Amnon was so distressed over his sister Tamar that he became sic19 for she was a virgin' And it was im"ro"er for Amnon to do anything to her'

And she too1 the "an and "laced them out before him# but he refused to eat' Then Amnon said# :2ave everyone go out from me': And they all went out from him'

But Amnon had a friend whose name was Jonadab the son of Shimeah# *avidDs brother' Now Jonadab was a very crafty man'

Then Amnon said to Tamar# :Bring the food into the bedroom# that 0 may eat from your hand': And Tamar too1 the ca1es which she had made# and brought them to Amnon her brother in the bedroom'

And he said to him# :Bhy are you# the 1ingDs son# becoming thinner day after dayE Bill you not tell meE: Amnon said to him# :0 love Tamar# my brother AbsalomDs sister':

Now when she had brought them to him to eat# he too1 hold of her and said to her# :-ome# lie with me# my sister':

So Jonadab said to him# :)ie down on your bed and "retend to be ill' And when your father comes to see you# say to him# :/lease let my sister Tamar come and give me food# and "re"are the food in my sight# that 0 may see it and eat it from her hand':D

But she answered him# :No# my brother# do not force me# for no such thing should be done in 0srael' *o not do this disgraceful thingH

And 0# where could 0 ta1e my shameE And as for you# you would be li1e one of the fools in 0srael' Now therefore# "lease s"ea1 to the 1ing9 for he will not withhold me from you':

Then Amnon lay down and "retended to be ill9 and when the 1ing came to see him# Amnon said to the 1ing# :/lease let Tamar my sister come and ma1e a cou"le of ca1es for me in my sight# that 0 may eat from her hand':

2owever# he would not heed her voice9 and being stronger than she# he forced her and lay with her'

And *avid sent home to Tamar# saying# :Now go to your brother AmnonDs house# and "re"are food for him':

Then Amnon hated her e!ceedingly# so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her' And Amnon said to her# :Arise# be goneH:

So she said to him# :No# indeedH This evil of sending me away is worse than the other that you did to me': But he would not listen to her'


Then he called his servant who attended him# and said# :2ereH /ut this woman out# away from me# and bolt the door behind her':

1ing said to him# :Bhy should he go with youE:


Now she had on a robe of many colors# for the 1ingDs virgin daughters wore such a""arel' And his servant "ut her out and bolted the door behind her'

But Absalom urged him9 so he let Amnon and all the 1ingDs sons go with him'

Then Tamar "ut ashes on her head# and tore her robe of many colors that was on her# and laid her hand on her head and went away crying bitterly'

Now Absalom had commanded his servants# saying# :Batch now# when AmnonDs heart is merry with wine# and when 0 say to you# :Stri1e AmnonHD then 1ill him' *o not be afraid' 2ave 0 not commanded youE Be courageous and valiant':

And Absalom her brother said to her# :2as Amnon your brother been with youE But now hold your "eace# my sister' 2e is your brother9 do not ta1e this thing to heart': So Tamar remained desolate in her brother AbsalomDs house'

So the servants of Absalom did to Amnon as Absalom had commanded' Then all the 1ingDs sons arose# and each one got on his mule and fled'

But when King *avid heard of all these things# he was very angry'

And it came to "ass# while they were on the way# that news came to *avid# saying# :Absalom has 1illed all the 1ingDs sons# and not one of them is leftH:

And Absalom s"o1e to his brother Amnon neither good nor bad' For Absalom hated Amnon# because he had forced his sister Tamar'

So the 1ing arose and tore his garments and lay on the ground# and all his servants stood by with their clothes torn'

And it came to "ass# after two full years# that Absalom had shee"shearers in Baal 2a.or# which is near "hraim9 so Absalom invited all the 1ingDs sons'

Then Absalom came to the 1ing and said# :Kindly note# your servant has shee"shearers9 "lease# let the 1ing and his servants go with your servant':

Then Jonadab the son of Shimeah# *avidDs brother# answered and said# :)et not my lord su""ose they have 1illed all the young men# the 1ingDs sons# for only Amnon is dead' For by the command of Absalom this has been determined from the day that he forced his sister Tamar'

But the 1ing said to Absalom# :No# my son# let us not all go now# lest we be a burden to you': Then he urged him# but he would not go9 and he blessed him'

Now therefore# let not my lord the 1ing ta1e the thing to his heart# to thin1 that all the 1ingDs sons are dead' For only Amnon is dead':

Then Absalom said# :0f not# "lease let my brother Amnon go with us': And the

Then Absalom fled' And the young man who was 1ee"ing watch lifted his eyes and loo1ed# and there# many "eo"le were coming from the road on the hillside behind him'


And Jonadab said to the 1ing# :)oo1# the 1ingDs sons are coming9 as your servant said# so it is':

:0ndeed 0 am a widow# my husband is dead'


So it was# as soon as he had finished s"ea1ing# that the 1ingDs sons indeed came# and they lifted u" their voice and we"t' Also the 1ing and all his servants we"t very bitterly'

Now your maidservant had two sons9 and the two fought with each other in the field# and there was no one to "art them# but the one struc1 the other and 1illed him'

But Absalom fled and went to Talmai the son of Ammihud# 1ing of (eshur' And *avid mourned for his son every day'

So Absalom fled and went to (eshur# and was there three years'

And now the whole family has risen u" against your maidservant# and they said# :*eliver him who struc1 his brother# that we may e!ecute him for the life of his brother whom he 1illed9 and we will destroy the heir also'D So they would e!tinguish my ember that is left# and leave to my husband neither name nor remnant on the earth':

And King *avid longed to go to Absalom' For he had been comforted concerning Amnon# because he was dead'

Then the 1ing said to the woman# :(o to your house# and 0 will give orders concerning you':


Joab the son of 5eruiah "erceived that the 1ingDs heart was concerned about Absalom' And Joab sent to Te1oa and brought from there a wise woman# and said to her# :/lease "retend to be a mourner# and "ut on mourning a""arel9 do not anoint yourself with oil# but act li1e a woman who has been mourning a long time for the dead'

And the woman of Te1oa said to the 1ing# :4y lord# 3 1ing# let the iniGuity be on me and on my fatherDs house# and the 1ing and his throne be guiltless':

So the 1ing said# :Bhoever says anything to you# bring him to me# and he shall not touch you anymore':

(o to the 1ing and s"ea1 to him in this manner': So Joab "ut the words in her mouth'

Then she said# :/lease let the 1ing remember the )3+* your (od# and do not "ermit the avenger of blood to destroy anymore# lest they destroy my son': And he said# :As the )3+* lives# not one hair of your son shall fall to the ground':

And when the woman of Te1oa s"o1e to the 1ing# she fell on her face to the ground and "rostrated herself# and said# :2el"# 3 1ingH:

Therefore the woman said# :/lease# let your maidservant s"ea1 another word to my lord the 1ing': And he said# :Say on':

Then the 1ing said to her# :Bhat troubles youE: And she answered#

So the woman said7 :Bhy then have you schemed such a thing against the "eo"le of (odE For the 1ing s"ea1s this thing as one who is guilty# in that the

1ing does not bring his banished one home again'


wisdom of the angel of (od# to 1now everything that is in the earth':


For we will surely die and become li1e water s"illed on the ground# which cannot be gathered u" again' Cet (od does not ta1e away a life9 but 2e devises means# so that 2is banished ones are not e!"elled from 2im'

And the 1ing said to Joab# :All right# 0 have granted this thing' (o therefore# bring bac1 the young man Absalom':

Now therefore# 0 have come to s"ea1 of this thing to my lord the 1ing because the "eo"le have made me afraid' And your maidservant said# :0 will now s"ea1 to the 1ing9 it may be that the 1ing will "erform the reGuest of his maidservant'

Then Joab fell to the ground on his face and bowed himself# and than1ed the 1ing' And Joab said# :Today your servant 1nows that 0 have found favor in your sight# my lord# 3 1ing# in that the 1ing has fulfilled the reGuest of his servant':

So Joab arose and went to (eshur# and brought Absalom to Jerusalem'


For the 1ing will hear and deliver his maidservant from the hand of the man who would destroy me and my son together from the inheritance of (od'D

Cour maidservant said# :The word of my lord the 1ing will now be comforting9 for as the angel of (od# so is my lord the 1ing in discerning good and evil' And may the )3+* your (od be with you':D

And the 1ing said# :)et him return to his own house# but do not let him see my face': So Absalom returned to his own house# but did not see the 1ingDs face'

Then the 1ing answered and said to the woman# :/lease do not hide from me anything that 0 as1 you': And the woman said# :/lease# let my lord the 1ing s"ea1':

Now in all 0srael there was no one who was "raised as much as Absalom for his good loo1s' From the sole of his foot to the crown of his head there was no blemish in him'

So the 1ing said# :0s the hand of Joab with you in all thisE: And the woman answered and said# :As you live# my lord the 1ing# no one can turn to the right hand or to the left from anything that my lord the 1ing has s"o1en' For your servant Joab commanded me# and he "ut all these words in the mouth of your maidservant'

And when he cut the hair of his headFF at the end of every year he cut it because it was heavy on himFFwhen he cut it# he weighed the hair of his head at two hundred she1els according to the 1ingDs standard'

To Absalom were born three sons# and one daughter whose name was Tamar' She was a woman of beautiful a""earance'

To bring about this change of affairs your servant Joab has done this thing9 but my lord is wise# according to the

And Absalom dwelt two full years in Jerusalem# but did not see the 1ingDs face'

Therefore Absalom sent for Joab# to send him to the 1ing# but he would not

come to him' And when he sent again the second time# he would not come'

So he said to his servants# :See# JoabDs field is near mine# and he has barley there9 go and set it on fire': And AbsalomDs servants set the field on fire'

4oreover Absalom would say# :3h# that 0 were made $udge in the land# and everyone who has any suit or cause would come to me9 then 0 would give him $ustice':

Then Joab arose and came to AbsalomDs house# and said to him# :Bhy have your servants set my field on fireE:

And so it was# whenever anyone came near to bow down to him# that he would "ut out his hand and ta1e him and 1iss him'

And Absalom answered Joab# :)oo1# 0 sent to you# saying# :-ome here# so that 0 may send you to the 1ing# to say# :Bhy have 0 come from (eshurE 0t would be better for me to be there still':D Now therefore# let me see the 1ingDs face9 but if there is iniGuity in me# let him e!ecute me':

0n this manner Absalom acted toward all 0srael who came to the 1ing for $udgment' So Absalom stole the hearts of the men of 0srael'

Now it came to "ass after forty years that Absalom said to the 1ing# :/lease# let me go to 2ebron and "ay the vow which 0 made to the )3+*'

So Joab went to the 1ing and told him' And when he had called for Absalom# he came to the 1ing and bowed himself on his face to the ground before the 1ing' Then the 1ing 1issed Absalom'

For your servant too1 a vow while 0 dwelt at (eshur in Syria# saying# :0f the )3+* indeed brings me bac1 to Jerusalem# then 0 will serve the )3+*':D


And the 1ing said to him# :(o in "eace': So he arose and went to 2ebron'

this it ha""ened that Absalom "rovided himself with chariots and horses# and fifty men to run before him' Now Absalom would rise early and stand beside the way to the gate' So it was# whenever anyone who had a lawsuit came to the 1ing for a decision# that Absalom would call to him and say# :Bhat city are you fromE: And he would say# :Cour servant is from such and such a tribe of 0srael':

Then Absalom sent s"ies throughout all the tribes of 0srael# saying# :As soon as you hear the sound of the trum"et# then you shall say# :Absalom reigns in 2ebronH:D

And with Absalom went two hundred men invited from Jerusalem# and they went along innocently and did not 1now anything'

Then Absalom would say to him# :)oo1# your case is good and right9 but there is no de"uty of the 1ing to hear you':

Then Absalom sent for Ahitho"hel the (ilonite# *avidDs counselor# from his cityFFfrom (ilohFFwhile he offered sacrifices' And the cons"iracy grew strong# for the "eo"le with Absalom continually increased in number'


Now a messenger came to *avid# saying# :The hearts of the men of 0srael are with Absalom':


So *avid said to 0ttai# :(o# and cross over': Then 0ttai the (ittite and all his men and all the little ones who were with him crossed over'

So *avid said to all his servants who were with him at Jerusalem# :Arise# and let us flee# or we shall not esca"e from Absalom' 4a1e haste to de"art# lest he overta1e us suddenly and bring disaster u"on us# and stri1e the city with the edge of the sword':

And all the country we"t with a loud voice# and all the "eo"le crossed over' The 1ing himself also crossed over the Broo1 Kidron# and all the "eo"le crossed over toward the way of the wilderness'

And the 1ingDs servants said to the 1ing# :Be are your servants# ready to do whatever my lord the 1ing commands':

Then the 1ing went out with all his household after him' But the 1ing left ten women# concubines# to 1ee" the house'

There was 5ado1 also# and all the )evites with him# bearing the ar1 of the covenant of (od' And they set down the ar1 of (od# and Abiathar went u" until all the "eo"le had finished crossing over from the city'

And the 1ing went out with all the "eo"le after him# and sto""ed at the outs1irts'

Then the 1ing said to 5ado1# :-arry the ar1 of (od bac1 into the city' 0f 0 find favor in the eyes of the )3+*# 2e will bring me bac1 and show me both it and 2is dwelling "lace'

Then all his servants "assed before him9 and all the -herethites# all the /elethites# and all the (ittites# si! hundred men who had followed him from (ath# "assed before the 1ing'

But if 2e says thus7 :0 have no delight in you#D here 0 am# let 2im do to me as seems good to 2im':

Then the 1ing said to 0ttai the (ittite# :Bhy are you also going with usE +eturn and remain with the 1ing' For you are a foreigner and also an e!ile from your own "lace'

The 1ing also said to 5ado1 the "riest# :Are you not a seerE +eturn to the city in "eace# and your two sons with you# Ahimaa. your son# and Jonathan the son of Abiathar'

0n fact# you came only yesterday' Should 0 ma1e you wander u" and down with us today# since 0 go 0 1now not whereE +eturn# and ta1e your brethren bac1' 4ercy and truth be with you':

See# 0 will wait in the "lains of the wilderness until word comes from you to inform me':

Therefore 5ado1 and Abiathar carried the ar1 of (od bac1 to Jerusalem' And they remained there'

But 0ttai answered the 1ing and said# :As the )3+* lives# and as my lord the 1ing lives# surely in whatever "lace my lord the 1ing shall be# whether in death or life# even there also your servant will be':

So *avid went u" by the Ascent of the 4ount of 3lives# and we"t as he went u"9 and he had his head covered and went barefoot' And all the "eo"le who

were with him covered their heads and went u"# wee"ing as they went u"'

one hundred clusters of raisins# one hundred summer fruits# and a s1in of wine'

Then someone told *avid# saying# :Ahitho"hel is among the cons"irators with Absalom': And *avid said# :3 )3+*# 0 "ray# turn the counsel of Ahitho"hel into foolishnessH:

Now it ha""ened when *avid had come to the to" of the mountain# where he worshi"ed (odFFthere was 2ushai the Archite coming to meet him with his robe torn and dust on his head'

And the 1ing said to 5iba# :Bhat do you mean to do with theseE: So 5iba said# :The don1eys are for the 1ingDs household to ride on# the bread and summer fruit for the young men to eat# and the wine for those who are faint in the wilderness to drin1':

*avid said to him# :0f you go on with me# then you will become a burden to me'

Then the 1ing said# :And where is your masterDs sonE: And 5iba said to the 1ing# :0ndeed he is staying in Jerusalem# for he said# :Today the house of 0srael will restore the 1ingdom of my father to me':D

But if you return to the city# and say to Absalom# :0 will be your servant# 3 1ing9 as 0 was your fatherDs servant "reviously# so 0 will now also be your servant#D then you may defeat the counsel of Ahitho"hel for me'

So the 1ing said to 5iba# :2ere# all that belongs to 4e"hibosheth is yours': And 5iba said# :0 humbly bow before you# that 0 may find favor in your sight# my lord# 3 1ingH:

And do you not have 5ado1 and Abiathar the "riests with you thereE Therefore it will be that whatever you hear from the 1ingDs house# you shall tell to 5ado1 and Abiathar the "riests'

Now when King *avid came to Bahurim# there was a man from the family of the house of Saul# whose name was Shimei the son of (era# coming from there' 2e came out# cursing continuously as he came'

0ndeed they have there with them their two sons# Ahimaa.# 5ado1Ds son# and Jonathan# AbiatharDs son9 and by them you shall send me everything you hear':

And he threw stones at *avid and at all the servants of King *avid' And all the "eo"le and all the mighty men were on his right hand and on his left'

So 2ushai# *avidDs friend# went into the city' And Absalom came into Jerusalem'

Also Shimei said thus when he cursed7 :-ome outH -ome outH Cou bloodthirsty man# you rogueH

16Bhen *avid was a little "ast the

to" of the mountain# there was 5iba the servant of 4e"hibosheth# who met him with a cou"le of saddled don1eys# and on them two hundred loaves of bread#

The )3+* has brought u"on you all the blood of the house of Saul# in whose "lace you have reigned9 and the )3+* has delivered the 1ingdom into the hand of Absalom your son' So now you are caught in your own evil# because you are a bloodthirsty manH:

Then Abishai the son of 5eruiah said to the 1ing# :Bhy should this dead dog curse my lord the 1ingE /lease# let me go over and ta1e off his headH:

the men of 0srael choose# his 0 will be# and with him 0 will remain'

But the 1ing said# :Bhat have 0 to do with you# you sons of 5eruiahE So let him curse# because the )3+* has said to him# :-urse *avid'D Bho then shall say# :Bhy have you done soE:D

:Furthermore# whom should 0 serveE Should 0 not serve in the "resence of his sonE As 0 have served in your fatherDs "resence# so will 0 be in your "resence':

Then Absalom said to Ahitho"hel# :(ive advice as to what we should do':


And *avid said to Abishai and all his servants# :See how my son who came from my own body see1s my life' 2ow much more now may this Ben$amiteE )et him alone# and let him curse9 for so the )3+* has ordered him'

And Ahitho"hel said to Absalom# :(o in to your fatherDs concubines# whom he has left to 1ee" the house9 and all 0srael will hear that you are abhorred by your father' Then the hands of all who are with you will be strong':

0t may be that the )3+* will loo1 on my affliction# and that the )3+* will re"ay me with good for his cursing this day':

So they "itched a tent for Absalom on the to" of the house# and Absalom went in to his fatherDs concubines in the sight of all 0srael'

And as *avid and his men went along the road# Shimei went along the hillside o""osite him and cursed as he went# threw stones at him and 1ic1ed u" dust'

Now the advice of Ahitho"hel# which he gave in those days# was as if one had inGuired at the oracle of (od' So was all the advice of Ahitho"hel both with *avid and with Absalom'

Now the 1ing and all the "eo"le who were with him became weary9 so they refreshed themselves there'


4eanwhile Absalom and all the "eo"le# the men of 0srael# came to Jerusalem9 and Ahitho"hel was with him'

Ahitho"hel said to Absalom# :Now let me choose twelve thousand men# and 0 will arise and "ursue *avid tonight' 0 will come u"on him while he is weary and wea1# and ma1e him afraid' And all the "eo"le who are with him will flee# and 0 will stri1e only the 1ing'

And so it was# when 2ushai the Archite# *avidDs friend# came to Absalom# that 2ushai said to Absalom# :)ong live the 1ingH )ong live the 1ingH:

So Absalom said to 2ushai# :0s this your loyalty to your friendE Bhy did you not go with your friendE:

Then 0 will bring bac1 all the "eo"le to you' Bhen all return e!ce"t the man whom you see1# all the "eo"le will be at "eace':

And 2ushai said to Absalom# :No# but whom the )3+* and this "eo"le and all

And the saying "leased Absalom and all the elders of 0srael'


Then Absalom said# :Now call 2ushai the Archite also# and let us hear what he says too':


And when 2ushai came to Absalom# Absalom s"o1e to him# saying# :Ahitho"hel has s"o1en in this manner' Shall we do as he saysE 0f not# s"ea1 u"':

4oreover# if he has withdrawn into a city# then all 0srael shall bring ro"es to that city9 and we will "ull it into the river# until there is not one small stone found there':

So 2ushai said to Absalom7 :The advice that Ahitho"hel has given is not good at this time'

So Absalom and all the men of 0srael said# :The advice of 2ushai the Archite is better than the advice of Ahitho"hel': For the )3+* had "ur"osed to defeat the good advice of Ahitho"hel# to the intent that the )3+* might bring disaster on Absalom'

For#: said 2ushai# :you 1now your father and his men# that they are mighty men# and they are enraged in their minds# li1e a bear robbed of her cubs in the field9 and your father is a man of war# and will not cam" with the "eo"le'

Then 2ushai said to 5ado1 and Abiathar the "riests# :Thus and so Ahitho"hel advised Absalom and the elders of 0srael# and thus and so 0 have advised'

Surely by now he is hidden in some "it# or in some other "lace' And it will be# when some of them are overthrown at the first# that whoever hears it will say# :There is a slaughter among the "eo"le who follow Absalom'D

Now therefore# send Guic1ly and tell *avid# saying# :*o not s"end this night in the "lains of the wilderness# but s"eedily cross over# lest the 1ing and all the "eo"le who are with him be swallowed u"':D

And even he who is valiant# whose heart is li1e the heart of a lion# will melt com"letely' For all 0srael 1nows that your father is a mighty man# and those who are with him are valiant men'

Now Jonathan and Ahimaa. stayed at n +ogel# for they dared not be seen coming into the city9 so a female servant would come and tell them# and they would go and tell King *avid'

Therefore 0 advise that all 0srael be fully gathered to you# from *an to Beersheba# li1e the sand that is by the sea for multitude# and that you go to battle in "erson'

Nevertheless a lad saw them# and told Absalom' But both of them went away Guic1ly and came to a manDs house in Bahurim# who had a well in his court9 and they went down into it'

So we will come u"on him in some "lace where he may be found# and we will fall on him as the dew falls on the ground' And of him and all the men who are with him there shall not be left so much as one'

Then the woman too1 and s"read a covering over the wellDs mouth# and s"read ground grain on it9 and the thing was not 1nown'

And when AbsalomDs servants came to the woman at the house# they said# :Bhere are Ahimaa. and JonathanE: So the woman said to them# :They have

gone over the water broo1': And when they had searched and could not find them# they returned to Jerusalem'

"arched grain and beans# lentils and "arched seeds#


Now it came to "ass# after they had de"arted# that they came u" out of the well and went and told King *avid# and said to *avid# :Arise and cross over the water Guic1ly' For thus has Ahitho"hel advised against you':

honey and curds# shee" and cheese of the herd# for *avid and the "eo"le who were with him to eat' For they said# :The "eo"le are hungry and weary and thirsty in the wilderness':

So *avid and all the "eo"le who were with him arose and crossed over the Jordan' By morning light not one of them was left who had not gone over the Jordan'

18And *avid numbered the "eo"le

who were with him# and set ca"tains of thousands and ca"tains of hundreds over them'

Now when Ahitho"hel saw that his advice was not followed# he saddled a don1ey# and arose and went home to his house# to his city' Then he "ut his household in order# and hanged himself# and died9 and he was buried in his fatherDs tomb'

Then *avid sent out one third of the "eo"le under the hand of Joab# one third under the hand of Abishai the son of 5eruiah# JoabDs brother# and one third under the hand of 0ttai the (ittite' And the 1ing said to the "eo"le# :0 also will surely go out with you myself':

Then *avid went to 4ahanaim' And Absalom crossed over the Jordan# he and all the men of 0srael with him'

And Absalom made Amasa ca"tain of the army instead of Joab' This Amasa was the son of a man whose name was Jithra# an 0sraelite# who had gone in to Abigail the daughter of Nahash# sister of 5eruiah# JoabDs mother'

But the "eo"le answered# :Cou shall not go outH For if we flee away# they will not care about us9 nor if half of us die# will they care about us' But you are worth ten thousand of us now' For you are now more hel" to us in the city':

Then the 1ing said to them# :Bhatever seems best to you 0 will do': So the 1ing stood beside the gate# and all the "eo"le went out by hundreds and by thousands'

So 0srael and Absalom encam"ed in the land of (ilead'


Now it ha""ened# when *avid had come to 4ahanaim# that Shobi the son of Nahash from +abbah of the "eo"le of Ammon# 4achir the son of Ammiel from )o *ebar# and Bar.illai the (ileadite from +ogelim#

Now the 1ing had commanded Joab# Abishai# and 0ttai# saying# :*eal gently for my sa1e with the young man Absalom': And all the "eo"le heard when the 1ing gave all the ca"tains orders concerning Absalom'

brought beds and basins# earthen vessels and wheat# barley and flour#

So the "eo"le went out into the field of battle against 0srael' And the battle was in the woods of "hraim'

The "eo"le of 0srael were overthrown there before the servants of *avid# and a great slaughter of twenty thousand too1 "lace there that day'


And ten young men who bore JoabDs armor surrounded Absalom# and struc1 and 1illed him'

For the battle there was scattered over the face of the whole countryside# and the woods devoured more "eo"le that day than the sword devoured'

So Joab blew the trum"et# and the "eo"le returned from "ursuing 0srael' For Joab held bac1 the "eo"le'

Then Absalom met the servants of *avid' Absalom rode on a mule' The mule went under the thic1 boughs of a great terebinth tree# and his head caught in the terebinth9 so he was left hanging between heaven and earth' And the mule which was under him went on'

And they too1 Absalom and cast him into a large "it in the woods# and laid a very large hea" of stones over him' Then all 0srael fled# everyone to his tent'

Now a certain man saw it and told Joab# and said# :0 $ust saw Absalom hanging in a terebinth treeH:

Now Absalom in his lifetime had ta1en and set u" a "illar for himself# which is in the KingDs Valley' For he said# :0 have no son to 1ee" my name in remembrance': 2e called the "illar after his own name' And to this day it is called AbsalomDs 4onument'

So Joab said to the man who told him# :Cou $ust saw himH And why did you not stri1e him there to the groundE 0 would have given you ten she1els of silver and a belt':

Then Ahimaa. the son of 5ado1 said# :)et me run now and ta1e the news to the 1ing# how the )3+* has avenged him of his enemies':

But the man said to Joab# :Though 0 were to receive a thousand she1els of silver in my hand# 0 would not raise my hand against the 1ingDs son' For in our hearing the 1ing commanded you and Abishai and 0ttai# saying# :Beware lest anyone touch the young man AbsalomHD

And Joab said to him# :Cou shall not ta1e the news this day# for you shall ta1e the news another day' But today you shall ta1e no news# because the 1ingDs son is dead':

Then Joab said to the -ushite# :(o# tell the 1ing what you have seen': So the -ushite bowed himself to Joab and ran'

3therwise 0 would have dealt falsely against my own life' For there is nothing hidden from the 1ing# and you yourself would have set yourself against me':

Then Joab said# :0 cannot linger with you': And he too1 three s"ears in his hand and thrust them through AbsalomDs heart# while he was still alive in the midst of the terebinth tree'

And Ahimaa. the son of 5ado1 said again to Joab# :But whatever ha""ens# "lease let me also run after the -ushite': So Joab said# :Bhy will you run# my son# since you have no news readyE:

:But whatever ha""ens#: he said# :let me run': So he said to him# :+un': Then Ahimaa. ran by way of the "lain# and outran the -ushite'


Now *avid was sitting between the two gates' And the watchman went u" to the roof over the gate# to the wall# lifted his eyes and loo1ed# and there was a man# running alone'


And the 1ing said to the -ushite# :0s the young man Absalom safeE: So the -ushite answered# :4ay the enemies of my lord the 1ing# and all who rise against you to do harm# be li1e that young manH:

Then the watchman cried out and told the 1ing' And the 1ing said# :0f he is alone# there is news in his mouth': And he came ra"idly and drew near'

Then the watchman saw another man running# and the watchman called to the gate1ee"er and said# :There is another man# running aloneH: And the 1ing said# :2e also brings news':

Then the 1ing was dee"ly moved# and went u" to the chamber over the gate# and we"t' And as he went# he said thus7 :3 my son AbsalomFFmy son# my son AbsalomFFif only 0 had died in your "laceH 3 Absalom my son# my sonH:

19And Joab was told# :Behold# the

1ing is wee"ing and mourning for Absalom':

So the watchman said# :0 thin1 the running of the first is li1e the running of Ahimaa. the son of 5ado1': And the 1ing said# :2e is a good man# and comes with good news':

So Ahimaa. called out and said to the 1ing# :All is wellH: Then he bowed down with his face to the earth before the 1ing# and said# :Blessed be the )3+* your (od# who has delivered u" the men who raised their hand against my lord the 1ingH:

So the victory that day was turned into mourning for all the "eo"le' For the "eo"le heard it said that day# :The 1ing is grieved for his son':

And the "eo"le stole bac1 into the city that day# as "eo"le who are ashamed steal away when they flee in battle'

The 1ing said# :0s the young man Absalom safeE: Ahimaa. answered# :Bhen Joab sent the 1ingDs servant and me your servant# 0 saw a great tumult# but 0 did not 1now what it was about':

But the 1ing covered his face# and the 1ing cried out with a loud voice# :3 my son AbsalomH 3 Absalom# my son# my sonH:

And the 1ing said# :Turn aside and stand here': So he turned aside and stood still'

Then Joab came into the house to the 1ing# and said# :Today you have disgraced all your servants who today have saved your life# the lives of your sons and daughters# the lives of your wives and the lives of your concubines#

Just then the -ushite came# and the -ushite said# :There is good news# my lord the 1ingH For the )3+* has avenged you this day of all those who rose against you':

in that you love your enemies and hate your friends' For you have declared today that you regard neither "rinces nor servants9 for today 0 "erceive that if Absalom had lived and all of us had died today# then it would have "leased you well'

Now therefore# arise# go out and s"ea1 comfort to your servants' For 0 swear by the )3+*# if you do not go out# not one will stay with you this night' And that will be worse for you than all the evil that has befallen you from your youth until now':


Then the 1ing returned and came to the Jordan' And Judah came to (ilgal# to go to meet the 1ing# to escort the 1ing across the Jordan'

Then the 1ing arose and sat in the gate' And they told all the "eo"le# saying# :There is the 1ing# sitting in the gate': So all the "eo"le came before the 1ing' For everyone of 0srael had fled to his tent'

And Shimei the son of (era# a Ben$amite# who was from Bahurim# hurried and came down with the men of Judah to meet King *avid'

Now all the "eo"le were in a dis"ute throughout all the tribes of 0srael# saying# :The 1ing saved us from the hand of our enemies# he delivered us from the hand of the /hilistines# and now he has fled from the land because of Absalom'

There were a thousand men of Ben$amin with him# and 5iba the servant of the house of Saul# and his fifteen sons and his twenty servants with him9 and they went over the Jordan before the 1ing'

Then a ferryboat went across to carry over the 1ingDs household# and to do what he thought good' Now Shimei the son of (era fell down before the 1ing when he had crossed the Jordan'

But Absalom# whom we anointed over us# has died in battle' Now therefore# why do you say nothing about bringing bac1 the 1ingE:

So King *avid sent to 5ado1 and Abiathar the "riests# saying# :S"ea1 to the elders of Judah# saying# :Bhy are you the last to bring the 1ing bac1 to his house# since the words of all 0srael have come to the 1ing# to his very houseE

Then he said to the 1ing# :*o not let my lord im"ute iniGuity to me# or remember what wrong your servant did on the day that my lord the 1ing left Jerusalem# that the 1ing should ta1e it to heart'

For 0# your servant# 1now that 0 have sinned' Therefore here 0 am# the first to come today of all the house of Jose"h to go down to meet my lord the 1ing':

Cou are my brethren# you are my bone and my flesh' Bhy then are you the last to bring bac1 the 1ingED

And say to Amasa# :Are you not my bone and my fleshE (od do so to me# and more also# if you are not commander of the army before me continually in "lace of Joab':D

But Abishai the son of 5eruiah answered and said# :Shall not Shimei be "ut to death for this# because he cursed the )3+*Ds anointedE:

So he swayed the hearts of all the men of Judah# $ust as the heart of one man# so that they sent this word to the 1ing7 :+eturn# you and all your servantsH:

And *avid said# :Bhat have 0 to do with you# you sons of 5eruiah# that you should be adversaries to me todayE Shall any man be "ut to death today in 0sraelE For do 0 not 1now that today 0 am 1ing over 0sraelE:


Therefore the 1ing said to Shimei# :Cou shall not die': And the 1ing swore to him'


Now Bar.illai was a very aged man# eighty years old' And he had "rovided the 1ing with su""lies while he stayed at 4ahanaim# for he was a very rich man'

Now 4e"hibosheth the son came down to meet the 1ing' had not cared for his feet# nor his mustache# nor washed his from the day the 1ing de"arted day he returned in "eace'

of Saul And he trimmed clothes# until the

And the 1ing said to Bar.illai# :-ome across with me# and 0 will "rovide for you while you are with me in Jerusalem':

So it was# when he had come to Jerusalem to meet the 1ing# that the 1ing said to him# :Bhy did you not go with me# 4e"hiboshethE:

But Bar.illai said to the 1ing# :2ow long have 0 to live# that 0 should go u" with the 1ing to JerusalemE

And he answered# :4y lord# 3 1ing# my servant deceived me' For your servant said# :0 will saddle a don1ey for myself# that 0 may ride on it and go to the 1ing#D because your servant is lame'

0 am today eighty years old' -an 0 discern between the good and badE -an your servant taste what 0 eat or what 0 drin1E -an 0 hear any longer the voice of singing men and singing womenE Bhy then should your servant be a further burden to my lord the 1ingE

And he has slandered your servant to my lord the 1ing# but my lord the 1ing is li1e the angel of (od' Therefore do what is good in your eyes'

Cour servant will go a little way across the Jordan with the 1ing' And why should the 1ing re"ay me with such a rewardE

For all my fatherDs house were but dead men before my lord the 1ing' Cet you set your servant among those who eat at your own table' Therefore what right have 0 still to cry out anymore to the 1ingE:

/lease let your servant turn bac1 again# that 0 may die in my own city# near the grave of my father and mother' But here is your servant -himham9 let him cross over with my lord the 1ing# and do for him what seems good to you':

So the 1ing said to him# :Bhy do you s"ea1 anymore of your mattersE 0 have said# :Cou and 5iba divide the land':D

Then 4e"hibosheth said to the 1ing# :+ather# let him ta1e it all# inasmuch as my lord the 1ing has come bac1 in "eace to his own house':

And the 1ing answered# :-himham shall cross over with me# and 0 will do for him what seems good to you' Now whatever you reGuest of me# 0 will do for you':

And Bar.illai the (ileadite came down from +ogelim and went across the Jordan with the 1ing# to escort him across the Jordan'

Then all the "eo"le went over the Jordan' And when the 1ing had crossed over# the 1ing 1issed Bar.illai and blessed him# and he returned to his own "lace'

Now the 1ing went on to (ilgal# and -himham went on with him' And all the

"eo"le of Judah escorted the 1ing# and also half the "eo"le of 0srael'

to the day of their death# living in widowhood'


Just then all the men of 0srael came to the 1ing# and said to the 1ing# :Bhy have our brethren# the men of Judah# stolen you away and brought the 1ing# his household# and all *avidDs men with him across the JordanE:

And the 1ing said to Amasa# :Assemble the men of Judah for me within three days# and be "resent here yourself':

So Amasa went to assemble the men of Judah' But he delayed longer than the set time which *avid had a""ointed him'

So all the men of Judah answered the men of 0srael# :Because the 1ing is a close relative of ours' Bhy then are you angry over this matterE 2ave we ever eaten at the 1ingDs e!"enseE 3r has he given us any giftE:

And *avid said to Abishai# :Now Sheba the son of Bichri will do us more harm than Absalom' Ta1e your lordDs servants and "ursue him# lest he find for himself fortified cities# and esca"e us':

And the men of 0srael answered the men of Judah# and said# :Be have ten shares in the 1ing9 therefore we also have more right to *avid than you' Bhy then do you des"ise usFFwere we not the first to advise bringing bac1 our 1ingE: Cet the words of the men of Judah were fiercer than the words of the men of 0srael'

So JoabDs men# with the -herethites# the /elethites# and all the mighty men# went out after him' And they went out of Jerusalem to "ursue Sheba the son of Bichri'

20And there ha""ened to be there a

rebel# whose name was Sheba the son of Bichri# a Ben$amite' And he blew a trum"et# and said7 :Be have no share in *avid# Nor do we have inheritance in the son of Jesse9 very man to his tents# 3 0sraelH:

Bhen they were at the large stone which is in (ibeon# Amasa came before them' Now Joab was dressed in battle armor9 on it was a belt with a sword fastened in its sheath at his hi"s9 and as he was going forward# it fell out'

Then Joab said to Amasa# :Are you in health# my brotherE: And Joab too1 Amasa by the beard with his right hand to 1iss him'

So every man of 0srael deserted *avid# and followed Sheba the son of Bichri' But the men of Judah# from the Jordan as far as Jerusalem# remained loyal to their 1ing'

But Amasa did not notice the sword that was in JoabDs hand' And he struc1 him with it in the stomach# and his entrails "oured out on the ground9 and he did not stri1e him again' Thus he died' Then Joab and Abishai his brother "ursued Sheba the son of Bichri'

Now *avid came to his house at Jerusalem' And the 1ing too1 the ten women# his concubines whom he had left to 1ee" the house# and "ut them in seclusion and su""orted them# but did not go in to them' So they were shut u"

4eanwhile one of JoabDs men stood near Amasa# and said# :Bhoever favors Joab and whoever is for *avidFFfollow JoabH:


But Amasa wallowed in his blood in the middle of the highway' And when the man saw that all the "eo"le stood still# he moved Amasa from the highway to the field and threw a garment over him# when he saw that everyone who came u"on him halted'


And Joab answered and said# :Far be it# far be it from me# that 0 should swallow u" or destroyH

Bhen he was removed from the highway# all the "eo"le went on after Joab to "ursue Sheba the son of Bichri'

That is not so' But a man from the mountains of "hraim# Sheba the son of Bichri by name# has raised his hand against the 1ing# against *avid' *eliver him only# and 0 will de"art from the city': So the woman said to Joab# :Batch# his head will be thrown to you over the wall':

And he went through all the tribes of 0srael to Abel and Beth 4aachah and all the Berites' So they were gathered together and also went after Sheba'

Then they came and besieged him in Abel of Beth 4aachah9 and they cast u" a siege mound against the city# and it stood by the ram"art' And all the "eo"le who were with Joab battered the wall to throw it down'

Then the woman in her wisdom went to all the "eo"le' And they cut off the head of Sheba the son of Bichri# and threw it out to Joab' Then he blew a trum"et# and they withdrew from the city# every man to his tent' So Joab returned to the 1ing at Jerusalem'

And Joab was over all the army of 0srael9 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over the -herethites and the /elethites9

Then a wise woman cried out from the city# :2ear# hearH /lease say to Joab# :-ome nearby# that 0 may s"ea1 with you':D

Adoram was in charge of revenue9 Jehosha"hat the son of Ahilud was recorder9

Bhen he had come near to her# the woman said# :Are you JoabE: 2e answered# :0 am': Then she said to him# :2ear the words of your maidservant': And he answered# :0 am listening':

Sheva was scribe9 5ado1 and Abiathar were the "riests9


and 0ra the Jairite was a chief minister under *avid'

So she s"o1e# saying# :They used to tal1 in former times# saying# :They shall surely see1 guidance at Abel#D and so they would end dis"utes'

21Now there was a famine in the

days of *avid for three years# year after year9 and *avid inGuired of the )3+*' And the )3+* answered# :0t is because of Saul and his bloodthirsty house# because he 1illed the (ibeonites':

0 am among the "eaceable and faithful in 0srael' Cou see1 to destroy a city and a mother in 0srael' Bhy would you swallow u" the inheritance of the )3+*E:

So the 1ing called the s"o1e to them' Now were not of the children the remnant of the

(ibeonites and the (ibeonites of 0srael# but of Amorites9 the

children of 0srael had sworn "rotection to them# but Saul had sought to 1ill them in his .eal for the children of 0srael and Judah'


Therefore *avid said to the (ibeonites# :Bhat shall 0 do for youE And with what shall 0 ma1e atonement# that you may bless the inheritance of the )3+*E:

Now +i."ah the daughter of Aiah too1 sac1cloth and s"read it for herself on the roc1# from the beginning of harvest until the late rains "oured on them from heaven' And she did not allow the birds of the air to rest on them by day nor the beasts of the field by night'

And the (ibeonites said to him# :Be will have no silver or gold from Saul or from his house# nor shall you 1ill any man in 0srael for us': So he said# :Bhatever you say# 0 will do for you':

And *avid was told what +i."ah the daughter of Aiah# the concubine of Saul# had done'

Then they answered the 1ing# :As for the man who consumed us and "lotted against us# that we should be destroyed from remaining in any of the territories of 0srael#

Then *avid went and too1 the bones of Saul# and the bones of Jonathan his son# from the men of Jabesh (ilead who had stolen them from the street of Beth Shan# where the /hilistines had hung them u"# after the /hilistines had struc1 down Saul in (ilboa'

let seven men of his descendants be delivered to us# and we will hang them before the )3+* in (ibeah of Saul# whom the )3+* chose': And the 1ing said# :0 will give them':

So he brought u" the bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son from there9 and they gathered the bones of those who had been hanged'

But the 1ing s"ared 4e"hibosheth the son of Jonathan# the son of Saul# because of the )3+*Ds oath that was between them# between *avid and Jonathan the son of Saul'

They buried the bones of Saul and Jonathan his son in the country of Ben$amin in 5elah# in the tomb of Kish his father' So they "erformed all that the 1ing commanded' And after that (od heeded the "rayer for the land'

So the 1ing too1 Armoni and 4e"hibosheth# the two sons of +i."ah the daughter of Aiah# whom she bore to Saul# and the five sons of 4ichal the daughter of Saul# whom she brought u" for Adriel the son of Bar.illai the 4eholathite9

Bhen the /hilistines were at war again with 0srael# *avid and his servants with him went down and fought against the /hilistines9 and *avid grew faint'

Then 0shbiFBenob# who was one of the sons of the giant# the weight of whose bron.e s"ear was three hundred she1els# who was bearing a new sword# thought he could 1ill *avid'

and he delivered them into the hands of the (ibeonites# and they hanged them on the hill before the )3+*' So they fell# all seven together# and were "ut to death in the days of harvest# in the first days# in the beginning of barley harvest'

But Abishai the son of 5eruiah came to his aid# and struc1 the /hilistine and 1illed him' Then the men of *avid swore to him# saying# :Cou shall go out no

more with us to battle# lest you Guench the lam" of 0srael':


0 will call u"on the )3+*# who is worthy to be "raised9 So shall 0 be saved from my enemies'

Now it ha""ened afterward that there was again a battle with the /hilistines at (ob' Then Sibbechai the 2ushathite 1illed Sa"h# who was one of the sons of the giant'

:Bhen the waves of death surrounded me# The floods of ungodliness made me afraid'

Again there was war at (ob with the /hilistines# where lhanan the son of JaareF3regim the Bethlehemite 1illed the brother of (oliath the (ittite# the shaft of whose s"ear was li1e a weaverDs beam'

The sorrows of Sheol surrounded me9 The snares of death confronted me'

0n my distress 0 called u"on the )3+*# And cried out to my (od9 2e heard my voice from 2is tem"le# And my cry entered 2is ears'

Cet again there was war at (ath# where there was a man of great stature# who had si! fingers on each hand and si! toes on each foot# twentyFfour in number9 and he also was born to the giant'

:Then the earth shoo1 and trembled9 The foundations of heaven Gua1ed and were sha1en# Because 2e was angry'

So when he defied 0srael# Jonathan the son of Shimea# *avidDs brother# 1illed him'

Smo1e went u" from 2is nostrils# And devouring fire from 2is mouth9 -oals were 1indled by it'

2e bowed the heavens also# and came down Bith dar1ness under 2is feet'

These four were born to the giant in (ath# and fell by the hand of *avid and by the hand of his servants'

2e rode u"on a cherub# and flew9 And 2e was seen u"on the wings of the wind'

22Then *avid s"o1e to the )3+*

the words of this song# on the day when the )3+* had delivered him from the hand of all his enemies# and from the hand of Saul'

2e made dar1ness cano"ies around 2im# *ar1 waters and thic1 clouds of the s1ies'

From the brightness before 2im -oals of fire were 1indled'


And he said7 :The )3+* is my roc1 and my fortress and my deliverer9


:The )3+* thundered from heaven# And the 4ost 2igh uttered 2is voice'

The (od of my strength# in whom 0 will trust9 4y shield and the horn of my salvation# 4y stronghold and my refuge9 4y Savior# Cou save me from violence'

2e sent out arrows and scattered them9 )ightning bolts# and 2e vanGuished them'

Then the channels of the sea were seen# The foundations of the world were

uncovered# At the rebu1e of the )3+*# At the blast of the breath of 2is nostrils'


Cou will save the humble "eo"le9 But Cour eyes are on the haughty# that Cou may bring them down'

:2e sent from above# 2e too1 me# 2e drew me out of many waters'

:For Cou are my lam"# 3 )3+*9 The )3+* shall enlighten my dar1ness'

2e delivered me from my strong enemy# From those who hated me9 For they were too strong for me'

For by Cou 0 can run against a troo"9 By my (od 0 can lea" over a wall'

They confronted me in the day of my calamity# But the )3+* was my su""ort'

As for (od# 2is way is "erfect9 The word of the )3+* is "roven9 2e is a shield to all who trust in 2im'

2e also brought me out into a broad "lace9 2e delivered me because 2e delighted in me'

:For who is (od# e!ce"t the )3+*E And who is a roc1# e!ce"t our (odE

:The )3+* rewarded me according to my righteousness9 According to the cleanness of my hands 2e has recom"ensed me'

(od is my strength and "ower# And 2e ma1es my way "erfect'


2e ma1es my feet li1e the feet of deer# And sets me on my high "laces'

For 0 have 1e"t the ways of the )3+*# And have not wic1edly de"arted from my (od'

2e teaches my hands to ma1e war# So that my arms can bend a bow of bron.e'

For all 2is $udgments were before me9 And as for 2is statutes# 0 did not de"art from them'

:Cou have also given me the shield of Cour salvation9 Cour gentleness has made me great'

0 was also blameless before 2im# And 0 1e"t myself from my iniGuity'

Cou enlarged my "ath under me9 So my feet did not sli"'


Therefore the )3+* has recom"ensed me according to my righteousness# According to my cleanness in 2is eyes'

:0 have "ursued my enemies and destroyed them9 Neither did 0 turn bac1 again till they were destroyed'

:Bith the merciful Cou will show Courself merciful9 Bith a blameless man Cou will show Courself blameless9

And 0 have destroyed them and wounded them# So that they could not rise9 They have fallen under my feet'

Bith the "ure Cou will show Courself "ure9 And with the devious Cou will show Courself shrewd'

For Cou have armed me with strength for the battle9 Cou have subdued under me those who rose against me'


Cou have also given me the nec1s of my enemies# So that 0 destroyed those who hated me'

Jesse9 Thus says the man raised u" on high# The anointed of the (od of Jacob# And the sweet "salmist of 0srael7

They loo1ed# but there was none to save9 ven to the )3+*# but 2e did not answer them'

:The S"irit of the )3+* s"o1e by me# And 2is word was on my tongue'

Then 0 beat them as fine as the dust of the earth9 0 trod them li1e dirt in the streets# And 0 s"read them out'

The (od of 0srael said# The +oc1 of 0srael s"o1e to me7 :2e who rules over men must be $ust# +uling in the fear of (od'

:Cou have also delivered me from the strivings of my "eo"le9 Cou have 1e"t me as the head of the nations' A "eo"le 0 have not 1nown shall serve me'

And he shall be li1e the light of the morning when the sun rises# A morning without clouds# )i1e the tender grass s"ringing out of the earth# By clear shining after rain'D

The foreigners submit to me9 As soon as they hear# they obey me'

The foreigners fade away# And come frightened from their hideouts'

:The )3+* livesH Blessed be my +oc1H )et (od be e!alted# The +oc1 of my salvationH

:Although my house is not so with (od# Cet 2e has made with me an everlasting covenant# 3rdered in all things and secure' For this is all my salvation and all my desire9 Bill 2e not ma1e it increaseE

0t is (od who avenges me# And subdues the "eo"les under me9

But the sons of rebellion shall all be as thorns thrust away# Because they cannot be ta1en with hands'

2e delivers me from my enemies' Cou also lift me u" above those who rise against me9 Cou have delivered me from the violent man'

But the man who touches them 4ust be armed with iron and the shaft of a s"ear# And they shall be utterly burned with fire in their "lace':

Therefore 0 will give than1s to Cou# 3 )3+*# among the (entiles# And sing "raises to Cour name'

2e is the tower of salvation to 2is 1ing# And shows mercy to 2is anointed# To *avid and his descendants forevermore':

These are the names of the mighty men whom *avid had7 JoshebFBasshebeth the Tachmonite# chief among the ca"tains' 2e was called Adino the .nite# because he had 1illed eight hundred men at one time'

23Now these are the last words of

*avid' Thus says *avid the son of

And after him was the son of *odo# the Ahohite# one of the three mighty men with *avid when they defied the /hilistines who were gathered there for battle# and the men of 0srael had retreated'


2e arose and attac1ed the /hilistines until his hand was weary# and his hand stuc1 to the sword' The )3+* brought about a great victory that day9 and the "eo"le returned after him only to "lunder'


Now Abishai the brother of Joab# the son of 5eruiah# was chief of another three' 2e lifted his s"ear against three hundred men# 1illed them# and won a name among these three'

And after him was Shammah the son of Agee the 2ararite' The /hilistines had gathered together into a troo" where there was a "iece of ground full of lentils' So the "eo"le fled from the /hilistines'

Bas he not the most honored of threeE Therefore he became their ca"tain' 2owever# he did not attain to the first three'

But he stationed himself in the middle of the field# defended it# and 1illed the /hilistines' So the )3+* brought about a great victory'

Benaiah was the son of Jehoiada# the son of a valiant man from Kab.eel# who had done many deeds' 2e had 1illed two lionFli1e heroes of 4oab' 2e also had gone down and 1illed a lion in the midst of a "it on a snowy day'

Then three of the thirty chief men went down at harvest time and came to *avid at the cave of Adullam' And the troo" of /hilistines encam"ed in the Valley of +e"haim'

And he 1illed an gy"tian# a s"ectacular man' The gy"tian had a s"ear in his hand9 so he went down to him with a staff# wrested the s"ear out of the gy"tianDs hand# and 1illed him with his own s"ear'

*avid was then in the stronghold# and the garrison of the /hilistines was then in Bethlehem'

These things Benaiah the son of Jehoiada did# and won a name among three mighty men'

And *avid said with longing# :3h# that someone would give me a drin1 of the water from the well of Bethlehem# which is by the gateH:

2e was more honored than the thirty# but he did not attain to the first three' And *avid a""ointed him over his guard'

So the three mighty men bro1e through the cam" of the /hilistines# drew water from the well of Bethlehem that was by the gate# and too1 it and brought it to *avid' Nevertheless he would not drin1 it# but "oured it out to the )3+*'

Asahel the brother of Joab was one of the thirty9 lhanan the son of *odo of Bethlehem#

Shammah the 2arodite# 2arodite#


li1a the

And he said# :Far be it from me# 3 )3+*# that 0 should do thisH 0s this not the blood of the men who went in $eo"ardy of their livesE: Therefore he would not drin1 it' These things were done by the three mighty men'

2ele. the /altite# 0ra the son of 011esh the Te1oite#

,= the Anathothite# 4ebunnai the 2ushathite#


5almon the Ahohite# 4aharai the Neto"hathite#


0srael# from *an to Beersheba# and count the "eo"le# that 0 may 1now the number of the "eo"le':

2eleb the son of Baanah Ithe Neto"hathiteJ# 0ttai the son of +ibai from (ibeah of the children of Ben$amin#

Benaiah a /irathonite# 2iddai from the broo1s of (aash#


And Joab said to the 1ing# :Now may the )3+* your (od add to the "eo"le a hundred times more than there are# and may the eyes of my lord the 1ing see it' But why does my lord the 1ing desire this thingE:

AbiFAlbon the Arbathite# A.maveth the Barhumite#


liahba the Shaalbonite Iof the sons of JashenJ# Jonathan#


Shammah the 2ararite# Ahiam the son of Sharar the 2ararite#


Nevertheless the 1ingDs word "revailed against Joab and against the ca"tains of the army' Therefore Joab and the ca"tains of the army went out from the "resence of the 1ing to count the "eo"le of 0srael'

li"helet the son of Ahasbai# the son of the 4aachathite# liam the son of Ahitho"hel the (ilonite#

And they crossed over the Jordan and cam"ed in Aroer# on the right side of the town which is in the midst of the ravine of (ad# and toward'

2e.rai Arbite#





Then they came to (ilead and to the land of Tahtim 2odshi9 they came to *an Jaan and around to Sidon9

0gal the son of Nathan of 5obah# Bani the (adite#


5ele1 the Ammonite# Naharai the Beerothite Iarmorbearer of Joab the son of 5eruiahJ#

and they came to the stronghold of Tyre and to all the cities of the 2ivites and the -anaanites' Then they went out to South Judah as far as Beersheba'

0ra the 0thrite# (areb the 0thrite# and Ariah the 2ittite7 thirtyFseven in all'

So when they had gone through all the land# they came to Jerusalem at the end of nine months and twenty days'


24Again the anger of the )3+* was

aroused against 0srael# and 2e moved *avid against them to say# :(o# number 0srael and Judah':

Then Joab gave the sum of the number of the "eo"le to the 1ing' And there were in 0srael eight hundred thousand valiant men who drew the sword# and the men of Judah were five hundred thousand men'

So the 1ing said to Joab the commander of the army who was with him# :Now go throughout all the tribes of

And *avidDs heart condemned him after he had numbered the "eo"le' So *avid said to the )3+*# :0 have sinned greatly in what 0 have done9 but now# 0 "ray# 3 )3+*# ta1e away the iniGuity of

Cour servant# for 0 have done very foolishly':


hand# 0 "ray# be against me and against my fatherDs house':


Now when *avid arose in the morning# the word of the )3+* came to the "ro"het (ad# *avidDs seer# saying#

And (ad came that day to *avid and said to him# :(o u"# erect an altar to the )3+* on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite':

:(o and tell *avid# :Thus says the )3+*7 :0 offer you three things9 choose one of them for yourself# that 0 may do it to you'::D

So *avid# according to the word of (ad# went u" as the )3+* commanded'

So (ad came to *avid and told him9 and he said to him# :Shall seven years of famine come to you in your landE 3r shall you flee three months before your enemies# while they "ursue youE 3r shall there be three daysD "lague in your landE Now consider and see what answer 0 should ta1e bac1 to 2im who sent me':

Now Araunah loo1ed# and saw the 1ing and his servants coming toward him' So Araunah went out and bowed before the 1ing with his face to the ground'

And *avid said to (ad# :0 am in great distress' /lease let us fall into the hand of the )3+*# for 2is mercies are great9 but do not let me fall into the hand of man':

Then Araunah said# :Bhy has my lord the 1ing come to his servantE: And *avid said# :To buy the threshing floor from you# to build an altar to the )3+*# that the "lague may be withdrawn from the "eo"le':

So the )3+* sent a "lague u"on 0srael from the morning till the a""ointed time' From *an to Beersheba seventy thousand men of the "eo"le died'

Now Araunah said to *avid# :)et my lord the 1ing ta1e and offer u" whatever seems good to him' )oo1# here are o!en for burnt sacrifice# and threshing im"lements and the yo1es of the o!en for wood'

And when the angel stretched out 2is hand over Jerusalem to destroy it# the )3+* relented from the destruction# and said to the angel who was destroying the "eo"le# :0t is enough9 now restrain your hand': And the angel of the )3+* was by the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite'

All these# 3 1ing# Araunah has given to the 1ing': And Araunah said to the 1ing# :4ay the )3+* your (od acce"t you':

Then the 1ing said to Araunah# :No# but 0 will surely buy it from you for a "rice9 nor will 0 offer burnt offerings to the )3+* my (od with that which costs me nothing': So *avid bought the threshing floor and the o!en for fifty she1els of silver'

Then *avid s"o1e to the )3+* when he saw the angel who was stri1ing the "eo"le# and said# :Surely 0 have sinned# and 0 have done wic1edly9 but these shee"# what have they doneE )et Cour

And *avid built there an altar to the )3+*# and offered burnt offerings and "eace offerings' So the )3+* heeded the "rayers for the land# and the "lague was withdrawn from 0srael'

!st $ings 1Now King *avid was old# advanced

in years9 and they "ut covers on him# but he could not get warm'
, ?

Therefore his servants said to him# :)et a young woman# a virgin# be sought for our lord the 1ing# and let her stand before the 1ing# and let her care for him9 and let her lie in your bosom# that our lord the 1ing may be warm':

And Adoni$ah sacrificed shee" and o!en and fattened cattle by the stone of 5oheleth# which is by n +ogel9 he also invited all his brothers# the 1ingDs sons# and all the men of Judah# the 1ingDs servants'

But he did not invite Nathan the "ro"het# Benaiah# the mighty men# or Solomon his brother'

So they sought for a lovely young woman throughout all the territory of 0srael# and found Abishag the Shunammite# and brought her to the 1ing'

So Nathan s"o1e to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon# saying# :2ave you not heard that Adoni$ah the son of 2aggith has become 1ing# and *avid our lord does not 1now itE

The young woman was very lovely9 and she cared for the 1ing# and served him9 but the 1ing did not 1now her'

-ome# "lease# let me now give you advice# that you may save your own life and the life of your son Solomon'

Then Adoni$ah the son of 2aggith e!alted himself# saying# :0 will be 1ing:9 and he "re"ared for himself chariots and horsemen# and fifty men to run before him'

(o immediately to King *avid and say to him# :*id you not# my lord# 3 1ing# swear to your maidservant# saying# :Assuredly your son Solomon shall reign after me# and he shall sit on my throne:E Bhy then has Adoni$ah become 1ingED

IAnd his father had not rebu1ed him at any time by saying# :Bhy have you done soE: 2e was also very goodF loo1ing' 2is mother had borne him after Absalom'J

Then# while you are still tal1ing there with the 1ing# 0 also will come in after you and confirm your words':

Then he conferred with Joab the son of 5eruiah and with Abiathar the "riest# and they followed and hel"ed Adoni$ah'

So Bathsheba went into the chamber to the 1ing' INow the 1ing was very old# and Abishag the Shunammite was serving the 1ing'J

But 5ado1 the "riest# Benaiah the son of Jehoiada# Nathan the "ro"het# Shimei# +ei# and the mighty men who belonged to *avid were not with Adoni$ah'

And Bathsheba bowed and did homage to the 1ing' Then the 1ing said# :Bhat is your wishE:

Then she said to him# :4y lord# you swore by the )3+* your (od to your maidservant# saying# :Assuredly

Solomon your son shall reign after me# and he shall sit on my throne'D


So now# loo1H Adoni$ah has become 1ing9 and now# my lord the 1ing# you do not 1now about it'

But he has not invited meFFme your servantFFnor 5ado1 the "riest# nor Benaiah the son of Jehoiada# nor your servant Solomon'

2e has sacrificed o!en and fattened cattle and shee" in abundance# and has invited all the sons of the 1ing# Abiathar the "riest# and Joab the commander of the army9 but Solomon your servant he has not invited'

2as this thing been done by my lord the 1ing# and you have not told your servant who should sit on the throne of my lord the 1ing after himE:

Then King *avid answered and said# :-all Bathsheba to me': So she came into the 1ingDs "resence and stood before the 1ing'

And as for you# my lord# 3 1ing# the eyes of all 0srael are on you# that you should tell them who will sit on the throne of my lord the 1ing after him'

And the 1ing too1 an oath and said# :As the )3+* lives# who has redeemed my life from every distress#

3therwise it will ha""en# when my lord the 1ing rests with his fathers# that 0 and my son Solomon will be counted as offenders':

$ust as 0 swore to you by the )3+* (od of 0srael# saying# :Assuredly Solomon your son shall be 1ing after me# and he shall sit on my throne in my "lace#D so 0 certainly will do this day':

And $ust then# while she was still tal1ing with the 1ing# Nathan the "ro"het also came in'

So they told the 1ing# saying# :2ere is Nathan the "ro"het': And when he came in before the 1ing# he bowed down before the 1ing with his face to the ground'

Then Bathsheba bowed with her face to the earth# and "aid homage to the 1ing# and said# :)et my lord King *avid live foreverH:

And King *avid said# :-all to me 5ado1 the "riest# Nathan the "ro"het# and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada': So they came before the 1ing'

And Nathan said# :4y lord# 3 1ing# have you said# :Adoni$ah shall reign after me# and he shall sit on my throneDE

For he has gone down today# and has sacrificed o!en and fattened cattle and shee" in abundance# and has invited all the 1ingDs sons# and the commanders of the army# and Abiathar the "riest9 and loo1H They are eating and drin1ing before him9 and they say# :)ong live King Adoni$ahHD

The 1ing also said to them# :Ta1e with you the servants of your lord# and have Solomon my son ride on my own mule# and ta1e him down to (ihon'

There let 5ado1 the "riest and Nathan the "ro"het anoint him 1ing over 0srael9 and blow the horn# and say# :)ong live King SolomonHD

Then you shall come u" after him# and he shall come and sit on my throne# and he shall be 1ing in my "lace' For 0 have

a""ointed him to be ruler over 0srael and Judah':


son of Jehoiada# the -herethites# and the /elethites9 and they have made him ride on the 1ingDs mule'

Benaiah the son of Jehoiada answered the 1ing and said# :AmenH 4ay the )3+* (od of my lord the 1ing say so too'

As the )3+* has been with my lord the 1ing# even so may 2e be with Solomon# and ma1e his throne greater than the throne of my lord King *avid':

So 5ado1 the "riest and Nathan the "ro"het have anointed him 1ing at (ihon9 and they have gone u" from there re$oicing# so that the city is in an u"roar' This is the noise that you have heard'

Also Solomon sits on the throne of the 1ingdom'


So 5ado1 the "riest# Nathan the "ro"het# Benaiah the son of Jehoiada# the -herethites# and the /elethites went down and had Solomon ride on King *avidDs mule# and too1 him to (ihon'

Then 5ado1 the "riest too1 a horn of oil from the tabernacle and anointed Solomon' And they blew the horn# and all the "eo"le said# :)ong live King SolomonH:

And moreover the 1ingDs servants have gone to bless our lord King *avid# saying# :4ay (od ma1e the name of Solomon better than your name# and may 2e ma1e his throne greater than your throne'D Then the 1ing bowed himself on the bed'

And all the "eo"le went u" after him9 and the "eo"le "layed the flutes and re$oiced with great $oy# so that the earth seemed to s"lit with their sound'

Also the 1ing said thus# :Blessed be the )3+* (od of 0srael# who has given one to sit on my throne this day# while my eyes see itH:D

So all the guests who were with Adoni$ah were afraid# and arose# and each one went his way'

Now Adoni$ah and all the guests who were with him heard it as they finished eating' And when Joab heard the sound of the horn# he said# :Bhy is the city in such a noisy u"roarE:

Now Adoni$ah was afraid of Solomon9 so he arose# and went and too1 hold of the horns of the altar'

Bhile he was still s"ea1ing# there came Jonathan# the son of Abiathar the "riest' And Adoni$ah said to him# :-ome in# for you are a "rominent man# and bring good news':

And it was told Solomon# saying# :0ndeed Adoni$ah is afraid of King Solomon9 for loo1# he has ta1en hold of the horns of the altar# saying# :)et King Solomon swear to me today that he will not "ut his servant to death with the sword':D

Then Jonathan answered and said to Adoni$ah# :NoH 3ur lord King *avid has made Solomon 1ing'

The 1ing has sent with him 5ado1 the "riest# Nathan the "ro"het# Benaiah the

Then Solomon said# :0f he "roves himself a worthy man# not one hair of him shall fall to the earth9 but if wic1edness is found in him# he shall die':


So King Solomon sent them to bring him down from the altar' And he came and fell down before King Solomon9 and Solomon said to him# :(o to your house':

:But show 1indness to the sons of Bar.illai the (ileadite# and let them be among those who eat at your table# for so they came to me when 0 fled from Absalom your brother'

2Now the days of *avid drew near

that he should die# and he charged Solomon his son# saying7

:0 go the way of all the earth9 be strong# therefore# and "rove yourself a man'

:And see# you have with you Shimei the son of (era# a Ben$amite from Bahurim# who cursed me with a malicious curse in the day when 0 went to 4ahanaim' But he came down to meet me at the Jordan# and 0 swore to him by the )3+*# saying# :0 will not "ut you to death with the sword'D

And 1ee" the charge of the )3+* your (od7 to wal1 in 2is ways# to 1ee" 2is statutes# 2is commandments# 2is $udgments# and 2is testimonies# as it is written in the )aw of 4oses# that you may "ros"er in all that you do and wherever you turn9

Now therefore# do not hold him guiltless# for you are a wise man and 1now what you ought to do to him9 but bring his gray hair down to the grave with blood':

that the )3+* may fulfill 2is word which 2e s"o1e concerning me# saying# :0f your sons ta1e heed to their way# to wal1 before 4e in truth with all their heart and with all their soul#D 2e said# :you shall not lac1 a man on the throne of 0srael'D

So *avid rested with his fathers# and was buried in the -ity of *avid'

The "eriod that *avid reigned over 0srael was forty years9 seven years he reigned in 2ebron# and in Jerusalem he reigned thirtyFthree years'

:4oreover you 1now also what Joab the son of 5eruiah did to me# and what he did to the two commanders of the armies of 0srael# to Abner the son of Ner and Amasa the son of Jether# whom he 1illed' And he shed the blood of war in "eacetime# and "ut the blood of war on his belt that was around his waist# and on his sandals that were on his feet'

Then Solomon sat on the throne of his father *avid9 and his 1ingdom was firmly established'

Now Adoni$ah the son of 2aggith came to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon' So she said# :*o you come "eaceablyE: And he said# :/eaceably':

4oreover he said# :0 have something to say to you': And she said# :Say it':

Therefore do according to your wisdom# and do not let his gray hair go down to the grave in "eace'

Then he said# :Cou 1now that the 1ingdom was mine# and all 0srael had set their e!"ectations on me# that 0 should reign' 2owever# the 1ingdom has been turned over# and has become my brotherDs9 for it was his from the )3+*'


Now 0 as1 one "etition of you9 do not deny me': And she said to him# :Say it':


So King Solomon sent by the hand of Benaiah the son of Jehoiada9 and he struc1 him down# and he died'

Then he said# :/lease s"ea1 to King Solomon# for he will not refuse you# that he may give me Abishag the Shunammite as wife':

So Bathsheba said# :Very well# 0 will s"ea1 for you to the 1ing':

Bathsheba therefore went to King Solomon# to s"ea1 to him for Adoni$ah' And the 1ing rose u" to meet her and bowed down to her# and sat down on his throne and had a throne set for the 1ingDs mother9 so she sat at his right hand'

And to Abiathar the "riest the 1ing said# :(o to Anathoth# to your own fields# for you are deserving of death9 but 0 will not "ut you to death at this time# because you carried the ar1 of the )ord (3* before my father *avid# and because you were afflicted every time my father was afflicted':

So Solomon removed Abiathar from being "riest to the )3+*# that he might fulfill the word of the )3+* which 2e s"o1e concerning the house of li at Shiloh'

Then she said# :0 desire one small "etition of you9 do not refuse me': And the 1ing said to her# :As1 it# my mother# for 0 will not refuse you':

Then news came to Joab# for Joab had defected to Adoni$ah# though he had not defected to Absalom' So Joab fled to the tabernacle of the )3+*# and too1 hold of the horns of the altar'

So she said# :)et Abishag the Shunammite be given to Adoni$ah your brother as wife':

And King Solomon answered and said to his mother# :Now why do you as1 Abishag the Shunammite for Adoni$ahE As1 for him the 1ingdom alsoFFfor he is my older brotherFFfor him# and for Abiathar the "riest# and for Joab the son of 5eruiah':

And King Solomon was told# :Joab has fled to the tabernacle of the )3+*9 there he is# by the altar': Then Solomon sent Benaiah the son of Jehoiada# saying# :(o# stri1e him down':

Then King Solomon swore by the )3+*# saying# :4ay (od do so to me# and more also# if Adoni$ah has not s"o1en this word against his own lifeH

So Benaiah went to the tabernacle of the )3+*# and said to him# :Thus says the 1ing# :-ome outH:D And he said# :No# but 0 will die here': And Benaiah brought bac1 word to the 1ing# saying# :Thus said Joab# and thus he answered me':

Now therefore# as the )3+* lives# who has confirmed me and set me on the throne of *avid my father# and who has established a house for me# as 2e "romised# Adoni$ah shall be "ut to death todayH:

Then the 1ing said to him# :*o as he has said# and stri1e him down and bury him# that you may ta1e away from me and from the house of my father the innocent blood which Joab shed'

So the )3+* will return his blood on his head# because he struc1 down two men more righteous and better than he# and 1illed them with the swordFFAbner

the son of Ner# the commander of the army of 0srael# and Amasa the son of Jether# the commander of the army of JudahFFthough my father *avid did not 1now it'


And Solomon was told that Shimei had gone from Jerusalem to (ath and had come bac1'

Their blood shall therefore return u"on the head of Joab and u"on the head of his descendants forever' But u"on *avid and his descendants# u"on his house and his throne# there shall be "eace forever from the )3+*':

Then the 1ing sent and called for Shimei# and said to him# :*id 0 not ma1e you swear by the )3+*# and warn you# saying# :Know for certain that on the day you go out and travel anywhere# you shall surely dieDE And you said to me# :The word 0 have heard is good'D

So Benaiah the son of Jehoiada went u" and struc1 and 1illed him9 and he was buried in his own house in the wilderness'

Bhy then have you not 1e"t the oath of the )3+* and the commandment that 0 gave youE:

The 1ing "ut Benaiah the son of Jehoiada in his "lace over the army# and the 1ing "ut 5ado1 the "riest in the "lace of Abiathar'

The 1ing said moreover to Shimei# :Cou 1now# as your heart ac1nowledges# all the wic1edness that you did to my father *avid9 therefore the )3+* will return your wic1edness on your own head'

Then the 1ing sent and called for Shimei# and said to him# :Build yourself a house in Jerusalem and dwell there# and do not go out from there anywhere'

But King Solomon shall be blessed# and the throne of *avid shall be established before the )3+* forever':

For it shall be# on the day you go out and cross the Broo1 Kidron# 1now for certain you shall surely die9 your blood shall be on your own head':

So the 1ing commanded Benaiah the son of Jehoiada9 and he went out and struc1 him down# and he died' Thus the 1ingdom was established in the hand of Solomon'

And Shimei said to the 1ing# :The saying is good' As my lord the 1ing has said# so your servant will do': So Shimei dwelt in Jerusalem many days'

3Now Solomon made a treaty with

/haraoh 1ing of gy"t# and married /haraohDs daughter9 then he brought her to the -ity of *avid until he had finished building his own house# and the house of the )3+*# and the wall all around Jerusalem'

Now it ha""ened at the end of three years# that two slaves of Shimei ran away to Achish the son of 4aachah# 1ing of (ath' And they told Shimei# saying# :)oo1# your slaves are in (athH:

So Shimei arose# saddled his don1ey# and went to Achish at (ath to see1 his slaves' And Shimei went and brought his slaves from (ath'

4eanwhile the "eo"le sacrificed at the high "laces# because there was no house built for the name of the )3+* until those days'

And Solomon loved the )3+*# wal1ing in the statutes of his father *avid# e!ce"t that he sacrificed and burned incense at the high "laces'


Now the 1ing went to (ibeon to sacrifice there# for that was the great high "lace7 Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on that altar'

Then (od said to him7 :Because you have as1ed this thing# and have not as1ed long life for yourself# nor have as1ed riches for yourself# nor have as1ed the life of your enemies# but have as1ed for yourself understanding to discern $ustice#

At (ibeon the )3+* a""eared to Solomon in a dream by night9 and (od said# :As1H Bhat shall 0 give youE:

behold# 0 have done according to your words9 see# 0 have given you a wise and understanding heart# so that there has not been anyone li1e you before you# nor shall any li1e you arise after you'

And Solomon said7 :Cou have shown great mercy to Cour servant *avid my father# because he wal1ed before Cou in truth# in righteousness# and in u"rightness of heart with Cou9 Cou have continued this great 1indness for him# and Cou have given him a son to sit on his throne# as it is this day'

And 0 have also given you what you have not as1ed7 both riches and honor# so that there shall not be anyone li1e you among the 1ings all your days'

So if you wal1 in 4y ways# to 1ee" 4y statutes and 4y commandments# as your father *avid wal1ed# then 0 will lengthen your days':

Now# 3 )3+* my (od# Cou have made Cour servant 1ing instead of my father *avid# but 0 am a little child9 0 do not 1now how to go out or come in'

And Cour servant is in the midst of Cour "eo"le whom Cou have chosen# a great "eo"le# too numerous to be numbered or counted'

Then Solomon awo1e9 and indeed it had been a dream' And he came to Jerusalem and stood before the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+*# offered u" burnt offerings# offered "eace offerings# and made a feast for all his servants'

Now two women who were harlots came to the 1ing# and stood before him'

Therefore give to Cour servant an understanding heart to $udge Cour "eo"le# that 0 may discern between good and evil' For who is able to $udge this great "eo"le of CoursE:

And one woman said# :3 my lord# this woman and 0 dwell in the same house9 and 0 gave birth while she was in the house'

The s"eech "leased the )3+*# that Solomon had as1ed this thing'

Then it ha""ened# the third day after 0 had given birth# that this woman also gave birth' And we were together9 no one was with us in the house# e!ce"t the two of us in the house'

And this womanDs son died in the night# because she lay on him'


So she arose in the middle of the night and too1 my son from my side# while your maidservant sle"t# and laid him in her bosom# and laid her dead child in my bosom'

wisdom of (od was in him to administer $ustice'

4So King Solomon was 1ing over all


And when 0 rose in the morning to nurse my son# there he was# dead' But when 0 had e!amined him in the morning# indeed# he was not my son whom 0 had borne':

And these were his officials7 A.ariah the son of 5ado1# the "riest9

Then the other woman said# :NoH But the living one is my son# and the dead one is your son': And the first woman said# :NoH But the dead one is your son# and the living one is my son': Thus they s"o1e before the 1ing'

lihore"h and Ahi$ah# the sons of Shisha# scribes9 Jehosha"hat the son of Ahilud# the recorder9

Benaiah the son of Jehoiada# over the army9 5ado1 and Abiathar# the "riests9

And the 1ing said# :The one says# :This is my son# who lives# and your son is the dead oneD9 and the other says# :NoH But your son is the dead one# and my son is the living one'D

A.ariah the son of Nathan# over the officers9 5abud the son of Nathan# a "riest and the 1ingDs friend9

Ahishar# over the household9 and Adoniram the son of Abda# over the labor force'

Then the 1ing said# :Bring me a sword': So they brought a sword before the 1ing'

And the 1ing said# :*ivide the living child in two# and give half to one# and half to the other':

And Solomon had twelve governors over all 0srael# who "rovided food for the 1ing and his household9 each one made "rovision for one month of the year'

These are their names7 BenF2ur# in the mountains of "hraim9


Then the woman whose son was living s"o1e to the 1ing# for she yearned with com"assion for her son9 and she said# :3 my lord# give her the living child# and by no means 1ill himH: But the other said# :)et him be neither mine nor yours# but divide him':

BenF*e1er# in 4a1a.# Shaalbim# Beth Shemesh# and lon Beth 2anan9


BenF2esed# in Arubboth9 to him belonged Sochoh and all the land of 2e"her9

So the 1ing answered and said# :(ive the first woman the living child# and by no means 1ill him9 she is his mother':

BenFAbinadab# in all the regions of *or9 he had Ta"hath the daughter of Solomon as wife9

And all 0srael heard of the $udgment which the 1ing had rendered9 and they feared the 1ing# for they saw that the

Baana the son of Ahilud# in Taanach# 4egiddo# and all Beth Shean# which is beside 5aretan below Je.reel# from Beth

Shean to Abel 4eholah# as far as the other side of Jo1neam9


besides deer# ga.elles# roebuc1s# and fatted fowl'


BenF(eber# in +amoth (ilead9 to him belonged the towns of Jair the son of 4anasseh# in (ilead9 to him also belonged the region of Argob in BashanFFsi!ty large cities with walls and bron.e gateFbars9

For he had dominion over all the region on this side of the +iver from Ti"hsah even to (a.a# namely over all the 1ings on this side of the +iver9 and he had "eace on every side all around him'

Ahinadab 4ahanaim9






Ahimaa.# in Na"htali9 he also too1 Basemath the daughter of Solomon as wife9


And Judah and 0srael dwelt safely# each man under his vine and his fig tree# from *an as far as Beersheba# all the days of Solomon'

Baanah the son of 2ushai# in Asher and Aloth9


Solomon had forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots# and twelve thousand horsemen'

Jehosha"hat the son of /aruah# in 0ssachar9


And these governors# each man in his month# "rovided food for King Solomon and for all who came to King SolomonDs table' There was no lac1 in their su""ly'

Shimei the son of lah# in Ben$amin9


(eber the son of Ari# in the land of (ilead# in the country of Sihon 1ing of the Amorites# and of 3g 1ing of Bashan' 2e was the only governor who was in the land'

They also brought barley and straw to the "ro"er "lace# for the horses and steeds# each man according to his charge'

Judah and 0srael were as numerous as the sand by the sea in multitude# eating and drin1ing and re$oicing'

And (od gave Solomon wisdom and e!ceedingly great understanding# and largeness of heart li1e the sand on the seashore'

So Solomon reigned over all 1ingdoms from the +iver to the land of the /hilistines# as far as the border of gy"t' They brought tribute and served Solomon all the days of his life'

Thus SolomonDs wisdom e!celled the wisdom of all the men of the ast and all the wisdom of gy"t'

Now SolomonDs "rovision for one day was thirty 1ors of fine flour# si!ty 1ors of meal#

For he was wiser than all menFFthan than the .rahite# and 2eman# -halcol# and *arda# the sons of 4ahol9 and his fame was in all the surrounding nations'

ten fatted o!en# twenty o!en from the "astures# and one hundred shee"#

2e s"o1e three thousand "roverbs# and his songs were one thousand and five'


Also he s"o1e of trees# from the cedar tree of )ebanon even to the hysso" that s"rings out of the wall9 he s"o1e also of animals# of birds# of cree"ing things# and of fish'

So it was# when 2iram heard the words of Solomon# that he re$oiced greatly and said# ; Blessed be the )3+* this day# for 2e has given *avid a wise son over this great "eo"leH

And men of all nations# from all the 1ings of the earth who had heard of his wisdom# came to hear the wisdom of Solomon'

Then 2iram sent to Solomon# saying7 ; 0 have considered the message which you sent me# and 0 will do all you desire concerning the cedar and cy"ress logs'

5Now 2iram 1ing of Tyre sent his

servants to Solomon# because he heard that they had anointed him 1ing in "lace of his father# for 2iram had always loved *avid'

4y servants shall bring them down from )ebanon to the sea9 0 will float them in rafts by sea to the "lace you indicate to me# and will have them bro1en a"art there9 then you can ta1e them away' And you shall fulfill my desire by giving food for my household'

Then Solomon sent to 2iram# saying7

Cou 1now how my father *avid could not build a house for the name of the )3+* his (od because of the wars which were fought against him on every side# until the )3+* "ut his foes under the soles of his feet'

Then 2iram gave Solomon cedar and cy"ress logs according to all his desire'

And Solomon gave 2iram twenty thousand 1ors of wheat as food for his household# and twenty 1ors of "ressed oil' Thus Solomon gave to 2iram year by year'

But now the )3+* my (od has given me rest on every side9 there is neither adversary nor evil occurrence'

And behold# 0 "ro"ose to build a house for the name of the )3+* my (od# as the )3+* s"o1e to my father *avid# saying# :Cour son# whom 0 will set on your throne in your "lace# he shall build the house for 4y name':

So the )3+* gave Solomon wisdom# as 2e had "romised him9 and there was "eace between 2iram and Solomon# and the two of them made a treaty together'

Then King Solomon raised u" a labor force out of all 0srael9 and the labor force was thirty thousand men'

Now therefore# command that they cut down cedars for me from )ebanon9 and my servants will be with your servants# and 0 will "ay you wages for your servants according to whatever you say' For you 1now there is none among us who has s1ill to cut timber li1e the Sidonians'

And he sent them to )ebanon# ten thousand a month in shifts7 they were one month in )ebanon and two months at home9 Adoniram was in charge of the labor force'

Solomon had seventy thousand who carried burdens# and eighty thousand who Guarried stone in the mountains#


besides three thousand three hundred from the chiefs of SolomonDs de"uties# who su"ervised the "eo"le who labored in the wor1'

and the third was seven cubits wide9 for he made narrow ledges around the outside of the tem"le# so that the su""ort beams would not be fastened into the walls of the tem"le'

And the 1ing commanded them to Guarry large stones# costly stones# and hewn stones# to lay the foundation of the tem"le'

So SolomonDs builders# 2iramDs builders# and the (ebalites Guarried them9 and they "re"ared timber and stones to build the tem"le'

And the tem"le# when it was being built# was built with stone finished at the Guarry# so that no hammer or chisel or any iron tool was heard in the tem"le while it was being built'


The doorway for the middle story was on the right side of the tem"le' They went u" by stairs to the middle story# and from the middle to the third'

it came to "ass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of 0srael had come out of the land of gy"t# in the fourth year of SolomonDs reign over 0srael# in the month of 5iv# which is the second month# that he began to build the house of the )3+*'

So he built the tem"le and finished it# and he "aneled the tem"le with beams and boards of cedar'

And he built side chambers against the entire tem"le# each five cubits high9 they were attached to the tem"le with cedar beams'

Now the house which King Solomon built for the )3+*# its length was si!ty cubits# its width twenty# and its height thirty cubits'

Then the word of the )3+* came to Solomon# saying7


The vestibule in front of the sanctuary of the house was twenty cubits long across the width of the house# and the width of the vestibule e!tended ten cubits from the front of the house'

:-oncerning this tem"le which you are building# if you wal1 in 4y statutes# e!ecute 4y $udgments# 1ee" all 4y commandments# and wal1 in them# then 0 will "erform 4y word with you# which 0 s"o1e to your father *avid'

And he made for the house windows with beveled frames'


And 0 will dwell among the children of 0srael# and will not forsa1e 4y "eo"le 0srael':

Against the wall of the tem"le he built chambers all around# against the walls of the tem"le# all around the sanctuary and the inner sanctuary' Thus he made side chambers all around it'

So Solomon built the tem"le and finished it'


The lowest chamber was five cubits wide# the middle was si! cubits wide#

And he built the inside walls of the tem"le with cedar boards9 from the floor of the tem"le to the ceiling he "aneled the inside with wood9 and he covered

the floor of the tem"le with "lan1s of cy"ress'



And the other cherub was ten cubits9 both cherubim were of the same si.e and sha"e'

Then he built the twentyFcubit room at the rear of the tem"le# from floor to ceiling# with cedar boards9 he built it inside as the inner sanctuary# as the 4ost 2oly /lace'

The height of one cherub was ten cubits# and so was the other cherub'

And in front of it the tem"le sanctuary was forty cubits long'


The inside of the tem"le was cedar# carved with ornamental buds and o"en flowers' All was cedar9 there was no stone to be seen'

Then he set the cherubim inside the inner room9 and they stretched out the wings of the cherubim so that the wing of the one touched one wall# and the wing of the other cherub touched the other wall' And their wings touched each other in the middle of the room'

Also he overlaid the cherubim with gold'


And he "re"ared the inner sanctuary inside the tem"le# to set the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* there'

The inner sanctuary was twenty cubits long# twenty cubits wide# and twenty cubits high' 2e overlaid it with "ure gold# and overlaid the altar of cedar'

Then he carved all the walls of the tem"le all around# both the inner and outer sanctuaries# with carved figures of cherubim# "alm trees# and o"en flowers'

And the floor of the tem"le he overlaid with gold# both the inner and outer sanctuaries'

So Solomon overlaid the inside of the tem"le with "ure gold' 2e stretched gold chains across the front of the inner sanctuary# and overlaid it with gold'

For the entrance of the inner sanctuary he made doors of olive wood9 the lintel and door"osts were oneFfifth of the wall'

The whole tem"le he overlaid with gold# until he had finished all the tem"le9 also he overlaid with gold the entire altar that was by the inner sanctuary'

0nside the inner sanctuary he made two cherubim of olive wood# each ten cubits high'

The two doors were of olive wood9 and he carved on them figures of cherubim# "alm trees# and o"en flowers# and overlaid them with gold9 and he s"read gold on the cherubim and on the "alm trees'

3ne wing of the cherub was five cubits# and the other wing of the cherub five cubits7 ten cubits from the ti" of one wing to the ti" of the other'

So for the door of the sanctuary he also made door"osts of olive wood# oneF fourth of the wall'

And the two doors were of cy"ress wood9 two "anels com"rised one folding door# and two "anels com"rised the other folding door'


Then he carved cherubim# "alm trees# and o"en flowers on them# and overlaid them with gold a""lied evenly on the carved wor1'

Then he made a hall for the throne# the 2all of Judgment# where he might $udge9 and it was "aneled with cedar from floor to ceiling'

And he built the inner court with three rows of hewn stone and a row of cedar beams'

0n the fourth year the foundation of the house of the )3+* was laid# in the month of 5iv'

And the house where he dwelt had another court inside the hall# of li1e wor1manshi"' Solomon also made a house li1e this hall for /haraohDs daughter# whom he had ta1en as wife'

And in the eleventh year# in the month of Bul# which is the eighth month# the house was finished in all its details and according to all its "lans' So he was seven years in building it'

All these were of costly stones cut to si.e# trimmed with saws# inside and out# from the foundation to the eaves# and also on the outside to the great court'

The foundation was of costly stones# large stones# some ten cubits and some eight cubits'

7But Solomon too1 thirteen years to

build his own house9 so he finished all his house'

And above were costly stones# hewn to si.e# and cedar wood'

2e also built the 2ouse of the Forest of )ebanon9 its length was one hundred cubits# its width fifty cubits# and its height thirty cubits# with four rows of cedar "illars# and cedar beams on the "illars'

The great court was enclosed with three rows of hewn stones and a row of cedar beams' So were the inner court of the house of the )3+* and the vestibule of the tem"le'

And it was "aneled with cedar above the beams that were on fortyFfive "illars# fifteen to a row'

Now King Solomon sent and brought 2uram from Tyre'


There were windows with beveled frames in three rows# and window was o""osite window in three tiers'

And all the doorways and door"osts had rectangular frames9 and window was o""osite window in three tiers'

2e was the son of a widow from the tribe of Na"htali# and his father was a man of Tyre# a bron.e wor1er9 he was filled with wisdom and understanding and s1ill in wor1ing with all 1inds of bron.e wor1' So he came to King Solomon and did all his wor1'

2e also made the 2all of /illars7 its length was fifty cubits# and its width thirty cubits9 and in front of them was a "ortico with "illars# and a cano"y was in front of them'

And he cast two "illars of bron.e# each one eighteen cubits high# and a line of twelve cubits measured the circumference of each'

Then he made two ca"itals of cast bron.e# to set on the to"s of the "illars' The height of one ca"ital was five

cubits# and the height of the other ca"ital was five cubits'


2e made a lattice networ1# with wreaths of chainwor1# for the ca"itals which were on to" of the "illars7 seven chains for one ca"ital and seven for the other ca"ital'

0t stood on twelve o!en7 three loo1ing toward the north# three loo1ing toward the west# three loo1ing toward the south# and three loo1ing toward the east9 the Sea was set u"on them# and all their bac1 "arts "ointed inward'

So he made the "illars# and two rows of "omegranates above the networ1 all around to cover the ca"itals that were on to"9 and thus he did for the other ca"ital'

0t was a handbreadth thic19 and its brim was sha"ed li1e the brim of a cu"# li1e a lily blossom' 0t contained two thousand baths'

The ca"itals which were on to" of the "illars in the hall were in the sha"e of lilies# four cubits'

2e also made ten carts of bron.e9 four cubits was the length of each cart# four cubits its width# and three cubits its height'

The ca"itals on the two "illars also had "omegranates above# by the conve! surface which was ne!t to the networ19 and there were two hundred such "omegranates in rows on each of the ca"itals all around'

And this was the design of the carts7 They had "anels# and the "anels were between frames9

on the "anels that were between the frames were lions# o!en# and cherubim' And on the frames was a "edestal on to"' Below the lions and o!en were wreaths of "laited wor1'

Then he set u" the "illars by the vestibule of the tem"le9 he set u" the "illar on the right and called its name Jachin# and he set u" the "illar on the left and called its name Boa.'

very cart had four bron.e wheels and a!les of bron.e# and its four feet had su""orts' Ander the laver were su""orts of cast bron.e beside each wreath'

The to"s of the "illars were in the sha"e of lilies' So the wor1 of the "illars was finished'

And he made the Sea of cast bron.e# ten cubits from one brim to the other9 it was com"letely round' 0ts height was five cubits# and a line of thirty cubits measured its circumference'

0ts o"ening inside the crown at the to" was one cubit in diameter9 and the o"ening was round# sha"ed li1e a "edestal# one and a half cubits in outside diameter9 and also on the o"ening were engravings# but the "anels were sGuare# not round'

Below its brim were ornamental buds encircling it all around# ten to a cubit# all the way around the Sea' The ornamental buds were cast in two rows when it was cast'

Ander the "anels were the four wheels# and the a!les of the wheels were $oined to the cart' The height of a wheel was one and a half cubits'

The wor1manshi" of the wheels was li1e the wor1manshi" of a chariot wheel9

their a!le "ins# their rims# their s"o1es# and their hubs were all of cast bron.e'


And there were four su""orts at the four corners of each cart9 its su""orts were "art of the cart itself'

four hundred "omegranates for the two networ1s Itwo rows of "omegranates for each networ1# to cover the two bowlF sha"ed ca"itals that were on to" of the "illarsJ9

3n the to" of the cart# at the height of half a cubit# it was "erfectly round' And on the to" of the cart# its flanges and its "anels were of the same casting'

the ten carts# and ten lavers on the carts9


one Sea# and twelve o!en under the Sea9


3n the "lates of its flanges and on its "anels he engraved cherubim# lions# and "alm trees# wherever there was a clear s"ace on each# with wreaths all around'

the "ots# the shovels# and the bowls' All these articles which 2uram made for King Solomon for the house of the )3+* were of burnished bron.e'

Thus he made the ten carts' All of them were of the same mold# one measure# and one sha"e'

0n the "lain of Jordan the 1ing had them cast in clay molds# between Succoth and 5aretan'

Then he made ten lavers of bron.e9 each laver contained forty baths# and each laver was four cubits' 3n each of the ten carts was a laver'

And Solomon did not weigh all the articles# because there were so many9 the weight of the bron.e was not determined'

And he "ut five carts on the right side of the house# and five on the left side of the house' 2e set the Sea on the right side of the house# toward the southeast'

Thus Solomon had all the furnishings made for the house of the )3+*7 the altar of gold# and the table of gold on which was the showbread9

2uram made the lavers and the shovels and the bowls' So 2uram finished doing all the wor1 that he was to do for King Solomon for the house of the )3+*7

the lam"stands of "ure gold# five on the right side and five on the left in front of the inner sanctuary# with the flowers and the lam"s and the wic1Ftrimmers of gold9

the two "illars# the two bowlFsha"ed ca"itals that were on to" of the two "illars9 the two networ1s covering the two bowlFsha"ed ca"itals which were on to" of the "illars9

the basins# the trimmers# the bowls# the ladles# and the censers of "ure gold9 and the hinges of gold# both for the doors of the inner room Ithe 4ost 2oly /laceJ and for the doors of the main hall of the tem"le'

So all the wor1 that King Solomon had done for the house of the )3+* was finished9 and Solomon brought in the things which his father *avid had

dedicated7 the silver and the gold and the furnishings' 2e "ut them in the treasuries of the house of the )3+*'

"lace# in front of the inner sanctuary9 but they could not be seen from outside' And they are there to this day'

8Now Solomon assembled the elders

of 0srael and all the heads of the tribes# the chief fathers of the children of 0srael# to King Solomon in Jerusalem# that they might bring u" the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* from the -ity of *avid# which is 5ion'

Nothing was in the ar1 e!ce"t the two tablets of stone which 4oses "ut there at 2oreb# when the )3+* made a covenant with the children of 0srael# when they came out of the land of gy"t'

Therefore all the men of 0srael assembled with King Solomon at the feast in the month of thanim# which is the seventh month'

And it came to "ass# when the "riests came out of the holy "lace# that the cloud filled the house of the )3+*#

So all the elders of 0srael came# and the "riests too1 u" the ar1'

so that the "riests could not continue ministering because of the cloud9 for the glory of the )3+* filled the house of the )3+*'

Then they brought u" the ar1 of the )3+*# the tabernacle of meeting# and all the holy furnishings that were in the tabernacle' The "riests and the )evites brought them u"'

Then Solomon s"o1e7 :The )3+* said 2e would dwell in the dar1 cloud'

0 have surely built Cou an e!alted house# And a "lace for Cou to dwell in forever':

Also King Solomon# and all the congregation of 0srael who were assembled with him# were with him before the ar1# sacrificing shee" and o!en that could not be counted or numbered for multitude'

Then the 1ing turned around and blessed the whole assembly of 0srael# while all the assembly of 0srael was standing'

Then the "riests brought in the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* to its "lace# into the inner sanctuary of the tem"le# to the 4ost 2oly /lace# under the wings of the cherubim'

And he said7 :Blessed be the )3+* (od of 0srael# who s"o1e with 2is mouth to my father *avid# and with 2is hand has fulfilled it# saying#

For the cherubim s"read their two wings over the "lace of the ar1# and the cherubim overshadowed the ar1 and its "oles'

:Since the day that 0 brought 4y "eo"le 0srael out of gy"t# 0 have chosen no city from any tribe of 0srael in which to build a house# that 4y name might be there9 but 0 chose *avid to be over 4y "eo"le 0srael'D

The "oles e!tended so that the ends of the "oles could be seen from the holy

Now it was in the heart of my father *avid to build a tem"le for the name of the )3+* (od of 0srael'


But the )3+* said to my father *avid# :Bhereas it was in your heart to build a tem"le for 4y name# you did well that it was in your heart'


And now 0 "ray# 3 (od of 0srael# let Cour word come true# which Cou have s"o1en to Cour servant *avid my father'

Nevertheless you shall not build the tem"le# but your son who will come from your body# he shall build the tem"le for 4y name'D

:But will (od indeed dwell on the earthE Behold# heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Cou' 2ow much less this tem"le which 0 have builtH

So the )3+* has fulfilled 2is word which 2e s"o1e9 and 0 have filled the "osition of my father *avid# and sit on the throne of 0srael# as the )3+* "romised9 and 0 have built a tem"le for the name of the )3+* (od of 0srael'

Cet regard the "rayer of Cour servant and his su""lication# 3 )3+* my (od# and listen to the cry and the "rayer which Cour servant is "raying before Cou today7

And there 0 have made a "lace for the ar1# in which is the covenant of the )3+* which 2e made with our fathers# when 2e brought them out of the land of gy"t':

that Cour eyes may be o"en toward this tem"le night and day# toward the "lace of which Cou said# :4y name shall be there#D that Cou may hear the "rayer which Cour servant ma1es toward this "lace'

Then Solomon stood before the altar of the )3+* in the "resence of all the assembly of 0srael# and s"read out his hands toward heaven9

And may Cou hear the su""lication of Cour servant and of Cour "eo"le 0srael# when they "ray toward this "lace' 2ear in heaven Cour dwelling "lace9 and when Cou hear# forgive'

and he said7 :)3+* (od of 0srael# there is no (od in heaven above or on earth below li1e Cou# who 1ee" Cour covenant and mercy with Cour servants who wal1 before Cou with all their hearts'

:Bhen anyone sins against his neighbor# and is forced to ta1e an oath# and comes and ta1es an oath before Cour altar in this tem"le#

Cou have 1e"t what Cou "romised Cour servant *avid my father9 Cou have both s"o1en with Cour mouth and fulfilled it with Cour hand# as it is this day'

then hear in heaven# and act# and $udge Cour servants# condemning the wic1ed# bringing his way on his head# and $ustifying the righteous by giving him according to his righteousness'

Therefore# )3+* (od of 0srael# now 1ee" what Cou "romised Cour servant *avid my father# saying# :Cou shall not fail to have a man sit before 4e on the throne of 0srael# only if your sons ta1e heed to their way# that they wal1 before 4e as you have wal1ed before 4e'D

:Bhen Cour "eo"le 0srael are defeated before an enemy because they have sinned against Cou# and when they turn bac1 to Cou and confess Cour name# and "ray and ma1e su""lication to Cou in this tem"le#

then hear in heaven# and forgive the sin of Cour "eo"le 0srael# and bring

them bac1 to the land which Cou gave to their fathers'



:Bhen the heavens are shut u" and there is no rain because they have sinned against Cou# when they "ray toward this "lace and confess Cour name# and turn from their sin because Cou afflict them#

Ifor they will hear of Cour great name and Cour strong hand and Cour outstretched armJ# when he comes and "rays toward this tem"le#

then hear in heaven# and forgive the sin of Cour servants# Cour "eo"le 0srael# that Cou may teach them the good way in which they should wal19 and send rain on Cour land which Cou have given to Cour "eo"le as an inheritance'

hear in heaven Cour dwelling "lace# and do according to all for which the foreigner calls to Cou# that all "eo"les of the earth may 1now Cour name and fear Cou# as do Cour "eo"le 0srael# and that they may 1now that this tem"le which 0 have built is called by Cour name'

:Bhen there is famine in the land# "estilence or blight or mildew# locusts or grassho""ers9 when their enemy besieges them in the land of their cities9 whatever "lague or whatever sic1ness there is9

:Bhen Cour "eo"le go out to battle against their enemy# wherever Cou send them# and when they "ray to the )3+* toward the city which Cou have chosen and the tem"le which 0 have built for Cour name#

then hear in heaven their "rayer and their su""lication# and maintain their cause'

whatever "rayer# whatever su""lication is made by anyone# or by all Cour "eo"le 0srael# when each one 1nows the "lague of his own heart# and s"reads out his hands toward this tem"le7

:Bhen they sin against Cou Ifor there is no one who does not sinJ# and Cou become angry with them and deliver them to the enemy# and they ta1e them ca"tive to the land of the enemy# far or near9

then hear in heaven Cour dwelling "lace# and forgive# and act# and give to everyone according to all his ways# whose heart Cou 1now Ifor Cou alone 1now the hearts of all the sons of menJ#

that they may fear Cou all the days that they live in the land which Cou gave to our fathers'

yet when they come to themselves in the land where they were carried ca"tive# and re"ent# and ma1e su""lication to Cou in the land of those who too1 them ca"tive# saying# :Be have sinned and done wrong# we have committed wic1ednessD9

:4oreover# concerning a foreigner# who is not of Cour "eo"le 0srael# but has come from a far country for Cour nameDs sa1e

and when they return to Cou with all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their enemies who led them away ca"tive# and "ray to Cou toward their land which Cou gave to their fathers# the city which Cou have chosen and the tem"le which 0 have built for Cour name7


then hear in heaven Cour dwelling "lace their "rayer and their su""lication# and maintain their cause#


and forgive Cour "eo"le who have sinned against Cou# and all their transgressions which they have transgressed against Cou9 and grant them com"assion before those who too1 them ca"tive# that they may have com"assion on them

that 2e may incline our hearts to 2imself# to wal1 in all 2is ways# and to 1ee" 2is commandments and 2is statutes and 2is $udgments# which 2e commanded our fathers'

Ifor they are Cour "eo"le and Cour inheritance# whom Cou brought out of gy"t# out of the iron furnaceJ#

And may these words of mine# with which 0 have made su""lication before the )3+*# be near the )3+* our (od day and night# that 2e may maintain the cause of 2is servant and the cause of 2is "eo"le 0srael# as each day may reGuire#

that Cour eyes may be o"en to the su""lication of Cour servant and the su""lication of Cour "eo"le 0srael# to listen to them whenever they call to Cou'

that all the "eo"les of the earth may 1now that the )3+* is (od9 there is no other'

For Cou se"arated them from among all the "eo"les of the earth to be Cour inheritance# as Cou s"o1e by Cour servant 4oses# when Cou brought our fathers out of gy"t# 3 )ord (3*':

)et your heart therefore be loyal to the )3+* our (od# to wal1 in 2is statutes and 1ee" 2is commandments# as at this day':

Then the 1ing and all 0srael with him offered sacrifices before the )3+*'

And so it was# when Solomon had finished "raying all this "rayer and su""lication to the )3+*# that he arose from before the altar of the )3+*# from 1neeling on his 1nees with his hands s"read u" to heaven'

And Solomon offered a sacrifice of "eace offerings# which he offered to the )3+*# twentyFtwo thousand bulls and one hundred and twenty thousand shee"' So the 1ing and all the children of 0srael dedicated the house of the )3+*'

Then he stood and blessed all the assembly of 0srael with a loud voice# saying7

:Blessed be the )3+*# who has given rest to 2is "eo"le 0srael# according to all that 2e "romised' There has not failed one word of all 2is good "romise# which 2e "romised through 2is servant 4oses'

3n the same day the 1ing consecrated the middle of the court that was in front of the house of the )3+*9 for there he offered burnt offerings# grain offerings# and the fat of the "eace offerings# because the bron.e altar that was before the )3+* was too small to receive the burnt offerings# the grain offerings# and the fat of the "eace offerings'

4ay the )3+* our (od be with us# as 2e was with our fathers' 4ay 2e not leave us nor forsa1e us#

At that time Solomon held a feast# and all 0srael with him# a great assembly from the entrance of 2amath to the

Broo1 of gy"t# before the )3+* our (od# seven days and seven more daysFFfourteen days'

3n the eighth day he sent the "eo"le away9 and they blessed the 1ing# and went to their tents $oyful and glad of heart for all the good that the )3+* had done for 2is servant *avid# and for 0srael 2is "eo"le'

then 0 will cut off 0srael from the land which 0 have given them9 and this house which 0 have consecrated for 4y name 0 will cast out of 4y sight' 0srael will be a "roverb and a byword among all "eo"les'

9And it came to "ass# when Solomon

had finished building the house of the )3+* and the 1ingDs house# and all SolomonDs desire which he wanted to do#

And as for this house# which is e!alted# everyone who "asses by it will be astonished and will hiss# and say# :Bhy has the )3+* done thus to this land and to this houseED

that the )3+* a""eared to Solomon the second time# as 2e had a""eared to him at (ibeon'

Then they will answer# :Because they forsoo1 the )3+* their (od# who brought their fathers out of the land of gy"t# and have embraced other gods# and worshi"ed them and served them9 therefore the )3+* has brought all this calamity on them':D

And the )3+* said to him7 :0 have heard your "rayer and your su""lication that you have made before 4e9 0 have consecrated this house which you have built to "ut 4y name there forever# and 4y eyes and 4y heart will be there "er"etually'

Now it ha""ened at the end of twenty years# when Solomon had built the two houses# the house of the )3+* and the 1ingDs house

Now if you wal1 before 4e as your father *avid wal1ed# in integrity of heart and in u"rightness# to do according to all that 0 have commanded you# and if you 1ee" 4y statutes and 4y $udgments#

I2iram the 1ing of Tyre had su""lied Solomon with cedar and cy"ress and gold# as much as he desiredJ# that King Solomon then gave 2iram twenty cities in the land of (alilee'

Then 2iram went from Tyre to see the cities which Solomon had given him# but they did not "lease him'

then 0 will establish the throne of your 1ingdom over 0srael forever# as 0 "romised *avid your father# saying# :Cou shall not fail to have a man on the throne of 0srael'D

So he said# :Bhat 1ind of cities are these which you have given me# my brotherE: And he called them the land of -abul# as they are to this day'

But if you or your sons at all turn from following 4e# and do not 1ee" 4y commandments and 4y statutes which 0 have set before you# but go and serve other gods and worshi" them#

Then 2iram sent the 1ing one hundred and twenty talents of gold'

And this is the reason for the labor force which King Solomon raised7 to build the house of the )3+*# his own

house# the 4illo# the wall of Jerusalem# 2a.or# 4egiddo# and ('


I/haraoh 1ing of gy"t had gone u" and ta1en ( and burned it with fire# had 1illed the -anaanites who dwelt in the city# and had given it as a dowry to his daughter# SolomonDs wife'J

Now three times a year Solomon offered burnt offerings and "eace offerings on the altar which he had built for the )3+*# and he burned incense with them on the altar that was before the )3+*' So he finished the tem"le'

And Solomon built ( )ower Beth 2oron#


King Solomon also built a fleet of shi"s at .ion (eber# which is near lath on the shore of the +ed Sea# in the land of dom'

Baalath# and Tadmor in the wilderness# in the land of Judah#


Then 2iram sent his servants with the fleet# seamen who 1new the sea# to wor1 with the servants of Solomon'

all the storage cities that Solomon had# cities for his chariots and cities for his cavalry# and whatever Solomon desired to build in Jerusalem# in )ebanon# and in all the land of his dominion'

And they went to 3"hir# and acGuired four hundred and twenty talents of gold from there# and brought it to King Solomon'

All the "eo"le who were left of the Amorites# 2ittites# /eri..ites# 2ivites# and Jebusites# who were not of the children of 0sraelFF

10Now when the Gueen of Sheba

heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the )3+*# she came to test him with hard Guestions'

that is# their descendants who were left in the land after them# whom the children of 0srael had not been able to destroy com"letelyFFfrom these Solomon raised forced labor# as it is to this day'

But of the children of 0srael Solomon made no forced laborers# because they were men of war and his servants7 his officers# his ca"tains# commanders of his chariots# and his cavalry'

She came to Jerusalem with a very great retinue# with camels that bore s"ices# very much gold# and "recious stones9 and when she came to Solomon# she s"o1e with him about all that was in her heart'

So Solomon answered all her Guestions9 there was nothing so difficult for the 1ing that he could not e!"lain it to her'

3thers were chiefs of the officials who were over SolomonDs wor17 five hundred and fifty# who ruled over the "eo"le who did the wor1'

And when the Gueen of Sheba had seen all the wisdom of Solomon# the house that he had built#

But /haraohDs daughter came u" from the -ity of *avid to her house which Solomon had built for her' Then he built the 4illo'

the food on his table# the seating of his servants# the service of his waiters and their a""arel# his cu"bearers# and his entryway by which he went u" to the

house of the )3+*# there was no more s"irit in her'


she turned and went to her own country# she and her servants'

Then she said to the 1ing7 :0t was a true re"ort which 0 heard in my own land about your words and your wisdom'

The weight of gold that came to Solomon yearly was si! hundred and si!tyFsi! talents of gold#

2owever 0 did not believe the words until 0 came and saw with my own eyes9 and indeed the half was not told me' Cour wisdom and "ros"erity e!ceed the fame of which 0 heard'

besides that from the traveling merchants# from the income of traders# from all the 1ings of Arabia# and from the governors of the country'

2a""y are your men and ha""y are these your servants# who stand continually before you and hear your wisdomH

And King Solomon made two hundred large shields of hammered gold9 si! hundred she1els of gold went into each shield'

Blessed be the )3+* your (od# who delighted in you# setting you on the throne of 0sraelH Because the )3+* has loved 0srael forever# therefore 2e made you 1ing# to do $ustice and righteousness':

2e also made three hundred shields of hammered gold9 three minas of gold went into each shield' The 1ing "ut them in the 2ouse of the Forest of )ebanon'

4oreover the 1ing made a great throne of ivory# and overlaid it with "ure gold'

Then she gave the 1ing one hundred and twenty talents of gold# s"ices in great Guantity# and "recious stones' There never again came such abundance of s"ices as the Gueen of Sheba gave to King Solomon'

The throne had si! ste"s# and the to" of the throne was round at the bac19 there were armrests on either side of the "lace of the seat# and two lions stood beside the armrests'

Also# the shi"s of 2iram# which brought gold from 3"hir# brought great Guantities of almug wood and "recious stones from 3"hir'

Twelve lions stood there# one on each side of the si! ste"s9 nothing li1e this had been made for any other 1ingdom'

And the 1ing made ste"s of the almug wood for the house of the )3+* and for the 1ingDs house# also har"s and stringed instruments for singers' There never again came such almug wood# nor has the li1e been seen to this day'

All King SolomonDs drin1ing vessels were gold# and all the vessels of the 2ouse of the Forest of )ebanon were "ure gold' Not one was silver# for this was accounted as nothing in the days of Solomon'

Now King Solomon gave the Gueen of Sheba all she desired# whatever she as1ed# besides what Solomon had given her according to the royal generosity' So

For the 1ing had merchant shi"s at sea with the fleet of 2iram' 3nce every three years the merchant shi"s came bringing gold# silver# ivory# a"es# and mon1eys'


So King Solomon sur"assed all the 1ings of the earth in riches and wisdom'

Now all the earth sought the "resence of Solomon to hear his wisdom# which (od had "ut in his heart'

from the nations of whom the )3+* had said to the children of 0srael# :Cou shall not intermarry with them# nor they with you' Surely they will turn away your hearts after their gods': Solomon clung to these in love'

ach man brought his "resent7 articles of silver and gold# garments# armor# s"ices# horses# and mules# at a set rate year by year'

And he had seven hundred wives# "rincesses# and three hundred concubines9 and his wives turned away his heart'

And Solomon gathered chariots and horsemen9 he had one thousand four hundred chariots and twelve thousand horsemen# whom he stationed in the chariot cities and with the 1ing at Jerusalem'

For it was so# when Solomon was old# that his wives turned his heart after other gods9 and his heart was not loyal to the )3+* his (od# as was the heart of his father *avid'

The 1ing made silver as common in Jerusalem as stones# and he made cedar trees as abundant as the sycamores which are in the lowland'

For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians# and after 4ilcom the abomination of the Ammonites'

Also Solomon had horses im"orted from gy"t and Keveh9 the 1ingDs merchants bought them in Keveh at the current "rice'

Solomon did evil in the sight of the )3+*# and did not fully follow the )3+*# as did his father *avid'

Now a chariot that was im"orted from gy"t cost si! hundred she1els of silver# and a horse one hundred and fifty9 and thus# through their agents# they e!"orted them to all the 1ings of the 2ittites and the 1ings of Syria'

Then Solomon built a high "lace for -hemosh the abomination of 4oab# on the hill that is east of Jerusalem# and for 4olech the abomination of the "eo"le of Ammon'

And he did li1ewise for all his foreign wives# who burned incense and sacrificed to their gods'


King Solomon loved many foreign women# as well as the daughter of /haraoh7 women of the 4oabites# Ammonites# domites# Sidonians# and 2ittitesFF

So the )3+* became angry with Solomon# because his heart had turned from the )3+* (od of 0srael# who had a""eared to him twice#

and had commanded him concerning this thing# that he should not go after other gods9 but he did not 1ee" what the )3+* had commanded'


Therefore the )3+* said to Solomon# :Because you have done this# and have not 1e"t 4y covenant and 4y statutes# which 0 have commanded you# 0 will surely tear the 1ingdom away from you and give it to your servant'


Then the sister of Tah"enes bore him (enubath his son# whom Tah"enes weaned in /haraohDs house' And (enubath was in /haraohDs household among the sons of /haraoh'

Nevertheless 0 will not do it in your days# for the sa1e of your father *avid9 0 will tear it out of the hand of your son'

2owever 0 will not tear away the whole 1ingdom9 0 will give one tribe to your son for the sa1e of 4y servant *avid# and for the sa1e of Jerusalem which 0 have chosen':

So when 2adad heard in gy"t that *avid rested with his fathers# and that Joab the commander of the army was dead# 2adad said to /haraoh# :)et me de"art# that 0 may go to my own country':

Now the )3+* raised u" an adversary against Solomon# 2adad the domite9 he was a descendant of the 1ing in dom'

Then /haraoh said to him# :But what have you lac1ed with me# that suddenly you see1 to go to your own countryE: So he answered# :Nothing# but do let me go anyway':

For it ha""ened# when *avid was in dom# and Joab the commander of the army had gone u" to bury the slain# after he had 1illed every male in dom

And (od raised u" another adversary against him# +e.on the son of liadah# who had fled from his lord# 1ing of 5obah'

Ibecause for si! months Joab remained there with all 0srael# until he had cut down every male in domJ#

So he gathered men to him and became ca"tain over a band of raiders# when *avid 1illed those of 5obah' And they went to *amascus and dwelt there# and reigned in *amascus'

that 2adad fled to go to gy"t# he and certain domites of his fatherDs servants with him' 2adad was still a little child'

2e was an adversary of 0srael all the days of Solomon Ibesides the trouble that 2adad causedJ9 and he abhorred 0srael# and reigned over Syria'

Then they arose from 4idian and came to /aran9 and they too1 men with them from /aran and came to gy"t# to /haraoh 1ing of gy"t# who gave him a house# a""ortioned food for him# and gave him land'

Then SolomonDs servant# Jeroboam the son of Nebat# an "hraimite from 5ereda# whose motherDs name was 5eruah# a widow# also rebelled against the 1ing'

And 2adad found great favor in the sight of /haraoh# so that he gave him as wife the sister of his own wife# that is# the sister of Kueen Tah"enes'

And this is what caused him to rebel against the 1ing7 Solomon had built the 4illo and re"aired the damages to the -ity of *avid his father'

The man Jeroboam was a mighty man of valor9 and Solomon# seeing that the

young man was industrious# made him the officer over all the labor force of the house of Jose"h'

which 0 have chosen for 4yself# to "ut 4y name there'


Now it ha""ened at that time# when Jeroboam went out of Jerusalem# that the "ro"het Ahi$ah the Shilonite met him on the way9 and he had clothed himself with a new garment# and the two were alone in the field'

So 0 will ta1e you# and you shall reign over all your heart desires# and you shall be 1ing over 0srael'

Then Ahi$ah too1 hold of the new garment that was on him# and tore it into twelve "ieces'

Then it shall be# if you heed all that 0 command you# wal1 in 4y ways# and do what is right in 4y sight# to 1ee" 4y statutes and 4y commandments# as 4y servant *avid did# then 0 will be with you and build for you an enduring house# as 0 built for *avid# and will give 0srael to you'

And he said to Jeroboam# :Ta1e for yourself ten "ieces# for thus says the )3+*# the (od of 0srael7 :Behold# 0 will tear the 1ingdom out of the hand of Solomon and will give ten tribes to you

And 0 will afflict the descendants of *avid because of this# but not forever':D

Ibut he shall have one tribe for the sa1e of 4y servant *avid# and for the sa1e of Jerusalem# the city which 0 have chosen out of all the tribes of 0sraelJ#

Solomon therefore sought to 1ill Jeroboam' But Jeroboam arose and fled to gy"t# to Shisha1 1ing of gy"t# and was in gy"t until the death of Solomon'

because they have forsa1en 4e# and worshi"ed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians# -hemosh the god of the 4oabites# and 4ilcom the god of the "eo"le of Ammon# and have not wal1ed in 4y ways to do what is right in 4y eyes and 1ee" 4y statutes and 4y $udgments# as did his father *avid'

Now the rest of the acts of Solomon# all that he did# and his wisdom# are they not written in the boo1 of the acts of SolomonE

And the "eriod that Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all 0srael was forty years'

2owever 0 will not ta1e the whole 1ingdom out of his hand# because 0 have made him ruler all the days of his life for the sa1e of 4y servant *avid# whom 0 chose because he 1e"t 4y commandments and 4y statutes'

Then Solomon rested with his fathers# and was buried in the -ity of *avid his father' And +ehoboam his son reigned in his "lace'

12And +ehoboam went to Shechem#

for all 0srael had gone to Shechem to ma1e him 1ing'

But 0 will ta1e the 1ingdom out of his sonDs hand and give it to youFFten tribes'

And to his son 0 will give one tribe# that 4y servant *avid may always have a lam" before 4e in Jerusalem# the city

So it ha""ened# when Jeroboam the son of Nebat heard it Ihe was still in gy"t# for he had fled from the "resence

of King Solomon and had been dwelling in gy"tJ#


them7 :4y little finger shall be thic1er than my fatherDs waistH


that they sent and called him' Then Jeroboam and the whole assembly of 0srael came and s"o1e to +ehoboam# saying#

And now# whereas my father "ut a heavy yo1e on you# 0 will add to your yo1e9 my father chastised you with whi"s# but 0 will chastise you with scourgesH:D

:Cour father made our yo1e heavy9 now therefore# lighten the burdensome service of your father# and his heavy yo1e which he "ut on us# and we will serve you':

So Jeroboam and all the "eo"le came to +ehoboam the third day# as the 1ing had directed# saying# :-ome bac1 to me the third day':

So he said to them# :*e"art for three days# then come bac1 to me': And the "eo"le de"arted'

Then the 1ing answered the "eo"le roughly# and re$ected the advice which the elders had given him9

Then King +ehoboam consulted the elders who stood before his father Solomon while he still lived# and he said# :2ow do you advise me to answer these "eo"leE:

and he s"o1e to them according to the advice of the young men# saying# :4y father made your yo1e heavy# but 0 will add to your yo1e9 my father chastised you with whi"s# but 0 will chastise you with scourgesH:

And they s"o1e to him# saying# :0f you will be a servant to these "eo"le today# and serve them# and answer them# and s"ea1 good words to them# then they will be your servants forever':

But he re$ected the advice which the elders had given him# and consulted the young men who had grown u" with him# who stood before him'

So the 1ing did not listen to the "eo"le9 for the turn of events was from the )3+*# that 2e might fulfill 2is word# which the )3+* had s"o1en by Ahi$ah the Shilonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat'

And he said to them# :Bhat advice do you giveE 2ow should we answer this "eo"le who have s"o1en to me# saying# :)ighten the yo1e which your father "ut on usDE:

Now when all 0srael saw that the 1ing did not listen to them# the "eo"le answered the 1ing# saying7 :Bhat share have we in *avidE Be have no inheritance in the son of Jesse' To your tents# 3 0sraelH Now# see to your own house# 3 *avidH: So 0srael de"arted to their tents'

Then the young men who had grown u" with him s"o1e to him# saying# :Thus you should s"ea1 to this "eo"le who have s"o1en to you# saying# :Cour father made our yo1e heavy# but you ma1e it lighter on usDFFthus you shall say to

But +ehoboam reigned over the children of 0srael who dwelt in the cities of Judah'

Then King +ehoboam sent Adoram# who was in charge of the revenue9 but all 0srael stoned him with stones# and he

died' Therefore King +ehoboam mounted his chariot in haste to flee to Jerusalem'


So 0srael has been in rebellion against the house of *avid to this day'

0f these "eo"le go u" to offer sacrifices in the house of the )3+* at Jerusalem# then the heart of this "eo"le will turn bac1 to their lord# +ehoboam 1ing of Judah# and they will 1ill me and go bac1 to +ehoboam 1ing of Judah':

Now it came to "ass when all 0srael heard that Jeroboam had come bac1# they sent for him and called him to the congregation# and made him 1ing over all 0srael' There was none who followed the house of *avid# but the tribe of Judah only'

Therefore the 1ing as1ed advice# made two calves of gold# and said to the "eo"le# :0t is too much for you to go u" to Jerusalem' 2ere are your gods# 3 0srael# which brought you u" from the land of gy"tH:

And when +ehoboam came to Jerusalem# he assembled all the house of Judah with the tribe of Ben$amin# one hundred and eighty thousand chosen men who were warriors# to fight against the house of 0srael# that he might restore the 1ingdom to +ehoboam the son of Solomon'

And he set u" one in Bethel# and the other he "ut in *an'

Now this thing became a sin# for the "eo"le went to worshi" before the one as far as *an'

But the word of (od came Shemaiah the man of (od# saying#


2e made shrines on the high "laces# and made "riests from every class of "eo"le# who were not of the sons of )evi'

:S"ea1 to +ehoboam the son of Solomon# 1ing of Judah# to all the house of Judah and Ben$amin# and to the rest of the "eo"le# saying#

:Thus says the )3+*7 :Cou shall not go u" nor fight against your brethren the children of 0srael' )et every man return to his house# for this thing is from 4e'::D Therefore they obeyed the word of the )3+*# and turned bac1# according to the word of the )3+*'

Jeroboam ordained a feast on the fifteenth day of the eighth month# li1e the feast that was in Judah# and offered sacrifices on the altar' So he did at Bethel# sacrificing to the calves that he had made' And at Bethel he installed the "riests of the high "laces which he had made'

Then Jeroboam built Shechem in the mountains of "hraim# and dwelt there' Also he went out from there and built /enuel'

So he made offerings on the altar which he had made at Bethel on the fifteenth day of the eighth month# in the month which he had devised in his own heart' And he ordained a feast for the children of 0srael# and offered sacrifices on the altar and burned incense'

And Jeroboam said in his heart# :Now the 1ingdom may return to the house of *avid7

13And behold# a man of (od went

from Judah to Bethel by the word of the )3+*# and Jeroboam stood by the altar to burn incense'

Then he cried out against the altar by the word of the )3+*# and said# :3 altar# altarH Thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# a child# Josiah by name# shall be born to the house of *avid9 and on you he shall sacrifice the "riests of the high "laces who burn incense on you# and menDs bones shall be burned on you':D

For so it was commanded me by the word of the )3+*# saying# :Cou shall not eat bread# nor drin1 water# nor return by the same way you came':D

So he went another way and did not return by the way he came to Bethel'

And he gave a sign the same day# saying# :This is the sign which the )3+* has s"o1en7 Surely the altar shall s"lit a"art# and the ashes on it shall be "oured out':

Now an old "ro"het dwelt in Bethel# and his sons came and told him all the wor1s that the man of (od had done that day in Bethel9 they also told their father the words which he had s"o1en to the 1ing'

So it came to "ass when King Jeroboam heard the saying of the man of (od# who cried out against the altar in Bethel# that he stretched out his hand from the altar# saying# :Arrest himH: Then his hand# which he stretched out toward him# withered# so that he could not "ull it bac1 to himself'

And their father said to them# :Bhich way did he goE: For his sons had seen which way the man of (od went who came from Judah'

Then he said to his sons# :Saddle the don1ey for me': So they saddled the don1ey for him9 and he rode on it#

The altar also was s"lit a"art# and the ashes "oured out from the altar# according to the sign which the man of (od had given by the word of the )3+*'

and went after the man of (od# and found him sitting under an oa1' Then he said to him# :Are you the man of (od who came from JudahE: And he said# :0 am':

Then the 1ing answered and said to the man of (od# :/lease entreat the favor of the )3+* your (od# and "ray for me# that my hand may be restored to me': So the man of (od entreated the )3+*# and the 1ingDs hand was restored to him# and became as before'

Then he said to him# :-ome home with me and eat bread':


And he said# :0 cannot return with you nor go in with you9 neither can 0 eat bread nor drin1 water with you in this "lace'

Then the 1ing said to the man of (od# :-ome home with me and refresh yourself# and 0 will give you a reward':

For 0 have been told by the word of the )3+*# :Cou shall not eat bread nor drin1 water there# nor return by going the way you came':D

But the man of (od said to the 1ing# :0f you were to give me half your house# 0 would not go in with you9 nor would 0 eat bread nor drin1 water in this "lace'

2e said to him# :0 too am a "ro"het as you are# and an angel s"o1e to me by the word of the )3+*# saying# :Bring him bac1 with you to your house# that he

may eat bread and drin1 water':D I2e was lying to him'J

him# according to the word of the )3+* which 2e s"o1e to him':


So he went bac1 with him# and ate bread in his house# and dran1 water'

And he s"o1e to his sons# saying# :Saddle the don1ey for me': So they saddled it'

Now it ha""ened# as they sat at the table# that the word of the )3+* came to the "ro"het who had brought him bac19

and he cried out to the man of (od who came from Judah# saying# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Because you have disobeyed the word of the )3+*# and have not 1e"t the commandment which the )3+* your (od commanded you#

Then he went and found his cor"se thrown on the road# and the don1ey and the lion standing by the cor"se' The lion had not eaten the cor"se nor torn the don1ey'

And the "ro"het too1 u" the cor"se of the man of (od# laid it on the don1ey# and brought it bac1' So the old "ro"het came to the city to mourn# and to bury him'

but you came bac1# ate bread# and dran1 water in the "lace of which the )3+* said to you# : at no bread and drin1 no water#: your cor"se shall not come to the tomb of your fathers':D

Then he laid the cor"se in his own tomb9 and they mourned over him# saying# :Alas# my brotherH:

So it was# after he had eaten bread and after he had drun1# that he saddled the don1ey for him# the "ro"het whom he had brought bac1'

So it was# after he had buried him# that he s"o1e to his sons# saying# :Bhen 0 am dead# then bury me in the tomb where the man of (od is buried9 lay my bones beside his bones'

Bhen he was gone# a lion met him on the road and 1illed him' And his cor"se was thrown on the road# and the don1ey stood by it' The lion also stood by the cor"se'

For the saying which he cried out by the word of the )3+* against the altar in Bethel# and against all the shrines on the high "laces which are in the cities of Samaria# will surely come to "ass':

And there# men "assed by and saw the cor"se thrown on the road# and the lion standing by the cor"se' Then they went and told it in the city where the old "ro"het dwelt'

After this event Jeroboam did not turn from his evil way# but again he made "riests from every class of "eo"le for the high "laces9 whoever wished# he consecrated him# and he became one of the "riests of the high "laces'

Now when the "ro"het who had brought him bac1 from the way heard it# he said# :0t is the man of (od who was disobedient to the word of the )3+*' Therefore the )3+* has delivered him to the lion# which has torn him and 1illed

And this thing was the sin of the house of Jeroboam# so as to e!terminate and destroy it from the face of the earth'

14At that time Abi$ah the son of

Jeroboam became sic1'

And Jeroboam said to his wife# :/lease arise# and disguise yourself# that they may not recogni.e you as the wife of Jeroboam# and go to Shiloh' 0ndeed# Ahi$ah the "ro"het is there# who told me that 0 would be 1ing over this "eo"le'

but you have done more evil than all who were before you# for you have gone and made for yourself other gods and molded images to "rovo1e 4e to anger# and have cast 4e behind your bac1FF

Also ta1e with you ten loaves# some ca1es# and a $ar of honey# and go to him9 he will tell you what will become of the child':

therefore beholdH 0 will bring disaster on the house of Jeroboam# and will cut off from Jeroboam every male in 0srael# bond and free9 0 will ta1e away the remnant of the house of Jeroboam# as one ta1es away refuse until it is all gone'

And JeroboamDs wife did so9 she arose and went to Shiloh# and came to the house of Ahi$ah' But Ahi$ah could not see# for his eyes were gla.ed by reason of his age'

The dogs shall eat whoever belongs to Jeroboam and dies in the city# and the birds of the air shall eat whoever dies in the field9 for the )3+* has s"o1enH:D

Arise therefore# go to your own house' Bhen your feet enter the city# the child shall die'

Now the )3+* had said to Ahi$ah# :2ere is the wife of Jeroboam# coming to as1 you something about her son# for he is sic1' Thus and thus you shall say to her9 for it will be# when she comes in# that she will "retend to be another woman':

And all 0srael shall mourn for him and bury him# for he is the only one of Jeroboam who shall come to the grave# because in him there is found something good toward the )3+* (od of 0srael in the house of Jeroboam'

And so it was# when Ahi$ah heard the sound of her footste"s as she came through the door# he said# :-ome in# wife of Jeroboam' Bhy do you "retend to be another "ersonE For 0 have been sent to you with bad news'

:4oreover the )3+* will raise u" for 2imself a 1ing over 0srael who shall cut off the house of Jeroboam9 this is the day' BhatE ven nowH

(o# tell Jeroboam# :Thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael7 :Because 0 e!alted you from among the "eo"le# and made you ruler over 4y "eo"le 0srael#

For the )3+* will stri1e 0srael# as a reed is sha1en in the water' 2e will u"root 0srael from this good land which 2e gave to their fathers# and will scatter them beyond the +iver# because they have made their wooden images# "rovo1ing the )3+* to anger'

and tore the 1ingdom away from the house of *avid# and gave it to you9 and yet you have not been as 4y servant *avid# who 1e"t 4y commandments and who followed 4e with all his heart# to do only what was right in 4y eyes9

And 2e will give 0srael u" because of the sins of Jeroboam# who sinned and who made 0srael sin':

Then JeroboamDs wife arose and de"arted# and came to Tir.ah' Bhen

she came to the threshold of the house# the child died'



And they buried him9 and all 0srael mourned for him# according to the word of the )3+* which 2e s"o1e through 2is servant Ahi$ah the "ro"het'

And he too1 away the treasures of the house of the )3+* and the treasures of the 1ingDs house9 he too1 away everything' 2e also too1 away all the gold shields which Solomon had made'

Now the rest of the acts of Jeroboam# how he made war and how he reigned# indeed they are written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0srael'

Then King +ehoboam made bron.e shields in their "lace# and committed them to the hands of the ca"tains of the guard# who guarded the doorway of the 1ingDs house'

The "eriod that Jeroboam reigned was twentyFtwo years' So he rested with his fathers' Then Nadab his son reigned in his "lace'

And whenever the 1ing entered the house of the )3+*# the guards carried them# then brought them bac1 into the guardroom'

And +ehoboam the son of Solomon reigned in Judah' +ehoboam was fortyF one years old when he became 1ing' 2e reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem# the city which the )3+* had chosen out of all the tribes of 0srael# to "ut 2is name there' 2is motherDs name was Naamah# an Ammonitess'

Now the rest of the acts of +ehoboam# and all that he did# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of JudahE

And there was war between +ehoboam and Jeroboam all their days'

Now Judah did evil in the sight of the )3+*# and they "rovo1ed 2im to $ealousy with their sins which they committed# more than all that their fathers had done'

So +ehoboam rested with his fathers# and was buried with his fathers in the -ity of *avid' 2is motherDs name was Naamah# an Ammonitess' Then Abi$am his son reigned in his "lace'

For they also built for themselves high "laces# sacred "illars# and wooden images on every high hill and under every green tree'


the eighteenth year of King Jeroboam the son of Nebat# Abi$am became 1ing over Judah' 2e reigned three years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was 4aachah the granddaughter of Abishalom'

And there were also "erverted "ersons in the land' They did according to all the abominations of the nations which the )3+* had cast out before the children of 0srael'

0t ha""ened in the fifth year of King +ehoboam that Shisha1 1ing of gy"t came u" against Jerusalem'

And he wal1ed in all the sins of his father# which he had done before him9 his heart was not loyal to the )3+* his (od# as was the heart of his father *avid'

Nevertheless for *avidDs sa1e the )3+* his (od gave him a lam" in Jerusalem# by setting u" his son after him and by establishing Jerusalem9


But the high "laces were not removed' Nevertheless AsaDs heart was loyal to the )3+* all his days'

because *avid did what was right in the eyes of the )3+*# and had not turned aside from anything that 2e commanded him all the days of his life# e!ce"t in the matter of Ariah the 2ittite'

2e also brought into the house of the )3+* the things which his father had dedicated# and the things which he himself had dedicated7 silver and gold and utensils'

And there was war between +ehoboam and Jeroboam all the days of his life'

Now there was war between Asa and Baasha 1ing of 0srael all their days'

Now the rest of the acts of Abi$am# and all that he did# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of JudahE And there was war between Abi$am and Jeroboam'

And Baasha 1ing of 0srael came u" against Judah# and built +amah# that he might let none go out or come in to Asa 1ing of Judah'

So Abi$am rested with his fathers# and they buried him in the -ity of *avid' Then Asa his son reigned in his "lace'

0n the twentieth year of Jeroboam 1ing of 0srael# Asa became 1ing over Judah'

Then Asa too1 all the silver and gold that was left in the treasuries of the house of the )3+* and the treasuries of the 1ingDs house# and delivered them into the hand of his servants' And King Asa sent them to BenF2adad the son of Tabrimmon# the son of 2e.ion# 1ing of Syria# who dwelt in *amascus# saying#

And he reigned fortyFone years in Jerusalem' 2is grandmotherDs name was 4aachah the granddaughter of Abishalom'

Asa did what was right in the eyes of the )3+*# as did his father *avid'

:)et there be a treaty between you and me# as there was between my father and your father' See# 0 have sent you a "resent of silver and gold' -ome and brea1 your treaty with Baasha 1ing of 0srael# so that he will withdraw from me':

And he banished the "erverted "ersons from the land# and removed all the idols that his fathers had made'

So BenF2adad heeded King Asa# and sent the ca"tains of his armies against the cities of 0srael' 2e attac1ed 0$on# *an# Abel Beth 4aachah# and all -hinneroth# with all the land of Na"htali'

Also he removed 4aachah his grandmother from being Gueen mother# because she had made an obscene image of Asherah' And Asa cut down her obscene image and burned it by the Broo1 Kidron'

Now it ha""ened# when Baasha heard it# that he sto""ed building +amah# and remained in Tir.ah'

Then King Asa made a "roclamation throughout all Judah9 none was e!em"ted' And they too1 away the stones and timber of +amah# which

Baasha had used for building9 and with them King Asa built (eba of Ben$amin# and 4i."ah'

"rovocation with which he had "rovo1ed the )3+* (od of 0srael to anger'

The rest of all the acts of Asa# all his might# all that he did# and the cities which he built# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of JudahE But in the time of his old age he was diseased in his feet'

Now the rest of the acts of Nadab# and all that he did# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0sraelE

And there was war between Asa and Baasha 1ing of 0srael all their days'

So Asa rested with his fathers# and was buried with his fathers in the -ity of *avid his father' Then Jehosha"hat his son reigned in his "lace'

0n the third year of Asa 1ing of Judah# Baasha the son of Ahi$ah became 1ing over all 0srael in Tir.ah# and reigned twentyFfour years'

Now Nadab the son of Jeroboam became 1ing over 0srael in the second year of Asa 1ing of Judah# and he reigned over 0srael two years'

2e did evil in the sight of the )3+*# and wal1ed in the way of Jeroboam# and in his sin by which he had made 0srael sin'

And he did evil in the sight of the )3+*# and wal1ed in the way of his father# and in his sin by which he had made 0srael sin'

16Then the word of the )3+* came

to Jehu the son of 2anani# against Baasha# saying7

Then Baasha the son of Ahi$ah# of the house of 0ssachar# cons"ired against him' And Baasha 1illed him at (ibbethon# which belonged to the /hilistines# while Nadab and all 0srael laid siege to (ibbethon'

:0nasmuch as 0 lifted you out of the dust and made you ruler over 4y "eo"le 0srael# and you have wal1ed in the way of Jeroboam# and have made 4y "eo"le 0srael sin# to "rovo1e 4e to anger with their sins#

Baasha 1illed him in the third year of Asa 1ing of Judah# and reigned in his "lace'

And it was so# when he became 1ing# that he 1illed all the house of Jeroboam' 2e did not leave to Jeroboam anyone that breathed# until he had destroyed him# according to the word of the )3+* which 2e had s"o1en by 2is servant Ahi$ah the Shilonite#

surely 0 will ta1e away the "osterity of Baasha and the "osterity of his house# and 0 will ma1e your house li1e the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat'

The dogs shall eat whoever belongs to Baasha and dies in the city# and the birds of the air shall eat whoever dies in the fields':

because of the sins of Jeroboam# which he had sinned and by which he had made 0srael sin# because of his

Now the rest of the acts of Baasha# what he did# and his might# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0sraelE


So Baasha rested with his fathers and was buried in Tir.ah' Then lah his son reigned in his "lace'


Now the rest of the acts of lah# and all that he did# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0sraelE

And also the word of the )3+* came by the "ro"het Jehu the son of 2anani against Baasha and his house# because of all the evil that he did in the sight of the )3+* in "rovo1ing 2im to anger with the wor1 of his hands# in being li1e the house of Jeroboam# and because he 1illed them'

0n the twentyFseventh year of Asa 1ing of Judah# 5imri had reigned in Tir.ah seven days' And the "eo"le were encam"ed against (ibbethon# which belonged to the /hilistines'

0n the twentyFsi!th year of Asa 1ing of Judah# lah the son of Baasha became 1ing over 0srael# and reigned two years in Tir.ah'

Now the "eo"le who were encam"ed heard it said# :5imri has cons"ired and also has 1illed the 1ing': So all 0srael made 3mri# the commander of the army# 1ing over 0srael that day in the cam"'

Now his servant 5imri# commander of half his chariots# cons"ired against him as he was in Tir.ah drin1ing himself drun1 in the house of Ar.a# steward of his house in Tir.ah'

Then 3mri and all 0srael with him went u" from (ibbethon# and they besieged Tir.ah'

And 5imri went in and struc1 him and 1illed him in the twentyFseventh year of Asa 1ing of Judah# and reigned in his "lace'

And it ha""ened# when 5imri saw that the city was ta1en# that he went into the citadel of the 1ingDs house and burned the 1ingDs house down u"on himself with fire# and died#

Then it came to "ass# when he began to reign# as soon as he was seated on his throne# that he 1illed all the household of Baasha9 he did not leave him one male# neither of his relatives nor of his friends'

because of the sins which he had committed in doing evil in the sight of the )3+*# in wal1ing in the way of Jeroboam# and in his sin which he had committed to ma1e 0srael sin'

Thus 5imri destroyed all the household of Baasha# according to the word of the )3+*# which 2e s"o1e against Baasha by Jehu the "ro"het#

Now the rest of the acts of 5imri# and the treason he committed# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0sraelE

for all the sins of Baasha and the sins of lah his son# by which they had sinned and by which they had made 0srael sin# in "rovo1ing the )3+* (od of 0srael to anger with their idols'

Then the "eo"le of 0srael were divided into two "arts7 half of the "eo"le followed Tibni the son of (inath# to ma1e him 1ing# and half followed 3mri'

But the "eo"le who followed 3mri "revailed over the "eo"le who followed Tibni the son of (inath' So Tibni died and 3mri reigned'


0n the thirtyFfirst year of Asa 1ing of Judah# 3mri became 1ing over 0srael# and reigned twelve years' Si! years he reigned in Tir.ah'


Then he set u" an altar for Baal in the tem"le of Baal# which he had built in Samaria'

And he bought the hill of Samaria from Shemer for two talents of silver9 then he built on the hill# and called the name of the city which he built# Samaria# after the name of Shemer# owner of the hill'

And Ahab made a wooden image' Ahab did more to "rovo1e the )3+* (od of 0srael to anger than all the 1ings of 0srael who were before him'

3mri did evil in the eyes of the )3+*# and did worse than all who were before him'

0n his days 2iel of Bethel built Jericho' 2e laid its foundation with Abiram his firstborn# and with his youngest son Segub he set u" its gates# according to the word of the )3+*# which 2e had s"o1en through Joshua the son of Nun'

For he wal1ed in all the ways of Jeroboam the son of Nebat# and in his sin by which he had made 0srael sin# "rovo1ing the )3+* (od of 0srael to anger with their idols'


Now the rest of the acts of 3mri which he did# and the might that he showed# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0sraelE

li$ah the Tishbite# of the inhabitants of (ilead# said to Ahab# :As the )3+* (od of 0srael lives# before whom 0 stand# there shall not be dew nor rain these years# e!ce"t at my word':

So 3mri rested with his fathers and was buried in Samaria' Then Ahab his son reigned in his "lace'

Then the word of the )3+* came to him# saying#


0n the thirtyFeighth year of Asa 1ing of Judah# Ahab the son of 3mri became 1ing over 0srael9 and Ahab the son of 3mri reigned over 0srael in Samaria twentyFtwo years'

:(et away from here and turn eastward# and hide by the Broo1 -herith# which flows into the Jordan'

And it will be that you shall drin1 from the broo1# and 0 have commanded the ravens to feed you there':

Now Ahab the son of 3mri did evil in the sight of the )3+*# more than all who were before him'

So he went and did according to the word of the )3+*# for he went and stayed by the Broo1 -herith# which flows into the Jordan'

And it came to "ass# as though it had been a trivial thing for him to wal1 in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat# that he too1 as wife Je.ebel the daughter of thbaal# 1ing of the Sidonians9 and he went and served Baal and worshi"ed him'

The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning# and bread and meat in the evening9 and he dran1 from the broo1'

And it ha""ened after a while that the broo1 dried u"# because there had been no rain in the land'

word of the )3+* which 2e s"o1e by li$ah'


Then the word of the )3+* came to him# saying#


:Arise# go to 5are"hath# which belongs to Sidon# and dwell there' See# 0 have commanded a widow there to "rovide for you':

Now it ha""ened after these things that the son of the woman who owned the house became sic1' And his sic1ness was so serious that there was no breath left in him'

So he arose and went to 5are"hath' And when he came to the gate of the city# indeed a widow was there gathering stic1s' And he called to her and said# :/lease bring me a little water in a cu"# that 0 may drin1':

So she said to li$ah# :Bhat have 0 to do with you# 3 man of (odE 2ave you come to me to bring my sin to remembrance# and to 1ill my sonE:

And he said to her# :(ive me your son': So he too1 him out of her arms and carried him to the u""er room where he was staying# and laid him on his own bed'

And as she was going to get it# he called to her and said# :/lease bring me a morsel of bread in your hand':

So she said# :As the )3+* your (od lives# 0 do not have bread# only a handful of flour in a bin# and a little oil in a $ar9 and see# 0 am gathering a cou"le of stic1s that 0 may go in and "re"are it for myself and my son# that we may eat it# and die':

Then he cried out to the )3+* and said# :3 )3+* my (od# have Cou also brought tragedy on the widow with whom 0 lodge# by 1illing her sonE:

And he stretched himself out on the child three times# and cried out to the )3+* and said# :3 )3+* my (od# 0 "ray# let this childDs soul come bac1 to him':

And li$ah said to her# :*o not fear9 go and do as you have said# but ma1e me a small ca1e from it first# and bring it to me9 and afterward ma1e some for yourself and your son'

Then the )3+* heard the voice of li$ah9 and the soul of the child came bac1 to him# and he revived'

For thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael7 :The bin of flour shall not be used u"# nor shall the $ar of oil run dry# until the day the )3+* sends rain on the earth':D

And li$ah too1 the child and brought him down from the u""er room into the house# and gave him to his mother' And li$ah said# :See# your son livesH:

So she went away and did according to the word of li$ah9 and she and he and her household ate for many days'

Then the woman said to li$ah# :Now by this 0 1now that you are a man of (od# and that the word of the )3+* in your mouth is the truth':

The bin of flour was not used u"# nor did the $ar of oil run dry# according to the

18And it came to "ass after many

days that the word of the )3+* came to li$ah# in the third year# saying# :(o# "resent yourself to Ahab# and 0 will send rain on the earth':

has not sent someone to hunt for you9 and when they said# :2e is not here#D he too1 an oath from the 1ingdom or nation that they could not find you'

And now you say# :(o# tell your master# : li$ah is here:DH

So li$ah went to "resent himself to Ahab9 and there was a severe famine in Samaria'

And Ahab had called 3badiah# who was in charge of his house' INow 3badiah feared the )3+* greatly'

And it shall come to "ass# as soon as 0 am gone from you# that the S"irit of the )3+* will carry you to a "lace 0 do not 1now9 so when 0 go and tell Ahab# and he cannot find you# he will 1ill me' But 0 your servant have feared the )3+* from my youth'

For so it was# while Je.ebel massacred the "ro"hets of the )3+*# that 3badiah had ta1en one hundred "ro"hets and hidden them# fifty to a cave# and had fed them with bread and water'J

Bas it not re"orted to my lord what 0 did when Je.ebel 1illed the "ro"hets of the )3+*# how 0 hid one hundred men of the )3+*Ds "ro"hets# fifty to a cave# and fed them with bread and waterE

And Ahab had said to 3badiah# :(o into the land to all the s"rings of water and to all the broo1s9 "erha"s we may find grass to 1ee" the horses and mules alive# so that we will not have to 1ill any livestoc1':

And now you say# :(o# tell your master# : li$ah is here':D 2e will 1ill meH:

Then li$ah said# :As the )3+* of hosts lives# before whom 0 stand# 0 will surely "resent myself to him today':

So they divided the land between them to e!"lore it9 Ahab went one way by himself# and 3badiah went another way by himself'

So 3badiah went to meet Ahab# and told him9 and Ahab went to meet li$ah'

Now as 3badiah was on his way# suddenly li$ah met him9 and he recogni.ed him# and fell on his face# and said# :0s that you# my lord li$ahE:

Then it ha""ened# when Ahab saw li$ah# that Ahab said to him# :0s that you# 3 troubler of 0sraelE:

And he answered him# :0t is 0' (o# tell your master# : li$ah is here':D

And he answered# :0 have not troubled 0srael# but you and your fatherDs house have# in that you have forsa1en the commandments of the )3+* and have followed the Baals'

So he said# :2ow have 0 sinned# that you are delivering your servant into the hand of Ahab# to 1ill meE

As the )3+* your (od lives# there is no nation or 1ingdom where my master

Now therefore# send and gather all 0srael to me on 4ount -armel# the four hundred and fifty "ro"hets of Baal# and the four hundred "ro"hets of Asherah# who eat at Je.ebelDs table':


So Ahab sent for all the children of 0srael# and gathered the "ro"hets together on 4ount -armel'


So they cried aloud# and cut themselves# as was their custom# with 1nives and lances# until the blood gushed out on them'

And li$ah came to all the "eo"le# and said# :2ow long will you falter between two o"inionsE 0f the )3+* is (od# follow 2im9 but if Baal# follow him': But the "eo"le answered him not a word'

And when midday was "ast# they "ro"hesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice' But there was no voice9 no one answered# no one "aid attention'

Then li$ah said to the "eo"le# :0 alone am left a "ro"het of the )3+*9 but BaalDs "ro"hets are four hundred and fifty men'

Therefore let them give us two bulls9 and let them choose one bull for themselves# cut it in "ieces# and lay it on the wood# but "ut no fire under it9 and 0 will "re"are the other bull# and lay it on the wood# but "ut no fire under it'

Then li$ah said to all the "eo"le# :-ome near to me': So all the "eo"le came near to him' And he re"aired the altar of the )3+* that was bro1en down'

And li$ah too1 twelve stones# according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob# to whom the word of the )3+* had come# saying# :0srael shall be your name':

Then you call on the name of your gods# and 0 will call on the name of the )3+*9 and the (od who answers by fire# 2e is (od': So all the "eo"le answered and said# :0t is well s"o1en':

Then with the stones he built an altar in the name of the )3+*9 and he made a trench around the altar large enough to hold two seahs of seed'

Now li$ah said to the "ro"hets of Baal# :-hoose one bull for yourselves and "re"are it first# for you are many9 and call on the name of your god# but "ut no fire under it':

And he "ut the wood in order# cut the bull in "ieces# and laid it on the wood# and said# :Fill four water"ots with water# and "our it on the burnt sacrifice and on the wood':

So they too1 the bull which was given them# and they "re"ared it# and called on the name of Baal from morning even till noon# saying# :3 Baal# hear usH: But there was no voice9 no one answered' Then they lea"ed about the altar which they had made'

Then he said# :*o it a second time#: and they did it a second time9 and he said# :*o it a third time#: and they did it a third time'

So the water ran all around the altar9 and he also filled the trench with water'

And so it was# at noon# that li$ah moc1ed them and said# :-ry aloud# for he is a god9 either he is meditating# or he is busy# or he is on a $ourney# or "erha"s he is slee"ing and must be awa1ened':

And it came to "ass# at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice# that li$ah the "ro"het came near and said# :)3+* (od of Abraham# 0saac# and 0srael# let it be 1nown this day that Cou are (od in 0srael and 0 am Cour servant#

and that 0 have done all these things at Cour word'


wind# and there was a heavy rain' So Ahab rode away and went to Je.reel'

2ear me# 3 )3+*# hear me# that this "eo"le may 1now that Cou are the )3+* (od# and that Cou have turned their hearts bac1 to Cou again':

Then the hand of the )3+* came u"on li$ah9 and he girded u" his loins and ran ahead of Ahab to the entrance of Je.reel'

Then the fire of the )3+* fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice# and the wood and the stones and the dust# and it lic1ed u" the water that was in the trench'

19And Ahab told Je.ebel all that

li$ah had done# also how he had e!ecuted all the "ro"hets with the sword'

Now when all the "eo"le saw it# they fell on their faces9 and they said# :The )3+*# 2e is (odH The )3+*# 2e is (odH:

And li$ah said to them# :Sei.e the "ro"hets of BaalH *o not let one of them esca"eH: So they sei.ed them9 and li$ah brought them down to the Broo1 Kishon and e!ecuted them there'

Then Je.ebel sent a messenger to li$ah# saying# :So let the gods do to me# and more also# if 0 do not ma1e your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time':

And when he saw that# he arose and ran for his life# and went to Beersheba# which belongs to Judah# and left his servant there'

Then li$ah said to Ahab# :(o u"# eat and drin19 for there is the sound of abundance of rain':

So Ahab went u" to eat and drin1' And li$ah went u" to the to" of -armel9 then he bowed down on the ground# and "ut his face between his 1nees#

But he himself went a dayDs $ourney into the wilderness# and came and sat down under a broom tree' And he "rayed that he might die# and said# :0t is enoughH Now# )3+*# ta1e my life# for 0 am no better than my fathersH:

and said to his servant# :(o u" now# loo1 toward the sea': So he went u" and loo1ed# and said# :There is nothing': And seven times he said# :(o again':

Then as he lay and sle"t under a broom tree# suddenly an angel touched him# and said to him# :Arise and eat':

Then it came to "ass the seventh time# that he said# :There is a cloud# as small as a manDs hand# rising out of the seaH: So he said# :(o u"# say to Ahab# :/re"are your chariot# and go down before the rain sto"s you':D

Then he loo1ed# and there by his head was a ca1e ba1ed on coals# and a $ar of water' So he ate and dran1# and lay down again'

And the angel of the )3+* came bac1 the second time# and touched him# and said# :Arise and eat# because the $ourney is too great for you':

Now it ha""ened in the meantime that the s1y became blac1 with clouds and


So he arose# and ate and dran19 and he went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights as far as 2oreb# the mountain of (od'


Then the )3+* said to him7 :(o# return on your way to the Bilderness of *amascus9 and when you arrive# anoint 2a.ael as 1ing over Syria'

And there he went into a cave# and s"ent the night in that "lace9 and behold# the word of the )3+* came to him# and 2e said to him# :Bhat are you doing here# li$ahE:

Also you shall anoint Jehu the son of Nimshi as 1ing over 0srael' And lisha the son of Sha"hat of Abel 4eholah you shall anoint as "ro"het in your "lace'

So he said# :0 have been very .ealous for the )3+* (od of hosts9 for the children of 0srael have forsa1en Cour covenant# torn down Cour altars# and 1illed Cour "ro"hets with the sword' 0 alone am left9 and they see1 to ta1e my life':

0t shall be that whoever esca"es the sword of 2a.ael# Jehu will 1ill9 and whoever esca"es the sword of Jehu# lisha will 1ill'

Cet 0 have reserved seven thousand in 0srael# all whose 1nees have not bowed to Baal# and every mouth that has not 1issed him':

Then 2e said# :(o out# and stand on the mountain before the )3+*': And behold# the )3+* "assed by# and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and bro1e the roc1s in "ieces before the )3+*# but the )3+* was not in the wind9 and after the wind an earthGua1e# but the )3+* was not in the earthGua1e9

So he de"arted from there# and found lisha the son of Sha"hat# who was "lowing with twelve yo1e of o!en before him# and he was with the twelfth' Then li$ah "assed by him and threw his mantle on him'

and after the earthGua1e a fire# but the )3+* was not in the fire9 and after the fire a still small voice'

And he left the o!en and ran after li$ah# and said# :/lease let me 1iss my father and my mother# and then 0 will follow you': And he said to him# :(o bac1 again# for what have 0 done to youE:

So it was# when li$ah heard it# that he wra""ed his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave' Suddenly a voice came to him# and said# :Bhat are you doing here# li$ahE:

And he said# :0 have been very .ealous for the )3+* (od of hosts9 because the children of 0srael have forsa1en Cour covenant# torn down Cour altars# and 1illed Cour "ro"hets with the sword' 0 alone am left9 and they see1 to ta1e my life':

So lisha turned bac1 from him# and too1 a yo1e of o!en and slaughtered them and boiled their flesh# using the o!enDs eGui"ment# and gave it to the "eo"le# and they ate' Then he arose and followed li$ah# and became his servant'

20Now BenF2adad the 1ing of Syria

gathered all his forces together9 thirtyF two 1ings were with him# with horses and chariots' And he went u" and

besieged Samaria# against it'





handful for each of the "eo"le who follow me':


Then he sent messengers into the city to Ahab 1ing of 0srael# and said to him# :Thus says BenF2adad7

So the 1ing of 0srael answered and said# :Tell him# :)et not the one who "uts on his armor boast li1e the one who ta1es it off':D

:Cour silver and your gold are mine9 your loveliest wives and children are mine':D

And the 1ing of 0srael answered and said# :4y lord# 3 1ing# $ust as you say# 0 and all that 0 have are yours':

And it ha""ened when BenF2adad heard this message# as he and the 1ings were drin1ing at the command "ost# that he said to his servants# :(et ready': And they got ready to attac1 the city'

Then the messengers came bac1 and said# :Thus s"ea1s BenF2adad# saying# :0ndeed 0 have sent to you# saying# :Cou shall deliver to me your silver and your gold# your wives and your children:9

Suddenly a "ro"het a""roached Ahab 1ing of 0srael# saying# :Thus says the )3+*7 :2ave you seen all this great multitudeE Behold# 0 will deliver it into your hand today# and you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*':D

but 0 will send my servants to you tomorrow about this time# and they shall search your house and the houses of your servants' And it shall be# that whatever is "leasant in your eyes# they will "ut it in their hands and ta1e it':D

So Ahab said# :By whomE: And he said# :Thus says the )3+*7 :By the young leaders of the "rovinces':D Then he said# :Bho will set the battle in orderE: And he answered# :Cou':

So the 1ing of 0srael called all the elders of the land# and said# :Notice# "lease# and see how this man see1s trouble# for he sent to me for my wives# my children# my silver# and my gold9 and 0 did not deny him':

Then he mustered the young leaders of the "rovinces# and there were two hundred and thirtyFtwo9 and after them he mustered all the "eo"le# all the children of 0sraelFFseven thousand'

And all the elders and all the "eo"le said to him# :*o not listen or consent':

So they went out at noon' 4eanwhile BenF2adad and the thirtyFtwo 1ings hel"ing him were getting drun1 at the command "ost'

Therefore he said to the messengers of BenF2adad# :Tell my lord the 1ing# :All that you sent for to your servant the first time 0 will do# but this thing 0 cannot do':D And the messengers de"arted and brought bac1 word to him'

The young leaders of the "rovinces went out first' And BenF2adad sent out a "atrol# and they told him# saying# :4en are coming out of SamariaH:

Then BenF2adad sent to him and said# :The gods do so to me# and more also# if enough dust is left of Samaria for a

So he said# :0f they have come out for "eace# ta1e them alive9 and if they have come out for war# ta1e them alive':


Then these young leaders of the "rovinces went out of the city with the army which followed them'


And each one 1illed his man9 so the Syrians fled# and 0srael "ursued them9 and BenF2adad the 1ing of Syria esca"ed on a horse with the cavalry'

Then a man of (od came and s"o1e to the 1ing of 0srael# and said# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Because the Syrians have said# :The )3+* is (od of the hills# but 2e is not (od of the valleys#: therefore 0 will deliver all this great multitude into your hand# and you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*':D

Then the 1ing of 0srael went out and attac1ed the horses and chariots# and 1illed the Syrians with a great slaughter'

And the "ro"het came to the 1ing of 0srael and said to him# :(o# strengthen yourself9 ta1e note# and see what you should do# for in the s"ring of the year the 1ing of Syria will come u" against you':

And they encam"ed o""osite each other for seven days' So it was that on the seventh day the battle was $oined9 and the children of 0srael 1illed one hundred thousand foot soldiers of the Syrians in one day'

Then the servants of the 1ing of Syria said to him# :Their gods are gods of the hills' Therefore they were stronger than we9 but if we fight against them in the "lain# surely we will be stronger than they'

But the rest fled to A"he1# into the city9 then a wall fell on twentyFseven thousand of the men who were left' And BenF2adad fled and went into the city# into an inner chamber'

So do this thing7 *ismiss the 1ings# each from his "osition# and "ut ca"tains in their "laces9

Then his servants said to him# :)oo1 now# we have heard that the 1ings of the house of 0srael are merciful 1ings' /lease# let us "ut sac1cloth around our waists and ro"es around our heads# and go out to the 1ing of 0srael9 "erha"s he will s"are your life':

and you shall muster an army li1e the army that you have lost# horse for horse and chariot for chariot' Then we will fight against them in the "lain9 surely we will be stronger than they': And he listened to their voice and did so'

So they wore sac1cloth around their waists and "ut ro"es around their heads# and came to the 1ing of 0srael and said# :Cour servant BenF2adad says# :/lease let me live':D And he said# :0s he still aliveE 2e is my brother':

So it was# in the s"ring of the year# that BenF2adad mustered the Syrians and went u" to A"he1 to fight against 0srael'

And the children of 0srael were mustered and given "rovisions# and they went against them' Now the children of 0srael encam"ed before them li1e two little floc1s of goats# while the Syrians filled the countryside'

Now the men were watching closely to see whether any sign of mercy would come from him9 and they Guic1ly gras"ed at this word and said# :Cour brother BenF2adad': So he said# :(o# bring him': Then BenF2adad came out to him9 and he had him come u" into the chariot'

So BenF2adad said to him# :The cities which my father too1 from your father 0

will restore9 and you may set u" mar1et"laces for yourself in *amascus# as my father did in Samaria': Then Ahab said# :0 will send you away with this treaty': So he made a treaty with him and sent him away'

your hand a man whom 0 a""ointed to utter destruction# therefore your life shall go for his life# and your "eo"le for his "eo"le':D

Now a certain man of the sons of the "ro"hets said to his neighbor by the word of the )3+*# :Stri1e me# "lease': And the man refused to stri1e him'

So the 1ing of 0srael went to his house sullen and dis"leased# and came to Samaria'

21And it came to "ass after these

things that Naboth the Je.reelite had a vineyard which was in Je.reel# ne!t to the "alace of Ahab 1ing of Samaria'

Then he said to him# :Because you have not obeyed the voice of the )3+*# surely# as soon as you de"art from me# a lion shall 1ill you': And as soon as he left him# a lion found him and 1illed him'

And he found another man# and said# :Stri1e me# "lease': So the man struc1 him# inflicting a wound'

Then the "ro"het de"arted and waited for the 1ing by the road# and disguised himself with a bandage over his eyes'

So Ahab s"o1e to Naboth# saying# :(ive me your vineyard# that 0 may have it for a vegetable garden# because it is near# ne!t to my house9 and for it 0 will give you a vineyard better than it' 3r# if it seems good to you# 0 will give you its worth in money':

Now as the 1ing "assed by# he cried out to the 1ing and said# :Cour servant went out into the midst of the battle9 and there# a man came over and brought a man to me# and said# :(uard this man9 if by any means he is missing# your life shall be for his life# or else you shall "ay a talent of silver'D

But Naboth said to Ahab# :The )3+* forbid that 0 should give the inheritance of my fathers to youH:

So Ahab went into his house sullen and dis"leased because of the word which Naboth the Je.reelite had s"o1en to him9 for he had said# :0 will not give you the inheritance of my fathers': And he lay down on his bed# and turned away his face# and would eat no food'

Bhile your servant was busy here and there# he was gone': Then the 1ing of 0srael said to him# :So shall your $udgment be9 you yourself have decided it':

But Je.ebel his wife came to him# and said to him# :Bhy is your s"irit so sullen that you eat no foodE:

And he hastened to ta1e the bandage away from his eyes9 and the 1ing of 0srael recogni.ed him as one of the "ro"hets'

Then he said to him# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Because you have let sli" out of

2e said to her# :Because 0 s"o1e to Naboth the Je.reelite# and said to him# :(ive me your vineyard for money9 or else# if it "leases you# 0 will give you another vineyard for it'D And he answered# :0 will not give you my vineyard':D

Then Je.ebel his wife said to him# :Cou now e!ercise authority over 0sraelH Arise# eat food# and let your heart be cheerful9 0 will give you the vineyard of Naboth the Je.reelite':

refused to give you for money9 for Naboth is not alive# but dead':

And she wrote letters in AhabDs name# sealed them with his seal# and sent the letters to the elders and the nobles who were dwelling in the city with Naboth'

So it was# when Ahab heard that Naboth was dead# that Ahab got u" and went down to ta1e "ossession of the vineyard of Naboth the Je.reelite'

Then the word of the )3+* came to li$ah the Tishbite# saying#

She wrote in the letters# saying# ; /roclaim a fast# and seat Naboth with high honor among the "eo"le9


:Arise# go down to meet Ahab 1ing of 0srael# who lives in Samaria' There he is# in the vineyard of Naboth# where he has gone down to ta1e "ossession of it'

and seat two men# scoundrels# before him to bear witness against him# saying# Cou have blas"hemed (od and the 1ing' Then ta1e him out# and stone him# that he may die'

So the men of his city# the elders and nobles who were inhabitants of his city# did as Je.ebel had sent to them# as it was written in the letters which she had sent to them'

Cou shall s"ea1 to him# saying# :Thus says the )3+*7 :2ave you murdered and also ta1en "ossessionE:D And you shall s"ea1 to him# saying# :Thus says the )3+*7 :0n the "lace where dogs lic1ed the blood of Naboth# dogs shall lic1 your blood# even yours'::D

They "roclaimed a fast# and seated Naboth with high honor among the "eo"le'

So Ahab said to li$ah# :2ave you found me# 3 my enemyE: And he answered# :0 have found you# because you have sold yourself to do evil in the sight of the )3+*7

And two men# scoundrels# came in and sat before him9 and the scoundrels witnessed against him# against Naboth# in the "resence of the "eo"le# saying# :Naboth has blas"hemed (od and the 1ingH: Then they too1 him outside the city and stoned him with stones# so that he died'

:Behold# 0 will bring calamity on you' 0 will ta1e away your "osterity# and will cut off from Ahab every male in 0srael# both bond and free'

Then they sent to Je.ebel# saying# :Naboth has been stoned and is dead':

0 will ma1e your house li1e the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat# and li1e the house of Baasha the son of Ahi$ah# because of the "rovocation with which you have "rovo1ed 4e to anger# and made 0srael sin'D

And it came to "ass# when Je.ebel heard that Naboth had been stoned and was dead# that Je.ebel said to Ahab# :Arise# ta1e "ossession of the vineyard of Naboth the Je.reelite# which he

And concerning Je.ebel the )3+* also s"o1e# saying# :The dogs shall eat Je.ebel by the wall of Je.reel'D

The dogs shall eat whoever belongs to Ahab and dies in the city# and the birds

of the air shall eat whoever dies in the field':


But there was no one li1e Ahab who sold himself to do wic1edness in the sight of the )3+*# because Je.ebel his wife stirred him u"'

So he said to Jehosha"hat# :Bill you go with me to fight at +amoth (ileadE: Jehosha"hat said to the 1ing of 0srael# :0 am as you are# my "eo"le as your "eo"le# my horses as your horses':

And he behaved very abominably in following idols# according to all that the Amorites had done# whom the )3+* had cast out before the children of 0srael'

Also Jehosha"hat said to the 1ing of 0srael# :/lease inGuire for the word of the )3+* today':

So it was# when Ahab heard those words# that he tore his clothes and "ut sac1cloth on his body# and fasted and lay in sac1cloth# and went about mourning'

Then the 1ing of 0srael gathered the "ro"hets together# about four hundred men# and said to them# :Shall 0 go against +amoth (ilead to fight# or shall 0 refrainE: So they said# :(o u"# for the )ord will deliver it into the hand of the 1ing':

And the word of the )3+* came to li$ah the Tishbite# saying#

And Jehosha"hat said# :0s there not still a "ro"het of the )3+* here# that we may inGuire of 2imE:


:See how Ahab has humbled himself before 4eE Because he has humbled himself before 4e# 0 will not bring the calamity in his days' 0n the days of his son 0 will bring the calamity on his house':

So the 1ing of 0srael said to Jehosha"hat# :There is still one man# 4icaiah the son of 0mlah# by whom we may inGuire of the )3+*9 but 0 hate him# because he does not "ro"hesy good concerning me# but evil': And Jehosha"hat said# :)et not the 1ing say such thingsH:

22Now three years "assed without

war between Syria and 0srael'

Then the 1ing of 0srael called an officer and said# :Bring 4icaiah the son of 0mlah Guic1lyH:

Then it came to "ass# in the third year# that Jehosha"hat the 1ing of Judah went down to visit the 1ing of 0srael'

And the 1ing of 0srael said to his servants# :*o you 1now that +amoth in (ilead is ours# but we hesitate to ta1e it out of the hand of the 1ing of SyriaE:

The 1ing of 0srael and Jehosha"hat the 1ing of Judah# having "ut on their robes# sat each on his throne# at a threshing floor at the entrance of the gate of Samaria9 and all the "ro"hets "ro"hesied before them'

Now 5ede1iah the son of -henaanah had made horns of iron for himself9 and he said# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Bith these you shall gore the Syrians until they are destroyed':D


And all the "ro"hets "ro"hesied so# saying# :(o u" to +amoth (ilead and "ros"er# for the )3+* will deliver it into the 1ingDs hand':

this manner# and another s"o1e in that manner'


Then the messenger who had gone to call 4icaiah s"o1e to him# saying# :Now listen# the words of the "ro"hets with one accord encourage the 1ing' /lease# let your word be li1e the word of one of them# and s"ea1 encouragement':

Then a s"irit came forward and stood before the )3+*# and said# :0 will "ersuade him'D

And 4icaiah said# :As the )3+* lives# whatever the )3+* says to me# that 0 will s"ea1':

The )3+* said to him# :0n what wayED So he said# :0 will go out and be a lying s"irit in the mouth of all his "ro"hets'D And the )3+* said# :Cou shall "ersuade him# and also "revail' (o out and do so'D

Then he came to the 1ing9 and the 1ing said to him# :4icaiah# shall we go to war against +amoth (ilead# or shall we refrainE: And he answered him# :(o and "ros"er# for the )3+* will deliver it into the hand of the 1ingH:

Therefore loo1H The )3+* has "ut a lying s"irit in the mouth of all these "ro"hets of yours# and the )3+* has declared disaster against you':

So the 1ing said to him# :2ow many times shall 0 ma1e you swear that you tell me nothing but the truth in the name of the )3+*E:

Now 5ede1iah the son of -henaanah went near and struc1 4icaiah on the chee1# and said# :Bhich way did the s"irit from the )3+* go from me to s"ea1 to youE:

And 4icaiah said# :0ndeed# you shall see on that day when you go into an inner chamber to hideH:

Then he said# :0 saw all 0srael scattered on the mountains# as shee" that have no she"herd' And the )3+* said# :These have no master' )et each return to his house in "eace':D

So the 1ing of 0srael said# :Ta1e 4icaiah# and return him to Amon the governor of the city and to Joash the 1ingDs son9

And the 1ing of 0srael said to Jehosha"hat# :*id 0 not tell you he would not "ro"hesy good concerning me# but evilE:

and say# :Thus says the 1ing7 :/ut this fellow in "rison# and feed him with bread of affliction and water of affliction# until 0 come in "eace'::D

Then 4icaiah said# :Therefore hear the word of the )3+*7 0 saw the )3+* sitting on 2is throne# and all the host of heaven standing by# on 2is right hand and on 2is left'

But 4icaiah said# :0f you ever return in "eace# the )3+* has not s"o1en by me': And he said# :Ta1e heed# all you "eo"leH:

And the )3+* said# :Bho will "ersuade Ahab to go u"# that he may fall at +amoth (ileadED So one s"o1e in

So the 1ing of 0srael and Jehosha"hat the 1ing of Judah went u" to +amoth (ilead'


And the 1ing of 0srael said to Jehosha"hat# :0 will disguise myself and go into battle9 but you "ut on your robes': So the 1ing of 0srael disguised himself and went into battle'


Then someone washed the chariot at a "ool in Samaria# and the dogs lic1ed u" his blood while the harlots bathed# according to the word of the )3+* which 2e had s"o1en'

Now the 1ing of Syria had commanded the thirtyFtwo ca"tains of his chariots# saying# :Fight with no one small or great# but only with the 1ing of 0srael':

Now the rest of the acts of Ahab# and all that he did# the ivory house which he built and all the cities that he built# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0sraelE

So it was# when the ca"tains of the chariots saw Jehosha"hat# that they said# :Surely it is the 1ing of 0sraelH: Therefore they turned aside to fight against him# and Jehosha"hat cried out'

So Ahab rested with his fathers' Then Aha.iah his son reigned in his "lace'

And it ha""ened# when the ca"tains of the chariots saw that it was not the 1ing of 0srael# that they turned bac1 from "ursuing him'

Jehosha"hat the son of Asa had become 1ing over Judah in the fourth year of Ahab 1ing of 0srael'

Now a certain man drew a bow at random# and struc1 the 1ing of 0srael between the $oints of his armor' So he said to the driver of his chariot# :Turn around and ta1e me out of the battle# for 0 am wounded':

Jehosha"hat was thirtyFfive years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned twentyFfive years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was A.ubah the daughter of Shilhi'

The battle increased that day9 and the 1ing was "ro""ed u" in his chariot# facing the Syrians# and died at evening' The blood ran out from the wound onto the floor of the chariot'

And he wal1ed in all the ways of his father Asa' 2e did not turn aside from them# doing what was right in the eyes of the )3+*' Nevertheless the high "laces were not ta1en away# for the "eo"le offered sacrifices and burned incense on the high "laces'

Also Jehosha"hat made "eace with the 1ing of 0srael'


Then# as the sun was going down# a shout went throughout the army# saying# : very man to his city# and every man to his own countryH:

So the 1ing died# and was brought to Samaria' And they buried the 1ing in Samaria'

Now the rest of the acts of Jehosha"hat# the might that he showed# and how he made war# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of JudahE

And the rest of the "erverted "ersons# who remained in the days of his father Asa# he banished from the land'

There was then no 1ing in a de"uty of the 1ing'

dom# only


Jehosha"hat made merchant shi"s to go to 3"hir for gold9 but they never sailed# for the shi"s were wrec1ed at .ion (eber'


Aha.iah the son of Ahab became 1ing over 0srael in Samaria in the seventeenth year of Jehosha"hat 1ing of Judah# and reigned two years over 0srael'

Then Aha.iah the son of Ahab said to Jehosha"hat# :)et my servants go with your servants in the shi"s': But Jehosha"hat would not'

And Jehosha"hat rested with his fathers# and was buried with his fathers in the -ity of *avid his father' Then Jehoram his son reigned in his "lace'

2e did evil in the sight of the )3+*# and wal1ed in the way of his father and in the way of his mother and in the way of Jeroboam the son of Nebat# who had made 0srael sin9

for he served Baal and worshi"ed him# and "rovo1ed the )3+* (od of 0srael to anger# according to all that his father had done'

#nd $ings 14oab rebelled against 0srael after the

death of Ahab'
, >

So they answered him# :A hairy man wearing a leather belt around his waist': And he said# :0t is li$ah the Tishbite':

Now Aha.iah fell through the lattice of his u""er room in Samaria# and was in$ured9 so he sent messengers and said to them# :(o# inGuire of BaalF5ebub# the god of 1ron# whether 0 shall recover from this in$ury':

Then the 1ing sent to him a ca"tain of fifty with his fifty men' So he went u" to him9 and there he was# sitting on the to" of a hill' And he s"o1e to him7 :4an of (od# the 1ing has said# :-ome downH:D

But the angel of the )3+* said to li$ah the Tishbite# :Arise# go u" to meet the messengers of the 1ing of Samaria# and say to them# :0s it because there is no (od in 0srael that you are going to inGuire of BaalF5ebub# the god of 1ronED

So li$ah answered and said to the ca"tain of fifty# :0f 0 am a man of (od# then let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men': And fire came down from heaven and consumed him and his fifty'

Now therefore# thus says the )3+*7 :Cou shall not come down from the bed to which you have gone u"# but you shall surely die':D So li$ah de"arted'

Then he sent to him another ca"tain of fifty with his fifty men' And he answered and said to him7 :4an of (od# thus has the 1ing said# :-ome down Guic1lyH:D

And when the messengers returned to him# he said to them# :Bhy have you come bac1E:

So li$ah answered and said to them# :0f 0 am a man of (od# let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men': And the fire of (od came down from heaven and consumed him and his fifty'

So they said to him# :A man came u" to meet us# and said to us# :(o# return to the 1ing who sent you# and say to him# :Thus says the )3+*7 :0s it because there is no (od in 0srael that you are sending to inGuire of BaalF5ebub# the god of 1ronE Therefore you shall not come down from the bed to which you have gone u"# but you shall surely die':::

Again# he sent a third ca"tain of fifty with his fifty men' And the third ca"tain of fifty went u"# and came and fell on his 1nees before li$ah# and "leaded with him# and said to him7 :4an of (od# "lease let my life and the life of these fifty servants of yours be "recious in your sight'

Then he said to them# :Bhat 1ind of man was it who came u" to meet you and told you these wordsE:

)oo1# fire has come down from heaven and burned u" the first two ca"tains of fifties with their fifties' But let my life now be "recious in your sight':


And the angel of the )3+* said to li$ah# :(o down with him9 do not be afraid of him': So he arose and went down with him to the 1ing'

on to Jericho': But he said# :As the )3+* lives# and as your soul lives# 0 will not leave youH: So they came to Jericho'

Then he said to him# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Because you have sent messengers to inGuire of BaalF5ebub# the god of 1ron# is it because there is no (od in 0srael to inGuire of 2is wordE Therefore you shall not come down from the bed to which you have gone u"# but you shall surely die':D

Now the sons of the "ro"hets who were at Jericho came to lisha and said to him# :*o you 1now that the )3+* will ta1e away your master from over you todayE: So he answered# :Ces# 0 1now9 1ee" silentH:

So Aha.iah died according to the word of the )3+* which li$ah had s"o1en' Because he had no son# Jehoram became 1ing in his "lace# in the second year of Jehoram the son of Jehosha"hat# 1ing of Judah'

Then li$ah said to him# :Stay here# "lease# for the )3+* has sent me on to the Jordan': But he said# :As the )3+* lives# and as your soul lives# 0 will not leave youH: So the two of them went on'

And fifty men of the sons of the "ro"hets went and stood facing them at a distance# while the two of them stood by the Jordan'

Now the rest of the acts of Aha.iah which he did# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0sraelE

Now li$ah too1 his mantle# rolled it u"# and struc1 the water9 and it was divided this way and that# so that the two of them crossed over on dry ground'

2And it came to "ass# when the )3+*

was about to ta1e u" li$ah into heaven by a whirlwind# that li$ah went with lisha from (ilgal'

Then li$ah said to lisha# :Stay here# "lease# for the )3+* has sent me on to Bethel': But lisha said# :As the )3+* lives# and as your soul lives# 0 will not leave youH: So they went down to Bethel'

And so it was# when they had crossed over# that li$ah said to lisha# :As1H Bhat may 0 do for you# before 0 am ta1en away from youE: lisha said# :/lease let a double "ortion of your s"irit be u"on me':

So he said# :Cou have as1ed a hard thing' Nevertheless# if you see me when 0 am ta1en from you# it shall be so for you9 but if not# it shall not be so':

Now the sons of the "ro"hets who were at Bethel came out to lisha# and said to him# :*o you 1now that the )3+* will ta1e away your master from over you todayE: And he said# :Ces# 0 1now9 1ee" silentH:

Then it ha""ened# as they continued on and tal1ed# that suddenly a chariot of fire a""eared with horses of fire# and se"arated the two of them9 and li$ah went u" by a whirlwind into heaven'

Then li$ah said to him# : lisha# stay here# "lease# for the )3+* has sent me

And lisha saw it# and he cried out# :4y father# my father# the chariot of 0srael and its horsemenH: So he saw him

no more' And he too1 hold of his own clothes and tore them into two "ieces'


2e also too1 u" the mantle of li$ah that had fallen from him# and went bac1 and stood by the ban1 of the Jordan'

Then he went out to the source of the water# and cast in the salt there# and said# :Thus says the )3+*7 :0 have healed this water9 from it there shall be no more death or barrenness':D

Then he too1 the mantle of li$ah that had fallen from him# and struc1 the water# and said# :Bhere is the )3+* (od of li$ahE: And when he also had struc1 the water# it was divided this way and that9 and lisha crossed over'

So the water remains healed to this day# according to the word of lisha which he s"o1e'

Now when the sons of the "ro"hets who were from Jericho saw him# they said# :The s"irit of li$ah rests on lisha': And they came to meet him# and bowed to the ground before him'

Then he went u" from there to Bethel9 and as he was going u" the road# some youths came from the city and moc1ed him# and said to him# :(o u"# you baldheadH (o u"# you baldheadH:

Then they said to him# :)oo1 now# there are fifty strong men with your servants' /lease let them go and search for your master# lest "erha"s the S"irit of the )3+* has ta1en him u" and cast him u"on some mountain or into some valley': And he said# :Cou shall not send anyone':

So he turned around and loo1ed at them# and "ronounced a curse on them in the name of the )3+*' And two female bears came out of the woods and mauled fortyFtwo of the youths'

Then he went from there to 4ount -armel# and from there he returned to Samaria'


But when they urged him till he was ashamed# he said# :Send themH: Therefore they sent fifty men# and they searched for three days but did not find him'

Jehoram the son of Ahab became 1ing over 0srael at Samaria in the eighteenth year of Jehosha"hat 1ing of Judah# and reigned twelve years' And he did evil in the sight of the )3+*# but not li1e his father and mother9 for he "ut away the sacred "illar of Baal that his father had made'

And when they came bac1 to him# for he had stayed in Jericho# he said to them# :*id 0 not say to you# :*o not goDE:

Then the men of the city said to lisha# :/lease notice# the situation of this city is "leasant# as my lord sees9 but the water is bad# and the ground barren':

Nevertheless he "ersisted in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat# who had made 0srael sin9 he did not de"art from them'

And he said# :Bring me a new bowl# and "ut salt in it': So they brought it to him'

Now 4esha 1ing of 4oab was a shee"breeder# and he regularly "aid the 1ing of 0srael one hundred thousand lambs and the wool of one hundred thousand rams'


But it ha""ened# when Ahab died# that the 1ing of 4oab rebelled against the 1ing of 0srael'

said to him# :No# for the )3+* has called these three 1ings together to deliver them into the hand of 4oab':

So King Jehoram went out of Samaria at that time and mustered all 0srael'

Then he went and sent to Jehosha"hat 1ing of Judah# saying# :The 1ing of 4oab has rebelled against me' Bill you go with me to fight against 4oabE: And he said# :0 will go u"9 0 am as you are# my "eo"le as your "eo"le# my horses as your horses':

And lisha said# :As the )3+* of hosts lives# before whom 0 stand# surely were it not that 0 regard the "resence of Jehosha"hat 1ing of Judah# 0 would not loo1 at you# nor see you'

But now bring me a musician': Then it ha""ened# when the musician "layed# that the hand of the )3+* came u"on him'

Then he said# :Bhich way shall we go u"E: And he answered# :By way of the Bilderness of dom':

And he said# :Thus says the )3+*7 :4a1e this valley full of ditches'D

So the 1ing of 0srael went with the 1ing of Judah and the 1ing of dom# and they marched on that roundabout route seven days9 and there was no water for the army# nor for the animals that followed them'

For thus says the )3+*7 :Cou shall not see wind# nor shall you see rain9 yet that valley shall be filled with water# so that you# your cattle# and your animals may drin1'D

And the 1ing of 0srael said# :AlasH For the )3+* has called these three 1ings together to deliver them into the hand of 4oab':

And this is a sim"le matter in the sight of the )3+*9 2e will also deliver the 4oabites into your hand'

But Jehosha"hat said# :0s there no "ro"het of the )3+* here# that we may inGuire of the )3+* by himE: So one of the servants of the 1ing of 0srael answered and said# : lisha the son of Sha"hat is here# who "oured water on the hands of li$ah':

Also you shall attac1 every fortified city and every choice city# and shall cut down every good tree# and sto" u" every s"ring of water# and ruin every good "iece of land with stones':

Now it ha""ened in the morning# when the grain offering was offered# that suddenly water came by way of dom# and the land was filled with water'

And Jehosha"hat said# :The word of the )3+* is with him': So the 1ing of 0srael and Jehosha"hat and the 1ing of dom went down to him'

And when all the 4oabites heard that the 1ings had come u" to fight against them# all who were able to bear arms and older were gathered9 and they stood at the border'

Then lisha said to the 1ing of 0srael# :Bhat have 0 to do with youE (o to the "ro"hets of your father and the "ro"hets of your mother': But the 1ing of 0srael

Then they rose u" early in the morning# and the sun was shining on the

water9 and the 4oabites saw the water on the other side as red as blood'

maidservant has nothing in the house but a $ar of oil':


And they said# :This is blood9 the 1ings have surely struc1 swords and have 1illed one another9 now therefore# 4oab# to the s"oilH:

Then he said# :(o# borrow vessels from everywhere# from all your neighborsFF em"ty vessels9 do not gather $ust a few'

So when they came to the cam" of 0srael# 0srael rose u" and attac1ed the 4oabites# so that they fled before them9 and they entered their land# 1illing the 4oabites'

And when you have come in# you shall shut the door behind you and your sons9 then "our it into all those vessels# and set aside the full ones':

Then they destroyed the cities# and each man threw a stone on every good "iece of land and filled it9 and they sto""ed u" all the s"rings of water and cut down all the good trees' But they left the stones of Kir 2araseth intact' 2owever the slingers surrounded and attac1ed it'

So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons# who brought the vessels to her9 and she "oured it out'

Now it came to "ass# when the vessels were full# that she said to her son# :Bring me another vessel': And he said to her# :There is not another vessel': So the oil ceased'

And when the 1ing of 4oab saw that the battle was too fierce for him# he too1 with him seven hundred men who drew swords# to brea1 through to the 1ing of dom# but they could not'

Then she came and told the man of (od' And he said# :(o# sell the oil and "ay your debt9 and you and your sons live on the rest':

Then he too1 his eldest son who would have reigned in his "lace# and offered him as a burnt offering u"on the wall9 and there was great indignation against 0srael' So they de"arted from him and returned to their own land'

Now it ha""ened one day that lisha went to Shunem# where there was a notable woman# and she "ersuaded him to eat some food' So it was# as often as he "assed by# he would turn in there to eat some food'

4A certain woman of the wives of the

sons of the "ro"hets cried out to lisha# saying# :Cour servant my husband is dead# and you 1now that your servant feared the )3+*' And the creditor is coming to ta1e my two sons to be his slaves':

And she said to her husband# :)oo1 now# 0 1now that this is a holy man of (od# who "asses by us regularly'

/lease# let us ma1e a small u""er room on the wall9 and let us "ut a bed for him there# and a table and a chair and a lam"stand9 so it will be# whenever he comes to us# he can turn in there':

So lisha said to her# :Bhat shall 0 do for youE Tell me# what do you have in the houseE: And she said# :Cour

And it ha""ened one day that he came there# and he turned in to the u""er room and lay down there'


Then he said to (eha.i his servant# :-all this Shunammite woman': Bhen he had called her# she stood before him'


Then she called to her husband# and said# :/lease send me one of the young men and one of the don1eys# that 0 may run to the man of (od and come bac1':

And he said to him# :Say now to her# :)oo1# you have been concerned for us with all this care' Bhat can 0 do for youE *o you want me to s"ea1 on your behalf to the 1ing or to the commander of the armyE:D She answered# :0 dwell among my own "eo"le':

So he said# :Bhy are you going to him todayE 0t is neither the New 4oon nor the Sabbath': And she said# :0t is well':

So he said# :Bhat then is to be done for herE: And (eha.i answered# :Actually# she has no son# and her husband is old':

Then she saddled a don1ey# and said to her servant# :*rive# and go forward9 do not slac1en the "ace for me unless 0 tell you':

So he said# :-all her': Bhen he had called her# she stood in the doorway'

And so she de"arted# and went to the man of (od at 4ount -armel' So it was# when the man of (od saw her afar off# that he said to his servant (eha.i# :)oo1# the Shunammite womanH

Then he said# :About this time ne!t year you shall embrace a son': And she said# :No# my lord' 4an of (od# do not lie to your maidservantH:

/lease run now to meet her# and say to her# :0s it well with youE 0s it well with your husbandE 0s it well with the childE:D And she answered# :0t is well':

But the woman conceived# and bore a son when the a""ointed time had come# of which lisha had told her'

And the child grew' Now it ha""ened one day that he went out to his father# to the rea"ers'

Now when she came to the man of (od at the hill# she caught him by the feet# but (eha.i came near to "ush her away' But the man of (od said# :)et her alone9 for her soul is in dee" distress# and the )3+* has hidden it from me# and has not told me':

And he said to his father# :4y head# my headH: So he said to a servant# :-arry him to his mother':

So she said# :*id 0 as1 a son of my lordE *id 0 not say# :*o not deceive meDE:

Bhen he had ta1en him and brought him to his mother# he sat on her 1nees till noon# and then died'

And she went u" and laid him on the bed of the man of (od# shut the door u"on him# and went out'

Then he said to (eha.i# :(et yourself ready# and ta1e my staff in your hand# and be on your way' 0f you meet anyone# do not greet him9 and if anyone greets you# do not answer him9 but lay my staff on the face of the child':

And the mother of the child said# :As the )3+* lives# and as your soul lives# 0 will not leave you': So he arose and followed her'


Now (eha.i went on ahead of them# and laid the staff on the face of the child9 but there was neither voice nor hearing' Therefore he went bac1 to meet him# and told him# saying# :The child has not awa1ened':

of stew# though they did not 1now what they were'


Bhen lisha came into the house# there was the child# lying dead on his bed'

Then they served it to the men to eat' Now it ha""ened# as they were eating the stew# that they cried out and said# :4an of (od# there is death in the "otH: And they could not eat it'

2e went in therefore# shut the door behind the two of them# and "rayed to the )3+*'

So he said# :Then bring some flour': And he "ut it into the "ot# and said# :Serve it to the "eo"le# that they may eat': And there was nothing harmful in the "ot'

And he went u" and lay on the child# and "ut his mouth on his mouth# his eyes on his eyes# and his hands on his hands9 and he stretched himself out on the child# and the flesh of the child became warm'

Then a man came from Baal Shalisha# and brought the man of (od bread of the firstfruits# twenty loaves of barley bread# and newly ri"ened grain in his 1na"sac1' And he said# :(ive it to the "eo"le# that they may eat':

2e returned and wal1ed bac1 and forth in the house# and again went u" and stretched himself out on him9 then the child snee.ed seven times# and the child o"ened his eyes'

But his servant said# :BhatE Shall 0 set this before one hundred menE: 2e said again# :(ive it to the "eo"le# that they may eat9 for thus says the )3+*7 :They shall eat and have some left over':D

And he called (eha.i and said# :-all this Shunammite woman': So he called her' And when she came in to him# he said# :/ic1 u" your son':

So he set it before them9 and they ate and had some left over# according to the word of the )3+*'

So she went in# fell at his feet# and bowed to the ground9 then she "ic1ed u" her son and went out'


And lisha returned to (ilgal# and there was a famine in the land' Now the sons of the "ro"hets were sitting before him9 and he said to his servant# :/ut on the large "ot# and boil stew for the sons of the "ro"hets':

Naaman# commander of the army of the 1ing of Syria# was a great and honorable man in the eyes of his master# because by him the )3+* had given victory to Syria' 2e was also a mighty man of valor# but a le"er'

So one went out into the field to gather herbs# and found a wild vine# and gathered from it a la"ful of wild gourds# and came and sliced them into the "ot

And the Syrians had gone out on raids# and had brought bac1 ca"tive a young girl from the land of 0srael' She waited on NaamanDs wife'

Then she said to her mistress# :0f only my master were with the "ro"het who is

in SamariaH For he would heal him of his le"rosy':


his (od# and wave his hand over the "lace# and heal the le"rosy'D

And Naaman went in and told his master# saying# :Thus and thus said the girl who is from the land of 0srael':

Then the 1ing of Syria said# :(o now# and 0 will send a letter to the 1ing of 0srael': So he de"arted and too1 with him ten talents of silver# si! thousand she1els of gold# and ten changes of clothing'

Are not the Abanah and the /har"ar# the rivers of *amascus# better than all the waters of 0sraelE -ould 0 not wash in them and be cleanE: So he turned and went away in a rage'

Then he brought the letter to the 1ing of 0srael# which said# ; Now be advised# when this letter comes to you# that 0 have sent Naaman my servant to you# that you may heal him of his le"rosy'

And his servants came near and s"o1e to him# and said# :4y father# if the "ro"het had told you to do something great# would you not have done itE 2ow much more then# when he says to you# :Bash# and be cleanDE:

And it ha""ened# when the 1ing of 0srael read the letter# that he tore his clothes and said# :Am 0 (od# to 1ill and ma1e alive# that this man sends a man to me to heal him of his le"rosyE Therefore "lease consider# and see how he see1s a Guarrel with me':

So he went down and di""ed seven times in the Jordan# according to the saying of the man of (od9 and his flesh was restored li1e the flesh of a little child# and he was clean'

And he returned to the man of (od# he and all his aides# and came and stood before him9 and he said# :0ndeed# now 0 1now that there is no (od in all the earth# e!ce"t in 0srael9 now therefore# "lease ta1e a gift from your servant':

So it was# when lisha the man of (od heard that the 1ing of 0srael had torn his clothes# that he sent to the 1ing# saying# :Bhy have you torn your clothesE /lease let him come to me# and he shall 1now that there is a "ro"het in 0srael':

But he said# :As the )3+* lives# before whom 0 stand# 0 will receive nothing': And he urged him to ta1e it# but he refused'

Then Naaman went with his horses and chariot# and he stood at the door of lishaDs house'

So Naaman said# :Then# if not# "lease let your servant be given two muleFloads of earth9 for your servant will no longer offer either burnt offering or sacrifice to other gods# but to the )3+*'

And lisha sent a messenger to him# saying# :(o and wash in the Jordan seven times# and your flesh shall be restored to you# and you shall be clean':

But Naaman became furious# and went away and said# :0ndeed# 0 said to myself# :2e will surely come out to me# and stand and call on the name of the )3+*

Cet in this thing may the )3+* "ardon your servant7 when my master goes into the tem"le of +immon to worshi" there# and he leans on my hand# and 0 bow down in the tem"le of +immonFFwhen 0 bow down in the tem"le of +immon# may the )3+* "lease "ardon your servant in this thing':


Then he said to him# :(o in "eace': So he de"arted from him a short distance'


But (eha.i# the servant of lisha the man of (od# said# :)oo1# my master has s"ared Naaman this Syrian# while not receiving from his hands what he brought9 but as the )3+* lives# 0 will run after him and ta1e something from him':

Therefore the le"rosy of Naaman shall cling to you and your descendants forever': And he went out from his "resence le"rous# as white as snow'

6And the sons of the "ro"hets said to

lisha# :See now# the "lace where we dwell with you is too small for us'

So (eha.i "ursued Naaman' Bhen Naaman saw him running after him# he got down from the chariot to meet him# and said# :0s all wellE:

/lease# let us go to the Jordan# and let every man ta1e a beam from there# and let us ma1e there a "lace where we may dwell': So he answered# :(o':

And he said# :All is well' 4y master has sent me# saying# :0ndeed# $ust now two young men of the sons of the "ro"hets have come to me from the mountains of "hraim' /lease give them a talent of silver and two changes of garments':D

Then one said# :/lease consent to go with your servants': And he answered# :0 will go':

So he went with them' And when they came to the Jordan# they cut down trees'

So Naaman said# :/lease# ta1e two talents': And he urged him# and bound two talents of silver in two bags# with two changes of garments# and handed them to two of his servants9 and they carried them on ahead of him'

But as one was cutting down a tree# the iron a! head fell into the water9 and he cried out and said# :Alas# masterH For it was borrowed':

Bhen he came to the citadel# he too1 them from their hand# and stored them away in the house9 then he let the men go# and they de"arted'

So the man of (od said# :Bhere did it fallE: And he showed him the "lace' So he cut off a stic1# and threw it in there9 and he made the iron float'

Now he went in and stood before his master' lisha said to him# :Bhere did you go# (eha.iE: And he said# :Cour servant did not go anywhere':

Therefore he said# :/ic1 it u" for yourself': So he reached out his hand and too1 it'

Then he said to him# :*id not my heart go with you when the man turned bac1 from his chariot to meet youE 0s it time to receive money and to receive clothing# olive groves and vineyards# shee" and o!en# male and female servantsE

Now the 1ing of Syria was ma1ing war against 0srael9 and he consulted with his servants# saying# :4y cam" will be in such and such a "lace':

And the man of (od sent to the 1ing of 0srael# saying# :Beware that you do not "ass this "lace# for the Syrians are coming down there':


Then the 1ing of 0srael sent someone to the "lace of which the man of (od had told him' Thus he warned him# and he was watchful there# not $ust once or twice'

blindness': And 2e struc1 them with blindness according to the word of lisha'

Therefore the heart of the 1ing of Syria was greatly troubled by this thing9 and he called his servants and said to them# :Bill you not show me which of us is for the 1ing of 0sraelE:

Now lisha said to them# :This is not the way# nor is this the city' Follow me# and 0 will bring you to the man whom you see1': But he led them to Samaria'

And one of his servants said# :None# my lord# 3 1ing9 but lisha# the "ro"het who is in 0srael# tells the 1ing of 0srael the words that you s"ea1 in your bedroom':

So it was# when they had come to Samaria# that lisha said# :)3+*# o"en the eyes of these men# that they may see': And the )3+* o"ened their eyes# and they saw9 and there they were# inside SamariaH

So he said# :(o and see where he is# that 0 may send and get him': And it was told him# saying# :Surely he is in *othan':

Now when the 1ing of 0srael saw them# he said to lisha# :4y father# shall 0 1ill themE Shall 0 1ill themE:

Therefore he sent horses and chariots and a great army there# and they came by night and surrounded the city'

But he answered# :Cou shall not 1ill them' Bould you 1ill those whom you have ta1en ca"tive with your sword and your bowE Set food and water before them# that they may eat and drin1 and go to their master':

And when the servant of the man of (od arose early and went out# there was an army# surrounding the city with horses and chariots' And his servant said to him# :Alas# my masterH Bhat shall we doE:

Then he "re"ared a great feast for them9 and after they ate and dran1# he sent them away and they went to their master' So the bands of Syrian raiders came no more into the land of 0srael'

So he answered# :*o not fear# for those who are with us are more than those who are with them':

And it ha""ened after this that BenF 2adad 1ing of Syria gathered all his army# and went u" and besieged Samaria'

And lisha "rayed# and said# :)3+*# 0 "ray# o"en his eyes that he may see': Then the )3+* o"ened the eyes of the young man# and he saw' And behold# the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around lisha'

And there was a great famine in Samaria9 and indeed they besieged it until a don1eyDs head was sold for eighty she1els of silver# and oneFfourth of a 1ab of dove dro""ings for five she1els of silver'

So when the Syrians came down to him# lisha "rayed to the )3+*# and said# :Stri1e this "eo"le# 0 "ray# with

Then# as the 1ing of 0srael was "assing by on the wall# a woman cried out to him# saying# :2el"# my lord# 3 1ingH:


And he said# :0f the )3+* does not hel" you# where can 0 find hel" for youE From the threshing floor or from the wine"ressE:

:Tomorrow about this time a seah of fine flour shall be sold for a she1el# and two seahs of barley for a she1el# at the gate of Samaria':D

Then the 1ing said to her# :Bhat is troubling youE: And she answered# :This woman said to me# :(ive your son# that we may eat him today# and we will eat my son tomorrow'D

So we boiled my son# and ate him' And 0 said to her on the ne!t day# :(ive your son# that we may eat himD9 but she has hidden her son':

So an officer on whose hand the 1ing leaned answered the man of (od and said# :)oo1# if the )3+* would ma1e windows in heaven# could this thing beE: And he said# :0n fact# you shall see it with your eyes# but you shall not eat of it':

Now it ha""ened# when the 1ing heard the words of the woman# that he tore his clothes9 and as he "assed by on the wall# the "eo"le loo1ed# and there underneath he had sac1cloth on his body'

Now there were four le"rous men at the entrance of the gate9 and they said to one another# :Bhy are we sitting here until we dieE

Then he said# :(od do so to me and more also# if the head of lisha the son of Sha"hat remains on him todayH:

0f we say# :Be will enter the city#D the famine is in the city# and we shall die there' And if we sit here# we die also' Now therefore# come# let us surrender to the army of the Syrians' 0f they 1ee" us alive# we shall live9 and if they 1ill us# we shall only die':

But lisha was sitting in his house# and the elders were sitting with him' And the 1ing sent a man ahead of him# but before the messenger came to him# he said to the elders# :*o you see how this son of a murderer has sent someone to ta1e away my headE )oo1# when the messenger comes# shut the door# and hold him fast at the door' 0s not the sound of his masterDs feet behind himE:

And they rose at twilight to go to the cam" of the Syrians9 and when they had come to the outs1irts of the Syrian cam"# to their sur"rise no one was there'

And while he was still tal1ing with them# there was the messenger# coming down to him9 and then the 1ing said# :Surely this calamity is from the )3+*9 why should 0 wait for the )3+* any longerE:

For the )3+* had caused the army of the Syrians to hear the noise of chariots and the noise of horsesFFthe noise of a great army9 so they said to one another# :)oo1# the 1ing of 0srael has hired against us the 1ings of the 2ittites and the 1ings of the gy"tians to attac1 usH:

Therefore they arose and fled at twilight# and left the cam" intactFFtheir tents# their horses# and their don1eysFF and they fled for their lives'


lisha said# :2ear the word of the )3+*' Thus says the )3+*7

And when these le"ers came to the outs1irts of the cam"# they went into one tent and ate and dran1# and carried from

it silver and gold and clothing# and went and hid them9 then they came bac1 and entered another tent# and carried some from there also# and went and hid it'


Then they said to one another# :Be are not doing right' This day is a day of good news# and we remain silent' 0f we wait until morning light# some "unishment will come u"on us' Now therefore# come# let us go and tell the 1ingDs household':

And they went after them to the Jordan9 and indeed all the road was full of garments and wea"ons which the Syrians had thrown away in their haste' So the messengers returned and told the 1ing'

Then the "eo"le went out and "lundered the tents of the Syrians' So a seah of fine flour was sold for a she1el# and two seahs of barley for a she1el# according to the word of the )3+*'

So they went and called to the gate1ee"ers of the city# and told them# saying# :Be went to the Syrian cam"# and sur"risingly no one was there# not a human soundFFonly horses and don1eys tied# and the tents intact':

Now the 1ing had a""ointed the officer on whose hand he leaned to have charge of the gate' But the "eo"le tram"led him in the gate# and he died# $ust as the man of (od had said# who s"o1e when the 1ing came down to him'

And the gate1ee"ers called out# and they told it to the 1ingDs household inside'

So the 1ing arose in the night and said to his servants# :)et me now tell you what the Syrians have done to us' They 1now that we are hungry9 therefore they have gone out of the cam" to hide themselves in the field# saying# :Bhen they come out of the city# we shall catch them alive# and get into the city':D

So it ha""ened $ust as the man of (od had s"o1en to the 1ing# saying# :Two seahs of barley for a she1el# and a seah of fine flour for a she1el# shall be sold tomorrow about this time in the gate of Samaria':

Then that officer had answered the man of (od# and said# :Now loo1# if the )3+* would ma1e windows in heaven# could such a thing beE: And he had said# :0n fact# you shall see it with your eyes# but you shall not eat of it':

And one of his servants answered and said# :/lease# let several men ta1e five of the remaining horses which are left in the city' )oo1# they may either become li1e all the multitude of 0srael that are left in it9 or indeed# 0 say# they may become li1e all the multitude of 0srael left from those who are consumed9 so let us send them and see':

And so it ha""ened to him# for the "eo"le tram"led him in the gate# and he died'


Therefore they too1 two chariots with horses9 and the 1ing sent them in the direction of the Syrian army# saying# :(o and see':

lisha s"o1e to the woman whose son he had restored to life# saying# :Arise and go# you and your household# and stay wherever you can9 for the )3+* has called for a famine# and furthermore# it will come u"on the land for seven years':

So the woman arose and did according to the saying of the man of (od# and she went with her household and dwelt in the land of the /hilistines seven years'

:Cour son BenF2adad 1ing of Syria has sent me to you# saying# :Shall 0 recover from this diseaseE:D

0t came to "ass# at the end of seven years# that the woman returned from the land of the /hilistines9 and she went to ma1e an a""eal to the 1ing for her house and for her land'

And lisha said to him# :(o# say to him# :Cou shall certainly recover'D 2owever the )3+* has shown me that he will really die':

Then he set his countenance in a stare until he was ashamed9 and the man of (od we"t'

Then the 1ing tal1ed with (eha.i# the servant of the man of (od# saying# :Tell me# "lease# all the great things lisha has done':

Now it ha""ened# as he was telling the 1ing how he had restored the dead to life# that there was the woman whose son he had restored to life# a""ealing to the 1ing for her house and for her land' And (eha.i said# :4y lord# 3 1ing# this is the woman# and this is her son whom lisha restored to life':

And 2a.ael said# :Bhy is my lord wee"ingE: 2e answered# :Because 0 1now the evil that you will do to the children of 0srael7 Their strongholds you will set on fire# and their young men you will 1ill with the sword9 and you will dash their children# and ri" o"en their women with child':

And when the 1ing as1ed the woman# she told him' So the 1ing a""ointed a certain officer for her# saying# :+estore all that was hers# and all the "roceeds of the field from the day that she left the land until now':

So 2a.ael said# :But what is your servantFFa dog# that he should do this gross thingE: And lisha answered# :The )3+* has shown me that you will become 1ing over Syria':

Then he de"arted from lisha# and came to his master# who said to him# :Bhat did lisha say to youE: And he answered# :2e told me you would surely recover':

Then lisha went to *amascus# and BenF2adad 1ing of Syria was sic19 and it was told him# saying# :The man of (od has come here':

And the 1ing said to 2a.ael# :Ta1e a "resent in your hand# and go to meet the man of (od# and inGuire of the )3+* by him# saying# :Shall 0 recover from this diseaseE:D

But it ha""ened on the ne!t day that he too1 a thic1 cloth and di""ed it in water# and s"read it over his face so that he died9 and 2a.ael reigned in his "lace'

So 2a.ael went to meet him and too1 a "resent with him# of every good thing of *amascus# forty camelFloads9 and he came and stood before him# and said#

Now in the fifth year of Joram the son of Ahab# 1ing of 0srael# Jehosha"hat having been 1ing of Judah# Jehoram the son of Jehosha"hat began to reign as 1ing of Judah'


2e was thirtyFtwo years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem'


And he wal1ed in the way of the 1ings of 0srael# $ust as the house of Ahab had done# for the daughter of Ahab was his wife9 and he did evil in the sight of the )3+*'

Aha.iah was twentyFtwo years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned one year in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was Athaliah the granddaughter of 3mri# 1ing of 0srael'

Cet the )3+* would not destroy Judah# for the sa1e of 2is servant *avid# as 2e "romised him to give a lam" to him and his sons forever'

And he wal1ed in the way of the house of Ahab# and did evil in the sight of the )3+*# li1e the house of Ahab# for he was the sonFinFlaw of the house of Ahab'

0n his days dom revolted against JudahDs authority# and made a 1ing over themselves'

Now he went with Joram the son of Ahab to war against 2a.ael 1ing of Syria at +amoth (ilead9 and the Syrians wounded Joram'

So Joram went to 5air# and all his chariots with him' Then he rose by night and attac1ed the domites who had surrounded him and the ca"tains of the chariots9 and the troo"s fled to their tents'

Then King Joram went bac1 to Je.reel to recover from the wounds which the Syrians had inflicted on him at +amah# when he fought against 2a.ael 1ing of Syria' And Aha.iah the son of Jehoram# 1ing of Judah# went down to see Joram the son of Ahab in Je.reel# because he was sic1'

Thus dom has been in revolt against JudahDs authority to this day' And )ibnah revolted at that time'


Now the rest of the acts of Joram# and all that he did# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of JudahE

lisha the "ro"het called one of the sons of the "ro"hets# and said to him# :(et yourself ready# ta1e this flas1 of oil in your hand# and go to +amoth (ilead'

So Joram rested with his fathers# and was buried with his fathers in the -ity of *avid' Then Aha.iah his son reigned in his "lace'

Now when you arrive at that "lace# loo1 there for Jehu the son of Jehosha"hat# the son of Nimshi# and go in and ma1e him rise u" from among his associates# and ta1e him to an inner room'

0n the twelfth year of Joram the son of Ahab# 1ing of 0srael# Aha.iah the son of Jehoram# 1ing of Judah# began to reign'

Then ta1e the flas1 of oil# and "our it on his head# and say# :Thus says the )3+*7 :0 have anointed you 1ing over 0srael':D Then o"en the door and flee# and do not delay':

So the young man# the servant of the "ro"het# went to +amoth (ilead'


And when he arrived# there were the ca"tains of the army sitting9 and he said# :0 have a message for you# -ommander': Jehu said# :For which one of usE: And he said# :For you# -ommander':


So Jehu the son of Jehosha"hat# the son of Nimshi# cons"ired against Joram' INow Joram had been defending +amoth (ilead# he and all 0srael# against 2a.ael 1ing of Syria'

Then he arose and went into the house' And he "oured the oil on his head# and said to him# :Thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael7 :0 have anointed you 1ing over the "eo"le of the )3+*# over 0srael'

But King Joram had returned to Je.reel to recover from the wounds which the Syrians had inflicted on him when he fought with 2a.ael 1ing of Syria'J And Jehu said# :0f you are so minded# let no one leave or esca"e from the city to go and tell it in Je.reel':

Cou shall stri1e down the house of Ahab your master# that 0 may avenge the blood of 4y servants the "ro"hets# and the blood of all the servants of the )3+*# at the hand of Je.ebel'

So Jehu rode in a chariot and went to Je.reel# for Joram was laid u" there9 and Aha.iah 1ing of Judah had come down to see Joram'

For the whole house of Ahab shall "erish9 and 0 will cut off from Ahab all the males in 0srael# both bond and free'

So 0 will ma1e the house of Ahab li1e the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat# and li1e the house of Baasha the son of Ahi$ah'

Now a watchman stood on the tower in Je.reel# and he saw the com"any of Jehu as he came# and said# :0 see a com"any of men': And Joram said# :(et a horseman and send him to meet them# and let him say# :0s it "eaceE:D

The dogs shall eat Je.ebel on the "lot of ground at Je.reel# and there shall be none to bury her':D And he o"ened the door and fled'

So the horseman went to meet him# and said# :Thus says the 1ing7 :0s it "eaceE:D And Jehu said# :Bhat have you to do with "eaceE Turn around and follow me': So the watchman re"orted# saying# :The messenger went to them# but is not coming bac1':

Then Jehu came out to the servants of his master# and one said to him# :0s all wellE Bhy did this madman come to youE: And he said to them# :Cou 1now the man and his babble':

Then he sent out a second horseman who came to them# and said# :Thus says the 1ing7 :0s it "eaceE:D And Jehu answered# :Bhat have you to do with "eaceE Turn around and follow me':

And they said# :A lieH Tell us now': So he said# :Thus and thus he s"o1e to me# saying# :Thus says the )3+*7 :0 have anointed you 1ing over 0srael'::D

Then each man hastened to ta1e his garment and "ut it under him on the to" of the ste"s9 and they blew trum"ets# saying# :Jehu is 1ingH:

So the watchman re"orted# saying# :2e went u" to them and is not coming bac19 and the driving is li1e the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi# for he drives furiouslyH:

Then Joram said# :4a1e ready': And his chariot was made ready' Then

Joram 1ing of 0srael and Aha.iah 1ing of Judah went out# each in his chariot9 and they went out to meet Jehu# and met him on the "ro"erty of Naboth the Je.reelite'


And his servants carried him in the chariot to Jerusalem# and buried him in his tomb with his fathers in the -ity of *avid'

Now it ha""ened# when Joram saw Jehu# that he said# :0s it "eace# JehuE: So he answered# :Bhat "eace# as long as the harlotries of your mother Je.ebel and her witchcraft are so manyE:

0n the eleventh year of Joram the son of Ahab# Aha.iah had become 1ing over Judah'

Then Joram turned around and fled# and said to Aha.iah# :Treachery# Aha.iahH:

Now when Jehu had come to Je.reel# Je.ebel heard of it9 and she "ut "aint on her eyes and adorned her head# and loo1ed through a window'

Now Jehu drew his bow with full strength and shot Jehoram between his arms9 and the arrow came out at his heart# and he san1 down in his chariot'

Then# as Jehu entered at the gate# she said# :0s it "eace# 5imri# murderer of your masterE:

And he loo1ed u" at the window# and said# :Bho is on my sideE BhoE: So two or three eunuchs loo1ed out at him'

Then Jehu said to Bid1ar his ca"tain# :/ic1 him u"# and throw him into the tract of the field of Naboth the Je.reelite9 for remember# when you and 0 were riding together behind Ahab his father# that the )3+* laid this burden u"on him7

Then he said# :Throw her down': So they threw her down# and some of her blood s"attered on the wall and on the horses9 and he tram"led her underfoot'

:Surely 0 saw yesterday the blood of Naboth and the blood of his sons#D says the )3+*# :and 0 will re"ay you in this "lot#D says the )3+*' Now therefore# ta1e and throw him on the "lot of ground# according to the word of the )3+*':

And when he had gone in# he ate and dran1' Then he said# :(o now# see to this accursed woman# and bury her# for she was a 1ingDs daughter':

So they went to bury her# but they found no more of her than the s1ull and the feet and the "alms of her hands'

But when Aha.iah 1ing of Judah saw this# he fled by the road to Beth 2aggan' So Jehu "ursued him# and said# :Shoot him also in the chariot': And they shot him at the Ascent of (ur# which is by 0bleam' Then he fled to 4egiddo# and died there'

Therefore they came bac1 and told him' And he said# :This is the word of the )3+*# which 2e s"o1e by 2is servant li$ah the Tishbite# saying# :3n the "lot of ground at Je.reel dogs shall eat the flesh of Je.ebel9

and the cor"se of Je.ebel shall be as refuse on the surface of the field# in the "lot at Je.reel# so that they shall not say# :2ere lies Je.ebel'::D

10Now Ahab had seventy sons in

Samaria' And Jehu wrote and sent letters to Samaria# to the rulers of Je.reel# to the elders# and to those who reared AhabDs sons# saying7


Then a messenger came and told him# saying# :They have brought the heads of the 1ingDs sons': And he said# :)ay them in two hea"s at the entrance of the gate until morning':

Now as soon as this letter comes to you# since your masterDs sons are with you# and you have chariots and horses# a fortified city also# and wea"ons#

So it was# in the morning# that he went out and stood# and said to all the "eo"le# :Cou are righteous' 0ndeed 0 cons"ired against my master and 1illed him9 but who 1illed all theseE

choose the best Gualified of your masterDs sons# set him on his fatherDs throne# and fight for your masterDs house'

Know now that nothing shall fall to the earth of the word of the )3+* which the )3+* s"o1e concerning the house of Ahab9 for the )3+* has done what 2e s"o1e by 2is servant li$ah':

But they were e!ceedingly afraid# and said# :)oo1# two 1ings could not stand u" to him9 how then can we standE:

And he who was in charge of the house# and he who was in charge of the city# the elders also# and those who reared the sons# sent to Jehu# saying# :Be are your servants# we will do all you tell us9 but we will not ma1e anyone 1ing' *o what is good in your sight':

So Jehu 1illed all who remained of the house of Ahab in Je.reel# and all his great men and his close acGuaintances and his "riests# until he left him none remaining'

And he arose and de"arted and went to Samaria' 3n the way# at Beth 1ed of the She"herds#

Then he wrote a second letter to them# saying7 ; 0f you are for me and will obey my voice# ta1e the heads of the men# your masterDs sons# and come to me at Je.reel by this time tomorrow' Now the 1ingDs sons# seventy "ersons# were with the great men of the city# who were rearing them'

Jehu met with the brothers of Aha.iah 1ing of Judah# and said# :Bho are youE: So they answered# :Be are the brothers of Aha.iah9 we have come down to greet the sons of the 1ing and the sons of the Gueen mother':

So it was# when the letter came to them# that they too1 the 1ingDs sons and slaughtered seventy "ersons# "ut their heads in bas1ets and sent them to him at Je.reel'

And he said# :Ta1e them aliveH: So they too1 them alive# and 1illed them at the well of Beth 1ed# fortyFtwo men9 and he left none of them'

Now when he de"arted from there# he met Jehonadab the son of +echab# coming to meet him9 and he greeted him and said to him# :0s your heart right# as my heart is toward your heartE: And Jehonadab answered# :0t is': Jehu said# :0f it is# give me your hand': So he gave

him his hand# and he too1 him u" to him into the chariot'


Then he said# :-ome with me# and see my .eal for the )3+*': So they had him ride in his chariot'

So they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings' Now Jehu had a""ointed for himself eighty men on the outside# and had said# :0f any of the men whom 0 have brought into your hands esca"es# whoever lets him esca"e# it shall be his life for the life of the other':

And when he came to Samaria# he 1illed all who remained to Ahab in Samaria# till he had destroyed them# according to the word of the )3+* which 2e s"o1e to li$ah'

Then Jehu gathered all the "eo"le together# and said to them# :Ahab served Baal a little# Jehu will serve him much'

Now it ha""ened# as soon as he had made an end of offering the burnt offering# that Jehu said to the guard and to the ca"tains# :(o in and 1ill them9 let no one come outH: And they 1illed them with the edge of the sword9 then the guards and the officers threw them out# and went into the inner room of the tem"le of Baal'

Now therefore# call to me all the "ro"hets of Baal# all his servants# and all his "riests' )et no one be missing# for 0 have a great sacrifice for Baal' Bhoever is missing shall not live': But Jehu acted dece"tively# with the intent of destroying the worshi"ers of Baal'

And they brought the sacred "illars out of the tem"le of Baal and burned them'

Then they bro1e down the sacred "illar of Baal# and tore down the tem"le of Baal and made it a refuse dum" to this day'

And Jehu said# :/roclaim a solemn assembly for Baal': So they "roclaimed it'

Thus Jehu destroyed Baal from 0srael'


Then Jehu sent throughout all 0srael9 and all the worshi"ers of Baal came# so that there was not a man left who did not come' So they came into the tem"le of Baal# and the tem"le of Baal was full from one end to the other'

2owever Jehu did not turn away from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat# who had made 0srael sin# that is# from the golden calves that were at Bethel and *an'

And he said to the one in charge of the wardrobe# :Bring out vestments for all the worshi"ers of Baal': So he brought out vestments for them'

And the )3+* said to Jehu# :Because you have done well in doing what is right in 4y sight# and have done to the house of Ahab all that was in 4y heart# your sons shall sit on the throne of 0srael to the fourth generation':

Then Jehu and Jehonadab the son of +echab went into the tem"le of Baal# and said to the worshi"ers of Baal# :Search and see that no servants of the )3+* are here with you# but only the worshi"ers of Baal':

But Jehu too1 no heed to wal1 in the law of the )3+* (od of 0srael with all his heart9 for he did not de"art from the sins of Jeroboam# who had made 0srael sin'


0n those days the )3+* began to cut off "arts of 0srael9 and 2a.ael conGuered them in all the territory of 0srael

from the Jordan eastward7 all the land of (ileadFF(ad# +euben# and 4anassehFFfrom Aroer# which is by the +iver Arnon# including (ilead and Bashan'

0n the seventh year Jehoiada sent and brought the ca"tains of hundredsFFof the bodyguards and the escortsFFand brought them into the house of the )3+* to him' And he made a covenant with them and too1 an oath from them in the house of the )3+*# and showed them the 1ingDs son'

Now the rest of the acts of Jehu# all that he did# and all his might# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0sraelE

Then he commanded them# saying# :This is what you shall do7 3neFthird of you who come on duty on the Sabbath shall be 1ee"ing watch over the 1ingDs house#

So Jehu rested with his fathers# and they buried him in Samaria' Then Jehoaha. his son reigned in his "lace'

oneFthird shall be at the gate of Sur# and oneFthird at the gate behind the escorts' Cou shall 1ee" the watch of the house# lest it be bro1en down'

And the "eriod that Jehu reigned over 0srael in Samaria was twentyFeight years'

The two contingents of you who go off duty on the Sabbath shall 1ee" the watch of the house of the )3+* for the 1ing'


Athaliah the mother of Aha.iah saw that her son was dead# she arose and destroyed all the royal heirs' But Jehosheba# the daughter of King Joram# sister of Aha.iah# too1 Joash the son of Aha.iah# and stole him away from among the 1ingDs sons who were being murdered9 and they hid him and his nurse in the bedroom# from Athaliah# so that he was not 1illed'

But you shall surround the 1ing on all sides# every man with his wea"ons in his hand9 and whoever comes within range# let him be "ut to death' Cou are to be with the 1ing as he goes out and as he comes in':

So he was hidden with her in the house of the )3+* for si! years# while Athaliah reigned over the land'

So the ca"tains of the hundreds did according to all that Jehoiada the "riest commanded' ach of them too1 his men who were to be on duty on the Sabbath# with those who were going off duty on the Sabbath# and came to Jehoiada the "riest'

And the "riest gave the ca"tains of hundreds the s"ears and shields which had belonged to King *avid# that were in the tem"le of the )3+*'

Then the escorts stood# every man with his wea"ons in his hand# all around the 1ing# from the right side of the

tem"le to the left side of the tem"le# by the altar and the house'


And he brought out the 1ingDs son# "ut the crown on him# and gave him the Testimony9 they made him 1ing and anointed him# and they cla""ed their hands and said# :)ong live the 1ingH:

Then he too1 the ca"tains of hundreds# the bodyguards# the escorts# and all the "eo"le of the land9 and they brought the 1ing down from the house of the )3+*# and went by way of the gate of the escorts to the 1ingDs house' Then he sat on the throne of the 1ings'

Now when Athaliah heard the noise of the escorts and the "eo"le# she came to the "eo"le in the tem"le of the )3+*'

So all the "eo"le of the land re$oiced9 and the city was Guiet# for they had slain Athaliah with the sword in the 1ingDs house'

Bhen she loo1ed# there was the 1ing standing by a "illar according to custom9 and the leaders and the trum"eters were by the 1ing' All the "eo"le of the land were re$oicing and blowing trum"ets' So Athaliah tore her clothes and cried out# :TreasonH TreasonH:

Jehoash was seven years old when he became 1ing'


And Jehoiada the "riest commanded the ca"tains of the hundreds# the officers of the army# and said to them# :Ta1e her outside under guard# and slay with the sword whoever follows her': For the "riest had said# :*o not let her be 1illed in the house of the )3+*':

the seventh year of Jehu# Jehoash became 1ing# and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was 5ibiah of Beersheba' Jehoash did what was right in the sight of the )3+* all the days in which Jehoiada the "riest instructed him'

So they sei.ed her9 and she went by way of the horsesD entrance into the 1ingDs house# and there she was 1illed'

But the high "laces were not ta1en away9 the "eo"le still sacrificed and burned incense on the high "laces'

Then Jehoiada made a covenant between the )3+*# the 1ing# and the "eo"le# that they should be the )3+*Ds "eo"le# and also between the 1ing and the "eo"le'

And Jehoash said to the "riests# :All the money of the dedicated gifts that are brought into the house of the )3+*FF each manDs census money# each manDs assessment money FFand all the money that a man "ur"oses in his heart to bring into the house of the )3+*#

And all the "eo"le of the land went to the tem"le of Baal# and tore it down' They thoroughly bro1e in "ieces its altars and images# and 1illed 4attan the "riest of Baal before the altars' And the "riest a""ointed officers over the house of the )3+*'

let the "riests ta1e it themselves# each from his constituency9 and let them re"air the damages of the tem"le# wherever any dila"idation is found':

Now it was so# by the twentyFthird year of King Jehoash# that the "riests had not re"aired the damages of the tem"le'

So King Jehoash called Jehoiada the "riest and the other "riests# and said to them# :Bhy have you not re"aired the damages of the tem"leE Now therefore# do not ta1e more money from your constituency# but deliver it for re"airing the damages of the tem"le':


But they gave that to the wor1men# and they re"aired the house of the )3+* with it'

4oreover they did not reGuire an account from the men into whose hand they delivered the money to be "aid to wor1men# for they dealt faithfully'

And the "riests agreed that they would neither receive more money from the "eo"le# nor re"air the damages of the tem"le'

The money from the tres"ass offerings and the money from the sin offerings was not brought into the house of the )3+*' 0t belonged to the "riests'

Then Jehoiada the "riest too1 a chest# bored a hole in its lid# and set it beside the altar# on the right side as one comes into the house of the )3+*9 and the "riests who 1e"t the door "ut there all the money brought into the house of the )3+*'

2a.ael 1ing of Syria went u" and fought against (ath# and too1 it9 then 2a.ael set his face to go u" to Jerusalem'

So it was# whenever they saw that there was much money in the chest# that the 1ingDs scribe and the high "riest came u" and "ut it in bags# and counted the money that was found in the house of the )3+*'

And Jehoash 1ing of Judah too1 all the sacred things that his fathers# Jehosha"hat and Jehoram and Aha.iah# 1ings of Judah# had dedicated# and his own sacred things# and all the gold found in the treasuries of the house of the )3+* and in the 1ingDs house# and sent them to 2a.ael 1ing of Syria' Then he went away from Jerusalem'

Then they gave the money# which had been a""ortioned# into the hands of those who did the wor1# who had the oversight of the house of the )3+*9 and they "aid it out to the car"enters and builders who wor1ed on the house of the )3+*#

Now the rest of the acts of Joash# and all that he did# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of JudahE

and to masons and stonecutters# and for buying timber and hewn stone# to re"air the damage of the house of the )3+*# and for all that was "aid out to re"air the tem"le'

And his servants arose and formed a cons"iracy# and 1illed Joash in the house of the 4illo# which goes down to Silla'

2owever there were not made for the house of the )3+* basins of silver# trimmers# s"rin1lingFbowls# trum"ets# any articles of gold or articles of silver# from the money brought into the house of the )3+*'

For Jo.achar the son of Shimeath and Jeho.abad the son of Shomer# his servants# struc1 him' So he died# and they buried him with his fathers in the -ity of *avid' Then Ama.iah his son reigned in his "lace'

130n the twentyFthird year of Joash

the son of Aha.iah# 1ing of Judah# Jehoaha. the son of Jehu became 1ing over 0srael in Samaria# and reigned seventeen years'

So Jehoaha. rested with his fathers# and they buried him in Samaria' Then Joash his son reigned in his "lace'

And he did evil in the sight of the )3+*# and followed the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat# who had made 0srael sin' 2e did not de"art from them'

0n the thirtyFseventh year of Joash 1ing of Judah# Jehoash the son of Jehoaha. became 1ing over 0srael in Samaria# and reigned si!teen years'

And he did evil in the sight of the )3+*' 2e did not de"art from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat# who made 0srael sin# but wal1ed in them'

Then the anger of the )3+* was aroused against 0srael# and 2e delivered them into the hand of 2a.ael 1ing of Syria# and into the hand of BenF2adad the son of 2a.ael# all their days'

Now the rest of the acts of Joash# all that he did# and his might with which he fought against Ama.iah 1ing of Judah# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0sraelE

So Jehoaha. "leaded with the )3+*# and the )3+* listened to him9 for 2e saw the o""ression of 0srael# because the 1ing of Syria o""ressed them'

So Joash rested with his fathers' Then Jeroboam sat on his throne' And Joash was buried in Samaria with the 1ings of 0srael'

Then the )3+* gave 0srael a deliverer# so that they esca"ed from under the hand of the Syrians9 and the children of 0srael dwelt in their tents as before'

Nevertheless they did not de"art from the sins of the house of Jeroboam# who had made 0srael sin# but wal1ed in them9 and the wooden image also remained in Samaria'

lisha had become sic1 with the illness of which he would die' Then Joash the 1ing of 0srael came down to him# and we"t over his face# and said# :3 my father# my father# the chariots of 0srael and their horsemenH:

And lisha said to him# :Ta1e a bow and some arrows': So he too1 himself a bow and some arrows'

For 2e left of the army of Jehoaha. only fifty horsemen# ten chariots# and ten thousand foot soldiers9 for the 1ing of Syria had destroyed them and made them li1e the dust at threshing'

Then he said to the 1ing of 0srael# :/ut your hand on the bow': So he "ut his hand on it# and lisha "ut his hands on the 1ingDs hands'

Now the rest of the acts of Jehoaha.# all that he did# and his might# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0sraelE

And he said# :3"en the east window:9 and he o"ened it' Then lisha said# :Shoot:9 and he shot' And he said# :The arrow of the )3+*Ds deliverance and the arrow of deliverance from Syria9 for you must stri1e the Syrians at A"he1 till you have destroyed them':


Then he said# :Ta1e the arrows:9 so he too1 them' And he said to the 1ing of 0srael# :Stri1e the ground:9 so he struc1 three times# and sto""ed'

140n the second year of Joash the

son of Jehoaha.# 1ing of 0srael# Ama.iah the son of Joash# 1ing of Judah# became 1ing'

And the man of (od was angry with him# and said# :Cou should have struc1 five or si! times9 then you would have struc1 Syria till you had destroyed itH But now you will stri1e Syria only three times':

2e was twentyFfive years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned twentyF nine years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem'

Then lisha died# and they buried him' And the raiding bands from 4oab invaded the land in the s"ring of the year'

And he did what was right in the sight of the )3+*# yet not li1e his father *avid9 he did everything as his father Joash had done'

So it was# as they were burying a man# that suddenly they s"ied a band of raiders9 and they "ut the man in the tomb of lisha9 and when the man was let down and touched the bones of lisha# he revived and stood on his feet'

2owever the high "laces were not ta1en away# and the "eo"le still sacrificed and burned incense on the high "laces'

And 2a.ael 1ing of Syria o""ressed 0srael all the days of Jehoaha.'

Now it ha""ened# as soon as the 1ingdom was established in his hand# that he e!ecuted his servants who had murdered his father the 1ing'

But the )3+* was gracious to them# had com"assion on them# and regarded them# because of 2is covenant with Abraham# 0saac# and Jacob# and would not yet destroy them or cast them from 2is "resence'

Now 2a.ael 1ing of Syria died' Then BenF2adad his son reigned in his "lace'

But the children of the murderers he did not e!ecute# according to what is written in the Boo1 of the )aw of 4oses# in which the )3+* commanded# saying# :Fathers shall not be "ut to death for their children# nor shall children be "ut to death for their fathers9 but a "erson shall be "ut to death for his own sin':

And Jehoash the son of Jehoaha. reca"tured from the hand of BenF2adad# the son of 2a.ael# the cities which he had ta1en out of the hand of Jehoaha. his father by war' Three times Joash defeated him and reca"tured the cities of 0srael'

2e 1illed ten thousand domites in the Valley of Salt# and too1 Sela by war# and called its name Jo1theel to this day'

Then Ama.iah sent messengers to Jehoash the son of Jehoaha.# the son of Jehu# 1ing of 0srael# saying# :-ome# let us face one another in battle':

And Jehoash 1ing of 0srael sent to Ama.iah 1ing of Judah# saying# :The thistle that was in )ebanon sent to the

cedar that was in )ebanon# saying# :(ive your daughter to my son as wifeD9 and a wild beast that was in )ebanon "assed by and tram"led the thistle'

of Jehoash the son of Jehoaha.# 1ing of 0srael'


Cou have indeed defeated dom# and your heart has lifted you u"' (lory in that# and stay at home9 for why should you meddle with trouble so that you fallFF you and Judah with youE:

Now the rest of the acts of Ama.iah# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of JudahE

And they formed a cons"iracy against him in Jerusalem# and he fled to )achish9 but they sent after him to )achish and 1illed him there'

But Ama.iah would not heed' Therefore Jehoash 1ing of 0srael went out9 so he and Ama.iah 1ing of Judah faced one another at Beth Shemesh# which belongs to Judah'

Then they brought him on horses# and he was buried at Jerusalem with his fathers in the -ity of *avid'

And Judah was defeated by 0srael# and every man fled to his tent'

And all the "eo"le of Judah too1 A.ariah# who was si!teen years old# and made him 1ing instead of his father Ama.iah'

Then Jehoash 1ing of 0srael ca"tured Ama.iah 1ing of Judah# the son of Jehoash# the son of Aha.iah# at Beth Shemesh9 and he went to Jerusalem# and bro1e down the wall of Jerusalem from the (ate of "hraim to the -orner (ateFFfour hundred cubits'

2e built lath and restored it to Judah# after the 1ing rested with his fathers'

And he too1 all the gold and silver# all the articles that were found in the house of the )3+* and in the treasuries of the 1ingDs house# and hostages# and returned to Samaria'

0n the fifteenth year of Ama.iah the son of Joash# 1ing of Judah# Jeroboam the son of Joash# 1ing of 0srael# became 1ing in Samaria# and reigned fortyFone years'

Now the rest of the acts of Jehoash which he didFFhis might# and how he fought with Ama.iah 1ing of JudahFFare they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0sraelE

And he did evil in the sight of the )3+*9 he did not de"art from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat# who had made 0srael sin'

So Jehoash rested with his fathers# and was buried in Samaria with the 1ings of 0srael' Then Jeroboam his son reigned in his "lace'

2e restored the territory of 0srael from the entrance of 2amath to the Sea of the Arabah# according to the word of the )3+* (od of 0srael# which 2e had s"o1en through 2is servant Jonah the son of Amittai# the "ro"het who was from (ath 2e"her'

Ama.iah the son of Joash# 1ing of Judah# lived fifteen years after the death

For the )3+* saw that the affliction of 0srael was very bitter9 and whether bond or free# there was no hel"er for 0srael'


And the )3+* did not say that 2e would blot out the name of 0srael from under heaven9 but 2e saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son of Joash'

So A.ariah rested with his fathers# and they buried him with his fathers in the -ity of *avid' Then Jotham his son reigned in his "lace'

Now the rest of the acts of Jeroboam# and all that he didFFhis might# how he made war# and how he reca"tured for 0srael# from *amascus and 2amath# what had belonged to JudahFFare they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0sraelE

0n the thirtyFeighth year of A.ariah 1ing of Judah# 5echariah the son of Jeroboam reigned over 0srael in Samaria si! months'

So Jeroboam rested with his fathers# the 1ings of 0srael' Then 5echariah his son reigned in his "lace'

And he did evil in the sight of the )3+*# as his fathers had done9 he did not de"art from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat# who had made 0srael sin'


the twentyFseventh year of Jeroboam 1ing of 0srael# A.ariah the son of Ama.iah# 1ing of Judah# became 1ing' 2e was si!teen years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned fiftyFtwo years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was Jecholiah of Jerusalem'

Then Shallum the son of Jabesh cons"ired against him# and struc1 and 1illed him in front of the "eo"le9 and he reigned in his "lace'

Now the rest of the acts of 5echariah# indeed they are written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0srael'

And he did what was right in the sight of the )3+*# according to all that his father Ama.iah had done#

This was the word of the )3+* which 2e s"o1e to Jehu# saying# :Cour sons shall sit on the throne of 0srael to the fourth generation': And so it was'

e!ce"t that the high "laces were not removed9 the "eo"le still sacrificed and burned incense on the high "laces'

Shallum the son of Jabesh became 1ing in the thirtyFninth year of A..iah 1ing of Judah9 and he reigned a full month in Samaria'

Then the )3+* struc1 the 1ing# so that he was a le"er until the day of his death9 so he dwelt in an isolated house' And Jotham the 1ingDs son was over the royal house# $udging the "eo"le of the land'

For 4enahem the son of (adi went u" from Tir.ah# came to Samaria# and struc1 Shallum the son of Jabesh in Samaria and 1illed him9 and he reigned in his "lace'

Now the rest of the acts of A.ariah# and all that he did# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of JudahE

Now the rest of the acts of Shallum# and the cons"iracy which he led# indeed they are written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0srael'

Then from Tir.ah# 4enahem attac1ed Ti"hsah# all who were there# and its

territory' Because they did not surrender# therefore he attac1ed it' All the women there who were with child he ri""ed o"en'


0n the thirtyFninth year of A.ariah 1ing of Judah# 4enahem the son of (adi became 1ing over 0srael# and reigned ten years in Samaria'

Then /e1ah the son of +emaliah# an officer of his# cons"ired against him and 1illed him in Samaria# in the citadel of the 1ingDs house# along with Argob and Arieh9 and with him were fifty men of (ilead' 2e 1illed him and reigned in his "lace'

And he did evil in the sight of the )3+*9 he did not de"art all his days from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat# who had made 0srael sin'

Now the rest of the acts of /e1ahiah# and all that he did# indeed they are written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0srael'

/ul 1ing of Assyria came against the land9 and 4enahem gave /ul a thousand talents of silver# that his hand might be with him to strengthen the 1ingdom under his control'

0n the fiftyFsecond year of A.ariah 1ing of Judah# /e1ah the son of +emaliah became 1ing over 0srael in Samaria# and reigned twenty years'

And 4enahem e!acted the money from 0srael# from all the very wealthy# from each man fifty she1els of silver# to give to the 1ing of Assyria' So the 1ing of Assyria turned bac1# and did not stay there in the land'

And he did evil in the sight of the )3+*9 he did not de"art from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat# who had made 0srael sin'

Now the rest of the acts of 4enahem# and all that he did# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0sraelE

0n the days of /e1ah 1ing of 0srael# TiglathF/ileser 1ing of Assyria came and too1 0$on# Abel Beth 4aachah# Janoah# Kedesh# 2a.or# (ilead# and (alilee# all the land of Na"htali9 and he carried them ca"tive to Assyria'

So 4enahem rested with his fathers' Then /e1ahiah his son reigned in his "lace'

Then 2oshea the son of lah led a cons"iracy against /e1ah the son of +emaliah# and struc1 and 1illed him9 so he reigned in his "lace in the twentieth year of Jotham the son of A..iah'

0n the fiftieth year of A.ariah 1ing of Judah# /e1ahiah the son of 4enahem became 1ing over 0srael in Samaria# and reigned two years'

Now the rest of the acts of /e1ah# and all that he did# indeed they are written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 0srael'

And he did evil in the sight of the )3+*9 he did not de"art from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat# who had made 0srael sin'

0n the second year of /e1ah the son of +emaliah# 1ing of 0srael# Jotham the son of A..iah# 1ing of Judah# began to reign'

2e was twentyFfive years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned si!teen

years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was Jerusha the daughter of 5ado1'

And he sacrificed and burned incense on the high "laces# on the hills# and under every green tree'

And he did what was right in the sight of the )3+*9 he did according to all that his father A..iah had done'

2owever the high "laces were not removed9 the "eo"le still sacrificed and burned incense on the high "laces' 2e built the A""er (ate of the house of the )3+*'

Then 1ing of Syria and /e1ah the son of +emaliah# 1ing of 0srael# came u" to Jerusalem to ma1e war9 and they besieged Aha. but could not overcome him'

Now the rest of the acts of Jotham# and all that he did# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of JudahE

At that time 1ing of Syria ca"tured lath for Syria# and drove the men of Judah from lath' Then the domites went to lath# and dwell there to this day'

0n those days the )3+* began to send 1ing of Syria and /e1ah the son of +emaliah against Judah'

So Aha. sent messengers to TiglathF /ileser 1ing of Assyria# saying# :0 am your servant and your son' -ome u" and save me from the hand of the 1ing of Syria and from the hand of the 1ing of 0srael# who rise u" against me':

So Jotham rested with his fathers# and was buried with his fathers in the -ity of *avid his father' Then Aha. his son reigned in his "lace'

160n the seventeenth year of /e1ah

the son of +emaliah# Aha. the son of Jotham# 1ing of Judah# began to reign'

And Aha. too1 the silver and gold that was found in the house of the )3+*# and in the treasuries of the 1ingDs house# and sent it as a "resent to the 1ing of Assyria'

Aha. was twenty years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned si!teen years in Jerusalem9 and he did not do what was right in the sight of the )3+* his (od# as his father *avid had done'

So the 1ing of Assyria heeded him9 for the 1ing of Assyria went u" against *amascus and too1 it# carried its "eo"le ca"tive to Kir# and 1illed'

But he wal1ed in the way of the 1ings of 0srael9 indeed he made his son "ass through the fire# according to the abominations of the nations whom the )3+* had cast out from before the children of 0srael'

Now King Aha. went to *amascus to meet TiglathF/ileser 1ing of Assyria# and saw an altar that was at *amascus9 and King Aha. sent to Ari$ah the "riest the design of the altar and its "attern# according to all its wor1manshi"'

Then Ari$ah the "riest built an altar according to all that King Aha. had sent from *amascus' So Ari$ah the "riest made it before King Aha. came bac1 from *amascus'


And when the 1ing came bac1 from *amascus# the 1ing saw the altar9 and the 1ing a""roached the altar and made offerings on it'


So Aha. rested with his fathers# and was buried with his fathers in the -ity of *avid' Then 2e.e1iah his son reigned in his "lace'

So he burned his burnt offering and his grain offering9 and he "oured his drin1 offering and s"rin1led the blood of his "eace offerings on the altar'

170n the twelfth year of Aha. 1ing of

Judah# 2oshea the son of lah became 1ing of 0srael in Samaria# and he reigned nine years'

2e also brought the bron.e altar which was before the )3+*# from the front of the tem"leFFfrom between the new altar and the house of the )3+*FFand "ut it on the north side of the new altar'

And he did evil in the sight of the )3+*# but not as the 1ings of 0srael who were before him'

Then King Aha. commanded Ari$ah the "riest# saying# :3n the great new altar burn the morning burnt offering# the evening grain offering# the 1ingDs burnt sacrifice# and his grain offering# with the burnt offering of all the "eo"le of the land# their grain offering# and their drin1 offerings9 and s"rin1le on it all the blood of the burnt offering and all the blood of the sacrifice' And the bron.e altar shall be for me to inGuire by':

Shalmaneser 1ing of Assyria came u" against him9 and 2oshea became his vassal# and "aid him tribute money'

And the 1ing of Assyria uncovered a cons"iracy by 2oshea9 for he had sent messengers to So# 1ing of gy"t# and brought no tribute to the 1ing of Assyria# as he had done year by year' Therefore the 1ing of Assyria shut him u"# and bound him in "rison'

Thus did Ari$ah the "riest# according to all that King Aha. commanded'

Now the 1ing of Assyria went throughout all the land# and went u" to Samaria and besieged it for three years'

And King Aha. cut off the "anels of the carts# and removed the lavers from them9 and he too1 down the Sea from the bron.e o!en that were under it# and "ut it on a "avement of stones'

0n the ninth year of 2oshea# the 1ing of Assyria too1 Samaria and carried 0srael away to Assyria# and "laced them in 2alah and by the 2abor# the +iver of ( and in the cities of the 4edes'

Also he removed the Sabbath "avilion which they had built in the tem"le# and he removed the 1ingDs outer entrance from the house of the )3+*# on account of the 1ing of Assyria'

Now the rest of the acts of Aha. which he did# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of JudahE

For so it was that the children of 0srael had sinned against the )3+* their (od# who had brought them u" out of the land of gy"t# from under the hand of /haraoh 1ing of gy"t9 and they had feared other gods#

and had wal1ed in the statutes of the nations whom the )3+* had cast out from before the children of 0srael# and of

the 1ings of 0srael# which they had made'



Also the children of 0srael secretly did against the )3+* their (od things that were not right# and they built for themselves high "laces in all their cities# from watchtower to fortified city'

So they left all the commandments of the )3+* their (od# made for themselves a molded image and two calves# made a wooden image and worshi"ed all the host of heaven# and served Baal'

They set u" for themselves sacred "illars and wooden images on every high hill and under every green tree'

And they caused their sons and daughters to "ass through the fire# "racticed witchcraft and soothsaying# and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the )3+*# to "rovo1e 2im to anger'

There they burned incense on all the high "laces# li1e the nations whom the )3+* had carried away before them9 and they did wic1ed things to "rovo1e the )3+* to anger#

Therefore the )3+* was very angry with 0srael# and removed them from 2is sight9 there was none left but the tribe of Judah alone'

for they served idols# of which the )3+* had said to them# :Cou shall not do this thing':

Also Judah did not 1ee" the commandments of the )3+* their (od# but wal1ed in the statutes of 0srael which they made'

Cet the )3+* testified against 0srael and against Judah# by all of 2is "ro"hets# every seer# saying# :Turn from your evil ways# and 1ee" 4y commandments and 4y statutes# according to all the law which 0 commanded your fathers# and which 0 sent to you by 4y servants the "ro"hets':

And the )3+* re$ected all the descendants of 0srael# afflicted them# and delivered them into the hand of "lunderers# until 2e had cast them from 2is sight'

Nevertheless they would not hear# but stiffened their nec1s# li1e the nec1s of their fathers# who did not believe in the )3+* their (od'

For 2e tore 0srael from the house of *avid# and they made Jeroboam the son of Nebat 1ing' Then Jeroboam drove 0srael from following the )3+*# and made them commit a great sin'

And they re$ected 2is statutes and 2is covenant that 2e had made with their fathers# and 2is testimonies which 2e had testified against them9 they followed idols# became idolaters# and went after the nations who were all around them# concerning whom the )3+* had charged them that they should not do li1e them'

For the children of 0srael wal1ed in all the sins of Jeroboam which he did9 they did not de"art from them#

until the )3+* removed 0srael out of 2is sight# as 2e had said by all 2is servants the "ro"hets' So 0srael was carried away from their own land to Assyria# as it is to this day'

Then the 1ing of Assyria brought "eo"le from Babylon# -uthah# Ava#

2amath# and from Se"harvaim# and "laced them in the cities of Samaria instead of the children of 0srael9 and they too1 "ossession of Samaria and dwelt in its cities'

themselves "riests of the high "laces# who sacrificed for them in the shrines of the high "laces'

And it was so# at the beginning of their dwelling there# that they did not fear the )3+*9 therefore the )3+* sent lions among them# which 1illed some of them'

They feared the )3+*# yet served their own godsFFaccording to the rituals of the nations from among whom they were carried away'

So they s"o1e to the 1ing of Assyria# saying# :The nations whom you have removed and "laced in the cities of Samaria do not 1now the rituals of the (od of the land9 therefore 2e has sent lions among them# and indeed# they are 1illing them because they do not 1now the rituals of the (od of the land':

To this day they continue "racticing the former rituals9 they do not fear the )3+*# nor do they follow their statutes or their ordinances# or the law and commandment which the )3+* had commanded the children of Jacob# whom 2e named 0srael#

Then the 1ing of Assyria commanded# saying# :Send there one of the "riests whom you brought from there9 let him go and dwell there# and let him teach them the rituals of the (od of the land':

with whom the )3+* had made a covenant and charged them# saying7 :Cou shall not fear other gods# nor bow down to them nor serve them nor sacrifice to them9

Then one of the "riests whom they had carried away from Samaria came and dwelt in Bethel# and taught them how they should fear the )3+*'

but the )3+*# who brought you u" from the land of gy"t with great "ower and an outstretched arm# 2im you shall fear# 2im you shall worshi"# and to 2im you shall offer sacrifice'

2owever every nation continued to ma1e gods of its own# and "ut them in the shrines on the high "laces which the Samaritans had made# every nation in the cities where they dwelt'

And the statutes# the ordinances# the law# and the commandment which 2e wrote for you# you shall be careful to observe forever9 you shall not fear other gods'

The men of Babylon made Succoth Benoth# the men of -uth made Nergal# the men of 2amath made Ashima#

And the covenant that 0 have made with you# you shall not forget# nor shall you fear other gods'

and the Avites made Nibha. and Tarta19 and the Se"harvites burned their children in fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech# the gods of Se"harvaim'

But the )3+* your (od you shall fear9 and 2e will deliver you from the hand of all your enemies':

2owever they did not obey# but they followed their former rituals'

So they feared the )3+*# and from every class they a""ointed for

So these nations feared the )3+*# yet served their carved images9 also their

children and their childrenDs children have continued doing as their fathers did# even to this day'

18Now it came to "ass in the third

year of 2oshea the son of lah# 1ing of 0srael# that 2e.e1iah the son of Aha.# 1ing of Judah# began to reign'

Now it came to "ass in the fourth year of King 2e.e1iah# which was the seventh year of 2oshea the son of lah# 1ing of 0srael# that Shalmaneser 1ing of Assyria came u" against Samaria and besieged it'

2e was twentyFfive years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned twentyF nine years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was Abi the daughter of 5echariah'

And at the end of three years they too1 it' 0n the si!th year of 2e.e1iah# that is# the ninth year of 2oshea 1ing of 0srael# Samaria was ta1en'

Then the 1ing of Assyria carried 0srael away ca"tive to Assyria# and "ut them in 2alah and by the 2abor# the +iver of ( and in the cities of the 4edes#

And he did what was right in the sight of the )3+*# according to all that his father *avid had done'

2e removed the high "laces and bro1e the sacred "illars# cut down the wooden image and bro1e in "ieces the bron.e ser"ent that 4oses had made9 for until those days the children of 0srael burned incense to it# and called it Nehushtan'

because they did not obey the voice of the )3+* their (od# but transgressed 2is covenant and all that 4oses the servant of the )3+* had commanded9 and they would neither hear nor do them'

2e trusted in the )3+* (od of 0srael# so that after him was none li1e him among all the 1ings of Judah# nor who were before him'

And in the fourteenth year of King 2e.e1iah# Sennacherib 1ing of Assyria came u" against all the fortified cities of Judah and too1 them'

For he held fast to the )3+*9 he did not de"art from following 2im# but 1e"t 2is commandments# which the )3+* had commanded 4oses'

Then 2e.e1iah 1ing of Judah sent to the 1ing of Assyria at )achish# saying# :0 have done wrong9 turn away from me9 whatever you im"ose on me 0 will "ay': And the 1ing of Assyria assessed 2e.e1iah 1ing of Judah three hundred talents of silver and thirty talents of gold'

The )3+* was with him9 he "ros"ered wherever he went' And he rebelled against the 1ing of Assyria and did not serve him'

So 2e.e1iah gave him all the silver that was found in the house of the )3+* and in the treasuries of the 1ingDs house'

2e subdued the /hilistines# as far as (a.a and its territory# from watchtower to fortified city'

At that time 2e.e1iah stri""ed the gold from the doors of the tem"le of the )3+*# and from the "illars which 2e.e1iah 1ing of Judah had overlaid# and gave it to the 1ing of Assyria'


Then the 1ing of Assyria sent the Tartan# the +absaris# and the +absha1eh from )achish# with a great army against Jerusalem# to King 2e.e1iah' And they went u" and came to Jerusalem' Bhen they had come u"# they went and stood by the aGueduct from the u""er "ool# which was on the highway to the FullerDs Field'


2ow then will you re"el one ca"tain of the least of my masterDs servants# and "ut your trust in gy"t for chariots and horsemenE

2ave 0 now come u" without the )3+* against this "lace to destroy itE The )3+* said to me# :(o u" against this land# and destroy it':D

And when they had called to the 1ing# lia1im the son of 2il1iah# who was over the household# Shebna the scribe# and Joah the son of Asa"h# the recorder# came out to them'

Then the +absha1eh said to them# :Say now to 2e.e1iah# :Thus says the great 1ing# the 1ing of Assyria7 :Bhat confidence is this in which you trustE

Then lia1im the son of 2il1iah# Shebna# and Joah said to the +absha1eh# :/lease s"ea1 to your servants in Aramaic# for we understand it9 and do not s"ea1 to us in 2ebrew in the hearing of the "eo"le who are on the wall':

Cou s"ea1 of having "lans and "ower for war9 but they are mere words' And in whom do you trust# that you rebel against meE

But the +absha1eh said to them# :2as my master sent me to your master and to you to s"ea1 these words# and not to the men who sit on the wall# who will eat and drin1 their own waste with youE:

Now loo1H Cou are trusting in the staff of this bro1en reed# gy"t# on which if a man leans# it will go into his hand and "ierce it' So is /haraoh 1ing of gy"t to all who trust in him'

Then the +absha1eh stood and called out with a loud voice in 2ebrew# and s"o1e# saying# :2ear the word of the great 1ing# the 1ing of AssyriaH

Thus says the 1ing7 :*o not let 2e.e1iah deceive you# for he shall not be able to deliver you from his hand9

But if you say to me# :Be trust in the )3+* our (od#D is it not 2e whose high "laces and whose altars 2e.e1iah has ta1en away# and said to Judah and Jerusalem# :Cou shall worshi" before this altar in JerusalemDE:D

nor let 2e.e1iah ma1e you trust in the )3+*# saying# :The )3+* will surely deliver us9 this city shall not be given into the hand of the 1ing of Assyria':D

Now therefore# 0 urge you# give a "ledge to my master the 1ing of Assyria# and 0 will give you two thousand horsesFFif you are able on your "art to "ut riders on themH

*o not listen to 2e.e1iah9 for thus says the 1ing of Assyria7 :4a1e "eace with me by a "resent and come out to me9 and every one of you eat from his own vine and every one from his own fig tree# and every one of you drin1 the waters of his own cistern9

until 0 come and ta1e you away to a land li1e your own land# a land of grain

and new wine# a land of bread and vineyards# a land of olive groves and honey# that you may live and not die' But do not listen to 2e.e1iah# lest he "ersuade you# saying# :The )3+* will deliver us':

And they said to him# :Thus says 2e.e1iah7 :This day is a day of trouble# and rebu1e# and blas"hemy9 for the children have come to birth# but there is no strength to bring them forth'

2as any of the gods of the nations at all delivered its land from the hand of the 1ing of AssyriaE

Bhere are the gods of 2amath and Ar"adE Bhere are the gods of Se"harvaim and 2ena and 0vahE 0ndeed# have they delivered Samaria from my handE

0t may be that the )3+* your (od will hear all the words of the +absha1eh# whom his master the 1ing of Assyria has sent to re"roach the living (od# and will rebu1e the words which the )3+* your (od has heard' Therefore lift u" your "rayer for the remnant that is left':D

So the servants of King 2e.e1iah came to 0saiah'


Bho among all the gods of the lands have delivered their countries from my hand# that the )3+* should deliver Jerusalem from my handE:D

But the "eo"le held their "eace and answered him not a word9 for the 1ingDs commandment was# :*o not answer him':

And 0saiah said to them# :Thus you shall say to your master# :Thus says the )3+*7 :*o not be afraid of the words which you have heard# with which the servants of the 1ing of Assyria have blas"hemed 4e'

Then lia1im the son of 2il1iah# who was over the household# Shebna the scribe# and Joah the son of Asa"h# the recorder# came to 2e.e1iah with their clothes torn# and told him the words of the +absha1eh'

Surely 0 will send a s"irit u"on him# and he shall hear a rumor and return to his own land9 and 0 will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land'::D

Then the +absha1eh returned and found the 1ing of Assyria warring against )ibnah# for he heard that he had de"arted from )achish'


so it was# when King 2e.e1iah heard it# that he tore his clothes# covered himself with sac1cloth# and went into the house of the )3+*' Then he sent lia1im# who was over the household# Shebna the scribe# and the elders of the "riests# covered with sac1cloth# to 0saiah the "ro"het# the son of Amo.'

And the 1ing heard concerning Tirha1ah 1ing of thio"ia# :)oo1# he has come out to ma1e war with you': So he again sent messengers to 2e.e1iah# saying#

:Thus you shall s"ea1 to 2e.e1iah 1ing of Judah# saying7 :*o not let your (od in whom you trust deceive you# saying# :Jerusalem shall not be given into the hand of the 1ing of Assyria':

)oo1H Cou have heard what the 1ings of Assyria have done to all lands by

utterly destroying them9 and shall you be deliveredE



2ave the gods of the nations delivered those whom my fathers have destroyed# ( and 2aran and +e.e"h# and the "eo"le of den who were in TelassarE

This is the word which the )3+* has s"o1en concerning him7 :The virgin# the daughter of 5ion# 2as des"ised you# laughed you to scorn9 The daughter of Jerusalem 2as sha1en her head behind your bac1H

Bhere is the 1ing of 2amath# the 1ing of Ar"ad# and the 1ing of the city of Se"harvaim# 2ena# and 0vahE:D

:Bhom have you re"roached and blas"hemedE Against whom have you raised your voice# And lifted u" your eyes on highE Against the 2oly 3ne of 0srael'

And 2e.e1iah received the letter from the hand of the messengers# and read it9 and 2e.e1iah went u" to the house of the )3+*# and s"read it before the )3+*'

Then 2e.e1iah "rayed before the )3+*# and said7 :3 )3+* (od of 0srael# the 3ne who dwells between the cherubim# Cou are (od# Cou alone# of all the 1ingdoms of the earth' Cou have made heaven and earth'

By your messengers you have re"roached the )ord# And said7 :By the multitude of my chariots 0 have come u" to the height of the mountains# To the limits of )ebanon9 0 will cut down its tall cedars And its choice cy"ress trees9 0 will enter the e!tremity of its borders# To its fruitful forest'

0 have dug and drun1 strange water# And with the soles of my feet 0 have dried u" All the broo1s of defense':

0ncline Cour ear# 3 )3+*# and hear9 o"en Cour eyes# 3 )3+*# and see9 and hear the words of Sennacherib# which he has sent to re"roach the living (od'

Truly# )3+*# the 1ings of Assyria have laid waste the nations and their lands#

:*id you not hear long ago 2ow 0 made it# From ancient times that 0 formed itE Now 0 have brought it to "ass# That you should be For crushing fortified cities into hea"s of ruins'

and have cast their gods into the fire9 for they were not gods# but the wor1 of menDs handsFFwood and stone' Therefore they destroyed them'

Therefore their inhabitants had little "ower9 They were dismayed and confounded9 They were as the grass of the field And the green herb# As the grass on the houseto"s And grain blighted before it is grown'

Now therefore# 3 )3+* our (od# 0 "ray# save us from his hand# that all the 1ingdoms of the earth may 1now that Cou are the )3+* (od# Cou alone':

:But 0 1now your dwelling "lace# Cour going out and your coming in# And your rage against 4e'

Then 0saiah the son of Amo. sent to 2e.e1iah# saying# :Thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael7 :Because you have "rayed to 4e against Sennacherib 1ing of Assyria# 0 have heard'D

Because your rage against 4e and your tumult 2ave come u" to 4y ears# Therefore 0 will "ut 4y hoo1 in your nose And 4y bridle in your li"s# And 0

will turn you bac1 By the way which you came'


:This shall be a sign to you7 Cou shall eat this year such as grows of itself# And in the second year what s"rings from the same9 Also in the third year sow and rea"# /lant vineyards and eat the fruit of them'

god# that his sons Adrammelech and struc1 him down with the sword9 and they esca"ed into the land of Ararat' Then sarhaddon his son reigned in his "lace'

200n those days 2e.e1iah was sic1

and near death' And 0saiah the "ro"het# the son of Amo.# went to him and said to him# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Set your house in order# for you shall die# and not live':D

And the remnant who have esca"ed of the house of Judah Shall again ta1e root downward# And bear fruit u"ward'

For out of Jerusalem shall go a remnant# And those who esca"e from 4ount 5ion' The .eal of the )3+* of hosts will do this'D

Then he turned his face toward the wall# and "rayed to the )3+*# saying#

:Therefore thus says the )3+* concerning the 1ing of Assyria7 :2e shall not come into this city# Nor shoot an arrow there# Nor come before it with shield# Nor build a siege mound against it'

:+emember now# 3 )3+*# 0 "ray# how 0 have wal1ed before Cou in truth and with a loyal heart# and have done what was good in Cour sight': And 2e.e1iah we"t bitterly'

By the way that he came# By the same shall he return9 And he shall not come into this city#D Says the )3+*'

And it ha""ened# before 0saiah had gone out into the middle court# that the word of the )3+* came to him# saying#

:For 0 will defend this city# to save it For 4y own sa1e and for 4y servant *avidDs sa1e':D

:+eturn and tell 2e.e1iah the leader of 4y "eo"le# :Thus says the )3+*# the (od of *avid your father7 :0 have heard your "rayer# 0 have seen your tears9 surely 0 will heal you' 3n the third day you shall go u" to the house of the )3+*'

And it came to "ass on a certain night that the angel of the )3+* went out# and 1illed in the cam" of the Assyrians one hundred and eightyFfive thousand9 and when "eo"le arose early in the morning# there were the cor"sesFFall dead'

And 0 will add to your days fifteen years' 0 will deliver you and this city from the hand of the 1ing of Assyria9 and 0 will defend this city for 4y own sa1e# and for the sa1e of 4y servant *avid'::D

So Sennacherib 1ing of Assyria de"arted and went away# returned home# and remained at Nineveh'

Then 0saiah said# :Ta1e a lum" of figs': So they too1 and laid it on the boil# and he recovered'

Now it came to "ass# as he was worshi"ing in the tem"le of Nisroch his


And 2e.e1iah said to 0saiah# :Bhat is the sign that the )3+* will heal me# and that 0 shall go u" to the house of the )3+* the third dayE:


Then 0saiah said to 2e.e1iah# :2ear the word of the )3+*7


Then 0saiah said# :This is the sign to you from the )3+*# that the )3+* will do the thing which 2e has s"o1en7 shall the shadow go forward ten degrees or go bac1ward ten degreesE:

:Behold# the days are coming when all that is in your house# and what your fathers have accumulated until this day# shall be carried to Babylon9 nothing shall be left#D says the )3+*'

And 2e.e1iah answered# :0t is an easy thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees9 no# but let the shadow go bac1ward ten degrees':

:And they shall ta1e away some of your sons who will descend from you# whom you will beget9 and they shall be eunuchs in the "alace of the 1ing of Babylon':D

So 0saiah the "ro"het cried out to the )3+*# and 2e brought the shadow ten degrees bac1ward# by which it had gone down on the sundial of Aha.'

So 2e.e1iah said to 0saiah# :The word of the )3+* which you have s"o1en is goodH: For he said# :Bill there not be "eace and truth at least in my daysE:

At that time BerodachFBaladan the son of Baladan# 1ing of Babylon# sent letters and a "resent to 2e.e1iah# for he heard that 2e.e1iah had been sic1'

Now the rest of the acts of 2e.e1iahFF all his might# and how he made a "ool and a tunnel and brought water into the cityFFare they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of JudahE

And 2e.e1iah was attentive to them# and showed them all the house of his treasuresFFthe silver and gold# the s"ices and "recious ointment# and all his armoryFFall that was found among his treasures' There was nothing in his house or in all his dominion that 2e.e1iah did not show them'

So 2e.e1iah rested with his fathers' Then 4anasseh his son reigned in his "lace'

214anasseh was twelve years old

when he became 1ing# and he reigned fiftyFfive years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was 2e"h.ibah'

Then 0saiah the "ro"het went to King 2e.e1iah# and said to him# :Bhat did these men say# and from where did they come to youE: So 2e.e1iah said# :They came from a far country# from Babylon':

And he did evil in the sight of the )3+*# according to the abominations of the nations whom the )3+* had cast out before the children of 0srael'

And he said# :Bhat have they seen in your houseE: So 2e.e1iah answered# :They have seen all that is in my house9 there is nothing among my treasures that 0 have not shown them':

For he rebuilt the high "laces which 2e.e1iah his father had destroyed9 he raised u" altars for Baal# and made a wooden image# as Ahab 1ing of 0srael had done9 and he worshi"ed all the host of heaven and served them'

2e also built altars in the house of the )3+*# of which the )3+* had said# :0n Jerusalem 0 will "ut 4y name':

that whoever hears of it# both his ears will tingle'


And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the )3+*'

And 0 will stretch over Jerusalem the measuring line of Samaria and the "lummet of the house of Ahab9 0 will wi"e Jerusalem as one wi"es a dish# wi"ing it and turning it u"side down'

Also he made his son "ass through the fire# "racticed soothsaying# used witchcraft# and consulted s"iritists and mediums' 2e did much evil in the sight of the )3+*# to "rovo1e 2im to anger'

So 0 will forsa1e the remnant of 4y inheritance and deliver them into the hand of their enemies9 and they shall become victims of "lunder to all their enemies#

2e even set a carved image of Asherah that he had made# in the house of which the )3+* had said to *avid and to Solomon his son# :0n this house and in Jerusalem# which 0 have chosen out of all the tribes of 0srael# 0 will "ut 4y name forever9

because they have done evil in 4y sight# and have "rovo1ed 4e to anger since the day their fathers came out of gy"t# even to this day':D

and 0 will not ma1e the feet of 0srael wander anymore from the land which 0 gave their fathersFFonly if they are careful to do according to all that 0 have commanded them# and according to all the law that 4y servant 4oses commanded them':

4oreover 4anasseh shed very much innocent blood# till he had filled Jerusalem from one end to another# besides his sin by which he made Judah sin# in doing evil in the sight of the )3+*'

But they "aid no attention# and 4anasseh seduced them to do more evil than the nations whom the )3+* had destroyed before the children of 0srael'

Now the rest of the acts of 4anassehFF all that he did# and the sin that he committedFFare they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of JudahE

And the )3+* s"o1e by 2is servants the "ro"hets# saying#


So 4anasseh rested with his fathers# and was buried in the garden of his own house# in the garden of A..a' Then his son Amon reigned in his "lace'

:Because 4anasseh 1ing of Judah has done these abominations Ihe has acted more wic1edly than all the Amorites who were before him# and has also made Judah sin with his idolsJ#

Amon was twentyFtwo years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned two years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was 4eshullemeth the daughter of 2aru. of Jotbah'

therefore thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael7 :Behold# 0 am bringing such calamity u"on Jerusalem and Judah#

And he did evil in the sight of the )3+*# as his father 4anasseh had done'


So he wal1ed in all the ways that his father had wal1ed9 and he served the idols that his father had served# and worshi"ed them'

which the door1ee"ers have gathered from the "eo"le'


2e forsoo1 the )3+* (od of his fathers# and did not wal1 in the way of the )3+*'

And let them deliver it into the hand of those doing the wor1# who are the overseers in the house of the )3+*9 let them give it to those who are in the house of the )3+* doing the wor1# to re"air the damages of the houseFF

Then the servants of Amon cons"ired against him# and 1illed the 1ing in his own house'

to car"enters and builders and masonsFFand to buy timber and hewn stone to re"air the house'

But the "eo"le of the land e!ecuted all those who had cons"ired against King Amon' Then the "eo"le of the land made his son Josiah 1ing in his "lace'

2owever there need be no accounting made with them of the money delivered into their hand# because they deal faithfully':

Now the rest of the acts of Amon which he did# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of JudahE

And he was buried in his tomb in the garden of A..a' Then Josiah his son reigned in his "lace'

Then 2il1iah the high "riest said to Sha"han the scribe# :0 have found the Boo1 of the )aw in the house of the )3+*': And 2il1iah gave the boo1 to Sha"han# and he read it'

22Josiah was eight years old when

he became 1ing# and he reigned thirtyF one years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was Jedidah the daughter of Adaiah of Bo.1ath'

So Sha"han the scribe went to the 1ing# bringing the 1ing word# saying# :Cour servants have gathered the money that was found in the house# and have delivered it into the hand of those who do the wor1# who oversee the house of the )3+*':

And he did what was right in the sight of the )3+*# and wal1ed in all the ways of his father *avid9 he did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left'

Then Sha"han the scribe showed the 1ing# saying# :2il1iah the "riest has given me a boo1': And Sha"han read it before the 1ing'

Now it came to "ass# in the eighteenth year of King Josiah# that the 1ing sent Sha"han the scribe# the son of A.aliah# the son of 4eshullam# to the house of the )3+*# saying7

Now it ha""ened# when the 1ing heard the words of the Boo1 of the )aw# that he tore his clothes'

:(o u" to 2il1iah the high "riest# that he may count the money which has been brought into the house of the )3+*#

Then the 1ing commanded 2il1iah the "riest# Ahi1am the son of Sha"han# Achbor the son of 4ichaiah# Sha"han the scribe# and Asaiah a servant of the 1ing# saying#


:(o# inGuire of the )3+* for me# for the "eo"le and for all Judah# concerning the words of this boo1 that has been found9 for great is the wrath of the )3+* that is aroused against us# because our fathers have not obeyed the words of this boo1# to do according to all that is written concerning us':


Surely# therefore# 0 will gather you to your fathers# and you shall be gathered to your grave in "eace9 and your eyes shall not see all the calamity which 0 will bring on this "lace'::D So they brought bac1 word to the 1ing'

So 2il1iah the "riest# Ahi1am# Achbor# Sha"han# and Asaiah went to 2uldah the "ro"hetess# the wife of Shallum the son of Ti1vah# the son of 2arhas# 1ee"er of the wardrobe' IShe dwelt in Jerusalem in the Second Kuarter'J And they s"o1e with her'

23Now the 1ing sent them to gather

all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem to him'

Then she said to them# :Thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael# :Tell the man who sent you to 4e#

:Thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 will bring calamity on this "lace and on its inhabitantsFFall the words of the boo1 which the 1ing of Judah has readFF

The 1ing went u" to the house of the )3+* with all the men of Judah# and with him all the inhabitants of JerusalemFFthe "riests and the "ro"hets and all the "eo"le# both small and great' And he read in their hearing all the words of the Boo1 of the -ovenant which had been found in the house of the )3+*'

because they have forsa1en 4e and burned incense to other gods# that they might "rovo1e 4e to anger with all the wor1s of their hands' Therefore 4y wrath shall be aroused against this "lace and shall not be Guenched'::

Then the 1ing stood by a "illar and made a covenant before the )3+*# to follow the )3+* and to 1ee" 2is commandments and 2is testimonies and 2is statutes# with all his heart and all his soul# to "erform the words of this covenant that were written in this boo1' And all the "eo"le too1 a stand for the covenant'

But as for the 1ing of Judah# who sent you to inGuire of the )3+*# in this manner you shall s"ea1 to him# :Thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael7 :-oncerning the words which you have heardFF

because your heart was tender# and you humbled yourself before the )3+* when you heard what 0 s"o1e against this "lace and against its inhabitants# that they would become a desolation and a curse# and you tore your clothes and we"t before 4e# 0 also have heard you#: says the )3+*'

And the 1ing commanded 2il1iah the high "riest# the "riests of the second order# and the door1ee"ers# to bring out of the tem"le of the )3+* all the articles that were made for Baal# for Asherah# and for all the host of heaven9 and he burned them outside Jerusalem in the fields of Kidron# and carried their ashes to Bethel'

Then he removed the idolatrous "riests whom the 1ings of Judah had ordained to burn incense on the high "laces in the cities of Judah and in the "laces all around Jerusalem# and those who burned incense to Baal# to the sun# to

the moon# to the constellations# and to all the host of heaven'


and threw their dust into the Broo1 Kidron'


And he brought out the wooden image from the house of the )3+*# to the Broo1 Kidron outside Jerusalem# burned it at the Broo1 Kidron and ground it to ashes# and threw its ashes on the graves of the common "eo"le'

Then he tore down the ritual booths of the "erverted "ersons that were in the house of the )3+*# where the women wove hangings for the wooden image'

Then the 1ing defiled the high "laces that were east of Jerusalem# which were on the south of the 4ount of -orru"tion# which Solomon 1ing of 0srael had built for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Sidonians# for -hemosh the abomination of the 4oabites# and for 4ilcom the abomination of the "eo"le of Ammon'

And he brought all the "riests from the cities of Judah# and defiled the high "laces where the "riests had burned incense# from (eba to Beersheba9 also he bro1e down the high "laces at the gates which were at the entrance of the (ate of Joshua the governor of the city# which were to the left of the city gate'

And he bro1e in "ieces the sacred "illars and cut down the wooden images# and filled their "laces with the bones of men'

Nevertheless the "riests of the high "laces did not come u" to the altar of the )3+* in Jerusalem# but they ate unleavened bread among their brethren'

4oreover the altar that was at Bethel# and the high "lace which Jeroboam the son of Nebat# who made 0srael sin# had made# both that altar and the high "lace he bro1e down9 and he burned the high "lace and crushed it to "owder# and burned the wooden image'

And he defiled To"heth# which is in the Valley of the Son of 2innom# that no man might ma1e his son or his daughter "ass through the fire to 4olech'

As Josiah turned# he saw the tombs that were there on the mountain' And he sent and too1 the bones out of the tombs and burned them on the altar# and defiled it according to the word of the )3+* which the man of (od "roclaimed# who "roclaimed these words'

Then he removed the horses that the 1ings of Judah had dedicated to the sun# at the entrance to the house of the )3+*# by the chamber of NathanF 4elech# the officer who was in the court9 and he burned the chariots of the sun with fire'

Then he said# :Bhat gravestone is this that 0 seeE: So the men of the city told him# :0t is the tomb of the man of (od who came from Judah and "roclaimed these things which you have done against the altar of Bethel':

The altars that were on the roof# the u""er chamber of Aha.# which the 1ings of Judah had made# and the altars which 4anasseh had made in the two courts of the house of the )3+*# the 1ing bro1e down and "ulveri.ed there#

And he said# :)et him alone9 let no one move his bones': So they let his bones alone# with the bones of the "ro"het who came from Samaria'


Now Josiah also too1 away all the shrines of the high "laces that were in the cities of Samaria# which the 1ings of 0srael had made to "rovo1e the )3+* to anger9 and he did to them according to all the deeds he had done in Bethel'

"rovocations with which 4anasseh had "rovo1ed 2im'


2e e!ecuted all the "riests of the high "laces who were there# on the altars# and burned menDs bones on them9 and he returned to Jerusalem'

And the )3+* said# :0 will also remove Judah from 4y sight# as 0 have removed 0srael# and will cast off this city Jerusalem which 0 have chosen# and the house of which 0 said# :4y name shall be there':D

Then the 1ing commanded all the "eo"le# saying# :Kee" the /assover to the )3+* your (od# as it is written in this Boo1 of the -ovenant':

Now the rest of the acts of Josiah# and all that he did# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of JudahE

Such a /assover surely had never been held since the days of the $udges who $udged 0srael# nor in all the days of the 1ings of 0srael and the 1ings of Judah'

0n his days /haraoh Necho 1ing of gy"t went to the aid of the 1ing of Assyria# to the +iver u"hrates9 and King Josiah went against him' And /haraoh Necho 1illed him at 4egiddo when he confronted him'

But in the eighteenth year of King Josiah this /assover was held before the )3+* in Jerusalem'

4oreover Josiah "ut away those who consulted mediums and s"iritists# the household gods and idols# all the abominations that were seen in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem# that he might "erform the words of the law which were written in the boo1 that 2il1iah the "riest found in the house of the )3+*'

Then his servants moved his body in a chariot from 4egiddo# brought him to Jerusalem# and buried him in his own tomb' And the "eo"le of the land too1 Jehoaha. the son of Josiah# anointed him# and made him 1ing in his fatherDs "lace'

Jehoaha. was twentyFthree years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned three months in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was 2amutal the daughter of Jeremiah of )ibnah'

Now before him there was no 1ing li1e him# who turned to the )3+* with all his heart# with all his soul# and with all his might# according to all the )aw of 4oses9 nor after him did any arise li1e him'

And he did evil in the sight of the )3+*# according to all that his fathers had done'

Nevertheless the )3+* did not turn from the fierceness of 2is great wrath# with which 2is anger was aroused against Judah# because of all the

Now /haraoh Necho "ut him in "rison at +iblah in the land of 2amath# that he might not reign in Jerusalem9 and he im"osed on the land a tribute of one hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold'


Then /haraoh Necho made lia1im the son of Josiah 1ing in "lace of his father Josiah# and changed his name to Jehoia1im' And /haraoh too1 Jehoaha. and went to gy"t# and he died there'


Now the rest of the acts of Jehoia1im# and all that he did# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of JudahE

So Jehoia1im gave the silver and gold to /haraoh9 but he ta!ed the land to give money according to the command of /haraoh9 he e!acted the silver and gold from the "eo"le of the land# from every one according to his assessment# to give it to /haraoh Necho'

So Jehoia1im rested with his fathers' Then Jehoiachin his son reigned in his "lace'

And the 1ing of gy"t did not come out of his land anymore# for the 1ing of Babylon had ta1en all that belonged to the 1ing of gy"t from the Broo1 of gy"t to the +iver u"hrates'

Jehoia1im was twentyFfive years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was 5ebudah the daughter of /edaiah of +umah'

Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned in Jerusalem three months' 2is motherDs name was Nehushta the daughter of lnathan of Jerusalem'

And he did evil in the sight of the )3+*# according to all that his fathers had done'

And he did evil in the sight of the )3+*# according to all that his father had done'

240n his days 1ing

of Babylon came u"# and Jehoia1im became his vassal for three years' Then he turned and rebelled against him'

At that time the servants of 1ing of Babylon came u" against Jerusalem# and the city was besieged'

And the )3+* sent against him raiding bands of -haldeans# bands of Syrians# bands of 4oabites# and bands of the "eo"le of Ammon9 2e sent them against Judah to destroy it# according to the word of the )3+* which 2e had s"o1en by 2is servants the "ro"hets'

And 1ing of Babylon came against the city# as his servants were besieging it'

Surely at the commandment of the )3+* this came u"on Judah# to remove them from 2is sight because of the sins of 4anasseh# according to all that he had done#

Then Jehoiachin 1ing of Judah# his mother# his servants# his "rinces# and his officers went out to the 1ing of Babylon9 and the 1ing of Babylon# in the eighth year of his reign# too1 him "risoner'

and also because of the innocent blood that he had shed9 for he had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood# which the )3+* would not "ardon'

And he carried out from there all the treasures of the house of the )3+* and the treasures of the 1ingDs house# and he cut in "ieces all the articles of gold which Solomon 1ing of 0srael had made in the tem"le of the )3+*# as the )3+* had said'


Also he carried into ca"tivity all Jerusalem7 all the ca"tains and all the mighty men of valor# ten thousand ca"tives# and all the craftsmen and smiths' None remained e!ce"t the "oorest "eo"le of the land'

So the city was besieged until the eleventh year of King 5ede1iah'

By the ninth day of the fourth month the famine had become so severe in the city that there was no food for the "eo"le of the land'

And he carried Jehoiachin ca"tive to Babylon' The 1ingDs mother# the 1ingDs wives# his officers# and the mighty of the land he carried into ca"tivity from Jerusalem to Babylon'

All the valiant men# seven thousand# and craftsmen and smiths# one thousand# all who were strong and fit for war# these the 1ing of Babylon brought ca"tive to Babylon'

Then the city wall was bro1en through# and all the men of war fled at night by way of the gate between two walls# which was by the 1ingDs garden# even though the -haldeans were still encam"ed all around against the city' And the 1ing went by way of the "lain'

Then the 1ing of Babylon made 4attaniah# JehoiachinDs uncle# 1ing in his "lace# and changed his name to 5ede1iah'

But the army of the -haldeans "ursued the 1ing# and they overtoo1 him in the "lains of Jericho' All his army was scattered from him'

So they too1 the 1ing and brought him u" to the 1ing of Babylon at +iblah# and they "ronounced $udgment on him'

5ede1iah was twentyFone years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was 2amutal the daughter of Jeremiah of )ibnah'

Then they 1illed the sons of 5ede1iah before his eyes# "ut out the eyes of 5ede1iah# bound him with bron.e fetters# and too1 him to Babylon'

2e also did evil in the sight of the )3+*# according to all that Jehoia1im had done'

For because of the anger of the )3+* this ha""ened in Jerusalem and Judah# that 2e finally cast them out from 2is "resence' Then 5ede1iah rebelled against the 1ing of Babylon'

And in the fifth month# on the seventh day of the month Iwhich was the nineteenth year of King 1ing of BabylonJ# Nebu.aradan the ca"tain of the guard# a servant of the 1ing of Babylon# came to Jerusalem'

25Now it came to "ass in the ninth

year of his reign# in the tenth month# on the tenth day of the month# that 1ing of Babylon and all his army came against Jerusalem and encam"ed against it9 and they built a siege wall against it all around'

2e burned the house of the )3+* and the 1ingDs house9 all the houses of Jerusalem# that is# all the houses of the great# he burned with fire'

And all the army of the -haldeans who were with the ca"tain of the guard bro1e down the walls of Jerusalem all around'


Then Nebu.aradan the ca"tain of the guard carried away ca"tive the rest of the "eo"le who remained in the city and the defectors who had deserted to the 1ing of Babylon# with the rest of the multitude'

were found in the city# the chief recruiting officer of the army# who mustered the "eo"le of the land# and si!ty men of the "eo"le of the land who were found in the city'

But the ca"tain of the guard left some of the "oor of the land as vinedressers and farmers'

So Nebu.aradan# ca"tain of the guard# too1 these and brought them to the 1ing of Babylon at +iblah'

The bron.e "illars that were in the house of the )3+*# and the carts and the bron.e Sea that were in the house of the )3+*# the -haldeans bro1e in "ieces# and carried their bron.e to Babylon'

Then the 1ing of Babylon struc1 them and "ut them to death at +iblah in the land of 2amath' Thus Judah was carried away ca"tive from its own land'

They also too1 away the "ots# the shovels# the trimmers# the s"oons# and all the bron.e utensils with which the "riests ministered'

Then he made (edaliah the son of Ahi1am# the son of Sha"han# governor over the "eo"le who remained in the land of Judah# whom 1ing of Babylon had left'

The fire"ans and the basins# the things of solid gold and solid silver# the ca"tain of the guard too1 away'

The two "illars# one Sea# and the carts# which Solomon had made for the house of the )3+*# the bron.e of all these articles was beyond measure'

Now when all the ca"tains of the armies# they and their men# heard that the 1ing of Babylon had made (edaliah governor# they came to (edaliah at 4i."ahFF0shmael the son of Nethaniah# Johanan the son of -areah# Seraiah the son of Tanhumeth the Neto"hathite# and Jaa.aniah the son of a 4aachathite# they and their men'

The height of one "illar was eighteen cubits# and the ca"ital on it was of bron.e' The height of the ca"ital was three cubits# and the networ1 and "omegranates all around the ca"ital were all of bron.e' The second "illar was the same# with a networ1'

And (edaliah too1 an oath before them and their men# and said to them# :*o not be afraid of the servants of the -haldeans' *well in the land and serve the 1ing of Babylon# and it shall be well with you':

And the ca"tain of the guard too1 Seraiah the chief "riest# 5e"haniah the second "riest# and the three door1ee"ers'

But it ha""ened in the seventh month that 0shmael the son of Nethaniah# the son of lishama# of the royal family# came with ten men and struc1 and 1illed (edaliah# the Jews# as well as the -haldeans who were with him at 4i."ah'

2e also too1 out of the city an officer who had charge of the men of war# five men of the 1ingDs close associates who

And all the "eo"le# small and great# and the ca"tains of the armies# arose

and went to gy"t9 for they were afraid of the -haldeans'



2e s"o1e 1indly to him# and gave him a more "rominent seat than those of the 1ings who were with him in Babylon'

Now it came to "ass in the thirtyF seventh year of the ca"tivity of Jehoiachin 1ing of Judah# in the twelfth month# on the twentyFseventh day of the month# that vilF4erodach 1ing of Babylon# in the year that he began to reign# released Jehoiachin 1ing of Judah from "rison'

So Jehoiachin changed from his "rison garments# and he ate bread regularly before the 1ing all the days of his life'

And as for his "rovisions# there was a regular ration given him by the 1ing# a "ortion for each day# all the days of his life'

!st %hronicles 1Adam# Seth#

, 6 %<

the 2ivite# the Ar1ite# and the Sinite9


-ainan# 4ahalalel# Jared# noch# 4ethuselah# )amech# Noah# Shem# 2am# and Ja"heth'

the Arvadite# the 5emarite# and the 2amathite'


The sons of Shem were lam# Asshur# Ar"ha!ad# )ud# Aram# A.# 2ul# (ether# and 4eshech'


The sons of Ja"heth were (omer# 4agog# 4adai# Javan# Tubal# 4eshech# and Tiras'

Ar"ha!ad begot Shelah# and Shelah begot ber'


The sons of (omer were Ash1ena.# *i"hath# and Togarmah'


To ber were born two sons7 the name of one was /eleg# for in his days the earth was divided9 and his brotherDs name was Jo1tan'

The sons of Javan were lishah# Tarshishah# Kittim# and +odanim'


Jo1tan begot Almodad# 2a.armaveth# Jerah#



The sons of 2am were -ush# 4i.raim# /ut# and -anaan'


2adoram# *i1lah# bal# Abimael# Sheba#


The sons of -ush were Seba# 2avilah# Sabta# +aama# and Sabtecha' The sons of +aama were Sheba and *edan'


3"hir# 2avilah# and Jobab' All these were the sons of Jo1tan'

-ush begot Nimrod9 he began to be a mighty one on the earth'


Shem# Ar"ha!ad# Shelah# ber# /eleg# +eu# Serug# Nahor# Terah# and Abram# who is Abraham'

4i.raim begot )udim# )ehabim# Na"htuhim#





/athrusim# came the -a"htorimJ'


-asluhim Ifrom whom /hilistines and the



-anaan begot Sidon# his firstborn# and 2eth9


The sons of Abraham were 0saac and 0shmael'


the Jebusite# the Amorite# and the (irgashite9

These are their genealogies7 The firstborn of 0shmael was Neba$oth9 then Kedar# Adbeel# 4ibsam#


4ishma# Tema#





The sons of .er were Bilhan# 5aavan# and Jaa1an' The sons of *ishan were A. and Aran'

Jetur# Na"hish# and Kedemah' These were the sons of 0shmael'


Now the sons born to Keturah# AbrahamDs concubine# were 5imran# Jo1shan# 4edan# 4idian# 0shba1# and Shuah' The sons of Jo1shan were Sheba and *edan'

Now these were the 1ings who reigned in the land of dom before a 1ing reigned over the children of 0srael7 Bela the son of Beor# and the name of his city was *inhabah'

And when Bela died# Jobab the son of 5erah of Bo.rah reigned in his "lace'

The sons of 4idian were "hah# "her# 2anoch# Abida# and ldaah' All these were the children of Keturah'

Bhen Jobab died# 2usham of the land of the Temanites reigned in his "lace'

And Abraham begot 0saac' The sons of 0saac were sau and 0srael'

The sons of sau were li"ha.# +euel# Jeush# Jaalam# and Korah'

And when 2usham died# 2adad the son of Bedad# who attac1ed 4idian in the field of 4oab# reigned in his "lace' The name of his city was Avith'

And the sons of li"ha. were Teman# 3mar# 5e"hi# (atam# and Kena.9 and by Timna# Amale1'

Bhen 2adad died# Samlah 4asre1ah reigned in his "lace'



The sons of +euel were Nahath# 5erah# Shammah# and 4i..ah'


And when Samlah died# Saul of +ehobothFbyFtheF+iver reigned in his "lace'


The sons of Seir were )otan# Shobal# 5ibeon# Anah# *ishon# .er# and *ishan'

Bhen Saul died# BaalF2anan the son of Achbor reigned in his "lace'

And the sons of )otan were 2ori and 2omam9 )otanDs sister was Timna'

And when BaalF2anan died# 2adad reigned in his "lace9 and the name of his city was /ai' 2is wifeDs name was 4ehetabel the daughter of 4atred# the daughter of 4e.ahab'

The sons of Shobal were Alian# 4anahath# bal# She"hi# and 3nam' The sons of 5ibeon were A$ah and Anah'

2adad died also' And the chiefs of dom were -hief Timnah# -hief Aliah# -hief Jetheth#

The son of Anah was *ishon' The sons of *ishon were 2amran# shban# 0thran# and -heran'

-hief Aholibamah# -hief /inon#


lah# -hief

-hief Kena.# -hief Teman# -hief


-hief 4agdiel# and -hief 0ram' These were the chiefs of dom'


Boa. begot 3bed# and 3bed begot Jesse9



were the sons of 0srael7 +euben# Simeon# )evi# Judah# 0ssachar# 5ebulun# *an# Jose"h# Ben$amin# Na"htali# (ad# and Asher'

Jesse begot liab his firstborn# Abinadab the second# Shimea the third#

Nethanel the fourth# +addai the fifth# si!th# and *avid the


3.em the seventh'


The sons of Judah were r# 3nan# and Shelah' These three were born to him by the daughter of Shua# the -anaanitess' r# the firstborn of Judah# was wic1ed in the sight of the )3+*9 so 2e 1illed him'

Now their sisters were 5eruiah and Abigail' And the sons of 5eruiah were Abishai# Joab# and AsahelFFthree'

Abigail bore Amasa9 and the father of Amasa was Jether the 0shmaelite'

And Tamar# his daughterFinFlaw# bore him /ere. and 5erah' All the sons of Judah were five'

-aleb the son of 2e.ron had children by A.ubah# his wife# and by Jerioth' Now these were her sons7 Jesher# Shobab# and Ardon'

The sons of /ere. were 2e.ron and 2amul'


Bhen A.ubah died# -aleb too1 "hrath as his wife# who bore him 2ur'

The sons of 5erah were 5imri# than# 2eman# -alcol# and *araFFfive of them in all'


And 2ur begot Ari# and Ari begot Be.alel'


The son of -armi was Achar# the troubler of 0srael# who transgressed in the accursed thing'

Now afterward 2e.ron went in to the daughter of 4achir the father of (ilead# whom he married when he was si!ty years old9 and she bore him Segub'

The son of than was A.ariah' Segub begot Jair# who had twentyF three cities in the land of (ilead'

Also the sons of 2e.ron who were born to him were Jerahmeel# +am# and -helubai'

+am begot Amminadab# and Amminadab begot Nahshon# leader of the children of Judah9

I(eshur and Syria too1 from them the towns of Jair# with Kenath and its townsFFsi!ty towns'J All these belonged to the sons of 4achir the father of (ilead'

Nahshon begot Salma# and Salma begot Boa.9

After 2e.ron died in -aleb "hrathah# 2e.ronDs wife Abi$ah bore him Ashhur the father of Te1oa'


The sons of Jerahmeel# the firstborn of 2e.ron# were +am# the firstborn# and Bunah# 3ren# 3.em# and Ahi$ah'


5abad begot 3bed9


"hlal# and

"hlal begot

Jerahmeel had another wife# whose name was Atarah9 she was the mother of 3nam'

3bed begot Jehu# and Jehu begot A.ariah9


A.ariah begot 2ele.# and 2ele. begot leasah9

The sons of +am# the firstborn of Jerahmeel# were 4aa.# Jamin# and 1er'


leasah begot Sismai# and Sismai begot Shallum9


The sons of 3nam were Shammai and Jada' The sons of Shammai were Nadab and Abishur'

Shallum begot Je1amiah# Je1amiah begot lishama'



And the name of the wife of Abishur was Abihail# and she bore him Ahban and 4olid'

The descendants of -aleb the brother of Jerahmeel were 4esha# his firstborn# who was the father of 5i"h# and the sons of 4areshah the father of 2ebron'

The sons of Nadab were Seled and A""aim9 Seled died without children'

The sons of 2ebron were Korah# Ta""uah# +e1em# and Shema'


The son of A""aim was 0shi# the son of 0shi was Sheshan# and SheshanDs son was Ahlai'

Shema begot +aham the father of Jor1oam# and +e1em begot Shammai'

The sons of Jada# the brother of Shammai# were Jether and Jonathan9 Jether died without children'

And the son of Shammai was 4aon# and 4aon was the father of Beth 5ur'

The sons of Jonathan were /eleth and 5a.a' These were the sons of Jerahmeel'

"hah# -alebDs concubine# bore 2aran# 4o.a# and (a.e.9 and 2aran begot (a.e.'

Now Sheshan had no sons# only daughters' And Sheshan had an gy"tian servant whose name was Jarha'

And the sons of Jahdai were +egem# Jotham# (eshan# /elet# "hah# and Shaa"h'

4aachah# -alebDs concubine# bore Sheber and Tirhanah'


Sheshan gave his daughter to Jarha his servant as wife# and she bore him Attai'

Attai begot Nathan# and Nathan begot 5abad9

She also bore Shaa"h the father of 4admannah# Sheva the father of 4achbenah and the father of (ibea' And the daughter of -aleb was Achsah'

These were the descendants of -aleb7 The sons of 2ur# the firstborn of

"hrathah# were Shobal the father of Kir$ath Jearim#



Salma the father of Bethlehem# and 2are"h the father of Beth (ader'

And these were born to him in Jerusalem7 Shimea# Shobab# Nathan# and SolomonFFfour by Bathshua the daughter of Ammiel'

And Shobal the father of Kir$ath Jearim had descendants7 2aroeh# and half of the families of 4anuhoth'

Also there li"helet#




Nogah# Ne"heg# Ja"hia# liada# and li"heletFFnine in

The families of Kir$ath Jearim were the 0thrites# the /uthites# the Shumathites# and the 4ishraites' From these came the 5orathites and the shtaolites'


lishama# all'

The sons of Salma were Bethlehem# the Neto"hathites# Atroth Beth Joab# half of the 4anahethites# and the 5orites'

These were all the sons of *avid# besides the sons of the concubines# and Tamar their sister'

SolomonDs son was +ehoboam9 Abi$ah was his son# Asa his son# Jehosha"hat his son#

And the families of the scribes who dwelt at Jabe. were the Tirathites# the Shimeathites# and the Suchathites' These were the Kenites who came from 2ammath# the father of the house of +echab'

Joram his son# Aha.iah his son# Joash his son#


Ama.iah his son# A.ariah his son# Jotham his son#


3Now these were the sons of *avid

who were born to him in 2ebron7 The firstborn was Amnon# by Ahinoam the Je.reelitess9 the second# *aniel# -alled by Abigail the -armelitess9

Aha. his son# 2e.e1iah his son# 4anasseh his son#


Amon his son# and Josiah his son'


the third# Absalom the son of 4aacah# the daughter of Talmai# 1ing of (eshur9 the fourth# Adoni$ah the son of 2aggith9

The sons of Josiah were Johanan the firstborn# the second Jehoia1im# the third 5ede1iah# and the fourth Shallum'

the fifth# She"hatiah# by Abital9 the si!th# 0thream# by his wife glah'

The sons of Jehoia1im were Jeconiah his son and 5ede1iah his son'

These si! were born to him in 2ebron' There he reigned seven years and si! months# and in Jerusalem he reigned thirtyFthree years'

And the sons of Jeconiah were Assir# Shealtiel his son#


and 4alchiram# /edaiah# Jecamiah# 2oshama# and Nedabiah'


The sons of /edaiah were 5erubbabel and Shimei' The sons of 5erubbabel were 4eshullam# 2ananiah# Shelomith their sister#


And Ashhur the father of Te1oa had two wives# 2elah and Naarah'

and 2ashubah# 3hel# Berechiah# 2asadiah# and JushabF2esedFFfive in all'


Naarah bore him 2e"her# Temeni# and 2aahashtari' These were the sons of Naarah'

The sons of 2elah were 5ereth# 5ohar# and thnan9


The sons of 2ananiah were /elatiah and Jeshaiah# the sons of +e"haiah# the sons of Arnan# the sons of 3badiah# and the sons of Shechaniah'

and Ko. begot Anub# 5obebah# and the families of Aharhel the son of 2arum'

The son of Shechaniah was Shemaiah' The sons of Shemaiah were 2attush# 0gal# Bariah# Neariah# and Sha"hatFFsi! in all'

Now Jabe. was more honorable than his brothers# and his mother called his name Jabe.# saying# :Because 0 bore him in "ain':

The sons of Neariah were lioenai# 2e.e1iah# and A.ri1amFFthree in all'


The sons of lioenai were 2odaviah# liashib# /elaiah# A11ub# Johanan# *elaiah# and AnaniFFseven in all'

And Jabe. called on the (od of 0srael saying# :3h# that Cou would bless me indeed# and enlarge my territory# that Cour hand would be with me# and that Cou would 1ee" me from evil# that 0 may not cause "ainH: So (od granted him what he reGuested'


sons of Judah were /ere.# 2e.ron# -armi# 2ur# and Shobal' And +eaiah the son of Shobal begot Jahath# and Jahath begot Ahumai and )ahad' These were the families of the 5orathites'

-helub the brother of Shuhah begot 4ehir# who was the father of shton'

And shton begot BethF+a"ha# /aseah# and Tehinnah the father of 0rF Nahash' These were the men of +echah'

These were the sons of the father of tam7 Je.reel# 0shma# and 0dbash9 and the name of their sister was 2a.elel"oni9

The sons of Kena. were 3thniel and Seraiah' The sons of 3thniel were 2athath#

and /enuel was the father of (edor# and .er was the father of 2ushah' These were the sons of 2ur# the firstborn of "hrathah the father of Bethlehem'

and 4eonothai who begot 3"hrah' Seraiah begot Joab the father of (e 2arashim# for they were craftsmen'

The sons of -aleb the son of Je"hunneh were 0ru# lah# and Naam' The son of lah was Kena.'


The sons of Jehallelel were 5i"h# 5i"hah# Tiria# and Asarel'



And the sons of 4ishma were 2amuel his son# 5acchur his son# and Shimei his son'

The sons of .rah were Jether# 4ered# "her# and Jalon' And 4eredDs wife bore 4iriam# Shammai# and 0shbah the father of shtemoa'

I2is wife Jehudi$ah bore Jered the father of (edor# 2eber the father of Sochoh# and Je1uthiel the father of 5anoah'J And these were the sons of Bithiah the daughter of /haraoh# whom 4ered too1'

Shimei had si!teen sons and si! daughters9 but his brothers did not have many children# nor did any of their families multi"ly as much as the children of Judah'

They dwelt at Beersheba# 4oladah# Shual#


Bilhah# .em# Tolad# Bethuel# 2ormah# 5i1lag#

The sons of 2odiahDs wife# the sister of Naham# were the fathers of Keilah the (armite and of shtemoa the 4aachathite'



And the sons of Shimon were Amnon# +innah# BenF2anan# and Tilon' And the sons of 0shi were 5oheth and BenF 5oheth'

Beth 4arcaboth# Susim# Beth Biri# and at Shaaraim' These were their cities until the reign of *avid'

And their villages were tam# Ain# +immon# Tochen# and AshanFFfive citiesFF

The sons of Shelah the son of Judah were r the father of )ecah# )aadah the father of 4areshah# and the families of the house of the linen wor1ers of the house of Ashbea9

and all the villages that were around these cities as far as Baal' These were their dwelling "laces# and they maintained their genealogy7

also Jo1im# the men of -ho.eba# and Joash9 Sara"h# who ruled in 4oab# and JashubiF)ehem' Now the records are ancient'

4eshobab# Jamlech# and Joshah the son of Ama.iah9


Joel# and Jehu the son of Joshibiah# the son of Seraiah# the son of Asiel9

These were the "otters and those who dwell at Netaim and (ederah9 there they dwelt with the 1ing for his wor1'

lioenai# Jaa1obah# Jeshohaiah# Asaiah# Adiel# Jesimiel# and Benaiah9


The sons of Simeon were Nemuel# Jamin# Jarib# 5erah# and Shaul#

5i.a the son of Shi"hi# the son of Allon# the son of Jedaiah# the son of Shimri# the son of ShemaiahFF

Shallum his son# 4ibsam his son# and 4ishma his son'

these mentioned by name were leaders in their families# and their fatherDs house increased greatly'


So they went to the entrance of (edor# as far as the east side of the valley# to see1 "asture for their floc1s'


4icah his son# +eaiah his son# Baal his son#


And they found rich# good "asture# and the land was broad# Guiet# and "eaceful9 for some 2amites formerly lived there'

and Beerah his son# whom TiglathF /ileser 1ing of Assyria carried into ca"tivity' 2e was leader of the +eubenites'

These recorded by name came in the days of 2e.e1iah 1ing of Judah9 and they attac1ed their tents and the 4eunites who were found there# and utterly destroyed them# as it is to this day' So they dwelt in their "lace# because there was "asture for their floc1s there'

And his brethren by their families# when the genealogy of their generations was registered7 the chief# Jeiel# and 5echariah#

and Bela the son of A.a.# the son of Shema# the son of Joel# who dwelt in Aroer# as far as Nebo and Baal 4eon'

Now some of them# five hundred men of the sons of Simeon# went to 4ount Seir# having as their ca"tains /elatiah# Neariah# +e"haiah# and A..iel# the sons of 0shi'

astward they settled as far as the entrance of the wilderness this side of the +iver u"hrates# because their cattle had multi"lied in the land of (ilead'

And they defeated the rest of the Amale1ites who had esca"ed' They have dwelt there to this day'

Now in the days of Saul they made war with the 2agrites# who fell by their hand9 and they dwelt in their tents throughout the entire area east of (ilead'

5Now the sons of +euben the firstborn

of 0sraelFFhe was indeed the firstborn# but because he defiled his fatherDs bed# his birthright was given to the sons of Jose"h# the son of 0srael# so that the genealogy is not listed according to the birthright9

And the children of (ad dwelt ne!t to them in the land of Bashan as far as Salcah7

Joel was the chief# Sha"ham the ne!t# then Jaanai and Sha"hat in Bashan#

yet Judah "revailed over his brothers# and from him came a ruler# although the birthright was Jose"hDsFF

and their brethren of their fatherDs house7 4ichael# 4eshullam# Sheba# Jorai# Jachan# 5ia# and berFFseven in all'

the sons of +euben the firstborn of 0srael were 2anoch# /allu# 2e.ron# and -armi'

The sons of Joel were Shemaiah his son# (og his son# Shimei his son#

These were the children of Abihail the son of 2uri# the son of Jaroah# the son of (ilead# the son of 4ichael# the son of Jeshishai# the son of Jahdo# the son of Bu.9


Ahi the son of Abdiel# the son of (uni# was chief of their fatherDs house'


And the (adites dwelt in (ilead# in Bashan and in its villages# and in all the commonFlands of Sharon within their borders'

These were the heads of their fathersD houses7 "her# 0shi# liel# A.riel# Jeremiah# 2odaviah# and Jahdiel' They were mighty men of valor# famous men# and heads of their fathersD houses'

All these were registered by genealogies in the days of Jotham 1ing of Judah# and in the days of Jeroboam 1ing of 0srael'

And they were unfaithful to the (od of their fathers# and "layed the harlot after the gods of the "eo"les of the land# whom (od had destroyed before them'

The sons of +euben# the (adites# and half the tribe of 4anasseh had fortyFfour thousand seven hundred and si!ty valiant men# men able to bear shield and sword# to shoot with the bow# and s1illful in war# who went to war'

So the (od of 0srael stirred u" the s"irit of /ul 1ing of Assyria# that is# TiglathF/ileser 1ing of Assyria' 2e carried the +eubenites# the (adites# and the halfFtribe of 4anasseh into ca"tivity' 2e too1 them to 2alah# 2abor# 2ara# and the river of ( to this day'

They made war with the 2agrites# Jetur# Na"hish# and Nodab'


sons of )evi were (ershon# Kohath# and 4erari' The sons of Kohath were Amram# 0.har# 2ebron# and A..iel'

And they were hel"ed against them# and the 2agrites were delivered into their hand# and all who were with them# for they cried out to (od in the battle' 2e heeded their "rayer# because they "ut their trust in 2im'

Then they too1 away their livestoc1FF fifty thousand of their camels# two hundred and fifty thousand of their shee"# and two thousand of their don1eysFFalso one hundred thousand of their men9

The children of Amram were Aaron# 4oses# and 4iriam' And the sons of Aaron were Nadab# Abihu# and 0thamar'
; begot /hinehas# and /hinehas begot Abishua9


Abishua begot Bu11i# and Bu11i begot A..i9


for many fell dead# because the war was (odDs' And they dwelt in their "lace until the ca"tivity'

A..i begot 5erahiah# and 5erahiah begot 4eraioth9


So the children of the halfFtribe of 4anasseh dwelt in the land' Their numbers increased from Bashan to Baal 2ermon# that is# to Senir# or 4ount 2ermon'

4eraioth begot Amariah# and Amariah begot Ahitub9


Ahitub begot 5ado1# and 5ado1 begot Ahimaa.9

Ahimaa. begot A.ariah# and A.ariah begot Johanan9



l1anah his son# Assir his son#


biasa"h his son#

Johanan begot A.ariah Iit was he who ministered as "riest in the tem"le that Solomon built in JerusalemJ9

Tahath his son# Ariel his son# A..iah his son# and Shaul his son'

A.ariah begot Amariah# and Amariah begot Ahitub9


The sons of l1anah were Amasai and Ahimoth'


Ahitub begot 5ado1# and 5ado1 begot Shallum9


As for l1anah# the sons of l1anah were 5o"hai his son# Nahath his son#

Shallum begot 2il1iah# and 2il1iah begot A.ariah9

,> %;

liab his son# Jeroham his son# and l1anah his son'

A.ariah begot Seraiah# and Seraiah begot Jeho.ada1'


The sons of Samuel were Joel the firstborn# and Abi$ah the second'

Jeho.ada1 went into ca"tivity when the )3+* carried Judah and Jerusalem into ca"tivity by the hand of'

The sons of 4erari were 4ahli# )ibni his son# Shimei his son# A..ah his son#

Shimea his son# 2aggiah his son# and Asaiah his son'

The sons of )evi were (ershon# Kohath# and 4erari'


These are the names of the sons of (ershon7 )ibni and Shimei'

Now these are the men whom *avid a""ointed over the service of song in the house of the )3+*# after the ar1 came to rest'

The sons of Kohath were Amram# 0.har# 2ebron# and A..iel'


The sons of 4erari were 4ahli and 4ushi' Now these are the families of the )evites according to their fathers7

They were ministering with music before the dwelling "lace of the tabernacle of meeting# until Solomon had built the house of the )3+* in Jerusalem# and they served in their office according to their order'

3f (ershon were )ibni his son# Jahath his son# 5immah his son#

And these are the ones who ministered with their sons7 3f the sons of the Kohathites were 2eman the singer# the son of Joel# the son of Samuel#

Joah his son# 0ddo his son# 5erah his son# and Jeatherai his son'

The sons of Kohath were Amminadab his son# Korah his son# Assir his son#

the son of l1anah# the son of Jeroham# the son of liel# the son of Toah#

the son of 5u"h# the son of l1anah# the son of 4ahath# the son of Amasai#


the son of l1anah# the son of Joel# the son of A.ariah# the son of 5e"haniah#

ma1e atonement for 0srael# according to all that 4oses the servant of (od had commanded'

the son of Tahath# the son of Assir# the son of biasa"h# the son of Korah#

the son of 0.har# the son of Kohath# the son of )evi# the son of 0srael'

Now these are the sons of Aaron7 his son# /hinehas his son# Abishua his son#

And his brother Asa"h# who stood at his right hand# was Asa"h the son of Berachiah# the son of Shimea#

Bu11i his son# A..i his son# 5erahiah his son#


4eraioth his son# Amariah his son# Ahitub his son#


the son of 4ichael# the son of Baaseiah# the son of 4alchi$ah#


5ado1 his son# and Ahimaa. his son'

the son of thni# the son of 5erah# the son of Adaiah#



the son of than# the son of 5immah# the son of Shimei#


Now these are their dwelling "laces throughout their settlements in their territory# for they were given by lot to the sons of Aaron# of the family of the Kohathites7

the son of Jahath# the son of (ershon# the son of )evi'


They gave them 2ebron in the land of Judah# with its surrounding commonF lands'

Their brethren# the sons of 4erari# on the left hand# were than the son of Kishi# the son of Abdi# the son of 4alluch#

But the fields of the city and its villages they gave to -aleb the son of Je"hunneh'

the son of 2ashabiah# the son of Ama.iah# the son of 2il1iah#


the son of Am.i# the son of Bani# the son of Shamer#


And to the sons of Aaron they gave one of the cities of refuge# 2ebron9 also )ibnah with its commonFlands# Jattir# shtemoa with its commonFlands#

the son of 4ahli# the son of 4ushi# the son of 4erari# the son of )evi'

2ilen with its commonFlands# *ebir with its commonFlands#


And their brethren# the )evites# were a""ointed to every 1ind of service of the tabernacle of the house of (od'

Ashan with its commonFlands# and Beth Shemesh with its commonFlands'

But Aaron and his sons offered sacrifices on the altar of burnt offering and on the altar of incense# for all the wor1 of the 4ost 2oly /lace# and to

And from the tribe of Ben$amin7 (eba with its commonFlands# Alemeth with its commonFlands# and Anathoth with its commonFlands' All their cities among their families were thirteen'


To the rest of the family of the tribe of the Kohathites they gave by lot ten cities from half the tribe of 4anasseh'


And to the sons of (ershon# throughout their families# they gave thirteen cities from the tribe of 0ssachar# from the tribe of Asher# from the tribe of Na"htali# and from the tribe of 4anasseh in Bashan'

From the family of the halfFtribe of 4anasseh the sons of (ershon were given (olan in Bashan with its commonF lands and Ashtaroth with its commonF lands'

And from the tribe of 0ssachar7 Kedesh with its commonFlands# *aberath with its commonFlands#

To the sons of 4erari# throughout their families# they gave twelve cities from the tribe of +euben# from the tribe of (ad# and from the tribe of 5ebulun'

+amoth with its commonFlands# and Anem with its commonFlands'


And from the tribe of Asher7 4ashal with its commonFlands# Abdon with its commonFlands#

So the children of 0srael gave these cities with their commonFlands to the )evites'

2u1o1 with its commonFlands# and +ehob with its commonFlands'


And they gave by lot from the tribe of the children of Judah# from the tribe of the children of Simeon# and from the tribe of the children of Ben$amin these cities which are called by their names'

And from the tribe of Na"htali7 Kedesh in (alilee with its commonFlands# 2ammon with its commonFlands# and Kir$athaim with its commonFlands'

Now some of the families of the sons of Kohath were given cities as their territory from the tribe of "hraim'

From the tribe of 5ebulun the rest of the children of 4erari were given +immon with its commonFlands and Tabor with its commonFlands'

And they gave them one of the cities of refuge# Shechem with its commonF lands# in the mountains of "hraim# also ( with its commonFlands#

Jo1meam with its commonFlands# Beth 2oron with its commonFlands#


And on the other side of the Jordan# across from Jericho# on the east side of the Jordan# they were given from the tribe of +euben7 in the wilderness with its commonFlands# Jah.ah with its commonFlands#

Ai$alon with its commonFlands# and (ath +immon with its commonFlands'

Kedemoth with its commonFlands# and 4e"haath with its commonFlands'


And from the halfFtribe of 4anasseh7 Aner with its commonFlands and Bileam with its commonFlands# for the rest of the family of the sons of Kohath'

And from the tribe of (ad7 +amoth in (ilead with its commonFlands# 4ahanaim with its commonFlands#

2eshbon with its commonFlands# and with its commonFlands'



sons of 0ssachar were Tola# /uah# Jashub# and ShimronFFfour in all' The sons of Tola were A..i# +e"haiah# Jeriel# Jahmai# Jibsam# and Shemuel# heads of their fatherDs house' The sons of Tola were mighty men of valor in their generations9 their number in the days of *avid was twentyFtwo thousand si! hundred'

The son of Jediael was Bilhan# and the sons of Bilhan were Jeush# Ben$amin# hud# -henaanah# 5ethan# Tharshish# and Ahishahar'

All these sons of Jediael were heads of their fathersD houses9 there were seventeen thousand two hundred mighty men of valor fit to go out for war and battle'

The son of A..i was 0.rahiah# and the sons of 0.rahiah were 4ichael# 3badiah# Joel# and 0shiah' All five of them were chief men'

Shu""im and 2u""im were the sons of 0r# and 2ushim was the son of Aher'

The sons of Na"htali were Jah.iel# (uni# and Shallum# the sons of Bilhah'

And with them# by their generations# according to their fathersD houses# were thirtyFsi! thousand troo"s ready for war9 for they had many wives and sons'

The descendants of 4anasseh7 his Syrian concubine bore him 4achir the father of (ilead# the father of Asriel'

Now their brethren among all the families of 0ssachar were mighty men of valor# listed by their genealogies# eightyF seven thousand in all'

4achir too1 as his wife the sister of 2u""im and Shu""im# whose name was 4aachah' The name of (ileadDs grandson was 5elo"hehad# but 5elo"hehad begot only daughters'

The sons of Ben$amin were Bela# Becher# and JediaelFFthree in all'


The sons of Bela were .bon# A..i# A..iel# Jerimoth# and 0riFFfive in all' They were heads of their fathersD houses# and they were listed by their genealogies# twentyFtwo thousand and thirtyFfour mighty men of valor'

I4aachah the wife of 4achir bore a son# and she called his name /eresh' The name of his brother was Sheresh# and his sons were Alam and +a1em'

The son of Alam was Bedan'J These were the descendants of (ilead the son of 4achir# the son of 4anasseh'

The sons of Becher were 5emirah# Joash# lioenai# 3mri# Jerimoth# Abi$ah# Anathoth# and Alemeth' All these are the sons of Becher'

2is sister 2ammole1eth bore 0shhod# and 4ahlah'


And the sons of Shemida were Ahian# Shechem# )i1hi# and Aniam'

And they were recorded by genealogy according to their generations# heads of their fathersD houses# twenty thousand two hundred mighty men of valor'

The sons of "hraim were Shuthelah# Bered his son# Tahath his son# ladah his son# Tahath his son#


5abad his son# Shuthelah his son# and .er and lead' The men of (ath who were born in that land 1illed them because they came down to ta1e away their cattle'


And 2eber begot Ja"hlet# Shomer# 2otham# and their sister Shua'

The sons of Ja"hlet were /asach# Bimhal# and Ashvath' These were the children of Ja"hlet'

Then "hraim their father mourned many days# and his brethren came to comfort him'

The sons of Shemer were +ohgah# Jehubbah# and Aram'



And when he went in to his wife# she conceived and bore a son9 and he called his name Beriah# because tragedy had come u"on his house'

And the sons of his brother 2elem were 5o"hah# 0mna# Shelesh# and Amal'

Now his daughter was Sheerah# who built )ower and A""er Beth 2oron and A..en Sheerah9

The sons of 5o"hah were Suah# 2arne"her# Shual# Beri# 0mrah#

6= 2od# Shamma# Jithran# and Beera'



and +e"hah was his son# as well as +eshe"h# and Telah his son# Tahan his son#

The sons of Jether were Je"hunneh# /is"ah# and Ara'


)aadan his son# Ammihud his son# lishama his son# Nun his son# and Joshua his son'

The sons of Alla were Arah# 2aniel# and +i.ia'




Now their "ossessions and dwelling "laces were Bethel and its towns7 to the east Naaran# to the west ( and its towns# and Shechem and its towns# as far as Ayyah and its towns9

All these were the children of Asher# heads of their fathersD houses# choice men# mighty men of valor# chief leaders' And they were recorded by genealogies among the army fit for battle9 their number was twentyFsi! thousand'

and by the borders of the children of 4anasseh were Beth Shean and its towns# Taanach and its towns# 4egiddo and its towns# *or and its towns' 0n these dwelt the children of Jose"h# the son of 0srael'


Ben$amin begot Bela his firstborn# Ashbel the second# Aharah the third# Nohah the fourth# and +a"ha the fifth'

The sons of Asher were 0mnah# 0shvah# 0shvi# Beriah# and their sister Serah'

The sons of Bela were Addar# (era# Abihud#


Abishua# Naaman# Ahoah# (era# She"hu"han# and 2uram'

The sons of Beriah were 2eber and 4alchiel# who was the father of Bir.aith'



These are the sons of hud# who were the heads of the fathersD houses of the inhabitants of (eba# and who forced them to move to 4anahath7


lienai# 5illethai# liel#


Adaiah# Beraiah# and Shimrath were the sons of Shimei'


Naaman# Ahi$ah# and (era who forced them to move' 2e begot A..a and Ahihud'

0sh"an# ber# liel# Abdon# 5ichri# 2anan# 2ananiah# lam# Antothi$ah#


Also Shaharaim had children in the country of 4oab# after he had sent away 2ushim and Baara his wives'



By 2odesh his wife he begot Jobab# 5ibia# 4esha# 4alcam#


0"hdeiah# and /enuel were the sons of Shasha1'


Shamsherai# Shehariah# Athaliah#

Jeu.# Sachiah# and 4irmah' These were his sons# heads of their fathersD houses'


Jaareshiah# li$ah# and 5ichri were the sons of Jeroham'


And by 2ushim he begot Abitub and l"aal'

These were heads of the fathersD houses by their generations# chief men' These dwelt in Jerusalem'


The sons of l"aal were ber# 4isham# and Shemed# who built 3no and )od with its towns9

Now the father of (ibeon# whose wifeDs name was 4aacah# dwelt at (ibeon'

and Beriah and Shema# who were heads of their fathersD houses of the inhabitants of Ai$alon# who drove out the inhabitants of (ath'

And his firstborn son was Abdon# then 5ur# Kish# Baal# Nadab#

(edor# Ahio# 5echer#

Ahio# Shasha1# Jeremoth# 5ebadiah# Arad# der#



and 4i1loth# who begot Shimeah' They also dwelt alongside their relatives in Jerusalem# with their brethren'


4ichael# 0s"ah# and Joha were the sons of Beriah'


Ner begot Kish# Kish begot Saul# and Saul begot Jonathan# 4alchishua# Abinadab# and shFBaal'

5ebadiah# 4eshullam# 2i.1i# 2eber#


0shmerai# Ji.liah# and Jobab were the sons of l"aal'


The son of Jonathan was 4eribFBaal# and 4eribFBaal begot 4icah'


Ja1im# 5ichri# 5abdi#

The sons of 4icah were /ithon# 4elech# Tarea# and Aha.'


And Aha. begot Jehoaddah9 Jehoaddah begot Alemeth# A.maveth# and 5imri9 and 5imri begot 4o.a'


3f the sons of 5erah7 Jeuel# and their brethrenFFsi! hundred and ninety'

4o.a begot Binea# +a"hah his son# leasah his son# and A.el his son'

3f the sons of Ben$amin7 Sallu the son of 4eshullam# the son of 2odaviah# the son of 2assenuah9


A.el had si! sons whose names were these7 A.ri1am# Bocheru# 0shmael# Sheariah# 3badiah# and 2anan' All these were the sons of A.el'

0bneiah the son of Jeroham9 lah the son of A..i# the son of 4ichri9 4eshullam the son of She"hatiah# the son of +euel# the son of 0bni$ah9

And the sons of she1 his brother were Alam his firstborn# Jeush the second# and li"helet the third'

and their brethren# according to their generationsFFnine hundred and fiftyFsi!' All these men were heads of a fatherDs house in their fathersD houses'

The sons of Alam were mighty men of valorFFarchers' They had many sons and grandsons# one hundred and fifty in all' These were all sons of Ben$amin'

3f the "riests7 Jedaiah# Jehoiarib# and Jachin9



all 0srael was recorded by genealogies# and indeed# they were inscribed in the boo1 of the 1ings of 0srael' But Judah was carried away ca"tive to Babylon because of their unfaithfulness'

A.ariah the son of 2il1iah# the son of 4eshullam# the son of 5ado1# the son of 4eraioth# the son of Ahitub# the officer over the house of (od9

And the first inhabitants who dwelt in their "ossessions in their cities were 0sraelites# "riests# )evites# and the Nethinim'

Adaiah the son of Jeroham# the son of /ashur# the son of 4alchi$ah9 4aasai the son of Adiel# the son of Jah.erah# the son of 4eshullam# the son of 4eshillemith# the son of 0mmer9

Now in Jerusalem the children of Judah dwelt# and some of the children of Ben$amin# and of the children of "hraim and 4anasseh7

and their brethren# heads of their fathersD housesFFone thousand seven hundred and si!ty' They were very able men for the wor1 of the service of the house of (od'

Athai the son of Ammihud# the son of 3mri# the son of 0mri# the son of Bani# of the descendants of /ere.# the son of Judah'

3f the )evites7 Shemaiah the son of 2asshub# the son of A.ri1am# the son of 2ashabiah# of the sons of 4erari9

Ba1ba11ar# 2eresh# (alal# and 4attaniah the son of 4icah# the son of 5ichri# the son of Asa"h9

3f the Shilonites7 Asaiah the firstborn and his sons'

3badiah the son of Shemaiah# the son of (alal# the son of Jeduthun9 and

Berechiah the son of Asa# the son of l1anah# who lived in the villages of the Neto"hathites'


For in this trusted office were four chief gate1ee"ers9 they were )evites' And they had charge over the chambers and treasuries of the house of (od'

And the gate1ee"ers were Shallum# A11ub# Talmon# Ahiman# and their brethren' Shallum was the chief'

Antil then they had been gate1ee"ers for the cam"s of the children of )evi at the KingDs (ate on the east'

And they lodged all around the house of (od because they had the res"onsibility# and they were in charge of o"ening it every morning'

Shallum the son of Kore# the son of biasa"h# the son of Korah# and his brethren# from his fatherDs house# the Korahites# were in charge of the wor1 of the service# gate1ee"ers of the tabernacle' Their fathers had been 1ee"ers of the entrance to the cam" of the )3+*'

Now some of them were in charge of the serving vessels# for they brought them in and too1 them out by count'

Some of them were a""ointed over the furnishings and over all the im"lements of the sanctuary# and over the fine flour and the wine and the oil and the incense and the s"ices'

And /hinehas the son of had been the officer over them in time "ast9 the )3+* was with him'

And some of the sons of the "riests made the ointment of the s"ices'

5echariah the son of 4eshelemiah was 1ee"er of the door of the tabernacle of meeting'

4attithiah of the )evites# the firstborn of Shallum the Korahite# had the trusted office over the things that were ba1ed in the "ans'

All those chosen as gate1ee"ers were two hundred and twelve' They were recorded by their genealogy# in their villages' *avid and Samuel the seer had a""ointed them to their trusted office'

And some of their brethren of the sons of the Kohathites were in charge of "re"aring the showbread for every Sabbath'

So they and their children were in charge of the gates of the house of the )3+*# the house of the tabernacle# by assignment'

These are the singers# heads of the fathersD houses of the )evites# who lodged in the chambers# and were free from other duties9 for they were em"loyed in that wor1 day and night'

The gate1ee"ers were assigned to the four directions7 the east# west# north# and south'

These heads of the fathersD houses of the )evites were heads throughout their generations' They dwelt at Jerusalem'

And their brethren in their villages had to come with them from time to time for seven days'

Jeiel the father of (ibeon# whose wifeDs name was 4aacah# dwelt at (ibeon'


2is firstborn son was Abdon# then 5ur# Kish# Baal# Ner# Nadab#

(edor# Ahio# 5echariah# and 4i1loth'


And 4i1loth begot Shimeam' They also dwelt alongside their relatives in Jerusalem# with their brethren'

Then Saul said to his armorbearer# :*raw your sword# and thrust me through with it# lest these uncircumcised men come and abuse me': But his armorbearer would not# for he was greatly afraid' Therefore Saul too1 a sword and fell on it'

Ner begot Kish# Kish begot Saul# and Saul begot Jonathan# 4alchishua# Abinadab# and shFBaal'

And when his armorbearer saw that Saul was dead# he also fell on his sword and died'

The son of Jonathan was 4eribFBaal# and 4eribFBaal begot 4icah'


So Saul and his three sons died# and all his house died together'

The sons of 4icah were /ithon# 4elech# Tahrea# and Aha.'


