Nernst Equation
Nernst Equation
Nernst Equation
Presented By Muhammad Faheem Khan (MM-11) Muhammad Ali Siddiqui (MM-03) Muhammad Mehmood Khan (MM-12)
The Nernst equation was named after the German chemist Walther Nernst who established very useful relations between the energy or potential of a cell to the concentrations of participating ions. E = E0 - R T lnQ reaction nF
The Nernst Equation is derived from the emf and the Gibbs energy under nonstandard conditions. E0 = E0reduction E0 oxidation When E0 is positive, the reaction is spontaneous. E0 is negative, the reaction is not spontaneous. Since the change in Gibbs free energy, , is also related to spontaneity of a reaction, therefore, and are related. Specifically, G= -nFE0 Where n is number of electrons transferred in the reaction, F is the Faraday constant (96500 C/mol), E0is potential difference. Under standard conditions, this equation is then G=-nFE0
D E R I V A T I O N(Con)
As we know that Gibbs free energy
aA + bB [M] m [N]n
mM + nN
Q reaction =
[ A ]a [ B]b
In the case of an electrochemical reaction, substitution of the relationships G = -nFE and G0 = -nFE0 into the expression of a reaction free energy. After substituting the Eq:01 become
D E R I V A T I O N(Con)
Divide equation (Eq:2) by nF we get
E = E0 - R T lnQ reaction nF
Combining constants at 25oC (298.15 K) gives the simpler form of the Nernst equation for an electrode reaction at this standard temperature
E = E0 - R T lnQ reaction nF
E is the cell potential Eo is the standard cell potential at the temperature of interest R is the universal gas constant: R = 8.314472(15) JK1mol1 T is the absolute temperature F is the Faraday constant, the number of coulombs per mole of electrons: F = 9.64853399(24)104 Cmol1 n is the number of moles of electrons transferred in the cell reaction or half-reaction Q is the reaction quotient.
Relation to equilibrium
At equilibrium, E = 0 and Q = K. so E = E0 - R T lnQ reaction nF lnk = nFE0
Acidic solutions are presented in the left side of the diagram (PH lower than 6). Alkaline solutions are presented in the right side of the diagram (PH higher than 6). Pourbaix diagrams allow determining the corrosion behavior of a metal in water solutions i.e. the direction of electrochemical processes and the equilibrium state of the metal at a certain electrode potential in a water solution at a certain value of PH The lines of the diagrams dividing different zones of the equilibrium states are calculated by the Nernst equation: