Munkres Solution
Munkres Solution
Munkres Solution
Munkres 25
Ex. 25.1. R is totally disconnected [Ex 23.7]; its components and path components [Thm 25.5] are points. The only continuous maps f : R R are the constant maps as continuous maps on connected spaces have connected images. Ex. 25.2. R in product topology: Let X be R in the product topology. Then X is is path connected (any product of path connected spaces is path connected [Ex 24.8]) and hence also connected. R in uniform topology: Let X be R in the uniform topology. Then X is not connected for X = B U where both B, the set of bounded sequences, and U , the complementary set of unbounded sequences, are open as any sequence within distance 1 of a bounded 2 (unbounded) sequence is bounded (unbounded). We shall now determine the path components of X. Note rst that for any sequence (yn ) we have (0) and (yn ) are in the same path component (yn ) is a bounded sequence : Let u : [0, 1] X be a path from (0) to (yn ). Since u(0) = (0) is bounded, also u(1) = (yn ) is bounded for the connected set u([0, 1]) can not intersect both subsets in a separation of X. : The formula u(t) = (tyn ) is a path from (0) to (yn ). To see that u is continuous note that d(u(t1 ), u(t0 )) = sup{n Z+ | min(|(t1 t0 )yn |, 1)} = |t1 t0 |M when |t1 t0 | < M 1 where M = sup{|yn | | n Z+ } and d is the uniform metric. Next observe that (yn ) (xn ) + (yn ) is an isometry or X to itself [Ex 20.7]. It follows that in fact (xn ) and (yn ) are in the same path component (yn xn ) is a bounded sequence for any two sequences (xn ), (yn ) R . This describes the path components of X. It also shows that balls of radius < 1 are path connected. Therefore X is locally path connected so that the path components are the components [Thm 25.5]. R in box topology: Let X be R in the box topology. Then X is not connected for the box topology is ner than the uniform topology [1, Thm 20.4, Ex 23.1]; in fact, X = B U where both B, the set of bounded sequences, and U , the complementary set of unbounded sequences, are open as they are open in the uniform topology or as any sequence in the neighborhood (xn 1, xn + 1) is bounded (unbounded) if (xn ) is bounded (unbounded), see [1, Example 6, p 151]. The (path) components of X can be described as follows: (xn ) and (yn ) in the same (path) component xn = yn for all but nitely many n : Suppose that xn and yn are dierent for inntely many n Z+ . For each n, choose a homeomorphism hn : R R such that hn (xn ) = 0 and hn (yn ) = n in case xn = yn . Then h = hn : X X is a homeomorphism with h(xn ) = (0) and h(yn ) = n for innitely many n. Since a homeomorphism takes (path) components to (path) components and h(xn ) = (0) B and h(yn ) U are not in the same (path) component, (xn ) and (yn ) are not in the same (path) component either. : The map u(t) = ((1 t)xn + tyn ), t [0, 1], is constant in all but nitely many coordinates. From this we see that u : [0, 1] X is a continuous path from (xn ) to (yn ). Therefore, (xn ) and (yn ) are in the same (path) component. X is not locally connected since the components are not open [1, Thm 25.3]. The component of the constant sequence (0) is R . R in the box topology is an example of a space where the components and the path components are the same even though the space is not locally path connected, cf [1, Thm 25.5].
Ex. 25.3. A connected and not path connected space can not be locally path connected [Thm 25.5]. Any linear continuum is locally connected (the topology basis consists of intervals which are connected in a linear continuum [Thm 24.1]). The subsets {x} [0, 1] = [x 0, x 1], x [0, 1], are path connected for they are homeomorphic to [0, 1] in the usual order topology [Thm 16.4]. There is no continuous path starting in [x 0, x 1] and and ending in [y 0, y 1] when x = y for the same reason as there is no path from 0 0 to 1 1 [Example 6, p 156]. Therefore these sets 2 are the path components of Io . Since the path components are not open we see once again that 2 Io is not locally path connected [Thm 25.4]. (Io 2 is an example of a space with one component and uncountable many path components.) Ex. 25.4. Any open subset of a locally path connected space is locally path connected. In a locally path connected space, the components and the path components are the same [Thm 25.5]. Ex. 25.8. Let p : X Y be a quotient map where X is locally (path-)connected. The claim is that Y is locally (path-)connected. Let U be an open subspace of Y and C a (path-)component of U . We must show that C is open in Y , ie that that p1 (C) is open in X. But p1 (C) is a union of (path-)components of the open set p1 (U ) and in the locally (path-)connected space X open sets have open (path-)components. References
[1] James R. Munkres, Topology. Second edition, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Clis, N.J., 2000. MR 57 #4063