And Aha. begot Jarah9 Jarah begot Alemeth# A.maveth# and 5imri9 and 5imri begot 4o.a9

And when all the men of 0srael who were in the valley saw that they had fled and that Saul and his sons were dead# they forsoo1 their cities and fled9 then the /hilistines came and dwelt in them'

4o.a begot Binea# +e"haiah his son# leasah his son# and A.el his son'

So it ha""ened the ne!t day# when the /hilistines came to stri" the slain# that they found Saul and his sons fallen on 4ount (ilboa'


And A.el had si! sons whose names were these7 A.ri1am# Bocheru# 0shmael# Sheariah# 3badiah# and 2anan9 these were the sons of A.el'

And they stri""ed him and too1 his head and his armor# and sent word throughout the land of the /hilistines to "roclaim the news in the tem"le of their idols and among the "eo"le'

10Now the /hilistines fought against

0srael9 and the men of 0srael fled from before the /hilistines# and fell slain on 4ount (ilboa'

Then they "ut his armor in the tem"le of their gods# and fastened his head in the tem"le of *agon'

And when all Jabesh (ilead heard all that the /hilistines had done to Saul#

Then the /hilistines followed hard after Saul and his sons' And the /hilistines 1illed Jonathan# Abinadab# and 4alchishua# SaulDs sons'

The battle became fierce against Saul' The archers hit him# and he was wounded by the archers'

all the valiant men arose and too1 the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons9 and they brought them to Jabesh# and buried their bones under the tamaris1 tree at Jabesh# and fasted seven days'

So Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he had committed against the )3+*# because he did not 1ee" the

word of the )3+*# and also because he consulted a medium for guidance'

So *avid went on and became great# and the )3+* of hosts was with him'

But he did not inGuire of the )3+*9 therefore 2e 1illed him# and turned the 1ingdom over to *avid the son of Jesse'

11Then all 0srael came together to

*avid at 2ebron# saying# :0ndeed we are your bone and your flesh'

Now these were the heads of the mighty men whom *avid had# who strengthened themselves with him in his 1ingdom# with all 0srael# to ma1e him 1ing# according to the word of the )3+* concerning 0srael'

Also# in time "ast# even when Saul was 1ing# you were the one who led 0srael out and brought them in9 and the )3+* your (od said to you# :Cou shall she"herd 4y "eo"le 0srael# and be ruler over 4y "eo"le 0srael':D

And this is the number of the mighty men whom *avid had7 Jashobeam the son of a 2achmonite# chief of the ca"tains9 he had lifted u" his s"ear against three hundred# 1illed by him at one time'

Therefore all the elders of 0srael came to the 1ing at 2ebron# and *avid made a covenant with them at 2ebron before the )3+*' And they anointed *avid 1ing over 0srael# according to the word of the )3+* by Samuel'

After him was the son of *odo# the Ahohite# who was one of the three mighty men'

2e was with *avid at /asdammim' Now there the /hilistines were gathered for battle# and there was a "iece of ground full of barley' So the "eo"le fled from the /hilistines'

And *avid and all 0srael went to Jerusalem# which is Jebus# where the Jebusites were# the inhabitants of the land'

But they stationed themselves in the middle of that field# defended it# and 1illed the /hilistines' So the )3+* brought about a great victory'

But the inhabitants of Jebus said to *avid# :Cou shall not come in hereH: Nevertheless *avid too1 the stronghold of 5ion Ithat is# the -ity of *avidJ'

Now *avid said# :Bhoever attac1s the Jebusites first shall be chief and ca"tain': And Joab the son of 5eruiah went u" first# and became chief'

Now three of the thirty chief men went down to the roc1 to *avid# into the cave of Adullam9 and the army of the /hilistines encam"ed in the Valley of +e"haim'

*avid was then in the stronghold# and the garrison of the /hilistines was then in Bethlehem'

Then *avid dwelt in the stronghold9 therefore they called it the -ity of *avid'

And he built the city around it# from the 4illo to the surrounding area' Joab re"aired the rest of the city'

And *avid said with longing# :3h# that someone would give me a drin1 of water from the well of Bethlehem# which is by the gateH:


So the three bro1e through the cam" of the /hilistines# drew water from the well of Bethlehem that was by the gate# and too1 it and brought it to *avid' Nevertheless *avid would not drin1 it# but "oured it out to the )3+*'


0ndeed he was more honored than the thirty# but he did not attain to the first three' And *avid a""ointed him over his guard'

And he said# :Far be it from me# 3 my (od# that 0 should do thisH Shall 0 drin1 the blood of these men who have "ut their lives in $eo"ardyE For at the ris1 of their lives they brought it': Therefore he would not drin1 it' These things were done by the three mighty men'

Also the mighty warriors were Asahel the brother of Joab# lhanan the son of *odo of Bethlehem#

Shammoth the 2arorite# 2ele. the /elonite#


0ra the son of 011esh the Te1oite# the Anathothite#


Abishai the brother of Joab was chief of another three' 2e had lifted u" his s"ear against three hundred men# 1illed them# and won a name among these three'

Sibbechai the 2ushathite# 0lai the Ahohite#


4aharai the Neto"hathite# 2eled the son of Baanah the Neto"hathite#


3f the three he was more honored than the other two men' Therefore he became their ca"tain' 2owever he did not attain to the first three'

0thai the son of +ibai of (ibeah# of the sons of Ben$amin# Benaiah the /irathonite#

Benaiah was the son of Jehoiada# the son of a valiant man from Kab.eel# who had done many deeds' 2e had 1illed two lionFli1e heroes of 4oab' 2e also had gone down and 1illed a lion in the midst of a "it on a snowy day'

2urai of the broo1s of (aash# Abiel the Arbathite#


A.maveth the Baharumite# Shaalbonite#


liahba the

And he 1illed an gy"tian# a man of great height# five cubits tall' 0n the gy"tianDs hand there was a s"ear li1e a weaverDs beam9 and he went down to him with a staff# wrested the s"ear out of the gy"tianDs hand# and 1illed him with his own s"ear'

the sons of 2ashem the (i.onite# Jonathan the son of Shageh the 2ararite#

Ahiam the son of Sacar the 2ararite# li"hal the son of Ar#


These things Benaiah the son of Jehoiada did# and won a name among three mighty men'

2e"her the 4echerathite# Ahi$ah the /elonite#

6= the -armelite# Naarai the son of .bai#


Joel the brother of Nathan# 4ibhar the son of 2agri#


5ele1 the Ammonite# Naharai the Berothite Ithe armorbearer of Joab the son of 5eruiahJ#

Jeremiah# Jaha.iel# Johanan# Jo.abad the (ederathite9



0ra the 0thrite# (areb the 0thrite# Jerimoth# Bealiah# Shemariah# and She"hatiah the 2aru"hite9



Ariah the 2ittite# 5abad the son of Ahlai#


l1anah# Jisshiah# A.arel# and Jashobeam# the Korahites9


Adina the son of Shi.a the +eubenite Ia chief of the +eubenitesJ and thirty with him#

and Joelah and 5ebadiah the sons of Jeroham of (edor'


2anan the son of 4aachah# Josha"hat the 4ithnite#


A..ia the Ashterathite# Shama and Jeiel the sons of 2otham the Aroerite#

Some (adites $oined *avid at the stronghold in the wilderness# mighty men of valor# men trained for battle# who could handle shield and s"ear# whose faces were li1e the faces of lions# and were as swift as ga.elles on the mountains7

Jediael the son of Shimri# and Joha his brother# the Ti.ite#

.er the first# 3badiah the second# liab the third#

liel the 4ahavite# Jeribai and Joshaviah the sons of lnaam# 0thmah the 4oabite#


4ishmannah the fourth# Jeremiah the fifth#


liel# 3bed# and Jaasiel the 4e.obaite'

Attai the si!th# liel the seventh# Johanan the eighth# l.abad the ninth#

12Now these were


the men who came to *avid at 5i1lag while he was still a fugitive from Saul the son of Kish9 and they were among the mighty men# hel"ers in the war#


Jeremiah the tenth# and 4achbanai the eleventh'


armed with bows# using both the right hand and the left in hurling stones and shooting arrows with the bow' They were of Ben$amin# SaulDs brethren'

These were from the sons of (ad# ca"tains of the army9 the least was over a hundred# and the greatest was over a thousand'

The chief was then Joash# the sons of Shemaah the (ibeathite9 Je.iel and /elet the sons of A.maveth9 Berachah# and Jehu the Anathothite9

These are the ones who crossed the Jordan in the first month# when it had overflowed all its ban1s9 and they "ut to flight all those in the valleys# to the east and to the west'

0shmaiah the (ibeonite# a mighty man among the thirty# and over the thirty9

Then some of the sons of Ben$amin and Judah came to *avid at the stronghold'


And *avid went out to meet them# and answered and said to them# :0f you have come "eaceably to me to hel" me# my heart will be united with you9 but if to betray me to my enemies# since there is no wrong in my hands# may the (od of our fathers loo1 and bring $udgment':


of the sons of Judah bearing shield and s"ear# si! thousand eight hundred armed for war9

of the sons of Simeon# mighty men of valor fit for war# seven thousand one hundred9

Then the S"irit came u"on Amasai# chief of the ca"tains# and he said7 :Be are yours# 3 *avid9 Be are on your side# 3 son of JesseH /eace# "eace to you# And "eace to your hel"ersH For your (od hel"s you': So *avid received them# and made them ca"tains of the troo"'

of the sons of )evi four thousand si! hundred9


Jehoiada# the leader of the Aaronites# and with him three thousand seven hundred9

And some from 4anasseh defected to *avid when he was going with the /hilistines to battle against Saul9 but they did not hel" them# for the lords of the /hilistines sent him away by agreement# saying# :2e may defect to his master Saul and endanger our heads':

5ado1# a young man# a valiant warrior# and from his fatherDs house twentyFtwo ca"tains9

of the sons of Ben$amin# relatives of Saul# three thousand Iuntil then the greatest "art of them had remained loyal to the house of SaulJ9

Bhen he went to 5i1lag# those of 4anasseh who defected to him were Adnah# Jo.abad# Jediael# 4ichael# Jo.abad# lihu# and 5illethai# ca"tains of the thousands who were from 4anasseh'

of the sons of "hraim twenty thousand eight hundred# mighty men of valor# famous men throughout their fatherDs house9

of the halfFtribe of 4anasseh eighteen thousand# who were designated by name to come and ma1e *avid 1ing9

And they hel"ed *avid against the bands of raiders# for they were all mighty men of valor# and they were ca"tains in the army'

For at that time they came to *avid day by day to hel" him# until it was a great army# li1e the army of (od'

of the sons of 0ssachar who had understanding of the times# to 1now what 0srael ought to do# their chiefs were two hundred9 and all their brethren were at their command9

Now these were the numbers of the divisions that were eGui""ed for war# and came to *avid at 2ebron to turn over the 1ingdom of Saul to him# according to the word of the )3+*7

of 5ebulun there were fifty thousand who went out to battle# e!"ert in war with all wea"ons of war# stouthearted men who could 1ee" ran1s9

of Na"htali one thousand ca"tains# and with them thirtyFseven thousand with shield and s"ear9


of the *anites who could 1ee" battle formation# twentyFeight thousand si! hundred9

and let us bring the ar1 of our (od bac1 to us# for we have not inGuired at it since the days of Saul':

of Asher# those who could go out to war# able to 1ee" battle formation# forty thousand9

Then all the assembly said that they would do so# for the thing was right in the eyes of all the "eo"le'

of the +eubenites and the (adites and the halfFtribe of 4anasseh# from the other side of the Jordan# one hundred and twenty thousand armed for battle with every 1ind of wea"on of war'

So *avid gathered all 0srael together# from Shihor in gy"t to as far as the entrance of 2amath# to bring the ar1 of (od from Kir$ath Jearim'

All these men of war# who could 1ee" ran1s# came to 2ebron with a loyal heart# to ma1e *avid 1ing over all 0srael9 and all the rest of 0srael were of one mind to ma1e *avid 1ing'

And *avid and all 0srael went u" to Baalah# to Kir$ath Jearim# which belonged to Judah# to bring u" from there the ar1 of (od the )3+*# who dwells between the cherubim# where 2is name is "roclaimed'

And they were there with *avid three days# eating and drin1ing# for their brethren had "re"ared for them'

So they carried the ar1 of (od on a new cart from the house of Abinadab# and A..a and Ahio drove the cart'

4oreover those who were near to them# from as far away as 0ssachar and 5ebulun and Na"htali# were bringing food on don1eys and camels# on mules and o!enFF"rovisions of flour and ca1es of figs and ca1es of raisins# wine and oil and o!en and shee" abundantly# for there was $oy in 0srael'

Then *avid and all 0srael "layed music before (od with all their might# with singing# on har"s# on stringed instruments# on tambourines# on cymbals# and with trum"ets'

And when they came to -hidonDs threshing floor# A..a "ut out his hand to hold the ar1# for the o!en stumbled'


*avid consulted with the ca"tains of thousands and hundreds# and with every leader' And *avid said to all the assembly of 0srael# :0f it seems good to you# and if it is of the )3+* our (od# let us send out to our brethren everywhere who are left in all the land of 0srael# and with them to the "riests and )evites who are in their cities and their commonFlands# that they may gather together to us9

Then the anger of the )3+* was aroused against A..a# and 2e struc1 him because he "ut his hand to the ar19 and he died there before (od'

And *avid became angry because of the )3+*Ds outbrea1 against A..a9 therefore that "lace is called /ere. A..a to this day'

*avid was afraid of (od that day# saying# :2ow can 0 bring the ar1 of (od to meE:


So *avid would not move the ar1 with him into the -ity of *avid# but too1 it aside into the house of 3bedF dom the (ittite'

Bill Cou deliver them into my handE: The )3+* said to him# :(o u"# for 0 will deliver them into your hand':

The ar1 of (od remained with the family of 3bedF dom in his house three months' And the )3+* blessed the house of 3bedF dom and all that he had'

So they went u" to Baal / and *avid defeated them there' Then *avid said# :(od has bro1en through my enemies by my hand li1e a brea1through of water': Therefore they called the name of that "lace Baal /'


2iram 1ing of Tyre sent messengers to *avid# and cedar trees# with masons and car"enters# to build him a house' So *avid 1new that the )3+* had established him as 1ing over 0srael# for his 1ingdom was highly e!alted for the sa1e of 2is "eo"le 0srael'

And when they left their gods there# *avid gave a commandment# and they were burned with fire'

Then the /hilistines once again made a raid on the valley'


Then *avid too1 more wives in Jerusalem# and *avid begot more sons and daughters'

Therefore *avid inGuired again of (od# and (od said to him# :Cou shall not go u" after them9 circle around them# and come u"on them in front of the mulberry trees'

And these are the names of his children whom he had in Jerusalem7 Shammua# Shobab# Nathan# Solomon#

And it shall be# when you hear a sound of marching in the to"s of the mulberry trees# then you shall go out to battle# for (od has gone out before you to stri1e the cam" of the /hilistines':

0bhar# lishua# l"elet# Nogah# Ne"heg# Ja"hia# lishama# Beeliada# and li"helet'


So *avid did as (od commanded him# and they drove bac1 the army of the /hilistines from (ibeon as far as ('


Now when the /hilistines heard that *avid had been anointed 1ing over all 0srael# all the /hilistines went u" to search for *avid' And *avid heard of it and went out against them'

Then the fame of *avid went out into all lands# and the )3+* brought the fear of him u"on all nations'

15*avid built houses for himself in

the -ity of *avid9 and he "re"ared a "lace for the ar1 of (od# and "itched a tent for it'

Then the /hilistines went and made a raid on the Valley of +e"haim'

And *avid inGuired of (od# saying# :Shall 0 go u" against the /hilistinesE

Then *avid said# :No one may carry the ar1 of (od but the )evites# for the

)3+* has chosen them to carry the ar1 of (od and to minister before 2im forever':


For because you did not do it the first time# the )3+* our (od bro1e out against us# because we did not consult 2im about the "ro"er order':

And *avid gathered all 0srael together at Jerusalem# to bring u" the ar1 of the )3+* to its "lace# which he had "re"ared for it'

So the "riests and the )evites sanctified themselves to bring u" the ar1 of the )3+* (od of 0srael'

Then *avid assembled the children of Aaron and the )evites7


of the sons of Kohath# Ariel the chief# and one hundred and twenty of his brethren9

And the children of the )evites bore the ar1 of (od on their shoulders# by its "oles# as 4oses had commanded according to the word of the )3+*'

of the sons of 4erari# Asaiah the chief# and two hundred and twenty of his brethren9

Then *avid s"o1e to the leaders of the )evites to a""oint their brethren to be the singers accom"anied by instruments of music# stringed instruments# har"s# and cymbals# by raising the voice with resounding $oy'

of the sons of (ershom# Joel the chief# and one hundred and thirty of his brethren9

of the sons of li.a"han# Shemaiah the chief# and two hundred of his brethren9

So the )evites a""ointed 2eman the son of Joel9 and of his brethren# Asa"h the son of Berechiah9 and of their brethren# the sons of 4erari# than the son of Kushaiah9

of the sons of 2ebron# liel the chief# and eighty of his brethren9

of the sons of A..iel# Amminadab the chief# and one hundred and twelve of his brethren'

and with them their brethren of the second ran17 5echariah# Ben# Jaa.iel# Shemiramoth# Jehiel# Anni# liab# Benaiah# 4aaseiah# 4attithiah# li"heleh# 4i1neiah# 3bedF dom# and Jeiel# the gate1ee"ers9

And *avid called for 5ado1 and Abiathar the "riests# and for the )evites7 for Ariel# Asaiah# Joel# Shemaiah# liel# and Amminadab'

the singers# 2eman# Asa"h# and than# were to sound the cymbals of bron.e9

2e said to them# :Cou are the heads of the fathersD houses of the )evites9 sanctify yourselves# you and your brethren# that you may bring u" the ar1 of the )3+* (od of 0srael to the "lace 0 have "re"ared for it'

5echariah# A.iel# Shemiramoth# Jehiel# Anni# liab# 4aaseiah# and Benaiah# with strings according to Alamoth9

4attithiah# li"heleh# 4i1neiah# 3bedF dom# Jeiel# and A.a.iah# to direct with har"s on the Sheminith9


-henaniah# leader of the )evites# was instructor in charge of the music# because he was s1illful9

that *avid had erected for it' Then they offered burnt offerings and "eace offerings before (od'

Berechiah and l1anah door1ee"ers for the ar19



Shebaniah# Josha"hat# Nethanel# Amasai# 5echariah# Benaiah# and the "riests# were to blow the trum"ets before the ar1 of (od9 and 3bedF dom and Jehiah# door1ee"ers for the ar1'

And when *avid had finished offering the burnt offerings and the "eace offerings# he blessed the "eo"le in the name of the )3+*'

Then he distributed to everyone of 0srael# both man and woman# to everyone a loaf of bread# a "iece of meat# and a ca1e of raisins'

So *avid# the elders of 0srael# and the ca"tains over thousands went to bring u" the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* from the house of 3bedF dom with $oy'

And he a""ointed some of the )evites to minister before the ar1 of the )3+*# to commemorate# to than1# and to "raise the )3+* (od of 0srael7

And so it was# when (od hel"ed the )evites who bore the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+*# that they offered seven bulls and seven rams'

*avid was clothed with a robe of fine linen# as were all the )evites who bore the ar1# the singers# and -henaniah the music master with the singers' *avid also wore a linen e"hod'

Asa"h the chief# and ne!t to him 5echariah# then Jeiel# Shemiramoth# Jehiel# 4attithiah# liab# Benaiah# and 3bedF dom7 Jeiel with stringed instruments and har"s# but Asa"h made music with cymbals9

Benaiah and Jaha.iel the "riests regularly blew the trum"ets before the ar1 of the covenant of (od'

Thus all 0srael brought u" the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* with shouting and with the sound of the horn# with trum"ets and with cymbals# ma1ing music with stringed instruments and har"s'

3n that day *avid first delivered this "salm into the hand of Asa"h and his brethren# to than1 the )3+*7

3h# give than1s to the )3+*H -all u"on 2is name9 4a1e 1nown 2is deeds among the "eo"lesH

And it ha""ened# as the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* came to the -ity of *avid# that 4ichal# SaulDs daughter# loo1ed through a window and saw King *avid whirling and "laying music9 and she des"ised him in her heart'

Sing to 2im# sing "salms to 2im9 Tal1 of all 2is wondrous wor1sH

(lory in 2is holy name9 )et the hearts of those re$oice who see1 the )3+*H

16So they brought the ar1 of (od#

and set it in the midst of the tabernacle

See1 the )3+* and 2is strength9 See1 2is face evermoreH


+emember 2is marvelous wor1s which 2e has done# 2is wonders# and the $udgments of 2is mouth#


For the )3+* is great and greatly to be "raised9 2e is also to be feared above all gods'

3 seed of 0srael 2is servant# Cou children of Jacob# 2is chosen onesH

For all the gods of the "eo"les are idols# But the )3+* made the heavens'

2e is the )3+* our (od9 $udgments are in all the earth'



2onor and ma$esty are before 2im9 Strength and gladness are in 2is "lace'

+emember 2is covenant forever# The word which 2e commanded# for a thousand generations#

(ive to the )3+*# 3 families of the "eo"les# (ive to the )3+* glory and strength'

The covenant which 2e made with Abraham# And 2is oath to 0saac#

And confirmed it to Jacob for a statute# To 0srael for an everlasting covenant#


(ive to the )3+* the glory due 2is name9 Bring an offering# and come before 2im' 3h# worshi" the )3+* in the beauty of holinessH

Saying# :To you 0 will give the land of -anaan As the allotment of your inheritance#:

Tremble before 2im# all the earth' The world also is firmly established# 0t shall not be moved'

Bhen you were few in number# 0ndeed very few# and strangers in it'

)et the heavens re$oice# and let the earth be glad9 And let them say among the nations# :The )3+* reigns':

Bhen they went from one nation to another# And from one 1ingdom to another "eo"le#

)et the sea roar# and all its fullness9 )et the field re$oice# and all that is in it'

2e "ermitted no man to do them wrong9 Ces# 2e rebu1ed 1ings for their sa1es#

Then the trees of the woods shall re$oice before the )3+*# For 2e is coming to $udge the earth'

Saying# :*o not touch 4y anointed ones# And do 4y "ro"hets no harm':


3h# give than1s to the )3+*# for 2e is goodH For 2is mercy endures forever'

Sing to the )3+*# all the earth9 /roclaim the good news of 2is salvation from day to day'

And say# :Save us# 3 (od of our salvation9 (ather us together# and deliver us from the (entiles# To give than1s to Cour holy name# To trium"h in Cour "raise':

*eclare 2is glory among the nations# 2is wonders among all "eo"les'

Blessed be the )3+* (od of 0srael From everlasting to everlastingH And all the "eo"le said# :AmenH: and "raised the )3+*'


So he left Asa"h and his brothers there before the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* to minister before the ar1 regularly# as every dayDs wor1 reGuired9

Then Nathan said to *avid# :*o all that is in your heart# for (od is with you':

But it ha""ened that night that the word of (od came to Nathan# saying#

and 3bedF dom with his si!tyFeight brethren# including 3bedF dom the son of Jeduthun# and 2osah# to be gate1ee"ers9

:(o and tell 4y servant *avid# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Cou shall not build 4e a house to dwell in'

and 5ado1 the "riest and his brethren the "riests# before the tabernacle of the )3+* at the high "lace that was at (ibeon#

For 0 have not dwelt in a house since the time that 0 brought u" 0srael# even to this day# but have gone from tent to tent# and from one tabernacle to another'

to offer burnt offerings to the )3+* on the altar of burnt offering regularly morning and evening# and to do according to all that is written in the )aw of the )3+* which 2e commanded 0srael9

Bherever 0 have moved about with all 0srael# have 0 ever s"o1en a word to any of the $udges of 0srael# whom 0 commanded to she"herd 4y "eo"le# saying# :Bhy have you not built 4e a house of cedarE::

and with them 2eman and Jeduthun and the rest who were chosen# who were designated by name# to give than1s to the )3+*# because 2is mercy endures forever9

Now therefore# thus shall you say to 4y servant *avid# :Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :0 too1 you from the shee"fold# from following the shee"# to be ruler over 4y "eo"le 0srael'

and with them 2eman and Jeduthun# to sound aloud with trum"ets and cymbals and the musical instruments of (od' Now the sons of Jeduthun were gate1ee"ers'

And 0 have been with you wherever you have gone# and have cut off all your enemies from before you# and have made you a name li1e the name of the great men who are on the earth'

Then all the "eo"le de"arted# every man to his house9 and *avid returned to bless his house'

17Now it came to "ass# when *avid

was dwelling in his house# that *avid said to Nathan the "ro"het# :See now# 0 dwell in a house of cedar# but the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* is under tent curtains':

4oreover 0 will a""oint a "lace for 4y "eo"le 0srael# and will "lant them# that they may dwell in a "lace of their own and move no more9 nor shall the sons of wic1edness o""ress them anymore# as "reviously#

since the time that 0 commanded $udges to be over 4y "eo"le 0srael' Also 0 will subdue all your enemies' Furthermore 0 tell you that the )3+* will build you a house'


And it shall be# when your days are fulfilled# when you must go to be with your fathers# that 0 will set u" your seed after you# who will be of your sons9 and 0 will establish his 1ingdom'


2e shall build 4e a house# and 0 will establish his throne forever'


And who is li1e Cour "eo"le 0srael# the one nation on the earth whom (od went to redeem for 2imself as a "eo"leFFto ma1e for Courself a name by great and awesome deeds# by driving out nations from before Cour "eo"le whom Cou redeemed from gy"tE

0 will be his Father# and he shall be 4y son9 and 0 will not ta1e 4y mercy away from him# as 0 too1 it from him who was before you'

For Cou have made Cour "eo"le 0srael Cour very own "eo"le forever9 and Cou# )3+*# have become their (od'

And 0 will establish him in 4y house and in 4y 1ingdom forever9 and his throne shall be established forever'::D

:And now# 3 )3+*# the word which Cou have s"o1en concerning Cour servant and concerning his house# let it be established forever# and do as Cou have said'

According to all these words and according to all this vision# so Nathan s"o1e to *avid'

Then King *avid went in and sat before the )3+*9 and he said7 :Bho am 0# 3 )3+* (odE And what is my house# that Cou have brought me this farE

So let it be established# that Cour name may be magnified forever# saying# :The )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael# is 0sraelDs (od'D And let the house of Cour servant *avid be established before Cou'

And yet this was a small thing in Cour sight# 3 (od9 and Cou have also s"o1en of Cour servantDs house for a great while to come# and have regarded me according to the ran1 of a man of high degree# 3 )3+* (od'

For Cou# 3 my (od# have revealed to Cour servant that Cou will build him a house' Therefore Cour servant has found it in his heart to "ray before Cou'

And now# )3+*# Cou are (od# and have "romised this goodness to Cour servant'

Bhat more can *avid say to Cou for the honor of Cour servantE For Cou 1now Cour servant'

3 )3+*# for Cour servantDs sa1e# and according to Cour own heart# Cou have done all this greatness# in ma1ing 1nown all these great things'

Now Cou have been "leased to bless the house of Cour servant# that it may continue before Cou forever9 for Cou have blessed it# 3 )3+*# and it shall be blessed forever':

18After this it came to "ass that

*avid attac1ed the /hilistines# subdued them# and too1 (ath and its towns from the hand of the /hilistines'

3 )3+*# there is none li1e Cou# nor is there any (od besides Cou# according to all that we have heard with our ears'

Then he defeated 4oab# and the 4oabites became *avidDs servants# and brought tribute'


And *avid defeated 1ing of 5obah as far as 2amath# as he went to establish his "ower by the +iver u"hrates'

King *avid also dedicated these to the )3+*# along with the silver and gold that he had brought from all these nationsFFfrom dom# from 4oab# from the "eo"le of Ammon# from the /hilistines# and from Amale1'

*avid too1 from him one thousand chariots# seven thousand horsemen# and twenty thousand foot soldiers' Also *avid hamstrung all the chariot horses# e!ce"t that he s"ared enough of them for one hundred chariots'

4oreover Abishai the son of 5eruiah 1illed eighteen thousand domites in the Valley of Salt'

2e also "ut garrisons in dom# and all the domites became *avidDs servants' And the )3+* "reserved *avid wherever he went'

Bhen the Syrians of *amascus came to hel" 1ing of 5obah# *avid 1illed twentyFtwo thousand of the Syrians'

So *avid reigned over all 0srael# and administered $udgment and $ustice to all his "eo"le'

Then *avid "ut garrisons in Syria of *amascus9 and the Syrians became *avidDs servants# and brought tribute' So the )3+* "reserved *avid wherever he went'

Joab the son of 5eruiah was over the army9 Jehosha"hat the son of Ahilud was recorder9

5ado1 the son of Ahitub and Abimelech the son of Abiathar were the "riests9 Shavsha was the scribe9

And *avid too1 the shields of gold that were on the servants of and brought them to Jerusalem'

Also from Tibhath and from -hun# cities of *avid brought a large amount of bron.e# with which Solomon made the bron.e Sea# the "illars# and the articles of bron.e'

Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over the -herethites and the /elethites9 and *avidDs sons were chief ministers at the 1ingDs side'

190t ha""ened after this that Nahash

the 1ing of the "eo"le of Ammon died# and his son reigned in his "lace'

Now when Tou 1ing of 2amath heard that *avid had defeated all the army of 1ing of 5obah#

he sent 2adoram his son to King *avid# to greet him and bless him# because he had fought against and defeated him Ifor had been at war with TouJ9 and 2adoram brought with him all 1inds of articles of gold# silver# and bron.e'

Then *avid said# :0 will show 1indness to 2anun the son of Nahash# because his father showed 1indness to me': So *avid sent messengers to comfort him concerning his father' And *avidDs servants came to 2anun in the land of the "eo"le of Ammon to comfort him'

And the "rinces of the "eo"le of Ammon said to 2anun# :*o you thin1 that *avid really honors your father because he has sent comforters to youE *id his servants not come to you to search and to overthrow and to s"y out the landE:


Bhen Joab saw that the battle line was against him before and behind# he chose some of 0sraelDs best# and "ut them in battle array against the Syrians'

Therefore 2anun too1 *avidDs servants# shaved them# and cut off their garments in the middle# at their buttoc1s# and sent them away'

And the rest of the "eo"le he "ut under the command of Abishai his brother# and they set themselves in battle array against the "eo"le of Ammon'

Then some went and told *avid about the men9 and he sent to meet them# because the men were greatly ashamed' And the 1ing said# :Bait at Jericho until your beards have grown# and then return':

Then he said# :0f the Syrians are too strong for me# then you shall hel" me9 but if the "eo"le of Ammon are too strong for you# then 0 will hel" you'

Be of good courage# and let us be strong for our "eo"le and for the cities of our (od' And may the )3+* do what is good in 2is sight':

Bhen the "eo"le of Ammon saw that they had made themselves re"ulsive to *avid# 2anun and the "eo"le of Ammon sent a thousand talents of silver to hire for themselves chariots and horsemen from 4eso"otamia# from Syrian 4aacah# and from 5obah'

So Joab and the "eo"le who were with him drew near for the battle against the Syrians# and they fled before him'

So they hired for themselves thirtyFtwo thousand chariots# with the 1ing of 4aacah and his "eo"le# who came and encam"ed before 4edeba' Also the "eo"le of Ammon gathered together from their cities# and came to battle'

Bhen the "eo"le of Ammon saw that the Syrians were fleeing# they also fled before Abishai his brother# and entered the city' So Joab went to Jerusalem'

Now when *avid heard of it# he sent Joab and all the army of the mighty men'

Now when the Syrians saw that they had been defeated by 0srael# they sent messengers and brought the Syrians who were beyond the +iver# and Sho"hach the commander of 2adade.erDs army went before them'

Then the "eo"le of Ammon came out and "ut themselves in battle array before the gate of the city# and the 1ings who had come were by themselves in the field'

Bhen it was told *avid# he gathered all 0srael# crossed over the Jordan and came u"on them# and set u" in battle array against them' So when *avid had set u" in battle array against the Syrians# they fought with him'

Then the Syrians fled before 0srael9 and *avid 1illed seven thousand charioteers and forty thousand foot soldiers of the Syrians# and 1illed Sho"hach the commander of the army'


And when the servants of saw that they were defeated by 0srael# they made "eace with *avid and became his servants' So the Syrians were not willing to hel" the "eo"le of Ammon anymore'

So when he defied 0srael# Jonathan the son of Shimea# *avidDs brother# 1illed him'

These were born to the giant in (ath# and they fell by the hand of *avid and by the hand of his servants'

200t ha""ened in the s"ring of the

year# at the time 1ings go out to battle# that Joab led out the armed forces and ravaged the country of the "eo"le of Ammon# and came and besieged +abbah' But *avid stayed at Jerusalem' And Joab defeated +abbah and overthrew it'


Satan stood u" against 0srael# and moved *avid to number 0srael' So *avid said to Joab and to the leaders of the "eo"le# :(o# number 0srael from Beersheba to *an# and bring the number of them to me that 0 may 1now it':

Then *avid too1 their 1ingDs crown from his head# and found it to weigh a talent of gold# and there were "recious stones in it' And it was set on *avidDs head' Also he brought out the s"oil of the city in great abundance'

And he brought out the "eo"le who were in it# and "ut them to wor1 with saws# with iron "ic1s# and with a!es' So *avid did to all the cities of the "eo"le of Ammon' Then *avid and all the "eo"le returned to Jerusalem'

And Joab answered# :4ay the )3+* ma1e 2is "eo"le a hundred times more than they are' But# my lord the 1ing# are they not all my lordDs servantsE Bhy then does my lord reGuire this thingE Bhy should he be a cause of guilt in 0sraelE:

Now it ha""ened afterward that war bro1e out at ( with the /hilistines# at which time Sibbechai the 2ushathite 1illed Si""ai# who was one of the sons of the giant' And they were subdued'

Nevertheless the 1ingDs word "revailed against Joab' Therefore Joab de"arted and went throughout all 0srael and came to Jerusalem'

Again there was war with the /hilistines# and lhanan the son of Jair 1illed )ahmi the brother of (oliath the (ittite# the shaft of whose s"ear was li1e a weaverDs beam'

Then Joab gave the sum of the number of the "eo"le to *avid' All 0srael had one million one hundred thousand men who drew the sword# and Judah had four hundred and seventy thousand men who drew the sword'

But he did not count )evi and Ben$amin among them# for the 1ingDs word was abominable to Joab'

Cet again there was war at (ath# where there was a man of great stature# with twentyFfour fingers and toes# si! on each hand and si! on each foot9 and he also was born to the giant'

And (od was dis"leased with this thing9 therefore 2e struc1 0srael'


So *avid said to (od# :0 have sinned greatly# because 0 have done this thing9 but now# 0 "ray# ta1e away the iniGuity of Cour servant# for 0 have done very foolishly':


Then *avid lifted his eyes and saw the angel of the )3+* standing between earth and heaven# having in his hand a drawn sword stretched out over Jerusalem' So *avid and the elders# clothed in sac1cloth# fell on their faces'

Then the )3+* s"o1e to (ad# *avidDs seer# saying#


:(o and tell *avid# saying# :Thus says the )3+*7 :0 offer you three things9 choose one of them for yourself# that 0 may do it to you'::D

So (ad came to *avid and said to him# :Thus says the )3+*7 :-hoose for yourself#

And *avid said to (od# :Bas it not 0 who commanded the "eo"le to be numberedE 0 am the one who has sinned and done evil indeed9 but these shee"# what have they doneE )et Cour hand# 0 "ray# 3 )3+* my (od# be against me and my fatherDs house# but not against Cour "eo"le that they should be "lagued':

either three years of famine# or three months to be defeated by your foes with the sword of your enemies overta1ing you# or else for three days the sword of the )3+*FFthe "lague in the land# with the angel of the )3+* destroying throughout all the territory of 0srael'D Now consider what answer 0 should ta1e bac1 to 2im who sent me':

Therefore# the angel of the )3+* commanded (ad to say to *avid that *avid should go and erect an altar to the )3+* on the threshing floor of 3rnan the Jebusite'

So *avid went u" at the word of (ad# which he had s"o1en in the name of the )3+*'

And *avid said to (ad# :0 am in great distress' /lease let me fall into the hand of the )3+*# for 2is mercies are very great9 but do not let me fall into the hand of man':

Now 3rnan turned and saw the angel9 and his four sons who were with him hid themselves# but 3rnan continued threshing wheat'

So the )3+* sent a "lague u"on 0srael# and seventy thousand men of 0srael fell'

So *avid came to 3rnan# and 3rnan loo1ed and saw *avid' And he went out from the threshing floor# and bowed before *avid with his face to the ground'

And (od sent an angel to Jerusalem to destroy it' As he was destroying# the )3+* loo1ed and relented of the disaster# and said to the angel who was destroying# :0t is enough9 now restrain your hand': And the angel of the )3+* stood by the threshing floor of 3rnan the Jebusite'

Then *avid said to 3rnan# :(rant me the "lace of this threshing floor# that 0 may build an altar on it to the )3+*' Cou shall grant it to me at the full "rice# that the "lague may be withdrawn from the "eo"le':

But 3rnan said to *avid# :Ta1e it to yourself# and let my lord the 1ing do what is good in his eyes' )oo1# 0 also give you the o!en for burnt offerings# the

threshing im"lements for wood# and the wheat for the grain offering9 0 give it all':

Then King *avid said to 3rnan# :No# but 0 will surely buy it for the full "rice# for 0 will not ta1e what is yours for the )3+*# nor offer burnt offerings with that which costs me nothing':

And *avid "re"ared iron in abundance for the nails of the doors of the gates and for the $oints# and bron.e in abundance beyond measure#

and cedar trees in abundance9 for the Sidonians and those from Tyre brought much cedar wood to *avid'

So *avid gave 3rnan si! hundred she1els of gold by weight for the "lace'

And *avid built there an altar to the )3+*# and offered burnt offerings and "eace offerings# and called on the )3+*9 and 2e answered him from heaven by fire on the altar of burnt offering'

Now *avid said# :Solomon my son is young and ine!"erienced# and the house to be built for the )3+* must be e!ceedingly magnificent# famous and glorious throughout all countries' 0 will now ma1e "re"aration for it': So *avid made abundant "re"arations before his death'

So the )3+* commanded the angel# and he returned his sword to its sheath'

Then he called for his son Solomon# and charged him to build a house for the )3+* (od of 0srael'

At that time# when *avid saw that the )3+* had answered him on the threshing floor of 3rnan the Jebusite# he sacrificed there'

And *avid said to Solomon7 :4y son# as for me# it was in my mind to build a house to the name of the )3+* my (od9

For the tabernacle of the )3+* and the altar of the burnt offering# which 4oses had made in the wilderness# were at that time at the high "lace in (ibeon'

but the word of the )3+* came to me# saying# :Cou have shed much blood and have made great wars9 you shall not build a house for 4y name# because you have shed much blood on the earth in 4y sight'

But *avid could not go before it to inGuire of (od# for he was afraid of the sword of the angel of the )3+*'


*avid said# :This is the house of the )3+* (od# and this is the altar of burnt offering for 0srael': So *avid commanded to gather the aliens who were in the land of 0srael9 and he a""ointed masons to cut hewn stones to build the house of (od'

Behold# a son shall be born to you# who shall be a man of rest9 and 0 will give him rest from all his enemies all around' 2is name shall be Solomon# for 0 will give "eace and Guietness to 0srael in his days'

2e shall build a house for 4y name# and he shall be 4y son# and 0 will be his Father9 and 0 will establish the throne of his 1ingdom over 0srael forever'D

Now# my son# may the )3+* be with you9 and may you "ros"er# and build the

house of the )3+* your (od# as 2e has said to you'


articles of (od into the house that is to be built for the name of the )3+*':

3nly may the )3+* give you wisdom and understanding# and give you charge concerning 0srael# that you may 1ee" the law of the )3+* your (od'

23So when *avid was old and full of

days# he made his son Solomon 1ing over 0srael'

Then you will "ros"er# if you ta1e care to fulfill the statutes and $udgments with which the )3+* charged 4oses concerning 0srael' Be strong and of good courage9 do not fear nor be dismayed'

And he gathered together all the leaders of 0srael# with the "riests and the )evites'

0ndeed 0 have ta1en much trouble to "re"are for the house of the )3+* one hundred thousand talents of gold and one million talents of silver# and bron.e and iron beyond measure# for it is so abundant' 0 have "re"ared timber and stone also# and you may add to them'

Now the )evites were numbered from the age of thirty years and above9 and the number of individual males was thirtyFeight thousand'

3f these# twentyFfour thousand were to loo1 after the wor1 of the house of the )3+*# si! thousand were officers and $udges#

4oreover there are wor1men with you in abundance7 woodsmen and stonecutters# and all ty"es of s1illful men for every 1ind of wor1'

four thousand were gate1ee"ers# and four thousand "raised the )3+* with musical instruments# :which 0 made#: said *avid# :for giving "raise':

3f gold and silver and bron.e and iron there is no limit' Arise and begin wor1ing# and the )3+* be with you':

Also *avid se"arated them into divisions among the sons of )evi7 (ershon# Kohath# and 4erari'

*avid also commanded all the leaders of 0srael to hel" Solomon his son# saying#

3f the Shimei'




:0s not the )3+* your (od with youE And has 2e not given you rest on every sideE For 2e has given the inhabitants of the land into my hand# and the land is subdued before the )3+* and before 2is "eo"le'

The sons of )aadan7 the first Jehiel# then 5etham and JoelFFthree in all'

The sons of Shimei7 Shelomith# 2a.iel# and 2aranFFthree in all' These were the heads of the fathersD houses of )aadan'

Now set your heart and your soul to see1 the )3+* your (od' Therefore arise and build the sanctuary of the )3+* (od# to bring the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* and the holy

And the sons of Shimei7 Jahath# 5ina# Jeush# and Beriah' These were the four sons of Shimei'

Jahath was the first and 5i.ah the second' But Jeush and Beriah did not

have many sons9 therefore they were assigned as one fatherDs house'


The sons of 4ushi were 4ahli# and JeremothFFthree in all'



The sons of Kohath7 Amram# 0.har# 2ebron# and A..ielFFfour in all'


The sons of Amram7 Aaron and 4oses9 and Aaron was set a"art# he and his sons forever# that he should sanctify the most holy things# to burn incense before the )3+*# to minister to 2im# and to give the blessing in 2is name forever'

These were the sons of )evi by their fathersD housesFFthe heads of the fathersD houses as they were counted individually by the number of their names# who did the wor1 for the service of the house of the )3+*# from the age of twenty years and above'

For *avid said# :The )3+* (od of 0srael has given rest to 2is "eo"le# that they may dwell in Jerusalem forever:9

Now the sons of 4oses the man of (od were rec1oned to the tribe of )evi'

The sons of 4oses were (ershon and'

and also to the )evites# :They shall no longer carry the tabernacle# or any of the articles for its service':


3f the sons of (ershon# Shebuel was the first'


For by the last words of *avid the )evites were numbered from twenty years old and above9

3f the descendants of +ehabiah was the first' And had no other sons# but the sons of +ehabiah were very many'

3f the sons of 0.har# Shelomith was the first'


because their duty was to hel" the sons of Aaron in the service of the house of the )3+*# in the courts and in the chambers# in the "urifying of all holy things and the wor1 of the service of the house of (od#

3f the sons of 2ebron# Jeriah was the first# Amariah the second# Jaha.iel the third# and Je1ameam the fourth'

both with the showbread and the fine flour for the grain offering# with the unleavened ca1es and what is ba1ed in the "an# with what is mi!ed and with all 1inds of measures and si.es9

3f the sons of A..iel# 4ichah was the first and Jesshiah the second'

The sons of 4erari were 4ahli and 4ushi' The sons of 4ahli were and Kish'

to stand every morning to than1 and "raise the )3+*# and li1ewise at evening9

And died# and had no sons# but only daughters9 and their brethren# the sons of Kish# too1 them as wives'

and at every "resentation of a burnt offering to the )3+* on the Sabbaths and on the New 4oons and on the set feasts# by number according to the ordinance governing them# regularly before the )3+*9


and that they should attend to the needs of the tabernacle of meeting# the needs of the holy "lace# and the needs of the sons of Aaron their brethren in the wor1 of the house of the )3+*'


the third to 2arim# the fourth to Seorim#

the fifth to 4alchi$ah# the si!th to 4i$amin#


24Now these are the divisions of the

sons of Aaron' The sons of Aaron were Nadab# Abihu# and 0thamar'

the seventh to 2a11o.# the eighth to Abi$ah#


the ninth to Jeshua# the tenth to Shecaniah#


And Nadab and Abihu died before their father# and had no children9 therefore and 0thamar ministered as "riests'

the eleventh to Ja1im#


liashib# the twelfth to

Then *avid with 5ado1 of the sons of and Ahimelech of the sons of 0thamar# divided them according to the schedule of their service'

the thirteenth to 2u""ah# fourteenth to Jeshebeab#



the fifteenth to Bilgah# the si!teenth to 0mmer#


There were more leaders found of the sons of than of the sons of 0thamar# and thus they were divided' Among the sons of were si!teen heads of their fathersD houses# and eight heads of their fathersD houses among the sons of 0thamar'

the seventeenth to eighteenth to 2a""i..e.#



the nineteenth to /ethahiah# twentieth to Jehe.e1el#



the twentyFfirst to Jachin# the twentyF second to (amul#


Thus they were divided by lot# one grou" as another# for there were officials of the sanctuary and officials of the house of (od# from the sons of and from the sons of 0thamar'

the twentyFthird to *elaiah# the twentyF fourth to 4aa.iah'


And the scribe# Shemaiah the son of Nethanel# one of the )evites# wrote them down before the 1ing# the leaders# 5ado1 the "riest# Ahimelech the son of Abiathar# and the heads of the fathersD houses of the "riests and )evites# one fatherDs house ta1en for and one for 0thamar'

This was the schedule of their service for coming into the house of the )3+* according to their ordinance by the hand of Aaron their father# as the )3+* (od of 0srael had commanded him'

And the rest of the sons of )evi7 of the sons of Amram# Shubael9 of the sons of Shubael# Jehdeiah'

Now the first lot fell to Jehoiarib# the second to Jedaiah#

-oncerning +ehabiah# of the sons of +ehabiah# the first was 0sshiah'


3f the 0.harites# Shelomoth9 of the sons of Shelomoth# Jahath'


Asa"h were under the direction of Asa"h# who "ro"hesied according to the order of the 1ing'

3f the sons of 2ebron# Jeriah was the first# Amariah the second# Jaha.iel the third# and Je1ameam the fourth'

3f the sons of A..iel# 4ichah9 of the sons of 4ichah# Shamir'


3f Jeduthun# the sons of Jeduthun7 (edaliah# 5eri# Jeshaiah# Shimei# 2ashabiah# and 4attithiah# si!# under the direction of their father Jeduthun# who "ro"hesied with a har" to give than1s and to "raise the )3+*'

The brother of 4ichah# 0sshiah9 of the sons of 0sshiah# 5echariah'


The sons of 4erari were 4ahli and 4ushi9 the son of Jaa.iah# Beno'

3f 2eman# the sons of 2eman7 Bu11iah# 4attaniah# A..iel# Shebuel# Jerimoth# 2ananiah# 2anani# liathah# (iddalti# +omamtiF .er# Joshbe1ashah# 4allothi# 2othir# and 4aha.ioth'

The sons of 4erari by Jaa.iah were Beno# Shoham# 5accur# and 0bri'

3f 4ahli7 who had no sons' 3f Kish7 the son of Kish# Jerahmeel'

All these were the sons of 2eman the 1ingDs seer in the words of (od# to e!alt his horn' For (od gave 2eman fourteen sons and three daughters'



Also the sons of 4ushi were 4ahli# der# and Jerimoth' These were the sons of the )evites according to their fathersD houses'

All these were under the direction of their father for the music in the house of the )3+*# with cymbals# stringed instruments# and har"s# for the service of the house of (od' Asa"h# Jeduthun# and 2eman were under the authority of the 1ing'

These also cast lots $ust as their brothers the sons of Aaron did# in the "resence of King *avid# 5ado1# Ahimelech# and the heads of the fathersD houses of the "riests and )evites' The chief fathers did $ust as their younger brethren'

So the number of them# with their brethren who were instructed in the songs of the )3+*# all who were s1illful# was two hundred and eightyFeight'

254oreover *avid and the ca"tains

of the army se"arated for the service some of the sons of Asa"h# of 2eman# and of Jeduthun# who should "ro"hesy with har"s# stringed instruments# and cymbals' And the number of the s1illed men "erforming their service was7

And they cast lots for their duty# the small as well as the great# the teacher with the student'

Now the first lot for Asa"h came out for Jose"h9 the second for (edaliah# him with his brethren and sons# twelve9

the third for 5accur# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

3f the sons of Asa"h7 5accur# Jose"h# Nethaniah# and Asharelah9 the sons of

the fourth for Ji.ri# his sons and his brethren# twelve9


the fifth for Nethaniah# his sons and his brethren# twelve9


the twentieth for liathah# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

the si!th for Bu11iah# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

the twentyFfirst for 2othir# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

the seventh for Jesharelah# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

the twentyFsecond for (iddalti# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

the eighth for Jeshaiah# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

the twentyFthird for 4aha.ioth# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

the ninth for 4attaniah# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

the twentyFfourth for +omamtiF .er# his sons and his brethren# twelve'

the tenth for Shimei# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

26-oncerning the divisions of the

gate1ee"ers7 of the Korahites# 4eshelemiah the son of Kore# of the sons of Asa"h'

the eleventh for A.arel# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

the twelfth for 2ashabiah# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

the thirteenth for Shubael# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

And the sons of 4eshelemiah were 5echariah the firstborn# Jediael the second# 5ebadiah the third# Jathniel the fourth#

the fourteenth for 4attithiah# his sons and his brethren# twelve9
; ,,

lam the fifth# Jehohanan the si!th# liehoenai the seventh'

the fifteenth for Jeremoth# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

4oreover the sons of 3bedF dom were Shemaiah the firstborn# Jeho.abad the second# Joah the third# Sacar the fourth# Nethanel the fifth#

the si!teenth for 2ananiah# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

the seventeenth for Joshbe1ashah# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

Ammiel the si!th# 0ssachar the seventh# /eulthai the eighth9 for (od blessed him'

the eighteenth for 2anani# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

Also to Shemaiah his son were sons born who governed their fathersD houses# because they were men of great ability'

the nineteenth for 4allothi# his sons and his brethren# twelve9

The sons of Shemaiah were 3thni# +e"hael# 3bed# and l.abad# whose brothers lihu and Semachiah were able men'


All these were of the sons of 3bedF dom# they and their sons and their brethren# able men with strength for the wor17 si!tyFtwo of 3bedF dom'


As for the /arbar on the west# there were four on the highway and two at the /arbar'

And 4eshelemiah had sons brethren# eighteen able men'



These were the divisions of the gate1ee"ers among the sons of Korah and among the sons of 4erari'

Also 2osah# of the children of 4erari# had sons7 Shimri the first Ifor though he was not the firstborn# his father made him the firstJ#

3f the )evites# Ahi$ah was over the treasuries of the house of (od and over the treasuries of the dedicated things'

2il1iah the second# Tebaliah the third# 5echariah the fourth9 all the sons and brethren of 2osah were thirteen'

The sons of )aadan# the descendants of the (ershonites of )aadan# heads of their fathersD houses# of )aadan the (ershonite7 Jehieli'

Among these were the divisions of the gate1ee"ers# among the chief men# having duties $ust li1e their brethren# to serve in the house of the )3+*'

The sons of Jehieli# 5etham and Joel his brother# were over the treasuries of the house of the )3+*'

And they cast lots for each gate# the small as well as the great# according to their fatherDs house'

3f the Amramites# the 0.harites# the 2ebronites# and the A..ielites7


The lot for the ast (ate fell to Shelemiah' Then they cast lots for his son 5echariah# a wise counselor# and his lot came out for the North (ate9

Shebuel the son of (ershom# the son of 4oses# was overseer of the treasuries'

to 3bedF dom the South (ate# and to his sons the storehouse'

And his brethren by were +ehabiah his son# Jeshaiah his son# Joram his son# 5ichri his son# and Shelomith his son'

To Shu""im and 2osah the lot came out for the Best (ate# with the Shallecheth (ate on the ascending highwayFFwatchman o""osite watchman'

This Shelomith and his brethren were over all the treasuries of the dedicated things which King *avid and the heads of fathersD houses# the ca"tains over thousands and hundreds# and the ca"tains of the army# had dedicated'

3n the east were si! )evites# on the north four each day# on the south four each day# and for the storehouse two by two'

Some of the s"oils won in battles they dedicated to maintain the house of the )3+*'

And all that Samuel the seer# Saul the son of Kish# Abner the son of Ner# and Joab the son of 5eruiah had dedicated#

every dedicated thing# was under the hand of Shelomith and his brethren'

he was of the children of /ere.# and the chief of all the ca"tains of the army for the first month'

3f the 0.harites# -henaniah and his sons "erformed duties as officials and $udges over 0srael outside Jerusalem'

3f the 2ebronites# 2ashabiah and his brethren# one thousand seven hundred able men# had the oversight of 0srael on the west side of the Jordan for all the business of the )3+*# and in the service of the 1ing'

3ver the division of the second month was *odai an Ahohite# and of his division 4i1loth also was the leader9 in his division were twentyFfour thousand'

The third ca"tain of the army for the third month was Benaiah# the son of Jehoiada the "riest# who was chief9 in his division were twentyFfour thousand'

Among the 2ebronites# Jeri$ah was head of the 2ebronites according to his genealogy of the fathers' 0n the fortieth year of the reign of *avid they were sought# and there were found among them ca"able men at of (ilead'

This was the Benaiah who was mighty among the thirty# and was over the thirty9 in his division was Ammi.abad his son'

And his brethren were two thousand seven hundred able men# heads of fathersD houses# whom King *avid made officials over the +eubenites# the (adites# and the halfFtribe of 4anasseh# for every matter "ertaining to (od and the affairs of the 1ing'

The fourth ca"tain for the fourth month was Asahel the brother of Joab# and 5ebadiah his son after him9 in his division were twentyFfour thousand'

The fifth ca"tain for the fifth month was Shamhuth the 0.rahite9 in his division were twentyFfour thousand'


the children of 0srael# according to their number# the heads of fathersD houses# the ca"tains of thousands and hundreds and their officers# served the 1ing in every matter of the military divisions' These divisions came in and went out month by month throughout all the months of the year# each division having twentyFfour thousand'

The si!th ca"tain for the si!th month was 0ra the son of 011esh the Te1oite9 in his division were twentyFfour thousand'

The seventh ca"tain for the seventh month was 2ele. the /elonite# of the children of "hraim9 in his division were twentyFfour thousand'

3ver the first division for the first month was Jashobeam the son of 5abdiel# and in his division were twentyFfour thousand9

The eighth ca"tain for the eighth month was Sibbechai the 2ushathite# of the 5arhites9 in his division were twentyF four thousand'

The ninth ca"tain for the ninth month was the Anathothite# of the Ben$amites9 in his division were twentyF four thousand'


The tenth ca"tain for the tenth month was 4aharai the Neto"hathite# of the 5arhites9 in his division were twentyFfour thousand'


But *avid did not ta1e the number of those twenty years old and under# because the )3+* had said 2e would multi"ly 0srael li1e the stars of the heavens'

The eleventh ca"tain for the eleventh month was Benaiah the /irathonite# of the children of "hraim9 in his division were twentyFfour thousand'

The twelfth ca"tain for the twelfth month was 2eldai the Neto"hathite# of 3thniel9 in his division were twentyFfour thousand'

Joab the son of 5eruiah began a census# but he did not finish# for wrath came u"on 0srael because of this census9 nor was the number recorded in the account of the chronicles of King *avid'

Furthermore# over the tribes of 0srael7 the officer over the +eubenites was the son of 5ichri9 over the Simeonites# She"hatiah the son of 4aachah9

And A.maveth the son of Adiel was over the 1ingDs treasuries9 and Jehonathan the son of A..iah was over the storehouses in the field# in the cities# in the villages# and in the fortresses'

over the )evites# 2ashabiah the son of Kemuel9 over the Aaronites# 5ado19

.ri the son of -helub was over those who did the wor1 of the field for tilling the ground'

over Judah# lihu# one of *avidDs brothers9 over 0ssachar# 3mri the son of 4ichael9

And Shimei the +amathite was over the vineyards# and 5abdi the Shi"hmite was over the "roduce of the vineyards for the su""ly of wine'

over 5ebulun# 0shmaiah the son of 3badiah9 over Na"htali# Jerimoth the son of A.riel9

BaalF2anan the (ederite was over the olive trees and the sycamore trees that were in the lowlands# and Joash was over the store of oil'

over the children of "hraim# 2oshea the son of A.a.iah9 over the halfFtribe of 4anasseh# Joel the son of /edaiah9

over the halfFtribe of 4anasseh in (ilead# 0ddo the son of 5echariah9 over Ben$amin# Jaasiel the son of Abner9

And Shitrai the Sharonite was over the herds that fed in Sharon# and Sha"hat the son of Adlai was over the herds that were in the valleys'

over *an# A.arel the son of Jeroham' These were the leaders of the tribes of 0srael'

3bil the 0shmaelite was over the camels# Jehdeiah the 4eronothite was over the don1eys#

and Ja.i. the 2agrite was over the floc1s' All these were the officials over King *avidDs "ro"erty'

Also Jehonathan# *avidDs uncle# was a counselor# a wise man# and a scribe9

and Jehiel the son of 2achmoni was with the 1ingDs sons'


Ahitho"hel was the 1ingDs counselor# and 2ushai the Archite was the 1ingDs com"anion'

And of all my sons Ifor the )3+* has given me many sonsJ 2e has chosen my son Solomon to sit on the throne of the 1ingdom of the )3+* over 0srael'

After Ahitho"hel was Jehoiada the son of Benaiah# then Abiathar' And the general of the 1ingDs army was Joab'

Now 2e said to me# :0t is your son Solomon who shall build 4y house and 4y courts9 for 0 have chosen him to be 4y son# and 0 will be his Father'


*avid assembled at Jerusalem all the leaders of 0srael7 the officers of the tribes and the ca"tains of the divisions who served the 1ing# the ca"tains over thousands and ca"tains over hundreds# and the stewards over all the substance and "ossessions of the 1ing and of his sons# with the officials# the valiant men# and all the mighty men of valor'

4oreover 0 will establish his 1ingdom forever# if he is steadfast to observe 4y commandments and 4y $udgments# as it is this day'D

Now therefore# in the sight of all 0srael# the assembly of the )3+*# and in the hearing of our (od# be careful to see1 out all the commandments of the )3+* your (od# that you may "ossess this good land# and leave it as an inheritance for your children after you forever'

Then King *avid rose to his feet and said# :2ear me# my brethren and my "eo"le7 0 had it in my heart to build a house of rest for the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+*# and for the footstool of our (od# and had made "re"arations to build it'

:As for you# my son Solomon# 1now the (od of your father# and serve 2im with a loyal heart and with a willing mind9 for the )3+* searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts' 0f you see1 2im# 2e will be found by you9 but if you forsa1e 2im# 2e will cast you off forever'

But (od said to me# :Cou shall not build a house for 4y name# because you have been a man of war and have shed blood'D

-onsider now# for the )3+* has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary9 be strong# and do it':

2owever the )3+* (od of 0srael chose me above all the house of my father to be 1ing over 0srael forever# for 2e has chosen Judah to be the ruler' And of the house of Judah# the house of my father# and among the sons of my father# 2e was "leased with me to ma1e me 1ing over all 0srael'

Then *avid gave his son Solomon the "lans for the vestibule# its houses# its treasuries# its u""er chambers# its inner chambers# and the "lace of the mercy seat9

and the "lans for all that he had by the S"irit# of the courts of the house of the )3+*# of all the chambers all around# of the treasuries of the house of (od# and of the treasuries for the dedicated things9


also for the division of the "riests and the )evites# for all the wor1 of the service of the house of the )3+*# and for all the articles of service in the house of the )3+*'


2e gave gold by weight for things gold# for all articles used in every 1ind service9 also silver for all articles silver by weight# for all articles used every 1ind of service9

of of of in

2ere are the divisions of the "riests and the )evites for all the service of the house of (od9 and every willing craftsman will be with you for all manner of wor1manshi"# for every 1ind of service9 also the leaders and all the "eo"le will be com"letely at your command':

29Furthermore King *avid said to all

the assembly7 :4y son Solomon# whom alone (od has chosen# is young and ine!"erienced9 and the wor1 is great# because the tem"le is not for man but for the )3+* (od'

the weight for the lam"stands of gold# and their lam"s of gold# by weight for each lam"stand and its lam"s9 for the lam"stands of silver by weight# for the lam"stand and its lam"s# according to the use of each lam"stand'

And by weight he gave gold for the tables of the showbread# for each table# and silver for the tables of silver9

also "ure gold for the for1s# the basins# the "itchers of "ure gold# and the golden bowlsFFhe gave gold by weight for every bowl9 and for the silver bowls# silver by weight for every bowl9

Now for the house of my (od 0 have "re"ared with all my might7 gold for things to be made of gold# silver for things of silver# bron.e for things of bron.e# iron for things of iron# wood for things of wood# ony! stones# stones to be set# glistening stones of various colors# all 1inds of "recious stones# and marble slabs in abundance'

and refined gold by weight for the altar of incense# and for the construction of the chariot# that is# the gold cherubim that s"read their wings and overshadowed the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+*'

4oreover# because 0 have set my affection on the house of my (od# 0 have given to the house of my (od# over and above all that 0 have "re"ared for the holy house# my own s"ecial treasure of gold and silver7

:All this#: said *avid# :the )3+* made me understand in writing# by 2is hand u"on me# all the wor1s of these "lans':

three thousand talents of gold# of the gold of 3"hir# and seven thousand talents of refined silver# to overlay the walls of the houses9

And *avid said to his son Solomon# :Be strong and of good courage# and do it9 do not fear nor be dismayed# for the )3+* (odFFmy (odFFwill be with you' 2e will not leave you nor forsa1e you# until you have finished all the wor1 for the service of the house of the )3+*'

the gold for things of gold and the silver for things of silver# and for all 1inds of wor1 to be done by the hands of craftsmen' Bho then is willing to consecrate himself this day to the )3+*E:

Then the leaders of the fathersD houses# leaders of the tribes of 0srael# the

ca"tains of thousands and of hundreds# with the officers over the 1ingDs wor1# offered willingly'


For we are aliens and "ilgrims before Cou# As were all our fathers9 3ur days on earth are as a shadow# And without ho"e'

They gave for the wor1 of the house of (od five thousand talents and ten thousand darics of gold# ten thousand talents of silver# eighteen thousand talents of bron.e# and one hundred thousand talents of iron'

:3 )3+* our (od# all this abundance that we have "re"ared to build Cou a house for Cour holy name is from Cour hand# and is all Cour own'

And whoever had "recious stones gave them to the treasury of the house of the )3+*# into the hand of Jehiel the (ershonite'

Then the "eo"le re$oiced# for they had offered willingly# because with a loyal heart they had offered willingly to the )3+*9 and King *avid also re$oiced greatly'

0 1now also# my (od# that Cou test the heart and have "leasure in u"rightness' As for me# in the u"rightness of my heart 0 have willingly offered all these things9 and now with $oy 0 have seen Cour "eo"le# who are "resent here to offer willingly to Cou'

Therefore *avid blessed the )3+* before all the assembly9 and *avid said7 :Blessed are Cou# )3+* (od of 0srael# our Father# forever and ever'

3 )3+* (od of Abraham# 0saac# and 0srael# our fathers# 1ee" this forever in the intent of the thoughts of the heart of Cour "eo"le# and fi! their heart toward Cou'

Cours# 3 )3+*# is the greatness# The "ower and the glory# The victory and the ma$esty9 For all that is in heaven and in earth is Cours9 Cours is the 1ingdom# 3 )3+*# And Cou are e!alted as head over all'

And give my son Solomon a loyal heart to 1ee" Cour commandments and Cour testimonies and Cour statutes# to do all these things# and to build the tem"le for which 0 have made "rovision':

Both riches and honor come from Cou# And Cou reign over all' 0n Cour hand is "ower and might9 0n Cour hand it is to ma1e great And to give strength to all'

Then *avid said to all the assembly# :Now bless the )3+* your (od': So all the assembly blessed the )3+* (od of their fathers# and bowed their heads and "rostrated themselves before the )3+* and the 1ing'

:Now therefore# our (od# Be than1 Cou And "raise Cour glorious name'

But who am 0# and who are my "eo"le# That we should be able to offer so willingly as thisE For all things come from Cou# And of Cour own we have given Cou'

And they made sacrifices to the )3+* and offered burnt offerings to the )3+* on the ne!t day7 a thousand bulls# a thousand rams# a thousand lambs# with their drin1 offerings# and sacrifices in abundance for all 0srael'

So they ate and dran1 before the )3+* with great gladness on that day' And they made Solomon the son of *avid 1ing the second time# and

anointed him before the )3+* to be the leader# and 5ado1 to be "riest'


Then Solomon sat on the throne of the )3+* as 1ing instead of *avid his father# and "ros"ered9 and all 0srael obeyed him'

And the "eriod that he reigned over 0srael was forty years9 seven years he reigned in 2ebron# and thirtyFthree years he reigned in Jerusalem'

So he died in a good old age# full of days and riches and honor9 and Solomon his son reigned in his "lace'

All the leaders and the mighty men# and also all the sons of King *avid# submitted themselves to King Solomon'

So the )3+* e!alted Solomon e!ceedingly in the sight of all 0srael# and bestowed on him such royal ma$esty as had not been on any 1ing before him in 0srael'

Now the acts of King *avid# first and last# indeed they are written in the boo1 of Samuel the seer# in the boo1 of Nathan the "ro"het# and in the boo1 of (ad the seer#

with all his reign and his might# and the events that ha""ened to him# to 0srael# and to all the 1ingdoms of the lands'

Thus *avid the son of Jesse reigned over all 0srael'

#nd %hronicles 1Now Solomon the son of *avid was

strengthened in his 1ingdom# and the )3+* his (od was with him and e!alted him e!ceedingly'

have made me 1ing over a "eo"le li1e the dust of the earth in multitude'

And Solomon s"o1e to all 0srael# to the ca"tains of thousands and of hundreds# to the $udges# and to every leader in all 0srael# the heads of the fathersD houses'

Now give me wisdom and 1nowledge# that 0 may go out and come in before this "eo"le9 for who can $udge this great "eo"le of CoursE:

Then Solomon# and all the assembly with him# went to the high "lace that was at (ibeon9 for the tabernacle of meeting with (od was there# which 4oses the servant of the )3+* had made in the wilderness'

Then (od said to Solomon7 :Because this was in your heart# and you have not as1ed riches or wealth or honor or the life of your enemies# nor have you as1ed long lifeFFbut have as1ed wisdom and 1nowledge for yourself# that you may $udge 4y "eo"le over whom 0 have made you 1ingFF

But *avid had brought u" the ar1 of (od from Kir$ath Jearim to the "lace *avid had "re"ared for it# for he had "itched a tent for it at Jerusalem'

wisdom and 1nowledge are granted to you9 and 0 will give you riches and wealth and honor# such as none of the 1ings have had who were before you# nor shall any after you have the li1e':

Now the bron.e altar that Be.alel the son of Ari# the son of 2ur# had made# he "ut before the tabernacle of the )3+*9 Solomon and the assembly sought 2im there'

So Solomon came to Jerusalem from the high "lace that was at (ibeon# from before the tabernacle of meeting# and reigned over 0srael'

And Solomon went u" there to the bron.e altar before the )3+*# which was at the tabernacle of meeting# and offered a thousand burnt offerings on it'

And Solomon gathered chariots and horsemen9 he had one thousand four hundred chariots and twelve thousand horsemen# whom he stationed in the chariot cities and with the 1ing in Jerusalem'

3n that night (od a""eared to Solomon# and said to him# :As1H Bhat shall 0 give youE:

And Solomon said to (od7 :Cou have shown great mercy to *avid my father# and have made me 1ing in his "lace'

Also the 1ing made silver and gold as common in Jerusalem as stones# and he made cedars as abundant as the sycamores which are in the lowland'

Now# 3 )3+* (od# let Cour "romise to *avid my father be established# for Cou

And Solomon had horses im"orted from gy"t and Keveh9 the 1ingDs merchants bought them in Keveh at the current "rice'


They also acGuired and im"orted from gy"t a chariot for si! hundred she1els of silver# and a horse for one hundred and fifty9 thus# through their agents# they e!"orted them to all the 1ings of the 2ittites and the 1ings of Syria'

Judah and Jerusalem# whom *avid my father "rovided'


2Then Solomon determined to build a

tem"le for the name of the )3+*# and a royal house for himself'

Also send me cedar and cy"ress and algum logs from )ebanon# for 0 1now that your servants have s1ill to cut timber in )ebanon9 and indeed my servants will be with your servants#

to "re"are timber for me in abundance# for the tem"le which 0 am about to build shall be great and wonderful'

Solomon selected seventy thousand men to bear burdens# eighty thousand to Guarry stone in the mountains# and three thousand si! hundred to oversee them'

Then Solomon sent to 2iram 1ing of Tyre# saying7 ; As you have dealt with *avid my father# and sent him cedars to build himself a house to dwell in# so deal with me'

And indeed 0 will give to your servants# the woodsmen who cut timber# twenty thousand 1ors of ground wheat# twenty thousand 1ors of barley# twenty thousand baths of wine# and twenty thousand baths of oil'

Behold# 0 am building a tem"le for the name of the )3+* my (od# to dedicate it to 2im# to burn before 2im sweet incense# for the continual showbread# for the burnt offerings morning and evening# on the Sabbaths# on the New 4oons# and on the set feasts of the )3+* our (od' This is an ordinance forever to 0srael'

Then 2iram 1ing of Tyre answered in writing# which he sent to Solomon7 ; Because the )3+* loves 2is "eo"le# 2e has made you 1ing over them'

2iram also said7 ; Blessed be the )3+* (od of 0srael# who made heaven and earth# for 2e has given King *avid a wise son# endowed with "rudence and understanding# who will build a tem"le for the )3+* and a royal house for himselfH

And the tem"le which 0 build will be great# for our (od is greater than all gods'

And now 0 have sent a s1illful man# endowed with understanding# 2uram my master craftsman

But who is able to build 2im a tem"le# since heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain 2imE Bho am 0 then# that 0 should build 2im a tem"le# e!ce"t to burn sacrifice before 2imE

Therefore send me at once a man s1illful to wor1 in gold and silver# in bron.e and iron# in "ur"le and crimson and blue# who has s1ill to engrave with the s1illful men who are with me in

Ithe son of a woman of the daughters of *an# and his father was a man of TyreJ# s1illed to wor1 in gold and silver# bron.e and iron# stone and wood# "ur"le and blue# fine linen and crimson# and to ma1e any engraving and to accom"lish any "lan which may be given to him# with your s1illful men and with the s1illful men of my lord *avid your father'


Now therefore# the wheat# the barley# the oil# and the wine which my lord has s"o1en of# let him send to his servants'


The larger room he "aneled with cy"ress which he overlaid with fine gold# and he carved "alm trees and chainwor1 on it'

And we will cut wood from )ebanon# as much as you need9 we will bring it to you in rafts by sea to Jo""a# and you will carry it u" to Jerusalem'

And he decorated the house with "recious stones for beauty# and the gold was gold from /arvaim'

Then Solomon numbered all the aliens who were in the land of 0srael# after the census in which *avid his father had numbered them9 and there were found to be one hundred and fiftyFthree thousand si! hundred'

2e also overlaid the houseFFthe beams and door"osts# its walls and doorsFFwith gold9 and he carved cherubim on the walls'

And he made seventy thousand of them bearers of burdens# eighty thousand stonecutters in the mountain# and three thousand si! hundred overseers to ma1e the "eo"le wor1'

And he made the 4ost 2oly /lace' 0ts length was according to the width of the house# twenty cubits# and its width twenty cubits' 2e overlaid it with si! hundred talents of fine gold'

3Now Solomon

The weight of the nails was fifty she1els of gold9 and he overlaid the u""er area with gold'

began to build the house of the )3+* at Jerusalem on 4ount 4oriah# where the )3+* had a""eared to his father *avid# at the "lace that *avid had "re"ared on the threshing floor of 3rnan the Jebusite'

0n the 4ost 2oly /lace he made two cherubim# fashioned by carving# and overlaid them with gold'

And he began to build on the second day of the second month in the fourth year of his reign'

The wings of the cherubim were twenty cubits in overall length7 one wing of the one cherub was five cubits# touching the wall of the room# and the other wing was five cubits# touching the wing of the other cherub9

This is the foundation which Solomon laid for building the house of (od7 The length was si!ty cubits Iby cubits according to the former measureJ and the width twenty cubits'

one wing of the other cherub was five cubits# touching the wall of the room# and the other wing also was five cubits# touching the wing of the other cherub'

And the vestibule that was in front of the sanctuary was twenty cubits long across the width of the house# and the height was one hundred and twenty' 2e overlaid the inside with "ure gold'

The wings of these cherubim s"anned twenty cubits overall' They stood on their feet# and they faced inward'

And he made the veil of blue# "ur"le# crimson# and fine linen# and wove cherubim into it'


Also he made in front of the tem"le two "illars thirtyFfive cubits high# and the ca"ital that was on the to" of each of them was five cubits'

wash in them9 such things as they offered for the burnt offering they would wash in them# but the Sea was for the "riests to wash in'

2e made wreaths of chainwor1# as in the inner sanctuary# and "ut them on to" of the "illars9 and he made one hundred "omegranates# and "ut them on the wreaths of chainwor1'

And he made ten lam"stands of gold according to their design# and set them in the tem"le# five on the right side and five on the left'

Then he set u" the "illars before the tem"le# one on the right hand and the other on the left9 he called the name of the one on the right hand Jachin# and the name of the one on the left Boa.'

2e also made ten tables# and "laced them in the tem"le# five on the right side and five on the left' And he made one hundred bowls of gold'

44oreover he made a bron.e altar7

twenty cubits was its length# twenty cubits its width# and ten cubits its height'

Furthermore he made the court of the "riests# and the great court and doors for the court9 and he overlaid these doors with bron.e'

2e set the Sea on the right side# toward the southeast'


Then he made the Sea of cast bron.e# ten cubits from one brim to the other9 it was com"letely round' 0ts height was five cubits# and a line of thirty cubits measured its circumference'

Then 2uram made the "ots and the shovels and the bowls' So 2uram finished doing the wor1 that he was to do for King Solomon for the house of (od7

And under it was the li1eness of o!en encircling it all around# ten to a cubit# all the way around the Sea' The o!en were cast in two rows# when it was cast'

0t stood on twelve o!en7 three loo1ing toward the north# three loo1ing toward the west# three loo1ing toward the south# and three loo1ing toward the east9 the Sea was set u"on them# and all their bac1 "arts "ointed inward'

the two "illars and the bowlFsha"ed ca"itals that were on to" of the two "illars9 the two networ1s covering the two bowlFsha"ed ca"itals which were on to" of the "illars9

four hundred "omegranates for the two networ1s Itwo rows of "omegranates for each networ1# to cover the two bowlF sha"ed ca"itals that were on the "illarsJ9

0t was a handbreadth thic19 and its brim was sha"ed li1e the brim of a cu"# li1e a lily blossom' 0t contained three thousand baths'

he also made carts and the lavers on the carts9


one Sea and twelve o!en under it9

2e also made ten lavers# and "ut five on the right side and five on the left# to


also the "ots# the shovels# the for1sFF and all their articles 2uram his master

craftsman made of burnished bron.e for King Solomon for the house of the )3+*'

Therefore all the men of 0srael assembled with the 1ing at the feast# which was in the seventh month'

0n the "lain of Jordan the 1ing had them cast in clay molds# between Succoth and 5eredah'

So all the elders of 0srael came# and the )evites too1 u" the ar1'

And Solomon had all these articles made in such great abundance that the weight of the bron.e was not determined'

Then they brought u" the ar1# the tabernacle of meeting# and all the holy furnishings that were in the tabernacle' The "riests and the )evites brought them u"'

Thus Solomon had all the furnishings made for the house of (od7 the altar of gold and the tables on which was the showbread9

the lam"stands with their lam"s of "ure gold# to burn in the "rescribed manner in front of the inner sanctuary#

Also King Solomon# and all the congregation of 0srael who were assembled with him before the ar1# were sacrificing shee" and o!en that could not be counted or numbered for multitude'

with the flowers and the lam"s and the wic1Ftrimmers of gold# of "urest gold9

Then the "riests brought in the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* to its "lace# into the inner sanctuary of the tem"le# to the 4ost 2oly /lace# under the wings of the cherubim'

the trimmers# the bowls# the ladles# and the censers of "ure gold' As for the entry of the sanctuary# its inner doors to the 4ost 2oly /lace# and the doors of the main hall of the tem"le# were gold'

For the cherubim s"read their wings over the "lace of the ar1# and the cherubim overshadowed the ar1 and its "oles'

5So all the wor1 that Solomon had

done for the house of the )3+* was finished9 and Solomon brought in the things which his father *avid had dedicated7 the silver and the gold and all the furnishings' And he "ut them in the treasuries of the house of (od'

The "oles e!tended so that the ends of the "oles of the ar1 could be seen from the holy "lace# in front of the inner sanctuary9 but they could not be seen from outside' And they are there to this day'

Now Solomon assembled the elders of 0srael and all the heads of the tribes# the chief fathers of the children of 0srael# in Jerusalem# that they might bring the ar1 of the covenant of the )3+* u" from the -ity of *avid# which is 5ion'

Nothing was in the ar1 e!ce"t the two tablets which 4oses "ut there at 2oreb# when the )3+* made a covenant with the children of 0srael# when they had come out of gy"t'

And it came to "ass when the "riests came out of the 4ost 2oly /lace Ifor all the "riests who were "resent had

sanctified themselves# without 1ee"ing to their divisionsJ#



and the )evites who were the singers# all those of Asa"h and 2eman and Jeduthun# with their sons and their brethren# stood at the east end of the altar# clothed in white linen# having cymbals# stringed instruments and har"s# and with them one hundred and twenty "riests sounding with trum"etsFF

:Since the day that 0 brought 4y "eo"le out of the land of gy"t# 0 have chosen no city from any tribe of 0srael in which to build a house# that 4y name might be there# nor did 0 choose any man to be a ruler over 4y "eo"le 0srael'

Cet 0 have chosen Jerusalem# that 4y name may be there# and 0 have chosen *avid to be over 4y "eo"le 0srael'D

indeed it came to "ass# when the trum"eters and singers were as one# to ma1e one sound to be heard in "raising and than1ing the )3+*# and when they lifted u" their voice with the trum"ets and cymbals and instruments of music# and "raised the )3+*# saying7 :For 2e is good# For 2is mercy endures forever#: that the house# the house of the )3+*# was filled with a cloud#

Now it was in the heart of my father *avid to build a tem"le for the name of the )3+* (od of 0srael'

But the )3+* said to my father *avid# :Bhereas it was in your heart to build a tem"le for 4y name# you did well in that it was in your heart'

so that the "riests could not continue ministering because of the cloud9 for the glory of the )3+* filled the house of (od'

Nevertheless you shall not build the tem"le# but your son who will come from your body# he shall build the tem"le for 4y name'D

6Then Solomon s"o1e7 :The )3+*

said 2e would dwell in the dar1 cloud'

So the )3+* has fulfilled 2is word which 2e s"o1e# and 0 have filled the "osition of my father *avid# and sit on the throne of 0srael# as the )3+* "romised9 and 0 have built the tem"le for the name of the )3+* (od of 0srael'

0 have surely built Cou an e!alted house# And a "lace for Cou to dwell in forever':

And there 0 have "ut the ar1# in which is the covenant of the )3+* which 2e made with the children of 0srael':

Then the 1ing turned around and blessed the whole assembly of 0srael# while all the assembly of 0srael was standing'

Then Solomon stood before the altar of the )3+* in the "resence of all the assembly of 0srael# and s"read out his hands

And he said7 :Blessed be the )3+* (od of 0srael# who has fulfilled with 2is hands what 2e s"o1e with 2is mouth to my father *avid# saying#

Ifor Solomon had made a bron.e "latform five cubits long# five cubits wide# and three cubits high# and had set it in the midst of the court9 and he stood on it# 1nelt down on his 1nees before all the assembly of 0srael# and s"read out his hands toward heavenJ9


and he said7 :)3+* (od of 0srael# there is no (od in heaven or on earth li1e Cou# who 1ee" Cour covenant and mercy with Cour servants who wal1 before Cou with all their hearts'


:0f anyone sins against his neighbor# and is forced to ta1e an oath# and comes and ta1es an oath before Cour altar in this tem"le#

Cou have 1e"t what Cou "romised Cour servant *avid my father9 Cou have both s"o1en with Cour mouth and fulfilled it with Cour hand# as it is this day'

then hear from heaven# and act# and $udge Cour servants# bringing retribution on the wic1ed by bringing his way on his own head# and $ustifying the righteous by giving him according to his righteousness'

Therefore# )3+* (od of 0srael# now 1ee" what Cou "romised Cour servant *avid my father# saying# :Cou shall not fail to have a man sit before 4e on the throne of 0srael# only if your sons ta1e heed to their way# that they wal1 in 4y law as you have wal1ed before 4e'D

:3r if Cour "eo"le 0srael are defeated before an enemy because they have sinned against Cou# and return and confess Cour name# and "ray and ma1e su""lication before Cou in this tem"le#

And now# 3 )3+* (od of 0srael# let Cour word come true# which Cou have s"o1en to Cour servant *avid'

then hear from heaven and forgive the sin of Cour "eo"le 0srael# and bring them bac1 to the land which Cou gave to them and their fathers'

:But will (od indeed dwell with men on the earthE Behold# heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Cou' 2ow much less this tem"le which 0 have builtH

:Bhen the heavens are shut u" and there is no rain because they have sinned against Cou# when they "ray toward this "lace and confess Cour name# and turn from their sin because Cou afflict them#

Cet regard the "rayer of Cour servant and his su""lication# 3 )3+* my (od# and listen to the cry and the "rayer which Cour servant is "raying before Cou7

then hear in heaven# and forgive the sin of Cour servants# Cour "eo"le 0srael# that Cou may teach them the good way in which they should wal19 and send rain on Cour land which Cou have given to Cour "eo"le as an inheritance'

that Cour eyes may be o"en toward this tem"le day and night# toward the "lace where Cou said Cou would "ut Cour name# that Cou may hear the "rayer which Cour servant ma1es toward this "lace'

:Bhen there is famine in the land# "estilence or blight or mildew# locusts or grassho""ers9 when their enemies besiege them in the land of their cities9 whatever "lague or whatever sic1ness there is9

And may Cou hear the su""lications of Cour servant and of Cour "eo"le 0srael# when they "ray toward this "lace' 2ear from heaven Cour dwelling "lace# and when Cou hear# forgive'

whatever "rayer# whatever su""lication is made by anyone# or by all Cour "eo"le 0srael# when each one 1nows his

own burden and his own grief# and s"reads out his hands to this tem"le7

then hear from heaven Cour dwelling "lace# and forgive# and give to everyone according to all his ways# whose heart Cou 1now Ifor Cou alone 1now the hearts of the sons of menJ#

ca"tive# and re"ent# and ma1e su""lication to Cou in the land of their ca"tivity# saying# :Be have sinned# we have done wrong# and have committed wic1ednessD9

that they may fear Cou# to wal1 in Cour ways as long as they live in the land which Cou gave to our fathers'

:4oreover# concerning a foreigner# who is not of Cour "eo"le 0srael# but has come from a far country for the sa1e of Cour great name and Cour mighty hand and Cour outstretched arm# when they come and "ray in this tem"le9

and when they return to Cou with all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their ca"tivity# where they have been carried ca"tive# and "ray toward their land which Cou gave to their fathers# the city which Cou have chosen# and toward the tem"le which 0 have built for Cour name7

then hear from heaven Cour dwelling "lace their "rayer and their su""lications# and maintain their cause# and forgive Cour "eo"le who have sinned against Cou'

then hear from heaven Cour dwelling "lace# and do according to all for which the foreigner calls to Cou# that all "eo"les of the earth may 1now Cour name and fear Cou# as do Cour "eo"le 0srael# and that they may 1now that this tem"le which 0 have built is called by Cour name'

Now# my (od# 0 "ray# let Cour eyes be o"en and let Cour ears be attentive to the "rayer made in this "lace'

:Bhen Cour "eo"le go out to battle against their enemies# wherever Cou send them# and when they "ray to Cou toward this city which Cou have chosen and the tem"le which 0 have built for Cour name#

:Now therefore# Arise# 3 )3+* (od# to Cour resting "lace# Cou and the ar1 of Cour strength' )et Cour "riests# 3 )3+* (od# be clothed with salvation# And let Cour saints re$oice in goodness'

:3 )3+* (od# do not turn away the face of Cour Anointed9 +emember the mercies of Cour servant *avid':

then hear from heaven their "rayer and their su""lication# and maintain their cause'

7Bhen Solomon had finished "raying#

fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices9 and the glory of the )3+* filled the tem"le'

:Bhen they sin against Cou Ifor there is no one who does not sinJ# and Cou become angry with them and deliver them to the enemy# and they ta1e them ca"tive to a land far or near9

yet when they come to themselves in the land where they were carried

And the "riests could not enter the house of the )3+*# because the glory of the )3+* had filled the )3+*Ds house'

Bhen all the children of 0srael saw how the fire came down# and the glory of the )3+* on the tem"le# they bowed their faces to the ground on the "avement# and worshi"ed and "raised the )3+*# saying7 :For 2e is good# For 2is mercy endures forever':

tents# $oyful and glad of heart for the good that the )3+* had done for *avid# for Solomon# and for 2is "eo"le 0srael'

Then the 1ing and all the "eo"le offered sacrifices before the )3+*'

Thus Solomon finished the house of the )3+* and the 1ingDs house9 and Solomon successfully accom"lished all that came into his heart to ma1e in the house of the )3+* and in his own house'

King Solomon offered a sacrifice of twentyFtwo thousand bulls and one hundred and twenty thousand shee"' So the 1ing and all the "eo"le dedicated the house of (od'

Then the )3+* a""eared to Solomon by night# and said to him7 :0 have heard your "rayer# and have chosen this "lace for 4yself as a house of sacrifice'

And the "riests attended to their services9 the )evites also with instruments of the music of the )3+*# which King *avid had made to "raise the )3+*# saying# :For 2is mercy endures forever#: whenever *avid offered "raise by their ministry' The "riests sounded trum"ets o""osite them# while all 0srael stood'

Bhen 0 shut u" heaven and there is no rain# or command the locusts to devour the land# or send "estilence among 4y "eo"le#

if 4y "eo"le who are called by 4y name will humble themselves# and "ray and see1 4y face# and turn from their wic1ed ways# then 0 will hear from heaven# and will forgive their sin and heal their land'

Furthermore Solomon consecrated the middle of the court that was in front of the house of the )3+*9 for there he offered burnt offerings and the fat of the "eace offerings# because the bron.e altar which Solomon had made was not able to receive the burnt offerings# the grain offerings# and the fat'

Now 4y eyes will be o"en and 4y ears attentive to "rayer made in this "lace'

For now 0 have chosen and sanctified this house# that 4y name may be there forever9 and 4y eyes and 4y heart will be there "er"etually'

At that time Solomon 1e"t the feast seven days# and all 0srael with him# a very great assembly from the entrance of 2amath to the Broo1 of gy"t'

And on the eighth day they held a sacred assembly# for they observed the dedication of the altar seven days# and the feast seven days'

As for you# if you wal1 before 4e as your father *avid wal1ed# and do according to all that 0 have commanded you# and if you 1ee" 4y statutes and 4y $udgments#

3n the twentyFthird day of the seventh month he sent the "eo"le away to their

then 0 will establish the throne of your 1ingdom# as 0 covenanted with *avid your father# saying# :Cou shall not fail to have a man as ruler in 0srael'D


:But if you turn away and forsa1e 4y statutes and 4y commandments which 0 have set before you# and go and serve other gods# and worshi" them#


then 0 will u"root them from 4y land which 0 have given them9 and this house which 0 have sanctified for 4y name 0 will cast out of 4y sight# and will ma1e it a "roverb and a byword among all "eo"les'

also Baalath and all the storage cities that Solomon had# and all the chariot cities and the cities of the cavalry# and all that Solomon desired to build in Jerusalem# in )ebanon# and in all the land of his dominion'

All the "eo"le who were left of the 2ittites# Amorites# /eri..ites# 2ivites# and Jebusites# who were not of 0sraelFF

:And as for this house# which is e!alted# everyone who "asses by it will be astonished and say# :Bhy has the )3+* done thus to this land and this houseED

that is# their descendants who were left in the land after them# whom the children of 0srael did not destroyFFfrom these Solomon raised forced labor# as it is to this day'

Then they will answer# :Because they forsoo1 the )3+* (od of their fathers# who brought them out of the land of gy"t# and embraced other gods# and worshi"ed them and served them9 therefore 2e has brought all this calamity on them':D

But Solomon did not ma1e the children of 0srael servants for his wor1' Some were men of war# ca"tains of his officers# ca"tains of his chariots# and his cavalry'

And others were chiefs of the officials of King Solomon7 two hundred and fifty# who ruled over the "eo"le'

80t came to "ass at the end of twenty

years# when Solomon had built the house of the )3+* and his own house#

that the cities which 2iram had given to Solomon# Solomon built them9 and he settled the children of 0srael there'

Now Solomon brought the daughter of /haraoh u" from the -ity of *avid to the house he had built for her# for he said# :4y wife shall not dwell in the house of *avid 1ing of 0srael# because the "laces to which the ar1 of the )3+* has come are holy':

And Solomon went to 2amath 5obah and sei.ed it'


Then Solomon offered burnt offerings to the )3+* on the altar of the )3+* which he had built before the vestibule#

2e also built Tadmor in the wilderness# and all the storage cities which he built in 2amath'

2e built A""er Beth 2oron and )ower Beth 2oron# fortified cities with walls# gates# and bars#

according to the daily rate# offering according to the commandment of 4oses# for the Sabbaths# the New 4oons# and the three a""ointed yearly feastsFFthe Feast of Anleavened Bread# the Feast of Bee1s# and the Feast of Tabernacles'


And# according to the order of *avid his father# he a""ointed the divisions of the "riests for their service# the )evites for their duties Ito "raise and serve before the "riestsJ as the duty of each day reGuired# and the gate1ee"ers by their divisions at each gate9 for so *avid the man of (od had commanded'

And when the Gueen of Sheba had seen the wisdom of Solomon# the house that he had built#

They did not de"art from the command of the 1ing to the "riests and )evites concerning any matter or concerning the treasuries'

the food on his table# the seating of his servants# the service of his waiters and their a""arel# his cu"bearers and their a""arel# and his entryway by which he went u" to the house of the )3+*# there was no more s"irit in her'

Then she said to the 1ing7 :0t was a true re"ort which 0 heard in my own land about your words and your wisdom'

Now all the wor1 of Solomon was wellF ordered from the day of the foundation of the house of the )3+* until it was finished' So the house of the )3+* was com"leted'

2owever 0 did not believe their words until 0 came and saw with my own eyes9 and indeed the half of the greatness of your wisdom was not told me' Cou e!ceed the fame of which 0 heard'

Then Solomon went to .ion (eber and lath on the seacoast# in the land of dom'

And 2iram sent him shi"s by the hand of his servants# and servants who 1new the sea' They went with the servants of Solomon to 3"hir# and acGuired four hundred and fifty talents of gold from there# and brought it to King Solomon'

2a""y are your men and ha""y are these your servants# who stand continually before you and hear your wisdomH

9Now when the Gueen of Sheba heard

of the fame of Solomon# she came to Jerusalem to test Solomon with hard Guestions# having a very great retinue# camels that bore s"ices# gold in abundance# and "recious stones9 and when she came to Solomon# she s"o1e with him about all that was in her heart'

Blessed be the )3+* your (od# who delighted in you# setting you on 2is throne to be 1ing for the )3+* your (odH Because your (od has loved 0srael# to establish them forever# therefore 2e made you 1ing over them# to do $ustice and righteousness':

And she gave the 1ing one hundred and twenty talents of gold# s"ices in great abundance# and "recious stones9 there never were any s"ices such as those the Gueen of Sheba gave to King Solomon'

So Solomon answered all her Guestions9 there was nothing so difficult for Solomon that he could not e!"lain it to her'

Also# the servants of 2iram and the servants of Solomon# who brought gold from 3"hir# brought algum wood and "recious stones'

And the 1ing made wal1ways of the algum wood for the house of the )3+*

and for the 1ingDs house# also har"s and stringed instruments for singers9 and there were none such as these seen before in the land of Judah'

was accounted as nothing in the days of Solomon'


Now King Solomon gave to the Gueen of Sheba all she desired# whatever she as1ed# much more than she had brought to the 1ing' So she turned and went to her own country# she and her servants'

For the 1ingDs shi"s went to Tarshish with the servants of 2iram' 3nce every three years the merchant shi"s came# bringing gold# silver# ivory# a"es# and mon1eys'

So King Solomon sur"assed all the 1ings of the earth in riches and wisdom'

The weight of gold that came to Solomon yearly was si! hundred and si!tyFsi! talents of gold#

And all the 1ings of the earth sought the "resence of Solomon to hear his wisdom# which (od had "ut in his heart'

besides what the traveling merchants and traders brought' And all the 1ings of Arabia and governors of the country brought gold and silver to Solomon'

ach man brought his "resent7 articles of silver and gold# garments# armor# s"ices# horses# and mules# at a set rate year by year'

And King Solomon made two hundred large shields of hammered gold9 si! hundred she1els of hammered gold went into each shield'

2e also made three hundred shields of hammered gold9 three hundred she1els of gold went into each shield' The 1ing "ut them in the 2ouse of the Forest of )ebanon'

Solomon had four thousand stalls for horses and chariots# and twelve thousand horsemen whom he stationed in the chariot cities and with the 1ing at Jerusalem'

So he reigned over all the 1ings from the +iver to the land of the /hilistines# as far as the border of gy"t'

4oreover the 1ing made a great throne of ivory# and overlaid it with "ure gold'

The throne had si! ste"s# with a footstool of gold# which were fastened to the throne9 there were armrests on either side of the "lace of the seat# and two lions stood beside the armrests'

The 1ing made silver as common in Jerusalem as stones# and he made cedar trees as abundant as the sycamores which are in the lowland'

And they brought horses to Solomon from gy"t and from all lands'

Twelve lions stood there# one on each side of the si! ste"s9 nothing li1e this had been made for any other 1ingdom'

All King SolomonDs drin1ing vessels were gold# and all the vessels of the 2ouse of the Forest of )ebanon were "ure gold' Not one was silver# for this

Now the rest of the acts of Solomon# first and last# are they not written in the boo1 of Nathan the "ro"het# in the "ro"hecy of Ahi$ah the Shilonite# and in the visions of 0ddo the seer concerning Jeroboam the son of NebatE


Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all 0srael forty years'



Then Solomon rested with his fathers# and was buried in the -ity of *avid his father' And +ehoboam his son reigned in his "lace'

But he re$ected the advice which the elders had given him# and consulted the young men who had grown u" with him# who stood before him'

10And +ehoboam went to Shechem#

for all 0srael had gone to Shechem to ma1e him 1ing'

And he said to them# :Bhat advice do you giveE 2ow should we answer this "eo"le who have s"o1en to me# saying# :)ighten the yo1e which your father "ut on usDE:

So it ha""ened# when Jeroboam the son of Nebat heard it Ihe was in gy"t# where he had fled from the "resence of King SolomonJ# that Jeroboam returned from gy"t'

Then the young men who had grown u" with him s"o1e to him# saying# :Thus you should s"ea1 to the "eo"le who have s"o1en to you# saying# :Cour father made our yo1e heavy# but you ma1e it lighter on usDFFthus you shall say to them7 :4y little finger shall be thic1er than my fatherDs waistH

Then they sent for him and called him' And Jeroboam and all 0srael came and s"o1e to +ehoboam# saying#

:Cour father made our yo1e heavy9 now therefore# lighten the burdensome service of your father and his heavy yo1e which he "ut on us# and we will serve you':

And now# whereas my father "ut a heavy yo1e on you# 0 will add to your yo1e9 my father chastised you with whi"s# but 0 will chastise you with scourgesH:D

So he said to them# :-ome bac1 to me after three days': And the "eo"le de"arted'

So Jeroboam and all the "eo"le came to +ehoboam on the third day# as the 1ing had directed# saying# :-ome bac1 to me the third day':

Then King +ehoboam consulted the elders who stood before his father Solomon while he still lived# saying# :2ow do you advise me to answer these "eo"leE:

Then the 1ing answered them roughly' King +ehoboam re$ected the advice of the elders#

And they s"o1e to him# saying# :0f you are 1ind to these "eo"le# and "lease them# and s"ea1 good words to them# they will be your servants forever':

and he s"o1e to them according to the advice of the young men# saying# :4y father made your yo1e heavy# but 0 will add to it9 my father chastised you with whi"s# but 0 will chastise you with scourgesH:

So the 1ing did not listen to the "eo"le9 for the turn of events was from (od# that the )3+* might fulfill 2is word# which 2e had s"o1en by the hand of Ahi$ah the Shilonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat'


Now when all 0srael saw that the 1ing did not listen to them# the "eo"le answered the 1ing# saying7 :Bhat share have we in *avidE Be have no inheritance in the son of Jesse' very man to your tents# 3 0sraelH Now see to your own house# 3 *avidH: So all 0srael de"arted to their tents'


And he built Bethlehem# tam# Te1oa# Beth 5ur# Sochoh# Adullam# (ath# 4areshah# 5i"h# Adoraim# )achish# A.e1ah#


But +ehoboam reigned over the children of 0srael who dwelt in the cities of Judah'


5orah# Ai$alon# and 2ebron# which are in Judah and Ben$amin# fortified cities'

Then King +ehoboam sent 2adoram# who was in charge of revenue9 but the children of 0srael stoned him with stones# and he died' Therefore King +ehoboam mounted his chariot in haste to flee to Jerusalem'

And he fortified the strongholds# and "ut ca"tains in them# and stores of food# oil# and wine'

Also in every city he "ut shields and s"ears# and made them very strong# having Judah and Ben$amin on his side'

So 0srael has been in rebellion against the house of *avid to this day'

And from all their territories the "riests and the )evites who were in all 0srael too1 their stand with him'

11Now when +ehoboam came to

Jerusalem# he assembled from the house of Judah and Ben$amin one hundred and eighty thousand chosen men who were warriors# to fight against 0srael# that he might restore the 1ingdom to +ehoboam'

For the )evites left their commonFlands and their "ossessions and came to Judah and Jerusalem# for Jeroboam and his sons had re$ected them from serving as "riests to the )3+*'

But the word of the )3+* came to Shemaiah the man of (od# saying#

Then he a""ointed for himself "riests for the high "laces# for the demons# and the calf idols which he had made'

:S"ea1 to +ehoboam the son of Solomon# 1ing of Judah# and to all 0srael in Judah and Ben$amin# saying#

And after the )evites left# those from all the tribes of 0srael# such as set their heart to see1 the )3+* (od of 0srael# came to Jerusalem to sacrifice to the )3+* (od of their fathers'

:Thus says the )3+*7 :Cou shall not go u" or fight against your brethrenH )et every man return to his house# for this thing is from 4e':

So +ehoboam dwelt in Jerusalem# and built cities for defense in Judah'

So they strengthened the 1ingdom of Judah# and made +ehoboam the son of Solomon strong for three years# because they wal1ed in the way of *avid and Solomon for three years'

Then +ehoboam too1 for himself as wife 4ahalath the daughter of Jerimoth

the son of *avid# and of Abihail the daughter of liah the son of Jesse'

And she bore him children7 Jeush# Shamariah# and 5aham'


with twelve hundred chariots# si!ty thousand horsemen# and "eo"le without number who came with him out of gy"tFFthe )ubim and the Su11iim and the thio"ians'

After her he too1 4aachah the granddaughter of Absalom9 and she bore him Abi$ah# Attai# 5i.a# and Shelomith'

And he too1 the fortified cities of Judah and came to Jerusalem'


Now +ehoboam loved 4aachah the granddaughter of Absalom more than all his wives and his concubines9 for he too1 eighteen wives and si!ty concubines# and begot twentyFeight sons and si!ty daughters'

Then Shemaiah the "ro"het came to +ehoboam and the leaders of Judah# who were gathered together in Jerusalem because of Shisha1# and said to them# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Cou have forsa1en 4e# and therefore 0 also have left you in the hand of Shisha1':D

And +ehoboam a""ointed Abi$ah the son of 4aachah as chief# to be leader among his brothers9 for he intended to ma1e him 1ing'

So the leaders of 0srael and the 1ing humbled themselves9 and they said# :The )3+* is righteous':

2e dealt wisely# and dis"ersed some of his sons throughout all the territories of Judah and Ben$amin# to every fortified city9 and he gave them "rovisions in abundance' 2e also sought many wives for them'

Now when the )3+* saw that they humbled themselves# the word of the )3+* came to Shemaiah# saying# :They have humbled themselves9 therefore 0 will not destroy them# but 0 will grant them some deliverance' 4y wrath shall not be "oured out on Jerusalem by the hand of Shisha1'


it came to "ass# when +ehoboam had established the 1ingdom and had strengthened himself# that he forsoo1 the law of the )3+*# and all 0srael along with him'

Nevertheless they will be his servants# that they may distinguish 4y service from the service of the 1ingdoms of the nations':

And it ha""ened in the fifth year of King +ehoboam that Shisha1 1ing of gy"t came u" against Jerusalem# because they had transgressed against the )3+*#

So Shisha1 1ing of gy"t came u" against Jerusalem# and too1 away the treasures of the house of the )3+* and the treasures of the 1ingDs house9 he too1 everything' 2e also carried away the gold shields which Solomon had made'

Then King +ehoboam made bron.e shields in their "lace# and committed them to the hands of the ca"tains of the guard# who guarded the doorway of the 1ingDs house'


And whenever the 1ing entered the house of the )3+*# the guard would go and bring them out9 then they would ta1e them bac1 into the guardroom'

drew u" in battle formation against him with eight hundred thousand choice men# mighty men of valor'

Bhen he humbled himself# the wrath of the )3+* turned from him# so as not to destroy him com"letely9 and things also went well in Judah'

Then Abi$ah stood on 4ount 5emaraim# which is in the mountains of "hraim# and said# :2ear me# Jeroboam and all 0srael7

Thus King +ehoboam strengthened himself in Jerusalem and reigned' Now +ehoboam was fortyFone years old when he became 1ing9 and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem# the city which the )3+* had chosen out of all the tribes of 0srael# to "ut 2is name there' 2is motherDs name was Naamah# an Ammonitess'

Should you not 1now that the )3+* (od of 0srael gave the dominion over 0srael to *avid forever# to him and his sons# by a covenant of saltE

Cet Jeroboam the son of Nebat# the servant of Solomon the son of *avid# rose u" and rebelled against his lord'

And he did evil# because he did not "re"are his heart to see1 the )3+*'

The acts of +ehoboam# first and last# are they not written in the boo1 of Shemaiah the "ro"het# and of 0ddo the seer concerning genealogiesE And there were wars between +ehoboam and Jeroboam all their days'

Then worthless rogues gathered to him# and strengthened themselves against +ehoboam the son of Solomon# when +ehoboam was young and ine!"erienced and could not withstand them'

So +ehoboam rested with his fathers# and was buried in the -ity of *avid' Then Abi$ah his son reigned in his "lace'

And now you thin1 to withstand the 1ingdom of the )3+*# which is in the hand of the sons of *avid9 and you are a great multitude# and with you are the gold calves which Jeroboam made for you as gods'


the eighteenth year of King Jeroboam# Abi$ah became 1ing over Judah' 2e reigned three years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was 4ichaiah the daughter of Ariel of (ibeah' And there was war between Abi$ah and Jeroboam'

2ave you not cast out the "riests of the )3+*# the sons of Aaron# and the )evites# and made for yourselves "riests# li1e the "eo"les of other lands# so that whoever comes to consecrate himself with a young bull and seven rams may be a "riest of things that are not godsE

Abi$ah set the battle in order with an army of valiant warriors# four hundred thousand choice men' Jeroboam also

But as for us# the )3+* is our (od# and we have not forsa1en 2im9 and the "riests who minister to the )3+* are the sons of Aaron# and the )evites attend to their duties'


And they burn to the )3+* every morning and every evening burnt sacrifices and sweet incense9 they also set the showbread in order on the "ure gold table# and the lam"stand of gold with its lam"s to burn every evening9 for we 1ee" the command of the )3+* our (od# but you have forsa1en 2im'

villages# Jeshanah with its villages# and "hrain with its villages'

So Jeroboam did not recover strength again in the days of Abi$ah9 and the )3+* struc1 him# and he died'

Now loo1# (od 2imself is with us as our head# and 2is "riests with sounding trum"ets to sound the alarm against you' 3 children of 0srael# do not fight against the )3+* (od of your fathers# for you shall not "ros"erH:

But Abi$ah grew mighty# married fourteen wives# and begot twentyFtwo sons and si!teen daughters'

Now the rest of the acts of Abi$ah# his ways# and his sayings are written in the annals of the "ro"het 0ddo'

But Jeroboam caused an ambush to go around behind them9 so they were in front of Judah# and the ambush was behind them'

14So Abi$ah rested with his fathers#

and they buried him in the -ity of *avid' Then Asa his son reigned in his "lace' 0n his days the land was Guiet for ten years'

And when Judah loo1ed around# to their sur"rise the battle line was at both front and rear9 and they cried out to the )3+*# and the "riests sounded the trum"ets'

Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the )3+* his (od#

Then the men of Judah gave a shout9 and as the men of Judah shouted# it ha""ened that (od struc1 Jeroboam and all 0srael before Abi$ah and Judah'

for he removed the altars of the foreign gods and the high "laces# and bro1e down the sacred "illars and cut down the wooden images'

And the children of 0srael fled before Judah# and (od delivered them into their hand'

2e commanded Judah to see1 the )3+* (od of their fathers# and to observe the law and the commandment'

Then Abi$ah and his "eo"le struc1 them with a great slaughter9 so five hundred thousand choice men of 0srael fell slain'

2e also removed the high "laces and the incense altars from all the cities of Judah# and the 1ingdom was Guiet under him'

Thus the children of 0srael were subdued at that time9 and the children of Judah "revailed# because they relied on the )3+* (od of their fathers'

And he built fortified cities in Judah# for the land had rest9 he had no war in those years# because the )3+* had given him rest'

And Abi$ah "ursued Jeroboam and too1 cities from him7 Bethel with its

Therefore he said to Judah# :)et us build these cities and ma1e walls around them# and towers# gates# and bars# while

the land is yet before us# because we have sought the )3+* our (od9 we have sought 2im# and 2e has given us rest on every side': So they built and "ros"ered'


They also attac1ed the livestoc1 enclosures# and carried off shee" and camels in abundance# and returned to Jerusalem'

And Asa had an army of three hundred thousand from Judah who carried shields and s"ears# and from Ben$amin two hundred and eighty thousand men who carried shields and drew bows9 all these were mighty men of valor'

15Now the S"irit of (od came u"on

A.ariah the son of 3ded'

Then 5erah the thio"ian came out against them with an army of a million men and three hundred chariots# and he came to 4areshah'

And he went out to meet Asa# and said to him7 :2ear me# Asa# and all Judah and Ben$amin' The )3+* is with you while you are with 2im' 0f you see1 2im# 2e will be found by you9 but if you forsa1e 2im# 2e will forsa1e you'

So Asa went out against him# and they set the troo"s in battle array in the Valley of 5e"hathah at 4areshah'

For a long time 0srael has been without the true (od# without a teaching "riest# and without law9

And Asa cried out to the )3+* his (od# and said# :)3+*# it is nothing for Cou to hel"# whether with many or with those who have no "ower9 hel" us# 3 )3+* our (od# for we rest on Cou# and in Cour name we go against this multitude' 3 )3+*# Cou are our (od9 do not let man "revail against CouH:

but when in their trouble they turned to the )3+* (od of 0srael# and sought 2im# 2e was found by them'

And in those times there was no "eace to the one who went out# nor to the one who came in# but great turmoil was on all the inhabitants of the lands'

So the )3+* struc1 the before Asa and Judah# thio"ians fled'

thio"ians and the

So nation was destroyed by nation# and city by city# for (od troubled them with every adversity'

And Asa and the "eo"le who were with him "ursued them to (erar' So the thio"ians were overthrown# and they could not recover# for they were bro1en before the )3+* and 2is army' And they carried away very much s"oil'

But you# be strong and do not let your hands be wea1# for your wor1 shall be rewardedH:

Then they defeated all the cities around (erar# for the fear of the )3+* came u"on them9 and they "lundered all the cities# for there was e!ceedingly much s"oil in them'

And when Asa heard these words and the "ro"hecy of 3ded the "ro"het# he too1 courage# and removed the abominable idols from all the land of Judah and Ben$amin and from the cities which he had ta1en in the mountains of "hraim9 and he restored the altar of the )3+* that was before the vestibule of the )3+*'

Then he gathered all Judah and Ben$amin# and those who dwelt with them from "hraim# 4anasseh# and Simeon# for they came over to him in great numbers from 0srael when they saw that the )3+* his (od was with him'


2e also brought into the house of (od the things that his father had dedicated and that he himself had dedicated7 silver and gold and utensils'

And there was no war until the thirtyF fifth year of the reign of Asa'

So they gathered together at Jerusalem in the third month# in the fifteenth year of the reign of Asa'

160n the thirtyFsi!th year of the reign

of Asa# Baasha 1ing of 0srael came u" against Judah and built +amah# that he might let none go out or come in to Asa 1ing of Judah'

And they offered to the )3+* at that time seven hundred bulls and seven thousand shee" from the s"oil they had brought'

Then they entered into a covenant to see1 the )3+* (od of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul9

Then Asa brought silver and gold from the treasuries of the house of the )3+* and of the 1ingDs house# and sent to BenF2adad 1ing of Syria# who dwelt in *amascus# saying#

and whoever would not see1 the )3+* (od of 0srael was to be "ut to death# whether small or great# whether man or woman'

Then they too1 an oath before the )3+* with a loud voice# with shouting and trum"ets and ramsD horns'

:)et there be a treaty between you and me# as there was between my father and your father' See# 0 have sent you silver and gold9 come# brea1 your treaty with Baasha 1ing of 0srael# so that he will withdraw from me':

And all Judah re$oiced at the oath# for they had sworn with all their heart and sought 2im with all their soul9 and 2e was found by them# and the )3+* gave them rest all around'

So BenF2adad heeded King Asa# and sent the ca"tains of his armies against the cities of 0srael' They attac1ed 0$on# *an# Abel 4aim# and all the storage cities of Na"htali'

Also he removed 4aachah# the mother of Asa the 1ing# from being Gueen mother# because she had made an obscene image of Asherah9 and Asa cut down her obscene image# then crushed and burned it by the Broo1 Kidron'

Now it ha""ened# when Baasha heard it# that he sto""ed building +amah and ceased his wor1'

But the high "laces were not removed from 0srael' Nevertheless the heart of Asa was loyal all his days'

Then King Asa too1 all Judah# and they carried away the stones and timber of +amah# which Baasha had used for building9 and with them he built (eba and 4i."ah'

And at that time 2anani the seer came to Asa 1ing of Judah# and said to him7 :Because you have relied on the 1ing of

Syria# and have not relied on the )3+* your (od# therefore the army of the 1ing of Syria has esca"ed from your hand'

And he "laced troo"s in all the fortified cities of Judah# and set garrisons in the land of Judah and in the cities of "hraim which Asa his father had ta1en'

Bere the thio"ians and the )ubim not a huge army with very many chariots and horsemenE Cet# because you relied on the )3+*# 2e delivered them into your hand'

Now the )3+* was with Jehosha"hat# because he wal1ed in the former ways of his father *avid9 he did not see1 the Baals#

For the eyes of the )3+* run to and fro throughout the whole earth# to show 2imself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to 2im' 0n this you have done foolishly9 therefore from now on you shall have wars':

but sought the (od of his father# and wal1ed in 2is commandments and not according to the acts of 0srael'

Then Asa was angry with the seer# and "ut him in "rison# for he was enraged at him because of this' And Asa o""ressed some of the "eo"le at that time'

Therefore the )3+* established the 1ingdom in his hand9 and all Judah gave "resents to Jehosha"hat# and he had riches and honor in abundance'

Note that the acts of Asa# first and last# are indeed written in the boo1 of the 1ings of Judah and 0srael'

And his heart too1 delight in the ways of the )3+*9 moreover he removed the high "laces and wooden images from Judah'

And in the thirtyFninth year of his reign# Asa became diseased in his feet# and his malady was severe9 yet in his disease he did not see1 the )3+*# but the "hysicians'

Also in the third year of his reign he sent his leaders# BenF2ail# 3badiah# 5echariah# Nethanel# and 4ichaiah# to teach in the cities of Judah'

So Asa rested with his fathers9 he died in the fortyFfirst year of his reign'

And with them he sent )evites7 Shemaiah# Nethaniah# 5ebadiah# Asahel# Shemiramoth# Jehonathan# Adoni$ah# Tobi$ah# and Tobadoni$ahFFthe )evites9 and with them lishama and Jehoram# the "riests'

They buried him in his own tomb# which he had made for himself in the -ity of *avid9 and they laid him in the bed which was filled with s"ices and various ingredients "re"ared in a mi!ture of ointments' They made a very great burning for him'

So they taught in Judah# and had the Boo1 of the )aw of the )3+* with them9 they went throughout all the cities of Judah and taught the "eo"le'


Jehosha"hat his son reigned in his "lace# and strengthened himself against 0srael'

And the fear of the )3+* fell on all the 1ingdoms of the lands that were around Judah# so that they did not ma1e war against Jehosha"hat'

Also some of the /hilistines brought Jehosha"hat "resents and silver as

tribute9 and the Arabians brought him floc1s# seven thousand seven hundred rams and seven thousand seven hundred male goats'

So Jehosha"hat became increasingly "owerful# and he built fortresses and storage cities in Judah'

After some years he went down to visit Ahab in Samaria9 and Ahab 1illed shee" and o!en in abundance for him and the "eo"le who were with him# and "ersuaded him to go u" with him to +amoth (ilead'

2e had much "ro"erty in the cities of Judah9 and the men of war# mighty men of valor# were in Jerusalem'

So Ahab 1ing of 0srael said to Jehosha"hat 1ing of Judah# :Bill you go with me against +amoth (ileadE: And he answered him# :0 am as you are# and my "eo"le as your "eo"le9 we will be with you in the war':

These are their numbers# according to their fathersD houses' 3f Judah# the ca"tains of thousands7 Adnah the ca"tain# and with him three hundred thousand mighty men of valor9

Also Jehosha"hat said to the 1ing of 0srael# :/lease inGuire for the word of the )3+* today':

and ne!t to him was Jehohanan the ca"tain# and with him two hundred and eighty thousand9

and ne!t to him was Amasiah the son of 5ichri# who willingly offered himself to the )3+*# and with him two hundred thousand mighty men of valor'

Then the 1ing of 0srael gathered the "ro"hets together# four hundred men# and said to them# :Shall we go to war against +amoth (ilead# or shall 0 refrainE: So they said# :(o u"# for (od will deliver it into the 1ingDs hand':

But Jehosha"hat said# :0s there not still a "ro"het of the )3+* here# that we may inGuire of 2imE:

3f Ben$amin7 liada a mighty man of valor# and with him two hundred thousand men armed with bow and shield9

and ne!t to him was Jeho.abad# and with him one hundred and eighty thousand "re"ared for war'

So the 1ing of 0srael said to Jehosha"hat# :There is still one man by whom we may inGuire of the )3+*9 but 0 hate him# because he never "ro"hesies good concerning me# but always evil' 2e is 4icaiah the son of 0mla': And Jehosha"hat said# :)et not the 1ing say such thingsH:

These served the 1ing# besides those the 1ing "ut in the fortified cities throughout all Judah'

Then the 1ing of 0srael called one of his officers and said# :Bring 4icaiah the son of 0mla Guic1lyH:


had riches and honor in abundance9 and by marriage he allied himself with Ahab'

The 1ing of 0srael and Jehosha"hat 1ing of Judah# clothed in their robes# sat each on his throne9 and they sat at a threshing floor at the entrance of the gate of Samaria9 and all the "ro"hets "ro"hesied before them'


Now 5ede1iah the son of -henaanah had made horns of iron for himself9 and he said# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Bith these you shall gore the Syrians until they are destroyed':D

sitting on 2is throne# and all the host of heaven standing on 2is right hand and 2is left'

And all the "ro"hets "ro"hesied so# saying# :(o u" to +amoth (ilead and "ros"er# for the )3+* will deliver it into the 1ingDs hand':

And the )3+* said# :Bho will "ersuade Ahab 1ing of 0srael to go u"# that he may fall at +amoth (ileadED So one s"o1e in this manner# and another s"o1e in that manner'

Then the messenger who had gone to call 4icaiah s"o1e to him# saying# :Now listen# the words of the "ro"hets with one accord encourage the 1ing' Therefore "lease let your word be li1e the word of one of them# and s"ea1 encouragement':

Then a s"irit came forward and stood before the )3+*# and said# :0 will "ersuade him'D The )3+* said to him# :0n what wayED

And 4icaiah said# :As the )3+* lives# whatever my (od says# that 0 will s"ea1':

So he said# :0 will go out and be a lying s"irit in the mouth of all his "ro"hets'D And the )3+* said# :Cou shall "ersuade him and also "revail9 go out and do so'D

Then he came to the 1ing9 and the 1ing said to him# :4icaiah# shall we go to war against +amoth (ilead# or shall 0 refrainE: And he said# :(o and "ros"er# and they shall be delivered into your handH:

Therefore loo1H The )3+* has "ut a lying s"irit in the mouth of these "ro"hets of yours# and the )3+* has declared disaster against you':

So the 1ing said to him# :2ow many times shall 0 ma1e you swear that you tell me nothing but the truth in the name of the )3+*E:

Then 5ede1iah the son of -henaanah went near and struc1 4icaiah on the chee1# and said# :Bhich way did the s"irit from the )3+* go from me to s"ea1 to youE:

And 4icaiah said# :0ndeed you shall see on that day when you go into an inner chamber to hideH:

Then he said# :0 saw all 0srael scattered on the mountains# as shee" that have no she"herd' And the )3+* said# :These have no master' )et each return to his house in "eace':D

Then the 1ing of 0srael said# :Ta1e 4icaiah# and return him to Amon the governor of the city and to Joash the 1ingDs son9

And the 1ing of 0srael said to Jehosha"hat# :*id 0 not tell you he would not "ro"hesy good concerning me# but evilE:

and say# :Thus says the 1ing7 :/ut this fellow in "rison# and feed him with bread of affliction and water of affliction# until 0 return in "eace'::D

Then 4icaiah said# :Therefore hear the word of the )3+*7 0 saw the )3+*

But 4icaiah said# :0f you ever return in "eace# the )3+* has not s"o1en by

me': And he said# :Ta1e heed# all you "eo"leH:



So the 1ing of 0srael and Jehosha"hat the 1ing of Judah went u" to +amoth (ilead'

Jehosha"hat the 1ing of Judah returned safely to his house in Jerusalem' And Jehu the son of 2anani the seer went out to meet him# and said to King Jehosha"hat# :Should you hel" the wic1ed and love those who hate the )3+*E Therefore the wrath of the )3+* is u"on you'

And the 1ing of 0srael said to Jehosha"hat# :0 will disguise myself and go into battle9 but you "ut on your robes': So the 1ing of 0srael disguised himself# and they went into battle'

Now the 1ing of Syria had commanded the ca"tains of the chariots who were with him# saying# :Fight with no one small or great# but only with the 1ing of 0srael':

Nevertheless good things are found in you# in that you have removed the wooden images from the land# and have "re"ared your heart to see1 (od':

So it was# when the ca"tains of the chariots saw Jehosha"hat# that they said# :0t is the 1ing of 0sraelH: Therefore they surrounded him to attac19 but Jehosha"hat cried out# and the )3+* hel"ed him# and (od diverted them from him'

So Jehosha"hat dwelt at Jerusalem9 and he went out again among the "eo"le from Beersheba to the mountains of "hraim# and brought them bac1 to the )3+* (od of their fathers'

For so it was# when the ca"tains of the chariots saw that it was not the 1ing of 0srael# that they turned bac1 from "ursuing him'

Then he set $udges in the land throughout all the fortified cities of Judah# city by city#

Now a certain man drew a bow at random# and struc1 the 1ing of 0srael between the $oints of his armor' So he said to the driver of his chariot# :Turn around and ta1e me out of the battle# for 0 am wounded':

and said to the $udges# :Ta1e heed to what you are doing# for you do not $udge for man but for the )3+*# who is with you in the $udgment'

Now therefore# let the fear of the )3+* be u"on you9 ta1e care and do it# for there is no iniGuity with the )3+* our (od# no "artiality# nor ta1ing of bribes':

The battle increased that day# and the 1ing of 0srael "ro""ed himself u" in his chariot facing the Syrians until evening9 and about the time of sunset he died'

4oreover in Jerusalem# for the $udgment of the )3+* and for controversies# Jehosha"hat a""ointed some of the )evites and "riests# and some of the chief fathers of 0srael# when they returned to Jerusalem'

And he commanded them# saying# :Thus you shall act in the fear of the )3+*# faithfully and with a loyal heart7


Bhatever case comes to you from your brethren who dwell in their cities# whether of bloodshed or offenses against law or commandment# against statutes or ordinances# you shall warn them# lest they tres"ass against the )3+* and wrath come u"on you and your brethren' *o this# and you will not be guilty'

and said7 :3 )3+* (od of our fathers# are Cou not (od in heaven# and do Cou not rule over all the 1ingdoms of the nations# and in Cour hand is there not "ower and might# so that no one is able to withstand CouE

Are Cou not our (od# who drove out the inhabitants of this land before Cour "eo"le 0srael# and gave it to the descendants of Abraham Cour friend foreverE

And ta1e notice7 Amariah the chief "riest is over you in all matters of the )3+*9 and 5ebadiah the son of 0shmael# the ruler of the house of Judah# for all the 1ingDs matters9 also the )evites will be officials before you' Behave courageously# and the )3+* will be with the good':

And they dwell in it# and have built Cou a sanctuary in it for Cour name# saying#

:0f disaster comes u"on usFFsword# $udgment# "estilence# or famineFFwe will stand before this tem"le and in Cour "resence Ifor Cour name is in this tem"leJ# and cry out to Cou in our affliction# and Cou will hear and save'D


ha""ened after this that the "eo"le of 4oab with the "eo"le of Ammon# and others with them besides the Ammonites# came to battle against Jehosha"hat'

And now# here are the "eo"le of Ammon# 4oab# and 4ount SeirFFwhom Cou would not let 0srael invade when they came out of the land of gy"t# but they turned from them and did not destroy themFF

Then some came and told Jehosha"hat# saying# :A great multitude is coming against you from beyond the sea# from Syria9 and they are in 2a.a.on Tamar: Iwhich is n (ediJ'

here they are# rewarding us by coming to throw us out of Cour "ossession which Cou have given us to inherit'

And Jehosha"hat feared# and set himself to see1 the )3+*# and "roclaimed a fast throughout all Judah'

3 our (od# will Cou not $udge themE For we have no "ower against this great multitude that is coming against us9 nor do we 1now what to do# but our eyes are u"on Cou':

So Judah gathered together to as1 hel" from the )3+*9 and from all the cities of Judah they came to see1 the )3+*'

Now all Judah# with their little ones# their wives# and their children# stood before the )3+*'

Then Jehosha"hat stood in the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem# in the house of the )3+*# before the new court#

Then the S"irit of the )3+* came u"on Jaha.iel the son of 5echariah# the son of Benaiah# the son of Jeiel# the son

of 4attaniah# a )evite of the sons of Asa"h# in the midst of the assembly'


saying7 :/raise the )3+*# For 2is mercy endures forever':


And he said# :)isten# all you of Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem# and you# King Jehosha"hatH Thus says the )3+* to you7 :*o not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude# for the battle is not yours# but (odDs'

Now when they began to sing and to "raise# the )3+* set ambushes against the "eo"le of Ammon# 4oab# and 4ount Seir# who had come against Judah9 and they were defeated'

Tomorrow go down against them' They will surely come u" by the Ascent of 5i.# and you will find them at the end of the broo1 before the Bilderness of Jeruel'

For the "eo"le of Ammon and 4oab stood u" against the inhabitants of 4ount Seir to utterly 1ill and destroy them' And when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir# they hel"ed to destroy one another'

Cou will not need to fight in this battle' /osition yourselves# stand still and see the salvation of the )3+*# who is with you# 3 Judah and JerusalemHD *o not fear or be dismayed9 tomorrow go out against them# for the )3+* is with you':

So when Judah came to a "lace overloo1ing the wilderness# they loo1ed toward the multitude9 and there were their dead bodies# fallen on the earth' No one had esca"ed'

And Jehosha"hat bowed his head with his face to the ground# and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem bowed before the )3+*# worshi"ing the )3+*'

Then the )evites of the children of the Kohathites and of the children of the Korahites stood u" to "raise the )3+* (od of 0srael with voices loud and high'

Bhen Jehosha"hat and his "eo"le came to ta1e away their s"oil# they found among them an abundance of valuables on the dead bodies# and "recious $ewelry# which they stri""ed off for themselves# more than they could carry away9 and they were three days gathering the s"oil because there was so much'

So they rose early in the morning and went out into the Bilderness of Te1oa9 and as they went out# Jehosha"hat stood and said# :2ear me# 3 Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem7 Believe in the )3+* your (od# and you shall be established9 believe 2is "ro"hets# and you shall "ros"er':

And on the fourth day they assembled in the Valley of Berachah# for there they blessed the )3+*9 therefore the name of that "lace was called The Valley of Berachah until this day'

And when he had consulted with the "eo"le# he a""ointed those who should sing to the )3+*# and who should "raise the beauty of holiness# as they went out before the army and were

Then they returned# every man of Judah and Jerusalem# with Jehosha"hat in front of them# to go bac1 to Jerusalem with $oy# for the )3+* had made them re$oice over their enemies'

So they came to Jerusalem# with stringed instruments and har"s and trum"ets# to the house of the )3+*'


And the fear of (od was on all the 1ingdoms of those countries when they heard that the )3+* had fought against the enemies of 0srael'

21And Jehosha"hat rested with his

fathers# and was buried with his fathers in the -ity of *avid' Then Jehoram his son reigned in his "lace'

Then the realm of Jehosha"hat was Guiet# for his (od gave him rest all around'

So Jehosha"hat was 1ing over Judah' 2e was thirtyFfive years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned twentyFfive years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was A.ubah the daughter of Shilhi'

2e had brothers# the sons of Jehosha"hat7 A.ariah# Jehiel# 5echariah# A.aryahu# 4ichael# and She"hatiah9 all these were the sons of Jehosha"hat 1ing of 0srael'

And he wal1ed in the way of his father Asa# and did not turn aside from it# doing what was right in the sight of the )3+*'

Their father gave them great gifts of silver and gold and "recious things# with fortified cities in Judah9 but he gave the 1ingdom to Jehoram# because he was the firstborn'

Nevertheless the high "laces were not ta1en away# for as yet the "eo"le had not directed their hearts to the (od of their fathers'

Now when Jehoram was established over the 1ingdom of his father# he strengthened himself and 1illed all his brothers with the sword# and also others of the "rinces of 0srael'

Now the rest of the acts of Jehosha"hat# first and last# indeed they are written in the boo1 of Jehu the son of 2anani# which is mentioned in the boo1 of the 1ings of 0srael'

Jehoram was thirtyFtwo years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem'

After this Jehosha"hat 1ing of Judah allied himself with Aha.iah 1ing of 0srael# who acted very wic1edly'

And he wal1ed in the way of the 1ings of 0srael# $ust as the house of Ahab had done# for he had the daughter of Ahab as a wife9 and he did evil in the sight of the )3+*'

And he allied himself with him to ma1e shi"s to go to Tarshish# and they made the shi"s in .ion (eber'

But the son of *odavah of 4areshah "ro"hesied against Jehosha"hat# saying# :Because you have allied yourself with Aha.iah# the )3+* has destroyed your wor1s': Then the shi"s were wrec1ed# so that they were not able to go to Tarshish'

Cet the )3+* would not destroy the house of *avid# because of the covenant that 2e had made with *avid# and since 2e had "romised to give a lam" to him and to his sons forever'

0n his days dom revolted against JudahDs authority# and made a 1ing over themselves'

So Jehoram went out with his officers# and all his chariots with him' And he rose by night and attac1ed the domites

who had surrounded him and the ca"tains of the chariots'


Thus dom has been in revolt against JudahDs authority to this day' At that time )ibnah revolted against his rule# because he had forsa1en the )3+* (od of his fathers'

1ingDs house# and also his sons and his wives# so that there was not a son left to him e!ce"t Jehoaha.# the youngest of his sons'

After all this the )3+* struc1 him in his intestines with an incurable disease'

4oreover he made high "laces in the mountains of Judah# and caused the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit harlotry# and led Judah astray'

Then it ha""ened in the course of time# after the end of two years# that his intestines came out because of his sic1ness9 so he died in severe "ain' And his "eo"le made no burning for him# li1e the burning for his fathers'

And a letter came to him from li$ah the "ro"het# saying# ; Thus says the )3+* (od of your father *avid7 ; Because you have not wal1ed in the ways of Jehosha"hat your father# or in the ways of Asa 1ing of Judah#

2e was thirtyFtwo years old when he became 1ing' 2e reigned in Jerusalem eight years and# to no oneDs sorrow# de"arted' 2owever they buried him in the -ity of *avid# but not in the tombs of the 1ings'

but have wal1ed in the way of the 1ings of 0srael# and have made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to "lay the harlot li1e the harlotry of the house of Ahab# and also have 1illed your brothers# those of your fatherDs household# who were better than yourself#

22Then the inhabitants of Jerusalem

made Aha.iah his youngest son 1ing in his "lace# for the raiders who came with the Arabians into the cam" had 1illed all the older sons' So Aha.iah the son of Jehoram# 1ing of Judah# reigned'

behold# the )3+* will stri1e your "eo"le with a serious afflictionFFyour children# your wives# and all your "ossessions9

Aha.iah was fortyFtwo years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned one year in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was Athaliah the granddaughter of 3mri'

and you will become very sic1 with a disease of your intestines# until your intestines come out by reason of the sic1ness# day by day'

2e also wal1ed in the ways of the house of Ahab# for his mother advised him to do wic1edly'

4oreover the )3+* stirred u" against Jehoram the s"irit of the /hilistines and the Arabians who were near the thio"ians'

Therefore he did evil in the sight of the )3+*# li1e the house of Ahab9 for they were his counselors after the death of his father# to his destruction'

And they came u" into Judah and invaded it# and carried away all the "ossessions that were found in the

2e also followed their advice# and went with Jehoram the son of Ahab 1ing of 0srael to war against 2a.ael 1ing of

Syria at +amoth (ilead9 and the Syrians wounded Joram'



Then he returned to Je.reel to recover from the wounds which he had received at +amah# when he fought against 2a.ael 1ing of Syria' And A.ariah the son of Jehoram# 1ing of Judah# went down to see Jehoram the son of Ahab in Je.reel# because he was sic1'

But Jehoshabeath# the daughter of the 1ing# too1 Joash the son of Aha.iah# and stole him away from among the 1ingDs sons who were being murdered# and "ut him and his nurse in a bedroom' So Jehoshabeath# the daughter of King Jehoram# the wife of Jehoiada the "riest Ifor she was the sister of Aha.iahJ# hid him from Athaliah so that she did not 1ill him'

2is going to Joram was (odDs occasion for Aha.iahDs downfall9 for when he arrived# he went out with Jehoram against Jehu the son of Nimshi# whom the )3+* had anointed to cut off the house of Ahab'

And he was hidden with them in the house of (od for si! years# while Athaliah reigned over the land'


And it ha""ened# when Jehu was e!ecuting $udgment on the house of Ahab# and found the "rinces of Judah and the sons of Aha.iahDs brothers who served Aha.iah# that he 1illed them'

the seventh year Jehoiada strengthened himself# and made a covenant with the ca"tains of hundreds7 A.ariah the son of Jeroham# 0shmael the son of Jehohanan# A.ariah the son of 3bed# 4aaseiah the son of Adaiah# and lisha"hat the son of 5ichri'

Then he searched for Aha.iah9 and they caught him Ihe was hiding in SamariaJ# and brought him to Jehu' Bhen they had 1illed him# they buried him# :because#: they said# :he is the son of Jehosha"hat# who sought the )3+* with all his heart': So the house of Aha.iah had no one to assume "ower over the 1ingdom'

And they went throughout Judah and gathered the )evites from all the cities of Judah# and the chief fathers of 0srael# and they came to Jerusalem'

Now when Athaliah the mother of Aha.iah saw that her son was dead# she arose and destroyed all the royal heirs of the house of Judah'

Then all the assembly made a covenant with the 1ing in the house of (od' And he said to them# :Behold# the 1ingDs son shall reign# as the )3+* has said of the sons of *avid'

This is what you shall do7 3neFthird of you entering on the Sabbath# of the "riests and the )evites# shall be 1ee"ing watch over the doors9

oneFthird shall be at the 1ingDs house9 and oneFthird at the (ate of the Foundation' All the "eo"le shall be in the courts of the house of the )3+*'

But let no one come into the house of the )3+* e!ce"t the "riests and those of the )evites who serve' They may go

in# for they are holy9 but all the "eo"le shall 1ee" the watch of the )3+*'

"raise' So Athaliah tore her clothes and said# :TreasonH TreasonH:


And the )evites shall surround the 1ing on all sides# every man with his wea"ons in his hand9 and whoever comes into the house# let him be "ut to death' Cou are to be with the 1ing when he comes in and when he goes out':

And Jehoiada the "riest brought out the ca"tains of hundreds who were set over the army# and said to them# :Ta1e her outside under guard# and slay with the sword whoever follows her': For the "riest had said# :*o not 1ill her in the house of the )3+*':

So the )evites and all Judah did according to all that Jehoiada the "riest commanded' And each man too1 his men who were to be on duty on the Sabbath# with those who were going off duty on the Sabbath9 for Jehoiada the "riest had not dismissed the divisions'

So they sei.ed her9 and she went by way of the entrance of the 2orse (ate into the 1ingDs house# and they 1illed her there'

And Jehoiada the "riest gave to the ca"tains of hundreds the s"ears and the large and small shields which had belonged to King *avid# that were in the tem"le of (od'

Then Jehoiada made a covenant between himself# the "eo"le# and the 1ing# that they should be the )3+*Ds "eo"le'

Then he set all the "eo"le# every man with his wea"on in his hand# from the right side of the tem"le to the left side of the tem"le# along by the altar and by the tem"le# all around the 1ing'

And all the "eo"le went to the tem"le of Baal# and tore it down' They bro1e in "ieces its altars and images# and 1illed 4attan the "riest of Baal before the altars'

And they brought out the 1ingDs son# "ut the crown on him# gave him the Testimony# and made him 1ing' Then Jehoiada and his sons anointed him# and said# :)ong live the 1ingH:

Also Jehoiada a""ointed the oversight of the house of the )3+* to the hand of the "riests# the )evites# whom *avid had assigned in the house of the )3+*# to offer the burnt offerings of the )3+*# as it is written in the )aw of 4oses# with re$oicing and with singing# as it was established by *avid'

Now when Athaliah heard the noise of the "eo"le running and "raising the 1ing# she came to the "eo"le in the tem"le of the )3+*'

And he set the gate1ee"ers at the gates of the house of the )3+*# so that no one who was in any way unclean should enter'

Bhen she loo1ed# there was the 1ing standing by his "illar at the entrance9 and the leaders and the trum"eters were by the 1ing' All the "eo"le of the land were re$oicing and blowing trum"ets# also the singers with musical instruments# and those who led in

Then he too1 the ca"tains of hundreds# the nobles# the governors of the "eo"le# and all the "eo"le of the land# and brought the 1ing down from the house of the )3+*9 and they went through the A""er (ate to the 1ingDs house# and set the 1ing on the throne of the 1ingdom'


So all the "eo"le of the land re$oiced9 and the city was Guiet# for they had slain Athaliah with the sword'

24Joash was seven years old when

he became 1ing# and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was 5ibiah of Beersheba'

And they made a "roclamation throughout Judah and Jerusalem to bring to the )3+* the collection that 4oses the servant of (od had im"osed on 0srael in the wilderness'

Then all the leaders and all the "eo"le re$oiced# brought their contributions# and "ut them into the chest until all had given'

Joash did what was right in the sight of the )3+* all the days of Jehoiada the "riest'

And Jehoiada too1 two wives for him# and he had sons and daughters'

Now it ha""ened after this that Joash set his heart on re"airing the house of the )3+*'

So it was# at that time# when the chest was brought to the 1ingDs official by the hand of the )evites# and when they saw that there was much money# that the 1ingDs scribe and the high "riestDs officer came and em"tied the chest# and too1 it and returned it to its "lace' Thus they did day by day# and gathered money in abundance'

Then he gathered the "riests and the )evites# and said to them# :(o out to the cities of Judah# and gather from all 0srael money to re"air the house of your (od from year to year# and see that you do it Guic1ly': 2owever the )evites did not do it Guic1ly'

The 1ing and Jehoiada gave it to those who did the wor1 of the service of the house of the )3+*9 and they hired masons and car"enters to re"air the house of the )3+*# and also those who wor1ed in iron and bron.e to restore the house of the )3+*'

So the 1ing called Jehoiada the chief "riest# and said to him# :Bhy have you not reGuired the )evites to bring in from Judah and from Jerusalem the collection# according to the commandment of 4oses the servant of the )3+* and of the assembly of 0srael# for the tabernacle of witnessE:

So the wor1men labored# and the wor1 was com"leted by them9 they restored the house of (od to its original condition and reinforced it'

For the sons of Athaliah# that wic1ed woman# had bro1en into the house of (od# and had also "resented all the dedicated things of the house of the )3+* to the Baals'

Bhen they had finished# they brought the rest of the money before the 1ing and Jehoiada9 they made from it articles for the house of the )3+*# articles for serving and offering# s"oons and vessels of gold and silver' And they offered burnt offerings in the house of the )3+* continually all the days of Jehoiada'

Then at the 1ingDs command they made a chest# and set it outside at the gate of the house of the )3+*'

But Jehoiada grew old and was full of days# and he died9 he was one hundred and thirty years old when he died'


And they buried him in the -ity of *avid among the 1ings# because he had done good in 0srael# both toward (od and 2is house'


Now after the death of Jehoiada the leaders of Judah came and bowed down to the 1ing' And the 1ing listened to them'

For the army of the Syrians came with a small com"any of men9 but the )3+* delivered a very great army into their hand# because they had forsa1en the )3+* (od of their fathers' So they e!ecuted $udgment against Joash'

Therefore they left the house of the )3+* (od of their fathers# and served wooden images and idols9 and wrath came u"on Judah and Jerusalem because of their tres"ass'

And when they had withdrawn from him Ifor they left him severely woundedJ# his own servants cons"ired against him because of the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the "riest# and 1illed him on his bed' So he died' And they buried him in the -ity of *avid# but they did not bury him in the tombs of the 1ings'

Cet 2e sent "ro"hets to them# to bring them bac1 to the )3+*9 and they testified against them# but they would not listen'

These are the ones who cons"ired against him7 5abad the son of Shimeath the Ammonitess# and Jeho.abad the son of Shimrith the 4oabitess'

Then the S"irit of (od came u"on 5echariah the son of Jehoiada the "riest# who stood above the "eo"le# and said to them# :Thus says (od7 :Bhy do you transgress the commandments of the )3+*# so that you cannot "ros"erE Because you have forsa1en the )3+*# 2e also has forsa1en you':D

Now concerning his sons# and the many oracles about him# and the re"airing of the house of (od# indeed they are written in the annals of the boo1 of the 1ings' Then Ama.iah his son reigned in his "lace'

So they cons"ired against him# and at the command of the 1ing they stoned him with stones in the court of the house of the )3+*'


was twentyFfive years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned twentyFnine years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem'

Thus Joash the 1ing did not remember the 1indness which Jehoiada his father had done to him# but 1illed his son9 and as he died# he said# :The )3+* loo1 on it# and re"ayH:

And he did what was right in the sight of the )3+*# but not with a loyal heart'

So it ha""ened in the s"ring of the year that the army of Syria came u" against him9 and they came to Judah and Jerusalem# and destroyed all the leaders of the "eo"le from among the "eo"le# and sent all their s"oil to the 1ing of *amascus'

Now it ha""ened# as soon as the 1ingdom was established for him# that he e!ecuted his servants who had murdered his father the 1ing'

2owever he did not e!ecute their children# but did as it is written in the )aw in the Boo1 of 4oses# where the )3+* commanded# saying# :The fathers

shall not be "ut to death for their children# nor shall the children be "ut to death for their fathers9 but a "erson shall die for his own sin':


Also the children of Judah too1 ca"tive ten thousand alive# brought them to the to" of the roc1# and cast them down from the to" of the roc1# so that they all were dashed in "ieces'

4oreover Ama.iah gathered Judah together and set over them ca"tains of thousands and ca"tains of hundreds# according to their fathersD houses# throughout all Judah and Ben$amin9 and he numbered them from twenty years old and above# and found them to be three hundred thousand choice men# able to go to war# who could handle s"ear and shield'

But as for the soldiers of the army which Ama.iah had discharged# so that they would not go with him to battle# they raided the cities of Judah from Samaria to Beth 2oron# 1illed three thousand in them# and too1 much s"oil'

2e also hired one hundred thousand mighty men of valor from 0srael for one hundred talents of silver'

Now it was so# after Ama.iah came from the slaughter of the domites# that he brought the gods of the "eo"le of Seir# set them u" to be his gods# and bowed down before them and burned incense to them'

But a man of (od came to him# saying# :3 1ing# do not let the army of 0srael go with you# for the )3+* is not with 0sraelFFnot with any of the children of "hraim'

Therefore the anger of the )3+* was aroused against Ama.iah# and 2e sent him a "ro"het who said to him# :Bhy have you sought the gods of the "eo"le# which could not rescue their own "eo"le from your handE:

But if you go# be goneH Be strong in battleH ven so# (od shall ma1e you fall before the enemy9 for (od has "ower to hel" and to overthrow':

Then Ama.iah said to the man of (od# :But what shall we do about the hundred talents which 0 have given to the troo"s of 0sraelE: And the man of (od answered# :The )3+* is able to give you much more than this':

So it was# as he tal1ed with him# that the 1ing said to him# :2ave we made you the 1ingDs counselorE -easeH Bhy should you be 1illedE: Then the "ro"het ceased# and said# :0 1now that (od has determined to destroy you# because you have done this and have not heeded my advice':

So Ama.iah discharged the troo"s that had come to him from "hraim# to go bac1 home' Therefore their anger was greatly aroused against Judah# and they returned home in great anger'

Now Ama.iah 1ing of Judah as1ed advice and sent to Joash the son of Jehoaha.# the son of Jehu# 1ing of 0srael# saying# :-ome# let us face one another in battle':

Then Ama.iah strengthened himself# and leading his "eo"le# he went to the Valley of Salt and 1illed ten thousand of the "eo"le of Seir'

And Joash 1ing of 0srael sent to Ama.iah 1ing of Judah# saying# :The thistle that was in )ebanon sent to the cedar that was in )ebanon# saying# :(ive your daughter to my son as wifeD9

and a wild beast that was in )ebanon "assed by and tram"led the thistle'

0ndeed you say that you have defeated the domites# and your heart is lifted u" to boast' Stay at home now9 why should you meddle with trouble# that you should fallFFyou and Judah with youE:

made a cons"iracy against him in Jerusalem# and he fled to )achish9 but they sent after him to )achish and 1illed him there'

Then they brought him on horses and buried him with his fathers in the -ity of Judah'

But Ama.iah would not heed# for it came from (od# that 2e might give them into the hand of their enemies# because they sought the gods of dom'

26Now all the "eo"le of Judah too1

A..iah# who was si!teen years old# and made him 1ing instead of his father Ama.iah'

So Joash 1ing of 0srael went out9 and he and Ama.iah 1ing of Judah faced one another at Beth Shemesh# which belongs to Judah'

2e built lath and restored it to Judah# after the 1ing rested with his fathers'

And Judah was defeated by 0srael# and every man fled to his tent'

Then Joash the 1ing of 0srael ca"tured Ama.iah 1ing of Judah# the son of Joash# the son of Jehoaha.# at Beth Shemesh9 and he brought him to Jerusalem# and bro1e down the wall of Jerusalem from the (ate of "hraim to the -orner (ateFFfour hundred cubits'

A..iah was si!teen years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned fiftyFtwo years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was Jecholiah of Jerusalem'

And he did what was right in the sight of the )3+*# according to all that his father Ama.iah had done'

And he too1 all the gold and silver# all the articles that were found in the house of (od with 3bedF dom# the treasures of the 1ingDs house# and hostages# and returned to Samaria'

2e sought (od in the days of 5echariah# who had understanding in the visions of (od9 and as long as he sought the )3+*# (od made him "ros"er'

Ama.iah the son of Joash# 1ing of Judah# lived fifteen years after the death of Joash the son of Jehoaha.# 1ing of 0srael'

Now he went out and made war against the /hilistines# and bro1e down the wall of (ath# the wall of Jabneh# and the wall of Ashdod9 and he built cities around Ashdod and among the /hilistines'

Now the rest of the acts of Ama.iah# from first to last# indeed are they not written in the boo1 of the 1ings of Judah and 0sraelE

(od hel"ed him against the /hilistines# against the Arabians who lived in (ur Baal# and against the 4eunites'

After the time that Ama.iah turned away from following the )3+*# they

Also the Ammonites brought tribute to A..iah' 2is fame s"read as far as the entrance of gy"t# for he became e!ceedingly strong'

And A..iah built towers in Jerusalem at the -orner (ate# at the Valley (ate# and at the corner buttress of the wall9 then he fortified them'


So A.ariah the "riest went in after him# and with him were eighty "riests of the )3+*FFvaliant men'

Also he built towers in the desert' 2e dug many wells# for he had much livestoc1# both in the lowlands and in the "lains9 he also had farmers and vinedressers in the mountains and in -armel# for he loved the soil'

And they withstood King A..iah# and said to him# :0t is not for you# A..iah# to burn incense to the )3+*# but for the "riests# the sons of Aaron# who are consecrated to burn incense' (et out of the sanctuary# for you have tres"assedH Cou shall have no honor from the )3+* (od':

4oreover A..iah had an army of fighting men who went out to war by com"anies# according to the number on their roll as "re"ared by Jeiel the scribe and 4aaseiah the officer# under the hand of 2ananiah# one of the 1ingDs ca"tains'

Then A..iah became furious9 and he had a censer in his hand to burn incense' And while he was angry with the "riests# le"rosy bro1e out on his forehead# before the "riests in the house of the )3+*# beside the incense altar'

The total number of chief officers of the mighty men of valor was two thousand si! hundred'

And under their authority was an army of three hundred and seven thousand five hundred# that made war with mighty "ower# to hel" the 1ing against the enemy'

And A.ariah the chief "riest and all the "riests loo1ed at him# and there# on his forehead# he was le"rous9 so they thrust him out of that "lace' 0ndeed he also hurried to get out# because the )3+* had struc1 him'

Then A..iah "re"ared for them# for the entire army# shields# s"ears# helmets# body armor# bows# and slings to cast stones'

King A..iah was a le"er until the day of his death' 2e dwelt in an isolated house# because he was a le"er9 for he was cut off from the house of the )3+*' Then Jotham his son was over the 1ingDs house# $udging the "eo"le of the land'

And he made devices in Jerusalem# invented by s1illful men# to be on the towers and the corners# to shoot arrows and large stones' So his fame s"read far and wide# for he was marvelously hel"ed till he became strong'

Now the rest of the acts of A..iah# from first to last# the "ro"het 0saiah the son of Amo. wrote'

But when he was strong his heart was lifted u"# to his destruction# for he transgressed against the )3+* his (od by entering the tem"le of the )3+* to burn incense on the altar of incense'

So A..iah rested with his fathers# and they buried him with his fathers in the field of burial which belonged to the 1ings# for they said# :2e is a le"er': Then Jotham his son reigned in his "lace'

27Jotham was twentyFfive years old 28Aha. was twenty years old when
when he became 1ing# and he reigned si!teen years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was Jerushah the daughter of 5ado1'

he became 1ing# and he reigned si!teen years in Jerusalem9 and he did not do what was right in the sight of the )3+*# as his father *avid had done'

And he did what was right in the sight of the )3+*# according to all that his father A..iah had done Ialthough he did not enter the tem"le of the )3+*J' But still the "eo"le acted corru"tly'

For he wal1ed in the ways of the 1ings of 0srael# and made molded images for the Baals'

2e built the A""er (ate of the house of the )3+*# and he built e!tensively on the wall of 3"hel'

2e burned incense in the Valley of the Son of 2innom# and burned his children in the fire# according to the abominations of the nations whom the )3+* had cast out before the children of 0srael'

4oreover he built cities in the mountains of Judah# and in the forests he built fortresses and towers'

And he sacrificed and burned incense on the high "laces# on the hills# and under every green tree'

2e also fought with the 1ing of the Ammonites and defeated them' And the "eo"le of Ammon gave him in that year one hundred talents of silver# ten thousand 1ors of wheat# and ten thousand of barley' The "eo"le of Ammon "aid this to him in the second and third years also'

Therefore the )3+* his (od delivered him into the hand of the 1ing of Syria' They defeated him# and carried away a great multitude of them as ca"tives# and brought them to *amascus' Then he was also delivered into the hand of the 1ing of 0srael# who defeated him with a great slaughter'

So Jotham became mighty# because he "re"ared his ways before the )3+* his (od'

Now the rest of the acts of Jotham# and all his wars and his ways# indeed they are written in the boo1 of the 1ings of 0srael and Judah'

For /e1ah the son of +emaliah 1illed one hundred and twenty thousand in Judah in one day# all valiant men# because they had forsa1en the )3+* (od of their fathers'

2e was twentyFfive years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned si!teen years in Jerusalem'

5ichri# a mighty man of "hraim# 1illed 4aaseiah the 1ingDs son# A.ri1am the officer over the house# and l1anah who was second to the 1ing'

So Jotham rested with his fathers# and they buried him in the -ity of *avid' Then Aha. his son reigned in his "lace'

And the children of 0srael carried away ca"tive of their brethren two hundred thousand women# sons# and daughters9 and they also too1 away much s"oil from them# and brought the s"oil to Samaria'

But a "ro"het of the )3+* was there# whose name was 3ded9 and he went out before the army that came to Samaria# and said to them7 :)oo1# because the )3+* (od of your fathers was angry with Judah# 2e has delivered them into your hand9 but you have 1illed them in a rage that reaches u" to heaven'


Then the men who were designated by name rose u" and too1 the ca"tives# and from the s"oil they clothed all who were na1ed among them# dressed them and gave them sandals# gave them food and drin1# and anointed them9 and they let all the feeble ones ride on don1eys' So they brought them to their brethren at Jericho# the city of "alm trees' Then they returned to Samaria'

And now you "ro"ose to force the children of Judah and Jerusalem to be your male and female slaves9 but are you not also guilty before the )3+* your (odE

At the same time King Aha. sent to the 1ings of Assyria to hel" him'

Now hear me# therefore# and return the ca"tives# whom you have ta1en ca"tive from your brethren# for the fierce wrath of the )3+* is u"on you':

For again the domites had come# attac1ed Judah# and carried away ca"tives'

Then some of the heads of the children of "hraim# A.ariah the son of Johanan# Berechiah the son of 4eshillemoth# Jehi.1iah the son of Shallum# and Amasa the son of 2adlai# stood u" against those who came from the war#

The /hilistines also had invaded the cities of the lowland and of the South of Judah# and had ta1en Beth Shemesh# Ai$alon# (ederoth# Sochoh with its villages# Timnah with its villages# and (im.o with its villages9 and they dwelt there'

and said to them# :Cou shall not bring the ca"tives here# for we already have offended the )3+*' Cou intend to add to our sins and to our guilt9 for our guilt is great# and there is fierce wrath against 0srael':

For the )3+* brought Judah low because of Aha. 1ing of 0srael# for he had encouraged moral decline in Judah and had been continually unfaithful to the )3+*'

Also TiglathF/ileser 1ing of Assyria came to him and distressed him# and did not assist him'

So the armed men left the ca"tives and the s"oil before the leaders and all the assembly'

For Aha. too1 "art of the treasures from the house of the )3+*# from the house of the 1ing# and from the leaders# and he gave it to the 1ing of Assyria9 but he did not hel" him'

Now in the time of his distress King Aha. became increasingly unfaithful to the )3+*' This is that King Aha.'

For he sacrificed to the gods of *amascus which had defeated him#

saying# :Because the gods of the 1ings of Syria hel" them# 0 will sacrifice to them that they may hel" me': But they were the ruin of him and of all 0srael'


and said to them7 :2ear me# )evitesH Now sanctify yourselves# sanctify the house of the )3+* (od of your fathers# and carry out the rubbish from the holy "lace'

So Aha. gathered the articles of the house of (od# cut in "ieces the articles of the house of (od# shut u" the doors of the house of the )3+*# and made for himself altars in every corner of Jerusalem'

For our fathers have tres"assed and done evil in the eyes of the )3+* our (od9 they have forsa1en 2im# have turned their faces away from the dwelling "lace of the )3+*# and turned their bac1s on 2im'

And in every single city of Judah he made high "laces to burn incense to other gods# and "rovo1ed to anger the )3+* (od of his fathers'

Now the rest of his acts and all his ways# from first to last# indeed they are written in the boo1 of the 1ings of Judah and 0srael'

They have also shut u" the doors of the vestibule# "ut out the lam"s# and have not burned incense or offered burnt offerings in the holy "lace to the (od of 0srael'

So Aha. rested with his fathers# and they buried him in the city# in Jerusalem9 but they did not bring him into the tombs of the 1ings of 0srael' Then 2e.e1iah his son reigned in his "lace'

Therefore the wrath of the )3+* fell u"on Judah and Jerusalem# and 2e has given them u" to trouble# to desolation# and to $eering# as you see with your eyes'

292e.e1iah became 1ing when he

was twentyFfive years old# and he reigned twentyFnine years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was Abi$ah the daughter of 5echariah'

For indeed# because of this our fathers have fallen by the sword9 and our sons# our daughters# and our wives are in ca"tivity'

:Now it is in my heart to ma1e a covenant with the )3+* (od of 0srael# that 2is fierce wrath may turn away from us'

And he did what was right in the sight of the )3+*# according to all that his father *avid had done'

0n the first year of his reign# in the first month# he o"ened the doors of the house of the )3+* and re"aired them'

4y sons# do not be negligent now# for the )3+* has chosen you to stand before 2im# to serve 2im# and that you should minister to 2im and burn incense':

Then he brought in the "riests and the )evites# and gathered them in the ast SGuare#

Then these )evites arose7 4ahath the son of Amasai and Joel the son of A.ariah# of the sons of the Kohathites9 of the sons of 4erari# Kish the son of Abdi and A.ariah the son of Jehallelel9 of the (ershonites# Joah the son of 5immah and den the son of Joah9


of the sons of li.a"han# Shimri and Jeiel9 of the sons of Asa"h# 5echariah and 4attaniah9


of the sons of 2eman# Jehiel and Shimei9 and of the sons of Jeduthun# Shemaiah and A..iel'

And they brought seven bulls# seven rams# seven lambs# and seven male goats for a sin offering for the 1ingdom# for the sanctuary# and for Judah' Then he commanded the "riests# the sons of Aaron# to offer them on the altar of the )3+*'

And they gathered their brethren# sanctified themselves# and went according to the commandment of the 1ing# at the words of the )3+*# to cleanse the house of the )3+*'

So they 1illed the bulls# and the "riests received the blood and s"rin1led it on the altar' )i1ewise they 1illed the rams and s"rin1led the blood on the altar' They also 1illed the lambs and s"rin1led the blood on the altar'

Then the "riests went into the inner "art of the house of the )3+* to cleanse it# and brought out all the debris that they found in the tem"le of the )3+* to the court of the house of the )3+*' And the )evites too1 it out and carried it to the Broo1 Kidron'

Then they brought out the male goats for the sin offering before the 1ing and the assembly# and they laid their hands on them'

Now they began to sanctify on the first day of the first month# and on the eighth day of the month they came to the vestibule of the )3+*' So they sanctified the house of the )3+* in eight days# and on the si!teenth day of the first month they finished'

And the "riests 1illed them9 and they "resented their blood on the altar as a sin offering to ma1e an atonement for all 0srael# for the 1ing commanded that the burnt offering and the sin offering be made for all 0srael'

Then they went in to King 2e.e1iah and said# :Be have cleansed all the house of the )3+*# the altar of burnt offerings with all its articles# and the table of the showbread with all its articles'

And he stationed the )evites in the house of the )3+* with cymbals# with stringed instruments# and with har"s# according to the commandment of *avid# of (ad the 1ingDs seer# and of Nathan the "ro"het9 for thus was the commandment of the )3+* by 2is "ro"hets'

4oreover all the articles which King Aha. in his reign had cast aside in his transgression we have "re"ared and sanctified9 and there they are# before the altar of the )3+*':

The )evites stood with the instruments of *avid# and the "riests with the trum"ets'

Then King 2e.e1iah rose early# gathered the rulers of the city# and went u" to the house of the )3+*'

Then 2e.e1iah commanded them to offer the burnt offering on the altar' And when the burnt offering began# the song of the )3+* also began# with the trum"ets and with the instruments of *avid 1ing of 0srael'


So all the assembly worshi"ed# the singers sang# and the trum"eters sounded9 all this continued until the burnt offering was finished'


Also the burnt offerings were in abundance# with the fat of the "eace offerings and with the drin1 offerings for every burnt offering' So the service of the house of the )3+* was set in order'

And when they had finished offering# the 1ing and all who were "resent with him bowed and worshi"ed'

4oreover King 2e.e1iah and the leaders commanded the )evites to sing "raise to the )3+* with the words of *avid and of Asa"h the seer' So they sang "raises with gladness# and they bowed their heads and worshi"ed'

Then 2e.e1iah and all the "eo"le re$oiced that (od had "re"ared the "eo"le# since the events too1 "lace so suddenly'

30And 2e.e1iah sent to all 0srael

and Judah# and also wrote letters to "hraim and 4anasseh# that they should come to the house of the )3+* at Jerusalem# to 1ee" the /assover to the )3+* (od of 0srael'

Then 2e.e1iah answered and said# :Now that you have consecrated yourselves to the )3+*# come near# and bring sacrifices and than1 offerings into the house of the )3+*': So the assembly brought in sacrifices and than1 offerings# and as many as were of a willing heart brought burnt offerings'

For the 1ing and his leaders and all the assembly in Jerusalem had agreed to 1ee" the /assover in the second month'

And the number of the burnt offerings which the assembly brought was seventy bulls# one hundred rams# and two hundred lambs9 all these were for a burnt offering to the )3+*'

For they could not 1ee" it at the regular time# because a sufficient number of "riests had not consecrated themselves# nor had the "eo"le gathered together at Jerusalem'

The consecrated things were si! hundred bulls and three thousand shee"'

And the matter "leased the 1ing and all the assembly'

But the "riests were too few# so that they could not s1in all the burnt offerings9 therefore their brethren the )evites hel"ed them until the wor1 was ended and until the other "riests had sanctified themselves# for the )evites were more diligent in sanctifying themselves than the "riests'

So they resolved to ma1e a "roclamation throughout all 0srael# from Beersheba to *an# that they should come to 1ee" the /assover to the )3+* (od of 0srael at Jerusalem# since they had not done it for a long time in the "rescribed manner'

Then the runners went throughout all 0srael and Judah with the letters from the 1ing and his leaders# and s"o1e according to the command of the 1ing7 :-hildren of 0srael# return to the )3+* (od of Abraham# 0saac# and 0srael9 then 2e will return to the remnant of you who

have esca"ed from the hand of the 1ings of Assyria'



And do not be li1e your fathers and your brethren# who tres"assed against the )3+* (od of their fathers# so that 2e gave them u" to desolation# as you see'

Then they slaughtered the /assover lambs on the fourteenth day of the second month' The "riests and the )evites were ashamed# and sanctified themselves# and brought the burnt offerings to the house of the )3+*'

Now do not be stiffFnec1ed# as your fathers were# but yield yourselves to the )3+*9 and enter 2is sanctuary# which 2e has sanctified forever# and serve the )3+* your (od# that the fierceness of 2is wrath may turn away from you'

They stood in their "lace according to their custom# according to the )aw of 4oses the man of (od9 the "riests s"rin1led the blood received from the hand of the )evites'

For if you return to the )3+*# your brethren and your children will be treated with com"assion by those who lead them ca"tive# so that they may come bac1 to this land9 for the )3+* your (od is gracious and merciful# and will not turn 2is face from you if you return to 2im':

For there were many in the assembly who had not sanctified themselves9 therefore the )evites had charge of the slaughter of the /assover lambs for everyone who was not clean# to sanctify them to the )3+*'

So the runners "assed from city to city through the country of "hraim and 4anasseh# as far as 5ebulun9 but they laughed at them and moc1ed them'

For a multitude of the "eo"le# many from "hraim# 4anasseh# 0ssachar# and 5ebulun# had not cleansed themselves# yet they ate the /assover contrary to what was written' But 2e.e1iah "rayed for them# saying# :4ay the good )3+* "rovide atonement for everyone

Nevertheless some from Asher# 4anasseh# and 5ebulun humbled themselves and came to Jerusalem'

who "re"ares his heart to see1 (od# the )3+* (od of his fathers# though he is not cleansed according to the "urification of the sanctuary':

Also the hand of (od was on Judah to give them singleness of heart to obey the command of the 1ing and the leaders# at the word of the )3+*'

And the )3+* listened to 2e.e1iah and healed the "eo"le'


Now many "eo"le# a very great assembly# gathered at Jerusalem to 1ee" the Feast of Anleavened Bread in the second month'

So the children of 0srael who were "resent at Jerusalem 1e"t the Feast of Anleavened Bread seven days with great gladness9 and the )evites and the "riests "raised the )3+* day by day# singing to the )3+*# accom"anied by loud instruments'

They arose and too1 away the altars that were in Jerusalem# and they too1 away all the incense altars and cast them into the Broo1 Kidron'

And 2e.e1iah gave encouragement to all the )evites who taught the good 1nowledge of the )3+*9 and they ate throughout the feast seven days#

offering "eace offerings and ma1ing confession to the )3+* (od of their fathers'

his service# the "riests and )evites for burnt offerings and "eace offerings# to serve# to give than1s# and to "raise in the gates of the cam" of the )3+*'

Then the whole assembly agreed to 1ee" the feast another seven days# and they 1e"t it another seven days with gladness'

For 2e.e1iah 1ing of Judah gave to the assembly a thousand bulls and seven thousand shee"# and the leaders gave to the assembly a thousand bulls and ten thousand shee"9 and a great number of "riests sanctified themselves'

The 1ing also a""ointed a "ortion of his "ossessions for the burnt offerings7 for the morning and evening burnt offerings# the burnt offerings for the Sabbaths and the New 4oons and the set feasts# as it is written in the )aw of the )3+*'

The whole assembly of Judah re$oiced# also the "riests and )evites# all the assembly that came from 0srael# the so$ourners who came from the land of 0srael# and those who dwelt in Judah'

4oreover he commanded the "eo"le who dwelt in Jerusalem to contribute su""ort for the "riests and the )evites# that they might devote themselves to the )aw of the )3+*'

So there was great $oy in Jerusalem# for since the time of Solomon the son of *avid# 1ing of 0srael# there had been nothing li1e this in Jerusalem'

As soon as the commandment was circulated# the children of 0srael brought in abundance the firstfruits of grain and wine# oil and honey# and of all the "roduce of the field9 and they brought in abundantly the tithe of everything'

Then the "riests# the )evites# arose and blessed the "eo"le# and their voice was heard9 and their "rayer came u" to 2is holy dwelling "lace# to heaven'

And the children of 0srael and Judah# who dwelt in the cities of Judah# brought the tithe of o!en and shee"9 also the tithe of holy things which were consecrated to the )3+* their (od they laid in hea"s'

31Now when all this was finished# all

0srael who were "resent went out to the cities of Judah and bro1e the sacred "illars in "ieces# cut down the wooden images# and threw down the high "laces and the altarsFFfrom all Judah# Ben$amin# "hraim# and 4anassehFF until they had utterly destroyed them all' Then all the children of 0srael returned to their own cities# every man to his "ossession'

0n the third month they began laying them in hea"s# and they finished in the seventh month'

And when 2e.e1iah and the leaders came and saw the hea"s# they blessed the )3+* and 2is "eo"le 0srael'

Then 2e.e1iah Guestioned the "riests and the )evites concerning the hea"s'

And 2e.e1iah a""ointed the divisions of the "riests and the )evites according to their divisions# each man according to

And A.ariah the chief "riest# from the house of 5ado1# answered him and said# :Since the "eo"le began to bring the offerings into the house of the )3+*# we have had enough to eat and

have "lenty left# for the )3+* has blessed 2is "eo"le9 and what is left is this great abundance':


Now 2e.e1iah commanded them to "re"are rooms in the house of the )3+*# and they "re"ared them'

and to all who were written in the genealogyFFtheir little ones and their wives# their sons and daughters# the whole com"any of themFFfor in their faithfulness they sanctified themselves in holiness'

Then they faithfully brought in the offerings# the tithes# and the dedicated things9 -ononiah the )evite had charge of them# and Shimei his brother was the ne!t'

Jehiel# A.a.iah# Nahath# Asahel# Jerimoth# Jo.abad# liel# 0smachiah# 4ahath# and Benaiah were overseers under the hand of -ononiah and Shimei his brother# at the commandment of 2e.e1iah the 1ing and A.ariah the ruler of the house of (od'

Also for the sons of Aaron the "riests# who were in the fields of the commonF lands of their cities# in every single city# there were men who were designated by name to distribute "ortions to all the males among the "riests and to all who were listed by genealogies among the )evites'

Thus 2e.e1iah did throughout all Judah# and he did what was good and right and true before the )3+* his (od'

Kore the son of 0mnah the )evite# the 1ee"er of the ast (ate# was over the freewill offerings to (od# to distribute the offerings of the )3+* and the most holy things'

And in every wor1 that he began in the service of the house of (od# in the law and in the commandment# to see1 his (od# he did it with all his heart' So he "ros"ered'

And under him were den# 4iniamin# Jeshua# Shemaiah# Amariah# and Shecaniah# his faithful assistants in the cities of the "riests# to distribute allotments to their brethren by divisions# to the great as well as the small'

32After these deeds of faithfulness#

Sennacherib 1ing of Assyria came and entered Judah9 he encam"ed against the fortified cities# thin1ing to win them over to himself'

Besides those males from three years old and u" who were written in the genealogy# they distributed to everyone who entered the house of the )3+* his daily "ortion for the wor1 of his service# by his division#

And when 2e.e1iah saw that Sennacherib had come# and that his "ur"ose was to ma1e war against Jerusalem#

and to the "riests who were written in the genealogy according to their fatherDs house# and to the )evites from twenty years old and u" according to their wor1# by their divisions#

he consulted with his leaders and commanders to sto" the water from the s"rings which were outside the city9 and they hel"ed him'

Thus many "eo"le gathered together who sto""ed all the s"rings and the broo1 that ran through the land# saying# :Bhy should the 1ings of Assyria come and find much waterE:


And he strengthened himself# built u" all the wall that was bro1en# raised it u" to the towers# and built another wall outside9 also he re"aired the 4illo in the -ity of *avid# and made wea"ons and shields in abundance'


*o you not 1now what 0 and my fathers have done to all the "eo"les of other landsE Bere the gods of the nations of those lands in any way able to deliver their lands out of my handE

Then he set military ca"tains over the "eo"le# gathered them together to him in the o"en sGuare of the city gate# and gave them encouragement# saying#

Bho was there among all the gods of those nations that my fathers utterly destroyed that could deliver his "eo"le from my hand# that your (od should be able to deliver you from my handE

:Be strong and courageous9 do not be afraid nor dismayed before the 1ing of Assyria# nor before all the multitude that is with him9 for there are more with us than with him'

Bith him is an arm of flesh9 but with us is the )3+* our (od# to hel" us and to fight our battles': And the "eo"le were strengthened by the words of 2e.e1iah 1ing of Judah'

Now therefore# do not let 2e.e1iah deceive you or "ersuade you li1e this# and do not believe him9 for no god of any nation or 1ingdom was able to deliver his "eo"le from my hand or the hand of my fathers' 2ow much less will your (od deliver you from my handE:D

Furthermore# his servants s"o1e against the )3+* (od and against 2is servant 2e.e1iah'

After this Sennacherib 1ing of Assyria sent his servants to Jerusalem Ibut he and all the forces with him laid siege against )achishJ# to 2e.e1iah 1ing of Judah# and to all Judah who were in Jerusalem# saying#

2e also wrote letters to revile the )3+* (od of 0srael# and to s"ea1 against 2im# saying# :As the gods of the nations of other lands have not delivered their "eo"le from my hand# so the (od of 2e.e1iah will not deliver 2is "eo"le from my hand':

:Thus says Sennacherib 1ing of Assyria7 :0n what do you trust# that you remain under siege in JerusalemE

*oes not 2e.e1iah "ersuade you to give yourselves over to die by famine and by thirst# saying# :The )3+* our (od will deliver us from the hand of the 1ing of Assyria:E

Then they called out with a loud voice in 2ebrew to the "eo"le of Jerusalem who were on the wall# to frighten them and trouble them# that they might ta1e the city'

2as not the same 2e.e1iah ta1en away 2is high "laces and 2is altars# and commanded Judah and Jerusalem# saying# :Cou shall worshi" before one altar and burn incense on it:E

And they s"o1e against the (od of Jerusalem# as against the gods of the "eo"le of the earthFFthe wor1 of menDs hands'

Now because of this King 2e.e1iah and the "ro"het 0saiah# the son of Amo.# "rayed and cried out to heaven'


Then the )3+* sent an angel who cut down every mighty man of valor# leader# and ca"tain in the cam" of the 1ing of Assyria' So he returned shamefaced to his own land' And when he had gone into the tem"le of his god# some of his own offs"ring struc1 him down with the sword there'


4oreover he "rovided cities for himself# and "ossessions of floc1s and herds in abundance9 for (od had given him very much "ro"erty'

Thus the )3+* saved 2e.e1iah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of Sennacherib the 1ing of Assyria# and from the hand of all others# and guided them on every side'

This same 2e.e1iah also sto""ed the water outlet of A""er (ihon# and brought the water by tunnel to the west side of the -ity of *avid' 2e.e1iah "ros"ered in all his wor1s'

And many brought gifts to the )3+* at Jerusalem# and "resents to 2e.e1iah 1ing of Judah# so that he was e!alted in the sight of all nations thereafter'

2owever# regarding the ambassadors of the "rinces of Babylon# whom they sent to him to inGuire about the wonder that was done in the land# (od withdrew from him# in order to test him# that 2e might 1now all that was in his heart'

0n those days 2e.e1iah was sic1 and near death# and he "rayed to the )3+*9 and 2e s"o1e to him and gave him a sign'

Now the rest of the acts of 2e.e1iah# and his goodness# indeed they are written in the vision of 0saiah the "ro"het# the son of Amo.# and in the boo1 of the 1ings of Judah and 0srael'

But 2e.e1iah did not re"ay according to the favor shown him# for his heart was lifted u"9 therefore wrath was looming over him and over Judah and Jerusalem'

So 2e.e1iah rested with his fathers# and they buried him in the u""er tombs of the sons of *avid9 and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem honored him at his death' Then 4anasseh his son reigned in his "lace'

Then 2e.e1iah humbled himself for the "ride of his heart# he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem# so that the wrath of the )3+* did not come u"on them in the days of 2e.e1iah'

334anasseh was twelve years old

when he became 1ing# and he reigned fiftyFfive years in Jerusalem'

2e.e1iah had very great riches and honor' And he made himself treasuries for silver# for gold# for "recious stones# for s"ices# for shields# and for all 1inds of desirable items9

But he did evil in the sight of the )3+*# according to the abominations of the nations whom the )3+* had cast out before the children of 0srael'

storehouses for the harvest of grain# wine# and oil9 and stalls for all 1inds of livestoc1# and folds for floc1s'

For he rebuilt the high "laces which 2e.e1iah his father had bro1en down9 he raised u" altars for the Baals# and made wooden images9 and he worshi"ed all the host of heaven and served them'

2e also built altars in the house of the )3+*# of which the )3+* had said# :0n Jerusalem shall 4y name be forever':


Now when he was in affliction# he im"lored the )3+* his (od# and humbled himself greatly before the (od of his fathers#

And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the )3+*'

Also he caused his sons to "ass through the fire in the Valley of the Son of 2innom9 he "racticed soothsaying# used witchcraft and sorcery# and consulted mediums and s"iritists' 2e did much evil in the sight of the )3+*# to "rovo1e 2im to anger'

and "rayed to 2im9 and 2e received his entreaty# heard his su""lication# and brought him bac1 to Jerusalem into his 1ingdom' Then 4anasseh 1new that the )3+* was (od'

2e even set a carved image# the idol which he had made# in the house of (od# of which (od had said to *avid and to Solomon his son# :0n this house and in Jerusalem# which 0 have chosen out of all the tribes of 0srael# 0 will "ut 4y name forever9

After this he built a wall outside the -ity of *avid on the west side of (ihon# in the valley# as far as the entrance of the Fish (ate9 and it enclosed 3"hel# and he raised it to a very great height' Then he "ut military ca"tains in all the fortified cities of Judah'

and 0 will not again remove the foot of 0srael from the land which 0 have a""ointed for your fathersFFonly if they are careful to do all that 0 have commanded them# according to the whole law and the statutes and the ordinances by the hand of 4oses':

2e too1 away the foreign gods and the idol from the house of the )3+*# and all the altars that he had built in the mount of the house of the )3+* and in Jerusalem9 and he cast them out of the city'

2e also re"aired the altar of the )3+*# sacrificed "eace offerings and than1 offerings on it# and commanded Judah to serve the )3+* (od of 0srael'

So 4anasseh seduced Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to do more evil than the nations whom the )3+* had destroyed before the children of 0srael'

Nevertheless the "eo"le still sacrificed on the high "laces# but only to the )3+* their (od'

And the )3+* s"o1e to 4anasseh and his "eo"le# but they would not listen'

Now the rest of the acts of 4anasseh# his "rayer to his (od# and the words of the seers who s"o1e to him in the name of the )3+* (od of 0srael# indeed they are written in the boo1 of the 1ings of 0srael'

Therefore the )3+* brought u"on them the ca"tains of the army of the 1ing of Assyria# who too1 4anasseh with hoo1s# bound him with bron.e fetters# and carried him off to Babylon'

Also his "rayer and how (od received his entreaty# and all his sin and tres"ass# and the sites where he built high "laces and set u" wooden images and carved images# before he was

humbled# indeed they are written among the sayings of'


So 4anasseh rested with his fathers# and they buried him in his own house' Then his son Amon reigned in his "lace'

Amon was twentyFtwo years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned two years in Jerusalem'

They bro1e down the altars of the Baals in his "resence# and the incense altars which were above them he cut down9 and the wooden images# the carved images# and the molded images he bro1e in "ieces# and made dust of them and scattered it on the graves of those who had sacrificed to them'

But he did evil in the sight of the )3+*# as his father 4anasseh had done9 for Amon sacrificed to all the carved images which his father 4anasseh had made# and served them'

2e also burned the bones of the "riests on their altars# and cleansed Judah and Jerusalem'

And so he did in the cities of 4anasseh# "hraim# and Simeon# as far as Na"htali and all around# with a!es'

And he did not humble himself before the )3+*# as his father 4anasseh had humbled himself9 but Amon tres"assed more and more'

Then his servants cons"ired against him# and 1illed him in his own house'

Bhen he had bro1en down the altars and the wooden images# had beaten the carved images into "owder# and cut down all the incense altars throughout all the land of 0srael# he returned to Jerusalem'

But the "eo"le of the land e!ecuted all those who had cons"ired against King Amon' Then the "eo"le of the land made his son Josiah 1ing in his "lace'

34Josiah was eight years old when

he became 1ing# and he reigned thirtyF one years in Jerusalem'

0n the eighteenth year of his reign# when he had "urged the land and the tem"le# he sent Sha"han the son of A.aliah# 4aaseiah the governor of the city# and Joah the son of Joaha. the recorder# to re"air the house of the )3+* his (od'

And he did what was right in the sight of the )3+*# and wal1ed in the ways of his father *avid9 he did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left'

Bhen they came to 2il1iah the high "riest# they delivered the money that was brought into the house of (od# which the )evites who 1e"t the doors had gathered from the hand of 4anasseh and "hraim# from all the remnant of 0srael# from all Judah and Ben$amin# and which they had brought bac1 to Jerusalem'

For in the eighth year of his reign# while he was still young# he began to see1 the (od of his father *avid9 and in the twelfth year he began to "urge Judah and Jerusalem of the high "laces# the wooden images# the carved images# and the molded images'

Then they "ut it in the hand of the foremen who had the oversight of the house of the )3+*9 and they gave it to the wor1men who wor1ed in the house of the )3+*# to re"air and restore the house'


They gave it to the craftsmen and builders to buy hewn stone and timber for beams# and to floor the houses which the 1ings of Judah had destroyed'


Thus it ha""ened# when the 1ing heard the words of the )aw# that he tore his clothes'

And the men did the wor1 faithfully' Their overseers were Jahath and 3badiah the )evites# of the sons of 4erari# and 5echariah and 4eshullam# of the sons of the Kohathites# to su"ervise' 3thers of the )evites# all of whom were s1illful with instruments of music#

Then the 1ing commanded 2il1iah# Ahi1am the son of Sha"han# Abdon the son of 4icah# Sha"han the scribe# and Asaiah a servant of the 1ing# saying#

were over the burden bearers and were overseers of all who did wor1 in any 1ind of service' And some of the )evites were scribes# officers# and gate1ee"ers'

:(o# inGuire of the )3+* for me# and for those who are left in 0srael and Judah# concerning the words of the boo1 that is found9 for great is the wrath of the )3+* that is "oured out on us# because our fathers have not 1e"t the word of the )3+*# to do according to all that is written in this boo1':

Now when they brought out the money that was brought into the house of the )3+*# 2il1iah the "riest found the Boo1 of the )aw of the )3+* given by 4oses'

So 2il1iah and those the 1ing had a""ointed went to 2uldah the "ro"hetess# the wife of Shallum the son of To1hath# the son of 2asrah# 1ee"er of the wardrobe' IShe dwelt in Jerusalem in the Second Kuarter'J And they s"o1e to her to that effect'

Then 2il1iah answered and said to Sha"han the scribe# :0 have found the Boo1 of the )aw in the house of the )3+*': And 2il1iah gave the boo1 to Sha"han'

Then she answered them# :Thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael# :Tell the man who sent you to 4e#

So Sha"han carried the boo1 to the 1ing# bringing the 1ing word# saying# :All that was committed to your servants they are doing'

:Thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 will bring calamity on this "lace and on its inhabitants# all the curses that are written in the boo1 which they have read before the 1ing of Judah#

And they have gathered the money that was found in the house of the )3+*# and have delivered it into the hand of the overseers and the wor1men':

because they have forsa1en 4e and burned incense to other gods# that they might "rovo1e 4e to anger with all the wor1s of their hands' Therefore 4y wrath will be "oured out on this "lace# and not be Guenched'::

Then Sha"han the scribe told the 1ing# saying# :2il1iah the "riest has given me a boo1': And Sha"han read it before the 1ing'

But as for the 1ing of Judah# who sent you to inGuire of the )3+*# in this manner you shall s"ea1 to him# :Thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael7

:-oncerning the words which you have heardFF


diligently serve the )3+* their (od' All his days they did not de"art from following the )3+* (od of their fathers'

because your heart was tender# and you humbled yourself before (od when you heard 2is words against this "lace and against its inhabitants# and you humbled yourself before 4e# and you tore your clothes and we"t before 4e# 0 also have heard you#: says the )3+*'

35Now Josiah 1e"t a /assover to

the )3+* in Jerusalem# and they slaughtered the /assover lambs on the fourteenth day of the first month'

:Surely 0 will gather you to your fathers# and you shall be gathered to your grave in "eace9 and your eyes shall not see all the calamity which 0 will bring on this "lace and its inhabitants'::D So they brought bac1 word to the 1ing'

And he set the "riests in their duties and encouraged them for the service of the house of the )3+*'

Then the 1ing sent and gathered all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem'

The 1ing went u" to the house of the )3+*# with all the men of Judah and the inhabitants of JerusalemFFthe "riests and the )evites# and all the "eo"le# great and small' And he read in their hearing all the words of the Boo1 of the -ovenant which had been found in the house of the )3+*'

Then he said to the )evites who taught all 0srael# who were holy to the )3+*7 :/ut the holy ar1 in the house which Solomon the son of *avid# 1ing of 0srael# built' 0t shall no longer be a burden on your shoulders' Now serve the )3+* your (od and 2is "eo"le 0srael'

/re"are yourselves according to your fathersD houses# according to your divisions# following the written instruction of *avid 1ing of 0srael and the written instruction of Solomon his son'

Then the 1ing stood in his "lace and made a covenant before the )3+*# to follow the )3+*# and to 1ee" 2is commandments and 2is testimonies and 2is statutes with all his heart and all his soul# to "erform the words of the covenant that were written in this boo1'

And stand in the holy "lace according to the divisions of the fathersD houses of your brethren the lay "eo"le# and according to the division of the fatherDs house of the )evites'

And he made all who were "resent in Jerusalem and Ben$amin ta1e a stand' So the inhabitants of Jerusalem did according to the covenant of (od# the (od of their fathers'

So slaughter the /assover offerings# consecrate yourselves# and "re"are them for your brethren# that they may do according to the word of the )3+* by the hand of 4oses':

Thus Josiah removed all the abominations from all the country that belonged to the children of 0srael# and made all who were "resent in 0srael

Then Josiah gave the lay "eo"le lambs and young goats from the floc1# all for /assover offerings for all who were "resent# to the number of thirty thousand# as well as three thousand cattle9 these were from the 1ingDs "ossessions'


And his leaders gave willingly to the "eo"le# to the "riests# and to the )evites' 2il1iah# 5echariah# and Jehiel# rulers of the house of (od# gave to the "riests for the /assover offerings two thousand si! hundred from the floc1# and three hundred cattle'


And the singers# the sons of Asa"h# were in their "laces# according to the command of *avid# Asa"h# 2eman# and Jeduthun the 1ingDs seer' Also the gate1ee"ers were at each gate9 they did not have to leave their "osition# because their brethren the )evites "re"ared "ortions for them'

Also -onaniah# his brothers Shemaiah and Nethanel# and 2ashabiah and Jeiel and Jo.abad# chief of the )evites# gave to the )evites for /assover offerings five thousand from the floc1 and five hundred cattle'

So all the service of the )3+* was "re"ared the same day# to 1ee" the /assover and to offer burnt offerings on the altar of the )3+*# according to the command of King Josiah'

So the service was "re"ared# and the "riests stood in their "laces# and the )evites in their divisions# according to the 1ingDs command'

And the children of 0srael who were "resent 1e"t the /assover at that time# and the Feast of Anleavened Bread for seven days'

And they slaughtered the /assover offerings9 and the "riests s"rin1led the blood with their hands# while the )evites s1inned the animals'

Then they removed the burnt offerings that they might give them to the divisions of the fathersD houses of the lay "eo"le# to offer to the )3+*# as it is written in the Boo1 of 4oses' And so they did with the cattle'

There had been no /assover 1e"t in 0srael li1e that since the days of Samuel the "ro"het9 and none of the 1ings of 0srael had 1e"t such a /assover as Josiah 1e"t# with the "riests and the )evites# all Judah and 0srael who were "resent# and the inhabitants of Jerusalem'

0n the eighteenth year of the reign of Josiah this /assover was 1e"t'

Also they roasted the /assover offerings with fire according to the ordinance9 but the other holy offerings they boiled in "ots# in caldrons# and in "ans# and divided them Guic1ly among all the lay "eo"le'

After all this# when Josiah had "re"ared the tem"le# Necho 1ing of gy"t came u" to fight against -archemish by the u"hrates9 and Josiah went out against him'

Then afterward they "re"ared "ortions for themselves and for the "riests# because the "riests# the sons of Aaron# were busy in offering burnt offerings and fat until night9 therefore the )evites "re"ared "ortions for themselves and for the "riests# the sons of Aaron'

But he sent messengers to him# saying# :Bhat have 0 to do with you# 1ing of JudahE 0 have not come against you this day# but against the house with which 0 have war9 for (od commanded me to ma1e haste' +efrain from meddling with (od# who is with me# lest 2e destroy you':


Nevertheless Josiah would not turn his face from him# but disguised himself so that he might fight with him# and did not heed the words of Necho from the mouth of (od' So he came to fight in the Valley of 4egiddo'

Now the 1ing of gy"t de"osed him at Jerusalem9 and he im"osed on the land a tribute of one hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold'

And the archers shot King Josiah9 and the 1ing said to his servants# :Ta1e me away# for 0 am severely wounded':

Then the 1ing of gy"t made Jehoaha.Ds brother lia1im 1ing over Judah and Jerusalem# and changed his name to Jehoia1im' And Necho too1 Jehoaha. his brother and carried him off to gy"t'

2is servants therefore too1 him out of that chariot and "ut him in the second chariot that he had# and they brought him to Jerusalem' So he died# and was buried in one of the tombs of his fathers' And all Judah and Jerusalem mourned for Josiah'

Jehoia1im was twentyFfive years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem' And he did evil in the sight of the )3+* his (od'

Jeremiah also lamented for Josiah' And to this day all the singing men and the singing women s"ea1 of Josiah in their lamentations' They made it a custom in 0srael9 and indeed they are written in the )aments'
,& 1ing of Babylon came u" against him# and bound him in bron.e fetters to carry him off to Babylon'
= also carried off some of the articles from the house of the )3+* to Babylon# and "ut them in his tem"le at Babylon'

Now the rest of the acts of Josiah and his goodness# according to what was written in the )aw of the )3+*#

and his deeds from first to last# indeed they are written in the boo1 of the 1ings of 0srael and Judah'

Now the rest of the acts of Jehoia1im# the abominations which he did# and what was found against him# indeed they are written in the boo1 of the 1ings of 0srael and Judah' Then Jehoiachin his son reigned in his "lace'

36Then the "eo"le of the land too1

Jehoaha. the son of Josiah# and made him 1ing in his fatherDs "lace in Jerusalem'

Jehoiachin was eight years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned in Jerusalem three months and ten days' And he did evil in the sight of the )3+*'

Jehoaha. was twentyFthree years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned three months in Jerusalem'

At the turn of the year King summoned him and too1 him to Babylon# with the costly articles from the house of the )3+*# and made 5ede1iah# Jehoia1imDs brother# 1ing over Judah and Jerusalem'


5ede1iah was twentyFone years old when he became 1ing# and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem'


2e did evil in the sight of the )3+* his (od# and did not humble himself before Jeremiah the "ro"het# who s"o1e from the mouth of the )3+*'

And all the articles from the house of (od# great and small# the treasures of the house of the )3+*# and the treasures of the 1ing and of his leaders# all these he too1 to Babylon'

And he also rebelled against King who had made him swear an oath by (od9 but he stiffened his nec1 and hardened his heart against turning to the )3+* (od of 0srael'

Then they burned the house of (od# bro1e down the wall of Jerusalem# burned all its "alaces with fire# and destroyed all its "recious "ossessions'

4oreover all the leaders of the "riests and the "eo"le transgressed more and more# according to all the abominations of the nations# and defiled the house of the )3+* which 2e had consecrated in Jerusalem'

And those who esca"ed from the sword he carried away to Babylon# where they became servants to him and his sons until the rule of the 1ingdom of /ersia#

to fulfill the word of the )3+* by the mouth of Jeremiah# until the land had en$oyed her Sabbaths' As long as she lay desolate she 1e"t Sabbath# to fulfill seventy years'

And the )3+* (od of their fathers sent warnings to them by 2is messengers# rising u" early and sending them# because 2e had com"assion on 2is "eo"le and on 2is dwelling "lace'

But they moc1ed the messengers of (od# des"ised 2is words# and scoffed at 2is "ro"hets# until the wrath of the )3+* arose against 2is "eo"le# till there was no remedy'

Now in the first year of -yrus 1ing of /ersia# that the word of the )3+* by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled# the )3+* stirred u" the s"irit of -yrus 1ing of /ersia# so that he made a "roclamation throughout all his 1ingdom# and also "ut it in writing# saying#

Therefore 2e brought against them the 1ing of the -haldeans# who 1illed their young men with the sword in the house of their sanctuary# and had no com"assion on young man or virgin# on the aged or the wea19 2e gave them all into his hand'

Thus says -yrus 1ing of /ersia7 All the 1ingdoms of the earth the )3+* (od of heaven has given me' And 2e has commanded me to build 2im a house at Jerusalem which is in Judah' Bho is among you of all 2is "eo"leE 4ay the )3+* his (od be with him# and let him go u"H

E&ra 1Now in the first year of -yrus 1ing of

/ersia# that the word of the )3+* by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled# the )3+* stirred u" the s"irit of -yrus 1ing of /ersia# so that he made a "roclamation throughout all his 1ingdom# and also "ut it in writing# saying#
, had ta1en from Jerusalem and "ut in the tem"le of his gods9

and -yrus 1ing of /ersia brought them out by the hand of 4ithredath the treasurer# and counted them out to the "rince of Judah'

Thus says -yrus 1ing of /ersia7 All the 1ingdoms of the earth the )3+* (od of heaven has given me' And 2e has commanded me to build 2im a house at Jerusalem which is in Judah'

This is the number of them7 thirty gold "latters# one thousand silver "latters# twentyFnine 1nives#

Bho is among you of all 2is "eo"leE 4ay his (od be with him# and let him go u" to Jerusalem which is in Judah# and build the house of the )3+* (od of 0srael I2e is (odJ# which is in Jerusalem'

thirty gold basins# four hundred and ten silver basins of a similar 1ind# and one thousand other articles'

All the articles of gold and silver were five thousand four hundred' All these too1 with the ca"tives who were brought from Babylon to Jerusalem'

And whoever is left in any "lace where he dwells# let the men of his "lace hel" him with silver and gold# with goods and livestoc1# besides the freewill offerings for the house of (od which is in Jerusalem'

2Now these are the "eo"le of the

"rovince who came bac1 from the ca"tivity# of those who had been carried away# whom the 1ing of Babylon had carried away to Babylon# and who returned to Jerusalem and Judah# everyone to his own city'

Then the heads of the fathersD houses of Judah and Ben$amin# and the "riests and the )evites# with all whose s"irits (od had moved# arose to go u" and build the house of the )3+* which is in Jerusalem'

And all those who were around them encouraged them with articles of silver and gold# with goods and livestoc1# and with "recious things# besides all that was willingly offered'

Those who came with 5erubbabel were Jeshua# Nehemiah# Seraiah# +eelaiah# 4ordecai# Bilshan# 4is"ar# Bigvai# +ehum# and Baanah' The number of the men of the "eo"le of 0srael7

the "eo"le of /arosh# two thousand one hundred and seventyFtwo9


King -yrus also brought out the articles of the house of the )3+*# which

the "eo"le of She"hatiah# hundred and seventyFtwo9



the "eo"le of Arah# seven hundred and seventyFfive9



the "eo"le of (ibbar# ninetyFfive9


the "eo"le of /ahathF4oab# of the "eo"le of Jeshua and Joab# two thousand eight hundred and twelve9

the "eo"le of Bethlehem# one hundred and twentyFthree9


the men of Neto"hah# fiftyFsi!9

the "eo"le of lam# one thousand two hundred and fiftyFfour9



the men of Anathoth# one hundred and twentyFeight9


the "eo"le of 5attu# nine hundred and fortyFfive9


the "eo"le of A.maveth# fortyFtwo9


the "eo"le of 5accai# seven hundred and si!ty9


the "eo"le of Kir$ath Arim# -he"hirah# and Beeroth# seven hundred and fortyF three9

the "eo"le of Bani# si! hundred and fortyFtwo9


the "eo"le of +amah and (eba# si! hundred and twentyFone9


the "eo"le of Bebai# si! hundred and twentyFthree9


the men of 4ichmas# one hundred and twentyFtwo9


the "eo"le of A.gad# one thousand two hundred and twentyFtwo9


the men of Bethel and Ai# two hundred and twentyFthree9


the "eo"le of Adoni1am# si! hundred and si!tyFsi!9


the "eo"le of Nebo# fiftyFtwo9


the "eo"le of Bigvai# two thousand and fiftyFsi!9


the "eo"le of 4agbish# one hundred and fiftyFsi!9


the "eo"le of Adin# four hundred and fiftyFfour9


the "eo"le of the other lam# one thousand two hundred and fiftyFfour9

the "eo"le of Ater of 2e.e1iah# ninetyF eight9


the "eo"le of 2arim# three hundred and twenty9


the "eo"le of three hundred and twentyFthree9


the "eo"le of )od# 2adid# and 3no# seven hundred and twentyFfive9

the "eo"le of Jorah# one hundred and twelve9


the "eo"le of Jericho# three hundred and fortyFfive9


the "eo"le of 2ashum# two hundred and twentyFthree9

the "eo"le of Senaah# three thousand si! hundred and thirty'


The "riests7 the sons of Jedaiah# of the house of Jeshua# nine hundred and seventyFthree9


the sons of Asnah# the sons of 4eunim# the sons of Ne"husim#


the sons of 0mmer# one thousand and fiftyFtwo9


the sons of Ba1bu1# the sons of 2a1u"ha# the sons of 2arhur#


the sons of /ashhur# one thousand two hundred and fortyFseven9


the sons of Ba.luth# the sons of 4ehida# the sons of 2arsha#


the sons of 2arim# one thousand and seventeen'


the sons of Bar1os# the sons of Sisera# the sons of Tamah#


The )evites7 the sons of Jeshua and Kadmiel# of the sons of 2odaviah# seventyFfour'

the sons of Ne.iah# and the sons of 2ati"ha'


The singers7 the sons of Asa"h# one hundred and twentyFeight'


The sons of SolomonDs servants7 the sons of Sotai# the sons of So"hereth# the sons of /eruda#

The sons of the gate1ee"ers7 the sons of Shallum# the sons of Ater# the sons of Talmon# the sons of A11ub# the sons of 2atita# and the sons of Shobai# one hundred and thirtyFnine in all'

the sons of Jaala# the sons of *ar1on# the sons of (iddel#


the sons of She"hatiah# the sons of 2attil# the sons of /ochereth of 5ebaim# and the sons of Ami'

The Nethinim7 the sons of 5iha# the sons of 2asu"ha# the sons of Tabbaoth#

All the Nethinim and the children of SolomonDs servants were three hundred and ninetyFtwo'

the sons of Keros# the sons of Siaha# the sons of /adon#


the sons of )ebanah# the sons of 2agabah# the sons of A11ub#


And these were the ones who came u" from Tel 4elah# Tel 2arsha# -herub# Addan# and 0mmer9 but they could not identify their fatherDs house or their genealogy# whether they were of 0srael7

the sons of 2agab# the sons of Shalmai# the sons of 2anan#


the sons of (iddel# the sons of (ahar# the sons of +eaiah#


the sons of *elaiah# the sons of Tobiah# and the sons of Ne1oda# si! hundred and fiftyFtwo9

the sons of the sons of Ne1oda# the sons of (


the sons of A..a# the sons of /aseah# the sons of Besai#

and of the sons of the "riests7 the sons of 2abaiah# the sons of Ko.# and the sons of Bar.illai# who too1 a wife of the daughters of Bar.illai the (ileadite# and was called by their name'


These sought their listing among those who were registered by genealogy# but they were not found9 therefore they were e!cluded from the "riesthood as defiled'

3And when the seventh month had

come# and the children of 0srael were in the cities# the "eo"le gathered together as one man to Jerusalem'

And the governor said to them that they should not eat of the most holy things till a "riest could consult with the Arim and Thummim'

The whole assembly together was fortyFtwo thousand three hundred and si!ty#

Then Jeshua the son of Jo.ada1 and his brethren the "riests# and 5erubbabel the son of Shealtiel and his brethren# arose and built the altar of the (od of 0srael# to offer burnt offerings on it# as it is written in the )aw of 4oses the man of (od'

besides their male and female servants# of whom there were seven thousand three hundred and thirtyF seven9 and they had two hundred men and women singers'

Though fear had come u"on them because of the "eo"le of those countries# they set the altar on its bases9 and they offered burnt offerings on it to the )3+*# both the morning and evening burnt offerings'

Their horses were seven hundred and thirtyFsi!# their mules two hundred and fortyFfive#

their camels four hundred and thirtyF five# and their don1eys si! thousand seven hundred and twenty'

They also 1e"t the Feast of Tabernacles# as it is written# and offered the daily burnt offerings in the number reGuired by ordinance for each day'

Some of the heads of the fathersD houses# when they came to the house of the )3+* which is in Jerusalem# offered freely for the house of (od# to erect it in its "lace7

Afterwards they offered the regular burnt offering# and those for New 4oons and for all the a""ointed feasts of the )3+* that were consecrated# and those of everyone who willingly offered a freewill offering to the )3+*'

According to their ability# they gave to the treasury for the wor1 si!tyFone thousand gold drachmas# five thousand minas of silver# and one hundred "riestly garments'

From the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt offerings to the )3+*# although the foundation of the tem"le of the )3+* had not been laid'

So the "riests and the )evites# some of the "eo"le# the singers# the gate1ee"ers# and the Nethinim# dwelt in their cities# and all 0srael in their cities'

They also gave money to the masons and the car"enters# and food# drin1# and oil to the "eo"le of Sidon and Tyre to bring cedar logs from )ebanon to the sea# to Jo""a# according to the "ermission which they had from -yrus 1ing of /ersia'

Now in the second month of the second year of their coming to the house of (od

at Jerusalem# 5erubbabel the son of Shealtiel# Jeshua the son of Jo.ada1# and the rest of their brethren the "riests and the )evites# and all those who had come out of the ca"tivity to Jerusalem# began wor1 and a""ointed the )evites from twenty years old and above to oversee the wor1 of the house of the )3+*'

4Now when the adversaries of Judah

and Ben$amin heard that the descendants of the ca"tivity were building the tem"le of the )3+* (od of 0srael#

Then Jeshua with his sons and brothers# Kadmiel with his sons# and the sons of Judah# arose as one to oversee those wor1ing on the house of (od7 the sons of 2enadad with their sons and their brethren the )evites'

they came to 5erubbabel and the heads of the fathersD houses# and said to them# :)et us build with you# for we see1 your (od as you do9 and we have sacrificed to 2im since the days of sarhaddon 1ing of Assyria# who brought us here':

Bhen the builders laid the foundation of the tem"le of the )3+*# the "riests stood in their a""arel with trum"ets# and the )evites# the sons of Asa"h# with cymbals# to "raise the )3+*# according to the ordinance of *avid 1ing of 0srael'

But 5erubbabel and Jeshua and the rest of the heads of the fathersD houses of 0srael said to them# :Cou may do nothing with us to build a house for our (od9 but we alone will build to the )3+* (od of 0srael# as King -yrus the 1ing of /ersia has commanded us':

And they sang res"onsively# "raising and giving than1s to the )3+*7 :For 2e is good# For 2is mercy endures forever toward 0srael': Then all the "eo"le shouted with a great shout# when they "raised the )3+*# because the foundation of the house of the )3+* was laid'

Then the "eo"le of the land tried to discourage the "eo"le of Judah' They troubled them in building#

and hired counselors against them to frustrate their "ur"ose all the days of -yrus 1ing of /ersia# even until the reign of *arius 1ing of /ersia'

But many of the "riests and )evites and heads of the fathersD houses# old men who had seen the first tem"le# we"t with a loud voice when the foundation of this tem"le was laid before their eyes' Cet many shouted aloud for $oy#

0n the reign of Ahasuerus# in the beginning of his reign# they wrote an accusation against the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem'

so that the "eo"le could not discern the noise of the shout of $oy from the noise of the wee"ing of the "eo"le# for the "eo"le shouted with a loud shout# and the sound was heard afar off'

0n the days of Arta!er!es also# Bishlam# 4ithredath# Tabel# and the rest of their com"anions wrote to Arta!er!es 1ing of /ersia9 and the letter was written in Aramaic scri"t# and translated into the Aramaic language'

+ehum the commander and Shimshai the scribe wrote a letter against Jerusalem to King Arta!er!es in this fashion7

From +ehum the commander# Shimshai the scribe# and the rest of their com"anionsFFre"resentatives of the *inaites# the A"harsathchites# the Tar"elites# the "eo"le of /ersia and rech and Babylon and Shushan# the *ehavites# the lamites#


Be inform the 1ing that if this city is rebuilt and its walls are com"leted# the result will be that you will have no dominion beyond the +iver'

and the rest of the nations whom the great and noble 3sna""er too1 ca"tive and settled in the cities of Samaria and the remainder beyond the +iver FFand so forth'

The 1ing sent an answer7 To +ehum the commander# to Shimshai the scribe# to the rest of their com"anions who dwell in Samaria# and to the remainder beyond the +iver7 /eace# and so forth'

The letter which you sent to us has been clearly read before me'

IThis is a co"y of the letter that they sent himJ To King Arta!er!es from your servants# the men of the region beyond the +iver# and so forth7

And 0 gave the command# and a search has been made# and it was found that this city in former times has revolted against 1ings# and rebellion and sedition have been fostered in it'

)et it be 1nown to the 1ing that the Jews who came u" from you have come to us at Jerusalem# and are building the rebellious and evil city# and are finishing its walls and re"airing the foundations'

There have also been mighty 1ings over Jerusalem# who have ruled over all the region beyond the +iver9 and ta!# tribute# and custom were "aid to them'

)et it now be 1nown to the 1ing that# if this city is built and the walls com"leted# they will not "ay ta!# tribute# or custom# and the 1ingDs treasury will be diminished'

Now give the command to ma1e these men cease# that this city may not be built until the command is given by me'

Now because we receive su""ort from the "alace# it was not "ro"er for us to see the 1ingDs dishonor9 therefore we have sent and informed the 1ing#

Ta1e heed now that you do not fail to do this' Bhy should damage increase to the hurt of the 1ingsE

that search may be made in the boo1 of the records of your fathers' And you will find in the boo1 of the records and 1now that this city is a rebellious city# harmful to 1ings and "rovinces# and that they have incited sedition within the city in former times# for which cause this city was destroyed'

Now when the co"y of King Arta!er!esD letter was read before +ehum# Shimshai the scribe# and their com"anions# they went u" in haste to Jerusalem against the Jews# and by force of arms made them cease'

Thus the wor1 of the house of (od which is at Jerusalem ceased# and it was discontinued until the second year of the reign of *arius 1ing of /ersia'


the "ro"het 2aggai and 5echariah the son of 0ddo# "ro"hets# "ro"hesied to the Jews who were in Judah and Jerusalem# in the name of the (od of 0srael# who was over them'

Then we as1ed those elders# and s"o1e thus to them7 :Bho commanded you to build this tem"le and to finish these wallsE:

So 5erubbabel the son of Shealtiel and Jeshua the son of Jo.ada1 rose u" and began to build the house of (od which is in Jerusalem9 and the "ro"hets of (od were with them# hel"ing them'

Be also as1ed them their names to inform you# that we might write the names of the men who were chief among them'

At the same time Tattenai the governor of the region beyond the +iver and ShetharFBo.nai and their com"anions came to them and s"o1e thus to them7 :Bho has commanded you to build this tem"le and finish this wallE:

And thus they returned us an answer# saying7 :Be are the servants of the (od of heaven and earth# and we are rebuilding the tem"le that was built many years ago# which a great 1ing of 0srael built and com"leted'

Then# accordingly# we told them the names of the men who were constructing this building'

But because our fathers "rovo1ed the (od of heaven to wrath# 2e gave them into the hand of 1ing of Babylon# the -haldean# who destroyed this tem"le and carried the "eo"le away to Babylon'

But the eye of their (od was u"on the elders of the Jews# so that they could not ma1e them cease till a re"ort could go to *arius' Then a written answer was returned concerning this matter'

2owever# in the first year of -yrus 1ing of Babylon# King -yrus issued a decree to build this house of (od'

This is a co"y of the letter that Tattenai sent7 The governor of the region beyond the +iver# and ShetharFBo.nai# and his com"anions# the /ersians who were in the region beyond the +iver# to *arius the 1ing'

Also# the gold and silver articles of the house of (od# which had ta1en from the tem"le that was in Jerusalem and carried into the tem"le of BabylonFFthose King -yrus too1 from the tem"le of Babylon# and they were given to one named whom he had made governor'

IThey sent a letter to him# in which was written thusJ To *arius the 1ing7 All "eace'

)et it be 1nown to the 1ing that we went into the "rovince of Judea# to the tem"le of the great (od# which is being built with heavy stones# and timber is being laid in the walls9 and this wor1 goes on diligently and "ros"ers in their hands'

And he said to him# :Ta1e these articles9 go# carry them to the tem"le site that is in Jerusalem# and let the house of (od be rebuilt on its former site'D

Then the same came and laid the foundation of the house of (od which is in Jerusalem9 but from that time even until now it has been under construction# and it is not finished':


Now therefore# if it seems good to the 1ing# let a search be made in the 1ingDs treasure house# which is there in Babylon# whether it is so that a decree was issued by King -yrus to build this house of (od at Jerusalem# and let the 1ing send us his "leasure concerning this matter'

)et the wor1 of this house of (od alone9 let the governor of the Jews and the elders of the Jews build this house of (od on its site'

6Then King *arius issued a decree#

and a search was made in the archives# where the treasures were stored in Babylon'

4oreover 0 issue a decree as to what you shall do for the elders of these Jews# for the building of this house of (od7 )et the cost be "aid at the 1ingDs e!"ense from ta!es on the region beyond the +iver9 this is to be given immediately to these men# so that they are not hindered'

And at Achmetha# in the "alace that is in the "rovince of 4edia# a scroll was found# and in it a record was written thus7

And whatever they needFFyoung bulls# rams# and lambs for the burnt offerings of the (od of heaven# wheat# salt# wine# and oil# according to the reGuest of the "riests who are in JerusalemFFlet it be given them day by day without fail#

0n the first year of King -yrus# King -yrus issued a decree concerning the house of (od at Jerusalem7 :)et the house be rebuilt# the "lace where they offered sacrifices9 and let the foundations of it be firmly laid# its height si!ty cubits and its width si!ty cubits#

that they may offer sacrifices of sweet aroma to the (od of heaven# and "ray for the life of the 1ing and his sons'

with three rows of heavy stones and one row of new timber' )et the e!"enses be "aid from the 1ingDs treasury'

Also 0 issue a decree that whoever alters this edict# let a timber be "ulled from his house and erected# and let him be hanged on it9 and let his house be made a refuse hea" because of this'

Also let the gold and silver articles of the house of (od# which too1 from the tem"le which is in Jerusalem and brought to Babylon# be restored and ta1en bac1 to the tem"le which is in Jerusalem# each to its "lace9 and de"osit them in the house of (od:FF

And may the (od who causes 2is name to dwell there destroy any 1ing or "eo"le who "ut their hand to alter it# or to destroy this house of (od which is in Jerusalem' 0 *arius issue a decree9 let it be done diligently'

Now therefore# Tattenai# governor of the region beyond the +iver# and ShetharFBo.nai# and your com"anions the /ersians who are beyond the +iver# 1ee" yourselves far from there'

Then Tattenai# governor of the region beyond the +iver# ShetharFBo.nai# and their com"anions diligently did according to what King *arius had sent'

So the elders of the Jews built# and they "ros"ered through the "ro"hesying of 2aggai the "ro"het and 5echariah the son of 0ddo' And they built and finished it# according to the commandment of the

(od of 0srael# and according to the command of -yrus# *arius# and Arta!er!es 1ing of /ersia'

heart of the 1ing of Assyria toward them# to strengthen their hands in the wor1 of the house of (od# the (od of 0srael'

Now the tem"le was finished on the third day of the month of Adar# which was in the si!th year of the reign of King *arius'

7Now after these things# in the reign of

Arta!er!es 1ing of /ersia# .ra the son of Seraiah# the son of A.ariah# the son of 2il1iah#

Then the children of 0srael# the "riests and the )evites and the rest of the descendants of the ca"tivity# celebrated the dedication of this house of (od with $oy'

the son of Shallum# the son of 5ado1# the son of Ahitub#


And they offered sacrifices at the dedication of this house of (od# one hundred bulls# two hundred rams# four hundred lambs# and as a sin offering for all 0srael twelve male goats# according to the number of the tribes of 0srael'

the son of Amariah# the son of A.ariah# the son of 4eraioth#


the son of 5erahiah# the son of A..i# the son of Bu11i#


They assigned the "riests to their divisions and the )evites to their divisions# over the service of (od in Jerusalem# as it is written in the Boo1 of 4oses'

the son of Abishua# the son of /hinehas# the son of the son of Aaron the chief "riestFF

And the descendants of the ca"tivity 1e"t the /assover on the fourteenth day of the first month'

this .ra came u" from Babylon9 and he was a s1illed scribe in the )aw of 4oses# which the )3+* (od of 0srael had given' The 1ing granted him all his reGuest# according to the hand of the )3+* his (od u"on him'

For the "riests and the )evites had "urified themselves9 all of them were ritually clean' And they slaughtered the /assover lambs for all the descendants of the ca"tivity# for their brethren the "riests# and for themselves'

Some of the children of 0srael# the "riests# the )evites# the singers# the gate1ee"ers# and the Nethinim came u" to Jerusalem in the seventh year of King Arta!er!es'

Then the children of 0srael who had returned from the ca"tivity ate together with all who had se"arated themselves from the filth of the nations of the land in order to see1 the )3+* (od of 0srael'

And .ra came to Jerusalem in the fifth month# which was in the seventh year of the 1ing'

And they 1e"t the Feast of Anleavened Bread seven days with $oy9 for the )3+* made them $oyful# and turned the

3n the first day of the first month he began his $ourney from Babylon# and on the first day of the fifth month he came to Jerusalem# according to the good hand of his (od u"on him'


For .ra had "re"ared his heart to see1 the )aw of the )3+*# and to do it# and to teach statutes and ordinances in 0srael'


And whatever seems good to you and your brethren to do with the rest of the silver and the gold# do it according to the will of your (od'

This is a co"y of the Arta!er!es gave .ra scribe# e!"ert in the commandments of the 2is statutes to 0srael7

letter that King the "riest# the words of the )3+*# and of

Also the articles that are given to you for the service of the house of your (od# deliver in full before the (od of Jerusalem'

Arta!er!es# 1ing of 1ings# To .ra the "riest# a scribe of the )aw of the (od of heaven7 /erfect "eace# and so forth'

And whatever more may be needed for the house of your (od# which you may have occasion to "rovide# "ay for it from the 1ingDs treasury'

0 issue a decree that all those of the "eo"le of 0srael and the "riests and )evites in my realm# who volunteer to go u" to Jerusalem# may go with you'

And whereas you are being sent by the 1ing and his seven counselors to inGuire concerning Judah and Jerusalem# with regard to the )aw of your (od which is in your hand9

And 0# even 0# Arta!er!es the 1ing# issue a decree to all the treasurers who are in the region beyond the +iver# that whatever .ra the "riest# the scribe of the )aw of the (od of heaven# may reGuire of you# let it be done diligently#

u" to one hundred talents of silver# one hundred 1ors of wheat# one hundred baths of wine# one hundred baths of oil# and salt without "rescribed limit'

and whereas you are to carry the silver and gold which the 1ing and his counselors have freely offered to the (od of 0srael# whose dwelling is in Jerusalem9

Bhatever is commanded by the (od of heaven# let it diligently be done for the house of the (od of heaven' For why should there be wrath against the realm of the 1ing and his sonsE

and whereas all the silver and gold that you may find in all the "rovince of Babylon# along with the freewill offering of the "eo"le and the "riests# are to be freely offered for the house of their (od in JerusalemFF

Also we inform you that it shall not be lawful to im"ose ta!# tribute# or custom on any of the "riests# )evites# singers# gate1ee"ers# Nethinim# or servants of this house of (od'

now therefore# be careful to buy with this money bulls# rams# and lambs# with their grain offerings and their drin1 offerings# and offer them on the altar of the house of your (od in Jerusalem'

And you# .ra# according to your (odF given wisdom# set magistrates and $udges who may $udge all the "eo"le who are in the region beyond the +iver# all such as 1now the laws of your (od9 and teach those who do not 1now them'

Bhoever will not observe the law of your (od and the law of the 1ing# let

$udgment be e!ecuted s"eedily on him# whether it be death# or banishment# or confiscation of goods# or im"risonment'

of the sons of Joab# 3badiah the son of Jehiel# and with him two hundred and eighteen males9

Blessed be the )3+* (od of our fathers# who has "ut such a thing as this in the 1ingDs heart# to beautify the house of the )3+* which is in Jerusalem#

of the sons of Shelomith# BenF Josi"hiah# and with him one hundred and si!ty males9

and has e!tended mercy to me before the 1ing and his counselors# and before all the 1ingDs mighty "rinces' So 0 was encouraged# as the hand of the )3+* my (od was u"on me9 and 0 gathered leading men of 0srael to go u" with me'

of the sons of Bebai# 5echariah the son of Bebai# and with him twentyFeight males9

of the sons of A.gad# Johanan the son of 2a11atan# and with him one hundred and ten males9

8These are the heads of their fathersD

houses# and this is the genealogy of those who went u" with me from Babylon# in the reign of King Arta!er!es7

of the last sons of Adoni1am# whose names are theseFF li"helet# Jeiel# and ShemaiahFFand with them si!ty males9

also of the sons of Bigvai# Athai and 5abbud# and with them seventy males'

of the sons of /hinehas# (ershom9 of the sons of 0thamar# *aniel9 of the sons of *avid# 2attush9

of the sons of Shecaniah# of the sons of /arosh# 5echariah9 and registered with him were one hundred and fifty males9

Now 0 gathered them by the river that flows to Ahava# and we cam"ed there three days' And 0 loo1ed among the "eo"le and the "riests# and found none of the sons of )evi there'

of the sons of /ahathF4oab# liehoenai the son of 5erahiah# and with him two hundred males9

Then 0 sent for Ariel# Shemaiah# lnathan# Jarib# lnathan# Nathan# 5echariah# and 4eshullam# leaders9 also for Joiarib and lnathan# men of understanding'

of the sons of Shechaniah# BenF Jaha.iel# and with him three hundred males9

of the sons of Adin# bed the son of Jonathan# and with him fifty males9

And 0 gave them a command for 0ddo the chief man at the "lace -asi"hia# and 0 told them what they should say to 0ddo and his brethren the Nethinim at the "lace -asi"hiaFFthat they should bring us servants for the house of our (od'

of the sons of lam# Jeshaiah the son of Athaliah# and with him seventy males9

of the sons of She"hatiah# 5ebadiah the son of 4ichael# and with him eighty males9

Then# by the good hand of our (od u"on us# they brought us a man of understanding# of the sons of 4ahli the son of )evi# the son of 0srael# namely Sherebiah# with his sons and brothers# eighteen men9


and 2ashabiah# and with him Jeshaiah of the sons of 4erari# his brothers and their sons# twenty men9


also of the Nethinim# whom *avid and the leaders had a""ointed for the service of the )evites# two hundred and twenty Nethinim' All of them were designated by name'

And 0 said to them# :Cou are holy to the )3+*9 the articles are holy also9 and the silver and the gold are a freewill offering to the )3+* (od of your fathers'

Then 0 "roclaimed a fast there at the river of Ahava# that we might humble ourselves before our (od# to see1 from 2im the right way for us and our little ones and all our "ossessions'

Batch and 1ee" them until you weigh them before the leaders of the "riests and the )evites and heads of the fathersD houses of 0srael in Jerusalem# in the chambers of the house of the )3+*':

For 0 was ashamed to reGuest of the 1ing an escort of soldiers and horsemen to hel" us against the enemy on the road# because we had s"o1en to the 1ing# saying# :The hand of our (od is u"on all those for good who see1 2im# but 2is "ower and 2is wrath are against all those who forsa1e 2im':

So the "riests and the )evites received the silver and the gold and the articles by weight# to bring them to Jerusalem to the house of our (od'

Then we de"arted from the river of Ahava on the twelfth day of the first month# to go to Jerusalem' And the hand of our (od was u"on us# and 2e delivered us from the hand of the enemy and from ambush along the road'

So we fasted and entreated our (od for this# and 2e answered our "rayer'

So we came to Jerusalem# and stayed there three days'


And 0 se"arated twelve of the leaders of the "riestsFFSherebiah# 2ashabiah# and ten of their brethren with themFF

and weighed out to them the silver# the gold# and the articles# the offering for the house of our (od which the 1ing and his counselors and his "rinces# and all 0srael who were "resent# had offered'

Now on the fourth day the silver and the gold and the articles were weighed in the house of our (od by the hand of 4eremoth the son of Ariah the "riest# and with him was the son of /hinehas9 with them were the )evites# Jo.abad the son of Jeshua and Noadiah the son of Binnui#

0 weighed into their hand si! hundred and fifty talents of silver# silver articles weighing one hundred talents# one hundred talents of gold#

with the number and weight of everything' All the weight was written down at that time'

twenty gold basins worth a thousand drachmas# and two vessels of fine "olished bron.e# "recious as gold'

The children of those who had been carried away ca"tive# who had come from the ca"tivity# offered burnt offerings to the (od of 0srael7 twelve bulls for all 0srael# ninetyFsi! rams# seventyFseven lambs# and twelve male goats as a sin

offering' All this was a burnt offering to the )3+*'


face to Cou# my (od9 for our iniGuities have risen higher than our heads# and our guilt has grown u" to the heavens'

And they delivered the 1ingDs orders to the 1ingDs satra"s and the governors in the region beyond the +iver' So they gave su""ort to the "eo"le and the house of (od'

9Bhen these things were done# the

leaders came to me# saying# :The "eo"le of 0srael and the "riests and the )evites have not se"arated themselves from the "eo"les of the lands# with res"ect to the abominations of the -anaanites# the 2ittites# the /eri..ites# the Jebusites# the Ammonites# the 4oabites# the gy"tians# and the Amorites'

Since the days of our fathers to this day we have been very guilty# and for our iniGuities we# our 1ings# and our "riests have been delivered into the hand of the 1ings of the lands# to the sword# to ca"tivity# to "lunder# and to humiliation# as it is this day'

And now for a little while grace has been shown from the )3+* our (od# to leave us a remnant to esca"e# and to give us a "eg in 2is holy "lace# that our (od may enlighten our eyes and give us a measure of revival in our bondage'

For they have ta1en some of their daughters as wives for themselves and their sons# so that the holy seed is mi!ed with the "eo"les of those lands' 0ndeed# the hand of the leaders and rulers has been foremost in this tres"ass':

For we were slaves' Cet our (od did not forsa1e us in our bondage9 but 2e e!tended mercy to us in the sight of the 1ings of /ersia# to revive us# to re"air the house of our (od# to rebuild its ruins# and to give us a wall in Judah and Jerusalem'

So when 0 heard this thing# 0 tore my garment and my robe# and "luc1ed out some of the hair of my head and beard# and sat down astonished'

And now# 3 our (od# what shall we say after thisE For we have forsa1en Cour commandments#

Then everyone who trembled at the words of the (od of 0srael assembled to me# because of the transgression of those who had been carried away ca"tive# and 0 sat astonished until the evening sacrifice'

which Cou commanded by Cour servants the "ro"hets# saying# :The land which you are entering to "ossess is an unclean land# with the uncleanness of the "eo"les of the lands# with their abominations which have filled it from one end to another with their im"urity'

At the evening sacrifice 0 arose from my fasting9 and having torn my garment and my robe# 0 fell on my 1nees and s"read out my hands to the )3+* my (od'

Now therefore# do not give your daughters as wives for their sons# nor ta1e their daughters to your sons9 and never see1 their "eace or "ros"erity# that you may be strong and eat the good of the land# and leave it as an inheritance to your children forever'D

And 0 said7 :3 my (od# 0 am too ashamed and humiliated to lift u" my


And after all that has come u"on us for our evil deeds and for our great guilt# since Cou our (od have "unished us less than our iniGuities deserve# and have given us such deliverance as this#


Then .ra arose# and made the leaders of the "riests# the )evites# and all 0srael swear an oath that they would do according to this word' So they swore an oath'

should we again brea1 Cour commandments# and $oin in marriage with the "eo"le committing these abominationsE Bould Cou not be angry with us until Cou had consumed us# so that there would be no remnant or survivorE

Then .ra rose u" from before the house of (od# and went into the chamber of Jehohanan the son of liashib9 and when he came there# he ate no bread and dran1 no water# for he mourned because of the guilt of those from the ca"tivity'

3 )3+* (od of 0srael# Cou are righteous# for we are left as a remnant# as it is this day' 2ere we are before Cou# in our guilt# though no one can stand before Cou because of thisH:

And they issued a "roclamation throughout Judah and Jerusalem to all the descendants of the ca"tivity# that they must gather at Jerusalem#

10Now while

.ra was "raying# and while he was confessing# wee"ing# and bowing down before the house of (od# a very large assembly of men# women# and children gathered to him from 0srael9 for the "eo"le we"t very bitterly'

and that whoever would not come within three days# according to the instructions of the leaders and elders# all his "ro"erty would be confiscated# and he himself would be se"arated from the assembly of those from the ca"tivity'

And Shechaniah the son of Jehiel# one of the sons of lam# s"o1e u" and said to .ra# :Be have tres"assed against our (od# and have ta1en "agan wives from the "eo"les of the land9 yet now there is ho"e in 0srael in s"ite of this'

So all the men of Judah and Ben$amin gathered at Jerusalem within three days' 0t was the ninth month# on the twentieth of the month9 and all the "eo"le sat in the o"en sGuare of the house of (od# trembling because of this matter and because of heavy rain'

Now therefore# let us ma1e a covenant with our (od to "ut away all these wives and those who have been born to them# according to the advice of my master and of those who tremble at the commandment of our (od9 and let it be done according to the law'

Then .ra the "riest stood u" and said to them# :Cou have transgressed and have ta1en "agan wives# adding to the guilt of 0srael'

Arise# for this matter is your res"onsibility' Be also are with you' Be of good courage# and do it':

Now therefore# ma1e confession to the )3+* (od of your fathers# and do 2is will9 se"arate yourselves from the "eo"les of the land# and from the "agan wives':

Then all the assembly answered and said with a loud voice# :CesH As you have said# so we must do'


But there are many "eo"le9 it is the season for heavy rain# and we are not able to stand outside' Nor is this the wor1 of one or two days# for there are many of us who have transgressed in this matter'


of the sons of /ashhur7 lioenai# 4aaseiah# 0shmael# Nethanel# Jo.abad# and lasah'

Also of the )evites7 Jo.abad# Shimei# Kelaiah Ithe same is KelitaJ# /ethahiah# Judah# and'

/lease# let the leaders of our entire assembly stand9 and let all those in our cities who have ta1en "agan wives come at a""ointed times# together with the elders and $udges of their cities# until the fierce wrath of our (od is turned away from us in this matter':

Also of the singers7 liashib9 and of the gate1ee"ers7 Shallum# Telem# and Ari'

3nly Jonathan the son of Asahel and Jaha.iah the son of Ti1vah o""osed this# and 4eshullam and Shabbethai the )evite gave them su""ort'

And others of 0srael7 of the sons of /arosh7 +amiah# Je.iah# 4alchiah# 4i$amin# 4alchi$ah# and Benaiah9

of the sons of lam7 4attaniah# 5echariah# Jehiel# Abdi# Jeremoth# and liah9

Then the descendants of the ca"tivity did so' And .ra the "riest# with certain heads of the fathersD households# were set a"art by the fathersD households# each of them by name9 and they sat down on the first day of the tenth month to e!amine the matter'

of the sons of 5attu7 lioenai# liashib# 4attaniah# Jeremoth# 5abad# and A.i.a9

of the sons of Bebai7 Jehohanan# 2ananiah# 5abbai# and Athlai9


By the first day of the first month they finished Guestioning all the men who had ta1en "agan wives'

of the sons of Bani7 4eshullam# 4alluch# Adaiah# Jashub# Sheal# and +amoth9

And among the sons of the "riests who had ta1en "agan wives the following were found of the sons of Jeshua the son of Jo.ada1# and his brothers7 4aaseiah# Jarib# and (edaliah'

of the sons of /ahathF4oab7 Adna# -helal# Benaiah# 4aaseiah# 4attaniah# Be.alel# Binnui# and 4anasseh9

of the sons of 2arim7 0shi$ah# 4alchi$ah# Shemaiah# Shimeon#


And they gave their "romise that they would "ut away their wives9 and being guilty# they "resented a ram of the floc1 as their tres"ass offering'

Ben$amin# 4alluch# and Shemariah9


of the sons of 2ashum7 4attenai# 4attattah# 5abad# li"helet# Jeremai# 4anasseh# and Shimei9

Also of the sons of 0mmer7 2anani and 5ebadiah9


of the sons of Bani7 4aadai# Amram# Ael#


of the sons of 2arim7 4aaseiah# li$ah# Shemaiah# Jehiel# and A..iah9

Benaiah# Bedeiah# -heluh#


Vaniah# 4eremoth# liashib# 4attaniah# 4attenai# Jaasai# Bani# Binnui# Shimei# Shelemiah# Nathan# Adaiah# 4achnadebai# Shashai# Sharai#


A.arel# Shelemiah# Shemariah# Shallum# Amariah# and Jose"h9






of the sons of Nebo7 Jeiel# 4attithiah# 5abad# 5ebina# Jaddai# Joel# and Benaiah'


All these had ta1en "agan wives# and some of them had wives by whom they had children'

Nehemiah 1The words of Nehemiah the son of

2achaliah' 0t came to "ass in the month of -hislev# in the twentieth year# as 0 was in Shushan the citadel#
, >

+emember# 0 "ray# the word that Cou commanded Cour servant 4oses# saying# :0f you are unfaithful# 0 will scatter you among the nations9

that 2anani one of my brethren came with men from Judah9 and 0 as1ed them concerning the Jews who had esca"ed# who had survived the ca"tivity# and concerning Jerusalem'

but if you return to 4e# and 1ee" 4y commandments and do them# though some of you were cast out to the farthest "art of the heavens# yet 0 will gather them from there# and bring them to the "lace which 0 have chosen as a dwelling for 4y name'D

And they said to me# :The survivors who are left from the ca"tivity in the "rovince are there in great distress and re"roach' The wall of Jerusalem is also bro1en down# and its gates are burned with fire':

Now these are Cour servants and Cour "eo"le# whom Cou have redeemed by Cour great "ower# and by Cour strong hand'

So it was# when 0 heard these words# that 0 sat down and we"t# and mourned for many days9 0 was fasting and "raying before the (od of heaven'

And 0 said7 :0 "ray# )3+* (od of heaven# 3 great and awesome (od# Cou who 1ee" Cour covenant and mercy with those who love Cou and observe Cour commandments#

3 )ord# 0 "ray# "lease let Cour ear be attentive to the "rayer of Cour servant# and to the "rayer of Cour servants who desire to fear Cour name9 and let Cour servant "ros"er this day# 0 "ray# and grant him mercy in the sight of this man': For 0 was the 1ingDs cu"bearer'

2And it came to "ass in the month of

Nisan# in the twentieth year of King Arta!er!es# when wine was before him# that 0 too1 the wine and gave it to the 1ing' Now 0 had never been sad in his "resence before'

"lease let Cour ear be attentive and Cour eyes o"en# that Cou may hear the "rayer of Cour servant which 0 "ray before Cou now# day and night# for the children of 0srael Cour servants# and confess the sins of the children of 0srael which we have sinned against Cou' Both my fatherDs house and 0 have sinned'

Therefore the 1ing said to me# :Bhy is your face sad# since you are not sic1E This is nothing but sorrow of heart': So 0 became dreadfully afraid#

Be have acted very corru"tly against Cou# and have not 1e"t the commandments# the statutes# nor the ordinances which Cou commanded Cour servant 4oses'

and said to the 1ing# :4ay the 1ing live foreverH Bhy should my face not be sad# when the city# the "lace of my fathersD tombs# lies waste# and its gates are burned with fireE:

Then the 1ing said to me# :Bhat do you reGuestE: So 0 "rayed to the (od of heaven'

had "ut in my heart to do at Jerusalem9 nor was there any animal with me# e!ce"t the one on which 0 rode'

And 0 said to the 1ing# :0f it "leases the 1ing# and if your servant has found favor in your sight# 0 as1 that you send me to Judah# to the city of my fathersD tombs# that 0 may rebuild it':

And 0 went out by night through the Valley (ate to the Ser"ent Bell and the +efuse (ate# and viewed the walls of Jerusalem which were bro1en down and its gates which were burned with fire'

Then the 1ing said to me Ithe Gueen also sitting beside himJ# :2ow long will your $ourney beE And when will you returnE: So it "leased the 1ing to send me9 and 0 set him a time'

Then 0 went on to the Fountain (ate and to the KingDs /ool# but there was no room for the animal under me to "ass'

Furthermore 0 said to the 1ing# :0f it "leases the 1ing# let letters be given to me for the governors of the region beyond the +iver# that they must "ermit me to "ass through till 0 come to Judah#

So 0 went u" in the night by the valley# and viewed the wall9 then 0 turned bac1 and entered by the Valley (ate# and so returned'

and a letter to Asa"h the 1ee"er of the 1ingDs forest# that he must give me timber to ma1e beams for the gates of the citadel which "ertains to the tem"le# for the city wall# and for the house that 0 will occu"y': And the 1ing granted them to me according to the good hand of my (od u"on me'

And the officials did not 1now where 0 had gone or what 0 had done9 0 had not yet told the Jews# the "riests# the nobles# the officials# or the others who did the wor1'

Then 0 said to them# :Cou see the distress that we are in# how Jerusalem lies waste# and its gates are burned with fire' -ome and let us build the wall of Jerusalem# that we may no longer be a re"roach':

Then 0 went to the governors in the region beyond the +iver# and gave them the 1ingDs letters' Now the 1ing had sent ca"tains of the army and horsemen with me'

Bhen Sanballat the 2oronite and Tobiah the Ammonite official heard of it# they were dee"ly disturbed that a man had come to see1 the wellFbeing of the children of 0srael'

And 0 told them of the hand of my (od which had been good u"on me# and also of the 1ingDs words that he had s"o1en to me' So they said# :)et us rise u" and build': Then they set their hands to this good wor1'

So 0 came to Jerusalem and was there three days'


But when Sanballat the 2oronite# Tobiah the Ammonite official# and (eshem the Arab heard of it# they laughed at us and des"ised us# and said# :Bhat is this thing that you are doingE Bill you rebel against the 1ingE:

Then 0 arose in the night# 0 and a few men with me9 0 told no one what my (od

So 0 answered them# and said to them# :The (od of heaven 2imself will "ros"er

us9 therefore we 2is servants will arise and build# but you have no heritage or right or memorial in Jerusalem':



liashib the high "riest rose u" with his brethren the "riests and built the Shee" (ate9 they consecrated it and hung its doors' They built as far as the Tower of the 2undred# and consecrated it# then as far as the Tower of 2ananel'

Ne!t to him A..iel the son of 2arhaiah# one of the goldsmiths# made re"airs' Also ne!t to him 2ananiah# one of the "erfumers# made re"airs9 and they fortified Jerusalem as far as the Broad Ball'

And ne!t to them +e"haiah the son of 2ur# leader of half the district of Jerusalem# made re"airs'

Ne!t to liashib the men of Jericho built' And ne!t to them 5accur the son of 0mri built'

Ne!t to them Jedaiah the son of 2aruma"h made re"airs in front of his house' And ne!t to him 2attush the son of 2ashabniah made re"airs'

Also the sons of 2assenaah built the Fish (ate9 they laid its beams and hung its doors with its bolts and bars'

4alchi$ah the son of 2arim and 2ashub the son of /ahathF4oab re"aired another section# as well as the Tower of the 3vens'

And ne!t to them 4eremoth the son of Ari$ah# the son of Ko.# made re"airs' Ne!t to them 4eshullam the son of Berechiah# the son of 4eshe.abel# made re"airs' Ne!t to them 5ado1 the son of Baana made re"airs'

And ne!t to him was Shallum the son of 2allohesh# leader of half the district of Jerusalem9 he and his daughters made re"airs'

Ne!t to them the Te1oites made re"airs9 but their nobles did not "ut their shoulders to the wor1 of their )ord'

2anun and the inhabitants of 5anoah re"aired the Valley (ate' They built it# hung its doors with its bolts and bars# and re"aired a thousand cubits of the wall as far as the +efuse (ate'

4oreover Jehoiada the son of /aseah and 4eshullam the son of Besodeiah re"aired the 3ld (ate9 they laid its beams and hung its doors# with its bolts and bars'

4alchi$ah the son of +echab# leader of the district of Beth 2accerem# re"aired the +efuse (ate9 he built it and hung its doors with its bolts and bars'

And ne!t to them 4elatiah the (ibeonite# Jadon the 4eronothite# the men of (ibeon and 4i."ah# re"aired the residence of the governor of the region beyond the +iver'

Shallun the son of leader of the district of 4i."ah# re"aired the Fountain (ate9 he built it# covered it# hung its doors with its bolts and bars# and re"aired the wall of the /ool of Shelah by the KingDs (arden# as far as the stairs that go down from the -ity of *avid'

After him Nehemiah the son of A.bu1# leader of half the district of Beth 5ur#

made re"airs as far as the "lace in front of the tombs of *avid# to the manFmade "ool# and as far as the 2ouse of the 4ighty'

house that was by the court of the "rison' After him /edaiah the son of /arosh made re"airs'

After him the )evites# under +ehum the son of Bani# made re"airs' Ne!t to him 2ashabiah# leader of half the district of Keilah# made re"airs for his district'

4oreover the Nethinim who dwelt in 3"hel made re"airs as far as the "lace in front of the Bater (ate toward the east# and on the "ro$ecting tower'

After him their brethren# under Bavai the son of 2enadad# leader of the other half of the district of Keilah# made re"airs'

After them the Te1oites re"aired another section# ne!t to the great "ro$ecting tower# and as far as the wall of 3"hel'

And ne!t to him .er the son of Jeshua# the leader of 4i."ah# re"aired another section in front of the Ascent to the Armory at the buttress'

Beyond the 2orse (ate the "riests made re"airs# each in front of his own house'

After him Baruch the son of 5abbai carefully re"aired the other section# from the buttress to the door of the house of liashib the high "riest'

After them 5ado1 the son of 0mmer made re"airs in front of his own house' After him Shemaiah the son of Shechaniah# the 1ee"er of the ast (ate# made re"airs'

After him 4eremoth the son of Ari$ah# the son of Ko.# re"aired another section# from the door of the house of liashib to the end of the house of liashib'

After him 2ananiah the son of Shelemiah# and 2anun# the si!th son of 5ala"h# re"aired another section' After him 4eshullam the son of Berechiah made re"airs in front of his dwelling'

And after him the "riests# the men of the "lain# made re"airs'

After him Ben$amin and 2asshub made re"airs o""osite their house' After them A.ariah the son of 4aaseiah# the son of Ananiah# made re"airs by his house'

After him 4alchi$ah# one of the goldsmiths# made re"airs as far as the house of the Nethinim and of the merchants# in front of the 4i"h1ad (ate# and as far as the u""er room at the corner'

After him Binnui the son of 2enadad re"aired another section# from the house of A.ariah to the buttress# even as far as the corner'

And between the u""er room at the corner# as far as the Shee" (ate# the goldsmiths and the merchants made re"airs'

4But it so ha""ened# when Sanballat

heard that we were rebuilding the wall# that he was furious and very indignant# and moc1ed the Jews'

/alal the son of made re"airs o""osite the buttress# and on the tower which "ro$ects from the 1ingDs u""er

And he s"o1e before his brethren and the army of Samaria# and said# :Bhat are these feeble Jews doingE Bill they fortify themselvesE Bill they offer sacrificesE Bill they com"lete it in a dayE Bill they revive the stones from the hea"s of rubbishFFstones that are burnedE:


And our adversaries said# :They will neither 1now nor see anything# till we come into their midst and 1ill them and cause the wor1 to cease':

So it was# when the Jews who dwelt near them came# that they told us ten times# :From whatever "lace you turn# they will be u"on us':

Now Tobiah the Ammonite was beside him# and he said# :Bhatever they build# if even a fo! goes u" on it# he will brea1 down their stone wall':

2ear# 3 our (od# for we are des"ised9 turn their re"roach on their own heads# and give them as "lunder to a land of ca"tivityH

Therefore 0 "ositioned men behind the lower "arts of the wall# at the o"enings9 and 0 set the "eo"le according to their families# with their swords# their s"ears# and their bows'

*o not cover their iniGuity# and do not let their sin be blotted out from before Cou9 for they have "rovo1ed Cou to anger before the builders'

And 0 loo1ed# and arose and said to the nobles# to the leaders# and to the rest of the "eo"le# :*o not be afraid of them' +emember the )ord# great and awesome# and fight for your brethren# your sons# your daughters# your wives# and your houses':

So we built the wall# and the entire wall was $oined together u" to half its height# for the "eo"le had a mind to wor1'

Now it ha""ened# when Sanballat# Tobiah# the Arabs# the Ammonites# and the Ashdodites heard that the walls of Jerusalem were being restored and the ga"s were beginning to be closed# that they became very angry#

And it ha""ened# when our enemies heard that it was 1nown to us# and that (od had brought their "lot to nothing# that all of us returned to the wall# everyone to his wor1'

and all of them cons"ired together to come and attac1 Jerusalem and create confusion'

So it was# from that time on# that half of my servants wor1ed at construction# while the other half held the s"ears# the shields# the bows# and wore armor9 and the leaders were behind all the house of Judah'

Nevertheless we made our "rayer to our (od# and because of them we set a watch against them day and night'

Those who built on the wall# and those who carried burdens# loaded themselves so that with one hand they wor1ed at construction# and with the other held a wea"on'

Then Judah said# :The strength of the laborers is failing# and there is so much rubbish that we are not able to build the wall':

very one of the builders had his sword girded at his side as he built' And the one who sounded the trum"et was beside me'


Then 0 said to the nobles# the rulers# and the rest of the "eo"le# :The wor1 is great and e!tensive# and we are se"arated far from one another on the wall'

our daughters to be slaves# and some of our daughters have been brought into slavery' 0t is not in our "ower to redeem them# for other men have our lands and vineyards':

Bherever you hear the sound of the trum"et# rally to us there' 3ur (od will fight for us':

And 0 became very angry when 0 heard their outcry and these words'

So we labored in the wor1# and half of the men held the s"ears from daybrea1 until the stars a""eared'

After serious thought# 0 rebu1ed the nobles and rulers# and said to them# : ach of you is e!acting usury from his brother': So 0 called a great assembly against them'

At the same time 0 also said to the "eo"le# :)et each man and his servant stay at night in Jerusalem# that they may be our guard by night and a wor1ing "arty by day':

So neither 0# my brethren# my servants# nor the men of the guard who followed me too1 off our clothes# e!ce"t that everyone too1 them off for washing'

And 0 said to them# :According to our ability we have redeemed our Jewish brethren who were sold to the nations' Now indeed# will you even sell your brethrenE 3r should they be sold to usE: Then they were silenced and found nothing to say'

5And there was a great outcry of the

"eo"le and their wives against their Jewish brethren'

Then 0 said# :Bhat you are doing is not good' Should you not wal1 in the fear of our (od because of the re"roach of the nations# our enemiesE

For there were those who said# :Be# our sons# and our daughters are many9 therefore let us get grain# that we may eat and live':

0 also# with my brethren and my servants# am lending them money and grain' /lease# let us sto" this usuryH

There were also some who said# :Be have mortgaged our lands and vineyards and houses# that we might buy grain because of the famine':

+estore now to them# even this day# their lands# their vineyards# their olive groves# and their houses# also a hundredth of the money and the grain# the new wine and the oil# that you have charged them':

There were also those who said# :Be have borrowed money for the 1ingDs ta! on our lands and vineyards'

So they said# :Be will restore it# and will reGuire nothing from them9 we will do as you say': Then 0 called the "riests# and reGuired an oath from them that they would do according to this "romise'

Cet now our flesh is as the flesh of our brethren# our children as their children9 and indeed we are forcing our sons and

Then 0 shoo1 out the fold of my garment and said# :So may (od sha1e out each man from his house# and from

his "ro"erty# who does not "erform this "romise' ven thus may he be sha1en out and em"tied': And all the assembly said# :AmenH: and "raised the )3+*' Then the "eo"le did according to this "romise'

of our enemies heard that 0 had rebuilt the wall# and that there were no brea1s left in it Ithough at that time 0 had not hung the doors in the gatesJ#

4oreover# from the time that 0 was a""ointed to be their governor in the land of Judah# from the twentieth year until the thirtyFsecond year of King Arta!er!es# twelve years# neither 0 nor my brothers ate the governorDs "rovisions'

that Sanballat and (eshem sent to me# saying# :-ome# let us meet together among the villages in the "lain of 3no': But they thought to do me harm'

So 0 sent messengers to them# saying# :0 am doing a great wor1# so that 0 cannot come down' Bhy should the wor1 cease while 0 leave it and go down to youE:

But the former governors who were before me laid burdens on the "eo"le# and too1 from them bread and wine# besides forty she1els of silver' Ces# even their servants bore rule over the "eo"le# but 0 did not do so# because of the fear of (od'

But they sent me this message four times# and 0 answered them in the same manner'

0ndeed# 0 also continued the wor1 on this wall# and we did not buy any land' All my servants were gathered there for the wor1'

Then Sanballat sent his servant to me as before# the fifth time# with an o"en letter in his hand'

And at my table were one hundred and fifty Jews and rulers# besides those who came to us from the nations around us'

0n it was written7 0t is re"orted among the nations# and (eshem says# that you and the Jews "lan to rebel9 therefore# according to these rumors# you are rebuilding the wall# that you may be their 1ing'

Now that which was "re"ared daily was one o! and si! choice shee"' Also fowl were "re"ared for me# and once every ten days an abundance of all 1inds of wine' Cet in s"ite of this 0 did not demand the governorDs "rovisions# because the bondage was heavy on this "eo"le'

And you have also a""ointed "ro"hets to "roclaim concerning you at Jerusalem# saying# :There is a 1ing in JudahH: Now these matters will be re"orted to the 1ing' So come# therefore# and let us consult together'

+emember me# my (od# for good# according to all that 0 have done for this "eo"le'

Then 0 sent to him# saying# :No such things as you say are being done# but you invent them in your own heart':

6Now it

ha""ened when Sanballat# Tobiah# (eshem the Arab# and the rest

For they all were trying to ma1e us afraid# saying# :Their hands will be wea1ened in the wor1# and it will not be done': Now therefore# 3 (od# strengthen my hands'


Afterward 0 came to the house of Shemaiah the son of *elaiah# the son of 4ehetabel# who was a secret informer9 and he said# :)et us meet together in the house of (od# within the tem"le# and let us close the doors of the tem"le# for they are coming to 1ill you9 indeed# at night they will come to 1ill you':

daughter of 4eshullam the son of Berechiah'


Also they re"orted his good deeds before me# and re"orted my words to him' Tobiah sent letters to frighten me'

And 0 said# :Should such a man as 0 fleeE And who is there such as 0 who would go into the tem"le to save his lifeE 0 will not go inH:

7Then it was# when the wall was built

and 0 had hung the doors# when the gate1ee"ers# the singers# and the )evites had been a""ointed#

Then 0 "erceived that (od had not sent him at all# but that he "ronounced this "ro"hecy against me because Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him'

that 0 gave the charge of Jerusalem to my brother 2anani# and 2ananiah the leader of the citadel# for he was a faithful man and feared (od more than many'

For this reason he was hired# that 0 should be afraid and act that way and sin# so that they might have cause for an evil re"ort# that they might re"roach me'

4y (od# remember Tobiah and Sanballat# according to these their wor1s# and the "ro"hetess Noadiah and the rest of the "ro"hets who would have made me afraid'

And 0 said to them# :*o not let the gates of Jerusalem be o"ened until the sun is hot9 and while they stand guard# let them shut and bar the doors9 and a""oint guards from among the inhabitants of Jerusalem# one at his watch station and another in front of his own house':

So the wall was finished on the twentyF fifth day of lul# in fiftyFtwo days'

Now the city was large and s"acious# but the "eo"le in it were few# and the houses were not rebuilt'

And it ha""ened# when all our enemies heard of it# and all the nations around us saw these things# that they were very disheartened in their own eyes9 for they "erceived that this wor1 was done by our (od'

Then my (od "ut it into my heart to gather the nobles# the rulers# and the "eo"le# that they might be registered by genealogy' And 0 found a register of the genealogy of those who had come u" in the first return# and found written in it7

Also in those days the nobles of Judah sent many letters to Tobiah# and the letters of Tobiah came to them'

For many in Judah were "ledged to him# because he was the sonFinFlaw of Shechaniah the son of Arah# and his son Jehohanan had married the

These are the "eo"le of the "rovince who came bac1 from the ca"tivity# of those who had been carried away# whom the 1ing of Babylon had carried away# and who returned to Jerusalem and Judah# everyone to his city'

Those who came with 5erubbabel were Jeshua# Nehemiah# A.ariah# +aamiah# Nahamani# 4ordecai# Bilshan# 4is"ereth# Bigvai# Nehum# and Baanah' The number of the men of the "eo"le of 0srael7


the sons of Ater of 2e.e1iah# ninetyF eight9


the sons of 2ashum# three hundred and twentyFeight9


the sons of /arosh# two thousand one hundred and seventyFtwo9


the sons of three hundred and twentyFfour9


the sons of She"hatiah# three hundred and seventyFtwo9


the sons of 2ari"h# one hundred and twelve9


the sons of Arah# si! hundred and fiftyF two9


the sons of (ibeon# ninetyFfive9


the sons of /ahathF4oab# of the sons of Jeshua and Joab# two thousand eight hundred and eighteen9

the men of Bethlehem and Neto"hah# one hundred and eightyFeight9


the men of Anathoth# one hundred and twentyFeight9


the sons of lam# one thousand two hundred and fiftyFfour9


the men of Beth A.maveth# fortyFtwo9


the sons of 5attu# eight hundred and fortyFfive9


the men of Kir$ath Jearim# -he"hirah# and Beeroth# seven hundred and fortyF three9

the sons of 5accai# seven hundred and si!ty9


the men of +amah and (eba# si! hundred and twentyFone9


the sons of Binnui# si! hundred and fortyFeight9


the men of 4ichmas# one hundred and twentyFtwo9


the sons of Bebai# si! hundred and twentyFeight9


the men of Bethel and Ai# one hundred and twentyFthree9


the sons of A.gad# two thousand three hundred and twentyFtwo9


the men of the other Nebo# fiftyFtwo9


the sons of Adoni1am# si! hundred and si!tyFseven9


the sons of the other lam# one thousand two hundred and fiftyFfour9

the sons of Bigvai# two thousand and si!tyFseven9


the sons of 2arim# three hundred and twenty9


the sons of Adin# si! hundred and fiftyF five9

the sons of Jericho# three hundred and fortyFfive9


the sons of )od# 2adid# and 3no# seven hundred and twentyFone9


the sons of ( the sons of A..a# the sons of /aseah#


the sons of Senaah# three thousand nine hundred and thirty'


the sons of Besai# the sons of 4eunim# the sons of Ne"hishesim#


The "riests7 the sons of Jedaiah# of the house of Jeshua# nine hundred and seventyFthree9

the sons of Ba1bu1# the sons of 2a1u"ha# the sons of 2arhur#


the sons of 0mmer# one thousand and fiftyFtwo9


the sons of Ba.lith# the sons of 4ehida# the sons of 2arsha#


the sons of /ashhur# one thousand two hundred and fortyFseven9


the sons of Bar1os# the sons of Sisera# the sons of Tamah#


the sons of 2arim# one thousand and seventeen'


the sons of Ne.iah# and the sons of 2ati"ha'


The )evites7 the sons of Jeshua# of Kadmiel# and of the sons of 2odevah# seventyFfour'

The sons of SolomonDs servants7 the sons of Sotai# the sons of So"hereth# the sons of /erida#

The singers7 the sons of Asa"h# one hundred and fortyFeight'


the sons of Jaala# the sons of *ar1on# the sons of (iddel#


The gate1ee"ers7 the sons of Shallum# the sons of Ater# the sons of Talmon# the sons of A11ub# the sons of 2atita# the sons of Shobai# one hundred and thirtyFeight'

the sons of She"hatiah# the sons of 2attil# the sons of /ochereth of 5ebaim# and the sons of Amon'

All the Nethinim# and the sons of SolomonDs servants# were three hundred and ninetyFtwo'

The Nethinim7 the sons of 5iha# the sons of 2asu"ha# the sons of Tabbaoth#

the sons of Keros# the sons of Sia# the sons of /adon#


And these were the ones who came u" from Tel 4elah# Tel 2arsha# -herub# Addon# and 0mmer# but they could not identify their fatherDs house nor their lineage# whether they were of 0srael7

the sons of )ebana# the sons of 2agaba# the sons of Salmai#


the sons of 2anan# the sons of (iddel# the sons of (ahar#


the sons of *elaiah# the sons of Tobiah# the sons of Ne1oda# si! hundred and fortyFtwo9

the sons of +eaiah# the sons of the sons of Ne1oda#

and of the "riests7 the sons of 2abaiah# the sons of Ko.# the sons of Bar.illai# who too1 a wife of the

daughters of Bar.illai the (ileadite# and was called by their name'



These sought their listing among those who were registered by genealogy# but it was not found9 therefore they were e!cluded from the "riesthood as defiled'

So the "riests# the )evites# the gate1ee"ers# the singers# some of the "eo"le# the Nethinim# and all 0srael dwelt in their cities' Bhen the seventh month came# the children of 0srael were in their cities'

And the governor said to them that they should not eat of the most holy things till a "riest could consult with the Arim and Thummim'

8Now all the "eo"le gathered together

as one man in the o"en sGuare that was in front of the Bater (ate9 and they told .ra the scribe to bring the Boo1 of the )aw of 4oses# which the )3+* had commanded 0srael'

Altogether the whole assembly was fortyFtwo thousand three hundred and si!ty#

besides their male and female servants# of whom there were seven thousand three hundred and thirtyF seven9 and they had two hundred and fortyFfive men and women singers'

So .ra the "riest brought the )aw before the assembly of men and women and all who could hear with understanding on the first day of the seventh month'

Their horses were seven hundred and thirtyFsi!# their mules two hundred and fortyFfive#

their camels four hundred and thirtyF five# and don1eys si! thousand seven hundred and twenty'

Then he read from it in the o"en sGuare that was in front of the Bater (ate from morning until midday# before the men and women and those who could understand9 and the ears of all the "eo"le were attentive to the Boo1 of the )aw'

And some of the heads of the fathersD houses gave to the wor1' The governor gave to the treasury one thousand gold drachmas# fifty basins# and five hundred and thirty "riestly garments'

So .ra the scribe stood on a "latform of wood which they had made for the "ur"ose9 and beside him# at his right hand# stood 4attithiah# Shema# Anaiah# Ari$ah# 2il1iah# and 4aaseiah9 and at his left hand /edaiah# 4ishael# 4alchi$ah# 2ashum# 2ashbadana# 5echariah# and 4eshullam'

Some of the heads of the fathersD houses gave to the treasury of the wor1 twenty thousand gold drachmas# and two thousand two hundred silver minas'

And .ra o"ened the boo1 in the sight of all the "eo"le# for he was standing above all the "eo"le9 and when he o"ened it# all the "eo"le stood u"'

And that which the rest of the "eo"le gave was twenty thousand gold drachmas# two thousand silver minas# and si!tyFseven "riestly garments'

And .ra blessed the )3+*# the great (od' Then all the "eo"le answered# :Amen# AmenH: while lifting u" their hands' And they bowed their heads and

worshi"ed the )3+* with their faces to the ground'


4oses# that the children of 0srael should dwell in booths during the feast of the seventh month#

Also Jeshua# Bani# Sherebiah# Jamin# A11ub# Shabbethai# 2odi$ah# 4aaseiah# Kelita# A.ariah# Jo.abad# 2anan# /elaiah# and the )evites# hel"ed the "eo"le to understand the )aw9 and the "eo"le stood in their "lace'

So they read distinctly from the boo1# in the )aw of (od9 and they gave the sense# and hel"ed them to understand the reading'

and that they should announce and "roclaim in all their cities and in Jerusalem# saying# :(o out to the mountain# and bring olive branches# branches of oil trees# myrtle branches# "alm branches# and branches of leafy trees# to ma1e booths# as it is written':

And Nehemiah# who was the governor# .ra the "riest and scribe# and the )evites who taught the "eo"le said to all the "eo"le# :This day is holy to the )3+* your (od9 do not mourn nor wee"': For all the "eo"le we"t# when they heard the words of the )aw'

Then the "eo"le went out and brought them and made themselves booths# each one on the roof of his house# or in their courtyards or the courts of the house of (od# and in the o"en sGuare of the Bater (ate and in the o"en sGuare of the (ate of "hraim'

Then he said to them# :(o your way# eat the fat# drin1 the sweet# and send "ortions to those for whom nothing is "re"ared9 for this day is holy to our )ord' *o not sorrow# for the $oy of the )3+* is your strength':

So the whole assembly of those who had returned from the ca"tivity made booths and sat under the booths9 for since the days of Joshua the son of Nun until that day the children of 0srael had not done so' And there was very great gladness'

So the )evites Guieted all the "eo"le# saying# :Be still# for the day is holy9 do not be grieved':

Also day by day# from the first day until the last day# he read from the Boo1 of the )aw of (od' And they 1e"t the feast seven days9 and on the eighth day there was a sacred assembly# according to the "rescribed manner'

And all the "eo"le went their way to eat and drin1# to send "ortions and re$oice greatly# because they understood the words that were declared to them'

9Now on the twentyFfourth day of this

month the children of 0srael were assembled with fasting# in sac1cloth# and with dust on their heads'

Now on the second day the heads of the fathersD houses of all the "eo"le# with the "riests and )evites# were gathered to .ra the scribe# in order to understand the words of the )aw'

Then those of 0sraelite lineage se"arated themselves from all foreigners9 and they stood and confessed their sins and the iniGuities of their fathers'

And they found written in the )aw# which the )3+* had commanded by

And they stood u" in their "lace and read from the Boo1 of the )aw of the )3+* their (od for oneFfourth of the day9 and for another fourth they confessed and worshi"ed the )3+* their (od'

servants# And against all the "eo"le of his land' For Cou 1new that they acted "roudly against them' So Cou made a name for Courself# as it is this day'

Then Jeshua# Bani# Kadmiel# Shebaniah# Bunni# Sherebiah# Bani# and -henani stood on the stairs of the )evites and cried out with a loud voice to the )3+* their (od'

And Cou divided the sea before them# So that they went through the midst of the sea on the dry land9 And their "ersecutors Cou threw into the dee"# As a stone into the mighty waters'

And the )evites# Jeshua# Kadmiel# Bani# 2ashabniah# Sherebiah# 2odi$ah# Shebaniah# and /ethahiah# said7 :Stand u" and bless the )3+* your (od Forever and everH :Blessed be Cour glorious name# Bhich is e!alted above all blessing and "raiseH

4oreover Cou led them by day with a cloudy "illar# And by night with a "illar of fire# To give them light on the road Bhich they should travel'

:Cou came down also on 4ount Sinai# And s"o1e with them from heaven# And gave them $ust ordinances and true laws# (ood statutes and commandments'

Cou alone are the )3+*9 Cou have made heaven# The heaven of heavens# with all their host# The earth and everything on it# The seas and all that is in them# And Cou "reserve them all' The host of heaven worshi"s Cou'

Cou made 1nown to them Cour holy Sabbath# And commanded them "rece"ts# statutes and laws# By the hand of 4oses Cour servant'

:Cou are the )3+* (od# Bho chose Abram# And brought him out of Ar of the -haldeans# And gave him the name Abraham9

Cou gave them bread from heaven for their hunger# And brought them water out of the roc1 for their thirst# And told them to go in to "ossess the land Bhich Cou had sworn to give them'

Cou found his heart faithful before Cou# And made a covenant with him To give the land of the -anaanites# The 2ittites# the Amorites# The /eri..ites# the Jebusites# And the (irgashitesFF To give it to his descendants' Cou have "erformed Cour words# For Cou are righteous'

:But they and our fathers acted "roudly# 2ardened their nec1s# And did not heed Cour commandments'

:Cou saw the affliction of our fathers in gy"t# And heard their cry by the +ed Sea'

They refused to obey# And they were not mindful of Cour wonders That Cou did among them' But they hardened their nec1s# And in their rebellion They a""ointed a leader To return to their bondage' But Cou are (od# +eady to "ardon# (racious and merciful# Slow to anger# Abundant in 1indness# And did not forsa1e them'

Cou showed signs and against /haraoh# Against

wonders all his


: ven when they made a molded calf for themselves# And said# :This is your god That brought you u" out of gy"t#D And wor1ed great "rovocations#


Cet in Cour manifold mercies Cou did not forsa1e them in the wilderness' The "illar of the cloud did not de"art from them by day# To lead them on the road9 Nor the "illar of fire by night# To show them light# And the way they should go'

And they too1 strong cities and a rich land# And "ossessed houses full of all goods# -isterns already dug# vineyards# olive groves# And fruit trees in abundance' So they ate and were filled and grew fat# And delighted themselves in Cour great goodness'

Cou also gave Cour good S"irit to instruct them# And did not withhold Cour manna from their mouth# And gave them water for their thirst'

:Nevertheless they were disobedient And rebelled against Cou# -ast Cour law behind their bac1s And 1illed Cour "ro"hets# who testified against them To turn them to Courself9 And they wor1ed great "rovocations'

Forty years Cou sustained them in the wilderness9 They lac1ed nothing9 Their clothes did not wear out And their feet did not swell'

:4oreover Cou gave them 1ingdoms and nations# And divided them into districts' So they too1 "ossession of the land of Sihon# The land of the 1ing of 2eshbon# And the land of 3g 1ing of Bashan'

Therefore Cou delivered them into the hand of their enemies# Bho o""ressed them9 And in the time of their trouble# Bhen they cried to Cou# Cou heard from heaven9 And according to Cour abundant mercies Cou gave them deliverers who saved them From the hand of their enemies'

Cou also multi"lied their children as the stars of heaven# And brought them into the land Bhich Cou had told their fathers To go in and "ossess'

:But after they had rest# They again did evil before Cou' Therefore Cou left them in the hand of their enemies# So that they had dominion over them9 Cet when they returned and cried out to Cou# Cou heard from heaven9 And many times Cou delivered them according to Cour mercies#

So the "eo"le went in And "ossessed the land9 Cou subdued before them the inhabitants of the land# The -anaanites# And gave them into their hands# Bith their 1ings And the "eo"le of the land# That they might do with them as they wished'

And testified against them# That Cou might bring them bac1 to Cour law' Cet they acted "roudly# And did not heed Cour commandments# But sinned against Cour $udgments# :Bhich if a man does# he shall live by them'D And they shrugged their shoulders# Stiffened their nec1s# And would not hear'

Cet for many years Cou had "atience with them# And testified against them by Cour S"irit in Cour "ro"hets' Cet they would not listen9 Therefore Cou gave them into the hand of the "eo"les of the lands'


Nevertheless in Cour great mercy Cou did not utterly consume them nor forsa1e them9 For Cou are (od# gracious and merciful'

10Now those who "laced their seal

on the document were7 Nehemiah the governor# the son of 2acaliah# and 5ede1iah#

:Now therefore# our (od# The great# the mighty# and awesome (od# Bho 1ee"s covenant and mercy7 *o not let all the trouble seem small before Cou That has come u"on us# 3ur 1ings and our "rinces# 3ur "riests and our "ro"hets# 3ur fathers and on all Cour "eo"le# From the days of the 1ings of Assyria until this day'

Seraiah# A.ariah# Jeremiah# /ashhur# Amariah# 4alchi$ah# 2attush# Shebaniah# 4alluch# 2arim# 4eremoth# 3badiah# *aniel# (innethon# Baruch# 4eshullam# Abi$ah# 4i$amin#


2owever Cou are $ust in all that has befallen us9 For Cou have dealt faithfully# But we have done wic1edly'


Neither our 1ings nor our "rinces# 3ur "riests nor our fathers# 2ave 1e"t Cour law# Nor heeded Cour commandments and Cour testimonies# Bith which Cou testified against them'


4aa.iah# Bilgai# and Shemaiah' These were the "riests'


For they have not served Cou in their 1ingdom# 3r in the many good things that Cou gave them# 3r in the large and rich land which Cou set before them9 Nor did they turn from their wic1ed wor1s'

The )evites7 Jeshua the son of A.aniah# Binnui of the sons of 2enadad# and Kadmiel'

Their brethren7 Shebaniah# 2odi$ah# Kelita# /elaiah# 2anan#


4icha# +ehob# 2ashabiah# 5accur# Sherebiah# Shebaniah# 2odi$ah# Bani# and Beninu'

:2ere we are# servants todayH And the land that Cou gave to our fathers# To eat its fruit and its bounty# 2ere we are# servants in itH




And it yields much increase to the 1ings Cou have set over us# Because of our sins9 Also they have dominion over our bodies and our cattle At their "leasure9 And we are in great distress'

The leaders of the "eo"le7 /arosh# /ahathF4oab# lam# 5attu# Bani#


Bunni# A.gad# Bebai# Adoni$ah# Bigvai# Adin# Ater# 2e.e1iah# A..ur# 2odi$ah# 2ashum#


:And because of all this# Be ma1e a sure covenant and write it9 3ur leaders# our )evites# and our "riests seal it':




2ari"h# Anathoth# Nebai# 4ag"iash# 4eshullam# 4eshe.abel# 5ado1# Jaddua# /elatiah# 2anan# Anaiah# 2oshea# 2ananiah# 2asshub# 2allohesh# /ilha# Shobe1# +ehum# 2ashabnah# 4aaseiah# Ahi$ah# 2anan# Anan# 4alluch# 2arim# and Baanah'



Also we made ordinances for ourselves# to e!act from ourselves yearly oneFthird of a she1el for the service of the house of our (od7





for the showbread# for the regular grain offering# for the regular burnt offering of the Sabbaths# the New 4oons# and the set feasts9 for the holy things# for the sin offerings to ma1e atonement for 0srael# and all the wor1 of the house of our (od'





Now the rest of the "eo"leFFthe "riests# the )evites# the gate1ee"ers# the singers# the Nethinim# and all those who had se"arated themselves from the "eo"les of the lands to the )aw of (od# their wives# their sons# and their daughters# everyone who had 1nowledge and understandingFF

Be cast lots among the "riests# the )evites# and the "eo"le# for bringing the wood offering into the house of our (od# according to our fathersD houses# at the a""ointed times year by year# to burn on the altar of the )3+* our (od as it is written in the )aw'

And we made ordinances to bring the firstfruits of our ground and the firstfruits of all fruit of all trees# year by year# to the house of the )3+*9

these $oined with their brethren# their nobles# and entered into a curse and an oath to wal1 in (odDs )aw# which was given by 4oses the servant of (od# and to observe and do all the commandments of the )3+* our )ord# and 2is ordinances and 2is statutes7

to bring the firstborn of our sons and our cattle# as it is written in the )aw# and the firstborn of our herds and our floc1s# to the house of our (od# to the "riests who minister in the house of our (od9

Be would not give our daughters as wives to the "eo"les of the land# nor ta1e their daughters for our sons9

to bring the firstfruits of our dough# our offerings# the fruit from all 1inds of trees# the new wine and oil# to the "riests# to the storerooms of the house of our (od9 and to bring the tithes of our land to the )evites# for the )evites should receive the tithes in all our farming communities'

if the "eo"les of the land brought wares or any grain to sell on the Sabbath day# we would not buy it from them on the Sabbath# or on a holy day9 and we would forego the seventh yearDs "roduce and the e!acting of every debt'

And the "riest# the descendant of Aaron# shall be with the )evites when the )evites receive tithes9 and the )evites shall bring u" a tenth of the tithes to the house of our (od# to the rooms of the storehouse'


For the children of 0srael and the children of )evi shall bring the offering of the grain# of the new wine and the oil# to the storerooms where the articles of the sanctuary are# where the "riests who minister and the gate1ee"ers and the singers are9 and we will not neglect the house of our (od'

And these are the sons of Ben$amin7 Sallu the son of 4eshullam# the son of Joed# the son of /edaiah# the son of Kolaiah# the son of 4aaseiah# the son of 0thiel# the son of Jeshaiah9

and after him (abbai and Sallai# nine hundred and twentyFeight'

11Now the leaders of the "eo"le

dwelt at Jerusalem9 the rest of the "eo"le cast lots to bring one out of ten to dwell in Jerusalem# the holy city# and nineFtenths were to dwell in other cities'

Joel the son of 5ichri was their overseer# and Judah the son of Senuah was second over the city'

3f the "riests7 Jedaiah the son of Joiarib# and Jachin9


And the "eo"le blessed all the men who willingly offered themselves to dwell at Jerusalem'

Seraiah the son of 2il1iah# the son of 4eshullam# the son of 5ado1# the son of 4eraioth# the son of Ahitub# was the leader of the house of (od'

These are the heads of the "rovince who dwelt in Jerusalem' IBut in the cities of Judah everyone dwelt in his own "ossession in their citiesFF0sraelites# "riests# )evites# Nethinim# and descendants of SolomonDs servants'J

Their brethren who did the wor1 of the house were eight hundred and twentyF two9 and Adaiah the son of Jeroham# the son of /elaliah# the son of Am.i# the son of 5echariah# the son of /ashhur# the son of 4alchi$ah#

Also in Jerusalem dwelt some of the children of Judah and of the children of Ben$amin' The children of Judah7 Athaiah the son of A..iah# the son of 5echariah# the son of Amariah# the son of She"hatiah# the son of 4ahalalel# of the children of /ere.9

and his brethren# heads of the fathersD houses# were two hundred and fortyF two9 and Amashai the son of A.arel# the son of the son of 4eshillemoth# the son of 0mmer#

and 4aaseiah the son of Baruch# the son of the son of 2a.aiah# the son of Adaiah# the son of Joiarib# the son of 5echariah# the son of Shiloni'

and their brethren# mighty men of valor# were one hundred and twentyF eight' Their overseer was 5abdiel the son of one of the great men'

All the sons of /ere. who dwelt at Jerusalem were four hundred and si!tyF eight valiant men'

Also of the )evites7 Shemaiah the son of 2asshub# the son of A.ri1am# the son of 2ashabiah# the son of Bunni9

Shabbethai and Jo.abad# of the heads of the )evites# had the oversight of the business outside of the house of (od9


4attaniah the son of 4icha# the son of 5abdi# the son of Asa"h# the leader who began the than1sgiving with "rayer9 Ba1bu1iah# the second among his brethren9 and Abda the son of Shammua# the son of (alal# the son of Jeduthun'

,= Shual# and Beersheba and its villages9


in 5i1lag and 4econah and its villages9 in n +immon# 5orah# Jarmuth#



All the )evites in the holy city were two hundred and eightyFfour'

4oreover the gate1ee"ers# A11ub# Talmon# and their brethren who 1e"t the gates# were one hundred and seventyF two'

5anoah# Adullam# and their villages9 in )achish and its fields9 in A.e1ah and its villages' They dwelt from Beersheba to the Valley of 2innom'

Also the children of Ben$amin from (eba dwelt in 4ichmash# Ai$a# and Bethel# and their villages9

And the rest of 0srael# of the "riests and )evites# were in all the cities of Judah# everyone in his inheritance'

in Anathoth# Nob# Ananiah9 in 2a.or# +amah# (ittaim9 in 2adid# 5eboim# Neballat9


But the Nethinim dwelt in 3"hel' And 5iha and (ish"a were over the Nethinim'



Also the overseer of the )evites at Jerusalem was A..i the son of Bani# the son of 2ashabiah# the son of 4attaniah# the son of 4icha# of the sons of Asa"h# the singers in charge of the service of the house of (od'

in )od# 3no# and the Valley of -raftsmen'


Some of the Judean divisions of )evites were in Ben$amin'

For it was the 1ingDs command concerning them that a certain "ortion should be for the singers# a Guota day by day'

12Now these are the "riests and the

)evites who came u" with 5erubbabel the son of Shealtiel# and Jeshua7 Seraiah# Jeremiah# .ra#

/ethahiah the son of 4eshe.abel# of the children of 5erah the son of Judah# was the 1ingDs de"uty in all matters concerning the "eo"le'

Amariah# 4alluch# 2attush# Shechaniah# +ehum# 4eremoth# 0ddo# (innethoi# Abi$ah# 4i$amin# 4aadiah# Bilgah# Shemaiah# Joiarib# Jedaiah#

And as for the villages with their fields# some of the children of Judah dwelt in Kir$ath Arba and its villages# *ibon and its villages# Je1ab.eel and its villages9



in Jeshua# 4oladah# Beth /elet#

Sallu# Amo1# 2il1iah# and Jedaiah' These were the heads of the "riests and their brethren in the days of Jeshua'


of 2il1iah# 2ashabiah9 and of Jedaiah# Nethanel'


4oreover the )evites were Jeshua# Binnui# Kadmiel# Sherebiah# Judah# and 4attaniah who led the than1sgiving "salms# he and his brethren'

*uring the reign of *arius the /ersian# a record was also 1e"t of the )evites and "riests who had been heads of their fathersD houses in the days of liashib# Joiada# Johanan# and Jaddua'

Also Ba1bu1iah and Anni# their brethren# stood across from them in their duties'

The sons of )evi# the heads of the fathersD houses until the days of Johanan the son of liashib# were written in the boo1 of the chronicles'

Jeshua begot Joia1im# Joia1im begot liashib# liashib begot Joiada#


Joiada begot Jonathan# and Jonathan begot Jaddua'


Now in the days of Joia1im# the "riests# the heads of the fathersD houses were7 of Seraiah# 4eraiah9 of Jeremiah# 2ananiah9

And the heads of the )evites were 2ashabiah# Sherebiah# and Jeshua the son of Kadmiel# with their brothers across from them# to "raise and give than1s# grou" alternating with grou"# according to the command of *avid the man of (od'

of .ra# 4eshullam9 Jehohanan9




4attaniah# Ba1bu1iah# 3badiah# 4eshullam# Talmon# and A11ub were gate1ee"ers 1ee"ing the watch at the storerooms of the gates'

of 4elichu# Jonathan9 of Shebaniah# Jose"h9


of 2arim# Adna9 of 4eraioth# 2el1ai9

These lived in the days of Joia1im the son of Jeshua# the son of Jo.ada1# and in the days of Nehemiah the governor# and of .ra the "riest# the scribe'


of 0ddo# 5echariah9 of (innethon# 4eshullam9


of Abi$ah# 5ichri9 the son of 4in$amin9 of 4oadiah# /iltai9


Now at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought out the )evites in all their "laces# to bring them to Jerusalem to celebrate the dedication with gladness# both with than1sgivings and singing# with cymbals and stringed instruments and har"s'

of Bilgah# Shammua9 of Shemaiah# Jehonathan9


of Joiarib# 4attenai9 of Jedaiah# A..i9 of Sallai# Kallai9 of Amo1# ber9

And the sons of the singers gathered together from the countryside around Jerusalem# from the villages of the Neto"hathites#


from the house of (ilgal# and from the fields of (eba and A.maveth9 for the

singers had built themselves villages all around Jerusalem'


Tower of 2ananel# the Tower of the 2undred# as far as the Shee" (ate9 and they sto""ed by the (ate of the /rison'

Then the "riests and )evites "urified themselves# and "urified the "eo"le# the gates# and the wall'

So the two than1sgiving choirs stood in the house of (od# li1ewise 0 and the half of the rulers with me9

So 0 brought the leaders of Judah u" on the wall# and a""ointed two large than1sgiving choirs' 3ne went to the right hand on the wall toward the +efuse (ate'

and the "riests# lia1im# 4aaseiah# 4in$amin# 4ichaiah# lioenai# 5echariah# and 2ananiah# with trum"ets9

After them went 2oshaiah and half of the leaders of Judah#


also 4aaseiah# Shemaiah# A..i# Jehohanan# 4alchi$ah# lam# and .er' The singers sang loudly with Je.rahiah the director'

and A.ariah# .ra# 4eshullam# Ben$amin# Shemaiah# Also that day they offered great sacrifices# and re$oiced# for (od had made them re$oice with great $oy9 the women and the children also re$oiced# so that the $oy of Jerusalem was heard afar off'


Judah# Jeremiah#

and some of the "riestsD sons with trum"etsFF5echariah the son of Jonathan# the son of Shemaiah# the son of 4attaniah# the son of 4ichaiah# the son of 5accur# the son of Asa"h#

and his brethren# Shemaiah# A.arel# 4ilalai# (ilalai# 4aai# Nethanel# Judah# and 2anani# with the musical instruments of *avid the man of (od' And .ra the scribe went before them'

And at the same time some were a""ointed over the rooms of the storehouse for the offerings# the firstfruits# and the tithes# to gather into them from the fields of the cities the "ortions s"ecified by the )aw for the "riests and )evites9 for Judah re$oiced over the "riests and )evites who ministered'

By the Fountain (ate# in front of them# they went u" the stairs of the -ity of *avid# on the stairway of the wall# beyond the house of *avid# as far as the Bater (ate eastward'

Both the singers and the gate1ee"ers 1e"t the charge of their (od and the charge of the "urification# according to the command of *avid and Solomon his son'

The other than1sgiving choir went the o""osite way# and 0 was behind them with half of the "eo"le on the wall# going "ast the Tower of the 3vens as far as the Broad Ball#

For in the days of *avid and Asa"h of old there were chiefs of the singers# and songs of "raise and than1sgiving to (od'

and above the (ate of "hraim# above the 3ld (ate# above the Fish (ate# the

0n the days of 5erubbabel and in the days of Nehemiah all 0srael gave the "ortions for the singers and the

gate1ee"ers# a "ortion for each day' They also consecrated holy things for the )evites# and the )evites consecrated them for the children of Aaron'


And it grieved me bitterly9 therefore 0 threw all the household goods of Tobiah out of the room'

133n that day they read from the

Boo1 of 4oses in the hearing of the "eo"le# and in it was found written that no Ammonite or 4oabite should ever come into the assembly of (od#

Then 0 commanded them to cleanse the rooms9 and 0 brought bac1 into them the articles of the house of (od# with the grain offering and the fran1incense'

because they had not met the children of 0srael with bread and water# but hired Balaam against them to curse them' 2owever# our (od turned the curse into a blessing'

0 also reali.ed that the "ortions for the )evites had not been given them9 for each of the )evites and the singers who did the wor1 had gone bac1 to his field'

So 0 contended with the rulers# and said# :Bhy is the house of (od forsa1enE: And 0 gathered them together and set them in their "lace'

So it was# when they had heard the )aw# that they se"arated all the mi!ed multitude from 0srael'

Then all Judah brought the tithe of the grain and the new wine and the oil to the storehouse'

Now before this# liashib the "riest# having authority over the storerooms of the house of our (od# was allied with Tobiah'

And he had "re"ared for him a large room# where "reviously they had stored the grain offerings# the fran1incense# the articles# the tithes of grain# the new wine and oil# which were commanded to be given to the )evites and singers and gate1ee"ers# and the offerings for the "riests'

And 0 a""ointed as treasurers over the storehouse Shelemiah the "riest and 5ado1 the scribe# and of the )evites# /edaiah9 and ne!t to them was 2anan the son of 5accur# the son of 4attaniah9 for they were considered faithful# and their tas1 was to distribute to their brethren'

+emember me# 3 my (od# concerning this# and do not wi"e out my good deeds that 0 have done for the house of my (od# and for its servicesH

But during all this 0 was not in Jerusalem# for in the thirtyFsecond year of Arta!er!es 1ing of Babylon 0 had returned to the 1ing' Then after certain days 0 obtained leave from the 1ing#

and 0 came to Jerusalem and discovered the evil that liashib had done for Tobiah# in "re"aring a room for him in the courts of the house of (od'

0n those days 0 saw "eo"le in Judah treading wine "resses on the Sabbath# and bringing in sheaves# and loading don1eys with wine# gra"es# figs# and all 1inds of burdens# which they brought into Jerusalem on the Sabbath day' And 0 warned them about the day on which they were selling "rovisions'

4en of Tyre dwelt there also# who brought in fish and all 1inds of goods#

and sold them on the Sabbath to the children of Judah# and in Jerusalem'


Then 0 contended with the nobles of Judah# and said to them# :Bhat evil thing is this that you do# by which you "rofane the Sabbath dayE

And half of their children s"o1e the language of Ashdod# and could not s"ea1 the language of Judah# but s"o1e according to the language of one or the other "eo"le'

*id not your fathers do thus# and did not our (od bring all this disaster on us and on this cityE Cet you bring added wrath on 0srael by "rofaning the Sabbath':

So 0 contended with them and cursed them# struc1 some of them and "ulled out their hair# and made them swear by (od# saying# :Cou shall not give your daughters as wives to their sons# nor ta1e their daughters for your sons or yourselves'

So it was# at the gates of Jerusalem# as it began to be dar1 before the Sabbath# that 0 commanded the gates to be shut# and charged that they must not be o"ened till after the Sabbath' Then 0 "osted some of my servants at the gates# so that no burdens would be brought in on the Sabbath day'

*id not Solomon 1ing of 0srael sin by these thingsE Cet among many nations there was no 1ing li1e him# who was beloved of his (od9 and (od made him 1ing over all 0srael' Nevertheless "agan women caused even him to sin'

Now the merchants and sellers of all 1inds of wares lodged outside Jerusalem once or twice'

Should we then hear of your doing all this great evil# transgressing against our (od by marrying "agan womenE:

Then 0 warned them# and said to them# :Bhy do you s"end the night around the wallE 0f you do so again# 0 will lay hands on youH: From that time on they came no more on the Sabbath'

And one of the sons of Joiada# the son of liashib the high "riest# was a sonFinF law of Sanballat the 2oronite9 therefore 0 drove him from me'

And 0 commanded the )evites that they should cleanse themselves# and that they should go and guard the gates# to sanctify the Sabbath day' +emember me# 3 my (od# concerning this also# and s"are me according to the greatness of Cour mercyH

+emember them# 3 my (od# because they have defiled the "riesthood and the covenant of the "riesthood and the )evites'

Thus 0 cleansed them of everything "agan' 0 also assigned duties to the "riests and the )evites# each to his service#

0n those days 0 also saw Jews who had married women of Ashdod# Ammon# and 4oab'

and to bringing the wood offering and the firstfruits at a""ointed times' +emember me# 3 my (od# for goodH

Esther 1Now it came to "ass in the days of

Ahasuerus Ithis was the Ahasuerus who reigned over one hundred and twentyF seven "rovinces# from 0ndia to thio"iaJ#

ordered all the officers of his household# that they should do according to each manDs "leasure'

in those days when King Ahasuerus sat on the throne of his 1ingdom# which was in Shushan the citadel#

Kueen Vashti also made a feast for the women in the royal "alace which belonged to King Ahasuerus'

that in the third year of his reign he made a feast for all his officials and servantsFFthe "owers of /ersia and 4edia# the nobles# and the "rinces of the "rovinces being before himFF

3n the seventh day# when the heart of the 1ing was merry with wine# he commanded 4ehuman# Bi.tha# 2arbona# Bigtha# Abagtha# 5ethar# and -arcas# seven eunuchs who served in the "resence of King Ahasuerus#

when he showed the riches of his glorious 1ingdom and the s"lendor of his e!cellent ma$esty for many days# one hundred and eighty days in all'

to bring Kueen Vashti before the 1ing# wearing her royal crown# in order to show her beauty to the "eo"le and the officials# for she was beautiful to behold'

And when these days were com"leted# the 1ing made a feast lasting seven days for all the "eo"le who were "resent in Shushan the citadel# from great to small# in the court of the garden of the 1ingDs "alace'

But Kueen Vashti refused to come at the 1ingDs command brought by his eunuchs9 therefore the 1ing was furious# and his anger burned within him'

There were white and blue linen curtains fastened with cords of fine linen and "ur"le on silver rods and marble "illars9 and the couches were of gold and silver on a mosaic "avement of alabaster# turGuoise# and white and blac1 marble'

Then the 1ing said to the wise men who understood the times Ifor this was the 1ingDs manner toward all who 1new law and $ustice#

those closest to him being -arshena# Shethar# Admatha# Tarshish# 4eres# 4arsena# and 4emucan# the seven "rinces of /ersia and 4edia# who had access to the 1ingDs "resence# and who ran1ed highest in the 1ingdomJ7

And they served drin1s in golden vessels# each vessel being different from the other# with royal wine in abundance# according to the generosity of the 1ing'

:Bhat shall we do to Kueen Vashti# according to law# because she did not obey the command of King Ahasuerus brought to her by the eunuchsE:

0n accordance with the law# the drin1ing was not com"ulsory9 for so the 1ing had

And 4emucan answered before the 1ing and the "rinces7 :Kueen Vashti has

not only wronged the 1ing# but also all the "rinces# and all the "eo"le who are in all the "rovinces of King Ahasuerus'

done# and what had been decreed against her'


For the GueenDs behavior will become 1nown to all women# so that they will des"ise their husbands in their eyes# when they re"ort# :King Ahasuerus commanded Kueen Vashti to be brought in before him# but she did not come'D

Then the 1ingDs servants who attended him said7 :)et beautiful young virgins be sought for the 1ing9

This very day the noble ladies of /ersia and 4edia will say to all the 1ingDs officials that they have heard of the behavior of the Gueen' Thus there will be e!cessive contem"t and wrath'

and let the 1ing a""oint officers in all the "rovinces of his 1ingdom# that they may gather all the beautiful young virgins to Shushan the citadel# into the womenDs Guarters# under the custody of 2egai the 1ingDs eunuch# custodian of the women' And let beauty "re"arations be given them'

0f it "leases the 1ing# let a royal decree go out from him# and let it be recorded in the laws of the /ersians and the 4edes# so that it will not be altered# that Vashti shall come no more before King Ahasuerus9 and let the 1ing give her royal "osition to another who is better than she'

Then let the young woman who "leases the 1ing be Gueen instead of Vashti': This thing "leased the 1ing# and he did so'

0n Shushan the citadel there was a certain Jew whose name was 4ordecai the son of Jair# the son of Shimei# the son of Kish# a Ben$amite'

Bhen the 1ingDs decree which he will ma1e is "roclaimed throughout all his em"ire Ifor it is greatJ# all wives will honor their husbands# both great and small':

Kish had been carried away from Jerusalem with the ca"tives who had been ca"tured with Jeconiah 1ing of Judah# whom the 1ing of Babylon had carried away'

And the re"ly "leased the 1ing and the "rinces# and the 1ing did according to the word of 4emucan'

Then he sent letters to all the 1ingDs "rovinces# to each "rovince in its own scri"t# and to every "eo"le in their own language# that each man should be master in his own house# and s"ea1 in the language of his own "eo"le'

And 4ordecai had brought u" 2adassah# that is# sther# his uncleDs daughter# for she had neither father nor mother' The young woman was lovely and beautiful' Bhen her father and mother died# 4ordecai too1 her as his own daughter'

2After these things# when the wrath of

King Ahasuerus subsided# he remembered Vashti# what she had

So it was# when the 1ingDs command and decree were heard# and when many young women were gathered at Shushan the citadel# under the custody of 2egai# that sther also was ta1en to the 1ingDs "alace# into the care of 2egai the custodian of the women'

Now the young woman "leased him# and she obtained his favor9 so he readily gave beauty "re"arations to her# besides her allowance' Then seven choice maidservants were "rovided for her from the 1ingDs "alace# and he moved her and her maidservants to the best "lace in the house of the women'

women# advised' And sther obtained favor in the sight of all who saw her'

So sther was ta1en to King Ahasuerus# into his royal "alace# in the tenth month# which is the month of Tebeth# in the seventh year of his reign'

sther had not revealed her "eo"le or family# for 4ordecai had charged her not to reveal it'

And every day 4ordecai "aced in front of the court of the womenDs Guarters# to learn of stherDs welfare and what was ha""ening to her'

The 1ing loved sther more than all the other women# and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins9 so he set the royal crown u"on her head and made her Gueen instead of Vashti'

ach young womanDs turn came to go in to King Ahasuerus after she had com"leted twelve monthsD "re"aration# according to the regulations for the women# for thus were the days of their "re"aration a""ortioned7 si! months with oil of myrrh# and si! months with "erfumes and "re"arations for beautifying women'

Then the 1ing made a great feast# the Feast of sther# for all his officials and servants9 and he "roclaimed a holiday in the "rovinces and gave gifts according to the generosity of a 1ing'

Bhen virgins were gathered together a second time# 4ordecai sat within the 1ingDs gate'

Thus "re"ared# each young woman went to the 1ing# and she was given whatever she desired to ta1e with her from the womenDs Guarters to the 1ingDs "alace'

Now sther had not revealed her family and her "eo"le# $ust as 4ordecai had charged her# for sther obeyed the command of 4ordecai as when she was brought u" by him'

0n the evening she went# and in the morning she returned to the second house of the women# to the custody of Shaashga.# the 1ingDs eunuch who 1e"t the concubines' She would not go in to the 1ing again unless the 1ing delighted in her and called for her by name'

0n those days# while 4ordecai sat within the 1ingDs gate# two of the 1ingDs eunuchs# Bigthan and Teresh# door1ee"ers# became furious and sought to lay hands on King Ahasuerus'

So the matter became 1nown to 4ordecai# who told Kueen sther# and sther informed the 1ing in 4ordecaiDs name'

Now when the turn came for sther the daughter of Abihail the uncle of 4ordecai# who had ta1en her as his daughter# to go in to the 1ing# she reGuested nothing but what 2egai the 1ingDs eunuch# the custodian of the

And when an inGuiry was made into the matter# it was confirmed# and both were hanged on a gallows9 and it was written in the boo1 of the chronicles in the "resence of the 1ing'

3After these things King Ahasuerus

"romoted 2aman# the son of 2ammedatha the Agagite# and advanced him and set his seat above all the "rinces who were with him'

are different from all other "eo"leDs# and they do not 1ee" the 1ingDs laws' Therefore it is not fitting for the 1ing to let them remain'

And all the 1ingDs servants who were within the 1ingDs gate bowed and "aid homage to 2aman# for so the 1ing had commanded concerning him' But 4ordecai would not bow or "ay homage'

0f it "leases the 1ing# let a decree be written that they be destroyed# and 0 will "ay ten thousand talents of silver into the hands of those who do the wor1# to bring it into the 1ingDs treasuries':

Then the 1ingDs servants who were within the 1ingDs gate said to 4ordecai# :Bhy do you transgress the 1ingDs commandE:

So the 1ing too1 his signet ring from his hand and gave it to 2aman# the son of 2ammedatha the Agagite# the enemy of the Jews'

And the 1ing said to 2aman# :The money and the "eo"le are given to you# to do with them as seems good to you':

Now it ha""ened# when they s"o1e to him daily and he would not listen to them# that they told it to 2aman# to see whether 4ordecaiDs words would stand9 for 4ordecai had told them that he was a Jew'

Bhen 2aman saw that 4ordecai did not bow or "ay him homage# 2aman was filled with wrath'

But he disdained to lay hands on 4ordecai alone# for they had told him of the "eo"le of 4ordecai' 0nstead# 2aman sought to destroy all the Jews who were throughout the whole 1ingdom of AhasuerusFFthe "eo"le of 4ordecai'

Then the 1ingDs scribes were called on the thirteenth day of the first month# and a decree was written according to all that 2aman commandedFFto the 1ingDs satra"s# to the governors who were over each "rovince# to the officials of all "eo"le# to every "rovince according to its scri"t# and to every "eo"le in their language' 0n the name of King Ahasuerus it was written# and sealed with the 1ingDs signet ring'

0n the first month# which is the month of Nisan# in the twelfth year of King Ahasuerus# they cast /ur Ithat is# the lotJ# before 2aman to determine the day and the month# until it fell on the twelfth month# which is the month of Adar'

And the letters were sent by couriers into all the 1ingDs "rovinces# to destroy# to 1ill# and to annihilate all the Jews# both young and old# little children and women# in one day# on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month# which is the month of Adar# and to "lunder their "ossessions'

Then 2aman said to King Ahasuerus# :There is a certain "eo"le scattered and dis"ersed among the "eo"le in all the "rovinces of your 1ingdom9 their laws

A co"y of the document was to be issued as law in every "rovince# being "ublished for all "eo"le# that they should be ready for that day'

The couriers went out# hastened by the 1ingDs command9 and the decree was

"roclaimed in Shushan the citadel' So the 1ing and 2aman sat down to drin1# but the city of Shushan was "er"le!ed'

to sther and e!"lain it to her# and that he might command her to go in to the 1ing to ma1e su""lication to him and "lead before him for her "eo"le'

4Bhen 4ordecai learned all that had

ha""ened# he tore his clothes and "ut on sac1cloth and ashes# and went out into the midst of the city' 2e cried out with a loud and bitter cry'

So 2athach returned and told the words of 4ordecai'



Then sther s"o1e to 2athach# and gave him a command for 4ordecai7

2e went as far as the front of the 1ingDs gate# for no one might enter the 1ingDs gate clothed with sac1cloth'

And in every "rovince where the 1ingDs command and decree arrived# there was great mourning among the Jews# with fasting# wee"ing# and wailing9 and many lay in sac1cloth and ashes'

:All the 1ingDs servants and the "eo"le of the 1ingDs "rovinces 1now that any man or woman who goes into the inner court to the 1ing# who has not been called# he has but one law7 "ut all to death# e!ce"t the one to whom the 1ing holds out the golden sce"ter# that he may live' Cet 0 myself have not been called to go in to the 1ing these thirty days':

So stherDs maids and eunuchs came and told her# and the Gueen was dee"ly distressed' Then she sent garments to clothe 4ordecai and ta1e his sac1cloth away from him# but he would not acce"t them'

So they told 4ordecai stherDs words'


And 4ordecai told them to answer sther7 :*o not thin1 in your heart that you will esca"e in the 1ingDs "alace any more than all the other Jews'

Then sther called 2athach# one of the 1ingDs eunuchs whom he had a""ointed to attend her# and she gave him a command concerning 4ordecai# to learn what and why this was'

So 2athach went out to 4ordecai in the city sGuare that was in front of the 1ingDs gate'

For if you remain com"letely silent at this time# relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another "lace# but you and your fatherDs house will "erish' Cet who 1nows whether you have come to the 1ingdom for such a time as thisE:

Then sther told them to re"ly to 4ordecai7


And 4ordecai told him all that had ha""ened to him# and the sum of money that 2aman had "romised to "ay into the 1ingDs treasuries to destroy the Jews'

2e also gave him a co"y of the written decree for their destruction# which was given at Shushan# that he might show it

:(o# gather all the Jews who are "resent in Shushan# and fast for me9 neither eat nor drin1 for three days# night or day' 4y maids and 0 will fast li1ewise' And so 0 will go to the 1ing# which is against the law9 and if 0 "erish# 0 "erishH:


So 4ordecai went his way and did according to all that sther commanded him'


5Now it ha""ened on the third day that

sther "ut on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the 1ingDs "alace# across from the 1ingDs house# while the 1ing sat on his royal throne in the royal house# facing the entrance of the house'

0f 0 have found favor in the sight of the 1ing# and if it "leases the 1ing to grant my "etition and fulfill my reGuest# then let the 1ing and 2aman come to the banGuet which 0 will "re"are for them# and tomorrow 0 will do as the 1ing has said':

So it was# when the 1ing saw Kueen sther standing in the court# that she found favor in his sight# and the 1ing held out to sther the golden sce"ter that was in his hand' Then sther went near and touched the to" of the sce"ter'

So 2aman went out that day $oyful and with a glad heart9 but when 2aman saw 4ordecai in the 1ingDs gate# and that he did not stand or tremble before him# he was filled with indignation against 4ordecai'

Nevertheless 2aman restrained himself and went home# and he sent and called for his friends and his wife 5eresh'

And the 1ing said to her# :Bhat do you wish# Kueen stherE Bhat is your reGuestE 0t shall be given to youFFu" to half the 1ingdomH:

So sther answered# :0f it "leases the 1ing# let the 1ing and 2aman come today to the banGuet that 0 have "re"ared for him':

Then 2aman told them of his great riches# the multitude of his children# everything in which the 1ing had "romoted him# and how he had advanced him above the officials and servants of the 1ing'

Then the 1ing said# :Bring 2aman Guic1ly# that he may do as sther has said': So the 1ing and 2aman went to the banGuet that sther had "re"ared'

4oreover 2aman said# :Besides# Kueen sther invited no one but me to come in with the 1ing to the banGuet that she "re"ared9 and tomorrow 0 am again invited by her# along with the 1ing'

At the banGuet of wine the 1ing said to sther# :Bhat is your "etitionE 0t shall be granted you' Bhat is your reGuest# u" to half the 1ingdomE 0t shall be doneH:

Cet all this avails me nothing# so long as 0 see 4ordecai the Jew sitting at the 1ingDs gate':

Then sther answered and said# :4y "etition and reGuest is this7

Then his wife 5eresh and all his friends said to him# :)et a gallows be made# fifty cubits high# and in the morning suggest to the 1ing that 4ordecai be hanged on it9 then go merrily with the 1ing to the banGuet': And the thing "leased 2aman9 so he had the gallows made'

6That night the 1ing could not slee"'

So one was commanded to bring the

boo1 of the records of the chronicles9 and they were read before the 1ing'

And it was found written that 4ordecai had told of Bigthana and Teresh# two of the 1ingDs eunuchs# the door1ee"ers who had sought to lay hands on King Ahasuerus'

Then let this robe and horse be delivered to the hand of one of the 1ingDs most noble "rinces# that he may array the man whom the 1ing delights to honor' Then "arade him on horsebac1 through the city sGuare# and "roclaim before him7 :Thus shall it be done to the man whom the 1ing delights to honorHD

Then the 1ing said# :Bhat honor or dignity has been bestowed on 4ordecai for thisE: And the 1ingDs servants who attended him said# :Nothing has been done for him':

Then the 1ing said to 2aman# :2urry# ta1e the robe and the horse# as you have suggested# and do so for 4ordecai the Jew who sits within the 1ingDs gateH )eave nothing undone of all that you have s"o1en':

So the 1ing said# :Bho is in the courtE: Now 2aman had $ust entered the outer court of the 1ingDs "alace to suggest that the 1ing hang 4ordecai on the gallows that he had "re"ared for him'

The 1ingDs servants said to him# :2aman is there# standing in the court': And the 1ing said# :)et him come in':

So 2aman too1 the robe and the horse# arrayed 4ordecai and led him on horsebac1 through the city sGuare# and "roclaimed before him# :Thus shall it be done to the man whom the 1ing delights to honorH:

So 2aman came in# and the 1ing as1ed him# :Bhat shall be done for the man whom the 1ing delights to honorE: Now 2aman thought in his heart# :Bhom would the 1ing delight to honor more than meE:

Afterward 4ordecai went bac1 to the 1ingDs gate' But 2aman hurried to his house# mourning and with his head covered'

And 2aman answered the 1ing# :For the man whom the 1ing delights to honor#

Bhen 2aman told his wife 5eresh and all his friends everything that had ha""ened to him# his wise men and his wife 5eresh said to him# :0f 4ordecai# before whom you have begun to fall# is of Jewish descent# you will not "revail against him but will surely fall before him':

let a royal robe be brought which the 1ing has worn# and a horse on which the 1ing has ridden# which has a royal crest "laced on its head'

Bhile they were still tal1ing with him# the 1ingDs eunuchs came# and hastened to bring 2aman to the banGuet which sther had "re"ared'

7So the 1ing and 2aman went to dine

with Kueen sther'

And on the second day# at the banGuet of wine# the 1ing again said to sther#

:Bhat is your "etition# Kueen stherE 0t shall be granted you' And what is your reGuest# u" to half the 1ingdomE 0t shall be doneH:

behalf# is standing at the house of 2aman': Then the 1ing said# :2ang him on itH:

Then Kueen sther answered and said# :0f 0 have found favor in your sight# 3 1ing# and if it "leases the 1ing# let my life be given me at my "etition# and my "eo"le at my reGuest'

So they hanged 2aman on the gallows that he had "re"ared for 4ordecai' Then the 1ingDs wrath subsided'

83n that day King Ahasuerus gave

Kueen sther the house of 2aman# the enemy of the Jews' And 4ordecai came before the 1ing# for sther had told how he was related to her'

For we have been sold# my "eo"le and 0# to be destroyed# to be 1illed# and to be annihilated' 2ad we been sold as male and female slaves# 0 would have held my tongue# although the enemy could never com"ensate for the 1ingDs loss':

So King Ahasuerus answered and said to Kueen sther# :Bho is he# and where is he# who would dare "resume in his heart to do such a thingE:

So the 1ing too1 off his signet ring# which he had ta1en from 2aman# and gave it to 4ordecai9 and sther a""ointed 4ordecai over the house of 2aman'

And sther said# :The adversary and enemy is this wic1ed 2amanH: So 2aman was terrified before the 1ing and Gueen'

Now sther s"o1e again to the 1ing# fell down at his feet# and im"lored him with tears to counteract the evil of 2aman the Agagite# and the scheme which he had devised against the Jews'

Then the 1ing arose in his wrath from the banGuet of wine and went into the "alace garden9 but 2aman stood before Kueen sther# "leading for his life# for he saw that evil was determined against him by the 1ing'

And the 1ing held out the golden sce"ter toward sther' So sther arose and stood before the 1ing#

Bhen the 1ing returned from the "alace garden to the "lace of the banGuet of wine# 2aman had fallen across the couch where sther was' Then the 1ing said# :Bill he also assault the Gueen while 0 am in the houseE: As the word left the 1ingDs mouth# they covered 2amanDs face'

and said# :0f it "leases the 1ing# and if 0 have found favor in his sight and the thing seems right to the 1ing and 0 am "leasing in his eyes# let it be written to revo1e the letters devised by 2aman# the son of 2ammedatha the Agagite# which he wrote to annihilate the Jews who are in all the 1ingDs "rovinces'

Now 2arbonah# one of the eunuchs# said to the 1ing# :)oo1H The gallows# fifty cubits high# which 2aman made for 4ordecai# who s"o1e good on the 1ingDs

For how can 0 endure to see the evil that will come to my "eo"leE 3r how can 0 endure to see the destruction of my countrymenE:

Then King Ahasuerus said to Kueen sther and 4ordecai the Jew# :0ndeed# 0

have given sther the house of 2aman# and they have hanged him on the gallows because he tried to lay his hand on the Jews'

Jews would be ready on that day to avenge themselves on their enemies'


Cou yourselves write a decree concerning the Jews# as you "lease# in the 1ingDs name# and seal it with the 1ingDs signet ring9 for whatever is written in the 1ingDs name and sealed with the 1ingDs signet ring no one can revo1e':

The couriers who rode on royal horses went out# hastened and "ressed on by the 1ingDs command' And the decree was issued in Shushan the citadel'

So the 1ingDs scribes were called at that time# in the third month# which is the month of Sivan# on the twentyFthird day9 and it was written# according to all that 4ordecai commanded# to the Jews# the satra"s# the governors# and the "rinces of the "rovinces from 0ndia to thio"ia# one hundred and twentyFseven "rovinces in all# to every "rovince in its own scri"t# to every "eo"le in their own language# and to the Jews in their own scri"t and language'

So 4ordecai went out from the "resence of the 1ing in royal a""arel of blue and white# with a great crown of gold and a garment of fine linen and "ur"le9 and the city of Shushan re$oiced and was glad'

The Jews had light and gladness# $oy and honor'


And he wrote in the name of King Ahasuerus# sealed it with the 1ingDs signet ring# and sent letters by couriers on horsebac1# riding on royal horses bred from swift steeds'

And in every "rovince and city# wherever the 1ingDs command and decree came# the Jews had $oy and gladness# a feast and a holiday' Then many of the "eo"le of the land became Jews# because fear of the Jews fell u"on them'

9Now in the twelfth month# that is# the

month of Adar# on the thirteenth day# the time came for the 1ingDs command and his decree to be e!ecuted' 3n the day that the enemies of the Jews had ho"ed to over"ower them# the o""osite occurred# in that the Jews themselves over"owered those who hated them'

By these letters the 1ing "ermitted the Jews who were in every city to gather together and "rotect their livesFFto destroy# 1ill# and annihilate all the forces of any "eo"le or "rovince that would assault them# both little children and women# and to "lunder their "ossessions#

on one day in all the "rovinces of King Ahasuerus# on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month# which is the month of Adar'

The Jews gathered together in their cities throughout all the "rovinces of King Ahasuerus to lay hands on those who sought their harm' And no one could withstand them# because fear of them fell u"on all "eo"le'

A co"y of the document was to be issued as a decree in every "rovince and "ublished for all "eo"le# so that the

And all the officials of the "rovinces# the satra"s# the governors# and all those doing the 1ingDs wor1# hel"ed the Jews# because the fear of 4ordecai fell u"on them'

For 4ordecai was great in the 1ingDs "alace# and his fame s"read throughout all the "rovinces9 for this man 4ordecai became increasingly "rominent'


So the 1ing commanded this to be done9 the decree was issued in Shushan# and they hanged 2amanDs ten sons'

Thus the Jews defeated all their enemies with the stro1e of the sword# with slaughter and destruction# and did what they "leased with those who hated them'

And the Jews who were in Shushan gathered together again on the fourteenth day of the month of Adar and 1illed three hundred men at Shushan9 but they did not lay a hand on the "lunder'

And in Shushan the citadel the Jews 1illed and destroyed five hundred men'

Also /arshandatha# *al"hon# As"atha# /oratha# Adalia# Aridatha# Arisai# Aridai# and


The remainder of the Jews in the 1ingDs "rovinces gathered together and "rotected their lives# had rest from their enemies# and 1illed seventyFfive thousand of their enemies9 but they did not lay a hand on the "lunder'

/armashta# Va$e.athaFF

the ten sons of 2aman the son of 2ammedatha# the enemy of the JewsFF they 1illed9 but they did not lay a hand on the "lunder'

This was on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar' And on the fourteenth of the month they rested and made it a day of feasting and gladness'

3n that day the number of those who were 1illed in Shushan the citadel was brought to the 1ing'

But the Jews who were at Shushan assembled together on the thirteenth day# as well as on the fourteenth9 and on the fifteenth of the month they rested# and made it a day of feasting and gladness'

And the 1ing said to Kueen sther# :The Jews have 1illed and destroyed five hundred men in Shushan the citadel# and the ten sons of 2aman' Bhat have they done in the rest of the 1ingDs "rovincesE Now what is your "etitionE 0t shall be granted to you' 3r what is your further reGuestE 0t shall be done':

Therefore the Jews of the villages who dwelt in the unwalled towns celebrated the fourteenth day of the month of Adar with gladness and feasting# as a holiday# and for sending "resents to one another'

Then sther said# :0f it "leases the 1ing# let it be granted to the Jews who are in Shushan to do again tomorrow according to todayDs decree# and let 2amanDs ten sons be hanged on the gallows':

And 4ordecai wrote these things and sent letters to all the Jews# near and far# who were in all the "rovinces of King Ahasuerus#

to establish among them that they should celebrate yearly the fourteenth and fifteenth days of the month of Adar#


as the days on which the Jews had rest from their enemies# as the month which was turned from sorrow to $oy for them# and from mourning to a holiday9 that they should ma1e them days of feasting and $oy# of sending "resents to one another and gifts to the "oor'

that the memory of them should not "erish among their descendants'

Then Kueen sther# the daughter of Abihail# with 4ordecai the Jew# wrote with full authority to confirm this second letter about /urim'

So the Jews acce"ted the custom which they had begun# as 4ordecai had written to them#

because 2aman# the son of 2ammedatha the Agagite# the enemy of all the Jews# had "lotted against the Jews to annihilate them# and had cast /ur Ithat is# the lotJ# to consume them and destroy them9

And 4ordecai sent letters to all the Jews# to the one hundred and twentyF seven "rovinces of the 1ingdom of Ahasuerus# with words of "eace and truth#

but when sther came before the 1ing# he commanded by letter that this wic1ed "lot which 2aman had devised against the Jews should return on his own head# and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows'

to confirm these days of /urim at their a""ointed time# as 4ordecai the Jew and Kueen sther had "rescribed for them# and as they had decreed for themselves and their descendants concerning matters of their fasting and lamenting'

So the decree of sther confirmed these matters of /urim# and it was written in the boo1'

So they called these days /urim# after the name /ur' Therefore# because of all the words of this letter# what they had seen concerning this matter# and what had ha""ened to them#


King Ahasuerus im"osed tribute on the land and on the islands of the sea' Now all the acts of his "ower and his might# and the account of the greatness of 4ordecai# to which the 1ing advanced him# are they not written in the boo1 of the chronicles of the 1ings of 4edia and /ersiaE

the Jews established and im"osed it u"on themselves and their descendants and all who would $oin them# that without fail they should celebrate these two days every year# according to the written instructions and according to the "rescribed time#

that these days should be remembered and 1e"t throughout every generation# every family# every "rovince# and every city# that these days of /urim should not fail to be observed among the Jews# and

For 4ordecai the Jew was second to King Ahasuerus# and was great among the Jews and well received by the multitude of his brethren# see1ing the good of his "eo"le and s"ea1ing "eace to all his countrymen'

Job 1There was a man in the land of A.#

whose name was Job9 and that man was blameless and u"right# and one who feared (od and shunned evil'

blameless and u"right man# one who fears (od and shuns evilE:

So Satan answered the )3+* and said# :*oes Job fear (od for nothingE

And seven sons and three daughters were born to him'


Also# his "ossessions were seven thousand shee"# three thousand camels# five hundred yo1e of o!en# five hundred female don1eys# and a very large household# so that this man was the greatest of all the "eo"le of the ast'

2ave Cou not made a hedge around him# around his household# and around all that he has on every sideE Cou have blessed the wor1 of his hands# and his "ossessions have increased in the land'

But now# stretch out Cour hand and touch all that he has# and he will surely curse Cou to Cour faceH:

And his sons would go and feast in their houses# each on his a""ointed day# and would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drin1 with them'

And the )3+* said to Satan# :Behold# all that he has is in your "ower9 only do not lay a hand on his "erson': So Satan went out from the "resence of the )3+*'

So it was# when the days of feasting had run their course# that Job would send and sanctify them# and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all' For Job said# :0t may be that my sons have sinned and cursed (od in their hearts': Thus Job did regularly'

Now there was a day when his sons and daughters were eating and drin1ing wine in their oldest brotherDs house9

and a messenger came to Job and said# :The o!en were "lowing and the don1eys feeding beside them#

Now there was a day when the sons of (od came to "resent themselves before the )3+*# and Satan also came among them'

when the Sabeans raided them and too1 them awayFFindeed they have 1illed the servants with the edge of the sword9 and 0 alone have esca"ed to tell youH:

And the )3+* said to Satan# :From where do you comeE: So Satan answered the )3+* and said# :From going to and fro on the earth# and from wal1ing bac1 and forth on it':

Bhile he was still s"ea1ing# another also came and said# :The fire of (od fell from heaven and burned u" the shee" and the servants# and consumed them9 and 0 alone have esca"ed to tell youH:

Then the )3+* said to Satan# :2ave you considered 4y servant Job# that there is none li1e him on the earth# a

Bhile he was still s"ea1ing# another also came and said# :The -haldeans formed three bands# raided the camels

and too1 them away# yes# and 1illed the servants with the edge of the sword9 and 0 alone have esca"ed to tell youH:

Bhile he was still s"ea1ing# another also came and said# :Cour sons and daughters were eating and drin1ing wine in their oldest brotherDs house#

Then the )3+* said to Satan# :2ave you considered 4y servant Job# that there is none li1e him on the earth# a blameless and u"right man# one who fears (od and shuns evilE And still he holds fast to his integrity# although you incited 4e against him# to destroy him without cause':

and suddenly a great wind came from across the wilderness and struc1 the four corners of the house# and it fell on the young "eo"le# and they are dead9 and 0 alone have esca"ed to tell youH:

So Satan answered the )3+* and said# :S1in for s1inH Ces# all that a man has he will give for his life'

Then Job arose# tore his robe# and shaved his head9 and he fell to the ground and worshi"ed'

But stretch out Cour hand now# and touch his bone and his flesh# and he will surely curse Cou to Cour faceH:

And the )3+* said to Satan# :Behold# he is in your hand# but s"are his life':

And he said7 :Na1ed 0 came from my motherDs womb# And na1ed shall 0 return there' The )3+* gave# and the )3+* has ta1en away9 Blessed be the name of the )3+*':

So Satan went out from the "resence of the )3+*# and struc1 Job with "ainful boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head'

0n all this Job did not sin nor charge (od with wrong'

And he too1 for himself a "otsherd with which to scra"e himself while he sat in the midst of the ashes'

2Again there was a day when the sons

of (od came to "resent themselves before the )3+*# and Satan came also among them to "resent himself before the )3+*'

Then his wife said to him# :*o you still hold fast to your integrityE -urse (od and dieH:

And the )3+* said to Satan# :From where do you comeE: Satan answered the )3+* and said# :From going to and fro on the earth# and from wal1ing bac1 and forth on it':

But he said to her# :Cou s"ea1 as one of the foolish women s"ea1s' Shall we indeed acce"t good from (od# and shall we not acce"t adversityE: 0n all this Job did not sin with his li"s'

Now when JobDs three friends heard of all this adversity that had come u"on him# each one came from his own "laceFF li"ha. the Temanite# Bildad the Shuhite# and 5o"har the Naamathite' For they had made an a""ointment together to come and mourn with him# and to comfort him'


And when they raised their eyes from afar# and did not recogni.e him# they lifted their voices and we"t9 and each one tore his robe and s"rin1led dust on his head toward heaven'


Because it did not shut u" the doors of my motherDs womb# Nor hide sorrow from my eyes'

:Bhy did 0 not die at birthE Bhy did 0 not "erish when 0 came from the wombE

So they sat down with him on the ground seven days and seven nights# and no one s"o1e a word to him# for they saw that his grief was very great'

Bhy did the 1nees receive meE 3r why the breasts# that 0 should nurseE

3After this Job o"ened his mouth and

cursed the day of his birth'

For now 0 would have lain still and been Guiet# 0 would have been aslee"9 Then 0 would have been at rest

And Job s"o1e# and said7

Bith 1ings and counselors of the earth# Bho built ruins for themselves#

:4ay the day "erish on which 0 was born# And the night in which it was said# :A male child is conceived'D

3r with "rinces who had gold# Bho filled their houses with silver9

4ay that day be dar1ness9 4ay (od above not see1 it# Nor the light shine u"on it'

3r why was 0 not hidden li1e a stillborn child# )i1e infants who never saw lightE

There the wic1ed cease from troubling# And there the weary are at rest'

4ay dar1ness and the shadow of death claim it9 4ay a cloud settle on it9 4ay the blac1ness of the day terrify it'

There the "risoners rest together9 They do not hear the voice of the o""ressor'

As for that night# may dar1ness sei.e it9 4ay it not re$oice among the days of the year# 4ay it not come into the number of the months'

The small and great are there# And the servant is free from his master'

3h# may that night be barrenH 4ay no $oyful shout come into itH

:Bhy is light given to him who is in misery# And life to the bitter of soul#

4ay those curse it who curse the day# Those who are ready to arouse )eviathan'

Bho long for death# but it does not come# And search for it more than hidden treasures9

4ay the stars of its morning be dar19 4ay it loo1 for light# but have none# And not see the dawning of the day9

Bho re$oice e!ceedingly# And are glad when they can find the graveE

Bhy is light given to a man whose way is hidden# And whom (od has hedged inE


For my sighing comes before 0 eat# And my groanings "our out li1e water'


The old lion "erishes for lac1 of "rey# And the cubs of the lioness are scattered'

For the thing 0 greatly feared has come u"on me# And what 0 dreaded has ha""ened to me'

:Now a word was secretly brought to me# And my ear received a whis"er of it'

0 am not at ease# nor am 0 Guiet9 0 have no rest# for trouble comes':

0n disGuieting thoughts from the visions of the night# Bhen dee" slee" falls on men#

and said7

li"ha. the Temanite answered

Fear came u"on me# and trembling# Bhich made all my bones sha1e'

:0f one attem"ts a word with you# will you become wearyE But who can withhold himself from s"ea1ingE

Then a s"irit "assed before my face9 The hair on my body stood u"'

Surely you have instructed many# And you have strengthened wea1 hands'

0t stood still# But 0 could not discern its a""earance' A form was before my eyes9 There was silence9 Then 0 heard a voice saying7

Cour words have u"held him who was stumbling# And you have strengthened the feeble 1nees9

:-an a mortal be more righteous than (odE -an a man be more "ure than his 4a1erE

But now it comes u"on you# and you are weary9 0t touches you# and you are troubled'

0f 2e "uts no trust in 2is servants# 0f 2e charges 2is angels with error#


0s not your reverence your confidenceE And the integrity of your ways your ho"eE

2ow much more those who dwell in houses of clay# Bhose foundation is in the dust# Bho are crushed before a mothE

:+emember now# who ever "erished being innocentE 3r where were the u"right ever cut offE

They are bro1en in "ieces from morning till evening9 They "erish forever# with no one regarding'

ven as 0 have seen# Those who "low iniGuity And sow trouble rea" the same'

*oes not their own e!cellence go awayE They die# even without wisdom'D

By the blast of (od they "erish# And by the breath of 2is anger they are consumed'

5:-all out now9 0s there anyone who

will answer youE And to which of the holy ones will you turnE

The roaring of the lion# The voice of the fierce lion# And the teeth of the young lions are bro1en'

For wrath 1ills a foolish man# And envy slays a sim"le one'


But 2e saves the needy from the sword# From the mouth of the mighty# And from their hand'

0 have seen the foolish ta1ing root# But suddenly 0 cursed his dwelling "lace'

So the "oor have ho"e# And in$ustice shuts her mouth'


2is sons are far from safety# They are crushed in the gate# And there is no deliverer'

:Behold# ha""y is the man whom (od corrects9 Therefore do not des"ise the chastening of the Almighty'

Because the hungry eat u" his harvest# Ta1ing it even from the thorns# And a snare snatches their substance'

For 2e bruises# but 2e binds u"9 2e wounds# but 2is hands ma1e whole'

For affliction does not come from the dust# Nor does trouble s"ring from the ground9

2e shall deliver you in si! troubles# Ces# in seven no evil shall touch you'

Cet man is born to trouble# As the s"ar1s fly u"ward'


0n famine 2e shall redeem you from death# And in war from the "ower of the sword'

:But as for me# 0 would see1 (od# And to (od 0 would commit my causeFF

Cou shall be hidden from the scourge of the tongue# And you shall not be afraid of destruction when it comes'

Bho does great things# and unsearchable# 4arvelous things without number'

Cou shall laugh at destruction and famine# And you shall not be afraid of the beasts of the earth'

2e gives rain on the earth# And sends waters on the fields'


2e sets on high those who are lowly# And those who mourn are lifted to safety'

For you shall have a covenant with the stones of the field# And the beasts of the field shall be at "eace with you'

2e frustrates the devices of the crafty# So that their hands cannot carry out their "lans'

Cou shall 1now that your tent is in "eace9 Cou shall visit your dwelling and find nothing amiss'

2e catches the wise in their own craftiness# And the counsel of the cunning comes Guic1ly u"on them'

Cou shall also 1now that your descendants shall be many# And your offs"ring li1e the grass of the earth'

They meet with dar1ness in the daytime# And gro"e at noontime as in the night'

Cou shall come to the grave at a full age# As a sheaf of grain ri"ens in its season'

Behold# this we have searched out9 0t is true' 2ear it# and 1now for yourself':

6Then Job answered and said7



0s my hel" not within meE And is success driven from meE


:3h# that my grief were fully weighed# And my calamity laid with it on the scalesH

:To him who is afflicted# 1indness should be shown by his friend# ven though he forsa1es the fear of the Almighty'

For then it would be heavier than the sand of the seaFF Therefore my words have been rash'

4y brothers have dealt deceitfully li1e a broo1# )i1e the streams of the broo1s that "ass away#

For the arrows of the Almighty are within me9 4y s"irit drin1s in their "oison9 The terrors of (od are arrayed against me'

Bhich are dar1 because of the ice# And into which the snow vanishes'

*oes the wild don1ey bray when it has grass# 3r does the o! low over its fodderE

Bhen it is warm# they cease to flow9 Bhen it is hot# they vanish from their "lace'

-an flavorless food be eaten without saltE 3r is there any taste in the white of an eggE

The "aths of their way turn aside# They go nowhere and "erish'

The caravans of Tema loo1# The travelers of Sheba ho"e for them'

4y soul refuses to touch them9 They are as loathsome food to me'


:3h# that 0 might have my reGuest# That (od would grant me the thing that 0 long forH

They are disa""ointed because they were confident9 They come there and are confused'

For now you are nothing# Cou see terror and are afraid'

That it would "lease (od to crush me# That 2e would loose 2is hand and cut me offH

*id 0 ever say# :Bring something to meDE 3r# :3ffer a bribe for me from your wealthDE

Then 0 would still have comfort9 Though in anguish 0 would e!ult# 2e will not s"are9 For 0 have not concealed the words of the 2oly 3ne'

3r# :*eliver me from the enemyDs handDE 3r# :+edeem me from the hand of o""ressorsDE

:Bhat strength do 0 have# that 0 should ho"eE And what is my end# that 0 should "rolong my lifeE

:Teach me# and 0 will hold my tongue9 -ause me to understand wherein 0 have erred'

0s my strength the strength of stonesE 3r is my flesh bron.eE

2ow forceful are right wordsH But what does your arguing "roveE


*o you intend to rebu1e my words# And the s"eeches of a des"erate one# which are as windE

As the cloud disa""ears and vanishes away# So he who goes down to the grave does not come u"'

Ces# you overwhelm the fatherless# And you undermine your friend'

2e shall never return to his house# Nor shall his "lace 1now him anymore'

Now therefore# be "leased to loo1 at me9 For 0 would never lie to your face'

Cield now# let there be no in$usticeH Ces# concede# my righteousness still standsH

:Therefore 0 will not restrain my mouth9 0 will s"ea1 in the anguish of my s"irit9 0 will com"lain in the bitterness of my soul'

Am 0 a sea# or a sea ser"ent# That Cou set a guard over meE


0s there in$ustice on my tongueE -annot my taste discern the unsavoryE

Bhen 0 say# :4y bed will comfort me# 4y couch will ease my com"laint#D

7:0s there not a time of hard service for

man on earthE Are not his days also li1e the days of a hired manE

Then Cou scare me with dreams And terrify me with visions#


)i1e a servant who earnestly desires the shade# And li1e a hired man who eagerly loo1s for his wages#

So that my soul chooses strangling And death rather than my body'


So 0 have been allotted months of futility# And wearisome nights have been a""ointed to me'

0 loathe my life9 0 would not live forever' )et me alone# For my days are but a breath'

Bhen 0 lie down# 0 say# :Bhen shall 0 arise# And the night be endedED For 0 have had my fill of tossing till dawn'

:Bhat is man# that Cou should e!alt him# That Cou should set Cour heart on him#

That Cou should visit him every morning# And test him every momentE

4y flesh is ca1ed with worms and dust# 4y s1in is crac1ed and brea1s out afresh'

2ow longE Bill Cou not loo1 away from me# And let me alone till 0 swallow my salivaE

:4y days are swifter than a weaverDs shuttle# And are s"ent without ho"e'

3h# remember that my life is a breathH 4y eye will never again see good'

2ave 0 sinnedE Bhat have 0 done to Cou# 3 watcher of menE Bhy have Cou set me as Cour target# So that 0 am a burden to myselfE

The eye of him who sees me will see me no more9 Bhile your eyes are u"on me# 0 shall no longer be'

Bhy then do Cou not "ardon my transgression# And ta1e away my iniGuityE For now 0 will lie down in the

dust# And Cou will see1 me diligently# But 0 will no longer be':


So are the "aths of all who forget (od9 And the ho"e of the hy"ocrite shall "erish#

8Then Bildad the Shuhite answered

and said7

Bhose confidence shall be cut off# And whose trust is a s"iderDs web'

:2ow long will you s"ea1 these things# And the words of your mouth be li1e a strong windE

2e leans on his house# but it does not stand' 2e holds it fast# but it does not endure'

*oes (od subvert $udgmentE 3r does the Almighty "ervert $usticeE


2e grows green in the sun# And his branches s"read out in his garden'

0f your sons have sinned against 2im# 2e has cast them away for their transgression'

2is roots wra" around the roc1 hea"# And loo1 for a "lace in the stones'

0f you would earnestly see1 (od And ma1e your su""lication to the Almighty#

0f he is destroyed from his "lace# Then it will deny him# saying# :0 have not seen you'D

0f you were "ure and u"right# Surely now 2e would awa1e for you# And "ros"er your rightful dwelling "lace'

:Behold# this is the $oy of 2is way# And out of the earth others will grow'

Though your beginning was small# Cet your latter end would increase abundantly'

Behold# (od will not cast away the blameless# Nor will 2e u"hold the evildoers'

:For inGuire# "lease# of the former age# And consider the things discovered by their fathers9

2e will yet fill your mouth with laughing# And your li"s with re$oicing'

For we were born yesterday# and 1now nothing# Because our days on earth are a shadow'

Those who hate you will be clothed with shame# And the dwelling "lace of the wic1ed will come to nothing':

9Then Job answered and said7


Bill they not teach you and tell you# And utter words from their heartE

:Truly 0 1now it is so# But how can a man be righteous before (odE

:-an the "a"yrus grow u" without a marshE -an the reeds flourish without waterE

0f one wished to contend with 2im# 2e could not answer 2im one time out of a thousand'

Bhile it is yet green and not cut down# 0t withers before any other "lant'

(od is wise in heart and mighty in strength' Bho has hardened himself against 2im and "ros"eredE


For 2e crushes me with a tem"est# And multi"lies my wounds without cause'


2e removes the mountains# and they do not 1now Bhen 2e overturns them in 2is anger9

2e will not allow me to catch my breath# But fills me with bitterness'


2e sha1es the earth out of its "lace# And its "illars tremble9

0f it is a matter of strength# indeed 2e is strong9 And if of $ustice# who will a""oint my day in courtE

2e commands the sun# and it does not rise9 2e seals off the stars9

2e alone s"reads out the heavens# And treads on the waves of the sea9

Though 0 were righteous# my own mouth would condemn me9 Though 0 were blameless# it would "rove me "erverse'

2e made the Bear# 3rion# and the /leiades# And the chambers of the south9

:0 am blameless# yet 0 do not 1now myself9 0 des"ise my life'


0t is all one thing9 Therefore 0 say# :2e destroys the blameless and the wic1ed'D

2e does great things "ast finding out# Ces# wonders without number'

0f the scourge slays suddenly# 2e laughs at the "light of the innocent'


0f 2e goes by me# 0 do not see 2im9 0f 2e moves "ast# 0 do not "erceive 2im9

0f 2e ta1es away# who can hinder 2imE Bho can say to 2im# :Bhat are Cou doingED

The earth is given into the hand of the wic1ed' 2e covers the faces of its $udges' 0f it is not 2e# who else could it beE

(od will not withdraw 2is anger# The allies of the "roud lie "rostrate beneath 2im'

:Now my days are swifter than a runner9 They flee away# they see no good'

:2ow then can 0 answer 2im# And choose my words to reason with 2imE

They "ass by li1e swift shi"s# )i1e an eagle swoo"ing on its "rey'

For though 0 were righteous# 0 could not answer 2im9 0 would beg mercy of my Judge'

0f 0 say# :0 will forget my com"laint# 0 will "ut off my sad face and wear a smile#D

0 am afraid of all my sufferings9 0 1now that Cou will not hold me innocent'

0f 0 called and 2e answered me# 0 would not believe that 2e was listening to my voice'

0f 0 am condemned# Bhy then do 0 labor in vainE


0f 0 wash myself with snow water# And cleanse my hands with soa"#


:Cour hands have made me and fashioned me# An intricate unity9 Cet Cou would destroy me'

Cet Cou will "lunge me into the "it# And my own clothes will abhor me'

:For 2e is not a man# as 0 am# That 0 may answer 2im# And that we should go to court together'

+emember# 0 "ray# that Cou have made me li1e clay' And will Cou turn me into dust againE

*id Cou not "our me out li1e mil1# And curdle me li1e cheese#

Nor is there any mediator between us# Bho may lay his hand on us both'

-lothe me with s1in and flesh# And 1nit me together with bones and sinewsE

)et 2im ta1e 2is rod away from me# And do not let dread of 2im terrify me'

Cou have granted me life and favor# And Cour care has "reserved my s"irit'

Then 0 would s"ea1 and not fear 2im# But it is not so with me'

10:4y soul loathes my life9 0 will give

free course to my com"laint# 0 will s"ea1 in the bitterness of my soul'

:And these things Cou have hidden in Cour heart9 0 1now that this was with Cou7

0f 0 sin# then Cou mar1 me# And will not acGuit me of my iniGuity'

0 will say to (od# :*o not condemn me9 Show me why Cou contend with me'

0f 0 am wic1ed# woe to me9 ven if 0 am righteous# 0 cannot lift u" my head' 0 am full of disgrace9 See my miseryH

*oes it seem good to Cou that Cou should o""ress# That Cou should des"ise the wor1 of Cour hands# And smile on the counsel of the wic1edE

0f my head is e!alted# Cou hunt me li1e a fierce lion# And again Cou show Courself awesome against me'

*o Cou have eyes of fleshE 3r do Cou see as man seesE


Cou renew Cour witnesses against me# And increase Cour indignation toward me9 -hanges and war are ever with me'

Are Cour days li1e the days of a mortal manE Are Cour years li1e the days of a mighty man#

:Bhy then have Cou brought me out of the wombE 3h# that 0 had "erished and no eye had seen meH

That Cou should see1 for my iniGuity And search out my sin#

Although Cou 1now that 0 am not wic1ed# And there is no one who can deliver from Cour handE

0 would have been as though 0 had not been' 0 would have been carried from the womb to the grave'

Are not my days fewE -easeH )eave me alone# that 0 may ta1e a little comfort#


Before 0 go to the "lace from which 0 shall not return# To the land of dar1ness and the shadow of death#


For 2e 1nows deceitful men9 2e sees wic1edness also' Bill 2e not then consider itE

A land as dar1 as dar1ness itself# As the shadow of death# without any order# Bhere even the light is li1e dar1ness':D

For an em"tyFheaded man will be wise# Bhen a wild don1eyDs colt is born a man'


5o"har answered and said7



:0f you would "re"are your heart# And stretch out your hands toward 2im9

:Should not the multitude of words be answeredE And should a man full of tal1 be vindicatedE

0f iniGuity were in your hand# and you "ut it far away# And would not let wic1edness dwell in your tents9

Should your em"ty tal1 ma1e men hold their "eaceE And when you moc1# should no one rebu1e youE

Then surely you could lift u" your face without s"ot9 Ces# you could be steadfast# and not fear9

For you have said# :4y doctrine is "ure# And 0 am clean in your eyes'D

Because you would forget your misery# And remember it as waters that have "assed away#

But oh# that (od would s"ea1# And o"en 2is li"s against you#

And your life would be brighter than noonday' Though you were dar1# you would be li1e the morning'

That 2e would show you the secrets of wisdomH For they would double your "rudence' Know therefore that (od e!acts from you )ess than your iniGuity deserves'

And you would be secure# because there is ho"e9 Ces# you would dig around you# and ta1e your rest in safety'

:-an you search out the dee" things of (odE -an you find out the limits of the AlmightyE

Cou would also lie down# and no one would ma1e you afraid9 Ces# many would court your favor'

They are higher than heavenFF what can you doE *ee"er than SheolFF what can you 1nowE

But the eyes of the wic1ed will fail# And they shall not esca"e# And their ho"eFF loss of lifeH:

Their measure is longer than the earth And broader than the sea'

12Then Job answered and said7


:0f 2e "asses by# im"risons# and gathers to $udgment# Then who can hinder 2imE

:No doubt you are the "eo"le# And wisdom will die with youH

But 0 have understanding as well as you9 0 am not inferior to you' 0ndeed#

who does not 1now such things as theseE



Bith 2im are strength and "rudence' The deceived and the deceiver are 2is'

:0 am one moc1ed by his friends# Bho called on (od# and 2e answered him# The $ust and blameless who is ridiculed'

2e leads counselors away "lundered# And ma1es fools of the $udges'


A lam" is des"ised in the thought of one who is at ease9 0t is made ready for those whose feet sli"'

2e loosens the bonds of 1ings# And binds their waist with a belt'

2e leads "rinces away "lundered# And overthrows the mighty'


The tents of robbers "ros"er# And those who "rovo1e (od are secureFF 0n what (od "rovides by 2is hand'

2e de"rives the trusted ones of s"eech# And ta1es away the discernment of the elders'

:But now as1 the beasts# and they will teach you9 And the birds of the air# and they will tell you9

2e "ours contem"t on "rinces# And disarms the mighty'


3r s"ea1 to the earth# and it will teach you9 And the fish of the sea will e!"lain to you'

2e uncovers dee" things out of dar1ness# And brings the shadow of death to light'

Bho among all these does not 1now That the hand of the )3+* has done this#

2e ma1es nations great# and destroys them9 2e enlarges nations# and guides them'

0n whose hand is the life of every living thing# And the breath of all man1indE

*oes not the ear test words And the mouth taste its foodE

2e ta1es away the understanding of the chiefs of the "eo"le of the earth# And ma1es them wander in a "athless wilderness'

Bisdom is with aged men# And with length of days# understanding'


They gro"e in the dar1 without light# And 2e ma1es them stagger li1e a drun1en man'

:Bith 2im are wisdom and strength# 2e has counsel and understanding'

13:Behold# my eye has seen all this#

4y ear has heard and understood it'

0f 2e brea1s a thing down# it cannot be rebuilt9 0f 2e im"risons a man# there can be no release'

Bhat you 1now# 0 also 1now9 0 am not inferior to you'


0f 2e withholds the waters# they dry u"9 0f 2e sends them out# they overwhelm the earth'

But 0 would s"ea1 to the Almighty# And 0 desire to reason with (od'

But you forgers of lies# Cou are all worthless "hysicians'



See now# 0 have "re"ared my case# 0 1now that 0 shall be vindicated'


3h# that you would be silent# And it would be your wisdomH


Bho is he who will contend with meE 0f now 0 hold my tongue# 0 "erish'

Now hear my reasoning# And heed the "leadings of my li"s'


:3nly two things do not do to me# Then 0 will not hide myself from Cou7

Bill you s"ea1 wic1edly for (od# And tal1 deceitfully for 2imE

Bithdraw Cour hand far from me# And let not the dread of Cou ma1e me afraid'

Bill you show "artiality for 2imE Bill you contend for (odE

Then call# and 0 will answer9 3r let me s"ea1# then Cou res"ond to me'

Bill it be well when 2e searches you outE 3r can you moc1 2im as one moc1s a manE

2ow many are my iniGuities and sinsE 4a1e me 1now my transgression and my sin'

2e will surely rebu1e you 0f you secretly show "artiality'


Bhy do Cou hide Cour face# And regard me as Cour enemyE


Bill not 2is e!cellence ma1e you afraid# And the dread of 2im fall u"on youE

Bill Cou frighten a leaf driven to and froE And will Cou "ursue dry stubbleE

Cour "latitudes are "roverbs of ashes# Cour defenses are defenses of clay'

For Cou write bitter things against me# And ma1e me inherit the iniGuities of my youth'

:2old your "eace with me# and let me s"ea1# Then let come on me what mayH

Cou "ut my feet in the stoc1s# And watch closely all my "aths' Cou set a limit for the soles of my feet'

Bhy do 0 ta1e my flesh in my teeth# And "ut my life in my handsE


:4an decays li1e a rotten thing# )i1e a garment that is mothFeaten'

Though 2e slay me# yet will 0 trust 2im' ven so# 0 will defend my own ways before 2im'

14:4an who is born of woman 0s of

few days and full of trouble'

2e also shall be my salvation# For a hy"ocrite could not come before 2im'

)isten carefully to my s"eech# And to my declaration with your ears'

2e comes forth li1e a flower and fades away9 2e flees li1e a shadow and does not continue'

And do Cou o"en Cour eyes on such a one# And bring me to $udgment with CourselfE


Cou shall call# and 0 will answer Cou9 Cou shall desire the wor1 of Cour hands'

Bho can bring a clean thing out of an uncleanE No oneH


For now Cou number my ste"s# But do not watch over my sin'

Since his days are determined# The number of his months is with Cou9 Cou have a""ointed his limits# so that he cannot "ass'

4y transgression is sealed u" in a bag# And Cou cover my iniGuity'


:But as a mountain falls and crumbles away# And as a roc1 is moved from its "lace9

)oo1 away from him that he may rest# Till li1e a hired man he finishes his day'

:For there is ho"e for a tree# 0f it is cut down# that it will s"rout again# And that its tender shoots will not cease'

As water wears away stones# And as torrents wash away the soil of the earth9 So Cou destroy the ho"e of man'

Though its root may grow old in the earth# And its stum" may die in the ground#

Cou "revail forever against him# and he "asses on9 Cou change his countenance and send him away'

Cet at the scent of water it will bud And bring forth branches li1e a "lant'

2is sons come to honor# and he does not 1now it9 They are brought low# and he does not "erceive it'

But man dies and is laid away9 0ndeed he breathes his last And where is heE

But his flesh will be in "ain over it# And his soul will mourn over it':

As water disa""ears from the sea# And a river becomes "arched and dries u"#


li"ha. answered and said7



So man lies down and does not rise' Till the heavens are no more# They will not awa1e Nor be roused from their slee"'

:Should a wise man answer with em"ty 1nowledge# And fill himself with the east windE

:3h# that Cou would hide me in the grave# That Cou would conceal me until Cour wrath is "ast# That Cou would a""oint me a set time# and remember meH

Should he reason with un"rofitable tal1# 3r by s"eeches with which he can do no goodE

Ces# you cast off fear# And restrain "rayer before (od'

0f a man dies# shall he live againE All the days of my hard service 0 will wait# Till my change comes'

For your iniGuity teaches your mouth# And you choose the tongue of the crafty'


Cour own mouth condemns you# and not 09 Ces# your own li"s testify against you'


The wic1ed man writhes with "ain all his days# And the number of years is hidden from the o""ressor'

:Are you the first man who was bornE 3r were you made before the hillsE

*readful sounds are in his ears9 0n "ros"erity the destroyer comes u"on him'

2ave you heard the counsel of (odE *o you limit wisdom to yourselfE

Bhat do you 1now that we do not 1nowE Bhat do you understand that is not in usE

2e does not believe that he will return from dar1ness# For a sword is waiting for him'

Both the grayFhaired and the aged are among us# 4uch older than your father'

2e wanders about for bread# saying# :Bhere is itED 2e 1nows that a day of dar1ness is ready at his hand'

Are the consolations of (od too small for you# And the word s"o1en gently with youE

Trouble and anguish ma1e him afraid9 They over"ower him# li1e a 1ing ready for battle'

Bhy does your heart carry you away# And what do your eyes win1 at#

For he stretches out his hand against (od# And acts defiantly against the Almighty#

That you turn your s"irit against (od# And let such words go out of your mouthE

+unning stubbornly against 2im Bith his strong# embossed shield'


:Bhat is man# that he could be "ureE And he who is born of a woman# that he could be righteousE

:Though he has covered his face with his fatness# And made his waist heavy with fat#

0f (od "uts no trust in 2is saints# And the heavens are not "ure in 2is sight#

2e dwells in desolate cities# 0n houses which no one inhabits# Bhich are destined to become ruins'

2ow much less man# who is abominable and filthy# Bho drin1s iniGuity li1e waterH

2e will not be rich# Nor will his wealth continue# Nor will his "ossessions overs"read the earth'

:0 will tell you# hear me9 Bhat 0 have seen 0 will declare#

2e will not de"art from dar1ness9 The flame will dry out his branches# And by the breath of 2is mouth he will go away'

Bhat wise men have told# Not hiding anything received from their fathers#

To whom alone the land was given# And no alien "assed among them7

)et him not trust in futile things# deceiving himself# For futility will be his reward'


0t will be accom"lished before his time# And his branch will not be green'


They ga"e at me with their mouth# They stri1e me re"roachfully on the chee1# They gather together against me'

2e will sha1e off his unri"e gra"e li1e a vine# And cast off his blossom li1e an olive tree'

(od has delivered me to the ungodly# And turned me over to the hands of the wic1ed'

For the com"any of hy"ocrites will be barren# And fire will consume the tents of bribery'

They conceive trouble and bring forth futility9 Their womb "re"ares deceit':

0 was at ease# but 2e has shattered me9 2e also has ta1en me by my nec1# and sha1en me to "ieces9 2e has set me u" for 2is target#

16Then Job answered and said7


2is archers surround me' 2e "ierces my heart and does not "ity9 2e "ours out my gall on the ground'

:0 have heard many such things9 4iserable comforters are you allH

2e brea1s me with wound u"on wound9 2e runs at me li1e a warrior'


Shall words of wind have an endE 3r what "rovo1es you that you answerE

:0 have sewn sac1cloth over my s1in# And laid my head in the dust'

0 also could s"ea1 as you do# 0f your soul were in my soulDs "lace' 0 could hea" u" words against you# And sha1e my head at you9

4y face is flushed from wee"ing# And on my eyelids is the shadow of death9


Although no violence is in my hands# And my "rayer is "ure'


But 0 would strengthen you with my mouth# And the comfort of my li"s would relieve your grief'

:3 earth# do not cover my blood# And let my cry have no resting "laceH

:Though 0 s"ea1# my grief is not relieved9 And if 0 remain silent# how am 0 easedE

Surely even now my witness is in heaven# And my evidence is on high'


But now 2e has worn me out9 Cou have made desolate all my com"any'

4y friends scorn me9 4y eyes "our out tears to (od'


Cou have shriveled me u"# And it is a witness against me9 4y leanness rises u" against me And bears witness to my face'

3h# that one might "lead for a man with (od# As a man "leads for his neighborH

For when a few years are finished# 0 shall go the way of no return'

2e tears me in 2is wrath# and hates me9 2e gnashes at me with 2is teeth9 4y adversary shar"ens 2is ga.e on me'

17:4y s"irit is bro1en# 4y days are

e!tinguished# The grave is ready for me'


0f 0 wait for the grave as my house# 0f 0 ma1e my bed in the dar1ness#


Are not moc1ers with meE And does not my eye dwell on their "rovocationE

0f 0 say to corru"tion# :Cou are my father#D And to the worm# :Cou are my mother and my sister#D

:Now "ut down a "ledge for me with Courself' Bho is he who will sha1e hands with meE

Bhere then is my ho"eE As for my ho"e# who can see itE


For Cou have hidden their heart from understanding9 Therefore Cou will not e!alt them'

Bill they go down to the gates of SheolE Shall we have rest together in the dustE:

2e who s"ea1s flattery to his friends# ven the eyes of his children will fail'

18Then Bildad the Shuhite answered

and said7


:But 2e has made me a byword of the "eo"le# And 0 have become one in whose face men s"it'

:2ow long till you "ut an end to wordsE (ain understanding# and afterward we will s"ea1'

4y eye has also grown dim because of sorrow# And all my members are li1e shadows'

Bhy are we counted as beasts# And regarded as stu"id in your sightE


A"right men are astonished at this# And the innocent stirs himself u" against the hy"ocrite'

Cou who tear yourself in anger# Shall the earth be forsa1en for youE 3r shall the roc1 be removed from its "laceE

Cet the righteous will hold to his way# And he who has clean hands will be stronger and stronger'

:The light of the wic1ed indeed goes out# And the flame of his fire does not shine'

:But "lease# come bac1 again# all of you# For 0 shall not find one wise man among you'

The light is dar1 in his tent# And his lam" beside him is "ut out'

The ste"s of his strength are shortened# And his own counsel casts him down'

4y days are "ast# 4y "ur"oses are bro1en off# ven the thoughts of my heart'

For he is cast into a net by his own feet# And he wal1s into a snare'

They change the night into day9 :The light is near#D they say# in the face of dar1ness'

The net ta1es him by the heel# And a snare lays hold of him'


A noose is hidden for him on the ground# And a tra" for him in the road'

These ten times you have re"roached me9 Cou are not ashamed that you have wronged me'

Terrors frighten him on every side# And drive him to his feet'

And if indeed 0 have erred# 4y error remains with me'


2is strength is starved# destruction is ready at his side'


And 0f indeed you e!alt yourselves against me# And "lead my disgrace against me#

0t devours "atches of his s1in9 The firstborn of death devours his limbs'

Know then that (od has wronged me# And has surrounded me with 2is net'

2e is u"rooted from the shelter of his tent# And they "arade him before the 1ing of terrors'

:0f 0 cry out concerning wrong# 0 am not heard' 0f 0 cry aloud# there is no $ustice'

They dwell in his tent who are none of his9 Brimstone is scattered on his dwelling'

2e has fenced u" my way# so that 0 cannot "ass9 And 2e has set dar1ness in my "aths'

2is roots are dried out below# And his branch withers above'

2e has stri""ed me of my glory# And ta1en the crown from my head'


The memory of him "erishes from the earth# And he has no name among the renowned'

2e brea1s me down on every side# And 0 am gone9 4y ho"e 2e has u"rooted li1e a tree'

2e is driven from light into dar1ness# And chased out of the world'

2e has also 1indled 2is wrath against me# And 2e counts me as one of 2is enemies'

2e has neither son nor "osterity among his "eo"le# Nor any remaining in his dwellings'

2is troo"s come together And build u" their road against me9 They encam" all around my tent'

Those in the west are astonished at his day# As those in the east are frightened'

Surely such are the dwellings of the wic1ed# And this is the "lace of him who does not 1now (od':

:2e has removed my brothers far from me# And my acGuaintances are com"letely estranged from me'

4y relatives have failed# And my close friends have forgotten me'


19Then Job answered and said7


:2ow long will you torment my soul# And brea1 me in "ieces with wordsE

Those who dwell in my house# and my maidservants# -ount me as a stranger9 0 am an alien in their sight'


0 call my servant# but he gives no answer9 0 beg him with my mouth'



4y breath is offensive to my wife# And 0 am re"ulsive to the children of my own body'


Be afraid of the sword for yourselves9 For wrath brings the "unishment of the sword# That you may 1now there is a $udgment':

ven young children des"ise me9 0 arise# and they s"ea1 against me'


5o"har answered and said7



All my close friends abhor me# And those whom 0 love have turned against me'

:Therefore my an!ious thoughts ma1e me answer# Because of the turmoil within me'

4y bone clings to my s1in and to my flesh# And 0 have esca"ed by the s1in of my teeth'

0 have heard the rebu1e that re"roaches me# And the s"irit of my understanding causes me to answer'

:2ave "ity on me# have "ity on me# 3 you my friends# For the hand of (od has struc1 meH

:*o you not 1now this of old# Since man was "laced on earth#

Bhy do you "ersecute me as (od does# And are not satisfied with my fleshE

That the trium"hing of the wic1ed is short# And the $oy of the hy"ocrite is but for a momentE

:3h# that my words were writtenH 3h# that they were inscribed in a boo1H

Though his haughtiness mounts u" to the heavens# And his head reaches to the clouds#

That they were engraved on a roc1 Bith an iron "en and lead# foreverH

Cet he will "erish forever li1e his own refuse9 Those who have seen him will say# :Bhere is heED

For 0 1now that my +edeemer lives# And 2e shall stand at last on the earth9

2e will fly away li1e a dream# and not be found9 Ces# he will be chased away li1e a vision of the night'

And after my s1in is destroyed# this 0 1now# That in my flesh 0 shall see (od#

Bhom 0 shall see for myself# And my eyes shall behold# and not another' 2ow my heart yearns within meH

The eye that saw him will see him no more# Nor will his "lace behold him anymore'

0f you should say# :2ow shall we "ersecute himEDFF Since the root of the matter is found in me#

2is children will see1 the favor of the "oor# And his hands will restore his wealth'

2is bones are full of his youthful vigor# But it will lie down with him in the dust'


:Though evil is sweet in his mouth# And he hides it under his tongue#


0t is drawn# and comes out of the body9 Ces# the glittering "oint comes out of his gall' Terrors come u"on him9

Though he s"ares it and does not forsa1e it# But still 1ee"s it in his mouth#

Cet his food in his stomach turns sour9 0t becomes cobra venom within him'

Total dar1ness is reserved for his treasures' An unfanned fire will consume him9 0t shall go ill with him who is left in his tent'

2e swallows down riches And vomits them u" again9 (od casts them out of his belly'

The heavens will reveal his iniGuity# And the earth will rise u" against him'

2e will suc1 the "oison of cobras9 The vi"erDs tongue will slay him'

The increase of his house will de"art# And his goods will flow away in the day of 2is wrath'

2e will not see the streams# The rivers flowing with honey and cream'

This is the "ortion from (od for a wic1ed man# The heritage a""ointed to him by (od':

2e will restore that for which he labored# And will not swallow it down9 From the "roceeds of business 2e will get no en$oyment'

21Then Job answered and said7


For he has o""ressed and forsa1en the "oor# 2e has violently sei.ed a house which he did not build'

:)isten carefully to my s"eech# And let this be your consolation'


:Because he 1nows no Guietness in his heart# 2e will not save anything he desires'

Bear with me that 0 may s"ea1# And after 0 have s"o1en# 1ee" moc1ing'

Nothing is left for him to eat9 Therefore his wellFbeing will not last'

:As for me# is my com"laint against manE And if it were# why should 0 not be im"atientE

0n his selfFsufficiency he will be in distress9 very hand of misery will come against him'

)oo1 at me and be astonished9 /ut your hand over your mouth'


ven when 0 remember 0 am terrified# And trembling ta1es hold of my flesh'


Bhen he is about to fill his stomach# (od will cast on him the fury of 2is wrath# And will rain it on him while he is eating'

Bhy do the wic1ed live and become old# Ces# become mighty in "owerE

2e will flee from the iron wea"on9 A bron.e bow will "ierce him through'

Their descendants are established with them in their sight# And their offs"ring before their eyes'

Their houses are safe from fear# Neither is the rod of (od u"on them'


:-an anyone teach (od 1nowledge# Since 2e $udges those on highE


Their bull breeds without failure9 Their cow calves without miscarriage'

3ne dies in his full strength# Being wholly at ease and secure9

They send forth their little ones li1e a floc1# And their children dance'

2is "ails are full of mil1# And the marrow of his bones is moist'

They sing to the tambourine and har"# And re$oice to the sound of the flute'

Another man dies in the bitterness of his soul# Never having eaten with "leasure'

They s"end their days in wealth# And in a moment go down to the grave'

They lie down ali1e in the dust# And worms cover them'

Cet they say to (od# :*e"art from us# For we do not desire the 1nowledge of Cour ways'

:)oo1# 0 1now your thoughts# And the schemes with which you would wrong me'

Bho is the Almighty# that we should serve 2imE And what "rofit do we have if we "ray to 2imED

For you say# :Bhere is the house of the "rinceE And where is the tent# The dwelling "lace of the wic1edED

0ndeed their "ros"erity is not in their hand9 The counsel of the wic1ed is far from me'

2ave you not as1ed those who travel the roadE And do you not 1now their signsE

:2ow often is the lam" of the wic1ed "ut outE 2ow often does their destruction come u"on them# The sorrows (od distributes in 2is angerE

For the wic1ed are reserved for the day of doom9 They shall be brought out on the day of wrath'

They are li1e straw before the wind# And li1e chaff that a storm carries away'

Bho condemns his way to his faceE And who re"ays him for what he has doneE

They say# :(od lays u" oneDs iniGuity for his childrenD9 )et 2im recom"ense him# that he may 1now it'

Cet he shall be brought to the grave# And a vigil 1e"t over the tomb'

)et his eyes see his destruction# And let him drin1 of the wrath of the Almighty'

The clods of the valley shall be sweet to him9 veryone shall follow him# As countless have gone before him'

For what does he care about his household after him# Bhen the number of his months is cut in halfE

2ow then can you comfort me with em"ty words# Since falsehood remains in your answersE:



li"ha. answered and said7



Thic1 clouds cover 2im# so that 2e cannot see# And 2e wal1s above the circle of heaven'D

:-an a man be "rofitable to (od# Though he who is wise may be "rofitable to himselfE

Bill you 1ee" to the old way Bhich wic1ed men have trod#

0s it any "leasure to the Almighty that you are righteousE 3r is it gain to 2im that you ma1e your ways blamelessE

Bho were cut down before their time# Bhose foundations were swe"t away by a floodE

:0s it because of your fear of 2im that 2e corrects you# And enters into $udgment with youE

They said to (od# :*e"art from usH Bhat can the Almighty do to themED

0s not your wic1edness great# And your iniGuity without endE


Cet 2e filled their houses with good things9 But the counsel of the wic1ed is far from me'

For you have ta1en "ledges from your brother for no reason# And stri""ed the na1ed of their clothing'

:The righteous see it and are glad# And the innocent laugh at them7

:Surely our adversaries are cut down# And the fire consumes their remnant'D

Cou have not given the weary water to drin1# And you have withheld bread from the hungry'

:Now acGuaint yourself with 2im# and be at "eace9 Thereby good will come to you'

But the mighty man "ossessed the land# And the honorable man dwelt in it'

Cou have sent widows away em"ty# And the strength of the fatherless was crushed'

+eceive# "lease# instruction from 2is mouth# And lay u" 2is words in your heart'

Therefore snares are all around you# And sudden fear troubles you#

0f you return to the Almighty# you will be built u"9 Cou will remove iniGuity far from your tents'

3r dar1ness so that you cannot see9 And an abundance of water covers you'

Then you will lay your gold in the dust# And the gold of 3"hir among the stones of the broo1s'

:0s not (od in the height of heavenE And see the highest stars# how lofty they areH

Ces# the Almighty will be your gold And your "recious silver9

And you say# :Bhat does (od 1nowE -an 2e $udge through the dee" dar1nessE

For then you will have your delight in the Almighty# And lift u" your face to (od'


Cou will ma1e your "rayer to 2im# 2e will hear you# And you will "ay your vows'


But 2e 1nows the way that 0 ta1e9 Bhen 2e has tested me# 0 shall come forth as gold'

Cou will also declare a thing# And it will be established for you9 So light will shine on your ways'

4y foot has held fast to 2is ste"s9 0 have 1e"t 2is way and not turned aside'

Bhen they cast you down# and you say# : !altation will comeHD Then 2e will save the humble "erson'

0 have not de"arted from the commandment of 2is li"s9 0 have treasured the words of 2is mouth 4ore than my necessary food'

2e will even deliver one who is not innocent9 Ces# he will be delivered by the "urity of your hands':

:But 2e is uniGue# and who can ma1e 2im changeE And whatever 2is soul desires# that 2e does'

23Then Job answered and said7


For 2e "erforms what is a""ointed for me# And many such things are with 2im'

: ven today my com"laint is bitter9 4y hand is listless because of my groaning'


Therefore 0 am terrified at 2is "resence9 Bhen 0 consider this# 0 am afraid of 2im'


3h# that 0 1new where 0 might find 2im# That 0 might come to 2is seatH

For (od made my heart wea1# And the Almighty terrifies me9

0 would "resent my case before 2im# And fill my mouth with arguments'

0 would 1now the words which 2e would answer me# And understand what 2e would say to me'

Because 0 was not cut off from the "resence of dar1ness# And 2e did not hide dee" dar1ness from my face'

24:Since times are not hidden from

the Almighty# Bhy do those who 1now 2im see not 2is daysE

Bould 2e contend with me in 2is great "owerE NoH But 2e would ta1e note of me'

There the u"right could reason with 2im# And 0 would be delivered forever from my Judge'

:Some remove landmar1s9 They sei.e floc1s violently and feed on them9

:)oo1# 0 go forward# but 2e is not there# And bac1ward# but 0 cannot "erceive 2im9

They drive away the don1ey of the fatherless9 They ta1e the widowDs o! as a "ledge'

They "ush the needy off the road9 All the "oor of the land are forced to hide'

Bhen 2e wor1s on the left hand# 0 cannot behold 2im9 Bhen 2e turns to the right hand# 0 cannot see 2im'

0ndeed# li1e wild don1eys in the desert# They go out to their wor1# searching for

food' The wilderness yields food for them and for their children'


They gather their fodder in the field And glean in the vineyard of the wic1ed'

For the morning is the same to them as the shadow of death9 0f someone them# They are in the terrors of the shadow of death'

They s"end the night na1ed# without clothing# And have no covering in the cold'

:They should be swift on the face of the waters# Their "ortion should be cursed in the earth# So that no one would turn into the way of their vineyards'

They are wet with the showers of the mountains# And huddle around the roc1 for want of shelter'

As drought and heat consume the snow waters# So the grave consumes those who have sinned'

:Some snatch the fatherless from the breast# And ta1e a "ledge from the "oor'

They cause the "oor to go na1ed# without clothing9 And they ta1e away the sheaves from the hungry'

The womb should forget him# The worm should feed sweetly on him9 2e should be remembered no more# And wic1edness should be bro1en li1e a tree'

They "ress out oil within their walls# And tread wine"resses# yet suffer thirst'

For he "reys on the barren who do not bear# And does no good for the widow'

The dying groan in the city# And the souls of the wounded cry out9 Cet (od does not charge them with wrong'

:But (od draws the mighty away with 2is "ower9 2e rises u"# but no man is sure of life'

:There are those who rebel against the light9 They do not 1now its ways Nor abide in its "aths'

2e gives them security# and they rely on it9 Cet 2is eyes are on their ways'

The murderer rises with the light9 2e 1ills the "oor and needy9 And in the night he is li1e a thief'

They are e!alted for a little while# Then they are gone' They are brought low9 They are ta1en out of the way li1e all others9 They dry out li1e the heads of grain'

The eye of the adulterer waits for the twilight# Saying# :No eye will see meD9 And he disguises his face'

:Now if it is not so# who will "rove me a liar# And ma1e my s"eech worth nothingE:

0n the dar1 they brea1 into houses Bhich they mar1ed for themselves in the daytime9 They do not 1now the light'

25Then Bildad the Shuhite answered

and said7

:*ominion and fear belong to 2im9 2e ma1es "eace in 2is high "laces'

0s there any number to 2is armiesE A"on whom does 2is light not riseE


The "illars of heaven tremble# And are astonished at 2is rebu1e'


2ow then can man be righteous before (odE 3r how can he be "ure who is born of a womanE

2e stirs u" the sea with 2is "ower# And by 2is understanding 2e brea1s u" the storm'

0f even the moon does not shine# And the stars are not "ure in 2is sight#

By 2is S"irit 2e adorned the heavens9 2is hand "ierced the fleeing ser"ent'

2ow much less man# who is a maggot# And a son of man# who is a wormE:

26But Job answered and said7


0ndeed these are the mere edges of 2is ways# And how small a whis"er we hear of 2imH But the thunder of 2is "ower who can understandE:

:2ow have you hel"ed him who is without "owerE 2ow have you saved the arm that has no strengthE


Job discourse# and said7



2ow have you counseled one who has no wisdomE And how have you declared sound advice to manyE

:As (od lives# who has ta1en away my $ustice# And the Almighty# who has made my soul bitter#

To whom have you uttered wordsE And whose s"irit came from youE

As long as my breath is in me# And the breath of (od in my nostrils#


:The dead tremble# Those under the waters and those inhabiting them'

4y li"s will not s"ea1 wic1edness# Nor my tongue utter deceit'


Sheol is na1ed before 2im# *estruction has no covering'



Far be it from me That 0 should say you are right9 Till 0 die 0 will not "ut away my integrity from me'

2e stretches out the north over em"ty s"ace9 2e hangs the earth on nothing'

4y righteousness 0 hold fast# and will not let it go9 4y heart shall not re"roach me as long as 0 live'

2e binds u" the water in 2is thic1 clouds# Cet the clouds are not bro1en under it'

:4ay my enemy be li1e the wic1ed# And he who rises u" against me li1e the unrighteous'

2e covers the face of 2is throne# And s"reads 2is cloud over it'

2e drew a circular hori.on on the face of the waters# At the boundary of light and dar1ness'

For what is the ho"e of the hy"ocrite# Though he may gain much# 0f (od ta1es away his lifeE

Bill (od hear his cry Bhen trouble comes u"on himE


Bill he delight himself in the AlmightyE Bill he always call on (odE



4en shall cla" their hands at him# And shall hiss him out of his "lace'

:0 will teach you about the hand of (od9 Bhat is with the Almighty 0 will not conceal'

28:Surely there is a mine for silver#

And a "lace where gold is refined'

Surely all of you have seen it9 Bhy then do you behave with com"lete nonsenseE

0ron is ta1en from the earth# And co""er is smelted from ore'

:This is the "ortion of a wic1ed man with (od# And the heritage of o""ressors# received from the Almighty7

4an "uts an end to dar1ness# And searches every recess For ore in the dar1ness and the shadow of death'

0f his children are multi"lied# it is for the sword9 And his offs"ring shall not be satisfied with bread'

2e brea1s o"en a shaft away from "eo"le9 0n "laces forgotten by feet They hang far away from men9 They swing to and fro'

Those who survive him shall be buried in death# And their widows shall not wee"#

As for the earth# from it comes bread# But underneath it is turned u" as by fire9

Though he hea"s u" silver li1e dust# And "iles u" clothing li1e clayFF

0ts stones are the source of sa""hires# And it contains gold dust'

2e may "ile it u"# but the $ust will wear it# And the innocent will divide the silver'

That "ath no bird 1nows# Nor has the falconDs eye seen it'

2e builds his house li1e a moth# )i1e a booth which a watchman ma1es'

The "roud lions have not trodden it# Nor has the fierce lion "assed over it'

The rich man will lie down# But not be gathered u"9 2e o"ens his eyes# And he is no more'

2e "uts his hand on the flint9 2e overturns the mountains at the roots'

Terrors overta1e him li1e a flood9 A tem"est steals him away in the night'

2e cuts out channels in the roc1s# And his eye sees every "recious thing'

The east wind carries him away# and he is gone9 0t swee"s him out of his "lace'

2e dams u" the streams from tric1ling9 Bhat is hidden he brings forth to light'

:But where can wisdom be foundE And where is the "lace of understandingE

0t hurls against him and does not s"are9 2e flees des"erately from its "ower'

4an does not 1now its value# Nor is it found in the land of the living'


The dee" says# :0t is not in meD9 And the sea says# :0t is not with me'D


And to man 2e said# :Behold# the fear of the )ord# that is wisdom# And to de"art from evil is understanding':D

0t cannot be "urchased for gold# Nor can silver be weighed for its "rice'

0t cannot be valued in the gold of 3"hir# 0n "recious ony! or sa""hire'



further discourse# and said7



Neither gold nor crystal can eGual it# Nor can it be e!changed for $ewelry of fine gold'

:3h# that 0 were as in months "ast# As in the days when (od watched over me9

No mention shall be made of coral or Guart.# For the "rice of wisdom is above rubies'

Bhen 2is lam" shone u"on my head# And when by 2is light 0 wal1ed through dar1ness9

The to"a. of thio"ia cannot eGual it# Nor can it be valued in "ure gold'

Just as 0 was in the days of my "rime# Bhen the friendly counsel of (od was over my tent9

:From where then does wisdom comeE And where is the "lace of understandingE

Bhen the Almighty was yet with me# Bhen my children were around me9

0t is hidden from the eyes of all living# And concealed from the birds of the air'

Bhen my ste"s were bathed with cream# And the roc1 "oured out rivers of oil for meH

*estruction and *eath say# :Be have heard a re"ort about it with our ears'D

:Bhen 0 went out to the gate by the city# Bhen 0 too1 my seat in the o"en sGuare#

(od understands its way# And 2e 1nows its "lace'


The young men saw me and hid# And the aged arose and stood9

For 2e loo1s to the ends of the earth# And sees under the whole heavens#

The "rinces refrained from tal1ing# And "ut their hand on their mouth9

To establish a weight for the wind# And a""ortion the waters by measure'

The voice of nobles was hushed# And their tongue stuc1 to the roof of their mouth'

Bhen 2e made a law for the rain# And a "ath for the thunderbolt#

Bhen the ear heard# then it blessed me# And when the eye saw# then it a""roved me9

Then 2e saw wisdom and declared it9 2e "re"ared it# indeed# 2e searched it out'

Because 0 delivered the "oor who cried out# The fatherless and the one who had no hel"er'


The blessing of a "erishing man came u"on me# And 0 caused the widowDs heart to sing for $oy'

30:But now they moc1 at me# men

younger than 0# Bhose fathers 0 disdained to "ut with the dogs of my floc1'

0 "ut on righteousness# and it clothed me9 4y $ustice was li1e a robe and a turban'

0 was eyes to the blind# And 0 was feet to the lame'


0ndeed# what "rofit is the strength of their hands to meE Their vigor has "erished'

0 was a father to the "oor# And 0 searched out the case that 0 did not 1now'

They are gaunt from want and famine# Fleeing late to the wilderness# desolate and waste#

0 bro1e the fangs of the wic1ed# And "luc1ed the victim from his teeth'

Bho "luc1 mallow by the bushes# And broom tree roots for their food'

:Then 0 said# :0 shall die in my nest# And multi"ly my days as the sand'

They were driven out from among men# They shouted at them as at a thief'

4y root is s"read out to the waters# And the dew lies all night on my branch'

They had to live in the clefts of the valleys# 0n caves of the earth and the roc1s'

4y glory is fresh within me# And my bow is renewed in my hand'D


Among the bushes they brayed# Ander the nettles they nestled'

:4en listened to me and waited# And 1e"t silence for my counsel'


They were sons of fools# Ces# sons of vile men9 They were scourged from the land'

After my words they did not s"ea1 again# And my s"eech settled on them as dew'

:And now 0 am their taunting song9 Ces# 0 am their byword'


They waited for me as for the rain# And they o"ened their mouth wide as for the s"ring rain'

They abhor me# they 1ee" far from me9 They do not hesitate to s"it in my face'

0f 0 moc1ed at them# they did not believe it# And the light of my countenance they did not cast down'

Because 2e has loosed my bowstring and afflicted me# They have cast off restraint before me'

0 chose the way for them# and sat as chief9 So 0 dwelt as a 1ing in the army# As one who comforts mourners'

At my right hand the rabble arises9 They "ush away my feet# And they raise against me their ways of destruction'

They brea1 u" my "ath# They "romote my calamity9 They have no hel"er'


They come as broad brea1ers9 Ander the ruinous storm they roll along'


4y heart is in turmoil and cannot rest9 *ays of affliction confront me'


Terrors are turned u"on me9 They "ursue my honor as the wind# And my "ros"erity has "assed li1e a cloud'

0 go about mourning# but not in the sun9 0 stand u" in the assembly and cry out for hel"'

:And now my soul is "oured out because of my "light9 The days of affliction ta1e hold of me'

0 am a brother of $ac1als# And a com"anion of ostriches'


4y bones are "ierced in me at night# And my gnawing "ains ta1e no rest'


4y s1in grows blac1 and falls from me9 4y bones burn with fever'

By great force my garment is disfigured9 0t binds me about as the collar of my coat'


4y har" is turned to mourning# And my flute to the voice of those who wee"'

2e has cast me into the mire# And 0 have become li1e dust and ashes'

31:0 have made a covenant with my

eyes9 Bhy then should 0 loo1 u"on a young womanE

:0 cry out to Cou# but Cou do not answer me9 0 stand u"# and Cou regard me'

For what is the allotment of (od from above# And the inheritance of the Almighty from on highE

But Cou have become cruel to me9 Bith the strength of Cour hand Cou o""ose me'

0s it not destruction for the wic1ed# And disaster for the wor1ers of iniGuityE

Cou lift me u" to the wind and cause me to ride on it9 Cou s"oil my success'

*oes 2e not see my ways# And count all my ste"sE


For 0 1now that Cou will bring me to death# And to the house a""ointed for all living'

:0f 0 have wal1ed with falsehood# 3r if my foot has hastened to deceit#


:Surely 2e would not stretch out 2is hand against a hea" of ruins# 0f they cry out when 2e destroys it'

)et me be weighed on honest scales# That (od may 1now my integrity'


2ave 0 not we"t for him who was in troubleE 2as not my soul grieved for the "oorE

0f my ste" has turned from the way# 3r my heart wal1ed after my eyes# 3r if any s"ot adheres to my hands#

Then let me sow# and another eat9 Ces# let my harvest be rooted out'

But when 0 loo1ed for good# evil came to me9 And when 0 waited for light# then came dar1ness'

:0f my heart has been enticed by a woman# 3r if 0 have lur1ed at my neighborDs door#


0f 0 have raised my hand against the fatherless# Bhen 0 saw 0 had hel" in the gate9

Then let my wife grind for another# And let others bow down over her'

Then let my arm fall from my shoulder# )et my arm be torn from the soc1et'

For that would be wic1edness9 Ces# it would be iniGuity deserving of $udgment'


For destruction from (od is a terror to me# And because of 2is magnificence 0 cannot endure'

For that would be a fire that consumes to destruction# And would root out all my increase'

:0f 0 have made gold my ho"e# 3r said to fine gold# :Cou are my confidenceD9

:0f 0 have des"ised the cause of my male or female servant Bhen they com"lained against me#

0f 0 have re$oiced because my wealth was great# And because my hand had gained much9

Bhat then shall 0 do when (od rises u"E Bhen 2e "unishes# how shall 0 answer 2imE

0f 0 have observed the sun when it shines# 3r the moon moving in brightness#

*id not 2e who made me in the womb ma1e themE *id not the same 3ne fashion us in the wombE

So that my heart has been secretly enticed# And my mouth has 1issed my hand9

:0f 0 have 1e"t the "oor from their desire# 3r caused the eyes of the widow to fail#

This also would be an iniGuity deserving of $udgment# For 0 would have denied (od who is above'

3r eaten my morsel by myself# So that the fatherless could not eat of it


:0f 0 have re$oiced at the destruction of him who hated me# 3r lifted myself u" when evil found him

IBut from my youth 0 reared him as a father# And from my motherDs womb 0 guided the widow J9

I0ndeed 0 have not allowed my mouth to sin By as1ing for a curse on his soulJ9

0f 0 have seen anyone "erish for lac1 of clothing# 3r any "oor man without covering9

0f the men of my tent have not said# :Bho is there that has not been satisfied with his meatED

0f his heart has not blessed me# And if he was not warmed with the fleece of my shee"9

IBut no so$ourner had to lodge in the street# For 0 have o"ened my doors to the traveler J9


0f 0 have covered my transgressions as Adam# By hiding my iniGuity in my bosom#


Now because they were years older than he# lihu had waited to s"ea1 to Job'

Because 0 feared the great multitude# And dreaded the contem"t of families# So that 0 1e"t silence And did not go out of the doorFF

Bhen lihu saw that there was no answer in the mouth of these three men# his wrath was aroused'

3h# that 0 had one to hear meH 2ere is my mar1' 3h# that the Almighty would answer me# That my /rosecutor had written a boo1H

So lihu# the son of Barachel the Bu.ite# answered and said7 :0 am young in years# and you are very old9 Therefore 0 was afraid# And dared not declare my o"inion to you'

Surely 0 would carry it on my shoulder# And bind it on me li1e a crown9


0 said# :Age should s"ea1# And multitude of years should teach wisdom'D

0 would declare to 2im the number of my ste"s9 )i1e a "rince 0 would a""roach 2im'

But there is a s"irit in man# And the breath of the Almighty gives him understanding'

:0f my land cries out against me# And its furrows wee" together9

(reat men are not always wise# Nor do the aged always understand $ustice'

0f 0 have eaten its fruit without money# 3r caused its owners to lose their lives9

:Therefore 0 say# :)isten to me# 0 also will declare my o"inion'D


Then let thistles grow instead of wheat# And weeds instead of barley': The words of Job are ended'

0ndeed 0 waited for your words# 0 listened to your reasonings# while you searched out what to say'


these three men ceased answering Job# because he was righteous in his own eyes' Then the wrath of lihu# the son of Barachel the Bu.ite# of the family of +am# was aroused against Job9 his wrath was aroused because he $ustified himself rather than (od'

0 "aid close attention to you9 And surely not one of you convinced Job# 3r answered his wordsFF

)est you say# :Be have found wisdomD9 (od will vanGuish him# not man'

Now he has not directed his words against me9 So 0 will not answer him with your words'

Also against his three friends his wrath was aroused# because they had found no answer# and yet had condemned Job'

:They are dismayed and answer no more9 Bords esca"e them'


And 0 have waited# because they did not s"ea1# Because they stood still and answered no more'


:Surely you have s"o1en in my hearing# And 0 have heard the sound of your words# saying#

0 also will answer my "art# 0 too will declare my o"inion'


:0 am "ure# without transgression9 0 am innocent# and there is no iniGuity in me'


For 0 am full of words9 The s"irit within me com"els me'


Cet 2e finds occasions against me# 2e counts me as 2is enemy9


0ndeed my belly is li1e wine that has no vent9 0t is ready to burst li1e new wines1ins'

2e "uts my feet in the stoc1s# 2e watches all my "aths'D


0 will s"ea1# that 0 may find relief9 0 must o"en my li"s and answer'

:)oo1# in this you are not righteous' 0 will answer you# For (od is greater than man'

)et me not# 0 "ray# show "artiality to anyone9 Nor let me flatter any man'

Bhy do you contend with 2imE For 2e does not give an accounting of any of 2is words'

For 0 do not 1now how to flatter# lse my 4a1er would soon ta1e me away'

For (od may s"ea1 in one way# or in another# Cet man does not "erceive it'

33:But "lease# Job# hear my s"eech#

And listen to all my words'

0n a dream# in a vision of the night# Bhen dee" slee" falls u"on men# Bhile slumbering on their beds#

Now# 0 o"en my mouth9 4y tongue s"ea1s in my mouth'


Then 2e o"ens the ears of men# And seals their instruction'


4y words come from my u"right heart9 4y li"s utter "ure 1nowledge'


0n order to turn man from his deed# And conceal "ride from man#

The S"irit of (od has made me# And the breath of the Almighty gives me life'

2e 1ee"s bac1 his soul from the /it# And his life from "erishing by the sword'

0f you can answer me# Set your words in order before me9 Ta1e your stand'

Truly 0 am as your s"o1esman before (od9 0 also have been formed out of clay'

:4an is also chastened with "ain on his bed# And with strong "ain in many of his bones#

So that his life abhors bread# And his soul succulent food'

Surely no fear of me will terrify you# Nor will my hand be heavy on you'

2is flesh wastes away from sight# And his bones stic1 out which once were not seen'


Ces# his soul draws near the /it# And his life to the e!ecutioners'

:2ear my words# you wise men9 (ive ear to me# you who have 1nowledge'

:0f there is a messenger for him# A mediator# one among a thousand# To show man 2is u"rightness#

For the ear tests words As the "alate tastes food'


Then 2e is gracious to him# and says# :*eliver him from going down to the /it9 0 have found a ransomD9

)et us choose $ustice for ourselves9 )et us 1now among ourselves what is good'

:For Job has said# :0 am righteous# But (od has ta1en away my $ustice9

2is flesh shall be young li1e a childDs# 2e shall return to the days of his youth'

2e shall "ray to (od# and 2e will delight in him# 2e shall see 2is face with $oy# For 2e restores to man 2is righteousness'

Should 0 lie concerning my rightE 4y wound is incurable# though 0 am without transgression'D


Bhat man is li1e Job# Bho drin1s scorn li1e water#


Then he loo1s at men and says# :0 have sinned# and "erverted what was right# And it did not "rofit me'D

Bho goes in com"any with the wor1ers of iniGuity# And wal1s with wic1ed menE

2e will redeem his soul from going down to the /it# And his life shall see the light'

For he has said# :0t "rofits a man nothing That he should delight in (od'D

:Behold# (od wor1s all these things# Twice# in fact# three times with a man#

:Therefore listen to me# you men of understanding7 Far be it from (od to do wic1edness# And from the Almighty to commit iniGuity'

To bring bac1 his soul from the /it# That he may be enlightened with the light of life'

For 2e re"ays man according to his wor1# And ma1es man to find a reward according to his way'

:(ive ear# Job# listen to me9 2old your "eace# and 0 will s"ea1'

Surely (od will never do wic1edly# Nor will the Almighty "ervert $ustice'

0f you have anything to say# answer me9 S"ea1# for 0 desire to $ustify you'

Bho gave 2im charge over the earthE 3r who a""ointed 2im over the whole worldE

0f not# listen to me9 2old your "eace# and 0 will teach you wisdom':

34 lihu further answered and said7

0f 2e should set 2is heart on it# 0f 2e should gather to 2imself 2is S"irit and 2is breath#

All flesh would "erish together# And man would return to dust'


:0f you have understanding# hear this9 )isten to the sound of my words7


So that they caused the cry of the "oor to come to 2im9 For 2e hears the cry of the afflicted'

Should one who hates $ustice governE Bill you condemn 2im who is most $ustE

0s it fitting to say to a 1ing# :Cou are worthless#D And to nobles# :Cou are wic1edDE

Bhen 2e gives Guietness# who then can ma1e troubleE And when 2e hides 2is face# who then can see 2im# Bhether it is against a nation or a man aloneEFF

Cet 2e is not "artial to "rinces# Nor does 2e regard the rich more than the "oor9 For they are all the wor1 of 2is hands'

That the hy"ocrite should not reign# )est the "eo"le be ensnared'

:For has anyone said to (od# :0 have borne chastening9 0 will offend no more9

0n a moment they die# in the middle of the night9 The "eo"le are sha1en and "ass away9 The mighty are ta1en away without a hand'

Teach me what 0 do not see9 0f 0 have done iniGuity# 0 will do no moreDE


:For 2is eyes are on the ways of man# And 2e sees all his ste"s'

Should 2e re"ay it according to your terms# Just because you disavow itE Cou must choose# and not 09 Therefore s"ea1 what you 1now'

There is no dar1ness nor shadow of death Bhere the wor1ers of iniGuity may hide themselves'

:4en of understanding say to me# Bise men who listen to me7


For 2e need not further consider a man# That he should go before (od in $udgment'

:Job s"ea1s without 1nowledge# 2is words are without wisdom'D


2e brea1s in "ieces mighty men without inGuiry# And sets others in their "lace'

3h# that Job were tried to the utmost# Because his answers are li1e those of wic1ed menH

Therefore 2e 1nows their wor1s9 2e overthrows them in the night# And they are crushed'

For he adds rebellion to his sin9 2e cla"s his hands among us# And multi"lies his words against (od':

2e stri1es them as wic1ed men 0n the o"en sight of others#



lihu answered and

Because they turned bac1 from 2im# And would not consider any of 2is ways#

:*o you thin1 this is rightE *o you say# :4y righteousness is more than (odDsDE

For you say# :Bhat advantage will it be to CouE Bhat "rofit shall 0 have# more than if 0 had sinnedED


And now# because 2e has not "unished in 2is anger# Nor ta1en much notice of folly#

:0 will answer you# com"anions with you'




Therefore Job o"ens his mouth in vain9 2e multi"lies words without 1nowledge':

)oo1 to the heavens and see9 And behold the cloudsFF They are higher than you'

36 lihu also "roceeded and said7


0f you sin# what do you accom"lish against 2imE 3r# if your transgressions are multi"lied# what do you do to 2imE

:Bear with me a little# and 0 will show you That there are yet words to s"ea1 on (odDs behalf'

0f you are righteous# what do you give 2imE 3r what does 2e receive from your handE

0 will fetch my 1nowledge from afar9 0 will ascribe righteousness to my 4a1er'


Cour wic1edness affects a man such as you# And your righteousness a son of man'

For truly my words are not false9 3ne who is "erfect in 1nowledge is with you'

:Because of the multitude of o""ressions they cry out9 They cry out for hel" because of the arm of the mighty'

:Behold# (od is mighty# but des"ises no one9 2e is mighty in strength of understanding'


2e does not "reserve the life of the wic1ed# But gives $ustice to the o""ressed'

But no one says# :Bhere is (od my 4a1er# Bho gives songs in the night#

Bho teaches us more than the beasts of the earth# And ma1es us wiser than the birds of heavenED

2e does not withdraw 2is eyes from the righteous9 But they are on the throne with 1ings# For 2e has seated them forever# And they are e!alted'

There they cry out# but 2e does not answer# Because of the "ride of evil men'

And if they are bound in fetters# 2eld in the cords of affliction#


Surely (od will not listen to em"ty tal1# Nor will the Almighty regard it'

Then 2e tells them their wor1 and their transgressionsFF That they have acted defiantly'

Although you say you do not see 2im# Cet $ustice is before 2im# and you must wait for 2im'

2e also o"ens their ear to instruction# And commands that they turn from iniGuity'

0f they obey and serve 2im# They shall s"end their days in "ros"erity# And their years in "leasures'


But if they do not obey# They shall "erish by the sword# And they shall die without 1nowledge'


veryone has seen it9 4an loo1s on it from afar'


:But the hy"ocrites in heart store u" wrath9 They do not cry for hel" when 2e binds them'

:Behold# (od is great# and we do not 1now 2im9 Nor can the number of 2is years be discovered'

They die in youth# And their life ends among the "erverted "ersons'

For 2e draws u" dro"s of water# Bhich distill as rain from the mist#

2e delivers the "oor in their affliction# And o"ens their ears in o""ression'

Bhich the clouds dro" down And "our abundantly on man'


:0ndeed 2e would have brought you out of dire distress# 0nto a broad "lace where there is no restraint9 And what is set on your table would be full of richness'

0ndeed# can anyone understand the s"reading of clouds# The thunder from 2is cano"yE

)oo1# 2e scatters 2is light u"on it# And covers the de"ths of the sea'

But you are filled with the $udgment due the wic1ed9 Judgment and $ustice ta1e hold of you'

For by these 2e $udges the "eo"les9 2e gives food in abundance'


Because there is wrath# beware lest 2e ta1e you away with one blow9 For a large ransom would not hel" you avoid it'

2e covers 2is hands with lightning# And commands it to stri1e'


2is thunder declares it# The cattle also# concerning the rising storm'

Bill your riches# 3r all the mighty forces# Kee" you from distressE

37:At this also my heart trembles#

And lea"s from its "lace'

*o not desire the night# Bhen "eo"le are cut off in their "lace'

Ta1e heed# do not turn to iniGuity# For you have chosen this rather than affliction'

2ear attentively the thunder of 2is voice# And the rumbling that comes from 2is mouth'

:Behold# (od is e!alted by 2is "ower9 Bho teaches li1e 2imE


2e sends it forth under the whole heaven# 2is lightning to the ends of the earth'

Bho has assigned 2im 2is way# 3r who has said# :Cou have done wrongDE

After it a voice roars9 2e thunders with 2is ma$estic voice# And 2e does not restrain them when 2is voice is heard'

:+emember to magnify 2is wor1# 3f which men have sung'


(od thunders marvelously with 2is voice9 2e does great things which we cannot com"rehend'


Bith 2im# have you s"read out the s1ies# Strong as a cast metal mirrorE

For 2e says to the snow# :Fall on the earthD9 )i1ewise to the gentle rain and the heavy rain of 2is strength'

:Teach us what we should say to 2im# For we can "re"are nothing because of the dar1ness'

2e seals the hand of every man# That all men may 1now 2is wor1'

Should 2e be told that 0 wish to s"ea1E 0f a man were to s"ea1# surely he would be swallowed u"'

The beasts go into dens# And remain in their lairs'


ven now men cannot loo1 at the light when it is bright in the s1ies# Bhen the wind has "assed and cleared them'

From the chamber of the south comes the whirlwind# And cold from the scattering winds of the north'

2e comes from the north as golden s"lendor9 Bith (od is awesome ma$esty'

By the breath of (od ice is given# And the broad waters are fro.en'

Also with moisture 2e saturates the thic1 clouds9 2e scatters 2is bright clouds'

As for the Almighty# we cannot find 2im9 2e is e!cellent in "ower# 0n $udgment and abundant $ustice9 2e does not o""ress'

And they swirl about# being turned by 2is guidance# That they may do whatever 2e commands them 3n the face of the whole earth'

Therefore men fear 2im9 2e shows no "artiality to any who are wise of heart':

38Then the )3+* answered Job out

of the whirlwind# and said7

2e causes it to come# Bhether for correction# 3r for 2is land# 3r for mercy'

:)isten to this# 3 Job9 Stand still and consider the wondrous wor1s of (od'

:Bho is this who dar1ens counsel By words without 1nowledgeE


*o you 1now when (od dis"atches them# And causes the light of 2is cloud to shineE

Now "re"are yourself li1e a man9 0 will Guestion you# and you shall answer 4e'

*o you 1now how the clouds are balanced# Those wondrous wor1s of 2im who is "erfect in 1nowledgeE

:Bhere were you when 0 laid the foundations of the earthE Tell 4e# if you have understanding'

Bhy are your garments hot# Bhen 2e Guiets the earth by the south windE

Bho determined its measurementsE Surely you 1nowH 3r who stretched the line u"on itE

To what were its foundations fastenedE 3r who laid its cornerstone#

Bhen the morning stars sang together# And all the sons of (od shouted for $oyE


That you may ta1e it to its territory# That you may 1now the "aths to its homeE

:3r who shut in the sea with doors# Bhen it burst forth and issued from the womb9

*o you 1now it# because you were born then# 3r because the number of your days is greatE

Bhen 0 made the clouds its garment# And thic1 dar1ness its swaddling band9

Bhen 0 fi!ed 4y limit for it# And set bars and doors9

:2ave you entered the treasury of snow# 3r have you seen the treasury of hail#

Bhen 0 said# :This far you may come# but no farther# And here your "roud waves must sto"HD

Bhich 0 have reserved for the time of trouble# For the day of battle and warE

By what way is light diffused# 3r the east wind scattered over the earthE

:2ave you commanded the morning since your days began# And caused the dawn to 1now its "lace#

:Bho has divided a channel for the overflowing water# 3r a "ath for the thunderbolt#

That it might ta1e hold of the ends of the earth# And the wic1ed be sha1en out of itE

To cause it to rain on a land where there is no one# A wilderness in which there is no man9

0t ta1es on form li1e clay under a seal# And stands out li1e a garment'

From the wic1ed their light is withheld# And the u"raised arm is bro1en'

To satisfy the desolate waste# And cause to s"ring forth the growth of tender grassE

:2ave you entered the s"rings of the seaE 3r have you wal1ed in search of the de"thsE

2as the rain a fatherE 3r who has begotten the dro"s of dewE

2ave the gates of death been revealed to youE 3r have you seen the doors of the shadow of deathE

From whose womb comes the iceE And the frost of heaven# who gives it birthE

The waters harden li1e stone# And the surface of the dee" is fro.en'

2ave you com"rehended the breadth of the earthE Tell 4e# if you 1now all this'

:-an you bind the cluster of the /leiades# 3r loose the belt of 3rionE

:Bhere is the way to the dwelling of lightE And dar1ness# where is its "lace#

-an you bring out 4a..aroth in its seasonE 3r can you guide the (reat Bear with its cubsE


*o you 1now the ordinances of the heavensE -an you set their dominion over the earthE


:Bho set the wild don1ey freeE Bho loosed the bonds of the onager#

:-an you lift u" your voice to the clouds# That an abundance of water may cover youE

Bhose home 0 have made the wilderness# And the barren land his dwellingE

-an you send out lightnings# that they may go# And say to you# :2ere we areHDE

2e scorns the tumult of the city9 2e does not heed the shouts of the driver'

Bho has "ut wisdom in the mindE 3r who has given understanding to the heartE

The range of the mountains is his "asture# And he searches after every green thing'

Bho can number the clouds by wisdomE 3r who can "our out the bottles of heaven#

:Bill the wild o! be willing to serve youE Bill he bed by your mangerE

Bhen the dust hardens in clum"s# And the clods cling togetherE

-an you bind the wild o! in the furrow with ro"esE 3r will he "low the valleys behind youE

:-an you hunt the "rey for the lion# 3r satisfy the a""etite of the young lions#

Bill you trust him because his strength is greatE 3r will you leave your labor to himE

Bhen they crouch in their dens# 3r lur1 in their lairs to lie in waitE

Bill you trust him to bring home your grain# And gather it to your threshing floorE

Bho "rovides food for the raven# Bhen its young ones cry to (od# And wander about for lac1 of foodE

:The wings of the ostrich wave "roudly# But are her wings and "inions li1e the 1indly stor1DsE

39:*o you 1now the time when the

wild mountain goats bear youngE 3r can you mar1 when the deer gives birthE

For she leaves her eggs on the ground# And warms them in the dust9

-an you number the months that they fulfillE 3r do you 1now the time when they bear youngE

She forgets that a foot may crush them# 3r that a wild beast may brea1 them'

They bow down# They bring forth their young# They deliver their offs"ring'

She treats her young harshly# as though they were not hers9 2er labor is in vain# without concern#

Their young ones are healthy# They grow strong with grain9 They de"art and do not return to them'

Because (od de"rived her of wisdom# And did not endow her with understanding'


Bhen she lifts herself on high# She scorns the horse and its rider'

Job# and said7

the )3+* answered

:2ave you given the horse strengthE 2ave you clothed his nec1 with thunderE

-an you frighten him li1e a locustE 2is ma$estic snorting stri1es terror'

:Shall the one who contends with the Almighty correct 2imE 2e who rebu1es (od# let him answer it':

2e "aws in the valley# and re$oices in his strength9 2e gallo"s into the clash of arms'

Then Job answered the )3+* and said7


2e moc1s at fear# and is not frightened9 Nor does he turn bac1 from the sword'

:Behold# 0 am vile9 Bhat shall 0 answer CouE 0 lay my hand over my mouth'

The Guiver rattles against him# The glittering s"ear and $avelin'

3nce 0 have s"o1en# but 0 will not answer9 Ces# twice# but 0 will "roceed no further':

2e devours the distance with fierceness and rage9 Nor does he come to a halt because the trum"et has sounded'

Then the )3+* answered Job out of the whirlwind# and said7

:Now "re"are yourself li1e a man9 0 will Guestion you# and you shall answer 4e7

At the blast of the trum"et he says# :AhaHD 2e smells the battle from afar# The thunder of ca"tains and shouting'

:Bould you indeed annul 4y $udgmentE Bould you condemn 4e that you may be $ustifiedE

:*oes the haw1 fly by your wisdom# And s"read its wings toward the southE

2ave you an arm li1e (odE 3r can you thunder with a voice li1e 2isE

*oes the eagle mount u" at your command# And ma1e its nest on highE

Then adorn yourself with ma$esty and s"lendor# And array yourself with glory and beauty'

3n the roc1 it dwells and resides# 3n the crag of the roc1 and the stronghold'

From there it s"ies out the "rey9 0ts eyes observe from afar'

*is"erse the rage of your wrath9 )oo1 on everyone who is "roud# and humble him'

0ts young ones suc1 u" blood9 And where the slain are# there it is':

)oo1 on everyone who is "roud# and bring him low9 Tread down the wic1ed in their "lace'

2ide them in the dust together# Bind their faces in hidden dar1ness'


Then 0 will also confess to you That your own right hand can save you'

Bill he ma1e many su""lications to youE Bill he s"ea1 softly to youE


:)oo1 now at the behemoth# which 0 made along with you9 2e eats grass li1e an o!'

Bill he ma1e a covenant with youE Bill you ta1e him as a servant foreverE

See now# his strength is in his hi"s# And his "ower is in his stomach muscles'

Bill you "lay with him as with a bird# 3r will you leash him for your maidensE

2e moves his tail li1e a cedar9 The sinews of his thighs are tightly 1nit'

Bill your com"anions ma1e a banGuet of himE Bill they a""ortion him among the merchantsE

2is bones are li1e beams of bron.e# 2is ribs li1e bars of iron'

-an you fill his s1in with har"oons# 3r his head with fishing s"earsE

2e is the first of the ways of (od9 3nly 2e who made him can bring near 2is sword'

)ay your hand on him9 +emember the battleFF Never do it againH


Surely the mountains yield food for him# And all the beasts of the field "lay there'

0ndeed# any ho"e of overcoming him is false9 Shall one not be overwhelmed at the sight of himE

2e lies under the lotus trees# 0n a covert of reeds and marsh'


No one is so fierce that he would dare stir him u"' Bho then is able to stand against 4eE

The lotus trees cover him with their shade9 The willows by the broo1 surround him'

Bho has "receded 4e# that 0 should "ay himE verything under heaven is 4ine'

0ndeed the river may rage# Cet he is not disturbed9 2e is confident# though the Jordan gushes into his mouth#

:0 will not conceal his limbs# 2is mighty "ower# or his graceful "ro"ortions'

Bho can remove his outer coatE Bho can a""roach him with a double bridleE

Though he ta1es it in his eyes# 3r one "ierces his nose with a snare'

Bho can o"en the doors of his face# Bith his terrible teeth all aroundE

41:-an you draw out )eviathan with

a hoo1# 3r snare his tongue with a line which you lowerE

2is rows of scales are his "ride# Shut u" tightly as with a seal9

-an you "ut a reed through his nose# 3r "ierce his $aw with a hoo1E

3ne is so near another That no air can come between them9


They are $oined one to another# They stic1 together and cannot be "arted'


2e ma1es the dee" boil li1e a "ot9 2e ma1es the sea li1e a "ot of ointment'

2is snee.ings flash forth light# And his eyes are li1e the eyelids of the morning'

2e leaves a shining wa1e behind him9 3ne would thin1 the dee" had white hair'

3ut of his mouth go burning lights9 S"ar1s of fire shoot out'


3n earth there is nothing li1e him# Bhich is made without fear'


Smo1e goes out of his nostrils# As from a boiling "ot and burning rushes'

2e beholds every high thing9 2e is 1ing over all the children of "ride':

2is breath 1indles coals# And a flame goes out of his mouth'

Strength dwells in his nec1# And sorrow dances before him'


and said7

Job answered the )3+*

The folds of his flesh are $oined together9 They are firm on him and cannot be moved'

:0 1now that Cou can do everything# And that no "ur"ose of Cours can be withheld from Cou'

2is heart is as hard as stone# hard as the lower millstone'


ven as

Bhen he raises himself u"# the mighty are afraid9 Because of his crashings they are beside themselves'

Cou as1ed# :Bho is this who hides counsel without 1nowledgeED Therefore 0 have uttered what 0 did not understand# Things too wonderful for me# which 0 did not 1now'

Though the sword reaches him# it cannot avail9 Nor does s"ear# dart# or $avelin'

)isten# "lease# and let me s"ea19 Cou said# :0 will Guestion you# and you shall answer 4e'D

:0 have heard of Cou by the hearing of the ear# But now my eye sees Cou'

2e regards iron as straw# And bron.e as rotten wood'


Therefore 0 abhor myself# And re"ent in dust and ashes':


The arrow cannot ma1e him flee9 Slingstones become li1e stubble to him'

*arts are regarded as straw9 2e laughs at the threat of $avelins'


2is undersides are li1e shar" "otsherds9 2e s"reads "ointed mar1s in the mire'

And so it was# after the )3+* had s"o1en these words to Job# that the )3+* said to li"ha. the Temanite# :4y wrath is aroused against you and your two friends# for you have not s"o1en of 4e what is right# as 4y servant Job has'

Now therefore# ta1e for yourselves seven bulls and seven rams# go to 4y servant Job# and offer u" for yourselves

a burnt offering9 and 4y servant Job shall "ray for you' For 0 will acce"t him# lest 0 deal with you according to your folly9 because you have not s"o1en of 4e what is right# as 4y servant Job has':


Now the )3+* blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning9 for he had fourteen thousand shee"# si! thousand camels# one thousand yo1e of o!en# and one thousand female don1eys'

So li"ha. the Temanite and Bildad the Shuhite and 5o"har the Naamathite went and did as the )3+* commanded them9 for the )3+* had acce"ted Job'

2e also had seven sons and three daughters'


And the )3+* restored JobDs losses when he "rayed for his friends' 0ndeed the )3+* gave Job twice as much as he had before'

And he called the name of the first Jemimah# the name of the second Ke.iah# and the name of the third KerenF2a""uch'

Then all his brothers# all his sisters# and all those who had been his acGuaintances before# came to him and ate food with him in his house9 and they consoled him and comforted him for all the adversity that the )3+* had brought u"on him' ach one gave him a "iece of silver and each a ring of gold'

0n all the land were found no women so beautiful as the daughters of Job9 and their father gave them an inheritance among their brothers'

After this Job lived one hundred and forty years# and saw his children and grandchildren for four generations'

So Job died# old and full of days'

'"(L) !
1 <

Blessed is the man Bho wal1s not in the counsel of the ungodly# Nor stands in the "ath of sinners# Nor sits in the seat of the scornful9

Then 2e shall s"ea1 to them in 2is wrath# And distress them in 2is dee" dis"leasure7

:Cet 0 have set 4y King 3n 4y holy hill of 5ion':


But his delight is in the law of the )3+*# And in 2is law he meditates day and night'

:0 will declare the decree7 The )3+* has said to 4e# :Cou are 4y Son# Today 0 have begotten Cou'

2e shall be li1e a tree /lanted by the rivers of water# That brings forth its fruit in its season# Bhose leaf also shall not wither9 And whatever he does shall "ros"er'

As1 of 4e# and 0 will give Cou The nations for Cour inheritance# And the ends of the earth for Cour "ossession'

The ungodly are not so# But are li1e the chaff which the wind drives away'

Cou shall brea1 them with a rod of iron9 Cou shall dash them to "ieces li1e a "otterDs vessel':D

Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the $udgment# Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous'

Now therefore# be wise# 3 1ings9 Be instructed# you $udges of the earth'


Serve the )3+* with fear# And re$oice with trembling'


For the )3+* 1nows the way of the righteous# But the way of the ungodly shall "erish'

'"(L) #

Kiss the Son# lest 2e be angry# And you "erish in the way# Bhen 2is wrath is 1indled but a little' Blessed are all those who "ut their trust in 2im'

Bhy do the nations rage# And the "eo"le "lot a vain thingE
1 ,

'"(L) *
)3+*# how they have increased who trouble meH 4any are they who rise u" against me'

The 1ings of the earth set themselves# And the rulers ta1e counsel together# Against the )3+* and against 2is Anointed# saying#

4any are they who say of me# :There is no hel" for him in (od':Selah

:)et us brea1 Their bonds in "ieces And cast away Their cords from us':

2e who sits in the heavens shall laugh9 The )3+* shall hold them in derision'

But Cou# 3 )3+*# are a shield for me# 4y glory and the 3ne who lifts u" my head'

0 cried to the )3+* with my voice# And 2e heard me from 2is holy hill'Selah

Cou have "ut gladness in my heart# 4ore than in the season that their grain and wine increased'

0 lay down and sle"t9 0 awo1e# for the )3+* sustained me'

0 will not be afraid of ten thousands of "eo"le Bho have set themselves against me all around'

0 will both lie down in "eace# and slee"9 For Cou alone# 3 )3+*# ma1e me dwell in safety'

'"(L) ,

Arise# 3 )3+*9 Save me# 3 my (odH For Cou have struc1 all my enemies on the chee1bone9 Cou have bro1en the teeth of the ungodly'

(ive ear to my words# 3 )3+*# -onsider my meditation'


Salvation belongs to the )3+*' Cour blessing is u"on Cour "eo"le'Selah

(ive heed to the voice of my cry# 4y King and my (od# For to Cou 0 will "ray'

'"(L) +

4y voice Cou shall hear in the morning# 3 )3+*9 0n the morning 0 will direct it to Cou# And 0 will loo1 u"'

2ear me when 0 call# 3 (od of my righteousnessH Cou have relieved me in my distress9 2ave mercy on me# and hear my "rayer'

For Cou are not a (od who ta1es "leasure in wic1edness# Nor shall evil dwell with Cou'

2ow long# 3 you sons of men# Bill you turn my glory to shameE 2ow long will you love worthlessness And see1 falsehoodESelah

The boastful shall not stand in Cour sight9 Cou hate all wor1ers of iniGuity'

Cou shall destroy those who s"ea1 falsehood9 The )3+* abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man'

But 1now that the )3+* has set a"art for 2imself him who is godly9 The )3+* will hear when 0 call to 2im'

Be angry# and do not sin' 4editate within your heart on your bed# and be still'Selah

But as for me# 0 will come into Cour house in the multitude of Cour mercy9 0n fear of Cou 0 will worshi" toward Cour holy tem"le'

3ffer the sacrifices of righteousness# And "ut your trust in the )3+*'

)ead me# 3 )3+*# in Cour righteousness because of my enemies9 4a1e Cour way straight before my face'

There are many who say# :Bho will show us any goodE: )3+*# lift u" the light of Cour countenance u"on us'

For there is no faithfulness in their mouth9 Their inward "art is destruction9 Their throat is an o"en tomb9 They flatter with their tongue'

/ronounce them guilty# 3 (odH )et them fall by their own counsels9 -ast

them out in the multitude of their transgressions# For they have rebelled against Cou'


)et all my enemies be ashamed and greatly troubled9 )et them turn bac1 and be ashamed suddenly'

But let all those re$oice who "ut their trust in Cou9 )et them ever shout for $oy# because Cou defend them9 )et those also who love Cour name Be $oyful in Cou'

'"(L) .

3 )3+* my (od# in Cou 0 "ut my trust9 Save me from all those who "ersecute me9 And deliver me#

For Cou# 3 )3+*# will bless the righteous9 Bith favor Cou will surround him as with a shield'

)est they tear me li1e a lion# +ending me in "ieces# while there is none to deliver'

'"(L) 1

3 )3+* my (od# if 0 have done this7 0f there is iniGuity in my hands#


3 )3+*# do not rebu1e me in Cour anger# Nor chasten me in Cour hot dis"leasure'

0f 0 have re"aid evil to him who was at "eace with me# 3r have "lundered my enemy without cause#

2ave mercy on me# 3 )3+*# for 0 am wea19 3 )3+*# heal me# for my bones are troubled'

4y soul also is greatly troubled9 But Cou# 3 )3+*FFhow longE


)et the enemy "ursue me and overta1e me9 Ces# let him tram"le my life to the earth# And lay my honor in the dust'Selah

+eturn# 3 )3+*# deliver meH 3h# save me for Cour merciesD sa1eH

Arise# 3 )3+*# in Cour anger9 )ift Courself u" because of the rage of my enemies9 +ise u" for me to the $udgment Cou have commandedH

For in death there is no remembrance of Cou9 0n the grave who will give Cou than1sE

So the congregation of the "eo"les shall surround Cou9 For their sa1es# therefore# return on high'

0 am weary with my groaning9 All night 0 ma1e my bed swim9 0 drench my couch with my tears'

4y eye wastes away because of grief9 0t grows old because of all my enemies'

The )3+* shall $udge the "eo"les9 Judge me# 3 )3+*# according to my righteousness# And according to my integrity within me'

*e"art from me# all you wor1ers of iniGuity9 For the )3+* has heard the voice of my wee"ing'

3h# let the wic1edness of the wic1ed come to an end# But establish the $ust9 For the righteous (od tests the hearts and minds'

The )3+* has heard my su""lication9 The )3+* will receive my "rayer'

4y defense is of (od# Bho saves the u"right in heart'


(od is a $ust $udge# And (od is angry with the wic1ed every day'


For Cou have made him a little lower than the angels# And Cou have crowned him with glory and honor'

0f he does not turn bac1# 2e will shar"en 2is sword9 2e bends 2is bow and ma1es it ready'

Cou have made him to have dominion over the wor1s of Cour hands9 Cou have "ut all things under his feet#

2e also "re"ares for 2imself instruments of death9 2e ma1es 2is arrows into fiery shafts'

All shee" and o!enFF of the field#


ven the beasts

Behold# the wic1ed brings forth iniGuity9 Ces# he conceives trouble and brings forth falsehood'

The birds of the air# And the fish of the sea That "ass through the "aths of the seas'

2e made a "it and dug it out# And has fallen into the ditch which he made'

3 )3+*# our )ord# 2ow e!cellent is Cour name in all the earthH

2is trouble shall return u"on his own head# And his violent dealing shall come down on his own crown'

'"(L) 0

0 will "raise the )3+* according to 2is righteousness# And will sing "raise to the name of the )3+* 4ost 2igh'

0 will "raise Cou# 3 )3+*# with my whole heart9 0 will tell of all Cour marvelous wor1s'

'"(L) /

0 will be glad and re$oice in Cou9 0 will sing "raise to Cour name# 3 4ost 2igh'

3 )3+*# our )ord# 2ow e!cellent is Cour name in all the earth# Bho have set Cour glory above the heavensH

Bhen my enemies turn bac1# They shall fall and "erish at Cour "resence'

3ut of the mouth of babes and nursing infants Cou have ordained strength# Because of Cour enemies# That Cou may silence the enemy and the avenger'

For Cou have maintained my right and my cause9 Cou sat on the throne $udging in righteousness'

Cou have rebu1ed the nations# Cou have destroyed the wic1ed9 Cou have blotted out their name forever and ever'

Bhen 0 consider Cour heavens# the wor1 of Cour fingers# The moon and the stars# which Cou have ordained#

3 enemy# destructions are finished foreverH And you have destroyed cities9 ven their memory has "erished'

Bhat is man that Cou are mindful of him# And the son of man that Cou visit himE

But the )3+* shall endure forever9 2e has "re"ared 2is throne for $udgment'


2e shall $udge the world in righteousness# And 2e shall administer $udgment for the "eo"les in u"rightness'


/ut them in fear# 3 )3+*# That the nations may 1now themselves to be but men'Selah

The )3+* also will be a refuge for the o""ressed# A refuge in times of trouble'
1 %@

'"(L) !1
Bhy do Cou stand afar off# 3 )3+*E Bhy do Cou hide in times of troubleE

And those who 1now Cour name will "ut their trust in Cou9 For Cou# )3+*# have not forsa1en those who see1 Cou'

Sing "raises to the )3+*# who dwells in 5ionH *eclare 2is deeds among the "eo"le'

The wic1ed in his "ride "ersecutes the "oor9 )et them be caught in the "lots which they have devised'

Bhen 2e avenges blood# 2e remembers them9 2e does not forget the cry of the humble'

For the wic1ed boasts of his heartDs desire9 2e blesses the greedy and renounces the )3+*'

2ave mercy on me# 3 )3+*H -onsider my trouble from those who hate me# Cou who lift me u" from the gates of death#

The wic1ed in his "roud countenance does not see1 (od9 (od is in none of his thoughts'

That 0 may tell of all Cour "raise 0n the gates of the daughter of 5ion' 0 will re$oice in Cour salvation'

2is ways are always "ros"ering9 Cour $udgments are far above# out of his sight9 As for all his enemies# he sneers at them'

The nations have sun1 down in the "it which they made9 0n the net which they hid# their own foot is caught'

2e has said in his heart# :0 shall not be moved9 0 shall never be in adversity':

The )3+* is 1nown by the $udgment 2e e!ecutes9 The wic1ed is snared in the wor1 of his own hands'

2is mouth is full of cursing and deceit and o""ression9 Ander his tongue is trouble and iniGuity'

The wic1ed shall be turned into hell# And all the nations that forget (od'

2e sits in the lur1ing "laces of the villages9 0n the secret "laces he murders the innocent9 2is eyes are secretly fi!ed on the hel"less'

For the needy shall not always be forgotten9 The e!"ectation of the "oor shall not "erish forever'

2e lies in wait secretly# as a lion in his den9 2e lies in wait to catch the "oor9 2e catches the "oor when he draws him into his net'

Arise# 3 )3+*# *o not let man "revail9 )et the nations be $udged in Cour sight'

So he crouches# he lies low# That the hel"less may fall by his strength'


2e has said in his heart# :(od has forgotten9 2e hides 2is face9 2e will never see':

The )3+* is in 2is holy tem"le# The )3+*Ds throne is in heaven9 2is eyes behold# 2is eyelids test the sons of men'

Arise# 3 )3+*H 3 (od# lift u" Cour handH *o not forget the humble'

The )3+* tests the righteous# But the wic1ed and the one who loves violence 2is soul hates'

Bhy do the wic1ed renounce (odE 2e has said in his heart# :Cou will not reGuire an account':

A"on the wic1ed 2e will rain coals9 Fire and brimstone and a burning wind Shall be the "ortion of their cu"'

But Cou have seen# for Cou observe trouble and grief# To re"ay it by Cour hand' The hel"less commits himself to Cou9 Cou are the hel"er of the fatherless'

For the )3+* is righteous# 2e loves righteousness9 2is countenance beholds the u"right'

Brea1 the arm of the wic1ed and the evil man9 See1 out his wic1edness until Cou find none'

'"(L) !#

The )3+* is King forever and ever9 The nations have "erished out of 2is land'

2el"# )3+*# for the godly man ceasesH For the faithful disa""ear from among the sons of men'

)3+*# Cou have heard the desire of the humble9 Cou will "re"are their heart9 Cou will cause Cour ear to hear#

They s"ea1 idly everyone with his neighbor9 Bith flattering li"s and a double heart they s"ea1'

To do $ustice to the fatherless and the o""ressed# That the man of the earth may o""ress no more'

4ay the )3+* cut off all flattering li"s# And the tongue that s"ea1s "roud things#

'"(L) !!

Bho have said# :Bith our tongue we will "revail9 3ur li"s are our own9 Bho is lord over usE:

0n the )3+* 0 "ut my trust9 2ow can you say to my soul# :Flee as a bird to your mountain:E

:For the o""ression of the "oor# for the sighing of the needy# Now 0 will arise#: says the )3+*9 :0 will set him in the safety for which he yearns':

For loo1H The wic1ed bend their bow# They ma1e ready their arrow on the string# That they may shoot secretly at the u"right in heart'

The words of the )3+* are "ure words# )i1e silver tried in a furnace of earth# /urified seven times'

0f the foundations are destroyed# Bhat can the righteous doE

Cou shall 1ee" them# 3 )3+*# Cou shall "reserve them from this generation forever'


The wic1ed "rowl on every side# Bhen vileness is e!alted among the sons of men'

2ave all the wor1ers of iniGuity no 1nowledge# Bho eat u" my "eo"le as they eat bread# And do not call on the )3+*E

'"(L) !*

2ow long# 3 )3+*E Bill Cou forget me foreverE 2ow long will Cou hide Cour face from meE

There they are in great fear# For (od is with the generation of the righteous'

Cou shame the counsel of the "oor# But the )3+* is his refuge'

2ow long shall 0 ta1e counsel in my soul# 2aving sorrow in my heart dailyE 2ow long will my enemy be e!alted over meE

3h# that the salvation of 0srael would come out of 5ionH Bhen the )3+* brings bac1 the ca"tivity of 2is "eo"le# )et Jacob re$oice and 0srael be glad'

-onsider and hear me# 3 )3+* my (od9 nlighten my eyes# )est 0 slee" the slee" of death9
1 ;

'"(L) !,
)3+*# who may abide in Cour tabernacleE Bho may dwell in Cour holy hillE

)est my enemy say# :0 have "revailed against him:9 )est those who trouble me re$oice when 0 am moved'

But 0 have trusted in Cour mercy9 4y heart shall re$oice in Cour salvation'

2e who wal1s u"rightly# And wor1s righteousness# And s"ea1s the truth in his heart9

0 will sing to the )3+*# Because 2e has dealt bountifully with me'

'"(L) !+

2e who does not bac1bite with his tongue# Nor does evil to his neighbor# Nor does he ta1e u" a re"roach against his friend9

The fool has said in his heart# :There is no (od': They are corru"t# They have done abominable wor1s# There is none who does good'

0n whose eyes a vile "erson is des"ised# But he honors those who fear the )3+*9 2e who swears to his own hurt and does not change9

The )3+* loo1s down from heaven u"on the children of men# To see if there are any who understand# who see1 (od'

2e who does not "ut out his money at usury# Nor does he ta1e a bribe against the innocent' 2e who does these things shall never be moved'

They have all turned aside# They have together become corru"t9 There is none who does good# No# not one'

'"(L) !/reserve me# 3 (od# for in Cou 0 "ut my trust'

3 my soul# you have said to the )3+*# :Cou are my )ord# 4y goodness is nothing a"art from Cou':

)et my vindication come from Cour "resence9 )et Cour eyes loo1 on the things that are u"right'

As for the saints who are on the earth# :They are the e!cellent ones# in whom is all my delight':

Their sorrows shall be multi"lied who hasten after another god9 Their drin1 offerings of blood 0 will not offer# Nor ta1e u" their names on my li"s'

Cou have tested my heart9 Cou have visited me in the night9 Cou have tried me and have found nothing9 0 have "ur"osed that my mouth shall not transgress'

-oncerning the wor1s of men# By the word of Cour li"s# 0 have 1e"t away from the "aths of the destroyer'

3 )3+*# Cou are the "ortion of my inheritance and my cu"9 Cou maintain my lot'

A"hold my ste"s in Cour "aths# That my footste"s may not sli"'


The lines have fallen to me in "leasant "laces9 Ces# 0 have a good inheritance'

0 have called u"on Cou# for Cou will hear me# 3 (od9 0ncline Cour ear to me# and hear my s"eech'

0 will bless the )3+* who has given me counsel9 4y heart also instructs me in the night seasons'

0 have set the )3+* always before me9 Because 2e is at my right hand 0 shall not be moved'

Show Cour marvelous loving1indness by Cour right hand# 3 Cou who save those who trust in Cou From those who rise u" against them'

Therefore my heart is glad# and my glory re$oices9 4y flesh also will rest in ho"e'

Kee" me as the a""le of Cour eye9 2ide me under the shadow of Cour wings#

For Cou will not leave my soul in Sheol# Nor will Cou allow Cour 2oly 3ne to see corru"tion'

From the wic1ed who o""ress me# From my deadly enemies who surround me'

They have closed u" their fat hearts9 Bith their mouths they s"ea1 "roudly'

Cou will show me the "ath of life9 0n Cour "resence is fullness of $oy9 At Cour right hand are "leasures forevermore'

They have now surrounded us in our ste"s9 They have set their eyes# crouching down to the earth#

'"(L) !.

2ear a $ust cause# 3 )3+*# Attend to my cry9 (ive ear to my "rayer which is not from deceitful li"s'

As a lion is eager to tear his "rey# And li1e a young lion lur1ing in secret "laces'

Arise# 3 )3+*# -onfront him# cast him down9 *eliver my life from the wic1ed with Cour sword#


Bith Cour hand from men# 3 )3+*# From men of the world who have their "ortion in this life# And whose belly Cou fill with Cour hidden treasure' They are satisfied with children# And leave the rest of their "ossession for their babes'


And 2e rode u"on a cherub# and flew9 2e flew u"on the wings of the wind'

2e made dar1ness 2is secret "lace9 2is cano"y around 2im was dar1 waters And thic1 clouds of the s1ies'

As for me# 0 will see Cour face in righteousness9 0 shall be satisfied when 0 awa1e in Cour li1eness'

From the brightness before 2im# 2is thic1 clouds "assed with hailstones and coals of fire'

'"(L) !/

0 will love Cou# 3 )3+*# my strength'

The )3+* thundered from heaven# And the 4ost 2igh uttered 2is voice# 2ailstones and coals of fire'

The )3+* is my roc1 and my fortress and my deliverer9 4y (od# my strength# in whom 0 will trust9 4y shield and the horn of my salvation# my stronghold'

2e sent out 2is arrows and scattered the foe# )ightnings in abundance# and 2e vanGuished them'

0 will call u"on the )3+*# who is worthy to be "raised9 So shall 0 be saved from my enemies'

Then the channels of the sea were seen# The foundations of the world were uncovered At Cour rebu1e# 3 )3+*# At the blast of the breath of Cour nostrils'

The "angs of death surrounded me# And the floods of ungodliness made me afraid'

2e sent from above# 2e too1 me9 2e drew me out of many waters'


The sorrows of Sheol surrounded me9 The snares of death confronted me'

2e delivered me from my strong enemy# From those who hated me# For they were too strong for me'

0n my distress 0 called u"on the )3+*# And cried out to my (od9 2e heard my voice from 2is tem"le# And my cry came before 2im# even to 2is ears'

They confronted me in the day of my calamity# But the )3+* was my su""ort'

Then the earth shoo1 and trembled9 The foundations of the hills also Gua1ed and were sha1en# Because 2e was angry'

2e also brought me out into a broad "lace9 2e delivered me because 2e delighted in me'

Smo1e went u" from 2is nostrils# And devouring fire from 2is mouth9 -oals were 1indled by it'

The )3+* rewarded me according to my righteousness9 According to the cleanness of my hands 2e has recom"ensed me'

2e bowed the heavens also# and came down Bith dar1ness under 2is feet'

For 0 have 1e"t the ways of the )3+*# And have not wic1edly de"arted from my (od'


For all 2is $udgments were before me# And 0 did not "ut away 2is statutes from me'

me u"# Cour gentleness has made me great'


0 was also blameless before 2im# And 0 1e"t myself from my iniGuity'

Cou enlarged my "ath under me# So my feet did not sli"'


Therefore the )3+* has recom"ensed me according to my righteousness# According to the cleanness of my hands in 2is sight'

0 have "ursued my enemies and overta1en them9 Neither did 0 turn bac1 again till they were destroyed'

Bith the merciful Cou will show Courself merciful9 Bith a blameless man Cou will show Courself blameless9

0 have wounded them# So that they could not rise9 They have fallen under my feet'

Bith the "ure Cou will show Courself "ure9 And with the devious Cou will show Courself shrewd'

For Cou have armed me with strength for the battle9 Cou have subdued under me those who rose u" against me'

For Cou will save the humble "eo"le# But will bring down haughty loo1s'

Cou have also given me the nec1s of my enemies# So that 0 destroyed those who hated me'

For Cou will light my lam"9 The )3+* my (od will enlighten my dar1ness'

They cried out# but there was none to save9 ven to the )3+*# but 2e did not answer them'

For by Cou 0 can run against a troo"# By my (od 0 can lea" over a wall'

Then 0 beat them as fine as the dust before the wind9 0 cast them out li1e dirt in the streets'

As for (od# 2is way is "erfect9 The word of the )3+* is "roven9 2e is a shield to all who trust in 2im'

For who is (od# e!ce"t the )3+*E And who is a roc1# e!ce"t our (odE

Cou have delivered me from the strivings of the "eo"le9 Cou have made me the head of the nations9 A "eo"le 0 have not 1nown shall serve me'

0t is (od who arms me with strength# And ma1es my way "erfect'


As soon as they hear of me they obey me9 The foreigners submit to me'

2e ma1es my feet li1e the feet of deer# And sets me on my high "laces'

The foreigners fade away# And come frightened from their hideouts'

2e teaches my hands to ma1e war# So that my arms can bend a bow of bron.e'

The )3+* livesH Blessed be my +oc1H )et the (od of my salvation be e!alted'

Cou have also given me the shield of Cour salvation9 Cour right hand has held

0t is (od who avenges me# And subdues the "eo"les under me9


2e delivers me from my enemies' Cou also lift me u" above those who rise against me9 Cou have delivered me from the violent man'

The fear of the )3+* is clean# enduring forever9 The $udgments of the )3+* are true and righteous altogether'

Therefore 0 will give than1s to Cou# 3 )3+*# among the (entiles# And sing "raises to Cour name'

4ore to be desired are they than gold# Cea# than much fine gold9 Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb'

(reat deliverance 2e gives to 2is 1ing# And shows mercy to 2is anointed# To *avid and his descendants forevermore'

4oreover by them Cour servant is warned# And in 1ee"ing them there is great reward'

'"(L) !0

Bho can understand his -leanse me from secret faults'



The heavens declare the glory of (od9 And the firmament shows 2is handiwor1'

*ay unto day utters s"eech# And night unto night reveals 1nowledge'

Kee" bac1 Cour servant also from "resum"tuous sins9 )et them not have dominion over me' Then 0 shall be blameless# And 0 shall be innocent of great transgression'

There is no s"eech nor language Bhere their voice is not heard'


)et the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acce"table in Cour sight# 3 )3+*# my strength and my +edeemer'

Their line has gone out through all the earth# And their words to the end of the world' 0n them 2e has set a tabernacle for the sun#

'"(L) #1

Bhich is li1e a bridegroom coming out of his chamber# And re$oices li1e a strong man to run its race'

4ay the )3+* answer you in the day of trouble9 4ay the name of the (od of Jacob defend you9

0ts rising is from one end of heaven# And its circuit to the other end9 And there is nothing hidden from its heat'

4ay 2e send you hel" from the sanctuary# And strengthen you out of 5ion9

4ay 2e remember all your offerings# And acce"t your burnt sacrifice'Selah

The law of the )3+* is "erfect# converting the soul9 The testimony of the )3+* is sure# ma1ing wise the sim"le9

4ay 2e grant you according to your heartDs desire# And fulfill all your "ur"ose'

The statutes of the )3+* are right# re$oicing the heart9 The commandment of the )3+* is "ure# enlightening the eyes9

Be will re$oice in your salvation# And in the name of our (od we will set u" our bannersH 4ay the )3+* fulfill all your "etitions'


Now 0 1now that the )3+* saves 2is anointed9 2e will answer him from 2is holy heaven Bith the saving strength of 2is right hand'


Cour hand will find all Cour enemies9 Cour right hand will find those who hate Cou'

Some trust in chariots# and some in horses9 But we will remember the name of the )3+* our (od'

Cou shall ma1e them as a fiery oven in the time of Cour anger9 The )3+* shall swallow them u" in 2is wrath# And the fire shall devour them'

They have bowed down and fallen9 But we have risen and stand u"right'

Their offs"ring Cou shall destroy from the earth# And their descendants from among the sons of men'

Save# )3+*H 4ay the King answer us when we call'

'"(L) #!

For they intended evil against Cou9 They devised a "lot which they are not able to "erform'

The 1ing shall have $oy in Cour strength# 3 )3+*9 And in Cour salvation how greatly shall he re$oiceH

Therefore Cou will ma1e them turn their bac19 Cou will ma1e ready Cour arrows on Cour string toward their faces'

Cou have given him his heartDs desire# And have not withheld the reGuest of his li"s'Selah

Be e!alted# 3 )3+*# in Cour own strengthH Be will sing and "raise Cour "ower'

For Cou meet him with the blessings of goodness9 Cou set a crown of "ure gold u"on his head'

'"(L) ##

2e as1ed life from Cou# and Cou gave it to himFF )ength of days forever and ever'

4y (od# 4y (od# why have Cou forsa1en 4eE Bhy are Cou so far from hel"ing 4e# And from the words of 4y groaningE

2is glory is great in Cour salvation9 2onor and ma$esty Cou have "laced u"on him'

3 4y (od# 0 cry in the daytime# but Cou do not hear9 And in the night season# and am not silent'

For Cou have made him most blessed forever9 Cou have made him e!ceedingly glad with Cour "resence'

But Cou are holy# "raises of 0srael'


nthroned in the

3ur fathers trusted in Cou9 They trusted# and Cou delivered them'

For the 1ing trusts in the )3+*# And through the mercy of the 4ost 2igh he shall not be moved'

They cried to Cou# and were delivered9 They trusted in Cou# and were not ashamed'


But 0 am a worm# and no man9 A re"roach of men# and des"ised by the "eo"le'


They divide 4y garments among them# And for 4y clothing they cast lots'

All those who see 4e ridicule 4e9 They shoot out the li"# they sha1e the head# saying#

But Cou# 3 )3+*# do not be far from 4e9 3 4y Strength# hasten to hel" 4eH

*eliver 4e from the sword# 4y "recious life from the "ower of the dog'

:2e trusted in the )3+*# let 2im rescue 2im9 )et 2im deliver 2im# since 2e delights in 2imH:

Save 4e from the lionDs mouth And from the horns of the wild o!enH Cou have answered 4e'

But Cou are 2e who too1 4e out of the womb9 Cou made 4e trust while on 4y motherDs breasts'

0 will declare Cour name to 4y brethren9 0n the midst of the assembly 0 will "raise Cou'

0 was cast u"on Cou from birth' From 4y motherDs womb Cou have been 4y (od'

Be not far from 4e# For trouble is near9 For there is none to hel"'

Cou who fear the )3+*# "raise 2imH All you descendants of Jacob# glorify 2im# And fear 2im# all you offs"ring of 0sraelH

4any bulls have surrounded 4e9 Strong bulls of Bashan have encircled 4e'

For 2e has not des"ised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted9 Nor has 2e hidden 2is face from 2im9 But when 2e cried to 2im# 2e heard'

They ga"e at 4e with their mouths# )i1e a raging and roaring lion'

4y "raise shall be of Cou in the great assembly9 0 will "ay 4y vows before those who fear 2im'

0 am "oured out li1e water# And all 4y bones are out of $oint9 4y heart is li1e wa!9 0t has melted within 4e'

The "oor shall eat and be satisfied9 Those who see1 2im will "raise the )3+*' )et your heart live foreverH

4y strength is dried u" li1e a "otsherd# And 4y tongue clings to 4y $aws9 Cou have brought 4e to the dust of death'

For dogs have surrounded 4e9 The congregation of the wic1ed has enclosed 4e' They "ierced 4y hands and 4y feet9

All the ends of the world Shall remember and turn to the )3+*# And all the families of the nations Shall worshi" before Cou'

For the 1ingdom is the )3+*Ds# And 2e rules over the nations'

0 can count all 4y bones' They loo1 and stare at 4e'

All the "ros"erous of the earth Shall eat and worshi"9 All those who go down to the dust Shall bow before 2im# ven he who cannot 1ee" himself alive'


A "osterity shall serve 2im' 0t will be recounted of the )ord to the ne!t generation#

2e who has clean hands and a "ure heart# Bho has not lifted u" his soul to an idol# Nor sworn deceitfully'

They will come and declare 2is righteousness to a "eo"le who will be born# That 2e has done this'

2e shall receive blessing from the )3+*# And righteousness from the (od of his salvation'

'"(L) #*

The )3+* is my she"herd9 0 shall not want'


This is Jacob# the generation of those who see1 2im# Bho see1 Cour face'Selah

2e ma1es me to lie down in green "astures9 2e leads me beside the still waters'

)ift u" your heads# 3 you gatesH And be lifted u"# you everlasting doorsH And the King of glory shall come in'

2e restores my soul9 2e leads me in the "aths of righteousness For 2is nameDs sa1e'

Bho is this King of gloryE The )3+* strong and mighty# The )3+* mighty in battle'

Cea# though 0 wal1 through the valley of the shadow of death# 0 will fear no evil9 For Cou are with me9 Cour rod and Cour staff# they comfort me'

)ift u" your heads# 3 you gatesH )ift u"# you everlasting doorsH And the King of glory shall come in'

Bho is this King of gloryE The )3+* of hosts# 2e is the King of glory'Selah

Cou "re"are a table before me in the "resence of my enemies9 Cou anoint my head with oil9 4y cu" runs over'
1 &

'"(L) #,
To Cou# 3 )3+*# 0 lift u" my soul'

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life9 And 0 will dwell in the house of the )3+* Forever'

3 my (od# 0 trust in Cou9 )et me not be ashamed9 )et not my enemies trium"h over me'

'"(L) #+

The earth is the )3+*Ds# and all its fullness# The world and those who dwell therein'

0ndeed# let no one who waits on Cou be ashamed9 )et those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause'

For 2e has founded it u"on the seas# And established it u"on the waters'

Show me Cour ways# 3 )3+*9 Teach me Cour "aths'


Bho may ascend into the hill of the )3+*E 3r who may stand in 2is holy "laceE

)ead me in Cour truth and teach me# For Cou are the (od of my salvation9 3n Cou 0 wait all the day'


+emember# 3 )3+*# Cour tender mercies and Cour loving1indnesses# For they are from of old'


-onsider my enemies# for they are many9 And they hate me with cruel hatred'

*o not remember the sins of my youth# nor my transgressions9 According to Cour mercy remember me# For Cour goodnessD sa1e# 3 )3+*'

Kee" my soul# and deliver me9 )et me not be ashamed# for 0 "ut my trust in Cou'

(ood and u"right is the )3+*9 Therefore 2e teaches sinners in the way'

)et integrity and u"rightness "reserve me# For 0 wait for Cou'

+edeem 0srael# 3 (od# 3ut of all their troublesH

The humble 2e guides in $ustice# And the humble 2e teaches 2is way'

'"(L) #1

All the "aths of the )3+* are mercy and truth# To such as 1ee" 2is covenant and 2is testimonies'

Vindicate me# 3 )3+*# For 0 have wal1ed in my integrity' 0 have also trusted in the )3+*9 0 shall not sli"'

For Cour nameDs sa1e# 3 )3+*# /ardon my iniGuity# for it is great'


!amine me# 3 )3+*# and "rove me9 Try my mind and my heart'

Bho is the man that fears the )3+*E 2im shall 2e teach in the way 2e chooses'

For Cour loving1indness is before my eyes# And 0 have wal1ed in Cour truth'

2e himself shall dwell in "ros"erity# And his descendants shall inherit the earth'

0 have not sat with idolatrous mortals# Nor will 0 go in with hy"ocrites'

The secret of the )3+* is with those who fear 2im# And 2e will show them 2is covenant'

0 have hated the assembly of evildoers# And will not sit with the wic1ed'

0 will wash my hands in innocence9 So 0 will go about Cour altar# 3 )3+*#


4y eyes are ever toward the )3+*# For 2e shall "luc1 my feet out of the net'

Turn Courself to me# and have mercy on me# For 0 am desolate and afflicted'

That 0 may "roclaim with the voice of than1sgiving# And tell of all Cour wondrous wor1s'

The troubles of my heart have enlarged9 Bring me out of my distressesH


)3+*# 0 have loved the habitation of Cour house# And the "lace where Cour glory dwells'

)oo1 on my affliction and my "ain# And forgive all my sins'

*o not gather my soul with sinners# Nor my life with bloodthirsty men#


0n whose hands is a sinister scheme# And whose right hand is full of bribes'


Bhen Cou said# :See1 4y face#: 4y heart said to Cou# :Cour face# )3+*# 0 will see1':

But as for me# 0 will wal1 in my integrity9 +edeem me and be merciful to me'

4y foot stands in an even "lace9 0n the congregations 0 will bless the )3+*'

*o not hide Cour face from me9 *o not turn Cour servant away in anger9 Cou have been my hel"9 *o not leave me nor forsa1e me# 3 (od of my salvation'

'"(L) #.

Bhen my father and my mother forsa1e me# Then the )3+* will ta1e care of me'

The )3+* is my light and my salvation9 Bhom shall 0 fearE The )3+* is the strength of my life9 3f whom shall 0 be afraidE

Teach me Cour way# 3 )3+*# And lead me in a smooth "ath# because of my enemies'

Bhen the wic1ed came against me To eat u" my flesh# 4y enemies and foes# They stumbled and fell'

*o not deliver me to the will of my adversaries9 For false witnesses have risen against me# And such as breathe out violence'

Though an army may encam" against me# 4y heart shall not fear9 Though war may rise against me# 0n this 0 will be confident'

0 would have lost heart# unless 0 had believed That 0 would see the goodness of the )3+* 0n the land of the living'

3ne thing 0 have desired of the )3+*# That will 0 see17 That 0 may dwell in the house of the )3+* All the days of my life# To behold the beauty of the )3+*# And to inGuire in 2is tem"le'

Bait on the )3+*9 Be of good courage# And 2e shall strengthen your heart9 Bait# 0 say# on the )3+*H

'"(L) #/

For in the time of trouble 2e shall hide me in 2is "avilion9 0n the secret "lace of 2is tabernacle 2e shall hide me9 2e shall set me high u"on a roc1'

To Cou 0 will cry# 3 )3+* my +oc17 *o not be silent to me# )est# if Cou are silent to me# 0 become li1e those who go down to the "it'

And now my head shall be lifted u" above my enemies all around me9 Therefore 0 will offer sacrifices of $oy in 2is tabernacle9 0 will sing# yes# 0 will sing "raises to the )3+*'

2ear the voice of my su""lications Bhen 0 cry to Cou# Bhen 0 lift u" my hands toward Cour holy sanctuary'

2ear# 3 )3+*# when 0 cry with my voiceH 2ave mercy also u"on me# and answer me'

*o not ta1e me away with the wic1ed And with the wor1ers of iniGuity# Bho s"ea1 "eace to their neighbors# But evil is in their hearts'

(ive them according to their deeds# And according to the wic1edness of their endeavors9 (ive them according to the wor1 of their hands9 +ender to them what they deserve'


2e ma1es them also s1i" li1e a calf# )ebanon and Sirion li1e a young wild o!'

The voice of the )3+* divides the flames of fire'


Because they do not regard the wor1s of the )3+*# Nor the o"eration of 2is hands# 2e shall destroy them And not build them u"'

The voice of the )3+* sha1es the wilderness9 The )3+* sha1es the Bilderness of Kadesh'

Blessed be the )3+*# Because 2e has heard the voice of my su""licationsH


The voice of the )3+* ma1es the deer give birth# And stri"s the forests bare9 And in 2is tem"le everyone says# :(loryH:

The )3+* is my strength and my shield9 4y heart trusted in 2im# and 0 am hel"ed9 Therefore my heart greatly re$oices# And with my song 0 will "raise 2im'

The )3+* sat enthroned at the Flood# And the )3+* sits as King forever'

The )3+* is their strength# And 2e is the saving refuge of 2is anointed'

The )3+* will give strength to 2is "eo"le9 The )3+* will bless 2is "eo"le with "eace'

Save Cour "eo"le# And bless Cour inheritance9 She"herd them also# And bear them u" forever'

'"(L) *1

'"(L) #0

0 will e!tol Cou# 3 )3+*# for Cou have lifted me u"# And have not let my foes re$oice over me'

(ive unto the )3+*# 3 you mighty ones# (ive unto the )3+* glory and strength'

3 )3+* my (od# 0 cried out to Cou# And Cou healed me'


(ive unto the )3+* the glory due to 2is name9 Borshi" the )3+* in the beauty of holiness'

3 )3+*# Cou brought my soul u" from the grave9 Cou have 1e"t me alive# that 0 should not go down to the "it'

The voice of the )3+* is over the waters9 The (od of glory thunders9 The )3+* is over many waters'

Sing "raise to the )3+*# you saints of 2is# And give than1s at the remembrance of 2is holy name'

The voice of the )3+* is "owerful9 The voice of the )3+* is full of ma$esty'

For 2is anger is but for a moment# 2is favor is for life9 Bee"ing may endure for a night# But $oy comes in the morning'

The voice of the )3+* brea1s the cedars# Ces# the )3+* s"linters the cedars of )ebanon'

Now in my "ros"erity 0 said# :0 shall never be moved':

)3+*# by Cour favor Cou have made my mountain stand strong9 Cou hid Cour face# and 0 was troubled'

0 will be glad and re$oice in Cour mercy# For Cou have considered my trouble9 Cou have 1nown my soul in adversities#

0 cried out to Cou# 3 )3+*9 And to the )3+* 0 made su""lication7


And have not shut me u" into the hand of the enemy9 Cou have set my feet in a wide "lace'

:Bhat "rofit is there in my blood# Bhen 0 go down to the "itE Bill the dust "raise CouE Bill it declare Cour truthE

2ave mercy on me# 3 )3+*# for 0 am in trouble9 4y eye wastes away with grief# Ces# my soul and my bodyH

2ear# 3 )3+*# and have mercy on me9 )3+*# be my hel"erH:


Cou have turned for me my mourning into dancing9 Cou have "ut off my sac1cloth and clothed me with gladness#

For my life is s"ent with grief# And my years with sighing9 4y strength fails because of my iniGuity# And my bones waste away'

To the end that my glory may sing "raise to Cou and not be silent' 3 )3+* my (od# 0 will give than1s to Cou forever'

0 am a re"roach among all enemies# But es"ecially among neighbors# And am re"ulsive to acGuaintances9 Those who see outside flee from me'

my my my me

'"(L) *!

0 am forgotten li1e a dead man# out of mind9 0 am li1e a bro1en vessel'


0n Cou# 3 )3+*# 0 "ut my trust9 )et me never be ashamed9 *eliver me in Cour righteousness'

Bow down Cour ear to me# *eliver me s"eedily9 Be my roc1 of refuge# A fortress of defense to save me'

For 0 hear the slander of many9 Fear is on every side9 Bhile they ta1e counsel together against me# They scheme to ta1e away my life'

But as for me# 0 trust in Cou# 3 )3+*9 0 say# :Cou are my (od':

For Cou are my roc1 and my fortress9 Therefore# for Cour nameDs sa1e# )ead me and guide me'

4y times are in Cour hand9 *eliver me from the hand of my enemies# And from those who "ersecute me'

/ull me out of the net which they have secretly laid for me# For Cou are my strength'

4a1e Cour face shine u"on Cour servant9 Save me for Cour merciesD sa1e'

0nto Cour hand 0 commit my s"irit9 Cou have redeemed me# 3 )3+* (od of truth'

0 have hated those who regard useless idols9 But 0 trust in the )3+*'

*o not let me be ashamed# 3 )3+*# for 0 have called u"on Cou9 )et the wic1ed be ashamed9 )et them be silent in the grave'


)et the lying li"s be "ut to silence# Bhich s"ea1 insolent things "roudly and contem"tuously against the righteous'


3h# how great is Cour goodness# Bhich Cou have laid u" for those who fear Cou# Bhich Cou have "re"ared for those who trust in Cou 0n the "resence of the sons of menH

0 ac1nowledged my sin to Cou# And my iniGuity 0 have not hidden' 0 said# :0 will confess my transgressions to the )3+*#: And Cou forgave the iniGuity of my sin'Selah

For this cause everyone who is godly shall "ray to Cou 0n a time when Cou may be found9 Surely in a flood of great waters They shall not come near him'

Cou shall hide them in the secret "lace of Cour "resence From the "lots of man9 Cou shall 1ee" them secretly in a "avilion From the strife of tongues'

Cou are my hiding "lace9 Cou shall "reserve me from trouble9 Cou shall surround me with songs of deliverance'Selah

Blessed be the )3+*# For 2e has shown me 2is marvelous 1indness in a strong cityH

0 will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go9 0 will guide you with 4y eye'

For 0 said in my haste# :0 am cut off from before Cour eyes:9 Nevertheless Cou heard the voice of my su""lications Bhen 0 cried out to Cou'

*o not be li1e the horse or li1e the mule# Bhich have no understanding# Bhich must be harnessed with bit and bridle# lse they will not come near you'

3h# love the )3+*# all you 2is saintsH For the )3+* "reserves the faithful# And fully re"ays the "roud "erson'

4any sorrows shall be to the wic1ed9 But he who trusts in the )3+*# mercy shall surround him'

Be of good courage# And 2e shall strengthen your heart# All you who ho"e in the )3+*'

Be glad in the )3+* and re$oice# you righteous9 And shout for $oy# all you u"right in heartH

'"(L) *#

'"(L) **

Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven# Bhose sin is covered'


+e$oice in the )3+*# 3 you righteousH For "raise from the u"right is beautiful'

Blessed is the man to whom the )3+* does not im"ute iniGuity# And in whose s"irit there is no deceit'

/raise the )3+* with the har"9 4a1e melody to 2im with an instrument of ten strings'

Bhen 0 1e"t silent# my bones grew old Through my groaning all the day long'

Sing to 2im a new song9 /lay s1illfully with a shout of $oy'


For day and night Cour hand was heavy u"on me9 4y vitality was turned into the drought of summer'Selah

For the word of the )3+* is right# And all 2is wor1 is done in truth'


2e loves righteousness and $ustice9 The earth is full of the goodness of the )3+*'


Behold# the eye of the )3+* is on those who fear 2im# 3n those who ho"e in 2is mercy#

By the word of the )3+* the heavens were made# And all the host of them by the breath of 2is mouth'

To deliver their soul from death# And to 1ee" them alive in famine'

2e gathers the waters of the sea together as a hea"9 2e lays u" the dee" in storehouses'

3ur soul waits for the )3+*9 2e is our hel" and our shield'

)et all the earth fear the )3+*9 )et all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of 2im'

For our heart shall re$oice in 2im# Because we have trusted in 2is holy name'

)et Cour mercy# 3 )3+*# be u"on us# Just as we ho"e in Cou'

For 2e s"o1e# and it was done9 2e commanded# and it stood fast'


'"(L) *+

The )3+* brings the counsel of the nations to nothing9 2e ma1es the "lans of the "eo"les of no effect'

0 will bless the )3+* at all times9 2is "raise shall continually be in my mouth'

The counsel of the )3+* stands forever# The "lans of 2is heart to all generations'

4y soul shall ma1e its boast in the )3+*9 The humble shall hear of it and be glad'

Blessed is the nation whose (od is the )3+*# The "eo"le 2e has chosen as 2is own inheritance'

3h# magnify the )3+* with me# And let us e!alt 2is name together'

The )3+* loo1s from heaven9 2e sees all the sons of men'

0 sought the )3+*# and 2e heard me# And delivered me from all my fears'

From the "lace of 2is dwelling 2e loo1s 3n all the inhabitants of the earth9

They loo1ed to 2im and were radiant# And their faces were not ashamed'

2e fashions their hearts individually9 2e considers all their wor1s'


This "oor man cried out# and the )3+* heard him# And saved him out of all his troubles'

No 1ing is saved by the multitude of an army9 A mighty man is not delivered by great strength'

The angel of the )3+* encam"s all around those who fear 2im# And delivers them'

A horse is a vain ho"e for safety9 Neither shall it deliver any by its great strength'

3h# taste and see that the )3+* is good9 Blessed is the man who trusts in 2imH

3h# fear the )3+*# you 2is saintsH There is no want to those who fear 2im'


The )3+* redeems the soul of 2is servants# And none of those who trust in 2im shall be condemned'

The young lions lac1 and suffer hunger9 But those who see1 the )3+* shall not lac1 any good thing'
1 %%

'"(L) *,
/lead my cause# 3 )3+*# with those who strive with me9 Fight against those who fight against me'

-ome# you children# listen to me9 0 will teach you the fear of the )3+*'

Bho is the man who desires life# And loves many days# that he may see goodE

Ta1e hold of shield and buc1ler# And stand u" for my hel"'

Kee" your tongue from evil# And your li"s from s"ea1ing deceit'

Also draw out the s"ear# And sto" those who "ursue me' Say to my soul# :0 am your salvation':

*e"art from evil and do good9 See1 "eace and "ursue it'

The eyes of the )3+* are on the righteous# And 2is ears are o"en to their cry'

)et those be "ut to shame and brought to dishonor Bho see1 after my life9 )et those be turned bac1 and brought to confusion Bho "lot my hurt'

The face of the )3+* is against those who do evil# To cut off the remembrance of them from the earth'

)et them be li1e chaff before the wind# And let the angel of the )3+* chase them'

)et their way be dar1 and sli""ery# And let the angel of the )3+* "ursue them'

The righteous cry out# and the )3+* hears# And delivers them out of all their troubles'

For without cause they have hidden their net for me in a "it# Bhich they have dug without cause for my life'

The )3+* is near to those who have a bro1en heart# And saves such as have a contrite s"irit'

4any are the afflictions of the righteous# But the )3+* delivers him out of them all'

)et destruction come u"on him une!"ectedly# And let his net that he has hidden catch himself9 0nto that very destruction let him fall'

And my soul shall be $oyful in the )3+*9 0t shall re$oice in 2is salvation'

2e guards all his bones9 Not one of them is bro1en'


vil shall slay the wic1ed# And those who hate the righteous shall be condemned'

All my bones shall say# :)3+*# who is li1e Cou# *elivering the "oor from him who is too strong for him# Ces# the "oor and the needy from him who "lunders himE:


Fierce witnesses rise u"9 They as1 me things that 0 do not 1now'


Stir u" Courself# and awa1e to my vindication# To my cause# my (od and my )ord'

They reward me evil for good# To the sorrow of my soul'


But as for me# when they were sic1# 4y clothing was sac1cloth9 0 humbled myself with fasting9 And my "rayer would return to my own heart'

Vindicate me# 3 )3+* my (od# according to Cour righteousness9 And let them not re$oice over me'

)et them not say in their hearts# :Ah# so we would have itH: )et them not say# :Be have swallowed him u"':

0 "aced about as though he were my friend or brother9 0 bowed down heavily# as one who mourns for his mother'

But in my adversity they re$oiced And gathered together9 Attac1ers gathered against me# And 0 did not 1now it9 They tore at me and did not cease9

)et them be ashamed and brought to mutual confusion Bho re$oice at my hurt9 )et them be clothed with shame and dishonor Bho e!alt themselves against me'

Bith ungodly moc1ers at feasts They gnashed at me with their teeth'


)et them shout for $oy and be glad# Bho favor my righteous cause9 And let them say continually# :)et the )3+* be magnified# Bho has "leasure in the "ros"erity of 2is servant':

)ord# how long will Cou loo1 onE +escue me from their destructions# 4y "recious life from the lions'

And my tongue shall s"ea1 of Cour righteousness And of Cour "raise all the day long'

0 will give Cou than1s in the great assembly9 0 will "raise Cou among many "eo"le'
1 %?

'"(L) *An oracle within my heart concerning the transgression of the wic1ed7 There is no fear of (od before his eyes'

)et them not re$oice over me who are wrongfully my enemies9 Nor let them win1 with the eye who hate me without a cause'

For they do not s"ea1 "eace# But they devise deceitful matters Against the Guiet ones in the land'

For he flatters himself in his own eyes# Bhen he finds out his iniGuity and when he hates'

They also o"ened their mouth wide against me# And said# :Aha# ahaH 3ur eyes have seen it':

The words of his mouth are wic1edness and deceit9 2e has ceased to be wise and to do good'

This Cou have seen# 3 )3+*9 *o not 1ee" silence' 3 )ord# do not be far from me'

2e devises wic1edness on his bed9 2e sets himself in a way that is not good9 2e does not abhor evil'


Cour mercy# 3 )3+*# is in the heavens9 Cour faithfulness reaches to the clouds'

*elight yourself also in the )3+*# And 2e shall give you the desires of your heart'

Cour righteousness is li1e the great mountains9 Cour $udgments are a great dee"9 3 )3+*# Cou "reserve man and beast'

-ommit your way to the )3+*# Trust also in 2im# And 2e shall bring it to "ass'

2ow "recious is Cour loving1indness# 3 (odH Therefore the children of men "ut their trust under the shadow of Cour wings'

2e shall bring forth your righteousness as the light# And your $ustice as the noonday'

They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Cour house# And Cou give them drin1 from the river of Cour "leasures'

+est in the )3+*# and wait "atiently for 2im9 *o not fret because of him who "ros"ers in his way# Because of the man who brings wic1ed schemes to "ass'

For with Cou is the fountain of life9 0n Cour light we see light'

-ease from anger# and forsa1e wrath9 *o not fretFFit only causes harm'

3h# continue Cour loving1indness to those who 1now Cou# And Cour righteousness to the u"right in heart'

For evildoers shall be cut off9 But those who wait on the )3+*# They shall inherit the earth'

)et not the foot of "ride come against me# And let not the hand of the wic1ed drive me away'

For yet a little while and the wic1ed shall be no more9 0ndeed# you will loo1 carefully for his "lace# But it shall be no more'

There the wor1ers of iniGuity have fallen9 They have been cast down and are not able to rise'

But the mee1 shall inherit the earth# And shall delight themselves in the abundance of "eace'

'"(L) *.

The wic1ed "lots against the $ust# And gnashes at him with his teeth'

*o not fret because of evildoers# Nor be envious of the wor1ers of iniGuity'


The )ord laughs at him# For 2e sees that his day is coming'

For they shall soon be cut down li1e the grass# And wither as the green herb'

Trust in the )3+*# and do good9 *well in the land# and feed on 2is faithfulness'

The wic1ed have drawn the sword And have bent their bow# To cast down the "oor and needy# To slay those who are of u"right conduct'

Their sword shall enter their own heart# And their bows shall be bro1en'


A little that a righteous man has 0s better than the riches of many wic1ed'


For the arms of the wic1ed shall be bro1en# But the )3+* u"holds the righteous'

For the )3+* loves $ustice# And does not forsa1e 2is saints9 They are "reserved forever# But the descendants of the wic1ed shall be cut off'

The righteous shall inherit the land# And dwell in it forever'


The )3+* 1nows the days of the u"right# And their inheritance shall be forever'

The mouth of the righteous s"ea1s wisdom# And his tongue tal1s of $ustice'

They shall not be ashamed in the evil time# And in the days of famine they shall be satisfied'

The law of his (od is in his heart9 None of his ste"s shall slide'

But the wic1ed shall "erish9 And the enemies of the )3+*# )i1e the s"lendor of the meadows# shall vanish' 0nto smo1e they shall vanish away'

The wic1ed watches the righteous# And see1s to slay him'


The )3+* will not leave him in his hand# Nor condemn him when he is $udged'

The wic1ed borrows and does not re"ay# But the righteous shows mercy and gives'

For those blessed by 2im shall inherit the earth# But those cursed by 2im shall be cut off'

Bait on the )3+*# And 1ee" 2is way# And 2e shall e!alt you to inherit the land9 Bhen the wic1ed are cut off# you shall see it'

The ste"s of a good man are ordered by the )3+*# And 2e delights in his way'

0 have seen the wic1ed in great "ower# And s"reading himself li1e a native green tree'

Though he fall# he shall not be utterly cast down9 For the )3+* u"holds him with 2is hand'

Cet he "assed away# and behold# he was no more9 0ndeed 0 sought him# but he could not be found'

0 have been young# and now am old9 Cet 0 have not seen the righteous forsa1en# Nor his descendants begging bread'

4ar1 the blameless man# and observe the u"right9 For the future of that man is "eace'

But the transgressors shall be destroyed together9 The future of the wic1ed shall be cut off'

2e is ever merciful# and lends9 And his descendants are blessed'


*e"art from evil# and do good9 And dwell forevermore'

But the salvation of the righteous is from the )3+*9 2e is their strength in the time of trouble'


And the )3+* shall hel" them and deliver them9 2e shall deliver them from the wic1ed# And save them# Because they trust in 2im'


Those also who see1 my life lay snares for me9 Those who see1 my hurt s"ea1 of destruction# And "lan dece"tion all the day long'

'"(L) */

3 )3+*# do not rebu1e me in Cour wrath# Nor chasten me in Cour hot dis"leasureH

But 0# li1e a deaf man# do not hear9 And 0 am li1e a mute who does not o"en his mouth'

For Cour arrows "ierce me dee"ly# And Cour hand "resses me down'

Thus 0 am li1e a man who does not hear# And in whose mouth is no res"onse'

There is no soundness in my flesh Because of Cour anger# Nor any health in my bones Because of my sin'

For in Cou# 3 )3+*# 0 ho"e9 Cou will hear# 3 )ord my (od'


For my iniGuities have gone over my head9 )i1e a heavy burden they are too heavy for me'

For 0 said# :2ear me# lest they re$oice over me# )est# when my foot sli"s# they e!alt themselves against me':

For 0 am ready to fall# And my sorrow is continually before me'


4y wounds are foul and festering Because of my foolishness'


For 0 will declare my iniGuity9 0 will be in anguish over my sin'


0 am troubled# 0 am bowed down greatly9 0 go mourning all the day long'


For my loins are full of inflammation# And there is no soundness in my flesh'


But my enemies are vigorous# and they are strong9 And those who hate me wrongfully have multi"lied'

0 am feeble and severely bro1en9 0 groan because of the turmoil of my heart'


Those also who render evil for good# They are my adversaries# because 0 follow what is good'

)ord# all my desire is before Cou9 And my sighing is not hidden from Cou'

*o not forsa1e me# 3 )3+*9 3 my (od# be not far from meH


4y heart "ants# my strength fails me9 As for the light of my eyes# it also has gone from me'

4a1e haste to hel" me# 3 )ord# my salvationH

'"(L) *0

4y loved ones and my friends stand aloof from my "lague# And my relatives stand afar off'

0 said# :0 will guard my ways# )est 0 sin with my tongue9 0 will restrain my mouth with a mu..le# Bhile the wic1ed are before me':

0 was mute with silence# 0 held my "eace even from good9 And my sorrow was stirred u"'


+emove Cour ga.e from me# that 0 may regain strength# Before 0 go away and am no more':

4y heart was hot within me9 Bhile 0 was musing# the fire burned' Then 0 s"o1e with my tongue7

'"(L) +1

:)3+*# ma1e me to 1now my end# And what is the measure of my days# That 0 may 1now how frail 0 am'

0 waited "atiently for the )3+*9 And 2e inclined to me# And heard my cry'

0ndeed# Cou have made my days as handbreadths# And my age is as nothing before Cou9 -ertainly every man at his best state is but va"or'Selah

2e also brought me u" out of a horrible "it# 3ut of the miry clay# And set my feet u"on a roc1# And established my ste"s'

2e has "ut a new song in my mouthFF /raise to our (od9 4any will see it and fear# And will trust in the )3+*'

Surely every man wal1s about li1e a shadow9 Surely they busy themselves in vain9 2e hea"s u" riches# And does not 1now who will gather them'

Blessed is that man who ma1es the )3+* his trust# And does not res"ect the "roud# nor such as turn aside to lies'

:And now# )ord# what do 0 wait forE 4y ho"e is in Cou'


*eliver me from all my transgressions9 *o not ma1e me the re"roach of the foolish'

4any# 3 )3+* my (od# are Cour wonderful wor1s Bhich Cou have done9 And Cour thoughts toward us -annot be recounted to Cou in order9 0f 0 would declare and s"ea1 of them# They are more than can be numbered'

0 was mute# 0 did not o"en my mouth# Because it was Cou who did it'

Sacrifice and offering Cou did not desire9 4y ears Cou have o"ened' Burnt offering and sin offering Cou did not reGuire'

+emove Cour "lague from me9 0 am consumed by the blow of Cour hand'

Then 0 said# :Behold# 0 come9 0n the scroll of the boo1 it is written of me'

Bhen with rebu1es Cou correct man for iniGuity# Cou ma1e his beauty melt away li1e a moth9 Surely every man is va"or'Selah

0 delight to do Cour will# 3 my (od# And Cour law is within my heart':


:2ear my "rayer# 3 )3+*# And give ear to my cry9 *o not be silent at my tears9 For 0 am a stranger with Cou# A so$ourner# as all my fathers were'

0 have "roclaimed the good news of righteousness 0n the great assembly9 0ndeed# 0 do not restrain my li"s# 3 )3+*# Cou Courself 1now'

0 have not hidden Cour righteousness within my heart9 0 have declared Cour faithfulness and Cour salvation9 0 have

not concealed Cour loving1indness and Cour truth From the great assembly'

The )3+* will strengthen him on his bed of illness9 Cou will sustain him on his sic1bed'

*o not withhold Cour tender mercies from me# 3 )3+*9 )et Cour loving1indness and Cour truth continually "reserve me'

0 said# :)3+*# be merciful to me9 2eal my soul# for 0 have sinned against Cou':

For innumerable evils have surrounded me9 4y iniGuities have overta1en me# so that 0 am not able to loo1 u"9 They are more than the hairs of my head9 Therefore my heart fails me'

4y enemies s"ea1 evil of me7 :Bhen will he die# and his name "erishE:

And if he comes to see me# he s"ea1s lies9 2is heart gathers iniGuity to itself9 Bhen he goes out# he tells it'

Be "leased# 3 )3+*# to deliver me9 3 )3+*# ma1e haste to hel" meH


All who hate me whis"er together against me9 Against me they devise my hurt'

)et them be ashamed and brought to mutual confusion Bho see1 to destroy my life9 )et them be driven bac1ward and brought to dishonor Bho wish me evil'

:An evil disease#: they say# :clings to him' And now that he lies down# he will rise u" no more':

)et them be confounded because of their shame# Bho say to me# :Aha# ahaH:

ven my own familiar friend in whom 0 trusted# Bho ate my bread# 2as lifted u" his heel against me'

)et all those who see1 Cou re$oice and be glad in Cou9 )et such as love Cour salvation say continually# :The )3+* be magnifiedH:

But Cou# 3 )3+*# be merciful to me# and raise me u"# That 0 may re"ay them'

But 0 am "oor and needy9 Cet the )3+* thin1s u"on me' Cou are my hel" and my deliverer9 *o not delay# 3 my (od'

By this 0 1now that Cou are well "leased with me# Because my enemy does not trium"h over me'

'"(L) +!

As for me# Cou u"hold me in my integrity# And set me before Cour face forever'

Blessed is he who considers the "oor9 The )3+* will deliver him in time of trouble'

Blessed be the )3+* (od of 0srael From everlasting to everlastingH Amen and Amen'

The )3+* will "reserve him and 1ee" him alive# And he will be blessed on the earth9 Cou will not deliver him to the will of his enemies'

'"(L) +#

As the deer "ants for the water broo1s# So "ants my soul for Cou# 3 (od'

4y soul thirsts for (od# for the living (od' Bhen shall 0 come and a""ear before (odE

'"(L) +*

4y tears have been my food day and night# Bhile they continually say to me# :Bhere is your (odE:

Vindicate me# 3 (od# And "lead my cause against an ungodly nation9 3h# deliver me from the deceitful and un$ust manH

Bhen 0 remember these things# 0 "our out my soul within me' For 0 used to go with the multitude9 0 went with them to the house of (od# Bith the voice of $oy and "raise# Bith a multitude that 1e"t a "ilgrim feast'

For Cou are the (od of my strength9 Bhy do Cou cast me offE Bhy do 0 go mourning because of the o""ression of the enemyE

Bhy are you cast down# 3 my soulE And why are you disGuieted within meE 2o"e in (od# for 0 shall yet "raise 2im For the hel" of 2is countenance'

3h# send out Cour light and Cour truthH )et them lead me9 )et them bring me to Cour holy hill And to Cour tabernacle'

Then 0 will go to the altar of (od# To (od my e!ceeding $oy9 And on the har" 0 will "raise Cou# 3 (od# my (od'

3 my (od# my soul is cast down within me9 Therefore 0 will remember Cou from the land of the Jordan# And from the heights of 2ermon# From the 2ill'

*ee" calls unto dee" at the noise of Cour waterfalls9 All Cour waves and billows have gone over me'

Bhy are you cast down# 3 my soulE And why are you disGuieted within meE 2o"e in (od9 For 0 shall yet "raise 2im# The hel" of my countenance and my (od'

'"(L) ++

The )3+* will command 2is loving1indness in the daytime# And in the night 2is song shall be with meFF A "rayer to the (od of my life'

Be have heard with our ears# 3 (od# 3ur fathers have told us# The deeds Cou did in their days# 0n days of old7

0 will say to (od my +oc1# :Bhy have Cou forgotten meE Bhy do 0 go mourning because of the o""ression of the enemyE:

Cou drove out the nations with Cour hand# But them Cou "lanted9 Cou afflicted the "eo"les# and cast them out'

As with a brea1ing of my bones# 4y enemies re"roach me# Bhile they say to me all day long# :Bhere is your (odE:

For they did not gain "ossession of the land by their own sword# Nor did their own arm save them9 But it was Cour right hand# Cour arm# and the light of Cour countenance# Because Cou favored them'

Bhy are you cast down# 3 my soulE And why are you disGuieted within meE 2o"e in (od9 For 0 shall yet "raise 2im# The hel" of my countenance and my (od'

Cou are my King# 3 (od9 -ommand victories for Jacob'


Through Cou we will "ush down our enemies9 Through Cour name we will tram"le those who rise u" against us'


All this has come u"on us9 But we have not forgotten Cou# Nor have we dealt falsely with Cour covenant'

For 0 will not trust in my bow# Nor shall my sword save me'

3ur heart has not turned bac1# Nor have our ste"s de"arted from Cour way9

But Cou have saved us from our enemies# And have "ut to shame those who hated us'

But Cou have severely bro1en us in the "lace of $ac1als# And covered us with the shadow of death'

0n (od we boast all day long# And "raise Cour name forever'Selah

0f we had forgotten the name of our (od# 3r stretched out our hands to a foreign god#

But Cou have cast us off and "ut us to shame# And Cou do not go out with our armies'

Bould not (od search this outE For 2e 1nows the secrets of the heart'

Cou ma1e us turn bac1 from the enemy# And those who hate us have ta1en s"oil for themselves'

Cet for Cour sa1e we are 1illed all day long9 Be are accounted as shee" for the slaughter'

Cou have given us u" li1e shee" intended for food# And have scattered us among the nations'

Awa1eH Bhy do Cou slee"# 3 )ordE AriseH *o not cast us off forever'

Cou sell Cour "eo"le for ne!t to nothing# And are not enriched by selling them'

Bhy do Cou hide Cour face# And forget our affliction and our o""ressionE

For our soul is bowed down to the dust9 3ur body clings to the ground'

Cou ma1e us a re"roach to our neighbors# A scorn and a derision to those all around us'

Arise for our hel"# And redeem us for Cour merciesD sa1e'

Cou ma1e us a byword among the nations# A sha1ing of the head among the "eo"les'

'"(L) +,

4y dishonor is continually before me# And the shame of my face has covered me#

4y heart is overflowing with a good theme9 0 recite my com"osition concerning the King9 4y tongue is the "en of a ready writer'

Because of the voice of him who re"roaches and reviles# Because of the enemy and the avenger'

Cou are fairer than the sons of men9 (race is "oured u"on Cour li"s9 Therefore (od has blessed Cou forever'

(ird Cour sword u"on Cour thigh# 3 4ighty 3ne# Bith Cour glory and Cour ma$esty'


She shall be brought to the King in robes of many colors9 The virgins# her com"anions who follow her# shall be brought to Cou'

And in Cour ma$esty ride "ros"erously because of truth# humility# and righteousness9 And Cour right hand shall teach Cou awesome things'

Bith gladness and re$oicing they shall be brought9 They shall enter the KingDs "alace'

Cour arrows are shar" in the heart of the KingDs enemies9 The "eo"les fall under Cou'

0nstead of Cour fathers shall be Cour sons# Bhom Cou shall ma1e "rinces in all the earth'

Cour throne# 3 (od# is forever and ever9 A sce"ter of righteousness is the sce"ter of Cour 1ingdom'

0 will ma1e Cour name to be remembered in all generations9 Therefore the "eo"le shall "raise Cou forever and ever'

Cou love righteousness and hate wic1edness9 Therefore (od# Cour (od# has anointed Cou Bith the oil of gladness more than Cour com"anions'

'"(L) +1

All Cour garments are scented with myrrh and aloes and cassia# 3ut of the ivory "alaces# by which they have made Cou glad'

(od is our refuge and strength# A very "resent hel" in trouble'


KingsD daughters are among Cour honorable women9 At Cour right hand stands the Gueen in gold from 3"hir'

Therefore we will not fear# ven though the earth be removed# And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea9

)isten# 3 daughter# -onsider and incline your ear9 Forget your own "eo"le also# and your fatherDs house9

Though its waters roar and be troubled# Though the mountains sha1e with its swelling'Selah

So the King will greatly desire your beauty9 Because 2e is your )ord# worshi" 2im'

There is a river whose streams shall ma1e glad the city of (od# The holy "lace of the tabernacle of the 4ost 2igh'

And the daughter of Tyre will come with a gift9 The rich among the "eo"le will see1 your favor'

(od is in the midst of her# she shall not be moved9 (od shall hel" her# $ust at the brea1 of dawn'

The royal daughter is all glorious within the "alace9 2er clothing is woven with gold'

The nations raged# the 1ingdoms were moved9 2e uttered 2is voice# the earth melted'

The )3+* of hosts is with us9 The (od of Jacob is our refuge'Selah


-ome# behold the wor1s of the )3+*# Bho has made desolations in the earth'
1 ?

'"(L) +/
(reat is the )3+*# and greatly to be "raised 0n the city of our (od# 0n 2is holy mountain'

2e ma1es wars cease to the end of the earth9 2e brea1s the bow and cuts the s"ear in two9 2e burns the chariot in the fire'

Be still# and 1now that 0 am (od9 0 will be e!alted among the nations# 0 will be e!alted in the earthH

Beautiful in elevation# The $oy of the whole earth# 0s 4ount 5ion on the sides of the north# The city of the great King'

The )3+* of hosts is with us9 The (od of Jacob is our refuge'Selah

(od is in her "alaces9 2e is 1nown as her refuge'


'"(L) +.

For behold# the 1ings assembled# They "assed by together'


3h# cla" your hands# all you "eo"lesH Shout to (od with the voice of trium"hH

They saw it# and so they marveled9 They were troubled# they hastened away'

For the )3+* 4ost 2igh is awesome9 2e is a great King over all the earth'

Fear too1 hold of them there# And "ain# as of a woman in birth "angs#

2e will subdue the "eo"les under us# And the nations under our feet'

As when Cou brea1 the shi"s of Tarshish Bith an east wind'


2e will choose our inheritance for us# The e!cellence of Jacob whom 2e loves'Selah

As we have heard# So we have seen 0n the city of the )3+* of hosts# 0n the city of our (od7 (od will establish it forever'Selah

(od has gone u" with a shout# The )3+* with the sound of a trum"et'

Sing "raises to (od# sing "raisesH Sing "raises to our King# sing "raisesH

Be have thought# 3 (od# on Cour loving1indness# 0n the midst of Cour tem"le'


For (od is the King of all the earth9 Sing "raises with understanding'

According to Cour name# 3 (od# So is Cour "raise to the ends of the earth9 Cour right hand is full of righteousness'

(od reigns over the nations9 (od sits on 2is holy throne'

)et 4ount 5ion re$oice# )et the daughters of Judah be glad# Because of Cour $udgments'

The "rinces of the "eo"le have gathered together# The "eo"le of the (od of Abraham' For the shields of the earth belong to (od9 2e is greatly e!alted'

Bal1 about 5ion# And go all around her' -ount her towers9


4ar1 well her bulwar1s9 -onsider her "alaces9 That you may tell it to the generation following'


Their inner thought is that their houses will last forever# Their dwelling "laces to all generations9 They call their lands after their own names'

For this is (od# 3ur (od forever and ever9 2e will be our guide ven to death'

Nevertheless man# though in honor# does not remain9 2e is li1e the beasts that "erish'

'"(L) +0

2ear this# all "eo"les9 (ive ear# all inhabitants of the world#

This is the way of those who are foolish# And of their "osterity who a""rove their sayings'Selah

Both low and high# +ich and "oor together'


4y mouth shall s"ea1 wisdom# And the meditation of my heart shall give understanding'

)i1e shee" they are laid in the grave9 *eath shall feed on them9 The u"right shall have dominion over them in the morning9 And their beauty shall be consumed in the grave# far from their dwelling'

0 will incline my ear to a "roverb9 0 will disclose my dar1 saying on the har"'

But (od will redeem my soul from the "ower of the grave# For 2e shall receive me'Selah

Bhy should 0 fear in the days of evil# Bhen the iniGuity at my heels surrounds meE

*o not be afraid when one becomes rich# Bhen the glory of his house is increased9

Those who trust in their wealth And boast in the multitude of their riches#

None of them can by any means redeem his brother# Nor give to (od a ransom for himFF

For when he dies he shall carry nothing away9 2is glory shall not descend after him'

For the redem"tion of their souls is costly# And it shall cease foreverFF

Though while he lives he blesses himself IFor men will "raise you when you do well for yourselfJ#

That he should continue eternally# And not see the /it'




2e shall go to the generation of his fathers9 They shall never see light'

For he sees wise men die9 )i1ewise the fool and the senseless "erson "erish# And leave their wealth to others'

A man who is in honor# yet does not understand# 0s li1e the beasts that "erish'

'"(L) ,1

The 4ighty 3ne# (od the )3+*# 2as s"o1en and called the earth From the rising of the sun to its going down'


Bill 0 eat the flesh of bulls# 3r drin1 the blood of goatsE


3ut of 5ion# the "erfection of beauty# (od will shine forth'


3ffer to (od than1sgiving# And "ay your vows to the 4ost 2igh'

3ur (od shall come# and shall not 1ee" silent9 A fire shall devour before 2im# And it shall be very tem"estuous all around 2im'

-all u"on 4e in the day of trouble9 0 will deliver you# and you shall glorify 4e':

2e shall call to the heavens from above# And to the earth# that 2e may $udge 2is "eo"le7

But to the wic1ed (od says7 :Bhat right have you to declare 4y statutes# 3r ta1e 4y covenant in your mouth#

Seeing you hate instruction And cast 4y words behind youE


:(ather 4y saints together to 4e# Those who have made a covenant with 4e by sacrifice':

Bhen you saw a thief# you consented with him# And have been a "arta1er with adulterers'

)et the heavens declare 2is righteousness# For (od 2imself is Judge'Selah

Cou give your mouth to evil# And your tongue frames deceit'

:2ear# 3 4y "eo"le# and 0 will s"ea1# 3 0srael# and 0 will testify against you9 0 am (od# your (odH

Cou sit and s"ea1 against your brother9 Cou slander your own motherDs son'

0 will not rebu1e you for your sacrifices 3r your burnt offerings# Bhich are continually before 4e'

These things you have done# and 0 1e"t silent9 Cou thought that 0 was altogether li1e you9 But 0 will rebu1e you# And set them in order before your eyes'

0 will not ta1e a bull from your house# Nor goats out of your folds'

For every beast of the forest is 4ine# And the cattle on a thousand hills'

:Now consider this# you who forget (od# )est 0 tear you in "ieces# And there be none to deliver7

0 1now all the birds of the mountains# And the wild beasts of the field are 4ine'

Bhoever offers "raise glorifies 4e9 And to him who orders his conduct aright 0 will show the salvation of (od':

:0f 0 were hungry# 0 would not tell you9 For the world is 4ine# and all its fullness'

'"(L) ,!

2ave mercy u"on me# 3 (od# According to Cour loving1indness9 According to the multitude of Cour

tender mercies# transgressions'






Bash me thoroughly from my iniGuity# And cleanse me from my sin'


*eliver me from the guilt of bloodshed# 3 (od# The (od of my salvation# And my tongue shall sing aloud of Cour righteousness'

For 0 ac1nowledge my transgressions# And my sin is always before me'


3 )ord# o"en my li"s# And my mouth shall show forth Cour "raise'

Against Cou# Cou only# have 0 sinned# And done this evil in Cour sightFF That Cou may be found $ust when Cou s"ea1# And blameless when Cou $udge'

For Cou do not desire sacrifice# or else 0 would give it9 Cou do not delight in burnt offering'

Behold# 0 was brought forth in iniGuity# And in sin my mother conceived me'

The sacrifices of (od are a bro1en s"irit# A bro1en and a contrite heartFF These# 3 (od# Cou will not des"ise'

Behold# Cou desire truth in the inward "arts# And in the hidden "art Cou will ma1e me to 1now wisdom'

*o good in Cour good "leasure to 5ion9 Build the walls of Jerusalem'


/urge me with hysso"# and 0 shall be clean9 Bash me# and 0 shall be whiter than snow'

Then Cou shall be "leased with the sacrifices of righteousness# Bith burnt offering and whole burnt offering9 Then they shall offer bulls on Cour altar'

'"(L) ,#
4a1e me hear $oy and gladness# That the bones Cou have bro1en may re$oice'
? 1

2ide Cour face from my sins# And blot out all my iniGuities'

Bhy do you boast in evil# 3 mighty manE The goodness of (od endures continually'

-reate in me a clean heart# 3 (od# And renew a steadfast s"irit within me'

Cour tongue devises destruction# )i1e a shar" ra.or# wor1ing deceitfully'


*o not cast me away from Cour "resence# And do not ta1e Cour 2oly S"irit from me'

Cou love evil more than good# )ying rather than s"ea1ing righteousness'Selah

+estore to me the $oy of Cour salvation# And u"hold me by Cour generous S"irit'

Cou love all devouring words# Cou deceitful tongue'


Then 0 will teach transgressors Cour ways# And sinners shall be converted to Cou'

(od shall li1ewise destroy you forever9 2e shall ta1e you away# and "luc1 you out of your dwelling "lace# And u"root you from the land of the living'Selah

The righteous also shall see and fear# And shall laugh at him# saying#

:2ere is the man who did not ma1e (od his strength# But trusted in the abundance of his riches# And strengthened himself in his wic1edness':

Save me# 3 (od# by Cour name# And vindicate me by Cour strength'


2ear my "rayer# 3 (od9 (ive ear to the words of my mouth'


But 0 am li1e a green olive tree in the house of (od9 0 trust in the mercy of (od forever and ever'

0 will "raise Cou forever# Because Cou have done it9 And in the "resence of Cour saints 0 will wait on Cour name# for it is good'

For strangers have risen u" against me# And o""ressors have sought after my life9 They have not set (od before them'Selah

Behold# (od is my hel"er9 The )ord is with those who u"hold my life'

'"(L) ,*

2e will re"ay my enemies for their evil' -ut them off in Cour truth'

The fool has said in his heart# :There is no (od': They are corru"t# and have done abominable iniGuity9 There is none who does good'

0 will freely sacrifice to Cou9 0 will "raise Cour name# 3 )3+*# for it is good'

(od loo1s down from heaven u"on the children of men# To see if there are any who understand# who see1 (od'

For 2e has delivered me out of all trouble9 And my eye has seen its desire u"on my enemies'

very one of them has turned aside9 They have together become corru"t9 There is none who does good# No# not one'

'"(L) ,,

(ive ear to my "rayer# 3 (od# And do not hide Courself from my su""lication'

2ave the wor1ers of iniGuity no 1nowledge# Bho eat u" my "eo"le as they eat bread# And do not call u"on (odE

Attend to me# and hear me9 0 am restless in my com"laint# and moan noisily#

There they are in great fear Bhere no fear was# For (od has scattered the bones of him who encam"s against you9 Cou have "ut them to shame# Because (od has des"ised them'

Because of the voice of the enemy# Because of the o""ression of the wic1ed9 For they bring down trouble u"on me# And in wrath they hate me'

3h# that the salvation of 0srael would come out of 5ionH Bhen (od brings bac1 the ca"tivity of 2is "eo"le# )et Jacob re$oice and 0srael be glad'

4y heart is severely "ained within me# And the terrors of death have fallen u"on me'

Fearfulness and trembling have come u"on me# And horror has overwhelmed me'

'"(L) ,+


So 0 said# :3h# that 0 had wings li1e a doveH 0 would fly away and be at rest'


0ndeed# 0 would wander far off# And remain in the wilderness'Selah


(od will hear# and afflict them# ven 2e who abides from of old'Selah Because they do not change# Therefore they do not fear (od'

0 would hasten my esca"e From the windy storm and tem"est':


2e has "ut forth his hands against those who were at "eace with him9 2e has bro1en his covenant'

*estroy# 3 )ord# and divide their tongues# For 0 have seen violence and strife in the city'

The words of his mouth were smoother than butter# But war was in his heart9 2is words were softer than oil# Cet they were drawn swords'

*ay and night they go around it on its walls9 0niGuity and trouble are also in the midst of it'

-ast your burden on the )3+*# And 2e shall sustain you9 2e shall never "ermit the righteous to be moved'

*estruction is in its midst9 3""ression and deceit do not de"art from its streets'

For it is not an enemy who re"roaches me9 Then 0 could bear it' Nor is it one who hates me who has e!alted himself against me9 Then 0 could hide from him'

But Cou# 3 (od# shall bring them down to the "it of destruction9 Bloodthirsty and deceitful men shall not live out half their days9 But 0 will trust in Cou'

'"(L) ,1

But it was you# a man my eGual# 4y com"anion and my acGuaintance'


Be merciful to me# 3 (od# for man would swallow me u"9 Fighting all day he o""resses me'

Be too1 sweet counsel together# And wal1ed to the house of (od in the throng'

4y enemies would hound me all day# For there are many who fight against me# 3 4ost 2igh'

)et death sei.e them9 )et them go down alive into hell# For wic1edness is in their dwellings and among them'

Bhenever 0 am afraid# 0 will trust in Cou'

As for me# 0 will call u"on (od# And the )3+* shall save me'

0n (od I0 will "raise 2is wordJ# 0n (od 0 have "ut my trust9 0 will not fear' Bhat can flesh do to meE

vening and morning and at noon 0 will "ray# and cry aloud# And 2e shall hear my voice'

All day they twist my words9 All their thoughts are against me for evil'

2e has redeemed my soul in "eace from the battle that was against me# For there were many against me'

They gather together# They hide# they mar1 my ste"s# Bhen they lie in wait for my life'

Shall they esca"e by iniGuityE 0n anger cast down the "eo"les# 3 (odH


Be e!alted# 3 (od# above the heavens9 )et Cour glory be above all the earth'

Cou number my wanderings9 /ut my tears into Cour bottle9 Are they not in Cour boo1E

They have "re"ared a net for my ste"s9 4y soul is bowed down9 They have dug a "it before me9 0nto the midst of it they themselves have fallen'Selah

Bhen 0 cry out to Cou# Then my enemies will turn bac19 This 0 1now# because (od is for me'

4y heart is steadfast# 3 (od# my heart is steadfast9 0 will sing and give "raise'

0n (od I0 will "raise 2is wordJ# 0n the )3+* I0 will "raise 2is wordJ#

Awa1e# my gloryH Awa1e# lute and har"H 0 will awa1en the dawn'

0n (od 0 have "ut my trust9 0 will not be afraid' Bhat can man do to meE

0 will "raise Cou# 3 )ord# among the "eo"les9 0 will sing to Cou among the nations'

Vows made to Cou are binding u"on me# 3 (od9 0 will render "raises to Cou#

For Cou have delivered my soul from death' 2ave Cou not 1e"t my feet from falling# That 0 may wal1 before (od 0n the light of the livingE

For Cour mercy reaches unto the heavens# And Cour truth unto the clouds'

Be e!alted# 3 (od# above the heavens9 )et Cour glory be above all the earth'

'"(L) ,.

'"(L) ,/

Be merciful to me# 3 (od# be merciful to meH For my soul trusts in Cou9 And in the shadow of Cour wings 0 will ma1e my refuge# Antil these calamities have "assed by'

*o you indeed s"ea1 righteousness# you silent onesE *o you $udge u"rightly# you sons of menE

0 will cry out to (od 4ost 2igh# To (od who "erforms all things for me'

No# in heart you wor1 wic1edness9 Cou weigh out the violence of your hands in the earth'

2e shall send from heaven and save me9 2e re"roaches the one who would swallow me u"'Selah (od shall send forth 2is mercy and 2is truth'

The wic1ed are estranged from the womb9 They go astray as soon as they are born# s"ea1ing lies'

4y soul is among lions9 0 lie among the sons of men Bho are set on fire# Bhose teeth are s"ears and arrows# And their tongue a shar" sword'

Their "oison is li1e the "oison of a ser"ent9 They are li1e the deaf cobra that sto"s its ear#

Bhich will not heed the voice of charmers# -harming ever so s1illfully'


Brea1 their teeth in their mouth# 3 (odH Brea1 out the fangs of the young lions# 3 )3+*H


At evening they return# They growl li1e a dog# And go all around the city'

)et them flow away as waters which run continually9 Bhen he bends his bow# )et his arrows be as if cut in "ieces'

0ndeed# they belch with their mouth9 Swords are in their li"s9 For they say# :Bho hearsE:

)et them be li1e a snail which melts away as it goes# )i1e a stillborn child of a woman# that they may not see the sun'

But Cou# 3 )3+*# shall laugh at them9 Cou shall have all the nations in derision'

0 will wait for Cou# 3 Cou his Strength9 For (od is my defense'

Before your "ots can feel the burning thorns# 2e shall ta1e them away as with a whirlwind# As in 2is living and burning wrath'

4y (od of mercy shall come to meet me9 (od shall let me see my desire on my enemies'

The righteous shall re$oice when he sees the vengeance9 2e shall wash his feet in the blood of the wic1ed#

*o not slay them# lest my "eo"le forget9 Scatter them by Cour "ower# And bring them down# 3 )ord our shield'

So that men will say# :Surely there is a reward for the righteous9 Surely 2e is (od who $udges in the earth':

For the sin of their mouth and the words of their li"s# )et them even be ta1en in their "ride# And for the cursing and lying which they s"ea1'

'"(L) ,0

*eliver me from my enemies# 3 my (od9 *efend me from those who rise u" against me'

-onsume them in wrath# consume them# That they may not be9 And let them 1now that (od rules in Jacob To the ends of the earth'Selah

*eliver me from the wor1ers of iniGuity# And save me from bloodthirsty men'

And at evening they return# They growl li1e a dog# And go all around the city'

For loo1# they lie in wait for my life9 The mighty gather against me# Not for my transgression nor for my sin# 3 )3+*'

They wander u" and down for food# And howl if they are not satisfied'

They run and "re"are themselves through no fault of mine' Awa1e to hel" me# and beholdH

But 0 will sing of Cour "ower9 Ces# 0 will sing aloud of Cour mercy in the morning9 For Cou have been my defense And refuge in the day of my trouble'

Cou therefore# 3 )3+* (od of hosts# the (od of 0srael# Awa1e to "unish all the nations9 *o not be merciful to any wic1ed transgressors'Selah

To Cou# 3 my Strength# 0 will sing "raises9 For (od is my defense# 4y (od of mercy'

'"(L) -1

'"(L) -!

3 (od# Cou have cast us off9 Cou have bro1en us down9 Cou have been dis"leased9 3h# restore us againH

2ear my cry# 3 (od9 Attend to my "rayer'


Cou have made the earth tremble9 Cou have bro1en it9 2eal its breaches# for it is sha1ing'

From the end of the earth 0 will cry to Cou# Bhen my heart is overwhelmed9 )ead me to the roc1 that is higher than 0'

Cou have shown Cour "eo"le hard things9 Cou have made us drin1 the wine of confusion'

For Cou have been a shelter for me# A strong tower from the enemy'

Cou have given a banner to those who fear Cou# That it may be dis"layed because of the truth'Selah

0 will abide in Cour tabernacle forever9 0 will trust in the shelter of Cour wings'Selah

That Cour beloved may be delivered# Save with Cour right hand# and hear me'

For Cou# 3 (od# have heard my vows9 Cou have given me the heritage of those who fear Cour name'

(od has s"o1en in 2is holiness7 :0 will re$oice9 0 will divide Shechem And measure out the Valley of Succoth'

Cou will "rolong the 1ingDs life# 2is years as many generations'

(ilead is 4ine# and 4anasseh is 4ine9 "hraim also is the helmet for 4y head9 Judah is 4y lawgiver'

2e shall abide before (od forever' 3h# "re"are mercy and truth# which may "reserve himH

4oab is 4y wash"ot9 3ver dom 0 will cast 4y shoe9 /hilistia# shout in trium"h because of 4e':

So 0 will sing "raise to Cour name forever# That 0 may daily "erform my vows'

'"(L) -#

Bho will bring me to the strong cityE Bho will lead me to domE

Truly my soul silently waits for (od9 From 2im comes my salvation'

0s it not Cou# 3 (od# who cast us offE And Cou# 3 (od# who did not go out with our armiesE

2e only is my roc1 and my salvation9 2e is my defense9 0 shall not be greatly moved'


(ive us hel" from trouble# For the hel" of man is useless'


Through (od we will do valiantly# For it is 2e who shall tread down our enemies'

2ow long will you attac1 a manE Cou shall be slain# all of you# )i1e a leaning wall and a tottering fence'

They only consult to cast him down from his high "osition9 They delight in

lies9 They bless with their mouth# But they curse inwardly'Selah

Thus 0 will bless Cou while 0 live9 0 will lift u" my hands in Cour name'

4y soul# wait silently for (od alone# For my e!"ectation is from 2im'

4y soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness# And my mouth shall "raise Cou with $oyful li"s'

2e only is my roc1 and my salvation9 2e is my defense9 0 shall not be moved'


Bhen 0 remember Cou on my bed# 0 meditate on Cou in the night watches'


0n (od is my salvation and my glory9 The roc1 of my strength# And my refuge# is in (od'

Because Cou have been my hel"# Therefore in the shadow of Cour wings 0 will re$oice'

Trust in 2im at all times# you "eo"le9 /our out your heart before 2im9 (od is a refuge for us'Selah

4y soul follows close behind Cou9 Cour right hand u"holds me'

Surely men of low degree are a va"or# 4en of high degree are a lie9 0f they are weighed on the scales# They are altogether lighter than va"or'

But those who see1 my life# to destroy it# Shall go into the lower "arts of the earth'

*o not trust in o""ression# Nor vainly ho"e in robbery9 0f riches increase# *o not set your heart on them'

They shall fall by the sword9 They shall be a "ortion for $ac1als'

(od has s"o1en once# Twice 0 have heard this7 That "ower belongs to (od'

But the 1ing shall re$oice in (od9 veryone who swears by 2im shall glory9 But the mouth of those who s"ea1 lies shall be sto""ed'

Also to Cou# 3 )ord# belongs mercy9 For Cou render to each one according to his wor1'

'"(L) -+

'"(L) -*

2ear my voice# 3 (od# in my meditation9 /reserve my life from fear of the enemy'

3 (od# Cou are my (od9 arly will 0 see1 Cou9 4y soul thirsts for Cou9 4y flesh longs for Cou 0n a dry and thirsty land Bhere there is no water'

2ide me from the secret "lots of the wic1ed# From the rebellion of the wor1ers of iniGuity#

So 0 have loo1ed for Cou in the sanctuary# To see Cour "ower and Cour glory'

Bho shar"en their tongue li1e a sword# And bend their bows to shoot their arrowsFFbitter words#

Because Cour loving1indness is better than life# 4y li"s shall "raise Cou'

That they may shoot in secret at the blameless9 Suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear'


They encourage themselves in an evil matter9 They tal1 of laying snares secretly9 They say# :Bho will see themE:


Bho established the mountains by 2is strength# Being clothed with "ower9

They devise iniGuities7 :Be have "erfected a shrewd scheme': Both the inward thought and the heart of man are dee"'

Cou who still the noise of the seas# The noise of their waves# And the tumult of the "eo"les'

But (od shall shoot at them with an arrow9 Suddenly they shall be wounded'

They also who dwell in the farthest "arts are afraid of Cour signs9 Cou ma1e the outgoings of the morning and evening re$oice'

So 2e will ma1e them stumble over their own tongue9 All who see them shall flee away'

Cou visit the earth and water it# Cou greatly enrich it9 The river of (od is full of water9 Cou "rovide their grain# For so Cou have "re"ared it'

All men shall fear# And shall declare the wor1 of (od9 For they shall wisely consider 2is doing'

Cou water its ridges abundantly# Cou settle its furrows9 Cou ma1e it soft with showers# Cou bless its growth'

The righteous shall be glad in the )3+*# and trust in 2im' And all the u"right in heart shall glory'

Cou crown the year with Cour goodness# And Cour "aths dri" with abundance'

'"(L) -,

/raise is awaiting Cou# 3 (od# in 5ion9 And to Cou the vow shall be "erformed'

They dro" on the "astures of the wilderness# And the little hills re$oice on every side'

3 Cou who hear "rayer# To Cou all flesh will come'


The "astures are clothed with floc1s9 The valleys also are covered with grain9 They shout for $oy# they also sing'

0niGuities "revail against me9 As for our transgressions# Cou will "rovide atonement for them'
1 ;

'"(L) -4a1e a $oyful shout to (od# all the earthH


Blessed is the man Cou choose# And cause to a""roach Cou# That he may dwell in Cour courts' Be shall be satisfied with the goodness of Cour house# 3f Cour holy tem"le'

Sing out the honor of 2is name9 4a1e 2is "raise glorious'

By awesome deeds in righteousness Cou will answer us# 3 (od of our salvation# Cou who are the confidence of all the ends of the earth# And of the farFoff seas9

Say to (od# :2ow awesome are Cour wor1sH Through the greatness of Cour "ower Cour enemies shall submit themselves to Cou'

All the earth shall worshi" Cou And sing "raises to Cou9 They shall sing "raises to Cour name':Selah


-ome and hear# all you who fear (od# And 0 will declare what 2e has done for my soul'

-ome and see the wor1s of (od9 2e is awesome in 2is doing toward the sons of men'

0 cried to 2im with my mouth# And 2e was e!tolled with my tongue'


2e turned the sea into dry land9 They went through the river on foot' There we will re$oice in 2im'

0f 0 regard iniGuity in my heart# The )ord will not hear'


But certainly (od has heard me9 2e has attended to the voice of my "rayer'

2e rules by 2is "ower forever9 2is eyes observe the nations9 *o not let the rebellious e!alt themselves'Selah

Blessed be (od# Bho has not turned away my "rayer# Nor 2is mercy from meH

3h# bless our (od# you "eo"lesH And ma1e the voice of 2is "raise to be heard#
1 ?

'"(L) -.
(od be merciful to us and bless us# And cause 2is face to shine u"on us#Selah

Bho 1ee"s our soul among the living# And does not allow our feet to be moved'

For Cou# 3 (od# have tested us9 Cou have refined us as silver is refined'

That Cour way may be 1nown on earth# Cour salvation among all nations'

Cou brought us into the net9 Cou laid affliction on our bac1s'

)et the "eo"les "raise Cou# 3 (od9 )et all the "eo"les "raise Cou'

Cou have caused men to ride over our heads9 Be went through fire and through water9 But Cou brought us out to rich fulfillment'

3h# let the nations be glad and sing for $oyH For Cou shall $udge the "eo"le righteously# And govern the nations on earth'Selah

0 will go into Cour house with burnt offerings9 0 will "ay Cou my vows#

)et the "eo"les "raise Cou# 3 (od9 )et all the "eo"les "raise Cou'

Bhich my li"s have uttered And my mouth has s"o1en when 0 was in trouble'

Then the earth shall yield her increase9 (od# our own (od# shall bless us'

0 will offer Cou burnt sacrifices of fat animals# Bith the sweet aroma of rams9 0 will offer bulls with goats'Selah

(od shall bless us# And all the ends of the earth shall fear 2im'

'"(L) -/

)et (od arise# )et 2is enemies be scattered9 )et those also who hate 2im flee before 2im'


:Kings of armies flee# they flee# And she who remains at home divides the s"oil'

As smo1e is driven away# So drive them away9 As wa! melts before the fire# So let the wic1ed "erish at the "resence of (od'

Though you lie down among the shee"folds# Cou will be li1e the wings of a dove covered with silver# And her feathers with yellow gold':

But let the righteous be glad9 )et them re$oice before (od9 Ces# let them re$oice e!ceedingly'

Bhen the Almighty scattered 1ings in it# 0t was white as snow in 5almon'

Sing to (od# sing "raises to 2is name9 !tol 2im who rides on the clouds# By 2is name CA2# And re$oice before 2im'

A mountain of (od is the mountain of Bashan9 A mountain of many "ea1s is the mountain of Bashan'

A father of the fatherless# a defender of widows# 0s (od in 2is holy habitation'


Bhy do you fume with envy# you mountains of many "ea1sE This is the mountain which (od desires to dwell in9 Ces# the )3+* will dwell in it forever'

(od sets the solitary in families9 2e brings out those who are bound into "ros"erity9 But the rebellious dwell in a dry land'

The chariots of (od are twenty thousand# ven thousands of thousands9 The )ord is among them as in Sinai# in the 2oly /lace'

3 (od# when Cou went out before Cour "eo"le# Bhen Cou marched through the wilderness#Selah

The earth shoo19 The heavens also dro""ed rain at the "resence of (od9 Sinai itself was moved at the "resence of (od# the (od of 0srael'

Cou have ascended on high# Cou have led ca"tivity ca"tive9 Cou have received gifts among men# ven from the rebellious# That the )3+* (od might dwell there'

Cou# 3 (od# sent a "lentiful rain# Bhereby Cou confirmed Cour inheritance# Bhen it was weary'

Blessed be the )ord# Bho daily loads us with benefits# The (od of our salvationHSelah

Cour congregation dwelt in it9 Cou# 3 (od# "rovided from Cour goodness for the "oor'

3ur (od is the (od of salvation9 And to (3* the )ord belong esca"es from death'

The )ord gave the word9 (reat was the com"any of those who "roclaimed it7

But (od will wound the head of 2is enemies# The hairy scal" of the one who still goes on in his tres"asses'

The )ord said# :0 will bring bac1 from Bashan# 0 will bring them bac1 from the de"ths of the sea#


That your foot may crush them in blood# And the tongues of your dogs may have their "ortion from your enemies':


Ascribe strength to (od9 2is e!cellence is over 0srael# And 2is strength is in the clouds'

They have seen Cour "rocession# 3 (od# The "rocession of my (od# my King# into the sanctuary'

3 (od# Cou are more awesome than Cour holy "laces' The (od of 0srael is 2e who gives strength and "ower to 2is "eo"le' Blessed be (odH

The singers went before# the "layers on instruments followed after9 Among them were the maidens "laying timbrels'

'"(L) -0

Bless (od in the congregations# The )ord# from the fountain of 0srael'

Save me# 3 (odH For the waters have come u" to my nec1'

There is little Ben$amin# their leader# The "rinces of Judah and their com"any# The "rinces of 5ebulun and the "rinces of Na"htali'

0 sin1 in dee" mire# Bhere there is no standing9 0 have come into dee" waters# Bhere the floods overflow me'

0 am weary with my crying9 4y throat is dry9 4y eyes fail while 0 wait for my (od'

Cour (od has commanded your strength9 Strengthen# 3 (od# what Cou have done for us'

Because of Cour tem"le at Jerusalem# Kings will bring "resents to Cou'


Those who hate me without a cause Are more than the hairs of my head9 They are mighty who would destroy me# Being my enemies wrongfully9 Though 0 have stolen nothing# 0 still must restore it'

+ebu1e the beasts of the reeds# The herd of bulls with the calves of the "eo"les# Till everyone submits himself with "ieces of silver' Scatter the "eo"les who delight in war'

3 (od# Cou 1now my foolishness9 And my sins are not hidden from Cou'

nvoys will come out of gy"t9 thio"ia will Guic1ly stretch out her hands to (od'

)et not those who wait for Cou# 3 )ord (3* of hosts# be ashamed because of me9 )et not those who see1 Cou be confounded because of me# 3 (od of 0srael'

Sing to (od# you 1ingdoms of the earth9 3h# sing "raises to the )ord#Selah

Because for Cour sa1e 0 have borne re"roach9 Shame has covered my face'

To 2im who rides on the heaven of heavens# which were of oldH 0ndeed# 2e sends out 2is voice# a mighty voice'

0 have become a stranger to my brothers# And an alien to my motherDs children9


Because .eal for Cour house has eaten me u"# And the re"roaches of those who re"roach Cou have fallen on me'


Bhen 0 we"t and chastened my soul with fasting# That became my re"roach'


They also gave me gall for my food# And for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drin1'

0 also made sac1cloth my garment9 0 became a byword to them'


)et their table become a snare before them# And their wellFbeing a tra"'

Those who sit in the gate s"ea1 against me# And 0 am the song of the drun1ards'

)et their eyes be dar1ened# so that they do not see9 And ma1e their loins sha1e continually'

But as for me# my "rayer is to Cou# 3 )3+*# in the acce"table time9 3 (od# in the multitude of Cour mercy# 2ear me in the truth of Cour salvation'

/our out Cour indignation u"on them# And let Cour wrathful anger ta1e hold of them'

*eliver me out of the mire# And let me not sin19 )et me be delivered from those who hate me# And out of the dee" waters'

)et their dwelling "lace be desolate9 )et no one live in their tents'

)et not the floodwater overflow me# Nor let the dee" swallow me u"9 And let not the "it shut its mouth on me'

For they "ersecute the ones Cou have struc1# And tal1 of the grief of those Cou have wounded'

Add iniGuity to their iniGuity# And let them not come into Cour righteousness'

2ear me# 3 )3+*# for Cour loving1indness is good9 Turn to me according to the multitude of Cour tender mercies'

)et them be blotted out of the boo1 of the living# And not be written with the righteous'

And do not hide Cour face from Cour servant# For 0 am in trouble9 2ear me s"eedily'

But 0 am "oor and sorrowful9 )et Cour salvation# 3 (od# set me u" on high'

*raw near to my soul# and redeem it9 *eliver me because of my enemies'


0 will "raise the name of (od with a song# And will magnify 2im with than1sgiving'

Cou 1now my re"roach# my shame# and my dishonor9 4y adversaries are all before Cou'

This also shall "lease the )3+* better than an o! or bull# Bhich has horns and hooves'

+e"roach has bro1en my heart# And 0 am full of heaviness9 0 loo1ed for someone to ta1e "ity# but there was none9 And for comforters# but 0 found none'

The humble shall see this and be glad9 And you who see1 (od# your hearts shall live'

For the )3+* hears the "oor# And does not des"ise 2is "risoners'


)et heaven and earth "raise 2im# The seas and everything that moves in them'

*eliver me# 3 my (od# out of the hand of the wic1ed# 3ut of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man'

For (od will save 5ion And build the cities of Judah# That they may dwell there and "ossess it'

For Cou are my ho"e# 3 )ord (3*9 Cou are my trust from my youth'

Also# the descendants of 2is servants shall inherit it# And those who love 2is name shall dwell in it'

By Cou 0 have been u"held from birth9 Cou are 2e who too1 me out of my motherDs womb' 4y "raise shall be continually of Cou'

'"(L) .1

4a1e haste# 3 (od# to deliver meH 4a1e haste to hel" me# 3 )3+*H

0 have become as a wonder to many# But Cou are my strong refuge'


)et them be ashamed and confounded Bho see1 my life9 )et them be turned bac1 and confused Bho desire my hurt'

)et my mouth be filled with Cour "raise And with Cour glory all the day'

)et them be turned bac1 because of their shame# Bho say# :Aha# ahaH:

*o not cast me off in the time of old age9 *o not forsa1e me when my strength fails'

)et all those who see1 Cou re$oice and be glad in Cou9 And let those who love Cour salvation say continually# :)et (od be magnifiedH:

For my enemies s"ea1 against me9 And those who lie in wait for my life ta1e counsel together#

But 0 am "oor and needy9 4a1e haste to me# 3 (odH Cou are my hel" and my deliverer9 3 )3+*# do not delay'

Saying# :(od has forsa1en him9 /ursue and ta1e him# for there is none to deliver him':

3 (od# do not be far from me9 3 my (od# ma1e haste to hel" meH

'"(L) .!

0n Cou# 3 )3+*# 0 "ut my trust9 )et me never be "ut to shame'


)et them be confounded and consumed Bho are adversaries of my life9 )et them be covered with re"roach and dishonor Bho see1 my hurt'

*eliver me in Cour righteousness# and cause me to esca"e9 0ncline Cour ear to me# and save me'

But 0 will ho"e continually# And will "raise Cou yet more and more'

Be my strong refuge# To which 0 may resort continually9 Cou have given the commandment to save me# For Cou are my roc1 and my fortress'

4y mouth shall tell of Cour righteousness And Cour salvation all the day# For 0 do not 1now their limits'


0 will go in the strength of the )ord (3*9 0 will ma1e mention of Cour righteousness# of Cours only'

2e will $udge Cour "eo"le with righteousness# And Cour "oor with $ustice'

3 (od# Cou have taught me from my youth9 And to this day 0 declare Cour wondrous wor1s'

The mountains will bring "eace to the "eo"le# And the little hills# by righteousness'

Now also when 0 am old and grayheaded# 3 (od# do not forsa1e me# Antil 0 declare Cour strength to this generation# Cour "ower to everyone who is to come'

2e will bring $ustice to the "oor of the "eo"le9 2e will save the children of the needy# And will brea1 in "ieces the o""ressor'

Also Cour righteousness# 3 (od# is very high# Cou who have done great things9 3 (od# who is li1e CouE

They shall fear Cou As long as the sun and moon endure# Throughout all generations'

Cou# who have shown me great and severe troubles# Shall revive me again# And bring me u" again from the de"ths of the earth'

2e shall come down li1e rain u"on the grass before mowing# )i1e showers that water the earth'

Cou shall increase my greatness# And comfort me on every side'


0n 2is days the righteous shall flourish# And abundance of "eace# Antil the moon is no more'

Also with the lute 0 will "raise CouFF And Cour faithfulness# 3 my (odH To Cou 0 will sing with the har"# 3 2oly 3ne of 0srael'

2e shall have dominion also from sea to sea# And from the +iver to the ends of the earth'

4y li"s shall greatly re$oice when 0 sing to Cou# And my soul# which Cou have redeemed'

Those who dwell in the wilderness will bow before 2im# And 2is enemies will lic1 the dust'

4y tongue also shall tal1 of Cour righteousness all the day long9 For they are confounded# For they are brought to shame Bho see1 my hurt'

The 1ings of Tarshish and of the isles Bill bring "resents9 The 1ings of Sheba and Seba Bill offer gifts'

Ces# all 1ings shall fall down before 2im9 All nations shall serve 2im'

'"(L) .#

(ive the 1ing Cour $udgments# 3 (od# And Cour righteousness to the 1ingDs Son'

For 2e will deliver the needy when he cries# The "oor also# and him who has no hel"er'

2e will s"are the "oor and needy# And will save the souls of the needy'


2e will redeem their life from o""ression and violence9 And "recious shall be their blood in 2is sight'


Therefore "ride serves as their nec1lace9 Violence covers them li1e a garment'

And 2e shall live9 And the gold of Sheba will be given to 2im9 /rayer also will be made for 2im continually# And daily 2e shall be "raised'

Their eyes bulge with abundance9 They have more than heart could wish'

There will be an abundance of grain in the earth# 3n the to" of the mountains9 0ts fruit shall wave li1e )ebanon9 And those of the city shall flourish li1e grass of the earth'

They scoff and s"ea1 wic1edly concerning o""ression9 They s"ea1 loftily'

They set their mouth against the heavens# And their tongue wal1s through the earth'

2is name shall endure forever9 2is name shall continue as long as the sun' And men shall be blessed in 2im9 All nations shall call 2im blessed'

Therefore his "eo"le return here# And waters of a full cu" are drained by them'

Blessed be the )3+* (od# the (od of 0srael# Bho only does wondrous thingsH

And they say# :2ow does (od 1nowE And is there 1nowledge in the 4ost 2ighE:

And blessed be 2is glorious name foreverH And let the whole earth be filled with 2is glory' Amen and Amen'

Behold# these are the ungodly# Bho are always at ease9 They increase in riches'

The "rayers of *avid the son of Jesse are ended'

Surely 0 have cleansed my heart in vain# And washed my hands in innocence'


'"(L) .*

For all day long 0 have been "lagued# And chastened every morning'

Truly (od is good to 0srael# To such as are "ure in heart'


But as for me# my feet had almost stumbled9 4y ste"s had nearly sli""ed'

0f 0 had said# :0 will s"ea1 thus#: Behold# 0 would have been untrue to the generation of Cour children'

For 0 was envious of the boastful# Bhen 0 saw the "ros"erity of the wic1ed'

Bhen 0 thought how to understand this# 0t was too "ainful for meFF

For there are no "angs in their death# But their strength is firm'

Antil 0 went into the sanctuary of (od9 Then 0 understood their end'

They are not in trouble as other men# Nor are they "lagued li1e other men'

Surely Cou set them in sli""ery "laces9 Cou cast them down to destruction'


3h# how they are brought to desolation# as in a momentH They are utterly consumed with terrors'

)ift u" Cour feet to the "er"etual desolations' The enemy has damaged everything in the sanctuary'

As a dream when one awa1es# So# )ord# when Cou awa1e# Cou shall des"ise their image'

Cour enemies roar in the midst of Cour meeting "lace9 They set u" their banners for signs'

Thus my heart was grieved# And 0 was ve!ed in my mind'


They seem li1e men who lift u" A!es among the thic1 trees'

0 was so foolish and ignorant9 0 was li1e a beast before Cou'


And now they brea1 down its carved wor1# all at once# Bith a!es and hammers'

Nevertheless 0 am continually with Cou9 Cou hold me by my right hand'


Cou will guide me with Cour counsel# And afterward receive me to glory'

They have set fire to Cour sanctuary9 They have defiled the dwelling "lace of Cour name to the ground'

Bhom have 0 in heaven but CouE And there is none u"on earth that 0 desire besides Cou'

They said in their hearts# :)et us destroy them altogether': They have burned u" all the meeting "laces of (od in the land'

4y flesh and my heart fail9 But (od is the strength of my heart and my "ortion forever'

Be do not see our signs9 There is no longer any "ro"het9 Nor is there any among us who 1nows how long'

For indeed# those who are far from Cou shall "erish9 Cou have destroyed all those who desert Cou for harlotry'

3 (od# how long will the adversary re"roachE Bill the enemy blas"heme Cour name foreverE

But it is good for me to draw near to (od9 0 have "ut my trust in the )ord (3*# That 0 may declare all Cour wor1s'

Bhy do Cou withdraw Cour hand# even Cour right handE Ta1e it out of Cour bosom and destroy them'

'"(L) .+

3 (od# why have Cou cast us off foreverE Bhy does Cour anger smo1e against the shee" of Cour "astureE

For (od is my King from of old# Bor1ing salvation in the midst of the earth'

+emember Cour congregation# which Cou have "urchased of old# The tribe of Cour inheritance# which Cou have redeemedFF This 4ount 5ion where Cou have dwelt'

Cou divided the sea by Cour strength9 Cou bro1e the heads of the sea ser"ents in the waters'

Cou bro1e the heads of )eviathan in "ieces# And gave him as food to the "eo"le inhabiting the wilderness'


Cou bro1e o"en the fountain and the flood9 Cou dried u" mighty rivers'

:0 said to the boastful# :*o not deal boastfully#D And to the wic1ed# :*o not lift u" the horn'

The day is Cours# the night also is Cours9 Cou have "re"ared the light and the sun'

*o not lift u" your horn on high9 *o not s"ea1 with a stiff nec1':D

Cou have set all the borders of the earth9 Cou have made summer and winter'

For e!altation comes neither from the east Nor from the west nor from the south'

+emember this# that the enemy has re"roached# 3 )3+*# And that a foolish "eo"le has blas"hemed Cour name'

But (od is the Judge7 2e "uts down one# And e!alts another'

3h# do not deliver the life of Cour turtledove to the wild beastH *o not forget the life of Cour "oor forever'

For in the hand of the )3+* there is a cu"# And the wine is red9 0t is fully mi!ed# and 2e "ours it out9 Surely its dregs shall all the wic1ed of the earth *rain and drin1 down'

2ave res"ect to the covenant9 For the dar1 "laces of the earth are full of the haunts of cruelty'

But 0 will declare forever# 0 will sing "raises to the (od of Jacob'

3h# do not let the o""ressed return ashamedH )et the "oor and needy "raise Cour name'

:All the horns of the wic1ed 0 will also cut off# But the horns of the righteous shall be e!alted':

Arise# 3 (od# "lead Cour own cause9 +emember how the foolish man re"roaches Cou daily'

'"(L) .1

*o not forget the voice of Cour enemies9 The tumult of those who rise u" against Cou increases continually'

0n Judah (od is 1nown9 2is name is great in 0srael'


0n Salem also is 2is tabernacle# And 2is dwelling "lace in 5ion'


'"(L) .,

There 2e bro1e the arrows of the bow# The shield and sword of battle'Selah

Be give than1s to Cou# 3 (od# we give than1sH For Cour wondrous wor1s declare that Cour name is near'

Cou are more glorious and e!cellent Than the mountains of "rey'

:Bhen 0 choose the "ro"er time# 0 will $udge u"rightly'


The earth and all its inhabitants are dissolved9 0 set u" its "illars firmly'Selah

The stouthearted were "lundered9 They have sun1 into their slee"9 And none of the mighty men have found the use of their hands'


At Cour rebu1e# 3 (od of Jacob# Both the chariot and horse were cast into a dead slee"'


0 call to remembrance my song in the night9 0 meditate within my heart# And my s"irit ma1es diligent search'

Cou# Courself# are to be feared9 And who may stand in Cour "resence Bhen once Cou are angryE

Bill the )ord cast off foreverE And will 2e be favorable no moreE

Cou caused $udgment to be heard from heaven9 The earth feared and was still#

2as 2is mercy ceased foreverE 2as 2is "romise failed forevermoreE

Bhen (od arose to $udgment# To deliver all the o""ressed of the earth'Selah

2as (od forgotten to be graciousE 2as 2e in anger shut u" 2is tender merciesE Selah

Surely the wrath of man shall "raise Cou9 Bith the remainder of wrath Cou shall gird Courself'

And 0 said# :This is my anguish9 But 0 will remember the years of the right hand of the 4ost 2igh':

4a1e vows to the )3+* your (od# and "ay them9 )et all who are around 2im bring "resents to 2im who ought to be feared'

0 will remember the wor1s of the )3+*9 Surely 0 will remember Cour wonders of old'

0 will also meditate on all Cour wor1# And tal1 of Cour deeds'

2e shall cut off the s"irit of "rinces9 2e is awesome to the 1ings of the earth'

Cour way# 3 (od# is in the sanctuary9 Bho is so great a (od as our (odE

'"(L) ..

0 cried out to (od with my voiceFF To (od with my voice9 And 2e gave ear to me'

Cou are the (od who does wonders9 Cou have declared Cour strength among the "eo"les'

0n the day of my trouble 0 sought the )ord9 4y hand was stretched out in the night without ceasing9 4y soul refused to be comforted'

Cou have with Cour arm redeemed Cour "eo"le# The sons of Jacob and Jose"h'Selah

0 remembered (od# and was troubled9 0 com"lained# and my s"irit was overwhelmed'Selah

The waters saw Cou# 3 (od9 The waters saw Cou# they were afraid9 The de"ths also trembled'

Cou hold my eyelids o"en9 0 am so troubled that 0 cannot s"ea1'


The clouds "oured out water9 The s1ies sent out a sound9 Cour arrows also flashed about'

0 have considered the days of old# The years of ancient times'

The voice of Cour thunder was in the whirlwind9 The lightnings lit u" the world9 The earth trembled and shoo1'


Cour way was in the sea# Cour "ath in the great waters# And Cour footste"s were not 1nown'

The children of "hraim# being armed and carrying bows# Turned bac1 in the day of battle'

Cou led Cour "eo"le li1e a floc1 By the hand of 4oses and Aaron'

They did not 1ee" the covenant of (od9 They refused to wal1 in 2is law#

'"(L) ./

And forgot 2is wor1s And 2is wonders that 2e had shown them'

(ive ear# 3 my "eo"le# to my law9 0ncline your ears to the words of my mouth'

4arvelous things 2e did in the sight of their fathers# 0n the land of gy"t# in the field of 5oan'

0 will o"en my mouth in a "arable9 0 will utter dar1 sayings of old#


Bhich we have heard and 1nown# And our fathers have told us'

2e divided the sea and caused them to "ass through9 And 2e made the waters stand u" li1e a hea"'

Be will not hide them from their children# Telling to the generation to come the "raises of the )3+*# And 2is strength and 2is wonderful wor1s that 2e has done'

0n the daytime also 2e led them with the cloud# And all the night with a light of fire'

2e s"lit the roc1s in the wilderness# And gave them drin1 in abundance li1e the de"ths'

For 2e established a testimony in Jacob# And a""ointed a law in 0srael# Bhich 2e commanded our fathers# That they should ma1e them 1nown to their children9

2e also brought streams out of the roc1# And caused waters to run down li1e rivers'

That the generation to come might 1now them# The children who would be born# That they may arise and declare them to their children#

But they sinned even more against 2im By rebelling against the 4ost 2igh in the wilderness'

And they tested (od in their heart By as1ing for the food of their fancy'

That they may set their ho"e in (od# And not forget the wor1s of (od# But 1ee" 2is commandments9

Ces# they s"o1e against (od7 They said# :-an (od "re"are a table in the wildernessE

And may not be li1e their fathers# A stubborn and rebellious generation# A generation that did not set its heart aright# And whose s"irit was not faithful to (od'

Behold# 2e struc1 the roc1# So that the waters gushed out# And the streams overflowed' -an 2e give bread alsoE -an 2e "rovide meat for 2is "eo"leE


Therefore the )3+* heard this and was furious9 So a fire was 1indled against Jacob# And anger also came u" against 0srael#


Bhen 2e slew them# then they sought 2im9 And they returned and sought earnestly for (od'

Because they did not believe in (od# And did not trust in 2is salvation'

Then they remembered that (od was their roc1# And the 4ost 2igh (od their +edeemer'

Cet 2e had commanded the clouds above# And o"ened the doors of heaven#

Nevertheless they flattered 2im with their mouth# And they lied to 2im with their tongue9

2ad rained down manna on them to eat# And given them of the bread of heaven'

For their heart was not steadfast with 2im# Nor were they faithful in 2is covenant'

4en ate angelsD food9 2e sent them food to the full'


2e caused an east wind to blow in the heavens9 And by 2is "ower 2e brought in the south wind'

But 2e# being full of com"assion# forgave their iniGuity# And did not destroy them' Ces# many a time 2e turned 2is anger away# And did not stir u" all 2is wrath9

2e also rained meat on them li1e the dust# Feathered fowl li1e the sand of the seas9

For 2e remembered that they were but flesh# A breath that "asses away and does not come again'

And 2e let them fall in the midst of their cam"# All around their dwellings'

2ow often they "rovo1ed 2im in the wilderness# And grieved 2im in the desertH

So they ate and were well filled# For 2e gave them their own desire'

Ces# again and again they tem"ted (od# And limited the 2oly 3ne of 0srael'

They were not de"rived of their craving9 But while their food was still in their mouths#

They did not remember 2is "ower7 The day when 2e redeemed them from the enemy#

The wrath of (od came against them# And slew the stoutest of them# And struc1 down the choice men of 0srael'

Bhen 2e wor1ed 2is signs in gy"t# And 2is wonders in the field of 5oan9

0n s"ite of this they still sinned# And did not believe in 2is wondrous wor1s'

Turned their rivers into blood# And their streams# that they could not drin1'

Therefore their days 2e consumed in futility# And their years in fear'

2e sent swarms of flies among them# which devoured them# And frogs# which destroyed them'


2e also gave their cro"s to the cater"illar# And their labor to the locust'


For they "rovo1ed 2im to anger with their high "laces# And moved 2im to $ealousy with their carved images'

2e destroyed their vines with hail# And their sycamore trees with frost'

Bhen (od heard this# 2e was furious# And greatly abhorred 0srael#

2e also gave u" their cattle to the hail# And their floc1s to fiery lightning'

2e cast on them the fierceness of 2is anger# Brath# indignation# and trouble# By sending angels of destruction among them'

So that 2e forsoo1 the tabernacle of Shiloh# The tent 2e had "laced among men#

And delivered 2is strength into ca"tivity# And 2is glory into the enemyDs hand'

2e made a "ath for 2is anger9 2e did not s"are their soul from death# But gave their life over to the "lague#

2e also gave 2is "eo"le over to the sword# And was furious with 2is inheritance'

And destroyed all the firstborn in gy"t# The first of their strength in the tents of 2am'

The fire consumed their young men# And their maidens were not given in marriage'

But 2e made 2is own "eo"le go forth li1e shee"# And guided them in the wilderness li1e a floc19

Their "riests fell by the sword# And their widows made no lamentation'

And 2e led them on safely# so that they did not fear9 But the sea overwhelmed their enemies'

Then the )ord awo1e as from slee"# )i1e a mighty man who shouts because of wine'

And 2e brought them to 2is holy border# This mountain which 2is right hand had acGuired'

And 2e beat bac1 2is enemies9 2e "ut them to a "er"etual re"roach'


2e also drove out the nations before them# Allotted them an inheritance by survey# And made the tribes of 0srael dwell in their tents'

4oreover 2e re$ected the tent of Jose"h# And did not choose the tribe of "hraim#

But chose the tribe of Judah# 4ount 5ion which 2e loved'


Cet they tested and "rovo1ed the 4ost 2igh (od# And did not 1ee" 2is testimonies#

And 2e built 2is sanctuary li1e the heights# )i1e the earth which 2e has established forever'

But turned bac1 and acted unfaithfully li1e their fathers9 They were turned aside li1e a deceitful bow'

2e also chose *avid 2is servant# And too1 him from the shee"folds9


From following the ewes that had young 2e brought him# To she"herd Jacob 2is "eo"le# And 0srael 2is inheritance'

"rovide atonement for our sins# For Cour nameDs sa1eH


So he she"herded them according to the integrity of his heart# And guided them by the s1illfulness of his hands'

Bhy should the nations say# :Bhere is their (odE: )et there be 1nown among the nations in our sight The avenging of the blood of Cour servants which has been shed'

'"(L) .0

3 (od# the nations have come into Cour inheritance9 Cour holy tem"le they have defiled9 They have laid Jerusalem in hea"s'

)et the groaning of the "risoner come before Cou9 According to the greatness of Cour "ower /reserve those who are a""ointed to die9

The dead bodies of Cour servants They have given as food for the birds of the heavens# The flesh of Cour saints to the beasts of the earth'

And return to our neighbors sevenfold into their bosom Their re"roach with which they have re"roached Cou# 3 )ord'

Their blood they have shed li1e water all around Jerusalem# And there was no one to bury them'

So we# Cour "eo"le and shee" of Cour "asture# Bill give Cou than1s forever9 Be will show forth Cour "raise to all generations'

'"(L) /1

Be have become a re"roach to our neighbors# A scorn and derision to those who are around us'

(ive ear# 3 She"herd of 0srael# Cou who lead Jose"h li1e a floc19 Cou who dwell between the cherubim# shine forthH

2ow long# )3+*E Bill Cou be angry foreverE Bill Cour $ealousy burn li1e fireE

Before "hraim# Ben$amin# and 4anasseh# Stir u" Cour strength# And come and save usH

/our out Cour wrath on the nations that do not 1now Cou# And on the 1ingdoms that do not call on Cour name'

+estore us# 3 (od9 -ause Cour face to shine# And we shall be savedH

For they have devoured Jacob# And laid waste his dwelling "lace'

3 )3+* (od of hosts# 2ow long will Cou be angry Against the "rayer of Cour "eo"leE

3h# do not remember former iniGuities against usH )et Cour tender mercies come s"eedily to meet us# For we have been brought very low'

Cou have fed them with the bread of tears# And given them tears to drin1 in great measure'

2el" us# 3 (od of our salvation# For the glory of Cour name9 And deliver us# and


Cou have made us a strife to our neighbors# And our enemies laugh among themselves'


+estore us# 3 )3+* (od of hosts9 -ause Cour face to shine# And we shall be savedH

+estore us# 3 (od of hosts9 -ause Cour face to shine# And we shall be savedH

'"(L) /!

Cou have brought a vine out of gy"t9 Cou have cast out the nations# and "lanted it'

Sing aloud to (od our strength9 4a1e a $oyful shout to the (od of Jacob'

+aise a song and stri1e the timbrel# The "leasant har" with the lute'

Cou "re"ared room for it# And caused it to ta1e dee" root# And it filled the land'

The hills were covered with its shadow# And the mighty cedars with its boughs'

Blow the trum"et at the time of the New 4oon# At the full moon# on our solemn feast day'

She sent out her boughs to the Sea# And her branches to the +iver'

For this is a statute for 0srael# A law of the (od of Jacob'


Bhy have Cou bro1en down her hedges# So that all who "ass by the way "luc1 her fruitE

This 2e established in Jose"h as a testimony# Bhen 2e went throughout the land of gy"t# Bhere 0 heard a language 0 did not understand'

The boar out of the woods u"roots it# And the wild beast of the field devours it'

:0 removed his shoulder from the burden9 2is hands were freed from the bas1ets'

+eturn# we beseech Cou# 3 (od of hosts9 )oo1 down from heaven and see# And visit this vine

Cou called in trouble# and 0 delivered you9 0 answered you in the secret "lace of thunder9 0 tested you at the waters of 4eribah'Selah

And the vineyard which Cour right hand has "lanted# And the branch that Cou made strong for Courself'

:2ear# 3 4y "eo"le# and 0 will admonish youH 3 0srael# if you will listen to 4eH

0t is burned with fire# it is cut down9 They "erish at the rebu1e of Cour countenance'

There shall be no foreign god among you9 Nor shall you worshi" any foreign god'

)et Cour hand be u"on the man of Cour right hand# A"on the son of man whom Cou made strong for Courself'

0 am the )3+* your (od# Bho brought you out of the land of gy"t9 3"en your mouth wide# and 0 will fill it'

Then we will not turn bac1 from Cou9 +evive us# and we will call u"on Cour name'


:But 4y "eo"le would not heed 4y voice# And 0srael would have none of 4e'


Arise# 3 (od# $udge the earth9 For Cou shall inherit all nations'

So 0 gave them over to their own stubborn heart# To wal1 in their own counsels'

'"(L) /*

*o not 1ee" silent# 3 (odH *o not hold Cour "eace# And do not be still# 3 (odH

:3h# that 4y "eo"le would listen to 4e# That 0srael would wal1 in 4y waysH

0 would soon subdue their enemies# And turn 4y hand against their adversaries'

For behold# Cour enemies ma1e a tumult9 And those who hate Cou have lifted u" their head'

The haters of the )3+* would "retend submission to 2im# But their fate would endure forever'

They have ta1en crafty counsel against Cour "eo"le# And consulted together against Cour sheltered ones'

2e would have fed them also with the finest of wheat9 And with honey from the roc1 0 would have satisfied you':

They have said# :-ome# and let us cut them off from being a nation# That the name of 0srael may be remembered no more':

'"(L) /#

For they have consulted together with one consent9 They form a confederacy against Cou7

(od stands in the congregation of the mighty9 2e $udges among the gods'

The tents of dom and the 0shmaelites9 4oab and the 2agrites9

2ow long will you $udge un$ustly# And show "artiality to the wic1edESelah

(ebal# Ammon# and Amale19 /hilistia with the inhabitants of Tyre9


*efend the "oor and fatherless9 *o $ustice to the afflicted and needy'

Assyria also has $oined with them9 They have hel"ed the children of )ot'Selah

*eliver the "oor and needy9 Free them from the hand of the wic1ed'

*eal with them as with 4idian# As with Sisera# As with Jabin at the Broo1 Kishon#

They do not 1now# nor do they understand9 They wal1 about in dar1ness9 All the foundations of the earth are unstable'

Bho "erished at n *or# Bho became as refuse on the earth'


0 said# :Cou are gods# And all of you are children of the 4ost 2igh'

4a1e their nobles li1e 3reb and li1e 5eeb# Ces# all their "rinces li1e 5ebah and 5almunna#

But you shall die li1e men# And fall li1e one of the "rinces':

Bho said# :)et us ta1e for ourselves The "astures of (od for a "ossession':


3 my (od# ma1e them li1e the whirling dust# )i1e the chaff before the windH

They go from strength to strength9 ach one a""ears before (od in 5ion'

As the fire burns the woods# And as the flame sets the mountains on fire#

3 )3+* (od of hosts# hear my "rayer9 (ive ear# 3 (od of JacobHSelah


So "ursue them with Cour tem"est# And frighten them with Cour storm'

3 (od# behold our shield# And loo1 u"on the face of Cour anointed'

Fill their faces with shame# That they may see1 Cour name# 3 )3+*'

)et them be confounded and dismayed forever9 Ces# let them be "ut to shame and "erish#

For a day in Cour courts is better than a thousand' 0 would rather be a door1ee"er in the house of my (od Than dwell in the tents of wic1edness'

That they may 1now that Cou# whose name alone is the )3+*# Are the 4ost 2igh over all the earth'

For the )3+* (od is a sun and shield9 The )3+* will give grace and glory9 No good thing will 2e withhold From those who wal1 u"rightly'

'"(L) /+

3 )3+* of hosts# Blessed is the man who trusts in CouH

2ow lovely is Cour tabernacle# 3 )3+* of hostsH

1 ,

'"(L) /,
)3+*# Cou have been favorable to Cour land9 Cou have brought bac1 the ca"tivity of Jacob'

4y soul longs# yes# even faints For the courts of the )3+*9 4y heart and my flesh cry out for the living (od'

ven the s"arrow has found a home# And the swallow a nest for herself# Bhere she may lay her youngFF ven Cour altars# 3 )3+* of hosts# 4y King and my (od'

Cou have forgiven the iniGuity of Cour "eo"le9 Cou have covered all their sin'Selah

Cou have ta1en away all Cour wrath9 Cou have turned from the fierceness of Cour anger'

Blessed are those who dwell in Cour house9 They will still be "raising Cou'Selah

+estore us# 3 (od of our salvation# And cause Cour anger toward us to cease'

Blessed is the man whose strength is in Cou# Bhose heart is set on "ilgrimage'

As they "ass through the Valley of Baca# They ma1e it a s"ring9 The rain also covers it with "ools'

Bill Cou be angry with us foreverE Bill Cou "rolong Cour anger to all generationsE

Bill Cou not revive us again# That Cour "eo"le may re$oice in CouE

Show us Cour mercy# )3+*# And grant us Cour salvation'


0n the day of my trouble 0 will call u"on Cou# For Cou will answer me'

0 will hear what (od the )3+* will s"ea1# For 2e will s"ea1 "eace To 2is "eo"le and to 2is saints9 But let them not turn bac1 to folly'

Among the gods there is none li1e Cou# 3 )ord9 Nor are there any wor1s li1e Cour wor1s'

Surely 2is salvation is near to those who fear 2im# That glory may dwell in our land'

All nations whom Cou have made Shall come and worshi" before Cou# 3 )ord# And shall glorify Cour name'

4ercy and truth have met together9 +ighteousness and "eace have 1issed'

For Cou are great# and do wondrous things9 Cou alone are (od'

Truth shall s"ring out of the earth# And righteousness shall loo1 down from heaven'

Teach me Cour way# 3 )3+*9 0 will wal1 in Cour truth9 Anite my heart to fear Cour name'

Ces# the )3+* will give what is good9 And our land will yield its increase'

0 will "raise Cou# 3 )ord my (od# with all my heart# And 0 will glorify Cour name forevermore'

+ighteousness will go before 2im# And shall ma1e 2is footste"s our "athway'

For great is Cour mercy toward me# And Cou have delivered my soul from the de"ths of Sheol'

'"(L) /1

Bow down Cour ear# 3 )3+*# hear me9 For 0 am "oor and needy'

3 (od# the "roud have risen against me# And a mob of violent men have sought my life# And have not set Cou before them'

/reserve my life# for 0 am holy9 Cou are my (od9 Save Cour servant who trusts in CouH

Be merciful to me# 3 )ord# For 0 cry to Cou all day long'


But Cou# 3 )ord# are a (od full of com"assion# and gracious# )ongsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth'

+e$oice the soul of Cour servant# For to Cou# 3 )ord# 0 lift u" my soul'

3h# turn to me# and have mercy on meH (ive Cour strength to Cour servant# And save the son of Cour maidservant'

For Cou# )ord# are good# and ready to forgive# And abundant in mercy to all those who call u"on Cou'

Show me a sign for good# That those who hate me may see it and be ashamed# Because Cou# )3+*# have hel"ed me and comforted me'

(ive ear# 3 )3+*# to my "rayer9 And attend to the voice of my su""lications'

'"(L) /.

2is foundation is in the holy mountains'

The )3+* loves the gates of 5ion 4ore than all the dwellings of Jacob'

Cour wrath lies heavy u"on me# And Cou have afflicted me with all Cour waves'Selah

(lorious things are s"o1en of you# 3 city of (odHSelah


Cou have "ut away my acGuaintances far from me9 Cou have made me an abomination to them9 0 am shut u"# and 0 cannot get out9

:0 will ma1e mention of +ahab and Babylon to those who 1now 4e9 Behold# 3 /hilistia and Tyre# with thio"ia7 :This one was born there'D

4y eye wastes away because of affliction' )3+*# 0 have called daily u"on Cou9 0 have stretched out my hands to Cou'

And of 5ion it will be said# :This one and that one were born in her9 And the 4ost 2igh 2imself shall establish her':

Bill Cou wor1 wonders for the deadE Shall the dead arise and "raise CouE Selah

The )3+* will record# Bhen 2e registers the "eo"les7 :This one was born there':Selah

Shall Cour loving1indness be declared in the graveE 3r Cour faithfulness in the "lace of destructionE

Both the singers and the "layers on instruments say# :All my s"rings are in you':

Shall Cour wonders be 1nown in the dar1E And Cour righteousness in the land of forgetfulnessE

'"(L) //

3 )3+*# (od of my salvation# 0 have cried out day and night before Cou'

But to Cou 0 have cried out# 3 )3+*# And in the morning my "rayer comes before Cou'

)et my "rayer come before Cou9 0ncline Cour ear to my cry'


)3+*# why do Cou cast off my soulE Bhy do Cou hide Cour face from meE

For my soul is full of troubles# And my life draws near to the grave'

0 have been afflicted and ready to die from my youth9 0 suffer Cour terrors9 0 am distraught'

0 am counted with those who go down to the "it9 0 am li1e a man who has no strength#

Cour fierce wrath has gone over me9 Cour terrors have cut me off'

Adrift among the dead# )i1e the slain who lie in the grave# Bhom Cou remember no more# And who are cut off from Cour hand'

They came around me all day long li1e water9 They engulfed me altogether'

Cou have laid me in the lowest "it# 0n dar1ness# in the de"ths'

)oved one and friend Cou have "ut far from me# And my acGuaintances into dar1ness'

'"(L) /0


0 will sing of the mercies of the )3+* forever9 Bith my mouth will 0 ma1e 1nown Cour faithfulness to all generations'

The north and the south# Cou have created them9 Tabor and 2ermon re$oice in Cour name'

Cou have a mighty arm9 Strong is Cour hand# and high is Cour right hand'

For 0 have said# :4ercy shall be built u" forever9 Cour faithfulness Cou shall establish in the very heavens':

+ighteousness and $ustice are the foundation of Cour throne9 4ercy and truth go before Cour face'

:0 have made a covenant with 4y chosen# 0 have sworn to 4y servant *avid7


Blessed are the "eo"le who 1now the $oyful soundH They wal1# 3 )3+*# in the light of Cour countenance'

:Cour seed 0 will establish forever# And build u" your throne to all generations':DSelah

0n Cour name they re$oice all day long# And in Cour righteousness they are e!alted'

And the heavens will "raise Cour wonders# 3 )3+*9 Cour faithfulness also in the assembly of the saints'

For Cou are the glory of their strength# And in Cour favor our horn is e!alted'

For who in the heavens can be com"ared to the )3+*E Bho among the sons of the mighty can be li1ened to the )3+*E

For our shield belongs to the )3+*# And our 1ing to the 2oly 3ne of 0srael'

(od is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints# And to be held in reverence by all those around 2im'

Then Cou s"o1e in a vision to Cour holy one# And said7 :0 have given hel" to one who is mighty9 0 have e!alted one chosen from the "eo"le'

0 have found 4y servant *avid9 Bith 4y holy oil 0 have anointed him#

3 )3+* (od of hosts# Bho is mighty li1e Cou# 3 )3+*E Cour faithfulness also surrounds Cou'

Bith whom 4y established9 Also strengthen him'


hand shall be 4y arm shall

Cou rule the raging of the sea9 Bhen its waves rise# Cou still them'

The enemy shall not outwit him# Nor the son of wic1edness afflict him'

Cou have bro1en +ahab in "ieces# as one who is slain9 Cou have scattered Cour enemies with Cour mighty arm'

0 will beat down his foes before his face# And "lague those who hate him'

The heavens are Cours# the earth also is Cours9 The world and all its fullness# Cou have founded them'

:But 4y faithfulness and 4y mercy shall be with him# And in 4y name his horn shall be e!alted'


Also 0 will set his hand over the sea# And his right hand over the rivers'


But Cou have cast off and abhorred# Cou have been furious with Cour anointed'

2e shall cry to 4e# :Cou are my Father# 4y (od# and the roc1 of my salvation'D

Cou have renounced the covenant of Cour servant9 Cou have "rofaned his crown by casting it to the ground'

Also 0 will ma1e him 4y firstborn# The highest of the 1ings of the earth'

4y mercy 0 will 1ee" for him forever# And 4y covenant shall stand firm with him'

Cou have bro1en down all his hedges9 Cou have brought his strongholds to ruin'

All who "ass by the way "lunder him9 2e is a re"roach to his neighbors'

2is seed also 0 will ma1e to endure forever# And his throne as the days of heaven'

Cou have e!alted the right hand of his adversaries9 Cou have made all his enemies re$oice'

:0f his sons forsa1e 4y law And do not wal1 in 4y $udgments#


0f they brea1 4y statutes And do not 1ee" 4y commandments#


Cou have also turned bac1 the edge of his sword# And have not sustained him in the battle'

Then 0 will "unish their transgression with the rod# And their iniGuity with stri"es'

Cou have made his glory cease# And cast his throne down to the ground'

Nevertheless 4y loving1indness 0 will not utterly ta1e from him# Nor allow 4y faithfulness to fail'

The days of his youth Cou have shortened9 Cou have covered him with shame'Selah

4y covenant 0 will not brea1# Nor alter the word that has gone out of 4y li"s'

2ow long# )3+*E Bill Cou hide Courself foreverE Bill Cour wrath burn li1e fireE

3nce 0 have sworn by 4y holiness9 0 will not lie to *avid7


+emember how short my time is9 For what futility have Cou created all the children of menE

2is seed shall endure forever# And his throne as the sun before 4e9

Bhat man can live and not see deathE -an he deliver his life from the "ower of the graveESelah

0t shall be established forever li1e the moon# ven li1e the faithful witness in the s1y':Selah

)ord# where are Cour former loving1indnesses# Bhich Cou swore to *avid in Cour truthE


+emember# )ord# the re"roach of Cour servantsFF 2ow 0 bear in my bosom the re"roach of all the many "eo"les#

For all our days have "assed away in Cour wrath9 Be finish our years li1e a sigh'

Bith which Cour enemies have re"roached# 3 )3+*# Bith which they have re"roached the footste"s of Cour anointed'

The days of our lives are seventy years9 And if by reason of strength they are eighty years# Cet their boast is only labor and sorrow9 For it is soon cut off# and we fly away'

Blessed be the )3+* forevermoreH Amen and Amen'

Bho 1nows the "ower of Cour angerE For as the fear of Cou# so is Cour wrath'

'"(L) 01

)ord# Cou have been our dwelling "lace in all generations'


So teach us to number our days# That we may gain a heart of wisdom'


Before the mountains were brought forth# 3r ever Cou had formed the earth and the world# ven from everlasting to everlasting# Cou are (od'

+eturn# 3 )3+*H 2ow longE And have com"assion on Cour servants'


3h# satisfy us early with Cour mercy# That we may re$oice and be glad all our daysH

Cou turn man to destruction# And say# :+eturn# 3 children of men':


For a thousand years in Cour sight Are li1e yesterday when it is "ast# And li1e a watch in the night'

4a1e us glad according to the days in which Cou have afflicted us# The years in which we have seen evil'

Cou carry them away li1e a flood9 They are li1e a slee"' 0n the morning they are li1e grass which grows u"7

)et Cour wor1 a""ear to Cour servants# And Cour glory to their children'

0n the morning it flourishes and grows u"9 0n the evening it is cut down and withers'

And let the beauty of the )3+* our (od be u"on us# And establish the wor1 of our hands for us9 Ces# establish the wor1 of our hands'

'"(L) 0!

For we have been consumed by Cour anger# And by Cour wrath we are terrified'

2e who dwells in the secret "lace of the 4ost 2igh Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty'

Cou have set our iniGuities before Cou# 3ur secret sins in the light of Cour countenance'

0 will say of the )3+*# :2e is my refuge and my fortress9 4y (od# in 2im 0 will trust':

Surely 2e shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler And from the "erilous "estilence'


2e shall call u"on 4e# and 0 will answer him9 0 will be with him in trouble9 0 will deliver him and honor him'

2e shall cover you with 2is feathers# And under 2is wings you shall ta1e refuge9 2is truth shall be your shield and buc1ler'

Bith long life 0 will satisfy him# And show him 4y salvation':

'"(L) 0#

Cou shall not be afraid of the terror by night# Nor of the arrow that flies by day#

Nor of the "estilence that wal1s in dar1ness# Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday'

0t is good to give than1s to the )3+*# And to sing "raises to Cour name# 3 4ost 2igh9

A thousand may fall at your side# And ten thousand at your right hand9 But it shall not come near you'

To declare Cour loving1indness in the morning# And Cour faithfulness every night#

3nly with your eyes shall you loo1# And see the reward of the wic1ed'

3n an instrument of ten strings# 3n the lute# And on the har"# Bith harmonious sound'

Because you have made the )3+*# who is my refuge# ven the 4ost 2igh# your dwelling "lace#

For Cou# )3+*# have made me glad through Cour wor19 0 will trium"h in the wor1s of Cour hands'

No evil shall befall you# Nor shall any "lague come near your dwelling9

3 )3+*# how great are Cour wor1sH Cour thoughts are very dee"'

For 2e shall give 2is angels charge over you# To 1ee" you in all your ways'

A senseless man does not 1now# Nor does a fool understand this'

0n their hands they shall bear you u"# )est you dash your foot against a stone'

Bhen the wic1ed s"ring u" li1e grass# And when all the wor1ers of iniGuity flourish# 0t is that they may be destroyed forever'

Cou shall tread u"on the lion and the cobra# The young lion and the ser"ent you shall tram"le underfoot'

But Cou# )3+*# forevermore'





:Because he has set his love u"on 4e# therefore 0 will deliver him9 0 will set him on high# because he has 1nown 4y name'

For behold# Cour enemies# 3 )3+*# For behold# Cour enemies shall "erish9 All the wor1ers of iniGuity shall be scattered'

But my horn Cou have e!alted li1e a wild o!9 0 have been anointed with fresh oil'


4y eye also has seen my desire on my enemies9 4y ears hear my desire on the wic1ed Bho rise u" against me'

+ise u"# 3 Judge of the earth9 +ender "unishment to the "roud'


The righteous shall flourish li1e a "alm tree# 2e shall grow li1e a cedar in )ebanon'

)3+*# how long will the wic1ed# 2ow long will the wic1ed trium"hE

Those who are "lanted in the house of the )3+* Shall flourish in the courts of our (od'

They utter s"eech# and s"ea1 insolent things9 All the wor1ers of iniGuity boast in themselves'

They brea1 in "ieces Cour "eo"le# 3 )3+*# And afflict Cour heritage'

They shall still bear fruit in old age9 They shall be fresh and flourishing#

They slay the widow and the stranger# And murder the fatherless'

To declare that the )3+* is u"right9 2e is my roc1# and there is no unrighteousness in 2im'

Cet they say# :The )3+* does not see# Nor does the (od of Jacob understand':

'"(L) 0*

The )3+* reigns# 2e is clothed with ma$esty9 The )3+* is clothed# 2e has girded 2imself with strength' Surely the world is established# so that it cannot be moved'

Anderstand# you senseless among the "eo"le9 And you fools# when will you be wiseE

2e who "lanted the ear# shall 2e not hearE 2e who formed the eye# shall 2e not seeE

Cour throne is established from of old9 Cou are from everlasting'


2e who instructs the nations# shall 2e not correct# 2e who teaches man 1nowledgeE

The floods have lifted u"# 3 )3+*# The floods have lifted u" their voice9 The floods lift u" their waves'

The )3+* 1nows the thoughts of man# That they are futile'

The )3+* on high is mightier Than the noise of many waters# Than the mighty waves of the sea'

Blessed is the man whom Cou instruct# 3 )3+*# And teach out of Cour law#

Cour testimonies are very sure9 2oliness adorns Cour house# 3 )3+*# forever'

That Cou may give him rest from the days of adversity# Antil the "it is dug for the wic1ed'

'"(L) 0+

For the )3+* will not cast off 2is "eo"le# Nor will 2e forsa1e 2is inheritance'

3 )3+* (od# to whom vengeance belongsFF 3 (od# to whom vengeance belongs# shine forthH


But $udgment will return to righteousness# And all the u"right in heart will follow it'

0n 2is hand are the dee" "laces of the earth9 The heights of the hills are 2is also'

Bho will rise u" for me against the evildoersE Bho will stand u" for me against the wor1ers of iniGuityE

The sea is 2is# for 2e made it9 And 2is hands formed the dry land'

Anless the )3+* had been my hel"# 4y soul would soon have settled in silence'

3h come# let us worshi" and bow down9 )et us 1neel before the )3+* our 4a1er'

0f 0 say# :4y foot sli"s#: Cour mercy# 3 )3+*# will hold me u"'

For 2e is our (od# And we are the "eo"le of 2is "asture# And the shee" of 2is hand' Today# if you will hear 2is voice7

0n the multitude of my an!ieties within me# Cour comforts delight my soul'


Shall the throne of iniGuity# which devises evil by law# 2ave fellowshi" with CouE

:*o not harden your hearts# as in the rebellion# As in the day of trial in the wilderness#

Bhen your fathers tested 4e9 They tried 4e# though they saw 4y wor1'

They gather together against the life of the righteous# And condemn innocent blood'

But the )3+* has been my defense# And my (od the roc1 of my refuge'

For forty years 0 was grieved with that generation# And said# :0t is a "eo"le who go astray in their hearts# And they do not 1now 4y ways'D

2e has brought on them their own iniGuity# And shall cut them off in their own wic1edness9 The )3+* our (od shall cut them off'

So 0 swore in 4y wrath# :They shall not enter 4y rest'D

'"(L) 01

'"(L) 0,

3h# sing to the )3+* a new songH Sing to the )3+*# all the earth'

3h come# let us sing to the )3+*H )et us shout $oyfully to the +oc1 of our salvation'

Sing to the )3+*# bless 2is name9 /roclaim the good news of 2is salvation from day to day'

)et us come before 2is "resence with than1sgiving9 )et us shout $oyfully to 2im with "salms'

*eclare 2is glory among the nations# 2is wonders among all "eo"les'

For the )3+* is the great (od# And the great King above all gods'

For the )3+* is great and greatly to be "raised9 2e is to be feared above all gods'


For all the gods of the "eo"les are idols# But the )3+* made the heavens'

A fire goes before 2im# And burns u" 2is enemies round about'

2onor and ma$esty are before 2im9 Strength and beauty are in 2is sanctuary'

2is lightnings light the world9 The earth sees and trembles'

(ive to the )3+*# 3 families of the "eo"les# (ive to the )3+* glory and strength'

The mountains melt li1e wa! at the "resence of the )3+*# At the "resence of the )ord of the whole earth'

(ive to the )3+* the glory due 2is name9 Bring an offering# and come into 2is courts'

The heavens declare 2is righteousness# And all the "eo"les see 2is glory'

3h# worshi" the )3+* in the beauty of holinessH Tremble before 2im# all the earth'

)et all be "ut to shame who serve carved images# Bho boast of idols' Borshi" 2im# all you gods'

Say among the nations# :The )3+* reigns9 The world also is firmly established# 0t shall not be moved9 2e shall $udge the "eo"les righteously':

5ion hears and is glad# And the daughters of Judah re$oice Because of Cour $udgments# 3 )3+*'

)et the heavens re$oice# and let the earth be glad9 )et the sea roar# and all its fullness9

For Cou# )3+*# are most high above all the earth9 Cou are e!alted far above all gods'

)et the field be $oyful# and all that is in it' Then all the trees of the woods will re$oice before the )3+*'

Cou who love the )3+*# hate evilH 2e "reserves the souls of 2is saints9 2e delivers them out of the hand of the wic1ed'

For 2e is coming# for 2e is coming to $udge the earth' 2e shall $udge the world with righteousness# And the "eo"les with 2is truth'

)ight is sown for the righteous# And gladness for the u"right in heart'

+e$oice in the )3+*# you righteous# And give than1s at the remembrance of 2is holy name'

'"(L) 0. '"(L) 0/

The )3+* reigns9 )et the earth re$oice9 )et the multitude of isles be gladH

-louds and dar1ness surround 2im9 +ighteousness and $ustice are the foundation of 2is throne'

3h# sing to the )3+* a new songH For 2e has done marvelous things9 2is right hand and 2is holy arm have gained 2im the victory'

The )3+* has made 1nown 2is salvation9 2is righteousness 2e has revealed in the sight of the nations'


!alt the )3+* our (od# And worshi" at 2is footstoolFF 2e is holy'

2e has remembered 2is mercy and 2is faithfulness to the house of 0srael9 All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our (od'

4oses and Aaron were among 2is "riests# And Samuel was among those who called u"on 2is name9 They called u"on the )3+*# and 2e answered them'

Shout $oyfully to the )3+*# all the earth9 Brea1 forth in song# re$oice# and sing "raises'

2e s"o1e to them in the cloudy "illar9 They 1e"t 2is testimonies and the ordinance 2e gave them'

Sing to the )3+* with the har"# Bith the har" and the sound of a "salm#

Bith trum"ets and the sound of a horn9 Shout $oyfully before the )3+*# the King'

Cou answered them# 3 )3+* our (od9 Cou were to them (odFBhoFForgives# Though Cou too1 vengeance on their deeds'

)et the sea roar# and all its fullness# The world and those who dwell in it9

!alt the )3+* our (od# And worshi" at 2is holy hill9 For the )3+* our (od is holy'

'"(L) !11
)et the rivers cla" their hands9 )et the hills be $oyful together before the )3+*#
? 1

4a1e a $oyful shout to the )3+*# all you landsH


For 2e is coming to $udge the earth' Bith righteousness 2e shall $udge the world# And the "eo"les with eGuity'

Serve the )3+* with gladness9 -ome before 2is "resence with singing'

'"(L) 00

The )3+* reigns9 )et the "eo"les trembleH 2e dwells between the cherubim9 )et the earth be movedH

Know that the )3+*# 2e is (od9 0t is 2e who has made us# and not we ourselves9 Be are 2is "eo"le and the shee" of 2is "asture'

The )3+* is great in 5ion# And 2e is high above all the "eo"les'

nter into 2is gates with than1sgiving# And into 2is courts with "raise' Be than1ful to 2im# and bless 2is name'

)et them "raise Cour great awesome nameFF 2e is holy'



For the )3+* is good9 2is mercy is everlasting# And 2is truth endures to all generations'

The KingDs strength also loves $ustice9 Cou have established eGuity9 Cou have e!ecuted $ustice and righteousness in Jacob'

'"(L) !1!

0 will sing of mercy and $ustice9 To Cou# 3 )3+*# 0 will sing "raises'

0 will behave wisely in a "erfect way' 3h# when will Cou come to meE 0 will wal1 within my house with a "erfect heart'


Because of the sound of my groaning 4y bones cling to my s1in'


0 am li1e a "elican of the wilderness9 0 am li1e an owl of the desert'


0 will set nothing wic1ed before my eyes9 0 hate the wor1 of those who fall away9 0t shall not cling to me'

0 lie awa1e# And am li1e a s"arrow alone on the houseto"'


A "erverse heart shall de"art from me9 0 will not 1now wic1edness'

4y enemies re"roach me all day long9 Those who deride me swear an oath against me'

Bhoever secretly slanders his neighbor# 2im 0 will destroy9 The one who has a haughty loo1 and a "roud heart# 2im 0 will not endure'

For 0 have eaten ashes li1e bread# And mingled my drin1 with wee"ing#

4y eyes shall be on the faithful of the land# That they may dwell with me9 2e who wal1s in a "erfect way# 2e shall serve me'

Because of Cour indignation and Cour wrath9 For Cou have lifted me u" and cast me away'

2e who wor1s deceit shall not dwell within my house9 2e who tells lies shall not continue in my "resence'

4y days are li1e a shadow that lengthens# And 0 wither away li1e grass'

arly 0 will destroy all the wic1ed of the land# That 0 may cut off all the evildoers from the city of the )3+*'

But Cou# 3 )3+*# shall endure forever# And the remembrance of Cour name to all generations'

'"(L) !1#

Cou will arise and have mercy on 5ion9 For the time to favor her# Ces# the set time# has come'

2ear my "rayer# 3 )3+*# And let my cry come to Cou'


For Cour servants ta1e "leasure in her stones# And show favor to her dust'

*o not hide Cour face from me in the day of my trouble9 0ncline Cour ear to me9 0n the day that 0 call# answer me s"eedily'

So the nations shall fear the name of the )3+*# And all the 1ings of the earth Cour glory'

For the )3+* shall build u" 5ion9 2e shall a""ear in 2is glory'

For my days are consumed li1e smo1e# And my bones are burned li1e a hearth'

4y heart is stric1en and withered li1e grass# So that 0 forget to eat my bread'

2e shall regard the "rayer of the destitute# And shall not des"ise their "rayer'


This will be written for the generation to come# That a "eo"le yet to be created may "raise the )3+*'

Bless the )3+*# 3 my soul# And forget not all 2is benefits7

For 2e loo1ed down from the height of 2is sanctuary9 From heaven the )3+* viewed the earth#

Bho forgives all your iniGuities# Bho heals all your diseases#

To hear the groaning of the "risoner# To release those a""ointed to death#


Bho redeems your life from destruction# Bho crowns you with loving1indness and tender mercies#

To declare the name of the )3+* in 5ion# And 2is "raise in Jerusalem#

Bho satisfies your mouth with good things# So that your youth is renewed li1e the eagleDs'

Bhen the "eo"les are gathered together# And the 1ingdoms# to serve the )3+*'

The )3+* e!ecutes righteousness And $ustice for all who are o""ressed'

2e wea1ened my strength in the way9 2e shortened my days'


2e made 1nown 2is ways to 4oses# 2is acts to the children of 0srael'

0 said# :3 my (od# *o not ta1e me away in the midst of my days9 Cour years are throughout all generations'

The )3+* is merciful and gracious# Slow to anger# and abounding in mercy'

2e will not always strive with us# Nor will 2e 1ee" 2is anger forever'

3f old Cou laid the foundation of the earth# And the heavens are the wor1 of Cour hands'

2e has not dealt with us according to our sins# Nor "unished us according to our iniGuities'

They will "erish# but Cou will endure9 Ces# they will all grow old li1e a garment9 )i1e a cloa1 Cou will change them# And they will be changed'

For as the heavens are high above the earth# So great is 2is mercy toward those who fear 2im9

But Cou are the same# And Cour years will have no end'

As far as the east is from the west# So far has 2e removed our transgressions from us'

The children of Cour servants will continue# And their descendants will be established before Cou':

As a father "ities his children# So the )3+* "ities those who fear 2im'

'"(L) !1*

For 2e 1nows our frame9 remembers that we are dust'



Bless the )3+*# 3 my soul9 And all that is within me# bless 2is holy nameH

As for man# his days are li1e grass9 As a flower of the field# so he flourishes'


For the wind "asses over it# and it is gone# And its "lace remembers it no more'


Cou who laid the foundations of the earth# So that it should not be moved forever#

But the mercy of the )3+* is from everlasting to everlasting 3n those who fear 2im# And 2is righteousness to childrenDs children#

Cou covered it with the dee" as with a garment9 The waters stood above the mountains'

To such as 1ee" 2is covenant# And to those who remember 2is commandments to do them'

At Cour rebu1e they fled9 At the voice of Cour thunder they hastened away'

The )3+* has established 2is throne in heaven# And 2is 1ingdom rules over all'

They went u" over the mountains9 They went down into the valleys# To the "lace which Cou founded for them'

Bless the )3+*# you 2is angels# Bho e!cel in strength# who do 2is word# 2eeding the voice of 2is word'

Cou have set a boundary that they may not "ass over# That they may not return to cover the earth'

2e sends the s"rings into the valleys9 They flow among the hills'

Bless the )3+*# all you 2is hosts# Cou ministers of 2is# who do 2is "leasure'

Bless the )3+*# all 2is wor1s# 0n all "laces of 2is dominion' Bless the )3+*# 3 my soulH

They give drin1 to every beast of the field9 The wild don1eys Guench their thirst'

'"(L) !1+

By them the birds of the heavens have their home9 They sing among the branches'

Bless the )3+*# 3 my soulH 3 )3+* my (od# Cou are very great7 Cou are clothed with honor and ma$esty#

2e waters the hills from 2is u""er chambers9 The earth is satisfied with the fruit of Cour wor1s'

Bho cover Courself with light as with a garment# Bho stretch out the heavens li1e a curtain'

2e causes the grass to grow for the cattle# And vegetation for the service of man# That he may bring forth food from the earth#

2e lays the beams of 2is u""er chambers in the waters# Bho ma1es the clouds 2is chariot# Bho wal1s on the wings of the wind#

And wine that ma1es glad the heart of man# 3il to ma1e his face shine# And bread which strengthens manDs heart'

Bho ma1es 2is angels s"irits# 2is ministers a flame of fire'

The trees of the )3+* are full of sa"# The cedars of )ebanon which 2e "lanted#


Bhere the birds ma1e their nests9 The stor1 has her home in the fir trees'


Cou send forth Cour S"irit# they are created9 And Cou renew the face of the earth'

The high hills are for the wild goats9 The cliffs are a refuge for the roc1 badgers'

4ay the glory of the )3+* endure forever9 4ay the )3+* re$oice in 2is wor1s'

2e a""ointed the moon for seasons9 The sun 1nows its going down'

2e loo1s on the earth# and it trembles9 2e touches the hills# and they smo1e'

Cou ma1e dar1ness# and it is night# 0n which all the beasts of the forest cree" about'

0 will sing to the )3+* as long as 0 live9 0 will sing "raise to my (od while 0 have my being'

The young lions roar after their "rey# And see1 their food from (od'

4ay my meditation be sweet to 2im9 0 will be glad in the )3+*'


Bhen the sun rises# they gather together And lie down in their dens'

4an goes out to his wor1 And to his labor until the evening'

4ay sinners be consumed from the earth# And the wic1ed be no more' Bless the )3+*# 3 my soulH /raise the )3+*H

'"(L) !1,
3 )3+*# how manifold are Cour wor1sH 0n wisdom Cou have made them all' The earth is full of Cour "ossessionsFF
,< 1

3h# give than1s to the )3+*H -all u"on 2is name9 4a1e 1nown 2is deeds among the "eo"lesH

This great and wide sea# 0n which are innumerable teeming things# )iving things both small and great'

Sing to 2im# sing "salms to 2im9 Tal1 of all 2is wondrous wor1sH

There the shi"s sail about9 There is that )eviathan Bhich Cou have made to "lay there'

(lory in 2is holy name9 )et the hearts of those re$oice who see1 the )3+*H

These all wait for Cou# That Cou may give them their food in due season'

See1 the )3+* and 2is strength9 See1 2is face evermoreH

Bhat Cou give them they gather in9 Cou o"en Cour hand# they are filled with good'

+emember 2is marvelous wor1s which 2e has done# 2is wonders# and the $udgments of 2is mouth#

Cou hide Cour face# they are troubled9 Cou ta1e away their breath# they die and return to their dust'

3 seed of Abraham 2is servant# Cou children of Jacob# 2is chosen onesH

2e is the )3+* our (od9 $udgments are in all the earth'



2e remembers 2is covenant forever# The word which 2e commanded# for a thousand generations#


To bind his "rinces at his "leasure# And teach his elders wisdom'

The covenant which 2e made with Abraham# And 2is oath to 0saac#

0srael also came into gy"t# And Jacob dwelt in the land of 2am'

And confirmed it to Jacob for a statute# To 0srael as an everlasting covenant#


2e increased 2is "eo"le greatly# And made them stronger than their enemies'

Saying# :To you 0 will give the land of -anaan As the allotment of your inheritance#:

2e turned their heart to hate 2is "eo"le# To deal craftily with 2is servants'

Bhen they were few in number# 0ndeed very few# and strangers in it'

2e sent 4oses 2is servant# And Aaron whom 2e had chosen'


Bhen they went from one nation to another# From one 1ingdom to another "eo"le#

They "erformed 2is signs among them# And wonders in the land of 2am'

2e sent dar1ness# and made it dar19 And they did not rebel against 2is word'

2e "ermitted no one to do them wrong9 Ces# 2e rebu1ed 1ings for their sa1es#

2e turned their waters into blood# And 1illed their fish'


Saying# :*o not touch 4y anointed ones# And do 4y "ro"hets no harm':


Their land abounded with frogs# in the chambers of their 1ings'



4oreover 2e called for a famine in the land9 2e destroyed all the "rovision of bread'

2e s"o1e# and there came swarms of flies# And lice in all their territory'

2e sent a man before themFF Jose"hFF who was sold as a slave'


2e gave them hail for rain# And flaming fire in their land'

They hurt his feet with fetters# 2e was laid in irons'


2e struc1 their vines also# and their fig trees# And s"lintered the trees of their territory'

Antil the time that his word came to "ass# The word of the )3+* tested him'

2e s"o1e# and locusts came# Coung locusts without number#


The 1ing sent and released him# The ruler of the "eo"le let him go free'

2e made him lord of his house# And ruler of all his "ossessions#

And ate u" all the vegetation in their land# And devoured the fruit of their ground'


2e also destroyed all the firstborn in their land# The first of all their strength'

+emember me# 3 )3+*# with the favor Cou have toward Cour "eo"le' 3h# visit me with Cour salvation#

2e also brought them out with silver and gold# And there was none feeble among 2is tribes'

gy"t was glad when they de"arted# For the fear of them had fallen u"on them'

That 0 may see the benefit of Cour chosen ones# That 0 may re$oice in the gladness of Cour nation# That 0 may glory with Cour inheritance'

2e s"read a cloud for a covering# And fire to give light in the night'

Be have sinned with our fathers# Be have committed iniGuity# Be have done wic1edly'

The "eo"le as1ed# and 2e brought Guail# And satisfied them with the bread of heaven'

3ur fathers in gy"t did not understand Cour wonders9 They did not remember the multitude of Cour mercies# But rebelled by the seaFFthe +ed Sea'

2e o"ened the roc1# and water gushed out9 0t ran in the dry "laces li1e a river'

Nevertheless 2e saved them for 2is nameDs sa1e# That 2e might ma1e 2is mighty "ower 1nown'

For 2e remembered 2is holy "romise# And Abraham 2is servant'


2e brought out 2is "eo"le with $oy# 2is chosen ones with gladness'

2e rebu1ed the +ed Sea also# and it dried u"9 So 2e led them through the de"ths# As through the wilderness'

2e gave them the lands of the (entiles# And they inherited the labor of the nations#

2e saved them from the hand of him who hated them# And redeemed them from the hand of the enemy'

That they might observe 2is statutes And 1ee" 2is laws' /raise the )3+*H

The waters covered their enemies9 There was not one of them left'

'"(L) !11

Then they believed 2is words9 They sang 2is "raise'


/raise the )3+*H 3h# give than1s to the )3+*# for 2e is goodH For 2is mercy endures forever'

They soon forgot 2is wor1s9 They did not wait for 2is counsel#

Bho can utter the mighty acts of the )3+*E Bho can declare all 2is "raiseE

But lusted e!ceedingly in the wilderness# And tested (od in the desert'

Blessed are those who 1ee" $ustice# And he who does righteousness at all timesH

And 2e gave them their reGuest# But sent leanness into their soul'


Bhen they envied 4oses in the cam"# And Aaron the saint of the )3+*#


Thus they "rovo1ed 2im to anger with their deeds# And the "lague bro1e out among them'

The earth o"ened u" and swallowed *athan# And covered the faction of Abiram'

Then /hinehas stood u" intervened# And the "lague sto""ed'


and was

A fire was 1indled in their com"any9 The flame burned u" the wic1ed'

They made a calf in 2oreb# And worshi"ed the molded image'


And that was accounted to him for righteousness To all generations forevermore'

Thus they changed their glory 0nto the image of an o! that eats grass'

They angered 2im also at the waters of strife# So that it went ill with 4oses on account of them9

They forgot (od their Savior# Bho had done great things in gy"t#

Because they rebelled against 2is S"irit# So that he s"o1e rashly with his li"s'

Bondrous wor1s in the land of 2am# Awesome things by the +ed Sea'

Therefore 2e said that 2e would destroy them# 2ad not 4oses 2is chosen one stood before 2im in the breach# To turn away 2is wrath# lest 2e destroy them'

They did not destroy the "eo"les# -oncerning whom the )3+* had commanded them#

But they mingled with the (entiles And learned their wor1s9

Then they des"ised the "leasant land9 They did not believe 2is word#

They served their idols# Bhich became a snare to them'


But com"lained in their tents# And did not heed the voice of the )3+*'

They even sacrificed their sons And their daughters to demons#


Therefore 2e raised 2is hand in an oath against them# To overthrow them in the wilderness#

And shed innocent blood# The blood of their sons and daughters# Bhom they sacrificed to the idols of -anaan9 And the land was "olluted with blood'

To overthrow their descendants among the nations# And to scatter them in the lands'

Thus they were defiled by their own wor1s# And "layed the harlot by their own deeds'

They $oined themselves also to Baal of /eor# And ate sacrifices made to the dead'

Therefore the wrath of the )3+* was 1indled against 2is "eo"le# So that 2e abhorred 2is own inheritance'


And 2e gave them into the hand of the (entiles# And those who hated them ruled over them'

They wandered in the wilderness in a desolate way9 They found no city to dwell in'

Their enemies also o""ressed them# And they were brought into sub$ection under their hand'

2ungry and thirsty# Their soul fainted in them'


4any times 2e delivered them9 But they rebelled in their counsel# And were brought low for their iniGuity'

Then they cried out to the )3+* in their trouble# And 2e delivered them out of their distresses'

Nevertheless 2e regarded their affliction# Bhen 2e heard their cry9


And 2e led them forth by the right way# That they might go to a city for a dwelling "lace'

And for their sa1e 2e remembered 2is covenant# And relented according to the multitude of 2is mercies'

3h# that men would give than1s to the )3+* for 2is goodness# And for 2is wonderful wor1s to the children of menH

2e also made them to be "itied By all those who carried them away ca"tive'

For 2e satisfies the longing soul# And fills the hungry soul with goodness'

Save us# 3 )3+* our (od# And gather us from among the (entiles# To give than1s to Cour holy name# To trium"h in Cour "raise'

Those who sat in dar1ness and in the shadow of death# Bound in affliction and ironsFF

Blessed be the )3+* (od of 0srael From everlasting to everlastingH And let all the "eo"le say# :AmenH: /raise the )3+*H

Because they rebelled against the words of (od# And des"ised the counsel of the 4ost 2igh#

'"(L) !1.

Therefore 2e brought down their heart with labor9 They fell down# and there was none to hel"'

3h# give than1s to the )3+*# for 2e is goodH For 2is mercy endures forever'

Then they cried out to the )3+* in their trouble# And 2e saved them out of their distresses'

)et the redeemed of the )3+* say so# Bhom 2e has redeemed from the hand of the enemy#

2e brought them out of dar1ness and the shadow of death# And bro1e their chains in "ieces'

And gathered out of the lands# From the east and from the west# From the north and from the south'

3h# that men would give than1s to the )3+* for 2is goodness# And for 2is wonderful wor1s to the children of menH


For 2e has bro1en the gates of bron.e# And cut the bars of iron in two'


Then they cry out to the )3+* in their trouble# And 2e brings them out of their distresses'

Fools# because of their transgression# And because of their iniGuities# were afflicted'

2e calms the storm# So that its waves are still'


Their soul abhorred all manner of food# And they drew near to the gates of death'

Then they are glad because they are Guiet9 So 2e guides them to their desired haven'

Then they cried out to the )3+* in their trouble# And 2e saved them out of their distresses'

3h# that men would give than1s to the )3+* for 2is goodness# And for 2is wonderful wor1s to the children of menH

2e sent 2is word and healed them# And delivered them from their destructions'

)et them e!alt 2im also in the assembly of the "eo"le# And "raise 2im in the com"any of the elders'

3h# that men would give than1s to the )3+* for 2is goodness# And for 2is wonderful wor1s to the children of menH

2e turns rivers into a wilderness# And the waters"rings into dry ground9

)et them sacrifice the sacrifices of than1sgiving# And declare 2is wor1s with re$oicing'

A fruitful land into barrenness# For the wic1edness of those who dwell in it'

2e turns a wilderness into "ools of water# And dry land into waters"rings'

Those who go down to the sea in shi"s# Bho do business on great waters#

There 2e ma1es the hungry dwell# That they may establish a city for a dwelling "lace#

They see the wor1s of the )3+*# And 2is wonders in the dee"'

And sow fields and "lant vineyards# That they may yield a fruitful harvest'

For 2e commands and raises the stormy wind# Bhich lifts u" the waves of the sea'

2e also blesses them# and they multi"ly greatly9 And 2e does not let their cattle decrease'

They mount u" to the heavens# They go down again to the de"ths9 Their soul melts because of trouble'

Bhen they are diminished and brought low Through o""ression# affliction and sorrow#

They reel to and fro# and stagger li1e a drun1en man# And are at their witsD end'

2e "ours contem"t on "rinces# And causes them to wander in the wilderness where there is no way9


Cet 2e sets the "oor on high# far from affliction# And ma1es their families li1e a floc1'


0s it not Cou# 3 (od# who cast us offE And Cou# 3 (od# who did not go out with our armiesE

The righteous see it and re$oice# And all iniGuity sto"s its mouth'

(ive us hel" from trouble# For the hel" of man is useless'


Bhoever is wise will observe these things# And they will understand the loving1indness of the )3+*'

Through (od we will do valiantly# For it is 2e who shall tread down our enemies'

'"(L) !1/

'"(L) !10

3 (od# my heart is steadfast9 0 will sing and give "raise# even with my glory'

*o not 1ee" silent# 3 (od of my "raiseH

Awa1e# lute and har"H 0 will awa1en the dawn'


For the mouth of the wic1ed and the mouth of the deceitful 2ave o"ened against me9 They have s"o1en against me with a lying tongue'

0 will "raise Cou# 3 )3+*# among the "eo"les# And 0 will sing "raises to Cou among the nations'

They have also surrounded me with words of hatred# And fought against me without a cause'

For Cour mercy is great above the heavens# And Cour truth reaches to the clouds'

0n return for my love they are my accusers# But 0 give myself to "rayer'

Be e!alted# 3 (od# above the heavens# And Cour glory above all the earth9

Thus they have rewarded me evil for good# And hatred for my love'

That Cour beloved may be delivered# Save with Cour right hand# and hear me'

Set a wic1ed man over him# And let an accuser stand at his right hand'

(od has s"o1en in 2is holiness7 :0 will re$oice9 0 will divide Shechem And measure out the Valley of Succoth'

Bhen he is $udged# let him be found guilty# And let his "rayer become sin'

(ilead is 4ine9 4anasseh is 4ine9 "hraim also is the helmet for 4y head9 Judah is 4y lawgiver'

)et his days be few# And let another ta1e his office'

)et his children be fatherless# And his wife a widow'


4oab is 4y wash"ot9 3ver dom 0 will cast 4y shoe9 3ver /hilistia 0 will trium"h':

Bho will bring me into the strong cityE Bho will lead me to domE

)et his children continually be vagabonds# and beg9 )et them see1 their bread also from their desolate "laces'


)et the creditor sei.e all that he has# And let strangers "lunder his labor'


0 am gone li1e a shadow when it lengthens9 0 am sha1en off li1e a locust'


)et there be none to e!tend mercy to him# Nor let there be any to favor his fatherless children'

4y 1nees are wea1 through fasting# And my flesh is feeble from lac1 of fatness'

)et his "osterity be cut off# And in the generation following let their name be blotted out'

0 also have become a re"roach to them9 Bhen they loo1 at me# they sha1e their heads'

)et the iniGuity of his fathers be remembered before the )3+*# And let not the sin of his mother be blotted out'

2el" me# 3 )3+* my (odH 3h# save me according to Cour mercy#


)et them be continually before the )3+*# That 2e may cut off the memory of them from the earth9

That they may 1now that this is Cour handFF That Cou# )3+*# have done itH

Because he did not remember to show mercy# But "ersecuted the "oor and needy man# That he might even slay the bro1en in heart'

)et them curse# but Cou bless9 Bhen they arise# let them be ashamed# But let Cour servant re$oice'

)et my accusers be clothed with shame# And let them cover themselves with their own disgrace as with a mantle'

As he loved cursing# so let it come to him9 As he did not delight in blessing# so let it be far from him'

0 will greatly "raise the )3+* with my mouth9 Ces# 0 will "raise 2im among the multitude'

As he clothed himself with cursing as with his garment# So let it enter his body li1e water# And li1e oil into his bones'

For 2e shall stand at the right hand of the "oor# To save him from those who condemn him'

)et it be to him li1e the garment which covers him# And for a belt with which he girds himself continually'
1 ,@

'"(L) !!1
The )3+* said to my )ord# :Sit at 4y right hand# Till 0 ma1e Cour enemies Cour footstool':

)et this be the )3+*Ds reward to my accusers# And to those who s"ea1 evil against my "erson'

But Cou# 3 (3* the )ord# *eal with me for Cour nameDs sa1e9 Because Cour mercy is good# deliver me'

The )3+* shall send the rod of Cour strength out of 5ion' +ule in the midst of Cour enemiesH

For 0 am "oor and needy# And my heart is wounded within me'

Cour "eo"le shall be volunteers 0n the day of Cour "ower9 0n the beauties of holiness# from the womb of the morning# Cou have the dew of Cour youth'

The )3+* has sworn And will not relent# :Cou are a "riest forever According to the order of 4elchi.ede1':

2e has sent redem"tion to 2is "eo"le9 2e has commanded 2is covenant forever7 2oly and awesome is 2is name'

The )ord is at Cour right hand9 2e shall e!ecute 1ings in the day of 2is wrath'

2e shall $udge among the nations# 2e shall fill the "laces with dead bodies# 2e shall e!ecute the heads of many countries'

The fear of the )3+* is the beginning of wisdom9 A good understanding have all those who do 2is commandments' 2is "raise endures forever'

'"(L) !!#

2e shall drin1 of the broo1 by the wayside9 Therefore 2e shall lift u" the head'

/raise the )3+*H Blessed is the man who fears the )3+*# Bho delights greatly in 2is commandments'

'"(L) !!!

2is descendants will be mighty on earth9 The generation of the u"right will be blessed'

/raise the )3+*H 0 will "raise the )3+* with my whole heart# 0n the assembly of the u"right and in the congregation'

Bealth and riches will be in his house# And his righteousness endures forever'

The wor1s of the )3+* are great# Studied by all who have "leasure in them'

Anto the u"right there arises light in the dar1ness9 2e is gracious# and full of com"assion# and righteous'

2is wor1 is honorable and glorious# And 2is righteousness endures forever'

A good man deals graciously and lends9 2e will guide his affairs with discretion'

2e has made 2is wonderful wor1s to be remembered9 The )3+* is gracious and full of com"assion'

Surely he will never be sha1en9 The righteous will be in everlasting remembrance'


2e has given food to those who fear 2im9 2e will ever be mindful of 2is covenant'

2e will not be afraid of evil tidings9 2is heart is steadfast# trusting in the )3+*'

2e has declared to 2is "eo"le the "ower of 2is wor1s# 0n giving them the heritage of the nations'

2is heart is established9 2e will not be afraid# Antil he sees his desire u"on his enemies'

The wor1s of 2is hands are verity and $ustice9 All 2is "rece"ts are sure'

2e has dis"ersed abroad# 2e has given to the "oor9 2is righteousness endures forever9 2is horn will be e!alted with honor'

They stand fast forever and ever# And are done in truth and u"rightness'


The wic1ed will see it and be grieved9 2e will gnash his teeth and melt away9 The desire of the wic1ed shall "erish'

The sea saw it and fled9 Jordan turned bac1'


'"(L) !!*

The mountains s1i""ed li1e rams# The little hills li1e lambs'

/raise the )3+*H /raise# 3 servants of the )3+*# /raise the name of the )3+*H

Bhat ails you# 3 sea# that you fledE 3 Jordan# that you turned bac1E

Blessed be the name of the )3+* From this time forth and forevermoreH

3 mountains# that you s1i""ed li1e ramsE 3 little hills# li1e lambsE

From the rising of the sun to its going down The )3+*Ds name is to be "raised'

Tremble# 3 earth# at the "resence of the )ord# At the "resence of the (od of Jacob#

The )3+* is high above all nations# 2is glory above the heavens'

Bho turned the roc1 into a "ool of water# The flint into a fountain of waters'

'"(L) !!,
Bho is li1e the )3+* our (od# Bho dwells on high#
& 1

Bho humbles 2imself to behold The things that are in the heavens and in the earthE

Not unto us# 3 )3+*# not unto us# But to Cour name give glory# Because of Cour mercy# Because of Cour truth'

Bhy should the (entiles say# :So where is their (odE:


2e raises the "oor out of the dust# And lifts the needy out of the ash hea"#

But our (od is in heaven9 2e does whatever 2e "leases'


That 2e may seat him with "rincesFF Bith the "rinces of 2is "eo"le'

Their idols are silver and gold# The wor1 of menDs hands'

2e grants the barren woman a home# )i1e a $oyful mother of children' /raise the )3+*H

They have mouths# but they do not s"ea19 yes they have# but they do not see9

'"(L) !!+

Bhen 0srael went out of gy"t# The house of Jacob from a "eo"le of strange language#

They have ears# but they do not hear9 Noses they have# but they do not smell9

Judah became 2is sanctuary# And 0srael 2is dominion'

They have hands# but they do not handle9 Feet they have# but they do not wal19 Nor do they mutter through their throat'


Those who ma1e them are li1e them9 So is everyone who trusts in them'

The "ains of death surrounded me# And the "angs of Sheol laid hold of me9 0 found trouble and sorrow'

3 0srael# trust in the )3+*9 2e is their hel" and their shield'


3 house of Aaron# trust in the )3+*9 2e is their hel" and their shield'

Then 0 called u"on the name of the )3+*7 :3 )3+*# 0 im"lore Cou# deliver my soulH:

Cou who fear the )3+*# trust in the )3+*9 2e is their hel" and their shield'

(racious is the )3+*# and righteous9 Ces# our (od is merciful'


The )3+* has been mindful of us9 2e will bless us9 2e will bless the house of 0srael9 2e will bless the house of Aaron'

The )3+* "reserves the sim"le9 0 was brought low# and 2e saved me'

+eturn to your rest# 3 my soul# For the )3+* has dealt bountifully with you'

2e will bless those who fear the )3+*# Both small and great'

4ay the )3+* give you increase more and more# Cou and your children'

For Cou have delivered my soul from death# 4y eyes from tears# And my feet from falling'

4ay you be blessed by the )3+*# Bho made heaven and earth'

0 will wal1 before the )3+* 0n the land of the living'


The heaven# even the heavens# are the )3+*Ds9 But the earth 2e has given to the children of men'

0 believed# therefore 0 s"o1e# :0 am greatly afflicted':


0 said in my haste# :All men are liars':

The dead do not "raise the )3+*# Nor any who go down into silence'


Bhat shall 0 render to the )3+* For all 2is benefits toward meE

But we will bless the )3+* From this time forth and forevermore' /raise the )3+*H

0 will ta1e u" the cu" of salvation# And call u"on the name of the )3+*'

'"(L) !!1

0 will "ay my vows to the )3+* Now in the "resence of all 2is "eo"le'

0 love the )3+*# because 2e has heard 4y voice and my su""lications'


/recious in the sight of the )3+* 0s the death of 2is saints'


Because 2e has inclined 2is ear to me# Therefore 0 will call u"on 2im as long as 0 live'

3 )3+*# truly 0 am Cour servant9 0 am Cour servant# the son of Cour maidservant9 Cou have loosed my bonds'


0 will offer to Cou the sacrifice of than1sgiving# And will call u"on the name of the )3+*'


0t is better to trust in the )3+* Than to "ut confidence in man'


0 will "ay my vows to the )3+* Now in the "resence of all 2is "eo"le#

0t is better to trust in the )3+* Than to "ut confidence in "rinces'


0n the courts of the )3+*Ds house# 0n the midst of you# 3 Jerusalem' /raise the )3+*H

All nations surrounded me# But in the name of the )3+* 0 will destroy them'

'"(L) !!.

They surrounded me# Ces# they surrounded me9 But in the name of the )3+* 0 will destroy them'

/raise the )3+*# all you (entilesH )aud 2im# all you "eo"lesH

For 2is merciful 1indness is great toward us# And the truth of the )3+* endures forever' /raise the )3+*H

They surrounded me li1e bees9 They were Guenched li1e a fire of thorns9 For in the name of the )3+* 0 will destroy them'

Cou "ushed me violently# that 0 might fall# But the )3+* hel"ed me'

'"(L) !!/

3h# give than1s to the )3+*# for 2e is goodH For 2is mercy endures forever'

The )3+* is my strength and song# And 2e has become my salvation'


)et 0srael now say# :2is mercy endures forever':


The voice of re$oicing and salvation 0s in the tents of the righteous9 The right hand of the )3+* does valiantly'

)et the house of Aaron now say# :2is mercy endures forever':

The right hand of the )3+* is e!alted9 The right hand of the )3+* does valiantly'

)et those who fear the )3+* now say# :2is mercy endures forever':

0 shall not die# but live# And declare the wor1s of the )3+*'

0 called on the )3+* in distress9 The )3+* answered me and set me in a broad "lace'

The )3+* has chastened me severely# But 2e has not given me over to death'

The )3+* is on my side9 0 will not fear' Bhat can man do to meE

The )3+* is for me among those who hel" me9 Therefore 0 shall see my desire on those who hate me'

3"en to me the gates of righteousness9 0 will go through them# And 0 will "raise the )3+*'

This is the gate of the )3+*# Through which the righteous shall enter'


0 will "raise Cou# For Cou have answered me# And have become my salvation'


3h# that my ways were directed To 1ee" Cour statutesH


The stone which the builders re$ected 2as become the chief cornerstone'

Then 0 would not be ashamed# Bhen 0 loo1 into all Cour commandments'

This was the )3+*Ds doing9 0t is marvelous in our eyes'


0 will "raise Cou with u"rightness of heart# Bhen 0 learn Cour righteous $udgments'

This is the day the )3+* has made9 Be will re$oice and be glad in it'

0 will 1ee" Cour statutes9 3h# do not forsa1e me utterlyH


Save now# 0 "ray# 3 )3+*9 3 )3+*# 0 "ray# send now "ros"erity'


2ow can a young man cleanse his wayE By ta1ing heed according to Cour word'

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the )3+*H Be have blessed you from the house of the )3+*'

Bith my whole heart 0 have sought Cou9 3h# let me not wander from Cour commandmentsH

(od is the )3+*# And 2e has given us light9 Bind the sacrifice with cords to the horns of the altar'

Cour word 0 have hidden in my heart# That 0 might not sin against Cou'

Cou are my (od# and 0 will "raise Cou9 Cou are my (od# 0 will e!alt Cou'

Blessed are Cou# 3 )3+*H Teach me Cour statutes'


3h# give than1s to the )3+*# for 2e is goodH For 2is mercy endures forever'

Bith my li"s 0 have declared All the $udgments of Cour mouth'


'"(L) !!0

0 have re$oiced in the way of Cour testimonies# As much as in all riches'


Blessed are the undefiled in the way# Bho wal1 in the law of the )3+*H

0 will meditate on Cour "rece"ts# And contem"late Cour ways'


Blessed are those who 1ee" 2is testimonies# Bho see1 2im with the whole heartH

0 will delight myself in Cour statutes9 0 will not forget Cour word'

They also do no iniGuity9 They wal1 in 2is ways'


*eal bountifully with Cour servant# That 0 may live and 1ee" Cour word'

Cou have commanded us To 1ee" Cour "rece"ts diligently'

3"en my eyes# that 0 may see Bondrous things from Cour law'


0 am a stranger in the earth9 *o not hide Cour commandments from me'



Teach me# 3 )3+*# the way of Cour statutes# And 0 shall 1ee" it to the end'

4y soul brea1s with longing For Cour $udgments at all times'


(ive me understanding# and 0 shall 1ee" Cour law9 0ndeed# 0 shall observe it with my whole heart'

Cou rebu1e the "roudFFthe cursed# Bho stray from Cour commandments'

4a1e me wal1 in the "ath of Cour commandments# For 0 delight in it'


+emove from me re"roach and contem"t# For 0 have 1e"t Cour testimonies'

0ncline my heart to Cour testimonies# And not to covetousness'


/rinces also sit and s"ea1 against me# But Cour servant meditates on Cour statutes'

Turn away my eyes from loo1ing at worthless things# And revive me in Cour way'

Cour testimonies also are my delight And my counselors'


stablish Cour word to Cour servant# Bho is devoted to fearing Cou'


4y soul clings to the dust9 +evive me according to Cour word'


Turn away my re"roach which 0 dread# For Cour $udgments are good'

0 have declared my ways# and Cou answered me9 Teach me Cour statutes'

Behold# 0 long for Cour "rece"ts9 +evive me in Cour righteousness'


4a1e me understand the way of Cour "rece"ts9 So shall 0 meditate on Cour wonderful wor1s'

)et Cour mercies come also to me# 3 )3+*FF Cour salvation according to Cour word'

4y soul melts from heaviness9 Strengthen me according to Cour word'


So shall 0 have an answer for him who re"roaches me# For 0 trust in Cour word'

+emove from me the way of lying# And grant me Cour law graciously'

And ta1e not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth# For 0 have ho"ed in Cour ordinances'

0 have chosen the way of truth9 Cour $udgments 0 have laid before me'

So shall 0 1ee" Cour law continually# Forever and ever'


0 cling to Cour testimonies9 3 )3+*# do not "ut me to shameH


And 0 will wal1 at liberty# For 0 see1 Cour "rece"ts'


0 will run the course of Cour commandments# For Cou shall enlarge my heart'

0 will s"ea1 of Cour testimonies also before 1ings# And will not be ashamed'


And 0 will delight myself in Cour commandments# Bhich 0 love'



The cords of the wic1ed have bound me# But 0 have not forgotten Cour law'

4y hands also 0 will lift u" to Cour commandments# Bhich 0 love# And 0 will meditate on Cour statutes'

At midnight 0 will rise to give than1s to Cou# Because of Cour righteous $udgments'

+emember the word to Cour servant# A"on which Cou have caused me to ho"e'

0 am a com"anion of all who fear Cou# And of those who 1ee" Cour "rece"ts'

This is my comfort in my affliction# For Cour word has given me life'


The earth# 3 )3+*# is full of Cour mercy9 Teach me Cour statutes'


The "roud have me in great derision# Cet 0 do not turn aside from Cour law'

Cou have dealt well with Cour servant# 3 )3+*# according to Cour word'

0 remembered Cour $udgments of old# 3 )3+*# And have comforted myself'


Teach me good 1nowledge# For 0 commandments'


$udgment and believe Cour

0ndignation has ta1en hold of me Because of the wic1ed# who forsa1e Cour law'

Before 0 was afflicted 0 went astray# But now 0 1ee" Cour word'

Cour statutes have been my songs 0n the house of my "ilgrimage'


Cou are good# and do good9 Teach me Cour statutes'


0 remember Cour name in the night# 3 )3+*# And 0 1ee" Cour law'

The "roud have forged a lie against me# But 0 will 1ee" Cour "rece"ts with my whole heart'

This has become mine# Because 0 1e"t Cour "rece"ts'


Their heart is as fat as grease# But 0 delight in Cour law'


Cou are my "ortion# 3 )3+*9 0 have said that 0 would 1ee" Cour words'

0t is good for me that 0 have been afflicted# That 0 may learn Cour statutes'

0 entreated Cour favor with my whole heart9 Be merciful to me according to Cour word'

The law of Cour mouth is better to me Than thousands of coins of gold and silver'

0 thought about my ways# And turned my feet to Cour testimonies'


Cour hands have made me and fashioned me9 (ive me understanding# that 0 may learn Cour commandments'

0 made haste# and did not delay To 1ee" Cour commandments'

Those who fear Cou will be glad when they see me# Because 0 have ho"ed in Cour word'


0 1now# 3 )3+*# that Cour $udgments are right# And that in faithfulness Cou have afflicted me'


+evive me according to Cour loving1indness# So that 0 may 1ee" the testimony of Cour mouth'

)et# 0 "ray# Cour merciful 1indness be for my comfort# According to Cour word to Cour servant'

Forever# 3 )3+*# Cour word is settled in heaven'


)et Cour tender mercies come to me# that 0 may live9 For Cour law is my delight'

Cour faithfulness endures to all generations9 Cou established the earth# and it abides'

)et the "roud be ashamed# For they treated me wrongfully with falsehood9 But 0 will meditate on Cour "rece"ts'

They continue this day according to Cour ordinances# For all are Cour servants'

)et those who fear Cou turn to me# Those who 1now Cour testimonies'

Anless Cour law had been my delight# 0 would then have "erished in my affliction'

)et my heart be blameless regarding Cour statutes# That 0 may not be ashamed'

0 will never forget Cour "rece"ts# For by them Cou have given me life'

4y soul faints for Cour salvation# But 0 ho"e in Cour word'


0 am Cours# save me9 For 0 have sought Cour "rece"ts'


4y eyes fail from searching Cour word# Saying# :Bhen will Cou comfort meE:

The wic1ed wait for me to destroy me# But 0 will consider Cour testimonies'

For 0 have become li1e a wines1in in smo1e# Cet 0 do not forget Cour statutes'

0 have seen the consummation of all "erfection# But Cour commandment is e!ceedingly broad'

2ow many are the days of Cour servantE Bhen will Cou e!ecute $udgment on those who "ersecute meE

3h# how 0 love Cour lawH 0t is my meditation all the day'


The "roud have dug "its for me# Bhich is not according to Cour law'

Cou# through Cour commandments# ma1e me wiser than my enemies9 For they are ever with me'

All Cour commandments are faithful9 They "ersecute me wrongfully9 2el" meH

0 have more understanding than all my teachers# For Cour testimonies are my meditation'

They almost made an end of me on earth# But 0 did not forsa1e Cour "rece"ts'

0 understand more than the ancients# Because 0 1ee" Cour "rece"ts'


0 have restrained my feet from every evil way# That 0 may 1ee" Cour word'


*e"art from me# you evildoers# For 0 will 1ee" the commandments of my (odH

0 have not de"arted from Cour $udgments# For Cou Courself have taught me'

A"hold me according to Cour word# that 0 may live9 And do not let me be ashamed of my ho"e'

2ow sweet are Cour words to my taste# Sweeter than honey to my mouthH

2old me u"# and 0 shall be safe# And 0 shall observe Cour statutes continually'

Through Cour "rece"ts 0 get understanding9 Therefore 0 hate every false way'

Cou re$ect all those who stray from Cour statutes# For their deceit is falsehood'

Cour word is a lam" to my feet And a light to my "ath'


0 have sworn and confirmed That 0 will 1ee" Cour righteous $udgments'

Cou "ut away all the wic1ed of the earth li1e dross9 Therefore 0 love Cour testimonies'

0 am afflicted very much9 +evive me# 3 )3+*# according to Cour word'


4y flesh trembles for fear of Cou# And 0 am afraid of Cour $udgments'


Acce"t# 0 "ray# the freewill offerings of my mouth# 3 )3+*# And teach me Cour $udgments'

0 have done $ustice and righteousness9 *o not leave me to my o""ressors'


4y life is continually in my hand# Cet 0 do not forget Cour law'


Be surety for Cour servant for good9 *o not let the "roud o""ress me'

The wic1ed have laid a snare for me# Cet 0 have not strayed from Cour "rece"ts'

4y eyes fail from see1ing Cour salvation And Cour righteous word'

Cour testimonies 0 have ta1en as a heritage forever# For they are the re$oicing of my heart'

*eal with Cour servant according to Cour mercy# And teach me Cour statutes'

0 have inclined my heart to "erform Cour statutes Forever# to the very end'

0 am Cour servant9 (ive me understanding# That 0 may 1now Cour testimonies'


0 hate the doubleFminded# But 0 love Cour law'


0t is time for Cou to act# 3 )3+*# For they have regarded Cour law as void'

Cou are my hiding "lace and my shield9 0 ho"e in Cour word'

Therefore 0 love Cour commandments 4ore than gold# yes# than fine goldH


Therefore all Cour "rece"ts concerning all things 0 consider to be right9 0 hate every false way'


Cour righteousness is an everlasting righteousness# And Cour law is truth'


Cour testimonies are wonderful9 Therefore my soul 1ee"s them'


Trouble and anguish have overta1en me# Cet Cour commandments are my delights'

The entrance of Cour words gives light9 0t gives understanding to the sim"le'

The righteousness of Cour testimonies is everlasting9 (ive me understanding# and 0 shall live'

0 o"ened my mouth and "anted# For 0 longed for Cour commandments'


0 cry out with my whole heart9 2ear me# 3 )3+*H 0 will 1ee" Cour statutes'

)oo1 u"on me and be merciful to me# As Cour custom is toward those who love Cour name'

0 cry out to Cou9 Save me# and 0 will 1ee" Cour testimonies'

*irect my ste"s by Cour word# And let no iniGuity have dominion over me'

0 rise before the dawning of the morning# And cry for hel"9 0 ho"e in Cour word'

+edeem me from the o""ression of man# That 0 may 1ee" Cour "rece"ts'

4y eyes are awa1e through the night watches# That 0 may meditate on Cour word'

4a1e Cour face shine u"on Cour servant# And teach me Cour statutes'

+ivers of water run down from my eyes# Because men do not 1ee" Cour law'

2ear my voice according to Cour loving1indness9 3 )3+*# revive me according to Cour $ustice'

They draw near who follow after wic1edness9 They are far from Cour law'

+ighteous are Cou# 3 )3+*# And u"right are Cour $udgments'


Cou are near# 3 )3+*# And all Cour commandments are truth'

Cour testimonies# which Cou have commanded# Are righteous and very faithful'

-oncerning Cour testimonies# 0 have 1nown of old that Cou have founded them forever'

4y .eal has consumed me# Because my enemies have forgotten Cour words'

-onsider my affliction and deliver me# For 0 do not forget Cour law'

Cour word is very "ure9 Therefore Cour servant loves it'


/lead my cause and redeem me9 +evive me according to Cour word'


0 am small and des"ised# Cet 0 do not forget Cour "rece"ts'

Salvation is far from the wic1ed# For they do not see1 Cour statutes'


(reat are Cour tender mercies# 3 )3+*9 +evive me according to Cour $udgments'


)et my cry come before Cou# 3 )3+*9 (ive me understanding according to Cour word'

4any are my "ersecutors and my enemies# Cet 0 do not turn from Cour testimonies'

)et my su""lication come before Cou9 *eliver me according to Cour word'


0 see the treacherous# and am disgusted# Because they do not 1ee" Cour word'

4y li"s shall utter "raise# For Cou teach me Cour statutes'


-onsider how 0 love Cour "rece"ts9 +evive me# 3 )3+*# according to Cour loving1indness'

4y tongue shall s"ea1 of Cour word# For all Cour commandments are righteousness'

)et Cour hand become my hel"# For 0 have chosen Cour "rece"ts'

The entirety of Cour word is truth# And every one of Cour righteous $udgments endures forever'

0 long for Cour salvation# 3 )3+*# And Cour law is my delight'


/rinces "ersecute me without a cause# But my heart stands in awe of Cour word'

)et my soul live# and it shall "raise Cou9 And let Cour $udgments hel" me'

0 re$oice at Cour word As one who finds great treasure'


0 have gone astray li1e a lost shee"9 See1 Cour servant# For 0 do not forget Cour commandments'

0 hate and abhor lying# But 0 love Cour law'

1 %&;

'"(L) !#1
0n my distress 0 cried to the )3+*# And 2e heard me'

Seven times a day 0 "raise Cou# Because of Cour righteous $udgments'


(reat "eace have those who love Cour law# And nothing causes them to stumble'

*eliver my soul# 3 )3+*# from lying li"s And from a deceitful tongue'

)3+*# 0 ho"e for Cour salvation# And 0 do Cour commandments'


Bhat shall be given to you# 3r what shall be done to you# Cou false tongueE

4y soul 1ee"s Cour testimonies# And 0 love them e!ceedingly'


Shar" arrows of the warrior# Bith coals of the broom treeH


0 1ee" Cour "rece"ts and Cour testimonies# For all my ways are before Cou'

Boe is me# that 0 dwell in 4eshech# That 0 dwell among the tents of KedarH

4y soul has dwelt too long Bith one who hates "eace'

0 am for "eace9 But when 0 s"ea1# they are for war'


For thrones are set there for $udgment# The thrones of the house of *avid'

'"(L) !#!

/ray for the "eace of Jerusalem7 :4ay they "ros"er who love you'

0 will lift u" my eyes to the hillsFF From whence comes my hel"E

/eace be within your walls# /ros"erity within your "alaces':


4y hel" comes from the )3+*# Bho made heaven and earth'

2e will not allow your foot to be moved9 2e who 1ee"s you will not slumber'

For the sa1e of my brethren and com"anions# 0 will now say# :/eace be within you':

Behold# 2e who 1ee"s 0srael Shall neither slumber nor slee"'


Because of the house of the )3+* our (od 0 will see1 your good'

'"(L) !#*

The )3+* is your 1ee"er9 The )3+* is your shade at your right hand'

Anto Cou 0 lift u" my eyes# 3 Cou who dwell in the heavens'

The sun shall not stri1e you by day# Nor the moon by night'

The )3+* shall "reserve you from all evil9 2e shall "reserve your soul'

Behold# as the eyes of servants loo1 to the hand of their masters# As the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress# So our eyes loo1 to the )3+* our (od# Antil 2e has mercy on us'

The )3+* shall "reserve your going out and your coming in From this time forth# and even forevermore'

2ave mercy on us# 3 )3+*# have mercy on usH For we are e!ceedingly filled with contem"t'

'"(L) !##

0 was glad when they said to me# :)et us go into the house of the )3+*':

3ur soul is e!ceedingly filled Bith the scorn of those who are at ease# Bith the contem"t of the "roud'

3ur feet have been standing Bithin your gates# 3 JerusalemH


'"(L) !#+

Jerusalem is built As a city that is com"act together#


:0f it had not been the )3+* who was on our side#: )et 0srael now sayFF

Bhere the tribes go u"# The tribes of the )3+*# To the Testimony of 0srael# To give than1s to the name of the )3+*'

:0f it had not been the )3+* who was on our side# Bhen men rose u" against us#

Then they would have swallowed us alive# Bhen their wrath was 1indled against us9

Bhen the )3+* brought bac1 the ca"tivity of 5ion# Be were li1e those who dream'

Then the waters would have overwhelmed us# The stream would have gone over our soul9

Then our mouth was filled with laughter# And our tongue with singing' Then they said among the nations# :The )3+* has done great things for them':

Then the swollen waters Bould have gone over our soul':

The )3+* has done great things for us# And we are glad'

Blessed be the )3+*# Bho has not given us as "rey to their teeth'

Bring bac1 our ca"tivity# 3 )3+*# As the streams in the South'


3ur soul has esca"ed as a bird from the snare of the fowlers9 The snare is bro1en# and we have esca"ed'

Those who sow in tears Shall rea" in $oy'


3ur hel" is in the name of the )3+*# Bho made heaven and earth'

'"(L) !#,

2e who continually goes forth wee"ing# Bearing seed for sowing# Shall doubtless come again with re$oicing# Bringing his sheaves with him'

Those who trust in the )3+* Are li1e 4ount 5ion# Bhich cannot be moved# but abides forever'

'"(L) !#.

As the mountains surround Jerusalem# So the )3+* surrounds 2is "eo"le From this time forth and forever'

Anless the )3+* builds the house# They labor in vain who build it9 Anless the )3+* guards the city# The watchman stays awa1e in vain'

For the sce"ter of wic1edness shall not rest 3n the land allotted to the righteous# )est the righteous reach out their hands to iniGuity'

0t is vain for you to rise u" early# To sit u" late# To eat the bread of sorrows9 For so 2e gives 2is beloved slee"'

*o good# 3 )3+*# to those who are good# And to those who are u"right in their hearts'

Behold# children are a heritage from the )3+*# The fruit of the womb is a reward'

)i1e arrows in the hand of a warrior# So are the children of oneDs youth'

As for such as turn aside to their croo1ed ways# The )3+* shall lead them away Bith the wor1ers of iniGuity' /eace be u"on 0sraelH

2a""y is the man who has his Guiver full of them9 They shall not be ashamed# But shall s"ea1 with their enemies in the gate'

'"(L) !#-

'"(L) !#/

Blessed is every one who fears the )3+*# Bho wal1s in 2is ways'


Bhen you eat the labor of your hands# Cou shall be ha""y# and it shall be well with you'

Neither let those who "ass by them say# :The blessing of the )3+* be u"on you9 Be bless you in the name of the )3+*H:

'"(L) !*1

Cour wife shall be li1e a fruitful vine 0n the very heart of your house# Cour children li1e olive "lants All around your table'

3ut of the de"ths 0 have cried to Cou# 3 )3+*9


Behold# thus shall the man be blessed Bho fears the )3+*'

)ord# hear my voiceH )et Cour ears be attentive To the voice of my su""lications'

The )3+* bless you out of 5ion# And may you see the good of Jerusalem All the days of your life'

0f Cou# )3+*# should mar1 iniGuities# 3 )ord# who could standE


Ces# may you see your childrenDs children' /eace be u"on 0sraelH

But there is forgiveness with Cou# That Cou may be feared'


'"(L) !#0

0 wait for the )3+*# my soul waits# And in 2is word 0 do ho"e'

:4any a time they have afflicted me from my youth#: )et 0srael now sayFF

4y soul waits for the )ord 4ore than those who watch for the morningFF Ces# more than those who watch for the morning'

:4any a time they have afflicted me from my youth9 Cet they have not "revailed against me'

3 0srael# ho"e in the )3+*9 For with the )3+* there is mercy# And with 2im is abundant redem"tion'

The "lowers "lowed on my bac19 They made their furrows long':


And 2e shall redeem 0srael From all his iniGuities'

The )3+* is righteous9 2e has cut in "ieces the cords of the wic1ed'

'"(L) !*!

)et all those who hate 5ion Be "ut to shame and turned bac1'

)et them be as the grass on the houseto"s# Bhich withers before it grows u"#

)3+*# my heart is not haughty# Nor my eyes lofty' Neither do 0 concern myself with great matters# Nor with things too "rofound for me'

Bith which the rea"er does not fill his hand# Nor he who binds sheaves# his arms'

Surely 0 have calmed and Guieted my soul# )i1e a weaned child with his mother9 )i1e a weaned child is my soul within me'

3 0srael# ho"e in the )3+* From this time forth and forever'


For the )3+* has chosen 5ion9 2e has desired it for 2is dwelling "lace7

'"(L) !*#

:This is 4y resting "lace forever9 2ere 0 will dwell# for 0 have desired it'

)3+*# remember *avid And all his afflictions9


0 will abundantly bless her "rovision9 0 will satisfy her "oor with bread'

2ow he swore to the )3+*# And vowed to the 4ighty 3ne of Jacob7

:Surely 0 will not go into the chamber of my house# 3r go u" to the comfort of my bed9

0 will also clothe her "riests with salvation# And her saints shall shout aloud for $oy'

0 will not give slee" to my eyes 3r slumber to my eyelids#


There 0 will ma1e the horn of *avid grow9 0 will "re"are a lam" for 4y Anointed'

Antil 0 find a "lace for the )3+*# A dwelling "lace for the 4ighty 3ne of Jacob':

2is enemies 0 will clothe with shame# But u"on 2imself 2is crown shall flourish':

'"(L) !**

Behold# we heard of it in "hrathah9 Be found it in the fields of the woods'


Behold# how good and how "leasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unityH

)et us go into 2is tabernacle9 )et us worshi" at 2is footstool'


Arise# 3 )3+*# to Cour resting "lace# Cou and the ar1 of Cour strength'

0t is li1e the "recious oil u"on the head# +unning down on the beard# The beard of Aaron# +unning down on the edge of his garments'

)et Cour "riests be clothed with righteousness# And let Cour saints shout for $oy'

0t is li1e the dew of 2ermon# *escending u"on the mountains of 5ion9 For there the )3+* commanded the blessingFF )ife forevermore'

For Cour servant *avidDs sa1e# *o not turn away the face of Cour Anointed'

'"(L) !*+

The )3+* has sworn in truth to *avid9 2e will not turn from it7 :0 will set u"on your throne the fruit of your body'

Behold# bless the )3+*# All you servants of the )3+*# Bho by night stand in the house of the )3+*H

0f your sons will 1ee" 4y covenant And 4y testimony which 0 shall teach them# Their sons also shall sit u"on your throne forevermore':

)ift u" your hands in the sanctuary# And bless the )3+*'

The )3+* who made heaven and earth Bless you from 5ionH


And gave their land as a heritage# A heritage to 0srael 2is "eo"le'


'"(L) !*,

/raise the )3+*H /raise the name of the )3+*9 /raise 2im# 3 you servants of the )3+*H

Cour name# 3 )3+*# endures forever# Cour fame# 3 )3+*# throughout all generations'

Cou who stand in the house of the )3+*# 0n the courts of the house of our (od#

For the )3+* will $udge 2is "eo"le# And 2e will have com"assion on 2is servants'

The idols of the nations are silver and gold# The wor1 of menDs hands'

/raise the )3+*# for the )3+* is good9 Sing "raises to 2is name# for it is "leasant'

They have mouths# but they do not s"ea19 yes they have# but they do not see9

For the )3+* has chosen Jacob for 2imself# 0srael for 2is s"ecial treasure'

They have ears# but they do not hear9 Nor is there any breath in their mouths'

For 0 1now that the )3+* is great# And our )ord is above all gods'

Those who ma1e them are li1e them9 So is everyone who trusts in them'

Bhatever the )3+* "leases 2e does# 0n heaven and in earth# 0n the seas and in all dee" "laces'

Bless the )3+*# 3 house of 0sraelH Bless the )3+*# 3 house of AaronH

2e causes the va"ors to ascend from the ends of the earth9 2e ma1es lightning for the rain9 2e brings the wind out of 2is treasuries'

Bless the )3+*# 3 house of )eviH Cou who fear the )3+*# bless the )3+*H

Blessed be the )3+* out of 5ion# Bho dwells in JerusalemH /raise the )3+*H

2e destroyed the firstborn of Both of man and beast'



'"(L) !*1

2e sent signs and wonders into the midst of you# 3 gy"t# A"on /haraoh and all his servants'

3h# give than1s to the )3+*# for 2e is goodH For 2is mercy endures forever'

2e defeated many nations And slew mighty 1ingsFF


3h# give than1s to the (od of godsH For 2is mercy endures forever'

Sihon 1ing of the Amorites# 3g 1ing of Bashan# And all the 1ingdoms of -anaanFF

3h# give than1s to the )ord of lordsH For 2is mercy endures forever7

To 2im who alone does great wonders# For 2is mercy endures forever9


To 2im who by wisdom made the heavens# For 2is mercy endures forever9


Sihon 1ing of the Amorites# For 2is mercy endures forever9


To 2im who laid out the earth above the waters# For 2is mercy endures forever9

And 3g 1ing of Bashan# For 2is mercy endures foreverFF


And gave their land as a heritage# For 2is mercy endures forever9

To 2im who made great lights# For 2is mercy endures foreverFF

A heritage to 0srael 2is servant# For 2is mercy endures forever'


The sun to rule by day# For 2is mercy endures forever9


Bho remembered us in our lowly state# For 2is mercy endures forever9

The moon and stars to rule by night# For 2is mercy endures forever'

And rescued us from our enemies# For 2is mercy endures forever9

To 2im who struc1 gy"t in their firstborn# For 2is mercy endures forever9

Bho gives food to all flesh# For 2is mercy endures forever'

And brought out 0srael from among them# For 2is mercy endures forever9

3h# give than1s to the (od of heavenH For 2is mercy endures forever'

Bith a strong hand# and with an outstretched arm# For 2is mercy endures forever9
1 %6

'"(L) !*.
By the rivers of Babylon# There we sat down# yea# we we"t Bhen we remembered 5ion'

To 2im who divided the +ed Sea in two# For 2is mercy endures forever9

And made 0srael "ass through the midst of it# For 2is mercy endures forever9

Be hung our har"s A"on the willows in the midst of it'


But overthrew /haraoh and his army in the +ed Sea# For 2is mercy endures forever9

To 2im who led 2is "eo"le through the wilderness# For 2is mercy endures forever9

For there those who carried us away ca"tive as1ed of us a song# And those who "lundered us reGuested mirth# Saying# :Sing us one of the songs of 5ionH:

2ow shall we sing the )3+*Ds song 0n a foreign landE


To 2im who struc1 down great 1ings# For 2is mercy endures forever9

0f 0 forget you# 3 Jerusalem# )et my right hand forget its s1illH

And slew famous 1ings# For 2is mercy endures foreverFF


0f 0 do not remember you# )et my tongue cling to the roof of my mouthFF 0f 0 do not e!alt Jerusalem Above my chief $oy'

Cour hand Against the wrath of my enemies# And Cour right hand will save me'

+emember# 3 )3+*# against the sons of dom The day of Jerusalem# Bho said# :+a.e it# ra.e it# To its very foundationH:

The )3+* will "erfect that which concerns me9 Cour mercy# 3 )3+*# endures forever9 *o not forsa1e the wor1s of Cour hands'

3 daughter of Babylon# who are to be destroyed# 2a""y the one who re"ays you as you have served usH

'"(L) !*0

3 )3+*# Cou have searched me and 1nown me'


2a""y the one who ta1es and dashes Cour little ones against the roc1H

'"(L) !*/

Cou 1now my sitting down and my rising u"9 Cou understand my thought afar off'

0 will "raise Cou with my whole heart9 Before the gods 0 will sing "raises to Cou'

Cou com"rehend my "ath and my lying down# And are acGuainted with all my ways'

0 will worshi" toward Cour holy tem"le# And "raise Cour name For Cour loving1indness and Cour truth9 For Cou have magnified Cour word above all Cour name'

For there is not a word on my tongue# But behold# 3 )3+*# Cou 1now it altogether'

Cou have hedged me behind and before# And laid Cour hand u"on me'

0n the day when 0 cried out# Cou answered me# And made me bold with strength in my soul'

Such 1nowledge is too wonderful for me9 0t is high# 0 cannot attain it'

All the 1ings of the earth shall "raise Cou# 3 )3+*# Bhen they hear the words of Cour mouth'

Bhere can 0 go from Cour S"iritE 3r where can 0 flee from Cour "resenceE

Ces# they shall sing of the ways of the )3+*# For great is the glory of the )3+*'

0f 0 ascend into heaven# Cou are there9 0f 0 ma1e my bed in hell# behold# Cou are there'

Though the )3+* is on high# Cet 2e regards the lowly9 But the "roud 2e 1nows from afar'

0f 0 ta1e the wings of the morning# And dwell in the uttermost "arts of the sea#

ven there Cour hand shall lead me# And Cour right hand shall hold me'

Though 0 wal1 in the midst of trouble# Cou will revive me9 Cou will stretch out


0f 0 say# :Surely the dar1ness shall fall on me#: ven the night shall be light about me9


0 hate them with "erfect hatred9 0 count them my enemies'


0ndeed# the dar1ness shall not hide from Cou# But the night shines as the day9 The dar1ness and the light are both ali1e to Cou'

Search me# 3 (od# and 1now my heart9 Try me# and 1now my an!ieties9

And see if there is any wic1ed way in me# And lead me in the way everlasting'

For Cou formed my inward "arts9 Cou covered me in my motherDs womb'

1 %;

'"(L) !+1
*eliver me# 3 )3+*# from evil men9 /reserve me from violent men#

0 will "raise Cou# for 0 am fearfully and wonderfully made9 4arvelous are Cour wor1s# And that my soul 1nows very well'

Bho "lan evil things in their hearts9 They continually gather together for war'

4y frame was not hidden from Cou# Bhen 0 was made in secret# And s1illfully wrought in the lowest "arts of the earth'

They shar"en their tongues li1e a ser"ent9 The "oison of as"s is under their li"s'Selah

Cour eyes saw my substance# being yet unformed' And in Cour boo1 they all were written# The days fashioned for me# Bhen as yet there were none of them'

Kee" me# 3 )3+*# from the hands of the wic1ed9 /reserve me from violent men# Bho have "ur"osed to ma1e my ste"s stumble'

2ow "recious also are Cour thoughts to me# 3 (odH 2ow great is the sum of themH

The "roud have hidden a snare for me# and cords9 They have s"read a net by the wayside9 They have set tra"s for me'Selah

0f 0 should count them# they would be more in number than the sand9 Bhen 0 awa1e# 0 am still with Cou'

0 said to the )3+*7 :Cou are my (od9 2ear the voice of my su""lications# 3 )3+*'

3h# that Cou would slay the wic1ed# 3 (odH *e"art from me# therefore# you bloodthirsty men'

3 (3* the )ord# the strength of my salvation# Cou have covered my head in the day of battle'

For they s"ea1 against Cou wic1edly9 Cour enemies ta1e Cour name in vain'

*o not grant# 3 )3+*# the desires of the wic1ed9 *o not further his wic1ed scheme# )est they be e!alted'Selah

*o 0 not hate them# 3 )3+*# who hate CouE And do 0 not loathe those who rise u" against CouE

:As for the head of those who surround me# )et the evil of their li"s cover them9


)et burning coals fall u"on them9 )et them be cast into the fire# 0nto dee" "its# that they rise not u" again'


But my eyes are u"on Cou# 3 (3* the )ord9 0n Cou 0 ta1e refuge9 *o not leave my soul destitute'

)et not a slanderer be established in the earth9 )et evil hunt the violent man to overthrow him':

Kee" me from the snares they have laid for me# And from the tra"s of the wor1ers of iniGuity'

0 1now that the )3+* will maintain The cause of the afflicted# And $ustice for the "oor'

)et the wic1ed fall into their own nets# Bhile 0 esca"e safely'

Surely the righteous shall give than1s to Cour name9 The u"right shall dwell in Cour "resence'

'"(L) !+#

'"(L) !+!

0 cry out to the )3+* with my voice9 Bith my voice to the )3+* 0 ma1e my su""lication'

)3+*# 0 cry out to Cou9 4a1e haste to meH (ive ear to my voice when 0 cry out to Cou'

0 "our out my com"laint before 2im9 0 declare before 2im my trouble'


)et my "rayer be set before Cou as incense# The lifting u" of my hands as the evening sacrifice'

Bhen my s"irit was overwhelmed within me# Then Cou 1new my "ath' 0n the way in which 0 wal1 They have secretly set a snare for me'

Set a guard# 3 )3+*# over my mouth9 Kee" watch over the door of my li"s'

)oo1 on my right hand and see# For there is no one who ac1nowledges me9 +efuge has failed me9 No one cares for my soul'

*o not incline my heart to any evil thing# To "ractice wic1ed wor1s Bith men who wor1 iniGuity9 And do not let me eat of their delicacies'

0 cried out to Cou# 3 )3+*7 0 said# :Cou are my refuge# 4y "ortion in the land of the living'

)et the righteous stri1e me9 0t shall be a 1indness' And let him rebu1e me9 0t shall be as e!cellent oil9 )et my head not refuse it' For still my "rayer is against the deeds of the wic1ed'

Attend to my cry# For 0 am brought very low9 *eliver me from my "ersecutors# For they are stronger than 0'

Their $udges are overthrown by the sides of the cliff# And they hear my words# for they are sweet'

Bring my soul out of "rison# That 0 may "raise Cour name9 The righteous shall surround me# For Cou shall deal bountifully with me':

3ur bones are scattered at the mouth of the grave# As when one "lows and brea1s u" the earth'

'"(L) !+*

2ear my "rayer# 3 )3+*# (ive ear to my su""licationsH 0n Cour faithfulness answer me# And in Cour righteousness'


0n Cour mercy cut off my enemies# And destroy all those who afflict my soul9 For 0 am Cour servant'

*o not enter into $udgment with Cour servant# For in Cour sight no one living is righteous'

'"(L) !++

For the enemy has "ersecuted my soul9 2e has crushed my life to the ground9 2e has made me dwell in dar1ness# )i1e those who have long been dead'

Blessed be the )3+* my +oc1# Bho trains my hands for war# And my fingers for battleFF

Therefore my s"irit is overwhelmed within me9 4y heart within me is distressed'


4y loving1indness and my fortress# 4y high tower and my deliverer# 4y shield and the 3ne in whom 0 ta1e refuge# Bho subdues my "eo"le under me'

0 remember the days of old9 0 meditate on all Cour wor1s9 0 muse on the wor1 of Cour hands'

)3+*# what is man# that Cou ta1e 1nowledge of himE 3r the son of man# that Cou are mindful of himE

0 s"read out my hands to Cou9 4y soul longs for Cou li1e a thirsty land'Selah

4an is li1e a breath9 2is days are li1e a "assing shadow'


Answer me s"eedily# 3 )3+*9 4y s"irit failsH *o not hide Cour face from me# )est 0 be li1e those who go down into the "it'

Bow down Cour heavens# 3 )3+*# and come down9 Touch the mountains# and they shall smo1e'

-ause me to hear Cour loving1indness in the morning# For in Cou do 0 trust9 -ause me to 1now the way in which 0 should wal1# For 0 lift u" my soul to Cou'

Flash forth lightning and scatter them9 Shoot out Cour arrows and destroy them'

Stretch out Cour hand from above9 +escue me and deliver me out of great waters# From the hand of foreigners#

*eliver me# 3 )3+*# from my enemies9 0n Cou 0 ta1e shelter'


Teach me to do Cour will# For Cou are my (od9 Cour S"irit is good' )ead me in the land of u"rightness'

Bhose mouth s"ea1s lying words# And whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood'

+evive me# 3 )3+*# for Cour nameDs sa1eH For Cour righteousnessD sa1e bring my soul out of trouble'

0 will sing a new song to Cou# 3 (od9 3n a har" of ten strings 0 will sing "raises to Cou#

The 3ne who gives salvation to 1ings# Bho delivers *avid 2is servant From the deadly sword'


+escue me and deliver me from the hand of foreigners# Bhose mouth s"ea1s lying words# And whose right hand is a right hand of falsehoodFF

They shall utter the memory of Cour great goodness# And shall sing of Cour righteousness'

That our sons may be as "lants grown u" in their youth9 That our daughters may be as "illars# Scul"tured in "alace style9

The )3+* is gracious and full of com"assion# Slow to anger and great in mercy'

The )3+* is good to all# And 2is tender mercies are over all 2is wor1s'

That our barns may be full# Su""lying all 1inds of "roduce9 That our shee" may bring forth thousands And ten thousands in our fields9

All Cour wor1s shall "raise Cou# 3 )3+*# And Cour saints shall bless Cou'

That our o!en may be well laden9 That there be no brea1ing in or going out9 That there be no outcry in our streets'

They shall s"ea1 of the glory of Cour 1ingdom# And tal1 of Cour "ower#

2a""y are the "eo"le who are in such a state9 2a""y are the "eo"le whose (od is the )3+*H

To ma1e 1nown to the sons of men 2is mighty acts# And the glorious ma$esty of 2is 1ingdom'

'"(L) !+,

Cour 1ingdom is an everlasting 1ingdom# And Cour dominion endures throughout all generations'

0 will e!tol Cou# my (od# 3 King9 And 0 will bless Cour name forever and ever'

The )3+* u"holds all who fall# And raises u" all who are bowed down'

very day 0 will bless Cou# And 0 will "raise Cour name forever and ever'

The eyes of all loo1 e!"ectantly to Cou# And Cou give them their food in due season'

(reat is the )3+*# and greatly to be "raised9 And 2is greatness is unsearchable'

Cou o"en Cour hand And satisfy the desire of every living thing'

3ne generation shall "raise Cour wor1s to another# And shall declare Cour mighty acts'

The )3+* is righteous in all 2is ways# (racious in all 2is wor1s'

0 will meditate on the glorious s"lendor of Cour ma$esty# And on Cour wondrous wor1s'

The )3+* is near to all who call u"on 2im# To all who call u"on 2im in truth'

4en shall s"ea1 of the might of Cour awesome acts# And 0 will declare Cour greatness'

2e will fulfill the desire of those who fear 2im9 2e also will hear their cry and save them'

The )3+* "reserves all who love 2im# But all the wic1ed 2e will destroy'


4y mouth shall s"ea1 the "raise of the )3+*# And all flesh shall bless 2is holy name Forever and ever'

/raise the )3+*H For it is good to sing "raises to our (od9 For it is "leasant# and "raise is beautiful'

'"(L) !+1

The )3+* builds u" Jerusalem9 2e gathers together the outcasts of 0srael'

/raise the )3+*H /raise the )3+*# 3 my soulH


2e heals the bro1enhearted And binds u" their wounds'


Bhile 0 live 0 will "raise the )3+*9 0 will sing "raises to my (od while 0 have my being'

2e counts the number of the stars9 2e calls them all by name'


*o not "ut your trust in "rinces# Nor in a son of man# in whom there is no hel"'

(reat is our )ord# and mighty in "ower9 2is understanding is infinite'


2is s"irit de"arts# he returns to his earth9 0n that very day his "lans "erish'

The )3+* lifts u" the humble9 2e casts the wic1ed down to the ground'

2a""y is he who has the (od of Jacob for his hel"# Bhose ho"e is in the )3+* his (od#

Sing to the )3+* with than1sgiving9 Sing "raises on the har" to our (od#

Bho made heaven and earth# The sea# and all that is in them9 Bho 1ee"s truth forever#

Bho covers the heavens with clouds# Bho "re"ares rain for the earth# Bho ma1es grass to grow on the mountains'

Bho e!ecutes $ustice for the o""ressed# Bho gives food to the hungry' The )3+* gives freedom to the "risoners'

2e gives to the beast its food# And to the young ravens that cry'

2e does not delight in the strength of the horse9 2e ta1es no "leasure in the legs of a man'

The )3+* o"ens the eyes of the blind9 The )3+* raises those who are bowed down9 The )3+* loves the righteous'

The )3+* ta1es "leasure in those who fear 2im# 0n those who ho"e in 2is mercy'

The )3+* watches over the strangers9 2e relieves the fatherless and widow9 But the way of the wic1ed 2e turns u"side down'

/raise the )3+*# 3 JerusalemH /raise your (od# 3 5ionH


The )3+* shall reign foreverFF Cour (od# 3 5ion# to all generations' /raise the )3+*H

For 2e has strengthened the bars of your gates9 2e has blessed your children within you'

'"(L) !+.

2e ma1es "eace in your borders# And fills you with the finest wheat'


2e sends out 2is command to the earth9 2is word runs very swiftly'


Fire and hail# snow and clouds9 Stormy wind# fulfilling 2is word9

2e gives snow li1e wool9 2e scatters the frost li1e ashes9


4ountains and all hills9 Fruitful trees and all cedars9


2e casts out 2is hail li1e morsels9 Bho can stand before 2is coldE

Beasts and all cattle9 -ree"ing things and flying fowl9


2e sends out 2is word and melts them9 2e causes 2is wind to blow# and the waters flow'

Kings of the earth and all "eo"les9 /rinces and all $udges of the earth9

2e declares 2is word to Jacob# 2is statutes and 2is $udgments to 0srael'

Both young men and maidens9 3ld men and children'


2e has not dealt thus with any nation9 And as for 2is $udgments# they have not 1nown them' /raise the )3+*H

)et them "raise the name of the )3+*# For 2is name alone is e!alted9 2is glory is above the earth and heaven'

'"(L) !+/

/raise the )3+*H /raise the )3+* from the heavens9 /raise 2im in the heightsH

And 2e has e!alted the horn of 2is "eo"le# The "raise of all 2is saintsFF 3f the children of 0srael# A "eo"le near to 2im' /raise the )3+*H

'"(L) !+0

/raise 2im# all 2is angels9 /raise 2im# all 2is hostsH

/raise the )3+*H Sing to the )3+* a new song# And 2is "raise in the assembly of saints'

/raise 2im# sun and moon9 /raise 2im# all you stars of lightH

)et 0srael re$oice in their 4a1er9 )et the children of 5ion be $oyful in their King'

/raise 2im# you heavens of heavens# And you waters above the heavensH

)et them "raise the name of the )3+*# For 2e commanded and they were created'

)et them "raise 2is name with the dance9 )et them sing "raises to 2im with the timbrel and har"'

2e also established them forever and ever9 2e made a decree which shall not "ass away'

For the )3+* ta1es "leasure in 2is "eo"le9 2e will beautify the humble with salvation'

)et the saints be $oyful in glory9 )et them sing aloud on their beds'

/raise the )3+* from the earth# Cou great sea creatures and all the de"ths9

)et the high "raises of (od be in their mouth# And a twoFedged sword in their hand#

To e!ecute vengeance on the nations# And "unishments on the "eo"les9


/raise 2im for 2is mighty acts9 /raise 2im according to 2is e!cellent greatnessH

To bind their 1ings with chains# And their nobles with fetters of iron9

To e!ecute on them the written $udgmentFF This honor have all 2is saints' /raise the )3+*H

/raise 2im with the sound of the trum"et9 /raise 2im with the lute and har"H

'"(L) !,1

/raise 2im with the timbrel and dance9 /raise 2im with stringed instruments and flutesH

/raise the )3+*H /raise (od in 2is sanctuary9 /raise 2im in 2is mighty firmamentH

/raise 2im with loud cymbals9 /raise 2im with clashing cymbalsH

)et everything that has breath "raise the )3+*' /raise the )3+*H

'roverbs 1The "roverbs of Solomon the son of

*avid# 1ing of 0srael7
, %6

Be shall find all 1inds of "recious "ossessions# Be shall fill our houses with s"oil9

To 1now wisdom and instruction# To "erceive the words of understanding#


-ast in your lot among us# )et us all have one "urse:FF

To receive the instruction of wisdom# Justice# $udgment# and eGuity9


4y son# do not wal1 in the way with them# Kee" your foot from their "ath9

To give "rudence to the sim"le# To the young man 1nowledge and discretionFF

For their feet run to evil# And they ma1e haste to shed blood'

A wise man will hear and increase learning# And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel#

Surely# in vain the net is s"read 0n the sight of any bird9


To understand a "roverb and an enigma# The words of the wise and their riddles'

But they lie in wait for their own blood# They lur1 secretly for their own lives'

The fear of the )3+* is the beginning of 1nowledge# But fools des"ise wisdom and instruction'

So are the ways of everyone who is greedy for gain9 0t ta1es away the life of its owners'

Bisdom calls aloud outside9 She raises her voice in the o"en sGuares'

4y son# hear the instruction of your father# And do not forsa1e the law of your mother9

She cries out in the chief concourses# At the o"enings of the gates in the city She s"ea1s her words7

For they will be a graceful ornament on your head# And chains about your nec1'

4y son# if sinners entice you# *o not consent'


:2ow long# you sim"le ones# will you love sim"licityE For scorners delight in their scorning# And fools hate 1nowledge'

0f they say# :-ome with us# )et us lie in wait to shed blood9 )et us lur1 secretly for the innocent without cause9

Turn at my rebu1e9 Surely 0 will "our out my s"irit on you9 0 will ma1e my words 1nown to you'

)et us swallow them alive li1e Sheol# And whole# li1e those who go down to the /it9

Because 0 have called and you refused# 0 have stretched out my hand and no one regarded#


Because you disdained all my counsel# And would have none of my rebu1e#


Then you will understand the fear of the )3+*# And find the 1nowledge of (od'

0 also will laugh at your calamity9 0 will moc1 when your terror comes#

For the )3+* gives wisdom9 From 2is mouth come 1nowledge and understanding9

Bhen your terror comes li1e a storm# And your destruction comes li1e a whirlwind# Bhen distress and anguish come u"on you'

2e stores u" sound wisdom for the u"right9 2e is a shield to those who wal1 u"rightly9

:Then they will call on me# but 0 will not answer9 They will see1 me diligently# but they will not find me'

2e guards the "aths of $ustice# And "reserves the way of 2is saints'

Because they hated 1nowledge And did not choose the fear of the )3+*#

Then you will understand righteousness and $ustice# Guity and every good "ath'

They would have none of my counsel And des"ised my every rebu1e'


Bhen wisdom enters your heart# And 1nowledge is "leasant to your soul#

Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way# And be filled to the full with their own fancies'

*iscretion will "reserve Anderstanding will 1ee" you#



For the turning away of the sim"le will slay them# And the com"lacency of fools will destroy them9

To deliver you from the way of evil# From the man who s"ea1s "erverse things#

But whoever listens to me will dwell safely# And will be secure# without fear of evil':

From those who leave the "aths of u"rightness To wal1 in the ways of dar1ness9

Bho re$oice in doing evil# And delight in the "erversity of the wic1ed9

24y son# if you receive my words# And

treasure my commands within you#

Bhose ways are croo1ed# And who are devious in their "aths9

So that you incline your ear to wisdom# And a""ly your heart to understanding9

To deliver you from the immoral woman# From the seductress who flatters with her words#

Ces# if you cry out for discernment# And lift u" your voice for understanding#

0f you see1 her as silver# And search for her as for hidden treasures9

Bho forsa1es the com"anion of her youth# And forgets the covenant of her (od'

For her house leads down to death# And her "aths to the dead9


None who go to her return# Nor do they regain the "aths of lifeFF


So your barns will be filled with "lenty# And your vats will overflow with new wine'

So you may wal1 in the way of goodness# And 1ee" to the "aths of righteousness'

4y son# do not des"ise the chastening of the )3+*# Nor detest 2is correction9

For the u"right will dwell in the land# And the blameless will remain in it9

For whom the )3+* loves 2e corrects# Just as a father the son in whom he delights'

But the wic1ed will be cut off from the earth# And the unfaithful will be u"rooted from it'

2a""y is the man who finds wisdom# And the man who gains understanding9

34y son# do not forget my law# But let

your heart 1ee" my commands9

For her "roceeds are better than the "rofits of silver# And her gain than fine gold'

For length of days and long life And "eace they will add to you'

She is more "recious than rubies# And all the things you may desire cannot com"are with her'

)et not mercy and truth forsa1e you9 Bind them around your nec1# Brite them on the tablet of your heart#

)ength of days is in her right hand# 0n her left hand riches and honor'

And so find favor and high esteem 0n the sight of (od and man'

2er ways are ways of "leasantness# And all her "aths are "eace'

Trust in the )3+* with all your heart# And lean not on your own understanding9

She is a tree of life to those who ta1e hold of her# And ha""y are all who retain her'

0n all your ways ac1nowledge 2im# And 2e shall direct your "aths'

The )3+* by wisdom founded the earth9 By understanding 2e established the heavens9

*o not be wise in your own eyes9 Fear the )3+* and de"art from evil'

0t will be health to your flesh# And strength to your bones'


By 2is 1nowledge the de"ths were bro1en u"# And clouds dro" down the dew'

2onor the )3+* with your "ossessions# And with the firstfruits of all your increase9

4y son# let them not de"art from your eyesFF Kee" sound wisdom and discretion9

So they will be life to your soul And grace to your nec1'


Then you will wal1 safely in your way# And your foot will not stumble'

42ear# my children# the instruction of a

father# And give attention to 1now understanding9

Bhen you lie down# you will not be afraid9 Ces# you will lie down and your slee" will be sweet'

*o not be afraid of sudden terror# Nor of trouble from the wic1ed when it comes9

For 0 give you good doctrine7 *o not forsa1e my law'


For the )3+* will be your confidence# And will 1ee" your foot from being caught'

Bhen 0 was my fatherDs son# Tender and the only one in the sight of my mother#

*o not withhold good from those to whom it is due# Bhen it is in the "ower of your hand to do so'

2e also taught me# and said to me7 :)et your heart retain my words9 Kee" my commands# and live'

*o not say to your neighbor# :(o# and come bac1# And tomorrow 0 will give it#: Bhen you have it with you'

(et wisdomH (et understandingH *o not forget# nor turn away from the words of my mouth'

*o not devise evil against your neighbor# For he dwells by you for safetyDs sa1e'

*o not forsa1e her# and she will "reserve you9 )ove her# and she will 1ee" you'

*o not strive with a man without cause# 0f he has done you no harm'

Bisdom is the "rinci"al thing9 Therefore get wisdom' And in all your getting# get understanding'

*o not envy the o""ressor# And choose none of his ways9


!alt her# and she will "romote you9 She will bring you honor# when you embrace her'

For the "erverse "erson is an abomination to the )3+*# But 2is secret counsel is with the u"right'

She will "lace on your head an ornament of grace9 A crown of glory she will deliver to you':

The curse of the )3+* is on the house of the wic1ed# But 2e blesses the home of the $ust'

2ear# my son# and receive my sayings# And the years of your life will be many'

Surely 2e scorns the scornful# But gives grace to the humble'


0 have taught you in the way of wisdom9 0 have led you in right "aths'

The wise shall inherit glory# But shame shall be the legacy of fools'

Bhen you wal1# your ste"s will not be hindered# And when you run# you will not stumble'


Ta1e firm hold of instruction# do not let go9 Kee" her# for she is your life'


*o not turn to the right or the left9 +emove your foot from evil'

*o not enter the "ath of the wic1ed# And do not wal1 in the way of evil'

54y son# "ay attention to my wisdom9

)end your ear to my understanding#

Avoid it# do not travel on it9 Turn away from it and "ass on'

For they do not slee" unless they have done evil9 And their slee" is ta1en away unless they ma1e someone fall'

That you may "reserve discretion# And your li"s may 1ee" 1nowledge'

For they eat the bread of wic1edness# And drin1 the wine of violence'

For the li"s of an immoral woman dri" honey# And her mouth is smoother than oil9

But the "ath of the $ust is li1e the shining sun# That shines ever brighter unto the "erfect day'

But in the end she is bitter as wormwood# Shar" as a twoFedged sword'


The way of the wic1ed is li1e dar1ness9 They do not 1now what ma1es them stumble'

2er feet go down to death# 2er ste"s lay hold of hell'


4y son# give attention to my words9 0ncline your ear to my sayings'


)est you "onder her "ath of lifeFF 2er ways are unstable9 Cou do not 1now them'

*o not let them de"art from your eyes9 Kee" them in the midst of your heart9

Therefore hear me now# my children# And do not de"art from the words of my mouth'

For they are life to those who find them# And health to all their flesh'

+emove your way far from her# And do not go near the door of her house#

Kee" your heart with all diligence# For out of it s"ring the issues of life'

)est you give your honor to others# And your years to the cruel one9

/ut away from you a deceitful mouth# And "ut "erverse li"s far from you'

)est aliens be filled with your wealth# And your labors go to the house of a foreigner9

)et your eyes loo1 straight ahead# And your eyelids loo1 right before you'

And you mourn at last# Bhen your flesh and your body are consumed#

/onder the "ath of your feet# And let all your ways be established'

And say7 :2ow 0 have hated instruction# And my heart des"ised correctionH


0 have not obeyed the voice of my teachers# Nor inclined my ear to those who instructed meH

Cou are snared by the words of your mouth9 Cou are ta1en by the words of your mouth'

0 was on the verge of total ruin# 0n the midst of the assembly and congregation':

So do this# my son# and deliver yourself9 For you have come into the hand of your friend7 (o and humble yourself9 /lead with your friend'

*rin1 water from your own cistern# And running water from your own well'

(ive no slee" to your eyes# Nor slumber to your eyelids'


Should your fountains be dis"ersed abroad# Streams of water in the streetsE


)et them be only your own# And not for strangers with you'

*eliver yourself li1e a ga.elle from the hand of the hunter# And li1e a bird from the hand of the fowler'

)et your fountain be blessed# And re$oice with the wife of your youth'

(o to the ant# you sluggardH -onsider her ways and be wise#


As a loving deer and a graceful doe# )et her breasts satisfy you at all times9 And always be enra"tured with her love'

Bhich# having no ca"tain# 3verseer or ruler#


/rovides her su""lies in the summer# And gathers her food in the harvest'

For why should you# my son# be enra"tured by an immoral woman# And be embraced in the arms of a seductressE

2ow long will you slumber# 3 sluggardE Bhen will you rise from your slee"E

For the ways of man are before the eyes of the )3+*# And 2e "onders all his "aths'

A little slee"# a little slumber# A little folding of the hands to slee"FF


2is own iniGuities entra" the wic1ed man# And he is caught in the cords of his sin'

So shall your "overty come on you li1e a "rowler# And your need li1e an armed man'

A worthless "erson# a wic1ed man# Bal1s with a "erverse mouth9


2e shall die for lac1 of instruction# And in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray'

2e win1s with his eyes# 2e shuffles his feet# 2e "oints with his fingers9

64y son# if you become surety for

your friend# 0f you have sha1en hands in "ledge for a stranger#

/erversity is in his heart# 2e devises evil continually# 2e sows discord'


Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly9 Suddenly he shall be bro1en without remedy'


These si! things the )3+* hates# Ces# seven are an abomination to 2im7


So is he who goes in to his neighborDs wife9 Bhoever touches her shall not be innocent'

A "roud loo1# A lying tongue# 2ands that shed innocent blood#


A heart that devises wic1ed "lans# Feet that are swift in running to evil#

/eo"le do not des"ise a thief 0f he steals to satisfy himself when he is starving'


A false witness who s"ea1s lies# And one who sows discord among brethren'

Cet when he is found# he must restore sevenfold9 2e may have to give u" all the substance of his house'

4y son# 1ee" your fatherDs command# And do not forsa1e the law of your mother'

Bhoever commits adultery with a woman lac1s understanding9 2e who does so destroys his own soul'

Bind them continually u"on your heart9 Tie them around your nec1'

Bounds and dishonor he will get# And his re"roach will not be wi"ed away'

Bhen you roam# they will lead you9 Bhen you slee"# they will 1ee" you9 And when you awa1e# they will s"ea1 with you'

For $ealousy is a husbandDs fury9 Therefore he will not s"are in the day of vengeance'

For the commandment is a lam"# And the law a light9 +e"roofs of instruction are the way of life#

2e will acce"t no recom"ense# Nor will he be a""eased though you give many gifts'

To 1ee" you from the evil woman# From the flattering tongue of a seductress'


son# 1ee" my words# And treasure my commands within you' Kee" my commands and live# And my law as the a""le of your eye'

*o not lust after her beauty in your heart# Nor let her allure you with her eyelids'

For by means of a harlot A man is reduced to a crust of bread9 And an adulteress will "rey u"on his "recious life'

Bind them on your fingers9 Brite them on the tablet of your heart'

Say to wisdom# :Cou are my sister#: And call understanding your nearest 1in#

-an a man ta1e fire to his bosom# And his clothes not be burnedE

That they may 1ee" you from the immoral woman# From the seductress who flatters with her words'

-an one wal1 on hot coals# And his feet not be searedE

For at the window of my house 0 loo1ed through my lattice#

And saw among the sim"le# 0 "erceived among the youths# A young man devoid of understanding#


Bith her enticing s"eech she caused him to yield# Bith her flattering li"s she seduced him'

/assing along the street near her corner9 And he too1 the "ath to her house

0mmediately he went after her# as an o! goes to the slaughter# 3r as a fool to the correction of the stoc1s#

0n the twilight# in the evening# 0n the blac1 and dar1 night'


Till an arrow struc1 his liver' As a bird hastens to the snare# 2e did not 1now it would cost his life'

And there a woman met him# Bith the attire of a harlot# and a crafty heart'

She was loud and rebellious# 2er feet would not stay at home'

Now therefore# listen to me# my children9 /ay attention to the words of my mouth7

At times she was outside# at times in the o"en sGuare# )ur1ing at every corner'

*o not let your heart turn aside to her ways# *o not stray into her "aths9

So she caught him and 1issed him9 Bith an im"udent face she said to him7

For she has cast down many wounded# And all who were slain by her were strong men'

:0 have "eace offerings with me9 Today 0 have "aid my vows'


2er house is the way to hell# *escending to the chambers of death'

So 0 came out to meet you# *iligently to see1 your face# And 0 have found you'


not wisdom cry out# And understanding lift u" her voiceE She ta1es her stand on the to" of the high hill# Beside the way# where the "aths meet'

0 have s"read my bed with ta"estry# -olored coverings of gy"tian linen'


0 have "erfumed my bed Bith myrrh# aloes# and cinnamon'


She cries out by the gates# at the entry of the city# At the entrance of the doors7

-ome# let us ta1e our fill of love until morning9 )et us delight ourselves with love'

:To you# 3 men# 0 call# And my voice is to the sons of men'


For my husband is not at home9 2e has gone on a long $ourney9


3 you sim"le ones# understand "rudence# And you fools# be of an understanding heart'

2e has ta1en a bag of money with him# And will come home on the a""ointed day':

)isten# for 0 will s"ea1 of e!cellent things# And from the o"ening of my li"s will come right things9

For my mouth will s"ea1 truth9 Bic1edness is an abomination to my li"s'



That 0 may cause those who love me to inherit wealth# That 0 may fill their treasuries'

All the words of my mouth are with righteousness9 Nothing croo1ed or "erverse is in them'

:The )3+* "ossessed me at the beginning of 2is way# Before 2is wor1s of old'

They are all "lain to him who understands# And right to those who find 1nowledge'

0 have been established from everlasting# From the beginning# before there was ever an earth'

+eceive my instruction# and not silver# And 1nowledge rather than choice gold9

Bhen there were no de"ths 0 was brought forth# Bhen there were no fountains abounding with water'

For wisdom is better than rubies# And all the things one may desire cannot be com"ared with her'

Before the mountains were settled# Before the hills# 0 was brought forth9

:0# wisdom# dwell with "rudence# And find out 1nowledge and discretion'

Bhile as yet 2e had not made the earth or the fields# 3r the "rimal dust of the world'

The fear of the )3+* is to hate evil9 /ride and arrogance and the evil way And the "erverse mouth 0 hate'

Bhen 2e "re"ared the heavens# 0 was there# Bhen 2e drew a circle on the face of the dee"#

-ounsel is mine# and sound wisdom9 0 am understanding# 0 have strength'


By me 1ings reign# And rulers decree $ustice'


Bhen 2e established the clouds above# Bhen 2e strengthened the fountains of the dee"#

By me "rinces rule# and nobles# All the $udges of the earth'


Bhen 2e assigned to the sea its limit# So that the waters would not transgress 2is command# Bhen 2e mar1ed out the foundations of the earth#

0 love those who love me# And those who see1 me diligently will find me'

+iches and honor are with me# nduring riches and righteousness'

Then 0 was beside 2im as a master craftsman9 And 0 was daily 2is delight# +e$oicing always before 2im#


4y fruit is better than gold# yes# than fine gold# And my revenue than choice silver'

+e$oicing in 2is inhabited world# And my delight was with the sons of men'

0 traverse the way of righteousness# 0n the midst of the "aths of $ustice#

:Now therefore# listen to me# my children# For blessed are those who 1ee" my ways'


2ear instruction and be wise# And do not disdain it'



:The fear of the )3+* is the beginning of wisdom# And the 1nowledge of the 2oly 3ne is understanding'

Blessed is the man who listens to me# Batching daily at my gates# Baiting at the "osts of my doors'

For by me your days will be multi"lied# And years of life will be added to you'

For whoever finds me finds life# And obtains favor from the )3+*9

0f you are wise# you are wise for yourself# And if you scoff# you will bear it alone':

But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul9 All those who hate me love death':

A foolish woman is clamorous9 She is sim"le# and 1nows nothing'


9Bisdom has built her house# She has

hewn out her seven "illars9

For she sits at the door of her house# 3n a seat by the highest "laces of the city#

She has slaughtered her meat# She has mi!ed her wine# She has also furnished her table'

To call to those who "ass by# Bho go straight on their way7


She has sent out her maidens# She cries out from the highest "laces of the city#

:Bhoever is sim"le# let him turn in here:9 And as for him who lac1s understanding# she says to him#

:Bhoever is sim"le# let him turn in hereH: As for him who lac1s understanding# she says to him#

:Stolen water is sweet# And bread eaten in secret is "leasant':


:-ome# eat of my bread And drin1 of the wine 0 have mi!ed'


But he does not 1now that the dead are there# That her guests are in the de"ths of hell'

Forsa1e foolishness and live# And go in the way of understanding'


10The "roverbs of Solomon7 A wise

son ma1es a glad father# But a foolish son is the grief of his mother'

:2e who corrects a scoffer gets shame for himself# And he who rebu1es a wic1ed man only harms himself'

Treasures of wic1edness "rofit nothing# But righteousness delivers from death'


*o not correct a scoffer# lest he hate you9 +ebu1e a wise man# and he will love you'

The )3+* will not allow the righteous soul to famish# But 2e casts away the desire of the wic1ed'

(ive instruction to a wise man# and he will be still wiser9 Teach a $ust man# and he will increase in learning'

2e who has a slac1 hand becomes "oor# But the hand of the diligent ma1es rich'


2e who gathers in summer is a wise son9 2e who slee"s in harvest is a son who causes shame'


2e who 1ee"s instruction is in the way of life# But he who refuses correction goes astray'

Blessings are on the head of the righteous# But violence covers the mouth of the wic1ed'

Bhoever hides hatred has lying li"s# And whoever s"reads slander is a fool'

The memory of the righteous is blessed# But the name of the wic1ed will rot'

0n the multitude of words sin is not lac1ing# But he who restrains his li"s is wise'

The wise in heart will receive commands# But a "rating fool will fall'

The tongue of the righteous is choice silver9 The heart of the wic1ed is worth little'

2e who wal1s with integrity wal1s securely# But he who "erverts his ways will become 1nown'

The li"s of the righteous feed many# But fools die for lac1 of wisdom'

2e who win1s with the eye causes trouble# But a "rating fool will fall'

The blessing of the )3+* ma1es one rich# And 2e adds no sorrow with it'

The mouth of the righteous is a well of life# But violence covers the mouth of the wic1ed'

To do evil is li1e s"ort to a fool# But a man of understanding has wisdom'


2atred stirs u" strife# But love covers all sins'


The fear of the wic1ed will come u"on him# And the desire of the righteous will be granted'

Bisdom is found on the li"s of him who has understanding# But a rod is for the bac1 of him who is devoid of understanding'

Bhen the whirlwind "asses by# the wic1ed is no more# But the righteous has an everlasting foundation'

Bise "eo"le store u" 1nowledge# But the mouth of the foolish is near destruction'

As vinegar to the teeth and smo1e to the eyes# So is the la.y man to those who send him'

The rich manDs wealth is his strong city9 The destruction of the "oor is their "overty'

The fear of the )3+* "rolongs days# But the years of the wic1ed will be shortened'

The labor of the righteous leads to life# The wages of the wic1ed to sin'

The ho"e of the righteous will be gladness# But the e!"ectation of the wic1ed will "erish'

The way of the )3+* is strength for the u"right# But destruction will come to the wor1ers of iniGuity'


The righteous will never be removed# But the wic1ed will not inhabit the earth'


Bhen it goes well with the righteous# the city re$oices9 And when the wic1ed "erish# there is $ubilation'

The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom# But the "erverse tongue will be cut out'

By the blessing of the u"right the city is e!alted# But it is overthrown by the mouth of the wic1ed'

The li"s of the righteous 1now what is acce"table# But the mouth of the wic1ed what is "erverse'

2e who is devoid of wisdom des"ises his neighbor# But a man of understanding holds his "eace'


scales are an abomination to the )3+*# But a $ust weight is 2is delight' Bhen "ride comes# then comes shame9 But with the humble is wisdom'

A talebearer reveals secrets# But he who is of a faithful s"irit conceals a matter'


Bhere there is no counsel# the "eo"le fall9 But in the multitude of counselors there is safety'

The integrity of the u"right will guide them# But the "erversity of the unfaithful will destroy them'

2e who is surety for a stranger will suffer# But one who hates being surety is secure'

+iches do not "rofit in the day of wrath# But righteousness delivers from death'

A gracious woman retains honor# But ruthless men retain riches'


The righteousness of the blameless will direct his way aright# But the wic1ed will fall by his own wic1edness'

The merciful man does good for his own soul# But he who is cruel troubles his own flesh'

The righteousness of the u"right will deliver them# But the unfaithful will be caught by their lust'

The wic1ed man does dece"tive wor1# But he who sows righteousness will have a sure reward'

Bhen a wic1ed man dies# his e!"ectation will "erish# And the ho"e of the un$ust "erishes'

As righteousness leads to life# So he who "ursues evil "ursues it to his own death'

The righteous is delivered from trouble# And it comes to the wic1ed instead'

The hy"ocrite with his mouth destroys his neighbor# But through 1nowledge the righteous will be delivered'

Those who are of a "erverse heart are an abomination to the )3+*# But the blameless in their ways are 2is delight'

Though they $oin forces# the wic1ed will not go un"unished9 But the "osterity of the righteous will be delivered'


As a ring of gold in a swineDs snout# So is a lovely woman who lac1s discretion'


A man is not established wic1edness# But the root of righteous cannot be moved'

by the

The desire of the righteous is only good# But the e!"ectation of the wic1ed is wrath'

An e!cellent wife is the crown of her husband# But she who causes shame is li1e rottenness in his bones'

There is one who scatters# yet increases more9 And there is one who withholds more than is right# But it leads to "overty'

The thoughts of the righteous are right# But the counsels of the wic1ed are deceitful'

The generous soul will be made rich# And he who waters will also be watered himself'

The words of the wic1ed are# :)ie in wait for blood#: But the mouth of the u"right will deliver them'

The "eo"le will curse him who withholds grain# But blessing will be on the head of him who sells it'

The wic1ed are overthrown and are no more# But the house of the righteous will stand'

2e who earnestly see1s good finds favor# But trouble will come to him who see1s evil'

A man will be commended according to his wisdom# But he who is of a "erverse heart will be des"ised'

2e who trusts in his riches will fall# But the righteous will flourish li1e foliage'

Better is the one who is slighted but has a servant# Than he who honors himself but lac1s bread'

2e who troubles his own house will inherit the wind# And the fool will be servant to the wise of heart'

A righteous man regards the life of his animal# But the tender mercies of the wic1ed are cruel'

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life# And he who wins souls is wise'

0f the righteous will be recom"ensed on the earth# 2ow much more the ungodly and the sinner'

2e who tills his land will be satisfied with bread# But he who follows frivolity is devoid of understanding'

12Bhoever loves instruction loves

1nowledge# But he who hates correction is stu"id'

The wic1ed covet the catch of evil men# But the root of the righteous yields fruit'

The wic1ed is ensnared by the transgression of his li"s# But the righteous will come through trouble'

A good man obtains favor from the )3+*# But a man of wic1ed intentions 2e will condemn'

A man will be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth# And the

recom"ense of a manDs hands will be rendered to him'



The la.y man does not roast what he too1 in hunting# But diligence is manDs "recious "ossession'

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes# But he who heeds counsel is wise'

0n the way of righteousness is life# And in its "athway there is no death'

A foolDs wrath is 1nown at once# But a "rudent man covers shame'


2e who s"ea1s truth declares righteousness# But a false witness# deceit'



wise son heeds his fatherDs instruction# But a scoffer does not listen to rebu1e' A man shall eat well by the fruit of his mouth# But the soul of the unfaithful feeds on violence'

There is one who s"ea1s li1e the "iercings of a sword# But the tongue of the wise "romotes health'

The truthful li" shall be established forever# But a lying tongue is but for a moment'

2e who guards his mouth "reserves his life# But he who o"ens wide his li"s shall have destruction'

*eceit is in the heart of those who devise evil# But counselors of "eace have $oy'

The soul of a la.y man desires# and has nothing9 But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich'

No grave trouble will overta1e the righteous# But the wic1ed shall be filled with evil'

A righteous man hates lying# But a wic1ed man is loathsome and comes to shame'

)ying li"s are an abomination to the )3+*# But those who deal truthfully are 2is delight'

+ighteousness guards him whose way is blameless# But wic1edness overthrows the sinner'

A "rudent man conceals 1nowledge# But the heart of fools "roclaims foolishness'

There is one who ma1es himself rich# yet has nothing9 And one who ma1es himself "oor# yet has great riches'

The hand of the diligent will rule# But the la.y man will be "ut to forced labor'

The ransom of a manDs life is his riches# But the "oor does not hear rebu1e'

An!iety in the heart of man causes de"ression# But a good word ma1es it glad'

The light of the righteous re$oices# But the lam" of the wic1ed will be "ut out'

The righteous should choose his friends carefully# For the way of the wic1ed leads them astray'

By "ride comes nothing but strife# But with the wellFadvised is wisdom'


Bealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished# But he who gathers by labor will increase'


4uch food is in the fallow ground of the "oor# And for lac1 of $ustice there is waste'

2o"e deferred ma1es the heart sic1# But when the desire comes# it is a tree of life'

2e who s"ares his rod hates his son# But he who loves him disci"lines him "rom"tly'

2e who des"ises the word will be destroyed# But he who fears the commandment will be rewarded'

The righteous eats to the satisfying of his soul# But the stomach of the wic1ed shall be in want'

The law of the wise is a fountain of life# To turn one away from the snares of death'


(ood understanding gains favor# But the way of the unfaithful is hard'

wise woman builds her house# But the foolish "ulls it down with her hands' 2e who wal1s in his u"rightness fears the )3+*# But he who is "erverse in his ways des"ises 2im'

very "rudent man acts with 1nowledge# But a fool lays o"en his folly'

A wic1ed messenger falls into trouble# But a faithful ambassador brings health'

0n the mouth of a fool is a rod of "ride# But the li"s of the wise will "reserve them'

/overty and shame will come to him who disdains correction# But he who regards a rebu1e will be honored'

Bhere no o!en are# the trough is clean9 But much increase comes by the strength of an o!'

