Revision of Isomerism
Revision of Isomerism
Revision of Isomerism
Two or more molecules with same molecular formula but have different physical & chemical properties
Structural isomerism
Chain isomerism :
Isomers which differ in main chain or side chain of carbon keeping no change in nature of chemical reaction, functional groups, multiple bonds or substituents. substituents.
Position isomerism :
Isomers which differ in position of functional groups, multiple bonds or substituents keeping no change in main skeleton or side skeleton of carbon, functional groups or multiple bonds.
Functional isomerism :
Isomers which differ in nature of chemical reactions i.e. mainly functional groups.
Metamerism :
Isomers which have any type of difference in carbon along the polyvalent atom containing functional groups which have carbon in both sides.
Tautomerism :
Isomers which differ in position of protons when two structures are in dynamic equilibrium with each others
Geometrical isomerism
Isomers which are formed by restriction in rotation in a molecule.
1. Molecules must have restriction in rotation 2. Restricted atoms must have different substituents attach to them
Some molecules have restriction in rotation but due to absence of different substituents they dont show GI
1. Along C=O bond 2. Along O=O bond 3. Along N=O bond 4. Along S=O bond 5. Along C C bond 6. Along C N bond
Nomenclature used in GI
Mainly used for C=C bonds & Cycloalkanes Cis : when 2 similar groups are on the same side of restricted atoms Trans : when 2 similar groups are on the same side of restricted atoms
Mainly used for C=N & N=N bonds Syn : When H & groups are on the same side of restricted atoms when derived from aldehydes. aldehydes. When both lone pairs of electrons are on the same side of restricted atoms in N=N bonded compounds. Anti : When H & groups are on the opposite side of restricted atoms when derived from aldehydes. aldehydes. When both lone pairs of electrons are on the opposite side of restricted atoms in N=N bonded compounds. In case of molecules with C=N we have to specify the group on which we are saying about syn or anti.
E-Z :
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E-Z :
IUPAC recommended nomenclature used for all geometrical isomers Given by Cahn-Ingold-Prelog therefore priority rule for deciding Cahn-Ingoldconfiguration as E or Z is called as CIP Rule. If two high priority groups are on the same side of restricted atoms than such configuration is called as Z. If two high priority groups are on the opposite side of restricted atoms than such configuration is called as E.
CIP Rule :
1. Group with the first atom having high atomic number directly attach to restricted atom in case of GI is given higher priority. 2. If the first atom is identical then second atom is observed for deciding the priority. If second is also same then go on up to that place from where we get the difference. 3. If the group has unsaturation, then a hypothetical equivalent sigma unsaturation, bond is drawn for it and then compare with other group for seniority. 4. Only in case of isotopes where atomic number is same but have different atomic mass, atomic mass is given higher priority. Never correlate Cis-Trans with E-Z because both have different CisEconcepts for naming configurations. CIP Rule is also used to decide R-S nomenclatue in optical isomerism.
Optical isomerism:
Experimental background : Those compounds which can rotate the plane polarized light to certain angle is called optically active compounds and the isomers are called as optical isomers. Theeoratical background : Chirality is one & sufficient condition for a molecule to be optically active. active. Chirality means dissymmetry or nonsuperimposability of an object on its mirror image i.e. absence of plane of symmetry (POS) & Centre of symmetry (COS) .
Dont confuse with chiral molecule and chiral carbon, both are different
Chiral carbon is that carbon whose all the four valencies are different but chiral molecule is that one which do not have POS & COS. Symmetric molecules are some times called as achiral molecules so if a carbon have atleast 2 similar groups then it is achiral carbon. Plane of Symmetry (POS): An imaginary plane that bisects a molecule in such a way that the two halves of the molecule are mirror images of each other Centre of Symmetry (COS): It is the point in the centre of molecule from which if we move in equal and opposite direction, we get the same atoms or groups on other side.
Mirror image = Left hand cannot be superimposed converts right hand into left on the right hand
Basic for a compound to show optical activity is nonsuperimposability i.e. absence of Plane of symmetry & Centre of symmetry.
2n 1
It is important to remember that stereocentres means any centre along which we can see stereo isomerism i.e. Optical or geometrical both.
It may be along C=C,C=N,N=N,Cycloalkanes, Cycloalkenes with C=C,C=N,N=N,Cycloalkanes, 8 of geometrical or along chiral carbon, pseudo chiral carbon or along special case of allenes, spiranes, cycloalkylidine or orthoallenes, spiranes, orthoortho tetra substituted biphenyl.