A desire accom"lished is sweet to the soul# But it is an abomination to fools to de"art from evil'

A faithful witness does not lie# But a false witness will utter lies'

2e who wal1s with wise men will be wise# But the com"anion of fools will be destroyed'

A scoffer see1s wisdom and does not find it# But 1nowledge is easy to him who understands'

vil "ursues sinners# But to the righteous# good shall be re"aid'


(o from the "resence of a foolish man# Bhen you do not "erceive in him the li"s of 1nowledge'

A good man leaves an inheritance to his childrenDs children# But the wealth of the sinner is stored u" for the righteous'

The wisdom of the "rudent is to understand his way# But the folly of fools is deceit'

Fools moc1 at sin# But among the u"right there is favor'


The heart 1nows its own bitterness# And a stranger does not share its $oy'


The crown of the wise is their riches# But the foolishness of fools is folly'

The house of the wic1ed will be overthrown# But the tent of the u"right will flourish'

A true witness delivers souls# But a deceitful witness s"ea1s lies'


There is a way that seems right to a man# But its end is the way of death'

0n the fear of the )3+* there is strong confidence# And 2is children will have a "lace of refuge'

ven in laughter the heart may sorrow# And the end of mirth may be grief'

The fear of the )3+* is a fountain of life# To turn one away from the snares of death'

The bac1slider in heart will be filled with his own ways# But a good man will be satisfied from above'

0n a multitude of "eo"le is a 1ingDs honor# But in the lac1 of "eo"le is the downfall of a "rince'

The sim"le believes every word# But the "rudent considers well his ste"s'

A wise man fears and de"arts from evil# But a fool rages and is selfF confident'

2e who is slow to wrath has great understanding# But he who is im"ulsive e!alts folly'

A sound heart is life to the body# But envy is rottenness to the bones'

A Guic1Ftem"ered man acts foolishly# And a man of wic1ed intentions is hated'


The sim"le inherit folly# But the "rudent are crowned with 1nowledge'

2e who o""resses the "oor re"roaches his 4a1er# But he who honors 2im has mercy on the needy'

The evil will bow before the good# And the wic1ed at the gates of the righteous'

The wic1ed is banished in his wic1edness# But the righteous has a refuge in his death'

The "oor man is hated even by his own neighbor# But the rich has many friends'

Bisdom rests in the heart of him who has understanding# But what is in the heart of fools is made 1nown'

2e who des"ises his neighbor sins9 But he who has mercy on the "oor# ha""y is he'

+ighteousness e!alts a nation# But sin is a re"roach to any "eo"le'


*o they not go astray who devise evilE But mercy and truth belong to those who devise good'

The 1ingDs favor is toward a wise servant# But his wrath is against him who causes shame'

0n all labor there is "rofit# But idle chatter leads only to "overty'

15A soft answer turns away wrath#

But a harsh word stirs u" anger'

The tongue of the wise uses 1nowledge rightly# But the mouth of fools "ours forth foolishness'


The heart of him who has understanding see1s 1nowledge# But the mouth of fools feeds on foolishness'

The eyes of the )3+* are in every "lace# Kee"ing watch on the evil and the good'

All the days of the afflicted are evil# But he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast'

A wholesome tongue is a tree of life# But "erverseness in it brea1s the s"irit'


Better is a little with the fear of the )3+*# Than great treasure with trouble'

A fool des"ises his fatherDs instruction# But he who receives correction is "rudent'

Better is a dinner of herbs where love is# Than a fatted calf with hatred'

0n the house of the righteous there is much treasure# But in the revenue of the wic1ed is trouble'

A wrathful man stirs u" strife# But he who is slow to anger allays contention'

The li"s of the wise dis"erse 1nowledge# But the heart of the fool does not do so'

The way of the la.y man is li1e a hedge of thorns# But the way of the u"right is a highway'

A wise son ma1es a father glad# But a foolish man des"ises his mother'

The sacrifice of the wic1ed is an abomination to the )3+*# But the "rayer of the u"right is 2is delight'

Folly is $oy to him who is destitute of discernment# But a man of understanding wal1s u"rightly'

The way of the wic1ed is an abomination to the )3+*# But 2e loves him who follows righteousness'

Bithout counsel# "lans go awry# But in the multitude of counselors they are established'

2arsh disci"line is for him who forsa1es the way# And he who hates correction will die'

A man has $oy by the answer of his mouth# And a word s"o1en in due season# how good it isH

2ell and *estruction are before the )3+*9 So how much more the hearts of the sons of men'

The way of life winds u"ward for the wise# That he may turn away from hell below'

A scoffer does not love one who corrects him# Nor will he go to the wise'

A merry heart ma1es a cheerful countenance# But by sorrow of the heart the s"irit is bro1en'

The )3+* will destroy the house of the "roud# But 2e will establish the boundary of the widow'

The thoughts of the wic1ed are an abomination to the )3+*# But the words of the "ure are "leasant'


2e who is greedy for gain troubles his own house# But he who hates bribes will live'


0n mercy and truth Atonement is "rovided for iniGuity9 And by the fear of the )3+* one de"arts from evil'

The heart of the righteous studies how to answer# But the mouth of the wic1ed "ours forth evil'

Bhen a manDs ways "lease the )3+*# 2e ma1es even his enemies to be at "eace with him'

The )3+* is far from the wic1ed# But 2e hears the "rayer of the righteous'

Better is a little with righteousness# Than vast revenues without $ustice'


The light of the eyes re$oices the heart# And a good re"ort ma1es the bones healthy'

A manDs heart "lans his way# But the )3+* directs his ste"s'

The ear that hears the rebu1es of life Bill abide among the wise'

*ivination is on the li"s of the 1ing9 2is mouth must not transgress in $udgment'

2e who disdains instruction des"ises his own soul# But he who heeds rebu1e gets understanding'

2onest weights and scales are the )3+*Ds9 All the weights in the bag are 2is wor1'

The fear of the )3+* is the instruction of wisdom# And before honor is humility'

0t is an abomination for 1ings to commit wic1edness# For a throne is established by righteousness'



"re"arations of the heart belong to man# But the answer of the tongue is from the )3+*' All the ways of a man are "ure in his own eyes# But the )3+* weighs the s"irits'

+ighteous li"s are the delight of 1ings# And they love him who s"ea1s what is right'

As messengers of death is the 1ingDs wrath# But a wise man will a""ease it'

0n the light of the 1ingDs face is life# And his favor is li1e a cloud of the latter rain'

-ommit your wor1s to the )3+*# And your thoughts will be established'

The )3+* has made all for 2imself# Ces# even the wic1ed for the day of doom'

2ow much better to get wisdom than goldH And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver'

veryone "roud in heart is an abomination to the )3+*9 Though they $oin forces# none will go un"unished'

The highway of the u"right is to de"art from evil9 2e who 1ee"s his way "reserves his soul'

/ride goes before destruction# And a haughty s"irit before a fall'


Better to be of a humble s"irit with the lowly# Than to divide the s"oil with the "roud'


2e who is slow to anger is better than the mighty# And he who rules his s"irit than he who ta1es a city'

2e who heeds the word wisely will find good# And whoever trusts in the )3+*# ha""y is he'

The lot is cast into the la"# But its every decision is from the )3+*'

The wise in heart will be called "rudent# And sweetness of the li"s increases learning'


is a dry morsel with Guietness# Than a house full of feasting with strife' A wise servant will rule over a son who causes shame# And will share an inheritance among the brothers'

Anderstanding is a wells"ring of life to him who has it' But the correction of fools is folly'

The heart of the wise teaches his mouth# And adds learning to his li"s'

/leasant words are li1e a honeycomb# Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones'

The refining "ot is for silver and the furnace for gold# But the )3+* tests the hearts'

An evildoer gives heed to false li"s9 A liar listens eagerly to a s"iteful tongue'

There is a way that seems right to a man# But its end is the way of death'

The "erson who labors# labors for himself# For his hungry mouth drives him on'

2e who moc1s the "oor re"roaches his 4a1er9 2e who is glad at calamity will not go un"unished'

An ungodly man digs u" evil# And it is on his li"s li1e a burning fire'

-hildrenDs children are the crown of old men# And the glory of children is their father'

A "erverse man sows strife# And a whis"erer se"arates the best of friends'

!cellent s"eech is not becoming to a fool# 4uch less lying li"s to a "rince'

A violent man entices his neighbor# And leads him in a way that is not good'

A "resent is a "recious stone in the eyes of its "ossessor9 Bherever he turns# he "ros"ers'

2e win1s his eye to devise "erverse things9 2e "urses his li"s and brings about evil'

2e who covers a transgression see1s love# But he who re"eats a matter se"arates friends'

The silverFhaired head is a crown of glory# 0f it is found in the way of righteousness'

+ebu1e is more effective for a wise man Than a hundred blows on a fool'


An evil man see1s only rebellion9 Therefore a cruel messenger will be sent against him'


Bisdom is in the sight of him who has understanding# But the eyes of a fool are on the ends of the earth'

)et a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs# +ather than a fool in his folly'

A foolish son is a grief to his father# And bitterness to her who bore him'

Bhoever rewards evil for good# will not de"art from his house'


Also# to "unish the righteous is not good# Nor to stri1e "rinces for their u"rightness'

The beginning of strife is li1e releasing water9 Therefore sto" contention before a Guarrel starts'

2e who has 1nowledge s"ares his words# And a man of understanding is of a calm s"irit'

2e who $ustifies the wic1ed# and he who condemns the $ust# Both of them ali1e are an abomination to the )3+*'

ven a fool is counted wise when he holds his "eace9 Bhen he shuts his li"s# he is considered "erce"tive'

Bhy is there in the hand of a fool the "urchase "rice of wisdom# Since he has no heart for itE

18A man who isolates himself see1s

his own desire9 2e rages against all wise $udgment'

A friend loves at all times# And a brother is born for adversity'


A man devoid of understanding sha1es hands in a "ledge# And becomes surety for his friend'

A fool has no delight in understanding# But in e!"ressing his own heart'


2e who loves transgression loves strife# And he who e!alts his gate see1s destruction'

Bhen the wic1ed comes# contem"t comes also9 And with dishonor comes re"roach'

2e who has a deceitful heart finds no good# And he who has a "erverse tongue falls into evil'

The words of a manDs mouth are dee" waters9 The wells"ring of wisdom is a flowing broo1'

2e who begets a scoffer does so to his sorrow# And the father of a fool has no $oy'

0t is not good to show "artiality to the wic1ed# 3r to overthrow the righteous in $udgment'

A merry heart does good# li1e medicine# But a bro1en s"irit dries the bones'

A foolDs li"s enter into contention# And his mouth calls for blows'

A foolDs mouth is his destruction# And his li"s are the snare of his soul'

A wic1ed man acce"ts a bribe behind the bac1 To "ervert the ways of $ustice'


The words of a talebearer are li1e tasty trifles# And they go down into the inmost body'


*eath and life are in the "ower of the tongue# And those who love it will eat its fruit'

2e who is slothful in his wor1 0s a brother to him who is a great destroyer'


2e who finds a wife finds a good thing# And obtains favor from the )3+*'

The name of the )3+* is a strong tower9 The righteous run to it and are safe'

The "oor man uses entreaties# But the rich answers roughly'

The rich manDs wealth is his strong city# And li1e a high wall in his own esteem'

A man who has friends must himself be friendly# But there is a friend who stic1s closer than a brother'

Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty# And before honor is humility'

19Better is the "oor who wal1s in his

integrity Than one who is "erverse in his li"s# and is a fool'

2e who answers a matter before he hears it# 0t is folly and shame to him'

The s"irit of a man will sustain him in sic1ness# But who can bear a bro1en s"iritE

Also it is not good for a soul to be without 1nowledge# And he sins who hastens with his feet'

The heart of the "rudent acGuires 1nowledge# And the ear of the wise see1s 1nowledge'

The foolishness of a man twists his way# And his heart frets against the )3+*'

A manDs gift ma1es room for him# And brings him before great men'

Bealth ma1es many friends# But the "oor is se"arated from his friend'

The first one to "lead his cause seems right# Antil his neighbor comes and e!amines him'

A false witness will not go un"unished# And he who s"ea1s lies will not esca"e'

-asting lots causes contentions to cease# And 1ee"s the mighty a"art'

4any entreat the favor of the nobility# And every man is a friend to one who gives gifts'

A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city# And contentions are li1e the bars of a castle'

All the brothers of the "oor hate him9 2ow much more do his friends go far from himH 2e may "ursue them with words# yet they abandon him'

A manDs stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth9 From the "roduce of his li"s he shall be filled'

2e who gets wisdom loves his own soul9 2e who 1ee"s understanding will find good'

A false witness will not go un"unished# And he who s"ea1s lies shall "erish'


There are many "lans in a manDs heart# Nevertheless the )3+*Ds counselFFthat will stand'

)u!ury is not fitting for a fool# 4uch less for a servant to rule over "rinces'

Bhat is desired in a man is 1indness# And a "oor man is better than a liar'

The discretion of a man ma1es him slow to anger# And his glory is to overloo1 a transgression'

The fear of the )3+* leads to life# And he who has it will abide in satisfaction9 2e will not be visited with evil'

The 1ingDs wrath is li1e the roaring of a lion# But his favor is li1e dew on the grass'

A la.y man buries his hand in the bowl# And will not so much as bring it to his mouth again'

A foolish son is the ruin of his father# And the contentions of a wife are a continual dri""ing'

2ouses and riches are an inheritance from fathers# But a "rudent wife is from the )3+*'

Stri1e a scoffer# and the sim"le will become wary9 +ebu1e one who has understanding# and he will discern 1nowledge'

)a.iness casts one into a dee" slee"# And an idle "erson will suffer hunger'

2e who mistreats his father and chases away his mother 0s a son who causes shame and brings re"roach'

2e who 1ee"s the commandment 1ee"s his soul# But he who is careless of his ways will die'

-ease listening to instruction# my son# And you will stray from the words of 1nowledge'

2e who has "ity on the "oor lends to the )3+*# And 2e will "ay bac1 what he has given'

A disre"utable witness scorns $ustice# And the mouth of the wic1ed devours iniGuity'

-hasten your son while there is ho"e# And do not set your heart on his destruction'

Judgments are "re"ared for scoffers# And beatings for the bac1s of fools'

A man of great wrath will suffer "unishment9 For if you rescue him# you will have to do it again'

20Bine is a moc1er# Strong drin1 is

a brawler# And whoever is led astray by it is not wise'

)isten to counsel and receive instruction# That you may be wise in your latter days'

The wrath of a 1ing is li1e the roaring of a lion9 Bhoever "rovo1es him to anger sins against his own life'

0t is honorable for a man to sto" striving# Since any fool can start a Guarrel'

The la.y man will not "low because of winter9 2e will beg during harvest and have nothing'


Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man# But afterward his mouth will be filled with gravel'

-ounsel in the heart of man is li1e dee" water# But a man of understanding will draw it out'

/lans are established by counsel9 By wise counsel wage war'


4ost men will "roclaim each his own goodness# But who can find a faithful manE

2e who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets9 Therefore do not associate with one who flatters with his li"s'

The righteous man wal1s in his integrity9 2is children are blessed after him'

Bhoever curses his father or his mother# 2is lam" will be "ut out in dee" dar1ness'

A 1ing who sits on the throne of $udgment Scatters all evil with his eyes'

An inheritance gained hastily at the beginning Bill not be blessed at the end'

Bho can say# :0 have made my heart clean# 0 am "ure from my sin:E

*iverse weights and diverse measures# They are both ali1e# an abomination to the )3+*'

*o not say# :0 will recom"ense evil:9 Bait for the )3+*# and 2e will save you'

ven a child is 1nown by his deeds# Bhether what he does is "ure and right'

*iverse weights are an abomination to the )3+*# And dishonest scales are not good'

The hearing ear and the seeing eye# The )3+* has made them both'

A manDs ste"s are of the )3+*9 2ow then can a man understand his own wayE

*o not love slee"# lest you come to "overty9 3"en your eyes# and you will be satisfied with bread'

0t is a snare for a man to devote rashly something as holy# And afterward to reconsider his vows'

:0t is good for nothing#: cries the buyer9 But when he has gone his way# then he boasts'

A wise 1ing sifts out the wic1ed# And brings the threshing wheel over them'

There is gold and a multitude of rubies# But the li"s of 1nowledge are a "recious $ewel'

The s"irit of a man is the lam" of the )3+*# Searching all the inner de"ths of his heart'

Ta1e the garment of one who is surety for a stranger# And hold it as a "ledge when it is for a seductress'

4ercy and truth "reserve the 1ing# And by loving1indness he u"holds his throne'


The glory of young men is their strength# And the s"lendor of old men is their gray head'


The righteous (od wisely considers the house of the wic1ed# 3verthrowing the wic1ed for their wic1edness'

Blows that hurt cleanse away evil# As do stri"es the inner de"ths of the heart'

Bhoever shuts his ears to the cry of the "oor Bill also cry himself and not be heard'

21The 1ingDs heart is in the hand of

the )3+*# )i1e the rivers of water9 2e turns it wherever 2e wishes'

A gift in secret "acifies anger# And a bribe behind the bac1# strong wrath'

very way of a man is right in his own eyes# But the )3+* weighs the hearts'

0t is a $oy for the $ust to do $ustice# But destruction will come to the wor1ers of iniGuity'

To do righteousness and $ustice 0s more acce"table to the )3+* than sacrifice'


A man who wanders from the way of understanding Bill rest in the assembly of the dead'

A haughty loo1# a "roud heart# And the "lowing of the wic1ed are sin'

2e who loves "leasure will be a "oor man9 2e who loves wine and oil will not be rich'

The "lans of the diligent lead surely to "lenty# But those of everyone who is hasty# surely to "overty'

The wic1ed shall be a ransom for the righteous# And the unfaithful for the u"right'

(etting treasures by a lying tongue 0s the fleeting fantasy of those who see1 death'

Better to dwell in the wilderness# Than with a contentious and angry woman'

The violence of the wic1ed will destroy them# Because they refuse to do $ustice'

There is desirable treasure# And oil in the dwelling of the wise# But a foolish man sGuanders it'

The way of a guilty man is "erverse9 But as for the "ure# his wor1 is right'

Better to dwell in a corner of a houseto"# Than in a house shared with a contentious woman'

2e who follows righteousness and mercy Finds life# righteousness and honor'

The soul of the wic1ed desires evil9 2is neighbor finds no favor in his eyes'

A wise man scales the city of the mighty# And brings down the trusted stronghold'

Bhen the scoffer is "unished# the sim"le is made wise9 But when the wise is instructed# he receives 1nowledge'

Bhoever guards his mouth and tongue Kee"s his soul from troubles'

A "roud and haughty manFF:Scoffer: is his name9 2e acts with arrogant "ride'


The desire of the la.y man 1ills him# For his hands refuse to labor'

The rich rules over the "oor# And the borrower is servant to the lender'

2e covets greedily all day long# But the righteous gives and does not s"are'

2e who sows iniGuity will rea" sorrow# And the rod of his anger will fail'

The sacrifice of the wic1ed is an abomination9 2ow much more when he brings it with wic1ed intentH

2e who has a generous eye will be blessed# For he gives of his bread to the "oor'

A false witness shall "erish# But the man who hears him will s"ea1 endlessly'

-ast out the scoffer# and contention will leave9 Ces# strife and re"roach will cease'

A wic1ed man hardens his face# But as for the u"right# he establishes his way'

2e who loves "urity of heart And has grace on his li"s# The 1ing will be his friend'

There is no wisdom or understanding 3r counsel against the )3+*'


The horse is "re"ared for the day of battle# But deliverance is of the )3+*'

The eyes of the )3+* "reserve 1nowledge# But 2e overthrows the words of the faithless'

22A good name is to be chosen

rather than great riches# )oving favor rather than silver and gold'

The la.y man says# :There is a lion outsideH 0 shall be slain in the streetsH:

The mouth of an immoral woman is a dee" "it9 2e who is abhorred by the )3+* will fall there'

The rich and the "oor have this in common# The )3+* is the ma1er of them all'

Foolishness is bound u" in the heart of a child9 The rod of correction will drive it far from him'

A "rudent man foresees evil and hides himself# But the sim"le "ass on and are "unished'

2e who o""resses the "oor to increase his riches# And he who gives to the rich# will surely come to "overty'

By humility and the fear of the )3+* Are riches and honor and life'

Thorns and snares are in the way of the "erverse9 2e who guards his soul will be far from them'

0ncline your ear and hear the words of the wise# And a""ly your heart to my 1nowledge9

Train u" a child in the way he should go# And when he is old he will not de"art from it'

For it is a "leasant thing if you 1ee" them within you9 )et them all be fi!ed u"on your li"s#

So that your trust may be in the )3+*9 0 have instructed you today# even you'


2ave 0 not written to you e!cellent things 3f counsels and 1nowledge#


*o not overwor1 to be rich9 Because of your own understanding# ceaseH


That 0 may ma1e you 1now the certainty of the words of truth# That you may answer words of truth To those who send to youE

Bill you set your eyes on that which is notE For riches certainly ma1e themselves wings9 They fly away li1e an eagle toward heaven'

*o not rob the "oor because he is "oor# Nor o""ress the afflicted at the gate9

*o not eat the bread of a miser# Nor desire his delicacies9


For the )3+* will "lead their cause# And "lunder the soul of those who "lunder them'

For as he thin1s in his heart# so is he' : at and drin1H: he says to you# But his heart is not with you'

4a1e no friendshi" with an angry man# And with a furious man do not go#

The morsel you have eaten# you will vomit u"# And waste your "leasant words'

)est you learn his ways And set a snare for your soul'

*o not s"ea1 in the hearing of a fool# For he will des"ise the wisdom of your words'

*o not be one of those who sha1es hands in a "ledge# 3ne of those who is surety for debts9

*o not remove the ancient landmar1# Nor enter the fields of the fatherless9

0f you have nothing with which to "ay# Bhy should he ta1e away your bed from under youE

For their +edeemer is mighty9 2e will "lead their cause against you'

*o not remove the ancient landmar1 Bhich your fathers have set'

A""ly your heart to instruction# And your ears to words of 1nowledge'


*o you see a man who e!cels in his wor1E 2e will stand before 1ings9 2e will not stand before un1nown men'

*o not withhold correction from a child# For if you beat him with a rod# he will not die'

23Bhen you sit down to eat with a

ruler# -onsider carefully what is before you9

Cou shall beat him with a rod# And deliver his soul from hell'

4y son# if your heart is wise# 4y heart will re$oiceFFindeed# 0 myself9


And "ut a 1nife to your throat 0f you are a man given to a""etite'

Ces# my inmost being will re$oice Bhen your li"s s"ea1 right things'

*o not desire his delicacies# For they are dece"tive food'


*o not let your heart envy sinners# But be .ealous for the fear of the )3+* all the day9


Those who linger long at the wine# Those who go in search of mi!ed wine'

For surely there is a hereafter# And your ho"e will not be cut off'

*o not loo1 on the wine when it is red# Bhen it s"ar1les in the cu"# Bhen it swirls around smoothly9

2ear# my son# and be wise9 And guide your heart in the way'

At the last it bites li1e a ser"ent# And stings li1e a vi"er'


*o not mi! with winebibbers# 3r with gluttonous eaters of meat9


Cour eyes will see strange things# And your heart will utter "erverse things'

For the drun1ard and the glutton will come to "overty# And drowsiness will clothe a man with rags'

Ces# you will be li1e one who lies down in the midst of the sea# 3r li1e one who lies at the to" of the mast# saying7

)isten to your father who begot you# And do not des"ise your mother when she is old'

:They have struc1 me# but 0 was not hurt9 They have beaten me# but 0 did not feel it' Bhen shall 0 awa1e# that 0 may see1 another drin1E

Buy the truth# and do not sell it# Also wisdom and instruction and understanding'

24*o not be envious of evil men#

Nor desire to be with them9

The father of the righteous will greatly re$oice# And he who begets a wise child will delight in him'

For their heart devises violence# And their li"s tal1 of troublema1ing'

)et your father and your mother be glad# And let her who bore you re$oice'

Through wisdom a house is built# And by understanding it is established9


4y son# give me your heart# And let your eyes observe my ways'

By 1nowledge the rooms are filled Bith all "recious and "leasant riches'

For a harlot is a dee" "it# And a seductress is a narrow well'


A wise man is strong# Ces# a man of 1nowledge increases strength9


She also lies in wait as for a victim# And increases the unfaithful among men'

For by wise counsel you will wage your own war# And in a multitude of counselors there is safety'

Bho has woeE Bho has sorrowE Bho has contentionsE Bho has com"laintsE Bho has wounds without causeE Bho has redness of eyesE

Bisdom is too lofty for a fool9 2e does not o"en his mouth in the gate'


2e who "lots to do evil Bill be called a schemer'



For there will be no "ros"ect for the evil man9 The lam" of the wic1ed will be "ut out'

The devising of foolishness is sin# And the scoffer is an abomination to men'


0f you faint in the day of adversity# Cour strength is small'


4y son# fear the )3+* and the 1ing9 *o not associate with those given to change9

*eliver those who are drawn toward death# And hold bac1 those stumbling to the slaughter'

For their calamity will rise suddenly# And who 1nows the ruin those two can bringE

0f you say# :Surely we did not 1now this#: *oes not 2e who weighs the hearts consider itE 2e who 1ee"s your soul# does 2e not 1now itE And will 2e not render to each man according to his deedsE

These things also belong to the wise7 0t is not good to show "artiality in $udgment'

2e who says to the wic1ed# :Cou are righteous#: 2im the "eo"le will curse9 Nations will abhor him'

4y son# eat honey because it is good# And the honeycomb which is sweet to your taste9

But those who rebu1e the wic1ed will have delight# And a good blessing will come u"on them'

So shall the 1nowledge of wisdom be to your soul9 0f you have found it# there is a "ros"ect# And your ho"e will not be cut off'

2e who gives a right answer 1isses the li"s'


*o not lie in wait# 3 wic1ed man# against the dwelling of the righteous9 *o not "lunder his resting "lace9

/re"are your outside wor1# 4a1e it fit for yourself in the field9 And afterward build your house'

For a righteous man may fall seven times And rise again# But the wic1ed shall fall by calamity'

*o not be a witness against your neighbor without cause# For would you deceive with your li"sE

*o not re$oice when your enemy falls# And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles9

*o not say# :0 will do to him $ust as he has done to me9 0 will render to the man according to his wor1':

)est the )3+* see it# and it dis"lease 2im# And 2e turn away 2is wrath from him'

0 went by the field of the la.y man# And by the vineyard of the man devoid of understanding9

*o not fret because of evildoers# Nor be envious of the wic1ed9

And there it was# all overgrown with thorns9 0ts surface was covered with nettles9 0ts stone wall was bro1en down'


Bhen 0 saw it# 0 considered it well9 0 loo1ed on it and received instruction7



)est he who hears it e!"ose your shame# And your re"utation be ruined'

A little slee"# a little slumber# A little folding of the hands to rest9


A word fitly s"o1en is li1e a""les of gold 0n settings of silver'


So shall your "overty come li1e a "rowler# And your need li1e an armed man'

)i1e an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold 0s a wise rebu1er to an obedient ear'


also are "roverbs of Solomon which the men of 2e.e1iah 1ing of Judah co"ied7 0t is the glory of (od to conceal a matter# But the glory of 1ings is to search out a matter'

)i1e the cold of snow in time of harvest 0s a faithful messenger to those who send him# For he refreshes the soul of his masters'

Bhoever falsely boasts of giving 0s li1e clouds and wind without rain'

As the heavens for height and the earth for de"th# So the heart of 1ings is unsearchable'

By long forbearance a ruler is "ersuaded# And a gentle tongue brea1s a bone'


Ta1e away the dross from silver# And it will go to the silversmith for $ewelry'

2ave you found honeyE at only as much as you need# )est you be filled with it and vomit'

Ta1e away the wic1ed from before the 1ing# And his throne will be established in righteousness'

Seldom set foot in your neighborDs house# )est he become weary of you and hate you'

*o not e!alt yourself in the "resence of the 1ing# And do not stand in the "lace of the great9

A man who bears false witness against his neighbor 0s li1e a club# a sword# and a shar" arrow'

For it is better that he say to you# :-ome u" here#: Than that you should be "ut lower in the "resence of the "rince# Bhom your eyes have seen'

-onfidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble 0s li1e a bad tooth and a foot out of $oint'

*o not go hastily to court9 For what will you do in the end# Bhen your neighbor has "ut you to shameE

)i1e one who ta1es away a garment in cold weather# And li1e vinegar on soda# 0s one who sings songs to a heavy heart'

*ebate your case with your neighbor# And do not disclose the secret to another9

0f your enemy is hungry# give him bread to eat9 And if he is thirsty# give him water to drin19


For so you will hea" coals of fire on his head# And the )3+* will reward you'

)i1e the legs of the lame that hang lim" 0s a "roverb in the mouth of fools'

The north wind brings forth rain# And a bac1biting tongue an angry countenance'

)i1e one who binds a stone in a sling 0s he who gives honor to a fool'

0t is better to dwell in a corner of a houseto"# Than in a house shared with a contentious woman'

)i1e a thorn that goes into the hand of a drun1ard 0s a "roverb in the mouth of fools'

As cold water to a weary soul# So is good news from a far country'


The great (od who formed everything (ives the fool his hire and the transgressor his wages'

A righteous man who falters before the wic1ed 0s li1e a mur1y s"ring and a "olluted well'

As a dog returns to his own vomit# So a fool re"eats his folly'


0t is not good to eat much honey9 So to see1 oneDs own glory is not glory'

*o you see a man wise in his own eyesE There is more ho"e for a fool than for him'

Bhoever has no rule over his own s"irit 0s li1e a city bro1en down# without walls'

The la.y man says# :There is a lion in the roadH A fierce lion is in the streetsH:

26As snow in summer and rain in

harvest# So honor is not fitting for a fool'

As a door turns on its hinges# So does the la.y man on his bed'

)i1e a flitting s"arrow# li1e a flying swallow# So a curse without cause shall not alight'

The la.y man buries his hand in the bowl9 0t wearies him to bring it bac1 to his mouth'

A whi" for the horse# A bridle for the don1ey# And a rod for the foolDs bac1'

The la.y man is wiser in his own eyes Than seven men who can answer sensibly'

*o not answer a fool according to his folly# )est you also be li1e him'

2e who "asses by and meddles in a Guarrel not his own 0s li1e one who ta1es a dog by the ears'

Answer a fool according to his folly# )est he be wise in his own eyes'

)i1e a madman who throws firebrands# arrows# and death#


2e who sends a message by the hand of a fool -uts off his own feet and drin1s violence'

0s the man who deceives his neighbor# And says# :0 was only $o1ingH:


Bhere there is no wood# the fire goes out9 And where there is no talebearer# strife ceases'

Brath is cruel and anger a torrent# But who is able to stand before $ealousyE

As charcoal is to burning coals# and wood to fire# So is a contentious man to 1indle strife'

3"en rebu1e is better Than love carefully concealed'


Faithful are the wounds of a friend# But the 1isses of an enemy are deceitful'

The words of a talebearer are li1e tasty trifles# And they go down into the inmost body'

A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb# But to a hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet'

Fervent li"s with a wic1ed heart Are li1e earthenware covered with silver dross'

)i1e a bird that wanders from its nest 0s a man who wanders from his "lace'

2e who hates# disguises it with his li"s# And lays u" deceit within himself9

3intment and "erfume delight the heart# And the sweetness of a manDs friend gives delight by hearty counsel'

Bhen he s"ea1s 1indly# do not believe him# For there are seven abominations in his heart9

Though his hatred is covered by deceit# 2is wic1edness will be revealed before the assembly'

*o not forsa1e your own friend or your fatherDs friend# Nor go to your brotherDs house in the day of your calamity9 Better is a neighbor nearby than a brother far away'

Bhoever digs a "it will fall into it# And he who rolls a stone will have it roll bac1 on him'

4y son# be wise# and ma1e my heart glad# That 0 may answer him who re"roaches me'

A lying tongue hates those who are crushed by it# And a flattering mouth wor1s ruin'

A "rudent man foresees evil and hides himself9 The sim"le "ass on and are "unished'

27*o not boast about tomorrow# For

you do not 1now what a day may bring forth'

Ta1e the garment of him who is surety for a stranger# And hold it in "ledge when he is surety for a seductress'

)et another man "raise you# and not your own mouth9 A stranger# and not your own li"s'

2e who blesses his friend with a loud voice# rising early in the morning# 0t will be counted a curse to him'

A continual dri""ing on a very rainy day And a contentious woman are ali1e9

A stone is heavy and sand is weighty# But a foolDs wrath is heavier than both of them'

Bhoever restrains her restrains the wind# And gras"s oil with his right hand'


As iron shar"ens iron# So a man shar"ens the countenance of his friend'


understanding and 1nowledge +ight will be "rolonged'


Bhoever 1ee"s the fig tree will eat its fruit9 So he who waits on his master will be honored'

A "oor man who o""resses the "oor 0s li1e a driving rain which leaves no food'

As in water face reflects face# So a manDs heart reveals the man'


Those who forsa1e the law "raise the wic1ed# But such as 1ee" the law contend with them'

2ell and *estruction are never full9 So the eyes of man are never satisfied'

vil men do not understand $ustice# But those who see1 the )3+* understand all'

The refining "ot is for silver and the furnace for gold# And a man is valued by what others say of him'

Better is the "oor who wal1s in his integrity Than one "erverse in his ways# though he be rich'

Though you grind a fool in a mortar with a "estle along with crushed grain# Cet his foolishness will not de"art from him'

Bhoever 1ee"s the law is a discerning son# But a com"anion of gluttons shames his father'

Be diligent to 1now the state of your floc1s# And attend to your herds9

3ne who increases his "ossessions by usury and e!tortion (athers it for him who will "ity the "oor'

For riches are not forever# Nor does a crown endure to all generations'

Bhen the hay is removed# and the tender grass shows itself# And the herbs of the mountains are gathered in#

3ne who turns away his ear from hearing the law# ven his "rayer is an abomination'

The lambs will "rovide your clothing# And the goats the "rice of a field9

Bhoever causes the u"right to go astray in an evil way# 2e himself will fall into his own "it9 But the blameless will inherit good'

Cou shall have enough goatsD mil1 for your food# For the food of your household# And the nourishment of your maidservants'

The rich man is wise in his own eyes# But the "oor who has understanding searches him out'


wic1ed flee when no one "ursues# But the righteous are bold as a lion' Because of the transgression of a land# many are its "rinces9 But by a man of

Bhen the righteous re$oice# there is great glory9 But when the wic1ed arise# men hide themselves'

2e who covers his sins will not "ros"er# But whoever confesses and forsa1es them will have mercy'


2a""y is the man who is always reverent# But he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity'


2e who trusts in his own heart is a fool# But whoever wal1s wisely will be delivered'

)i1e a roaring lion and a charging bear 0s a wic1ed ruler over "oor "eo"le'

2e who gives to the "oor will not lac1# But he who hides his eyes will have many curses'

A ruler who lac1s understanding is a great o""ressor# But he who hates covetousness will "rolong his days'

Bhen the wic1ed arise# men hide themselves9 But when they "erish# the righteous increase'

A man burdened with bloodshed will flee into a "it9 )et no one hel" him'

Bhoever wal1s blamelessly will be saved# But he who is "erverse in his ways will suddenly fall'


who is often rebu1ed# and hardens his nec1# Bill suddenly be destroyed# and that without remedy' Bhen the righteous are in authority# the "eo"le re$oice9 But when a wic1ed man rules# the "eo"le groan'

2e who tills his land will have "lenty of bread# But he who follows frivolity will have "overty enoughH

A faithful man will abound with blessings# But he who hastens to be rich will not go un"unished'

Bhoever loves wisdom ma1es his father re$oice# But a com"anion of harlots wastes his wealth'

To show "artiality is not good# Because for a "iece of bread a man will transgress'

The 1ing establishes the land by $ustice# But he who receives bribes overthrows it'

A man with an evil eye hastens after riches# And does not consider that "overty will come u"on him'

A man who flatters his S"reads a net for his feet'



2e who rebu1es a man will find more favor afterward Than he who flatters with the tongue'

By transgression an evil man is snared# But the righteous sings and re$oices'

Bhoever robs his father or his mother# And says# :0t is no transgression#: The same is com"anion to a destroyer'

The righteous considers the cause of the "oor# But the wic1ed does not understand such 1nowledge'

Scoffers set a city aflame# But wise men turn away wrath'

2e who is of a "roud heart stirs u" strife# But he who trusts in the )3+* will be "ros"ered'

0f a wise man contends with a foolish man# Bhether the fool rages or laughs# there is no "eace'


The bloodthirsty hate the blameless# But the u"right see1 his wellFbeing'


A manDs "ride will bring him low# But the humble in s"irit will retain honor'

A fool vents all his feelings# But a wise man holds them bac1'

Bhoever is a "artner with a thief hates his own life9 2e swears to tell the truth# but reveals nothing'

0f a ruler "ays attention to lies# All his servants become wic1ed'


The "oor man and the o""ressor have this in common7 The )3+* gives light to the eyes of both'

The fear of man brings a snare# But whoever trusts in the )3+* shall be safe'

4any see1 the rulerDs favor# But $ustice for man comes from the )3+*'

The 1ing who $udges the "oor with truth# 2is throne will be established forever'

An un$ust man is an abomination to the righteous# And he who is u"right in the way is an abomination to the wic1ed'

The rod and rebu1e give wisdom# But a child left to himself brings shame to his mother'

30The words of Agur the son of

Ja1eh# his utterance' This man declared to 0thielFFto 0thiel and Acal7

Bhen the wic1ed are transgression increases9 righteous will see their fall'

multi"lied# But the

-orrect your son# and he will give you rest9 Ces# he will give delight to your soul'

Surely 0 am more stu"id than any man# And do not have the understanding of a man'

Bhere there is no revelation# the "eo"le cast off restraint9 But ha""y is he who 1ee"s the law'

0 neither learned wisdom Nor have 1nowledge of the 2oly 3ne'


A servant will not be corrected by mere words9 For though he understands# he will not res"ond'

Bho has ascended into heaven# or descendedE Bho has gathered the wind in 2is fistsE Bho has bound the waters in a garmentE Bho has established all the ends of the earthE Bhat is 2is name# and what is 2is SonDs name# 0f you 1nowE

*o you see a man hasty in his wordsE There is more ho"e for a fool than for him'

very word of (od is "ure9 2e is a shield to those who "ut their trust in 2im'

2e who "am"ers his servant from childhood Bill have him as a son in the end'

*o not add to 2is words# )est 2e rebu1e you# and you be found a liar'

An angry man stirs u" strife# And a furious man abounds in transgression'

Two things 0 reGuest of Cou I*e"rive me not before 0 dieJ7


+emove falsehood and lies far from me9 (ive me neither "overty nor richesFF Feed me with the food allotted to me9


The way of an eagle in the air# The way of a ser"ent on a roc1# The way of a shi" in the midst of the sea# And the way of a man with a virgin'

)est 0 be full and deny Cou# And say# :Bho is the )3+*E: 3r lest 0 be "oor and steal# And "rofane the name of my (od'

This is the way of an adulterous woman7 She eats and wi"es her mouth# And says# :0 have done no wic1edness':

*o not malign a servant to his master# )est he curse you# and you be found guilty'

For three things the earth is "erturbed# Ces# for four it cannot bear u"7

There is a generation that curses its father# And does not bless its mother'

For a servant when he reigns# A fool when he is filled with food#


There is a generation that is "ure in its own eyes# Cet is not washed from its filthiness'

A hateful woman when she is married# And a maidservant who succeeds her mistress'

There is a generationFF oh# how lofty are their eyesH And their eyelids are lifted u"'

There are four things which are little on the earth# But they are e!ceedingly wise7

The ants are a "eo"le not strong# Cet they "re"are their food in the summer9

There is a generation whose teeth are li1e swords# And whose fangs are li1e 1nives# To devour the "oor from off the earth# And the needy from among men'

The roc1 badgers are a feeble fol1# Cet they ma1e their homes in the crags9

The leech has two daughtersFF (ive and (iveH There are three things that are never satisfied# Four never say# : noughH:7

The locusts have no 1ing# Cet they all advance in ran1s9


The s"ider s1illfully gras"s with its hands# And it is in 1ingsD "alaces'

The grave# The barren womb# The earth that is not satisfied with waterFF And the fire never says# : noughH:

There are three things which are ma$estic in "ace# Ces# four which are stately in wal17

The eye that moc1s his father# And scorns obedience to his mother# The ravens of the valley will "ic1 it out# And the young eagles will eat it'

A lion# which is mighty among beasts And does not turn away from any9

There are three things which are too wonderful for me# Ces# four which 0 do not understand7

A greyhound# A male goat also# And a 1ing whose troo"s are with him'

0f you have been foolish in e!alting yourself# 3r if you have devised evil# "ut your hand on your mouth'


For as the churning of mil1 "roduces butter# And wringing the nose "roduces blood# So the forcing of wrath "roduces strife'


She see1s wool and fla!# And willingly wor1s with her hands'

She is li1e the merchant shi"s# She brings her food from afar'

31The words of King )emuel# the

utterance which his mother taught him7

She also rises while it is yet night# And "rovides food for her household# And a "ortion for her maidservants'

Bhat# my sonE And what# son of my wombE And what# son of my vowsE

She considers a field and buys it9 From her "rofits she "lants a vineyard'

*o not give your strength to women# Nor your ways to that which destroys 1ings'

She girds herself with strength# And strengthens her arms'


0t is not for 1ings# 3 )emuel# 0t is not for 1ings to drin1 wine# Nor for "rinces into!icating drin19

She "erceives that her merchandise is good# And her lam" does not go out by night'

)est they drin1 and forget the law# And "ervert the $ustice of all the afflicted'

She stretches out her hands to the distaff# And her hand holds the s"indle'

(ive strong drin1 to him who is "erishing# And wine to those who are bitter of heart'

She e!tends her hand to the "oor# Ces# she reaches out her hands to the needy'

)et him drin1 and forget his "overty# And remember his misery no more'

She is not afraid of snow for her household# For all her household is clothed with scarlet'

3"en your mouth for the s"eechless# 0n the cause of all who are a""ointed to die'

She ma1es ta"estry for herself9 2er clothing is fine linen and "ur"le'

3"en your mouth# $udge righteously# And "lead the cause of the "oor and needy'

2er husband is 1nown in the gates# Bhen he sits among the elders of the land'

Bho can find a virtuous wifeE For her worth is far above rubies'

She ma1es linen garments and sells them# And su""lies sashes for the merchants'

The heart of her husband safely trusts her9 So he will have no lac1 of gain'

Strength and honor are her clothing9 She shall re$oice in time to come'

She does him good and not evil All the days of her life'


She o"ens her mouth with wisdom# And on her tongue is the law of 1indness'


:4any daughters have done well# But you e!cel them all':

She watches over the ways of her household# And does not eat the bread of idleness'

-harm is deceitful and beauty is "assing# But a woman who fears the )3+*# she shall be "raised'

2er children rise u" and call her blessed9 2er husband also# and he "raises her7

(ive her of the fruit of her hands# And let her own wor1s "raise her in the gates'

Ecclesiastes 1The words of the /reacher# the son

of *avid# 1ing in Jerusalem'

remembrance of things that are to come By those who will come after'

:Vanity of vanities#: says the /reacher9 :Vanity of vanities# all is vanity':


0# the /reacher# was 1ing over 0srael in Jerusalem'


Bhat "rofit has a man from all his labor 0n which he toils under the sunE

3ne generation "asses away# and another generation comes9 But the earth abides forever'

And 0 set my heart to see1 and search out by wisdom concerning all that is done under heaven9 this burdensome tas1 (od has given to the sons of man# by which they may be e!ercised'

The sun also rises# and the sun goes down# And hastens to the "lace where it arose'

0 have seen all the wor1s that are done under the sun9 and indeed# all is vanity and gras"ing for the wind'

The wind goes toward the south# And turns around to the north9 The wind whirls about continually# And comes again on its circuit'

Bhat is croo1ed cannot be made straight# And what is lac1ing cannot be numbered'

All the rivers run into the sea# Cet the sea is not full9 To the "lace from which the rivers come# There they return again'

0 communed with my heart# saying# :)oo1# 0 have attained greatness# and have gained more wisdom than all who were before me in Jerusalem' 4y heart has understood great wisdom and 1nowledge':

All things are full of labor9 4an cannot e!"ress it' The eye is not satisfied with seeing# Nor the ear filled with hearing'

And 0 set my heart to 1now wisdom and to 1now madness and folly' 0 "erceived that this also is gras"ing for the wind'

That which has been is what will be# That which is done is what will be done# And there is nothing new under the sun'

For in much wisdom is much grief# And he who increases 1nowledge increases sorrow'

0s there anything of which it may be said# :See# this is new:E 0t has already been in ancient times before us'

20 said in my heart# :-ome now# 0 will

test you with mirth9 therefore en$oy "leasure:9 but surely# this also was vanity'

There is no remembrance of former things# Nor will there be any

0 said of laughterFF:4adnessH:9 and of mirth# :Bhat does it accom"lishE:

0 searched in my heart how to gratify my flesh with wine# while guiding my heart with wisdom# and how to lay hold on folly# till 0 might see what was good for the sons of men to do under heaven all the days of their lives'


Then 0 turned myself to consider wisdom and madness and folly9 For what can the man do who succeeds the 1ingEFF 3nly what he has already done'

Then 0 saw that wisdom e!cels folly As light e!cels dar1ness'


0 made my wor1s great# 0 built myself houses# and "lanted myself vineyards'

0 made myself gardens and orchards# and 0 "lanted all 1inds of fruit trees in them'

The wise manDs eyes are in his head# But the fool wal1s in dar1ness' Cet 0 myself "erceived That the same event ha""ens to them all'

0 made myself water "ools from which to water the growing trees of the grove'

So 0 said in my heart# :As it ha""ens to the fool# 0t also ha""ens to me# And why was 0 then more wiseE: Then 0 said in my heart# :This also is vanity':

0 acGuired male and female servants# and had servants born in my house' Ces# 0 had greater "ossessions of herds and floc1s than all who were in Jerusalem before me'

For there is no more remembrance of the wise than of the fool forever# Since all that now is will be forgotten in the days to come' And how does a wise man dieE As the foolH

0 also gathered for myself silver and gold and the s"ecial treasures of 1ings and of the "rovinces' 0 acGuired male and female singers# the delights of the sons of men# and musical instruments of all 1inds'

Therefore 0 hated life because the wor1 that was done under the sun was distressing to me# for all is vanity and gras"ing for the wind'

So 0 became great and e!celled more than all who were before me in Jerusalem' Also my wisdom remained with me'

Then 0 hated all my labor in which 0 had toiled under the sun# because 0 must leave it to the man who will come after me'

Bhatever my eyes desired 0 did not 1ee" from them' 0 did not withhold my heart from any "leasure# For my heart re$oiced in all my labor9 And this was my reward from all my labor'

And who 1nows whether he will be wise or a foolE Cet he will rule over all my labor in which 0 toiled and in which 0 have shown myself wise under the sun' This also is vanity'

Then 0 loo1ed on all the wor1s that my hands had done And on the labor in which 0 had toiled9 And indeed all was vanity and gras"ing for the wind' There was no "rofit under the sun'

Therefore 0 turned my heart and des"aired of all the labor in which 0 had toiled under the sun'

For there is a man whose labor is with wisdom# 1nowledge# and s1ill9 yet he must leave his heritage to a man who

has not labored for it' This also is vanity and a great evil'

A time to tear# And a time to sew9 A time to 1ee" silence# And a time to s"ea19

For what has man for all his labor# and for the striving of his heart with which he has toiled under the sunE

A time to love# And a time to hate9 A time of war# And a time of "eace'

For all his days are sorrowful# and his wor1 burdensome9 even in the night his heart ta1es no rest' This also is vanity'

Bhat "rofit has the wor1er from that in which he laborsE


Nothing is better for a man than that he should eat and drin1# and that his soul should en$oy good in his labor' This also# 0 saw# was from the hand of (od'

0 have seen the (odFgiven tas1 with which the sons of men are to be occu"ied'

For who can eat# or who can have en$oyment# more than 0E

2e has made everything beautiful in its time' Also 2e has "ut eternity in their hearts# e!ce"t that no one can find out the wor1 that (od does from beginning to end'

For (od gives wisdom and 1nowledge and $oy to a man who is good in 2is sight9 but to the sinner 2e gives the wor1 of gathering and collecting# that he may give to him who is good before (od' This also is vanity and gras"ing for the wind'

0 1now that nothing is better for them than to re$oice# and to do good in their lives#

and also that every man should eat and drin1 and en$oy the good of all his laborFFit is the gift of (od'

3To everything there is a season# A

time for every "ur"ose under heaven7

A time to be born# And a time to die9 A time to "lant# And a time to "luc1 what is "lanted9

0 1now that whatever (od does# 0t shall be forever' Nothing can be added to it# And nothing ta1en from it' (od does it# that men should fear before 2im'

A time to 1ill# And a time to heal9 A time to brea1 down# And a time to build u"9

That which is has already been# And what is to be has already been9 And (od reGuires an account of what is "ast'

A time to wee"# And a time to laugh9 A time to mourn# And a time to dance9

4oreover 0 saw under the sun7 0n the "lace of $udgment# Bic1edness was there9 And in the "lace of righteousness# 0niGuity was there'

A time to cast away stones# And a time to gather stones9 A time to embrace# And a time to refrain from embracing9

A time to gain# And a time to lose9 A time to 1ee"# And a time to throw away9

0 said in my heart# :(od shall $udge the righteous and the wic1ed# For there is a time there for every "ur"ose and for every wor1':


0 said in my heart# :-oncerning the condition of the sons of men# (od tests them# that they may see that they themselves are li1e animals':


The fool folds his hands And consumes his own flesh'

For what ha""ens to the sons of men also ha""ens to animals9 one thing befalls them7 as one dies# so dies the other' Surely# they all have one breath9 man has no advantage over animals# for all is vanity'

Better a handful with Guietness Than both hands full# together with toil and gras"ing for the wind'

Then 0 returned# and 0 saw vanity under the sun7


All go to one "lace7 all are from the dust# and all return to dust'

Bho 1nows the s"irit of the sons of men# which goes u"ward# and the s"irit of the animal# which goes down to the earthE

There is one alone# without com"anion7 2e has neither son nor brother' Cet there is no end to all his labors# Nor is his eye satisfied with riches' But he never as1s# :For whom do 0 toil and de"rive myself of goodE: This also is vanity and a grave misfortune'

Two are better than one# Because they have a good reward for their labor'

So 0 "erceived that nothing is better than that a man should re$oice in his own wor1s# for that is his heritage' For who can bring him to see what will ha""en after himE

For if they fall# one will lift u" his com"anion' But woe to him who is alone when he falls# For he has no one to hel" him u"'

4Then 0 returned and considered all

the o""ression that is done under the sun7 And loo1H The tears of the o""ressed# But they have no comforterFF 3n the side of their o""ressors there is "ower# But they have no comforter'

Again# if two lie down together# they will 1ee" warm9 But how can one be warm aloneE

Though one may be over"owered by another# two can withstand him' And a threefold cord is not Guic1ly bro1en'

Therefore 0 "raised the dead who were already dead# 4ore than the living who are still alive'

Better a "oor and wise youth Than an old and foolish 1ing who will be admonished no more'

Cet# better than both is he who has never e!isted# Bho has not seen the evil wor1 that is done under the sun'

For he comes out of "rison to be 1ing# Although he was born "oor in his 1ingdom'

Again# 0 saw that for all toil and every s1illful wor1 a man is envied by his neighbor' This also is vanity and gras"ing for the wind'

0 saw all the living who wal1 under the sun9 They were with the second youth who stands in his "lace'


There was no end of all the "eo"le over whom he was made 1ing9 Cet those who come afterward will not re$oice in him' Surely this also is vanity and gras"ing for the wind'

4oreover the "rofit of the land is for all9 even the 1ing is served from the field'

5Bal1 "rudently when you go to the

house of (od9 and draw near to hear rather than to give the sacrifice of fools# for they do not 1now that they do evil'

2e who loves silver will not be satisfied with silver9 Nor he who loves abundance# with increase' This also is vanity'

Bhen goods increase# They increase who eat them9 So what "rofit have the owners !ce"t to see them with their eyesE

*o not be rash with your mouth# And let not your heart utter anything hastily before (od' For (od is in heaven# and you on earth9 Therefore let your words be few'

The slee" of a laboring man is sweet# Bhether he eats little or much9 But the abundance of the rich will not "ermit him to slee"'

For a dream comes through much activity# And a foolDs voice is 1nown by his many words'

There is a severe evil which 0 have seen under the sun7 +iches 1e"t for their owner to his hurt'

Bhen you ma1e a vow to (od# do not delay to "ay it9 For 2e has no "leasure in fools' /ay what you have vowedFF

But those riches "erish through misfortune9 Bhen he begets a son# there is nothing in his hand'

Better not to vow than to vow and not "ay'


*o not let your mouth cause your flesh to sin# nor say before the messenger of (od that it was an error' Bhy should (od be angry at your e!cuse and destroy the wor1 of your handsE

As he came from his motherDs womb# na1ed shall he return# To go as he came9 And he shall ta1e nothing from his labor Bhich he may carry away in his hand'

For in the multitude of dreams and many words there is also vanity' But fear (od'

And this also is a severe evilFF Just e!actly as he came# so shall he go' And what "rofit has he who has labored for the windE

0f you see the o""ression of the "oor# and the violent "erversion of $ustice and righteousness in a "rovince# do not marvel at the matter9 for high official watches over high official# and higher officials are over them'

All his days he also eats in dar1ness# And he has much sorrow and sic1ness and anger'

2ere is what 0 have seen7 0t is good and fitting for one to eat and drin1# and to en$oy the good of all his labor in which he toils under the sun all the days of his life which (od gives him9 for it is his heritage'


As for every man to whom (od has given riches and wealth# and given him "ower to eat of it# to receive his heritage and re$oice in his laborFFthis is the gift of (od'


For what more has the wise man than the foolE Bhat does the "oor man have# Bho 1nows how to wal1 before the livingE

For he will not dwell unduly on the days of his life# because (od 1ee"s him busy with the $oy of his heart'

Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of desire' This also is vanity and gras"ing for the wind'

6There is an evil which 0 have seen

under the sun# and it is common among men7

Bhatever one is# he has been named already# For it is 1nown that he is man9 And he cannot contend with 2im who is mightier than he'

A man to whom (od has given riches and wealth and honor# so that he lac1s nothing for himself of all he desires9 yet (od does not give him "ower to eat of it# but a foreigner consumes it' This is vanity# and it is an evil affliction'

Since there are many things that increase vanity# 2ow is man the betterE

For who 1nows what is good for man in life# all the days of his vain life which he "asses li1e a shadowE Bho can tell a man what will ha""en after him under the sunE

0f a man begets a hundred children and lives many years# so that the days of his years are many# but his soul is not satisfied with goodness# or indeed he has no burial# 0 say that a stillborn child is better than heFF

7A good name is better than "recious

ointment# And the day of death than the day of oneDs birth9

for it comes in vanity and de"arts in dar1ness# and its name is covered with dar1ness'

Better to go to the house of mourning Than to go to the house of feasting# For that is the end of all men9 And the living will ta1e it to heart'

Though it has not seen the sun or 1nown anything# this has more rest than that man#

Sorrow is better than laughter# For by a sad countenance the heart is made better'

even if he lives a thousand years twiceFFbut has not seen goodness' *o not all go to one "laceE

The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning# But the heart of fools is in the house of mirth'

All the labor of man is for his mouth# And yet the soul is not satisfied'

0t is better to hear the rebu1e of the wise Than for a man to hear the song of fools'


For li1e the crac1ling of thorns under a "ot# So is the laughter of the fool' This also is vanity'


*o not be overly wic1ed# Nor be foolish7 Bhy should you die before your timeE

Surely o""ression destroys a wise manDs reason# And a bribe debases the heart'

0t is good that you gras" this# And also not remove your hand from the other9 For he who fears (od will esca"e them all'

The end of a thing is better than its beginning9 The "atient in s"irit is better than the "roud in s"irit'

Bisdom strengthens the wise 4ore than ten rulers of the city'

*o not hasten in your s"irit to be angry# For anger rests in the bosom of fools'

For there is not a $ust man on earth who does good And does not sin'

*o not say# :Bhy were the former days better than theseE: For you do not inGuire wisely concerning this'

Also do not ta1e to heart everything "eo"le say# )est you hear your servant cursing you'

Bisdom is good with an inheritance# And "rofitable to those who see the sun'

For many times# also# your own heart has 1nown That even you have cursed others'

For wisdom is a defense as money is a defense# But the e!cellence of 1nowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it'

All this 0 have "roved by wisdom' 0 said# :0 will be wise:9 But it was far from me'

-onsider the wor1 of (od9 For who can ma1e straight what 2e has made croo1edE

As for that which is far off and e!ceedingly dee"# Bho can find it outE

0n the day of "ros"erity be $oyful# But in the day of adversity consider7 Surely (od has a""ointed the one as well as the other# So that man can find out nothing that will come after him'

0 a""lied my heart to 1now# To search and see1 out wisdom and the reason of things# To 1now the wic1edness of folly# ven of foolishness and madness'

0 have seen everything in my days of vanity7 There is a $ust man who "erishes in his righteousness# And there is a wic1ed man who "rolongs life in his wic1edness'

And 0 find more bitter than death The woman whose heart is snares and nets# Bhose hands are fetters' 2e who "leases (od shall esca"e from her# But the sinner shall be tra""ed by her'

*o not be overly righteous# Nor be overly wise7 Bhy should you destroy yourselfE

:2ere is what 0 have found#: says the /reacher# :Adding one thing to the other to find out the reason#

Bhich my soul still see1s but 0 cannot find7 3ne man among a thousand 0 have

found# But a woman among all these 0 have not found'


Truly# this only 0 have found7 That (od made man u"right# But they have sought out many schemes':

All this 0 have seen# and a""lied my heart to every wor1 that is done under the sun7 There is a time in which one man rules over another to his own hurt'

8Bho is li1e a wise manE And who

1nows the inter"retation of a thingE A manDs wisdom ma1es his face shine# And the sternness of his face is changed'

Then 0 saw the wic1ed buried# who had come and gone from the "lace of holiness# and they were forgotten in the city where they had so done' This also is vanity'

0 say# :Kee" the 1ingDs commandment for the sa1e of your oath to (od'

Because the sentence against an evil wor1 is not e!ecuted s"eedily# therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil'

*o not be hasty to go from his "resence' *o not ta1e your stand for an evil thing# for he does whatever "leases him':

Though a sinner does evil a hundred times# and his days are "rolonged# yet 0 surely 1now that it will be well with those who fear (od# who fear before 2im'

Bhere the word of a 1ing is# there is "ower9 And who may say to him# :Bhat are you doingE:

But it will not be well with the wic1ed9 nor will he "rolong his days# which are as a shadow# because he does not fear before (od'

2e who 1ee"s his command will e!"erience nothing harmful9 And a wise manDs heart discerns both time and $udgment#

Because for every matter there is a time and $udgment# Though the misery of man increases greatly'

There is a vanity which occurs on earth# that there are $ust men to whom it ha""ens according to the wor1 of the wic1ed9 again# there are wic1ed men to whom it ha""ens according to the wor1 of the righteous' 0 said that this also is vanity'

For he does not 1now what will ha""en9 So who can tell him when it will occurE

No one has "ower over the s"irit to retain the s"irit# And no one has "ower in the day of death' There is no release from that war# And wic1edness will not deliver those who are given to it'

So 0 commended en$oyment# because a man has nothing better under the sun than to eat# drin1# and be merry9 for this will remain with him in his labor all the days of his life which (od gives him under the sun'

Bhen 0 a""lied my heart to 1now wisdom and to see the business that is done on earth# even though one sees no slee" day or night#

then 0 saw all the wor1 of (od# that a man cannot find out the wor1 that is

done under the sun' For though a man labors to discover it# yet he will not find it9 moreover# though a wise man attem"ts to 1now it# he will not be able to find it'


)et your garments always be white# And let your head lac1 no oil'

9For 0 considered all this in my heart#

so that 0 could declare it all7 that the righteous and the wise and their wor1s are in the hand of (od' /eo"le 1now neither love nor hatred by anything they see before them'

)ive $oyfully with the wife whom you love all the days of your vain life which 2e has given you under the sun# all your days of vanity9 for that is your "ortion in life# and in the labor which you "erform under the sun'

Bhatever your hand finds to do# do it with your might9 for there is no wor1 or device or 1nowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going'

All things come ali1e to all7 3ne event ha""ens to the righteous and the wic1ed9 To the good# the clean# and the unclean9 To him who sacrifices and him who does not sacrifice' As is the good# so is the sinner9 2e who ta1es an oath as he who fears an oath'

0 returned and saw under the sun thatFF The race is not to the swift# Nor the battle to the strong# Nor bread to the wise# Nor riches to men of understanding# Nor favor to men of s1ill9 But time and chance ha""en to them all'

This is an evil in all that is done under the sun7 that one thing ha""ens to all' Truly the hearts of the sons of men are full of evil9 madness is in their hearts while they live# and after that they go to the dead'

For man also does not 1now his time7 )i1e fish ta1en in a cruel net# )i1e birds caught in a snare# So the sons of men are snared in an evil time# Bhen it falls suddenly u"on them'

But for him who is $oined to all the living there is ho"e# for a living dog is better than a dead lion'

This wisdom 0 have also seen under the sun# and it seemed great to me7

For the living 1now that they will die9 But the dead 1now nothing# And they have no more reward# For the memory of them is forgotten'

There was a little city with few men in it9 and a great 1ing came against it# besieged it# and built great snares around it'

Also their love# their hatred# and their envy have now "erished9 Nevermore will they have a share 0n anything done under the sun'

Now there was found in it a "oor wise man# and he by his wisdom delivered the city' Cet no one remembered that same "oor man'

(o# eat your bread with $oy# And drin1 your wine with a merry heart9 For (od has already acce"ted your wor1s'

Then 0 said7 :Bisdom is better than strength' Nevertheless the "oor manDs wisdom is des"ised# And his words are not heard'


Bords of the wise# s"o1en Guietly# should be heard +ather than the shout of a ruler of fools'


A ser"ent may bite when it is not charmed9 The babbler is no different'


Bisdom is better than wea"ons of war9 But one sinner destroys much good':

The words of a wise manDs mouth are gracious# But the li"s of a fool shall swallow him u"9

10*ead flies "utrefy the "erfumerDs

ointment# And cause it to give off a foul odor9 So does a little folly to one res"ected for wisdom and honor'

The words of his mouth begin with foolishness# And the end of his tal1 is raving madness'

A wise manDs heart is at his right hand# But a foolDs heart at his left'

A fool also multi"lies words' No man 1nows what is to be9 Bho can tell him what will be after himE

ven when a fool wal1s along the way# 2e lac1s wisdom# And he shows everyone that he is a fool'

The labor of fools wearies them# For they do not even 1now how to go to the cityH

0f the s"irit of the ruler rises against you# *o not leave your "ost9 For conciliation "acifies great offenses'

Boe to you# 3 land# when your 1ing is a child# And your "rinces feast in the morningH

There is an evil 0 have seen under the sun# As an error "roceeding from the ruler7

Blessed are you# 3 land# when your 1ing is the son of nobles# And your "rinces feast at the "ro"er timeFF For strength and not for drun1ennessH

Folly is set in great dignity# Bhile the rich sit in a lowly "lace'

Because of la.iness the building decays# And through idleness of hands the house lea1s'

0 have seen servants on horses# Bhile "rinces wal1 on the ground li1e servants'

A feast is made for laughter# And wine ma1es merry9 But money answers everything'

2e who digs a "it will fall into it# And whoever brea1s through a wall will be bitten by a ser"ent'

2e who Guarries stones may be hurt by them# And he who s"lits wood may be endangered by it'

*o not curse the 1ing# even in your thought9 *o not curse the rich# even in your bedroom9 For a bird of the air may carry your voice# And a bird in flight may tell the matter'

0f the a! is dull# And one does not shar"en the edge# Then he must use more strength9 But wisdom brings success'

11-ast your bread u"on the waters#

For you will find it after many days'

(ive a serving to seven# and also to eight# For you do not 1now what evil will be on the earth'

12+emember now your -reator in

the days of your youth# Before the difficult days come# And the years draw near when you say# :0 have no "leasure in them:7

0f the clouds are full of rain# They em"ty themselves u"on the earth9 And if a tree falls to the south or the north# 0n the "lace where the tree falls# there it shall lie'

2e who observes the wind will not sow# And he who regards the clouds will not rea"'

Bhile the sun and the light# The moon and the stars# Are not dar1ened# And the clouds do not return after the rain9

As you do not 1now what is the way of the wind# 3r how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child# So you do not 1now the wor1s of (od who ma1es everything'

0n the day when the 1ee"ers of the house tremble# And the strong men bow down9 Bhen the grinders cease because they are few# And those that loo1 through the windows grow dim9

0n the morning sow your seed# And in the evening do not withhold your hand9 For you do not 1now which will "ros"er# ither this or that# 3r whether both ali1e will be good'

Bhen the doors are shut in the streets# And the sound of grinding is low9 Bhen one rises u" at the sound of a bird# And all the daughters of music are brought low'

Truly the light is sweet# And it is "leasant for the eyes to behold the sun9

Also they are afraid of height# And of terrors in the way9 Bhen the almond tree blossoms# The grassho""er is a burden# And desire fails' For man goes to his eternal home# And the mourners go about the streets'

But if a man lives many years And re$oices in them all# Cet let him remember the days of dar1ness# For they will be many' All that is coming is vanity'

+emember your -reator before the silver cord is loosed# 3r the golden bowl is bro1en# 3r the "itcher shattered at the fountain# 3r the wheel bro1en at the well'

+e$oice# 3 young man# in your youth# And let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth9 Bal1 in the ways of your heart# And in the sight of your eyes9 But 1now that for all these (od will bring you into $udgment'

Then the dust will return to the earth as it was# And the s"irit will return to (od who gave it'

Therefore remove sorrow from your heart# And "ut away evil from your flesh# For childhood and youth are vanity'

:Vanity of vanities#: says the /reacher# :All is vanity':


And moreover# because the /reacher was wise# he still taught the "eo"le 1nowledge9 yes# he "ondered and

sought out and set in order many "roverbs'



The /reacher sought to find acce"table words9 and what was written was u"rightFFwords of truth'

And further# my son# be admonished by these' 3f ma1ing many boo1s there is no end# and much study is wearisome to the flesh'

The words of the wise are li1e goads# and the words of scholars are li1e wellF driven nails# given by one She"herd'

)et us hear the conclusion of the whole matter7 Fear (od and 1ee" 2is commandments# For this is manDs all'

For (od will bring every wor1 into $udgment# 0ncluding every secret thing# Bhether good or evil'

"ong o2 "olomon 1The

, %@

song SolomonDs'





Cour chee1s are lovely with ornaments# Cour nec1 with chains of gold'

)et him 1iss me with the 1isses of his mouthFF For your love is better than wine'

Be will ma1e you ornaments of gold Bith studs of silver'


Because of the fragrance of your good ointments# Cour name is ointment "oured forth9 Therefore the virgins love you'

Bhile the 1ing is at his table# 4y s"i1enard sends forth its fragrance'

A bundle of myrrh is my beloved to me# That lies all night between my breasts'

*raw me awayH Be will run after you' The 1ing has brought me into his chambers' Be will be glad and re$oice in you' Be will remember %your love more than wine' +ightly do they love %you'

4y beloved is to me a cluster of henna blooms 0n the vineyards of n (edi'


Behold# you are fair# my loveH Behold# you are fairH Cou have doveDs eyes'

0 am dar1# but lovely# 3 daughters of Jerusalem# )i1e the tents of Kedar# )i1e the curtains of Solomon'

Behold# you are handsome# my belovedH Ces# "leasantH Also our bed is green'

*o not loo1 u"on me# because 0 am dar1# Because the sun has tanned me' 4y motherDs sons were angry with me9 They made me the 1ee"er of the vineyards# But my own vineyard 0 have not 1e"t'

The beams of our houses are cedar# And our rafters of fir'

20 am the rose of Sharon# And the lily

of the valleys'

Tell me# 3 you whom 0 love# Bhere you feed your floc1# Bhere you ma1e it rest at noon' For why should 0 be as one who veils herself By the floc1s of your com"anionsE

)i1e a lily among thorns# So is my love among the daughters'


0f you do not 1now# 3 fairest among women# Follow in the footste"s of the floc1# And feed your little goats Beside the she"herdsD tents'

)i1e an a""le tree among the trees of the woods# So is my beloved among the sons' 0 sat down in his shade with great delight# And his fruit was sweet to my taste'

0 have com"ared you# my love# To my filly among /haraohDs chariots'

2e brought me to the banGueting house# And his banner over me was love'


Sustain me with ca1es of raisins# +efresh me with a""les# For 0 am lovesic1'



4y beloved is mine# and 0 am his' 2e feeds his floc1 among the lilies'

2is left hand is under my head# And his right hand embraces me'

Antil the day brea1s And the shadows flee away# Turn# my beloved# And be li1e a ga.elle 3r a young stag A"on the mountains of Bether'

0 charge you# 3 daughters of Jerusalem# By the ga.elles or by the does of the field# *o not stir u" nor awa1en love Antil it "leases'

3By night on my bed 0 sought the one 0

love9 0 sought him# but 0 did not find him'

The voice of my belovedH Behold# he comes )ea"ing u"on the mountains# S1i""ing u"on the hills'

4y beloved is li1e a ga.elle or a young stag' Behold# he stands behind our wall9 2e is loo1ing through the windows# ( through the lattice'

:0 will rise now#: 0 said# :And go about the city9 0n the streets and in the sGuares 0 will see1 the one 0 love': 0 sought him# but 0 did not find him'

The watchmen who go about the city found me9 0 said# :2ave you seen the one 0 loveE:

4y beloved s"o1e# and said to me7 :+ise u"# my love# my fair one# And come away'

For lo# the winter is "ast# The rain is over and gone'

Scarcely had 0 "assed by them# Bhen 0 found the one 0 love' 0 held him and would not let him go# Antil 0 had brought him to the house of my mother# And into the chamber of her who conceived me'

The flowers a""ear on the earth9 The time of singing has come# And the voice of the turtledove 0s heard in our land'

0 charge you# 3 daughters of Jerusalem# By the ga.elles or by the does of the field# *o not stir u" nor awa1en love Antil it "leases'

The fig tree "uts forth her green figs# And the vines with the tender gra"es (ive a good smell' +ise u"# my love# my fair one# And come awayH

Bho is this coming out of the wilderness )i1e "illars of smo1e# /erfumed with myrrh and fran1incense# Bith all the merchantDs fragrant "owdersE

:3 my dove# in the clefts of the roc1# 0n the secret "laces of the cliff# )et me see your face# )et me hear your voice9 For your voice is sweet# And your face is lovely':

Behold# it is SolomonDs couch# Bith si!ty valiant men around it# 3f the valiant of 0srael'

-atch us the fo!es# The little fo!es that s"oil the vines# For our vines have tender gra"es'

They all hold swords# Being e!"ert in war' very man has his sword on his thigh Because of fear in the night'

3f the wood of )ebanon Solomon the King 4ade himself a "alanGuin7



2e made its "illars of silver# 0ts su""ort of gold# 0ts seat of "ur"le# 0ts interior "aved with love By the daughters of Jerusalem'

-ome with me from )ebanon# my s"ouse# Bith me from )ebanon' )oo1 from the to" of Amana# From the to" of Senir and 2ermon# From the lionsD dens# From the mountains of the leo"ards'

(o forth# 3 daughters of 5ion# And see King Solomon with the crown Bith which his mother crowned him 3n the day of his wedding# The day of the gladness of his heart'

Cou have ravished my heart# 4y sister# my s"ouse9 Cou have ravished my heart Bith one loo1 of your eyes# Bith one lin1 of your nec1lace'

4Behold# you are fair# my loveH Behold#

you are fairH Cou have doveDs eyes behind your veil' Cour hair is li1e a floc1 of goats# (oing down from 4ount (ilead'

2ow fair is your love# 4y sister# my s"ouseH 2ow much better than wine is your love# And the scent of your "erfumes Than all s"icesH

Cour li"s# 3 my s"ouse# *ri" as the honeycomb9 2oney and mil1 are under your tongue9 And the fragrance of your garments 0s li1e the fragrance of )ebanon'

Cour teeth are li1e a floc1 of shorn shee" Bhich have come u" from the washing# very one of which bears twins# And none is barren among them'

A garden enclosed 0s my sister# my s"ouse# A s"ring shut u"# A fountain sealed'


Cour li"s are li1e a strand of scarlet# And your mouth is lovely' Cour tem"les behind your veil Are li1e a "iece of "omegranate'

Cour "lants are an orchard of "omegranates Bith "leasant fruits# Fragrant henna with s"i1enard#

Cour nec1 is li1e the tower of *avid# Built for an armory# 3n which hang a thousand buc1lers# All shields of mighty men'

S"i1enard and saffron# -alamus and cinnamon# Bith all trees of fran1incense# 4yrrh and aloes# Bith all the chief s"icesFF

Cour two breasts are li1e two fawns# Twins of a ga.elle# Bhich feed among the lilies'

A fountain of gardens# A well of living waters# And streams from )ebanon'


Antil the day brea1s And the shadows flee away# 0 will go my way to the mountain of myrrh And to the hill of fran1incense'

Awa1e# 3 north wind# And come# 3 southH Blow u"on my garden# That its s"ices may flow out' )et my beloved come to his garden And eat its "leasant fruits'

Cou are all fair# my love# And there is no s"ot in you'

50 have come to my garden# my sister#

my s"ouse9 0 have gathered my myrrh

with my s"ice9 0 have eaten my honeycomb with my honey9 0 have drun1 my wine with my mil1' at# 3 friendsH *rin1# yes# drin1 dee"ly# 3 beloved onesH


2is head is li1e the finest gold9 2is loc1s are wavy# And blac1 as a raven'

2is eyes are li1e doves By the rivers of waters# Bashed with mil1# And fitly set'

0 slee"# but my heart is awa1e9 0t is the voice of my belovedH 2e 1noc1s# saying# :3"en for me# my sister# my love# 4y dove# my "erfect one9 For my head is covered with dew# 4y loc1s with the dro"s of the night':

2is chee1s are li1e a bed of s"ices# Ban1s of scented herbs' 2is li"s are lilies# *ri""ing liGuid myrrh'

0 have ta1en off my robe9 2ow can 0 "ut it on againE 0 have washed my feet9 2ow can 0 defile themE

2is hands are rods of gold Set with beryl' 2is body is carved ivory 0nlaid with sa""hires'

4y beloved "ut his hand By the latch of the door# And my heart yearned for him'

2is legs are "illars of marble Set on bases of fine gold' 2is countenance is li1e )ebanon# !cellent as the cedars'

0 arose to o"en for my beloved# And my hands dri""ed with myrrh# 4y fingers with liGuid myrrh# 3n the handles of the loc1'

2is mouth is most sweet# Ces# he is altogether lovely' This is my beloved# And this is my friend# 3 daughters of JerusalemH

0 o"ened for my beloved# But my beloved had turned away and was gone' 4y heart lea"ed u" when he s"o1e' 0 sought him# but 0 could not find him9 0 called him# but he gave me no answer'

6Bhere has your beloved gone# 3

fairest among womenE Bhere has your beloved turned aside# That we may see1 him with youE

The watchmen who went about the city found me' They struc1 me# they wounded me9 The 1ee"ers of the walls Too1 my veil away from me'

4y beloved has gone to his garden# To the beds of s"ices# To feed his floc1 in the gardens# And to gather lilies'

0 charge you# 3 daughters of Jerusalem# 0f you find my beloved# That you tell him 0 am lovesic1H

0 am my belovedDs# And my beloved is mine' 2e feeds his floc1 among the lilies'

Bhat is your beloved 4ore than another beloved# 3 fairest among womenE Bhat is your beloved 4ore than another beloved# That you so charge usE

3 my love# you are as beautiful as Tir.ah# )ovely as Jerusalem# Awesome as an army with bannersH

Turn your eyes away from me# For they have overcome me' Cour hair is li1e a floc1 of goats (oing down from (ilead'

4y beloved is white and ruddy# -hief among ten thousand'

Cour teeth are li1e a floc1 of shee" Bhich have come u" from the washing9

very one bears twins# And none is barren among them'


Cour two breasts are li1e two fawns# Twins of a ga.elle'


)i1e a "iece of "omegranate Are your tem"les behind your veil'


There are si!ty Gueens And eighty concubines# And virgins without number'

Cour nec1 is li1e an ivory tower# Cour eyes li1e the "ools in 2eshbon By the gate of Bath +abbim' Cour nose is li1e the tower of )ebanon Bhich loo1s toward *amascus'

4y dove# my "erfect one# 0s the one# The only one of her mother# favorite of the one who bore her' daughters saw her And called blessed# The Gueens and concubines# And they "raised her'

only The The her the

Cour head crowns you li1e 4ount -armel# And the hair of your head is li1e "ur"le9 A 1ing is held ca"tive by your tresses'

2ow fair and how "leasant you are# 3 love# with your delightsH

Bho is she who loo1s forth as the morning# Fair as the moon# -lear as the sun# Awesome as an army with bannersE

This stature of yours is li1e a "alm tree# And your breasts li1e its clusters'

0 went down to the garden of nuts To see the verdure of the valley# To see whether the vine had budded And the "omegranates had bloomed'

0 said# :0 will go u" to the "alm tree# 0 will ta1e hold of its branches': )et now your breasts be li1e clusters of the vine# The fragrance of your breath li1e a""les#

Before 0 was even aware# 4y soul had made me As the chariots of my noble "eo"le'

And the roof of your mouth li1e the best wine' The wine goes down smoothly for my beloved# 4oving gently the li"s of slee"ers'

+eturn# return# 3 Shulamite9 +eturn# return# that we may loo1 u"on youH Bhat would you see in the ShulamiteFF As it were# the dance of the two cam"sE

0 am my belovedDs# And his desire is toward me'


-ome# my beloved# )et us go forth to the field9 )et us lodge in the villages'


beautiful are your feet in sandals# 3 "rinceDs daughterH The curves of your thighs are li1e $ewels# The wor1 of the hands of a s1illful wor1man'

)et us get u" early to the vineyards9 )et us see if the vine has budded# Bhether the gra"e blossoms are o"en# And the "omegranates are in bloom' There 0 will give you my love'

Cour navel is a rounded goblet9 0t lac1s no blended beverage' Cour waist is a hea" of wheat Set about with lilies'

The mandra1es give off a fragrance# And at our gates are "leasant fruits# All manner# new and old# Bhich 0 have laid u" for you# my beloved'

83h# that you were li1e my brother#

Bho nursed at my motherDs breastsH 0f 0 should find you outside# 0 would 1iss you9 0 would not be des"ised'

4any waters cannot Guench love# Nor can the floods drown it' 0f a man would give for love All the wealth of his house# 0t would be utterly des"ised'

0 would lead you and bring you 0nto the house of my mother# She who used to instruct me' 0 would cause you to drin1 of s"iced wine# 3f the $uice of my "omegranate'

Be have a little sister# And she has no breasts' Bhat shall we do for our sister 0n the day when she is s"o1en forE

2is left hand is under my head# And his right hand embraces me'

0f she is a wall# Be will build u"on her A battlement of silver9 And if she is a door# Be will enclose her Bith boards of cedar'

0 charge you# 3 daughters of Jerusalem# *o not stir u" nor awa1en love Antil it "leases'

0 am a wall# And my breasts li1e towers9 Then 0 became in his eyes As one who found "eace'

Bho is this coming u" from the wilderness# )eaning u"on her belovedE 0 awa1ened you under the a""le tree' There your mother brought you forth9 There she who bore you brought you forth'

Solomon had a vineyard at Baal 2amon9 2e leased the vineyard to 1ee"ers9 veryone was to bring for its fruit A thousand silver coins'

4y own vineyard is before me' Cou# 3 Solomon# may have a thousand# And those who tend its fruit two hundred'

Set me as a seal u"on your heart# As a seal u"on your arm9 For love is as strong as death# Jealousy as cruel as the grave9 0ts flames are flames of fire# A most vehement flame'

Cou who dwell in the gardens# The com"anions listen for your voiceFF )et me hear itH

4a1e haste# my beloved# And be li1e a ga.elle 3r a young stag 3n the mountains of s"ices'

3saiah 1The vision of 0saiah the son of Amo.#

which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of A..iah# Jotham# Aha.# and 2e.e1iah# 1ings of Judah'

have become li1e Sodom# Be would have been made li1e (omorrah'

2ear the word of the )3+*# Cou rulers of Sodom9 (ive ear to the law of our (od# Cou "eo"le of (omorrah7

2ear# 3 heavens# and give ear# 3 earthH For the )3+* has s"o1en7 :0 have nourished and brought u" children# And they have rebelled against 4e9

The o! 1nows its owner And the don1ey its masterDs crib9 But 0srael does not 1now# 4y "eo"le do not consider':

:To what "ur"ose is the multitude of your sacrifices to 4eE: Says the )3+*' :0 have had enough of burnt offerings of rams And the fat of fed cattle' 0 do not delight in the blood of bulls# 3r of lambs or goats'

Alas# sinful nation# A "eo"le laden with iniGuity# A brood of evildoers# -hildren who are corru"tersH They have forsa1en the )3+*# They have "rovo1ed to anger The 2oly 3ne of 0srael# They have turned away bac1ward'

:Bhen you come to a""ear before 4e# Bho has reGuired this from your hand# To tram"le 4y courtsE

Bring no more futile sacrifices9 0ncense is an abomination to 4e' The New 4oons# the Sabbaths# and the calling of assembliesFF 0 cannot endure iniGuity and the sacred meeting'

Bhy should you be stric1en againE Cou will revolt more and more' The whole head is sic1# And the whole heart faints'

Cour New 4oons and your a""ointed feasts 4y soul hates9 They are a trouble to 4e# 0 am weary of bearing them'

From the sole of the foot even to the head# There is no soundness in it# But wounds and bruises and "utrefying sores9 They have not been closed or bound u"# 3r soothed with ointment'

Bhen you s"read out your hands# 0 will hide 4y eyes from you9 ven though you ma1e many "rayers# 0 will not hear' Cour hands are full of blood'

Cour country is desolate# Cour cities are burned with fire9 Strangers devour your land in your "resence9 And it is desolate# as overthrown by strangers'

:Bash yourselves# ma1e yourselves clean9 /ut away the evil of your doings from before 4y eyes' -ease to do evil#

So the daughter of 5ion is left as a booth in a vineyard# As a hut in a garden of cucumbers# As a besieged city'

)earn to do good9 See1 $ustice# +ebu1e the o""ressor9 *efend the fatherless# /lead for the widow'

Anless the )3+* of hosts 2ad left to us a very small remnant# Be would

:-ome now# and let us reason together#: Says the )3+*# :Though your sins are li1e scarlet# They shall be

as white as snow9 Though they are red li1e crimson# They shall be as wool'


0f you are willing and obedient# Cou shall eat the good of the land9

For they shall be ashamed of the terebinth trees Bhich you have desired9 And you shall be embarrassed because of the gardens Bhich you have chosen'

But if you refuse and rebel# Cou shall be devoured by the sword:9 For the mouth of the )3+* has s"o1en'

For you shall be as a terebinth whose leaf fades# And as a garden that has no water'

2ow the faithful city has become a harlotH 0t was full of $ustice9 +ighteousness lodged in it# But now murderers'

The strong shall be as tinder# And the wor1 of it as a s"ar19 Both will burn together# And no one shall Guench them'

Cour silver has become dross# Cour wine mi!ed with water'

2The word that 0saiah the son of Amo.

saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem'

Cour "rinces are rebellious# And com"anions of thieves9 veryone loves bribes# And follows after rewards' They do not defend the fatherless# Nor does the cause of the widow come before them'

Now it shall come to "ass in the latter days That the mountain of the )3+*Ds house Shall be established on the to" of the mountains# And shall be e!alted above the hills9 And all nations shall flow to it'

Therefore the )ord says# The )3+* of hosts# the 4ighty 3ne of 0srael# :Ah# 0 will rid 4yself of 4y adversaries# And ta1e vengeance on 4y enemies'

0 will turn 4y hand against you# And thoroughly "urge away your dross# And ta1e away all your alloy'

4any "eo"le shall come and say# :-ome# and let us go u" to the mountain of the )3+*# To the house of the (od of Jacob9 2e will teach us 2is ways# And we shall wal1 in 2is "aths': For out of 5ion shall go forth the law# And the word of the )3+* from Jerusalem'

0 will restore your $udges as at the first# And your counselors as at the beginning' Afterward you shall be called the city of righteousness# the faithful city':

2e shall $udge between the nations# And rebu1e many "eo"le9 They shall beat their swords into "lowshares# And their s"ears into "runing hoo1s9 Nation shall not lift u" sword against nation# Neither shall they learn war anymore'

5ion shall be redeemed with $ustice# And her "enitents with righteousness'

3 house of Jacob# come and let us wal1 0n the light of the )3+*'

The destruction of transgressors and of sinners shall be together# And those who forsa1e the )3+* shall be consumed'

For Cou have forsa1en Cour "eo"le# the house of Jacob# Because they are filled with eastern ways9 They are soothsayers li1e the /hilistines# And

they are "leased with the children of foreigners'



But the idols 2e shall utterly abolish'


Their land is also full of silver and gold# And there is no end to their treasures9 Their land is also full of horses# And there is no end to their chariots'

They shall go into the holes of the roc1s# And into the caves of the earth# From the terror of the )3+* And the glory of 2is ma$esty# Bhen 2e arises to sha1e the earth mightily'

Their land is also full of idols9 They worshi" the wor1 of their own hands# That which their own fingers have made'

0n that day a man will cast away his idols of silver And his idols of gold# Bhich they made# each for himself to worshi"# To the moles and bats#

/eo"le bow down# And each man humbles himself9 Therefore do not forgive them'

nter into the roc1# and hide in the dust# From the terror of the )3+* And the glory of 2is ma$esty'

To go into the clefts of the roc1s# And into the crags of the rugged roc1s# From the terror of the )3+* And the glory of 2is ma$esty# Bhen 2e arises to sha1e the earth mightily'

The lofty loo1s of man shall be humbled# The haughtiness of men shall be bowed down# And the )3+* alone shall be e!alted in that day'

Sever yourselves from such a man# Bhose breath is in his nostrils9 For of what account is heE

For the day of the )3+* of hosts Shall come u"on everything "roud and lofty# A"on everything lifted u"FF And it shall be brought lowFF

3For behold# the )ord# the )3+* of

hosts# Ta1es away from Jerusalem and from Judah The stoc1 and the store# The whole su""ly of bread and the whole su""ly of water9

A"on all the cedars of )ebanon that are high and lifted u"# And u"on all the oa1s of Bashan9

The mighty man and the man of war# The $udge and the "ro"het# And the diviner and the elder9

A"on all the high mountains# And u"on all the hills that are lifted u"9

The ca"tain of fifty and the honorable man# The counselor and the s1illful artisan# And the e!"ert enchanter'

A"on every high tower# And u"on every fortified wall9


:0 will give children to be their "rinces# And babes shall rule over them'

A"on all the shi"s of Tarshish# And u"on all the beautiful sloo"s'

The loftiness of man shall be bowed down# And the haughtiness of men shall be brought low9 The )3+* alone will be e!alted in that day#

The "eo"le will be o""ressed# very one by another and every one by his neighbor9 The child will be insolent toward the elder# And the base toward the honorable':


Bhen a man ta1es hold of his brother 0n the house of his father# saying# :Cou have clothing9 Cou be our ruler# And let these ruins be under your "ower#:


4oreover the )3+* says7 :Because the daughters of 5ion are haughty# And wal1 with outstretched nec1s And wanton eyes# Bal1ing and mincing as they go# 4a1ing a $ingling with their feet#

0n that day he will "rotest# saying# :0 cannot cure your ills# For in my house is neither food nor clothing9 *o not ma1e me a ruler of the "eo"le':

Therefore the )ord will stri1e with a scab The crown of the head of the daughters of 5ion# And the )3+* will uncover their secret "arts':

For Jerusalem stumbled# And Judah is fallen# Because their tongue and their doings Are against the )3+*# To "rovo1e the eyes of 2is glory'

0n that day the )ord will ta1e away the finery7 The $ingling an1lets# the scarves# and the crescents9

The loo1 on their countenance witnesses against them# And they declare their sin as Sodom9 They do not hide it' Boe to their soulH For they have brought evil u"on themselves'

The "endants# the bracelets# and the veils9


:Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them# For they shall eat the fruit of their doings'

The headdresses# the leg ornaments# and the headbands9 The "erfume bo!es# the charms# The nose $ewels# The outer garments# the "urses# The fine linen# the turbans# and the robes'

and the rings9 The nose $ewels#

Boe to the wic1edH 0t shall be ill with him# For the reward of his hands shall be given him'


the festal a""arel# and the mantles9 The outer garments# the "urses#

As for 4y "eo"le# children are their o""ressors# And women rule over them' 3 4y "eo"leH Those who lead you cause you to err# And destroy the way of your "aths':

and the mirrors9 The fine linen# the turbans# and the robes'

The )3+* stands u" to "lead# And stands to $udge the "eo"le'

The )3+* will enter into $udgment Bith the elders of 2is "eo"le And 2is "rinces7 :For you have eaten u" the vineyard9 The "lunder of the "oor is in your houses'

And so it shall be7 0nstead of a sweet smell there will be a stench9 0nstead of a sash# a ro"e9 0nstead of wellFset hair# baldness9 0nstead of a rich robe# a girding of sac1cloth9 And branding instead of beauty' and the rings9 The nose $ewels#

Cour men shall fall by the sword# And your mighty in the war'

Bhat do you mean by crushing 4y "eo"le And grinding the faces of the "oorE: Says the )ord (3* of hosts'

2er gates shall lament and mourn# And she being desolate shall sit on the ground'

4And in that day seven women shall

ta1e hold of one man# saying# :Be will eat our own food and wear our own a""arel9 3nly let us be called by your name# To ta1e away our re"roach':

2e dug it u" and cleared out its stones# And "lanted it with the choicest vine' 2e built a tower in its midst# And also made a wine"ress in it9 So 2e e!"ected it to bring forth good gra"es# But it brought forth wild gra"es'

0n that day the Branch of the )3+* shall be beautiful and glorious9 And the fruit of the earth shall be e!cellent and a""ealing For those of 0srael who have esca"ed'

:And now# 3 inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah# Judge# "lease# between 4e and 4y vineyard'

And it shall come to "ass that he who is left in 5ion and remains in Jerusalem will be called holyFFeveryone who is recorded among the living in Jerusalem'

Bhat more could have been done to 4y vineyard That 0 have not done in itE Bhy then# when 0 e!"ected it to bring forth good gra"es# *id it bring forth wild gra"esE

Bhen the )ord has washed away the filth of the daughters of 5ion# and "urged the blood of Jerusalem from her midst# by the s"irit of $udgment and by the s"irit of burning#

And now# "lease let 4e tell you what 0 will do to 4y vineyard7 0 will ta1e away its hedge# and it shall be burned9 And brea1 down its wall# and it shall be tram"led down'

then the )3+* will create above every dwelling "lace of 4ount 5ion# and above her assemblies# a cloud and smo1e by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night' For over all the glory there will be a covering'

0 will lay it waste9 0t shall not be "runed or dug# But there shall come u" briers and thorns' 0 will also command the clouds That they rain no rain on it':

And there will be a tabernacle for shade in the daytime from the heat# for a "lace of refuge# and for a shelter from storm and rain'

For the vineyard of the )3+* of hosts is the house of 0srael# And the men of Judah are 2is "leasant "lant' 2e loo1ed for $ustice# but behold# o""ression9 For righteousness# but behold# a cry for hel"'

5Now let me sing to my BellFbeloved

A song of my Beloved regarding 2is vineyard7 4y BellFbeloved has a vineyard 3n a very fruitful hill'

Boe to those who $oin house to house9 They add field to field# Till there is no "lace Bhere they may dwell alone in the midst of the landH

0n my hearing the )3+* of hosts said# :Truly# many houses shall be desolate# (reat and beautiful ones# without inhabitant'

For ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath# And a homer of seed shall yield one e"hah':


Boe to those who rise early in the morning# That they may follow into!icating drin19 Bho continue until night# till wine inflames themH


Boe to those who call evil good# and good evil9 Bho "ut dar1ness for light# and light for dar1ness9 Bho "ut bitter for sweet# and sweet for bitterH

The har" and the strings# The tambourine and flute# And wine are in their feasts9 But they do not regard the wor1 of the )3+*# Nor consider the o"eration of 2is hands'

Boe to those who are wise in their own eyes# And "rudent in their own sightH

Therefore my "eo"le have gone into ca"tivity# Because they have no 1nowledge9 Their honorable men are famished# And their multitude dried u" with thirst'

Boe to men mighty at drin1ing wine# Boe to men valiant for mi!ing into!icating drin1#

Bho $ustify the wic1ed for a bribe# And ta1e away $ustice from the righteous manH

Therefore Sheol has enlarged itself And o"ened its mouth beyond measure9 Their glory and their multitude and their "om"# And he who is $ubilant# shall descend into it'

/eo"le shall be brought down# ach man shall be humbled# And the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled'

Therefore# as the fire devours the stubble# And the flame consumes the chaff# So their root will be as rottenness# And their blossom will ascend li1e dust9 Because they have re$ected the law of the )3+* of hosts# And des"ised the word of the 2oly 3ne of 0srael'

But the )3+* of hosts shall be e!alted in $udgment# And (od who is holy shall be hallowed in righteousness'

Then the lambs shall feed in their "asture# And in the waste "laces of the fat ones strangers shall eat'

Therefore the anger of the )3+* is aroused against 2is "eo"le9 2e has stretched out 2is hand against them And stric1en them# And the hills trembled' Their carcasses were as refuse in the midst of the streets' For all this 2is anger is not turned away# But 2is hand is stretched out still'

Boe to those who draw iniGuity with cords of vanity# And sin as if with a cart ro"e9

2e will lift u" a banner to the nations from afar# And will whistle to them from the end of the earth9 Surely they shall come with s"eed# swiftly'

That say# :)et 2im ma1e s"eed and hasten 2is wor1# That we may see it9 And let the counsel of the 2oly 3ne of 0srael draw near and come# That we may 1now it':

No one will be weary or stumble among them# No one will slumber or slee"9 Nor will the belt on their loins be loosed# Nor the stra" of their sandals be bro1en9

Bhose arrows are shar"# And all their bows bent9 Their horsesD hooves will

seem li1e flint# And their wheels li1e a whirlwind'


Their roaring will be li1e a lion# They will roar li1e young lions9 Ces# they will roar And lay hold of the "rey9 They will carry it away safely# And no one will deliver'

And he touched my mouth with it# and said7 :Behold# this has touched your li"s9 Cour iniGuity is ta1en away# And your sin "urged':

Also 0 heard the voice of the )ord# saying7 :Bhom shall 0 send# And who will go for AsE: Then 0 said# :2ere am 0H Send me':

0n that day they will roar against them )i1e the roaring of the sea' And if one loo1s to the land# Behold# dar1ness and sorrow9 And the light is dar1ened by the clouds'

And 2e said# :(o# and tell this "eo"le7 :Kee" on hearing# but do not understand9 Kee" on seeing# but do not "erceive'D

60n the year that King A..iah died# 0

saw the )ord sitting on a throne# high and lifted u"# and the train of 2is robe filled the tem"le'

:4a1e the heart of this "eo"le dull# And their ears heavy# And shut their eyes9 )est they see with their eyes# And hear with their ears# And understand with their heart# And return and be healed':

Above it stood sera"him9 each one had si! wings7 with two he covered his face# with two he covered his feet# and with two he flew'

And one cried to another and said7 :2oly# holy# holy is the )3+* of hosts9 The whole earth is full of 2is gloryH:

Then 0 said# :)ord# how longE: And 2e answered7 :Antil the cities are laid waste and without inhabitant# The houses are without a man# The land is utterly desolate#

And the "osts of the door were sha1en by the voice of him who cried out# and the house was filled with smo1e'

The )3+* has removed men far away# And the forsa1en "laces are many in the midst of the land'

So 0 said7 :Boe is me# for 0 am undoneH Because 0 am a man of unclean li"s# And 0 dwell in the midst of a "eo"le of unclean li"s9 For my eyes have seen the King# The )3+* of hosts':

But yet a tenth will be in it# And will return and be for consuming# As a terebinth tree or as an oa1# Bhose stum" remains when it is cut down' So the holy seed shall be its stum"':

7Now it came to "ass in the days of

Aha. the son of Jotham# the son of A..iah# 1ing of Judah# that 1ing of Syria and /e1ah the son of +emaliah# 1ing of 0srael# went u" to Jerusalem to ma1e war against it# but could not "revail against it'

Then one of the sera"him flew to me# having in his hand a live coal which he had ta1en with the tongs from the altar'

And it was told to the house of *avid# saying# :SyriaDs forces are de"loyed in "hraim': So his heart and the heart of his "eo"le were moved as the trees of the woods are moved with the wind'


But Aha. said# :0 will not as1# nor will 0 test the )3+*H:

Then he said# :2ear now# 3 house of *avidH 0s it a small thing for you to weary men# but will you weary my (od alsoE

Then the )3+* said to 0saiah# :(o out now to meet Aha.# you and ShearF Jashub your son# at the end of the aGueduct from the u""er "ool# on the highway to the FullerDs Field#

Therefore the )ord 2imself will give you a sign7 Behold# the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son# and shall call 2is name 0mmanuel'

and say to him7 :Ta1e heed# and be Guiet9 do not fear or be fainthearted for these two stubs of smo1ing firebrands# for the fierce anger of and Syria# and the son of +emaliah'

-urds and honey 2e shall eat# that 2e may 1now to refuse the evil and choose the good'

Because Syria# "hraim# and the son of +emaliah have "lotted evil against you# saying#

For before the -hild shall 1now to refuse the evil and choose the good# the land that you dread will be forsa1en by both her 1ings'

:)et us go u" against Judah and trouble it# and let us ma1e a ga" in its wall for ourselves# and set a 1ing over them# the son of Tabel:FF

The )3+* will bring the 1ing of Assyria u"on you and your "eo"le and your fatherDs houseFFdays that have not come since the day that "hraim de"arted from Judah':

thus says the )ord (3*7 :0t shall not stand# Nor shall it come to "ass'

For the head of Syria is *amascus# And the head of *amascus is' Bithin si!tyFfive years "hraim will be bro1en# So that it will not be a "eo"le'

And it shall come to "ass in that day That the )3+* will whistle for the fly That is in the farthest "art of the rivers of gy"t# And for the bee that is in the land of Assyria'

The head of "hraim is Samaria# And the head of Samaria is +emaliahDs son' 0f you will not believe# Surely you shall not be established'::D

They will come# and all of them will rest 0n the desolate valleys and in the clefts of the roc1s# And on all thorns and in all "astures'

4oreover the )3+* s"o1e again to Aha.# saying#


0n the same day the )ord will shave with a hired ra.or# Bith those from beyond the +iver# with the 1ing of Assyria# The head and the hair of the legs# And will also remove the beard'

:As1 a sign for yourself from the )3+* your (od9 as1 it either in the de"th or in the height above':

0t shall be in that day That a man will 1ee" alive a young cow and two shee"9


So it shall be# from the abundance of mil1 they give# That he will eat curds9 For curds and honey everyone will eat who is left in the land'

Now therefore# behold# the )ord brings u" over them The waters of the +iver# strong and mightyFF The 1ing of Assyria and all his glory9 2e will go u" over all his channels And go over all his ban1s'

0t shall ha""en in that day# That wherever there could be a thousand vines Borth a thousand she1els of silver# 0t will be for briers and thorns'

Bith arrows and bows men will come there# Because all the land will become briers and thorns'

2e will "ass through Judah# 2e will overflow and "ass over# 2e will reach u" to the nec19 And the stretching out of his wings Bill fill the breadth of Cour land# 3 0mmanuel'

And to any hill which could be dug with the hoe# Cou will not go there for fear of briers and thorns9 But it will become a range for o!en And a "lace for shee" to roam'

:Be shattered# 3 you "eo"les# and be bro1en in "iecesH (ive ear# all you from far countries' (ird yourselves# but be bro1en in "ieces9 (ird yourselves# but be bro1en in "ieces'


Ta1e counsel together# but it will come to nothing9 S"ea1 the word# but it will not stand# For (od is with us':

the )3+* said to me# :Ta1e a large scroll# and write on it with a manDs "en concerning 4aherFShalalF 2ashFBa.' And 0 will ta1e for 4yself faithful witnesses to record# Ariah the "riest and 5echariah the son of Jeberechiah':

For the )3+* s"o1e thus to me with a strong hand# and instructed me that 0 should not wal1 in the way of this "eo"le# saying7

Then 0 went to the "ro"hetess# and she conceived and bore a son' Then the )3+* said to me# :-all his name 4aherFShalalF2ashFBa.9

:*o not say# :A cons"iracy#D -oncerning all that this "eo"le call a cons"iracy# Nor be afraid of their threats# nor be troubled'

The )3+* of hosts# 2im you shall hallow9 )et 2im be your fear# And let 2im be your dread'

for before the child shall have 1nowledge to cry :4y fatherD and :4y mother#D the riches of *amascus and the s"oil of Samaria will be ta1en away before the 1ing of Assyria':

2e will be as a sanctuary# But a stone of stumbling and a roc1 of offense To both the houses of 0srael# As a tra" and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem'

The )3+* also s"o1e to me again# saying7


And many among them shall stumble9 They shall fall and be bro1en# Be snared and ta1en':

:0nasmuch as these "eo"le refused The waters of Shiloah that flow softly# And re$oice in and in +emaliahDs son9

Bind u" the testimony# Seal the law among my disci"les'


And 0 will wait on the )3+*# Bho hides 2is face from the house of Jacob9 And 0 will ho"e in 2im'

Cou have multi"lied the nation And increased its $oy9 They re$oice before Cou According to the $oy of harvest# As men re$oice when they divide the s"oil'

2ere am 0 and the children whom the )3+* has given meH Be are for signs and wonders in 0srael From the )3+* of hosts# Bho dwells in 4ount 5ion'

For Cou have bro1en the yo1e of his burden And the staff of his shoulder# The rod of his o""ressor# As in the day of 4idian'

And when they say to you# :See1 those who are mediums and wi.ards# who whis"er and mutter#: should not a "eo"le see1 their (odE Should they see1 the dead on behalf of the livingE

For every warriorDs sandal from the noisy battle# And garments rolled in blood# Bill be used for burning and fuel of fire'

To the law and to the testimonyH 0f they do not s"ea1 according to this word# it is because there is no light in them'

They will "ass through it hardF"ressed and hungry9 and it shall ha""en# when they are hungry# that they will be enraged and curse their 1ing and their (od# and loo1 u"ward'

For unto us a -hild is born# Anto us a Son is given9 And the government will be u"on 2is shoulder' And 2is name will be called Bonderful# -ounselor# 4ighty (od# verlasting Father# /rince of /eace'

Then they will loo1 to the earth# and see trouble and dar1ness# gloom of anguish9 and they will be driven into dar1ness'

3f the increase of 2is government and "eace There will be no end# A"on the throne of *avid and over 2is 1ingdom# To order it and establish it with $udgment and $ustice From that time forward# even forever' The .eal of the )ord of hosts will "erform this'

9Nevertheless the gloom will not be

u"on her who is distressed# As when at first 2e lightly esteemed The land of 5ebulun and the land of Na"htali# And afterward more heavily o""ressed her# By the way of the sea# beyond the Jordan# 0n (alilee of the (entiles'

The )3+* sent a word against Jacob# And it has fallen on 0srael'

All the "eo"le will 1nowFF "hraim and the inhabitant of SamariaFF Bho say in "ride and arrogance of heart7

The "eo"le who wal1ed in dar1ness 2ave seen a great light9 Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death# A"on them a light has shined'

:The bric1s have fallen down# But we will rebuild with hewn stones9 The sycamores are cut down# But we will re"lace them with cedars':

Therefore the )3+* shall set u" The adversaries of against him# And s"ur his enemies on#

The Syrians before and the /hilistines behind9 And they shall devour 0srael with

an o"en mouth' For all this 2is anger is not turned away# But 2is hand is stretched out still'


For the "eo"le do not turn to 2im who stri1es them# Nor do they see1 the )3+* of hosts'

to those who decree unrighteous decrees# Bho write misfortune# Bhich they have "rescribed To rob the needy of $ustice# And to ta1e what is right from the "oor of 4y "eo"le# That widows may be their "rey# And that they may rob the fatherless'

Therefore the )3+* will cut off head and tail from 0srael# /alm branch and bulrush in one day'

The elder and honorable# he is the head9 The "ro"het who teaches lies# he is the tail'

Bhat will you do in the day of "unishment# And in the desolation which will come from afarE To whom will you flee for hel"E And where will you leave your gloryE

For the leaders of this "eo"le cause them to err# And those who are led by them are destroyed'

Therefore the )ord will have no $oy in their young men# Nor have mercy on their fatherless and widows9 For everyone is a hy"ocrite and an evildoer# And every mouth s"ea1s folly' For all this 2is anger is not turned away# But 2is hand is stretched out still'

Bithout 4e they shall bow down among the "risoners# And they shall fall among the slain': For all this 2is anger is not turned away# But 2is hand is stretched out still'

:Boe to Assyria# the rod of 4y anger And the staff in whose hand is 4y indignation'

For wic1edness burns as the fire9 0t shall devour the briers and thorns# And 1indle in the thic1ets of the forest9 They shall mount u" li1e rising smo1e'

0 will send him against an ungodly nation# And against the "eo"le of 4y wrath 0 will give him charge# To sei.e the s"oil# to ta1e the "rey# And to tread them down li1e the mire of the streets'

Through the wrath of the )3+* of hosts The land is burned u"# And the "eo"le shall be as fuel for the fire9 No man shall s"are his brother'

Cet he does not mean so# Nor does his heart thin1 so9 But it is in his heart to destroy# And cut off not a few nations'

And he shall snatch on the right hand And be hungry9 2e shall devour on the left hand And not be satisfied9 very man shall eat the flesh of his own arm'

For he says# :Are not my "rinces altogether 1ingsE


0s not -alno li1e -archemishE 0s not 2amath li1e Ar"adE 0s not Samaria li1e *amascusE

4anasseh shall devour "hraim# and "hraim 4anasseh9 Together they shall be against Judah' For all this 2is anger is not turned away# But 2is hand is stretched out still'

As my hand has found the 1ingdoms of the idols# Bhose carved images e!celled those of Jerusalem and Samaria#


As 0 have done to Samaria and her idols# Shall 0 not do also to Jerusalem and her idolsE:D


Then the rest of the trees of his forest Bill be so few in number That a child may write them'

Therefore it shall come to "ass# when the )ord has "erformed all 2is wor1 on 4ount 5ion and on Jerusalem# that 2e will say# :0 will "unish the fruit of the arrogant heart of the 1ing of Assyria# and the glory of his haughty loo1s':

And it shall come to "ass in that day That the remnant of 0srael# And such as have esca"ed of the house of Jacob# Bill never again de"end on him who defeated them# But will de"end on the )3+*# the 2oly 3ne of 0srael# in truth'

For he says7 :By the strength of my hand 0 have done it# And by my wisdom# for 0 am "rudent9 Also 0 have removed the boundaries of the "eo"le# And have robbed their treasuries9 So 0 have "ut down the inhabitants li1e a valiant man'

The remnant will return# the remnant of Jacob# To the 4ighty (od'

4y hand has found li1e a nest the riches of the "eo"le# And as one gathers eggs that are left# 0 have gathered all the earth9 And there was no one who moved his wing# Nor o"ened his mouth with even a "ee"':

For though your "eo"le# 3 0srael# be as the sand of the sea# A remnant of them will return9 The destruction decreed shall overflow with righteousness'

For the )ord (3* of hosts Bill ma1e a determined end 0n the midst of all the land'

Shall the a! boast itself against him who cho"s with itE 3r shall the saw e!alt itself against him who saws with itE As if a rod could wield itself against those who lift it u"# 3r as if a staff could lift u"# as if it were not woodH

Therefore thus says the )ord (3* of hosts7 :3 4y "eo"le# who dwell in 5ion# do not be afraid of the Assyrian' 2e shall stri1e you with a rod and lift u" his staff against you# in the manner of gy"t'

Therefore the )ord# the )ord of hosts# Bill send leanness among his fat ones9 And under his glory 2e will 1indle a burning )i1e the burning of a fire'

For yet a very little while and the indignation will cease# as will 4y anger in their destruction':

So the )ight of 0srael will be for a fire# And his 2oly 3ne for a flame9 0t will burn and devour 2is thorns and his briers in one day'

And the )3+* of hosts will stir u" a scourge for him li1e the slaughter of 4idian at the roc1 of 3reb9 as 2is rod was on the sea# so will 2e lift it u" in the manner of gy"t'

And it will consume the glory of his forest and of his fruitful field# Both soul and body9 And they will be as when a sic1 man wastes away'

0t shall come to "ass in that day That his burden will be ta1en away from your shoulder# And his yo1e from your nec1# And the yo1e will be destroyed because of the anointing oil'


2e has come to Aiath# 2e has "assed 4igron9 At 4ichmash he has attended to his eGui"ment'

earth with the rod of 2is mouth# And with the breath of 2is li"s 2e shall slay the wic1ed'

They have gone along the ridge# They have ta1en u" lodging at (eba' +amah is afraid# (ibeah of Saul has fled'

+ighteousness shall be the belt of 2is loins# And faithfulness the belt of 2is waist'

)ift u" your voice# 3 daughter of (allimH -ause it to be heard as far as )aishFF 3 "oor AnathothH

4admenah has fled# The inhabitants of (ebim see1 refuge'


:The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb# The leo"ard shall lie down with the young goat# The calf and the young lion and the fatling together9 And a little child shall lead them'

As yet he will remain at Nob that day9 2e will sha1e his fist at the mount of the daughter of 5ion# The hill of Jerusalem'

The cow and the bear shall gra.e9 Their young ones shall lie down together9 And the lion shall eat straw li1e the o!'

Behold# the )ord# The )3+* of hosts# Bill lo" off the bough with terror9 Those of high stature will be hewn down# And the haughty will be humbled'

The nursing child shall "lay by the cobraDs hole# And the weaned child shall "ut his hand in the vi"erDs den'

2e will cut down the thic1ets of the forest with iron# And )ebanon will fall by the 4ighty 3ne'

They shall not hurt nor destroy in all 4y holy mountain# For the earth shall be full of the 1nowledge of the )3+* As the waters cover the sea'

11There shall come forth a +od from

the stem of Jesse# And a Branch shall grow out of his roots'

:And in that day there shall be a +oot of Jesse# Bho shall stand as a banner to the "eo"le9 For the (entiles shall see1 2im# And 2is resting "lace shall be glorious':

The S"irit of the )3+* shall rest u"on 2im# The S"irit of wisdom and understanding# The S"irit of counsel and might# The S"irit of 1nowledge and of the fear of the )3+*'

2is delight is in the fear of the )3+*# And 2e shall not $udge by the sight of 2is eyes# Nor decide by the hearing of 2is ears9

0t shall come to "ass in that day That the )ord shall set 2is hand again the second time To recover the remnant of 2is "eo"le who are left# From Assyria and gy"t# From /athros and -ush# From lam and Shinar# From 2amath and the islands of the sea'

But with righteousness 2e shall $udge the "oor# And decide with eGuity for the mee1 of the earth9 2e shall stri1e the

2e will set u" a banner for the nations# And will assemble the outcasts of 0srael# And gather together the dis"ersed of Judah From the four corners of the earth'


Also the envy of "hraim shall de"art# And the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off9 "hraim shall not envy Judah# And Judah shall not harass "hraim'


-ry out and shout# 3 inhabitant of 5ion# For great is the 2oly 3ne of 0srael in your midstH:

But they shall fly down u"on the shoulder of the /hilistines toward the west9 Together they shall "lunder the "eo"le of the ast9 They shall lay their hand on dom and 4oab9 And the "eo"le of Ammon shall obey them'


burden against Babylon which 0saiah the son of Amo. saw' :)ift u" a banner on the high mountain# +aise your voice to them9 Bave your hand# that they may enter the gates of the nobles'

The )3+* will utterly destroy the tongue of the Sea of gy"t9 Bith 2is mighty wind 2e will sha1e 2is fist over the +iver# And stri1e it in the seven streams# And ma1e men cross over dryshod'

0 have commanded 4y sanctified ones9 0 have also called 4y mighty ones for 4y angerFF Those who re$oice in 4y e!altation':

There will be a highway for the remnant of 2is "eo"le Bho will be left from Assyria# As it was for 0srael 0n the day that he came u" from the land of gy"t'

The noise of a multitude in the mountains# )i1e that of many "eo"leH A tumultuous noise of the 1ingdoms of nations gathered togetherH The )3+* of hosts musters The army for battle'

12And in that day you will say7 :3

)3+*# 0 will "raise Cou9 Though Cou were angry with me# Cour anger is turned away# and Cou comfort me'

They come from a far country# From the end of heavenFF The )3+* and 2is wea"ons of indignation# To destroy the whole land'

Behold# (od is my salvation# 0 will trust and not be afraid9 :For CA2# the )3+*# is my strength and song9 2e also has become my salvation':D

Bail# for the day of the )3+* is at handH 0t will come as destruction from the Almighty'

Therefore all hands will be lim"# manDs heart will melt#



Therefore with $oy you will draw water From the wells of salvation'

And in that day you will say7 :/raise the )3+*# call u"on 2is name9 *eclare 2is deeds among the "eo"les# 4a1e mention that 2is name is e!alted'

And they will be afraid' /angs and sorrows will ta1e hold of them9 They will be in "ain as a woman in childbirth9 They will be ama.ed at one another9 Their faces will be li1e flames'

Sing to the )3+*# For 2e has done e!cellent things9 This is 1nown in all the earth'

Behold# the day of the )3+* comes# -ruel# with both wrath and fierce anger# To lay the land desolate9 And 2e will destroy its sinners from it'


For the stars of heaven and their constellations Bill not give their light9 The sun will be dar1ened in its going forth# And the moon will not cause its light to shine'


0t will never be inhabited# Nor will it be settled from generation to generation9 Nor will the Arabian "itch tents there# Nor will the she"herds ma1e their shee"folds there'

:0 will "unish the world for its evil# And the wic1ed for their iniGuity9 0 will halt the arrogance of the "roud# And will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible'

But wild beasts of the desert will lie there# And their houses will be full of owls9 3striches will dwell there# And wild goats will ca"er there'

0 will ma1e a mortal more rare than fine gold# A man more than the golden wedge of 3"hir'

The hyenas will howl in their citadels# And $ac1als in their "leasant "alaces' 2er time is near to come# And her days will not be "rolonged':

Therefore 0 will sha1e the heavens# And the earth will move out of her "lace# 0n the wrath of the )3+* of hosts And in the day of 2is fierce anger'

14For the )3+* will have mercy on

Jacob# and will still choose 0srael# and settle them in their own land' The strangers will be $oined with them# and they will cling to the house of Jacob'

0t shall be as the hunted ga.elle# And as a shee" that no man ta1es u"9 very man will turn to his own "eo"le# And everyone will flee to his own land'

veryone who is found will be thrust through# And everyone who is ca"tured will fall by the sword'

Their children also will be dashed to "ieces before their eyes9 Their houses will be "lundered And their wives ravished'

Then "eo"le will ta1e them and bring them to their "lace# and the house of 0srael will "ossess them for servants and maids in the land of the )3+*9 they will ta1e them ca"tive whose ca"tives they were# and rule over their o""ressors'

:Behold# 0 will stir u" the 4edes against them# Bho will not regard silver9 And as for gold# they will not delight in it'

0t shall come to "ass in the day the )3+* gives you rest from your sorrow# and from your fear and the hard bondage in which you were made to serve#

Also their bows will dash the young men to "ieces# And they will have no "ity on the fruit of the womb9 Their eye will not s"are children'

that you will ta1e u" this "roverb against the 1ing of Babylon# and say7 :2ow the o""ressor has ceased# The golden city ceasedH

And Babylon# the glory of 1ingdoms# The beauty of the -haldeansD "ride# Bill be as when (od overthrew Sodom and (omorrah'

The )3+* has bro1en the staff of the wic1ed# The sce"ter of the rulers9

2e who struc1 the "eo"le in wrath with a continual stro1e# 2e who ruled the

nations in anger# 0s "ersecuted and no one hinders'



Bho made the world as a wilderness And destroyed its cities# Bho did not o"en the house of his "risonersED

The whole earth is at rest and Guiet9 They brea1 forth into singing'

0ndeed the cy"ress trees re$oice over you# And the cedars of )ebanon# Saying# :Since you were cut down# No woodsman has come u" against us'D

:All the 1ings of the nations# All of them# slee" in glory# veryone in his own house9

:2ell from beneath is e!cited about you# To meet you at your coming9 0t stirs u" the dead for you# All the chief ones of the earth9 0t has raised u" from their thrones All the 1ings of the nations'

But you are cast out of your grave )i1e an abominable branch# )i1e the garment of those who are slain# Thrust through with a sword# Bho go down to the stones of the "it# )i1e a cor"se trodden underfoot'

They all shall s"ea1 and say to you7 :2ave you also become as wea1 as weE 2ave you become li1e usE

Cou will not be $oined with them in burial# Because you have destroyed your land And slain your "eo"le' The brood of evildoers shall never be named'

Cour "om" is brought down to Sheol# And the sound of your stringed instruments9 The maggot is s"read under you# And worms cover you'D

/re"are slaughter for his children Because of the iniGuity of their fathers# )est they rise u" and "ossess the land# And fill the face of the world with cities':

:2ow you are fallen from heaven# 3 )ucifer# son of the morningH 2ow you are cut down to the ground# Cou who wea1ened the nationsH

:For 0 will rise u" against them#: says the )3+* of hosts# :And cut off from Babylon the name and remnant# And offs"ring and "osterity#: says the )3+*'

For you have said in your heart7 :0 will ascend into heaven# 0 will e!alt my throne above the stars of (od9 0 will also sit on the mount of the congregation 3n the farthest sides of the north9

:0 will also ma1e it a "ossession for the "orcu"ine# And marshes of muddy water9 0 will swee" it with the broom of destruction#: says the )3+* of hosts'

0 will ascend above the heights of the clouds# 0 will be li1e the 4ost 2igh'D

The )3+* of hosts has sworn# saying# :Surely# as 0 have thought# so it shall come to "ass# And as 0 have "ur"osed# so it shall stand7

Cet you shall be brought down to Sheol# To the lowest de"ths of the /it'

:Those who see you will ga.e at you# And consider you# saying7 :0s this the man who made the earth tremble# Bho shoo1 1ingdoms#

That 0 will brea1 the Assyrian in 4y land# And on 4y mountains tread him underfoot' Then his yo1e shall be removed from them# And his burden removed from their shoulders'


This is the "ur"ose that is "ur"osed against the whole earth# And this is the hand that is stretched out over all the nations'

0n their streets they will clothe themselves with sac1cloth9 3n the to"s of their houses And in their streets veryone will wail# wee"ing bitterly'

For the )3+* of hosts has "ur"osed# And who will annul itE 2is hand is stretched out# And who will turn it bac1E:

This is the burden which came in the year that King Aha. died'

2eshbon and lealeh will cry out# Their voice shall be heard as far as Jaha.9 Therefore the armed soldiers of 4oab will cry out9 2is life will be burdensome to him'

:*o not re$oice# all you of /hilistia# Because the rod that struc1 you is bro1en9 For out of the ser"entDs roots will come forth a vi"er# And its offs"ring will be a fiery flying ser"ent'

:4y heart will cry out for 4oab9 2is fugitives shall flee to 5oar# )i1e a threeF yearFold heifer' For by the Ascent of )uhith They will go u" with wee"ing9 For in the way of 2oronaim They will raise u" a cry of destruction#

The firstborn of the "oor will feed# And the needy will lie down in safety9 0 will 1ill your roots with famine# And it will slay your remnant'

For the waters of Nimrim will be desolate# For the green grass has withered away9 The grass fails# there is nothing green'

Bail# 3 gateH -ry# 3 cityH All you of /hilistia are dissolved9 For smo1e will come from the north# And no one will be alone in his a""ointed times':

Therefore the abundance they have gained# And what they have laid u"# They will carry away to the Broo1 of the Billows'

Bhat will they answer the messengers of the nationE That the )3+* has founded 5ion# And the "oor of 2is "eo"le shall ta1e refuge in it'

For the cry has gone all around the borders of 4oab# 0ts wailing to glaim And its wailing to Beer lim'


burden against 4oab' Because in the night Ar of 4oab is laid waste And destroyed# Because in the night Kir of 4oab is laid waste And destroyed#

For the waters of *imon will be full of blood9 Because 0 will bring more u"on *imon# )ions u"on him who esca"es from 4oab# And on the remnant of the land':

16Send the lamb to the ruler of the

land# From Sela to the wilderness# To the mount of the daughter of 5ion'

2e has gone u" to the tem"le and *ibon# To the high "laces to wee"' 4oab will wail over Nebo and over 4edeba9 3n all their heads will be baldness# And every beard cut off'

For it shall be as a wandering bird thrown out of the nest9 So shall be the daughters of 4oab at the fords of the Arnon'

:Ta1e counsel# e!ecute $udgment9 4a1e your shadow li1e the night in the middle of the day9 2ide the outcasts# *o not betray him who esca"es'


)et 4y outcasts dwell with you# 3 4oab9 Be a shelter to them from the face of the s"oiler' For the e!tortioner is at an end# *evastation ceases# The o""ressors are consumed out of the land'

(ladness is ta1en away# And $oy from the "lentiful field9 0n the vineyards there will be no singing# Nor will there be shouting9 No treaders will tread out wine in the "resses9 0 have made their shouting cease'

Therefore my heart shall resound li1e a har" for 4oab# And my inner being for Kir 2eres'

0n mercy the throne will be established9 And 3ne will sit on it in truth# in the tabernacle of *avid# Judging and see1ing $ustice and hastening righteousness':

And it shall come to "ass# Bhen it is seen that 4oab is weary on the high "lace# That he will come to his sanctuary to "ray9 But he will not "revail'

Be have heard of the "ride of 4oabFF 2e is very "roudFF 3f his haughtiness and his "ride and his wrath9 But his lies shall not be so'

This is the word which the )3+* has s"o1en concerning 4oab since that time'

Therefore 4oab shall wail for 4oab9 veryone shall wail' For the foundations of Kir 2areseth you shall mourn9 Surely they are stric1en'

But now the )3+* has s"o1en# saying# :Bithin three years# as the years of a hired man# the glory of 4oab will be des"ised with all that great multitude# and the remnant will be very small and feeble':

For the fields of 2eshbon languish# And the vine of Sibmah9 The lords of the nations have bro1en down its choice "lants# Bhich have reached to And wandered through the wilderness' 2er branches are stretched out# They are gone over the sea'


burden against *amascus' :Behold# *amascus will cease from being a city# And it will be a ruinous hea"' The cities of Aroer are forsa1en9 They will be for floc1s Bhich lie down# and no one will ma1e them afraid'

Therefore 0 will bewail the vine of Sibmah# Bith the wee"ing of Ja.er9 0 will drench you with my tears# 3 2eshbon and lealeh9 For battle cries have fallen 3ver your summer fruits and your harvest'

The fortress also will cease from "hraim# The 1ingdom from *amascus# And the remnant of Syria9 They will be as the glory of the children of 0srael#: Says the )3+* of hosts'

:0n that day it shall come to "ass That the glory of Jacob will wane# And the fatness of his flesh grow lean'


0t shall be as when the harvester gathers the grain# And rea"s the heads with his arm9 0t shall be as he who gathers heads of grain 0n the Valley of +e"haim'

and they will flee far away# And be chased li1e the chaff of the mountains before the wind# )i1e a rolling thing before the whirlwind'

Cet gleaning gra"es will be left in it# )i1e the sha1ing of an olive tree# Two or three olives at the to" of the u""ermost bough# Four or five in its most fruitful branches#: Says the )3+* (od of 0srael'

Then behold# at eventide# troubleH And before the morning# he is no more' This is the "ortion of those who "lunder us# And the lot of those who rob us'

18Boe to the land shadowed with wings# Bhich is beyond the rivers of thio"ia#

0n that day a man will loo1 to his 4a1er# And his eyes will have res"ect for the 2oly 3ne of 0srael'

2e will not loo1 to the altars# The wor1 of his hands9 2e will not res"ect what his fingers have made# Nor the wooden images nor the incense altars'

0n that day his strong cities will be as a forsa1en bough And an u""ermost branch# Bhich they left because of the children of 0srael9 And there will be desolation'

Bhich sends ambassadors by sea# ven in vessels of reed on the waters# saying# :(o# swift messengers# to a nation tall and smooth of s1in# To a "eo"le terrible from their beginning onward# A nation "owerful and treading down# Bhose land the rivers divide':

All inhabitants of the world and dwellers on the earth7 Bhen he lifts u" a banner on the mountains# you see it9 And when he blows a trum"et# you hear it'

Because you have forgotten the (od of your salvation# And have not been mindful of the +oc1 of your stronghold# Therefore you will "lant "leasant "lants And set out foreign seedlings9

For so the )3+* said to me# :0 will ta1e 4y rest# And 0 will loo1 from 4y dwelling "lace )i1e clear heat in sunshine# )i1e a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest':

0n the day you will ma1e your "lant to grow# And in the morning you will ma1e your seed to flourish9 But the harvest will be a hea" of ruins 0n the day of grief and des"erate sorrow'

For before the harvest# when the bud is "erfect And the sour gra"e is ri"ening in the flower# 2e will both cut off the s"rigs with "runing hoo1s And ta1e away and cut down the branches'

Boe to the multitude of many "eo"le Bho ma1e a noise li1e the roar of the seas# And to the rushing of nations That ma1e a rushing li1e the rushing of mighty watersH

They will be left together for the mountain birds of "rey And for the beasts of the earth9 The birds of "rey will summer on them# And all the beasts of the earth will winter on them'

The nations will rush li1e the rushing of many waters9 But (od will rebu1e them

0n that time a "resent will be brought to the )3+* of hosts From a "eo"le tall

and smooth of s1in# And from a "eo"le terrible from their beginning onward# A nation "owerful and treading down# Bhose land the rivers divideFF To the "lace of the name of the )3+* of hosts# To 4ount 5ion'

4oreover those who wor1 in fine fla! And those who weave fine fabric will be ashamed9

And its foundations will be bro1en' All who ma1e wages will be troubled of soul'


burden against gy"t' Behold# the )3+* rides on a swift cloud# And will come into gy"t9 The idols of gy"t will totter at 2is "resence# And the heart of gy"t will melt in its midst'

Surely the "rinces of 5oan are fools9 /haraohDs wise counselors give foolish counsel' 2ow do you say to /haraoh# :0 am the son of the wise# The son of ancient 1ingsE:

:0 will set gy"tians against gy"tians9 veryone will fight against his brother# And everyone against his neighbor# -ity against city# 1ingdom against 1ingdom'

Bhere are theyE Bhere are your wise menE )et them tell you now# And let them 1now what the )3+* of hosts has "ur"osed against gy"t'

The s"irit of gy"t will fail in its midst9 0 will destroy their counsel# And they will consult the idols and the charmers# The mediums and the sorcerers'

The "rinces of 5oan have become fools9 The "rinces of No"h are deceived9 They have also deluded gy"t# Those who are the mainstay of its tribes'

And the gy"tians 0 will give 0nto the hand of a cruel master# And a fierce 1ing will rule over them#: Says the )ord# the )3+* of hosts'

The )3+* has mingled a "erverse s"irit in her midst9 And they have caused gy"t to err in all her wor1# As a drun1en man staggers in his vomit'

The waters will fail from the sea# And the river will be wasted and dried u"'

Neither will there be any wor1 for gy"t# Bhich the head or tail# /alm branch or bulrush# may do'

The rivers will turn foul9 The broo1s of defense will be em"tied and dried u"9 The reeds and rushes will wither'

0n that day gy"t will be li1e women# and will be afraid and fear because of the waving of the hand of the )3+* of hosts# which 2e waves over it'

The "a"yrus reeds by the +iver# by the mouth of the +iver# And everything sown by the +iver# Bill wither# be driven away# and be no more'

The fishermen also will mourn9 All those will lament who cast hoo1s into the +iver# And they will languish who s"read nets on the waters'

And the land of Judah will be a terror to gy"t9 everyone who ma1es mention of it will be afraid in himself# because of the counsel of the )3+* of hosts which 2e has determined against it'

0n that day five cities in the land of gy"t will s"ea1 the language of -anaan and swear by the )3+* of

hosts9 one will be called the -ity of *estruction'


0n that day there will be an altar to the )3+* in the midst of the land of gy"t# and a "illar to the )3+* at its border'

at the same time the )3+* s"o1e by 0saiah the son of Amo.# saying# :(o# and remove the sac1cloth from your body# and ta1e your sandals off your feet': And he did so# wal1ing na1ed and barefoot'

And it will be for a sign and for a witness to the )3+* of hosts in the land of gy"t9 for they will cry to the )3+* because of the o""ressors# and 2e will send them a Savior and a 4ighty 3ne# and 2e will deliver them'

Then the )3+* said# :Just as 4y servant 0saiah has wal1ed na1ed and barefoot three years for a sign and a wonder against gy"t and thio"ia#

Then the )3+* will be 1nown to gy"t# and the gy"tians will 1now the )3+* in that day# and will ma1e sacrifice and offering9 yes# they will ma1e a vow to the )3+* and "erform it'

so shall the 1ing of Assyria lead away the gy"tians as "risoners and the thio"ians as ca"tives# young and old# na1ed and barefoot# with their buttoc1s uncovered# to the shame of gy"t'

And the )3+* will stri1e gy"t# 2e will stri1e and heal it9 they will return to the )3+*# and 2e will be entreated by them and heal them'

Then they shall be afraid and ashamed of thio"ia their e!"ectation and gy"t their glory'

0n that day there will be a highway from gy"t to Assyria# and the Assyrian will come into gy"t and the gy"tian into Assyria# and the gy"tians will serve with the Assyrians'

And the inhabitant of this territory will say in that day# :Surely such is our e!"ectation# wherever we flee for hel" to be delivered from the 1ing of Assyria9 and how shall we esca"eE:D


0n that day 0srael will be one of three with gy"t and AssyriaFFa blessing in the midst of the land#

burden against the Bilderness of the Sea' As whirlwinds in the South "ass through# So it comes from the desert# from a terrible land' A distressing vision is declared to me9 The treacherous dealer deals treacherously# And the "lunderer "lunders' (o u"# 3 lamH Besiege# 3 4ediaH All its sighing 0 have made to cease'

whom the )3+* of hosts shall bless# saying# :Blessed is gy"t 4y "eo"le# and Assyria the wor1 of 4y hands# and 0srael 4y inheritance':

200n the year that Tartan came to

Ashdod# when Sargon the 1ing of Assyria sent him# and he fought against Ashdod and too1 it#

Therefore my loins are filled with "ain9 /angs have ta1en hold of me# li1e the "angs of a woman in labor' 0 was distressed when 0 heard it9 0 was dismayed when 0 saw it'

4y heart wavered# fearfulness frightened me9 The night for which 0 longed 2e turned into fear for me'


3 inhabitants of the land of Tema# Bring water to him who is thirsty9 Bith their bread they met him who fled'

/re"are the table# Set a watchman in the tower# at and drin1' Arise# you "rinces# Anoint the shieldH

For they fled from the swords# from the drawn sword# From the bent bow# and from the distress of war'

For thus has the )ord said to me7 :(o# set a watchman# )et him declare what he sees':

For thus the )3+* has said to me7 :Bithin a year# according to the year of a hired man# all the glory of Kedar will fail9

And he saw a chariot with a "air of horsemen# A chariot of don1eys# and a chariot of camels# And he listened earnestly with great care'

and the remainder of the number of archers# the mighty men of the "eo"le of Kedar# will be diminished9 for the )3+* (od of 0srael has s"o1en it':

Then he cried# :A lion# my )ordH 0 stand continually on the watchtower in the daytime9 0 have sat at my "ost every night'

22The burden against the Valley of

Vision' Bhat ails you now# that you have all gone u" to the houseto"s#

And loo1# here comes a chariot of men with a "air of horsemenH: Then he answered and said# :Babylon is fallen# is fallenH And all the carved images of her gods 2e has bro1en to the ground':

Cou who are full of noise# A tumultuous city# a $oyous cityE Cour slain men are not slain with the sword# Nor dead in battle'

3h# my threshing and the grain of my floorH That which 0 have heard from the )3+* of hosts# The (od of 0srael# 0 have declared to you'

All your rulers have fled together9 They are ca"tured by the archers' All who are found in you are bound together9 They have fled from afar'

The burden against *umah' 2e calls to me out of Seir# :Batchman# what of the nightE Batchman# what of the nightE:

The watchman said# :The morning comes# and also the night' 0f you will inGuire# inGuire9 +eturnH -ome bac1H:

Therefore 0 said# :)oo1 away from me# 0 will wee" bitterly9 *o not labor to comfort me Because of the "lundering of the daughter of my "eo"le':

The burden against Arabia' 0n the forest in Arabia you will lodge# 3 you traveling com"anies of *edanites'

For it is a day of trouble and treading down and "er"le!ity By the )ord (3* of hosts 0n the Valley of VisionFF Brea1ing down the walls And of crying to the mountain'

lam bore the Guiver Bith chariots of men and horsemen# And Kir uncovered the shield'

0t shall come to "ass that your choicest valleys Shall be full of chariots# And the horsemen shall set themselves in array at the gate'


:Bhat have you here# and whom have you here# That you have hewn a se"ulcher here# As he who hews himself a se"ulcher on high# Bho carves a tomb for himself in a roc1E

2e removed the "rotection of Judah' Cou loo1ed in that day to the armor of the 2ouse of the Forest9

0ndeed# the )3+* will throw you away violently# 3 mighty man# And will surely sei.e you'

Cou also saw the damage to the city of *avid# That it was great9 And you gathered together the waters of the lower "ool'

Cou numbered the houses of Jerusalem# And the houses you bro1e down To fortify the wall'

2e will surely turn violently and toss you li1e a ball 0nto a large country9 There you shall die# and there your glorious chariots Shall be the shame of your masterDs house'

Cou also made a reservoir between the two walls For the water of the old "ool' But you did not loo1 to its 4a1er# Nor did you have res"ect for 2im who fashioned it long ago'

So 0 will drive you out of your office# And from your "osition he will "ull you down'

:Then it shall be in that day# That 0 will call 4y servant lia1im the son of 2il1iah9

And in that day the )ord (3* of hosts -alled for wee"ing and for mourning# For baldness and for girding with sac1cloth'

0 will clothe him with your robe And strengthen him with your belt9 0 will commit your res"onsibility into his hand' 2e shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem And to the house of Judah'

But instead# $oy and gladness# Slaying o!en and 1illing shee"# ating meat and drin1ing wine7 :)et us eat and drin1# for tomorrow we dieH:

The 1ey of the house of *avid 0 will lay on his shoulder9 So he shall o"en# and no one shall shut9 And he shall shut# and no one shall o"en'

Then it was revealed in my hearing by the )3+* of hosts# :Surely for this iniGuity there will be no atonement for you# ven to your death#: says the )ord (3* of hosts'

0 will fasten him as a "eg in a secure "lace# And he will become a glorious throne to his fatherDs house'

Thus says the )ord (3* of hosts7 :(o# "roceed to this steward# To Shebna# who is over the house# and say7

:They will hang on him all the glory of his fatherDs house# the offs"ring and the "osterity# all vessels of small Guantity# from the cu"s to all the "itchers'

0n that day#D says the )3+* of hosts# :the "eg that is fastened in the secure "lace will be removed and be cut down and fall# and the burden that was on it

will be cut off9 for the )3+* has s"o1en':D


3verflow through your land li1e the +iver# 3 daughter of Tarshish9 There is no more strength'

23The burden against Tyre' Bail#

you shi"s of TarshishH For it is laid waste# So that there is no house# no harbor9 From the land of -y"rus it is revealed to them'

2e stretched out 2is hand over the sea# 2e shoo1 the 1ingdoms9 The )3+* has given a commandment against -anaan To destroy its strongholds'

Be still# you inhabitants of the coastland# Cou merchants of Sidon# Bhom those who cross the sea have filled'

And 2e said# :Cou will re$oice no more# 3 you o""ressed virgin daughter of Sidon' Arise# cross over to -y"rus9 There also you will have no rest':

And on great waters the grain of Shihor# The harvest of the +iver# is her revenue9 And she is a mar1et"lace for the nations'

Behold# the land of the -haldeans# This "eo"le which was not9 Assyria founded it for wild beasts of the desert' They set u" its towers# They raised u" its "alaces# And brought it to ruin'

Be ashamed# 3 Sidon9 For the sea has s"o1en# The strength of the sea# saying# :0 do not labor# nor bring forth children9 Neither do 0 rear young men# Nor bring u" virgins':

Bail# you shi"s of TarshishH For your strength is laid waste'


Bhen the re"ort reaches gy"t# They also will be in agony at the re"ort of Tyre'

Now it shall come to "ass in that day that Tyre will be forgotten seventy years# according to the days of one 1ing' At the end of seventy years it will ha""en to Tyre as in the song of the harlot7

-ross over to Tarshish9 Bail# you inhabitants of the coastlandH


:Ta1e a har"# go about the city# Cou forgotten harlot9 4a1e sweet melody# sing many songs# That you may be remembered':

0s this your $oyous city# Bhose antiGuity is from ancient days# Bhose feet carried her far off to dwellE

Bho has ta1en this counsel against Tyre# the crowning city# Bhose merchants are "rinces# Bhose traders are the honorable of the earthE

And it shall be# at the end of seventy years# that the )3+* will deal with Tyre' She will return to her hire# and commit fornication with all the 1ingdoms of the world on the face of the earth'

The )3+* of hosts has "ur"osed it# To bring to dishonor the "ride of all glory# To bring into contem"t all the honorable of the earth'

2er gain and her "ay will be set a"art for the )3+*9 it will not be treasured nor laid u"# for her gain will be for those who dwell before the )3+*# to eat sufficiently# and for fine clothing'



the )3+* ma1es the earth em"ty and ma1es it waste# *istorts its surface And scatters abroad its inhabitants' And it shall be7 As with the "eo"le# so with the "riest9 As with the servant# so with his master9 As with the maid# so with her mistress9 As with the buyer# so with the seller9 As with the lender# so with the borrower9 As with the creditor# so with the debtor'

The city of confusion is bro1en down9 very house is shut u"# so that none may go in'

There is a cry for wine in the streets# All $oy is dar1ened# The mirth of the land is gone'

0n the city desolation is left# And the gate is stric1en with destruction'

The land shall be entirely em"tied and utterly "lundered# For the )3+* has s"o1en this word'

Bhen it shall be thus in the midst of the land among the "eo"le# 0t shall be li1e the sha1ing of an olive tree# )i1e the gleaning of gra"es when the vintage is done'

The earth mourns and fades away# The world languishes and fades away9 The haughty "eo"le of the earth languish'

They shall lift u" their voice# they shall sing9 For the ma$esty of the )3+* They shall cry aloud from the sea'

The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants# Because they have transgressed the laws# -hanged the ordinance# Bro1en the everlasting covenant'

Therefore glorify the )3+* in the dawning light# The name of the )3+* (od of 0srael in the coastlands of the sea'

Therefore the curse has devoured the earth# And those who dwell in it are desolate' Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned# And few men are left'

From the ends of the earth we have heard songs7 :(lory to the righteousH: But 0 said# :0 am ruined# ruinedH Boe to meH The treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously# 0ndeed# the treacherous dealers have dealt very treacherously':

The new wine fails# the vine languishes# All the merryFhearted sigh'

Fear and the "it and the snare Are u"on you# 3 inhabitant of the earth'

The mirth of the tambourine ceases# The noise of the $ubilant ends# The $oy of the har" ceases'

They shall not drin1 wine with a song9 Strong drin1 is bitter to those who drin1 it'

And it shall be That he who flees from the noise of the fear Shall fall into the "it# And he who comes u" from the midst of the "it Shall be caught in the snare9 For the windows from on high are o"en# And the foundations of the earth are sha1en'

The earth is violently bro1en# The earth is s"lit o"en# The earth is sha1en e!ceedingly'


The earth shall reel to and fro li1e a drun1ard# And shall totter li1e a hut9 0ts transgression shall be heavy u"on it# And it will fall# and not rise again'


Cou will reduce the noise of aliens# As heat in a dry "lace9 As heat in the shadow of a cloud# The song of the terrible ones will be diminished'

0t shall come to "ass in that day That the )3+* will "unish on high the host of e!alted ones# And on the earth the 1ings of the earth'

And in this mountain The )3+* of hosts will ma1e for all "eo"le A feast of choice "ieces# A feast of wines on the lees# 3f fat things full of marrow# 3f wellF refined wines on the lees'

They will be gathered together# As "risoners are gathered in the "it# And will be shut u" in the "rison9 After many days they will be "unished'

And 2e will destroy on this mountain The surface of the covering cast over all "eo"le# And the veil that is s"read over all nations'

Then the moon will be disgraced And the sun ashamed9 For the )3+* of hosts will reign 3n 4ount 5ion and in Jerusalem And before 2is elders# gloriously'

2e will swallow u" death forever# And the )ord (3* will wi"e away tears from all faces9 The rebu1e of 2is "eo"le 2e will ta1e away from all the earth9 For the )3+* has s"o1en'

253 )3+*# Cou are my (od' 0 will

e!alt Cou# 0 will "raise Cour name# For Cou have done wonderful things9 Cour counsels of old are faithfulness and truth'

And it will be said in that day7 :Behold# this is our (od9 Be have waited for 2im# and 2e will save us' This is the )3+*9 Be have waited for 2im9 Be will be glad and re$oice in 2is salvation':

For Cou have made a city a ruin# A fortified city a ruin# A "alace of foreigners to be a city no more9 0t will never be rebuilt'

For on this mountain the hand of the )3+* will rest# And 4oab shall be tram"led down under 2im# As straw is tram"led down for the refuse hea"'

Therefore the strong "eo"le will glorify Cou9 The city of the terrible nations will fear Cou'

And 2e will s"read out 2is hands in their midst As a swimmer reaches out to swim# And 2e will bring down their "ride Together with the tric1ery of their hands'

For Cou have been a strength to the "oor# A strength to the needy in his distress# A refuge from the storm# A shade from the heat9 For the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall'

The fortress of the high fort of your walls 2e will bring down# lay low# And bring to the ground# down to the dust'

260n that day this song will be sung

in the land of Judah7 :Be have a strong city9 (od will a""oint salvation for walls and bulwar1s'

3"en the gates# That the righteous nation which 1ee"s the truth may enter in'


)3+*# Cou will establish "eace for us# For Cou have also done all our wor1s in us'

Cou will 1ee" him in "erfect "eace# Bhose mind is stayed on Cou# Because he trusts in Cou'

3 )3+* our (od# masters besides Cou 2ave had dominion over us9 But by Cou only we ma1e mention of Cour name'

Trust in the )3+* forever# For in Cah# the )3+*# is everlasting strength'

For 2e brings down those who dwell on high# The lofty city9 2e lays it low# 2e lays it low to the ground# 2e brings it down to the dust'

They are dead# they will not live9 are deceased# they will not Therefore Cou have "unished destroyed them# And made all memory to "erish'

They rise' and their

The foot shall tread it downFF The feet of the "oor And the ste"s of the needy':

Cou have increased the nation# 3 )3+*# Cou have increased the nation9 Cou are glorified9 Cou have e!"anded all the borders of the land'

The way of the $ust is u"rightness9 3 4ost A"right# Cou weigh the "ath of the $ust'

)3+*# in trouble they have visited Cou# They "oured out a "rayer when Cour chastening was u"on them'

Ces# in the way of Cour $udgments# 3 )3+*# we have waited for Cou9 The desire of our soul is for Cour name And for the remembrance of Cou'

As a woman with child 0s in "ain and cries out in her "angs# Bhen she draws near the time of her delivery# So have we been in Cour sight# 3 )3+*'

Bith my soul 0 have desired Cou in the night# Ces# by my s"irit within me 0 will see1 Cou early9 For when Cour $udgments are in the earth# The inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness'

Be have been with child# we have been in "ain9 Be have# as it were# brought forth wind9 Be have not accom"lished any deliverance in the earth# Nor have the inhabitants of the world fallen'

)et grace be shown to the wic1ed# Cet he will not learn righteousness9 0n the land of u"rightness he will deal un$ustly# And will not behold the ma$esty of the )3+*'

Cour dead shall live9 Together with my dead body they shall arise' Awa1e and sing# you who dwell in dust9 For your dew is li1e the dew of herbs# And the earth shall cast out the dead'

)3+*# when Cour hand is lifted u"# they will not see' But they will see and be ashamed For their envy of "eo"le9 Ces# the fire of Cour enemies shall devour them'

-ome# my "eo"le# enter your chambers# And shut your doors behind you9 2ide yourself# as it were# for a little moment# Antil the indignation is "ast'


For behold# the )3+* comes out of 2is "lace To "unish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniGuity9 The earth will also disclose her blood# And will no more cover her slain'

that are beaten to dust# Booden images and incense altars shall not stand'

270n that day the )3+* with 2is

severe sword# great and strong# Bill "unish )eviathan the fleeing ser"ent# )eviathan that twisted ser"ent9 And 2e will slay the re"tile that is in the sea'

Cet the fortified city will be desolate# The habitation forsa1en and left li1e a wilderness9 There the calf will feed# and there it will lie down And consume its branches'

0n that day sing to her# :A vineyard of red wineH


Bhen its boughs are withered# they will be bro1en off9 The women come and set them on fire' For it is a "eo"le of no understanding9 Therefore 2e who made them will not have mercy on them# And 2e who formed them will show them no favor'

0# the )3+*# 1ee" it# 0 water it every moment9 )est any hurt it# 0 1ee" it night and day'

Fury is not in 4e' Bho would set briers and thorns Against 4e in battleE 0 would go through them# 0 would burn them together'

And it shall come to "ass in that day That the )3+* will thresh# From the channel of the +iver to the Broo1 of gy"t9 And you will be gathered one by one# 3 you children of 0srael'

3r let him ta1e hold of 4y strength# That he may ma1e "eace with 4e9 And he shall ma1e "eace with 4e':

So it shall be in that day7 The great trum"et will be blown9 They will come# who are about to "erish in the land of Assyria# And they who are outcasts in the land of gy"t# And shall worshi" the )3+* in the holy mount at Jerusalem'

Those who come 2e shall cause to ta1e root in Jacob9 0srael shall blossom and bud# And fill the face of the world with fruit'

28Boe to the crown of "ride# to the

drun1ards of "hraim# Bhose glorious beauty is a fading flower Bhich is at the head of the verdant valleys# To those who are overcome with wineH

2as 2e struc1 0srael as 2e struc1 those who struc1 himE 3r has 2e been slain according to the slaughter of those who were slain by 2imE

0n measure# by sending it away# Cou contended with it' 2e removes it by 2is rough wind 0n the day of the east wind'

Behold# the )ord has a mighty and strong one# )i1e a tem"est of hail and a destroying storm# )i1e a flood of mighty waters overflowing# Bho will bring them down to the earth with 2is hand'

Therefore by this the iniGuity of Jacob will be covered9 And this is all the fruit of ta1ing away his sin7 Bhen he ma1es all the stones of the altar )i1e chal1stones

The crown of "ride# the drun1ards of "hraim# Bill be tram"led underfoot9

And the glorious beauty is a fading flower Bhich is at the head of the verdant valley# )i1e the first fruit before the summer# Bhich an observer sees9 2e eats it u" while it is still in his hand'

might go and fall bac1ward# and be bro1en And snared and caught'

Therefore hear the word of the )3+*# you scornful men# Bho rule this "eo"le who are in Jerusalem#

0n that day the )3+* of hosts will be For a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty To the remnant of 2is "eo"le#

For a s"irit of $ustice to him who sits in $udgment# And for strength to those who turn bac1 the battle at the gate'

Because you have said# :Be have made a covenant with death# And with Sheol we are in agreement' Bhen the overflowing scourge "asses through# 0t will not come to us# For we have made lies our refuge# And under falsehood we have hidden ourselves':

But they also have erred through wine# And through into!icating drin1 are out of the way9 The "riest and the "ro"het have erred through into!icating drin1# They are swallowed u" by wine# They are out of the way through into!icating drin19 They err in vision# they stumble in $udgment'

Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 0 lay in 5ion a stone for a foundation# A tried stone# a "recious cornerstone# a sure foundation9 Bhoever believes will not act hastily'

For all tables are full of vomit and filth9 No "lace is clean'

Also 0 will ma1e $ustice the measuring line# And righteousness the "lummet9 The hail will swee" away the refuge of lies# And the waters will overflow the hiding "lace'

:Bhom will he teach 1nowledgeE And whom will he ma1e to understand the messageE Those $ust weaned from mil1E Those $ust drawn from the breastsE

Cour covenant with death will be annulled# And your agreement with Sheol will not stand9 Bhen the overflowing scourge "asses through# Then you will be tram"led down by it'

For "rece"t must be u"on "rece"t# "rece"t u"on "rece"t# )ine u"on line# line u"on line# 2ere a little# there a little':

For with stammering li"s and another tongue 2e will s"ea1 to this "eo"le#

As often as it goes out it will ta1e you9 For morning by morning it will "ass over# And by day and by night9 0t will be a terror $ust to understand the re"ort':

To whom 2e said# :This is the rest with which Cou may cause the weary to rest#: And# :This is the refreshing:9 Cet they would not hear'

For the bed is too short to stretch out on# And the covering so narrow that one cannot wra" himself in it'

But the word of the )3+* was to them# :/rece"t u"on "rece"t# "rece"t u"on "rece"t# )ine u"on line# line u"on line# 2ere a little# there a little#: That they

For the )3+* will rise u" as at 4ount / 2e will be angry as in the Valley of (ibeonFF That 2e may do 2is wor1# 2is awesome wor1# And bring to "ass 2is act# 2is unusual act'


Now therefore# do not be moc1ers# )est your bonds be made strong9 For 0 have heard from the )ord (3* of hosts# A destruction determined even u"on the whole earth'

0 will encam" against you all around# 0 will lay siege against you with a mound# And 0 will raise siegewor1s against you'

(ive ear and hear my voice# )isten and hear my s"eech'


*oes the "lowman 1ee" "lowing all day to sowE *oes he 1ee" turning his soil and brea1ing the clodsE

Cou shall be brought down# Cou shall s"ea1 out of the ground9 Cour s"eech shall be low# out of the dust9 Cour voice shall be li1e a mediumDs# out of the ground9 And your s"eech shall whis"er out of the dust'

Bhen he has leveled its surface# *oes he not sow the blac1 cummin And scatter the cummin# /lant the wheat in rows# The barley in the a""ointed "lace# And the s"elt in its "laceE

:4oreover the multitude of your foes Shall be li1e fine dust# And the multitude of the terrible ones )i1e chaff that "asses away9 Ces# it shall be in an instant# suddenly'

For 2e instructs him in right $udgment# 2is (od teaches him'


Cou will be "unished by the )3+* of hosts Bith thunder and earthGua1e and great noise# Bith storm and tem"est And the flame of devouring fire'

For the blac1 cummin is not threshed with a threshing sledge# Nor is a cartwheel rolled over the cummin9 But the blac1 cummin is beaten out with a stic1# And the cummin with a rod'

The multitude of all the nations fight against Ariel# ven all who against her and her fortress# distress her# Shall be as a dream night vision'

who fight And of a

Bread flour must be ground9 Therefore he does not thresh it forever# Brea1 it with his cartwheel# 3r crush it with his horsemen'

This also comes from the )3+* of hosts# Bho is wonderful in counsel and e!cellent in guidance'

0t shall even be as when a hungry man dreams# And loo1FFhe eats9 But he awa1es# and his soul is still em"ty9 3r as when a thirsty man dreams# And loo1FFhe drin1s9 But he awa1es# and indeed he is faint# And his soul still craves7 So the multitude of all the nations shall be# Bho fight against 4ount 5ion':

29:Boe to Ariel# to Ariel# the city

where *avid dweltH Add year to year9 )et feasts come around'

/ause and wonderH Blind yourselves and be blindH They are drun1# but not with wine9 They stagger# but not with into!icating drin1'

Cet 0 will distress Ariel9 There shall be heaviness and sorrow# And it shall be to 4e as Ariel'

For the )3+* has "oured out on you The s"irit of dee" slee"# And has closed your eyes# namely# the "ro"hets9 And 2e has covered your heads# namely# the seers'


The whole vision has become to you li1e the words of a boo1 that is sealed# which men deliver to one who is literate# saying# :+ead this# "lease': And he says# :0 cannot# for it is sealed':

men shall re$oice 0n the 2oly 3ne of 0srael'


Then the boo1 is delivered to one who is illiterate# saying# :+ead this# "lease': And he says# :0 am not literate':

For the terrible one is brought to nothing# The scornful one is consumed# And all who watch for iniGuity are cut offFF

Therefore the )ord said7 :0nasmuch as these "eo"le draw near with their mouths And honor 4e with their li"s# But have removed their hearts far from 4e# And their fear toward 4e is taught by the commandment of men#

Bho ma1e a man an offender by a word# And lay a snare for him who re"roves in the gate# And turn aside the $ust by em"ty words'

Therefore# behold# 0 will again do a marvelous wor1 Among this "eo"le# A marvelous wor1 and a wonder9 For the wisdom of their wise men shall "erish# And the understanding of their "rudent men shall be hidden':

Therefore thus says the )3+*# who redeemed Abraham# concerning the house of Jacob7 :Jacob shall not now be ashamed# Nor shall his face now grow "ale9

But when he sees his children# The wor1 of 4y hands# in his midst# They will hallow 4y name# And hallow the 2oly 3ne of Jacob# And fear the (od of 0srael'

Boe to those who see1 dee" to hide their counsel far from the )3+*# And their wor1s are in the dar19 They say# :Bho sees usE: and# :Bho 1nows usE:

These also who erred in s"irit will come to understanding# And those who com"lained will learn doctrine':

Surely you have things turned aroundH Shall the "otter be esteemed as the clay9 For shall the thing made say of him who made it# :2e did not ma1e me:E 3r shall the thing formed say of him who formed it# :2e has no understanding:E

30:Boe to the rebellious children#:

says the )3+*# :Bho ta1e counsel# but not of 4e# And who devise "lans# but not of 4y S"irit# That they may add sin to sin9

0s it not yet a very little while Till )ebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field# And the fruitful field be esteemed as a forestE

0n that day the deaf shall hear the words of the boo1# And the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity and out of dar1ness'

Bho wal1 to go down to gy"t# And have not as1ed 4y advice# To strengthen themselves in the strength of /haraoh# And to trust in the shadow of gy"tH

Therefore the strength of /haraoh Shall be your shame# And trust in the shadow of gy"t Shall be your humiliation'

The humble also shall increase their $oy in the )3+*# And the "oor among

For his "rinces were at 5oan# And his ambassadors came to 2anes'


They were all ashamed of a "eo"le who could not benefit them# 3r be hel" or benefit# But a shame and also a re"roach':

And 2e shall brea1 it li1e the brea1ing of the "otterDs vessel# Bhich is bro1en in "ieces9 2e shall not s"are' So there shall not be found among its fragments A shard to ta1e fire from the hearth# 3r to ta1e water from the cistern':

The burden against the beasts of the South' Through a land of trouble and anguish# From which came the lioness and lion# The vi"er and fiery flying ser"ent# They will carry their riches on the bac1s of young don1eys# And their treasures on the hum"s of camels# To a "eo"le who shall not "rofit9

For thus says the )ord (3*# the 2oly 3ne of 0srael7 :0n returning and rest you shall be saved9 0n Guietness and confidence shall be your strength': But you would not#

For the gy"tians shall hel" in vain and to no "ur"ose' Therefore 0 have called her +ahabF2emFShebeth'

And you said# :No# for we will flee on horses:FF Therefore you shall fleeH And# :Be will ride on swift horses:FF Therefore those who "ursue you shall be swiftH

Now go# write it before them on a tablet# And note it on a scroll# That it may be for time to come# Forever and ever7

3ne thousand shall flee at the threat of one# At the threat of five you shall flee# Till you are left as a "ole on to" of a mountain And as a banner on a hill'

That this is a rebellious "eo"le# )ying children# -hildren who will not hear the law of the )3+*9

Bho say to the seers# :*o not see#: And to the "ro"hets# :*o not "ro"hesy to us right things9 S"ea1 to us smooth things# "ro"hesy deceits'

Therefore the )3+* will wait# that 2e may be gracious to you9 And therefore 2e will be e!alted# that 2e may have mercy on you' For the )3+* is a (od of $ustice9 Blessed are all those who wait for 2im'

(et out of the way# Turn aside from the "ath# -ause the 2oly 3ne of 0srael To cease from before us':

For the "eo"le shall dwell in 5ion at Jerusalem9 Cou shall wee" no more' 2e will be very gracious to you at the sound of your cry9 Bhen 2e hears it# 2e will answer you'

Therefore thus says the 2oly 3ne of 0srael7 :Because you des"ise this word# And trust in o""ression and "erversity# And rely on them#

And though the )ord gives you The bread of adversity and the water of affliction# Cet your teachers will not be moved into a corner anymore# But your eyes shall see your teachers'

Therefore this iniGuity shall be to you )i1e a breach ready to fall# A bulge in a high wall# Bhose brea1ing comes suddenly# in an instant'

Cour ears shall hear a word behind you# saying# :This is the way# wal1 in it#: Bhenever you turn to the right hand 3r whenever you turn to the left'


Cou will also defile the covering of your images of silver# And the ornament of your molded images of gold' Cou will throw them away as an unclean thing9 Cou will say to them# :(et awayH:


The )3+* will cause 2is glorious voice to be heard# And show the descent of 2is arm# Bith the indignation of 2is anger And the flame of a devouring fire# Bith scattering# tem"est# and hailstones'

Then 2e will give the rain for your seed Bith which you sow the ground# And bread of the increase of the earth9 0t will be fat and "lentiful' 0n that day your cattle will feed 0n large "astures'

For through the voice of the )3+* Assyria will be beaten down# As 2e stri1es with the rod'

)i1ewise the o!en and the young don1eys that wor1 the ground Bill eat cured fodder# Bhich has been winnowed with the shovel and fan'

And in every "lace where the staff of "unishment "asses# Bhich the )3+* lays on him# 0t will be with tambourines and har"s9 And in battles of brandishing 2e will fight with it'

There will be on every high mountain And on every high hill +ivers and streams of waters# 0n the day of the great slaughter# Bhen the towers fall'

4oreover the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun# And the light of the sun will be sevenfold# As the light of seven days# 0n the day that the )3+* binds u" the bruise of 2is "eo"le And heals the stro1e of their wound'

For To"het was established of old# Ces# for the 1ing it is "re"ared' 2e has made it dee" and large9 0ts "yre is fire with much wood9 The breath of the )3+*# li1e a stream of brimstone# Kindles it'

31Boe to those who go down to

gy"t for hel"# And rely on horses# Bho trust in chariots because they are many# And in horsemen because they are very strong# But who do not loo1 to the 2oly 3ne of 0srael# Nor see1 the )3+*H

Behold# the name of the )3+* comes from afar# Burning with 2is anger# And 2is burden is heavy9 2is li"s are full of indignation# And 2is tongue li1e a devouring fire'

2is breath is li1e an overflowing stream# Bhich reaches u" to the nec1# To sift the nations with the sieve of futility9 And there shall be a bridle in the $aws of the "eo"le# -ausing them to err'

Cet 2e also is wise and will bring disaster# And will not call bac1 2is words# But will arise against the house of evildoers# And against the hel" of those who wor1 iniGuity'

Cou shall have a song As in the night when a holy festival is 1e"t# And gladness of heart as when one goes with a flute# To come into the mountain of the )3+*# To the 4ighty 3ne of 0srael'

Now the gy"tians are men# and not (od9 And their horses are flesh# and not s"irit' Bhen the )3+* stretches out 2is hand# Both he who hel"s will fall# And he who is hel"ed will fall down9 They all will "erish together'

For thus the )3+* has s"o1en to me7 :As a lion roars# And a young lion over his "rey IBhen a multitude of she"herds

is summoned against him# 2e will not be afraid of their voice Nor be disturbed by their noiseJ# So the )3+* of hosts will come down To fight for 4ount 5ion and for its hill'

of the stammerers will be ready to s"ea1 "lainly'


The foolish "erson will no longer be called generous# Nor the miser said to be bountiful9

)i1e birds flying about# So will the )3+* of hosts defend Jerusalem' *efending# 2e will also deliver it9 /assing over# 2e will "reserve it':

+eturn to 2im against whom the children of 0srael have dee"ly revolted'

For the foolish "erson will s"ea1 foolishness# And his heart will wor1 iniGuity7 To "ractice ungodliness# To utter error against the )3+*# To 1ee" the hungry unsatisfied# And he will cause the drin1 of the thirsty to fail'

For in that day every man shall throw away his idols of silver and his idols of goldFFsin# which your own hands have made for yourselves'

Also the schemes of the schemer are evil9 2e devises wic1ed "lans To destroy the "oor with lying words# ven when the needy s"ea1s $ustice'

:Then Assyria shall fall by a sword not of man# And a sword not of man1ind shall devour him' But he shall flee from the sword# And his young men shall become forced labor'

But a generous man devises generous things# And by generosity he shall stand'

+ise u"# you women who are at ease# 2ear my voice9 Cou com"lacent daughters# (ive ear to my s"eech'

2e shall cross over to his stronghold for fear# And his "rinces shall be afraid of the banner#: Says the )3+*# Bhose fire is in 5ion And whose furnace is in Jerusalem'

0n a year and some days Cou will be troubled# you com"lacent women9 For the vintage will fail# The gathering will not come'


a 1ing will reign in righteousness# And "rinces will rule with $ustice' A man will be as a hiding "lace from the wind# And a cover from the tem"est# As rivers of water in a dry "lace# As the shadow of a great roc1 in a weary land'

Tremble# you women who are at ease9 Be troubled# you com"lacent ones9 Stri" yourselves# ma1e yourselves bare# And gird sac1cloth on your waists'

/eo"le shall mourn u"on their breasts For the "leasant fields# for the fruitful vine'

The eyes of those who see will not be dim# And the ears of those who hear will listen'

3n the land of my "eo"le will come u" thorns and briers# Ces# on all the ha""y homes in the $oyous city9

Also the heart of the rash will understand 1nowledge# And the tongue


Because the "alaces will be forsa1en# The bustling city will be deserted' The forts and towers will become lairs forever# A $oy of wild don1eys# a "asture of floc1sFF

At the noise of the tumult the "eo"le shall flee9 Bhen Cou lift Courself u"# the nations shall be scattered9

Antil the S"irit is "oured u"on us from on high# And the wilderness becomes a fruitful field# And the fruitful field is counted as a forest'

And Cour "lunder shall be gathered )i1e the gathering of the cater"illar9 As the running to and fro of locusts# 2e shall run u"on them'

Then $ustice will dwell in the wilderness# And righteousness remain in the fruitful field'

The )3+* is e!alted# for 2e dwells on high9 2e has filled 5ion with $ustice and righteousness'

The wor1 of righteousness will be "eace# And the effect of righteousness# Guietness and assurance forever'

Bisdom and 1nowledge will be the stability of your times# And the strength of salvation9 The fear of the )3+* is 2is treasure'

4y "eo"le will dwell in a "eaceful habitation# 0n secure dwellings# and in Guiet resting "laces#

Surely their valiant ones shall cry outside# The ambassadors of "eace shall wee" bitterly'

Though hail comes down on the forest# And the city is brought low in humiliation'

The highways lie waste# The traveling man ceases' 2e has bro1en the covenant# 2e has des"ised the cities# 2e regards no man'

Blessed are you who sow beside all waters# Bho send out freely the feet of the o! and the don1ey'

The earth mourns and languishes# )ebanon is shamed and shriveled9 Sharon is li1e a wilderness# And Bashan and -armel sha1e off their fruits'

33Boe to you who "lunder# though

you have not been "lundered9 And you who deal treacherously# though they have not dealt treacherously with youH Bhen you cease "lundering# Cou will be "lundered9 Bhen you ma1e an end of dealing treacherously# They will deal treacherously with you'

:Now 0 will rise#: says the )3+*9 :Now 0 will be e!alted# Now 0 will lift 4yself u"'

Cou shall conceive chaff# Cou shall bring forth stubble9 Cour breath# as fire# shall devour you'

3 )3+*# be gracious to us9 Be have waited for Cou' Be their arm every morning# 3ur salvation also in the time of trouble'

And the "eo"le shall be li1e the burnings of lime9 )i1e thorns cut u" they shall be burned in the fire'

2ear# you who are afar off# what 0 have done9 And you who are near# ac1nowledge 4y might':


The sinners in 5ion are afraid9 Fearfulness has sei.ed the hy"ocrites7 :Bho among us shall dwell with the devouring fireE Bho among us shall dwell with everlasting burningsE:


Cour tac1le is loosed# They could not strengthen their mast# They could not s"read the sail' Then the "rey of great "lunder is divided9 The lame ta1e the "rey'

2e who wal1s righteously and s"ea1s u"rightly# 2e who des"ises the gain of o""ressions# Bho gestures with his hands# refusing bribes# Bho sto"s his ears from hearing of bloodshed# And shuts his eyes from seeing evil7

And the inhabitant will not say# :0 am sic1:9 The "eo"le who dwell in it will be forgiven their iniGuity'

34-ome near# you nations# to hear9

And heed# you "eo"leH )et the earth hear# and all that is in it# The world and all things that come forth from it'

2e will dwell on high9 2is "lace of defense will be the fortress of roc1s9 Bread will be given him# 2is water will be sure'

Cour eyes will see the King in 2is beauty9 They will see the land that is very far off'

For the indignation of the )3+* is against all nations# And 2is fury against all their armies9 2e has utterly destroyed them# 2e has given them over to the slaughter'

Cour heart will meditate on terror7 :Bhere is the scribeE Bhere is he who weighsE Bhere is he who counts the towersE:

Also their slain shall be thrown out9 Their stench shall rise from their cor"ses# And the mountains shall be melted with their blood'

Cou will not see a fierce "eo"le# A "eo"le of obscure s"eech# beyond "erce"tion# 3f a stammering tongue that you cannot understand'

)oo1 u"on 5ion# the city of our a""ointed feasts9 Cour eyes will see Jerusalem# a Guiet home# A tabernacle that will not be ta1en down9 Not one of its sta1es will ever be removed# Nor will any of its cords be bro1en'

All the host of heaven shall be dissolved# And the heavens shall be rolled u" li1e a scroll9 All their host shall fall down As the leaf falls from the vine# And as fruit falling from a fig tree'

:For 4y sword shall be bathed in heaven9 0ndeed it shall come down on dom# And on the "eo"le of 4y curse# for $udgment'

But there the ma$estic )3+* will be for us A "lace of broad rivers and streams# 0n which no galley with oars will sail# Nor ma$estic shi"s "ass by

IFor the )3+* is our Judge# The )3+* is our )awgiver# The )3+* is our King9 2e will save usJ9

The sword of the )3+* is filled with blood# 0t is made overflowing with fatness# Bith the blood of lambs and goats# Bith the fat of the 1idneys of rams' For the )3+* has a sacrifice in Bo.rah# And a great slaughter in the land of dom'

The wild o!en shall come down with them# And the young bulls with the mighty bulls9 Their land shall be soa1ed with blood# And their dust saturated with fatness':


:Search from the boo1 of the )3+*# and read7 Not one of these shall fail9 Not one shall lac1 her mate' For 4y mouth has commanded it# and 2is S"irit has gathered them'

For it is the day of the )3+*Ds vengeance# The year of recom"ense for the cause of 5ion'

0ts streams shall be turned into "itch# And its dust into brimstone9 0ts land shall become burning "itch'

2e has cast the lot for them# And 2is hand has divided it among them with a measuring line' They shall "ossess it forever9 From generation to generation they shall dwell in it':

0t shall not be Guenched night or day9 0ts smo1e shall ascend forever' From generation to generation it shall lie waste9 No one shall "ass through it forever and ever'

35The wilderness and the wasteland

shall be glad for them# And the desert shall re$oice and blossom as the rose9

But the "elican and the "orcu"ine shall "ossess it# Also the owl and the raven shall dwell in it' And 2e shall stretch out over it The line of confusion and the stones of em"tiness'

0t shall blossom abundantly and re$oice# ven with $oy and singing' The glory of )ebanon shall be given to it# The e!cellence of -armel and Sharon' They shall see the glory of the )3+*# The e!cellency of our (od'

They shall call its nobles to the 1ingdom# But none shall be there# and all its "rinces shall be nothing'

Strengthen the wea1 hands# And ma1e firm the feeble 1nees'

And thorns shall come u" in its "alaces# Nettles and brambles in its fortresses9 0t shall be a habitation of $ac1als# A courtyard for ostriches'

Say to those who are fearfulFhearted# :Be strong# do not fearH Behold# your (od will come with vengeance# Bith the recom"ense of (od9 2e will come and save you':

The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the $ac1als# And the wild goat shall bleat to its com"anion9 Also the night creature shall rest there# And find for herself a "lace of rest'

Then the eyes of the blind shall be o"ened# And the ears of the deaf shall be unsto""ed'

There the arrow sna1e shall ma1e her nest and lay eggs And hatch# and gather them under her shadow9 There also shall the haw1s be gathered# very one with her mate'

Then the lame shall lea" li1e a deer# And the tongue of the dumb sing' For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness# And streams in the desert'

The "arched ground shall become a "ool# And the thirsty land s"rings of water9 0n the habitation of $ac1als# where each lay# There shall be grass with reeds and rushes'


A highway shall be there# and a road# And it shall be called the 2ighway of 2oliness' The unclean shall not "ass over it# But it shall be for others' Bhoever wal1s the road# although a fool# Shall not go astray'


)oo1H Cou are trusting in the staff of this bro1en reed# gy"t# on which if a man leans# it will go into his hand and "ierce it' So is /haraoh 1ing of gy"t to all who trust in him'

No lion shall be there# Nor shall any ravenous beast go u" on it9 0t shall not be found there' But the redeemed shall wal1 there#

:But if you say to me# :Be trust in the )3+* our (od#D is it not 2e whose high "laces and whose altars 2e.e1iah has ta1en away# and said to Judah and Jerusalem# :Cou shall worshi" before this altarDE:D

And the ransomed of the )3+* shall return# And come to 5ion with singing# Bith everlasting $oy on their heads' They shall obtain $oy and gladness# And sorrow and sighing shall flee away'

Now therefore# 0 urge you# give a "ledge to my master the 1ing of Assyria# and 0 will give you two thousand horsesFFif you are able on your "art to "ut riders on themH


it came to "ass in the fourteenth year of King 2e.e1iah that Sennacherib 1ing of Assyria came u" against all the fortified cities of Judah and too1 them'

2ow then will you re"el one ca"tain of the least of my masterDs servants# and "ut your trust in gy"t for chariots and horsemenE

Then the 1ing of Assyria sent the +absha1eh with a great army from )achish to King 2e.e1iah at Jerusalem' And he stood by the aGueduct from the u""er "ool# on the highway to the FullerDs Field'

2ave 0 now come u" without the )3+* against this land to destroy itE The )3+* said to me# :(o u" against this land# and destroy it':D

And lia1im the son of 2il1iah# who was over the household# Shebna the scribe# and Joah the son of Asa"h# the recorder# came out to him'

Then lia1im# Shebna# and Joah said to the +absha1eh# :/lease s"ea1 to your servants in Aramaic# for we understand it9 and do not s"ea1 to us in 2ebrew in the hearing of the "eo"le who are on the wall':

Then the +absha1eh said to them# :Say now to 2e.e1iah# :Thus says the great 1ing# the 1ing of Assyria7 :Bhat confidence is this in which you trustE

But the +absha1eh said# :2as my master sent me to your master and to you to s"ea1 these words# and not to the men who sit on the wall# who will eat and drin1 their own waste with youE:

0 say you s"ea1 of having "lans and "ower for war9 but they are mere words' Now in whom do you trust# that you rebel against meE

Then the +absha1eh stood and called out with a loud voice in 2ebrew# and said# :2ear the words of the great 1ing# the 1ing of AssyriaH


Thus says the 1ing7 :*o not let 2e.e1iah deceive you# for he will not be able to deliver you9


nor let 2e.e1iah ma1e you trust in the )3+*# saying# :The )3+* will surely deliver us9 this city will not be given into the hand of the 1ing of Assyria':D

Then lia1im the son of 2il1iah# who was over the household# Shebna the scribe# and Joah the son of Asa"h# the recorder# came to 2e.e1iah with their clothes torn# and told him the words of the +absha1eh'

*o not listen to 2e.e1iah9 for thus says the 1ing of Assyria7 :4a1e "eace with me by a "resent and come out to me9 and every one of you eat from his own vine and every one from his own fig tree# and every one of you drin1 the waters of his own cistern9


so it was# when King 2e.e1iah heard it# that he tore his clothes# covered himself with sac1cloth# and went into the house of the )3+*' Then he sent lia1im# who was over the household# Shebna the scribe# and the elders of the "riests# covered with sac1cloth# to 0saiah the "ro"het# the son of Amo.'

until 0 come and ta1e you away to a land li1e your own land# a land of grain and new wine# a land of bread and vineyards'

Beware lest 2e.e1iah "ersuade you# saying# :The )3+* will deliver us': 2as any one of the gods of the nations delivered its land from the hand of the 1ing of AssyriaE

And they said to him# :Thus says 2e.e1iah7 :This day is a day of trouble and rebu1e and blas"hemy9 for the children have come to birth# but there is no strength to bring them forth'

Bhere are the gods of 2amath and Ar"adE Bhere are the gods of Se"harvaimE 0ndeed# have they delivered Samaria from my handE

0t may be that the )3+* your (od will hear the words of the +absha1eh# whom his master the 1ing of Assyria has sent to re"roach the living (od# and will rebu1e the words which the )3+* your (od has heard' Therefore lift u" your "rayer for the remnant that is left':D

Bho among all the gods of these lands have delivered their countries from my hand# that the )3+* should deliver Jerusalem from my handE:D

So the servants of King 2e.e1iah came to 0saiah'


But they held their "eace and answered him not a word9 for the 1ingDs commandment was# :*o not answer him':

And 0saiah said to them# :Thus you shall say to your master# :Thus says the )3+*7 :*o not be afraid of the words which you have heard# with which the servants of the 1ing of Assyria have blas"hemed 4e'

Surely 0 will send a s"irit u"on him# and he shall hear a rumor and return to his own land9 and 0 will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land'::D


Then the +absha1eh returned# and found the 1ing of Assyria warring against )ibnah# for he heard that he had de"arted from )achish'

hear all the words of Sennacherib# which he has sent to re"roach the living (od'

And the 1ing heard concerning Tirha1ah 1ing of thio"ia# :2e has come out to ma1e war with you': So when he heard it# he sent messengers to 2e.e1iah# saying#

Truly# )3+*# the 1ings of Assyria have laid waste all the nations and their lands#

:Thus you shall s"ea1 to 2e.e1iah 1ing of Judah# saying7 :*o not let your (od in whom you trust deceive you# saying# :Jerusalem shall not be given into the hand of the 1ing of Assyria':

and have cast their gods into the fire9 for they were not gods# but the wor1 of menDs handsFFwood and stone' Therefore they destroyed them'

Now therefore# 3 )3+* our (od# save us from his hand# that all the 1ingdoms of the earth may 1now that Cou are the )3+*# Cou alone':

)oo1H Cou have heard what the 1ings of Assyria have done to all lands by utterly destroying them9 and shall you be deliveredE

2ave the gods of the nations delivered those whom my fathers have destroyed# ( and 2aran and +e.e"h# and the "eo"le of den who were in TelassarE

Then 0saiah the son of Amo. sent to 2e.e1iah# saying# :Thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael# :Because you have "rayed to 4e against Sennacherib 1ing of Assyria#

Bhere is the 1ing of 2amath# the 1ing of Ar"ad# and the 1ing of the city of Se"harvaim# 2ena# and 0vahE:D

this is the word which the )3+* has s"o1en concerning him7 :The virgin# the daughter of 5ion# 2as des"ised you# laughed you to scorn9 The daughter of Jerusalem 2as sha1en her head behind your bac1H

And 2e.e1iah received the letter from the hand of the messengers# and read it9 and 2e.e1iah went u" to the house of the )3+*# and s"read it before the )3+*'

:Bhom have you re"roached and blas"hemedE Against whom have you raised your voice# And lifted u" your eyes on highE Against the 2oly 3ne of 0srael'

Then 2e.e1iah "rayed to the )3+*# saying7


:3 )3+* of hosts# (od of 0srael# the 3ne who dwells between the cherubim# Cou are (od# Cou alone# of all the 1ingdoms of the earth' Cou have made heaven and earth'

By your servants you have re"roached the )ord# And said# :By the multitude of my chariots 0 have come u" to the height of the mountains# To the limits of )ebanon9 0 will cut down its tall cedars And its choice cy"ress trees9 0 will enter its farthest height# To its fruitful forest'

0ncline Cour ear# 3 )3+*# and hear9 o"en Cour eyes# 3 )3+*# and see9 and

0 have dug and drun1 water# And with the soles of my feet 0 have dried u" All the broo1s of defense'D


:*id you not hear long ago 2ow 0 made it# From ancient times that 0 formed itE Now 0 have brought it to "ass# That you should be For crushing fortified cities into hea"s of ruins'


By the way that he came# By the same shall he return9 And he shall not come into this city#D Says the )3+*'

Therefore their inhabitants had little "ower9 They were dismayed and confounded9 They were as the grass of the field And the green herb# As the grass on the houseto"s And grain blighted before it is grown'

:For 0 will defend this city# to save it For 4y own sa1e and for 4y servant *avidDs sa1e':D

:But 0 1now your dwelling "lace# Cour going out and your coming in# And your rage against 4e'

Then the angel of the )3+* went out# and 1illed in the cam" of the Assyrians one hundred and eightyFfive thousand9 and when "eo"le arose early in the morning# there were the cor"sesFFall dead'

Because your rage against 4e and your tumult 2ave come u" to 4y ears# Therefore 0 will "ut 4y hoo1 in your nose And 4y bridle in your li"s# And 0 will turn you bac1 By the way which you came':D

So Sennacherib 1ing of Assyria de"arted and went away# returned home# and remained at Nineveh'

:This shall be a sign to you7 Cou shall eat this year such as grows of itself# And the second year what s"rings from the same9 Also in the third year sow and rea"# /lant vineyards and eat the fruit of them'

Now it came to "ass# as he was worshi"ing in the house of Nisroch his god# that his sons Adrammelech and struc1 him down with the sword9 and they esca"ed into the land of Ararat' Then sarhaddon his son reigned in his "lace'

380n those days 2e.e1iah was sic1

and near death' And 0saiah the "ro"het# the son of Amo.# went to him and said to him# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Set your house in order# for you shall die and not live':D

And the remnant who have esca"ed of the house of Judah Shall again ta1e root downward# And bear fruit u"ward'

For out of Jerusalem shall go a remnant# And those who esca"e from 4ount 5ion' The .eal of the )3+* of hosts will do this'

Then 2e.e1iah turned his face toward the wall# and "rayed to the )3+*#

:Therefore thus says the )3+* concerning the 1ing of Assyria7 :2e shall not come into this city# Nor shoot an arrow there# Nor come before it with shield# Nor build a siege mound against it'

and said# :+emember now# 3 )3+*# 0 "ray# how 0 have wal1ed before Cou in truth and with a loyal heart# and have done what is good in Cour sight': And 2e.e1iah we"t bitterly'

And the word of the )3+* came to 0saiah# saying#


:(o and tell 2e.e1iah# :Thus says the )3+*# the (od of *avid your father7 :0 have heard your "rayer# 0 have seen your tears9 surely 0 will add to your days fifteen years'


:Bhat shall 0 sayE 2e has both s"o1en to me# And 2e 2imself has done it' 0 shall wal1 carefully all my years 0n the bitterness of my soul'

0 will deliver you and this city from the hand of the 1ing of Assyria# and 0 will defend this city':D

3 )ord# by these things men live9 And in all these things is the life of my s"irit9 So Cou will restore me and ma1e me live'

And this is the sign to you from the )3+*# that the )3+* will do this thing which 2e has s"o1en7

Behold# 0 will bring the shadow on the sundial# which has gone down with the sun on the sundial of Aha.# ten degrees bac1ward': So the sun returned ten degrees on the dial by which it had gone down'

0ndeed it was for my own "eace That 0 had great bitterness9 But Cou have lovingly delivered my soul from the "it of corru"tion# For Cou have cast all my sins behind Cour bac1'

For Sheol cannot than1 Cou# *eath cannot "raise Cou9 Those who go down to the "it cannot ho"e for Cour truth'

This is the writing of 2e.e1iah 1ing of Judah# when he had been sic1 and had recovered from his sic1ness7

The living# the living man# he shall "raise Cou# As 0 do this day9 The father shall ma1e 1nown Cour truth to the children'

0 said# :0n the "rime of my life 0 shall go to the gates of Sheol9 0 am de"rived of the remainder of my years':

:The )3+* was ready to save me9 Therefore we will sing my songs with stringed instruments All the days of our life# in the house of the )3+*':

0 said# :0 shall not see Cah# The )3+* in the land of the living9 0 shall observe man no more among the inhabitants of the world'

Now 0saiah had said# :)et them ta1e a lum" of figs# and a""ly it as a "oultice on the boil# and he shall recover':

4y life s"an is gone# Ta1en from me li1e a she"herdDs tent9 0 have cut off my life li1e a weaver' 2e cuts me off from the loom9 From day until night Cou ma1e an end of me'

And 2e.e1iah had said# :Bhat is the sign that 0 shall go u" to the house of the )3+*E:

0 have considered until morningFF )i1e a lion# So 2e brea1s all my bones9 From day until night Cou ma1e an end of me'


)i1e a crane or a swallow# so 0 chattered9 0 mourned li1e a dove9 4y eyes fail from loo1ing u"ward' 3 )3+*# 0 am o""ressed9 Anderta1e for meH

that time 4erodachFBaladan the son of Baladan# 1ing of Babylon# sent letters and a "resent to 2e.e1iah# for he heard that he had been sic1 and had recovered'

And 2e.e1iah was "leased with them# and showed them the house of his

treasuresFFthe silver and gold# the s"ices and "recious ointment# and all his armoryFFall that was found among his treasures' There was nothing in his house or in all his dominion that 2e.e1iah did not show them'

:S"ea1 comfort to Jerusalem# and cry out to her# That her warfare is ended# That her iniGuity is "ardoned9 For she has received from the )3+*Ds hand *ouble for all her sins':

Then 0saiah the "ro"het went to King 2e.e1iah# and said to him# :Bhat did these men say# and from where did they come to youE: So 2e.e1iah said# :They came to me from a far country# from Babylon':

The voice of one crying in the wilderness7 :/re"are the way of the )3+*9 4a1e straight in the desert A highway for our (od'

And he said# :Bhat have they seen in your houseE: So 2e.e1iah answered# :They have seen all that is in my house9 there is nothing among my treasures that 0 have not shown them':

very valley shall be e!alted And every mountain and hill brought low9 The croo1ed "laces shall be made straight And the rough "laces smooth9

The glory of the )3+* shall be revealed# And all flesh shall see it together9 For the mouth of the )3+* has s"o1en':

Then 0saiah said to 2e.e1iah# :2ear the word of the )3+* of hosts7

:Behold# the days are coming when all that is in your house# and what your fathers have accumulated until this day# shall be carried to Babylon9 nothing shall be left#D says the )3+*'

The voice said# :-ry outH: And he said# :Bhat shall 0 cryE: :All flesh is grass# And all its loveliness is li1e the flower of the field'

The grass withers# the flower fades# Because the breath of the )3+* blows u"on it9 Surely the "eo"le are grass'

:And they shall ta1e away some of your sons who will descend from you# whom you will beget9 and they shall be eunuchs in the "alace of the 1ing of Babylon':D

The grass withers# the flower fades# But the word of our (od stands forever':

So 2e.e1iah said to 0saiah# :The word of the )3+* which you have s"o1en is goodH: For he said# :At least there will be "eace and truth in my days':

3 5ion# Cou who bring good tidings# (et u" into the high mountain9 3 Jerusalem# Cou who bring good tidings# )ift u" your voice with strength# )ift it u"# be not afraid9 Say to the cities of Judah# :Behold your (odH:


yes# comfort "eo"leH: Says your (od'


Behold# the )ord (3* shall come with a strong hand# And 2is arm shall rule for 2im9 Behold# 2is reward is with 2im# And 2is wor1 before 2im'

2e will feed 2is floc1 li1e a she"herd9 2e will gather the lambs with 2is arm#

And carry them in 2is bosom# And gently lead those who are with young'


Bho has measured the waters in the hollow of 2is hand# 4easured heaven with a s"an And calculated the dust of the earth in a measureE Beighed the mountains in scales And the hills in a balanceE

2ave you not 1nownE 2ave you not heardE 2as it not been told you from the beginningE 2ave you not understood from the foundations of the earthE

0t is 2e who sits above the circle of the earth# And its inhabitants are li1e grassho""ers# Bho stretches out the heavens li1e a curtain# And s"reads them out li1e a tent to dwell in'

Bho has directed the S"irit of the )3+*# 3r as 2is counselor has taught 2imE

2e brings the "rinces to nothing9 2e ma1es the $udges of the earth useless'

Bith whom did 2e ta1e counsel# and who instructed 2im# And taught 2im in the "ath of $usticeE Bho taught 2im 1nowledge# And showed 2im the way of understandingE

Scarcely shall they be "lanted# Scarcely shall they be sown# Scarcely shall their stoc1 ta1e root in the earth# Bhen 2e will also blow on them# And they will wither# And the whirlwind will ta1e them away li1e stubble'

Behold# the nations are as a dro" in a buc1et# And are counted as the small dust on the scales9 )oo1# 2e lifts u" the isles as a very little thing'

:To whom then will you li1en 4e# 3r to whom shall 0 be eGualE: says the 2oly 3ne'

And )ebanon is not sufficient to burn# Nor its beasts sufficient for a burnt offering'

All nations before 2im are as nothing# And they are counted by 2im less than nothing and worthless'

)ift u" your eyes on high# And see who has created these things# Bho brings out their host by number9 2e calls them all by name# By the greatness of 2is might And the strength of 2is "ower9 Not one is missing'

To whom then will you li1en (odE 3r what li1eness will you com"are to 2imE

Bhy do you say# 3 Jacob# And s"ea1# 3 0srael7 :4y way is hidden from the )3+*# And my $ust claim is "assed over by my (od:E

The wor1man molds an image# The goldsmith overs"reads it with gold# And the silversmith casts silver chains'

Bhoever is too im"overished for such a contribution -hooses a tree that will not rot9 2e see1s for himself a s1illful wor1man To "re"are a carved image that will not totter'

2ave you not 1nownE 2ave you not heardE The everlasting (od# the )3+*# The -reator of the ends of the earth# Neither faints nor is weary' 2is understanding is unsearchable'

2e gives "ower to the wea1# And to those who have no might 2e increases strength'


ven the youths shall faint and be weary# And the young men shall utterly fall#


:But you# 0srael# are 4y servant# Jacob whom 0 have chosen# The descendants of Abraham 4y friend'

But those who wait on the )3+* Shall renew their strength9 They shall mount u" with wings li1e eagles# They shall run and not be weary# They shall wal1 and not faint'

Cou whom 0 have ta1en from the ends of the earth# And called from its farthest regions# And said to you# :Cou are 4y servant# 0 have chosen you and have not cast you away7


silence before 4e# 3 coastlands# And let the "eo"le renew their strengthH )et them come near# then let them s"ea19 )et us come near together for $udgment'

Fear not# for 0 am with you9 Be not dismayed# for 0 am your (od' 0 will strengthen you# Ces# 0 will hel" you# 0 will u"hold you with 4y righteous right hand'D

:Bho raised u" one from the eastE Bho in righteousness called him to 2is feetE Bho gave the nations before him# And made him rule over 1ingsE Bho gave them as the dust to his sword# As driven stubble to his bowE

:Behold# all those who were incensed against you Shall be ashamed and disgraced9 They shall be as nothing# And those who strive with you shall "erish'

Bho "ursued them# and "assed safely By the way that he had not gone with his feetE

Cou shall see1 them and not find themFF Those who contended with you' Those who war against you Shall be as nothing# As a none!istent thing'

Bho has "erformed and done it# -alling the generations from the beginningE :0# the )3+*# am the first9 And with the last 0 am 2e':D

For 0# the )3+* your (od# will hold your right hand# Saying to you# :Fear not# 0 will hel" you'D

The coastlands saw it and feared# The ends of the earth were afraid9 They drew near and came'

:Fear not# you worm Jacob# Cou men of 0sraelH 0 will hel" you#: says the )3+* And your +edeemer# the 2oly 3ne of 0srael'

veryone hel"ed his neighbor# And said to his brother# :Be of good courageH:

So the craftsman encouraged the goldsmith9 2e who smooths with the hammer ins"ired him who stri1es the anvil# Saying# :0t is ready for the soldering:9 Then he fastened it with "egs# That it might not totter'

:Behold# 0 will ma1e you into a new threshing sledge with shar" teeth9 Cou shall thresh the mountains and beat them small# And ma1e the hills li1e chaff'

Cou shall winnow them# the wind shall carry them away# And the whirlwind shall scatter them9 Cou shall re$oice in the )3+*# And glory in the 2oly 3ne of 0srael'


:The "oor and needy see1 water# but there is none# Their tongues fail for thirst' 0# the )3+*# will hear them9 0# the (od of 0srael# will not forsa1e them'


0 will o"en rivers in desolate heights# And fountains in the midst of the valleys9 0 will ma1e the wilderness a "ool of water# And the dry land s"rings of water'

Bho has declared from the beginning# that we may 1nowE And former times# that we may say# :2e is righteousDE Surely there is no one who shows# Surely there is no one who declares# Surely there is no one who hears your words'

0 will "lant in the wilderness the cedar and the acacia tree# The myrtle and the oil tree9 0 will set in the desert the cy"ress tree and the "ine And the bo! tree together#

The first time 0 said to 5ion# :)oo1# there they areHD And 0 will give to Jerusalem one who brings good tidings'

For 0 loo1ed# and there was no man9 0 loo1ed among them# but there was no counselor# Bho# when 0 as1ed of them# could answer a word'

That they may see and 1now# And consider and understand together# That the hand of the )3+* has done this# And the 2oly 3ne of 0srael has created it'

0ndeed they are all worthless9 Their wor1s are nothing9 Their molded images are wind and confusion'

:/resent your case#: says the )3+*' :Bring forth your strong reasons#: says the King of Jacob'


:)et them bring forth and show us what will ha""en9 )et them show the former things# what they were# That we may consider them# And 1now the latter end of them9 3r declare to us things to come'

4y Servant whom 0 u"hold# 4y lect 3ne in whom 4y soul delightsH 0 have "ut 4y S"irit u"on 2im9 2e will bring forth $ustice to the (entiles' 2e will not cry out# nor raise 2is voice# Nor cause 2is voice to be heard in the street'

Show the things that are to come hereafter# That we may 1now that you are gods9 Ces# do good or do evil# That we may be dismayed and see it together'

A bruised reed 2e will not brea1# And smo1ing fla! 2e will not Guench9 2e will bring forth $ustice for truth'

0ndeed you are nothing# And your wor1 is nothing9 2e who chooses you is an abomination'

2e will not fail nor be discouraged# Till 2e has established $ustice in the earth9 And the coastlands shall wait for 2is law':

:0 have raised u" one from the north# And he shall come9 From the rising of the sun he shall call on 4y name9 And he shall come against "rinces as though mortar# As the "otter treads clay'

Thus says (od the )3+*# Bho created the heavens and stretched them out# Bho s"read forth the earth and that which comes from it# Bho gives breath to the "eo"le on it# And s"irit to those who wal1 on it7


:0# the )3+*# have called Cou in righteousness# And will hold Cour hand9 0 will 1ee" Cou and give Cou as a covenant to the "eo"le# As a light to the (entiles#


0 will bring the blind by a way they did not 1now9 0 will lead them in "aths they have not 1nown' 0 will ma1e dar1ness light before them# And croo1ed "laces straight' These things 0 will do for them# And not forsa1e them'

To o"en blind eyes# To bring out "risoners from the "rison# Those who sit in dar1ness from the "rison house'

0 am the )3+*# that is 4y name9 And 4y glory 0 will not give to another# Nor 4y "raise to carved images'

They shall be turned bac1# They shall be greatly ashamed# Bho trust in carved images# Bho say to the molded images# :Cou are our gods'D

:2ear# you deaf9 And loo1# you blind# that you may see'

Behold# the former things have come to "ass# And new things 0 declare9 Before they s"ring forth 0 tell you of them':

Sing to the )3+* a new song# And 2is "raise from the ends of the earth# Cou who go down to the sea# and all that is in it# Cou coastlands and you inhabitants of themH

Bho is blind but 4y servant# 3r deaf as 4y messenger whom 0 sendE Bho is blind as he who is "erfect# And blind as the )3+*Ds servantE

Seeing many things# but you do not observe9 3"ening the ears# but he does not hear':

)et the wilderness and its cities lift u" their voice# The villages that Kedar inhabits' )et the inhabitants of Sela sing# )et them shout from the to" of the mountains'

The )3+* is well "leased for 2is righteousnessD sa1e9 2e will e!alt the law and ma1e it honorable'

)et them give glory to the )3+*# And declare 2is "raise in the coastlands'

The )3+* shall go forth li1e a mighty man9 2e shall stir u" 2is .eal li1e a man of war' 2e shall cry out# yes# shout aloud9 2e shall "revail against 2is enemies'

But this is a "eo"le robbed and "lundered9 All of them are snared in holes# And they are hidden in "rison houses9 They are for "rey# and no one delivers9 For "lunder# and no one says# :+estoreH:

Bho among you will give ear to thisE Bho will listen and hear for the time to comeE

:0 have held 4y "eace a long time# 0 have been still and restrained 4yself' Now 0 will cry li1e a woman in labor# 0 will "ant and gas" at once'

0 will lay waste the mountains and hills# And dry u" all their vegetation9 0 will ma1e the rivers coastlands# And 0 will dry u" the "ools'

Bho gave Jacob for "lunder# and 0srael to the robbersE Bas it not the )3+*# 2e against whom we have sinnedE For they would not wal1 in 2is ways# Nor were they obedient to 2is law'

Therefore 2e has "oured on him the fury of 2is anger And the strength of

battle9 0t has set him on fire all around# Cet he did not 1now9 And it burned him# Cet he did not ta1e it to heart'

us former thingsE )et them bring out their witnesses# that they may be $ustified9 3r let them hear and say# :0t is truth':

43But now# thus says the )3+*#

who created you# 3 Jacob# And 2e who formed you# 3 0srael7 :Fear not# for 0 have redeemed you9 0 have called you by your name9 Cou are 4ine'

:Cou are 4y witnesses#: says the )3+*# :And 4y servant whom 0 have chosen# That you may 1now and believe 4e# And understand that 0 am 2e' Before 4e there was no (od formed# Nor shall there be after 4e'

Bhen you "ass through the waters# 0 will be with you9 And through the rivers# they shall not overflow you' Bhen you wal1 through the fire# you shall not be burned# Nor shall the flame scorch you'

0# even 0# am the )3+*# And besides 4e there is no savior'


For 0 am the )3+* your (od# The 2oly 3ne of 0srael# your Savior9 0 gave gy"t for your ransom# thio"ia and Seba in your "lace'

0 have declared and saved# 0 have "roclaimed# And there was no foreign god among you9 Therefore you are 4y witnesses#: Says the )3+*# :that 0 am (od'

Since you were "recious in 4y sight# Cou have been honored# And 0 have loved you9 Therefore 0 will give men for you# And "eo"le for your life'

0ndeed before the day was# 0 am 2e9 And there is no one who can deliver out of 4y hand9 0 wor1# and who will reverse itE:

Fear not# for 0 am with you9 0 will bring your descendants from the east# And gather you from the west9

Thus says the )3+*# your +edeemer# The 2oly 3ne of 0srael7 :For your sa1e 0 will send to Babylon# And bring them all down as fugitivesFF The -haldeans# who re$oice in their shi"s'

0 will say to the north# :(ive them u"HD And to the south# :*o not 1ee" them bac1HD Bring 4y sons from afar# And 4y daughters from the ends of the earthFF

0 am the )3+*# your 2oly 3ne# The -reator of 0srael# your King':

veryone who is called by 4y name# Bhom 0 have created for 4y glory9 0 have formed him# yes# 0 have made him':

Thus says the )3+*# who ma1es a way in the sea And a "ath through the mighty waters#

Bring out the blind "eo"le who have eyes# And the deaf who have ears'

Bho brings forth the chariot and horse# The army and the "ower IThey shall lie down together# they shall not rise9 They are e!tinguished# they are Guenched li1e a wic1J7

)et all the nations be gathered together# And let the "eo"le be assembled' Bho among them can declare this# And show

:*o not remember the former things# Nor consider the things of old'


Behold# 0 will do a new thing# Now it shall s"ring forth9 Shall you not 1now itE 0 will even ma1e a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert'

44:Cet hear me now# 3 Jacob 4y

servant# chosen'





The beast of the field will honor 4e# The $ac1als and the ostriches# Because 0 give waters in the wilderness And rivers in the desert# To give drin1 to 4y "eo"le# 4y chosen'

Thus says the )3+* who made you And formed you from the womb# who will hel" you7 :Fear not# 3 Jacob 4y servant9 And you# Jeshurun# whom 0 have chosen'

This "eo"le 0 have formed for 4yself9 They shall declare 4y "raise'

:But you have not called u"on 4e# 3 Jacob9 And you have been weary of 4e# 3 0srael'

For 0 will "our water on him who is thirsty# And floods on the dry ground9 0 will "our 4y S"irit on your descendants# And 4y blessing on your offs"ring9

Cou have not brought 4e the shee" for your burnt offerings# Nor have you honored 4e with your sacrifices' 0 have not caused you to serve with grain offerings# Nor wearied you with incense'

They will s"ring u" among the grass )i1e willows by the watercourses'D

Cou have bought 4e no sweet cane with money# Nor have you satisfied 4e with the fat of your sacrifices9 But you have burdened 4e with your sins# Cou have wearied 4e with your iniGuities'

3ne will say# :0 am the )3+*DsD9 Another will call himself by the name of Jacob9 Another will write with his hand# :The )3+*Ds#D And name himself by the name of 0srael'

:Thus says the )3+*# the King of 0srael# And his +edeemer# the )3+* of hosts7 :0 am the First and 0 am the )ast9 Besides 4e there is no (od'

:0# even 0# am 2e who blots out your transgressions for 4y own sa1e9 And 0 will not remember your sins'

/ut 4e in remembrance9 )et us contend together9 State your case# that you may be acGuitted'

And who can "roclaim as 0 doE Then let him declare it and set it in order for 4e# Since 0 a""ointed the ancient "eo"le' And the things that are coming and shall come# )et them show these to them'

Cour first father sinned# And your mediators have transgressed against 4e'

*o not fear# nor be afraid9 2ave 0 not told you from that time# and declared itE Cou are 4y witnesses' 0s there a (od besides 4eE 0ndeed there is no other +oc19 0 1now not one':D

Therefore 0 will "rofane the "rinces of the sanctuary9 0 will give Jacob to the curse# And 0srael to re"roaches'

Those who ma1e an image# all of them are useless# And their "recious things shall not "rofit9 They are their own witnesses9 They neither see nor 1now# that they may be ashamed'


Bho would form a god or mold an image That "rofits him nothingE


Surely all his com"anions would be ashamed9 And the wor1men# they are mere men' )et them all be gathered together# )et them stand u"9 Cet they shall fear# They shall be ashamed together'

They do not 1now nor understand9 For 2e has shut their eyes# so that they cannot see# And their hearts# so that they cannot understand'

The blac1smith with the tongs wor1s one in the coals# Fashions it with hammers# And wor1s it with the strength of his arms' ven so# he is hungry# and his strength fails9 2e drin1s no water and is faint'

And no one considers in his heart# Nor is there 1nowledge nor understanding to say# :0 have burned half of it in the fire# Ces# 0 have also ba1ed bread on its coals9 0 have roasted meat and eaten it9 And shall 0 ma1e the rest of it an abominationE Shall 0 fall down before a bloc1 of woodE:

The craftsman stretches out his rule# 2e mar1s one out with chal19 2e fashions it with a "lane# 2e mar1s it out with the com"ass# And ma1es it li1e the figure of a man# According to the beauty of a man# that it may remain in the house'

2e feeds on ashes9 A deceived heart has turned him aside9 And he cannot deliver his soul# Nor say# :0s there not a lie in my right handE:

:+emember these# 3 Jacob# And 0srael# for you are 4y servant9 0 have formed you# you are 4y servant9 3 0srael# you will not be forgotten by 4eH

2e cuts down cedars for himself# And ta1es the cy"ress and the oa19 2e secures it for himself among the trees of the forest' 2e "lants a "ine# and the rain nourishes it'

0 have blotted out# li1e a thic1 cloud# your transgressions# And li1e a cloud# your sins' +eturn to 4e# for 0 have redeemed you':

Then it shall be for a man to burn# For he will ta1e some of it and warm himself9 Ces# he 1indles it and ba1es bread9 0ndeed he ma1es a god and worshi"s it9 2e ma1es it a carved image# and falls down to it'

Sing# 3 heavens# for the )3+* has done itH Shout# you lower "arts of the earth9 Brea1 forth into singing# you mountains# 3 forest# and every tree in itH For the )3+* has redeemed Jacob# And glorified 2imself in 0srael'

2e burns half of it in the fire9 Bith this half he eats meat9 2e roasts a roast# and is satisfied' 2e even warms himself and says# :AhH 0 am warm# 0 have seen the fire':

Thus says the )3+*# your +edeemer# And 2e who formed you from the womb7 :0 am the )3+*# who ma1es all things# Bho stretches out the heavens all alone# Bho s"reads abroad the earth by 4yself9

And the rest of it he ma1es into a god# 2is carved image' 2e falls down before it and worshi"s it# /rays to it and says# :*eliver me# for you are my godH:

Bho frustrates the signs of the babblers# And drives diviners mad9 Bho turns wise men bac1ward# And ma1es their 1nowledge foolishness9


Bho confirms the word of 2is servant# And "erforms the counsel of 2is messengers9 Bho says to Jerusalem# :Cou shall be inhabited#D To the cities of Judah# :Cou shall be built#D And 0 will raise u" her waste "laces9


That they may 1now from the rising of the sun to its setting That there is none besides 4e' 0 am the )3+*# and there is no other9

Bho says to the dee"# :Be dryH And 0 will dry u" your riversD9

0 form the light and create dar1ness# 0 ma1e "eace and create calamity9 0# the )3+*# do all these things'D

Bho says of -yrus# :2e is 4y she"herd# And he shall "erform all 4y "leasure# Saying to Jerusalem# :Cou shall be built#: And to the tem"le# :Cour foundation shall be laid':D

:+ain down# you heavens# from above# And let the s1ies "our down righteousness9 )et the earth o"en# let them bring forth salvation# And let righteousness s"ring u" together' 0# the )3+*# have created it'


says the )3+* to 2is anointed# To -yrus# whose right hand 0 have heldFF To subdue nations before him And loose the armor of 1ings# To o"en before him the double doors# So that the gates will not be shut7

:Boe to him who strives with his 4a1erH )et the "otsherd strive with the "otsherds of the earthH Shall the clay say to him who forms it# :Bhat are you ma1ingED 3r shall your handiwor1 say# :2e has no handsDE

:0 will go before you And ma1e the croo1ed "laces straight9 0 will brea1 in "ieces the gates of bron.e And cut the bars of iron'

Boe to him who says to his father# :Bhat are you begettingED 3r to the woman# :Bhat have you brought forthE:D

0 will give you the treasures of dar1ness And hidden riches of secret "laces# That you may 1now that 0# the )3+*# Bho call you by your name# Am the (od of 0srael'

Thus says the )3+*# The 2oly 3ne of 0srael# and his 4a1er7 :As1 4e of things to come concerning 4y sons9 And concerning the wor1 of 4y hands# you command 4e'

For Jacob 4y servantDs sa1e# And 0srael 4y elect# 0 have even called you by your name9 0 have named you# though you have not 1nown 4e'

0 have made the earth# And created man on it' 0FF4y handsFFstretched out the heavens# And all their host 0 have commanded'

0 am the )3+*# and there is no other9 There is no (od besides 4e' 0 will gird you# though you have not 1nown 4e#

0 have raised him u" in righteousness# And 0 will direct all his ways9 2e shall build 4y city And let 4y e!iles go free# Not for "rice nor reward#: Says the )3+* of hosts'

Thus says the )3+*7 :The labor of gy"t and merchandise of -ush And of the Sabeans# men of stature# Shall come over to you# and they shall be

yours9 They shall wal1 behind you# They shall come over in chains9 And they shall bow down to you' They will ma1e su""lication to you# saying# :Surely (od is in you# And there is no other9 There is no other (od':D


:)oo1 to 4e# and be saved# All you ends of the earthH For 0 am (od# and there is no other'

Truly Cou are (od# who hide Courself# 3 (od of 0srael# the SaviorH

0 have sworn by 4yself9 The word has gone out of 4y mouth in righteousness# And shall not return# That to 4e every 1nee shall bow# very tongue shall ta1e an oath'

They shall be ashamed And also disgraced# all of them9 They shall go in confusion together# Bho are ma1ers of idols'

2e shall say# :Surely in the )3+* 0 have righteousness and strength' To 2im men shall come# And all shall be ashamed Bho are incensed against 2im'

But 0srael shall be saved by the )3+* Bith an everlasting salvation9 Cou shall not be ashamed or disgraced Forever and ever'

0n the )3+* all the descendants of 0srael Shall be $ustified# and shall glory':D

For thus says the )3+*# Bho created the heavens# Bho is (od# Bho formed the earth and made it# Bho has established it# Bho did not create it in vain# Bho formed it to be inhabited7 :0 am the )3+*# and there is no other'


bows down# Nebo stoo"s9 Their idols were on the beasts and on the cattle' Cour carriages were heavily loaded# A burden to the weary beast' They stoo"# they bow down together9 They could not deliver the burden# But have themselves gone into ca"tivity'

0 have not s"o1en in secret# 0n a dar1 "lace of the earth9 0 did not say to the seed of Jacob# :See1 4e in vainD9 0# the )3+*# s"ea1 righteousness# 0 declare things that are right'

:Assemble yourselves and come9 *raw near together# Cou who have esca"ed from the nations' They have no 1nowledge# Bho carry the wood of their carved image# And "ray to a god that cannot save'

:)isten to 4e# 3 house of Jacob# And all the remnant of the house of 0srael# Bho have been u"held by 4e from birth# Bho have been carried from the womb7

ven to your old age# 0 am 2e# And even to gray hairs 0 will carry youH 0 have made# and 0 will bear9 ven 0 will carry# and will deliver you'

Tell and bring forth your case9 Ces# let them ta1e counsel together' Bho has declared this from ancient timeE Bho has told it from that timeE 2ave not 0# the )3+*E And there is no other (od besides 4e# A $ust (od and a Savior9 There is none besides 4e'

:To whom will you li1en 4e# and ma1e 4e eGual And com"are 4e# that we should be ali1eE

They lavish gold out of the bag# And weigh silver on the scales9 They hire a

goldsmith# and he ma1es it a god9 They "rostrate themselves# yes# they worshi"'

They bear it on the shoulder# they carry it And set it in its "lace# and it stands9 From its "lace it shall not move' Though one cries out to it# yet it cannot answer Nor save him out of his trouble'

Cour na1edness shall be uncovered# Ces# your shame will be seen9 0 will ta1e vengeance# And 0 will not arbitrate with a man':

As for our +edeemer# the )3+* of hosts is 2is name# The 2oly 3ne of 0srael'

:+emember this# and show yourselves men9 +ecall to mind# 3 you transgressors'

:Sit in silence# and go into dar1ness# 3 daughter of the -haldeans9 For you shall no longer be called The )ady of Kingdoms'

+emember the former things of old# For 0 am (od# and there is no other9 0 am (od# and there is none li1e 4e#

*eclaring the end from the beginning# And from ancient times things that are not yet done# Saying# :4y counsel shall stand# And 0 will do all 4y "leasure#D

0 was angry with 4y "eo"le9 0 have "rofaned 4y inheritance# And given them into your hand' Cou showed them no mercy9 3n the elderly you laid your yo1e very heavily'

-alling a bird of "rey from the east# The man who e!ecutes 4y counsel# from a far country' 0ndeed 0 have s"o1en it9 0 will also bring it to "ass' 0 have "ur"osed it9 0 will also do it'

And you said# :0 shall be a lady forever#D So that you did not ta1e these things to heart# Nor remember the latter end of them'

:)isten to 4e# you stubbornFhearted# Bho are far from righteousness7


:Therefore hear this now# you who are given to "leasures# Bho dwell securely# Bho say in your heart# :0 am# and there is no one else besides me9 0 shall not sit as a widow# Nor shall 0 1now the loss of childrenD9

0 bring 4y righteousness near# it shall not be far off9 4y salvation shall not linger' And 0 will "lace salvation in 5ion# For 0srael 4y glory'

47:-ome down and sit in the dust# 3

virgin daughter of Babylon9 Sit on the ground without a throne# 3 daughter of the -haldeansH For you shall no more be called Tender and delicate'

But these two things shall come to you 0n a moment# in one day7 The loss of children# and widowhood' They shall come u"on you in their fullness Because of the multitude of your sorceries# For the great abundance of your enchantments'

Ta1e the millstones and grind meal' +emove your veil# Ta1e off the s1irt# Ancover the thigh# /ass through the rivers'

:For you have trusted in your wic1edness9 Cou have said# :No one sees meD9 Cour wisdom and your 1nowledge have war"ed you9 And you have said in your heart# :0 am# and there is no one else besides me'D


Therefore evil shall come u"on you9 Cou shall not 1now from where it arises' And trouble shall fall u"on you9 Cou will not be able to "ut it off' And desolation shall come u"on you suddenly# Bhich you shall not 1now'

Because 0 1new that you were obstinate# And your nec1 was an iron sinew# And your brow bron.e#

:Stand now with your enchantments And the multitude of your sorceries# 0n which you have labored from your youthFF /erha"s you will be able to "rofit# /erha"s you will "revail'

ven from the beginning 0 have declared it to you9 Before it came to "ass 0 "roclaimed it to you# )est you should say# :4y idol has done them# And my carved image and my molded image 2ave commanded them'D

Cou are wearied in the multitude of your counsels9 )et now the astrologers# the starga.ers# And the monthly "rognosticators Stand u" and save you From what shall come u"on you'

:Cou have heard9 See all this' And will you not declare itE 0 have made you hear new things from this time# ven hidden things# and you did not 1now them'

Behold# they shall be as stubble# The fire shall burn them9 They shall not deliver themselves From the "ower of the flame9 0t shall not be a coal to be warmed by# Nor a fire to sit beforeH

They are created now and not from the beginning9 And before this day you have not heard them# )est you should say# :3f course 0 1new them'D

Thus shall they be to you Bith whom you have labored# Cour merchants from your youth9 They shall wander each one to his Guarter' No one shall save you'

Surely you did not hear# Surely you did not 1now9 Surely from long ago your ear was not o"ened' For 0 1new that you would deal very treacherously# And were called a transgressor from the womb'


this# 3 house of Jacob# Bho are called by the name of 0srael# And have come forth from the wells"rings of Judah9 Bho swear by the name of the )3+*# And ma1e mention of the (od of 0srael# But not in truth or in righteousness9

:For 4y nameDs sa1e 0 will defer 4y anger# And for 4y "raise 0 will restrain it from you# So that 0 do not cut you off'

Behold# 0 have refined you# but not as silver9 0 have tested you in the furnace of affliction'

For they call themselves after the holy city# And lean on the (od of 0srael9 The )3+* of hosts is 2is name7

For 4y own sa1e# for 4y own sa1e# 0 will do it9 For how should 4y name be "rofanedE And 0 will not give 4y glory to another'

:0 have declared the former things from the beginning9 They went forth from 4y mouth# and 0 caused them to hear it' Suddenly 0 did them# and they came to "ass'

:)isten to 4e# 3 Jacob# And 0srael# 4y called7 0 am 2e# 0 am the First# 0 am also the )ast'

0ndeed 4y hand has laid the foundation of the earth# And 4y right

hand has stretched out the heavens9 Bhen 0 call to them# They stand u" together'


:There is no "eace#: says the )3+*# :for the wic1ed':

:All of you# assemble yourselves# and hearH Bho among them has declared these thingsE The )3+* loves him9 2e shall do 2is "leasure on Babylon# And 2is arm shall be against the -haldeans'

49:)isten# 3 coastlands# to 4e# And

ta1e heed# you "eo"les from afarH The )3+* has called 4e from the womb9 From the matri! of 4y mother 2e has made mention of 4y name'

0# even 0# have s"o1en9 Ces# 0 have called him# 0 have brought him# and his way will "ros"er'

:-ome near to 4e# hear this7 0 have not s"o1en in secret from the beginning9 From the time that it was# 0 was there' And now the )ord (3* and 2is S"irit 2ave sent 4e':

And 2e has made 4y mouth li1e a shar" sword9 0n the shadow of 2is hand 2e has hidden 4e# And made 4e a "olished shaft9 0n 2is Guiver 2e has hidden 4e':

:And 2e said to me# :Cou are 4y servant# 3 0srael# 0n whom 0 will be glorified'D

Thus says the )3+*# your +edeemer# The 2oly 3ne of 0srael7 :0 am the )3+* your (od# Bho teaches you to "rofit# Bho leads you by the way you should go'

Then 0 said# :0 have labored in vain# 0 have s"ent my strength for nothing and in vain9 Cet surely my $ust reward is with the )3+*# And my wor1 with my (od':D

3h# that you had heeded 4y commandmentsH Then your "eace would have been li1e a river# And your righteousness li1e the waves of the sea'

Cour descendants also would have been li1e the sand# And the offs"ring of your body li1e the grains of sand9 2is name would not have been cut off Nor destroyed from before 4e':

:And now the )3+* says# Bho formed 4e from the womb to be 2is Servant# To bring Jacob bac1 to 2im# So that 0srael is gathered to 2im IFor 0 shall be glorious in the eyes of the )3+*# And 4y (od shall be 4y strengthJ#

(o forth from BabylonH Flee from the -haldeansH Bith a voice of singing# *eclare# "roclaim this# Atter it to the end of the earth9 Say# :The )3+* has redeemed 2is servant JacobH:

0ndeed 2e says# :0t is too small a thing that Cou should be 4y Servant To raise u" the tribes of Jacob# And to restore the "reserved ones of 0srael9 0 will also give Cou as a light to the (entiles# That Cou should be 4y salvation to the ends of the earth':D

And they did not thirst Bhen 2e led them through the deserts9 2e caused the waters to flow from the roc1 for them9 2e also s"lit the roc1# and the waters gushed out'

Thus says the )3+*# The +edeemer of 0srael# their 2oly 3ne# To 2im whom man des"ises# To 2im whom the nation abhors# To the Servant of rulers7 :Kings shall see and arise# /rinces also shall worshi"# Because of the )3+* who is faithful# The 2oly 3ne of 0srael9 And 2e has chosen Cou':


Thus says the )3+*7 :0n an acce"table time 0 have heard Cou# And in the day of salvation 0 have hel"ed Cou9 0 will "reserve Cou and give Cou As a covenant to the "eo"le# To restore the earth# To cause them to inherit the desolate heritages9


Cour sons shall ma1e haste9 Cour destroyers and those who laid you waste Shall go away from you'

That Cou may say to the "risoners# :(o forth#D To those who are in dar1ness# :Show yourselves'D :They shall feed along the roads# And their "astures shall be on all desolate heights'

)ift u" your eyes# loo1 around and see9 All these gather together and come to you' As 0 live#: says the )3+*# :Cou shall surely clothe yourselves with them all as an ornament# And bind them on you as a bride does'

They shall neither hunger nor thirst# Neither heat nor sun shall stri1e them9 For 2e who has mercy on them will lead them# ven by the s"rings of water 2e will guide them'

:For your waste and desolate "laces# And the land of your destruction# Bill even now be too small for the inhabitants9 And those who swallowed you u" will be far away'

0 will ma1e each of 4y mountains a road# And 4y highways shall be elevated'


The children you will have# After you have lost the others# Bill say again in your ears# :The "lace is too small for me9 (ive me a "lace where 0 may dwell'D

Surely these shall come from afar9 )oo1H Those from the north and the west# And these from the land of Sinim':

Then you will say in your heart# :Bho has begotten these for me# Since 0 have lost my children and am desolate# A ca"tive# and wandering to and froE And who has brought these u"E There 0 was# left alone9 But these# where were theyE:D

Sing# 3 heavensH Be $oyful# 3 earthH And brea1 out in singing# 3 mountainsH For the )3+* has comforted 2is "eo"le# And will have mercy on 2is afflicted'

But 5ion said# :The )3+* has forsa1en me# And my )ord has forgotten me':

Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 0 will lift 4y hand in an oath to the nations# And set u" 4y standard for the "eo"les9 They shall bring your sons in their arms# And your daughters shall be carried on their shoulders9

:-an a woman forget her nursing child# And not have com"assion on the son of her wombE Surely they may forget# Cet 0 will not forget you'

Kings shall be your foster fathers# And their Gueens your nursing mothers9 They shall bow down to you with their faces to the earth# And lic1 u" the dust of your feet' Then you will 1now that 0 am the )3+*# For they shall not be ashamed who wait for 4e':

See# 0 have inscribed you on the "alms of 4y hands9 Cour walls are continually before 4e'

Shall the "rey be ta1en from the mighty# 3r the ca"tives of the righteous be deliveredE


But thus says the )3+*7 : ven the ca"tives of the mighty shall be ta1en away# And the "rey of the terrible be delivered9 For 0 will contend with him who contends with you# And 0 will save your children'

out the beard9 0 did not hide 4y face from shame and s"itting'

:For the )ord (3* will hel" 4e9 Therefore 0 will not be disgraced9 Therefore 0 have set 4y face li1e a flint# And 0 1now that 0 will not be ashamed'

0 will feed those who o""ress you with their own flesh# And they shall be drun1 with their own blood as with sweet wine' All flesh shall 1now That 0# the )3+*# am your Savior# And your +edeemer# the 4ighty 3ne of Jacob':

2e is near who $ustifies 4e9 Bho will contend with 4eE )et us stand together' Bho is 4y adversaryE )et him come near 4e'

50Thus says the )3+*7 :Bhere is

the certificate of your motherDs divorce# Bhom 0 have "ut awayE 3r which of 4y creditors is it to whom 0 have sold youE For your iniGuities you have sold yourselves# And for your transgressions your mother has been "ut away'

Surely the )ord (3* will hel" 4e9 Bho is he who will condemn 4eE 0ndeed they will all grow old li1e a garment9 The moth will eat them u"'

:Bho among you fears the )3+*E Bho obeys the voice of 2is ServantE Bho wal1s in dar1ness And has no lightE )et him trust in the name of the )3+* And rely u"on his (od'

Bhy# when 0 came# was there no manE Bhy# when 0 called# was there none to answerE 0s 4y hand shortened at all that it cannot redeemE 3r have 0 no "ower to deliverE 0ndeed with 4y rebu1e 0 dry u" the sea# 0 ma1e the rivers a wilderness9 Their fish stin1 because there is no water# And die of thirst'

)oo1# all you who 1indle a fire# Bho encircle yourselves with s"ar1s7 Bal1 in the light of your fire and in the s"ar1s you have 1indledFF This you shall have from 4y hand7 Cou shall lie down in torment'

0 clothe the heavens with blac1ness# And 0 ma1e sac1cloth their covering':

51:)isten to 4e# you who follow after

righteousness# Cou who see1 the )3+*7 )oo1 to the roc1 from which you were hewn# And to the hole of the "it from which you were dug'

:The )ord (3* has given 4e The tongue of the learned# That 0 should 1now how to s"ea1 A word in season to him who is weary' 2e awa1ens 4e morning by morning# 2e awa1ens 4y ear To hear as the learned'

The )ord (3* has o"ened 4y ear9 And 0 was not rebellious# Nor did 0 turn away'

)oo1 to Abraham your father# And to Sarah who bore you9 For 0 called him alone# And blessed him and increased him':

0 gave 4y bac1 to those who struc1 4e# And 4y chee1s to those who "luc1ed

For the )3+* will comfort 5ion# 2e will comfort all her waste "laces9 2e will ma1e her wilderness li1e den# And her desert li1e the garden of the )3+*9 Joy

and gladness will be found in it# Than1sgiving and the voice of melody'

They shall obtain $oy and gladness9 Sorrow and sighing shall flee away'

:)isten to 4e# 4y "eo"le9 And give ear to 4e# 3 4y nation7 For law will "roceed from 4e# And 0 will ma1e 4y $ustice rest As a light of the "eo"les'

:0# even 0# am 2e who comforts you' Bho are you that you should be afraid 3f a man who will die# And of the son of a man who will be made li1e grassE

4y righteousness is near# 4y salvation has gone forth# And 4y arms will $udge the "eo"les9 The coastlands will wait u"on 4e# And on 4y arm they will trust'

)ift u" your eyes to the heavens# And loo1 on the earth beneath' For the heavens will vanish away li1e smo1e# The earth will grow old li1e a garment# And those who dwell in it will die in li1e manner9 But 4y salvation will be forever# And 4y righteousness will not be abolished'

And you forget the )3+* your 4a1er# Bho stretched out the heavens And laid the foundations of the earth9 Cou have feared continually every day Because of the fury of the o""ressor# Bhen he has "re"ared to destroy' And where is the fury of the o""ressorE

The ca"tive e!ile hastens# that he may be loosed# That he should not die in the "it# And that his bread should not fail'

:)isten to 4e# you who 1now righteousness# Cou "eo"le in whose heart is 4y law7 *o not fear the re"roach of men# Nor be afraid of their insults'

But 0 am the )3+* your (od# Bho divided the sea whose waves roaredFF The )3+* of hosts is 2is name'

For the moth will eat them u" li1e a garment# And the worm will eat them li1e wool9 But 4y righteousness will be forever# And 4y salvation from generation to generation':

And 0 have "ut 4y words in your mouth9 0 have covered you with the shadow of 4y hand# That 0 may "lant the heavens# )ay the foundations of the earth# And say to 5ion# :Cou are 4y "eo"le':D

Awa1e# awa1e# "ut on strength# 3 arm of the )3+*H Awa1e as in the ancient days# 0n the generations of old' Are Cou not the arm that cut +ahab a"art# And wounded the ser"entE

Awa1e# awa1eH Stand u"# 3 Jerusalem# Cou who have drun1 at the hand of the )3+* The cu" of 2is fury9 Cou have drun1 the dregs of the cu" of trembling# And drained it out'

Are Cou not the 3ne who dried u" the sea# The waters of the great dee"9 That made the de"ths of the sea a road For the redeemed to cross overE

There is no one to guide her Among all the sons she has brought forth9 Nor is there any who ta1es her by the hand Among all the sons she has brought u"'

So the ransomed of the )3+* shall return# And come to 5ion with singing# Bith everlasting $oy on their heads'

These two things have come to you9 Bho will be sorry for youEFF *esolation and destruction# famine and swordFF By whom will 0 comfort youE


Cour sons have fainted# They lie at the head of all the streets# )i1e an antelo"e in a net9 They are full of the fury of the )3+*# The rebu1e of your (od'


Therefore "lease hear this# you afflicted# And drun1 but not with wine'

Now therefore# what have 0 here#: says the )3+*# :That 4y "eo"le are ta1en away for nothingE Those who rule over them 4a1e them wail#: says the )3+*# :And 4y name is blas"hemed continually every day'

Thus says your )ord# The )3+* and your (od# Bho "leads the cause of 2is "eo"le7 :See# 0 have ta1en out of your hand The cu" of trembling# The dregs of the cu" of 4y fury9 Cou shall no longer drin1 it'

Therefore 4y "eo"le shall 1now 4y name9 Therefore they shall 1now in that day That 0 am 2e who s"ea1s7 :Behold# it is 0':D

But 0 will "ut it into the hand of those who afflict you# Bho have said to you# :)ie down# that we may wal1 over you'D And you have laid your body li1e the ground# And as the street# for those who wal1 over':

2ow beautiful u"on the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news# Bho "roclaims "eace# Bho brings glad tidings of good things# Bho "roclaims salvation# Bho says to 5ion# :Cour (od reignsH:


Cour watchmen shall lift u" their voices# Bith their voices they shall sing together9 For they shall see eye to eye Bhen the )3+* brings bac1 5ion'

awa1eH /ut on your strength# 3 5ion9 /ut on your beautiful garments# 3 Jerusalem# the holy cityH For the uncircumcised and the unclean Shall no longer come to you'

Brea1 forth into $oy# sing together# Cou waste "laces of JerusalemH For the )3+* has comforted 2is "eo"le# 2e has redeemed Jerusalem'

Sha1e yourself from the dust# arise9 Sit down# 3 JerusalemH )oose yourself from the bonds of your nec1# 3 ca"tive daughter of 5ionH

The )3+* has made bare 2is holy arm 0n the eyes of all the nations9 And all the ends of the earth shall see The salvation of our (od'

For thus says the )3+*7 :Cou have sold yourselves for nothing# And you shall be redeemed without money':

*e"artH *e"artH (o out from there# Touch no unclean thing9 (o out from the midst of her# Be clean# Cou who bear the vessels of the )3+*'

For thus says the )ord (3*7 :4y "eo"le went down at first 0nto gy"t to dwell there9 Then the Assyrian o""ressed them without cause'

For you shall not go out with haste# Nor go by flight9 For the )3+* will go before you# And the (od of 0srael will be your rear guard'

Behold# 4y Servant shall deal "rudently9 2e shall be e!alted and e!tolled and be very high'


Just as many were astonished at you# So 2is visage was marred more than any man# And 2is form more than the sons of men9

2e was o""ressed and 2e was afflicted# Cet 2e o"ened not 2is mouth9 2e was led as a lamb to the slaughter# And as a shee" before its shearers is silent# So 2e o"ened not 2is mouth'

So shall 2e s"rin1le many nations' Kings shall shut their mouths at 2im9 For what had not been told them they shall see# And what they had not heard they shall consider'

2e was ta1en from "rison and from $udgment# And who will declare 2is generationE For 2e was cut off from the land of the living9 For the transgressions of 4y "eo"le 2e was stric1en'

53Bho has believed our re"ortE And

to whom has the arm of the )3+* been revealedE

And they made 2is grave with the wic1edFF But with the rich at 2is death# Because 2e had done no violence# Nor was any deceit in 2is mouth'

For 2e shall grow u" before 2im as a tender "lant# And as a root out of dry ground' 2e has no form or comeliness9 And when we see 2im# There is no beauty that we should desire 2im'

2e is des"ised and re$ected by men# A 4an of sorrows and acGuainted with grief' And we hid# as it were# our faces from 2im9 2e was des"ised# and we did not esteem 2im'

Cet it "leased the )3+* to bruise 2im9 2e has "ut 2im to grief' Bhen Cou ma1e 2is soul an offering for sin# 2e shall see 2is seed# 2e shall "rolong 2is days# And the "leasure of the )3+* shall "ros"er in 2is hand'

2e shall see the labor of 2is soul# and be satisfied' By 2is 1nowledge 4y righteous Servant shall $ustify many# For 2e shall bear their iniGuities'

Surely 2e has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows9 Cet we esteemed 2im stric1en# Smitten by (od# and afflicted'

But 2e was wounded for our transgressions# 2e was bruised for our iniGuities9 The chastisement for our "eace was u"on 2im# And by 2is stri"es we are healed'

Therefore 0 will divide 2im a "ortion with the great# And 2e shall divide the s"oil with the strong# Because 2e "oured out 2is soul unto death# And 2e was numbered with the transgressors# And 2e bore the sin of many# And made intercession for the transgressors'

54:Sing# 3 barren# Cou who have

not borneH Brea1 forth into singing# and cry aloud# Cou who have not labored with childH For more are the children of the desolate Than the children of the married woman#: says the )3+*'

All we li1e shee" have gone astray9 Be have turned# every one# to his own way9 And the )3+* has laid on 2im the iniGuity of us all'

: nlarge the "lace of your tent# And let them stretch out the curtains of your

dwellings9 *o not s"are9 )engthen your cords# And strengthen your sta1es'

will lay your stones with colorful gems# And lay your foundations with sa""hires'

For you shall e!"and to the right and to the left# And your descendants will inherit the nations# And ma1e the desolate cities inhabited'

0 will ma1e your "innacles of rubies# Cour gates of crystal# And all your walls of "recious stones'

:*o not fear# for you will not be ashamed9 Neither be disgraced# for you will not be "ut to shame9 For you will forget the shame of your youth# And will not remember the re"roach of your widowhood anymore'

All your children shall be taught by the )3+*# And great shall be the "eace of your children'

For your 4a1er is your husband# The )3+* of hosts is 2is name9 And your +edeemer is the 2oly 3ne of 0srael9 2e is called the (od of the whole earth'

0n righteousness you shall be established9 Cou shall be far from o""ression# for you shall not fear9 And from terror# for it shall not come near you'

0ndeed they shall surely assemble# but not because of 4e' Bhoever assembles against you shall fall for your sa1e'

For the )3+* has called you )i1e a woman forsa1en and grieved in s"irit# )i1e a youthful wife when you were refused#: Says your (od'

:For a mere moment 0 have forsa1en you# But with great mercies 0 will gather you'

:Behold# 0 have created the blac1smith Bho blows the coals in the fire# Bho brings forth an instrument for his wor19 And 0 have created the s"oiler to destroy'

Bith a little wrath 0 hid 4y face from you for a moment9 But with everlasting 1indness 0 will have mercy on you#: Says the )3+*# your +edeemer'

No wea"on formed against you shall "ros"er# And every tongue which rises against you in $udgment Cou shall condemn' This is the heritage of the servants of the )3+*# And their righteousness is from 4e#: Says the )3+*'

:For this is li1e the waters of Noah to 4e9 For as 0 have sworn That the waters of Noah would no longer cover the earth# So have 0 sworn That 0 would not be angry with you# nor rebu1e you'


For the mountains shall de"art And the hills be removed# But 4y 1indness shall not de"art from you# Nor shall 4y covenant of "eace be removed#: Says the )3+*# who has mercy on you'

veryone who thirsts# -ome to the waters9 And you who have no money# -ome# buy and eat' Ces# come# buy wine and mil1 Bithout money and without "rice'

:3 you afflicted one# Tossed with tem"est# and not comforted# Behold# 0

Bhy do you s"end money for what is not bread# And your wages for what does not satisfyE )isten carefully to 4e# and eat what is good# And let your soul delight itself in abundance'

0ncline your ear# and come to 4e' 2ear# and your soul shall live9 And 0 will ma1e an everlasting covenant with youFF The sure mercies of *avid'

the hills Shall brea1 forth into singing before you# And all the trees of the field shall cla" their hands'

0ndeed 0 have given him as a witness to the "eo"le# A leader and commander for the "eo"le'

0nstead of the thorn shall come u" the cy"ress tree# And instead of the brier shall come u" the myrtle tree9 And it shall be to the )3+* for a name# For an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off':

Surely you shall call a nation you do not 1now# And nations who do not 1now you shall run to you# Because of the )3+* your (od# And the 2oly 3ne of 0srael9 For 2e has glorified you':


See1 the )3+* while 2e may be found# -all u"on 2im while 2e is near'

says the )3+*7 :Kee" $ustice# and do righteousness# For 4y salvation is about to come# And 4y righteousness to be revealed' Blessed is the man who does this# And the son of man who lays hold on it9 Bho 1ee"s from defiling the Sabbath# And 1ee"s his hand from doing any evil':

)et the wic1ed forsa1e his way# And the unrighteous man his thoughts9 )et him return to the )3+*# And 2e will have mercy on him9 And to our (od# For 2e will abundantly "ardon'

:For 4y thoughts are not your thoughts# Nor are your ways 4y ways#: says the )3+*'

*o not let the son of the foreigner Bho has $oined himself to the )3+* S"ea1# saying# :The )3+* has utterly se"arated me from 2is "eo"le:9 Nor let the eunuch say# :2ere 0 am# a dry tree':

:For as the heavens are higher than the earth# So are 4y ways higher than your ways# And 4y thoughts than your thoughts'

For thus says the )3+*7 :To the eunuchs who 1ee" 4y Sabbaths# And choose what "leases 4e# And hold fast 4y covenant#

:For as the rain comes down# and the snow from heaven# And do not return there# But water the earth# And ma1e it bring forth and bud# That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater#

ven to them 0 will give in 4y house And within 4y walls a "lace and a name Better than that of sons and daughters9 0 will give them an everlasting name That shall not be cut off'

So shall 4y word be that goes forth from 4y mouth9 0t shall not return to 4e void# But it shall accom"lish what 0 "lease# And it shall "ros"er in the thing for which 0 sent it'

:Also the sons of the foreigner Bho $oin themselves to the )3+*# to serve 2im# And to love the name of the )3+*# to be 2is servantsFF veryone who 1ee"s from defiling the Sabbath# And holds fast 4y covenantFF

:For you shall go out with $oy# And be led out with "eace9 The mountains and

ven them 0 will bring to 4y holy mountain# And ma1e them $oyful in 4y

house of "rayer' Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices Bill be acce"ted on 4y altar9 For 4y house shall be called a house of "rayer for all nations':

the tongueE Are you not children of transgression# 3ffs"ring of falsehood#


The )ord (3*# who gathers the outcasts of 0srael# says# :Cet 0 will gather to him 3thers besides those who are gathered to him':

0nflaming yourselves with gods under every green tree# Slaying the children in the valleys# Ander the clefts of the roc1sE

All you beasts of the field# come to devour# All you beasts in the forest'

2is watchmen are blind# They are all ignorant9 They are all dumb dogs# They cannot bar19 Slee"ing# lying down# loving to slumber'

Among the smooth stones of the stream 0s your "ortion9 They# they# are your lotH ven to them you have "oured a drin1 offering# Cou have offered a grain offering' Should 0 receive comfort in theseE

:3n a lofty and high mountain Cou have set your bed9 ven there you went u" To offer sacrifice'

Ces# they are greedy dogs Bhich never have enough' And they are she"herds Bho cannot understand9 They all loo1 to their own way# very one for his own gain# From his own territory'

:-ome#: one says# :0 will bring wine# And we will fill ourselves with into!icating drin19 Tomorrow will be as today# And much more abundant':

Also behind the doors and their "osts Cou have set u" your remembrance9 For you have uncovered yourself to those other than 4e# And have gone u" to them9 Cou have enlarged your bed And made a covenant with them9 Cou have loved their bed# Bhere you saw their nudity'

57The righteous "erishes# And no

man ta1es it to heart9 4erciful men are ta1en away# Bhile no one considers That the righteous is ta1en away from evil'

Cou went to the 1ing with ointment# And increased your "erfumes9 Cou sent your messengers far off# And even descended to Sheol'

Cou are wearied in the length of your way9 Cet you did not say# :There is no ho"e'D Cou have found the life of your hand9 Therefore you were not grieved'

2e shall enter into "eace9 They shall rest in their beds# ach one wal1ing in his u"rightness'

:But come here# Cou sons of the sorceress# Cou offs"ring of the adulterer and the harlotH

:And of whom have you been afraid# or feared# That you have lied And not remembered 4e# Nor ta1en it to your heartE 0s it not because 0 have held 4y "eace from of old That you do not fear 4eE

Bhom do you ridiculeE Against whom do you ma1e a wide mouth And stic1 out

0 will declare your righteousness And your wor1s# For they will not "rofit you'


Bhen you cry out# )et your collection of idols deliver you' But the wind will carry them all away# A breath will ta1e them' But he who "uts his trust in 4e shall "ossess the land# And shall inherit 4y holy mountain':

58:-ry aloud# s"are not9 )ift u" your

voice li1e a trum"et9 Tell 4y "eo"le their transgression# And the house of Jacob their sins'

And one shall say# :2ea" it u"H 2ea" it u"H /re"are the way# Ta1e the stumbling bloc1 out of the way of 4y "eo"le':

For thus says the 2igh and )ofty 3ne Bho inhabits eternity# whose name is 2oly7 :0 dwell in the high and holy "lace# Bith him who has a contrite and humble s"irit# To revive the s"irit of the humble# And to revive the heart of the contrite ones'

Cet they see1 4e daily# And delight to 1now 4y ways# As a nation that did righteousness# And did not forsa1e the ordinance of their (od' They as1 of 4e the ordinances of $ustice9 They ta1e delight in a""roaching (od'

For 0 will not contend forever# Nor will 0 always be angry9 For the s"irit would fail before 4e# And the souls which 0 have made'

:Bhy have we fasted#D they say# :and Cou have not seenE Bhy have we afflicted our souls# and Cou ta1e no noticeED :0n fact# in the day of your fast you find "leasure# And e!"loit all your laborers'

For the iniGuity of his covetousness 0 was angry and struc1 him9 0 hid and was angry# And he went on bac1sliding in the way of his heart'

0ndeed you fast for strife and debate# And to stri1e with the fist of wic1edness' Cou will not fast as you do this day# To ma1e your voice heard on high'

0 have seen his ways# and will heal him9 0 will also lead him# And restore comforts to him And to his mourners'

0s it a fast that 0 have chosen# A day for a man to afflict his soulE 0s it to bow down his head li1e a bulrush# And to s"read out sac1cloth and ashesE Bould you call this a fast# And an acce"table day to the )3+*E

:0 create the fruit of the li"s7 /eace# "eace to him who is far off and to him who is near#: Says the )3+*# :And 0 will heal him':

:0s this not the fast that 0 have chosen7 To loose the bonds of wic1edness# To undo the heavy burdens# To let the o""ressed go free# And that you brea1 every yo1eE

But the wic1ed are li1e the troubled sea# Bhen it cannot rest# Bhose waters cast u" mire and dirt'

:There is no "eace#: Says my (od# :for the wic1ed':

0s it not to share your bread with the hungry# And that you bring to your house the "oor who are cast out9 Bhen you see the na1ed# that you cover him# And not hide yourself from your own fleshE

Then your light shall brea1 forth li1e the morning# Cour healing shall s"ring forth s"eedily# And your righteousness shall

go before you9 The glory of the )3+* shall be your rear guard'

Then you shall call# and the )3+* will answer9 Cou shall cry# and 2e will say# :2ere 0 am'D :0f you ta1e away the yo1e from your midst# The "ointing of the finger# and s"ea1ing wic1edness#

But your iniGuities have se"arated you from your (od9 And your sins have hidden 2is face from you# So that 2e will not hear'

For your hands are defiled with blood# And your fingers with iniGuity9 Cour li"s have s"o1en lies# Cour tongue has muttered "erversity'

0f you e!tend your soul to the hungry And satisfy the afflicted soul# Then your light shall dawn in the dar1ness# And your dar1ness shall be as the noonday'

No one calls for $ustice# Nor does any "lead for truth' They trust in em"ty words and s"ea1 lies9 They conceive evil and bring forth iniGuity'

The )3+* will guide you continually# And satisfy your soul in drought# And strengthen your bones9 Cou shall be li1e a watered garden# And li1e a s"ring of water# whose waters do not fail'

They hatch vi"ersD eggs and weave the s"iderDs web9 2e who eats of their eggs dies# And from that which is crushed a vi"er brea1s out'

Those from among you Shall build the old waste "laces9 Cou shall raise u" the foundations of many generations9 And you shall be called the +e"airer of the Breach# The +estorer of Streets to *well 0n'

Their webs will not become garments# Nor will they cover themselves with their wor1s9 Their wor1s are wor1s of iniGuity# And the act of violence is in their hands'

:0f you turn away your foot from the Sabbath# From doing your "leasure on 4y holy day# And call the Sabbath a delight# The holy day of the )3+* honorable# And shall honor 2im# not doing your own ways# Nor finding your own "leasure# Nor s"ea1ing your own words#

Their feet run to evil# And they ma1e haste to shed innocent blood9 Their thoughts are thoughts of iniGuity9 Basting and destruction are in their "aths'

The way of "eace they have not 1nown# And there is no $ustice in their ways9 They have made themselves croo1ed "aths9 Bhoever ta1es that way shall not 1now "eace'

Then you shall delight yourself in the )3+*9 And 0 will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth# And feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father' The mouth of the )3+* has s"o1en':

Therefore $ustice is far from us# Nor does righteousness overta1e us9 Be loo1 for light# but there is dar1nessH For brightness# but we wal1 in blac1nessH

59Behold# the )3+*Ds hand is not

shortened# That it cannot save9 Nor 2is ear heavy# That it cannot hear'

Be gro"e for the wall li1e the blind# And we gro"e as if we had no eyes9 Be stumble at noonday as at twilight9 Be are as dead men in desolate "laces'


Be all growl li1e bears# And moan sadly li1e doves9 Be loo1 for $ustice# but there is none9 For salvation# but it is far from us'


:The +edeemer will come to 5ion# And to those who turn from transgression in Jacob#: Says the )3+*'

For our transgressions are multi"lied before Cou# And our sins testify against us9 For our transgressions are with us# And as for our iniGuities# we 1now them7

0n transgressing and lying against the )3+*# And de"arting from our (od# S"ea1ing o""ression and revolt# -onceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood'

:As for 4e#: says the )3+*# :this is 4y covenant with them7 4y S"irit who is u"on you# and 4y words which 0 have "ut in your mouth# shall not de"art from your mouth# nor from the mouth of your descendants# nor from the mouth of your descendantsD descendants#: says the )3+*# :from this time and forevermore':

Justice is turned bac1# And righteousness stands afar off9 For truth is fallen in the street# And eGuity cannot enter'

60Arise# shine9 For your light has

comeH And the glory of the )3+* is risen u"on you'

So truth fails# And he who de"arts from evil ma1es himself a "rey' Then the )3+* saw it# and it dis"leased 2im That there was no $ustice'

For behold# the dar1ness shall cover the earth# And dee" dar1ness the "eo"le9 But the )3+* will arise over you# And 2is glory will be seen u"on you'

2e saw that there was no man# And wondered that there was no intercessor9 Therefore 2is own arm brought salvation for 2im9 And 2is own righteousness# it sustained 2im'

The (entiles shall come to your light# And 1ings to the brightness of your rising'

For 2e "ut on righteousness as a breast"late# And a helmet of salvation on 2is head9 2e "ut on the garments of vengeance for clothing# And was clad with .eal as a cloa1'

:)ift u" your eyes all around# and see7 They all gather together# they come to you9 Cour sons shall come from afar# And your daughters shall be nursed at your side'

According to their deeds# accordingly 2e will re"ay# Fury to 2is adversaries# +ecom"ense to 2is enemies9 The coastlands 2e will fully re"ay'

Then you shall see and become radiant# And your heart shall swell with $oy9 Because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you# The wealth of the (entiles shall come to you'

So shall they fear The name of the )3+* from the west# And 2is glory from the rising of the sun9 Bhen the enemy comes in li1e a flood# The S"irit of the )3+* will lift u" a standard against him'

The multitude of camels shall cover your land# The dromedaries of 4idian and "hah9 All those from Sheba shall come9 They shall bring gold and incense# And they shall "roclaim the "raises of the )3+*'

All the floc1s of Kedar shall be gathered together to you# The rams of Nebaioth shall minister to you9 They shall ascend with acce"tance on 4y altar# And 0 will glorify the house of 4y glory'


:Bhereas you have been forsa1en and hated# So that no one went through you# 0 will ma1e you an eternal e!cellence# A $oy of many generations'

:Bho are these who fly li1e a cloud# And li1e doves to their roostsE

Surely the coastlands shall wait for 4e9 And the shi"s of Tarshish will come first# To bring your sons from afar# Their silver and their gold with them# To the name of the )3+* your (od# And to the 2oly 3ne of 0srael# Because 2e has glorified you'

Cou shall drin1 the mil1 of the (entiles# And mil1 the breast of 1ings9 Cou shall 1now that 0# the )3+*# am your Savior And your +edeemer# the 4ighty 3ne of Jacob'

:0nstead of bron.e 0 will bring gold# 0nstead of iron 0 will bring silver# 0nstead of wood# bron.e# And instead of stones# iron' 0 will also ma1e your officers "eace# And your magistrates righteousness'

:The sons of foreigners shall build u" your walls# And their 1ings shall minister to you9 For in 4y wrath 0 struc1 you# But in 4y favor 0 have had mercy on you'

Therefore your gates shall be o"en continually9 They shall not be shut day or night# That men may bring to you the wealth of the (entiles# And their 1ings in "rocession'

Violence shall no longer be heard in your land# Neither wasting nor destruction within your borders9 But you shall call your walls Salvation# And your gates /raise'

For the nation and 1ingdom which will not serve you shall "erish# And those nations shall be utterly ruined'

:The sun shall no longer be your light by day# Nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you9 But the )3+* will be to you an everlasting light# And your (od your glory'

:The glory of )ebanon shall come to you# The cy"ress# the "ine# and the bo! tree together# To beautify the "lace of 4y sanctuary9 And 0 will ma1e the "lace of 4y feet glorious'

Cour sun shall no longer go down# Nor shall your moon withdraw itself9 For the )3+* will be your everlasting light# And the days of your mourning shall be ended'

Also the sons of those who afflicted you Shall come bowing to you# And all those who des"ised you shall fall "rostrate at the soles of your feet9 And they shall call you The -ity of the )3+*# 5ion of the 2oly 3ne of 0srael'

Also your "eo"le shall all be righteous9 They shall inherit the land forever# The branch of 4y "lanting# The wor1 of 4y hands# That 0 may be glorified'

A little one shall become a thousand# And a small one a strong nation' 0# the )3+*# will hasten it in its time':

61:The S"irit of the )ord (3* is

u"on 4e# Because the )3+* has anointed 4e To "reach good tidings to the "oor9 2e has sent 4e to heal the bro1enhearted# To "roclaim liberty to the ca"tives# And the o"ening of the "rison to those who are bound9


:For 0# the )3+*# love $ustice9 0 hate robbery for burnt offering9 0 will direct their wor1 in truth# And will ma1e with them an everlasting covenant'

To "roclaim the acce"table year of the )3+*# And the day of vengeance of our (od9 To comfort all who mourn#

Their descendants shall be 1nown among the (entiles# And their offs"ring among the "eo"le' All who see them shall ac1nowledge them# That they are the "osterity whom the )3+* has blessed':

To console those who mourn in 5ion# To give them beauty for ashes# The oil of $oy for mourning# The garment of "raise for the s"irit of heaviness9 That they may be called trees of righteousness# The "lanting of the )3+*# that 2e may be glorified':

0 will greatly re$oice in the )3+*# 4y soul shall be $oyful in my (od9 For 2e has clothed me with the garments of salvation# 2e has covered me with the robe of righteousness# As a bridegroom dec1s himself with ornaments# And as a bride adorns herself with her $ewels'

And they shall rebuild the old ruins# They shall raise u" the former desolations# And they shall re"air the ruined cities# The desolations of many generations'

For as the earth brings forth its bud# As the garden causes the things that are sown in it to s"ring forth# So the )ord (3* will cause righteousness and "raise to s"ring forth before all the nations'

Strangers shall stand and feed your floc1s# And the sons of the foreigner Shall be your "lowmen and your vinedressers'

62For 5ionDs sa1e 0 will not hold 4y

"eace# And for JerusalemDs sa1e 0 will not rest# Antil her righteousness goes forth as brightness# And her salvation as a lam" that burns'

But you shall be named the "riests of the )3+*# They shall call you the servants of our (od' Cou shall eat the riches of the (entiles# And in their glory you shall boast'

0nstead of your shame you shall have double honor# And instead of confusion they shall re$oice in their "ortion' Therefore in their land they shall "ossess double9 verlasting $oy shall be theirs'

The (entiles shall see your righteousness# And all 1ings your glory' Cou shall be called by a new name# Bhich the mouth of the )3+* will name'

Cou shall also be a crown of glory 0n the hand of the )3+*# And a royal diadem 0n the hand of your (od'

Cou shall no longer be termed Forsa1en# Nor shall your land any more be termed *esolate9 But you shall be called 2e"h.ibah# and your land Beulah9

For the )3+* delights in you# And your land shall be married'


For as a young man marries a virgin# So shall your sons marry you9 And as the bridegroom re$oices over the bride# So shall your (od re$oice over you'

is this who comes from dom# Bith dyed garments from Bo.rah# This 3ne who is glorious in 2is a""arel# Traveling in the greatness of 2is strengthEFF :0 who s"ea1 in righteousness# mighty to save':

0 have set watchmen on your walls# 3 Jerusalem9 They shall never hold their "eace day or night' Cou who ma1e mention of the )3+*# do not 1ee" silent#

Bhy is Cour a""arel red# And Cour garments li1e one who treads in the wine"ressE

And give 2im no rest till 2e establishes And till 2e ma1es Jerusalem a "raise in the earth'

The )3+* has sworn by 2is right hand And by the arm of 2is strength7 :Surely 0 will no longer give your grain As food for your enemies9 And the sons of the foreigner shall not drin1 your new wine# For which you have labored'

:0 have trodden the wine"ress alone# And from the "eo"les no one was with 4e' For 0 have trodden them in 4y anger# And tram"led them in 4y fury9 Their blood is s"rin1led u"on 4y garments# And 0 have stained all 4y robes'

For the day of vengeance is in 4y heart# And the year of 4y redeemed has come'

But those who have gathered it shall eat it# And "raise the )3+*9 Those who have brought it together shall drin1 it in 4y holy courts':

0 loo1ed# but there was no one to hel"# And 0 wondered That there was no one to u"hold9 Therefore 4y own arm brought salvation for 4e9 And 4y own fury# it sustained 4e'

(o through# (o through the gatesH /re"are the way for the "eo"le9 Build u"# Build u" the highwayH Ta1e out the stones# )ift u" a banner for the "eo"lesH

0 have trodden down the "eo"les in 4y anger# 4ade them drun1 in 4y fury# And brought down their strength to the earth':

0ndeed the )3+* has "roclaimed To the end of the world7 :Say to the daughter of 5ion# :Surely your salvation is coming9 Behold# 2is reward is with 2im# And 2is wor1 before 2im':D

And they shall call them The 2oly /eo"le# The +edeemed of the )3+*9 And you shall be called Sought 3ut# A -ity Not Forsa1en'

0 will mention the loving1indnesses of the )3+* And the "raises of the )3+*# According to all that the )3+* has bestowed on us# And the great goodness toward the house of 0srael# Bhich 2e has bestowed on them according to 2is mercies# According to the multitude of 2is loving1indnesses'

For 2e said# :Surely they are 4y "eo"le# -hildren who will not lie': So 2e became their Savior'

0n all their affliction 2e was afflicted# And the Angel of 2is /resence saved them9 0n 2is love and in 2is "ity 2e redeemed them9 And 2e bore them and carried them All the days of old'

servantsD sa1e# The tribes of Cour inheritance'


Cour holy "eo"le have "ossessed it but a little while9 3ur adversaries have trodden down Cour sanctuary'

But they rebelled and grieved 2is 2oly S"irit9 So 2e turned 2imself against them as an enemy# And 2e fought against them'

Be have become li1e those of old# over whom Cou never ruled# Those who were never called by Cour name'

Then he remembered the days of old# 4oses and his "eo"le# saying7 :Bhere is 2e who brought them u" out of the sea Bith the she"herd of 2is floc1E Bhere is 2e who "ut 2is 2oly S"irit within them#


that Cou would rend the heavensH That Cou would come downH That the mountains might sha1e at Cour "resenceFF As fire burns brushwood# As fire causes water to boilFF To ma1e Cour name 1nown to Cour adversaries# That the nations may tremble at Cour "resenceH

Bho led them by the right hand of 4oses# Bith 2is glorious arm# *ividing the water before them To ma1e for 2imself an everlasting name#

Bho led them through the dee"# As a horse in the wilderness# That they might not stumbleE:

Bhen Cou did awesome things for which we did not loo1# Cou came down# The mountains shoo1 at Cour "resence'

As a beast goes down into the valley# And the S"irit of the )3+* causes him to rest# So Cou lead Cour "eo"le# To ma1e Courself a glorious name'

For since the beginning of the world 4en have not heard nor "erceived by the ear# Nor has the eye seen any (od besides Cou# Bho acts for the one who waits for 2im'

)oo1 down from heaven# And see from Cour habitation# holy and glorious' Bhere are Cour .eal and Cour strength# The yearning of Cour heart and Cour mercies toward meE Are they restrainedE

Cou meet him who re$oices and does righteousness# Bho remembers Cou in Cour ways' Cou are indeed angry# for we have sinnedFF 0n these ways we continue9 And we need to be saved'

*oubtless Cou are our Father# Though Abraham was ignorant of us# And 0srael does not ac1nowledge us' Cou# 3 )3+*# are our Father9 3ur +edeemer from verlasting is Cour name'

But we are all li1e an unclean thing# And all our righteousnesses are li1e filthy rags9 Be all fade as a leaf# And our iniGuities# li1e the wind# 2ave ta1en us away'

3 )3+*# why have Cou made us stray from Cour ways# And hardened our heart from Cour fearE +eturn for Cour

And there is no one who calls on Cour name# Bho stirs himself u" to ta1e hold of Cou9 For Cou have hidden Cour face

from us# And have consumed because of our iniGuities'




But now# 3 )3+*# Cou are our Father9 Be are the clay# and Cou our "otter9 And all we are the wor1 of Cour hand'

Bho say# :Kee" to yourself# *o not come near me# For 0 am holier than youHD These are smo1e in 4y nostrils# A fire that burns all the day'

*o not be furious# 3 )3+*# Nor remember iniGuity forever9 0ndeed# "lease loo1FFwe all are Cour "eo"leH

:Behold# it is written before 4e7 0 will not 1ee" silence# but will re"ayFF ven re"ay into their bosomFF

Cour holy cities are a wilderness# 5ion is a wilderness# Jerusalem a desolation'


3ur holy and beautiful tem"le# Bhere our fathers "raised Cou# 0s burned u" with fire9 And all our "leasant things are laid waste'

Cour iniGuities and the iniGuities of your fathers together#: Says the )3+*# :Bho have burned incense on the mountains And blas"hemed 4e on the hills9 Therefore 0 will measure their former wor1 into their bosom':

Bill Cou restrain Courself because of these things# 3 )3+*E Bill Cou hold Cour "eace# and afflict us very severelyE

Thus says the )3+*7 :As the new wine is found in the cluster# And one says# :*o not destroy it# For a blessing is in it#D So will 0 do for 4y servantsD sa1e# That 0 may not destroy them all'

65:0 was sought by those who did

not as1 for 4e9 0 was found by those who did not see1 4e' 0 said# :2ere 0 am# here 0 am#D To a nation that was not called by 4y name'

0 will bring forth descendants from Jacob# And from Judah an heir of 4y mountains9 4y elect shall inherit it# And 4y servants shall dwell there'

Sharon shall be a fold of floc1s# And the Valley of Achor a "lace for herds to lie down# For 4y "eo"le who have sought 4e'

0 have stretched out 4y hands all day long to a rebellious "eo"le# Bho wal1 in a way that is not good# According to their own thoughts9

:But you are those who forsa1e the )3+*# Bho forget 4y holy mountain# Bho "re"are a table for (ad# And who furnish a drin1 offering for 4eni'

A "eo"le who "rovo1e 4e to anger continually to 4y face9 Bho sacrifice in gardens# And burn incense on altars of bric19

Bho sit among the graves# And s"end the night in the tombs9 Bho eat swineDs flesh# And the broth of abominable things is in their vessels9

Therefore 0 will number you for the sword# And you shall all bow down to the slaughter9 Because# when 0 called# you did not answer9 Bhen 0 s"o1e# you did not hear# But did evil before 4y eyes# And chose that in which 0 do not delight':

Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 4y servants shall eat# But you shall be hungry9 Behold# 4y servants

shall drin1# But you shall be thirsty9 Behold# 4y servants shall re$oice# But you shall be ashamed9

be the days of 4y "eo"le# And 4y elect shall long en$oy the wor1 of their hands'

Behold# 4y servants shall sing for $oy of heart# But you shall cry for sorrow of heart# And wail for grief of s"irit'

They shall not labor in vain# Nor bring forth children for trouble9 For they shall be the descendants of the blessed of the )3+*# And their offs"ring with them'

Cou shall leave your name as a curse to 4y chosen9 For the )ord (3* will slay you# And call 2is servants by another name9

:0t shall come to "ass That before they call# 0 will answer9 And while they are still s"ea1ing# 0 will hear'

So that he who blesses himself in the earth Shall bless himself in the (od of truth9 And he who swears in the earth Shall swear by the (od of truth9 Because the former troubles are forgotten# And because they are hidden from 4y eyes'

The wolf and the lamb shall feed together# The lion shall eat straw li1e the o!# And dust shall be the ser"entDs food' They shall not hurt nor destroy in all 4y holy mountain#: Says the )3+*'

66Thus says the )3+*7 :2eaven is

4y throne# And earth is 4y footstool' Bhere is the house that you will build 4eE And where is the "lace of 4y restE

:For behold# 0 create new heavens and a new earth9 And the former shall not be remembered or come to mind'

But be glad and re$oice forever in what 0 create9 For behold# 0 create Jerusalem as a re$oicing# And her "eo"le a $oy'

0 will re$oice in Jerusalem# And $oy in 4y "eo"le9 The voice of wee"ing shall no longer be heard in her# Nor the voice of crying'

For all those things 4y hand has made# And all those things e!ist#: Says the )3+*' :But on this one will 0 loo17 3n him who is "oor and of a contrite s"irit# And who trembles at 4y word'

:No more shall an infant from there live but a few days# Nor an old man who has not fulfilled his days9 For the child shall die one hundred years old# But the sinner being one hundred years old shall be accursed'

:2e who 1ills a bull is as if he slays a man9 2e who sacrifices a lamb# as if he brea1s a dogDs nec19 2e who offers a grain offering# as if he offers swineDs blood9 2e who burns incense# as if he blesses an idol' Just as they have chosen their own ways# And their soul delights in their abominations#

They shall build houses and inhabit them9 They shall "lant vineyards and eat their fruit'

So will 0 choose their delusions# And bring their fears on them9 Because# when 0 called# no one answered# Bhen 0 s"o1e they did not hear9 But they did evil before 4y eyes# And chose that in which 0 do not delight':

They shall not build and another inhabit9 They shall not "lant and another eat9 For as the days of a tree# so shall


2ear the word of the )3+*# Cou who tremble at 2is word7 :Cour brethren who hated you# Bho cast you out for 4y nameDs sa1e# said# :)et the )3+* be glorified# That we may see your $oy'D But they shall be ashamed':


Bhen you see this# your heart shall re$oice# And your bones shall flourish li1e grass9 The hand of the )3+* shall be 1nown to 2is servants# And 2is indignation to 2is enemies'

The sound of noise from the cityH A voice from the tem"leH The voice of the )3+*# Bho fully re"ays 2is enemiesH

For behold# the )3+* will come with fire And with 2is chariots# li1e a whirlwind# To render 2is anger with fury# And 2is rebu1e with flames of fire'

:Before she was in labor# she gave birth9 Before her "ain came# She delivered a male child'

For by fire and by 2is sword The )3+* will $udge all flesh9 And the slain of the )3+* shall be many'

Bho has heard such a thingE Bho has seen such thingsE Shall the earth be made to give birth in one dayE 3r shall a nation be born at onceE For as soon as 5ion was in labor# She gave birth to her children'

:Those who sanctify themselves and "urify themselves# To go to the gardens After an idol in the midst# ating swineDs flesh and the abomination and the mouse# Shall be consumed together#: says the )3+*'

Shall 0 bring to the time of birth# and not cause deliveryE: says the )3+*' :Shall 0 who cause delivery shut u" the wombE: says your (od'

:For 0 1now their wor1s and their thoughts' 0t shall be that 0 will gather all nations and tongues9 and they shall come and see 4y glory'

:+e$oice with Jerusalem# And be glad with her# all you who love her9 +e$oice for $oy with her# all you who mourn for her9

That you may feed and be satisfied Bith the consolation of her bosom# That you may drin1 dee"ly and be delighted Bith the abundance of her glory':

0 will set a sign among them9 and those among them who esca"e 0 will send to the nations7 to Tarshish and /ul and )ud# who draw the bow# and Tubal and Javan# to the coastlands afar off who have not heard 4y fame nor seen 4y glory' And they shall declare 4y glory among the (entiles'

For thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 will e!tend "eace to her li1e a river# And the glory of the (entiles li1e a flowing stream' Then you shall feed9 3n her sides shall you be carried# And be dandled on her 1nees'

Then they shall bring all your brethren for an offering to the )3+* out of all nations# on horses and in chariots and in litters# on mules and on camels# to 4y holy mountain Jerusalem#: says the )3+*# :as the children of 0srael bring an offering in a clean vessel into the house of the )3+*'

As one whom his mother comforts# So 0 will comfort you9 And you shall be comforted in Jerusalem':

And 0 will also ta1e some of them for "riests and )evites#: says the )3+*'


:For as the new heavens and the new earth Bhich 0 will ma1e shall remain before 4e#: says the )3+*# :So shall your descendants and your name remain'

come to worshi" before 4e#: says the )3+*'


And it shall come to "ass That from one New 4oon to another# And from one Sabbath to another# All flesh shall

:And they shall go forth and loo1 A"on the cor"ses of the men Bho have transgressed against 4e' For their worm does not die# And their fire is not Guenched' They shall be an abhorrence to all flesh':

Jeremiah 1The words of Jeremiah the son of

2il1iah# of the "riests who were in Anathoth in the land of Ben$amin#

out and to "ull down# To destroy and to throw down# To build and to "lant':

to whom the word of the )3+* came in the days of Josiah the son of Amon# 1ing of Judah# in the thirteenth year of his reign'

4oreover the word of the )3+* came to me# saying# :Jeremiah# what do you seeE: And 0 said# :0 see a branch of an almond tree':

0t came also in the days of Jehoia1im the son of Josiah# 1ing of Judah# until the end of the eleventh year of 5ede1iah the son of Josiah# 1ing of Judah# until the carrying away of Jerusalem ca"tive in the fifth month'

Then the )3+* said to me# :Cou have seen well# for 0 am ready to "erform 4y word':

And the word of the )3+* came to me the second time# saying# :Bhat do you seeE: And 0 said# :0 see a boiling "ot# and it is facing away from the north':

Then the word of the )3+* came to me# saying7


Then the )3+* said to me7 :3ut of the north calamity shall brea1 forth 3n all the inhabitants of the land'

:Before 0 formed you in the womb 0 1new you9 Before you were born 0 sanctified you9 0 ordained you a "ro"het to the nations':

Then said 07 :Ah# )ord (3*H Behold# 0 cannot s"ea1# for 0 am a youth':

For behold# 0 am calling All the families of the 1ingdoms of the north#: says the )3+*9 :They shall come and each one set his throne At the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem# Against all its walls all around# And against all the cities of Judah'

But the )3+* said to me7 :*o not say# :0 am a youth#D For you shall go to all to whom 0 send you# And whatever 0 command you# you shall s"ea1'

*o not be afraid of their faces# For 0 am with you to deliver you#: says the )3+*'

0 will utter 4y $udgments Against them concerning all their wic1edness# Because they have forsa1en 4e# Burned incense to other gods# And worshi"ed the wor1s of their own hands'

Then the )3+* "ut forth 2is hand and touched my mouth# and the )3+* said to me7 :Behold# 0 have "ut 4y words in your mouth'

:Therefore "re"are yourself and arise# And s"ea1 to them all that 0 command you' *o not be dismayed before their faces# )est 0 dismay you before them'

See# 0 have this day set you over the nations and over the 1ingdoms# To root

For behold# 0 have made you this day A fortified city and an iron "illar# And bron.e walls against the whole landFF Against the 1ings of Judah# Against its

"rinces# Against its "riests# And against the "eo"le of the land'


They will fight against you# But they shall not "revail against you' For 0 am with you#: says the )3+*# :to deliver you':

The "riests did not say# :Bhere is the )3+*ED And those who handle the law did not 1now 4e9 The rulers also transgressed against 4e9 The "ro"hets "ro"hesied by Baal# And wal1ed after things that do not "rofit'


the word of the )3+* came to me# saying# :(o and cry in the hearing of Jerusalem# saying# :Thus says the )3+*7 :0 remember you# The 1indness of your youth# The love of your betrothal# Bhen you went after 4e in the wilderness# 0n a land not sown'

:Therefore 0 will yet bring charges against you#: says the )3+*# :And against your childrenDs children 0 will bring charges'

For "ass beyond the coasts of -y"rus and see# Send to Kedar and consider diligently# And see if there has been such a thing'

0srael was holiness to the )3+*# The firstfruits of 2is increase' All that devour him will offend9 *isaster will come u"on them#: says the )3+*':D

2as a nation changed its gods# Bhich are not godsE But 4y "eo"le have changed their (lory For what does not "rofit'

2ear the word of the )3+*# 3 house of Jacob and all the families of the house of 0srael'

Be astonished# 3 heavens# at this# And be horribly afraid9 Be very desolate#: says the )3+*'

Thus says the )3+*7 :Bhat in$ustice have your fathers found in 4e# That they have gone far from 4e# 2ave followed idols# And have become idolatersE

:For 4y "eo"le have committed two evils7 They have forsa1en 4e# the fountain of living waters# And hewn themselves cisternsFFbro1en cisterns that can hold no water'

Neither did they say# :Bhere is the )3+*# Bho brought us u" out of the land of gy"t# Bho led us through the wilderness# Through a land of deserts and "its# Through a land of drought and the shadow of death# Through a land that no one crossed And where no one dweltED

:0s 0srael a servantE 0s he a homeborn slaveE Bhy is he "lunderedE


The young lions roared at him# and growled9 They made his land waste9 2is cities are burned# without inhabitant'

Also the "eo"le of No"h and Tah"anhes 2ave bro1en the crown of your head'

0 brought you into a bountiful country# To eat its fruit and its goodness' But when you entered# you defiled 4y land And made 4y heritage an abomination'

2ave you not brought this on yourself# 0n that you have forsa1en the )3+* your (od Bhen 2e led you in the wayE


And now why ta1e the road to gy"t# To drin1 the waters of SihorE 3r why ta1e the road to Assyria# To drin1 the waters of the +iverE

ashamed9 They and their 1ings and their "rinces# and their "riests and their "ro"hets#

Cour own wic1edness will correct you# And your bac1slidings will rebu1e you' Know therefore and see that it is an evil and bitter thing That you have forsa1en the )3+* your (od# And the fear of 4e is not in you#: Says the )ord (3* of hosts'

Saying to a tree# :Cou are my father#D And to a stone# :Cou gave birth to me'D For they have turned their bac1 to 4e# and not their face' But in the time of their trouble They will say# :Arise and save us'D

:For of old 0 have bro1en your yo1e and burst your bonds9 And you said# :0 will not transgress#D Bhen on every high hill and under every green tree Cou lay down# "laying the harlot'

But where are your gods that you have made for yourselvesE )et them arise# 0f they can save you in the time of your trouble9 For according to the number of your cities Are your gods# 3 Judah'

Cet 0 had "lanted you a noble vine# a seed of highest Guality' 2ow then have you turned before 4e 0nto the degenerate "lant of an alien vineE

:Bhy will you "lead with 4eE Cou all have transgressed against 4e#: says the )3+*'

For though you wash yourself with lye# and use much soa"# Cet your iniGuity is mar1ed before 4e#: says the )ord (3*'

:0n vain 0 have chastened your children9 They received no correction' Cour sword has devoured your "ro"hets )i1e a destroying lion'

:2ow can you say# :0 am not "olluted# 0 have not gone after the BaalsDE See your way in the valley9 Know what you have done7 Cou are a swift dromedary brea1ing loose in her ways#

:3 generation# see the word of the )3+*H 2ave 0 been a wilderness to 0srael# 3r a land of dar1nessE Bhy do 4y "eo"le say# :Be are lords9 Be will come no more to CouDE

A wild don1ey used to the wilderness# That sniffs at the wind in her desire9 0n her time of mating# who can turn her awayE All those who see1 her will not weary themselves9 0n her month they will find her'

-an a virgin forget her ornaments# 3r a bride her attireE Cet 4y "eo"le have forgotten 4e days without number'

:Bhy do you beautify your way to see1 loveE Therefore you have also taught The wic1ed women your ways'

Bithhold your foot from being unshod# and your throat from thirst' But you said# :There is no ho"e' NoH For 0 have loved aliens# and after them 0 will go'D

Also on your s1irts is found The blood of the lives of the "oor innocents' 0 have not found it by secret search# But "lainly on all these things'

:As the thief is ashamed when he is found out# So is the house of 0srael

Cet you say# :Because 0 am innocent# Surely 2is anger shall turn from me'D Behold# 0 will "lead 4y case against

you# Because you say# :0 have not sinned'D


gone u" on every high mountain and under every green tree# and there "layed the harlot'

Bhy do you gad about so much to change your wayE Also you shall be ashamed of gy"t as you were ashamed of Assyria'

And 0 said# after she had done all these things# :+eturn to 4e'D But she did not return' And her treacherous sister Judah saw it'

0ndeed you will go forth from him Bith your hands on your head9 For the )3+* has re$ected your trusted allies# And you will not "ros"er by them'

3:They say# :0f a man divorces his

wife# And she goes from him And becomes another manDs# 4ay he return to her againED Bould not that land be greatly "ollutedE But you have "layed the harlot with many lovers9 Cet return to 4e#: says the )3+*'

Then 0 saw that for all the causes for which bac1sliding 0srael had committed adultery# 0 had "ut her away and given her a certificate of divorce9 yet her treacherous sister Judah did not fear# but went and "layed the harlot also'

So it came to "ass# through her casual harlotry# that she defiled the land and committed adultery with stones and trees'

:)ift u" your eyes to the desolate heights and see7 Bhere have you not lain with menE By the road you have sat for them )i1e an Arabian in the wilderness9 And you have "olluted the land Bith your harlotries and your wic1edness'

And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah has not turned to 4e with her whole heart# but in "retense#: says the )3+*'

Then the )3+* said to me# :Bac1sliding 0srael has shown herself more righteous than treacherous Judah'

Therefore the showers have been withheld# And there has been no latter rain' Cou have had a harlotDs forehead9 Cou refuse to be ashamed'

Bill you not from this time cry to 4e# :4y Father# Cou are the guide of my youthE

(o and "roclaim these words toward the north# and say7 :+eturn# bac1sliding 0srael#D says the )3+*9 :0 will not cause 4y anger to fall on you' For 0 am merciful#D says the )3+*9 :0 will not remain angry forever'

Bill 2e remain angry foreverE Bill 2e 1ee" it to the endED Behold# you have s"o1en and done evil things# As you were able':

3nly ac1nowledge your iniGuity# That you have transgressed against the )3+* your (od# And have scattered your charms To alien deities under every green tree# And you have not obeyed 4y voice#D says the )3+*'

The )3+* said also to me in the days of Josiah the 1ing7 :2ave you seen what bac1sliding 0srael has doneE She has

:+eturn# 3 bac1sliding children#: says the )3+*9 :for 0 am married to you' 0 will ta1e you# one from a city and two from a family# and 0 will bring you to 5ion'


And 0 will give you she"herds according to 4y heart# who will feed you with 1nowledge and understanding'


Truly# in vain is salvation ho"ed for from the hills# And from the multitude of mountains9 Truly# in the )3+* our (od 0s the salvation of 0srael'

:Then it shall come to "ass# when you are multi"lied and increased in the land in those days#: says the )3+*# :that they will say no more# :The ar1 of the covenant of the )3+*'D 0t shall not come to mind# nor shall they remember it# nor shall they visit it# nor shall it be made anymore'

For shame has devoured The labor of our fathers from our youthFF Their floc1s and their herds# Their sons and their daughters'

:At that time Jerusalem shall be called The Throne of the )3+*# and all the nations shall be gathered to it# to the name of the )3+*# to Jerusalem' No more shall they follow the dictates of their evil hearts'

Be lie down in our shame# And our re"roach covers us' For we have sinned against the )3+* our (od# Be and our fathers# From our youth even to this day# And have not obeyed the voice of the )3+* our (od':

4:0f you will return# 3 0srael#: says the

)3+*# :+eturn to 4e9 And if you will "ut away your abominations out of 4y sight# Then you shall not be moved'

:0n those days the house of Judah shall wal1 with the house of 0srael# and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that 0 have given as an inheritance to your fathers'

:But 0 said7 :2ow can 0 "ut you among the children And give you a "leasant land# A beautiful heritage of the hosts of nationsED :And 0 said7 :Cou shall call 4e# :4y Father#: And not turn away from 4e'D

And you shall swear# :The )3+* lives#D 0n truth# in $udgment# and in righteousness9 The nations shall bless themselves in 2im# And in 2im they shall glory':

Surely# as a wife treacherously de"arts from her husband# So have you dealt treacherously with 4e# 3 house of 0srael#: says the )3+*'

For thus says the )3+* to the men of Judah and Jerusalem7 :Brea1 u" your fallow ground# And do not sow among thorns'

A voice was heard on the desolate heights# Bee"ing and su""lications of the children of 0srael' For they have "erverted their way9 They have forgotten the )3+* their (od'

-ircumcise yourselves to the )3+*# And ta1e away the fores1ins of your hearts# Cou men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem# )est 4y fury come forth li1e fire# And burn so that no one can Guench it# Because of the evil of your doings':

:+eturn# you bac1sliding children# And 0 will heal your bac1slidings': :0ndeed we do come to Cou# For Cou are the )3+* our (od'

*eclare in Judah and "roclaim in Jerusalem# and say7 :Blow the trum"et in the land9 -ry# :(ather together#D And say# :Assemble yourselves# And let us go into the fortified cities'D


Set u" the standard toward 5ion' Ta1e refugeH *o not delayH For 0 will bring disaster from the north# And great destruction':


For a voice declares from *an And "roclaims affliction from 4ount "hraim7

The lion has come u" from his thic1et# And the destroyer of nations is on his way' 2e has gone forth from his "lace To ma1e your land desolate' Cour cities will be laid waste# Bithout inhabitant'

:4a1e mention to the nations# Ces# "roclaim against Jerusalem# That watchers come from a far country And raise their voice against the cities of Judah'

For this# clothe yourself with sac1cloth# )ament and wail' For the fierce anger of the )3+* 2as not turned bac1 from us'

)i1e 1ee"ers of a field they are against her all around# Because she has been rebellious against 4e#: says the )3+*'

:And it shall come to "ass in that day#: says the )3+*# :That the heart of the 1ing shall "erish# And the heart of the "rinces9 The "riests shall be astonished# And the "ro"hets shall wonder':

:Cour ways and your doings 2ave "rocured these things for you' This is your wic1edness# Because it is bitter# Because it reaches to your heart':

Then 0 said# :Ah# )ord (3*H Surely Cou have greatly deceived this "eo"le and Jerusalem# Saying# :Cou shall have "eace#D Bhereas the sword reaches to the heart':

3 my soul# my soulH 0 am "ained in my very heartH 4y heart ma1es a noise in me9 0 cannot hold my "eace# Because you have heard# 3 my soul# The sound of the trum"et# The alarm of war'

At that time it will be said To this "eo"le and to Jerusalem# :A dry wind of the desolate heights blows in the wilderness Toward the daughter of 4y "eo"leFF Not to fan or to cleanseFF

*estruction u"on destruction is cried# For the whole land is "lundered' Suddenly my tents are "lundered# And my curtains in a moment'

2ow long will 0 see the standard# And hear the sound of the trum"etE

A wind too strong for these will come for 4e9 Now 0 will also s"ea1 $udgment against them':

:For 4y "eo"le are foolish# They have not 1nown 4e' They are silly children# And they have no understanding' They are wise to do evil# But to do good they have no 1nowledge':

:Behold# he shall come u" li1e clouds# And his chariots li1e a whirlwind' 2is horses are swifter than eagles' Boe to us# for we are "lunderedH:

0 beheld the earth# and indeed it was without form# and void9 And the heavens# they had no light'

3 Jerusalem# wash your heart from wic1edness# That you may be saved' 2ow long shall your evil thoughts lodge within youE

0 beheld the mountains# and indeed they trembled# And all the hills moved bac1 and forth'


0 beheld# and indeed there was no man# And all the birds of the heavens had fled'

Though they say# :As the )3+* lives#D Surely they swear falsely':

0 beheld# and indeed the fruitful land was a wilderness# And all its cities were bro1en down At the "resence of the )3+*# By 2is fierce anger'

For thus says the )3+*7 :The whole land shall be desolate9 Cet 0 will not ma1e a full end'

3 )3+*# are not Cour eyes on the truthE Cou have stric1en them# But they have not grieved9 Cou have consumed them# But they have refused to receive correction' They have made their faces harder than roc19 They have refused to return'

For this shall the earth mourn# And the heavens above be blac1# Because 0 have s"o1en' 0 have "ur"osed and will not relent# Nor will 0 turn bac1 from it'

Therefore 0 said# :Surely these are "oor' They are foolish9 For they do not 1now the way of the )3+*# The $udgment of their (od'

The whole city shall flee from the noise of the horsemen and bowmen' They shall go into thic1ets and climb u" on the roc1s' very city shall be forsa1en# And not a man shall dwell in it'

0 will go to the great men and s"ea1 to them# For they have 1nown the way of the )3+*# The $udgment of their (od': But these have altogether bro1en the yo1e And burst the bonds'

:And when you are "lundered# Bhat will you doE Though you clothe yourself with crimson# Though you adorn yourself with ornaments of gold# Though you enlarge your eyes with "aint# 0n vain you will ma1e yourself fair9 Cour lovers will des"ise you9 They will see1 your life'

Therefore a lion from the forest shall slay them# A wolf of the deserts shall destroy them9 A leo"ard will watch over their cities' veryone who goes out from there shall be torn in "ieces# Because their transgressions are many9 Their bac1slidings have increased'

:For 0 have heard a voice as of a woman in labor# The anguish as of her who brings forth her first child# The voice of the daughter of 5ion bewailing herself9 She s"reads her hands# saying# :Boe is me now# for my soul is weary Because of murderersHD

:2ow shall 0 "ardon you for thisE Cour children have forsa1en 4e And sworn by those that are not gods' Bhen 0 had fed them to the full# Then they committed adultery And assembled themselves by troo"s in the harlotsD houses'

5:+un to and fro through the streets of

Jerusalem9 See now and 1now9 And see1 in her o"en "laces 0f you can find a man# 0f there is anyone who e!ecutes $udgment# Bho see1s the truth# And 0 will "ardon her'

They were li1e wellFfed lusty stallions9 very one neighed after his neighborDs wife'

Shall 0 not "unish them for these thingsE: says the )3+*' :And shall 0 not avenge 4yself on such a nation as thisE

:(o u" on her walls and destroy# But do not ma1e a com"lete end' Ta1e

away her branches# For they are not the )3+*Ds'


foreign gods in your land# so you shall serve aliens in a land that is not yours'D

For the house of 0srael and the house of Judah 2ave dealt very treacherously with 4e#: says the )3+*'

:*eclare this in the house of Jacob And "roclaim it in Judah# saying#


They have lied about the )3+*# And said# :0t is not 2e' Neither will evil come u"on us# Nor shall we see sword or famine'

:2ear this now# 3 foolish "eo"le# Bithout understanding# Bho have eyes and see not# And who have ears and hear not7

And the "ro"hets become wind# For the word is not in them' Thus shall it be done to them':

Therefore thus says the )3+* (od of hosts7 :Because you s"ea1 this word# Behold# 0 will ma1e 4y words in your mouth fire# And this "eo"le wood# And it shall devour them'

*o you not fear 4eED says the )3+*' :Bill you not tremble at 4y "resence# Bho have "laced the sand as the bound of the sea# By a "er"etual decree# that it cannot "ass beyond itE And though its waves toss to and fro# Cet they cannot "revail9 Though they roar# yet they cannot "ass over it'

Behold# 0 will bring a nation against you from afar# 3 house of 0srael#: says the )3+*' :0t is a mighty nation# 0t is an ancient nation# A nation whose language you do not 1now# Nor can you understand what they say'

But this "eo"le has a defiant and rebellious heart9 They have revolted and de"arted'

They do not say in their heart# :)et us now fear the )3+* our (od# Bho gives rain# both the former and the latter# in its season' 2e reserves for us the a""ointed wee1s of the harvest':

Their Guiver is li1e an o"en tomb9 They are all mighty men'

And they shall eat u" your harvest and your bread# Bhich your sons and daughters should eat' They shall eat u" your floc1s and your herds9 They shall eat u" your vines and your fig trees9 They shall destroy your fortified cities# 0n which you trust# with the sword'

Cour iniGuities have turned these things away# And your sins have withheld good from you'

:For among 4y "eo"le are found wic1ed men9 They lie in wait as one who sets snares9 They set a tra"9 They catch men'

:Nevertheless in those days#: says the )3+*# :0 will not ma1e a com"lete end of you'

As a cage is full of birds# So their houses are full of deceit' Therefore they have become great and grown rich'

And it will be when you say# :Bhy does the )3+* our (od do all these things to usED then you shall answer them# :Just as you have forsa1en 4e and served

They have grown fat# they are slee19 Ces# they sur"ass the deeds of the wic1ed9 They do not "lead the cause# The cause of the fatherless9 Cet they

"ros"er# And the right of the needy they do not defend'


Violence and "lundering are heard in her' Before 4e continually are grief and wounds'

Shall 0 not "unish them for these thingsED says the )3+*' :Shall 0 not avenge 4yself on such a nation as thisED

Be instructed# 3 Jerusalem# )est 4y soul de"art from you9 )est 0 ma1e you desolate# A land not inhabited':

:An astonishing and horrible thing 2as been committed in the land7

The "ro"hets "ro"hesy falsely# And the "riests rule by their own "ower9 And 4y "eo"le love to have it so' But what will you do in the endE

Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :They shall thoroughly glean as a vine the remnant of 0srael9 As a gra"eFgatherer# "ut your hand bac1 into the branches':

6:3 you children of Ben$amin# (ather

yourselves to flee from the midst of JerusalemH Blow the trum"et in Te1oa# And set u" a signalFfire in Beth 2accerem9 For disaster a""ears out of the north# And great destruction'

To whom shall 0 s"ea1 and give warning# That they may hearE 0ndeed their ear is uncircumcised# And they cannot give heed' Behold# the word of the )3+* is a re"roach to them9 They have no delight in it'

0 have li1ened the daughter of 5ion To a lovely and delicate woman'


The she"herds with their floc1s shall come to her' They shall "itch their tents against her all around' ach one shall "asture in his own "lace':

Therefore 0 am full of the fury of the )3+*' 0 am weary of holding it in' :0 will "our it out on the children outside# And on the assembly of young men together9 For even the husband shall be ta1en with the wife# The aged with him who is full of days'

:/re"are war against her9 Arise# and let us go u" at noon' Boe to us# for the day goes away# For the shadows of the evening are lengthening'

And their houses shall be turned over to others# Fields and wives together9 For 0 will stretch out 4y hand Against the inhabitants of the land#: says the )3+*'

Arise# and let us go by night# And let us destroy her "alaces':


:Because from the least of them even to the greatest of them# veryone is given to covetousness9 And from the "ro"het even to the "riest# veryone deals falsely'

For thus has the )3+* of hosts said7 :-ut down trees# And build a mound against Jerusalem' This is the city to be "unished' She is full of o""ression in her midst'

They have also healed the hurt of 4y "eo"le slightly# Saying# :/eace# "eaceHD Bhen there is no "eace'

As a fountain wells u" with water# So she wells u" with her wic1edness'

Bere they ashamed when they had committed abominationE NoH They were not at all ashamed9 Nor did they 1now how to blush' Therefore they shall fall among those who fall9 At the time 0

"unish them# They shall be cast down#: says the )3+*'



Be have heard the re"ort of it9 3ur hands grow feeble' Anguish has ta1en hold of us# /ain as of a woman in labor'

Thus says the )3+*7 :Stand in the ways and see# And as1 for the old "aths# where the good way is# And wal1 in it9 Then you will find rest for your souls' But they said# :Be will not wal1 in it'D

*o not go out into the field# Nor wal1 by the way' Because of the sword of the enemy# Fear is on every side'

Also# 0 set watchmen over you# saying# :)isten to the sound of the trum"etHD But they said# :Be will not listen'D

3 daughter of my "eo"le# *ress in sac1cloth And roll about in ashesH 4a1e mourning as for an only son# most bitter lamentation9 For the "lunderer will suddenly come u"on us'

Therefore hear# you nations# And 1now# 3 congregation# what is among them'

:0 have set you as an assayer and a fortress among 4y "eo"le# That you may 1now and test their way'

2ear# 3 earthH Behold# 0 will certainly bring calamity on this "eo"leFF The fruit of their thoughts# Because they have not heeded 4y words Nor 4y law# but re$ected it'

They are all stubborn rebels# wal1ing as slanderers' They are bron.e and iron# They are all corru"ters9

For what "ur"ose to 4e -omes fran1incense from Sheba# And sweet cane from a far countryE Cour burnt offerings are not acce"table# Nor your sacrifices sweet to 4e':

The bellows blow fiercely# The lead is consumed by the fire9 The smelter refines in vain# For the wic1ed are not drawn off'

/eo"le will call them re$ected silver# Because the )3+* has re$ected them':

Therefore thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 will lay stumbling bloc1s before this "eo"le# And the fathers and the sons together shall fall on them' The neighbor and his friend shall "erish':

7The word that came to Jeremiah from

the )3+*# saying#

Thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# a "eo"le comes from the north country# And a great nation will be raised from the farthest "arts of the earth'

:Stand in the gate of the )3+*Ds house# and "roclaim there this word# and say# :2ear the word of the )3+*# all you of Judah who enter in at these gates to worshi" the )3+*H:D

They will lay hold on bow and s"ear9 They are cruel and have no mercy9 Their voice roars li1e the sea9 And they ride on horses# As men of war set in array against you# 3 daughter of 5ion':

Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :Amend your ways and your doings# and 0 will cause you to dwell in this "lace'

*o not trust in these lying words# saying# :The tem"le of the )3+*# the

tem"le of the )3+*# the tem"le of the )3+* are these'D



:For if you thoroughly amend your ways and your doings# if you thoroughly e!ecute $udgment between a man and his neighbor#

therefore 0 will do to the house which is called by 4y name# in which you trust# and to this "lace which 0 gave to you and your fathers# as 0 have done to Shiloh'

if you do not o""ress the stranger# the fatherless# and the widow# and do not shed innocent blood in this "lace# or wal1 after other gods to your hurt#

And 0 will cast you out of 4y sight# as 0 have cast out all your brethrenFFthe whole "osterity of "hraim'

then 0 will cause you to dwell in this "lace# in the land that 0 gave to your fathers forever and ever'

:Therefore do not "ray for this "eo"le# nor lift u" a cry or "rayer for them# nor ma1e intercession to 4e9 for 0 will not hear you'

:Behold# you trust in lying words that cannot "rofit'


*o you not see what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of JerusalemE

Bill you steal# murder# commit adultery# swear falsely# burn incense to Baal# and wal1 after other gods whom you do not 1now#

The children gather wood# the fathers 1indle the fire# and the women 1nead dough# to ma1e ca1es for the Gueen of heaven9 and they "our out drin1 offerings to other gods# that they may "rovo1e 4e to anger'

and then come and stand before 4e in this house which is called by 4y name# and say# :Be are delivered to do all these abominationsDE

*o they "rovo1e 4e to angerE: says the )3+*' :*o they not "rovo1e themselves# to the shame of their own facesE:

2as this house# which is called by 4y name# become a den of thieves in your eyesE Behold# 0# even 0# have seen it#: says the )3+*'

:But go now to 4y "lace which was in Shiloh# where 0 set 4y name at the first# and see what 0 did to it because of the wic1edness of 4y "eo"le 0srael'

Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 4y anger and 4y fury will be "oured out on this "laceFFon man and on beast# on the trees of the field and on the fruit of the ground' And it will burn and not be Guenched':

And now# because you have done all these wor1s#: says the )3+*# :and 0 s"o1e to you# rising u" early and s"ea1ing# but you did not hear# and 0 called you# but you did not answer#

Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :Add your burnt offerings to your sacrifices and eat meat'

For 0 did not s"ea1 to your fathers# or command them in the day that 0 brought them out of the land of gy"t# concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices'


But this is what 0 commanded them# saying# :3bey 4y voice# and 0 will be your (od# and you shall be 4y "eo"le' And wal1 in all the ways that 0 have commanded you# that it may be well with you'D


:Therefore behold# the days are coming#: says the )3+*# :when it will no more be called To"het# or the Valley of the Son of 2innom# but the Valley of Slaughter9 for they will bury in To"het until there is no room'

Cet they did not obey or incline their ear# but followed the counsels and the dictates of their evil hearts# and went bac1ward and not forward'

The cor"ses of this "eo"le will be food for the birds of the heaven and for the beasts of the earth' And no one will frighten them away'

Since the day that your fathers came out of the land of gy"t until this day# 0 have even sent to you all 4y servants the "ro"hets# daily rising u" early and sending them'

Then 0 will cause to cease from the cities of Judah and from the streets of Jerusalem the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness# the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride' For the land shall be desolate'

Cet they did not obey 4e or incline their ear# but stiffened their nec1' They did worse than their fathers'

8:At that time#: says the )3+*# :they

shall bring out the bones of the 1ings of Judah# and the bones of its "rinces# and the bones of the "riests# and the bones of the "ro"hets# and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem# out of their graves'

:Therefore you shall s"ea1 all these words to them# but they will not obey you' Cou shall also call to them# but they will not answer you'

:So you shall say to them# :This is a nation that does not obey the voice of the )3+* their (od nor receive correction' Truth has "erished and has been cut off from their mouth'

-ut off your hair and cast it away# and ta1e u" a lamentation on the desolate heights9 for the )3+* has re$ected and forsa1en the generation of 2is wrath'D

They shall s"read them before the sun and the moon and all the host of heaven# which they have loved and which they have served and after which they have wal1ed# which they have sought and which they have worshi"ed' They shall not be gathered nor buried9 they shall be li1e refuse on the face of the earth'

For the children of Judah have done evil in 4y sight#: says the )3+*' :They have set their abominations in the house which is called by 4y name# to "ollute it'

Then death shall be chosen rather than life by all the residue of those who remain of this evil family# who remain in all the "laces where 0 have driven them#: says the )3+* of hosts'

And they have built the high "laces of To"het# which is in the Valley of the Son of 2innom# to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire# which 0 did not command# nor did it come into 4y heart'

:4oreover you shall say to them# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Bill they fall and not riseE Bill one turn away and not returnE


Bhy has this "eo"le slidden bac1# Jerusalem# in a "er"etual bac1slidingE They hold fast to deceit# They refuse to return'


:0 will surely consume them#: says the )3+*' :No gra"es shall be on the vine# Nor figs on the fig tree# And the leaf shall fade9 And the things 0 have given them shall "ass away from them'::D

0 listened and heard# But they do not s"ea1 aright' No man re"ented of his wic1edness# Saying# :Bhat have 0 doneED veryone turned to his own course# As the horse rushes into the battle'

: ven the stor1 in the heavens Knows her a""ointed times9 And the turtledove# the swift# and the swallow 3bserve the time of their coming' But 4y "eo"le do not 1now the $udgment of the )3+*'

:Bhy do we sit stillE Assemble yourselves# And let us enter the fortified cities# And let us be silent there' For the )3+* our (od has "ut us to silence And given us water of gall to drin1# Because we have sinned against the )3+*'

:Be loo1ed for "eace# but no good came9 And for a time of health# and there was troubleH

:2ow can you say# :Be are wise# And the law of the )3+* is with usDE )oo1# the false "en of the scribe certainly wor1s falsehood'

The wise men are ashamed# They are dismayed and ta1en' Behold# they have re$ected the word of the )3+*9 So what wisdom do they haveE

The snorting of 2is horses was heard from *an' The whole land trembled at the sound of the neighing of 2is strong ones9 For they have come and devoured the land and all that is in it# The city and those who dwell in it':

Therefore 0 will give their wives to others# And their fields to those who will inherit them9 Because from the least even to the greatest veryone is given to covetousness9 From the "ro"het even to the "riest veryone deals falsely'

:For behold# 0 will send ser"ents among you# Vi"ers which cannot be charmed# And they shall bite you#: says the )3+*'

0 would comfort myself in sorrow9 4y heart is faint in me'


For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of 4y "eo"le slightly# Saying# :/eace# "eaceHD Bhen there is no "eace'

)istenH The voice# The cry of the daughter of my "eo"le From a far country7 :0s not the )3+* in 5ionE 0s not her King in herE: :Bhy have they "rovo1ed 4e to anger Bith their carved imagesFF Bith foreign idolsE:

Bere they ashamed when they had committed abominationE NoH They were not at all ashamed# Nor did they 1now how to blush' Therefore they shall fall among those who fall9 0n the time of their "unishment They shall be cast down#: says the )3+*'

:The harvest is "ast# The summer is ended# And we are not savedH:

For the hurt of the daughter of my "eo"le 0 am hurt' 0 am mourning9 Astonishment has ta1en hold of me'


0s there no balm in (ilead# 0s there no "hysician thereE Bhy then is there no recovery For the health of the daughter of my "eo"leE

Shall 0 not "unish them for these thingsE: says the )3+*' :Shall 0 not avenge 4yself on such a nation as thisE:

93h# that my head were waters# And

my eyes a fountain of tears# That 0 might wee" day and night For the slain of the daughter of my "eo"leH

3h# that 0 had in the wilderness A lodging "lace for travelers9 That 0 might leave my "eo"le# And go from themH For they are all adulterers# An assembly of treacherous men'

0 will ta1e u" a wee"ing and wailing for the mountains# And for the dwelling "laces of the wilderness a lamentation# Because they are burned u"# So that no one can "ass through9 Nor can men hear the voice of the cattle' Both the birds of the heavens and the beasts have fled9 They are gone'

:0 will ma1e Jerusalem a hea" of ruins# a den of $ac1als' 0 will ma1e the cities of Judah desolate# without an inhabitant':

:And li1e their bow they have bent their tongues for lies' They are not valiant for the truth on the earth' For they "roceed from evil to evil# And they do not 1now 4e#: says the )3+*'

: veryone ta1e heed to his neighbor# And do not trust any brother9 For every brother will utterly su""lant# And every neighbor will wal1 with slanderers'

Bho is the wise man who may understand thisE And who is he to whom the mouth of the )3+* has s"o1en# that he may declare itE Bhy does the land "erish and burn u" li1e a wilderness# so that no one can "ass throughE

veryone will deceive his neighbor# And will not s"ea1 the truth9 They have taught their tongue to s"ea1 lies9 They weary themselves to commit iniGuity'

And the )3+* said# :Because they have forsa1en 4y law which 0 set before them# and have not obeyed 4y voice# nor wal1ed according to it#

Cour dwelling "lace is in the midst of deceit9 Through deceit they refuse to 1now 4e#: says the )3+*'

but they have wal1ed according to the dictates of their own hearts and after the Baals# which their fathers taught them#:

Therefore thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :Behold# 0 will refine them and try them9 For how shall 0 deal with the daughter of 4y "eo"leE

therefore thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :Behold# 0 will feed them# this "eo"le# with wormwood# and give them water of gall to drin1'

Their tongue is an arrow shot out9 0t s"ea1s deceit9 3ne s"ea1s "eaceably to his neighbor with his mouth# But in his heart he lies in wait'

0 will scatter them also among the (entiles# whom neither they nor their fathers have 1nown' And 0 will send a sword after them until 0 have consumed them':

Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :-onsider and call for the mourning

women# That they may come9 And send for s1illful wailing women# That they may come'


)et them ma1e haste And ta1e u" a wailing for us# That our eyes may run with tears# And our eyelids gush with water'

gy"t# Judah# dom# the "eo"le of Ammon# 4oab# and all who are in the farthest corners# who dwell in the wilderness' For all these nations are uncircumcised# and all the house of 0srael are uncircumcised in the heart':

For a voice of wailing is heard from 5ion7 :2ow we are "lunderedH Be are greatly ashamed# Because we have forsa1en the land# Because we have been cast out of our dwellings':D

102ear the word which the )3+*

s"ea1s to you# 3 house of 0srael'

Cet hear the word of the )3+*# 3 women# And let your ear receive the word of 2is mouth9 Teach your daughters wailing# And everyone her neighbor a lamentation'

Thus says the )3+*7 :*o not learn the way of the (entiles9 *o not be dismayed at the signs of heaven# For the (entiles are dismayed at them'

For the customs of the "eo"les are futile9 For one cuts a tree from the forest# The wor1 of the hands of the wor1man# with the a!'

For death has come through our windows# 2as entered our "alaces# To 1ill off the childrenFFno longer to be outsideH And the young menFFno longer on the streetsH

They decorate it with silver and gold9 They fasten it with nails and hammers So that it will not to""le'

S"ea1# :Thus says the )3+*7 : ven the carcasses of men shall fall as refuse on the o"en field# )i1e cuttings after the harvester# And no one shall gather them':D

They are u"right# li1e a "alm tree# And they cannot s"ea19 They must be carried# Because they cannot go by themselves' *o not be afraid of them# For they cannot do evil# Nor can they do any good':

Thus says the )3+*7 :)et not the wise man glory in his wisdom# )et not the mighty man glory in his might# Nor let the rich man glory in his riches9

0nasmuch as there is none li1e Cou# 3 )3+* ICou are great# and Cour name is great in mightJ#

But let him who glories glory in this# That he understands and 1nows 4e# That 0 am the )3+*# e!ercising loving1indness# $udgment# and righteousness in the earth' For in these 0 delight#: says the )3+*'

Bho would not fear Cou# 3 King of the nationsE For this is Cour rightful due' For among all the wise men of the nations# And in all their 1ingdoms# There is none li1e Cou'

:Behold# the days are coming#: says the )3+*# :that 0 will "unish all who are circumcised with the uncircumcisedFF

But they are altogether dullFhearted and foolish9 A wooden idol is a worthless doctrine'

Silver is beaten into "lates9 0t is brought from Tarshish# And gold from A"ha.# The wor1 of the craftsman And of the hands of the metalsmith9 Blue and "ur"le are their clothing9 They are all the wor1 of s1illful men'


For thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 will throw out at this time The inhabitants of the land# And will distress them# That they may find it so':

But the )3+* is the true (od9 2e is the living (od and the everlasting King' At 2is wrath the earth will tremble# And the nations will not be able to endure 2is indignation'

Boe is me for my hurtH 4y wound is severe' But 0 say# :Truly this is an infirmity# And 0 must bear it':

Thus you shall say to them7 :The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth shall "erish from the earth and from under these heavens':

4y tent is "lundered# And all my cords are bro1en9 4y children have gone from me# And they are no more' There is no one to "itch my tent anymore# 3r set u" my curtains'

2e has made the earth by 2is "ower# 2e has established the world by 2is wisdom# And has stretched out the heavens at 2is discretion'

For the she"herds have become dullF hearted# And have not sought the )3+*9 Therefore they shall not "ros"er# And all their floc1s shall be scattered'

Bhen 2e utters 2is voice# There is a multitude of waters in the heavens7 :And 2e causes the va"ors to ascend from the ends of the earth' 2e ma1es lightning for the rain# 2e brings the wind out of 2is treasuries':

Behold# the noise of the re"ort has come# And a great commotion out of the north country# To ma1e the cities of Judah desolate# a den of $ac1als'

3 )3+*# 0 1now the way of man is not in himself9 0t is not in man who wal1s to direct his own ste"s'

veryone is dullFhearted# without 1nowledge9 very metalsmith is "ut to shame by an image9 For his molded image is falsehood# And there is no breath in them'

3 )3+*# correct me# but with $ustice9 Not in Cour anger# lest Cou bring me to nothing'

They are futile# a wor1 of errors9 0n the time of their "unishment they shall "erish'

/our out Cour fury on the (entiles# who do not 1now Cou# And on the families who do not call on Cour name9 For they have eaten u" Jacob# *evoured him and consumed him# And made his dwelling "lace desolate'

The /ortion of Jacob is not li1e them# For 2e is the 4a1er of all things# And 0srael is the tribe of 2is inheritance9 The )3+* of hosts is 2is name'

11The word that came to Jeremiah

from the )3+*# saying#

(ather u" your wares from the land# 3 inhabitant of the fortressH

:2ear the words of this covenant# and s"ea1 to the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem9

and say to them# :Thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael7 :-ursed is the man who does not obey the words of this covenant


Therefore thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 will surely bring calamity on them which they will not be able to esca"e9 and though they cry out to 4e# 0 will not listen to them'

which 0 commanded your fathers in the day 0 brought them out of the land of gy"t# from the iron furnace# saying# :3bey 4y voice# and do according to all that 0 command you9 so shall you be 4y "eo"le# and 0 will be your (od#D

Then the cities of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem will go and cry out to the gods to whom they offer incense# but they will not save them at all in the time of their trouble'

that 0 may establish the oath which 0 have sworn to your fathers# to give them :a land flowing with mil1 and honey#D as it is this day'::D And 0 answered and said# :So be it# )3+*':

For according to the number of your cities were your gods# 3 Judah9 and according to the number of the streets of Jerusalem you have set u" altars to that shameful thing# altars to burn incense to Baal'

Then the )3+* said to me# :/roclaim all these words in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem# saying7 :2ear the words of this covenant and do them'

:So do not "ray for this "eo"le# or lift u" a cry or "rayer for them9 for 0 will not hear them in the time that they cry out to 4e because of their trouble'

For 0 earnestly e!horted your fathers in the day 0 brought them u" out of the land of gy"t# until this day# rising early and e!horting# saying# :3bey 4y voice':

:Bhat has 4y beloved to do in 4y house# 2aving done lewd deeds with manyE And the holy flesh has "assed from you' Bhen you do evil# then you re$oice'

Cet they did not obey or incline their ear# but everyone followed the dictates of his evil heart9 therefore 0 will bring u"on them all the words of this covenant# which 0 commanded them to do# but which they have not done':D

The )3+* called your name# (reen 3live Tree# )ovely and of (ood Fruit' Bith the noise of a great tumult 2e has 1indled fire on it# And its branches are bro1en'

And the )3+* said to me# :A cons"iracy has been found among the men of Judah and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem'

They have turned bac1 to the iniGuities of their forefathers who refused to hear 4y words# and they have gone after other gods to serve them9 the house of 0srael and the house of Judah have bro1en 4y covenant which 0 made with their fathers':

:For the )3+* of hosts# who "lanted you# has "ronounced doom against you for the evil of the house of 0srael and of the house of Judah# which they have done against themselves to "rovo1e 4e to anger in offering incense to Baal':

Now the )3+* gave me 1nowledge of it# and 0 1now it9 for Cou showed me their doings'


But 0 was li1e a docile lamb brought to the slaughter9 and 0 did not 1now that they had devised schemes against me# saying# :)et us destroy the tree with its fruit# and let us cut him off from the land of the living# that his name may be remembered no more':

2ow long will the land mourn# And the herbs of every field witherE The beasts and birds are consumed# For the wic1edness of those who dwell there# Because they said# :2e will not see our final end':

But# 3 )3+* of hosts# Cou who $udge righteously# Testing the mind and the heart# )et me see Cour vengeance on them# For to Cou 0 have revealed my cause'

:0f you have run with the footmen# and they have wearied you# Then how can you contend with horsesE And if in the land of "eace# 0n which you trusted# they wearied you# Then how will you do in the flood"lain of the JordanE

:Therefore thus says the )3+* concerning the men of Anathoth who see1 your life# saying# :*o not "ro"hesy in the name of the )3+*# lest you die by our handDFF

For even your brothers# the house of your father# ven they have dealt treacherously with you9 Ces# they have called a multitude after you' *o not believe them# ven though they s"ea1 smooth words to you'

therefore thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :Behold# 0 will "unish them' The young men shall die by the sword# their sons and their daughters shall die by famine9

:0 have forsa1en 4y house# 0 have left 4y heritage9 0 have given the dearly beloved of 4y soul into the hand of her enemies'

and there shall be no remnant of them# for 0 will bring catastro"he on the men of Anathoth# even the year of their "unishment':D

4y heritage is to 4e li1e a lion in the forest9 0t cries out against 4e9 Therefore 0 have hated it'


are Cou# 3 )3+*# when 0 "lead with Cou9 Cet let me tal1 with Cou about Cour $udgments' Bhy does the way of the wic1ed "ros"erE Bhy are those ha""y who deal so treacherouslyE

4y heritage is to 4e li1e a s"ec1led vulture9 The vultures all around are against her' -ome# assemble all the beasts of the field# Bring them to devourH

Cou have "lanted them# yes# they have ta1en root9 They grow# yes# they bear fruit' Cou are near in their mouth But far from their mind'

:4any rulers have destroyed 4y vineyard# They have trodden 4y "ortion underfoot9 They have made 4y "leasant "ortion a desolate wilderness'

But Cou# 3 )3+*# 1now me9 Cou have seen me# And Cou have tested my heart toward Cou' /ull them out li1e shee" for the slaughter# And "re"are them for the day of slaughter'

They have made it desolate9 *esolate# it mourns to 4e9 The whole land is made desolate# Because no one ta1es it to heart'

The "lunderers have come 3n all the desolate heights in the wilderness# For the sword of the )3+* shall devour

From one end of the land to the other end of the land9 No flesh shall have "eace'

:Ta1e the sash that you acGuired# which is around your waist# and arise# go to the u"hrates# and hide it there in a hole in the roc1':

They have sown wheat but rea"ed thorns9 They have "ut themselves to "ain but do not "rofit' But be ashamed of your harvest Because of the fierce anger of the )3+*':

So 0 went and hid it by the u"hrates# as the )3+* commanded me'


Thus says the )3+*7 :Against all 4y evil neighbors who touch the inheritance which 0 have caused 4y "eo"le 0srael to inheritFFbehold# 0 will "luc1 them out of their land and "luc1 out the house of Judah from among them'

Now it came to "ass after many days that the )3+* said to me# :Arise# go to the u"hrates# and ta1e from there the sash which 0 commanded you to hide there':

Then it shall be# after 0 have "luc1ed them out# that 0 will return and have com"assion on them and bring them bac1# everyone to his heritage and everyone to his land'

Then 0 went to the u"hrates and dug# and 0 too1 the sash from the "lace where 0 had hidden it9 and there was the sash# ruined' 0t was "rofitable for nothing'

Then the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#


And it shall be# if they will learn carefully the ways of 4y "eo"le# to swear by 4y name# :As the )3+* lives#D as they taught 4y "eo"le to swear by Baal# then they shall be established in the midst of 4y "eo"le'

:Thus says the )3+*7 :0n this manner 0 will ruin the "ride of Judah and the great "ride of Jerusalem'

But if they do not obey# 0 will utterly "luc1 u" and destroy that nation#: says the )3+*'

This evil "eo"le# who refuse to hear 4y words# who follow the dictates of their hearts# and wal1 after other gods to serve them and worshi" them# shall be $ust li1e this sash which is "rofitable for nothing'

13Thus the )3+* said to me7 :(o

and get yourself a linen sash# and "ut it around your waist# but do not "ut it in water':

So 0 got a sash according to the word of the )3+*# and "ut it around my waist'

For as the sash clings to the waist of a man# so 0 have caused the whole house of 0srael and the whole house of Judah to cling to 4e#D says the )3+*# :that they may become 4y "eo"le# for renown# for "raise# and for glory9 but they would not hear'D

And the word of the )3+* came to me the second time# saying#

:Therefore you shall s"ea1 to them this word7 :Thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael7 : very bottle shall be filled with wine':D :And they will say to you# :*o we not certainly 1now that every bottle will be filled with wineED


:Then you shall say to them# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 will fill all the inhabitants of this landFFeven the 1ings who sit on *avidDs throne# the "riests# the "ro"hets# and all the inhabitants of JerusalemFFwith drun1ennessH


Bhat will you say when 2e "unishes youE For you have taught them To be chieftains# to be head over you' Bill not "angs sei.e you# )i1e a woman in laborE

And 0 will dash them one against another# even the fathers and the sons together#: says the )3+*' :0 will not "ity nor s"are nor have mercy# but will destroy them'::D

And if you say in your heart# :Bhy have these things come u"on meE: For the greatness of your iniGuity Cour s1irts have been uncovered# Cour heels made bare'

2ear and give ear7 *o not be "roud# For the )3+* has s"o1en'

-an the thio"ian change his s1in or the leo"ard its s"otsE Then may you also do good who are accustomed to do evil'

(ive glory to the )3+* your (od Before 2e causes dar1ness# And before your feet stumble 3n the dar1 mountains# And while you are loo1ing for light# 2e turns it into the shadow of death And ma1es it dense dar1ness'

:Therefore 0 will scatter them li1e stubble That "asses away by the wind of the wilderness'

But if you will not hear it# 4y soul will wee" in secret for your "ride9 4y eyes will wee" bitterly And run down with tears# Because the )3+*Ds floc1 has been ta1en ca"tive'

This is your lot# The "ortion of your measures from 4e#: says the )3+*# :Because you have forgotten 4e And trusted in falsehood'

Therefore 0 will uncover your s1irts over your face# That your shame may a""ear'

Say to the 1ing and to the Gueen mother# :2umble yourselves9 Sit down# For your rule shall colla"se# the crown of your glory':

The cities of the South shall be shut u"# And no one shall o"en them9 Judah shall be carried away ca"tive# all of it9 0t shall be wholly carried away ca"tive'

0 have seen your adulteries And your lustful neighings# The lewdness of your harlotry# Cour abominations on the hills in the fields' Boe to you# 3 JerusalemH Bill you still not be made cleanE:

14The word of the )3+* that came

to Jeremiah concerning the droughts'

)ift u" your eyes and see Those who come from the north' Bhere is the floc1 that was given to you# Cour beautiful shee"E

:Judah mourns# And her gates languish9 They mourn for the land# And the cry of Jerusalem has gone u"'

Their nobles have sent their lads for water9 They went to the cisterns and found no water' They returned with their

vessels em"ty9 They were ashamed and confounded And covered their heads'


Because the ground is "arched# For there was no rain in the land# The "lowmen were ashamed9 They covered their heads'

Then 0 said# :Ah# )ord (3*H Behold# the "ro"hets say to them# :Cou shall not see the sword# nor shall you have famine# but 0 will give you assured "eace in this "lace':D

Ces# the deer also gave birth in the field# But left because there was no grass'

And the wild don1eys stood in the desolate heights9 They sniffed at the wind li1e $ac1als9 Their eyes failed because there was no grass':

And the )3+* said to me# :The "ro"hets "ro"hesy lies in 4y name' 0 have not sent them# commanded them# nor s"o1en to them9 they "ro"hesy to you a false vision# divination# a worthless thing# and the deceit of their heart'

3 )3+*# though our iniGuities testify against us# *o it for Cour nameDs sa1e9 For our bac1slidings are many# Be have sinned against Cou'

Therefore thus says the )3+* concerning the "ro"hets who "ro"hesy in 4y name# whom 0 did not send# and who say# :Sword and famine shall not be in this landDFF:By sword and famine those "ro"hets shall be consumedH

3 the 2o"e of 0srael# his Savior in time of trouble# Bhy should Cou be li1e a stranger in the land# And li1e a traveler who turns aside to tarry for a nightE

Bhy should Cou be li1e a man astonished# )i1e a mighty one who cannot saveE Cet Cou# 3 )3+*# are in our midst# And we are called by Cour name9 *o not leave usH

And the "eo"le to whom they "ro"hesy shall be cast out in the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and the sword9 they will have no one to bury themFFthem nor their wives# their sons nor their daughtersFFfor 0 will "our their wic1edness on them'D

Thus says the )3+* to this "eo"le7 :Thus they have loved to wander9 They have not restrained their feet' Therefore the )3+* does not acce"t them9 2e will remember their iniGuity now# And "unish their sins':

:Therefore you shall say this word to them7 :)et my eyes flow with tears night and day# And let them not cease9 For the virgin daughter of my "eo"le 2as been bro1en with a mighty stro1e# with a very severe blow'

Then the )3+* said to me# :*o not "ray for this "eo"le# for their good'

0f 0 go out to the field# Then behold# those slain with the swordH And if 0 enter the city# Then behold# those sic1 from famineH Ces# both "ro"het and "riest go about in a land they do not 1now':D

Bhen they fast# 0 will not hear their cry9 and when they offer burnt offering and grain offering# 0 will not acce"t them' But 0 will consume them by the sword# by the famine# and by the "estilence':

2ave Cou utterly re$ected JudahE 2as Cour soul loathed 5ionE Bhy have Cou stric1en us so that there is no healing for usE Be loo1ed for "eace# but there was no good9 And for the time of healing# and there was trouble'


Be ac1nowledge# 3 )3+*# our wic1edness And the iniGuity of our fathers# For we have sinned against Cou'


Cou have forsa1en 4e#: says the )3+*# :Cou have gone bac1ward' Therefore 0 will stretch out 4y hand against you and destroy you9 0 am weary of relentingH

*o not abhor us# for Cour nameDs sa1e9 *o not disgrace the throne of Cour glory' +emember# do not brea1 Cour covenant with us'

Are there any among the idols of the nations that can cause rainE 3r can the heavens give showersE Are Cou not 2e# 3 )3+* our (odE Therefore we will wait for Cou# Since Cou have made all these'

And 0 will winnow them with a winnowing fan in the gates of the land9 0 will bereave them of children9 0 will destroy 4y "eo"le# Since they do not return from their ways'

15Then the )3+* said to me# : ven

if 4oses and Samuel stood before 4e# 4y mind would not be favorable toward this "eo"le' -ast them out of 4y sight# and let them go forth'

Their widows will be increased to 4e more than the sand of the seas9 0 will bring against them# Against the mother of the young men# A "lunderer at noonday9 0 will cause anguish and terror to fall on them suddenly'

And it shall be# if they say to you# :Bhere should we goED then you shall tell them# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Such as are for death# to death9 And such as are for the sword# to the sword9 And such as are for the famine# to the famine9 And such as are for the ca"tivity# to the ca"tivity':D

:She languishes who has borne seven9 She has breathed her last9 2er sun has gone down Bhile it was yet day9 She has been ashamed and confounded' And the remnant of them 0 will deliver to the sword Before their enemies#: says the )3+*'

Boe is me# my mother# That you have borne me# A man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earthH 0 have neither lent for interest# Nor have men lent to me for interest' very one of them curses me'

:And 0 will a""oint over them four forms of destruction#: says the )3+*7 :the sword to slay# the dogs to drag# the birds of the heavens and the beasts of the earth to devour and destroy'

The )3+* said7 :Surely it will be well with your remnant9 Surely 0 will cause the enemy to intercede with you 0n the time of adversity and in the time of affliction'

0 will hand them over to trouble# to all 1ingdoms of the earth# because of 4anasseh the son of 2e.e1iah# 1ing of Judah# for what he did in Jerusalem'

-an anyone brea1 iron# The northern iron and the bron.eE

:For who will have "ity on you# 3 JerusalemE 3r who will bemoan youE 3r who will turn aside to as1 how you are doingE

Cour wealth and your treasures 0 will give as "lunder without "rice# Because of all your sins# Throughout your territories'


And 0 will ma1e you cross over with your enemies 0nto a land which you do not 1now9 For a fire is 1indled in 4y anger# Bhich shall burn u"on you':

16The word of the )3+* also came

to me# saying#

3 )3+*# Cou 1now9 +emember me and visit me# And ta1e vengeance for me on my "ersecutors' 0n Cour enduring "atience# do not ta1e me away' Know that for Cour sa1e 0 have suffered rebu1e'

:Cou shall not ta1e a wife# nor shall you have sons or daughters in this "lace':

Cour words were found# and 0 ate them# And Cour word was to me the $oy and re$oicing of my heart9 For 0 am called by Cour name# 3 )3+* (od of hosts'

For thus says the )3+* concerning the sons and daughters who are born in this "lace# and concerning their mothers who bore them and their fathers who begot them in this land7

0 did not sit in the assembly of the moc1ers# Nor did 0 re$oice9 0 sat alone because of Cour hand# For Cou have filled me with indignation'

:They shall die gruesome deaths9 they shall not be lamented nor shall they be buried# but they shall be li1e refuse on the face of the earth' They shall be consumed by the sword and by famine# and their cor"ses shall be meat for the birds of heaven and for the beasts of the earth':

Bhy is my "ain "er"etual And my wound incurable# Bhich refuses to be healedE Bill Cou surely be to me li1e an unreliable stream# As waters that failE

For thus says the )3+*7 :*o not enter the house of mourning# nor go to lament or bemoan them9 for 0 have ta1en away 4y "eace from this "eo"le#: says the )3+*# :loving1indness and mercies'

Therefore thus says the )3+*7 :0f you return# Then 0 will bring you bac19 Cou shall stand before 4e9 0f you ta1e out the "recious from the vile# Cou shall be as 4y mouth' )et them return to you# But you must not return to them'

Both the great and the small shall die in this land' They shall not be buried9 neither shall men lament for them# cut themselves# nor ma1e themselves bald for them'

And 0 will ma1e you to this "eo"le a fortified bron.e wall9 And they will fight against you# But they shall not "revail against you9 For 0 am with you to save you And deliver you#: says the )3+*'

Nor shall men brea1 bread in mourning for them# to comfort them for the dead9 nor shall men give them the cu" of consolation to drin1 for their father or their mother'

:0 will deliver you from the hand of the wic1ed# And 0 will redeem you from the gri" of the terrible':

Also you shall not go into the house of feasting to sit with them# to eat and drin1':

For thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :Behold# 0 will cause to cease from this "lace# before your eyes

and in your days# the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness# the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride'

them from every mountain and every hill# and out of the holes of the roc1s'

:And it shall be# when you show this "eo"le all these words# and they say to you# :Bhy has the )3+* "ronounced all this great disaster against usE 3r what is our iniGuityE 3r what is our sin that we have committed against the )3+* our (odED

For 4y eyes are on all their ways9 they are not hidden from 4y face# nor is their iniGuity hidden from 4y eyes'

And first 0 will re"ay double for their iniGuity and their sin# because they have defiled 4y land9 they have filled 4y inheritance with the carcasses of their detestable and abominable idols':

then you shall say to them# :Because your fathers have forsa1en 4e#D says the )3+*9 :they have wal1ed after other gods and have served them and worshi"ed them# and have forsa1en 4e and not 1e"t 4y law'

3 )3+*# my strength and my fortress# 4y refuge in the day of affliction# The (entiles shall come to Cou From the ends of the earth and say# :Surely our fathers have inherited lies# Borthlessness and un"rofitable things':

And you have done worse than your fathers# for behold# each one follows the dictates of his own evil heart# so that no one listens to 4e'

Bill a man ma1e gods for himself# Bhich are not godsE

Therefore 0 will cast you out of this land into a land that you do not 1now# neither you nor your fathers9 and there you shall serve other gods day and night# where 0 will not show you favor'D

:Therefore behold# 0 will this once cause them to 1now# 0 will cause them to 1now 4y hand and 4y might9 And they shall 1now that 4y name is the )3+*'

:Therefore behold# the days are coming#: says the )3+*# :that it shall no more be said# :The )3+* lives who brought u" the children of 0srael from the land of gy"t#D

17:The sin of Judah is written with a

"en of iron9 Bith the "oint of a diamond it is engraved 3n the tablet of their heart# And on the horns of your altars#

but# :The )3+* lives who brought u" the children of 0srael from the land of the north and from all the lands where 2e had driven them'D For 0 will bring them bac1 into their land which 0 gave to their fathers'

Bhile their children remember Their altars and their wooden images By the green trees on the high hills'

3 4y mountain in the field# 0 will give as "lunder your wealth# all your treasures# And your high "laces of sin within all your borders'

:Behold# 0 will send for many fishermen#: says the )3+*# :and they shall fish them9 and afterward 0 will send for many hunters# and they shall hunt

And you# even yourself# Shall let go of your heritage which 0 gave you9 And 0 will cause you to serve your enemies 0n the land which you do not 1now9 For you

have 1indled a fire in 4y anger which shall burn forever':


the )3+*# waters':






Thus says the )3+*7 :-ursed is the man who trusts in man And ma1es flesh his strength# Bhose heart de"arts from the )3+*'

2eal me# 3 )3+*# and 0 shall be healed9 Save me# and 0 shall be saved# For Cou are my "raise'

For he shall be li1e a shrub in the desert# And shall not see when good comes# But shall inhabit the "arched "laces in the wilderness# 0n a salt land which is not inhabited'

0ndeed they say to me# :Bhere is the word of the )3+*E )et it come nowH:

:Blessed is the man who trusts in the )3+*# And whose ho"e is the )3+*'

As for me# 0 have not hurried away from being a she"herd who follows Cou# Nor have 0 desired the woeful day9 Cou 1now what came out of my li"s9 0t was right there before Cou'

For he shall be li1e a tree "lanted by the waters# Bhich s"reads out its roots by the river# And will not fear when heat comes9 But its leaf will be green# And will not be an!ious in the year of drought# Nor will cease from yielding fruit'

*o not be a terror to me9 Cou are my ho"e in the day of doom'


)et them be ashamed who "ersecute me# But do not let me be "ut to shame9 )et them be dismayed# But do not let me be dismayed' Bring on them the day of doom# And destroy them with double destructionH

:The heart is deceitful above all things# And des"erately wic1ed9 Bho can 1now itE

0# the )3+*# search the heart# 0 test the mind# ven to give every man according to his ways# According to the fruit of his doings'

Thus the )3+* said to me7 :(o and stand in the gate of the children of the "eo"le# by which the 1ings of Judah come in and by which they go out# and in all the gates of Jerusalem9

:As a "artridge that broods but does not hatch# So is he who gets riches# but not by right9 0t will leave him in the midst of his days# And at his end he will be a fool':

and say to them# :2ear the word of the )3+*# you 1ings of Judah# and all Judah# and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem# who enter by these gates'

A glorious high throne from the beginning 0s the "lace of our sanctuary'

Thus says the )3+*7 :Ta1e heed to yourselves# and bear no burden on the Sabbath day# nor bring it in by the gates of Jerusalem9

3 )3+*# the ho"e of 0srael# All who forsa1e Cou shall be ashamed' :Those who de"art from 4e Shall be written in the earth# Because they have forsa1en

nor carry a burden out of your houses on the Sabbath day# nor do any wor1# but hallow the Sabbath day# as 0 commanded your fathers'


But they did not obey nor incline their ear# but made their nec1 stiff# that they might not hear nor receive instruction'

And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the "otter9 so he made it again into another vessel# as it seemed good to the "otter to ma1e'

:And it shall be# if you heed 4e carefully#: says the )3+*# :to bring no burden through the gates of this city on the Sabbath day# but hallow the Sabbath day# to do no wor1 in it#

Then the word of the )3+* came to me# saying7


then shall enter the gates of this city 1ings and "rinces sitting on the throne of *avid# riding in chariots and on horses# they and their "rinces# accom"anied by the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem9 and this city shall remain forever'

:3 house of 0srael# can 0 not do with you as this "otterE: says the )3+*' :)oo1# as the clay is in the "otterDs hand# so are you in 4y hand# 3 house of 0sraelH

The instant 0 s"ea1 concerning a nation and concerning a 1ingdom# to "luc1 u"# to "ull down# and to destroy it#

And they shall come from the cities of Judah and from the "laces around Jerusalem# from the land of Ben$amin and from the lowland# from the mountains and from the South# bringing burnt offerings and sacrifices# grain offerings and incense# bringing sacrifices of "raise to the house of the )3+*'

if that nation against whom 0 have s"o1en turns from its evil# 0 will relent of the disaster that 0 thought to bring u"on it'

And the instant 0 s"ea1 concerning a nation and concerning a 1ingdom# to build and to "lant it#

:But if you will not heed 4e to hallow the Sabbath day# such as not carrying a burden when entering the gates of Jerusalem on the Sabbath day# then 0 will 1indle a fire in its gates# and it shall devour the "alaces of Jerusalem# and it shall not be Guenched'::D

if it does evil in 4y sight so that it does not obey 4y voice# then 0 will relent concerning the good with which 0 said 0 would benefit it'

18The word which came to Jeremiah

from the )3+*# saying7

:Now therefore# s"ea1 to the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem# saying# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 am fashioning a disaster and devising a "lan against you' +eturn now every one from his evil way# and ma1e your ways and your doings good'::D

:Arise and go down to the "otterDs house# and there 0 will cause you to hear 4y words':

Then 0 went down to the "otterDs house# and there he was# ma1ing something at the wheel'

And they said# :That is ho"elessH So we will wal1 according to our own "lans# and we will every one obey the dictates of his evil heart':

Therefore thus says the )3+*7 :As1 now among the (entiles# Bho has

heard such thingsE The virgin of 0srael has done a very horrible thing'

Their young men be slain By the sword in battle'


Bill a man leave the snow water of )ebanon# Bhich comes from the roc1 of the fieldE Bill the cold flowing waters be forsa1en for strange watersE

)et a cry be heard from their houses# Bhen Cou bring a troo" suddenly u"on them9 For they have dug a "it to ta1e me# And hidden snares for my feet'

:Because 4y "eo"le have forgotten 4e# They have burned incense to worthless idols' And they have caused themselves to stumble in their ways# From the ancient "aths# To wal1 in "athways and not on a highway#

Cet# )3+*# Cou 1now all their counsel Bhich is against me# to slay me' /rovide no atonement for their iniGuity# Nor blot out their sin from Cour sight9 But let them be overthrown before Cou' *eal thus with them 0n the time of Cour anger'

To ma1e their land desolate and a "er"etual hissing9 veryone who "asses by it will be astonished And sha1e his head'

19Thus says the )3+*7 :(o and get

a "otterDs earthen flas1# and ta1e some of the elders of the "eo"le and some of the elders of the "riests'

0 will scatter them as with an east wind before the enemy9 0 will show them the bac1 and not the face 0n the day of their calamity':

Then they said# :-ome and let us devise "lans against Jeremiah9 for the law shall not "erish from the "riest# nor counsel from the wise# nor the word from the "ro"het' -ome and let us attac1 him with the tongue# and let us not give heed to any of his words':

And go out to the Valley of the Son of 2innom# which is by the entry of the /otsherd (ate9 and "roclaim there the words that 0 will tell you#

(ive heed to me# 3 )3+*# And listen to the voice of those who contend with meH

and say# :2ear the word of the )3+*# 3 1ings of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem' Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :Behold# 0 will bring such a catastro"he on this "lace# that whoever hears of it# his ears will tingle'

Shall evil be re"aid for goodE For they have dug a "it for my life' +emember that 0 stood before Cou To s"ea1 good for them# To turn away Cour wrath from them'

:Because they have forsa1en 4e and made this an alien "lace# because they have burned incense in it to other gods whom neither they# their fathers# nor the 1ings of Judah have 1nown# and have filled this "lace with the blood of the innocents

Therefore deliver u" their children to the famine# And "our out their blood By the force of the sword9 )et their wives become widows And bereaved of their children' )et their men be "ut to death#

Ithey have also built the high "laces of Baal# to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings to Baal# which 0 did not command or s"ea1# nor did it come into 4y mindJ#


therefore behold# the days are coming#: says the )3+*# :that this "lace shall no more be called To"het or the Valley of the Son of 2innom# but the Valley of Slaughter'


And 0 will ma1e void the counsel of Judah and Jerusalem in this "lace# and 0 will cause them to fall by the sword before their enemies and by the hands of those who see1 their lives9 their cor"ses 0 will give as meat for the birds of the heaven and for the beasts of the earth'

And the houses of Jerusalem and the houses of the 1ings of Judah shall be defiled li1e the "lace of To"het# because of all the houses on whose roofs they have burned incense to all the host of heaven# and "oured out drin1 offerings to other gods'::D

Then Jeremiah came from To"het# where the )3+* had sent him to "ro"hesy9 and he stood in the court of the )ordDs house and said to all the "eo"le#

0 will ma1e this city desolate and a hissing9 everyone who "asses by it will be astonished and hiss because of all its "lagues'

:Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :Behold# 0 will bring on this city and on all her towns all the doom that 0 have "ronounced against it# because they have stiffened their nec1s that they might not hear 4y words':D

And 0 will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters# and everyone shall eat the flesh of his friend in the siege and in the des"eration with which their enemies and those who see1 their lives shall drive them to des"air':D

20Now /ashhur the son of 0mmer#

the "riest who was also chief governor in the house of the )3+*# heard that Jeremiah "ro"hesied these things'

:Then you shall brea1 the flas1 in the sight of the men who go with you#

and say to them# :Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 : ven so 0 will brea1 this "eo"le and this city# as one brea1s a "otterDs vessel# which cannot be made whole again9 and they shall bury them in To"het till there is no "lace to bury'

Then /ashhur struc1 Jeremiah the "ro"het# and "ut him in the stoc1s that were in the high gate of Ben$amin# which was by the house of the )3+*'

And it ha""ened on the ne!t day that /ashhur brought Jeremiah out of the stoc1s' Then Jeremiah said to him# :The )3+* has not called your name /ashhur# but 4agorF4issabib'

Thus 0 will do to this "lace#: says the )3+*# :and to its inhabitants# and ma1e this city li1e To"het'

For thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 will ma1e you a terror to yourself and to all your friends9 and they shall fall by the sword of their enemies# and your eyes shall see it' 0 will give all Judah into the hand of the 1ing of Babylon# and he shall carry them ca"tive to Babylon and slay them with the sword'


4oreover 0 will deliver all the wealth of this city# all its "roduce# and all its "recious things9 all the treasures of the 1ings of Judah 0 will give into the hand of their enemies# who will "lunder them# sei.e them# and carry them to Babylon'

heart# )et me see Cour vengeance on them9 For 0 have "leaded my cause before Cou'

Sing to the )3+*H /raise the )3+*H For 2e has delivered the life of the "oor From the hand of evildoers'

And you# /ashhur# and all who dwell in your house# shall go into ca"tivity' Cou shall go to Babylon# and there you shall die# and be buried there# you and all your friends# to whom you have "ro"hesied lies':D

-ursed be the day in which 0 was bornH )et the day not be blessed in which my mother bore meH

3 )3+*# Cou induced me# and 0 was "ersuaded9 Cou are stronger than 0# and have "revailed' 0 am in derision daily9 veryone moc1s me'

)et the man be cursed Bho brought news to my father# saying# :A male child has been born to youH: 4a1ing him very glad'

For when 0 s"o1e# 0 cried out9 0 shouted# :Violence and "lunderH: Because the word of the )3+* was made to me A re"roach and a derision daily'

And let that man be li1e the cities Bhich the )3+* overthrew# and did not relent9 )et him hear the cry in the morning And the shouting at noon#

Then 0 said# :0 will not ma1e mention of 2im# Nor s"ea1 anymore in 2is name': But 2is word was in my heart li1e a burning fire Shut u" in my bones9 0 was weary of holding it bac1# And 0 could not'

Because he did not 1ill me from the womb# That my mother might have been my grave# And her womb always enlarged with me'

For 0 heard many moc1ing7 :Fear on every sideH: :+e"ort#: they say# :and we will re"ort itH: All my acGuaintances watched for my stumbling# saying# :/erha"s he can be induced9 Then we will "revail against him# And we will ta1e our revenge on him':

Bhy did 0 come forth from the womb to see labor and sorrow# That my days should be consumed with shameE

21The word which came to Jeremiah

from the )3+* when King 5ede1iah sent to him /ashhur the son of 4elchiah# and 5e"haniah the son of 4aaseiah# the "riest# saying#

But the )3+* is with me as a mighty# awesome 3ne' Therefore my "ersecutors will stumble# and will not "revail' They will be greatly ashamed# for they will not "ros"er' Their everlasting confusion will never be forgotten'

:/lease inGuire of the )3+* for us# for 1ing of Babylon ma1es war against us' /erha"s the )3+* will deal with us according to all 2is wonderful wor1s# that the 1ing may go away from us':

But# 3 )3+* of hosts# Cou who test the righteous# And see the mind and

Then Jeremiah said to them# :Thus you shall say to 5ede1iah#

:Thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael7 :Behold# 0 will turn bac1 the wea"ons of war that are in your hands# with which you fight against the 1ing of Babylon and the -haldeans who besiege you outside the walls9 and 0 will assemble them in the midst of this city'


:And concerning the house of the 1ing of Judah# say# :2ear the word of the )3+*#

0 4yself will fight against you with an outstretched hand and with a strong arm# even in anger and fury and great wrath'

3 house of *avidH Thus says the )3+*7 : !ecute $udgment in the morning9 And deliver him who is "lundered 3ut of the hand of the o""ressor# )est 4y fury go forth li1e fire And burn so that no one can Guench it# Because of the evil of your doings'

0 will stri1e the inhabitants of this city# both man and beast9 they shall die of a great "estilence'

:Behold# 0 am against you# 3 inhabitant of the valley# And roc1 of the "lain#: says the )3+*# :Bho say# :Bho shall come down against usE 3r who shall enter our dwellingsED

And afterward#: says the )3+*# :0 will deliver 5ede1iah 1ing of Judah# his servants and the "eo"le# and such as are left in this city from the "estilence and the sword and the famine# into the hand of 1ing of Babylon# into the hand of their enemies# and into the hand of those who see1 their life9 and he shall stri1e them with the edge of the sword' 2e shall not s"are them# or have "ity or mercy':D

But 0 will "unish you according to the fruit of your doings#: says the )3+*9 :0 will 1indle a fire in its forest# And it shall devour all things around it'::D

22Thus says the )3+*7 :(o down to

the house of the 1ing of Judah# and there s"ea1 this word#

:Now you shall say to this "eo"le# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 set before you the way of life and the way of death'

and say# :2ear the word of the )3+*# 3 1ing of Judah# you who sit on the throne of *avid# you and your servants and your "eo"le who enter these gatesH

2e who remains in this city shall die by the sword# by famine# and by "estilence9 but he who goes out and defects to the -haldeans who besiege you# he shall live# and his life shall be as a "ri.e to him'

Thus says the )3+*7 : !ecute $udgment and righteousness# and deliver the "lundered out of the hand of the o""ressor' *o no wrong and do no violence to the stranger# the fatherless# or the widow# nor shed innocent blood in this "lace'

For 0 have set 4y face against this city for adversity and not for good#: says the )3+*' :0t shall be given into the hand of the 1ing of Babylon# and he shall burn it with fire':D

For if you indeed do this thing# then shall enter the gates of this house# riding on horses and in chariots# accom"anied by servants and "eo"le# 1ings who sit on the throne of *avid'


But if you will not hear these words# 0 swear by 4yself#: says the )3+*# :that this house shall become a desolation'::D

out windows for it# /aneling it with cedar And "ainting it with vermilion'D

For thus says the )3+* to the house of the 1ing of Judah7 :Cou are (ilead to 4e# The head of )ebanon9 Cet 0 surely will ma1e you a wilderness# -ities which are not inhabited'

:Shall you reign because you enclose yourself in cedarE *id not your father eat and drin1# And do $ustice and righteousnessE Then it was well with him'

0 will "re"are destroyers against you# veryone with his wea"ons9 They shall cut down your choice cedars And cast them into the fire'

2e $udged the cause of the "oor and needy9 Then it was well' Bas not this 1nowing 4eE: says the )3+*'

And many nations will "ass by this city9 and everyone will say to his neighbor# :Bhy has the )3+* done so to this great cityED

:Cet your eyes and your heart are for nothing but your covetousness# For shedding innocent blood# And "racticing o""ression and violence':

Then they will answer# :Because they have forsa1en the covenant of the )3+* their (od# and worshi"ed other gods and served them':D

Therefore thus says the )3+* concerning Jehoia1im the son of Josiah# 1ing of Judah7 :They shall not lament for him# Saying# :Alas# my brotherHD or :Alas# my sisterHD They shall not lament for him# Saying# :Alas# masterHD or :Alas# his gloryHD

Bee" not for the dead# nor bemoan him9 Bee" bitterly for him who goes away# For he shall return no more# Nor see his native country'

2e shall be buried with the burial of a don1ey# *ragged and cast out beyond the gates of Jerusalem'

For thus says the )3+* concerning Shallum the son of Josiah# 1ing of Judah# who reigned instead of Josiah his father# who went from this "lace7 :2e shall not return here anymore#

:(o u" to )ebanon# and cry out# And lift u" your voice in Bashan9 -ry from Abarim# For all your lovers are destroyed'

but he shall die in the "lace where they have led him ca"tive# and shall see this land no more'

0 s"o1e to you in your "ros"erity# But you said# :0 will not hear'D This has been your manner from your youth# That you did not obey 4y voice'

:Boe to him who builds his house by unrighteousness And his chambers by in$ustice# Bho uses his neighborDs service without wages And gives him nothing for his wor1#

The wind shall eat u" all your rulers# And your lovers shall go into ca"tivity9 Surely then you will be ashamed and humiliated For all your wic1edness'

Bho says# :0 will build myself a wide house with s"acious chambers# And cut

3 inhabitant of )ebanon# 4a1ing your nest in the cedars# 2ow gracious will

you be when "angs come u"on you# )i1e the "ain of a woman in laborE

attended to them' Behold# 0 will attend to you for the evil of your doings#: says the )3+*'

:As 0 live#: says the )3+*# :though -oniah the son of Jehoia1im# 1ing of Judah# were the signet on 4y right hand# yet 0 would "luc1 you off9

and 0 will give you into the hand of those who see1 your life# and into the hand of those whose face you fearFFthe hand of 1ing of Babylon and the hand of the -haldeans'

:But 0 will gather the remnant of 4y floc1 out of all countries where 0 have driven them# and bring them bac1 to their folds9 and they shall be fruitful and increase'

0 will set u" she"herds over them who will feed them9 and they shall fear no more# nor be dismayed# nor shall they be lac1ing#: says the )3+*'

So 0 will cast you out# and your mother who bore you# into another country where you were not born9 and there you shall die'

But to the land to which they desire to return# there they shall not return'

:Behold# the days are coming#: says the )3+*# :That 0 will raise to *avid a Branch of righteousness9 A King shall reign and "ros"er# And e!ecute $udgment and righteousness in the earth'

:0s this man -oniah a des"ised# bro1en idolFF A vessel in which is no "leasureE Bhy are they cast out# he and his descendants# And cast into a land which they do not 1nowE

0n 2is days Judah will be saved# And 0srael will dwell safely9 Now this is 2is name by which 2e will be called7 T2 )3+* 3A+ +0(2T 3ASN SS'

3 earth# earth# earth# 2ear the word of the )3+*H


Thus says the )3+*7 :Brite this man down as childless# A man who shall not "ros"er in his days9 For none of his descendants shall "ros"er# Sitting on the throne of *avid# And ruling anymore in Judah':D

:Therefore# behold# the days are coming#: says the )3+*# :that they shall no longer say# :As the )3+* lives who brought u" the children of 0srael from the land of gy"t#D


but# :As the )3+* lives who brought u" and led the descendants of the house of 0srael from the north country and from all the countries where 0 had driven them'D And they shall dwell in their own land':

to the she"herds who destroy and scatter the shee" of 4y "astureH: says the )3+*' Therefore thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael against the she"herds who feed 4y "eo"le7 :Cou have scattered 4y floc1# driven them away# and not

4y heart within me is bro1en Because of the "ro"hets9 All my bones sha1e' 0 am li1e a drun1en man# And li1e a man whom wine has overcome# Because of the )3+*# And because of 2is holy words'


For the land is full of adulterers9 For because of a curse the land mourns' The "leasant "laces of the wilderness are dried u"' Their course of life is evil# And their might is not right'

own heart# they say# :No evil shall come u"on you':D

:For both "ro"het and "riest are "rofane9 Ces# in 4y house 0 have found their wic1edness#: says the )3+*'

For who has stood in the counsel of the )3+*# And has "erceived and heard 2is wordE Bho has mar1ed 2is word and heard itE

:Therefore their way shall be to them )i1e sli""ery ways9 0n the dar1ness they shall be driven on And fall in them9 For 0 will bring disaster on them# The year of their "unishment#: says the )3+*'

Behold# a whirlwind of the )3+* has gone forth in furyFF A violent whirlwindH 0t will fall violently on the head of the wic1ed'

:And 0 have seen folly in the "ro"hets of Samaria7 They "ro"hesied by Baal And caused 4y "eo"le 0srael to err'

The anger of the )3+* will not turn bac1 Antil 2e has e!ecuted and "erformed the thoughts of 2is heart' 0n the latter days you will understand it "erfectly'

Also 0 have seen a horrible thing in the "ro"hets of Jerusalem7 They commit adultery and wal1 in lies9 They also strengthen the hands of evildoers# So that no one turns bac1 from his wic1edness' All of them are li1e Sodom to 4e# And her inhabitants li1e (omorrah'

:0 have not sent these "ro"hets# yet they ran' 0 have not s"o1en to them# yet they "ro"hesied'

But if they had stood in 4y counsel# And had caused 4y "eo"le to hear 4y words# Then they would have turned them from their evil way And from the evil of their doings'

:Therefore thus says the )3+* of hosts concerning the "ro"hets7 :Behold# 0 will feed them with wormwood# And ma1e them drin1 the water of gall9 For from the "ro"hets of Jerusalem /rofaneness has gone out into all the land':D

:Am 0 a (od near at hand#: says the )3+*# :And not a (od afar offE

-an anyone hide himself in secret "laces# So 0 shall not see himE: says the )3+*9 :*o 0 not fill heaven and earthE: says the )3+*'

Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :*o not listen to the words of the "ro"hets who "ro"hesy to you' They ma1e you worthless9 They s"ea1 a vision of their own heart# Not from the mouth of the )3+*'

:0 have heard what the "ro"hets have said who "ro"hesy lies in 4y name# saying# :0 have dreamed# 0 have dreamedHD

They continually say to those who des"ise 4e# :The )3+* has said# :Cou shall have "eace:D9 And to everyone who wal1s according to the dictates of his

2ow long will this be in the heart of the "ro"hets who "ro"hesy liesE 0ndeed they are "ro"hets of the deceit of their own heart#


who try to ma1e 4y "eo"le forget 4y name by their dreams which everyone tells his neighbor# as their fathers forgot 4y name for Baal'

will be his oracle# for you have "erverted the words of the living (od# the )3+* of hosts# our (od'

:The "ro"het who has a dream# let him tell a dream9 And he who has 4y word# let him s"ea1 4y word faithfully' Bhat is the chaff to the wheatE: says the )3+*'

Thus you shall say to the "ro"het# :Bhat has the )3+* answered youED and# :Bhat has the )3+* s"o1enED

:0s not 4y word li1e a fireE: says the )3+*# :And li1e a hammer that brea1s the roc1 in "iecesE

But since you say# :The oracle of the )3+*HD therefore thus says the )3+*7 :Because you say this word# :The oracle of the )3+*H: and 0 have sent to you# saying# :*o not say# :The oracle of the )3+*H:D

:Therefore behold# 0 am against the "ro"hets#: says the )3+*# :who steal 4y words every one from his neighbor'

Behold# 0 am against the "ro"hets#: says the )3+*# :who use their tongues and say# :2e says'D

therefore behold# 0# even 0# will utterly forget you and forsa1e you# and the city that 0 gave you and your fathers# and will cast you out of 4y "resence'

Behold# 0 am against those who "ro"hesy false dreams#: says the )3+*# :and tell them# and cause 4y "eo"le to err by their lies and by their rec1lessness' Cet 0 did not send them or command them9 therefore they shall not "rofit this "eo"le at all#: says the )3+*'

And 0 will bring an everlasting re"roach u"on you# and a "er"etual shame# which shall not be forgotten':D

24The )3+* showed me# and there

were two bas1ets of figs set before the tem"le of the )3+*# after 1ing of Babylon had carried away ca"tive Jeconiah the son of Jehoia1im# 1ing of Judah# and the "rinces of Judah with the craftsmen and smiths# from Jerusalem# and had brought them to Babylon'

:So when these "eo"le or the "ro"het or the "riest as1 you# saying# :Bhat is the oracle of the )3+*ED you shall then say to them# :Bhat oracleED 0 will even forsa1e you#: says the )3+*'

:And as for the "ro"het and the "riest and the "eo"le who say# :The oracle of the )3+*HD 0 will even "unish that man and his house'

3ne bas1et had very good figs# li1e the figs that are first ri"e9 and the other bas1et had very bad figs which could not be eaten# they were so bad'

Thus every one of you shall say to his neighbor# and every one to his brother# :Bhat has the )3+* answeredED and# :Bhat has the )3+* s"o1enED

Then the )3+* said to me# :Bhat do you see# JeremiahE: And 0 said# :Figs# the good figs# very good9 and the bad# very bad# which cannot be eaten# they are so bad':

And the oracle of the )3+* you shall mention no more' For every manDs word

Again the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#


which Jeremiah the "ro"het s"o1e to all the "eo"le of Judah and to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem# saying7

:Thus says the )3+*# the (od of 0srael7 :)i1e these good figs# so will 0 ac1nowledge those who are carried away ca"tive from Judah# whom 0 have sent out of this "lace for their own good# into the land of the -haldeans'

:From the thirteenth year of Josiah the son of Amon# 1ing of Judah# even to this day# this is the twentyFthird year in which the word of the )3+* has come to me9 and 0 have s"o1en to you# rising early and s"ea1ing# but you have not listened'

For 0 will set 4y eyes on them for good# and 0 will bring them bac1 to this land9 0 will build them and not "ull them down# and 0 will "lant them and not "luc1 them u"'

And the )3+* has sent to you all 2is servants the "ro"hets# rising early and sending them# but you have not listened nor inclined your ear to hear'

Then 0 will give them a heart to 1now 4e# that 0 am the )3+*9 and they shall be 4y "eo"le# and 0 will be their (od# for they shall return to 4e with their whole heart'

They said# :+e"ent now everyone of his evil way and his evil doings# and dwell in the land that the )3+* has given to you and your fathers forever and ever'

:And as the bad figs which cannot be eaten# they are so badDFFsurely thus says the )3+*FF:so will 0 give u" 5ede1iah the 1ing of Judah# his "rinces# the residue of Jerusalem who remain in this land# and those who dwell in the land of gy"t'

*o not go after other gods to serve them and worshi" them# and do not "rovo1e 4e to anger with the wor1s of your hands9 and 0 will not harm you'D

Cet you have not listened to 4e#: says the )3+*# :that you might "rovo1e 4e to anger with the wor1s of your hands to your own hurt'

0 will deliver them to trouble into all the 1ingdoms of the earth# for their harm# to be a re"roach and a byword# a taunt and a curse# in all "laces where 0 shall drive them'

:Therefore thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :Because you have not heard 4y words#

And 0 will send the sword# the famine# and the "estilence among them# till they are consumed from the land that 0 gave to them and their fathers':D

25The word that came to Jeremiah

concerning all the "eo"le of Judah# in the fourth year of Jehoia1im the son of Josiah# 1ing of Judah Iwhich was the first year of 1ing of BabylonJ#

behold# 0 will send and ta1e all the families of the north#D says the )3+*# :and the 1ing of Babylon# 4y servant# and will bring them against this land# against its inhabitants# and against these nations all around# and will utterly destroy them# and ma1e them an astonishment# a hissing# and "er"etual desolations'

4oreover 0 will ta1e from them the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness# the voice of the bridegroom and the

voice of the bride# the sound of the millstones and the light of the lam"'


And this whole land shall be a desolation and an astonishment# and these nations shall serve the 1ing of Babylon seventy years'

all the mi!ed multitude# all the 1ings of the land of A.# all the 1ings of the land of the /hilistines Inamely# Ash1elon# (a.a# 1ron# and the remnant of AshdodJ9

dom# 4oab# and the "eo"le of Ammon9


:Then it will come to "ass# when seventy years are com"leted# that 0 will "unish the 1ing of Babylon and that nation# the land of the -haldeans# for their iniGuity#D says the )3+*9 :and 0 will ma1e it a "er"etual desolation'

all the 1ings of Tyre# all the 1ings of Sidon# and the 1ings of the coastlands which are across the sea9

*edan# Tema# Bu.# and all who are in the farthest corners9

So 0 will bring on that land all 4y words which 0 have "ronounced against it# all that is written in this boo1# which Jeremiah has "ro"hesied concerning all the nations'

all the 1ings of Arabia and all the 1ings of the mi!ed multitude who dwell in the desert9

IFor many nations and great 1ings shall be served by them also9 and 0 will re"ay them according to their deeds and according to the wor1s of their own hands'J:D

all the 1ings of 5imri# all the 1ings of lam# and all the 1ings of the 4edes9


For thus says the )3+* (od of 0srael to me7 :Ta1e this wine cu" of fury from 4y hand# and cause all the nations# to whom 0 send you# to drin1 it'

all the 1ings of the north# far and near# one with another9 and all the 1ingdoms of the world which are on the face of the earth' Also the 1ing of Sheshach shall drin1 after them'

And they will drin1 and stagger and go mad because of the sword that 0 will send among them':

:Therefore you shall say to them# :Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :*rin1# be drun1# and vomitH Fall and rise no more# because of the sword which 0 will send among you':D

Then 0 too1 the cu" from the )3+*Ds hand# and made all the nations drin1# to whom the )3+* had sent me7

And it shall be# if they refuse to ta1e the cu" from your hand to drin1# then you shall say to them# :Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :Cou shall certainly drin1H

Jerusalem and the cities of Judah# its 1ings and its "rinces# to ma1e them a desolation# an astonishment# a hissing# and a curse# as it is this day9

/haraoh 1ing of gy"t# his servants# his "rinces# and all his "eo"le9

For behold# 0 begin to bring calamity on the city which is called by 4y name# and should you be utterly un"unishedE Cou shall not be un"unished# for 0 will call for a sword on all the inhabitants of the earth#: says the )3+* of hosts'D


:Therefore "ro"hesy against them all these words# and say to them7 :The )3+* will roar from on high# And utter 2is voice from 2is holy habitation9 2e will roar mightily against 2is fold' 2e will give a shout# as those who tread the gra"es# Against all the inhabitants of the earth'

fierceness of the 3""ressor# because of 2is fierce anger':


260n the beginning of the reign of

Jehoia1im the son of Josiah# 1ing of Judah# this word came from the )3+*# saying#

A noise will come to the ends of the earthFF For the )3+* has a controversy with the nations9 2e will "lead 2is case with all flesh' 2e will give those who are wic1ed to the sword#D says the )3+*':

Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :Behold# disaster shall go forth From nation to nation# And a great whirlwind shall be raised u" From the farthest "arts of the earth'

:Thus says the )3+*7 :Stand in the court of the )3+*Ds house# and s"ea1 to all the cities of Judah# which come to worshi" in the )3+*Ds house# all the words that 0 command you to s"ea1 to them' *o not diminish a word'

:And at that day the slain of the )3+* shall be from one end of the earth even to the other end of the earth' They shall not be lamented# or gathered# or buried9 they shall become refuse on the ground'

/erha"s everyone will listen and turn from his evil way# that 0 may relent concerning the calamity which 0 "ur"ose to bring on them because of the evil of their doings'D

And you shall say to them# :Thus says the )3+*7 :0f you will not listen to 4e# to wal1 in 4y law which 0 have set before you#

:Bail# she"herds# and cryH +oll about in the ashes# Cou leaders of the floc1H For the days of your slaughter and your dis"ersions are fulfilled9 Cou shall fall li1e a "recious vessel'

to heed the words of 4y servants the "ro"hets whom 0 sent to you# both rising u" early and sending them Ibut you have not heededJ#

And the she"herds will have no way to flee# Nor the leaders of the floc1 to esca"e'

then 0 will ma1e this house li1e Shiloh# and will ma1e this city a curse to all the nations of the earth'::D

A voice of the cry of the she"herds# And a wailing of the leaders to the floc1 will be heard' For the )3+* has "lundered their "asture#

So the "riests and the "ro"hets and all the "eo"le heard Jeremiah s"ea1ing these words in the house of the )3+*'

And the "eaceful dwellings are cut down Because of the fierce anger of the )3+*'

2e has left 2is lair li1e the lion9 For their land is desolate Because of the

Now it ha""ened# when Jeremiah had made an end of s"ea1ing all that the )3+* had commanded him to s"ea1 to all the "eo"le# that the "riests and the "ro"hets and all the "eo"le sei.ed him# saying# :Cou will surely dieH

Bhy have you "ro"hesied in the name of the )3+*# saying# :This house shall be li1e Shiloh# and this city shall be desolate# without an inhabitantDE: And all the "eo"le were gathered against Jeremiah in the house of the )3+*'


Then certain of the elders of the land rose u" and s"o1e to all the assembly of the "eo"le# saying7

Bhen the "rinces of Judah heard these things# they came u" from the 1ingDs house to the house of the )3+* and sat down in the entry of the New (ate of the )3+*Ds house'

:4icah of 4oresheth "ro"hesied in the days of 2e.e1iah 1ing of Judah# and s"o1e to all the "eo"le of Judah# saying# :Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :5ion shall be "lowed li1e a field# Jerusalem shall become hea"s of ruins# And the mountain of the tem"le )i1e the bare hills of the forest':D

And the "riests and the "ro"hets s"o1e to the "rinces and all the "eo"le# saying# :This man deserves to dieH For he has "ro"hesied against this city# as you have heard with your ears':

Then Jeremiah s"o1e to all the "rinces and all the "eo"le# saying7 :The )3+* sent me to "ro"hesy against this house and against this city with all the words that you have heard'

*id 2e.e1iah 1ing of Judah and all Judah ever "ut him to deathE *id he not fear the )3+* and see1 the )3+*Ds favorE And the )3+* relented concerning the doom which 2e had "ronounced against them' But we are doing great evil against ourselves':

Now therefore# amend your ways and your doings# and obey the voice of the )3+* your (od9 then the )3+* will relent concerning the doom that 2e has "ronounced against you'

Now there was also a man who "ro"hesied in the name of the )3+*# Ari$ah the son of Shemaiah of Kir$ath Jearim# who "ro"hesied against this city and against this land according to all the words of Jeremiah'

As for me# here 0 am# in your hand9 do with me as seems good and "ro"er to you'

And when Jehoia1im the 1ing# with all his mighty men and all the "rinces# heard his words# the 1ing sought to "ut him to death9 but when Ari$ah heard it# he was afraid and fled# and went to gy"t'

But 1now for certain that if you "ut me to death# you will surely bring innocent blood on yourselves# on this city# and on its inhabitants9 for truly the )3+* has sent me to you to s"ea1 all these words in your hearing':

Then Jehoia1im the 1ing sent men to gy"t7 lnathan the son of Achbor# and other men who went with him to gy"t'

So the "rinces and all the "eo"le said to the "riests and the "ro"hets# :This man does not deserve to die' For he has s"o1en to us in the name of the )3+* our (od':

And they brought Ari$ah from gy"t and brought him to Jehoia1im the 1ing# who 1illed him with the sword and cast his dead body into the graves of the common "eo"le'

Nevertheless the hand of Ahi1am the son of Sha"han was with Jeremiah# so

that they should not give him into the hand of the "eo"le to "ut him to death'

270n the beginning of the reign of

Jehoia1im the son of Josiah# 1ing of Judah# this word came to Jeremiah from the )3+*# saying#

yo1e of the 1ing of Babylon# that nation 0 will "unish#D says the )3+*# :with the sword# the famine# and the "estilence# until 0 have consumed them by his hand'

:Thus says the )3+* to me7 :4a1e for yourselves bonds and yo1es# and "ut them on your nec1#

Therefore do not listen to your "ro"hets# your diviners# your dreamers# your soothsayers# or your sorcerers# who s"ea1 to you# saying# :Cou shall not serve the 1ing of Babylon':

and send them to the 1ing of dom# the 1ing of 4oab# the 1ing of the Ammonites# the 1ing of Tyre# and the 1ing of Sidon# by the hand of the messengers who come to Jerusalem to 5ede1iah 1ing of Judah'

For they "ro"hesy a lie to you# to remove you far from your land9 and 0 will drive you out# and you will "erish'

But the nations that bring their nec1s under the yo1e of the 1ing of Babylon and serve him# 0 will let them remain in their own land#D says the )3+*# :and they shall till it and dwell in it':::

And command them to say to their masters# :Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0sraelFFthus you shall say to your masters7

:0 have made the earth# the man and the beast that are on the ground# by 4y great "ower and by 4y outstretched arm# and have given it to whom it seemed "ro"er to 4e'

0 also s"o1e to 5ede1iah 1ing of Judah according to all these words# saying# :Bring your nec1s under the yo1e of the 1ing of Babylon# and serve him and his "eo"le# and liveH

And now 0 have given all these lands into the hand of the 1ing of Babylon# 4y servant9 and the beasts of the field 0 have also given him to serve him'

Bhy will you die# you and your "eo"le# by the sword# by the famine# and by the "estilence# as the )3+* has s"o1en against the nation that will not serve the 1ing of BabylonE

Therefore do not listen to the words of the "ro"hets who s"ea1 to you# saying# :Cou shall not serve the 1ing of Babylon#D for they "ro"hesy a lie to you9

So all nations shall serve him and his son and his sonDs son# until the time of his land comes9 and then many nations and great 1ings shall ma1e him serve them'

for 0 have not sent them#: says the )3+*# :yet they "ro"hesy a lie in 4y name# that 0 may drive you out# and that you may "erish# you and the "ro"hets who "ro"hesy to you':

And it shall be# that the nation and 1ingdom which will not serve the 1ing of Babylon# and which will not "ut its nec1 under the

Also 0 s"o1e to the "riests and to all this "eo"le# saying# :Thus says the )3+*7 :*o not listen to the words of your "ro"hets who "ro"hesy to you#

saying# :Behold# the vessels of the )3+*Ds house will now shortly be brought bac1 from Babylon:9 for they "ro"hesy a lie to you'

s"o1e to me in the house of the )3+* in the "resence of the "riests and of all the "eo"le# saying#

*o not listen to them9 serve the 1ing of Babylon# and liveH Bhy should this city be laid wasteE

:Thus s"ea1s the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael# saying7 :0 have bro1en the yo1e of the 1ing of Babylon'

But if they are "ro"hets# and if the word of the )3+* is with them# let them now ma1e intercession to the )3+* of hosts# that the vessels which are left in the house of the )3+*# in the house of the 1ing of Judah# and at Jerusalem# do not go to Babylon'D

Bithin two full years 0 will bring bac1 to this "lace all the vessels of the )3+*Ds house# that 1ing of Babylon too1 away from this "lace and carried to Babylon'

:For thus says the )3+* of hosts concerning the "illars# concerning the Sea# concerning the carts# and concerning the remainder of the vessels that remain in this city#

And 0 will bring bac1 to this "lace Jeconiah the son of Jehoia1im# 1ing of Judah# with all the ca"tives of Judah who went to Babylon#D says the )3+*# :for 0 will brea1 the yo1e of the 1ing of Babylon':D

which 1ing of Babylon did not ta1e# when he carried away ca"tive Jeconiah the son of Jehoia1im# 1ing of Judah# from Jerusalem to Babylon# and all the nobles of Judah and JerusalemFF

Then the "ro"het Jeremiah s"o1e to the "ro"het 2ananiah in the "resence of the "riests and in the "resence of all the "eo"le who stood in the house of the )3+*#

yes# thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael# concerning the vessels that remain in the house of the )3+*# and in the house of the 1ing of Judah and of Jerusalem7

and the "ro"het Jeremiah said# :AmenH The )3+* do so9 the )3+* "erform your words which you have "ro"hesied# to bring bac1 the vessels of the )3+*Ds house and all who were carried away ca"tive# from Babylon to this "lace'

:They shall be carried to Babylon# and there they shall be until the day that 0 visit them#D says the )3+*' :Then 0 will bring them u" and restore them to this "lace':D

Nevertheless hear now this word that 0 s"ea1 in your hearing and in the hearing of all the "eo"le7

28And it ha""ened in the same year#

at the beginning of the reign of 5ede1iah 1ing of Judah# in the fourth year and in the fifth month# that 2ananiah the son of A.ur the "ro"het# who was from (ibeon#

The "ro"hets who have been before me and before you of old "ro"hesied against many countries and great 1ingdomsFFof war and disaster and "estilence'

As for the "ro"het who "ro"hesies of "eace# when the word of the "ro"het comes to "ass# the "ro"het will be

1nown as one whom the )3+* has truly sent':


29Now these are the words of the

letter that Jeremiah the "ro"het sent from Jerusalem to the remainder of the elders who were carried away ca"tiveFF to the "riests# the "ro"hets# and all the "eo"le whom had carried away ca"tive from Jerusalem to Babylon'

Then 2ananiah the "ro"het too1 the yo1e off the "ro"het JeremiahDs nec1 and bro1e it'

And 2ananiah s"o1e in the "resence of all the "eo"le# saying# :Thus says the )3+*7 : ven so 0 will brea1 the yo1e of 1ing of Babylon from the nec1 of all nations within the s"ace of two full years':D And the "ro"het Jeremiah went his way'

IThis ha""ened after Jeconiah the 1ing# the Gueen mother# the eunuchs# the "rinces of Judah and Jerusalem# the craftsmen# and the smiths had de"arted from Jerusalem'J

Now the word of the )3+* came to Jeremiah# after 2ananiah the "ro"het had bro1en the yo1e from the nec1 of the "ro"het Jeremiah# saying#

:(o and tell 2ananiah# saying# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Cou have bro1en the yo1es of wood# but you have made in their "lace yo1es of iron':

The letter was sent by the hand of lasah the son of Sha"han# and (emariah the son of 2il1iah# whom 5ede1iah 1ing of Judah sent to Babylon# to 1ing of Babylon# saying#

For thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :0 have "ut a yo1e of iron on the nec1 of all these nations# that they may serve 1ing of Babylon9 and they shall serve him' 0 have given him the beasts of the field also'::D

Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael# to all who were carried away ca"tive# whom 0 have caused to be carried away from Jerusalem to Babylon7

Build houses and dwell in them9 "lant gardens and eat their fruit'

Then the "ro"het Jeremiah said to 2ananiah the "ro"het# :2ear now# 2ananiah# the )3+* has not sent you# but you ma1e this "eo"le trust in a lie'

Ta1e wives and beget sons and daughters9 and ta1e wives for your sons and give your daughters to husbands# so that they may bear sons and daughtersFFthat you may be increased there# and not diminished'

Therefore thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 will cast you from the face of the earth' This year you shall die# because you have taught rebellion against the )3+*':D

And see1 the "eace of the city where 0 have caused you to be carried away ca"tive# and "ray to the )3+* for it9 for in its "eace you will have "eace'

So 2ananiah the "ro"het died the same year in the seventh month'

For thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 *o not let your "ro"hets and your diviners who are in your midst

deceive you# nor listen to your dreams which you cause to be dreamed'

li1e rotten figs that cannot be eaten# they are so bad'


For they "ro"hesy falsely to you in 4y name9 0 have not sent them# says the )3+*'

For thus says the )3+*7 After seventy years are com"leted at Babylon# 0 will visit you and "erform 4y good word toward you# and cause you to return to this "lace'

And 0 will "ursue them with the sword# with famine# and with "estilence9 and 0 will deliver them to trouble among all the 1ingdoms of the earthFFto be a curse# an astonishment# a hissing# and a re"roach among all the nations where 0 have driven them#

For 0 1now the thoughts that 0 thin1 toward you# says the )3+*# thoughts of "eace and not of evil# to give you a future and a ho"e'

because they have not heeded 4y words# says the )3+*# which 0 sent to them by 4y servants the "ro"hets# rising u" early and sending them9 neither would you heed# says the )3+*'

Then you will call u"on 4e and go and "ray to 4e# and 0 will listen to you'

Therefore hear the word of the )3+*# all you of the ca"tivity# whom 0 have sent from Jerusalem to Babylon'

And you will see1 4e and find 4e# when you search for 4e with all your heart'

0 will be found by you# says the )3+*# and 0 will bring you bac1 from your ca"tivity9 0 will gather you from all the nations and from all the "laces where 0 have driven you# says the )3+*# and 0 will bring you to the "lace from which 0 cause you to be carried away ca"tive'

Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael# concerning Ahab the son of Kolaiah# and 5ede1iah the son of 4aaseiah# who "ro"hesy a lie to you in 4y name7 Behold# 0 will deliver them into the hand of 1ing of Babylon# and he shall slay them before your eyes'

Because you have said# :The )3+* has raised u" "ro"hets for us in Babylon:FF

And because of them a curse shall be ta1en u" by all the ca"tivity of Judah who are in Babylon# saying# :The )3+* ma1e you li1e 5ede1iah and Ahab# whom the 1ing of Babylon roasted in the fire:9

therefore thus says the )3+* concerning the 1ing who sits on the throne of *avid# concerning all the "eo"le who dwell in this city# and concerning your brethren who have not gone out with you into ca"tivityFF

because they have done disgraceful things in 0srael# have committed adultery with their neighborsD wives# and have s"o1en lying words in 4y name# which 0 have not commanded them' 0ndeed 0 1now# and am a witness# says the )3+*'

thus says the )3+* of hosts7 Behold# 0 will send on them the sword# the famine# and the "estilence# and will ma1e them

Cou shall also s"ea1 to Shemaiah the Nehelamite# saying#


Thus s"ea1s the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael# saying7 Cou have sent letters in your name to all the "eo"le who are at Jerusalem# to 5e"haniah the son of 4aaseiah the "riest# and to all the "riests# saying#

30The word that came to Jeremiah

from the )3+*# saying#

:The )3+* has made you "riest instead of Jehoiada the "riest# so that there should be officers in the house of the )3+* over every man who is demented and considers himself a "ro"het# that you should "ut him in "rison and in the stoc1s'

:Thus s"ea1s the )3+* (od of 0srael# saying7 :Brite in a boo1 for yourself all the words that 0 have s"o1en to you'

For behold# the days are coming#D says the )3+*# :that 0 will bring bac1 from ca"tivity 4y "eo"le 0srael and Judah#D says the )3+*' :And 0 will cause them to return to the land that 0 gave to their fathers# and they shall "ossess it':D

Now therefore# why have you not rebu1ed Jeremiah of Anathoth who ma1es himself a "ro"het to youE

Now these are the words that the )3+* s"o1e concerning 0srael and Judah'

For he has sent to us in Babylon# saying# :This ca"tivity is long9 build houses and dwell in them# and "lant gardens and eat their fruit':D

:For thus says the )3+*7 :Be have heard a voice of trembling# 3f fear# and not of "eace'

Now 5e"haniah the "riest read this letter in the hearing of Jeremiah the "ro"het'

Then the word of the )3+* came to Jeremiah# saying7


As1 now# and see# Bhether a man is ever in labor with childE So why do 0 see every man with his hands on his loins )i1e a woman in labor# And all faces turned "aleE

Send to all those in ca"tivity# saying# Thus says the )3+* concerning Shemaiah the Nehelamite7 Because Shemaiah has "ro"hesied to you# and 0 have not sent him# and he has caused you to trust in a lieFF

AlasH For that day is great# So that none is li1e it9 And it is the time of JacobDs trouble# But he shall be saved out of it'

therefore thus says the )3+*7 Behold# 0 will "unish Shemaiah the Nehelamite and his family7 he shall not have anyone to dwell among this "eo"le# nor shall he see the good that 0 will do for 4y "eo"le# says the )3+*# because he has taught rebellion against the )3+*'

:For it shall come to "ass in that day#D Says the )3+* of hosts# :That 0 will brea1 his yo1e from your nec1# And will burst your bonds9 Foreigners shall no more enslave them'

But they shall serve the )3+* their (od# And *avid their 1ing# Bhom 0 will raise u" for them'

:Therefore do not fear# 3 4y servant Jacob#D says the )3+*# :Nor be dismayed# 3 0srael9 For behold# 0 will save you from afar# And your seed from

the land of their ca"tivity' Jacob shall return# have rest and be Guiet# And no one shall ma1e him afraid'

The city shall be built u"on its own mound# And the "alace shall remain according to its own "lan'

For 0 am with you#D says the )3+*# :to save you9 Though 0 ma1e a full end of all nations where 0 have scattered you# Cet 0 will not ma1e a com"lete end of you' But 0 will correct you in $ustice# And will not let you go altogether un"unished'D

Then out of them shall "roceed than1sgiving And the voice of those who ma1e merry9 0 will multi"ly them# and they shall not diminish9 0 will also glorify them# and they shall not be small'

:For thus says the )3+*7 :Cour affliction is incurable# Cour wound is severe'

Their children also shall be as before# And their congregation shall be established before 4e9 And 0 will "unish all who o""ress them'

There is no one to "lead your cause# That you may be bound u"9 Cou have no healing medicines'

All your lovers have forgotten you9 They do not see1 you9 For 0 have wounded you with the wound of an enemy# Bith the chastisement of a cruel one# For the multitude of your iniGuities# Because your sins have increased'

Their nobles shall be from among them# And their governor shall come from their midst9 Then 0 will cause him to draw near# And he shall a""roach 4e9 For who is this who "ledged his heart to a""roach 4eED says the )3+*'

:Cou shall be 4y "eo"le# And 0 will be your (od':D


Bhy do you cry about your afflictionE Cour sorrow is incurable' Because of the multitude of your iniGuities# Because your sins have increased# 0 have done these things to you'

Behold# the whirlwind of the )3+* (oes forth with fury# A continuing whirlwind9 0t will fall violently on the head of the wic1ed'

:Therefore all those who devour you shall be devoured9 And all your adversaries# every one of them# shall go into ca"tivity9 Those who "lunder you shall become "lunder# And all who "rey u"on you 0 will ma1e a "rey'

The fierce anger of the )3+* will not return until 2e has done it# And until 2e has "erformed the intents of 2is heart' 0n the latter days you will consider it'


For 0 will restore health to you And heal you of your wounds#D says the )3+*# :Because they called you an outcast saying7 :This is 5ion9 No one see1s her':D

the same time#: says the )3+*# :0 will be the (od of all the families of 0srael# and they shall be 4y "eo"le': Thus says the )3+*7 :The "eo"le who survived the sword Found grace in the wildernessFF 0srael# when 0 went to give him rest':

:Thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 will bring bac1 the ca"tivity of JacobDs tents# And have mercy on his dwelling "laces9

The )3+* has a""eared of old to me# saying7 :Ces# 0 have loved you with an everlasting love9 Therefore with loving1indness 0 have drawn you'


For the )3+* has redeemed Jacob# And ransomed him from the hand of one stronger than he'

Again 0 will build you# and you shall be rebuilt# 3 virgin of 0sraelH Cou shall again be adorned with your tambourines# And shall go forth in the dances of those who re$oice'

Therefore they shall come and sing in the height of 5ion# Streaming to the goodness of the )3+*FF For wheat and new wine and oil# For the young of the floc1 and the herd9 Their souls shall be li1e a wellFwatered garden# And they shall sorrow no more at all'

Cou shall yet "lant vines on the mountains of Samaria9 The "lanters shall "lant and eat them as ordinary food'

For there shall be a day Bhen the watchmen will cry on 4ount "hraim# :Arise# and let us go u" to 5ion# To the )3+* our (od':D

:Then shall the virgin re$oice in the dance# And the young men and the old# together9 For 0 will turn their mourning to $oy# Bill comfort them# And ma1e them re$oice rather than sorrow'

For thus says the )3+*7 :Sing with gladness for Jacob# And shout among the chief of the nations9 /roclaim# give "raise# and say# :3 )3+*# save Cour "eo"le# The remnant of 0sraelHD

0 will satiate the soul of the "riests with abundance# And 4y "eo"le shall be satisfied with 4y goodness# says the )3+*':

Behold# 0 will bring them from the north country# And gather them from the ends of the earth# Among them the blind and the lame# The woman with child And the one who labors with child# together9 A great throng shall return there'

Thus says the )3+*7 :A voice was heard in +amah# )amentation and bitter wee"ing# +achel wee"ing for her children# +efusing to be comforted for her children# Because they are no more':

They shall come with wee"ing# And with su""lications 0 will lead them' 0 will cause them to wal1 by the rivers of waters# 0n a straight way in which they shall not stumble9 For 0 am a Father to 0srael# And "hraim is 4y firstborn'

Thus says the )3+*7 :+efrain your voice from wee"ing# And your eyes from tears9 For your wor1 shall be rewarded# says the )3+*# And they shall come bac1 from the land of the enemy'

There is ho"e in your future# says the )3+*# That your children shall come bac1 to their own border'

:2ear the word of the )3+*# 3 nations# And declare it in the isles afar off# and say# :2e who scattered 0srael will gather him# And 1ee" him as a she"herd does his floc1'D

:0 have surely heard "hraim bemoaning himself7 :Cou have chastised me# and 0 was chastised# )i1e an untrained bull9 +estore me# and 0 will return# For Cou are the )3+* my (od'

Surely# after my turning# 0 re"ented9 And after 0 was instructed# 0 struc1

myself on the thigh9 0 was ashamed# yes# even humiliated# Because 0 bore the re"roach of my youth'D


0s "hraim 4y dear sonE 0s he a "leasant childE For though 0 s"o1e against him# 0 earnestly remember him still9 Therefore 4y heart yearns for him9 0 will surely have mercy on him# says the )3+*'

And it shall come to "ass# that as 0 have watched over them to "luc1 u"# to brea1 down# to throw down# to destroy# and to afflict# so 0 will watch over them to build and to "lant# says the )3+*'

0n those days they shall say no more7 :The fathers have eaten sour gra"es# And the childrenDs teeth are set on edge'D

:Set u" sign"osts# 4a1e landmar1s9 Set your heart toward the highway# The way in which you went' Turn bac1# 3 virgin of 0srael# Turn bac1 to these your cities'

But every one shall die for his own iniGuity9 every man who eats the sour gra"es# his teeth shall be set on edge'

2ow long will you gad about# 3 you bac1sliding daughterE For the )3+* has created a new thing in the earthFF A woman shall encom"ass a man':

:Behold# the days are coming# says the )3+*# when 0 will ma1e a new covenant with the house of 0srael and with the house of JudahFF

Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :They shall again use this s"eech in the land of Judah and in its cities# when 0 bring bac1 their ca"tivity7 :The )3+* bless you# 3 home of $ustice# and mountain of holinessHD

not according to the covenant that 0 made with their fathers in the day that 0 too1 them by the hand to lead them out of the land of gy"t# 4y covenant which they bro1e# though 0 was a husband to them# says the )3+*'

And there shall dwell in Judah itself# and in all its cities together# farmers and those going out with floc1s'

But this is the covenant that 0 will ma1e with the house of 0srael after those days# says the )3+*7 0 will "ut 4y law in their minds# and write it on their hearts9 and 0 will be their (od# and they shall be 4y "eo"le'

For 0 have satiated the weary soul# and 0 have re"lenished every sorrowful soul':

After this 0 awo1e and loo1ed around# and my slee" was sweet to me'

:Behold# the days are coming# says the )3+*# that 0 will sow the house of 0srael and the house of Judah with the seed of man and the seed of beast'

No more shall every man teach his neighbor# and every man his brother# saying# :Know the )3+*#D for they all shall 1now 4e# from the least of them to the greatest of them# says the )3+*' For 0 will forgive their iniGuity# and their sin 0 will remember no more':

Thus says the )3+*# Bho gives the sun for a light by day# The ordinances of the moon and the stars for a light by night# Bho disturbs the sea# And its waves roar IThe )3+* of hosts is 2is nameJ7


:0f those ordinances de"art From before 4e# says the )3+*# Then the seed of 0srael shall also cease From being a nation before 4e forever':

Thus says the )3+*7 :0f heaven above can be measured# And the foundations of the earth searched out beneath# 0 will also cast off all the seed of 0srael For all that they have done# says the )3+*'

and 5ede1iah 1ing of Judah shall not esca"e from the hand of the -haldeans# but shall surely be delivered into the hand of the 1ing of Babylon# and shall s"ea1 with him face to face# and see him eye to eye9

:Behold# the days are coming# says the )3+*# that the city shall be built for the )3+* from the Tower of 2ananel to the -orner (ate'

then he shall lead 5ede1iah to Babylon# and there he shall be until 0 visit him#: says the )3+*9 :though you fight with the -haldeans# you shall not succeed:DE:

And Jeremiah said# :The word of the )3+* came to me# saying#

The surveyorDs line shall again e!tend straight forward over the hill (areb9 then it shall turn toward (oath'

And the whole valley of the dead bodies and of the ashes# and all the fields as far as the Broo1 Kidron# to the corner of the 2orse (ate toward the east# shall be holy to the )3+*' 0t shall not be "luc1ed u" or thrown down anymore forever':

:Behold# 2anamel the son of Shallum your uncle will come to you# saying# :Buy my field which is in Anathoth# for the right of redem"tion is yours to buy it':D

32The word that came to Jeremiah

from the )3+* in the tenth year of 5ede1iah 1ing of Judah# which was the eighteenth year of'

Then 2anamel my uncleDs son came to me in the court of the "rison according to the word of the )3+*# and said to me# :/lease buy my field that is in Anathoth# which is in the country of Ben$amin9 for the right of inheritance is yours# and the redem"tion yours9 buy it for yourself'D Then 0 1new that this was the word of the )3+*'

For then the 1ing of BabylonDs army besieged Jerusalem# and Jeremiah the "ro"het was shut u" in the court of the "rison# which was in the 1ing of JudahDs house'

So 0 bought the field from 2anamel# the son of my uncle who was in Anathoth# and weighed out to him the moneyFF seventeen she1els of silver'

And 0 signed the deed and sealed it# too1 witnesses# and weighed the money on the scales'

For 5ede1iah 1ing of Judah had shut him u"# saying# :Bhy do you "ro"hesy and say# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 will give this city into the hand of the 1ing of Babylon# and he shall ta1e it9

So 0 too1 the "urchase deed# both that which was sealed according to the law and custom# and that which was o"en9

and 0 gave the "urchase deed to Baruch the son of Neriah# son of 4ahseiah# in the "resence of 2anamel

my uncleDs son# and in the "resence of the witnesses who signed the "urchase deed# before all the Jews who sat in the court of the "rison'

wonders# with a strong hand and an outstretched arm# and with great terror9

:Then 0 charged Baruch before them# saying#


Cou have given them this land# of which Cou swore to their fathers to give themFF:a land flowing with mil1 and honey':

:Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :Ta1e these deeds# both this "urchase deed which is sealed and this deed which is o"en# and "ut them in an earthen vessel# that they may last many days':

And they came in and too1 "ossession of it# but they have not obeyed Cour voice or wal1ed in Cour law' They have done nothing of all that Cou commanded them to do9 therefore Cou have caused all this calamity to come u"on them'

For thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :2ouses and fields and vineyards shall be "ossessed again in this land':D

:Now when 0 had delivered the "urchase deed to Baruch the son of Neriah# 0 "rayed to the )3+*# saying7

:)oo1# the siege moundsH They have come to the city to ta1e it9 and the city has been given into the hand of the -haldeans who fight against it# because of the sword and famine and "estilence' Bhat Cou have s"o1en has ha""ened9 there Cou see itH

:Ah# )ord (3*H Behold# Cou have made the heavens and the earth by Cour great "ower and outstretched arm' There is nothing too hard for Cou'

And Cou have said to me# 3 )ord (3*# :Buy the field for money# and ta1e witnesses:HFFyet the city has been given into the hand of the -haldeans':D

Cou show loving1indness to thousands# and re"ay the iniGuity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after themFFthe (reat# the 4ighty (od# whose name is the )3+* of hosts'

Then the word of the )3+* came to Jeremiah# saying#


:Behold# 0 am the )3+*# the (od of all flesh' 0s there anything too hard for 4eE

Cou are great in counsel and mighty in wor1# for your eyes are o"en to all the ways of the sons of men# to give everyone according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings'

Therefore thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 will give this city into the hand of the -haldeans# into the hand of 1ing of Babylon# and he shall ta1e it'

Cou have set signs and wonders in the land of gy"t# to this day# and in 0srael and among other men9 and Cou have made Courself a name# as it is this day'

And the -haldeans who fight against this city shall come and set fire to this city and burn it# with the houses on whose roofs they have offered incense to Baal and "oured out drin1 offerings to other gods# to "rovo1e 4e to anger9

Cou have brought Cour "eo"le 0srael out of the land of gy"t with signs and


because the children of 0srael and the children of Judah have done only evil before 4e from their youth' For the children of 0srael have "rovo1ed 4e only to anger with the wor1 of their hands#D says the )3+*'


Behold# 0 will gather them out of all countries where 0 have driven them in 4y anger# in 4y fury# and in great wrath9 0 will bring them bac1 to this "lace# and 0 will cause them to dwell safely'

:For this city has been to 4e a "rovocation of 4y anger and 4y fury from the day that they built it# even to this day9 so 0 will remove it from before 4y face

They shall be 4y "eo"le# and 0 will be their (od9


then 0 will give them one heart and one way# that they may fear 4e forever# for the good of them and their children after them'

because of all the evil of the children of 0srael and the children of Judah# which they have done to "rovo1e 4e to angerFFthey# their 1ings# their "rinces# their "riests# their "ro"hets# the men of Judah# and the inhabitants of Jerusalem'

And 0 will ma1e an everlasting covenant with them# that 0 will not turn away from doing them good9 but 0 will "ut 4y fear in their hearts so that they will not de"art from 4e'

And they have turned to 4e the bac1# and not the face9 though 0 taught them# rising u" early and teaching them# yet they have not listened to receive instruction'

Ces# 0 will re$oice over them to do them good# and 0 will assuredly "lant them in this land# with all 4y heart and with all 4y soul'D

But they set their abominations in the house which is called by 4y name# to defile it'

:For thus says the )3+*7 :Just as 0 have brought all this great calamity on this "eo"le# so 0 will bring on them all the good that 0 have "romised them'

And they built the high "laces of Baal which are in the Valley of the Son of 2innom# to cause their sons and their daughters to "ass through the fire to 4olech# which 0 did not command them# nor did it come into 4y mind that they should do this abomination# to cause Judah to sin'D

And fields will be bought in this land of which you say# :0t is desolate# without man or beast9 it has been given into the hand of the -haldeans':

:Now therefore# thus says the )3+*# the (od of 0srael# concerning this city of which you say# :0t shall be delivered into the hand of the 1ing of Babylon by the sword# by the famine# and by the "estilence7

4en will buy fields for money# sign deeds and seal them# and ta1e witnesses# in the land of Ben$amin# in the "laces around Jerusalem# in the cities of Judah# in the cities of the mountains# in the cities of the lowland# and in the cities of the South9 for 0 will cause their ca"tives to return#D says the )3+*':

334oreover the word of the )3+*

came to Jeremiah a second time# while he was still shut u" in the court of the "rison# saying#

Then it shall be to 4e a name of $oy# a "raise# and an honor before all nations of the earth# who shall hear all the good that 0 do to them9 they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and all the "ros"erity that 0 "rovide for it'D

:Thus says the )3+* who made it# the )3+* who formed it to establish it Ithe )3+* is 2is nameJ7

:-all to 4e# and 0 will answer you# and show you great and mighty things# which you do not 1now'D

:Thus says the )3+*7 :Again there shall be heard in this "laceFFof which you say# :0t is desolate# without man and without beast:FFin the cities of Judah# in the streets of Jerusalem that are desolate# without man and without inhabitant and without beast#

:For thus says the )3+*# the (od of 0srael# concerning the houses of this city and the houses of the 1ings of Judah# which have been "ulled down to fortify against the siege mounds and the sword7

:They come to fight with the -haldeans# but only to fill their "laces with the dead bodies of men whom 0 will slay in 4y anger and 4y fury# all for whose wic1edness 0 have hidden 4y face from this city'

the voice of $oy and the voice of gladness# the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride# the voice of those who will say7 :/raise the )3+* of hosts# For the )3+* is good# For 2is mercy endures forever:FF and of those who will bring the sacrifice of "raise into the house of the )3+*' For 0 will cause the ca"tives of the land to return as at the first#D says the )3+*'

Behold# 0 will bring it health and healing9 0 will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of "eace and truth'

:Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :0n this "lace which is desolate# without man and without beast# and in all its cities# there shall again be a dwelling "lace of she"herds causing their floc1s to lie down'

And 0 will cause the ca"tives of Judah and the ca"tives of 0srael to return# and will rebuild those "laces as at the first'

0 will cleanse them from all their iniGuity by which they have sinned against 4e# and 0 will "ardon all their iniGuities by which they have sinned and by which they have transgressed against 4e'

0n the cities of the mountains# in the cities of the lowland# in the cities of the South# in the land of Ben$amin# in the "laces around Jerusalem# and in the cities of Judah# the floc1s shall again "ass under the hands of him who counts them#D says the )3+*'

:Behold# the days are coming#D says the )3+*# :that 0 will "erform that good thing which 0 have "romised to the house of 0srael and to the house of Judah7


:0n those days and at that time 0 will cause to grow u" to *avid A Branch of righteousness9 2e shall e!ecute $udgment and righteousness in the earth'


:Thus says the )3+*7 :0f 4y covenant is not with day and night# and if 0 have not a""ointed the ordinances of heaven and earth#

0n those days Judah will be saved# And Jerusalem will dwell safely' And this is the name by which she will be called7 T2 )3+* 3A+ +0(2T 3ASN SS'D

:For thus says the )3+*7 :*avid shall never lac1 a man to sit on the throne of the house of 0srael9

then 0 will cast away the descendants of Jacob and *avid 4y servant# so that 0 will not ta1e any of his descendants to be rulers over the descendants of Abraham# 0saac# and Jacob' For 0 will cause their ca"tives to return# and will have mercy on them':D

nor shall the "riests# the )evites# lac1 a man to offer burnt offerings before 4e# to 1indle grain offerings# and to sacrifice continually':D

34The word which came to Jeremiah

from the )3+*# when 1ing of Babylon and all his army# all the 1ingdoms of the earth under his dominion# and all the "eo"le# fought against Jerusalem and all its cities# saying#

And the word of the )3+* came to Jeremiah# saying#


:Thus says the )3+*7 :0f you can brea1 4y covenant with the day and 4y covenant with the night# so that there will not be day and night in their season#

:Thus says the )3+*# the (od of 0srael7 :(o and s"ea1 to 5ede1iah 1ing of Judah and tell him# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 will give this city into the hand of the 1ing of Babylon# and he shall burn it with fire'

then 4y covenant may also be bro1en with *avid 4y servant# so that he shall not have a son to reign on his throne# and with the )evites# the "riests# 4y ministers'

As the host of heaven cannot be numbered# nor the sand of the sea measured# so will 0 multi"ly the descendants of *avid 4y servant and the )evites who minister to 4e':D

And you shall not esca"e from his hand# but shall surely be ta1en and delivered into his hand9 your eyes shall see the eyes of the 1ing of Babylon# he shall s"ea1 with you face to face# and you shall go to Babylon'::

Cet hear the word of the )3+*# 3 5ede1iah 1ing of JudahH Thus says the )3+* concerning you7 :Cou shall not die by the sword'

4oreover the word of the )3+* came to Jeremiah# saying#


:2ave you not considered what these "eo"le have s"o1en# saying# :The two families which the )3+* has chosen# 2e has also cast them off

Cou shall die in "eace9 as in the ceremonies of your fathers# the former 1ings who were before you# so they shall burn incense for you and lament for you# saying# :Alas# lordH: For 0 have "ronounced the word# says the )3+*':D


Then Jeremiah the "ro"het s"o1e all these words to 5ede1iah 1ing of Judah in Jerusalem#


when the 1ing of BabylonDs army fought against Jerusalem and all the cities of Judah that were left# against )achish and A.e1ah9 for only these fortified cities remained of the cities of Judah'

:At the end of seven years let every man set free his 2ebrew brother# who has been sold to him9 and when he has served you si! years# you shall let him go free from you': But your fathers did not obey 4e nor incline their ear'

This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the )3+*# after King 5ede1iah had made a covenant with all the "eo"le who were at Jerusalem to "roclaim liberty to them7

Then you recently turned and did what was right in 4y sightFFevery man "roclaiming liberty to his neighbor9 and you made a covenant before 4e in the house which is called by 4y name'

that every man should set free his male and female slaveFFa 2ebrew man or womanFFthat no one should 1ee" a Jewish brother in bondage'

Then you turned around and "rofaned 4y name# and every one of you brought bac1 his male and female slaves# whom he had set at liberty# at their "leasure# and brought them bac1 into sub$ection# to be your male and female slaves'D

Now when all the "rinces and all the "eo"le# who had entered into the covenant# heard that everyone should set free his male and female slaves# that no one should 1ee" them in bondage anymore# they obeyed and let them go'

But afterward they changed their minds and made the male and female slaves return# whom they had set free# and brought them into sub$ection as male and female slaves'

:Therefore thus says the )3+*7 :Cou have not obeyed 4e in "roclaiming liberty# every one to his brother and every one to his neighbor' Behold# 0 "roclaim liberty to you#D says the )3+*FF:to the sword# to "estilence# and to famineH And 0 will deliver you to trouble among all the 1ingdoms of the earth'

Therefore the word of the )3+* came to Jeremiah from the )3+*# saying#

And 0 will give the men who have transgressed 4y covenant# who have not "erformed the words of the covenant which they made before 4e# when they cut the calf in two and "assed between the "arts of itFF

:Thus says the )3+*# the (od of 0srael7 :0 made a covenant with your fathers in the day that 0 brought them out of the land of gy"t# out of the house of bondage# saying#

the "rinces of Judah# the "rinces of Jerusalem# the eunuchs# the "riests# and all the "eo"le of the land who "assed between the "arts of the calfFF

0 will give them into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of those who see1 their life' Their dead bodies shall be for meat for the birds of the heaven and the beasts of the earth'


And 0 will give 5ede1iah 1ing of Judah and his "rinces into the hand of their enemies# into the hand of those who see1 their life# and into the hand of the 1ing of BabylonDs army which has gone bac1 from you'

Cou shall not build a house# sow seed# "lant a vineyard# nor have any of these9 but all your days you shall dwell in tents# that you may live many days in the land where you are so$ourners'D

Behold# 0 will command#D says the )3+*# :and cause them to return to this city' They will fight against it and ta1e it and burn it with fire9 and 0 will ma1e the cities of Judah a desolation without inhabitant':D

Thus we have obeyed the voice of Jonadab the son of +echab# our father# in all that he charged us# to drin1 no wine all our days# we# our wives# our sons# or our daughters#

35The word which came to Jeremiah

from the )3+* in the days of Jehoia1im the son of Josiah# 1ing of Judah# saying#

nor to build ourselves houses to dwell in9 nor do we have vineyard# field# or seed'

But we have dwelt in tents# and have obeyed and done according to all that Jonadab our father commanded us'

:(o to the house of the +echabites# s"ea1 to them# and bring them into the house of the )3+*# into one of the chambers# and give them wine to drin1':

Then 0 too1 Jaa.aniah the son of Jeremiah# the son of 2aba..iniah# his brothers and all his sons# and the whole house of the +echabites#

But it came to "ass# when 1ing of Babylon came u" into the land# that we said# :-ome# let us go to Jerusalem for fear of the army of the -haldeans and for fear of the army of the Syrians'D So we dwell at Jerusalem':

and 0 brought them into the house of the )3+*# into the chamber of the sons of 2anan the son of 0gdaliah# a man of (od# which was by the chamber of the "rinces# above the chamber of 4aaseiah the son of Shallum# the 1ee"er of the door'

Then came the word of the )3+* to Jeremiah# saying#


:Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :(o and tell the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem# :Bill you not receive instruction to obey 4y wordsE: says the )3+*'

Then 0 set before the sons of the house of the +echabites bowls full of wine# and cu"s9 and 0 said to them# :*rin1 wine':

But they said# :Be will drin1 no wine# for Jonadab the son of +echab# our father# commanded us# saying# :Cou shall drin1 no wine# you nor your sons# forever'

:The words of Jonadab the son of +echab# which he commanded his sons# not to drin1 wine# are "erformed9 for to this day they drin1 none# and obey their fatherDs commandment' But although 0 have s"o1en to you# rising early and s"ea1ing# you did not obey 4e'

0 have also sent to you all 4y servants the "ro"hets# rising u" early and sending them# saying# :Turn now

everyone from his evil way# amend your doings# and do not go after other gods to serve them9 then you will dwell in the land which 0 have given you and your fathers'D But you have not inclined your ear# nor obeyed 4e'

0t may be that the house of Judah will hear all the adversities which 0 "ur"ose to bring u"on them# that everyone may turn from his evil way# that 0 may forgive their iniGuity and their sin':

Surely the sons of Jonadab the son of +echab have "erformed the commandment of their father# which he commanded them# but this "eo"le has not obeyed 4e':D

Then Jeremiah called Baruch the son of Neriah9 and Baruch wrote on a scroll of a boo1# at the instruction of Jeremiah# all the words of the )3+* which 2e had s"o1en to him'

:Therefore thus says the )3+* (od of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :Behold# 0 will bring on Judah and on all the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the doom that 0 have "ronounced against them9 because 0 have s"o1en to them but they have not heard# and 0 have called to them but they have not answered':D

And Jeremiah commanded Baruch# saying# :0 am confined# 0 cannot go into the house of the )3+*'

And Jeremiah said to the house of the +echabites# :Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :Because you have obeyed the commandment of Jonadab your father# and 1e"t all his "rece"ts and done according to all that he commanded you#

Cou go# therefore# and read from the scroll which you have written at my instruction# the words of the )3+*# in the hearing of the "eo"le in the )3+*Ds house on the day of fasting' And you shall also read them in the hearing of all Judah who come from their cities'

0t may be that they will "resent their su""lication before the )3+*# and everyone will turn from his evil way' For great is the anger and the fury that the )3+* has "ronounced against this "eo"le':

therefore thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :Jonadab the son of +echab shall not lac1 a man to stand before 4e forever'::D

36Now it came to "ass in the fourth

year of Jehoia1im the son of Josiah# 1ing of Judah# that this word came to Jeremiah from the )3+*# saying7

And Baruch the son of Neriah did according to all that Jeremiah the "ro"het commanded him# reading from the boo1 the words of the )3+* in the )3+*Ds house'

:Ta1e a scroll of a boo1 and write on it all the words that 0 have s"o1en to you against 0srael# against Judah# and against all the nations# from the day 0 s"o1e to you# from the days of Josiah even to this day'

Now it came to "ass in the fifth year of Jehoia1im the son of Josiah# 1ing of Judah# in the ninth month# that they "roclaimed a fast before the )3+* to all the "eo"le in Jerusalem# and to all the "eo"le who came from the cities of Judah to Jerusalem'

Then Baruch read from the boo1 the words of Jeremiah in the house of the )3+*# in the chamber of (emariah the

son of Sha"han the scribe# in the u""er court at the entry of the New (ate of the )3+*Ds house# in the hearing of all the "eo"le'

words to me# and 0 wrote them with in1 in the boo1':


Bhen 4ichaiah the son of (emariah# the son of Sha"han# heard all the words of the )3+* from the boo1#

Then the "rinces said to Baruch# :(o and hide# you and Jeremiah9 and let no one 1now where you are':

he then went down to the 1ingDs house# into the scribeDs chamber9 and there all the "rinces were sittingFF lishama the scribe# *elaiah the son of Shemaiah# lnathan the son of Achbor# (emariah the son of Sha"han# 5ede1iah the son of 2ananiah# and all the "rinces'

And they went to the 1ing# into the court9 but they stored the scroll in the chamber of lishama the scribe# and told all the words in the hearing of the 1ing'

Then 4ichaiah declared to them all the words that he had heard when Baruch read the boo1 in the hearing of the "eo"le'

So the 1ing sent Jehudi to bring the scroll# and he too1 it from lishama the scribeDs chamber' And Jehudi read it in the hearing of the 1ing and in the hearing of all the "rinces who stood beside the 1ing'

Therefore all the "rinces sent Jehudi the son of Nethaniah# the son of Shelemiah# the son of -ushi# to Baruch# saying# :Ta1e in your hand the scroll from which you have read in the hearing of the "eo"le# and come': So Baruch the son of Neriah too1 the scroll in his hand and came to them'

Now the 1ing was sitting in the winter house in the ninth month# with a fire burning on the hearth before him'

And it ha""ened# when Jehudi had read three or four columns# that the 1ing cut it with the scribeDs 1nife and cast it into the fire that was on the hearth# until all the scroll was consumed in the fire that was on the hearth'

And they said to him# :Sit down now# and read it in our hearing': So Baruch read it in their hearing'

Cet they were not afraid# nor did they tear their garments# the 1ing nor any of his servants who heard all these words'

Now it ha""ened# when they had heard all the words# that they loo1ed in fear from one to another# and said to Baruch# :Be will surely tell the 1ing of all these words':

Nevertheless lnathan# *elaiah# and (emariah im"lored the 1ing not to burn the scroll9 but he would not listen to them'

And they as1ed Baruch# saying# :Tell us now# how did you write all these wordsFFat his instructionE:

And the 1ing commanded Jerahmeel the 1ingDs son# Seraiah the son of A.riel# and Shelemiah the son of Abdeel# to sei.e Baruch the scribe and Jeremiah the "ro"het# but the )3+* hid them'

So Baruch answered them# :2e "roclaimed with his mouth all these

Now after the 1ing had burned the scroll with the words which Baruch had

written at the instruction of Jeremiah# the word of the )3+* came to Jeremiah# saying7

words of the )3+* which 2e s"o1e by the "ro"het Jeremiah'


:Ta1e yet another scroll# and write on it all the former words that were in the first scroll which Jehoia1im the 1ing of Judah has burned'

And 5ede1iah the 1ing sent Jehucal the son of Shelemiah# and 5e"haniah the son of 4aaseiah# the "riest# to the "ro"het Jeremiah# saying# :/ray now to the )3+* our (od for us':

And you shall say to Jehoia1im 1ing of Judah# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Cou have burned this scroll# saying# :Bhy have you written in it that the 1ing of Babylon will certainly come and destroy this land# and cause man and beast to cease from hereE:D

Now Jeremiah was coming and going among the "eo"le# for they had not yet "ut him in "rison'

Then /haraohDs army came u" from gy"t9 and when the -haldeans who were besieging Jerusalem heard news of them# they de"arted from Jerusalem'

Therefore thus says the )3+* concerning Jehoia1im 1ing of Judah7 :2e shall have no one to sit on the throne of *avid# and his dead body shall be cast out to the heat of the day and the frost of the night'

Then the word of the )3+* came to the "ro"het Jeremiah# saying#

0 will "unish him# his family# and his servants for their iniGuity9 and 0 will bring on them# on the inhabitants of Jerusalem# and on the men of Judah all the doom that 0 have "ronounced against them9 but they did not heed'::D

:Thus says the )3+*# the (od of 0srael# :Thus you shall say to the 1ing of Judah# who sent you to 4e to inGuire of 4e7 :Behold# /haraohDs army which has come u" to hel" you will return to gy"t# to their own land'

Then Jeremiah too1 another scroll and gave it to Baruch the scribe# the son of Neriah# who wrote on it at the instruction of Jeremiah all the words of the boo1 which Jehoia1im 1ing of Judah had burned in the fire' And besides# there were added to them many similar words'

And the -haldeans shall come bac1 and fight against this city# and ta1e it and burn it with fire':D

Thus says the )3+*7 :*o not deceive yourselves# saying# :The -haldeans will surely de"art from us#: for they will not de"art'

37Now King 5ede1iah the son of

Josiah reigned instead of -oniah the son of Jehoia1im# whom 1ing of Babylon made 1ing in the land of Judah'

For though you had defeated the whole army of the -haldeans who fight against you# and there remained only wounded men among them# they would rise u"# every man in his tent# and burn the city with fire':D

But neither he nor his servants nor the "eo"le of the land gave heed to the

And it ha""ened# when the army of the -haldeans left the siege of Jerusalem for fear of /haraohDs army#


that Jeremiah went out of Jerusalem to go into the land of Ben$amin to claim his "ro"erty there among the "eo"le'

acce"ted before you# and do not ma1e me return to the house of Jonathan the scribe# lest 0 die there':

And when he was in the (ate of Ben$amin# a ca"tain of the guard was there whose name was 0ri$ah the son of Shelemiah# the son of 2ananiah9 and he sei.ed Jeremiah the "ro"het# saying# :Cou are defecting to the -haldeansH:

Then 5ede1iah the 1ing commanded that they should commit Jeremiah to the court of the "rison# and that they should give him daily a "iece of bread from the ba1ersD street# until all the bread in the city was gone' Thus Jeremiah remained in the court of the "rison'

Then Jeremiah said# :FalseH 0 am not defecting to the -haldeans': But he did not listen to him' So 0ri$ah sei.ed Jeremiah and brought him to the "rinces'


Therefore the "rinces were angry with Jeremiah# and they struc1 him and "ut him in "rison in the house of Jonathan the scribe' For they had made that the "rison'

She"hatiah the son of 4attan# (edaliah the son of /ashhur# Jucal the son of Shelemiah# and /ashhur the son of 4alchiah heard the words that Jeremiah had s"o1en to all the "eo"le# saying#

Bhen Jeremiah entered the dungeon and the cells# and Jeremiah had remained there many days#

:Thus says the )3+*7 :2e who remains in this city shall die by the sword# by famine# and by "estilence9 but he who goes over to the -haldeans shall live9 his life shall be as a "ri.e to him# and he shall live'D

then 5ede1iah the 1ing sent and too1 him out' The 1ing as1ed him secretly in his house# and said# :0s there any word from the )3+*E: And Jeremiah said# :There is': Then he said# :Cou shall be delivered into the hand of the 1ing of BabylonH:

Thus says the )3+*7 :This city shall surely be given into the hand of the 1ing of BabylonDs army# which shall ta1e it':D

4oreover Jeremiah said to King 5ede1iah# :Bhat offense have 0 committed against you# against your servants# or against this "eo"le# that you have "ut me in "risonE

Therefore the "rinces said to the 1ing# :/lease# let this man be "ut to death# for thus he wea1ens the hands of the men of war who remain in this city# and the hands of all the "eo"le# by s"ea1ing such words to them' For this man does not see1 the welfare of this "eo"le# but their harm':

Bhere now are your "ro"hets who "ro"hesied to you# saying# :The 1ing of Babylon will not come against you or against this landDE

Then 5ede1iah the 1ing said# :)oo1# he is in your hand' For the 1ing can do nothing against you':

Therefore "lease hear now# 3 my lord the 1ing' /lease# let my "etition be

So they too1 Jeremiah and cast him into the dungeon of 4alchiah the 1ingDs son# which was in the court of the "rison# and they let Jeremiah down with

ro"es' And in the dungeon there was no water# but mire' So Jeremiah san1 in the mire'

will as1 you something' 2ide nothing from me':


Now bedF4elech the thio"ian# one of the eunuchs# who was in the 1ingDs house# heard that they had "ut Jeremiah in the dungeon' Bhen the 1ing was sitting at the (ate of Ben$amin#

Jeremiah said to 5ede1iah# :0f 0 declare it to you# will you not surely "ut me to deathE And if 0 give you advice# you will not listen to me':

bedF4elech went out of the 1ingDs house and s"o1e to the 1ing# saying7

So 5ede1iah the 1ing swore secretly to Jeremiah# saying# :As the )3+* lives# who made our very souls# 0 will not "ut you to death# nor will 0 give you into the hand of these men who see1 your life':

:4y lord the 1ing# these men have done evil in all that they have done to Jeremiah the "ro"het# whom they have cast into the dungeon# and he is li1ely to die from hunger in the "lace where he is' For there is no more bread in the city':

Then Jeremiah said to 5ede1iah# :Thus says the )3+*# the (od of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :0f you surely surrender to the 1ing of BabylonDs "rinces# then your soul shall live9 this city shall not be burned with fire# and you and your house shall live'

Then the 1ing commanded bedF 4elech the thio"ian# saying# :Ta1e from here thirty men with you# and lift Jeremiah the "ro"het out of the dungeon before he dies':

But if you do not surrender to the 1ing of BabylonDs "rinces# then this city shall be given into the hand of the -haldeans9 they shall burn it with fire# and you shall not esca"e from their hand':D

So bedF4elech too1 the men with him and went into the house of the 1ing under the treasury# and too1 from there old clothes and old rags# and let them down by ro"es into the dungeon to Jeremiah'

And 5ede1iah the 1ing said to Jeremiah# :0 am afraid of the Jews who have defected to the -haldeans# lest they deliver me into their hand# and they abuse me':

Then bedF4elech the thio"ian said to Jeremiah# :/lease "ut these old clothes and rags under your arm"its# under the ro"es': And Jeremiah did so'

But Jeremiah said# :They shall not deliver you' /lease# obey the voice of the )3+* which 0 s"ea1 to you' So it shall be well with you# and your soul shall live'

So they "ulled Jeremiah u" with ro"es and lifted him out of the dungeon' And Jeremiah remained in the court of the "rison'

But if you refuse to surrender# this is the word that the )3+* has shown me7

Then 5ede1iah the 1ing sent and had Jeremiah the "ro"het brought to him at the third entrance of the house of the )3+*' And the 1ing said to Jeremiah# :0

:Now behold# all the women who are left in the 1ing of JudahDs house shall be surrendered to the 1ing of BabylonDs "rinces# and those women shall say7 :Cour close friends have set u"on you

And "revailed against you9 Cour feet have sun1 in the mire# And they have turned away again':

0n the eleventh year of 5ede1iah# in the fourth month# on the ninth day of the month# the city was "enetrated'

:So they shall surrender all your wives and children to the -haldeans' Cou shall not esca"e from their hand# but shall be ta1en by the hand of the 1ing of Babylon' And you shall cause this city to be burned with fire':D

Then all the "rinces of the 1ing of Babylon came in and sat in the 4iddle (ate7 SamgarFNebo# Sarsechim# +absaris# +abmag# with the rest of the "rinces of the 1ing of Babylon'

Then 5ede1iah said to Jeremiah# :)et no one 1now of these words# and you shall not die'

But if the "rinces hear that 0 have tal1ed with you# and they come to you and say to you# :*eclare to us now what you have said to the 1ing# and also what the 1ing said to you9 do not hide it from us# and we will not "ut you to death#D

So it was# when 5ede1iah the 1ing of Judah and all the men of war saw them# that they fled and went out of the city by night# by way of the 1ingDs garden# by the gate between the two walls' And he went out by way of the "lain'

then you shall say to them# :0 "resented my reGuest before the 1ing# that he would not ma1e me return to JonathanDs house to die there':D

But the -haldean army "ursued them and overtoo1 5ede1iah in the "lains of Jericho' And when they had ca"tured him# they brought him u" to 1ing of Babylon# to +iblah in the land of 2amath# where he "ronounced $udgment on him'

Then all the "rinces came to Jeremiah and as1ed him' And he told them according to all these words that the 1ing had commanded' So they sto""ed s"ea1ing with him# for the conversation had not been heard'

Then the 1ing of Babylon 1illed the sons of 5ede1iah before his eyes in +iblah9 the 1ing of Babylon also 1illed all the nobles of Judah'

4oreover he "ut out 5ede1iahDs eyes# and bound him with bron.e fetters to carry him off to Babylon'

Now Jeremiah remained in the court of the "rison until the day that Jerusalem was ta1en' And he was there when Jerusalem was ta1en'

And the -haldeans burned the 1ingDs house and the houses of the "eo"le with fire# and bro1e down the walls of Jerusalem'

390n the ninth year of 5ede1iah 1ing

of Judah# in the tenth month# 1ing of Babylon and all his army came against Jerusalem# and besieged it'

Then Nebu.aradan the ca"tain of the guard carried away ca"tive to Babylon the remnant of the "eo"le who remained in the city and those who defected to him# with the rest of the "eo"le who remained'


But Nebu.aradan the ca"tain of the guard left in the land of Judah the "oor "eo"le# who had nothing# and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time'


For 0 will surely deliver you# and you shall not fall by the sword9 but your life shall be as a "ri.e to you# because you have "ut your trust in 4e#: says the )3+*':D

Now 1ing of Babylon gave charge concerning Jeremiah to Nebu.aradan the ca"tain of the guard# saying#

40The word that came to Jeremiah

from the )3+* after Nebu.aradan the ca"tain of the guard had let him go from +amah# when he had ta1en him bound in chains among all who were carried away ca"tive from Jerusalem and Judah# who were carried away ca"tive to Babylon'

:Ta1e him and loo1 after him# and do him no harm9 but do to him $ust as he says to you':

So Nebu.aradan the ca"tain of the guard sent Nebushasban# +absaris# +abmag# and all the 1ing of BabylonDs chief officers9

And the ca"tain of the guard too1 Jeremiah and said to him7 :The )3+* your (od has "ronounced this doom on this "lace'

then they sent someone to ta1e Jeremiah from the court of the "rison# and committed him to (edaliah the son of Ahi1am# the son of Sha"han# that he should ta1e him home' So he dwelt among the "eo"le'

Now the )3+* has brought it# and has done $ust as 2e said' Because you "eo"le have sinned against the )3+*# and not obeyed 2is voice# therefore this thing has come u"on you'

4eanwhile the word of the )3+* had come to Jeremiah while he was shut u" in the court of the "rison# saying#

:(o and s"ea1 to bedF4elech the thio"ian# saying# :Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :Behold# 0 will bring 4y words u"on this city for adversity and not for good# and they shall be "erformed in that day before you'

And now loo1# 0 free you this day from the chains that were on your hand' 0f it seems good to you to come with me to Babylon# come# and 0 will loo1 after you' But if it seems wrong for you to come with me to Babylon# remain here' See# all the land is before you9 wherever it seems good and convenient for you to go# go there':

But 0 will deliver you in that day#: says the )3+*# :and you shall not be given into the hand of the men of whom you are afraid'

Now while Jeremiah had not yet gone bac1# Nebu.aradan said# :(o bac1 to (edaliah the son of Ahi1am# the son of Sha"han# whom the 1ing of Babylon has made governor over the cities of Judah# and dwell with him among the "eo"le' 3r go wherever it seems convenient for you to go': So the ca"tain of the guard gave him rations and a gift and let him go'


Then Jeremiah went to (edaliah the son of Ahi1am# to 4i."ah# and dwelt with him among the "eo"le who were left in the land'


then all the Jews returned out of all "laces where they had been driven# and came to the land of Judah# to (edaliah at 4i."ah# and gathered wine and summer fruit in abundance'

And when all the ca"tains of the armies who were in the fields# they and their men# heard that the 1ing of Babylon had made (edaliah the son of Ahi1am governor in the land# and had committed to him men# women# children# and the "oorest of the land who had not been carried away ca"tive to Babylon#

4oreover Johanan the son of Kareah and all the ca"tains of the forces that were in the fields came to (edaliah at 4i."ah#

then they came to (edaliah at 4i."ahFF 0shmael the son of Nethaniah# Johanan and Jonathan the sons of Kareah# Seraiah the son of Tanhumeth# the sons of "hai the Neto"hathite# and Je.aniah the son of a 4aachathite# they and their men'

and said to him# :*o you certainly 1now that Baalis the 1ing of the Ammonites has sent 0shmael the son of Nethaniah to murder youE: But (edaliah the son of Ahi1am did not believe them'

And (edaliah the son of Ahi1am# the son of Sha"han# too1 an oath before them and their men# saying# :*o not be afraid to serve the -haldeans' *well in the land and serve the 1ing of Babylon# and it shall be well with you'

Then Johanan the son of Kareah s"o1e secretly to (edaliah in 4i."ah# saying# :)et me go# "lease# and 0 will 1ill 0shmael the son of Nethaniah# and no one will 1now it' Bhy should he murder you# so that all the Jews who are gathered to you would be scattered# and the remnant in Judah "erishE:

As for me# 0 will indeed dwell at 4i."ah and serve the -haldeans who come to us' But you# gather wine and summer fruit and oil# "ut them in your vessels# and dwell in your cities that you have ta1en':

But (edaliah the son of Ahi1am said to Johanan the son of Kareah# :Cou shall not do this thing# for you s"ea1 falsely concerning 0shmael':


)i1ewise# when all the Jews who were in 4oab# among the Ammonites# in dom# and who were in all the countries# heard that the 1ing of Babylon had left a remnant of Judah# and that he had set over them (edaliah the son of Ahi1am# the son of Sha"han#

it came to "ass in the seventh month that 0shmael the son of Nethaniah# the son of lishama# of the royal family and of the officers of the 1ing# came with ten men to (edaliah the son of Ahi1am# at 4i."ah' And there they ate bread together in 4i."ah'

Then 0shmael the son of Nethaniah# and the ten men who were with him# arose and struc1 (edaliah the son of Ahi1am# the son of Sha"han# with the sword# and 1illed him whom the 1ing of Babylon had made governor over the land'

0shmael also struc1 down all the Jews who were with him# that is# with (edaliah at 4i."ah# and the -haldeans who were found there# the men of war'

had committed to (edaliah the son of Ahi1am' And 0shmael the son of Nethaniah carried them away ca"tive and de"arted to go over to the Ammonites'

And it ha""ened# on the second day after he had 1illed (edaliah# when as yet no one 1new it#

that certain men came from Shechem# from Shiloh# and from Samaria# eighty men with their beards shaved and their clothes torn# having cut themselves# with offerings and incense in their hand# to bring them to the house of the )3+*'

But when Johanan the son of Kareah and all the ca"tains of the forces that were with him heard of all the evil that 0shmael the son of Nethaniah had done#

they too1 all the men and went to fight with 0shmael the son of Nethaniah9 and they found him by the great "ool that is in (ibeon'

Now 0shmael the son of Nethaniah went out from 4i."ah to meet them# wee"ing as he went along9 and it ha""ened as he met them that he said to them# :-ome to (edaliah the son of Ahi1amH:

So it was# when all the "eo"le who were with 0shmael saw Johanan the son of Kareah# and all the ca"tains of the forces who were with him# that they were glad'

So it was# when they came into the midst of the city# that 0shmael the son of Nethaniah 1illed them and cast them into the midst of a "it# he and the men who were with him'

Then all the "eo"le whom 0shmael had carried away ca"tive from 4i."ah turned around and came bac1# and went to Johanan the son of Kareah'

But ten men were found among them who said to 0shmael# :*o not 1ill us# for we have treasures of wheat# barley# oil# and honey in the field': So he desisted and did not 1ill them among their brethren'

But 0shmael the son of Nethaniah esca"ed from Johanan with eight men and went to the Ammonites'

Now the "it into which 0shmael had cast all the dead bodies of the men whom he had slain# because of (edaliah# was the same one Asa the 1ing had made for fear of Baasha 1ing of 0srael' 0shmael the son of Nethaniah filled it with the slain'

Then Johanan the son of Kareah# and all the ca"tains of the forces that were with him# too1 from 4i."ah all the rest of the "eo"le whom he had recovered from 0shmael the son of Nethaniah after he had murdered (edaliah the son of Ahi1amFFthe mighty men of war and the women and the children and the eunuchs# whom he had brought bac1 from (ibeon'

Then 0shmael carried away ca"tive all the rest of the "eo"le who were in 4i."ah# the 1ingDs daughters and all the "eo"le who remained in 4i."ah# whom Nebu.aradan the ca"tain of the guard

And they de"arted and dwelt in the habitation of -himham# which is near Bethlehem# as they went on their way to gy"t#


because of the -haldeans9 for they were afraid of them# because 0shmael the son of Nethaniah had murdered (edaliah the son of Ahi1am# whom the 1ing of Babylon had made governor in the land'


Then he called Johanan the son of Kareah# all the ca"tains of the forces which were with him# and all the "eo"le from the least even to the greatest#

42Now all the ca"tains of the forces#

Johanan the son of Kareah# Je.aniah the son of 2oshaiah# and all the "eo"le# from the least to the greatest# came near

and said to them# :Thus says the )3+*# the (od of 0srael# to whom you sent me to "resent your "etition before 2im7

and said to Jeremiah the "ro"het# :/lease# let our "etition be acce"table to you# and "ray for us to the )3+* your (od# for all this remnant Isince we are left but a few of many# as you can seeJ#

:0f you will still remain in this land# then 0 will build you and not "ull you down# and 0 will "lant you and not "luc1 you u"' For 0 relent concerning the disaster that 0 have brought u"on you'

that the )3+* your (od may show us the way in which we should wal1 and the thing we should do':

*o not be afraid of the 1ing of Babylon# of whom you are afraid9 do not be afraid of him#D says the )3+*# :for 0 am with you# to save you and deliver you from his hand'

Then Jeremiah the "ro"het said to them# :0 have heard' 0ndeed# 0 will "ray to the )3+* your (od according to your words# and it shall be# that whatever the )3+* answers you# 0 will declare it to you' 0 will 1ee" nothing bac1 from you':

And 0 will show you mercy# that he may have mercy on you and cause you to return to your own land'D

:But if you say# :Be will not dwell in this land#D disobeying the voice of the )3+* your (od#

So they said to Jeremiah# :)et the )3+* be a true and faithful witness between us# if we do not do according to everything which the )3+* your (od sends us by you'

saying# :No# but we will go to the land of gy"t where we shall see no war# nor hear the sound of the trum"et# nor be hungry for bread# and there we will dwellDFF

Bhether it is "leasing or dis"leasing# we will obey the voice of the )3+* our (od to whom we send you# that it may be well with us when we obey the voice of the )3+* our (od':

Then hear now the word of the )3+*# 3 remnant of JudahH Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :0f you wholly set your faces to enter gy"t# and go to dwell there#

And it ha""ened after ten days that the word of the )3+* came to Jeremiah'

then it shall be that the sword which you feared shall overta1e you there in the land of gy"t9 the famine of which you were afraid shall follow close after you there in gy"t9 and there you shall die'


So shall it be with all the men who set their faces to go to gy"t to dwell there' They shall die by the sword# by famine# and by "estilence' And none of them shall remain or esca"e from the disaster that 0 will bring u"on them'D

:Cou s"ea1 falselyH The )3+* our (od has not sent you to say# :*o not go to gy"t to dwell there'D

:For thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :As 4y anger and 4y fury have been "oured out on the inhabitants of Jerusalem# so will 4y fury be "oured out on you when you enter gy"t' And you shall be an oath# an astonishment# a curse# and a re"roach9 and you shall see this "lace no more'D

But Baruch the son of Neriah has set you against us# to deliver us into the hand of the -haldeans# that they may "ut us to death or carry us away ca"tive to Babylon':

So Johanan the son of Kareah# all the ca"tains of the forces# and all the "eo"le would not obey the voice of the )3+*# to remain in the land of Judah'

:The )3+* has said concerning you# 3 remnant of Judah# :*o not go to gy"tHD Know certainly that 0 have admonished you this day'

But Johanan the son of Kareah and all the ca"tains of the forces too1 all the remnant of Judah who had returned to dwell in the land of Judah# from all nations where they had been drivenFF

For you were hy"ocrites in your hearts when you sent me to the )3+* your (od# saying# :/ray for us to the )3+* our (od# and according to all that the )3+* your (od says# so declare to us and we will do it'D

men# women# children# the 1ingDs daughters# and every "erson whom Nebu.aradan the ca"tain of the guard had left with (edaliah the son of Ahi1am# the son of Sha"han# and Jeremiah the "ro"het and Baruch the son of Neriah'

And 0 have this day declared it to you# but you have not obeyed the voice of the )3+* your (od# or anything which 2e has sent you by me'

So they went to the land of gy"t# for they did not obey the voice of the )3+*' And they went as far as Tah"anhes'

Now therefore# 1now certainly that you shall die by the sword# by famine# and by "estilence in the "lace where you desire to go to dwell':

Then the word of the )3+* came to Jeremiah in Tah"anhes# saying#


43Now it ha""ened# when Jeremiah

had sto""ed s"ea1ing to all the "eo"le all the words of the )3+* their (od# for which the )3+* their (od had sent him to them# all these words#

:Ta1e large stones in your hand# and hide them in the sight of the men of Judah# in the clay in the bric1 courtyard which is at the entrance to /haraohDs house in Tah"anhes9

that A.ariah the son of 2oshaiah# Johanan the son of Kareah# and all the "roud men s"o1e# saying to Jeremiah#

and say to them# :Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :Behold# 0 will send and bring the 1ing of Babylon# 4y servant# and will set his throne above these stones that 0

have hidden' And he will s"read his royal "avilion over them'


But they did not listen or incline their ear to turn from their wic1edness# to burn no incense to other gods'

Bhen he comes# he shall stri1e the land of gy"t and deliver to death those a""ointed for death# and to ca"tivity those a""ointed for ca"tivity# and to the sword those a""ointed for the sword'

So 4y fury and 4y anger were "oured out and 1indled in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem9 and they are wasted and desolate# as it is this day'D

0 will 1indle a fire in the houses of the gods of gy"t# and he shall burn them and carry them away ca"tive' And he shall array himself with the land of gy"t# as a she"herd "uts on his garment# and he shall go out from there in "eace'

:Now therefore# thus says the )3+*# the (od of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :Bhy do you commit this great evil against yourselves# to cut off from you man and woman# child and infant# out of Judah# leaving none to remain#

2e shall also brea1 the sacred "illars of Beth Shemesh that are in the land of gy"t9 and the houses of the gods of the gy"tians he shall burn with fire'::D

44The word that came to Jeremiah

concerning all the Jews who dwell in the land of gy"t# who dwell at 4igdol# at Tah"anhes# at No"h# and in the country of /athros# saying#

in that you "rovo1e 4e to wrath with the wor1s of your hands# burning incense to other gods in the land of gy"t where you have gone to dwell# that you may cut yourselves off and be a curse and a re"roach among all the nations of the earthE

:Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :Cou have seen all the calamity that 0 have brought on Jerusalem and on all the cities of Judah9 and behold# this day they are a desolation# and no one dwells in them#

2ave you forgotten the wic1edness of your fathers# the wic1edness of the 1ings of Judah# the wic1edness of their wives# your own wic1edness# and the wic1edness of your wives# which they committed in the land of Judah and in the streets of JerusalemE

because of their wic1edness which they have committed to "rovo1e 4e to anger# in that they went to burn incense and to serve other gods whom they did not 1now# they nor you nor your fathers'

They have not been humbled# to this day# nor have they feared9 they have not wal1ed in 4y law or in 4y statutes that 0 set before you and your fathers'D

:Therefore thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :Behold# 0 will set 4y face against you for catastro"he and for cutting off all Judah'

2owever 0 have sent to you all 4y servants the "ro"hets# rising early and sending them# saying# :3h# do not do this abominable thing that 0 hateH:

And 0 will ta1e the remnant of Judah who have set their faces to go into the land of gy"t to dwell there# and they shall all be consumed and fall in the land of gy"t' They shall be consumed

by the sword and by famine' They shall die# from the least to the greatest# by the sword and by famine9 and they shall be an oath# an astonishment# a curse and a re"roachH

and "oured out drin1 offerings to her# did we ma1e ca1es for her# to worshi" her# and "our out drin1 offerings to her without our husbandsD "ermissionE:

For 0 will "unish those who dwell in the land of gy"t# as 0 have "unished Jerusalem# by the sword# by famine# and by "estilence#

Then Jeremiah s"o1e to all the "eo"leFFthe men# the women# and all the "eo"le who had given him that answerFF saying7

so that none of the remnant of Judah who have gone into the land of gy"t to dwell there shall esca"e or survive# lest they return to the land of Judah# to which they desire to return and dwell' For none shall return e!ce"t those who esca"e':D

:The incense that you burned in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem# you and your fathers# your 1ings and your "rinces# and the "eo"le of the land# did not the )3+* remember them# and did it not come into 2is mindE

Then all the men who 1new that their wives had burned incense to other gods# with all the women who stood by# a great multitude# and all the "eo"le who dwelt in the land of gy"t# in /athros# answered Jeremiah# saying7

So the )3+* could no longer bear it# because of the evil of your doings and because of the abominations which you committed' Therefore your land is a desolation# an astonishment# a curse# and without an inhabitant# as it is this day'

:As for the word that you have s"o1en to us in the name of the )3+*# we will not listen to youH

But we will certainly do whatever has gone out of our own mouth# to burn incense to the Gueen of heaven and "our out drin1 offerings to her# as we have done# we and our fathers# our 1ings and our "rinces# in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem' For then we had "lenty of food# were wellFoff# and saw no trouble'

Because you have burned incense and because you have sinned against the )3+*# and have not obeyed the voice of the )3+* or wal1ed in 2is law# in 2is statutes or in 2is testimonies# therefore this calamity has ha""ened to you# as at this day':

4oreover "eo"le and word of the the land of


Jeremiah said to all the to all the women# :2ear the )3+*# all Judah who are in gy"tH

But since we sto""ed burning incense to the Gueen of heaven and "ouring out drin1 offerings to her# we have lac1ed everything and have been consumed by the sword and by famine':

The women also said# :And when we burned incense to the Gueen of heaven

Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael# saying7 :Cou and your wives have s"o1en with your mouths and fulfilled with your hands# saying# :Be will surely 1ee" our vows that we have made# to burn incense to the Gueen of heaven and "our out drin1 offerings to her': Cou will surely 1ee" your vows and "erform your vowsHD


Therefore hear the word of the )3+*# all Judah who dwell in the land of gy"t7 :Behold# 0 have sworn by 4y great name#D says the )3+*# :that 4y name shall no more be named in the mouth of any man of Judah in all the land of gy"t# saying# :The )ord (3* lives':

:Cou said# :Boe is me nowH For the )3+* has added grief to my sorrow' 0 fainted in my sighing# and 0 find no rest':D

:Thus you shall say to him# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# what 0 have built 0 will brea1 down# and what 0 have "lanted 0 will "luc1 u"# that is# this whole land'

Behold# 0 will watch over them for adversity and not for good' And all the men of Judah who are in the land of gy"t shall be consumed by the sword and by famine# until there is an end to them'

And do you see1 great things for yourselfE *o not see1 them9 for behold# 0 will bring adversity on all flesh#: says the )3+*' :But 0 will give your life to you as a "ri.e in all "laces# wherever you go'::D

Cet a small number who esca"e the sword shall return from the land of gy"t to the land of Judah9 and all the remnant of Judah# who have gone to the land of gy"t to dwell there# shall 1now whose words will stand# 4ine or theirs'


word of the )3+* which came to Jeremiah the "ro"het against the nations' Against gy"t' -oncerning the army of /haraoh Necho# 1ing of gy"t# which was by the +iver u"hrates in -archemish# and which 1ing of Babylon defeated in the fourth year of Jehoia1im the son of Josiah# 1ing of Judah7

And this shall be a sign to you#D says the )3+*# :that 0 will "unish you in this "lace# that you may 1now that 4y words will surely stand against you for adversity'D

:Thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 will give /haraoh 2o"hra 1ing of gy"t into the hand of his enemies and into the hand of those who see1 his life# as 0 gave 5ede1iah 1ing of Judah into the hand of 1ing of Babylon# his enemy who sought his life':D

:3rder the buc1ler and shield# And draw near to battleH


2arness the horses# And mount u"# you horsemenH Stand forth with your helmets# /olish the s"ears# /ut on the armorH


word that Jeremiah the "ro"het s"o1e to Baruch the son of Neriah# when he had written these words in a boo1 at the instruction of Jeremiah# in the fourth year of Jehoia1im the son of Josiah# 1ing of Judah# saying#

Bhy have 0 seen them dismayed and turned bac1E Their mighty ones are beaten down9 They have s"eedily fled# And did not loo1 bac1# For fear was all around#: says the )3+*'

:Thus says the )3+*# the (od of 0srael# to you# 3 Baruch7

:*o not let the swift flee away# Nor the mighty man esca"e9 They will stumble and fall Toward the north# by the +iver u"hrates'

:Bho is this coming u" li1e a flood# Bhose waters move li1e the riversE


gy"t rises u" li1e a flood# And its waters move li1e the rivers9 And he says# :0 will go u" and cover the earth# 0 will destroy the city and its inhabitants'D

2e made many fall9 Ces# one fell u"on another' And they said# :AriseH )et us go bac1 to our own "eo"le And to the land of our nativity From the o""ressing sword'D

-ome u"# 3 horses# and rage# 3 chariotsH And let the mighty men come forth7 The thio"ians and the )ibyans who handle the shield# And the )ydians who handle and bend the bow'

They cried there# :/haraoh# 1ing of gy"t# is but a noise' 2e has "assed by the a""ointed timeHD

:As 0 live#: says the King# Bhose name is the )3+* of hosts# :Surely as Tabor is among the mountains And as -armel by the sea# so he shall come'

For this is the day of the )ord (3* of hosts# A day of vengeance# That 2e may avenge 2imself on 2is adversaries' The sword shall devour9 0t shall be satiated and made drun1 with their blood9 For the )ord (3* of hosts has a sacrifice 0n the north country by the +iver u"hrates'

3 you daughter dwelling in gy"t# /re"are yourself to go into ca"tivityH For No"h shall be waste and desolate# without inhabitant'

: gy"t is a very "retty heifer# But destruction comes# it comes from the north'

:(o u" to (ilead and ta1e balm# 3 virgin# the daughter of gy"t9 0n vain you will use many medicines9 Cou shall not be cured'

The nations have heard of your shame# And your cry has filled the land9 For the mighty man has stumbled against the mighty9 They both have fallen together':

Also her mercenaries are in her midst li1e fat bulls# For they also are turned bac1# They have fled away together' They did not stand# For the day of their calamity had come u"on them# The time of their "unishment'

The word that the )3+* s"o1e to Jeremiah the "ro"het# how 1ing of Babylon would come and stri1e the land of gy"t'

2er noise shall go li1e a ser"ent# For they shall march with an army And come against her with a!es# )i1e those who cho" wood'

:*eclare in gy"t# and "roclaim in 4igdol9 /roclaim in No"h and in Tah"anhes9 Say# :Stand fast and "re"are yourselves# For the sword devours all around you'D

:They shall cut down her forest#: says the )3+*# :Though it cannot be searched# Because they are innumerable# And more numerous than grassho""ers'

The daughter of gy"t shall be ashamed9 She shall be delivered into the hand 3f the "eo"le of the north':

Bhy are your valiant men swe"t awayE They did not stand Because the )3+* drove them away'

The )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael# says7 :Behold# 0 will bring "unishment on

Amon of No# and /haraoh and gy"t# with their gods and their 1ingsFF/haraoh and those who trust in him'

And 0 will deliver them into the hand of those who see1 their lives# into the hand of 1ing of Babylon and the hand of his servants' Afterward it shall be inhabited as in the days of old#: says the )3+*'

Because of the day that comes to "lunder all the /hilistines# To cut off from Tyre and Sidon every hel"er who remains9 For the )3+* shall "lunder the /hilistines# The remnant of the country of -a"htor'

Baldness has come u"on (a.a# Ash1elon is cut off Bith the remnant of their valley' 2ow long will you cut yourselfE

:But do not fear# 3 4y servant Jacob# And do not be dismayed# 3 0sraelH For behold# 0 will save you from afar# And your offs"ring from the land of their ca"tivity9 Jacob shall return# have rest and be at ease9 No one shall ma1e him afraid'

:3 you sword of the )3+*# 2ow long until you are GuietE /ut yourself u" into your scabbard# +est and be stillH

*o not fear# 3 Jacob 4y servant#: says the )3+*# :For 0 am with you9 For 0 will ma1e a com"lete end of all the nations To which 0 have driven you# But 0 will not ma1e a com"lete end of you' 0 will rightly correct you# For 0 will not leave you wholly un"unished':

2ow can it be Guiet# Seeing the )3+* has given it a charge Against Ash1elon and against the seashoreE There 2e has a""ointed it':


47The word of the )3+* that came

to Jeremiah the "ro"het against the /hilistines# before /haraoh attac1ed (a.a'

4oab' Thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :Boe to NeboH For it is "lundered# Kir$athaim is shamed and ta1en9 The high stronghold is shamed and dismayedFF

No more "raise of 4oab' 0n 2eshbon they have devised evil against her7 :-ome# and let us cut her off as a nation'D Cou also shall be cut down# 3 4admenH The sword shall "ursue you9

Thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# waters rise out of the north# And shall be an overflowing flood9 They shall overflow the land and all that is in it# The city and those who dwell within9 Then the men shall cry# And all the inhabitants of the land shall wail'

A voice of crying shall be from 2oronaim7 :/lundering and great destructionHD


:4oab is destroyed9 2er little ones have caused a cry to be heard9


At the noise of the stam"ing hooves of his strong horses# At the rushing of his chariots# At the rumbling of his wheels# The fathers will not loo1 bac1 for their children# )ac1ing courage#

For in the Ascent of )uhith they ascend with continual wee"ing9 For in the descent of 2oronaim the enemies have heard a cry of destruction'


:Flee# save your livesH And be li1e the $uni"er in the wilderness'


:The calamity of 4oab is near at hand# And his affliction comes Guic1ly'

For because you have trusted in your wor1s and your treasures# Cou also shall be ta1en' And -hemosh shall go forth into ca"tivity# 2is "riests and his "rinces together'

Bemoan him# all you who are around him9 And all you who 1now his name# Say# :2ow the strong staff is bro1en# The beautiful rodHD

And the "lunderer shall come against every city9 No one shall esca"e' The valley also shall "erish# And the "lain shall be destroyed# As the )3+* has s"o1en'

:3 daughter inhabiting *ibon# -ome down from your glory# And sit in thirst9 For the "lunderer of 4oab has come against you# 2e has destroyed your strongholds'

:(ive wings to 4oab# That she may flee and get away9 For her cities shall be desolate# Bithout any to dwell in them'

3 inhabitant of Aroer# Stand by the way and watch9 As1 him who flees And her who esca"es9 Say# :Bhat has ha""enedED

-ursed is he who does the wor1 of the )3+* deceitfully# And cursed is he who 1ee"s bac1 his sword from blood'

4oab is shamed# for he is bro1en down' Bail and cryH Tell it in Arnon# that 4oab is "lundered'

:4oab has been at ease from his youth9 2e has settled on his dregs# And has not been em"tied from vessel to vessel# Nor has he gone into ca"tivity' Therefore his taste remained in him# And his scent has not changed'

:And $udgment has come on the "lain country7 3n 2olon and Jah.ah and 4e"haath#

3n *ibon *iblathaim#





:Therefore behold# the days are coming#: says the )3+*# :That 0 shall send him wineFwor1ers Bho will ti" him over And em"ty his vessels And brea1 the bottles'

3n Kir$athaim and Beth (amul and Beth 4eon#


3n Kerioth and Bo.rah# 3n all the cities of the land of 4oab# Far or near'

4oab shall be ashamed of -hemosh# As the house of 0srael was ashamed of Bethel# their confidence'

The horn of 4oab is cut off# And his arm is bro1en#: says the )3+*'

:2ow can you say# :Be are mighty And strong men for the warDE

4oab is "lundered and gone u" from her cities9 2er chosen young men have gone down to the slaughter#: says the King# Bhose name is the )3+* of hosts'

:4a1e him drun1# Because he e!alted himself against the )3+*' 4oab shall wallow in his vomit# And he shall also be in derision'

For was not 0srael a derision to youE Bas he found among thievesE For

whenever you s"ea1 of him# Cou sha1e your head in scorn'


the riches they have acGuired have "erished'


Cou who dwell in 4oab# )eave the cities and dwell in the roc1# And be li1e the dove which ma1es her nest 0n the sides of the caveDs mouth'

:For every head shall be bald# and every beard cli""ed9 3n all the hands shall be cuts# and on the loins sac1clothFF

:Be have heard the "ride of 4oab I2e is e!ceedingly "roudJ# 3f his loftiness and arrogance and "ride# And of the haughtiness of his heart':

A general lamentation 3n all the houseto"s of 4oab# And in its streets9 For 0 have bro1en 4oab li1e a vessel in which is no "leasure#: says the )3+*'

:0 1now his wrath#: says the )3+*# :But it is not right9 2is lies have made nothing right'

Therefore 0 will wail for 4oab# And 0 will cry out for all 4oab9 0 will mourn for the men of Kir 2eres'

:They shall wail7 :2ow she is bro1en downH 2ow 4oab has turned her bac1 with shameHD So 4oab shall be a derision And a dismay to all those about her':

3 vine of SibmahH 0 will wee" for you with the wee"ing of' Cour "lants have gone over the sea# They reach to the sea of' The "lunderer has fallen on your summer fruit and your vintage'

For thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# one shall fly li1e an eagle# And s"read his wings over 4oab'

Kerioth is ta1en# And the strongholds are sur"rised9 The mighty menDs hearts in 4oab on that day shall be )i1e the heart of a woman in birth "angs'

Joy and gladness are ta1en From the "lentiful field And from the land of 4oab9 0 have caused wine to fail from the wine"resses9 No one will tread with $oyous shoutingFF Not $oyous shoutingH

And 4oab shall be destroyed as a "eo"le# Because he e!alted himself against the )3+*'

:From the cry of 2eshbon to lealeh and to Jaha. They have uttered their voice# From 5oar to 2oronaim# )i1e a threeFyearFold heifer9 For the waters of Nimrim also shall be desolate'

Fear and the "it and the snare shall be u"on you# 3 inhabitant of 4oab#: says the )3+*'

:4oreover#: says the )3+*# :0 will cause to cease in 4oab The one who offers sacrifices in the high "laces And burns incense to his gods'

:2e who flees from the fear shall fall into the "it# And he who gets out of the "it shall be caught in the snare' For u"on 4oab# u"on it 0 will bring The year of their "unishment#: says the )3+*'

Therefore 4y heart shall wail li1e flutes for 4oab# And li1e flutes 4y heart shall wail For the men of Kir 2eres' Therefore

:Those who fled stood under the shadow of 2eshbon Because of e!haustion' But a fire shall come out of 2eshbon# A flame from the midst of Sihon# And shall devour the brow of

4oab# The crown of the head of the sons of tumult'



But afterward 0 will bring bac1 The ca"tives of the "eo"le of Ammon#: says the )3+*'

Boe to you# 3 4oabH The "eo"le of -hemosh "erish9 For your sons have been ta1en ca"tive# And your daughters ca"tive'

Against dom' Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :0s wisdom no more in TemanE 2as counsel "erished from the "rudentE 2as their wisdom vanishedE

:Cet 0 will bring bac1 the ca"tives of 4oab 0n the latter days#: says the )3+*' Thus far is the $udgment of 4oab'

Flee# turn bac1# dwell in the de"ths# 3 inhabitants of *edanH For 0 will bring the calamity of sau u"on him# The time that 0 will "unish him'


the Ammonites' Thus says the )3+*7 :2as 0srael no sonsE 2as he no heirE Bhy then does 4ilcom inherit (ad# And his "eo"le dwell in its citiesE

0f gra"eFgatherers came to you# Bould they not leave some gleaning gra"esE 0f thieves by night# Bould they not destroy until they have enoughE

Therefore behold# the days are coming#: says the )3+*# :That 0 will cause to be heard an alarm of war 0n +abbah of the Ammonites9 0t shall be a desolate mound# And her villages shall be burned with fire' Then 0srael shall ta1e "ossession of his inheritance#: says the )3+*'

But 0 have made sau bare9 0 have uncovered his secret "laces# And he shall not be able to hide himself' 2is descendants are "lundered# 2is brethren and his neighbors# And he is no more'

)eave your fatherless children# 0 will "reserve them alive9 And let your widows trust in 4e':

:Bail# 3 2eshbon# for Ai is "lunderedH -ry# you daughters of +abbah# (ird yourselves with sac1clothH )ament and run to and fro by the walls9 For 4ilcom shall go into ca"tivity Bith his "riests and his "rinces together'

Bhy do you boast in the valleys# Cour flowing valley# 3 bac1sliding daughterE Bho trusted in her treasures# saying# :Bho will come against meED

For thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# those whose $udgment was not to drin1 of the cu" have assuredly drun1' And are you the one who will altogether go un"unishedE Cou shall not go un"unished# but you shall surely drin1 of it'

Behold# 0 will bring fear u"on you#: Says the )ord (3* of hosts# :From all those who are around you9 Cou shall be driven out# everyone headlong# And no one will gather those who wander off'

For 0 have sworn by 4yself#: says the )3+*# :that Bo.rah shall become a desolation# a re"roach# a waste# and a curse' And all its cities shall be "er"etual wastes':

0 have heard a message from the )3+*# And an ambassador has been sent to the nations7 :(ather together# come against her# And rise u" to battleH


:For indeed# 0 will ma1e you small among nations# *es"ised among men'


Cour fierceness has deceived you# The "ride of your heart# 3 you who dwell in the clefts of the roc1# Bho hold the height of the hillH Though you ma1e your nest as high as the eagle# 0 will bring you down from there#: says the )3+*'

Against *amascus' :2amath and Ar"ad are shamed# For they have heard bad news' They are fainthearted9 There is trouble on the sea9 0t cannot be Guiet'

*amascus has grown feeble9 She turns to flee# And fear has sei.ed her' Anguish and sorrows have ta1en her li1e a woman in labor'

: dom also shall be an astonishment9 veryone who goes by it will be astonished And will hiss at all its "lagues'

Bhy is the city of "raise not deserted# the city of 4y $oyE


As in the overthrow of Sodom and (omorrah And their neighbors#: says the )3+*# :No one shall remain there# Nor shall a son of man dwell in it'

Therefore her young men shall fall in her streets# And all the men of war shall be cut off in that day#: says the )3+* of hosts'

:Behold# he shall come u" li1e a lion from the flood"lain of the Jordan Against the dwelling "lace of the strong9 But 0 will suddenly ma1e him run away from her' And who is a chosen man that 0 may a""oint over herE For who is li1e 4eE Bho will arraign 4eE And who is that she"herd Bho will withstand 4eE:

:0 will 1indle a fire in the wall of *amascus# And it shall consume the "alaces of BenF2adad':

Against Kedar and against the 1ingdoms of 2a.or# which 1ing of Babylon shall stri1e' Thus says the )3+*7 :Arise# go u" to Kedar# And devastate the men of the astH

Therefore hear the counsel of the )3+* that 2e has ta1en against dom# And 2is "ur"oses that 2e has "ro"osed against the inhabitants of Teman7 Surely the least of the floc1 shall draw them out9 Surely 2e shall ma1e their dwelling "laces desolate with them'

Their tents and their floc1s they shall ta1e away' They shall ta1e for themselves their curtains# All their vessels and their camels9 And they shall cry out to them# :Fear is on every sideHD

The earth sha1es at the noise of their fall9 At the cry its noise is heard at the +ed Sea'

:Flee# get far awayH *well in the de"ths# 3 inhabitants of 2a.orH: says the )3+*' :For 1ing of Babylon has ta1en counsel against you# And has conceived a "lan against you'

Behold# 2e shall come u" and fly li1e the eagle# And s"read 2is wings over Bo.rah9 The heart of the mighty men of dom in that day shall be )i1e the heart of a woman in birth "angs'

:Arise# go u" to the wealthy nation that dwells securely#: says the )3+*# :Bhich has neither gates nor bars# *welling alone'

Their camels shall be for booty# And the multitude of their cattle for "lunder' 0

will scatter to all winds those in the farthest corners# And 0 will bring their calamity from all its sides#: says the )3+*'

is shamed' 4erodach is bro1en in "ieces9 2er idols are humiliated# 2er images are bro1en in "ieces'D

:2a.or shall be a dwelling for $ac1als# a desolation forever9 No one shall reside there# Nor son of man dwell in it':

For out of the north a nation comes u" against her# Bhich shall ma1e her land desolate# And no one shall dwell therein' They shall move# they shall de"art# Both man and beast'

The word of the )3+* that came to Jeremiah the "ro"het against lam# in the beginning of the reign of 5ede1iah 1ing of Judah# saying#

:Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :Behold# 0 will brea1 the bow of lam# The foremost of their might'

:0n those days and in that time#: says the )3+*# :The children of 0srael shall come# They and the children of Judah together9 Bith continual wee"ing they shall come# And see1 the )3+* their (od'

Against lam 0 will bring the four winds From the four Guarters of heaven# And scatter them toward all those winds9 There shall be no nations where the outcasts of lam will not go'

They shall as1 the way to 5ion# Bith their faces toward it# saying# :-ome and let us $oin ourselves to the )3+* 0n a "er"etual covenant That will not be forgotten'D

For 0 will cause lam to be dismayed before their enemies And before those who see1 their life' 0 will bring disaster u"on them# 4y fierce anger#D says the )3+*9 :And 0 will send the sword after them Antil 0 have consumed them'

:4y "eo"le have been lost shee"' Their she"herds have led them astray9 They have turned them away on the mountains' They have gone from mountain to hill9 They have forgotten their resting "lace'

0 will set 4y throne in lam# And will destroy from there the 1ing and the "rinces#D says the )3+*'

:But it shall come to "ass in the latter days7 0 will bring bac1 the ca"tives of lam#D says the )3+*':

All who found them have devoured them9 And their adversaries said# :Be have not offended# Because they have sinned against the )3+*# the habitation of $ustice# The )3+*# the ho"e of their fathers'D

50The word that the )3+* s"o1e

against Babylon and against the land of the -haldeans by Jeremiah the "ro"het'

:4ove from the midst of Babylon# (o out of the land of the -haldeans9 And be li1e the rams before the floc1s'

:*eclare among the nations# /roclaim# and set u" a standard9 /roclaimFFdo not conceal itFF Say# :Babylon is ta1en# Bel

For behold# 0 will raise and cause to come u" against Babylon An assembly of great nations from the north country# And they shall array themselves against her9 From there she shall be ca"tured' Their arrows shall be li1e those of an e!"ert warrior9 None shall return in vain'


And -haldea shall become "lunder9 All who "lunder her shall be satisfied#: says the )3+*'


Therefore thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :Behold# 0 will "unish the 1ing of Babylon and his land# As 0 have "unished the 1ing of Assyria'

:Because you were glad# because you re$oiced# Cou destroyers of 4y heritage# Because you have grown fat li1e a heifer threshing grain# And you bellow li1e bulls#

But 0 will bring bac1 0srael to his home# And he shall feed on -armel and Bashan9 2is soul shall be satisfied on 4ount "hraim and (ilead'

Cour mother shall be dee"ly ashamed9 She who bore you shall be ashamed' Behold# the least of the nations shall be a wilderness# A dry land and a desert'

Because of the wrath of the )3+* She shall not be inhabited# But she shall be wholly desolate' veryone who goes by Babylon shall be horrified And hiss at all her "lagues'

0n those days and in that time#: says the )3+*# :The iniGuity of 0srael shall be sought# but there shall be none9 And the sins of Judah# but they shall not be found9 For 0 will "ardon those whom 0 "reserve'

:/ut yourselves in array against Babylon all around# All you who bend the bow9 Shoot at her# s"are no arrows# For she has sinned against the )3+*'

:(o u" against the land of 4erathaim# against it# And against the inhabitants of /e1od' Baste and utterly destroy them#: says the )3+*# :And do according to all that 0 have commanded you'

A sound of battle is in the land# And of great destruction'


Shout against her all around9 She has given her hand# 2er foundations have fallen# 2er walls are thrown down9 For it is the vengeance of the )3+*' Ta1e vengeance on her' As she has done# so do to her'

2ow the hammer of the whole earth has been cut a"art and bro1enH 2ow Babylon has become a desolation among the nationsH 0 have laid a snare for you9

-ut off the sower from Babylon# And him who handles the sic1le at harvest time' For fear of the o""ressing sword veryone shall turn to his own "eo"le# And everyone shall flee to his own land'

Cou have indeed been tra""ed# 3 Babylon# And you were not aware9 Cou have been found and also caught# Because you have contended against the )3+*'

:0srael is li1e scattered shee"9 The lions have driven him away' First the 1ing of Assyria devoured him9 Now at last this 1ing of Babylon has bro1en his bones':

The )3+* has o"ened 2is armory# And has brought out the wea"ons of 2is indignation9 For this is the wor1 of the )ord (3* of hosts 0n the land of the -haldeans'

-ome against her from the farthest border9 3"en her storehouses9 -ast her u" as hea"s of ruins# And destroy her utterly9 )et nothing of her be left'


Slay all her bulls# )et them go down to the slaughter' Boe to themH For their day has come# the time of their "unishment'

of Babylon# And against her "rinces and her wise men'


The voice of those who flee and esca"e from the land of Babylon *eclares in 5ion the vengeance of the )3+* our (od# The vengeance of 2is tem"le'

A sword is against the soothsayers# and they will be fools' A sword is against her mighty men# and they will be dismayed'

:-all together the archers against Babylon' All you who bend the bow# encam" against it all around9 )et none of them esca"e' +e"ay her according to her wor19 According to all she has done# do to her9 For she has been "roud against the )3+*# Against the 2oly 3ne of 0srael'

A sword is against their horses# Against their chariots# And against all the mi!ed "eo"les who are in her midst9 And they will become li1e women' A sword is against her treasures# and they will be robbed'

A drought is against her waters# and they will be dried u"' For it is the land of carved images# And they are insane with their idols'

Therefore her young men shall fall in the streets# And all her men of war shall be cut off in that day#: says the )3+*'

:Behold# 0 am against you# 3 most haughty oneH: says the )ord (3* of hosts9 :For your day has come# The time that 0 will "unish you'

:Therefore the wild desert beasts shall dwell there with the $ac1als# And the ostriches shall dwell in it' 0t shall be inhabited no more forever# Nor shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation'

The most "roud shall stumble and fall# And no one will raise him u"9 0 will 1indle a fire in his cities# And it will devour all around him':

As (od overthrew Sodom and (omorrah And their neighbors#: says the )3+*# :So no one shall reside there# Nor son of man dwell in it'

Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :The children of 0srael were o""ressed# Along with the children of Judah9 All who too1 them ca"tive have held them fast9 They have refused to let them go'

:Behold# a "eo"le shall come from the north# And a great nation and many 1ings Shall be raised u" from the ends of the earth'

Their +edeemer is strong9 The )3+* of hosts is 2is name' 2e will thoroughly "lead their case# That 2e may give rest to the land# And disGuiet the inhabitants of Babylon'

They shall hold the bow and the lance9 They are cruel and shall not show mercy' Their voice shall roar li1e the sea9 They shall ride on horses# Set in array# li1e a man for the battle# Against you# 3 daughter of Babylon'

:A sword is against the -haldeans#: says the )3+*# :Against the inhabitants

:The 1ing of Babylon has heard the re"ort about them# And his hands grow feeble9 Anguish has ta1en hold of him# /angs as of a woman in childbirth'


:Behold# he shall come u" li1e a lion from the flood"lain of the Jordan Against the dwelling "lace of the strong9 But 0 will ma1e them suddenly run away from her' And who is a chosen man that 0 may a""oint over herE For who is li1e 4eE Bho will arraign 4eE And who is that she"herd Bho will withstand 4eE:


Flee from the midst of Babylon# And every one save his lifeH *o not be cut off in her iniGuity# For this is the time of the )3+*Ds vengeance9 2e shall recom"ense her'

Therefore hear the counsel of the )3+* that 2e has ta1en against Babylon# And 2is "ur"oses that 2e has "ro"osed against the land of the -haldeans7 Surely the least of the floc1 shall draw them out9 Surely 2e will ma1e their dwelling "lace desolate with them'

Babylon was a golden cu" in the )3+*Ds hand# That made all the earth drun1' The nations dran1 her wine9 Therefore the nations are deranged'

Babylon has suddenly fallen and been destroyed' Bail for herH Ta1e balm for her "ain9 /erha"s she may be healed'

At the noise of the ta1ing of Babylon The earth trembles# And the cry is heard among the nations'

Be would have healed Babylon# But she is not healed' Forsa1e her# and let us go everyone to his own country9 For her $udgment reaches to heaven and is lifted u" to the s1ies'

51Thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0

will raise u" against Babylon# Against those who dwell in )eb Kamai# A destroying wind'

The )3+* has revealed our righteousness' -ome and let us declare in 5ion the wor1 of the )3+* our (od'

And 0 will send winnowers to Babylon# Bho shall winnow her and em"ty her land' For in the day of doom They shall be against her all around'

4a1e the arrows brightH (ather the shieldsH The )3+* has raised u" the s"irit of the 1ings of the 4edes' For 2is "lan is against Babylon to destroy it# Because it is the vengeance of the )3+*# The vengeance for 2is tem"le'

Against her let the archer bend his bow# And lift himself u" against her in his armor' *o not s"are her young men9 Atterly destroy all her army'

Set u" the standard on the walls of Babylon9 4a1e the guard strong# Set u" the watchmen# /re"are the ambushes' For the )3+* has both devised and done Bhat 2e s"o1e against the inhabitants of Babylon'

Thus the slain shall fall in the land of the -haldeans# And those thrust through in her streets'

For 0srael is not forsa1en# nor Judah# By his (od# the )3+* of hosts# Though their land was filled with sin against the 2oly 3ne of 0srael':

3 you who dwell by many waters# Abundant in treasures# Cour end has come# The measure of your covetousness'

The )3+* of hosts has sworn by 2imself7 :Surely 0 will fill you with men# as with locusts# And they shall lift u" a shout against you':


2e has made the earth by 2is "ower9 2e has established the world by 2is wisdom# And stretched out the heaven by 2is understanding'


:And 0 will re"ay Babylon And all the inhabitants of -haldea For all the evil they have done 0n 5ion in your sight#: says the )3+*'

Bhen 2e utters 2is voiceFF There is a multitude of waters in the heavens7 :2e causes the va"ors to ascend from the ends of the earth9 2e ma1es lightnings for the rain9 2e brings the wind out of 2is treasuries':

:Behold# 0 am against you# 3 destroying mountain# Bho destroys all the earth#: says the )3+*' :And 0 will stretch out 4y hand against you# +oll you down from the roc1s# And ma1e you a burnt mountain'

veryone is dullFhearted# without 1nowledge9 very metalsmith is "ut to shame by the carved image9 For his molded image is falsehood# And there is no breath in them'

They shall not ta1e from you a stone for a corner Nor a stone for a foundation# But you shall be desolate forever#: says the )3+*'

They are futile# a wor1 of errors9 0n the time of their "unishment they shall "erish'

The /ortion of Jacob is not li1e them# For 2e is the 4a1er of all things9 And 0srael is the tribe of 2is inheritance' The )3+* of hosts is 2is name'

Set u" a banner in the land# Blow the trum"et among the nationsH /re"are the nations against her# -all the 1ingdoms together against her7 Ararat# 4inni# and Ash1ena.' A""oint a general against her9 -ause the horses to come u" li1e the bristling locusts'

:Cou are 4y battleFa! and wea"ons of war7 For with you 0 will brea1 the nation in "ieces9 Bith you 0 will destroy 1ingdoms9

/re"are against her the nations# Bith the 1ings of the 4edes# 0ts governors and all its rulers# All the land of his dominion'

Bith you 0 will brea1 in "ieces the horse and its rider9 Bith you 0 will brea1 in "ieces the chariot and its rider9

And the land will tremble and sorrow9 For every "ur"ose of the )3+* shall be "erformed against Babylon# To ma1e the land of Babylon a desolation without inhabitant'

Bith you also 0 will brea1 in "ieces man and woman9 Bith you 0 will brea1 in "ieces old and young9 Bith you 0 will brea1 in "ieces the young man and the maiden9

The mighty men of Babylon have ceased fighting# They have remained in their strongholds9 Their might has failed# They became li1e women9 They have burned her dwelling "laces# The bars of her gate are bro1en'

Bith you also 0 will brea1 in "ieces the she"herd and his floc19 Bith you 0 will brea1 in "ieces the farmer and his yo1e of o!en9 And with you 0 will brea1 in "ieces governors and rulers'

3ne runner will run to meet another# And one messenger to meet another# To show the 1ing of Babylon that his city is ta1en on all sides9


The "assages are bloc1ed# The reeds they have burned with fire# And the men of war are terrified'


:3h# how Sheshach is ta1enH 3h# how the "raise of the whole earth is sei.edH 2ow Babylon has become desolate among the nationsH

For thus says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael7 :The daughter of Babylon is li1e a threshing floor Bhen it is time to thresh her9 Cet a little while And the time of her harvest will come':

The sea has come u" over Babylon9 She is covered with the multitude of its waves'
;6 the 1ing of Babylon 2as devoured me# he has crushed me9 2e has made me an em"ty vessel# 2e has swallowed me u" li1e a monster9 2e has filled his stomach with my delicacies# 2e has s"it me out'

2er cities are a desolation# A dry land and a wilderness# A land where no one dwells# Through which no son of man "asses'

)et the violence done to me and my flesh be u"on Babylon#: The inhabitant of 5ion will say9 :And my blood be u"on the inhabitants of -haldeaH: Jerusalem will say'

0 will "unish Bel in Babylon# And 0 will bring out of his mouth what he has swallowed9 And the nations shall not stream to him anymore' Ces# the wall of Babylon shall fall'

:4y "eo"le# go out of the midst of herH And let everyone deliver himself from the fierce anger of the )3+*'

Therefore thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 will "lead your case and ta1e vengeance for you' 0 will dry u" her sea and ma1e her s"rings dry'

Babylon shall become a hea"# A dwelling "lace for $ac1als# An astonishment and a hissing# Bithout an inhabitant'

And lest your heart faint# And you fear for the rumor that will be heard in the land IA rumor will come one year# And after that# in another year A rumor will come# And violence in the land# +uler against rulerJ#

They shall roar together li1e lions# They shall growl li1e lionsD whel"s'

Therefore behold# the days are coming That 0 will bring $udgment on the carved images of Babylon9 2er whole land shall be ashamed# And all her slain shall fall in her midst'

0n their e!citement 0 will "re"are their feasts9 0 will ma1e them drun1# That they may re$oice# And slee" a "er"etual slee" And not awa1e#: says the )3+*'

:0 will bring them down )i1e lambs to the slaughter# )i1e rams with male goats'

Then the heavens and the earth and all that is in them Shall sing $oyously over Babylon9 For the "lunderers shall come to her from the north#: says the )3+*'

As Babylon has caused the slain of 0srael to fall# So at Babylon the slain of all the earth shall fall'


Cou who have esca"ed the sword# (et awayH *o not stand stillH +emember the )3+* afar off# And let Jerusalem come to your mind'

burned with fire9 The "eo"le will labor in vain# And the nations# because of the fire9 And they shall be weary':

Be are ashamed because we have heard re"roach' Shame has covered our faces# For strangers have come into the sanctuaries of the )3+*Ds house'

The word which Jeremiah the "ro"het commanded Seraiah the son of Neriah# the son of 4ahseiah# when he went with 5ede1iah the 1ing of Judah to Babylon in the fourth year of his reign' And Seraiah was the Guartermaster'

:Therefore behold# the days are coming#: says the )3+*# :That 0 will bring $udgment on her carved images# And throughout all her land the wounded shall groan'

So Jeremiah wrote in a boo1 all the evil that would come u"on Babylon# all these words that are written against Babylon'

Though Babylon were to mount u" to heaven# And though she were to fortify the height of her strength# Cet from 4e "lunderers would come to her#: says the )3+*'

And Jeremiah said to Seraiah# :Bhen you arrive in Babylon and see it# and read all these words#

The sound of a cry comes from Babylon# And great destruction from the land of the -haldeans#

then you shall say# :3 )3+*# Cou have s"o1en against this "lace to cut it off# so that none shall remain in it# neither man nor beast# but it shall be desolate forever'D

Because the )3+* is "lundering Babylon And silencing her loud voice# Though her waves roar li1e great waters# And the noise of their voice is uttered#

Now it shall be# when you have finished reading this boo1# that you shall tie a stone to it and throw it out into the u"hrates'

Because the "lunderer comes against her# against Babylon# And her mighty men are ta1en' very one of their bows is bro1en9 For the )3+* is the (od of recom"ense# 2e will surely re"ay'

Then you shall say# :Thus Babylon shall sin1 and not rise from the catastro"he that 0 will bring u"on her' And they shall be weary':D Thus far are the words of Jeremiah'

:And 0 will ma1e drun1 2er "rinces and wise men# 2er governors# her de"uties# and her mighty men' And they shall slee" a "er"etual slee" And not awa1e#: says the King# Bhose name is the )3+* of hosts'

525ede1iah was twentyFone years

old when he became 1ing# and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem' 2is motherDs name was 2amutal the daughter of Jeremiah of )ibnah'

Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :The broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly bro1en# And her high gates shall be

2e also did evil in the sight of the )3+*# according to all that Jehoia1im had done'

For because of the anger of the )3+* this ha""ened in Jerusalem and Judah# till 2e finally cast them out from 2is "resence' Then 5ede1iah rebelled against the 1ing of Babylon'


2e also "ut out the eyes of 5ede1iah9 and the 1ing of Babylon bound him in bron.e fetters# too1 him to Babylon# and "ut him in "rison till the day of his death'

Now it came to "ass in the ninth year of his reign# in the tenth month# on the tenth day of the month# that 1ing of Babylon and all his army came against Jerusalem and encam"ed against it9 and they built a siege wall against it all around'

Now in the fifth month# on the tenth day of the month Iwhich was the nineteenth year of King 1ing of BabylonJ# Nebu.aradan# the ca"tain of the guard# who served the 1ing of Babylon# came to Jerusalem'

So the city was besieged until the eleventh year of King 5ede1iah'

2e burned the house of the )3+* and the 1ingDs house9 all the houses of Jerusalem# that is# all the houses of the great# he burned with fire'

By the fourth month# on the ninth day of the month# the famine had become so severe in the city that there was no food for the "eo"le of the land'

And all the army of the -haldeans who were with the ca"tain of the guard bro1e down all the walls of Jerusalem all around'

Then the city wall was bro1en through# and all the men of war fled and went out of the city at night by way of the gate between the two walls# which was by the 1ingDs garden# even though the -haldeans were near the city all around' And they went by way of the "lain'

Then Nebu.aradan the ca"tain of the guard carried away ca"tive some of the "oor "eo"le# the rest of the "eo"le who remained in the city# the defectors who had deserted to the 1ing of Babylon# and the rest of the craftsmen'

But the army of the -haldeans "ursued the 1ing# and they overtoo1 5ede1iah in the "lains of Jericho' All his army was scattered from him'

But Nebu.aradan the ca"tain of the guard left some of the "oor of the land as vinedressers and farmers'

So they too1 the 1ing and brought him u" to the 1ing of Babylon at +iblah in the land of 2amath# and he "ronounced $udgment on him'

The bron.e "illars that were in the house of the )3+*# and the carts and the bron.e Sea that were in the house of the )3+*# the -haldeans bro1e in "ieces# and carried all their bron.e to Babylon'

Then the 1ing of Babylon 1illed the sons of 5ede1iah before his eyes' And he 1illed all the "rinces of Judah in +iblah'

They also too1 away the "ots# the shovels# the trimmers# the bowls# the s"oons# and all the bron.e utensils with which the "riests ministered'

The basins# the fire"ans# the bowls# the "ots# the lam"stands# the s"oons#

and the cu"s# whatever was solid gold and whatever was solid silver# the ca"tain of the guard too1 away'


Then the 1ing of Babylon struc1 them and "ut them to death at +iblah in the land of 2amath' Thus Judah was carried away ca"tive from its own land'

The two "illars# one Sea# the twelve bron.e bulls which were under it# and the carts# which King Solomon had made for the house of the )3+*FFthe bron.e of all these articles was beyond measure'

These are the "eo"le whom carried away ca"tive7 in the seventh year# three thousand and twentyFthree Jews9

Now concerning the "illars7 the height of one "illar was eighteen cubits# a measuring line of twelve cubits could measure its circumference# and its thic1ness was four fingers9 it was hollow'

in the eighteenth year of he carried away ca"tive from Jerusalem eight hundred and thirtyFtwo "ersons9

A ca"ital of bron.e was on it9 and the height of one ca"ital was five cubits# with a networ1 and "omegranates all around the ca"ital# all of bron.e' The second "illar# with "omegranates was the same'

in the twentyFthird year of Nebu.aradan the ca"tain of the guard carried away ca"tive of the Jews seven hundred and fortyFfive "ersons' All the "ersons were four thousand si! hundred'

There were ninetyFsi! "omegranates on the sides9 all the "omegranates# all around on the networ1# were one hundred'

The ca"tain of the guard too1 Seraiah the chief "riest# 5e"haniah the second "riest# and the three door1ee"ers'

Now it came to "ass in the thirtyF seventh year of the ca"tivity of Jehoiachin 1ing of Judah# in the twelfth month# on the twentyFfifth day of the month# that vilF4erodach 1ing of Babylon# in the first year of his reign# lifted u" the head of Jehoiachin 1ing of Judah and brought him out of "rison'

2e also too1 out of the city an officer who had charge of the men of war# seven men of the 1ingDs close associates who were found in the city# the "rinci"al scribe of the army who mustered the "eo"le of the land# and si!ty men of the "eo"le of the land who were found in the midst of the city'

And he s"o1e 1indly to him and gave him a more "rominent seat than those of the 1ings who were with him in Babylon'

So Jehoiachin changed from his "rison garments# and he ate bread regularly before the 1ing all the days of his life'

And Nebu.aradan the ca"tain of the guard too1 these and brought them to the 1ing of Babylon at +iblah'

And as for his "rovisions# there was a regular ration given him by the 1ing of Babylon# a "ortion for each day until the day of his death# all the days of his life'

Lamentations 12ow lonely sits the city That was full

of "eo"leH 2ow li1e a widow is she# Bho was great among the nationsH The "rincess among the "rovinces 2as become a slaveH

her# The adversaries saw her And moc1ed at her downfall'


She wee"s bitterly in the night# 2er tears are on her chee1s9 Among all her lovers She has none to comfort her' All her friends have dealt treacherously with her9 They have become her enemies'

Jerusalem has sinned gravely# Therefore she has become vile' All who honored her des"ise her Because they have seen her na1edness9 Ces# she sighs and turns away'

Judah has gone into ca"tivity# Ander affliction and hard servitude9 She dwells among the nations# She finds no rest9 All her "ersecutors overta1e her in dire straits'

2er uncleanness is in her s1irts9 She did not consider her destiny9 Therefore her colla"se was awesome9 She had no comforter' :3 )3+*# behold my affliction# For the enemy is e!altedH:

The roads to 5ion mourn Because no one comes to the set feasts' All her gates are desolate9 2er "riests sigh# 2er virgins are afflicted# And she is in bitterness'

The adversary has s"read his hand 3ver all her "leasant things9 For she has seen the nations enter her sanctuary# Those whom Cou commanded Not to enter Cour assembly'

2er adversaries have become the master# 2er enemies "ros"er9 For the )3+* has afflicted her Because of the multitude of her transgressions' 2er children have gone into ca"tivity before the enemy'

All her "eo"le sigh# They see1 bread9 They have given their valuables for food to restore life' :See# 3 )3+*# and consider# For 0 am scorned':

:0s it nothing to you# all you who "ass byE Behold and see 0f there is any sorrow li1e my sorrow# Bhich has been brought on me# Bhich the )3+* has inflicted 0n the day of 2is fierce anger'

And from the daughter of 5ion All her s"lendor has de"arted' 2er "rinces have become li1e deer That find no "asture# That flee without strength Before the "ursuer'

:From above 2e has sent fire into my bones# And it over"owered them9 2e has s"read a net for my feet And turned me bac19 2e has made me desolate And faint all the day'

0n the days of her affliction and roaming# Jerusalem remembers all her "leasant things That she had in the days of old' Bhen her "eo"le fell into the hand of the enemy# Bith no one to hel"

:The yo1e of my transgressions was bound9 They were woven together by 2is hands# And thrust u"on my nec1' 2e made my strength fail9 The )ord

delivered me into the hands of those whom 0 am not able to withstand'



:The )ord has tram"led underfoot all my mighty men in my midst9 2e has called an assembly against me To crush my young men9 The )ord tram"led as in a wine"ress The virgin daughter of Judah'

:)et all their wic1edness come before Cou# And do to them as Cou have done to me For all my transgressions9 For my sighs are many# And my heart is faint':


:For these things 0 wee"9 4y eye# my eye overflows with water9 Because the comforter# who should restore my life# 0s far from me' 4y children are desolate Because the enemy "revailed':

the )ord has covered the daughter of 5ion Bith a cloud in 2is angerH 2e cast down from heaven to the earth The beauty of 0srael# And did not remember 2is footstool 0n the day of 2is anger'

5ion s"reads out her hands# But no one comforts her9 The )3+* has commanded concerning Jacob That those around him become his adversaries9 Jerusalem has become an unclean thing among them'

The )ord has swallowed u" and has not "itied All the dwelling "laces of Jacob' 2e has thrown down in 2is wrath The strongholds of the daughter of Judah9 2e has brought them down to the ground9 2e has "rofaned the 1ingdom and its "rinces'

:The )3+* is righteous# For 0 rebelled against 2is commandment' 2ear now# all "eo"les# And behold my sorrow9 4y virgins and my young men 2ave gone into ca"tivity'

2e has cut off in fierce anger very horn of 0srael9 2e has drawn bac1 2is right hand From before the enemy' 2e has bla.ed against Jacob li1e a flaming fire *evouring all around'

:0 called for my lovers# But they deceived me9 4y "riests and my elders Breathed their last in the city# Bhile they sought food To restore their life'

Standing li1e an enemy# 2e has bent 2is bow9 Bith 2is right hand# li1e an adversary# 2e has slain all who were "leasing to 2is eye9 3n the tent of the daughter of 5ion# 2e has "oured out 2is fury li1e fire'

:See# 3 )3+*# that 0 am in distress9 4y soul is troubled9 4y heart is overturned within me# For 0 have been very rebellious' 3utside the sword bereaves# At home it is li1e death'

The )ord was li1e an enemy' 2e has swallowed u" 0srael# 2e has swallowed u" all her "alaces9 2e has destroyed her strongholds# And has increased mourning and lamentation 0n the daughter of Judah'

:They have heard that 0 sigh# But no one comforts me' All my enemies have heard of my trouble9 They are glad that Cou have done it' Bring on the day Cou have announced# That they may become li1e me'

2e has done violence to 2is tabernacle# As if it were a garden9 2e has destroyed 2is "lace of assembly9 The )3+* has caused The a""ointed feasts and Sabbaths to be forgotten in 5ion' 0n 2is burning indignation 2e has s"urned the 1ing and the "riest'

The )ord has s"urned 2is altar# 2e has abandoned 2is sanctuary9 2e has given u" the walls of her "alaces 0nto the hand of the enemy' They have made a noise in the house of the )3+* As on the day of a set feast'


Cour "ro"hets have seen for you False and dece"tive visions9 They have not uncovered your iniGuity# To bring bac1 your ca"tives# But have envisioned for you false "ro"hecies and delusions'

The )3+* has "ur"osed to destroy The wall of the daughter of 5ion' 2e has stretched out a line9 2e has not withdrawn 2is hand from destroying9 Therefore 2e has caused the ram"art and wall to lament9 They languished together'

All who "ass by cla" their hands at you9 They hiss and sha1e their heads At the daughter of Jerusalem7 :0s this the city that is called :The "erfection of beauty# The $oy of the whole earthDE:

2er gates have sun1 into the ground9 2e has destroyed and bro1en her bars' 2er 1ing and her "rinces are among the nations9 The )aw is no more# And her "ro"hets find no vision from the )3+*'

All your enemies have o"ened their mouth against you9 They hiss and gnash their teeth' They say# :Be have swallowed her u"H Surely this is the day we have waited for9 Be have found it# we have seen itH

The elders of the daughter of 5ion Sit on the ground and 1ee" silence9 They throw dust on their heads And gird themselves with sac1cloth' The virgins of Jerusalem Bow their heads to the ground'

The )3+* has done what 2e "ur"osed9 2e has fulfilled 2is word Bhich 2e commanded in days of old' 2e has thrown down and has not "itied# And 2e has caused an enemy to re$oice over you9 2e has e!alted the horn of your adversaries'

4y eyes fail with tears# 4y heart is troubled9 4y bile is "oured on the ground Because of the destruction of the daughter of my "eo"le# Because the children and the infants Faint in the streets of the city'

Their heart cried out to the )ord# :3 wall of the daughter of 5ion# )et tears run down li1e a river day and night9 (ive yourself no relief9 (ive your eyes no rest'

They say to their mothers# :Bhere is grain and wineE: As they swoon li1e the wounded 0n the streets of the city# As their life is "oured out 0n their mothersD bosom'

:Arise# cry out in the night# At the beginning of the watches9 /our out your heart li1e water before the face of the )ord' )ift your hands toward 2im For the life of your young children# Bho faint from hunger at the head of every street':

2ow shall 0 console youE To what shall 0 li1en you# 3 daughter of JerusalemE Bhat shall 0 com"are with you# that 0 may comfort you# 3 virgin daughter of 5ionE For your ruin is s"read wide as the sea9 Bho can heal youE

:See# 3 )3+*# and considerH To whom have Cou done thisE Should the women eat their offs"ring# The children they have cuddledE Should the "riest and "ro"het be slain 0n the sanctuary of the )ordE


:Coung and old lie 3n the ground in the streets9 4y virgins and my young men 2ave fallen by the sword9 Cou have slain them in the day of Cour anger# Cou have slaughtered and not "itied'


2e has turned aside my ways and torn me in "ieces9 2e has made me desolate'

2e has bent 2is bow And set me u" as a target for the arrow'

:Cou have invited as to a feast day The terrors that surround me' 0n the day of the )3+*Ds anger There was no refugee or survivor' Those whom 0 have borne and brought u" 4y enemies have destroyed':

2e has caused the arrows of 2is Guiver To "ierce my loins'


0 have become the ridicule of all my "eo"leFF Their taunting song all the day'

30 am the man who has seen affliction

by the rod of 2is wrath'

2e has filled me with bitterness# 2e has made me drin1 wormwood'


2e has led me and made me wal1 0n dar1ness and not in light'


2e has also bro1en my teeth with gravel# And covered me with ashes'

Surely 2e has turned 2is hand against me Time and time again throughout the day'

Cou have moved my soul far from "eace9 0 have forgotten "ros"erity'

2e has aged my flesh and my s1in# And bro1en my bones'


And 0 said# :4y strength and my ho"e 2ave "erished from the )3+*':

2e has besieged me And surrounded me with bitterness and woe'


+emember my affliction and roaming# The wormwood and the gall'


2e has set me in dar1 "laces )i1e the dead of long ago'


4y soul still remembers And sin1s within me'


2e has hedged me in so that 0 cannot get out9 2e has made my chain heavy'

This 0 recall to my mind# Therefore 0 have ho"e'


ven when 0 cry and shout# 2e shuts out my "rayer'


Through the )3+*Ds mercies we are not consumed# Because 2is com"assions fail not'

2e has bloc1ed my ways with hewn stone9 2e has made my "aths croo1ed'

They are new every morning9 (reat is Cour faithfulness'


2e has been to me a bear lying in wait# )i1e a lion in ambush'

:The )3+* is my "ortion#: says my soul# :Therefore 0 ho"e in 2imH:


The )3+* is good to those who wait for 2im# To the soul who see1s 2im'


0t is good that one should ho"e and wait Guietly For the salvation of the )3+*'


)et us lift our hearts and hands To (od in heaven'


0t is good for a man to bear The yo1e in his youth'


Be have transgressed and rebelled9 Cou have not "ardoned'


)et him sit alone and 1ee" silent# Because (od has laid it on him9

Cou have covered Courself with anger And "ursued us9 Cou have slain and not "itied'

)et him "ut his mouth in the dustFF There may yet be ho"e'

Cou have covered Courself with a cloud# That "rayer should not "ass through'

)et him give his chee1 to the one who stri1es him# And be full of re"roach'

Cou have made us an offscouring and refuse 0n the midst of the "eo"les'

For the )ord will not cast off forever' All our enemies 2ave o"ened their mouths against us'


Though 2e causes grief# Cet 2e will show com"assion According to the multitude of 2is mercies'

Fear and a snare have come u"on us# *esolation and destruction'

For 2e does not afflict willingly# Nor grieve the children of men'

To crush under oneDs feet All the "risoners of the earth#


4y eyes overflow with rivers of water For the destruction of the daughter of my "eo"le'

To turn aside the $ustice due a man Before the face of the 4ost 2igh#

4y eyes flow and do not cease# Bithout interru"tion#


3r subvert a man in his causeFF The )ord does not a""rove'


Till the )3+* from heaven )oo1s down and sees'


Bho is he who s"ea1s and it comes to "ass# Bhen the )ord has not commanded itE

4y eyes bring suffering to my soul Because of all the daughters of my city'


4y enemies without cause 2unted me down li1e a bird'


0s it not from the mouth of the 4ost 2igh That woe and wellFbeing "roceedE

They silenced my life in the "it And threw stones at me'


Bhy should a living man com"lain# A man for the "unishment of his sinsE

The waters flowed over my head9 0 said# :0 am cut offH:

)et us search out and e!amine our ways# And turn bac1 to the )3+*9


0 called on Cour name# 3 )3+*# From the lowest "it'


Cou have heard my voice7 :*o not hide Cour ear From my sighing# from my cry for hel"':

The "recious sons of 5ion# Valuable as fine gold# 2ow they are regarded as clay "ots# The wor1 of the hands of the "otterH

Cou drew near on the day 0 called on Cou# And said# :*o not fearH:

ven the $ac1als "resent their breasts To nurse their young9 But the daughter of my "eo"le is cruel# )i1e ostriches in the wilderness'

3 )ord# Cou have "leaded the case for my soul9 Cou have redeemed my life'

3 )3+*# Cou have seen how 0 am wronged9 Judge my case'


The tongue of the infant clings To the roof of its mouth for thirst9 The young children as1 for bread# But no one brea1s it for them'

Cou have seen all their vengeance# All their schemes against me'

Those who ate delicacies Are desolate in the streets9 Those who were brought u" in scarlet mbrace ash hea"s'

Cou have heard their re"roach# 3 )3+*# All their schemes against me#

The li"s of my enemies And their whis"ering against me all the day'

The "unishment of the iniGuity of the daughter of my "eo"le 0s greater than the "unishment of the sin of Sodom# Bhich was overthrown in a moment# Bith no hand to hel" herH

)oo1 at their sitting down and their rising u"9 0 am their taunting song'

+e"ay them# 3 )3+*# According to the wor1 of their hands'


2er Na.irites were brighter than snow And whiter than mil19 They were more ruddy in body than rubies# )i1e sa""hire in their a""earance'

(ive them a veiled heart9 Cour curse be u"on themH


Now their a""earance is blac1er than soot9 They go unrecogni.ed in the streets9 Their s1in clings to their bones# 0t has become as dry as wood'

0n Cour anger# /ursue and destroy them From under the heavens of the )3+*'

Those slain by the sword are better off Than those who die of hunger9 For these "ine away# Stric1en for lac1 of the fruits of the field'

42ow the gold has become dimH 2ow

changed the fine goldH The stones of the sanctuary are scattered At the head of every street'

The hands of the com"assionate women 2ave coo1ed their own children9 They became food for them 0n the destruction of the daughter of my "eo"le'

The )3+* has fulfilled 2is fury# 2e has "oured out 2is fierce anger' 2e

1indled a fire in 5ion# And it has devoured its foundations'



The 1ings of the earth# And all inhabitants of the world# Bould not have believed That the adversary and the enemy -ould enter the gates of JerusalemFF

+e$oice and be glad# 3 daughter of dom# Cou who dwell in the land of A.H The cu" shall also "ass over to you And you shall become drun1 and ma1e yourself na1ed'

Because of the sins of her "ro"hets And the iniGuities of her "riests# Bho shed in her midst The blood of the $ust'

The "unishment of your iniGuity is accom"lished# 3 daughter of 5ion9 2e will no longer send you into ca"tivity' 2e will "unish your iniGuity# 3 daughter of dom9 2e will uncover your sinsH

They wandered blind in the streets9 They have defiled themselves with blood# So that no one would touch their garments'

5+emember# 3 )3+*# what has come

u"on us9 re"roachH





They cried out to them# :(o away# uncleanH (o away# go away# *o not touch usH: Bhen they fled and wandered# Those among the nations said# :They shall no longer dwell here':

3ur inheritance has been turned over to aliens# And our houses to foreigners'

Be have become or"hans and waifs# 3ur mothers are li1e widows'

The face of the )3+* scattered them9 2e no longer regards them' The "eo"le do not res"ect the "riests Nor show favor to the elders'

Be "ay for the water we drin1# And our wood comes at a "rice'

They "ursue at our heels9 Be labor and have no rest'


Still our eyes failed us# Batching vainly for our hel"9 0n our watching we watched For a nation that could not save us'

Be have given our hand to the gy"tians And the Assyrians# to be satisfied with bread'

They trac1ed our ste"s So that we could not wal1 in our streets' 3ur end was near9 3ur days were over# For our end had come'

3ur fathers sinned and are no more# But we bear their iniGuities'

3ur "ursuers were swifter Than the eagles of the heavens' They "ursued us on the mountains And lay in wait for us in the wilderness'

Servants rule over us9 There is none to deliver us from their hand'

Be get our bread at the ris1 of our lives# Because of the sword in the wilderness'

The breath of our nostrils# the anointed of the )3+*# Bas caught in their "its# 3f whom we said# :Ander his shadow Be shall live among the nations':

3ur s1in is hot as an oven# Because of the fever of famine'


They ravished the women in 5ion# The maidens in the cities of Judah'


Because of this our heart is faint9 Because of these things our eyes grow dim9

/rinces were hung u" by their hands# And elders were not res"ected'

Because of 4ount 5ion which is desolate# Bith fo!es wal1ing about on it'

Coung men ground at the millstones9 Boys staggered under loads of wood'

Cou# 3 )3+*# remain forever9 Cour throne from generation to generation'


The elders have ceased gathering at the gate# And the young men from their music'

Bhy do Cou forget us forever# And forsa1e us for so long a timeE


The $oy of our heart has ceased9 3ur dance has turned into mourning'

Turn us bac1 to Cou# 3 )3+*# and we will be restored9 +enew our days as of old#

The crown has fallen from our head' Boe to us# for we have sinnedH

Anless Cou have utterly re$ected us# And are very angry with usH

E&e4iel 1Now it came to "ass in the thirtieth

year# in the fourth month# on the fifth day of the month# as 0 was among the ca"tives by the +iver -hebar# that the heavens were o"ened and 0 saw visions of (od'
, ?

Their wings touched one another' The creatures did not turn when they went# but each one went straight forward'

3n the fifth day of the month# which was in the fifth year of King JehoiachinDs ca"tivity#

As for the li1eness of their faces# each had the face of a man9 each of the four had the face of a lion on the right side# each of the four had the face of an o! on the left side# and each of the four had the face of an eagle'

the word of the )3+* came e!"ressly to .e1iel the "riest# the son of Bu.i# in the land of the -haldeans by the +iver -hebar9 and the hand of the )3+* was u"on him there'

Thus were their faces' Their wings stretched u"ward9 two wings of each one touched one another# and two covered their bodies'

Then 0 loo1ed# and behold# a whirlwind was coming out of the north# a great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself9 and brightness was all around it and radiating out of its midst li1e the color of amber# out of the midst of the fire'

And each one went straight forward9 they went wherever the s"irit wanted to go# and they did not turn when they went'

Also from within it came the li1eness of four living creatures' And this was their a""earance7 they had the li1eness of a man'

As for the li1eness of the living creatures# their a""earance was li1e burning coals of fire# li1e the a""earance of torches going bac1 and forth among the living creatures' The fire was bright# and out of the fire went lightning'

ach one had four faces# and each one had four wings'

And the living creatures ran bac1 and forth# in a""earance li1e a flash of lightning'

Their legs were straight# and the soles of their feet were li1e the soles of calvesD feet' They s"ar1led li1e the color of burnished bron.e'

Now as 0 loo1ed at the living creatures# behold# a wheel was on the earth beside each living creature with its four faces'

The hands of a man were under their wings on their four sides9 and each of the four had faces and wings'

The a""earance of the wheels and their wor1ings was li1e the color of beryl# and all four had the same li1eness' The a""earance of their wor1ings was# as it were# a wheel in the middle of a wheel'


Bhen they moved# they went toward any one of four directions9 they did not turn aside when they went'


As for their rims# they were so high they were awesome9 and their rims were full of eyes# all around the four of them'

And above the firmament over their heads was the li1eness of a throne# in a""earance li1e a sa""hire stone9 on the li1eness of the throne was a li1eness with the a""earance of a man high above it'

Bhen the living creatures went# the wheels went beside them9 and when the living creatures were lifted u" from the earth# the wheels were lifted u"'

Bherever the s"irit wanted to go# they went# because there the s"irit went9 and the wheels were lifted together with them# for the s"irit of the living creatures was in the wheels'

Also from the a""earance of 2is waist and u"ward 0 saw# as it were# the color of amber with the a""earance of fire all around within it9 and from the a""earance of 2is waist and downward 0 saw# as it were# the a""earance of fire with brightness all around'

Bhen those went# these went9 when those stood# these stood9 and when those were lifted u" from the earth# the wheels were lifted u" together with them# for the s"irit of the living creatures was in the wheels'

)i1e the a""earance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day# so was the a""earance of the brightness all around it' This was the a""earance of the li1eness of the glory of the )3+*' So when 0 saw it# 0 fell on my face# and 0 heard a voice of 3ne s"ea1ing'

2And 2e said to me# :Son of man#

stand on your feet# and 0 will s"ea1 to you':

The li1eness of the firmament above the heads of the living creatures was li1e the color of an awesome crystal# stretched out over their heads'

Then the S"irit entered me when 2e s"o1e to me# and set me on my feet9 and 0 heard 2im who s"o1e to me'

And under the firmament their wings s"read out straight# one toward another' ach one had two which covered one side# and each one had two which covered the other side of the body'

Bhen they went# 0 heard the noise of their wings# li1e the noise of many waters# li1e the voice of the Almighty# a tumult li1e the noise of an army9 and when they stood still# they let down their wings'

And 2e said to me7 :Son of man# 0 am sending you to the children of 0srael# to a rebellious nation that has rebelled against 4e9 they and their fathers have transgressed against 4e to this very day'

For they are im"udent and stubborn children' 0 am sending you to them# and you shall say to them# :Thus says the )ord (3*'D

A voice came from above the firmament that was over their heads9 whenever they stood# they let down their wings'

As for them# whether they hear or whether they refuseFFfor they are a rebellious houseFFyet they will 1now that a "ro"het has been among them'


:And you# son of man# do not be afraid of them nor be afraid of their words# though briers and thorns are with you and you dwell among scor"ions9 do not be afraid of their words or dismayed by their loo1s# though they are a rebellious house'


not to many "eo"le of unfamiliar s"eech and of hard language# whose words you cannot understand' Surely# had 0 sent you to them# they would have listened to you'

Cou shall s"ea1 4y words to them# whether they hear or whether they refuse# for they are rebellious'

But the house of 0srael will not listen to you# because they will not listen to 4e9 for all the house of 0srael are im"udent and hardFhearted'

But you# son of man# hear what 0 say to you' *o not be rebellious li1e that rebellious house9 o"en your mouth and eat what 0 give you':

Behold# 0 have made your face strong against their faces# and your forehead strong against their foreheads'

Now when 0 loo1ed# there was a hand stretched out to me9 and behold# a scroll of a boo1 was in it'

)i1e adamant stone# harder than flint# 0 have made your forehead9 do not be afraid of them# nor be dismayed at their loo1s# though they are a rebellious house':

Then 2e s"read it before me9 and there was writing on the inside and on the outside# and written on it were lamentations and mourning and woe'

4oreover 2e said to me7 :Son of man# receive into your heart all 4y words that 0 s"ea1 to you# and hear with your ears'

34oreover 2e said to me# :Son of

man# eat what you find9 eat this scroll# and go# s"ea1 to the house of 0srael':

And go# get to the ca"tives# to the children of your "eo"le# and s"ea1 to them and tell them# :Thus says the )ord (3*#D whether they hear# or whether they refuse':

So 0 o"ened my mouth# and 2e caused me to eat that scroll'


And 2e said to me# :Son of man# feed your belly# and fill your stomach with this scroll that 0 give you': So 0 ate# and it was in my mouth li1e honey in sweetness'

Then the S"irit lifted me u"# and 0 heard behind me a great thunderous voice7 :Blessed is the glory of the )3+* from 2is "laceH:

Then 2e said to me7 :Son of man# go to the house of 0srael and s"ea1 with 4y words to them'

0 also heard the noise of the wings of the living creatures that touched one another# and the noise of the wheels beside them# and a great thunderous noise'

For you are not sent to a "eo"le of unfamiliar s"eech and of hard language# but to the house of 0srael#

So the S"irit lifted me u" and too1 me away# and 0 went in bitterness# in the heat of my s"irit9 but the hand of the )3+* was strong u"on me'


Then 0 came to the ca"tives at Tel Abib# who dwelt by the +iver -hebar9 and 0 sat where they sat# and remained there astonished among them seven days'


So 0 arose and went out into the "lain# and behold# the glory of the )3+* stood there# li1e the glory which 0 saw by the +iver -hebar9 and 0 fell on my face'

Now it came to "ass at the end of seven days that the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#

Then the S"irit entered me and set me on my feet# and s"o1e with me and said to me7 :(o# shut yourself inside your house'

:Son of man# 0 have made you a watchman for the house of 0srael9 therefore hear a word from 4y mouth# and give them warning from 4e7

And you# 3 son of man# surely they will "ut ro"es on you and bind you with them# so that you cannot go out among them'

Bhen 0 say to the wic1ed# :Cou shall surely die#D and you give him no warning# nor s"ea1 to warn the wic1ed from his wic1ed way# to save his life# that same wic1ed man shall die in his iniGuity9 but his blood 0 will reGuire at your hand'

0 will ma1e your tongue cling to the roof of your mouth# so that you shall be mute and not be one to rebu1e them# for they are a rebellious house'

Cet# if you warn the wic1ed# and he does not turn from his wic1edness# nor from his wic1ed way# he shall die in his iniGuity9 but you have delivered your soul'

But when 0 s"ea1 with you# 0 will o"en your mouth# and you shall say to them# :Thus says the )ord (3*'D 2e who hears# let him hear9 and he who refuses# let him refuse9 for they are a rebellious house'

:Again# when a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniGuity# and 0 lay a stumbling bloc1 before him# he shall die9 because you did not give him warning# he shall die in his sin# and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered9 but his blood 0 will reGuire at your hand'

4:Cou also# son of man# ta1e a clay

tablet and lay it before you# and "ortray on it a city# Jerusalem'

)ay siege against it# build a siege wall against it# and hea" u" a mound against it9 set cam"s against it also# and "lace battering rams against it all around'

Nevertheless if you warn the righteous man that the righteous should not sin# and he does not sin# he shall surely live because he too1 warning9 also you will have delivered your soul':

4oreover ta1e for yourself an iron "late# and set it as an iron wall between you and the city' Set your face against it# and it shall be besieged# and you shall lay siege against it' This will be a sign to the house of 0srael'

Then the hand of the )3+* was u"on me there# and 2e said to me# :Arise# go out into the "lain# and there 0 shall tal1 with you':

:)ie also on your left side# and lay the iniGuity of the house of 0srael u"on it' According to the number of the days

that you lie on it# you shall bear their iniGuity'



For 0 have laid on you the years of their iniGuity# according to the number of the days# three hundred and ninety days9 so you shall bear the iniGuity of the house of 0srael'

So 0 said# :Ah# )ord (3*H 0ndeed 0 have never defiled myself from my youth till now9 0 have never eaten what died of itself or was torn by beasts# nor has abominable flesh ever come into my mouth':

And when you have com"leted them# lie again on your right side9 then you shall bear the iniGuity of the house of Judah forty days' 0 have laid on you a day for each year'

Then 2e said to me# :See# 0 am giving you cow dung instead of human waste# and you shall "re"are your bread over it':

:Therefore you shall set your face toward the siege of Jerusalem9 your arm shall be uncovered# and you shall "ro"hesy against it'

4oreover 2e said to me# :Son of man# surely 0 will cut off the su""ly of bread in Jerusalem9 they shall eat bread by weight and with an!iety# and shall drin1 water by measure and with dread#

And surely 0 will restrain you so that you cannot turn from one side to another till you have ended the days of your siege'

that they may lac1 bread and water# and be dismayed with one another# and waste away because of their iniGuity'

:Also ta1e for yourself wheat# barley# beans# lentils# millet# and s"elt9 "ut them into one vessel# and ma1e bread of them for yourself' *uring the number of days that you lie on your side# three hundred and ninety days# you shall eat it'

5:And you# son of man# ta1e a shar"

sword# ta1e it as a barberDs ra.or# and "ass it over your head and your beard9 then ta1e scales to weigh and divide the hair'

And your food which you eat shall be by weight# twenty she1els a day9 from time to time you shall eat it'

Cou shall burn with fire oneFthird in the midst of the city# when the days of the siege are finished9 then you shall ta1e oneFthird and stri1e around it with the sword# and oneFthird you shall scatter in the wind7 0 will draw out a sword after them'

Cou shall also drin1 water by measure# oneFsi!th of a hin9 from time to time you shall drin1'

Cou shall also ta1e a small number of them and bind them in the edge of your garment'

And you shall eat it as barley ca1es9 and ba1e it using fuel of human waste in their sight':

Then the )3+* said# :So shall the children of 0srael eat their defiled bread among the (entiles# where 0 will drive them':

Then ta1e some of them again and throw them into the midst of the fire# and burn them in the fire' From there a fire will go out into all the house of 0srael'


:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :This is Jerusalem9 0 have set her in the midst of the nations and the countries all around her'

will scatter another third to all the winds# and 0 will draw out a sword after them'

She has rebelled against 4y $udgments by doing wic1edness more than the nations# and against 4y statutes more than the countries that are all around her9 for they have refused 4y $udgments# and they have not wal1ed in 4y statutes'D

:Thus shall 4y anger be s"ent# and 0 will cause 4y fury to rest u"on them# and 0 will be avenged9 and they shall 1now that 0# the )3+*# have s"o1en it in 4y .eal# when 0 have s"ent 4y fury u"on them'

Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Because you have multi"lied disobedience more than the nations that are all around you# have not wal1ed in 4y statutes nor 1e"t 4y $udgments# nor even done according to the $udgments of the nations that are all around youDFF

4oreover 0 will ma1e you a waste and a re"roach among the nations that are all around you# in the sight of all who "ass by'

:So it shall be a re"roach# a taunt# a lesson# and an astonishment to the nations that are all around you# when 0 e!ecute $udgments among you in anger and in fury and in furious rebu1es' 0# the )3+*# have s"o1en'

therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :0ndeed 0# even 0# am against you and will e!ecute $udgments in your midst in the sight of the nations'

And 0 will do among you what 0 have never done# and the li1e of which 0 will never do again# because of all your abominations'

Bhen 0 send against them the terrible arrows of famine which shall be for destruction# which 0 will send to destroy you# 0 will increase the famine u"on you and cut off your su""ly of bread'

Therefore fathers shall eat their sons in your midst# and sons shall eat their fathers9 and 0 will e!ecute $udgments among you# and all of you who remain 0 will scatter to all the winds'

So 0 will send against you famine and wild beasts# and they will bereave you' /estilence and blood shall "ass through you# and 0 will bring the sword against you' 0# the )3+*# have s"o1en':D

6Now the word of the )3+* came to

me# saying7

:Therefore# as 0 live#D says the )ord (3*# :surely# because you have defiled 4y sanctuary with all your detestable things and with all your abominations# therefore 0 will also diminish you9 4y eye will not s"are# nor will 0 have any "ity'

:Son of man# set your face toward the mountains of 0srael# and "ro"hesy against them#

3neFthird of you shall die of the "estilence# and be consumed with famine in your midst9 and oneFthird shall fall by the sword all around you9 and 0

and say# :3 mountains of 0srael# hear the word of the )ord (3*H Thus says the )ord (3* to the mountains# to the hills# to the ravines# and to the valleys7 :0ndeed 0# even 0# will bring a sword

against you# and 0 will destroy your high "laces'



Then your altars shall be desolate# your incense altars shall be bro1en# and 0 will cast down your slain men before your idols'

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :/ound your fists and stam" your feet# and say# :Alas# for all the evil abominations of the house of 0sraelH For they shall fall by the sword# by famine# and by "estilence'

And 0 will lay the cor"ses of the children of 0srael before their idols# and 0 will scatter your bones all around your altars'

2e who is far off shall die by the "estilence# he who is near shall fall by the sword# and he who remains and is besieged shall die by the famine' Thus will 0 s"end 4y fury u"on them'

0n all your dwelling "laces the cities shall be laid waste# and the high "laces shall be desolate# so that your altars may be laid waste and made desolate# your idols may be bro1en and made to cease# your incense altars may be cut down# and your wor1s may be abolished'

Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*# when their slain are among their idols all around their altars# on every high hill# on all the mountainto"s# under every green tree# and under every thic1 oa1# wherever they offered sweet incense to all their idols'

The slain shall fall in your midst# and you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'

:Cet 0 will leave a remnant# so that you may have some who esca"e the sword among the nations# when you are scattered through the countries'

So 0 will stretch out 4y hand against them and ma1e the land desolate# yes# more desolate than the wilderness toward *iblah# in all their dwelling "laces' Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*':::


the word of the )3+* came to me# saying# :And you# son of man# thus says the )ord (3* to the land of 0srael7 :An endH The end has come u"on the four corners of the land'

Then those of you who esca"e will remember 4e among the nations where they are carried ca"tive# because 0 was crushed by their adulterous heart which has de"arted from 4e# and by their eyes which "lay the harlot after their idols9 they will loathe themselves for the evils which they committed in all their abominations'

And they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*9 0 have not said in vain that 0 would bring this calamity u"on them':

Now the end has come u"on you# And 0 will send 4y anger against you9 0 will $udge you according to your ways# And 0 will re"ay you for all your abominations'

4y eye will not s"are you# Nor will 0 have "ity9 But 0 will re"ay your ways# And your abominations will be in your midst9 Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*HD


:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :A disaster# a singular disaster9 Behold# it has comeH


An end has come# The end has come9 0t has dawned for you9 Behold# it has comeH

:They have blown the trum"et and made everyone ready# But no one goes to battle9 For 4y wrath is on all their multitude'

*oom has come to you# you who dwell in the land9 The time has come# A day of trouble is near# And not of re$oicing in the mountains'

The sword is outside# And the "estilence and famine within' Bhoever is in the field Bill die by the sword9 And whoever is in the city# Famine and "estilence will devour him'

Now u"on you 0 will soon "our out 4y fury# And s"end 4y anger u"on you9 0 will $udge you according to your ways# And 0 will re"ay you for all your abominations'

:Those who survive will esca"e and be on the mountains )i1e doves of the valleys# All of them mourning# ach for his iniGuity'

very hand will be feeble# And every 1nee will be as wea1 as water'

:4y eye will not s"are# Nor will 0 have "ity9 0 will re"ay you according to your ways# And your abominations will be in your midst' Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+* who stri1es'

They will also be girded with sac1cloth9 2orror will cover them9 Shame will be on every face# Baldness on all their heads'

:Behold# the dayH Behold# it has comeH *oom has gone out9 The rod has blossomed# /ride has budded'

Violence has risen u" into a rod of wic1edness9 None of them shall remain# None of their multitude# None of them9 Nor shall there be wailing for them'

:They will throw their silver into the streets# And their gold will be li1e refuse9 Their silver and their gold will not be able to deliver them 0n the day of the wrath of the )3+*9 They will not satisfy their souls# Nor fill their stomachs# Because it became their stumbling bloc1 of iniGuity'

The time has come# The day draws near' :)et not the buyer re$oice# Nor the seller mourn# For wrath is on their whole multitude'

:As for the beauty of his ornaments# 2e set it in ma$esty9 But they made from it The images of their abominationsFF Their detestable things9 Therefore 0 have made it )i1e refuse to them'

For the seller shall not return to what has been sold# Though he may still be alive9 For the vision concerns the whole multitude# And it shall not turn bac19 No one will strengthen himself Bho lives in iniGuity'

0 will give it as "lunder 0nto the hands of strangers# And to the wic1ed of the earth as s"oil9 And they shall defile it'

0 will turn 4y face from them# And they will defile 4y secret "lace9 For robbers shall enter it and defile it'


:4a1e a chain# For the land is filled with crimes of blood# And the city is full of violence'

seat of the image of $ealousy was# which "rovo1es to $ealousy'


Therefore 0 will bring the worst of the (entiles# And they will "ossess their houses9 0 will cause the "om" of the strong to cease# And their holy "laces shall be defiled'

And behold# the glory of the (od of 0srael was there# li1e the vision that 0 saw in the "lain'

*estruction comes9 They will see1 "eace# but there shall be none'

Then 2e said to me# :Son of man# lift your eyes now toward the north': So 0 lifted my eyes toward the north# and there# north of the altar gate# was this image of $ealousy in the entrance'

*isaster will come u"on disaster# And rumor will be u"on rumor' Then they will see1 a vision from a "ro"het9 But the law will "erish from the "riest# And counsel from the elders'

:The 1ing will mourn# The "rince will be clothed with desolation# And the hands of the common "eo"le will tremble' 0 will do to them according to their way# And according to what they deserve 0 will $udge them9 Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*H:D

Furthermore 2e said to me# :Son of man# do you see what they are doing# the great abominations that the house of 0srael commits here# to ma1e 4e go far away from 4y sanctuaryE Now turn again# you will see greater abominations':

So 2e brought me to the door of the court9 and when 0 loo1ed# there was a hole in the wall'

8And it came to "ass in the si!th year#

in the si!th month# on the fifth day of the month# as 0 sat in my house with the elders of Judah sitting before me# that the hand of the )ord (3* fell u"on me there'

Then 2e said to me# :Son of man# dig into the wall:9 and when 0 dug into the wall# there was a door'

And 2e said to me# :(o in# and see the wic1ed abominations which they are doing there':

Then 0 loo1ed# and there was a li1eness# li1e the a""earance of fireFF from the a""earance of 2is waist and downward# fire9 and from 2is waist and u"ward# li1e the a""earance of brightness# li1e the color of amber'

So 0 went in and saw# and thereFFevery sort of cree"ing thing# abominable beasts# and all the idols of the house of 0srael# "ortrayed all around on the walls'

2e stretched out the form of a hand# and too1 me by a loc1 of my hair9 and the S"irit lifted me u" between earth and heaven# and brought me in visions of (od to Jerusalem# to the door of the north gate of the inner court# where the

And there stood before them seventy men of the elders of the house of 0srael# and in their midst stood Jaa.aniah the son of Sha"han' ach man had a censer in his hand# and a thic1 cloud of incense went u"'

Then 2e said to me# :Son of man# have you seen what the elders of the house of 0srael do in the dar1# every

man in the room of his idolsE For they say# :The )3+* does not see us# the )3+* has forsa1en the land':D

And 2e said to me# :Turn again# and you will see greater abominations that they are doing':

And suddenly si! men came from the direction of the u""er gate# which faces north# each with his battleFa! in his hand' 3ne man among them was clothed with linen and had a writerDs in1horn at his side' They went in and stood beside the bron.e altar'

So 2e brought me to the door of the north gate of the )3+*Ds house9 and to my dismay# women were sitting there wee"ing for Tammu.'

Then 2e said to me# :2ave you seen this# 3 son of manE Turn again# you will see greater abominations than these':

Now the glory of the (od of 0srael had gone u" from the cherub# where it had been# to the threshold of the tem"le' And 2e called to the man clothed with linen# who had the writerDs in1horn at his side9

So 2e brought me into the inner court of the )3+*Ds house9 and there# at the door of the tem"le of the )3+*# between the "orch and the altar# were about twentyFfive men with their bac1s toward the tem"le of the )3+* and their faces toward the east# and they were worshi"ing the sun toward the east'

and the )3+* said to him# :(o through the midst of the city# through the midst of Jerusalem# and "ut a mar1 on the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it':

To the others 2e said in my hearing# :(o after him through the city and 1ill9 do not let your eye s"are# nor have any "ity'

And 2e said to me# :2ave you seen this# 3 son of manE 0s it a trivial thing to the house of Judah to commit the abominations which they commit hereE For they have filled the land with violence9 then they have returned to "rovo1e 4e to anger' 0ndeed they "ut the branch to their nose'

Atterly slay old and young men# maidens and little children and women9 but do not come near anyone on whom is the mar19 and begin at 4y sanctuary': So they began with the elders who were before the tem"le'

Therefore 0 also will act in fury' 4y eye will not s"are nor will 0 have "ity9 and though they cry in 4y ears with a loud voice# 0 will not hear them':

Then 2e said to them# :*efile the tem"le# and fill the courts with the slain' (o outH: And they went out and 1illed in the city'

9Then 2e called out in my hearing

with a loud voice# saying# :)et those who have charge over the city draw near# each with a deadly wea"on in his hand':

So it was# that while they were 1illing them# 0 was left alone9 and 0 fell on my face and cried out# and said# :Ah# )ord (3*H Bill Cou destroy all the remnant of 0srael in "ouring out Cour fury on JerusalemE:

Then 2e said to me# :The iniGuity of the house of 0srael and Judah is

e!ceedingly great# and the land is full of bloodshed# and the city full of "erversity9 for they say# :The )3+* has forsa1en the land# and the )3+* does not seeHD


Then it ha""ened# when 2e commanded the man clothed in linen# saying# :Ta1e fire from among the wheels# from among the cherubim#: that he went in and stood beside the wheels'

And as for 4e also# 4y eye will neither s"are# nor will 0 have "ity# but 0 will recom"ense their deeds on their own head':

Just then# the man clothed with linen# who had the in1horn at his side# re"orted bac1 and said# :0 have done as Cou commanded me':

And the cherub stretched out his hand from among the cherubim to the fire that was among the cherubim# and too1 some of it and "ut it into the hands of the man clothed with linen# who too1 it and went out'

The cherubim a""eared to have the form of a manDs hand under their wings'

10And 0 loo1ed# and there in the

firmament that was above the head of the cherubim# there a""eared something li1e a sa""hire stone# having the a""earance of the li1eness of a throne'

And when 0 loo1ed# there were four wheels by the cherubim# one wheel by one cherub and another wheel by each other cherub9 the wheels a""eared to have the color of a beryl stone'

Then 2e s"o1e to the man clothed with linen# and said# :(o in among the wheels# under the cherub# fill your hands with coals of fire from among the cherubim# and scatter them over the city': And he went in as 0 watched'

As for their a""earance# all four loo1ed ali1eFFas it were# a wheel in the middle of a wheel'

Now the cherubim were standing on the south side of the tem"le when the man went in# and the cloud filled the inner court'

Bhen they went# they went toward any of their four directions9 they did not turn aside when they went# but followed in the direction the head was facing' They did not turn aside when they went'

Then the glory of the )3+* went u" from the cherub# and "aused over the threshold of the tem"le9 and the house was filled with the cloud# and the court was full of the brightness of the )3+*Ds glory'

And their whole body# with their bac1# their hands# their wings# and the wheels that the four had# were full of eyes all around'

As for the wheels# they were called in my hearing# :Bheel':


And the sound of the wings of the cherubim was heard even in the outer court# li1e the voice of Almighty (od when 2e s"ea1s'

ach one had four faces7 the first face was the face of a cherub# the second face the face of a man# the third the face of a lion# and the fourth the face of an eagle'


And the cherubim were lifted u"' This was the living creature 0 saw by the +iver -hebar'

Jaa.aniah the son of A..ur# and /elatiah the son of Benaiah# "rinces of the "eo"le'

Bhen the cherubim went# the wheels went beside them9 and when the cherubim lifted their wings to mount u" from the earth# the same wheels also did not turn from beside them'

And 2e said to me7 :Son of man# these are the men who devise iniGuity and give wic1ed counsel in this city#

Bhen the cherubim stood still# the wheels stood still# and when one was lifted u"# the other lifted itself u"# for the s"irit of the living creature was in them'

who say# :The time is not near to build houses9 this city is the caldron# and we are the meat'D

Therefore "ro"hesy against "ro"hesy# 3 son of manH:



Then the glory of the )3+* de"arted from the threshold of the tem"le and stood over the cherubim'

And the cherubim lifted their wings and mounted u" from the earth in my sight' Bhen they went out# the wheels were beside them9 and they stood at the door of the east gate of the )3+*Ds house# and the glory of the (od of 0srael was above them'

Then the S"irit of the )3+* fell u"on me# and said to me# :S"ea1H :Thus says the )3+*7 :Thus you have said# 3 house of 0srael9 for 0 1now the things that come into your mind'

Cou have multi"lied your slain in this city# and you have filled its streets with the slain':

This is the living creature 0 saw under the (od of 0srael by the +iver -hebar# and 0 1new they were cherubim'

Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Cour slain whom you have laid in its midst# they are the meat# and this city is the caldron9 but 0 shall bring you out of the midst of it'

ach one had four faces and each one four wings# and the li1eness of the hands of a man was under their wings'

Cou have feared the sword9 and 0 will bring a sword u"on you#: says the )ord (3*'

And the li1eness of their faces was the same as the faces which 0 had seen by the +iver -hebar# their a""earance and their "ersons' They each went straight forward'

:And 0 will bring you out of its midst# and deliver you into the hands of strangers# and e!ecute $udgments on you'

11Then the S"irit lifted me u" and

brought me to the ast (ate of the )3+*Ds house# which faces eastward9 and there at the door of the gate were twentyFfive men# among whom 0 saw

Cou shall fall by the sword' 0 will $udge you at the border of 0srael' Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'

This city shall not be your caldron# nor shall you be the meat in its midst' 0 will $udge you at the border of 0srael'


And you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*9 for you have not wal1ed in 4y statutes nor e!ecuted 4y $udgments# but have done according to the customs of the (entiles which are all around you'::D


that they may wal1 in 4y statutes and 1ee" 4y $udgments and do them9 and they shall be 4y "eo"le# and 0 will be their (od'

Now it ha""ened# while 0 was "ro"hesying# that /elatiah the son of Benaiah died' Then 0 fell on my face and cried with a loud voice# and said# :Ah# )ord (3*H Bill Cou ma1e a com"lete end of the remnant of 0sraelE:

But as for those whose hearts follow the desire for their detestable things and their abominations# 0 will recom"ense their deeds on their own heads#: says the )ord (3*'

Again the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#


So the cherubim lifted u" their wings# with the wheels beside them# and the glory of the (od of 0srael was high above them'

:Son of man# your brethren# your relatives# your countrymen# and all the house of 0srael in its entirety# are those about whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said# :(et far away from the )3+*9 this land has been given to us as a "ossession'D

And the glory of the )3+* went u" from the midst of the city and stood on the mountain# which is on the east side of the city'

Then the S"irit too1 me u" and brought me in a vision by the S"irit of (od into -haldea# to those in ca"tivity' And the vision that 0 had seen went u" from me'

Therefore say# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Although 0 have cast them far off among the (entiles# and although 0 have scattered them among the countries# yet 0 shall be a little sanctuary for them in the countries where they have gone':D

So 0 s"o1e to those in ca"tivity of all the things the )3+* had shown me'

12Now the word of the )3+* came

to me# saying7

Therefore say# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :0 will gather you from the "eo"les# assemble you from the countries where you have been scattered# and 0 will give you the land of 0srael':D

:Son of man# you dwell in the midst of a rebellious house# which has eyes to see but does not see# and ears to hear but does not hear9 for they are a rebellious house'

And they will go there# and they will ta1e away all its detestable things and all its abominations from there'

Then 0 will give them one heart# and 0 will "ut a new s"irit within them# and ta1e the stony heart out of their flesh# and give them a heart of flesh#

:Therefore# son of man# "re"are your belongings for ca"tivity# and go into ca"tivity by day in their sight' Cou shall go from your "lace into ca"tivity to another "lace in their sight' 0t may be that they will consider# though they are a rebellious house'

By day you shall bring out your belongings in their sight# as though going into ca"tivity9 and at evening you shall go in their sight# li1e those who go into ca"tivity'


0 will also s"read 4y net over him# and he shall be caught in 4y snare' 0 will bring him to Babylon# to the land of the -haldeans9 yet he shall not see it# though he shall die there'

*ig through the wall in their sight# and carry your belongings out through it'

0n their sight you shall bear them on your shoulders and carry them out at twilight9 you shall cover your face# so that you cannot see the ground# for 0 have made you a sign to the house of 0srael':

0 will scatter to every wind all who are around him to hel" him# and all his troo"s9 and 0 will draw out the sword after them'

:Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*# when 0 scatter them among the nations and dis"erse them throughout the countries'

So 0 did as 0 was commanded' 0 brought out my belongings by day# as though going into ca"tivity# and at evening 0 dug through the wall with my hand' 0 brought them out at twilight# and 0 bore them on my shoulder in their sight'

But 0 will s"are a few of their men from the sword# from famine# and from "estilence# that they may declare all their abominations among the (entiles wherever they go' Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*':

And in the morning the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#

4oreover the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#


:Son of man# has not the house of 0srael# the rebellious house# said to you# :Bhat are you doingED

:Son of man# eat your bread with Gua1ing# and drin1 your water with trembling and an!iety'

Say to them# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :This burden concerns the "rince in Jerusalem and all the house of 0srael who are among them':D

Say# :0 am a sign to you' As 0 have done# so shall it be done to them9 they shall be carried away into ca"tivity'D

And say to the "eo"le of the land# :Thus says the )ord (3* to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to the land of 0srael7 :They shall eat their bread with an!iety# and drin1 their water with dread# so that her land may be em"tied of all who are in it# because of the violence of all those who dwell in it'

And the "rince who is among them shall bear his belongings on his shoulder at twilight and go out' They shall dig through the wall to carry them out through it' 2e shall cover his face# so that he cannot see the ground with his eyes'

Then the cities that are inhabited shall be laid waste# and the land shall become desolate9 and you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'::D

And the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#


:Son of man# what is this "roverb that you "eo"le have about the land of 0srael# which says# :The days are "rolonged# and every vision failsDE

Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Boe to the foolish "ro"hets# who follow their own s"irit and have seen nothingH

Tell them therefore# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :0 will lay this "roverb to rest# and they shall no more use it as a "roverb in 0srael': But say to them# :The days are at hand# and the fulfillment of every vision'

3 0srael# your "ro"hets are li1e fo!es in the deserts'


Cou have not gone u" into the ga"s to build a wall for the house of 0srael to stand in battle on the day of the )3+*'

For no more shall there be any false vision or flattering divination within the house of 0srael'

They have envisioned futility and false divination# saying# :Thus says the )3+*HD But the )3+* has not sent them9 yet they ho"e that the word may be confirmed'

For 0 am the )3+*' 0 s"ea1# and the word which 0 s"ea1 will come to "ass9 it will no more be "ost"oned9 for in your days# 3 rebellious house# 0 will say the word and "erform it#: says the )ord (3*':D

2ave you not seen a futile vision# and have you not s"o1en false divinationE Cou say# :The )3+* says#D but 0 have not s"o1en':

Again the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#


:Son of man# loo1# the house of 0srael is saying# :The vision that he sees is for many days from now# and he "ro"hesies of times far off'D

Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Because you have s"o1en nonsense and envisioned lies# therefore 0 am indeed against you#: says the )ord (3*'

Therefore say to them# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :None of 4y words will be "ost"oned any more# but the word which 0 s"ea1 will be done#: says the )ord (3*':D

:4y hand will be against the "ro"hets who envision futility and who divine lies9 they shall not be in the assembly of 4y "eo"le# nor be written in the record of the house of 0srael# nor shall they enter into the land of 0srael' Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )ord (3*'

13And the word of the )3+* came

to me# saying#

:Because# indeed# because they have seduced 4y "eo"le# saying# :/eaceHD when there is no "eaceFFand one builds a wall# and they "laster it with untem"ered mortarFF

:Son of man# "ro"hesy against the "ro"hets of 0srael who "ro"hesy# and say to those who "ro"hesy out of their own heart# :2ear the word of the )3+*H:D

say to those who "laster it with untem"ered mortar# that it will fall' There will be flooding rain# and you# 3 great hailstones# shall fall9 and a stormy wind shall tear it down'


Surely# when the wall has fallen# will it not be said to you# :Bhere is the mortar with which you "lastered itE:D


Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :0 will cause a stormy wind to brea1 forth in 4y fury9 and there shall be a flooding rain in 4y anger# and great hailstones in fury to consume it'

:Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 0 am against your magic charms by which you hunt souls there li1e birds' 0 will tear them from your arms# and let the souls go# the souls you hunt li1e birds'

So 0 will brea1 down the wall you have "lastered with untem"ered mortar# and bring it down to the ground# so that its foundation will be uncovered9 it will fall# and you shall be consumed in the midst of it' Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'

0 will also tear off your veils and deliver 4y "eo"le out of your hand# and they shall no longer be as "rey in your hand' Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'

:Thus will 0 accom"lish 4y wrath on the wall and on those who have "lastered it with untem"ered mortar9 and 0 will say to you# :The wall is no more# nor those who "lastered it#

:Because with lies you have made the heart of the righteous sad# whom 0 have not made sad9 and you have strengthened the hands of the wic1ed# so that he does not turn from his wic1ed way to save his life'

Therefore you shall no longer envision futility nor "ractice divination9 for 0 will deliver 4y "eo"le out of your hand# and you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'::D

that is# the "ro"hets of 0srael who "ro"hesy concerning Jerusalem# and who see visions of "eace for her when there is no "eace#:D says the )ord (3*'

14Now some of the elders of 0srael

came to me and sat before me'

:)i1ewise# son of man# set your face against the daughters of your "eo"le# who "ro"hesy out of their own heart9 "ro"hesy against them#

And the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#


and say# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Boe to the women who sew magic charms on their sleeves and ma1e veils for the heads of "eo"le of every height to hunt soulsH Bill you hunt the souls of 4y "eo"le# and 1ee" yourselves aliveE

:Son of man# these men have set u" their idols in their hearts# and "ut before them that which causes them to stumble into iniGuity' Should 0 let 4yself be inGuired of at all by themE

And will you "rofane 4e among 4y "eo"le for handfuls of barley and for "ieces of bread# 1illing "eo"le who should not die# and 1ee"ing "eo"le alive who should not live# by your lying to 4y "eo"le who listen to liesE:

:Therefore s"ea1 to them# and say to them# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 : veryone of the house of 0srael who sets u" his idols in his heart# and "uts before him what causes him to stumble into iniGuity# and then comes to the "ro"het# 0 the )3+* will answer him who comes# according to the multitude of his idols#


that 0 may sei.e the house of 0srael by their heart# because they are all estranged from 4e by their idols':D


:Therefore say to the house of 0srael# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :+e"ent# turn away from your idols# and turn your faces away from all your abominations'

:Son of man# when a land sins against 4e by "ersistent unfaithfulness# 0 will stretch out 4y hand against it9 0 will cut off its su""ly of bread# send famine on it# and cut off man and beast from it'

For anyone of the house of 0srael# or of the strangers who dwell in 0srael# who se"arates himself from 4e and sets u" his idols in his heart and "uts before him what causes him to stumble into iniGuity# then comes to a "ro"het to inGuire of him concerning 4e# 0 the )3+* will answer him by 4yself'

ven if these three men# Noah# *aniel# and Job# were in it# they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness#: says the )ord (3*'

:0f 0 cause wild beasts to "ass through the land# and they em"ty it# and ma1e it so desolate that no man may "ass through because of the beasts#

0 will set 4y face against that man and ma1e him a sign and a "roverb# and 0 will cut him off from the midst of 4y "eo"le' Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'

even though these three men were in it# as 0 live#: says the )ord (3*# :they would deliver neither sons nor daughters9 only they would be delivered# and the land would be desolate'

:And if the "ro"het is induced to s"ea1 anything# 0 the )3+* have induced that "ro"het# and 0 will stretch out 4y hand against him and destroy him from among 4y "eo"le 0srael'

:3r if 0 bring a sword on that land# and say# :Sword# go through the land#D and 0 cut off man and beast from it#

And they shall bear their iniGuity9 the "unishment of the "ro"het shall be the same as the "unishment of the one who inGuired#

even though these three men were in it# as 0 live#: says the )ord (3*# :they would deliver neither sons nor daughters# but only they themselves would be delivered'

:3r if 0 send a "estilence into that land and "our out 4y fury on it in blood# and cut off from it man and beast#

that the house of 0srael may no longer stray from 4e# nor be "rofaned anymore with all their transgressions# but that they may be 4y "eo"le and 0 may be their (od#: says the )ord (3*':D

even though Noah# *aniel# and Job were in it# as 0 live#: says the )ord (3*# :they would deliver neither son nor daughter9 they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness':

The word of the )3+* came again to me# saying7

For thus says the )ord (3*7 :2ow much more it shall be when 0 send 4y four severe $udgments on JerusalemFF the sword and famine and wild beasts and "estilenceFFto cut off man and beast from itE


Cet behold# there shall be left in it a remnant who will be brought out# both sons and daughters9 surely they will come out to you# and you will see their ways and their doings' Then you will be comforted concerning the disaster that 0 have brought u"on Jerusalem# all that 0 have brought u"on it'

and 0 will set 4y face against them' They will go out from one fire# but another fire shall devour them' Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*# when 0 set 4y face against them'

Thus 0 will ma1e the land desolate# because they have "ersisted in unfaithfulness#D says the )ord (3*':

And they will comfort you# when you see their ways and their doings9 and you shall 1now that 0 have done nothing without cause that 0 have done in it#: says the )ord (3*'

16Again the word of the )3+* came

to me# saying#

15Then the word of the )3+* came

to me# saying7

:Son of man# cause Jerusalem to 1now her abominations#


:Son of man# how is the wood of the vine better than any other wood# the vine branch which is among the trees of the forestE

and say# :Thus says the )ord (3* to Jerusalem7 :Cour birth and your nativity are from the land of -anaan9 your father was an Amorite and your mother a 2ittite'

0s wood ta1en from it to ma1e any ob$ectE 3r can men ma1e a "eg from it to hang any vessel onE

As for your nativity# on the day you were born your navel cord was not cut# nor were you washed in water to cleanse you9 you were not rubbed with salt nor wra""ed in swaddling cloths'

0nstead# it is thrown into the fire for fuel9 the fire devours both ends of it# and its middle is burned' 0s it useful for any wor1E

0ndeed# when it was whole# no ob$ect could be made from it' 2ow much less will it be useful for any wor1 when the fire has devoured it# and it is burnedE

No eye "itied you# to do any of these things for you# to have com"assion on you9 but you were thrown out into the o"en field# when you yourself were loathed on the day you were born'

:Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :)i1e the wood of the vine among the trees of the forest# which 0 have given to the fire for fuel# so 0 will give u" the inhabitants of Jerusalem9

:And when 0 "assed by you and saw you struggling in your own blood# 0 said to you in your blood# :)iveHD Ces# 0 said to you in your blood# :)iveHD

0 made you thrive li1e field9 and you grew# became very beautiful' were formed# your hair were na1ed and bare'

a "lant in the matured# and Cour breasts grew# but you


:Bhen 0 "assed by you again and loo1ed u"on you# indeed your time was the time of love9 so 0 s"read 4y wing over you and covered your na1edness' Ces# 0 swore an oath to you and entered into a covenant with you# and you became 4ine#: says the )ord (3*'


Cou have also ta1en your beautiful $ewelry from 4y gold and 4y silver# which 0 had given you# and made for yourself male images and "layed the harlot with them'

:Then 0 washed you in water9 yes# 0 thoroughly washed off your blood# and 0 anointed you with oil'

Cou too1 your embroidered garments and covered them# and you set 4y oil and 4y incense before them'

0 clothed you in embroidered cloth and gave you sandals of badger s1in9 0 clothed you with fine linen and covered you with sil1'

Also 4y food which 0 gave youFFthe "astry of fine flour# oil# and honey which 0 fed youFFyou set it before them as sweet incense9 and so it was#: says the )ord (3*'

0 adorned you with ornaments# "ut bracelets on your wrists# and a chain on your nec1'

:4oreover you too1 your sons and your daughters# whom you bore to 4e# and these you sacrificed to them to be devoured' Bere your acts of harlotry a small matter#

And 0 "ut a $ewel in your nose# earrings in your ears# and a beautiful crown on your head'

that you have slain 4y children and offered them u" to them by causing them to "ass through the fireE

Thus you were adorned with gold and silver# and your clothing was of fine linen# sil1# and embroidered cloth' Cou ate "astry of fine flour# honey# and oil' Cou were e!ceedingly beautiful# and succeeded to royalty'

And in all your abominations and acts of harlotry you did not remember the days of your youth# when you were na1ed and bare# struggling in your blood'

Cour fame went out among the nations because of your beauty# for it was "erfect through 4y s"lendor which 0 had bestowed on you#: says the )ord (3*'

:Then it was so# after all your wic1ednessFF:Boe# woe to youHD says the )ord (3*FF

:But you trusted in your own beauty# "layed the harlot because of your fame# and "oured out your harlotry on everyone "assing by who would have it'

that you also built for yourself a shrine# and made a high "lace for yourself in every street'

Cou too1 some of your garments and adorned multicolored high "laces for yourself# and "layed the harlot on them' Such things should not ha""en# nor be'

Cou built your high "laces at the head of every road# and made your beauty to be abhorred' Cou offered yourself to everyone who "assed by# and multi"lied your acts of harlotry'

Cou also committed harlotry with the gy"tians# your very fleshly neighbors#

and increased your acts of harlotry to "rovo1e 4e to anger'



:Behold# therefore# 0 stretched out 4y hand against you# diminished your allotment# and gave you u" to the will of those who hate you# the daughters of the /hilistines# who were ashamed of your lewd behavior'

Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Because your filthiness was "oured out and your na1edness uncovered in your harlotry with your lovers# and with all your abominable idols# and because of the blood of your children which you gave to them#

Cou also "layed the harlot with the Assyrians# because you were insatiable9 indeed you "layed the harlot with them and still were not satisfied'

surely# therefore# 0 will gather all your lovers with whom you too1 "leasure# all those you loved# and all those you hated9 0 will gather them from all around against you and will uncover your na1edness to them# that they may see all your na1edness'

4oreover you multi"lied your acts of harlotry as far as the land of the trader# -haldea9 and even then you were not satisfied'

And 0 will $udge you as women who brea1 wedloc1 or shed blood are $udged9 0 will bring blood u"on you in fury and $ealousy'

:2ow degenerate is your heartH: says the )ord (3*# :seeing you do all these things# the deeds of a bra.en harlot'

:Cou erected your shrine at the head of every road# and built your high "lace in every street' Cet you were not li1e a harlot# because you scorned "ayment'

0 will also give you into their hand# and they shall throw down your shrines and brea1 down your high "laces' They shall also stri" you of your clothes# ta1e your beautiful $ewelry# and leave you na1ed and bare'

Cou are an adulterous wife# who ta1es strangers instead of her husband'

:They shall also bring u" an assembly against you# and they shall stone you with stones and thrust you through with their swords'

4en ma1e "ayment to all harlots# but you made your "ayments to all your lovers# and hired them to come to you from all around for your harlotry'

Cou are the o""osite of other women in your harlotry# because no one solicited you to be a harlot' 0n that you gave "ayment but no "ayment was given you# therefore you are the o""osite':

They shall burn your houses with fire# and e!ecute $udgments on you in the sight of many women9 and 0 will ma1e you cease "laying the harlot# and you shall no longer hire lovers'

So 0 will lay to rest 4y fury toward you# and 4y $ealousy shall de"art from you' 0 will be Guiet# and be angry no more'

:Now then# 3 harlot# hear the word of the )3+*H

Because you did not remember the days of your youth# but agitated 4e with all these things# surely 0 will also recom"ense your deeds on your own head#: says the )ord (3*' :And you

shall not commit lewdness in addition to all your abominations'



:0ndeed everyone who Guotes "roverbs will use this "roverb against you7 :)i1e mother# li1e daughterHD

Cou who $udged your sisters# bear your own shame also# because the sins which you committed were more abominable than theirs9 they are more righteous than you' Ces# be disgraced also# and bear your own shame# because you $ustified your sisters'

Cou are your motherDs daughter# loathing husband and children9 and you are the sister of your sisters# who loathed their husbands and children9 your mother was a 2ittite and your father an Amorite'

:Bhen 0 bring bac1 their ca"tives# the ca"tives of Sodom and her daughters# and the ca"tives of Samaria and her daughters# then 0 will also bring bac1 the ca"tives of your ca"tivity among them#

:Cour elder sister is Samaria# who dwells with her daughters to the north of you9 and your younger sister# who dwells to the south of you# is Sodom and her daughters'

that you may bear your own shame and be disgraced by all that you did when you comforted them'

Cou did not wal1 in their ways nor act according to their abominations9 but# as if that were too little# you became more corru"t than they in all your ways'

Bhen your sisters# Sodom and her daughters# return to their former state# and Samaria and her daughters return to their former state# then you and your daughters will return to your former state'

:As 0 live#: says the )ord (3*# :neither your sister Sodom nor her daughters have done as you and your daughters have done'

For your sister Sodom was not a byword in your mouth in the days of your "ride#

)oo1# this was the iniGuity of your sister Sodom7 She and her daughter had "ride# fullness of food# and abundance of idleness9 neither did she strengthen the hand of the "oor and needy'

before your wic1edness was uncovered' 0t was li1e the time of the re"roach of the daughters of Syria and all those around her# and of the daughters of the /hilistines# who des"ise you everywhere'

And they were haughty and committed abomination before 4e9 therefore 0 too1 them away as 0 saw fit'

Cou have "aid for your lewdness and your abominations#: says the )3+*'

:Samaria did not commit half of your sins9 but you have multi"lied your abominations more than they# and have $ustified your sisters by all the abominations which you have done'

For thus says the )ord (3*7 :0 will deal with you as you have done# who des"ised the oath by brea1ing the covenant'

:Nevertheless 0 will remember 4y covenant with you in the days of your youth# and 0 will establish an everlasting covenant with you'


Then you will remember your ways and be ashamed# when you receive your older and your younger sisters9 for 0 will give them to you for daughters# but not because of 4y covenant with you'

him# And stretched its branches toward him# From the garden terrace where it had been "lanted# That he might water it'

And 0 will establish 4y covenant with you' Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*#

0t was "lanted in good soil by many waters# To bring forth branches# bear fruit# And become a ma$estic vine':D

that you may remember and be ashamed# and never o"en your mouth anymore because of your shame# when 0 "rovide you an atonement for all you have done#: says the )ord (3*':D

:Say# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Bill it thriveE Bill he not "ull u" its roots# -ut off its fruit# And leave it to witherE All of its s"ring leaves will wither# And no great "ower or many "eo"le Bill be needed to "luc1 it u" by its roots'

17And the word of the )3+* came

to me# saying#

Behold# it is "lanted# Bill it thriveE Bill it not utterly wither when the east wind touches itE 0t will wither in the garden terrace where it grew'::D

:Son of man# "ose a riddle# and s"ea1 a "arable to the house of 0srael#

4oreover the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#


and say# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :A great eagle with large wings and long "inions# Full of feathers of various colors# -ame to )ebanon And too1 from the cedar the highest branch'

2e cro""ed off its to"most young twig And carried it to a land of trade9 2e set it in a city of merchants'

:Say now to the rebellious house7 :*o you not 1now what these things meanED Tell them# :0ndeed the 1ing of Babylon went to Jerusalem and too1 its 1ing and "rinces# and led them with him to Babylon'

Then he too1 some of the seed of the land And "lanted it in a fertile field9 2e "laced it by abundant waters And set it li1e a willow tree'

And he too1 the 1ingDs offs"ring# made a covenant with him# and "ut him under oath' 2e also too1 away the mighty of the land#

And it grew and became a s"reading vine of low stature9 0ts branches turned toward him# But its roots were under it' So it became a vine# Brought forth branches# And "ut forth shoots'

that the 1ingdom might be brought low and not lift itself u"# but that by 1ee"ing his covenant it might stand'

:But there was another great eagle with large wings and many feathers9 And behold# this vine bent its roots toward

But he rebelled against him by sending his ambassadors to gy"t# that they might give him horses and many "eo"le' Bill he "ros"erE Bill he who does such things esca"eE -an he brea1 a covenant and still be deliveredE


:As 0 live#D says the )ord (3*# :surely in the "lace where the 1ing dwells who made him 1ing# whose oath he des"ised and whose covenant he bro1eFFwith him in the midst of Babylon he shall die'


And all the trees of the field shall 1now that 0# the )3+*# have brought down the high tree and e!alted the low tree# dried u" the green tree and made the dry tree flourish9 0# the )3+*# have s"o1en and have done it':

Nor will /haraoh with his mighty army and great com"any do anything in the war# when they hea" u" a siege mound and build a wall to cut off many "ersons'

18The word of the )3+* came to

me again# saying#

Since he des"ised the oath by brea1ing the covenant# and in fact gave his hand and still did all these things# he shall not esca"e':D

Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :As 0 live# surely 4y oath which he des"ised# and 4y covenant which he bro1e# 0 will recom"ense on his own head'

:Bhat do you mean when you use this "roverb concerning the land of 0srael# saying7 :The fathers have eaten sour gra"es# And the childrenDs teeth are set on edgeDE

:As 0 live#: says the )ord (3*# :you shall no longer use this "roverb in 0srael'

0 will s"read 4y net over him# and he shall be ta1en in 4y snare' 0 will bring him to Babylon and try him there for the treason which he committed against 4e'

:Behold# all souls are 4ine9 The soul of the father As well as the soul of the son is 4ine9 The soul who sins shall die'

But if a man is $ust And does what is lawful and right9


All his fugitives with all his troo"s shall fall by the sword# and those who remain shall be scattered to every wind9 and you shall 1now that 0# the )3+*# have s"o1en':

0f he has not eaten on the mountains# Nor lifted u" his eyes to the idols of the house of 0srael# Nor defiled his neighborDs wife# Nor a""roached a woman during her im"urity9

Thus says the )ord (3*7 :0 will ta1e also one of the highest branches of the high cedar and set it out' 0 will cro" off from the to"most of its young twigs a tender one# and will "lant it on a high and "rominent mountain'

0f he has not o""ressed anyone# But has restored to the debtor his "ledge9 2as robbed no one by violence# But has given his bread to the hungry And covered the na1ed with clothing9

3n the mountain height of 0srael 0 will "lant it9 and it will bring forth boughs# and bear fruit# and be a ma$estic cedar' Ander it will dwell birds of every sort9 in the shadow of its branches they will dwell'

0f he has not e!acted usury Nor ta1en any increase# But has withdrawn his hand from iniGuity And e!ecuted true $udgment between man and man9

0f he has wal1ed in 4y statutes And 1e"t 4y $udgments faithfullyFF 2e is $ust9

2e shall surely liveH: Says the )ord (3*'


among his "eo"le# Behold# he shall die for his iniGuity'


:0f he begets a son who is a robber 3r a shedder of blood# Bho does any of these things

And does none of those duties# But has eaten on the mountains 3r defiled his neighborDs wife9

:Cet you say# :Bhy should the son not bear the guilt of the fatherED Because the son has done what is lawful and right# and has 1e"t all 4y statutes and observed them# he shall surely live'

0f he has o""ressed the "oor and needy# +obbed by violence# Not restored the "ledge# )ifted his eyes to the idols# 3r committed abomination9

The soul who sins shall die' The son shall not bear the guilt of the father# nor the father bear the guilt of the son' The righteousness of the righteous shall be u"on himself# and the wic1edness of the wic1ed shall be u"on himself'

0f he has e!acted usury 3r ta1en increaseFF Shall he then liveE 2e shall not liveH 0f he has done any of these abominations# 2e shall surely die9 2is blood shall be u"on him'

:But if a wic1ed man turns from all his sins which he has committed# 1ee"s all 4y statutes# and does what is lawful and right# he shall surely live9 he shall not die'

:0f# however# he begets a son Bho sees all the sins which his father has done# And considers but does not do li1ewise9

None of the transgressions which he has committed shall be remembered against him9 because of the righteousness which he has done# he shall live'

Bho has not eaten on the mountains# Nor lifted his eyes to the idols of the house of 0srael# Nor defiled his neighborDs wife9

*o 0 have any "leasure at all that the wic1ed should dieE: says the )ord (3*# :and not that he should turn from his ways and liveE

2as not o""ressed anyone# Nor withheld a "ledge# Nor robbed by violence# But has given his bread to the hungry And covered the na1ed with clothing9

Bho has withdrawn his hand from the "oor And not received usury or increase# But has e!ecuted 4y $udgments And wal1ed in 4y statutesFF 2e shall not die for the iniGuity of his father9 2e shall surely liveH

:But when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniGuity# and does according to all the abominations that the wic1ed man does# shall he liveE All the righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered9 because of the unfaithfulness of which he is guilty and the sin which he has committed# because of them he shall die'

:As for his father# Because he cruelly o""ressed# +obbed his brother by violence# And did what is not good

:Cet you say# :The way of the )ord is not fair'D 2ear now# 3 house of 0srael# is it not 4y way which is fair# and your ways which are not fairE


Bhen a righteous man turns away from his righteousness# commits iniGuity# and dies in it# it is because of the iniGuity which he has done that he dies'

She brought u" one of her cubs# And he became a young lion9 2e learned to catch "rey# And he devoured men'

Again# when a wic1ed man turns away from the wic1edness which he committed# and does what is lawful and right# he "reserves himself alive'

The nations also heard of him9 2e was tra""ed in their "it# And they brought him with chains to the land of gy"t'

:Bhen she saw that she waited# that her ho"e was lost# She too1 another of her cubs and made him a young lion'

Because he considers and turns away from all the transgressions which he committed# he shall surely live9 he shall not die'

2e roved among the lions# And became a young lion9 2e learned to catch "rey9 2e devoured men'

Cet the house of 0srael says# :The way of the )ord is not fair'D 3 house of 0srael# is it not 4y ways which are fair# and your ways which are not fairE

2e 1new their desolate "laces# And laid waste their cities9 The land with its fullness was desolated By the noise of his roaring'

:Therefore 0 will $udge you# 3 house of 0srael# every one according to his ways#: says the )ord (3*' :+e"ent# and turn from all your transgressions# so that iniGuity will not be your ruin'

Then the nations set against him from the "rovinces on every side# And s"read their net over him9 2e was tra""ed in their "it'

-ast away from you all the transgressions which you have committed# and get yourselves a new heart and a new s"irit' For why should you die# 3 house of 0sraelE

They "ut him in a cage with chains# And brought him to the 1ing of Babylon9 They brought him in nets# That his voice should no longer be heard on the mountains of 0srael'

For 0 have no "leasure in the death of one who dies#: says the )ord (3*' :Therefore turn and liveH:

:Cour mother was li1e a vine in your bloodline# /lanted by the waters# Fruitful and full of branches Because of many waters'

19:4oreover ta1e u" a lamentation

for the "rinces of 0srael#

She had strong branches for sce"ters of rulers' She towered in stature above the thic1 branches# And was seen in her height amid the dense foliage'

and say7 :Bhat is your motherE A lioness7 She lay down among the lions9 Among the young lions she nourished her cubs'

But she was "luc1ed u" in fury# She was cast down to the ground# And the east wind dried her fruit' 2er strong branches were bro1en and withered9 The fire consumed them'


And now she is "lanted in the wilderness# 0n a dry and thirsty land'

Fire has come out from a rod of her branches And devoured her fruit# So that she has no strong branchFF a sce"ter for ruling':D This is a lamentation# and has become a lamentation'

Then 0 said to them# : ach of you# throw away the abominations which are before his eyes# and do not defile yourselves with the idols of gy"t' 0 am the )3+* your (od'D

200t came to "ass in the seventh

year# in the fifth month# on the tenth day of the month# that certain of the elders of 0srael came to inGuire of the )3+*# and sat before me'

But they rebelled against 4e and would not obey 4e' They did not all cast away the abominations which were before their eyes# nor did they forsa1e the idols of gy"t' Then 0 said# :0 will "our out 4y fury on them and fulfill 4y anger against them in the midst of the land of gy"t'D

Then the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#


:Son of man# s"ea1 to the elders of 0srael# and say to them# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :2ave you come to inGuire of 4eE As 0 live#: says the )ord (3*# :0 will not be inGuired of by you':D

But 0 acted for 4y nameDs sa1e# that it should not be "rofaned before the (entiles among whom they were# in whose sight 0 had made 4yself 1nown to them# to bring them out of the land of gy"t'

:Therefore 0 made them go out of the land of gy"t and brought them into the wilderness'

Bill you $udge them# son of man# will you $udge themE Then ma1e 1nown to them the abominations of their fathers'

And 0 gave them 4y statutes and showed them 4y $udgments# :which# if a man does# he shall live by them'D

:Say to them# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :3n the day when 0 chose 0srael and raised 4y hand in an oath to the descendants of the house of Jacob# and made 4yself 1nown to them in the land of gy"t# 0 raised 4y hand in an oath to them# saying# :0 am the )3+* your (od'D

4oreover 0 also gave them 4y Sabbaths# to be a sign between them and 4e# that they might 1now that 0 am the )3+* who sanctifies them'

3n that day 0 raised 4y hand in an oath to them# to bring them out of the land of gy"t into a land that 0 had searched out for them# :flowing with mil1 and honey#D the glory of all lands'

Cet the house of 0srael rebelled against 4e in the wilderness9 they did not wal1 in 4y statutes9 they des"ised 4y $udgments# :which# if a man does# he shall live by themD9 and they greatly defiled 4y Sabbaths' Then 0 said 0 would "our out 4y fury on them in the wilderness# to consume them'

But 0 acted for 4y nameDs sa1e# that it should not be "rofaned before the (entiles# in whose sight 0 had brought them out'


So 0 also raised 4y hand in an oath to them in the wilderness# that 0 would not bring them into the land which 0 had given them# :flowing with mil1 and honey#D the glory of all lands#


Also 0 raised 4y hand in an oath to those in the wilderness# that 0 would scatter them among the (entiles and dis"erse them throughout the countries#

because they des"ised 4y $udgments and did not wal1 in 4y statutes# but "rofaned 4y Sabbaths9 for their heart went after their idols'

because they had not e!ecuted 4y $udgments# but had des"ised 4y statutes# "rofaned 4y Sabbaths# and their eyes were fi!ed on their fathersD idols'

Nevertheless 4y eye s"ared them from destruction' 0 did not ma1e an end of them in the wilderness'

:Therefore 0 also gave them u" to statutes that were not good# and $udgments by which they could not live9

:But 0 said to their children in the wilderness# :*o not wal1 in the statutes of your fathers# nor observe their $udgments# nor defile yourselves with their idols'

and 0 "ronounced them unclean because of their ritual gifts# in that they caused all their firstborn to "ass through the fire# that 0 might ma1e them desolate and that they might 1now that 0 am the )3+*':D

0 am the )3+* your (od7 Bal1 in 4y statutes# 1ee" 4y $udgments# and do them9

hallow 4y Sabbaths# and they will be a sign between 4e and you# that you may 1now that 0 am the )3+* your (od'D

:Therefore# son of man# s"ea1 to the house of 0srael# and say to them# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :0n this too your fathers have blas"hemed 4e# by being unfaithful to 4e'

:Notwithstanding# the children rebelled against 4e9 they did not wal1 in 4y statutes# and were not careful to observe 4y $udgments# :which# if a man does# he shall live by themD9 but they "rofaned 4y Sabbaths' Then 0 said 0 would "our out 4y fury on them and fulfill 4y anger against them in the wilderness'

Bhen 0 brought them into the land concerning which 0 had raised 4y hand in an oath to give them# and they saw all the high hills and all the thic1 trees# there they offered their sacrifices and "rovo1ed 4e with their offerings' There they also sent u" their sweet aroma and "oured out their drin1 offerings'

Nevertheless 0 withdrew 4y hand and acted for 4y nameDs sa1e# that it should not be "rofaned in the sight of the (entiles# in whose sight 0 had brought them out'

Then 0 said to them# :Bhat is this high "lace to which you goED So its name is called Bamah to this day':D

Therefore say to the house of 0srael# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Are you defiling yourselves in the manner of your fathers# and committing harlotry according to their abominationsE


For when you offer your gifts and ma1e your sons "ass through the fire# you defile yourselves with all your idols# even to this day' So shall 0 be inGuired of by you# 3 house of 0sraelE As 0 live#: says the )ord (3*# :0 will not be inGuired of by you'

holy name no more with your gifts and your idols'


Bhat you have in your mind shall never be# when you say# :Be will be li1e the (entiles# li1e the families in other countries# serving wood and stone'D

For on 4y holy mountain# on the mountain height of 0srael#: says the )ord (3*# :there all the house of 0srael# all of them in the land# shall serve 4e9 there 0 will acce"t them# and there 0 will reGuire your offerings and the firstfruits of your sacrifices# together with all your holy things'

:As 0 live#: says the )ord (3*# :surely with a mighty hand# with an outstretched arm# and with fury "oured out# 0 will rule over you'

0 will acce"t you as a sweet aroma when 0 bring you out from the "eo"les and gather you out of the countries where you have been scattered9 and 0 will be hallowed in you before the (entiles'

0 will bring you out from the "eo"les and gather you out of the countries where you are scattered# with a mighty hand# with an outstretched arm# and with fury "oured out'

Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*# when 0 bring you into the land of 0srael# into the country for which 0 raised 4y hand in an oath to give to your fathers'

And 0 will bring you into the wilderness of the "eo"les# and there 0 will "lead 4y case with you face to face'

Just as 0 "leaded 4y case with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of gy"t# so 0 will "lead 4y case with you#: says the )ord (3*'

And there you shall remember your ways and all your doings with which you were defiled9 and you shall loathe yourselves in your own sight because of all the evils that you have committed'

:0 will ma1e you "ass under the rod# and 0 will bring you into the bond of the covenant9

Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*# when 0 have dealt with you for 4y nameDs sa1e# not according to your wic1ed ways nor according to your corru"t doings# 3 house of 0srael#: says the )ord (3*':D

0 will "urge the rebels from among you# and those who transgress against 4e9 0 will bring them out of the country where they dwell# but they shall not enter the land of 0srael' Then you will 1now that 0 am the )3+*'

Furthermore the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#


:As for you# 3 house of says the )ord (3*7 :(o# one of you his idolsFFand you will not obey 4e9 but

0srael#: thus serve every hereafterFFif "rofane 4y

:Son of man# set your face toward the south9 "reach against the south and "ro"hesy against the forest land# the South#

and say to the forest of the South# :2ear the word of the )3+*H Thus says

the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 0 will 1indle a fire in you# and it shall devour every green tree and every dry tree in you9 the flame shall not be Guenched# and all faces from the south to the north shall be scorched by it'

all 1nees will be wea1 as water' Behold# it is coming and shall be brought to "ass#D says the )ord (3*':

Again the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#


All flesh shall see that 0# the )3+*# have 1indled it9 it shall not be Guenched'::D

:Son of man# "ro"hesy and say# :Thus says the )3+*HD Say7 :A sword# a sword is shar"ened And also "olishedH

Then 0 said# :Ah# )ord (3*H They say of me# :*oes he not s"ea1 "arablesE:D

21And the word of the )3+* came

to me# saying#

Shar"ened to ma1e a dreadful slaughter# /olished to flash li1e lightningH Should we then ma1e mirthE 0t des"ises the sce"ter of 4y son# As it does all wood'

:Son of man# set your face toward Jerusalem# "reach against the holy "laces# and "ro"hesy against the land of 0srael9

And 2e has given it to be "olished# That it may be handled9 This sword is shar"ened# and it is "olished To be given into the hand of the slayer'D

and say to the land of 0srael# :Thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# 0 am against you# and 0 will draw 4y sword out of its sheath and cut off both righteous and wic1ed from you'

:-ry and wail# son of man9 For it will be against 4y "eo"le# Against all the "rinces of 0srael' Terrors including the sword will be against 4y "eo"le9 Therefore stri1e your thigh'

Because 0 will cut off both righteous and wic1ed from you# therefore 4y sword shall go out of its sheath against all flesh from south to north#

:Because it is a testing# And what if the sword des"ises even the sce"terE The sce"ter shall be no more#: says the )ord (3*'

that all flesh may 1now that 0# the )3+*# have drawn 4y sword out of its sheath9 it shall not return anymore':D

Sigh therefore# son of man# with a brea1ing heart# and sigh with bitterness before their eyes'

:Cou therefore# son of man# "ro"hesy# And stri1e your hands together' The third time let the sword do double damage' 0t is the sword that slays# The sword that slays the great men# That enters their "rivate chambers'

And it shall be when they say to you# :Bhy are you sighingED that you shall answer# :Because of the news9 when it comes# every heart will melt# all hands will be feeble# every s"irit will faint# and

0 have set the "oint of the sword against all their gates# That the heart may melt and many may stumble' AhH 0t is made bright9 0t is gras"ed for slaughter7


:Swords at the readyH Thrust rightH Set your bladeH Thrust leftFF Bherever your edge is orderedH


:Now to you# 3 "rofane# wic1ed "rince of 0srael# whose day has come# whose iniGuity shall end#

:0 also will beat 4y fists together# And 0 will cause 4y fury to rest9 0# the )3+*# have s"o1en':

thus says the )ord (3*7 :+emove the turban# and ta1e off the crown9 Nothing shall remain the same' !alt the humble# and humble the e!alted'

The word of the )3+* came to me again# saying7


:And son of man# a""oint for yourself two ways for the sword of the 1ing of Babylon to go9 both of them shall go from the same land' 4a1e a sign9 "ut it at the head of the road to the city'

3verthrown# overthrown# 0 will ma1e it overthrownH 0t shall be no longer# Antil 2e comes whose right it is# And 0 will give it to 2im':D

A""oint a road for the sword to go to +abbah of the Ammonites# and to Judah# into fortified Jerusalem'

:And you# son of man# "ro"hesy and say# :Thus says the )ord (3* concerning the Ammonites and concerning their re"roach#D and say7 :A sword# a sword is drawn# /olished for slaughter# For consuming# for flashingFF

For the 1ing of Babylon stands at the "arting of the road# at the for1 of the two roads# to use divination7 he sha1es the arrows# he consults the images# he loo1s at the liver'

Bhile they see false visions for you# Bhile they divine a lie to you# To bring you on the nec1s of the wic1ed# the slain Bhose day has come# Bhose iniGuity shall end'

0n his right hand is the divination for Jerusalem7 to set u" battering rams# to call for a slaughter# to lift the voice with shouting# to set battering rams against the gates# to hea" u" a siege mound# and to build a wall'

:+eturn it to its sheath' 0 will $udge you 0n the "lace where you were created# 0n the land of your nativity'

And it will be to them li1e a false divination in the eyes of those who have sworn oaths with them9 but he will bring their iniGuity to remembrance# that they may be ta1en'

0 will "our out 4y indignation on you9 0 will blow against you with the fire of 4y wrath# And deliver you into the hands of brutal men who are s1illful to destroy'

Cou shall be fuel for the fire9 Cour blood shall be in the midst of the land' Cou shall not be remembered# For 0 the )3+* have s"o1en':D

:Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Because you have made your iniGuity to be remembered# in that your transgressions are uncovered# so that in all your doings your sins a""earFF because you have come to remembrance# you shall be ta1en in hand'

224oreover the word of the )3+*

came to me# saying#

:Now# son of man# will you $udge# will you $udge the bloody cityE Ces# show her all her abominationsH


Then say# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :The city sheds blood in her own midst# that her time may come9 and she ma1es idols within herself to defile herself'

0n you they ta1e bribes to shed blood9 you ta1e usury and increase9 you have made "rofit from your neighbors by e!tortion# and have forgotten 4e#: says the )ord (3*'

Cou have become guilty by the blood which you have shed# and have defiled yourself with the idols which you have made' Cou have caused your days to draw near# and have come to the end of your years9 therefore 0 have made you a re"roach to the nations# and a moc1ery to all countries'

:Behold# therefore# 0 beat 4y fists at the dishonest "rofit which you have made# and at the bloodshed which has been in your midst'

-an your heart endure# or can your hands remain strong# in the days when 0 shall deal with youE 0# the )3+*# have s"o1en# and will do it'

Those near and those far from you will moc1 you as infamous and full of tumult'

0 will scatter you among the nations# dis"erse you throughout the countries# and remove your filthiness com"letely from you'

:)oo1# the "rinces of 0srael7 each one has used his "ower to shed blood in you'

Cou shall defile yourself in the sight of the nations9 then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'::D

0n you they have made light of father and mother9 in your midst they have o""ressed the stranger9 in you they have mistreated the fatherless and the widow'

The word of the )3+* came to me# saying#


Cou have des"ised 4y holy things and "rofaned 4y Sabbaths'


:Son of man# the house of 0srael has become dross to 4e9 they are all bron.e# tin# iron# and lead# in the midst of a furnace9 they have become dross from silver'

0n you are men who slander to cause bloodshed9 in you are those who eat on the mountains9 in your midst they commit lewdness'

Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Because you have all become dross# therefore behold# 0 will gather you into the midst of Jerusalem'

0n you men uncover their fathersD na1edness9 in you they violate women who are set a"art during their im"urity'

3ne commits abomination with his neighborDs wife9 another lewdly defiles his daughterFinFlaw9 and another in you violates his sister# his fatherDs daughter'

As men gather silver# bron.e# iron# lead# and tin into the midst of a furnace# to blow fire on it# to melt it9 so 0 will gather you in 4y anger and in 4y fury# and 0 will leave you there and melt you'

Ces# 0 will gather you and blow on you with the fire of 4y wrath# and you shall be melted in its midst'


As silver is melted in the midst of a furnace# so shall you be melted in its midst9 then you shall 1now that 0# the )3+*# have "oured out 4y fury on you':D

that 0 should not destroy it9 but 0 found no one'


And the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#


Therefore 0 have "oured out 4y indignation on them9 0 have consumed them with the fire of 4y wrath9 and 0 have recom"ensed their deeds on their own heads#: says the )ord (3*'

:Son of man# say to her7 :Cou are a land that is not cleansed or rained on in the day of indignation'D


word of the )3+* came again to me# saying7 :Son of man# there were two women# The daughters of one mother'

The cons"iracy of her "ro"hets in her midst is li1e a roaring lion tearing the "rey9 they have devoured "eo"le9 they have ta1en treasure and "recious things9 they have made many widows in her midst'

2er "riests have violated 4y law and "rofaned 4y holy things9 they have not distinguished between the holy and unholy# nor have they made 1nown the difference between the unclean and the clean9 and they have hidden their eyes from 4y Sabbaths# so that 0 am "rofaned among them'

They committed harlotry in gy"t# They committed harlotry in their youth9 Their breasts were there embraced# Their virgin bosom was there "ressed'

Their names7 3holah the elder and 3holibah her sister9 They were 4ine# And they bore sons and daughters' As for their names# Samaria is 3holah# and Jerusalem is 3holibah'

2er "rinces in her midst are li1e wolves tearing the "rey# to shed blood# to destroy "eo"le# and to get dishonest gain'

:3holah "layed the harlot even though she was 4ine9 And she lusted for her lovers# the neighboring Assyrians#

2er "ro"hets "lastered them with untem"ered mortar# seeing false visions# and divining lies for them# saying# :Thus says the )ord (3*#D when the )3+* had not s"o1en'

Bho were clothed in "ur"le# -a"tains and rulers# All of them desirable young men# 2orsemen riding on horses'

Thus she committed her harlotry with them# All of them choice men of Assyria9 And with all for whom she lusted# Bith all their idols# she defiled herself'

The "eo"le of the land have used o""ressions# committed robbery# and mistreated the "oor and needy9 and they wrongfully o""ress the stranger'

So 0 sought for a man among them who would ma1e a wall# and stand in the ga" before 4e on behalf of the land#

She has never given u" her harlotry brought from gy"t# For in her youth they had lain with her# /ressed her virgin bosom# And "oured out their immorality u"on her'

:Therefore 0 have delivered her 0nto the hand of her lovers# 0nto the hand of the Assyrians# For whom she lusted'


She revealed her harlotry and uncovered her na1edness' Then 0 alienated 4yself from her# As 0 had alienated 4yself from her sister'

They uncovered her na1edness# Too1 away her sons and daughters# And slew her with the sword9 She became a byword among women# For they had e!ecuted $udgment on her'

:Cet she multi"lied her harlotry 0n calling to remembrance the days of her youth# Bhen she had "layed the harlot in the land of gy"t'

:Now although her sister 3holibah saw this# she became more corru"t in her lust than she# and in her harlotry more corru"t than her sisterDs harlotry'

For she lusted for her "aramours# Bhose flesh is li1e the flesh of don1eys# And whose issue is li1e the issue of horses'

:She lusted for the neighboring Assyrians# -a"tains and rulers# -lothed most gorgeously# 2orsemen riding on horses# All of them desirable young men'

Thus you called to remembrance the lewdness of your youth# Bhen the gy"tians "ressed your bosom Because of your youthful breasts'

Then 0 saw that she was defiled9 Both too1 the same way'

But she increased her harlotry9 She loo1ed at men "ortrayed on the wall# 0mages of -haldeans "ortrayed in vermilion#

:Therefore# 3holibah# thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 0 will stir u" your lovers against you# From whom you have alienated yourself# And 0 will bring them against you from every side7

(irded with belts around their waists# Flowing turbans on their heads# All of them loo1ing li1e ca"tains# 0n the manner of the Babylonians of -haldea# The land of their nativity'

The Babylonians# All the -haldeans# /e1od# Shoa# Koa# All the Assyrians with them# All of them desirable young men# (overnors and rulers# -a"tains and men of renown# All of them riding on horses'

As soon as her eyes saw them# She lusted for them And sent messengers to them in -haldea'

:Then the Babylonians came to her# into the bed of love# And they defiled her with their immorality9 So she was defiled by them# and alienated herself from them'

And they shall come against you Bith chariots# wagons# and warFhorses# Bith a horde of "eo"le' They shall array against you Buc1ler# shield# and helmet all around' :0 will delegate $udgment to them# And they shall $udge you according to their $udgments'

0 will set 4y $ealousy against you# And they shall deal furiously with you9 They shall remove your nose and your ears# And your remnant shall fall by the sword9 They shall ta1e your sons and your daughters# And your remnant shall be devoured by fire'


They shall also stri" you of your clothes And ta1e away your beautiful $ewelry'

you shall bear the "enalty 3f your lewdness and your harlotry':D

:Thus 0 will ma1e you cease your lewdness and your harlotry Brought from the land of gy"t# So that you will not lift your eyes to them# Nor remember gy"t anymore'D

The )3+* also said to me7 :Son of man# will you $udge 3holah and 3holibahE Then declare to them their abominations'

:For thus says the )ord (3*7 :Surely 0 will deliver you into the hand of those you hate# into the hand of those from whom you alienated yourself'

For they have committed adultery# and blood is on their hands' They have committed adultery with their idols# and even sacrificed their sons whom they bore to 4e# "assing them through the fire# to devour them'

They will deal hatefully with you# ta1e away all you have wor1ed for# and leave you na1ed and bare' The na1edness of your harlotry shall be uncovered# both your lewdness and your harlotry'

4oreover they have done this to 4e7 They have defiled 4y sanctuary on the same day and "rofaned 4y Sabbaths'

0 will do these things to you because you have gone as a harlot after the (entiles# because you have become defiled by their idols'

For after they had slain their children for their idols# on the same day they came into 4y sanctuary to "rofane it9 and indeed thus they have done in the midst of 4y house'

Cou have wal1ed in the way of your sister9 therefore 0 will "ut her cu" in your hand'D

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Cou shall drin1 of your sisterDs cu"# The dee" and wide one9 Cou shall be laughed to scorn And held in derision9 0t contains much'

:Furthermore you sent for men to come from afar# to whom a messenger was sent9 and there they came' And you washed yourself for them# "ainted your eyes# and adorned yourself with ornaments'

Cou sat on a stately couch# with a table "re"ared before it# on which you had set 4y incense and 4y oil'

Cou will be filled with drun1enness and sorrow# The cu" of horror and desolation# The cu" of your sister Samaria'

Cou shall drin1 and drain it# Cou shall brea1 its shards# And tear at your own breasts9 For 0 have s"o1en#D Says the )ord (3*'

The sound of a carefree multitude was with her# and Sabeans were brought from the wilderness with men of the common sort# who "ut bracelets on their wrists and beautiful crowns on their heads'

:Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Because you have forgotten 4e and cast 4e behind your bac1# Therefore

Then 0 said concerning her who had grown old in adulteries# :Bill they commit harlotry with her now# and she with themED


Cet they went in to her# as men go in to a woman who "lays the harlot9 thus they went in to 3holah and 3holibah# the lewd women'

(ather "ieces of meat in it# very good "iece# The thigh and the shoulder' Fill it with choice cuts9

But righteous men will $udge them after the manner of adulteresses# and after the manner of women who shed blood# because they are adulteresses# and blood is on their hands'

Ta1e the choice of the floc1' Also "ile fuel bones under it# 4a1e it boil well# And let the cuts simmer in it':

:For thus says the )ord (3*7 :Bring u" an assembly against them# give them u" to trouble and "lunder'

:Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Boe to the bloody city# To the "ot whose scum is in it# And whose scum is not gone from itH Bring it out "iece by "iece# 3n which no lot has fallen'

The assembly shall stone them with stones and e!ecute them with their swords9 they shall slay their sons and their daughters# and burn their houses with fire'

For her blood is in her midst9 She set it on to" of a roc19 She did not "our it on the ground# To cover it with dust'

That it may raise u" fury and ta1e vengeance# 0 have set her blood on to" of a roc1# That it may not be covered':

Thus 0 will cause lewdness to cease from the land# that all women may be taught not to "ractice your lewdness'

:Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Boe to the bloody cityH 0 too will ma1e the "yre great'

They shall re"ay you for your lewdness# and you shall "ay for your idolatrous sins' Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )ord (3*':D

2ea" on the wood# Kindle the fire9 -oo1 the meat well# 4i! in the s"ices# And let the cuts be burned u"'

24Again# in the ninth year# in the

tenth month# on the tenth day of the month# the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#

:Then set the "ot em"ty on the coals# That it may become hot and its bron.e may burn# That its filthiness may be melted in it# That its scum may be consumed'

:Son of man# write down the name of the day# this very dayFFthe 1ing of Babylon started his siege against Jerusalem this very day'

She has grown weary with lies# And her great scum has not gone from her' )et her scum be in the fireH

And utter a "arable to the rebellious house# and say to them# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :/ut on a "ot# set it on# And also "our water into it'

0n your filthiness is lewdness' Because 0 have cleansed you# and you were not cleansed# Cou will not be cleansed of your filthiness anymore# Till 0 have caused 4y fury to rest u"on you'


0# the )3+*# have s"o1en it9 0t shall come to "ass# and 0 will do it9 0 will not hold bac1# Nor will 0 s"are# Nor will 0 relent9 According to your ways And according to your deeds They will $udge you#: Says the )ord (3*':D

"ine away in your iniGuities and mourn with one another'


Thus .e1iel is a sign to you9 according to all that he has done you shall do9 and when this comes# you shall 1now that 0 am the )ord (3*':D

Also the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#


:Son of man# behold# 0 ta1e away from you the desire of your eyes with one stro1e9 yet you shall neither mourn nor wee"# nor shall your tears run down'

:And you# son of manFFwill it not be in the day when 0 ta1e from them their stronghold# their $oy and their glory# the desire of their eyes# and that on which they set their minds# their sons and their daughters7

Sigh in silence# ma1e no mourning for the dead9 bind your turban on your head# and "ut your sandals on your feet9 do not cover your li"s# and do not eat manDs bread of sorrow':

on that day one who esca"es will come to you to let you hear it with your ears9

So 0 s"o1e to the "eo"le in the morning# and at evening my wife died9 and the ne!t morning 0 did as 0 was commanded'

on that day your mouth will be o"ened to him who has esca"ed9 you shall s"ea1 and no longer be mute' Thus you will be a sign to them# and they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*':D

And the "eo"le said to me# :Bill you not tell us what these things signify to us# that you behave soE:

25The word of the )3+* came to

me# saying#

Then 0 answered them# :The word of the )3+* came to me# saying#

:Son of man# set your face against the Ammonites# and "ro"hesy against them'

:S"ea1 to the house of 0srael# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 0 will "rofane 4y sanctuary# your arrogant boast# the desire of your eyes# the delight of your soul9 and your sons and daughters whom you left behind shall fall by the sword'

Say to the Ammonites# :2ear the word of the )ord (3*H Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Because you said# :AhaHD against 4y sanctuary when it was "rofaned# and against the land of 0srael when it was desolate# and against the house of Judah when they went into ca"tivity#

And you shall do as 0 have done9 you shall not cover your li"s nor eat manDs bread of sorrow'

Cour turbans shall be on your heads and your sandals on your feet9 you shall neither mourn nor wee"# but you shall

indeed# therefore# 0 will deliver you as a "ossession to the men of the ast# and they shall set their encam"ments among you and ma1e their dwellings among you9 they shall eat your fruit# and they shall drin1 your mil1'


And 0 will ma1e +abbah a stable for camels and Ammon a resting "lace for floc1s' Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*':


:For thus says the )ord (3*7 :Because you cla""ed your hands# stam"ed your feet# and re$oiced in heart with all your disdain for the land of 0srael#

0 will lay 4y vengeance on dom by the hand of 4y "eo"le 0srael# that they may do in dom according to 4y anger and according to 4y fury9 and they shall 1now 4y vengeance#: says the )ord (3*'

indeed# therefore# 0 will stretch out 4y hand against you# and give you as "lunder to the nations9 0 will cut you off from the "eo"les# and 0 will cause you to "erish from the countries9 0 will destroy you# and you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*':

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Because the /hilistines dealt vengefully and too1 vengeance with a s"iteful heart# to destroy because of the old hatred#:

therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :0 will stretch out 4y hand against the /hilistines# and 0 will cut off the -herethites and destroy the remnant of the seacoast'

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Because 4oab and Seir say# :)oo1H The house of Judah is li1e all the nations#D

0 will e!ecute great vengeance on them with furious rebu1es9 and they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*# when 0 lay 4y vengeance u"on them'::D

therefore# behold# 0 will clear the territory of 4oab of cities# of the cities on its frontier# the glory of the country# Beth Jeshimoth# Baal 4eon# and Kir$athaim'


To the men of the ast 0 will give it as a "ossession# together with the Ammonites# that the Ammonites may not be remembered among the nations'

it came to "ass in the eleventh year# on the first day of the month# that the word of the )3+* came to me# saying# :Son of man# because Tyre has said against Jerusalem# :AhaH She is bro1en who was the gateway of the "eo"les9 now she is turned over to me9 0 shall be filled9 she is laid waste'D

And 0 will e!ecute $udgments u"on 4oab# and they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*':

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Because of what dom did against the house of Judah by ta1ing vengeance# and has greatly offended by avenging itself on them#:

:Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 0 am against you# 3 Tyre# and will cause many nations to come u" against you# as the sea causes its waves to come u"'

therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :0 will also stretch out 4y hand against dom# cut off man and beast from it# and ma1e it desolate from Teman9 *edan shall fall by the sword'

And they shall destroy the walls of Tyre and brea1 down her towers9 0 will also scra"e her dust from her# and ma1e her li1e the to" of a roc1'


0t shall be a "lace for s"reading nets in the midst of the sea# for 0 have s"o1en#D says the )ord (3*9 :it shall become "lunder for the nations'


0 will "ut an end to the sound of your songs# and the sound of your har"s shall be heard no more'

Also her daughter villages which are in the fields shall be slain by the sword' Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'D

0 will ma1e you li1e the to" of a roc19 you shall be a "lace for s"reading nets# and you shall never be rebuilt# for 0 the )3+* have s"o1en#D says the )ord (3*'

:For thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 0 will bring against Tyre from the north 1ing of Babylon# 1ing of 1ings# with horses# with chariots# and with horsemen# and an army with many "eo"le'

:Thus says the )ord (3* to Tyre7 :Bill the coastlands not sha1e at the sound of your fall# when the wounded cry# when slaughter is made in the midst of youE

2e will slay with the sword your daughter villages in the fields9 he will hea" u" a siege mound against you# build a wall against you# and raise a defense against you'

Then all the "rinces of the sea will come down from their thrones# lay aside their robes# and ta1e off their embroidered garments9 they will clothe themselves with trembling9 they will sit on the ground# tremble every moment# and be astonished at you'

2e will direct his battering rams against your walls# and with his a!es he will brea1 down your towers'

Because of the abundance of his horses# their dust will cover you9 your walls will sha1e at the noise of the horsemen# the wagons# and the chariots# when he enters your gates# as men enter a city that has been breached'

And they will ta1e u" a lamentation for you# and say to you7 :2ow you have "erished# 3 one inhabited by seafaring men# 3 renowned city# Bho was strong at sea# She and her inhabitants# Bho caused their terror to be on all her inhabitantsH

Now the coastlands tremble on the day of your fall9 Ces# the coastlands by the sea are troubled at your de"arture':D

Bith the hooves of his horses he will tram"le all your streets9 he will slay your "eo"le by the sword# and your strong "illars will fall to the ground'

:For thus says the )ord (3*7 :Bhen 0 ma1e you a desolate city# li1e cities that are not inhabited# when 0 bring the dee" u"on you# and great waters cover you#

They will "lunder your riches and "illage your merchandise9 they will brea1 down your walls and destroy your "leasant houses9 they will lay your stones# your timber# and your soil in the midst of the water'

then 0 will bring you down with those who descend into the /it# to the "eo"le of old# and 0 will ma1e you dwell in the lowest "art of the earth# in "laces desolate from antiGuity# with those who go down to the /it# so that you may never be inhabited9 and 0 shall establish glory in the land of the living'


0 will ma1e you a terror# and you shall be no more9 though you are sought for# you will never be found again#D says the )ord (3*':

hung shield and helmet in you9 They gave s"lendor to you'



word of the )3+* came again to me# saying# :Now# son of man# lamentation for Tyre#

4en of Arvad with your army were on your walls all around# And the men of (ammad were in your towers9 They hung their shields on your walls all around9 They made your beauty "erfect'



and say to Tyre# :Cou who are situated at the entrance of the sea# merchant of the "eo"les on many coastlands# thus says the )ord (3*7 :3 Tyre# you have said# :0 am "erfect in beauty'D

:Tarshish was your merchant because of your many lu!ury goods' They gave you silver# iron# tin# and lead for your goods'

Javan# Tubal# and 4eshech were your traders' They bartered human lives and vessels of bron.e for your merchandise'

Cour borders are in the midst of the seas' Cour builders have "erfected your beauty'

Those from the house of Togarmah traded for your wares with horses# steeds# and mules'

They made all your "lan1s of fir trees from Senir9 They too1 a cedar from )ebanon to ma1e you a mast'

The men of *edan were your traders9 many isles were the mar1et of your hand' They brought you ivory tus1s and ebony as "ayment'

3f oa1s from Bashan they made your oars9 The com"any of Ashurites have inlaid your "lan1s Bith ivory from the coasts of -y"rus'

Fine embroidered linen from gy"t was what you s"read for your sail9 Blue and "ur"le from the coasts of lishah was what covered you'

Syria was your merchant because of the abundance of goods you made' They gave you for your wares emeralds# "ur"le# embroidery# fine linen# corals# and rubies'

:0nhabitants of Sidon and Arvad were your oarsmen9 Cour wise men# 3 Tyre# were in you9 They became your "ilots'

Judah and the land of 0srael were your traders' They traded for your merchandise wheat of 4innith# millet# honey# oil# and balm'

lders of (ebal and its wise men Bere in you to caul1 your seams9 All the shi"s of the sea And their oarsmen were in you To mar1et your merchandise'

*amascus was your merchant because of the abundance of goods you made# because of your many lu!ury items# with the wine of 2elbon and with white wool'

:Those from /ersia# )ydia# and )ibya Bere in your army as men of war9 They

*an and Javan "aid for your wares# traversing bac1 and forth' Brought iron# cassia# and cane were among your merchandise'


*edan was your saddlecloths for riding'





Arabia and all the "rinces of Kedar were your regular merchants' They traded with you in lambs# rams# and goats'

They will ma1e their voice heard because of you9 They will cry bitterly and cast dust on their heads9 They will roll about in ashes9

The merchants of Sheba and +aamah were your merchants' They traded for your wares the choicest s"ices# all 1inds of "recious stones# and gold'

They will shave themselves com"letely bald because of you# (ird themselves with sac1cloth# And wee" for you Bith bitterness of heart and bitter wailing'

2aran# -anneh# den# the merchants of Sheba# Assyria# and -hilmad were your merchants'

0n their wailing for you They will ta1e u" a lamentation# And lament for you7 :Bhat city is li1e Tyre# *estroyed in the midst of the seaE

These were your merchants in choice itemsFFin "ur"le clothes# in embroidered garments# in chests of multicolored a""arel# in sturdy woven cords# which were in your mar1et"lace'

:Bhen your wares went out by sea# Cou satisfied many "eo"le9 Cou enriched the 1ings of the earth Bith your many lu!ury goods and your merchandise'

:The shi"s of Tarshish were carriers of your merchandise' Cou were filled and very glorious in the midst of the seas'

But you are bro1en by the seas in the de"ths of the waters9 Cour merchandise and the entire com"any will fall in your midst'

Cour oarsmen brought you into many waters# But the east wind bro1e you in the midst of the seas'

All the inhabitants of the isles will be astonished at you9 Their 1ings will be greatly afraid# And their countenance will be troubled'

:Cour riches# wares# and merchandise# Cour mariners and "ilots# Cour caul1ers and merchandisers# All your men of war who are in you# And the entire com"any which is in your midst# Bill fall into the midst of the seas on the day of your ruin'

The merchants among the "eo"les will hiss at you9 Cou will become a horror# and be no more forever':::

28The word of the )3+* came to

me again# saying#

The commonFland will sha1e at the sound of the cry of your "ilots'

:All who handle the oar# The mariners# All the "ilots of the sea Bill come down from their shi"s and stand on the shore'

:Son of man# say to the "rince of Tyre# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Because your heart is lifted u"# And you say# :0 am a god# 0 sit in the seat of gods# 0n the midst of the seas#D Cet you are a man# and not a god# Though you set your heart as the heart of a god

IBehold# you are wiser than *anielH There is no secret that can be hidden from youH


Bith your wisdom and your understanding Cou have gained riches for yourself# And gathered gold and silver into your treasuries9

Cou were in den# the garden of (od9 very "recious stone was your covering7 The sardius# to"a.# and diamond# Beryl# ony!# and $as"er# Sa""hire# turGuoise# and emerald with gold' The wor1manshi" of your timbrels and "i"es Bas "re"ared for you on the day you were created'

By your great wisdom in trade you have increased your riches# And your heart is lifted u" because of your richesJ#:

:Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Because you have set your heart as the heart of a god#

:Cou were the anointed cherub who covers9 0 established you9 Cou were on the holy mountain of (od9 Cou wal1ed bac1 and forth in the midst of fiery stones'

Behold# therefore# 0 will bring strangers against you# The most terrible of the nations9 And they shall draw their swords against the beauty of your wisdom# And defile your s"lendor'

Cou were "erfect in your ways from the day you were created# Till iniGuity was found in you'

They shall throw you down into the /it# And you shall die the death of the slain 0n the midst of the seas'

:By the abundance of your trading Cou became filled with violence within# And you sinned9 Therefore 0 cast you as a "rofane thing 3ut of the mountain of (od9 And 0 destroyed you# 3 covering cherub# From the midst of the fiery stones'

:Bill you still say before him who slays you# :0 am a godDE But you shall be a man# and not a god# 0n the hand of him who slays you'

:Cour heart was lifted u" because of your beauty9 Cou corru"ted your wisdom for the sa1e of your s"lendor9 0 cast you to the ground# 0 laid you before 1ings# That they might ga.e at you'

Cou shall die the death of the uncircumcised By the hand of aliens9 For 0 have s"o1en#: says the )ord (3*':D

4oreover the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#


:Cou defiled your sanctuaries By the multitude of your iniGuities# By the iniGuity of your trading9 Therefore 0 brought fire from your midst9 0t devoured you# And 0 turned you to ashes u"on the earth 0n the sight of all who saw you'

:Son of man# ta1e u" a lamentation for the 1ing of Tyre# and say to him# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Cou were the seal of "erfection# Full of wisdom and "erfect in beauty'

All who 1new you among the "eo"les are astonished at you9 Cou have become a horror# And shall be no more forever'::D

Then the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#


:Son of man# set your face toward Sidon# and "ro"hesy against her#

and say# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 0 am against you# 3 Sidon9 0 will be glorified in your midst9 And they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*# Bhen 0 e!ecute $udgments in her and am hallowed in her'

S"ea1# and say# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 0 am against you# 3 /haraoh 1ing of gy"t# 3 great monster who lies in the midst of his rivers# Bho has said# :4y +iver is my own9 0 have made it for myself'D

For 0 will send "estilence u"on her# And blood in her streets9 The wounded shall be $udged in her midst By the sword against her on every side9 Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'

But 0 will "ut hoo1s in your $aws# And cause the fish of your rivers to stic1 to your scales9 0 will bring you u" out of the midst of your rivers# And all the fish in your rivers will stic1 to your scales'

:And there shall no longer be a "ric1ing brier or a "ainful thorn for the house of 0srael from among all who are around them# who des"ise them' Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )ord (3*':

0 will leave you in the wilderness# Cou and all the fish of your rivers9 Cou shall fall on the o"en field9 Cou shall not be "ic1ed u" or gathered' 0 have given you as food To the beasts of the field And to the birds of the heavens'

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Bhen 0 have gathered the house of 0srael from the "eo"les among whom they are scattered# and am hallowed in them in the sight of the (entiles# then they will dwell in their own land which 0 gave to 4y servant Jacob'

:Then all the inhabitants of gy"t Shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*# Because they have been a staff of reed to the house of 0srael'

Bhen they too1 hold of you with the hand# Cou bro1e and tore all their shoulders9 Bhen they leaned on you# Cou bro1e and made all their bac1s Guiver':

And they will dwell safely there# build houses# and "lant vineyards9 yes# they will dwell securely# when 0 e!ecute $udgments on all those around them who des"ise them' Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+* their (od'::D

:Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Surely 0 will bring a sword u"on you and cut off from you man and beast'

290n the tenth


And the land of gy"t shall become desolate and waste9 then they will 1now that 0 am the )3+*# because he said# :The +iver is mine# and 0 have made it'D

year# in the tenth month# on the twelfth day of the month# the word of the )3+* came to me# saying# :Son of man# set your face against /haraoh 1ing of gy"t# and "ro"hesy against him# and against all gy"t'

0ndeed# therefore# 0 am against you and against your rivers# and 0 will ma1e the land of gy"t utterly waste and desolate# from 4igdol to Syene# as far as the border of thio"ia'


Neither foot of man shall "ass through it nor foot of beast "ass through it# and it shall be uninhabited forty years'


0 will ma1e the land of gy"t desolate in the midst of the countries that are desolate9 and among the cities that are laid waste# her cities shall be desolate forty years9 and 0 will scatter the gy"tians among the nations and dis"erse them throughout the countries':

Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Surely 0 will give the land of gy"t to 1ing of Babylon9 he shall ta1e away her wealth# carry off her s"oil# and remove her "illage9 and that will be the wages for his army'

0 have given him the land of gy"t for his labor# because they wor1ed for 4e#D says the )ord (3*'

:Cet# thus says the )ord (3*7 :At the end of forty years 0 will gather the gy"tians from the "eo"les among whom they were scattered'

:0n that day 0 will cause the horn of the house of 0srael to s"ring forth# and 0 will o"en your mouth to s"ea1 in their midst' Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*':D

0 will bring bac1 the ca"tives of gy"t and cause them to return to the land of /athros# to the land of their origin# and there they shall be a lowly 1ingdom'

30The word of the )3+* came to

me again# saying#

0t shall be the lowliest of 1ingdoms9 it shall never again e!alt itself above the nations# for 0 will diminish them so that they will not rule over the nations anymore'

:Son of man# "ro"hesy and say# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Bail# :Boe to the dayHD

No longer shall it be the confidence of the house of 0srael# but will remind them of their iniGuity when they turned to follow them' Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )ord (3*'::D

For the day is near# ven the day of the )3+* is near9 0t will be a day of clouds# the time of the (entiles'

And it came to "ass in the twentyF seventh year# in the first month# on the first day of the month# that the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#

The sword shall come u"on gy"t# And great anguish shall be in thio"ia# Bhen the slain fall in gy"t# And they ta1e away her wealth# And her foundations are bro1en down'

:Son of man# 1ing of Babylon caused his army to labor strenuously against Tyre9 every head was made bald# and every shoulder rubbed raw9 yet neither he nor his army received wages from Tyre# for the labor which they e!"ended on it'

: thio"ia# )ibya# )ydia# all the mingled "eo"le# -hub# and the men of the lands who are allied# shall fall with them by the sword':

:Thus says the )3+*7 :Those who u"hold gy"t shall fall# And the "ride of her "ower shall come down' From 4igdol to Syene Those within her shall fall by the sword#: Says the )ord (3*'

:They shall be desolate in the midst of the desolate countries# And her cities shall be in the midst of the cities that are laid waste'


The young men of Aven and /i Beseth shall fall by the sword# And these cities shall go into ca"tivity'

Then they will 1now that 0 am the )3+*# Bhen 0 have set a fire in gy"t And all her hel"ers are destroyed'

3n that day messengers shall go forth from 4e in shi"s To ma1e the careless thio"ians afraid# And great anguish shall come u"on them# As on the day of gy"t9 For indeed it is comingH:

At Teha"hnehes the day shall also be dar1ened# Bhen 0 brea1 the yo1es of gy"t there' And her arrogant strength shall cease in her9 As for her# a cloud shall cover her# And her daughters shall go into ca"tivity'

Thus 0 will e!ecute $udgments on gy"t# Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'::D

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :0 will also ma1e a multitude of gy"t to cease By the hand of 1ing of Babylon'

And it came to "ass in the eleventh year# in the first month# on the seventh day of the month# that the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#

2e and his "eo"le with him# the most terrible of the nations# Shall be brought to destroy the land9 They shall draw their swords against gy"t# And fill the land with the slain'

:Son of man# 0 have bro1en the arm of /haraoh 1ing of gy"t9 and see# it has not been bandaged for healing# nor a s"lint "ut on to bind it# to ma1e it strong enough to hold a sword'

0 will ma1e the rivers dry# And sell the land into the hand of the wic1ed9 0 will ma1e the land waste# and all that is in it# By the hand of aliens' 0# the )3+*# have s"o1en':

Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Surely 0 am against /haraoh 1ing of gy"t# and will brea1 his arms# both the strong one and the one that was bro1en9 and 0 will ma1e the sword fall out of his hand'

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :0 will also destroy the idols# And cause the images to cease from No"h9 There shall no longer be "rinces from the land of gy"t9 0 will "ut fear in the land of gy"t'

0 will scatter the gy"tians among the nations# and dis"erse them throughout the countries'

0 will ma1e /athros desolate# Set fire to 5oan# And e!ecute $udgments in No'

0 will "our 4y fury on Sin# the strength of gy"t9 0 will cut off the multitude of No#

0 will strengthen the arms of the 1ing of Babylon and "ut 4y sword in his hand9 but 0 will brea1 /haraohDs arms# and he will groan before him with the groanings of a mortally wounded man'

And set a fire in gy"t9 Sin shall have great "ain# No shall be s"lit o"en# And No"h shall be in distress daily'

Thus 0 will strengthen the arms of the 1ing of Babylon# but the arms of /haraoh shall fall down9 they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*# when 0 "ut 4y sword into the hand of the 1ing of

Babylon and he stretches it out against the land of gy"t'


boughs# And the chestnut trees were not li1e its branches9 No tree in the garden of (od was li1e it in beauty'

0 will scatter the gy"tians among the nations and dis"erse them throughout the countries' Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*':D

0 made it beautiful with a multitude of branches# So that all the trees of den envied it# That were in the garden of (od'D


it came to "ass in the eleventh year# in the third month# on the first day of the month# that the word of the )3+* came to me# saying# :Son of man# say to /haraoh 1ing of gy"t and to his multitude7 :Bhom are you li1e in your greatnessE

:Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Because you have increased in height# and it set its to" among the thic1 boughs# and its heart was lifted u" in its height#

0ndeed Assyria was a cedar in )ebanon# Bith fine branches that shaded the forest# And of high stature9 And its to" was among the thic1 boughs'

therefore 0 will deliver it into the hand of the mighty one of the nations# and he shall surely deal with it9 0 have driven it out for its wic1edness'

The waters made it grow9 Anderground waters gave it height# Bith their rivers running around the "lace where it was "lanted# And sent out rivulets to all the trees of the field'

And aliens# the most terrible of the nations# have cut it down and left it9 its branches have fallen on the mountains and in all the valleys9 its boughs lie bro1en by all the rivers of the land9 and all the "eo"les of the earth have gone from under its shadow and left it'

:Therefore its height was e!alted above all the trees of the field9 0ts boughs were multi"lied# And its branches became long because of the abundance of water# As it sent them out'

:3n its ruin will remain all the birds of the heavens# And all the beasts of the field will come to its branchesFF

All the birds of the heavens made their nests in its boughs9 Ander its branches all the beasts of the field brought forth their young9 And in its shadow all great nations made their home'

:So that no trees by the waters may ever again e!alt themselves for their height# nor set their to"s among the thic1 boughs# that no tree which drin1s water may ever be high enough to reach u" to them' :For they have all been delivered to death# To the de"ths of the earth# Among the children of men who go down to the /it'D

:Thus it was beautiful in greatness and in the length of its branches# Because its roots reached to abundant waters'

The cedars in the garden of (od could not hide it9 The fir trees were not li1e its

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :0n the day when it went down to hell# 0 caused mourning' 0 covered the dee" because of it' 0 restrained its rivers# and the great waters were held bac1' 0 caused

)ebanon to mourn for it# and all the trees of the field wilted because of it'

0 made the nations sha1e at the sound of its fall# when 0 cast it down to hell together with those who descend into the /it9 and all the trees of den# the choice and best of )ebanon# all that drin1 water# were comforted in the de"ths of the earth'

Then 0 will leave you on the land9 0 will cast you out on the o"en fields# And cause to settle on you all the birds of the heavens' And with you 0 will fill the beasts of the whole earth'

0 will lay your flesh on the mountains# And fill the valleys with your carcass'

They also went down to hell with it# with those slain by the sword9 and those who were its strong arm dwelt in its shadows among the nations'

:0 will also water the land with the flow of your blood# ven to the mountains9 And the riverbeds will be full of you'

:To which of the trees in den will you then be li1ened in glory and greatnessE Cet you shall be brought down with the trees of den to the de"ths of the earth9 you shall lie in the midst of the uncircumcised# with those slain by the sword' This is /haraoh and all his multitude#D says the )ord (3*':

Bhen 0 "ut out your light# 0 will cover the heavens# and ma1e its stars dar19 0 will cover the sun with a cloud# And the moon shall not give her light'

All the bright lights of the heavens 0 will ma1e dar1 over you# And bring dar1ness u"on your land#D Says the )ord (3*'

32And it came to "ass in the twelfth

year# in the twelfth month# on the first day of the month# that the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#

:0 will also trouble the hearts of many "eo"les# when 0 bring your destruction among the nations# into the countries which you have not 1nown'

:Son of man# ta1e u" a lamentation for /haraoh 1ing of gy"t# and say to him7 :Cou are li1e a young lion among the nations# And you are li1e a monster in the seas# Bursting forth in your rivers# Troubling the waters with your feet# And fouling their rivers'D

Ces# 0 will ma1e many "eo"les astonished at you# and their 1ings shall be horribly afraid of you when 0 brandish 4y sword before them9 and they shall tremble every moment# every man for his own life# in the day of your fall'D

:For thus says the )ord (3*7 :The sword of the 1ing of Babylon shall come u"on you'

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :0 will therefore s"read 4y net over you with a com"any of many "eo"le# And they will draw you u" in 4y net'

By the swords of the mighty warriors# all of them the most terrible of the nations# 0 will cause your multitude to fall' :They shall "lunder the "om" of gy"t# And all its multitude shall be destroyed'

Also 0 will destroy all its animals From beside its great waters9 The foot of man

shall muddy them no more# Nor shall the hooves of animals muddy them'


Then 0 will ma1e their waters clear# And ma1e their rivers run li1e oil#D Says the )ord (3*'

2er graves are set in the recesses of the /it# And her com"any is all around her grave# All of them slain# fallen by the sword# Bho caused terror in the land of the living'

:Bhen 0 ma1e the land of gy"t desolate# And the country is destitute of all that once filled it# Bhen 0 stri1e all who dwell in it# Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'

:This is the lamentation Bith which they shall lament her9 The daughters of the nations shall lament her9 They shall lament for her# for gy"t# And for all her multitude#D Says the )ord (3*':

:There is lam and all her multitude# All around her grave# All of them slain# fallen by the sword# Bho have gone down uncircumcised to the lower "arts of the earth# Bho caused their terror in the land of the living9 Now they bear their shame with those who go down to the /it'

0t came to "ass also in the twelfth year# on the fifteenth day of the month# that the word of the )3+* came to me# saying7

They have set her bed in the midst of the slain# Bith all her multitude# Bith her graves all around it# All of them uncircumcised# slain by the sword9 Though their terror was caused 0n the land of the living# Cet they bear their shame Bith those who go down to the /it9 0t was "ut in the midst of the slain'

:Son of man# wail over the multitude of gy"t# And cast them down to the de"ths of the earth# 2er and the daughters of the famous nations# Bith those who go down to the /it7

:There are 4eshech and Tubal and all their multitudes# Bith all their graves around it# All of them uncircumcised# slain by the sword# Though they caused their terror in the land of the living'

:Bhom do you sur"ass in beautyE (o down# be "laced with the uncircumcised'D


:They shall fall in the midst of those slain by the sword9 She is delivered to the sword# *rawing her and all her multitudes'

They do not lie with the mighty Bho are fallen of the uncircumcised# Bho have gone down to hell with their wea"ons of war9 They have laid their swords under their heads# But their iniGuities will be on their bones# Because of the terror of the mighty in the land of the living'

The strong among the mighty Shall s"ea1 to him out of the midst of hell Bith those who hel" him7 :They have gone down# They lie with the uncircumcised# slain by the sword'D

Ces# you shall be bro1en in the midst of the uncircumcised# And lie with those slain by the sword'

:Assyria is there# and all her com"any# Bith their graves all around her# All of them slain# fallen by the sword'

:There is dom# 2er 1ings and all her "rinces# Bho des"ite their might Are laid beside those slain by the sword9 They shall lie with the uncircumcised# And with those who go down to the /it'


There are the "rinces of the north# All of them# and all the Sidonians# Bho have gone down with the slain 0n shame at the terror which they caused by their might9 They lie uncircumcised with those slain by the sword# And bear their shame with those who go down to the /it'

sword comes and ta1es any "erson from among them# he is ta1en away in his iniGuity9 but his blood 0 will reGuire at the watchmanDs hand'D

:So you# son of man7 0 have made you a watchman for the house of 0srael9 therefore you shall hear a word from 4y mouth and warn them for 4e'

:/haraoh will see them And be comforted over all his multitude# /haraoh and all his army# Slain by the sword#: Says the )ord (3*'

:For 0 have caused 4y terror in the land of the living9 And he shall be "laced in the midst of the uncircumcised Bith those slain by the sword# /haraoh and all his multitude#: Says the )ord (3*'

Bhen 0 say to the wic1ed# :3 wic1ed man# you shall surely dieHD and you do not s"ea1 to warn the wic1ed from his way# that wic1ed man shall die in his iniGuity9 but his blood 0 will reGuire at your hand'

33Again the word of the )3+* came

to me# saying#

Nevertheless if you warn the wic1ed to turn from his way# and he does not turn from his way# he shall die in his iniGuity9 but you have delivered your soul'

:Son of man# s"ea1 to the children of your "eo"le# and say to them7 :Bhen 0 bring the sword u"on a land# and the "eo"le of the land ta1e a man from their territory and ma1e him their watchman#

:Therefore you# 3 son of man# say to the house of 0srael7 :Thus you say# :0f our transgressions and our sins lie u"on us# and we "ine away in them# how can we then liveE:D

when he sees the sword coming u"on the land# if he blows the trum"et and warns the "eo"le#

Say to them7 :As 0 live#D says the )ord (3*# :0 have no "leasure in the death of the wic1ed# but that the wic1ed turn from his way and live' Turn# turn from your evil waysH For why should you die# 3 house of 0sraelED

then whoever hears the sound of the trum"et and does not ta1e warning# if the sword comes and ta1es him away# his blood shall be on his own head'

2e heard the sound of the trum"et# but did not ta1e warning9 his blood shall be u"on himself' But he who ta1es warning will save his life'

But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trum"et# and the "eo"le are not warned# and the

:Therefore you# 3 son of man# say to the children of your "eo"le7 :The righteousness of the righteous man shall not deliver him in the day of his transgression9 as for the wic1edness of the wic1ed# he shall not fall because of it in the day that he turns from his wic1edness9 nor shall the righteous be able to live because of his righteousness in the day that he sins'D

Bhen 0 say to the righteous that he shall surely live# but he trusts in his own

righteousness and commits iniGuity# none of his righteous wor1s shall be remembered9 but because of the iniGuity that he has committed# he shall die'

me in the morning# my mouth was o"ened# and 0 was no longer mute'


Then the word of the )3+* came to me# saying7


Again# when 0 say to the wic1ed# :Cou shall surely die#D if he turns from his sin and does what is lawful and right#

if the wic1ed restores the "ledge# gives bac1 what he has stolen# and wal1s in the statutes of life without committing iniGuity# he shall surely live9 he shall not die'

:Son of man# they who inhabit those ruins in the land of 0srael are saying# :Abraham was only one# and he inherited the land' But we are many9 the land has been given to us as a "ossession'D

None of his sins which he has committed shall be remembered against him9 he has done what is lawful and right9 he shall surely live'

:Therefore say to them# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Cou eat meat with blood# you lift u" your eyes toward your idols# and shed blood' Should you then "ossess the landE

:Cet the children of your "eo"le say# :The way of the )3+* is not fair'D But it is their way which is not fairH

Cou rely on your sword# you commit abominations# and you defile one anotherDs wives' Should you then "ossess the landE:D

Bhen the righteous turns from his righteousness and commits iniGuity# he shall die because of it'

But when the wic1ed turns from his wic1edness and does what is lawful and right# he shall live because of it'

:Say thus to them# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :As 0 live# surely those who are in the ruins shall fall by the sword# and the one who is in the o"en field 0 will give to the beasts to be devoured# and those who are in the strongholds and caves shall die of the "estilence'

Cet you say# :The way of the )3+* is not fair'D 3 house of 0srael# 0 will $udge every one of you according to his own ways':

For 0 will ma1e the land most desolate# her arrogant strength shall cease# and the mountains of 0srael shall be so desolate that no one will "ass through'

And it came to "ass in the twelfth year of our ca"tivity# in the tenth month# on the fifth day of the month# that one who had esca"ed from Jerusalem came to me and said# :The city has been ca"turedH:

Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*# when 0 have made the land most desolate because of all their abominations which they have committed':D

Now the hand of the )3+* had been u"on me the evening before the man came who had esca"ed' And 2e had o"ened my mouth9 so when he came to

:As for you# son of man# the children of your "eo"le are tal1ing about you beside the walls and in the doors of the houses9 and they s"ea1 to one another# everyone saying to his brother# :/lease

come and hear what the word is that comes from the )3+*'D


So they come to you as "eo"le do# they sit before you as 4y "eo"le# and they hear your words# but they do not do them9 for with their mouth they show much love# but their hearts "ursue their own gain'

4y shee" wandered through all the mountains# and on every high hill9 yes# 4y floc1 was scattered over the whole face of the earth# and no one was see1ing or searching for them':

:Therefore# you she"herds# hear the word of the )3+*7


0ndeed you are to them as a very lovely song of one who has a "leasant voice and can "lay well on an instrument9 for they hear your words# but they do not do them'

:As 0 live#: says the )ord (3*# :surely because 4y floc1 became a "rey# and 4y floc1 became food for every beast of the field# because there was no she"herd# nor did 4y she"herds search for 4y floc1# but the she"herds fed themselves and did not feed 4y floc1:FF

And when this comes to "assFFsurely it will comeFFthen they will 1now that a "ro"het has been among them':

therefore# 3 she"herds# hear the word of the )3+*H


34And the word of the )3+* came

to me# saying#

:Son of man# "ro"hesy against the she"herds of 0srael# "ro"hesy and say to them# :Thus says the )ord (3* to the she"herds7 :Boe to the she"herds of 0srael who feed themselvesH Should not the she"herds feed the floc1sE

Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 0 am against the she"herds# and 0 will reGuire 4y floc1 at their hand9 0 will cause them to cease feeding the shee"# and the she"herds shall feed themselves no more9 for 0 will deliver 4y floc1 from their mouths# that they may no longer be food for them':

Cou eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool9 you slaughter the fatlings# but you do not feed the floc1'

:For thus says the )ord (3*7 :0ndeed 0 4yself will search for 4y shee" and see1 them out'

The wea1 you have not strengthened# nor have you healed those who were sic1# nor bound u" the bro1en# nor brought bac1 what was driven away# nor sought what was lost9 but with force and cruelty you have ruled them'

As a she"herd see1s out his floc1 on the day he is among his scattered shee"# so will 0 see1 out 4y shee" and deliver them from all the "laces where they were scattered on a cloudy and dar1 day'

So they were scattered because there was no she"herd9 and they became food for all the beasts of the field when they were scattered'

And 0 will bring them out from the "eo"les and gather them from the countries# and will bring them to their own land9 0 will feed them on the mountains of 0srael# in the valleys and in all the inhabited "laces of the country'


0 will feed them in good "asture# and their fold shall be on the high mountains of 0srael' There they shall lie down in a good fold and feed in rich "asture on the mountains of 0srael'


0 will establish one she"herd over them# and he shall feed themFF4y servant *avid' 2e shall feed them and be their she"herd'

0 will feed 4y floc1# and 0 will ma1e them lie down#: says the )ord (3*'

And 0# the )3+*# will be their (od# and 4y servant *avid a "rince among them9 0# the )3+*# have s"o1en'

:0 will see1 what was lost and bring bac1 what was driven away# bind u" the bro1en and strengthen what was sic19 but 0 will destroy the fat and the strong# and feed them in $udgment':

:0 will ma1e a covenant of "eace with them# and cause wild beasts to cease from the land9 and they will dwell safely in the wilderness and slee" in the woods'

:And as for you# 3 4y floc1# thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 0 shall $udge between shee" and shee"# between rams and goats'

0 will ma1e them and the "laces all around 4y hill a blessing9 and 0 will cause showers to come down in their season9 there shall be showers of blessing'

0s it too little for you to have eaten u" the good "asture# that you must tread down with your feet the residue of your "astureFFand to have drun1 of the clear waters# that you must foul the residue with your feetE

And as for 4y floc1# they eat what you have tram"led with your feet# and they drin1 what you have fouled with your feet':

Then the trees of the field shall yield their fruit# and the earth shall yield her increase' They shall be safe in their land9 and they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*# when 0 have bro1en the bands of their yo1e and delivered them from the hand of those who enslaved them'

:Therefore thus says the )ord (3* to them7 :Behold# 0 4yself will $udge between the fat and the lean shee"'

And they shall no longer be a "rey for the nations# nor shall beasts of the land devour them9 but they shall dwell safely# and no one shall ma1e them afraid'

Because you have "ushed with side and shoulder# butted all the wea1 ones with your horns# and scattered them abroad#

0 will raise u" for them a garden of renown# and they shall no longer be consumed with hunger in the land# nor bear the shame of the (entiles anymore'

therefore 0 will save 4y floc1# and they shall no longer be a "rey9 and 0 will $udge between shee" and shee"'

Thus they shall 1now that 0# the )3+* their (od# am with them# and they# the house of 0srael# are 4y "eo"le#: says the )ord (3*':D

:Cou are 4y floc1# the floc1 of 4y "asture9 you are men# and 0 am your (od#: says the )ord (3*'

354oreover the word of the )3+*

came to me# saying#


:Son of man# set your face against 4ount Seir and "ro"hesy against it#

therefore# as 0 live#: says the )ord (3*# :0 will do according to your anger and according to the envy which you showed in your hatred against them9 and 0 will ma1e 4yself 1nown among them when 0 $udge you'

and say to it# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 3 4ount Seir# 0 am against you9 0 will stretch out 4y hand against you# And ma1e you most desolate9

0 shall lay your cities waste# And you shall be desolate' Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'

Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*' 0 have heard all your blas"hemies which you have s"o1en against the mountains of 0srael# saying# :They are desolate9 they are given to us to consume'D

:Because you have had an ancient hatred# and have shed the blood of the children of 0srael by the "ower of the sword at the time of their calamity# when their iniGuity came to an end#

Thus with your mouth you have boasted against 4e and multi"lied your words against 4e9 0 have heard them':

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :The whole earth will re$oice when 0 ma1e you desolate'

therefore# as 0 live#: says the )ord (3*# :0 will "re"are you for blood# and blood shall "ursue you9 since you have not hated blood# therefore blood shall "ursue you'

As you re$oiced because the inheritance of the house of 0srael was desolate# so 0 will do to you9 you shall be desolate# 3 4ount Seir# as well as all of domFFall of itH Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*':D

Thus 0 will ma1e 4ount Seir most desolate# and cut off from it the one who leaves and the one who returns'

36:And you# son of man# "ro"hesy to

the mountains of 0srael# and say# :3 mountains of 0srael# hear the word of the )3+*H

And 0 will fill its mountains with the slain9 on your hills and in your valleys and in all your ravines those who are slain by the sword shall fall'

0 will ma1e you "er"etually desolate# and your cities shall be uninhabited9 then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'

Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Because the enemy has said of you# :AhaH The ancient heights have become our "ossession#::

:Because you have said# :These two nations and these two countries shall be mine# and we will "ossess them#D although the )3+* was there#

therefore "ro"hesy# and say# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Because they made you desolate and swallowed you u" on every side# so that you became the "ossession of the rest of the nations# and you are ta1en u" by the li"s of tal1ers and slandered by the "eo"le:FF

therefore# 3 mountains of 0srael# hear the word of the )ord (3*H Thus says the )ord (3* to the mountains# the hills# the rivers# the valleys# the desolate wastes# and the cities that have been forsa1en# which became "lunder and moc1ery to the rest of the nations all aroundFF


Ces# 0 will cause men to wal1 on you# 4y "eo"le 0srael9 they shall ta1e "ossession of you# and you shall be their inheritance9 no more shall you bereave them of children':

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Because they say to you# :Cou devour men and bereave your nation of children#D

therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Surely 0 have s"o1en in 4y burning $ealousy against the rest of the nations and against all dom# who gave 4y land to themselves as a "ossession# with wholehearted $oy and s"iteful minds# in order to "lunder its o"en country':D

therefore you shall devour men no more# nor bereave your nation anymore#: says the )ord (3*'

:Therefore "ro"hesy concerning the land of 0srael# and say to the mountains# the hills# the rivers# and the valleys# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 0 have s"o1en in 4y $ealousy and 4y fury# because you have borne the shame of the nations':

Nor will 0 let you hear the taunts of the nations anymore# nor bear the re"roach of the "eo"les anymore# nor shall you cause your nation to stumble anymore#: says the )ord (3*':D

4oreover the word of the )3+* came to me# saying7


Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :0 have raised 4y hand in an oath that surely the nations that are around you shall bear their own shame'

:Son of man# when the house of 0srael dwelt in their own land# they defiled it by their own ways and deeds9 to 4e their way was li1e the uncleanness of a woman in her customary im"urity'

But you# 3 mountains of 0srael# you shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit to 4y "eo"le 0srael# for they are about to come'

Therefore 0 "oured out 4y fury on them for the blood they had shed on the land# and for their idols with which they had defiled it'

For indeed 0 am for you# and 0 will turn to you# and you shall be tilled and sown'

0 will multi"ly men u"on you# all the house of 0srael# all of it9 and the cities shall be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt'

So 0 scattered them among the nations# and they were dis"ersed throughout the countries9 0 $udged them according to their ways and their deeds'

0 will multi"ly u"on you man and beast9 and they shall increase and bear young9 0 will ma1e you inhabited as in former times# and do better for you than at your beginnings' Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'

Bhen they came to the nations# wherever they went# they "rofaned 4y holy nameFFwhen they said of them# :These are the "eo"le of the )3+*# and yet they have gone out of 2is land'D

But 0 had concern for 4y holy name# which the house of 0srael had "rofaned among the nations wherever they went'


:Therefore say to the house of 0srael# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :0 do not do this for your sa1e# 3 house of 0srael# but for 4y holy nameDs sa1e# which you have "rofaned among the nations wherever you went'


Then you will remember your evil ways and your deeds that were not good9 and you will loathe yourselves in your own sight# for your iniGuities and your abominations'

And 0 will sanctify 4y great name# which has been "rofaned among the nations# which you have "rofaned in their midst9 and the nations shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*#: says the )ord (3*# :when 0 am hallowed in you before their eyes'

Not for your sa1e do 0 do this#: says the )ord (3*# :let it be 1nown to you' Be ashamed and confounded for your own ways# 3 house of 0sraelH:

For 0 will ta1e you from among the nations# gather you out of all countries# and bring you into your own land'

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :3n the day that 0 cleanse you from all your iniGuities# 0 will also enable you to dwell in the cities# and the ruins shall be rebuilt'

Then 0 will s"rin1le clean water on you# and you shall be clean9 0 will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols'

The desolate land shall be tilled instead of lying desolate in the sight of all who "ass by'

0 will give you a new heart and "ut a new s"irit within you9 0 will ta1e the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh'

So they will say# :This land that was desolate has become li1e the garden of den9 and the wasted# desolate# and ruined cities are now fortified and inhabited'D

0 will "ut 4y S"irit within you and cause you to wal1 in 4y statutes# and you will 1ee" 4y $udgments and do them'

Then the nations which are left all around you shall 1now that 0# the )3+*# have rebuilt the ruined "laces and "lanted what was desolate' 0# the )3+*# have s"o1en it# and 0 will do it':

Then you shall dwell in the land that 0 gave to your fathers9 you shall be 4y "eo"le# and 0 will be your (od'

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :0 will also let the house of 0srael inGuire of 4e to do this for them7 0 will increase their men li1e a floc1'

0 will deliver you from all your uncleannesses' 0 will call for the grain and multi"ly it# and bring no famine u"on you'

)i1e a floc1 offered as holy sacrifices# li1e the floc1 at Jerusalem on its feast days# so shall the ruined cities be filled with floc1s of men' Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'::D

And 0 will multi"ly the fruit of your trees and the increase of your fields# so that you need never again bear the re"roach of famine among the nations'

37The hand of the )3+* came u"on

me and brought me out in the S"irit of

the )3+*# and set me down in the midst of the valley9 and it was full of bones'


Then 2e caused me to "ass by them all around# and behold# there were very many in the o"en valley9 and indeed they were very dry'

Then 2e said to me# :Son of man# these bones are the whole house of 0srael' They indeed say# :3ur bones are dry# our ho"e is lost# and we ourselves are cut offHD

And 2e said to me# :Son of man# can these bones liveE: So 0 answered# :3 )ord (3*# Cou 1now':

Therefore "ro"hesy and say to them# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 3 4y "eo"le# 0 will o"en your graves and cause you to come u" from your graves# and bring you into the land of 0srael'

Again 2e said to me# :/ro"hesy to these bones# and say to them# :3 dry bones# hear the word of the )3+*H

Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*# when 0 have o"ened your graves# 3 4y "eo"le# and brought you u" from your graves'

Thus says the )ord (3* to these bones7 :Surely 0 will cause breath to enter into you# and you shall live'

0 will "ut sinews on you and bring flesh u"on you# cover you with s1in and "ut breath in you9 and you shall live' Then you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'::D

0 will "ut 4y S"irit in you# and you shall live# and 0 will "lace you in your own land' Then you shall 1now that 0# the )3+*# have s"o1en it and "erformed it#: says the )3+*':D

Again the word of the )3+* came to me# saying#


So 0 "ro"hesied as 0 was commanded9 and as 0 "ro"hesied# there was a noise# and suddenly a rattling9 and the bones came together# bone to bone'

0ndeed# as 0 loo1ed# the sinews and the flesh came u"on them# and the s1in covered them over9 but there was no breath in them'

:As for you# son of man# ta1e a stic1 for yourself and write on it7 :For Judah and for the children of 0srael# his com"anions'D Then ta1e another stic1 and write on it# :For Jose"h# the stic1 of "hraim# and for all the house of 0srael# his com"anions'D

Also 2e said to me# :/ro"hesy to the breath# "ro"hesy# son of man# and say to the breath# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :-ome from the four winds# 3 breath# and breathe on these slain# that they may live'::D

Then $oin them one to another for yourself into one stic1# and they will become one in your hand'

:And when the children of your "eo"le s"ea1 to you# saying# :Bill you not show us what you mean by theseEDFF

So 0 "ro"hesied as 2e commanded me# and breath came into them# and they lived# and stood u"on their feet# an e!ceedingly great army'

say to them# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Surely 0 will ta1e the stic1 of Jose"h# which is in the hand of "hraim# and the tribes of 0srael# his com"anions9 and 0 will $oin them with it# with the stic1

of Judah# and ma1e them one stic1# and they will be one in 4y hand':D

will set 4y sanctuary in their midst forevermore'


And the stic1s on which you write will be in your hand before their eyes'

4y tabernacle also shall be with them9 indeed 0 will be their (od# and they shall be 4y "eo"le'

:Then say to them# :Thus says )ord (3*7 :Surely 0 will ta1e children of 0srael from among nations# wherever they have gone# will gather them from every side bring them into their own land9

the the the and and

The nations also will 1now that 0# the )3+*# sanctify 0srael# when 4y sanctuary is in their midst forevermore'::D

and 0 will ma1e them one nation in the land# on the mountains of 0srael9 and one 1ing shall be 1ing over them all9 they shall no longer be two nations# nor shall they ever be divided into two 1ingdoms again'

38Now the word of the )3+* came

to me# saying#

They shall not defile themselves anymore with their idols# nor with their detestable things# nor with any of their transgressions9 but 0 will deliver them from all their dwelling "laces in which they have sinned# and will cleanse them' Then they shall be 4y "eo"le# and 0 will be their (od'

:Son of man# set your face against (og# of the land of 4agog# the "rince of +osh# 4eshech# and Tubal# and "ro"hesy against him#

and say# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 0 am against you# 3 (og# the "rince of +osh# 4eshech# and Tubal'

:*avid 4y servant shall be 1ing over them# and they shall all have one she"herd9 they shall also wal1 in 4y $udgments and observe 4y statutes# and do them'

0 will turn you around# "ut hoo1s into your $aws# and lead you out# with all your army# horses# and horsemen# all s"lendidly clothed# a great com"any with buc1lers and shields# all of them handling swords'

/ersia# thio"ia# and )ibya are with them# all of them with shield and helmet9

Then they shall dwell in the land that 0 have given to Jacob 4y servant# where your fathers dwelt9 and they shall dwell there# they# their children# and their childrenDs children# forever9 and 4y servant *avid shall be their "rince forever'

(omer and all its troo"s9 the house of Togarmah from the far north and all its troo"sFFmany "eo"le are with you'

4oreover 0 will ma1e a covenant of "eace with them# and it shall be an everlasting covenant with them9 0 will establish them and multi"ly them# and 0

:/re"are yourself and be ready# you and all your com"anies that are gathered about you9 and be a guard for them'

After many days you will be visited' 0n the latter years you will come into the land of those brought bac1 from the

sword and gathered from many "eo"le on the mountains of 0srael# which had long been desolate9 they were brought out of the nations# and now all of them dwell safely'


Cou will come u" against 4y "eo"le 0srael li1e a cloud# to cover the land' 0t will be in the latter days that 0 will bring you against 4y land# so that the nations may 1now 4e# when 0 am hallowed in you# 3 (og# before their eyes':

Cou will ascend# coming li1e a storm# covering the land li1e a cloud# you and all your troo"s and many "eo"les with you':

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :3n that day it shall come to "ass that thoughts will arise in your mind# and you will ma1e an evil "lan7

Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Are you he of whom 0 have s"o1en in former days by 4y servants the "ro"hets of 0srael# who "ro"hesied for years in those days that 0 would bring you against themE

Cou will say# :0 will go u" against a land of unwalled villages9 0 will go to a "eaceful "eo"le# who dwell safely# all of them dwelling without walls# and having neither bars nor gatesDFF

:And it will come to "ass at the same time# when (og comes against the land of 0srael#: says the )ord (3*# :that 4y fury will show in 4y face'

For in 4y $ealousy and in the fire of 4y wrath 0 have s"o1en7 :Surely in that day there shall be a great earthGua1e in the land of 0srael#

to ta1e "lunder and to ta1e booty# to stretch out your hand against the waste "laces that are again inhabited# and against a "eo"le gathered from the nations# who have acGuired livestoc1 and goods# who dwell in the midst of the land'

Sheba# *edan# the merchants of Tarshish# and all their young lions will say to you# :2ave you come to ta1e "lunderE 2ave you gathered your army to ta1e booty# to carry away silver and gold# to ta1e away livestoc1 and goods# to ta1e great "lunderE::

so that the fish of the sea# the birds of the heavens# the beasts of the field# all cree"ing things that cree" on the earth# and all men who are on the face of the earth shall sha1e at 4y "resence' The mountains shall be thrown down# the stee" "laces shall fall# and every wall shall fall to the ground'D

0 will call for a sword against (og throughout all 4y mountains#: says the )ord (3*' : very manDs sword will be against his brother'

:Therefore# son of man# "ro"hesy and say to (og# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :3n that day when 4y "eo"le 0srael dwell safely# will you not 1now itE

And 0 will bring him to $udgment with "estilence and bloodshed9 0 will rain down on him# on his troo"s# and on the many "eo"les who are with him# flooding rain# great hailstones# fire# and brimstone'

Then you will come from your "lace out of the far north# you and many "eo"les with you# all of them riding on horses# a great com"any and a mighty army'

Thus 0 will magnify 4yself and sanctify 4yself# and 0 will be 1nown in the eyes of many nations' Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*':D

39:And you# son of man# "ro"hesy

against (og# and say# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :Behold# 0 am against you# 3 (og# the "rince of +osh# 4eshech# and Tubal9


They will not ta1e wood from the field nor cut down any from the forests# because they will ma1e fires with the wea"ons9 and they will "lunder those who "lundered them# and "illage those who "illaged them#: says the )ord (3*'

and 0 will turn you around and lead you on# bringing you u" from the far north# and bring you against the mountains of 0srael'

Then 0 will 1noc1 the bow out of your left hand# and cause the arrows to fall out of your right hand'

:0t will come to "ass in that day that 0 will give (og a burial "lace there in 0srael# the valley of those who "ass by east of the sea9 and it will obstruct travelers# because there they will bury (og and all his multitude' Therefore they will call it the Valley of 2amon (og'

Cou shall fall u"on the mountains of 0srael# you and all your troo"s and the "eo"les who are with you9 0 will give you to birds of "rey of every sort and to the beasts of the field to be devoured'

For seven months the house of 0srael will be burying them# in order to cleanse the land'

Cou shall fall on the o"en field9 for 0 have s"o1en#: says the )ord (3*'

0ndeed all the "eo"le of the land will be burying# and they will gain renown for it on the day that 0 am glorified#: says the )ord (3*'

:And 0 will send fire on 4agog and on those who live in security in the coastlands' Then they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*'

:They will set a"art men regularly em"loyed# with the hel" of a search "arty# to "ass through the land and bury those bodies remaining on the ground# in order to cleanse it' At the end of seven months they will ma1e a search'

So 0 will ma1e 4y holy name 1nown in the midst of 4y "eo"le 0srael# and 0 will not let them "rofane 4y holy name anymore' Then the nations shall 1now that 0 am the )3+*# the 2oly 3ne in 0srael'

The search "arty will "ass through the land9 and when anyone sees a manDs bone# he shall set u" a mar1er by it# till the buriers have buried it in the Valley of 2amon (og'

Surely it is coming# and it shall be done#: says the )ord (3*' :This is the day of which 0 have s"o1en'

The name of the city will also be 2amonah' Thus they shall cleanse the land':D

:Then those who dwell in the cities of 0srael will go out and set on fire and burn the wea"ons# both the shields and buc1lers# the bows and arrows# the $avelins and s"ears9 and they will ma1e fires with them for seven years'

:And as for you# son of man# thus says the )ord (3*# :S"ea1 to every sort of bird and to every beast of the field7 :Assemble yourselves and come9 (ather together from all sides to 4y sacrificial meal Bhich 0 am sacrificing for you# A great sacrificial meal on the

mountains of 0srael# That you may eat flesh and drin1 blood'

safely in their own land and no one made them afraid'


Cou shall eat the flesh of the mighty# *rin1 the blood of the "rinces of the earth# 3f rams and lambs# 3f goats and bulls# All of them fatlings of Bashan'

Bhen 0 have brought them bac1 from the "eo"les and gathered them out of their enemiesD lands# and 0 am hallowed in them in the sight of many nations#

Cou shall eat fat till you are full# And drin1 blood till you are drun1# At 4y sacrificial meal Bhich 0 am sacrificing for you'

then they shall 1now that 0 am the )3+* their (od# who sent them into ca"tivity among the nations# but also brought them bac1 to their land# and left none of them ca"tive any longer'

Cou shall be filled at 4y table Bith horses and riders# Bith mighty men And with all the men of war#: says the )ord (3*'

And 0 will not hide 4y face from them anymore9 for 0 shall have "oured out 4y S"irit on the house of 0srael#D says the )ord (3*':

:0 will set 4y glory among the nations9 all the nations shall see 4y $udgment which 0 have e!ecuted# and 4y hand which 0 have laid on them'


So the house of 0srael shall 1now that 0 am the )3+* their (od from that day forward'

the twentyFfifth year of our ca"tivity# at the beginning of the year# on the tenth day of the month# in the fourteenth year after the city was ca"tured# on the very same day the hand of the )3+* was u"on me9 and 2e too1 me there'

The (entiles shall 1now that the house of 0srael went into ca"tivity for their iniGuity9 because they were unfaithful to 4e# therefore 0 hid 4y face from them' 0 gave them into the hand of their enemies# and they all fell by the sword'

0n the visions of (od 2e too1 me into the land of 0srael and set me on a very high mountain9 on it toward the south was something li1e the structure of a city'

According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions 0 have dealt with them# and hidden 4y face from them':D

2e too1 me there# and behold# there was a man whose a""earance was li1e the a""earance of bron.e' 2e had a line of fla! and a measuring rod in his hand# and he stood in the gateway'

:Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :Now 0 will bring bac1 the ca"tives of Jacob# and have mercy on the whole house of 0srael9 and 0 will be $ealous for 4y holy nameFF

after they have borne their shame# and all their unfaithfulness in which they were unfaithful to 4e# when they dwelt

And the man said to me# :Son of man# loo1 with your eyes and hear with your ears# and fi! your mind on everything 0 show you9 for you were brought here so that 0 might show them to you' *eclare to the house of 0srael everything you see':


Now there was a wall all around the outside of the tem"le' 0n the manDs hand was a measuring rod si! cubits long# each being a cubit and a handbreadth9 and he measured the width of the wall structure# one rod9 and the height# one rod'


2e measured the gate"osts# si!ty cubits high# and the court all around the gateway e!tended to the gate"ost'

From the front of the entrance gate to the front of the vestibule of the inner gate was fifty cubits'

Then he went to the gateway which faced east9 and he went u" its stairs and measured the threshold of the gateway# which was one rod wide# and the other threshold was one rod wide'

ach gate chamber was one rod long and one rod wide9 between the gate chambers was a s"ace of five cubits9 and the threshold of the gateway by the vestibule of the inside gate was one rod'

There were beveled window frames in the gate chambers and in their intervening archways on the inside of the gateway all around# and li1ewise in the vestibules' There were windows all around on the inside' And on each gate"ost were "alm trees'

Then he brought me into the outer court9 and there were chambers and a "avement made all around the court9 thirty chambers faced the "avement'

2e also measured the vestibule of the inside gate# one rod'


Then he measured the vestibule of the gateway# eight cubits9 and the gate"osts# two cubits' The vestibule of the gate was on the inside'

The "avement was by the side of the gateways# corres"onding to the length of the gateways9 this was the lower "avement'

0n the eastern gateway were three gate chambers on one side and three on the other9 the three were all the same si.e9 also the gate"osts were of the same si.e on this side and that side'

Then he measured the width from the front of the lower gateway to the front of the inner court e!terior# one hundred cubits toward the east and the north'

3n the outer court was also a gateway facing north# and he measured its length and its width'

2e measured the width of the entrance to the gateway# ten cubits9 and the length of the gate# thirteen cubits'

There was a s"ace in front of the gate chambers# one cubit on this side and one cubit on that side9 the gate chambers were si! cubits on this side and si! cubits on that side'

0ts gate chambers# three on this side and three on that side# its gate"osts and its archways# had the same measurements as the first gate9 its length was fifty cubits and its width twentyFfive cubits'

Then he measured the gateway from the roof of one gate chamber to the roof of the other9 the width was twentyFfive cubits# as door faces door'

0ts windows and those of its archways# and also its "alm trees# had the same measurements as the gateway facing east9 it was ascended by seven ste"s# and its archway was in front of it'


A gate of the inner court was o""osite the northern gateway# $ust as the eastern gateway9 and he measured from gateway to gateway# one hundred cubits'


And he brought me into the inner court facing east9 he measured the gateway according to these same measurements'

After that he brought me toward the south# and there a gateway was facing south9 and he measured its gate"osts and archways according to these same measurements'

Also its gate chambers# its gate"osts# and its archways were according to these same measurements9 and there were windows in it and in its archways all around9 it was fifty cubits long and twentyFfive cubits wide'

There were windows in it and in its archways all around li1e those windows9 its length was fifty cubits and its width twentyFfive cubits'

0ts archways faced the outer court# and "alm trees were on its gate"osts on this side and on that side9 and going u" to it were eight ste"s'

Seven ste"s led u" to it# and its archway was in front of them9 and it had "alm trees on its gate"osts# one on this side and one on that side'

Then he brought me to the north gateway and measured it according to these same measurementsFF

There was also a gateway on the inner court# facing south9 and he measured from gateway to gateway toward the south# one hundred cubits'

also its gate chambers# its gate"osts# and its archways' 0t had windows all around9 its length was fifty cubits and its width twentyFfive cubits'

Then he brought me to the inner court through the southern gateway9 he measured the southern gateway according to these same measurements'

0ts gate"osts faced the outer court# "alm trees were on its gate"osts on this side and on that side# and going u" to it were eight ste"s'

Also its gate chambers# its gate"osts# and its archways were according to these same measurements9 there were windows in it and in its archways all around9 it was fifty cubits long and twentyFfive cubits wide'

There was a chamber and its entrance by the gate"osts of the gateway# where they washed the burnt offering'

0n the vestibule of the gateway were two tables on this side and two tables on that side# on which to slay the burnt offering# the sin offering# and the tres"ass offering'

There were archways all around# twentyFfive cubits long and five cubits wide'

0ts archways faced the outer court# "alm trees were on its gate"osts# and going u" to it were eight ste"s'

At the outer side of the vestibule# as one goes u" to the entrance of the northern gateway# were two tables9 and on the other side of the vestibule of the gateway were two tables'


Four tables were on this side and four tables on that side# by the side of the gateway# eight tables on which they slaughtered the sacrifices'

by the ste"s which led u" to it there were "illars by the door"osts# one on this side and another on that side'

There were also four tables of hewn stone for the burnt offering# one cubit and a half long# one cubit and a half wide# and one cubit high9 on these they laid the instruments with which they slaughtered the burnt offering and the sacrifice'


he brought me into the sanctuary and measured the door"osts# si! cubits wide on one side and si! cubits wide on the other sideFFthe width of the tabernacle'

0nside were hoo1s# a handbreadth wide# fastened all around9 and the flesh of the sacrifices was on the tables'

3utside the inner gate were the chambers for the singers in the inner court# one facing south at the side of the northern gateway# and the other facing north at the side of the southern gateway'

The width of the entryway was ten cubits# and the side walls of the entrance were five cubits on this side and five cubits on the other side9 and he measured its length# forty cubits# and its width# twenty cubits'

Also he went inside and measured the door"osts# two cubits9 and the entrance# si! cubits high9 and the width of the entrance# seven cubits'

Then he said to me# :This chamber which faces south is for the "riests who have charge of the tem"le'

2e measured the length# twenty cubits9 and the width# twenty cubits# beyond the sanctuary9 and he said to me# :This is the 4ost 2oly /lace':

The chamber which faces north is for the "riests who have charge of the altar9 these are the sons of 5ado1# from the sons of )evi# who come near the )3+* to minister to 2im':

Ne!t# he measured the wall of the tem"le# si! cubits' The width of each side chamber all around the tem"le was four cubits on every side'

And he measured the court# one hundred cubits long and one hundred cubits wide# foursGuare' The altar was in front of the tem"le'

Then he brought me to the vestibule of the tem"le and measured the door"osts of the vestibule# five cubits on this side and five cubits on that side9 and the width of the gateway was three cubits on this side and three cubits on that side'

The side chambers were in three stories# one above the other# thirty chambers in each story9 they rested on ledges which were for the side chambers all around# that they might be su""orted# but not fastened to the wall of the tem"le'

The length of the vestibule was twenty cubits# and the width eleven cubits9 and

As one went u" from story to story# the side chambers became wider all around# because their su""orting ledges in the wall of the tem"le ascended li1e ste"s9 therefore the width of the structure increased as one went u" from the

lowest story to the highest by way of the middle one'


threshold were "aneled with wood from the ground to the windowsFFthe windows were coveredFF

0 also saw an elevation all around the tem"le9 it was the foundation of the side chambers# a full rod# that is# si! cubits high'

from the s"ace above the door# even to the inner room# as well as outside# and on every wall all around# inside and outside# by measure'

The thic1ness of the outer wall of the side chambers was five cubits# and so also the remaining terrace by the "lace of the side chambers of the tem"le'

And it was made with cherubim and "alm trees# a "alm tree between cherub and cherub' ach cherub had two faces#

And between it and the wall chambers was a width of twenty cubits all around the tem"le on every side'

The doors of the side chambers o"ened on the terrace# one door toward the north and another toward the south9 and the width of the terrace was five cubits all around'

so that the face of a man was toward a "alm tree on one side# and the face of a young lion toward a "alm tree on the other side9 thus it was made throughout the tem"le all around'

From the floor to the s"ace above the door# and on the wall of the sanctuary# cherubim and "alm trees were carved'

The building that faced the se"arating courtyard at its western end was seventy cubits wide9 the wall of the building was five cubits thic1 all around# and its length ninety cubits'

The door"osts of the tem"le were sGuare# as was the front of the sanctuary9 their a""earance was similar'

So he measured the tem"le# one hundred cubits long9 and the se"arating courtyard with the building and its walls was one hundred cubits long9

The altar was of wood# three cubits high# and its length two cubits' 0ts corners# its length# and its sides were of wood9 and he said to me# :This is the table that is before the )3+*':

also the width of the eastern face of the tem"le# including the se"arating courtyard# was one hundred cubits'

The tem"le and the sanctuary had two doors'


2e measured the length of the building behind it# facing the se"arating courtyard# with its galleries on the one side and on the other side# one hundred cubits# as well as the inner tem"le and the "orches of the court#

The doors had two "anels a"iece# two folding "anels7 two "anels for one door and two "anels for the other door'

-herubim and "alm trees were carved on the doors of the tem"le $ust as they were carved on the walls' A wooden cano"y was on the front of the vestibule outside'

their door"osts and the beveled window frames' And the galleries all around their three stories o""osite the


There were beveled window frames and "alm trees on one side and on the other# on the sides of the vestibuleFFalso on the side chambers of the tem"le and on the cano"ies'


The length of the chambers toward the outer court was fifty cubits# whereas that facing the tem"le was one hundred cubits'

42Then he brought me out into the

outer court# by the way toward the north9 and he brought me into the chamber which was o""osite the se"arating courtyard# and which was o""osite the building toward the north'

At the lower chambers was the entrance on the east side# as one goes into them from the outer court'

Also there were chambers in the thic1ness of the wall of the court toward the east# o""osite the se"arating courtyard and o""osite the building'

Facing the length# which was one hundred cubits Ithe width was fifty cubitsJ# was the north door'

3""osite the inner court of twenty cubits# and o""osite the "avement of the outer court# was gallery against gallery in three stories'

There was a wal1 in front of them also# and their a""earance was li1e the chambers which were toward the north9 they were as long and as wide as the others# and all their e!its and entrances were according to "lan'

0n front of the chambers# toward the inside# was a wal1 ten cubits wide# at a distance of one cubit9 and their doors faced north'

And corres"onding to the doors of the chambers that were facing south# as one enters them# there was a door in front of the wal1# the way directly in front of the wall toward the east'

Now the u""er chambers were shorter# because the galleries too1 away s"ace from them more than from the lower and middle stories of the building'

For they were in three stories and did not have "illars li1e the "illars of the courts9 therefore the u""er level was shortened more than the lower and middle levels from the ground u"'

Then he said to me# :The north chambers and the south chambers# which are o""osite the se"arating courtyard# are the holy chambers where the "riests who a""roach the )3+* shall eat the most holy offerings' There they shall lay the most holy offeringsFF the grain offering# the sin offering# and the tres"ass offeringFFfor the "lace is holy'

And a wall which was outside ran "arallel to the chambers# at the front of the chambers# toward the outer court9 its length was fifty cubits'

Bhen the "riests enter them# they shall not go out of the holy chamber into the outer court9 but there they shall leave their garments in which they minister# for they are holy' They shall "ut on other garments9 then they may a""roach that which is for the "eo"le':

Now when he had finished measuring the inner tem"le# he brought me out

through the gateway that faces toward the east# and measured it all around'


The S"irit lifted me u" and brought me into the inner court9 and behold# the glory of the )3+* filled the tem"le'

2e measured the east side with the measuring rod# five hundred rods by the measuring rod all around'

Then 0 heard 2im s"ea1ing to me from the tem"le# while a man stood beside me'

2e measured the north side# five hundred rods by the measuring rod all around'

2e measured the south side# five hundred rods by the measuring rod'

2e came around to the west side and measured five hundred rods by the measuring rod'

And 2e said to me# :Son of man# this is the "lace of 4y throne and the "lace of the soles of 4y feet# where 0 will dwell in the midst of the children of 0srael forever' No more shall the house of 0srael defile 4y holy name# they nor their 1ings# by their harlotry or with the carcasses of their 1ings on their high "laces'

2e measured it on the four sides9 it had a wall all around# five hundred cubits long and five hundred wide# to se"arate the holy areas from the common'

43Afterward he brought me to the

gate# the gate that faces toward the east'

Bhen they set their threshold by 4y threshold# and their door"ost by 4y door"ost# with a wall between them and 4e# they defiled 4y holy name by the abominations which they committed9 therefore 0 have consumed them in 4y anger'

Now let them "ut their harlotry and the carcasses of their 1ings far away from 4e# and 0 will dwell in their midst forever'

And behold# the glory of the (od of 0srael came from the way of the east' 2is voice was li1e the sound of many waters9 and the earth shone with 2is glory'

:Son of man# describe the tem"le to the house of 0srael# that they may be ashamed of their iniGuities9 and let them measure the "attern'

0t was li1e the a""earance of the vision which 0 sawFFli1e the vision which 0 saw when 0 came to destroy the city' The visions were li1e the vision which 0 saw by the +iver -hebar9 and 0 fell on my face'

And the glory of the )3+* came into the tem"le by way of the gate which faces toward the east'

And if they are ashamed of all that they have done# ma1e 1nown to them the design of the tem"le and its arrangement# its e!its and its entrances# its entire design and all its ordinances# all its forms and all its laws' Brite it down in their sight# so that they may 1ee" its whole design and all its ordinances# and "erform them'

This is the law of the tem"le7 The whole area surrounding the mountainto"

is most holy' Behold# this is the law of the tem"le'



:These are the measurements of the altar in cubits Ithe cubit is one cubit and a handbreadthJ7 the base one cubit high and one cubit wide# with a rim all around its edge of one s"an' This is the height of the altar7

Then you shall also ta1e the bull of the sin offering# and burn it in the a""ointed "lace of the tem"le# outside the sanctuary'

3n the second day you shall offer a 1id of the goats without blemish for a sin offering9 and they shall cleanse the altar# as they cleansed it with the bull'

from the base on the ground to the lower ledge# two cubits9 the width of the ledge# one cubit9 from the smaller ledge to the larger ledge# four cubits9 and the width of the ledge# one cubit'

Bhen you have finished cleansing it# you shall offer a young bull without blemish# and a ram from the floc1 without blemish'

The altar hearth is four cubits high# with four horns e!tending u"ward from the hearth'

Bhen you offer them before the )3+*# the "riests shall throw salt on them# and they will offer them u" as a burnt offering to the )3+*'

The altar hearth is twelve cubits long# twelve wide# sGuare at its four corners9

the ledge# fourteen cubits long and fourteen wide on its four sides# with a rim of half a cubit around it9 its base# one cubit all around9 and its ste"s face toward the east':

very day for seven days you shall "re"are a goat for a sin offering9 they shall also "re"are a young bull and a ram from the floc1# both without blemish'

Seven days they shall ma1e atonement for the altar and "urify it# and so consecrate it'

And 2e said to me# :Son of man# thus says the )ord (3*7 :These are the ordinances for the altar on the day when it is made# for sacrificing burnt offerings on it# and for s"rin1ling blood on it'

Bhen these days are over it shall be# on the eighth day and thereafter# that the "riests shall offer your burnt offerings and your "eace offerings on the altar9 and 0 will acce"t you#D says the )ord (3*':

Cou shall give a young bull for a sin offering to the "riests# the )evites# who are of the seed of 5ado1# who a""roach 4e to minister to 4e#D says the )ord (3*'

44Then 2e brought me bac1 to the

outer gate of the sanctuary which faces toward the east# but it was shut'

Cou shall ta1e some of its blood and "ut it on the four horns of the altar# on the four corners of the ledge# and on the rim around it9 thus you shall cleanse it and ma1e atonement for it'

And the )3+* said to me# :This gate shall be shut9 it shall not be o"ened# and no man shall enter by it# because the )3+* (od of 0srael has entered by it9 therefore it shall be shut'

As for the "rince# because he is the "rince# he may sit in it to eat bread before the )3+*9 he shall enter by way of the vestibule of the gateway# and go out the same way':


Cet they shall be ministers in 4y sanctuary# as gate1ee"ers of the house and ministers of the house9 they shall slay the burnt offering and the sacrifice for the "eo"le# and they shall stand before them to minister to them'

Also 2e brought me by way of the north gate to the front of the tem"le9 so 0 loo1ed# and behold# the glory of the )3+* filled the house of the )3+*9 and 0 fell on my face'

And the )3+* said to me# :Son of man# mar1 well# see with your eyes and hear with your ears# all that 0 say to you concerning all the ordinances of the house of the )3+* and all its laws' 4ar1 well who may enter the house and all who go out from the sanctuary'

Because they ministered to them before their idols and caused the house of 0srael to fall into iniGuity# therefore 0 have raised 4y hand in an oath against them#: says the )ord (3*# :that they shall bear their iniGuity'

And they shall not come near 4e to minister to 4e as "riest# nor come near any of 4y holy things# nor into the 4ost 2oly /lace9 but they shall bear their shame and their abominations which they have committed'

:Now say to the rebellious# to the house of 0srael# :Thus says the )ord (3*7 :3 house of 0srael# let As have no more of all your abominations'

Nevertheless 0 will ma1e them 1ee" charge of the tem"le# for all its wor1# and for all that has to be done in it'

Bhen you brought in foreigners# uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh# to be in 4y sanctuary to defile itFF4y houseFFand when you offered 4y food# the fat and the blood# then they bro1e 4y covenant because of all your abominations'

:But the "riests# the )evites# the sons of 5ado1# who 1e"t charge of 4y sanctuary when the children of 0srael went astray from 4e# they shall come near 4e to minister to 4e9 and they shall stand before 4e to offer to 4e the fat and the blood#: says the )ord (3*'

And you have not 1e"t charge of 4y holy things# but you have set others to 1ee" charge of 4y sanctuary for you':

:They shall enter 4y sanctuary# and they shall come near 4y table to minister to 4e# and they shall 1ee" 4y charge'

Thus says the )ord (3*7 :No foreigner# uncircumcised in heart or uncircumcised in flesh# shall enter 4y sanctuary# including any foreigner who is among the children of 0srael'

:And the )evites who went far from 4e# when 0srael went astray# who strayed away from 4e after their idols# they shall bear their iniGuity'

And it shall be# whenever they enter the gates of the inner court# that they shall "ut on linen garments9 no wool shall come u"on them while they minister within the gates of the inner court or within the house'

They shall have linen turbans on their heads and linen trousers on their

bodies9 they shall not clothe themselves with anything that causes sweat'


Bhen they go out to the outer court# to the outer court to the "eo"le# they shall ta1e off their garments in which they have ministered# leave them in the holy chambers# and "ut on other garments9 and in their holy garments they shall not sanctify the "eo"le'

:0t shall be# in regard to their inheritance# that 0 am their inheritance' Cou shall give them no "ossession in 0srael# for 0 am their "ossession'

They shall eat the grain offering# the sin offering# and the tres"ass offering9 every dedicated thing in 0srael shall be theirs'

:They shall neither shave their heads# nor let their hair grow long# but they shall 1ee" their hair well trimmed'

No "riest shall drin1 wine when he enters the inner court'


The best of all firstfruits of any 1ind# and every sacrifice of any 1ind from all your sacrifices# shall be the "riestDs9 also you shall give to the "riest the first of your ground meal# to cause a blessing to rest on your house'

They shall not ta1e as wife a widow or a divorced woman# but ta1e virgins of the descendants of the house of 0srael# or widows of "riests'

The "riests shall not eat anything# bird or beast# that died naturally or was torn by wild beasts'

:And they shall teach 4y "eo"le the difference between the holy and the unholy# and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean'

45:4oreover# when you divide the

land by lot into inheritance# you shall set a"art a district for the )3+*# a holy section of the land9 its length shall be twentyFfive thousand cubits# and the width ten thousand' 0t shall be holy throughout its territory all around'

0n controversy they shall stand as $udges# and $udge it according to 4y $udgments' They shall 1ee" 4y laws and 4y statutes in all 4y a""ointed meetings# and they shall hallow 4y Sabbaths'

3f this there shall be a sGuare "lot for the sanctuary# five hundred by five hundred rods# with fifty cubits around it for an o"en s"ace'

:They shall not defile themselves by coming near a dead "erson' 3nly for father or mother# for son or daughter# for brother or unmarried sister may they defile themselves'

So this is the district you shall measure7 twentyFfive thousand cubits long and ten thousand wide9 in it shall be the sanctuary# the 4ost 2oly /lace'

After he is cleansed# they shall count seven days for him'


And on the day that he goes to the sanctuary to minister in the sanctuary# he must offer his sin offering in the inner court#: says the )ord (3*'

0t shall be a holy section of the land# belonging to the "riests# the ministers of the sanctuary# who come near to minister to the )3+*9 it shall be a "lace for their houses and a holy "lace for the sanctuary'


An area twentyFfive thousand long and ten thousand wide shall to the )evites# the ministers tem"le9 they shall have chambers as a "ossession'

cubits belong of the twenty


:This is the offering which you shall offer7 you shall give oneFsi!th of an e"hah from a homer of wheat# and oneF si!th of an e"hah from a homer of barley'

:Cou shall a""oint as the "ro"erty of the city an area five thousand cubits wide and twentyFfive thousand long# ad$acent to the district of the holy section9 it shall belong to the whole house of 0srael'

The ordinance concerning oil# the bath of oil# is oneFtenth of a bath from a 1or' A 1or is a homer or ten baths# for ten baths are a homer'

:The "rince shall have a section on one side and the other of the holy district and the cityDs "ro"erty9 and bordering on the holy district and the cityDs "ro"erty# e!tending westward on the west side and eastward on the east side# the length shall be side by side with one of the tribal "ortions# from the west border to the east border'

And one lamb shall be given from a floc1 of two hundred# from the rich "astures of 0srael' These shall be for grain offerings# burnt offerings# and "eace offerings# to ma1e atonement for them#: says the )ord (3*'

:All the "eo"le of the land shall give this offering for the "rince in 0srael'

The land shall be his "ossession in 0srael9 and 4y "rinces shall no more o""ress 4y "eo"le# but they shall give the rest of the land to the house of 0srael# according to their tribes':

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 : nough# 3 "rinces of 0sraelH +emove violence and "lundering# e!ecute $ustice and righteousness# and sto" dis"ossessing 4y "eo"le#: says the )ord (3*'

Then it shall be the "rinceDs "art to give burnt offerings# grain offerings# and drin1 offerings# at the feasts# the New 4oons# the Sabbaths# and at all the a""ointed seasons of the house of 0srael' 2e shall "re"are the sin offering# the grain offering# the burnt offering# and the "eace offerings to ma1e atonement for the house of 0srael':

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :0n the first month# on the first day of the month# you shall ta1e a young bull without blemish and cleanse the sanctuary'

:Cou shall have honest scales# an honest e"hah# and an honest bath'

The e"hah and the bath shall be of the same measure# so that the bath contains oneFtenth of a homer# and the e"hah oneFtenth of a homer9 their measure shall be according to the homer'

The "riest shall ta1e some of the blood of the sin offering and "ut it on the door"osts of the tem"le# on the four corners of the ledge of the altar# and on the gate"osts of the gate of the inner court'

The she1el shall be twenty gerahs9 twenty she1els# twentyFfive she1els# and fifteen she1els shall be your mina'

And so you shall do on the seventh day of the month for everyone who has sinned unintentionally or in ignorance' Thus you shall ma1e atonement for the tem"le'


:0n the first month# on the fourteenth day of the month# you shall observe the /assover# a feast of seven days9 unleavened bread shall be eaten'

The burnt offering that the "rince offers to the )3+* on the Sabbath day shall be si! lambs without blemish# and a ram without blemish9

And on that day the "rince shall "re"are for himself and for all the "eo"le of the land a bull for a sin offering'

3n the seven days of the feast he shall "re"are a burnt offering to the )3+*# seven bulls and seven rams without blemish# daily for seven days# and a 1id of the goats daily for a sin offering'

and the grain offering shall be one e"hah for a ram# and the grain offering for the lambs# as much as he wants to give# as well as a hin of oil with every e"hah'

3n the day of the New 4oon it shall be a young bull without blemish# si! lambs# and a ram9 they shall be without blemish'

And he shall "re"are a grain offering of one e"hah for each bull and one e"hah for each ram# together with a hin of oil for each e"hah'

2e shall "re"are a grain offering of an e"hah for a bull# an e"hah for a ram# as much as he wants to give for the lambs# and a hin of oil with every e"hah'

:0n the seventh month# on the fifteenth day of the month# at the feast# he shall do li1ewise for seven days# according to the sin offering# the burnt offering# the grain offering# and the oil':

Bhen the "rince enters# he shall go in by way of the vestibule of the gateway# and go out the same way'

46:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :The

gateway of the inner court that faces toward the east shall be shut the si! wor1ing days9 but on the Sabbath it shall be o"ened# and on the day of the New 4oon it shall be o"ened'

The "rince shall enter by way of the vestibule of the gateway from the outside# and stand by the gate"ost' The "riests shall "re"are his burnt offering and his "eace offerings' 2e shall worshi" at the threshold of the gate' Then he shall go out# but the gate shall not be shut until evening'

:But when the "eo"le of the land come before the )3+* on the a""ointed feast days# whoever enters by way of the north gate to worshi" shall go out by way of the south gate9 and whoever enters by way of the south gate shall go out by way of the north gate' 2e shall not return by way of the gate through which he came# but shall go out through the o""osite gate'

The "rince shall then be in their midst' Bhen they go in# he shall go in9 and when they go out# he shall go out'

)i1ewise the "eo"le of the land shall worshi" at the entrance to this gateway before the )3+* on the Sabbaths and the New 4oons'

At the festivals and the a""ointed feast days the grain offering shall be an e"hah for a bull# an e"hah for a ram# as much as he wants to give for the lambs# and a hin of oil with every e"hah'

:Now when the "rince ma1es a voluntary burnt offering or voluntary

"eace offering to the )3+*# the gate that faces toward the east shall then be o"ened for him9 and he shall "re"are his burnt offering and his "eace offerings as he did on the Sabbath day' Then he shall go out# and after he goes out the gate shall be shut'

"riests which face toward the north9 and there a "lace was situated at their e!treme western end'

:Cou shall daily ma1e a burnt offering to the )3+* of a lamb of the first year without blemish9 you shall "re"are it every morning'

And he said to me# :This is the "lace where the "riests shall boil the tres"ass offering and the sin offering# and where they shall ba1e the grain offering# so that they do not bring them out into the outer court to sanctify the "eo"le':

And you shall "re"are a grain offering with it every morning# a si!th of an e"hah# and a third of a hin of oil to moisten the fine flour' This grain offering is a "er"etual ordinance# to be made regularly to the )3+*'

Then he brought me out into the outer court and caused me to "ass by the four corners of the court9 and in fact# in every corner of the court there was another court'

Thus they shall "re"are the lamb# the grain offering# and the oil# as a regular burnt offering every morning':

0n the four corners of the court were enclosed courts# forty cubits long and thirty wide9 all four corners were the same si.e'

:Thus says the )ord (3*7 :0f the "rince gives a gift of some of his inheritance to any of his sons# it shall belong to his sons9 it is their "ossession by inheritance'

There was a row of building stones all around in them# all around the four of them9 and coo1ing hearths were made under the rows of stones all around'

But if he gives a gift of some of his inheritance to one of his servants# it shall be his until the year of liberty# after which it shall return to the "rince' But his inheritance shall belong to his sons9 it shall become theirs'

And he said to me# :These are the 1itchens where the ministers of the tem"le shall boil the sacrifices of the "eo"le':

47Then he brought me bac1 to the

door of the tem"le9 and there was water# flowing from under the threshold of the tem"le toward the east# for the front of the tem"le faced east9 the water was flowing from under the right side of the tem"le# south of the altar'

4oreover the "rince shall not ta1e any of the "eo"leDs inheritance by evicting them from their "ro"erty9 he shall "rovide an inheritance for his sons from his own "ro"erty# so that none of 4y "eo"le may be scattered from his "ro"erty'::D

Now he brought me through the entrance# which was at the side of the gate# into the holy chambers of the

2e brought me out by way of the north gate# and led me around on the outside to the outer gateway that faces east9 and there was water# running out on the right side'

And when the man went out to the east with the line in his hand# he measured one thousand cubits# and he brought me through the waters9 the water came u" to my an1les'


But its swam"s and marshes will not be healed9 they will be given over to salt'

Again he measured one thousand and brought me through the waters9 the water came u" to my 1nees' Again he measured one thousand and brought me through9 the water came u" to my waist'

Along the ban1 of the river# on this side and that# will grow all 1inds of trees used for food9 their leaves will not wither# and their fruit will not fail' They will bear fruit every month# because their water flows from the sanctuary' Their fruit will be for food# and their leaves for medicine':

Again he measured one thousand# and it was a river that 0 could not cross9 for the water was too dee"# water in which one must swim# a river that could not be crossed'

Thus says the )ord (3*7 :These are the borders by which you shall divide the land as an inheritance among the twelve tribes of 0srael' Jose"h shall have two "ortions'

2e said to me# :Son of man# have you seen thisE: Then he brought me and returned me to the ban1 of the river'

Cou shall inherit it eGually with one another9 for 0 raised 4y hand in an oath to give it to your fathers# and this land shall fall to you as your inheritance'

Bhen 0 returned# there# along the ban1 of the river# were very many trees on one side and the other'

:This shall be the border of the land on the north7 from the (reat Sea# by the road to 2ethlon# as one goes to 5edad#

Then he said to me7 :This water flows toward the eastern region# goes down into the valley# and enters the sea' Bhen it reaches the sea# its waters are healed'

2amath# Berothah# Sibraim Iwhich is between the border of *amascus and the border of 2amathJ# to 2atticon Iwhich is on the border of 2auranJ'

And it shall be that every living thing that moves# wherever the rivers go# will live' There will be a very great multitude of fish# because these waters go there9 for they will be healed# and everything will live wherever the river goes'

Thus the boundary shall be from the Sea to nan# the border of *amascus9 and as for the north# northward# it is the border of 2amath' This is the north side'

0t shall be that fishermen will stand by it from n (edi to n glaim9 they will be "laces for s"reading their nets' Their fish will be of the same 1inds as the fish of the (reat Sea# e!ceedingly many'

:3n the east side you shall mar1 out the border from between 2auran and *amascus# and between (ilead and the land of 0srael# along the Jordan# and along the eastern side of the sea' This is the east side'

:The south side# toward the South# shall be from Tamar to the waters of

4eribah by Kadesh# along the broo1 to the (reat Sea' This is the south side# toward the South'


by the border of 4anasseh# from the east side to the west# one section for "hraim9

:The west side shall be the (reat Sea# from the southern boundary until one comes to a "oint o""osite 2amath' This is the west side'

by the border of "hraim# from the east side to the west# one section for +euben9

:Thus you shall divide this land among yourselves according to the tribes of 0srael'

by the border of +euben# from the east side to the west# one section for Judah9

0t shall be that you will divide it by lot as an inheritance for yourselves# and for the strangers who dwell among you and who bear children among you' They shall be to you as nativeFborn among the children of 0srael9 they shall have an inheritance with you among the tribes of 0srael'

by the border of Judah# from the east side to the west# shall be the district which you shall set a"art# twentyFfive thousand cubits in width# and in length the same as one of the other "ortions# from the east side to the west# with the sanctuary in the center'

And it shall be that in whatever tribe the stranger dwells# there you shall give him his inheritance#: says the )ord (3*'

:The district that you shall set a"art for the )3+* shall be twentyFfive thousand cubits in length and ten thousand in width'

48:Now these are the names of the

tribes7 From the northern border along the road to 2ethlon at the entrance of 2amath# to nan# the border of *amascus northward# in the direction of 2amath# there shall be one section for *an from its east to its west side9

To theseFFto the "riestsFFthe holy district shall belong7 on the north twentyF five thousand cubits in length# on the west ten thousand in width# on the east ten thousand in width# and on the south twentyFfive thousand in length' The sanctuary of the )3+* shall be in the center'

by the border of *an# from the east side to the west# one section for Asher9

0t shall be for the "riests of the sons of 5ado1# who are sanctified# who have 1e"t 4y charge# who did not go astray when the children of 0srael went astray# as the )evites went astray'

by the border of Asher# from the east side to the west# one section for Na"htali9

And this district of land that is set a"art shall be to them a thing most holy by the border of the )evites'

by the border of Na"htali# from the east side to the west# one section for 4anasseh9

:3""osite the border of the "riests# the )evites shall have an area twentyFfive thousand cubits in length and ten thousand in width9 its entire length shall

be twentyFfive thousand and its width ten thousand'


And they shall not sell or e!change any of it9 they may not alienate this best "art of the land# for it is holy to the )3+*'

holy district as far as the eastern border# and westward ne!t to the twentyFfive thousand as far as the western border# ad$acent to the tribal "ortions9 it shall belong to the "rince' 0t shall be the holy district# and the sanctuary of the tem"le shall be in the center'

:The five thousand cubits in width that remain# along the edge of the twentyF five thousand# shall be for general use by the city# for dwellings and commonF land9 and the city shall be in the center'

4oreover# a"art from the "ossession of the )evites and the "ossession of the city which are in the midst of what belongs to the "rince# the area between the border of Judah and the border of Ben$amin shall belong to the "rince'

These shall be its measurements7 the north side four thousand five hundred cubits# the south side four thousand five hundred# the east side four thousand five hundred# and the west side four thousand five hundred'

:As for the rest of the tribes# from the east side to the west# Ben$amin shall have one section9

The commonFland of the city shall be7 to the north two hundred and fifty cubits# to the south two hundred and fifty# to the east two hundred and fifty# and to the west two hundred and fifty'

by the border of Ben$amin# from the east side to the west# Simeon shall have one section9

by the border of Simeon# from the east side to the west# 0ssachar shall have one section9

The rest of the length# alongside the district of the holy section# shall be ten thousand cubits to the east and ten thousand to the west' 0t shall be ad$acent to the district of the holy section# and its "roduce shall be food for the wor1ers of the city'

by the border of 0ssachar# from the east side to the west# 5ebulun shall have one section9

by the border of 5ebulun# from the east side to the west# (ad shall have one section9

The wor1ers of the city# from all the tribes of 0srael# shall cultivate it'

The entire district shall be twentyFfive thousand cubits by twentyFfive thousand cubits# foursGuare' Cou shall set a"art the holy district with the "ro"erty of the city'

by the border of (ad# on the south side# toward the South# the border shall be from Tamar to the waters of 4eribah by Kadesh# along the broo1 to the (reat Sea'

:The rest shall belong to the "rince# on one side and on the other of the holy district and of the cityDs "ro"erty# ne!t to the twentyFfive thousand cubits of the

This is the land which you shall divide by lot as an inheritance among the tribes of 0srael# and these are their "ortions#: says the )ord (3*'


:These are the e!its of the city' 3n the north side# measuring four thousand five hundred cubits


on the south side# measuring four thousand five hundred cubits# three gates7 one gate for Simeon# one gate for 0ssachar# and one gate for 5ebulun9

Ithe gates of the city shall be named after the tribes of 0sraelJ# the three gates northward7 one gate for +euben# one gate for Judah# and one gate for )evi9

on the west side# four thousand five hundred cubits with their three gates7 one gate for (ad# one gate for Asher# and one gate for Na"htali'

on the east side# four thousand five hundred cubits# three gates7 one gate for Jose"h# one gate for Ben$amin# and one gate for *an9

All the way around shall be eighteen thousand cubits9 and the name of the city from that day shall be7 T2 )3+* 0S T2 + ':

Daniel 10n
, >

the third year of the reign of Jehoia1im 1ing of Judah# 1ing of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it' And the )ord gave Jehoia1im 1ing of Judah into his hand# with some of the articles of the house of (od# which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his god9 and he brought the articles into the treasure house of his god'

But *aniel "ur"osed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the "ortion of the 1ingDs delicacies# nor with the wine which he dran19 therefore he reGuested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself'

Now (od had brought *aniel into the favor and goodwill of the chief of the eunuchs'

Then the 1ing instructed Ash"ena.# the master of his eunuchs# to bring some of the children of 0srael and some of the 1ingDs descendants and some of the nobles#

And the chief of the eunuchs said to *aniel# :0 fear my lord the 1ing# who has a""ointed your food and drin1' For why should he see your faces loo1ing worse than the young men who are your ageE Then you would endanger my head before the 1ing':

young men in whom there was no blemish# but goodFloo1ing# gifted in all wisdom# "ossessing 1nowledge and Guic1 to understand# who had ability to serve in the 1ingDs "alace# and whom they might teach the language and literature of the -haldeans'

So *aniel said to the steward whom the chief of the eunuchs had set over *aniel# 2ananiah# 4ishael# and A.ariah#

:/lease test your servants for ten days# and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drin1'

And the 1ing a""ointed for them a daily "rovision of the 1ingDs delicacies and of the wine which he dran1# and three years of training for them# so that at the end of that time they might serve before the 1ing'

Then let our a""earance be e!amined before you# and the a""earance of the young men who eat the "ortion of the 1ingDs delicacies9 and as you see fit# so deal with your servants':

So he consented with them in this matter# and tested them ten days'

Now from among those of the sons of Judah were *aniel# 2ananiah# 4ishael# and A.ariah'

To them the chief of the eunuchs gave names7 he gave *aniel the name Beltesha..ar9 to 2ananiah# Shadrach9 to 4ishael# 4eshach9 and to A.ariah# AbedFNego'

And at the end of ten days their features a""eared better and fatter in flesh than all the young men who ate the "ortion of the 1ingDs delicacies'

Thus the steward too1 away their "ortion of delicacies and the wine that

they were to drin1# and gave them vegetables'


your servants the dream# and we will give the inter"retation':


As for these four young men# (od gave them 1nowledge and s1ill in all literature and wisdom9 and *aniel had understanding in all visions and dreams'

Now at the end of the days# when the 1ing had said that they should be brought in# the chief of the eunuchs brought them in before'

The 1ing answered and said to the -haldeans# :4y decision is firm7 if you do not ma1e 1nown the dream to me# and its inter"retation# you shall be cut in "ieces# and your houses shall be made an ash hea"'

Then the 1ing interviewed them# and among them all none was found li1e *aniel# 2ananiah# 4ishael# and A.ariah9 therefore they served before the 1ing'

2owever# if you tell the dream and its inter"retation# you shall receive from me gifts# rewards# and great honor' Therefore tell me the dream and its inter"retation':

They answered again and said# :)et the 1ing tell his servants the dream# and we will give its inter"retation':

And in all matters of wisdom and understanding about which the 1ing e!amined them# he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers who were in all his realm'

The 1ing answered and said# :0 1now for certain that you would gain time# because you see that my decision is firm7

Thus *aniel continued until the first year of King -yrus'


in the second year of Nebuchadne..arDs reign# had dreams9 and his s"irit was so troubled that his slee" left him'

if you do not ma1e 1nown the dream to me# there is only one decree for youH For you have agreed to s"ea1 lying and corru"t words before me till the time has changed' Therefore tell me the dream# and 0 shall 1now that you can give me its inter"retation':

Then the 1ing gave the command to call the magicians# the astrologers# the sorcerers# and the -haldeans to tell the 1ing his dreams' So they came and stood before the 1ing'

The -haldeans answered the 1ing# and said# :There is not a man on earth who can tell the 1ingDs matter9 therefore no 1ing# lord# or ruler has ever as1ed such things of any magician# astrologer# or -haldean'

And the 1ing said to them# :0 have had a dream# and my s"irit is an!ious to 1now the dream':

0t is a difficult thing that the 1ing reGuests# and there is no other who can tell it to the 1ing e!ce"t the gods# whose dwelling is not with flesh':

Then the -haldeans s"o1e to the 1ing in Aramaic# :3 1ing# live foreverH Tell

For this reason the 1ing was angry and very furious# and gave the command to destroy all the wise men of Babylon'


So the decree went out# and they began 1illing the wise men9 and they sought *aniel and his com"anions# to 1ill them'


Then with counsel and wisdom *aniel answered Arioch# the ca"tain of the 1ingDs guard# who had gone out to 1ill the wise men of Babylon9

:0 than1 Cou and "raise Cou# 3 (od of my fathers9 Cou have given me wisdom and might# And have now made 1nown to me what we as1ed of Cou# For Cou have made 1nown to us the 1ingDs demand':

he answered and said to Arioch the 1ingDs ca"tain# :Bhy is the decree from the 1ing so urgentE: Then Arioch made the decision 1nown to *aniel'

Therefore *aniel went to Arioch# whom the 1ing had a""ointed to destroy the wise men of Babylon' 2e went and said thus to him7 :*o not destroy the wise men of Babylon9 ta1e me before the 1ing# and 0 will tell the 1ing the inter"retation':

So *aniel went in and as1ed the 1ing to give him time# that he might tell the 1ing the inter"retation'

Then *aniel went to his house# and made the decision 1nown to 2ananiah# 4ishael# and A.ariah# his com"anions#

Then Arioch Guic1ly brought *aniel before the 1ing# and said thus to him# :0 have found a man of the ca"tives of Judah# who will ma1e 1nown to the 1ing the inter"retation':

that they might see1 mercies from the (od of heaven concerning this secret# so that *aniel and his com"anions might not "erish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon'

The 1ing answered and said to *aniel# whose name was :Are you able to ma1e 1nown to me the dream which 0 have seen# and its inter"retationE:

Then the secret was revealed to *aniel in a night vision' So *aniel blessed the (od of heaven'

*aniel answered in the "resence of the 1ing# and said# :The secret which the 1ing has demanded# the wise men# the astrologers# the magicians# and the soothsayers cannot declare to the 1ing'

*aniel answered and said7 :Blessed be the name of (od forever and ever# For wisdom and might are 2is'

And 2e changes the times and the seasons9 2e removes 1ings and raises u" 1ings9 2e gives wisdom to the wise And 1nowledge to those who have understanding'

But there is a (od in heaven who reveals secrets# and 2e has made 1nown to King what will be in the latter days' Cour dream# and the visions of your head u"on your bed# were these7

2e reveals dee" and secret things9 2e 1nows what is in the dar1ness# And light dwells with 2im'

As for you# 3 1ing# thoughts came to your mind while on your bed# about what would come to "ass after this9 and 2e who reveals secrets has made 1nown to you what will be'

But as for me# this secret has not been revealed to me because 0 have more

wisdom than anyone living# but for our sa1es who ma1e 1nown the inter"retation to the 1ing# and that you may 1now the thoughts of your heart'


And the fourth 1ingdom shall be as strong as iron# inasmuch as iron brea1s in "ieces and shatters everything9 and li1e iron that crushes# that 1ingdom will brea1 in "ieces and crush all the others'

:Cou# 3 1ing# were watching9 and behold# a great imageH This great image# whose s"lendor was e!cellent# stood before you9 and its form was awesome'

This imageDs head was of fine gold# its chest and arms of silver# its belly and thighs of bron.e#

Bhereas you saw the feet and toes# "artly of "otterDs clay and "artly of iron# the 1ingdom shall be divided9 yet the strength of the iron shall be in it# $ust as you saw the iron mi!ed with ceramic clay'

its legs of iron# its feet "artly of iron and "artly of clay'

And as the toes of the feet were "artly of iron and "artly of clay# so the 1ingdom shall be "artly strong and "artly fragile'

Cou watched while a stone was cut out without hands# which struc1 the image on its feet of iron and clay# and bro1e them in "ieces'

As you saw iron mi!ed with ceramic clay# they will mingle with the seed of men9 but they will not adhere to one another# $ust as iron does not mi! with clay'

Then the iron# the clay# the bron.e# the silver# and the gold were crushed together# and became li1e chaff from the summer threshing floors9 the wind carried them away so that no trace of them was found' And the stone that struc1 the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth'

And in the days of these 1ings the (od of heaven will set u" a 1ingdom which shall never be destroyed9 and the 1ingdom shall not be left to other "eo"le9 it shall brea1 in "ieces and consume all these 1ingdoms# and it shall stand forever'

:This is the dream' Now we will tell the inter"retation of it before the 1ing'

Cou# 3 1ing# are a 1ing of 1ings' For the (od of heaven has given you a 1ingdom# "ower# strength# and glory9

and wherever the children of men dwell# or the beasts of the field and the birds of the heaven# 2e has given them into your hand# and has made you ruler over them allFFyou are this head of gold'

0nasmuch as you saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands# and that it bro1e in "ieces the iron# the bron.e# the clay# the silver# and the goldFFthe great (od has made 1nown to the 1ing what will come to "ass after this' The dream is certain# and its inter"retation is sure':

Then King fell on his face# "rostrate before *aniel# and commanded that they should "resent an offering and incense to him'

But after you shall arise another 1ingdom inferior to yours9 then another# a third 1ingdom of bron.e# which shall rule over all the earth'

The 1ing answered *aniel# and said# :Truly your (od is the (od of gods# the

)ord of 1ings# and a revealer of secrets# since you could reveal this secret':

image that King has set u"9


Then the 1ing "romoted *aniel and gave him many great gifts9 and he made him ruler over the whole "rovince of Babylon# and chief administrator over all the wise men of Babylon'

and whoever does not fall down and worshi" shall be cast immediately into the midst of a burning fiery furnace':

Also *aniel "etitioned the 1ing# and he set Shadrach# 4eshach# and AbedF Nego over the affairs of the "rovince of Babylon9 but *aniel sat in the gate of the 1ing'

So at that time# when all the "eo"le heard the sound of the horn# flute# har"# and lyre# in sym"hony with all 1inds of music# all the "eo"le# nations# and languages fell down and worshi"ed the gold image which King had set u"'
> the 1ing made an

image of gold# whose height was si!ty cubits and its width si! cubits' 2e set it u" in the "lain of *ura# in the "rovince of Babylon'

Therefore at that time certain -haldeans came forward and accused the Jews'

They s"o1e and said to King :3 1ing# live foreverH


And King sent word to gather together the satra"s# the administrators# the governors# the counselors# the treasurers# the $udges# the magistrates# and all the officials of the "rovinces# to come to the dedication of the image which King had set u"'

Cou# 3 1ing# have made a decree that everyone who hears the sound of the horn# flute# har"# lyre# and "saltery# in sym"hony with all 1inds of music# shall fall down and worshi" the gold image9

and whoever does not fall down and worshi" shall be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace'

So the satra"s# the administrators# the governors# the counselors# the treasurers# the $udges# the magistrates# and all the officials of the "rovinces gathered together for the dedication of the image that King had set u"9 and they stood before the image that had set u"'

There are certain Jews whom you have set over the affairs of the "rovince of Babylon7 Shadrach# 4eshach# and AbedFNego9 these men# 3 1ing# have not "aid due regard to you' They do not serve your gods or worshi" the gold image which you have set u"':

Then a herald cried aloud7 :To you it is commanded# 3 "eo"les# nations# and languages#

that at the time you hear the sound of the horn# flute# har"# lyre# and "saltery# in sym"hony with all 1inds of music# you shall fall down and worshi" the gold

Then in rage and fury# gave the command to bring Shadrach# 4eshach# and AbedFNego' So they brought these men before the 1ing'
%; s"o1e# saying to them# :0s it true# Shadrach# 4eshach#

and AbedFNego# that you do not serve my gods or worshi" the gold image which 0 have set u"E


Now if you are ready at the time you hear the sound of the horn# flute# har"# lyre# and "saltery# in sym"hony with all 1inds of music# and you fall down and worshi" the image which 0 have made# goodH But if you do not worshi"# you shall be cast immediately into the midst of a burning fiery furnace' And who is the god who will deliver you from my handsE:

Therefore# because the 1ingDs command was urgent# and the furnace e!ceedingly hot# the flame of the fire 1illed those men who too1 u" Shadrach# 4eshach# and AbedFNego'

And these three men# Shadrach# 4eshach# and AbedFNego# fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace'

Shadrach# 4eshach# and AbedFNego answered and said to the 1ing# :3 we have no need to answer you in this matter'

Then King was astonished9 and he rose in haste and s"o1e# saying to his counselors# :*id we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fireE: They answered and said to the 1ing# :True# 3 1ing':

0f that is the case# our (od whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace# and 2e will deliver us from your hand# 3 1ing'

:)oo1H: he answered# :0 see four men loose# wal1ing in the midst of the fire9 and they are not hurt# and the form of the fourth is li1e the Son of (od':

But if not# let it be 1nown to you# 3 1ing# that we do not serve your gods# nor will we worshi" the gold image which you have set u"':

Then went near the mouth of the burning fiery furnace and s"o1e# saying# :Shadrach# 4eshach# and AbedFNego# servants of the 4ost 2igh (od# come out# and come here': Then Shadrach# 4eshach# and AbedF Nego came from the midst of the fire'

Then was full of fury# and the e!"ression on his face changed toward Shadrach# 4eshach# and AbedF Nego' 2e s"o1e and commanded that they heat the furnace seven times more than it was usually heated'

And he commanded certain mighty men of valor who were in his army to bind Shadrach# 4eshach# and AbedF Nego# and cast them into the burning fiery furnace'

And the satra"s# administrators# governors# and the 1ingDs counselors gathered together# and they saw these men on whose bodies the fire had no "ower9 the hair of their head was not singed nor were their garments affected# and the smell of fire was not on them'

Then these men were bound in their coats# their trousers# their turbans# and their other garments# and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace' s"o1e# saying# :Blessed be the (od of Shadrach# 4eshach# and AbedFNego# who sent 2is Angel and delivered 2is servants who trusted in 2im# and they have frustrated the 1ingDs word# and yielded their bodies# that they should not serve nor worshi" any god e!ce"t their own (odH


Therefore 0 ma1e a decree that any "eo"le# nation# or language which s"ea1s anything amiss against the (od of Shadrach# 4eshach# and AbedFNego shall be cut in "ieces# and their houses shall be made an ash hea"9 because there is no other (od who can deliver li1e this':


But at last *aniel came before me Ihis name is according to the name of my god9 in him is the S"irit of the 2oly (odJ# and 0 told the dream before him# saying7

Then the 1ing "romoted Shadrach# 4eshach# and AbedFNego in the "rovince of Babylon' chief of the magicians# because 0 1now that the S"irit of the 2oly (od is in you# and no secret troubles you# e!"lain to me the visions of my dream that 0 have seen# and its inter"retation'

the 1ing# To all "eo"les# nations# and languages that dwell in all the earth7 /eace be multi"lied to you' 0 thought it good to declare the signs and wonders that the 4ost 2igh (od has wor1ed for me'

:These were the visions of my head while on my bed7 0 was loo1ing# and behold# A tree in the midst of the earth# And its height was great'

The tree grew and became strong9 0ts height reached to the heavens# And it could be seen to the ends of all the earth'

2ow great are 2is signs# And how mighty 2is wondersH 2is 1ingdom is an everlasting 1ingdom# And 2is dominion is from generation to generation'

0ts leaves were lovely# 0ts fruit abundant# And in it was food for all' The beasts of the field found shade under it# The birds of the heavens dwelt in its branches# And all flesh was fed from it'

0# was at rest in my house# and flourishing in my "alace'


0 saw a dream which made me afraid# and the thoughts on my bed and the visions of my head troubled me'

:0 saw in the visions of my head while on my bed# and there was a watcher# a holy one# coming down from heaven'

Therefore 0 issued a decree to bring in all the wise men of Babylon before me# that they might ma1e 1nown to me the inter"retation of the dream'

2e cried aloud and said thus7 :-ho" down the tree and cut off its branches# Stri" off its leaves and scatter its fruit' )et the beasts get out from under it# And the birds from its branches'

Then the magicians# the astrologers# the -haldeans# and the soothsayers came in# and 0 told them the dream9 but they did not ma1e 1nown to me its inter"retation'

Nevertheless leave the stum" and roots in the earth# Bound with a band of iron and bron.e# 0n the tender grass of the field' )et it be wet with the dew of heaven# And let him gra.e with the beasts 3n the grass of the earth'

)et his heart be changed from that of a man# )et him be given the heart of a

beast# And let seven times "ass over him'


:This decision is by the decree of the watchers# And the sentence by the word of the holy ones# 0n order that the living may 1now That the 4ost 2igh rules in the 1ingdom of men# (ives it to whomever 2e will# And sets over it the lowest of men'D

tree and destroy it# but leave its stum" and roots in the earth# bound with a band of iron and bron.e in the tender grass of the field9 let it be wet with the dew of heaven# and let him gra.e with the beasts of the field# till seven times "ass over himD9

this is the inter"retation# 3 1ing# and this is the decree of the 4ost 2igh# which has come u"on my lord the 1ing7

:This dream 0# King have seen' Now you# declare its inter"retation# since all the wise men of my 1ingdom are not able to ma1e 1nown to me the inter"retation9 but you are able# for the S"irit of the 2oly (od is in you':

Then *aniel# whose name was was astonished for a time# and his thoughts troubled him' So the 1ing s"o1e# and said# do not let the dream or its inter"retation trouble you': answered and said# :4y lord# may the dream concern those who hate you# and its inter"retation concern your enemiesH

They shall drive you from men# your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field# and they shall ma1e you eat grass li1e o!en' They shall wet you with the dew of heaven# and seven times shall "ass over you# till you 1now that the 4ost 2igh rules in the 1ingdom of men# and gives it to whomever 2e chooses'

:And inasmuch as they gave the command to leave the stum" and roots of the tree# your 1ingdom shall be assured to you# after you come to 1now that 2eaven rules'

:The tree that you saw# which grew and became strong# whose height reached to the heavens and which could be seen by all the earth#

Therefore# 3 1ing# let my advice be acce"table to you9 brea1 off your sins by being righteous# and your iniGuities by showing mercy to the "oor' /erha"s there may be a lengthening of your "ros"erity':

whose leaves were lovely and its fruit abundant# in which was food for all# under which the beasts of the field dwelt# and in whose branches the birds of the heaven had their homeFF

All this came'




At the end of the twelve months he was wal1ing about the royal "alace of Babylon'

it is you# 3 1ing# who have grown and become strong9 for your greatness has grown and reaches to the heavens# and your dominion to the end of the earth'

The 1ing s"o1e# saying# :0s not this great Babylon# that 0 have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty "ower and for the honor of my ma$estyE:

:And inasmuch as the 1ing saw a watcher# a holy one# coming down from heaven and saying# :-ho" down the

Bhile the word was still in the 1ingDs mouth# a voice fell from heaven7 :King to you it is s"o1en7 the 1ingdom has de"arted from youH

6, the 1ing made a great

feast for a thousand of his lords# and dran1 wine in the "resence of the thousand'

And they shall drive you from men# and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field' They shall ma1e you eat grass li1e o!en9 and seven times shall "ass over you# until you 1now that the 4ost 2igh rules in the 1ingdom of men# and gives it to whomever 2e chooses':

That very hour the word was fulfilled concerning Nebuchadne..ar9 he was driven from men and ate grass li1e o!en9 his body was wet with the dew of heaven till his hair had grown li1e eaglesD feathers and his nails li1e birdsD claws'

Bhile he tasted the wine# gave the command to bring the gold and silver vessels which his father had ta1en from the tem"le which had been in Jerusalem# that the 1ing and his lords# his wives# and his concubines might drin1 from them'

And at the end of the time 0# lifted my eyes to heaven# and my understanding returned to me9 and 0 blessed the 4ost 2igh and "raised and honored 2im who lives forever7 For 2is dominion is an everlasting dominion# And 2is 1ingdom is from generation to generation'

Then they brought the gold vessels that had been ta1en from the tem"le of the house of (od which had been in Jerusalem9 and the 1ing and his lords# his wives# and his concubines dran1 from them'

They dran1 wine# and "raised the gods of gold and silver# bron.e and iron# wood and stone'

All the inhabitants of the earth are re"uted as nothing9 2e does according to 2is will in the army of heaven And among the inhabitants of the earth' No one can restrain 2is hand 3r say to 2im# :Bhat have Cou doneE:

0n the same hour the fingers of a manDs hand a""eared and wrote o""osite the lam"stand on the "laster of the wall of the 1ingDs "alace9 and the 1ing saw the "art of the hand that wrote'

At the same time my reason returned to me# and for the glory of my 1ingdom# my honor and s"lendor returned to me' 4y counselors and nobles resorted to me# 0 was restored to my 1ingdom# and e!cellent ma$esty was added to me'

Then the 1ingDs countenance changed# and his thoughts troubled him# so that the $oints of his hi"s were loosened and his 1nees 1noc1ed against each other'

Now 0# "raise and e!tol and honor the King of heaven# all of whose wor1s are truth# and 2is ways $ustice' And those who wal1 in "ride 2e is able to "ut down'

The 1ing cried aloud to bring in the astrologers# the -haldeans# and the soothsayers' The 1ing s"o1e# saying to the wise men of Babylon# :Bhoever reads this writing# and tells me its inter"retation# shall be clothed with "ur"le and have a chain of gold around his nec19 and he shall be the third ruler in the 1ingdom':


Now all the 1ingDs wise men came# but they could not read the writing# or ma1e 1nown to the 1ing its inter"retation'

could not give the inter"retation of the thing'


Then King was greatly troubled# his countenance was changed# and his lords were astonished'

The Gueen# because of the words of the 1ing and his lords# came to the banGuet hall' The Gueen s"o1e# saying# :3 1ing# live foreverH *o not let your thoughts trouble you# nor let your countenance change'

And 0 have heard of you# that you can give inter"retations and e!"lain enigmas' Now if you can read the writing and ma1e 1nown to me its inter"retation# you shall be clothed with "ur"le and have a chain of gold around your nec1# and shall be the third ruler in the 1ingdom':

There is a man in your 1ingdom in whom is the S"irit of the 2oly (od' And in the days of your father# light and understanding and wisdom# li1e the wisdom of the gods# were found in him9 and King your fatherFF your father the 1ingFFmade him chief of the magicians# astrologers# -haldeans# and soothsayers'

Then *aniel answered# and said before the 1ing# :)et your gifts be for yourself# and give your rewards to another9 yet 0 will read the writing to the 1ing# and ma1e 1nown to him the inter"retation'

3 1ing# the 4ost 2igh (od gave your father a 1ingdom and ma$esty# glory and honor'

0nasmuch as an e!cellent s"irit# 1nowledge# understanding# inter"reting dreams# solving riddles# and e!"laining enigmas were found in this *aniel# whom the 1ing named now let *aniel be called# and he will give the inter"retation':

And because of the ma$esty that 2e gave him# all "eo"les# nations# and languages trembled and feared before him' Bhomever he wished# he e!ecuted9 whomever he wished# he 1e"t alive9 whomever he wished# he set u"9 and whomever he wished# he "ut down'

Then *aniel was brought in before the 1ing' The 1ing s"o1e# and said to *aniel# :Are you that *aniel who is one of the ca"tives from Judah# whom my father the 1ing brought from JudahE

But when his heart was lifted u"# and his s"irit was hardened in "ride# he was de"osed from his 1ingly throne# and they too1 his glory from him'

0 have heard of you# that the S"irit of (od is in you# and that light and understanding and e!cellent wisdom are found in you'

Now the wise men# the astrologers# have been brought in before me# that they should read this writing and ma1e 1nown to me its inter"retation# but they

Then he was driven from the sons of men# his heart was made li1e the beasts# and his dwelling was with the wild don1eys' They fed him with grass li1e o!en# and his body was wet with the dew of heaven# till he 1new that the 4ost 2igh (od rules in the 1ingdom of men# and a""oints over it whomever 2e chooses'


:But you his son# have not humbled your heart# although you 1new all this'

60t "leased *arius to set over the

1ingdom one hundred and twenty satra"s# to be over the whole 1ingdom9

And you have lifted yourself u" against the )ord of heaven' They have brought the vessels of 2is house before you# and you and your lords# your wives and your concubines# have drun1 wine from them' And you have "raised the gods of silver and gold# bron.e and iron# wood and stone# which do not see or hear or 1now9 and the (od who holds your breath in 2is hand and owns all your ways# you have not glorified'

and over these# three governors# of whom *aniel was one# that the satra"s might give account to them# so that the 1ing would suffer no loss'

Then this *aniel distinguished himself above the governors and satra"s# because an e!cellent s"irit was in him9 and the 1ing gave thought to setting him over the whole realm'

Then the fingers of the hand were sent from 2im# and this writing was written'

:And this is the inscri"tion that was written7 4 N # 4 N # T K )# A/2A+S0N'


So the governors and satra"s sought to find some charge against *aniel concerning the 1ingdom9 but they could find no charge or fault# because he was faithful9 nor was there any error or fault found in him'

This is the inter"retation of each word' 4 N 7 (od has numbered your 1ingdom# and finished it9

T K )7 Cou have been weighed in the balances# and found wanting9


Then these men said# :Be shall not find any charge against this *aniel unless we find it against him concerning the law of his (od':

/ + S7 Cour 1ingdom has been divided# and given to the 4edes and /ersians':

So these governors and satra"s thronged before the 1ing# and said thus to him7 :King *arius# live foreverH

Then gave the command# and they clothed *aniel with "ur"le and "ut a chain of gold around his nec1# and made a "roclamation concerning him that he should be the third ruler in the 1ingdom'

All the governors of the 1ingdom# the administrators and satra"s# the counselors and advisors# have consulted together to establish a royal statute and to ma1e a firm decree# that whoever "etitions any god or man for thirty days# e!ce"t you# 3 1ing# shall be cast into the den of lions'

That very night 1ing of the -haldeans# was slain'


And *arius the 4ede received the 1ingdom# being about si!tyFtwo years old'

Now# 3 1ing# establish the decree and sign the writing# so that it cannot be changed# according to the law of the 4edes and /ersians# which does not alter':

Therefore King written decree'





saying to *aniel# :Cour (od# whom you serve continually# 2e will deliver you':

Now when *aniel 1new that the writing was signed# he went home' And in his u""er room# with his windows o"en toward Jerusalem# he 1nelt down on his 1nees three times that day# and "rayed and gave than1s before his (od# as was his custom since early days'

Then a stone was brought and laid on the mouth of the den# and the 1ing sealed it with his own signet ring and with the signets of his lords# that the "ur"ose concerning *aniel might not be changed'

Then these men assembled and found *aniel "raying and ma1ing su""lication before his (od'

Now the 1ing went to his "alace and s"ent the night fasting9 and no musicians were brought before him' Also his slee" went from him'

And they went before the 1ing# and s"o1e concerning the 1ingDs decree7 :2ave you not signed a decree that every man who "etitions any god or man within thirty days# e!ce"t you# 3 1ing# shall be cast into the den of lionsE: The 1ing answered and said# :The thing is true# according to the law of the 4edes and /ersians# which does not alter':

Then the 1ing arose very early in the morning and went in haste to the den of lions'

And when he came to the den# he cried out with a lamenting voice to *aniel' The 1ing s"o1e# saying to *aniel# :*aniel# servant of the living (od# has your (od# whom you serve continually# been able to deliver you from the lionsE:

So they answered and said before the 1ing# :That *aniel# who is one of the ca"tives from Judah# does not show due regard for you# 3 1ing# or for the decree that you have signed# but ma1es his "etition three times a day':

Then *aniel said to the 1ing# :3 1ing# live foreverH


And the 1ing# when he heard these words# was greatly dis"leased with himself# and set his heart on *aniel to deliver him9 and he labored till the going down of the sun to deliver him'

4y (od sent 2is angel and shut the lionsD mouths# so that they have not hurt me# because 0 was found innocent before 2im9 and also# 3 1ing# 0 have done no wrong before you':

Then these men a""roached the 1ing# and said to the 1ing# :Know# 3 1ing# that it is the law of the 4edes and /ersians that no decree or statute which the 1ing establishes may be changed':

Now the 1ing was e!ceedingly glad for him# and commanded that they should ta1e *aniel u" out of the den' So *aniel was ta1en u" out of the den# and no in$ury whatever was found on him# because he believed in his (od'

So the 1ing gave the command# and they brought *aniel and cast him into the den of lions' But the 1ing s"o1e#

And the 1ing gave the command# and they brought those men who had accused *aniel# and they cast them into the den of lionsFFthem# their children# and their wives9 and the lions

over"owered them# and bro1e all their bones in "ieces before they ever came to the bottom of the den'


Then King *arius wrote7 To all "eo"les# nations# and languages that dwell in all the earth7 /eace be multi"lied to you'

:And suddenly another beast# a second# li1e a bear' 0t was raised u" on one side# and had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth' And they said thus to it7 :Arise# devour much fleshHD

0 ma1e a decree that in every dominion of my 1ingdom men must tremble and fear before the (od of *aniel' For 2e is the living (od# And steadfast forever9 2is 1ingdom is the one which shall not be destroyed# And 2is dominion shall endure to the end'

:After this 0 loo1ed# and there was another# li1e a leo"ard# which had on its bac1 four wings of a bird' The beast also had four heads# and dominion was given to it'

2e delivers and rescues# And 2e wor1s signs and wonders 0n heaven and on earth# Bho has delivered *aniel from the "ower of the lions'

:After this 0 saw in the night visions# and behold# a fourth beast# dreadful and terrible# e!ceedingly strong' 0t had huge iron teeth9 it was devouring# brea1ing in "ieces# and tram"ling the residue with its feet' 0t was different from all the beasts that were before it# and it had ten horns'

So this *aniel "ros"ered in the reign of *arius and in the reign of -yrus the /ersian'

70n the first year of 1ing of

Babylon# *aniel had a dream and visions of his head while on his bed' Then he wrote down the dream# telling the main facts'

0 was considering the horns# and there was another horn# a little one# coming u" among them# before whom three of the first horns were "luc1ed out by the roots' And there# in this horn# were eyes li1e the eyes of a man# and a mouth s"ea1ing "om"ous words'

*aniel s"o1e# saying# :0 saw in my vision by night# and behold# the four winds of heaven were stirring u" the (reat Sea'

:0 watched till thrones were "ut in "lace# And the Ancient of *ays was seated9 2is garment was white as snow# And the hair of 2is head was li1e "ure wool' 2is throne was a fiery flame# 0ts wheels a burning fire9

And four great beasts came u" from the sea# each different from the other'

A fiery stream issued And came forth from before 2im' A thousand thousands ministered to 2im9 Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before 2im' The court was seated# And the boo1s were o"ened'

The first was li1e a lion# and had eagleDs wings' 0 watched till its wings were "luc1ed off9 and it was lifted u" from the earth and made to stand on two feet li1e a man# and a manDs heart was given to it'

:0 watched then because of the sound of the "om"ous words which the horn was s"ea1ing9 0 watched till the beast was slain# and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame'


As for the rest of the beasts# they had their dominion ta1en away# yet their lives were "rolonged for a season and a time'

s"o1e "om"ous words# whose a""earance was greater than his fellows'

:0 was watching in the night visions# And behold# 3ne li1e the Son of 4an# -oming with the clouds of heavenH 2e came to the Ancient of *ays# And they brought 2im near before 2im'

:0 was watching9 and the same horn was ma1ing war against the saints# and "revailing against them#

Then to 2im was given dominion and glory and a 1ingdom# That all "eo"les# nations# and languages should serve 2im' 2is dominion is an everlasting dominion# Bhich shall not "ass away# And 2is 1ingdom the one Bhich shall not be destroyed'

until the Ancient of *ays came# and a $udgment was made in favor of the saints of the 4ost 2igh# and the time came for the saints to "ossess the 1ingdom'

:Thus he said7 :The fourth beast shall be A fourth 1ingdom on earth# Bhich shall be different from all other 1ingdoms# And shall devour the whole earth# Tram"le it and brea1 it in "ieces'

:0# *aniel# was grieved in my s"irit within my body# and the visions of my head troubled me'

0 came near to one of those who stood by# and as1ed him the truth of all this' So he told me and made 1nown to me the inter"retation of these things7

The ten horns are ten 1ings Bho shall arise from this 1ingdom' And another shall rise after them9 2e shall be different from the first ones# And shall subdue three 1ings'

:Those great beasts# which are four# are four 1ings which arise out of the earth'

2e shall s"ea1 "om"ous words against the 4ost 2igh# Shall "ersecute the saints of the 4ost 2igh# And shall intend to change times and law' Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time and times and half a time'

But the saints of the 4ost 2igh shall receive the 1ingdom# and "ossess the 1ingdom forever# even forever and ever'D

:But the court shall be seated# And they shall ta1e away his dominion# To consume and destroy it forever'

:Then 0 wished to 1now the truth about the fourth beast# which was different from all the others# e!ceedingly dreadful# with its teeth of iron and its nails of bron.e# which devoured# bro1e in "ieces# and tram"led the residue with its feet9

Then the 1ingdom and dominion# And the greatness of the 1ingdoms under the whole heaven# Shall be given to the "eo"le# the saints of the 4ost 2igh' 2is 1ingdom is an everlasting 1ingdom# And all dominions shall serve and obey 2im'D

and the ten horns that were on its head# and the other horn which came u"# before which three fell# namely# that horn which had eyes and a mouth which

:This is the end of the account' As for me# *aniel# my thoughts greatly troubled me# and my countenance changed9 but 0 1e"t the matter in my heart':

80n the third year of the reign of King a vision a""eared to meFFto me# *anielFFafter the one that a""eared to me the first time'

large horn was bro1en# and in "lace of it four notable ones came u" toward the four winds of heaven'

0 saw in the vision# and it so ha""ened while 0 was loo1ing# that 0 was in Shushan# the citadel# which is in the "rovince of lam9 and 0 saw in the vision that 0 was by the +iver Alai'

And out of one of them came a little horn which grew e!ceedingly great toward the south# toward the east# and toward the (lorious )and'

Then 0 lifted my eyes and saw# and there# standing beside the river# was a ram which had two horns# and the two horns were high9 but one was higher than the other# and the higher one came u" last'

And it grew u" to the host of heaven9 and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars to the ground# and tram"led them'

2e even e!alted himself as high as the /rince of the host9 and by him the daily sacrifices were ta1en away# and the "lace of 2is sanctuary was cast down'

0 saw the ram "ushing westward# northward# and southward# so that no animal could withstand him9 nor was there any that could deliver from his hand# but he did according to his will and became great'

Because of transgression# an army was given over to the horn to o""ose the daily sacrifices9 and he cast truth down to the ground' 2e did all this and "ros"ered'

And as 0 was considering# suddenly a male goat came from the west# across the surface of the whole earth# without touching the ground9 and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes'

Then 0 heard a holy one s"ea1ing9 and another holy one said to that certain one who was s"ea1ing# :2ow long will the vision be# concerning the daily sacrifices and the transgression of desolation# the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be tram"led underfootE:

Then he came to the ram that had two horns# which 0 had seen standing beside the river# and ran at him with furious "ower'

And he said to me# :For two thousand three hundred days9 then the sanctuary shall be cleansed':

And 0 saw him confronting the ram9 he was moved with rage against him# attac1ed the ram# and bro1e his two horns' There was no "ower in the ram to withstand him# but he cast him down to the ground and tram"led him9 and there was no one that could deliver the ram from his hand'

Then it ha""ened# when 0# *aniel# had seen the vision and was see1ing the meaning# that suddenly there stood before me one having the a""earance of a man'

Therefore the male goat grew very great9 but when he became strong# the

And 0 heard a manDs voice between the ban1s of the Alai# who called# and said# :(abriel# ma1e this man understand the vision':


So he came near where 0 stood# and when he came 0 was afraid and fell on my face9 but he said to me# :Anderstand# son of man# that the vision refers to the time of the end':


:And the vision of the evenings and mornings Bhich was told is true9 Therefore seal u" the vision# For it refers to many days in the future':

Now# as he was s"ea1ing with me# 0 was in a dee" slee" with my face to the ground9 but he touched me# and stood me u"right'

And 0# *aniel# fainted and was sic1 for days9 afterward 0 arose and went about the 1ingDs business' 0 was astonished by the vision# but no one understood it'

And he said# :)oo1# 0 am ma1ing 1nown to you what shall ha""en in the latter time of the indignation9 for at the a""ointed time the end shall be'

90n the first year of *arius the son of

Ahasuerus# of the lineage of the 4edes# who was made 1ing over the realm of the -haldeansFF

The ram which you saw# having the two hornsFFthey are the 1ings of 4edia and /ersia'

And the male goat is the 1ingdom of (reece' The large horn that is between its eyes is the first 1ing'

in the first year of his reign 0# *aniel# understood by the boo1s the number of the years s"ecified by the word of the )3+* through Jeremiah the "ro"het# that 2e would accom"lish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem'

As for the bro1en horn and the four that stood u" in its "lace# four 1ingdoms shall arise out of that nation# but not with its "ower'

Then 0 set my face toward the )ord (od to ma1e reGuest by "rayer and su""lications# with fasting# sac1cloth# and ashes'

:And in the latter time of their 1ingdom# Bhen the transgressors have reached their fullness# A 1ing shall arise# 2aving fierce features# Bho understands sinister schemes'

And 0 "rayed to the )3+* my (od# and made confession# and said# :3 )ord# great and awesome (od# who 1ee"s 2is covenant and mercy with those who love 2im# and with those who 1ee" 2is commandments#

2is "ower shall be mighty# but not by his own "ower9 2e shall destroy fearfully# And shall "ros"er and thrive9 2e shall destroy the mighty# and also the holy "eo"le'

we have sinned and committed iniGuity# we have done wic1edly and rebelled# even by de"arting from Cour "rece"ts and Cour $udgments'

:Through his cunning 2e shall cause deceit to "ros"er under his rule9 And he shall e!alt himself in his heart' 2e shall destroy many in their "ros"erity' 2e shall even rise against the /rince of "rinces9 But he shall be bro1en without human means'

Neither have we heeded Cour servants the "ro"hets# who s"o1e in Cour name to our 1ings and our "rinces# to our fathers and all the "eo"le of the land'

3 )ord# righteousness belongs to Cou# but to us shame of face# as it is this

dayFFto the men of Judah# to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all 0srael# those near and those far off in all the countries to which Cou have driven them# because of the unfaithfulness which they have committed against Cou'


And now# 3 )ord our (od# who brought Cour "eo"le out of the land of gy"t with a mighty hand# and made Courself a name# as it is this dayFFwe have sinned# we have done wic1edlyH

:3 )ord# to us belongs shame of face# to our 1ings# our "rinces# and our fathers# because we have sinned against Cou'

To the )ord our (od belong mercy and forgiveness# though we have rebelled against 2im'

:3 )ord# according to all Cour righteousness# 0 "ray# let Cour anger and Cour fury be turned away from Cour city Jerusalem# Cour holy mountain9 because for our sins# and for the iniGuities of our fathers# Jerusalem and Cour "eo"le are a re"roach to all those around us'

Be have not obeyed the voice of the )3+* our (od# to wal1 in 2is laws# which 2e set before us by 2is servants the "ro"hets'

Now therefore# our (od# hear the "rayer of Cour servant# and his su""lications# and for the )ordDs sa1e cause Cour face to shine on Cour sanctuary# which is desolate'

Ces# all 0srael has transgressed Cour law# and has de"arted so as not to obey Cour voice9 therefore the curse and the oath written in the )aw of 4oses the servant of (od have been "oured out on us# because we have sinned against 2im'

3 my (od# incline Cour ear and hear9 o"en Cour eyes and see our desolations# and the city which is called by Cour name9 for we do not "resent our su""lications before Cou because of our righteous deeds# but because of Cour great mercies'

And 2e has confirmed 2is words# which 2e s"o1e against us and against our $udges who $udged us# by bringing u"on us a great disaster9 for under the whole heaven such has never been done as what has been done to Jerusalem'

3 )ord# hearH 3 )ord# forgiveH 3 )ord# listen and actH *o not delay for Cour own sa1e# my (od# for Cour city and Cour "eo"le are called by Cour name':

:As it is written in the )aw of 4oses# all this disaster has come u"on us9 yet we have not made our "rayer before the )3+* our (od# that we might turn from our iniGuities and understand Cour truth'

Now while 0 was s"ea1ing# "raying# and confessing my sin and the sin of my "eo"le 0srael# and "resenting my su""lication before the )3+* my (od for the holy mountain of my (od#

Therefore the )3+* has 1e"t the disaster in mind# and brought it u"on us9 for the )3+* our (od is righteous in all the wor1s which 2e does# though we have not obeyed 2is voice'

yes# while 0 was s"ea1ing in "rayer# the man (abriel# whom 0 had seen in the vision at the beginning# being caused to fly swiftly# reached me about the time of the evening offering'

And he informed me# and tal1ed with me# and said# :3 *aniel# 0 have now

come forth understand'







understood the message# and had understanding of the vision'


At the beginning of your su""lications the command went out# and 0 have come to tell you# for you are greatly beloved9 therefore consider the matter# and understand the vision7

0n those days 0# *aniel# was mourning three full wee1s'


:Seventy wee1s are determined For your "eo"le and for your holy city# To finish the transgression# To ma1e an end of sins# To ma1e reconciliation for iniGuity# To bring in everlasting righteousness# To seal u" vision and "ro"hecy# And to anoint the 4ost 2oly'

0 ate no "leasant food# no meat or wine came into my mouth# nor did 0 anoint myself at all# till three whole wee1s were fulfilled'

Now on the twentyFfourth day of the first month# as 0 was by the side of the great river# that is# the Tigris#

:Know therefore and understand# That from the going forth of the command To restore and build Jerusalem Antil 4essiah the /rince# There shall be seven wee1s and si!tyFtwo wee1s9 The street shall be built again# and the wall# ven in troublesome times'

0 lifted my eyes and loo1ed# and behold# a certain man clothed in linen# whose waist was girded with gold of A"ha.H

:And after the si!tyFtwo wee1s 4essiah shall be cut off# but not for 2imself9 And the "eo"le of the "rince who is to come Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary' The end of it shall be with a flood# And till the end of the war desolations are determined'

2is body was li1e beryl# his face li1e the a""earance of lightning# his eyes li1e torches of fire# his arms and feet li1e burnished bron.e in color# and the sound of his words li1e the voice of a multitude'

And 0# *aniel# alone saw the vision# for the men who were with me did not see the vision9 but a great terror fell u"on them# so that they fled to hide themselves'

Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one wee19 But in the middle of the wee1 2e shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering' And on the wing of abominations shall be one who ma1es desolate# ven until the consummation# which is determined# 0s "oured out on the desolate':

Therefore 0 was left alone when 0 saw this great vision# and no strength remained in me9 for my vigor was turned to frailty in me# and 0 retained no strength'

100n the third year of -yrus 1ing of

/ersia a message was revealed to *aniel# whose name was called' The message was true# but the a""ointed time was long9 and he

Cet 0 heard the sound of his words9 and while 0 heard the sound of his words 0 was in a dee" slee" on my face# with my face to the ground'

Suddenly# a hand touched me# which made me tremble on my 1nees and on the "alms of my hands'


And he said to me# :3 *aniel# man greatly beloved# understand the words that 0 s"ea1 to you# and stand u"right# for 0 have now been sent to you': Bhile he was s"ea1ing this word to me# 0 stood trembling'

yes# be strongH: So when he s"o1e to me 0 was strengthened# and said# :)et my lord s"ea1# for you have strengthened me':

Then he said to me# :*o not fear# *aniel# for from the first day that you set your heart to understand# and to humble yourself before your (od# your words were heard9 and 0 have come because of your words'

Then he said# :*o you 1now why 0 have come to youE And now 0 must return to fight with the "rince of /ersia9 and when 0 have gone forth# indeed the "rince of (reece will come'

But the "rince of the 1ingdom of /ersia withstood me twentyFone days9 and behold# 4ichael# one of the chief "rinces# came to hel" me# for 0 had been left alone there with the 1ings of /ersia'

But 0 will tell you what is noted in the Scri"ture of Truth' INo one u"holds me against these# e!ce"t 4ichael your "rince'

11:Also in the first year of *arius the

4ede# 0# even 0# stood u" to confirm and strengthen him'J

Now 0 have come to ma1e you understand what will ha""en to your "eo"le in the latter days# for the vision refers to many days yet to come':

Bhen he had s"o1en such words to me# 0 turned my face toward the ground and became s"eechless'

And now 0 will tell you the truth7 Behold# three more 1ings will arise in /ersia# and the fourth shall be far richer than them all9 by his strength# through his riches# he shall stir u" all against the realm of (reece'

And suddenly# one having the li1eness of the sons of men touched my li"s9 then 0 o"ened my mouth and s"o1e# saying to him who stood before me# :4y lord# because of the vision my sorrows have overwhelmed me# and 0 have retained no strength'

Then a mighty 1ing shall arise# who shall rule with great dominion# and do according to his will'

For how can this servant of my lord tal1 with you# my lordE As for me# no strength remains in me now# nor is any breath left in me':

And when he has arisen# his 1ingdom shall be bro1en u" and divided toward the four winds of heaven# but not among his "osterity nor according to his dominion with which he ruled9 for his 1ingdom shall be u"rooted# even for others besides these'

Then again# the one having the li1eness of a man touched me and strengthened me'

:Also the 1ing of the South shall become strong# as well as one of his "rinces9 and he shall gain "ower over him and have dominion' 2is dominion shall be a great dominion'

And he said# :3 man greatly beloved# fear notH /eace be to you9 be strong#


And at the end of some years they shall $oin forces# for the daughter of the 1ing of the South shall go to the 1ing of the North to ma1e an agreement9 but she shall not retain the "ower of her authority# and neither he nor his authority shall stand9 but she shall be given u"# with those who brought her# and with him who begot her# and with him who strengthened her in those times'


For the 1ing of the North will return and muster a multitude greater than the former# and shall certainly come at the end of some years with a great army and much eGui"ment'

:Now in those times many shall rise u" against the 1ing of the South' Also# violent men of your "eo"le shall e!alt themselves in fulfillment of the vision# but they shall fall'

But from a branch of her roots one shall arise in his "lace# who shall come with an army# enter the fortress of the 1ing of the North# and deal with them and "revail'

So the 1ing of the North shall come and build a siege mound# and ta1e a fortified city9 and the forces of the South shall not withstand him' ven his choice troo"s shall have no strength to resist'

And he shall also carry their gods ca"tive to gy"t# with their "rinces and their "recious articles of silver and gold9 and he shall continue more years than the 1ing of the North'

But he who comes against him shall do according to his own will# and no one shall stand against him' 2e shall stand in the (lorious )and with destruction in his "ower'

:Also the 1ing of the North shall come to the 1ingdom of the 1ing of the South# but shall return to his own land'

2owever his sons shall stir u" strife# and assemble a multitude of great forces9 and one shall certainly come and overwhelm and "ass through9 then he shall return to his fortress and stir u" strife'

:2e shall also set his face to enter with the strength of his whole 1ingdom# and u"right ones with him9 thus shall he do' And he shall give him the daughter of women to destroy it9 but she shall not stand with him# or be for him'

:And the 1ing of the South shall be moved with rage# and go out and fight with him# with the 1ing of the North# who shall muster a great multitude9 but the multitude shall be given into the hand of his enemy'

After this he shall turn his face to the coastlands# and shall ta1e many' But a ruler shall bring the re"roach against them to an end9 and with the re"roach removed# he shall turn bac1 on him'

Then he shall turn his face toward the fortress of his own land9 but he shall stumble and fall# and not be found'

Bhen he has ta1en away the multitude# his heart will be lifted u"9 and he will cast down tens of thousands# but he will not "revail'

:There shall arise in his "lace one who im"oses ta!es on the glorious 1ingdom9 but within a few days he shall be destroyed# but not in anger or in battle'

And in his "lace shall arise a vile "erson# to whom they will not give the

honor of royalty9 but he shall come in "eaceably# and sei.e the 1ingdom by intrigue'


:At the a""ointed time he shall return and go toward the south9 but it shall not be li1e the former or the latter'

Bith the force of a flood they shall be swe"t away from before him and be bro1en# and also the "rince of the covenant'

And after the league is made with him he shall act deceitfully# for he shall come u" and become strong with a small number of "eo"le'

For shi"s from -y"rus shall come against him9 therefore he shall be grieved# and return in rage against the holy covenant# and do damage' :So he shall return and show regard for those who forsa1e the holy covenant'

2e shall enter "eaceably# even into the richest "laces of the "rovince9 and he shall do what his fathers have not done# nor his forefathers7 he shall dis"erse among them the "lunder# s"oil# and riches9 and he shall devise his "lans against the strongholds# but only for a time'

And forces shall be mustered by him# and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress9 then they shall ta1e away the daily sacrifices# and "lace there the abomination of desolation'

Those who do wic1edly against the covenant he shall corru"t with flattery9 but the "eo"le who 1now their (od shall be strong# and carry out great e!"loits'

:2e shall stir u" his "ower and his courage against the 1ing of the South with a great army' And the 1ing of the South shall be stirred u" to battle with a very great and mighty army9 but he shall not stand# for they shall devise "lans against him'

And those of the "eo"le who understand shall instruct many9 yet for many days they shall fall by sword and flame# by ca"tivity and "lundering'

Now when they fall# they shall be aided with a little hel"9 but many shall $oin with them by intrigue'

Ces# those who eat of the "ortion of his delicacies shall destroy him9 his army shall be swe"t away# and many shall fall down slain'

And some of those of understanding shall fall# to refine them# "urify them# and ma1e them white# until the time of the end9 because it is still for the a""ointed time'

Both these 1ingsD hearts shall be bent on evil# and they shall s"ea1 lies at the same table9 but it shall not "ros"er# for the end will still be at the a""ointed time'

Bhile returning to his land with great riches# his heart shall be moved against the holy covenant9 so he shall do damage and return to his own land'

:Then the 1ing shall do according to his own will7 he shall e!alt and magnify himself above every god# shall s"ea1 blas"hemies against the (od of gods# and shall "ros"er till the wrath has been accom"lished9 for what has been determined shall be done'

2e shall regard neither the (od of his fathers nor the desire of women# nor

regard any god9 for he shall e!alt himself above them all'


But in their "lace he shall honor a god of fortresses9 and a god which his fathers did not 1now he shall honor with gold and silver# with "recious stones and "leasant things'

And he shall "lant the tents of his "alace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain9 yet he shall come to his end# and no one will hel" him'

12:At that time 4ichael shall stand

u"# The great "rince who stands watch over the sons of your "eo"le9 And there shall be a time of trouble# Such as never was since there was a nation# ven to that time' And at that time your "eo"le shall be delivered# very one who is found written in the boo1'

Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god# which he shall ac1nowledge# and advance its glory9 and he shall cause them to rule over many# and divide the land for gain'

:At the time of the end the 1ing of the South shall attac1 him9 and the 1ing of the North shall come against him li1e a whirlwind# with chariots# horsemen# and with many shi"s9 and he shall enter the countries# overwhelm them# and "ass through'

And many of those who slee" in the dust of the earth shall awa1e# Some to everlasting life# Some to shame and everlasting contem"t'

2e shall also enter the (lorious )and# and many countries shall be overthrown9 but these shall esca"e from his hand7 dom# 4oab# and the "rominent "eo"le of Ammon'

Those who are wise shall shine )i1e the brightness of the firmament# And those who turn many to righteousness )i1e the stars forever and ever'

2e shall stretch out his hand against the countries# and the land of gy"t shall not esca"e'

:But you# *aniel# shut u" the words# and seal the boo1 until the time of the end9 many shall run to and fro# and 1nowledge shall increase':

2e shall have "ower over the treasures of gold and silver# and over all the "recious things of gy"t9 also the )ibyans and thio"ians shall follow at his heels'

Then 0# *aniel# loo1ed9 and there stood two others# one on this riverban1 and the other on that riverban1'

But news from the east and the north shall trouble him9 therefore he shall go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many'

And one said to the man clothed in linen# who was above the waters of the river# :2ow long shall the fulfillment of these wonders beE:

Then 0 heard the man clothed in linen# who was above the waters of the river# when he held u" his right hand and his left hand to heaven# and swore by 2im who lives forever# that it shall be for a time# times# and half a time9 and when the "ower of the holy "eo"le has been

com"letely shattered# all these things shall be finished'



Although 0 heard# 0 did not understand' Then 0 said# :4y lord# what shall be the end of these thingsE:

:And from the time that the daily sacrifice is ta1en away# and the abomination of desolation is set u"# there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days'

And he said# :(o your way# *aniel# for the words are closed u" and sealed till the time of the end'

Blessed is he who waits# and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirtyFfive days'

4any shall be "urified# made white# and refined# but the wic1ed shall do wic1edly9 and none of the wic1ed shall understand# but the wise shall understand'

:But you# go your way till the end9 for you shall rest# and will arise to your inheritance at the end of the days':

Hosea 1The word of the )3+* that came to

2osea the son of Beeri# in the days of A..iah# Jotham# Aha.# and 2e.e1iah# 1ings of Judah# and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash# 1ing of 0srael'
, ?

Then (od said7 :-all his name )oF Ammi# For you are not 4y "eo"le# And 0 will not be your (od'

Bhen the )3+* began to s"ea1 by 2osea# the )3+* said to 2osea7 :(o# ta1e yourself a wife of harlotry And children of harlotry# For the land has committed great harlotry By de"arting from the )3+*':

:Cet the number of the children of 0srael Shall be as the sand of the sea# Bhich cannot be measured or numbered' And it shall come to "ass 0n the "lace where it was said to them# :Cou are not 4y "eo"le#D There it shall be said to them# :Cou are sons of the living (od'D

So he went and too1 (omer the daughter of *iblaim# and she conceived and bore him a son'

Then the children of Judah and the children of 0srael Shall be gathered together# And a""oint for themselves one head9 And they shall come u" out of the land# For great will be the day of Je.reelH

Then the )3+* said to him7 :-all name Je.reel# For in a little while 0 avenge the bloodshed of Je.reel on house of Jehu# And bring an end to 1ingdom of the house of 0srael'

his will the the

2Say to your brethren# :4y "eo"le#D

And to your sisters# :4ercy is shown'D

0t shall come to "ass in that day That 0 will brea1 the bow of 0srael in the Valley of Je.reel':

:Bring charges against your mother# bring charges9 For she is not 4y wife# nor am 0 her 2usbandH )et her "ut away her harlotries from her sight# And her adulteries from between her breasts9

And she conceived again and bore a daughter' Then (od said to him7 :-all her name )oF+uhamah# For 0 will no longer have mercy on the house of 0srael# But 0 will utterly ta1e them away'

)est 0 stri" her na1ed And e!"ose her# as in the day she was born# And ma1e her li1e a wilderness# And set her li1e a dry land# And slay her with thirst'

Cet 0 will have mercy on the house of Judah# Bill save them by the )3+* their (od# And will not save them by bow# Nor by sword or battle# By horses or horsemen':

:0 will not have mercy on her children# For they are the children of harlotry'

Now when she had weaned )oF +uhamah# she conceived and bore a son'

For their mother has "layed the harlot9 She who conceived them has behaved shamefully' For she said# :0 will go after my lovers# Bho give me my bread and my water# 4y wool and my linen# 4y oil and my drin1'D


:Therefore# behold# 0 will hedge u" your way with thorns# And wall her in# So that she cannot find her "aths'

days of her youth# As in the day when she came u" from the land of gy"t'

She will chase her lovers# But not overta1e them9 Ces# she will see1 them# but not find them' Then she will say# :0 will go and return to my first husband# For then it was better for me than now'D

:And it shall be# in that day#: Says the )3+*# :That you will call 4e :4y 2usband#D And no longer call 4e :4y 4aster#D

For she did not 1now That 0 gave her grain# new wine# and oil# And multi"lied her silver and goldFF Bhich they "re"ared for Baal'

For 0 will ta1e from her mouth the names of the Baals# And they shall be remembered by their name no more'

:Therefore 0 will return and ta1e away 4y grain in its time And 4y new wine in its season# And will ta1e bac1 4y wool and 4y linen# (iven to cover her na1edness'

0n that day 0 will ma1e a covenant for them Bith the beasts of the field# Bith the birds of the air# And with the cree"ing things of the ground' Bow and sword of battle 0 will shatter from the earth# To ma1e them lie down safely'

Now 0 will uncover her lewdness in the sight of her lovers# And no one shall deliver her from 4y hand'

:0 will betroth you to 4e forever9 Ces# 0 will betroth you to 4e 0n righteousness and $ustice# 0n loving1indness and mercy9

0 will also cause all her mirth to cease# 2er feast days# 2er New 4oons# 2er SabbathsFF All her a""ointed feasts'

0 will betroth you to 4e in faithfulness# And you shall 1now the )3+*'

:And 0 will destroy her vines and her fig trees# 3f which she has said# :These are my wages that my lovers have given me'D So 0 will ma1e them a forest# And the beasts of the field shall eat them'

:0t shall come to "ass in that day That 0 will answer#: says the )3+*9 :0 will answer the heavens# And they shall answer the earth'

The earth shall answer Bith grain# Bith new wine# And with oil9 They shall answer Je.reel'

0 will "unish her For the days of the Baals to which she burned incense' She dec1ed herself with her earrings and $ewelry# And went after her lovers9 But 4e she forgot#: says the )3+*'

:Therefore# behold# 0 will allure her# Bill bring her into the wilderness# And s"ea1 comfort to her'

Then 0 will sow her for 4yself in the earth# And 0 will have mercy on her who had not obtained mercy9 Then 0 will say to those who were not 4y "eo"le# :Cou are 4y "eo"leHD And they shall say# :Cou are my (odH:D

0 will give her her vineyards from there# And the Valley of Achor as a door of ho"e9 She shall sing there# As in the

3Then the )3+* said to me# :(o

again# love a woman who is loved by a lover and is committing adultery# $ust li1e

the love of the )3+* for the children of 0srael# who loo1 to other gods and love the raisin ca1es of the "agans':


Therefore you shall stumble in the day9 The "ro"het also shall stumble with you in the night9 And 0 will destroy your mother'

So 0 bought her for myself for fifteen she1els of silver# and one and oneFhalf homers of barley'

And 0 said to her# :Cou shall stay with me many days9 you shall not "lay the harlot# nor shall you have a manFFso# too# will 0 be toward you':

4y "eo"le are destroyed for lac1 of 1nowledge' Because you have re$ected 1nowledge# 0 also will re$ect you from being "riest for 4e9 Because you have forgotten the law of your (od# 0 also will forget your children'

For the children of 0srael shall abide many days without 1ing or "rince# without sacrifice or sacred "illar# without e"hod or tera"him'

:The more they increased# The more they sinned against 4e9 0 will change their glory into shame'

They eat u" the sin of 4y "eo"le9 They set their heart on their iniGuity'

Afterward the children of 0srael shall return and see1 the )3+* their (od and *avid their 1ing' They shall fear the )3+* and 2is goodness in the latter days'

And it shall be7 li1e "eo"le# li1e "riest' So 0 will "unish them for their ways# And reward them for their deeds'

42ear the word of the )3+*# Cou

children of 0srael# For the )3+* brings a charge against the inhabitants of the land7 :There is no truth or mercy 3r 1nowledge of (od in the land'

For they shall eat# but not have enough9 They shall commit harlotry# but not increase9 Because they have ceased obeying the )3+*'

:2arlotry# wine# and new wine enslave the heart'


By swearing and lying# Killing and stealing and committing adultery# They brea1 all restraint# Bith bloodshed u"on bloodshed'

4y "eo"le as1 counsel from their wooden idols# And their staff informs them' For the s"irit of harlotry has caused them to stray# And they have "layed the harlot against their (od'

Therefore the land will mourn9 And everyone who dwells there will waste away Bith the beasts of the field And the birds of the air9 ven the fish of the sea will be ta1en away'

:Now let no man contend# or rebu1e another9 For your "eo"le are li1e those who contend with the "riest'

They offer sacrifices on the mountainto"s# And burn incense on the hills# Ander oa1s# "o"lars# and terebinths# Because their shade is good' Therefore your daughters commit harlotry# And your brides commit adultery'

:0 will not "unish your daughters when they commit harlotry# Nor your brides when they commit adultery9 For the men

themselves go a"art with harlots# And offer sacrifices with a ritual harlot' Therefore "eo"le who do not understand will be tram"led'

their iniGuity9 Judah also stumbles with them'


:Though you# 0srael# "lay the harlot# )et not Judah offend' *o not come u" to (ilgal# Nor go u" to Beth Aven# Nor swear an oath# saying# :As the )3+* livesDFF

:Bith their floc1s and herds They shall go to see1 the )3+*# But they will not find 2im9 2e has withdrawn 2imself from them'

:For 0srael is stubborn )i1e a stubborn calf9 Now the )3+* will let them forage )i1e a lamb in o"en country'

They have dealt treacherously with the )3+*# For they have begotten "agan children' Now a New 4oon shall devour them and their heritage'

: "hraim is $oined to idols# )et him alone'


:Blow the ramDs horn in (ibeah# The trum"et in +amahH -ry aloud at Beth Aven# :)oo1 behind you# 3 Ben$aminHD

Their drin1 is rebellion# They commit harlotry continually' 2er rulers dearly love dishonor'

"hraim shall be desolate in the day of rebu1e9 Among the tribes of 0srael 0 ma1e 1nown what is sure'

The wind has wra""ed her u" in its wings# And they shall be ashamed because of their sacrifices'

:The "rinces of Judah are li1e those who remove a landmar19 0 will "our out 4y wrath on them li1e water'

5:2ear this# 3 "riestsH Ta1e heed# 3

house of 0sraelH (ive ear# 3 house of the 1ingH For yours is the $udgment# Because you have been a snare to 4i."ah And a net s"read on Tabor'

"hraim is o""ressed and bro1en in $udgment# Because he willingly wal1ed by human "rece"t'

Therefore 0 will be to "hraim li1e a moth# And to the house of Judah li1e rottenness'

The revolters are dee"ly involved in slaughter# Though 0 rebu1e them all'

0 1now "hraim# And 0srael is not hidden from 4e9 For now# 3 "hraim# you commit harlotry9 0srael is defiled'

:Bhen "hraim saw his sic1ness# And Judah saw his wound# Then "hraim went to Assyria And sent to King Jareb9 Cet he cannot cure you# Nor heal you of your wound'

:They do not direct their deeds Toward turning to their (od# For the s"irit of harlotry is in their midst# And they do not 1now the )3+*'

For 0 will be li1e a lion to "hraim# And li1e a young lion to the house of Judah' 0# even 0# will tear them and go away9 0 will ta1e them away# and no one shall rescue'

The "ride of 0srael testifies to his face9 Therefore 0srael and "hraim stumble in


0 will return again to 4y "lace Till they ac1nowledge their offense' Then they will see1 4y face9 0n their affliction they will earnestly see1 4e':


0 have seen a horrible thing in the house of 0srael7 There is the harlotry of "hraim9 0srael is defiled'

6-ome# and let us return to the )3+*9

For 2e has torn# but 2e will heal us9 2e has stric1en# but 2e will bind us u"'

Also# 3 Judah# a harvest is a""ointed for you# Bhen 0 return the ca"tives of 4y "eo"le'

7:Bhen 0 would have healed 0srael#

Then the iniGuity of "hraim was uncovered# And the wic1edness of Samaria' For they have committed fraud9 A thief comes in9 A band of robbers ta1es s"oil outside'

After two days 2e will revive us9 3n the third day 2e will raise us u"# That we may live in 2is sight'

)et us 1now# )et us "ursue the 1nowledge of the )3+*' 2is going forth is established as the morning9 2e will come to us li1e the rain# )i1e the latter and former rain to the earth'

They do not consider in their hearts That 0 remember all their wic1edness9 Now their own deeds have surrounded them9 They are before 4y face'

:3 "hraim# what shall 0 do to youE 3 Judah# what shall 0 do to youE For your faithfulness is li1e a morning cloud# And li1e the early dew it goes away'

They ma1e a 1ing glad with their wic1edness# And "rinces with their lies'

Therefore 0 have hewn them by the "ro"hets# 0 have slain them by the words of 4y mouth9 And your $udgments are li1e light that goes forth'

:They are all adulterers' )i1e an oven heated by a ba1erFF 2e ceases stirring the fire after 1neading the dough# Antil it is leavened'

For 0 desire mercy and not sacrifice# And the 1nowledge of (od more than burnt offerings'

0n the day of our 1ing /rinces have made him sic1# inflamed with wine9 2e stretched out his hand with scoffers'

:But li1e men they transgressed the covenant9 There they dealt treacherously with 4e'

They "re"are their heart li1e an oven# Bhile they lie in wait9 Their ba1er slee"s all night9 0n the morning it burns li1e a flaming fire'

(ilead is a city of evildoers And defiled with blood'


As bands of robbers lie in wait for a man# So the com"any of "riests murder on the way to Shechem9 Surely they commit lewdness'

They are all hot# li1e an oven# And have devoured their $udges9 All their 1ings have fallen' None among them calls u"on 4e'

: "hraim has mi!ed himself among the "eo"les9 "hraim is a ca1e unturned'

Aliens have devoured his strength# But he does not 1now it9 Ces# gray hairs are here and there on him# Cet he does not 1now it'

0srael will cry to 4e# :4y (od# we 1now CouHD


0srael has re$ected the good9 The enemy will "ursue him'

And the "ride of 0srael testifies to his face# But they do not return to the )3+* their (od# Nor see1 2im for all this'

: "hraim also is li1e a silly dove# without senseFF They call to gy"t# They go to Assyria'

:They set u" 1ings# but not by 4e9 They made "rinces# but 0 did not ac1nowledge them' From their silver and gold They made idols for themselvesFF That they might be cut off'

Bherever they go# 0 will s"read 4y net on them9 0 will bring them down li1e birds of the air9 0 will chastise them According to what their congregation has heard'

Cour calf is re$ected# 3 SamariaH 4y anger is aroused against themFF 2ow long until they attain to innocenceE

For from 0srael is even this7 A wor1man made it# and it is not (od9 But the calf of Samaria shall be bro1en to "ieces'

:Boe to them# for they have fled from 4eH *estruction to them# Because they have transgressed against 4eH Though 0 redeemed them# Cet they have s"o1en lies against 4e'

:They sow the wind# And rea" the whirlwind' The stal1 has no bud9 0t shall never "roduce meal' 0f it should "roduce# Aliens would swallow it u"'

They did not cry out to 4e with their heart Bhen they wailed u"on their beds' :They assemble together for grain and new wine# They rebel against 4e9

0srael is swallowed u"9 Now they are among the (entiles )i1e a vessel in which is no "leasure'

Though 0 disci"lined and strengthened their arms# Cet they devise evil against 4e9

For they have gone u" to Assyria# )i1e a wild don1ey alone by itself9 "hraim has hired lovers'

They return# but not to the 4ost 2igh9 They are li1e a treacherous bow' Their "rinces shall fall by the sword For the cursings of their tongue' This shall be their derision in the land of gy"t'

Ces# though they have hired among the nations# Now 0 will gather them9 And they shall sorrow a little# Because of the burden of the 1ing of "rinces'

8:Set the trum"et to your mouthH 2e

shall come li1e an eagle against the house of the )3+*# Because they have transgressed 4y covenant And rebelled against 4y law'

:Because "hraim has made many altars for sin# They have become for him altars for sinning'

0 have written for him the great things of 4y law# But they were considered a strange thing'


For the sacrifices of 4y offerings they sacrifice flesh and eat it# But the )3+* does not acce"t them' Now 2e will remember their iniGuity and "unish their sins' They shall return to gy"t'

s"iritual man is insane# Because of the greatness of your iniGuity and great enmity'

:For 0srael has forgotten his 4a1er# And has built tem"les9 Judah also has multi"lied fortified cities9 But 0 will send fire u"on his cities# And it shall devour his "alaces':

The watchman of "hraim is with my (od9 But the "ro"het is a fowlerDs snare in all his waysFF nmity in the house of his (od'

They are dee"ly corru"ted# As in the days of (ibeah' 2e will remember their iniGuity9 2e will "unish their sins'

9*o not re$oice# 3 0srael# with $oy li1e

other "eo"les# For you have "layed the harlot against your (od' Cou have made love for hire on every threshing floor'

The threshing floor and the wine"ress Shall not feed them# And the new wine shall fail in her'

:0 found 0srael )i1e gra"es in the wilderness9 0 saw your fathers As the firstfruits on the fig tree in its first season' But they went to Baal /eor# And se"arated themselves to that shame9 They became an abomination li1e the thing they loved'

They shall not dwell in the )3+*Ds land# But "hraim shall return to gy"t# And shall eat unclean things in Assyria'

As for "hraim# their glory shall fly away li1e a birdFF No birth# no "regnancy# and no conce"tionH

They shall not offer wine offerings to the )3+*# Nor shall their sacrifices be "leasing to 2im' 0t shall be li1e bread of mourners to them9 All who eat it shall be defiled' For their bread shall be for their own life9 0t shall not come into the house of the )3+*'

Though they bring u" their children# Cet 0 will bereave them to the last man' Ces# woe to them when 0 de"art from themH

Just as 0 saw "hraim li1e Tyre# "lanted in a "leasant "lace# So "hraim will bring out his children to the murderer':

Bhat will you do in the a""ointed day# And in the day of the feast of the )3+*E

(ive them# 3 )3+*FF Bhat will Cou giveE (ive them a miscarrying womb And dry breastsH

For indeed they are gone because of destruction' gy"t shall gather them u"9 4em"his shall bury them' Nettles shall "ossess their valuables of silver9 Thorns shall be in their tents'

:All their wic1edness is in (ilgal# For there 0 hated them' Because of the evil of their deeds 0 will drive them from 4y house9 0 will love them no more' All their "rinces are rebellious'

The days of "unishment have come9 The days of recom"ense have come' 0srael 1nowsH The "ro"het is a fool# The

"hraim is stric1en# Their root is dried u"9 They shall bear no fruit' Ces# were

they to bear children# 0 would 1ill the darlings of their womb':


4y (od will cast them away# Because they did not obey 2im9 And they shall be wanderers among the nations'

:3 0srael# you have sinned from the days of (ibeah9 There they stood' The battle in (ibeah against the children of iniGuity *id not overta1e them'

100srael em"ties his vine9 2e brings

forth fruit for himself' According to the multitude of his fruit 2e has increased the altars9 According to the bounty of his land They have embellished his sacred "illars'

Bhen it is 4y desire# 0 will chasten them' /eo"les shall be gathered against them Bhen 0 bind them for their two transgressions'

"hraim is a trained heifer That loves to thresh grain9 But 0 harnessed her fair nec1# 0 will ma1e "hraim "ull a "low' Judah shall "low9 Jacob shall brea1 his clods':

Their heart is divided9 Now they are held guilty' 2e will brea1 down their altars9 2e will ruin their sacred "illars'

For now they say# :Be have no 1ing# Because we did not fear the )3+*' And as for a 1ing# what would he do for usE:

Sow for yourselves righteousness9 +ea" in mercy9 Brea1 u" your fallow ground# For it is time to see1 the )3+*# Till 2e comes and rains righteousness on you'

They have s"o1en words# Swearing falsely in ma1ing a covenant' Thus $udgment s"rings u" li1e hemloc1 in the furrows of the field'

Cou have "lowed wic1edness9 Cou have rea"ed iniGuity' Cou have eaten the fruit of lies# Because you trusted in your own way# 0n the multitude of your mighty men'

The inhabitants of Samaria fear Because of the calf of Beth Aven' For its "eo"le mourn for it# And its "riests shrie1 for itFF Because its glory has de"arted from it'

Therefore tumult shall arise among your "eo"le# And all your fortresses shall be "lundered As Shalman "lundered Beth Arbel in the day of battleFF A mother dashed in "ieces u"on her children'

The idol also shall be carried to Assyria As a "resent for King Jareb' "hraim shall receive shame# And 0srael shall be ashamed of his own counsel'

Thus it shall be done to you# 3 Bethel# Because of your great wic1edness' At dawn the 1ing of 0srael Shall be cut off utterly'

As for Samaria# her 1ing is cut off )i1e a twig on the water'

11:Bhen 0srael was a child# 0 loved

him# And out of gy"t 0 called 4y son'

Also the high "laces of Aven# the sin of 0srael# Shall be destroyed' The thorn and thistle shall grow on their altars9 They shall say to the mountains# :-over usH: And to the hills# :Fall on usH:

As they called them# So they went from them9 They sacrificed to the Baals# And burned incense to carved images'

:0 taught "hraim to wal1# Ta1ing them by their arms9 But they did not 1now that 0 healed them'

12: "hraim feeds on the wind# And

"ursues the east wind9 2e daily increases lies and desolation' Also they ma1e a covenant with the Assyrians# And oil is carried to gy"t'

0 drew them with gentle cords# Bith bands of love# And 0 was to them as those who ta1e the yo1e from their nec1' 0 stoo"ed and fed them'

:2e shall not return to the land of gy"t9 But the Assyrian shall be his 1ing# Because they refused to re"ent'

:The )3+* also brings a charge against Judah# And will "unish Jacob according to his ways9 According to his deeds 2e will recom"ense him'

And the sword shall slash in his cities# *evour his districts# And consume them# Because of their own counsels'

2e too1 his brother by the heel in the womb# And in his strength he struggled with (od'

4y "eo"le are bent on bac1sliding from 4e' Though they call to the 4ost 2igh# None at all e!alt 2im'

Ces# he struggled with the Angel and "revailed9 2e we"t# and sought favor from 2im' 2e found 2im in Bethel# And there 2e s"o1e to usFF

:2ow can 0 give you u"# "hraimE 2ow can 0 hand you over# 0sraelE 2ow can 0 ma1e you li1e AdmahE 2ow can 0 set you li1e 5eboiimE 4y heart churns within 4e9 4y sym"athy is stirred'

That is# the )3+* (od of hosts' The )3+* is 2is memorable name'

0 will not e!ecute the fierceness of 4y anger9 0 will not again destroy "hraim' For 0 am (od# and not man# The 2oly 3ne in your midst9 And 0 will not come with terror'

So you# by the hel" of your (od# return9 3bserve mercy and $ustice# And wait on your (od continually'

:A cunning -anaaniteH *eceitful scales are in his hand9 2e loves to o""ress'


:They shall wal1 after the )3+*' 2e will roar li1e a lion' Bhen 2e roars# Then 2is sons shall come trembling from the west9

And "hraim said# :Surely 0 have become rich# 0 have found wealth for myself9 0n all my labors They shall find in me no iniGuity that is sin'D

They shall come trembling li1e a bird from gy"t# )i1e a dove from the land of Assyria' And 0 will let them dwell in their houses#: Says the )3+*'

:But 0 am the )3+* your (od# ver since the land of gy"t9 0 will again ma1e you dwell in tents# As in the days of the a""ointed feast'

: "hraim has encircled 4e with lies# And the house of 0srael with deceit9 But Judah still wal1s with (od# ven with the 2oly 3ne who is faithful'

0 have also s"o1en by the "ro"hets# And have multi"lied visions9 0 have given symbols through the witness of the "ro"hets':


Though (ilead has idolsFF Surely they are vanityFF Though they sacrifice bulls in (ilgal# 0ndeed their altars shall be hea"s in the furrows of the field'


Bhen they had "asture# they were filled9 They were filled and their heart was e!alted9 Therefore they forgot 4e'

Jacob fled to the country of Syria9 0srael served for a s"ouse# And for a wife he tended shee"'

:So 0 will be to them li1e a lion9 )i1e a leo"ard by the road 0 will lur19

By a "ro"het the )3+* brought 0srael out of gy"t# And by a "ro"het he was "reserved'

0 will meet them li1e a bear de"rived of her cubs9 0 will tear o"en their rib cage# And there 0 will devour them li1e a lion' The wild beast shall tear them'

"hraim "rovo1ed 2im to anger most bitterly9 Therefore his )ord will leave the guilt of his bloodshed u"on him# And return his re"roach u"on him'

:3 0srael# you are destroyed# But your hel" is from 4e'



0 will be your King9 Bhere is any other# That he may save you in all your citiesE And your $udges to whom you said# :(ive me a 1ing and "rincesDE

"hraim s"o1e# trembling# 2e e!alted himself in 0srael9 But when he offended through Baal worshi"# he died' Now they sin more and more# And have made for themselves molded images# 0dols of their silver# according to their s1ill9 All of it is the wor1 of craftsmen' They say of them# :)et the men who sacrifice 1iss the calvesH:

0 gave you a 1ing in 4y anger# And too1 him away in 4y wrath'


:The iniGuity of "hraim is bound u"9 2is sin is stored u"'


The sorrows of a woman in childbirth shall come u"on him' 2e is an unwise son# For he should not stay long where children are born'

Therefore they shall be li1e the morning cloud And li1e the early dew that "asses away# )i1e chaff blown off from a threshing floor And li1e smo1e from a chimney'

:0 will ransom them from the "ower of the grave9 0 will redeem them from death' 3 *eath# 0 will be your "laguesH 3 (rave# 0 will be your destructionH /ity is hidden from 4y eyes':

:Cet 0 am the )3+* your (od ver since the land of gy"t# And you shall 1now no (od but 4e9 For there is no savior besides 4e'

0 1new you in the wilderness# 0n the land of great drought'

Though he is fruitful among his brethren# An east wind shall come9 The wind of the )3+* shall come u" from the wilderness' Then his s"ring shall become dry# And his fountain shall be dried u"' 2e shall "lunder the treasury of every desirable "ri.e'

Samaria is held guilty# For she has rebelled against her (od' They shall fall

by the sword# Their infants shall be dashed in "ieces# And their women with child ri""ed o"en'


0 will be li1e the dew to 0srael9 2e shall grow li1e the lily# And lengthen his roots li1e )ebanon'

143 0srael# return to the )3+* your

(od# For you have stumbled because of your iniGuity9

2is branches shall s"read9 2is beauty shall be li1e an olive tree# And his fragrance li1e )ebanon'

Ta1e words with you# And return to the )3+*' Say to 2im# :Ta1e away all iniGuity9 +eceive us graciously# For we will offer the sacrifices of our li"s'

Those who dwell under his shadow shall return9 They shall be revived li1e grain# And grow li1e a vine' Their scent shall be li1e the wine of )ebanon'

Assyria shall not save us# Be will not ride on horses# Nor will we say anymore to the wor1 of our hands# :Cou are our gods'D For in Cou the fatherless finds mercy':

: "hraim shall say# :Bhat have 0 to do anymore with idolsED 0 have heard and observed him' 0 am li1e a green cy"ress tree9 Cour fruit is found in 4e':

:0 will heal their bac1sliding# 0 will love them freely# For 4y anger has turned away from him'

Bho is wiseE )et him understand these things' Bho is "rudentE )et him 1now them' For the ways of the )3+* are right9 The righteous wal1 in them# But transgressors stumble in them'

Joel 1The word of the )3+* that came to

Joel the son of /ethuel'
, %@

The field is wasted# The land mourns9 For the grain is ruined# The new wine is dried u"# The oil fails'

2ear this# you elders# And give ear# all you inhabitants of the landH 2as anything li1e this ha""ened in your days# 3r even in the days of your fathersE

Be ashamed# you farmers# Bail# you vinedressers# For the wheat and the barley9 Because the harvest of the field has "erished'

Tell your children about it# )et your children tell their children# And their children another generation'

Bhat the chewing locust left# the swarming locust has eaten9 Bhat the swarming locust left# the crawling locust has eaten9 And what the crawling locust left# the consuming locust has eaten'

The vine has dried u"# And the fig tree has withered9 The "omegranate tree# The "alm tree also# And the a""le treeFF All the trees of the field are withered9 Surely $oy has withered away from the sons of men'

Awa1e# you drun1ards# and wee"9 And wail# all you drin1ers of wine# Because of the new wine# For it has been cut off from your mouth'

(ird yourselves and lament# you "riests9 Bail# you who minister before the altar9 -ome# lie all night in sac1cloth# Cou who minister to my (od9 For the grain offering and the drin1 offering Are withheld from the house of your (od'

For a nation has come u" against 4y land# Strong# and without number9 2is teeth are the teeth of a lion# And he has the fangs of a fierce lion'

-onsecrate a fast# -all a sacred assembly9 (ather the elders And all the inhabitants of the land 0nto the house of the )3+* your (od# And cry out to the )3+*'

2e has laid waste 4y vine# And ruined 4y fig tree9 2e has stri""ed it bare and thrown it away9 0ts branches are made white'

Alas for the dayH For the day of the )3+* is at hand9 0t shall come as destruction from the Almighty'

)ament li1e a virgin girded with sac1cloth For the husband of her youth'

0s not the food cut off before our eyes# Joy and gladness from the house of our (odE

The grain offering and the drin1 offering 2ave been cut off from the house of the )3+*9 The "riests mourn# who minister to the )3+*'

The seed shrivels under the clods# Storehouses are in shambles9 Barns are bro1en down# For the grain has withered'

2ow the animals groanH The herds of cattle are restless# Because they have

no "asture9 ven the floc1s of shee" suffer "unishment'


3 )3+*# to Cou 0 cry out9 For fire has devoured the o"en "astures# And a flame has burned all the trees of the field'

They run li1e mighty men# They climb the wall li1e men of war9 very one marches in formation# And they do not brea1 ran1s'

The beasts of the field also cry out to Cou# For the water broo1s are dried u"# And fire has devoured the o"en "astures'

They do not "ush one another9 very one marches in his own column' Though they lunge between the wea"ons# They are not cut down'

They run to and fro in the city# They run on the wall9 They climb into the houses# They enter at the windows li1e a thief'

2Blow the trum"et in 5ion# And sound

an alarm in 4y holy mountainH )et all the inhabitants of the land tremble9 For the day of the )3+* is coming# For it is at hand7

The earth Gua1es before them# The heavens tremble9 The sun and moon grow dar1# And the stars diminish their brightness'

A day of dar1ness and gloominess# A day of clouds and thic1 dar1ness# )i1e the morning clouds s"read over the mountains' A "eo"le come# great and strong# The li1e of whom has never been9 Nor will there ever be any such after them# ven for many successive generations'

The )3+* gives voice before 2is army# For 2is cam" is very great9 For strong is the 3ne who e!ecutes 2is word' For the day of the )3+* is great and very terrible9 Bho can endure itE

:Now# therefore#: says the )3+*# :Turn to 4e with all your heart# Bith fasting# with wee"ing# and with mourning':

A fire devours before them# And behind them a flame burns9 The land is li1e the (arden of den before them# And behind them a desolate wilderness9 Surely nothing shall esca"e them'

So rend your heart# and not your garments9 +eturn to the )3+* your (od# For 2e is gracious and merciful# Slow to anger# and of great 1indness9 And 2e relents from doing harm'

Their a""earance is li1e the a""earance of horses9 And li1e swift steeds# so they run'

Bith a noise li1e chariots 3ver mountainto"s they lea"# )i1e the noise of a flaming fire that devours the stubble# )i1e a strong "eo"le set in battle array'

Bho 1nows if 2e will turn and relent# And leave a blessing behind 2imFF A grain offering and a drin1 offering For the )3+* your (odE

Blow the trum"et in 5ion# -onsecrate a fast# -all a sacred assembly9


Before them the "eo"le writhe in "ain9 All faces are drained of color'

(ather the "eo"le# Sanctify the congregation# Assemble the elders# (ather the children and nursing babes9 )et the bridegroom go out from his

chamber# And the dressing room'



from her


The threshing floors shall be full of wheat# And the vats shall overflow with new wine and oil'

)et the "riests# who minister to the )3+*# Bee" between the "orch and the altar9 )et them say# :S"are Cour "eo"le# 3 )3+*# And do not give Cour heritage to re"roach# That the nations should rule over them' Bhy should they say among the "eo"les# :Bhere is their (odE:D

:So 0 will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten# The crawling locust# The consuming locust# And the chewing locust# 4y great army which 0 sent among you'

Then the )3+* will be .ealous for 2is land# And "ity 2is "eo"le'

Cou shall eat in "lenty and be satisfied# And "raise the name of the )3+* your (od# Bho has dealt wondrously with you9 And 4y "eo"le shall never be "ut to shame'

The )3+* will answer and say to 2is "eo"le# :Behold# 0 will send you grain and new wine and oil# And you will be satisfied by them9 0 will no longer ma1e you a re"roach among the nations'

Then you shall 1now that 0 am in the midst of 0srael7 0 am the )3+* your (od And there is no other' 4y "eo"le shall never be "ut to shame'

:But 0 will remove far from you the northern army# And will drive him away into a barren and desolate land# Bith his face toward the eastern sea And his bac1 toward the western sea9 2is stench will come u"# And his foul odor will rise# Because he has done monstrous things':

:And it shall come to "ass afterward That 0 will "our out 4y S"irit on all flesh9 Cour sons and your daughters shall "ro"hesy# Cour old men shall dream dreams# Cour young men shall see visions'

Fear not# 3 land9 Be glad and re$oice# For the )3+* has done marvelous thingsH

And also on 4y menservants and on 4y maidservants 0 will "our out 4y S"irit in those days'

*o not be afraid# you beasts of the field9 For the o"en "astures are s"ringing u"# And the tree bears its fruit9 The fig tree and the vine yield their strength'

:And 0 will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth7 Blood and fire and "illars of smo1e'

The sun shall be turned into dar1ness# And the moon into blood# Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the )3+*'

Be glad then# you children of 5ion# And re$oice in the )3+* your (od9 For 2e has given you the former rain faithfully# And 2e will cause the rain to come down for youFF The former rain# And the latter rain in the first month'

And it shall come to "ass That whoever calls on the name of the )3+* Shall be saved' For in 4ount 5ion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance# As the )3+* has said# Among the remnant whom the )3+* calls'

3:For behold# in those days and at that

time# Bhen 0 bring bac1 the ca"tives of Judah and Jerusalem#

/roclaim this among the nations7 :/re"are for warH Ba1e u" the mighty men# )et all the men of war draw near# )et them come u"'

0 will also gather all nations# And bring them down to the Valley of Jehosha"hat9 And 0 will enter into $udgment with them there 3n account of 4y "eo"le# 4y heritage 0srael# Bhom they have scattered among the nations9 They have also divided u" 4y land'

Beat your "lowshares into swords And your "runing hoo1s into s"ears9 )et the wea1 say# :0 am strong':D

Assemble and come# all you nations# And gather together all around' -ause Cour mighty ones to go down there# 3 )3+*'

They have cast lots for 4y "eo"le# 2ave given a boy as "ayment for a harlot# And sold a girl for wine# that they may drin1'

:)et the nations be wa1ened# and come u" to the Valley of Jehosha"hat9 For there 0 will sit to $udge all the surrounding nations'

:0ndeed# what have you to do with 4e# 3 Tyre and Sidon# and all the coasts of /hilistiaE Bill you retaliate against 4eE But if you retaliate against 4e# Swiftly and s"eedily 0 will return your retaliation u"on your own head9

/ut in the sic1le# for the harvest is ri"e' -ome# go down9 For the wine"ress is full# The vats overflowFF For their wic1edness is great':

Because you have ta1en 4y silver and 4y gold# And have carried into your tem"les 4y "ri.ed "ossessions'

4ultitudes# multitudes in the valley of decisionH For the day of the )3+* is near in the valley of decision'

Also the "eo"le of Judah and the "eo"le of Jerusalem Cou have sold to the (ree1s# That you may remove them far from their borders'

The sun and moon will grow dar1# And the stars will diminish their brightness'

:Behold# 0 will raise them 3ut of the "lace to which you have sold them# And will return your retaliation u"on your own head'

The )3+* also will roar from 5ion# And utter 2is voice from Jerusalem9 The heavens and earth will sha1e9 But the )3+* will be a shelter for 2is "eo"le# And the strength of the children of 0srael'

0 will sell your sons and your daughters 0nto the hand of the "eo"le of Judah# And they will sell them to the Sabeans# To a "eo"le far off9 For the )3+* has s"o1en':

:So you shall 1now that 0 am the )3+* your (od# *welling in 5ion 4y holy mountain' Then Jerusalem shall be holy# And no aliens shall ever "ass through her again':

And it will come to "ass in that day That the mountains shall dri" with new wine# The hills shall flow with mil1# And all the broo1s of Judah shall be flooded

with water9 A fountain shall flow from the house of the )3+* And water the Valley of Acacias'


But Judah shall abide forever# And Jerusalem from generation to generation'

: gy"t shall be a desolation# And dom a desolate wilderness# Because of violence against the "eo"le of Judah# For they have shed innocent blood in their land'

For 0 will acGuit them of the guilt of bloodshed# whom 0 had not acGuitted9 For the )3+* dwells in 5ion':

(mos 1The words of Amos# who was among

the shee"breeders of Te1oa# which he saw concerning 0srael in the days of A..iah 1ing of Judah# and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash# 1ing of 0srael# two years before the earthGua1e'

/hilistines shall "erish#: Says the )ord (3*'


And he said7 :The )3+* roars from 5ion# And utters 2is voice from Jerusalem9 The "astures of the she"herds mourn# And the to" of -armel withers':

Thus says the )3+*7 :For three transgressions of Tyre# and for four# 0 will not turn away its "unishment# Because they delivered u" the whole ca"tivity to dom# And did not remember the covenant of brotherhood'

But 0 will send a fire u"on the wall of Tyre# Bhich shall devour its "alaces':

Thus says the )3+*7 :For three transgressions of *amascus# and for four# 0 will not turn away its "unishment# Because they have threshed (ilead with im"lements of iron'

Thus says the )3+*7 :For three transgressions of dom# and for four# 0 will not turn away its "unishment# Because he "ursued his brother with the sword# And cast off all "ity9 2is anger tore "er"etually# And he 1e"t his wrath forever'

But 0 will send a fire into the house of 2a.ael# Bhich shall devour the "alaces of BenF2adad'

But 0 will send a fire u"on Teman# Bhich shall devour the "alaces of Bo.rah':

0 will also brea1 the gate bar of *amascus# And cut off the inhabitant from the Valley of Aven# And the one who holds the sce"ter from Beth den' The "eo"le of Syria shall go ca"tive to Kir#: Says the )3+*'

Thus says the )3+*7 :For three transgressions of the "eo"le of Ammon# and for four# 0 will not turn away its "unishment# Because they ri""ed o"en the women with child in (ilead# That they might enlarge their territory'

Thus says the )3+*7 :For three transgressions of (a.a# and for four# 0 will not turn away its "unishment# Because they too1 ca"tive the whole ca"tivity To deliver them u" to dom'

But 0 will 1indle a fire in the wall of +abbah# And it shall devour its "alaces# Amid shouting in the day of battle# And a tem"est in the day of the whirlwind'

But 0 will send a fire u"on the wall of (a.a# Bhich shall devour its "alaces'

Their 1ing shall go into ca"tivity# 2e and his "rinces together#: Says the )3+*'

0 will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod# And the one who holds the sce"ter from Ash1elon9 0 will turn 4y hand against 1ron# And the remnant of the


says the )3+*7 :For three transgressions of 4oab# and for four# 0

will not turn away its "unishment# Because he burned the bones of the 1ing of dom to lime'


Also it was 0 who brought you u" from the land of gy"t# And led you forty years through the wilderness# To "ossess the land of the Amorite'

But 0 will send a fire u"on 4oab# And it shall devour the "alaces of Kerioth9 4oab shall die with tumult# Bith shouting and trum"et sound'

0 raised u" some of your sons as "ro"hets# And some of your young men as Na.irites' 0s it not so# 3 you children of 0sraelE: Says the )3+*'

And 0 will cut off the $udge from its midst# And slay all its "rinces with him#: Says the )3+*'

:But you gave the Na.irites wine to drin1# And commanded the "ro"hets saying# :*o not "ro"hesyHD

Thus says the )3+*7 :For three transgressions of Judah# and for four# 0 will not turn away its "unishment# Because they have des"ised the law of the )3+*# And have not 1e"t 2is commandments' Their lies lead them astray# )ies which their fathers followed'

:Behold# 0 am weighed down by you# As a cart full of sheaves is weighed down'


But 0 will send a fire u"on Judah# And it shall devour the "alaces of Jerusalem':

Therefore flight shall "erish from the swift# The strong shall not strengthen his "ower# Nor shall the mighty deliver himself9

Thus says the )3+*7 :For three transgressions of 0srael# and for four# 0 will not turn away its "unishment# Because they sell the righteous for silver# And the "oor for a "air of sandals'

2e shall not stand who handles the bow# The swift of foot shall not esca"e# Nor shall he who rides a horse deliver himself'

They "ant after the dust of the earth which is on the head of the "oor# And "ervert the way of the humble' A man and his father go in to the same girl# To defile 4y holy name'

The most courageous men of might Shall flee na1ed in that day#: Says the )3+*'

32ear this word that the )3+* has

s"o1en against you# 3 children of 0srael# against the whole family which 0 brought u" from the land of gy"t# saying7

They lie down by every altar on clothes ta1en in "ledge# And drin1 the wine of the condemned in the house of their god'

:Cet it was 0 who destroyed the Amorite before them# Bhose height was li1e the height of the cedars# And he was as strong as the oa1s9 Cet 0 destroyed his fruit above And his roots beneath'

:Cou only have 0 1nown of all the families of the earth9 Therefore 0 will "unish you for all your iniGuities':

-an two wal1 together# unless they are agreedE

Bill a lion roar in the forest# when he has no "reyE Bill a young lion cry out of his den# if he has caught nothingE


Bill a bird fall into a snare on the earth# where there is no tra" for itE Bill a snare s"ring u" from the earth# if it has caught nothing at allE

:That in the day 0 "unish 0srael for their transgressions# 0 will also visit destruction on the altars of Bethel9 And the horns of the altar shall be cut off And fall to the ground'

0f a trum"et is blown in a city# will not the "eo"le be afraidE 0f there is calamity in a city# will not the )3+* have done itE

0 will destroy the winter house along with the summer house9 The houses of ivory shall "erish# And the great houses shall have an end#: Says the )3+*'

42ear this word# you cows of Bashan#

who are on the mountain of Samaria# Bho o""ress the "oor# Bho crush the needy# Bho say to your husbands# :Bring wine# let us drin1H:

Surely the )ord (3* does nothing# Anless 2e reveals 2is secret to 2is servants the "ro"hets'

A lion has roaredH Bho will not fearE The )ord (3* has s"o1enH Bho can but "ro"hesyE

:/roclaim in the "alaces at Ashdod# And in the "alaces in the land of gy"t# and say7 :Assemble on the mountains of Samaria9 See great tumults in her midst# And the o""ressed within her'

The )ord (3* has sworn by 2is holiness7 :Behold# the days shall come u"on you Bhen 2e will ta1e you away with fishhoo1s# And your "osterity with fishhoo1s'

Cou will go out through bro1en walls# ach one straight ahead of her# And you will be cast into 2armon#: Says the )3+*'

For they do not 1now to do right#D Says the )3+*# :Bho store u" violence and robbery in their "alaces':D

Therefore thus says the )ord (3*7 :An adversary shall be all around the land9 2e shall sa" your strength from you# And your "alaces shall be "lundered':

:-ome to Bethel and transgress# At (ilgal multi"ly transgression9 Bring your sacrifices every morning# Cour tithes every three days'

3ffer a sacrifice of than1sgiving with leaven# /roclaim and announce the freewill offerings9 For this you love# Cou children of 0sraelH: Says the )ord (3*'

Thus says the )3+*7 :As a she"herd ta1es from the mouth of a lion Two legs or a "iece of an ear# So shall the children of 0srael be ta1en out Bho dwell in SamariaFF 0n the corner of a bed and on the edge of a couchH

:Also 0 gave you cleanness of teeth in all your cities' And lac1 of bread in all your "laces9 Cet you have not returned to 4e#: Says the )3+*'

2ear and testify against the house of Jacob#: Says the )ord (3*# the (od of hosts#

:0 also withheld rain from you# Bhen there were still three months to the harvest' 0 made it rain on one city# 0

withheld rain from another city' 3ne "art was rained u"on# And where it did not rain the "art withered'

The virgin of 0srael has fallen9 She will rise no more' She lies forsa1en on her land9 There is no one to raise her u"'

So two or three cities wandered to another city to drin1 water# But they were not satisfied9 Cet you have not returned to 4e#: Says the )3+*'

For thus says the )ord (3*7 :The city that goes out by a thousand Shall have a hundred left# And that which goes out by a hundred Shall have ten left to the house of 0srael':

:0 blasted you with blight and mildew' Bhen your gardens increased# Cour vineyards# Cour fig trees# And your olive trees# The locust devoured them9 Cet you have not returned to 4e#: Says the )3+*'

For thus says the )3+* to the house of 0srael7 :See1 4e and live9

:0 sent among you a "lague after the manner of gy"t9 Cour young men 0 1illed with a sword# Along with your ca"tive horses9 0 made the stench of your cam"s come u" into your nostrils9 Cet you have not returned to 4e#: Says the )3+*'

But do not see1 Bethel# Nor enter (ilgal# Nor "ass over to Beersheba9 For (ilgal shall surely go into ca"tivity# And Bethel shall come to nothing'

See1 the )3+* and live# )est 2e brea1 out li1e fire in the house of Jose"h# And devour it# Bith no one to Guench it in BethelFF

:0 overthrew some of you# As (od overthrew Sodom and (omorrah# And you were li1e a firebrand "luc1ed from the burning9 Cet you have not returned to 4e#: Says the )3+*'

Cou who turn $ustice to wormwood# And lay righteousness to rest in the earthH:

:Therefore thus will 0 do to you# 3 0srael9 Because 0 will do this to you# /re"are to meet your (od# 3 0sraelH:

2e made the /leiades and 3rion9 2e turns the shadow of death into morning And ma1es the day dar1 as night9 2e calls for the waters of the sea And "ours them out on the face of the earth9 The )3+* is 2is name'

For behold# 2e who forms mountains# And creates the wind# Bho declares to man what his thought is# And ma1es the morning dar1ness# Bho treads the high "laces of the earthFF The )3+* (od of hosts is 2is name'

2e rains ruin u"on the strong# So that fury comes u"on the fortress'

They hate the one who rebu1es in the gate# And they abhor the one who s"ea1s u"rightly'


this word which 0 ta1e u" against you# a lamentation# 3 house of 0srael7

Therefore# because you tread down the "oor And ta1e grain ta!es from him# Though you have built houses of hewn stone# Cet you shall not dwell in them9 Cou have "lanted "leasant vineyards# But you shall not drin1 wine from them'


For 0 1now your manifold transgressions And your mighty sins7 Afflicting the $ust and ta1ing bribes9 *iverting the "oor from $ustice at the gate'


Though you offer 4e burnt offerings and your grain offerings# 0 will not acce"t them# Nor will 0 regard your fattened "eace offerings'

Therefore the "rudent 1ee" silent at that time# For it is an evil time'

Ta1e away from 4e the noise of your songs# For 0 will not hear the melody of your stringed instruments'

See1 good and not evil# That you may live9 So the )3+* (od of hosts will be with you# As you have s"o1en'

But let $ustice run down li1e water# And righteousness li1e a mighty stream'

2ate evil# love good9 stablish $ustice in the gate' 0t may be that the )3+* (od of hosts Bill be gracious to the remnant of Jose"h'

:*id you offer 4e sacrifices and offerings 0n the wilderness forty years# 3 house of 0sraelE

Therefore the )3+* (od of hosts# the )ord# says this7 :There shall be wailing in all streets# And they shall say in all the highways# :AlasH AlasHD They shall call the farmer to mourning# And s1illful lamenters to wailing'

Cou also carried Si11uth your 1ing And -hiun# your idols# The star of your gods# Bhich you made for yourselves'

Therefore 0 will send you into ca"tivity beyond *amascus#: Says the )3+*# whose name is the (od of hosts'

0n all vineyards there shall be wailing# For 0 will "ass through you#: Says the )3+*'

6Boe to you who are at ease in 5ion#

And trust in 4ount Samaria# Notable "ersons in the chief nation# To whom the house of 0srael comesH

Boe to you who desire the day of the )3+*H For what good is the day of the )3+* to youE 0t will be dar1ness# and not light'

0t will be as though a man fled from a lion# And a bear met himH 3r as though he went into the house# )eaned his hand on the wall# And a ser"ent bit himH

(o over to -alneh and see9 And from there go to 2amath the great9 Then go down to (ath of the /hilistines' Are you better than these 1ingdomsE 3r is their territory greater than your territoryE

0s not the day of the )3+* dar1ness# and not lightE 0s it not very dar1# with no brightness in itE

Boe to you who "ut far off the day of doom# Bho cause the seat of violence to come near9

:0 hate# 0 des"ise your feast days# And 0 do not savor your sacred assemblies'

Bho lie on beds of ivory# Stretch out on your couches# at lambs from the floc1 And calves from the midst of the stall9

Bho sing idly to the sound of stringed instruments# And invent for yourselves musical instruments li1e *avid9


Bho drin1 wine from bowls# And anoint yourselves with the best ointments# But are not grieved for the affliction of Jose"h'


Therefore they shall now go ca"tive as the first of the ca"tives# And those who recline at banGuets shall be removed'

the )ord (3* showed me7 Behold# 2e formed locust swarms at the beginning of the late cro"9 indeed it was the late cro" after the 1ingDs mowings' And so it was# when they had finished eating the grass of the land# that 0 said7 :3 )ord (3*# forgive# 0 "rayH 3h# that Jacob may stand# For he is smallH:

The )ord (3* has sworn by 2imself# The )3+* (od of hosts says7 :0 abhor the "ride of Jacob# And hate his "alaces9 Therefore 0 will deliver u" the city And all that is in it':

So the )3+* relented concerning this' :0t shall not be#: said the )3+*'

Then it shall come to "ass# that if ten men remain in one house# they shall die'

And when a relative of the dead# with one who will burn the bodies# "ic1s u" the bodies to ta1e them out of the house# he will say to one inside the house# :Are there any more with youE: Then someone will say# :None': And he will say# :2old your tongueH For we dare not mention the name of the )3+*':

Thus the )ord (3* showed me7 Behold# the )ord (3* called for conflict by fire# and it consumed the great dee" and devoured the territory'

Then 0 said7 :3 )ord (3*# cease# 0 "rayH 3h# that Jacob may stand# For he is smallH:

So the )3+* relented concerning this' :This also shall not be#: said the )ord (3*'

For behold# the )3+* gives a command7 2e will brea1 the great house into bits# And the little house into "ieces'

Thus 2e showed me7 Behold# the )ord stood on a wall made with a "lumb line# with a "lumb line in 2is hand'

*o horses run on roc1sE *oes one "low there with o!enE Cet you have turned $ustice into gall# And the fruit of righteousness into wormwood#

Cou who re$oice over )o *ebar# Bho say# :2ave we not ta1en Karnaim for ourselves By our own strengthE:

And the )3+* said to me# :Amos# what do you seeE: And 0 said# :A "lumb line': Then the )ord said7 :Behold# 0 am setting a "lumb line 0n the midst of 4y "eo"le 0srael9 0 will not "ass by them anymore'

:But# behold# 0 will raise u" a nation against you# 3 house of 0srael#: Says the )3+* (od of hosts9 :And they will afflict you from the entrance of 2amath To the Valley of the Arabah':

The high "laces of 0saac shall be desolate# And the sanctuaries of 0srael shall be laid waste' 0 will rise with the sword against the house of Jeroboam':

Then Ama.iah the "riest of Bethel sent to Jeroboam 1ing of 0srael# saying# :Amos has cons"ired against you in the

midst of the house of 0srael' The land is not able to bear all his words'

has come u"on 4y "eo"le 0srael9 0 will not "ass by them anymore'

For thus Amos has said7 :Jeroboam shall die by the sword# And 0srael shall surely be led away ca"tive From their own land':D

And the songs of the tem"le Shall be wailing in that day#: Says the )ord (3*FF :4any dead bodies everywhere# They shall be thrown out in silence':

Then Ama.iah said to Amos7 :(o# you seerH Flee to the land of Judah' There eat bread# And there "ro"hesy'

2ear this# you who swallow u" the needy# And ma1e the "oor of the land fail#

But never again "ro"hesy at Bethel# For it is the 1ingDs sanctuary# And it is the royal residence':

Then Amos answered# and said to Ama.iah7 :0 was no "ro"het# Nor was 0 a son of a "ro"het# But 0 was a shee"breeder And a tender of sycamore fruit'

Saying7 :Bhen will the New 4oon be "ast# That we may sell grainE And the Sabbath# That we may trade wheatE 4a1ing the e"hah small and the she1el large# Falsifying the scales by deceit#

That we may buy the "oor for silver# And the needy for a "air of sandalsFF ven sell the bad wheatE:

Then the )3+* too1 me as 0 followed the floc1# And the )3+* said to me# :(o# "ro"hesy to 4y "eo"le 0srael'D

The )3+* has sworn by the "ride of Jacob7 :Surely 0 will never forget any of their wor1s'

Now therefore# hear the word of the )3+*7 Cou say# :*o not "ro"hesy against 0srael# And do not s"out against the house of 0saac'D

Shall the land not tremble for this# And everyone mourn who dwells in itE All of it shall swell li1e the +iver# 2eave and subside )i1e the +iver of gy"t'

:Therefore thus says the )3+*7 :Cour wife shall be a harlot in the city9 Cour sons and daughters shall fall by the sword9 Cour land shall be divided by survey line9 Cou shall die in a defiled land9 And 0srael shall surely be led away ca"tive From his own land':D

:And it shall come to "ass in that day#: says the )ord (3*# :That 0 will ma1e the sun go down at noon# And 0 will dar1en the earth in broad daylight9


the )ord (3* showed me7 Behold# a bas1et of summer fruit' And 2e said# :Amos# what do you seeE: So 0 said# :A bas1et of summer fruit': Then the )3+* said to me7 :The end

0 will turn your feasts into mourning# And all your songs into lamentation9 0 will bring sac1cloth on every waist# And baldness on every head9 0 will ma1e it li1e mourning for an only son# And its end li1e a bitter day'

:Behold# the days are coming#: says the )ord (3*# :That 0 will send a famine on the land# Not a famine of bread# Nor a thirst for water# But of hearing the words of the )3+*'


They shall wander from sea to sea# And from north to east9 They shall run to and fro# see1ing the word of the )3+*# But shall not find it'


2e who builds 2is layers in the s1y# And has founded 2is strata in the earth9 Bho calls for the waters of the sea# And "ours them out on the face of the earthFF The )3+* is 2is name'

:0n that day the fair virgins And strong young men Shall faint from thirst'

Those who swear by the sin of Samaria# Bho say# :As your god lives# 3 *anHD And# :As the way of Beersheba livesHD They shall fall and never rise again':

:Are you not li1e the "eo"le of thio"ia to 4e# 3 children of 0sraelE: says the )3+*' :*id 0 not bring u" 0srael from the land of gy"t# The /hilistines from -a"htor# And the Syrians from KirE

90 saw the )ord standing by the altar#

and 2e said7 :Stri1e the door"osts# that the thresholds may sha1e# And brea1 them on the heads of them all' 0 will slay the last of them with the sword' 2e who flees from them shall not get away# And he who esca"es from them shall not be delivered'

:Behold# the eyes of the )ord (3* are on the sinful 1ingdom# And 0 will destroy it from the face of the earth9 Cet 0 will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob#: Says the )3+*'

:For surely 0 will command# And will sift the house of 0srael among all nations# As grain is sifted in a sieve9 Cet not the smallest grain shall fall to the ground'

:Though they dig into hell# From there 4y hand shall ta1e them9 Though they climb u" to heaven# From there 0 will bring them down9

All the sinners of 4y "eo"le shall die by the sword# Bho say# :The calamity shall not overta1e nor confront us'D

And though they hide themselves on to" of -armel# From there 0 will search and ta1e them9 Though they hide from 4y sight at the bottom of the sea# From there 0 will command the ser"ent# and it shall bite them9

:3n that day 0 will raise u" The tabernacle of *avid# which has fallen down# And re"air its damages9 0 will raise u" its ruins# And rebuild it as in the days of old9

Though they go into ca"tivity before their enemies# From there 0 will command the sword# And it shall slay them' 0 will set 4y eyes on them for harm and not for good':

That they may "ossess the remnant of dom# And all the (entiles who are called by 4y name#: Says the )3+* who does this thing'

The )ord (3* of hosts# 2e who touches the earth and it melts# And all who dwell there mourn9 All of it shall swell li1e the +iver# And subside li1e the +iver of gy"t'

:Behold# the days are coming#: says the )3+*# :Bhen the "lowman shall overta1e the rea"er# And the treader of gra"es him who sows seed9 The mountains shall dri" with sweet wine# And all the hills shall flow with it'

0 will bring bac1 the ca"tives of 4y "eo"le 0srael9 They shall build the waste cities and inhabit them9 They shall "lant

vineyards and drin1 wine from them9 They shall also ma1e gardens and eat fruit from them'


0 will "lant them in their land# And no longer shall they be "ulled u" From the land 0 have given them#: Says the )3+* your (od'

Obadiah 1The vision of 3badiah' Thus says the

)ord (3* concerning dom IBe have heard a re"ort from the )3+*# And a messenger has been sent among the nations# saying# :Arise# and let us rise u" against her for battle:J7

And understanding from the mountains of sauE


Then your mighty men# 3 Teman# shall be dismayed# To the end that everyone from the mountains of sau 4ay be cut off by slaughter'

:Behold# 0 will ma1e you small among the nations9 Cou shall be greatly des"ised'

:For violence against your brother Jacob# Shame shall cover you# And you shall be cut off forever'

The "ride of your heart has deceived you# Cou who dwell in the clefts of the roc1# Bhose habitation is high9 Cou who say in your heart# :Bho will bring me down to the groundED

0n the day that you stood on the other sideFF 0n the day that strangers carried ca"tive his forces# Bhen foreigners entered his gates And cast lots for JerusalemFF ven you were as one of them'

Though you ascend as high as the eagle# And though you set your nest among the stars# From there 0 will bring you down#: says the )3+*'

:0f thieves had come to you# 0f robbers by nightFF 3h# how you will be cut offHFF Bould they not have stolen till they had enoughE 0f gra"eFgatherers had come to you# Bould they not have left some gleaningsE

:But you should not have ga.ed on the day of your brother 0n the day of his ca"tivity9 Nor should you have re$oiced over the children of Judah 0n the day of their destruction9 Nor should you have s"o1en "roudly 0n the day of distress'

:3h# how sau shall be searched outH 2ow his hidden treasures shall be sought afterH

Cou should not have entered the gate of 4y "eo"le 0n the day of their calamity' 0ndeed# you should not have ga.ed on their affliction 0n the day of their calamity# Nor laid hands on their substance 0n the day of their calamity'

All the men in your confederacy Shall force you to the border9 The men at "eace with you Shall deceive you and "revail against you' Those who eat your bread shall lay a tra" for you' No one is aware of it'

Cou should not have stood at the crossroads To cut off those among them who esca"ed9 Nor should you have delivered u" those among them who remained 0n the day of distress'

:Bill 0 not in that day#: says the )3+*# : ven destroy the wise men from dom#

:For the day of the )3+* u"on all the nations is near9 As you have done# it shall be done to you9 Cour re"risal shall return u"on your own head'


For as you dran1 on 4y holy mountain# So shall all the nations drin1 continually9 Ces# they shall drin1# and swallow# And they shall be as though they had never been'


The South shall "ossess the mountains of sau# And the )owland shall "ossess /hilistia' They shall "ossess the fields of "hraim And the fields of Samaria' Ben$amin shall "ossess (ilead'

:But on 4ount 5ion there shall be deliverance# And there shall be holiness9 The house of Jacob shall "ossess their "ossessions'

The house of Jacob shall be a fire# And the house of Jose"h a flame9 But the house of sau shall be stubble9 They shall 1indle them and devour them# And no survivor shall remain of the house of sau#: For the )3+* has s"o1en'

And the ca"tives of this host of the children of 0srael Shall "ossess the land of the -anaanites As far as 5are"hath' The ca"tives of Jerusalem who are in Se"harad Shall "ossess the cities of the South'

Then saviors shall come to 4ount 5ion To $udge the mountains of sau# And the 1ingdom shall be the )3+*Ds'

Jonah 1Now the word of the )3+* came to

Jonah the son of Amittai# saying#

where do you come fromE Bhat is your countryE And of what "eo"le are youE:

:Arise# go to Nineveh# that great city# and cry out against it9 for their wic1edness has come u" before 4e':

So he said to them# :0 am a 2ebrew9 and 0 fear the )3+*# the (od of heaven# who made the sea and the dry land':

But Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from the "resence of the )3+*' 2e went down to Jo""a# and found a shi" going to Tarshish9 so he "aid the fare# and went down into it# to go with them to Tarshish from the "resence of the )3+*'

Then the men were e!ceedingly afraid# and said to him# :Bhy have you done thisE: For the men 1new that he fled from the "resence of the )3+*# because he had told them'

But the )3+* sent out a great wind on the sea# and there was a mighty tem"est on the sea# so that the shi" was about to be bro1en u"'

Then they said to him# :Bhat shall we do to you that the sea may be calm for usE:FFfor the sea was growing more tem"estuous'

Then the mariners were afraid9 and every man cried out to his god# and threw the cargo that was in the shi" into the sea# to lighten the load' But Jonah had gone down into the lowest "arts of the shi"# had lain down# and was fast aslee"'

And he said to them# :/ic1 me u" and throw me into the sea9 then the sea will become calm for you' For 0 1now that this great tem"est is because of me':

Nevertheless the men rowed hard to return to land# but they could not# for the sea continued to grow more tem"estuous against them'

So the ca"tain came to him# and said to him# :Bhat do you mean# slee"erE Arise# call on your (od9 "erha"s your (od will consider us# so that we may not "erish':

Therefore they cried out to the )3+* and said# :Be "ray# 3 )3+*# "lease do not let us "erish for this manDs life# and do not charge us with innocent blood9 for Cou# 3 )3+*# have done as it "leased Cou':

And they said to one another# :-ome# let us cast lots# that we may 1now for whose cause this trouble has come u"on us': So they cast lots# and the lot fell on Jonah'

So they "ic1ed u" Jonah and threw him into the sea# and the sea ceased from its raging'

Then they said to him# :/lease tell usH For whose cause is this trouble u"on usE Bhat is your occu"ationE And

Then the men feared the )3+* e!ceedingly# and offered a sacrifice to the )3+* and too1 vows'


Now the )3+* had "re"ared a great fish to swallow Jonah' And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights'

3Now the word of the )3+* came to

Jonah the second time# saying#

2Then Jonah "rayed to the )3+* his

(od from the fishDs belly'

:Arise# go to Nineveh# that great city# and "reach to it the message that 0 tell you':

And he said7 :0 cried out to the )3+* because of my affliction# And 2e answered me' :3ut of the belly of Sheol 0 cried# And Cou heard my voice'

So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh# according to the word of the )3+*' Now Nineveh was an e!ceedingly great city# a threeFday $ourney in e!tent'

For Cou cast me into the dee"# 0nto the heart of the seas# And the floods surrounded me9 All Cour billows and Cour waves "assed over me'

And Jonah began to enter the city on the first dayDs wal1' Then he cried out and said# :Cet forty days# and Nineveh shall be overthrownH:

Then 0 said# :0 have been cast out of Cour sight9 Cet 0 will loo1 again toward Cour holy tem"le'D

So the "eo"le of Nineveh believed (od# "roclaimed a fast# and "ut on sac1cloth# from the greatest to the least of them'

The waters surrounded me# even to my soul9 The dee" closed around me9 Beeds were wra""ed around my head'

Then word came to the 1ing of Nineveh9 and he arose from his throne and laid aside his robe# covered himself with sac1cloth and sat in ashes'

0 went down to the moorings of the mountains9 The earth with its bars closed behind me forever9 Cet Cou have brought u" my life from the "it# 3 )3+*# my (od'

And he caused it to be "roclaimed and "ublished throughout Nineveh by the decree of the 1ing and his nobles# saying# )et neither man nor beast# herd nor floc1# taste anything9 do not let them eat# or drin1 water'

:Bhen my soul fainted within me# 0 remembered the )3+*9 And my "rayer went u" to Cou# 0nto Cour holy tem"le'

:Those who regard worthless idols Forsa1e their own 4ercy'


But let man and beast be covered with sac1cloth# and cry mightily to (od9 yes# let every one turn from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands'

But 0 will sacrifice to Cou Bith the voice of than1sgiving9 0 will "ay what 0 have vowed' Salvation is of the )3+*':

Bho can tell if (od will turn and relent# and turn away from 2is fierce anger# so that we may not "erishE

So the )3+* s"o1e to the fish# and it vomited Jonah onto dry land'

Then (od saw their wor1s# that they turned from their evil way9 and (od relented from the disaster that 2e had

said 2e would bring u"on them# and 2e did not do it'

might be shade for his head to deliver him from his misery' So Jonah was very grateful for the "lant'

4But it dis"leased Jonah e!ceedingly#

and he became angry'

But as morning dawned the ne!t day (od "re"ared a worm# and it so damaged the "lant that it withered'

So he "rayed to the )3+*# and said# :Ah# )3+*# was not this what 0 said when 0 was still in my countryE Therefore 0 fled "reviously to Tarshish9 for 0 1now that Cou are a gracious and merciful (od# slow to anger and abundant in loving1indness# 3ne who relents from doing harm'

And it ha""ened# when the sun arose# that (od "re"ared a vehement east wind9 and the sun beat on JonahDs head# so that he grew faint' Then he wished death for himself# and said# :0t is better for me to die than to live':

Therefore now# 3 )3+*# "lease ta1e my life from me# for it is better for me to die than to liveH:

Then (od said to Jonah# :0s it right for you to be angry about the "lantE: And he said# :0t is right for me to be angry# even to deathH:

Then the )3+* said# :0s it right for you to be angryE:


So Jonah went out of the city and sat on the east side of the city' There he made himself a shelter and sat under it in the shade# till he might see what would become of the city'

But the )3+* said# :Cou have had "ity on the "lant for which you have not labored# nor made it grow# which came u" in a night and "erished in a night'

And the )3+* (od "re"ared a "lant and made it come u" over Jonah# that it

And should 0 not "ity Nineveh# that great city# in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand "ersons who cannot discern between their right hand and their leftFFand much livestoc1E:

)icah 1The word of the )3+* that came to

4icah of 4oresheth in the days of Jotham# Aha.# and 2e.e1iah# 1ings of Judah# which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem'

li1e the $ac1als And a mourning li1e the ostriches#


For her wounds are incurable' For it has come to Judah9 0t has come to the gate of 4y "eo"leFF To Jerusalem'

2ear# all you "eo"lesH )isten# 3 earth# and all that is in itH )et the )ord (3* be a witness against you# The )ord from 2is holy tem"le'

Tell it not in (ath# Bee" not at all9 0n Beth A"hrah +oll yourself in the dust'

For behold# the )3+* is coming out of 2is "lace9 2e will come down And tread on the high "laces of the earth'

/ass by in na1ed shame# you inhabitant of Sha"hir9 The inhabitant of 5aanan does not go out' Beth .el mourns9 0ts "lace to stand is ta1en away from you'

The mountains will melt under 2im# And the valleys will s"lit )i1e wa! before the fire# )i1e waters "oured down a stee" "lace'

For the inhabitant of 4aroth "ined for good# But disaster came down from the )3+* To the gate of Jerusalem'

All this is for the transgression of Jacob And for the sins of the house of 0srael' Bhat is the transgression of JacobE 0s it not SamariaE And what are the high "laces of JudahE Are they not JerusalemE

3 inhabitant of )achish# 2arness the chariot to the swift steeds IShe was the beginning of sin to the daughter of 5ionJ# For the transgressions of 0srael were found in you'

:Therefore 0 will ma1e Samaria a hea" of ruins in the field# /laces for "lanting a vineyard9 0 will "our down her stones into the valley# And 0 will uncover her foundations'

Therefore you shall give "resents to 4oresheth (ath9 The houses of Ach.ib shall be a lie to the 1ings of 0srael'

0 will yet bring an heir to you# 3 inhabitant of 4areshah9 The glory of 0srael shall come to Adullam'

All her carved images shall be beaten to "ieces# And all her "ay as a harlot shall be burned with the fire9 All her idols 0 will lay desolate# For she gathered it from the "ay of a harlot# And they shall return to the "ay of a harlot':

4a1e yourself bald and cut off your hair# Because of your "recious children9 nlarge your baldness li1e an eagle# For they shall go from you into ca"tivity'

Therefore 0 will wail and howl# 0 will go stri""ed and na1ed9 0 will ma1e a wailing

2Boe to those who devise iniGuity#

And wor1 out evil on their bedsH At morning light they "ractice it# Because it is in the "ower of their hand'

They covet fields and ta1e them by violence# Also houses# and sei.e them' So they o""ress a man and his house# A man and his inheritance'


:Arise and de"art# For this is not your rest9 Because it is defiled# it shall destroy# Ces# with utter destruction'

Therefore thus says the )3+*7 :Behold# against this family 0 am devising disaster# From which you cannot remove your nec1s9 Nor shall you wal1 haughtily# For this is an evil time'

0f a man should wal1 in a false s"irit And s"ea1 a lie# saying# :0 will "ro"hesy to you of wine and drin1#D ven he would be the "rattler of this "eo"le'

0n that day one shall ta1e u" a "roverb against you# And lament with a bitter lamentation# saying7 :Be are utterly destroyedH 2e has changed the heritage of my "eo"le9 2ow 2e has removed it from meH To a turncoat 2e has divided our fields':D

:0 will surely assemble all of you# 3 Jacob# 0 will surely gather the remnant of 0srael9 0 will "ut them together li1e shee" of the fold# )i1e a floc1 in the midst of their "asture9 They shall ma1e a loud noise because of so many "eo"le'

Therefore you will have no one to determine boundaries by lot 0n the assembly of the )3+*'

The one who brea1s o"en will come u" before them9 They will brea1 out# /ass through the gate# And go out by it9 Their 1ing will "ass before them# Bith the )3+* at their head':

:*o not "rattle#: you say to those who "ro"hesy' So they shall not "ro"hesy to you9 They shall not return insult for insult'

3And 0 said7 :2ear now# 3 heads of

Jacob# And you rulers of the house of 0srael7 0s it not for you to 1now $usticeE

Cou who are named the house of Jacob7 :0s the S"irit of the )3+* restrictedE Are these 2is doingsE *o not 4y words do good To him who wal1s u"rightlyE

Cou who hate good and love evil9 Bho stri" the s1in from 4y "eo"le# And the flesh from their bones9

:)ately 4y "eo"le have risen u" as an enemyFF Cou "ull off the robe with the garment From those who trust you# as they "ass by# )i1e men returned from war'

Bho also eat the flesh of 4y "eo"le# Flay their s1in from them# Brea1 their bones# And cho" them in "ieces )i1e meat for the "ot# )i1e flesh in the caldron':

The women of 4y "eo"le you cast out From their "leasant houses9 From their children Cou have ta1en away 4y glory forever'

Then they will cry to the )3+*# But 2e will not hear them9 2e will even hide 2is face from them at that time# Because they have been evil in their deeds'

Thus says the )3+* concerning the "ro"hets Bho ma1e my "eo"le stray9 Bho chant :/eace: Bhile they chew with their teeth# But who "re"are war

against him Bho "uts nothing into their mouths7


:Therefore you shall have night without vision# And you shall have dar1ness without divination9 The sun shall go down on the "ro"hets# And the day shall be dar1 for them'

4any nations shall come and say# :-ome# and let us go u" to the mountain of the )3+*# To the house of the (od of Jacob9 2e will teach us 2is ways# And we shall wal1 in 2is "aths': For out of 5ion the law shall go forth# And the word of the )3+* from Jerusalem'

So the seers shall be ashamed# And the diviners abashed9 0ndeed they shall all cover their li"s9 For there is no answer from (od':

But truly 0 am full of "ower by the S"irit of the )3+*# And of $ustice and might# To declare to Jacob his transgression And to 0srael his sin'

2e shall $udge between many "eo"les# And rebu1e strong nations afar off9 They shall beat their swords into "lowshares# And their s"ears into "runing hoo1s9 Nation shall not lift u" sword against nation# Neither shall they learn war anymore'

Now hear this# Cou heads of the house of Jacob And rulers of the house of 0srael# Bho abhor $ustice And "ervert all eGuity#

But everyone shall sit under his vine and under his fig tree# And no one shall ma1e them afraid9 For the mouth of the )3+* of hosts has s"o1en'

For all "eo"le wal1 each in the name of his god# But we will wal1 in the name of the )3+* our (od Forever and ever'

Bho build u" 5ion with bloodshed And Jerusalem with iniGuity7

2er heads $udge for a bribe# 2er "riests teach for "ay# And her "ro"hets divine for money' Cet they lean on the )3+*# and say# :0s not the )3+* among usE No harm can come u"on us':

:0n that day#: says the )3+*# :0 will assemble the lame# 0 will gather the outcast And those whom 0 have afflicted9

0 will ma1e the lame a remnant# And the outcast a strong nation9 So the )3+* will reign over them in 4ount 5ion From now on# even forever'

Therefore because of you 5ion shall be "lowed li1e a field# Jerusalem shall become hea"s of ruins# And the mountain of the tem"le )i1e the bare hills of the forest'

And you# 3 tower of the floc1# The stronghold of the daughter of 5ion# To you shall it come# ven the former dominion shall come# The 1ingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem':

4Now it shall come to "ass in the latter

days That the mountain of the )3+*Ds house Shall be established on the to" of the mountains# And shall be e!alted above the hills9 And "eo"les shall flow to it'

Now why do you cry aloudE 0s there no 1ing in your midstE 2as your counselor "erishedE For "angs have sei.ed you li1e a woman in labor'

Be in "ain# and labor to bring forth# 3 daughter of 5ion# )i1e a woman in birth "angs' For now you shall go forth from

the city# Cou shall dwell in the field# And to Babylon you shall go' There you shall be delivered9 There the )3+* will redeem you From the hand of your enemies'


And this 3ne shall be "eace' Bhen the Assyrian comes into our land# And when he treads in our "alaces# Then we will raise against him Seven she"herds and eight "rincely men'

Now also many nations have gathered against you# Bho say# :)et her be defiled# And let our eye loo1 u"on 5ion':

But they do not 1now the thoughts of the )3+*# Nor do they understand 2is counsel9 For 2e will gather them li1e sheaves to the threshing floor'

They shall waste with the sword the land of Assyria# And the land of Nimrod at its entrances9 Thus 2e shall deliver us from the Assyrian# Bhen he comes into our land And when he treads within our borders'

:Arise and thresh# 3 daughter of 5ion9 For 0 will ma1e your horn iron# And 0 will ma1e your hooves bron.e9 Cou shall beat in "ieces many "eo"les9 0 will consecrate their gain to the )3+*# And their substance to the )ord of the whole earth':

Then the remnant of Jacob Shall be in the midst of many "eo"les# )i1e dew from the )3+*# )i1e showers on the grass# That tarry for no man Nor wait for the sons of men'


gather yourself in troo"s# 3 daughter of troo"s9 2e has laid siege against us9 They will stri1e the $udge of 0srael with a rod on the chee1' :But you# Bethlehem "hrathah# Though you are little among the thousands of Judah# Cet out of you shall come forth to 4e The 3ne to be +uler in 0srael# Bhose goings forth are from of old# From everlasting':

And the remnant of Jacob Shall be among the (entiles# 0n the midst of many "eo"les# )i1e a lion among the beasts of the forest# )i1e a young lion among floc1s of shee"# Bho# if he "asses through# Both treads down and tears in "ieces# And none can deliver'

Cour hand shall be lifted against your adversaries# And all your enemies shall be cut off'

:And it shall be in that day#: says the )3+*# :That 0 will cut off your horses from your midst And destroy your chariots'

Therefore 2e shall give them u"# Antil the time that she who is in labor has given birth9 Then the remnant of 2is brethren Shall return to the children of 0srael'

0 will cut off the cities of your land And throw down all your strongholds'

0 will cut off sorceries from your hand# And you shall have no soothsayers'

And 2e shall stand and feed 2is floc1 0n the strength of the )3+*# 0n the ma$esty of the name of the )3+* 2is (od9 And they shall abide# For now 2e shall be great To the ends of the earth9

Cour carved images 0 will also cut off# And your sacred "illars from your midst9 Cou shall no more worshi" the wor1 of your hands9


0 will "luc1 your wooden images from your midst9 Thus 0 will destroy your cities'


2e has shown you# 3 man# what is good9 And what does the )3+* reGuire of you But to do $ustly# To love mercy# And to wal1 humbly with your (odE

And 0 will e!ecute vengeance in anger and fury 3n the nations that have not heard':

The )3+*Ds voice cries to the cityFF Bisdom shall see Cour name7 :2ear the rodH Bho has a""ointed itE


now what the )3+* says7 :Arise# "lead your case before the mountains# And let the hills hear your voice' 2ear# 3 you mountains# the )3+*Ds com"laint# And you strong foundations of the earth9 For the )3+* has a com"laint against 2is "eo"le# And 2e will contend with 0srael'

Are there yet the treasures of wic1edness 0n the house of the wic1ed# And the short measure that is an abominationE

Shall 0 count "ure those with the wic1ed scales# And with the bag of deceitful weightsE

:3 4y "eo"le# what have 0 done to youE And how have 0 wearied youE Testify against 4e'

For her rich men are full of violence# 2er inhabitants have s"o1en lies# And their tongue is deceitful in their mouth'

For 0 brought you u" from the land of gy"t# 0 redeemed you from the house of bondage9 And 0 sent before you 4oses# Aaron# and 4iriam'

:Therefore 0 will also ma1e you sic1 by stri1ing you# By ma1ing you desolate because of your sins'

3 4y "eo"le# remember now Bhat Bala1 1ing of 4oab counseled# And what Balaam the son of Beor answered him# From Acacia (rove to (ilgal# That you may 1now the righteousness of the )3+*':

Cou shall eat# but not be satisfied9 2unger shall be in your midst' Cou may carry some away# but shall not save them9 And what you do rescue 0 will give over to the sword'

:Cou shall sow# but not rea"9 Cou shall tread the olives# but not anoint yourselves with oil9 And ma1e sweet wine# but not drin1 wine'

Bith what shall 0 come before the )3+*# And bow myself before the 2igh (odE Shall 0 come before 2im with burnt offerings# Bith calves a year oldE

Bill the )3+* thousands of rams# of oilE Shall 0 give transgression# The the sin of my soulE

be "leased with Ten thousand rivers my firstborn for my fruit of my body for

For the statutes of 3mri are 1e"t9 All the wor1s of AhabDs house are done9 And you wal1 in their counsels# That 0 may ma1e you a desolation# And your inhabitants a hissing' Therefore you shall bear the re"roach of 4y "eo"le':

7Boe is meH For 0 am li1e those who

gather summer fruits# )i1e those who

glean vintage gra"es9 There is no cluster to eat 3f the firstFri"e fruit which my soul desires'


The faithful man has "erished from the earth# And there is no one u"right among men' They all lie in wait for blood9 very man hunts his brother with a net'

Then she who is my enemy will see# And shame will cover her who said to me# :Bhere is the )3+* your (odE: 4y eyes will see her9 Now she will be tram"led down )i1e mud in the streets'

0n the day when your walls are to be built# 0n that day the decree shall go far and wide'

That they may successfully do evil with both handsFF The "rince as1s for gifts# The $udge see1s a bribe# And the great man utters his evil desire9 So they scheme together'

0n that day they shall come to you From Assyria and the fortified cities# From the fortress to the +iver# From sea to sea# And mountain to mountain'

The best of them is li1e a brier9 The most u"right is shar"er than a thorn hedge9 The day of your watchman and your "unishment comes9 Now shall be their "er"le!ity'

Cet the land shall be desolate Because of those who dwell in it# And for the fruit of their deeds'

*o not trust in a friend9 *o not "ut your confidence in a com"anion9 (uard the doors of your mouth From her who lies in your bosom'

She"herd Cour "eo"le with Cour staff# The floc1 of Cour heritage# Bho dwell solitarily in a woodland# 0n the midst of -armel9 )et them feed in Bashan and (ilead# As in days of old'

For son dishonors father# *aughter rises against her mother# *aughterFinF law against her motherFinFlaw9 A manDs enemies are the men of his own household'

:As in the days when you came out of the land of gy"t# 0 will show them wonders':

The nations shall see and be ashamed of all their might9 They shall "ut their hand over their mouth9 Their ears shall be deaf'

Therefore 0 will loo1 to the )3+*9 0 will wait for the (od of my salvation9 4y (od will hear me'

*o not re$oice over me# my enemy9 Bhen 0 fall# 0 will arise9 Bhen 0 sit in dar1ness# The )3+* will be a light to me'

They shall lic1 the dust li1e a ser"ent9 They shall crawl from their holes li1e sna1es of the earth' They shall be afraid of the )3+* our (od# And shall fear because of Cou'

0 will bear the indignation of the )3+*# Because 0 have sinned against 2im# Antil 2e "leads my case And e!ecutes $ustice for me' 2e will bring me forth to the light9 0 will see 2is righteousness'

Bho is a (od li1e Cou# /ardoning iniGuity And "assing over the transgression of the remnant of 2is heritageE 2e does not retain 2is anger forever# Because 2e delights in mercy'

2e will again have com"assion on us# And will subdue our iniGuities' Cou will

cast all our sins 0nto the de"ths of the sea'


Cou will give truth to Jacob And mercy to Abraham# Bhich Cou have sworn to our fathers From days of old'

Nahum 1The
, %@

burden against Nineveh' The boo1 of the vision of Nahum the l1oshite' (od is $ealous# and the )3+* avenges9 The )3+* avenges and is furious' The )3+* will ta1e vengeance on 2is adversaries# And 2e reserves wrath for 2is enemies9

For while tangled li1e thorns# And while drun1en li1e drun1ards# They shall be devoured li1e stubble fully dried'

From you comes forth one Bho "lots evil against the )3+*# A wic1ed counselor'

The )3+* is slow to anger and great in "ower# And will not at all acGuit the wic1ed' The )3+* has 2is way 0n the whirlwind and in the storm# And the clouds are the dust of 2is feet'

Thus says the )3+*7 :Though they are safe# and li1ewise many# Cet in this manner they will be cut down Bhen he "asses through' Though 0 have afflicted you# 0 will afflict you no more9

For now 0 will brea1 off his yo1e from you# And burst your bonds a"art':

2e rebu1es the sea and ma1es it dry# And dries u" all the rivers' Bashan and -armel wither# And the flower of )ebanon wilts'

The mountains Gua1e before 2im# The hills melt# And the earth heaves at 2is "resence# Ces# the world and all who dwell in it'

The )3+* has given a command concerning you7 :Cour name shall be "er"etuated no longer' 3ut of the house of your gods 0 will cut off the carved image and the molded image' 0 will dig your grave# For you are vile':

Bho can stand before 2is indignationE And who can endure the fierceness of 2is angerE 2is fury is "oured out li1e fire# And the roc1s are thrown down by 2im'

Behold# on the mountains The feet of him who brings good tidings# Bho "roclaims "eaceH 3 Judah# 1ee" your a""ointed feasts# /erform your vows' For the wic1ed one shall no more "ass through you9 2e is utterly cut off'

22e who scatters has come u" before

your face' 4an the fortH Batch the roadH Strengthen your flan1sH Fortify your "ower mightily'

The )3+* is good# A stronghold in the day of trouble9 And 2e 1nows those who trust in 2im'

But with an overflowing flood 2e will ma1e an utter end of its "lace# And dar1ness will "ursue 2is enemies'

Bhat do you cons"ire against the )3+*E 2e will ma1e an utter end of it' Affliction will not rise u" a second time'

For the )3+* will restore the e!cellence of Jacob )i1e the e!cellence of 0srael# For the em"tiers have em"tied them out And ruined their vine branches'

The shields of his mighty men are made red# The valiant men are in scarlet' The chariots come with flaming torches 0n the day of his "re"aration# And the s"ears are brandished'


:Behold# 0 am against you#: says the )3+* of hosts# :0 will burn your chariots in smo1e# and the sword shall devour your young lions9 0 will cut off your "rey from the earth# and the voice of your messengers shall be heard no more':

The chariots rage in the streets# They $ostle one another in the broad roads9 They seem li1e torches# They run li1e lightning'

3Boe to the bloody cityH 0t is all full of

lies and de"arts'


0ts victim


2e remembers his nobles9 They stumble in their wal19 They ma1e haste to her walls# And the defense is "re"ared'

The noise of a whi" And the noise of rattling wheels# 3f gallo"ing horses# 3f clattering chariotsH

The gates of the rivers are o"ened# And the "alace is dissolved'

0t is decreed7 She shall be led away ca"tive# She shall be brought u"9 And her maidservants shall lead her as with the voice of doves# Beating their breasts'

2orsemen charge with bright sword and glittering s"ear' There is a multitude of slain# A great number of bodies# -ountless cor"sesFF They stumble over the cor"sesFF

Though Nineveh of old was li1e a "ool of water# Now they flee away' :2altH 2altH: they cry9 But no one turns bac1'

Because of the multitude of harlotries of the seductive harlot# The mistress of sorceries# Bho sells nations through her harlotries# And families through her sorceries'

Ta1e s"oil of silverH Ta1e s"oil of goldH There is no end of treasure# 3r wealth of every desirable "ri.e'

:Behold# 0 am against you#: says the )3+* of hosts9 :0 will lift your s1irts over your face# 0 will show the nations your na1edness# And the 1ingdoms your shame'

She is em"ty# desolate# and wasteH The heart melts# and the 1nees sha1e9 4uch "ain is in every side# And all their faces are drained of color' %

0 will cast abominable filth u"on you# 4a1e you vile# And ma1e you a s"ectacle'

Bhere is the dwelling of the lions# And the feeding "lace of the young lions# Bhere the lion wal1ed# the lioness and lionDs cub# And no one made them afraidE

0t shall come to "ass that all who loo1 u"on you Bill flee from you# and say# :Nineveh is laid wasteH Bho will bemoan herED Bhere shall 0 see1 comforters for youE:

The lion tore in "ieces enough for his cubs# Killed for his lionesses# Filled his caves with "rey# And his dens with flesh'

Are you better than No Amon That was situated by the +iver# That had the

waters around her# Bhose ram"art was the sea# Bhose wall was the seaE

tread the mortarH 4a1e strong the bric1 1ilnH


thio"ia and gy"t were her strength# And it was boundless9 /ut and )ubim were your hel"ers'

Cet she was carried away# She went into ca"tivity9 2er young children also were dashed to "ieces At the head of every street9 They cast lots for her honorable men# And all her great men were bound in chains'

There the fire will devour you# The sword will cut you off9 0t will eat you u" li1e a locust' 4a1e yourself manyFFli1e the locustH 4a1e yourself manyFF li1e the swarming locustsH

Cou have multi"lied your merchants more than the stars of heaven' The locust "lunders and flies away'

Cou also will be drun19 Cou will be hidden9 Cou also will see1 refuge from the enemy'

All your strongholds are fig trees with ri"ened figs7 0f they are sha1en# They fall into the mouth of the eater'

Cour commanders are li1e swarming locusts# And your generals li1e great grassho""ers# Bhich cam" in the hedges on a cold day9 Bhen the sun rises they flee away# And the "lace where they are is not 1nown'

Surely# your "eo"le in your midst are womenH The gates of your land are wide o"en for your enemies9 Fire shall devour the bars of your gates'

Cour she"herds slumber# 3 1ing of Assyria9 Cour nobles rest in the dust' Cour "eo"le are scattered on the mountains# And no one gathers them'

*raw your water for the siegeH Fortify your strongholdsH (o into the clay and

Cour in$ury has no healing# Cour wound is severe' All who hear news of you Bill cla" their hands over you# For u"on whom has not your wic1edness "assed continuallyE

Haba44u4 1The
, %@

burden 2aba11u1 saw'




They scoff at 1ings# And "rinces are scorned by them' They deride every stronghold# For they hea" u" earthen mounds and sei.e it'

3 )3+*# how long shall 0 cry# And Cou will not hearE ven cry out to Cou# :ViolenceH: And Cou will not save'

Then his mind changes# and he transgresses9 2e commits offense# Ascribing this "ower to his god':

Bhy do Cou show me iniGuity# And cause me to see troubleE For "lundering and violence are before me9 There is strife# and contention arises'

Therefore the law is "owerless# And $ustice never goes forth' For the wic1ed surround the righteous9 Therefore "erverse $udgment "roceeds'

Are Cou not from everlasting# 3 )3+* my (od# my 2oly 3neE Be shall not die' 3 )3+*# Cou have a""ointed them for $udgment9 3 +oc1# Cou have mar1ed them for correction'

:)oo1 among the nations and watchFF Be utterly astoundedH For 0 will wor1 a wor1 in your days Bhich you would not believe# though it were told you'

Cou are of "urer eyes than to behold evil# And cannot loo1 on wic1edness' Bhy do Cou loo1 on those who deal treacherously# And hold Cour tongue when the wic1ed devours A "erson more righteous than heE

For indeed 0 am raising u" the -haldeans# A bitter and hasty nation Bhich marches through the breadth of the earth# To "ossess dwelling "laces that are not theirs'

Bhy do Cou ma1e men li1e fish of the sea# )i1e cree"ing things that have no ruler over themE

They are terrible and dreadful9 Their $udgment and their dignity "roceed from themselves'

They ta1e u" all of them with a hoo1# They catch them in their net# And gather them in their dragnet' Therefore they re$oice and are glad'

Their horses also are swifter than leo"ards# And more fierce than evening wolves' Their chargers charge ahead9 Their cavalry comes from afar9 They fly as the eagle that hastens to eat'

Therefore they sacrifice to their net# And burn incense to their dragnet9 Because by them their share is sum"tuous And their food "lentiful'

Shall they therefore em"ty their net# And continue to slay nations without "ityE

:They all come for violence9 Their faces are set li1e the east wind' They gather ca"tives li1e sand'

20 will stand my watch And set myself

on the ram"art# And watch to see what

2e will say to me# And what 0 will answer when 0 am corrected'



Cou give shameful counsel to your house# -utting off many "eo"les# And sin against your soul'

Then the )3+* answered me and said7 :Brite the vision And ma1e it "lain on tablets# That he may run who reads it'

For the stone will cry out from the wall# And the beam from the timbers will answer it'

For the vision is yet for an a""ointed time9 But at the end it will s"ea1# and it will not lie' Though it tarries# wait for it9 Because it will surely come# 0t will not tarry'

:Boe to him who builds a town with bloodshed# Bho establishes a city by iniGuityH

:Behold the "roud# 2is soul is not u"right in him9 But the $ust shall live by his faith'

Behold# is it not of the )3+* of hosts That the "eo"les labor to feed the fire# And nations weary themselves in vainE

:0ndeed# because he transgresses by wine# 2e is a "roud man# And he does not stay at home' Because he enlarges his desire as hell# And he is li1e death# and cannot be satisfied# 2e gathers to himself all nations And hea"s u" for himself all "eo"les'

For the earth will be filled Bith the 1nowledge of the glory of the )3+*# As the waters cover the sea'

:Boe to him who gives drin1 to his neighbor# /ressing him to your bottle# ven to ma1e him drun1# That you may loo1 on his na1ednessH

:Bill not all these ta1e u" a "roverb against him# And a taunting riddle against him# and say# :Boe to him who increases Bhat is not hisFFhow longE And to him who loads himself with many "ledgesDE

Cou are filled with shame instead of glory' Cou alsoFFdrin1H And be e!"osed as uncircumcisedH The cu" of the )3+*Ds right hand will be turned against you# And utter shame will be on your glory'

Bill not your creditors rise u" suddenlyE Bill they not awa1en who o""ress youE And you will become their booty'

For the violence done to )ebanon will cover you# And the "lunder of beasts which made them afraid# Because of menDs blood And the violence of the land and the city# And of all who dwell in it'

Because you have "lundered many nations# All the remnant of the "eo"le shall "lunder you# Because of menDs blood And the violence of the land and the city# And of all who dwell in it'

:Bhat "rofit is the image# that its ma1er should carve it# The molded image# a teacher of lies# That the ma1er of its mold should trust in it# To ma1e mute idolsE

:Boe to him who covets evil gain for his house# That he may set his nest on high# That he may be delivered from the "ower of disasterH

Boe to him who says to wood# :Awa1eHD To silent stone# :AriseH 0t shall teachHD Behold# it is overlaid with gold

and silver# Cet in it there is no breath at all'


Cour bow was made Guite ready9 3aths were sworn over Cour arrows' Selah Cou divided the earth with rivers'

:But the )3+* is in 2is holy tem"le' )et all the earth 1ee" silence before 2im':

3A "rayer of 2aba11u1 the "ro"het# on


The mountains saw Cou and trembled9 The overflowing of the water "assed by' The dee" uttered its voice# And lifted its hands on high'

3 )3+*# 0 have heard Cour s"eech and was afraid9 3 )3+*# revive Cour wor1 in the midst of the yearsH 0n the midst of the years ma1e it 1nown9 0n wrath remember mercy'

The sun and moon stood still in their habitation9 At the light of Cour arrows they went# At the shining of Cour glittering s"ear'

Cou marched through the land in indignation9 Cou tram"led the nations in anger'

(od came from Teman# The 2oly 3ne from 4ount /aran' Selah 2is glory covered the heavens# And the earth was full of 2is "raise'

2is brightness was li1e the light9 2e had rays flashing from 2is hand# And there 2is "ower was hidden'

Cou went forth for the salvation of Cour "eo"le# For salvation with Cour Anointed' Cou struc1 the head from the house of the wic1ed# By laying bare from foundation to nec1' Selah

Before 2im went "estilence# And fever followed at 2is feet'


Cou thrust through with his own arrows The head of his villages' They came out li1e a whirlwind to scatter me9 Their re$oicing was li1e feasting on the "oor in secret'

2e stood and measured the earth9 2e loo1ed and startled the nations' And the everlasting mountains were scattered# The "er"etual hills bowed' 2is ways are everlasting'

Cou wal1ed through the sea with Cour horses# Through the hea" of great waters'

0 saw the tents of -ushan in affliction9 The curtains of the land of 4idian trembled'

3 )3+*# were Cou dis"leased with the rivers# Bas Cour anger against the rivers# Bas Cour wrath against the sea# That Cou rode on Cour horses# Cour chariots of salvationE

Bhen 0 heard# my body trembled9 4y li"s Guivered at the voice9 +ottenness entered my bones9 And 0 trembled in myself# That 0 might rest in the day of trouble' Bhen he comes u" to the "eo"le# 2e will invade them with his troo"s'

Though the fig tree may not blossom# Nor fruit be on the vines9 Though the labor of the olive may fail# And the fields yield no food9 Though the floc1 may be cut off from the fold# And there be no herd in the stallsFF


Cet 0 will re$oice in the )3+*# 0 will $oy in the (od of my salvation'


The )3+* (od is my strength9 2e will ma1e my feet li1e deerDs feet# And 2e will ma1e me wal1 on my high hills' To the -hief 4usician' Bith my stringed instruments'

5e6haniah 1The word of the )3+* which came

to 5e"haniah the son of -ushi# the son of (edaliah# the son of Amariah# the son of 2e.e1iah# in the days of Josiah the son of Amon# 1ing of Judah'
, ?

0n the same day 0 will "unish All those who lea" over the threshold# Bho fill their mastersD houses with violence and deceit'

:0 will utterly consume everything From the face of the land#: Says the )3+*9

:And there shall be on that day#: says the )3+*# :The sound of a mournful cry from the Fish (ate# A wailing from the Second Kuarter# And a loud crashing from the hills'

:0 will consume man and beast9 0 will consume the birds of the heavens# The fish of the sea# And the stumbling bloc1s along with the wic1ed' 0 will cut off man from the face of the land#: Says the )3+*'

Bail# you inhabitants of 4a1teshH For all the merchant "eo"le are cut down9 All those who handle money are cut off'

:0 will stretch out 4y hand against Judah# And against all the inhabitants of Jerusalem' 0 will cut off every trace of Baal from this "lace# The names of the idolatrous "riests with the "agan "riestsFF

:And it shall come to "ass at that time That 0 will search Jerusalem with lam"s# And "unish the men Bho are settled in com"lacency# Bho say in their heart# :The )3+* will not do good# Nor will 2e do evil'D

Those who worshi" the host of heaven on the houseto"s9 Those who worshi" and swear oaths by the )3+*# But who also swear by 4ilcom9

Therefore their goods shall become booty# And their houses a desolation9 They shall build houses# but not inhabit them9 They shall "lant vineyards# but not drin1 their wine':

Those who have turned bac1 from following the )3+*# And have not sought the )3+*# nor inGuired of 2im':

The great day of the )3+* is near9 0t is near and hastens Guic1ly' The noise of the day of the )3+* is bitter9 There the mighty men shall cry out'

Be silent in the "resence of the )ord (3*9 For the day of the )3+* is at hand# For the )3+* has "re"ared a sacrifice9 2e has invited 2is guests'

That day is a day of wrath# A day trouble and distress# A day devastation and desolation# A day dar1ness and gloominess# A day clouds and thic1 dar1ness#

of of of of

:And it shall be# 0n the day of the )3+*Ds sacrifice# That 0 will "unish the "rinces and the 1ingDs children# And all such as are clothed with foreign a""arel'

A day of trum"et and alarm Against the fortified cities And against the high towers'


:0 will bring distress u"on men# And they shall wal1 li1e blind men# Because they have sinned against the )3+*9 Their blood shall be "oured out li1e dust# And their flesh li1e refuse':

Ash1elon they shall lie down at evening' For the )3+* their (od will intervene for them# And return their ca"tives'

Neither their silver nor their gold Shall be able to deliver them 0n the day of the )3+*Ds wrath9 But the whole land shall be devoured By the fire of 2is $ealousy# For 2e will ma1e s"eedy riddance 3f all those who dwell in the land'

:0 have heard the re"roach of 4oab# And the insults of the "eo"le of Ammon# Bith which they have re"roached 4y "eo"le# And made arrogant threats against their borders'


yourselves together# yes# gather together# 3 undesirable nation# Before the decree is issued# 3r the day "asses li1e chaff# Before the )3+*Ds fierce anger comes u"on you# Before the day of the )3+*Ds anger comes u"on youH

Therefore# as 0 live#: Says the )3+* of hosts# the (od of 0srael# :Surely 4oab shall be li1e Sodom# And the "eo"le of Ammon li1e (omorrahFF 3verrun with weeds and salt"its# And a "er"etual desolation' The residue of 4y "eo"le shall "lunder them# And the remnant of 4y "eo"le shall "ossess them':

This they shall have for their "ride# Because they have re"roached and made arrogant threats Against the "eo"le of the )3+* of hosts'

See1 the )3+*# all you mee1 of the earth# Bho have u"held 2is $ustice' See1 righteousness# see1 humility' 0t may be that you will be hidden 0n the day of the )3+*Ds anger'

The )3+* will be awesome to them# For 2e will reduce to nothing all the gods of the earth9 /eo"le shall worshi" 2im# ach one from his "lace# 0ndeed all the shores of the nations'

For (a.a shall be forsa1en# And Ash1elon desolate9 They shall drive out Ashdod at noonday# And 1ron shall be u"rooted'

:Cou thio"ians also# Cou shall be slain by 4y sword':


Boe to the inhabitants of the seacoast# The nation of the -herethitesH The word of the )3+* is against you# 3 -anaan# land of the /hilistines7 :0 will destroy you9 So there shall be no inhabitant':

And 2e will stretch out 2is hand against the north# *estroy Assyria# And ma1e Nineveh a desolation# As dry as the wilderness'

The seacoast shall be "astures# Bith shelters for she"herds and folds for floc1s'

The coast shall be for the remnant of the house of Judah9 They shall feed their floc1s there9 0n the houses of

The herds shall lie down in her midst# very beast of the nation' Both the "elican and the bittern Shall lodge on the ca"itals of her "illars9 Their voice shall sing in the windows9 *esolation shall be at the threshold9 For 2e will lay bare the cedar wor1'

This is the re$oicing city That dwelt securely# That said in her heart# :0 am it#

and there is none besides me': 2ow has she become a desolation# A "lace for beasts to lie downH veryone who "asses by her Shall hiss and sha1e his fist'

indignation# All 4y fierce anger9 All the earth shall be devoured Bith the fire of 4y $ealousy'

3Boe to her who is rebellious and

"olluted# To the o""ressing cityH

:For then 0 will restore to the "eo"les a "ure language# That they all may call on the name of the )3+*# To serve 2im with one accord'

She has not obeyed 2is voice# She has not received correction9 She has not trusted in the )3+*# She has not drawn near to her (od'

From beyond the rivers of thio"ia 4y worshi"ers# The daughter of 4y dis"ersed ones# Shall bring 4y offering'

2er "rinces in her midst are roaring lions9 2er $udges are evening wolves That leave not a bone till morning'

0n that day you shall not be shamed for any of your deeds 0n which you transgress against 4e9 For then 0 will ta1e away from your midst Those who re$oice in your "ride# And you shall no longer be haughty 0n 4y holy mountain'

2er "ro"hets are insolent# treacherous "eo"le9 2er "riests have "olluted the sanctuary# They have done violence to the law'

0 will leave in your midst A mee1 and humble "eo"le# And they shall trust in the name of the )3+*'

The )3+* is righteous in her midst# 2e will do no unrighteousness' very morning 2e brings 2is $ustice to light9 2e never fails# But the un$ust 1nows no shame'

The remnant of 0srael shall do no unrighteousness And s"ea1 no lies# Nor shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth9 For they shall feed their floc1s and lie down# And no one shall ma1e them afraid':

:0 have cut off nations# Their fortresses are devastated9 0 have made their streets desolate# Bith none "assing by' Their cities are destroyed9 There is no one# no inhabitant'

Sing# 3 daughter of 5ionH Shout# 3 0sraelH Be glad and re$oice with all your heart# 3 daughter of JerusalemH

0 said# :Surely you will fear 4e# Cou will receive instructionDFF So that her dwelling would not be cut off# *es"ite everything for which 0 "unished her' But they rose early and corru"ted all their deeds'

The )3+* has ta1en away your $udgments# 2e has cast out your enemy' The King of 0srael# the )3+*# is in your midst9 Cou shall see disaster no more'

:Therefore wait for 4e#: says the )3+*# :Antil the day 0 rise u" for "lunder9 4y determination is to gather the nations To 4y assembly of 1ingdoms# To "our on them 4y

0n that day it shall be said to Jerusalem7 :*o not fear9 5ion# let not your hands be wea1'

The )3+* your (od in your midst# The 4ighty 3ne# will save9 2e will re$oice over you with gladness# 2e will

Guiet you with 2is love# 2e will re$oice over you with singing':

:0 will gather those who sorrow over the a""ointed assembly# Bho are among you# To whom its re"roach is a burden'

gather those who were driven out9 0 will a""oint them for "raise and fame 0n every land where they were "ut to shame'

Behold# at that time 0 will deal with all who afflict you9 0 will save the lame# And

At that time 0 will bring you bac1# ven at the time 0 gather you9 For 0 will give you fame and "raise Among all the "eo"les of the earth# Bhen 0 return your ca"tives before your eyes#: Says the )3+*'

Haggai 10n the second year of King *arius# in

the si!th month# on the first day of the month# the word of the )3+* came by 2aggai the "ro"het to 5erubbabel the son of Shealtiel# governor of Judah# and to Joshua the son of Jeho.ada1# the high "riest# saying#

that is in ruins# while every one of you runs to his own house'

Therefore the heavens above you withhold the dew# and the earth withholds its fruit'

:Thus s"ea1s the )3+* of hosts# saying7 :This "eo"le says# :The time has not come# the time that the )3+*Ds house should be built'::D

For 0 called for a drought on the land and the mountains# on the grain and the new wine and the oil# on whatever the ground brings forth# on men and livestoc1# and on all the labor of your hands':

Then the word of the )3+* came by 2aggai the "ro"het# saying#

:0s it time for you yourselves to dwell in your "aneled houses# and this tem"le to lie in ruinsE:

Now therefore# thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :-onsider your waysH

Then 5erubbabel the son of Shealtiel# and Joshua the son of Jeho.ada1# the high "riest# with all the remnant of the "eo"le# obeyed the voice of the )3+* their (od# and the words of 2aggai the "ro"het# as the )3+* their (od had sent him9 and the "eo"le feared the "resence of the )3+*'

:Cou have sown much# and bring in little9 Cou eat# but do not have enough9 Cou drin1# but you are not filled with drin19 Cou clothe yourselves# but no one is warm9 And he who earns wages# arns wages to "ut into a bag with holes':

Then 2aggai# the )3+*Ds messenger# s"o1e the )3+*Ds message to the "eo"le# saying# :0 am with you# says the )3+*':

Thus says the )3+* :-onsider your waysH




(o u" to the mountains and bring wood and build the tem"le# that 0 may ta1e "leasure in it and be glorified#: says the )3+*'

So the )3+* stirred u" the s"irit of 5erubbabel the son of Shealtiel# governor of Judah# and the s"irit of Joshua the son of Jeho.ada1# the high "riest# and the s"irit of all the remnant of the "eo"le9 and they came and wor1ed on the house of the )3+* of hosts# their (od#

on the twentyFfourth day of the si!th month# in the second year of King *arius'

:Cou loo1ed for much# but indeed it came to little9 and when you brought it home# 0 blew it away' BhyE: says the )3+* of hosts' :Because of 4y house

20n the seventh month# on the twentyF

first of the month# the word of the )3+* came by 2aggai the "ro"het# saying7


3n the twentyFfourth day of the ninth month# in the second year of *arius# the word of the )3+* came by 2aggai the "ro"het# saying#

:S"ea1 now to 5erubbabel the son of Shealtiel# governor of Judah# and to Joshua the son of Jeho.ada1# the high "riest# and to the remnant of the "eo"le# saying7

:Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :Now# as1 the "riests concerning the law# saying#

:Bho is left among you who saw this tem"le in its former gloryE And how do you see it nowE 0n com"arison with it# is this not in your eyes as nothingE

:0f one carries holy meat in the fold of his garment# and with the edge he touches bread or stew# wine or oil# or any food# will it become holyE::D Then the "riests answered and said# :No':

Cet now be strong# 5erubbabel#D says the )3+*9 :and be strong# Joshua# son of Jeho.ada1# the high "riest9 and be strong# all you "eo"le of the land#D says the )3+*# :and wor19 for 0 am with you#D says the )3+* of hosts'

And 2aggai said# :0f one who is unclean because of a dead body touches any of these# will it be uncleanE: So the "riests answered and said# :0t shall be unclean':

:According to the word that 0 covenanted with you when you came out of gy"t# so 4y S"irit remains among you9 do not fearHD

Then 2aggai answered and said# ::So is this "eo"le# and so is this nation before 4e#D says the )3+*# :and so is every wor1 of their hands9 and what they offer there is unclean'

:For thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :3nce more Iit is a little whileJ 0 will sha1e heaven and earth# the sea and dry land9

:And now# carefully consider from this day forward7 from before stone was laid u"on stone in the tem"le of the )3+*FF

and 0 will sha1e all nations# and they shall come to the *esire of All Nations# and 0 will fill this tem"le with glory#D says the )3+* of hosts'

since those days# when one came to a hea" of twenty e"hahs# there were but ten9 when one came to the wine vat to draw out fifty baths from the "ress# there were but twenty'

:The silver is 4ine# and the gold is 4ine#D says the )3+* of hosts'

0 struc1 you with blight and mildew and hail in all the labors of your hands9 yet you did not turn to 4e#D says the )3+*'

:The glory of this latter tem"le shall be greater than the former#D says the )3+* of hosts' :And in this "lace 0 will give "eace#D says the )3+* of hosts':

:-onsider now from this day forward# from the twentyFfourth day of the ninth month# from the day that the foundation of the )3+*Ds tem"le was laidFFconsider it7


0s the seed still in the barnE As yet the vine# the fig tree# the "omegranate# and the olive tree have not yielded fruit' But from this day 0 will bless you':D


And again the word of the )3+* came to 2aggai on the twentyFfourth day of the month# saying#

0 will overthrow the throne of 1ingdoms9 0 will destroy the strength of the (entile 1ingdoms' 0 will overthrow the chariots And those who ride in them9 The horses and their riders shall come down# very one by the sword of his brother'

:S"ea1 to 5erubbabel# governor of Judah# saying7 :0 will sha1e heaven and earth'

:0n that day#D says the )3+* of hosts# :0 will ta1e you# 5erubbabel 4y servant# the son of Shealtiel#D says the )3+*# :and will ma1e you li1e a signet ring9 for 0 have chosen you#D says the )3+* of hosts':

5echariah 10n the eighth month of the second

year of *arius# the word of the )3+* came to 5echariah the son of Berechiah# the son of 0ddo the "ro"het# saying#

myrtle trees in the hollow9 and behind him were horses7 red# sorrel# and white'

Then 0 said# :4y lord# what are theseE: So the angel who tal1ed with me said to me# :0 will show you what they are':

:The )3+* has been very angry with your fathers'


Therefore say to them# :Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :+eturn to 4e#: says the )3+* of hosts# :and 0 will return to you#: says the )3+* of hosts'

And the man who stood among the myrtle trees answered and said# :These are the ones whom the )3+* has sent to wal1 to and fro throughout the earth':

:*o not be li1e your fathers# to whom the former "ro"hets "reached# saying# :Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :Turn now from your evil ways and your evil deeds':D But they did not hear nor heed 4e#: says the )3+*'

So they answered the Angel of the )3+*# who stood among the myrtle trees# and said# :Be have wal1ed to and fro throughout the earth# and behold# all the earth is resting Guietly':

:Cour fathers# where are theyE And the "ro"hets# do they live foreverE

Then the Angel of the )3+* answered and said# :3 )3+* of hosts# how long will Cou not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah# against which Cou were angry these seventy yearsE:

Cet surely 4y words and 4y statutes# Bhich 0 commanded 4y servants the "ro"hets# *id they not overta1e your fathersE :So they returned and said7 :Just as the )3+* of hosts determined to do to us# According to our ways and according to our deeds# So 2e has dealt with us':::

And the )3+* answered the angel who tal1ed to me# with good and comforting words'

So the angel who s"o1e with me said to me# :/roclaim# saying# :Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :0 am .ealous for Jerusalem And for 5ion with great .eal'

3n the twentyFfourth day of the eleventh month# which is the month Shebat# in the second year of *arius# the word of the )3+* came to 5echariah the son of Berechiah# the son of 0ddo the "ro"het7

0 am e!ceedingly angry with the nations at ease9 For 0 was a little angry# And they hel"edFFbut with evil intent':

0 saw by night# and behold# a man riding on a red horse# and it stood among the

:Therefore thus says the )3+*7 :0 am returning to Jerusalem with mercy9 4y house shall be built in it#: says the )3+* of hosts# :And a surveyorDs line shall be stretched out over Jerusalem':D


:Again "roclaim# saying# :Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :4y cities shall again s"read out through "ros"erity9 The )3+* will again comfort 5ion# And will again choose Jerusalem'::D


For 0#D says the )3+*# :will be a wall of fire all around her# and 0 will be the glory in her midst':D

Then 0 raised my eyes and loo1ed# and there were four horns'

:A"# u"H Flee from the land of the north#: says the )3+*9 :for 0 have s"read you abroad li1e the four winds of heaven#: says the )3+*'

And 0 said to the angel who tal1ed with me# :Bhat are theseE: So he answered me# :These are the horns that have scattered Judah# 0srael# and Jerusalem':

:A"# 5ionH sca"e# you who dwell with the daughter of Babylon':

Then the )3+* showed me four craftsmen'


For thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :2e sent 4e after glory# to the nations which "lunder you9 for he who touches you touches the a""le of 2is eye'

And 0 said# :Bhat are these coming to doE: So he said# :These are the horns that scattered Judah# so that no one could lift u" his head9 but the craftsmen are coming to terrify them# to cast out the horns of the nations that lifted u" their horn against the land of Judah to scatter it':

For surely 0 will sha1e 4y hand against them# and they shall become s"oil for their servants' Then you will 1now that the )3+* of hosts has sent 4e'

:Sing and re$oice# 3 daughter of 5ionH For behold# 0 am coming and 0 will dwell in your midst#: says the )3+*'

2Then 0 raised my eyes and loo1ed#

and behold# a man with a measuring line in his hand'

:4any nations shall be $oined to the )3+* in that day# and they shall become 4y "eo"le' And 0 will dwell in your midst' Then you will 1now that the )3+* of hosts has sent 4e to you'

So 0 said# :Bhere are you goingE: And he said to me# :To measure Jerusalem# to see what is its width and what is its length':

And the )3+* will ta1e "ossession of Judah as 2is inheritance in the 2oly )and# and will again choose Jerusalem'

And there was the angel who tal1ed with me# going out9 and another angel was coming out to meet him#

Be silent# all flesh# before the )3+*# for 2e is aroused from 2is holy habitationH:

who said to him# :+un# s"ea1 to this young man# saying7 :Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls# because of the multitude of men and livestoc1 in it'

3Then he showed me Joshua the high

"riest standing before the Angel of the )3+*# and Satan standing at his right hand to o""ose him'

And the )3+* said to Satan# :The )3+* rebu1e you# SatanH The )3+* who has chosen Jerusalem rebu1e youH 0s this not a brand "luc1ed from the fireE:


0n that day#D says the )3+* of hosts# : veryone will invite his neighbor Ander his vine and under his fig tree':D

Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments# and was standing before the Angel'

4Now the angel who tal1ed with me

came bac1 and wa1ened me# as a man who is wa1ened out of his slee"'

Then 2e answered and s"o1e to those who stood before 2im# saying# :Ta1e away the filthy garments from him': And to him 2e said# :See# 0 have removed your iniGuity from you# and 0 will clothe you with rich robes':

And he said to me# :Bhat do you seeE: So 0 said# :0 am loo1ing# and there is a lam"stand of solid gold with a bowl on to" of it# and on the stand seven lam"s with seven "i"es to the seven lam"s'

And 0 said# :)et them "ut a clean turban on his head': So they "ut a clean turban on his head# and they "ut the clothes on him' And the Angel of the )3+* stood by'

Two olive trees are by it# one at the right of the bowl and the other at its left':

So 0 answered and s"o1e to the angel who tal1ed with me# saying# :Bhat are these# my lordE:

Then the Angel of the admonished Joshua# saying#



:Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :0f you will wal1 in 4y ways# And if you will 1ee" 4y command# Then you shall also $udge 4y house# And li1ewise have charge of 4y courts9 0 will give you "laces to wal1 Among these who stand here'

Then the angel who tal1ed with me answered and said to me# :*o you not 1now what these areE: And 0 said# :No# my lord':

So he answered and said to me7 :This is the word of the )3+* to 5erubbabel7 :Not by might nor by "ower# but by 4y S"irit#D Says the )3+* of hosts'

:2ear# 3 Joshua# the high "riest# Cou and your com"anions who sit before you# For they are a wondrous sign9 For behold# 0 am bringing forth 4y Servant the B+AN-2'

:Bho are you# 3 great mountainE Before 5erubbabel you shall become a "lainH And he shall bring forth the ca"stone Bith shouts of :(race# grace to itH::D

For behold# the stone That 0 have laid before Joshua7 A"on the stone are seven eyes' Behold# 0 will engrave its inscri"tion#D Says the )3+* of hosts# :And 0 will remove the iniGuity of that land in one day'

4oreover the word of the )3+* came to me# saying7


:The hands of 5erubbabel 2ave laid the foundation of this tem"le9 2is hands shall also finish it' Then you will 1now That the )3+* of hosts has sent 4e to you'


For who has des"ised the day of small thingsE For these seven re$oice to see The "lumb line in the hand of 5erubbabel' They are the eyes of the )3+*# Bhich scan to and fro throughout the whole earth':


Then the angel who tal1ed with me came out and said to me# :)ift your eyes now# and see what this is that goes forth':

Then 0 answered and said to him# :Bhat are these two olive treesFFat the right of the lam"stand and at its leftE:

So 0 as1ed# :Bhat is itE: And he said# :0t is a bas1et that is going forth': 2e also said# :This is their resemblance throughout the earth7

And 0 further answered and said to him# :Bhat are these two olive branches that dri" into the rece"tacles of the two gold "i"es from which the golden oil drainsE:

2ere is a lead disc lifted u"# and this is a woman sitting inside the bas1et:9

then he said# :This is Bic1ednessH: And he thrust her down into the bas1et# and threw the lead cover over its mouth'

Then he answered me and said# :*o you not 1now what these areE: And 0 said# :No# my lord':

So he said# :These are the two anointed ones# who stand beside the )ord of the whole earth':

Then 0 raised my eyes and loo1ed# and there were two women# coming with the wind in their wings9 for they had wings li1e the wings of a stor1# and they lifted u" the bas1et between earth and heaven'

5Then 0 turned and raised my eyes#

and saw there a flying scroll'

So 0 said to the angel who tal1ed with me# :Bhere are they carrying the bas1etE:

And he said to me# :Bhat do you seeE: So 0 answered# :0 see a flying scroll' 0ts length is twenty cubits and its width ten cubits':

And he said to me# :To build a house for it in the land of Shinar9 when it is ready# the bas1et will be set there on its base':

Then he said to me# :This is the curse that goes out over the face of the whole earth7 : very thief shall be e!"elled#D according to this side of the scroll9 and# : very "er$urer shall be e!"elled#D according to that side of it':

6Then 0 turned and raised my eyes

and loo1ed# and behold# four chariots were coming from between two mountains# and the mountains were mountains of bron.e'

:0 will send out the curse#: says the )3+* of hosts9 :0t shall enter the house of the thief And the house of the one who swears falsely by 4y name' 0t shall remain in the midst of his house And consume it# with its timber and stones':

Bith the first chariot were red horses# with the second chariot blac1 horses#

with the third chariot white horses# and with the fourth chariot da""led horsesFF strong steeds'

Then 0 answered and said to the angel who tal1ed with me# :Bhat are these# my lordE:

shall sit and rule on 2is throne9 So 2e shall be a "riest on 2is throne# And the counsel of "eace shall be between them both':D

And the angel answered and said to me# :These are four s"irits of heaven# who go out from their station before the )ord of all the earth'

:Now the elaborate crown shall be for a memorial in the tem"le of the )3+* for 2elem# Tobi$ah# Jedaiah# and 2en the son of 5e"haniah'

The one with the blac1 horses is going to the north country# the white are going after them# and the da""led are going toward the south country':

Then the strong steeds went out# eager to go# that they might wal1 to and fro throughout the earth' And 2e said# :(o# wal1 to and fro throughout the earth': So they wal1ed to and fro throughout the earth'

ven those from afar shall come and build the tem"le of the )3+*' Then you shall 1now that the )3+* of hosts has sent 4e to you' And this shall come to "ass if you diligently obey the voice of the )3+* your (od':

7Now in the fourth year of King *arius

it came to "ass that the word of the )3+* came to 5echariah# on the fourth day of the ninth month# -hislev#

And 2e called to me# and s"o1e to me# saying# :See# those who go toward the north country have given rest to 4y S"irit in the north country':

Then the word of the )3+* came to me# saying7


when the "eo"le sent with +egemF4elech and his men# to the house of (od# to "ray before the )3+*#

:+eceive the gift from the ca"tivesFF from 2eldai# Tobi$ah# and Jedaiah# who have come from BabylonFFand go the same day and enter the house of Josiah the son of 5e"haniah'

and to as1 the "riests who were in the house of the )3+* of hosts# and the "ro"hets# saying# :Should 0 wee" in the fifth month and fast as 0 have done for so many yearsE:

Ta1e the silver and gold# ma1e an elaborate crown# and set it on the head of Joshua the son of Jeho.ada1# the high "riest'

Then the word of the )3+* of hosts came to me# saying#


Then s"ea1 to him# saying# :Thus says the )3+* of hosts# saying7 :Behold# the 4an whose name is the B+AN-2H From 2is "lace 2e shall branch out# And 2e shall build the tem"le of the )3+*9

:Say to all the "eo"le of the land# and to the "riests7 :Bhen you fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh months during those seventy years# did you really fast for 4eFFfor 4eE

Bhen you eat and when you drin1# do you not eat and drin1 for yourselvesE

Ces# 2e shall build the tem"le of the )3+*' 2e shall bear the glory# And

Should you not have obeyed the words which the )3+* "roclaimed through the

former "ro"hets when Jerusalem and the cities around it were inhabited and "ros"erous# and the South and the )owland were inhabitedE:D

:Thus says the )3+*7 :0 will return to 5ion# And dwell in the midst of Jerusalem' Jerusalem shall be called the -ity of Truth# The 4ountain of the )3+* of hosts# The 2oly 4ountain'D

Then the word of the )3+* came to 5echariah# saying#


:Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 : !ecute true $ustice# Show mercy and com"assion veryone to his brother'

:Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :3ld men and old women shall again sit 0n the streets of Jerusalem# ach one with his staff in his hand Because of great age'

*o not o""ress the widow or the fatherless# The alien or the "oor' )et none of you "lan evil in his heart Against his brother'D

The streets of the city Shall be full of boys and girls /laying in its streets'D

But they refused to heed# shrugged their shoulders# and sto""ed their ears so that they could not hear'

:Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :0f it is marvelous in the eyes of the remnant of this "eo"le in these days# Bill it also be marvelous in 4y eyesED Says the )3+* of hosts'

Ces# they made their hearts li1e flint# refusing to hear the law and the words which the )3+* of hosts had sent by 2is S"irit through the former "ro"hets' Thus great wrath came from the )3+* of hosts'

:Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :Behold# 0 will save 4y "eo"le from the land of the east And from the land of the west9

Therefore it ha""ened# that $ust as 2e "roclaimed and they would not hear# so they called out and 0 would not listen#: says the )3+* of hosts'

0 will bring them bac1# And they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem' They shall be 4y "eo"le And 0 will be their (od# 0n truth and righteousness'D

:But 0 scattered them with a whirlwind among all the nations which they had not 1nown' Thus the land became desolate after them# so that no one "assed through or returned9 for they made the "leasant land desolate':

:Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :)et your hands be strong# Cou who have been hearing in these days These words by the mouth of the "ro"hets# Bho s"o1e in the day the foundation was laid For the house of the )3+* of hosts# That the tem"le might be built'

8Again the word of the )3+* of hosts

came# saying#

For before these days There were no wages for man nor any hire for beast9 There was no "eace from the enemy for whoever went out or came in9 For 0 set all men# everyone# against his neighbor'

:Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :0 am .ealous for 5ion with great .eal9 Bith great fervor 0 am .ealous for her'D

But now 0 will not treat the remnant of this "eo"le as in the former days#D says the )3+* of hosts'


:For the seed shall be "ros"erous# The vine shall give its fruit# The ground shall give her increase# And the heavens shall give their dewFF 0 will cause the remnant of this "eo"le To "ossess all these'


The inhabitants of one city shall go to another# saying# :)et us continue to go and "ray before the )3+*# And see1 the )3+* of hosts' 0 myself will go also':

And it shall come to "ass That $ust as you were a curse among the nations# 3 house of Judah and house of 0srael# So 0 will save you# and you shall be a blessing' *o not fear# )et your hands be strong'D

Ces# many "eo"les and strong nations Shall come to see1 the )3+* of hosts in Jerusalem# And to "ray before the )3+*'D

:For thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :Just as 0 determined to "unish you Bhen your fathers "rovo1ed 4e to wrath#D Says the )3+* of hosts# :And 0 would not relent#

:Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :0n those days ten men from every language of the nations shall gras" the sleeve of a Jewish man# saying# :)et us go with you# for we have heard that (od is with you'::D

So again in these days 0 am determined to do good To Jerusalem and to the house of Judah' *o not fear'

9The burden of the word of the )3+*

Against the land of 2adrach# And *amascus its resting "lace IFor the eyes of men And all the tribes of 0srael Are on the )3+*J9

These are the things you shall do7 S"ea1 each man the truth to his neighbor9 (ive $udgment in your gates for truth# $ustice# and "eace9

Also against 2amath# which borders on it# And against Tyre and Sidon# though they are very wise'

)et none of you thin1 evil in your heart against your neighbor9 And do not love a false oath' For all these are things that 0 hate#D Says the )3+*':

For Tyre built herself a tower# 2ea"ed u" silver li1e the dust# And gold li1e the mire of the streets'

Then the word of the )3+* of hosts came to me# saying#


Behold# the )3+* will cast her out9 2e will destroy her "ower in the sea# And she will be devoured by fire'

:Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :The fast of the fourth month# The fast of the fifth# The fast of the seventh# And the fast of the tenth# Shall be $oy and gladness and cheerful feasts For the house of Judah' Therefore love truth and "eace'D

Ash1elon shall see it and fear9 (a.a also shall be very sorrowful9 And 1ron# for 2e dried u" her e!"ectation' The 1ing shall "erish from (a.a# And Ash1elon shall not be inhabited'

:Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :/eo"les shall yet come# 0nhabitants of many cities9

:A mi!ed race shall settle in Ashdod# And 0 will cut off the "ride of the /hilistines'

0 will ta1e away the blood from his mouth# And the abominations from between his teeth' But he who remains# even he shall be for our (od# And shall be li1e a leader in Judah# And 1ron li1e a Jebusite'


The )3+* of hosts will defend them9 They shall devour and subdue with slingstones' They shall drin1 and roar as if with wine9 They shall be filled with blood li1e basins# )i1e the corners of the altar'

0 will cam" around 4y house Because of the army# Because of him who "asses by and him who returns' No more shall an o""ressor "ass through them# For now 0 have seen with 4y eyes'

The )3+* their (od will save them in that day# As the floc1 of 2is "eo"le' For they shall be li1e the $ewels of a crown# )ifted li1e a banner over 2is landFF

:+e$oice greatly# 3 daughter of 5ionH Shout# 3 daughter of JerusalemH Behold# your King is coming to you9 2e is $ust and having salvation# )owly and riding on a don1ey# A colt# the foal of a don1ey'

For how great is its goodness And how great its beautyH (rain shall ma1e the young men thrive# And new wine the young women'

10As1 the )3+* for rain 0n the time

of the latter rain' The )3+* will ma1e flashing clouds9 2e will give them showers of rain# (rass in the field for everyone'

0 will cut off the chariot from "hraim And the horse from Jerusalem9 The battle bow shall be cut off' 2e shall s"ea1 "eace to the nations9 2is dominion shall be :from sea to sea# And from the +iver to the ends of the earth'D

:As for you also# Because of the blood of your covenant# 0 will set your "risoners free from the waterless "it'

For the idols s"ea1 delusion9 The diviners envision lies# And tell false dreams9 They comfort in vain' Therefore the "eo"le wend their way li1e shee"9 They are in trouble because there is no she"herd'

+eturn to the stronghold# Cou "risoners of ho"e' ven today 0 declare That 0 will restore double to you'

For 0 have bent Judah# 4y bow# Fitted the bow with "hraim# And raised u" your sons# 3 5ion# Against your sons# 3 (reece# And made you li1e the sword of a mighty man':

:4y anger is 1indled against the she"herds# And 0 will "unish the goatherds' For the )3+* of hosts will visit 2is floc1# The house of Judah# And will ma1e them as 2is royal horse in the battle'

From him comes the cornerstone# From him the tent "eg# From him the battle bow# From him every ruler together'

Then the )3+* will be seen over them# And 2is arrow will go forth li1e lightning' The )ord (3* will blow the trum"et# And go with whirlwinds from the south'

They shall be li1e mighty men# Bho tread down their enemies 0n the mire of the streets in the battle' They shall fight because the )3+* is with them# And the riders on horses shall be "ut to shame'


:0 will strengthen the house of Judah# And 0 will save the house of Jose"h' 0 will bring them bac1# Because 0 have mercy on them' They shall be as though 0 had not cast them aside9 For 0 am the )3+* their (od# And 0 will hear them'

There is the sound of wailing she"herdsH For their glory is in ruins' There is the sound of roaring lionsH For the "ride of the Jordan is in ruins'

Thus says the )3+* my (od# :Feed the floc1 for slaughter#

Those of "hraim shall be li1e a mighty man# And their heart shall re$oice as if with wine' Ces# their children shall see it and be glad9 Their heart shall re$oice in the )3+*'

whose owners slaughter them and feel no guilt9 those who sell them say# :Blessed be the )3+*# for 0 am richD9 and their she"herds do not "ity them'

0 will whistle for them and gather them# For 0 will redeem them9 And they shall increase as they once increased'

:0 will sow them among the "eo"les# And they shall remember 4e in far countries9 They shall live# together with their children# And they shall return'

For 0 will no longer "ity the inhabitants of the land#: says the )3+*' :But indeed 0 will give everyone into his neighborDs hand and into the hand of his 1ing' They shall attac1 the land# and 0 will not deliver them from their hand':

0 will also bring them bac1 from the land of gy"t# And gather them from Assyria' 0 will bring them into the land of (ilead and )ebanon# Antil no more room is found for them'

So 0 fed the floc1 for slaughter# in "articular the "oor of the floc1' 0 too1 for myself two staffs7 the one 0 called Beauty# and the other 0 called Bonds9 and 0 fed the floc1'

2e shall "ass through the sea with affliction# And stri1e the waves of the sea7 All the de"ths of the +iver shall dry u"' Then the "ride of Assyria shall be brought down# And the sce"ter of gy"t shall de"art'

0 dismissed the three she"herds in one month' 4y soul loathed them# and their soul also abhorred me'

Then 0 said# :0 will not feed you' )et what is dying die# and what is "erishing "erish' )et those that are left eat each otherDs flesh':

:So 0 will strengthen them in the )3+*# And they shall wal1 u" and down in 2is name#: Says the )3+*'

And 0 too1 my staff# Beauty# and cut it in two# that 0 might brea1 the covenant which 0 had made with all the "eo"les'


your doors# 3 )ebanon# That fire may devour your cedars' Bail# 3 cy"ress# for the cedar has fallen# Because the mighty trees are ruined' Bail# 3 oa1s of Bashan# For the thic1 forest has come down'

So it was bro1en on that day' Thus the "oor of the floc1# who were watching me# 1new that it was the word of the )3+*'

Then 0 said to them# :0f it is agreeable to you# give me my wages9 and if not# refrain': So they weighed out for my wages thirty "ieces of silver'


And the )3+* said to me# :Throw it to the "otter:FFthat "rincely "rice they set on me' So 0 too1 the thirty "ieces of silver and threw them into the house of the )3+* for the "otter'

0n that day#: says the )3+*# :0 will stri1e every horse with confusion# and its rider with madness9 0 will o"en 4y eyes on the house of Judah# and will stri1e every horse of the "eo"les with blindness'

Then 0 cut in two my other staff# Bonds# that 0 might brea1 the brotherhood between Judah and 0srael'

And the )3+* said to me# :Ne!t# ta1e for yourself the im"lements of a foolish she"herd'

And the governors of Judah shall say in their heart# :The inhabitants of Jerusalem are my strength in the )3+* of hosts# their (od'D

For indeed 0 will raise u" a she"herd in the land who will not care for those who are cut off# nor see1 the young# nor heal those that are bro1en# nor feed those that still stand' But he will eat the flesh of the fat and tear their hooves in "ieces'

0n that day 0 will ma1e the governors of Judah li1e a fire"an in the wood"ile# and li1e a fiery torch in the sheaves9 they shall devour all the surrounding "eo"les on the right hand and on the left# but Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own "laceFFJerusalem'

:Boe to the worthless she"herd# Bho leaves the floc1H A sword shall be against his arm And against his right eye9 2is arm shall com"letely wither# And his right eye shall be totally blinded':

:The )3+* will save the tents of Judah first# so that the glory of the house of *avid and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem shall not become greater than that of Judah'

12The burden of the word of the

)3+* against 0srael' Thus says the )3+*# who stretches out the heavens# lays the foundation of the earth# and forms the s"irit of man within him7

0n that day the )3+* will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem9 the one who is feeble among them in that day shall be li1e *avid# and the house of *avid shall be li1e (od# li1e the Angel of the )3+* before them'

0t shall be in that day that 0 will see1 to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem'

:Behold# 0 will ma1e Jerusalem a cu" of drun1enness to all the surrounding "eo"les# when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem'

And it shall ha""en in that day that 0 will ma1e Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all "eo"les9 all who would heave it away will surely be cut in "ieces# though all nations of the earth are gathered against it'

:And 0 will "our on the house of *avid and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the S"irit of grace and su""lication9 then they will loo1 on 4e whom they "ierced' Ces# they will mourn for 2im as one mourns for his only son# and grieve for 2im as one grieves for a firstborn'

0n that day there shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem# li1e the

mourning at 2adad +immon in the "lain of 4egiddo'



And the land shall mourn# every family by itself7 the family of the house of *avid by itself# and their wives by themselves9 the family of the house of Nathan by itself# and their wives by themselves9

And one will say to him# :Bhat are these wounds between your armsED Then he will answer# :Those with which 0 was wounded in the house of my friends'D

the family of the house of )evi by itself# and their wives by themselves9 the family of Shimei by itself# and their wives by themselves9

:Awa1e# 3 sword# against 4y She"herd# Against the 4an who is 4y -om"anion#: Says the )3+* of hosts' :Stri1e the She"herd# And the shee" will be scattered9 Then 0 will turn 4y hand against the little ones'

all the families that remain# every family by itself# and their wives by themselves'

And it shall come to "ass in all the land#: Says the )3+*# :That twoFthirds in it shall be cut off and die# But oneF third shall be left in it7

13:0n that day a fountain shall be

o"ened for the house of *avid and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem# for sin and for uncleanness'

0 will bring the oneFthird through the fire# Bill refine them as silver is refined# And test them as gold is tested' They will call on 4y name# And 0 will answer them' 0 will say# :This is 4y "eo"leD9 And each one will say# :The )3+* is my (od':D

:0t shall be in that day#: says the )3+* of hosts# :that 0 will cut off the names of the idols from the land# and they shall no longer be remembered' 0 will also cause the "ro"hets and the unclean s"irit to de"art from the land'

14Behold# the day of the )3+* is

coming# And your s"oil will be divided in your midst'

0t shall come to "ass that if anyone still "ro"hesies# then his father and mother who begot him will say to him# :Cou shall not live# because you have s"o1en lies in the name of the )3+*'D And his father and mother who begot him shall thrust him through when he "ro"hesies'

For 0 will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem9 The city shall be ta1en# The houses rifled# And the women ravished' 2alf of the city shall go into ca"tivity# But the remnant of the "eo"le shall not be cut off from the city'

:And it shall be in that day that every "ro"het will be ashamed of his vision when he "ro"hesies9 they will not wear a robe of coarse hair to deceive'

Then the )3+* will go forth And fight against those nations# As 2e fights in the day of battle'

But he will say# :0 am no "ro"het# 0 am a farmer9 for a man taught me to 1ee" cattle from my youth'D

And in that day 2is feet will stand on the 4ount of 3lives# Bhich faces Jerusalem on the east' And the 4ount of 3lives shall be s"lit in two# From east to west# 4a1ing a very large valley9 2alf of the mountain shall move toward the north And half of it toward the south'


Then you shall flee through 4y mountain valley# For the mountain valley shall reach to' Ces# you shall flee As you fled from the earthGua1e 0n the days of A..iah 1ing of Judah' Thus the )3+* my (od will come# And all the saints with Cou'


0t shall come to "ass in that day That a great "anic from the )3+* will be among them' veryone will sei.e the hand of his neighbor# And raise his hand against his neighborDs hand9

0t shall come to "ass in that day That there will be no light9 The lights will diminish'

Judah also will fight at Jerusalem' And the wealth of all the surrounding nations Shall be gathered together7 (old# silver# and a""arel in great abundance'

0t shall be one day Bhich is 1nown to the )3+*FF Neither day nor night' But at evening time it shall ha""en That it will be light'

Such also shall be the "lague 3n the horse and the mule# 3n the camel and the don1ey# And on all the cattle that will be in those cam"s' So shall this "lague be'

And in that day it shall be That living waters shall flow from Jerusalem# 2alf of them toward the eastern sea And half of them toward the western sea9 0n both summer and winter it shall occur'

And it shall come to "ass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go u" from year to year to worshi" the King# the )3+* of hosts# and to 1ee" the Feast of Tabernacles'

And the )3+* shall be King over all the earth' 0n that day it shall beFF :The )3+* is one#: And 2is name one'

All the land shall be turned into a "lain from (eba to +immon south of Jerusalem' Jerusalem shall be raised u" and inhabited in her "lace from Ben$aminDs (ate to the "lace of the First (ate and the -orner (ate# and from the Tower of 2ananel to the 1ingDs wine"resses'

And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come u" to Jerusalem to worshi" the King# the )3+* of hosts# on them there will be no rain'

0f the family of gy"t will not come u" and enter in# they shall have no rain9 they shall receive the "lague with which the )3+* stri1es the nations who do not come u" to 1ee" the Feast of Tabernacles'

The "eo"le shall dwell in it9 And no longer shall there be utter destruction# But Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited'

And this shall be the "lague with which the )3+* will stri1e all the "eo"le who fought against Jerusalem7 Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet# Their eyes shall dissolve in their soc1ets# And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths'

This shall be the "unishment of gy"t and the "unishment of all the nations that do not come u" to 1ee" the Feast of Tabernacles'

0n that day :23)0N SS T3 T2 )3+*: shall be engraved on the bells of the horses' The "ots in the )3+*Ds house shall be li1e the bowls before the altar'


Ces# every "ot in Jerusalem and Judah shall be holiness to the )3+* of hosts' veryone who sacrifices shall come and

ta1e them and coo1 in them' 0n that day there shall no longer be a -anaanite in the house of the )3+* of hosts'

)alachi 1The burden of the word of the )3+*

to 0srael by 4alachi'

be "leased with youE Bould he acce"t you favorablyE: Says the )3+* of hosts'

:0 have loved you#: says the )3+*' :Cet you say# :0n what way have Cou loved usED Bas not sau JacobDs brotherE: Says the )3+*' :Cet Jacob 0 have loved9

:But now entreat (odDs favor# That 2e may be gracious to us' Bhile this is being done by your hands# Bill 2e acce"t you favorablyE: Says the )3+* of hosts'

But sau 0 have hated# And laid waste his mountains and his heritage For the $ac1als of the wilderness':

ven though dom has said# :Be have been im"overished# But we will return and build the desolate "laces#: Thus says the )3+* of hosts7 :They may build# but 0 will throw down9 They shall be called the Territory of Bic1edness# And the "eo"le against whom the )3+* will have indignation forever'

:Bho is there even among you who would shut the doors# So that you would not 1indle fire on 4y altar in vainE 0 have no "leasure in you#: Says the )3+* of hosts# :Nor will 0 acce"t an offering from your hands'

Cour eyes shall see# And you shall say# :The )3+* is magnified beyond the border of 0srael'D

For from the rising of the sun# even to its going down# 4y name shall be great among the (entiles9 0n every "lace incense shall be offered to 4y name# And a "ure offering9 For 4y name shall be great among the nations#: Says the )3+* of hosts'

:A son honors his father# And a servant his master' 0f then 0 am the Father# Bhere is 4y honorE And if 0 am a 4aster# Bhere is 4y reverenceE Says the )3+* of hosts To you "riests who des"ise 4y name' Cet you say# :0n what way have we des"ised Cour nameED

:But you "rofane it# 0n that you say# :The table of the )3+* is defiled9 And its fruit# its food# is contem"tible'D

Cou also say# :3h# what a wearinessHD And you sneer at it#: Says the )3+* of hosts' :And you bring the stolen# the lame# and the sic19 Thus you bring an offeringH Should 0 acce"t this from your handE: Says the )3+*'

:Cou offer defiled food on 4y altar# But say# :0n what way have we defiled CouED By saying# :The table of the )3+* is contem"tible'D

And when you offer the blind as a sacrifice# 0s it not evilE And when you offer the lame and sic1# 0s it not evilE 3ffer it then to your governorH Bould he

:But cursed be the deceiver Bho has in his floc1 a male# And ta1es a vow# But sacrifices to the )ord what is blemishedFF For 0 am a great King#: Says the )3+* of hosts# :And 4y name is to be feared among the nations'


now# 3 "riests# commandment is for you'


0f you will not hear# And if you will not ta1e it to heart# To give glory to 4y name#: Says the )3+* of hosts# :0 will send a curse u"on you# And 0 will curse your blessings' Ces# 0 have cursed them already# Because you do not ta1e it to heart'

:Therefore 0 also have made you contem"tible and base Before all the "eo"le# Because you have not 1e"t 4y ways But have shown "artiality in the law':

2ave we not all one FatherE 2as not one (od created usE Bhy do we deal treacherously with one another By "rofaning the covenant of the fathersE

:Behold# 0 will rebu1e your descendants And s"read refuse on your faces# The refuse of your solemn feasts9 And one will ta1e you away with it'

Judah has dealt treacherously# And an abomination has been committed in 0srael and in Jerusalem# For Judah has "rofaned The )3+*Ds holy institution which 2e loves7 2e has married the daughter of a foreign god'

Then you shall 1now that 0 have sent this commandment to you# That 4y covenant with )evi may continue#: Says the )3+* of hosts'

4ay the )3+* cut off from the tents of Jacob The man who does this# being awa1e and aware# Cet who brings an offering to the )3+* of hostsH

:4y covenant was with him# one of life and "eace# And 0 gave them to him that he might fear 4e9 So he feared 4e And was reverent before 4y name'

The law of truth was in his mouth# And in$ustice was not found on his li"s' 2e wal1ed with 4e in "eace and eGuity# And turned many away from iniGuity'

And this is the second thing you do7 Cou cover the altar of the )3+* with tears# Bith wee"ing and crying9 So 2e does not regard the offering anymore# Nor receive it with goodwill from your hands'

:For the li"s of a "riest should 1ee" 1nowledge# And "eo"le should see1 the law from his mouth9 For he is the messenger of the )3+* of hosts'

Cet you say# :For what reasonE: Because the )3+* has been witness Between you and the wife of your youth# Bith whom you have dealt treacherously9 Cet she is your com"anion And your wife by covenant'

But you have de"arted from the way9 Cou have caused many to stumble at the law' Cou have corru"ted the covenant of )evi#: Says the )3+* of hosts'

But did 2e not ma1e them one# 2aving a remnant of the S"iritE And why oneE 2e see1s godly offs"ring' Therefore ta1e heed to your s"irit# And let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth'

:For the )3+* (od of 0srael says That 2e hates divorce# For it covers oneDs garment with violence#: Says the )3+* of hosts' :Therefore ta1e heed to your

s"irit# That you treacherously':





Cou have wearied the )3+* with your words9 Cet you say# :0n what way have we wearied 2imE: 0n that you say# : veryone who does evil 0s good in the sight of the )3+*# And 2e delights in them#: 3r# :Bhere is the (od of $usticeE:

Cet from the days of your fathers Cou have gone away from 4y ordinances And have not 1e"t them' +eturn to 4e# and 0 will return to you#: Says the )3+* of hosts' :But you said# :0n what way shall we returnED

:Bill a man rob (odE Cet you have robbed 4eH But you say# :0n what way have we robbed CouED 0n tithes and offerings'

3:Behold# 0 send 4y messenger# And

he will "re"are the way before 4e' And the )ord# whom you see1# Bill suddenly come to 2is tem"le# ven the 4essenger of the covenant# 0n whom you delight' Behold# 2e is coming#: Says the )3+* of hosts'

Cou are cursed with a curse# For you have robbed 4e# ven this whole nation'

:But who can endure the day of 2is comingE And who can stand when 2e a""earsE For 2e is li1e a refinerDs fire And li1e launderersD soa"'

Bring all the tithes into the storehouse# That there may be food in 4y house# And try 4e now in this#: Says the )3+* of hosts# :0f 0 will not o"en for you the windows of heaven And "our out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it'

2e will sit as a refiner and a "urifier of silver9 2e will "urify the sons of )evi# And "urge them as gold and silver# That they may offer to the )3+* An offering in righteousness'

:And 0 will rebu1e the devourer for your sa1es# So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground# Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field#: Says the )3+* of hosts9

:Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem Bill be "leasant to the )3+*# As in the days of old# As in former years'

And all nations will call you blessed# For you will be a delightful land#: Says the )3+* of hosts'

And 0 will come near you for $udgment9 0 will be a swift witness Against sorcerers# Against adulterers# Against "er$urers# Against those who e!"loit wage earners and widows and or"hans# And against those who turn away an alienFF Because they do not fear 4e#: Says the )3+* of hosts'

:Cour words have been harsh against 4e#: Says the )3+*# :Cet you say# :Bhat have we s"o1en against CouED

Cou have said# :0t is useless to serve (od9 Bhat "rofit is it that we have 1e"t 2is ordinance# And that we have wal1ed as mourners Before the )3+* of hostsE

:For 0 am the )3+*# 0 do not change9 Therefore you are not consumed# 3 sons of Jacob'

So now we call the "roud blessed# For those who do wic1edness are raised u"9 They even tem"t (od and go free':D


Then those who feared the )3+* s"o1e to one another# And the )3+* listened and heard them9 So a boo1 of remembrance was written before 2im For those who fear the )3+* And who meditate on 2is name'

But to you who fear 4y name The Sun of +ighteousness shall arise Bith healing in 2is wings9 And you shall go out And grow fat li1e stallFfed calves'

:They shall be 4ine#: says the )3+* of hosts# :3n the day that 0 ma1e them 4y $ewels' And 0 will s"are them As a man s"ares his own son who serves him':

Cou shall tram"le the wic1ed# For they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet 3n the day that 0 do this#: Says the )3+* of hosts'

Then you shall again discern Between the righteous and the wic1ed# Between one who serves (od And one who does not serve 2im'

:+emember the )aw of 4oses# 4y servant# Bhich 0 commanded him in 2oreb for all 0srael# Bith the statutes and $udgments'

Behold# 0 will send you li$ah the "ro"het Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the )3+*'


behold# the day is coming# Burning li1e an oven# And all the "roud# yes# all who do wic1edly will be stubble' And the day which is coming shall burn them u"#: Says the )3+* of hosts# :That will leave them neither root nor branch'

And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children# And the hearts of the children to their fathers# )est 0 come and stri1e the earth with a curse':

)atthew 1The boo1 of the genealogy of Jesus

-hrist# the Son of *avid# the Son of Abraham7
, %6

5erubbabel begot Abiud# Abiud begot lia1im# and lia1im begot A.or'


A.or begot 5ado1# 5ado1 begot Achim# and Achim begot liud'

Abraham begot 0saac# 0saac begot Jacob# and Jacob begot Judah and his brothers'

liud begot begot 4atthan# and 4atthan begot Jacob'

Judah begot /ere. and 5erah by Tamar# /ere. begot 2e.ron# and 2e.ron begot +am'

And Jacob begot Jose"h the husband of 4ary# of whom was born Jesus who is called -hrist'

+am begot Amminadab# Amminadab begot Nahshon# and Nahshon begot Salmon'

Salmon begot Boa. by +ahab# Boa. begot 3bed by +uth# 3bed begot Jesse#

So all the generations from Abraham to *avid are fourteen generations# from *avid until the ca"tivity in Babylon are fourteen generations# and from the ca"tivity in Babylon until the -hrist are fourteen generations'

and Jesse begot *avid the 1ing' *avid the 1ing begot Solomon by her who had been the wife of Ariah'

Solomon begot +ehoboam# +ehoboam begot Abi$ah# and Abi$ah begot Asa'

Now the birth of Jesus -hrist was as follows7 After 2is mother 4ary was betrothed to Jose"h# before they came together# she was found with child of the 2oly S"irit'

Asa begot Jehosha"hat# Jehosha"hat begot Joram# and Joram begot A..iah'

Then Jose"h her husband# being a $ust man# and not wanting to ma1e her a "ublic e!am"le# was minded to "ut her away secretly'

A..iah begot Jotham# Jotham begot Aha.# and Aha. begot 2e.e1iah'

2e.e1iah begot 4anasseh# 4anasseh begot Amon# and Amon begot Josiah'

Josiah begot Jeconiah and his brothers about the time they were carried away to Babylon'

But while he thought about these things# behold# an angel of the )ord a""eared to him in a dream# saying# :Jose"h# son of *avid# do not be afraid to ta1e to you 4ary your wife# for that which is conceived in her is of the 2oly S"irit'

And after they were brought to Babylon# Jeconiah begot Shealtiel# and Shealtiel begot 5erubbabel'

And she will bring forth a Son# and you shall call 2is name J SAS# for 2e will save 2is "eo"le from their sins':


So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was s"o1en by the )ord through the "ro"het# saying7

Then 2erod# when he had secretly called the wise men# determined from them what time the star a""eared'

:Behold# the virgin shall be with child# and bear a Son# and they shall call 2is name 0mmanuel#: which is translated# :(od with us':

And he sent them to Bethlehem and said# :(o and search carefully for the young -hild# and when you have found 2im# bring bac1 word to me# that 0 may come and worshi" 2im also':

Then Jose"h# being aroused from slee"# did as the angel of the )ord commanded him and too1 to him his wife#

and did not 1now her till she had brought forth her firstborn Son' And he called 2is name J SAS'

Bhen they heard the 1ing# they de"arted9 and behold# the star which they had seen in the ast went before them# till it came and stood over where the young -hild was'

Bhen they saw the star# they re$oiced with e!ceedingly great $oy'


after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of 2erod the 1ing# behold# wise men from the ast came to Jerusalem# saying# :Bhere is 2e who has been born King of the JewsE For we have seen 2is star in the ast and have come to worshi" 2im':

And when they had come into the house# they saw the young -hild with 4ary 2is mother# and fell down and worshi"ed 2im' And when they had o"ened their treasures# they "resented gifts to 2im7 gold# fran1incense# and myrrh'

Bhen 2erod the 1ing heard this# he was troubled# and all Jerusalem with him'

Then# being divinely warned in a dream that they should not return to 2erod# they de"arted for their own country another way'

And when he had gathered all the chief "riests and scribes of the "eo"le together# he inGuired of them where the -hrist was to be born'

So they said to him# :0n Bethlehem of Judea# for thus it is written by the "ro"het7

Now when they had de"arted# behold# an angel of the )ord a""eared to Jose"h in a dream# saying# :Arise# ta1e the young -hild and 2is mother# flee to gy"t# and stay there until 0 bring you word9 for 2erod will see1 the young -hild to destroy 2im':

:But you# Bethlehem# in the land of Judah# Are not the least among the rulers of Judah9 For out of you shall come a +uler Bho will she"herd 4y "eo"le 0srael':D

Bhen he arose# he too1 the young -hild and 2is mother by night and de"arted for gy"t#

and was there until the death of 2erod# that it might be fulfilled which was s"o1en by the )ord through the "ro"het# saying# :3ut of gy"t 0 called 4y Son':


Then 2erod# when he saw that he was deceived by the wise men# was e!ceedingly angry9 and he sent forth and "ut to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all its districts# from two years old and under# according to the time which he had determined from the wise men'

and saying# :+e"ent# for the 1ingdom of heaven is at handH:


For this is he who was s"o1en of by the "ro"het 0saiah# saying7 :The voice of one crying in the wilderness7 :/re"are the way of the )3+*9 4a1e 2is "aths straight':D

Then was fulfilled what was s"o1en by Jeremiah the "ro"het# saying7

:A voice was heard in +amah# )amentation# wee"ing# and great mourning# +achel wee"ing for her children# +efusing to be comforted# Because they are no more':

Now John himself was clothed in camelDs hair# with a leather belt around his waist9 and his food was locusts and wild honey'

Then Jerusalem# all Judea# and all the region around the Jordan went out to him

Now when 2erod was dead# behold# an angel of the )ord a""eared in a dream to Jose"h in gy"t#

and were ba"ti.ed by him in the Jordan# confessing their sins'


saying# :Arise# ta1e the young -hild and 2is mother# and go to the land of 0srael# for those who sought the young -hildDs life are dead':

But when he saw many of the /harisees and Sadducees coming to his ba"tism# he said to them# :Brood of vi"ersH Bho warned you to flee from the wrath to comeE

Then he arose# too1 the young -hild and 2is mother# and came into the land of 0srael'

Therefore bear re"entance#





But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning over Judea instead of his father 2erod# he was afraid to go there' And being warned by (od in a dream# he turned aside into the region of (alilee'

and do not thin1 to say to yourselves# :Be have Abraham as our father'D For 0 say to you that (od is able to raise u" children to Abraham from these stones'

And he came and dwelt in a city called Na.areth# that it might be fulfilled which was s"o1en by the "ro"hets# :2e shall be called a Na.arene':

And even now the a! is laid to the root of the trees' Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire'

30n those days John the Ba"tist came

"reaching in the wilderness of Judea#

0 indeed ba"ti.e you with water unto re"entance# but 2e who is coming after me is mightier than 0# whose sandals 0 am not worthy to carry' 2e will ba"ti.e you with the 2oly S"irit and fire'


2is winnowing fan is in 2is hand# and 2e will thoroughly clean out 2is threshing floor# and gather 2is wheat into the barn9 but 2e will burn u" the chaff with unGuenchable fire':


Then the devil too1 2im u" into the holy city# set 2im on the "innacle of the tem"le#

Then Jesus came from (alilee to John at the Jordan to be ba"ti.ed by him'

And John tried to "revent 2im# saying# :0 need to be ba"ti.ed by Cou# and are Cou coming to meE:

and said to 2im# :0f Cou are the Son of (od# throw Courself down' For it is written7 :2e shall give 2is angels charge over you#D and# :0n their hands they shall bear you u"# )est you dash your foot against a stone':D

But Jesus answered and said to him# :/ermit it to be so now# for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness': Then he allowed 2im'

Jesus said to him# :0t is written again# :Cou shall not tem"t the )3+* your (od':D

Bhen 2e had been ba"ti.ed# Jesus came u" immediately from the water9 and behold# the heavens were o"ened to 2im# and 2e saw the S"irit of (od descending li1e a dove and alighting u"on 2im'

Again# the devil too1 2im u" on an e!ceedingly high mountain# and showed 2im all the 1ingdoms of the world and their glory'

And he said to 2im# :All these things 0 will give Cou if Cou will fall down and worshi" me':

And suddenly a voice came from heaven# saying# :This is 4y beloved Son# in whom 0 am well "leased':

Then Jesus said to him# :Away with you# SatanH For it is written# :Cou shall worshi" the )3+* your (od# and 2im only you shall serve':D

4Then Jesus was led u" by the S"irit

into the wilderness to be tem"ted by the devil'

Then the devil left 2im# and behold# angels came and ministered to 2im'

And when 2e had fasted forty days and forty nights# afterward 2e was hungry'

Now when Jesus heard that John had been "ut in "rison# 2e de"arted to (alilee'

Now when the tem"ter came to 2im# he said# :0f Cou are the Son of (od# command that these stones become bread':

And leaving Na.areth# 2e came and dwelt in -a"ernaum# which is by the sea# in the regions of 5ebulun and Na"htali#

But 2e answered and said# :0t is written# :4an shall not live by bread alone# but by every word that "roceeds from the mouth of (od':D

that it might be fulfilled which was s"o1en by 0saiah the "ro"het# saying7

:The land of 5ebulun and the land of Na"htali# By the way of the sea# beyond the Jordan# (alilee of the (entiles7


The "eo"le who sat in dar1ness have seen a great light# And u"on those who sat in the region and shadow of death )ight has dawned':

5And seeing the multitudes# 2e went

u" on a mountain# and when 2e was seated 2is disci"les came to 2im'

From that time Jesus began to "reach and to say# :+e"ent# for the 1ingdom of heaven is at hand':

Then 2e o"ened 2is mouth and taught them# saying7


And Jesus# wal1ing by the Sea of (alilee# saw two brothers# Simon called /eter# and Andrew his brother# casting a net into the sea9 for they were fishermen'

:Blessed are the "oor in s"irit# For theirs is the 1ingdom of heaven'

Blessed are those who mourn# For they shall be comforted'


Then 2e said to them# :Follow 4e# and 0 will ma1e you fishers of men':

Blessed are the mee1# For they shall inherit the earth'

They immediately left their nets and followed 2im'


Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness# For they shall be filled'

(oing on from there# 2e saw two other brothers# James the son of 5ebedee# and John his brother# in the boat with 5ebedee their father# mending their nets' 2e called them#

Blessed are the merciful# For they shall obtain mercy'


Blessed are the "ure in heart# For they shall see (od'

and immediately they left the boat and their father# and followed 2im'

Blessed are the "eacema1ers# For they shall be called sons of (od'

And Jesus went about all (alilee# teaching in their synagogues# "reaching the gos"el of the 1ingdom# and healing all 1inds of sic1ness and all 1inds of disease among the "eo"le'

Blessed are those who are "ersecuted for righteousnessD sa1e# For theirs is the 1ingdom of heaven'

Then 2is fame went throughout all Syria9 and they brought to 2im all sic1 "eo"le who were afflicted with various diseases and torments# and those who were demonF"ossessed# e"ile"tics# and "aralytics9 and 2e healed them'

:Blessed are you when they revile and "ersecute you# and say all 1inds of evil against you falsely for 4y sa1e'

+e$oice and be e!ceedingly glad# for great is your reward in heaven# for so they "ersecuted the "ro"hets who were before you'

(reat multitudes followed 2imFFfrom (alilee# and from *eca"olis# Jerusalem# Judea# and beyond the Jordan'

:Cou are the salt of the earth9 but if the salt loses its flavor# how shall it be seasonedE 0t is then good for nothing

but to be thrown out and tram"led underfoot by men'



Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar# and there remember that your brother has something against you#

:Cou are the light of the world' A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden'

Nor do they light a lam" and "ut it under a bas1et# but on a lam"stand# and it gives light to all who are in the house'

leave your gift there before the altar# and go your way' First be reconciled to your brother# and then come and offer your gift'

)et your light so shine before men# that they may see your good wor1s and glorify your Father in heaven'

Agree with your adversary Guic1ly# while you are on the way with him# lest your adversary deliver you to the $udge# the $udge hand you over to the officer# and you be thrown into "rison'

:*o not thin1 that 0 came to destroy the )aw or the /ro"hets' 0 did not come to destroy but to fulfill'

Assuredly# 0 say to you# you will by no means get out of there till you have "aid the last "enny'

For assuredly# 0 say to you# till heaven and earth "ass away# one $ot or one tittle will by no means "ass from the law till all is fulfilled'

:Cou have heard that it was said to those of old# :Cou shall not commit adultery'D

Bhoever therefore brea1s one of the least of these commandments# and teaches men so# shall be called least in the 1ingdom of heaven9 but whoever does and teaches them# he shall be called great in the 1ingdom of heaven'

But 0 say to you that whoever loo1s at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart'

For 0 say to you# that unless your righteousness e!ceeds the righteousness of the scribes and /harisees# you will by no means enter the 1ingdom of heaven'

0f your right eye causes you to sin# "luc1 it out and cast it from you9 for it is more "rofitable for you that one of your members "erish# than for your whole body to be cast into hell'

:Cou have heard that it was said to those of old# :Cou shall not murder# and whoever murders will be in danger of the $udgment'D

And if your right hand causes you to sin# cut it off and cast it from you9 for it is more "rofitable for you that one of your members "erish# than for your whole body to be cast into hell'

But 0 say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the $udgment' And whoever says to his brother# :+acaHD shall be in danger of the council' But whoever says# :Cou foolHD shall be in danger of hell fire'

:Furthermore it has been said# :Bhoever divorces his wife# let him give her a certificate of divorce'D

But 0 say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason e!ce"t se!ual immorality causes her to commit adultery9 and whoever marries a woman who is divorced commits adultery'


:Again you have heard that it was said to those of old# :Cou shall not swear falsely# but shall "erform your oaths to the )ord'D


that you may be sons of your Father in heaven9 for 2e ma1es 2is sun rise on the evil and on the good# and sends rain on the $ust and on the un$ust'

But 0 say to you# do not swear at all7 neither by heaven# for it is (odDs throne9

For if you love those who love you# what reward have youE *o not even the ta! collectors do the sameE

nor by the earth# for it is 2is footstool9 nor by Jerusalem# for it is the city of the great King'

And if you greet your brethren only# what do you do more than othersE *o not even the ta! collectors do soE

Nor shall you swear by your head# because you cannot ma1e one hair white or blac1'

Therefore you shall be "erfect# $ust as your Father in heaven is "erfect'

But let your :CesD be :Ces#D and your :No#D :No'D For whatever is more than these is from the evil one'

6:Ta1e heed that you do not do your

charitable deeds before men# to be seen by them' 3therwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven'

:Cou have heard that it was said# :An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth'D

But 0 tell you not to resist an evil "erson' But whoever sla"s you on your right chee1# turn the other to him also'

0f anyone wants to sue you and ta1e away your tunic# let him have your cloa1 also'

Therefore# when you do a charitable deed# do not sound a trum"et before you as the hy"ocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets# that they may have glory from men' Assuredly# 0 say to you# they have their reward'

And whoever com"els you to go one mile# go with him two'


But when you do a charitable deed# do not let your left hand 1now what your right hand is doing#

(ive to him who as1s you# and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away'

that your charitable deed may be in secret9 and your Father who sees in secret will 2imself reward you o"enly'

:Cou have heard that it was said# :Cou shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy'D

But 0 say to you# love your enemies# bless those who curse you# do good to those who hate you# and "ray for those who s"itefully use you and "ersecute you#

:And when you "ray# you shall not be li1e the hy"ocrites' For they love to "ray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets# that they may be seen by men' Assuredly# 0 say to you# they have their reward'

But you# when you "ray# go into your room# and when you have shut your door# "ray to your Father who is in the

secret "lace9 and your Father who sees in secret will reward you o"enly'


And when you "ray# do not use vain re"etitions as the heathen do' For they thin1 that they will be heard for their many words'

so that you do not a""ear to men to be fasting# but to your Father who is in the secret "lace9 and your Father who sees in secret will reward you o"enly'

:*o not lay u" for yourselves treasures on earth# where moth and rust destroy and where thieves brea1 in and steal9

:Therefore do not be li1e them' For your Father 1nows the things you have need of before you as1 2im'

0n this manner# therefore# "ray7 3ur Father in heaven# 2allowed be Cour name'

but lay u" for yourselves treasures in heaven# where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not brea1 in and steal'

For where your treasure is# there your heart will be also'

Cour 1ingdom come' Cour will be done 3n earth as it is in heaven'


(ive us this day our daily bread'

:The lam" of the body is the eye' 0f therefore your eye is good# your whole body will be full of light'


And forgive us our debts# As we forgive our debtors'


And do not lead us into tem"tation# But deliver us from the evil one' For Cours is the 1ingdom and the "ower and the glory forever' Amen'

But if your eye is bad# your whole body will be full of dar1ness' 0f therefore the light that is in you is dar1ness# how great is that dar1nessH

:For if you forgive men their tres"asses# your heavenly Father will also forgive you'

:No one can serve two masters9 for either he will hate the one and love the other# or else he will be loyal to the one and des"ise the other' Cou cannot serve (od and mammon'

But if you do not forgive men their tres"asses# neither will your Father forgive your tres"asses'

:Therefore 0 say to you# do not worry about your life# what you will eat or what you will drin19 nor about your body# what you will "ut on' 0s not life more than food and the body more than clothingE

:4oreover# when you fast# do not be li1e the hy"ocrites# with a sad countenance' For they disfigure their faces that they may a""ear to men to be fasting' Assuredly# 0 say to you# they have their reward'

)oo1 at the birds of the air# for they neither sow nor rea" nor gather into barns9 yet your heavenly Father feeds them' Are you not of more value than theyE

But you# when you fast# anoint your head and wash your face#

Bhich of you by worrying can add one cubit to his statureE


:So why do you worry about clothingE -onsider the lilies of the field# how they grow7 they neither toil nor s"in9


2y"ocriteH First remove the "lan1 from your own eye# and then you will see clearly to remove the s"ec1 from your brotherDs eye'

and yet 0 say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed li1e one of these'

Now if (od so clothes the grass of the field# which today is# and tomorrow is thrown into the oven# will 2e not much more clothe you# 3 you of little faithE

:*o not give what is holy to the dogs9 nor cast your "earls before swine# lest they tram"le them under their feet# and turn and tear you in "ieces'

:As1# and it will be given to you9 see1# and you will find9 1noc1# and it will be o"ened to you'

:Therefore do not worry# saying# :Bhat shall we eatED or :Bhat shall we drin1ED or :Bhat shall we wearED

For everyone who as1s receives# and he who see1s finds# and to him who 1noc1s it will be o"ened'

For after all these things the (entiles see1' For your heavenly Father 1nows that you need all these things'

3r what man is there among you who# if his son as1s for bread# will give him a stoneE

But see1 first the 1ingdom of (od and 2is righteousness# and all these things shall be added to you'

3r if he as1s for a fish# will he give him a ser"entE


Therefore do not worry about tomorrow# for tomorrow will worry about its own things' Sufficient for the day is its own trouble'

0f you then# being evil# 1now how to give good gifts to your children# how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who as1 2imH

7:Judge not# that you be not $udged'


For with what $udgment you $udge# you will be $udged9 and with the measure you use# it will be measured bac1 to you'

Therefore# whatever you want men to do to you# do also to them# for this is the )aw and the /ro"hets'

And why do you loo1 at the s"ec1 in your brotherDs eye# but do not consider the "lan1 in your own eyeE

: nter by the narrow gate9 for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction# and there are many who go in by it'

3r how can you say to your brother# :)et me remove the s"ec1 from your eyeD9 and loo1# a "lan1 is in your own eyeE

Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life# and there are few who find it'

:Beware of false "ro"hets# who come to you in shee"Ds clothing# but inwardly they are ravenous wolves'


Cou will 1now them by their fruits' *o men gather gra"es from thornbushes or figs from thistlesE

that house9 and it fell' And great was its fall':


ven so# every good tree bears good fruit# but a bad tree bears bad fruit'

And so it was# when Jesus had ended these sayings# that the "eo"le were astonished at 2is teaching#

A good tree cannot bear bad fruit# nor can a bad tree bear good fruit'

for 2e taught them as one having authority# and not as the scribes'

very tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire'

8Bhen 2e had come down from the

mountain# 2im'

Therefore by their fruits you will 1now them'





:Not everyone who says to 4e# :)ord# )ord#D shall enter the 1ingdom of heaven# but he who does the will of 4y Father in heaven'

And behold# a le"er came and worshi"ed 2im# saying# :)ord# if Cou are willing# Cou can ma1e me clean':

4any will say to 4e in that day# :)ord# )ord# have we not "ro"hesied in Cour name# cast out demons in Cour name# and done many wonders in Cour nameED

Then Jesus "ut out 2is hand and touched him# saying# :0 am willing9 be cleansed': 0mmediately his le"rosy was cleansed'

And then 0 will declare to them# :0 never 1new you9 de"art from 4e# you who "ractice lawlessnessHD

And Jesus said to him# :See that you tell no one9 but go your way# show yourself to the "riest# and offer the gift that 4oses commanded# as a testimony to them':

:Therefore whoever hears these sayings of 4ine# and does them# 0 will li1en him to a wise man who built his house on the roc17

Now when Jesus had entered -a"ernaum# a centurion came to 2im# "leading with 2im#

and the rain descended# the floods came# and the winds blew and beat on that house9 and it did not fall# for it was founded on the roc1'

saying# :)ord# my servant is lying at home "araly.ed# dreadfully tormented':


And Jesus said to him# :0 will come and heal him':


:But everyone who hears these sayings of 4ine# and does not do them# will be li1e a foolish man who built his house on the sand7

The centurion answered and said# :)ord# 0 am not worthy that Cou should come under my roof' But only s"ea1 a word# and my servant will be healed'

and the rain descended# the floods came# and the winds blew and beat on

For 0 also am a man under authority# having soldiers under me' And 0 say to

this one# :(o#D and he goes9 and to another# :-ome#D and he comes9 and to my servant# :*o this#D and he does it':


Then a certain scribe came and said to 2im# :Teacher# 0 will follow Cou wherever Cou go':

Bhen Jesus heard it# 2e marveled# and said to those who followed# :Assuredly# 0 say to you# 0 have not found such great faith# not even in 0sraelH

And Jesus said to him# :Fo!es have holes and birds of the air have nests# but the Son of 4an has nowhere to lay 2is head':

And 0 say to you that many will come from east and west# and sit down with Abraham# 0saac# and Jacob in the 1ingdom of heaven'

Then another of 2is disci"les said to 2im# :)ord# let me first go and bury my father':

But Jesus said to him# :Follow 4e# and let the dead bury their own dead':

But the sons of the 1ingdom will be cast out into outer dar1ness' There will be wee"ing and gnashing of teeth':

Now when 2e got into a boat# 2is disci"les followed 2im'


Then Jesus said to the centurion# :(o your way9 and as you have believed# so let it be done for you': And his servant was healed that same hour'

And suddenly a great tem"est arose on the sea# so that the boat was covered with the waves' But 2e was aslee"'

Now when Jesus had come into /eterDs house# 2e saw his wifeDs mother lying sic1 with a fever'

Then 2is disci"les came to 2im and awo1e 2im# saying# :)ord# save usH Be are "erishingH:

So 2e touched her hand# and the fever left her' And she arose and served them'

But 2e said to them# :Bhy are you fearful# 3 you of little faithE: Then 2e arose and rebu1ed the winds and the sea# and there was a great calm'

Bhen evening had come# they brought to 2im many who were demonF "ossessed' And 2e cast out the s"irits with a word# and healed all who were sic1#

So the men marveled# saying# :Bho can this be# that even the winds and the sea obey 2imE:

that it might be fulfilled which was s"o1en by 0saiah the "ro"het# saying7 :2e 2imself too1 our infirmities And bore our sic1nesses':

Bhen 2e had come to the other side# to the country of the (ergesenes# there met 2im two demonF"ossessed men# coming out of the tombs# e!ceedingly fierce# so that no one could "ass that way'

And when Jesus saw great multitudes about 2im# 2e gave a command to de"art to the other side'

And suddenly they cried out# saying# :Bhat have we to do with Cou# Jesus# Cou Son of (odE 2ave Cou come here to torment us before the timeE:


Now a good way off from them there was a herd of many swine feeding'


So the demons begged 2im# saying# :0f Cou cast us out# "ermit us to go away into the herd of swine':

But that you may 1now that the Son of 4an has "ower on earth to forgive sins:FFthen 2e said to the "aralytic# :Arise# ta1e u" your bed# and go to your house':

And 2e said to them# :(o': So when they had come out# they went into the herd of swine' And suddenly the whole herd of swine ran violently down the stee" "lace into the sea# and "erished in the water'

And he arose and de"arted to his house'


Now when the multitudes saw it# they marveled and glorified (od# who had given such "ower to men'

Then those who 1e"t them fled9 and they went away into the city and told everything# including what had ha""ened to the demonF"ossessed men'

As Jesus "assed on from there# 2e saw a man named 4atthew sitting at the ta! office' And 2e said to him# :Follow 4e': So he arose and followed 2im'

And behold# the whole city came out to meet Jesus' And when they saw 2im# they begged 2im to de"art from their region'

Now it ha""ened# as Jesus sat at the table in the house# that behold# many ta! collectors and sinners came and sat down with 2im and 2is disci"les'

9So 2e got into a boat# crossed over#

and came to 2is own city'

And when the /harisees saw it# they said to 2is disci"les# :Bhy does your Teacher eat with ta! collectors and sinnersE:

Then behold# they brought to 2im a "aralytic lying on a bed' Bhen Jesus saw their faith# 2e said to the "aralytic# :Son# be of good cheer9 your sins are forgiven you':

Bhen Jesus heard that# 2e said to them# :Those who are well have no need of a "hysician# but those who are sic1'

And at once some of the scribes said within themselves# :This 4an blas"hemesH:

But go and learn what this means7 :0 desire mercy and not sacrifice'D For 0 did not come to call the righteous# but sinners# to re"entance':

But Jesus# 1nowing their thoughts# said# :Bhy do you thin1 evil in your heartsE

Then the disci"les of John came to 2im# saying# :Bhy do we and the /harisees fast often# but Cour disci"les do not fastE:

For which is easier# to say# :Cour sins are forgiven you#D or to say# :Arise and wal1DE

And Jesus said to them# :-an the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with themE But the days will come when the bridegroom will

be ta1en away from them# and then they will fast'



But when the crowd was "ut outside# 2e went in and too1 her by the hand# and the girl arose'

No one "uts a "iece of unshrun1 cloth on an old garment9 for the "atch "ulls away from the garment# and the tear is made worse'

And the re"ort of this went out into all that land'

Nor do they "ut new wine into old wines1ins# or else the wines1ins brea1# the wine is s"illed# and the wines1ins are ruined' But they "ut new wine into new wines1ins# and both are "reserved':

Bhen Jesus de"arted from there# two blind men followed 2im# crying out and saying# :Son of *avid# have mercy on usH:

Bhile 2e s"o1e these things to them# behold# a ruler came and worshi"ed 2im# saying# :4y daughter has $ust died# but come and lay Cour hand on her and she will live':

And when 2e had come into the house# the blind men came to 2im' And Jesus said to them# :*o you believe that 0 am able to do thisE: They said to 2im# :Ces# )ord':

Then 2e touched their eyes# saying# :According to your faith let it be to you':

So Jesus arose and followed him# and so did 2is disci"les'


And suddenly# a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years came from behind and touched the hem of 2is garment'

And their eyes were o"ened' And Jesus sternly warned them# saying# :See that no one 1nows it':

But when they had de"arted# they s"read the news about 2im in all that country'

For she said to herself# :0f only 0 may touch 2is garment# 0 shall be made well':

As they went out# behold# they brought to 2im a man# mute and demonF "ossessed'

But Jesus turned around# and when 2e saw her 2e said# :Be of good cheer# daughter9 your faith has made you well': And the woman was made well from that hour'

And when the demon was cast out# the mute s"o1e' And the multitudes marveled# saying# :0t was never seen li1e this in 0sraelH:

Bhen Jesus came into the rulerDs house# and saw the flute "layers and the noisy crowd wailing#

But the /harisees said# :2e casts out demons by the ruler of the demons':

2e said to them# :4a1e room# for the girl is not dead# but slee"ing': And they ridiculed 2im'

Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages# teaching in their synagogues# "reaching the gos"el of the 1ingdom# and healing every sic1ness and every disease among the "eo"le'


But when 2e saw the multitudes# 2e was moved with com"assion for them# because they were weary and scattered# li1e shee" having no she"herd'

/rovide neither gold nor silver nor co""er in your money belts#

Then 2e said to 2is disci"les# :The harvest truly is "lentiful# but the laborers are few'

nor bag for your $ourney# nor two tunics# nor sandals# nor staffs9 for a wor1er is worthy of his food'

Therefore "ray the )ord of the harvest to send out laborers into 2is harvest':

:Now whatever city or town you enter# inGuire who in it is worthy# and stay there till you go out'


And when you go into a household# greet it'


when 2e had called 2is twelve disci"les to 2im# 2e gave them "ower over unclean s"irits# to cast them out# and to heal all 1inds of sic1ness and all 1inds of disease'

0f the household is worthy# let your "eace come u"on it' But if it is not worthy# let your "eace return to you'

Now the names of the twelve a"ostles are these7 first# Simon# who is called /eter# and Andrew his brother9 James the son of 5ebedee# and John his brother9

And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words# when you de"art from that house or city# sha1e off the dust from your feet'

/hili" and Bartholomew9 Thomas and 4atthew the ta! collector9 James the son of Al"haeus# and )ebbaeus# whose surname was Thaddaeus9

Assuredly# 0 say to you# it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and (omorrah in the day of $udgment than for that cityH

Simon the -ananite# and 0scariot# who also betrayed 2im'



:Behold# 0 send you out as shee" in the midst of wolves' Therefore be wise as ser"ents and harmless as doves'

These twelve Jesus sent out and commanded them# saying7 :*o not go into the way of the (entiles# and do not enter a city of the Samaritans'

But beware of men# for they will deliver you u" to councils and scourge you in their synagogues'

But go rather to the lost shee" of the house of 0srael'


Cou will be brought before governors and 1ings for 4y sa1e# as a testimony to them and to the (entiles'

And as you go# "reach# saying# :The 1ingdom of heaven is at hand'D


But when they deliver you u"# do not worry about how or what you should s"ea1' For it will be given to you in that hour what you should s"ea19

2eal the sic1# cleanse the le"ers# raise the dead# cast out demons' Freely you have received# freely give'

for it is not you who s"ea1# but the S"irit of your Father who s"ea1s in you'


:Now brother will deliver u" brother to death# and a father his child9 and children will rise u" against "arents and cause them to be "ut to death'


:Therefore whoever confesses 4e before men# him 0 will also confess before 4y Father who is in heaven'

And you will be hated by all for 4y nameDs sa1e' But he who endures to the end will be saved'

But whoever denies 4e before men# him 0 will also deny before 4y Father who is in heaven'

Bhen they "ersecute you in this city# flee to another' For assuredly# 0 say to you# you will not have gone through the cities of 0srael before the Son of 4an comes'

:*o not thin1 that 0 came to bring "eace on earth' 0 did not come to bring "eace but a sword'

:A disci"le is not above his teacher# nor a servant above his master'

For 0 have come to :set a man against his father# a daughter against her mother# and a daughterFinFlaw against her motherFinFlawD9

0t is enough for a disci"le that he be li1e his teacher# and a servant li1e his master' 0f they have called the master of the house Beel.ebub# how much more will they call those of his householdH

and :a manDs enemies will be those of his own household'D


2e who loves father or mother more than 4e is not worthy of 4e' And he who loves son or daughter more than 4e is not worthy of 4e'

Therefore do not fear them' For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed# and hidden that will not be 1nown'

And he who does not ta1e his cross and follow after 4e is not worthy of 4e'

:Bhatever 0 tell you in the dar1# s"ea1 in the light9 and what you hear in the ear# "reach on the houseto"s'

2e who finds his life will lose it# and he who loses his life for 4y sa1e will find it'

And do not fear those who 1ill the body but cannot 1ill the soul' But rather fear 2im who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell'

:2e who receives you receives 4e# and he who receives 4e receives 2im who sent 4e'

Are not two s"arrows sold for a co""er coinE And not one of them falls to the ground a"art from your FatherDs will'

2e who receives a "ro"het in the name of a "ro"het shall receive a "ro"hetDs reward' And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous manDs reward'

But the very hairs of your head are all numbered'


*o not fear therefore9 you are of more value than many s"arrows'

And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cu" of cold water in the name of a disci"le# assuredly# 0 say to you# he shall by no means lose his reward':

11Now it came to "ass# when Jesus

finished commanding 2is twelve disci"les# that 2e de"arted from there to teach and to "reach in their cities'

who is least in the 1ingdom of heaven is greater than he'


And from the days of John the Ba"tist until now the 1ingdom of heaven suffers violence# and the violent ta1e it by force'

And when John had heard in "rison about the wor1s of -hrist# he sent two of his disci"les

For all the "ro"hets and the law "ro"hesied until John'

and said to 2im# :Are Cou the -oming 3ne# or do we loo1 for anotherE:

And if you are willing to receive it# he is li$ah who is to come' 2e who has ears to hear# let him hearH

Jesus answered and said to them# :(o and tell John the things which you hear and see7



The blind see and the lame wal19 the le"ers are cleansed and the deaf hear9 the dead are raised u" and the "oor have the gos"el "reached to them'

:But to what shall 0 li1en this generationE 0t is li1e children sitting in the mar1et"laces and calling to their com"anions#

And blessed is he who is not offended because of 4e':


and saying7 :Be "layed the flute for you# And you did not dance9 Be mourned to you# And you did not lament'D

As they de"arted# Jesus began to say to the multitudes concerning John7 :Bhat did you go out into the wilderness to seeE A reed sha1en by the windE

For John came neither eating nor drin1ing# and they say# :2e has a demon'D

But what did you go out to seeE A man clothed in soft garmentsE 0ndeed# those who wear soft clothing are in 1ingsD houses'

The Son of 4an came eating and drin1ing# and they say# :)oo1# a glutton and a winebibber# a friend of ta! collectors and sinnersHD But wisdom is $ustified by her children':

But what did you go out to seeE A "ro"hetE Ces# 0 say to you# and more than a "ro"het'

Then 2e began to rebu1e the cities in which most of 2is mighty wor1s had been done# because they did not re"ent7

For this is he of whom it is written7 :Behold# 0 send 4y messenger before Cour face# Bho will "re"are Cour way before Cou'D

:Boe to you# -hora.inH Boe to you# BethsaidaH For if the mighty wor1s which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon# they would have re"ented long ago in sac1cloth and ashes'

:Assuredly# 0 say to you# among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Ba"tist9 but he


But 0 say to you# it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of $udgment than for you'

And when the /harisees saw it# they said to 2im# :)oo1# Cour disci"les are doing what is not lawful to do on the SabbathH:

And you# -a"ernaum# who are e!alted to heaven# will be brought down to 2ades9 for if the mighty wor1s which were done in you had been done in Sodom# it would have remained until this day'

But 2e said to them# :2ave you not read what *avid did when he was hungry# he and those who were with him7

But 0 say to you that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of $udgment than for you':

how he entered the house of (od and ate the showbread which was not lawful for him to eat# nor for those who were with him# but only for the "riestsE

At that time Jesus answered and said# :0 than1 Cou# Father# )ord of heaven and earth# that Cou have hidden these things from the wise and "rudent and have revealed them to babes'

3r have you not read in the law that on the Sabbath the "riests in the tem"le "rofane the Sabbath# and are blamelessE

ven so# Father# for so it seemed good in Cour sight'


Cet 0 say to you that in this "lace there is 3ne greater than the tem"le'

All things have been delivered to 4e by 4y Father# and no one 1nows the Son e!ce"t the Father' Nor does anyone 1now the Father e!ce"t the Son# and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal 2im'

But if you had 1nown what this means# :0 desire mercy and not sacrifice#D you would not have condemned the guiltless'

For the Son of 4an is )ord even of the Sabbath':


-ome to 4e# all you who labor and are heavy laden# and 0 will give you rest'

Now when 2e had de"arted from there# 2e went into their synagogue'

Ta1e 4y yo1e u"on you and learn from 4e# for 0 am gentle and lowly in heart# and you will find rest for your souls'

And behold# there was a man who had a withered hand' And they as1ed 2im# saying# :0s it lawful to heal on the SabbathE:FFthat they might accuse 2im'

For 4y yo1e is easy and 4y burden is light':

12At that time Jesus went through

the grainfields on the Sabbath' And 2is disci"les were hungry# and began to "luc1 heads of grain and to eat'

Then 2e said to them# :Bhat man is there among you who has one shee"# and if it falls into a "it on the Sabbath# will not lay hold of it and lift it outE

3f how much more value then is a man than a shee"E Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath':


Then 2e said to the man# :Stretch out your hand': And he stretched it out# and it was restored as whole as the other'


Then the /harisees went out and "lotted against 2im# how they might destroy 2im'

But Jesus 1new their thoughts# and said to them7 : very 1ingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation# and every city or house divided against itself will not stand'

But when Jesus 1new it# 2e withdrew from there' And great multitudes followed 2im# and 2e healed them all'

0f Satan casts out Satan# he is divided against himself' 2ow then will his 1ingdom standE

Cet 2e warned them not to ma1e 2im 1nown#


And if 0 cast out demons by Beel.ebub# by whom do your sons cast them outE Therefore they shall be your $udges'

that it might be fulfilled which was s"o1en by 0saiah the "ro"het# saying7

But if 0 cast out demons by the S"irit of (od# surely the 1ingdom of (od has come u"on you'

:BeholdH 4y Servant whom 0 have chosen# 4y Beloved in whom 4y soul is well "leasedH 0 will "ut 4y S"irit u"on 2im# And 2e will declare $ustice to the (entiles'

3r how can one enter a strong manDs house and "lunder his goods# unless he first binds the strong manE And then he will "lunder his house'

2e will not Guarrel nor cry out# Nor will anyone hear 2is voice in the streets'

2e who is not with 4e is against 4e# and he who does not gather with 4e scatters abroad'

A bruised reed 2e will not brea1# And smo1ing fla! 2e will not Guench# Till 2e sends forth $ustice to victory9

:Therefore 0 say to you# every sin and blas"hemy will be forgiven men# but the blas"hemy against the S"irit will not be forgiven men'

And in 2is name (entiles will trust':


Then one was brought to 2im who was demonF"ossessed# blind and mute9 and 2e healed him# so that the blind and mute man both s"o1e and saw'

Anyone who s"ea1s a word against the Son of 4an# it will be forgiven him9 but whoever s"ea1s against the 2oly S"irit# it will not be forgiven him# either in this age or in the age to come'

And all the multitudes were ama.ed and said# :-ould this be the Son of *avidE:

: ither ma1e the tree good and its fruit good# or else ma1e the tree bad and its fruit bad9 for a tree is 1nown by its fruit'

Now when the /harisees heard it they said# :This fellow does not cast out demons e!ce"t by Beel.ebub# the ruler of the demons':

Brood of vi"ersH 2ow can you# being evil# s"ea1 good thingsE For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth s"ea1s'


A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things# and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things'


Then he says# :0 will return to my house from which 0 came'D And when he comes# he finds it em"ty# swe"t# and "ut in order'

But 0 say to you that for every idle word men may s"ea1# they will give account of it in the day of $udgment'

For by your words you will be $ustified# and by your words you will be condemned':

Then he goes and ta1es with him seven other s"irits more wic1ed than himself# and they enter and dwell there9 and the last state of that man is worse than the first' So shall it also be with this wic1ed generation':

Then some of the scribes and /harisees answered# saying# :Teacher# we want to see a sign from Cou':

Bhile 2e was still tal1ing to the multitudes# behold# 2is mother and brothers stood outside# see1ing to s"ea1 with 2im'

But 2e answered and said to them# :An evil and adulterous generation see1s after a sign# and no sign will be given to it e!ce"t the sign of the "ro"het Jonah'

Then one said to 2im# :)oo1# Cour mother and Cour brothers are standing outside# see1ing to s"ea1 with Cou':

For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish# so will the Son of 4an be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth'

But 2e answered and said to the one who told 2im# :Bho is 4y mother and who are 4y brothersE:

And 2e stretched out 2is hand toward 2is disci"les and said# :2ere are 4y mother and 4y brothersH

The men of Nineveh will rise u" in the $udgment with this generation and condemn it# because they re"ented at the "reaching of Jonah9 and indeed a greater than Jonah is here'

For whoever does the will of 4y Father in heaven is 4y brother and sister and mother':

The Gueen of the South will rise u" in the $udgment with this generation and condemn it# for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon9 and indeed a greater than Solomon is here'

133n the same day Jesus went out

of the house and sat by the sea'

:Bhen an unclean s"irit goes out of a man# he goes through dry "laces# see1ing rest# and finds none'

And great multitudes were gathered together to 2im# so that 2e got into a boat and sat9 and the whole multitude stood on the shore'

Then 2e s"o1e many things to them in "arables# saying7 :Behold# a sower went out to sow'

And as he sowed# some seed fell by the wayside9 and the birds came and devoured them'


Some fell on stony "laces# where they did not have much earth9 and they immediately s"rang u" because they had no de"th of earth'

For the hearts of this "eo"le have grown dull' Their ears are hard of hearing# And their eyes they have closed# )est they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears# )est they should understand with their hearts and turn# So that 0 should heal them'D

But when the sun was u" they were scorched# and because they had no root they withered away'

But blessed are your eyes for they see# and your ears for they hear9

And some fell among thorns# and the thorns s"rang u" and cho1ed them'

for assuredly# 0 say to you that many "ro"hets and righteous men desired to see what you see# and did not see it# and to hear what you hear# and did not hear it'

But others fell on good ground and yielded a cro"7 some a hundredfold# some si!ty# some thirty'

:Therefore hear the "arable of the sower7


2e who has ears to hear# let him hearH:


And the disci"les came and said to 2im# :Bhy do Cou s"ea1 to them in "arablesE:

Bhen anyone hears the word of the 1ingdom# and does not understand it# then the wic1ed one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart' This is he who received seed by the wayside'

2e answered and said to them# :Because it has been given to you to 1now the mysteries of the 1ingdom of heaven# but to them it has not been given'

But he who received the seed on stony "laces# this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with $oy9

For whoever has# to him more will be given# and he will have abundance9 but whoever does not have# even what he has will be ta1en away from him'

yet he has no root in himself# but endures only for a while' For when tribulation or "ersecution arises because of the word# immediately he stumbles'

Therefore 0 s"ea1 to them in "arables# because seeing they do not see# and hearing they do not hear# nor do they understand'

Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word# and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches cho1e the word# and he becomes unfruitful'

And in them the "ro"hecy of 0saiah is fulfilled# which says7 :2earing you will hear and shall not understand# And seeing you will see and not "erceive9

But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it# who indeed bears fruit and "roduces7 some a hundredfold# some si!ty# some thirty':


Another "arable 2e "ut forth to them# saying7 :The 1ingdom of heaven is li1e a man who sowed good seed in his field9


All these things Jesus s"o1e to the multitude in "arables9 and without a "arable 2e did not s"ea1 to them#

but while men sle"t# his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way'

But when the grain had s"routed and "roduced a cro"# then the tares also a""eared'

that it might be fulfilled which was s"o1en by the "ro"het# saying7 :0 will o"en 4y mouth in "arables9 0 will utter things 1e"t secret from the foundation of the world':

So the servants of the owner came and said to him# :Sir# did you not sow good seed in your fieldE 2ow then does it have taresED

Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house' And 2is disci"les came to 2im# saying# : !"lain to us the "arable of the tares of the field':

2e said to them# :An enemy has done this'D The servants said to him# :*o you want us then to go and gather them u"ED

2e answered and said to them7 :2e who sows the good seed is the Son of 4an'

But he said# :No# lest while you gather u" the tares you also u"root the wheat with them'

The field is the world# the good seeds are the sons of the 1ingdom# but the tares are the sons of the wic1ed one'

)et both grow together until the harvest# and at the time of harvest 0 will say to the rea"ers# :First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them# but gather the wheat into my barn'::D

The enemy who sowed them is the devil# the harvest is the end of the age# and the rea"ers are the angels'

Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire# so it will be at the end of this age'

Another "arable 2e "ut forth to them# saying7 :The 1ingdom of heaven is li1e a mustard seed# which a man too1 and sowed in his field#

The Son of 4an will send out 2is angels# and they will gather out of 2is 1ingdom all things that offend# and those who "ractice lawlessness#

which indeed is the least of all the seeds9 but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree# so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches':

and will cast them into the furnace of fire' There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth'

Another "arable 2e s"o1e to them7 :The 1ingdom of heaven is li1e leaven# which a woman too1 and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened':

Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the 1ingdom of their Father' 2e who has ears to hear# let him hearH

:Again# the 1ingdom of heaven is li1e treasure hidden in a field# which a man

found and hid9 and for $oy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field'


:Again# the 1ingdom of heaven is li1e a merchant see1ing beautiful "earls#


Bhen 2e had come to 2is own country# 2e taught them in their synagogue# so that they were astonished and said# :Bhere did this 4an get this wisdom and these mighty wor1sE

who# when he had found one "earl of great "rice# went and sold all that he had and bought it'

0s this not the car"enterDs sonE 0s not 2is mother called 4aryE And 2is brothers James# Joses# Simon# and JudasE

:Again# the 1ingdom of heaven is li1e a dragnet that was cast into the sea and gathered some of every 1ind#

And 2is sisters# are they not all with usE Bhere then did this 4an get all these thingsE:

which# when it was full# they drew to shore9 and they sat down and gathered the good into vessels# but threw the bad away'

So they were offended at 2im' But Jesus said to them# :A "ro"het is not without honor e!ce"t in his own country and in his own house':

So it will be at the end of the age' The angels will come forth# se"arate the wic1ed from among the $ust#

Now 2e did not do many mighty wor1s there because of their unbelief'

and cast them into the furnace of fire' There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth':

14At that time 2erod the tetrarch

heard the re"ort about Jesus

Jesus said to them# :2ave you understood all these thingsE: They said to 2im# :Ces# )ord':

and said to his servants# :This is John the Ba"tist9 he is risen from the dead# and therefore these "owers are at wor1 in him':

Then 2e said to them# :Therefore every scribe instructed concerning the 1ingdom of heaven is li1e a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old':

For 2erod had laid hold of John and bound him# and "ut him in "rison for the sa1e of 2erodias# his brother /hili"Ds wife'

Now it came to "ass# when Jesus had finished these "arables# that 2e de"arted from there'

Because John had said to him# :0t is not lawful for you to have her':

And although he wanted to "ut him to death# he feared the multitude# because they counted him as a "ro"het'


But when 2erodDs birthday was celebrated# the daughter of 2erodias danced before them and "leased 2erod'


But Jesus said to them# :They do not need to go away' Cou give them something to eat':

Therefore he "romised with an oath to give her whatever she might as1'

And they said to 2im# :Be have here only five loaves and two fish':

So she# having been "rom"ted by her mother# said# :(ive me John the Ba"tistDs head here on a "latter':

2e said# :Bring them here to 4e':


And the 1ing was sorry9 nevertheless# because of the oaths and because of those who sat with him# he commanded it to be given to her'

Then 2e commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass' And 2e too1 the five loaves and the two fish# and loo1ing u" to heaven# 2e blessed and bro1e and gave the loaves to the disci"les9 and the disci"les gave to the multitudes'

So he sent and had John beheaded in "rison'


So they all ate and were filled# and they too1 u" twelve bas1ets full of the fragments that remained'

And his head was brought on a "latter and given to the girl# and she brought it to her mother'

Now those who had eaten were about five thousand men# besides women and children'

Then his disci"les came and too1 away the body and buried it# and went and told Jesus'

Bhen Jesus heard it# 2e de"arted from there by boat to a deserted "lace by 2imself' But when the multitudes heard it# they followed 2im on foot from the cities'

0mmediately Jesus made 2is disci"les get into the boat and go before 2im to the other side# while 2e sent the multitudes away'

And when 2e had sent the multitudes away# 2e went u" on the mountain by 2imself to "ray' Now when evening came# 2e was alone there'

And when Jesus went out 2e saw a great multitude9 and 2e was moved with com"assion for them# and healed their sic1'

But the boat was now in the middle of the sea# tossed by the waves# for the wind was contrary'

Bhen it was evening# 2is disci"les came to 2im# saying# :This is a deserted "lace# and the hour is already late' Send the multitudes away# that they may go into the villages and buy themselves food':

Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them# wal1ing on the sea'

And when the disci"les saw 2im wal1ing on the sea# they were troubled# saying# :0t is a ghostH: And they cried out for fear'


But immediately Jesus s"o1e to them# saying# :Be of good cheerH 0t is 09 do not be afraid':

:Bhy do Cour disci"les transgress the tradition of the eldersE For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread':

And /eter answered 2im and said# :)ord# if it is Cou# command me to come to Cou on the water':

2e answered and said to them# :Bhy do you also transgress the commandment of (od because of your traditionE

So 2e said# :-ome': And when /eter had come down out of the boat# he wal1ed on the water to go to Jesus'

But when he saw that the wind was boisterous# he was afraid9 and beginning to sin1 he cried out# saying# :)ord# save meH:

For (od commanded# saying# :2onor your father and your motherD9 and# :2e who curses father or mother# let him be "ut to death'D

And immediately Jesus stretched out 2is hand and caught him# and said to him# :3 you of little faith# why did you doubtE:

But you say# :Bhoever says to his father or mother# :Bhatever "rofit you might have received from me is a gift to (od:FF

And when they got into the boat# the wind ceased'

then he need not honor his father or mother'D Thus you have made the commandment of (od of no effect by your tradition'

Then those who were in the boat came and worshi"ed 2im# saying# :Truly Cou are the Son of (od':

2y"ocritesH Bell did 0saiah "ro"hesy about you# saying7


Bhen they had crossed over# they came to the land of (ennesaret'

:These "eo"le draw near to 4e with their mouth# And honor 4e with their li"s# But their heart is far from 4e'

And when the men of that "lace recogni.ed 2im# they sent out into all that surrounding region# brought to 2im all who were sic1#

And in vain they worshi" 4e# Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men':D

and begged 2im that they might only touch the hem of 2is garment' And as many as touched it were made "erfectly well'

Bhen 2e had called the multitude to 2imself# 2e said to them# :2ear and understand7

Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man9 but what comes out of the mouth# this defiles a man':

15Then the scribes and /harisees

who were from Jerusalem came to Jesus# saying#

Then 2is disci"les came and said to 2im# :*o Cou 1now that the /harisees were offended when they heard this sayingE:


But 2e answered and said# : very "lant which 4y heavenly Father has not "lanted will be u"rooted'


But 2e answered and said# :0 was not sent e!ce"t to the lost shee" of the house of 0srael':

)et them alone' They are blind leaders of the blind' And if the blind leads the blind# both will fall into a ditch':

Then she came and worshi"ed 2im# saying# :)ord# hel" meH:

Then /eter answered and said to 2im# : !"lain this "arable to us':

But 2e answered and said# :0t is not good to ta1e the childrenDs bread and throw it to the little dogs':

So Jesus said# :Are you also still without understandingE


And she said# :Ces# )ord# yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their mastersD table':

*o you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminatedE

But those things which "roceed out of the mouth come from the heart# and they defile a man'

Then Jesus answered and said to her# :3 woman# great is your faithH )et it be to you as you desire': And her daughter was healed from that very hour'

For out of the heart "roceed evil thoughts# murders# adulteries# fornications# thefts# false witness# blas"hemies'

Jesus de"arted from there# s1irted the Sea of (alilee# and went u" on the mountain and sat down there'

These are the things which defile a man# but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man':

Then great multitudes came to 2im# having with them the lame# blind# mute# maimed# and many others9 and they laid them down at JesusD feet# and 2e healed them'

Then Jesus went out from there and de"arted to the region of Tyre and Sidon'

So the multitude marveled when they saw the mute s"ea1ing# the maimed made whole# the lame wal1ing# and the blind seeing9 and they glorified the (od of 0srael'

And behold# a woman of -anaan came from that region and cried out to 2im# saying# :2ave mercy on me# 3 )ord# Son of *avidH 4y daughter is severely demonF"ossessed':

But 2e answered her not a word' And 2is disci"les came and urged 2im# saying# :Send her away# for she cries out after us':

Now Jesus called 2is disci"les to 2imself and said# :0 have com"assion on the multitude# because they have now continued with 4e three days and have nothing to eat' And 0 do not want to send them away hungry# lest they faint on the way':

Then 2is disci"les said to 2im# :Bhere could we get enough bread in the wilderness to fill such a great multitudeE:


Jesus said to them# :2ow many loaves do you haveE: And they said# :Seven# and a few little fish':


Then Jesus said to them# :Ta1e heed and beware of the leaven of the /harisees and the Sadducees':

So 2e commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground'


And they reasoned among themselves# saying# :0t is because we have ta1en no bread':

And 2e too1 the seven loaves and the fish and gave than1s# bro1e them and gave them to 2is disci"les9 and the disci"les gave to the multitude'

But Jesus# being aware of it# said to them# :3 you of little faith# why do you reason among yourselves because you have brought no breadE

So they all ate and were filled# and they too1 u" seven large bas1ets full of the fragments that were left'

Now those who ate were four thousand men# besides women and children'

*o you not yet understand# or remember the five loaves of the five thousand and how many bas1ets you too1 u"E

And 2e sent away the multitude# got into the boat# and came to the region of 4agdala'

Nor the seven loaves of the four thousand and how many large bas1ets you too1 u"E


the /harisees and Sadducees came# and testing 2im as1ed that 2e would show them a sign from heaven' 2e answered and said to them# :Bhen it is evening you say# :0t will be fair weather# for the s1y is redD9

2ow is it you do not understand that 0 did not s"ea1 to you concerning breadEFFbut to beware of the leaven of the /harisees and Sadducees':

Then they understood that 2e did not tell them to beware of the leaven of bread# but of the doctrine of the /harisees and Sadducees'

and in the morning# :0t will be foul weather today# for the s1y is red and threatening'D 2y"ocritesH Cou 1now how to discern the face of the s1y# but you cannot discern the signs of the times'

Bhen Jesus came into the region of -aesarea /hili""i# 2e as1ed 2is disci"les# saying# :Bho do men say that 0# the Son of 4an# amE:

A wic1ed and adulterous generation see1s after a sign# and no sign shall be given to it e!ce"t the sign of the "ro"het Jonah': And 2e left them and de"arted'

So they said# :Some say John the Ba"tist# some li$ah# and others Jeremiah or one of the "ro"hets':

2e said to them# :But who do you say that 0 amE:


Now when 2is disci"les had come to the other side# they had forgotten to ta1e bread'

Simon /eter answered and said# :Cou are the -hrist# the Son of the living (od':


Jesus answered and said to him# :Blessed are you# Simon BarFJonah# for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you# but 4y Father who is in heaven'


For what "rofit is it to a man if he gains the whole world# and loses his own soulE 3r what will a man give in e!change for his soulE

And 0 also say to you that you are /eter# and on this roc1 0 will build 4y church# and the gates of 2ades shall not "revail against it'

For the Son of 4an will come in the glory of 2is Father with 2is angels# and then 2e will reward each according to his wor1s'

And 0 will give you the 1eys of the 1ingdom of heaven# and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven# and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven':

Assuredly# 0 say to you# there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of 4an coming in 2is 1ingdom':

Then 2e commanded 2is disci"les that they should tell no one that 2e was Jesus the -hrist'

17Now after si! days Jesus too1

/eter# James# and John his brother# led them u" on a high mountain by themselves9

From that time Jesus began to show to 2is disci"les that 2e must go to Jerusalem# and suffer many things from the elders and chief "riests and scribes# and be 1illed# and be raised the third day'

and 2e was transfigured before them' 2is face shone li1e the sun# and 2is clothes became as white as the light'

Then /eter too1 2im aside and began to rebu1e 2im# saying# :Far be it from Cou# )ord9 this shall not ha""en to CouH:

And behold# 4oses and li$ah a""eared to them# tal1ing with 2im'

But 2e turned and said to /eter# :(et behind 4e# SatanH Cou are an offense to 4e# for you are not mindful of the things of (od# but the things of men':

Then /eter answered and said to Jesus# :)ord# it is good for us to be here9 if Cou wish# let us ma1e here three tabernacles7 one for Cou# one for 4oses# and one for li$ah':

Then Jesus said to 2is disci"les# :0f anyone desires to come after 4e# let him deny himself# and ta1e u" his cross# and follow 4e'

Bhile he was still s"ea1ing# behold# a bright cloud overshadowed them9 and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud# saying# :This is 4y beloved Son# in whom 0 am well "leased' 2ear 2imH:

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it# but whoever loses his life for 4y sa1e will find it'

And when the disci"les heard it# they fell on their faces and were greatly afraid'

But Jesus came and touched them and said# :Arise# and do not be afraid':


Bhen they had lifted u" their eyes# they saw no one but Jesus only'


Then the disci"les came to Jesus "rivately and said# :Bhy could we not cast it outE:

Now as they came down from the mountain# Jesus commanded them# saying# :Tell the vision to no one until the Son of 4an is risen from the dead':

And 2is disci"les as1ed 2im# saying# :Bhy then do the scribes say that li$ah must come firstE:

So Jesus said to them# :Because of your unbelief9 for assuredly# 0 say to you# if you have faith as a mustard seed# you will say to this mountain# :4ove from here to there#D and it will move9 and nothing will be im"ossible for you'

Jesus answered and said to them# :0ndeed# li$ah is coming first and will restore all things'

2owever# this 1ind does not go out e!ce"t by "rayer and fasting':

But 0 say to you that li$ah has come already# and they did not 1now him but did to him whatever they wished' )i1ewise the Son of 4an is also about to suffer at their hands':

Now while they were staying in (alilee# Jesus said to them# :The Son of 4an is about to be betrayed into the hands of men#

and they will 1ill 2im# and the third day 2e will be raised u"': And they were e!ceedingly sorrowful'

Then the disci"les understood that 2e s"o1e to them of John the Ba"tist'

And when they had come to the multitude# a man came to 2im# 1neeling down to 2im and saying#

Bhen they had come to -a"ernaum# those who received the tem"le ta! came to /eter and said# :*oes your Teacher not "ay the tem"le ta!E:

:)ord# have mercy on my son# for he is an e"ile"tic and suffers severely9 for he often falls into the fire and often into the water'

2e said# :Ces': And when he had come into the house# Jesus antici"ated him# saying# :Bhat do you thin1# SimonE From whom do the 1ings of the earth ta1e customs or ta!es# from their sons or from strangersE:

So 0 brought him to Cour disci"les# but they could not cure him':

Then Jesus answered and said# :3 faithless and "erverse generation# how long shall 0 be with youE 2ow long shall 0 bear with youE Bring him here to 4e':

/eter said to 2im# :From strangers': Jesus said to him# :Then the sons are free'

And Jesus rebu1ed the demon# and it came out of him9 and the child was cured from that very hour'

Nevertheless# lest we offend them# go to the sea# cast in a hoo1# and ta1e the fish that comes u" first' And when you have o"ened its mouth# you will find a "iece of money9 ta1e that and give it to them for 4e and you':

18At that time the disci"les came to

Jesus# saying# :Bho then is greatest in the 1ingdom of heavenE:


For the Son of 4an has come to save that which was lost'

Then Jesus called a little child to 2im# set him in the midst of them#

:Bhat do you thin1E 0f a man has a hundred shee"# and one of them goes astray# does he not leave the ninetyF nine and go to the mountains to see1 the one that is strayingE

and said# :Assuredly# 0 say to you# unless you are converted and become as little children# you will by no means enter the 1ingdom of heaven'

And if he should find it# assuredly# 0 say to you# he re$oices more over that shee" than over the ninetyFnine that did not go astray'

Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the 1ingdom of heaven'

ven so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should "erish'

Bhoever receives one little child li1e this in 4y name receives 4e'

:Bhoever causes one of these little ones who believe in 4e to sin# it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his nec1# and he were drowned in the de"th of the sea'

:4oreover if your brother sins against you# go and tell him his fault between you and him alone' 0f he hears you# you have gained your brother'

Boe to the world because of offensesH For offenses must come# but woe to that man by whom the offense comesH

But if he will not hear# ta1e with you one or two more# that :by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established'D

:0f your hand or foot causes you to sin# cut it off and cast it from you' 0t is better for you to enter into life lame or maimed# rather than having two hands or two feet# to be cast into the everlasting fire'

And if he refuses to hear them# tell it to the church' But if he refuses even to hear the church# let him be to you li1e a heathen and a ta! collector'

And if your eye causes you to sin# "luc1 it out and cast it from you' 0t is better for you to enter into life with one eye# rather than having two eyes# to be cast into hell fire'

:Assuredly# 0 say to you# whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven# and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven'

:Again 0 say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they as1# it will be done for them by 4y Father in heaven'

:Ta1e heed that you do not des"ise one of these little ones# for 0 say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of 4y Father who is in heaven'

For where two or three are gathered together in 4y name# 0 am there in the midst of them':


Then /eter came to 2im and said# :)ord# how often shall my brother sin against me# and 0 forgive himE A" to seven timesE:


So when his fellow servants saw what had been done# they were very grieved# and came and told their master all that had been done'

Jesus said to him# :0 do not say to you# u" to seven times# but u" to seventy times seven'

Then his master# after he had called him# said to him# :Cou wic1ed servantH 0 forgave you all that debt because you begged me'

Therefore the 1ingdom of heaven is li1e a certain 1ing who wanted to settle accounts with his servants'

Should you not also have had com"assion on your fellow servant# $ust as 0 had "ity on youED

And when he had begun to settle accounts# one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents'

And his master was angry# and delivered him to the torturers until he should "ay all that was due to him'

But as he was not able to "ay# his master commanded that he be sold# with his wife and children and all that he had# and that "ayment be made'

:So 4y heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you# from his heart# does not forgive his brother his tres"asses':

The servant therefore fell down before him# saying# :4aster# have "atience with me# and 0 will "ay you all'D

19Now it came to "ass# when Jesus

had finished these sayings# that 2e de"arted from (alilee and came to the region of Judea beyond the Jordan'

Then the master of that servant was moved with com"assion# released him# and forgave him the debt'

:But that servant went out and found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii9 and he laid hands on him and too1 him by the throat# saying# :/ay me what you oweHD

And great multitudes followed 2im# and 2e healed them there'


The /harisees also came to 2im# testing 2im# and saying to 2im# :0s it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for $ust any reasonE:

So his fellow servant fell down at his feet and begged him# saying# :2ave "atience with me# and 0 will "ay you all'D

And he would not# but went and threw him into "rison till he should "ay the debt'

And 2e answered and said to them# :2ave you not read that 2e who made them at the beginning :made them male and female#D

and said# :For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be $oined to his wife# and the two shall become one fleshDE


So then# they are no longer two but one flesh' Therefore what (od has $oined together# let not man se"arate':


Now behold# one came and said to 2im# :(ood Teacher# what good thing shall 0 do that 0 may have eternal lifeE:

They said to 2im# :Bhy then did 4oses command to give a certificate of divorce# and to "ut her awayE:

So 2e said to him# :Bhy do you call 4e goodE No one is good but 3ne# that is# (od' But if you want to enter into life# 1ee" the commandments':

2e said to them# :4oses# because of the hardness of your hearts# "ermitted you to divorce your wives# but from the beginning it was not so'

2e said to 2im# :Bhich onesE: Jesus said# ::Cou shall not murder#D :Cou shall not commit adultery#D :Cou shall not steal#D :Cou shall not bear false witness#D

And 0 say to you# whoever divorces his wife# e!ce"t for se!ual immorality# and marries another# commits adultery9 and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery':

:2onor your father and your mother#D and# :Cou shall love your neighbor as yourself':D

2is disci"les said to 2im# :0f such is the case of the man with his wife# it is better not to marry':

The young man said to 2im# :All these things 0 have 1e"t from my youth' Bhat do 0 still lac1E:

But 2e said to them# :All cannot acce"t this saying# but only those to whom it has been given7

Jesus said to him# :0f you want to be "erfect# go# sell what you have and give to the "oor# and you will have treasure in heaven9 and come# follow 4e':

For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their motherDs womb# and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men# and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the 1ingdom of heavenDs sa1e' 2e who is able to acce"t it# let him acce"t it':

But when the young man heard that saying# he went away sorrowful# for he had great "ossessions'

Then Jesus said to 2is disci"les# :Assuredly# 0 say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the 1ingdom of heaven'

Then little children were brought to 2im that 2e might "ut 2is hands on them and "ray# but the disci"les rebu1ed them'

And again 0 say to you# it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the 1ingdom of (od':

But Jesus said# :)et the little children come to 4e# and do not forbid them9 for of such is the 1ingdom of heaven':

Bhen 2is disci"les heard it# they were greatly astonished# saying# :Bho then can be savedE:

And 2e laid 2is hands on them and de"arted from there'


But Jesus loo1ed at them and said to them# :Bith men this is im"ossible# but with (od all things are "ossible':


And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle# and said to them# :Bhy have you been standing here idle all dayED

Then /eter answered and said to 2im# :See# we have left all and followed Cou' Therefore what shall we haveE:

So Jesus said to them# :Assuredly 0 say to you# that in the regeneration# when the Son of 4an sits on the throne of 2is glory# you who have followed 4e will also sit on twelve thrones# $udging the twelve tribes of 0srael'

They said to him# :Because no one hired us'D 2e said to them# :Cou also go into the vineyard# and whatever is right you will receive'D

:So when evening had come# the owner of the vineyard said to his steward# :-all the laborers and give them their wages# beginning with the last to the first'D

And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands# for 4y nameDs sa1e# shall receive a hundredfold# and inherit eternal life'

And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour# they each received a denarius'

But many who are first will be last# and the last first'

But when the first came# they su""osed that they would receive more9 and they li1ewise received each a denarius'

20:For the 1ingdom of heaven is li1e

a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard'

And when they had received it# they com"lained against the landowner#

Now when he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day# he sent them into his vineyard'

saying# :These last men have wor1ed only one hour# and you made them eGual to us who have borne the burden and the heat of the day'D

And he went out about the third hour and saw others standing idle in the mar1et"lace#

But he answered one of them and said# :Friend# 0 am doing you no wrong' *id you not agree with me for a denariusE

and said to them# :Cou also go into the vineyard# and whatever is right 0 will give you'D So they went'

Ta1e what is yours and go your way' 0 wish to give to this last man the same as to you'

Again he went out about the si!th and the ninth hour# and did li1ewise'

0s it not lawful for me to do what 0 wish with my own thingsE 3r is your eye evil because 0 am goodED


So the last will be first# and the first last' For many are called# but few chosen':

who are great e!ercise authority over them'


Now Jesus# going u" to Jerusalem# too1 the twelve disci"les aside on the road and said to them#

Cet it shall not be so among you9 but whoever desires to become great among you# let him be your servant'

:Behold# we are going u" to Jerusalem# and the Son of 4an will be betrayed to the chief "riests and to the scribes9 and they will condemn 2im to death#

And whoever desires to be first among you# let him be your slaveFF

$ust as the Son of 4an did not come to be served# but to serve# and to give 2is life a ransom for many':

and deliver 2im to the (entiles to moc1 and to scourge and to crucify' And the third day 2e will rise again':

Now as they went out of Jericho# a great multitude followed 2im'


Then the mother of 5ebedeeDs sons came to 2im with her sons# 1neeling down and as1ing something from 2im'

And behold# two blind men sitting by the road# when they heard that Jesus was "assing by# cried out# saying# :2ave mercy on us# 3 )ord# Son of *avidH:

And 2e said to her# :Bhat do you wishE: She said to 2im# :(rant that these two sons of mine may sit# one on Cour right hand and the other on the left# in Cour 1ingdom':

Then the multitude warned them that they should be Guiet9 but they cried out all the more# saying# :2ave mercy on us# 3 )ord# Son of *avidH:

But Jesus answered and said# :Cou do not 1now what you as1' Are you able to drin1 the cu" that 0 am about to drin1# and be ba"ti.ed with the ba"tism that 0 am ba"ti.ed withE: They said to 2im# :Be are able':

So Jesus stood still and called them# and said# :Bhat do you want 4e to do for youE:

They said to 2im# :)ord# that our eyes may be o"ened':


So 2e said to them# :Cou will indeed drin1 4y cu"# and be ba"ti.ed with the ba"tism that 0 am ba"ti.ed with9 but to sit on 4y right hand and on 4y left is not 4ine to give# but it is for those for whom it is "re"ared by 4y Father':

So Jesus had com"assion and touched their eyes' And immediately their eyes received sight# and they followed 2im'


And when the ten heard it# they were greatly dis"leased with the two brothers'

when they drew near Jerusalem# and came to Beth"hage# at the 4ount of 3lives# then Jesus sent two disci"les# saying to them# :(o into the village o""osite you# and immediately you will

But Jesus called them to 2imself and said# :Cou 1now that the rulers of the (entiles lord it over them# and those

find a don1ey tied# and a colt with her' )oose them and bring them to 4e'


And 2e said to them# :0t is written# :4y house shall be called a house of "rayer#D but you have made it a :den of thieves':D

And if anyone says anything to you# you shall say# :The )ord has need of them#D and immediately he will send them':

Then the blind and the lame came to 2im in the tem"le# and 2e healed them'

All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was s"o1en by the "ro"het# saying7

:Tell the daughter of 5ion# :Behold# your King is coming to you# )owly# and sitting on a don1ey# A colt# the foal of a don1ey':D

But when the chief "riests and scribes saw the wonderful things that 2e did# and the children crying out in the tem"le and saying# :2osanna to the Son of *avidH: they were indignant

So the disci"les went and did as Jesus commanded them'


and said to 2im# :*o Cou hear what these are sayingE: And Jesus said to them# :Ces' 2ave you never read# :3ut of the mouth of babes and nursing infants Cou have "erfected "raiseDE:

They brought the don1ey and the colt# laid their clothes on them# and set 2im on them'

Then 2e left them and went out of the city to Bethany# and 2e lodged there'

And a very great multitude s"read their clothes on the road9 others cut down branches from the trees and s"read them on the road'

Now in the morning# as 2e returned to the city# 2e was hungry'


Then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out# saying7 :2osanna to the Son of *avidH :Blessed is 2e who comes in the name of the )3+*HD 2osanna in the highestH:

And seeing a fig tree by the road# 2e came to it and found nothing on it but leaves# and said to it# :)et no fruit grow on you ever again': 0mmediately the fig tree withered away'

And when the disci"les saw it# they marveled# saying# :2ow did the fig tree wither away so soonE:

And when 2e had come into Jerusalem# all the city was moved# saying# :Bho is thisE:

So the multitudes said# :This is Jesus# the "ro"het from Na.areth of (alilee':

So Jesus answered and said to them# :Assuredly# 0 say to you# if you have faith and do not doubt# you will not only do what was done to the fig tree# but also if you say to this mountain# :Be removed and be cast into the sea#D it will be done'

Then Jesus went into the tem"le of (od and drove out all those who bought and sold in the tem"le# and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves'

And whatever things you as1 in "rayer# believing# you will receive':

Now when 2e came into the tem"le# the chief "riests and the elders of the

"eo"le confronted 2im as 2e was teaching# and said# :By what authority are Cou doing these thingsE And who gave Cou this authorityE:


For John came to you in the way of righteousness# and you did not believe him9 but ta! collectors and harlots believed him9 and when you saw it# you did not afterward relent and believe him'

But Jesus answered and said to them# :0 also will as1 you one thing# which if you tell 4e# 0 li1ewise will tell you by what authority 0 do these things7

The ba"tism of JohnFFwhere was it fromE From heaven or from menE: And they reasoned among themselves# saying# :0f we say# :From heaven#D 2e will say to us# :Bhy then did you not believe himED

:2ear another "arable7 There was a certain landowner who "lanted a vineyard and set a hedge around it# dug a wine"ress in it and built a tower' And he leased it to vinedressers and went into a far country'

Now when vintageFtime drew near# he sent his servants to the vinedressers# that they might receive its fruit'

But if we say# :From men#D we fear the multitude# for all count John as a "ro"het':

And the vinedressers too1 his servants# beat one# 1illed one# and stoned another'

So they answered Jesus and said# :Be do not 1now': And 2e said to them# :Neither will 0 tell you by what authority 0 do these things'

Again he sent other servants# more than the first# and they did li1ewise to them'

:But what do you thin1E A man had two sons# and he came to the first and said# :Son# go# wor1 today in my vineyard'D

Then last of all he sent his son to them# saying# :They will res"ect my son'D

2e answered and said# :0 will not#D but afterward he regretted it and went'

But when the vinedressers saw the son# they said among themselves# :This is the heir' -ome# let us 1ill him and sei.e his inheritance'D

Then he came to the second and said li1ewise' And he answered and said# :0 go# sir#D but he did not go'

So they too1 him and cast him out of the vineyard and 1illed him'

Bhich of the two did the will of his fatherE: They said to 2im# :The first': Jesus said to them# :Assuredly# 0 say to you that ta! collectors and harlots enter the 1ingdom of (od before you'

:Therefore# when the owner of the vineyard comes# what will he do to those vinedressersE:

They said to 2im# :2e will destroy those wic1ed men miserably# and lease his vineyard to other vinedressers who will render to him the fruits in their seasons':


Jesus said to them# :2ave you never read in the Scri"tures7 :The stone which the builders re$ected 2as become the chief cornerstone' This was the )3+*Ds doing# And it is marvelous in our eyesDE

But when the 1ing heard about it# he was furious' And he sent out his armies# destroyed those murderers# and burned u" their city'

:Therefore 0 say to you# the 1ingdom of (od will be ta1en from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it'

Then he said to his servants# :The wedding is ready# but those who were invited were not worthy'

And whoever falls on this stone will be bro1en9 but on whomever it falls# it will grind him to "owder':

Therefore go into the highways# and as many as you find# invite to the wedding'D

Now when the chief "riests and /harisees heard 2is "arables# they "erceived that 2e was s"ea1ing of them'

So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found# both bad and good' And the wedding hall was filled with guests'

But when they sought to lay hands on 2im# they feared the multitudes# because they too1 2im for a "ro"het'

:But when the 1ing came in to see the guests# he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment'

22And Jesus answered and s"o1e to

them again by "arables and said7

So he said to him# :Friend# how did you come in here without a wedding garmentED And he was s"eechless'

:The 1ingdom of heaven is li1e a certain 1ing who arranged a marriage for his son#

Then the 1ing said to the servants# :Bind him hand and foot# ta1e him away# and cast him into outer dar1ness9 there will be wee"ing and gnashing of teeth'D

and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding9 and they were not willing to come'

:For many are called# but few are chosen':


Again# he sent out other servants# saying# :Tell those who are invited# :See# 0 have "re"ared my dinner9 my o!en and fatted cattle are 1illed# and all things are ready' -ome to the wedding':D

Then the /harisees went and "lotted how they might entangle 2im in 2is tal1'

But they made light of it and went their ways# one to his own farm# another to his business'

And they sent to 2im their disci"les with the 2erodians# saying# :Teacher# we 1now that Cou are true# and teach the way of (od in truth9 nor do Cou care about anyone# for Cou do not regard the "erson of men'

And the rest sei.ed his servants# treated them s"itefully# and 1illed them'

Tell us# therefore# what do Cou thin1E 0s it lawful to "ay ta!es to -aesar# or notE:


But Jesus "erceived their wic1edness# and said# :Bhy do you test 4e# you hy"ocritesE


For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage# but are li1e angels of (od in heaven'

Show 4e the ta! money': So they brought 2im a denarius'


But concerning the resurrection of the dead# have you not read what was s"o1en to you by (od# saying#

And 2e said to them# :Bhose image and inscri"tion is thisE:


They said to 2im# :-aesarDs': And 2e said to them# :+ender therefore to -aesar the things that are -aesarDs# and to (od the things that are (odDs':

:0 am the (od of Abraham# the (od of 0saac# and the (od of JacobDE (od is not the (od of the dead# but of the living':

And when the multitudes heard this# they were astonished at 2is teaching'

Bhen they had heard these words# they marveled# and left 2im and went their way'

But when the /harisees heard that 2e had silenced the Sadducees# they gathered together'

The same day the Sadducees# who say there is no resurrection# came to 2im and as1ed 2im#

Then one of them# a lawyer# as1ed 2im a Guestion# testing 2im# and saying#

saying7 :Teacher# 4oses said that if a man dies# having no children# his brother shall marry his wife and raise u" offs"ring for his brother'

:Teacher# which is the commandment in the lawE:



Now there were with us seven brothers' The first died after he had married# and having no offs"ring# left his wife to his brother'

Jesus said to him# ::Cou shall love the )3+* your (od with all your heart# with all your soul# and with all your mind'D

This is the commandment'





)i1ewise the second also# and the third# even to the seventh'

And the second is li1e it7 :Cou shall love your neighbor as yourself'D

)ast of all the woman died also'

3n these two commandments hang all the )aw and the /ro"hets':


Therefore# in the resurrection# whose wife of the seven will she beE For they all had her':

Bhile the /harisees were gathered together# Jesus as1ed them#


Jesus answered and said to them# :Cou are mista1en# not 1nowing the Scri"tures nor the "ower of (od'

saying# :Bhat do you thin1 about the -hristE Bhose Son is 2eE: They said to 2im# :The Son of *avid':


2e said to them# :2ow then does *avid in the S"irit call 2im :)ord#D saying7

*o not call anyone on earth your father9 for 3ne is your Father# 2e who is in heaven'

:The )3+* said to my )ord# :Sit at 4y right hand# Till 0 ma1e Cour enemies Cour footstool:DE

And do not be called teachers9 for 3ne is your Teacher# the -hrist'

0f *avid then calls 2im :)ord#D how is 2e his SonE:


But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant'


And no one was able to answer 2im a word# nor from that day on did anyone dare Guestion 2im anymore'

And whoever e!alts himself will be humbled# and he who humbles himself will be e!alted'


Jesus s"o1e to multitudes and to 2is disci"les#


:But woe to you# scribes and /harisees# hy"ocritesH For you shut u" the 1ingdom of heaven against men9 for you neither go in yourselves# nor do you allow those who are entering to go in'

saying7 :The scribes and the /harisees sit in 4osesD seat'


Therefore whatever they tell you to observe# that observe and do# but do not do according to their wor1s9 for they say# and do not do'

Boe to you# scribes and /harisees# hy"ocritesH For you devour widowsD houses# and for a "retense ma1e long "rayers' Therefore you will receive greater condemnation'

For they bind heavy burdens# hard to bear# and lay them on menDs shoulders9 but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers'

:Boe to you# scribes and /harisees# hy"ocritesH For you travel land and sea to win one "roselyte# and when he is won# you ma1e him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves'

But all their wor1s they do to be seen by men' They ma1e their "hylacteries broad and enlarge the borders of their garments'

:Boe to you# blind guides# who say# :Bhoever swears by the tem"le# it is nothing9 but whoever swears by the gold of the tem"le# he is obliged to "erform it'D

They love the best "laces at feasts# the best seats in the synagogues#

greetings in the mar1et"laces# and to be called by men# :+abbi# +abbi'D


Fools and blindH For which is greater# the gold or the tem"le that sanctifies the goldE

But you# do not be called :+abbiD9 for 3ne is your Teacher# the -hrist# and you are all brethren'

And# :Bhoever swears by the altar# it is nothing9 but whoever swears by the gift that is on it# he is obliged to "erform it'D


Fools and blindH For which is greater# the gift or the altar that sanctifies the giftE


:Boe to you# scribes and /harisees# hy"ocritesH Because you build the tombs of the "ro"hets and adorn the monuments of the righteous#

Therefore he who swears by the altar# swears by it and by all things on it'

2e who swears by the tem"le# swears by it and by 2im who dwells in it'

and say# :0f we had lived in the days of our fathers# we would not have been "arta1ers with them in the blood of the "ro"hets'D

And he who swears by heaven# swears by the throne of (od and by 2im who sits on it'

:Therefore you are witnesses against yourselves that you are sons of those who murdered the "ro"hets'

:Boe to you# scribes and /harisees# hy"ocritesH For you "ay tithe of mint and anise and cummin# and have neglected the weightier matters of the law7 $ustice and mercy and faith' These you ought to have done# without leaving the others undone'

Fill u"# then# the measure of your fathersD guilt'


Ser"ents# brood of vi"ersH 2ow can you esca"e the condemnation of hellE

Blind guides# who strain out a gnat and swallow a camelH


:Boe to you# scribes and /harisees# hy"ocritesH For you cleanse the outside of the cu" and dish# but inside they are full of e!tortion and selfFindulgence'

Therefore# indeed# 0 send you "ro"hets# wise men# and scribes7 some of them you will 1ill and crucify# and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues and "ersecute from city to city#

Blind /harisee# first cleanse the inside of the cu" and dish# that the outside of them may be clean also'

that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth# from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of 5echariah# son of Berechiah# whom you murdered between the tem"le and the altar'

:Boe to you# scribes and /harisees# hy"ocritesH For you are li1e whitewashed tombs which indeed a""ear beautiful outwardly# but inside are full of dead menDs bones and all uncleanness'

Assuredly# 0 say to you# all these things will come u"on this generation'

ven so you also outwardly a""ear righteous to men# but inside you are full of hy"ocrisy and lawlessness'

:3 Jerusalem# Jerusalem# the one who 1ills the "ro"hets and stones those who are sent to herH 2ow often 0 wanted to gather your children together# as a hen gathers her chic1s under her wings# but you were not willingH

SeeH Cour house is left to you desolate9


for 0 say to you# you shall see 4e no more till you say# :Blessed is 2e who comes in the name of the )3+*H:D


And then many will be offended# will betray one another# and will hate one another'


Jesus went out and de"arted from the tem"le# and 2is disci"les came u" to show 2im the buildings of the tem"le' And Jesus said to them# :*o you not see all these thingsE Assuredly# 0 say to you# not one stone shall be left here u"on another# that shall not be thrown down':

Then many false "ro"hets will rise u" and deceive many'

And because lawlessness will abound# the love of many will grow cold'

But he who endures to the end shall be saved'


Now as 2e sat on the 4ount of 3lives# the disci"les came to 2im "rivately# saying# :Tell us# when will these things beE And what will be the sign of Cour coming# and of the end of the ageE:

And this gos"el of the 1ingdom will be "reached in all the world as a witness to all the nations# and then the end will come'

And Jesus answered and said to them7 :Ta1e heed that no one deceives you'

:Therefore when you see the :abomination of desolation#D s"o1en of by *aniel the "ro"het# standing in the holy "lace: Iwhoever reads# let him understandJ#

For many will come in 4y name# saying# :0 am the -hrist#D and will deceive many'

:then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains'


)et him who is on the houseto" not go down to ta1e anything out of his house'

And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars' See that you are not troubled9 for all these things must come to "ass# but the end is not yet'

And let him who is in the field not go bac1 to get his clothes'

For nation will rise against nation# and 1ingdom against 1ingdom' And there will be famines# "estilences# and earthGua1es in various "laces'

But woe to those who are "regnant and to those who are nursing babies in those daysH

All these are the beginning of sorrows'

And "ray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath'

:Then they will deliver you u" to tribulation and 1ill you# and you will be hated by all nations for 4y nameDs sa1e'

For then there will be great tribulation# such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time# no# nor ever shall be'

And unless those days were shortened# no flesh would be saved9 but

for the electDs sa1e those days will be shortened'



So you also# when you see all these things# 1now that it is nearFFat the doorsH

:Then if anyone says to you# :)oo1# here is the -hristHD or :ThereHD do not believe it'

Assuredly# 0 say to you# this generation will by no means "ass away till all these things ta1e "lace'

For false christs and false "ro"hets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive# if "ossible# even the elect'

2eaven and earth will "ass away# but 4y words will by no means "ass away'

See# 0 have told you beforehand'

:But of that day and hour no one 1nows# not even the angels of heaven# but 4y Father only'


:Therefore if they say to you# :)oo1# 2e is in the desertHD do not go out9 or :)oo1# 2e is in the inner roomsHD do not believe it'

But as the days of Noah were# so also will the coming of the Son of 4an be'

For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west# so also will the coming of the Son of 4an be'

For as in the days before the flood# they were eating and drin1ing# marrying and giving in marriage# until the day that Noah entered the ar1#

For wherever the carcass is# there the eagles will be gathered together'

and did not 1now until the flood came and too1 them all away# so also will the coming of the Son of 4an be'

:0mmediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be dar1ened# and the moon will not give its light9 the stars will fall from heaven# and the "owers of the heavens will be sha1en'

Then two men will be in the field7 one will be ta1en and the other left'

Two women will be grinding at the mill7 one will be ta1en and the other left'

Then the sign of the Son of 4an will a""ear in heaven# and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn# and they will see the Son of 4an coming on the clouds of heaven with "ower and great glory'

Batch therefore# for you do not 1now what hour your )ord is coming'

And 2e will send 2is angels with a great sound of a trum"et# and they will gather together 2is elect from the four winds# from one end of heaven to the other'

But 1now this# that if the master of the house had 1nown what hour the thief would come# he would have watched and not allowed his house to be bro1en into'

:Now learn this "arable from the fig tree7 Bhen its branch has already become tender and "uts forth leaves# you 1now that summer is near'

Therefore you also be ready# for the Son of 4an is coming at an hour you do not e!"ect'

:Bho then is a faithful and wise servant# whom his master made ruler

over his household# to give them food in due seasonE


Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lam"s'


Blessed is that servant whom his master# when he comes# will find so doing'

And the foolish said to the wise# :(ive us some of your oil# for our lam"s are going out'D

Assuredly# 0 say to you that he will ma1e him ruler over all his goods'

But if that evil servant says in his heart# :4y master is delaying his coming#D

But the wise answered# saying# :No# lest there should not be enough for us and you9 but go rather to those who sell# and buy for yourselves'D

and begins to beat his fellow servants# and to eat and drin1 with the drun1ards#

And while they went to buy# the bridegroom came# and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding9 and the door was shut'

the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not loo1ing for him and at an hour that he is not aware of#

:Afterward the other virgins came also# saying# :)ord# )ord# o"en to usHD

and will cut him in two and a""oint him his "ortion with the hy"ocrites' There shall be wee"ing and gnashing of teeth'

But he answered and said# :Assuredly# 0 say to you# 0 do not 1now you'D


the 1ingdom of heaven shall be li1ened to ten virgins who too1 their lam"s and went out to meet the bridegroom' Now five of them were wise# and five were foolish'

:Batch therefore# for you 1now neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of 4an is coming'

:For the 1ingdom of heaven is li1e a man traveling to a far country# who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them'

Those who were foolish too1 their lam"s and too1 no oil with them#

And to one he gave five talents# to another two# and to another one# to each according to his own ability9 and immediately he went on a $ourney'

but the wise too1 oil in their vessels with their lam"s'

But while the bridegroom was delayed# they all slumbered and sle"t'

Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them# and made another five talents'

:And at midnight a cry was heard7 :Behold# the bridegroom is coming9 go out to meet himHD

And li1ewise he who had received two gained two more also'

But he who had received one went and dug in the ground# and hid his lordDs money'


After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them'


So ta1e the talent from him# and give it to him who has ten talents'

:So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents# saying# :)ord# you delivered to me five talents9 loo1# 0 have gained five more talents besides them'D

:For to everyone who has# more will be given# and he will have abundance9 but from him who does not have# even what he has will be ta1en away'

2is lord said to him# :Bell done# good and faithful servant9 you were faithful over a few things# 0 will ma1e you ruler over many things' nter into the $oy of your lord'D

And cast the un"rofitable servant into the outer dar1ness' There will be wee"ing and gnashing of teeth'D

:Bhen the Son of 4an comes in 2is glory# and all the holy angels with 2im# then 2e will sit on the throne of 2is glory'

2e also who had received two talents came and said# :)ord# you delivered to me two talents9 loo1# 0 have gained two more talents besides them'D

All the nations will be gathered before 2im# and 2e will se"arate them one from another# as a she"herd divides his shee" from the goats'

2is lord said to him# :Bell done# good and faithful servant9 you have been faithful over a few things# 0 will ma1e you ruler over many things' nter into the $oy of your lord'D

And 2e will set the shee" on 2is right hand# but the goats on the left'

:Then he who had received the one talent came and said# :)ord# 0 1new you to be a hard man# rea"ing where you have not sown# and gathering where you have not scattered seed'

Then the King will say to those on 2is right hand# :-ome# you blessed of 4y Father# inherit the 1ingdom "re"ared for you from the foundation of the world7

And 0 was afraid# and went and hid your talent in the ground' )oo1# there you have what is yours'D

for 0 was hungry and you gave 4e food9 0 was thirsty and you gave 4e drin19 0 was a stranger and you too1 4e in9

:But his lord answered and said to him# :Cou wic1ed and la.y servant# you 1new that 0 rea" where 0 have not sown# and gather where 0 have not scattered seed'

0 was na1ed and you clothed 4e9 0 was sic1 and you visited 4e9 0 was in "rison and you came to 4e'D

So you ought to have de"osited my money with the ban1ers# and at my coming 0 would have received bac1 my own with interest'

:Then the righteous will answer 2im# saying# :)ord# when did we see Cou hungry and feed Cou# or thirsty and give Cou drin1E

Bhen did we see Cou a stranger and ta1e Cou in# or na1ed and clothe CouE


3r when did we see Cou sic1# or in "rison# and come to CouED


And the King will answer and say to them# :Assuredly# 0 say to you# inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these 4y brethren# you did it to 4e'D

Then the chief "riests# the scribes# and the elders of the "eo"le assembled at the "alace of the high "riest# who was called -aia"has#

and "lotted to ta1e Jesus by tric1ery and 1ill 2im'


:Then 2e will also say to those on the left hand# :*e"art from 4e# you cursed# into the everlasting fire "re"ared for the devil and his angels7

But they said# :Not during the feast# lest there be an u"roar among the "eo"le':

And when Jesus was in Bethany at the house of Simon the le"er#

for 0 was hungry and you gave 4e no food9 0 was thirsty and you gave 4e no drin19

a woman came to 2im having an alabaster flas1 of very costly fragrant oil# and she "oured it on 2is head as 2e sat at the table'

0 was a stranger and you did not ta1e 4e in# na1ed and you did not clothe 4e# sic1 and in "rison and you did not visit 4e'D

But when 2is disci"les saw it# they were indignant# saying# :Bhy this wasteE

:Then they also will answer 2im# saying# :)ord# when did we see Cou hungry or thirsty or a stranger or na1ed or sic1 or in "rison# and did not minister to CouED

For this fragrant oil might have been sold for much and given to the "oor':

Then 2e will answer them# saying# :Assuredly# 0 say to you# inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these# you did not do it to 4e'D

But when Jesus was aware of it# 2e said to them# :Bhy do you trouble the womanE For she has done a good wor1 for 4e'

For you have the "oor with you always# but 4e you do not have always'

And these will go away into everlasting "unishment# but the righteous into eternal life':

For in "ouring this fragrant oil on 4y body# she did it for 4y burial'

26Now it came to "ass# when Jesus

had finished all these sayings# that 2e said to 2is disci"les#

Assuredly# 0 say to you# wherever this gos"el is "reached in the whole world# what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her':

:Cou 1now that after two days is the /assover# and the Son of 4an will be delivered u" to be crucified':

Then one of the twelve# called Judas 0scariot# went to the chief "riests


and said# :Bhat are you willing to give me if 0 deliver 2im to youE: And they counted out to him thirty "ieces of silver'


And as they were eating# Jesus too1 bread# blessed and bro1e it# and gave it to the disci"les and said# :Ta1e# eat9 this is 4y body':

So from that time o""ortunity to betray 2im'



sought Then 2e too1 the cu"# and gave than1s# and gave it to them# saying# :*rin1 from it# all of you'

Now on the first day of the Feast of the Anleavened Bread the disci"les came to Jesus# saying to 2im# :Bhere do Cou want us to "re"are for Cou to eat the /assoverE:

For this is 4y blood of the new covenant# which is shed for many for the remission of sins'

And 2e said# :(o into the city to a certain man# and say to him# :The Teacher says# :4y time is at hand9 0 will 1ee" the /assover at your house with 4y disci"les'::D

But 0 say to you# 0 will not drin1 of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when 0 drin1 it new with you in 4y FatherDs 1ingdom':

So the disci"les did as Jesus had directed them9 and they "re"ared the /assover'

And when they had sung a hymn# they went out to the 4ount of 3lives'

Bhen evening had come# 2e sat down with the twelve'


Then Jesus said to them# :All of you will be made to stumble because of 4e this night# for it is written7 :0 will stri1e the She"herd# And the shee" of the floc1 will be scattered'D

Now as they were eating# 2e said# :Assuredly# 0 say to you# one of you will betray 4e':

But after 0 have been raised# 0 will go before you to (alilee':


And they were e!ceedingly sorrowful# and each of them began to say to 2im# :)ord# is it 0E:

/eter answered and said to 2im# : ven if all are made to stumble because of Cou# 0 will never be made to stumble':

2e answered and said# :2e who di""ed his hand with 4e in the dish will betray 4e'

Jesus said to him# :Assuredly# 0 say to you that this night# before the rooster crows# you will deny 4e three times':

The Son of 4an indeed goes $ust as it is written of 2im# but woe to that man by whom the Son of 4an is betrayedH 0t would have been good for that man if he had not been born':

/eter said to 2im# : ven if 0 have to die with Cou# 0 will not deny CouH: And so said all the disci"les'

Then Judas# who was betraying 2im# answered and said# :+abbi# is it 0E: 2e said to him# :Cou have said it':

Then Jesus came with them to a "lace called (ethsemane# and said to the disci"les# :Sit here while 0 go and "ray over there':


And 2e too1 with 2im /eter and the two sons of 5ebedee# and 2e began to be sorrowful and dee"ly distressed'


Then 2e said to them# :4y soul is e!ceedingly sorrowful# even to death' Stay here and watch with 4e':

And while 2e was still s"ea1ing# behold# Judas# one of the twelve# with a great multitude with swords and clubs# came from the chief "riests and elders of the "eo"le'

2e went a little farther and fell on 2is face# and "rayed# saying# :3 4y Father# if it is "ossible# let this cu" "ass from 4e9 nevertheless# not as 0 will# but as Cou will':

Now 2is betrayer had given them a sign# saying# :Bhomever 0 1iss# 2e is the 3ne9 sei.e 2im':

0mmediately he went u" to Jesus and said# :(reetings# +abbiH: and 1issed 2im'

Then 2e came to the disci"les and found them slee"ing# and said to /eter# :BhatH -ould you not watch with 4e one hourE

But Jesus said to him# :Friend# why have you comeE: Then they came and laid hands on Jesus and too1 2im'

Batch and "ray# lest you enter into tem"tation' The s"irit indeed is willing# but the flesh is wea1':

And suddenly# one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword# struc1 the servant of the high "riest# and cut off his ear'

Again# a second time# 2e went away and "rayed# saying# :3 4y Father# if this cu" cannot "ass away from 4e unless 0 drin1 it# Cour will be done':

But Jesus said to him# :/ut your sword in its "lace# for all who ta1e the sword will "erish by the sword'

And 2e came and found them aslee" again# for their eyes were heavy'

3r do you thin1 that 0 cannot now "ray to 4y Father# and 2e will "rovide 4e with more than twelve legions of angelsE

So 2e left them# went away again# and "rayed the third time# saying the same words'

2ow then could the Scri"tures be fulfilled# that it must ha""en thusE:

Then 2e came to 2is disci"les and said to them# :Are you still slee"ing and restingE Behold# the hour is at hand# and the Son of 4an is being betrayed into the hands of sinners'

0n that hour Jesus said to the multitudes# :2ave you come out# as against a robber# with swords and clubs to ta1e 4eE 0 sat daily with you# teaching in the tem"le# and you did not sei.e 4e'

+ise# let us be going' See# 4y betrayer is at hand':

But all this was done that the Scri"tures of the "ro"hets might be fulfilled': Then all the disci"les forsoo1 2im and fled'


And those who had laid hold of Jesus led 2im away to -aia"has the high "riest# where the scribes and the elders were assembled'


Then they s"at in 2is face and beat 2im9 and others struc1 2im with the "alms of their hands#

But /eter followed 2im at a distance to the high "riestDs courtyard' And he went in and sat with the servants to see the end'

saying# :/ro"hesy to us# -hristH Bho is the one who struc1 CouE:

Now /eter sat outside in the courtyard' And a servant girl came to him# saying# :Cou also were with Jesus of (alilee':

Now the chief "riests# the elders# and all the council sought false testimony against Jesus to "ut 2im to death#

But he denied it before them all# saying# :0 do not 1now what you are saying':

but found none' ven though many false witnesses came forward# they found none' But at last two false witnesses came forward

And when he had gone out to the gateway# another girl saw him and said to those who were there# :This fellow also was with Jesus of Na.areth':

and said# :This fellow said# :0 am able to destroy the tem"le of (od and to build it in three days':D

But again he denied with an oath# :0 do not 1now the 4anH:


And the high "riest arose and said to 2im# :*o Cou answer nothingE Bhat is it these men testify against CouE:

And a little later those who stood by came u" and said to /eter# :Surely you also are one of them# for your s"eech betrays you':

But Jesus 1e"t silent' And the high "riest answered and said to 2im# :0 "ut Cou under oath by the living (od7 Tell us if Cou are the -hrist# the Son of (odH:

Then he began to curse and swear# saying# :0 do not 1now the 4anH: 0mmediately a rooster crowed'

Jesus said to him# :0t is as you said' Nevertheless# 0 say to you# hereafter you will see the Son of 4an sitting at the right hand of the /ower# and coming on the clouds of heaven':

And /eter remembered the word of Jesus who had said to him# :Before the rooster crows# you will deny 4e three times': So he went out and we"t bitterly'

Then the high "riest tore his clothes# saying# :2e has s"o1en blas"hemyH Bhat further need do we have of witnessesE )oo1# now you have heard 2is blas"hemyH

27Bhen morning came# all the chief

"riests and elders of the "eo"le "lotted against Jesus to "ut 2im to death'

Bhat do you thin1E: They answered and said# :2e is deserving of death':

And when they had bound 2im# they led 2im away and delivered 2im to /ontius /ilate the governor'

Then Judas# 2is betrayer# seeing that 2e had been condemned# was remorseful and brought bac1 the thirty "ieces of silver to the chief "riests and elders#


But 2e answered him not one word# so that the governor marveled greatly'

Now at the feast the governor was accustomed to releasing to the multitude one "risoner whom they wished'

saying# :0 have sinned by betraying innocent blood': And they said# :Bhat is that to usE Cou see to itH:

And at that time they had a notorious "risoner called Barabbas'


Then he threw down the "ieces of silver in the tem"le and de"arted# and went and hanged himself'

But the chief "riests too1 the silver "ieces and said# :0t is not lawful to "ut them into the treasury# because they are the "rice of blood':

Therefore# when they had gathered together# /ilate said to them# :Bhom do you want me to release to youE Barabbas# or Jesus who is called -hristE:

For he 1new that they had handed 2im over because of envy'

And they consulted together and bought with them the "otterDs field# to bury strangers in'

Therefore that field has been called the Field of Blood to this day'

Bhile he was sitting on the $udgment seat# his wife sent to him# saying# :2ave nothing to do with that $ust 4an# for 0 have suffered many things today in a dream because of 2im':

Then was fulfilled what was s"o1en by Jeremiah the "ro"het# saying# :And they too1 the thirty "ieces of silver# the value of 2im who was "riced# whom they of the children of 0srael "riced#

But the chief "riests and elders "ersuaded the multitudes that they should as1 for Barabbas and destroy Jesus'

and gave them for the "otterDs field# as the )3+* directed me':

The governor answered and said to them# :Bhich of the two do you want me to release to youE: They said# :BarabbasH:

Now Jesus stood before the governor' And the governor as1ed 2im# saying# :Are Cou the King of the JewsE: Jesus said to him# :0t is as you say':

/ilate said to them# :Bhat then shall 0 do with Jesus who is called -hristE: They all said to him# :)et 2im be crucifiedH:

And while 2e was being accused by the chief "riests and elders# 2e answered nothing'

Then the governor said# :Bhy# what evil has 2e doneE: But they cried out all the more# saying# :)et 2im be crucifiedH:

Then /ilate said to 2im# :*o Cou not hear how many things they testify against CouE:

Bhen /ilate saw that he could not "revail at all# but rather that a tumult was rising# he too1 water and washed

his hands before the multitude# saying# :0 am innocent of the blood of this $ust /erson' Cou see to it':

be fulfilled which was s"o1en by the "ro"het7 :They divided 4y garments among them# And for 4y clothing they cast lots':

And all the "eo"le answered and said# :2is blood be on us and on our children':

Sitting down# they 1e"t watch over 2im there'


Then he released Barabbas to them9 and when he had scourged Jesus# he delivered 2im to be crucified'

And they "ut u" over 2is head the accusation written against 2im7 T20S 0S J SAS T2 K0N( 3F T2 J BS'

Then the soldiers of the governor too1 Jesus into the /raetorium and gathered the whole garrison around 2im'

Then two robbers were crucified with 2im# one on the right and another on the left'

And they stri""ed 2im and "ut a scarlet robe on 2im'


And those who "assed by blas"hemed 2im# wagging their heads


Bhen they had twisted a crown of thorns# they "ut it on 2is head# and a reed in 2is right hand' And they bowed the 1nee before 2im and moc1ed 2im# saying# :2ail# King of the JewsH:

and saying# :Cou who destroy the tem"le and build it in three days# save CourselfH 0f Cou are the Son of (od# come down from the cross':

Then they s"at on 2im# and too1 the reed and struc1 2im on the head'

)i1ewise the chief "riests also# moc1ing with the scribes and elders# said#

And when they had moc1ed 2im# they too1 the robe off 2im# "ut 2is own clothes on 2im# and led 2im away to be crucified'

:2e saved others9 2imself 2e cannot save' 0f 2e is the King of 0srael# let 2im now come down from the cross# and we will believe 2im'

Now as they came out# they found a man of -yrene# Simon by name' 2im they com"elled to bear 2is cross'

2e trusted in (od9 let 2im deliver 2im now if 2e will have 2im9 for 2e said# :0 am the Son of (od':D

And when they had come to a "lace called (olgotha# that is to say# /lace of a S1ull#

ven the robbers who were crucified with 2im reviled 2im with the same thing'

they gave 2im sour wine mingled with gall to drin1' But when 2e had tasted it# 2e would not drin1'

Now from the si!th hour until the ninth hour there was dar1ness over all the land'

Then they crucified 2im# and divided 2is garments# casting lots# that it might

And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice# saying# : li# li#

lama sabachthaniE: that is# :4y (od# 4y (od# why have Cou forsa1en 4eE:

named Jose"h# who himself had also become a disci"le of Jesus'


Some of those who stood there# when they heard that# said# :This 4an is calling for li$ahH:

This man went to /ilate and as1ed for the body of Jesus' Then /ilate commanded the body to be given to him'

0mmediately one of them ran and too1 a s"onge# filled it with sour wine and "ut it on a reed# and offered it to 2im to drin1'

Bhen Jose"h had ta1en the body# he wra""ed it in a clean linen cloth#

The rest said# :)et 2im alone9 let us see if li$ah will come to save 2im':

and laid it in his new tomb which he had hewn out of the roc19 and he rolled a large stone against the door of the tomb# and de"arted'

And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice# and yielded u" 2is s"irit'

Then# behold# the veil of the tem"le was torn in two from to" to bottom9 and the earth Gua1ed# and the roc1s were s"lit#

And 4ary 4agdalene was there# and the other 4ary# sitting o""osite the tomb'

3n the ne!t day# which followed the *ay of /re"aration# the chief "riests and /harisees gathered together to /ilate#

and the graves were o"ened9 and many bodies of the saints who had fallen aslee" were raised9

saying# :Sir# we remember# while 2e was still alive# how that deceiver said# :After three days 0 will rise'D

and coming out of the graves after 2is resurrection# they went into the holy city and a""eared to many'

So when the centurion and those with him# who were guarding Jesus# saw the earthGua1e and the things that had ha""ened# they feared greatly# saying# :Truly this was the Son of (odH:

Therefore command that the tomb be made secure until the third day# lest 2is disci"les come by night and steal 2im away# and say to the "eo"le# :2e has risen from the dead'D So the last dece"tion will be worse than the first':

And many women who followed Jesus from (alilee# ministering to 2im# were there loo1ing on from afar#

/ilate said to them# :Cou have a guard9 go your way# ma1e it as secure as you 1now how':

among whom were 4ary 4agdalene# 4ary the mother of James and Joses# and the mother of 5ebedeeDs sons'

So they went and made the tomb secure# sealing the stone and setting the guard'

Now when evening had come# there came a rich man from Arimathea#

28Now after the Sabbath# as the first

day of the wee1 began to dawn# 4ary

4agdalene and the other 4ary came to see the tomb'



And behold# there was a great earthGua1e9 for an angel of the )ord descended from heaven# and came and rolled bac1 the stone from the door# and sat on it'

Now while they were going# behold# some of the guard came into the city and re"orted to the chief "riests all the things that had ha""ened'

Bhen they had assembled with the elders and consulted together# they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers#

2is countenance was li1e lightning# and his clothing as white as snow'

And the guards shoo1 for fear of him# and became li1e dead men'

saying# :Tell them# :2is disci"les came at night and stole 2im away while we sle"t'D

But the angel answered and said to the women# :*o not be afraid# for 0 1now that you see1 Jesus who was crucified'

And if this comes to the governorDs ears# we will a""ease him and ma1e you secure':

2e is not here9 for 2e is risen# as 2e said' -ome# see the "lace where the )ord lay'

So they too1 the money and did as they were instructed9 and this saying is commonly re"orted among the Jews until this day'

And go Guic1ly and tell 2is disci"les that 2e is risen from the dead# and indeed 2e is going before you into (alilee9 there you will see 2im' Behold# 0 have told you':

Then the eleven disci"les went away into (alilee# to the mountain which Jesus had a""ointed for them'

Bhen they saw 2im# they worshi"ed 2im9 but some doubted'

So they went out Guic1ly from the tomb with fear and great $oy# and ran to bring 2is disci"les word'

And Jesus came and s"o1e to them# saying# :All authority has been given to 4e in heaven and on earth'

And as they went to tell 2is disci"les# behold# Jesus met them# saying# :+e$oiceH: So they came and held 2im by the feet and worshi"ed 2im'

(o therefore and ma1e disci"les of all the nations# ba" them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the 2oly S"irit#

Then Jesus said to them# :*o not be afraid' (o and tell 4y brethren to go to (alilee# and there they will see 4e':

teaching them to observe all things that 0 have commanded you9 and lo# 0 am with you always# even to the end of the age': Amen'

)ar4 1The beginning of the gos"el of Jesus

-hrist# the Son of (od'
, %%

Then a voice came from heaven# :Cou are 4y beloved Son# in whom 0 am well "leased':

As it is written in the /ro"hets7 :Behold# 0 send 4y messenger before Cour face# Bho will "re"are Cour way before Cou':

0mmediately the S"irit drove 2im into the wilderness'


:The voice of one crying in the wilderness7 :/re"are the way of the )3+*9 4a1e 2is "aths straight':D

And 2e was there in the wilderness forty days# tem"ted by Satan# and was with the wild beasts9 and the angels ministered to 2im'

John came ba" in the wilderness and "reaching a ba"tism of re"entance for the remission of sins'

Now after John was "ut in "rison# Jesus came to (alilee# "reaching the gos"el of the 1ingdom of (od#

Then all the land of Judea# and those from Jerusalem# went out to him and were all ba"ti.ed by him in the Jordan +iver# confessing their sins'

and saying# :The time is fulfilled# and the 1ingdom of (od is at hand' +e"ent# and believe in the gos"el':

Now John was clothed with camelDs hair and with a leather belt around his waist# and he ate locusts and wild honey'

And as 2e wal1ed by the Sea of (alilee# 2e saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea9 for they were fishermen'

And he "reached# saying# :There comes 3ne after me who is mightier than 0# whose sandal stra" 0 am not worthy to stoo" down and loose'

Then Jesus said to them# :Follow 4e# and 0 will ma1e you become fishers of men':

0 indeed ba"ti.ed you with water# but 2e will ba"ti.e you with the 2oly S"irit':

They immediately left their nets and followed 2im'


0t came to "ass in those days that Jesus came from Na.areth of (alilee# and was ba"ti.ed by John in the Jordan'

Bhen 2e had gone a little farther from there# 2e saw James the son of 5ebedee# and John his brother# who also were in the boat mending their nets'

And immediately# coming u" from the water# 2e saw the heavens "arting and the S"irit descending u"on 2im li1e a dove'

And immediately 2e called them# and they left their father 5ebedee in the boat with the hired servants# and went after 2im'


Then they went into -a"ernaum# and immediately on the Sabbath 2e entered the synagogue and taught'


At evening# when the sun had set# they brought to 2im all who were sic1 and those who were demonF"ossessed'

And they were astonished at 2is teaching# for 2e taught them as one having authority# and not as the scribes'

And the whole city was gathered together at the door'


Now there was a man in their synagogue with an unclean s"irit' And he cried out#

Then 2e healed many who were sic1 with various diseases# and cast out many demons9 and 2e did not allow the demons to s"ea1# because they 1new 2im'

saying# :)et us aloneH Bhat have we to do with Cou# Jesus of Na.arethE *id Cou come to destroy usE 0 1now who Cou areFFthe 2oly 3ne of (odH:

Now in the morning# having risen a long while before daylight# 2e went out and de"arted to a solitary "lace9 and there 2e "rayed'

But Jesus rebu1ed him# saying# :Be Guiet# and come out of himH:

And Simon and those who were with 2im searched for 2im'

And when the unclean s"irit had convulsed him and cried out with a loud voice# he came out of him'

Bhen they found 2im# they said to 2im# : veryone is loo1ing for Cou':

Then they were all ama.ed# so that they Guestioned among themselves# saying# :Bhat is thisE Bhat new doctrine is thisE For with authority 2e commands even the unclean s"irits# and they obey 2im':

But 2e said to them# :)et us go into the ne!t towns# that 0 may "reach there also# because for this "ur"ose 0 have come forth':

And immediately 2is fame s"read throughout all the region around (alilee'

And 2e was "reaching in their synagogues throughout all (alilee# and casting out demons'

Now as soon as they had come out of the synagogue# they entered the house of Simon and Andrew# with James and John'

Now a le"er came to 2im# im"loring 2im# 1neeling down to 2im and saying to 2im# :0f Cou are willing# Cou can ma1e me clean':

But SimonDs wifeDs mother lay sic1 with a fever# and they told 2im about her at once'

Then Jesus# moved with com"assion# stretched out 2is hand and touched him# and said to him# :0 am willing9 be cleansed':

So 2e came and too1 her by the hand and lifted her u"# and immediately the fever left her' And she served them'

As soon as 2e had s"o1en# immediately the le"rosy left him# and he was cleansed'


And 2e strictly warned him and sent him away at once#



and said to him# :See that you say nothing to anyone9 but go your way# show yourself to the "riest# and offer for your cleansing those things which 4oses commanded# as a testimony to them':

But immediately# when Jesus "erceived in 2is s"irit that they reasoned thus within themselves# 2e said to them# :Bhy do you reason about these things in your heartsE

Bhich is easier# to say to the "aralytic# :Cour sins are forgiven you#D or to say# :Arise# ta1e u" your bed and wal1DE

2owever# he went out and began to "roclaim it freely# and to s"read the matter# so that Jesus could no longer o"enly enter the city# but was outside in deserted "laces9 and they came to 2im from every direction'

But that you may 1now that the Son of 4an has "ower on earth to forgive sins:FF2e said to the "aralytic#

:0 say to you# arise# ta1e u" your bed# and go to your house':

2And again 2e entered -a"ernaum

after some days# and it was heard that 2e was in the house'

0mmediately he arose# too1 u" the bed# and went out in the "resence of them all# so that all were ama.ed and glorified (od# saying# :Be never saw anything li1e thisH:

0mmediately many gathered together# so that there was no longer room to receive them# not even near the door' And 2e "reached the word to them'

Then 2e went out again by the sea9 and all the multitude came to 2im# and 2e taught them'

Then they came to 2im# bringing a "aralytic who was carried by four men'

And when they could not come near 2im because of the crowd# they uncovered the roof where 2e was' So when they had bro1en through# they let down the bed on which the "aralytic was lying'

As 2e "assed by# 2e saw )evi the son of Al"haeus sitting at the ta! office' And 2e said to him# :Follow 4e': So he arose and followed 2im'

Now it ha""ened# as 2e was dining in )eviDs house# that many ta! collectors and sinners also sat together with Jesus and 2is disci"les9 for there were many# and they followed 2im'

Bhen Jesus saw their faith# 2e said to the "aralytic# :Son# your sins are forgiven you':

And some of the scribes were sitting there and reasoning in their hearts#

And when the scribes and /harisees saw 2im eating with the ta! collectors and sinners# they said to 2is disci"les# :2ow is it that 2e eats and drin1s with ta! collectors and sinnersE:

:Bhy does this 4an s"ea1 blas"hemies li1e thisE Bho can forgive sins but (od aloneE:

Bhen Jesus heard it# 2e said to them# :Those who are well have no need of a "hysician# but those who are sic1' 0 did

not come to call the righteous# but sinners# to re"entance':


eat e!ce"t for the "riests# and also gave some to those who were with himE:

The disci"les of John and of the /harisees were fasting' Then they came and said to 2im# :Bhy do the disci"les of John and of the /harisees fast# but Cour disci"les do not fastE:

And 2e said to them# :The Sabbath was made for man# and not man for the Sabbath'

Therefore the Son of 4an is also )ord of the Sabbath':

And Jesus said to them# :-an the friends of the bridegroom fast while the bridegroom is with themE As long as they have the bridegroom with them they cannot fast'


2e entered the synagogue again# and a man was there who had a withered hand' So they watched 2im closely# whether 2e would heal him on the Sabbath# so that they might accuse 2im'

But the days will come when the bridegroom will be ta1en away from them# and then they will fast in those days'

No one sews a "iece of unshrun1 cloth on an old garment9 or else the new "iece "ulls away from the old# and the tear is made worse'

And 2e said to the man who had the withered hand# :Ste" forward':

And no one "uts new wine into old wines1ins9 or else the new wine bursts the wines1ins# the wine is s"illed# and the wines1ins are ruined' But new wine must be "ut into new wines1ins':

Then 2e said to them# :0s it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil# to save life or to 1illE: But they 1e"t silent'

Now it ha""ened that 2e went through the grainfields on the Sabbath9 and as they went 2is disci"les began to "luc1 the heads of grain'

And when 2e had loo1ed around at them with anger# being grieved by the hardness of their hearts# 2e said to the man# :Stretch out your hand': And he stretched it out# and his hand was restored as whole as the other'

And the /harisees said to 2im# :)oo1# why do they do what is not lawful on the SabbathE:

Then the /harisees went out and immediately "lotted with the 2erodians against 2im# how they might destroy 2im'

But 2e said to them# :2ave you never read what *avid did when he was in need and hungry# he and those with him7

But Jesus withdrew with 2is disci"les to the sea' And a great multitude from (alilee followed 2im# and from Judea

how he went into the house of (od in the days of Abiathar the high "riest# and ate the showbread# which is not lawful to

and Jerusalem and 0dumea and beyond the Jordan9 and those from Tyre and Sidon# a great multitude# when they heard how many things 2e was doing# came to 2im'

So 2e told 2is disci"les that a small boat should be 1e"t ready for 2im because of the multitude# lest they should crush 2im'


But when 2is own "eo"le heard about this# they went out to lay hold of 2im# for they said# :2e is out of 2is mind':

For 2e healed many# so that as many as had afflictions "ressed about 2im to touch 2im'

And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said# :2e has Beel.ebub#: and# :By the ruler of the demons 2e casts out demons':

And the unclean s"irits# whenever they saw 2im# fell down before 2im and cried out# saying# :Cou are the Son of (od':

So 2e called them to 2imself and said to them in "arables7 :2ow can Satan cast out SatanE

But 2e sternly warned them that they should not ma1e 2im 1nown'

0f a 1ingdom is divided against itself# that 1ingdom cannot stand'


And 2e went u" on the mountain and called to 2im those 2e 2imself wanted' And they came to 2im'

And if a house is divided against itself# that house cannot stand'


Then 2e a""ointed twelve# that they might be with 2im and that 2e might send them out to "reach#

And if Satan has risen u" against himself# and is divided# he cannot stand# but has an end'

and to have "ower to heal sic1nesses and to cast out demons7


No one can enter a strong manDs house and "lunder his goods# unless he first binds the strong man' And then he will "lunder his house'

Simon# to whom 2e gave the name /eter9


James the son of 5ebedee and John the brother of James# to whom 2e gave the name Boanerges# that is# :Sons of Thunder:9

:Assuredly# 0 say to you# all sins will be forgiven the sons of men# and whatever blas"hemies they may utter9

but he who blas"hemes against the 2oly S"irit never has forgiveness# but is sub$ect to eternal condemnation:FF

Andrew# /hili"# Bartholomew# 4atthew# Thomas# James the son of Al"haeus# Thaddaeus# Simon the -ananite9

because they said# :2e has an unclean s"irit':


and Judas 0scariot# who also betrayed 2im' And they went into a house'

Then 2is brothers and 2is mother came# and standing outside they sent to 2im# calling 2im'

Then the multitude came together again# so that they could not so much as eat bread'

And a multitude was sitting around 2im9 and they said to 2im# :)oo1# Cour mother and Cour brothers are outside see1ing Cou':


But 2e answered them# saying# :Bho is 4y mother# or 4y brothersE:


And 2e said to them# :2e who has ears to hear# let him hearH:

And 2e loo1ed around in a circle at those who sat about 2im# and said# :2ere are 4y mother and 4y brothersH

But when 2e was alone# those around 2im with the twelve as1ed 2im about the "arable'

For whoever does the will of (od is 4y brother and 4y sister and mother':

4And again 2e began to teach by the

sea' And a great multitude was gathered to 2im# so that 2e got into a boat and sat in it on the sea9 and the whole multitude was on the land facing the sea'

And 2e said to them# :To you it has been given to 1now the mystery of the 1ingdom of (od9 but to those who are outside# all things come in "arables#

so that :Seeing they may see and not "erceive# And hearing they may hear and not understand9 )est they should turn# And their sins be forgiven them':D

Then 2e taught them many things by "arables# and said to them in 2is teaching7

And 2e said to them# :*o you not understand this "arableE 2ow then will you understand all the "arablesE

The sower sows the word'

:)istenH Behold# a sower went out to sow'



And it ha""ened# as he sowed# that some seed fell by the wayside9 and the birds of the air came and devoured it'

And these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown' Bhen they hear# Satan comes immediately and ta1es away the word that was sown in their hearts'

Some fell on stony ground# where it did not have much earth9 and immediately it s"rang u" because it had no de"th of earth'

These li1ewise are the ones sown on stony ground who# when they hear the word# immediately receive it with gladness9

But when the sun was u" it was scorched# and because it had no root it withered away'

And some seed fell among thorns9 and the thorns grew u" and cho1ed it# and it yielded no cro"'

and they have no root in themselves# and so endure only for a time' Afterward# when tribulation or "ersecution arises for the wordDs sa1e# immediately they stumble'

But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a cro" that s"rang u"# increased and "roduced7 some thirtyfold# some si!ty# and some a hundred':

Now these are the ones sown among thorns9 they are the ones who hear the word#

and the cares of this world# the deceitfulness of riches# and the desires

for other things entering in cho1e the word# and it becomes unfruitful'


Then 2e said# :To what shall we li1en the 1ingdom of (odE 3r with what "arable shall we "icture itE

But these are the ones sown on good ground# those who hear the word# acce"t it# and bear fruit7 some thirtyfold# some si!ty# and some a hundred':

0t is li1e a mustard seed which# when it is sown on the ground# is smaller than all the seeds on earth9

Also 2e said to them# :0s a lam" brought to be "ut under a bas1et or under a bedE 0s it not to be set on a lam"standE

but when it is sown# it grows u" and becomes greater than all herbs# and shoots out large branches# so that the birds of the air may nest under its shade':

For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed# nor has anything been 1e"t secret but that it should come to light'

And with many such "arables 2e s"o1e the word to them as they were able to hear it'

0f anyone has ears to hear# let him hear':


But without a "arable 2e did not s"ea1 to them' And when they were alone# 2e e!"lained all things to 2is disci"les'

Then 2e said to them# :Ta1e heed what you hear' Bith the same measure you use# it will be measured to you9 and to you who hear# more will be given'

3n the same day# when evening had come# 2e said to them# :)et us cross over to the other side':

For whoever has# to him more will be given9 but whoever does not have# even what he has will be ta1en away from him':

Now when they had left the multitude# they too1 2im along in the boat as 2e was' And other little boats were also with 2im'

And 2e said# :The 1ingdom of (od is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground#

And a great windstorm arose# and the waves beat into the boat# so that it was already filling'

and should slee" by night and rise by day# and the seed should s"rout and grow# he himself does not 1now how'

But 2e was in the stern# aslee" on a "illow' And they awo1e 2im and said to 2im# :Teacher# do Cou not care that we are "erishingE:

For the earth yields cro"s by itself7 first the blade# then the head# after that the full grain in the head'

But when the grain ri"ens# immediately he "uts in the sic1le# because the harvest has come':

Then 2e arose and rebu1ed the wind# and said to the sea# :/eace# be stillH: And the wind ceased and there was a great calm'


But 2e said to them# :Bhy are you so fearfulE 2ow is it that you have no faithE:


Also he begged 2im earnestly that 2e would not send them out of the country'

And they feared e!ceedingly# and said to one another# :Bho can this be# that even the wind and the sea obey 2imH:

Now a large herd of swine was feeding there near the mountains'

5Then they came to the other side of

the sea# to (adarenes'

So all the demons begged 2im# saying# :Send us to the swine# that we may enter them':





And when 2e had come out of the boat# immediately there met 2im out of the tombs a man with an unclean s"irit#

And at once Jesus gave them "ermission' Then the unclean s"irits went out and entered the swine Ithere were about two thousandJ9 and the herd ran violently down the stee" "lace into the sea# and drowned in the sea'

who had his dwelling among the tombs9 and no one could bind him# not even with chains#

So those who fed the swine fled# and they told it in the city and in the country' And they went out to see what it was that had ha""ened'

because he had often been bound with shac1les and chains' And the chains had been "ulled a"art by him# and the shac1les bro1en in "ieces9 neither could anyone tame him'

Then they came to Jesus# and saw the one who had been demonF"ossessed and had the legion# sitting and clothed and in his right mind' And they were afraid'

And always# night and day# he was in the mountains and in the tombs# crying out and cutting himself with stones'

And those who saw it told them how it ha""ened to him who had been demonF "ossessed# and about the swine'

Bhen he saw Jesus from afar# he ran and worshi"ed 2im'


Then they began to "lead with 2im to de"art from their region'

And he cried out with a loud voice and said# :Bhat have 0 to do with Cou# Jesus# Son of the 4ost 2igh (odE 0 im"lore Cou by (od that Cou do not torment me':

And when 2e got into the boat# he who had been demonF"ossessed begged 2im that he might be with 2im'

For 2e said to him# :-ome out of the man# unclean s"iritH:


Then 2e as1ed him# :Bhat is your nameE: And he answered# saying# :4y name is )egion9 for we are many':

2owever# Jesus did not "ermit him# but said to him# :(o home to your friends# and tell them what great things the )ord has done for you# and how 2e has had com"assion on you':


And he de"arted and began to "roclaim in *eca"olis all that Jesus had done for him9 and all marveled'


But 2is disci"les said to 2im# :Cou see the multitude thronging Cou# and Cou say# :Bho touched 4eE:D

Now when Jesus had crossed over again by boat to the other side# a great multitude gathered to 2im9 and 2e was by the sea'

And 2e loo1ed around to see her who had done this thing'

And behold# one of the rulers of the synagogue came# Jairus by name' And when he saw 2im# he fell at 2is feet

But the woman# fearing and trembling# 1nowing what had ha""ened to her# came and fell down before 2im and told 2im the whole truth'

and begged 2im earnestly# saying# :4y little daughter lies at the "oint of death' -ome and lay Cour hands on her# that she may be healed# and she will live':

And 2e said to her# :*aughter# your faith has made you well' (o in "eace# and be healed of your affliction':

So Jesus went with him# and a great multitude followed 2im and thronged 2im'

Bhile 2e was still s"ea1ing# some came from the ruler of the synagogueDs house who said# :Cour daughter is dead' Bhy trouble the Teacher any furtherE:

Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years#


As soon as Jesus heard the word that was s"o1en# 2e said to the ruler of the synagogue# :*o not be afraid9 only believe':

and had suffered many things from many "hysicians' She had s"ent all that she had and was no better# but rather grew worse'

And 2e "ermitted no one to follow 2im e!ce"t /eter# James# and John the brother of James'

Bhen she heard about Jesus# she came behind 2im in the crowd and touched 2is garment'

Then 2e came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue# and saw a tumult and those who we"t and wailed loudly'

For she said# :0f only 0 may touch 2is clothes# 0 shall be made well':

Bhen 2e came in# 2e said to them# :Bhy ma1e this commotion and wee"E The child is not dead# but slee"ing':

0mmediately the fountain of her blood was dried u"# and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction'

And Jesus# immediately 1nowing in 2imself that "ower had gone out of 2im# turned around in the crowd and said# :Bho touched 4y clothesE:

And they ridiculed 2im' But when 2e had "ut them all outside# 2e too1 the father and the mother of the child# and those who were with 2im# and entered where the child was lying'

Then 2e too1 the child by the hand# and said to her# :Talitha# cumi#: which is

translated# :)ittle girl# 0 say to you# arise':


0mmediately the girl arose and wal1ed# for she was twelve years of age' And they were overcome with great ama.ement'

And 2e called the twelve to 2imself# and began to send them out two by two# and gave them "ower over unclean s"irits'

But 2e commanded them strictly that no one should 1now it# and said that something should be given her to eat'

2e commanded them to ta1e nothing for the $ourney e!ce"t a staffFFno bag# no bread# no co""er in their money beltsFF

but to wear sandals# and not to "ut on two tunics'


6Then 2e went out from there and

came to 2is own country# and 2is disci"les followed 2im'

Also 2e said to them# :0n whatever "lace you enter a house# stay there till you de"art from that "lace'

And when the Sabbath had come# 2e began to teach in the synagogue' And many hearing 2im were astonished# saying# :Bhere did this 4an get these thingsE And what wisdom is this which is given to 2im# that such mighty wor1s are "erformed by 2is handsH

And whoever will not receive you nor hear you# when you de"art from there# sha1e off the dust under your feet as a testimony against them' Assuredly# 0 say to you# it will be more tolerable for Sodom and (omorrah in the day of $udgment than for that cityH:

0s this not the car"enter# the Son of 4ary# and brother of James# Joses# Judas# and SimonE And are not 2is sisters here with usE: So they were offended at 2im'

So they went out and "reached that "eo"le should re"ent'


And they cast out many demons# and anointed with oil many who were sic1# and healed them'

But Jesus said to them# :A "ro"het is not without honor e!ce"t in his own country# among his own relatives# and in his own house':

Now 2e could do no mighty wor1 there# e!ce"t that 2e laid 2is hands on a few sic1 "eo"le and healed them'

Now King 2erod heard of 2im# for 2is name had become well 1nown' And he said# :John the Ba"tist is risen from the dead# and therefore these "owers are at wor1 in him':

And 2e marveled because of their unbelief' Then 2e went about the villages in a circuit# teaching'

3thers said# :0t is li$ah': And others said# :0t is the /ro"het# or li1e one of the "ro"hets':

But when 2erod heard# he said# :This is John# whom 0 beheaded9 he has been raised from the deadH:


For 2erod himself had sent and laid hold of John# and bound him in "rison for the sa1e of 2erodias# his brother /hili"Ds wife9 for he had married her'


0mmediately the 1ing sent an e!ecutioner and commanded his head to be brought' And he went and beheaded him in "rison#

Because John had said to 2erod# :0t is not lawful for you to have your brotherDs wife':

brought his head on a "latter# and gave it to the girl9 and the girl gave it to her mother'

Therefore 2erodias held it against him and wanted to 1ill him# but she could not9

Bhen his disci"les heard of it# they came and too1 away his cor"se and laid it in a tomb'

for 2erod feared John# 1nowing that he was a $ust and holy man# and he "rotected him' And when he heard him# he did many things# and heard him gladly'

Then the a"ostles gathered to Jesus and told 2im all things# both what they had done and what they had taught'

Then an o""ortune day came when 2erod on his birthday gave a feast for his nobles# the high officers# and the chief men of (alilee'

And 2e said to them# :-ome aside by yourselves to a deserted "lace and rest a while': For there were many coming and going# and they did not even have time to eat'

And when 2erodiasD daughter herself came in and danced# and "leased 2erod and those who sat with him# the 1ing said to the girl# :As1 me whatever you want# and 0 will give it to you':

So they de"arted to a deserted "lace in the boat by themselves'


But the multitudes saw them de"arting# and many 1new 2im and ran there on foot from all the cities' They arrived before them and came together to 2im'

2e also swore to her# :Bhatever you as1 me# 0 will give you# u" to half my 1ingdom':

So she went out and said to her mother# :Bhat shall 0 as1E: And she said# :The head of John the Ba"tistH:

And Jesus# when 2e came out# saw a great multitude and was moved with com"assion for them# because they were li1e shee" not having a she"herd' So 2e began to teach them many things'

0mmediately she came in with haste to the 1ing and as1ed# saying# :0 want you to give me at once the head of John the Ba"tist on a "latter':

Bhen the day was now far s"ent# 2is disci"les came to 2im and said# :This is a deserted "lace# and already the hour is late'

And the 1ing was e!ceedingly sorry9 yet# because of the oaths and because of those who sat with him# he did not want to refuse her'

Send them away# that they may go into the surrounding country and villages and buy themselves bread9 for they have nothing to eat':


But 2e answered and said to them# :Cou give them something to eat': And they said to 2im# :Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread and give them something to eatE:

about the fourth watch of the night 2e came to them# wal1ing on the sea# and would have "assed them by'

But 2e said to them# :2ow many loaves do you haveE (o and see': And when they found out they said# :Five# and two fish':

And when they saw 2im wal1ing on the sea# they su""osed it was a ghost# and cried out9

Then 2e commanded them to ma1e them all sit down in grou"s on the green grass'

for they all saw 2im and were troubled' But immediately 2e tal1ed with them and said to them# :Be of good cheerH 0t is 09 do not be afraid':

So they sat down in ran1s# in hundreds and in fifties'


Then 2e went u" into the boat to them# and the wind ceased' And they were greatly ama.ed in themselves beyond measure# and marveled'

And when 2e had ta1en the five loaves and the two fish# 2e loo1ed u" to heaven# blessed and bro1e the loaves# and gave them to 2is disci"les to set before them9 and the two fish 2e divided among them all'

For they had not understood about the loaves# because their heart was hardened'

Bhen they had crossed over# they came to the land of (ennesaret and anchored there'

So they all ate and were filled' And when they came out of the boat# immediately the "eo"le recogni.ed 2im#


And they too1 u" twelve bas1ets full of fragments and of the fish'

Now those who had eaten the loaves were about five thousand men'

ran through that whole surrounding region# and began to carry about on beds those who were sic1 to wherever they heard 2e was'

0mmediately 2e made 2is disci"les get into the boat and go before 2im to the other side# to Bethsaida# while 2e sent the multitude away'

And when 2e had sent them away# 2e de"arted to the mountain to "ray'

Bherever 2e entered# into villages# cities# or the country# they laid the sic1 in the mar1et"laces# and begged 2im that they might $ust touch the hem of 2is garment' And as many as touched 2im were made well'

Now when evening came# the boat was in the middle of the sea9 and 2e was alone on the land'

7Then the /harisees and some of the

scribes came together to 2im# having come from Jerusalem'

Then 2e saw them straining at rowing# for the wind was against them' Now

Now when they saw some of 2is disci"les eat bread with defiled# that is# with unwashed hands# they found fault'


But you say# :0f a man says to his father or mother# :Bhatever "rofit you might have received from me is -orban:FFD Ithat is# a gift to (odJ#

For the /harisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they wash their hands in a s"ecial way# holding the tradition of the elders'

then you no longer let him do anything for his father or his mother#

Bhen they come from the mar1et"lace# they do not eat unless they wash' And there are many other things which they have received and hold# li1e the washing of cu"s# "itchers# co""er vessels# and couches'

ma1ing the word of (od of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down' And many such things you do':

Bhen 2e had called all the multitude to 2imself# 2e said to them# :2ear 4e# everyone# and understand7

Then the /harisees and scribes as1ed 2im# :Bhy do Cour disci"les not wal1 according to the tradition of the elders# but eat bread with unwashed handsE:

There is nothing that enters a man from outside which can defile him9 but the things which come out of him# those are the things that defile a man'

2e answered and said to them# :Bell did 0saiah "ro"hesy of you hy"ocrites# as it is written7 :This "eo"le honors 4e with their li"s# But their heart is far from 4e'

0f anyone has ears to hear# let him hearH:


And in vain they worshi" 4e# Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men'D

Bhen 2e had entered a house away from the crowd# 2is disci"les as1ed 2im concerning the "arable'

For laying aside the commandment of (od# you hold the tradition of men FFthe washing of "itchers and cu"s# and many other such things you do':

So 2e said to them# :Are you thus without understanding alsoE *o you not "erceive that whatever enters a man from outside cannot defile him#

2e said to them# :All too well you re$ect the commandment of (od# that you may 1ee" your tradition'

because it does not enter his heart but his stomach# and is eliminated# thus "urifying all foodsE:

For 4oses said# :2onor your father and your motherD9 and# :2e who curses father or mother# let him be "ut to death'D

And 2e said# :Bhat comes out of a man# that defiles a man'


For from within# out of the heart of men# "roceed evil thoughts# adulteries# fornications# murders#


thefts# covetousness# wic1edness# deceit# lewdness# an evil eye# blas"hemy# "ride# foolishness'


Then they brought to 2im one who was deaf and had an im"ediment in his s"eech# and they begged 2im to "ut 2is hand on him'

All these evil things come from within and defile a man':

From there 2e arose and went to the region of Tyre and Sidon' And 2e entered a house and wanted no one to 1now it# but 2e could not be hidden'

And 2e too1 him aside from the multitude# and "ut 2is fingers in his ears# and 2e s"at and touched his tongue'

For a woman whose young daughter had an unclean s"irit heard about 2im# and she came and fell at 2is feet'

Then# loo1ing u" to heaven# 2e sighed# and said to him# : "h"hatha#: that is# :Be o"ened':

The woman was a (ree1# a SyroF /hoenician by birth# and she 1e"t as1ing 2im to cast the demon out of her daughter'

0mmediately his ears were o"ened# and the im"ediment of his tongue was loosed# and he s"o1e "lainly'

But Jesus said to her# :)et the children be filled first# for it is not good to ta1e the childrenDs bread and throw it to the little dogs':

Then 2e commanded them that they should tell no one9 but the more 2e commanded them# the more widely they "roclaimed it'

And she answered and said to 2im# :Ces# )ord# yet even the little dogs under the table eat from the childrenDs crumbs':

And they were astonished beyond measure# saying# :2e has done all things well' 2e ma1es both the deaf to hear and the mute to s"ea1':

80n those days# the multitude being

very great and having nothing to eat# Jesus called 2is disci"les to 2im and said to them#

Then 2e said to her# :For this saying go your way9 the demon has gone out of your daughter':

And when she had come to her house# she found the demon gone out# and her daughter lying on the bed'

:0 have com"assion on the multitude# because they have now continued with 4e three days and have nothing to eat'

Again# de"arting from the region of Tyre and Sidon# 2e came through the midst of the region of *eca"olis to the Sea of (alilee'

And if 0 send them away hungry to their own houses# they will faint on the way9 for some of them have come from afar':

Then 2is disci"les answered 2im# :2ow can one satisfy these "eo"le with bread here in the wildernessE:


2e as1ed them# :2ow many loaves do you haveE: And they said# :Seven':


And they reasoned among themselves# saying# :0t is because we have no bread':

So 2e commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground' And 2e too1 the seven loaves and gave than1s# bro1e them and gave them to 2is disci"les to set before them9 and they set them before the multitude'

But Jesus# being aware of it# said to them# :Bhy do you reason because you have no breadE *o you not yet "erceive nor understandE 0s your heart still hardenedE

They also had a few small fish9 and having blessed them# 2e said to set them also before them'

2aving eyes# do you not seeE And having ears# do you not hearE And do you not rememberE

So they ate and were filled# and they too1 u" seven large bas1ets of leftover fragments'

Bhen 0 bro1e the five loaves for the five thousand# how many bas1ets full of fragments did you ta1e u"E: They said to 2im# :Twelve':

Now those who had eaten were about four thousand' And 2e sent them away#

immediately got into the boat with 2is disci"les# and came to the region of *almanutha'

:Also# when 0 bro1e the seven for the four thousand# how many large bas1ets full of fragments did you ta1e u"E: And they said# :Seven':

Then the /harisees came out and began to dis"ute with 2im# see1ing from 2im a sign from heaven# testing 2im'

So 2e said to them# :2ow is it you do not understandE:


But 2e sighed dee"ly in 2is s"irit# and said# :Bhy does this generation see1 a signE Assuredly# 0 say to you# no sign shall be given to this generation':

Then 2e came to Bethsaida9 and they brought a blind man to 2im# and begged 2im to touch him'

And 2e left them# and getting into the boat again# de"arted to the other side'

So 2e too1 the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town' And when 2e had s"it on his eyes and "ut 2is hands on him# 2e as1ed him if he saw anything'

Now the disci"les had forgotten to ta1e bread# and they did not have more than one loaf with them in the boat'

And he loo1ed u" and said# :0 see men li1e trees# wal1ing':

Then 2e charged them# saying# :Ta1e heed# beware of the leaven of the /harisees and the leaven of 2erod':

Then 2e "ut 2is hands on his eyes again and made him loo1 u"' And he was restored and saw everyone clearly'

Then 2e sent him away to his house# saying# :Neither go into the town# nor tell anyone in the town':


Now Jesus and 2is disci"les went out to the towns of -aesarea /hili""i9 and on the road 2e as1ed 2is disci"les# saying to them# :Bho do men say that 0 amE:


3r what will a man give in e!change for his soulE


So they answered# :John the Ba"tist9 but some say# li$ah9 and others# one of the "ro"hets':

For whoever is ashamed of 4e and 4y words in this adulterous and sinful generation# of him the Son of 4an also will be ashamed when 2e comes in the glory of 2is Father with the holy angels':

2e said to them# :But who do you say that 0 amE: /eter answered and said to 2im# :Cou are the -hrist':

9And 2e said to them# :Assuredly# 0

say to you that there are some standing here who will not taste death till they see the 1ingdom of (od "resent with "ower':

Then 2e strictly warned them that they should tell no one about 2im'

And 2e began to teach them that the Son of 4an must suffer many things# and be re$ected by the elders and chief "riests and scribes# and be 1illed# and after three days rise again'

Now after si! days Jesus too1 /eter# James# and John# and led them u" on a high mountain a"art by themselves9 and 2e was transfigured before them'

2e s"o1e this word o"enly' Then /eter too1 2im aside and began to rebu1e 2im'

2is clothes became shining# e!ceedingly white# li1e snow# such as no launderer on earth can whiten them'

But when 2e had turned around and loo1ed at 2is disci"les# 2e rebu1ed /eter# saying# :(et behind 4e# SatanH For you are not mindful of the things of (od# but the things of men':

And li$ah a""eared to them with 4oses# and they were tal1ing with Jesus'

Bhen 2e had called the "eo"le to 2imself# with 2is disci"les also# 2e said to them# :Bhoever desires to come after 4e# let him deny himself# and ta1e u" his cross# and follow 4e'

Then /eter answered and said to Jesus# :+abbi# it is good for us to be here9 and let us ma1e three tabernacles7 one for Cou# one for 4oses# and one for li$ah:FF

because he did not 1now what to say# for they were greatly afraid'

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it# but whoever loses his life for 4y sa1e and the gos"elDs will save it'

And a cloud came and overshadowed them9 and a voice came out of the cloud# saying# :This is 4y beloved Son' 2ear 2imH:

For what will it "rofit a man if he gains the whole world# and loses his own soulE

Suddenly# when they had loo1ed around# they saw no one anymore# but only Jesus with themselves'

Now as they came down from the mountain# 2e commanded them that they should tell no one the things they had seen# till the Son of 4an had risen from the dead'


2e answered him and said# :3 faithless generation# how long shall 0 be with youE 2ow long shall 0 bear with youE Bring him to 4e':

So they 1e"t this word to themselves# Guestioning what the rising from the dead meant'

Then they brought him to 2im' And when he saw 2im# immediately the s"irit convulsed him# and he fell on the ground and wallowed# foaming at the mouth'

And they as1ed 2im# saying# :Bhy do the scribes say that li$ah must come firstE:

So 2e as1ed his father# :2ow long has this been ha""ening to himE: And he said# :From childhood'

Then 2e answered and told them# :0ndeed# li$ah is coming first and restores all things' And how is it written concerning the Son of 4an# that 2e must suffer many things and be treated with contem"tE

And often he has thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him' But if Cou can do anything# have com"assion on us and hel" us':

But 0 say to you that li$ah has also come# and they did to him whatever they wished# as it is written of him':

Jesus said to him# :0f you can believe# all things are "ossible to him who believes':

And when 2e came to the disci"les# 2e saw a great multitude around them# and scribes dis"uting with them'

0mmediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears# :)ord# 0 believe9 hel" my unbeliefH:

0mmediately# when they saw 2im# all the "eo"le were greatly ama.ed# and running to 2im# greeted 2im'

Bhen Jesus saw that the "eo"le came running together# 2e rebu1ed the unclean s"irit# saying to it# :*eaf and dumb s"irit# 0 command you# come out of him and enter him no moreH:

And 2e as1ed the scribes# :Bhat are you discussing with themE:

Then one of the crowd answered and said# :Teacher# 0 brought Cou my son# who has a mute s"irit'

Then the s"irit cried out# convulsed him greatly# and came out of him' And he became as one dead# so that many said# :2e is dead':

And wherever it him# it throws him down9 he foams at the mouth# gnashes his teeth# and becomes rigid' So 0 s"o1e to Cour disci"les# that they should cast it out# but they could not':

But Jesus too1 him by the hand and lifted him u"# and he arose'

And when 2e had come into the house# 2is disci"les as1ed 2im "rivately# :Bhy could we not cast it outE:


So 2e said to them# :This 1ind can come out by nothing but "rayer and fasting':


But Jesus said# :*o not forbid him# for no one who wor1s a miracle in 4y name can soon afterward s"ea1 evil of 4e'

Then they de"arted from there and "assed through (alilee# and 2e did not want anyone to 1now it'

For he who is not against us is on our side'


For 2e taught 2is disci"les and said to them# :The Son of 4an is being betrayed into the hands of men# and they will 1ill 2im' And after 2e is 1illed# 2e will rise the third day':

For whoever gives you a cu" of water to drin1 in 4y name# because you belong to -hrist# assuredly# 0 say to you# he will by no means lose his reward'

But they did not understand this saying# and were afraid to as1 2im'

:But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in 4e to stumble# it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his nec1# and he were thrown into the sea'

Then 2e came to -a"ernaum' And when 2e was in the house 2e as1ed them# :Bhat was it you dis"uted among yourselves on the roadE:

But they 1e"t silent# for on the road they had dis"uted among themselves who would be the greatest'

0f your hand causes you to sin# cut it off' 0t is better for you to enter into life maimed# rather than having two hands# to go to hell# into the fire that shall never be GuenchedFF

where :Their worm does not die And the fire is not Guenched'D

And 2e sat down# called the twelve# and said to them# :0f anyone desires to be first# he shall be last of all and servant of all':

Then 2e too1 a little child and set him in the midst of them' And when 2e had ta1en him in 2is arms# 2e said to them#

And if your foot causes you to sin# cut it off' 0t is better for you to enter life lame# rather than having two feet# to be cast into hell# into the fire that shall never be GuenchedFF

where :Their worm does not die And the fire is not Guenched'D

:Bhoever receives one of these little children in 4y name receives 4e9 and whoever receives 4e# receives not 4e but 2im who sent 4e':

Now John answered 2im# saying# :Teacher# we saw someone who does not follow us casting out demons in Cour name# and we forbade him because he does not follow us':

And if your eye causes you to sin# "luc1 it out' 0t is better for you to enter the 1ingdom of (od with one eye# rather than having two eyes# to be cast into hell fireFF

where :Their worm does not die And the fire is not Guenched'D


:For everyone will be seasoned with fire# and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt'


So 2e said to them# :Bhoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her'

Salt is good# but if the salt loses its flavor# how will you season itE 2ave salt in yourselves# and have "eace with one another':

And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another# she commits adultery':

10Then 2e arose from there and

came to the region of Judea by the other side of the Jordan' And multitudes gathered to 2im again# and as 2e was accustomed# 2e taught them again'

Then they brought little children to 2im# that 2e might touch them9 but the disci"les rebu1ed those who brought them'

The /harisees came and as1ed 2im# :0s it lawful for a man to divorce his wifeE: testing 2im'

But when Jesus saw it# 2e was greatly dis"leased and said to them# :)et the little children come to 4e# and do not forbid them9 for of such is the 1ingdom of (od'

And 2e answered and said to them# :Bhat did 4oses command youE:

Assuredly# 0 say to you# whoever does not receive the 1ingdom of (od as a little child will by no means enter it':

They said# :4oses "ermitted a man to write a certificate of divorce# and to dismiss her':

And 2e too1 them u" in 2is arms# laid 2is hands on them# and blessed them'

And Jesus answered and said to them# :Because of the hardness of your heart he wrote you this "rece"t'

Now as 2e was going out on the road# one came running# 1nelt before 2im# and as1ed 2im# :(ood Teacher# what shall 0 do that 0 may inherit eternal lifeE:

But from the beginning of the creation# (od :made them male and female'D

So Jesus said to him# :Bhy do you call 4e goodE No one is good but 3ne# that is# (od'

:For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be $oined to his wife#

and the two shall become one fleshD9 so then they are no longer two# but one flesh'

Cou 1now the commandments7 :*o not commit adultery#D :*o not murder#D :*o not steal#D :*o not bear false witness#D :*o not defraud#D :2onor your father and your mother':D

Therefore what (od has together# let not man se"arate':



And he answered and said to 2im# :Teacher# all these things 0 have 1e"t from my youth':

0n the house 2is disci"les also as1ed 2im again about the same matter'

Then Jesus# loo1ing at him# loved him# and said to him# :3ne thing you lac17 (o

your way# sell whatever you have and give to the "oor# and you will have treasure in heaven9 and come# ta1e u" the cross# and follow 4e':


But many who are first will be last# and the last first':

But he was sad at this word# and went away sorrowful# for he had great "ossessions'

Then Jesus loo1ed around and said to 2is disci"les# :2ow hard it is for those who have riches to enter the 1ingdom of (odH:

Now they were on the road# going u" to Jerusalem# and Jesus was going before them9 and they were ama.ed' And as they followed they were afraid' Then 2e too1 the twelve aside again and began to tell them the things that would ha""en to 2im7

And the disci"les were astonished at 2is words' But Jesus answered again and said to them# :-hildren# how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the 1ingdom of (odH

:Behold# we are going u" to Jerusalem# and the Son of 4an will be betrayed to the chief "riests and to the scribes9 and they will condemn 2im to death and deliver 2im to the (entiles9

and they will moc1 2im# and scourge 2im# and s"it on 2im# and 1ill 2im' And the third day 2e will rise again':

0t is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the 1ingdom of (od':

And they were greatly astonished# saying among themselves# :Bho then can be savedE:

Then James and John# the sons of 5ebedee# came to 2im# saying# :Teacher# we want Cou to do for us whatever we as1':

And 2e said to them# :Bhat do you want 4e to do for youE:


But Jesus loo1ed at them and said# :Bith men it is im"ossible# but not with (od9 for with (od all things are "ossible':

They said to 2im# :(rant us that we may sit# one on Cour right hand and the other on Cour left# in Cour glory':

Then /eter began to say to 2im# :See# we have left all and followed Cou':

So Jesus answered and said# :Assuredly# 0 say to you# there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands# for 4y sa1e and the gos"elDs#

But Jesus said to them# :Cou do not 1now what you as1' Are you able to drin1 the cu" that 0 drin1# and be ba"ti.ed with the ba"tism that 0 am ba"ti.ed withE:

who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this timeFFhouses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands# with "ersecutionsFFand in the age to come# eternal life'

They said to 2im# :Be are able': So Jesus said to them# :Cou will indeed drin1 the cu" that 0 drin1# and with the ba"tism 0 am ba"ti.ed with you will be ba"ti.ed9

but to sit on 4y right hand and on 4y left is not 4ine to give# but it is for those for whom it is "re"ared':


And when the ten heard it# they began to be greatly dis"leased with James and John'


So Jesus answered and said to him# :Bhat do you want 4e to do for youE: The blind man said to 2im# :+abboni# that 0 may receive my sight':

But Jesus called them to 2imself and said to them# :Cou 1now that those who are considered rulers over the (entiles lord it over them# and their great ones e!ercise authority over them'

Then Jesus said to him# :(o your way9 your faith has made you well': And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road'

Cet it shall not be so among you9 but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant'


And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all'


when they drew near Jerusalem# to Beth"hage and Bethany# at the 4ount of 3lives# 2e sent two of 2is disci"les9 and 2e said to them# :(o into the village o""osite you9 and as soon as you have entered it you will find a colt tied# on which no one has sat' )oose it and bring it'

For even the Son of 4an did not come to be served# but to serve# and to give 2is life a ransom for many':

Now they came to Jericho' As 2e went out of Jericho with 2is disci"les and a great multitude# blind Bartimaeus# the son of Timaeus# sat by the road begging'

And if anyone says to you# :Bhy are you doing thisED say# :The )ord has need of it#D and immediately he will send it here':

And when he heard that it was Jesus of Na.areth# he began to cry out and say# :Jesus# Son of *avid# have mercy on meH:

So they went their way# and found the colt tied by the door outside on the street# and they loosed it'

Then many warned him to be Guiet9 but he cried out all the more# :Son of *avid# have mercy on meH:

But some of those who stood there said to them# :Bhat are you doing# loosing the coltE:

So Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called' Then they called the blind man# saying to him# :Be of good cheer' +ise# 2e is calling you':

And they s"o1e to them $ust as Jesus had commanded' So they let them go'

And throwing aside his garment# he rose and came to Jesus'

Then they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their clothes on it# and 2e sat on it'

And many s"read their clothes on the road# and others cut down leafy branches from the trees and s"read them on the road'

Then those who went before and those who followed cried out# saying7 :2osannaH :Blessed is 2e who comes in the name of the )3+*HD


Bhen evening had come# 2e went out of the city'


Blessed is the 1ingdom of our father *avid That comes in the name of the )ordH 2osanna in the highestH:

Now in the morning# as they "assed by# they saw the fig tree dried u" from the roots'

And Jesus went into Jerusalem and into the tem"le' So when 2e had loo1ed around at all things# as the hour was already late# 2e went out to Bethany with the twelve'

And /eter# remembering# said to 2im# :+abbi# loo1H The fig tree which Cou cursed has withered away':

So Jesus answered and said to them# :2ave faith in (od'


Now the ne!t day# when they had come out from Bethany# 2e was hungry'

And seeing from afar a fig tree having leaves# 2e went to see if "erha"s 2e would find something on it' Bhen 2e came to it# 2e found nothing but leaves# for it was not the season for figs'

For assuredly# 0 say to you# whoever says to this mountain# :Be removed and be cast into the sea#D and does not doubt in his heart# but believes that those things he says will be done# he will have whatever he says'

Therefore 0 say to you# whatever things you as1 when you "ray# believe that you receive them# and you will have them'

0n res"onse Jesus said to it# :)et no one eat fruit from you ever again': And 2is disci"les heard it'

So they came to Jerusalem' Then Jesus went into the tem"le and began to drive out those who bought and sold in the tem"le# and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves'

:And whenever you stand "raying# if you have anything against anyone# forgive him# that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your tres"asses'

But if you do not forgive# neither will your Father in heaven forgive your tres"asses':

And 2e would not allow anyone to carry wares through the tem"le'

Then they came again to Jerusalem' And as 2e was wal1ing in the tem"le# the chief "riests# the scribes# and the elders came to 2im'

Then 2e taught# saying to them# :0s it not written# :4y house shall be called a house of "rayer for all nationsDE But you have made it a :den of thieves':D

And they said to 2im# :By what authority are Cou doing these thingsE And who gave Cou this authority to do these thingsE:

And the scribes and chief "riests heard it and sought how they might destroy 2im9 for they feared 2im# because all the "eo"le were astonished at 2is teaching'

But Jesus answered and said to them# :0 also will as1 you one Guestion9 then

answer 4e# and 0 will tell you by what authority 0 do these things7


Therefore still having one son# his beloved# he also sent him to them last# saying# :They will res"ect my son'D

The ba"tism of JohnFFwas it from heaven or from menE Answer 4e':


And they reasoned among themselves# saying# :0f we say# :From heaven#D 2e will say# :Bhy then did you not believe himED

But those vinedressers said among themselves# :This is the heir' -ome# let us 1ill him# and the inheritance will be ours'D

So they too1 him and 1illed him and cast him out of the vineyard'

But if we say# :From men:DFFthey feared the "eo"le# for all counted John to have been a "ro"het indeed'

So they answered and said to Jesus# :Be do not 1now': And Jesus answered and said to them# :Neither will 0 tell you by what authority 0 do these things':

:Therefore what will the owner of the vineyard doE 2e will come and destroy the vinedressers# and give the vineyard to others'

2ave you not even read this Scri"ture7 :The stone which the builders re$ected 2as become the chief cornerstone'

12Then 2e began to s"ea1 to them

in "arables7 :A man "lanted a vineyard and set a hedge around it# dug a "lace for the wine vat and built a tower' And he leased it to vinedressers and went into a far country'

This was the )3+*Ds doing# And it is marvelous in our eyesDE:


And they sought to lay hands on 2im# but feared the multitude# for they 1new 2e had s"o1en the "arable against them' So they left 2im and went away'

Now at vintageFtime he sent a servant to the vinedressers# that he might receive some of the fruit of the vineyard from the vinedressers'

Then they sent to 2im some of the /harisees and the 2erodians# to catch 2im in 2is words'

And they too1 him and beat him and sent him away em"tyFhanded'

Again he sent them another servant# and at him they threw stones# wounded him in the head# and sent him away shamefully treated'

Bhen they had come# they said to 2im# :Teacher# we 1now that Cou are true# and care about no one9 for Cou do not regard the "erson of men# but teach the way of (od in truth' 0s it lawful to "ay ta!es to -aesar# or notE

And again he sent another# and him they 1illed9 and many others# beating some and 1illing some'

Shall we "ay# or shall we not "ayE: But 2e# 1nowing their hy"ocrisy# said to them# :Bhy do you test 4eE Bring 4e a denarius that 0 may see it':


So they brought it' And 2e said to them# :Bhose image and inscri"tion is thisE: They said to 2im# :-aesarDs':

how (od s"o1e to him# saying# :0 am the (od of Abraham# the (od of 0saac# and the (od of JacobDE

And Jesus answered and said to them# :+ender to -aesar the things that are -aesarDs# and to (od the things that are (odDs': And they marveled at 2im'

2e is not the (od of the dead# but the (od of the living' Cou are therefore greatly mista1en':

Then some Sadducees# who say there is no resurrection# came to 2im9 and they as1ed 2im# saying7

Then one of the scribes came# and having heard them reasoning together# "erceiving that 2e had answered them well# as1ed 2im# :Bhich is the first commandment of allE:

:Teacher# 4oses wrote to us that if a manDs brother dies# and leaves his wife behind# and leaves no children# his brother should ta1e his wife and raise u" offs"ring for his brother'

Jesus answered him# :The first of all the commandments is7 :2ear# 3 0srael# the )3+* our (od# the )3+* is one'

Now there were seven brothers' The first too1 a wife9 and dying# he left no offs"ring'

And you shall love the )3+* your (od with all your heart# with all your soul# with all your mind# and with all your strength'D This is the first commandment'

And the second too1 her# and he died9 nor did he leave any offs"ring' And the third li1ewise'

And the second# li1e it# is this7 :Cou shall love your neighbor as yourself'D There is no other commandment greater than these':

So the seven had her and left no offs"ring' )ast of all the woman died also'

Therefore# in the resurrection# when they rise# whose wife will she beE For all seven had her as wife':

So the scribe said to 2im# :Bell said# Teacher' Cou have s"o1en the truth# for there is one (od# and there is no other but 2e'

Jesus answered and said to them# :Are you not therefore mista1en# because you do not 1now the Scri"tures nor the "ower of (odE

And to love 2im with all the heart# with all the understanding# with all the soul# and with all the strength# and to love oneDs neighbor as oneself# is more than all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices':

For when they rise from the dead# they neither marry nor are given in marriage# but are li1e angels in heaven'

But concerning the dead# that they rise# have you not read in the boo1 of 4oses# in the burning bush "assage#

Now when Jesus saw that he answered wisely# 2e said to him# :Cou are not far from the 1ingdom of (od': But after that no one dared Guestion 2im'

Then Jesus answered and said# while 2e taught in the tem"le# :2ow is it that

the scribes say that the -hrist is the Son of *avidE



For *avid himself said by the 2oly S"irit7 :The )3+* said to my )ord# :Sit at 4y right hand# Till 0 ma1e Cour enemies Cour footstool':D

as 2e went out of the tem"le# one of 2is disci"les said to 2im# :Teacher# see what manner of stones and what buildings are hereH: And Jesus answered and said to him# :*o you see these great buildingsE Not one stone shall be left u"on another# that shall not be thrown down':

Therefore *avid himself calls 2im :)ordD9 how is 2e then his SonE: And the common "eo"le heard 2im gladly'

Then 2e said to them in 2is teaching# :Beware of the scribes# who desire to go around in long robes# love greetings in the mar1et"laces#

Now as 2e sat on the 4ount of 3lives o""osite the tem"le# /eter# James# John# and Andrew as1ed 2im "rivately#

the best seats in the synagogues# and the best "laces at feasts#

:Tell us# when will these things beE And what will be the sign when all these things will be fulfilledE:

who devour widowsD houses# and for a "retense ma1e long "rayers' These will receive greater condemnation':

And Jesus# answering them# began to say7 :Ta1e heed that no one deceives you'

Now Jesus sat o""osite the treasury and saw how the "eo"le "ut money into the treasury' And many who were rich "ut in much'

For many will come in 4y name# saying# :0 am 2e#D and will deceive many'

Then one "oor widow came and threw in two mites# which ma1e a Guadrans'

But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars# do not be troubled9 for such things must ha""en# but the end is not yet'

So 2e called 2is disci"les to 2imself and said to them# :Assuredly# 0 say to you that this "oor widow has "ut in more than all those who have given to the treasury9

For nation will rise against nation# and 1ingdom against 1ingdom' And there will be earthGua1es in various "laces# and there will be famines and troubles' These are the beginnings of sorrows'

for they all "ut in out of their abundance# but she out of her "overty "ut in all that she had# her whole livelihood':

:But watch out for yourselves# for they will deliver you u" to councils# and you will be beaten in the synagogues' Cou will be brought before rulers and 1ings for 4y sa1e# for a testimony to them'

And the gos"el must first be "reached to all the nations'


But when they arrest you and deliver you u"# do not worry beforehand# or "remeditate what you will s"ea1' But whatever is given you in that hour# s"ea1 that9 for it is not you who s"ea1# but the 2oly S"irit'


:Then if anyone says to you# :)oo1# here is the -hristHD or# :)oo1# 2e is thereHD do not believe it'

For false christs and false "ro"hets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive# if "ossible# even the elect'

Now brother will betray brother to death# and a father his child9 and children will rise u" against "arents and cause them to be "ut to death'

But ta1e heed9 see# 0 have told you all things beforehand'

And you will be hated by all for 4y nameDs sa1e' But he who endures to the end shall be saved'

:But in those days# after that tribulation# the sun will be dar1ened# and the moon will not give its light9

:So when you see the :abomination of desolation#D s"o1en of by *aniel the "ro"het# standing where it ought not: Ilet the reader understandJ# :then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains'

the stars of heaven will fall# and the "owers in the heavens will be sha1en'

Then they will see the Son of 4an coming in the clouds with great "ower and glory'

)et him who is on the houseto" not go down into the house# nor enter to ta1e anything out of his house'

And let him who is in the field not go bac1 to get his clothes'

And then 2e will send 2is angels# and gather together 2is elect from the four winds# from the farthest "art of earth to the farthest "art of heaven'

But woe to those who are "regnant and to those who are nursing babies in those daysH

:Now learn this "arable from the fig tree7 Bhen its branch has already become tender# and "uts forth leaves# you 1now that summer is near'

And "ray that your flight may not be in winter'


So you also# when you see these things ha""ening# 1now that it is nearFF at the doorsH

For in those days there will be tribulation# such as has not been since the beginning of the creation which (od created until this time# nor ever shall be'

Assuredly# 0 say to you# this generation will by no means "ass away till all these things ta1e "lace'

And unless the )ord had shortened those days# no flesh would be saved9 but for the electDs sa1e# whom 2e chose# 2e shortened the days'

2eaven and earth will "ass away# but 4y words will by no means "ass away'

:But of that day and hour no one 1nows# not even the angels in heaven# nor the Son# but only the Father'


Ta1e heed# watch and "ray9 for you do not 1now when the time is'


But Jesus said# :)et her alone' Bhy do you trouble herE She has done a good wor1 for 4e'

0t is li1e a man going to a far country# who left his house and gave authority to his servants# and to each his wor1# and commanded the door1ee"er to watch'

For you have the "oor with you always# and whenever you wish you may do them good9 but 4e you do not have always'

Batch therefore# for you do not 1now when the master of the house is comingFFin the evening# at midnight# at the crowing of the rooster# or in the morningFF

She has done what she could' She has come beforehand to anoint 4y body for burial'

lest# coming suddenly# he find you slee"ing'


Assuredly# 0 say to you# wherever this gos"el is "reached in the whole world# what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her':

And what 0 say to you# 0 say to all7 BatchH:

14After two days it was the /assover

and the Feast of Anleavened Bread' And the chief "riests and the scribes sought how they might ta1e 2im by tric1ery and "ut 2im to death'

Then Judas 0scariot# one of the twelve# went to the chief "riests to betray 2im to them'

And when they heard it# they were glad# and "romised to give him money' So he sought how he might conveniently betray 2im'

But they said# :Not during the feast# lest there be an u"roar of the "eo"le':

And being in Bethany at the house of Simon the le"er# as 2e sat at the table# a woman came having an alabaster flas1 of very costly oil of s"i1enard' Then she bro1e the flas1 and "oured it on 2is head'

Now on the first day of Anleavened Bread# when they 1illed the /assover lamb# 2is disci"les said to 2im# :Bhere do Cou want us to go and "re"are# that Cou may eat the /assoverE:

And 2e sent out two of 2is disci"les and said to them# :(o into the city# and a man will meet you carrying a "itcher of water9 follow him'

But there were some who were indignant among themselves# and said# :Bhy was this fragrant oil wastedE

For it might have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the "oor': And they critici.ed her shar"ly'

Bherever he goes in# say to the master of the house# :The Teacher says# :Bhere is the guest room in which 0 may eat the /assover with 4y disci"lesE:D

Then he will show you a large u""er room# furnished and "re"ared9 there ma1e ready for us':


So 2is disci"les went out# and came into the city# and found it $ust as 2e had said to them9 and they "re"ared the /assover'


Then Jesus said to them# :All of you will be made to stumble because of 4e this night# for it is written7 :0 will stri1e the She"herd# And the shee" will be scattered'D

0n the evening 2e came with the twelve'


:But after 0 have been raised# 0 will go before you to (alilee':


Now as they sat and ate# Jesus said# :Assuredly# 0 say to you# one of you who eats with 4e will betray 4e':

/eter said to 2im# : ven if all are made to stumble# yet 0 will not be':

And they began to be sorrowful# and to say to 2im one by one# :0s it 0E: And another said# :0s it 0E:

Jesus said to him# :Assuredly# 0 say to you that today# even this night# before the rooster crows twice# you will deny 4e three times':

2e answered and said to them# :0t is one of the twelve# who di"s with 4e in the dish'

But he s"o1e more vehemently# :0f 0 have to die with Cou# 0 will not deny CouH: And they all said li1ewise'

The Son of 4an indeed goes $ust as it is written of 2im# but woe to that man by whom the Son of 4an is betrayedH 0t would have been good for that man if he had never been born':

Then they came to a "lace which was named (ethsemane9 and 2e said to 2is disci"les# :Sit here while 0 "ray':

And as they were eating# Jesus too1 bread# blessed and bro1e it# and gave it to them and said# :Ta1e# eat9 this is 4y body':

And 2e too1 /eter# James# and John with 2im# and 2e began to be troubled and dee"ly distressed'

Then 2e too1 the cu"# and when 2e had given than1s 2e gave it to them# and they all dran1 from it'

Then 2e said to them# :4y soul is e!ceedingly sorrowful# even to death' Stay here and watch':

And 2e said to them# :This is 4y blood of the new covenant# which is shed for many'

2e went a little farther# and fell on the ground# and "rayed that if it were "ossible# the hour might "ass from 2im'

Assuredly# 0 say to you# 0 will no longer drin1 of the fruit of the vine until that day when 0 drin1 it new in the 1ingdom of (od':

And 2e said# :Abba# Father# all things are "ossible for Cou' Ta1e this cu" away from 4e9 nevertheless# not what 0 will# but what Cou will':

And when they had sung a hymn# they went out to the 4ount of 3lives'

Then 2e came and found them slee"ing# and said to /eter# :Simon# are you slee"ingE -ould you not watch one hourE


Batch and "ray# lest you enter into tem"tation' The s"irit indeed is willing# but the flesh is wea1':


0 was daily with you in the tem"le teaching# and you did not sei.e 4e' But the Scri"tures must be fulfilled':

Again 2e went away and "rayed# and s"o1e the same words'

Then they all forsoo1 2im and fled'


And when 2e returned# 2e found them aslee" again# for their eyes were heavy9 and they did not 1now what to answer 2im'

Now a certain young man followed 2im# having a linen cloth thrown around his na1ed body' And the young men laid hold of him#

Then 2e came the third time and said to them# :Are you still slee"ing and restingE 0t is enoughH The hour has come9 behold# the Son of 4an is being betrayed into the hands of sinners'

and he left the linen cloth and fled from them na1ed'

And they led Jesus away to the high "riest9 and with him were assembled all the chief "riests# the elders# and the scribes'

+ise# let us be going' See# 4y betrayer is at hand':


And immediately# while 2e was still s"ea1ing# Judas# one of the twelve# with a great multitude with swords and clubs# came from the chief "riests and the scribes and the elders'

But /eter followed 2im at a distance# right into the courtyard of the high "riest' And he sat with the servants and warmed himself at the fire'

Now the chief "riests and all the council sought testimony against Jesus to "ut 2im to death# but found none'

Now 2is betrayer had given them a signal# saying# :Bhomever 0 1iss# 2e is the 3ne9 sei.e 2im and lead 2im away safely':

For many bore false witness against 2im# but their testimonies did not agree'

As soon as he had come# immediately he went u" to 2im and said to 2im# :+abbi# +abbiH: and 1issed 2im'

Then some rose u" and bore false witness against 2im# saying#

Then they laid their hands on 2im and too1 2im'


:Be heard 2im say# :0 will destroy this tem"le made with hands# and within three days 0 will build another made without hands':D

And one of those who stood by drew his sword and struc1 the servant of the high "riest# and cut off his ear'

But not even then did their testimony agree'


Then Jesus answered and said to them# :2ave you come out# as against a robber# with swords and clubs to ta1e 4eE

And the high "riest stood u" in the midst and as1ed Jesus# saying# :*o Cou answer nothingE Bhat is it these men testify against CouE:


But 2e 1e"t silent and answered nothing' Again the high "riest as1ed 2im# saying to 2im# :Are Cou the -hrist# the Son of the BlessedE:


Then he began to curse and swear# :0 do not 1now this 4an of whom you s"ea1H:

Jesus said# :0 am' And you will see the Son of 4an sitting at the right hand of the /ower# and coming with the clouds of heaven':

A second time the rooster crowed' Then /eter called to mind the word that Jesus had said to him# :Before the rooster crows twice# you will deny 4e three times': And when he thought about it# he we"t'

Then the high "riest tore his clothes and said# :Bhat further need do we have of witnessesE

150mmediately# in the morning# the

chief "riests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council9 and they bound Jesus# led 2im away# and delivered 2im to /ilate'

Cou have heard the blas"hemyH Bhat do you thin1E: And they all condemned 2im to be deserving of death'

Then some began to s"it on 2im# and to blindfold 2im# and to beat 2im# and to say to 2im# :/ro"hesyH: And the officers struc1 2im with the "alms of their hands'

Then /ilate as1ed 2im# :Are Cou the King of the JewsE: 2e answered and said to him# :0t is as you say':

Now as /eter was below in the courtyard# one of the servant girls of the high "riest came'

And the chief "riests accused 2im of many things# but 2e answered nothing'

And when she saw /eter warming himself# she loo1ed at him and said# :Cou also were with Jesus of Na.areth':

Then /ilate as1ed 2im again# saying# :*o Cou answer nothingE See how many things they testify against CouH:

But Jesus still answered nothing# so that /ilate marveled'


But he denied it# saying# :0 neither 1now nor understand what you are saying': And he went out on the "orch# and a rooster crowed'

Now at the feast he was accustomed to releasing one "risoner to them# whomever they reGuested'

And the servant girl saw him again# and began to say to those who stood by# :This is one of them':

And there was one named Barabbas# who was chained with his fellow rebels9 they had committed murder in the rebellion'

But he denied it again' And a little later those who stood by said to /eter again# :Surely you are one of them9 for you are a (alilean# and your s"eech shows it':

Then the multitude# crying aloud# began to as1 him to do $ust as he had always done for them'

But /ilate answered them# saying# :*o you want me to release to you the King of the JewsE:


For he 1new that the chief "riests had handed 2im over because of envy'

Then they com"elled a certain man# Simon a -yrenian# the father of Ale!ander and +ufus# as he was coming out of the country and "assing by# to bear 2is cross'

But the chief "riests stirred u" the crowd# so that he should rather release Barabbas to them'

And they brought 2im to the "lace (olgotha# which is translated# /lace of a S1ull'

/ilate answered and said to them again# :Bhat then do you want me to do with 2im whom you call the King of the JewsE:

Then they gave 2im wine mingled with myrrh to drin1# but 2e did not ta1e it'

So they cried out again# :-rucify 2imH:

And when they crucified 2im# they divided 2is garments# casting lots for them to determine what every man should ta1e'


Then /ilate said to them# :Bhy# what evil has 2e doneE: But they cried out all the more# :-rucify 2imH:

Now it was the third hour# and they crucified 2im'


So /ilate# wanting to gratify the crowd# released Barabbas to them9 and he delivered Jesus# after he had scourged 2im# to be crucified'

And the inscri"tion of 2is accusation was written above7 T2 K0N( 3F T2 J BS'

Then the soldiers led 2im away into the hall called /raetorium# and they called together the whole garrison'

Bith 2im they also crucified two robbers# one on 2is right and the other on 2is left'

And they clothed 2im with "ur"le9 and they twisted a crown of thorns# "ut it on 2is head#

So the Scri"ture was fulfilled which says# :And 2e was numbered with the transgressors':

and began to salute 2im# :2ail# King of the JewsH:


And those who "assed by blas"hemed 2im# wagging their heads and saying# :AhaH Cou who destroy the tem"le and build it in three days#

Then they struc1 2im on the head with a reed and s"at on 2im9 and bowing the 1nee# they worshi"ed 2im'

save Courself# and come down from the crossH:


And when they had moc1ed 2im# they too1 the "ur"le off 2im# "ut 2is own clothes on 2im# and led 2im out to crucify 2im'

)i1ewise the chief "riests also# moc1ing among themselves with the scribes# said# :2e saved others9 2imself 2e cannot save'


)et the -hrist# the King of 0srael# descend now from the cross# that we may see and believe': ven those who were crucified with 2im reviled 2im'


Now when evening had come# because it was the /re"aration *ay# that is# the day before the Sabbath#

Now when the si!th hour had come# there was dar1ness over the whole land until the ninth hour'

Jose"h of Arimathea# a "rominent council member# who was himself waiting for the 1ingdom of (od# coming and ta1ing courage# went in to /ilate and as1ed for the body of Jesus'

And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice# saying# : loi# loi# lama sabachthaniE: which is translated# :4y (od# 4y (od# why have Cou forsa1en 4eE:

/ilate marveled that 2e was already dead9 and summoning the centurion# he as1ed him if 2e had been dead for some time'

Some of those who stood by# when they heard that# said# :)oo1# 2e is calling for li$ahH:

So when he found out from the centurion# he granted the body to Jose"h'

Then someone ran and filled a s"onge full of sour wine# "ut it on a reed# and offered it to 2im to drin1# saying# :)et 2im alone9 let us see if li$ah will come to ta1e 2im down':

Then he bought fine linen# too1 2im down# and wra""ed 2im in the linen' And he laid 2im in a tomb which had been hewn out of the roc1# and rolled a stone against the door of the tomb'

And Jesus cried out with a loud voice# and breathed 2is last'

And 4ary 4agdalene and 4ary the mother of Joses observed where 2e was laid'

Then the veil of the tem"le was torn in two from to" to bottom'

So when the centurion# who stood o""osite 2im# saw that 2e cried out li1e this and breathed 2is last# he said# :Truly this 4an was the Son of (odH:

16Now when the Sabbath was "ast#

4ary 4agdalene# 4ary the mother of James# and Salome bought s"ices# that they might come and anoint 2im'

There were also women loo1ing on from afar# among whom were 4ary 4agdalene# 4ary the mother of James the )ess and of Joses# and Salome#

Very early in the morning# on the first day of the wee1# they came to the tomb when the sun had risen'

who also followed 2im and ministered to 2im when 2e was in (alilee# and many other women who came u" with 2im to Jerusalem'

And they said among themselves# :Bho will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for usE:

But when they loo1ed u"# they saw that the stone had been rolled awayFFfor it was very large'


And entering the tomb# they saw a young man clothed in a long white robe sitting on the right side9 and they were alarmed'


And they went and told it to the rest# but they did not believe them either'

But he said to them# :*o not be alarmed' Cou see1 Jesus of Na.areth# who was crucified' 2e is risenH 2e is not here' See the "lace where they laid 2im'

)ater 2e a""eared to the eleven as they sat at the table9 and 2e rebu1ed their unbelief and hardness of heart# because they did not believe those who had seen 2im after 2e had risen'

But go# tell 2is disci"lesFFand /eterFF that 2e is going before you into (alilee9 there you will see 2im# as 2e said to you':

And 2e said to them# :(o into all the world and "reach the gos"el to every creature'

2e who believes and is ba"ti.ed will be saved9 but he who does not believe will be condemned'

So they went out Guic1ly and fled from the tomb# for they trembled and were ama.ed' And they said nothing to anyone# for they were afraid'

And these signs will follow those who believe7 0n 4y name they will cast out demons9 they will s"ea1 with new tongues9

Now when 2e rose early on the first day of the wee1# 2e a""eared first to 4ary 4agdalene# out of whom 2e had cast seven demons'

they will ta1e u" ser"ents9 and if they drin1 anything deadly# it will by no means hurt them9 they will lay hands on the sic1# and they will recover':

She went and told those who had been with 2im# as they mourned and we"t'

And when they heard that 2e was alive and had been seen by her# they did not believe'

So then# after the )ord had s"o1en to them# 2e was received u" into heaven# and sat down at the right hand of (od'

After that# 2e a""eared in another form to two of them as they wal1ed and went into the country'

And they went out and "reached everywhere# the )ord wor1ing with them and confirming the word through the accom"anying signs' Amen'

Lu4e 10nasmuch as many have ta1en in

hand to set in order a narrative of those things which have been fulfilled among us#
, %@

And the whole multitude of the "eo"le was "raying outside at the hour of incense'

$ust as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word delivered them to us#

Then an angel of the )ord a""eared to him# standing on the right side of the altar of incense'

And when 5acharias saw him# he was troubled# and fear fell u"on him'

it seemed good to me also# having had "erfect understanding of all things from the very first# to write to you an orderly account# most e!cellent Theo"hilus#

that you may 1now the certainty of those things in which you were instructed'

But the angel said to him# :*o not be afraid# 5acharias# for your "rayer is heard9 and your wife li.abeth will bear you a son# and you shall call his name John'

And you will have $oy and gladness# and many will re$oice at his birth'

There was in the days of 2erod# the 1ing of Judea# a certain "riest named 5acharias# of the division of Abi$ah' 2is wife was of the daughters of Aaron# and her name was li.abeth'

For he will be great in the sight of the )ord# and shall drin1 neither wine nor strong drin1' 2e will also be filled with the 2oly S"irit# even from his motherDs womb'

And they were both righteous before (od# wal1ing in all the commandments and ordinances of the )ord blameless'

And he will turn many of the children of 0srael to the )ord their (od'

But they had no child# because li.abeth was barren# and they were both well advanced in years'

So it was# that while he was serving as "riest before (od in the order of his division#

2e will also go before 2im in the s"irit and "ower of li$ah# :to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children#D and the disobedient to the wisdom of the $ust# to ma1e ready a "eo"le "re"ared for the )ord':

according to the custom of the "riesthood# his lot fell to burn incense when he went into the tem"le of the )ord'

And 5acharias said to the angel# :2ow shall 0 1now thisE For 0 am an old man# and my wife is well advanced in years':

And the angel answered and said to him# :0 am (abriel# who stands in the "resence of (od# and was sent to s"ea1 to you and bring you these glad tidings'


But behold# you will be mute and not able to s"ea1 until the day these things ta1e "lace# because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their own time':


Then the angel said to her# :*o not be afraid# 4ary# for you have found favor with (od'

And the "eo"le waited for 5acharias# and marveled that he lingered so long in the tem"le'

And behold# you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son# and shall call 2is name J SAS'

But when he came out# he could not s"ea1 to them9 and they "erceived that he had seen a vision in the tem"le# for he bec1oned to them and remained s"eechless'

2e will be great# and will be called the Son of the 2ighest9 and the )ord (od will give 2im the throne of 2is father *avid'

And 2e will reign over the house of Jacob forever# and of 2is 1ingdom there will be no end':

So it was# as soon as the days of his service were com"leted# that he de"arted to his own house'

Then 4ary said to the angel# :2ow can this be# since 0 do not 1now a manE:

Now after those days his wife li.abeth conceived9 and she hid herself five months# saying#

:Thus the )ord has dealt with me# in the days when 2e loo1ed on me# to ta1e away my re"roach among "eo"le':

And the angel answered and said to her# :The 2oly S"irit will come u"on you# and the "ower of the 2ighest will overshadow you9 therefore# also# that 2oly 3ne who is to be born will be called the Son of (od'

Now in the si!th month the angel (abriel was sent by (od to a city of (alilee named Na.areth#

Now indeed# li.abeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age9 and this is now the si!th month for her who was called barren'

to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Jose"h# of the house of *avid' The virginDs name was 4ary'

For with im"ossible':






And having come in# the angel said to her# :+e$oice# highly favored one# the )ord is with you9 blessed are you among womenH:

Then 4ary said# :Behold the maidservant of the )ordH )et it be to me according to your word': And the angel de"arted from her'

But when she saw him# she was troubled at his saying# and considered what manner of greeting this was'

Now 4ary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste# to a city of Judah#

and entered the house of 5acharias and greeted li.abeth'


And it ha""ened# when li.abeth heard the greeting of 4ary# that the babe lea"ed in her womb9 and li.abeth was filled with the 2oly S"irit'


2e has hel"ed 2is servant 0srael# 0n remembrance of 2is mercy#


As 2e s"o1e to our fathers# To Abraham and to his seed forever':


Then she s"o1e out with a loud voice and said# :Blessed are you among women# and blessed is the fruit of your wombH

And 4ary remained with her about three months# and returned to her house'

But why is this granted to me# that the mother of my )ord should come to meE

Now li.abethDs full time came for her to be delivered# and she brought forth a son'

For indeed# as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears# the babe lea"ed in my womb for $oy'

Bhen her neighbors and relatives heard how the )ord had shown great mercy to her# they re$oiced with her'

Blessed is she who believed# for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the )ord':

And 4ary said7 :4y soul magnifies the )ord#


So it was# on the eighth day# that they came to circumcise the child9 and they would have called him by the name of his father# 5acharias'

And my s"irit has re$oiced in (od my Savior'


2is mother answered and said# :No9 he shall be called John':


For 2e has regarded the lowly state of 2is maidservant9 For behold# henceforth all generations will call me blessed'

But they said to her# :There is no one among your relatives who is called by this name':

For 2e who is mighty has done great things for me# And holy is 2is name'

So they made signs to his fatherFFwhat he would have him called'


And 2is mercy is on those who fear 2im From generation to generation'

And he as1ed for a writing tablet# and wrote# saying# :2is name is John': So they all marveled'

2e has shown strength with 2is arm9 2e has scattered the "roud in the imagination of their hearts'

0mmediately his mouth was o"ened and his tongue loosed# and he s"o1e# "raising (od'

2e has "ut down the mighty from their thrones# And e!alted the lowly'

2e has filled the hungry with good things# And the rich 2e has sent away em"ty'

Then fear came on all who dwelt around them9 and all these sayings were discussed throughout all the hill country of Judea'


And all those who heard them 1e"t them in their hearts# saying# :Bhat 1ind of child will this beE: And the hand of the )ord was with him'


Through the tender mercy of our (od# Bith which the *ays"ring from on high has visited us9

Now his father 5acharias was filled with the 2oly S"irit# and "ro"hesied# saying7

To give light to those who sit in dar1ness and the shadow of death# To guide our feet into the way of "eace':

:Blessed is the )ord (od of 0srael# For 2e has visited and redeemed 2is "eo"le#

So the child grew and became strong in s"irit# and was in the deserts till the day of his manifestation to 0srael'

And has raised u" a horn of salvation for us 0n the house of 2is servant *avid#

2And it came to "ass in those days

that a decree went out from -aesar Augustus that all the world should be registered'

As 2e s"o1e by the mouth of 2is holy "ro"hets# Bho have been since the world began#

That we should be saved from our enemies And from the hand of all who hate us#

This census first too1 "lace while Kuirinius was governing Syria'

So all went to be registered# everyone to his own city'


To "erform the mercy "romised to our fathers And to remember 2is holy covenant#

The oath which 2e swore to our father Abraham7


Jose"h also went u" from (alilee# out of the city of Na.areth# into Judea# to the city of *avid# which is called Bethlehem# because he was of the house and lineage of *avid#

To grant us that we# Being delivered from the hand of our enemies# 4ight serve 2im without fear#

to be registered with 4ary# betrothed wife# who was with child'



0n holiness and righteousness before 2im all the days of our life'

So it was# that while they were there# the days were com"leted for her to be delivered'

:And you# child# will be called the "ro"het of the 2ighest9 For you will go before the face of the )ord to "re"are 2is ways#

And she brought forth her firstborn Son# and wra""ed 2im in swaddling cloths# and laid 2im in a manger# because there was no room for them in the inn'

To give 1nowledge of salvation to 2is "eo"le By the remission of their sins#

Now there were in the same country she"herds living out in the fields# 1ee"ing watch over their floc1 by night'

And behold# an angel of the )ord stood before them# and the glory of the )ord shone around them# and they were greatly afraid'


Then the she"herds returned# glorifying and "raising (od for all the things that they had heard and seen# as it was told them'

Then the angel said to them# :*o not be afraid# for behold# 0 bring you good tidings of great $oy which will be to all "eo"le'

And when eight days were com"leted for the circumcision of the -hild# 2is name was called J SAS# the name given by the angel before 2e was conceived in the womb'

For there is born to you this day in the city of *avid a Savior# who is -hrist the )ord'

And this will be the sign to you7 Cou will find a Babe wra""ed in swaddling cloths# lying in a manger':

Now when the days of her "urification according to the law of 4oses were com"leted# they brought 2im to Jerusalem to "resent 2im to the )ord

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host "raising (od and saying7

Ias it is written in the law of the )ord# : very male who o"ens the womb shall be called holy to the )3+*:J#

:(lory to (od in the highest# And on earth "eace# goodwill toward menH:

and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the law of the )ord# :A "air of turtledoves or two young "igeons':

So it was# when the angels had gone away from them into heaven# that the she"herds said to one another# :)et us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to "ass# which the )ord has made 1nown to us':

And behold# there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon# and this man was $ust and devout# waiting for the -onsolation of 0srael# and the 2oly S"irit was u"on him'

And they came with haste and found 4ary and Jose"h# and the Babe lying in a manger'

And it had been revealed to him by the 2oly S"irit that he would not see death before he had seen the )ordDs -hrist'

Now when they had seen 2im# they made widely 1nown the saying which was told them concerning this -hild'

So he came by the S"irit into the tem"le' And when the "arents brought in the -hild Jesus# to do for 2im according to the custom of the law#

And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the she"herds'

he too1 2im u" in his arms and blessed (od and said7

But 4ary 1e"t all these things and "ondered them in her heart'

:)ord# now Cou are letting Cour servant de"art in "eace# According to Cour word9


For my eyes have seen Cour salvation


2is "arents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the /assover'


Bhich Cou have "re"ared before the face of all "eo"les#


A light to bring revelation to the (entiles# And the glory of Cour "eo"le 0srael':

And when 2e was twelve years old# they went u" to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast'

And Jose"h and 2is mother marveled at those things which were s"o1en of 2im'

Bhen they had finished the days# as they returned# the Boy Jesus lingered behind in Jerusalem' And Jose"h and 2is mother did not 1now it9

Then Simeon blessed them# and said to 4ary 2is mother# :Behold# this -hild is destined for the fall and rising of many in 0srael# and for a sign which will be s"o1en against

but su""osing 2im to have been in the com"any# they went a dayDs $ourney# and sought 2im among their relatives and acGuaintances'

So when they did not find 2im# they returned to Jerusalem# see1ing 2im'

Iyes# a sword will "ierce through your own soul alsoJ# that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed':

Now there was one# Anna# a "ro"hetess# the daughter of /hanuel# of the tribe of Asher' She was of a great age# and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity9

Now so it was that after three days they found 2im in the tem"le# sitting in the midst of the teachers# both listening to them and as1ing them Guestions'

And all who heard 2im were astonished at 2is understanding and answers'

and this woman was a widow of about eightyFfour years# who did not de"art from the tem"le# but served (od with fastings and "rayers night and day'

So when they saw 2im# they were ama.ed9 and 2is mother said to 2im# :Son# why have Cou done this to usE )oo1# Cour father and 0 have sought Cou an!iously':

And coming in that instant she gave than1s to the )ord# and s"o1e of 2im to all those who loo1ed for redem"tion in Jerusalem'

And 2e said to them# :Bhy did you see1 4eE *id you not 1now that 0 must be about 4y FatherDs businessE:

So when they had "erformed all things according to the law of the )ord# they returned to (alilee# to their own city# Na.areth'

But they did not understand the statement which 2e s"o1e to them'

And the -hild grew and became strong in s"irit# filled with wisdom9 and the grace of (od was u"on 2im'

Then 2e went down with them and came to Na.areth# and was sub$ect to them# but 2is mother 1e"t all these things in her heart'


And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature# and in favor with (od and men'

does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire':

3Now in the fifteenth year of the reign

of Tiberius -aesar# /ontius /ilate being governor of Judea# 2erod being tetrarch of (alilee# his brother /hili" tetrarch of 0turea and the region of Trachonitis# and )ysanias tetrarch of Abilene#

So the "eo"le as1ed him# saying# :Bhat shall we do thenE:


2e answered and said to them# :2e who has two tunics# let him give to him who has none9 and he who has food# let him do li1ewise':

while Annas and -aia"has were high "riests# the word of (od came to John the son of 5acharias in the wilderness'

Then ta! collectors also came to be ba"ti.ed# and said to him# :Teacher# what shall we doE:

And he went into all the region around the Jordan# "reaching a ba"tism of re"entance for the remission of sins#

And he said to them# :-ollect no more than what is a""ointed for you':

as it is written in the boo1 of the words of 0saiah the "ro"het# saying7 :The voice of one crying in the wilderness7 :/re"are the way of the )3+*9 4a1e 2is "aths straight'

)i1ewise the soldiers as1ed him# saying# :And what shall we doE: So he said to them# :*o not intimidate anyone or accuse falsely# and be content with your wages':

very valley shall be filled And every mountain and hill brought low9 The croo1ed "laces shall be made straight And the rough ways smooth9

Now as the "eo"le were in e!"ectation# and all reasoned in their hearts about John# whether he was the -hrist or not#

And all flesh shall see the salvation of (od':D


Then he said to the multitudes that came out to be ba"ti.ed by him# :Brood of vi"ersH Bho warned you to flee from the wrath to comeE

John answered# saying to all# :0 indeed ba"ti.e you with water9 but 3ne mightier than 0 is coming# whose sandal stra" 0 am not worthy to loose' 2e will ba"ti.e you with the 2oly S"irit and fire'

Therefore bear fruits worthy of re"entance# and do not begin to say to yourselves# :Be have Abraham as our father'D For 0 say to you that (od is able to raise u" children to Abraham from these stones'

2is winnowing fan is in 2is hand# and 2e will thoroughly clean out 2is threshing floor# and gather the wheat into 2is barn9 but the chaff 2e will burn with unGuenchable fire':

And with many other e!hortations he "reached to the "eo"le'


And even now the a! is laid to the root of the trees' Therefore every tree which

But 2erod the tetrarch# being rebu1ed by him concerning 2erodias# his brother

/hili"Ds wife# and for all the evils which 2erod had done#


the son of Simeon# the son of Judah# the son of Jose"h# the son of Jonan# the son of lia1im#

also added this# above all# that he shut John u" in "rison'

Bhen all the "eo"le were ba"ti.ed# it came to "ass that Jesus also was ba"ti.ed9 and while 2e "rayed# the heaven was o"ened'

the son of 4elea# the son of 4enan# the son of 4attathah# the son of Nathan# the son of *avid#

the son of Jesse# the son of 3bed# the son of Boa.# the son of Salmon# the son of Nahshon#

And the 2oly S"irit descended in bodily form li1e a dove u"on 2im# and a voice came from heaven which said# :Cou are 4y beloved Son9 in Cou 0 am well "leased':

the son of Amminadab# the son of +am# the son of 2e.ron# the son of /ere.# the son of Judah#

Now Jesus 2imself began 2is ministry at about thirty years of age# being Ias was su""osedJ the son of Jose"h# the son of 2eli#

the son of Jacob# the son of 0saac# the son of Abraham# the son of Terah# the son of Nahor#

the son of 4atthat# the son of )evi# the son of 4elchi# the son of Janna# the son of Jose"h#

the son of Serug# the son of +eu# the son of /eleg# the son of ber# the son of Shelah#

the son of 4attathiah# the son of Amos# the son of Nahum# the son of sli# the son of Naggai#

the son of -ainan# the son of Ar"ha!ad# the son of Shem# the son of Noah# the son of )amech#

the son of 4aath# the son of 4attathiah# the son of Semei# the son of Jose"h# the son of Judah#

the son of 4ethuselah# the son of noch# the son of Jared# the son of 4ahalalel# the son of -ainan#

the son of nosh# the son of Seth# the son of Adam# the son of (od'

the son of Joannas# the son of +hesa# the son of 5erubbabel# the son of Shealtiel# the son of Neri#

4Then Jesus# being filled with the 2oly

S"irit# returned from the Jordan and was led by the S"irit into the wilderness#

the son of 4elchi# the son of Addi# the son of -osam# the son of lmodam# the son of r#

the son of Jose# the son of the son of Jorim# the son of 4atthat# the son of )evi#

being tem"ted for forty days by the devil' And in those days 2e ate nothing# and afterward# when they had ended# 2e was hungry'

And the devil said to 2im# :0f Cou are the Son of (od# command this stone to become bread':

went out through all the surrounding region'


But Jesus answered him# saying# :0t is written# :4an shall not live by bread alone# but by every word of (od':D

And 2e taught in their synagogues# being glorified by all'


Then the devil# ta1ing 2im u" on a high mountain# showed 2im all the 1ingdoms of the world in a moment of time'

So 2e came to Na.areth# where 2e had been brought u"' And as 2is custom was# 2e went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day# and stood u" to read'

And the devil said to 2im# :All this authority 0 will give Cou# and their glory9 for this has been delivered to me# and 0 give it to whomever 0 wish'

And 2e was handed the boo1 of the "ro"het 0saiah' And when 2e had o"ened the boo1# 2e found the "lace where it was written7

Therefore# if Cou will worshi" before me# all will be Cours':


And Jesus answered and said to him# :(et behind 4e# SatanH For it is written# :Cou shall worshi" the )3+* your (od# and 2im only you shall serve':D

:The S"irit of the )3+* is u"on 4e# Because 2e has anointed 4e To "reach the gos"el to the "oor9 2e has sent 4e to heal the bro1enhearted# To "roclaim liberty to the ca"tives And recovery of sight to the blind# To set at liberty those who are o""ressed9

Then he brought 2im to Jerusalem# set 2im on the "innacle of the tem"le# and said to 2im# :0f Cou are the Son of (od# throw Courself down from here'

To "roclaim the acce"table year of the )3+*':


For it is written7 :2e shall give 2is angels charge over you# To 1ee" you#D

Then 2e closed the boo1# and gave it bac1 to the attendant and sat down' And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fi!ed on 2im'

and# :0n their hands they shall bear you u"# )est you dash your foot against a stone':D

And 2e began to say to them# :Today this Scri"ture is fulfilled in your hearing':

And Jesus answered and said to him# :0t has been said# :Cou shall not tem"t the )3+* your (od':D

So all bore witness to 2im# and marveled at the gracious words which "roceeded out of 2is mouth' And they said# :0s this not Jose"hDs sonE:

Now when the devil had ended every tem"tation# he de"arted from 2im until an o""ortune time'

Then Jesus returned in the "ower of the S"irit to (alilee# and news of 2im

2e said to them# :Cou will surely say this "roverb to 4e# :/hysician# heal yourselfH Bhatever we have heard done in -a"ernaum# do also here in Cour country':D


Then 2e said# :Assuredly# 0 say to you# no "ro"het is acce"ted in his own country'


saying# :)et us aloneH Bhat have we to do with Cou# Jesus of Na.arethE *id Cou come to destroy usE 0 1now who Cou areFFthe 2oly 3ne of (odH:

But 0 tell you truly# many widows were in 0srael in the days of li$ah# when the heaven was shut u" three years and si! months# and there was a great famine throughout all the land9

But Jesus rebu1ed him# saying# :Be Guiet# and come out of himH: And when the demon had thrown him in their midst# it came out of him and did not hurt him'

but to none of them was li$ah sent e!ce"t to 5are"hath# in the region of Sidon# to a woman who was a widow'

And many le"ers were in 0srael in the time of lisha the "ro"het# and none of them was cleansed e!ce"t Naaman the Syrian':

Then they were all ama.ed and s"o1e among themselves# saying# :Bhat a word this isH For with authority and "ower 2e commands the unclean s"irits# and they come out':

And the re"ort about 2im went out into every "lace in the surrounding region'

So all those in the synagogue# when they heard these things# were filled with wrath#

and rose u" and thrust 2im out of the city9 and they led 2im to the brow of the hill on which their city was built# that they might throw 2im down over the cliff'

Now 2e arose from the synagogue and entered SimonDs house' But SimonDs wifeDs mother was sic1 with a high fever# and they made reGuest of 2im concerning her'

Then "assing through the midst of them# 2e went 2is way'


So 2e stood over her and rebu1ed the fever# and it left her' And immediately she arose and served them'

Then 2e went down to -a"ernaum# a city of (alilee# and was teaching them on the Sabbaths'

Bhen the sun was setting# all those who had any that were sic1 with various diseases brought them to 2im9 and 2e laid 2is hands on every one of them and healed them'

And they were astonished at 2is teaching# for 2is word was with authority'

Now in the synagogue there was a man who had a s"irit of an unclean demon' And he cried out with a loud voice#

And demons also came out of many# crying out and saying# :Cou are the -hrist# the Son of (odH: And 2e# rebu1ing them# did not allow them to s"ea1# for they 1new that 2e was the -hrist'

Now when it was day# 2e de"arted and went into a deserted "lace' And the crowd sought 2im and came to 2im# and tried to 1ee" 2im from leaving them9


but 2e said to them# :0 must "reach the 1ingdom of (od to the other cities also# because for this "ur"ose 0 have been sent':

For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had ta1en9

And 2e was "reaching synagogues of (alilee'



5So it was# as the multitude "ressed

about 2im to hear the word of (od# that 2e stood by the )a1e of (ennesaret#

and so also were James and John# the sons of 5ebedee# who were "artners with Simon' And Jesus said to Simon# :*o not be afraid' From now on you will catch men':

So when they had brought their boats to land# they forsoo1 all and followed 2im'

and saw two boats standing by the la1e9 but the fishermen had gone from them and were washing their nets'

Then 2e got into one of the boats# which was SimonDs# and as1ed him to "ut out a little from the land' And 2e sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat'

And it ha""ened when 2e was in a certain city# that behold# a man who was full of le"rosy saw Jesus9 and he fell on his face and im"lored 2im# saying# :)ord# if Cou are willing# Cou can ma1e me clean':

Bhen 2e had sto""ed s"ea1ing# 2e said to Simon# :)aunch out into the dee" and let down your nets for a catch':

Then 2e "ut out 2is hand and touched him# saying# :0 am willing9 be cleansed': 0mmediately the le"rosy left him'

But Simon answered and said to 2im# :4aster# we have toiled all night and caught nothing9 nevertheless at Cour word 0 will let down the net':

And 2e charged him to tell no one# :But go and show yourself to the "riest# and ma1e an offering for your cleansing# as a testimony to them# $ust as 4oses commanded':

And when they had done this# they caught a great number of fish# and their net was brea1ing'

2owever# the re"ort went around concerning 2im all the more9 and great multitudes came together to hear# and to be healed by 2im of their infirmities'

So they signaled to their "artners in the other boat to come and hel" them' And they came and filled both the boats# so that they began to sin1'

So 2e 2imself often withdrew into the wilderness and "rayed'


Bhen Simon /eter saw it# he fell down at JesusD 1nees# saying# :*e"art from me# for 0 am a sinful man# 3 )ordH:

Now it ha""ened on a certain day# as 2e was teaching# that there were /harisees and teachers of the law sitting by# who had come out of every town of (alilee# Judea# and Jerusalem' And the "ower of the )ord was "resent to heal them'


Then behold# men brought on a bed a man who was "araly.ed# whom they sought to bring in and lay before 2im'


So he left all# rose u"# and followed 2im'


And when they could not find how they might bring him in# because of the crowd# they went u" on the houseto" and let him down with his bed through the tiling into the midst before Jesus'

Then )evi gave 2im a great feast in his own house' And there were a great number of ta! collectors and others who sat down with them'

Bhen 2e saw their faith# 2e said to him# :4an# your sins are forgiven you':

And their scribes and the /harisees com"lained against 2is disci"les# saying# :Bhy do Cou eat and drin1 with ta! collectors and sinnersE:

And the scribes and the /harisees began to reason# saying# :Bho is this who s"ea1s blas"hemiesE Bho can forgive sins but (od aloneE:

Jesus answered and said to them# :Those who are well have no need of a "hysician# but those who are sic1'

But when Jesus "erceived their thoughts# 2e answered and said to them# :Bhy are you reasoning in your heartsE

0 have not come to call the righteous# but sinners# to re"entance':


Bhich is easier# to say# :Cour sins are forgiven you#D or to say# :+ise u" and wal1DE

Then they said to 2im# :Bhy do the disci"les of John fast often and ma1e "rayers# and li1ewise those of the /harisees# but Cours eat and drin1E:

But that you may 1now that the Son of 4an has "ower on earth to forgive sins:FF2e said to the man who was "araly.ed# :0 say to you# arise# ta1e u" your bed# and go to your house':

And 2e said to them# :-an you ma1e the friends of the bridegroom fast while the bridegroom is with themE

But the days will come when the bridegroom will be ta1en away from them9 then they will fast in those days':

0mmediately he rose u" before them# too1 u" what he had been lying on# and de"arted to his own house# glorifying (od'

Then 2e s"o1e a "arable to them7 :No one "uts a "iece from a new garment on an old one9 otherwise the new ma1es a tear# and also the "iece that was ta1en out of the new does not match the old'

And they were all ama.ed# and they glorified (od and were filled with fear# saying# :Be have seen strange things todayH:

And no one "uts new wine into old wines1ins9 or else the new wine will burst the wines1ins and be s"illed# and the wines1ins will be ruined'

After these things 2e went out and saw a ta! collector named )evi# sitting at the ta! office' And 2e said to him# :Follow 4e':

But new wine must be "ut into new wines1ins# and both are "reserved'


And no one# having drun1 old wine# immediately desires new9 for he says# :The old is better':D



And when 2e had loo1ed around at them all# 2e said to the man# :Stretch out your hand': And he did so# and his hand was restored as whole as the other'

it ha""ened on the second Sabbath after the first that 2e went through the grainfields' And 2is disci"les "luc1ed the heads of grain and ate them# rubbing them in their hands'

But they were filled with rage# and discussed with one another what they might do to Jesus'

And some of the /harisees said to them# :Bhy are you doing what is not lawful to do on the SabbathE:

Now it came to "ass in those days that 2e went out to the mountain to "ray# and continued all night in "rayer to (od'

But Jesus answering them said# :2ave you not even read this# what *avid did when he was hungry# he and those who were with him7

And when it was day# 2e called 2is disci"les to 2imself9 and from them 2e chose twelve whom 2e also named a"ostles7

how he went into the house of (od# too1 and ate the showbread# and also gave some to those with him# which is not lawful for any but the "riests to eatE:

Simon# whom 2e also named /eter# and Andrew his brother9 James and John9 /hili" and Bartholomew9

And 2e said to them# :The Son of 4an is also )ord of the Sabbath':

4atthew and Thomas9 James the son of Al"haeus# and Simon called the 5ealot9

Now it ha""ened on another Sabbath# also# that 2e entered the synagogue and taught' And a man was there whose right hand was withered'

Judas the son of James# and Judas 0scariot who also became a traitor'

So the scribes and /harisees watched 2im closely# whether 2e would heal on the Sabbath# that they might find an accusation against 2im'

And 2e came down with them and stood on a level "lace with a crowd of 2is disci"les and a great multitude of "eo"le from all Judea and Jerusalem# and from the seacoast of Tyre and Sidon# who came to hear 2im and be healed of their diseases#

But 2e 1new their thoughts# and said to the man who had the withered hand# :Arise and stand here': And he arose and stood'

as well as those who were tormented with unclean s"irits' And they were healed'

Then Jesus said to them# :0 will as1 you one thing7 0s it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil# to save life or to destroyE:

And the whole multitude sought to touch 2im# for "ower went out from 2im and healed them all'


Then 2e lifted u" 2is eyes toward 2is disci"les# and said7 :Blessed are you "oor# For yours is the 1ingdom of (od'


:But if you love those who love you# what credit is that to youE For even sinners love those who love them'

Blessed are you who hunger now# For you shall be filled' Blessed are you who wee" now# For you shall laugh'

And if you do good to those who do good to you# what credit is that to youE For even sinners do the same'

Blessed are you when men hate you# And when they e!clude you# And revile you# and cast out your name as evil# For the Son of 4anDs sa1e'

And if you lend to those from whom you ho"e to receive bac1# what credit is that to youE For even sinners lend to sinners to receive as much bac1'

+e$oice in that day and lea" for $oyH For indeed your reward is great in heaven# For in li1e manner their fathers did to the "ro"hets'

But love your enemies# do good# and lend# ho"ing for nothing in return9 and your reward will be great# and you will be sons of the 4ost 2igh' For 2e is 1ind to the unthan1ful and evil'

:But woe to you who are rich# For you have received your consolation'

Therefore be merciful# $ust as your Father also is merciful'


Boe to you who are full# For you shall hunger' Boe to you who laugh now# For you shall mourn and wee"'

Boe to you when all men s"ea1 well of you# For so did their fathers to the false "ro"hets'

:Judge not# and you shall not be $udged' -ondemn not# and you shall not be condemned' Forgive# and you will be forgiven'

:But 0 say to you who hear7 )ove your enemies# do good to those who hate you#

(ive# and it will be given to you7 good measure# "ressed down# sha1en together# and running over will be "ut into your bosom' For with the same measure that you use# it will be measured bac1 to you':

bless those who curse you# and "ray for those who s"itefully use you'

To him who stri1es you on the one chee1# offer the other also' And from him who ta1es away your cloa1# do not withhold your tunic either'

And 2e s"o1e a "arable to them7 :-an the blind lead the blindE Bill they not both fall into the ditchE

A disci"le is not above his teacher# but everyone who is "erfectly trained will be li1e his teacher'

(ive to everyone who as1s of you' And from him who ta1es away your goods do not as1 them bac1'

And why do you loo1 at the s"ec1 in your brotherDs eye# but do not "erceive the "lan1 in your own eyeE

And $ust as you want men to do to you# you also do to them li1ewise'


3r how can you say to your brother# :Brother# let me remove the s"ec1 that is in your eye#D when you yourself do not see the "lan1 that is in your own eyeE 2y"ocriteH First remove the "lan1 from your own eye# and then you will see clearly to remove the s"ec1 that is in your brotherDs eye'


when 2e concluded all 2is sayings in the hearing of the "eo"le# 2e entered -a"ernaum' And a certain centurionDs servant# who was dear to him# was sic1 and ready to die'

:For a good tree does not bear bad fruit# nor does a bad tree bear good fruit'

For every tree is 1nown by its own fruit' For men do not gather figs from thorns# nor do they gather gra"es from a bramble bush'

So when he heard about Jesus# he sent elders of the Jews to 2im# "leading with 2im to come and heal his servant'

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good9 and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil' For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth s"ea1s'

And when they came to Jesus# they begged 2im earnestly# saying that the one for whom 2e should do this was deserving#

:for he loves our nation# and has built us a synagogue':


:But why do you call 4e :)ord# )ord#D and not do the things which 0 sayE

Bhoever comes to 4e# and hears 4y sayings and does them# 0 will show you whom he is li1e7

Then Jesus went with them' And when 2e was already not far from the house# the centurion sent friends to 2im# saying to 2im# :)ord# do not trouble Courself# for 0 am not worthy that Cou should enter under my roof'

2e is li1e a man building a house# who dug dee" and laid the foundation on the roc1' And when the flood arose# the stream beat vehemently against that house# and could not sha1e it# for it was founded on the roc1'

Therefore 0 did not even thin1 myself worthy to come to Cou' But say the word# and my servant will be healed'

For 0 also am a man "laced under authority# having soldiers under me' And 0 say to one# :(o#D and he goes9 and to another# :-ome#D and he comes9 and to my servant# :*o this#D and he does it':

But he who heard and did nothing is li1e a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation# against which the stream beat vehemently9 and immediately it fell' And the ruin of that house was great':

Bhen Jesus heard these things# 2e marveled at him# and turned around and said to the crowd that followed 2im# :0 say to you# 0 have not found such great faith# not even in 0sraelH:

And those who were sent# returning to the house# found the servant well who had been sic1'


Now it ha""ened# the day after# that 2e went into a city called Nain9 and many of 2is disci"les went with 2im# and a large crowd'


And that very hour 2e cured many of infirmities# afflictions# and evil s"irits9 and to many blind 2e gave sight'

And when 2e came near the gate of the city# behold# a dead man was being carried out# the only son of his mother9 and she was a widow' And a large crowd from the city was with her'

Jesus answered and said to them# :(o and tell John the things you have seen and heard7 that the blind see# the lame wal1# the le"ers are cleansed# the deaf hear# the dead are raised# the "oor have the gos"el "reached to them'

Bhen the )ord saw her# 2e had com"assion on her and said to her# :*o not wee"':

And blessed is he who is not offended because of 4e':


Then 2e came and touched the o"en coffin# and those who carried him stood still' And 2e said# :Coung man# 0 say to you# arise':

Bhen the messengers of John had de"arted# 2e began to s"ea1 to the multitudes concerning John7 :Bhat did you go out into the wilderness to seeE A reed sha1en by the windE

So he who was dead sat u" and began to s"ea1' And 2e "resented him to his mother'

But what did you go out to seeE A man clothed in soft garmentsE 0ndeed those who are gorgeously a""areled and live in lu!ury are in 1ingsD courts'

Then fear came u"on all# and they glorified (od# saying# :A great "ro"het has risen u" among us:9 and# :(od has visited 2is "eo"le':

But what did you go out to seeE A "ro"hetE Ces# 0 say to you# and more than a "ro"het'

And this re"ort about 2im went throughout all Judea and all the surrounding region'

This is he of whom it is written7 :Behold# 0 send 4y messenger before Cour face# Bho will "re"are Cour way before Cou'D

Then the disci"les of John re"orted to him concerning all these things'

And John# calling two of his disci"les to him# sent them to Jesus# saying# :Are Cou the -oming 3ne# or do we loo1 for anotherE:

For 0 say to you# among those born of women there is not a greater "ro"het than John the Ba"tist9 but he who is least in the 1ingdom of (od is greater than he':

Bhen the men had come to 2im# they said# :John the Ba"tist has sent us to Cou# saying# :Are Cou the -oming 3ne# or do we loo1 for anotherE:D

And when all the "eo"le heard 2im# even the ta! collectors $ustified (od# having been ba"ti.ed with the ba"tism of John'

But the /harisees and lawyers re$ected the will of (od for themselves# not having been ba"ti.ed by him'


And the )ord said# :To what then shall 0 li1en the men of this generation# and what are they li1eE


:There was a certain creditor who had two debtors' 3ne owed five hundred denarii# and the other fifty'

They are li1e children sitting in the mar1et"lace and calling to one another# saying7 :Be "layed the flute for you# And you did not dance9 Be mourned to you# And you did not wee"'D

And when they had nothing with which to re"ay# he freely forgave them both' Tell 4e# therefore# which of them will love him moreE:

For John the Ba"tist came neither eating bread nor drin1ing wine# and you say# :2e has a demon'D

Simon answered and said# :0 su""ose the one whom he forgave more': And 2e said to him# :Cou have rightly $udged':

The Son of 4an has come eating and drin1ing# and you say# :)oo1# a glutton and a winebibber# a friend of ta! collectors and sinnersHD

But wisdom is $ustified by all her children':


Then 2e turned to the woman and said to Simon# :*o you see this womanE 0 entered your house9 you gave 4e no water for 4y feet# but she has washed 4y feet with her tears and wi"ed them with the hair of her head'

Then one of the /harisees as1ed 2im to eat with him' And 2e went to the /hariseeDs house# and sat down to eat'

Cou gave 4e no 1iss# but this woman has not ceased to 1iss 4y feet since the time 0 came in'

And behold# a woman in the city who was a sinner# when she 1new that Jesus sat at the table in the /hariseeDs house# brought an alabaster flas1 of fragrant oil#

Cou did not anoint 4y head with oil# but this woman has anointed 4y feet with fragrant oil'

and stood at 2is feet behind 2im wee"ing9 and she began to wash 2is feet with her tears# and wi"ed them with the hair of her head9 and she 1issed 2is feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil'

Therefore 0 say to you# her sins# which are many# are forgiven# for she loved much' But to whom little is forgiven# the same loves little':

Then 2e said to her# :Cour sins are forgiven':


Now when the /harisee who had invited 2im saw this# he s"o1e to himself# saying# :This 4an# if 2e were a "ro"het# would 1now who and what manner of woman this is who is touching 2im# for she is a sinner':

And those who sat at the table with 2im began to say to themselves# :Bho is this who even forgives sinsE:

Then 2e said to the woman# :Cour faith has saved you' (o in "eace':

And Jesus answered and said to him# :Simon# 0 have something to say to you': So he said# :Teacher# say it':

8Now it came to "ass# afterward# that

2e went through every city and village#

"reaching and bringing the glad tidings of the 1ingdom of (od' And the twelve were with 2im#


Those by the wayside are the ones who hear9 then the devil comes and ta1es away the word out of their hearts# lest they should believe and be saved'

and certain women who had been healed of evil s"irits and infirmitiesFF 4ary called 4agdalene# out of whom had come seven demons#

and Joanna the wife of -hu.a# 2erodDs steward# and Susanna# and many others who "rovided for 2im from their substance'

But the ones on the roc1 are those who# when they hear# receive the word with $oy9 and these have no root# who believe for a while and in time of tem"tation fall away'

And when a great multitude had gathered# and they had come to 2im from every city# 2e s"o1e by a "arable7

Now the ones that fell among thorns are those who# when they have heard# go out and are cho1ed with cares# riches# and "leasures of life# and bring no fruit to maturity'

:A sower went out to sow his seed' And as he sowed# some fell by the wayside9 and it was tram"led down# and the birds of the air devoured it'

But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who# having heard the word with a noble and good heart# 1ee" it and bear fruit with "atience'

Some fell on roc19 and as soon as it s"rang u"# it withered away because it lac1ed moisture'

:No one# when he has lit a lam"# covers it with a vessel or "uts it under a bed# but sets it on a lam"stand# that those who enter may see the light'

And some fell among thorns# and the thorns s"rang u" with it and cho1ed it'

For nothing is secret that will not be revealed# nor anything hidden that will not be 1nown and come to light'

But others fell on good ground# s"rang u"# and yielded a cro" a hundredfold': Bhen 2e had said these things 2e cried# :2e who has ears to hear# let him hearH:

Therefore ta1e heed how you hear' For whoever has# to him more will be given9 and whoever does not have# even what he seems to have will be ta1en from him':

Then 2is disci"les as1ed 2im# saying# :Bhat does this "arable meanE:

And 2e said# :To you it has been given to 1now the mysteries of the 1ingdom of (od# but to the rest it is given in "arables# that :Seeing they may not see# And hearing they may not understand'D

Then 2is mother and brothers came to 2im# and could not a""roach 2im because of the crowd'

And it was told 2im by some# who said# :Cour mother and Cour brothers are standing outside# desiring to see Cou':

:Now the "arable is this7 The seed is the word of (od'


But 2e answered and said to them# :4y mother and 4y brothers are these who hear the word of (od and do it':


Now it ha""ened# on a certain day# that 2e got into a boat with 2is disci"les' And 2e said to them# :)et us cross over to the other side of the la1e': And they launched out'

For 2e had commanded the unclean s"irit to come out of the man' For it had often sei.ed him# and he was 1e"t under guard# bound with chains and shac1les9 and he bro1e the bonds and was driven by the demon into the wilderness'

But as they sailed 2e fell aslee"' And a windstorm came down on the la1e# and they were filling with water# and were in $eo"ardy'

Jesus as1ed him# saying# :Bhat is your nameE: And he said# :)egion#: because many demons had entered him'

And they begged 2im that 2e would not command them to go out into the abyss'

And they came to 2im and awo1e 2im# saying# :4aster# 4aster# we are "erishingH: Then 2e arose and rebu1ed the wind and the raging of the water' And they ceased# and there was a calm'

Now a herd of many swine was feeding there on the mountain' So they begged 2im that 2e would "ermit them to enter them' And 2e "ermitted them'

But 2e said to them# :Bhere is your faithE: And they were afraid# and marveled# saying to one another# :Bho can this beE For 2e commands even the winds and water# and they obey 2imH:

Then the demons went out of the man and entered the swine# and the herd ran violently down the stee" "lace into the la1e and drowned'

Then they sailed to the country of the (adarenes# which is o""osite (alilee'

Bhen those who fed them saw what had ha""ened# they fled and told it in the city and in the country'

And when 2e ste""ed out on the land# there met 2im a certain man from the city who had demons for a long time' And he wore no clothes# nor did he live in a house but in the tombs'

Then they went out to see what had ha""ened# and came to Jesus# and found the man from whom the demons had de"arted# sitting at the feet of Jesus# clothed and in his right mind' And they were afraid'

Bhen he saw Jesus# he cried out# fell down before 2im# and with a loud voice said# :Bhat have 0 to do with Cou# Jesus# Son of the 4ost 2igh (odE 0 beg Cou# do not torment meH:

They also who had seen it told them by what means he who had been demonF "ossessed was healed'

Then the whole multitude of the surrounding region of the (adarenes as1ed 2im to de"art from them# for they were sei.ed with great fear' And 2e got into the boat and returned'


Now the man from whom the demons had de"arted begged 2im that he might be with 2im' But Jesus sent him away# saying#

and falling down before 2im# she declared to 2im in the "resence of all the "eo"le the reason she had touched 2im and how she was healed immediately'

:+eturn to your own house# and tell what great things (od has done for you': And he went his way and "roclaimed throughout the whole city what great things Jesus had done for him'

And 2e said to her# :*aughter# be of good cheer9 your faith has made you well' (o in "eace':

So it was# when Jesus returned# that the multitude welcomed 2im# for they were all waiting for 2im'

Bhile 2e was still s"ea1ing# someone came from the ruler of the synagogueDs house# saying to him# :Cour daughter is dead' *o not trouble the Teacher':

And behold# there came a man named Jairus# and he was a ruler of the synagogue' And he fell down at JesusD feet and begged 2im to come to his house#

But when Jesus heard it# 2e answered him# saying# :*o not be afraid9 only believe# and she will be made well':

for he had an only daughter about twelve years of age# and she was dying' But as 2e went# the multitudes thronged 2im'

Bhen 2e came into the house# 2e "ermitted no one to go in e!ce"t /eter# James# and John# and the father and mother of the girl'

Now all we"t and mourned for her9 but 2e said# :*o not wee"9 she is not dead# but slee"ing':

Now a woman# having a flow of blood for twelve years# who had s"ent all her livelihood on "hysicians and could not be healed by any#

And they ridiculed 2im# 1nowing that she was dead'


came from behind and touched the border of 2is garment' And immediately her flow of blood sto""ed'

But 2e "ut them all outside# too1 her by the hand and called# saying# :)ittle girl# arise':

And Jesus said# :Bho touched 4eE: Bhen all denied it# /eter and those with him said# :4aster# the multitudes throng and "ress Cou# and Cou say# :Bho touched 4eE:D

Then her s"irit returned# and she arose immediately' And 2e commanded that she be given something to eat'

But Jesus said# :Somebody touched 4e# for 0 "erceived "ower going out from 4e':

And her "arents were astonished# but 2e charged them to tell no one what had ha""ened'

9Then 2e called 2is twelve disci"les

together and gave them "ower and

Now when the woman saw that she was not hidden# she came trembling9

authority over all demons# and to cure diseases'



2e sent them to "reach the 1ingdom of (od and to heal the sic1'

Bhen the day began to wear away# the twelve came and said to 2im# :Send the multitude away# that they may go into the surrounding towns and country# and lodge and get "rovisions9 for we are in a deserted "lace here':

And 2e said to them# :Ta1e nothing for the $ourney# neither staffs nor bag nor bread nor money9 and do not have two tunics a"iece'

:Bhatever house you enter# stay there# and from there de"art'

But 2e said to them# :Cou give them something to eat': And they said# :Be have no more than five loaves and two fish# unless we go and buy food for all these "eo"le':

And whoever will not receive you# when you go out of that city# sha1e off the very dust from your feet as a testimony against them':

For there were about five thousand men' Then 2e said to 2is disci"les# :4a1e them sit down in grou"s of fifty':

And they did so# and made them all sit down'

So they de"arted and went through the towns# "reaching the gos"el and healing everywhere'

Now 2erod the tetrarch heard of all that was done by 2im9 and he was "er"le!ed# because it was said by some that John had risen from the dead#

Then 2e too1 the five loaves and the two fish# and loo1ing u" to heaven# 2e blessed and bro1e them# and gave them to the disci"les to set before the multitude'

and by some that li$ah had a""eared# and by others that one of the old "ro"hets had risen again'

So they all ate and were filled# and twelve bas1ets of the leftover fragments were ta1en u" by them'

2erod said# :John 0 have beheaded# but who is this of whom 0 hear such thingsE: So he sought to see 2im'

And it ha""ened# as 2e was alone "raying# that 2is disci"les $oined 2im# and 2e as1ed them# saying# :Bho do the crowds say that 0 amE:

And the a"ostles# when they had returned# told 2im all that they had done' Then 2e too1 them and went aside "rivately into a deserted "lace belonging to the city called Bethsaida'

So they answered and said# :John the Ba"tist# but some say li$ah9 and others say that one of the old "ro"hets has risen again':

But when the multitudes 1new it# they followed 2im9 and 2e received them and s"o1e to them about the 1ingdom of (od# and healed those who had need of healing'

2e said to them# :But who do you say that 0 amE: /eter answered and said# :The -hrist of (od':

And 2e strictly warned and commanded them to tell this to no one#


saying# :The Son of 4an must suffer many things# and be re$ected by the elders and chief "riests and scribes# and be 1illed# and be raised the third day':


But /eter and those with him were heavy with slee"9 and when they were fully awa1e# they saw 2is glory and the two men who stood with 2im'

Then 2e said to them all# :0f anyone desires to come after 4e# let him deny himself# and ta1e u" his cross daily# and follow 4e'

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it# but whoever loses his life for 4y sa1e will save it'

Then it ha""ened# as they were "arting from 2im# that /eter said to Jesus# :4aster# it is good for us to be here9 and let us ma1e three tabernacles7 one for Cou# one for 4oses# and one for li$ah:FFnot 1nowing what he said'

For what "rofit is it to a man if he gains the whole world# and is himself destroyed or lostE

Bhile he was saying this# a cloud came and overshadowed them9 and they were fearful as they entered the cloud'

For whoever is ashamed of 4e and 4y words# of him the Son of 4an will be ashamed when 2e comes in 2is own glory# and in 2is FatherDs# and of the holy angels'

And a voice came out of the cloud# saying# :This is 4y beloved Son' 2ear 2imH:

But 0 tell you truly# there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the 1ingdom of (od':

Bhen the voice had ceased# Jesus was found alone' But they 1e"t Guiet# and told no one in those days any of the things they had seen'

Now it came to "ass# about eight days after these sayings# that 2e too1 /eter# John# and James and went u" on the mountain to "ray'

Now it ha""ened on the ne!t day# when they had come down from the mountain# that a great multitude met 2im'

As 2e "rayed# the a""earance of 2is face was altered# and 2is robe became white and glistening'

Suddenly a man from the multitude cried out# saying# :Teacher# 0 im"lore Cou# loo1 on my son# for he is my only child'

And behold# two men tal1ed with 2im# who were 4oses and li$ah#

who a""eared in glory and s"o1e of 2is decease which 2e was about to accom"lish at Jerusalem'

And behold# a s"irit him# and he suddenly cries out9 it convulses him so that he foams at the mouth9 and it de"arts from him with great difficulty# bruising him'

So 0 im"lored Cour disci"les to cast it out# but they could not':


Then Jesus answered and said# :3 faithless and "erverse generation# how

long shall 0 be with you and bear with youE Bring your son here':


And as he was still coming# the demon threw him down and convulsed him' Then Jesus rebu1ed the unclean s"irit# healed the child# and gave him bac1 to his father'

Now it came to "ass# when the time had come for 2im to be received u"# that 2e steadfastly set 2is face to go to Jerusalem#

and sent messengers before 2is face' And as they went# they entered a village of the Samaritans# to "re"are for 2im'

And they were all ama.ed at the ma$esty of (od' But while everyone marveled at all the things which Jesus did# 2e said to 2is disci"les#

But they did not receive 2im# because 2is face was set for the $ourney to Jerusalem'

:)et these words sin1 down into your ears# for the Son of 4an is about to be betrayed into the hands of men':

And when 2is disci"les James and John saw this# they said# :)ord# do Cou want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them# $ust as li$ah didE:

But they did not understand this saying# and it was hidden from them so that they did not "erceive it9 and they were afraid to as1 2im about this saying'

But 2e turned and rebu1ed them# and said# :Cou do not 1now what manner of s"irit you are of'

Then a dis"ute arose among them as to which of them would be greatest'


For the Son of 4an did not come to destroy menDs lives but to save them': And they went to another village'

And Jesus# "erceiving the thought of their heart# too1 a little child and set him by 2im#

Now it ha""ened as they $ourneyed on the road# that someone said to 2im# :)ord# 0 will follow Cou wherever Cou go':

and said to them# :Bhoever receives this little child in 4y name receives 4e9 and whoever receives 4e receives 2im who sent 4e' For he who is least among you all will be great':

And Jesus said to him# :Fo!es have holes and birds of the air have nests# but the Son of 4an has nowhere to lay 2is head':

Now John answered :4aster# we saw someone demons in Cour name# and him because he does not us':

and said# casting out we forbade follow with

Then 2e said to another# :Follow 4e': But he said# :)ord# let me first go and bury my father':

But Jesus said to him# :*o not forbid him# for he who is not against us is on our side':

Jesus said to him# :)et the dead bury their own dead# but you go and "reach the 1ingdom of (od':


And another also said# :)ord# 0 will follow Cou# but let me first go and bid them farewell who are at my house':


But whatever city you enter# and they do not receive you# go out into its streets and say#

But Jesus said to him# :No one# having "ut his hand to the "low# and loo1ing bac1# is fit for the 1ingdom of (od':

:The very dust of your city which clings to us we wi"e off against you' Nevertheless 1now this# that the 1ingdom of (od has come near you'D


these things the )ord a""ointed seventy others also# and sent them two by two before 2is face into every city and "lace where 2e 2imself was about to go'

But 0 say to you that it will be more tolerable in that *ay for Sodom than for that city'

Then 2e said to them# :The harvest truly is great# but the laborers are few9 therefore "ray the )ord of the harvest to send out laborers into 2is harvest'

:Boe to you# -hora.inH Boe to you# BethsaidaH For if the mighty wor1s which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon# they would have re"ented long ago# sitting in sac1cloth and ashes'

(o your way9 behold# 0 send you out as lambs among wolves'


But it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the $udgment than for you'

-arry neither money bag# 1na"sac1# nor sandals9 and greet no one along the road'

And you# -a"ernaum# who are e!alted to heaven# will be brought down to 2ades'

But whatever house you enter# first say# :/eace to this house'D

2e who hears you hears 4e# he who re$ects you re$ects 4e# and he who re$ects 4e re$ects 2im who sent 4e':

And if a son of "eace is there# your "eace will rest on it9 if not# it will return to you'

Then the seventy returned with $oy# saying# :)ord# even the demons are sub$ect to us in Cour name':

And remain in the same house# eating and drin1ing such things as they give# for the laborer is worthy of his wages' *o not go from house to house'

And 2e said to them# :0 saw Satan fall li1e lightning from heaven'

Bhatever city you enter# and they receive you# eat such things as are set before you'

Behold# 0 give you the authority to tram"le on ser"ents and scor"ions# and over all the "ower of the enemy# and nothing shall by any means hurt you'

And heal the sic1 there# and say to them# :The 1ingdom of (od has come near to you'D

Nevertheless do not re$oice in this# that the s"irits are sub$ect to you# but rather re$oice because your names are written in heaven':


0n that hour Jesus re$oiced in the S"irit and said# :0 than1 Cou# Father# )ord of heaven and earth# that Cou have hidden these things from the wise and "rudent and revealed them to babes' ven so# Father# for so it seemed good in Cour sight'

him# and de"arted# leaving him half dead'


Now by chance a certain "riest came down that road' And when he saw him# he "assed by on the other side'

All things have been delivered to 4e by 4y Father# and no one 1nows who the Son is e!ce"t the Father# and who the Father is e!ce"t the Son# and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal 2im':

)i1ewise a )evite# when he arrived at the "lace# came and loo1ed# and "assed by on the other side'

But a certain Samaritan# as he $ourneyed# came where he was' And when he saw him# he had com"assion'

Then 2e turned to 2is disci"les and said "rivately# :Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see9

for 0 tell you that many "ro"hets and 1ings have desired to see what you see# and have not seen it# and to hear what you hear# and have not heard it':

So he went to him and bandaged his wounds# "ouring on oil and wine9 and he set him on his own animal# brought him to an inn# and too1 care of him'

And behold# a certain lawyer stood u" and tested 2im# saying# :Teacher# what shall 0 do to inherit eternal lifeE:

3n the ne!t day# when he de"arted# he too1 out two denarii# gave them to the inn1ee"er# and said to him# :Ta1e care of him9 and whatever more you s"end# when 0 come again# 0 will re"ay you'D

2e said to him# :Bhat is written in the lawE Bhat is your reading of itE:

So which of these three do you thin1 was neighbor to him who fell among the thievesE:

So he answered and said# ::Cou shall love the )3+* your (od with all your heart# with all your soul# with all your strength# and with all your mind#D and :your neighbor as yourself':D

And he said# :2e who showed mercy on him': Then Jesus said to him# :(o and do li1ewise':

And 2e said to him# :Cou have answered rightly9 do this and you will live':

Now it ha""ened as they went that 2e entered a certain village9 and a certain woman named 4artha welcomed 2im into her house'

But he# wanting to $ustify himself# said to Jesus# :And who is my neighborE:

And she had a sister called 4ary# who also sat at JesusD feet and heard 2is word'

Then Jesus answered and said7 :A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho# and fell among thieves# who stri""ed him of his clothing# wounded

But 4artha was distracted with much serving# and she a""roached 2im and said# :)ord# do Cou not care that my

sister has left me to serve aloneE Therefore tell her to hel" me':

because of his "ersistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs'

And Jesus answered and said to her# :4artha# 4artha# you are worried and troubled about many things'

:So 0 say to you# as1# and it will be given to you9 see1# and you will find9 1noc1# and it will be o"ened to you'

But one thing is needed# and 4ary has chosen that good "art# which will not be ta1en away from her':

For everyone who as1s receives# and he who see1s finds# and to him who 1noc1s it will be o"ened'

11Now it came to "ass# as 2e was

"raying in a certain "lace# when 2e ceased# that one of 2is disci"les said to 2im# :)ord# teach us to "ray# as John also taught his disci"les':

0f a son as1s for bread from any father among you# will he give him a stoneE 3r if he as1s for a fish# will he give him a ser"ent instead of a fishE

3r if he as1s for an egg# will he offer him a scor"ionE


So 2e said to them# :Bhen you "ray# say7 3ur Father in heaven# 2allowed be Cour name' Cour 1ingdom come' Cour will be done 3n earth as it is in heaven'

(ive us day by day our daily bread'

0f you then# being evil# 1now how to give good gifts to your children# how much more will your heavenly Father give the 2oly S"irit to those who as1 2imH:

And forgive us our sins# For we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us' And do not lead us into tem"tation# But deliver us from the evil one':

And 2e was casting out a demon# and it was mute' So it was# when the demon had gone out# that the mute s"o1e9 and the multitudes marveled'

And 2e said to them# :Bhich of you shall have a friend# and go to him at midnight and say to him# :Friend# lend me three loaves9

But some of them said# :2e casts out demons by Beel.ebub# the ruler of the demons':

for a friend of mine has come to me on his $ourney# and 0 have nothing to set before himD9

3thers# testing 2im# sought from 2im a sign from heaven'


and he will answer from within and say# :*o not trouble me9 the door is now shut# and my children are with me in bed9 0 cannot rise and give to youDE

But 2e# 1nowing their thoughts# said to them7 : very 1ingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation# and a house divided against a house falls'

0 say to you# though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend# yet

0f Satan also is divided against himself# how will his 1ingdom standE Because you say 0 cast out demons by Beel.ebub'


And if 0 cast out demons by Beel.ebub# by whom do your sons cast them outE Therefore they will be your $udges'


But if 0 cast out demons with the finger of (od# surely the 1ingdom of (od has come u"on you'

And while the crowds were thic1ly gathered together# 2e began to say# :This is an evil generation' 0t see1s a sign# and no sign will be given to it e!ce"t the sign of Jonah the "ro"het'

Bhen a strong man# fully armed# guards his own "alace# his goods are in "eace'

For as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites# so also the Son of 4an will be to this generation'

But when a stronger than he comes u"on him and overcomes him# he ta1es from him all his armor in which he trusted# and divides his s"oils'

The Gueen of the South will rise u" in the $udgment with the men of this generation and condemn them# for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon9 and indeed a greater than Solomon is here'

2e who is not with 4e is against 4e# and he who does not gather with 4e scatters'

:Bhen an unclean s"irit goes out of a man# he goes through dry "laces# see1ing rest9 and finding none# he says# :0 will return to my house from which 0 came'D

The men of Nineveh will rise u" in the $udgment with this generation and condemn it# for they re"ented at the "reaching of Jonah9 and indeed a greater than Jonah is here'

:No one# when he has lit a lam"# "uts it in a secret "lace or under a bas1et# but on a lam"stand# that those who come in may see the light'

And when he comes# he finds it swe"t and "ut in order'


Then he goes and ta1es with him seven other s"irits more wic1ed than himself# and they enter and dwell there9 and the last state of that man is worse than the first':

The lam" of the body is the eye' Therefore# when your eye is good# your whole body also is full of light' But when your eye is bad# your body also is full of dar1ness'

Therefore ta1e heed that the light which is in you is not dar1ness'

And it ha""ened# as 2e s"o1e these things# that a certain woman from the crowd raised her voice and said to 2im# :Blessed is the womb that bore Cou# and the breasts which nursed CouH:

0f then your whole body is full of light# having no "art dar1# the whole body will be full of light# as when the bright shining of a lam" gives you light':

But 2e said# :4ore than that# blessed are those who hear the word of (od and 1ee" itH:

And as 2e s"o1e# a certain /harisee as1ed 2im to dine with him' So 2e went in and sat down to eat'


Bhen the /harisee saw it# he marveled that 2e had not first washed before dinner'


0n fact# you bear witness that you a""rove the deeds of your fathers9 for they indeed 1illed them# and you build their tombs'

Then the )ord said to him# :Now you /harisees ma1e the outside of the cu" and dish clean# but your inward "art is full of greed and wic1edness'

Therefore the wisdom of (od also said# :0 will send them "ro"hets and a"ostles# and some of them they will 1ill and "ersecute#D

Foolish onesH *id not 2e who made the outside ma1e the inside alsoE

But rather give alms of such things as you have9 then indeed all things are clean to you'

that the blood of all the "ro"hets which was shed from the foundation of the world may be reGuired of this generation#

:But woe to you /hariseesH For you tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs# and "ass by $ustice and the love of (od' These you ought to have done# without leaving the others undone'

from the blood of Abel to the blood of 5echariah who "erished between the altar and the tem"le' Ces# 0 say to you# it shall be reGuired of this generation'

Boe to you /hariseesH For you love the best seats in the synagogues and greetings in the mar1et"laces'

:Boe to you lawyersH For you have ta1en away the 1ey of 1nowledge' Cou did not enter in yourselves# and those who were entering in you hindered':

Boe to you# scribes and /harisees# hy"ocritesH For you are li1e graves which are not seen# and the men who wal1 over them are not aware of them':

And as 2e said these things to them# the scribes and the /harisees began to assail 2im vehemently# and to crossF e!amine 2im about many things#

Then one of the lawyers answered and said to 2im# :Teacher# by saying these things Cou re"roach us also':

lying in wait for 2im# and see1ing to catch 2im in something 2e might say# that they might accuse 2im'

And 2e said# :Boe to you also# lawyersH For you load men with burdens hard to bear# and you yourselves do not touch the burdens with one of your fingers'


Boe to youH For you build the tombs of the "ro"hets# and your fathers 1illed them'

the meantime# when an innumerable multitude of "eo"le had gathered together# so that they tram"led one another# 2e began to say to 2is disci"les first of all# :Beware of the leaven of the /harisees# which is hy"ocrisy'

For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed# nor hidden that will not be 1nown'

Therefore whatever you have s"o1en in the dar1 will be heard in the light# and what you have s"o1en in the ear in inner rooms will be "roclaimed on the houseto"s'


Then one from the crowd said to 2im# :Teacher# tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me':

But 2e said to him# :4an# who made 4e a $udge or an arbitrator over youE:

:And 0 say to you# 4y friends# do not be afraid of those who 1ill the body# and after that have no more that they can do'

And 2e said to them# :Ta1e heed and beware of covetousness# for oneDs life does not consist in the abundance of the things he "ossesses':

But 0 will show you whom you should fear7 Fear 2im who# after 2e has 1illed# has "ower to cast into hell9 yes# 0 say to you# fear 2imH

Then 2e s"o1e a "arable to them# saying7 :The ground of a certain rich man yielded "lentifully'

:Are not five s"arrows sold for two co""er coinsE And not one of them is forgotten before (od'

And he thought within himself# saying# :Bhat shall 0 do# since 0 have no room to store my cro"sED

But the very hairs of your head are all numbered' *o not fear therefore9 you are of more value than many s"arrows'

So he said# :0 will do this7 0 will "ull down my barns and build greater# and there 0 will store all my cro"s and my goods'

:Also 0 say to you# whoever confesses 4e before men# him the Son of 4an also will confess before the angels of (od'

And 0 will say to my soul# :Soul# you have many goods laid u" for many years9 ta1e your ease9 eat# drin1# and be merry':D

But he who denies 4e before men will be denied before the angels of (od'

:And anyone who s"ea1s a word against the Son of 4an# it will be forgiven him9 but to him who blas"hemes against the 2oly S"irit# it will not be forgiven'

But (od said to him# :FoolH This night your soul will be reGuired of you9 then whose will those things be which you have "rovidedED

:So is he who lays u" treasure for himself# and is not rich toward (od':

:Now when they bring you to the synagogues and magistrates and authorities# do not worry about how or what you should answer# or what you should say'

Then 2e said to 2is disci"les# :Therefore 0 say to you# do not worry about your life# what you will eat9 nor about the body# what you will "ut on'

For the 2oly S"irit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say':

)ife is more than food# and the body is more than clothing'


-onsider the ravens# for they neither sow nor rea"# which have neither storehouse nor barn9 and (od feeds them' 3f how much more value are you than the birdsE


:)et your waist be girded and your lam"s burning9


And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his statureE

and you yourselves be li1e men who wait for their master# when he will return from the wedding# that when he comes and 1noc1s they may o"en to him immediately'

0f you then are not able to do the least# why are you an!ious for the restE

-onsider the lilies# how they grow7 they neither toil nor s"in9 and yet 0 say to you# even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed li1e one of these'

Blessed are those servants whom the master# when he comes# will find watching' Assuredly# 0 say to you that he will gird himself and have them sit down to eat# and will come and serve them'

0f then (od so clothes the grass# which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven# how much more will 2e clothe you# 3 you of little faithE

And if he should come in the second watch# or come in the third watch# and find them so# blessed are those servants'

:And do not see1 what you should eat or what you should drin1# nor have an an!ious mind'

But 1now this# that if the master of the house had 1nown what hour the thief would come# he would have watched and not allowed his house to be bro1en into'

For all these things the nations of the world see1 after# and your Father 1nows that you need these things'

Therefore you also be ready# for the Son of 4an is coming at an hour you do not e!"ect':

But see1 the 1ingdom of (od# and all these things shall be added to you'

Then /eter said to 2im# :)ord# do Cou s"ea1 this "arable only to us# or to all "eo"leE:

:*o not fear# little floc1# for it is your FatherDs good "leasure to give you the 1ingdom'

Sell what you have and give alms9 "rovide yourselves money bags which do not grow old# a treasure in the heavens that does not fail# where no thief a""roaches nor moth destroys'

And the )ord said# :Bho then is that faithful and wise steward# whom his master will ma1e ruler over his household# to give them their "ortion of food in due seasonE

Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes'

For where your treasure is# there your heart will be also'

Truly# 0 say to you that he will ma1e him ruler over all that he has'


But if that servant says in his heart# :4y master is delaying his coming#D and begins to beat the male and female servants# and to eat and drin1 and be drun1#


Then 2e also said to the multitudes# :Bhenever you see a cloud rising out of the west# immediately you say# :A shower is comingD9 and so it is'

the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not loo1ing for him# and at an hour when he is not aware# and will cut him in two and a""oint him his "ortion with the unbelievers'

And when you see the south wind blow# you say# :There will be hot weatherD9 and there is'

2y"ocritesH Cou can discern the face of the s1y and of the earth# but how is it you do not discern this timeE

And that servant who 1new his masterDs will# and did not "re"are himself or do according to his will# shall be beaten with many stri"es'

:Ces# and why# even of yourselves# do you not $udge what is rightE

But he who did not 1now# yet committed things deserving of stri"es# shall be beaten with few' For everyone to whom much is given# from him much will be reGuired9 and to whom much has been committed# of him they will as1 the more'

Bhen you go with your adversary to the magistrate# ma1e every effort along the way to settle with him# lest he drag you to the $udge# the $udge deliver you to the officer# and the officer throw you into "rison'

:0 came to send fire on the earth# and how 0 wish it were already 1indledH

0 tell you# you shall not de"art from there till you have "aid the very last mite':

But 0 have a ba"tism to be ba"ti.ed with# and how distressed 0 am till it is accom"lishedH

13There were "resent at that season

some who told 2im about the (alileans whose blood /ilate had mingled with their sacrifices'

*o you su""ose that 0 came to give "eace on earthE 0 tell you# not at all# but rather division'

For from now on five in one house will be divided7 three against two# and two against three'

And Jesus answered and said to them# :*o you su""ose that these (alileans were worse sinners than all other (alileans# because they suffered such thingsE

Father will be divided against son and son against father# mother against daughter and daughter against mother# motherFinFlaw against her daughterFinF law and daughterFinFlaw against her motherFinFlaw':

0 tell you# no9 but unless you re"ent you will all li1ewise "erish'

3r those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and 1illed them# do you thin1 that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in JerusalemE


0 tell you# no9 but unless you re"ent you will all li1ewise "erish':


2e also s"o1e this "arable7 :A certain man had a fig tree "lanted in his vineyard# and he came see1ing fruit on it and found none'

The )ord then answered him and said# :2y"ocriteH *oes not each one of you on the Sabbath loose his o! or don1ey from the stall# and lead it away to water itE

Then he said to the 1ee"er of his vineyard# :)oo1# for three years 0 have come see1ing fruit on this fig tree and find none' -ut it down9 why does it use u" the groundED

So ought not this woman# being a daughter of Abraham# whom Satan has boundFFthin1 of itFFfor eighteen years# be loosed from this bond on the SabbathE:

And when 2e said these things# all 2is adversaries were "ut to shame9 and all the multitude re$oiced for all the glorious things that were done by 2im'

But he answered and said to him# :Sir# let it alone this year also# until 0 dig around it and fertili.e it'

Then 2e said# :Bhat is the 1ingdom of (od li1eE And to what shall 0 com"are itE

And if it bears fruit# well' But if not# after that you can cut it down':D

Now 2e was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath'


0t is li1e a mustard seed# which a man too1 and "ut in his garden9 and it grew and became a large tree# and the birds of the air nested in its branches':

And behold# there was a woman who had a s"irit of infirmity eighteen years# and was bent over and could in no way raise herself u"'

And again 2e said# :To what shall 0 li1en the 1ingdom of (odE

But when Jesus saw her# 2e called her to 2im and said to her# :Boman# you are loosed from your infirmity':

0t is li1e leaven# which a woman too1 and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened':

And 2e laid 2is hands on her# and immediately she was made straight# and glorified (od'

And 2e went through the cities and villages# teaching# and $ourneying toward Jerusalem'

But the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation# because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath9 and he said to the crowd# :There are si! days on which men ought to wor19 therefore come and be healed on them# and not on the Sabbath day':

Then one said to 2im# :)ord# are there few who are savedE: And 2e said to them#

:Strive to enter through the narrow gate# for many# 0 say to you# will see1 to enter and will not be able'

Bhen once the 4aster of the house has risen u" and shut the door# and you begin to stand outside and 1noc1 at the door# saying# :)ord# )ord# o"en for us#D

and 2e will answer and say to you# :0 do not 1now you# where you are from#D


then you will begin to say# :Be ate and dran1 in Cour "resence# and Cou taught in our streets'D

SeeH Cour house is left to you desolate9 and assuredly# 0 say to you# you shall not see 4e until the time comes when you say# :Blessed is 2e who comes in the name of the )3+*H:D

But 2e will say# :0 tell you 0 do not 1now you# where you are from' *e"art from 4e# all you wor1ers of iniGuity'D

14Now it ha""ened# as 2e went into

the house of one of the rulers of the /harisees to eat bread on the Sabbath# that they watched 2im closely'

There will be wee"ing and gnashing of teeth# when you see Abraham and 0saac and Jacob and all the "ro"hets in the 1ingdom of (od# and yourselves thrust out'

And behold# there was a certain man before 2im who had dro"sy'

They will come from the east and the west# from the north and the south# and sit down in the 1ingdom of (od'

And Jesus# answering# s"o1e to the lawyers and /harisees# saying# :0s it lawful to heal on the SabbathE:

And indeed there are last who will be first# and there are first who will be last':

But they 1e"t silent' And 2e too1 him and healed him# and let him go'

3n that very day some /harisees came# saying to 2im# :(et out and de"art from here# for 2erod wants to 1ill Cou':

Then 2e answered them# saying# :Bhich of you# having a don1ey or an o! that has fallen into a "it# will not immediately "ull him out on the Sabbath dayE:

And 2e said to them# :(o# tell that fo!# :Behold# 0 cast out demons and "erform cures today and tomorrow# and the third day 0 shall be "erfected'D

And they could not regarding these things'




Nevertheless 0 must $ourney today# tomorrow# and the day following9 for it cannot be that a "ro"het should "erish outside of Jerusalem'

So 2e told a "arable to those who were invited# when 2e noted how they chose the best "laces# saying to them7

:3 Jerusalem# Jerusalem# the one who 1ills the "ro"hets and stones those who are sent to herH 2ow often 0 wanted to gather your children together# as a hen gathers her brood under her wings# but you were not willingH

:Bhen you are invited by anyone to a wedding feast# do not sit down in the best "lace# lest one more honorable than you be invited by him9

and he who invited you and him come and say to you# :(ive "lace to this man#D and then you begin with shame to ta1e the lowest "lace'

But when you are invited# go and sit down in the lowest "lace# so that when

he who invited you comes he may say to you# :Friend# go u" higher'D Then you will have glory in the "resence of those who sit at the table with you'


For whoever e!alts himself will be humbled# and he who humbles himself will be e!alted':

So that servant came and re"orted these things to his master' Then the master of the house# being angry# said to his servant# :(o out Guic1ly into the streets and lanes of the city# and bring in here the "oor and the maimed and the lame and the blind'D

Then 2e also said to him who invited 2im# :Bhen you give a dinner or a su""er# do not as1 your friends# your brothers# your relatives# nor rich neighbors# lest they also invite you bac1# and you be re"aid'

And the servant said# :4aster# it is done as you commanded# and still there is room'D

Then the master said to the servant# :(o out into the highways and hedges# and com"el them to come in# that my house may be filled'

But when you give a feast# invite the "oor# the maimed# the lame# the blind'

And you will be blessed# because they cannot re"ay you9 for you shall be re"aid at the resurrection of the $ust':

For 0 say to you that none of those men who were invited shall taste my su""er':D

Now great multitudes went with 2im' And 2e turned and said to them#

Now when one of those who sat at the table with 2im heard these things# he said to 2im# :Blessed is he who shall eat bread in the 1ingdom of (odH:

Then 2e said to him# :A certain man gave a great su""er and invited many#

:0f anyone comes to 4e and does not hate his father and mother# wife and children# brothers and sisters# yes# and his own life also# he cannot be 4y disci"le'

and sent his servant at su""er time to say to those who were invited# :-ome# for all things are now ready'D

And whoever does not bear his cross and come after 4e cannot be 4y disci"le'

But they all with one accord began to ma1e e!cuses' The first said to him# :0 have bought a "iece of ground# and 0 must go and see it' 0 as1 you to have me e!cused'D

For which of you# intending to build a tower# does not sit down first and count the cost# whether he has enough to finish itFF

And another said# :0 have bought five yo1e of o!en# and 0 am going to test them' 0 as1 you to have me e!cused'D

lest# after he has laid the foundation# and is not able to finish# all who see it begin to moc1 him#

saying# :This man began to build and was not able to finish'D

Still another said# :0 have married a wife# and therefore 0 cannot come'D


3r what 1ing# going to ma1e war against another 1ing# does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousandE

0 say to you that li1ewise there will be more $oy in heaven over one sinner who re"ents than over ninetyFnine $ust "ersons who need no re"entance'

3r else# while the other is still a great way off# he sends a delegation and as1s conditions of "eace'

:3r what woman# having ten silver coins# if she loses one coin# does not light a lam"# swee" the house# and search carefully until she finds itE

So li1ewise# whoever of you does not forsa1e all that he has cannot be 4y disci"le'

And when she has found it# she calls her friends and neighbors together# saying# :+e$oice with me# for 0 have found the "iece which 0 lostHD

:Salt is good9 but if the salt has lost its flavor# how shall it be seasonedE

)i1ewise# 0 say to you# there is $oy in the "resence of the angels of (od over one sinner who re"ents':

0t is neither fit for the land nor for the dunghill# but men throw it out' 2e who has ears to hear# let him hearH:

Then 2e said7 :A certain man had two sons'


15Then all the ta! collectors and the

sinners drew near to 2im to hear 2im'

And the younger of them said to his father# :Father# give me the "ortion of goods that falls to me'D So he divided to them his livelihood'

And the /harisees and scribes com"lained# saying# :This 4an receives sinners and eats with them':

So 2e s"o1e this "arable to them# saying7


And not many days after# the younger son gathered all together# $ourneyed to a far country# and there wasted his "ossessions with "rodigal living'

:Bhat man of you# having a hundred shee"# if he loses one of them# does not leave the ninetyFnine in the wilderness# and go after the one which is lost until he finds itE

But when he had s"ent all# there arose a severe famine in that land# and he began to be in want'

Then he went and $oined himself to a citi.en of that country# and he sent him into his fields to feed swine'

And when he has found it# he lays it on his shoulders# re$oicing'


And when he comes home# he calls together his friends and neighbors# saying to them# :+e$oice with me# for 0 have found my shee" which was lostHD

And he would gladly have filled his stomach with the "ods that the swine ate# and no one gave him anything'

:But when he came to himself# he said# :2ow many of my fatherDs hired servants

have bread enough and to s"are# and 0 "erish with hungerH



:But he was angry and would not go in' Therefore his father came out and "leaded with him'

0 will arise and go to my father# and will say to him# :Father# 0 have sinned against heaven and before you#

and 0 am no longer worthy to be called your son' 4a1e me li1e one of your hired servants':D

So he answered and said to his father# :)o# these many years 0 have been serving you9 0 never transgressed your commandment at any time9 and yet you never gave me a young goat# that 0 might ma1e merry with my friends'

:And he arose and came to his father' But when he was still a great way off# his father saw him and had com"assion# and ran and fell on his nec1 and 1issed him'

But as soon as this son of yours came# who has devoured your livelihood with harlots# you 1illed the fatted calf for him'D

And the son said to him# :Father# 0 have sinned against heaven and in your sight# and am no longer worthy to be called your son'D

:And he said to him# :Son# you are always with me# and all that 0 have is yours'

:But the father said to his servants# :Bring out the best robe and "ut it on him# and "ut a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet'

0t was right that we should ma1e merry and be glad# for your brother was dead and is alive again# and was lost and is found':D


And bring the fatted calf here and 1ill it# and let us eat and be merry9

also said to 2is disci"les7 :There was a certain rich man who had a steward# and an accusation was brought to him that this man was wasting his goods'

for this my son was dead and is alive again9 he was lost and is found'D And they began to be merry'

:Now his older son was in the field' And as he came and drew near to the house# he heard music and dancing'

So he called him and said to him# :Bhat is this 0 hear about youE (ive an account of your stewardshi"# for you can no longer be steward'D

So he called one of the servants and as1ed what these things meant'

:Then the steward said within himself# :Bhat shall 0 doE For my master is ta1ing the stewardshi" away from me' 0 cannot dig9 0 am ashamed to beg'

And he said to him# :Cour brother has come# and because he has received him safe and sound# your father has 1illed the fatted calf'D

0 have resolved what to do# that when 0 am "ut out of the stewardshi"# they may receive me into their houses'D


:So he called every one of his masterDs debtors to him# and said to the first# :2ow much do you owe my masterED


And he said# :A hundred measures of oil'D So he said to him# :Ta1e your bill# and sit down Guic1ly and write fifty'D

And 2e said to them# :Cou are those who $ustify yourselves before men# but (od 1nows your hearts' For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of (od'

Then he said to another# :And how much do you oweED So he said# :A hundred measures of wheat'D And he said to him# :Ta1e your bill# and write eighty'D

:The law and the "ro"hets were until John' Since that time the 1ingdom of (od has been "reached# and everyone is "ressing into it'

And it is easier for heaven and earth to "ass away than for one tittle of the law to fail'

So the master commended the un$ust steward because he had dealt shrewdly' For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light'

:Bhoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery9 and whoever marries her who is divorced from her husband commits adultery'

:And 0 say to you# ma1e friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon# that when you fail# they may receive you into an everlasting home'

:There was a certain rich man who was clothed in "ur"le and fine linen and fared sum"tuously every day'

2e who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much9 and he who is un$ust in what is least is un$ust also in much'

But there was a certain beggar named )a.arus# full of sores# who was laid at his gate#

Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon# who will commit to your trust the true richesE

desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich manDs table' 4oreover the dogs came and lic1ed his sores'

And if you have not been faithful in what is another manDs# who will give you what is your ownE

So it was that the beggar died# and was carried by the angels to AbrahamDs bosom' The rich man also died and was buried'

:No servant can serve two masters9 for either he will hate the one and love the other# or else he will be loyal to the one and des"ise the other' Cou cannot serve (od and mammon':

And being in torments in 2ades# he lifted u" his eyes and saw Abraham afar off# and )a.arus in his bosom'

Now the /harisees# who were lovers of money# also heard all these things# and they derided 2im'

:Then he cried and said# :Father Abraham# have mercy on me# and send )a.arus that he may di" the ti" of his finger in water and cool my tongue9 for 0 am tormented in this flame'D


But Abraham said# :Son# remember that in your lifetime you received your good things# and li1ewise )a.arus evil things9 but now he is comforted and you are tormented'

And if he sins against you seven times in a day# and seven times in a day returns to you# saying# :0 re"ent#D you shall forgive him':

And besides all this# between us and you there is a great gulf fi!ed# so that those who want to "ass from here to you cannot# nor can those from there "ass to us'D

And the a"ostles said to the )ord# :0ncrease our faith':


:Then he said# :0 beg you therefore# father# that you would send him to my fatherDs house#

So the )ord said# :0f you have faith as a mustard seed# you can say to this mulberry tree# :Be "ulled u" by the roots and be "lanted in the sea#D and it would obey you'

for 0 have five brothers# that he may testify to them# lest they also come to this "lace of torment'D

And which of you# having a servant "lowing or tending shee"# will say to him when he has come in from the field# :-ome at once and sit down to eatDE

Abraham said to him# :They have 4oses and the "ro"hets9 let them hear them'D

But will he not rather say to him# :/re"are something for my su""er# and gird yourself and serve me till 0 have eaten and drun1# and afterward you will eat and drin1DE

And he said# :No# father Abraham9 but if one goes to them from the dead# they will re"ent'D

*oes he than1 that servant because he did the things that were commanded himE 0 thin1 not'

But he said to him# :0f they do not hear 4oses and the "ro"hets# neither will they be "ersuaded though one rise from the dead':D

17Then 2e said to the disci"les# :0t is

im"ossible that no offenses should come# but woe to him through whom they do comeH

So li1ewise you# when you have done all those things which you are commanded# say# :Be are un"rofitable servants' Be have done what was our duty to do':D

Now it ha""ened as 2e went to Jerusalem that 2e "assed through the midst of Samaria and (alilee'

0t would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his nec1# and he were thrown into the sea# than that he should offend one of these little ones'

Then as 2e entered a certain village# there met 2im ten men who were le"ers# who stood afar off'

Ta1e heed to yourselves' 0f your brother sins against you# rebu1e him9 and if he re"ents# forgive him'

And they lifted u" their voices and said# :Jesus# 4aster# have mercy on usH:


So when 2e saw them# 2e said to them# :(o# show yourselves to the "riests': And so it was that as they went# they were cleansed'


But first 2e must suffer many things and be re$ected by this generation'

And one of them# when he saw that he was healed# returned# and with a loud voice glorified (od#

And as it was in the days of Noah# so it will be also in the days of the Son of 4an7

and fell down on his face at 2is feet# giving 2im than1s' And he was a Samaritan'

They ate# they dran1# they married wives# they were given in marriage# until the day that Noah entered the ar1# and the flood came and destroyed them all'

So Jesus answered and said# :Bere there not ten cleansedE But where are the nineE

)i1ewise as it was also in the days of )ot7 They ate# they dran1# they bought# they sold# they "lanted# they built9

Bere there not any found who returned to give glory to (od e!ce"t this foreignerE:

but on the day that )ot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all'

And 2e said to him# :Arise# go your way' Cour faith has made you well':

ven so will it be in the day when the Son of 4an is revealed'


Now when 2e was as1ed by the /harisees when the 1ingdom of (od would come# 2e answered them and said# :The 1ingdom of (od does not come with observation9

:0n that day# he who is on the houseto"# and his goods are in the house# let him not come down to ta1e them away' And li1ewise the one who is in the field# let him not turn bac1'

+emember )otDs wife'

nor will they say# :See hereHD or :See thereHD For indeed# the 1ingdom of (od is within you':


Bhoever see1s to save his life will lose it# and whoever loses his life will "reserve it'

Then 2e said to the disci"les# :The days will come when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of 4an# and you will not see it'

0 tell you# in that night there will be two men in one bed7 the one will be ta1en and the other will be left'

And they will say to you# :)oo1 hereHD or :)oo1 thereHD *o not go after them or follow them'

Two women will be grinding together7 the one will be ta1en and the other left'

For as the lightning that flashes out of one "art under heaven shines to the other "art under heaven# so also the Son of 4an will be in 2is day'

Two men will be in the field7 the one will be ta1en and the other left':

And they answered and said to 2im# :Bhere# )ordE: So 2e said to them#

:Bherever the body is# there the eagles will be gathered together':

not li1e other menFFe!tortioners# un$ust# adulterers# or even as this ta! collector'

18Then 2e s"o1e a "arable to them#

that men always ought to "ray and not lose heart#

0 fast twice a wee19 0 give tithes of all that 0 "ossess'D


saying7 :There was in a certain city a $udge who did not fear (od nor regard man'

And the ta! collector# standing afar off# would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven# but beat his breast# saying# :(od# be merciful to me a sinnerHD

Now there was a widow in that city9 and she came to him# saying# :(et $ustice for me from my adversary'D

0 tell you# this man went down to his house $ustified rather than the other9 for everyone who e!alts himself will be humbled# and he who humbles himself will be e!alted':

And he would not for a while9 but afterward he said within himself# :Though 0 do not fear (od nor regard man#

Then they also brought infants to 2im that 2e might touch them9 but when the disci"les saw it# they rebu1ed them'

yet because this widow troubles me 0 will avenge her# lest by her continual coming she weary me':D

But Jesus called them to 2im and said# :)et the little children come to 4e# and do not forbid them9 for of such is the 1ingdom of (od'

Then the )ord said# :2ear what the un$ust $udge said'

And shall (od not avenge 2is own elect who cry out day and night to 2im# though 2e bears long with themE

Assuredly# 0 say to you# whoever does not receive the 1ingdom of (od as a little child will by no means enter it':

0 tell you that 2e will avenge them s"eedily' Nevertheless# when the Son of 4an comes# will 2e really find faith on the earthE:

Now a certain ruler as1ed 2im# saying# :(ood Teacher# what shall 0 do to inherit eternal lifeE:

So Jesus said to him# :Bhy do you call 4e goodE No one is good but 3ne# that is# (od'

Also 2e s"o1e this "arable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous# and des"ised others7

:Two men went u" to the tem"le to "ray# one a /harisee and the other a ta! collector'

Cou 1now the commandments7 :*o not commit adultery#D :*o not murder#D :*o not steal#D :*o not bear false witness#D :2onor your father and your mother':D

And he said# :All these things 0 have 1e"t from my youth':

The /harisee stood and "rayed thus with himself# :(od# 0 than1 Cou that 0 am


So when Jesus heard these things# 2e said to him# :Cou still lac1 one thing' Sell all that you have and distribute to the "oor# and you will have treasure in heaven9 and come# follow 4e':


They will scourge 2im and 1ill 2im' And the third day 2e will rise again':

But when he heard this# he became very sorrowful# for he was very rich'

But they understood none of these things9 this saying was hidden from them# and they did not 1now the things which were s"o1en'

And when Jesus saw that he became very sorrowful# 2e said# :2ow hard it is for those who have riches to enter the 1ingdom of (odH

Then it ha""ened# as 2e was coming near Jericho# that a certain blind man sat by the road begging'

And hearing a multitude "assing by# he as1ed what it meant'


For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the 1ingdom of (od':

So they told him that Jesus of Na.areth was "assing by'


And those who heard it said# :Bho then can be savedE:


And he cried out# saying# :Jesus# Son of *avid# have mercy on meH:

But 2e said# :The things which are im"ossible with men are "ossible with (od':

Then those who went before warned him that he should be Guiet9 but he cried out all the more# :Son of *avid# have mercy on meH:

Then /eter said# :See# we have left all and followed Cou':

So 2e said to them# :Assuredly# 0 say to you# there is no one who has left house or "arents or brothers or wife or children# for the sa1e of the 1ingdom of (od#

So Jesus stood still and commanded him to be brought to 2im' And when he had come near# 2e as1ed him#

saying# :Bhat do you want 4e to do for youE: 2e said# :)ord# that 0 may receive my sight':

who shall not receive many times more in this "resent time# and in the age to come eternal life':

Then Jesus said to him# :+eceive your sight9 your faith has made you well':

Then 2e too1 the twelve aside and said to them# :Behold# we are going u" to Jerusalem# and all things that are written by the "ro"hets concerning the Son of 4an will be accom"lished'

And immediately he received his sight# and followed 2im# glorifying (od' And all the "eo"le# when they saw it# gave "raise to (od'

For 2e will be delivered to the (entiles and will be moc1ed and insulted and s"it u"on'

19Then Jesus entered and "assed

through Jericho'

Now behold# there was a man named 5acchaeus who was a chief ta! collector# and he was rich'


Therefore 2e said7 :A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a 1ingdom and to return'

And he sought to see who Jesus was# but could not because of the crowd# for he was of short stature'

So he called ten of his servants# delivered to them ten minas# and said to them# :*o business till 0 come'D

So he ran ahead and climbed u" into a sycamore tree to see 2im# for 2e was going to "ass that way'

But his citi.ens hated him# and sent a delegation after him# saying# :Be will not have this man to reign over us'D

And when Jesus came to the "lace# 2e loo1ed u" and saw him# and said to him# :5acchaeus# ma1e haste and come down# for today 0 must stay at your house':

So he made haste and came down# and received 2im $oyfully'


:And so it was that when he returned# having received the 1ingdom# he then commanded these servants# to whom he had given the money# to be called to him# that he might 1now how much every man had gained by trading'

But when they saw it# they all com"lained# saying# :2e has gone to be a guest with a man who is a sinner':

Then came the first# saying# :4aster# your mina has earned ten minas'D

Then 5acchaeus stood and said to the )ord# :)oo1# )ord# 0 give half of my goods to the "oor9 and if 0 have ta1en anything from anyone by false accusation# 0 restore fourfold':

And he said to him# :Bell done# good servant9 because you were faithful in a very little# have authority over ten cities'D

And the second came# saying# :4aster# your mina has earned five minas'D

And Jesus said to him# :Today salvation has come to this house# because he also is a son of Abraham9

)i1ewise he said to him# :Cou also be over five cities'D


for the Son of 4an has come to see1 and to save that which was lost':

:Then another came# saying# :4aster# here is your mina# which 0 have 1e"t "ut away in a hand1erchief'

Now as they heard these things# 2e s"o1e another "arable# because 2e was near Jerusalem and because they thought the 1ingdom of (od would a""ear immediately'

For 0 feared you# because you are an austere man' Cou collect what you did not de"osit# and rea" what you did not sow'D

And he said to him# :3ut of your own mouth 0 will $udge you# you wic1ed servant' Cou 1new that 0 was an austere

man# collecting what 0 did not de"osit and rea"ing what 0 did not sow'


And they said# :The )ord has need of him':


Bhy then did you not "ut my money in the ban1# that at my coming 0 might have collected it with interestED

Then they brought him to Jesus' And they threw their own clothes on the colt# and they set Jesus on him'

:And he said to those who stood by# :Ta1e the mina from him# and give it to him who has ten minas'D

And as 2e went# many s"read their clothes on the road'


IBut they said to him# :4aster# he has ten minas'DJ


:For 0 say to you# that to everyone who has will be given9 and from him who does not have# even what he has will be ta1en away from him'

Then# as 2e was now drawing near the descent of the 4ount of 3lives# the whole multitude of the disci"les began to re$oice and "raise (od with a loud voice for all the mighty wor1s they had seen#

But bring here those enemies of mine# who did not want me to reign over them# and slay them before me':D

saying7 ::Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the )3+*HD /eace in heaven and glory in the highestH:

Bhen 2e had said this# 2e went on ahead# going u" to Jerusalem'


And some of the /harisees called to 2im from the crowd# :Teacher# rebu1e Cour disci"les':

And it came to "ass# when 2e drew near to Beth"hage and Bethany# at the mountain called 3livet# that 2e sent two of 2is disci"les#

But 2e answered and said to them# :0 tell you that if these should 1ee" silent# the stones would immediately cry out':

Now as 2e drew near# 2e saw the city and we"t over it#

saying# :(o into the village o""osite you# where as you enter you will find a colt tied# on which no one has ever sat' )oose it and bring it here'

saying# :0f you had 1nown# even you# es"ecially in this your day# the things that ma1e for your "eaceH But now they are hidden from your eyes'

And if anyone as1s you# :Bhy are you loosing itED thus you shall say to him# :Because the )ord has need of it':D

So those who were sent went their way and found it $ust as 2e had said to them'

For days will come u"on you when your enemies will build an emban1ment around you# surround you and close you in on every side#

But as they were loosing the colt# the owners of it said to them# :Bhy are you loosing the coltE:

and level you# and your children within you# to the ground9 and they will not leave in you one stone u"on another# because you did not 1now the time of your visitation':


Then 2e went into the tem"le and began to drive out those who bought and sold in it#


And Jesus said to them# :Neither will 0 tell you by what authority 0 do these things':

saying to them# :0t is written# :4y house is a house of "rayer#D but you have made it a :den of thieves':D

Then 2e began to tell the "eo"le this "arable7 :A certain man "lanted a vineyard# leased it to vinedressers# and went into a far country for a long time'

And 2e was teaching daily in the tem"le' But the chief "riests# the scribes# and the leaders of the "eo"le sought to destroy 2im#

and were unable to do anything9 for all the "eo"le were very attentive to hear 2im'

Now at vintageFtime he sent a servant to the vinedressers# that they might give him some of the fruit of the vineyard' But the vinedressers beat him and sent him away em"tyFhanded'

20Now it ha""ened on one of those

days# as 2e taught the "eo"le in the tem"le and "reached the gos"el# that the chief "riests and the scribes# together with the elders# confronted 2im

Again he sent another servant9 and they beat him also# treated him shamefully# and sent him away em"tyF handed'

And again he sent a third9 and they wounded him also and cast him out'

and s"o1e to 2im# saying# :Tell us# by what authority are Cou doing these thingsE 3r who is he who gave Cou this authorityE:

:Then the owner of the vineyard said# :Bhat shall 0 doE 0 will send my beloved son' /robably they will res"ect him when they see him'D

But 2e answered and said to them# :0 also will as1 you one thing# and answer 4e7

But when the vinedressers saw him# they reasoned among themselves# saying# :This is the heir' -ome# let us 1ill him# that the inheritance may be ours'D

The ba"tism of JohnFFwas it from heaven or from menE:


So they cast him out of the vineyard and 1illed him' Therefore what will the owner of the vineyard do to themE

And they reasoned among themselves# saying# :0f we say# :From heaven#D 2e will say# :Bhy then did you not believe himED

2e will come and destroy those vinedressers and give the vineyard to others': And when they heard it they said# :-ertainly notH:

But if we say# :From men#D all the "eo"le will stone us# for they are "ersuaded that John was a "ro"het':

So they answered that they did not 1now where it was from'

Then 2e loo1ed at them and said# :Bhat then is this that is written7 :The stone which the builders re$ected 2as become the chief cornerstoneDE


Bhoever falls on that stone will be bro1en9 but on whomever it falls# it will grind him to "owder':


And the chief "riests and the scribes that very hour sought to lay hands on 2im# but they feared the "eo"le FFfor they 1new 2e had s"o1en this "arable against them'

saying7 :Teacher# 4oses wrote to us that if a manDs brother dies# having a wife# and he dies without children# his brother should ta1e his wife and raise u" offs"ring for his brother'

Now there were seven brothers' And the first too1 a wife# and died without children'

So they watched 2im# and sent s"ies who "retended to be righteous# that they might sei.e on 2is words# in order to deliver 2im to the "ower and the authority of the governor'

And the second too1 her as wife# and he died childless'


Then the third too1 her# and in li1e manner the seven also9 and they left no children# and died'

Then they as1ed 2im# saying# :Teacher# we 1now that Cou say and teach rightly# and Cou do not show "ersonal favoritism# but teach the way of (od in truth7

)ast of all the woman died also'


0s it lawful for us to "ay ta!es to -aesar or notE:


Therefore# in the resurrection# whose wife does she becomeE For all seven had her as wife':

But 2e "erceived their craftiness# and said to them# :Bhy do you test 4eE

Jesus answered and said to them# :The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage'

Show 4e a denarius' Bhose image and inscri"tion does it haveE: They answered and said# :-aesarDs':

But those who are counted worthy to attain that age# and the resurrection from the dead# neither marry nor are given in marriage9

And 2e said to them# :+ender therefore to -aesar the things that are -aesarDs# and to (od the things that are (odDs':

nor can they die anymore# for they are eGual to the angels and are sons of (od# being sons of the resurrection'

But they could not catch 2im in 2is words in the "resence of the "eo"le' And they marveled at 2is answer and 1e"t silent'

But even 4oses showed in the burning bush "assage that the dead are raised# when he called the )ord :the (od of Abraham# the (od of 0saac# and the (od of Jacob'D

Then some of the Sadducees# who deny that there is a resurrection# came to 2im and as1ed 2im#

For 2e is not the (od of the dead but of the living# for all live to 2im':


Then some of the scribes answered and said# :Teacher# Cou have s"o1en well':


Then# as some s"o1e of the tem"le# how it was adorned with beautiful stones and donations# 2e said#

But after that they dared not Guestion 2im anymore'


And 2e said to them# :2ow can they say that the -hrist is the Son of *avidE

:These things which you seeFFthe days will come in which not one stone shall be left u"on another that shall not be thrown down':

Now *avid himself said in the Boo1 of /salms7 :The )3+* said to my )ord# :Sit at 4y right hand#

So they as1ed 2im# saying# :Teacher# but when will these things beE And what sign will there be when these things are about to ta1e "laceE:

Till 0 ma1e footstool':D





Therefore *avid calls 2im :)ordD9 how is 2e then his SonE:


And 2e said7 :Ta1e heed that you not be deceived' For many will come in 4y name# saying# :0 am 2e#D and# :The time has drawn near'D Therefore do not go after them'

Then# in the hearing of all the "eo"le# 2e said to 2is disci"les#


:Beware of the scribes# who desire to go around in long robes# love greetings in the mar1et"laces# the best seats in the synagogues# and the best "laces at feasts#

But when you hear of wars and commotions# do not be terrified9 for these things must come to "ass first# but the end will not come immediately':

Then 2e said to them# :Nation will rise against nation# and 1ingdom against 1ingdom'

who devour widowsD houses# and for a "retense ma1e long "rayers' These will receive greater condemnation':

And there will be great earthGua1es in various "laces# and famines and "estilences9 and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven'

21And 2e loo1ed u" and saw the

rich "utting their gifts into the treasury#

and 2e saw also a certain "oor widow "utting in two mites'


But before all these things# they will lay their hands on you and "ersecute you# delivering you u" to the synagogues and "risons' Cou will be brought before 1ings and rulers for 4y nameDs sa1e'

So 2e said# :Truly 0 say to you that this "oor widow has "ut in more than all9

But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony'


for all these out of their abundance have "ut in offerings for (od# but she out of her "overty "ut in all the livelihood that she had':

Therefore settle it in your hearts not to meditate beforehand on what you will answer9


for 0 will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist'


menDs hearts failing them from fear and the e!"ectation of those things which are coming on the earth# for the "owers of the heavens will be sha1en'

Cou will be betrayed even by "arents and brothers# relatives and friends9 and they will "ut some of you to death'

Then they will see the Son of 4an coming in a cloud with "ower and great glory'

And you will be hated by all for 4y nameDs sa1e'


But not a hair of your head shall be lost'


Now when these things begin to ha""en# loo1 u" and lift u" your heads# because your redem"tion draws near':

By your "atience "ossess your souls'

Then 2e s"o1e to them a "arable7 :)oo1 at the fig tree# and all the trees'


:But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies# then 1now that its desolation is near'

Bhen they are already budding# you see and 1now for yourselves that summer is now near'

Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains# let those who are in the midst of her de"art# and let not those who are in the country enter her'

So you also# when you see these things ha""ening# 1now that the 1ingdom of (od is near'

For these are the days of vengeance# that all things which are written may be fulfilled'

Assuredly# 0 say to you# this generation will by no means "ass away till all things ta1e "lace'

But woe to those who are and to those who are nursing those daysH For there will distress in the land and wrath "eo"le'

"regnant babies in be great u"on this

2eaven and earth will "ass away# but 4y words will by no means "ass away'

:But ta1e heed to yourselves# lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing# drun1enness# and cares of this life# and that *ay come on you une!"ectedly'

And they will fall by the edge of the sword# and be led away ca"tive into all nations' And Jerusalem will be tram"led by (entiles until the times of the (entiles are fulfilled'

For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth'

:And there will be signs in the sun# in the moon# and in the stars9 and on the earth distress of nations# with "er"le!ity# the sea and the waves roaring9

Batch therefore# and "ray always that you may be counted worthy to esca"e all these things that will come to "ass# and to stand before the Son of 4an':


And in the daytime 2e was teaching in the tem"le# but at night 2e went out and stayed on the mountain called 3livet'


Then early in the morning all the "eo"le came to 2im in the tem"le to hear 2im'

And 2e said to them# :Behold# when you have entered the city# a man will meet you carrying a "itcher of water9 follow him into the house which he enters'


the Feast of Anleavened Bread drew near# which is called /assover' And the chief "riests and the scribes sought how they might 1ill 2im# for they feared the "eo"le'

Then you shall say to the master of the house# :The Teacher says to you# :Bhere is the guest room where 0 may eat the /assover with 4y disci"lesE:D

Then he will show you a large# furnished u""er room9 there ma1e ready':

Then Satan entered Judas# surnamed 0scariot# who was numbered among the twelve'

So they went and found it $ust as 2e had said to them# and they "re"ared the /assover'

Bhen the hour had come# 2e sat down# and the twelve a"ostles with 2im'

So he went his way and conferred with the chief "riests and ca"tains# how he might betray 2im to them'

Then 2e said to them# :Bith fervent desire 0 have desired to eat this /assover with you before 0 suffer9

And they were glad# and agreed to give him money'


for 0 say to you# 0 will no longer eat of it until it is fulfilled in the 1ingdom of (od':

So he "romised and sought o""ortunity to betray 2im to them in the absence of the multitude'

Then 2e too1 the cu"# and gave than1s# and said# :Ta1e this and divide it among yourselves9

Then came the *ay of Anleavened Bread# when the /assover must be 1illed'

for 0 say to you# 0 will not drin1 of the fruit of the vine until the 1ingdom of (od comes':

And 2e sent /eter and John# saying# :(o and "re"are the /assover for us# that we may eat':

So they said to 2im# :Bhere do Cou want us to "re"areE:

And 2e too1 bread# gave than1s and bro1e it# and gave it to them# saying# :This is 4y body which is given for you9 do this in remembrance of 4e':

)i1ewise 2e also too1 the cu" after su""er# saying# :This cu" is the new covenant in 4y blood# which is shed for you'


But behold# the hand of 4y betrayer is with 4e on the table'



And truly the Son of 4an goes as it has been determined# but woe to that man by whom 2e is betrayedH:

But 0 have "rayed for you# that your faith should not fail9 and when you have returned to 4e# strengthen your brethren':

Then they began to Guestion among themselves# which of them it was who would do this thing'

But he said to 2im# :)ord# 0 am ready to go with Cou# both to "rison and to death':

Now there was also a dis"ute among them# as to which of them should be considered the greatest'

Then 2e said# :0 tell you# /eter# the rooster shall not crow this day before you will deny three times that you 1now 4e':

And 2e said to them# :The 1ings of the (entiles e!ercise lordshi" over them# and those who e!ercise authority over them are called :benefactors'D

And 2e said to them# :Bhen 0 sent you without money bag# 1na"sac1# and sandals# did you lac1 anythingE: So they said# :Nothing':

But not so among you9 on the contrary# he who is greatest among you# let him be as the younger# and he who governs as he who serves'

Then 2e said to them# :But now# he who has a money bag# let him ta1e it# and li1ewise a 1na"sac19 and he who has no sword# let him sell his garment and buy one'

For who is greater# he who sits at the table# or he who servesE 0s it not he who sits at the tableE Cet 0 am among you as the 3ne who serves'

For 0 say to you that this which is written must still be accom"lished in 4e7 :And 2e was numbered with the transgressors'D For the things concerning 4e have an end':

:But you are those who continued with 4e in 4y trials'



And 0 bestow u"on you a 1ingdom# $ust as 4y Father bestowed one u"on 4e#

So they said# :)ord# loo1# here are two swords': And 2e said to them# :0t is enough':

that you may eat and drin1 at 4y table in 4y 1ingdom# and sit on thrones $udging the twelve tribes of 0srael':

-oming out# 2e went to the 4ount of 3lives# as 2e was accustomed# and 2is disci"les also followed 2im'

And the )ord said# :Simon# SimonH 0ndeed# Satan has as1ed for you# that he may sift you as wheat'

Bhen 2e came to the "lace# 2e said to them# :/ray that you may not enter into tem"tation':

And 2e was withdrawn from them about a stoneDs throw# and 2e 1nelt down and "rayed#


saying# :Father# if it is Cour will# ta1e this cu" away from 4e9 nevertheless not 4y will# but Cours# be done':


Bhen 0 was with you daily in the tem"le# you did not try to sei.e 4e' But this is your hour# and the "ower of dar1ness':

Then an angel a""eared to 2im from heaven# strengthening 2im'


And being in agony# 2e "rayed more earnestly' Then 2is sweat became li1e great dro"s of blood falling down to the ground'

2aving arrested 2im# they led 2im and brought 2im into the high "riestDs house' But /eter followed at a distance'

Now when they had 1indled a fire in the midst of the courtyard and sat down together# /eter sat among them'

Bhen 2e rose u" from "rayer# and had come to 2is disci"les# 2e found them slee"ing from sorrow'

Then 2e said to them# :Bhy do you slee"E +ise and "ray# lest you enter into tem"tation':

And a certain servant girl# seeing him as he sat by the fire# loo1ed intently at him and said# :This man was also with 2im':

But he denied 2im# saying# :Boman# 0 do not 1now 2im':


And while 2e was still s"ea1ing# behold# a multitude9 and he who was called Judas# one of the twelve# went before them and drew near to Jesus to 1iss 2im'

And after a little while another saw him and said# :Cou also are of them': But /eter said# :4an# 0 am notH:

But Jesus said to him# :Judas# are you betraying the Son of 4an with a 1issE:

Then after about an hour had "assed# another confidently affirmed# saying# :Surely this fellow also was with 2im# for he is a (alilean':

Bhen those around 2im saw what was going to ha""en# they said to 2im# :)ord# shall we stri1e with the swordE:

And one of them struc1 the servant of the high "riest and cut off his right ear'

But /eter said# :4an# 0 do not 1now what you are sayingH: 0mmediately# while he was still s"ea1ing# the rooster crowed'

But Jesus answered and said# :/ermit even this': And 2e touched his ear and healed him'

And the )ord turned and loo1ed at /eter' Then /eter remembered the word of the )ord# how 2e had said to him# :Before the rooster crows# you will deny 4e three times':

Then Jesus said to the chief "riests# ca"tains of the tem"le# and the elders who had come to 2im# :2ave you come out# as against a robber# with swords and clubsE

So /eter went out and we"t bitterly'


Now the men who held Jesus moc1ed 2im and beat 2im'


And having blindfolded 2im# they struc1 2im on the face and as1ed 2im# saying# :/ro"hesyH Bho is the one who struc1 CouE:

So /ilate said to the chief "riests and the crowd# :0 find no fault in this 4an':

And many other things they blas"hemously s"o1e against 2im'


But they were the more fierce# saying# :2e stirs u" the "eo"le# teaching throughout all Judea# beginning from (alilee to this "lace':

As soon as it was day# the elders of the "eo"le# both chief "riests and scribes# came together and led 2im into their council# saying#

Bhen /ilate heard of (alilee# he as1ed if the 4an were a (alilean'


:0f Cou are the -hrist# tell us': But 2e said to them# :0f 0 tell you# you will by no means believe'

And as soon as he 1new that 2e belonged to 2erodDs $urisdiction# he sent 2im to 2erod# who was also in Jerusalem at that time'

And if 0 also as1 you# you will by no means answer 4e or let 4e go'

2ereafter the Son of 4an will sit on the right hand of the "ower of (od':

Now when 2erod saw Jesus# he was e!ceedingly glad9 for he had desired for a long time to see 2im# because he had heard many things about 2im# and he ho"ed to see some miracle done by 2im'

Then they all said# :Are Cou then the Son of (odE: So 2e said to them# :Cou rightly say that 0 am':

Then he Guestioned 2im with many words# but 2e answered him nothing'

And they said# :Bhat further testimony do we needE For we have heard it ourselves from 2is own mouth':

And the chief "riests and scribes stood and vehemently accused 2im'

23Then the whole multitude of them

arose and led 2im to /ilate'

Then 2erod# with his men of war# treated 2im with contem"t and moc1ed 2im# arrayed 2im in a gorgeous robe# and sent 2im bac1 to /ilate'

And they began to accuse 2im# saying# :Be found this fellow "erverting the nation# and forbidding to "ay ta!es to -aesar# saying that 2e 2imself is -hrist# a King':

That very day /ilate and 2erod became friends with each other# for "reviously they had been at enmity with each other'

Then /ilate as1ed 2im# saying# :Are Cou the King of the JewsE: 2e answered him and said# :0t is as you say':

Then /ilate# when he had called together the chief "riests# the rulers# and the "eo"le#

said to them# :Cou have brought this 4an to me# as one who misleads the "eo"le' And indeed# having e!amined 2im in your "resence# 0 have found no

fault in this 4an concerning those things of which you accuse 2im9


no# neither did 2erod# for 0 sent you bac1 to him9 and indeed nothing deserving of death has been done by 2im'

Now as they led 2im away# they laid hold of a certain man# Simon a -yrenian# who was coming from the country# and on him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus'

0 will therefore chastise 2im and release 2im:


And a great multitude of the "eo"le followed 2im# and women who also mourned and lamented 2im'

Ifor it was necessary for him to release one to them at the feastJ'

But Jesus# turning to them# said# :*aughters of Jerusalem# do not wee" for 4e# but wee" for yourselves and for your children'

And they all cried out at once# saying# :Away with this 4an# and release to us Barabbas:FF

who had been thrown into "rison for a certain rebellion made in the city# and for murder'

For indeed the days are coming in which they will say# :Blessed are the barren# wombs that never bore# and breasts which never nursedHD

/ilate# therefore# wishing to release Jesus# again called out to them'


Then they will begin :to say to the mountains# :Fall on usH: and to the hills# :-over usH:D

But they shouted# saying# :-rucify 2im# crucify 2imH:


For if they do these things in the green wood# what will be done in the dryE:

Then he said to them the third time# :Bhy# what evil has 2e doneE 0 have found no reason for death in 2im' 0 will therefore chastise 2im and let 2im go':

There were also two others# criminals# led with 2im to be "ut to death'

But they were insistent# demanding with loud voices that 2e be crucified' And the voices of these men and of the chief "riests "revailed'

And when they had come to the "lace called -alvary# there they crucified 2im# and the criminals# one on the right hand and the other on the left'

So /ilate gave sentence that it should be as they reGuested'


Then Jesus said# :Father# forgive them# for they do not 1now what they do': And they divided 2is garments and cast lots'

And he released to them the one they reGuested# who for rebellion and murder had been thrown into "rison9 but he delivered Jesus to their will'

And the "eo"le stood loo1ing on' But even the rulers with them sneered# saying# :2e saved others9 let 2im save 2imself if 2e is the -hrist# the chosen of (od':


The soldiers also moc1ed 2im# coming and offering 2im sour wine#


So when the centurion saw what had ha""ened# he glorified (od# saying# :-ertainly this was a righteous 4anH:

and saying# :0f Cou are the King of the Jews# save Courself':

And an inscri"tion also was written over 2im in letters of (ree1# )atin# and 2ebrew7 T20S 0S T2 K0N( 3F T2 J BS'

And the whole crowd who came together to that sight# seeing what had been done# beat their breasts and returned'

Then one of the criminals who were hanged blas"hemed 2im# saying# :0f Cou are the -hrist# save Courself and us':

But all 2is acGuaintances# and the women who followed 2im from (alilee# stood at a distance# watching these things'

But the other# answering# rebu1ed him# saying# :*o you not even fear (od# seeing you are under the same condemnationE

Now behold# there was a man named Jose"h# a council member# a good and $ust man'

And we indeed $ustly# for we receive the due reward of our deeds9 but this 4an has done nothing wrong':

2e had not consented to their decision and deed' 2e was from Arimathea# a city of the Jews# who himself was also waiting for the 1ingdom of (od'

This man went to /ilate and as1ed for the body of Jesus'

Then he said to Jesus# :)ord# remember me when Cou come into Cour 1ingdom':

And Jesus said to him# :Assuredly# 0 say to you# today you will be with 4e in /aradise':

Then he too1 it down# wra""ed it in linen# and laid it in a tomb that was hewn out of the roc1# where no one had ever lain before'

That day was the /re"aration# and the Sabbath drew near'

Now it was about the si!th hour# and there was dar1ness over all the earth until the ninth hour'

Then the sun was dar1ened# and the veil of the tem"le was torn in two'

And the women who had come with 2im from (alilee followed after# and they observed the tomb and how 2is body was laid'

And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice# 2e said# :Father# :into Cour hands 0 commit 4y s"irit':D 2aving said this# 2e breathed 2is last'

Then they returned and "re"ared s"ices and fragrant oils' And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment'

24Now on the first day of the wee1#

very early in the morning# they# and

certain other women with them# came to the tomb bringing the s"ices which they had "re"ared'


Now behold# two of them were traveling that same day to a village called mmaus# which was seven miles from Jerusalem'

But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb'

And they tal1ed together of all these things which had ha""ened'

Then they went in and did not find the body of the )ord Jesus'

And it ha""ened# as they were greatly "er"le!ed about this# that behold# two men stood by them in shining garments'

So it was# while they conversed and reasoned# that Jesus 2imself drew near and went with them'

But their eyes were restrained# so that they did not 1now 2im'

Then# as they were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth# they said to them# :Bhy do you see1 the living among the deadE

And 2e said to them# :Bhat 1ind of conversation is this that you have with one another as you wal1 and are sadE:

2e is not here# but is risenH +emember how 2e s"o1e to you when 2e was still in (alilee#

saying# :The Son of 4an must be delivered into the hands of sinful men# and be crucified# and the third day rise again':D

Then the one whose name was -leo"as answered and said to 2im# :Are Cou the only stranger in Jerusalem# and have Cou not 1nown the things which ha""ened there in these daysE:

And they remembered 2is words'

And 2e said to them# :Bhat thingsE: So they said to 2im# :The things concerning Jesus of Na.areth# who was a /ro"het mighty in deed and word before (od and all the "eo"le#

Then they returned from the tomb and told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest'

and how the chief "riests and our rulers delivered 2im to be condemned to death# and crucified 2im'

0t was 4ary 4agdalene# Joanna# 4ary the mother of James# and the other women with them# who told these things to the a"ostles'

But we were ho"ing that it was 2e who was going to redeem 0srael' 0ndeed# besides all this# today is the third day since these things ha""ened'

And their words seemed to them li1e idle tales# and they did not believe them'

But /eter arose and ran to the tomb9 and stoo"ing down# he saw the linen cloths lying by themselves9 and he de"arted# marveling to himself at what had ha""ened'

Ces# and certain women of our com"any# who arrived at the tomb early# astonished us'

Bhen they did not find 2is body# they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels who said 2e was alive'


And certain of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it $ust as the women had said9 but 2im they did not see':


saying# :The )ord is risen indeed# and has a""eared to SimonH:


Then 2e said to them# :3 foolish ones# and slow of heart to believe in all that the "ro"hets have s"o1enH

And they told about the things that had ha""ened on the road# and how 2e was 1nown to them in the brea1ing of bread'

3ught not the -hrist to have suffered these things and to enter into 2is gloryE:

Now as they said these things# Jesus 2imself stood in the midst of them# and said to them# :/eace to you':

And beginning at 4oses and all the /ro"hets# 2e e!"ounded to them in all the Scri"tures the things concerning 2imself'

But they were terrified and frightened# and su""osed they had seen a s"irit'

And 2e said to them# :Bhy are you troubledE And why do doubts arise in your heartsE

Then they drew near to the village where they were going# and 2e indicated that 2e would have gone farther'

Behold 4y hands and 4y feet# that it is 0 4yself' 2andle 4e and see# for a s"irit does not have flesh and bones as you see 0 have':

But they constrained 2im# saying# :Abide with us# for it is toward evening# and the day is far s"ent': And 2e went in to stay with them'

Bhen 2e had said this# 2e showed them 2is hands and 2is feet'

Now it came to "ass# as 2e sat at the table with them# that 2e too1 bread# blessed and bro1e it# and gave it to them'

But while they still did not believe for $oy# and marveled# 2e said to them# :2ave you any food hereE:

Then their eyes were o"ened and they 1new 2im9 and 2e vanished from their sight'

So they gave 2im a "iece of a broiled fish and some honeycomb'


And 2e too1 it and ate in their "resence'


And they said to one another# :*id not our heart burn within us while 2e tal1ed with us on the road# and while 2e o"ened the Scri"tures to usE:

So they rose u" that very hour and returned to Jerusalem# and found the eleven and those who were with them gathered together#

Then 2e said to them# :These are the words which 0 s"o1e to you while 0 was still with you# that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the )aw of 4oses and the /ro"hets and the /salms concerning 4e':

And 2e o"ened their understanding# that they might com"rehend the Scri"tures'


Then 2e said to them# :Thus it is written# and thus it was necessary for the -hrist to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day#


And 2e led them out as far as Bethany# and 2e lifted u" 2is hands and blessed them'

and that re"entance and remission of sins should be "reached in 2is name to all nations# beginning at Jerusalem'

Now it came to "ass# while 2e blessed them# that 2e was "arted from them and carried u" into heaven'

And you are witnesses of these things'

And they worshi"ed 2im# and returned to Jerusalem with great $oy#


Behold# 0 send the /romise of 4y Father u"on you9 but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with "ower from on high':

and were continually in the tem"le "raising and blessing (od' Amen'

John 10n the beginning was the Bord# and

the Bord was with (od# and the Bord was (od'
, %6

who were born# not of blood# nor of the will of the flesh# nor of the will of man# but of (od'

2e was in the beginning with (od'

All things were made through 2im# and without 2im nothing was made that was made'

And the Bord became flesh and dwelt among us# and we beheld 2is glory# the glory as of the only begotten of the Father# full of grace and truth'

0n 2im was life# and the life was the light of men'

John bore witness of 2im and cried out# saying# :This was 2e of whom 0 said# :2e who comes after me is "referred before me# for 2e was before me':D

And the light shines in the dar1ness# and the dar1ness did not com"rehend it'

And of 2is fullness we have all received# and grace for grace'

There was a man sent from (od# whose name was John'

This man came for a witness# to bear witness of the )ight# that all through him might believe'

For the law was given through 4oses# but grace and truth came through Jesus -hrist'

2e was not that )ight# but was sent to bear witness of that )ight'

No one has seen (od at any time' The only begotten Son# who is in the bosom of the Father# 2e has declared 2im'

That was the true )ight which gives light to every man coming into the world'

Now this is the testimony of John# when the Jews sent "riests and )evites from Jerusalem to as1 him# :Bho are youE:

2e was in the world# and the world was made through 2im# and the world did not 1now 2im'

2e confessed# and did not deny# but confessed# :0 am not the -hrist':

2e came to 2is own# and 2is own did not receive 2im'

And they as1ed him# :Bhat thenE Are you li$ahE: 2e said# :0 am not': :Are you the /ro"hetE: And he answered# :No':

But as many as received 2im# to them 2e gave the right to become children of (od# to those who believe in 2is name7

Then they said to him# :Bho are you# that we may give an answer to those who sent usE Bhat do you say about yourselfE:


2e said7 :0 am :The voice of one crying in the wilderness7 :4a1e straight the way of the )3+*#:D as the "ro"het 0saiah said':


And 0 have seen and testified that this is the Son of (od':

Again# the ne!t day# John stood with two of his disci"les'

Now those who were sent were from the /harisees'


And loo1ing at Jesus as 2e wal1ed# he said# :Behold the )amb of (odH:


And they as1ed him# saying# :Bhy then do you ba"ti.e if you are not the -hrist# nor li$ah# nor the /ro"hetE:

The two disci"les heard him s"ea1# and they followed Jesus'

John answered them# saying# :0 ba"ti.e with water# but there stands 3ne among you whom you do not 1now'

0t is 2e who# coming after me# is "referred before me# whose sandal stra" 0 am not worthy to loose':

Then Jesus turned# and seeing them following# said to them# :Bhat do you see1E: They said to 2im# :+abbi: Iwhich is to say# when translated# TeacherJ# :where are Cou stayingE:

These things were done in Bethabara beyond the Jordan# where John was ba"'

2e said to them# :-ome and see': They came and saw where 2e was staying# and remained with 2im that day Inow it was about the tenth hourJ'

The ne!t day John saw Jesus coming toward him# and said# :BeholdH The )amb of (od who ta1es away the sin of the worldH

3ne of the two who heard John s"ea1# and followed 2im# was Andrew# Simon /eterDs brother'

This is 2e of whom 0 said# :After me comes a 4an who is "referred before me# for 2e was before me'D

2e first found his own brother Simon# and said to him# :Be have found the 4essiah: Iwhich is translated# the -hristJ'

0 did not 1now 2im9 but that 2e should be revealed to 0srael# therefore 0 came ba" with water':

And he brought him to Jesus' Now when Jesus loo1ed at him# 2e said# :Cou are Simon the son of Jonah' Cou shall be called -e"has: Iwhich is translated# A StoneJ'

And John bore witness# saying# :0 saw the S"irit descending from heaven li1e a dove# and 2e remained u"on 2im'

The following day Jesus wanted to go to (alilee# and 2e found /hili" and said to him# :Follow 4e':

0 did not 1now 2im# but 2e who sent me to ba"ti.e with water said to me# :A"on whom you see the S"irit descending# and remaining on 2im# this is 2e who ba" with the 2oly S"irit'D

Now /hili" was from Bethsaida# the city of Andrew and /eter'

/hili" found Nathanael and said to him# :Be have found 2im of whom

4oses in the law# and also the "ro"hets# wroteFFJesus of Na.areth# the son of Jose"h':


2is mother said to the servants# :Bhatever 2e says to you# do it':


And Nathanael said to him# :-an anything good come out of Na.arethE: /hili" said to him# :-ome and see':

Now there were set there si! water"ots of stone# according to the manner of "urification of the Jews# containing twenty or thirty gallons a"iece'

Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward 2im# and said of him# :Behold# an 0sraelite indeed# in whom is no deceitH:

Jesus said to them# :Fill the water"ots with water': And they filled them u" to the brim'

Nathanael said to 2im# :2ow do Cou 1now meE: Jesus answered and said to him# :Before /hili" called you# when you were under the fig tree# 0 saw you':

And 2e said to them# :*raw some out now# and ta1e it to the master of the feast': And they too1 it'

Nathanael answered and said to 2im# :+abbi# Cou are the Son of (odH Cou are the King of 0sraelH:

Jesus answered and said to him# :Because 0 said to you# :0 saw you under the fig tree#D do you believeE Cou will see greater things than these':

Bhen the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine# and did not 1now where it came from Ibut the servants who had drawn the water 1newJ# the master of the feast called the bridegroom'

And 2e said to him# :4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# hereafter you shall see heaven o"en# and the angels of (od ascending and descending u"on the Son of 4an':

And he said to him# : very man at the beginning sets out the good wine# and when the guests have well drun1# then the inferior' Cou have 1e"t the good wine until nowH:

This beginning of signs Jesus did in -ana of (alilee# and manifested 2is glory9 and 2is disci"les believed in 2im'

23n the third day there was a wedding

in -ana of (alilee# and the mother of Jesus was there'

After this 2e went down to -a"ernaum# 2e# 2is mother# 2is brothers# and 2is disci"les9 and they did not stay there many days'

Now both Jesus and 2is disci"les were invited to the wedding'

Now the /assover of the Jews was at hand# and Jesus went u" to Jerusalem'

And when they ran out of wine# the mother of Jesus said to 2im# :They have no wine':

And 2e found in the tem"le those who sold o!en and shee" and doves# and the money changers doing business'

Jesus said to her# :Boman# what does your concern have to do with 4eE 4y hour has not yet come':

Bhen 2e had made a whi" of cords# 2e drove them all out of the tem"le# with

the shee" and the o!en# and "oured out the changersD money and overturned the tables'

3There was a man of the /harisees

named Nicodemus# a ruler of the Jews'

And 2e said to those who sold doves# :Ta1e these things awayH *o not ma1e 4y FatherDs house a house of merchandiseH:

Then 2is disci"les remembered that it was written# :5eal for Cour house has eaten 4e u"':

This man came to Jesus by night and said to 2im# :+abbi# we 1now that Cou are a teacher come from (od9 for no one can do these signs that Cou do unless (od is with him':

So the Jews answered and said to 2im# :Bhat sign do Cou show to us# since Cou do these thingsE:

Jesus answered and said to him# :4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# unless one is born again# he cannot see the 1ingdom of (od':

Jesus answered and said to them# :*estroy this tem"le# and in three days 0 will raise it u"':

Nicodemus said to 2im# :2ow can a man be born when he is oldE -an he enter a second time into his motherDs womb and be bornE:

Then the Jews said# :0t has ta1en fortyF si! years to build this tem"le# and will Cou raise it u" in three daysE:

Jesus answered# :4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# unless one is born of water and the S"irit# he cannot enter the 1ingdom of (od'

But 2e was s"ea1ing of the tem"le of 2is body'


That which is born of the flesh is flesh# and that which is born of the S"irit is s"irit'

Therefore# when 2e had risen from the dead# 2is disci"les remembered that 2e had said this to them9 and they believed the Scri"ture and the word which Jesus had said'

*o not marvel that 0 said to you# :Cou must be born again'D


Now when 2e was in Jerusalem at the /assover# during the feast# many believed in 2is name when they saw the signs which 2e did'

The wind blows where it wishes# and you hear the sound of it# but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes' So is everyone who is born of the S"irit':

But Jesus did not commit 2imself to them# because 2e 1new all men#

Nicodemus answered and said to 2im# :2ow can these things beE:

and had no need that anyone should testify of man# for 2e 1new what was in man'

Jesus answered and said to him# :Are you the teacher of 0srael# and do not 1now these thingsE

4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# Be s"ea1 what Be 1now and testify what

Be have seen# and you do not receive 3ur witness'



0f 0 have told you earthly things and you do not believe# how will you believe if 0 tell you heavenly thingsE

After these things Jesus and 2is disci"les came into the land of Judea# and there 2e remained with them and ba"ti.ed'

No one has ascended to heaven but 2e who came down from heaven# that is# the Son of 4an who is in heaven'

Now John also was ba" in Aenon near Salim# because there was much water there' And they came and were ba"ti.ed'

And as 4oses lifted u" the ser"ent in the wilderness# even so must the Son of 4an be lifted u"#

For John had not yet been thrown into "rison'


that whoever believes in 2im should not "erish but have eternal life'

Then there arose a dis"ute between some of JohnDs disci"les and the Jews about "urification'

For (od so loved the world that 2e gave 2is only begotten Son# that whoever believes in 2im should not "erish but have everlasting life'

And they came to John and said to him# :+abbi# 2e who was with you beyond the Jordan# to whom you have testifiedFFbehold# 2e is ba" and all are coming to 2imH:

For (od did not send 2is Son into the world to condemn the world# but that the world through 2im might be saved'

John answered and said# :A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven'

:2e who believes in 2im is not condemned9 but he who does not believe is condemned already# because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of (od'

Cou yourselves bear me witness# that 0 said# :0 am not the -hrist#D but# :0 have been sent before 2im'D

And this is the condemnation# that the light has come into the world# and men loved dar1ness rather than light# because their deeds were evil'

2e who has the bride is the bridegroom9 but the friend of the bridegroom# who stands and hears him# re$oices greatly because of the bridegroomDs voice' Therefore this $oy of mine is fulfilled'

For everyone "racticing evil hates the light and does not come to the light# lest his deeds should be e!"osed'

2e must decrease'




But he who does the truth comes to the light# that his deeds may be clearly seen# that they have been done in (od':

2e who comes from above is above all9 he who is of the earth is earthly and s"ea1s of the earth' 2e who comes from heaven is above all'


And what 2e has seen and heard# that 2e testifies9 and no one receives 2is testimony'


For 2is disci"les had gone away into the city to buy food'

2e who has received 2is testimony has certified that (od is true'

For 2e whom (od has sent s"ea1s the words of (od# for (od does not give the S"irit by measure'

Then the woman of Samaria said to 2im# :2ow is it that Cou# being a Jew# as1 a drin1 from me# a Samaritan womanE: For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans'

The Father loves the Son# and has given all things into 2is hand'

Jesus answered and said to her# :0f you 1new the gift of (od# and who it is who says to you# :(ive 4e a drin1#D you would have as1ed 2im# and 2e would have given you living water':

2e who believes in the Son has everlasting life9 and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life# but the wrath of (od abides on him':

The woman said to 2im# :Sir# Cou have nothing to draw with# and the well is dee"' Bhere then do Cou get that living waterE

4Therefore# when the )ord 1new that

the /harisees had heard that Jesus made and ba"ti.ed more disci"les than John

Are Cou greater than our father Jacob# who gave us the well# and dran1 from it himself# as well as his sons and his livestoc1E:

Ithough Jesus 2imself did not ba"ti.e# but 2is disci"lesJ#


Jesus answered and said to her# :Bhoever drin1s of this water will thirst again#

2e left Judea and de"arted again to (alilee'


But 2e needed to go through Samaria'

but whoever drin1s of the water that 0 shall give him will never thirst' But the water that 0 shall give him will become in him a fountain of water s"ringing u" into everlasting life':


So 2e came to a city of Samaria which is called Sychar# near the "lot of ground that Jacob gave to his son Jose"h'

The woman said to 2im# :Sir# give me this water# that 0 may not thirst# nor come here to draw':

Now JacobDs well was there' Jesus therefore# being wearied from 2is $ourney# sat thus by the well' 0t was about the si!th hour'

Jesus said to her# :(o# call your husband# and come here':

A woman of Samaria came to draw water' Jesus said to her# :(ive 4e a drin1':

The woman answered and said# :0 have no husband': Jesus said to her# :Cou have well said# :0 have no husband#D


for you have had five husbands# and the one whom you now have is not your husband9 in that you s"o1e truly':


:-ome# see a 4an who told me all things that 0 ever did' -ould this be the -hristE:

The woman said to 2im# :Sir# 0 "erceive that Cou are a "ro"het'

Then they went out of the city and came to 2im'


3ur fathers worshi"ed on this mountain# and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the "lace where one ought to worshi"':

0n the meantime 2is disci"les urged 2im# saying# :+abbi# eat':


But 2e said to them# :0 have food to eat of which you do not 1now':

Jesus said to her# :Boman# believe 4e# the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain# nor in Jerusalem# worshi" the Father'

Therefore the disci"les said to one another# :2as anyone brought 2im anything to eatE:

Cou worshi" what you do not 1now9 we 1now what we worshi"# for salvation is of the Jews'

Jesus said to them# :4y food is to do the will of 2im who sent 4e# and to finish 2is wor1'

But the hour is coming# and now is# when the true worshi"ers will worshi" the Father in s"irit and truth9 for the Father is see1ing such to worshi" 2im'

*o you not say# :There are still four months and then comes the harvestDE Behold# 0 say to you# lift u" your eyes and loo1 at the fields# for they are already white for harvestH

(od is S"irit# and those who worshi" 2im must worshi" in s"irit and truth':

The woman said to 2im# :0 1now that 4essiah is coming: Iwho is called -hristJ' :Bhen 2e comes# 2e will tell us all things':

And he who rea"s receives wages# and gathers fruit for eternal life# that both he who sows and he who rea"s may re$oice together'

For in this the saying is true7 :3ne sows and another rea"s'D

Jesus said to her# :0 who s"ea1 to you am 2e':


And at this "oint 2is disci"les came# and they marveled that 2e tal1ed with a woman9 yet no one said# :Bhat do Cou see1E: or# :Bhy are Cou tal1ing with herE:

0 sent you to rea" that for which you have not labored9 others have labored# and you have entered into their labors':

And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in 2im because of the word of the woman who testified# :2e told me all that 0 ever did':

The woman then left her water"ot# went her way into the city# and said to the men#

So when the Samaritans had come to 2im# they urged 2im to stay with them9 and 2e stayed there two days'


And many more believed because of 2is own word'



And as he was now going down# his servants met him and told him# saying# :Cour son livesH:

Then they said to the woman# :Now we believe# not because of what you said# for we ourselves have heard 2im and we 1now that this is indeed the -hrist# the Savior of the world':

Then he inGuired of them the hour when he got better' And they said to him# :Cesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him':

Now after the two days 2e de"arted from there and went to (alilee'

For Jesus 2imself testified that a "ro"het has no honor in his own country'

So the father 1new that it was at the same hour in which Jesus said to him# :Cour son lives': And he himself believed# and his whole household'

So when 2e came to (alilee# the (alileans received 2im# having seen all the things 2e did in Jerusalem at the feast9 for they also had gone to the feast'

This again is the second sign Jesus did when 2e had come out of Judea into (alilee'

5After this there was a feast of the

Jews# and Jesus went u" to Jerusalem'

So Jesus came again to -ana of (alilee where 2e had made the water wine' And there was a certain nobleman whose son was sic1 at -a"ernaum'

Now there is in Jerusalem by the Shee" (ate a "ool# which is called in 2ebrew# Bethesda# having five "orches'

Bhen he heard that Jesus had come out of Judea into (alilee# he went to 2im and im"lored 2im to come down and heal his son# for he was at the "oint of death'

0n these lay a great multitude of sic1 "eo"le# blind# lame# "araly.ed# waiting for the moving of the water'

Then Jesus said to him# :Anless you "eo"le see signs and wonders# you will by no means believe':

For an angel went down at a certain time into the "ool and stirred u" the water9 then whoever ste""ed in first# after the stirring of the water# was made well of whatever disease he had'

The nobleman said to 2im# :Sir# come down before my child diesH:

Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity thirtyFeight years'

Jesus said to him# :(o your way9 your son lives': So the man believed the word that Jesus s"o1e to him# and he went his way'

Bhen Jesus saw him lying there# and 1new that he already had been in that condition a long time# 2e said to him# :*o you want to be made wellE:

The sic1 man answered 2im# :Sir# 0 have no man to "ut me into the "ool when the water is stirred u"9 but while 0

am coming# another ste"s down before me':


the Sabbath# but also said that (od was 2is Father# ma1ing 2imself eGual with (od'

Jesus said to him# :+ise# ta1e u" your bed and wal1':

And immediately the man was made well# too1 u" his bed# and wal1ed' And that day was the Sabbath'

Then Jesus answered and said to them# :4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# the Son can do nothing of 2imself# but what 2e sees the Father do9 for whatever 2e does# the Son also does in li1e manner'

The Jews therefore said to him who was cured# :0t is the Sabbath9 it is not lawful for you to carry your bed':

For the Father loves the Son# and shows 2im all things that 2e 2imself does9 and 2e will show 2im greater wor1s than these# that you may marvel'

2e answered them# :2e who made me well said to me# :Ta1e u" your bed and wal1':D

For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them# even so the Son gives life to whom 2e will'

Then they as1ed him# :Bho is the 4an who said to you# :Ta1e u" your bed and wal1DE:

For the Father $udges no one# but has committed all $udgment to the Son#

But the one who was healed did not 1now who it was# for Jesus had withdrawn# a multitude being in that "lace'

that all should honor the Son $ust as they honor the Father' 2e who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent 2im'

Afterward Jesus found him in the tem"le# and said to him# :See# you have been made well' Sin no more# lest a worse thing come u"on you':

:4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# he who hears 4y word and believes in 2im who sent 4e has everlasting life# and shall not come into $udgment# but has "assed from death into life'

The man de"arted and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well'

For this reason the Jews "ersecuted Jesus# and sought to 1ill 2im# because 2e had done these things on the Sabbath'

4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# the hour is coming# and now is# when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of (od9 and those who hear will live'

For as the Father has life in 2imself# so 2e has granted the Son to have life in 2imself#

But Jesus answered them# :4y Father has been wor1ing until now# and 0 have been wor1ing':

and has given 2im authority to e!ecute $udgment also# because 2e is the Son of 4an'

Therefore the Jews sought all the more to 1ill 2im# because 2e not only bro1e


*o not marvel at this9 for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear 2is voice


Cou search the Scri"tures# for in them you thin1 you have eternal life9 and these are they which testify of 4e'

and come forthFFthose who have done good# to the resurrection of life# and those who have done evil# to the resurrection of condemnation'

But you are not willing to come to 4e that you may have life'

:0 do not receive honor from men'

0 can of 4yself do nothing' As 0 hear# 0 $udge9 and 4y $udgment is righteous# because 0 do not see1 4y own will but the will of the Father who sent 4e'


But 0 1now you# that you do not have the love of (od in you'

:0f 0 bear witness of 4yself# 4y witness is not true'


0 have come in 4y FatherDs name# and you do not receive 4e9 if another comes in his own name# him you will receive'

There is another who bears witness of 4e# and 0 1now that the witness which 2e witnesses of 4e is true'

2ow can you believe# who receive honor from one another# and do not see1 the honor that comes from the only (odE

Cou have sent to John# and he has borne witness to the truth'

*o not thin1 that 0 shall accuse you to the Father9 there is one who accuses youFF4oses# in whom you trust'

Cet 0 do not receive testimony from man# but 0 say these things that you may be saved'

For if you believed 4oses# you would believe 4e9 for he wrote about 4e'

2e was the burning and shining lam"# and you were willing for a time to re$oice in his light'

But if you do not believe his writings# how will you believe 4y wordsE:

But 0 have a greater witness than JohnDs9 for the wor1s which the Father has given 4e to finishFFthe very wor1s that 0 doFFbear witness of 4e# that the Father has sent 4e'

6After these things Jesus went over

the Sea of (alilee# which is the Sea of Tiberias'

And the Father 2imself# who sent 4e# has testified of 4e' Cou have neither heard 2is voice at any time# nor seen 2is form'

Then a great multitude followed 2im# because they saw 2is signs which 2e "erformed on those who were diseased'

And Jesus went u" on the mountain# and there 2e sat with 2is disci"les'

But you do not have 2is word abiding in you# because whom 2e sent# 2im you do not believe'

Now the /assover# a feast of the Jews# was near'


Then Jesus lifted u" 2is eyes# and seeing a great multitude coming toward 2im# 2e said to /hili"# :Bhere shall we buy bread# that these may eatE:


Therefore when Jesus "erceived that they were about to come and ta1e 2im by force to ma1e 2im 1ing# 2e de"arted again to the mountain by 2imself alone'

But this 2e said to test him# for 2e 2imself 1new what 2e would do'

Now when evening came# 2is disci"les went down to the sea#

/hili" answered 2im# :Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them# that every one of them may have a little':

got into the boat# and went over the sea toward -a"ernaum' And it was already dar1# and Jesus had not come to them'

3ne of 2is disci"les# Andrew# Simon /eterDs brother# said to 2im#


Then the sea arose because a great wind was blowing'


:There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish# but what are they among so manyE:

So when they had rowed about three or four miles# they saw Jesus wal1ing on the sea and drawing near the boat9 and they were afraid'

Then Jesus said# :4a1e the "eo"le sit down': Now there was much grass in the "lace' So the men sat down# in number about five thousand'

But 2e said to them# :0t is 09 do not be afraid':


And Jesus too1 the loaves# and when 2e had given than1s 2e distributed them to the disci"les# and the disci"les to those sitting down9 and li1ewise of the fish# as much as they wanted'

Then they willingly received 2im into the boat# and immediately the boat was at the land where they were going'

So when they were filled# 2e said to 2is disci"les# :(ather u" the fragments that remain# so that nothing is lost':

Therefore they gathered them u"# and filled twelve bas1ets with the fragments of the five barley loaves which were left over by those who had eaten'

3n the following day# when the "eo"le who were standing on the other side of the sea saw that there was no other boat there# e!ce"t that one which 2is disci"les had entered# and that Jesus had not entered the boat with 2is disci"les# but 2is disci"les had gone away aloneFF

however# other boats came from Tiberias# near the "lace where they ate bread after the )ord had given than1sFF

Then those men# when they had seen the sign that Jesus did# said# :This is truly the /ro"het who is to come into the world':

when the "eo"le therefore saw that Jesus was not there# nor 2is disci"les# they also got into boats and came to -a"ernaum# see1ing Jesus'


And when they found 2im on the other side of the sea# they said to 2im# :+abbi# when did Cou come hereE:


And Jesus said to them# :0 am the bread of life' 2e who comes to 4e shall never hunger# and he who believes in 4e shall never thirst'

Jesus answered them and said# :4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# you see1 4e# not because you saw the signs# but because you ate of the loaves and were filled'

But 0 said to you that you have seen 4e and yet do not believe'

*o not labor for the food which "erishes# but for the food which endures to everlasting life# which the Son of 4an will give you# because (od the Father has set 2is seal on 2im':

All that the Father gives 4e will come to 4e# and the one who comes to 4e 0 will by no means cast out'

For 0 have come down from heaven# not to do 4y own will# but the will of 2im who sent 4e'

Then they said to 2im# :Bhat shall we do# that we may wor1 the wor1s of (odE:

This is the will of the Father who sent 4e# that of all 2e has given 4e 0 should lose nothing# but should raise it u" at the last day'

Jesus answered and said to them# :This is the wor1 of (od# that you believe in 2im whom 2e sent':

Therefore they said to 2im# :Bhat sign will Cou "erform then# that we may see it and believe CouE Bhat wor1 will Cou doE

And this is the will of 2im who sent 4e# that everyone who sees the Son and believes in 2im may have everlasting life9 and 0 will raise him u" at the last day':

3ur fathers ate the manna in the desert9 as it is written# :2e gave them bread from heaven to eat':D

The Jews then com"lained about 2im# because 2e said# :0 am the bread which came down from heaven':

Then Jesus said to them# :4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# 4oses did not give you the bread from heaven# but 4y Father gives you the true bread from heaven'

And they said# :0s not this Jesus# the son of Jose"h# whose father and mother we 1nowE 2ow is it then that 2e says# :0 have come down from heavenDE:

Jesus therefore answered and said to them# :*o not murmur among yourselves'

For the bread of (od is 2e who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world':

No one can come to 4e unless the Father who sent 4e draws him9 and 0 will raise him u" at the last day'

Then they said to 2im# :)ord# give us this bread always':

0t is written in the "ro"hets# :And they shall all be taught by (od'D Therefore

everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to 4e'


Not that anyone has seen the Father# e!ce"t 2e who is from (od9 2e has seen the Father'

This is the bread which came down from heavenFFnot as your fathers ate the manna# and are dead' 2e who eats this bread will live forever':

These things 2e said in the synagogue as 2e taught in -a"ernaum'


4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# he who believes in 4e has everlasting life'


0 am the bread of life'

Therefore many of 2is disci"les# when they heard this# said# :This is a hard saying9 who can understand itE:


Cour fathers ate the manna in the wilderness# and are dead'

Bhen Jesus 1new in 2imself that 2is disci"les com"lained about this# 2e said to them# :*oes this offend youE

This is the bread which comes down from heaven# that one may eat of it and not die'

Bhat then if you should see the Son of 4an ascend where 2e was beforeE

0 am the living bread which came down from heaven' 0f anyone eats of this bread# he will live forever9 and the bread that 0 shall give is 4y flesh# which 0 shall give for the life of the world':

0t is the S"irit who gives life9 the flesh "rofits nothing' The words that 0 s"ea1 to you are s"irit# and they are life'

The Jews therefore Guarreled among themselves# saying# :2ow can this 4an give us 2is flesh to eatE:

But there are some of you who do not believe': For Jesus 1new from the beginning who they were who did not believe# and who would betray 2im'

Then Jesus said to them# :4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# unless you eat the flesh of the Son of 4an and drin1 2is blood# you have no life in you'

And 2e said# :Therefore 0 have said to you that no one can come to 4e unless it has been granted to him by 4y Father':

Bhoever eats 4y flesh and drin1s 4y blood has eternal life# and 0 will raise him u" at the last day'

From that time many of 2is disci"les went bac1 and wal1ed with 2im no more'

For 4y flesh is food indeed# and 4y blood is drin1 indeed'


Then Jesus said to the twelve# :*o you also want to go awayE:

2e who eats 4y flesh and drin1s 4y blood abides in 4e# and 0 in him'

But Simon /eter answered 2im# :)ord# to whom shall we goE Cou have the words of eternal life'

As the living Father sent 4e# and 0 live because of the Father# so he who feeds on 4e will live because of 4e'

Also we have come to believe and 1now that Cou are the -hrist# the Son of the living (od':


Jesus answered them# :*id 0 not choose you# the twelve# and one of you is a devilE:


But when 2is brothers had gone u"# then 2e also went u" to the feast# not o"enly# but as it were in secret'

2e s"o1e of Judas 0scariot# the son of Simon# for it was he who would betray 2im# being one of the twelve'

Then the Jews sought 2im at the feast# and said# :Bhere is 2eE:

7After these things Jesus wal1ed in

(alilee9 for 2e did not want to wal1 in Judea# because the Jews sought to 1ill 2im'

And there was much com"laining among the "eo"le concerning 2im' Some said# :2e is good:9 others said# :No# on the contrary# 2e deceives the "eo"le':

Now the JewsD Feast of Tabernacles was at hand'


2owever# no one s"o1e o"enly of 2im for fear of the Jews'


2is brothers therefore said to 2im# :*e"art from here and go into Judea# that Cour disci"les also may see the wor1s that Cou are doing'

Now about the middle of the feast Jesus went u" into the tem"le and taught'

For no one does anything in secret while he himself see1s to be 1nown o"enly' 0f Cou do these things# show Courself to the world':

And the Jews marveled# saying# :2ow does this 4an 1now letters# having never studiedE:

Jesus answered them and said# :4y doctrine is not 4ine# but 2is who sent 4e'

For even 2is brothers did not believe in 2im'


Then Jesus said to them# :4y time has not yet come# but your time is always ready'

0f anyone wills to do 2is will# he shall 1now concerning the doctrine# whether it is from (od or whether 0 s"ea1 on 4y own authority'

The world cannot hate you# but it hates 4e because 0 testify of it that its wor1s are evil'

2e who s"ea1s from himself see1s his own glory9 but 2e who see1s the glory of the 3ne who sent 2im is true# and no unrighteousness is in 2im'

Cou go u" to this feast' 0 am not yet going u" to this feast# for 4y time has not yet fully come':

*id not 4oses give you the law# yet none of you 1ee"s the lawE Bhy do you see1 to 1ill 4eE:

Bhen 2e had said these things to them# 2e remained in (alilee'

The "eo"le answered and said# :Cou have a demon' Bho is see1ing to 1ill CouE:


Jesus answered and said to them# :0 did one wor1# and you all marvel'


4oses therefore gave you circumcision Inot that it is from 4oses# but from the fathersJ# and you circumcise a man on the Sabbath'

The /harisees heard the crowd murmuring these things concerning 2im# and the /harisees and the chief "riests sent officers to ta1e 2im'

Then Jesus said to them# :0 shall be with you a little while longer# and then 0 go to 2im who sent 4e'

0f a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath# so that the law of 4oses should not be bro1en# are you angry with 4e because 0 made a man com"letely well on the SabbathE

Cou will see1 4e and not find 4e# and where 0 am you cannot come':

*o not $udge according to a""earance# but $udge with righteous $udgment':


Then the Jews said among themselves# :Bhere does 2e intend to go that we shall not find 2imE *oes 2e intend to go to the *is"ersion among the (ree1s and teach the (ree1sE

Now some of them from Jerusalem said# :0s this not 2e whom they see1 to 1illE

Bhat is this thing that 2e said# :Cou will see1 4e and not find 4e# and where 0 am you cannot comeDE:

But loo1H 2e s"ea1s boldly# and they say nothing to 2im' *o the rulers 1now indeed that this is truly the -hristE

2owever# we 1now where this 4an is from9 but when the -hrist comes# no one 1nows where 2e is from':

3n the last day# that great day of the feast# Jesus stood and cried out# saying# :0f anyone thirsts# let him come to 4e and drin1'

Then Jesus cried out# as 2e taught in the tem"le# saying# :Cou both 1now 4e# and you 1now where 0 am from9 and 0 have not come of 4yself# but 2e who sent 4e is true# whom you do not 1now'

2e who believes in 4e# as the Scri"ture has said# out of his heart will flow rivers of living water':

But 0 1now 2im# for 0 am from 2im# and 2e sent 4e':


But this 2e s"o1e concerning the S"irit# whom those believing in 2im would receive9 for the 2oly S"irit was not yet given# because Jesus was not yet glorified'

Therefore they sought to ta1e 2im9 but no one laid a hand on 2im# because 2is hour had not yet come'

Therefore many from the crowd# when they heard this saying# said# :Truly this is the /ro"het':

And many of the "eo"le believed in 2im# and said# :Bhen the -hrist comes# will 2e do more signs than these which this 4an has doneE:

3thers said# :This is the -hrist': But some said# :Bill the -hrist come out of (alileeE

2as not the Scri"ture said that the -hrist comes from the seed of *avid

and from the town of Bethlehem# where *avid wasE:


So there was a division among the "eo"le because of 2im'


Then the scribes and /harisees brought to 2im a woman caught in adultery' And when they had set her in the midst#

Now some of them wanted to ta1e 2im# but no one laid hands on 2im'

they said to 2im# :Teacher# this woman was caught in adultery# in the very act'

Then the officers came to the chief "riests and /harisees# who said to them# :Bhy have you not brought 2imE:

Now 4oses# in the law# commanded us that such should be stoned' But what do Cou sayE:

The officers answered# :No man ever s"o1e li1e this 4anH:

Then the /harisees answered them# :Are you also deceivedE


This they said# testing 2im# that they might have something of which to accuse 2im' But Jesus stoo"ed down and wrote on the ground with 2is finger# as though 2e did not hear'

2ave any of the rulers or the /harisees believed in 2imE


So when they continued as1ing 2im# 2e raised 2imself u" and said to them# :2e who is without sin among you# let him throw a stone at her first':

But this crowd that does not 1now the law is accursed':

And again 2e stoo"ed down and wrote on the ground'


Nicodemus Ihe who came to Jesus by night# being one of themJ said to them#

:*oes our law $udge a man before it hears him and 1nows what he is doingE:

They answered and said to him# :Are you also from (alileeE Search and loo1# for no "ro"het has arisen out of (alilee':

Then those who heard it# being convicted by their conscience# went out one by one# beginning with the oldest even to the last' And Jesus was left alone# and the woman standing in the midst'

And everyone went to his own house'

Bhen Jesus had raised 2imself u" and saw no one but the woman# 2e said to her# :Boman# where are those accusers of yoursE 2as no one condemned youE:


Jesus went to the 4ount of

She said# :No one# )ord': And Jesus said to her# :Neither do 0 condemn you9 go and sin no more':

Now early in the morning 2e came again into the tem"le# and all the "eo"le came to 2im9 and 2e sat down and taught them'

Then Jesus s"o1e to them again# saying# :0 am the light of the world' 2e who follows 4e shall not wal1 in dar1ness# but have the light of life':


The /harisees therefore said to 2im# :Cou bear witness of Courself9 Cour witness is not true':


And 2e said to them# :Cou are from beneath9 0 am from above' Cou are of this world9 0 am not of this world'

Jesus answered and said to them# : ven if 0 bear witness of 4yself# 4y witness is true# for 0 1now where 0 came from and where 0 am going9 but you do not 1now where 0 come from and where 0 am going'

Therefore 0 said to you that you will die in your sins9 for if you do not believe that 0 am 2e# you will die in your sins':

Cou $udge according to the flesh9 0 $udge no one'


Then they said to 2im# :Bho are CouE: And Jesus said to them# :Just what 0 have been saying to you from the beginning'

And yet if 0 do $udge# 4y $udgment is true9 for 0 am not alone# but 0 am with the Father who sent 4e'

0 have many things to say and to $udge concerning you# but 2e who sent 4e is true9 and 0 s"ea1 to the world those things which 0 heard from 2im':

0t is also written in your law that the testimony of two men is true'

They did not understand that 2e s"o1e to them of the Father'


0 am 3ne who bears witness of 4yself# and the Father who sent 4e bears witness of 4e':

Then they said to 2im# :Bhere is Cour FatherE: Jesus answered# :Cou 1now neither 4e nor 4y Father' 0f you had 1nown 4e# you would have 1nown 4y Father also':

Then Jesus said to them# :Bhen you lift u" the Son of 4an# then you will 1now that 0 am 2e# and that 0 do nothing of 4yself9 but as 4y Father taught 4e# 0 s"ea1 these things'

And 2e who sent 4e is with 4e' The Father has not left 4e alone# for 0 always do those things that "lease 2im':

These words Jesus s"o1e in the treasury# as 2e taught in the tem"le9 and no one laid hands on 2im# for 2is hour had not yet come'

As 2e s"o1e these words# many believed in 2im'


Then Jesus said to them again# :0 am going away# and you will see1 4e# and will die in your sin' Bhere 0 go you cannot come':

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed 2im# :0f you abide in 4y word# you are 4y disci"les indeed'

And you shall 1now the truth# and the truth shall ma1e you free':

So the Jews said# :Bill 2e 1ill 2imself# because 2e says# :Bhere 0 go you cannot comeDE:

They answered 2im# :Be are AbrahamDs descendants# and have never been in bondage to anyone' 2ow can Cou say# :Cou will be made freeDE:


Jesus answered them# :4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# whoever commits sin is a slave of sin'


And a slave does not abide in the house forever# but a son abides forever'

Therefore if the Son ma1es you free# you shall be free indeed'

Cou are of your father the devil# and the desires of your father you want to do' 2e was a murderer from the beginning# and does not stand in the truth# because there is no truth in him' Bhen he s"ea1s a lie# he s"ea1s from his own resources# for he is a liar and the father of it'

:0 1now that you are AbrahamDs descendants# but you see1 to 1ill 4e# because 4y word has no "lace in you'

But because 0 tell the truth# you do not believe 4e'


0 s"ea1 what 0 have seen with 4y Father# and you do what you have seen with your father':

Bhich of you convicts 4e of sinE And if 0 tell the truth# why do you not believe 4eE

They answered and said to 2im# :Abraham is our father': Jesus said to them# :0f you were AbrahamDs children# you would do the wor1s of Abraham'

2e who is of (od hears (odDs words9 therefore you do not hear# because you are not of (od':

Then the Jews answered and said to 2im# :*o we not say rightly that Cou are a Samaritan and have a demonE:

But now you see1 to 1ill 4e# a 4an who has told you the truth which 0 heard from (od' Abraham did not do this'

Jesus answered# :0 do not have a demon9 but 0 honor 4y Father# and you dishonor 4e'

Cou do the deeds of your father': Then they said to 2im# :Be were not born of fornication9 we have one FatherFF(od':

And 0 do not see1 4y own glory9 there is 3ne who see1s and $udges'

Jesus said to them# :0f (od were your Father# you would love 4e# for 0 "roceeded forth and came from (od9 nor have 0 come of 4yself# but 2e sent 4e'

4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# if anyone 1ee"s 4y word he shall never see death':

Bhy do you not understand 4y s"eechE Because you are not able to listen to 4y word'

Then the Jews said to 2im# :Now we 1now that Cou have a demonH Abraham is dead# and the "ro"hets9 and Cou say# :0f anyone 1ee"s 4y word he shall never taste death'D

Are Cou greater than our father Abraham# who is deadE And the "ro"hets are dead' Bho do Cou ma1e Courself out to beE:


Jesus answered# :0f 0 honor 4yself# 4y honor is nothing' 0t is 4y Father who honors 4e# of whom you say that 2e is your (od'


Bhen 2e had said these things# 2e s"at on the ground and made clay with the saliva9 and 2e anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay'

Cet you have not 1nown 2im# but 0 1now 2im' And if 0 say# :0 do not 1now 2im#D 0 shall be a liar li1e you9 but 0 do 1now 2im and 1ee" 2is word'

And 2e said to him# :(o# wash in the "ool of Siloam: Iwhich is translated# SentJ' So he went and washed# and came bac1 seeing'

Cour father Abraham re$oiced to see 4y day# and he saw it and was glad':

Then the Jews said to 2im# :Cou are not yet fifty years old# and have Cou seen AbrahamE:

Therefore the neighbors and those who "reviously had seen that he was blind said# :0s not this he who sat and beggedE:

Some said# :This is he': 3thers said# :2e is li1e him': 2e said# :0 am he':

Jesus said to them# :4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# before Abraham was# 0 A4':

Therefore they said to him# :2ow were your eyes o"enedE:


Then they too1 u" stones to throw at 2im9 but Jesus hid 2imself and went out of the tem"le# going through the midst of them# and so "assed by'

9Now as Jesus "assed by# 2e saw a

man who was blind from birth'

2e answered and said# :A 4an called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said to me# :(o to the "ool of Siloam and wash'D So 0 went and washed# and 0 received sight':

Then they said to him# :Bhere is 2eE: 2e said# :0 do not 1now':


And 2is disci"les as1ed 2im# saying# :+abbi# who sinned# this man or his "arents# that he was born blindE:

They brought him who formerly was blind to the /harisees'


Jesus answered# :Neither this man nor his "arents sinned# but that the wor1s of (od should be revealed in him'

Now it was a Sabbath when Jesus made the clay and o"ened his eyes'

0 must wor1 the wor1s of 2im who sent 4e while it is day9 the night is coming when no one can wor1'

Then the /harisees also as1ed him again how he had received his sight' 2e said to them# :2e "ut clay on my eyes# and 0 washed# and 0 see':

As long as 0 am in the world# 0 am the light of the world':

Therefore some of the /harisees said# :This 4an is not from (od# because 2e does not 1ee" the Sabbath': 3thers said# :2ow can a man who is a sinner do such signsE: And there was a division among them'


They said to the blind man again# :Bhat do you say about 2im because 2e o"ened your eyesE: 2e said# :2e is a "ro"het':


2e answered them# :0 told you already# and you did not listen' Bhy do you want to hear it againE *o you also want to become 2is disci"lesE:

But the Jews did not believe concerning him# that he had been blind and received his sight# until they called the "arents of him who had received his sight'

Then they reviled him and said# :Cou are 2is disci"le# but we are 4osesD disci"les'

And they as1ed them# saying# :0s this your son# who you say was born blindE 2ow then does he now seeE:

Be 1now that (od s"o1e to 4oses9 as for this fellow# we do not 1now where 2e is from':

2is "arents answered them and said# :Be 1now that this is our son# and that he was born blind9

The man answered and said to them# :Bhy# this is a marvelous thing# that you do not 1now where 2e is from9 yet 2e has o"ened my eyesH

but by what means he now sees we do not 1now# or who o"ened his eyes we do not 1now' 2e is of age9 as1 him' 2e will s"ea1 for himself':

Now we 1now that (od does not hear sinners9 but if anyone is a worshi"er of (od and does 2is will# 2e hears him'

2is "arents said these things because they feared the Jews# for the Jews had agreed already that if anyone confessed that 2e was -hrist# he would be "ut out of the synagogue'

Since the world began it has been unheard of that anyone o"ened the eyes of one who was born blind'

0f this 4an were not from (od# 2e could do nothing':


Therefore his "arents said# :2e is of age9 as1 him':


They answered and said to him# :Cou were com"letely born in sins# and are you teaching usE: And they cast him out'

So they again called the man who was blind# and said to him# :(ive (od the gloryH Be 1now that this 4an is a sinner':

Jesus heard that they had cast him out9 and when 2e had found him# 2e said to him# :*o you believe in the Son of (odE:

2e answered and said# :Bhether 2e is a sinner or not 0 do not 1now' 3ne thing 0 1now7 that though 0 was blind# now 0 see':

2e answered and said# :Bho is 2e# )ord# that 0 may believe in 2imE:

Then they said to him again# :Bhat did 2e do to youE 2ow did 2e o"en your eyesE:

And Jesus said to him# :Cou have both seen 2im and it is 2e who is tal1ing with you':


Then he said# :)ord# 0 believeH: And he worshi"ed 2im'



All who ever came before 4e are thieves and robbers# but the shee" did not hear them'

And Jesus said# :For $udgment 0 have come into this world# that those who do not see may see# and that those who see may be made blind':

0 am the door' 0f anyone enters by 4e# he will be saved# and will go in and out and find "asture'

Then some of the /harisees who were with 2im heard these words# and said to 2im# :Are we blind alsoE:

The thief does not come e!ce"t to steal# and to 1ill# and to destroy' 0 have come that they may have life# and that they may have it more abundantly'

Jesus said to them# :0f you were blind# you would have no sin9 but now you say# :Be see'D Therefore your sin remains'

:0 am the good she"herd' The good she"herd gives 2is life for the shee"'

10:4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# he

who does not enter the shee"fold by the door# but climbs u" some other way# the same is a thief and a robber'

But a hireling# he who is not the she"herd# one who does not own the shee"# sees the wolf coming and leaves the shee" and flees9 and the wolf catches the shee" and scatters them'

But he who enters by the door is the she"herd of the shee"'


The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the shee"'

To him the door1ee"er o"ens# and the shee" hear his voice9 and he calls his own shee" by name and leads them out'

0 am the good she"herd9 and 0 1now 4y shee"# and am 1nown by 4y own'


And when he brings out his own shee"# he goes before them9 and the shee" follow him# for they 1now his voice'

As the Father 1nows 4e# even so 0 1now the Father9 and 0 lay down 4y life for the shee"'

Cet they will by no means follow a stranger# but will flee from him# for they do not 1now the voice of strangers':

And other shee" 0 have which are not of this fold9 them also 0 must bring# and they will hear 4y voice9 and there will be one floc1 and one she"herd'

Jesus used this illustration# but they did not understand the things which 2e s"o1e to them'

:Therefore 4y Father loves 4e# because 0 lay down 4y life that 0 may ta1e it again'

Then Jesus said to them again# :4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# 0 am the door of the shee"'

No one ta1es it from 4e# but 0 lay it down of 4yself' 0 have "ower to lay it down# and 0 have "ower to ta1e it again' This command 0 have received from 4y Father':


Therefore there was a division again among the Jews because of these sayings'


Jesus answered them# :4any good wor1s 0 have shown you from 4y Father' For which of those wor1s do you stone 4eE:

And many of them said# :2e has a demon and is mad' Bhy do you listen to 2imE:

3thers said# :These are not the words of one who has a demon' -an a demon o"en the eyes of the blindE:

The Jews answered 2im# saying# :For a good wor1 we do not stone Cou# but for blas"hemy# and because Cou# being a 4an# ma1e Courself (od':

Jesus answered them# :0s it not written in your law# :0 said# :Cou are gods:DE

Now it was the Feast of *edication in Jerusalem# and it was winter'


And Jesus wal1ed in the tem"le# in SolomonDs "orch'


0f 2e called them gods# to whom the word of (od came Iand the Scri"ture cannot be bro1enJ#

Then the Jews surrounded 2im and said to 2im# :2ow long do Cou 1ee" us in doubtE 0f Cou are the -hrist# tell us "lainly':

do you say of 2im whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world# :Cou are blas"heming#D because 0 said# :0 am the Son of (odDE

Jesus answered them# :0 told you# and you do not believe' The wor1s that 0 do in 4y FatherDs name# they bear witness of 4e'

0f 0 do not do the wor1s of 4y Father# do not believe 4e9


But you do not believe# because you are not of 4y shee"# as 0 said to you'

but if 0 do# though you do not believe 4e# believe the wor1s# that you may 1now and believe that the Father is in 4e# and 0 in 2im':

4y shee" hear 4y voice# and 0 1now them# and they follow 4e'

Therefore they sought again to sei.e 2im# but 2e esca"ed out of their hand'

And 0 give them eternal life# and they shall never "erish9 neither shall anyone snatch them out of 4y hand'

And 2e went away again beyond the Jordan to the "lace where John was ba" at first# and there 2e stayed'

4y Father# who has given them to 4e# is greater than all9 and no one is able to snatch them out of 4y FatherDs hand'

Then many came to 2im and said# :John "erformed no sign# but all the things that John s"o1e about this 4an were true':

0 and 4y Father are one':

And many believed in 2im there'


Then the Jews too1 u" stones again to stone 2im'



a certain man was sic1# )a.arus of Bethany# the town of 4ary and her sister 4artha' 0t was that 4ary who anointed the )ord with fragrant oil and wi"ed 2is feet with her hair# whose brother )a.arus was sic1'

Then 2is disci"les said# :)ord# if he slee"s he will get well':


2owever# Jesus s"o1e of his death# but they thought that 2e was s"ea1ing about ta1ing rest in slee"'

Then Jesus said to them "lainly# :)a.arus is dead'


Therefore the sisters sent to 2im# saying# :)ord# behold# he whom Cou love is sic1':

And 0 am glad for your sa1es that 0 was not there# that you may believe' Nevertheless let us go to him':

Bhen Jesus heard that# 2e said# :This sic1ness is not unto death# but for the glory of (od# that the Son of (od may be glorified through it':

Then Thomas# who is called the Twin# said to his fellow disci"les# :)et us also go# that we may die with 2im':

Now Jesus loved 4artha and her sister and )a.arus'


So when Jesus came# 2e found that he had already been in the tomb four days'

So# when 2e heard that he was sic1# 2e stayed two more days in the "lace where 2e was'

Now Bethany was near Jerusalem# about two miles away'


Then after this 2e said to the disci"les# :)et us go to Judea again':


And many of the Jews had $oined the women around 4artha and 4ary# to comfort them concerning their brother'

The disci"les said to 2im# :+abbi# lately the Jews sought to stone Cou# and are Cou going there againE:

Now 4artha# as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming# went and met 2im# but 4ary was sitting in the house'

Jesus answered# :Are there not twelve hours in the dayE 0f anyone wal1s in the day# he does not stumble# because he sees the light of this world'

Now 4artha said to Jesus# :)ord# if Cou had been here# my brother would not have died'

But if one wal1s in the night# he stumbles# because the light is not in him':

But even now 0 1now that whatever Cou as1 of (od# (od will give Cou':

Jesus said to her# :Cour brother will rise again':


These things 2e said# and after that 2e said to them# :3ur friend )a.arus slee"s# but 0 go that 0 may wa1e him u"':

4artha said to 2im# :0 1now that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day':


Jesus said to her# :0 am the resurrection and the life' 2e who believes in 4e# though he may die# he shall live'


Then the Jews said# :See how 2e loved himH:


And whoever lives and believes in 4e shall never die' *o you believe thisE:

And some of them said# :-ould not this 4an# who o"ened the eyes of the blind# also have 1e"t this man from dyingE:

She said to 2im# :Ces# )ord# 0 believe that Cou are the -hrist# the Son of (od# who is to come into the world':

Then Jesus# again groaning in 2imself# came to the tomb' 0t was a cave# and a stone lay against it'

And when she had said these things# she went her way and secretly called 4ary her sister# saying# :The Teacher has come and is calling for you':

Jesus said# :Ta1e away the stone': 4artha# the sister of him who was dead# said to 2im# :)ord# by this time there is a stench# for he has been dead four days':

As soon as she heard that# she arose Guic1ly and came to 2im'

Jesus said to her# :*id 0 not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of (odE:

Now Jesus had not yet come into the town# but was in the "lace where 4artha met 2im'

Then the Jews who were with her in the house# and comforting her# when they saw that 4ary rose u" Guic1ly and went out# followed her# saying# :She is going to the tomb to wee" there':

Then they too1 away the stone from the "lace where the dead man was lying' And Jesus lifted u" 2is eyes and said# :Father# 0 than1 Cou that Cou have heard 4e'

And 0 1now that Cou always hear 4e# but because of the "eo"le who are standing by 0 said this# that they may believe that Cou sent 4e':

Then# when 4ary came where Jesus was# and saw 2im# she fell down at 2is feet# saying to 2im# :)ord# if Cou had been here# my brother would not have died':

Now when 2e had said these things# 2e cried with a loud voice# :)a.arus# come forthH:

Therefore# when Jesus saw her wee"ing# and the Jews who came with her wee"ing# 2e groaned in the s"irit and was troubled'

And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with graveclothes# and his face was wra""ed with a cloth' Jesus said to them# :)oose him# and let him go':

And 2e said# :Bhere have you laid himE: They said to 2im# :)ord# come and see':

Then many of the Jews who had come to 4ary# and had seen the things Jesus did# believed in 2im'

Jesus we"t'


But some of them went away to the /harisees and told them the things Jesus did'


Then they sought Jesus# and s"o1e among themselves as they stood in the tem"le# :Bhat do you thin1FFthat 2e will not come to the feastE:

Then the chief "riests and the /harisees gathered a council and said# :Bhat shall we doE For this 4an wor1s many signs'

Now both the chief "riests and the /harisees had given a command# that if anyone 1new where 2e was# he should re"ort it# that they might sei.e 2im'

0f we let 2im alone li1e this# everyone will believe in 2im# and the +omans will come and ta1e away both our "lace and nation':


And one of them# -aia"has# being high "riest that year# said to them# :Cou 1now nothing at all#

si! days before the /assover# Jesus came to Bethany# where )a.arus was who had been dead# whom 2e had raised from the dead' There they made 2im a su""er9 and 4artha served# but )a.arus was one of those who sat at the table with 2im'

nor do you consider that it is e!"edient for us that one man should die for the "eo"le# and not that the whole nation should "erish':

Now this he did not say on his own authority9 but being high "riest that year he "ro"hesied that Jesus would die for the nation#

Then 4ary too1 a "ound of very costly oil of s"i1enard# anointed the feet of Jesus# and wi"ed 2is feet with her hair' And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil'

and not for that nation only# but also that 2e would gather together in one the children of (od who were scattered abroad'

But one of 2is disci"les# Judas 0scariot# SimonDs son# who would betray 2im# said#

Then# from that day on# they "lotted to "ut 2im to death'

:Bhy was this fragrant oil not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the "oorE:

Therefore Jesus no longer wal1ed o"enly among the Jews# but went from there into the country near the wilderness# to a city called "hraim# and there remained with 2is disci"les'

This he said# not that he cared for the "oor# but because he was a thief# and had the money bo!9 and he used to ta1e what was "ut in it'

But Jesus said# :)et her alone9 she has 1e"t this for the day of 4y burial'

And the /assover of the Jews was near# and many went from the country u" to Jerusalem before the /assover# to "urify themselves'

For the "oor you have with you always# but 4e you do not have always':

Now a great many of the Jews 1new that 2e was there9 and they came# not

for JesusD sa1e only# but that they might also see )a.arus# whom 2e had raised from the dead'


Now there were certain (ree1s among those who came u" to worshi" at the feast'

But the chief "riests "lotted to "ut )a.arus to death also#


Then they came to /hili"# who was from Bethsaida of (alilee# and as1ed him# saying# :Sir# we wish to see Jesus':

because on account of him many of the Jews went away and believed in Jesus'

/hili" came and told Andrew# and in turn Andrew and /hili" told Jesus'

The ne!t day a great multitude that had come to the feast# when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem#

But Jesus answered them# saying# :The hour has come that the Son of 4an should be glorified'

too1 branches of "alm trees and went out to meet 2im# and cried out7 :2osannaH :Blessed is 2e who comes in the name of the )3+*HD The King of 0sraelH:

4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies# it remains alone9 but if it dies# it "roduces much grain'

Then Jesus# when 2e had found a young don1ey# sat on it9 as it is written7

2e who loves his life will lose it# and he who hates his life in this world will 1ee" it for eternal life'

:Fear not# daughter of 5ion9 Behold# your King is coming# Sitting on a don1eyDs colt':

0f anyone serves 4e# let him follow 4e9 and where 0 am# there 4y servant will be also' 0f anyone serves 4e# him 4y Father will honor'

2is disci"les did not understand these things at first9 but when Jesus was glorified# then they remembered that these things were written about 2im and that they had done these things to 2im'

:Now 4y soul is troubled# and what shall 0 sayE :Father# save 4e from this hourDE But for this "ur"ose 0 came to this hour'

Therefore the "eo"le# who were with 2im when 2e called )a.arus out of his tomb and raised him from the dead# bore witness'

Father# glorify Cour name': Then a voice came from heaven# saying# :0 have both glorified it and will glorify it again':

For this reason the "eo"le also met 2im# because they heard that 2e had done this sign'

Therefore the "eo"le who stood by and heard it said that it had thundered' 3thers said# :An angel has s"o1en to 2im':

The /harisees therefore said among themselves# :Cou see that you are accom"lishing nothing' )oo1# the world has gone after 2imH:

Jesus answered and said# :This voice did not come because of 4e# but for your sa1e'


Now is the $udgment of this world9 now the ruler of this world will be cast out'


And 0# if 0 am lifted u" from the earth# will draw all "eo"les to 4yself':

Nevertheless even among the rulers many believed in 2im# but because of the /harisees they did not confess 2im# lest they should be "ut out of the synagogue9

This 2e said# signifying by what death 2e would die'


for they loved the "raise of men more than the "raise of (od'

The "eo"le answered 2im# :Be have heard from the law that the -hrist remains forever9 and how can Cou say# :The Son of 4an must be lifted u"DE Bho is this Son of 4anE:

Then Jesus cried out and said# :2e who believes in 4e# believes not in 4e but in 2im who sent 4e'

And he who sees 4e sees 2im who sent 4e'


Then Jesus said to them# :A little while longer the light is with you' Bal1 while you have the light# lest dar1ness overta1e you9 he who wal1s in dar1ness does not 1now where he is going'

0 have come as a light into the world# that whoever believes in 4e should not abide in dar1ness'

Bhile you have the light# believe in the light# that you may become sons of light': These things Jesus s"o1e# and de"arted# and was hidden from them'

And if anyone hears 4y words and does not believe# 0 do not $udge him9 for 0 did not come to $udge the world but to save the world'

But although 2e had done so many signs before them# they did not believe in 2im#

2e who re$ects 4e# and does not receive 4y words# has that which $udges himFFthe word that 0 have s"o1en will $udge him in the last day'

that the word of 0saiah the "ro"het might be fulfilled# which he s"o1e7 :)ord# who has believed our re"ortE And to whom has the arm of the )3+* been revealedE:

For 0 have not s"o1en on 4y own authority9 but the Father who sent 4e gave 4e a command# what 0 should say and what 0 should s"ea1'

Therefore they could not believe# because 0saiah said again7


And 0 1now that 2is command is everlasting life' Therefore# whatever 0 s"ea1# $ust as the Father has told 4e# so 0 s"ea1':

:2e has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts# )est they should see with their eyes# )est they should understand with their hearts and turn# So that 0 should heal them':


These things 0saiah said when he saw 2is glory and s"o1e of 2im'

before the Feast of the /assover# when Jesus 1new that 2is hour had come that 2e should de"art from this world to the Father# having loved 2is own who were in the world# 2e loved them to the end'

And su""er being ended# the devil having already "ut it into the heart of Judas 0scariot# SimonDs son# to betray 2im#


So when 2e had washed their feet# ta1en 2is garments# and sat down again# 2e said to them# :*o you 1now what 0 have done to youE

Jesus# 1nowing that the Father had given all things into 2is hands# and that 2e had come from (od and was going to (od#

Cou call 4e Teacher and )ord# and you say well# for so 0 am'

rose from su""er and laid aside 2is garments# too1 a towel and girded 2imself'

0f 0 then# your )ord and Teacher# have washed your feet# you also ought to wash one anotherDs feet'

For 0 have given you an e!am"le# that you should do as 0 have done to you'

After that# 2e "oured water into a basin and began to wash the disci"lesD feet# and to wi"e them with the towel with which 2e was girded'

4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# a servant is not greater than his master9 nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him'

Then 2e came to Simon /eter' And /eter said to 2im# :)ord# are Cou washing my feetE:

0f you 1now these things# blessed are you if you do them'


Jesus answered and said to him# :Bhat 0 am doing you do not understand now# but you will 1now after this':

/eter said to 2im# :Cou shall never wash my feetH: Jesus answered him# :0f 0 do not wash you# you have no "art with 4e':

:0 do not s"ea1 concerning all of you' 0 1now whom 0 have chosen9 but that the Scri"ture may be fulfilled# :2e who eats bread with 4e has lifted u" his heel against 4e'D

Now 0 tell you before it comes# that when it does come to "ass# you may believe that 0 am 2e'

Simon /eter said to 2im# :)ord# not my feet only# but also my hands and my headH:

Jesus said to him# :2e who is bathed needs only to wash his feet# but is com"letely clean9 and you are clean# but not all of you':

4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# he who receives whomever 0 send receives 4e9 and he who receives 4e receives 2im who sent 4e':

For 2e 1new who would betray 2im9 therefore 2e said# :Cou are not all clean':

Bhen Jesus had said these things# 2e was troubled in s"irit# and testified and said# :4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# one of you will betray 4e':

Then the disci"les loo1ed at one another# "er"le!ed about whom 2e s"o1e'


Now there was leaning on JesusD bosom one of 2is disci"les# whom Jesus loved'


A new commandment 0 give to you# that you love one another9 as 0 have loved you# that you also love one another'

Simon /eter therefore motioned to him to as1 who it was of whom 2e s"o1e'

Then# leaning bac1 on JesusD breast# he said to 2im# :)ord# who is itE:

By this all will 1now that you are 4y disci"les# if you have love for one another':

Jesus answered# :0t is he to whom 0 shall give a "iece of bread when 0 have di""ed it': And having di""ed the bread# 2e gave it to Judas 0scariot# the son of Simon'

Simon /eter said to 2im# :)ord# where are Cou goingE: Jesus answered him# :Bhere 0 am going you cannot follow 4e now# but you shall follow 4e afterward':

Now after the "iece of bread# Satan entered him' Then Jesus said to him# :Bhat you do# do Guic1ly':

/eter said to 2im# :)ord# why can 0 not follow Cou nowE 0 will lay down my life for Cour sa1e':

But no one at the table 1new for what reason 2e said this to him'

Jesus answered him# :Bill you lay down your life for 4y sa1eE 4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# the rooster shall not crow till you have denied 4e three times'

For some thought# because Judas had the money bo!# that Jesus had said to him# :Buy those things we need for the feast#: or that he should give something to the "oor'

14:)et not your heart be troubled9

you believe in (od# believe also in 4e'

2aving received the "iece of bread# he then went out immediately' And it was night'

0n 4y FatherDs house are many mansions9 if it were not so# 0 would have told you' 0 go to "re"are a "lace for you'

So# when he had gone out# Jesus said# :Now the Son of 4an is glorified# and (od is glorified in 2im'

And if 0 go and "re"are a "lace for you# 0 will come again and receive you to 4yself9 that where 0 am# there you may be also'

0f (od is glorified in 2im# (od will also glorify 2im in 2imself# and glorify 2im immediately'

And where 0 go you 1now# and the way you 1now':


)ittle children# 0 shall be with you a little while longer' Cou will see1 4e9 and as 0 said to the Jews# :Bhere 0 am going# you cannot come#D so now 0 say to you'

Thomas said to 2im# :)ord# we do not 1now where Cou are going# and how can we 1now the wayE:

Jesus said to him# :0 am the way# the truth# and the life' No one comes to the Father e!ce"t through 4e'

:0f you had 1nown 4e# you would have 1nown 4y Father also9 and from now on you 1now 2im and have seen 2im':


0 will not leave you or"hans9 0 will come to you'


/hili" said to 2im# :)ord# show us the Father# and it is sufficient for us':

:A little while longer and the world will see 4e no more# but you will see 4e' Because 0 live# you will live also'

Jesus said to him# :2ave 0 been with you so long# and yet you have not 1nown 4e# /hili"E 2e who has seen 4e has seen the Father9 so how can you say# :Show us the FatherDE

At that day you will 1now that 0 am in 4y Father# and you in 4e# and 0 in you'

*o you not believe that 0 am in the Father# and the Father in 4eE The words that 0 s"ea1 to you 0 do not s"ea1 on 4y own authority9 but the Father who dwells in 4e does the wor1s'

2e who has 4y commandments and 1ee"s them# it is he who loves 4e' And he who loves 4e will be loved by 4y Father# and 0 will love him and manifest 4yself to him':

Judas Inot 0scariotJ said to 2im# :)ord# how is it that Cou will manifest Courself to us# and not to the worldE:

Believe 4e that 0 am in the Father and the Father in 4e# or else believe 4e for the sa1e of the wor1s themselves'

:4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# he who believes in 4e# the wor1s that 0 do he will do also9 and greater wor1s than these he will do# because 0 go to 4y Father'

Jesus answered and said to him# :0f anyone loves 4e# he will 1ee" 4y word9 and 4y Father will love him# and Be will come to him and ma1e 3ur home with him'

And whatever you as1 in 4y name# that 0 will do# that the Father may be glorified in the Son'

2e who does not love 4e does not 1ee" 4y words9 and the word which you hear is not 4ine but the FatherDs who sent 4e'

:These things 0 have s"o1en to you while being "resent with you'

0f you as1 anything in 4y name# 0 will do it'


:0f you love commandments'





But the 2el"er# the 2oly S"irit# whom the Father will send in 4y name# 2e will teach you all things# and bring to your remembrance all things that 0 said to you'

And 0 will "ray the Father# and 2e will give you another 2el"er# that 2e may abide with you foreverFF

the S"irit of truth# whom the world cannot receive# because it neither sees 2im nor 1nows 2im9 but you 1now 2im# for 2e dwells with you and will be in you'

/eace 0 leave with you# 4y "eace 0 give to you9 not as the world gives do 0 give to you' )et not your heart be troubled# neither let it be afraid'

Cou have heard 4e say to you# :0 am going away and coming bac1 to you'D 0f

you loved 4e# you would re$oice because 0 said# :0 am going to the Father#D for 4y Father is greater than 0'


By this 4y Father is glorified# that you bear much fruit9 so you will be 4y disci"les'

:And now 0 have told you before it comes# that when it does come to "ass# you may believe'

:As the Father loved 4e# 0 also have loved you9 abide in 4y love'

0 will no longer tal1 much with you# for the ruler of this world is coming# and he has nothing in 4e'

0f you 1ee" 4y commandments# you will abide in 4y love# $ust as 0 have 1e"t 4y FatherDs commandments and abide in 2is love'

But that the world may 1now that 0 love the Father# and as the Father gave 4e commandment# so 0 do' Arise# let us go from here'

:These things 0 have s"o1en to you# that 4y $oy may remain in you# and that your $oy may be full'

15:0 am the true vine# and 4y Father

is the vinedresser'

This is 4y commandment# that you love one another as 0 have loved you'

(reater love has no one than this# than to lay down oneDs life for his friends'

very branch in 4e that does not bear fruit 2e ta1es away9 and every branch that bears fruit 2e "runes# that it may bear more fruit'

Cou are 4y friends if you do whatever 0 command you'


Cou are already clean because of the word which 0 have s"o1en to you'

Abide in 4e# and 0 in you' As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself# unless it abides in the vine# neither can you# unless you abide in 4e'

No longer do 0 call you servants# for a servant does not 1now what his master is doing9 but 0 have called you friends# for all things that 0 heard from 4y Father 0 have made 1nown to you'

:0 am the vine# you are the branches' 2e who abides in 4e# and 0 in him# bears much fruit9 for without 4e you can do nothing'

Cou did not choose 4e# but 0 chose you and a""ointed you that you should go and bear fruit# and that your fruit should remain# that whatever you as1 the Father in 4y name 2e may give you'

0f anyone does not abide in 4e# he is cast out as a branch and is withered9 and they gather them and throw them into the fire# and they are burned'

These things 0 command you# that you love one another'


:0f the world hates you# you 1now that it hated 4e before it hated you'

0f you abide in 4e# and 4y words abide in you# you will as1 what you desire# and it shall be done for you'

0f you were of the world# the world would love its own' Cet because you are

not of the world# but 0 chose you out of the world# therefore the world hates you'

And these things they will do to you because they have not 1nown the Father nor 4e'

+emember the word that 0 said to you# :A servant is not greater than his master'D 0f they "ersecuted 4e# they will also "ersecute you' 0f they 1e"t 4y word# they will 1ee" yours also'

But these things 0 have told you# that when the time comes# you may remember that 0 told you of them' :And these things 0 did not say to you at the beginning# because 0 was with you'

But all these things they will do to you for 4y nameDs sa1e# because they do not 1now 2im who sent 4e'

:But now 0 go away to 2im who sent 4e# and none of you as1s 4e# :Bhere are Cou goingED

0f 0 had not come and s"o1en to them# they would have no sin# but now they have no e!cuse for their sin'

But because 0 have said these things to you# sorrow has filled your heart'

2e who hates 4e hates 4y Father also'


0f 0 had not done among them the wor1s which no one else did# they would have no sin9 but now they have seen and also hated both 4e and 4y Father'

Nevertheless 0 tell you the truth' 0t is to your advantage that 0 go away9 for if 0 do not go away# the 2el"er will not come to you9 but if 0 de"art# 0 will send 2im to you'

But this ha""ened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law# :They hated 4e without a cause'D

And when 2e has come# 2e will convict the world of sin# and of righteousness# and of $udgment7

of sin# because they do not believe in 4e9


:But when the 2el"er comes# whom 0 shall send to you from the Father# the S"irit of truth who "roceeds from the Father# 2e will testify of 4e'

of righteousness# because 0 go to 4y Father and you see 4e no more9


And you also will bear witness# because you have been with 4e from the beginning'

of $udgment# because the ruler of this world is $udged'


:0 still have many things to say to you# but you cannot bear them now'

16:These things 0 have s"o1en to

you# that you should not be made to stumble'

They will "ut you out of the synagogues9 yes# the time is coming that whoever 1ills you will thin1 that he offers (od service'

2owever# when 2e# the S"irit of truth# has come# 2e will guide you into all truth9 for 2e will not s"ea1 on 2is own authority# but whatever 2e hears 2e will s"ea19 and 2e will tell you things to come'


2e will glorify 4e# for 2e will ta1e of what is 4ine and declare it to you'

whatever you as1 the Father in 4y name 2e will give you'


All things that the Father has are 4ine' Therefore 0 said that 2e will ta1e of 4ine and declare it to you'

Antil now you have as1ed nothing in 4y name' As1# and you will receive# that your $oy may be full'

:A little while# and you will not see 4e9 and again a little while# and you will see 4e# because 0 go to the Father':

Then some of 2is disci"les said among themselves# :Bhat is this that 2e says to us# :A little while# and you will not see 4e9 and again a little while# and you will see 4eD9 and# :because 0 go to the FatherDE:

:These things 0 have s"o1en to you in figurative language9 but the time is coming when 0 will no longer s"ea1 to you in figurative language# but 0 will tell you "lainly about the Father'

0n that day you will as1 in 4y name# and 0 do not say to you that 0 shall "ray the Father for you9

They said therefore# :Bhat is this that 2e says# :A little whileDE Be do not 1now what 2e is saying':

for the Father 2imself loves you# because you have loved 4e# and have believed that 0 came forth from (od'

Now Jesus 1new that they desired to as1 2im# and 2e said to them# :Are you inGuiring among yourselves about what 0 said# :A little while# and you will not see 4e9 and again a little while# and you will see 4eDE

0 came forth from the Father and have come into the world' Again# 0 leave the world and go to the Father':

2is disci"les said to 2im# :See# now Cou are s"ea1ing "lainly# and using no figure of s"eechH

4ost assuredly# 0 say to you that you will wee" and lament# but the world will re$oice9 and you will be sorrowful# but your sorrow will be turned into $oy'

Now we are sure that Cou 1now all things# and have no need that anyone should Guestion Cou' By this we believe that Cou came forth from (od':

A woman# when she is in labor# has sorrow because her hour has come9 but as soon as she has given birth to the child# she no longer remembers the anguish# for $oy that a human being has been born into the world'

Jesus answered them# :*o you now believeE


Therefore you now have sorrow9 but 0 will see you again and your heart will re$oice# and your $oy no one will ta1e from you'

0ndeed the hour is coming# yes# has now come# that you will be scattered# each to his own# and will leave 4e alone' And yet 0 am not alone# because the Father is with 4e'

:And in that day you will as1 4e nothing' 4ost assuredly# 0 say to you#

These things 0 have s"o1en to you# that in 4e you may have "eace' 0n the world you will have tribulation9 but be of good cheer# 0 have overcome the world':

17Jesus s"o1e these words# lifted u"

2is eyes to heaven# and said7 :Father# the hour has come' (lorify Cour Son# that Cour Son also may glorify Cou#

name those whom Cou have given 4e# that they may be one as Be are'

as Cou have given 2im authority over all flesh# that 2e should give eternal life to as many as Cou have given 2im'

Bhile 0 was with them in the world# 0 1e"t them in Cour name' Those whom Cou gave 4e 0 have 1e"t9 and none of them is lost e!ce"t the son of "erdition# that the Scri"ture might be fulfilled'

And this is eternal life# that they may 1now Cou# the only true (od# and Jesus -hrist whom Cou have sent'

But now 0 come to Cou# and these things 0 s"ea1 in the world# that they may have 4y $oy fulfilled in themselves'

0 have glorified Cou on the earth' 0 have finished the wor1 which Cou have given 4e to do'

0 have given them Cour word9 and the world has hated them because they are not of the world# $ust as 0 am not of the world'

And now# 3 Father# glorify 4e together with Courself# with the glory which 0 had with Cou before the world was'

0 do not "ray that Cou should ta1e them out of the world# but that Cou should 1ee" them from the evil one'

:0 have manifested Cour name to the men whom Cou have given 4e out of the world' They were Cours# Cou gave them to 4e# and they have 1e"t Cour word'

They are not of the world# $ust as 0 am not of the world'


Sanctify them by Cour truth' Cour word is truth'


Now they have 1nown that all things which Cou have given 4e are from Cou'

As Cou sent 4e into the world# 0 also have sent them into the world'

For 0 have given to them the words which Cou have given 4e9 and they have received them# and have 1nown surely that 0 came forth from Cou9 and they have believed that Cou sent 4e'

And for their sa1es 0 sanctify 4yself# that they also may be sanctified by the truth'

:0 "ray for them' 0 do not "ray for the world but for those whom Cou have given 4e# for they are Cours'

:0 do not "ray for these alone# but also for those who will believe in 4e through their word9

And all 4ine are Cours# and Cours are 4ine# and 0 am glorified in them'

that they all may be one# as Cou# Father# are in 4e# and 0 in Cou9 that they also may be one in As# that the world may believe that Cou sent 4e'

Now 0 am no longer in the world# but these are in the world# and 0 come to Cou' 2oly Father# 1ee" through Cour

And the glory which Cou gave 4e 0 have given them# that they may be one $ust as Be are one7


0 in them# and Cou in 4e9 that they may be made "erfect in one# and that the world may 1now that Cou have sent 4e# and have loved them as Cou have loved 4e'


Now when 2e said to them# :0 am 2e#: they drew bac1 and fell to the ground'

Then 2e as1ed them again# :Bhom are you see1ingE: And they said# :Jesus of Na.areth':

:Father# 0 desire that they also whom Cou gave 4e may be with 4e where 0 am# that they may behold 4y glory which Cou have given 4e9 for Cou loved 4e before the foundation of the world'

Jesus answered# :0 have told you that 0 am 2e' Therefore# if you see1 4e# let these go their way#:

3 righteous FatherH The world has not 1nown Cou# but 0 have 1nown Cou9 and these have 1nown that Cou sent 4e'

that the saying might be fulfilled which 2e s"o1e# :3f those whom Cou gave 4e 0 have lost none':

And 0 have declared to them Cour name# and will declare it# that the love with which Cou loved 4e may be in them# and 0 in them':

Then Simon /eter# having a sword# drew it and struc1 the high "riestDs servant# and cut off his right ear' The servantDs name was 4alchus'

18Bhen Jesus had s"o1en these

words# 2e went out with 2is disci"les over the Broo1 Kidron# where there was a garden# which 2e and 2is disci"les entered'

So Jesus said to /eter# :/ut your sword into the sheath' Shall 0 not drin1 the cu" which 4y Father has given 4eE:

Then the detachment of troo"s and the ca"tain and the officers of the Jews arrested Jesus and bound 2im'

And Judas# who betrayed 2im# also 1new the "lace9 for Jesus often met there with 2is disci"les'

And they led 2im away to Annas first# for he was the fatherFinFlaw of -aia"has who was high "riest that year'

Then Judas# having received a detachment of troo"s# and officers from the chief "riests and /harisees# came there with lanterns# torches# and wea"ons'

Now it was -aia"has who advised the Jews that it was e!"edient that one man should die for the "eo"le'

Jesus therefore# 1nowing all things that would come u"on 2im# went forward and said to them# :Bhom are you see1ingE:

And Simon /eter followed Jesus# and so did another disci"le' Now that disci"le was 1nown to the high "riest# and went with Jesus into the courtyard of the high "riest'

They answered 2im# :Jesus of Na.areth': Jesus said to them# :0 am 2e': And Judas# who betrayed 2im# also stood with them'

But /eter stood at the door outside' Then the other disci"le# who was 1nown to the high "riest# went out and s"o1e to

her who 1e"t the door# and brought /eter in'



Then the servant girl who 1e"t the door said to /eter# :Cou are not also one of this 4anDs disci"les# are youE: 2e said# :0 am not':

3ne of the servants of the high "riest# a relative of him whose ear /eter cut off# said# :*id 0 not see you in the garden with 2imE:

/eter then denied again9 immediately a rooster crowed'



Now the servants and officers who had made a fire of coals stood there# for it was cold# and they warmed themselves' And /eter stood with them and warmed himself'

Then they led Jesus from -aia"has to the /raetorium# and it was early morning' But they themselves did not go into the /raetorium# lest they should be defiled# but that they might eat the /assover'

The high "riest then as1ed Jesus about 2is disci"les and 2is doctrine'

Jesus answered him# :0 s"o1e o"enly to the world' 0 always taught in synagogues and in the tem"le# where the Jews always meet# and in secret 0 have said nothing'

/ilate then went out to them and said# :Bhat accusation do you bring against this 4anE:

They answered and said to him# :0f 2e were not an evildoer# we would not have delivered 2im u" to you':

Bhy do you as1 4eE As1 those who have heard 4e what 0 said to them' 0ndeed they 1now what 0 said':

And when 2e had said these things# one of the officers who stood by struc1 Jesus with the "alm of his hand# saying# :*o Cou answer the high "riest li1e thatE:

Then /ilate said to them# :Cou ta1e 2im and $udge 2im according to your law': Therefore the Jews said to him# :0t is not lawful for us to "ut anyone to death#:

that the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled which 2e s"o1e# signifying by what death 2e would die'

Jesus answered him# :0f 0 have s"o1en evil# bear witness of the evil9 but if well# why do you stri1e 4eE:

Then /ilate entered the /raetorium again# called Jesus# and said to 2im# :Are Cou the King of the JewsE:

Then Annas sent 2im bound to -aia"has the high "riest'


Jesus answered him# :Are you s"ea1ing for yourself about this# or did others tell you this concerning 4eE:

Now Simon /eter stood and warmed himself' Therefore they said to him# :Cou are not also one of 2is disci"les# are youE: 2e denied it and said# :0 am notH:

/ilate answered# :Am 0 a JewE Cour own nation and the chief "riests have delivered Cou to me' Bhat have Cou doneE:


Jesus answered# :4y 1ingdom is not of this world' 0f 4y 1ingdom were of this world# 4y servants would fight# so that 0 should not be delivered to the Jews9 but now 4y 1ingdom is not from here':

And /ilate said to them# :Behold the 4anH:


/ilate therefore said to 2im# :Are Cou a 1ing thenE: Jesus answered# :Cou say rightly that 0 am a 1ing' For this cause 0 was born# and for this cause 0 have come into the world# that 0 should bear witness to the truth' veryone who is of the truth hears 4y voice':

Therefore# when the chief "riests and officers saw 2im# they cried out# saying# :-rucify 2im# crucify 2imH: /ilate said to them# :Cou ta1e 2im and crucify 2im# for 0 find no fault in 2im':

The Jews answered him# :Be have a law# and according to our law 2e ought to die# because 2e made 2imself the Son of (od':

/ilate said to 2im# :Bhat is truthE: And when he had said this# he went out again to the Jews# and said to them# :0 find no fault in 2im at all'

Therefore# when /ilate heard that saying# he was the more afraid#

:But you have a custom that 0 should release someone to you at the /assover' *o you therefore want me to release to you the King of the JewsE:

and went again into the /raetorium# and said to Jesus# :Bhere are Cou fromE: But Jesus gave him no answer'

Then they all cried again# saying# :Not this 4an# but BarabbasH: Now Barabbas was a robber'

Then /ilate said to 2im# :Are Cou not s"ea1ing to meE *o Cou not 1now that 0 have "ower to crucify Cou# and "ower to release CouE:

19So then /ilate too1 Jesus and

scourged 2im'

Jesus answered# :Cou could have no "ower at all against 4e unless it had been given you from above' Therefore the one who delivered 4e to you has the greater sin':

And the soldiers twisted a crown of thorns and "ut it on 2is head# and they "ut on 2im a "ur"le robe'

Then they said# :2ail# King of the JewsH: And they struc1 2im with their hands'

From then on /ilate sought to release 2im# but the Jews cried out# saying# :0f you let this 4an go# you are not -aesarDs friend' Bhoever ma1es himself a 1ing s"ea1s against -aesar':

/ilate then went out again# and said to them# :Behold# 0 am bringing 2im out to you# that you may 1now that 0 find no fault in 2im':

Bhen /ilate therefore heard that saying# he brought Jesus out and sat down in the $udgment seat in a "lace that is called The /avement# but in 2ebrew# (abbatha'

Then Jesus came out# wearing the crown of thorns and the "ur"le robe'

Now it was the /re"aration *ay of the /assover# and about the si!th hour' And he said to the Jews# :Behold your KingH:


But they cried out# :Away with 2im# away with 2imH -rucify 2imH: /ilate said to them# :Shall 0 crucify your KingE: The chief "riests answered# :Be have no 1ing but -aesarH:

them# And for 4y clothing they cast lots': Therefore the soldiers did these things'

Then he delivered 2im to them to be crucified' Then they too1 Jesus and led 2im away'

Now there stood by the cross of Jesus 2is mother# and 2is motherDs sister# 4ary the wife of -lo"as# and 4ary 4agdalene'

And 2e# bearing 2is cross# went out to a "lace called the /lace of a S1ull# which is called in 2ebrew# (olgotha#

Bhen Jesus therefore saw 2is mother# and the disci"le whom 2e loved standing by# 2e said to 2is mother# :Boman# behold your sonH:

where they crucified 2im# and two others with 2im# one on either side# and Jesus in the center'

Then 2e said to the disci"le# :Behold your motherH: And from that hour that disci"le too1 her to his own home'

Now /ilate wrote a title and "ut it on the cross' And the writing was7 J SAS 3F NA5A+ T2# T2 K0N( 3F T2 J BS'

After this# Jesus# 1nowing that all things were now accom"lished# that the Scri"ture might be fulfilled# said# :0 thirstH:

Then many of the Jews read this title# for the "lace where Jesus was crucified was near the city9 and it was written in 2ebrew# (ree1# and )atin'

Now a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there9 and they filled a s"onge with sour wine# "ut it on hysso"# and "ut it to 2is mouth'

Therefore the chief "riests of the Jews said to /ilate# :*o not write# :The King of the Jews#D but# :2e said# :0 am the King of the Jews'::D

So when Jesus had received the sour wine# 2e said# :0t is finishedH: And bowing 2is head# 2e gave u" 2is s"irit'

/ilate answered# :Bhat 0 have written# 0 have written':


Then the soldiers# when they had crucified Jesus# too1 2is garments and made four "arts# to each soldier a "art# and also the tunic' Now the tunic was without seam# woven from the to" in one "iece'

Therefore# because it was the /re"aration *ay# that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath Ifor that Sabbath was a high dayJ# the Jews as1ed /ilate that their legs might be bro1en# and that they might be ta1en away'

Then the soldiers came and bro1e the legs of the first and of the other who was crucified with 2im'

They said therefore among themselves# :)et us not tear it# but cast lots for it# whose it shall be#: that the Scri"ture might be fulfilled which says7 :They divided 4y garments among

But when they came to Jesus and saw that 2e was already dead# they did not brea1 2is legs'


But one of the soldiers "ierced 2is side with a s"ear# and immediately blood and water came out'

20Now the first day of the wee1

4ary 4agdalene went to the tomb early# while it was still dar1# and saw that the stone had been ta1en away from the tomb'

And he who has seen has testified# and his testimony is true9 and he 1nows that he is telling the truth# so that you may believe'

For these things were done that the Scri"ture should be fulfilled# :Not one of 2is bones shall be bro1en':

Then she ran and came to Simon /eter# and to the other disci"le# whom Jesus loved# and said to them# :They have ta1en away the )ord out of the tomb# and we do not 1now where they have laid 2im':

And again another Scri"ture says# :They shall loo1 on 2im whom they "ierced':

/eter therefore went out# and the other disci"le# and were going to the tomb'

After this# Jose"h of Arimathea# being a disci"le of Jesus# but secretly# for fear of the Jews# as1ed /ilate that he might ta1e away the body of Jesus9 and /ilate gave him "ermission' So he came and too1 the body of Jesus'

So they both ran together# and the other disci"le outran /eter and came to the tomb first'

And Nicodemus# who at first came to Jesus by night# also came# bringing a mi!ture of myrrh and aloes# about a hundred "ounds'

And he# stoo"ing down and loo1ing in# saw the linen cloths lying there9 yet he did not go in'

Then Simon /eter came# following him# and went into the tomb9 and he saw the linen cloths lying there#

Then they too1 the body of Jesus# and bound it in stri"s of linen with the s"ices# as the custom of the Jews is to bury'

Now in the "lace where 2e was crucified there was a garden# and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had yet been laid'

and the hand1erchief that had been around 2is head# not lying with the linen cloths# but folded together in a "lace by itself'

Then the other disci"le# who came to the tomb first# went in also9 and he saw and believed'

So there they laid Jesus# because of the JewsD /re"aration *ay# for the tomb was nearby'

For as yet they did not 1now the Scri"ture# that 2e must rise again from the dead'

Then the disci"les went away again to their own homes'


But 4ary stood outside by the tomb wee"ing# and as she we"t she stoo"ed down and loo1ed into the tomb'


And she saw two angels in white sitting# one at the head and the other at the feet# where the body of Jesus had lain'

Then# the same day at evening# being the first day of the wee1# when the doors were shut where the disci"les were assembled# for fear of the Jews# Jesus came and stood in the midst# and said to them# :/eace be with you':

Then they said to her# :Boman# why are you wee"ingE: She said to them# :Because they have ta1en away my )ord# and 0 do not 1now where they have laid 2im':

Bhen 2e had said this# 2e showed them 2is hands and 2is side' Then the disci"les were glad when they saw the )ord'

So Jesus said to them again# :/eace to youH As the Father has sent 4e# 0 also send you':

Now when she had said this# she turned around and saw Jesus standing there# and did not 1now that it was Jesus'

And when 2e had said this# 2e breathed on them# and said to them# :+eceive the 2oly S"irit'

Jesus said to her# :Boman# why are you wee"ingE Bhom are you see1ingE: She# su""osing 2im to be the gardener# said to 2im# :Sir# if Cou have carried 2im away# tell me where Cou have laid 2im# and 0 will ta1e 2im away':

0f you forgive the sins of any# they are forgiven them9 if you retain the sins of any# they are retained':

Now Thomas# called the Twin# one of the twelve# was not with them when Jesus came'

Jesus said to her# :4aryH: She turned and said to 2im# :+abboniH: Iwhich is to say# TeacherJ'

Jesus said to her# :*o not cling to 4e# for 0 have not yet ascended to 4y Father9 but go to 4y brethren and say to them# :0 am ascending to 4y Father and your Father# and to 4y (od and your (od':D

The other disci"les therefore said to him# :Be have seen the )ord': So he said to them# :Anless 0 see in 2is hands the "rint of the nails# and "ut my finger into the "rint of the nails# and "ut my hand into 2is side# 0 will not believe':

4ary 4agdalene came and told the disci"les that she had seen the )ord# and that 2e had s"o1en these things to her'

And after eight days 2is disci"les were again inside# and Thomas with them' Jesus came# the doors being shut# and stood in the midst# and said# :/eace to youH:

Then 2e said to Thomas# :+each your finger here# and loo1 at 4y hands9 and reach your hand here# and "ut it into 4y side' *o not be unbelieving# but believing':


And Thomas answered and said to 2im# :4y )ord and my (odH:

Jesus said to him# :Thomas# because you have seen 4e# you have believed' Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed':

Therefore that disci"le whom Jesus loved said to /eter# :0t is the )ordH: Now when Simon /eter heard that it was the )ord# he "ut on his outer garment Ifor he had removed itJ# and "lunged into the sea'

And truly Jesus did many other signs in the "resence of 2is disci"les# which are not written in this boo19

But the other disci"les came in the little boat Ifor they were not far from land# but about two hundred cubitsJ# dragging the net with fish'

but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the -hrist# the Son of (od# and that believing you may have life in 2is name'

Then# as soon as they had come to land# they saw a fire of coals there# and fish laid on it# and bread'

21After these things Jesus showed

2imself again to the disci"les at the Sea of Tiberias# and in this way 2e showed 2imself7

Jesus said to them# :Bring some of the fish which you have $ust caught':

Simon /eter# Thomas called the Twin# Nathanael of -ana in (alilee# the sons of 5ebedee# and two others of 2is disci"les were together'

Simon /eter went u" and dragged the net to land# full of large fish# one hundred and fiftyFthree9 and although there were so many# the net was not bro1en'

Simon /eter said to them# :0 am going fishing': They said to him# :Be are going with you also': They went out and immediately got into the boat# and that night they caught nothing'

Jesus said to them# :-ome and eat brea1fast': Cet none of the disci"les dared as1 2im# :Bho are CouE:FF 1nowing that it was the )ord'

Jesus then came and too1 the bread and gave it to them# and li1ewise the fish'

But when the morning had now come# Jesus stood on the shore9 yet the disci"les did not 1now that it was Jesus'

This is now the third time Jesus showed 2imself to 2is disci"les after 2e was raised from the dead'

Then Jesus said to them# :-hildren# have you any foodE: They answered 2im# :No':

And 2e said to them# :-ast the net on the right side of the boat# and you will find some': So they cast# and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish'

So when they had eaten brea1fast# Jesus said to Simon /eter# :Simon# son of Jonah# do you love 4e more than theseE: 2e said to 2im# :Ces# )ord9 Cou 1now that 0 love Cou': 2e said to him# :Feed 4y lambs':

2e said to him again a second time# :Simon# son of Jonah# do you love 4eE: 2e said to 2im# :Ces# )ord9 Cou 1now

that 0 love Cou': 2e said to him# :Tend 4y shee"':


the su""er# and said# :)ord# who is the one who betrays CouE:

2e said to him the third time# :Simon# son of Jonah# do you love 4eE: /eter was grieved because 2e said to him the third time# :*o you love 4eE: And he said to 2im# :)ord# Cou 1now all things9 Cou 1now that 0 love Cou': Jesus said to him# :Feed 4y shee"'

/eter# seeing him# said to Jesus# :But )ord# what about this manE:

Jesus said to him# :0f 0 will that he remain till 0 come# what is that to youE Cou follow 4e':

4ost assuredly# 0 say to you# when you were younger# you girded yourself and wal1ed where you wished9 but when you are old# you will stretch out your hands# and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish':

Then this saying went out among the brethren that this disci"le would not die' Cet Jesus did not say to him that he would not die# but# :0f 0 will that he remain till 0 come# what is that to youE:

This 2e s"o1e# signifying by what death he would glorify (od' And when 2e had s"o1en this# 2e said to him# :Follow 4e':

This is the disci"le who testifies of these things# and wrote these things9 and we 1now that his testimony is true'

Then /eter# turning around# saw the disci"le whom Jesus loved following# who also had leaned on 2is breast at

And there are also many other things that Jesus did# which if they were written one by one# 0 su""ose that even the world itself could not contain the boo1s that would be written' Amen'

(cts 1The

former account 0 made# 3 Theo"hilus# of all that Jesus began both to do and teach# until the day in which 2e was ta1en u"# after 2e through the 2oly S"irit had given commandments to the a"ostles whom 2e had chosen#

and a cloud received 2im out of their sight'


And while they loo1ed steadfastly toward heaven as 2e went u"# behold# two men stood by them in white a""arel#

to whom 2e also "resented 2imself alive after 2is suffering by many infallible "roofs# being seen by them during forty days and s"ea1ing of the things "ertaining to the 1ingdom of (od'

who also said# :4en of (alilee# why do you stand u" into heavenE This same Jesus# who was ta1en u" from you into heaven# will so come in li1e manner as you saw 2im go into heaven':

And being assembled together with them# 2e commanded them not to de"art from Jerusalem# but to wait for the /romise of the Father# :which#: 2e said# :you have heard from 4e9

Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called 3livet# which is near Jerusalem# a Sabbath dayDs $ourney'

for John truly ba"ti.ed with water# but you shall be ba"ti.ed with the 2oly S"irit not many days from now':

And when they had entered# they went u" into the u""er room where they were staying7 /eter# James# John# and Andrew9 /hili" and Thomas9 Bartholomew and 4atthew9 James the son of Al"haeus and Simon the 5ealot9 and Judas the son of James'

Therefore# when they had come together# they as1ed 2im# saying# :)ord# will Cou at this time restore the 1ingdom to 0sraelE:

These all continued with one accord in "rayer and su""lication# with the women and 4ary the mother of Jesus# and with 2is brothers'

And 2e said to them# :0t is not for you to 1now times or seasons which the Father has "ut in 2is own authority'

And in those days /eter stood u" in the midst of the disci"les Ialtogether the number of names was about a hundred and twentyJ# and said#

But you shall receive "ower when the 2oly S"irit has come u"on you9 and you shall be witnesses to 4e in Jerusalem# and in all Judea and Samaria# and to the end of the earth':

:4en and brethren# this Scri"ture had to be fulfilled# which the 2oly S"irit s"o1e before by the mouth of *avid concerning Judas# who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus9

Now when 2e had s"o1en these things# while they watched# 2e was ta1en u"#

for he was numbered with us and obtained a "art in this ministry':


INow this man "urchased a field with the wages of iniGuity9 and falling headlong# he burst o"en in the middle and all his entrails gushed out'

And suddenly there came a sound from heaven# as of a rushing mighty wind# and it filled the whole house where they were sitting'

And it became 1nown to all those dwelling in Jerusalem9 so that field is called in their own language# A1el *ama# that is# Field of Blood'J

Then there a""eared to them divided tongues# as of fire# and one sat u"on each of them'

:For it is written in the Boo1 of /salms7 :)et his dwelling "lace be desolate# And let no one live in itD9 and# :)et another ta1e his office'D

And they were all filled with the 2oly S"irit and began to s"ea1 with other tongues# as the S"irit gave them utterance'

:Therefore# of these men who have accom"anied us all the time that the )ord Jesus went in and out among us#

And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews# devout men# from every nation under heaven'

beginning from the ba"tism of John to that day when 2e was ta1en u" from us# one of these must become a witness with us of 2is resurrection':

And when this sound occurred# the multitude came together# and were confused# because everyone heard them s"ea1 in his own language'

And they "ro"osed two7 Jose"h called Barsabas# who was surnamed Justus# and 4atthias'

Then they were all ama.ed and marveled# saying to one another# :)oo1# are not all these who s"ea1 (alileansE

And they "rayed and said# :Cou# 3 )ord# who 1now the hearts of all# show which of these two Cou have chosen

And how is it that we hear# each in our own language in which we were bornE

to ta1e "art in this ministry and a"ostleshi" from which Judas by transgression fell# that he might go to his own "lace':

/arthians and 4edes and lamites# those dwelling in 4eso"otamia# Judea and -a""adocia# /ontus and Asia#

/hrygia and /am"hylia# gy"t and the "arts of )ibya ad$oining -yrene# visitors from +ome# both Jews and "roselytes#

And they cast their lots# and the lot fell on 4atthias' And he was numbered with the eleven a"ostles'

-retans and ArabsFFwe hear them s"ea1ing in our own tongues the wonderful wor1s of (od':

2Bhen the *ay of /entecost had fully

come# they were all with one accord in one "lace'

So they were all ama.ed and "er"le!ed# saying to one another# :Bhatever could this meanE:


3thers moc1ing said# :They are full of new wine':



But /eter# standing u" with the eleven# raised his voice and said to them# :4en of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem# let this be 1nown to you# and heed my words'

2im# being delivered by the determined "ur"ose and fore1nowledge of (od# you have ta1en by lawless hands# have crucified# and "ut to death9

whom (od raised u"# having loosed the "ains of death# because it was not "ossible that 2e should be held by it'

For these are not drun1# as you su""ose# since it is only the third hour of the day'

For *avid says concerning 2im7 :0 foresaw the )3+* always before my face# For 2e is at my right hand# that 0 may not be sha1en'

But this is what was s"o1en by the "ro"het Joel7


:And it shall come to "ass in the last days# says (od# That 0 will "our out of 4y S"irit on all flesh9 Cour sons and your daughters shall "ro"hesy# Cour young men shall see visions# Cour old men shall dream dreams'

Therefore my heart re$oiced# and my tongue was glad9 4oreover my flesh also will rest in ho"e'

For Cou will not leave my soul in 2ades# Nor will Cou allow Cour 2oly 3ne to see corru"tion'

And on 4y menservants and on 4y maidservants 0 will "our out 4y S"irit in those days9 And they shall "ro"hesy'

Cou have made 1nown to me the ways of life9 Cou will ma1e me full of $oy in Cour "resence'D

0 will show wonders in heaven above And signs in the earth beneath7 Blood and fire and va"or of smo1e'

:4en and brethren# let me s"ea1 freely to you of the "atriarch *avid# that he is both dead and buried# and his tomb is with us to this day'

The sun shall be turned into dar1ness# And the moon into blood# Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the )3+*'

Therefore# being a "ro"het# and 1nowing that (od had sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his body# according to the flesh# 2e would raise u" the -hrist to sit on his throne#

And it shall come to "ass That whoever calls on the name of the )3+* Shall be saved'D

:4en of 0srael# hear these words7 Jesus of Na.areth# a 4an attested by (od to you by miracles# wonders# and signs which (od did through 2im in your midst# as you yourselves also 1nowFF

he# foreseeing this# s"o1e concerning the resurrection of the -hrist# that 2is soul was not left in 2ades# nor did 2is flesh see corru"tion'

This Jesus (od has raised u"# of which we are all witnesses'

Therefore being e!alted to the right hand of (od# and having received from

the Father the "romise of the 2oly S"irit# 2e "oured out this which you now see and hear'


Then fear came u"on every soul# and many wonders and signs were done through the a"ostles'

:For *avid did not ascend into the heavens# but he says himself7 :The )3+* said to my )ord# :Sit at 4y right hand#

Now all who believed were together# and had all things in common#

Till 0 ma1e footstool':D





and sold their "ossessions and goods# and divided them among all# as anyone had need'

:Therefore let all the house of 0srael 1now assuredly that (od has made this Jesus# whom you crucified# both )ord and -hrist':

So continuing daily with one accord in the tem"le# and brea1ing bread from house to house# they ate their food with gladness and sim"licity of heart#

Now when they heard this# they were cut to the heart# and said to /eter and the rest of the a"ostles# :4en and brethren# what shall we doE:

"raising (od and having favor with all the "eo"le' And the )ord added to the church daily those who were being saved'

Then /eter said to them# :+e"ent# and let every one of you be ba"ti.ed in the name of Jesus -hrist for the remission of sins9 and you shall receive the gift of the 2oly S"irit'


/eter and John went u" together to the tem"le at the hour of "rayer# the ninth hour' And a certain man lame from his motherDs womb was carried# whom they laid daily at the gate of the tem"le which is called Beautiful# to as1 alms from those who entered the tem"le9

For the "romise is to you and to your children# and to all who are afar off# as many as the )ord our (od will call':

And with many other words he testified and e!horted them# saying# :Be saved from this "erverse generation':

who# seeing /eter and John about to go into the tem"le# as1ed for alms'

Then those who gladly received his word were ba"ti.ed9 and that day about three thousand souls were added to them'

And fi!ing his eyes on him# with John# /eter said# :)oo1 at us':

And they continued steadfastly in the a"ostlesD doctrine and fellowshi"# in the brea1ing of bread# and in "rayers'

So he gave them his attention# e!"ecting to receive something from them'


Then /eter said# :Silver and gold 0 do not have# but what 0 do have 0 give you7 0n the name of Jesus -hrist of Na.areth# rise u" and wal1':

And he too1 him by the right hand and lifted him u"# and immediately his feet and an1le bones received strength'


:Cet now# brethren# 0 1now that you did it in ignorance# as did also your rulers'

So he# lea"ing u"# stood and wal1ed and entered the tem"le with themFF wal1ing# lea"ing# and "raising (od'

But those things which (od foretold by the mouth of all 2is "ro"hets# that the -hrist would suffer# 2e has thus fulfilled'

And all the "eo"le saw him wal1ing and "raising (od'

+e"ent therefore and be converted# that your sins may be blotted out# so that times of refreshing may come from the "resence of the )ord#

Then they 1new that it was he who sat begging alms at the Beautiful (ate of the tem"le9 and they were filled with wonder and ama.ement at what had ha""ened to him'

and that 2e may send Jesus -hrist# who was "reached to you before#

Now as the lame man who was healed held on to /eter and John# all the "eo"le ran together to them in the "orch which is called SolomonDs# greatly ama.ed'

whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things# which (od has s"o1en by the mouth of all 2is holy "ro"hets since the world began'

So when /eter saw it# he res"onded to the "eo"le7 :4en of 0srael# why do you marvel at thisE 3r why loo1 so intently at us# as though by our own "ower or godliness we had made this man wal1E

For 4oses truly said to the fathers# :The )3+* your (od will raise u" for you a /ro"het li1e me from your brethren' 2im you shall hear in all things# whatever 2e says to you'

The (od of Abraham# 0saac# and Jacob# the (od of our fathers# glorified 2is Servant Jesus# whom you delivered u" and denied in the "resence of /ilate# when he was determined to let 2im go'

And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that /ro"het shall be utterly destroyed from among the "eo"le'D

Ces# and all the "ro"hets# from Samuel and those who follow# as many as have s"o1en# have also foretold these days'

But you denied the 2oly 3ne and the Just# and as1ed for a murderer to be granted to you#

and 1illed the /rince of life# whom (od raised from the dead# of which we are witnesses'

Cou are sons of the "ro"hets# and of the covenant which (od made with our fathers# saying to Abraham# :And in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed'D

And 2is name# through faith in 2is name# has made this man strong# whom you see and 1now' Ces# the faith which comes through 2im has given him this "erfect soundness in the "resence of you all'

To you first# (od# having raised u" 2is Servant Jesus# sent 2im to bless you# in turning away every one of you from your iniGuities':

4Now as they s"o1e to the "eo"le# the

"riests# the ca"tain of the tem"le# and the Sadducees came u"on them#


This is the :stone which was re$ected by you builders# which has become the chief cornerstone'D

being greatly disturbed that they taught the "eo"le and "reached in Jesus the resurrection from the dead'

Nor is there salvation in any other# for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved':

And they laid hands on them# and "ut them in custody until the ne!t day# for it was already evening'

2owever# many of those who heard the word believed9 and the number of the men came to be about five thousand'

Now when they saw the boldness of /eter and John# and "erceived that they were uneducated and untrained men# they marveled' And they reali.ed that they had been with Jesus'

And it came to "ass# on the ne!t day# that their rulers# elders# and scribes#

And seeing the man who had been healed standing with them# they could say nothing against it'

as well as Annas the high "riest# -aia"has# John# and Ale!ander# and as many as were of the family of the high "riest# were gathered together at Jerusalem'

But when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council# they conferred among themselves#

And when they had set them in the midst# they as1ed# :By what "ower or by what name have you done thisE:

saying# :Bhat shall we do to these menE For# indeed# that a notable miracle has been done through them is evident to all who dwell in Jerusalem# and we cannot deny it'

Then /eter# filled with the 2oly S"irit# said to them# :+ulers of the "eo"le and elders of 0srael7

But so that it s"reads no further among the "eo"le# let us severely threaten them# that from now on they s"ea1 to no man in this name':

0f we this day are $udged for a good deed done to a hel"less man# by what means he has been made well#

So they called them and commanded them not to s"ea1 at all nor teach in the name of Jesus'

let it be 1nown to you all# and to all the "eo"le of 0srael# that by the name of Jesus -hrist of Na.areth# whom you crucified# whom (od raised from the dead# by 2im this man stands here before you whole'

But /eter and John answered and said to them# :Bhether it is right in the sight of (od to listen to you more than to (od# you $udge'

For we cannot but s"ea1 the things which we have seen and heard':


So when they had further threatened them# they let them go# finding no way of "unishing them# because of the "eo"le# since they all glorified (od for what had been done'


And when they had "rayed# the "lace where they were assembled together was sha1en9 and they were all filled with the 2oly S"irit# and they s"o1e the word of (od with boldness'

For the man was over forty years old on whom this miracle of healing had been "erformed'

And being let go# they went to their own com"anions and re"orted all that the chief "riests and elders had said to them'

Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul9 neither did anyone say that any of the things he "ossessed was his own# but they had all things in common'

So when they heard that# they raised their voice to (od with one accord and said7 :)ord# Cou are (od# who made heaven and earth and the sea# and all that is in them#

And with great "ower the a"ostles gave witness to the resurrection of the )ord Jesus' And great grace was u"on them all'

who by the mouth of Cour servant *avid have said7 :Bhy did the nations rage# And the "eo"le "lot vain thingsE

Nor was there anyone among them who lac1ed9 for all who were "ossessors of lands or houses sold them# and brought the "roceeds of the things that were sold#

The 1ings of the earth too1 their stand# And the rulers were gathered together Against the )3+* and against 2is -hrist'D

and laid them at the a"ostlesD feet9 and they distributed to each as anyone had need'

:For truly against Cour holy Servant Jesus# whom Cou anointed# both 2erod and /ontius /ilate# with the (entiles and the "eo"le of 0srael# were gathered together

And Joses# who was also named Barnabas by the a"ostles Iwhich is translated Son of ncouragementJ# a )evite of the country of -y"rus#

having land# sold it# and brought the money and laid it at the a"ostlesD feet'

to do whatever Cour hand and Cour "ur"ose determined before to be done'


5But a certain man named Ananias#

with Sa""hira "ossession'




Now# )ord# loo1 on their threats# and grant to Cour servants that with all boldness they may s"ea1 Cour word#

by stretching out Cour hand to heal# and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Cour holy Servant Jesus':

And he 1e"t bac1 "art of the "roceeds# his wife also being aware of it# and brought a certain "art and laid it at the a"ostlesD feet'

But /eter said# :Ananias# why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the 2oly

S"irit and 1ee" bac1 "art of the "rice of the land for yourselfE


Cet none of the rest dared $oin them# but the "eo"le esteemed them highly'

Bhile it remained# was it not your ownE And after it was sold# was it not in your own controlE Bhy have you conceived this thing in your heartE Cou have not lied to men but to (od':

And believers were increasingly added to the )ord# multitudes of both men and women#

Then Ananias# hearing these words# fell down and breathed his last' So great fear came u"on all those who heard these things'

so that they brought the sic1 out into the streets and laid them on beds and couches# that at least the shadow of /eter "assing by might fall on some of them'

And the young men arose and wra""ed him u"# carried him out# and buried him'

Now it was about three hours later when his wife came in# not 1nowing what had ha""ened'

Also a multitude gathered from the surrounding cities to Jerusalem# bringing sic1 "eo"le and those who were tormented by unclean s"irits# and they were all healed'

And /eter answered her# :Tell me whether you sold the land for so muchE: She said# :Ces# for so much':

Then the high "riest rose u"# and all those who were with him Iwhich is the sect of the SadduceesJ# and they were filled with indignation#

Then /eter said to her# :2ow is it that you have agreed together to test the S"irit of the )ordE )oo1# the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door# and they will carry you out':

and laid their hands on the a"ostles and "ut them in the common "rison'

But at night an angel of the )ord o"ened the "rison doors and brought them out# and said#

Then immediately she fell down at his feet and breathed her last' And the young men came in and found her dead# and carrying her out# buried her by her husband'

:(o# stand in the tem"le and s"ea1 to the "eo"le all the words of this life':

So great fear came u"on all the church and u"on all who heard these things'

And when they heard that# they entered the tem"le early in the morning and taught' But the high "riest and those with him came and called the council together# with all the elders of the children of 0srael# and sent to the "rison to have them brought'

And through the hands of the a"ostles many signs and wonders were done among the "eo"le' And they were all with one accord in SolomonDs /orch'

But when the officers came and did not find them in the "rison# they returned and re"orted#


saying# :0ndeed we found the "rison shut securely# and the guards standing outside before the doors9 but when we o"ened them# we found no one insideH:


Bhen they heard this# they were furious and "lotted to 1ill them'

Now when the high "riest# the ca"tain of the tem"le# and the chief "riests heard these things# they wondered what the outcome would be'

Then one in the council stood u"# a /harisee named (amaliel# a teacher of the law held in res"ect by all the "eo"le# and commanded them to "ut the a"ostles outside for a little while'

So one came and told them# saying# :)oo1# the men whom you "ut in "rison are standing in the tem"le and teaching the "eo"leH:

And he said to them7 :4en of 0srael# ta1e heed to yourselves what you intend to do regarding these men'

Then the ca"tain went with the officers and brought them without violence# for they feared the "eo"le# lest they should be stoned'

For some time ago Theudas rose u"# claiming to be somebody' A number of men# about four hundred# $oined him' 2e was slain# and all who obeyed him were scattered and came to nothing'

And when they had brought them# they set them before the council' And the high "riest as1ed them#

After this man# Judas of (alilee rose u" in the days of the census# and drew away many "eo"le after him' 2e also "erished# and all who obeyed him were dis"ersed'

saying# :*id we not strictly command you not to teach in this nameE And loo1# you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine# and intend to bring this 4anDs blood on usH:

And now 0 say to you# 1ee" away from these men and let them alone9 for if this "lan or this wor1 is of men# it will come to nothing9

But /eter and the other a"ostles answered and said7 :Be ought to obey (od rather than men'

but if it is of (od# you cannot overthrow itFFlest you even be found to fight against (od':

The (od of our fathers raised u" Jesus whom you murdered by hanging on a tree'

2im (od has e!alted to 2is right hand to be /rince and Savior# to give re"entance to 0srael and forgiveness of sins'

And they agreed with him# and when they had called for the a"ostles and beaten them# they commanded that they should not s"ea1 in the name of Jesus# and let them go'

And we are 2is witnesses to these things# and so also is the 2oly S"irit whom (od has given to those who obey 2im':

So they de"arted from the "resence of the council# re$oicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for 2is name'

And daily in the tem"le# and in every house# they did not cease teaching and "reaching Jesus as the -hrist'

6Now in those days# when the number

of the disci"les was multi"lying# there arose a com"laint against the 2ebrews by the 2ellenists# because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution'


And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the S"irit by which he s"o1e'

Then the twelve summoned the multitude of the disci"les and said# :0t is not desirable that we should leave the word of (od and serve tables'

Then they secretly induced men to say# :Be have heard him s"ea1 blas"hemous words against 4oses and (od':

Therefore# brethren# see1 out from among you seven men of good re"utation# full of the 2oly S"irit and wisdom# whom we may a""oint over this business9

And they stirred u" the "eo"le# the elders# and the scribes9 and they came u"on him# sei.ed him# and brought him to the council'

They also set u" false witnesses who said# :This man does not cease to s"ea1 blas"hemous words against this holy "lace and the law9

but we will give ourselves continually to "rayer and to the ministry of the word':

And the saying "leased the whole multitude' And they chose Ste"hen# a man full of faith and the 2oly S"irit# and /hili"# /rochorus# Nicanor# Timon# /armenas# and Nicolas# a "roselyte from Antioch#

for we have heard him say that this Jesus of Na.areth will destroy this "lace and change the customs which 4oses delivered to us':

And all who sat in the council# loo1ing steadfastly at him# saw his face as the face of an angel'

whom they set before the a"ostles9 and when they had "rayed# they laid hands on them'

7Then the high "riest said# :Are these

things soE:

Then the word of (od s"read# and the number of the disci"les multi"lied greatly in Jerusalem# and a great many of the "riests were obedient to the faith'

And he said# :Brethren and fathers# listen7 The (od of glory a""eared to our father Abraham when he was in 4eso"otamia# before he dwelt in 2aran#

And Ste"hen# full of faith and "ower# did great wonders and signs among the "eo"le'

and said to him# :(et out of your country and from your relatives# and come to a land that 0 will show you'D

Then there arose some from what is called the Synagogue of the Freedmen I-yrenians# Ale!andrians# and those from -ilicia and AsiaJ# dis"uting with Ste"hen'

Then he came out of the land of the -haldeans and dwelt in 2aran' And from there# when his father was dead# 2e moved him to this land in which you now dwell'


And (od gave him no inheritance in it# not even enough to set his foot on' But even when Abraham had no child# 2e "romised to give it to him for a "ossession# and to his descendants after him'


Then Jose"h sent and called his father Jacob and all his relatives to him# seventyFfive "eo"le'

So Jacob went down to died# he and our fathers'


gy"t9 and he

But (od s"o1e in this way7 that his descendants would dwell in a foreign land# and that they would bring them into bondage and o""ress them four hundred years'

And they were carried bac1 to Shechem and laid in the tomb that Abraham bought for a sum of money from the sons of 2amor# the father of Shechem'

:And the nation to whom they will be in bondage 0 will $udge#D said (od# :and after that they shall come out and serve 4e in this "lace'D

:But when the time of the "romise drew near which (od had sworn to Abraham# the "eo"le grew and multi"lied in gy"t

Then 2e gave him the covenant of circumcision9 and so Abraham begot 0saac and circumcised him on the eighth day9 and 0saac begot Jacob# and Jacob begot the twelve "atriarchs'

till another 1ing arose who did not 1now Jose"h'


:And the "atriarchs# becoming envious# sold Jose"h into gy"t' But (od was with him

This man dealt treacherously with our "eo"le# and o""ressed our forefathers# ma1ing them e!"ose their babies# so that they might not live'

and delivered him out of all his troubles# and gave him favor and wisdom in the "resence of /haraoh# 1ing of gy"t9 and he made him governor over gy"t and all his house'

At this time 4oses was born# and was well "leasing to (od9 and he was brought u" in his fatherDs house for three months'

Now a famine and great trouble came over all the land of gy"t and -anaan# and our fathers found no sustenance'

But when he was set out# /haraohDs daughter too1 him away and brought him u" as her own son'

But when Jacob heard that there was grain in gy"t# he sent out our fathers first'

And 4oses was learned in all the wisdom of the gy"tians# and was mighty in words and deeds'

And the second time Jose"h was made 1nown to his brothers# and Jose"hDs family became 1nown to the /haraoh'

:Now when he was forty years old# it came into his heart to visit his brethren# the children of 0srael'

And seeing one of them suffer wrong# he defended and avenged him who was o""ressed# and struc1 down the gy"tian'


For he su""osed that his brethren would have understood that (od would deliver them by his hand# but they did not understand'


:This 4oses whom they re$ected# saying# :Bho made you a ruler and a $udgeED is the one (od sent to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the Angel who a""eared to him in the bush'

And the ne!t day he a""eared to two of them as they were fighting# and tried to reconcile them# saying# :4en# you are brethren9 why do you wrong one anotherED

2e brought them out# after he had shown wonders and signs in the land of gy"t# and in the +ed Sea# and in the wilderness forty years'

But he who did his neighbor wrong "ushed him away# saying# :Bho made you a ruler and a $udge over usE

:This is that 4oses who said to the children of 0srael# :The )3+* your (od will raise u" for you a /ro"het li1e me from your brethren' 2im you shall hear'D

*o you want to 1ill me as you did the gy"tian yesterdayED


Then# at this saying# 4oses fled and became a dweller in the land of 4idian# where he had two sons'

:This is he who was in the congregation in the wilderness with the Angel who s"o1e to him on 4ount Sinai# and with our fathers# the one who received the living oracles to give to us#

:And when forty years had "assed# an Angel of the )ord a""eared to him in a flame of fire in a bush# in the wilderness of 4ount Sinai'

whom our fathers would not obey# but re$ected' And in their hearts they turned bac1 to gy"t#

Bhen 4oses saw it# he marveled at the sight9 and as he drew near to observe# the voice of the )ord came to him#

saying to Aaron# :4a1e us gods to go before us9 as for this 4oses who brought us out of the land of gy"t# we do not 1now what has become of him'D

saying# :0 am the (od of your fathersFF the (od of Abraham# the (od of 0saac# and the (od of Jacob'D And 4oses trembled and dared not loo1'

And they made a calf in those days# offered sacrifices to the idol# and re$oiced in the wor1s of their own hands'

:Then the )3+* said to him# :Ta1e your sandals off your feet# for the "lace where you stand is holy ground'

Then (od turned and gave them u" to worshi" the host of heaven# as it is written in the boo1 of the /ro"hets7 :*id you offer 4e slaughtered animals and sacrifices during forty years in the wilderness# 3 house of 0sraelE

0 have surely seen the o""ression of 4y "eo"le who are in gy"t9 0 have heard their groaning and have come down to deliver them' And now come# 0 will send you to gy"t':D

Cou also too1 u" the tabernacle of 4oloch# And the star of your god +em"han# 0mages which you made to worshi"9 And 0 will carry you away beyond Babylon'D


:3ur fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness# as 2e a""ointed# instructing 4oses to ma1e it according to the "attern that he had seen#


But he# being full of the 2oly S"irit# ga.ed into heaven and saw the glory of (od# and Jesus standing at the right hand of (od#

which our fathers# having received it in turn# also brought with Joshua into the land "ossessed by the (entiles# whom (od drove out before the face of our fathers until the days of *avid#

and said# :)oo1H 0 see the heavens o"ened and the Son of 4an standing at the right hand of (odH:

Then they cried out with a loud voice# sto""ed their ears# and ran at him with one accord9

who found favor before (od and as1ed to find a dwelling for the (od of Jacob'

But Solomon built 2im a house'

and they cast him out of the city and stoned him' And the witnesses laid down their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul'


:2owever# the 4ost 2igh does not dwell in tem"les made with hands# as the "ro"het says7

And they stoned Ste"hen as he was calling on (od and saying# :)ord Jesus# receive my s"irit':

:2eaven is 4y throne# And earth is 4y footstool' Bhat house will you build for 4eE says the )3+*# 3r what is the "lace of 4y restE

Then he 1nelt down and cried out with a loud voice# :)ord# do not charge them with this sin': And when he had said this# he fell aslee"'

2as 4y hand not made all these thingsED


:Cou stiffFnec1ed and uncircumcised in heart and earsH Cou always resist the 2oly S"irit9 as your fathers did# so do you'


Saul was consenting to his death' At that time a great "ersecution arose against the church which was at Jerusalem9 and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria# e!ce"t the a"ostles'

Bhich of the "ro"hets did your fathers not "ersecuteE And they 1illed those who foretold the coming of the Just 3ne# of whom you now have become the betrayers and murderers#

And devout men carried Ste"hen to his burial# and made great lamentation over him'

who have received the law by the direction of angels and have not 1e"t it':

As for Saul# he made havoc of the church# entering every house# and dragging off men and women# committing them to "rison'

Bhen they heard these things they were cut to the heart# and they gnashed at him with their teeth'

Therefore those who were scattered went everywhere "reaching the word'


Then /hili" went down to the city of Samaria and "reached -hrist to them'


who# when they had come down# "rayed for them that they might receive the 2oly S"irit'

And the multitudes with one accord heeded the things s"o1en by /hili"# hearing and seeing the miracles which he did'

For as yet 2e had fallen u"on none of them' They had only been ba"ti.ed in the name of the )ord Jesus'

For unclean s"irits# crying with a loud voice# came out of many who were "ossessed9 and many who were "araly.ed and lame were healed'

Then they laid hands on them# and they received the 2oly S"irit'

And there was great $oy in that city'

And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the a"ostlesD hands the 2oly S"irit was given# he offered them money#

But there was a certain man called Simon# who "reviously "racticed sorcery in the city and astonished the "eo"le of Samaria# claiming that he was someone great#

saying# :(ive me this "ower also# that anyone on whom 0 lay hands may receive the 2oly S"irit':

to whom they all gave heed# from the least to the greatest# saying# :This man is the great "ower of (od':

But /eter said to him# :Cour money "erish with you# because you thought that the gift of (od could be "urchased with moneyH

And they heeded him because he had astonished them with his sorceries for a long time'

Cou have neither "art nor "ortion in this matter# for your heart is not right in the sight of (od'

But when they believed /hili" as he "reached the things concerning the 1ingdom of (od and the name of Jesus -hrist# both men and women were ba"ti.ed'

+e"ent therefore of this your wic1edness# and "ray (od if "erha"s the thought of your heart may be forgiven you'

Then Simon himself also believed9 and when he was ba"ti.ed he continued with /hili"# and was ama.ed# seeing the miracles and signs which were done'

For 0 see that you are "oisoned by bitterness and bound by iniGuity':

Now when the a"ostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of (od# they sent /eter and John to them#

Then Simon answered and said# :/ray to the )ord for me# that none of the things which you have s"o1en may come u"on me':

So when they had testified and "reached the word of the )ord# they returned to Jerusalem# "reaching the gos"el in many villages of the Samaritans'


Now an angel of the )ord s"o1e to /hili"# saying# :Arise and go toward the south along the road which goes down from Jerusalem to (a.a': This is desert'


Now as they went down the road# they came to some water' And the eunuch said# :See# here is water' Bhat hinders me from being ba"ti.edE:

So he arose and went' And behold# a man of thio"ia# a eunuch of great authority under -andace the Gueen of the thio"ians# who had charge of all her treasury# and had come to Jerusalem to worshi"#

Then /hili" said# :0f you believe with all your heart# you may': And he answered and said# :0 believe that Jesus -hrist is the Son of (od':

was returning' And sitting in his chariot# he was reading 0saiah the "ro"het'

So he commanded the chariot to stand still' And both /hili" and the eunuch went down into the water# and he ba"ti.ed him'

Then the S"irit said to /hili"# :(o near and overta1e this chariot':

So /hili" ran to him# and heard him reading the "ro"het 0saiah# and said# :*o you understand what you are readingE:

Now when they came u" out of the water# the S"irit of the )ord caught /hili" away# so that the eunuch saw him no more9 and he went on his way re$oicing'

But /hili" was found at A.otus' And "assing through# he "reached in all the cities till he came to -aesarea'

And he said# :2ow can 0# unless someone guides meE: And he as1ed /hili" to come u" and sit with him'

9Then Saul# still breathing threats and

murder against the disci"les of the )ord# went to the high "riest

The "lace in the Scri"ture which he read was this7 :2e was led as a shee" to the slaughter9 And as a lamb before its shearer is silent# So 2e o"ened not 2is mouth'

0n 2is humiliation 2is $ustice was ta1en away# And who will declare 2is generationE For 2is life is ta1en from the earth':

and as1ed letters from him to the synagogues of *amascus# so that if he found any who were of the Bay# whether men or women# he might bring them bound to Jerusalem'

So the eunuch answered /hili" and said# :0 as1 you# of whom does the "ro"het say this# of himself or of some other manE:

As he $ourneyed he came near *amascus# and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven'

Then he fell to the ground# and heard a voice saying to him# :Saul# Saul# why are you "ersecuting 4eE:

Then /hili" o"ened his mouth# and beginning at this Scri"ture# "reached Jesus to him'

And he said# :Bho are Cou# )ordE: Then the )ord said# :0 am Jesus# whom

you are "ersecuting' 0t is hard for you to 1ic1 against the goads':


So he# trembling and astonished# said# :)ord# what do Cou want me to doE: Then the )ord said to him# :Arise and go into the city# and you will be told what you must do':

But the )ord said to him# :(o# for he is a chosen vessel of 4ine to bear 4y name before (entiles# 1ings# and the children of 0srael'

For 0 will show him how many things he must suffer for 4y nameDs sa1e':

And the men who $ourneyed with him stood s"eechless# hearing a voice but seeing no one'

Then Saul arose from the ground# and when his eyes were o"ened he saw no one' But they led him by the hand and brought him into *amascus'

And Ananias went his way and entered the house9 and laying his hands on him he said# :Brother Saul# the )ord Jesus# who a""eared to you on the road as you came# has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled with the 2oly S"irit':

And he was three days without sight# and neither ate nor dran1'

0mmediately there fell from his eyes something li1e scales# and he received his sight at once9 and he arose and was ba"ti.ed'

Now there was a certain disci"le at *amascus named Ananias9 and to him the )ord said in a vision# :Ananias': And he said# :2ere 0 am# )ord':

So when he had received food# he was strengthened' Then Saul s"ent some days with the disci"les at *amascus'

So the )ord said to him# :Arise and go to the street called Straight# and inGuire at the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus# for behold# he is "raying'

0mmediately he "reached the -hrist in the synagogues# that 2e is the Son of (od'

And in a vision he has seen a man named Ananias coming in and "utting his hand on him# so that he might receive his sight':

Then all who heard were ama.ed# and said# :0s this not he who destroyed those who called on this name in Jerusalem# and has come here for that "ur"ose# so that he might bring them bound to the chief "riestsE:

Then Ananias answered# :)ord# 0 have heard from many about this man# how much harm he has done to Cour saints in Jerusalem'

But Saul increased all the more in strength# and confounded the Jews who dwelt in *amascus# "roving that this Jesus is the -hrist'

And here he has authority from the chief "riests to bind all who call on Cour name':

Now after many days were "ast# the Jews "lotted to 1ill him'

But their "lot became 1nown to Saul' And they watched the gates day and night# to 1ill him'


Then the disci"les too1 him by night and let him down through the wall in a large bas1et'


So all who dwelt at )ydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the )ord'

And when Saul had come to Jerusalem# he tried to $oin the disci"les9 but they were all afraid of him# and did not believe that he was a disci"le'

At Jo""a there was a certain disci"le named Tabitha# which is translated *orcas' This woman was full of good wor1s and charitable deeds which she did'

But Barnabas too1 him and brought him to the a"ostles' And he declared to them how he had seen the )ord on the road# and that 2e had s"o1en to him# and how he had "reached boldly at *amascus in the name of Jesus'

But it ha""ened in those days that she became sic1 and died' Bhen they had washed her# they laid her in an u""er room'

So he was with them at Jerusalem# coming in and going out'


And since )ydda was near Jo""a# and the disci"les had heard that /eter was there# they sent two men to him# im"loring him not to delay in coming to them'

And he s"o1e boldly in the name of the )ord Jesus and dis"uted against the 2ellenists# but they attem"ted to 1ill him'

Bhen the brethren found out# they brought him down to -aesarea and sent him out to Tarsus'

Then /eter arose and went with them' Bhen he had come# they brought him to the u""er room' And all the widows stood by him wee"ing# showing the tunics and garments which *orcas had made while she was with them'

Then the churches throughout all Judea# (alilee# and Samaria had "eace and were edified' And wal1ing in the fear of the )ord and in the comfort of the 2oly S"irit# they were multi"lied'

But /eter "ut them all out# and 1nelt down and "rayed' And turning to the body he said# :Tabitha# arise': And she o"ened her eyes# and when she saw /eter she sat u"'

Now it came to "ass# as /eter went through all "arts of the country# that he also came down to the saints who dwelt in )ydda'

Then he gave her his hand and lifted her u"9 and when he had called the saints and widows# he "resented her alive'

There he found a certain man named Aeneas# who had been bedridden eight years and was "araly.ed'

And it became 1nown throughout all Jo""a# and many believed on the )ord'

And /eter said to him# :Aeneas# Jesus the -hrist heals you' Arise and ma1e your bed': Then he arose immediately'

So it was that he stayed many days in Jo""a with Simon# a tanner'



was a certain man in -aesarea called -ornelius# a centurion of what was called the 0talian +egiment# a devout man and one who feared (od with all his household# who gave alms generously to the "eo"le# and "rayed to (od always'

and saw heaven o"ened and an ob$ect li1e a great sheet bound at the four corners# descending to him and let down to the earth'

0n it were all 1inds of fourFfooted animals of the earth# wild beasts# cree"ing things# and birds of the air'

About the ninth hour of the day he saw clearly in a vision an angel of (od coming in and saying to him# :-orneliusH:

And a voice came to him# :+ise# /eter9 1ill and eat':


But /eter said# :Not so# )ordH For 0 have never eaten anything common or unclean':

And when he observed him# he was afraid# and said# :Bhat is it# lordE: So he said to him# :Cour "rayers and your alms have come u" for a memorial before (od'

And a voice s"o1e to him again the second time# :Bhat (od has cleansed you must not call common':

Now send men to Jo""a# and send for Simon whose surname is /eter'

This was done three times' And the ob$ect was ta1en u" into heaven again'

2e is lodging with Simon# a tanner# whose house is by the sea' 2e will tell you what you must do':

And when the angel who s"o1e to him had de"arted# -ornelius called two of his household servants and a devout soldier from among those who waited on him continually'

Now while /eter wondered within himself what this vision which he had seen meant# behold# the men who had been sent from -ornelius had made inGuiry for SimonDs house# and stood before the gate'

And they called and as1ed whether Simon# whose surname was /eter# was lodging there'

So when he had e!"lained all these things to them# he sent them to Jo""a'

Bhile /eter thought about the vision# the S"irit said to him# :Behold# three men are see1ing you'

The ne!t day# as they went on their $ourney and drew near the city# /eter went u" on the houseto" to "ray# about the si!th hour'

Arise therefore# go down and go with them# doubting nothing9 for 0 have sent them':

Then he became very hungry and wanted to eat9 but while they made ready# he fell into a trance

Then /eter went down to the men who had been sent to him from -ornelius# and said# :Ces# 0 am he whom you see1' For what reason have you comeE:


And they said# :-ornelius the centurion# a $ust man# one who fears (od and has a good re"utation among all the nation of the Jews# was divinely instructed by a holy angel to summon you to his house# and to hear words from you':


and said# :-ornelius# your "rayer has been heard# and your alms are remembered in the sight of (od'

Then he invited them in and lodged them' 3n the ne!t day /eter went away with them# and some brethren from Jo""a accom"anied him'

Send therefore to Jo""a and call Simon here# whose surname is /eter' 2e is lodging in the house of Simon# a tanner# by the sea' Bhen he comes# he will s"ea1 to you'D

And the following day they entered -aesarea' Now -ornelius was waiting for them# and had called together his relatives and close friends'

So 0 sent to you immediately# and you have done well to come' Now therefore# we are all "resent before (od# to hear all the things commanded you by (od':

Then /eter o"ened his mouth and said7 :0n truth 0 "erceive that (od shows no "artiality'

As /eter was coming in# -ornelius met him and fell down at his feet and worshi"ed him'

But in every nation whoever fears 2im and wor1s righteousness is acce"ted by 2im'

But /eter lifted him u"# saying# :Stand u"9 0 myself am also a man':

And as he tal1ed with him# he went in and found many who had come together'

The word which (od sent to the children of 0srael# "reaching "eace through Jesus -hristFF2e is )ord of allFF

Then he said to them# :Cou 1now how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to 1ee" com"any with or go to one of another nation' But (od has shown me that 0 should not call any man common or unclean'

that word you 1now# which was "roclaimed throughout all Judea# and began from (alilee after the ba"tism which John "reached7

Therefore 0 came without ob$ection as soon as 0 was sent for' 0 as1# then# for what reason have you sent for meE:

how (od anointed Jesus of Na.areth with the 2oly S"irit and with "ower# who went about doing good and healing all who were o""ressed by the devil# for (od was with 2im'

So -ornelius said# :Four days ago 0 was fasting until this hour9 and at the ninth hour 0 "rayed in my house# and behold# a man stood before me in bright clothing#

And we are witnesses of all things which 2e did both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem# whom they 1illed by hanging on a tree'

2im (od raised u" on the third day# and showed 2im o"enly#


not to all the "eo"le# but to witnesses chosen before by (od# even to us who ate and dran1 with 2im after 2e arose from the dead'

saying# :Cou went in to uncircumcised men and ate with themH:


But /eter e!"lained it to them in order from the beginning# saying7


And 2e commanded us to "reach to the "eo"le# and to testify that it is 2e who was ordained by (od to be Judge of the living and the dead'

To 2im all the "ro"hets witness that# through 2is name# whoever believes in 2im will receive remission of sins':

:0 was in the city of Jo""a "raying9 and in a trance 0 saw a vision# an ob$ect descending li1e a great sheet# let down from heaven by four corners9 and it came to me'

Bhile /eter was still s"ea1ing these words# the 2oly S"irit fell u"on all those who heard the word'

Bhen 0 observed it intently and considered# 0 saw fourFfooted animals of the earth# wild beasts# cree"ing things# and birds of the air'

And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished# as many as came with /eter# because the gift of the 2oly S"irit had been "oured out on the (entiles also'

And 0 heard a voice saying to me# :+ise# /eter9 1ill and eat'D

But 0 said# :Not so# )ordH For nothing common or unclean has at any time entered my mouth'D

For they heard them s"ea1 with tongues and magnify (od' Then /eter answered#

But the voice answered me again from heaven# :Bhat (od has cleansed you must not call common'D

:-an anyone forbid water# that these should not be ba"ti.ed who have received the 2oly S"irit $ust as we haveE:

Now this was done three times# and all were drawn u" again into heaven'

And he commanded them to be ba"ti.ed in the name of the )ord' Then they as1ed him to stay a few days'

At that very moment# three men stood before the house where 0 was# having been sent to me from -aesarea'

11Now the a"ostles and brethren

who were in Judea heard that the (entiles had also received the word of (od'

Then the S"irit told me to go with them# doubting nothing' 4oreover these si! brethren accom"anied me# and we entered the manDs house'

And when /eter came u" to Jerusalem# those of the circumcision contended with him#

And he told us how he had seen an angel standing in his house# who said to him# :Send men to Jo""a# and call for Simon whose surname is /eter#

who will tell you words by which you and all your household will be saved'D


And as 0 began to s"ea1# the 2oly S"irit fell u"on them# as u"on us at the beginning'


Then Barnabas de"arted for Tarsus to see1 Saul'


Then 0 remembered the word of the )ord# how 2e said# :John indeed ba"ti.ed with water# but you shall be ba"ti.ed with the 2oly S"irit'D

And when he had found him# he brought him to Antioch' So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many "eo"le' And the disci"les were first called -hristians in Antioch'

0f therefore (od gave them the same gift as 2e gave us when we believed on the )ord Jesus -hrist# who was 0 that 0 could withstand (odE:

And in these days "ro"hets came from Jerusalem to Antioch'


Bhen they heard these things they became silent9 and they glorified (od# saying# :Then (od has also granted to the (entiles re"entance to life':

Then one of them# named Agabus# stood u" and showed by the S"irit that there was going to be a great famine throughout all the world# which also ha""ened in the days of -laudius -aesar'

Now those who were scattered after the "ersecution that arose over Ste"hen traveled as far as /hoenicia# -y"rus# and Antioch# "reaching the word to no one but the Jews only'

Then the disci"les# each according to his ability# determined to send relief to the brethren dwelling in Judea'

But some of them were men from -y"rus and -yrene# who# when they had come to Antioch# s"o1e to the 2ellenists# "reaching the )ord Jesus'

This they also did# and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul'

And the hand of the )ord was with them# and a great number believed and turned to the )ord'

12Now about that time 2erod the

1ing stretched out his hand to harass some from the church'

Then news of these things came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem# and they sent out Barnabas to go as far as Antioch'

Then he 1illed James the brother of John with the sword'


Bhen he came and had seen the grace of (od# he was glad# and encouraged them all that with "ur"ose of heart they should continue with the )ord'

And because he saw that it "leased the Jews# he "roceeded further to sei.e /eter also' Now it was during the *ays of Anleavened Bread'

For he was a good man# full of the 2oly S"irit and of faith' And a great many "eo"le were added to the )ord'

So when he had arrested him# he "ut him in "rison# and delivered him to four sGuads of soldiers to 1ee" him# intending to bring him before the "eo"le after /assover'


/eter was therefore 1e"t in "rison# but constant "rayer was offered to (od for him by the church'


And as /eter 1noc1ed at the door of the gate# a girl named +hoda came to answer'

And when 2erod was about to bring him out# that night /eter was slee"ing# bound with two chains between two soldiers9 and the guards before the door were 1ee"ing the "rison'

Bhen she recogni.ed /eterDs voice# because of her gladness she did not o"en the gate# but ran in and announced that /eter stood before the gate'

Now behold# an angel of the )ord stood by him# and a light shone in the "rison9 and he struc1 /eter on the side and raised him u"# saying# :Arise Guic1lyH: And his chains fell off his hands'

But they said to her# :Cou are beside yourselfH: Cet she 1e"t insisting that it was so' So they said# :0t is his angel':

Then the angel said to him# :(ird yourself and tie on your sandals:9 and so he did' And he said to him# :/ut on your garment and follow me':

Now /eter continued 1noc1ing9 and when they o"ened the door and saw him# they were astonished'

So he went out and followed him# and did not 1now that what was done by the angel was real# but thought he was seeing a vision'

But motioning to them with his hand to 1ee" silent# he declared to them how the )ord had brought him out of the "rison' And he said# :(o# tell these things to James and to the brethren': And he de"arted and went to another "lace'

Bhen they were "ast the first and the second guard "osts# they came to the iron gate that leads to the city# which o"ened to them of its own accord9 and they went out and went down one street# and immediately the angel de"arted from him'

Then# as soon as it was day# there was no small stir among the soldiers about what had become of /eter'

And when /eter had come to himself# he said# :Now 0 1now for certain that the )ord has sent 2is angel# and has delivered me from the hand of 2erod and from all the e!"ectation of the Jewish "eo"le':

But when 2erod had searched for him and not found him# he e!amined the guards and commanded that they should be "ut to death' And he went down from Judea to -aesarea# and stayed there'

So# when he had considered this# he came to the house of 4ary# the mother of John whose surname was 4ar1# where many were gathered together "raying'

Now 2erod had been very angry with the "eo"le of Tyre and Sidon9 but they came to him with one accord# and having made Blastus the 1ingDs "ersonal aide their friend# they as1ed for "eace# because their country was su""lied with food by the 1ingDs country'

So on a set day 2erod# arrayed in royal a""arel# sat on his throne and gave an oration to them'


And the "eo"le 1e"t shouting# :The voice of a god and not of a manH:

Then immediately an angel of the )ord struc1 him# because he did not give glory to (od' And he was eaten by worms and died'

who was with the "roconsul# Sergius /aulus# an intelligent man' This man called for Barnabas and Saul and sought to hear the word of (od'

But the word of (od grew and multi"lied'


But lymas the sorcerer Ifor so his name is translatedJ withstood them# see1ing to turn the "roconsul away from the faith'

And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem when they had fulfilled their ministry# and they also too1 with them John whose surname was 4ar1'

Then Saul# who also is called /aul# filled with the 2oly S"irit# loo1ed intently at him

13Now in the church that was at

Antioch there were certain "ro"hets and teachers7 Barnabas# Simeon who was called Niger# )ucius of -yrene# 4anaen who had been brought u" with 2erod the tetrarch# and Saul'

and said# :3 full of all deceit and all fraud# you son of the devil# you enemy of all righteousness# will you not cease "erverting the straight ways of the )ordE

As they ministered to the )ord and fasted# the 2oly S"irit said# :Now se"arate to 4e Barnabas and Saul for the wor1 to which 0 have called them':

And now# indeed# the hand of the )ord is u"on you# and you shall be blind# not seeing the sun for a time': And immediately a dar1 mist fell on him# and he went around see1ing someone to lead him by the hand'

Then the "roconsul believed# when he saw what had been done# being astonished at the teaching of the )ord'

Then# having fasted and "rayed# and laid hands on them# they sent them away'

So# being sent out by the 2oly S"irit# they went down to Seleucia# and from there they sailed to -y"rus'

Now when /aul and his "arty set sail from /a"hos# they came to /erga in /am"hylia9 and John# de"arting from them# returned to Jerusalem'

And when they arrived in Salamis# they "reached the word of (od in the synagogues of the Jews' They also had John as their assistant'

But when they de"arted from /erga# they came to Antioch in /isidia# and went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down'

Now when they had gone through the island to /a"hos# they found a certain sorcerer# a false "ro"het# a Jew whose name was BarFJesus#

And after the reading of the )aw and the /ro"hets# the rulers of the synagogue sent to them# saying# :4en and brethren# if you have any word of e!hortation for the "eo"le# say on':


Then /aul stood u"# and motioning with his hand said# :4en of 0srael# and you who fear (od# listen7


:4en and brethren# sons of the family of Abraham# and those among you who fear (od# to you the word of this salvation has been sent'

The (od of this "eo"le 0srael chose our fathers# and e!alted the "eo"le when they dwelt as strangers in the land of gy"t# and with an u"lifted arm 2e brought them out of it'

For those who dwell in Jerusalem# and their rulers# because they did not 1now 2im# nor even the voices of the /ro"hets which are read every Sabbath# have fulfilled them in condemning 2im'

Now for a time of about forty years 2e "ut u" with their ways in the wilderness'

And when 2e had destroyed seven nations in the land of -anaan# 2e distributed their land to them by allotment'

And though they found no cause for death in 2im# they as1ed /ilate that 2e should be "ut to death'

:After that 2e gave them $udges for about four hundred and fifty years# until Samuel the "ro"het'

Now when they had fulfilled all that was written concerning 2im# they too1 2im down from the tree and laid 2im in a tomb'

But (od raised 2im from the dead'

And afterward they as1ed for a 1ing9 so (od gave them Saul the son of Kish# a man of the tribe of Ben$amin# for forty years'


2e was seen for many days by those who came u" with 2im from (alilee to Jerusalem# who are 2is witnesses to the "eo"le'

And when 2e had removed him# 2e raised u" for them *avid as 1ing# to whom also 2e gave testimony and said# :0 have found *avid the son of Jesse# a man after 4y own heart# who will do all 4y will'D

And we declare to you glad tidingsFF that "romise which was made to the fathers'

From this manDs seed# according to the "romise# (od raised u" for 0srael a SaviorFFJesusFF

(od has fulfilled this for us their children# in that 2e has raised u" Jesus' As it is also written in the second /salm7 :Cou are 4y Son# Today 0 have begotten Cou'D

after John had first "reached# before 2is coming# the ba"tism of re"entance to all the "eo"le of 0srael'

And that 2e raised 2im from the dead# no more to return to corru"tion# 2e has s"o1en thus7 :0 will give you the sure mercies of *avid'D

And as John was finishing his course# he said# :Bho do you thin1 0 amE 0 am not 2e' But behold# there comes 3ne after me# the sandals of whose feet 0 am not worthy to loose'D

Therefore 2e also says in another /salm7 :Cou will not allow Cour 2oly 3ne to see corru"tion'D


:For *avid# after he had served his own generation by the will of (od# fell aslee"# was buried with his fathers# and saw corru"tion9


but 2e whom (od raised u" saw no corru"tion'


Then /aul and Barnabas grew bold and said# :0t was necessary that the word of (od should be s"o1en to you first9 but since you re$ect it# and $udge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life# behold# we turn to the (entiles'

Therefore let it be 1nown to you# brethren# that through this 4an is "reached to you the forgiveness of sins9

For so the )ord has commanded us7 :0 have set you as a light to the (entiles# That you should be for salvation to the ends of the earth':D

and by 2im everyone who believes is $ustified from all things from which you could not be $ustified by the law of 4oses'

Now when the (entiles heard this# they were glad and glorified the word of the )ord' And as many as had been a""ointed to eternal life believed'

Beware therefore# lest what has been s"o1en in the "ro"hets come u"on you7

And the word of the )ord was being s"read throughout all the region'

:Behold# you des"isers# 4arvel and "erishH For 0 wor1 a wor1 in your days# A wor1 which you will by no means believe# Though one were to declare it to you':D

But the Jews stirred u" the devout and "rominent women and the chief men of the city# raised u" "ersecution against /aul and Barnabas# and e!"elled them from their region'

So when the Jews went out of the synagogue# the (entiles begged that these words might be "reached to them the ne!t Sabbath'

But they shoo1 off the dust from their feet against them# and came to 0conium'

And the disci"les were filled with $oy and with the 2oly S"irit'

Now when the congregation had bro1en u"# many of the Jews and devout "roselytes followed /aul and Barnabas# who# s"ea1ing to them# "ersuaded them to continue in the grace of (od'

14Now it ha""ened in 0conium that

they went together to the synagogue of the Jews# and so s"o1e that a great multitude both of the Jews and of the (ree1s believed'

3n the ne!t Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of (od'

But when the Jews saw the multitudes# they were filled with envy9 and contradicting and blas"heming# they o""osed the things s"o1en by /aul'

But the unbelieving Jews stirred u" the (entiles and "oisoned their minds against the brethren'

Therefore they stayed there a long time# s"ea1ing boldly in the )ord# who was bearing witness to the word of 2is

grace# granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands'



But the multitude of the city was divided7 "art sided with the Jews# and "art with the a"ostles'

But when the a"ostles Barnabas and /aul heard this# they tore their clothes and ran in among the multitude# crying out

And when a violent attem"t was made by both the (entiles and Jews# with their rulers# to abuse and stone them#

they became aware of it and fled to )ystra and *erbe# cities of )ycaonia# and to the surrounding region'

and saying# :4en# why are you doing these thingsE Be also are men with the same nature as you# and "reach to you that you should turn from these useless things to the living (od# who made the heaven# the earth# the sea# and all things that are in them#

who in bygone generations allowed all nations to wal1 in their own ways'

And they were "reaching the gos"el there'


And in )ystra a certain man without strength in his feet was sitting# a cri""le from his motherDs womb# who had never wal1ed'

Nevertheless 2e did not leave 2imself without witness# in that 2e did good# gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons# filling our hearts with food and gladness':

This man heard /aul s"ea1ing' /aul# observing him intently and seeing that he had faith to be healed#

And with these sayings they could scarcely restrain the multitudes from sacrificing to them'

said with a loud voice# :Stand u" straight on your feetH: And he lea"ed and wal1ed'

Then Jews from Antioch and 0conium came there9 and having "ersuaded the multitudes# they stoned /aul and dragged him out of the city# su""osing him to be dead'

Now when the "eo"le saw what /aul had done# they raised their voices# saying in the )ycaonian language# :The gods have come down to us in the li1eness of menH:

2owever# when the disci"les gathered around him# he rose u" and went into the city' And the ne!t day he de"arted with Barnabas to *erbe'

And Barnabas they called 5eus# and /aul# 2ermes# because he was the chief s"ea1er'

And when they had "reached the gos"el to that city and made many disci"les# they returned to )ystra# 0conium# and Antioch#

Then the "riest of 5eus# whose tem"le was in front of their city# brought o!en and garlands to the gates# intending to sacrifice with the multitudes'

strengthening the souls of the disci"les# e!horting them to continue in the faith# and saying# :Be must through many tribulations enter the 1ingdom of (od':


So when they had a""ointed elders in every church# and "rayed with fasting# they commended them to the )ord in whom they had believed'

re"orted all things that (od had done with them'


And after they had "assed through /isidia# they came to /am"hylia'

But some of the sect of the /harisees who believed rose u"# saying# :0t is necessary to circumcise them# and to command them to 1ee" the law of 4oses':

Now when they had "reached the word in /erga# they went down to Attalia'

Now the a"ostles and elders came together to consider this matter'

From there they sailed to Antioch# where they had been commended to the grace of (od for the wor1 which they had com"leted'

Now when they had come gathered the church together# re"orted all that (od had done them# and that 2e had o"ened the of faith to the (entiles'

and they with door

And when there had been much dis"ute# /eter rose u" and said to them7 :4en and brethren# you 1now that a good while ago (od chose among us# that by my mouth the (entiles should hear the word of the gos"el and believe'

So (od# who 1nows the heart# ac1nowledged them by giving them the 2oly S"irit# $ust as 2e did to us#

So they stayed there a long time with the disci"les'

and made no distinction between us and them# "urifying their hearts by faith'

15And certain men came down from

Judea and taught the brethren# :Anless you are circumcised according to the custom of 4oses# you cannot be saved':

Now therefore# why do you test (od by "utting a yo1e on the nec1 of the disci"les which neither our fathers nor we were able to bearE

Therefore# when /aul and Barnabas had no small dissension and dis"ute with them# they determined that /aul and Barnabas and certain others of them should go u" to Jerusalem# to the a"ostles and elders# about this Guestion'

But we believe that through the grace of the )ord Jesus -hrist we shall be saved in the same manner as they':

So# being sent on their way by the church# they "assed through /hoenicia and Samaria# describing the conversion of the (entiles9 and they caused great $oy to all the brethren'

Then all the multitude 1e"t silent and listened to Barnabas and /aul declaring how many miracles and wonders (od had wor1ed through them among the (entiles'

And after they had become silent# James answered# saying# :4en and brethren# listen to me7

And when they had come to Jerusalem# they were received by the church and the a"ostles and the elders9 and they


Simon has declared how (od at the first visited the (entiles to ta1e out of them a "eo"le for 2is name'


And with this the words of the "ro"hets agree# $ust as it is written7

Since we have heard that some who went out from us have troubled you with words# unsettling your souls# saying# :Cou must be circumcised and 1ee" the law: FFto whom we gave no such commandmentFF

DAfter this 0 will return And will rebuild the tabernacle of *avid# which has fallen down9 0 will rebuild its ruins# And 0 will set it u"9

it seemed good to us# being assembled with one accord# to send chosen men to you with our beloved Barnabas and /aul#

So that the rest of man1ind may see1 the )3+*' ven all the (entiles who are called by 4y name# Says the )3+* who does all these things'D

men who have ris1ed their lives for the name of our )ord Jesus -hrist'

:Known to (od from eternity are all 2is wor1s'


Be have therefore sent Judas and Silas# who will also re"ort the same things by word of mouth'

Therefore 0 $udge that we should not trouble those from among the (entiles who are turning to (od#

For it seemed good to the 2oly S"irit# and to us# to lay u"on you no greater burden than these necessary things7

but that we write to them to abstain from things "olluted by idols# from se!ual immorality# from things strangled# and from blood'

that you abstain from things offered to idols# from blood# from things strangled# and from se!ual immorality' 0f you 1ee" yourselves from these# you will do well' Farewell'

For 4oses has had throughout many generations those who "reach him in every city# being read in the synagogues every Sabbath':

So when they were sent off# they came to Antioch9 and when they had gathered the multitude together# they delivered the letter'

Then it "leased the a"ostles and elders# with the whole church# to send chosen men of their own com"any to Antioch with /aul and Barnabas# namely# Judas who was also named Barsabas# and Silas# leading men among the brethren'

Bhen they had read it# they re$oiced over its encouragement'

Now Judas and Silas# themselves being "ro"hets also# e!horted and strengthened the brethren with many words'

They wrote this# letter by them7 The a"ostles# the elders# and the brethren# To the brethren who are of the (entiles in Antioch# Syria# and -ilicia7 (reetings'

And after they had stayed there for a time# they were sent bac1 with greetings from the brethren to the a"ostles'


2owever# it seemed good to Silas to remain there'


/aul and Barnabas also remained in Antioch# teaching and "reaching the word of the )ord# with many others also'

/aul wanted to have him go on with him' And he too1 him and circumcised him because of the Jews who were in that region# for they all 1new that his father was (ree1'

Then after some days /aul said to Barnabas# :)et us now go bac1 and visit our brethren in every city where we have "reached the word of the )ord# and see how they are doing':

And as they went through the cities# they delivered to them the decrees to 1ee"# which were determined by the a"ostles and elders at Jerusalem'

So the churches were strengthened in the faith# and increased in number daily'

Now Barnabas was determined to ta1e with them John called 4ar1'

But /aul insisted that they should not ta1e with them the one who had de"arted from them in /am"hylia# and had not gone with them to the wor1'

Now when they had gone through /hrygia and the region of (alatia# they were forbidden by the 2oly S"irit to "reach the word in Asia'

Then the contention became so shar" that they "arted from one another' And so Barnabas too1 4ar1 and sailed to -y"rus9

After they had come to 4ysia# they tried to go into Bithynia# but the S"irit did not "ermit them'

So "assing by 4ysia# they came down to Troas'


but /aul chose Silas and de"arted# being commended by the brethren to the grace of (od'

And a vision a""eared to /aul in the night' A man of 4acedonia stood and "leaded with him# saying# :-ome over to 4acedonia and hel" us':

And he went through Syria and -ilicia# strengthening the churches'


he came to *erbe and )ystra' And behold# a certain disci"le was there# named Timothy# the son of a certain Jewish woman who believed# but his father was (ree1'

Now after he had seen the vision# immediately we sought to go to 4acedonia# concluding that the )ord had called us to "reach the gos"el to them'

Therefore# sailing from Troas# we ran a straight course to Samothrace# and the ne!t day came to Nea"olis#

2e was well s"o1en of by the brethren who were at )ystra and 0conium'

and from there to /hili""i# which is the foremost city of that "art of 4acedonia# a colony' And we were staying in that city for some days'


And on the Sabbath day we went out of the city to the riverside# where "rayer was customarily made9 and we sat down and s"o1e to the women who met there'


Then the multitude rose u" together against them9 and the magistrates tore off their clothes and commanded them to be beaten with rods'

Now a certain woman named )ydia heard us' She was a seller of "ur"le from the city of Thyatira# who worshi"ed (od' The )ord o"ened her heart to heed the things s"o1en by /aul'

And when they had laid many stri"es on them# they threw them into "rison# commanding the $ailer to 1ee" them securely'

And when she and her household were ba"ti.ed# she begged us# saying# :0f you have $udged me to be faithful to the )ord# come to my house and stay': So she "ersuaded us'

2aving received such a charge# he "ut them into the inner "rison and fastened their feet in the stoc1s'

But at midnight /aul and Silas were "raying and singing hymns to (od# and the "risoners were listening to them'

Now it ha""ened# as we went to "rayer# that a certain slave girl "ossessed with a s"irit of divination met us# who brought her masters much "rofit by fortuneFtelling'

Suddenly there was a great earthGua1e# so that the foundations of the "rison were sha1en9 and immediately all the doors were o"ened and everyoneDs chains were loosed'

This girl followed /aul and us# and cried out# saying# :These men are the servants of the 4ost 2igh (od# who "roclaim to us the way of salvation':

And this she did for many days' But /aul# greatly annoyed# turned and said to the s"irit# :0 command you in the name of Jesus -hrist to come out of her': And he came out that very hour'

And the 1ee"er of the "rison# awa1ing from slee" and seeing the "rison doors o"en# su""osing the "risoners had fled# drew his sword and was about to 1ill himself'

But /aul called with a loud voice# saying# :*o yourself no harm# for we are all here':

But when her masters saw that their ho"e of "rofit was gone# they sei.ed /aul and Silas and dragged them into the mar1et"lace to the authorities'

Then he called for a light# ran in# and fell down trembling before /aul and Silas'

And they brought them to the magistrates# and said# :These men# being Jews# e!ceedingly trouble our city9

And he brought them out and said# :Sirs# what must 0 do to be savedE:

and they teach customs which are not lawful for us# being +omans# to receive or observe':

So they said# :Believe on the )ord Jesus -hrist# and you will be saved# you and your household':

Then they s"o1e the word of the )ord to him and to all who were in his house'


And he too1 them the same hour of the night and washed their stri"es' And immediately he and all his family were ba"ti.ed'

Then /aul# as his custom was# went in to them# and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scri"tures#

Now when he had brought them into his house# he set food before them9 and he re$oiced# having believed in (od with all his household'

e!"laining and demonstrating that the -hrist had to suffer and rise again from the dead# and saying# :This Jesus whom 0 "reach to you is the -hrist':

And when it was day# the magistrates sent the officers# saying# :)et those men go':

And some of them were "ersuaded9 and a great multitude of the devout (ree1s# and not a few of the leading women# $oined /aul and Silas'

So the 1ee"er of the "rison re"orted these words to /aul# saying# :The magistrates have sent to let you go' Now therefore de"art# and go in "eace':

But /aul said to them# :They have beaten us o"enly# uncondemned +omans# and have thrown us into "rison' And now do they "ut us out secretlyE No indeedH )et them come themselves and get us out':

But the Jews who were not "ersuaded# becoming envious# too1 some of the evil men from the mar1et"lace# and gathering a mob# set all the city in an u"roar and attac1ed the house of Jason# and sought to bring them out to the "eo"le'

And the officers told these words to the magistrates# and they were afraid when they heard that they were +omans'

But when they did not find them# they dragged Jason and some brethren to the rulers of the city# crying out# :These who have turned the world u"side down have come here too'

Then they came and "leaded with them and brought them out# and as1ed them to de"art from the city'

Jason has harbored them# and these are all acting contrary to the decrees of -aesar# saying there is another 1ingFF Jesus':

So they went out of the "rison and entered the house of )ydia9 and when they had seen the brethren# they encouraged them and de"arted'

And they troubled the crowd and the rulers of the city when they heard these things'

So when they had ta1en security from Jason and the rest# they let them go'


when they had "assed through Am"hi"olis and A"ollonia# they came to Thessalonica# where there was a synagogue of the Jews'

Then the brethren immediately sent /aul and Silas away by night to Berea' Bhen they arrived# they went into the synagogue of the Jews'

These were more fairFminded than those in Thessalonica# in that they received the word with all readiness#

and searched the Scri"tures daily to find out whether these things were so'


Therefore many of them believed# and also not a few of the (ree1s# "rominent women as well as men'

For all the Athenians and the foreigners who were there s"ent their time in nothing else but either to tell or to hear some new thing'

But when the Jews from Thessalonica learned that the word of (od was "reached by /aul at Berea# they came there also and stirred u" the crowds'

Then /aul stood in the midst of the Areo"agus and said# :4en of Athens# 0 "erceive that in all things you are very religious9

Then immediately the brethren sent /aul away# to go to the sea9 but both Silas and Timothy remained there'

for as 0 was "assing through and considering the ob$ects of your worshi"# 0 even found an altar with this inscri"tion7 T3 T2 ANKN3BN (3*' Therefore# the 3ne whom you worshi" without 1nowing# 2im 0 "roclaim to you7

So those who conducted /aul brought him to Athens9 and receiving a command for Silas and Timothy to come to him with all s"eed# they de"arted'

(od# who made the world and everything in it# since 2e is )ord of heaven and earth# does not dwell in tem"les made with hands'

Now while /aul waited for them at Athens# his s"irit was "rovo1ed within him when he saw that the city was given over to idols'

Nor is 2e worshi"ed with menDs hands# as though 2e needed anything# since 2e gives to all life# breath# and all things'

Therefore he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and with the (entile worshi"ers# and in the mar1et"lace daily with those who ha""ened to be there'

And 2e has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth# and has determined their "rea""ointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings#

Then certain "icurean and Stoic "hiloso"hers encountered him' And some said# :Bhat does this babbler want to sayE: 3thers said# :2e seems to be a "roclaimer of foreign gods#: because he "reached to them Jesus and the resurrection'

so that they should see1 the )ord# in the ho"e that they might gro"e for 2im and find 2im# though 2e is not far from each one of us9

And they too1 him and brought him to the Areo"agus# saying# :4ay we 1now what this new doctrine is of which you s"ea1E

for in 2im we live and move and have our being# as also some of your own "oets have said# :For we are also 2is offs"ring'D

For you are bringing some strange things to our ears' Therefore we want to 1now what these things mean':

Therefore# since we are the offs"ring of (od# we ought not to thin1 that the *ivine Nature is li1e gold or silver or stone# something sha"ed by art and manDs devising'


Truly# these times of ignorance (od overloo1ed# but now commands all men everywhere to re"ent#


because 2e has a""ointed a day on which 2e will $udge the world in righteousness by the 4an whom 2e has ordained' 2e has given assurance of this to all by raising 2im from the dead':

But when they o""osed him and blas"hemed# he shoo1 his garments and said to them# :Cour blood be u"on your own heads9 0 am clean' From now on 0 will go to the (entiles':

And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead# some moc1ed# while others said# :Be will hear you again on this matter':

And he de"arted from there and entered the house of a certain man named Justus# one who worshi"ed (od# whose house was ne!t door to the synagogue'

So /aul de"arted from among them'

Then -ris"us# the ruler of the synagogue# believed on the )ord with all his household' And many of the -orinthians# hearing# believed and were ba"ti.ed'


2owever# some men $oined him and believed# among them *ionysius the Areo"agite# a woman named *amaris# and others with them'

Now the )ord s"o1e to /aul in the night by a vision# :*o not be afraid# but s"ea1# and do not 1ee" silent9

18After these things /aul de"arted

from Athens and went to -orinth'

for 0 am with you# and no one will attac1 you to hurt you9 for 0 have many "eo"le in this city':

And he found a certain Jew named AGuila# born in /ontus# who had recently come from 0taly with his wife /riscilla Ibecause -laudius had commanded all the Jews to de"art from +omeJ9 and he came to them'

And he continued there a year and si! months# teaching the word of (od among them'

So# because he was of the same trade# he stayed with them and wor1ed9 for by occu"ation they were tentma1ers'

Bhen (allio was "roconsul of Achaia# the Jews with one accord rose u" against /aul and brought him to the $udgment seat#

saying# :This fellow "ersuades men to worshi" (od contrary to the law':

And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath# and "ersuaded both Jews and (ree1s'

Bhen Silas and Timothy had come from 4acedonia# /aul was com"elled by the S"irit# and testified to the Jews that Jesus is the -hrist'

And when /aul was about to o"en his mouth# (allio said to the Jews# :0f it were a matter of wrongdoing or wic1ed crimes# 3 Jews# there would be reason why 0 should bear with you'

But if it is a Guestion of words and names and your own law# loo1 to it yourselves9 for 0 do not want to be a $udge of such matters':


And he drove them from the $udgment seat'



Then all the (ree1s too1 Sosthenes# the ruler of the synagogue# and beat him before the $udgment seat' But (allio too1 no notice of these things'

So he began to s"ea1 boldly in the synagogue' Bhen AGuila and /riscilla heard him# they too1 him aside and e!"lained to him the way of (od more accurately'

So /aul still remained a good while' Then he too1 leave of the brethren and sailed for Syria# and /riscilla and AGuila were with him' 2e had his hair cut off at -enchrea# for he had ta1en a vow'

And when he desired to cross to Achaia# the brethren wrote# e!horting the disci"les to receive him9 and when he arrived# he greatly hel"ed those who had believed through grace9

And he came to "hesus# and left them there9 but he himself entered the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews'

for he vigorously refuted the Jews "ublicly# showing from the Scri"tures that Jesus is the -hrist'

Bhen they as1ed him to stay a longer time with them# he did not consent#

19And it ha""ened# while A"ollos

was at -orinth# that /aul# having "assed through the u""er regions# came to "hesus' And finding some disci"les

but too1 leave of them# saying# :0 must by all means 1ee" this coming feast in Jerusalem9 but 0 will return again to you# (od willing': And he sailed from "hesus'

he said to them# :*id you receive the 2oly S"irit when you believedE: So they said to him# :Be have not so much as heard whether there is a 2oly S"irit':

And when he had landed at -aesarea# and gone u" and greeted the church# he went down to Antioch'

And he said to them# :0nto what then were you ba"ti.edE: So they said# :0nto JohnDs ba"tism':

After he had s"ent some time there# he de"arted and went over the region of (alatia and /hrygia in order# strengthening all the disci"les'

Then /aul said# :John indeed ba"ti.ed with a ba"tism of re"entance# saying to the "eo"le that they should believe on 2im who would come after him# that is# on -hrist Jesus':

Now a certain Jew named A"ollos# born at Ale!andria# an eloGuent man and mighty in the Scri"tures# came to "hesus'

Bhen they heard this# they were ba"ti.ed in the name of the )ord Jesus'

This man had been instructed in the way of the )ord9 and being fervent in s"irit# he s"o1e and taught accurately the things of the )ord# though he 1new only the ba"tism of John'

And when /aul had laid hands on them# the 2oly S"irit came u"on them# and they s"o1e with tongues and "ro"hesied'

Now the men were about twelve in all'


And he went into the synagogue and s"o1e boldly for three months# reasoning and "ersuading concerning the things of the 1ingdom of (od'


This became 1nown both to all Jews and (ree1s dwelling in "hesus9 and fear fell on them all# and the name of the )ord Jesus was magnified'

But when some were hardened and did not believe# but s"o1e evil of the Bay before the multitude# he de"arted from them and withdrew the disci"les# reasoning daily in the school of Tyrannus'

And many who had believed came confessing and telling their deeds'

And this continued for two years# so that all who dwelt in Asia heard the word of the )ord Jesus# both Jews and (ree1s'

Also# many of those who had "racticed magic brought their boo1s together and burned them in the sight of all' And they counted u" the value of them# and it totaled fifty thousand "ieces of silver'

So the word of the )ord grew mightily and "revailed'


Now (od wor1ed unusual miracles by the hands of /aul#


so that even hand1erchiefs or a"rons were brought from his body to the sic1# and the diseases left them and the evil s"irits went out of them'

Bhen these things were accom"lished# /aul "ur"osed in the S"irit# when he had "assed through 4acedonia and Achaia# to go to Jerusalem# saying# :After 0 have been there# 0 must also see +ome':

Then some of the itinerant Jewish e!orcists too1 it u"on themselves to call the name of the )ord Jesus over those who had evil s"irits# saying# :Be e!orcise you by the Jesus whom /aul "reaches':

So he sent into 4acedonia two of those who ministered to him# Timothy and rastus# but he himself stayed in Asia for a time'

And about that time there arose a great commotion about the Bay'

Also there were seven sons of Sceva# a Jewish chief "riest# who did so'

And the evil s"irit answered and said# :Jesus 0 1now# and /aul 0 1now9 but who are youE:

For a certain man named *emetrius# a silversmith# who made silver shrines of *iana# brought no small "rofit to the craftsmen'

Then the man in whom the evil s"irit was lea"ed on them# over"owered them# and "revailed against them# so that they fled out of that house na1ed and wounded'

2e called them together with the wor1ers of similar occu"ation# and said7 :4en# you 1now that we have our "ros"erity by this trade'

4oreover you see and hear that not only at "hesus# but throughout almost all Asia# this /aul has "ersuaded and turned away many "eo"le# saying that they are not gods which are made with hands'


So not only is this trade of ours in danger of falling into disre"ute# but also the tem"le of the great goddess *iana may be des"ised and her magnificence destroyed# whom all Asia and the world worshi"':


And when the city cler1 had Guieted the crowd# he said7 :4en of "hesus# what man is there who does not 1now that the city of the "hesians is tem"le guardian of the great goddess *iana# and of the image which fell down from 5eusE

Now when they heard this# they were full of wrath and cried out# saying# :(reat is *iana of the "hesiansH:

Therefore# since these things cannot be denied# you ought to be Guiet and do nothing rashly'

So the whole city was filled with confusion# and rushed into the theater with one accord# having sei.ed (aius and Aristarchus# 4acedonians# /aulDs travel com"anions'

For you have brought these men here who are neither robbers of tem"les nor blas"hemers of your goddess'

And when /aul wanted to go in to the "eo"le# the disci"les would not allow him'

Therefore# if *emetrius and his fellow craftsmen have a case against anyone# the courts are o"en and there are "roconsuls' )et them bring charges against one another'

Then some of the officials of Asia# who were his friends# sent to him "leading that he would not venture into the theater'

But if you have any other inGuiry to ma1e# it shall be determined in the lawful assembly'

Some therefore cried one thing and some another# for the assembly was confused# and most of them did not 1now why they had come together'

For we are in danger of being called in Guestion for todayDs u"roar# there being no reason which we may give to account for this disorderly gathering':

And they drew Ale!ander out of the multitude# the Jews "utting him forward' And Ale!ander motioned with his hand# and wanted to ma1e his defense to the "eo"le'

And when he had said these things# he dismissed the assembly'

20After the u"roar had ceased# /aul

called the disci"les to himself# embraced them# and de"arted to go to 4acedonia'

But when they found out that he was a Jew# all with one voice cried out for about two hours# :(reat is *iana of the "hesiansH:

Now when he had gone over that region and encouraged them with many words# he came to (reece

and stayed three months' And when the Jews "lotted against him as he was about to sail to Syria# he decided to return through 4acedonia'

And So"ater of Berea accom"anied him to AsiaFFalso Aristarchus and Secundus of the Thessalonians# and (aius of *erbe# and Timothy# and Tychicus and Tro"himus of Asia'


And when he met us at Assos# we too1 him on board and came to 4itylene'

These men# going ahead# waited for us at Troas'


Be sailed from there# and the ne!t day came o""osite -hios' The following day we arrived at Samos and stayed at Trogyllium' The ne!t day we came to 4iletus'

But we sailed away from /hili""i after the *ays of Anleavened Bread# and in five days $oined them at Troas# where we stayed seven days'

For /aul had decided to sail "ast "hesus# so that he would not have to s"end time in Asia9 for he was hurrying to be at Jerusalem# if "ossible# on the *ay of /entecost'

Now on the first day of the wee1# when the disci"les came together to brea1 bread# /aul# ready to de"art the ne!t day# s"o1e to them and continued his message until midnight'

From 4iletus he sent to "hesus and called for the elders of the church'

There were many lam"s in the u""er room where they were gathered together'

And when they had come to him# he said to them7 :Cou 1now# from the first day that 0 came to Asia# in what manner 0 always lived among you#

And in a window sat a certain young man named utychus# who was sin1ing into a dee" slee"' 2e was overcome by slee"9 and as /aul continued s"ea1ing# he fell down from the third story and was ta1en u" dead'

serving the )ord with all humility# with many tears and trials which ha""ened to me by the "lotting of the Jews9

how 0 1e"t bac1 nothing that was hel"ful# but "roclaimed it to you# and taught you "ublicly and from house to house#

But /aul went down# fell on him# and embracing him said# :*o not trouble yourselves# for his life is in him':

testifying to Jews# and also to (ree1s# re"entance toward (od and faith toward our )ord Jesus -hrist'

Now when he had come u"# had bro1en bread and eaten# and tal1ed a long while# even till daybrea1# he de"arted'

And see# now 0 go bound in the s"irit to Jerusalem# not 1nowing the things that will ha""en to me there#

And they brought the young man in alive# and they were not a little comforted'

e!ce"t that the 2oly S"irit testifies in every city# saying that chains and tribulations await me'

Then we went ahead to the shi" and sailed to Assos# there intending to ta1e /aul on board9 for so he had given orders# intending himself to go on foot'

But none of these things move me9 nor do 0 count my life dear to myself# so that 0 may finish my race with $oy# and the

ministry which 0 received from the )ord Jesus# to testify to the gos"el of the grace of (od'


:And indeed# now 0 1now that you all# among whom 0 have gone "reaching the 1ingdom of (od# will see my face no more'

0 have shown you in every way# by laboring li1e this# that you must su""ort the wea1' And remember the words of the )ord Jesus# that 2e said# :0t is more blessed to give than to receive':D

And when he had said these things# he 1nelt down and "rayed with them all'

Therefore 0 testify to you this day that 0 am innocent of the blood of all men'

Then they all we"t freely# and fell on /aulDs nec1 and 1issed him#

For 0 have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of (od'

Therefore ta1e heed to yourselves and to all the floc1# among which the 2oly S"irit has made you overseers# to she"herd the church of (od which 2e "urchased with 2is own blood'

sorrowing most of all for the words which he s"o1e# that they would see his face no more' And they accom"anied him to the shi"'

21Now it came to "ass# that when

we had de"arted from them and set sail# running a straight course we came to -os# the following day to +hodes# and from there to /atara'

For 0 1now this# that after my de"arture savage wolves will come in among you# not s"aring the floc1'

Also from among yourselves men will rise u"# s"ea1ing "erverse things# to draw away the disci"les after themselves'

And finding a shi" sailing over to /hoenicia# we went aboard and set sail'

Therefore watch# and remember that for three years 0 did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears'

Bhen we had sighted -y"rus# we "assed it on the left# sailed to Syria# and landed at Tyre9 for there the shi" was to unload her cargo'

:So now# brethren# 0 commend you to (od and to the word of 2is grace# which is able to build you u" and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified'

And finding disci"les# we stayed there seven days' They told /aul through the S"irit not to go u" to Jerusalem'

0 have coveted no oneDs silver or gold or a""arel'


Bhen we had come to the end of those days# we de"arted and went on our way9 and they all accom"anied us# with wives and children# till we were out of the city' And we 1nelt down on the shore and "rayed'

Ces# you yourselves 1now that these hands have "rovided for my necessities# and for those who were with me'

Bhen we had ta1en our leave of one another# we boarded the shi"# and they returned home'

And when we had finished our voyage from Tyre# we came to /tolemais# greeted the brethren# and stayed with them one day'


And when we had come to Jerusalem# the brethren received us gladly'


3n the ne!t day we who were /aulDs com"anions de"arted and came to -aesarea# and entered the house of /hili" the evangelist# who was one of the seven# and stayed with him'

3n the following day /aul went in with us to James# and all the elders were "resent'

Bhen he had greeted them# he told in detail those things which (od had done among the (entiles through his ministry'

Now this man had four virgin daughters who "ro"hesied'


And as we stayed many days# a certain "ro"het named Agabus came down from Judea'

And when they heard it# they glorified the )ord' And they said to him# :Cou see# brother# how many myriads of Jews there are who have believed# and they are all .ealous for the law9

Bhen he had come to us# he too1 /aulDs belt# bound his own hands and feet# and said# :Thus says the 2oly S"irit# :So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt# and deliver him into the hands of the (entiles':D

but they have been informed about you that you teach all the Jews who are among the (entiles to forsa1e 4oses# saying that they ought not to circumcise their children nor to wal1 according to the customs'

Now when we heard these things# both we and those from that "lace "leaded with him not to go u" to Jerusalem'

Bhat thenE The assembly must certainly meet# for they will hear that you have come'

Therefore do what we tell you7 Be have four men who have ta1en a vow'

Then /aul answered# :Bhat do you mean by wee"ing and brea1ing my heartE For 0 am ready not only to be bound# but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the )ord Jesus':

So when he would not be "ersuaded# we ceased# saying# :The will of the )ord be done':

Ta1e them and be "urified with them# and "ay their e!"enses so that they may shave their heads# and that all may 1now that those things of which they were informed concerning you are nothing# but that you yourself also wal1 orderly and 1ee" the law'

And after those days we "ac1ed and went u" to Jerusalem'


Also some of the disci"les from -aesarea went with us and brought with them a certain 4nason of -y"rus# an early disci"le# with whom we were to lodge'

But concerning the (entiles who believe# we have written and decided that they should observe no such thing# e!ce"t that they should 1ee" themselves from things offered to idols# from blood# from things strangled# and from se!ual immorality':


Then /aul too1 the men# and the ne!t day# having been "urified with them# entered the tem"le to announce the e!"iration of the days of "urification# at which time an offering should be made for each one of them'


And some among the multitude cried one thing and some another' So when he could not ascertain the truth because of the tumult# he commanded him to be ta1en into the barrac1s'

Now when the seven days were almost ended# the Jews from Asia# seeing him in the tem"le# stirred u" the whole crowd and laid hands on him#

Bhen he reached the stairs# he had to be carried by the soldiers because of the violence of the mob'

crying out# :4en of 0srael# hel"H This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against the "eo"le# the law# and this "lace9 and furthermore he also brought (ree1s into the tem"le and has defiled this holy "lace':

For the multitude of the "eo"le followed after# crying out# :Away with himH:

Then as /aul was about to be led into the barrac1s# he said to the commander# :4ay 0 s"ea1 to youE: 2e re"lied# :-an you s"ea1 (ree1E

IFor they had "reviously seen Tro"himus the "hesian with him in the city# whom they su""osed that /aul had brought into the tem"le'J

Are you not the gy"tian who some time ago stirred u" a rebellion and led the four thousand assassins out into the wildernessE:

And all the city was disturbed9 and the "eo"le ran together# sei.ed /aul# and dragged him out of the tem"le9 and immediately the doors were shut'

But /aul said# :0 am a Jew from Tarsus# in -ilicia# a citi.en of no mean city9 and 0 im"lore you# "ermit me to s"ea1 to the "eo"le':

Now as they were see1ing to 1ill him# news came to the commander of the garrison that all Jerusalem was in an u"roar'

So when he had given him "ermission# /aul stood on the stairs and motioned with his hand to the "eo"le' And when there was a great silence# he s"o1e to them in the 2ebrew language# saying#

2e immediately too1 soldiers and centurions# and ran down to them' And when they saw the commander and the soldiers# they sto""ed beating /aul'

22:Brethren and fathers# hear my

defense before you now':

Then the commander came near and too1 him# and commanded him to be bound with two chains9 and he as1ed who he was and what he had done'

And when they heard that he s"o1e to them in the 2ebrew language# they 1e"t all the more silent' Then he said7

:0 am indeed a Jew# born in Tarsus of -ilicia# but brought u" in this city at the feet of (amaliel# taught according to the strictness of our fathersD law# and was

.ealous toward (od as you all are today'



0 "ersecuted this Bay to the death# binding and delivering into "risons both men and women#

came to me9 and he stood and said to me# :Brother Saul# receive your sight'D And at that same hour 0 loo1ed u" at him'

as also the high "riest bears me witness# and all the council of the elders# from whom 0 also received letters to the brethren# and went to *amascus to bring in chains even those who were there to Jerusalem to be "unished'

Then he said# :The (od of our fathers has chosen you that you should 1now 2is will# and see the Just 3ne# and hear the voice of 2is mouth'

For you will be 2is witness to all men of what you have seen and heard'

:Now it ha""ened# as 0 $ourneyed and came near *amascus at about noon# suddenly a great light from heaven shone around me'

And now why are you waitingE Arise and be ba"ti.ed# and wash away your sins# calling on the name of the )ord'D

And 0 fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me# :Saul# Saul# why are you "ersecuting 4eED

:Now it ha""ened# when 0 returned to Jerusalem and was "raying in the tem"le# that 0 was in a trance

So 0 answered# :Bho are Cou# )ordED And 2e said to me# :0 am Jesus of Na.areth# whom you are "ersecuting'D

and saw 2im saying to me# :4a1e haste and get out of Jerusalem Guic1ly# for they will not receive your testimony concerning 4e'D

:And those who were with me indeed saw the light and were afraid# but they did not hear the voice of 2im who s"o1e to me'

So 0 said# :)ord# they 1now that in every synagogue 0 im"risoned and beat those who believe on Cou'

So 0 said# :Bhat shall 0 do# )ordED And the )ord said to me# :Arise and go into *amascus# and there you will be told all things which are a""ointed for you to do'D

And when the blood of Cour martyr Ste"hen was shed# 0 also was standing by consenting to his death# and guarding the clothes of those who were 1illing him'D

Then 2e said to me# :*e"art# for 0 will send you far from here to the (entiles':D

And since 0 could not see for the glory of that light# being led by the hand of those who were with me# 0 came into *amascus'

And they listened to him until this word# and then they raised their voices and said# :Away with such a fellow from the earth# for he is not fit to liveH:

:Then a certain Ananias# a devout man according to the law# having a good testimony with all the Jews who dwelt there#

Then# as they cried out and tore off their clothes and threw dust into the air#


the commander ordered him to be brought into the barrac1s# and said that he should be e!amined under scourging# so that he might 1now why they shouted so against him'

And the high "riest Ananias commanded those who stood by him to stri1e him on the mouth'

And as they bound him with thongs# /aul said to the centurion who stood by# :0s it lawful for you to scourge a man who is a +oman# and uncondemnedE:

Then /aul said to him# :(od will stri1e you# you whitewashed wallH For you sit to $udge me according to the law# and do you command me to be struc1 contrary to the lawE:

Bhen the centurion heard that# he went and told the commander# saying# :Ta1e care what you do# for this man is a +oman':

And those who stood by said# :*o you revile (odDs high "riestE:

Then the commander came and said to him# :Tell me# are you a +omanE: 2e said# :Ces':

Then /aul said# :0 did not 1now# brethren# that he was the high "riest9 for it is written# :Cou shall not s"ea1 evil of a ruler of your "eo"le':D

The commander answered# :Bith a large sum 0 obtained this citi.enshi"': And /aul said# :But 0 was born a citi.en':

But when /aul "erceived that one "art were Sadducees and the other /harisees# he cried out in the council# :4en and brethren# 0 am a /harisee# the son of a /harisee9 concerning the ho"e and resurrection of the dead 0 am being $udgedH:

Then immediately those who were about to e!amine him withdrew from him9 and the commander was also afraid after he found out that he was a +oman# and because he had bound him'

And when he had said this# a dissension arose between the /harisees and the Sadducees9 and the assembly was divided'

The ne!t day# because he wanted to 1now for certain why he was accused by the Jews# he released him from his bonds# and commanded the chief "riests and all their council to a""ear# and brought /aul down and set him before them'

For Sadducees say that there is no resurrectionFFand no angel or s"irit9 but the /harisees confess both'

23Then /aul# loo1ing earnestly at

the council# said# :4en and brethren# 0 have lived in all good conscience before (od until this day':

Then there arose a loud outcry' And the scribes of the /hariseesD "arty arose and "rotested# saying# :Be find no evil in this man9 but if a s"irit or an angel has s"o1en to him# let us not fight against (od':

Now when there arose a great dissension# the commander# fearing lest /aul might be "ulled to "ieces by them# commanded the soldiers to go down and ta1e him by force from among them# and bring him into the barrac1s'


But the following night the )ord stood by him and said# :Be of good cheer# /aul9 for as you have testified for 4e in Jerusalem# so you must also bear witness at +ome':

council tomorrow# as though they were going to inGuire more fully about him'

And when it was day# some of the Jews banded together and bound themselves under an oath# saying that they would neither eat nor drin1 till they had 1illed /aul'

But do not yield to them# for more than forty of them lie in wait for him# men who have bound themselves by an oath that they will neither eat nor drin1 till they have 1illed him9 and now they are ready# waiting for the "romise from you':

Now there were more than forty who had formed this cons"iracy'

So the commander let the young man de"art# and commanded him# :Tell no one that you have revealed these things to me':

They came to the chief "riests and elders# and said# :Be have bound ourselves under a great oath that we will eat nothing until we have 1illed /aul'

And he called for two centurions# saying# :/re"are two hundred soldiers# seventy horsemen# and two hundred s"earmen to go to -aesarea at the third hour of the night9

Now you# therefore# together with the council# suggest to the commander that he be brought down to you tomorrow# as though you were going to ma1e further inGuiries concerning him9 but we are ready to 1ill him before he comes near':

and "rovide mounts to set /aul on# and bring him safely to Feli! the governor':

2e wrote a letter in the following manner7


So when /aulDs sisterDs son heard of their ambush# he went and entered the barrac1s and told /aul'

-laudius )ysias# To the most e!cellent governor Feli!7 (reetings'


Then /aul called one of the centurions to him and said# :Ta1e this young man to the commander# for he has something to tell him':

This man was sei.ed by the Jews and was about to be 1illed by them' -oming with the troo"s 0 rescued him# having learned that he was a +oman'

So he too1 him and brought him to the commander and said# :/aul the "risoner called me to him and as1ed me to bring this young man to you' 2e has something to say to you':

And when 0 wanted to 1now the reason they accused him# 0 brought him before their council'

Then the commander too1 him by the hand# went aside# and as1ed "rivately# :Bhat is it that you have to tell meE:

0 found out that he was accused concerning Guestions of their law# but had nothing charged against him deserving of death or chains'

And he said# :The Jews have agreed to as1 that you bring /aul down to the

And when it was told me that the Jews lay in wait for the man# 0 sent him

immediately to you# and also commanded his accusers to state before you the charges against him' Farewell'


For we have found this man a "lague# a creator of dissension among all the Jews throughout the world# and a ringleader of the sect of the Na.arenes'

Then the soldiers# as they were commanded# too1 /aul and brought him by night to Anti"atris'

2e even tried to "rofane the tem"le# and we sei.ed him# and wanted to $udge him according to our law'

The ne!t day they left the horsemen to go on with him# and returned to the barrac1s'

But the commander )ysias came by and with great violence too1 him out of our hands#

Bhen they came to -aesarea and had delivered the letter to the governor# they also "resented /aul to him'

commanding his accusers to come to you' By e!amining him yourself you may ascertain all these things of which we accuse him':

And when the governor had read it# he as1ed what "rovince he was from' And when he understood that he was from -ilicia#

And the Jews also assented# maintaining that these things were so'

he said# :0 will hear you when your accusers also have come': And he commanded him to be 1e"t in 2erodDs /raetorium'

Then /aul# after the governor had nodded to him to s"ea1# answered7 :0nasmuch as 0 1now that you have been for many years a $udge of this nation# 0 do the more cheerfully answer for myself#

24Now after five days Ananias the

high "riest came down with the elders and a certain orator named Tertullus' These gave evidence to the governor against /aul'

because you may ascertain that it is no more than twelve days since 0 went u" to Jerusalem to worshi"'

And when he was called u"on# Tertullus began his accusation# saying7 :Seeing that through you we en$oy great "eace# and "ros"erity is being brought to this nation by your foresight#

And they neither found me in the tem"le dis"uting with anyone nor inciting the crowd# either in the synagogues or in the city'

Nor can they "rove the things of which they now accuse me'

we acce"t it always and in all "laces# most noble Feli!# with all than1fulness'

Nevertheless# not to be tedious to you any further# 0 beg you to hear# by your courtesy# a few words from us'

But this 0 confess to you# that according to the Bay which they call a sect# so 0 worshi" the (od of my fathers# believing all things which are written in the )aw and in the /ro"hets'


0 have ho"e in (od# which they themselves also acce"t# that there will be a resurrection of the dead# both of the $ust and the un$ust'


This being so# 0 myself always strive to have a conscience without offense toward (od and men'

Now as he reasoned about righteousness# selfFcontrol# and the $udgment to come# Feli! was afraid and answered# :(o away for now9 when 0 have a convenient time 0 will call for you':

:Now after many years 0 came to bring alms and offerings to my nation#

4eanwhile he also ho"ed that money would be given him by /aul# that he might release him' Therefore he sent for him more often and conversed with him'

in the midst of which some Jews from Asia found me "urified in the tem"le# neither with a mob nor with tumult'

But after two years /orcius Festus succeeded Feli!9 and Feli!# wanting to do the Jews a favor# left /aul bound'

They ought to have been here before you to ob$ect if they had anything against me'

25Now when Festus had come to

the "rovince# after three days he went u" from -aesarea to Jerusalem'

3r else let those who are here themselves say if they found any wrongdoing in me while 0 stood before the council#

Then the high "riest and the chief men of the Jews informed him against /aul9 and they "etitioned him#

unless it is for this one statement which 0 cried out# standing among them# :-oncerning the resurrection of the dead 0 am being $udged by you this day':D

as1ing a favor against him# that he would summon him to JerusalemFFwhile they lay in ambush along the road to 1ill him'

But when Feli! heard these things# having more accurate 1nowledge of the Bay# he ad$ourned the "roceedings and said# :Bhen )ysias the commander comes down# 0 will ma1e a decision on your case':

But Festus answered that /aul should be 1e"t at -aesarea# and that he himself was going there shortly'

So he commanded the centurion to 1ee" /aul and to let him have liberty# and told him not to forbid any of his friends to "rovide for or visit him'

:Therefore#: he said# :let those who have authority among you go down with me and accuse this man# to see if there is any fault in him':

And after some days# when Feli! came with his wife *rusilla# who was Jewish# he sent for /aul and heard him concerning the faith in -hrist'

And when he had remained among them more than ten days# he went down to -aesarea' And the ne!t day# sitting on the $udgment seat# he commanded /aul to be brought'

Bhen he had come# the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem stood about

and laid many serious com"laints against /aul# which they could not "rove#

man to destruction before the accused meets the accusers face to face# and has o""ortunity to answer for himself concerning the charge against him'D

while he answered for himself# :Neither against the law of the Jews# nor against the tem"le# nor against -aesar have 0 offended in anything at all':

Therefore when they had come together# without any delay# the ne!t day 0 sat on the $udgment seat and commanded the man to be brought in'

But Festus# wanting to do the Jews a favor# answered /aul and said# :Are you willing to go u" to Jerusalem and there be $udged before me concerning these thingsE:

Bhen the accusers stood u"# they brought no accusation against him of such things as 0 su""osed#

So /aul said# :0 stand at -aesarDs $udgment seat# where 0 ought to be $udged' To the Jews 0 have done no wrong# as you very well 1now'

but had some Guestions against him about their own religion and about a certain Jesus# who had died# whom /aul affirmed to be alive'

For if 0 am an offender# or have committed anything deserving of death# 0 do not ob$ect to dying9 but if there is nothing in these things of which these men accuse me# no one can deliver me to them' 0 a""eal to -aesar':

And because 0 was uncertain of such Guestions# 0 as1ed whether he was willing to go to Jerusalem and there be $udged concerning these matters'

Then Festus# when he had conferred with the council# answered# :Cou have a""ealed to -aesarE To -aesar you shall goH:

But when /aul a""ealed to be reserved for the decision of Augustus# 0 commanded him to be 1e"t till 0 could send him to -aesar':

And after some days King Agri""a and Bernice came to -aesarea to greet Festus'

Then Agri""a said to Festus# :0 also would li1e to hear the man myself': :Tomorrow#: he said# :you shall hear him':

Bhen they had been there many days# Festus laid /aulDs case before the 1ing# saying7 :There is a certain man left a "risoner by Feli!#

So the ne!t day# when Agri""a and Bernice had come with great "om"# and had entered the auditorium with the commanders and the "rominent men of the city# at FestusD command /aul was brought in'

about whom the chief "riests and the elders of the Jews informed me# when 0 was in Jerusalem# as1ing for a $udgment against him'

To them 0 answered# :0t is not the custom of the +omans to deliver any

And Festus said7 :King Agri""a and all the men who are here "resent with us# you see this man about whom the whole assembly of the Jews "etitioned me# both at Jerusalem and here# crying out that he was not fit to live any longer'


But when 0 found that he had committed nothing deserving of death# and that he himself had a""ealed to Augustus# 0 decided to send him'

To this "romise our twelve tribes# earnestly serving (od night and day# ho"e to attain' For this ho"eDs sa1e# King Agri""a# 0 am accused by the Jews'

0 have nothing certain to write to my lord concerning him' Therefore 0 have brought him out before you# and es"ecially before you# King Agri""a# so that after the e!amination has ta1en "lace 0 may have something to write'

Bhy should it be thought incredible by you that (od raises the deadE

:0ndeed# 0 myself thought 0 must do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Na.areth'

For it seems to me unreasonable to send a "risoner and not to s"ecify the charges against him':

26Then Agri""a said to /aul# :Cou

are "ermitted to s"ea1 for yourself': So /aul stretched out his hand and answered for himself7

This 0 also did in Jerusalem# and many of the saints 0 shut u" in "rison# having received authority from the chief "riests9 and when they were "ut to death# 0 cast my vote against them'

:0 thin1 myself ha""y# King Agri""a# because today 0 shall answer for myself before you concerning all the things of which 0 am accused by the Jews#

And 0 "unished them often in every synagogue and com"elled them to blas"heme9 and being e!ceedingly enraged against them# 0 "ersecuted them even to foreign cities'

es"ecially because you are e!"ert in all customs and Guestions which have to do with the Jews' Therefore 0 beg you to hear me "atiently'

:Bhile thus occu"ied# as 0 $ourneyed to *amascus with authority and commission from the chief "riests#

:4y manner of life from my youth# which was s"ent from the beginning among my own nation at Jerusalem# all the Jews 1now'

at midday# 3 1ing# along the road 0 saw a light from heaven# brighter than the sun# shining around me and those who $ourneyed with me'

They 1new me from the first# if they were willing to testify# that according to the strictest sect of our religion 0 lived a /harisee'

And when we all had fallen to the ground# 0 heard a voice s"ea1ing to me and saying in the 2ebrew language# :Saul# Saul# why are you "ersecuting 4eE 0t is hard for you to 1ic1 against the goads'D

And now 0 stand and am $udged for the ho"e of the "romise made by (od to our fathers'

So 0 said# :Bho are Cou# )ordED And 2e said# :0 am Jesus# whom you are "ersecuting'

But rise and stand on your feet9 for 0 have a""eared to you for this "ur"ose# to ma1e you a minister and a witness

both of the things which you have seen and of the things which 0 will yet reveal to you'


0 will deliver you from the Jewish "eo"le# as well as from the (entiles# to whom 0 now send you#

For the 1ing# before whom 0 also s"ea1 freely# 1nows these things9 for 0 am convinced that none of these things esca"es his attention# since this thing was not done in a corner'

King Agri""a# do you believe the "ro"hetsE 0 1now that you do believe':

to o"en their eyes# in order to turn them from dar1ness to light# and from the "ower of Satan to (od# that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in 4e'D

Then Agri""a said to /aul# :Cou almost "ersuade me to become a -hristian':


:Therefore# King Agri""a# 0 was not disobedient to the heavenly vision#


And /aul said# :0 would to (od that not only you# but also all who hear me today# might become both almost and altogether such as 0 am# e!ce"t for these chains':

but declared first to those in *amascus and in Jerusalem# and throughout all the region of Judea# and then to the (entiles# that they should re"ent# turn to (od# and do wor1s befitting re"entance'

Bhen he had said these things# the 1ing stood u"# as well as the governor and Bernice and those who sat with them9

For these reasons the Jews sei.ed me in the tem"le and tried to 1ill me'

Therefore# having obtained hel" from (od# to this day 0 stand# witnessing both to small and great# saying no other things than those which the "ro"hets and 4oses said would comeFF

and when they had gone aside# they tal1ed among themselves# saying# :This man is doing nothing deserving of death or chains':

Then Agri""a said to Festus# :This man might have been set free if he had not a""ealed to -aesar':

that the -hrist would suffer# that 2e would be the first to rise from the dead# and would "roclaim light to the Jewish "eo"le and to the (entiles':

27And when it was decided that we

should sail to 0taly# they delivered /aul and some other "risoners to one named Julius# a centurion of the Augustan +egiment'

Now as he thus made his defense# Festus said with a loud voice# :/aul# you are beside yourselfH 4uch learning is driving you madH:

But he said# :0 am not mad# most noble Festus# but s"ea1 the words of truth and reason'

So# entering a shi" of Adramyttium# we "ut to sea# meaning to sail along the coasts of Asia' Aristarchus# a 4acedonian of Thessalonica# was with us'

And the ne!t day we landed at Sidon' And Julius treated /aul 1indly and gave him liberty to go to his friends and receive care'


Bhen we had "ut to sea from there# we sailed under the shelter of -y"rus# because the winds were contrary'

And because the harbor was not suitable to winter in# the ma$ority advised to set sail from there also# if by any means they could reach /hoeni!# a harbor of -rete o"ening toward the southwest and northwest# and winter there'

And when we had sailed over the sea which is off -ilicia and /am"hylia# we came to 4yra# a city of )ycia'

Bhen the south wind blew softly# su""osing that they had obtained their desire# "utting out to sea# they sailed close by -rete'

There the centurion found an Ale!andrian shi" sailing to 0taly# and he "ut us on board'

But not long after# a tem"estuous head wind arose# called uroclydon'

Bhen we had sailed slowly many days# and arrived with difficulty off -nidus# the wind not "ermitting us to "roceed# we sailed under the shelter of -rete off Salmone'

So when the shi" was caught# and could not head into the wind# we let her drive'

And running under the shelter of an island called -lauda# we secured the s1iff with difficulty'

/assing it with difficulty# we came to a "lace called Fair 2avens# near the city of )asea'

Now when much time had been s"ent# and sailing was now dangerous because the Fast was already over# /aul advised them#

Bhen they had ta1en it on board# they used cables to undergird the shi"9 and fearing lest they should run aground on the Syrtis Sands# they struc1 sail and so were driven'

saying# :4en# 0 "erceive that this voyage will end with disaster and much loss# not only of the cargo and shi"# but also our lives':

And because we were e!ceedingly tem"estFtossed# the ne!t day they lightened the shi"'

3n the third day we threw the shi"Ds tac1le overboard with our own hands'

Nevertheless the centurion was more "ersuaded by the helmsman and the owner of the shi" than by the things s"o1en by /aul'

Now when neither sun nor stars a""eared for many days# and no small tem"est beat on us# all ho"e that we would be saved was finally given u"'

But after long abstinence from food# then /aul stood in the midst of them and said# :4en# you should have listened to me# and not have sailed from -rete and incurred this disaster and loss'


And now 0 urge you to ta1e heart# for there will be no loss of life among you# but only of the shi"'


Then the soldiers cut away the ro"es of the s1iff and let it fall off'

For there stood by me this night an angel of the (od to whom 0 belong and whom 0 serve#

And as day was about to dawn# /aul im"lored them all to ta1e food# saying# :Today is the fourteenth day you have waited and continued without food# and eaten nothing'

saying# :*o not be afraid# /aul9 you must be brought before -aesar9 and indeed (od has granted you all those who sail with you'D

Therefore 0 urge you to ta1e nourishment# for this is for your survival# since not a hair will fall from the head of any of you':

Therefore ta1e heart# men# for 0 believe (od that it will be $ust as it was told me'

2owever# we must run aground on a certain island':


And when he had said these things# he too1 bread and gave than1s to (od in the "resence of them all9 and when he had bro1en it he began to eat'

Now when the fourteenth night had come# as we were driven u" and down in the Adriatic Sea# about midnight the sailors sensed that they were drawing near some land'

Then they were all encouraged# and also too1 food themselves'

And in all we were two hundred and seventyFsi! "ersons on the shi"'

And they too1 soundings and found it to be twenty fathoms9 and when they had gone a little farther# they too1 soundings again and found it to be fifteen fathoms'

So when they had eaten enough# they lightened the shi" and threw out the wheat into the sea'

Then# fearing lest we should run aground on the roc1s# they dro""ed four anchors from the stern# and "rayed for day to come'

Bhen it was day# they did not recogni.e the land9 but they observed a bay with a beach# onto which they "lanned to run the shi" if "ossible'

And as the sailors were see1ing to esca"e from the shi"# when they had let down the s1iff into the sea# under "retense of "utting out anchors from the "row#

And they let go the anchors and them in the sea# meanwhile loosing rudder ro"es9 and they hoisted mainsail to the wind and made shore'

left the the for

/aul said to the centurion and the soldiers# :Anless these men stay in the shi"# you cannot be saved':

But stri1ing a "lace where two seas met# they ran the shi" aground9 and the "row stuc1 fast and remained immovable# but the stern was being bro1en u" by the violence of the waves'


And the soldiersD "lan was to 1ill the "risoners# lest any of them should swim away and esca"e'

But the centurion# wanting to save /aul# 1e"t them from their "ur"ose# and commanded that those who could swim should $um" overboard first and get to land#

0n that region there was an estate of the leading citi.en of the island# whose name was /ublius# who received us and entertained us courteously for three days'

and the rest# some on boards and some on "arts of the shi"' And so it was that they all esca"ed safely to land'

And it ha""ened that the father of /ublius lay sic1 of a fever and dysentery' /aul went in to him and "rayed# and he laid his hands on him and healed him'

28Now when they had esca"ed# they

then found out that the island was called 4alta'

So when this was done# the rest of those on the island who had diseases also came and were healed'

They also honored us in many ways9 and when we de"arted# they "rovided such things as were necessary'

And the natives showed us unusual 1indness9 for they 1indled a fire and made us all welcome# because of the rain that was falling and because of the cold'

After three months we sailed in an Ale!andrian shi" whose figurehead was the Twin Brothers# which had wintered at the island'

But when /aul had gathered a bundle of stic1s and laid them on the fire# a vi"er came out because of the heat# and fastened on his hand'

And landing at Syracuse# we stayed three days'


So when the natives saw the creature hanging from his hand# they said to one another# :No doubt this man is a murderer# whom# though he has esca"ed the sea# yet $ustice does not allow to live':

From there we circled round and reached +hegium' And after one day the south wind blew9 and the ne!t day we came to /uteoli#

where we found brethren# and were invited to stay with them seven days' And so we went toward +ome'

But he shoo1 off the creature into the fire and suffered no harm'

2owever# they were e!"ecting that he would swell u" or suddenly fall down dead' But after they had loo1ed for a long time and saw no harm come to him# they changed their minds and said that he was a god'

And from there# when the brethren heard about us# they came to meet us as far as A""ii Forum and Three 0nns' Bhen /aul saw them# he than1ed (od and too1 courage'

Now when we came to +ome# the centurion delivered the "risoners to the ca"tain of the guard9 but /aul was "ermitted to dwell by himself with the soldier who guarded him'


And it came to "ass after three days that /aul called the leaders of the Jews together' So when they had come together# he said to them7 :4en and brethren# though 0 have done nothing against our "eo"le or the customs of our fathers# yet 0 was delivered as a "risoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the +omans#


And some were "ersuaded by the things which were s"o1en# and some disbelieved'

So when they did not agree among themselves# they de"arted after /aul had said one word7 :The 2oly S"irit s"o1e rightly through 0saiah the "ro"het to our fathers#

who# when they had e!amined me# wanted to let me go# because there was no cause for "utting me to death'

saying# :(o to this "eo"le and say7 :2earing you will hear# and shall not understand9 And seeing you will see# and not "erceive9

But when the Jews s"o1e against it# 0 was com"elled to a""eal to -aesar# not that 0 had anything of which to accuse my nation'

For this reason therefore 0 have called for you# to see you and s"ea1 with you# because for the ho"e of 0srael 0 am bound with this chain':

For the hearts of this "eo"le have grown dull' Their ears are hard of hearing# And their eyes they have closed# )est they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears# )est they should understand with their hearts and turn# So that 0 should heal them':D

Then they said to him# :Be neither received letters from Judea concerning you# nor have any of the brethren who came re"orted or s"o1en any evil of you'

:Therefore let it be 1nown to you that the salvation of (od has been sent to the (entiles# and they will hear itH:

And when he had said these words# the Jews de"arted and had a great dis"ute among themselves'

But we desire to hear from you what you thin19 for concerning this sect# we 1now that it is s"o1en against everywhere':

Then /aul dwelt two whole years in his own rented house# and received all who came to him#

So when they had a""ointed him a day# many came to him at his lodging# to whom he e!"lained and solemnly testified of the 1ingdom of (od# "ersuading them concerning Jesus from both the )aw of 4oses and the /ro"hets# from morning till evening'

"reaching the 1ingdom of (od and teaching the things which concern the )ord Jesus -hrist with all confidence# no one forbidding him'

omans 1/aul# a bondservant of Jesus -hrist#

called to be an a"ostle# se"arated to the gos"el of (od
, %%

For 0 long to see you# that 0 may im"art to you some s"iritual gift# so that you may be establishedFF

which 2e "romised before through 2is "ro"hets in the 2oly Scri"tures#


that is# that 0 may be encouraged together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me'

concerning 2is Son Jesus -hrist our )ord# who was born of the seed of *avid according to the flesh#

and declared to be the Son of (od with "ower according to the S"irit of holiness# by the resurrection from the dead'

Now 0 do not want you to be unaware# brethren# that 0 often "lanned to come to you Ibut was hindered until nowJ# that 0 might have some fruit among you also# $ust as among the other (entiles'

0 am a debtor both to (ree1s and to barbarians# both to wise and to unwise'


Through 2im we have received grace and a"ostleshi" for obedience to the faith among all nations for 2is name#

So# as much as is in me# 0 am ready to "reach the gos"el to you who are in +ome also'

among whom you also are the called of Jesus -hrist9


To all who are in +ome# beloved of (od# called to be saints7 (race to you and "eace from (od our Father and the )ord Jesus -hrist'

For 0 am not ashamed of the gos"el of -hrist# for it is the "ower of (od to salvation for everyone who believes# for the Jew first and also for the (ree1'

For in it the righteousness of (od is revealed from faith to faith9 as it is written# :The $ust shall live by faith':

First# 0 than1 my (od through Jesus -hrist for you all# that your faith is s"o1en of throughout the whole world'

For (od is my witness# whom 0 serve with my s"irit in the gos"el of 2is Son# that without ceasing 0 ma1e mention of you always in my "rayers#

For the wrath of (od is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men# who su""ress the truth in unrighteousness#

because what may be 1nown of (od is manifest in them# for (od has shown it to them'

ma1ing reGuest if# by some means# now at last 0 may find a way in the will of (od to come to you'

For since the creation of the world 2is invisible attributes are clearly seen# being understood by the things that are made# even 2is eternal "ower and

(odhead# so that they are without e!cuse#



because# although they 1new (od# they did not glorify 2im as (od# nor were than1ful# but became futile in their thoughts# and their foolish hearts were dar1ened'

being filled with all unrighteousness# se!ual immorality# wic1edness# covetousness# maliciousness9 full of envy# murder# strife# deceit# evilF mindedness9 they are whis"erers#

bac1biters# haters of (od# violent# "roud# boasters# inventors of evil things# disobedient to "arents#

/rofessing to be wise# they became fools#


undiscerning# untrustworthy# unloving# unforgiving# unmerciful9


and changed the glory of the incorru"tible (od into an image made li1e corru"tible manFFand birds and fourF footed animals and cree"ing things'

Therefore (od also gave them u" to uncleanness# in the lusts of their hearts# to dishonor their bodies among themselves#

who# 1nowing the righteous $udgment of (od# that those who "ractice such things are deserving of death# not only do the same but also a""rove of those who "ractice them'


who e!changed the truth of (od for the lie# and worshi"ed and served the creature rather than the -reator# who is blessed forever' Amen'

you are ine!cusable# 3 man# whoever you are who $udge# for in whatever you $udge another you condemn yourself9 for you who $udge "ractice the same things'

For this reason (od gave them u" to vile "assions' For even their women e!changed the natural use for what is against nature'

But we 1now that the $udgment of (od is according to truth against those who "ractice such things'

)i1ewise also the men# leaving the natural use of the woman# burned in their lust for one another# %men with %men committing what is shameful# and receiving in themselves the "enalty of their error which was due'

And do you thin1 this# 3 man# you who $udge those "racticing such things# and doing the same# that you will esca"e the $udgment of (odE

And even as they did not li1e to retain (od in their 1nowledge# (od gave them over to a debased mind# to do those things which are not fitting9

3r do you des"ise the riches of 2is goodness# forbearance# and longsuffering# not 1nowing that the goodness of (od leads you to re"entanceE

But in accordance with your hardness and your im"enitent heart you are treasuring u" for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous $udgment of (od#


who :will render to each one according to his deeds:7



and 1now 2is will# and a""rove the things that are e!cellent# being instructed out of the law#

eternal life to those who by "atient continuance in doing good see1 for glory# honor# and immortality9

and are confident that you yourself are a guide to the blind# a light to those who are in dar1ness#

but to those who are selfFsee1ing and do not obey the truth# but obey unrighteousnessFFindignation and wrath#

an instructor of the foolish# a teacher of babes# having the form of 1nowledge and truth in the law'

tribulation and anguish# on every soul of man who does evil# of the Jew first and also of the (ree19

but glory# honor# and "eace to everyone who wor1s what is good# to the Jew first and also to the (ree1'

Cou# therefore# who teach another# do you not teach yourselfE Cou who "reach that a man should not steal# do you stealE

For there is no "artiality with (od'

Cou who say# :*o not commit adultery#: do you commit adulteryE Cou who abhor idols# do you rob tem"lesE


For as many as have sinned without law will also "erish without law# and as many as have sinned in the law will be $udged by the law

Cou who ma1e your boast in the law# do you dishonor (od through brea1ing the lawE

Ifor not the hearers of the law are $ust in the sight of (od# but the doers of the law will be $ustified9

For :the name of (od is blas"hemed among the (entiles because of you#: as it is written'

for when (entiles# who do not have the law# by nature do the things in the law# these# although not having the law# are a law to themselves#

For circumcision is indeed "rofitable if you 1ee" the law9 but if you are a brea1er of the law# your circumcision has become uncircumcision'

who show the wor1 of the law written in their hearts# their conscience also bearing witness# and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else e!cusing themJ

Therefore# if an uncircumcised man 1ee"s the righteous reGuirements of the law# will not his uncircumcision be counted as circumcisionE

in the day when (od will $udge the secrets of men by Jesus -hrist# according to my gos"el'

And will not the "hysically uncircumcised# if he fulfills the law# $udge you who# even with your written code and circumcision# are a transgressor of the lawE

0ndeed you are called a Jew# and rest on the law# and ma1e your boast in (od#


For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly# nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh9

charged both Jews and (ree1s that they are all under sin'

but he is a Jew who is one inwardly9 and circumcision is that of the heart# in the S"irit# not in the letter9 whose "raise is not from men but from (od'

As it is written7 :There is none righteous# no# not one9


There is none who understands9 There is none who see1s after (od'

3Bhat advantage then has the Jew# or

what is the "rofit of circumcisionE

They have all turned aside9 They have together become un"rofitable9 There is none who does good# no# not one':

4uch in every wayH -hiefly because to them were committed the oracles of (od'

:Their throat is an o"en tomb9 Bith their tongues they have "racticed deceit:9 :The "oison of as"s is under their li"s:9

For what if some did not believeE Bill their unbelief ma1e the faithfulness of (od without effectE

:Bhose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness':


-ertainly notH 0ndeed# let (od be true but every man a liar' As it is written7 :That Cou may be $ustified in Cour words# And may overcome when Cou are $udged':

:Their feet are swift to shed blood9


*estruction and misery are in their ways9


But if our unrighteousness demonstrates the righteousness of (od# what shall we sayE 0s (od un$ust who inflicts wrathE I0 s"ea1 as a man'J

And the way of "eace they have not 1nown':


:There is no fear of (od before their eyes':


-ertainly notH For then how will (od $udge the worldE

For if the truth of (od has increased through my lie to 2is glory# why am 0 also still $udged as a sinnerE

Now we 1now that whatever the law says# it says to those who are under the law# that every mouth may be sto""ed# and all the world may become guilty before (od'

And why not say# :)et us do evil that good may come:EFFas we are slanderously re"orted and as some affirm that we say' Their condemnation is $ust'

Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be $ustified in 2is sight# for by the law is the 1nowledge of sin'

Bhat thenE Are we better than theyE Not at all' For we have "reviously

But now the righteousness of (od a"art from the law is revealed# being witnessed by the )aw and the /ro"hets#


even the righteousness of (od# through faith in Jesus -hrist# to all and on all who believe' For there is no difference9

4Bhat then shall we say that Abraham

our father has found according to the fleshE

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of (od#

being $ustified freely by 2is grace through the redem"tion that is in -hrist Jesus#

For if Abraham was $ustified by wor1s# he has something to boast about# but not before (od'

whom (od set forth as a "ro"itiation by 2is blood# through faith# to demonstrate 2is righteousness# because in 2is forbearance (od had "assed over the sins that were "reviously committed#

For what does the Scri"ture sayE :Abraham believed (od# and it was accounted to him for righteousness':

Now to him who wor1s# the wages are not counted as grace but as debt'

to demonstrate at the "resent time 2is righteousness# that 2e might be $ust and the $ustifier of the one who has faith in Jesus'

But to him who does not wor1 but believes on 2im who $ustifies the ungodly# his faith is accounted for righteousness#

Bhere is boasting thenE 0t is e!cluded' By what lawE 3f wor1sE No# but by the law of faith'

$ust as *avid also describes the blessedness of the man to whom (od im"utes righteousness a"art from wor1s7

Therefore we conclude that a man is $ustified by faith a"art from the deeds of the law'

:BBlessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven# And whose sins are covered9

3r is 2e the (od of the Jews onlyE 0s 2e not also the (od of the (entilesE Ces# of the (entiles also#

Blessed is the man to whom the )3+* shall not im"ute sin':

since there is one (od who will $ustify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith'

*oes this blessedness then come u"on the circumcised only# or u"on the uncircumcised alsoE For we say that faith was accounted to Abraham for righteousness'

*o we then ma1e void the law through faithE -ertainly notH 3n the contrary# we establish the law'

2ow then was it accountedE Bhile he was circumcised# or uncircumcisedE Not while circumcised# but while uncircumcised'

And he received the sign of circumcision# a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had

while still uncircumcised# that he might be the father of all those who believe# though they are uncircumcised# that righteousness might be im"uted to them also#

oldJ# and the deadness of SarahDs womb'


and the father of circumcision to those who not only are of the circumcision# but who also wal1 in the ste"s of the faith which our father Abraham had while still uncircumcised'

2e did not waver at the "romise of (od through unbelief# but was strengthened in faith# giving glory to (od#

and being fully convinced that what 2e had "romised 2e was also able to "erform'

For the "romise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law# but through the righteousness of faith'

And therefore :it was accounted to him for righteousness':


For if those who are of the law are heirs# faith is made void and the "romise made of no effect#

Now it was not written for his sa1e alone that it was im"uted to him#

because the law brings about wrath9 for where there is no law there is no transgression'

but also for us' 0t shall be im"uted to us who believe in 2im who raised u" Jesus our )ord from the dead#

Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace# so that the "romise might be sure to all the seed# not only to those who are of the law# but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham# who is the father of us all

who was delivered u" because of our offenses# and was raised because of our $ustification'

5Therefore# having been $ustified by

faith# we have "eace with (od through our )ord Jesus -hrist#

Ias it is written# :0 have made you a father of many nations: J in the "resence of 2im whom he believedFF(od# who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not e!ist as though they did9

through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand# and re$oice in ho"e of the glory of (od'

And not only that# but we also glory in tribulations# 1nowing that tribulation "roduces "erseverance9

who# contrary to ho"e# in ho"e believed# so that he became the father of many nations# according to what was s"o1en# :So shall your descendants be':

and "erseverance# character# ho"e'




And not being wea1 in faith# he did not consider his own body# already dead Isince he was about a hundred years

Now ho"e does not disa""oint# because the love of (od has been "oured out in our hearts by the 2oly S"irit who was given to us'


For when we were still without strength# in due time -hrist died for the ungodly'


For scarcely for a righteous man will one die9 yet "erha"s for a good man someone would even dare to die'

And the gift is not li1e that which came through the one who sinned' For the $udgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation# but the free gift which came from many offenses resulted in $ustification'

But (od demonstrates 2is own love toward us# in that while we were still sinners# -hrist died for us'

4uch more then# having now been $ustified by 2is blood# we shall be saved from wrath through 2im'

For if by the one manDs offense death reigned through the one# much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the 3ne# Jesus -hrist'J

For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to (od through the death of 2is Son# much more# having been reconciled# we shall be saved by 2is life'

Therefore# as through one manDs offense $udgment came to all men# resulting in condemnation# even so through one 4anDs righteous act the free gift came to all men# resulting in $ustification of life'

And not only that# but we also re$oice in (od through our )ord Jesus -hrist# through whom we have now received the reconciliation'

For as by one manDs disobedience many were made sinners# so also by one 4anDs obedience many will be made righteous'

Therefore# $ust as through one man sin entered the world# and death through sin# and thus death s"read to all men# because all sinnedFF

4oreover the law entered that the offense might abound' But where sin abounded# grace abounded much more#

IFor until the law sin was in the world# but sin is not im"uted when there is no law'

so that as sin reigned in death# even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus -hrist our )ord'

Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to 4oses# even over those who had not sinned according to the li1eness of the transgression of Adam# who is a ty"e of 2im who was to come'

6Bhat shall we say thenE Shall we

continue in sin that grace may aboundE

-ertainly notH 2ow shall we who died to sin live any longer in itE

But the free gift is not li1e the offense' For if by the one manDs offense many died# much more the grace of (od and the gift by the grace of the one 4an# Jesus -hrist# abounded to many'

3r do you not 1now that as many of us as were ba"ti.ed into -hrist Jesus were ba"ti.ed into 2is deathE

Therefore we were buried with 2im through ba"tism into death# that $ust as

-hrist was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father# even so we also should wal1 in newness of life'


Bhat thenE Shall we sin because we are not under law but under graceE -ertainly notH

For if we have been united together in the li1eness of 2is death# certainly we also shall be in the li1eness of 2is resurrection#

*o you not 1now that to whom you "resent yourselves slaves to obey# you are that oneDs slaves whom you obey# whether of sin leading to death# or of obedience leading to righteousnessE

1nowing this# that our old man was crucified with 2im# that the body of sin might be done away with# that we should no longer be slaves of sin'

But (od be than1ed that though you were slaves of sin# yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered'

For he who has died has been freed from sin'


And having been set free from sin# you became slaves of righteousness'

Now if we died with -hrist# we believe that we shall also live with 2im#

1nowing that -hrist# having been raised from the dead# dies no more' *eath no longer has dominion over 2im'

For the death that 2e died# 2e died to sin once for all9 but the life that 2e lives# 2e lives to (od'

0 s"ea1 in human terms because of the wea1ness of your flesh' For $ust as you "resented your members as slaves of uncleanness# and of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness# so now "resent your members as slaves of righteousness for holiness'

For when you were slaves of sin# you were free in regard to righteousness'

)i1ewise you also# rec1on yourselves to be dead indeed to sin# but alive to (od in -hrist Jesus our )ord'

Bhat fruit did you have then in the things of which you are now ashamedE For the end of those things is death'

Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body# that you should obey it in its lusts'

And do not "resent your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin# but "resent yourselves to (od as being alive from the dead# and your members as instruments of righteousness to (od'

But now having been set free from sin# and having become slaves of (od# you have your fruit to holiness# and the end# everlasting life'

For the wages of sin is death# but the gift of (od is eternal life in -hrist Jesus our )ord'

For sin shall not have dominion over you# for you are not under law but under grace'

73r do you not 1now# brethren Ifor 0

s"ea1 to those who 1now the lawJ# that the law has dominion over a man as long as he livesE

For the woman who has a husband is bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives' But if the husband dies# she is released from the law of her husband'


And the commandment# which was to bring life# 0 found to bring death'

For sin# ta1ing occasion by the commandment# deceived me# and by it 1illed me'

So then if# while her husband lives# she marries another man# she will be called an adulteress9 but if her husband dies# she is free from that law# so that she is no adulteress# though she has married another man'

Therefore the law is holy# and the commandment holy and $ust and good'

Therefore# my brethren# you also have become dead to the law through the body of -hrist# that you may be married to anotherFFto 2im who was raised from the dead# that we should bear fruit to (od'

2as then what is good become death to meE -ertainly notH But sin# that it might a""ear sin# was "roducing death in me through what is good# so that sin through the commandment might become e!ceedingly sinful'

For we 1now that the law is s"iritual# but 0 am carnal# sold under sin'

For when we were in the flesh# the sinful "assions which were aroused by the law were at wor1 in our members to bear fruit to death'

For what 0 am doing# 0 do not understand' For what 0 will to do# that 0 do not "ractice9 but what 0 hate# that 0 do'

But now we have been delivered from the law# having died to what we were held by# so that we should serve in the newness of the S"irit and not in the oldness of the letter'

0f# then# 0 do what 0 will not to do# 0 agree with the law that it is good'

But now# it is no longer 0 who do it# but sin that dwells in me'

Bhat shall we say thenE 0s the law sinE -ertainly notH 3n the contrary# 0 would not have 1nown sin e!ce"t through the law' For 0 would not have 1nown covetousness unless the law had said# :Cou shall not covet':

For 0 1now that in me Ithat is# in my fleshJ nothing good dwells9 for to will is "resent with me# but how to "erform what is good 0 do not find'

But sin# ta1ing o""ortunity by the commandment# "roduced in me all manner of evil desire' For a"art from the law sin was dead'

For the good that 0 will to do# 0 do not do9 but the evil 0 will not to do# that 0 "ractice'

0 was alive once without the law# but when the commandment came# sin revived and 0 died'

Now if 0 do what 0 will not to do# it is no longer 0 who do it# but sin that dwells in me'

0 find then a law# that evil is "resent with me# the one who wills to do good'


For 0 delight in the law of (od according to the inward man'


Because the carnal mind is enmity against (od9 for it is not sub$ect to the law of (od# nor indeed can be'

But 0 see another law in my members# warring against the law of my mind# and bringing me into ca"tivity to the law of sin which is in my members'

So then# those who are in the flesh cannot "lease (od'


3 wretched man that 0 amH Bho will deliver me from this body of deathE

But you are not in the flesh but in the S"irit# if indeed the S"irit of (od dwells in you' Now if anyone does not have the S"irit of -hrist# he is not 2is'

0 than1 (odFFthrough Jesus -hrist our )ordH So then# with the mind 0 myself serve the law of (od# but with the flesh the law of sin'

And if -hrist is in you# the body is dead because of sin# but the S"irit is life because of righteousness'


is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in -hrist Jesus# who do not wal1 according to the flesh# but according to the S"irit' For the law of the S"irit of life in -hrist Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death'

But if the S"irit of 2im who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you# 2e who raised -hrist from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through 2is S"irit who dwells in you'

Therefore# brethren# we are debtorsFF not to the flesh# to live according to the flesh'

For what the law could not do in that it was wea1 through the flesh# (od did by sending 2is own Son in the li1eness of sinful flesh# on account of sin7 2e condemned sin in the flesh#

For if you live according to the flesh you will die9 but if by the S"irit you "ut to death the deeds of the body# you will live'

that the righteous reGuirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not wal1 according to the flesh but according to the S"irit'

For as many as are led by the S"irit of (od# these are sons of (od'

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh# but those who live according to the S"irit# the things of the S"irit'

For you did not receive the s"irit of bondage again to fear# but you received the S"irit of ado"tion by whom we cry out# :Abba# Father':

The S"irit 2imself bears witness with our s"irit that we are children of (od#

For to be carnally minded is death# but to be s"iritually minded is life and "eace'

and if children# then heirsFFheirs of (od and $oint heirs with -hrist# if indeed we suffer with 2im# that we may also be glorified together'


For 0 consider that the sufferings of this "resent time are not worthy to be com"ared with the glory which shall be revealed in us'


And we 1now that all things wor1 together for good to those who love (od# to those who are the called according to 2is "ur"ose'

For the earnest e!"ectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of (od'

For whom 2e fore1new# 2e also "redestined to be conformed to the image of 2is Son# that 2e might be the firstborn among many brethren'

For the creation was sub$ected to futility# not willingly# but because of 2im who sub$ected it in ho"e9

because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corru"tion into the glorious liberty of the children of (od'

4oreover whom 2e "redestined# these 2e also called9 whom 2e called# these 2e also $ustified9 and whom 2e $ustified# these 2e also glorified'

Bhat then shall we say to these thingsE 0f (od is for us# who can be against usE

For we 1now that the whole creation groans and labors with birth "angs together until now'

Not only that# but we also who have the firstfruits of the S"irit# even we ourselves groan within ourselves# eagerly waiting for the ado"tion# the redem"tion of our body'

2e who did not s"are 2is own Son# but delivered 2im u" for us all# how shall 2e not with 2im also freely give us all thingsE

Bho shall bring a charge against (odDs electE 0t is (od who $ustifies'

For we were saved in this ho"e# but ho"e that is seen is not ho"e9 for why does one still ho"e for what he seesE

Bho is he who condemnsE 0t is -hrist who died# and furthermore is also risen# who is even at the right hand of (od# who also ma1es intercession for us'

But if we ho"e for what we do not see# we eagerly wait for it with "erseverance'

)i1ewise the S"irit also hel"s in our wea1nesses' For we do not 1now what we should "ray for as we ought# but the S"irit 2imself ma1es intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered'

Bho shall se"arate us from the love of -hristE Shall tribulation# or distress# or "ersecution# or famine# or na1edness# or "eril# or swordE

As it is written7 :For Cour sa1e we are 1illed all day long9 Be are accounted as shee" for the slaughter':

Now 2e who searches the hearts 1nows what the mind of the S"irit is# because 2e ma1es intercession for the saints according to the will of (od'

Cet in all these things we are more than conGuerors through 2im who loved us'

For 0 am "ersuaded that neither death nor life# nor angels nor "rinci"alities nor

"owers# nor things "resent nor things to come#



And not only this# but when +ebecca also had conceived by one man# even by our father 0saac

nor height nor de"th# nor any other created thing# shall be able to se"arate us from the love of (od which is in -hrist Jesus our )ord'

90 tell the truth in -hrist# 0 am not lying#

my conscience also bearing me witness in the 2oly S"irit#

Ifor the children not yet being born# nor having done any good or evil# that the "ur"ose of (od according to election might stand# not of wor1s but of 2im who callsJ#

it was said to her# :The older shall serve the younger':


that 0 have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart'


As it is written# :Jacob 0 have loved# but sau 0 have hated':

For 0 could wish that 0 myself were accursed from -hrist for my brethren# my countrymen according to the flesh#


Bhat shall we say thenE 0s there unrighteousness with (odE -ertainly notH

who are 0sraelites# to whom "ertain the ado"tion# the glory# the covenants# the giving of the law# the service of (od# and the "romises9

For 2e says to 4oses# :0 will have mercy on whomever 0 will have mercy# and 0 will have com"assion on whomever 0 will have com"assion':

of whom are the fathers and from whom# according to the flesh# -hrist came# who is over all# the eternally blessed (od' Amen'

So then it is not of him who wills# nor of him who runs# but of (od who shows mercy'

But it is not that the word of (od has ta1en no effect' For they are not all 0srael who are of 0srael#

For the Scri"ture says to the /haraoh# :For this very "ur"ose 0 have raised you u"# that 0 may show 4y "ower in you# and that 4y name may be declared in all the earth':

nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham9 but# :0n 0saac your seed shall be called':

Therefore 2e has mercy on whom 2e wills# and whom 2e wills 2e hardens'


That is# those who are the children of the flesh# these are not the children of (od9 but the children of the "romise are counted as the seed'

Cou will say to me then# :Bhy does 2e still find faultE For who has resisted 2is willE:

For this is the word of "romise7 :At this time 0 will come and Sarah shall have a son':

But indeed# 3 man# who are you to re"ly against (odE Bill the thing formed say to him who formed it# :Bhy have you made me li1e thisE:


*oes not the "otter have "ower over the clay# from the same lum" to ma1e one vessel for honor and another for dishonorE


Bhat shall we say thenE That (entiles# who did not "ursue righteousness# have attained to righteousness# even the righteousness of faith9

Bhat if (od# wanting to show 2is wrath and to ma1e 2is "ower 1nown# endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath "re"ared for destruction#

but 0srael# "ursuing the law of righteousness# has not attained to the law of righteousness'

and that 2e might ma1e 1nown the riches of 2is glory on the vessels of mercy# which 2e had "re"ared beforehand for glory#

BhyE Because they did not see1 it by faith# but as it were# by the wor1s of the law' For they stumbled at that stumbling stone'

even us whom 2e called# not of the Jews only# but also of the (entilesE

As it is written7 :Behold# 0 lay in 5ion a stumbling stone and roc1 of offense# And whoever believes on 2im will not be "ut to shame':

As 2e says also in 2osea7 :0 will call them 4y "eo"le# who were not 4y "eo"le# And her beloved# who was not beloved':

10Brethren# my heartDs desire and

"rayer to (od for 0srael is that they may be saved'

:And it shall come to "ass in the "lace where it was said to them# :Cou are not 4y "eo"le#D There they shall be called sons of the living (od':

For 0 bear them witness that they have a .eal for (od# but not according to 1nowledge'

0saiah also cries out concerning 0srael7 :Though the number of the children of 0srael be as the sand of the sea# The remnant will be saved'

For they being ignorant of (odDs righteousness# and see1ing to establish their own righteousness# have not submitted to the righteousness of (od'

For 2e will finish the wor1 and cut it short in righteousness# Because the )3+* will ma1e a short wor1 u"on the earth':

For -hrist is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes'

And as 0saiah said before7 :Anless the )3+* of Sabaoth had left us a seed# Be would have become li1e Sodom# And we would have been made li1e (omorrah':

For 4oses writes about the righteousness which is of the law# :The man who does those things shall live by them':

But the righteousness of faith s"ea1s in this way# :*o not say in your heart# :Bho will ascend into heavenE:D Ithat is# to bring -hrist down from aboveJ

or# ::Bho will descend into the abyssE:D Ithat is# to bring -hrist u" from the deadJ'


But 0 say# have they not heardE Ces indeed7 :Their sound has gone out to all the earth# And their words to the ends of the world':

But what does it sayE :The word is near you# in your mouth and in your heart: Ithat is# the word of faith which we "reachJ7

that if you confess with your mouth the )ord Jesus and believe in your heart that (od has raised 2im from the dead# you will be saved'

But 0 say# did 0srael not 1nowE First 4oses says7 :0 will "rovo1e you to $ealousy by those who are not a nation# 0 will move you to anger by a foolish nation':

For with the heart one believes unto righteousness# and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation'

But 0saiah is very bold and says7 :0 was found by those who did not see1 4e9 0 was made manifest to those who did not as1 for 4e':

For the Scri"ture says# :Bhoever believes on 2im will not be "ut to shame':

But to 0srael he says7 :All day long 0 have stretched out 4y hands To a disobedient and contrary "eo"le':

For there is no distinction between Jew and (ree1# for the same )ord over all is rich to all who call u"on 2im'

110 say then# has (od cast away 2is

"eo"leE -ertainly notH For 0 also am an 0sraelite# of the seed of Abraham# of the tribe of Ben$amin'

For :whoever calls on the name of the )3+* shall be saved':


2ow then shall they call on 2im in whom they have not believedE And how shall they believe in 2im of whom they have not heardE And how shall they hear without a "reacherE

(od has not cast away 2is "eo"le whom 2e fore1new' 3r do you not 1now what the Scri"ture says of li$ah# how he "leads with (od against 0srael# saying#

:)3+*# they have 1illed Cour "ro"hets and torn down Cour altars# and 0 alone am left# and they see1 my life:E

And how shall they "reach unless they are sentE As it is written7 :2ow beautiful are the feet of those who "reach the gos"el of "eace# Bho bring glad tidings of good thingsH:

But what does the divine res"onse say to himE :0 have reserved for 4yself seven thousand men who have not bowed the 1nee to Baal':

But they have not all obeyed the gos"el' For 0saiah says# :)3+*# who has believed our re"ortE:

ven so then# at this "resent time there is a remnant according to the election of grace'

So then faith comes by hearing# and hearing by the word of (od'

And if by grace# then it is no longer of wor1s9 otherwise grace is no longer

grace' But if it is of wor1s# it is no longer grace9 otherwise wor1 is no longer wor1'



Bhat thenE 0srael has not obtained what it see1s9 but the elect have obtained it# and the rest were blinded'

And if some of the branches were bro1en off# and you# being a wild olive tree# were grafted in among them# and with them became a "arta1er of the root and fatness of the olive tree#

Just as it is written7 :(od has given them a s"irit of stu"or# yes that they should not see And ears that they should not hear# To this very day':

do not boast against the branches' But if you do boast# remember that you do not su""ort the root# but the root su""orts you'

And *avid says7 :)et their table become a snare and a tra"# A stumbling bloc1 and a recom"ense to them'

Cou will say then# :Branches were bro1en off that 0 might be grafted in':

)et their eyes be dar1ened# so that they do not see# And bow down their bac1 always':

Bell said' Because of unbelief they were bro1en off# and you stand by faith' *o not be haughty# but fear'

For if (od did not s"are the natural branches# 2e may not s"are you either'

0 say then# have they stumbled that they should fallE -ertainly notH But through their fall# to "rovo1e them to $ealousy# salvation has come to the (entiles'

Therefore consider the goodness and severity of (od7 on those who fell# severity9 but toward you# goodness# if you continue in 2is goodness' 3therwise you also will be cut off'

Now if their fall is riches for the world# and their failure riches for the (entiles# how much more their fullnessH

And they also# if they do not continue in unbelief# will be grafted in# for (od is able to graft them in again'

For 0 s"ea1 to you (entiles9 inasmuch as 0 am an a"ostle to the (entiles# 0 magnify my ministry#

if by any means 0 may "rovo1e to $ealousy those who are my flesh and save some of them'

For if you were cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature# and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree# how much more will these# who are natural branches# be grafted into their own olive treeE

For if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world# what will their acce"tance be but life from the deadE

For if the firstfruit is holy# the lum" is also holy9 and if the root is holy# so are the branches'

For 0 do not desire# brethren# that you should be ignorant of this mystery# lest you should be wise in your own o"inion# that blindness in "art has ha""ened to 0srael until the fullness of the (entiles has come in'

And so all 0srael will be saved# as it is written7 :The *eliverer will come out of

5ion# And 2e will turn away ungodliness from Jacob9


120 beseech you therefore# brethren#

by the mercies of (od# that you "resent your bodies a living sacrifice# holy# acce"table to (od# which is your reasonable service'

For this is 4y covenant with them# Bhen 0 ta1e away their sins':

-oncerning the gos"el they are enemies for your sa1e# but concerning the election they are beloved for the sa1e of the fathers'

For the gifts and the calling of (od are irrevocable'


And do not be conformed to this world# but be transformed by the renewing of your mind# that you may "rove what is that good and acce"table and "erfect will of (od'

For as you were once disobedient to (od# yet have now obtained mercy through their disobedience#

even so these also have now been disobedient# that through the mercy shown you they also may obtain mercy'

For 0 say# through the grace given to me# to everyone who is among you# not to thin1 of himself more highly than he ought to thin1# but to thin1 soberly# as (od has dealt to each one a measure of faith'

For (od has committed them all to disobedience# that 2e might have mercy on all'

For as we have many members in one body# but all the members do not have the same function#

3h# the de"th of the riches both of the wisdom and 1nowledge of (odH 2ow unsearchable are 2is $udgments and 2is ways "ast finding outH

so we# being many# are one body in -hrist# and individually members of one another'

:For who has 1nown the mind of the )3+*E 3r who has become 2is counselorE:

2aving then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us# let us use them7 if "ro"hecy# let us "ro"hesy in "ro"ortion to our faith9

:3r who has first given to 2im And it shall be re"aid to himE:

or ministry# let us use it in our ministering9 he who teaches# in teaching9


For of 2im and through 2im and to 2im are all things# to whom be glory forever' Amen'

he who e!horts# in e!hortation9 he who gives# with liberality9 he who leads# with diligence9 he who shows mercy# with cheerfulness'

)et love be without hy"ocrisy' Abhor what is evil' -ling to what is good'


Be 1indly affectionate to one another with brotherly love# in honor giving "reference to one another9

authorities that e!ist are a""ointed by (od'


not lagging in diligence# fervent in s"irit# serving the )ord9


Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of (od# and those who resist will bring $udgment on themselves'

re$oicing in ho"e# "atient in tribulation# continuing steadfastly in "rayer9


distributing to the needs of the saints# given to hos"itality'


For rulers are not a terror to good wor1s# but to evil' *o you want to be unafraid of the authorityE *o what is good# and you will have "raise from the same'

Bless those who "ersecute you9 bless and do not curse'


+e$oice with those who re$oice# and wee" with those who wee"'

For he is (odDs minister to you for good' But if you do evil# be afraid9 for he does not bear the sword in vain9 for he is (odDs minister# an avenger to e!ecute wrath on him who "ractices evil'

Be of the same mind toward one another' *o not set your mind on high things# but associate with the humble' *o not be wise in your own o"inion'

Therefore you must be sub$ect# not only because of wrath but also for conscienceD sa1e'

+e"ay no one evil for evil' 2ave regard for good things in the sight of all men'

For because of this you also "ay ta!es# for they are (odDs ministers attending continually to this very thing'

0f it is "ossible# as much as de"ends on you# live "eaceably with all men'


Beloved# do not avenge yourselves# but rather give "lace to wrath9 for it is written# :Vengeance is 4ine# 0 will re"ay#: says the )ord'

+ender therefore to all their due7 ta!es to whom ta!es are due# customs to whom customs# fear to whom fear# honor to whom honor'

Therefore :0f your enemy is hungry# feed him9 0f he is thirsty# give him a drin19 For in so doing you will hea" coals of fire on his head':

3we no one anything e!ce"t to love one another# for he who loves another has fulfilled the law'

*o not be overcome by evil# but overcome evil with good'

13)et every soul be sub$ect to the

governing authorities' For there is no authority e!ce"t from (od# and the

For the commandments# :Cou shall not commit adultery#: :Cou shall not murder#: :Cou shall not steal#: :Cou shall not bear false witness#: :Cou shall not covet#: and if there is any other commandment# are all summed u" in this saying# namely# :Cou shall love your neighbor as yourself':


)ove does no harm to a neighbor9 therefore love is the fulfillment of the law'


And do this# 1nowing the time# that now it is high time to awa1e out of slee"9 for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed'

2e who observes the day# observes it to the )ord9 and he who does not observe the day# to the )ord he does not observe it' 2e who eats# eats to the )ord# for he gives (od than1s9 and he who does not eat# to the )ord he does not eat# and gives (od than1s'

The night is far s"ent# the day is at hand' Therefore let us cast off the wor1s of dar1ness# and let us "ut on the armor of light'

For none of us lives to himself# and no one dies to himself'


)et us wal1 "ro"erly# as in the day# not in revelry and drun1enness# not in lewdness and lust# not in strife and envy'

For if we live# we live to the )ord9 and if we die# we die to the )ord' Therefore# whether we live or die# we are the )ordDs'

For to this end -hrist died and rose and lived again# that 2e might be )ord of both the dead and the living'

But "ut on the )ord Jesus -hrist# and ma1e no "rovision for the flesh# to fulfill its lusts'

14+eceive one who is wea1 in the

faith# but not to dis"utes over doubtful things'

But why do you $udge your brotherE 3r why do you show contem"t for your brotherE For we shall all stand before the $udgment seat of -hrist'

For it is written7 :As 0 live# says the )3+*# very 1nee shall bow to 4e# And every tongue shall confess to (od':

For one believes he may eat all things# but he who is wea1 eats only vegetables'

So then each of us shall give account of himself to (od'


)et not him who eats des"ise him who does not eat# and let not him who does not eat $udge him who eats9 for (od has received him'

Therefore let us not $udge one another anymore# but rather resolve this# not to "ut a stumbling bloc1 or a cause to fall in our brotherDs way'

Bho are you to $udge anotherDs servantE To his own master he stands or falls' 0ndeed# he will be made to stand# for (od is able to ma1e him stand'

0 1now and am convinced by the )ord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself9 but to him who considers anything to be unclean# to him it is unclean'

3ne "erson esteems one day above another9 another esteems every day ali1e' )et each be fully convinced in his own mind'

Cet if your brother is grieved because of your food# you are no longer wal1ing in love' *o not destroy with your food the one for whom -hrist died'


Therefore do not let your good be s"o1en of as evil9


through the "atience and comfort of the Scri"tures might have ho"e'

for the 1ingdom of (od is not eating and drin1ing# but righteousness and "eace and $oy in the 2oly S"irit'

Now may the (od of "atience and comfort grant you to be li1eFminded toward one another# according to -hrist Jesus#

For he who serves -hrist in these things is acce"table to (od and a""roved by men'

that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the (od and Father of our )ord Jesus -hrist'

Therefore let us "ursue the things which ma1e for "eace and the things by which one may edify another'

Therefore receive one another# $ust as -hrist also received us# to the glory of (od'

*o not destroy the wor1 of (od for the sa1e of food' All things indeed are "ure# but it is evil for the man who eats with offense'

Now 0 say that Jesus -hrist has become a servant to the circumcision for the truth of (od# to confirm the "romises made to the fathers#

0t is good neither to eat meat nor drin1 wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made wea1'

and that the (entiles might glorify (od for 2is mercy# as it is written7 :For this reason 0 will confess to Cou among the (entiles# And sing to Cour name':

*o you have faithE 2ave it to yourself before (od' 2a""y is he who does not condemn himself in what he a""roves'

And again he says7 :+e$oice# 3 (entiles# with 2is "eo"leH:


But he who doubts is condemned if he eats# because he does not eat from faith9 for whatever is not from faith is sin'

And again7 :/raise the )3+*# all you (entilesH )aud 2im# all you "eo"lesH:

15Be then who are strong ought to

bear with the scru"les of the wea1# and not to "lease ourselves'

And again# 0saiah says7 :There shall be a root of Jesse9 And 2e who shall rise to reign over the (entiles# 0n 2im the (entiles shall ho"e':

)et each of us "lease his neighbor for his good# leading to edification'

Now may the (od of ho"e fill you with all $oy and "eace in believing# that you may abound in ho"e by the "ower of the 2oly S"irit'

For even -hrist did not "lease 2imself9 but as it is written# :The re"roaches of those who re"roached Cou fell on 4e':

For whatever things were written before were written for our learning# that we

Now 0 myself am confident concerning you# my brethren# that you also are full of goodness# filled with all 1nowledge# able also to admonish one another'


Nevertheless# brethren# 0 have written more boldly to you on some "oints# as reminding you# because of the grace given to me by (od#


But now 0 am going to Jerusalem to minister to the saints'


that 0 might be a minister of Jesus -hrist to the (entiles# ministering the gos"el of (od# that the offering of the (entiles might be acce"table# sanctified by the 2oly S"irit'

For it "leased those from 4acedonia and Achaia to ma1e a certain contribution for the "oor among the saints who are in Jerusalem'

Therefore 0 have reason to glory in -hrist Jesus in the things which "ertain to (od'

0t "leased them indeed# and they are their debtors' For if the (entiles have been "arta1ers of their s"iritual things# their duty is also to minister to them in material things'

For 0 will not dare to s"ea1 of any of those things which -hrist has not accom"lished through me# in word and deed# to ma1e the (entiles obedientFF

Therefore# when 0 have "erformed this and have sealed to them this fruit# 0 shall go by way of you to S"ain'

in mighty signs and wonders# by the "ower of the S"irit of (od# so that from Jerusalem and round about to 0llyricum 0 have fully "reached the gos"el of -hrist'

But 0 1now that when 0 come to you# 0 shall come in the fullness of the blessing of the gos"el of -hrist'

And so 0 have made it my aim to "reach the gos"el# not where -hrist was named# lest 0 should build on another manDs foundation#

Now 0 beg you# brethren# through the )ord Jesus -hrist# and through the love of the S"irit# that you strive together with me in "rayers to (od for me#

but as it is written7 :To whom 2e was not announced# they shall see9 And those who have not heard shall understand':

that 0 may be delivered from those in Judea who do not believe# and that my service for Jerusalem may be acce"table to the saints#

that 0 may come to you with $oy by the will of (od# and may be refreshed together with you'

For this reason 0 also have been much hindered from coming to you'

Now the (od of "eace be with you all' Amen'

But now no longer having a "lace in these "arts# and having a great desire these many years to come to you#

160 commend to you /hoebe our

sister# who is a servant of the church in -enchrea#

whenever 0 $ourney to S"ain# 0 shall come to you' For 0 ho"e to see you on my $ourney# and to be hel"ed on my way there by you# if first 0 may en$oy your com"any for a while'

that you may receive her in the )ord in a manner worthy of the saints# and assist her in whatever business she has

need of you9 for indeed she has been a hel"er of many and of myself also'


(reet /hilologus and Julia# Nereus and his sister# and 3lym"as# and all the saints who are with them'

(reet /riscilla and AGuila# my fellow wor1ers in -hrist Jesus#


(reet one another with a holy 1iss' The churches of -hrist greet you'

who ris1ed their own nec1s for my life# to whom not only 0 give than1s# but also all the churches of the (entiles'

)i1ewise greet the church that is in their house' (reet my beloved "aenetus# who is the firstfruits of Achaia to -hrist'

Now 0 urge you# brethren# note those who cause divisions and offenses# contrary to the doctrine which you learned# and avoid them'

(reet 4ary# who labored much for us'

(reet Andronicus and Junia# my countrymen and my fellow "risoners# who are of note among the a"ostles# who also were in -hrist before me'

For those who are such do not serve our )ord Jesus -hrist# but their own belly# and by smooth words and flattering s"eech deceive the hearts of the sim"le'

(reet Am"lias# my beloved in the )ord'

For your obedience has become 1nown to all' Therefore 0 am glad on your behalf9 but 0 want you to be wise in what is good# and sim"le concerning evil'

(reet Arbanus# our fellow wor1er in -hrist# and Stachys# my beloved'


(reet A"elles# a""roved in -hrist' (reet those who are of the household of Aristobulus'

And the (od of "eace will crush Satan under your feet shortly' The grace of our )ord Jesus -hrist be with you' Amen'

(reet 2erodion# my countryman' (reet those who are of the household of Narcissus who are in the )ord'

Timothy# my fellow wor1er# and )ucius# Jason# and Sosi"ater# my countrymen# greet you'

0# Tertius# who wrote this e"istle# greet you in the )ord'


(reet Try"hena and Try"hosa# who have labored in the )ord' (reet the beloved /ersis# who labored much in the )ord'

(aius# my host and the host of the whole church# greets you' rastus# the treasurer of the city# greets you# and Kuartus# a brother'

(reet +ufus# chosen in the )ord# and his mother and mine'

The grace of our )ord Jesus -hrist be with you all' Amen'

(reet Asyncritus# /hlegon# 2ermas# /atrobas# 2ermes# and the brethren who are with them'

Now to 2im who is able to establish you according to my gos"el and the "reaching of Jesus -hrist# according to

the revelation of the mystery 1e"t secret since the world began

of the everlasting (od# for obedience to the faithFF


but now made manifest# and by the "ro"hetic Scri"tures made 1nown to all nations# according to the commandment

to (od# alone wise# be glory through Jesus -hrist forever' Amen'

!st %orinthians 1/aul# called to be an a"ostle of Jesus

-hrist through the will of (od# and Sosthenes our brother#
, %%

For it has been declared to me concerning you# my brethren# by those of -hloeDs household# that there are contentions among you'

To the church of (od which is at -orinth# to those who are sanctified in -hrist Jesus# called to be saints# with all who in every "lace call on the name of Jesus -hrist our )ord# both theirs and ours7

Now 0 say this# that each of you says# :0 am of /aul#: or :0 am of A"ollos#: or :0 am of -e"has#: or :0 am of -hrist':

0s -hrist dividedE Bas /aul crucified for youE 3r were you ba"ti.ed in the name of /aulE

(race to you and "eace from (od our Father and the )ord Jesus -hrist'

0 than1 (od that 0 ba"ti.ed none of you e!ce"t -ris"us and (aius#

0 than1 my (od always concerning you for the grace of (od which was given to you by -hrist Jesus#

lest anyone should say that 0 had ba"ti.ed in my own name'


that you were enriched in everything by 2im in all utterance and all 1nowledge#

Ces# 0 also ba"ti.ed the household of Ste"hanas' Besides# 0 do not 1now whether 0 ba"ti.ed any other'

even as the testimony of -hrist was confirmed in you#


so that you come short in no gift# eagerly waiting for the revelation of our )ord Jesus -hrist#

For -hrist did not send me to ba"ti.e# but to "reach the gos"el# not with wisdom of words# lest the cross of -hrist should be made of no effect'

who will also confirm you to the end# that you may be blameless in the day of our )ord Jesus -hrist'

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are "erishing# but to us who are being saved it is the "ower of (od'

(od is faithful# by whom you were called into the fellowshi" of 2is Son# Jesus -hrist our )ord'

For it is written7 :0 will destroy the wisdom of the wise# And bring to nothing the understanding of the "rudent':

Now 0 "lead with you# brethren# by the name of our )ord Jesus -hrist# that you all s"ea1 the same thing# and that there be no divisions among you# but that you be "erfectly $oined together in the same mind and in the same $udgment'

Bhere is the wiseE Bhere is the scribeE Bhere is the dis"uter of this ageE 2as not (od made foolish the wisdom of this worldE

For since# in the wisdom of (od# the world through wisdom did not 1now

(od# it "leased (od through the foolishness of the message "reached to save those who believe'

2And 0# brethren# when 0 came to you#

did not come with e!cellence of s"eech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of (od'

For Jews reGuest a sign# and (ree1s see1 after wisdom9


but we "reach -hrist crucified# to the Jews a stumbling bloc1 and to the (ree1s foolishness#

For 0 determined not to 1now anything among you e!ce"t Jesus -hrist and 2im crucified'

but to those who are called# both Jews and (ree1s# -hrist the "ower of (od and the wisdom of (od'

0 was with you in wea1ness# in fear# and in much trembling'


Because the foolishness of (od is wiser than men# and the wea1ness of (od is stronger than men'

And my s"eech and my "reaching were not with "ersuasive words of human wisdom# but in demonstration of the S"irit and of "ower#

For you see your calling# brethren# that not many wise according to the flesh# not many mighty# not many noble# are called'

that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the "ower of (od'

But (od has chosen the foolish things of the world to "ut to shame the wise# and (od has chosen the wea1 things of the world to "ut to shame the things which are mighty9

2owever# we s"ea1 wisdom among those who are mature# yet not the wisdom of this age# nor of the rulers of this age# who are coming to nothing'

But we s"ea1 the wisdom of (od in a mystery# the hidden wisdom which (od ordained before the ages for our glory#

and the base things of the world and the things which are des"ised (od has chosen# and the things which are not# to bring to nothing the things that are#

which none of the rulers of this age 1new9 for had they 1nown# they would not have crucified the )ord of glory'

that no flesh should glory in 2is "resence'


But of 2im you are in -hrist Jesus# who became for us wisdom from (odFF and righteousness and sanctification and redem"tionFF

But as it is written7 : ye has not seen# nor ear heard# Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which (od has "re"ared for those who love 2im':

that# as it is written# :2e who glories# let him glory in the )3+*':

But (od has revealed them to us through 2is S"irit' For the S"irit searches all things# yes# the dee" things of (od'

For what man 1nows the things of a man e!ce"t the s"irit of the man which

is in himE ven so no one 1nows the things of (od e!ce"t the S"irit of (od'


Bho then is /aul# and who is A"ollos# but ministers through whom you believed# as the )ord gave to each oneE

Now we have received# not the s"irit of the world# but the S"irit who is from (od# that we might 1now the things that have been freely given to us by (od'

0 "lanted# A"ollos watered# but (od gave the increase'


These things we also s"ea1# not in words which manDs wisdom teaches but which the 2oly S"irit teaches# com"aring s"iritual things with s"iritual'

So then neither he who "lants is anything# nor he who waters# but (od who gives the increase'

But the natural man does not receive the things of the S"irit of (od# for they are foolishness to him9 nor can he 1now them# because they are s"iritually discerned'

Now he who "lants and he who waters are one# and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor'

For we are (odDs fellow wor1ers9 you are (odDs field# you are (odDs building'

But he who is s"iritual $udges all things# yet he himself is rightly $udged by no one'

According to the grace of (od which was given to me# as a wise master builder 0 have laid the foundation# and another builds on it' But let each one ta1e heed how he builds on it'

For :who has 1nown the mind of the )3+* that he may instruct 2imE: But we have the mind of -hrist'

For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid# which is Jesus -hrist'

3And 0# brethren# could not s"ea1 to

you as to s"iritual "eo"le but as to carnal# as to babes in -hrist'

Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold# silver# "recious stones# wood# hay# straw#

0 fed you with mil1 and not with solid food9 for until now you were not able to receive it# and even now you are still not able9

each oneDs wor1 will become clear9 for the *ay will declare it# because it will be revealed by fire9 and the fire will test each oneDs wor1# of what sort it is'

for you are still carnal' For where there are envy# strife# and divisions among you# are you not carnal and behaving li1e mere menE

0f anyoneDs wor1 which he has built on it endures# he will receive a reward'


For when one says# :0 am of /aul#: and another# :0 am of A"ollos#: are you not carnalE

0f anyoneDs wor1 is burned# he will suffer loss9 but he himself will be saved# yet so as through fire'

*o you not 1now that you are the tem"le of (od and that the S"irit of (od dwells in youE


0f anyone defiles the tem"le of (od# (od will destroy him' For the tem"le of (od is holy# which tem"le you are'

bring to light the hidden things of dar1ness and reveal the counsels of the hearts' Then each oneDs "raise will come from (od'

)et no one deceive himself' 0f anyone among you seems to be wise in this age# let him become a fool that he may become wise'

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with (od' For it is written# :2e catches the wise in their own craftiness:9

Now these things# brethren# 0 have figuratively transferred to myself and A"ollos for your sa1es# that you may learn in us not to thin1 beyond what is written# that none of you may be "uffed u" on behalf of one against the other'

and again# :The )3+* 1nows the thoughts of the wise# that they are futile':

For who ma1es you differ from anotherE And what do you have that you did not receiveE Now if you did indeed receive it# why do you boast as if you had not received itE

Therefore let no one boast in men' For all things are yours7

whether /aul or A"ollos or -e"has# or the world or life or death# or things "resent or things to comeFFall are yours'

Cou are already fullH Cou are already richH Cou have reigned as 1ings without usFFand indeed 0 could wish you did reign# that we also might reign with youH

And you are -hristDs# and -hrist is (odDs'

For 0 thin1 that (od has dis"layed us# the a"ostles# last# as men condemned to death9 for we have been made a s"ectacle to the world# both to angels and to men'


a man so consider us# as servants of -hrist and stewards of the mysteries of (od' 4oreover it is reGuired in stewards that one be found faithful'

Be are fools for -hristDs sa1e# but you are wise in -hristH Be are wea1# but you are strongH Cou are distinguished# but we are dishonoredH

To the "resent hour we both hunger and thirst# and we are "oorly clothed# and beaten# and homeless'

But with me it is a very small thing that 0 should be $udged by you or by a human court' 0n fact# 0 do not even $udge myself'

And we labor# wor1ing with our own hands' Being reviled# we bless9 being "ersecuted# we endure9

For 0 1now of nothing against myself# yet 0 am not $ustified by this9 but 2e who $udges me is the )ord'

being defamed# we entreat' Be have been made as the filth of the world# the offscouring of all things until now'

Therefore $udge nothing before the time# until the )ord comes# who will both


0 do not write these things to shame you# but as my beloved children 0 warn you'

Ias though 0 were "resentJ him who has so done this deed'

For though you might have ten thousand instructors in -hrist# yet you do not have many fathers9 for in -hrist Jesus 0 have begotten you through the gos"el'

0n the name of our )ord Jesus -hrist# when you are gathered together# along with my s"irit# with the "ower of our )ord Jesus -hrist#

Therefore 0 urge you# imitate me'

deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh# that his s"irit may be saved in the day of the )ord Jesus'


For this reason 0 have sent Timothy to you# who is my beloved and faithful son in the )ord# who will remind you of my ways in -hrist# as 0 teach everywhere in every church'

Cour glorying is not good' *o you not 1now that a little leaven leavens the whole lum"E

Now some are "uffed u"# as though 0 were not coming to you'

Therefore "urge out the old leaven# that you may be a new lum"# since you truly are unleavened' For indeed -hrist# our /assover# was sacrificed for us'

But 0 will come to you shortly# if the )ord wills# and 0 will 1now# not the word of those who are "uffed u"# but the "ower'

Therefore let us 1ee" the feast# not with old leaven# nor with the leaven of malice and wic1edness# but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth'

For the 1ingdom of (od is not in word but in "ower'


0 wrote to you in my e"istle not to 1ee" com"any with se!ually immoral "eo"le'

Bhat do you wantE Shall 0 come to you with a rod# or in love and a s"irit of gentlenessE

50t is actually re"orted that there is

se!ual immorality among you# and such se!ual immorality as is not even named among the (entilesFFthat a man has his fatherDs wifeH

Cet 0 certainly did not mean with the se!ually immoral "eo"le of this world# or with the covetous# or e!tortioners# or idolaters# since then you would need to go out of the world'

And you are "uffed u"# and have not rather mourned# that he who has done this deed might be ta1en away from among you'

But now 0 have written to you not to 1ee" com"any with anyone named a brother# who is se!ually immoral# or covetous# or an idolater# or a reviler# or a drun1ard# or an e!tortionerFFnot even to eat with such a "erson'

For 0 indeed# as absent in body but "resent in s"irit# have already $udged

For what have 0 to do with $udging those also who are outsideE *o you not $udge those who are insideE


But those who are outside (od $udges' Therefore :"ut away from yourselves the evil "erson':


nor thieves# nor covetous# nor drun1ards# nor revilers# nor e!tortioners will inherit the 1ingdom of (od'

6*are any of you# having a matter

against another# go to law before the unrighteous# and not before the saintsE

And such were some of you' But you were washed# but you were sanctified# but you were $ustified in the name of the )ord Jesus and by the S"irit of our (od'

*o you not 1now that the saints will $udge the worldE And if the world will be $udged by you# are you unworthy to $udge the smallest mattersE

All things are lawful for me# but all things are not hel"ful' All things are lawful for me# but 0 will not be brought under the "ower of any'

*o you not 1now that we shall $udge angelsE 2ow much more# things that "ertain to this lifeE

0f then you have $udgments concerning things "ertaining to this life# do you a""oint those who are least esteemed by the church to $udgeE

Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods# but (od will destroy both it and them' Now the body is not for se!ual immorality but for the )ord# and the )ord for the body'

And (od both raised u" the )ord and will also raise us u" by 2is "ower'

0 say this to your shame' 0s it so# that there is not a wise man among you# not even one# who will be able to $udge between his brethrenE

*o you not 1now that your bodies are members of -hristE Shall 0 then ta1e the members of -hrist and ma1e them members of a harlotE -ertainly notH

But brother goes to law against brother# and that before unbelieversH

Now therefore# it is already an utter failure for you that you go to law against one another' Bhy do you not rather acce"t wrongE Bhy do you not rather let yourselves be cheatedE

3r do you not 1now that he who is $oined to a harlot is one body with herE For :the two#: 2e says# :shall become one flesh':

But he who is $oined to the )ord is one s"irit with 2im'


No# you yourselves do wrong and cheat# and you do these things to your brethrenH

Flee se!ual immorality' very sin that a man does is outside the body# but he who commits se!ual immorality sins against his own body'

*o you not 1now that the unrighteous will not inherit the 1ingdom of (odE *o not be deceived' Neither fornicators# nor idolaters# nor adulterers# nor homose!uals# nor sodomites#

3r do you not 1now that your body is the tem"le of the 2oly S"irit who is in you# whom you have from (od# and you are not your ownE


For you were bought at a "rice9 therefore glorify (od in your body and in your s"irit# which are (odDs'


Now to the married 0 command# yet not 0 but the )ord7 A wife is not to de"art from her husband'

7Now concerning the things of which

you wrote to me7 0t is good for a man not to touch a woman'

But even if she does de"art# let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband' And a husband is not to divorce his wife'

Nevertheless# because of se!ual immorality# let each man have his own wife# and let each woman have her own husband'

But to the rest 0# not the )ord# say7 0f any brother has a wife who does not believe# and she is willing to live with him# let him not divorce her'

)et the husband render to his wife the affection due her# and li1ewise also the wife to her husband'

And a woman who has a husband who does not believe# if he is willing to live with her# let her not divorce him'

The wife does not have authority over her own body# but the husband does' And li1ewise the husband does not have authority over his own body# but the wife does'

For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife# and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband9 otherwise your children would be unclean# but now they are holy'

*o not de"rive one another e!ce"t with consent for a time# that you may give yourselves to fasting and "rayer9 and come together again so that Satan does not tem"t you because of your lac1 of selfFcontrol'

But if the unbeliever de"arts# let him de"art9 a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases' But (od has called us to "eace'

But 0 say this as a concession# not as a commandment'


For how do you 1now# 3 wife# whether you will save your husbandE 3r how do you 1now# 3 husband# whether you will save your wifeE

For 0 wish that all men were even as 0 myself' But each one has his own gift from (od# one in this manner and another in that'

But as (od has distributed to each one# as the )ord has called each one# so let him wal1' And so 0 ordain in all the churches'

But 0 say to the unmarried and to the widows7 0t is good for them if they remain even as 0 am9

but if they cannot e!ercise selfFcontrol# let them marry' For it is better to marry than to burn with "assion'

Bas anyone called while circumcisedE )et him not become uncircumcised' Bas anyone called while uncircumcisedE )et him not be circumcised'

-ircumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing# but 1ee"ing

the commandments of (od is what matters'


did not re$oice# those who buy as though they did not "ossess#

)et each one remain in the same calling in which he was called'

and those who use this world as not misusing it' For the form of this world is "assing away'

Bere you called while a slaveE *o not be concerned about it9 but if you can be made free# rather use it'

But 0 want you to be without care' 2e who is unmarried cares for the things of the )ordFFhow he may "lease the )ord'

For he who is called in the )ord while a slave is the )ordDs freedman' )i1ewise he who is called while free is -hristDs slave'

But he who is married cares about the things of the worldFFhow he may "lease his wife'

Cou were bought at a "rice9 do not become slaves of men'


Brethren# let each one remain with (od in that state in which he was called'

Now concerning virgins7 0 have no commandment from the )ord9 yet 0 give $udgment as one whom the )ord in 2is mercy has made trustworthy'

There is a difference between a wife and a virgin' The unmarried woman cares about the things of the )ord# that she may be holy both in body and in s"irit' But she who is married cares about the things of the worldFFhow she may "lease her husband'

0 su""ose therefore that this is good because of the "resent distressFFthat it is good for a man to remain as he is7

And this 0 say for your own "rofit# not that 0 may "ut a leash on you# but for what is "ro"er# and that you may serve the )ord without distraction'

Are you bound to a wifeE *o not see1 to be loosed' Are you loosed from a wifeE *o not see1 a wife'

But if any man thin1s he is behaving im"ro"erly toward his virgin# if she is "ast the flower of youth# and thus it must be# let him do what he wishes' 2e does not sin9 let them marry'

But even if you do marry# you have not sinned9 and if a virgin marries# she has not sinned' Nevertheless such will have trouble in the flesh# but 0 would s"are you'

Nevertheless he who stands steadfast in his heart# having no necessity# but has "ower over his own will# and has so determined in his heart that he will 1ee" his virgin# does well'

But this 0 say# brethren# the time is short# so that from now on even those who have wives should be as though they had none#

So then he who gives her in marriage does well# but he who does not give her in marriage does better'

those who wee" as though they did not wee"# those who re$oice as though they

A wife is bound by law as long as her husband lives9 but if her husband dies# she is at liberty to be married to whom she wishes# only in the )ord'


But she is ha""ier if she remains as she is# according to my $udgmentFFand 0 thin1 0 also have the S"irit of (od'



For if anyone sees you who have 1nowledge eating in an idolDs tem"le# will not the conscience of him who is wea1 be emboldened to eat those things offered to idolsE

concerning things offered to idols7 Be 1now that we all have 1nowledge' Knowledge "uffs u"# but love edifies' And if anyone thin1s that he 1nows anything# he 1nows nothing yet as he ought to 1now'

And because of your 1nowledge shall the wea1 brother "erish# for whom -hrist diedE

But when you thus sin against the brethren# and wound their wea1 conscience# you sin against -hrist'

But if anyone loves (od# this one is 1nown by 2im'


Therefore# if food ma1es my brother stumble# 0 will never again eat meat# lest 0 ma1e my brother stumble'

Therefore concerning the eating of things offered to idols# we 1now that an idol is nothing in the world# and that there is no other (od but one'

9Am 0 not an a"ostleE Am 0 not freeE

2ave 0 not seen Jesus -hrist our )ordE Are you not my wor1 in the )ordE

For even if there are soFcalled gods# whether in heaven or on earth Ias there are many gods and many lordsJ#

0f 0 am not an a"ostle to others# yet doubtless 0 am to you' For you are the seal of my a"ostleshi" in the )ord'

yet for us there is one (od# the Father# of whom are all things# and we for 2im9 and one )ord Jesus -hrist# through whom are all things# and through whom we live'

4y defense to those who e!amine me is this7


*o we have no right to eat and drin1E

2owever# there is not in everyone that 1nowledge9 for some# with consciousness of the idol# until now eat it as a thing offered to an idol9 and their conscience# being wea1# is defiled'


*o we have no right to ta1e along a believing wife# as do also the other a"ostles# the brothers of the )ord# and -e"hasE

But food does not commend us to (od9 for neither if we eat are we the better# nor if we do not eat are we the worse'

3r is it only Barnabas and 0 who have no right to refrain from wor1ingE


But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling bloc1 to those who are wea1'

Bho ever goes to war at his own e!"enseE Bho "lants a vineyard and does not eat of its fruitE 3r who tends a floc1 and does not drin1 of the mil1 of the floc1E


*o 0 say these things as a mere manE 3r does not the law say the same alsoE


For it is written in the law of 4oses# :Cou shall not mu..le an o! while it treads out the grain': 0s it o!en (od is concerned aboutE

Bhat is my reward thenE That when 0 "reach the gos"el# 0 may "resent the gos"el of -hrist without charge# that 0 may not abuse my authority in the gos"el'

3r does 2e say it altogether for our sa1esE For our sa1es# no doubt# this is written# that he who "lows should "low in ho"e# and he who threshes in ho"e should be "arta1er of his ho"e'

For though 0 am free from all men# 0 have made myself a servant to all# that 0 might win the more9

and to the Jews 0 became as a Jew# that 0 might win Jews9 to those who are under the law# as under the law# that 0 might win those who are under the law9

0f we have sown s"iritual things for you# is it a great thing if we rea" your material thingsE

0f others are "arta1ers of this right over you# are we not even moreE Nevertheless we have not used this right# but endure all things lest we hinder the gos"el of -hrist'

to those who are without law# as without law Inot being without law toward (od# but under law toward -hrist J# that 0 might win those who are without law9

*o you not 1now that those who minister the holy things eat of the things of the tem"le# and those who serve at the altar "arta1e of the offerings of the altarE

to the wea1 0 became as wea1# that 0 might win the wea1' 0 have become all things to all men# that 0 might by all means save some'

Now this 0 do for the gos"elDs sa1e# that 0 may be "arta1er of it with you'

ven so the )ord has commanded that those who "reach the gos"el should live from the gos"el'

*o you not 1now that those who run in a race all run# but one receives the "ri.eE +un in such a way that you may obtain it'

But 0 have used none of these things# nor have 0 written these things that it should be done so to me9 for it would be better for me to die than that anyone should ma1e my boasting void'

And everyone who com"etes for the "ri.e is tem"erate in all things' Now they do it to obtain a "erishable crown# but we for an im"erishable crown'

For if 0 "reach the gos"el# 0 have nothing to boast of# for necessity is laid u"on me9 yes# woe is me if 0 do not "reach the gos"elH

Therefore 0 run thus7 not with uncertainty' Thus 0 fight7 not as one who beats the air'

For if 0 do this willingly# 0 have a reward9 but if against my will# 0 have been entrusted with a stewardshi"'

But 0 disci"line my body and bring it into sub$ection# lest# when 0 have "reached to others# 0 myself should become disGualified'

104oreover# brethren# 0 do not want

you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud# all "assed through the sea#


Therefore let him who thin1s he stands ta1e heed lest he fall'

all were ba"ti.ed into 4oses in the cloud and in the sea#

all ate the same s"iritual food#

No tem"tation has overta1en you e!ce"t such as is common to man9 but (od is faithful# who will not allow you to be tem"ted beyond what you are able# but with the tem"tation will also ma1e the way of esca"e# that you may be able to bear it'

and all dran1 the same s"iritual drin1' For they dran1 of that s"iritual +oc1 that followed them# and that +oc1 was -hrist'

Therefore# idolatry'

my beloved#



0 s"ea1 as to wise men9 $udge for yourselves what 0 say'


But with most of them (od was not well "leased# for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness'

Now these things became our e!am"les# to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted'

The cu" of blessing which we bless# is it not the communion of the blood of -hristE The bread which we brea1# is it not the communion of the body of -hristE

And do not become idolaters as were some of them' As it is written# :The "eo"le sat down to eat and drin1# and rose u" to "lay':

For we# though many# are one bread and one body9 for we all "arta1e of that one bread'

3bserve 0srael after the flesh7 Are not those who eat of the sacrifices "arta1ers of the altarE

Nor let us commit se!ual immorality# as some of them did# and in one day twentyFthree thousand fell9

Bhat am 0 saying thenE That an idol is anything# or what is offered to idols is anythingE

nor let us tem"t -hrist# as some of them also tem"ted# and were destroyed by ser"ents9

nor com"lain# as some of them also com"lained# and were destroyed by the destroyer'

+ather# that the things which the (entiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to (od# and 0 do not want you to have fellowshi" with demons'

Now all these things ha""ened to them as e!am"les# and they were written for our admonition# u"on whom the ends of the ages have come'

Cou cannot drin1 the cu" of the )ord and the cu" of demons9 you cannot "arta1e of the )ordDs table and of the table of demons'


3r do we "rovo1e the )ord $ealousyE Are we stronger than 2eE



110mitate me# $ust as 0 also imitate


All things are lawful for me# but not all things are hel"ful9 all things are lawful for me# but not all things edify'

)et no one see1 his own# but each one the otherDs wellFbeing'

Now 0 "raise you# brethren# that you remember me in all things and 1ee" the traditions $ust as 0 delivered them to you'

at whatever is sold in the meat mar1et# as1ing no Guestions for conscienceD sa1e9

But 0 want you to 1now that the head of every man is -hrist# the head of woman is man# and the head of -hrist is (od'

for :the earth is the )3+*Ds# and all its fullness':


very man "raying or "ro"hesying# having his head covered# dishonors his head'

0f any of those who do not believe invites you to dinner# and you desire to go# eat whatever is set before you# as1ing no Guestion for conscienceD sa1e'

But every woman who "rays or "ro"hesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head# for that is one and the same as if her head were shaved'

But if anyone says to you# :This was offered to idols#: do not eat it for the sa1e of the one who told you# and for conscienceD sa1e9 for :the earth is the )3+*Ds# and all its fullness':

For if a woman is not covered# let her also be shorn' But if it is shameful for a woman to be shorn or shaved# let her be covered'

:-onscience#: 0 say# not your own# but that of the other' For why is my liberty $udged by another manDs conscienceE

For a man indeed ought not to cover his head# since he is the image and glory of (od9 but woman is the glory of man'

But if 0 "arta1e with than1s# why am 0 evil s"o1en of for the food over which 0 give than1sE

For man is not from woman# but woman from man'


Nor was man created for the woman# but woman for the man'

Therefore# whether you eat or drin1# or whatever you do# do all to the glory of (od'

For this reason the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head# because of the angels'

(ive no offense# either to the Jews or to the (ree1s or to the church of (od#

$ust as 0 also "lease all men in all things# not see1ing my own "rofit# but the "rofit of many# that they may be saved'

Nevertheless# neither is man inde"endent of woman# nor woman inde"endent of man# in the )ord'

For as woman came from man# even so man also comes through woman9 but all things are from (od'


Judge among yourselves' 0s it "ro"er for a woman to "ray to (od with her head uncoveredE


For 0 received from the )ord that which 0 also delivered to you7 that the )ord Jesus on the same night in which 2e was betrayed too1 bread9

*oes not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair# it is a dishonor to himE

But if a woman has long hair# it is a glory to her9 for her hair is given to her for a covering'

and when 2e had given than1s# 2e bro1e it and said# :Ta1e# eat9 this is 4y body which is bro1en for you9 do this in remembrance of 4e':

But if anyone seems to be contentious# we have no such custom# nor do the churches of (od'

0n the same manner 2e also too1 the cu" after su""er# saying# :This cu" is the new covenant in 4y blood' This do# as often as you drin1 it# in remembrance of 4e':

Now in giving these instructions 0 do not "raise you# since you come together not for the better but for the worse'

For as often as you eat this bread and drin1 this cu"# you "roclaim the )ordDs death till 2e comes'

For first of all# when you come together as a church# 0 hear that there are divisions among you# and in "art 0 believe it'

Therefore whoever eats this bread or drin1s this cu" of the )ord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the )ord'

For there must also be factions among you# that those who are a""roved may be recogni.ed among you'

But let a man e!amine himself# and so let him eat of the bread and drin1 of the cu"'

Therefore when you come together in one "lace# it is not to eat the )ordDs Su""er'

For he who eats and drin1s in an unworthy manner eats and drin1s $udgment to himself# not discerning the )ordDs body'

For in eating# each one ta1es his own su""er ahead of others9 and one is hungry and another is drun1'

For this reason many are wea1 and sic1 among you# and many slee"'

BhatH *o you not have houses to eat and drin1 inE 3r do you des"ise the church of (od and shame those who have nothingE Bhat shall 0 say to youE Shall 0 "raise you in thisE 0 do not "raise you'

For if we would $udge ourselves# we would not be $udged'


But when we are $udged# we are chastened by the )ord# that we may not be condemned with the world'

Therefore# my brethren# when you come together to eat# wait for one another'


But if anyone is hungry# let him eat at home# lest you come together for $udgment' And the rest 0 will set in order when 0 come'


But one and the same S"irit wor1s all these things# distributing to each one individually as 2e wills'


concerning s"iritual gifts# brethren# 0 do not want you to be ignorant7 Cou 1now that you were (entiles# carried away to these dumb idols# however you were led'

For as the body is one and has many members# but all the members of that one body# being many# are one body# so also is -hrist'

For by one S"irit we were all ba"ti.ed into one bodyFFwhether Jews or (ree1s# whether slaves or freeFFand have all been made to drin1 into one S"irit'

Therefore 0 ma1e 1nown to you that no one s"ea1ing by the S"irit of (od calls Jesus accursed# and no one can say that Jesus is )ord e!ce"t by the 2oly S"irit'

For in fact the body is not one member but many'


0f the foot should say# :Because 0 am not a hand# 0 am not of the body#: is it therefore not of the bodyE

There are diversities of gifts# but the same S"irit'


There are differences of ministries# but the same )ord'


And if the ear should say# :Because 0 am not an eye# 0 am not of the body#: is it therefore not of the bodyE

And there are diversities of activities# but it is the same (od who wor1s all in all'

0f the whole body were an eye# where would be the hearingE 0f the whole were hearing# where would be the smellingE

But the manifestation of the S"irit is given to each one for the "rofit of all7

But now (od has set the members# each one of them# in the body $ust as 2e "leased'

for to one is given the word of wisdom through the S"irit# to another the word of 1nowledge through the same S"irit#

And if they were all one member# where would the body beE

to another faith by the same S"irit# to another gifts of healings by the same S"irit#

But now indeed there are many members# yet one body'

to another the wor1ing of miracles# to another "ro"hecy# to another discerning of s"irits# to another different 1inds of tongues# to another the inter"retation of tongues'

And the eye cannot say to the hand# :0 have no need of you:9 nor again the head to the feet# :0 have no need of you':

No# much rather# those members of the body which seem to be wea1er are necessary'


And those members of the body which we thin1 to be less honorable# on these we bestow greater honor9 and our un"resentable "arts have greater modesty#

1nowledge# and though 0 have all faith# so that 0 could remove mountains# but have not love# 0 am nothing'

but our "resentable "arts have no need' But (od com"osed the body# having given greater honor to that "art which lac1s it#

And though 0 bestow all my goods to feed the "oor# and though 0 give my body to be burned# but have not love# it "rofits me nothing'

that there should be no schism in the body# but that the members should have the same care for one another'

)ove suffers long and is 1ind9 love does not envy9 love does not "arade itself# is not "uffed u"9

does not behave rudely# does not see1 its own# is not "rovo1ed# thin1s no evil9

And if one member suffers# all the members suffer with it9 or if one member is honored# all the members re$oice with it'

does not re$oice in iniGuity# but re$oices in the truth9


Now you are the body of -hrist# and members individually'


bears all things# believes all things# ho"es all things# endures all things'

And (od has a""ointed these in the church7 first a"ostles# second "ro"hets# third teachers# after that miracles# then gifts of healings# hel"s# administrations# varieties of tongues'

)ove never fails' But whether there are "ro"hecies# they will fail9 whether there are tongues# they will cease9 whether there is 1nowledge# it will vanish away'

Are all a"ostlesE Are all "ro"hetsE Are all teachersE Are all wor1ers of miraclesE

For we 1now in "art and we "ro"hesy in "art'


*o all have gifts of healingsE *o all s"ea1 with tonguesE *o all inter"retE

But when that which is "erfect has come# then that which is in "art will be done away'

But earnestly desire the best gifts' And yet 0 show you a more e!cellent way'

Bhen 0 was a child# 0 s"o1e as a child# 0 understood as a child# 0 thought as a child9 but when 0 became a man# 0 "ut away childish things'

13Though 0 s"ea1 with the tongues

of men and of angels# but have not love# 0 have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal'

For now we see in a mirror# dimly# but then face to face' Now 0 1now in "art# but then 0 shall 1now $ust as 0 also am 1nown'

And though 0 have the gift of "ro"hecy# and understand all mysteries and all

And now abide faith# ho"e# love# these three9 but the greatest of these is love'

14/ursue love# and desire s"iritual

gifts# but es"ecially that you may "ro"hesy'


There are# it may be# so many 1inds of languages in the world# and none of them is without significance'

For he who s"ea1s in a tongue does not s"ea1 to men but to (od# for no one understands him9 however# in the s"irit he s"ea1s mysteries'

Therefore# if 0 do not 1now the meaning of the language# 0 shall be a foreigner to him who s"ea1s# and he who s"ea1s will be a foreigner to me'

But he who "ro"hesies s"ea1s edification and e!hortation and comfort to men'

ven so you# since you are .ealous for s"iritual gifts# let it be for the edification of the church that you see1 to e!cel'

2e who s"ea1s in a tongue edifies himself# but he who "ro"hesies edifies the church'

Therefore let him who s"ea1s in a tongue "ray that he may inter"ret'

0 wish you all s"o1e with tongues# but even more that you "ro"hesied9 for he who "ro"hesies is greater than he who s"ea1s with tongues# unless indeed he inter"rets# that the church may receive edification'

For if 0 "ray in a tongue# my s"irit "rays# but my understanding is unfruitful'


Bhat is the conclusion thenE 0 will "ray with the s"irit# and 0 will also "ray with the understanding' 0 will sing with the s"irit# and 0 will also sing with the understanding'

But now# brethren# if 0 come to you s"ea1ing with tongues# what shall 0 "rofit you unless 0 s"ea1 to you either by revelation# by 1nowledge# by "ro"hesying# or by teachingE

3therwise# if you bless with the s"irit# how will he who occu"ies the "lace of the uninformed say :Amen: at your giving of than1s# since he does not understand what you sayE

ven things without life# whether flute or har"# when they ma1e a sound# unless they ma1e a distinction in the sounds# how will it be 1nown what is "i"ed or "layedE

For you indeed give than1s well# but the other is not edified'

0 than1 my (od 0 s"ea1 with tongues more than you all9


For if the trum"et ma1es an uncertain sound# who will "re"are for battleE

So li1ewise you# unless you utter by the tongue words easy to understand# how will it be 1nown what is s"o1enE For you will be s"ea1ing into the air'

yet in the church 0 would rather s"ea1 five words with my understanding# that 0 may teach others also# than ten thousand words in a tongue'

Brethren# do not be children in understanding9 however# in malice be babes# but in understanding be mature'


0n the law it is written7 :Bith men of other tongues and other li"s 0 will s"ea1 to this "eo"le9 And yet# for all that# they will not hear 4e#: says the )ord'


For you can all "ro"hesy one by one# that all may learn and all may be encouraged'

Therefore tongues are for a sign# not to those who believe but to unbelievers9 but "ro"hesying is not for unbelievers but for those who believe'

And the s"irits of the "ro"hets are sub$ect to the "ro"hets'


For (od is not the author of confusion but of "eace# as in all the churches of the saints'

Therefore if the whole church comes together in one "lace# and all s"ea1 with tongues# and there come in those who are uninformed or unbelievers# will they not say that you are out of your mindE

)et your women 1ee" silent in the churches# for they are not "ermitted to s"ea19 but they are to be submissive# as the law also says'

But if all "ro"hesy# and an unbeliever or an uninformed "erson comes in# he is convinced by all# he is convicted by all'

And if they want to learn something# let them as1 their own husbands at home9 for it is shameful for women to s"ea1 in church'

And thus the secrets of his heart are revealed9 and so# falling down on his face# he will worshi" (od and re"ort that (od is truly among you'

3r did the word of (od come originally from youE 3r was it you only that it reachedE

2ow is it then# brethrenE Bhenever you come together# each of you has a "salm# has a teaching# has a tongue# has a revelation# has an inter"retation' )et all things be done for edification'

0f anyone thin1s himself to be a "ro"het or s"iritual# let him ac1nowledge that the things which 0 write to you are the commandments of the )ord'

0f anyone s"ea1s in a tongue# let there be two or at the most three# each in turn# and let one inter"ret'

But if anyone is ignorant# let him be ignorant'


But if there is no inter"reter# let him 1ee" silent in church# and let him s"ea1 to himself and to (od'

Therefore# brethren# desire earnestly to "ro"hesy# and do not forbid to s"ea1 with tongues'

)et two or three "ro"hets s"ea1# and let the others $udge'

)et all things be done decently and in order'

But if anything is revealed to another who sits by# let the first 1ee" silent'

154oreover# brethren# 0 declare to

you the gos"el which 0 "reached to you# which also you received and in which you stand#

by which also you are saved# if you hold fast that word which 0 "reached to youFF unless you believed in vain'


And if -hrist is not risen# then our "reaching is em"ty and your faith is also em"ty'

For 0 delivered to you first of all that which 0 also received7 that -hrist died for our sins according to the Scri"tures#

and that 2e was buried# and that 2e rose again the third day according to the Scri"tures#

Ces# and we are found false witnesses of (od# because we have testified of (od that 2e raised u" -hrist# whom 2e did not raise u"FFif in fact the dead do not rise'

For if the dead do not rise# then -hrist is not risen'


and that 2e was seen by -e"has# then by the twelve'


And if -hrist is not risen# your faith is futile9 you are still in your sinsH

After that 2e was seen by over five hundred brethren at once# of whom the greater "art remain to the "resent# but some have fallen aslee"'

Then also those who have fallen aslee" in -hrist have "erished'

After that 2e was seen by James# then by all the a"ostles'


0f in this life only we have ho"e in -hrist# we are of all men the most "itiable'

Then last of all 2e was seen by me also# as by one born out of due time'

But now -hrist is risen from the dead# and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen aslee"'

For 0 am the least of the a"ostles# who am not worthy to be called an a"ostle# because 0 "ersecuted the church of (od'

For since by man came death# by 4an also came the resurrection of the dead'

But by the grace of (od 0 am what 0 am# and 2is grace toward me was not in vain9 but 0 labored more abundantly than they all# yet not 0# but the grace of (od which was with me'

For as in Adam all die# even so in -hrist all shall be made alive'

But each one in his own order7 -hrist the firstfruits# afterward those who are -hristDs at 2is coming'

Therefore# whether it was 0 or they# so we "reach and so you believed'


Now if -hrist is "reached that 2e has been raised from the dead# how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the deadE

Then comes the end# when 2e delivers the 1ingdom to (od the Father# when 2e "uts an end to all rule and all authority and "ower'

For 2e must reign till 2e has "ut all enemies under 2is feet'

But if there is no resurrection of the dead# then -hrist is not risen'

The last enemy that will be destroyed is death'


For :2e has "ut all things under 2is feet': But when 2e says :all things are "ut under 2im#: it is evident that 2e who "ut all things under 2im is e!ce"ted'


All flesh is not the same flesh# but there is one 1ind of flesh of men# another flesh of animals# another of fish# and another of birds'

Now when all things are made sub$ect to 2im# then the Son 2imself will also be sub$ect to 2im who "ut all things under 2im# that (od may be all in all'

There are also celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies9 but the glory of the celestial is one# and the glory of the terrestrial is another'

3therwise# what will they do who are ba"ti.ed for the dead# if the dead do not rise at allE Bhy then are they ba"ti.ed for the deadE

There is one glory of the sun# another glory of the moon# and another glory of the stars9 for one star differs from another star in glory'

And why do we stand in $eo"ardy every hourE


So also is the resurrection of the dead' The body is sown in corru"tion# it is raised in incorru"tion'

0 affirm# by the boasting in you which 0 have in -hrist Jesus our )ord# 0 die daily'

0t is sown in dishonor# it is raised in glory' 0t is sown in wea1ness# it is raised in "ower'


0f# in the manner of men# 0 have fought with beasts at "hesus# what advantage is it to meE 0f the dead do not rise# :)et us eat and drin1# for tomorrow we dieH:

0t is sown a natural body# it is raised a s"iritual body' There is a natural body# and there is a s"iritual body'

*o not be deceived7 : vil com"any corru"ts good habits':


And so it is written# :The first man Adam became a living being': The last Adam became a lifeFgiving s"irit'

Awa1e to righteousness# and do not sin9 for some do not have the 1nowledge of (od' 0 s"ea1 this to your shame'

2owever# the s"iritual is not first# but the natural# and afterward the s"iritual'

But someone will say# :2ow are the dead raised u"E And with what body do they comeE:

The first man was of the earth# %made of dust9 the second 4an is the )ord from heaven'

Foolish one# what you sow is not made alive unless it dies'

And what you sow# you do not sow that body that shall be# but mere grainFF "erha"s wheat or some other grain'

As was the man of dust# so also are those who are made of dust9 and as is the heavenly 4an# so also are those who are heavenly'

But (od gives it a body as 2e "leases# and to each seed its own body'

And as we have borne the image of the man of dust# we shall also bear the image of the heavenly 4an'


Now this 0 say# brethren# that flesh and blood cannot inherit the 1ingdom of (od9 nor does corru"tion inherit incorru"tion'

3n the first day of the wee1 let each one of you lay something aside# storing u" as he may "ros"er# that there be no collections when 0 come'

Behold# 0 tell you a mystery7 Be shall not all slee"# but we shall all be changedFF

And when 0 come# whomever you a""rove by your letters 0 will send to bear your gift to Jerusalem'

in a moment# in the twin1ling of an eye# at the last trum"et' For the trum"et will sound# and the dead will be raised incorru"tible# and we shall be changed'

But if it is fitting that 0 go also# they will go with me'


For this corru"tible must "ut on incorru"tion# and this mortal must "ut on immortality'

Now 0 will come to you when 0 "ass through 4acedonia Ifor 0 am "assing through 4acedoniaJ'

So when this corru"tible has "ut on incorru"tion# and this mortal has "ut on immortality# then shall be brought to "ass the saying that is written7 :*eath is swallowed u" in victory':

And it may be that 0 will remain# or even s"end the winter with you# that you may send me on my $ourney# wherever 0 go'

For 0 do not wish to see you now on the way9 but 0 ho"e to stay a while with you# if the )ord "ermits'

:3 *eath# where is your stingE 3 2ades# where is your victoryE:


But 0 will /entecost'


tarry in

"hesus until

The sting of death is sin# and the strength of sin is the law'

For a great and effective door has o"ened to me# and there are many adversaries'

But than1s be to (od# who gives us the victory through our )ord Jesus -hrist'

And if Timothy comes# see that he may be with you without fear9 for he does the wor1 of the )ord# as 0 also do'

Therefore# my beloved brethren# be steadfast# immovable# always abounding in the wor1 of the )ord# 1nowing that your labor is not in vain in the )ord'

Therefore let no one des"ise him' But send him on his $ourney in "eace# that he may come to me9 for 0 am waiting for him with the brethren'

16Now concerning the collection for

the saints# as 0 have given orders to the churches of (alatia# so you must do also7

Now concerning our brother A"ollos# 0 strongly urged him to come to you with the brethren# but he was Guite unwilling to come at this time9 however# he will come when he has a convenient time'


Batch# stand fast in the faith# be brave# be strong'



)et all that you do be done with love'

The churches of Asia greet you' AGuila and /riscilla greet you heartily in the )ord# with the church that is in their house'


0 urge you# brethrenFFyou 1now the household of Ste"hanas# that it is the firstfruits of Achaia# and that they have devoted themselves to the ministry of the saintsFF

All the brethren greet you' (reet one another with a holy 1iss'

The salutation with my own handFF /aulDs'


that you also submit to such# and to everyone who wor1s and labors with us'

0f anyone does not love the )ord Jesus -hrist# let him be accursed' 3 )ord# comeH

0 am glad about the coming of Ste"hanas# Fortunatus# and Achaicus# for what was lac1ing on your "art they su""lied'

The grace of our )ord Jesus -hrist be with you'


For they refreshed my s"irit and yours' Therefore ac1nowledge such men'

4y love be with you all in -hrist Jesus' Amen'

#nd %orinthians 1/aul# an a"ostle of Jesus -hrist by

the will of (od# and Timothy our brother# To the church of (od which is at -orinth# with all the saints who are in all Achaia7

ourselves but in (od who raises the dead#


who delivered us from so great a death# and does deliver us9 in whom we trust that 2e will still deliver us#

(race to you and "eace from (od our Father and the )ord Jesus -hrist'

Blessed be the (od and Father of our )ord Jesus -hrist# the Father of mercies and (od of all comfort#

you also hel"ing together in "rayer for us# that than1s may be given by many "ersons on our behalf for the gift granted to us through many'

who comforts us in all our tribulation# that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble# with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by (od'

For our boasting is this7 the testimony of our conscience that we conducted ourselves in the world in sim"licity and godly sincerity# not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of (od# and more abundantly toward you'

For as the sufferings of -hrist abound in us# so our consolation also abounds through -hrist'

For we are not writing any other things to you than what you read or understand' Now 0 trust you will understand# even to the end

Now if we are afflicted# it is for your consolation and salvation# which is effective for enduring the same sufferings which we also suffer' 3r if we are comforted# it is for your consolation and salvation'

Ias also you have understood us in "artJ# that we are your boast as you also are ours# in the day of the )ord Jesus'

And in this confidence 0 intended to come to you before# that you might have a second benefitFF

And our ho"e for you is steadfast# because we 1now that as you are "arta1ers of the sufferings# so also you will "arta1e of the consolation'

to "ass by way of you to 4acedonia# to come again from 4acedonia to you# and be hel"ed by you on my way to Judea'

For we do not want you to be ignorant# brethren# of our trouble which came to us in Asia7 that we were burdened beyond measure# above strength# so that we des"aired even of life'

Therefore# when 0 was "lanning this# did 0 do it lightlyE 3r the things 0 "lan# do 0 "lan according to the flesh# that with me there should be Ces# Ces# and No# NoE

Ces# we had the sentence of death in ourselves# that we should not trust in

But as (od is faithful# our word to you was not Ces and No'


For the Son of (od# Jesus -hrist# who was "reached among you by usFFby me# Silvanus# and TimothyFFwas not Ces and No# but in 2im was Ces'


This "unishment which was inflicted by the ma$ority is sufficient for such a man#

For all the "romises of (od in 2im are Ces# and in 2im Amen# to the glory of (od through us'

so that# on the contrary# you ought rather to forgive and comfort him# lest "erha"s such a one be swallowed u" with too much sorrow'

Now 2e who establishes us with you in -hrist and has anointed us is (od#

Therefore 0 urge you to reaffirm your love to him'


who also has sealed us and given us the S"irit in our hearts as a guarantee'

For to this end 0 also wrote# that 0 might "ut you to the test# whether you are obedient in all things'

4oreover 0 call (od as witness against my soul# that to s"are you 0 came no more to -orinth'

Now whom you forgive anything# 0 also forgive' For if indeed 0 have forgiven anything# 0 have forgiven that one for your sa1es in the "resence of -hrist#

Not that we have dominion over your faith# but are fellow wor1ers for your $oy9 for by faith you stand'

lest Satan should ta1e advantage of us9 for we are not ignorant of his devices'

2But 0 determined this within myself#

that 0 would not come again to you in sorrow'

Furthermore# when 0 came to Troas to "reach -hristDs gos"el# and a door was o"ened to me by the )ord#

For if 0 ma1e you sorrowful# then who is he who ma1es me glad but the one who is made sorrowful by meE

0 had no rest in my s"irit# because 0 did not find Titus my brother9 but ta1ing my leave of them# 0 de"arted for 4acedonia'

And 0 wrote this very thing to you# lest# when 0 came# 0 should have sorrow over those from whom 0 ought to have $oy# having confidence in you all that my $oy is the $oy of you all'

Now than1s be to (od who always leads us in trium"h in -hrist# and through us diffuses the fragrance of 2is 1nowledge in every "lace'

For out of much affliction and anguish of heart 0 wrote to you# with many tears# not that you should be grieved# but that you might 1now the love which 0 have so abundantly for you'

For we are to (od the fragrance of -hrist among those who are being saved and among those who are "erishing'

But if anyone has caused grief# he has not grieved me# but all of you to some e!tentFFnot to be too severe'

To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death# and to the other the aroma of life leading to life' And who is sufficient for these thingsE


For we are not# as so many# "eddling the word of (od9 but as of sincerity# but as from (od# we s"ea1 in the sight of (od in -hrist'


For even what was made glorious had no glory in this res"ect# because of the glory that e!cels'


we begin again to commend ourselvesE 3r do we need# as some others# e"istles of commendation to you or letters of commendation from youE Cou are our e"istle written in our hearts# 1nown and read by all men9

For if what is "assing away was glorious# what remains is much more glorious'

Therefore# since we have such ho"e# we use great boldness of s"eechFF


clearly you are an e"istle of -hrist# ministered by us# written not with in1 but by the S"irit of the living (od# not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh# that is# of the heart'

unli1e 4oses# who "ut a veil over his face so that the children of 0srael could not loo1 steadily at the end of what was "assing away'

But their minds were blinded' For until this day the same veil remains unlifted in the reading of the 3ld Testament# because the veil is ta1en away in -hrist'

And we have such trust through -hrist toward (od'


But even to this day# when 4oses is read# a veil lies on their heart'

Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to thin1 of anything as being from ourselves# but our sufficiency is from (od#

Nevertheless when one turns to the )ord# the veil is ta1en away'

who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant# not of the letter but of the S"irit9 for the letter 1ills# but the S"irit gives life'

Now the )ord is the S"irit9 and where the S"irit of the )ord is# there is liberty'

But if the ministry of death# written and engraved on stones# was glorious# so that the children of 0srael could not loo1 steadily at the face of 4oses because of the glory of his countenance# which glory was "assing away#

But we all# with unveiled face# beholding as in a mirror the glory of the )ord# are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory# $ust as by the S"irit of the )ord'


how will the ministry of the S"irit not be more gloriousE


since we have this ministry# as we have received mercy# we do not lose heart' But we have renounced the hidden things of shame# not wal1ing in craftiness nor handling the word of (od deceitfully# but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every manDs conscience in the sight of (od'

For if the ministry of condemnation had glory# the ministry of righteousness e!ceeds much more in glory'

But even if our gos"el is veiled# it is veiled to those who are "erishing#


1nowing that 2e who raised u" the )ord Jesus will also raise us u" with Jesus# and will "resent us with you'

whose minds the god of this age has blinded# who do not believe# lest the light of the gos"el of the glory of -hrist# who is the image of (od# should shine on them'

For all things are for your sa1es# that grace# having s"read through the many# may cause than1sgiving to abound to the glory of (od'

For we do not "reach ourselves# but -hrist Jesus the )ord# and ourselves your bondservants for JesusD sa1e'

Therefore we do not lose heart' ven though our outward man is "erishing# yet the inward man is being renewed day by day'

For it is the (od who commanded light to shine out of dar1ness# who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the 1nowledge of the glory of (od in the face of Jesus -hrist'

For our light affliction# which is but for a moment# is wor1ing for us a far more e!ceeding and eternal weight of glory#

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels# that the e!cellence of the "ower may be of (od and not of us'

while we do not loo1 at the things which are seen# but at the things which are not seen' For the things which are seen are tem"orary# but the things which are not seen are eternal'

Be are hardF"ressed on every side# yet not crushed9 we are "er"le!ed# but not in des"air9


"ersecuted# but not forsa1en9 struc1 down# but not destroyedFF


we 1now that if our earthly house# this tent# is destroyed# we have a building from (od# a house not made with hands# eternal in the heavens' For in this we groan# earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven#

always carrying about in the body the dying of the )ord Jesus# that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body'

For we who live are always delivered to death for JesusD sa1e# that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh'

if indeed# having been clothed# we shall not be found na1ed'


So then death is wor1ing in us# but life in you'


For we who are in this tent groan# being burdened# not because we want to be unclothed# but further clothed# that mortality may be swallowed u" by life'

And since we have the same s"irit of faith# according to what is written# :0 believed and therefore 0 s"o1e#: we also believe and therefore s"ea1#

Now 2e who has "re"ared us for this very thing is (od# who also has given us the S"irit as a guarantee'


So we are always confident# 1nowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the )ord'


For we wal1 by faith# not by sight'

Therefore# from now on# we regard no one according to the flesh' ven though we have 1nown -hrist according to the flesh# yet now we 1now 2im thus no longer'


Be are confident# yes# well "leased rather to be absent from the body and to be "resent with the )ord'

Therefore# if anyone is in -hrist# he is a new creation9 old things have "assed away9 behold# all things have become new'

Therefore we ma1e it our aim# whether "resent or absent# to be well "leasing to 2im'

For we must all a""ear before the $udgment seat of -hrist# that each one may receive the things done in the body# according to what he has done# whether good or bad'

Now all things are of (od# who has reconciled us to 2imself through Jesus -hrist# and has given us the ministry of reconciliation#

Knowing# therefore# the terror of the )ord# we "ersuade men9 but we are well 1nown to (od# and 0 also trust are well 1nown in your consciences'

that is# that (od was in -hrist reconciling the world to 2imself# not im"uting their tres"asses to them# and has committed to us the word of reconciliation'

For we do not commend ourselves again to you# but give you o""ortunity to boast on our behalf# that you may have an answer for those who boast in a""earance and not in heart'

Now then# we are ambassadors for -hrist# as though (od were "leading through us7 we im"lore you on -hristDs behalf# be reconciled to (od'

For 2e made 2im who 1new no sin to be sin for us# that we might become the righteousness of (od in 2im'

For if we are beside ourselves# it is for (od9 or if we are of sound mind# it is for you'

6Be then# as wor1ers together with

2im also "lead with you not to receive the grace of (od in vain'

For the love of -hrist com"els us# because we $udge thus7 that if 3ne died for all# then all died9

and 2e died for all# that those who live should live no longer for themselves# but for 2im who died for them and rose again'

For 2e says7 :0n an acce"table time 0 have heard you# And in the day of salvation 0 have hel"ed you': Behold# now is the acce"ted time9 behold# now is the day of salvation'

Be give no offense in anything# that our ministry may not be blamed'

But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of (od7 in much "atience# in tribulations# in needs# in distresses#


in stri"es# in im"risonments# in tumults# in labors# in slee"lessness# in fastings9


And what agreement has the tem"le of (od with idolsE For you are the tem"le of the living (od' As (od has said7 :0 will dwell in them And wal1 among them' 0 will be their (od# And they shall be 4y "eo"le':

by "urity# by 1nowledge# by longsuffering# by 1indness# by the 2oly S"irit# by sincere love#


Therefore :-ome out from among them And be se"arate# says the )ord' *o not touch what is unclean# And 0 will receive you':

by the word of truth# by the "ower of (od# by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left#

:0 will be a Father to you# And you shall be 4y sons and daughters# Says the )3+* Almighty':

by honor and dishonor# by evil re"ort and good re"ort9 as deceivers# and yet true9


as un1nown# and yet well 1nown9 as dying# and behold we live9 as chastened# and yet not 1illed9

having these "romises# beloved# let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and s"irit# "erfecting holiness in the fear of (od' 3"en your hearts to us' Be have wronged no one# we have corru"ted no one# we have cheated no one'

as sorrowful# yet always re$oicing9 as "oor# yet ma1ing many rich9 as having nothing# and yet "ossessing all things'

3 -orinthiansH Be have s"o1en o"enly to you# our heart is wide o"en'


0 do not say this to condemn9 for 0 have said before that you are in our hearts# to die together and to live together'

Cou are not restricted by us# but you are restricted by your own affections'

Now in return for the same I0 s"ea1 as to childrenJ# you also be o"en'

(reat is my boldness of s"eech toward you# great is my boasting on your behalf' 0 am filled with comfort' 0 am e!ceedingly $oyful in all our tribulation'

*o not be uneGually yo1ed together with unbelievers' For what fellowshi" has righteousness with lawlessnessE And what communion has light with dar1nessE

For indeed# when we came to 4acedonia# our bodies had no rest# but we were troubled on every side' 3utside were conflicts# inside were fears'

And what accord has -hrist with BelialE 3r what "art has a believer with an unbelieverE

Nevertheless (od# who comforts the downcast# comforted us by the coming of Titus#

and not only by his coming# but also by the consolation with which he was comforted in you# when he told us of

your earnest desire# your mourning# your .eal for me# so that 0 re$oiced even more'


And his affections are greater for you as he remembers the obedience of you all# how with fear and trembling you received him'

For even if 0 made you sorry with my letter# 0 do not regret it9 though 0 did regret it' For 0 "erceive that the same e"istle made you sorry# though only for a while'

Therefore 0 re$oice that 0 confidence in you in everything'


Now 0 re$oice# not that you were made sorry# but that your sorrow led to re"entance' For you were made sorry in a godly manner# that you might suffer loss from us in nothing'

84oreover# brethren# we ma1e 1nown

to you the grace of (od bestowed on the churches of 4acedonia7

For godly sorrow "roduces re"entance leading to salvation# not to be regretted9 but the sorrow of the world "roduces death'

that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their $oy and their dee" "overty abounded in the riches of their liberality'

For observe this very thing# that you sorrowed in a godly manner7 Bhat diligence it "roduced in you# what clearing of yourselves# what indignation# what fear# what vehement desire# what .eal# what vindicationH 0n all things you "roved yourselves to be clear in this matter'

For 0 bear witness that according to their ability# yes# and beyond their ability# they were freely willing#

im"loring us with much urgency that we would receive the gift and the fellowshi" of the ministering to the saints'

And not only as we had ho"ed# but they first gave themselves to the )ord# and then to us by the will of (od'

Therefore# although 0 wrote to you# 0 did not do it for the sa1e of him who had done the wrong# nor for the sa1e of him who suffered wrong# but that our care for you in the sight of (od might a""ear to you'

So we urged Titus# that as he had begun# so he would also com"lete this grace in you as well'

Therefore we have been comforted in your comfort' And we re$oiced e!ceedingly more for the $oy of Titus# because his s"irit has been refreshed by you all'

But as you abound in everythingFFin faith# in s"eech# in 1nowledge# in all diligence# and in your love for usFFsee that you abound in this grace also'

0 s"ea1 not by commandment# but 0 am testing the sincerity of your love by the diligence of others'

For if in anything 0 have boasted to him about you# 0 am not ashamed' But as we s"o1e all things to you in truth# even so our boasting to Titus was found true'

For you 1now the grace of our )ord Jesus -hrist# that though 2e was rich# yet for your sa1es 2e became "oor# that

you through 2is "overty might become rich'



avoiding this7 that anyone should blame us in this lavish gift which is administered by usFF

And in this 0 give advice7 0t is to your advantage not only to be doing what you began and were desiring to do a year ago9

"roviding honorable things# not only in the sight of the )ord# but also in the sight of men'

but now you also must com"lete the doing of it9 that as there was a readiness to desire it# so there also may be a com"letion out of what you have'

And we have sent with them our brother whom we have often "roved diligent in many things# but now much more diligent# because of the great confidence which we have in you'

For if there is first a willing mind# it is acce"ted according to what one has# and not according to what he does not have'

For 0 do not mean that others should be eased and you burdened9

0f anyone inGuires about Titus# he is my "artner and fellow wor1er concerning you' 3r if our brethren are inGuired about# they are messengers of the churches# the glory of -hrist'

but by an eGuality# that now at this time your abundance may su""ly their lac1# that their abundance also may su""ly your lac1FFthat there may be eGuality'

Therefore show to them# and before the churches# the "roof of your love and of our boasting on your behalf'

As it is written# :2e who gathered much had nothing left over# and he who gathered little had no lac1':

9Now concerning the ministering to

the saints# it is su"erfluous for me to write to you9

But than1s be to (od who "uts the same earnest care for you into the heart of Titus'

for 0 1now your willingness# about which 0 boast of you to the 4acedonians# that Achaia was ready a year ago9 and your .eal has stirred u" the ma$ority'

For he not only acce"ted the e!hortation# but being more diligent# he went to you of his own accord'

Cet 0 have sent the brethren# lest our boasting of you should be in vain in this res"ect# that# as 0 said# you may be ready9

And we have sent with him the brother whose "raise is in the gos"el throughout all the churches#

and not only that# but who was also chosen by the churches to travel with us with this gift# which is administered by us to the glory of the )ord 2imself and to show your ready mind#

lest if some 4acedonians come with me and find you un"re"ared# we Inot to mention youHJ should be ashamed of this confident boasting'

Therefore 0 thought it necessary to e!hort the brethren to go to you ahead of time# and "re"are your generous gift

beforehand# which you had "reviously "romised# that it may be ready as a matter of generosity and not as a grudging obligation'


Than1s be to (od for 2is indescribable giftH

But this 0 say7 2e who sows s"aringly will also rea" s"aringly# and he who sows bountifully will also rea" bountifully'

10Now 0# /aul# myself am "leading

with you by the mee1ness and gentleness of -hristFFwho in "resence am lowly among you# but being absent am bold toward you'

So let each one give as he "ur"oses in his heart# not grudgingly or of necessity9 for (od loves a cheerful giver'

And (od is able to ma1e all grace abound toward you# that you# always having all sufficiency in all things# may have an abundance for every good wor1'

But 0 beg you that when 0 am "resent 0 may not be bold with that confidence by which 0 intend to be bold against some# who thin1 of us as if we wal1ed according to the flesh'

For though we wal1 in the flesh# we do not war according to the flesh'

As it is written7 :2e has dis"ersed abroad# 2e has given to the "oor9 2is righteousness endures forever':

For the wea"ons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in (od for "ulling down strongholds#

Now may 2e who su""lies seed to the sower# and bread for food# su""ly and multi"ly the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness#

casting down arguments and every high thing that e!alts itself against the 1nowledge of (od# bringing every thought into ca"tivity to the obedience of -hrist#

while you are enriched in everything for all liberality# which causes than1sgiving through us to (od'

and being ready to "unish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled'

For the administration of this service not only su""lies the needs of the saints# but also is abounding through many than1sgivings to (od#

while# through the "roof of this ministry# they glorify (od for the obedience of your confession to the gos"el of -hrist# and for your liberal sharing with them and all men#

*o you loo1 at things according to the outward a""earanceE 0f anyone is convinced in himself that he is -hristDs# let him again consider this in himself# that $ust as he is -hristDs# even so we are -hristDs'

For even if 0 should boast somewhat more about our authority# which the )ord gave us for edification and not for your destruction# 0 shall not be ashamedFF

and by their "rayer for you# who long for you because of the e!ceeding grace of (od in you'

lest 0 seem to terrify you by letters'


:For his letters#: they say# :are weighty and "owerful# but his bodily "resence is wea1# and his s"eech contem"tible':

For 0 am $ealous for you with godly $ealousy' For 0 have betrothed you to one husband# that 0 may "resent you as a chaste virgin to -hrist'

)et such a "erson consider this# that what we are in word by letters when we are absent# such we will also be in deed when we are "resent'

But 0 fear# lest somehow# as the ser"ent deceived ve by his craftiness# so your minds may be corru"ted from the sim"licity that is in -hrist'

For we dare not class ourselves or com"are ourselves with those who commend themselves' But they# measuring themselves by themselves# and com"aring themselves among themselves# are not wise'

For if he who comes "reaches another Jesus whom we have not "reached# or if you receive a different s"irit which you have not received# or a different gos"el which you have not acce"tedFFyou may well "ut u" with itH

Be# however# will not boast beyond measure# but within the limits of the s"here which (od a""ointed usFFa s"here which es"ecially includes you'

For 0 consider that 0 am not at all inferior to the most eminent a"ostles'

For we are not overe!tending ourselves Ias though our authority did not e!tend to youJ# for it was to you that we came with the gos"el of -hrist9

ven though 0 am untrained in s"eech# yet 0 am not in 1nowledge' But we have been thoroughly manifested among you in all things'

not boasting of things beyond measure# that is# in other menDs labors# but having ho"e# that as your faith is increased# we shall be greatly enlarged by you in our s"here#

*id 0 commit sin in humbling myself that you might be e!alted# because 0 "reached the gos"el of (od to you free of chargeE

0 robbed other churches# ta1ing wages from them to minister to you'


to "reach the gos"el in the regions beyond you# and not to boast in another manDs s"here of accom"lishment'

But :he who glories# let him glory in the )3+*':


For not he who commends himself is a""roved# but whom the )ord commends'

And when 0 was "resent with you# and in need# 0 was a burden to no one# for what 0 lac1ed the brethren who came from 4acedonia su""lied' And in everything 0 1e"t myself from being burdensome to you# and so 0 will 1ee" myself'

113h# that you would bear with me

in a little follyFFand indeed you do bear with me'

As the truth of -hrist is in me# no one shall sto" me from this boasting in the regions of Achaia'

BhyE Because 0 do not love youE (od 1nowsH


But what 0 do# 0 will also continue to do# that 0 may cut off the o""ortunity from those who desire an o""ortunity to be regarded $ust as we are in the things of which they boast'

abundant# in stri"es above measure# in "risons more freGuently# in deaths often'


From the Jews five times 0 received forty stri"es minus one'

For such are false a"ostles# deceitful wor1ers# transforming themselves into a"ostles of -hrist'

Three times 0 was beaten with rods9 once 0 was stoned9 three times 0 was shi"wrec1ed9 a night and a day 0 have been in the dee"9

And no wonderH For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light'

Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness# whose end will be according to their wor1s'

in $ourneys often# in "erils of waters# in "erils of robbers# in "erils of my own countrymen# in "erils of the (entiles# in "erils in the city# in "erils in the wilderness# in "erils in the sea# in "erils among false brethren9

0 say again# let no one thin1 me a fool' 0f otherwise# at least receive me as a fool# that 0 also may boast a little'

in weariness and toil# in slee"lessness often# in hunger and thirst# in fastings often# in cold and na1ednessFF

Bhat 0 s"ea1# 0 s"ea1 not according to the )ord# but as it were# foolishly# in this confidence of boasting'

besides the other things# what comes u"on me daily7 my dee" concern for all the churches'

Seeing that many boast according to the flesh# 0 also will boast'

Bho is wea1# and 0 am not wea1E Bho is made to stumble# and 0 do not burn with indignationE

For you "ut u" with fools gladly# since you yourselves are wiseH

0f 0 must boast# 0 will boast in the things which concern my infirmity'


For you "ut u" with it if one brings you into bondage# if one devours you# if one ta1es from you# if one e!alts himself# if one stri1es you on the face'

The (od and Father of our )ord Jesus -hrist# who is blessed forever# 1nows that 0 am not lying'

To our shame 0 say that we were too wea1 for thatH But in whatever anyone is boldFF0 s"ea1 foolishlyFF0 am bold also'

0n *amascus the governor# under Aretas the 1ing# was guarding the city of the *amascenes with a garrison# desiring to arrest me9

Are they 2ebrewsE So am 0' Are they 0sraelitesE So am 0' Are they the seed of AbrahamE So am 0'

but 0 was let down in a bas1et through a window in the wall# and esca"ed from his hands'

Are they ministers of -hristEFF0 s"ea1 as a foolFF0 am more7 in labors more

120t is doubtless not "rofitable for me

to boast' 0 will come to visions and revelations of the )ord7


Therefore 0 ta1e "leasure in infirmities# in re"roaches# in needs# in "ersecutions# in distresses# for -hristDs sa1e' For when 0 am wea1# then 0 am strong'

0 1now a man in -hrist who fourteen years agoFFwhether in the body 0 do not 1now# or whether out of the body 0 do not 1now# (od 1nowsFFsuch a one was caught u" to the third heaven'

0 have become a fool in boasting9 you have com"elled me' For 0 ought to have been commended by you9 for in nothing was 0 behind the most eminent a"ostles# though 0 am nothing'

And 0 1now such a manFFwhether in the body or out of the body 0 do not 1now# (od 1nowsFF

Truly the signs of an a"ostle were accom"lished among you with all "erseverance# in signs and wonders and mighty deeds'

how he was caught u" into /aradise and heard ine!"ressible words# which it is not lawful for a man to utter'

3f such a one 0 will boast9 yet of myself 0 will not boast# e!ce"t in my infirmities'

For what is it in which you were inferior to other churches# e!ce"t that 0 myself was not burdensome to youE Forgive me this wrongH

For though 0 might desire to boast# 0 will not be a fool9 for 0 will s"ea1 the truth' But 0 refrain# lest anyone should thin1 of me above what he sees me to be or hears from me'

Now for the third time 0 am ready to come to you' And 0 will not be burdensome to you9 for 0 do not see1 yours# but you' For the children ought not to lay u" for the "arents# but the "arents for the children'

And lest 0 should be e!alted above measure by the abundance of the revelations# a thorn in the flesh was given to me# a messenger of Satan to buffet me# lest 0 be e!alted above measure'

And 0 will very gladly s"end and be s"ent for your souls9 though the more abundantly 0 love you# the less 0 am loved'

-oncerning this thing 0 "leaded with the )ord three times that it might de"art from me'

But be that as it may# 0 did not burden you' Nevertheless# being crafty# 0 caught you by cunningH

*id 0 ta1e advantage of you by any of those whom 0 sent to youE


And 2e said to me# :4y grace is sufficient for you# for 4y strength is made "erfect in wea1ness': Therefore most gladly 0 will rather boast in my infirmities# that the "ower of -hrist may rest u"on me'

0 urged Titus# and sent our brother with him' *id Titus ta1e advantage of youE *id we not wal1 in the same s"iritE *id we not wal1 in the same ste"sE

Again# do you thin1 that we e!cuse ourselves to youE Be s"ea1 before (od

in -hrist' But we do all things# beloved# for your edification'



For 0 fear lest# when 0 come# 0 shall not find you such as 0 wish# and that 0 shall be found by you such as you do not wish9 lest there be contentions# $ealousies# outbursts of wrath# selfish ambitions# bac1bitings# whis"erings# conceits# tumults9

!amine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith' Test yourselves' *o you not 1now yourselves# that Jesus -hrist is in youEFFunless indeed you are disGualified'

But 0 trust that you will 1now that we are not disGualified'

lest# when 0 come again# my (od will humble me among you# and 0 shall mourn for many who have sinned before and have not re"ented of the uncleanness# fornication# and lewdness which they have "racticed'

Now 0 "ray to (od that you do no evil# not that we should a""ear a""roved# but that you should do what is honorable# though we may seem disGualified'

For we can do nothing against the truth# but for the truth'

13This will be the third time 0 am

coming to you' :By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established':

For we are glad when we are wea1 and you are strong' And this also we "ray# that you may be made com"lete'

0 have told you before# and foretell as if 0 were "resent the second time# and now being absent 0 write to those who have sinned before# and to all the rest# that if 0 come again 0 will not s"areFF

Therefore 0 write these things being absent# lest being "resent 0 should use shar"ness# according to the authority which the )ord has given me for edification and not for destruction'

since you see1 a "roof of -hrist s"ea1ing in me# who is not wea1 toward you# but mighty in you'

Finally# brethren# farewell' Become com"lete' Be of good comfort# be of one mind# live in "eace9 and the (od of love and "eace will be with you'

(reet one another with a holy 1iss' All the saints greet you'

For though 2e was crucified in wea1ness# yet 2e lives by the "ower of (od' For we also are wea1 in 2im# but we shall live with 2im by the "ower of (od toward you'



The grace of the )ord Jesus -hrist# and the love of (od# and the communion of the 2oly S"irit be with you all' Amen'

Galatians 1/aul# an a"ostle Inot from men nor

through man# but through Jesus -hrist and (od the Father who raised 2im from the deadJ#
, %%

But 0 ma1e 1nown to you# brethren# that the gos"el which was "reached by me is not according to man'

and all the brethren who are with me# To the churches of (alatia7

For 0 neither received it from man# nor was 0 taught it# but it came through the revelation of Jesus -hrist'

(race to you and "eace from (od the Father and our )ord Jesus -hrist#

For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism# how 0 "ersecuted the church of (od beyond measure and tried to destroy it'

who gave 2imself for our sins# that 2e might deliver us from this "resent evil age# according to the will of our (od and Father#

And 0 advanced in Judaism beyond many of my contem"oraries in my own nation# being more e!ceedingly .ealous for the traditions of my fathers'

to whom be glory forever and ever' Amen'


0 marvel that you are turning away so soon from 2im who called you in the grace of -hrist# to a different gos"el#

But when it "leased (od# who se"arated me from my motherDs womb and called me through 2is grace#

which is not another9 but there are some who trouble you and want to "ervert the gos"el of -hrist'

to reveal 2is Son in me# that 0 might "reach 2im among the (entiles# 0 did not immediately confer with flesh and blood#

But even if we# or an angel from heaven# "reach any other gos"el to you than what we have "reached to you# let him be accursed'

nor did 0 go u" to Jerusalem to those who were a"ostles before me9 but 0 went to Arabia# and returned again to *amascus'

As we have said before# so now 0 say again# if anyone "reaches any other gos"el to you than what you have received# let him be accursed'

Then after three years 0 went u" to Jerusalem to see /eter# and remained with him fifteen days'

But 0 saw none of the other a"ostles e!ce"t James# the )ordDs brother'

For do 0 now "ersuade men# or (odE 3r do 0 see1 to "lease menE For if 0 still "leased men# 0 would not be a bondservant of -hrist'

INow concerning the things which 0 write to you# indeed# before (od# 0 do not lie'J


Afterward 0 went into the regions of Syria and -ilicia'


been committed to me# as the gos"el for the circumcised was to /eter

And 0 was un1nown by face to the churches of Judea which were in -hrist'

But they were hearing only# :2e who formerly "ersecuted us now "reaches the faith which he once tried to destroy':

Ifor 2e who wor1ed effectively in /eter for the a"ostleshi" to the circumcised also wor1ed effectively in me toward the (entilesJ#

And they glorified (od in me'

2Then after fourteen years 0 went u"

again to Jerusalem with Barnabas# and also too1 Titus with me'

and when James# -e"has# and John# who seemed to be "illars# "erceived the grace that had been given to me# they gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowshi"# that we should go to the (entiles and they to the circumcised'

And 0 went u" by revelation# and communicated to them that gos"el which 0 "reach among the (entiles# but "rivately to those who were of re"utation# lest by any means 0 might run# or had run# in vain'

They desired only that we should remember the "oor# the very thing which 0 also was eager to do'

Now when /eter had come to Antioch# 0 withstood him to his face# because he was to be blamed9

Cet not even Titus who was with me# being a (ree1# was com"elled to be circumcised'

for before certain men came from James# he would eat with the (entiles9 but when they came# he withdrew and se"arated himself# fearing those who were of the circumcision'

And this occurred because of false brethren secretly brought in Iwho came in by stealth to s"y out our liberty which we have in -hrist Jesus# that they might bring us into bondageJ#

And the rest of the Jews also "layed the hy"ocrite with him# so that even Barnabas was carried away with their hy"ocrisy'

to whom we did not yield submission even for an hour# that the truth of the gos"el might continue with you'

But from those who seemed to be somethingFFwhatever they were# it ma1es no difference to me9 (od shows "ersonal favoritism to no manFFfor those who seemed to be something added nothing to me'

But when 0 saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gos"el# 0 said to /eter before them all# :0f you# being a Jew# live in the manner of (entiles and not as the Jews# why do you com"el (entiles to live as JewsE

Be who are Jews by nature# and not sinners of the (entiles#


But on the contrary# when they saw that the gos"el for the uncircumcised had

1nowing that a man is not $ustified by the wor1s of the law but by faith in Jesus -hrist# even we have believed in -hrist Jesus# that we might be $ustified by faith

in -hrist and not by the wor1s of the law9 for by the wor1s of the law no flesh shall be $ustified'


Therefore 2e who su""lies the S"irit to you and wor1s miracles among you# does 2e do it by the wor1s of the law# or by the hearing of faithEFF

:But if# while we see1 to be $ustified by -hrist# we ourselves also are found sinners# is -hrist therefore a minister of sinE -ertainly notH

$ust as Abraham :believed (od# and it was accounted to him for righteousness':

For if 0 build again those things which 0 destroyed# 0 ma1e myself a transgressor'

Therefore 1now that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham'

For 0 through the law died to the law that 0 might live to (od'

0 have been crucified with -hrist9 it is no longer 0 who live# but -hrist lives in me9 and the life which 0 now live in the flesh 0 live by faith in the Son of (od# who loved me and gave 2imself for me'

And the Scri"ture# foreseeing that (od would $ustify the (entiles by faith# "reached the gos"el to Abraham beforehand# saying# :0n you all the nations shall be blessed':

So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham'

0 do not set aside the grace of (od9 for if righteousness comes through the law# then -hrist died in vain':

For as many as are of the wor1s of the law are under the curse9 for it is written# :-ursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the boo1 of the law# to do them':


foolish (alatiansH Bho has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth# before whose eyes Jesus -hrist was clearly "ortrayed among you as crucifiedE

But that no one is $ustified by the law in the sight of (od is evident# for :the $ust shall live by faith':

Cet the law is not of faith# but :the man who does them shall live by them':

This only 0 want to learn from you7 *id you receive the S"irit by the wor1s of the law# or by the hearing of faithE

Are you so foolishE 2aving begun in the S"irit# are you now being made "erfect by the fleshE

-hrist has redeemed us from the curse of the law# having become a curse for us Ifor it is written# :-ursed is everyone who hangs on a tree: J#

2ave you suffered so many things in vainFFif indeed it was in vainE

that the blessing of Abraham might come u"on the (entiles in -hrist Jesus# that we might receive the "romise of the S"irit through faith'

Brethren# 0 s"ea1 in the manner of men7 Though it is only a manDs

covenant# yet if it is confirmed# no one annuls or adds to it'



But after faith has come# we are no longer under a tutor'


Now to Abraham and his Seed were the "romises made' 2e does not say# :And to seeds#: as of many# but as of one# :And to your Seed#: who is -hrist'

For you are all sons of (od through faith in -hrist Jesus'

For as many of you as were ba"ti.ed into -hrist have "ut on -hrist'

And this 0 say# that the law# which was four hundred and thirty years later# cannot annul the covenant that was confirmed before by (od in -hrist# that it should ma1e the "romise of no effect'

There is neither Jew nor (ree1# there is neither slave nor free# there is neither male nor female9 for you are all one in -hrist Jesus'

For if the inheritance is of the law# it is no longer of "romise9 but (od gave it to Abraham by "romise'

And if you are -hristDs# then you are AbrahamDs seed# and heirs according to the "romise'

Bhat "ur"ose then does the law serveE 0t was added because of transgressions# till the Seed should come to whom the "romise was made9 and it was a""ointed through angels by the hand of a mediator'

4Now 0 say that the heir# as long as he

is a child# does not differ at all from a slave# though he is master of all#

Now a mediator does not mediate for one only# but (od is one'

but is under guardians and stewards until the time a""ointed by the father'

0s the law then against the "romises of (odE -ertainly notH For if there had been a law given which could have given life# truly righteousness would have been by the law'

ven so we# when we were children# were in bondage under the elements of the world'

But when the fullness of the time had come# (od sent forth 2is Son# born of a woman# born under the law#

But the Scri"ture has confined all under sin# that the "romise by faith in Jesus -hrist might be given to those who believe'

to redeem those who were under the law# that we might receive the ado"tion as sons'

But before faith came# we were 1e"t under guard by the law# 1e"t for the faith which would afterward be revealed'

And because you are sons# (od has sent forth the S"irit of 2is Son into your hearts# crying out# :Abba# FatherH:

Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to -hrist# that we might be $ustified by faith'

Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son# and if a son# then an heir of (od through -hrist'


But then# indeed# when you did not 1now (od# you served those which by nature are not gods'


0 would li1e to be "resent with you now and to change my tone9 for 0 have doubts about you'

But now after you have 1nown (od# or rather are 1nown by (od# how is it that you turn again to the wea1 and beggarly elements# to which you desire again to be in bondageE

Tell me# you who desire to be under the law# do you not hear the lawE

For it is written that Abraham had two sons7 the one by a bondwoman# the other by a freewoman'

Cou observe days and months and seasons and years'


0 am afraid for you# lest 0 have labored for you in vain'


But he who was of the bondwoman was born according to the flesh# and he of the freewoman through "romise#

Brethren# 0 urge you to become li1e me# for 0 became li1e you' Cou have not in$ured me at all'

which things are symbolic' For these are the two covenants7 the one from 4ount Sinai which gives birth to bondage# which is 2agarFF

Cou 1now that because of "hysical infirmity 0 "reached the gos"el to you at the first'

for this 2agar is 4ount Sinai in Arabia# and corres"onds to Jerusalem which now is# and is in bondage with her childrenFF

And my trial which was in my flesh you did not des"ise or re$ect# but you received me as an angel of (od# even as -hrist Jesus'

but the Jerusalem above is free# which is the mother of us all'


Bhat then was the blessing you en$oyedE For 0 bear you witness that# if "ossible# you would have "luc1ed out your own eyes and given them to me'

For it is written7 :+e$oice# 3 barren# Cou who do not bearH Brea1 forth and shout# Cou who are not in laborH For the desolate has many more children Than she who has a husband':

2ave 0 therefore become your enemy because 0 tell you the truthE

Now we# brethren# as 0saac was# are children of "romise'


They .ealously court you# but for no good9 yes# they want to e!clude you# that you may be .ealous for them'

But# as he who was born according to the flesh then "ersecuted him who was born according to the S"irit# even so it is now'

But it is good to be .ealous in a good thing always# and not only when 0 am "resent with you'

4y little children# for whom 0 labor in birth again until -hrist is formed in you#

Nevertheless what does the Scri"ture sayE :-ast out the bondwoman and her son# for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman':


So then# brethren# we are not children of the bondwoman but of the free'


0 could wish that those who trouble you would even cut themselves offH

5Stand fast therefore in the liberty by

which -hrist has made us free# and do not be entangled again with a yo1e of bondage'

For you# brethren# have been called to liberty9 only do not use liberty as an o""ortunity for the flesh# but through love serve one another'

0ndeed 0# /aul# say to you that if you become circumcised# -hrist will "rofit you nothing'

For all the law is fulfilled in one word# even in this7 :Cou shall love your neighbor as yourself':

And 0 testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to 1ee" the whole law'

But if you bite and devour one another# beware lest you be consumed by one anotherH

Cou have become estranged from -hrist# you who attem"t to be $ustified by law9 you have fallen from grace'

0 say then7 Bal1 in the S"irit# and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh'

For we through the S"irit eagerly wait for the ho"e of righteousness by faith'

For the flesh lusts against the S"irit# and the S"irit against the flesh9 and these are contrary to one another# so that you do not do the things that you wish'

For in -hrist Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything# but faith wor1ing through love'

But if you are led by the S"irit# you are not under the law'

Cou ran well' Bho hindered you from obeying the truthE

Now the wor1s of the flesh are evident# which are7 adultery# fornication# uncleanness# lewdness#

This "ersuasion does not come from 2im who calls you'

A little leaven leavens the whole lum"'

idolatry# sorcery# hatred# contentions# $ealousies# outbursts of wrath# selfish ambitions# dissensions# heresies#


0 have confidence in you# in the )ord# that you will have no other mind9 but he who troubles you shall bear his $udgment# whoever he is'

And 0# brethren# if 0 still "reach circumcision# why do 0 still suffer "ersecutionE Then the offense of the cross has ceased'

envy# murders# drun1enness# revelries# and the li1e9 of which 0 tell you beforehand# $ust as 0 also told you in time "ast# that those who "ractice such things will not inherit the 1ingdom of (od'

But the fruit of the S"irit is love# $oy# "eace# longsuffering# 1indness# goodness# faithfulness#


gentleness# selfFcontrol' Against such there is no law'


to the S"irit will of the S"irit rea" everlasting life'


And those who are -hristDs have crucified the flesh with its "assions and desires'

And let us not grow weary while doing good# for in due season we shall rea" if we do not lose heart'

0f we live in the S"irit# let us also wal1 in the S"irit'


Therefore# as we have o""ortunity# let us do good to all# es"ecially to those who are of the household of faith'

)et us not become conceited# "rovo1ing one another# envying one another'

See with what large letters 0 have written to you with my own handH

6Brethren# if a man is overta1en in any

tres"ass# you who are s"iritual restore such a one in a s"irit of gentleness# considering yourself lest you also be tem"ted'

As many as desire to ma1e a good showing in the flesh# these would com"el you to be circumcised# only that they may not suffer "ersecution for the cross of -hrist'

Bear one anotherDs burdens# and so fulfill the law of -hrist'


For not even those who are circumcised 1ee" the law# but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh'

For if anyone thin1s himself to be something# when he is nothing# he deceives himself'


But let each one e!amine his own wor1# and then he will have re$oicing in himself alone# and not in another'

But (od forbid that 0 should boast e!ce"t in the cross of our )ord Jesus -hrist# by whom the world has been crucified to me# and 0 to the world'

For each one shall bear his own load'

For in -hrist Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything# but a new creation'


)et him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches'

And as many as wal1 according to this rule# "eace and mercy be u"on them# and u"on the 0srael of (od'

*o not be deceived# (od is not moc1ed9 for whatever a man sows# that he will also rea"'

From now on let no one trouble me# for 0 bear in my body the mar1s of the )ord Jesus'

For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh rea" corru"tion# but he who sows

Brethren# the grace of our )ord Jesus -hrist be with your s"irit' Amen'

E6hesians 1/aul# an a"ostle of Jesus -hrist by

the will of (od# To the saints who are in "hesus# and faithful in -hrist Jesus7
, %%

0n 2im also we have obtained an inheritance# being "redestined according to the "ur"ose of 2im who wor1s all things according to the counsel of 2is will#

(race to you and "eace from (od our Father and the )ord Jesus -hrist'

that we who first trusted in -hrist should be to the "raise of 2is glory'

Blessed be the (od and Father of our )ord Jesus -hrist# who has blessed us with every s"iritual blessing in the heavenly "laces in -hrist#

$ust as 2e chose us in 2im before the foundation of the world# that we should be holy and without blame before 2im in love#

0n 2im you also trusted# after you heard the word of truth# the gos"el of your salvation9 in whom also# having believed# you were sealed with the 2oly S"irit of "romise#

who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redem"tion of the "urchased "ossession# to the "raise of 2is glory'

having "redestined us to ado"tion as sons by Jesus -hrist to 2imself# according to the good "leasure of 2is will#

Therefore 0 also# after 0 heard of your faith in the )ord Jesus and your love for all the saints#

to the "raise of the glory of 2is grace# by which 2e made us acce"ted in the Beloved'

do not cease to give than1s for you# ma1ing mention of you in my "rayers7

0n 2im we have redem"tion through 2is blood# the forgiveness of sins# according to the riches of 2is grace

that the (od of our )ord Jesus -hrist# the Father of glory# may give to you the s"irit of wisdom and revelation in the 1nowledge of 2im#

which 2e made to abound toward us in all wisdom and "rudence#


having made 1nown to us the mystery of 2is will# according to 2is good "leasure which 2e "ur"osed in 2imself#

the eyes of your understanding being enlightened9 that you may 1now what is the ho"e of 2is calling# what are the riches of the glory of 2is inheritance in the saints#

that in the dis"ensation of the fullness of the times 2e might gather together in one all things in -hrist# both which are in heaven and which are on earthFFin 2im'

and what is the e!ceeding greatness of 2is "ower toward us who believe# according to the wor1ing of 2is mighty "ower

which 2e wor1ed in -hrist when 2e raised 2im from the dead and seated

2im at 2is right hand in the heavenly "laces#



For by grace you have been saved through faith# and that not of yourselves9 it is the gift of (od#

far above all "rinci"ality and "ower and might and dominion# and every name that is named# not only in this age but also in that which is to come'

not of wor1s# lest anyone should boast'


And 2e "ut all things under 2is feet# and gave 2im to be head over all things to the church#

For we are 2is wor1manshi"# created in -hrist Jesus for good wor1s# which (od "re"ared beforehand that we should wal1 in them'

which is 2is body# the fullness of 2im who fills all in all'

2And you 2e made alive# who were

dead in tres"asses and sins#

Therefore remember that you# once (entiles in the fleshFFwho are called Ancircumcision by what is called the -ircumcision made in the flesh by handsFF

in which you once wal1ed according to the course of this world# according to the "rince of the "ower of the air# the s"irit who now wor1s in the sons of disobedience#

that at that time you were without -hrist# being aliens from the commonwealth of 0srael and strangers from the covenants of "romise# having no ho"e and without (od in the world'

among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh# fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind# and were by nature children of wrath# $ust as the others'

But now in -hrist Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of -hrist'

For 2e 2imself is our "eace# who has made both one# and has bro1en down the middle wall of se"aration#

But (od# who is rich in mercy# because of 2is great love with which 2e loved us#

even when we were dead in tres"asses# made us alive together with -hrist Iby grace you have been savedJ#

having abolished in 2is flesh the enmity# that is# the law of commandments contained in ordinances# so as to create in 2imself one new man from the two# thus ma1ing "eace#

and raised us u" together# and made us sit together in the heavenly "laces in -hrist Jesus#

and that 2e might reconcile them both to (od in one body through the cross# thereby "utting to death the enmity'

that in the ages to come 2e might show the e!ceeding riches of 2is grace in 2is 1indness toward us in -hrist Jesus'

And 2e came and "reached "eace to you who were afar off and to those who were near'


For through 2im we both have access by one S"irit to the Father'

me by the effective wor1ing of 2is "ower'


Now# therefore# you are no longer strangers and foreigners# but fellow citi.ens with the saints and members of the household of (od#

To me# who am less than the least of all the saints# this grace was given# that 0 should "reach among the (entiles the unsearchable riches of -hrist#

having been built on the foundation of the a"ostles and "ro"hets# Jesus -hrist 2imself being the chief cornerstone#

in whom the whole building# being fitted together# grows into a holy tem"le in the )ord#

and to ma1e all see what is the fellowshi" of the mystery# which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in (od who created all things through Jesus -hrist9

in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling "lace of (od in the S"irit'

to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of (od might be made 1nown by the church to the "rinci"alities and "owers in the heavenly "laces#

3For this reason 0# /aul# the "risoner

of -hrist Jesus for you (entilesFF

according to the eternal "ur"ose which 2e accom"lished in -hrist Jesus our )ord#

if indeed you have heard of the dis"ensation of the grace of (od which was given to me for you#

in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in 2im'

how that by revelation 2e made 1nown to me the mystery Ias 0 have briefly written already#

Therefore 0 as1 that you do not lose heart at my tribulations for you# which is your glory'

For this reason 0 bow my 1nees to the Father of our )ord Jesus -hrist#

by which# when you read# you may understand my 1nowledge in the mystery of -hristJ#

from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named#


which in other ages was not made 1nown to the sons of men# as it has now been revealed by the S"irit to 2is holy a"ostles and "ro"hets7

that 2e would grant you# according to the riches of 2is glory# to be strengthened with might through 2is S"irit in the inner man#

that the (entiles should be fellow heirs# of the same body# and "arta1ers of 2is "romise in -hrist through the gos"el#

that -hrist may dwell in your hearts through faith9 that you# being rooted and grounded in love#

of which 0 became a minister according to the gift of the grace of (od given to


may be able to com"rehend with all the saints what is the width and length and de"th and heightFF

INow this# :2e ascended:FFwhat does it mean but that 2e also first descended into the lower "arts of the earthE

to 1now the love of -hrist which "asses 1nowledge9 that you may be filled with all the fullness of (od'

2e who descended is also the 3ne who ascended far above all the heavens# that 2e might fill all things'J

Now to 2im who is able to do e!ceedingly abundantly above all that we as1 or thin1# according to the "ower that wor1s in us#

And 2e 2imself gave some to be a"ostles# some "ro"hets# some evangelists# and some "astors and teachers#

to 2im be glory in the church by -hrist Jesus to all generations# forever and ever' Amen'

for the eGui""ing of the saints for the wor1 of ministry# for the edifying of the body of -hrist#

40# therefore# the "risoner of the )ord#

beseech you to wal1 worthy of the calling with which you were called#

till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the 1nowledge of the Son of (od# to a "erfect man# to the measure of the stature of the fullness of -hrist9

with all lowliness and gentleness# with longsuffering# bearing with one another in love#

endeavoring to 1ee" the unity of the S"irit in the bond of "eace'


that we should no longer be children# tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine# by the tric1ery of men# in the cunning craftiness of deceitful "lotting#

There is one body and one S"irit# $ust as you were called in one ho"e of your calling9

but# s"ea1ing the truth in love# may grow u" in all things into 2im who is the headFF-hristFF

one )ord# one faith# one ba"tism9


one (od and Father of all# who is above all# and through all# and in you all'

from whom the whole body# $oined and 1nit together by what every $oint su""lies# according to the effective wor1ing by which every "art does its share# causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love'

But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of -hristDs gift'

Therefore 2e says7 :Bhen 2e ascended on high# 2e led ca"tivity ca"tive# And gave gifts to men':

This 0 say# therefore# and testify in the )ord# that you should no longer wal1 as the rest of the (entiles wal1# in the futility of their mind#

having their understanding dar1ened# being alienated from the life of (od# because of the ignorance that is in

them# because of the blindness of their heart9



And do not grieve the 2oly S"irit of (od# by whom you were sealed for the day of redem"tion'

who# being "ast feeling# have given themselves over to lewdness# to wor1 all uncleanness with greediness'

)et all bitterness# wrath# anger# clamor# and evil s"ea1ing be "ut away from you# with all malice'

But you have not so learned -hrist# And be 1ind to one another# tenderhearted# forgiving one another# even as (od in -hrist forgave you'


if indeed you have heard 2im and have been taught by 2im# as the truth is in Jesus7

that you "ut off# concerning your former conduct# the old man which grows corru"t according to the deceitful lusts#

dear children'

be imitators of (od as

and be renewed in the s"irit of your mind#


And wal1 in love# as -hrist also has loved us and given 2imself for us# an offering and a sacrifice to (od for a sweetFsmelling aroma'

and that you "ut on the new man which was created according to (od# in true righteousness and holiness'

But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness# let it not even be named among you# as is fitting for saints9

Therefore# "utting away lying# :)et each one of you s"ea1 truth with his neighbor#: for we are members of one another'

neither filthiness# nor foolish tal1ing# nor coarse $esting# which are not fitting# but rather giving of than1s'

:Be angry# and do not sin:7 do not let the sun go down on your wrath#

For this you 1now# that no fornicator# unclean "erson# nor covetous man# who is an idolater# has any inheritance in the 1ingdom of -hrist and (od'

nor give "lace to the devil' )et no one deceive you with em"ty words# for because of these things the wrath of (od comes u"on the sons of disobedience'


)et him who stole steal no longer# but rather let him labor# wor1ing with his hands what is good# that he may have something to give him who has need'

)et no corru"t word "roceed out of your mouth# but what is good for necessary edification# that it may im"art grace to the hearers'

Therefore do not be "arta1ers with them'


For you were once dar1ness# but now you are light in the )ord' Bal1 as children of light

Ifor the fruit of the S"irit is in all goodness# righteousness# and truthJ#


Bives# submit to your own husbands# as to the )ord'


finding out what is acce"table to the )ord'


For the husband is head of the wife# as also -hrist is head of the church9 and 2e is the Savior of the body'

And have no fellowshi" with the unfruitful wor1s of dar1ness# but rather e!"ose them'

Therefore# $ust as the church is sub$ect to -hrist# so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything'

For it is shameful even to s"ea1 of those things which are done by them in secret'

2usbands# love your wives# $ust as -hrist also loved the church and gave 2imself for her#

But all things that are e!"osed are made manifest by the light# for whatever ma1es manifest is light'

that 2e might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word#

Therefore 2e says7 :Awa1e# you who slee"# Arise from the dead# And -hrist will give you light':

that 2e might "resent her to 2imself a glorious church# not having s"ot or wrin1le or any such thing# but that she should be holy and without blemish'

See then that you wal1 circums"ectly# not as fools but as wise#

redeeming the time# because the days are evil'


So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies9 he who loves his wife loves himself'

Therefore do not be unwise# but understand what the will of the )ord is'

For no one ever hated his own flesh# but nourishes and cherishes it# $ust as the )ord does the church'

And do not be drun1 with wine# in which is dissi"ation9 but be filled with the S"irit#

For we are members of 2is body# of 2is flesh and of 2is bones'

s"ea1ing to one another in "salms and hymns and s"iritual songs# singing and ma1ing melody in your heart to the )ord#

:For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be $oined to his wife# and the two shall become one flesh':

giving than1s always for all things to (od the Father in the name of our )ord Jesus -hrist#

This is a great mystery# but 0 s"ea1 concerning -hrist and the church'

submitting to one another in the fear of (od'

Nevertheless let each one of you in "articular so love his own wife as himself# and let the wife see that she res"ects her husband'

6-hildren# obey your "arents in the

)ord# for this is right'


:2onor your father and mother#: which is the first commandment with "romise7

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood# but against "rinci"alities# against "owers# against the rulers of the dar1ness of this age# against s"iritual hosts of wic1edness in the heavenly "laces'

:that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth':

And you# fathers# do not "rovo1e your children to wrath# but bring them u" in the training and admonition of the )ord'

Therefore ta1e u" the whole armor of (od# that you may be able to withstand in the evil day# and having done all# to stand'

Bondservants# be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh# with fear and trembling# in sincerity of heart# as to -hrist9

Stand therefore# having girded your waist with truth# having "ut on the breast"late of righteousness#

and having shod your feet with the "re"aration of the gos"el of "eace9

not with eyeservice# as menF"leasers# but as bondservants of -hrist# doing the will of (od from the heart#

above all# ta1ing the shield of faith with which you will be able to Guench all the fiery darts of the wic1ed one'

with goodwill doing service# as to the )ord# and not to men#


And ta1e the helmet of salvation# and the sword of the S"irit# which is the word of (od9

1nowing that whatever good anyone does# he will receive the same from the )ord# whether he is a slave or free'

And you# masters# do the same things to them# giving u" threatening# 1nowing that your own 4aster also is in heaven# and there is no "artiality with 2im'

"raying always with all "rayer and su""lication in the S"irit# being watchful to this end with all "erseverance and su""lication for all the saintsFF

Finally# my brethren# be strong in the )ord and in the "ower of 2is might'

and for me# that utterance may be given to me# that 0 may o"en my mouth boldly to ma1e 1nown the mystery of the gos"el#

/ut on the whole armor of (od# that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil'

for which 0 am an ambassador in chains9 that in it 0 may s"ea1 boldly# as 0 ought to s"ea1'

But that you also may 1now my affairs and how 0 am doing# Tychicus# a beloved brother and faithful minister in the )ord# will ma1e all things 1nown to you9


whom 0 have sent to you for this very "ur"ose# that you may 1now our affairs# and that he may comfort your hearts'


/eace to the brethren# and love with faith# from (od the Father and the )ord Jesus -hrist'

(race be with all those who love our )ord Jesus -hrist in sincerity' Amen'

'hili66ians 1/aul and Timothy# bondservants of

Jesus -hrist# To all the saints in -hrist Jesus who are in /hili""i# with the bisho"s and deacons7
, %%

being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus -hrist# to the glory and "raise of (od'

(race to you and "eace from (od our Father and the )ord Jesus -hrist'

But 0 want you to 1now# brethren# that the things which ha""ened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gos"el#

0 than1 my (od remembrance of you#




so that it has become evident to the whole "alace guard# and to all the rest# that my chains are in -hrist9

always in every "rayer of mine ma1ing reGuest for you all with $oy#

for your fellowshi" in the gos"el from the first day until now#

and most of the brethren in the )ord# having become confident by my chains# are much more bold to s"ea1 the word without fear'

being confident of this very thing# that 2e who has begun a good wor1 in you will com"lete it until the day of Jesus -hrist9

Some indeed "reach -hrist even from envy and strife# and some also from goodwill7

$ust as it is right for me to thin1 this of you all# because 0 have you in my heart# inasmuch as both in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the gos"el# you all are "arta1ers with me of grace'

The former "reach -hrist from selfish ambition# not sincerely# su""osing to add affliction to my chains9

but the latter out of love# 1nowing that 0 am a""ointed for the defense of the gos"el'

For (od is my witness# how greatly 0 long for you all with the affection of Jesus -hrist'

Bhat thenE 3nly that in every way# whether in "retense or in truth# -hrist is "reached9 and in this 0 re$oice# yes# and will re$oice'

And this 0 "ray# that your love may abound still more and more in 1nowledge and all discernment#

For 0 1now that this will turn out for my deliverance through your "rayer and the su""ly of the S"irit of Jesus -hrist#

that you may a""rove the things that are e!cellent# that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of -hrist#

according to my earnest e!"ectation and ho"e that in nothing 0 shall be ashamed# but with all boldness# as always# so now also -hrist will be

magnified in my body# whether by life or by death'


fellowshi" of the S"irit# if any affection and mercy#


For to me# to live is -hrist# and to die is gain'


fulfill my $oy by being li1eFminded# having the same love# being of one accord# of one mind'

But if 0 live on in the flesh# this will mean fruit from my labor9 yet what 0 shall choose 0 cannot tell'

For 0 am hardF"ressed between the two# having a desire to de"art and be with -hrist# which is far better'

)et nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit# but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself'

Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you'


)et each of you loo1 out not only for his own interests# but also for the interests of others'

And being confident of this# 0 1now that 0 shall remain and continue with you all for your "rogress and $oy of faith#

)et this mind be in you which was also in -hrist Jesus#


who# being in the form of (od# did not consider it robbery to be eGual with (od#

that your re$oicing for me may be more abundant in Jesus -hrist by my coming to you again'

but made 2imself of no re"utation# ta1ing the form of a bondservant# and coming in the li1eness of men'

3nly let your conduct be worthy of the gos"el of -hrist# so that whether 0 come and see you or am absent# 0 may hear of your affairs# that you stand fast in one s"irit# with one mind striving together for the faith of the gos"el#

And being found in a""earance as a man# 2e humbled 2imself and became obedient to the "oint of death# even the death of the cross'

and not in any way terrified by your adversaries# which is to them a "roof of "erdition# but to you of salvation# and that from (od'

Therefore (od also has highly e!alted 2im and given 2im the name which is above every name#

For to you it has been granted on behalf of -hrist# not only to believe in 2im# but also to suffer for 2is sa1e#

that at the name of Jesus every 1nee should bow# of those in heaven# and of those on earth# and of those under the earth#

having the same conflict which you saw in me and now hear is in me'

and that every tongue should confess that Jesus -hrist is )ord# to the glory of (od the Father'

2Therefore if there is any consolation

in -hrist# if any comfort of love# if any

Therefore# my beloved# as you have always obeyed# not as in my "resence only# but now much more in my

absence# wor1 out your own salvation with fear and trembling9


for it is (od who wor1s in you both to will and to do for 2is good "leasure'

Cet 0 considered it necessary to send to you "a"hroditus# my brother# fellow wor1er# and fellow soldier# but your messenger and the one who ministered to my need9

*o all things without com"laining and dis"uting#


since he was longing for you all# and was distressed because you had heard that he was sic1'

that you may become blameless and harmless# children of (od without fault in the midst of a croo1ed and "erverse generation# among whom you shine as lights in the world#

For indeed he was sic1 almost unto death9 but (od had mercy on him# and not only on him but on me also# lest 0 should have sorrow u"on sorrow'

holding fast the word of life# so that 0 may re$oice in the day of -hrist that 0 have not run in vain or labored in vain'

Therefore 0 sent him the more eagerly# that when you see him again you may re$oice# and 0 may be less sorrowful'

Ces# and if 0 am being "oured out as a drin1 offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith# 0 am glad and re$oice with you all'

+eceive him therefore in the )ord with all gladness# and hold such men in esteem9

For the same reason you also be glad and re$oice with me'

because for the wor1 of -hrist he came close to death# not regarding his life# to su""ly what was lac1ing in your service toward me'

But 0 trust in the )ord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly# that 0 also may be encouraged when 0 1now your state'

3Finally# my brethren# re$oice in the

)ord' For me to write the same things to you is not tedious# but for you it is safe'

For 0 have no one li1eFminded# who will sincerely care for your state'

For all see1 their own# not the things which are of -hrist Jesus'

Beware of dogs# beware of wor1ers# beware of the mutilationH



But you 1now his "roven character# that as a son with his father he served with me in the gos"el'

For we are the circumcision# who worshi" (od in the S"irit# re$oice in -hrist Jesus# and have no confidence in the flesh#

Therefore 0 ho"e to send him at once# as soon as 0 see how it goes with me'

though 0 also might have confidence in the flesh' 0f anyone else thin1s he may have confidence in the flesh# 0 more so7

But 0 trust in the )ord that 0 myself shall also come shortly'

circumcised the eighth day# of the stoc1 of 0srael# of the tribe of Ben$amin# a

2ebrew of the 2ebrews9 concerning the law# a /harisee9



concerning .eal# "ersecuting the church9 concerning the righteousness which is in the law# blameless'

Therefore let us# as many as are mature# have this mind9 and if in anything you thin1 otherwise# (od will reveal even this to you'

But what things were gain to me# these 0 have counted loss for -hrist'

Nevertheless# to the degree that we have already attained# let us wal1 by the same rule# let us be of the same mind'

Cet indeed 0 also count all things loss for the e!cellence of the 1nowledge of -hrist Jesus my )ord# for whom 0 have suffered the loss of all things# and count them as rubbish# that 0 may gain -hrist

Brethren# $oin in following my e!am"le# and note those who so wal1# as you have us for a "attern'

and be found in 2im# not having my own righteousness# which is from the law# but that which is through faith in -hrist# the righteousness which is from (od by faith9

For many wal1# of whom 0 have told you often# and now tell you even wee"ing# that they are the enemies of the cross of -hrist7

whose end is destruction# whose god is their belly# and whose glory is in their shameFFwho set their mind on earthly things'

that 0 may 1now 2im and the "ower of 2is resurrection# and the fellowshi" of 2is sufferings# being conformed to 2is death#

For our citi.enshi" is in heaven# from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior# the )ord Jesus -hrist#

if# by any means# 0 may attain to the resurrection from the dead'

Not that 0 have already attained# or am already "erfected9 but 0 "ress on# that 0 may lay hold of that for which -hrist Jesus has also laid hold of me'

who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to 2is glorious body# according to the wor1ing by which 2e is able even to subdue all things to 2imself'

Brethren# 0 do not count myself to have a""rehended9 but one thing 0 do# forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead#

4Therefore# my beloved and longedF

for brethren# my $oy and crown# so stand fast in the )ord# beloved'

0 im"lore uodia and 0 im"lore Syntyche to be of the same mind in the )ord'

0 "ress toward the goal for the "ri.e of the u"ward call of (od in -hrist Jesus'

And 0 urge you also# true com"anion# hel" these women who labored with me in the gos"el# with -lement also# and the rest of my fellow wor1ers# whose names are in the Boo1 of )ife'

+e$oice in the )ord always' Again 0 will say# re$oiceH


to be hungry# both to abound and to suffer need'


)et your gentleness be 1nown to all men' The )ord is at hand'


0 can do all things through -hrist who strengthens me'


Be an!ious for nothing# but in everything by "rayer and su""lication# with than1sgiving# let your reGuests be made 1nown to (od9

Nevertheless you have done well that you shared in my distress'


and the "eace of (od# which sur"asses all understanding# will guard your hearts and minds through -hrist Jesus'

Now you /hili""ians 1now also that in the beginning of the gos"el# when 0 de"arted from 4acedonia# no church shared with me concerning giving and receiving but you only'

Finally# brethren# whatever things are true# whatever things are noble# whatever things are $ust# whatever things are "ure# whatever things are lovely# whatever things are of good re"ort# if there is any virtue and if there is anything "raiseworthyFFmeditate on these things'

For even in Thessalonica you sent aid once and again for my necessities'

Not that 0 see1 the gift# but 0 see1 the fruit that abounds to your account'

The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me# these do# and the (od of "eace will be with you'

0ndeed 0 have all and abound' 0 am full# having received from "a"hroditus the things sent from you# a sweetFsmelling aroma# an acce"table sacrifice# well "leasing to (od'

But 0 re$oiced in the )ord greatly that now at last your% care for me has flourished again9 though you surely did care# but you lac1ed o""ortunity'

And my (od shall su""ly all your need according to 2is riches in glory by -hrist Jesus'

Now to our (od and Father be glory forever and ever' Amen'

Not that 0 s"ea1 in regard to need# for 0 have learned in whatever state 0 am# to be content7

(reet every saint in -hrist Jesus' The brethren who are with me greet you'

0 1now how to be abased# and 0 1now how to abound' verywhere and in all things 0 have learned both to be full and

All the saints greet you# but es"ecially those who are of -aesarDs household'

The grace of our )ord Jesus -hrist be with you all' Amen'

%olossians 1/aul# an a"ostle of Jesus -hrist by

the will of (od# and Timothy our brother#
, %%

strengthened with all might# according to 2is glorious "ower# for all "atience and longsuffering with $oy9

To the saints and faithful brethren in -hrist who are in -olosse7 (race to you and "eace from (od our Father and the )ord Jesus -hrist'

giving than1s to the Father who has Gualified us to be "arta1ers of the inheritance of the saints in the light'

Be give than1s to the (od and Father of our )ord Jesus -hrist# "raying always for you#

2e has delivered us from the "ower of dar1ness and conveyed us into the 1ingdom of the Son of 2is love#

since we heard of your faith in -hrist Jesus and of your love for all the saints9

in whom we have redem"tion through 2is blood# the forgiveness of sins'


because of the ho"e which is laid u" for you in heaven# of which you heard before in the word of the truth of the gos"el#

2e is the image of the invisible (od# the firstborn over all creation'

which has come to you# as it has also in all the world# and is bringing forth fruit# as it is also among you since the day you heard and 1new the grace of (od in truth9

For by 2im all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth# visible and invisible# whether thrones or dominions or "rinci"alities or "owers' All things were created through 2im and for 2im'

And 2e is before all things# and in 2im all things consist'


as you also learned from "a"hras# our dear fellow servant# who is a faithful minister of -hrist on your behalf#

who also declared to us your love in the S"irit'


And 2e is the head of the body# the church# who is the beginning# the firstborn from the dead# that in all things 2e may have the "reeminence'

For this reason we also# since the day we heard it# do not cease to "ray for you# and to as1 that you may be filled with the 1nowledge of 2is will in all wisdom and s"iritual understanding9

For it "leased the Father that in 2im all the fullness should dwell#

and by 2im to reconcile all things to 2imself# by 2im# whether things on earth or things in heaven# having made "eace through the blood of 2is cross'

that you may wal1 worthy of the )ord# fully "leasing 2im# being fruitful in every good wor1 and increasing in the 1nowledge of (od9

And you# who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wic1ed wor1s# yet now 2e has reconciled


in the body of 2is flesh through death# to "resent you holy# and blameless# and above re"roach in 2is sightFF

if indeed you continue in the faith# grounded and steadfast# and are not moved away from the ho"e of the gos"el which you heard# which was "reached to every creature under heaven# of which 0# /aul# became a minister'

that their hearts may be encouraged# being 1nit together in love# and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding# to the 1nowledge of the mystery of (od# both of the Father and of -hrist#

in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and 1nowledge'


Now this 0 say lest anyone should deceive you with "ersuasive words'

0 now re$oice in my sufferings for you# and fill u" in my flesh what is lac1ing in the afflictions of -hrist# for the sa1e of 2is body# which is the church#

For though 0 am absent in the flesh# yet 0 am with you in s"irit# re$oicing to see your good order and the steadfastness of your faith in -hrist'

of which 0 became a minister according to the stewardshi" from (od which was given to me for you# to fulfill the word of (od#

As you therefore have received -hrist Jesus the )ord# so wal1 in 2im#

the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations# but now has been revealed to 2is saints'

rooted and built u" in 2im and established in the faith# as you have been taught# abounding in it with than1sgiving'

To them (od willed to ma1e 1nown what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the (entiles7 which is -hrist in you# the ho"e of glory'

Beware lest anyone cheat you through "hiloso"hy and em"ty deceit# according to the tradition of men# according to the basic "rinci"les of the world# and not according to -hrist'

2im we "reach# warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom# that we may "resent every man "erfect in -hrist Jesus'

For in 2im dwells all the fullness of the (odhead bodily9


To this end 0 also labor# striving according to 2is wor1ing which wor1s in me mightily'

and you are com"lete in 2im# who is the head of all "rinci"ality and "ower'

2For 0 want you to 1now what a great

conflict 0 have for you and those in )aodicea# and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh#

0n 2im you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands# by "utting off the body of the sins of the flesh# by the circumcision of -hrist#

buried with 2im in ba"tism# in which you also were raised with 2im through faith in the wor1ing of (od# who raised 2im from the dead'


And you# being dead in your tres"asses and the uncircumcision of your flesh# 2e has made alive together with 2im# having forgiven you all tres"asses#


These things indeed have an a""earance of wisdom in selfFim"osed religion# false humility# and neglect of the body# but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh'

having wi"ed out the handwriting of reGuirements that was against us# which was contrary to us' And 2e has ta1en it out of the way# having nailed it to the cross'

30f then you were raised with -hrist#

see1 those things which are above# where -hrist is# sitting at the right hand of (od'

2aving disarmed "rinci"alities and "owers# 2e made a "ublic s"ectacle of them# trium"hing over them in it'

Set your mind on things above# not on things on the earth'


So let no one $udge you in food or in drin1# or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths#

For you died# and your life is hidden with -hrist in (od'

which are a shadow of things to come# but the substance is of -hrist'


Bhen -hrist who is our life a""ears# then you also will a""ear with 2im in glory'

)et no one cheat you of your reward# ta1ing delight in false humility and worshi" of angels# intruding into those things which he has not seen# vainly "uffed u" by his fleshly mind#

Therefore "ut to death your members which are on the earth7 fornication# uncleanness# "assion# evil desire# and covetousness# which is idolatry'

and not holding fast to the 2ead# from whom all the body# nourished and 1nit together by $oints and ligaments# grows with the increase that is from (od'

Because of these things the wrath of (od is coming u"on the sons of disobedience#

in which you yourselves once wal1ed when you lived in them'


Therefore# if you died with -hrist from the basic "rinci"les of the world# why# as though living in the world# do you sub$ect yourselves to regulationsFF

But now you yourselves are to "ut off all these7 anger# wrath# malice# blas"hemy# filthy language out of your mouth'

:*o not touch# do not taste# do not handle#:


*o not lie to one another# since you have "ut off the old man with his deeds#

which all concern things which "erish with the usingFFaccording to the commandments and doctrines of menE

and have "ut on the new man who is renewed in 1nowledge according to the image of 2im who created him#


where there is neither (ree1 nor Jew# circumcised nor uncircumcised# barbarian# Scythian# slave nor free# but -hrist is all and in all'


Bondservants# obey in all things your masters according to the flesh# not with eyeservice# as menF"leasers# but in sincerity of heart# fearing (od'

Therefore# as the elect of (od# holy and beloved# "ut on tender mercies# 1indness# humility# mee1ness# longsuffering9

And whatever you do# do it heartily# as to the )ord and not to men#

bearing with one another# and forgiving one another# if anyone has a com"laint against another9 even as -hrist forgave you# so you also must do'

1nowing that from the )ord you will receive the reward of the inheritance9 for you serve the )ord -hrist'

But he who does wrong will be re"aid for what he has done# and there is no "artiality'

But above all these things "ut on love# which is the bond of "erfection'

And let the "eace of (od rule in your hearts# to which also you were called in one body9 and be than1ful'


give your bondservants what is $ust and fair# 1nowing that you also have a 4aster in heaven' -ontinue earnestly in "rayer# being vigilant in it with than1sgiving9

)et the word of -hrist dwell in you richly in all wisdom# teaching and admonishing one another in "salms and hymns and s"iritual songs# singing with grace in your hearts to the )ord'

And whatever you do in word or deed# do all in the name of the )ord Jesus# giving than1s to (od the Father through 2im'

meanwhile "raying also for us# that (od would o"en to us a door for the word# to s"ea1 the mystery of -hrist# for which 0 am also in chains#

that 0 may ma1e it manifest# as 0 ought to s"ea1'


Bives# submit to your own husbands# as is fitting in the )ord'


Bal1 in wisdom toward those who are outside# redeeming the time'

2usbands# love your wives and do not be bitter toward them'


)et your s"eech always be with grace# seasoned with salt# that you may 1now how you ought to answer each one'

-hildren# obey your "arents in all things# for this is well "leasing to the )ord'

Tychicus# a beloved brother# faithful minister# and fellow servant in the )ord# will tell you all the news about me'

Fathers# do not "rovo1e your children# lest they become discouraged'

0 am sending him to you for this very "ur"ose# that he may 1now your circumstances and comfort your hearts#

with 3nesimus# a faithful and beloved brother# who is one of you' They will ma1e 1nown to you all things which are ha""ening here'


For 0 bear him witness that he has a great .eal for you# and those who are in )aodicea# and those in 2iera"olis'

Aristarchus my fellow "risoner greets you# with 4ar1 the cousin of Barnabas Iabout whom you received instructions7 if he comes to you# welcome himJ#

)u1e the beloved *emas greet you'




(reet the brethren who are in )aodicea# and Nym"has and the church that is in his house'

and Jesus who is called Justus' These are my only fellow wor1ers for the 1ingdom of (od who are of the circumcision9 they have "roved to be a comfort to me'

Now when this e"istle is read among you# see that it is read also in the church of the )aodiceans# and that you li1ewise read the e"istle from )aodicea'

"a"hras# who is one of you# a bondservant of -hrist# greets you# always laboring fervently for you in "rayers# that you may stand "erfect and com"lete in all the will of (od'

And say to Archi""us# :Ta1e heed to the ministry which you have received in the )ord# that you may fulfill it':

This salutation by my own handFF/aul' +emember my chains' (race be with you' Amen'

!st Thessalonians 1/aul# Silvanus# and Timothy# To the

church of the Thessalonians in (od the Father and the )ord Jesus -hrist7 (race to you and "eace from (od our Father and the )ord Jesus -hrist'
, %@

and to wait for 2is Son from heaven# whom 2e raised from the dead# even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come'

2For you yourselves 1now# brethren#

that our coming to you was not in vain'

Be give than1s to (od always for you all# ma1ing mention of you in our "rayers#

remembering without ceasing your wor1 of faith# labor of love# and "atience of ho"e in our )ord Jesus -hrist in the sight of our (od and Father#

But even after we had suffered before and were s"itefully treated at /hili""i# as you 1now# we were bold in our (od to s"ea1 to you the gos"el of (od in much conflict'

1nowing# beloved election by (od'




For our e!hortation did not come from error or uncleanness# nor was it in deceit'

For our gos"el did not come to you in word only# but also in "ower# and in the 2oly S"irit and in much assurance# as you 1now what 1ind of men we were among you for your sa1e'

But as we have been a""roved by (od to be entrusted with the gos"el# even so we s"ea1# not as "leasing men# but (od who tests our hearts'

And you became followers of us and of the )ord# having received the word in much affliction# with $oy of the 2oly S"irit#

For neither at any time did we use flattering words# as you 1now# nor a cloa1 for covetousnessFF(od is witness'

so that you became e!am"les to all in 4acedonia and Achaia who believe'

Nor did we see1 glory from men# either from you or from others# when we might have made demands as a"ostles of -hrist'

For from you the word of the )ord has sounded forth# not only in 4acedonia and Achaia# but also in every "lace' Cour faith toward (od has gone out# so that we do not need to say anything'

But we were gentle among you# $ust as a nursing mother cherishes her own children'

For they themselves declare concerning us what manner of entry we had to you# and how you turned to (od from idols to serve the living and true (od#

So# affectionately longing for you# we were well "leased to im"art to you not only the gos"el of (od# but also our own lives# because you had become dear to us'

For you remember# brethren# our labor and toil9 for laboring night and day# that we might not be a burden to any of you# we "reached to you the gos"el of (od'


But we# brethren# having been ta1en away from you for a short time in "resence# not in heart# endeavored more eagerly to see your face with great desire'

Cou are witnesses# and (od also# how devoutly and $ustly and blamelessly we behaved ourselves among you who believe9

Therefore we wanted to come to youFF even 0# /aul# time and againFFbut Satan hindered us'

as you 1now how we e!horted# and comforted# and charged every one of you# as a father does his own children#

For what is our ho"e# or $oy# or crown of re$oicingE 0s it not even you in the "resence of our )ord Jesus -hrist at 2is comingE

that you would wal1 worthy of (od who calls you into 2is own 1ingdom and glory'

For you are our glory and $oy'

For this reason we also than1 (od without ceasing# because when you received the word of (od which you heard from us# you welcomed it not as the word of men# but as it is in truth# the word of (od# which also effectively wor1s in you who believe'

3Therefore# when we could no longer

endure it# we thought it good to be left in Athens alone#

For you# brethren# became imitators of the churches of (od which are in Judea in -hrist Jesus' For you also suffered the same things from your own countrymen# $ust as they did from the Judeans#

and sent Timothy# our brother and minister of (od# and our fellow laborer in the gos"el of -hrist# to establish you and encourage you concerning your faith#

that no one should be sha1en by these afflictions9 for you yourselves 1now that we are a""ointed to this'

who 1illed both the )ord Jesus and their own "ro"hets# and have "ersecuted us9 and they do not "lease (od and are contrary to all men#

For# in fact# we told you before when we were with you that we would suffer tribulation# $ust as it ha""ened# and you 1now'

forbidding us to s"ea1 to the (entiles that they may be saved# so as always to fill u" the measure of their sins9 but wrath has come u"on them to the uttermost'

For this reason# when 0 could no longer endure it# 0 sent to 1now your faith# lest by some means the tem"ter had tem"ted you# and our labor might be in vain'

But now that Timothy has come to us from you# and brought us good news of your faith and love# and that you always have good remembrance of us# greatly

desiring to see us# as we also to see youFF


that each of you should 1now how to "ossess his own vessel in sanctification and honor#

therefore# brethren# in all our affliction and distress we were comforted concerning you by your faith'

not in "assion of lust# li1e the (entiles who do not 1now (od9

For now we live# if you stand fast in the )ord'


For what than1s can we render to (od for you# for all the $oy with which we re$oice for your sa1e before our (od#

that no one and defraud because the such# as we testified'


should ta1e advantage of his brother in this matter# )ord is the avenger of all also forewarned you and

night and day "raying e!ceedingly that we may see your face and "erfect what is lac1ing in your faithE

For (od did not call us to uncleanness# but in holiness'


Now may our (od and Father 2imself# and our )ord Jesus -hrist# direct our way to you'

Therefore he who re$ects this does not re$ect man# but (od# who has also given us 2is 2oly S"irit'

And may the )ord ma1e you increase and abound in love to one another and to all# $ust as we do to you#

But concerning brotherly love you have no need that 0 should write to you# for you yourselves are taught by (od to love one another9

so that 2e may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our (od and Father at the coming of our )ord Jesus -hrist with all 2is saints'

and indeed you do so toward all the brethren who are in all 4acedonia' But we urge you# brethren# that you increase more and more9

4Finally then# brethren# we urge and

e!hort in the )ord Jesus that you should abound more and more# $ust as you received from us how you ought to wal1 and to "lease (od9

that you also as"ire to lead a Guiet life# to mind your own business# and to wor1 with your own hands# as we commanded you#

that you may wal1 "ro"erly toward those who are outside# and that you may lac1 nothing'

for you 1now what commandments we gave you through the )ord Jesus'

For this is the will of (od# your sanctification7 that you should abstain from se!ual immorality9

But 0 do not want you to be ignorant# brethren# concerning those who have fallen aslee"# lest you sorrow as others who have no ho"e'

For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again# even so (od will bring with 2im those who slee" in Jesus'


For this we say to you by the word of the )ord# that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the )ord will by no means "recede those who are aslee"'

For those who slee"# slee" at night# and those who get drun1 are drun1 at night'

For the )ord 2imself will descend from heaven with a shout# with the voice of an archangel# and with the trum"et of (od' And the dead in -hrist will rise first'

But let us who are of the day be sober# "utting on the breast"late of faith and love# and as a helmet the ho"e of salvation'

Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught u" together with them in the clouds to meet the )ord in the air' And thus we shall always be with the )ord'

For (od did not a""oint us to wrath# but to obtain salvation through our )ord Jesus -hrist#

who died for us# that whether we wa1e or slee"# we should live together with 2im'

Therefore comfort one another with these words'

Therefore comfort each other and edify one another# $ust as you also are doing'

5But concerning the times and the

seasons# brethren# you have no need that 0 should write to you'

And we urge you# brethren# to recogni.e those who labor among you# and are over you in the )ord and admonish you#

For you yourselves 1now "erfectly that the day of the )ord so comes as a thief in the night'

and to esteem them very highly in love for their wor1Ds sa1e' Be at "eace among yourselves'

For when they say# :/eace and safetyH: then sudden destruction comes u"on them# as labor "ains u"on a "regnant woman' And they shall not esca"e'

Now we e!hort you# brethren# warn those who are unruly# comfort the fainthearted# u"hold the wea1# be "atient with all'

But you# brethren# are not in dar1ness# so that this *ay should overta1e you as a thief'

See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone# but always "ursue what is good both for yourselves and for all'

Cou are all sons of light and sons of the day' Be are not of the night nor of dar1ness'

+e$oice always# "ray without ceasing#


Therefore let us not slee"# as others do# but let us watch and be sober'


in everything give than1s9 for this is the will of (od in -hrist Jesus for you'

*o not Guench the S"irit'


*o not des"ise "ro"hecies' Test all things9 hold fast what is good'


2e who calls you is faithful# who also will do it'



Brethren# "ray for us' (reet all the brethren with a holy 1iss'


Abstain from every form of evil'



Now may the (od of "eace 2imself sanctify you com"letely9 and may your whole s"irit# soul# and body be "reserved blameless at the coming of our )ord Jesus -hrist'


0 charge you by the )ord that this e"istle be read to all the holy brethren'

The grace of our )ord Jesus -hrist be with you' Amen'

#nd Thessalonians 1/aul# Silvanus# and Timothy# To the

church of the Thessalonians in (od our Father and the )ord Jesus -hrist7
, %@

when 2e comes# in that *ay# to be glorified in 2is saints and to be admired among all those who believe# because our testimony among you was believed'

(race to you and "eace from (od our Father and the )ord Jesus -hrist'

Be are bound to than1 (od always for you# brethren# as it is fitting# because your faith grows e!ceedingly# and the love of every one of you all abounds toward each other#

Therefore we also "ray always for you that our (od would count you worthy of this calling# and fulfill all the good "leasure of 2is goodness and the wor1 of faith with "ower#

so that we ourselves boast of you among the churches of (od for your "atience and faith in all your "ersecutions and tribulations that you endure#

that the name of our )ord Jesus -hrist may be glorified in you# and you in 2im# according to the grace of our (od and the )ord Jesus -hrist'


brethren# concerning the coming of our )ord Jesus -hrist and our gathering together to 2im# we as1 you# not to be soon sha1en in mind or troubled# either by s"irit or by word or by letter# as if from us# as though the day of -hrist had come'

which is manifest evidence of the righteous $udgment of (od# that you may be counted worthy of the 1ingdom of (od# for which you also suffer9

since it is a righteous thing with (od to re"ay with tribulation those who trouble you#

and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the )ord Jesus is revealed from heaven with 2is mighty angels#

)et no one deceive you by any means9 for that *ay will not come unless the falling away comes first# and the man of sin is revealed# the son of "erdition#

in flaming fire ta1ing vengeance on those who do not 1now (od# and on those who do not obey the gos"el of our )ord Jesus -hrist'

who o""oses and e!alts himself above all that is called (od or that is worshi"ed# so that he sits as (od in the tem"le of (od# showing himself that he is (od'

These shall be "unished with everlasting destruction from the "resence of the )ord and from the glory of 2is "ower#

*o you not remember that when 0 was still with you 0 told you these thingsE

And now you 1now what is restraining# that he may be revealed in his own time'

For the mystery of lawlessness is already at wor19 only 2e who now restrains will do so until 2e is ta1en out of the way'


comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and wor1'

And then the lawless one will be revealed# whom the )ord will consume with the breath of 2is mouth and destroy with the brightness of 2is coming'

3Finally# brethren# "ray for us# that the

word of the )ord may run swiftly and be glorified# $ust as it is with you#

The coming of the lawless one is according to the wor1ing of Satan# with all "ower# signs# and lying wonders#

and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wic1ed men9 for not all have faith'

and with all unrighteous dece"tion among those who "erish# because they did not receive the love of the truth# that they might be saved'

But the )ord is faithful# who will establish you and guard you from the evil one'

And for this reason (od will send them strong delusion# that they should believe the lie#

And we have confidence in the )ord concerning you# both that you do and will do the things we command you'

that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had "leasure in unrighteousness'

Now may the )ord direct your hearts into the love of (od and into the "atience of -hrist'

But we are bound to give than1s to (od always for you# brethren beloved by the )ord# because (od from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the S"irit and belief in the truth#

But we command you# brethren# in the name of our )ord Jesus -hrist# that you withdraw from every brother who wal1s disorderly and not according to the tradition which he received from us'

For you yourselves 1now how you ought to follow us# for we were not disorderly among you9

to which 2e called you by our gos"el# for the obtaining of the glory of our )ord Jesus -hrist'

Therefore# brethren# stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught# whether by word or our e"istle'

nor did we eat anyoneDs bread free of charge# but wor1ed with labor and toil night and day# that we might not be a burden to any of you#

Now may our )ord Jesus -hrist 2imself# and our (od and Father# who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good ho"e by grace#

not because we do not have authority# but to ma1e ourselves an e!am"le of how you should follow us'

For even when we were with you# we commanded you this7 0f anyone will not wor1# neither shall he eat'


For we hear that there are some who wal1 among you in a disorderly manner# not wor1ing at all# but are busybodies'


Cet do not count him as an enemy# but admonish him as a brother'


Now those who are such we command and e!hort through our )ord Jesus -hrist that they wor1 in Guietness and eat their own bread'

Now may the )ord of "eace 2imself give you "eace always in every way' The )ord be with you all'

But as for you# brethren# do not grow weary in doing good'


The salutation of /aul with my own hand# which is a sign in every e"istle9 so 0 write'

And if anyone does not obey our word in this e"istle# note that "erson and do not 1ee" com"any with him# that he may be ashamed'

The grace of our )ord Jesus -hrist be with you all' Amen'

!st Timothy 1/aul# an a"ostle of Jesus -hrist# by

the commandment of (od our Savior and the )ord Jesus -hrist# our ho"e#

there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine#


To Timothy# a true son in the faith7 (race# mercy# and "eace from (od our Father and Jesus -hrist our )ord'

according to the glorious gos"el of the blessed (od which was committed to my trust'

As 0 urged you when 0 went into 4acedoniaFFremain in "hesus that you may charge some that they teach no other doctrine#

And 0 than1 -hrist Jesus our )ord who has enabled me# because 2e counted me faithful# "utting me into the ministry#

nor give heed to fables and endless genealogies# which cause dis"utes rather than godly edification which is in faith'

although 0 was formerly a blas"hemer# a "ersecutor# and an insolent man9 but 0 obtained mercy because 0 did it ignorantly in unbelief'

And the grace of our )ord was e!ceedingly abundant# with faith and love which are in -hrist Jesus'

Now the "ur"ose of the commandment is love from a "ure heart# from a good conscience# and from sincere faith#

from which some# having strayed# have turned aside to idle tal1#

This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acce"tance# that -hrist Jesus came into the world to save sinners# of whom 0 am chief'

desiring to be teachers of the law# understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm'

2owever# for this reason 0 obtained mercy# that in me first Jesus -hrist might show all longsuffering# as a "attern to those who are going to believe on 2im for everlasting life'

But we 1now that the law is good if one uses it lawfully#


1nowing this7 that the law is not made for a righteous "erson# but for the lawless and insubordinate# for the ungodly and for sinners# for the unholy and "rofane# for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers# for manslayers#

Now to the King eternal# immortal# invisible# to (od who alone is wise# be honor and glory forever and ever' Amen'

This charge 0 commit to you# son Timothy# according to the "ro"hecies "reviously made concerning you# that by them you may wage the good warfare#

for fornicators# for sodomites# for 1idna""ers# for liars# for "er$urers# and if

having faith and a good conscience# which some having re$ected# concerning the faith have suffered shi"wrec1#


of whom are 2ymenaeus and Ale!ander# whom 0 delivered to Satan that they may learn not to blas"heme'


And 0 do not "ermit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man# but to be in silence'

2Therefore 0 e!hort first of all that

su""lications# "rayers# intercessions# and giving of than1s be made for all men#

For Adam was formed first# then ve'


And Adam was not deceived# but the woman being deceived# fell into transgression'

for 1ings and all who are in authority# that we may lead a Guiet and "eaceable life in all godliness and reverence'

Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith# love# and holiness# with selfFcontrol'

For this is good and acce"table in the sight of (od our Savior#

3This is a faithful saying7 0f a man

desires the "osition of a bisho"# he desires a good wor1'

who desires all men to be saved and to come to the 1nowledge of the truth'

For there is one (od and one 4ediator between (od and men# the 4an -hrist Jesus#

A bisho" then must be blameless# the husband of one wife# tem"erate# soberF minded# of good behavior# hos"itable# able to teach9

who gave 2imself a ransom for all# to be testified in due time#


not given to wine# not violent# not greedy for money# but gentle# not Guarrelsome# not covetous9

for which 0 was a""ointed a "reacher and an a"ostleFF0 am s"ea1ing the truth in -hrist and not lyingFFa teacher of the (entiles in faith and truth'

one who rules his own house well# having his children in submission with all reverence

0 desire therefore that the men "ray everywhere# lifting u" holy hands# without wrath and doubting9

Ifor if a man does not 1now how to rule his own house# how will he ta1e care of the church of (odEJ9

in li1e manner also# that the women adorn themselves in modest a""arel# with "ro"riety and moderation# not with braided hair or gold or "earls or costly clothing#

not a novice# lest being "uffed u" with "ride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil'

but# which is "ro"er for women "rofessing godliness# with good wor1s'

4oreover he must have a good testimony among those who are outside# lest he fall into re"roach and the snare of the devil'

)et a woman learn in silence with all submission'


)i1ewise deacons must be reverent# not doubleFtongued# not given to much wine# not greedy for money#

s"ea1ing lies in hy"ocrisy# having their own conscience seared with a hot iron#

holding the mystery of the faith with a "ure conscience'


forbidding to marry# and commanding to abstain from foods which (od created to be received with than1sgiving by those who believe and 1now the truth'

But let these also first be tested9 then let them serve as deacons# being found blameless'

For every creature of (od is good# and nothing is to be refused if it is received with than1sgiving9

)i1ewise# their wives must be reverent# not slanderers# tem"erate# faithful in all things'

for it is sanctified by the word of (od and "rayer'


)et deacons be the husbands of one wife# ruling their children and their own houses well'

For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in the faith which is in -hrist Jesus'

0f you instruct the brethren in these things# you will be a good minister of Jesus -hrist# nourished in the words of faith and of the good doctrine which you have carefully followed'

But re$ect "rofane and old wivesD fables# and e!ercise yourself toward godliness'

These things 0 write to you# though 0 ho"e to come to you shortly9


but if 0 am delayed# 0 write so that you may 1now how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of (od# which is the church of the living (od# the "illar and ground of the truth'

For bodily e!ercise "rofits a little# but godliness is "rofitable for all things# having "romise of the life that now is and of that which is to come'

This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acce"tance'


And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness7 (od was manifested in the flesh# Justified in the S"irit# Seen by angels# /reached among the (entiles# Believed on in the world# +eceived u" in glory'

For to this end we both labor and suffer re"roach# because we trust in the living (od# who is the Savior of all men# es"ecially of those who believe'

These things command and teach'


4Now the S"irit e!"ressly says that in

latter times some will de"art from the faith# giving heed to deceiving s"irits and doctrines of demons#

)et no one des"ise your youth# but be an e!am"le to the believers in word# in conduct# in love# in s"irit# in faith# in "urity'

Till 0 come# give attention to reading# to e!hortation# to doctrine'


*o not neglect the gift that is in you# which was given to you by "ro"hecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldershi"'

unless she has been the wife of one man#


4editate on these things9 give yourself entirely to them# that your "rogress may be evident to all'

well re"orted for good wor1s7 if she has brought u" children# if she has lodged strangers# if she has washed the saintsD feet# if she has relieved the afflicted# if she has diligently followed every good wor1'

Ta1e heed to yourself and to the doctrine' -ontinue in them# for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you'

But refuse the younger widows9 for when they have begun to grow wanton against -hrist# they desire to marry#

5*o not rebu1e an older man# but

e!hort him as a father# younger men as brothers#

having condemnation because they have cast off their first faith'

older women as mothers# younger women as sisters# with all "urity'


And besides they learn to be idle# wandering about from house to house# and not only idle but also gossi"s and busybodies# saying things which they ought not'

2onor widows who are really widows'

But if any widow has children or grandchildren# let them first learn to show "iety at home and to re"ay their "arents9 for this is good and acce"table before (od'

Therefore 0 desire that the younger widows marry# bear children# manage the house# give no o""ortunity to the adversary to s"ea1 re"roachfully'

For some have already turned aside after Satan'


Now she who is really a widow# and left alone# trusts in (od and continues in su""lications and "rayers night and day'

But she who lives in "leasure is dead while she lives'


0f any believing man or woman has widows# let them relieve them# and do not let the church be burdened# that it may relieve those who are really widows'

And these things command# that they may be blameless'


)et the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor# es"ecially those who labor in the word and doctrine'

But if anyone does not "rovide for his own# and es"ecially for those of his household# he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever'

For the Scri"ture says# :Cou shall not mu..le an o! while it treads out the grain#: and# :The laborer is worthy of his wages':

*o not let a widow under si!ty years old be ta1en into the number# and not


*o not receive an accusation against an elder e!ce"t from two or three witnesses'

Those who are sinning rebu1e in the "resence of all# that the rest also may fear'

0f anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to wholesome words# even the words of our )ord Jesus -hrist# and to the doctrine which accords with godliness#

0 charge you before (od and the )ord Jesus -hrist and the elect angels that you observe these things without "re$udice# doing nothing with "artiality'

he is "roud# 1nowing nothing# but is obsessed with dis"utes and arguments over words# from which come envy# strife# reviling# evil sus"icions#

*o not lay hands on anyone hastily# nor share in other "eo"leDs sins9 1ee" yourself "ure'

useless wranglings of men of corru"t minds and destitute of the truth# who su""ose that godliness is a means of gain' From such withdraw yourself'

No longer drin1 only water# but use a little wine for your stomachDs sa1e and your freGuent infirmities'

Now godliness with contentment is great gain'


Some menDs sins are clearly evident# "receding them to $udgment# but those of some men follow later'

For we brought nothing into this world# and it is certain we can carry nothing out'

And having food and clothing# with these we shall be content'


)i1ewise# the good wor1s of some are clearly evident# and those that are otherwise cannot be hidden'

6)et as many bondservants as are

under the yo1e count their own masters worthy of all honor# so that the name of (od and 2is doctrine may not be blas"hemed'

But those who desire to be rich fall into tem"tation and a snare# and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and "erdition'

For the love of money is a root of all 1inds of evil# for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness# and "ierced themselves through with many sorrows'

And those who have believing masters# let them not des"ise them because they are brethren# but rather serve them because those who are benefited are believers and beloved' Teach and e!hort these things'

But you# 3 man of (od# flee these things and "ursue righteousness# godliness# faith# love# "atience# gentleness'

Fight the good fight of faith# lay hold on eternal life# to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the "resence of many witnesses'


0 urge you in the sight of (od who gives life to all things# and before -hrist Jesus who witnessed the good confession before /ontius /ilate#

trust in uncertain riches but in the living (od# who gives us richly all things to en$oy'

that you 1ee" this commandment without s"ot# blameless until our )ord Jesus -hristDs a""earing#

)et them do good# that they be rich in good wor1s# ready to give# willing to share#

which 2e will manifest in 2is own time# 2e who is the blessed and only /otentate# the King of 1ings and )ord of lords#

storing u" for themselves a good foundation for the time to come# that they may lay hold on eternal life'

who alone has immortality# dwelling in una""roachable light# whom no man has seen or can see# to whom be honor and everlasting "ower' Amen'

3 TimothyH (uard what was committed to your trust# avoiding the "rofane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called 1nowledgeFF

-ommand those who are rich in this "resent age not to be haughty# nor to

by "rofessing it some have strayed concerning the faith' (race be with you' Amen'

#nd Timothy 1/aul# an a"ostle of Jesus -hrist by

the will of (od# according to the "romise of life which is in -hrist Jesus#
, %@

but has now been revealed by the a""earing of our Savior Jesus -hrist# who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gos"el#

To Timothy# a beloved son7 (race# mercy# and "eace from (od the Father and -hrist Jesus our )ord'

to which 0 was a""ointed a "reacher# an a"ostle# and a teacher of the (entiles'


0 than1 (od# whom 0 serve with a "ure conscience# as my forefathers did# as without ceasing 0 remember you in my "rayers night and day#

greatly desiring to see you# being mindful of your tears# that 0 may be filled with $oy#

For this reason 0 also suffer these things9 nevertheless 0 am not ashamed# for 0 1now whom 0 have believed and am "ersuaded that 2e is able to 1ee" what 0 have committed to 2im until that *ay'

when 0 call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you# which dwelt first in your grandmother )ois and your mother unice# and 0 am "ersuaded is in you also'

2old fast the "attern of sound words which you have heard from me# in faith and love which are in -hrist Jesus'

That good thing which was committed to you# 1ee" by the 2oly S"irit who dwells in us'

Therefore 0 remind you to stir u" the gift of (od which is in you through the laying on of my hands'

This you 1now# that all those in Asia have turned away from me# among whom are /hygellus and 2ermogenes'

For (od has not given us a s"irit of fear# but of "ower and of love and of a sound mind'

The )ord grant mercy to the household of 3nesi"horus# for he often refreshed me# and was not ashamed of my chain9

Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our )ord# nor of me 2is "risoner# but share with me in the sufferings for the gos"el according to the "ower of (od#

but when he arrived in +ome# he sought me out very .ealously and found me'

who has saved us and called us with a holy calling# not according to our wor1s# but according to 2is own "ur"ose and grace which was given to us in -hrist Jesus before time began#

The )ord grant to him that he may find mercy from the )ord in that *ayFFand you 1now very well how many ways he ministered to me at "hesus'

2Cou therefore# my son# be strong in

the grace that is in -hrist Jesus'

And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses# commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also'


+emind them of these things# charging them before the )ord not to strive about words to no "rofit# to the ruin of the hearers'

Cou therefore must endure hardshi" as a good soldier of Jesus -hrist'


No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life# that he may "lease him who enlisted him as a soldier'

Be diligent to "resent yourself a""roved to (od# a wor1er who does not need to be ashamed# rightly dividing the word of truth'

But shun "rofane and idle babblings# for they will increase to more ungodliness'

And also if anyone com"etes in athletics# he is not crowned unless he com"etes according to the rules'

And their message will s"read li1e cancer' 2ymenaeus and /hiletus are of this sort#

The hardwor1ing farmer must be first to "arta1e of the cro"s'


-onsider what 0 say# and may the )ord give you understanding in all things'

who have strayed concerning the truth# saying that the resurrection is already "ast9 and they overthrow the faith of some'

+emember that Jesus -hrist# of the seed of *avid# was raised from the dead according to my gos"el#

for which 0 suffer trouble as an evildoer# even to the "oint of chains9 but the word of (od is not chained'

Nevertheless the solid foundation of (od stands# having this seal7 :The )ord 1nows those who are 2is#: and# :)et everyone who names the name of -hrist de"art from iniGuity':

Therefore 0 endure all things for the sa1e of the elect# that they also may obtain the salvation which is in -hrist Jesus with eternal glory'

But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver# but also of wood and clay# some for honor and some for dishonor'

This is a faithful saying7 For if we died with 2im# Be shall also live with 2im'

Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter# he will be a vessel for honor# sanctified and useful for the 4aster# "re"ared for every good wor1'

0f we endure# Be shall also reign with 2im' 0f we deny 2im# 2e also will deny us'

Flee also youthful lusts9 but "ursue righteousness# faith# love# "eace with those who call on the )ord out of a "ure heart'

0f we are faithless# 2e remains faithful9 2e cannot deny 2imself'

But avoid foolish and ignorant dis"utes# 1nowing that they generate strife'


And a servant of the )ord must not Guarrel but be gentle to all# able to teach# "atient#

but they will "rogress no further# for their folly will be manifest to all# as theirs also was'

in humility correcting those who are in o""osition# if (od "erha"s will grant them re"entance# so that they may 1now the truth#

But you have carefully followed my doctrine# manner of life# "ur"ose# faith# longsuffering# love# "erseverance#

and that they may come to their senses and esca"e the snare of the devil# having been ta1en ca"tive by him to do his will'

"ersecutions# afflictions# which ha""ened to me at Antioch# at 0conium# at )ystraFFwhat "ersecutions 0 endured' And out of them all the )ord delivered me'

3But 1now this# that in the last days

"erilous times will come7

Ces# and all who desire to live godly in -hrist Jesus will suffer "ersecution'

For men will be lovers of themselves# lovers of money# boasters# "roud# blas"hemers# disobedient to "arents# unthan1ful# unholy#

But evil men and im"ostors will grow worse and worse# deceiving and being deceived'

unloving# unforgiving# slanderers# without selfFcontrol# brutal# des"isers of good#


But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of# 1nowing from whom you have learned them#

traitors# headstrong# haughty# lovers of "leasure rather than lovers of (od#


and that from childhood you have 1nown the 2oly Scri"tures# which are able to ma1e you wise for salvation through faith which is in -hrist Jesus'

having a form of godliness but denying its "ower' And from such "eo"le turn awayH

For of this sort are those who cree" into households and ma1e ca"tives of gullible women loaded down with sins# led away by various lusts#

All Scri"ture is given by ins"iration of (od# and is "rofitable for doctrine# for re"roof# for correction# for instruction in righteousness#

that the man of (od may be com"lete# thoroughly eGui""ed for every good wor1'

always learning and never able to come to the 1nowledge of the truth'

40 charge you therefore before (od

and the )ord Jesus -hrist# who will $udge the living and the dead at 2is a""earing and 2is 1ingdom7

Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted 4oses# so do these also resist the truth7 men of corru"t minds# disa""roved concerning the faith9

/reach the wordH Be ready in season and out of season' -onvince# rebu1e# e!hort# with all longsuffering and teaching'


And Tychicus 0 have sent to "hesus'


Bring the cloa1 that 0 left with -ar"us at Troas when you comeFFand the boo1s# es"ecially the "archments'

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine# but according to their own desires# because they have itching ears# they will hea" u" for themselves teachers9

Ale!ander the co""ersmith did me much harm' 4ay the )ord re"ay him according to his wor1s'

and they will turn their ears away from the truth# and be turned aside to fables'

Cou also must beware of him# for he has greatly resisted our words'

But you be watchful in all things# endure afflictions# do the wor1 of an evangelist# fulfill your ministry'

At my first defense no one stood with me# but all forsoo1 me' 4ay it not be charged against them'

For 0 am already being "oured out as a drin1 offering# and the time of my de"arture is at hand'

0 have fought the good fight# 0 have finished the race# 0 have 1e"t the faith'

But the )ord stood with me and strengthened me# so that the message might be "reached fully through me# and that all the (entiles might hear' Also 0 was delivered out of the mouth of the lion'

Finally# there is laid u" for me the crown of righteousness# which the )ord# the righteous Judge# will give to me on that *ay# and not to me only but also to all who have loved 2is a""earing'

And the )ord will deliver me from every evil wor1 and "reserve me for 2is heavenly 1ingdom' To 2im be glory forever and ever' AmenH

(reet /risca and AGuila# and the household of 3nesi"horus'


Be diligent to come to me Guic1ly9 rastus stayed in -orinth# but Tro"himus 0 have left in 4iletus sic1'


for *emas has forsa1en me# having loved this "resent world# and has de"arted for ThessalonicaFF-rescens for (alatia# Titus for *almatia'

*o your utmost to come before winter' ubulus greets you# as well as /udens# )inus# -laudia# and all the brethren'

3nly )u1e is with me' (et 4ar1 and bring him with you# for he is useful to me for ministry'

The )ord Jesus -hrist be with your s"irit' (race be with you' Amen'

Titus 1/aul# a bondservant of (od and an

a"ostle of Jesus -hrist# according to the faith of (odDs elect and the ac1nowledgment of the truth which accords with godliness#
, %@

For there are many insubordinate# both idle tal1ers and deceivers# es"ecially those of the circumcision#

in ho"e of eternal life which (od# who cannot lie# "romised before time began#

whose mouths must be sto""ed# who subvert whole households# teaching things which they ought not# for the sa1e of dishonest gain'

but has in due time manifested 2is word through "reaching# which was committed to me according to the commandment of (od our Savior9

3ne of them# a "ro"het of their own# said# :-retans are always liars# evil beasts# la.y gluttons':

To Titus# a true son in our common faith7 (race# mercy# and "eace from (od the Father and the )ord Jesus -hrist our Savior'

This testimony is true' Therefore rebu1e them shar"ly# that they may be sound in the faith#

not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men who turn from the truth'

For this reason 0 left you in -rete# that you should set in order the things that are lac1ing# and a""oint elders in every city as 0 commanded youFF

To the "ure all things are "ure# but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is "ure9 but even their mind and conscience are defiled'

if a man is blameless# the husband of one wife# having faithful children not accused of dissi"ation or insubordination'

They "rofess to 1now (od# but in wor1s they deny 2im# being abominable# disobedient# and disGualified for every good wor1'

For a bisho" must be blameless# as a steward of (od# not selfFwilled# not Guic1Ftem"ered# not given to wine# not violent# not greedy for money#


as for you# s"ea1 the things which are "ro"er for sound doctrine7 that the older men be sober# reverent# tem"erate# sound in faith# in love# in "atience9

but hos"itable# a lover of what is good# soberFminded# $ust# holy# selfFcontrolled#


holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught# that he may be able# by sound doctrine# both to e!hort and convict those who contradict'

the older women li1ewise# that they be reverent in behavior# not slanderers# not given to much wine# teachers of good thingsFF

that they admonish the young women to love their husbands# to love their children#


S"ea1 these things# e!hort# and rebu1e with all authority' )et no one des"ise you'

to be discreet# chaste# homema1ers# good# obedient to their own husbands# that the word of (od may not be blas"hemed'

3+emind them to be sub$ect to rulers

and authorities# to obey# to be ready for every good wor1#

)i1ewise# e!hort the young men to be soberFminded#


in all things showing yourself to be a "attern of good wor1s9 in doctrine showing integrity# reverence# incorru"tibility#

to s"ea1 evil of no one# to be "eaceable# gentle# showing all humility to all men'

sound s"eech that cannot be condemned# that one who is an o""onent may be ashamed# having nothing evil to say of you'

For we ourselves were also once foolish# disobedient# deceived# serving various lusts and "leasures# living in malice and envy# hateful and hating one another'

But when the 1indness and the love of (od our Savior toward man a""eared#

!hort bondservants to be obedient to their own masters# to be well "leasing in all things# not answering bac1#

not "ilfering# but showing all good fidelity# that they may adorn the doctrine of (od our Savior in all things'

not by wor1s of righteousness which we have done# but according to 2is mercy 2e saved us# through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the 2oly S"irit#

For the grace of (od that brings salvation has a""eared to all men#

whom 2e "oured out on us abundantly through Jesus -hrist our Savior#


teaching us that# denying ungodliness and worldly lusts# we should live soberly# righteously# and godly in the "resent age#

that having been $ustified by 2is grace we should become heirs according to the ho"e of eternal life'

loo1ing for the blessed ho"e and glorious a""earing of our great (od and Savior Jesus -hrist#

This is a faithful saying# and these things 0 want you to affirm constantly# that those who have believed in (od should be careful to maintain good wor1s' These things are good and "rofitable to men'

who gave 2imself for us# that 2e might redeem us from every lawless deed and "urify for 2imself 2is own s"ecial "eo"le# .ealous for good wor1s'

But avoid foolish dis"utes# genealogies# contentions# and strivings about the law9 for they are un"rofitable and useless'


+e$ect a divisive man after the first and second admonition#



Send 5enas the lawyer and A"ollos on their $ourney with haste# that they may lac1 nothing'

1nowing that such a "erson is war"ed and sinning# being selfFcondemned'


Bhen 0 send Artemas to you# or Tychicus# be diligent to come to me at Nico"olis# for 0 have decided to s"end the winter there'

And let our "eo"le also learn to maintain good wor1s# to meet urgent needs# that they may not be unfruitful'

All who are with me greet you' (reet those who love us in the faith' (race be with you all' Amen'

'hilemon 1/aul# a "risoner of -hrist Jesus# and

Timothy our brother# To /hilemon our beloved friend and fellow laborer#
, %,

0 am sending him bac1' Cou therefore receive him# that is# my own heart#

to the beloved A""hia# Archi""us our fellow soldier# and to the church in your house7

whom 0 wished to 1ee" with me# that on your behalf he might minister to me in my chains for the gos"el'

(race to you and "eace from (od our Father and the )ord Jesus -hrist'

But without your consent 0 wanted to do nothing# that your good deed might not be by com"ulsion# as it were# but voluntary'

0 than1 my (od# ma1ing mention of you always in my "rayers#


For "erha"s he de"arted for a while for this "ur"ose# that you might receive him forever#

hearing of your love and faith which you have toward the )ord Jesus and toward all the saints#

that the sharing of your faith may become effective by the ac1nowledgment of every good thing which is in you in -hrist Jesus'

no longer as a slave but more than a slaveFFa beloved brother# es"ecially to me but how much more to you# both in the flesh and in the )ord'

0f then you count me as a "artner# receive him as you would me'


For we have great $oy and consolation in your love# because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed by you# brother'

But if he has wronged you or owes anything# "ut that on my account'


Therefore# though 0 might be very bold in -hrist to command you what is fitting#

0# /aul# am writing with my own hand' 0 will re"ayFFnot to mention to you that you owe me even your own self besides'

yet for loveDs sa1e 0 rather a""eal to youFFbeing such a one as /aul# the aged# and now also a "risoner of Jesus -hristFF

Ces# brother# let me have $oy from you in the )ord9 refresh my heart in the )ord'

0 a""eal to you for my son 3nesimus# whom 0 have begotten while in my chains#

2aving confidence in your obedience# 0 write to you# 1nowing that you will do even more than 0 say'

who once was un"rofitable to you# but now is "rofitable to you and to me'

But# meanwhile# also "re"are a guest room for me# for 0 trust that through your "rayers 0 shall be granted to you'


"a"hras# my fellow "risoner in -hrist Jesus# greets you#



The grace of our )ord Jesus -hrist be with your s"irit' Amen'

as do 4ar1# Aristarchus# *emas# )u1e# my fellow laborers'

Hebrews 1(od# who at various times and in

various ways s"o1e in time "ast to the fathers by the "ro"hets#

(od# has anointed Cou Bith the oil of gladness more than Cour com"anions':

has in these last days s"o1en to us by 2is Son# whom 2e has a""ointed heir of all things# through whom also 2e made the worlds9

And7 :Cou# )3+*# in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth# And the heavens are the wor1 of Cour hands'

They will "erish# but Cou remain9 And they will all grow old li1e a garment9

who being the brightness of 2is glory and the e!"ress image of 2is "erson# and u"holding all things by the word of 2is "ower# when 2e had by 2imself "urged our sins# sat down at the right hand of the 4a$esty on high#

)i1e a cloa1 Cou will fold them u"# And they will be changed' But Cou are the same# And Cour years will not fail':

But to which of the angels has 2e ever said7 :Sit at 4y right hand# Till 0 ma1e Cour enemies Cour footstool:E

having become so much better than the angels# as 2e has by inheritance obtained a more e!cellent name than they'

Are they not all ministering s"irits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvationE

For to which of the angels did 2e ever say7 :Cou are 4y Son# Today 0 have begotten Cou:E And again7 :0 will be to 2im a Father# And 2e shall be to 4e a Son:E

2Therefore we must give the more

earnest heed to the things we have heard# lest we drift away'

But when 2e again brings the firstborn into the world# 2e says7 :)et all the angels of (od worshi" 2im':

For if the word s"o1en through angels "roved steadfast# and every transgression and disobedience received a $ust reward#

And of the angels 2e says7 :Bho ma1es 2is angels s"irits And 2is ministers a flame of fire':

But to the Son 2e says7 :Cour throne# 3 (od# is forever and ever9 A sce"ter of righteousness is the sce"ter of Cour 1ingdom'

how shall we esca"e if we neglect so great a salvation# which at the first began to be s"o1en by the )ord# and was confirmed to us by those who heard 2im#

Cou have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness9 Therefore (od# Cour

(od also bearing witness both with signs and wonders# with various miracles# and gifts of the 2oly S"irit# according to 2is own willE


For 2e has not "ut the world to come# of which we s"ea1# in sub$ection to angels'

through death 2e might destroy him who had the "ower of death# that is# the devil#

But one testified in a certain "lace# saying7 :Bhat is man that Cou are mindful of him# 3r the son of man that Cou ta1e care of himE

and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime sub$ect to bondage'

Cou have made him a little lower than the angels9 Cou have crowned him with glory and honor# And set him over the wor1s of Cour hands'

For indeed 2e does not give aid to angels# but 2e does give aid to the seed of Abraham'

Cou have "ut all things in sub$ection under his feet': For in that 2e "ut all in sub$ection under him# 2e left nothing that is not "ut under him' But now we do not yet see all things "ut under him'

Therefore# in all things 2e had to be made li1e 2is brethren# that 2e might be a merciful and faithful 2igh /riest in things "ertaining to (od# to ma1e "ro"itiation for the sins of the "eo"le'

But we see Jesus# who was made a little lower than the angels# for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor# that 2e# by the grace of (od# might taste death for everyone'

For in that 2e 2imself has suffered# being tem"ted# 2e is able to aid those who are tem"ted'

3Therefore# holy brethren# "arta1ers of

the heavenly calling# consider A"ostle and 2igh /riest of confession# -hrist Jesus#

For it was fitting for 2im# for whom are all things and by whom are all things# in bringing many sons to glory# to ma1e the ca"tain of their salvation "erfect through sufferings'

the our

who was faithful to 2im who a""ointed 2im# as 4oses also was faithful in all 2is house'

For both 2e who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one# for which reason 2e is not ashamed to call them brethren#

For this 3ne has been counted worthy of more glory than 4oses# inasmuch as 2e who built the house has more honor than the house'

saying7 :0 will declare Cour name to 4y brethren9 0n the midst of the assembly 0 will sing "raise to Cou':

For every house is built by someone# but 2e who built all things is (od'

And again7 :0 will "ut 4y trust in 2im': And again7 :2ere am 0 and the children whom (od has given 4e':

And 4oses indeed was faithful in all 2is house as a servant# for a testimony of those things which would be s"o1en afterward#

0nasmuch then as the children have "arta1en of flesh and blood# 2e 2imself li1ewise shared in the same# that

but -hrist as a Son over 2is own house# whose house we are if we hold

fast the confidence and the re$oicing of the ho"e firm to the end'


And to whom did 2e swear that they would not enter 2is rest# but to those who did not obeyE

Therefore# as the 2oly S"irit says7 :Today# if you will hear 2is voice#

So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief'

*o not harden your hearts as in the rebellion# 0n the day of trial in the wilderness#

4Therefore# since a "romise remains

of entering 2is rest# let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it'

Bhere your fathers tested 4e# tried 4e# And saw 4y wor1s forty years'

Therefore 0 was angry with that generation# And said# :They always go astray in their heart# And they have not 1nown 4y ways'D

For indeed the gos"el was "reached to us as well as to them9 but the word which they heard did not "rofit them# not being mi!ed with faith in those who heard it'

So 0 swore in 4y wrath# :They shall not enter 4y rest':D


Beware# brethren# lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in de"arting from the living (od9

For we who have believed do enter that rest# as 2e has said7 :So 0 swore in 4y wrath# :They shall not enter 4y rest#:D although the wor1s were finished from the foundation of the world'

but e!hort one another daily# while it is called :Today#: lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin'

For 2e has s"o1en in a certain "lace of the seventh day in this way7 :And (od rested on the seventh day from all 2is wor1s:9

For we have become "arta1ers of -hrist if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end#

and again in this "lace7 :They shall not enter 4y rest':


while it is said7 :Today# if you will hear 2is voice# *o not harden your hearts as in the rebellion':

Since therefore it remains that some must enter it# and those to whom it was first "reached did not enter because of disobedience#

For who# having heard# rebelledE 0ndeed# was it not all who came out of gy"t# led by 4osesE

again 2e designates a certain day# saying in *avid# :Today#: after such a long time# as it has been said7 :Today# if you will hear 2is voice# *o not harden your hearts':

Now with whom was 2e angry forty yearsE Bas it not with those who sinned# whose cor"ses fell in the wildernessE

For if Joshua had given them rest# then 2e would not afterward have s"o1en of another day'

There remains therefore a rest for the "eo"le of (od'


Because of this he is reGuired as for the "eo"le# so also for himself# to offer sacrifices for sins'

For he who has entered 2is rest has himself also ceased from his wor1s as (od did from 2is'

And no man ta1es this honor to himself# but he who is called by (od# $ust as Aaron was'

)et us therefore be diligent to enter that rest# lest anyone fall according to the same e!am"le of disobedience'

For the word of (od is living and "owerful# and shar"er than any twoF edged sword# "iercing even to the division of soul and s"irit# and of $oints and marrow# and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart'

So also -hrist did not glorify 2imself to become 2igh /riest# but it was 2e who said to 2im7 :Cou are 4y Son# Today 0 have begotten Cou':

As 2e also says in another "lace7 :Cou are a "riest forever According to the order of 4elchi.ede1:9

And there is no creature hidden from 2is sight# but all things are na1ed and o"en to the eyes of 2im to whom we must give account'

who# in the days of 2is flesh# when 2e had offered u" "rayers and su""lications# with vehement cries and tears to 2im who was able to save 2im from death# and was heard because of 2is godly fear#

Seeing then that we have a great 2igh /riest who has "assed through the heavens# Jesus the Son of (od# let us hold fast our confession'

though 2e was a Son# yet 2e learned obedience by the things which 2e suffered'

For we do not have a 2igh /riest who cannot sym"athi.e with our wea1nesses# but was in all "oints tem"ted as we are# yet without sin'

And having been "erfected# 2e became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey 2im#

)et us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace# that we may obtain mercy and find grace to hel" in time of need'

called by (od as 2igh /riest :according to the order of 4elchi.ede1#:


of whom we have much to say# and hard to e!"lain# since you have become dull of hearing'


every high "riest ta1en from among men is a""ointed for men in things "ertaining to (od# that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins' 2e can have com"assion on those who are ignorant and going astray# since he himself is also sub$ect to wea1ness'

For though by this time you ought to be teachers# you need someone to teach you again the first "rinci"les of the oracles of (od9 and you have come to need mil1 and not solid food'


For everyone who "arta1es only of mil1 is uns1illed in the word of righteousness# for he is a babe'

But# beloved# we are confident of better things concerning you# yes# things that accom"any salvation# though we s"ea1 in this manner'

But solid food belongs to those who are of full age# that is# those who by reason of use have their senses e!ercised to discern both good and evil'

6Therefore# leaving the discussion of

the elementary "rinci"les of -hrist# let us go on to "erfection# not laying again the foundation of re"entance from dead wor1s and of faith toward (od#

For (od is not un$ust to forget your wor1 and labor of love which you have shown toward 2is name# in that you have ministered to the saints# and do minister'

And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of ho"e until the end#

of the doctrine of ba"tisms# of laying on of hands# of resurrection of the dead# and of eternal $udgment'

that you do not become sluggish# but imitate those who through faith and "atience inherit the "romises'

And this we will do if (od "ermits'

For when (od made a "romise to Abraham# because 2e could swear by no one greater# 2e swore by 2imself#

For it is im"ossible for those who were once enlightened# and have tasted the heavenly gift# and have become "arta1ers of the 2oly S"irit#

saying# :Surely blessing 0 will bless you# and multi"lying 0 will multi"ly you':

and have tasted the good word of (od and the "owers of the age to come#

And so# after he had "atiently endured# he obtained the "romise'


if they fall away# to renew them again to re"entance# since they crucify again for themselves the Son of (od# and "ut 2im to an o"en shame'

For men indeed swear by the greater# and an oath for confirmation is for them an end of all dis"ute'

For the earth which drin1s in the rain that often comes u"on it# and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated# receives blessing from (od9

Thus (od# determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of "romise the immutability of 2is counsel# confirmed it by an oath#

but if it bears thorns and briers# it is re$ected and near to being cursed# whose end is to be burned'

that by two immutable things# in which it is im"ossible for (od to lie# we might have strong consolation# who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the ho"e set before us'

This ho"e we have as an anchor of the soul# both sure and steadfast# and which enters the /resence behind the veil#


where the forerunner has entered for us# even Jesus# having become 2igh /riest forever according to the order of 4elchi.ede1'


for he was still in the loins of his father when 4elchi.ede1 met him'

7For this 4elchi.ede1# 1ing of Salem#

"riest of the 4ost 2igh (od# who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the 1ings and blessed him#

Therefore# if "erfection were through the )evitical "riesthood Ifor under it the "eo"le received the lawJ# what further need was there that another "riest should rise according to the order of 4elchi.ede1# and not be called according to the order of AaronE

to whom also Abraham gave a tenth "art of all# first being translated :1ing of righteousness#: and then also 1ing of Salem# meaning :1ing of "eace#:

For the "riesthood being changed# of necessity there is also a change of the law'

without father# without mother# without genealogy# having neither beginning of days nor end of life# but made li1e the Son of (od# remains a "riest continually'

For 2e of whom these things are s"o1en belongs to another tribe# from which no man has officiated at the altar'

For it is evident that our )ord arose from Judah# of which tribe 4oses s"o1e nothing concerning "riesthood'

Now consider how great this man was# to whom even the "atriarch Abraham gave a tenth of the s"oils'

And it is yet far more evident if# in the li1eness of 4elchi.ede1# there arises another "riest

And indeed those who are of the sons of )evi# who receive the "riesthood# have a commandment to receive tithes from the "eo"le according to the law# that is# from their brethren# though they have come from the loins of Abraham9

who has come# not according to the law of a fleshly commandment# but according to the "ower of an endless life'

but he whose genealogy is not derived from them received tithes from Abraham and blessed him who had the "romises'

For 2e testifies7 :Cou are a "riest forever According to the order of 4elchi.ede1':

Now beyond all contradiction the lesser is blessed by the better'


For on the one hand there is an annulling of the former commandment because of its wea1ness and un"rofitableness#

2ere mortal men receive tithes# but there he receives them# of whom it is witnessed that he lives'

ven )evi# who receives tithes# "aid tithes through Abraham# so to s"ea1#

for the law made nothing "erfect9 on the other hand# there is the bringing in of a better ho"e# through which we draw near to (od'


And inasmuch as 2e was not made "riest without an oath


8Now this is the main "oint of the

things we are saying7 Be have such a 2igh /riest# who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the 4a$esty in the heavens#

Ifor they have become "riests without an oath# but 2e with an oath by 2im who said to 2im7 :The )3+* has sworn And will not relent# :Cou are a "riest forever According to the order of 4elchi.ede1:DJ#

by so much more Jesus has become a surety of a better covenant'


a 4inister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the )ord erected# and not man'

Also there were many "riests# because they were "revented by death from continuing'

For every high "riest is a""ointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices' Therefore it is necessary that this 3ne also have something to offer'

But 2e# because 2e continues forever# has an unchangeable "riesthood'


For if 2e were on earth# 2e would not be a "riest# since there are "riests who offer the gifts according to the law9

Therefore 2e is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to (od through 2im# since 2e always lives to ma1e intercession for them'

For such a 2igh /riest was fitting for us# who is holy# harmless# undefiled# se"arate from sinners# and has become higher than the heavens9

who serve the co"y and shadow of the heavenly things# as 4oses was divinely instructed when he was about to ma1e the tabernacle' For 2e said# :See that you ma1e all things according to the "attern shown you on the mountain':

who does not need daily# as those high "riests# to offer u" sacrifices# first for 2is own sins and then for the "eo"leDs# for this 2e did once for all when 2e offered u" 2imself'

But now 2e has obtained a more e!cellent ministry# inasmuch as 2e is also 4ediator of a better covenant# which was established on better "romises'

For if that first covenant had been faultless# then no "lace would have been sought for a second'

For the law a""oints as high "riests men who have wea1ness# but the word of the oath# which came after the law# a""oints the Son who has been "erfected forever'

Because finding fault with them# 2e says7 :Behold# the days are coming# says the )3+*# when 0 will ma1e a new covenant with the house of 0srael and with the house of JudahFF

not according to the covenant that 0 made with their fathers in the day when 0 too1 them by the hand to lead them out of the land of gy"t9 because they did

not continue in 4y covenant# and 0 disregarded them# says the )3+*'



and above it were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat' 3f these things we cannot now s"ea1 in detail'

For this is the covenant that 0 will ma1e with the house of 0srael after those days# says the )3+*7 0 will "ut 4y laws in their mind and write them on their hearts9 and 0 will be their (od# and they shall be 4y "eo"le'

Now when these things had been thus "re"ared# the "riests always went into the first "art of the tabernacle# "erforming the services'

None of them shall teach his neighbor# and none his brother# saying# :Know the )3+*#D for all shall 1now 4e# from the least of them to the greatest of them'

But into the second "art the high "riest went alone once a year# not without blood# which he offered for himself and for the "eo"leDs sins committed in ignorance9

For 0 will be merciful to their unrighteousness# and their sins and their lawless deeds 0 will remember no more':

the 2oly S"irit indicating this# that the way into the 2oliest of All was not yet made manifest while the first tabernacle was still standing'

0n that 2e says# :A new covenant#: 2e has made the first obsolete' Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away'

0t was symbolic for the "resent time in which both gifts and sacrifices are offered which cannot ma1e him who "erformed the service "erfect in regard to the conscienceFF

9Then indeed# even the first covenant

had ordinances of divine service and the earthly sanctuary'

concerned only with foods and drin1s# various washings# and fleshly ordinances im"osed until the time of reformation'

For a tabernacle was "re"ared7 the first "art# in which was the lam"stand# the table# and the showbread# which is called the sanctuary9

But -hrist came as 2igh /riest of the good things to come# with the greater and more "erfect tabernacle not made with hands# that is# not of this creation'

and behind the second veil# the "art of the tabernacle which is called the 2oliest of All#

which had the golden censer and the ar1 of the covenant overlaid on all sides with gold# in which were the golden "ot that had the manna# AaronDs rod that budded# and the tablets of the covenant9

Not with the blood of goats and calves# but with 2is own blood 2e entered the 4ost 2oly /lace once for all# having obtained eternal redem"tion'

For if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer# s"rin1ling the unclean# sanctifies for the "urifying of the flesh#

how much more shall the blood of -hrist# who through the eternal S"irit

offered 2imself without s"ot to (od# cleanse your conscience from dead wor1s to serve the living (odE


And for this reason 2e is the 4ediator of the new covenant# by means of death# for the redem"tion of the transgressions under the first covenant# that those who are called may receive the "romise of the eternal inheritance'

For -hrist has not entered the holy "laces made with hands# which are co"ies of the true# but into heaven itself# now to a""ear in the "resence of (od for us9

not that 2e should offer 2imself often# as the high "riest enters the 4ost 2oly /lace every year with blood of anotherFF

For where there is a testament# there must also of necessity be the death of the testator'

2e then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world9 but now# once at the end of the ages# 2e has a""eared to "ut away sin by the sacrifice of 2imself'

For a testament is in force after men are dead# since it has no "ower at all while the testator lives'

And as it is a""ointed for men to die once# but after this the $udgment#

Therefore not even the first covenant was dedicated without blood'

For when 4oses had s"o1en every "rece"t to all the "eo"le according to the law# he too1 the blood of calves and goats# with water# scarlet wool# and hysso"# and s"rin1led both the boo1 itself and all the "eo"le#

so -hrist was offered once to bear the sins of many' To those who eagerly wait for 2im 2e will a""ear a second time# a"art from sin# for salvation'

10For the law# having a shadow of

the good things to come# and not the very image of the things# can never with these same sacrifices# which they offer continually year by year# ma1e those who a""roach "erfect'

saying# :This is the blood of the covenant which (od has commanded you':

Then li1ewise he s"rin1led with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry'

For then would they not have ceased to be offeredE For the worshi"ers# once "urified# would have had no more consciousness of sins'

And according to the law almost all things are "urified with blood# and without shedding of blood there is no remission'

But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year'


Therefore it was necessary that the co"ies of the things in the heavens should be "urified with these# but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these'

For it is not "ossible that the blood of bulls and goats could ta1e away sins'

Therefore# when 2e came into the world# 2e said7 :Sacrifice and offering Cou did not desire# But a body Cou have "re"ared for 4e'


0n burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin Cou had no "leasure'



Now where there is remission of these# there is no longer an offering for sin'

Then 0 said# :Behold# 0 have comeFF 0n the volume of the boo1 it is written of 4eFF To do Cour will# 3 (od':D

Therefore# brethren# having boldness to enter the 2oliest by the blood of Jesus#

/reviously saying# :Sacrifice and offering# burnt offerings# and offerings for sin Cou did not desire# nor had "leasure in them: Iwhich are offered according to the lawJ#

by a new and living way which 2e consecrated for us# through the veil# that is# 2is flesh#

and having a 2igh /riest over the house of (od#


then 2e said# :Behold# 0 have come to do Cour will# 3 (od': 2e ta1es away the first that 2e may establish the second'

By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus -hrist once for all'

let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith# having our hearts s"rin1led from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with "ure water'

And every "riest stands ministering daily and offering re"eatedly the same sacrifices# which can never ta1e away sins'

)et us hold fast the confession of our ho"e without wavering# for 2e who "romised is faithful'

And let us consider one another in order to stir u" love and good wor1s#

But this 4an# after 2e had offered one sacrifice for sins forever# sat down at the right hand of (od#

from that time waiting till 2is enemies are made 2is footstool'

not forsa1ing the assembling of ourselves together# as is the manner of some# but e!horting one another# and so much the more as you see the *ay a""roaching'

For by one offering 2e has "erfected forever those who are being sanctified'

For if we sin willfully after we have received the 1nowledge of the truth# there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins#

But the 2oly S"irit also witnesses to us9 for after 2e had said before#

:This is the covenant that 0 with them after those days# )3+*7 0 will "ut 4y laws hearts# and in their minds 0 them#:

will ma1e says the into their will write

but a certain fearful e!"ectation of $udgment# and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries'

Anyone who has re$ected 4osesD law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses'

then 2e adds# :Their sins and their lawless deeds 0 will remember no more':

3f how much worse "unishment# do you su""ose# will he be thought worthy

who has tram"led the Son of (od underfoot# counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing# and insulted the S"irit of graceE


faith is the substance of things ho"ed for# the evidence of things not seen' For by it the elders obtained a good testimony'

For we 1now 2im who said# :Vengeance is 4ine# 0 will re"ay#: says the )ord' And again# :The )3+* will $udge 2is "eo"le':

0t is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living (od'


By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of (od# so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible'

But recall the former days in which# after you were illuminated# you endured a great struggle with sufferings7

"artly while you were made a s"ectacle both by re"roaches and tribulations# and "artly while you became com"anions of those who were so treated9

By faith Abel offered to (od a more e!cellent sacrifice than -ain# through which he obtained witness that he was righteous# (od testifying of his gifts9 and through it he being dead still s"ea1s'

for you had com"assion on me in my chains# and $oyfully acce"ted the "lundering of your goods# 1nowing that you have a better and an enduring "ossession for yourselves in heaven'

By faith noch was ta1en away so that he did not see death# :and was not found# because (od had ta1en him:9 for before he was ta1en he had this testimony# that he "leased (od'

Therefore do not cast away your confidence# which has great reward'

But without faith it is im"ossible to "lease 2im# for he who comes to (od must believe that 2e is# and that 2e is a rewarder of those who diligently see1 2im'

For you have need of endurance# so that after you have done the will of (od# you may receive the "romise7

:For yet a little while# And 2e who is coming will come and will not tarry'

By faith Noah# being divinely warned of things not yet seen# moved with godly fear# "re"ared an ar1 for the saving of his household# by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith'

Now the $ust shall live by faith9 But if anyone draws bac1# 4y soul has no "leasure in him':

By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the "lace which he would receive as an inheritance' And he went out# not 1nowing where he was going'

But we are not of those who draw bac1 to "erdition# but of those who believe to the saving of the soul'

By faith he dwelt in the land of "romise as in a foreign country# dwelling in tents

with 0saac and Jacob# the heirs with him of the same "romise9


for he waited for the city which has foundations# whose builder and ma1er is (od'

concluding that (od was able to raise him u"# even from the dead# from which he also received him in a figurative sense'

By faith 0saac blessed Jacob and sau concerning things to come'


By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed# and she bore a child when she was "ast the age# because she $udged 2im faithful who had "romised'

By faith Jacob# when he was dying# blessed each of the sons of Jose"h# and worshi"ed# leaning on the to" of his staff'

Therefore from one man# and him as good as dead# were born as many as the stars of the s1y in multitudeFF innumerable as the sand which is by the seashore'

By faith Jose"h# when he was dying# made mention of the de"arture of the children of 0srael# and gave instructions concerning his bones'

These all died in faith# not having received the "romises# but having seen them afar off were assured of them# embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and "ilgrims on the earth'

By faith 4oses# when he was born# was hidden three months by his "arents# because they saw he was a beautiful child9 and they were not afraid of the 1ingDs command'

For those who say such things declare "lainly that they see1 a homeland'

By faith 4oses# when he became of age# refused to be called the son of /haraohDs daughter#

And truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out# they would have had o""ortunity to return'

choosing rather to suffer affliction with the "eo"le of (od than to en$oy the "assing "leasures of sin#

But now they desire a better# that is# a heavenly country' Therefore (od is not ashamed to be called their (od# for 2e has "re"ared a city for them'

esteeming the re"roach of -hrist greater riches than the treasures in gy"t9 for he loo1ed to the reward'

By faith he forsoo1 gy"t# not fearing the wrath of the 1ing9 for he endured as seeing 2im who is invisible'

By faith Abraham# when he was tested# offered u" 0saac# and he who had received the "romises offered u" his only begotten son#

By faith he 1e"t the /assover and the s"rin1ling of blood# lest he who destroyed the firstborn should touch them'

of whom it was said# :0n 0saac your seed shall be called#:

By faith they "assed through the +ed Sea as by dry land# whereas the

gy"tians# attem"ting to do so# were drowned'



And all these# having obtained a good testimony through faith# did not receive the "romise#

By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they were encircled for seven days'

By faith the harlot +ahab did not "erish with those who did not believe# when she had received the s"ies with "eace'

(od having "rovided something better for us# that they should not be made "erfect a"art from us'

And what more shall 0 sayE For the time would fail me to tell of (ideon and Bara1 and Samson and Je"hthah# also of *avid and Samuel and the "ro"hets7

12Therefore we also# since we are

surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses# let us lay aside every weight# and the sin which so easily ensnares us# and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us#

who through faith subdued 1ingdoms# wor1ed righteousness# obtained "romises# sto""ed the mouths of lions#

Guenched the violence of fire# esca"ed the edge of the sword# out of wea1ness were made strong# became valiant in battle# turned to flight the armies of the aliens'

loo1ing unto Jesus# the author and finisher of our faith# who for the $oy that was set before 2im endured the cross# des"ising the shame# and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of (od'

Bomen received their dead raised to life again' 3thers were tortured# not acce"ting deliverance# that they might obtain a better resurrection'

For consider 2im who endured such hostility from sinners against 2imself# lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls'

Cou have not yet resisted to bloodshed# striving against sin'


Still others had trial of moc1ings and scourgings# yes# and of chains and im"risonment'

They were stoned# they were sawn in two# were tem"ted# were slain with the sword' They wandered about in shee"s1ins and goats1ins# being destitute# afflicted# tormentedFF

And you have forgotten the e!hortation which s"ea1s to you as to sons7 :4y son# do not des"ise the chastening of the )3+*# Nor be discouraged when you are rebu1ed by 2im9

For whom the )3+* loves 2e chastens# And scourges every son whom 2e receives':

of whom the world was not worthy' They wandered in deserts and mountains# in dens and caves of the earth'

0f you endure chastening# (od deals with you as with sons9 for what son is there whom a father does not chastenE

But if you are without chastening# of which all have become "arta1ers# then you are illegitimate and not sons'

Furthermore# we have had human fathers who corrected us# and we "aid them res"ect' Shall we not much more readily be in sub$ection to the Father of s"irits and liveE


and the sound of a trum"et and the voice of words# so that those who heard it begged that the word should not be s"o1en to them anymore'

For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them# but 2e for our "rofit# that we may be "arta1ers of 2is holiness'

IFor they could not endure what was commanded7 :And if so much as a beast touches the mountain# it shall be stoned or shot with an arrow':

Now no chastening seems to be $oyful for the "resent# but "ainful9 nevertheless# afterward it yields the "eaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it'

And so terrifying was the sight that 4oses said# :0 am e!ceedingly afraid and trembling': J

Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down# and the feeble 1nees#

But you have come to 4ount 5ion and to the city of the living (od# the heavenly Jerusalem# to an innumerable com"any of angels#

and ma1e straight "aths for your feet# so that what is lame may not be dislocated# but rather be healed'

to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven# to (od the Judge of all# to the s"irits of $ust men made "erfect#

/ursue "eace with all "eo"le# and holiness# without which no one will see the )ord7

to Jesus the 4ediator of the new covenant# and to the blood of s"rin1ling that s"ea1s better things than that of Abel'

loo1ing carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of (od9 lest any root of bitterness s"ringing u" cause trouble# and by this many become defiled9

lest there be any fornicator or "rofane "erson li1e sau# who for one morsel of food sold his birthright'

See that you do not refuse 2im who s"ea1s' For if they did not esca"e who refused 2im who s"o1e on earth# much more shall we not esca"e if we turn away from 2im who s"ea1s from heaven#

For you 1now that afterward# when he wanted to inherit the blessing# he was re$ected# for he found no "lace for re"entance# though he sought it diligently with tears'

whose voice then shoo1 the earth9 but now 2e has "romised# saying# :Cet once more 0 sha1e not only the earth# but also heaven':

For you have not come to the mountain that may be touched and that burned with fire# and to blac1ness and dar1ness and tem"est#

Now this# :Cet once more#: indicates the removal of those things that are being sha1en# as of things that are made# that the things which cannot be sha1en may remain'


Therefore# since we are receiving a 1ingdom which cannot be sha1en# let us have grace# by which we may serve (od acce"tably with reverence and godly fear'


Be have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle have no right to eat'

For our (od is a consuming fire'

For the bodies of those animals# whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high "riest for sin# are burned outside the cam"'

13)et brotherly love continue'


*o not forget to entertain strangers# for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels'

Therefore Jesus also# that 2e might sanctify the "eo"le with 2is own blood# suffered outside the gate'

Therefore let us go forth to 2im# outside the cam"# bearing 2is re"roach'

+emember the "risoners as if chained with themFFthose who are mistreatedFF since you yourselves are in the body also'

For here we have no continuing city# but we see1 the one to come'

4arriage is honorable among all# and the bed undefiled9 but fornicators and adulterers (od will $udge'

Therefore by 2im let us continually offer the sacrifice of "raise to (od# that is# the fruit of our li"s# giving than1s to 2is name'

)et your conduct be without covetousness9 be content with such things as you have' For 2e 2imself has said# :0 will never leave you nor forsa1e you':

But do not forget to do good and to share# for with such sacrifices (od is well "leased'

So we may boldly say7 :The )3+* is my hel"er9 0 will not fear' Bhat can man do to meE:

3bey those who rule over you# and be submissive# for they watch out for your souls# as those who must give account' )et them do so with $oy and not with grief# for that would be un"rofitable for you'

+emember those who rule over you# who have s"o1en the word of (od to you# whose faith follow# considering the outcome of their conduct'

/ray for us9 for we are confident that we have a good conscience# in all things desiring to live honorably'

Jesus -hrist is the same yesterday# today# and forever'


But 0 es"ecially urge you to do this# that 0 may be restored to you the sooner'

*o not be carried about with various and strange doctrines' For it is good that the heart be established by grace# not with foods which have not "rofited those who have been occu"ied with them'

Now may the (od of "eace who brought u" our )ord Jesus from the dead# that great She"herd of the shee"#

through the blood of the everlasting covenant#



Know that our brother Timothy has been set free# with whom 0 shall see you if he comes shortly'

ma1e you com"lete in every good wor1 to do 2is will# wor1ing in you what is well "leasing in 2is sight# through Jesus -hrist# to whom be glory forever and ever' Amen'

(reet all those who rule over you# and all the saints' Those from 0taly greet you'

(race be with you all' Amen'

And 0 a""eal to you# brethren# bear with the word of e!hortation# for 0 have written to you in few words'

James 1James# a bondservant of (od and of

the )ord Jesus -hrist# To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad7 (reetings'

"erishes' So the rich man also will fade away in his "ursuits'

4y brethren# count it all $oy when you fall into various trials#

Blessed is the man who endures tem"tation9 for when he has been a""roved# he will receive the crown of life which the )ord has "romised to those who love 2im'

1nowing that the testing of your faith "roduces "atience'


But let "atience have its "erfect wor1# that you may be "erfect and com"lete# lac1ing nothing'

)et no one say when he is tem"ted# :0 am tem"ted by (od:9 for (od cannot be tem"ted by evil# nor does 2e 2imself tem"t anyone'

0f any of you lac1s wisdom# let him as1 of (od# who gives to all liberally and without re"roach# and it will be given to him'

But each one is tem"ted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed'

Then# when desire has conceived# it gives birth to sin9 and sin# when it is fullF grown# brings forth death'

But let him as1 in faith# with no doubting# for he who doubts is li1e a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind'

*o not be deceived# my beloved brethren'


For let not that man su""ose that he will receive anything from the )ord9

very good gift and every "erfect gift is from above# and comes down from the Father of lights# with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning'

he is a doubleFminded man# unstable in all his ways'


)et the lowly brother glory in his e!altation#


3f 2is own will 2e brought us forth by the word of truth# that we might be a 1ind of firstfruits of 2is creatures'

but the rich in his humiliation# because as a flower of the field he will "ass away'

So then# my beloved brethren# let every man be swift to hear# slow to s"ea1# slow to wrath9

For no sooner has the sun risen with a burning heat than it withers the grass9 its flower falls# and its beautiful a""earance

for the wrath of man does not "roduce the righteousness of (od'

Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wic1edness# and receive

with mee1ness the im"lanted word# which is able to save your souls'

have you not shown "artiality among yourselves# and become $udges with evil thoughtsE

But be doers of the word# and not hearers only# deceiving yourselves'

For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer# he is li1e a man observing his natural face in a mirror9

)isten# my beloved brethren7 2as (od not chosen the "oor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the 1ingdom which 2e "romised to those who love 2imE

for he observes himself# goes away# and immediately forgets what 1ind of man he was'

But you have dishonored the "oor man' *o not the rich o""ress you and drag you into the courtsE

But he who loo1s into the "erfect law of liberty and continues in it# and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the wor1# this one will be blessed in what he does'

*o they not blas"heme that noble name by which you are calledE

0f anyone among you thin1s he is religious# and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart# this oneDs religion is useless'

0f you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scri"ture# :Cou shall love your neighbor as yourself#: you do well9

/ure and undefiled religion before (od and the Father is this7 to visit or"hans and widows in their trouble# and to 1ee" oneself uns"otted from the world'

but if you show "artiality# you commit sin# and are convicted by the law as transgressors'

For whoever shall 1ee" the whole law# and yet stumble in one "oint# he is guilty of all'

24y brethren# do not hold the faith of

our )ord Jesus -hrist# the )ord of glory# with "artiality'

For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings# in fine a""arel# and there should also come in a "oor man in filthy clothes#

For 2e who said# :*o not commit adultery#: also said# :*o not murder': Now if you do not commit adultery# but you do murder# you have become a transgressor of the law'

So s"ea1 and so do as those who will be $udged by the law of liberty'


and you "ay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say to him# :Cou sit here in a good "lace#: and say to the "oor man# :Cou stand there#: or# :Sit here at my footstool#:

For $udgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy' 4ercy trium"hs over $udgment'

Bhat does it "rofit# my brethren# if someone says he has faith but does not have wor1sE -an faith save himE


0f a brother or sister is na1ed and destitute of daily food#



For as the body without the s"irit is dead# so faith without wor1s is dead also'

and one of you says to them# :*e"art in "eace# be warmed and filled#: but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body# what does it "rofitE

34y brethren# let not many of you

become teachers# 1nowing that we shall receive a stricter $udgment'

Thus also faith by itself# if it does not have wor1s# is dead'


But someone will say# :Cou have faith# and 0 have wor1s': Show me your faith without your wor1s# and 0 will show you my faith by my wor1s'

For we all stumble in many things' 0f anyone does not stumble in word# he is a "erfect man# able also to bridle the whole body'

Cou believe that there is one (od' Cou do well' ven the demons believeFFand trembleH

0ndeed# we "ut bits in horsesD mouths that they may obey us# and we turn their whole body'

But do you want to 1now# 3 foolish man# that faith without wor1s is deadE

)oo1 also at shi"s7 although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds# they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the "ilot desires'

Bas not Abraham our father $ustified by wor1s when he offered 0saac his son on the altarE

ven so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things' See how great a forest a little fire 1indlesH

*o you see that faith was wor1ing together with his wor1s# and by wor1s faith was made "erfectE

And the Scri"ture was fulfilled which says# :Abraham believed (od# and it was accounted to him for righteousness': And he was called the friend of (od'

And the tongue is a fire# a world of iniGuity' The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body# and sets on fire the course of nature9 and it is set on fire by hell'

For every 1ind of beast and bird# of re"tile and creature of the sea# is tamed and has been tamed by man1ind'

Cou see then that a man is $ustified by wor1s# and not by faith only'

But no man can tame the tongue' 0t is an unruly evil# full of deadly "oison'

)i1ewise# was not +ahab the harlot also $ustified by wor1s when she received the messengers and sent them out another wayE

Bith it we bless our (od and Father# and with it we curse men# who have been made in the similitude of (od'

3ut of the same mouth "roceed blessing and cursing' 4y brethren# these things ought not to be so'


*oes a s"ring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same o"eningE

-an a fig tree# my brethren# bear olives# or a gra"evine bear figsE Thus no s"ring yields both salt water and fresh'

Adulterers and adulteressesH *o you not 1now that friendshi" with the world is enmity with (odE Bhoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world ma1es himself an enemy of (od'

Bho is wise and understanding among youE )et him show by good conduct that his wor1s are done in the mee1ness of wisdom'

3r do you thin1 that the Scri"ture says in vain# :The S"irit who dwells in us yearns $ealously:E

But 2e gives more grace' Therefore 2e says7 :(od resists the "roud# But gives grace to the humble':

But if you have bitter envy and selfF see1ing in your hearts# do not boast and lie against the truth'

Therefore submit to (od' +esist the devil and he will flee from you'

This wisdom does not descend from above# but is earthly# sensual# demonic'

For where envy and selfFsee1ing e!ist# confusion and every evil thing are there'

*raw near to (od and 2e will draw near to you' -leanse your hands# you sinners9 and "urify your hearts# you doubleFminded'

But the wisdom that is from above is first "ure# then "eaceable# gentle# willing to yield# full of mercy and good fruits# without "artiality and without hy"ocrisy'

)ament and mourn and wee"H )et your laughter be turned to mourning and your $oy to gloom'

2umble yourselves in the sight of the )ord# and 2e will lift you u"'

Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in "eace by those who ma1e "eace'

4Bhere do wars and fights come from

among youE *o they not come from your desires for "leasure that war in your membersE

*o not s"ea1 evil of one another# brethren' 2e who s"ea1s evil of a brother and $udges his brother# s"ea1s evil of the law and $udges the law' But if you $udge the law# you are not a doer of the law but a $udge'

Cou lust and do not have' Cou murder and covet and cannot obtain' Cou fight and war' Cet you do not have because you do not as1'

There is one )awgiver# who is able to save and to destroy' Bho are you to $udge anotherE

Cou as1 and do not receive# because you as1 amiss# that you may s"end it on your "leasures'

-ome now# you who say# :Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city# s"end a year there# buy and sell# and ma1e a "rofit:9

whereas you do not 1now what will ha""en tomorrow' For what is your lifeE

0t is even a va"or that a""ears for a little time and then vanishes away'


Cou also be "atient' stablish your hearts# for the coming of the )ord is at hand'

0nstead you ought to say# :0f the )ord wills# we shall live and do this or that':

But now you boast in your arrogance' All such boasting is evil'

*o not grumble against one another# brethren# lest you be condemned' Behold# the Judge is standing at the doorH

Therefore# to him who 1nows to do good and does not do it# to him it is sin'

4y brethren# ta1e the "ro"hets# who s"o1e in the name of the )ord# as an e!am"le of suffering and "atience'

5-ome now# you rich# wee" and howl

for your miseries that are coming u"on youH

Cour riches are corru"ted# and your garments are mothFeaten'


0ndeed we count them blessed who endure' Cou have heard of the "erseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the )ordFFthat the )ord is very com"assionate and merciful'

Cour gold and silver are corroded# and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh li1e fire' Cou have hea"ed u" treasure in the last days'

But above all# my brethren# do not swear# either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath' But let your :Ces: be :Ces#: and your :No#: :No#: lest you fall into $udgment'

0ndeed the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields# which you 1e"t bac1 by fraud# cry out9 and the cries of the rea"ers have reached the ears of the )ord of Sabaoth'

0s anyone among you sufferingE )et him "ray' 0s anyone cheerfulE )et him sing "salms'

Cou have lived on the earth in "leasure and lu!ury9 you have fattened your hearts as in a day of slaughter'

0s anyone among you sic1E )et him call for the elders of the church# and let them "ray over him# anointing him with oil in the name of the )ord'

Cou have condemned# you have murdered the $ust9 he does not resist you'

And the "rayer of faith will save the sic1# and the )ord will raise him u"' And if he has committed sins# he will be forgiven'

Therefore be "atient# brethren# until the coming of the )ord' See how the farmer waits for the "recious fruit of the earth# waiting "atiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain'

-onfess your tres"asses to one another# and "ray for one another# that you may be healed' The effective# fervent "rayer of a righteous man avails much'

li$ah was a man with a nature li1e ours# and he "rayed earnestly that it

would not rain9 and it did not rain on the land for three years and si! months'


Brethren# if anyone among you wanders from the truth# and someone turns him bac1#

And he "rayed again# and the heaven gave rain# and the earth "roduced its fruit'

let him 1now that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins'

!st 'eter 1/eter# an a"ostle of Jesus -hrist# To

the "ilgrims of the *is"ersion in /ontus# (alatia# -a""adocia# Asia# and Bithynia#
, %@

3f this salvation the "ro"hets have inGuired and searched carefully# who "ro"hesied of the grace that would come to you#

elect according to the fore1nowledge of (od the Father# in sanctification of the S"irit# for obedience and s"rin1ling of the blood of Jesus -hrist7 (race to you and "eace be multi"lied'

searching what# or what manner of time# the S"irit of -hrist who was in them was indicating when 2e testified beforehand the sufferings of -hrist and the glories that would follow'

Blessed be the (od and Father of our )ord Jesus -hrist# who according to 2is abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living ho"e through the resurrection of Jesus -hrist from the dead#

to an inheritance incorru"tible and undefiled and that does not fade away# reserved in heaven for you#

To them it was revealed that# not to themselves# but to us they were ministering the things which now have been re"orted to you through those who have "reached the gos"el to you by the 2oly S"irit sent from heavenFFthings which angels desire to loo1 into'

who are 1e"t by the "ower of (od through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time'

Therefore gird u" the loins of your mind# be sober# and rest your ho"e fully u"on the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus -hrist9

0n this you greatly re$oice# though now for a little while# if need be# you have been grieved by various trials#

as obedient children# not conforming yourselves to the former lusts# as in your ignorance9

that the genuineness of your faith# being much more "recious than gold that "erishes# though it is tested by fire# may be found to "raise# honor# and glory at the revelation of Jesus -hrist#

but as 2e who called you is holy# you also be holy in all your conduct#

because it is written# :Be holy# for 0 am holy':


whom having not seen you love' Though now you do not see 2im# yet believing# you re$oice with $oy ine!"ressible and full of glory#

And if you call on the Father# who without "artiality $udges according to each oneDs wor1# conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear9

receiving the end of your faithFFthe salvation of your souls'

1nowing that you were not redeemed with corru"tible things# li1e silver or gold# from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers#


but with the "recious blood of -hrist# as of a lamb without blemish and without s"ot'


you also# as living stones# are being built u" a s"iritual house# a holy "riesthood# to offer u" s"iritual sacrifices acce"table to (od through Jesus -hrist'

2e indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world# but was manifest in these last times for you

who through 2im believe in (od# who raised 2im from the dead and gave 2im glory# so that your faith and ho"e are in (od'

Therefore it is also contained in the Scri"ture# :Behold# 0 lay in 5ion A chief cornerstone# elect# "recious# And he who believes on 2im will by no means be "ut to shame':

Since you have "urified your souls in obeying the truth through the S"irit in sincere love of the brethren# love one another fervently with a "ure heart#

Therefore# to you who believe# 2e is "recious9 but to those who are disobedient# :The stone which the builders re$ected 2as become the chief cornerstone#:

having been born again# not of corru"tible seed but incorru"tible# through the word of (od which lives and abides forever#

and :A stone of stumbling And a roc1 of offense': They stumble# being disobedient to the word# to which they also were a""ointed'

because :All flesh is as grass# And all the glory of man as the flower of the grass' The grass withers# And its flower falls away#

But you are a chosen generation# a royal "riesthood# a holy nation# 2is own s"ecial "eo"le# that you may "roclaim the "raises of 2im who called you out of dar1ness into 2is marvelous light9

But the word of the )3+* endures forever': Now this is the word which by the gos"el was "reached to you'

who once were not a "eo"le but are now the "eo"le of (od# who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy'

2Therefore# laying aside all malice# all

deceit# hy"ocrisy# envy# and all evil s"ea1ing#

Beloved# 0 beg you as so$ourners and "ilgrims# abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul#

as newborn babes# desire the "ure mil1 of the word# that you may grow thereby#

if indeed you have tasted that the )ord is gracious'


having your conduct honorable among the (entiles# that when they s"ea1 against you as evildoers# they may# by your good wor1s which they observe# glorify (od in the day of visitation'

-oming to 2im as to a living stone# re$ected indeed by men# but chosen by (od and "recious#

Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the )ordDs sa1e# whether to the 1ing as su"reme#


or to governors# as to those who are sent by him for the "unishment of evildoers and for the "raise of those who do good'


For you were li1e shee" going astray# but have now returned to the She"herd and 3verseer of your souls'

For this is the will of (od# that by doing good you may "ut to silence the ignorance of foolish menFF


as free# yet not using liberty as a cloa1 for vice# but as bondservants of (od'

li1ewise# be submissive to your own husbands# that even if some do not obey the word# they# without a word# may be won by the conduct of their wives#

2onor all "eo"le' )ove the brotherhood' Fear (od' 2onor the 1ing'

when they observe your chaste conduct accom"anied by fear'


Servants# be submissive to your masters with all fear# not only to the good and gentle# but also to the harsh'

*o not let your adornment be merely outwardFFarranging the hair# wearing gold# or "utting on fine a""arelFF

For this is commendable# if because of conscience toward (od one endures grief# suffering wrongfully'

rather let it be the hidden "erson of the heart# with the incorru"tible beauty of a gentle and Guiet s"irit# which is very "recious in the sight of (od'

For what credit is it if# when you are beaten for your faults# you ta1e it "atientlyE But when you do good and suffer# if you ta1e it "atiently# this is commendable before (od'

For in this manner# in former times# the holy women who trusted in (od also adorned themselves# being submissive to their own husbands#

For to this you were called# because -hrist also suffered for us# leaving us an e!am"le# that you should follow 2is ste"s7

as Sarah obeyed Abraham# calling him lord# whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror'

:Bho committed no sin# Nor was deceit found in 2is mouth:9


2usbands# li1ewise# dwell with them with understanding# giving honor to the wife# as to the wea1er vessel# and as being heirs together of the grace of life# that your "rayers may not be hindered'

who# when 2e was reviled# did not revile in return9 when 2e suffered# 2e did not threaten# but committed 2imself to 2im who $udges righteously9

Finally# all of you be of one mind# having com"assion for one another9 love as brothers# be tenderhearted# be courteous9

who 2imself bore our sins in 2is own body on the tree# that we# having died to sins# might live for righteousnessFFby whose stri"es you were healed'

not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling# but on the contrary blessing# 1nowing that you were called to this# that you may inherit a blessing'


For :2e who would love life And see good days# )et him refrain his tongue from evil# And his li"s from s"ea1ing deceit'


who formerly were disobedient# when once the *ivine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah# while the ar1 was being "re"ared# in which a few# that is# eight souls# were saved through water'

)et him turn away from evil and do good9 )et him see1 "eace and "ursue it'

For the eyes of the )3+* are on the righteous# And 2is ears are o"en to their "rayers9 But the face of the )3+* is against those who do evil':

There is also an antity"e which now saves usFFba"tism Inot the removal of the filth of the flesh# but the answer of a good conscience toward (odJ# through the resurrection of Jesus -hrist#

And who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is goodE

who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of (od# angels and authorities and "owers having been made sub$ect to 2im'

But even if you should suffer for righteousnessD sa1e# you are blessed' :And do not be afraid of their threats# nor be troubled':

4Therefore# since -hrist suffered for

us in the flesh# arm yourselves also with the same mind# for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin#

But sanctify the )ord (od in your hearts# and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who as1s you a reason for the ho"e that is in you# with mee1ness and fear9

that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men# but for the will of (od'

having a good conscience# that when they defame you as evildoers# those who revile your good conduct in -hrist may be ashamed'

For we have s"ent enough of our "ast lifetime in doing the will of the (entilesFF when we wal1ed in lewdness# lusts# drun1enness# revelries# drin1ing "arties# and abominable idolatries'

For it is better# if it is the will of (od# to suffer for doing good than for doing evil'

For -hrist also suffered once for sins# the $ust for the un$ust# that 2e might bring us to (od# being "ut to death in the flesh but made alive by the S"irit#

0n regard to these# they thin1 it strange that you do not run with them in the same flood of dissi"ation# s"ea1ing evil of you'

They will give an account to 2im who is ready to $udge the living and the dead'

by whom also 2e went and "reached to the s"irits in "rison#

For this reason the gos"el was "reached also to those who are dead# that they might be $udged according to men in the flesh# but live according to (od in the s"irit'

But the end of all things is at hand9 therefore be serious and watchful in your "rayers'


And above all things have fervent love for one another# for :love will cover a multitude of sins':

For the time has come for $udgment to begin at the house of (od9 and if it begins with us first# what will be the end of those who do not obey the gos"el of (odE

Be hos"itable to one another without grumbling'


Now :0f the righteous one is scarcely saved# Bhere will the ungodly and the sinner a""earE:

As each one has received a gift# minister it to one another# as good stewards of the manifold grace of (od'

Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of (od commit their souls to 2im in doing good# as to a faithful -reator'

0f anyone s"ea1s# let him s"ea1 as the oracles of (od' 0f anyone ministers# let him do it as with the ability which (od su""lies# that in all things (od may be glorified through Jesus -hrist# to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever' Amen'

5The elders who are among you 0

e!hort# 0 who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of -hrist# and also a "arta1er of the glory that will be revealed7

Beloved# do not thin1 it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you# as though some strange thing ha""ened to you9

She"herd the floc1 of (od which is among you# serving as overseers# not by com"ulsion but willingly# not for dishonest gain but eagerly9

but re$oice to the e!tent that you "arta1e of -hristDs sufferings# that when 2is glory is revealed# you may also be glad with e!ceeding $oy'

nor as being lords over those entrusted to you# but being e!am"les to the floc19

0f you are re"roached for the name of -hrist# blessed are you# for the S"irit of glory and of (od rests u"on you' 3n their "art 2e is blas"hemed# but on your "art 2e is glorified'

and when the -hief She"herd a""ears# you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away'

But let none of you suffer as a murderer# a thief# an evildoer# or as a busybody in other "eo"leDs matters'

)i1ewise you younger "eo"le# submit yourselves to your elders' Ces# all of you be submissive to one another# and be clothed with humility# for :(od resists the "roud# But gives grace to the humble':

Cet if anyone suffers as a -hristian# let him not be ashamed# but let him glorify (od in this matter'

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of (od# that 2e may e!alt you in due time#

casting all your care u"on 2im# for 2e cares for you'


Be sober# be vigilant9 because your adversary the devil wal1s about li1e a roaring lion# see1ing whom he may devour'


To 2im be the glory and the dominion forever and ever' Amen'

+esist him# steadfast in the faith# 1nowing that the same sufferings are e!"erienced by your brotherhood in the world'

By Silvanus# our faithful brother as 0 consider him# 0 have written to you briefly# e!horting and testifying that this is the true grace of (od in which you stand'

But may the (od of all grace# who called us to 2is eternal glory by -hrist Jesus# after you have suffered a while# "erfect# establish# strengthen# and settle you'

She who is in Babylon# elect together with you# greets you9 and so does 4ar1 my son'

(reet one another with a 1iss of love' /eace to you all who are in -hrist Jesus' Amen'

#nd 'eter 1Simon


/eter# a bondservant and a"ostle of Jesus -hrist# To those who have obtained li1e "recious faith with us by the righteousness of our (od and Savior Jesus -hrist7

Therefore# brethren# be even more diligent to ma1e your call and election sure# for if you do these things you will never stumble9

(race and "eace be multi"lied to you in the 1nowledge of (od and of Jesus our )ord#

for so an entrance will be su""lied to you abundantly into the everlasting 1ingdom of our )ord and Savior Jesus -hrist'

as 2is divine "ower has given to us all things that "ertain to life and godliness# through the 1nowledge of 2im who called us by glory and virtue#

For this reason 0 will not be negligent to remind you always of these things# though you 1now and are established in the "resent truth'

by which have been given to us e!ceedingly great and "recious "romises# that through these you may be "arta1ers of the divine nature# having esca"ed the corru"tion that is in the world through lust'

Ces# 0 thin1 it is right# as long as 0 am in this tent# to stir you u" by reminding you#

1nowing that shortly 0 must "ut off my tent# $ust as our )ord Jesus -hrist showed me'

But also for this very reason# giving all diligence# add to your faith virtue# to virtue 1nowledge#

4oreover 0 will be careful to ensure that you always have a reminder of these things after my decease'

to 1nowledge selfFcontrol# to selfFcontrol "erseverance# to "erseverance godliness#


For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made 1nown to you the "ower and coming of our )ord Jesus -hrist# but were eyewitnesses of 2is ma$esty'

to godliness brotherly 1indness# and to brotherly 1indness love'


For if these things are yours and abound# you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the 1nowledge of our )ord Jesus -hrist'

For 2e received from (od the Father honor and glory when such a voice came to 2im from the !cellent (lory7 :This is 4y beloved Son# in whom 0 am well "leased':

For he who lac1s these things is shortsighted# even to blindness# and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins'

And we heard this voice which came from heaven when we were with 2im on the holy mountain'

And so we have the "ro"hetic word confirmed# which you do well to heed as

a light that shines in a dar1 "lace# until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts9

and delivered righteous )ot# who was o""ressed by the filthy conduct of the wic1ed

1nowing this first# that no "ro"hecy of Scri"ture is of any "rivate inter"retation#


for "ro"hecy never came by the will of man# but holy men of (od s"o1e as they were moved by the 2oly S"irit'

Ifor that righteous man# dwelling among them# tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deedsJFF

2But there were also false "ro"hets

among the "eo"le# even as there will be false teachers among you# who will secretly bring in destructive heresies# even denying the )ord who bought them# and bring on themselves swift destruction'

then the )ord 1nows how to deliver the godly out of tem"tations and to reserve the un$ust under "unishment for the day of $udgment#

and es"ecially those who wal1 according to the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and des"ise authority' They are "resum"tuous# selfFwilled' They are not afraid to s"ea1 evil of dignitaries#

And many will follow their destructive ways# because of whom the way of truth will be blas"hemed'

By covetousness they will e!"loit you with dece"tive words9 for a long time their $udgment has not been idle# and their destruction does not slumber'

whereas angels# who are greater in "ower and might# do not bring a reviling accusation against them before the )ord'

For if (od did not s"are the angels who sinned# but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of dar1ness# to be reserved for $udgment9

But these# li1e natural brute beasts made to be caught and destroyed# s"ea1 evil of the things they do not understand# and will utterly "erish in their own corru"tion#

and did not s"are the ancient world# but saved Noah# one of eight "eo"le# a "reacher of righteousness# bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly9

and will receive the wages of unrighteousness# as those who count it "leasure to carouse in the daytime' They are s"ots and blemishes# carousing in their own dece"tions while they feast with you#

and turning the cities of Sodom and (omorrah into ashes# condemned them to destruction# ma1ing them an e!am"le to those who afterward would live ungodly9

having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin# enticing unstable souls' They have a heart trained in covetous "ractices# and are accursed children'

They have forsa1en the right way and gone astray# following the way of

Balaam the son of Beor# who loved the wages of unrighteousness9


but he was rebu1ed for his iniGuity7 a dumb don1ey s"ea1ing with a manDs voice restrained the madness of the "ro"het'

that you may be mindful of the words which were s"o1en before by the holy "ro"hets# and of the commandment of us# the a"ostles of the )ord and Savior#

1nowing this first7 that scoffers will come in the last days# wal1ing according to their own lusts#

These are wells without water# clouds carried by a tem"est# for whom is reserved the blac1ness of dar1ness forever'

and saying# :Bhere is the "romise of 2is comingE For since the fathers fell aslee"# all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation':

For when they s"ea1 great swelling words of em"tiness# they allure through the lusts of the flesh# through lewdness# the ones who have actually esca"ed from those who live in error'

For this they willfully forget7 that by the word of (od the heavens were of old# and the earth standing out of water and in the water#

Bhile they "romise them liberty# they themselves are slaves of corru"tion9 for by whom a "erson is overcome# by him also he is brought into bondage'

by which the world that then e!isted "erished# being flooded with water'

For if# after they have esca"ed the "ollutions of the world through the 1nowledge of the )ord and Savior Jesus -hrist# they are again entangled in them and overcome# the latter end is worse for them than the beginning'

But the heavens and the earth which are now "reserved by the same word# are reserved for fire until the day of $udgment and "erdition of ungodly men'

But# beloved# do not forget this one thing# that with the )ord one day is as a thousand years# and a thousand years as one day'

For it would have been better for them not to have 1nown the way of righteousness# than having 1nown it# to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them'

The )ord is not slac1 concerning 2is "romise# as some count slac1ness# but is longsuffering toward us# not willing that any should "erish but that all should come to re"entance'

But it has ha""ened to them according to the true "roverb7 :A dog returns to his own vomit#: and# :a sow# having washed# to her wallowing in the mire':


0 now write to you this second e"istle Iin both of which 0 stir u" your "ure minds by way of reminderJ#

But the day of the )ord will come as a thief in the night# in which the heavens will "ass away with a great noise# and the elements will melt with fervent heat9 both the earth and the wor1s that are in it will be burned u"'

Therefore# since all these things will be dissolved# what manner of "ersons

ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness#


beloved brother /aul# according to the wisdom given to him# has written to you#

loo1ing for and hastening the coming of the day of (od# because of which the heavens will be dissolved# being on fire# and the elements will melt with fervent heatE

as also in all his e"istles# s"ea1ing in them of these things# in which are some things hard to understand# which untaught and unstable "eo"le twist to their own destruction# as they do also the rest of the Scri"tures'

Nevertheless we# according to 2is "romise# loo1 for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells'

Therefore# beloved# loo1ing forward to these things# be diligent to be found by 2im in "eace# without s"ot and blameless9

Cou therefore# beloved# since you 1now this beforehand# beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness# being led away with the error of the wic1ed9

and consider that the longsuffering of our )ord is salvationFFas also our

but grow in the grace and 1nowledge of our )ord and Savior Jesus -hrist' To 2im be the glory both now and forever' Amen'

!st John 1That which was from the beginning#

which we have heard# which we have seen with our eyes# which we have loo1ed u"on# and our hands have handled# concerning the Bord of lifeFF
, %@

0f we say that we have not sinned# we ma1e 2im a liar# and 2is word is not in us'

24y little children# these things 0 write

to you# so that you may not sin' And if anyone sins# we have an Advocate with the Father# Jesus -hrist the righteous'

the life was manifested# and we have seen# and bear witness# and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to usFF

that which we have seen and heard we declare to you# that you also may have fellowshi" with us9 and truly our fellowshi" is with the Father and with 2is Son Jesus -hrist'

And 2e 2imself is the "ro"itiation for our sins# and not for ours only but also for the whole world'

Now by this we 1now that we 1now 2im# if we 1ee" 2is commandments'


And these things we write to you that your $oy may be full'

2e who says# :0 1now 2im#: and does not 1ee" 2is commandments# is a liar# and the truth is not in him'

This is the message which we have heard from 2im and declare to you# that (od is light and in 2im is no dar1ness at all'

But whoever 1ee"s 2is word# truly the love of (od is "erfected in him' By this we 1now that we are in 2im'

0f we say that we have fellowshi" with 2im# and wal1 in dar1ness# we lie and do not "ractice the truth'

2e who says he abides in 2im ought himself also to wal1 $ust as 2e wal1ed'

But if we wal1 in the light as 2e is in the light# we have fellowshi" with one another# and the blood of Jesus -hrist 2is Son cleanses us from all sin'

Brethren# 0 write no new commandment to you# but an old commandment which you have had from the beginning' The old commandment is the word which you heard from the beginning'

0f we say that we have no sin# we deceive ourselves# and the truth is not in us'

Again# a new commandment 0 write to you# which thing is true in 2im and in you# because the dar1ness is "assing away# and the true light is already shining'

0f we confess our sins# 2e is faithful and $ust to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness'

2e who says he is in the light# and hates his brother# is in dar1ness until now'


2e who loves his brother abides in the light# and there is no cause for stumbling in him'


But he who hates his brother is in dar1ness and wal1s in dar1ness# and does not 1now where he is going# because the dar1ness has blinded his eyes'

They went out from us# but they were not of us9 for if they had been of us# they would have continued with us9 but they went out that they might be made manifest# that none of them were of us'

But you have an anointing from the 2oly 3ne# and you 1now all things'

0 write to you# little children# Because your sins are forgiven you for 2is nameDs sa1e'

0 have not written to you because you do not 1now the truth# but because you 1now it# and that no lie is of the truth'

0 write to you# fathers# Because you have 1nown 2im who is from the beginning' 0 write to you# young men# Because you have overcome the wic1ed one' 0 write to you# little children# Because you have 1nown the Father'

Bho is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the -hristE 2e is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son'

Bhoever denies the Son does not have the Father either9 he who ac1nowledges the Son has the Father also'

0 have written to you# fathers# Because you have 1nown 2im who is from the beginning' 0 have written to you# young men# Because you are strong# and the word of (od abides in you# And you have overcome the wic1ed one'

Therefore let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning' 0f what you heard from the beginning abides in you# you also will abide in the Son and in the Father'

*o not love the world or the things in the world' 0f anyone loves the world# the love of the Father is not in him'

And this is the "romise that 2e has "romised usFFeternal life'


For all that is in the worldFFthe lust of the flesh# the lust of the eyes# and the "ride of lifeFFis not of the Father but is of the world'

These things 0 have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you'

And the world is "assing away# and the lust of it9 but he who does the will of (od abides forever'

)ittle children# it is the last hour9 and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming# even now many antichrists have come# by which we 1now that it is the last hour'

But the anointing which you have received from 2im abides in you# and you do not need that anyone teach you9 but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things# and is true# and is not a lie# and $ust as it has taught you# you will abide in 2im'

And now# little children# abide in 2im# that when 2e a""ears# we may have confidence and not be ashamed before 2im at 2is coming'


0f you 1now that 2e is righteous# you 1now that everyone who "ractices righteousness is born of 2im'



0n this the children of (od and the children of the devil are manifest7 Bhoever does not "ractice righteousness is not of (od# nor is he who does not love his brother'

what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us# that we should be called children of (odH Therefore the world does not 1now us# because it did not 1now 2im'

For this is the message that you heard from the beginning# that we should love one another#

Beloved# now we are children of (od9 and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be# but we 1now that when 2e is revealed# we shall be li1e 2im# for we shall see 2im as 2e is'

not as -ain who was of the wic1ed one and murdered his brother' And why did he murder himE Because his wor1s were evil and his brotherDs righteous'

*o not marvel# my brethren# if the world hates you'


And everyone who has this ho"e in 2im "urifies himself# $ust as 2e is "ure'

Bhoever commits sin also commits lawlessness# and sin is lawlessness'


Be 1now that we have "assed from death to life# because we love the brethren' 2e who does not love his brother abides in death'

And you 1now that 2e was manifested to ta1e away our sins# and in 2im there is no sin'

Bhoever hates his brother is a murderer# and you 1now that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him'

Bhoever abides in 2im does not sin' Bhoever sins has neither seen 2im nor 1nown 2im'

By this we 1now love# because 2e laid down 2is life for us' And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren'

)ittle children# let no one deceive you' 2e who "ractices righteousness is righteous# $ust as 2e is righteous'

But whoever has this worldDs goods# and sees his brother in need# and shuts u" his heart from him# how does the love of (od abide in himE

2e who sins is of the devil# for the devil has sinned from the beginning' For this "ur"ose the Son of (od was manifested# that 2e might destroy the wor1s of the devil'

4y little children# let us not love in word or in tongue# but in deed and in truth'

Bhoever has been born of (od does not sin# for 2is seed remains in him9 and he cannot sin# because he has been born of (od'

And by this we 1now that we are of the truth# and shall assure our hearts before 2im'

For if our heart condemns us# (od is greater than our heart# and 1nows all things'


Beloved# if our condemn us# we toward (od'


heart does not have confidence

hear us' By this we 1now the s"irit of truth and the s"irit of error'

And whatever we as1 we receive from 2im# because we 1ee" 2is commandments and do those things that are "leasing in 2is sight'

Beloved# let us love one another# for love is of (od9 and everyone who loves is born of (od and 1nows (od'

2e who does not love does not 1now (od# for (od is love'

And this is 2is commandment7 that we should believe on the name of 2is Son Jesus -hrist and love one another# as 2e gave us commandment'

0n this the love of (od was manifested toward us# that (od has sent 2is only begotten Son into the world# that we might live through 2im'

Now he who 1ee"s 2is commandments abides in 2im# and 2e in him' And by this we 1now that 2e abides in us# by the S"irit whom 2e has given us'

0n this is love# not that we loved (od# but that 2e loved us and sent 2is Son to be the "ro"itiation for our sins'

4Beloved# do not believe every s"irit#

but test the s"irits# whether they are of (od9 because many false "ro"hets have gone out into the world'

Beloved# if (od so loved us# we also ought to love one another'


No one has seen (od at any time' 0f we love one another# (od abides in us# and 2is love has been "erfected in us'

By this you 1now the S"irit of (od7 very s"irit that confesses that Jesus -hrist has come in the flesh is of (od#

By this we 1now that we abide in 2im# and 2e in us# because 2e has given us of 2is S"irit'

and every s"irit that does not confess that Jesus -hrist has come in the flesh is not of (od' And this is the s"irit of the Antichrist# which you have heard was coming# and is now already in the world'

And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world'

Cou are of (od# little children# and have overcome them# because 2e who is in you is greater than he who is in the world'

Bhoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of (od# (od abides in him# and he in (od'

They are of the world' Therefore they s"ea1 as of the world# and the world hears them'

And we have 1nown and believed the love that (od has for us' (od is love# and he who abides in love abides in (od# and (od in him'

Be are of (od' 2e who 1nows (od hears us9 he who is not of (od does not

)ove has been "erfected among us in this7 that we may have boldness in the day of $udgment9 because as 2e is# so are we in this world'


There is no fear in love9 but "erfect love casts out fear# because fear involves torment' But he who fears has not been made "erfect in love'

For there are three that bear witness in heaven7 the Father# the Bord# and the 2oly S"irit9 and these three are one'

Be love 2im because 2e first loved us'


And there are three that bear witness on earth7 the S"irit# the water# and the blood9 and these three agree as one'

0f someone says# :0 love (od#: and hates his brother# he is a liar9 for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen# how can he love (od whom he has not seenE

0f we receive the witness of men# the witness of (od is greater9 for this is the witness of (od which 2e has testified of 2is Son'

And this commandment we have from 2im7 that he who loves (od must love his brother also'

5Bhoever believes that Jesus is the

-hrist is born of (od# and everyone who loves 2im who begot also loves him who is begotten of 2im'

2e who believes in the Son of (od has the witness in himself9 he who does not believe (od has made 2im a liar# because he has not believed the testimony that (od has given of 2is Son'

And this is the testimony7 that (od has given us eternal life# and this life is in 2is Son'

By this we 1now that we love the children of (od# when we love (od and 1ee" 2is commandments'

2e who has the Son has life9 he who does not have the Son of (od does not have life'

For this is the love of (od# that we 1ee" 2is commandments' And 2is commandments are not burdensome'

For whatever is born of (od overcomes the world' And this is the victory that has overcome the worldFFour faith'

These things 0 have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of (od# that you may 1now that you have eternal life# and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of (od'

Bho is he who overcomes the world# but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of (odE

Now this is the confidence that we have in 2im# that if we as1 anything according to 2is will# 2e hears us'

This is 2e who came by water and bloodFFJesus -hrist9 not only by water# but by water and blood' And it is the S"irit who bears witness# because the S"irit is truth'

And if we 1now that 2e hears us# whatever we as1# we 1now that we have the "etitions that we have as1ed of 2im'

0f anyone sees his brother sinning a sin which does not lead to death# he will as1# and 2e will give him life for those who commit sin not leading to death' There is sin leading to death' 0 do not say that he should "ray about that'


All unrighteousness is sin# and there is sin not leading to death'



Be 1now that whoever is born of (od does not sin9 but he who has been born of (od 1ee"s himself# and the wic1ed one does not touch him'

And we 1now that the Son of (od has come and has given us an understanding# that we may 1now 2im who is true9 and we are in 2im who is true# in 2is Son Jesus -hrist' This is the true (od and eternal life'

Be 1now that we are of (od# and the whole world lies under the sway of the wic1ed one'

)ittle children# 1ee" yourselves from idols' Amen'

#nd John 1The

, =

lder# To the elect lady and her children# whom 0 love in truth# and not only 0# but also all those who have 1nown the truth# because of the truth which abides in us and will be with us forever7

For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus -hrist as coming in the flesh' This is a deceiver and an antichrist'

)oo1 to yourselves# that we do not lose those things we wor1ed for# but that we may receive a full reward'

(race# mercy# and "eace will be with you from (od the Father and from the )ord Jesus -hrist# the Son of the Father# in truth and love'

Bhoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of -hrist does not have (od' 2e who abides in the doctrine of -hrist has both the Father and the Son'

0 re$oiced greatly that 0 have found some of your children wal1ing in truth# as we received commandment from the Father'

0f anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine# do not receive him into your house nor greet him9

And now 0 "lead with you# lady# not as though 0 wrote a new commandment to you# but that which we have had from the beginning7 that we love one another'

for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds'


This is love# that we wal1 according to 2is commandments' This is the commandment# that as you have heard from the beginning# you should wal1 in it'

2aving many things to write to you# 0 did not wish to do so with "a"er and in19 but 0 ho"e to come to you and s"ea1 face to face# that our $oy may be full'

The children of your elect sister greet you' Amen'

*rd John 1The

, ?

lder# To the beloved (aius# whom 0 love in truth7 Beloved# 0 "ray that you may "ros"er in all things and be in health# $ust as your soul "ros"ers'

0 wrote to the church# but *iotre"hes# who loves to have the "reeminence among them# does not receive us'

For 0 re$oiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you# $ust as you wal1 in the truth'

Therefore# if 0 come# 0 will call to mind his deeds which he does# "rating against us with malicious words' And not content with that# he himself does not receive the brethren# and forbids those who wish to# "utting them out of the church'

0 have no greater $oy than to hear that my children wal1 in truth'


Beloved# you do faithfully whatever you do for the brethren and for strangers#

Beloved# do not imitate what is evil# but what is good' 2e who does good is of (od# but he who does evil has not seen (od'

who have borne witness of your love before the church' 0f you send them forward on their $ourney in a manner worthy of (od# you will do well#

*emetrius has a good testimony from all# and from the truth itself' And we also bear witness# and you 1now that our testimony is true'

because they went forth for 2is nameDs sa1e# ta1ing nothing from the (entiles'

0 had many things to write# but 0 do not wish to write to you with "en and in19

Be therefore ought to receive such# that we may become fellow wor1ers for the truth'

but 0 ho"e to see you shortly# and we shall s"ea1 face to face' /eace to you' 3ur friends greet you' (reet the friends by name'

Jude 1Jude# a bondservant of Jesus -hrist#

and brother of James# To those who are called# sanctified by (od the Father# and "reserved in Jesus -hrist7
, >

)i1ewise also these dreamers defile the flesh# re$ect authority# and s"ea1 evil of dignitaries'

4ercy# "eace# and love be multi"lied to you'


Beloved# while 0 was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation# 0 found it necessary to write to you e!horting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints'

Cet 4ichael the archangel# in contending with the devil# when he dis"uted about the body of 4oses# dared not bring against him a reviling accusation# but said# :The )ord rebu1e youH:

But these s"ea1 evil of whatever they do not 1now9 and whatever they 1now naturally# li1e brute beasts# in these things they corru"t themselves'

For certain men have cre"t in unnoticed# who long ago were mar1ed out for this condemnation# ungodly men# who turn the grace of our (od into lewdness and deny the only )ord (od and our )ord Jesus -hrist'

Boe to themH For they have gone in the way of -ain# have run greedily in the error of Balaam for "rofit# and "erished in the rebellion of Korah'

But 0 want to remind you# though you once 1new this# that the )ord# having saved the "eo"le out of the land of gy"t# afterward destroyed those who did not believe'

These are s"ots in your love feasts# while they feast with you without fear# serving only themselves' They are clouds without water# carried about by the winds9 late autumn trees without fruit# twice dead# "ulled u" by the roots9

And the angels who did not 1ee" their "ro"er domain# but left their own abode# 2e has reserved in everlasting chains under dar1ness for the $udgment of the great day9

raging waves of the sea# foaming u" their own shame9 wandering stars for whom is reserved the blac1ness of dar1ness forever'

as Sodom and (omorrah# and the cities around them in a similar manner to these# having given themselves over to se!ual immorality and gone after strange flesh# are set forth as an e!am"le# suffering the vengeance of eternal fire'

Now noch# the seventh from Adam# "ro"hesied about these men also# saying# :Behold# the )ord comes with ten thousands of 2is saints#

to e!ecute $udgment on all# to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way# and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have s"o1en against 2im':


These are grumblers# com"lainers# wal1ing according to their own lusts9 and they mouth great swelling words# flattering "eo"le to gain advantage'


1ee" yourselves in the love of (od# loo1ing for the mercy of our )ord Jesus -hrist unto eternal life'

But you# beloved# remember the words which were s"o1en before by the a"ostles of our )ord Jesus -hrist7

And on some have ma1ing a distinction9



how they told you that there would be moc1ers in the last time who would wal1 according to their own ungodly lusts'

but others save with fear# "ulling them out of the fire# hating even the garment defiled by the flesh'

These are sensual "ersons# who cause divisions# not having the S"irit'

Now to 2im who is able to 1ee" you from stumbling# And to "resent you faultless Before the "resence of 2is glory with e!ceeding $oy#

But you# beloved# building yourselves u" on your most holy faith# "raying in the 2oly S"irit#

To (od our Savior# Bho alone is wise# Be glory and ma$esty# *ominion and "ower# Both now and forever' Amen'

evelation 1The

+evelation of Jesus -hrist# which (od gave 2im to show 2is servantsFFthings which must shortly ta1e "lace' And 2e sent and signified it by 2is angel to 2is servant John#

0# John# both your brother and com"anion in the tribulation and 1ingdom and "atience of Jesus -hrist# was on the island that is called /atmos for the word of (od and for the testimony of Jesus -hrist'

who bore witness to the word of (od# and to the testimony of Jesus -hrist# to all things that he saw'

0 was in the S"irit on the )ordDs *ay# and 0 heard behind me a loud voice# as of a trum"et#

Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this "ro"hecy# and 1ee" those things which are written in it9 for the time is near'

John# to the seven churches which are in Asia7 (race to you and "eace from 2im who is and who was and who is to come# and from the seven S"irits who are before 2is throne#

saying# :0 am the Al"ha and the 3mega# the First and the )ast#: and# :Bhat you see# write in a boo1 and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia7 to "hesus# to Smyrna# to /ergamos# to Thyatira# to Sardis# to /hiladel"hia# and to )aodicea':

Then 0 turned to see the voice that s"o1e with me' And having turned 0 saw seven golden lam"stands#

and from Jesus -hrist# the faithful witness# the firstborn from the dead# and the ruler over the 1ings of the earth' To 2im who loved us and washed us from our sins in 2is own blood#

and in the midst of the seven lam"stands 3ne li1e the Son of 4an# clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band'

and has made us 1ings and "riests to 2is (od and Father# to 2im be glory and dominion forever and ever' Amen'

2is head and hair were white li1e wool# as white as snow# and 2is eyes li1e a flame of fire9

Behold# 2e is coming with clouds# and every eye will see 2im# even they who "ierced 2im' And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of 2im' ven so# Amen'

2is feet were li1e fine brass# as if refined in a furnace# and 2is voice as the sound of many waters9

:0 am the Al"ha and the 3mega# the Beginning and the nd#: says the )ord# :who is and who was and who is to come# the Almighty':

2e had in 2is right hand seven stars# out of 2is mouth went a shar" twoF edged sword# and 2is countenance was li1e the sun shining in its strength'

And when 0 saw 2im# 0 fell at 2is feet as dead' But 2e laid 2is right hand on

me# saying to me# :*o not be afraid9 0 am the First and the )ast'


But this you have# that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans# which 0 also hate'

0 am 2e who lives# and was dead# and behold# 0 am alive forevermore' Amen' And 0 have the 1eys of 2ades and of *eath'

Brite the things which you have seen# and the things which are# and the things which will ta1e "lace after this'

:2e who has an ear# let him hear what the S"irit says to the churches' To him who overcomes 0 will give to eat from the tree of life# which is in the midst of the /aradise of (od':D

The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in 4y right hand# and the seven golden lam"stands7 The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches# and the seven lam"stands which you saw are the seven churches'

:And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write# :These things says the First and the )ast# who was dead# and came to life7


:0 1now your wor1s# tribulation# and "overty Ibut you are richJ9 and 0 1now the blas"hemy of those who say they are Jews and are not# but are a synagogue of Satan'

the angel of the church of "hesus write# :These things says 2e who holds the seven stars in 2is right hand# who wal1s in the midst of the seven golden lam"stands7

:0 1now your wor1s# your labor# your "atience# and that you cannot bear those who are evil' And you have tested those who say they are a"ostles and are not# and have found them liars9

*o not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer' 0ndeed# the devil is about to throw some of you into "rison# that you may be tested# and you will have tribulation ten days' Be faithful until death# and 0 will give you the crown of life'

and you have "ersevered and have "atience# and have labored for 4y nameDs sa1e and have not become weary'

:2e who has an ear# let him hear what the S"irit says to the churches' 2e who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death':D

:And to the angel of the church in /ergamos write# :These things says 2e who has the shar" twoFedged sword7

Nevertheless 0 have this against you# that you have left your first love'

+emember therefore from where you have fallen9 re"ent and do the first wor1s# or else 0 will come to you Guic1ly and remove your lam"stand from its "laceFFunless you re"ent'

:0 1now your wor1s# and where you dwell# where SatanDs throne is' And you hold fast to 4y name# and did not deny 4y faith even in the days in which Anti"as was 4y faithful martyr# who was 1illed among you# where Satan dwells'

But 0 have a few things against you# because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam# who taught

Bala1 to "ut a stumbling bloc1 before the children of 0srael# to eat things sacrificed to idols# and to commit se!ual immorality'

who searches the minds and hearts' And 0 will give to each one of you according to your wor1s'

Thus you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans# which thing 0 hate'

:Now to you 0 say# and to the rest in Thyatira# as many as do not have this doctrine# who have not 1nown the de"ths of Satan# as they say# 0 will "ut on you no other burden'

+e"ent# or else 0 will come to you Guic1ly and will fight against them with the sword of 4y mouth'

But hold fast what you have till 0 come'


:2e who has an ear# let him hear what the S"irit says to the churches' To him who overcomes 0 will give some of the hidden manna to eat' And 0 will give him a white stone# and on the stone a new name written which no one 1nows e!ce"t him who receives it':D

And he who overcomes# and 1ee"s 4y wor1s until the end# to him 0 will give "ower over the nationsFF

:2e shall rule them with a rod of iron9 They shall be dashed to "ieces li1e the "otterDs vesselsD FF as 0 also have received from 4y Father9

:And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write# :These things says the Son of (od# who has eyes li1e a flame of fire# and 2is feet li1e fine brass7

and 0 will give him the morning star'


:2e who has an ear# let him hear what the S"irit says to the churches':D

:0 1now your wor1s# love# service# faith# and your "atience9 and as for your wor1s# the last are more than the first'

3:And to the angel of the church in

Sardis write# :These things says 2e who has the seven S"irits of (od and the seven stars7 :0 1now your wor1s# that you have a name that you are alive# but you are dead'

Nevertheless 0 have a few things against you# because you allow that woman Je.ebel# who calls herself a "ro"hetess# to teach and seduce 4y servants to commit se!ual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols'

And 0 gave her time to re"ent of her se!ual immorality# and she did not re"ent'

Be watchful# and strengthen the things which remain# that are ready to die# for 0 have not found your wor1s "erfect before (od'

0ndeed 0 will cast her into a sic1bed# and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation# unless they re"ent of their deeds'

+emember therefore how you have received and heard9 hold fast and re"ent' Therefore if you will not watch# 0 will come u"on you as a thief# and you will not 1now what hour 0 will come u"on you'

0 will 1ill her children with death# and all the churches shall 1now that 0 am 2e

Cou have a few names even in Sardis who have not defiled their garments9 and they shall wal1 with 4e in white# for they are worthy'

the city of 4y (od# the New Jerusalem# which comes down out of heaven from 4y (od' And 0 will write on him 4y new name'

2e who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments# and 0 will not blot out his name from the Boo1 of )ife9 but 0 will confess his name before 4y Father and before 2is angels'

:2e who has an ear# let him hear what the S"irit says to the churches':D

:2e who has an ear# let him hear what the S"irit says to the churches':D

:And to the angel of the church of the )aodiceans write# :These things says the Amen# the Faithful and True Bitness# the Beginning of the creation of (od7

:And to the angel of the church in /hiladel"hia write# :These things says 2e who is holy# 2e who is true# :2e who has the 1ey of *avid# 2e who o"ens and no one shuts# and shuts and no one o"ens:7

:0 1now your wor1s# that you are neither cold nor hot' 0 could wish you were cold or hot'

So then# because you are lu1ewarm# and neither cold nor hot# 0 will vomit you out of 4y mouth'

:0 1now your wor1s' See# 0 have set before you an o"en door# and no one can shut it9 for you have a little strength# have 1e"t 4y word# and have not denied 4y name'

Because you say# :0 am rich# have become wealthy# and have need of nothingDFFand do not 1now that you are wretched# miserable# "oor# blind# and na1edFF

0ndeed 0 will ma1e those of the synagogue of Satan# who say they are Jews and are not# but lieFFindeed 0 will ma1e them come and worshi" before your feet# and to 1now that 0 have loved you'

Because you have 1e"t 4y command to "ersevere# 0 also will 1ee" you from the hour of trial which shall come u"on the whole world# to test those who dwell on the earth'

0 counsel you to buy from 4e gold refined in the fire# that you may be rich9 and white garments# that you may be clothed# that the shame of your na1edness may not be revealed9 and anoint your eyes with eye salve# that you may see'

As many as 0 love# 0 rebu1e and chasten' Therefore be .ealous and re"ent'


Behold# 0 am coming Guic1lyH 2old fast what you have# that no one may ta1e your crown'

Behold# 0 stand at the door and 1noc1' 0f anyone hears 4y voice and o"ens the door# 0 will come in to him and dine with him# and he with 4e'

2e who overcomes# 0 will ma1e him a "illar in the tem"le of 4y (od# and he shall go out no more' 0 will write on him the name of 4y (od and the name of

To him who overcomes 0 will grant to sit with 4e on 4y throne# as 0 also

overcame and sat down with 4y Father on 2is throne'



:2e who has an ear# let him hear what the S"irit says to the churches'::D

The four living creatures# each having si! wings# were full of eyes around and within' And they do not rest day or night# saying7 :2oly# holy# holy# )ord (od Almighty# Bho was and is and is to comeH:


these things 0 loo1ed# and behold# a door standing o"en in heaven' And the first voice which 0 heard was li1e a trum"et s"ea1ing with me# saying# :-ome u" here# and 0 will show you things which must ta1e "lace after this':

Bhenever the living creatures give glory and honor and than1s to 2im who sits on the throne# who lives forever and ever#

0mmediately 0 was in the S"irit9 and behold# a throne set in heaven# and 3ne sat on the throne'

the twentyFfour elders fall down before 2im who sits on the throne and worshi" 2im who lives forever and ever# and cast their crowns before the throne# saying7

And 2e who sat there was li1e a $as"er and a sardius stone in a""earance9 and there was a rainbow around the throne# in a""earance li1e an emerald'

:Cou are worthy# 3 )ord# To receive glory and honor and "ower9 For Cou created all things# And by Cour will they e!ist and were created':

Around the throne were twentyFfour thrones# and on the thrones 0 saw twentyFfour elders sitting# clothed in white robes9 and they had crowns of gold on their heads'

5And 0 saw in the right hand of 2im

who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the bac1# sealed with seven seals'

And from the throne "roceeded lightnings# thunderings# and voices' Seven lam"s of fire were burning before the throne# which are the seven S"irits of (od'

Then 0 saw a strong angel "roclaiming with a loud voice# :Bho is worthy to o"en the scroll and to loose its sealsE:

Before the throne there was a sea of glass# li1e crystal' And in the midst of the throne# and around the throne# were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in bac1'

And no one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to o"en the scroll# or to loo1 at it'

So 0 we"t much# because no one was found worthy to o"en and read the scroll# or to loo1 at it'

The first living creature was li1e a lion# the second living creature li1e a calf# the third living creature had a face li1e a man# and the fourth living creature was li1e a flying eagle'

But one of the elders said to me# :*o not wee"' Behold# the )ion of the tribe of Judah# the +oot of *avid# has "revailed to o"en the scroll and to loose its seven seals':


And 0 loo1ed# and behold# in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures# and in the midst of the elders# stood a )amb as though it had been slain# having seven horns and seven eyes# which are the seven S"irits of (od sent out into all the earth'


And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea# and all that are in them# 0 heard saying7 :Blessing and honor and glory and "ower Be to 2im who sits on the throne# And to the )amb# forever and everH:

Then 2e came and too1 the scroll out of the right hand of 2im who sat on the throne'

Then the four living creatures said# :AmenH: And the twentyFfour elders fell down and worshi"ed 2im who lives forever and ever'

Now when 2e had ta1en the scroll# the four living creatures and the twentyFfour elders fell down before the )amb# each having a har"# and golden bowls full of incense# which are the "rayers of the saints'

6Now 0 saw when the )amb o"ened

one of the seals9 and 0 heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice li1e thunder# :-ome and see':

And they sang a new song# saying7 :Cou are worthy to ta1e the scroll# And to o"en its seals9 For Cou were slain# And have redeemed us to (od by Cour blood 3ut of every tribe and tongue and "eo"le and nation#

And 0 loo1ed# and behold# a white horse' 2e who sat on it had a bow9 and a crown was given to him# and he went out conGuering and to conGuer'

And have made us 1ings and "riests to our (od9 And we shall reign on the earth':

Bhen 2e o"ened the second seal# 0 heard the second living creature saying# :-ome and see':

Then 0 loo1ed# and 0 heard the voice of many angels around the throne# the living creatures# and the elders9 and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand# and thousands of thousands#

Another horse# fiery red# went out' And it was granted to the one who sat on it to ta1e "eace from the earth# and that "eo"le should 1ill one another9 and there was given to him a great sword'

saying with a loud voice7 :Borthy is the )amb who was slain To receive "ower and riches and wisdom# And strength and honor and glory and blessingH:

Bhen 2e o"ened the third seal# 0 heard the third living creature say# :-ome and see': So 0 loo1ed# and behold# a blac1 horse# and he who sat on it had a "air of scales in his hand'

And 0 heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying# :A Guart of wheat for a denarius# and three Guarts of barley for a denarius9 and do not harm the oil and the wine':

Bhen 2e o"ened the fourth seal# 0 heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying# :-ome and see':


and said to the mountains and roc1s# :Fall on us and hide us from the face of 2im who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the )ambH

So 0 loo1ed# and behold# a "ale horse' And the name of him who sat on it was *eath# and 2ades followed with him' And "ower was given to them over a fourth of the earth# to 1ill with sword# with hunger# with death# and by the beasts of the earth'

For the great day of 2is wrath has come# and who is able to standE:

7After these things 0 saw four angels

standing at the four corners of the earth# holding the four winds of the earth# that the wind should not blow on the earth# on the sea# or on any tree'

Bhen 2e o"ened the fifth seal# 0 saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of (od and for the testimony which they held'

And they cried with a loud voice# saying# :2ow long# 3 )ord# holy and true# until Cou $udge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earthE:

Then 0 saw another angel ascending from the east# having the seal of the living (od' And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea#

Then a white robe was given to each of them9 and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer# until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren# who would be 1illed as they were# was com"leted'

saying# :*o not harm the earth# the sea# or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our (od on their foreheads':

0 loo1ed when 2e o"ened the si!th seal# and behold# there was a great earthGua1e9 and the sun became blac1 as sac1cloth of hair# and the moon became li1e blood'

And 0 heard the number of those who were sealed' 3ne hundred and fortyF four thousand of all the tribes of the children of 0srael were sealed7

And the stars of heaven fell to the earth# as a fig tree dro"s its late figs when it is sha1en by a mighty wind'

of the tribe of Judah twelve thousand were sealed9 of the tribe of +euben twelve thousand were sealed9 of the tribe of (ad twelve thousand were sealed9

Then the s1y receded as a scroll when it is rolled u"# and every mountain and island was moved out of its "lace'

of the tribe of Asher twelve thousand were sealed9 of the tribe of Na"htali twelve thousand were sealed9 of the tribe of 4anasseh twelve thousand were sealed9

And the 1ings of the earth# the great men# the rich men# the commanders# the mighty men# every slave and every free man# hid themselves in the caves and in the roc1s of the mountains#

of the tribe of Simeon twelve thousand were sealed9 of the tribe of )evi twelve thousand were sealed9 of the tribe of 0ssachar twelve thousand were sealed9


of the tribe of 5ebulun twelve thousand were sealed9 of the tribe of Jose"h twelve thousand were sealed9 of the tribe of Ben$amin twelve thousand were sealed'


for the )amb who is in the midst of the throne will she"herd them and lead them to living fountains of waters' And (od will wi"e away every tear from their eyes':

After these things 0 loo1ed# and behold# a great multitude which no one could number# of all nations# tribes# "eo"les# and tongues# standing before the throne and before the )amb# clothed with white robes# with "alm branches in their hands#

8Bhen 2e o"ened the seventh seal#

there was silence in heaven for about half an hour'

and crying out with a loud voice# saying# :Salvation belongs to our (od who sits on the throne# and to the )ambH:

And 0 saw the seven angels who stand before (od# and to them were given seven trum"ets'

All the angels stood around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures# and fell on their faces before the throne and worshi"ed (od#

Then another angel# having a golden censer# came and stood at the altar' 2e was given much incense# that he should offer it with the "rayers of all the saints u"on the golden altar which was before the throne'

saying7 :AmenH Blessing and glory and wisdom# Than1sgiving and honor and "ower and might# Be to our (od forever and ever' Amen':

And the smo1e of the incense# with the "rayers of the saints# ascended before (od from the angelDs hand'

Then one of the elders answered# saying to me# :Bho are these arrayed in white robes# and where did they come fromE:

Then the angel too1 the censer# filled it with fire from the altar# and threw it to the earth' And there were noises# thunderings# lightnings# and an earthGua1e'

And 0 said to him# :Sir# you 1now': So he said to me# :These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation# and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the )amb'

So the seven angels who had the seven trum"ets "re"ared themselves to sound'

Therefore they are before the throne of (od# and serve 2im day and night in 2is tem"le' And 2e who sits on the throne will dwell among them'

The first angel sounded7 And hail and fire followed# mingled with blood# and they were thrown to the earth' And a third of the trees were burned u"# and all green grass was burned u"'

They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore9 the sun shall not stri1e them# nor any heat9

Then the second angel sounded7 And something li1e a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea# and a third of the sea became blood'

And a third of the living creatures in the sea died# and a third of the shi"s were destroyed'

They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth# or any green thing# or any tree# but only those men who do not have the seal of (od on their foreheads'

Then the third angel sounded7 And a great star fell from heaven# burning li1e a torch# and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the s"rings of water'

The name of the star is Bormwood' A third of the waters became wormwood# and many men died from the water# because it was made bitter'

And they were not given authority to 1ill them# but to torment them for five months' Their torment was li1e the torment of a scor"ion when it stri1es a man'

0n those days men will see1 death and will not find it9 they will desire to die# and death will flee from them'

Then the fourth angel sounded7 And a third of the sun was struc1# a third of the moon# and a third of the stars# so that a third of them were dar1ened' A third of the day did not shine# and li1ewise the night'

The sha"e of the locusts was li1e horses "re"ared for battle' 3n their heads were crowns of something li1e gold# and their faces were li1e the faces of men'

And 0 loo1ed# and 0 heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven# saying with a loud voice# :Boe# woe# woe to the inhabitants of the earth# because of the remaining blasts of the trum"et of the three angels who are about to soundH:

They had hair li1e womenDs hair# and their teeth were li1e lionsD teeth'

And they had breast"lates li1e breast"lates of iron# and the sound of their wings was li1e the sound of chariots with many horses running into battle'

9Then the fifth angel sounded7 And 0

saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth' To him was given the 1ey to the bottomless "it'

They had tails li1e scor"ions# and there were stings in their tails' Their "ower was to hurt men five months'

And he o"ened the bottomless "it# and smo1e arose out of the "it li1e the smo1e of a great furnace' So the sun and the air were dar1ened because of the smo1e of the "it'

And they had as 1ing over them the angel of the bottomless "it# whose name in 2ebrew is Abaddon# but in (ree1 he has the name A"ollyon'

3ne woe is "ast' Behold# still two more woes are coming after these things'

Then out of the smo1e locusts came u"on the earth' And to them was given "ower# as the scor"ions of the earth have "ower'

Then the si!th angel sounded7 And 0 heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before (od#


saying to the si!th angel who had the trum"et# :+elease the four angels who are bound at the great river u"hrates':

100 saw still another mighty angel

coming down from heaven# clothed with a cloud' And a rainbow was on his head# his face was li1e the sun# and his feet li1e "illars of fire'

So the four angels# who had been "re"ared for the hour and day and month and year# were released to 1ill a third of man1ind'

Now the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million9 0 heard the number of them'

2e had a little boo1 o"en in his hand' And he set his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land#

And thus 0 saw the horses in the vision7 those who sat on them had breast"lates of fiery red# hyacinth blue# and sulfur yellow9 and the heads of the horses were li1e the heads of lions9 and out of their mouths came fire# smo1e# and brimstone'

and cried with a loud voice# as when a lion roars' Bhen he cried out# seven thunders uttered their voices'

By these three "lagues a third of man1ind was 1illedFFby the fire and the smo1e and the brimstone which came out of their mouths'

Now when the seven thunders uttered their voices# 0 was about to write9 but 0 heard a voice from heaven saying to me# :Seal u" the things which the seven thunders uttered# and do not write them':

The angel whom 0 saw standing on the sea and on the land raised u" his hand to heaven

For their "ower is in their mouth and in their tails9 for their tails are li1e ser"ents# having heads9 and with them they do harm'

But the rest of man1ind# who were not 1illed by these "lagues# did not re"ent of the wor1s of their hands# that they should not worshi" demons# and idols of gold# silver# brass# stone# and wood# which can neither see nor hear nor wal1'

and swore by 2im who lives forever and ever# who created heaven and the things that are in it# the earth and the things that are in it# and the sea and the things that are in it# that there should be delay no longer#

And they did not re"ent of their murders or their sorceries or their se!ual immorality or their thefts'

but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel# when he is about to sound# the mystery of (od would be finished# as 2e declared to 2is servants the "ro"hets'

Then the voice which 0 heard from heaven s"o1e to me again and said# :(o# ta1e the little boo1 which is o"en in the hand of the angel who stands on the sea and on the earth':

So 0 went to the angel and said to him# :(ive me the little boo1': And he said to

me# :Ta1e and eat it9 and it will ma1e your stomach bitter# but it will be as sweet as honey in your mouth':

Bhen they finish their testimony# the beast that ascends out of the bottomless "it will ma1e war against them# overcome them# and 1ill them'

Then 0 too1 the little boo1 out of the angelDs hand and ate it# and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth' But when 0 had eaten it# my stomach became bitter'

And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which s"iritually is called Sodom and gy"t# where also our )ord was crucified'

And he said to me# :Cou must "ro"hesy again about many "eo"les# nations# tongues# and 1ings':

11Then 0 was given a reed li1e a

measuring rod' And the angel stood# saying# :+ise and measure the tem"le of (od# the altar# and those who worshi" there'

Then those from the "eo"les# tribes# tongues# and nations will see their dead bodies threeFandFaFhalf days# and not allow their dead bodies to be "ut into graves'

But leave out the court which is outside the tem"le# and do not measure it# for it has been given to the (entiles' And they will tread the holy city underfoot for fortyFtwo months'

And those who dwell on the earth will re$oice over them# ma1e merry# and send gifts to one another# because these two "ro"hets tormented those who dwell on the earth'

Now after the threeFandFaFhalf days the breath of life from (od entered them# and they stood on their feet# and great fear fell on those who saw them'

And 0 will give "ower to my two witnesses# and they will "ro"hesy one thousand two hundred and si!ty days# clothed in sac1cloth':

And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them# :-ome u" here': And they ascended to heaven in a cloud# and their enemies saw them'

These are the two olive trees and the two lam"stands standing before the (od of the earth'

And if anyone wants to harm them# fire "roceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies' And if anyone wants to harm them# he must be 1illed in this manner'

0n the same hour there was a great earthGua1e# and a tenth of the city fell' 0n the earthGua1e seven thousand "eo"le were 1illed# and the rest were afraid and gave glory to the (od of heaven'

The second woe is "ast' Behold# the third woe is coming Guic1ly'

These have "ower to shut heaven# so that no rain falls in the days of their "ro"hecy9 and they have "ower over waters to turn them to blood# and to stri1e the earth with all "lagues# as often as they desire'

Then the seventh angel sounded7 And there were loud voices in heaven# saying# :The 1ingdoms of this world have become the 1ingdoms of our )ord and of 2is -hrist# and 2e shall reign forever and everH:


And the twentyFfour elders who sat before (od on their thrones fell on their faces and worshi"ed (od#


She bore a male -hild who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron' And her -hild was caught u" to (od and 2is throne'

saying7 :Be give Cou than1s# 3 )ord (od Almighty# The 3ne who is and who was and who is to come# Because Cou have ta1en Cour great "ower and reigned'

Then the woman fled into the wilderness# where she has a "lace "re"ared by (od# that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and si!ty days'

The nations were angry# and Cour wrath has come# And the time of the dead# that they should be $udged# And that Cou should reward Cour servants the "ro"hets and the saints# And those who fear Cour name# small and great# And should destroy those who destroy the earth':

And war bro1e out in heaven7 4ichael and his angels fought with the dragon9 and the dragon and his angels fought#

but they did not "revail# nor was a "lace found for them in heaven any longer'

Then the tem"le of (od was o"ened in heaven# and the ar1 of 2is covenant was seen in 2is tem"le' And there were lightnings# noises# thunderings# an earthGua1e# and great hail'

So the great dragon was cast out# that ser"ent of old# called the *evil and Satan# who deceives the whole world9 he was cast to the earth# and his angels were cast out with him'


a great sign a""eared in heaven7 a woman clothed with the sun# with the moon under her feet# and on her head a garland of twelve stars' Then being with child# she cried out in labor and in "ain to give birth'

Then 0 heard a loud voice saying in heaven# :Now salvation# and strength# and the 1ingdom of our (od# and the "ower of 2is -hrist have come# for the accuser of our brethren# who accused them before our (od day and night# has been cast down'

And another sign a""eared in heaven7 behold# a great# fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns# and seven diadems on his heads'

And they overcame him by the blood of the )amb and by the word of their testimony# and they did not love their lives to the death'

2is tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth' And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth# to devour her -hild as soon as it was born'

Therefore re$oice# 3 heavens# and you who dwell in themH Boe to the inhabitants of the earth and the seaH For the devil has come down to you# having great wrath# because he 1nows that he has a short time':

Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth# he "ersecuted the woman who gave birth to the male -hild'


But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle# that she might fly into the wilderness to her "lace# where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time# from the "resence of the ser"ent'


And he was given a mouth s"ea1ing great things and blas"hemies# and he was given authority to continue for fortyF two months'

So the ser"ent s"ewed water out of his mouth li1e a flood after the woman# that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood'

Then he o"ened his mouth in blas"hemy against (od# to blas"heme 2is name# 2is tabernacle# and those who dwell in heaven'

But the earth hel"ed the woman# and the earth o"ened its mouth and swallowed u" the flood which the dragon had s"ewed out of his mouth'

0t was granted to him to ma1e war with the saints and to overcome them' And authority was given him over every tribe# tongue# and nation'

And the dragon was enraged with the woman# and he went to ma1e war with the rest of her offs"ring# who 1ee" the commandments of (od and have the testimony of Jesus -hrist'

All who dwell on the earth will worshi" him# whose names have not been written in the Boo1 of )ife of the )amb slain from the foundation of the world'

0f anyone has an ear# let him hear'


13Then 0 stood on the sand of the

sea' And 0 saw a beast rising u" out of the sea# having seven heads and ten horns# and on his horns ten crowns# and on his heads a blas"hemous name'

2e who leads into ca"tivity shall go into ca"tivity9 he who 1ills with the sword must be 1illed with the sword' 2ere is the "atience and the faith of the saints'

Then 0 saw another beast coming u" out of the earth# and he had two horns li1e a lamb and s"o1e li1e a dragon'

Now the beast which 0 saw was li1e a leo"ard# his feet were li1e the feet of a bear# and his mouth li1e the mouth of a lion' The dragon gave him his "ower# his throne# and great authority'

And he e!ercises all the authority of the first beast in his "resence# and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worshi" the first beast# whose deadly wound was healed'

And 0 saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded# and his deadly wound was healed' And all the world marveled and followed the beast'

2e "erforms great signs# so that he even ma1es fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men'

So they worshi"ed the dragon who gave authority to the beast9 and they worshi"ed the beast# saying# :Bho is li1e the beastE Bho is able to ma1e war with himE:

And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast# telling those who dwell on the earth to ma1e an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived'


2e was granted "ower to give breath to the image of the beast# that the image of the beast should both s"ea1 and cause as many as would not worshi" the image of the beast to be 1illed'


And in their mouth was found no deceit# for they are without fault before the throne of (od'

2e causes all# both small and great# rich and "oor# free and slave# to receive a mar1 on their right hand or on their foreheads#

Then 0 saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven# having the everlasting gos"el to "reach to those who dwell on the earthFFto every nation# tribe# tongue# and "eo"leFF

and that no one may buy or sell e!ce"t one who has the mar1 or the name of the beast# or the number of his name'

saying with a loud voice# :Fear (od and give glory to 2im# for the hour of 2is $udgment has come9 and worshi" 2im who made heaven and earth# the sea and s"rings of water':

2ere is wisdom' )et him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast# for it is the number of a man7 2is number is &&&'


And another angel followed# saying# :Babylon is fallen# is fallen# that great city# because she has made all nations drin1 of the wine of the wrath of her fornication':

0 loo1ed# and behold# a )amb standing on 4ount 5ion# and with 2im one hundred and fortyFfour thousand# having 2is FatherDs name written on their foreheads'

Then a third angel followed them# saying with a loud voice# :0f anyone worshi"s the beast and his image# and receives his mar1 on his forehead or on his hand#

And 0 heard a voice from heaven# li1e the voice of many waters# and li1e the voice of loud thunder' And 0 heard the sound of har"ists "laying their har"s'

They sang as it were a new song before the throne# before the four living creatures# and the elders9 and no one could learn that song e!ce"t the hundred and fortyFfour thousand who were redeemed from the earth'

he himself shall also drin1 of the wine of the wrath of (od# which is "oured out full strength into the cu" of 2is indignation' 2e shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the "resence of the holy angels and in the "resence of the )amb'

These are the ones who were not defiled with women# for they are virgins' These are the ones who follow the )amb wherever 2e goes' These were redeemed from among men# being firstfruits to (od and to the )amb'

And the smo1e of their torment ascends forever and ever9 and they have no rest day or night# who worshi" the beast and his image# and whoever receives the mar1 of his name':

2ere is the "atience of the saints9 here are those who 1ee" the commandments of (od and the faith of Jesus'

Then 0 heard a voice from heaven saying to me# :Brite7 :Blessed are the

dead who die in the )ord from now on':D :Ces#: says the S"irit# :that they may rest from their labors# and their wor1s follow them':

angels having the seven last "lagues# for in them the wrath of (od is com"lete'

Then 0 loo1ed# and behold# a white cloud# and on the cloud sat 3ne li1e the Son of 4an# having on 2is head a golden crown# and in 2is hand a shar" sic1le'

And 0 saw something li1e a sea of glass mingled with fire# and those who have the victory over the beast# over his image and over his mar1 and over the number of his name# standing on the sea of glass# having har"s of (od'

And another angel came out of the tem"le# crying with a loud voice to 2im who sat on the cloud# :Thrust in Cour sic1le and rea"# for the time has come for Cou to rea"# for the harvest of the earth is ri"e':

They sing the song of 4oses# the servant of (od# and the song of the )amb# saying7 :(reat and marvelous are Cour wor1s# )ord (od AlmightyH Just and true are Cour ways# 3 King of the saintsH

So 2e who sat on the cloud thrust in 2is sic1le on the earth# and the earth was rea"ed'

Then another angel came out of the tem"le which is in heaven# he also having a shar" sic1le'

Bho shall not fear Cou# 3 )ord# and glorify Cour nameE For Cou alone are holy' For all nations shall come and worshi" before Cou# For Cour $udgments have been manifested':

And another angel came out from the altar# who had "ower over fire# and he cried with a loud cry to him who had the shar" sic1le# saying# :Thrust in your shar" sic1le and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth# for her gra"es are fully ri"e':

After these things 0 loo1ed# and behold# the tem"le of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was o"ened'

And out of the tem"le came the seven angels having the seven "lagues# clothed in "ure bright linen# and having their chests girded with golden bands'

So the angel thrust his sic1le into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth# and threw it into the great wine"ress of the wrath of (od'

Then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the wrath of (od who lives forever and ever'

And the wine"ress was tram"led outside the city# and blood came out of the wine"ress# u" to the horsesD bridles# for one thousand si! hundred furlongs'

The tem"le was filled with smo1e from the glory of (od and from 2is "ower# and no one was able to enter the tem"le till the seven "lagues of the seven angels were com"leted'


0 saw another sign in heaven# great and marvelous7 seven

16Then 0 heard a loud voice from the

tem"le saying to the seven angels# :(o

and "our out the bowls of the wrath of (od on the earth':


They blas"hemed the (od of heaven because of their "ains and their sores# and did not re"ent of their deeds'

So the first went and "oured out his bowl u"on the earth# and a foul and loathsome sore came u"on the men who had the mar1 of the beast and those who worshi"ed his image'

Then the si!th angel "oured out his bowl on the great river u"hrates# and its water was dried u"# so that the way of the 1ings from the east might be "re"ared'

Then the second angel "oured out his bowl on the sea# and it became blood as of a dead man9 and every living creature in the sea died'

Then the third angel "oured out his bowl on the rivers and s"rings of water# and they became blood'

And 0 saw three unclean s"irits li1e frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon# out of the mouth of the beast# and out of the mouth of the false "ro"het'

And 0 heard the angel of the waters saying7 :Cou are righteous# 3 )ord# The 3ne who is and who was and who is to be# Because Cou have $udged these things'

For they are s"irits of demons# "erforming signs# which go out to the 1ings of the earth and of the whole world# to gather them to the battle of that great day of (od Almighty'

For they have shed the blood of saints and "ro"hets# And Cou have given them blood to drin1' For it is their $ust due':

:Behold# 0 am coming as a thief' Blessed is he who watches# and 1ee"s his garments# lest he wal1 na1ed and they see his shame':

And 0 heard another from the altar saying# : ven so# )ord (od Almighty# true and righteous are Cour $udgments':

And they gathered them together to the "lace called in 2ebrew# Armageddon'

Then the fourth angel "oured out his bowl on the sun# and "ower was given to him to scorch men with fire'

Then the seventh angel "oured out his bowl into the air# and a loud voice came out of the tem"le of heaven# from the throne# saying# :0t is doneH:

And men were scorched with great heat# and they blas"hemed the name of (od who has "ower over these "lagues9 and they did not re"ent and give 2im glory'

And there were noises and thunderings and lightnings9 and there was a great earthGua1e# such a mighty and great earthGua1e as had not occurred since men were on the earth'

Then the fifth angel "oured out his bowl on the throne of the beast# and his 1ingdom became full of dar1ness9 and they gnawed their tongues because of the "ain'

Now the great city was divided into three "arts# and the cities of the nations fell' And great Babylon was remembered before (od# to give her the cu" of the wine of the fierceness of 2is wrath'


Then every island fled away# and the mountains were not found'

woman and of the beast that carries her# which has the seven heads and the ten horns'

And great hail from heaven fell u"on men# each hailstone about the weight of a talent' 4en blas"hemed (od because of the "lague of the hail# since that "lague was e!ceedingly great'

17Then one of the seven angels who

had the seven bowls came and tal1ed with me# saying to me# :-ome# 0 will show you the $udgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters#

The beast that you saw was# and is not# and will ascend out of the bottomless "it and go to "erdition' And those who dwell on the earth will marvel# whose names are not written in the Boo1 of )ife from the foundation of the world# when they see the beast that was# and is not# and yet is'

:2ere is the mind which has wisdom7 The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits'

with whom the 1ings of the earth committed fornication# and the inhabitants of the earth were made drun1 with the wine of her fornication':

There are also seven 1ings' Five have fallen# one is# and the other has not yet come' And when he comes# he must continue a short time'

So he carried me away in the S"irit into the wilderness' And 0 saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blas"hemy# having seven heads and ten horns'

The beast that was# and is not# is himself also the eighth# and is of the seven# and is going to "erdition'

The woman was arrayed in "ur"le and scarlet# and adorned with gold and "recious stones and "earls# having in her hand a golden cu" full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication'

:The ten horns which you saw are ten 1ings who have received no 1ingdom as yet# but they receive authority for one hour as 1ings with the beast'

These are of one mind# and they will give their "ower and authority to the beast'

And on her forehead a name was written7 4CST +C# BABC)3N T2 (+ AT# T2 43T2 + 3F 2A+)3TS AN* 3F T2 AB340NAT03NS 3F T2 A+T2'

These will ma1e war with the )amb# and the )amb will overcome them# for 2e is )ord of lords and King of 1ings9 and those who are with 2im are called# chosen# and faithful':

0 saw the woman# drun1 with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus' And when 0 saw her# 0 marveled with great ama.ement'

Then he said to me# :The waters which you saw# where the harlot sits# are "eo"les# multitudes# nations# and tongues'

But the angel said to me# :Bhy did you marvelE 0 will tell you the mystery of the

And the ten horns which you saw on the beast# these will hate the harlot#

ma1e her desolate and na1ed# eat her flesh and burn her with fire'

For (od has "ut it into their hearts to fulfill 2is "ur"ose# to be of one mind# and to give their 1ingdom to the beast# until the words of (od are fulfilled'

measure give her torment and sorrow9 for she says in her heart# :0 sit as Gueen# and am no widow# and will not see sorrow'D

And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the 1ings of the earth':

Therefore her "lagues will come in one dayFFdeath and mourning and famine' And she will be utterly burned with fire# for strong is the )ord (od who $udges her'

18After these things 0 saw another

angel coming down from heaven# having great authority# and the earth was illuminated with his glory'

:The 1ings of the earth who committed fornication and lived lu!uriously with her will wee" and lament for her# when they see the smo1e of her burning#

And he cried mightily with a loud voice# saying# :Babylon the great is fallen# is fallen# and has become a dwelling "lace of demons# a "rison for every foul s"irit# and a cage for every unclean and hated birdH

standing at a distance for fear of her torment# saying# :Alas# alas# that great city Babylon# that mighty cityH For in one hour your $udgment has come'D

:And the merchants of the earth will wee" and mourn over her# for no one buys their merchandise anymore7

For all the nations have drun1 of the wine of the wrath of her fornication# the 1ings of the earth have committed fornication with her# and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her lu!ury':

merchandise of gold and silver# "recious stones and "earls# fine linen and "ur"le# sil1 and scarlet# every 1ind of citron wood# every 1ind of ob$ect of ivory# every 1ind of ob$ect of most "recious wood# bron.e# iron# and marble9

And 0 heard another voice from heaven saying# :-ome out of her# my "eo"le# lest you share in her sins# and lest you receive of her "lagues'

For her sins have reached to heaven# and (od has remembered her iniGuities'

and cinnamon and incense# fragrant oil and fran1incense# wine and oil# fine flour and wheat# cattle and shee"# horses and chariots# and bodies and souls of men'

+ender to her $ust as she rendered to you# and re"ay her double according to her wor1s9 in the cu" which she has mi!ed# mi! double for her'

The fruit that your soul longed for has gone from you# and all the things which are rich and s"lendid have gone from you# and you shall find them no more at all'

0n the measure that she glorified herself and lived lu!uriously# in the same

The merchants of these things# who became rich by her# will stand at a

distance for fear of her torment# wee"ing and wailing#



And in her was found the blood of "ro"hets and saints# and of all who were slain on the earth':

and saying# :Alas# alas# that great city that was clothed in fine linen# "ur"le# and scarlet# and adorned with gold and "recious stones and "earlsH

19After these things 0 heard a loud

voice of a great multitude in heaven# saying# :AlleluiaH Salvation and glory and honor and "ower belong to the )ord our (odH

For in one hour such great riches came to nothing'D very shi"master# all who travel by shi"# sailors# and as many as trade on the sea# stood at a distance

and cried out when they saw the smo1e of her burning# saying# :Bhat is li1e this great cityED

For true and righteous are 2is $udgments# because 2e has $udged the great harlot who corru"ted the earth with her fornication9 and 2e has avenged on her the blood of 2is servants shed by her':

:They threw dust on their heads and cried out# wee"ing and wailing# and saying# :Alas# alas# that great city# in which all who had shi"s on the sea became rich by her wealthH For in one hour she is made desolate'D

Again they said# :AlleluiaH 2er smo1e rises u" forever and everH:

:+e$oice over her# 3 heaven# and you holy a"ostles and "ro"hets# for (od has avenged you on herH:

And the twentyFfour elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshi"ed (od who sat on the throne# saying# :AmenH AlleluiaH:

Then a mighty angel too1 u" a stone li1e a great millstone and threw it into the sea# saying# :Thus with violence the great city Babylon shall be thrown down# and shall not be found anymore'

Then a voice came from the throne# saying# :/raise our (od# all you 2is servants and those who fear 2im# both small and greatH:

The sound of har"ists# musicians# flutists# and trum"eters shall not be heard in you anymore' No craftsman of any craft shall be found in you anymore# and the sound of a millstone shall not be heard in you anymore'

And 0 heard# as it were# the voice of a great multitude# as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings# saying# :AlleluiaH For the )ord (od 3mni"otent reignsH

The light of a lam" shall not shine in you anymore# and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore' For your merchants were the great men of the earth# for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived'

)et us be glad and re$oice and give 2im glory# for the marriage of the )amb has come# and 2is wife has made herself ready':

And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen# clean and bright# for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints'

Then he said to me# :Brite7 :Blessed are those who are called to the marriage su""er of the )ambH:D And he said to me# :These are the true sayings of (od':


that you may eat the flesh of 1ings# the flesh of ca"tains# the flesh of mighty men# the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them# and the flesh of all "eo"le# free and slave# both small and great':

And 0 fell at his feet to worshi" him' But he said to me# :See that you do not do thatH 0 am your fellow servant# and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus' Borshi" (odH For the testimony of Jesus is the s"irit of "ro"hecy':

And 0 saw the beast# the 1ings of the earth# and their armies# gathered together to ma1e war against 2im who sat on the horse and against 2is army'

Now 0 saw heaven o"ened# and behold# a white horse' And 2e who sat on him was called Faithful and True# and in righteousness 2e $udges and ma1es war'

Then the beast was ca"tured# and with him the false "ro"het who wor1ed signs in his "resence# by which he deceived those who received the mar1 of the beast and those who worshi"ed his image' These two were cast alive into the la1e of fire burning with brimstone'

2is eyes were li1e a flame of fire# and on 2is head were many crowns' 2e had a name written that no one 1new e!ce"t 2imself'

And the rest were 1illed with the sword which "roceeded from the mouth of 2im who sat on the horse' And all the birds were filled with their flesh'

2e was clothed with a robe di""ed in blood# and 2is name is called The Bord of (od'

20Then 0 saw an angel coming down

from heaven# having the 1ey to the bottomless "it and a great chain in his hand'

And the armies in heaven# clothed in fine linen# white and clean# followed 2im on white horses'

Now out of 2is mouth goes a shar" sword# that with it 2e should stri1e the nations' And 2e 2imself will rule them with a rod of iron' 2e 2imself treads the wine"ress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty (od'

2e laid hold of the dragon# that ser"ent of old# who is the *evil and Satan# and bound him for a thousand years9

And 2e has on 2is robe and on 2is thigh a name written7 K0N( 3F K0N(S AN* )3+* 3F )3+*S'

and he cast him into the bottomless "it# and shut him u"# and set a seal on him# so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished' But after these things he must be released for a little while'

Then 0 saw an angel standing in the sun9 and he cried with a loud voice# saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven# :-ome and gather together for the su""er of the great (od#

And 0 saw thrones# and they sat on them# and $udgment was committed to them' Then 0 saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of (od# who had not worshi"ed the beast or his image#

and had not received his mar1 on their foreheads or on their hands' And they lived and reigned with -hrist for a thousand years'

the things which were written in the boo1s'


But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished' This is the first resurrection'

The sea gave u" the dead who were in it# and *eath and 2ades delivered u" the dead who were in them' And they were $udged# each one according to his wor1s'

Blessed and holy is he who has "art in the first resurrection' 3ver such the second death has no "ower# but they shall be "riests of (od and of -hrist# and shall reign with 2im a thousand years'

Then *eath and 2ades were cast into the la1e of fire' This is the second death'

And anyone not found written in the Boo1 of )ife was cast into the la1e of fire'

Now when the thousand years have e!"ired# Satan will be released from his "rison

21Now 0 saw a new heaven and a

new earth# for the first heaven and the first earth had "assed away' Also there was no more sea'

and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth# (og and 4agog# to gather them together to battle# whose number is as the sand of the sea'

They went u" on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the cam" of the saints and the beloved city' And fire came down from (od out of heaven and devoured them'

Then 0# John# saw the holy city# New Jerusalem# coming down out of heaven from (od# "re"ared as a bride adorned for her husband'

The devil# who deceived them# was cast into the la1e of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false "ro"het are' And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever'

And 0 heard a loud voice from heaven saying# :Behold# the tabernacle of (od is with men# and 2e will dwell with them# and they shall be 2is "eo"le' (od 2imself will be with them and be their (od'

Then 0 saw a great white throne and 2im who sat on it# from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away' And there was found no "lace for them'

And (od will wi"e away every tear from their eyes9 there shall be no more death# nor sorrow# nor crying' There shall be no more "ain# for the former things have "assed away':

And 0 saw the dead# small and great# standing before (od# and boo1s were o"ened' And another boo1 was o"ened# which is the Boo1 of )ife' And the dead were $udged according to their wor1s# by

Then 2e who sat on the throne said# :Behold# 0 ma1e all things new': And 2e said to me# :Brite# for these words are true and faithful':

And 2e said to me# :0t is doneH 0 am the Al"ha and the 3mega# the Beginning

and the nd' 0 will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts'


2e who overcomes shall inherit all things# and 0 will be his (od and he shall be 4y son'

The city is laid out as a sGuare9 its length is as great as its breadth' And he measured the city with the reed7 twelve thousand furlongs' 0ts length# breadth# and height are eGual'

But the cowardly# unbelieving# abominable# murderers# se!ually immoral# sorcerers# idolaters# and all liars shall have their "art in the la1e which burns with fire and brimstone# which is the second death':

Then he measured its wall7 one hundred and fortyFfour cubits# according to the measure of a man# that is# of an angel'

The construction of its wall was of $as"er9 and the city was "ure gold# li1e clear glass'

Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls filled with the seven last "lagues came to me and tal1ed with me# saying# :-ome# 0 will show you the bride# the )ambDs wife':

The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with all 1inds of "recious stones7 the first foundation was $as"er# the second sa""hire# the third chalcedony# the fourth emerald#

And he carried me away in the S"irit to a great and high mountain# and showed me the great city# the holy Jerusalem# descending out of heaven from (od#

having the glory of (od' 2er light was li1e a most "recious stone# li1e a $as"er stone# clear as crystal'

the fifth sardony!# the si!th sardius# the seventh chrysolite# the eighth beryl# the ninth to"a.# the tenth chryso"rase# the eleventh $acinth# and the twelfth amethyst'

Also she had a great and high wall with twelve gates# and twelve angels at the gates# and names written on them# which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of 0srael7

The twelve gates were twelve "earls7 each individual gate was of one "earl' And the street of the city was "ure gold# li1e trans"arent glass'

But 0 saw no tem"le in it# for the )ord (od Almighty and the )amb are its tem"le'

three gates on the east# three gates on the north# three gates on the south# and three gates on the west'

The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it# for the glory of (od illuminated it' The )amb is its light'

Now the wall of the city had twelve foundations# and on them were the names of the twelve a"ostles of the )amb'

And the nations of those who are saved shall wal1 in its light# and the 1ings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it'

And he who tal1ed with me had a gold reed to measure the city# its gates# and its wall'

0ts gates shall not be shut at all by day Ithere shall be no night thereJ'


And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it'

But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles# or causes an abomination or a lie# but only those who are written in the )ambDs Boo1 of )ife'

Then he said to me# :See that you do not do that' For 0 am your fellow servant# and of your brethren the "ro"hets# and of those who 1ee" the words of this boo1' Borshi" (od':

22And he showed me a "ure river of

water of life# clear as crystal# "roceeding from the throne of (od and of the )amb'

And he said to me# :*o not seal the words of the "ro"hecy of this boo1# for the time is at hand'

0n the middle of its street# and on either side of the river# was the tree of life# which bore twelve fruits# each tree yielding its fruit every month' The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations'

2e who is un$ust# let him be un$ust still9 he who is filthy# let him be filthy still9 he who is righteous# let him be righteous still9 he who is holy# let him be holy still':

:And behold# 0 am coming Guic1ly# and 4y reward is with 4e# to give to every one according to his wor1'

And there shall be no more curse# but the throne of (od and of the )amb shall be in it# and 2is servants shall serve 2im'

0 am the Al"ha and the 3mega# the Beginning and the nd# the First and the )ast':

They shall see 2is face# and 2is name shall be on their foreheads'

Blessed are those who do 2is commandments# that they may have the right to the tree of life# and may enter through the gates into the city'

There shall be no night there7 They need no lam" nor light of the sun# for the )ord (od gives them light' And they shall reign forever and ever'

But outside are dogs and sorcerers and se!ually immoral and murderers and idolaters# and whoever loves and "ractices a lie'

Then he said to me# :These words are faithful and true': And the )ord (od of the holy "ro"hets sent 2is angel to show 2is servants the things which must shortly ta1e "lace'

:0# Jesus# have sent 4y angel to testify to you these things in the churches' 0 am the +oot and the 3ffs"ring of *avid# the Bright and 4orning Star':

:Behold# 0 am coming Guic1lyH Blessed is he who 1ee"s the words of the "ro"hecy of this boo1':

And the S"irit and the bride say# :-omeH: And let him who hears say# :-omeH: And let him who thirsts come' Bhoever desires# let him ta1e the water of life freely'

Now 0# John# saw and heard these things' And when 0 heard and saw# 0 fell down to worshi" before the feet of the angel who showed me these things'

For 0 testify to everyone who hears the words of the "ro"hecy of this boo17 0f anyone adds to these things# (od will

add to him the "lagues that are written in this boo19



2e who testifies to these things says# :Surely 0 am coming Guic1ly': Amen' ven so# come# )ord JesusH

and if anyone ta1es away from the words of the boo1 of this "ro"hecy# (od shall ta1e away his "art from the Boo1 of )ife# from the holy city# and from the things which are written in this boo1'

The grace of our )ord Jesus -hrist be with you all' Amen'

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